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Sino Nasal

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Last updated: 4/18/2024 Prepared by Dr.

Kurt Schaberg

Sinonasal and Nasopharyngeal Lesions

Normal Respiratory Epithelium with goblet cells
Intermixed with Squamous epithelium
(low power)
Scattered chronic inflammatory cells
(lymphocytes, plasma cells, etc..)

Minor salivary gland,

arranged in lobules

Numerous large, thick-

walled blood vessels.
Pitfall alert: these can be
mistaken for vascular Normal Turbinate
lesions, but are normal! (higher power)

In adults, allergies are the most common cause of rhinosinusitis
(in kids, it’s viral URIs).
Submucosal chronic inflammatory infiltrate, generally composed
of lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, and eosinophils
Thickened, hyalinized basement membrane
Stromal edema→ can develop into inflammatory polyps (see later)

Allergic Sinusitis
Exposure to allergen (pollen, dander, etc.)→ IgE-mediated reaction
Eosinophils predominate histologically. Can see Charcot Leyden crystals.
If lots of Eos→ stain for fungi (GMS) to evaluate for Allergic fungal sinusitis.
Bacterial Sinusitis
Mucopurulent discharge, headache, fever. Neutrophils predominate.

Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis

aka Wegner’s granulomatosis
Vasculitis with necrotizing granulomatous inflammation.
Commonly impacts lung, nasal cavity, and kidney.
In lung/head see granulomas with geographic central
necrosis and associated vasculitis→ form ulcers and
nodules. In kidney can see crescentic glomerulonephritis.
PR3-ANCA positive.
Fungal Infections
Aspergillus (3 forms of infection)
Thin (2 to 5 µm) hyphae with acute angle (45 degrees) branching and septation
Allergic fungal sinusitis
Noninvasive fungus causing an allergic response with inspissated mucus,
abundant eosinophils, Charcot-Leyden crystals, and debris.
Fungi may be scant→ consider getting a GMS if there are a lot of Eosinophils
Aspergillus mycetoma (“fungus ball”)
Indolent mass-forming ball of fungus.
Invasive fungal sinusitis
Destructive invasion with necrosis. Angioinvasion.
Often immunocompromised. Requires surgical debridement.

Zygomycetes fungus that classically infects those with diabetic ketoacidosis
and/or immunocompromised. Rapidly progressive invasive infection with
necrosis that often requires urgent surgical debridement.
Large/broad in diameter (10 to 20 µm), ribbon-like, non-septated hyphae with
branching at haphazard angles. See well on H&E (highlighted by PAS/GMS, but
special stains often unnecessary)

Polypoid masses caused by the sporulating organism Rhinosporidium seeberi.
Rare in US (more common in India and Brazil). Cysts (sporangia) ranging in size
from 10 to 300 µm in diameter, containing innumerable sporangiospores
(endospores) seen on H&E.

Sinus outlet obstruction → build up of mucus → fills and distends sinus walls. Clinical/radiographic Dx.
Histologic findings nonspecific: flattened epithelium and squamous metaplasia, inflammation, bone
remodeling, and other reactive changes.

Necrotizing sialometaplasia
Squamous metaplasia of minor salivary glands
(just a fancy name for it! ;-)
Classic Mimic of SCC!
Lobular architecture is maintained
Smooth, rounded contours
Often associated inflammation and reactive changes
Acinar coagulative necrosis
(vs SCC, which does not have lobular architecture,
has infiltrative, irregular contours, and is more
atypical and less inflamed)
Benign Tumors
Sinonasal Papilloma aka “Schneiderian papilloma”
Type Morphology Location Risk of Molecular
Exophytic Exophytic and papillary growth; Nasal Very low risk Low-risk HPV
immature squamous epithelium septum subtypes

Inverted Inverted ‘‘ribbonlike’’ endophytic, non- Lateral Low to EGFR

destructive growth; immature wall and Intermediate risk mutations or
squamous epithelium; transmigrating sinuses low-risk HPV
intraepithelial neutrophilic subtypes
Oncocytic Exophytic and endophytic growth; Lateral Low to KRAS
multilayered oncocytic epithelium; wall and intermediate
microcysts and intraepithelial sinuses
neutrophilic microabscesses
Modified from: Weindorf et al. Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019

Oncocytic Sinonasal Papilloma

Abundant oncocytic epithelium with
numerous neutrophils

Exophytic Sinonasal Papilloma

Papillary growth

Inverted Sinonasal Papilloma

Inverted, “ribbon-like” growth
Inflammatory Polyp
Non-neoplastic inflammatory swellings of the sinonasal
mucosa (secondary to/overlapping with chronic sinusitis).

Surface ciliated, respiratory/sinonasal mucosa, possibly

with squamous metaplasia.
May have thickened, eosinophilic basement membrane.

Markedly edematous stroma (without a proliferation of

seromucinous glands).

Mixed chronic inflammation (usu. Lymphocytes, plasma

cells, and eosinophils) with occasional neutrophils.

Respiratory Epithelial Adenomatoid Hamartoma aka “REAH”

Glandular proliferation arising from the surface
epithelium (i.e., in continuity with the surface).
Pseudostratified, ciliated epithelium.
Small to medium-sized glands surrounded by hyalinized
stroma with characteristic thickened, eosinophilic
basement membrane.
Exists on a spectrum with seromucinous hamartoma,
which has smaller glands.
Chondro-osseous respiratory epithelial (CORE)
hamartoma is a subtype with an admixture of
cartilaginous and/or osseous trabeculae that are
intimately associated with the glandular proliferation.

Seromucinous hamartoma
Monotonous proliferation of small pink tubules with
lobular architecture (resembles microglandular adenosis in
the breast); absent/rare myoepithelial/basal cells; discernible
basal lamina; no infiltrative pattern; no papillary architecture
or gland fusion. Can have eosinophilic secretions.

Should be able to draw a circle around all of the glands

though, if too confluent → consider a low-grade
Nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma
Benign mesenchymal sinonasal tract tumor composed of
cysts lined by respiratory epithelium associated with nodules
of cartilage and a variably myxoid spindle cell stroma.

DICER1 mutations→ associated with DICER1 syndrome (like

pleuropulmonary blastoma, etc…
Usually seen in kids.

CNS Lesions
Heterotopic CNS tissue
aka Glial heterotopia
Congenital developmental, displacement of neuroglial tissue
in extracranial sites without connection to the cranial cavity.
Astrocytes and neuroglial fibers associated with a fibrous,
vascularized connective tissue. Neurons are usually rare/few.
May resemble plump fibroblasts (Does NOT really look like
normal brain). IHC: (+) GFAP and S100.
DDX: Encephalocele→ Herniation of brain outside of cranium
(connected to the brain). Closely resembles normal brain
tissue with neurons. Must exclude “surgical misadventure.”

Pituitary Adenoma
Benign anterior pituitary tumor
Although usually primary to sphenoid bone, can erode into
nasopharynx or be ectopic.
Can result in endocrine disorders, such as Cushing’s disease
or acromegaly.
Solid, nested, or trabecular growth of epithelioid cells with
round nuclei and speckled chromatin and eosinophilic,
granular chromatin.
IHC: (+)CK, and neuroendocrine markers.
(-) No S100 sustentacular pattern.
Can stain with hormone-specific markers (e.g., prolactin).
Can recur.

Dural-based. Oval nuclei, pseudoinclusions. Syncytial tumor
cells with whorls and psammoma bodies.

Adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma
Epithelial tumor derived from embryonic remnants of Rathke’s
pouch. Basal palisading. Stellate retinaculum. “Wet Keratin.”
IHC: nuclear β-catenin
Hairy Polyp
Polypoid structure with 1) ectodermal outer layer
resembling skin (keratinizing squamous epithelium with
adnexal structures, including hair), covering 2) mesodermal
tissue (always fibroadipose tissue, with bone, cartilage,
and/or skeletal muscle); no endodermal tissue should be
present. 2
Developmental abnormality→ mostly diagnosed in kids.

Think: looks like skin and dermis, including hair

Salivary gland anlage tumor

Very rare. Predominantly infants.
Biphasic squamoid epithelial and myoepithelial complex
network of tubules and ducts continuous with the surface
epithelium, resembling developing salivary gland.
Stroma hypocellular, with more cellular stromal nodules
in the center of the polyp→ myoepithelial cells, IHC: (+)
Old name: congenital pleomorphic adenoma of

Small Round Blue Cell: MR SLEEP ‘N
The most common malignancy in the
sinonasal region is squamous cell M: Melanoma, Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma
carcinoma. R: Rhabdomyosarcoma
S: SNUC, SCC, SWI/SNF-deficient sinonasal carcinoma
However, there are a lot of other
tumors that can arise there— L: Lymphoma
including some unique ones—many E: Esthesio(olfactory)neuroblastoma
of which have relatively “small round E: Ewing sarcoma
blue cell” morphology. To help with P: Pituitary adenoma, Plasmacytoma
these cases, I use this mnemonic. N: NUT Carcinoma, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, NEC,
Squamous cell carcinoma
Most common sinonasal malignancy!
Can be Keratinizing or Non-keratinizing
Like elsewhere: malignant infiltrative epithelial cells
with squamous differentiation.

Arise from squamous metaplasia and/or inverted

Associated with tobacco and occupational exposure.
High-risk HPV subtypes in a subset of tumors;
EGFR or KRAS mutations if papilloma–associated
IHC: (+)CK, p40, p63, CK5/6 and 34βE12
(-) Neuroendocrine markers, INSM1, S100, NUT, CD99, with intact INI1
and BRG1
Rare/emerging subtype:
DEK-AFF2 fusion-associated papillary squamous cell carcinoma
Exophytic and inverted patterns, broad papillary fronds, acantholytic
change, cellular monotony, dense neutrophilic infiltrates, and peripheral
palisading. Can be deceptively bland. Prolonged locoregional spread.
Molecular: DEK-AFF2 fusion.

Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC)

Poorly differentiated carcinoma without squamous,
glandular, or neuroendocrine differentiation.
(Dx of exclusion!)
Somewhat monotonous. Often prominent nucleoli.
Usually older men.
IHC: (+) CK, but squamous markers negative
Molecular: IDH2 codon R172 mutations often
Aggressive high-grade malignancy→ poor outcome

NUT Carcinoma
Poorly-differentiated carcinoma (often small-round
blue cells), classically with “abrupt keratinization”
(1/3 of cases) or squamous differentiation.
Vesicular chromatin with prominent nucleoli
Often younger patients, in the midline, often in the
head and neck.
Molecular: NUTM1 fusions (most often with BRD4)
IHC: (+)NUT, CK (usually), (+/-)PRAME, p63, CD34
Need positive NUT IHC or molecular to make Dx
Aggressive high-grade malignancy→ poor outcome
SWI/SNF complex-deficient sinonasal carcinoma
Poorly-differentiated carcinoma with high N:C ratios
May show basaloid, plasmacytoid, or rhabdoid features
Required to show loss of SWI/SNF complex subunit
IHC: Loss of INI-1 or BIRG1 protein expression
Molecular: inactivation of SMARCB1 or SMARCA4
Aggressive→ Poor long-term outcomes

HPV-related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma

HPV-mediated carcinoma with morphologic and
immunohistochemical evidence of myoepithelial
differentiation → often Adenoid cystic-like
Shows associated surface squamous dysplasia

Positive for HPV: High-risk subtypes (especially type

33)→ P16 IHC block positive, but must do additional, more
specific testing.
Although typically advanced disease, seems to be indolent.

Lymphoepithelial Carcinoma/Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Undifferentiated carcinoma with prominent non-neoplastic
lymphoplasmacytic cell infiltrate, strongly associated with EBV.
Sinonasal cavity→ Lymphoepithelial carcinoma
Nasopharynx→ Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Non-keratinizing
squamous cell carcinoma
(there are separate keratinizing and basaloid SCCs in the
nasopharynx, less related to EBV)
Sheets of malignant cells with vesicular chromatin,
indististinct cytoplasm, and abundant tumor infiltrating
IHC: (+) CK, CK5/6, p40, p63, EBER ISH
More common in Asians

Teratocarcinosarcoma 2
Malignant tumor with:
1) Immature teratoma: Primitive neuroepithelial
elements with fibrillary matrix and rosettes
2) Carcinoma: Squamous or glandular, often with
fetal clear cell appearance
3) Sarcoma: usually fibroblastic, but can show
heterologous differentiation
Many have SMARCA4 (BIRG1) loss and/or nuclear β-
Usually older men.
Neuroendocrine Carcinoma
Like Poorly-differentiated neuroendocrine
carcinomas of the lung.
Divided into:
1) Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma
2) Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma
Strong staining with a neuroendocrine stain
(e.g.., synaptophysin or chromogranin). Often
perinuclear “dot-like” keratin expression.

Mucosal Melanoma
Epithelioid to spindled cells with pleomorphic nuclei
and often prominent nucleoli.
Distinct from cutaneous melanomas biologically
(but must exclude metastatic melanoma clinically!)
Intracytoplasmic melanin
Melanoma markers: (+) S100, SOX10, HMB45, MelanA,
MITF, Tyrosinase. Do many (as can be loss)!
Molecular: Frequent RAS mutations
Poor prognosis: Staging starts at T3-4.
No need for Clark/Breslow depth.

Salivary gland adenocarcinomas are the most common!!
(particularly adenoid cystic→ see separate notes)

Sinonasal Adenocarcinomas
Intestinal type
Causal relationship with wood dust and leather dust (so, mostly men)
Morphology and IHC identical to colonic adenocarcinoma
(CK7-, CK20+, CDX2+)
Non-intestinal type
(CK7+, CK20-, CDX2-)
Very bland cytologically (to the point where you wonder if it is
malignant!). Excellent prognosis.
Cytologically malignant. Diagnosis of exclusion (must exclude
metastasis, etc…). Poor prognosis.

Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma

Low-grade adenocarcinoma of the nasopharynx with complex papillary
and glandular growth with infiltration of the submucosa; low-grade
cytology. Indolent.
IHC: (+)TTF1, CK, CK7; (-)Thyroglobulin, PAX8
Rhabdomyosarcoma Malignant tumor with skeletal muscle differentiation, several types.
IHC: (+) Most specific are MyoD1, Myogenin. Also, Desmin
Embryonal Rhabdo:
Variable numbers of round (“rhabdoid”), strap-, or tadpole-
shaped eosinophilic rhabdomyoblasts in a myxoid stroma.
Can see cytoplasmic cross striations.

Alveolar Rhabdo:
Larger, more rounded undifferentiated cells with only occasional
Often arranged in an alveolar (nested) pattern
Distinctively strong and diffuse Myogenin positivity
Characteristic FOXO1 translocations

Olfactory Neuroblastoma aka “Esthesioneuroblastoma”

Malignant neuroectodermal neoplasm

Confined to the cribriform plate (and surrounding region)
Lobulated, nests, to sheets of cells with speckled
chromatin. High N:C ratio (small round blue cells).
Fibrillary cytoplasm→ Neuropil!
Can see rosettes and pseudorosettes.

IHC: (+) Diffuse Synaptophysin/Chromogranin, SSTR2A

S100→ Sustentacular pattern.
(-/focal) CK

Grade using Hyams system.

Ewing Sarcoma aka Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET)

Malignant tumor of neuroectodermal differentiation.
EWSR1 translocations (with FLI-1 or ERG). t(11;22)
Usually uniform, small, round, blue cells with sheet-like to
lobular growth pattern with variable necrosis
IHC: (+) Strong, membranous CD99 staining
(Sensitive, but not Specific staining)
Cytoplasmic glycogen stains with PAS
Pitfall Alert: “Adamantinoma-like” variant can show diffuse
staining with CK and p40!

Lymphoma Always consider a hematologic malignancy and throw on heme stain or two
(particularly if it’s not staining with other stains ;-)!
Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma Plasmacytoma
IHC: CD3, CD56, EBER + IHC: CD138+ with light chain restriction
Most common in Asians May or may not be associated with multiple myeloma
Unique (Low-grade) Mesenchymal Tumors
Note: Spindle cell tumors may not be Mesenchymal!
Consider salivary gland tumors, melanoma, spindle cell SCC, etc..!

Patternless proliferation of regular, syncytial ovoid to
spindled myoid-type cells within a richly vascularized
stroma and ovoid nuclei.
Prominent vascularity with perivascular hyalinization.
Can see “staghorn” vessels (“hemangiopericytoma-like”)
Extravasated erythrocytes, mast cells, and eosinophils.
IHC: SMA+, Nuclear ẞ-catenin (CTNNB1 mutations)
(-) STAT6, S100, CK
Relatively indolent with good survival.

Biphenotypic Sinonasal Sarcoma

Low-grade spindle cell sarcoma.
“Biphenotypic” because has evidence of both neural
and muscular differentiation.
Cellular, submucosal spindle-cell proliferation.
Arranged in intersection fascicles, often herringbone.
Infiltrate into bone often.
Can induce epithelial proliferation.
IHC: Neural→ + S100 (focal to diffuse) (SOX10 negative)
Muscle→ + SMA (focal to diffuse) (Desmin +/-)
Molecular: PAX3 rearrangements (usu. with MAML3)
Slow, continuous growth/recurrence, but no metastases.

Sinonasal Tract Angiofibroma

Locally aggressive, variably cellular fibrovascular
Almost exclusively young to adolescent boys
(“Juvenile angiofibroma”)→ classically causes
epistaxis & obstruction
Richly vascular tumor with variably sized blood
vessels set in fibrotic stroma.
Vessels are usu. thin-walled and often dilated with
variable smooth muscle.
IHC: (+) Nuclear expression of ẞ-catenin and AR
Treat with embolization (to reduce bleeding) and
Small Round Blue Cell Immunohistochemistry

HPV-related multiphenotypic sinonasal

Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma

SMARCB1(INI-1)–deficient sinonasal


Neuroendocrine Carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma

Olfactory Neuroblastoma
Mucosal melanoma
NUT carcinoma

Ewing Sarcoma



(AE1/AE3) + + + + + + + - - - - ±
+ - ± + + + - - - - - ±
P63 and
p40 + - ± + + + - - - - - ±
Chromo - - - - - - + - ± - + ±
- - - - - - + - ± ± + ±
- - - - - - - - - ± - +
± ± - - + - - - - - -
SOX10 - - - - + - - + - - + -
- - - - - - - - - + - -
- - - - - - - - + - - -
- - - + - - - - - - - -
+ + - + + + + + + + + +
- - - - - + - - - ± - -
Note: Weak staining with synaptophysin, CD56, and CK can be seen with many tumors and
should be taken in context. Look for strong, diffuse staining (think Christmas tree).
Algorithm for Nasal Small Round Blue Cell Tumors
Starting IHC Panel: 1) AE1/AE3, 2) p40, 3) synaptophysin, 4) SOX10, 5) CD45, 6) CD99, and 7) Desmin

- or F ++
INI-1 and
BIRG1 intact
lost p40
- or F ++ SWI/SNF complex- ++
deficient sinonasal
- or F
- or F Synaptophysin/Chromogranin
Ewing + -
Sarcoma NUT
Melanoma Pituitary
markers hormones/ carcinoma
+ sphenoid location EBER
- + +
- Lymphoepithelial -
- or F adenoma Carcinoma
+ markers Multilineage
Lymphoma Differentiation Neuroendocrine
- - carcinoma
+ - HPV ish
Solid adenoid cystic carcinoma
+ CD99/NKX2.2
+ HPV-related multiphenotypic
sinonasal carcinoma - ++
neuroblastoma Non-keratinizing
Teratocarcinosarcoma squamous cell
carcinoma Adamantinoma-
like Ewing

Start with the whole panel, and then

work through the algorithm and get
additional stains/studies if necessary.

Potential Pitfalls:
Many non-neuroendocrine tumors can show some
staining with synaptophysin (e.g., rhabdomyosarcoma)
Many of these lesions can stain with PRAME!

Adapted from a presentation from Justin A. Bishop, MD Chief of Anatomic Pathology UT Southwestern Medical Center

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