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Nigerian J. Anim. Sci.

2018, 20 (4): 384-391

A comparative study of feeding three sources of yeast on performance of

broiler chicks
Daramola, S.T 1; Bawa, G.S 1 and Omage, J.J 2
Department of Animal Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.

Corresponding Author: ;

Target audience: Poultry farmers, Extension workers and Researchers.

Proximate analysis and biological studies were conducted to evaluate the performance of broiler chickens
fed diets containing three sources of yeast. Brewer`s yeast slurry, local alcoholic yeast (BKT) and Bakers’
yeast were assayed for their proximate composition, metabolizable energy, calcium and phosphorus
contents. Generally, the proximate composition of Dried brewer`s yeast slurry was similar to that of
baker`s yeast but was slightly higher (P< 0.05) than local alcoholic yeast (BKT). Baker`s yeast contained
more calcium and phosphorus (3.42 % and 4.34 %) than dried brewer`s yeast slurry (0.16% and 1.24%)
and Burukutu yeast (0.08 % and 0.26 %). In the starter phase, a total of one hundred and ninety two – day
old broiler chicks were used to compare the nutritive value of dried brewer`s yeast slurry , Burukutu (BKT)
yeast and Baker`s yeast in a complete randomized design. The birds were fed 23 % CP diets in which yeast
products were fixed at 0.8 %, while the control diet contained 0 % yeast which was fed throughout the 28
day’s experimental period. The growth trial showed no significant (P>0.05) difference across the dietary
treatments in terms of final weight, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and the cost
per Kg gain. It was concluded that in view of the high protein and fairly balanced amino acid profile of
yeast products, yeast can be used as a growth promoter in broiler chickens diets.

Keywords: Dried brewer`s yeast slurry, Baking yeast, local alcoholic yeast (Burukutu yeast),
performance, broiler chicks.

Description of Problem public concern over the development and

Feed additives such as antibiotics, spread of antibiotic resistance and its residual
probiotics, prebiotics and coccidiostats are effects in poultry products has led to
being used in the poultry industry for different alternative additives in chicken diets (3). In
purposes to improve performance, maintain recent years, the use of yeast products in
health in poultry and decrease mortality rate poultry industry has effectively increased
(1, 2). Constraints on the use of antibiotics weight gain and feed to gain ratio (4, 5).
globally, would require an alternative to Probiotics such as yeast are natural growth
antibiotics for improved growth performance boosters that can replace antibiotics in non-
in broilers. These alternatives will need to nutritive uses in poultry production and boost
meet consumers demand as natural products immunity (6).
and maintain high standards of health The yeast cell wall is a rich source of
expected in poultry meat and eggs. Increased complex carbohydrates (46% glucan and 43%
Daramola et al

mannan) that could play an important role in Zone of Nigeria, Latitude 110 120 N and
gut micro flora, improved immunity and meat Longitude 70 33`E at an altitude of 610m
quality (7). (8) indicated that the use of above sea level (16). The zone has average
mannan oligosaccharide, derived from the annual maximum and minimum temperatures
Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell walls in broiler of 31.8 ± 3.2◦C and 18.0 ± 3.7◦C, respectively.
chicken diet reduced colonization by The monthly average rainfall during the rainy
enteropathogenic bacteria. season (May–October) is 148 ± 68.4mm
Several feeding trials reported by (9) and (69.2–231.9mm), while the monthly relative
(10) have indicated that supplementation of humidity is 71.1 ± 9.7% (17).
0.3-0.5% yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in
broiler starter and finisher diets was effective Chemical analysis
in improving growth and feed efficiency. In The proximate composition of the
another research 0.6-0.9 brewer`s yeast was Brewer’s yeast Slurry, Baker’s yeast and
more effective in broiler diets (11, 12 and 13). Burukutu yeast were determined at the
In another experiment, when 0.5 and 1% yeast Biochemical Laboratory, Department of
was added in the finishing diet, average daily Animal Science, Ahmadu Bello University
gain and conversion index were better (12). On Zaria. The analyses for each sample were done
the contrary (14) reported improved in triplicates. The Dry Matter (DM) content
performance of broiler chickens fed 1.5% level was determined by the macro Kjeldahl method
of inclusion of brewer`s yeast (Sacchromyces of A.O.A.C (18) and Crude protein (CP)
cerevisiae) in the diet. According to reports by calculated as N x 6.25. The Ash content was
(15) when varying levels of brewer’s yeast determined as the residue remaining after
slurry ranging from 0-1.0 % birds fed 0.8% incinerating the sample at 600 0C for 3 hours in
had the optimum level of growth performance. a muffle furnace. The A.O.A.C (18) methods
In addition to the use of Brewer’s yeast, there were employed for the Ether Extract (EE) and
are other yeast sources such as Baker’s yeast crude fiber determinations. The mineral profile
and local beer (Burukutu) yeast whose were determined using 0.5g wet digested
potentials in poultry diets are yet to be samples of the Brewer’s yeast Slurry,
exploited. Burukutu yeast and baking yeast as described
Therefore the objective of this study was by A.O.A.C (16). Calcium was determined
to determine the effects of feeding dried using the Perkin – Elmer (model 403) Atomic
brewer`s yeast slurry, baking yeast and local Absorption spectrophotometer (AAS).
alcoholic yeast (Burukutu yeast - BKT) on the Phosphorus was estimated by the automated
growth performance of broiler chicks based on procedure which utilizes the reactions between
the optimum level of performance obtained phosphorus and molybdovanadate complex
from an earlier research conducted. which was measured calorimetrically at 450nm
using Technicon Auto – analyzer (19). The
Materials and Methods metabolizable energy (ME) of the three yeasts
Experimental Site samples were estimated using the formula.
The study was conducted in 2010 at the ME = 34.06 % CP x 40.82x % EE x 26.91 x %
Poultry Unit of the Department of Animal NFE as developed by (20).
Science Teaching and Research Farm,
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna Experimental diet
State, within the Northern Guinea Savannah Four experimental diets were formulated
such that Diet 1, was the control without yeast,
Daramola et al

while diets 2, 3 and 4 had 0.8 % dried brewer’s and the left – over on the following day were
yeast slurry, 0.8 % baking yeast and 0.8 % weighed to determine the feed intake of birds.
Burukutu yeast, respectively. The diets were The birds were weighed at the beginning of the
Iso caloric and Iso nitrogenous (23 % CP) and experiment and weekly thereafter. All the
were balanced to meet the protein and energy necessary vaccinations (intra ocular Lasota and
requirements of young broiler chicks. Gumboro vaccines) were administered at the
Ingredients composition of the diets is appropriate time. Weight gain, feed intake,
presented in Table 1. feed conversion ratio, cost per gain were
A total of one hundred and ninety two calculated. The trial lasted for 28 days (4
(192) day- old broiler chicks of Marshall Strain weeks).
were used in a completely randomized design
and were allotted to four groups treatment. Statistical Analysis
There were 48 birds per treatment and each Data generated from the study were
treatment was replicated three times with 16 subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA)
birds per replicate in a completely randomized using the general linear model procedure of
design. The birds were kept in a compartment statistical analysis (21) package and the
measuring 2m x 3m. Electricity and kerosene difference between means were separated
stoves were used as main sources of heat for using the Duncan Multiple Range Test (22).
the chicks at the brooding phase. Feed and All statistical procedures were used as outlined
water were provided ad libitum. Feed offered by (23).

Daramola et al

Table 1: Composition of Experimental diets with different types of yeast Products for
broiler starter phase

Ingredients (%) T1 (Control) T2 (Dried BYS) T3 (Baking yeast) T4 (Burukutu yeast)

Maize 36.51 36.28 36.49 36.42
Guinea corn 18.25 18.14 18.24 18.21
Soya bean (Full fat) 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
Groundnut cake 25.79 25.33 25.02 25.12
Yeast type 0.00 0.80 0.80 0.80
Bone meal 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Limestone 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Premix * 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Methionine +Cysteine 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Lysine 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Salt 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Total % 100 100 100 100
Calculated Analysis
Metabolizable Energy ME (kcal/kg) 2955 2956 2960 2933
Crude Protein (%) 23.34 23.21 23.30 23.04
Crude Fibre (%) 3.21 3.18 3.17 3.17
Lysine (%) 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.23
Methionine +Cysteine (%) 0.77 0.76 0.77 0.76
Ether Extract (%) 4.76 4.73 4.85 4.71
Calcium (%) 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32
Available Phosphorus (%) 0.59 0.62 0.64 0.59
Cost/kg of diet (N) 60.92 63.69 66.06 64.38
* Biomix broiler starter premix supplied the following per kg diet: Vit A, 1,000 I.U; Vit D3, 2000 I.U, Vit. E, 5.0; Vit
K, 2mg;VitB1 1.8mg;
Vit B2, 5.5mg; Niacin, 27.5mg; Pantothenic acid, 0.5mg VitB6, 0.30mg; Vit B12, 0.015mg; Folic acid, 0.75mg; Biotin
0.6mg; Choline Chloride,3000mg;
Copper, 3mg; Iodine, 1mg; Iron ,20 mg; Manganese, 40mg; Selenium,0.2mg; Zinc,30mg; Antioxidant, 1.25mg, ME=
Metabolizable Energy.

Results and discussion (3.42%) and phosphorus (4.34%) percentage

The results of the proximate composition than brewer`s yeast and local alcoholic yeast.
and amino acid profile of the ^yeast samples The nitrogen free extract for Burukutu yeast
are presented in Table 2. Dried brewer`s yeast (58.57) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher
slurry contained significantly (P< 0.05) higher than that of brewer`s yeast slurry (36.92 %)
dry matter (96.31%), crude protein (44.13), and baker`s yeast (38.80 %) .
crude fibre (0.65%) and ash content percentage Dry brewer`s yeast slurry contained
(11.11%) compared to baker`s yeast and local significantly (P < 0.05) higher dry matter
alcoholic yeast (Burukutu yeast). (96.31 %),crude protein (44.13%), crude fibre
Baker’s yeast had a significantly (P < (0.65 %) and ash (11.11 %) but decreased
0.05) higher ether extract (8.77%), calcium Ether extract (7.21 %) and Nitrogen free
Daramola et al

extract (36.90%) compared to baker`s yeast yeast slurry obtained in this study (0.65 %)
and local alcoholic yeast (Burukutu yeast). were lower than the values (2.7 %) reported by
The average crude protein content of the (13). The calcium and phosphorus content of
different sources of yeast had values ranging dried brewer`s yeast slurry were 0.16 % and
from (38.69 - 44.13) which was similar to the 1.24 % respectively which were significantly
reports of (13) and (24) these values were (P < 0.05) lower than the value obtained for
higher than 38 % CP for full fat soyabean as baking yeast (3.42 % and 4.34%) respectively.
reported by (2) which is a conventional protein The values obtained in this study were
feed ingredient. The average crude fibre value comparable to the findings of (14) they
for the different yeast products such as dried reported the calcium and phosphorus values of
brewer`s yeast slurry (0.65 %), baker`s yeast (0 yeast supplements (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
%) and local alcoholic yeast (Burukutu yeast) as (0.12 % and 1.4 %) respectively.
(0 %).The result showed that brewer`s yeast The performance of broiler chicks fed
slurry had a low value in terms of crude fibre. different sources of Yeast (Saccharomyces
The percent crude fibre value of Brewer`s spp) is presented in Table 3 and Figure 1.

Table 2: Proximate composition of dried brewer`s yeast slurry, Baking yeast and Burukutu
(On as fed basis)
Yeast type
Parameters (%) BYS Baking Yeast BKT Yeast SEM
Dry matter 96.31a 94.07b 92.88c 0.580
Crude protein 44.13 a 43.77 b 38.69 c 0.003
Crude Fibre 0.65a 0.00b 0.00b 0.002
Ether Extract 7.21b 8.77a 0.89c 0.004
Ash 11.11 a 8.66 b 1.85 c 0.004
NFE 36.90c 38.80b 58.57a 0.012
Calcium 0.16 b 3.42 a 0.08 c 0.147
Phosphorus 1.24b 4.34a 0.26c 0.163
= Means with different superscripts in the same row are significantly (P< 0.05) different
SEM = Standard error of means
LOS = level of significance
NFE = Nitrogen Free Extract
BYS= Brewer`s Yeast Slurry
BKT= Burukutu Yeast (local alcoholic yeast)

Daramola et al

Table 3: Performance of Broilers fed different sources of yeast and the control diet at the
starter phase (0 – 4 Weeks)
Dietary treatments
Parameters T1(Control) T2 (BYS) T3 (Baker`s yeast) T4(BKT) SEM

Initial weight (g/bird/day) 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 0

Final weight (g/bird/ day) 544.37 564.63 556.30 544.97 24.89
Daily feed intake (g/bird/day) 38.90 39.66 39.44 38.77 1.59
Daily weight gain (g/bird/day) 18.10 18.82 18.53 18.12 0.89
Feed conversion ratio 2.15 2.11 2.14 2.14 0.05
Protein efficiency ratio 2.02 2.06 2.04 2.03 0.05
Mortality % 14.58a 0.00b 0.00b 4.17b 3.46
Cost/kg/gain (N) 133.72 134.17 141.15 137.99 3.50
. =Means with different superscripts in the same row are significantly (P<0.05) different.
SEM = standard Error of Means.

Daramola et al

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