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Renewable Energy in Copper Production - A Review

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Renewable energy in copper production: a review on systems design and

methodological approaches
Simón Moreno-Leivaa,b*, Jannik Haasa, Tobias Junnec, Felipe Valenciad, Hélène Godinb, Willy
Krachte,f, Wolfgang Nowaka, Ludger Eltropb
*Corresponding author:

a) Department of Stochastic Simulation and Safety Research for Hydrosystems (IWS/SC SimTech), University of Stuttgart,
Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
b) Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use (IER), University of Stuttgart, Heßbrühlstraße 49A, 70565
Stuttgart, Germany
c) Department of Energy Systems Analysis, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics, German Aerospace Center (DLR),
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
d) Energy Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Chile, Tupper 2007, Santiago, Chile
e) Department of Mining Engineering, University of Chile, Beauchef 850, Santiago, Chile
f) Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), University of Chile, Tupper 2007, Santiago, Chile

Renewable energy systems are now accepted to be mandatory for climate change mitigation. These
systems require a higher material supply than conventional ones. Particularly, they require more
copper. The production of this metal, however, is intensive in energy consumption and emissions.
Therefore, renewable energy systems must be used to improve the environmental performance of
copper production.
We cover the current state of research and develop recommendations for the design of renewable
energy systems for copper production. To complement our analysis, we also consider studies from
other industries and regional energy systems.
We provide six recommendations for future modeling: (a) current energy demand models for copper
production are overly simplistic and need to be enhanced for planning with high levels of renewable
technologies; (b) multi-vector systems (electricity, heat, and fuels) need to be explicitly modeled to
capture the readily available flexibility of the system; (c) copper production is done in arid regions,
where water supply is energy-intensive, then, water management should be integrated in the overall
design of the energy system; (d) there is operational flexibility in existing copper plants, which needs
to be better understood and assessed; (e) the design of future copper mines should adapt to the
dynamics of available renewable energy sources; and (f) life cycle impacts of the components of the
system need to be explicitly minimized in the optimization models.
Researchers and decision-makers from the copper and energy sector will benefit from this
comprehensive review and these recommendations. We hope it will accelerate the deployment of
renewables, particularly in the copper industry.
Keywords: Renewables in mining; copper production; renewable energy systems; energy systems
design; optimization

1. Introduction
The use of renewable energy (RE) in the copper industry is not new. For example, there are power
purchase agreements (energy contracts) for renewable electricity supply (e.g. wind power for the Los
Pelambres copper mine in Chile (Choi and Song, 2017)). Solar heat plants are also in use, such as the
Pampa Elvira Solar flat plate collector plant which supplies low-temperature heat for a Codelco’s
operation (Díaz-Ferrán et al., 2015). In spite of proven technical feasibility, the overall penetration of
renewables in the copper sector remains low. For instance, the energy requirements for transport and
heat are usually covered by fossil fuels and electricity generation is mostly based on conventional
technologies. For example, in Chile (the world’s leading copper producer), half of the energy
consumed in the sector comes directly from fossil fuels (COCHILCO, 2018). The other half is
electricity, half of which is produced with fossil fuels (CNE, 2019).
As the costs of renewable energy technologies continue to decrease, they gradually outperform
conventional technologies. For example, Lazard (2018) reports that the lower end of the levelized
costs of electricity of photovoltaics (PV) and wind are down to 40 and 30 USD/MWh, while coal
power sits at 60 USD/MWh. Moreover, the latest tenders reveal bid prices even lower than 20
USD/MWh for PV (Willuhn, 2019). In a comprehensive review, Brown et al. (2018) underline that
fully RE-based systems are not only technically feasible but also economically viable.
The relationship between copper and renewables is complementary. On the one hand, copper is
needed for renewable energy systems. On the other, renewables can improve the environmental
performance of the copper industry. For this reason, it is relevant and timely to look at the link
between copper and RE, as well as to elucidate the road to their optimal integration. Sections 1.1 and
1.2 offer further insights into this relationship.

1.1. More copper will be needed for future energy systems

Fully renewable energy systems are required to mitigate climate change (Ram et al., 2019; Teske,
2019; IEA, 2018) and the copper industry would play a role in the transition to such systems. As RE
technologies require more copper than conventional ones (as copper use per unit of energy produced)
(Kleijn et al., 2011), transitioning towards highly renewable energy systems is a driver for copper
demand (Schipper et al., 2018). Figure 1 shows the copper demand for selected technologies. More
copper is required to produce electricity from PV and wind. In addition to RE generation technologies,
transmission reinforcement (required to balance variable generation) and the deployment of electric
mobility would also drive copper demand. Hertwich et al. (2015) dismiss the possibility of a resource
constraint on copper, estimating the use of copper for building 2050’s world energy system at twice
the current annual production. Nevertheless, with the depletion of copper deposits, the specific energy
required for extraction increases. As a consequence, the energy return on investment of, for example,
a wind turbine in the year 2050 would decrease by 15% as compared to 2012 (Harmsen et al., 2013).
Without a transition to renewable energy sources, greenhouse gas emissions will increase too.

Hard coal
Natural gas
Wind (off-shore)
Wind (on-shore)
0 0,1 0,2
Copper demand [g (kWh)-1]

Figure 1: Copper demand for different generation technologies1

1.2. Renewable energy systems can improve the footprint of copper

Copper has an ecological footprint that is relevant to the technologies that will form the future energy
system. To assess the impacts, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methods are usually employed. In LCA,
all emissions at every stage of the life cycle of a product or process (including energy and materials
supplies) and the resulting impacts on the environment are tallied. This allows for identification of
the main impacts, relevant stages, and potential trade-offs when implementing changes. For example,
Martínez et al. (2009) showed that copper is a relevant source of impact in wind turbine nacelle
construction, where it is used in the generator and transformer. Nacelles, in turn, account for around
30% of the terrestrial ecotoxicity, petrochemical oxidation, and acidification along with over 40% of
human toxicity associated with the life cycle impacts of wind turbines. In a review of LCA studies on
different types of electric cars, Nordelöf et al. (2014) argue that copper supply is an important cause
of human toxicity potential. The authors point out that reducing the use of coal in the energy supply
of mining would reduce the impact of battery electric vehicles. Alvarado et al. (2002) highlight that,
in copper production, the main energy-related impact is the emission of greenhouse gases. Looking
at ore grade decline, Castro-Molinare et al. (2014) argue that solar electricity would be the most
effective (on-grid) alternative (as compared to wind and natural gas) to compensate for the
corresponding increased Global Warming Potential (GWP). In a previous study, we estimated that,
by replacing the total electricity demand of copper with solar power, GWP can be reduced by at least
60% and 75% for pyro- and hydrometallurgical copper production in Chile (Moreno-Leiva et al.,
2017). Other forms of energy would need to be addressed to achieve further reductions.
Finally, the water consumption of copper production can be a major environmental burden, especially
in countries that concentrate major copper reserves and where water is scarce (Northey et al., 2017).
This means that the mines either compete with other local users for a (very) scarce resource or use
seawater (crude or desalinated). The last option translates to an energy supply issue (Ihle and Kracht,
2018), which could be tackled with RE.
The use of renewables can thus be a means to lower the energy-related environmental footprint of
copper production processes.

1.3. The impact of copper comes not only from energy

Copper production has other environmental impacts that are not related to energy. Although these
issues are outside the scope of this study, they are summarized here for the sake of completeness.
This should avoid giving the impression that RE technologies could solve all environmental problems
in copper production.

As reported in the Ecoinvent database version 3 (Wernet et al., 2016) and retrieved through Gabi
LCA software. The reference capacities of PV and wind technologies are 0.6 MWp and 1-3 MW.
Germany is the reference for the inventories.

Several studies have used LCA to analyze the overall impacts of copper production (Castro-Molinare
et al., 2014; Memary et al., 2012; Norgate et al., 2007). Non-energy-related environmental issues are:
depletion of the metal, emission of heavy metals and sulfur dioxide to the air at smelters, emission of
heavy metals and phosphorous to freshwater, and the land use of tailings storage facilities. Tailings
management is an old concern that persists. Castilla and Nealler (1978) analyze the effects of copper
mine tailings discharges in the coastal ecosystems of Chañaral in Northern Chile. They dived in an
active landfill and found a reduction in light transmittance while simultaneously increasing the
mortality of marine species compared to an unpolluted nearby site. Recently, Beylot and Villeneuve
(2017) conducted an LCA to measure the environmental impact of tailings from copper production.
They compared the impact of this part of the process to those of the rest of the operations. They
concluded that when analyzing longer periods (tens of thousands of years) toxicity-related impacts
arising from tailings management are higher than those of the stages in the main value chain of copper
production. Moreover, risk of landslides exists when deploying tailings dams. These studies highlight
that GWP is only one among many indicators needed to describe the environmental impact of copper

1.4. Research questions and contribution

The design of renewable energy systems for copper production is incipient and its systematic analysis
can enhance the results in the field. The scientific literature is diverse and ranges from the evaluation
of specific technologies to a few comprehensive system analyses. This study provides a
comprehensive overview of the state of research on renewable energy systems for copper production
and a number of recommendations for improving the design of these systems. Researchers and
decision-makers in the energy sector and copper industry will benefit from this systematic review,
which includes lessons learned from other fields where renewable energy systems are being deployed.
Our recommendations serve as a guide for the design of the energy supply of existing and future
copper production processes. This will, in turn, improve the environmental footprint of renewable
technologies that require copper for their construction.

2. Methods and structure

This review is based on scientific literature published in peer-reviewed scientific journals,
complemented with technical reports and official statistics when required.
The analysis is divided into the steps shown in Figure 2. Section 3.1 clarifies how copper is produced,
the amount and type of energy required, how this demand is currently supplied and which factors
influence energy consumption. Section 3.2 describes the current state of research on RE systems for
copper production supplemented by a classification framework for the methods used in the studies.
For a more comprehensive analysis, we consider studies that explicitly analyze the use of RE in
copper production and studies that use copper production as a case study. Section 3.3 refers to the
literature on renewable energy systems for other applications and sectors, aiming at finding lessons
for copper production. Finally, in section 4, we present our recommendations for future research in
the field.

Section 3.1 Section 3.2 Section 3.3

Energy RE systems RE systems

demand for Cu for other
description production applications

Recommendations for the design of RE systems for Copper


Section 4

Figure 2: Structure of the analysis.

3. Design of renewable energy systems for copper production

3.1. Energy demand in copper production
To obtain the 24 million tons of refined copper produced worldwide (International Copper Study
Group (ICSG), 2018), there are two main processing routes (see Figure 3): pyro- and
hydrometallurgy. These account for 67% and 16% of world production. The remaining 17%
corresponds to secondary recycled production (International Copper Study Group (ICSG), 2015),
which requires 85% less energy (International Copper Association - Copper Alliance, 2014). In the
following, we briefly describe the first two –more energy-intensive– processes with a focus on energy
The description of the processes relies mostly on Schlesinger et al. (2011) and the figures on data
from a comprehensive annual industry survey conducted by the Chilean Copper Commission
(Cochilco, 2018). Figure 4 shows energy consumption in copper production as reported in that survey.
Because of greater copper demand and lower quality mineral resources, the total energy required to
supply the copper that humanity consumes is expected to increase in the future. Elshkaki et al. (2016)
project the energy demand for copper production to grow from around 150 and 100 to 200 and 160
GJ per ton of copper in 2050, for hydro- and pyro-metallurgical processes. The authors highlight that
this would equal an impressive 2.4% of global annual energy demand.

Hydrometallurgical route

Comminution Leaching

Pyrometallurgical route

Smelting winning


refining and


Figure 3: Simplified overview of copper production processes. Based on Schlesinger et al. (2011).

Both processing routes (hydro- and pyrometallurgy) begin by mining the mineral from the ground.
Usually, ores with a lower (around 0.5%) grade are mined in open-pit operations, while deposits
with higher ore grades (around 1-2%) are accessed by underground mining. Open-pit mines
dominate copper production (Schlesinger et al., 2011). The blasted rock is typically loaded and hauled
by large trucks that run onboard diesel generators to power the electric motors that move the vehicle.
One example is the Komatsu 930E truck, which is widely used in industry and whose engine has a
gross power of 2.6 MW (Komatsu, 2009).
After transport, pyrometallurgical processes are usually used if sulfur and iron are present in the ore.
For copper oxide ores, hydrometallurgical methods are used (Schlesinger et al., 2011). Both
processing routes are described in the next two sub-sections.

Figure 4: Energy flows in copper production in GJ per ton of copper. Left: Pyrometallurgical copper production. Right:
Hydrometallurgical copper production. *Aggregates leaching, solvent extraction, and electro-winning. 2017 averages for
the Chilean industry (Data from COCHILCO (2018). Mining is represented with the weighted average of open-pit and
underground operations, and no distinction is made between (first-stage) mining for hydro- and pyro-metallurgy.

3.1.1. The energy demand of pyrometallurgical methods

Pyrometallurgical copper production starts with fine milling (comminution) of the mineral. Standard
equipment includes semi-autogenous mills, ball mills, and cyclonic separators. The milled mineral is
then concentrated to around 30% of copper content in the froth flotation process. In this operation,
the milled mineral is transferred into bubbled water tanks that collect copper-rich particles in the foam
formed at the surface. This operation is called froth flotation and its main product is copper
concentrate. This stage is intensive in the use of electricity (for the operation of the mills) and water
(which may result in further electricity demand for water transport and/or desalination).
High-temperature processes are used to recover the copper from the concentrate by means of density
differences. The concentrate is first smelted in the smelting operation (1,250°C) to produce copper
matte (molten phase rich in copper) and slag (oxidized impurities). This operation uses fuels to
achieve the required temperature. The matte is then oxidized to 99% pure copper in the
transformation process (1,200°C) by injecting oxygen-enriched air. The converting operation is
auto-thermal, meaning that the chemical reactions provide enough heat to maintain the required
operating temperature. Electricity is required for the oxygen supply.
Electro-refining follows, refining the copper anodes cast in a previous stage (99% pure) through
dissolution in an aqueous electrochemical reaction, where the copper ions plate on a 99.99% pure

copper cathode. Electricity is required to drive the reaction and heat is needed to maintain the
operating temperature of 60-65°C (Chen and Dutrizac, 1990).

3.1.2. The energy demand of hydrometallurgical methods

The hydrometallurgical processing does not require milling the rocks down to sizes as fine as in the
pyrometallurgical route. Instead, the crushed ore is disposed in heaps that are continuously irrigated
with an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid, leaching the copper from the rock to the solution.
This solution is concentrated in the solvent extraction operation, where copper is transferred from
the aqueous solution to an organic phase and then back to a more concentrated aqueous solution. Up
to this point, energy is required for transporting solutions and minerals, and for comminution.
Copper is recovered from the concentrated solution through electro-winning. In this process, copper
ions are plated on a 99.99% pure cathode. This process operates at 45-50°C. Electricity is required to
drive this electrochemical reaction and heat is needed to maintain the temperature.

3.1.3. Factors that determine the energy demand for copper production
The main factors that determine the energy consumption in copper production are (1) the process
route (pyro- or hydro-metallurgy); (2) ore grade; (3) mineral hardness and liberation size; (4) mine
age and type (surface or underground); (5) location of the mine and access to water; and (6)
process design and equipment selection. These factors are addressed in the following:
(1) Mineral processing by the pyrometallurgical route (for sulfide ores) or hydrometallurgical route
(for oxide ores) involves different operations and equipment, and results in different energy
requirements, as explained in the previous section.
(2) The unit energy demand (energy per mass of copper produced) increases with lower ore grades
(Norgate and Jahanshahi, 2010). There has been a downward trend in copper ore over the last decade
so that more mineral needs to be processed to extract the same amount of metal. For example, in
Chile, the average concentration plant copper grade was 1.0% in 2008, while in 2017 it was 0.8%
(Cochilco, 2017a). In the same period, the energy demand for concentration increased by around 50%
(Cochilco, 2018).
(3) Grinding is the most energy-intensive process in mineral processing (Wei and Craig, 2009). Rock
hardness and liberation size are especially relevant in comminution processes since harder rocks
require more energy to be milled to the required liberation size (the particle size at which the metal is
exposed enough so that it can be recovered in the concentrate). Both rock hardness and liberation size
usually vary spatially in the mine. This could be seen as providing demand-side flexibility when
considering the integration of solar energy, as shown in Pamparana et al. (2019a, 2019b, 2017a). This
would require miners to be open to modifying both the design and operation of the concentrator. The
latter, in turn, could affect operational paradigms such as maximizing the throughput being the only
operational goal.
(4) Energy consumption also varies between surface and underground mining. For instance, in
Chile, the average energy consumption was 10.2 and 4.3 GJ/t of copper produced at open-pit and
underground mines in 2017 (Cochilco, 2018). While open-pit mining uses almost exclusively fossil
fuels, half of the energy for underground mining is electric. As mines age, trucks must cover longer
distances in the pit, which increases their energy demand (Cochilco, 2017b). The cost of further
deepening the mine will rise until it is no longer economically viable to continue open-pit mining.
Then, the operation has to transition to underground mining, as it is happening with Chuquicamata
and Grasbersg (Fiscor, 2010).

(5) Depending on the mine location, access to water can be an issue. As pointed out by Ihle and
Kracht (2018), the issue of water supply in the use of seawater becomes an energy supply problem,
as water has to be pumped and desalinated from the coast. For the Chilean mining industry, it is
estimated that the electricity demand for seawater desalination and transport will increase a fourfold
over the next decade (Brantes and Cantallopts, 2018). The composition of the minerals, which in turn
depends on the location of the mine, can exacerbate the water problem. For example, when the ore
has relevant amounts of molybdenum, the use of non-desalinated seawater in the flotation process is
discouraged as it undermines its recovery (Ramos et al., 2013). This would add desalination costs (to
the seawater transport costs). The location also plays a role as it determines transport distances.
Altitude, in particular, affects the head for water pumping systems and the efficiency of combustion
(6) But not every factor is exogenous. Process design and equipment selection determine the
quantity and form of energy demand. For example, at the smelter, the choice of equipment determines
how much energy is needed overall and how the proportions of fuel and electricity are distributed.
For instance, if flash smelting, flash converting, and slag flotation are used, 3.5 GJ and 1.5 GJ of
electricity and fuels per ton of copper would be required. If Noranda smelting, Pierce-Smith
converters, and slag flotation are used, 4.4 GJ and 4.1 GJ of electricity and fuels per ton of copper
would be required (Coursol et al., 2015).
To summarize, the energy demand for copper production is distributed between different operations,
and the quantity, form, and dynamics depend on multiple factors, both endo- and exogenous to the
process design. Therefore, representing it as an aggregated consumption or neglecting its thorough
characterization would considerably limit the design and analysis of renewable energy systems.

3.2. Studies on designing renewable energy systems for copper production

In the studies on renewable energy systems for copper production, the approaches vary widely.
Aiming for a well-structured analysis, we first define a classification for these different
methodological approaches and then provide a review of the literature.

3.2.1. Classification of models

Three defining aspects were identified among the approaches to energy system design: 1) the
treatment of demand, 2) the consideration of energy vectors or forms of energy, and 3) the operational
resolution of the copper processes. These aspects will be described in the following. We selected
them as they determine the freedom that the corresponding decision making (optimization problems)
would have.
(1) The energy demand of production processes can either be treated as exogenous to the model,
meaning that it is an input parameter that must be satisfied and cannot be modified (Figure 5-a) or as
endogenous, meaning that the modification of the demand is allowed (Figure 5-b).

Energy system Energy system

Production Production
process process

(a) (b)

Figure 5: Methodological classification for energy system design models depending on how the energy demand of the
productive processes is treated. The dashed lines represent the components of the system where the model can make
decisions. (a) Demand is exogenous (b) Demand is endogenous.

(2) Energy can be considered in three ways: as a single-vector (e.g. only electricity) (Figure 6-a); as
non-exchangeable multi-vectors, i.e. consider more than one form of energy without allowing for
transformations between them (Figure 6-b); or exchangeable multi-vector, i.e. consider more than
one vector and allow for transformations between them (Figure 6-c). The latter gives the most degrees
flexibility in the design.

X city

Production process Production process

(a) (b)


Production process


Figure 6: Methodological classification for energy system design models according to energy vectors. (a) Single-vector
(b) Nonexchangeable multi-vector (c) Exchangeable multi-vector

(3) The aggregation and the scope of the description of the energy demand of the production processes
vary. We observed three options. First, the demand for the entire process is considered as one
aggregated node (full-process aggregated demand, Figure 7-a). Second, a single operation within a
production chain is considered while the rest of the operations are neglected (single-operation, Figure
7-b). Third, the entire process with an operation-sharp resolution is considered (full-process, single-
operation resolution) (Figure 7-c).

Energy system Energy system Energy system

x y z x y z x y z

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7: Methodological classification for energy system design models according to energy demand representation.
(a) full-process aggregated demand, (b) single-operation, (c) full-process, single-operation resolution.

3.2.2. Relevant studies
Eleven studies on the design of renewable systems for copper processes are considered. An overview
of these, based on the aforementioned classification, is presented in Table 1. The discussion is divided
into two parts. First, studies are reviewed and discussed that consider demand as an exogenous
parameter that cannot be changed (studies 1-7). Later, the analysis is performed for the studies that
take into account changes in the energy demand of the processes (studies 8-11).

Treatment Energy Representation of

of demand vectors demand

Study (1a) (1b) (2a) (2b) (2c) (3a) (3b) (3c)

(1) (Castillo et al., 2015) x x x

(2) (Amusat et al., 2015) x x x
(3) (Amusat et al., 2016) x x x
(4) (Amusat et al., 2017) x x x
(5) (Servert et al., 2015) x x x
(6) (Vyhmeister et al., 2017) x x x
(7) (Barrientos et al., 2018) x x x
(8) (Pamparana et al., 2017) x x x
(9) (Pamparana et al., 2019a) x x x
(10) (Cruz-Robles et al., 2018) x x x
(11) (Díaz-Ferrán et al., 2018) x x x
Table 1: Summary of approaches of studies on renewable energy use in copper production, following the above-explained
framework. (1a) Demand-exogenous treatment;(1b) Demand-endogenous treatment;(2a) Single
vector;(2b) Non-exchangeable multi-vector;(2c) Exchangeable multi-vector;(3a) full-process aggregated
demand;(3b) single-operation;(3c) full-process with single operation resolution.

Seven studies with demand-exogenous approaches are identified. (1) Castillo et al. (2015) present a
single-vector, and single-operation energy system design. It is a novel design that supplies a copper
electro-refining plant directly with direct current from a PV plant. Since PV technology generates
direct current and electro-refining requires electricity in this form, the losses and capital costs of
conversion can be avoided. In this case, distributed energy generation avoids not only transmission
losses but also those of (electricity) conversion processes. This study shows by way of example the
relevance of understanding the end-use of energy in production processes so that the full potential of
RE can be exploited.
Next, a series of papers from Amusat’s group is introduced. They deal with the design of an
interchangeable, multi-vector energy system for copper production, using a full-process aggregation
of the energy demand. (2) Amusat et al. (2015) present a method for the minimum capital cost design
of RE systems for continuous processes and apply it to a case study of copper production in Chile.
They consider two RE generation technologies (PV and concentrated solar heat) and three energy
storage technologies (molten salts, pumped hydro, and compressed air) in a set of performance
models. The RE system supplies both electricity and heat (as a constant share of electricity), but it
does not consider fuels demand (e.g. for trucks). The optimal solution defines hourly time profiles for
energy generation, storage, and supply, as well as the sizes for the components. (3) Amusat et al.
(2016) extend the method to consider the uncertainty of RE generation profiles in the design of the
off-grid RE system. They also add a synthetic case study in Canada. The authors propose modified
versions of standard energy systems reliability indexes (expected energy not supplied and energy

index of reliability) to develop a probability-based model that minimizes costs and unsupplied energy.
(4) In Amusat et al. (2017), the authors further extended the method to integrate the optimization of
capital costs and system reliability into one multi-objective optimization problem. They solve this
problem with an evolutionary algorithm and produce the corresponding Pareto fronts.
(5) Servert et al. (2015) analyze the economic feasibility of providing electricity for mining
operations with a CSP plant using a probabilistic model for the energy price. The approach of this
study is single-vector and full-process with aggregated demand. They assessed the feasibility of the
plant considering standard financial contracts (power purchase agreements) within the industry.
Furthermore, they propose economic incentives to improve the competitiveness of CSP. Current
market prices are lower than those considered by the authors. In spite of that, the potential for
technology learning and the effect of sector coupling should still be considered when assessing the
integration of CSP technologies.
(6) Vyhmeister et al. (2017) address the cost-optimal design of a renewable electricity supply
system based on photovoltaics and a novel floating wind-power technology. They design the system
to supply 10% of the electricity demand of the mining industry in Antofagasta, Chile. The approach
is single-vector and full-process aggregated. Despite the authors argument that the electricity costs of
the proposed system (250-270 USD (MWh)-1) are only slightly higher than the average prices in the
region, this alternative is more than double the average costs of current contracts of large clients (80
USD (MWh)-1 (Consejo Minero, 2016)). Such high costs, however, can be explained by conservative
cost assumptions and the use of immature technologies in their study. This fact, however, should not
discourage the implementation of mature renewable energy systems, which are proven to be techno-
economically viable with their cost decreasing every year (Brown et al., 2018) and already
outperforming conventional technologies (as explained in section 1). Moreover, since a 100%
renewable electricity supply is feasible, we see no reason to limit the share of renewables in future
(7) In the last study with an exogenous-demand approach, Barrientos et al., (2018) present an energy
management system (EMS). An EMS is a control system that coordinates the operation of an energy
system under a certain optimality criterion. In this case, the EMS aims at promoting self-consumption
of distributed (local) renewable energy in industrial processes. They apply the method to a wind-
power system for a copper production process. In this study, the goal was to minimize costs and the
energy exports under the assumption that these would not be paid by the national grid operator. We
classify this work as single-vector and full-process aggregated demand. The authors proposed a
stochastic EMS to account for renewables variability. This results in increased imports from the grid
and the use of a local co-generation system, which translates into 15% higher costs over a non-
stochastic EMS. This study shows that control systems have an influence on the economic
performance of distributed energy generation for industrial processes. It should be noted that the
services provided by the co-generation system could also be provided with renewable or storage
We identified four studies with demand-endogenous approaches. (8) Pamparana et al., (2017b)
present the design of an on-grid combined PV and battery energy storage system to supply
electricity for milling. The authors use this system for a semi-autogenous grinding mill and
implement demand-side management (DSM) based on the classification of rocks by hardness. This
approach of this study is single-vector and single-operation. The authors showed that PV can be more
cost-effective when DSM is adopted. (9) In a later study, Pamparana et al., (2019a, 2019b) further
analyze this DSM alternative by soft-coupling the energy system design model with a

geometallurgical model of a mine. The authors analyze the effect of variability and uncertainty of
rock hardness. They also propose a scenario where the mineral is classified into hard and soft
stockpiles to illustrate a realistic implementation of this DSM alternative and they report cost
The previous example is one of many possibilities for shifting loads in mining for energy system
flexibility. However, to the best of our knowledge, a comprehensive inventory of flexibility
alternatives within copper production processes is still missing in the literature. We foresee further
flexibility alternatives in the production of oxygen for smelting, which has a relevant electricity
demand (Coursol and Mackey, 2010) and can be stored in tanks, and in the systems for water
desalination and pumping, among others. All of these alternatives require a proper economic analysis
that compares the cost of their implementation to the value of the flexibility they could provide to
power systems. In power grids, the structure of the market would determine the ways the different
participants of the system can benefit from the implementation of flexibility alternatives.
(10) Cruz-Robles et al. (2018) discuss the use of concentrated solar heat in copper smelting. The
authors propose a central tower solar-thermal plant to supply the heat needs of this operation. They
also consider modifying the energy demand of the process by changing the energy contributions
from fossil fuels, pre-heating, and oxygen injection. They argue that the smelting operation could be
carried out without direct use of fossil fuels and using only pre-heating and oxygen supply. This could
allow for complete electrification. They do not size or design any specific system. Still, this approach
would be demand-endogenous, single-vector, and single-operation. An integrated concept for heat
and electricity supply using concentrated solar technologies is still to be modeled and analyzed, as
well as its combination with other RE technologies. The fact that some smelters already have turbines
to generate electricity using recovered heat could foster the adoption of the concentrated solar power
(CSP). This, since part of the equipment required for a CSP plant, the turbines, is already familiar to
the operation. In addition, the use of microwave or electric arc furnaces could be considered.
(11) In the last study considering modifications in the energy demand, Díaz-Ferrán et al. (2018)
present an application of solar-thermal technologies. They propose using concentrated solar heat to
produce gas from the waste tires of large mining trucks via pyrolysis. They evaluate the GWP of this
alternative and compare it to pulverizing the tires or performing pyrolysis with conventional energy.
Considering waste management as part of the operations involved in copper production, this study
can be classified as demand-endogenous (since different configurations for the process, which would
impact its energy demand, are assessed), non-exchangeable multi-vector (considers electricity and
heat), and single-operation. This study does not size components of an energy supply system but
compares the environmental performance of different technologies.
We observe a completely different approach in the scientific trend aiming at directly extract copper
using solar heat and alternative chemistry, emerging as a third alternative to pyro- and
hydrometallurgical methods. Experimental concepts have been proposed for copper sulfides
(Sturzenegger et al., 2006) and oxides (L’vov, 2000; Murray et al., 1995).
We observe interesting results in the ongoing studies that suggest there is space for smarter
integration of renewables in copper production. Barriers to do this, however, exist. Current models
are not able to capture the complexity of energy demand in copper production. This is required to
assess distributed multi-vector energy systems and energy demand flexibility in the copper
industry. We expect that multi-vector systems and demand flexibility would allow cheaper designs.
The modeling of the energy demand for water supply is untouched in the design of RE systems for
copper supply. We expect this factor to be even more relevant in the future, as seawater use is

increasing (as explained in section 3.1.3) and water reservoirs can be used for energy storage. In the
modeling of energy technologies for copper production, there are mature technologies that still need
to be included (e.g. heat pumps, electric heat, and hydrogen fuel cells). Analysis of these could also
enable cheaper designs. In section 4, we elaborate on the recommendations for the design of RE
systems for copper production, based on the analysis presented in this section and the learnings from
other fields of application that we present in section 3.3.

3.3. Studies on designing renewable energy systems in general

In this section, we explore the scientific advances in designing energy systems for other distributed
systems (section 3.3.1), national or regional grids (section 3.3.2), and the inclusion of environmental
issues (section 3.3.3). We do this with the aim of identifying opportunities and drawing lessons that
assist in designing cleaner energy systems for copper production.

3.3.1. Distributed renewable energy systems

Our examination of the literature on distributed renewable energy systems, with a focus on industrial
applications, revealed two main approaches. Both methods combine different technologies to form
exchangeable multi-vector systems, but they approach the design from different perspectives. On the
one hand, we see approaches for distributed energy systems in the field of power systems
optimization or system expansion models. This translates to cost optimization models (usually mixed-
integer linear programming, MILP) to define the capacities of components in the energy system
(energy generation, transport, and storage technologies) and its operation (energy flows in time). On
the other hand, we see approaches for locally integrated energy sectors, in the field of process
integration. These extend models intended to reduce the overall heat demand of a group of processes
by recovering excess heat. In more general terms, as defined by Klemeš and Kravanja (2013), a family
of methodologies for combining several parts of processes […] for reducing the consumption of
resources or harmful emissions. Therefore, these latter models would require a demand representation
for the full process with a single-operation resolution (see Figure 7).
About distributed energy systems optimization, Mancarella (2014) reviewed the design and
analysis of energy systems that incorporate different forms of energy (multi-vector or multi-energy
systems), with a focus on distributed systems (distributed multi-generation). The author highlights
that multi-vector systems improve the environmental and economic performance, as compared to
supply systems designed for each vector (e.g. electricity, heat, or fuels) independently. This effect is
more relevant in distributed systems. The components of distributed systems are often smaller, and
with only a few units, the outage of one component can threaten reliability. Smaller scales also stress
the effects that non-linear efficiencies could have on the optimal system configuration. With
distributed systems confined in smaller geographic areas, the variations of renewable resources are
harder to smooth out, as compared to larger systems. The local conditions of the energy market (e.g.
fuel prices, on-grid electricity price, etc.) will have further influence on the optimal design and
operation of distributed systems.
In terms of distributed multi-vector systems for industrial processes, Atabay (2017) developed a
MILP model for designing exchangeable multi-vector energy systems for industrial processes at
minimum cost. This model, called ficus, is open-source available online. It allows for dynamic prices,
the import and export of energy from and to the grid, and considers transient behaviors and scale
economies for different components. Ficus was originally applied to case studies for steel, aluminum,
iron, carbon-based products, and car production processes. These case studies showed that the energy
demand profiles of each industry strongly determine the cost-optimal capacities of the components in
the energy system. This stresses the need for a thorough understanding of energy requirements for

the industrial process one wants to analyze (how much energy, when, and for which use). Similarly,
Scheubel et al. (2017) present a MILP model for designing a heat and electricity on-grid distributed
supply system at minimum cost. The model considers combined heat and power, PV, wind, central
heating, electricity, and heat storage technologies. The approach of the study is demand-exogenous,
non-exchangeable multi-vector, and full-process with aggregated demand. Case studies with the
model show considerable savings in the total energy costs as compared to current conventional energy
systems (internal rates of return for the projects of up to 34%, depending on the industry and its energy
demand profiles). These results depend on the characteristics of the market. Such a model could
similarly be useful in evaluating the effects of market conditions and public policies on the optimal
amount of distributed renewable energy generation at industrial sites. In turn, these conclusions
could support planning in the regional and national energy systems where these industries
Buoro et al. (2013) present a multi-objective optimization model for designing distributed energy
supply systems and apply it to a group of industrial processes. This model allows for analyzing trade-
offs between the costs and CO2 emissions of the energy system. The authors considered combined
heat and power, solar heat, and a heat distribution network (as a binary option) to provide electricity
and heat. Following our classification, this approach is demand-exogenous, non-exchangeable multi-
vector, and full-process with aggregated demand. Wang et al., (2017) include the possibility of
implementing energy demand schedules in industrial processes. They implement an optimization
model that includes operational scheduling as a decision variable. Such approaches can be especially
interesting when analyzing how energy markets should be designed (signals and incentives for the
players) to aid in the balancing of systems through industrial energy demand flexibility. This study
is demand-endogenous, non-exchangeable multi-vector (heat and electricity), and full-process with
single operation resolution. The results suggest benefits for both the industrial and power grid
operators from the implementation of such systems. MIND is one more model for the analysis of
energy systems in industrial applications, focusing on the analysis of the management of energy
demand dynamics or the implementation of efficiency measures (Karlsson, 2011). An application of
this method to an iron foundry is presented by Thollander et al. (2009). The authors analyze the
impacts of changing the smelting equipment on the total energy costs of the process, highlighting the
suitability of energy system optimization models for assisting the design of industrial processes.
In terms of the second main approach, locally integrated energy sectors (or, more generally,
process integration), Larsson et al. (2005) adapt the MIND model to analyze process integration for
steel production. They quantify the effects of different modifications to the process operation and
equipment on the energy demand of the process. This type of model requires detailed modeling of
every operation in each process, to identify and assess energy recovery and energy efficiency
measures. This type of model does not focus on identifying optimal mixes for energy generation and
storage, which distinguishes it from optimization models for distributed energy systems. In spite of
this, there are efforts to use process integration-based models to design RE systems (Mohammad
Rozali et al., 2014). These techniques are more than 40 years old (Klemeš and Kravanja, 2013), but
have been evolving continuously. Klemeš et al. (2018) argue that more recent developments (e.g. the
entire field of total site heat integration (Liew et al., 2017)) should be considered to enhance the
performance of processes.
A further degree of complexity is added when considering the very low future costs for PV
electricity generation. We anticipate that it could happen that the configuration that minimizes energy
demand may not be the same as the one that minimizes costs. Shifting load profiles to daylight could
yield cheaper solutions, even when resulting in increased total energy consumption.

There are several fully renewable island energy systems in the world (Jung and Villaran, 2017;
Kirchhoff et al., 2016; Kuang et al., 2016). The operation of these systems is based on control systems
that differ from the current techniques in power systems (Pinceti et al., 2017; Unamuno and Barrena,
2015), where conventional technologies dominate. The main difference is the use of more frequent
real-time measurements to determine the amount of power to be delivered by each generation unit
(dispatch). This is done so that despite the variability of the renewables, the electricity demand is
always satisfied (Li et al., 2017; Nosratabadi et al., 2017). To smooth out this variability,
complementary systems (like water supply) can be coordinated to increase the hosting capacity for
renewables in the energy system (Morvaj et al., 2017; Neves et al., 2018; Yoldaş et al., 2017). The
excess of electric energy is used to fulfill additional demands and/or is transformed into other
energy vectors (e.g., heat). From this perspective, large industrial processes pose an attractive context
for moving towards fully renewable energy systems (Li et al., 2017). Since they are multi-vector
energy systems, the variability of renewables can be smoothed-out by taking advantage of the
synergies between the different individual industrial processes (Arlt et al., 2017; Fang et al., 2018;
Schoonenberg and Farid, 2017). Consequently, going towards a fully renewable energy system for
copper production raises the following question: how the individual operations should be scheduled
to adapt the energy demand to the availability of renewable energy resources. This requires a re-
think of copper production processes.

3.3.2. Renewable energy systems for regional grids

This section examines the design of renewable energy systems at the regional level (states, countries,
or even continents) in order to draw relevant conclusions for designing a fully renewable energy
supply for the copper industry. In recent years, many studies on the planning of large-scale energy
grids have emerged. The majority focuses on integrating high shares of renewable technologies.
Cebulla et al. (2018) analyzed 500 scenarios arising from almost 20 studies to derive the storage
requirements for the U.S. and Europe for increasing shares of renewables. Beyond the explicit
numbers, they underline that, when designing highly renewable systems, attention needs to be paid
to the generation mix and the transmission system. When the penetration of renewables grows greater
than 50% (of annual demand), storage technologies are needed, especially if the grid relies more on
solar than on wind power. This is consistent with the findings from Zerrahn and Schill (2017), who
reviewed 60 studies.
Continuing the analysis of the challenges in renewable systems planning, another recent review is
provided by Haas et al. (2017). They systematize the planning approaches of about 90 journal
publications and derive challenges and trends for large energy grids. The authors recommended
acknowledging technological diversity (including efficiency-, lifetime-, and cost-curves) to
understand better how technologies can complement each other; improve the spatial and temporal
resolution to better capture the variability of renewables; represent the diverse services (beyond
energy balancing) that are needed in the operation of power systems, such as reserve capacity; and
include the different energy sectors, as these can support each other and may have flexibility readily
available. Zerrahn and Schill (2017) also see sector-coupling (like multi-vector systems, but for
large-scale systems) as particularly critical when reaching very high levels of renewables. In addition,
they recommend capturing the full spectrum of flexibility options; besides energy storage and
sector-coupling, this includes demand-side management and transmission reinforcement and
expansion. The interaction of future regional energy systems with the industrial sector, particularly
copper production, would be defined by the flexibility that the energy demand of the industry can

In terms of temporal resolution, the current standard for models is an hourly time-resolution, for
renewable system design on a regional level (Brown et al., 2018). Coarser resolutions would
underestimate the variability of renewable generation and risk under-sizing the storage capacity (Diaz
et al., 2019). In more precise resolutions the resources are quite uncorrelated; in other words, their
variability tends to cancel out, which is why a more refined time resolution does not add much value
in large systems. This stands in contrast to planning the infrastructure for distributed renewable
energy systems, where the area is smaller and the time resolution needs to be higher to achieve
the same effect. For example, for wind turbines, turbines separated by around 10 km would require a
time-resolution of about 5 minutes to exhibit an effect equivalent to that of those separated by 200
km with a time resolution of 1 hour (Ernst, 1999).
Another relevant issue in energy systems modeling is the consideration of uncertainty. One of the
main sources of uncertainty is the future costs of technologies. To project these costs, learning
curves are commonly used, as in Child et al. (2017). When using these curves, one should pay
attention to the effects of cost increases in early commercialization, the phenomena of forgetting, and
economic and socio-political factors (Yeh and Rubin, 2012). An additional source of uncertainty
arises when the planned system has a reliance on fossil fuels, whose prices are extremely hard to
predict. Fortunately, the relevance of this source of uncertainty will decrease for growing shares of
renewables. Uncertainty in energy systems planning can be dealt with methods that differ in
complexity. These range from scenario analysis to Monte Carlo simulation and other stochastic
approaches. The selection of the adequate method depends on the nature of the source of uncertainty
and the goals of the study (Haas et al., 2017).
In summary, three aspects relevant to the energy systems of copper production are identified. First,
distributed generation is more exposed to the variability of the (local) resources and thus the value
of flexibility, in any of the presented forms. Second, grid-connected mines have a bidirectional
relationship with the power system: they can profit from the flexibility of the grid and offer demand
flexibility to the grid. We expect that energy planning tools that consider this alternative will achieve
cheaper solutions. Third, there are several approaches to deal with uncertainty when designing
energy systems, which can be easily applied to copper production.

3.3.3. Environmental impacts in energy systems modeling

This section analyses the integration of environmental impact indicators into the design of energy
systems. All the models listed for the design of copper production systems focus on costs, direct
emission of CO2, and/or use of energy as a further objective to be minimized. In view of the significant
impacts that energy supply has globally on human health, ecosystems and resource availability,
future research should include environmental sustainability in the design of future copper production.
Here we can learn from current studies in energy system analysis, which incorporate LCA-based
indicators into the design of large-scale energy systems. For example, Pehl et al. (2017) show that
pricing indirect CO2 emissions reduces the global electricity production from gas, hydropower, and
bioenergy, and increases the shares of CSP, wind and nuclear energy. Rauner and Budzinski (2017)
consider the whole LCA perspective by including the single-score ReCiPe indicator in the objective
function. They show that environmentally sustainable systems drastically reduce fossil fuel-based
power generation, with a shift towards high shares of wind and PV technologies. Research can present
trade-offs such as those between costs and environmental impacts; it is up to stakeholders to decide
what set of tradeoffs to accept.
Transferring LCA to the modeling of energy systems for copper production seems to be
straightforward. For each technology, an LCA coefficient can simply be considered as model input.

Limitations exist, however, from data availability and the granularity of life cycle inventories. In
addition, assumptions about the technological progress of specific technologies in copper production
(foreground database) and the evolution of the global energy supply are required as inputs for the
LCAs (background database).

4. Recommendations
Drawing from the literature review and analysis from section 3, the following section aims at
identifying specific recommendations for the modeling and design of future RE systems in copper
production. Figure 8 provides an overview of the recommendations and the parts of a generic energy
model that they cover (resources, energy conversion, flexibility, and/or demand).




C Environmental impact F

Figure 8: The recommendations and the component of a generic energy system model that they cover. Each letter
represents a recommendation.

4.1. Recommendation A: Improve energy demand models

In section 3.2.2, we saw that the detail of the energy demand of copper mines in literature is poor,
both for the operations within the production processes and in the characterization of the final forms
of use. In the current paradigm, where dispatchable (mostly fossil) technologies are used, rough
characterizations of energy requirements could suffice. In highly renewable systems, an improved
understanding of the energy demand for copper production processes is crucial for accurate system
design. This means to describe better when, where, in which form, and for which purpose the energy
is needed. Each of these characteristics is explained below.
Description of when means having demand profiles in a high time-resolution. This includes all cycles
involved in the production processes throughout the year (seasonality), as well as the constraints and
flexibilities in their maintenances.
Representation of where the energy is demanded is relevant since the location of the different stages
in the production process determines the energy demand for transport (distances) and heat (ambient
temperatures). Also, altitude impacts pipeline transport and the performance of combustion processes
(given the change in the partial pressure of oxygen). The location also determines the availability of
renewable resources.
Description of the form in which and the purpose for which energy is demanded means the
identification of heat (and temperature), electricity, fuels, and final use requirements. This allows for
the identification of all potential solutions and the selection of the optimal technically feasible designs
for integrated multi-vector systems.

4.2. Recommendation B: Include multiple energy vectors in the analysis

In addition to the overly simplified temporal and spatial treatment of energy demand, the literature
also treats copper production poorly with regard to the energy vector. For example, it is common

practice to limit the analysis to electricity or to identify the primary energy demand of fossil fuels as
an aggregate of the demand for transport and heating processes (which take place at different
temperatures). Basing the energy system design on such data biases the result towards solutions that
simply replace the current energy vectors. Explicitly considering the different energy vectors
(electricity, heat at different temperatures, and fuels, all convertible from one form to another) in the
design of the energy supply system can enable solutions with lower environmental or economic costs,
as explained in section 3.3.1. The point for sector coupling was further supported in section 3.3.2.
From a modeling perspective, this can be addressed by (i) representing the energy demand by the
final use or service it provides, (ii) integrating technologies for energy conversion, and (iii) defining
a node for each form of energy.
A comprehensive range of technologies should be considered to find the optimal solution, as learned
from the literature in section 3.3.2. We also observed (section 3.2.2) that there are mature energy
conversion technologies that have not yet been considered in copper energy modeling (e.g. heat
pumps or electric heat technologies). Broadening the range of technologies could reduce the total

4.3. Recommendation C: Integrate water management in the energy model

As explained in section 3.1.3, water supply results in an energy issue for copper production in arid
regions. In these regions, large quantities of energy are required for water transport (e.g. in Chile, 100
km long and 3000 m high (Haas et al., 2018)) and desalination. The energy demand for desalination
is one and two orders of magnitude greater than those of groundwater and surface water extraction,
respectively (IEA, 2016).
Sizing the water supply system within the energy system optimization model (endogenization) could
enable more economical designs (as pointed out in section 3.3.1.). The option for water dams as
energy storage technology can also be considered. Modelers should consider presenting this dual
nature of the water supply system in a model for optimizing the energy system: (1) as a source of
flexible energy demand for its transport and desalination and (2) as an energy storage alternative. In
large scale systems, this idea has been addressed recently. For example, desalination has been
considered in a study for the renewable energy transition of Europe (Manish et al., 2018). For local
systems, having a detailed water infrastructure co-design is of even greater advantage, given the
higher value of flexibility, as explained in section 3.3.2.

4.4. Recommendation D: Explore demand-side management of current operations

The fluctuations of renewable energy resources need to be balanced through a flexible system. This
can be done by means of transmission expansion, storage, or demand flexibility, as illustrated for
large systems in section 3.3.2. In highly renewable systems, more demand can be allotted in times
when more RE is available. This can occur at different timescales and the profitability of
implementing such measures would strongly depend on the characteristics of the local energy
markets. In any case, from a systems perspective, considering this alternative provides further degrees
of freedom to the optimization model, allowing it to find cheaper solutions, as explained in section
Demand-side management is a very common flexibility option in general energy system design.
However, in section 3.2.2 we observed that in the copper world the only example found was the
management of rock feed to the mills. Undoubtedly, the copper sector has many other potential
sources for operational flexibility, along different time horizons. In the following we list some of the
examples we foresee: (1) The maintenance of plants could provide seasonal flexibility for highly solar
energy systems by scheduling them in winter, thus reducing investment in long-term energy storage;

(2) The smelter could provide short-term flexibility using its thermal inertia; (3) the oxygen
production system at the smelter could provide flexibility by storing oxygen instead of energy; and
(4) the upcoming truck-fleet electrification can implement smart charging strategies for demand-side
management. However, the list of alternatives still needs to be completed and its value, possible
compromises, and the impact on the optimal system design understood.

4.5. Recommendation E: Design future mines and processes to adapt to renewables

availability and consider copper flexibility in energy planning
In the past, when fossil fuels were the cheapest alternative, the energy was available on demand. As
variable renewable technologies emerge as the cheapest alternative, we may benefit by adapting the
production design to the availability of RE sources. Since the magnitude of many structural
investment decisions in the mining industry makes them quasi-irreversible from an economic
perspective, it is key that the options for matching the energy demand with renewable energy
resources are considered in the early stages of project design. This means selecting and sizing
equipment in consideration of the renewable energy variables. For example, when designing a new
smelter, the selection of the smelting furnace will determine the form (electricity or fuels) and the
amount of energy that will be required, as explained in section 3.1.3. In turn, this will affect the
flexibility and costs of the overall energy system.
As seen in section 3.3.2, acting on the demand is not a new idea in large-scale systems. A direct
example would be planning a power system with electric vehicles. The copper industry can also play
a role in regional energy systems by providing additional flexibility to the system. We expect this role
to be particularly relevant in countries where the energy demand of the industry is comparatively
high, as in Chile (30% of national electricity demand (Consejo Minero, 2019)). Consequently, we
should consider the flexibility from the copper industry when planning energy systems for regions
where this industry demands a relevant share of energy. In addition, the potential for energy flexibility
should be considered when planning mining operations.

4.6. Recommendation F: Include environmental impacts in the assessment

As the impacts of energy systems are not limited to greenhouse gases, a wider consideration of
impacts is needed. Moreover, the environmental impacts of copper production go beyond its energy
supply, as anticipated in section 1.3. Despite several studies having assessed individual environmental
impacts of copper production, addressing them thoroughly when designing energy supply systems
for copper has not been observed (as evidenced in section 3.2.2). Such an analysis should consider
life cycle emissions so that tradeoffs can be identified. To this end, life cycle impact indicators can
be integrated into energy systems optimization models as further objectives, as explained in section
3.3.3. Also, if modifications in the process-equipment are considered, its impacts should be
considered. However, this kind of analysis is currently limited by data availability and its granularity
(regions, technologies, and stages of the lifecycle).

5. Conclusions
We performed a comprehensive review of the design of renewable energy systems for copper
production. To identify paths for further improvement, we explored the design of distributed
renewable energy systems for other industrial processes and the design of regional systems.
Based on our review, we draw six recommendations for future research that would enable the design
of more economical clean energy systems for copper production. The recommendations are: (a)
improve energy demand models, (b) consider multiple energy vectors, (c) integrate water supply in
energy system optimization, (d) assess energy flexibility of current production processes, (e) design

future mines for flexible operation and consider copper flexibility in energy systems planning, and
(f) include environmental impacts comprehensively in the design of energy systems for copper
The deployment of renewable energy systems, crucial to climate change mitigation, will demand
more copper. Its production will continue to suffer from declining ore grades and the resulting
increase in energy demand. Intensive use of renewable energy in copper production will help to
mitigate the associated costs and environmental effects. This is happening naturally as renewables
outperform conventional technologies on cost. We expect that designing systems based on our
recommendations enables more cost-effective solutions and speeds up the transition to a 100%
renewable energy supply.
Simón Moreno-Leiva thanks the support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and
the Chilean National Commission of Technology and Science [CONICYT PFCHA/DOCTORADO
BECAS CHILE BILATERAL DAAD/2016 - 62160012]. This work was also supported by the Solar
Energy Research Center SERC-Chile [CONICYT/FONDAP/15110019]; CONICYT
[CONICYT/PIA Project AFB180004]; and the German Research Foundation [DFG-NO 805/11-1].
We further thank Isaac Alexander-Cook for language editing.

6. Nomenclature
COCHILCO Chilean Copper Commission (Comisión Chilena del Cobre)
CSP Concentrated Solar Power
DSM Demand-Side Management
EMS Energy Management System
GWP Global Warming Potential
LCA Life Cycle Assessment
MILP Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
PV Photovoltaics
RE Renewable Energy

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