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EM 2 Test Final

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Final Test
English in Mind 2
Score:______/100 points
I. Reading
1. Read the text and answer the questions below the text:
Lucy looked up at the building. It was bigger than her last school. She walked into the playground—
it was enormous! She felt very small.
The bell rang and a teacher called her name. ‘You’re Lucy, aren’t you? Come on... classes are
starting!’ She recognised Mr Chandler, the teacher from the meeting last week. She smiled and followed
him to the class.
‘Good morning, class. We have a new student today. Lucy... Lucy Hine.’ The class stared at her.
‘Lucy comes from Anglesey.’
“Where’s that?’
‘It’s an island in the Irish Sea. It’s a beautiful place, isn’t it, Lucy?’
‘A farmer!,’ someone at the front whispered and started to laugh.
‘OK, Lucy, why don’t you sit next to Ann? There’s an empty seat there.’
‘But sir... Karen is coming back next week! I don’t want to sit next to a f. . ‘
Next to Lucy, you mean. And why not?’ Mr Chandler was angry.
The girl didn’t answer, but Lucy could see in her eyes that she wasn’t happy.
‘Hello,’ Lucy said when she sat down. Ann turned to a friend at the next table and started whispering.
Things got worse at break. Nobody talked to Lucy. Other students made animal noises when she
passed them. Lucy was unhappier than ever, yet she didn’t want to talk to Mr Chandler—she wasn’t a
But the other students got nastier and nastier. In the end, Lucy decided to talk to her best friend from
her old school.

a. How did Lucy feel on her first day at the new school?
b. Why?
c. Where does Lucy come from?
d. What did the other students call her?
e. What did the other students do during break time?
f. Why didn’t she talk to Mr Chandler about it?
g. What did she decide to do in the end?
h. What is a snitch’? ___/16 points

II. Listening
What does Lucy’s best friend suggest?
.................................................................................................................................. .

___/ 4 points

II. Grammar
1. Complete the sentences, using comparative or superlative of the adjectives in brackets:
1. My classmate Rania is better (good) at English than at Maths.
2. We were more interested in watching the football than eating our dinner.
3. My nephew Charlie is the tallest student in his class.
4. This is the funniest Mr. Bean film.
5. Wow! Your little brother is noisier than I remember.
___/ 5 points
2. Underline the correct words:
1. Maths is more difficult / as difficult than physics.
2. Watching TV is a far more interesting / lot more interesting than reading a book.
3. Edward speaks German as fluently / fluent as me.
4. This exam is the difficulter / much more difficult than the one we had last year.
5. The exam was easy – I answered all the questions really quick / quickly.
6. Jane was the better / best javelin thrower in the school games. No one could beat her.
7. John is not as good as / worser than David at gymnastics.
8. I work about ten hours a day. I work hard / hardly.
9. I did well in the test, but Karen did even better / the best than me.
10. Travelling by train isn’t as faster as/fast as travelling by plane. ___/ 10 points
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present
simple passive:
1. That magazine is read all over the world.
2. The mountains is cover in snow.
3. This song was written in 1995.
4. Jim is known to be very lazy.
5. We don’t not teach) Information Technology at my school.
___/ 5 points

4. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use the past simple

lose damage kill destroy flood rescue

There has been a lot of rain for the last three days and last night our village 0 was flooded.
Fortunately nobody was killed but some dogs and cats were lost. Some people were rescued from the
roofs of their houses. I don’t think any homes were destroyed completely, but some damage by the
water. It will take a lot of time and money to put things right.
___/ 5 points

5. Complete the sentences with will or be going to: (5 points)

1. A: These bags are so heavy.
B: Don’t worry, I will help you.
2. A: What are your plans for the evening?
B: I am going to help you cook dinner for Anne and Susie.
3. I think George will be very successful. He’s very determined.
4. My parents will spend a week in our holiday home by the sea. They need a holiday.
5. Don’t worry, even if I move to another country I will still be your friend.
___/ 5 points

6. Underline the correct answer: a), b) or c):

1. I hope _______ has told him about his surprise birthday party.
a) anyone b) everyone c) someone
2. Did you _______ the email I sent you?
a) got b) received c) get
3. I _______ study Maths and Science in year 12; I can choose my subjects.
a) mustn’t b) do have to c) don’t have to
4. Kool Kelvin, the pop star, is in hospital. He _______ a car accident.
a) has to have b) ‘s been having c) has had
5. I _______ this puzzle for hours and I still can’t find the solution.
a) am doing b) have been doing c) have done
6. There’s a lot of flu around so you _______ wash your hands regularly.
a) must b) have c) don’t have to

7. Look at my hands! I _______ all morning and I still have to fix the fence.
a) have been tidying the garden b) have gardened c) have been gardening
8. Liz _______ her end of term exams so she’s very happy.
a) has just finished b) had c) have been finishing
9. It’s 8 o’ clock Tim; you _______ be late for school again.
a) you’ll have b) mustn’t c) don’t have to
10. I _______ Ian for many years. He’s my next door neighbour.
a) have been knowing b) have known c) knew
___/ 10 points

7. Look at the prompts. Write sentences using the second conditional:

1. If / Jim / earn more / he / buy a new car.
2. Molly / go / to the party / if / she/ have someone to go with.
3. I / buy that dress / if / it / not be so expensive.
4. You / come to the cinema / if / I / ask you?
5. Steve / go on holiday / if / he / have some free time.
___/ 5 points

8. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or the past perfect form of the verbs in the
1. George …...................................... (finish) his lunch when his friends ........................................
(arrive) at the restaurant.
2. We .............................. (travel) around all of Europe by the time we ........................................
(stop) in Paris.
3. Michael .................................... (be) very happy because he .................................. (receive) a
letter from his best friend.
4. When I ........................................ (save) enough money I ............................... (buy) a new bike.
5. The child ...................... (have) a nightmare because he ........................................ (watch) a
horror film.
___/ 5 points

9. Rewrite the dialogue in reported speech: (10points)

At Jenny’s party
John: I’m bored
Me: Me too. I’m not really enjoying the party.
John: The problem is that we don’t know anybody.
Me: You’re right. And the music is awful.
John: I think we should leave.
Me: We can’t leave because we will offend Jenny.

0. John told me that he was bored.

1. I said that I was too and that................................................................................. .
2. John said ................................................................................................................
3. I said that he was right and that .......................................................................... .
4. John said .................................................................................................................
5. I said ................................................................................................................... .
___/ 10 points
IV. Writing

10. Choose one and write in about 120-150 words

1. Write a letter to a friend about a holiday you went on. Include this information:
 When and where you went, and how you got there;
 What you did on holiday;
 Places and things you saw;
 The good points about the holiday;
 The bad points about the holiday;

2. Describe someone you admire. Include this information:

 Who the person is;

 What he or she is like;
 What the person has done / achieved;
 Reasons why you admire this person;
 What you have learned from this person.
___/ 20points

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