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Thermodynamic and Technical Issues of Hydrogen and Methane-Hydrogen Mixtures Pipeline Transmission

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Thermodynamic and Technical Issues of Hydrogen
and Methane-Hydrogen Mixtures Pipeline Transmission
Szymon Kuczyński, Mariusz Łaciak, Andrzej Olijnyk, Adam Szurlej and Tomasz Włodek *
AGH University of Science and Technology, Drilling, Oil and Gas Faculty, Krakow PL30059, Poland; (S.K.); (M.Ł.); (A.O.); (A.S.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +48-12-617-3668

Received: 27 December 2018; Accepted: 4 February 2019; Published: 12 February 2019 

Abstract: The use of hydrogen as a non-emission energy carrier is important for the innovative
development of the power-generation industry. Transmission pipelines are the most efficient
and economic method of transporting large quantities of hydrogen in a number of variants.
A comprehensive hydraulic analysis of hydrogen transmission at a mass flow rate of 0.3 to 3.0 kg/s
(volume flow rates from 12,000 Nm3 /h to 120,000 Nm3 /h) was performed. The methodology was
based on flow simulation in a pipeline for assumed boundary conditions as well as modeling of
fluid thermodynamic parameters for pure hydrogen and its mixtures with methane. The assumed
outlet pressure was 24 bar (g). The pipeline diameter and required inlet pressure were calculated
for these parameters. The change in temperature was analyzed as a function of the pipeline length
for a given real heat transfer model; the assumed temperatures were 5 and 25 ◦ C. The impact of
hydrogen on natural gas transmission is another important issue. The performed analysis revealed
that the maximum participation of hydrogen in natural gas should not exceed 15%–20%, or it has a
negative impact on natural gas quality. In the case of a mixture of 85% methane and 15% hydrogen,
the required outlet pressure is 10% lower than for pure methane. The obtained results present
various possibilities of pipeline transmission of hydrogen at large distances. Moreover, the changes
in basic thermodynamic parameters have been presented as a function of pipeline length for the
adopted assumptions.

Keywords: hydrogen; hydrogen pipelines; hydrogen transmission; pipeline transmission; pressure

drop; energy storage

1. Introduction
Recent trends in modern economies are focused on greenhouse gas emissions reduction and
mitigation of climate change effects. Countries around the world have begun to shift their energy
production to renewable energy sources (RES). Energy from renewable sources may help mitigate
emissions from traditional fossil fuel energy generation [1]. Implementation of EU energy policy
requires investment in power technologies based on RES. The dynamics of RES development and
application can be traced to the basis of its installed capacity. According to data from 2016 [2],
the highest increase of installed power was observed for wind farms (i.e., 12,490 MW, or 51% of all new
installed capacity in EU) and solar energy power plants (i.e., 6700 MW, or 27.4% of all new installed
capacity in EU). By 2040, RES-based EU technologies will constitute 80% of new installed power, while
after 2030, wind energy is predicted to become the leading electrical energy source [3]. Wind energy,
with significant growth in the RES share it represents, will cause problems associated with an uneven
generation of electrical energy, resulting from variable atmospheric conditions [4]. Frequently, high
electricity generation is possible during periods of low demand for electrical energy (e.g., days off),
whereas during periods of higher demand (evening peak), production is much lower. Moreover,

Energies 2019, 12, 569; doi:10.3390/en12030569

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the use of renewable energy from solar and wind farms is connected with power transmission system
problems because of the irregularity and instability of energy supply [5,6].
Accordingly, a significant development in energy storage technology is required to increase
application of RES in electrical energy generation sector. Power-to-Gas is an example of such technology.
By using this technology, electrical energy can be converted to gaseous fuel (hydrogen). Hydrogen
as an energy carrier can store the largest quantities of energy and has high energy content per mass
unit [4]. This makes hydrogen technology very advantageous from a technological point of view [7].
Hydrogen has great importance as a promising green energy carrier, but practically does not occur
in nature freely, hence it is not the primary source of energy. Hydrogen is usually generated as a
secondary energy carrier from primary sources such as natural gas or wind energy. Hydrogen will
play an important role in the world energy mix in the future [8].
Requirements regarding the proportion of renewable energy sources in national electricity systems
have been described in Directive 2009/28/EC. The general objective of achieving a 20% content of RES
usage by 2020 in the European Union was included in this statement [7,9]. Most of the power generated
in the field of renewable energy sources was comprised of onshore and offshore wind farms. Therefore,
for the further development of renewable energy usage in the power generation sector, it will be
necessary to make progress in the use of energy storage technologies. The use of hydrogen as an
energy storage technology allows the largest amount of energy storage and is distinguished by having
the highest power output. Thus, this technology is very beneficial in technical terms [10–12]. In the
near future, the natural gas system will be used for transmission of the growing volume of alternative
fuels (e.g., hydrogen and biomethane), which will be added to traditional natural gas mixtures.
Recently, projects and concepts for the construction of energy storage sites in salt caverns have
been the main focus related to the development of renewable energy sources. Hydrogen obtained
during the withdrawal of salt caverns has to be transported to the place of its utilization. Pipeline
transmission of hydrogen and the possibility of hydrogen addition to the natural gas transmission
system are still new solutions requiring further research, and have been confirmed by real applications
in a small number of cases. Specific thermodynamic analysis of methane–hydrogen mixtures is a main
novelty of this research, in particular the use of hydrogen to improve natural gas flow parameters in
the pipeline while maintaining quality requirements.

2. Basics of Hydrogen Transmission

Hydrogen is presented as an effective energy carrier which can be used efficiently with minimum
greenhouse gas emissions in the processes in which it is involved [13]. The use of hydrogen in the
long term for the purpose of balancing energy production with the demand of the electrical energy
market is a real solution to the problem of excessive amounts and shortages of energy on the market.
Hydrogen is used for storing surplus electrical energy. Salt caverns, as an efficient source of hydrogen
storage, provide good conditions for injection and production [14–17]. Salt caverns are located in sites
which have specific geological conditions; therefore, in many cases hydrogen must be transported
across long distances from the storage site. The idea of energy storage in salt caverns with the
use of hydrogen is presented in Figure 1. Over recent years the pipeline transport of hydrogen has
been considered mainly as an integral and significant element of the renewable energy system [18].
On the other hand, the industrial use of hydrogen is widespread, where the production of hydrogen is
closely associated with specific technological processes. Hydrogen is transmitted through pipelines of
various diameters and lengths, depending on the way in which hydrogen will be used. Pipeline
transmission is one of the cheapest methods for transporting large quantities of hydrogen [19,20].
Pipelines for the transmission of hydrogen at long distances exist in a few places worldwide, with a
total length of 4500 km.
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solar farm H2O  H2


Figure 1. Scheme of hydrogen energy storage processes.

Figure 1. Scheme of hydrogen energy storage processes.

Hydrogen is commonly considered a gas similar to methane (i.e., the main component of
Hydrogen is commonly considered a gas similar to methane (i.e., the main component of
natural gas). Therefore, most technological requirements for hydrogen transmission pipelines are
natural gas). Therefore, most technological requirements for hydrogen transmission pipelines are
identical to those of natural gas pipelines, with certain modifications regarding safety,
identical to those ofand
infrastructure, natural gas pipelines,
materials. with certain
These conditions must bemodifications
met before theregarding
transmissionsafety, infrastructure,
of hydrogen is
and materials. These conditions must be met before the transmission of
initiated through a pipeline network. Hydrogen has its specific set of physical and chemicalhydrogen is initiated through
a pipeline network.
properties whichHydrogen
makes thehas its specific
pipeline set of physical
transmission andsignificantly
of this gas chemical properties
different which
from thatmakes
of the
pipeline transmission
natural gas. Due of to this gas significantly
physicochemical different
properties, from thatpipeline
hydrogen of natural gas. Due to
transmission is physicochemical
much more
properties, than natural
hydrogen gas. Even
pipeline compressed
transmission is hydrogen
much more candifficult
only natural
about a third of thecompressed
gas. Even energy
when compared to methane per unit of volume [21].
hydrogen can provide only about a third of the energy when compared to methane per unit of
volume [21].Natural gas transport and distribution networks are very well developed; therefore, the
hydrogen pipeline system is directly compared to the natural gas transmission system [22]. The
Natural gas transport and distribution networks are very well developed; therefore, the hydrogen
natural gas system consists of gas compression stations, pipelines, gas stations and gas storage
pipeline system is directly compared to the natural gas transmission system [22]. The natural gas
facilities, including caverns [23]. The gas compression station provides the energy needed to
system consists
generate gasofflow
gas atcompression
a given rate stations, pipelines,
and pressure. In the gas
of naturaland gas
gas, storage
gas facilities,
networks including
are divided
highThe gas compression
pressure station provides
transmission pipelines and medium the energy needed distribution
or low-pressure to generatepipelines.
gas flowIn atthe
a given
rate and
of hydrogen In the case of natural
transmission, gas, gas networks
the distribution to smaller are divided
receiving into worldwide
centers high pressure transmission
is quite rare,
pipelines and medium
excepting or low-pressure
some locations, distribution
such as the Leuna industrialpipelines.
district inIn the caseIn
Germany. ofmost
hydrogen transmission,
cases, hydrogen
transportation is considered as a transmission from point A to point B, for
the distribution to smaller receiving centers worldwide is quite rare, excepting some locations, a technologically justified
such as
purpose. Selected issues related to hydrogen pipeline transmission have
the Leuna industrial district in Germany. In most cases, hydrogen transportation is considered been presented recently in a as a
number of
transmission papers
from point[24–29].
A to point B, for a technologically justified purpose. Selected issues related to
hydrogen pipeline transmission have been presented recently in a number of papers [24–29].
3. Model Development
3. Model Development
3.1. Basic Assumptions
3.1. Basic The
hydraulic analysis of hydrogen transmission through the pipelines was based on a number
of technological assumptions (e.g., mass flow rate from 0.3 to 3.0 kg/s, which corresponds to volume
flowhydraulic analysis
rate from 12,000 Nmof hydrogen
3/h to 120,000transmission through the pipelines
Nm3/h). The recommended was based
outlet pressure for an on a number of
technological assumptions
technological installation(e.g.,
was mass flowtorate
assumed be from
24 bar0.3 to In
(g). 3.0the
kg/s, which exemplary
presented corresponds to the
case, volume
flow rate from 12,000 Nm 3 /h to 120,000 Nm3 /h). The recommended outlet pressure for an exemplary
medium inlet temperature was set at 5 °C and the ambient temperature was 15 °C. For heat flow
technological installation was assumed to be 24 bar (g). In the presented exemplary case, the medium
inlet temperature was set at 5 ◦ C and the ambient temperature was 15 ◦ C. For heat flow analysis,
the pipeline was located one meter deep. The length of the exemplary pipeline chosen for analysis was
100 km.
Energies 2019, 12, 569 4 of 21

3.2. Hydraulic Friction Factor

The zone of turbulent flow in rough pipes consists of a transient flow zone and developed
roughness zone. In the transient flow zone, the linear friction coefficient (λ) depends on the Reynolds
number (Re) and relative roughness (ε): λ = f (Re, ε). Colebrook and White presented the following
formula for the linear friction coefficient λ in this zone [30]:
1 2.51 ε
√ = −2lg √ + (1)
λ Re · λ 3.71

The Colebrook-White Equation (1) was systematically analyzed from a theoretical and
experimental point of view and, as a result, considered to be the most accurate of all relationships
determining λ coefficient in the transient flow zone. For the zone with a full roughness impact λ = f (ε),
the linear friction coefficient is analyzed with the Prandtl-Nikuradse Equation (2) [31]:

1 ε
√ = −2lg (2)
λ 3.71

Equation (2) was established by Prandtl, based on experiments conducted by Nikuradse on

pipes with artificial sand roughness. The Prandtl–Nikuradse equation could be used on the following
assumed criterion: √
Re · ε · λ ≥ 200 (3)

3.3. Pressure Drop Analysis

The pressure drop in gas pipelines can be determined with one of the hydraulic equations
commonly applied for high pressure gas pipelines (e.g., Renouard equation, Panhandle equation).
In this paper, authors applied the General Flow Equation (4), directly derived from the Bernoulli
equation [32]:
pb Q2
p21 − p22 = 7.569 · 105 · ZTin Ldλ · · n5 (4)
Tb D
where p1 , p2 —pressure at respectively inlet and outlet of pipeline, Z—compressibility factor,
Tin —temperature in pipeline, L—length of pipeline, d—relative density, Qn —volume flow rate,
D—inner diameter.
The difference of levels on a given pipeline section has a significant impact on the flow hydraulics.
In pressure drop equations, the influence of terrain elevation change is accounted for with the use of
an equivalent length of the pipeline Le , which is the pipeline length corrected for the impact of terrain
elevation with respect to the level of initial point of the pipeline or pipeline section [32].

L(exp(s) − 1)
Le = (5)
where s—dimensionless parameter which determines the influence of terrain elevation,
which depends on temperature (T), compressibility factor (Z), relative density (d) and elevation
level difference (∆h).
Dimensionless parameter which describes the terrain elevation impact is defined as:

s = 0.0684d (6)
If a pipeline of length L is divided into a number of sections (i.e., L1 , L2 , L3 , etc.) in which the
terrain level significantly changes, then the parameter j should be introduced in such a way that the
impact of the terrain elevation could be determined for each segment of the pipeline.
Energies 2019, 12, 569 5 of 21

exp(s) − 1
j= (7)
In this case, the pipeline equivalent length Le accounts for the effect of the terrain elevation for
each pipeline section with the dependence:

Le = j1 L1 + j2 L2 exp(s1 ) + j3 L3 exp(s2 ) + . . . (8)

3.4. Temperature Changes along the Pipeline

The temperature change basic model as a function of pipeline length was determined with the

dependence combining the total heat transfer coefficient (U), mass flow rate ( M) and isobaric heat
capacity (Cp) [32]:
TZ( x ) ZLr
dTin U · π · D · dx
= • (9)
Tin − Tout
Tin 0 M · Cp
For a pipeline with length L and diameter D, with the Joule–Thomson effect (µJT ) change of
temperature of the transmitted medium from T1 to T2 can be described with the equation [33]:
− L ·U · π · D M dp − L ·U · π · D
T2 = Tout + ( T1 − Tout ) exp • + π ·U · D µ JT · Cp · dL 1 − exp • (10)
M·Cp M ·Cp

3.5. Heat Transfer Analysis

The basic principles of heat transfer analysis were formulated with heat flow laws based on
conduction (Fourier law), convection (Newton law), and radiation (Stefan–Boltzman law) in association
with the first law of thermodynamics. Conduction and convection are most the most important
parameters for the heat flow transferred to the pipeline. Conduction, described with the Fourier law
(according to cylindrical coordinates) for a pipeline in dynamic conditions, has the following form [34]:
1 ∂ ∂T ∂T
k·r = ρ · Cp (11)
r ∂r ∂r ∂τ

where r—radius, k—thermal conductivity, ρ—density, τ—time, Cp—isobaric heat capacity.

Under static conditions, the right side of Equation (11) equals zero; therefore, the total heat flow
per unit of length of the pipeline between the medium within the pipeline and the environment is

Q = −2πr · L · k (12)
After integration of Equation (12), we have

2πr · L · k · ( Tn − Tn+1 )
Q=   (13)
ln nr+n 1

The most important parameter which determines the ability of a particular cylindrical obstacle to
heat transfer is the heat transfer coefficient (U). Taking into account convection and conductivity effects
for a pipeline with complex parameters, the heat transfer coefficient equals [34,35]

U=       (14)
1 rin rout rin riso rin 2z x rin
αin + kp ln rin + k iso ln rout + k ground ln riso + z x αout
Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 6

Energies 2019, 12, 569 6 of 21

1 rin  rout  rin  riso  r  2z  r (14)
+ transfer  +   + in ln x  + in
In order to determine the α in k p  rin  kiso  rout  k ground  riso  z xα out
heat in the case (Figure 2), the thermal conductivity
coefficient was analyzed for the pipeline wall (kp ), thermal insulation (kiso ), and ground in which
the pipelineIn was
to determine the).heat
(kground Rintransfer
and Rout in the presented
represent thecase (Figure
inner 2),outer
and the thermal conductivity
radius of the pipeline,
coefficient was analyzed for the pipeline wall (kp), thermal insulation (kiso), and ground in which the
respectively. riso is the radius including thermal insulation, and zx is the depth of pipeline deposition
pipeline was buried (kground). Rin and Rout represent the inner and outer radius of the pipeline,
in the ground. Convection effects are described by αin —inner
respectively. riso is the radius including thermal insulation,
coefficient of heat penetration (assumed
and zx is the depth of pipeline deposition
or determined with, Convection
in the ground. for example, the are
effects Dittus–Boelter
described by formula)
αin—inner and αout —outer
coefficient of heatcoefficient
penetrationof heat
penetration defined
(assumed with Equation
or determined with, for(15) for a pipeline
example, seated in
the Dittus–Boelter and αout
the ground
formula) at—outer
a depth zx [35]: of
heat penetration defined with Equation (15) for a pipeline seated in the ground at a depth zx [35]:
2 · k ground
αout = 2 ⋅ k ground
√ (15)
α out =

2z + 4z2 − D2
Dtot · ln 2 z xx + D4totzxx2 − Dtottot2  (15)
D tot ⋅ ln  
D tot
 
where Dtot is the total diameter of pipeline with thermal insulation.
where Dtot is the
Calculations totaloverall
of the diameterheat
of pipeline with
transfer thermal insulation
coefficient for pure hydrogen and pure methane as a
Calculations of the overall heat transfer coefficient for pure hydrogen and pure methane as a
function of the pipeline diameter are presented in Figure 3. Other parameters, for example, thermal
function of the pipeline diameter are presented in Figure 3. Other parameters, for example, thermal
insulation or burial
insulation depth
or burial of the
depth gasgas
of the pipeline,
have remained unchanged.
remained unchanged. Calculations
Calculations were made
were made
for thefor
same volume
the same volumeflowflowrates
rates in threevariants
in three variants specified
specified in thein the presented
presented case
case (12,000 Nm(12,000 Nm3 /h,
3/h, 40,000

40,000 Nm 3
Nm3/h, /h, 120,000 3
120,000 NmNm /h). Obtained
3/h). Obtained results
results are arefor
similar similar forand
methane methane
hydrogenandforhydrogen for assumed
assumed volume
flow rates.
volume flow rates.

ambient air

Tout = Tamb



Figure 2. 2. Crosssection
Cross section of
of an
Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 7

Methane 12000 Nm³/h
Overall heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2K)

Methane 40000 Nm³/h

Methane 120000 Nm³/h
Hydrogen 12000 Nm³/h
Hydrogen 40000 Nm³/h
Hydrogen 120000 Nm³/h



100 150 200 250 300
Pipeline inner diameter, mm

Figure 3. OverallFigure
heat3. transfer
Overall heatcoefficient
transfer coefficient
as as a function of of
a function pipeline inner diameter
pipeline innerfor different flow
diameter for different flow
rates of pure methane and pure hydrogen.
rates of pure methane and pure hydrogen.
The final equation for total heat flux has the following form:
2πrin L(Tin − Tout )
1 rin  rout  rin  riso  rin  2z  r (16)
+ ln   + ln  + ln  x  + in
α in k p  rin  kiso  rout  k ground  riso  z xα out

3.6. Real Gas Behavior and Thermodynamic Parameters Description

Energies 2019, 12, 569 7 of 21

The final equation for total heat flux has the following form:

2πrin L( Tin − Tout )

Q=       (16)
αin + kp ln rout
rin + krin ln rrout
+ k rin ln 2z x
riso + rin
z x αout
iso ground

3.6. Real Gas Behavior and Thermodynamic Parameters Description

Thermodynamic parameters of transmitted hydrogen and methane/hydrogen mixtures as real
gas are calculated with the Peng–Robinson equation of state commonly applied in the oil and gas
industry [36]:
RT am
p= − (17)
v − bm v ( v + bm ) + b ( v − bm )
The parameters of the equation of state am and bm are based on classic mixing rules.
They depend on the critical parameters of the analyzed gas. Compressibility factor Z is determined on
the basis of a polynomial form of the Peng–Robinson equation of state:

Z3 + ( B − 1) Z2 + ( A − 3B2 − 2B) Z + ( B3 + B2 − AB) = 0 (18)

where A and B are dimensionless parameters of equation of state, depending on the present temperature
and pressure conditions:
am p
A= 2 2 (19a)
bm p
B= (19b)
The compressibility factor is a key parameter while determining the pressure drop in the pipeline,
and changes in most of the thermodynamic parameters of the analyzed gas as well as changes in
temperature is a function of the pipeline length. Another important parameter is the density of the
transmitted gas, which is determined with the general form of the equation of state:
ρ= (20)
Equation (10) also makes use of specific heat capacity at a constant pressure (Cp) and the
Joule–Thomson coefficient (µJT ), which have a significant impact on temperature changes of the
transmitted hydrogen [37,38]:
T dam − am
Cp = Cpid + Cpr = Cpid + R · T ∂T + Z − 1 + dT
∂Z √ ·
p 2 2bm
√ √ 2a √ (21)
( ∂T ) p +(1+ 2)( ∂T ) p ( ∂T ) p −( 2−1)( ∂T ) p
T m
∂B ∂Z ∂B  
√ − √ + √dT2 · ln Z+(1+√2) B
Z +(1+ 2) B Z −( 2−1) B 2 2bm Z +(1− 2) B

where Cpid —isobaric heat capacity for ideal gas, Cpr —residual part of isobaric heat capacity.
The Joule–Thomson coefficient can be expressed with specific heat capacity at constant pressure:
"   #
1 ∂v
µ JT = T −v (22)
Cp ∂T p
Energies 2019, 12, 569 8 of 21

Using the real gas Law (18), Equation (22) can be written as
"   #
1 T ∂Z
µ JT = (23)
Cp Z · ρ ∂T p

6BZ + 2Z − 3B2 − 2B + A − Z2

∂T (B − Z) + ∂B
∂Z p p
= (24)
∂T p 3Z2 + 2( B − 1)2 + ( A − 2B − 3B2 )
In the case of hydrogen, the description of the Joule–Thomson effect has a special meaning. Unlike
for natural gas, the Joule–Thomson coefficient for hydrogen is negative, which means that hydrogen
temperature increases with isenthalpic expansion.

3.7. Pipeline Diameter Selection

Prior to the hydraulic analysis of the pipeline, the optimum diameter of the pipeline should be
determined for parameters such as assumed working pressure, length of the pipeline, roughness, etc.
The selection of the diameter is also important for determination of the inlet pressure to the pipeline
(includes associated costs) and possibility to compress the medium. In the analyzed case, the diameter
was determined with a function of inlet pressure at the beginning of the pipeline for the assumed
outlet pressure at the end of the pipeline of 24 bar (g). Calculations were based on the General Flow
Equation (4), which directly stems from the Bernoulli law. The presented equation also contains an
element (∆h) referring to the change of the elevation of the pipeline with respect to the assumed
reference level [32,39]:
u •
16λ · Z2 · R2 · T 2 · L · M2
D= (25)
2 · ∆h
π · Z · R · T · p21 − p22 − 2 · g · Pav

Calculations were performed for pure hydrogen (Figure 4) and methane/hydrogen mixtures with
a maximum hydrogen content of 15% mol (Figure 5).
It should be noted that from the perspective of mass flow rate, the recommended diameters for
the pure hydrogen are much smaller than for methane/hydrogen mixtures, which results from the low
mass of hydrogen (Figures 4 and 5).
The recommended diameters for the methane/hydrogen mixture are much larger, as the density of
pure hydrogen under normal conditions equals 0.0898 kg/m3 , while the density of a mixture of
methane and 15% hydrogen is 0.6223 kg/m3 .
Recommended pipeline diameters for the assumed flow rates of pure hydrogen and
methane/(15%)hydrogen mixtures are presented in Table 1. Evidently, transmission of the same
volume of methane in a mixture with 15% hydrogen content required much larger diameters.

Table 1. Recommended pipeline diameters for pure hydrogen and methane/hydrogen mixture transmission.

Pure Hydrogen Methane (85%) Hydrogen (15%)

Volume Flow Rate, Nm3 /h
Diameter, mm Diameter, mm
12,000 100–150 125–200
40,000 150–250 250–300
80,000 200–300 300–400
120,000 250–400 350–500
Volume Flow Rate, Pure Hydrogen Methane (85%) Hydrogen (15%)
Nm3/h Diameter, mm Diameter, mm
12,000 100–150 125–200
40,000 150–250 250–300
Energies 2019, 12, 569 80,000 200–300 300–400 9 of 21
120,000 250–400 350–500

0.3 kg/s (12000 Nm³/h)
1.0 kg/s (40000 Nm³/h)

Calculated diameter, mm
350 2.0 kg/s (80000 Nm³/h)
300 3.0 kg/s (120000 Nm³/h)





2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5
Pipeline inlet pressure, MPa
Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 10
Figure Diameter
4.Figure calculation
4. Diameter for for
calculation pure hydrogen
pure pipelineasas
hydrogen pipeline a function
a function of pipeline
of pipeline inlet pressure.
inlet pressure.

2.08 kg/s (12000 Nm³/h)
600 6.93 kg/s (40000 Nm³/h)
13.86 kg/s (80000 Nm³/h)
Calculated diameter, mm

500 20.79 kg/s (120000 Nm³/h)





2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5
Pipeline inlet pressure, MPa

Figure 5. Diameter calculation

Figure 5. Diameter for methane–hydrogen
calculation (15%)
for methane–hydrogen mixture
(15%) mixturepipeline
pipeline as
as aa function of pipeline
function of
pipeline inlet pressure.
inlet pressure.

4. Calculation
4. Calculation ResultsResults
Flow modeling in a hydrogen transmission pipeline covers the analysis of changes in pressure
Flow and
modeling in a as
temperature hydrogen
a functiontransmission pipeline
of length of the pipeline.covers the analysis
The changes of changes
of compressibility in pressure
and temperature
density, as a function
specific of length
heat, and of the pipeline.
the Joule–Thomson effectThe
as changes
parameters of especially
for density,
specific heat, and thepipeline transmission were
Joule–Thomson presented
effect for one of especially
as parameters the variants. important
A comparative foranalysis was pipeline
also performed for the methane/hydrogen mixture and mass flow rate of 40,000 Nm3/h.
transmission were presented for one of the variants. A comparative analysis was also performed for
the methane/hydrogen 3
4.1. Pressure Dropmixture and mass flow rate of 40,000 Nm /h.
The profiles of pressure and temperature changes for recommended pipeline diameters,
4.1. Pressure Drop
assumed mass flow rates of 0.3, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 kg/s, (volume flow rates: 12,000 Nm /h, 40,000 Nm /h,
3 3

80,000 Nm
The profiles /h and 120,000
of 3pressure andNm 3/h) and hydrogen inlet temperature of 5 °C are presented in Figures
temperature changes for recommended pipeline diameters, assumed
6–9. Results of modelling the pressure drop profiles confirmed the preliminary calculations of the
mass flow rates of 0.3, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 kg/s, (volume flow rates: 12,000 Nm3 /h, 40,000 Nm3 /h,
pipeline diameter. For the smallest recommended diameters for a selected flow rate, the inlet
80,000 Nm3pressure
/h andin120,000 Nmwas3 /h) and hydrogen inlet temperature of 5 ◦ C are presented in Figures 6–9.
the pipeline from 6.01 to 6.76 MPa (Figures 6–9), while for the largest recommended
Results of modelling
diameters thetheinletpressure drop profiles
pressure ranged from 2.91confirmed the preliminary
to 3.2 MPa (Figures calculations
6–9). The analysis of the pipeline
of temperature
diameter. For the revealed
smallest that the transmitted hydrogen
recommended diameters warms
for aupselected
more slowly
flow forrate,
thediameters and
inlet pressure in the
higher flow rates.
pipeline was from 6.01 to 6.76 MPa (Figures 6–9), while for the largest recommended diameters the
inlet pressure ranged from 2.91 to 3.2 MPa (Figures 6–9). The analysis of temperature changes revealed
that the transmitted hydrogen warms up more slowly for smaller diameters and higher flow rates.
Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 11

Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 11

Energies 2019, 12, 569
6.5 16 10 of 21

6 p, D=100mm 14
6.5 16
p, D=125mm
5.5 p, D=150mm
6 p, D=100mm 12
p, D=200mm
p, D=125mm
5 T, D=100mm
5.5 p, D=150mm

T, D=125mm 10

p, D=200mm
4.5 T, D=150mm

5 T, D=100mm
T, D=200mm 810
T, D=125mm


4.5 T, D=150mm

T, D=200mm 68

2.5 24
2 02
0 20 40 60 80 100

2 Pipeline length, km 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pipeline length, km
Figure 6. Pressure (p) (continuous lines) and temperature (T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
mass 6. Pressure
flow rate of 0.3(p) (continuous
kg/s lines)
(12,000 Nm anddifferent
3/h) and temperature (T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
mass flow rate of 0.3 kg/s (12,000 Nm3 /h) and different diameters.
Figure 6. Pressure (p) (continuous lines) and temperature (T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
7 of 0.3 kg/s (12,000 Nm3/h) and different diameters.
mass flow rate 16

7 16
p, D=150mm 14
6.5 p, D=200mm
5.5 p, D=250mm
p, D=150mm 14
6 T, D=150mm 12

p, D=200mm

5 T, D=200mm
5.5 p, D=250mm

T, D=250mm 12
4.5 T, D=150mm 10

5 T, D=200mm

4 T, D=250mm
4.5 10

3 8
3.5 6
2 4
2.5 0 20 40 60 80 100

2 Pipeline length, km 4
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 7. Pressure (p) (continuous lines) and temperature (T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
Figure 7. Pressure
mass flow (p)kg/s
rate of 1.0 (continuous lines)
(40,000 Nm Pipeline
3 /h) length,
for temperature
different km
(T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
mass flow rate of 1.0 kg/s (40,000 Nm /h) for different diameters.

Figure 7. Pressure (p) (continuous lines) and temperature (T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
mass flow rate of 1.0 kg/s (40,000 Nm3/h) for different diameters.
Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 12

Energies 2019, 12, 569 11 of 21

Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 12
7 16

7 16
p, D=200mm 14
6 p, D=250mm
D=300mm 12

°C °C
5.55 p,T,D=250mm

D=250mm 12

5 D=300mm 10

T, D=250mm
4.54 T, D=300mm 10

2.52 4
0 20 40 60 80 100
2 4
0 20 Pipeline
40 length,
60 km 80 100
Pipeline length, km
Figure 8. Pressure (p) (continuous lines) and temperature (T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
mass rate of 2.0
8. Pressure (p)kg/s (80,000 Nm
(continuous 3/h) for different diameters.
lines) and temperature (T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
Figure 8. Pressure (p) (continuous lines)3 and temperature (T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
mass flow rate of 2.0 kg/s (80,000 Nm /h) for different diameters.
mass flow rate of 2.0 kg/s (80,000 Nm3/h) for different diameters.
6 16

5.5 16
p, D=250mm 14

p, D=300mm
°C °C
5 12
4.5 p,p,D=250mm
D=250mm Temperature,

D=300mm 12


T, D=300mm

4 T, D=400mm 10
3 6
2.52 4
0 20 40 60 80 100
2 4
Pipeline length, km
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 9. Pressure (p) (continuous lines) Pipeline length, km(T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
and temperature
Figure 9. Pressure (p) (continuous lines) 3 and temperature (T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
mass flow rate of 3.0 kg/s (120,000 Nm /h) for different diameters.
mass flow rate of 3.0 kg/s (120,000 Nm3/h) for different diameters.
Figure 9. Pressure
4.2. Thermodynamic (p) (continuous
Parameters lines) and temperature (T) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
mass flow rate of 3.0 kg/s (120,000 Nm
4.2. Thermodynamic Parameters Analysis /h) for different diameters.

The analysis of selected thermodynamic parameters, such as density, flow rate, compressibility
4.2. The analysis
isobaric heatof
Thermodynamic selectedand
Parameters thermodynamic
Analysis parameters, such as
coefficient were density,for
presented flow rate, compressibility
hydrogen transmission
factor, isobaric heat 3
capacity and Joule–Thomson coefficient were presented for
at a flow rate of 40,000 Nm /h (1.0 kg/s). Figure 10 illustrates the changes in hydrogen density hydrogen
and its
The analysis of selected thermodynamic parameters, such as density, flow rate, compressibility
flow rate as a function of pipeline length for selected pipeline diameters.
factor, isobaric heat capacity and Joule–Thomson coefficient were presented for hydrogen
Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 13
Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 13

transmission at a flow rate of 40,000 Nm 3/h (1.0 kg/s). Figure 10 illustrates the changes in hydrogen
Energies 2019,
a flow rate of 40,000 Nm3/h (1.0 kg/s). Figure 10 illustrates the changes in hydrogen
569 12 of 21
density and its flow rate as a function of pipeline length for selected pipeline diameters.
density and its flow rate as a function of pipeline length for selected pipeline diameters.

6 30
6 ρ, D=150mm 30
ρ, D=150mm
ρ, D=200mm
5.5 ρ, D=200mm
5.5 ρ, D=250mm
ρ, D=250mm 25
w, D=150mm 25
5 w, D=150mm
5 w, D=200mm
w, D=200mm

Flow velocity, m/s

w, D=250mm

Flow velocity, m/s

w, D=250mm
Density, kg/m3 3

Density, kg/m

4.5 20
3.5 15

3 10

2 5
2 5
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pipeline length, km
Pipeline length, km
Figure 10. Density (ρ) (continuous lines) and flow velocity (w) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
Figure 10. Density (ρ) (continuous lines) and flow velocity (w) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
3 /h).
mass flow
Figure rate 1.0 kg/s
10. Density (40,000 Nmlines)
(ρ) (continuous and flow velocity (w) (dashed lines) changes for hydrogen
mass flow rate 1.0 kg/s (40,000 Nm 3/h).
mass flow rate 1.0 kg/s (40,000 Nm /h).

The density change is directly connected to compressibility factor Z change, as presented in

Figure The density change factor
Compressibility is directly
Z for connected
higher than unity factor Z relatively
evenZfor change, aslow presented
pressure in
The change is directly connected factor change, as presented in
values. 11.11.
This Compressibility
is one of the most factor Z for hydrogen
characteristic properties is higher than
of hydrogen, unity
whicheven for relatively
distinguishes low
it from
Figure Compressibility factor Z for hydrogen is higher than unity even for relatively low
pressure values. This isFor
one of the most characteristicfactor
Z of hydrogen, which distinguishes it
pressure values. This is one of the most characteristic properties of hydrogen, which distinguishes at
most of the real gases. instance, compressibility > 1 for natural gas is usually only it
from most
pressures of the greater
real gases. For MPa.
instance, compressibility factor Z > 1 for natural gas is usually only
from mostequal
of theorreal gases.than
For40instance, compressibility factor Z > 1 for natural gas is usually only
at pressures equal or greater than 40 MPa.
at pressures equal or greater than 40 MPa.
1.045 D=150mm
1.04 D=200mm
1.04 D=250mm
Compressibility factor Z
Compressibility factor Z

0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pipeline length, km
Pipeline length, km
Figure 11. Compressibility factor changes for hydrogen mass flow rate 1.0 kg/s (40,000 Nm3 /h).
Figure 11. Compressibility factor changes for hydrogen mass flow rate 1.0 kg/s (40,000 Nm3/h).
Figure 11. Compressibility factor changes for hydrogen mass flow rate 1.0 kg/s (40,000 Nm3/h).

Another characteristic parameter of hydrogen is the Joule–Thomson coefficient. The

Another characteristic parameter of hydrogen is the Joule–Thomson coefficient. The
Joule–Thomson effect occurs in temperature change of the gas during isenthalpic pressure drop. For
Joule–Thomson effect occurs in temperature change of the gas during isenthalpic pressure drop. For
Energies 2019, 12, 569 13 of 21

Another characteristic parameter of hydrogen is the Joule–Thomson coefficient. The Joule–Thomson

effect occurs
Energies 2019, in temperature
12 FOR PEER REVIEWchange of the gas during isenthalpic pressure drop. For most 14 real
gases, the Joule–Thomson effect is positive (i.e., gas temperature decreases with pressure reduction).
In the caserealofgases, the Joule–Thomson
hydrogen effect
(Figure 12), the is positive
opposite (i.e.,
effect gas temperature
occurs decreases with coefficient
(i.e., the Joule–Thomson pressure is
negative): withIna the case
rapid of hydrogen
change (Figurethe
in pressure, 12),hydrogen
the opposite effect occurs
temperature (i.e., theThis
increases. Joule–Thomson
is theoretically
possible for the is hydrogen
negative): with a rapid change
transmission in pressure,
pipelines, the hydrogen
with considerable temperature
pressure dropsincreases. This
per unit of is
theoretically possible for the hydrogen transmission pipelines, with considerable pressure drops per
length (e.g., with pipeline diameters which are too small or very high flow rates).
unit of pipeline length (e.g., with pipeline diameters which are too small or very high flow rates).

14.44 -0.27
Cp, D=150mm

Joule-Thomson coefficient, K/MPa

Cp, D=200mm
Isobaric heat capacity, kJ/(kg·K)

Cp, D=250mm -0.275

μJT, D=150mm
μJT, D=200mm -0.28
14.4 μJT, D=250mm
14.38 -0.29

14.36 -0.295


14.3 -0.315
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pipeline length, km
Figure 12.12.Isobaric
Figure heatcapacity
Isobaric heat capacity
(Cp)(Cp) (continuous
(continuous lines)
lines) and and Joule–Thomson
Joule–Thomson coefficient
coefficient (μ JT) (dashed
(µJT )
lines)lines) changes
changes for hydrogen
for hydrogen mass
mass flow rateflow rate(40,000
1.0 kg/s 1.0 kg/sNm(40,000
3/h). Nm3 /h).

4.3. 4.3.
Methane-Hydrogen Mixtures
Methane-Hydrogen Mixtures
Hydrogen cancanalso
transmitted through naturalgas
through natural gaspipelines
pipelines as as
an an additive
additive to natural
to natural gas. gas.
is one of the alternative methods of hydrogen transportation. Numerous
is one of the alternative methods of hydrogen transportation. Numerous analyses and studies analyses and studies
devoted to this
devoted to issue
this have
issuebeenhave performed recently [21,29,40].
been performed Hydrogen has
recently [21,29,40]. differenthas
Hydrogen thermodynamic
parameters compared
thermodynamic to methane,
parameters whichtoismethane,
compared the mainwhich
component of natural
is the main gas. This
component causes
of natural significant
gas. This
changes insignificant changes inof
the flow conditions the flow conditions
natural of natural
gas that contains gas that contains
hydrogen. hydrogen.
Industrial practice Industrial
and scientific
practice and
publications scientific
indicate that publications
the maximum indicate that the
admissible maximum
molar fractionadmissible
of hydrogen molar
in afraction
hydrogen in a mixture with natural gas should not exceed 15%. The maximum
natural gas should not exceed 15%. The maximum hydrogen content in the natural gas transmission hydrogen content in
the natural gas transmission system suggested in the United States should be in the range of
system suggested in the United States should be in the range of 5%–15%. Several European countries
5%–15%. Several European countries have introduced limits on the content of hydrogen in natural
have introduced limits on the content of hydrogen in natural gas pipeline systems from 0.1% to
gas pipeline systems from 0.1% to 12% by volume. The maximum hydrogen content usually
12% by volume. The maximum hydrogen content usually depends on the technical conditions for a
depends on the technical conditions for a given pipeline [41]. Hydrogen significantly influences
given pipeline
natural [41]. Hydrogen
gas transmission significantly
conditions. influences
The basic natural
advantage gas transmission
is lowering conditions.
the pressure The basic
drop of natural
gas transmitted with a hydrogen admixture, and possibility to transmit natural gas across longer and
is lowering the pressure drop of natural gas transmitted with a hydrogen admixture,
distancesto transmit natural gasgas
without additional across longer distances
compression stations.without additional
Unfortunately, the gas compression
hydrogen contentstations.
Unfortunately, the hydrogen
natural gas significantly content inthe
deteriorates natural
energygas significantly
parameters deteriorates
and calorific valuethe energygas.
of natural parameters
higher of heating
natural value
gas. The changes
(HHV) in higher
and lower heating
heating value value
(LHV),(HHV) and
calorific lower
value of heating
mixture, and Wobbe index as a function of hydrogen content in the methane mixture
value (LHV), calorific value of the mixture, and Wobbe index as a function of hydrogen content in the are presented
in Figure
methane 13. are presented in Figure 13.
Energies 2019,
2019, 12
569 PEER REVIEW 14 of 15
Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 15



25 HHV
25 HHV
20 LHV
20 LHV
Wobbe H
15 Wobbe H
15 Wobbe L
10 Wobbe L
100 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Molar fraction of hydrogen in mixture with methane
Molar fraction of hydrogen in mixture with methane
Figure 13. Changes of higher
Figure higher heating
heating value
Wobbeindexes as
Figure 13. Changes of higher heating value (HHV), lower heating value (LHV) and Wobbe indexes
a function of hydrogen molar fraction in mixture with methane.
as a function of hydrogen molar fraction in mixture with methane.
as a function of hydrogen molar fraction in mixture with methane.
The pressure
The pressure and
and temperature
temperature changes
changes as as aa function
function ofof pipeline
pipeline length
length for
for aa mixture
mixture of
of methane
and 15%The pressure
15% hydrogen and temperature
hydrogen transmitted
transmitted at changes
at aa flow
flow rate as a function of
3 pipeline length for a mixture of methane
and rate of
of 40,000
40,000 Nm
Nm3/h /hare
presentedinin Figure
Figure 14
14 for
for three
and 15%
pipelinetransmitted a
The flow rate
change inof 40,000 Nm
3/h are presented in Figure 14 for three
parameters was also analyzed as aa
recommended pipeline diameters. The change in thermodynamic parameters was also analyzed as
function of molarpipeline
fraction diameters.
of hydrogenTheinchange
the in thermodynamic
mixture for a 250 mm parameters
diameter. was also analyzed as a
function of molar fraction of hydrogen in the mixture for a 250 mm diameter.
function of molar fraction of hydrogen in the mixture for a 250 mm diameter.
5 16
5 16

4.5 14
4.5 14
p, D=250mm
D=300mm 12
Pressure, MPa(g)

Temperature, °C
Pressure, MPa(g)

4 D=400mm 12
Temperature, °C

T, D=250mm
T, D=300mm
3.5 T,T,D=400mm
D=300mm 10
3.5 T, D=400mm 10

3 8
3 8

2.5 6
2.5 6

2 4
20 20 40 60 80 100 4
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pipeline length, km
Pipeline length, km
Figure 14. Pressure (p) (continuous lines) and temperature (T) (dashed lines) changes for methane–15%
rate of 6.93 lines) Nm3 /h) for different
and temperature
kg/s (40,000 (T) (dashed lines) changes for
Figure 14. Pressure (p) (continuous lines) and temperature (T)3 (dashed lines) changes for
methane–15% hydrogen mixture mass flow rate of 6.93 kg/s (40,000 Nm /h) for different diameters.
methane–15% hydrogen mixture mass flow rate of 6.93 kg/s (40,000 Nm3/h) for different diameters.
This analysis of the hydrogen molar fraction in the hydrogen/methane mixture confirms the
This analysis of the hydrogen molar fraction in the hydrogen/methane mixture confirms the
effect of pressure drop in the analyzed pipeline. The required inlet pipeline pressure, for a 15%
effect of pressure drop in the analyzed pipeline. The required inlet pipeline pressure, for a 15%
Energies 2019, 12, 569 15 of 21

Energies 2019,analysis
of the hydrogen molar fraction in the hydrogen/methane mixture confirms the 16
effect of pressure drop in the analyzed pipeline. The required inlet pipeline pressure, for a 15%
hydrogen content
contentin in the
the gas
gas mixture,
mixture, is is approximately
approximately 10% 10% lower
lower when
when compared
compared to to pure
pure methane
(Figure 15). An increase in hydrogen molar content caused the temperature of the analyzed
15). An increase in hydrogen molar content caused the temperature of the analyzed gas gas
mixture to to more
more rapidly
rapidly approach
approach the the ambient
ambient temperature.
temperature. On On the
the other
other hand,
hand, thethe Joule–Thomson
effect for
for methane
methane caused caused slight
slight cooling
cooling of of the
the analyzed
mixtures,and andforfor pure
pure hydrogen
hydrogen this this effect
did not take place.
did not take place.
The variability
variability of of analyzed
analyzed thermodynamic
thermodynamic parameters
parameters of of aa methane/hydrogen
methane/hydrogen mixture mixtureas as aa
function of hydrogen molar fraction is shown in Figures 16–18. The
function of hydrogen molar fraction is shown in Figures 16–18. The analyzed mixtures contained analyzed mixtures contained a
maximum 15% of hydrogen; studies and practice have shown that
a maximum 15% of hydrogen; studies and practice have shown that this amount of hydrogen in this amount of hydrogen in the
the methane or natural
or natural gasgas
mixture does
significantly affect
parametersof of the
pipeline. However, it should be noted that a change in density is important: it can be altered by up
However, it should be noted that a change in density is important: it can be altered by uptoto
20% for
for aa15%15%content
hydrogenininthe themixture
mixturewhen whencompared
comparedtotopure puremethane.
methane.Apart Apartfrom
from a
a considerable lowering
lowering of of
density,the theJoule–Thomson
Joule–Thomsoneffect effectisisalso
loweredwith withan an increase
increase in in
hydrogen content. With increased hydrogen content, its specific heat also increases for a unit of
content. With increased hydrogen content, its specific heat also increases for a unit ofmass
due to
to the
the high
calorific value
value ofof hydrogen
hydrogen per per unit
unit of
of mass.
mass. The
compressibility factor factor has
has been
been also
observed to grow significantly. The addition of hydrogen improves to some extent the natural gas
to grow significantly. The addition of hydrogen improves to some extent the natural gas
transmission conditions by
transmission conditions bypressure
pressuredrop drop reduction
reduction in the
in the pipeline.
pipeline. However,
However, hydrogen
hydrogen contentcontent
15%–20% 15%–20%
in the in gasthe gas mixture
mixture significantly
significantly influences influences the calorific
the calorific value ofvalue
naturalof natural
gas. The gas. The
in thermodynamic conditions with an increased hydrogen content may also affect the natural the
in thermodynamic conditions with an increased hydrogen content may also affect gas
natural gas transmission system (i.e., gas compression stations or gas reduction
transmission system (i.e., gas compression stations or gas reduction stations). Another important issue stations). Another
is selectionissueof the is selection
material of the material
for pipeline constructionfor pipeline
in light ofconstruction
the hydrogenincorrosionlight of case
the [42],
corrosion case [42], which affects
affects the cost of its construction [20,43]. the cost of its construction [20,43].

5.5 16

5 14

Pressure, MPa(g)

Temperature, °C

p, Pure CH4 p, 5% of H2
2.5 p, 10% of H2 p, 15% of H2 2
T, Pure CH4 T, 5% of H2
T, 10% of H2 T, 15% of H2
2 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pipeline length, km
Figure 15. Pressure (p) (continuous line) and temperature (T) (dashed line) changes as a function of
Figure 15. content
hydrogen Pressurein(p) (continuous
mixture line) andand
with methane temperature (T) (dashed line) changes as a function of
pipeline length.
hydrogen content in mixture with methane and pipeline length.
Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 17
Energies 2019, 12, 569 16 of 21
Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 17
40 10
40 10
35 9
35 9
30 8

30 8
3 3

25 7

25 7

20 6

20 6

15 5
15 ρ, Pure CH4 ρ, 5% of H2 5
10 ρ, Pure
10% CH4
of H2 ρ, 15%
5% ofofH2
H2 4
10 w, Pureof
ρ, 10% CH4H2 w, 5% of
ρ, 15% ofH2
H2 4
w, Pure
10% CH4
of H2 w, 15%
5% ofofH2
5 3
w, 10% of H2 w, 15% of H2
5 0 20 40 60 80 100 3
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pipeline length, km
Pipeline length, km
Figure 16. Density (ρ) (continuous lines) and flow velocity (w) (dashed lines) changes as a function of
Figure 16. Density (ρ) (continuous lines) and flow velocity (w) (dashed lines) changes as a function of
Figure 16. content
Densityand pipeline length.
(ρ) (continuous lines) and flow velocity (w) (dashed lines) changes as a function of
hydrogen content and pipeline length.
hydrogen content and pipeline length.
2.8 5
2.8 5

2.7 4.5

2.7 4.5

2.6 4 coefficient,

2.6 4


2.5 3.5


2.5 3.5


2.4 Cp, Pure CH4 Cp, 5% of H2 3

2.4 Cp,
Cp, 10%
Pure of
CH4H2 Cp,
Cp, 15%
5% ofofH2
H2 3
2.35 μJT, PureofCH4
Cp, 10% H2 μJT, 5% of
Cp, 15% of H2
2.35 μJT,
μJT, 10%
Pure of
CH4H2 μJT,
μJT, 15%
5% ofofH2
2.3 2.5
μJT, 10% of H2 μJT, 15% of H2
2.3 0 20 40 60 80 100 2.5
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pipeline length, km
Pipeline length, km
Figure 17. Isobaric heat capacity (Cp) (continuous lines) and Joule–Thomson coefficient (µJT )
Figure 17. Isobaric heat capacity (Cp) (continuous lines) and Joule–Thomson coefficient (μJT) (dashed
(dashed lines) changes as a function of hydrogen content and pipeline length.
lines) changes
Figure as a function
17. Isobaric of hydrogen
heat capacity content and
(Cp) (continuous pipeline
lines) length.
and Joule–Thomson coefficient (μJT) (dashed
lines) changes as a function of hydrogen content and pipeline length.
Energies 2019, 12, 569 17 of 21
Energies 2019, 12 FOR PEER REVIEW 18




Compressibility factor





0.9 Pure methane

5% of hydrogen
0.89 10% of hydrogen
15% of hydrogen
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pipeline length, km
Figure 18. Compressibility factor changes as a function of hydrogen content and pipeline length.
Figure 18. Compressibility factor changes as a function of hydrogen content and pipeline length.
5. Discussion
5. Discussion
Hydrogen pipeline transmission analysis discussed an example of 100 km long pipeline and the
required pipelineoftransmission
outlet pressure analysisdrop
24 bar (g). Pressure discussed an examplechange
and temperature of 100 profiles
km longwere pipeline and the
required outlet pressure of 24 bar (g). Pressure drop and temperature
for selected pipeline diameters and mass flow rates from 0.3 to 3.0 kg/s, which corresponds to volume change profiles were
determined for selected pipeline diameters
3 and mass flow rates
flow rates from 12,000 to 120,000 Nm /h of hydrogen. An analogous analysis has been performed from 0.3 to 3.0 kg/s, which
for a mixture to
of volume
methaneflow andrates from 12,000
hydrogen with a to 120,000 Nm
3/h of hydrogen. An analogous analysis
hydrogen content of 15%. Due to the fact
has hydrogen
that been performed for a mixture
has a significantly of methane
lower mass than and hydrogen
methane, the with a maximum
pipeline transmission hydrogen
of methanecontentandof
15%. Duemixtures
hydrogen to the fact that larger
requires hydrogenpipelinehas diameters
a significantly lower volume
for similar mass than flowmethane,
rates. On the pipeline
the basis of
transmission of methane and hydrogen mixtures requires larger pipeline
the determined profiles of pressure and temperature changes in the pipeline, a detailed analysis of diameters for similar
volume flow rates.
thermodynamic On the basis
parameters was of the determined
performed. This profiles
analysisofwas pressure and temperature
important from a hydrogen changesand in
the pipeline, a detailed
methane–hydrogen mixtureanalysis of thermodynamic
pipeline parametersInwas
transmission perspective. performed.
particular, This analysis
the analysis includedwas
important from a hydrogen and methane–hydrogen mixture pipeline transmission
density, flow velocity, isobaric heat capacity, the compressibility factor, and Joule-Thomson coefficient. perspective. In
particular, the analysis included density, flow velocity, isobaric heat capacity,
The last two parameters, which significantly affect the conditions of transport, are specific to hydrogen. the compressibility
factor, andhas
Hydrogen Joule-Thomson
negative values coefficient. The last coefficient
of Joule-Thomson two parameters, and thewhich significantly
compressibility affect
factor the
conditions of transport, are specific to hydrogen. Hydrogen has negative
exceeds 1.0 in the range of relatively low pressures. Due to different thermodynamic parameters, values of Joule-Thomson
the hydrogenand the compressibility
content in a mixture with factor value exceeds
methane causes 1.0 in the range
significant changesof relatively
in naturallow gaspressures.
transport conditions. The most important change is the reduction of pressure drop, whichmethane
Due to different thermodynamic parameters, the hydrogen content in a mixture with allows
an significant
increase changes at
in the distance in which
naturalitgas pipeline to
is possible transport
transport conditions.
the assumed The volume
most important
of natural change
is the reduction of pressure drop, which allows an increase in the distance
Significant differences also occur in the temperature change profiles in the pipeline, as the hydrogen at which it is possible to
transport the assumed volume of natural gas. Significant differences also
content reduces the positive Joule-Thomson effect for natural gas. It should be noted that in the occur in the temperature
change profiles
simulation it wasinassumed
the pipeline,
that as theheat
full hydrogen
between reduces the positivegas
the transported Joule-Thomson
and the ambient effect
for natural gas.
environment mayItoccur.should Thebemolar
that in of the simulation
hydrogen in aitmixture
was assumed that full
with natural gas heat
may transfer
have a
between the transported gas and the ambient environment may
beneficial influence on the conditions of its transmission. However, hydrogen content should occur. The molar fractionnotof
exceed in a mixture
15%–20% with natural
in the mixture. With gas may have
a hydrogen a beneficial
content above 20% influence
in the on the conditions
mixture with methane, of its
the higher heating value (HHV) drops below 35 MJ/Nm ; thus, natural gas loses its calorific valuea
transmission. However, hydrogen content should not 3exceed 15%–20% in the mixture. With
(below content
values describedaboveby20%
norms in and
the mixture
standards), with
though the the higher heatingindex
upper Wobbe value (HHV)within
remains drops
below 35norms.
accepted MJ/Nm ; thus, natural gas loses its calorific value (below values described by norms and

standards), even though the upper Wobbe index remains within accepted norms.
Energies 2019, 12, 569 18 of 21

6. Conclusions
The main objective of this paper was to analyze the possibilities of pipeline transmission of
hydrogen and methane/hydrogen mixtures. This analysis has been performed to determine the
impact of hydrogen content on the conditions of natural gas transmission, the main component of
which is methane. It should be emphasized that hydrogen will play an increasingly important role as
an energy carrier in the global economy, particularly for energy storage. The economic environment
for the use of hydrogen should be favorable in the coming years. A steady increase of renewable
energy content in the total energy balance in all regions of the world, and the growing irregularities
in power generation and usage, will have an important role in the field of hydrogen utilization.
Hydrogen pipeline transmission is the most effective method for transporting significant amounts of
hydrogen over long distances, in particular for its storage, when the appropriate storage site for
hydrogen is located at a considerable distance from the source of its generation due to geological
conditions (suitable locations for salt cavern). In addition, technological and technical issues related to
pipeline transmission of natural gas with an increased hydrogen content should be considered, where
a significant change in thermodynamic parameters may also affect the operational conditions of
installations associated with the transmission system. An additional problem is the impact of the
increased molar fraction of hydrogen on the pipe material.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, T.W. and M.Ł.; formal analysis, T.W.; funding acquisition, M.Ł. and
A.S.; investigation, T.W. and S.K.; methodology, T.W.; supervision, M.Ł. and A.S.; validation, T.W. and A.O.;
visualization, T.W.; writing—original draft, T.W.; writing—review and editing, S.K. and T.W.
Funding: This work received funding from the Statutory Research of Natural Gas Department at Drilling Oil &
Gas Faculty, no.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

am Peng Robinson EOS parameter, N·m4 /mol2
bm Peng Robinson EOS parameter (co-volume), m3 /mol
A, B Dimensionless Peng Robinson EOS parameters
Cp Isobaric heat capacity, J/(kg·K) or J/(mol·K)
Cpid Ideal gas isobaric heat capacity, J/(kg·K) or J/(mol·K)
Cpr Real gas (residual) isobaric heat capacity, J/(kg·K) or J/(mol·K)
d Relative density of gas
D Pipeline inner diameter, m
g Gravity constant, m/s2
∆h Elevation level difference, m
k Thermal conductivity, W/(m·K)
L Pipeline segment length, m
Le Equivalent pipeline segment length, m

M Mass flow rate, kg/s
P Pressure, Pa
p1 Pipeline inlet pressure, Pa
p2 Pipeline outlet pressure, Pa
pav Pipeline average pressure, Pa
pb Base pressure, Pa
Qn Volume flow rate under normal conditions, Nm3 /s
R Pipeline inner radius, m
R Gas constant, J/(mol·K)
Re Reynolds number
Energies 2019, 12, 569 19 of 21

T Fluid temperature, K
Tb Base temperature, K
Tin Temperature in pipeline, K
Tout Ambient temperature, K
U Overall heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2 ·K)
V Molar volume, m3 /mol
Z Compressibility factor,
zx Depth of pipeline burial, m
A Convective heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2 ·K)
E Relative pipeline roughness
Λ Linear friction factor
µJT Joule–Thomson coefficient, K/Pa
P Fluid density, kg/m3

RES Renewable energy sources
HHV Higher heating value
LHV Lower heating value
J–T Joule–Thomson

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