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The Necromancers Dance The Beacon Hill Sorcerer Book 1 SJ Himes Himes Ebook Full Chapter

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The Necromancer's Dance (The Beacon

Hill Sorcerer Book 1) Sj Himes [Himes

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Book One of The Beacon Hill Sorcerer

By SJ Himes
Necromancer’s Dance, BOOK ONE of The Beacon Hill Sorcerer, By SJ Himes
Copyright © 2016 SJ Himes

Edited by Amanda Coolong

Cover by Book Cover By Design
All artwork, designs, emblems created by Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design.

Cover photo by Dan Skinner Photography

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and
retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts
in a review.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

If you are reading a pirated version or a copy of this book that you did not purchase yourself, or was not gifted/loaned to you
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Please purchase your own copy, and remember to review.

SJ Himes

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
To Be Continued
Other Books by SJ Himes
Huge thank you to Heather C Leigh, Sloan Johnson, MA Church, Jordan L Hawk, and the other many authors who have taken the
time to help me name this series and several of the characters. This is my first foray into urban fantasy, and everyone has been
encouraging and supportive as I enter this new genre.
Thank you to Andrea and Michele and Crystal and Morningstar. You know what for and why.
I want to thank my betas readers and my editors.
Huge thank you to Amanda B and Amanda C, I love you both.
More thanks for the countless others who have waited patiently for my books, and offered advice and encouragement. Writing for a
living is a lot harder than it may seem, and I am my own worst enemy at times. Thank you all for the support and the slaps to the back of
the head.
Violence, death, gore, bad Latin, and bastardized Irish.
The sex in this book is between two supernatural beings who don’t need to worry about STDs and other threats incurred when not
practicing safe sex. Don’t be an idiot—wrap it up! Condoms, contraceptives, and proper hygiene makes everything all that much more
enjoyable when you don’t need to worry about getting sick or pregnant. Condoms can save your life. And use lube!!!
Speaking of sex. Of the male/male persuasion. Enjoy!
Smoking Can Kill You

“Elder Simeon begs you attend an urgent matter most delicate. Elder Simeon wishes to
inform you our Master is holding to your behest in regards to Gregory Doyle, and bids you
come with all speed.”

IT WAS well past eleven at night when Angel Salvatore got a knock on the door and the summons that
dragged him out into the cold night in nothing but thin silk pajama bottoms. He’d slid a pair of sandals
on and followed the two blood slaves out of his apartment complex and into the Master’s car, idling
at the curb.
He usually would’ve told the Master to stick it where the sun won’t shine, seeing as how the old
vamp would burn to a brittle crisp if even a smidgen of daylight touched that porcelain delicate skin
of his, but it took one name to get Angel out of the relative safety of his apartment and grabbing his
work bag. And that one name was always mentioned in conjunction with another, one annoying and
dear to Angel, so out he went.
Isaac Salvatore and Greg Doyle lived in each other’s pockets, and that applied in times of trouble,
Fucking idiots.
They managed the short drive across town in silence, after the two blood bags of minimal thinking
refused to answer Angel’s questions, and he rolled the window down as far it could go, propping his
arm on the open frame and breathing in the moist night air. Angel could see downtown across the bay,
lit up in bright gold and sunset orange lights, the skyscrapers and high-rises burning like medieval
torches in the far distance. The briny water gave the air a heady, damp and earthy taste, the recent
drenching from autumn rains soaking the banks and keeping everything slightly squishy with retained
water. It was really too cold to have the window open, seeing as how he was just in sleepwear, but he
was more concerned with why his brother’s best friend decided to break into the local vamp
headquarters. And of course he got caught, seeing as how most of the bloodsuckers in residence at
HQ were older than dirt and could hear a pin drop in a crowded football stadium during a Sunday
night game.
His brother Isaac was a loner, or he had been after their family died. The summer of their funerals
was when he met Greg, and the loner status became instead that of sidekick to the recent addition to
their tiny corner of Beacon Hill. Things used to be quiet when they were kids, and their parents were
still alive, but things changed after the massacre and the Blood Wars ten years ago. So after that
horrific spring and the bodies were buried and families were trying to patch themselves up around the
gaping holes left in them, which was the summer Isaac decided he wasn’t going to be a good boy and
go to school, and tagged along behind Greg. And that was just the first summer of misadventure, with
Angel coming along to fix his brother’s mess, one disaster after another. Just like tonight.
The car came to a halt in the narrow alley behind vamp HQ, and Angel was out of the car and
slamming the door shut before the blood slaves even moved, heading for the back door. Angel
slapped it open with the flat of his hand, the sound sharp enough to get every eye on him as he stormed
into the storage room just off the kitchen. He ignored the vampires growling and hissing at his
entrance, and pushed through the humans crowded along the back wall, and went straight to the idiot
sitting alone in the center of the killing horde. Greg, Isaac Salvatore’s best friend and Angel’s worst
nightmare, was sitting at a small wooden table under a single bare bulb hanging from the ceiling, and
he flinched when he saw Angel storming across the room. Angel took a quick look but didn’t see
Isaac anywhere. There was a lessening of the tension in his shoulders. Angel was cautious though—
just because he didn’t see Isaac, that didn’t mean his idiot brother wasn’t around somewhere. Angel
just hoped he had a pulse and wasn’t feeding an enraged master vamp.
“Someone want to tell me what the fuck is going on here?” Angel demanded, throwing his dark
green linen satchel down on the table, clanging and clashing as the contents protested at the rough
handling. Greg flinched away, opened his mouth, but Angel snapped his fingers at him, and Greg
stopped before he started. “Someone who won’t lie to me, if you would?”
Angel skewered the crowd in the small room, glaring at everyone brave enough to meet his eyes.
The shadows hid most of them from Angel’s gaze, but there was a ton of shifting and ducking of heads
as most of the occupants tried to pretend they weren’t there.
Most, not all. One man stood tall and proud, unafraid to meet the stony eyes of a necromancer.
Tall, broad-shouldered, and with dark auburn hair, Simeon met Angel’s eyes fearlessly, his dark
green orbs catching the light as the bare bulb above their head swung with the breeze of Angel’s
entrance. Simeon gave Angel a simple twitch of the lips, as close to a smile as Angel had ever seen
the four-hundred-year-old vampire get. Simeon smirked; he never smiled. Angel thought Simeon was
that old, as the tattoo on his right upper arm dated back to Ireland at about that time period, and Angel
had heard the lower ranked vamps and blood slaves call him the ‘Celt’. Vamps can’t get tattooed after
their resurrection, and the tattoos on his body could only have been placed there while he was human.
It made sense to Angel. He couldn’t tell for certain though, but Angel knew that right now he was the
oldest vamp in the room, so Simeon had the authority to tell him what was going on.
“Simeon. Care to share? Wanna tell me why I was dragged outta bed and driven across town to
find my brother’s boyfriend locked in your storage room?” Angel growled at the old vamp, and
Simeon’s lip twitched again.
Angel had something of a temper problem. Just a bit. And Simeon loved to poke at it, like a fool
hunter nagging at a bear with a stick after a long cold winter. “And if anyone says Isaac was involved
with this stupid endeavor I’m about to hear, I am gonna start handing out hexes indiscriminately.”
“Mr. Doyle,” Simeon said, tilting his head at the man cowering at the table, “decided he was going
to take a job to burglarize the place of business of our Master. He was caught,” Simeon continued, a
calm veneer over a well of tension. Simeon’s voice was accented faintly, and had a lilt to it that could
seduce the clothes off a nun—which Angel was certain Simeon had done at some point in his long
life. Simeon was one slick bastard. “He refuses to tell us who hired him. As per the arrangement you
have with our master, we did not get the information from him as we usually would. That is why you
are here, Sorcerer Salvatore.”
He’s breaking out the title, he must really want to know what’s going on, and he’s being very
careful with me. Never mind Angel hated being called that, as it sounded like the name for an online
sex-worker. He wasn’t going to complain though, because he’d never hear the end of it from Simeon
if Angel confessed why he didn’t like his name.
And those methods of extracting information? That usually comes with the extracting of blood
from unwilling blood donors. Crap. Thank heaven for small mercies, Greg hasn’t been drained.
Now all I can do is pray silently that Isaac wasn’t involved.
“And my brother? Was he involved as well?” Angel asked, finally looking away from the Irish
vamp and at the idiot stinking of booze and stale cigarette smoke. Greg was the same age as Isaac, but
no one would ever be able to tell. Greg had been chain smoking since he was a pre-teen, and drinking
for nearly as long. While both Isaac Salvatore and Greg Doyle were in their early twenties, Greg
could pass for a man in his late thirties, worn out by life and bad, bad choices. Thankfully, Isaac had
the family genes, and hard living had yet to leave its mark on him.
“Mr. Doyle was caught alone, within the confines of the building. He has yet to speak, aside to tell
us that it wasn’t his idea, he was being paid to do it. We asked politely what he was after,” yeah, I’m
sure they did, “—but he has refused to speak more on the matter. We then recalled his connection to
you, and the arrangement you have with our Master. We would like to know what he was sent here to
steal, and by whom.”
“So would I.” Angel grabbed another chair, and pulled it back from the table, sitting heavily with
an exasperated sigh. He sat across the table from Greg, who was doing his level best not to make eye
contact with Angel.
Think a room full of pissed off vampires is scary? Try pissing off a sorcerer with anger
management issues and an affinity for working with the dead and dearly departed.
Angel stared. Silence. More staring. Angel was letting this fool see every single time he regretted
not hexing his ass over the years—and it was only because Isaac loved this poor excuse of a man, and
once upon a time, he helped Angel’s little brother get over the deep depression he’d fallen into after
the death of their whole family. Greg wouldn’t make eye contact, and he was sweating, a drop running
down his left temple and dripping off his jaw to land on his stained shirt. There were a few bruises
and abrasions on him, but Angel didn’t see any apparent bite marks, or anything serious. Angel could
take his time on this if he had to—he was already up, and Angel was not going away until he got some
“I’m not talking,” Greg finally burst out after what felt like hours of silence, mumbling defiantly
down at the scarred tabletop. What felt like forever was really only a handful of minutes. Angel
waited, quiet and motionless, knowing that Greg was about to crack. It didn’t take long. “It wasn’t my
“What wasn’t your idea?” Angel asked, sounding bored, when inside all he want to do was bash
in Greg’s skull and dig around for his one last remaining brain cell. The poor thing needs to be
rescued, all alone in that empty head.
“Comin’ here. Not my idea. Just needed the cash.” Sweat ran down his temples, his hairline
soaking wet.
“I can see that. You’re always bumming money off of Isaac. Who paid you?” Angel asked calmly,
picking at one of his nails, the corner jagged. Angel wasn’t looking at him directly, but could still see
the way Greg’s eyes dart around the room, ever mindful of the numerous vampires and fanatically
devoted blood slaves surrounding them. Though Greg really didn’t need to worry about them, he
needed to worry about the man sitting across from him.
“Not telling.”
Gawd, that’s mature. Sounds like a five-year-old being asked if he did something wrong. And
this guy is Isaac’s bestie? I’m really hoping they aren’t sleeping together. I’m pretty sure Greg’s
gay, and I don’t want to deal with any STDs that Isaac may get from him.
Angel was watching his face when Greg replied to his question, so he saw a tiny twitch of his
head. To most normal people, that wouldn’t even register to them, and if someone did see that twitch?
Angel knew most people would dismiss it out of hand. Just nerves or something, right? Nope.
It was a good thing Angel was there, and not a cop or another master vamp. If they’d tried draining
Greg to get their answers, Angel would have had a five-story building full of very old and very sick
vamps to deal with. This was a compulsion. Magical compulsion. When magic was active and
running its course through a human, the blood would make vamps ill if they drank it. Which was
another reason why Angel was cool sitting there in a relatively skimpy outfit and not worried about
becoming a snack. Angel’s kind didn’t taste good to vamps.
That particular head twitch was common across the board for humans compelled by sorcery, and it
usually took a practitioner of the arts to recognize the signs.
Not making eye contact. Extreme sweating. Refusal to speak when it would save your ass,
behavior contrary to personality. Greg should be tattling so fast right now yet he’s not. Mental
faculties diminished the longer the compulsion is in place. Yup. He’s been hexed.
“Clear the room please,” Angel said softly, and Simeon made no sound, but the vamps blurred as
they darted out of the room, the blood slaves moving at a comparatively leisurely pace after their
masters. Simeon remained, and two blood slaves, and a couple of vamps Angel didn’t recognize
stayed in the shadows along the far wall. For them to stay they must be older masters and the humans
who belonged to them. Simeon stared at one in particular for a long moment, face unreadable,
expression frozen, but the Celt said nothing to the vampire in the shadows, so he or she was probably
another Elder. Angel shrugged, unperturbed by the remaining witnesses. It was the whole mob of
lesser masters and symbiotic slaves that couldn’t keep a secret and gossiped like old ladies at bingo.
“What… what are you gonna do?” Greg asked, eyes darting between Angel and the door over his
shoulder. Sorry hun, you’re not fast enough to get outta here.
“I’m going to get you talking. So shut up.”
Angel heard Simeon snort quietly at that, and sent him a sneer. It was almost midnight on a work
night, Angel was sleeping an hour ago, and his grownup behavior was left on his pillow. Simeon
grinned at Angel, all cocky attitude and rippling muscles, and Angel had to force himself to look back
at the ruin of human potential sitting at the table. Angel was floored Simeon was smiling at him, since
he had never seen the master vamp actually smile. Maybe it’s the outfit I’m barely wearing. Simeon
is eye candy for certain, but that’s a whole-bag-full-of-pissed-off-cats kinda trouble there.
Angel dug into his bag, and pulled out his smartphone, waking the screen to see that it was a few
minutes to midnight. Had he really been in this dank and smelly storage room with the world’s biggest
idiot for forty minutes?
Angel pulled out a small silver dish, once part of a serving set that their Grams used to have, but
the pieces had all steadily disappeared over the years. Probably thanks to Isaac and his bad habits. It
was small, and ornately etched, blackened from long years and zero polishing on Angel’s part. It was
going to serve its purpose tonight well enough. Angel kept digging, but couldn’t find what he needed.
Angel sent a look at Greg, and considered bumming the bum for a cigarette, but he wrinkled his nose
at that thought. I’d rather not pollute my lungs with anything he’s carrying around.
“Anyone got a smoke?” Angel asked the room at large, and unsurprisingly, Simeon materialized
next to him, a slim gold cigar case open in his pale hand. Angel cocked a brow at the old vamp, and
got another dazzling grin in return. Angel leaned over, and picked out a thin cheroot that smelled like
rich green things and cinnamon. He ran it under his nose, breathed in deep, and smiled, eyes closing
for a moment in appreciation. For an undead bloodsucker, Simeon had fantastic taste in human vices.
Angel send Simeon a wink and grin of his own, too angry and fed up to worry about encouraging the
vampire. “Thanks, babe.”
Simeon backed away, arranging himself on Angel’s right and a step back. Simeon would have a
front row seat to Angel’s spell, and he would also be out of line of sight. Simeon was accustomed to
magic users. Smart fucker.
Greg was watching Angel, sweat still running from the top of his head and down his face. His
hands were shaking, and he was gripping the edge of the table as if the room was spinning. The
compulsion riding Greg was set sloppily, and it was unraveling fast. Whoever hired Greg to break
into the vampires’ restaurant-cum-apartment building was either really impatient, incompetent, or was
willing to risk a man’s life and sanity for monetary gain—Angel was betting the latter. He didn’t
know for sure what the Master had cooking around in vamp HQ, but seeing as how the Master was
rumored to be over a thousand years old and was a near recluse, Angel wouldn’t be surprised if the
oldest vamp in Boston had some things worth stealing in the building.
Angel leaned back in his chair, cheroot in his right hand, holding it like he was waiting for a light.
“So, Greg, think you can work your way around that compulsion buried in your brain, or is this
gonna get dirty?” Angel asked, conversational and relaxed.
Greg blinked at Angel in confusion, and he was guessing the answer was no. Greg probably
wasn’t even aware he’d been compelled to stay silent. Most humans weren’t capable, lacking in
mental willpower and fortitude to work themselves free from a compulsion, but it was known to
happen. Angel was certain Greg was not amongst the able. Most addicts have their willpower eroded
by their habits.
Magic came in many forms. Elemental magic was the province of witches, each witch with his or
her own particular affinity, be it fire or air or any of the other elements. All magic users are born to it,
like witches and wizards. A wizard is a beefed up witch, male or female, and can access power
beyond the elements. That was the point where magical energy begins to gather, and it pushed at the
veil between worlds, bleeding over the barrier to the other side. Wizards were able to access the
more powerful pockets of magical energy, before it left this plane. As soon as magical energy was
over there, on the other side, it joined a deep well of power that was usually beyond access by
mortals. Unless the magic user was a sorcerer. Or sorceress. Once the magic bled through the veil, it
was usually out of bounds. The different rankings of magic user were really dependent on the level of
power a person had access to, and their ability to manipulate it.
Angel was ranked as a sorcerer. The unfathomable infinite maelstrom of magic that gathered
beyond this world in a brilliant sea of light and shadows, swirling and singing… Angel could use it.
He was able reach out, through the veil, and touch the infinite. And even within the three tiers of
magic users, witch, wizard, and sorcerer, there were rankings. All based on the personal strength of
their individual abilities, and their affinities.
Angel’s affinity was for death, and he was a necromancer.
Not just death in its literal meaning; but all that lead to death and dying, and everything touched by
mortality. Spirits, ghosts, poltergeists, all kinds of undead, the dying, illness, disease, poisons, and
mortal injuries, and a whole mess of really nasty creatures and conditions. Anything on the other side
of the veil and anything rushing towards death was within Angel’s affinity, in reach of his talents.
Angel got along great with demons and vampires, when they weren’t trying to kill him. Nothing makes
a vamp more nervous than a necromancer. The smart ones, at least.
Greg had a serious case of the shakes, and Angel figured the idiot was close enough to have his
brain melted and his nerves fried that the technique he had in mind would work. He leaned to the side,
and hooked one leg over an arm of the chair, kicking off his sandal, which plopped to the floor. Angel
took his eyes off Greg, and held up the cheroot, staring at it. Just at the end, breathing in and out all the
while, soothing his temper and thoughts.
It was never wise to perform delicate spells when mad. Horrible things tended to happen.
“Need a light?” Simeon asked softly, voice heavy with a dry irony that made the other vamps
chuckle and the slaves twitter.
Angel quirked a brow at the handsome vamp without taking his eyes off the slim cigar, and let his
vision blur at the periphery, focusing on the tip, and called soundlessly for fire. A tiny red ember
flared to life at the end of the cheroot, and a thin wisp of smoke rose. A soft, wordless sigh echo
through the room, and the atmosphere shifted. It was as if the roof was gone and they were all under
the open night sky, hemmed in by close walls, cocooned and safe. Nothing but a sensory illusion, but
was powerfully present. Magic—it moved Angel in strange ways. He let his eyes close, and tipped
his head back as he took that first sweet drag of freshly lit tobacco, potent and burning, hot as it slid
over his tongue and into his lungs.
Angel sensed the power in the room, heard the whispers of it as it pooled and eddied around him,
gray and cool and fluid. His eyes were still shut, but that was no matter. Angel could see the magic as
no one else in this room was able, tangible and real and malleable. He held his breath, the smoke
deep in his lungs, and called. It answered, rising from the floor and peeling off the walls, racing from
the dim glow of the humans in the room. It came to him, time slowing, the magic winding about itself,
roping and writhing like snakes made from liquid light and smoke. Angel held the tumbling cloud of
magic in front of him, with the merest shift of his thoughts and opened his eyes. Angel dropped his
chin, and looked to Greg. Angel held his breath, reality around him slow and heavy.
Angel let the smoke out of his lungs, blowing it to where the cloud of magic hovered unseen. If
Angel called more magic, anyone could see it, but there was no need. He had enough. Angel was not
raising the dead, merely manipulating the approaching death of the compelled man, so what he
gathered was sufficient. The smoke from his lungs arced through the invisible magic cloud, and
thickened, becoming more substantial. It grew, and moved with the magic gathered over the table.
Angel heard Simeon shift on his feet, and the other vamps stiffened. The humans all inhaled sharply,
and stared. They don’t often see magic performed, going by their reactions. Greg was so far gone he
was barely conscious.
Time to play.
Angel gave the smoke and magic cloud a gentle mental nudge, and a thin thread of it peeled off
from the mass and snaked out towards Greg. He saw it coming, and jerked, trying to escape the chair.
It was the compulsion working, trying to get the compelled out of the way of the spell.
The smoke was on him before Greg even finished lifting in his seat. A thin thread ran into his
gaping mouth, as if inhaled. The magic pulled the writhing mass from the air into his body. Eventually
all the smoke was absorbed, and Greg stopped breathing. He slumped in his chair, hands falling from
the table, and he fell over, forehead smacking the hard wood surface.
“Mors nos tangit omnes,” Angel whispered, releasing all tension from his muscles, relaxing fully
in the chair.
Death touches us all.
He pulled in a breath, and collected his thoughts, taking his time. Though not too much time, a man
was dying across the table from him.
“Life reduced to cold corpse, enslaved flame to ash. Ash to smoke, death made spirit. All is mine
by first and last breath. Potest quidem mortuum meum,” Angel recited softly, each word pushing the
smoke and magic through Greg’s body.
What is dead is mine.
The tobacco was the corpse, the spark Angel called the enslaved flame, the ashes to smoke, and so
on. Magic was an English major’s wet dream of symbolism. Angel used the bare bones version of a
greatly complicated spell, not needing the full incantation. He was not aiming to create a zombie, just
get some answers and free an idiot from another magic user’s influence. Technically Greg was dying
right that second. Body starved of oxygen, his brain suffering under the rapidly eroding compulsion
that was killing him just as fast as Angel’s spell.
Until Angel stopped it.
Vision blurred again, melding the invisible with the visible. Angel watched the smoke running
through Greg, filling every crevasse of his body, every artery and vein. It raced through his nerves, his
muscles, and battled its way up the compelled man’s spinal cord. Angel saw when the gray smoke hit
Greg’s brain stem, and that is where the sparks happened. Angel was able to see the compulsion, and
set the smoke on it like a hound to a coon. The smoke flashed hot, and burnt away the spell buried in
Greg’s brain. The remnants disappeared fast, as swiftly as small embers thrown from a bonfire.
Now he is mine.
“Hear me, Gregory Doyle. Hear me, and obey. Breathe, and speak.”
Angel took a new drag on the cheroot, and the tip glowed as he breathed in, and Greg’s chest rose
with his. Greg sucked in air and began to cough. He sat up slowly, coughing and hacking, tears
running from his eyes. The scent of fire and smoke was immediately present in the room, as if they
were all about to be consumed by flames. His red-shot eyes locked on Angel’s, and for the first time
in an hour, he saw true recognition in them.
“Angie? What the hell?” Greg mumbled, clearly not understanding what was happening. He
probably didn’t remember anything since he agreed to rob Boston’s Master. Angel narrowed his eyes
at the annoying nickname, but decided not to waste time on it.
“Seems you were an idiot, Greg. Someone hired you to rob the Master, break into his place, and
steal something here. Care to share?” Angel said, a hint of impatience leaking past his control. His
magic stayed steady, Greg’s life ticking away by the second.
Greg blinked, lost and dazed, but Angel was expecting that. Angel sent the smoke through Greg’s
mind, inhaling another deep drag of tobacco rich air. Angel could almost see the individual memories
flash in Greg’s eyes as he burnt away the fatigue and stress, the injuries to the other man’s brain left
behind by the compulsion as it controlled him.
“Answer me, now.”
Greg spoke so fast he startled himself. “It was some dude down at Sexy Femme in Fall River.
Never seen him before. Said he would pay cold hard cash for a quick job.”
“What was his name? What did he look like?” Simeon asked at his shoulder, and he spoke to Greg
directly. Angel tipped his head once, and Greg breathed in time as he inhaled more smoke. The
cheroot was a long one, but this was taking some time, and Angel needed to hurry this up. Only a
couple of deep drags and the slim cheroot was half way gone to ash. Angel would rather not explain
to Isaac why he turned his best friend into a living zombie, or a ‘wraith’, as the community called
Greg looked at Simeon, and furrowed his brow.
“I…. he called himself Deuce. Tallish kid, dirty blond hair, pale, with really dark eyes. Kinda
thin. Had a leather jacket, and five thousand dollars.”
“Deuce? Gawd that’s horrible.” Angel couldn’t restrain himself, and one of the blood slaves
giggled. He sent the walking blood bag a wink, and Simeon glared at him before returning his
attention to Greg.
“What did he hire you to steal?” Simeon asked, his accent stronger, and Angel heard the anger in
his voice. Angel didn’t blame him for being upset. Someone invaded his home, and tried to steal from
him and his master. Angel would have been pissed in his place, and the thief would have been turned
to ash or minion in seconds. Simeon, thinking about it now, had a lot more restraint that Angel gave
him credit for—or maybe that was the Master.
“I don’t know. He gave me the money, and told me where to go….” Greg’s face developed a
seriously confused expression, and Angel took another drag, a smaller one, trying to conserve what
was left of the cheroot. Angel was unable to sense any hesitation on Greg’s part. There was nothing
left of the compulsion. Simeon growled, and took a small step, as if he wanted to rip the answers
from Greg’s body.
“Simeon.” The Celt turned his head to Angel, eyes vivid and striking. Angel gave him a small
frown, and shook his head once. “He doesn’t know. I don’t think he was really sent here to steal
anything; he would recall what it was. He is incapable of hiding anything from me right now.”
“I’m thinking the compulsion was placed as soon as Greg saw the money. His greed gave that
Deuce guy a mental foothold on him. Whoever this Deuce is never told Greg what he was stealing,
merely that he was going to steal something here. Where to go, and what to say once he was caught.”
It made sense in a limited fashion, but then Angel was just a necromancer. He didn’t hire people to do
his dirty work, he saved that for himself. “I’m thinking this Deuce guy was either expecting your
fanged brethren to tear him apart, or even me for that matter. Maybe he was just fucking around?
Doubtful, but even idiots can be born gifted.”
“Interesting.” Simeon looked thoughtful. Well, as thoughtful as he could when he looks like he
wanted to sink his teeth into Greg and rip out his throat.
“Yeah…. He got compelled. Only thing he’s really guilty of is being an idiot.” Angel dropped his
leg from the armrest, put both elbows on the table, and stared at the end of the cheroot. It was about to
go out. The smoke cloud inside of Greg was wriggling faster, settling in deep, seeking out every cell
and molecule. “I gotta end this now before it’s too late.”
“Damnation,” Simeon cursed, and Angel smirked. He would never tell Simeon, but that sounded
almost British. He knew better though, and refrained.
Angel grabbed the small silver dish, and dropped the column of ash into it. He then added the end
too, and lit it on fire with a flicker of thought, burning it to ash as well. Angel dug in his bag, and his
hand found the lone glass vial of holy water near the bottom. He pulled it out and popped the cork,
pouring the blessed water into the silver dish, the ash turning to a floating dark gray mess that
suddenly stunk to high hell. Greg was shaking his head, hands clutching and releasing at the edge of
the table, and his eyes were growing dull, the smoke coiling just behind his corneas. If Angel had the
desire, he could let this go on until completion, and give himself a living wraith, a pseudo zombie, for
a pet. A wraith was able to follow simple directions and perform tasks, and if this was a hundred
years ago and Greg wasn’t his brother’s best friend slash lover, he just might let the spell come to its
natural conclusion.
Angel had a couple minutes before it really was too late, and swirled the mixture fast with one
finger as he leaned over the table, glaring at Greg. “Where is Isaac?”
“Left him…. passed out at his place,” Greg gasped, and it looked like he was about to pass out
himself. Angel lifted his free hand, and slapped Greg across the cheek. Greg shook his head again,
and blinked at him, the smoke retreating a little in his eyes.
“He wasn’t with you at the bar in Fall River?” Angel demanded, making sure. If this Deuce guy
got to Greg, he might have taken Isaac too. Greg shook his head no, whipping it fast side to side.
Angel exhaled hard in relief, and picked up the dish, handing it to Greg. “Drink this, all of it, now.”
Greg took the dish from his hands and stared at the gray sodden mess, wrinkling his nose at the
odor. Angel sympathized, as the smell was enough to make anyone say no to the concoction. Yet he
must drink it, or he was dead in truth.
Angel called on the smoke inside Greg, and he lifted the silver dish to his mouth. Greg swallowed
it fast, damn near chugging it like a coed at Boston College.
Angel moved away from the table, grabbing his bag and stepping swiftly to the side. Just in time
too, as Greg vomited violently across the table top, spewing a vile flood of smoke, dirty holy water,
and ash. Simeon swore and ducked out of the way, his vamp reflexes saving him from getting soaked.
The holy water mixed with the ash, which was the genesis for the smoke, and the two ingredients
ingested neutralized the spell running through Greg’s body. Angel could have summoned it out of him,
but then he would have had an incomplete spell messing with his power balance. It was better to
abort the spell completely than trying to pull the power back and dismantling it piece by piece. Greg
gagged and coughed up the last of it, moaning and crying. Smoke rose from the table, looking like
steam and smelling like ass. Angel sensed the spell evaporate back out into the world, falling apart
completely, the power seeping away from his second sight.
“Well, this was fun.” Angel yawned, his jaw creaking as he snapped his mouth shut and rubbed at
his face. He was suddenly exhausted, and swayed on his feet, thinking longingly of his nice warm bed
and soft pillow.
“You need to rest, Angel.” Simeon was at his side, one cool hand under Angel’s elbow. He stared
at Simeon’s hand, the smooth cool fingers oddly pleasant on his skin, and shrugged.
“Yeah, I know. What are you going to do with him?” Angel pointed his chin at Greg and tried not
to sway anymore.
“He was not responsible for his actions. We will hold him for further questioning, and most likely
let him go tomorrow,” Simeon paused, and Angel turned his head to see a wry smile curve the sexy
pout of the vampire’s lips. It was easily the third smile he’d seen that night on Simeon’s chiseled sexy
face, and it was just as stunning as the first one. “It would not do to kill a helpless human.”
“Oh, that’s nice of you. Good—I won’t have to tell my brother I let vamps kill his best friend.”
Tastes Like Chocolate

HE WAS so tired Angel missed Greg’s removal from the room, Simeon’s hand propping him up. The
vampire’s fingers were hard and unyielding, covered in smooth skin that wore the illusion of being
soft. A vamp’s body temp was far lower than a human’s, warmed only by the blood they drank and the
mysterious death magic they had that animated them. Angel barely managed to throw the strap of his
bag over his head, the band across his chest. Angel made sure to bend over and pick up the sopping
wet silver tray. He almost spilled out flat to the floor but for Simeon’s unbreakable grip on his elbow,
his head spinning, and Simeon took the silver dish from Angel with his free hand. Angel’s eyes were
blurry now from strain and fatigue, and his head felt like it was stuffed with cotton.
Simeon was looking past him, green eyes as sharp as glass, and Angel tried to turn his head to see
who he was looking at, but the attempt made him groan and wish fervently for the nearest flat surface.
Simeon sent one last hard look, and Angel got a glimpse of a shadowed figure leaving the room
behind the others. Must be that remaining Elder, but Angel was too tired to speculate.
“You must sleep, Angel,” Simeon whispered in his ear, his breath tickling over his skin, and Angel
shivered in response. Simeon smelled of copper, mint and spice, and chocolate. Simeon felt Angel’s
whole body reaction, and his hand tightened on his elbow. Angel wasn’t sure how it happened but his
head ended up resting on Simeon’s solid, stone-cold shoulder. Angel’s hands were on the vampire’s
chest, clutching at his fine dress shirt.
Angel opened his mouth to speak, to say something, but the world dropped away and his mind fell
into darkness.

HE MUST have passed out, too damn tired from a long day at work, interrupted sleep, and a semi-
major working that consumed a huge portion of his reserves. It took power to use power, and even
though Angel fueled the spell with ambient magic, he still had to control and shape the working. It
was a bitch, doing magic cold like that, and he would have been better off if he hadn’t gone into it
stressed out and tired. Not to mention he couldn’t remember the last time he ate anything more
substantial than tea and a muffin. Isaac moving out meant Angel forgot to eat more often than not.
Angel woke wrapped up in his favorite blanket, his bed warm and welcoming. Something was
tickling his face, and he worked a hand free from under the blanket to swipe at his cheek. Feeling cool
skin and soft lips, Angel opened his eyes.
He was in Simeon’s arms, laying half on his clothed chest, their faces so close together the
vampire’s deep green eyes were all he could see.
Angel’s hand was caught up in Simeon’s, their fingers intertwining. Angel’s eyes drifted shut as
Simeon closed the tiny distance between them, his soft and cool lips ghosting over Angel’s. He pulled
in a deep breath of Simeon-flavored air, the vampire’s scent filling his mouth and nose.
The scent of fresh blood was in there too—Simeon must have fed before taking Angel home, the
potent tang of hot metal impossible to miss. The sensation of Simeon’s lips barely touching Angel’s
did unrepeatable things to his nervous system, setting him on fire with a cool flame.
His body jerked, just a little, freezing and alternately relaxing as Simeon’s lips settled over his in
a full kiss, with a hint of tongue and the nip of sharp teeth.

ANGEL HAD been thinking about kissing Simeon since the day they met, a little over two years ago.
It was Halloween, and Angel was dressed in normal clothes because only humans would dress up as
a witch and think it not insulting, and he was dragging Isaac and Greg out of a bar in downtown
Angel’s boots wore a few flecks of vomit on them when Isaac kindly threw up before he got in
Angel’s car. While the two drunks passed out in the back seat, Angel had gone back in the bar to the
restrooms, hoping to wipe off the sickening liquid before he drove them all home. No way in hell was
he driving an hour with the windows down in autumn just to escape the smell.
At the time, he hadn’t known the Master of Boston owned the bar. No one did—no one mortal, at
least. All anyone knew was that it was vamp property owned by any one of the lesser masters, and a
place for people to go if they wanted to flirt with fangheads and try out for a place as a blood slave.
Isaac was safe from that Fate, as his blood was caustic and poisonous to vampires, and most of them
could smell it up close. Angel thought that maybe the boys just wanted to go for the atmosphere or the
discounted beer, not that it mattered.
His lack of a costume that night actually drew more attention than if he had been dressed in black
leather and fishnets. His tight blue jeans, white tee, and brown leather boots stood out in the crowd of
goth wannabes, steampunk, and a myriad of other ‘vampire’ fashions that made him feel bad for the
people wearing them. Smoke filled the place, the dry kind that looked dangerous to breathe but is
relatively harmless, humans pressed up against the bar and the tables along the walls, the dance floor
packed as the DJ played some kind of rapid-fire techno-house mix. Lasers danced and blue light lit
Angel up as he cut through the crowd, and he was halfway across the dance floor when a rough grasp
of a cold hand caught his arm, jerking him to an abrupt halt.
Angel wasn’t a big guy. He was only five-seven, about a hundred thirty-five pounds, and he was
glad he was able to grow in a decent enough five o’clock shadow on his jaw or the twink label would
have followed him into his late twenties. He wasn’t jacked or a gym bunny, though he was lean like a
swimmer, and his muscles were vaguely defined. Yet he was no weakling or pushover, so having
someone yank him to a forceful stop, dead in his tracks, made his hackles go up faster than a wet cat’s
surrounded by aggressive toddlers.
Bodies bumped and ground, the music ghastly and obnoxious, and Angel was tired and surrounded
by drunk humans. He spun to confront the fool who dared to touch him, someone with no manners and
all arrogance. He looked down at the hand holding his arm, and it was pale, colder than the air
outside, and the grip that of a metal vise. Angel sent his gaze up, over the black lace-covered wrist,
the slim arm in black velvet, and past the black smoking jacket and black silk shirt to see a vampire, a
real one, looking back at him with a decidedly predatory gaze.
It wasn’t a master vamp or one of the upper-level fangheads. This vamp was a lackey, a lower-
rung vamp fresh from the turn and looking to impress humans with how fucking cool he was in his
faux period outfit. Angel pegged him as a few years old, still arrogant enough to think he was the new
Lestat or the sparkling kid with the hair, and stupid enough to think that everyone in this bar on
Halloween was a human willing to be snacked on. And definitely, an idiot, since he wasn’t using his
nose, ignoring the hint of death magic Angel carried on him just by breathing. Even with the hundreds
of bodies pressing close in the club, a smart and experienced vamp would have recognized what
Angel was immediately, and cut his or her losses and let him go.
“Take your hand off of me,” Angel spoke clearly, as the music was loud and even vamp hearing
started to suffer at some point. “I’m not here as a snack.”
Gothic Steampunk Vamp smirked at Angel, tightened his grip, and pulled him in closer. Angel
ended up pressed to the rude vamp’s front, his hand so tight now on Angel’s elbow he was already
sporting bruises. All Angel wanted was to go wash his boots and drive his brother home. Yet he
couldn’t, since he now had to deal with a very forward vamp who was at that moment caressing
Angel’s cheek with an over-perfumed hand like he’d just been watching a really bad B-movie of a
villain doing the same.
“You aren’t wearing a costume, my pretty. Think we need to collect the penalty fee for coming in
here without a costume on.” Mr. Rude tried to pull off a purring European accent, but all Angel heard
was strangling cats. B-movie villain indeed.
Angel rolled his eyes, and he began pulling in some of the ambient magic in the room, prepared to
blast the vamp fucker off of him. He wouldn’t use too much magic since there were humans so close
to where they stood Angel could feel wandering hands in rude places.
The vampire leaned down, ignoring Angel’s tugs to free his arm as the vampire sniffed at his neck
when suddenly one of the owners of the wandering hands materialized into another vamp. Angel was
now pinned between two vamps, the new one a female in an outfit just as campy as the male, and she
looked and acted just as new as the presumptuous male.
Angel pegged her for just as stupid, too.
“Last chance, fuckers. Let me go.” Angel made sure to say it loudly enough some people dancing
around them heard, looking their way.
Angel felt the brush of sharp fangs grazing his skin, on the top of his shoulder, the female way too
close to taking a sip. Angel lifted his free hand, energy buzzing on his fingertips when the fangheads
both struck at the same time. The female got him at the top of his left shoulder, and the male attacked
the right side of Angel’s neck, and he gasped at the pain.
He’d been bitten before, and it was tolerable, but the double attack was too much and Angel began
to freak out for a second. Pain shot from his neck and shoulder, inescapable, and his knees jerked like
they were about to drop him on the floor. The vamps weren’t savaging him yet. They were trying to
get a good drag of blood off their bites, so they were distracted, and Angel regained control enough to
keep pulling on the ambient energy around them.
Angel brought his hand up, fingertips rubbing together, charge building, and made contact with the
female’s temple, tapping lightly. The zap hit her like a magical stun gun, and she pulled off his
shoulder, her fangs tearing the flesh as they withdrew. The female growled as she staggered to her
knees at his side, knocking back several humans and a few other vamps in the process. Angel kept his
hand moving, and dropped it on the back of the male vamp’s head, applying the same charge. The
male coughed blood and he backed away as fast as she did, falling on his ass. Angel slapped a hand
over the seeping wound in his neck, feeling blood run past his fingers. Not too much blood, but he
might need stitches, and the gash on his shoulder was going to leave a fucking nasty scar if he didn’t
get it healed.
Angel backed away, and the music stopped. The crowd stared at him, as he bled all over his white
tee, one hand pressed tight to his neck, with two vamps still trying to reboot their nervous systems on
the floor at his feet. Hissing came from the shushed crowd, and he saw vamps moving through the
throng of humans, approaching fast.
Angel looked back towards the door, but he way was blocked by more vamps heading his way.
“Back the fuck off, now!” Angel shouted, and he got more hissing in response.
The two vamps on the floor were trying to get up. Several vamps were moving in on him, none of
them looking friendly, and there were too many humans surrounding him. Angel was about to be
turned into a shredded blood bag, and they would kill him even faster once his blood started to make
them sick, which would be several long painful minutes into his torture.
That was when Angel gave up being subtle.
Angel was aware of his blood. Not the blood running past his fingers, warm on his shoulder and
neck. Angel could sense the blood stolen from him by the vampires, coursing through their mouths and
throats, in their stomachs. He was in them, and his death affinity was about to show the crowd packed
around him why vampires hated necromancers.
“Moderatus mortem!” The Latin came as easily as his English, and though unnecessary, it let
those hearing him know he was casting, and it was enough to make even the most foolish of observers
back off. I control death. “Ego meum corpus est corpus meum mihi!”
I am my body, and my body is me.
Simple, and devastatingly brutal as Angel reached past the veil, and dragged power screaming
back into this dimension. He sucked in every wave of power, his hair crackling with static, the air
burning as it warped in the rising heat, and Angel saturated every cell of his body with the raw power
that came at his call. Crude, very crude. He didn’t have time for proper spell-casting, and instinctual
casting was enough for him to level the building if he chose.
The vamps in the crowd were seconds from attacking, the two on the floor getting up in what felt
like slow motion, death promised in their eyes.
Angel reached out to his still living blood in the vampires’ undead bodies, and it gave him a
foothold that he could exploit. This was why necromancers and vampires usually didn’t get along all
that well—a necromancer, if strong enough, could slip inside a vampire’s body and completely
subsume a vampire’s free will. They were dead, after all.
Angel’s life energy and focused will exploded through their systems and he owned his attackers in
They stopped in macabre tableaus of arrested motion, the two who bit him and took his blood.
They stood, eyes wild with fear, their bodies now under Angel’s control. They had their thoughts, but
he owned their actions. They stepped back to Angel’s side and turned to face the crowd that was now
milling in confusion. The crowd was backing away and the rest of the vamps felt the power surge in
the room, but still kept approaching.
“Prohibe eos,” Angel whispered, and the two vamps he held leashed to his will blitzed out,
attacking the approaching vamps.
Stop them.
His attackers were not expecting the two vamps they were presumably coming to assist to
suddenly turn and attack them—two of the other vamps ended up thrown over the crowd, landing on
some tables as they fell to the ground. Drinks and screams spilled out, and Angel’s unwilling
defenders spun, knocking back two more vamps closing in on him from behind.
Angel kept the power pouring in, the tear in the veil held open by his willpower and nerves.
Humans were screaming, confused, running over each other, pushing back against the tables and the
bar, the dance floor emptying. Angel yanked on the blood in the two vamps and pulled them back to
him, both of them crouched at his feet, hissing, fangs out and claws extended.
Angel had no idea who screamed it, but the bar was shocked into motionlessness. Everyone froze
where they stood, even the vamps in mid-stride coming back for another go at Angel and his new pets.
The word necromancer raced across the room, and a hush settled that was creepier than the hissing
moments before.
Whispers rose and fell in waves amongst the crowd, people looking at each other with nervous
expressions. A rumble of growls, a low, nearly inaudible hum through the room made the hair on the
back of his neck stand up. Angel sent out more power, tightening his foothold on the vamps at his feet,
and they snarled in response.
“All I wanted was to use the restroom, and I get attacked. I want nothing to do with violence, but I
will use any means necessary to protect myself. Who is the Elder here?” Angel called out, throwing
his voice over the heads of those watching. He might not be a big man, but he knew how to project his
voice with authority.
No one moved. Humans and vamps alike stared, and Angel tried to keep an eye on every corner of
the bar, searching. For there to be this many vampires in one place there must be an Elder nearby, a
vampire to control the lesser undead. He was hoping at least since he couldn’t very well keep his two
vamps as slaves and walk out of the bar without having every vamp in the city wanting to kill him.
“Necromancer,” a whisper graced his ear, and the shiver that ran down his spine was involuntary.
Angel tensed, his body instinctively reacting to the presence of a predator. The vamps at his feet
hissed and snarled, twisting like snakes in reaction to his nerves. It was all the reaction he let himself
show, and he made himself relax and turn to face the vampire that suddenly materialized behind him.
“You the Elder here?” Angel asked, doing his best not to show the pain of his injuries or the strain
of holding raw veil-sourced power and two angry vamps to his will. Casting such a dynamic
combination of instinctual spells and handling this much power was going to leave him dangerously
exhausted if he didn’t end this and soon.
The new vampire was dressed in a black tux and white tie that made him look like a red-headed
James Bond. More auburn than true red, but he was hot, and his green eyes arrested a good portion of
Angel’s attention. Full sexy lips and a strong jaw, he was absolutely Angel’s type, and if he wasn’t an
undead monster Angel was tempted to ask him for his number. He then remembered where he was and
what was happening, and frowned.
“I am, necromancer. How are you this evening?” At the smoothly accented words, Angel’s cock
made its interest known, twitching and thrumming. The red-head’s lips were unsmiling, but the
corners twitched, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He could smell Angel’s blood, not to mention see it
as it ran down his neck and shoulder and stained his shirt. The bastard could also smell just how
aroused Angel was getting, and that pissed him off even more than the biting and attacking.
“Oh, ya know. Hate Halloween. People always end up acting like idiots,” Angel replied, and for
some reason Angel wanted to smile at the older vamp despite his temper, but he restrained himself.
“Came to pick up my drunk brother and his bestie, got puked on, decided to wash my boots off in the
bathroom, and got molested by the fangheads here.” Angel pointed at his feet, and the Elder’s eyes
flickered down for a nanosecond before returning to Angel’s. “I said stop and they didn’t listen. I got
…um…. Upset.”
“Ah, so I see. Upset.” The Elder glanced around the room, noting the tables in disarray and the
bruises forming on vamps and humans alike, and his lips twitched again. “I wonder what damage you
could cause if you were truly angered?” he mused in a soft, low tone that purred within his accent.
It was rhetorical, but Angel answered anyway. “Things get nasty.”
“I’m certain they do.” The vampire looked around the room again, and straightened a cuff link that
glittered from his sleeve. “It appears you have an apology due to you.”
“That’s nice of you,” Angel said, and meant it. He was expecting to have to hand out some more
threats, maybe blast a few more vamps, but if the old vamp wanted to play diplomat instead of
entitled lord of the manor, that was good too.
The old vamp chuckled, but still no smile. Angel didn’t know it was possible to laugh without
smiling. “Nice. I haven’t been called nice in centuries.”
“Meh. Nice, smice. So, can I release my newest acquisitions without things getting nasty here?”
Angel eyed the crowd, and saw some anger out there, eyes glittering. “After I get my apology of
course, and not to mention a promise of no more violence against me or mine.”
“Negotiations. How elegant. When you hold all the power here, necromancer. Two fledglings
under your sway, and poisoned by your blood. By rights, you could leave them to die.” The laughter
was gone, but Angel saw something in the mossy depths of the master vamp’s eyes. Respect, maybe?
He sensed nothing reminiscent of anger. The vamp was as calm as a frozen lake in January.
“I get my apology, I release the two idiots licking my boots, and we all part ways, calm and
alive,” Angel loudly enough for everyone to hear. “Oh, and no violence against me or mine.”
“And if I cannot guarantee any of what you are requesting?” The vamp leaned down slightly, his
voice low, the sexy burr to his words making Angel’s nerves dance with something other than fear.
“Then I level this building on my way out, with undead bonfires lighting my path.” Angel may not
be able to level this building before he was torn apart, but he could certainly end a few immortal
lives before he died.
It wouldn’t be the first time he decimated a swarm of undead.
The vamps at his feet hissed, twisting against his will, staring up at the Elder vamp. He stared
back at them for a long moment and then nodded his head.
“I am Simeon, Elder of my Master’s Bloodclan. You are?” Simeon was an ancient name and fell
out of use over a hundred years ago. That just elevated this vampire’s age in Angel’s estimation.
Angel hesitated, thinking. It wouldn’t be hard to track him down, he knew for a fact he was the
only necromancer in the whole state, so withholding his name was pointless. If they wanted to track
him down later, they could, especially since Isaac and Greg were in here for hours.
“Angel Salvatore.” Simeon’s eye twitched again, and Angel knew it was because of his name.
Simeon recognized it, as did most supernats in the greater Boston area. In fact, most of the fangheads
in the Northeast knew his name, and his reputation earned him a wide berth. “No violence or harm to
me or mine. That includes the two men passed out in my car. My brother Isaac Salvatore and Gregory
Simeon watched him for a breathless moment as if trying to see past Angel’s name to the man
underneath. Everyone who knew the history of how Boston’s Blood Wars ended knew his name and
that wasn’t arrogance. Especially the vampires. Simeon gave a short nod, and then to Angel’s
surprise, gifted him with a brief but sincere bow at the waist, Simeon’s glittering eyes briefly aglow
from deep within with a flash of power.
“I offer my sincerest apologies, Necromancer Angel Salvatore, for the affronts made to your
person and safety while under our roof. May you leave in peace, and no violence or harm shall be
offered by our hands, to you or those you claim as yours.”
Angel searched his eyes as the vampire’s words rang out through the bar. The subtle hissing
stopped, and even without looking, Angel, sensed a lessening of tension in the room. Angel saw no
sign of deceit in the emerald green eyes still holding his and nodded curtly in acceptance.
Angel looked away from Simeon and stepped back, the two vamps following him as if he held
their leashes in truth. Angel saw hatred in their eyes, and fear. He had removed their freewill, and
easily, and for an undead creature accustomed to being on top of the food chain, it must be a horrible
thing to experience. Angel refused to feel bad, and steeled himself against any remorse.
Angel could still feel his blood in their bodies, saw the drying sheen of it on their lips. He closed
his eyes and called to it. Sorcery required an absolute knowledge of one’s body and a complete
awareness of self. This extended to the living parts, so viable blood cells lining the throats of a
vampire counted as well.
He pulled at the power still rushing through his body and called to the blood in the vampires. He
needed to get it out of them anyway, as his blood was about to be making them very ill any minute
now. Their eyes bulged as they suddenly started to gag, and Angel loosened the bindings on their
bodies enough for them to vomit on the floor. Thankfully none landed on Angel, and the stink of blood
and whatever liquid that passed as vampire bile filled the air.
“Back away,” Angel warned quietly and took a step back himself. He sent a burst of kinetic magic
out, pushing the two vamps away, causing them to skid on their knees across the tiled dance floor.
Simeon moved with him, and Angel leveled his focus on the puddle of bloody vomit.
Angel took his hand away from his neck, and held bloody fingers over the floor. He could feel
everyone’s gaze on him, especially the searching regard of Elder Simeon. Angel let go of the power
he was pulling through the veil, and the atmospheric pressure dropped in the room. As it left, he
snapped his fingers.
The fire flared fast and hot, the puddle of vomited blood burning to ash in seconds. Red and
orange light danced across the faces of humans and vampires, and Simeon hissed in surprise beside
Smoke lifted slowly into the air, and the black mark on the floor was all that remained of the
blood. He was a sorcerer—leaving any usable traces of his blood behind was an invitation for
another magic-user to exploit it. That was a risk he couldn’t afford to take. Angel sighed, and
stretched his neck, shoulders tight. He needed a fucking nap. And a shower. And some stitches,
The two vamps stood fast and snarled at Angel, eyes wild and promising death. They managed one
step forward until a wave of cold, foreign power knocked them back. Their faces relaxed, and they
dropped back to their knees. All the fight was gone from them, and it wasn’t Angel’s doing at all. The
power was cool and sweet, with a hint of a spicy chocolate essence. Angel flicked his eyes over to
Simeon, and there was shimmer in the air around him as he flexed whatever Elder vamp mojo he was
Simeon turned his back on the cowed vamps, and the room’s occupants slowly started to move as
everyone made an obvious effort to go back to their business. Angel held his ground when Simeon
came into his personal space, forcing him to look up. Simeon was over six feet tall, and his suit clung
to him like a second skin, showcasing a chiseled physique that flowed over the floor with a
supernatural grace. Not even the most talented ballet dancer could move with the elegance of an old
master vampire.
Pale skin was normal for a vamp, and Angel could see small flashes of tattoos that peeked above
his jacket collar. His hair was long, but not too long, swept back in thick waves that made Angel’s
fingers itch to touch. A chuckle, rich and smooth, brought him out of his musings. Angel flushed,
realizing he had been staring, and for a while now. He looked back into Simeon’s eyes, the green so
vibrant and true that the shade colored his whole horizon.
Angel dropped his eyes and took a small half-step back. Staring into a master vamp’s eyes was an
invitation to lose your life. He knew better, but the old vamp’s appeal was strong. There was not
much a vampire could do to him that he couldn’t get free of eventually, but he didn’t want to take his
chances. Not even the promise of no violence would keep him safe from seduction.
“I need to go,” Angel said, looking back up but not making eye contact for longer than a second.
“Wait,” the vampire said, one hand stretching out towards Angel as he backed away. There was
desire in his eyes, and Angel found himself wanting to reach out and take the vampire’s hand. That
was such a bad idea. Angel shook his head, and turned around, pushing his way through the crowd.
Once people saw who he was they parted before him in a rush, whispers and growls following him as
he left the building.
Angel got in his car, and after checking on the two idiots passed out in the back seat, he left before
he could do anything else remarkably stupid, like burning down the building or kissing the Elder. It
was a shame, really—Simeon was exactly Angel’s type, and he wanted nothing more than to climb
that supernat like an amped up eight-year-old attacking a jungle gym at the park.
There was a ton of reasons why it was a bad idea for the lone surviving Salvatore necromancer to
get involved with a vampire—many of whom were dead and their ashes scattered over the holy
ground King’s Chapel.
Angel Salvatore may be the only necromancer in the state, but ten years ago, the Salvatore Clan
was the most powerful and distinguished magical family in the Northeast, right up until the end of the
Blood Wars. Angel’s family, all but for him and Isaac, died at the climax of a generations long war
between Clans, their throats ripped out by an army of vampiric assassins.
Angel and Isaac lived because Angel burned that army to ash and dust.
THE KISS was soft, sweet, and Angel was too tired to move away. That’s what he told himself, but
as Simeon’s mouth slanted over his and the bigger male rolled until Angel was under his hefty weight,
his whole thought process about how bad of an idea this was flew out the window. When Simeon’s
tongue slid between his lips and took a leisurely stroll through his mouth, Angel moaned in
encouragement and lifted his hips, desperate for some friction on his achingly hard cock. Simeon slid
between his thighs, and Angel moaned again, loving the way the big vamp’s hips held his legs open,
his weight pushing him down into the bed.
It was the iron-hard length pressing insistently to his own that snapped him out of his passion-
dazed state. Angel pulled his mouth away, and his head pushed down on the mattress so he got enough
distance to look the elder vamp in the eyes. “Up, now.”
Simeon’s mouth was wet, his lips red and swollen from their kiss. His eyes were dark with
desire, and they settled on Angel’s mouth, his luscious mouth begging for another taste. Angel fought
back his hormones, refusing to press another kiss to the lips of the very dangerous predator holding
him down on the bed…no matter how damn good it felt, this was a bad idea.
“You taste like sin,” Simeon whispered over his mouth, and Angel’s tongue darted out of its own
volition and ran along Simeon’s lower lip. A sharp white fang nipped the tip of his tongue before
Simeon sucked him back in for another kiss. Angel arched his hips off the bed, kissing him back, heart
racing. Why was this a bad idea again?
Somewhere in the apartment, a door crashed, and heavy footfalls stomped across his hardwood
floors. Simeon tensed on top of him, and they both ended the kiss and turned to the bedroom door just
in time for the wood panel to explode inwards, shards flying across the room. Simeon moved so fast
Angel forgot how to breathe, rolling them both off the bed to the floor. Simeon landed beside him,
fangs bared, eyes glowing. Angel flattened himself to the floor, watching underneath his bed as
clawed feet crushed the remains of his door, gouging the floor and rugs as the intruder came into his
Chattering, like beetles scuttling over stones, filled his room, and Angel’s eyes widened in
disbelief as a multitude of clipped voices quietly called his name.
“Angelus, Angelus….” The chattering increased, making his ears hurt. A rumble vibrated under
his hand, and Angel turned to see Simeon snarling, his body taut as piano strings. Angel gripped a
handful of Simeon’s shirt and pulled until Simeon looked at him, his green eyes aglow. He shook his
head, silently pleading with Simeon to stay down.
A single vampire, even one as old as Simeon, was no match for a demon.
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Lawn Benches Made from Old Bedsteads

Painted Green, These Rebuilt Bedsteads Served as Lawn Benches

Old bedsteads were converted into serviceable lawn, or porch,

benches, as shown in the photograph reproduced, by the addition of
a suitable seat, properly supported. The transformation was a simple
one. Only the foot and headpieces of the bedsteads were used. The
front legs and other pieces were made from other wood. The front
legs are of square stock, about 2¹⁄₂ by 2¹⁄₂ in. The crosspieces,
supporting the wide board seats, are mortised into the legs and
fastened with glue and screws. The seat is fastened from the under
side by cleats. The lumber was carefully planed and sandpapered so
that the benches presented a smooth finish when painted green, to
match other outdoor furniture.—F. E. Tuck, Nevada City, Calif.
Repairing Wood-Wind Instruments
Wood-wind instruments sometimes “leak” at the joints or keys and
make playing of the instrument difficult. Many such instruments are
made in sections, with ends that telescope to form a tight fit. This fit
is maintained by the use of a cork band cemented around the tenon
end of the telescoping joint. The renewal of these cork joints, and the
addition of new pads on the keys, will make an old instrument nearly
as good as it was when new, so far as playing is concerned,
provided the work is correctly done and the wood of the sections
themselves has not cracked. Many musicians have spare time and
can do this work themselves. The outlay for materials for the job is
from 75 cents to $1.00. A small alcohol, or even a kerosene, lamp
and an old knife, or old file, are required.

The Cork is Fitted Carefully into Place, and Glued

All traces of the old cork on the joint can be removed with
sandpaper, leaving it as shown at the left. The cork comes in strips
of about the proper thickness, and wide and long enough to allow for
trimming. The ends of the strip should be beveled to make a ¹⁄₄-in.
lap joint.
A small quantity of the cement is heated over the lamp and six
drops poured on the joint; then with the end of the file, which should
be heated also, it is spread to give an even, thin coating. The
beveled ends of the strip are similarly treated. By working quickly
and carefully, the coating on the joint and strip are brought to a
plastic state by holding in the flame, and the strip is quickly laid in
place. Before the cement has time to harden, press the cork in,
forming a neat joint. Bind a rag around the cork, leaving it until the
cement is thoroughly set.
The corked joint will be too large to go into the joining section of
the instrument. File and sandpaper it to a twisting fit. Though the
cork should be truly cylindrical, it may be tapered a trifle smaller at
the forward end. A coating of tallow applied to the joint will make it
easy-fitting, but air-tight and moisture-proof.
The pads are disks of felt incased in thin sheepskin. After long
usage, they become too hard to make an air-tight fit. Repadding
should, therefore, be anticipated. Shellac will give good results in
putting on pads. It is heated until liquid and poured into the key
recess. The new pad is pressed into the liquid shellac, care being
taken to have it well centered. For different keys, it will be necessary
to use varying quantities of shellac to make the pad sit higher or
lower, as required.—Donald A. Hampson, Middletown, N. Y.

¶A simple method of bracing a screen door is to stretch a stout wire

diagonally across the lower portion of it.
Rustic Trellis to Shade Door or Window
Rustic Trellises are Easily Constructed and When Covered with Vines Add
to the Attractiveness of the Home
Proper preparation in the early spring will make it possible for the
householder to shade doors and windows from the hot summer’s
sun by means of inexpensive rustic trellises that add not a little to the
beauty of the home. A suggestion for a trellis at a doorway and one
for a window are shown in the illustration. They are made of straight
tree trunks and small limbs, having the bark on them. The curved
portions of the window trellis may be made easily by using twigs that
are somewhat green. Morning-glories, or other suitable climbing
plants, may be trained over the trellises.—J. G. Allshouse,
Avonmore, Pa.
Making Scale Enlargements with a Rubber Band
For reducing or enlarging maps, and similar drawings of irregular
design, the device shown in the illustration will replace the ordinary
instruments, and enable the draftsman to turn out a given amount of
work in much less time than required when proportional dividers are
used. The materials needed are an eraser, a rubber band, two pins,
two thumb tacks, and a few drops of rubber cement. From the eraser
two pieces are cut, as shown in the sketch, about ¹⁄₄ by ¹⁄₂ by 1¹⁄₄ in.
Cut deep slits in each end of these pieces. Insert the end of the
rubber band, cut at the splice, in one of these slits and place a thumb
tack in the other. A pin is thrust through the eraser and trimmed
close, to prevent the thumb tack from tearing the eraser. Cement the
slits with rubber cement, and place the assembled device under a
book weight, until the cement has set.
This Simple Device Is Useful in Enlarging or Reducing Drawings and Maps

Assuming that a contour map is to be enlarged, the rectangular

divisions of the original map, ordinarily section lines or the
boundaries of quarter sections, are drawn on the larger sheet as a
base for the reproduction. Place the device on the original map, as
indicated, the edge of the rubber band touching a “horizontal” section
line between two “vertical” ones, the rubber band under slight
tension. On the black surface of the band, dot white points, with
water color, along the section line at which the contour lines intersect
it. Also place a dot at each end of the band to indicate the position of
the two “vertical” section lines between which the band is set.
Transfer the device to the same relative position on the
enlargement, stretching the rubber band. Make dots at each end,
denoting the “vertical” section lines, for the corresponding lines on
the enlargement. The series of intermediate points along the band
will be in the same relative position on the enlargement as they were
on the original. They can be connected on the enlargement with as
accurate a result as obtained by the use of proportional dividers, and
more rapidly.
After the points are indicated upon the enlargement, the
reproducing device is removed and the surface of the rubber band
cleaned instantly by touching it with a moist cloth. The exposed part
of the rubber band is a variable, and the device can be made with
this dimension adapted to the work. It is capable of enlarging or
reducing at a ratio not greater than six to one, above which the
rubber band approaches its elastic limit.—H. L. Wiley, Seattle, Wash.
Signal Telegraph with Green and Red Lights

By arranging a circuit with batteries, lights, and keys, as shown in

the diagram, a signal telegraph may be made that will afford much
pleasure to boys and may be used for practical purposes. The keys
A and B are wired into the circuit with a battery C and a red and a
green incandescent lamp. A simple set of signals may be devised
easily so that messages may be sent in the code.—James R.
Townsend, Itasca, Texas.
A Circular Swing

W hile on the farm I constructed a circular swing which proved very

attractive to my boys and their friends. By its side, and
suspended from the same tree branch, was an ordinary swing.
During the eight weeks of our stay the latter was seldom in use. The
circular swing was a far greater favorite with all the young people,
boys and girls alike.
Around a branch of a large elm and 18 or 20 ft. from the tree trunk
was looped a 10-ft. length of chain and to the hanging end of this
was made fast a 1-in. rope nearly 10 ft. longer than was needed to
reach the ground. Directly beneath the point where the chain went
around the limb, as determined by a plumb bob, was set a 6-in.
piece of cedar post 3¹⁄₂ ft. into the ground. This was sawed off
square 2¹⁄₂ ft. above the ground. Into the top of this post was set a
¹⁄₂-in. rod, to serve as a pivot for the swing. It was set in firmly about
6 in. and projected about 3 in. from the top of the post.
The Circular Swing will be Found Very Safe and Pleasurable, but, as is the
Case of an Ordinary Swing, Anyone Careless Enough to Get in the Way of It
will Get Badly Bumped

A straight-grained piece of pine board, 15 ft. long, 8 in. wide, and 1

in. thick, was procured and a hole bored in one end large enough to
make it turn freely on the pin in the upper end of the post. Two holes
were bored in the other end of the board large enough to admit the
rope. The first hole was 6 in. from the end, and the second hole, 3 ft.
The hanging end of the rope was passed down through one of these
holes and back up through the other and then made fast to itself
about 3 ft. above the board after the board had been adjusted so that
it would swing throughout its length at the height of the post, or 2¹⁄₂
ft. from the ground. The swing was then complete except for a
swivel, which was put in the rope within easy reach of one standing
on the board, so that it could be oiled.
One good push would send the board with a boy on the end three
or four times about the 90-ft. circle. The little fellows would like to get
hold of the board in near the post and shove it around. Once started,
it could be kept going with very little effort.
In putting up such a swing, make sure to have the post set solidly
in the ground, as it has a tendency to work loose. Tie all the knots
tightly. Do not look upon the swivel as unnecessary. The first swing I
put up was without one, and the rope twisted off in a few days.
It is not necessary to climb a tree; just throw a stout cord over the
limb by means of a stone or nut tied to the end, then haul the rope
and chain up over the limb with the cord. Before the chain leaves the
ground loop the end of it and pass the cord through the loop. The
higher the limb from the ground the better the swing will work, but 25
ft. will be about right.
Hand-Operated Motorboat Whistle

Bellows Operated by Hand for Blowing a Whistle on a Power Boat

Anyone with a power boat can construct a blower for the whistle
very cheaply. The whistle is attached to a suitable length of pipe,
threaded on each end. The blower is made of two white-pine boards,
1 in. thick, cut as shown at A; a thin piece of leather is cut like the
pattern B, to form the bellows part, and after it is shaped, the edges
of the boards are glued and the leather placed in position, where it is
fastened with tacks driven in about 1 in. apart. The bellows are
fastened to the under side of a seat with screws, and a tension
spring is attached to the bottom of the bellows and the floor of the
boat. A cord is fastened to the lower board of the bellows and run up
through to the cabin roof over suitable pulleys to a handle within
convenient reach of the operator.—Contributed by John I. Somers,
Pleasantville, N. J.
Filling In Broken Places on Enamel
Ordinary putty will not do to fill in cracks or broken spots on an
enameled surface, such as a clockface. Fine sealing wax is much
better, as it hardens at once, takes color without absorbing the oil,
and does not shrink like putty. Use a wax of the proper color to
match the surface as closely as possible. Fit it in and smooth with a
warm, flexible piece of metal, such as a palette knife. Give it one or
two coats of thin color to exactly match the other surface, and
varnish. If the article has not a high polish, the gloss of the varnish
can be cut a little with pumice stone.
A Twisting Thriller Merry-Go-Round

right up; three twisting thrillers for a penny—a tenth of a
was the familiar invitation which attracted customers to
the delights of a homemade merry-go-round of novel design. The
patrons were not disappointed, but came back for more. The power
for the whirling thriller is produced by the heavy, twisted rope,
suspended from the limb of a tree, or other suitable support. The
rope is cranked up by means of the notched disk A, grasped at the
handle B, the car being lifted off. The thriller is stopped when the
brakeplate I rests on the weighted box L.
The Supporting Ropes are Wound Up at the Disk A, the Car is Hooked into
Place, and the Passengers Take Their Seats for a Thrilling Ride, Until the
Brakeplate I Rests on the Box

Manila rope, ³⁄₄ in. or more in diameter, is used for the support,
and is rigged with a spreader, about 2 ft. long, at the top, as shown.
The disk is built up of wood, as detailed, and notches, C, provided
for the ropes. The rope is wound up and the car is suspended from it
by the hook, which should be strong, and deep enough so that it
cannot slip out, as indicated at H.
The car is made of a section of 2 by 4-in stuff, D, 10 ft. long, to
which braces, E, of 1 by 4-in. stuff are fastened with nails or screws.
The upper ends of the pieces E are blocked up with the centerpiece
F, nailed securely, and the wire link G is fastened through the joint.
The seats J are suspended at the ends of the 2 by 4-in. bar, with
their inner ends lower, as shown, to give a better seating when the
thriller is in action. The seats are supported by rope or strap-iron
brackets, K, set 15 in. apart. The box should be high enough so that
the seats do not strike the ground.

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