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TheManyMini DungeonsofDungeonLandHandbook

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Table Of Contents

What Are Mini-Dungeons 2

A Summary of Pain 3
Dragotha 5
Lyngbakr 9
Ozymandias 18
Phix 24
Jegudiel 32
Blunderbore 38
Candy King 46
Lady Osterneth 55
Byōki 62
The Thing From Outer Space 71
The World Eater 79
A Conclusion of Pain 92

What Are Mini-Dungeons
Mini-Dungeons are so called because they are not meant to be used by themselves. These
dungeons are meant to be used in sequence with others, within The Dungeon Land, or as
unique locations to stumble upon while exploring your campaign setting. They are each very
different, are found in very different locations, and are not meant to be used with each other
under normal circumstances. Each Mini-Dungeon is approximately ten pages in length,
complete with maps and stat blocks for the creatures found within. Mini-Dungeons are intended
to be completed by a party of 3 - 6 characters of 13th - 20th level. Even under the constraint of
small size, Mini-Dungeons are rife with danger; tread carefully.

Mini-Dungeons are small but deadly dungeons based around a single, terrifying, legendary
creature. Each one has its own theme and its own level of difficulty, but all are capable of
intimidating your players and killing their characters. They contain vast treasure, powerful magic
items, and fierce monsters being used as minions by these legendary creatures; some of which
are custom and unique and can only be found within these dungeons.

Among the treasures found in the Mini-Dungeons one always stands out; the artifact. Each
Mini-Dungeon contains an artifact in the possession of its legendary beast. Each legendary
creature has its own artifact which they use in unique ways. The Dungeon Land, where these
dungeons originate, contains a possibility of finding each and every artifact; represented by a
percentage chance listed in the dungeon. However, depending upon the choice of the dungeon
master, they may be guaranteed to contain an artifact, or maybe none of them contained an
artifact and never did.

For any group of moderate to high level adventurers Mini-Dungeons provide a challenge and
present ample reward. They can be used in part with other dungeons, as a section of a larger
dungeon, or as part of The Dungeon Land, but any way they are used; they are simple to run,
quick to play, and exceedingly fun and exciting.

A Summary Of Pain
The Complete Dm’s Guide To Legendary Lairs
The Many Mini-Dungeons is a compilation of eleven different lairs, belonging to eleven different
legendary creatures. As you may know, there are twelve legendary creatures; aboleth, ancient
dragon, beholder / death tyrant, demilich / lich, Empyrean, kraken, mummy lord, vampire, solar,
andro / gynosphinx, tarrasque, and unicorn. However, we do not cover the unicorn here. The
unicorn is detailed within The Dungeon Land. The difference between most of these fearsome
beasts and the unicorn is obvious, for this reason the unicorn doesn’t possess its own
Mini-Dungeon; it would not be a challenge for a competent group of characters of this level.

Here we provide a short description for each of the Mini-Dungeons. The order they are
described in corresponds to their position in The Dungeon Land. The Mini-Dungeons contain
certain passages or phrases that correspond to their use in The Dungeon Land; referring to their
biome, or floor, and their regional effect on it. Dragotha’s Mini-Dungeon, for example, makes
several changes to the way Dungeon Land operates and has a specialised section for
addressing this. These apply to The Dungeon Land and do not apply to their use outside of it,
unless the dungeon master wishes it to be so.

Ancient Dracolich: Dragotha Mountains

Inspired by the character Dragotha from many D&D modules throughout the years. In the past it
has been unclear as to which variety of dragon Dragotha was; red or black. However, we have
decided that he can be both. His lair is a vast stretch of empty, treacherous mountain range
which he rules with his fearsome dragon orbs.
Kraken: Lyngbakr Arctic
A powerful kraken is sealed away in a frozen lake far in the arctic. Surrounded by cultists and
spawns of madness this eerie dungeon is reminiscent of Lovecraft's “Mountains of Madness”.
Lying deep in its stomach a sunken dwarven submarine holds the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords.
Named for the origin of the kraken myth, lyngbakr or ​leather back.
Mummy Lord: Ozymandias Desert
Nothing last forever, and the last works of a once mighty king lie in this hidden pyramid. Fighting
against the ravages of time this accursed pharaoh will stop at nothing to defend his treasures.
This uphill battle through the dark defines the ‘curse of the mummy’ experience. At the top of the
pyramid waits Ozymandias, and the Hand of Vecna.
Sphinx: Phix Badlands
This short dungeon is perhaps the longest and most endearing; a single room used to find and
summon a sphinx from its secret home in the Astral Plane. Follow the sphinx’s footsteps as it
leads you down a wild goose chase through the elemental planes. However, a clever Party of
adventurers may yet summon the beast and unlock the secrets of its treasure: the Wand Of

Solar: Jegudiel Grasslands
Inspired by the philosophies of good and evil this ironic dungeon will challenge your players as it
forces them to confront impossible ultimatums and the nature of extremism. The Solar Jegudiel,
seeks to destroy The Dungeon Land from within, unknowingly participating in it. It is possible to
gain the Book of Exalted Deeds by working with Jegudiel.
Empyrean: Blunderbore Forest
The Party will relive the classic tale of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ as they venture through the
home of an Empyrean. This larger than life dungeon will make your players feel small. Colossal
pests, and monstrous pets inhabit Blunderbore’s house, among which is the huge goose which
guards orbs of the dragon kind.
Beholder: Candy King Jungle
This twisted envisioning of Candyland exists within the bizarre psyche of the beholder which
dreams it into existence; Candy King. Venture through a jungle of sweets and sticky monsters
as you fight your way to its core, where the beholder (or death tyrant) waits sleeping. Among his
treasury lies the Eye of Vecna.
Demilich: Lady Osterneth Swamp
Once a beautiful noblewoman and ambassador to the fey courts, she was seduced by the dark
arts. Under the tutelage of Vecna, God of Secrets, she was transformed into a lich and seized
control over the city she once served. Now in her old age she schemes against him. Fight
against her charms and retain your free will, only by recovering the Sword of Kas from her lair
can you be prepared for the battle at the end of The Dungeon Land.
Vampire: Byōki Crypt
This Wuxian themed vampire village lures the players in before feasting on them. A creepy,
quiet town, full of strange sights and foreign customs. The vampire, a nukekubi haunts and
enslaves the town for the loss she faced at their hands. In her chamber lies stolen treasures
from the townsfolk and dragon orbs taken from the palace.
Aboleth: The Thing From Outer Space Underdark
A forgotten corner of a deep and mysterious cave is host to an insidious outsider. From the time
of its landing it has polluted the area around it and those who know of the cave dare not venture
close, lest they become changed. This strange outsider is one of an ancient race of aboleths,
and in its clutches lies a tome of terrible forgotten secrets; The Book of Vile Darkness.
Tarrasque: The World Eater Ocean
At the bottom of the ocean the World Eater sleeps. It has been known by many names, Fenris,
Angra Mainyu, in this world it is known as the Tarrasque. In its slumber dark forces have
gathered to harness its power. Delve into a sunken city, free the Tarrasque, recover the Dragon
Orb, and save the world.

The Scorched Death Valleys of the Undead Dragon

When the Party finds Dragotha’s lair it is not a closed off space, as are all the others, but a
change in terrain. The Party finds themselves in the death valleys of the undead dragon, and his
regional effects have taken hold of this land. Because of fissures and thick thorny shrubs dotting
the ground, travel is made at half the already slowed pace. Fog and smoke lightly obscures
vision within 100 feet and heavily obscures vision beyond that point. Often tar, mud, or lava
belches forth from the ground as well as poisonous gas. Earthquakes are common here, and so
are landslides. To make this worse, if Dragotha is aware of the Parties presence, he may use
any of either the black or the red dragons’ lair actions.

Dragotha prefers hit and run tactics, group separation, and wearing adventures down; striking
when they are weak and forcing them to continue when they need rest. Dragotha should attack
and retreat many times during the dungeon, using its lair actions as he does so.

For Use In The Dungeon Land…

When the Party stumbles across this Mini-Dungeon everything in the direction they were
traveling is considered Dragotha’s domain. E ​ x. If the Party was headed west, entered a door,
and beyond was the Mini-Dungeon; everything west of that door is Dragotha’s domain. A dotted
line is often helpful dividing the mountains biome along this line. These effects remain until he is
❖ All mutations found within Dragotha’s lair will be: Half-Dragon (red or black) template.
❖ All encounters with creatures will have double the normal number of hostiles.
❖ All dragon encounters will be replaced with an encounter with Dragotha.

Dragotha’s Tomb
When using this Mini-Dungeon outside of The Dungeon Land it is suggested to have your
players journey into the heart of the mountains, preferably a four day journey at least before
they reach this point. In The Dungeon Land while adventuring in Dragotha’s domain, if you roll
Mini-Dungeon a second time you will have found Dragotha’s tomb. A graveyard of his former
bodies. He has been slain, but not defeated.

The graveyard contains a working backup body for Dragotha. If he is killed before the Party

reaches this point he will reinhabit it to meet them once again. There is also a tremendous
amount of bodies for use in the resurrection of his minions and in doing so gains his R ​ ancorous
Regeneration ability. His treasury lies at the back of the cave. Among his treasures is the Crown
of Mortality, forged to subdue the mighty dragon. Once worn the crown locks its wearer in
temporal stasis while breaking Dragotha from his necromantic links, then emits a P ​ ower Word
Kill ten rounds after being donned. The crown allows the Party to kill him without his soul
returning to his phylactery, and stops him from healing from his R ​ ancorous Regeneration ability
while it is being worn. It also stops him from leaving his phylactery and gaining a new body. The
Crown of Mortality cannot be removed until the dragon is dead, neither will that character be
able to be removed from that spot. Donning the crown is a mighty sacrifice to make, however it
may hold the key to victory. The crown will disguise its magical nature until it is identified.

Dragotha’s treasure contains 42,000 gp, 25,000 pp, and six pink star diamonds worth 5,000gp
each. Along with 1d4 items rolled on Magic Item Table I. In addition to this the Crown of
Mortality sits on a statue in the center of the treasury. However his treasure is guarded by his
most fearsome minion; a death knight who served as his champion after falling, Reficul the
Snake. When he stood against the dragon fear replaced faith and he could not don the Crown of
Mortality. After Dragotha had slain the party he rose from death, enslaved by his failure and
manipulated by the dragon. If the Crown of Mortality is placed on his head he will die.

The dragon’s phylactery is a petrified dragon egg, which is believed to be Dragotha’s. Although
the egg is brittle (Hp: 50, Ac: 10, weakness to bludgeoning damage) it is completely immune to
all forces of magic and cannot be damaged by magic weapons. A clever enchantment known to
he and he alone. Next to the phylactery there is a chance of finding one or two colorful orbs.
There is a 30% chance that one of these orbs is present, and if so roll again, this time with a 1%
chance; if successful two of these orbs are present. These are Orbs of Dragonkind! A second
orb can only be found in one of the Mini-Dungeons - once a Mini-Dungeon spawns with two
orbs this cannot happen again. If present Reciful the Snake will use them to his advantage
during the fight.

That Is Not Dead Which Can Eternal Lie

The caves throughout the first three
areas are the home to thousands of tiny
bioluminescent insects; which glow with
a faint yellow light that can only be seen
when all other lights are extinguished.

The insects are harmless and

defenseless, because of this the insects
are incredibly shy; ducking into their ice
holes for safety and ceasing their glow if
they detect any creature moving within
30’ of them. This creates a bubble of
darkness that follows around the Party
members, while providing a eerie glow
that persists just around the corner. The
worms cannot however, detect any
creature that is protect from psionic
detection and can hover.

Room 1, The Frozen Pond

The room is hazardous terrain, ​Slippery Ice as well as S​ trong Winds (from the storm brewing
deeper on) cover it completely, including walls and ceilings. Under the ice, and obscured
completely, is a bound water weird that works for the cultists; which after seeing the Parties
approach, will flow downstream and warn the cultists. If discovered, perception check DC 30, it
will attempt to constrict its discoverer and drag them into the crevasse. Depth 5’ hazardous
terrain ​Frigid Water. Rooms 2 and 3 are not covered in slippery ice.

Room 2, The Alter

If the Party is successful in detecting and defeating the water weird this room is empty and the
cultists are unaware of their presence. If the water weird escapes to warn the cultist they will
ambush the Party as they enter this room.

Room 3, Throat of Darkness

There are two different versions of this room; one where the Party is discovered by the water
weird and the cultists have already been slain, the other, where the Party discovered and
defeated the water weird.

Discovered By The Cultists...

The statue will respond to the death of the cultists, filling with power as their souls slowly pass
into the afterlife. As the Party approaches and attempts to move past, it will use its reaction to
gain an attack of opportunity, then take surprise initiative unless it is detected beforehand;
perception DC 20.

Defeated The Water Weird…

The cultists, once disturbed fight as described in room 2. Although once they are slain, the
statute does not come to life as a golem. Each of the three cult fanatics has a blue port crystal
on their bodies. If the Party allows them to proceed they will awaken the golem two rounds after
the Party arrives. This uses and destroys all three portcrystals and slays the cultists.

Room 4, The Frozen Banks

Firstly it is no longer dark. The center of the lake is bright light, and the surroundings are dim
light. Only the edges are full darkness. When the players enter if any of them roll a perception
check greater than 25 they spot a hidden ballista across the lake. It is in the darkness and
obscured by ice, but very much working and trained on the entrance. If no character detects the
ballista it will fire upon them from stealth, critically hitting if it hits.

The lake is hazardous terrain ​Slippery Ice, ​Strong Winds, as well as ​Heavy Precipitation, and in
​ rigid Water as well. In addition to all of this, the first
the center of the lake near the waterfall, F
person the steps onto the lake receives an immense shock 22 (4d10) or half on a successful
Constitution saving throw DC 23, lightning damage. A D ​ etect Magic spell will reveal that the lake
is charged. The ice covering the lake is strong but not unbreakable. After taking 200 points of
damage it will break, and all creatures on the ice will fall into the frigid water below. This will
cause the kraken to awaken from its slumber.

Room 5, The frozen Lake

If The Party Falls Into The Lake…
As they enter, each creature that does not have protection from cold must make a Constitution
saving throw DC 15 or gain an exhaustion counter.

When the Party enters the water the Kraken will use its lair action to cause the water in its lair to
become electrically charged; each creature in the water takes 11 (3d6) or half on a successful
Constitution saving DC 23. It then uses its legendary actions to use its Ink Cloud. In addition to
this the Party is beset by one water elemental for every two creatures. The water acts as
hazardous terrain, ​Frigid Water. Afterward initiative is rolled. The Kraken will stay out of sight
using the deep water to its advantage and attacking with surprise. It will attempt to first grapple
and drown its victims, squeezing the life out of them with depth pressure and its crushing
tentacles. Sometimes the Kraken will throw sunken ships instead of attacking. The Kraken has
four of these ships, and any creature hit by one of these objects takes 55 (10d10) bludgeoning
damage. Within the Kraken the party may find their artifact.

Within the submarine lies a sunken treasure, the Party will have a 35% chance of finding the
Axe Of The Dwarvish Lords!

If The Party Discovers The Axe Of The Dwarvish Lords…

If a character attunes to the weapon they instantly receive its curse, the Blessings of Moradin if
they are a dwarf, and all of the properties of the weapon. While attuned to the weapon you gain
proficiency is smith’s tools, cannot be charmed or frightened, and your strength is increased by
2, to a maximum of 24. While attuned to the weapon you also suffer its negative properties; your
flaw is amplified in a way determined by the DM, and your appearance changes as the DM
decides. Your appearance changing curse occurs when your amplified flaw becomes apparent,
amplifying the effect.

Room 6, The Devil's Treasure

If the chests are unchained or opened without first being placed within a magic circle, they will
cause an ice devil to appear; ice spear wielding variant. The chests contain 37,000 GP and
25,000 PP (12d6 x 1,000 GP and 8d6 x 1,000 PP).

Room 7, The Frozen Stair

The stair requires an athletics or acrobatics check to climb to ascend; they are slick, icy, and
uneven, and require a DC 25. All creatures climb these stairs are ½ their normal movement,
even if they have the ​Athlete trait. At the top of the stair there lies a frost giant, if the frost giant
is still undetected it will gain surprise initiative as it attacks, cleaving the icicles apart. The frost
giant may make an attack of opportunity against any creature climbing the staircase, unless it is
distracted with a ranged opponent, in which case it will continue using its balista.

Room 8, Room For Giants

In truth the frost giant is being controlled by the true servants of the Kraken, the mind flayers.
Behind the frost giant an illithid hides among the cracks in the ice, dominating the frost giant. If
the frost giant begins losing or if it is discovered, the illithid will levitate about, attempting to
avoid combat and using its mind blast action to defend itself. In the back lies a small chest
which contains 5 (1d8) 5,000 GP gems.

Room 9, Guardian Of The Inner Sanctum

If The Party Is Undiscovered By The Ballista Wielding Giant…
The guardian is unaware of their presence and hides in its secret burrow in the side of the ice
wall. It will emerge when a creature other than the kuo-toa or mindflayers cross its threshold.

The Party Comes Under Ballista Fire…

The kuo-toa whips from room 10 will follow the remorhaz into battle, however the archpriest and
mind flayer will stay behind. Attempting to observe the battle and set traps for the troublesome

Room 10, The Inner Sanctum

The chest contains 1d4 magic items from item table I.

The Party Is Undetected As They Enter The Inner Sanctum…

Because of the archpriest ability to scry, they will be waiting for the Party to enter the room,
plotting their ambush. Each of the kuo-toa whips will attempt to B ​ ane the Party as they enter,
then those whose spells are resisted will approach with S ​ hield of Faith cast and using their
pincer staffs and bites. In preparation for the Parties arrival the archpriest has casted ​Spirit
Guardians along the entrance to the room, triggering the same time the B ​ ane spells are cast.
The illithid has erected a ​Wall of Force covering their stage and protecting the archpriest and
itself. The archpriest will use one cast of ​Mass Cure Wounds to aid his flock before using
Control Water. Using the ability of Flood, the archpriest causes water to surge forth from the
frozen lake. This wave fills the room with F ​ rigid Water which affects all creatures in the area
save the kuo-toa.

After the kuo-toa whips have been slain the archpriest and illithid will attempt more direct
approaches to dealing with the party. The archpriest will rely on ​Hold Person, ​Sanctuary (on

itself), and ​Spirit Guardians. The mind flayer will attempt to ​Dominate a creature, mind blast the
Party, ​Ray of Enfeeblement the strongest adventurer, and T ​ elekinesis all to keep the Party from
​ lane Shift. The moment the ​Wall of Force comes down the
melee range; failing this it will P
intellect devourer charges forward and attacks.

Party Has Already Been Detected…

Although the whips have already fled the room to help the remorhaz the archpriest and illithid lie
waiting. Their tactics are the same, save that the archpriest uses the Whirlpool ability of control
water, causing the ice to shatter and pulling the party deep underwater.

After the fight is concluded.

If the ice has not broken, once the chest opens the Kraken will awaken and the ice will break.

Gaze Upon My Works Ye Mighty And Despair

Creatures moving between the rocks are subject to the same conditions as a dust storm (see
High Winds). Once a creature moves within the sacred walls of this dungeon’s entrance, the
seal is broken; the entire desert biome now succumbs to the Mummy Lord’s regional effects.
This means that all the food in the town here rots, clerics that fail their divination check will be
shown the horrifying visage of the Mummy Lord, and all those who steal from him will be cursed;
even those whose armor gleams with the treasure that scatters on the wind. (All creatures that
pass through the crevasse must succeed in a Wisdom saving throw DC 16 or be cursed in this
manner). The cavern containing the pyramid is massive, and the pyramid's base is well over
200 feet on all sides. The area around the pyramid is guarded by and occupied with many foul
beasts and fearsome guardians, but once the Party has advanced into the pyramid the dungeon
truly begins.

The Pyramid

The first level

of the
pyramid is a
divided into
three parts.
The first
room, the
entrance, is
filled with the
offerings of
those who
worked for
the pharaoh
in life. Given
to him by
those who
loyal after he

died, these objects have great value in the eyes of Ozymandias; any who disturb them must
make a Wisdom, DC16, curse save. Among the offerings will be 1d4 trinkets. Beyond a thin
passage the second section of the antechamber awaits.

The second room contains three exits, a large shaft that continues to the top of the pyramid, a
hallway to the next antechamber, and a hidden staircase placed in the center of one of the
columns; which requires a Investigation check DC 20 to detect. In the center of the room a
massive golden golem stands guard. Much like an ordinary iron golem, but has been forged of
gold. Whenever a player damages this fearsome construct they must make yet another
Wisdom, DC16, cuse save; the gold golem is considered by Ozymandias to be one of his most
prized possessions and his curse will beset upon those who vandalise it.

This gem is highly coveted by Ozymandias, as are all his treasures. When it is disturbed
everyone involved must make a Wisdom, DC16, curse save yet again. However this is not all;
the gem is trapped both magically and mechanically. To detect this a Investigation check DC19
is required to notice the trap and an Arcana check DC19 is required to notice the magical
enchantment surrounding it. The trap is set to seal the room once the gem is removed, while
pouring molten gold up from the hole where the gem should be placed. Treat this molten gold as
lava. The enchantment summons forth the gems guardians; two fire elementals and a marilith
demon who wields six +2 scimitars (+11 to hit / +6 to damage). Only by disarming and
disenchanting the shrine can the gem be removed safely. This requires a Sleight of Hands
check of DC20, made by a character with proficiency in thieves tools and a ​Dispel Magic. The
gem itself is worth 3,000 gp. In one corner of this room an air shaft is open partly to the exterior
of the pyramid.

Because of the treacherous climb up the vertical shaft to the next layer and the antilife shell that
prohibits entry, it appears to be easier to use the hidden staircase. Which is true in part,
however the staircase has its own dangers. The staircase is protected by a bone spirit naga
which served Ozymandias in life and crumbles and collapses under the weight of footsteps.
Falling through the floor is common and deals falling damage, but cave-ins are also possible;
which deal 26 (5d10) bludgeoning damage. These effects can be avoided by the use of a P ​ ass
Without Trace spell.

The Mummy Lord uses his​ Hallucinatory Terrain spells to great effect, creating false cave-ins,
crevices, rivers of lava, and ground where there is none. The dungeon master should wait until
the Party is weak or unaware to use this to greatest effect. Using ​Hallucinatory Terrain to hide
hidden staircases is also a potent option.

The hidden staircase located at the top of the second floor proves an incredibly challenging
bottleneck the Party must overcome on their way to the final fight with Ozymandias. While the
group attempts to climb the stair the Mummy Lord will batter them with spells, attacks, and
magic items in an attempt to cause them to fall. If he cannot prevent the Party from ascending
the staircase he will attempt to separate the Party and failing even that, retreat to his throne and
await the final confrontation.

The second level chamber
contains the pets, servants,
and organs that served
Ozymandias before he died.
His pets and servants were
killed and ritually prepared for
their journey to the afterlife
with their master. When any
creature other than
Ozymandias enters the
chamber his minions will rise
to fight. The four sarcophagi,
each on different sides of the
room, spring open and their
mummies emerge. They rally
from the dark the legions of
zombified cats that were
buried with them. Together
the horde of undead will
swarm the Party and fight to
the death, preferring to gang
up on one Party member at once.

The Tomb

The tomb of Ozymandias is overflowing with gold and other treasure, gold dust covers the floor,
and all the walls are coated in layer after layer of gold. To ward off intruders Ozymandias will
cast heat metal on the gold within his chamber just before the arrival of the Party. The gold will

burn any creature who makes contact with it. To make this worse whenever a creatures is struck
by or takes any of his treasure they must make a Wisdom, DC16, curse save. Using this to his
advantage the Mummy Lord will use his B ​ linding Dust and ​Whirlwind of Sand abilities to spray
the Party with hot gold dust and therefore cursing them. The room contains 11,500 gp in gold
dust, 1,450 pp in platinum dust, 12 lbs of silver bars, 5 lbs of platinum bars, and 5 blue star
sapphire worth 1000 gp each.

Along with the magic items listed above there is a chance that the Mummy Lord has yet another
sinister trick up his sleeve. When encountered, there is a 35% chance that Ozymandias will be
in the possession of the Hand of Vecna. His left hand replaced by the artifact. Only by defeating
him can the Party claim this treasure, which lets out a final DC16 curse save as it is pulled from
his corpse.

Ozymandias possesses the Hand of Vecna…

One final change separates Ozymandias from other mummy lords; he is a druid rather than a
cleric. He has the same number of spell casts as other mummy lords but a different spell list.
Cantrips: ​druidcraft, ​poison spray
1st level (4 slots): ​charm ​person, ​jump, ​thunderwave
2nd level (3 slots): ​gust of wind, ​locate animals or plants, ​moonbeam
3rd level (3 slots): ​dispel magic, ​protection from energy
4th level (3 slots): ​giant insect, hallucinatory terrain
5th level (2 slots): ​antilife shell, ​insect plague
6th level (1 slot): ​harm

Only the worthy

Once the party knocks on the door using the puzzle knot knocker the door will slowly creak
open and the Sphinx's lair is open to the Party to enter. The antechamber beyond the entrance
is a stone room, bland and empty compared to the doorway arrived through. Ahead the sound

of water, crickets, gentle breezes, and the sifting of sand can be heard filling the air with a quiet

The Puzzle Room

The Puzzle Room acts as a combination lock, the clues provided should allow the players to
solve the lock. Once the players have the four required items they have to place them on the
altar and move through the portals in the correct order following the poems as a guide. Once the
puzzle is solved the sphinx will appear.

The four carven stone tablets each contain a riddle. Matching the order of the gates their riddles
reveal the four keys the Party must obtain. The answers to these riddles: an ingot of gold, a
turtle shell, a bell, and a candle must be used to activate the portals in the center of the room.
The first challenge the Party must complete is the acquirement of these four items in order to
continue, in order to do this they will need to leave and then return.
Riddle Number 1
I drive men mad with love for me, easily beaten, never free.

Riddle Number 2
A creatures shield which it never outgrows, small in stature and pinching at toes.

Riddle Number 3
I have a ring, but no use for fingers. Silent and metal but the greatest of singers.

Riddle Number 4
When young I am tall, when old I am short. My life can be measured in hours, I serve by
being devoured.

Once all of these items have been collected the Party is ready for their next task. To speak to
the sphinx it demands that they be worthy of this honor. By finding the pieces to the puzzle they
have proven nothing more than being determined, for even a childlike sphinx could solve that
puzzle, surely the likes of men could. They must now prove they are cunning, strong, and willing
to take humor in the sphinxes game.

The poem along the base of the altar serves as the centerpiece of this dungeon. Once the four
keys, found by completing the previous riddles, are placed on the altar it opens the portals.
However, the portals must be explored in order to open the lock. The poem informs the Party in
which order they should proceed, following the path the sphinx took on its own journey; Air, Fire,
Water, Earth, completing the challenges and returning home.

Every time a portal is used in the correct order and completed successfully, one of the pawprints
carved in stone will begin to glow upon the Parties return. A,B,C, and D are all activated this
way by one of these gates. By completing the gates in order the Party can cause all of these
pawprints to alight, moving on to the final puzzle.

If the portals are attempted in the incorrect order the magic backfires. All pawprints that were
previously alight dull once more, the four items that were used to activate the altar burst into
green flames and are destroyed and elementals spring forth from the incorrect portal, first 1
elemental, then 2, then 4, doubling each time with no limit for each wrong guess.

You Solved My Riddles Carved In Stone

Found The Keys:
Metal, Sound, Wax, and Bone
One More Task You Must Complete
Walk My Path
Stand Firmly In My Feet

First Is Breath Cold And Sweet

It Strikes Swift, Lifts Me From My Feet
I Remember The Dawn On That First Day
So Bright And Warm Yet Far Away
A Canvas Vast And Deeper Blue
Majestic As The Morning Dew
Held From Below By A Mysterious Lover
Earth So Sacred Is Nature’s Mother

Air Portal

The Labyrinth Winds are perhaps the most dangerous location in all the planes. Their invisible
turmoil has claimed the lives of thousands. The round of tag the djinni wishes to play is anything
but a game. He is playing for keeps, protecting his sphinx master. His challenge to the Party is
to survive long enough in the winds that they may reach the djinni.

Whenever a creature begins their round and/or moves to another unoccupied space within the
Labyrinth Winds they must make a Perception check, DC 20, determining the direction on the
winds on a success. Creatures without the ability to see invisible objects automatically fail this
check. On a failed check the creature does not know, or is misinformed about the direction of
the wind currents. Traversing the currents without knowledge of their direction is extremely
hazardous and for each creature that does this the DM must roll on the Wind Hazards table
below. It is important to note that the winds may change direction and force several times within
a single round and predicting the changes without succeeding the check is impossible. For each
creature roll for a separate instance of Wind Hazards, even if the creatures moved into the
same space at the same time.
Roll Wind Hazard Roll Direction

1 Warm Front: Creatures not resistant to fire 1 North

gain 1 exhaustion

2 Eddie: Spin 0 feet, 13 (4d6) bludgeoning 2 East


3 Vortex: Tumble 50 feet, 17 (6d6) 3 South

bludgeoning damage

4 Tornado: Spin 200 feet, 31 (10d6) 4 West

bludgeoning damage

5 Cold Front: Pushed 200 feet, 31 (10d6) cold 5 Up


6 Jetstream: Pushed 1 mile 6 Down

On a successful check a creature that can fly may move normally equal to its speed avoiding
wind tunnels. The djinni starts its turn when the Players enter through the wind gate, using its
movement to always stay equidistant from the Party and as far away as possible. The djinni will
use dashes and other abilities to stay away from the players. The djinni automatically succeeds
in checks to avoid Wind Hazards. When the Party reaches him the challenge is over.

Fire Portal

The explosive, endless, soul crushing heat that radiates through the plane of fire is even
unbearable to its inhabitants. Efreeti do not venture forth during the day, nor do the fire beast
that roam the desert landscape. An overheated flame will burn itself out too quickly, erupting
before turning to ash, the same ash that creates the ground you walk on. To keep cool, the
efreeti is bathing, almost submerged in a lava oasis. The efreeti will simply watch as the Party
struggles forth, eventually accepting failure as the Party reaches him.

To reach the efreeti and join him in the cooling molten rock the Party must first cross the desert
of ash ahead of them. The mile long stretch is too wide for those damaged by the heat to make
it. For travel to the oasis to be possible the Party must find some way to fend off the heat.
Exposure to this blazing inferno deals 121 (24d10) fire damage each round to creatures without
fire resistance. Creatures with fire resistance are allowed a DC 17 Constitution check, taking
half damage on a success. Even creatures with fire immunity must make a DC 17 Constitution
check, taking no damage on a successful save and half on a failed one.

Water Portal

The deep endless ocean of the Plane of Water stretches out before them, the only living thing
breaking the horizon being this madrid; who at first seems to be running away from the Party,
surfing on the top of the water. However, the party must make haste as they have entered into a
chase scene. The madrid will do everything in his power to keep ahead of the powerful tidal
wave that is chasing him. As it approaches him and the Party it grows bigger and bigger the
closer it gets.

Being famous for their tsunamis, the madrid has taken advantage of the Water Plane to devise
his test. He will run away from the wave, not wanting to be swept up along with small islands
and the Party. Should anyone in the Party get within range he will use his action to water jet
them away, pushing them ever closer to the tsunami.

To complete this test the madrid must be swept up by the wave, leaving at least one Party

member ahead of the wave. The wave acts as a Tsunami spell but much more deadly. Each
creature caught by the wave must make a strength saving throw DC 35 or take 121 (24D10)
bludgeoning damage, taking half damage on a success. Creatures succeeding this save are
tossed from the wave. The Tsunami moves at a constant move speed of 300 ft and starts 1000
ft behind the Parties starting location on the water plane. Creatures inside the wall can move by
swimming but because of the force of the wave, the creature must make a successful Strength
(Athletics) check DC 25. A creature that moves out of the area falls to the ground. Creatures
caught in the wave take 55 (10d10) bludgeoning damage per round.

Earth Portal

The final challenge is the most devious, because the unspoken rules of the challenge are a
matter of life and death. This is the realm of the dao and their jealous greed knows no bounds.
Any creature which even removes a stone from its resting place is a criminal. Touching the
gemstones reveals no magical presence, no warning or alarm, and an identify will only reveal
their value. Through powerful wish magics the dao royal caste have immediate knowledge of
any theft within their domain, a crime punishable by death. If a Party member takes even one of
the stones the entire Party will be held responsible. The round after the theft two dozen armored
warrior dao will arrive to slaughter the group without trial, sending any amount of reinforcements
necessary to exact justice.

The task falling to the Party is to find the dao which taunts them. The dao will whisper and boast
to drive the Party toward him, bringing them to the most valued treasures of the caves beneath
the dao capital. If their greed does not end them he will bring them toward crevices to
nothingness, collapsing tunnels, and earthquake zones. Using his ability to move through stone
and illusions he will distract the Party and hide from them. Clever creatures may be able to enter
the walls of stone themselves, driving him out and into plain sight. Once found the dao will admit
defeat, but if not found within 20 minutes the dao will have lead them to the endless inescapable
tunnels of the Earth Plane.


The sacrifice of a single human is the price to open the barrier and allow Phix free. Although the
sacrifice may sound small to some it is most grave, the soul of the sacrifice is consumed by Phix

as a means of returning his strength for the encounter ahead. The sacrifice may never return to
life. Finally Phix is a demon-god of sorts, son and daughter of Orthrus and Echidna, Phix is
perhaps one of the most feared demons. Summoning it will cause lawful good characters to fall,
changing paladins to oathbreakers and clerics into heretics.

When it first emerges Phix gages the temperament and skill of the Party by offering them vast
treasures as a reward. An eager Party member anxious to get paid will no doubt take it up on
this offer, only to be rewarded with maps. These treasure maps will no doubt lead to fantastic
riches, and by themselves are worth a pretty penny, but these constant mind games are used to
explore the Parties tolerance. It will answer questions, tell riddles, give answers, and whisper
dark secrets. There is nothing it cannot deduce or know, failing to kill Phix can provide the Party
with much needed knowledge. Although these will be half truths, filled with withheld information
and cryptic prophecy; Phix will continue this game of cat and mouse for all eternity, until the
Party attacks or disrespects it in some way.

Phix, angry the Party has shunned its gifts and intrigued at the idea that the adventurers might
win a fair fight, will attack; immediately using their lair action forcing initiative to be rerolled,
should they not beat the Party the first time. Proving themselves to be a capable caster they
conjure forth their minions, the four great elemental protectors Dao, Madrid, Djinn, and Efreeti.
All of them ready for a fight as Phix takes to the air.

When the Party slays the first protector Phix uses its First Roar. Roaring in sadness and anger
over the loss of each of its guardians (using the Second and Third Roars), each time enraging
Phix. Should the Party slay all four of them before defeating Phix, it will use its action to
transport the entire Party back in time to the beginning of the fight and force them to fight once
more believing it to be a fluke. Only now Phix plays a more prominent role during the brawl,
hovering above the Party raining down spells and attempting to stop her protectors from taking
the brunt of the assault. During this fight to protect its guardians Phix will attempt to revert the
members of the Party to the earliest age she can. Finally, once all genies have fallen and Phix
stands alone Phix will plane shift the Party to the most dangerous place that it can think of using
its final lair action and attempt to leave using a bonus action. Should it be interrupted or should
the Party possess the ability to follow Phix, a last dying plea will be to bargain; offering them
magics and powers for its freedom.

When encountered, there is a 35% chance that Phix will be in the possession of the Wand of
Orcus. If Phix is encountered with it during the fight they will summon their 500 Hp undead
army, they will use all of its charges to cast death spells at the Party, and will strike with the paw
wielding the wand dealing and extra +3 damage and 13 (2d12) necrotic damage on at least one
attack each round. If Phix is defeated the wand will seek a new puppet. Whispering promises of

power to the evil or chaotic members of the Party it attempts to be wielded. The first person who
touches the wand will be suddenly struck with the DC 17 Constitution saving throw mentioned in
the wand as it attunes instantly to that creature. Once attuned the wand will do everything in its
power to convince the Party and its new puppet to kill Phix, if it is not already dead. Then it will
turn its attention to the rest of the wounded, wishing to cause the greatest amount of death

Knock Knock KNockin’ on Heaven’s Door

A higher power has deemed it necessary to intervene in our story. The Party has been
transported to another plane by a powerful spirit, a Solar. Ruling knowledge and temperance the
archdeva Jegudiel has taken it upon himself to hem the tide of darkness approaching. For use
outside of The Dungeon Land, apply the concepts here to your own story; the more complex,
challenging, and earth shaking the better. For use within The Dungeon Land, Jegudiel comes to
warn the Party of their own future. He can see what can become of the Party and cannot allow
such evil to come to fruition. To combat this he can see a number of options; he can slay all

creature that wish to complete The Wizard’s game (which is out of the question), he can
convince the Party to abandon this task and return home, or he can prepare the Party to slay a
god. All other options leave the possibility of failure.

When the Party encounters this Mini-Dungeon they will have no ability to refuse entry or to
reconsider. In truth it is not they who have stumbled upon this task, but Jegudiel. This chance
meeting is the moment that Jegudiel was able to overcome Vecna’s magic and enter The
Dungeon Land. The longer this takes to occur the more worried and desperate he will become,
and the closer he will be to falling. Once he is able to make contact he will use his and his god’s
might be bring the Party temporarily to his domain instead of Vecna’s, although for a very limited
amount of time so he must make things brief.

It is this that will eventually drive the deva to fall. If the Party encounters this Mini-Dungeon while
their average level is less than 15th, the solar will have yet to fall. If this Mini-Dungeon is
encountered beyond 15th level the deva has fallen. Jegudiel will attempt to prevent the coming
catastrophe by any means he is able. By the time the Party is level 15, he has exhausted his
efforts and was too late, now he has taken to the last option; slaying the adventurers that could
become Vecna’s implements of destruction. If the Party encounters this Mini-Dungeon before
15th level, in contrast, the deva will have time and will have not condemned the Party. This is a
story element, yes, but also serves to balance the power scale of a Mini-Dungeon in which the
Party has no choice; because below 15th level he has no intention to fight.

Before resorting to his last option the Solar will try everything he is able to resolve this problem
peacefully, and if he is successful so is the Party. The goal of this Mini-Dungeon is not to defeat
the Solar necessarily, but to survive their encounter with him. If the Party will not side with
Jegudiel, if he is too late to stop this from happening, or if the Party decides to throw the first
attack, Jegudiel will not hesitate to destroy them and afterward he will fall. The many ways in
which this dungeon may end each grant different amounts of experience and treasure; the most
difficult of which, killing the Solar, grants the highest reward.

This Mini-Dungeon can be started under one of four pretenses; the Party encounters the Solar
before 15th, the Solar has captured a child as detailed under ​We Need Your Help, the Party
encounters the Solar after 15th, or the unlikely case of the Solar capturing a child after the
Party's 15th level. Each pretense has an effect on the dungeon. Under no circumstances will
Jegudiel reveal the presence of Vecna, or the limitations of his own (Jegudiel’s) influence.

Encountered Below 15th Level

He begins with a warning, ‘You are on trial, I am your judge, truth is your jury’. After this warning
he will begin his attempt to persuade the Party to leave The Dungeon Land, or whichever
campaign this Mini-Dungeon is being used within. He has seen the future, as he will tell the
Party, and in this future he has seen them corrupted and manipulated. He warns them that if
they continue onward, that ‘they will become consumed by their conquest becoming no different
then that which they fight; that they have two options, to return home and live a humble
existence, or to surrender themselves as pawns in the game of dark forces.’

He explains that ‘evil is not just monstrous and awful acts, evil people are not the caricatures
this world presents to fool you into thinking you're just. Evil can be committed simply by the lack
of clarity or vision, an all too common sin of mortals. A man that is thoughtless, which follows,
with an unquestioning sense of obligation can embody evil. To blindly obey, to not question
one's own doing is the banality of evil, it is of that crime you are accused.’ He speaks of the
process of adventuring, by continuing forward they willingly play into Vecna’s game - an evil act,
so claims the Solar, because its end result is evil - regardless of intention, the Party lacks

The Party is then faced with the choice given to them by Jegudiel; leave, or continue toward
supposed evil. However, a clever observer might recognise that a third option may appear. The
option to continue, but to know and to question, in order to best the evil mastermind Jegudiel
speaks of. Depending upon the Party’s answers, the dungeon may proceed in several different
❖ Option 1: They acquiesce to the Solar and leave. They complete this Mini-Dungeon, gain
experience, and exit The Dungeon Land; the Solar can read minds and can tell if they
are lying. Should a player wish to continue Dungeon Land they have lied to the Solar,
which would be able to detect such a thing.
❖ Option 2: They reject to listen to the warning of Jegudiel and wish to continue into The
Dungeon Land. To combat this Jegudiel turns to a trick of logic, the prisoner's dilemma.

He then gives them an ultimatum. ‘If you repent for your deeds, and denounce your
Party, you will go free and they will be slain; for they were simply controlling you to do
evil. If you each renounce each other, then your inner characters were corrupted by the
pairing and each of you will be punished, but less severely. But if your Party members
denounce you, and you do not confess your sins, they will be released and you will be
❖ Option 3: The Party accepts that what they are doing is evil, but wishes to continue,
believing that there is still some way to beat whatever evil has constructed this world. If
the Party brings this choice to bear and is pure and true in doing so, the Solar will
worriedly accept. Stating ‘the likelihood of your survival is minimal, yet evil only thrives
while good men do nothing’. With a heavy heart he agrees to help the Party. Instructing
them ‘the Beholder and the Mummy Lord hold the keys, slay them and make whole what
was broken’.
❖ Option 4: They fight Jegudiel.

Option one ends with the Party being returned to the entrance to The Dungeon Land, the Party
returning home, and being rewarded 1,000 experience. Option two either ends with a fight
between those who refused and Jegudiel, freedom back to the entrance of The Dungeon Land,
or the “less severe punishment” which is permanent imprisonment on Mount Celestia. Option
three releases the Party back into The Dungeon Land (or other campaign) armed with T​ he Book
of Exalted Deeds this rewards 5,000 experience. Finally Option 4 ends with a fight.

Below 15th Level, Jegudiel Captured the Village Girl

In all other ways this situation is the same as above, but once the location and Solar are
introduced the Party will notice the gilded cage which the child has been placed in.

Jegudiel will notice the Party staring at the caged child, intent on her rescue. This affirms
Jegudiel that his suspicions are properly founded. Only he can see that this little girl is a ploy,
created and utilised by The Wizard into continuing his sick game. Before addressing why he has
caged a child, he will propose his ultimatum. If the Party chooses option 3, he will release her.
Otherwise he has no intention of letting this thing live, it is just another toy of Vecna’s.

Encountered Above 15th Level

It is not the folly of those who he considers to be Vecna’s pawns which has caused him to fall,
but his own blindness. He has been so worried, so preoccupied with his visions he has not
considered to whom they were intended, and from whom they came.

In an ultimate irony he himself is the victim of Vecna’s sinister game. To a god, the past,
present, and future are many and one. Vecna has shared some of his vision with Jegudiel to act
within the goals of The Dungeon Land. Jegudiel is consumed in his quest to stop Vecna, yet he
can do nothing but aid him. If Jegudiel succeeds in driving off a Party with goodness and
beneficence, that Party would have only turned against Vecna in the end. If he attacks the Party
he becomes just another challenge for Vecna’s heroes. He believed that if he could infiltrate The
Dungeon Land he could stop adventurers from becoming apart of it… he failed to notice he was
becoming part of it himself.

Above 15th Level, Jegudiel Captured the Village Girl

In all other ways this situation is the same as above, but once the location and Solar are
introduced the Party will notice the gilded cage which the child has been placed in.

The Fight With Jegudiel

Either having been attacked by the Party when given his ultimatum, or having encountered
Jegudiel after he has already fallen, the confrontation will descend into battle. The Party will
begin across the room from the Solar and be forced to approach on foot. The strange, sharp,

miniature mountains, tiny trees, and swampy valleys are very difficult terrain. The Solar can also
summon high winds and small thunderstorms to hold flying opponents at bay. Above this layer
of stormy skies the air becomes colder and thinner until it becomes vacuum.

The Solar will release his dancing sword to combat the Party members on the ground while he
flies above and fires down upon them with his bow of slaying. Because the deva does not
require air he can drift above the atmosphere attacking the Party from space. The Solar will first
target healers and mages before turning its attention to rogues and supports, and slaying
fighters last. He will always focus one creature at a time until they are slain, and protect their
body from being recovered. If Jegudiel is attacked before he falls he may also utilize the Book of
Exalted Deeds to defend himself.

If it is to his possible advantage the Solar will use the child from the village as a shield or
hostage. He knows she is just a magical apparition, or refuses to accept otherwise. In his goal
to stop the Party he will do anything in his power to defeat them and has no problems with
fighting dirty for the protection of his beliefs.

This vacuum is one of the most hazardous terrain types found anywhere in planes of existence.
There is no breathable air in space. Each round a creature which requires air to breath is
exposed to space they will gain one exhaustion counter. Creatures which require wings to fly
can’t. Non magical fires cannot burn. All objects drift away from each other and all sources of
force symmetrically. Creatures that begin their turn in space take 4 (1d6) force damage and 4
(1d6) cold damage.

Fee Fie Fo Fum

Front Entrance

The door that blocks the entrance is easily opened by the Empyrean who dwells beyond,
however it is almost impossibly heavy for smaller beings. Characters must succeed in a DC 30
Strength check to move the massive door, while someone else holds the handle open; which
hangs 20 feet off the ground. Once opened; however, it will fling open and a massive gust of
wind will blow the Party into the dungeon before swinging shut again. The Party starts this
Mini-Dungeon in the middle of the Front Entrance room. Around them is a thick woolen rug
which softens their landing.

The huge, animated broom’s sole job is to keep the house free of dirt. It does not mean to harm
the Party but it will. The broom will only attack if it sees a member of the Party, thinking it to be a
pest. However, its low perception means that the Party can hide from it with relative ease. If the
Party fights the broom the conflict will likely attract the attention of the Empyrean. Such is true of
any fight in the house, save those against the wandering bugs and spiders.

Living in a small mouse hole near the shoes, are a group of duergar that the Empyrean keeps
as cobblers. A set of seven old, cantankerous shoe makers keep the Empyreans footwear in
peak condition and in return are occasionally gifted with a giant coin. When the Party
encounters them they will have a vote. If the Party succeeds in a persuasion DC 17 the cobblers
will vote to hide in their hole and leave the Party alone. If the Party succeeds in a persuasion

DC 22 the cobblers will explain to the Party some of the landscape they find themselves in and
the dangers ahead. If they do not pass these checks, or otherwise offend the duergar, the
duergar will hide and tell the Empyrean of their presence here. To tend to the shoes and to
defend themselves the duergar utilise a A​ pparatus of Kwalish.

While traveling through the Empyreans home the small Party members run the risk of
encountering the bugs that live there. Every ten minutes roll on the encounter chart below. Only
two such encounters can occur within each room; his house is not so horribly infested. These
encounters will not occur while the denizens of the home are in the room, the bugs and spiders
flee before him and his pets.

Roll Encounter

1 Giant Wolf Spider: a spider rushes toward the Party

2 Giant Spider: spiderwebs cover a corner, it sits and waits in silence

3 Phase Spider: spiderwebs cover a corner, it moves into phase

4 Giant Wasp: a loud buzzing fills the room as a large wasp flies through it

5 Giant Centipede: it crawls up from a crack in the floor or from under a rug

6 Umberhulk: a viscous umberhulk bursts forth from the wood floor beneath you

7 Rust Monster: something scurries in the shadows

8 Giant Rat: the sound of gnawing is coming from inside the walls

Dining Room

The Empyrean wanders around the house, using different rooms at different times. He has
already set the table for dinner and is currently preparing his meal. Soon he will leave the

kitchen and enter the dining room, the Party has ten minutes until this happens. Once it does a
confrontation with the Empyrean is likely to occur, however a Party that hides from the
Empyrean may be safe as long as they can remain hidden.


The Empyrean has left the lid to his aquarium ajar, and any number of the eight chuuls may
escape, at your discretion. If the Party manages to get onto the countertop they may at first be
awestruck by the fruits and vegetables far larger than they are; however, they run the danger of
falling prey to the animate butcher knife that the Empyrean uses to prepare his meals. Once the
Empyrean finished his cooking he will quickly tidy the counter and sit down to eat.

The boiling pot the Empyrean cooks the chuuls in could fill a moat. The water deals 26 (5d10)
fire damage per round to every creature that falls in the pot. Fire resistance does not prevent
this damage. The pot is heated by a fire elemental, this creature serves the Empyrean and will
not attacked unless provoked, but will not turn against its master.


Once the Empyrean is finished with his meal he will spend some time in the garden, but not
before he retrieves a book from his lounge which rests on the arm of his favorite chair. His meal
will take about thirty minutes to finish which is ample enough time for the Party to explore. A
Perception check DC 18 while exploring will reveal that the Empyrean has dropped some of his
coins under the armchairs; 1-4 coins, each worth 50 gp can be found.

The bookshelf contains many works, written in primordial and much to heavy to move or lift. But
a book that has been placed on a table can be opened with some effort. If the Party wishes they
be able to remove a book from the shelf using ropes or beast of burden, but a falling book will
be noticed and heard by the Empyrean. The fireplace is protected by an iron grate which keeps
sparks from escaping, it also provides a barrier which protects the Party from getting too close
to the towering inferno. Lastly the globe sitting on the table should be somewhat of an oddity.
Depending on your setting it may be believed that the world is round. However, the belief that
the world is flat (perhaps a belief held by the group cleric) can transform the globe from an
unusual object to an interesting encounter. Next to it is a massive Candle of Invocation, the size
of a man and burns for 36 hours. The candle is neutral evil.


The bookshelf contains more of those oversized tombes, and the chair is also seemingly
identical to the ones in the other room. The Empyrean will venture to his study shortly after he is
done reading; about an hour after he begins, or whenever he hears the goose honking. If he
finds nothing suspicious in his study he goes about his business reading his unopened letters.
​ word of Sharpness.
On his desk is a letter opener, but to adventurers of human size this is a S

The goose is a huge, magical bird that the Empyrean keeps because it produces golden eggs. It
is cared for and protected from prying eyes by Blunderbore who jealously guards it. The lock to
the cage is near impossible, requiring a DC 30 sleight of hands check from someone who has
proficiency with thieves tools. The goose will not honk unless it is attacked or the cage door
opens. When the Party opens the cage the goose will start honking and immediately turn
hostile; alerting the Empyrean. In the cage lie three golden eggs, each worth 500 gp. Among

these there is a chance of finding two strange orbs. There is a 30% chance that one of these
orbs is present, and if so roll again, this time with a 1% chance; if successful two of these orbs
are present. These are Orbs of Dragonkind! A second orb can only be found in one of the
Mini-Dungeons - once a Mini-Dungeon spawns with two orbs this cannot happen again.

On the refreshments table a massive crystal decanter holds a stupendous volume of scotch,
with ice and glasses ready for use. On his desk are dozens of pieces of paper which he has
been reading through. Taxes collected from the giants and forest creatures, maps and star
charts, and various letters are piled messily and strewn about, along with coins, a massive ink
bottle, a giant quill, and various trinkets of enormous size.


In the fishtank a plesiosaur swims around absentmindedly awaiting food from his owner. In his
bowl awaits a treasure chest filled with 1400 gp and 13 gems each worth 25 gp; the plesiosaur
will attack anyone who enters the water. The sunken castle is a​ Daern’s Instant Fortress. Atop
the bed the Empyrean’s pet waits sleeping, a displacer beast that has been groomed and cared
for her entire life, “Fifi” has a rather aggressive temperament toward those who are not her
owner. Fifi has the maximum Hp possible for a displacer beast and will attack as soon as she
notices the Party, stalking them before attacking. The Empyrean will enter his room if he hears a

fight with his pet occur, save that it will be some time before he uses his chambers. The armoire
contains numerous sets of clothes, some expensive others bland. But all fit for someone of
empyrean size. The desk contains odds and ends and useful tools for living alone. The
nightstand contains some reading material, glasses, keys, and other nic-nacs. The key to the
golden goose is not among these, it hangs from a necklace worn by the Empyrean. The chest
contains many large coins each worth 50 gp and massive gemstones. In total 1000 of these
coins and five colossal quartz stones, each worth 7,500 gp are present.


Other than an overly large toothbrush and toothpaste near a glass of water on the sink, the
bathroom is essentially featureless. However, lurking in the plumbing is a black pudding of
exceptional size. The black pudding has 130 Hp, the maximum amount for such creatures.

Guest Bedroom

The Empyrean absentmindedly left a massive iron, used to remove the creases from his sheets,
on the nightstand next to the guest bed. That was a few years ago, and since it has become
food for an infestation of rust monsters; 37 of these beasts live on or near the nightstand and lay
their eggs.


Just as the forest surrounding the Empyreans home the garden is subject to the whims of his
emotions. Although, even at his worst the garden still bears fruit and vegetables. The fruit

bearing shrubs the Empyrean grows are in reality treants. Of the 20 of these bushes 12 of them
will awaken if disturbed, annoyed at the disturbance they will attack, but only to drive off pests
and Party members. Bugs, spiders, and frogs litter the garden and sometimes will make trouble
for the Party, but these are not the only threats they face here. In the garden a troupe of ogres
have taken up residence, they wear red hats, blue coats, wield pickaxes, and grow large white
beards; appearing much like giant garden gnomes. Every five minutes the Party explores the
garden roll on the table below.

Roll Encounter

1 Giant Spider: slowly it lowers itself onto its prey

2 Giant Wasp: emerging from a flower is a wasp as big as a man

3 Faerie Dragon: what appears at first as a massive butterfly prepares a spell

4 Giant Frog: six of these creatures pass you on their way to the pond

5 Giant Toad: a tongue lashes out from the bushes

6 Orges: four of these strange ‘garden ogres’ can be seen scouting the area ahead

7 ​ nd deadly
Giant Weasel: a weasel larger than a man pops out of a log, it's cute a

8 Giant Lizard: a lizard is sunbathing on a rock

9 Giant Constrictor Snake: silently slithering forth from a hole in the ground

10 Ankheg: the ground collapses under the Parties feet, landing in a ankheg hole


Down at the bottom of the pond is a massive creature. The most exotic of all the Empyreans
pets, a mighty dragon turtle. The beast is larger than he and has become grumpy in her old age,
but the empyrean still feeds her and would be devastated by her passing. The old dragon is
over ten thousand years old and he got her when she was but a millennia old.

Candy King
Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

The “Start” stepping stone will trigger as soon as the Party so much as touches it. This causes a
line of multi colored stepping stones, each 15 foot squares, to appear in a colorful pattern. The
game has begun. The path outlines the Party's journey through the beholders twisted mind. As
the Party moves along the path they will be subjected to the beholder's attempts to protect its

lair from intruders. In order of initiative the Party members will advance along the path moving at
their normal movement speed; every 15 feet constitutes one square. When the Party arrives at
the end of the path, the Candy King (80% chance of being a beholder - 20% chance of being a
death tyrant) will awaken.

When a Party member ends their turn on a square or is moved onto a square by some force roll
a d6, on a 5 or 6 that Party member triggers an eye beam. They receive a different beam
depending upon the color of the tile they landed on.
Beholder Gaze Effect on the party member

Charm: The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving

Red throw or be charmed for 1 hour or until harmed by the beholder. The
charmed creature is filled with joy and doesn't want to leave, instead
they see this place as a game and wish to continue.

Paralyzing: The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving

Orange throw or be paralyzed until each other Party member advances on
the board. They can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
their turns, ending the effect on a success.

Fear: The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving

Yellow throw or be frightened for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
While frightened the target will attempt to flee the lair and move
backwards across the the squares as fast as possible.

Slowing: The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving

Green throw. On a failed save, the target's speed is halved for 1 minute. In
addition, the creature can't take reactions, and it can take either an
action or a bonus action on its turn, not both. The creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on a success.

Enervation: The targeted creature must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw,

Light Blue taking 36 (8d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.

Telekinetic: If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength

Dark Blue saving throw or is moved up to two squares backwards along the
path. It is restrained by the ray's telekinetic grip until the start of the
targets next turn.
If the target is an object weighing 300 pounds or less that isn't being
worn or carried, it is moved up to 30 feet backwards along the path.

Sleep: The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving

Purple throw or fall asleep and remain unconscious until each other Party
member advances on the board. The target awakens if it takes

damage or another creature takes an action to wake it. This ray has
no effect on constructs and undead.

Petrification: The targeted creature must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw.

Pink On a failed save, the creature begins to turn to rock candy and is
restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn.
On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified
until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic. Should
anyone in the Party be charmed or otherwise controlled by the
beholder or his followers they will attempt to eat the candy statues of
their fellow Party members.

Disintegration: If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity

Black Dot saving throw or take 45 (10d8) force damage. If this damage
reduces the creature to 0 hit points, its body becomes a pile of fine
peppermint dust. If the target is a Large or smaller non magical
object or creation of magical force, it is disintegrated without a saving
throw. If the target is a Huge or larger object or creation of magical
force, this ray disintegrates a 10-foot cube of it.

Death : The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving

White Dot throw or take 55 (10d10) necrotic damage. The target dies if the ray
reduces it to 0 hit points.

Each of the floating islands is made from a different sugary confection, and each has its own
devious monsters and horrible traps. Along the path numbers will be given corresponding to
events that occur along the journey. Some of these events will be the Party entering one of
these islands, some events will be bridges, portals to another point on the path, and at the end
waits the Candy King. Some events like the magical portals which transport creatures around
the path can only be used once. This, and eye beams from the beholder will most likely
separate the Party making events that would normally seem benign rather dangerous.

Event 1, Bridge to Cake Island

Should anyone step through this gate they will be transported to Cake Island far ahead of the
Party with no way back to the original spot. They also land on a white dotted square, roll for
gaze attack.

Event 2, Gumdrop Island

The entire mountain of Gumdrop Island is subject to ​Heavy Precipitation and ​Extreme Cold,
both getting more severe the closer they reach to the top. Just before the summit where the
path turns and splits, there lies a den of yetis. Three in all, two adults and a child, the adults are
abominable yetis - one blue and one orange, the child is bright green. Against the gumdrop
landscape they blend in perfectly, the rainbow candies hide their presence with surprising
effectiveness. The yeti will stalk the Party on their way up the mountain before having to protect
their child. Their use of guerilla tactics and stealth will make the climb up the mountain
especially difficult. While on the mountain the Party has a choice, walk along the path being
subject to eye gazes, or climb the mountain requiring a Athletics or Acrobatics check of DC 17
each round or face falling to their death.

The gummy fruit which grows on the trees here contain a sinister magic, it is undetectable and
can only be resisted by passive protection of some kind. The fruits heal you 1d4 damage and as
many as ten can be eaten in a single short rest before feeling full. This healing serves as a good
cover for their slight magical auras. For in reality they are a form of charm spell, creatures that
eat the fruit do not wish to resist the spell effect of the beholders eye gaze, and so they do not
get a saving throw.

Event 3, Bridge From Gumdrop Island

The slide is a trap. Although it allows the Party to skip the Lollipop Island it does so at a great
cost. While traveling through the slide creatures within are transported into a realm of sugary

horror and force fed candy until they quake with nausea. This effect is the same as the 14th
level warlock ability ​Hurl Through Hell.

Event 4, Lollypop Island

The creatures that dwell here are not what they seem. The candies that float around are in fact
the fungus, Gas Spores (28 on the Island). The bushes the dot the land are Violet Fungi (86 on
the Island), and will attack anything not made of candy; their tentacles rotting flesh into sugar.
Finally the gummy worms are Carrion Crawlers (12 on the Island) which will attack the Party,
attempting to surprise them in ambush. The Gas Spores carry insight into the beholder’s mind
and thoughts, those who survive the inhalation receive some of these memories and thoughts. If
this creature is a player they may gain knowledge that at the end there is a beholder or a death
tyrant (the player should be aware of which it is). The second time they gain the knowledge that
it is as much a prisoner of this realm as its ruler. The third time they gain the knowledge that
Candy King is asleep. Just as before the path is not difficult terrain, and the cotton candy Violet
Fungi don't grow on the path.

Rangers or other characters with survival have the ability to forage, however they will find
nothing but candy here. Everything is made of candy, at this point it may already be sickening,
but they are far from the end of this realm. To take long rests here, Party members need to carry
rations to eat or they will slowly become sicker and sicker until they cannot go on. Proper
nutrition is necessary for characters to prevent cavities.

Event 5, Cake Island

The frosting that covers the surface of the ground is the same as slippery ice. And it covers
everything the path does not; however, it isn't cold. Whenever a creatures slips on the frosting
the candles around them (1d4 + 1 candles) will spring to attack them while they are down. Treat
all the candles (100 candles in all, one for every year of the beholders life) on the island as
Flying Swords, except that they deal fire damage instead of slashing. They will also spring to life

if attacked, but otherwise they will wait for creatures that slip. The cakes are a different story, as
they are mimics. Once the Party's most of the way through the island, or one of the cakes is
sampled they will reveal themselves and spring to attack. Six of these mimics share this island,
despite their normally independent nature.

Event 6, Bridge Over Candy Cane Island

The bridge suspends over the Candy Cane Island, if any creature that crosses does not have
spider climb they will most likely fall, requiring a Acrobatics check DC 25 to stay on the bridge.
Creatures that do succeed in crossing get targeted by the peppermint boulders being thrown by
the peppermint (frost) Giants down below. Creatures that fall from the bridge descend onto
Candy Cane Island, taking 31 (10d6) bludgeoning damage unless they can fly.

Event 7, Candy Cane Island

Twelve peppermint giants have made refuge on Candy Cane Island in a outcropping of
peppermint boulders. Half of these giants wander the island collecting candy canes and warding
off intruders, while the other half defend the home and rest.

Around the peppermint giant lair huge canes have been sharpened and fashioned into a wall
around the entrance with only a small opening in the center. Spread like gravel around the cave
is crushed peppermint which acts like caltrops in a large 30’ circle around the entrance.
Guarding the lair are a pack of trained reindeer (giant elk), six in all, which are rode by the
giants. When the reindeer sense intruders they will retreat into the cave, then be rode out, this
time accompanied by giants. Their leader is a one legged old woman, the village elder, who
walks around with a candy cane - cane.

While fighting in this strange stripped world it is easy to get confused, as everything seems to
blend together. When entering combat each creature must make a Wisdom, DC 15 saving
throw or become ​Confused. At the beginning of the round, on that creature's turn they may

repeat this saving throw ending the effect on a success. After succeeding on the saving throw
the creature is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours. The peppermint giants are immune to
this effect.

Event 8, Chocolate Island

The Chocolate island is by far the most dangerous. The swamp surrounding the stones consists
entirely of chocolate ​Quicksand which does not affect the creatures that live here. Once a
creature is coated in chocolate every surface acts as slippery ice until they have been cleaned.
It takes ten minutes to clean a creature off, although even after being cleaned that creature
becomes sticky and their movement is cut by half. This effect can be removed by bathing
completely in clean water as well as washing all chocolate covered equipment. If a chocolate
covered creature does not clean themselves within thirty minutes they must begin making
Constitution saving throws, DC14 each round until they clean themselves. If the saving throw
fails by 5 or more, the creature is instantly petrified. Otherwise the creature is restrained. The
restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified
on a failure or ending the effect on a success. The petrification lasts until the creature is freed by
the ​Greater Restoration spell or other magic.

While moving around in the chocolate swamp the Party will attract the attention of bulettes that
swim gracefully through it. Up to four of these creatures can be encountered at a time. Each
round after the first that a creature has noticed the Party another bulette joins the fight. Up to six
of these creatures live here, but it is unlikely a Party will encounter all six. If a bulette seeks a
Party member that has retreated to a platform it may leap out of the swamp to claim its prey,
possibly knocking the raft over and spilling the Party into the swamp. The bulette are filled with

As the Party reaches the halfway point in the swamp the greatest beast of the Candy King will
emerge, the Great White Worm; a purple worm made entirely of white chocolate. This mad
beast will attack the Party relentlessly until they flee its presence. The worm is capable of
capsizing entire stretches of the trail.

Candy King

Beyond the door or through the windows lies the one large central room that serves as the
beholders inner chambers. The beholder is enshrouded in his own nightmare and cannot
emerge willingly. His candied realm of horror is as much his domain as his prison and he has
been here far too long. There is a 80% chance that the Candy King will be a beholder, the last
20% is the chance that the Party will find the Candy King is the fearsome death tyrant. Which
will have an impact on the fight. The Candy King is equipped with a number of fearsome magic
items; a ring pop which is in reality a Ring of X-ray Vision, a full Necklace of Fireballs, and a
Robe of Stars. In addition there is a 35% chance that the center eye of the beholder has been
replaced with The Eye of Vecna, adding to its potency but not removing its central eye gaze
attack. This replaces his central eye with a shriveled black pit, which gleams and stares at the
Party. Protecting him are two stone golems made of rock candy that will protect their king. The
beholder will notice and attack the Party as soon as their presence is known. In his lair is the
beholders treasure; 9,500 gp, 1,550 pp, 9 moonstone worth 50 gp each, and a carved ivory
bracelet set with sapphires worth 2,500 gp.

Candy King is a Beholder...

Candy King is a Death Tyrant...

When the Mini-Dungeon is completed and the beholder is slain something's odd happens. The
candy world of his imagination begins collapsing. This is not a dangerous process and the Party
does not need flee the collapse. Instead the dream simply fades away.

Lady Osterneth
Cruel, But Most Entertaining for the DM

1 The Entrance

If the NPC Party is still alive...

A group of adventurer NPCs have made camp in the area just outside the doors. Within their
ranks are an archmage, an archpriest, an assassin, and a gladiator, which are preparing to attack
the lich. Treat them as any other random encounter group of adventurers, although they are not.
The NPCs have been dominated and brainwashed by lich, but they are unaware of this and their
memories have been erased. The goal is to get this group to travel with the Party, not to fight
them. Although they will defend themselves as would a normal group of adventurers. The lich will
not attempt to kill the NPCs, although she will ‘attack them’.
❖ The archmage (Rolan Meliamne) is an elf, he is lawful good, cynical, broody, but works for
the greater good.
❖ The archpriest (Bran Helder) is a human, he is emotional ranging from happy go lucky to
furious, is ambitious, greedy, and chaotic neutral.
❖ The assassin (Callie Tosscobble) is a halfling, she is a troubled chaotic good, avoids
confrontation, is quiet, and moves shiftily.
❖ The gladiator (Bareris Hahpet) is human, is lawful evil, and is devoted to the party to a
dangerous degree.
Each of the NPC adventurers will have magic items that they are attuned to.
❖ Archmage: Staff of the Magi, Staff of Striking, Robes of Scintillating Colors.
❖ Archpriest: Rod of Lordly Might, Rod of Rulership, Periapt of Wound Closure
❖ Assassin: +3 Short Sword, Cloak of the Montibank, Deck of many things, Iron bands of
❖ Gladiator: Animate Shield, Defender, +2 Plate Mail Armor, Boots of Striding and Springing

The entrance to this Mini-Dungeon is a stone door half submerged in muck and grime from the
swamp. Thick mud and the roots of swamp foliage hold the door firmly shut, requiring an athletics
check DC 19 to be opened, and upon opening the first hall will flood with swamp water. Once
opened the door no longer hold the demilich’s lair traits at bay. Monsters in the swamp have
advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened, and against features that turn
undead. The swamp is now also warded against magical travel of creatures the demilich hasn’t
authorised. Such creatures can’t teleport into or out of the swamp’s are or use planar travel to
enter or leave it. Effects that allow teleportation or planar travel work within the tomb as long as
​ nce the Party enters the tomb the third and
they aren’t used to leave or enter the swamp’s area.​ O
most insidious effect begins. Normally non-evil creatures entering the tomb would take necrotic
damage, this is still the case; however, the damage is perceived as an overshield unless a
creature succeeds in a DC 21 arcana check to detect the deception. The aura that surrounds the
tomb is designed to cause good creatures to act in an aggressive manner, whenever a creature
takes a short or long rest within the tomb it must succeed in a DC 21 wisdom saving throw or
become evil.

To allure adventurers to staying within the tomb a special magic of rejuvenation has been cast.
When creatures with magical spell casting take a short rest within the tomb they may use their hit
die to regain the rolled amount of spell slot levels instead of hit points. Each time they chose to do
this the save DC for becoming evil (due to the demilich’s lair trait) secretly increases by 2.

The entirety of the tomb has been consecrated by the demilich’s minions, treat this effect as a
​ arkness effect. Then the flesh of her
hallow spell controlled by the demilich which utilizes the D
minions was separated from their bones. Their skeletons were used to prepare bodies for the
demilich, their souls were devoured for energy, and their flesh was used to create a powerful

Inside the walls, between layers of brick, is a massive web of flesh; a golem that has been spread
out and built within the walls themselves and is now one with the dungeon. The golem has no
attacks, 10 AC, and average hit points; it opens doors, sends messages, and will cause the walls
to bleed when struck. The reason for its existence is to gain tremorsense for all things that move
in the tomb over any surface, and to allow the demilich to inhabit its body. The demilich can also
inhibit any of 16 specially prepared bodies that once inhabited become liches. Then, teleporting to
the Parties current location it will attempt to capture and dominate them. Up to 4 liches can be
fought in sequence per room. The demilich can only inhabit one creature at a time. Each lich has
its own spell slots and each have the following spells memorized;
Cantrips (at will): ​blade ward,​ friends, ​minor illusion, ​ray of frost
1st (4 slots): ​alarm, ​fog cloud, ​grease, ​shield
2nd (3 slots):​ crown of madness, ​detect thoughts, ​enlarge,​ reduce
3rd (3 slots): ​bestow curse, ​blink, ​hypnotic pattern, ​sleet storm, ​slow
4th (3 slots): ​Evard’s black tentacles, ​fire shield
5th (3 slots): ​dominate person, ​modify memory
6th (1 slot): ​arcana gate, ​move earth
7th (1 slot): ​plane shift, ​project image
8th (1 slot): ​dominate monster, ​demiplane
9th (1 slot): ​imprisonment

2 The Demilich Door

The entrance to the tomb works in reverse as a magical portal. When exiting the tomb if the
correct command word is given the door will no longer lead outside the tomb, but into the resting
chamber of the demilich. The magic responsible is only detectable by a DC 25 Investigation
check made by a caster who has spent a short rest to inspect the door. Then to reveal the
properties of the magic a DC 25 arcana check must be made. This will reveal the password
protected door for what it is, it will not however reveal the password. The password is not able to
be found anywhere in the dungeon and must be magically obtained using divination, a
commune, or​ legend lore spell will grant knowledge of the password. The door leads to room 6.
The password is “Oealnepin” a sylvan word for trespasser.

3 The Trap

If the NPC Party is still alive...

The floor of this room is a specialised pitfall trap. When the chest is opened even slightly the
floor gives way. The chest is empty. Underneath this trap door is a bottomless pit, any creature
that falls in will fall forever in endless blackness. A creature falls at approximately 30 feet per
second, per second.

4 The Illusion

If the NPC Party is still alive...

The floor of this room is an illusion. A successful Perception check, DC 25, or a Investigation
check, DC 22, will reveal the presence of the illusion, otherwise a creature entering this room
falls through the floor. Underneath the illusion is a bottomless pit, any creature that falls in will
fall forever in endless blackness. A creature falls at approximately 30 feet per second, per

5 The Hall of The Damned

If the NPC Party is still alive...

This large room is empty and flanked on each side by two endless moats. To the left side of the
room is an endless pit that falls into the Demi-Plane of Vacuum where the Elemental Plane of
Air mixes with the Negative Material Plane. On the other side an endless pit that falls into the
Demi-Plane of Pressure where the Elemental Plane of Air mixes with the Positive Material

Plane. Any creature that has fallen into the Plane of Vacuum takes 6 (1d10) necrotic damage
per round, increasing by 1d10 each round. Any creature that has fallen into the Plane of
Pressure takes 6 (1d10) force damage per round, increasing by 1d10 each round.

Along the walls are eight doors; four on the left and four on the right. These doors hang over the
endless pits, some 20 feet above ground level, some 20 feet below, alternating between. One of
these doors, which are all identical leads to the Sword of Kass, all the rest are nothing more
than deadly traps. The correct door is always the last one chosen, the first seven door attempts
will always be traps. Trap doors lead nowhere except to their trap, beyond this is stone wall.
Trap Detect DC Disarm DC Trap Behind the Door

1 22 Invest. 25 S.o.H. Geyser of Mercury; 55 (10d10) poison, Con save DC 25

2 20 Invest. 23 S.o.H. Adult Black Dragon Breath

3 19 Perc. Impossible 30 Insect Swarms

4 25 Invest. 20 S.o.H. Door Explodes; 45 (8d10) thunder, Dex save DC 30

5 25 Arcana Disp. Magi. Door Opener Becomes 15x as Heavy, Wis save DC 25

6 20 Arcana Impossible Door Pulls Opener into the Abyss then Closes

7 23 Arcana Disp. Magi. ​ owl Action

Demilich H

6 The Demilich

If the NPC Party is still alive...

If the Party finds and opens the demilich’s inner sanctum it will be of a mild surprise to the
demilich, who will release a ​Howl action as the door opens. She never has been tasked to deal
with intruders herself; however, she is not worried. If the NPC group is still with the Party it will
be revealed that they are dominated and will turn against the Party. If the NPCs are not present
the demilich will inhabit a body (forming a lich) to distract the Party away from the skull. If this
tactic doesn’t work the demilich will defend itself normally.

7 The Sword of Kass

If the NPC Party is still alive...

The last door leads to a small room, about 20’x20’x20’, with a magical device that measures
energies in the center. Protruding from this device is a sword, there is a 35% chance that this is
the Sword of Kass! Lady Osterneth was going to use this artifact to slay Vecna, currently her
machine is reverse engineering the artifact for mass production. If this sword is not the Sword of
Kass it is a fake, taking the swords place as bait in the meantime.

While the NPCs and the Party are discussing if one of them should claim the sword the halfling
assassin will claim the sword. She will use stealth to approach it, if no one stops her from
grabbing the sword it will instantly attune to her. If someone stops her from grabbing the sword
the Party may decide what to do with the sword. Anyone who pulls the sword from its stone will
instantly attune to it. When the sword is drawn a wave of dominate monster will echo out from its
resting place, revealing that the NPC group were dominated from the start and requiring the
Party to make Wisdom saving throws; DC 11 for good creatures, DC 18 for neutral creatures,
and DC 25 for evil creatures. If the sword is fake it will shatter upon being drawn, all else is the

Along the wall behind the Sword of Kass is a mantle decorated with 16 items. For each item roll
on the trinkets table, however, each one is magically protected. The item will either be
enchanted with 1-2​ bestow curse, 3-4 ​dominate monster, or 5-6 ​imprisonment. Although they

are cursed each item is powerful indeed, each bestowing 1 minor beneficial property, 1 major
beneficial property, and 1 minor detrimental property from the artifacts random properties table.

Onna no Mōnen Mayoiaruku Koto

Once the Party has passed through the threshold into this Mini Dungeon the ​Regional Effects of
the vampire take effect across all of the Crypt biome. These effects last as long as Byōki
remains alive. This means whenever a wolf, bat, or rat encounter occurs in the crypt twice as
many creatures are encountered. Fog and shadow will also cover the crypt and any foliage

found will be withered and blackened. The images of townsfolk, the victims of Byōki, will appear
in the shadows and fog before disappearing as quickly as they came.

For every turn the players spend wandering around the village roll a 1d6, on a 5-6 an encounter
is rolled. Encounters will always appear friendly at first, some encounters, even those with
monsters may end without entering combat. The monsters here wish to lure the Party inside,
disguising the Mini Dungeon as a Town. Many creatures in this town, like the oni, will adventure
with the Party with the stated intent of helping the adventurers. All of these arrangements end in
tragedy for the Party.
# Encounter

1 Townsfolk Family (1-4 Vampire Spawn) +/- 1-3 Honor, DM Discretion

2 Guard (Vampire Spawn Warrior) -5 Honor for Committing a Crime

3 Stray Dog (Will Follow You For Food) -1 Honor for Adopting the Dog

4 Disfigured Beggars (1d6 Ghouls) +/- 1-3 Honor, DM Discretion

5 Woman in White (Ghost) +3 Honor for Banishing the Ghost

6 Animated Object (Any Household Item) -1 Honor for Breaking Objects

7 Sakura Trees (1-3 Awakened Trees) -1 Honor for Disturbing Peace

8 Guardian Naga (Only Encountered Once) -

Tradition of this village is deeply tied to honor. The higher a person's honor the more highly
respected they become. The same is true for the reverse, even to the point that the
townspeople will openly attack those who have no honor. Each encounter can raise or lower a
person's honor depending upon the outcome of that encounter. Pleasant encounters, favors for
people and gifts can all raise a person’s honor; while fights, insults, and foolishness will
decrease a person’s honor. A character’s honor should be kept private from the player.
Honor Villager Encounter Reaction Status

1 Attacked on Sight Criminal

2 Completely Ignored and Resented Outcast

3 Scoffs and Mockery Untouchable

4 Ignored Serf

5 Treated Fairly Commoner, Base Honor

6-7 Friendly Gifts and Greetings Salary Man

8-11 Slights Bows and Modest Gifts Honorable

12-15 Bows of Respect and Formal Language Sensei

16-19 Extreme Formality Master

20+ Kneeling in the Streets Noble

❖ Guards will be samurai, use the ​Vampire Spawn: Warrior Variant replacing its
greatsword with a nodachi, and its platemail with Ō ​ -yoroi (same statistics apply).
❖ The Guardian Naga will come to warn the Party that the town is under the control of a
dreadful evil and they best turn back now, lest they become one of them. After this brief
warning she will retreat out of sight, using magic to escape if necessary.


Inside the library are two invisible stalkers conjured by Byōki to defend this place from anyone
seeking its former owners once vast collection. So long has it been that these invisible stalkers
have become unbridled and crazed with the need to complete their mission. They will attack
anything who dares approach the library. The library also contains a decorative paper fan which
appears strangely out of place.


The Palace is in appearance a well maintained and lived in fortress. In reality it is a graveyard
and the final resting place of Osaka’s royal family at the hands of Byōki. Will-O-Wisps haunt the
halls and provide the eerie light seen from outside, while animated objects clean the Palace

The Will-O-Wisps will leave the Party alone if the are left undisturbed, they have enough dead
energy in this town to make risking their lives undesirable. However once the Party is well inside
the Palace the doors will slam shut. The bodies, weapons, and armor of the guards spring back
to life in the form of samurai Helmed Horrors wielding katanas. They are joined by their old
Kitabatake, Shizune, a woman of unparalleled vanity. Inside the Palace is a small, broken, hand
mirror, lying against the body of Shizune.


An evil presence infests the shrine and is blocking the good fortune from shining down on this
villages people. A nalfeshnee demon has taken up residence at the shrine and is using magic to
hide his presence, slowly turning the villagers to hatred. He and a dozen or so bodies which he
feast upon are scattered about the ground in the courtyard of the shrine. This will become
visible to characters that can see invisible objects or to creatures with blindsight. Once the
demon is despatched the darkness that occupies the shrine is dispelled. On the demon's body
the Party will find a scroll which contains one last charge of I​ nvisibility cast from a 9th level spell

Once the evil has been purged a friendly spirit will emerge; a Flame Skull, but one that does not
seek you harm. He instead introduces himself and thanks the Party for their service. He is
Akamine Hiroto, a once famous warrior tasked with defending this shrine in the afterlife. He has
failed woefully in his tasks and now that the shrine is cleansed once again he must offer you
reward. He tells the Party that he can provide useful information about the evil that has
inhabited this town. He tells the Party that he does not know the identity of the one possessed,
yet he knows an evil spirit has taken the form of one of the commoners. If the Party can bring
him clues he may perform a spirit reading of them, revealing their past.
Item Location Spirit Reading

Comb Blacksmiths A gift, given in friendship, and misinterpreted.

Mirror Palace Shattered in anger, but I sense a deeper meaning.

Ring Well Thrown away in hope and grief.

Fan Library A token left behind, abandoned.

Hairpins General Store A family heirloom, sold for coin.

Sandals Bathhouse She left them because she didn’t need them anymore.

Painting Inn The spirit reads the Norito-soujou, or wedding vow.

General Store

The man who owns the general store will introduce himself as Ken through telepathy as he
leaps about, with no time to stop for conversation. He is a thri-kreen, as are his three brothers
who inhabit the attic floor of this building in secret. They operate the store behind the scenes by
day, but by night they are lethal ninjas. Donning shōzoku and using their psionic
communications as well as innate spell casting to blend into the background and strike unseen.
They each carry a short sword, a knife, and six darts (ninjato, tanto, and shuriken). While they
remain hidden the three of them watch, each rolling perception with advantage. If any trouble
occurs within the general store or if the Party has 5 or lower honor they will attack by night,
ambushing the Party and attempting to assassinate them. A shelf in the back of the store is
empty except for a pair of ivory hairpins. Ken claims he does not know where they came from,
or whose they are, but he would part with them for the low price of 15 gp.


Inside the well, some 40 feet below is a roper which has taken up residence here. Bones and
coins litter its lair under the surface of the few inches of water that pools at the bottom. The
tentacles can easily reach the group with length to spare. Slashing the tentacles shortens them,
but deals no damage to the roper, nor does it incapacitate the vast majority of the tentacle which
remain hidden in the well. To defeat this beast the Party must venture into the well, where they
will find a small brass ring. If the Party is detecting defacing or polluting the well they will lose 3


The man is in reality an oni who has become enraptured with the nukekubi and so seeks to
destroy any who mean her harm. To this end he disguises himself as the blacksmith to murder
outsiders. He will pretend to be of chaotic good alignment, claiming, if he has reason to, that the
town is indeed haunted by evil and that if he was not shunned by the common folk elsewhere he
would leave this awful village. He will sell his wares to the Party at half price and offer them free
room and board if they slay the evil that looms over this place. If they cannot save the town, he
asks if they will take him with them. He does this to lure in and slay the Party. His name is Akita
Shin and he is glad to meet you. Although he lives alone a cursory glance of his home reveals
he keeps an ornate wooden hair comb, one used by maidens, on a shelf, free of dust.

During the Day…

During the Night…

Her name is Umi, and her two sisters, Junko and Naomi, are kappa. Evil water spirit demons
who drown their victims and eat children. They are disguised as beautiful women of varying
ages. Kappas are an eastern variant of the sea hag, and are the same in all respects except for
their soft turtle shells and bald heads. They will use their illusory appearance to fool the Party.
They together form a coven who manages the baths and eats intruders. Umi, the eldest, carries
the eye and speaks as the tiebreaker for the covenant. Their death glare can be used in a
variety of ways and to express many emotions. The kappas are very animated in their
performance; an appealing suggestion is a slip of one of their robes causing a Party member to
spew blood from their nose and falling to 0 Hp. The hags, ignoring their own rule, will enter the
boys bath (presuming there are any) and attempt to catch them unaware and either charm or
murder them depending upon their honor. Either way the result of this encounter should be life
threatening. In the shoe rack, it appears someone has left their sandals.


If the Party passes through without disturbing the garden they will remain unharmed; however, a
single step astray from the stone path results in attack from its caretaker; the ghost of the
Innkeeper. His connection is so strong to this place that he always manifests with maximum hit

The inn is infested with mice, rats, bats, and beetles. The squeaking of the floor makes all rolls
for stealth to be made with disadvantage. Shadows cast on the walls will play tricks on the
Party, taking strange forms; most of all memories of her past as a hostess. Byoki hides herself
in her room sleeping, and she sleeps most of the time; tossing and turning and mumbling
troubled thoughts. She always sleeps with a locked door, and appears to be normal while
sleeping unless a Perception check DC 19 is made, revealing her true nature.

Should the Party have a Honor higher than 4 she will treat them with contempt and ask them to
leave her alone, contrary to the reaction of the townsfolk. Should the party have a Honor of 4 or
lower they will be welcomed in and offered a room for rent; however, she only speaks Wuxian.
Even while sleeping the head of the Nukekubi remains watchful and aware of its body. When its
body is destroyed it is as if the coffin of a normal vampire were to be destroyed. The spirit of the
Nukekubi will no longer have a resting place and cannot use any ability that relies on one. The
same is true if the body of the Nukekubi is staked, the head will continue to fight, however it is
unable to return to its body and cannot rest. When her body is threatened she will return to
attack the intruders.

Long ago after the death of her husband due to a meaningless honor grudge she began to
despise all who claim to have ‘honor’. After one hellish nightmare she found that the
orchestrators of her husband's death were destroyed; and with each passing night she found
that more and more of the townsfolk were suffering from their arrogance, just as those that lived
in the temple. What she did not know, was that it was her that was causing the town such grief,
and that it would become her curse; trapping her and the town forever.

In her room lies the treasures she has taken from the town that drew her fancy over the years,
and stored them here in small boxes painted with large complex patterns. They are draped in
silk ribbons and filled with scrolls, jews, gems, and strange round coins with squares punched
through them. The most valuable and ornate object is a small family altar that looks as if it has
been tended to and prayed at every day for 100 years. Among the magic items there is a
chance of finding one or two orbs bound in silk. There is a 30% chance that one of these orbs is
present, and if so roll again, this time with a 1% chance; if successful two of these orbs are
present. These are Orbs of Dragonkind! A second orb can only be found in one of the
Mini-Dungeons - once a Mini-Dungeon spawns with two orbs this cannot happen again. On the
wall in her room is an ornate painting depicting her husband preparing for battle the day before
he died. This object is worth 5,000 gold pieces. The boxes contain 14,000 (4d6 x 1000) gold
and 1,750 (5d6 x 100) platinum. As well as 10 (3d6) 1,000 gp gems and one magic item from
table I.

The Thing From Outer Space
Never Forgive, Never Forget

The drow will warn the Party not to enter the caves and agree to aid the Party in return for
healing, as long as they do not ask them to return to the cave. They were sent in as part of a
scouting mission, after suffering many casualties and gaining little insight as to what resides

within they abandoned the mission. Unknown to the drow or the Party, one of the injured drow is
charmed by the aboleth (the thing from outer space), acting as its eyes and ears above water
and waiting to strike against its comrades. The two mutating elves have contracted some
hideous form of a growth disease. Treat these two as fomorian giants, although they were not
produced the same way. The drow will reveal to the Party that the creatures in the cave
resemble the normal beasts encountered elsewhere in the underdark, yet their skin and eyes
are of alien hues and colors.

Once the Party discovers this hidden cave the aboleth’s regional effects take hold over the
entire underdark. This means all water sources, both mutation pools and otherwise are
poisonous, the underdark becomes difficult slimy terrain (including the tunnels of this dungeon),
and the aboleth’s image is free to roam the underdark’s many lakes and pools.

The Maze

The maze is a massive sprawling network of cave tunnels that scour the space between the
entrance and the aboleths hidden lair. The winding tunnels, blackness of the caves, murkiness
of the pools, and the aboleths illusions should make reaching the end of the maze nearly
impossible if the Party does not map their progress.

The five pools that fill the tunnels are mutating as well as disgusting. Each has their own
different mutation, however which pool does which effect is up to the dungeon master to decide.
The aboleth uses illusions, trickery, and lair actions to entice the Party into these pools which, at
the very least lower moral. The five pools give the following mutations:
❖ Pool 1; Greasy mutation
❖ Pool 2; Ooze mutation
❖ Pool 3; Smelly mutation
❖ Pool 4; Clone mutation, one creature enters, two emerge (the clone is not inert)
❖ Pool 5; Extra Appendages and Loathsome Limbs mutations

Finally, many strange creatures live in these tunnels and the deeper one ventures into the cave
the thicker the life becomes. At its mouth the cave seems little different from any other, but as
one explores further, they will find thick blankets of mold and moss coat all surfaces. Purples,
greens, blues, and oranges; strange cave life in all hues and colors form colonies one atop
another. As one presses onward they are likely to find strange bugs; spider, grubs, crayfish all

without pigment - or stranger yet, glow in the darkness. Then, in the depths of the maze, larger
creatures can be found making their home in the tunnels.

Area 1, The gurgling Pool

At the bottom of the pool lurks a gibbering mouther. This creature spends most of its time lying
at the bottom and belching forth it's maddening gibber between trips to the surface to snatch
breaths. Underwater the gibbering sound is muffled, cutting its area of effect down to half, but in
the extreme murkiness of the water the creature is heard before it is seen. When it comes up to
breath any creature in the area must make their save or fall under the effect of a sudden burst of
madness. Finally the mouther is subject to the mutation of the pool it is found in.

Area 2, The Black Pool

Most of this pool is a black pudding which forms a layer on the bottom and its trembling and
subtle movements cause the pool to appear to quiver. The mucosa layer prevents any creature
other than the black pudding from climbing the walls and through it the pudding gains
tremorsense as the slime coats every surface surrounding the pool. As with the gibbering
mouther, the black pudding, and each of its splits are subjected to the mutation of the pool.

Area 3, The Moon Garden

Covering the floor of the cave is a carpet of brown and yellow mold. Growing in thick colonies
beside one another, underneath one another, or between one another. This mixing of molds is

especially dangerous because the brown molds absorb heat, which the yellow fungus is weak
to. While walking through the tunnel the yellow and brown molds will attack simultaneously
because of the disturbance.

Any creature which gets too close to the plant in the center risks becoming the target of its
tendril attack. The plant in the center is a yellow musk creeper, a predatory plant that burrows
into its victims brains and deposits a seed. The creature then obeys the wordless commands of
the yellow musk creeper until they die and sprout their own.

Area 4, The Flumph Cloister

The flumphs cloistered here are siphoning off psionic energy from the aboleth. If the Party has a
majority of evil members, this encounter is unlikely to occur as the flumphs will simply run away.
Although if the group contains a majority of good characters the flumphs (7 all together) will offer
aid and ask for help.

If it is not already apparent at this point to the Party, the flumphs will reveal the presence of the
aboleth to them. They will inform the players that a hideous monster came from the heavens on
a ball of fire and lives here still. From siphoning the psychic energy from the creature that have
ascertained it to be the fearsome aboleth, a being that has come from another planet, where an
empire of these aberrations seeks to conquer the multiverse. This creature is but a living probe
sent to find and enslave the native races, and force them to terraform their planet for the
aboleths desires. To this end, the flumphs have warned the adventurers. If they are strong
enough the flumphs desperately require someone to slay the beasts, if not it is best that the
Party leaves now.

They have lived here for many generations and when the aboleth is gone they will inhabit its
former pool, where they will use its water to grow their eggs. Which they have already begun in
the pool next to their cove.

The Green Cave

The cave surrounding the meteor has been filled with life from the primordial ooze that it brought
with it long ago, which began evolving. This heated pool carries the building blocks of life and
strange elements brought forth from another planet. The same meteor that brought the
burgeoning baby aboleth to this planet has also sown the seeds for life itself, which have

developed here in isolation from the outside world; leading to strange and bizarre creatures
much like the ones seen at the bottom of oceans or in odd fossils.

The most developed inhabitants of this cave are the myconids, although they are but a
prehistoric underdeveloped variant who worship the aboleth as the ‘Star Child’. They decorate
the cave walls in depictions of its journey to this world, the stars from which it came, and the
Forgotten Realms place in the universe. They tell stories in their melding circles and share
visions of alien planets and mysterious moons. Characters who gain their trust may also share
in these vision, although they are terrifying and traumatising to the human mind, targets must
succeed in a DC 13 Wisdom save or take 7 (3d4) psychic damage The myconids, aware of this
fear will become offended and attack. The myconids are sheltered from the outside, having
never before met an intruder and having never been exposed to outside ideas. They believe
that all there is exists in this cave.

The beings in this cave feast upon each other in a tightly knit ecosystem, beyond the knowledge
of modern mages and holding secrets that will not be discovered again for millennia; secrets the
aboleth is well aware of and will take to his grave. Certain creatures within this environment,
such as the grells and myconids benefit symbiotically from each other, and as such fight
together as one. The stirges, the last main fauna mentioned above, simply swarm all food.

Within the forests of fungi, in which most are harmless alien mushrooms and slime molds, some
do have defensive abilities. Violet fungi and shriekers dominate the area and do not bother to
attack the majority of the native life, instead only reacting to the Party intruding through the
cave. Within the cave lies 18 shriekers, 21 violet fungi, 12 grells, 13 stirges, 11 myconid sprouts,
15 myconid adults, and a myconid sovereign with a wand of polymorph.

The Crater

As the party approaches the aboleths crater, he will be expecting them; having read the
thoughts of all the surrounding creatures that lived in his lair and doing his best to keep an eye
on everyone in the Party. He will then spring forward with one of his regional effects creating an
illusionary image of himself to confront the Party, attempting to bait out any prepared spells or
tricks they may have had up their sleeves. His first action will be attempting to use his E ​ nslave
action on the member of the Party that will be the most likely to fail. While attacking the
members of the party with his illusion and utilising lair action to pull the party apart separating
them and attempting to push them into the scattered pools of sludge that surround him. A
cunning creature the aboleth, he will only fight directly when confronted in his pool of water: the
entirety of which behaves as his M​ ucous Cloud ability. The aboleth will attempt to delay this final
confrontation as long as possible using manipulation, deceit, and coercion. Until he is
confronted directly the aboleth will use his legendary actions of perception as often as possible,
determining position, personality, and the secrets of his foes.

The aboleth is well equipped within its lair to defend itself. After exploring his cave he has
gathered knowledge of the pools and has selected to gain the magical mutations that are of
benefit to him. He has the​ Greasy, ​Smelly, ​Ooze, ​Extra Appendages, and the ​Loathsome Limbs
mutations, as well as being equipped with a trident of warning and pipes of haunting; both of
which he has made himself and are unfit to be wielded by non-aboleths. Finally there is a 35%
chance that the aboleth is in possession of the Book of Vile Darkness, which he has customised
to be written in an alien language of symbols and abstract etchings.

Finally the meteor the aboleth arrived in contains a vast amount of material treasures, although
he has very few magic items (none that can be wielded by humans) he has an enormous trove
of gems and metals. The meteor contains: three large moissanite starling gems each of flawless
white worth 7,500 gp each, seven safires of differing colors each worth 500 gp, and 240 lbs of
raw adamantine (worth approximately 125gp/lbs, totalling 30,000 gp of metal).

Pool Encounter

1 A Shambling Mound in a pit of loose, rotten mud.

2 Gelatinous Cube half submerged in stringy mucous.

3 Thirteen Young Stirges (minimum hit points) molt and spring from the swamp.

4 Three Swarms of Insects fly forth from holes in the muddy banks.

5 Shriekers, One Patch grows in shallow waters only a few inches deep.

6 Four Phase Spiders wait in a webbed sinkhole.

7 An Otyugh lies buried waist deep in mud.

8 Three Chuuls sift through the algae for small fish and crustaceans.

9 Violet Fungi, Three Stalks set apart in a ring surrounding the pool.

10 Three Psychic Grey Ooze squirm over each other probing and sloshing.

11 Ochre Jelly wriggle aimlessly in the swamp.

12 Roper waits at the edge of the pool eagerly seeking prey.

13 Swarm of Quippers await anything to fall into their murky waters.

14 Two Grick and One Grick Alpha bathe in the aboleths slime pool.

Center Pool Aboleth, The Thing From Outer Space

The World Eater
In That Sordid State, He Remained Until Ragnarok

The entrance to this Mini-Dungeon is informal at best. Your Party no doubt drifts down into
these depths in different ways from other Parties. It is up to the dungeon master where on the
map the Party starts, although it is recommended that they start within the Town Square
(location 4). Each player starts the dungeon with a plot point, page #269 D​ ungeon Master’s
Guide. Although its location is not known to the Party the Tarrasque’s presence can be felt.
When the Party enters the city they must succeed on the Tarrasque’s Frightful Presence ability.
If the saving throw succeeds they are immune to this fear ability until they see the Tarrasque for
the first time.

The ruins of this ancient city are overwhelmingly dangerous, not only because of the illithids that
infest this place but because of the deadly traps and advanced technology of the Atlanteans.
Their city sank years ago at the hands of the Tarrasque that lies in its inner most chambers,
only to be invaded once again by the Illithids that wish to harness its power. When investigating
the ruins scattered about the city the Party is likely to encounter monsters as well as treasure.
On the table below, roll once for every ten minutes the Party spends excavating. This process
also stirs up a large amount of silt which acts as a​ Fog Cloud. Roll twice every ten minutes when
searching the inner wall ruins.
Roll Discovery Encounter

1 Explosion 20 ft. radius 6d6 Bludgeoning None

2 Bestow Curse (Psionic) DC 22 1d4+2 Mind Flayers

3 1d6 Energy Cells 1 ​Elasmolithid

4 3d8 Energy Cells 1-3 ​Trituulon

5 Laser Pistol 2d6 I​ llusozoa

6 Antimatter Riffle None

While swimming about the sunken ruins of the city between locations and excavations the Party
is bound to run into a random encounter. Every ten minutes of travel time roll once on the

following table. While swimming in open water through the city without magical aid to hide the
Party, they guarantee themselves an encounter with an Elasmolithid each minute in addition to
normal encounters. No more than 36 Elasmolithids inhabit the area.
Roll Encounter

1-6 Nothing

7 1-2 Grey Ooze (​Psionic) billowing through the water like a grotesque grey curtain.

8-9 2d6 ​Illusozoa drifting about forming a wall of stinging barbs.

10 1d4 Mind Flayers skulking through the darkness.

11 1-2 ​Trituulon guarding the city from intruders.

12 1 ​Elasmolithid searching the water for prey.

The mind flayers that inhabit these hive ships have adapted to the local pressures, temperature,
and salt water with the aid of illithid symbiotes. These creatures allow illithids and other psionic
creatures to breathe water, swim comfortably at any depth, and protect them from the cold.
These symbiotes look similar to wetsuits with fleshy breathing tubes that enter through the
illithids mouths. They also carry antimatter rays and laser rifles as well, sometimes grenades.

Unique Creatures
The illithid empire once spanned the grandest reaches of space and conquered territory on
countless worlds, planes, and timelines. Their superior planning, efficiency, technology, and
psionics allowed them to prevail against countless species of now extinct aliens and beasts.
Nowadays it is rare to encounter illithid presence anywhere else in the planes but the underdark
of some worlds. Here they make refuge under the ocean, a practice abandoned by the illithids
because of its resource requirement. This strange dwelling is populated by some of the
strangest of the illithid variants, fringe creatures such as the ones found below.

These creatures are adapted to life down at the bottom of the ocean; the Elasmolithid, and the
Trituulon are bred intentionally and are made of native creatures that undergo ceremorphosis.
The illusozoa and the neothelid creatures are more natural variants, neither have gone through
ceremorphosis and both are native to the illithids home plane. While the illusozoa is a fairly
tame creature the rest of these horrors are deadly and vicious creatures.

Experiments into ceremorphosis on undersea life has yielded this terrifying breed of giant shark.
The Elasmolithid is the product of the search for a fearsome and easily controlled undersea
beast. The illithids typically dwell in moist caves or small pools but their research has brought
them to the sea once more. Needing strong hunters and observant guardians the elasmolithid
has been produced in large numbers.

Elasmolithids like many illithids are patient
ambush predators who use their psionic powers
to gain the upperhand, preferring to retreat and
try again if an attack was unsuccessful. Utilising
their misty step ability they can attack from
anywhere at any time. Couple this with their
ability to track and follow prey undetected
allows them to pick their targets and attack
when it is most inconvenient.

This 30 foot behemoth looks similar to a large

shark, but only in the most generous of sense.
Its body has become elongated and flexible and
its skin, usually coarse, white, and grey,
replaced with sickly, muted purple, mucosa. Its

mouth has been split into four fleshy grasping

tentacles with concentric rings of hooked teeth
and its eyes have swollen to the size of dinner
plates which bulge slightly.

The illusozoa is a rare form of deep sea
illithidae that has been raised by and brought

here by the mind flayers as an area of denial weapon. These strange wrinkly jellyfish glow with
a multitude of blue and purple lights and attack anything that swims too close.

The trituulon is a hardier, scaled variant of
the standard mind flayer. They are
ceremorphosised from mermen rather than
land dwelling relatives. They are slightly
stronger and more perceptive but lack
some of the stronger psionic features of
the standard mind flayer variants.
However, it should be noted that as many
if not more trituulon study magic than do
normal mind flayers. One out of every eight
trituulon studies magic, these alhoon
variants have a challenge rating of 8.

Trituulon look similar to normal mind

flayers save some distinguishing features.
They have no eyes and instead rely on a
sophisticated electromagnetic sense,
similar to that of sharks. They are covered
in thick platelike scales everywhere but
their tentacles and feature webbed hands
and feet.

The neothelid appears to be a long fleshy
worm lined with two rows of spines that
stretch from its head to its tail. On one end
of the worm lies a flaplike mouth that can
spring open to reveal four stinging
tentacles emerging from a round throat
hole lined with concentric rings of teeth.
The other end of the worm bears a stinger
which can paralyze opponents. It has no
eyes but it's psionics and hyper sensitive
mechanoreceptors can detect any creature
that invades its home. When it's not
guarding its babies the neothelid spends
most of its time curled into a tight bundle
as to appear smaller than it really is. Its

skin is a slimy purple-blue hue with a chromatic oily finish which turns to a flush red when

The worm is used by the mind flayers to birth new tadpoles. The worm currently has 25 broods
but will birth new hatches after its old ones have ceremorphosised or died. It will produce 1-8
broods per month while in hatching season, these tadpoles then mature for 7 months before

1 The Gatehouse

The area around the outer wall is scarcely patrolled; occasionally a scouting group of illithids
from Hive Shit 2 will patrol the area and elasmolithids will still attack any creature that swims
through open water, but the encounter tables results 8, 9, and 10 are the same a result 7 while
near the Gatehouse and outer wall.

2 Hive Ship ‘Uiu-lon’

The ship is a massive living organism bred for space flight. It is controlled by one simple brain,
that of a disgraced mindflayer that has chosen to serve in the hopes of redemption. They are a
form of kezreth, a pitiful and disgusting creature. It was tasked to land here and live just long
enough that the illithids inside could use its body. Once they have a steady source of food,
shelter, and protection, it dies. As it slowly rots its body is harvested for building materials and
food for thralls, its last contribution to illithid society. If the Party attempts to kill the creature they
may well be able to. It will not put up a fight and is incapable of doing so, although the mind
flayers inside will protect it. Spells cast upon the beast will damage it, but its body will continue
to protect the illithids even after death. (AC: 13 natural armor, Hp: 255)

The skin-like membrane at the opening is dual purpose. The primary function is that illithids
leaving the ship get enveloped in a coating. The ships immune cells are thickly laid into this
coating to identify the illithids and protect them from biological agents. This layer also functions
as the illithid symbiot used by the mind flayers. The second use is more sinister; creatures
coming into the ship from the outside also get coated in this film. This identifies them as
intruders, grants the illithids in the area the ability to detect them, and it begins to digest them as
would a green slime. It does all this while keeping the ship pressurised. The immune responses
of the ship include: green slime like solvents, swelling, toxic gas, antibiotics, increased
temperature, and other effects which can deal up to 55 (10d10) acid, poison, necrotic, or
psychic damages. The effects only get stronger as the Party continues, although the ship
cannot use these if it is dead.

Inside the fleshy walls of the ship the psionically triggered doors, constant illithid attacks, and
immune responses of the ship are all dangerous hazards but the most sinister is virtually
undetectable. The ship is littered with psionic circuitry. A detect magic would usually reveal such
a rune but the entirety of the ship radiates with it, which hides the runes presence. A psionic

circuitry rune can be of almost any spell, and up to three runes per room is common aboard the

Living inside the ship are 20 mind flayers and 10 trituulon, only about half will be home. Within
the ship lies 300 energy cells, 60 grenades, several dozen voidminds and oortlings (types of
illithid brain slaves), and a multitude of handheld tools the illithids operate with psionic energy
(mood stones and skull openers).

3 Hive Ship ‘Rlu-lon’

Hive ship Rlu-Lon is much the same as Uiu-Lon. The description and defense systems are the
same as above and it carries one additional mind flayer who serves as their commander. This
mind flayer is a Ulitharid, an especially powerful breed. It possesses two additional tentacles
and is far more psionically potent than its counterparts. It gains an additional +2 to each of its
ability scores, 1/day: ​etherealness, eyebite, an additional 15 (3d8) hit points, and deals an
additional die of damage on each of its attacks. The Ulitharid also possesses a power suit, a
alien device that provides increased speed and durability. While wearing the power suit the
user's AC becomes 22 (no Dexterity bonus), gains 50 temporary HP, gains 10 speed, and can
fly equal to their speed.

4 Town Square

The iron golem is a robotic soldier made by the Atlanteans eons ago, it was mass produced
shortly before their fall to the Tarrasque. The arm that is not wielding their massive sword is
inbuilt with a automatic laser rifle, functioning as the normal laser rifle weapon but with the ability
to fire with it three times per action.

Within the town lies an camouflaged creature that has so far remained undetected by illithids. A
variety of treant, the Coralant is a treant with water breathing made of a coral structure. Only a
druid with the aid of magic will be able to detect these creatures.

5 Thrall Pens

The three intellect devourers which guard the thrall pens monitor their minds for sentients. The
merfolk have been stripped of thought and now await brain extraction; however, one has kept a
tiny shred of himself, enough to hold onto his ancient Atlantean weapon. This weapon, a laser
sword made from advanced technologies (same as a s​ un blade, but does not require
attunement). In total the pens contain 58 oortling merfolk.

6 Breeding Caves

The rooms of the cave are filled with illithid tadpoles. These creatures swim up to every moving
creature they can find in large swarms, they attempt to enter their brain where they will be able
to complete ceremorphosis. Treat tadpoles as swarms of water breathing insects, except that if
they reduce a creature's hit points to zero it kills that creature by melding with their brain. A
Greater Restoration or a ​Wish spell can return a creatures killed this way to life, otherwise this
creature will return to life as an illithid in 72 hours. There are a total of 25 tadpole swarms within
the cave.

Growing in large patches within the caves are strange brain growths of various color and size.
These brains will grow to one day be intellect devourers, until then they will remain in their larval
form (ustiligors). Ustilagors are capable of nothing more than simple small movement and are
capable of producing a scream heard only by illithids. 18 patches of ustilagors are growing
along the walls.

Silently swimming about is a massive monster; one of the most dreadful and dangerous of the
illithid race, the Neothelid. This is perhaps the most natural form of the illithid, a tadpole that
survived its life without going through ceremorphosis. These creatures must fight for survival,
eating their brothers and surviving constant attack themselves. The result is a large worm with
extremely potent psionic ability filled with rage and insecurity. These creatures can grow to
astounding length and their maximum age is unknown. It is believed that before the emergence
of the mind flayer we are familiar with, the illithid species was predominantly populated with
these neothelid while they lived on their home world.

7 The World Eater’s Prison

The spires of tubeworms that surround the castle contain the Tarrasque and provide a barrier
that prevents anything from entering or exiting. The effect is similar to that of a c​ ube of force
with infinite charges, set to five faces over the castle. This does not prevent tunneling in from
below as shown in 6, The Breeding Cave. The secondary effect of this barrier is that it imposes
the effect of ​dimensional shackles upon all creatures within the barrier. The barrier lasts for as
long as the two hive ships are alive, once both are dead the barrier collapses and the Tarrasque

Creatures that enter the castle will be trapped within as long as the barrier holds, in the center of
the castle lies a heap of rubble (in reality this heap is the Tarrasque laying dormant). To detect
the Tarrasque a creature must make a DC 30 Perception check. No spells save for the ​wish
spell can reveal its presence. The Tarrasque’s slumber is ultimate and unending, while asleep
the Tarrasque cannot be effected by any spell, attack, or condition of any type. It is as if a
cunning combination of petrification, temporal stasis, and immortality. Only by awakening can
the Tarrasque be effected or targeted, because of this there is very little the Party can do to
force it to wake. It can only be coaxed awake by presenting it with 100 tons of food, once this
tribute is made it springs from slumber.

When the Tarrasque awakens...

When the Tarrasque awakens its regional effects take effect immediately. After eating its
treasure it begins swimming towards the surface ignoring all but the most severe obstacles. If
the Tarrasque takes damage it will attack its source without hesitation and will continue its
assault until death. If it isn't damaged by the Parties assault it will continue until it reaches the
underdark biome, where it begins to consume everything.

Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Tarrasque takes a lair action to cause one of the
following effects; the Tarrasque can't use the same effect two rounds in a row:
❖ The Tarrasque consumes a swath of land 50 feet wide and 100 feet long. All creatures
caught in this area of effect must make a Dexterity saving throw DC 19 or be swallowed.
❖ The Tarrasque instantly digests the contents of its stomach which deals 56 (15d6) acid
damage to each creature in its stomach and heals it for 56 (15d6).
❖ The Tarrasque emits a wave of anti-magic that cancels all active spells in a 120 foot
radius centered around the Tarrasque. Treat this effect as a d ​ ispel magic cast using a
7th level slot against each magical effect in the area.

regional Effects
When the Tarrasque awakes it is the beginning of the end. The Tarrasque is more than a simple
beast, more than any other creature the Tarrasque is an embodiment of destruction and
savagery. The annihilation caused from its passing is of a colossal scale, its effect on The
Dungeon Land will be no different. When the Tarrasque awakes the following regional effects
take effect
❖ Animals flock in droves to the Tarrasque, compelled by some powerful unknown force.
Rather than fleeing the creatures willingly give themselves up to the beast. All creatures
with 3 or less intelligence succumb to this allure.
❖ Each day the Tarrasque will consume and destroy a biome of The Dungeon Land;
starting from the underdark and moving up until consuming the mountains and then
drinking the ocean. For each floor the Tarrasque consumes roll twice on the Magical
Mutations table and choose one.

❖ When the Tarrasque awakens a wave of ancient magical energy rolls across the land
upheaving everything it touches. This wave functions as a combination of the
earthquake, ​reverse gravity, and ​tsunami spells.

The Tarrasque’s overwhelming constitution proves insurmountable by conventional weapons.

On page #247 in ​The Dungeon Master’s Guide under the section O ​ bjects, > ​Huge and
Gargantuan Objects it provides an optional rule for objects of this size to be immune to normal
weapons; requiring instead siege weapons to be used. One of the following sections,​ Damage
Threshold, provides an optional rule of minimum values for damaging an object. The Tarrasque
has a similar defense to this; it has a damage threshold of 50, which is subtracted from the
damage any normal sized weapon or spell attack would deal. Magical siege weapons ignore the
Tarrasques damage threshold. During the fight ancient Atlantean siege weapons can be found
by the Party to fight the Tarrasque, however the Tarrasque will attempt to destroy these
weapons once they are used. Finding a siege weapon through all of the debris requires a
Perception check DC 20 and takes 1 round. Only 6 of these cannons can be found. They each
contain enough energy for 1d4 shots, it takes 3 actions to reload the cannons. Knowledge of
this alien weaponry is required to reload the cannons, page #268 Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Roll Siege Weapon Found

1-3 Laser Cannon, broken; cannot be repaired.

4 Psionic Zeta Wave Cannon; 36 (6d10) psychic damage

5 Laser Cannon; 46 (9d10) radiant damage

6 Antimatter Cannon; 108 (18d10) necrotic damage

The truly incomprehensible size of the Tarrasque is to be made clear in this fight. The size
category listed for the Tarrasque is gargantuan (titan). Size categories do not end at
gargantuan, but continue for another three categories; gargantuan < colossal < humongous <
titan. In the description for gargantuan creatures they should s​ tand 32 to 64 feet tall while
weighing 16 to 125 tons, in its description the Tarrasque fits well in that range; why then the
titan size category? Simple, that’s not as big as they get. ​To this end we have chosen to make
our Tarrasque a bit older and a bit larger. T ​ he World Eater is truly titan in size, standing nearly
500 feet tall and 700 feet long while weighing well over 1,000 tons. The World Eater shares the
same statistics, abilities, and actions as all other Tarrasques; however, the reach on its bite and
horns is 50 feet, the reach on its claw attack is 70 feet, and the reach on its tail attack is a
terrifying 100 feet. The final difference is that The World Eater has a whopping 999 hit points,
nothing can be stronger.

The World Eater is so massive even gargantuan creatures are dwarfed by its passing. Any
creature colossal or smaller can climb onto the back of the Tarrasque using a grapple action.
The back of the Tarrasque is difficult terrain and each round a creature spends climbing the

back of the Tarrasque they must make a Constitution check or gain one level of exhaustion.
Creatures climbing on the back of the Tarrasque cannot be targeted by the Tarrasque’s bite,
horn, or claw attack.

Underneath the Tarrasque lies a mountain of treasure, the hoard once belonged to the king of
Atlantis and was used by The World Eater as a bed for its long slumber. If the Tarrasque is
ignored by the Party it will eat its treasure before it leaves. The Treasure contains 39,500 gp,
18,500 pp, 8 diamonds worth 5000 gp each, 3 jewelry each worth 2,500 each, and 4 art pieces
each worth 7,500 gp. Among the magic items there is a chance of finding one or two orbs
settled on the ocean floor, these are Orbs of Dragonkind! There is a 30% chance that one of
these orbs is present, and if so roll again, this time with a 1% chance; if successful two of these
orbs are present. Under the treasure lies a hidden door, this door leads to the finally of ​The
Dungeon Land.

A Conclusion of Pain

“Do we need an end?”

“I was thinking that as well, like I want to say goodbye. But, what do we say?”

“Well, you had a summary, why not a conclusion?”

“A Conclusion of Pain, lol, I like it. But what do we say? I’m Sorry?”

“No, I will not apologize for anything written in this book, it's true that it's cruel, painful, and
nearly impossible but we gave it our all. To those that have ventured through and made it to the
end, that have crossed our imagination and lived to tell the tale, we raise our mugs. Everything
in this book is mean, complex, and imaginative, to the victor goes the spoils.”

- A Goodbye and Thank You from Perilous Prints

(and a real conversation)


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