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The Necromancer's Dragon
The Necromancer's Dragon
The Necromancer's Dragon
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The Necromancer's Dragon

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Sixteen-year-old Selena Liongod has no memories of her past. She's never been in aerial combat. She doesn't know any magic and has never ridden a dragon before. Yet when Selena forms an unusual alliance with a very special dragon hatchling, her life changes forever.

Release dateSep 29, 2021
The Necromancer's Dragon

C. D. Muller

C.D. Muller (also under the pen name Crystal Summers for romance) was born on December 9th, 1990. From her love of Harry Potter, she wrote the first installment in the Armageddon Trilogy when she was fourteen. She graduated from Patagonia Union High School in 2009 and attended college to study Computer Science and programming. She participated in community events, such as writing plays for the Tin Shed Theatre and preparing presentations for elementary classes. Her husband's death heavily affected Muller's writing and art. She almost gave up on both but ended up using her talents to help her cope with depression and anxiety. She currently lives in Tucson, AZ, with her son and three cats. For more information, go to for updates and her social media.

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    Book preview

    The Necromancer's Dragon - C. D. Muller


    The Girl and the Dragon

    Ne rvous—dreadfully nervous Gromm and Beck Steelmane had been. As brothers and Flying Officers of Her Imperial Majesty’s Air Force of Dragon Riders, they and their dragon, Vulcan, had barely escaped with their lives, escorting their precious cargo to Helshire Village: an unconscious young girl and a stolen dragon egg.

    Gromm was the muscle of the two due to his size and bulk compared to Beck’s leaner frame. The two donned silver-streaked armor, their boots shaped like dragon talons. Despite their many physical differences, they shared the same brown hair and blue eyes, connecting them as brothers. Vulcan, a solid red dragon the size of two houses with scales as jagged and sharp as obsidian, had been their partner for many years, the three sharing more than twenty years of combat experience.

    The Imperial Air Force was a branch of the military that engaged in battle and other duties on the backs of dragons where only men could serve. Since the alliance made with the dragons nearly one thousand fourteen hundred years ago, the Council—a group of thirteen powerful elders gifted in magic led by Vidar Helios—learned from the One Hundred Years’ War that dragons could be used as weapons of catastrophic destruction. Thus, the Council established the Force and prohibited unauthorized riders and handlers unless they served the Imperial army. Though dragons were rumored to be reincarnations of the Divines themselves, Vidar and the Council trapped them in chains to control their Divine fearing nature.

    Yet, dragons weren’t the only creatures being restrained; Empress Aryl Aurora, an elven maiden most fair, ruled Armageddon’s empire alone after losing her husband over two hundred years ago. Since then, the land had been under hers and the Council’s rule. However, Vidar feared Her Imperial Majesty succumbing to madness after the death of her husband, thus creating a political struggle. Because of this, the Council had been questioning her leadership and seizing to take control of the Empire.

    They arrived at Helshire Village on the third evening, a dainty settlement with no connections to magic, as the locals didn’t wish to be involved in anything strange or mysterious. Yet, it was the perfect hiding place away from the Lich who had been pursuing the dragon riders for stealing the girl and the dragon egg from him.

    Known and feared as the most powerful undead necromancer among man, elf, and dwarf kind, the Lich claimed Death’s throne in Oblivion before manifesting himself within the mortal realm; the underworld suffered from his ten-thousand-year sovereignty. His actual name—no one would dare speak it as it brought bad luck and misfortune. Gromm and Beck grew anxious when recalling his cultists, known as the Obsidian Order, clad in eerie silver masks and midnight blue robes chasing them from Mount Blackrock, the Lich’s lair.

    Blackrock’s volcanic peak occupied the border of Mirrorhold and Armageddon, the fortress polluted with thick smog writhing around the obsidian castle, swirling with dark magic tainting the atmosphere. Massive like a city capital, the black magma citadel pierced the heavens with spiked towers.

    As Vulcan landed gracefully before a secluded, cozy home that flaunted a stone pathway weaving through a lovely, well-kept garden, his ruby eyes fixed unblinkingly like two red moons on a man who suddenly appeared beneath the dimly lit lamppost standing guard. Gromm and Beck flinched, as they assumed the stranger appeared in a plume of smoke; he donned a long, red regal jacket with gilt trimmings and a golden waist buckle to match. The man’s raven-feathered textured hair swept past his pointed ears, but his face hid behind a black and white mask. Their mysterious greeter moved more swiftly than any human could, as to be expected of an elf. Whoever he was, this stranger helped save them from the Lich and met them at the village at Divine’s speed.

    Though Gromm was taller than his brother, this man towered over him, peering through a fearsome mask that made the brothers quiver in their boots. One half was painted black, contrasting a flaring white design around the eye fading towards the edge, and the other side displayed the same pattern but reversed colors. Emblazoned upon the forehead was a black fox head; Gromm gasped upon recognizing it immediately: the symbol Varathka Gundisalvus—a brilliant war general and writer—used during the One Hundred Years’ War.

    After the battle, Gundisalvus was charged with treason, endangering the Empire for failing to disclose information about a secret weapon the Lich sought, ultimately starting the war. It was a powerful sword called Ragnarok with abilities to destroy and create worlds. After all, Xyaxon, the Divine of life and creation whose sovereignty claimed the spirit realm of Niflheim, blessed it himself. He was often portrayed as a lion made of fire, though his proper form remained unknown to mortals. The second Divine, Death, the Shepherd of Souls—whose actual name was stricken from history after losing Oblivion’s throne to the Lich—was a draconic beast with seven heads and ten horns. Ulrich—whose real name couldn’t be enunciated by mortal tongue—the third Divine of war, destruction, and technology, roamed the physical world as a giant emerald dragon. Together, the three Divines maintained balance and peace.

    Vulcan swung his massive head around, snarling through clamped fangs at the regally dressed stranger, but Gromm spoke softly to calm his nerves. Being the brave-hearted hero he was, Beck jumped into his partner’s arms; grumbling over his brother’s foolishness, Gromm immediately dropped him. Yet, the elf man turned a deaf ear to their bickering as he approached the dragon’s saddle fit to carry a crew of twenty bodies and quizzically looked at the unconscious young girl and satchel hiding the dragon egg.

    Uttering his prayers to all three Divines, Beck cautiously stood up, shaking until Gromm placed a heavy hand on his shoulder, keeping him grounded. W-who do we owe this pleasure?

    The mysterious stranger finally acknowledged the two after satisfying his curiosity and approached Gromm instead, deeming him the stronger brother. Phantom Dust. They cringed at his stoic tone, but he raised his hand in peace. You have no reason to fear me, for you and I stand on the same side. I am here to ensure the completion of your task. Phantom Dust paused when he took note of the girl’s near-death state, and his eyes shimmered behind the mask. If the brothers saw, they withheld their opinions.

    The young lady was a lovely maiden approaching adulthood; her long, chocolate-brown hair flowed across her thin and frail body. Dressed in only tattered rags, her dirtied and hair-covered copper-hued face still radiated with beauty; she was a gorgeous creature that lit up this dark and damp corner. Etched into her left hand was a strange symbol: a crescent shape drawn into a circle.

    What in Oblivion is that? Beck asked, pointing at the girl’s hand, but his question reached deaf ears.

    Before either Gromm or Beck could argue, the man snatched the bag with the dragon egg and held it close to his chest before gesturing towards the house. Gromm, carry the girl. Chaliss is waiting for us. Come along.

    Baffled by how he knew their names, the brothers understood that Phantom Dust knew the mysterious girl, but he neither explained how nor why, and it would be improper to pry. Instead, they unloaded the saddle in silence, grateful for their moment of respite after their nearly botched mission.

    As they and Vulcan stood in the middle of the sleeping settlement, a woman appeared to them, a tall, thin, and beautiful maiden. Her raven black hair was long enough to be tucked away into her leather belt, her green dress accentuating her amber eyes. Her name was Chaliss Branwen.

    Without offering the men a single word, she held out her hand and pointed at them. Gromm and Beck caught each other’s gazes before Chaliss said in a calm and serene voice: Follow me inside. It’s not safe out here. Dust and the two brothers nodded as she led the way. Loki alerted me of your arrival.

    That damn fox, Gromm grumbled.

    Chaliss shared in his resentment, and at the sound of his name, a brilliant orange fox about the size of a small dog ran from the front door to greet them. Loki, at your service. The fox bowed. His mastery of their language didn’t faze Dust and the brothers, as Loki was a shapeshifter, but he was only limited to three forms he could take: aside from his fox visage, he could only transform into a little girl, a raven, and an older man, using his powers when deemed necessary. The fox was only loyal to Her Imperial Majesty.

    Gromm moaned, but Beck gave the fox a firm nod to acknowledge his greeting before following Chaliss inside. Her house was welcoming from the opened door to the wide hallway; gas lamps flickered like candles in the rooms, and upon the wall in the parlor was a small black and white photograph of Chaliss with her son, Rahim Branwen. The brothers’ stomachs rumbled when they saw a cauldron filled with beef stew sitting over the open fire pit in the kitchen, the delicious smell teasing their nostrils. Dust, however, remained stoic and unbothered as usual.

    They followed Chaliss into an empty bedroom devoid of all furniture but a freshly made twin-sized bed; a lovely window graced with a flowerpot filled with evening primroses, their golden petals gleaming like fine jewelry. Ensuring the girl was comfortable upon the fresh sheets, the five exchanged proper introductions and reaffirmed they served the same side, Gromm and Beck regaled Chaliss and Loki of their almost failed mission until Phantom Dust saved them from their deadly predicament: nearly being swallowed alive by a massive wyvern several times Vulcan’s size.

    As a Chain Master, Dust began, I can easily take down a dragon on my own.

    Gromm said, Because you’re the only bloody Chain Master in Armageddon. Only one man has ever learnt the art, but your actual name eludes us.

    It’s best to keep it that way.

    Finally, Beck asked, once they finished their tale, Who is the girl, and why did the Lich want her and the dragon egg? He leaned towards his brother and whispered, What do you reckon the Lich was going to do to them, Gromm?

    Oh, blast it all, you nitwit. Gromm lifted his massive hand and slammed it against his brother’s head, What do you think he would do, invite them to a tea party? No, he would kill her and probably raise the hatchling for his own. They ignored Dust shifting uncomfortably in his spot as he tightened his grip around the concealed dragon egg.

    Blimey, I’m sorry. After all the things that necromancer and his bloody followers have done…it’s astounding why we had to rescue them.

    Dust bowed to the girl but kept his silence; Gromm crossed his arms over his broad chest but reached into the sack he carried and pulled out a rolled parchment. Orders are orders, and I would never cross the Empress. Besides, he leaned close to Beck, with that Phantom Dust fellow watching us, I wouldn’t dare. Odd gent, but someone I wouldn’t cross, that’s for damn sure.

    Shh, Beck pressed a finger to his lips, but Dust didn’t react; instead, he swept the girl’s hair away from her delicate face.

    When he finally spoke, however, the tense atmosphere only further steeped the room: The Council isn’t to know about the outcome of your mission. Only report what you must but see to it that Vidar and the others do not know this girl’s name or of the egg’s existence.

    "We don’t even know the girl’s name, but Vidar will ask—"

    Beck was wholly interrupted when Dust’s head spun around. I will not repeat myself: if word got out about her and the dragon egg and why the Lich captured them in the first place, the Council will be involved, and only the Divines know what will happen then. What is discussed here remains here.

    I could only imagine if word got out about her and the dragon. The two would become legends worthy of Divine praise, Chaliss added, and she bit her cheek; Gromm and Beck were left wondering what secrets followed the mysterious child and dragon, as Chaliss seemed to know more than they did. When Dust glared at her, Chaliss recoiled. Forgive me. Would you like for me to make some tea?

    She used this as an excuse to leave once everyone agreed and calmed her blazing thoughts as she prepared and served earl grey with lemon and sugar, cheese crumpets, and biscuits. Even Loki indulged a little. Gromm covered his mouth with a napkin upon finishing his tea. That tyke from the photograph—your son, I take it?

    Chaliss nodded and faced Dust. Rahim is aware that we will have an addition to our household for the time being. The poor dear may stay for however long she needs a home.

    Though Chaliss, Dust, and Loki agreed, Gromm and Beck still exhibited some reluctance to this plan in withholding information from the Council. Won’t those old coots figure it out? You can’t hide the two forever. What if the dragon hatches? Gromm snarled and grumbled when Chaliss couldn’t give him an answer.

    Dust snorted as he finally set down the satchel on the bed; the leather slid down, revealing a large, beautiful but jagged, oval-shaped stone about a foot long. The eggshell itself looked to be encrusted with rubies and topazes, the colors mixing like a burning flame. Never seeing a dragon egg quite like this, the brothers crept closer for a better look, Dust immediately handed it to Chaliss after tying it back in the pouch, protecting the forbidden treasure. From Silver’s calculations and the shell beginning to harden, I fear that may be soon. Keep it safe and hidden for now until we can figure out what to do later, he warned, Soon, I’ll ask Silver to come for it when everything settles. Let no one know you have it.

    Once Chaliss agreed and left with the precious paragon, Beck nibbled on his crumpet like a mouse with a piece of cheese. It would be treason if we got caught.

    This is a very precarious situation indeed, but we won’t as long as you do exactly as I say, Dust declared, Only report what you must, but no more. Your orders are directly from Her Imperial Majesty.

    Gromm cleared his throat and clapped his hands together. Then, we have no business staying here, and Vulcan is giving us an earful. We may as well return to Alfheim for a much-needed holiday.

    After the Steelmane brothers said their farewells to Dust, he turned and looked at the girl once more before taking his leave. May the Divines watch over you and the dragon, Selena Liongod.



    Ne arly a week had passed since sixteen-year-old Selena Liongod, a lovely young maiden blossoming into womanhood with sun-kissed copper skin, had awoken from her near-death-like stupor. Yet, the village remained unchanged regardless of welcoming its newest resident. What baffled Chaliss and Rahim the most was that she had no memory of who she was or why the Lich captured her, to begin with.

    Not too thrilled about the idea of having an older adopted sibling, Rahim teased and bullied Selena for the mark she bore on her left hand. It took him almost a month to adjust, but Rahim finally made amends for his terrible behavior, and the pair were like brother and sister once they declared a truce.

    Selena was intelligent for her age, always caught somewhere in the house with a book open in her lap. Subjects mattered not, whether they were about Armageddon’s history, different magics, or mathematics—Selena considered each tome a piece of hidden treasure. If she didn’t have a book ready, Rahim trapped her in a card game or a round of chess. He may have been the one to teach her the game rules, but Selena always won.

    Just as the sun crept through her window, Selena awoke with a jolt from another dream she had about the legendary sword, Ragnarok. Lately, Xyaxon’s famous weapon was her new topic of interest, so it came as no surprise that it often haunted her thoughts. However, there was also a dragon egg that Chaliss kept hidden in the storage room, its shell beginning to crack.

    It didn’t take long for Rahim’s voice to rattle down the hall as she got up; her eyes lazily scanned the opened book about Ragnarok sitting on her bedside dresser, and Selena remembered she fell asleep reading again.

    Rahim stormed up the stairs and pounded on her bedroom door. This isn’t the time to sleep. Mum is coming back from town soon to make breakfast.

    Rubbing her eyes, Selena slowly opened the door when he wouldn’t give up, her long hair tangled in knots. It’s too early for this.

    Rubbish. His eyes landed on the book cover, and he cringed; unlike her, Rahim loathed books. No wonder why you’re so tired. You spent the night reading again, he saw the cover, What’s this about Ragnarok? It’s just a myth.

    I beg to differ. Like Varathka Gundisalvus, Genesis Altessa believes and has proof of its existence.

    Rahim drew a blank expression. Genesis who?

    The scholar who studied dragons and discovered magic over sixteen thousand years ago—

    Right, I believe I’ve heard you prattle on about your secret love before. Selena’s face burned, and when she denied his accusations and explained Genesis died long ago, Rahim added, Dead men won’t break your heart. Besides, you shouldn’t worry so much about reading; it’s not important.

    It is to me.

    He groaned. I thought all women talked about marriage and finding a good husband with prospects.

    Face still flustered, Selena looked down. Now you’re just ridiculous. I may be sixteen, but that doesn’t mean I’m supposed to find a husband. Besides, I wouldn’t make a good wife. I’m not pretty enough.

    Rahim rolled his eyes. Here we go again—I don’t want to hear this. The two stopped when the door clicked open downstairs, and Chaliss called their names. Eyes gleaming like a candle’s flame, Rahim excused himself to bother his mother instead.

    Selena sighed at Rahim’s point; women who developed an interest in reading were ignored or sometimes shunned and ridiculed in public. However, this did not stop her from enjoying her hobbies.

    She inspected herself in the full-body mirror, running her fingers through her long and wavy chocolate-brown hair. She was thin—too thin, compared to most girls and women in the village. The only physical feature she liked about herself was her sea-green eyes. Yet, seeing her left palm bearing the symbol, Selena sighed as she wrapped it in a piece of cloth, her same routine every time she left the house. Much like her memories, the mark was foreign to her. Chaliss was at a loss whenever Selena asked; she tried researching the matter before, but every book she believed had the answer led to a dead end. Why would anyone want someone like me as a wife? I’m too different, but I suppose it could be a good thing.

    Books from her collection cluttered her desk on top of a large world map listing different continents. One landmass read Armageddon, their Empire. Because of Armageddon’s proximity to the far north, the continent was always icy—even their summer months could expect some snowfall. Runefell was another connecting landmass to the east; Mirrorhold, the size of the two combined, was their western neighbor. Blackstar, however, floated in isolation south in the ocean.

    Armageddon comprised four powerful kingdoms, each with its capital. Alfheim was the city of the elves in the Fire Kingdom, while Rhumbek belonged to the dwarves in the Earth Kingdom. Nuvak, primarily humans, was in the Air Kingdom, and Snowhaven—home to a primitive mix of races—was a large group of isles within the Water Kingdom. The only route to reach the remote capital would be to sail through the harsh, icy waters of the unforgiving Turquoise Ocean.

    Their settlement, Helshire Village, stood alone on the outskirts of the Fire Kingdom province. The Dragon’s Heartland, a massive forest surrounding their home, stretched across the most southwestern part of the continent, with the Ridgeland Mountains securing the border to Mirrorhold. South was the Black Bog Forest that few ventured through; legends of bizarre creatures were enough to keep even the bravest men away.

    Thinking about how Rahim would pester Chaliss, Selena said to herself, "Hopefully Matu won’t be in a foul mood." ‘Matu’ meant ‘caretaker’ in the Elven Language as a term of endearment. It was not a common language to use: most of it was forgotten and lost to the ages.

    As she ventured downstairs, the windows caught three massive shadows drifting over their nestled village: black dragons soared above, carrying vessels that Selena assumed to have war supplies. Her Imperial Majesty’s Air Force was in disarray, gathering soldiers and rationing meat; Alfheim was preparing for war, as the Council feared a surprise attack from the Lich.

    Rahim had already beaten her to the kitchen, bouncing in his spot as Chaliss—after putting away the food she bought—dished fried eggs, bacon, tomatoes, and mushrooms with tea and, for Rahim’s request, coffee. Their breakfast began the same way: Rahim still lightheartedly teasing Selena for always reading instead of learning how to cook like, in his words, A proper housewife should.

    Before Chaliss could scold him, Selena reached over and pinched his ear. I don’t want to be a housewife, she declared, I want to do as I please, even if all I’m ever good at is reading.

    Rahim was about to argue, but one look from Chaliss was enough to make him swallow his words. That’s enough from you.

    In between sips of coffee, Rahim cautiously chose his following words. Yes, you can do whatever you please as you rave like a lunatic about Ragnarok. He laughed.

    Ragnarok? Are you still reading about that? Chaliss asked.

    Selena’s face turned red as Chaliss avoided any topics about the ancient sword as much as possible. She believed that the stories only brought terrible luck; in her opinion, magic was taboo. A sword created by Xyaxon—the most powerful weapon in the world, Rahim exclaimed, Find it, so we can use it to fight against Venexus. Selena shuddered at hearing the Lich’s real name; she prayed never to encounter that necromancer again. Yet, Rahim wouldn’t drop the uncomfortable subject as he shoveled the last of his eggs into his mouth. He used to be a powerful sorcerer from Oblivion, and now he’s come to our world.

    We will not talk about this anymore, Chaliss snapped, any mention of demons or liches is enough to bring bad luck, and we don’t need any more of that here in this household. Her voice was sharp and stern, enough to make Rahim and Selena recoil.

    I’m sorry, mum.

    After breakfast, I need you two to start your chores.

    Although Selena was always interested in learning about magic, everyone in Helshire wasn’t exactly keen on the art. Only magic users were born with the gift of manipulating the energies, and those with the aptitude would travel and study with Alfheim’s scholars, perfecting their craft. Even then, it took years to master any single element. Selena always wondered if she was ever born with a gift like that, but just like her past, she may never know. Instead, she dreamt of the possibility.

    Rahim groaned, but he and Selena cleared the table when they finished eating and began washing dishes. Yet, when Chaliss left the room, he asked, What will you do with that sword? Are you going to use it to kill the Lich?

    Confused and bemused, Selena squinted at him. Why would I do that?

    Because he’s evil. He kills people and forces their souls to join his legion of the undead. Rahim held his hands above his head and curled his fingers like claws.

    Her attempts at reassuring herself that Rahim was lying failed. That’s not true.

    He left Oblivion to take over the world.

    Stop it.

    It’s true. His fun ending, Rahim sighed. So, what are you going to do with Ragnarok?

    Nothing. I just wanted to know more about it.

    Rahim laughed. You’re never going to find the damn thing. Soon, you’ll start raving like a madman like Gundisalvus.

    He may have been insane, but I believe he knew what he was doing.

    But he was still mental. He got himself locked up in Mortemholdt after the war ended because he was a lunatic. When Selena turned a deaf ear to his ramblings, Rahim tapped her shoulder and pointed out the kitchen window. Look. Do you know that house across the street? That was his, and I know it’s haunted. I bet his ghost is there.

    Selena raised a brow. Now you’re just making up stories.

    I swear by the Divines. I’ve walked by it a few times, and I’ve heard moans and groans. Rahim imitated the noises, and Selena threw her washcloth at him. The two stopped when another pair of large, red dragons sailed gracefully over their house. Imagine riding on the backs of one of those, Rahim said in awe.

    I had a dream about a dragon egg before, Selena said, "and it was getting close to hatching. It looked like the one Matu keeps hidden in the locked storage room."

    You just keep getting weirder, Rahim said, shuddering. In his opinion, strange occurrences plagued their household since Selena’s arrival, though he failed to elaborate whenever Selena asked him to provide an example. As far as she was concerned, Helshire Village was almost the same as it had been before she came.

    However, what Selena wouldn’t admit was that the dragon egg called to her. She had snuck into Chaliss’ room on several occasions while she and Rahim were away to look at it, its ruby and topaz-encrusted shell dazzling and alluring. Selena made it a habit to talk to it as if the egg was a sentient being; on her last visit, she placed her hand upon the shell, feeling a small heartbeat, full of life. It mattered not that women weren’t allowed to become dragon riders—the Council couldn’t order Selena to stop dreaming.

    Would it not be famous to ride a dragon? Selena asked herself when Rahim was out of earshot.

    The following days passed uncomfortably, as Selena’s dreams surrounding the dragon egg grew with her increasing anxiety. Perhaps Chaliss sensed the upcoming hatching day, as she spent a great deal of time inspecting the egg, going as far as sleeping and eating beside it. Selena couldn’t imagine what Chaliss would do if the dragon hatched, as Vidar and the Council would immediately take the hatchling away as soon as they receive word. However, the morning Selena awoke from her latest dream announcing the first cracks beginning to show, Chaliss was in hysterics before rushing to the storage room.

    Selena and Rahim at once followed and watched as Chaliss placed down a special cushion, and gingerly set the shaking egg upon it. It stopped moving briefly but cracked more seriously when Selena stepped forward; a clawed tip wing poked out, chip-tipped nose and talons scrabbling through the cracked rubies and topazes.

    The hatchling would soon discover a new world through a slow awakening, one different from its accustomed darkness filled with blurred patterns and colors. Selena saw fresh, amber-colored eyes brighten as the dragon’s pupils dilated from the sudden seeping light welcoming the new creature; the glistening crimson dragonet’s triangular head popped out, and suddenly, the two halves of its shell flung apart.

    The slimy interior of the egg trailed behind the red dragon whelpling as it clawed and crawled its way across the scattered pieces on the pillow, leaving a path of slime and blood. Sniffing and flickering its sleek tail, the dragon unfolded its five-spined golden wings like a lady’s fan, phalanges delicate and thin, the texture like parchment. Specks of purple, red, and yellow ovals dabbed the trailing edges of both of its wings; its stomach burned a gilded glow, magnifying the hue of its sparkling amber eyes. Its newborn hide gleamed like polished rubies crafted by the world’s finest jewelers.

    The dragonet’s face donned a formidable bone mask with two horns upon its head curving inward like a crown, and three tiny horns adorned its jawline. A long forked red tongue slithered from between its small but sharp fangs to taste the fresh air for the first time.

    Selena herself was impressed and awestruck; she had never seen a hatchling before, let alone witnessed the birth of one. She, nor Chaliss and Rahim, did not have the knowledge to identify the breed. Perhaps it was a rare one, for his coloration and physical features were unlike any dragon they had seen from both sides. The hatchling was large, almost the size of a large dog. Although Selena and Rahim watched in amazement, Chaliss was very pale when she stepped and knelt towards the creature.

    However, the hatchling grew bored and impatient with its newfound audience and busied itself cleaning off the bits of shell and slime from its glorious hide. Selena swallowed hard when she remembered that dragons obeyed no command. She wondered what would happen if the dragon refused to listen and accept a new rider.

    The dragonet reared its head back, ember sparks igniting from its nostrils as it unfurled its already large wings. Chaliss immediately recoiled as it stood upon its haunches to examine its surroundings more closely, and when it turned to explore the storage room, Rahim took a few steps back. Before Selena could react, the dragon came past her and sat up to look at her inquisitively.

    Its eyelids clicked as it blinked at her, its slit-pupiled eyes blazing into hers. Her spine suddenly turned cold when she heard a resounding rumble echo in her mind, the same noises it made deep in its chest. Her skin prickled, and her neck hair stood on end when a guttural, yet intelligible voice pierced her thoughts, but a voice

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