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EM5 Final Test

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Final Test

English in Mind 5
Score:______/100 marks
1. You will hear a young man called Mike talking about his hobby of scuba diving. For
questions 1-10, complete the sentences.
Scuba diving
1. Mike was inspired to take up diving after seeing a _______________________________about it.
2. Mike was surprised that he had to spend so much time in a _______________________________
when he is training to be a diver.
3. Mike went to_______________________________ for his first big diving holiday.
4. Mike was particularly worried that the _______________________________ might prevent him from
going on his first dive.
5. On his first dive Mike was keen to see_______________________________, though he knew it would
be difficult.
6. Mike went diving with a _______________________________, just like everyone else on the trip.
7. Mike enjoyed visiting a _______________________________ during his second dive.
8. Mike was most impressed by the_______________________ he saw while diving on his final day.
9. Mike was slightly worried about the ______________________________ at the beginning of his diving
10. Mike became interested in _______________________________as a result of his holiday.
______/10 marks
2. You are going to read a magazine article. Six sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence
which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning. (0)
Making Mirrors
Jane Thomas, together with her husband Clive, returned to Britain after nearly 30 years of living
abroad with wonderful memories. ( 0 – I)
Determined to use them rather than just keep them in a box or throw them out. Jane made a shell
mirror for her bathroom. This was very much admired by friends and neighbours who came to visit her. ( 1
…… )
That was two years ago. Jane now runs her own small mirror-making business. She buys shells
from all over the world through a wholesale company and has covered a spare bedroom in her house into an
office-cum-studio. ( 2……..)
A local carpenter makes frames for her and a glazier then fits the glass inside. Jane does everything
else herself: the design, the initial painting of the frame and then the final making up. (3….)
Clive is a banker and was able to advise Jane on deciding how much money should be invested
when she decided to set up the business. Around £ 3000 was spent on shells alone. (4……..) Jane’s main
problem was knowing how to market her work more widely.
Local shops could only sell a small number because once they had added their profit margin, the
mirrors became rather expensive. However, Jane has now made contact with another company that makes
and sells mirrors of a different type. (5…..) At such events, the right sort of people get to see the mirrors
and can order them directly.

Venturing into other areas, Jane plans to approach restaurants and hotels directly as she thinks her
mirrors might be attractive to them. She has also taken a webside on the Internet. (6…….) It means Jane
doesn’t have the expense of traveling around with her range of mirrors in the back of the car.
Jane reckons it will take another year before her business starts to make money. (7……) She would
like to employ someone to help her with the administration and preparation of the frames, for example,
which would allow her to devote more time to the artistic side.
A Toghether they can afford to take stands at specialist exhibitions and craft fairs.
B This represents about one week’s work and each mirror brings in anything between £100 and
£ 400 for the business.
C As Jane discovered, it’s a good idea to find a company willing to sell goods on your behalf.
D Before long, she was being asked to make mirrors for other people.
E But it didn’t end there, Jane also had to think about equipment such as the heavy-duty boxes
needed to send the mirrors abroad.
F She works there, surrounded by shells of every shape and colour and the other material needed
to make the mirrors.
G Once this happens, she feels she will be able to concentrate on the side of the business she
H This is a very economical way of selling.
I She also brought back a huge collection of sea shells collected from beaches around the Indian
______/14 marks
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
0 Carol must have missed (must / miss) her bus, otherwise she’d be here now.
1 You ........................................ (can’t / see) Jack yesterday as he’s not here at the moment.
2 Naomi ........................................ (will / sit) on a beach somewhere as I write this. Lucky her!
3 Harry ................................. (might / know) how to get to the restaurant. Why don’t you ask him?
4 Lucy .................................. (may / forget) it’s your birthday. You know how absent-minded she can be.
5 Surely you ........................................ (can’t / believe) all those stories on the internet. You’re so
___/5 marks

4. Rewrite the sentences using the information in brackets.

0 Sydney hosted the 2008 Olympics. (Beijing)
No, it was Beijing that hosted the 2008 Olympics.
1 Romeo and Juliet was written by Christopher Marlowe. (Shakespeare)
No, it ................................................................................ .
2 Al Pacino stars in the Toy Story films. (Tom Hanks)
No, it ................................................................................ .
3 The lei is the currency of Bulgaria. (lev)
No, it ................................................................................ .
4 You ordered coffee with milk. (tea)
No, it ................................................................................ .
5 Dan bought a new Audi last week. (BMW)
No, it ................................................................................ .
___/5 marks

5. Rewrite the sentences.
0 I don’t like rudeness and arrogance.
What I don’t like is rudeness and arrogance.
1 The bank wouldn’t lend us any more money.
It was ........................................................................................................................ .
2 I find it interesting that so many people love online games.
What ........................................................................................................................ .
3 I don’t understand why you have to have all the latest gadgets.
What ........................................................................................................................ .
4 The children used your computer, not me.
It ........................................................................................................................ .
5 Tennis has always been my favourite sport.
It ........................................................................................................................ .
___/5 marks
6. Underline the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 I got to the party late so all the food ________.
a) had been eaten b) had eaten c) had been eating
1 I had no idea so many animals ________ in the tsunami.
a) had been dying b) had died c) had been died
2 We ________ in London for six months before we met our neighbours.
a) had been lived b) had living c) had been living
3 A lot of fish ________ before the source of the contamination was discovered.
a) had been poisoning b) had been poisoned c) had poisoned
4 When I got up I realised it ________ all night.
a) had been rained b) had raining c) had been raining
5 The concert was half empty because it ________ very well.
a) hadn’t been advertised b) hadn’t been advertising c) hadn’t advertised
___/5 marks

7. Rewrite the sentences using mixed conditionals.

0 I’m feeling tired because I didn’t sleep well.
I wouldn’t be feeling tired if I had slept well.
1 I enjoy being alone so I moved to a small village.
2 Ben didn’t pass his driving test so he can’t drive his dad’s car.
3 We bought the last Harry Potter film on DVD because we enjoy the books.
4 I have a bit of free time so I offered to look after my neighbour’s dog.
5 Lucy didn’t study medicine because her parents are doctors.
___/5 marks

8. Complete the sentences.
as long as Imagine provided that Suppose unless otherwise
0 I enjoy spending time alone as long as I’ve got plenty of books to read.
1 .................... not having to do homework ever again, how would you fill your time?
2 I had to leave the room .................... I would have embarrassed myself.
3 We’ll go for a picnic tomorrow .................... it doesn’t rain.
4 .................... you failed your exams, would you take them again?
5 I don’t watch TV .................... there’s something I really want to see.
___/5 marks
9. Complete the sentences using the causative have structure.
cut vandalise publish deliver make decorate
0 I had my hair cut last week.
1 We .................... the living room .................... at the moment.
2 Phil .................... two books .................... so far this year.
3 I .................... a suit .................... for John’s wedding last week because I managed to borrow one.
4 We always .................... our shopping .................... at the weekend.
5 Lucy .................... her car .................... while she was at home.
___/5 marks
10. Complete the sentences.
dilemma conclusion decision crunch verdict compromise
0 We’ve got a real dilemma on our hands, but we’ll have to decide one way or another.
1 It was a split-second .................... , but one that would change Jack’s life for ever.
2 The judge’s .................... is final so there’s no point contesting it.
3 I knew you’d jump to the wrong .................... – you always do.
4 When it comes to the .................... , you know you can always count on me.
5 The management and unions finally reached a .................... after ten hours of talks.
___/5 marks
11. Complete the sentences with the words.
peace treaty warfare ceasefire peacekeeping force conflicts no-man’s-land

0 The peace treaty was signed at midday on 12th October.

1 The UN is sending a ........................................ to stop the fighting.
2 The soldiers were caught in the .................................... between the two countries and couldn’t move.
3 There is something remarkably impersonal about modern ........................................ .
4 A ........................................ was agreed last week, but fighting started again after two days.
5 Why are there so many ........................................ around the world at the moment? It seems that so
many countries are at war.
___/5 marks

12. Underline the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 Unfortunately the deal fell ____ after months of negotiations.
a) through b) down c) over
1 Please don’t mess this ___. I have faith in you.
a) on b) up c) out
2 I tried to help Hannah but all my efforts were ___ vain.
a) for b) on c) in
3 Please give me another chance. I won’t blow ___ it this time.
a) on b) - c) up
4 If you persevere, I’m sure you’ll get there ___ the end.
a) at b) for c) in
5 If you want to be a brilliant sportsman, you have to stick ___ it.
a) at b) on c) through
___/5 marks
13. Match the words.
0 TV .... campaign
1 junk .... board
2 advertising .... calling
3 cold .... sell
4 sandwich 0 commercial
5 hard- .... mail
___/5 marks

14. Writing
___/20 marks
Choose one task and write :
Task 1 : Write a letter of application.
You have seen this advertisement in the local paper. Write your letter of application in 200- 250 words.
Tour Guides Wanted
Do you like dealing with people ?
Can you keep cool under pressure?
Can you speak at least one foreign language?
Do you have a good knowledge of the history of our town ?
The successful candidate will be dynamic, enthusiastic and able to work under pressure. This is a part-
time job, but will require some weekend work especially at the height of the tourist season.

Task 2: Write a biography.

Write a biography of someone you admire (200-250 words). Include the following information:
 family history
 achievements
 reasons for your choice

Task 3: Write a report.

Write a report on the ways in which the people in your class spend their free time and make a proposal
on what new clubs the school could create. Write 200-250 words.


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