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The biotechnological potential of marine bacteria in the

novel lineage of Pseudomonas pertucinogena
Alexander Bollinger,1 Stephan Thies,1 genomic analysis focusing on the presence of genes
Nadine Katzke and Karl-Erich Jaeger1,2,* encoding esterases, dehalogenases, transaminases
Institute of Molecular Enzyme Technology, and secondary metabolites including carbon storage
Heinrich-Heine-University Du € sseldorf, compounds.
Forschungszentrum Ju € lich, D-52425 Ju € lich, Germany.
Institute of Bio- and Geosciences IBG-1: Biotechnology,
Forschungszentrum Ju € lich GmbH, D-52425 Ju € lich, Introduction
The oceans cover the largest part of the earth’s surface
and represent one of the most diverse environments on
our planet (Venter et al., 2004; Armbrust and Palumbi,
2015; Tully et al., 2018). Researchers have started to
Marine habitats represent a prolific source for mole- explore this diversity by identification and isolation of bio-
cules of biotechnological interest. In particular, marine catalysts and secondary metabolites produced by marine
bacteria have attracted attention and were success- organisms, opening up a novel branch of research and
fully exploited for industrial applications. Recently, a application termed blue biotechnology. Examples com-
group of Pseudomonas species isolated from extreme prise not only the famous green fluorescent protein pro-
habitats or living in association with algae or sponges duced by the jellyfish Aequorea victoria and its use in
were clustered in the newly established Pseudomonas innumerable applications including clinical diagnostics
pertucinogena lineage. Remarkably for the predomi- and therapeutics (Ohba et al., 2013; Enterina et al.,
nantly terrestrial genus Pseudomonas, more than half 2015; Hoffman, 2015), but also antiviral and anticancer
(9) of currently 16 species within this lineage were iso- compounds isolated from marine sponges (Calcabrini
lated from marine or saline habitats. Unlike other et al., 2017), biocatalysts with potential application for
Pseudomonas species, they seem to have in common the production of pharmaceutical building blocks like
a highly specialized metabolism. Furthermore, the solketal (Ferrer et al., 2005), and trabectedin (supplied
marine members apparently possess the capacity to as Yondelis by PharmaMar S.A.) as an example for a
produce biomolecules of biotechnological interest chemotherapeutic compound produced by putative
(e.g. dehalogenases, polyester hydrolases, transami- endosymbiotic bacteria of the sea squirt Ecteinascidia
nases). Here, we summarize the knowledge regarding turbinate (Schofield et al., 2015). Marine metagenomics
the enzymatic endowment of the marine Pseu- and the identification and characterization of isolated
domonas pertucinogena bacteria and report on a marine organisms have led to a huge set of gene and
genome sequences, as recently shown by the assembly
of more than 2600 draft genomes from data collected
Received 10 May, 2018; revised 24 May, 2018; accepted 25 May, during the Tara Oceans circumnavigation expedition
(Tully et al., 2018), as well as experimental data
*For correspondence. E-mail; Tel.
+49 2461 613716; Fax +49 2461 612490. enabling insights into the biochemical potential of marine
Microbial Biotechnology (2018) 0(0), 1–13 habitats and the respective microorganisms (Li and Qin,
2005; Kennedy et al., 2008; Popovic et al., 2015).
Funding Information
The authors receive funding from the European Union’s Horizon A number of marine bacteria hold great potential for
2020 research and innovation program (Blue Growth: Unlocking the biotechnological applications, for example the marine
potential of Seas and Oceans) through the Project ‘INMARE’ under
bacterium Alcanivorax borkumensis, which is known to
grant agreement No. 634486 and ERA-IB 5 ‘METACAT’. ST is
financially supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the play a key role in bioremediation of oil spills (Schneiker
German State of North Rhine-Westphalia within in the framework of et al., 2006). The strain produces a biosurfactant
the NRW Strategieprojekt BioSC (No. 313/323-400-00213).
(Yakimov et al., 1998) and possesses several genes

ª 2018 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 A. Bollinger, S. Thies, N. Katzke and K.-E. Jaeger

encoding esterases and monooxygenases of high conditions. Based on the findings reported, we have
biotechnological interest (Tchigvintsev et al., 2015). Sev- examined the genetic capabilities of this group of bacte-
eral marine Acinetobacter sp. were also shown to pro- ria to potentially produce biotechnologically relevant
duce biosurfactants (Mnif and Ghribi, 2015), for example enzymes including polyester hydrolases, rare dehaloge-
glycolipoproteins with useful surface-active properties nases, x-transaminases as well as secondary metabo-
(Peele et al., 2016). An Enterobacter species isolated lites and carbon storage compounds. Apparently,
from a shark jaw produces rather uncommon medium- bacteria of the P. pertucinogena lineage have the poten-
chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates which may have tial to produce such biotechnologically relevant biomole-
biomedical applications (Wecker et al., 2015). Further- cules; however, this has for each case to be
more, a range of novel antibiotics was identified from experimentally validated.
marine bacteria of diverse sources (Eom et al., 2013).
Members of the genus Pseudomonas which belongs
The Pseudomonas pertucinogena lineage
to the c-proteobacteria can colonize diverse habitats and
produce useful biomolecules including lipases (Jaeger Representatives of the genus Pseudomonas are gener-
et al., 1996; Liu et al., 2017), fluorescent proteins (Torra ally equipped with a versatile metabolism that is
et al., 2015), degradation pathway enzymes (Poblete- reflected by a rather large genome with sizes ranging
Castro et al., 2012), rhamnolipids (Chong and Li, 2017), from 4.1 (for some P. stutzeri strains) to more than
phenazines (Bilal et al., 2017) and a number of heterolo- 6 Mbp (e.g. for P. syringae, P. aeruginosa, P. putida,
gous secondary metabolites (Loeschcke and Thies, P. protegens and P. fluorescens). Hilker et al. reported a
2015). The main fraction of Pseudomonas species core genome consisting of more than 4000 open reading
described so far is assigned to terrestrial habitats frames after analysing the genome sequences of 20 dif-
(Romanenko et al., 2005); however, there are also ferent P. aeruginosa strains (Hilker et al., 2015). Similar
reports of species isolated from marine environments dimensions were shown for P. putida; the core genome
(Baumann et al., 1983), e.g. P. marincola (Romanenko consists of at least 3386 genes and the average genome
et al., 2008), P. aeruginosa (Manwar et al., 2004) or size is reported with about 6 Mbp (Udaondo et al., 2016;
P. glareae (Romanenko et al., 2015). Lopes et al., 2018). An analysis of 76 newly isolated flu-
The huge number of Pseudomonas species was phy- orescent Pseudomonas strains from tropical soil showed
logenetically distributed into three lineages comprising more than 5500 coding sequences per genome and an
13 groups. One and by far the smallest of these lin- average genome size of more than 6 Mbp for the newly
eages, which was only recently established, consists of assembled genomes (Lopes et al., 2018). In contrast, all
a single so-called Pseudomonas pertucinogena group. A members of the P. pertucinogena lineage possess, as
small number of newly described Pseudomonas species far as known, a comparably small genome of less than
with remarkable properties cluster within this lineage 4 Mbp (Table 1, column 6), coding for about 3500
(Garcıa-Valdes and Lalucat, 2016; Peix et al., 2018). genes. These bacteria were isolated from diverse habi-
Originally, it consisted of only two species, namely tats, for example in association with marine sponges
P. pertucinogena and P. denitrificans (Anzai et al., (Romanenko et al., 2005), from the air (Azhar et al.,
2000). As the classification of P. denitrificans is known 2017), deep-sea sediments (Wang and Sun, 2016) or
to be ambiguous (Doudoroff et al., 1974), it is difficult to heavy metal contaminated soil (Zhang et al., 2011) and
assign respective studies to the correct genus and spe- they are distributed over a large geographical area
cies; these studies are therefore not considered within (Fig. 1). Currently, only 16 species are assigned to this
this review. The original P. pertucinogena group was lineage, with about half of them attributed to marine envi-
recently classified as a separate lineage within the ronments (Table 1, marked with superscript f). Most of
genus Pseudomonas (Peix et al., 2018) comprising nine these species were first described during the last
marine (including the salt lake isolate P. salina) and 10 years, but the lineage is likely to be further extended
seven non-marine members (Table 1). in the near future, e.g. by 16 metal resistant endophytic
Remarkably, enzymes from these bacteria were men- bacteria which appear to be near relatives of P. sabulini-
tioned in different studies focusing on the bioinformatics gri isolated from marshlands (Rocha et al., 2016).
identification of novel biocatalysts relevant for biotechnol- Many of the marine species of the P. pertucinogena
ogy applications, although most of the relevant species lineage are adapted to cold environments, with reported
or genome sequences have been described only growth at temperatures below 15°C and tolerance for
recently. We summarize here reports on biotechnologi- moderate salt concentrations, surely related to their mar-
cally relevant biomolecules produced by marine speci- ine living conditions. Some species were described to
mens of the P. pertucinogena lineage and describe their live in association with aquatic plants, algae or sponges.
respective habitats with prevailing harsh environmental As an example for such a symbiotic relationship,

ª 2018 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.
Marine P. pertucinogena bacteria for biotechnology 3
Table 1. Bacteria belonging to the P. pertucinogena lineage.

Temperature Salinity
Species Habitata Origina rangeb rangeb Accession Noc Referenced

P. pertucinogena Not recorded, deposit n.d n.d Kawai and

of the ATCC Yabuichi (1975)
P. bauzanensis Soil from an Bozen, South 5–30°C 0–10% NZ_FOGN00000000.1 Zhang et al. (2011)
industrial site Tyrol, Italy NZ_FOUA00000000.1
P. formosensis Food-waste compost Taiwan 20–50°C 0–5.0% NZ_FOYD00000000.1 Lin et al. (2013)
P. populi Stems of Populus Khiyik River, China 4–45°C 1–3% Anwar et al. (2016)
euphratica tree 40°430 22″ N
85°190 18″ E
P. saudimassiliensis Air samples in an Makkah, Saudi 37°C n.d. LM997413.1 Azhar et al. (2017)
urban environment Arabia
P. xiamenensis Activated sludge in Xiamen, China 10–45°C 0–8% Lai and Shao,
sewage treatment 2008;
P. xinjiangensis Desert sand Xinjiang, China 4–42°C 0–6% NZ_LT629736.1 Liu et al. (2009)
P. salinaf Salt lake Xiaochaidan, 4–35°C 0–12.0% Zhong et al. (2015)
37°280 53″N
95°300 19″E
P. aestusnigrif Crude oil- Spain 18–37°C 2–12.5% NZ_NBYK00000000.1 nchez et al.
contaminated 42°460 29.27″ N (2014), Gomila
intertidal sand 9°70 27.08″ W et al. (2017b)
P. litoralisf Mediterranean Spain 15–37°C 0–15% NZ_LT629748.1 Pascual et al.
seawater 40°270 24″N (2012)
0°310 36″E
P. oceanif Deep-sea (1350 m) Okinawa Trough, 4–41°C 0–10% NZ_PPSK00000000.1 Wang and Sun
Pacific Ocean (2016), Garcıa-
Valdes et al.
P. pachastrellaef Sponge Pachastrella Philippine Sea 7–41°C 0–10% NZ_MUBC00000000.1 Romanenko et al.
(2005), Gomila
et al. (2017a)
P. pelagiaf CL-AP6 Antarctic green algae Antarctic Ocean 4–33°C 0.5–8% NZ_AROI00000000.1 Hwang et al.
(type Pyramimonas (2009), Koh
strain) gelidicola co- et al. (2013)
58 Artic fjord Norway, Ny NZ_NWMT00000000.1
P. sabulinigrif Black beach sand Soesoggak, Jeju 4–37°C 0–10% NZ_LT629763.1 Kim et al. (2009)
Island, Korea
P. salegens Aquatic plants of Gomishan saline 4–35°C 1–10% NZ_LT629787.1 Amoozegar et al.
saline wetland wetland, Iran (2014)
37°030 N
54°010 E
P. profundif Deep-sea (1000 m) Pacific Ocean, 4–40°C 0–10% Sun et al. (2018)
Mariana Trench
11°23.1520 N
142° 29.0620 E

a. Environment from which the species was isolated (Habitat) and geographical origin of the sample (Origin) as stated in the type strain descrip-
b. As stated in the respective type strain description.
c. Accession numbers of GenBank/RefSeq entries for the genomes or, in cases of draft genome sequences, the accession number of the
respective master entry.
d. References for original descriptions and, if applicable, genome announcements.
e. S. Thies and A. Bollinger, unpublished data.
f. Marine isolates.

P. pelagia is discussed to depend on its host’s protec- preferred habitat for these marine bacteria, including
tion against freezing to survive under the harsh condi- endophytes isolated from a heavy metal accumulating
tions in the Antarctic Ocean, as antifreeze activity of the plant at a contaminated salt marshland (Rocha et al.,
bacterium itself was not observed (Koh et al., 2013). 2016) and crude oil-contamination sites (Lamendella
Aside from the colonization of algae, plants and sponge et al., 2014 and Sanchez et al., 2014). The ability to
surfaces, contaminated environments seem to be a degrade different hydrocarbons, the major constituents
ª 2018 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.
4 A. Bollinger, S. Thies, N. Katzke and K.-E. Jaeger

Fig. 1. Geographical distribution of 16 known bacterial species clustering in the P. pertucinogena lineage. Marine habitats are indicated by blue
symbols, ambiguous description of the sampling site is indicated by a question mark. The Antarctic continent is pictured in a circle.

of crude oil, was proposed for P. aestusnigri, which isolation and further corroborated by their small genomes
possesses genes encoding phenol hydroxylase for and their limited metabolic flexibility. The psychrophilic
degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons as well as an and moderate halophilic habitats indeed suggest poten-
alkane-1-monooxygenase for aliphatic alkane degrada- tial for a variety of biotechnological applications of the
tion (Gomila et al., 2017b). bacteria themselves, but also their enzymes (Cavicchioli
Bacteria belonging to the genus Pseudomonas are et al., 2011; Cafaro et al., 2013; Yin et al., 2015; Danso
generally well known for their versatile metabolism. The et al., 2018).
metabolic flexibility of Pseudomonads is reflected by Enzymes produced by bacteria of the P. pertucino-
their ability to use for growth a range of different carbon gena lineage have been mentioned by several studies,
sources including carbohydrates, organic acids, alcohols, in particular those useful for polymer degradation and
alkanes and most amino acids (Palleroni, 1984; Daniels synthesis of chiral molecules (Schallmey et al., 2014;
et al., 2010). A comprehensive phenomics analysis of Haernvall et al., 2017, 2018). Enzyme coding genes
P. putida strain DOT-T1E revealed a complex hierarchi- were identified by mining of sequence data and subse-
cal network regulating the utilization of different carbon, quently expressed in heterologous hosts to prove their
nitrogen or sulfur sources (Daniels et al., 2010). In con- functionality. The results indicate that in silico mining of
trast, members of the novel P. pertucinogena lineage P. pertucinogenae genomes indeed constitutes a suit-
seem to be rather limited with respect to the spectrum of able strategy to assess the biotechnological potential of
utilizable carbon sources. Sa nchez et al. described eight this currently still small group of Pseudomonas species.
species of the P. pertucinogena group which utilize short Hence, we have analysed the genomes of seven spe-
chain carbonic acids, e.g. lactate or propionate and few cies of the marine P. pertucinogena lineage with respect
amino acids, whereas they fail to utilize glucose as well to their capacity to produce biotechnologically relevant
as 75–80% of all tested carbon sources provided by enzymes and compounds. In general, BLASTP (Altschul
standard phenotyping assays (Sa nchez et al., 2014). et al., 1997) was applied to identify homologues of pro-
Undoubtedly, additional studies are needed to explore teins reported in literature taking at least 40% identity to
the metabolism of these bacteria in more detail. How- the query sequence and query coverage of at least
ever, the currently available data suggest that strains of 85 % as lower borders for selection. However, as a
the P. pertucinogena group may constitute an exception number of closely related species were analysed, the
of niche-adapted specialists within the genus Pseu- sequence homology of homologous proteins was signifi-
domonas, as already suggested by the specific sites of cantly higher, as stated in the respective paragraphs.

ª 2018 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.
Marine P. pertucinogena bacteria for biotechnology 5

These analyses revealed a considerable number of sequences from the P. pertucinogena lineage (Table 1,
genes encoding useful enzymes as well as the potential column 6) and identified putative proteins with 70–80%
to synthesize secondary metabolites and storage com- sequence identity. Interestingly, these PpelaLip homolo-
pounds (Table 2). gous enzymes are not unique within the marine bacteria
of the P. pertucinogena lineage, as we have identified
homologs in all P. pertucinogena species (Tables 2 and
3). Apparently, representative species of the P. aerugi-
Enzymes are applied for a large number of different nosa and P. fluorescens lineages also encode such
biotechnological applications, but increasingly also as enzymes; however, the overall similarity is low indicating
(often enantioselective) biocatalysts in synthetic organic that this type of putative polymer-degrading enzyme rep-
chemistry driving the development of green and sustain- resents a distinct characteristic of the P. pertucinogena
able processes (Sheldon and Woodley, 2018). Here, bacteria (Table 3). In a recent study of a PETase from
enzymes to be obtained from bacteria of the P. pertu- Ideonella sakaiensis (Yoshida et al., 2016), the classifi-
cinogena lineage can significantly contribute, in particular cation of PETases in three groups was suggested based
polyester hydrolases, dehalogenases and transami- on amino acid sequence alignments and putative
nases. enzymes from P. sabulinigri, P. pachastrellae and P. li-
toralis were grouped into type IIa of PET-degrading
enzymes (Joo et al., 2018).
Polyester hydrolases
Carboxylic ester hydrolases (EC 3.1.1.) represent an
important group of biocatalysts for industrial applications
in a wide range of different sectors, like the pulp and Dehalogenases catalyse the cleavage of carbon–halo-
paper, the pharmaceutical and the food industry (Singh gen bonds and have potential applications in the chemi-
et al., 2016). They catalyse both the hydrolysis and the cal industry and for detoxification (Kurihara and Esaki,
synthesis of esters, often with high enantioselectivity 2008). They are used for organic synthesis of optically
(Casas-Godoy et al., 2012). During the last decades, the pure building blocks, recycling of by-products from
degradation of polyester compounds became more and chemical processes, bioremediation and biosensing of
more important due to the increasing environmental pol- toxic pollutants (Koudelakova et al., 2013). Halohydrin
lution with non-biodegradable polyesters such as dehalogenases (HHDH) represent a particularly interest-
polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) (Narancic and O’Con- ing type of dehalogenases which naturally catalyse the
nor, 2017). As this synthetic polyester cannot be prop- dehalogenation of haloalcohols with the formation of the
erly recycled, more than 70% of the total plastic corresponding epoxides. In the reverse reaction, i.e.
packaging waste may ultimately enter the food chain opening of the epoxide ring, they behave promiscuous
through inadequately treated waste water, the oceans accepting a wide range of nucleophiles such as azide,
and subsequently marine micro- and macroorganisms cyanide or nitrite enabling the synthesis of a wide range
(Wei and Zimmermann, 2017). of chiral molecules (Schallmey et al., 2014; Koopmeiners
The potential of P. pelagia, a member of the P. pertu- et al., 2016). Schallmey et al. recently developed a
cinogena lineage, to effectively degrade ionic phthalic bioinformatics pipeline to uncover these rare enzymes
acid-based polyesters was shown recently (Haernvall within sequence data sets and successfully accessed
et al., 2017). The respective biocatalyst is a putatively selected hits by heterologous expression and subse-
secreted lipase designated as PpelaLip, which was iden- quent demonstration of HHDH activity. During this study,
tified by a homology guided sequence search of different an HHDH was identified in the P. pelagia CL-AP6 gen-
extracellular hydrolases from Pseudomonas sp. using as ome and assigned to subgroup D, designated as
a template the amino acid sequence of the Thermobifida HheD12 (Schallmey et al., 2014). This same study
cellulosilytica cutinase (Thc_Cut1), an enzyme known to unveiled that other Pseudomonas species did not
efficiently hydrolyse different polyesters. After successful encode HHDHs; and only five of 43 reported enzymes
recombinant production and purification, the activity of originate from c-proteobacteria. A BLASTP analysis of
the enzyme was experimentally demonstrated with differ- the available genome data within the P. pertucinogena
ent polyester substrates (Haernvall et al., 2017). In a lineage with the P. pelagia CL-AP6 enzyme
successive study, the applicability of this biocatalyst for (WP_022962804.1) as a query revealed hits with identi-
wastewater treatment was shown (Haernvall et al., ties between 91% (P. pelagia strain 58) and 68%
2018). We also performed a homology search with (P. salegens) in all marine species with the exception of
BLASTP (Altschul et al., 1997) using P. pelagia lipase P. litoralis (Table 2). Within the terrestrial isolates, only
PpelaLip as a query against all published genome the P. xinjiangensis genome encoded such an enzyme
ª 2018 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.
6 A. Bollinger, S. Thies, N. Katzke and K.-E. Jaeger
Table 2. The catalytic and biosynthetic potential of marine P. pertucinogena bacteria. Genome sequences were analysed with different bioinfor-
matics tools for the presence of polyester hydrolases (PE hydrolase), halohydrin dehalogenases (HHDH and HheD12), x-transaminases
(x-TA), flavin-binding fluorescent proteins (FbFPp), polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and ectoin synthesis clusters (Ectoin).

Species Strain PE hydrolasea HHDHb x-TAc FbFPd PHAe Ectoine

P. aestusnigrif VGXO14 WP_088276085.1 WP_088273591.1 WP_088276225.1 WP_088273209.1 Yes Yes

P. litoralisf 2SM5 WP_090272969.1 – WP_090274676.1 – No Yes
P. pachastrellae CCUG 46540 WP_083724990.1 WP_083723433.1 WP_083728130.1 WP_083728464.1 Yes Yes
P. pelagiaf 58 WP_096345769.1 WP_096348266.1 WP_096346315.1 WP_096345677.1 Yes Yes
CL-AP6 WP_022964382.1 WP_022962804.1 (HheD12) WP_022961575.1 WP_022961159.1 Yes Yes
P. sabulinigrif JCM 14963 WP_092287377.1 WP_092284942.1 WP_092286338.1 WP_092288528.1 Yes Yes
P. salegens CECT 8338 WP_092388080.1 WP_092387787.1 WP_092388656.1 WP_092383819.1 Yes Yes
P. oceanif DSM 100277 WP_104736494.1 WP_104737909.1 WP_104738025.1 WP_104739045.1 Yes Yes

a. Proteins with at least 70% identity to the polyester hydrolase PpelaLip from P. pelagia (Haernvall et al., 2017).
b. Proteins with high similarity to P. pelagia HheD12 (Schallmey et al., 2014).
c. Proteins with at least 40% identity to selected known x-TAs as query sequence and a query coverage of at least 90%.
d. Proteins with identities >60% to PpSB1-LOV (NP_746738.1), identified by BLASTP (Altschul et al., 1997).
e. Presence of a complete metabolite synthesis cluster predicted by the antiSMASH pipeline (Weber et al., 2015; Blin et al., 2017).
f. Marine isolates.

(identity 77%). This suggests an important role for these metagenomic library which originated from a polluted
enzymes especially in marine environments. harbour site in Ancona, Italy (M. Ferrer, personal com-
munication). While P. sabulinigri was originally identified
in samples from Korean beach (Table 1), another report
on closely related specimen discovered in a metalloid
Chiral amines are valuable building blocks for a variety of polluted salt marsh in the northwest coast of Portugal
compounds produced by the chemical and pharmaceuti- (Rocha et al., 2016) hints at the potential of this Pseu-
cal industries. For pharmaceuticals, an estimated share domonas strain to thrive in contaminated environments.
of 40% contains at least one amine functionality (Kelly Based on this finding, a homology search with the
et al., 2018). While several options for enzymatic chiral BLASTP tool was performed to gain insights into the
amine production exist, asymmetric synthesis by x-trans- potential of marine representatives of the P. pertucino-
aminases (x-TA) is greatly preferred as the theoretical gena lineage for the production of x-transaminases fol-
yield is 100% (Cassimjee et al., 2010; Koszelewski et al., lowing a strategy reported earlier (Mathew and Yun,
2010). Most TAs need pyridoxal-50 -phosphate as a cofac- 2012). After searching the genome sequences of P. aes-
tor and catalyse the asymmetric synthesis of chiral ami- tusnigri, P. litoralis, P. sabulinigri, P. salegens, P. pela-
nes by transferring an amino group from an aminated gia strain 58, P. pelagia strain CL-AP6, P. pachastrellae
donor to various carbonyl compounds (Savile et al., and P. oceani, the results were filtered for hits with at
2010; Bo €rner et al., 2017; Guo and Berglund, 2017). A least 40% identity to the query sequence and query cov-
diverse array of reactions is reported towards the synthe- erage of at least 90%.
sis of pharmaceuticals or pharmaceutical intermediates The amino acid sequences of the four recently charac-
involving x-TAs by both asymmetric synthesis and terized (S)-selective x-transaminases from P. putida (Wu
kinetic resolution (Kelly et al., 2018). Thus, the identifica- et al., 2017) were used as the main set of queries. The
tion of novel enzymes with x-transaminase activity is of respective enzymes belong to differing families of
high importance for both science and industry. transaminases, namely the 4-aminobutyrate pyruvate
Pseudomonas sp. appear to be a promising source for aminotransferase family (EC, BAN53958.1),
x-transaminases (Wilding et al., 2015; Poehlein et al., beta-alanine pyruvate transaminase family (EC,
2017; Wu et al., 2017). Recently, an x-transaminase BAN52522.1), aspartate aminotransferase family (EC
which most probably originates from P. sabulinigri was, BAN55495.1) and putrescine-pyruvate amino-
discovered during an activity-based screening of a transferase (EC, BAN57107.1). BAN52522.1,

ª 2018 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.
Marine P. pertucinogena bacteria for biotechnology 7
Table 3. Amino acid sequence homology expressed as identity in percentage to the known polyester hydrolase PpelaLip (Haernvall et al.,
2017) from P. pelagia strain CLAP6 as identified using BLASTP (Altschul et al., 1997).

No. Organism Strain Identity in % Protein ID

Marine 1 P. pelagia CL-AP6 100 WP_022964382

2 P. pelagia 58 80 WP_096345769
3 P. aestusnigri VGXO14 74 WP_088276085
4 P. litoralis 2SM5 73 WP_090272969
5 P. pachastrellae JCM 12285 74 WP_083724990
6 P. sabulinigri JCM 14963 72 WP_092287377
7 P. sabulinigri JCM 14963 71 WP_092287378
8 P. salegens CECT 8338 72 WP_092388080
9 P. salegens CECT 8338 70 WP_092388077
10 P. oceani DSM 100277 74 WP_104736494
Not marine 11 P. formosensis JCM 18415 73 WP_090538641
12 P. saudiamassiliensis 12M76 73 WP_044499735
13 P. xinjiangensis NRRL B-51270 72 SDS09569
14 P. xinjiangensis NRRL B-51270 76 WP_093397383
Other Pseudomonas species 15 P. syringae ICMP13650 31 KPW53696
16 P. aeruginosa PA01 28 WP_003143191
17 P. putida ATH-43 27 WP_046786320
18 P. protegens 4 24 WP_102863500
19 P. stutzeri 28a39 52 WP_102852227
20 P. fluorescens C3 29 WP_046049461

which is identical to the enzyme used for resolving a fluorescent proteins. They are derived from blue light
crystal structure (PDB 3A8U), delivered one hit with P. li- photoreceptors of the L(ight)-O(xygen)-V(oltage) domain
toralis, P. sabulinigri, P. salegens, P. pelagia (both family (Drepper et al., 2013; Buckley et al., 2015).
strains) and P. pachastrellae, and two hits with P. aes- Besides their O2 independence, FbFPs are small pro-
tusnigri and P. oceani. Additional searches with teins (Mr: 12–16 kDa) and exhibit fast folding kinetics;
sequences of BAN53958.1, BAN55495.1 and thus, they are valuable reporter proteins for quantitative
BAN57107.1 each returned the same enzyme sequence real-time analysis of different bio(techno)logic processes
in every examined genome, as well as a second hit in (Potzkei et al., 2012; Rupprecht et al., 2017). Com-
the genome of P. pelagia CL-AP6. All hits have been monly, LOV photoreceptors consist of LOV domains
annotated as aspartate aminotransferase family proteins fused to various effector domains which are activated by
according to the NCBI database. conformational changes of the LOV domain in response
Additional homology searches with sequences of to a light stimulus. However, predominantly among bac-
(S)-selective x-transaminases from Ruegeria pomeroyi, teria, the so-called short LOV proteins only consisting of
Vibrio fluvialis and Chromobacterium violaceum, all the light-perceiving LOV receptor domain have been
attributed to the aspartate aminotransferase family, identified (Losi and Ga €rtner, 2008) with PpSB1-LOV
returned hits with the same amino acid sequences as originating from P. putida representing a well-studied
the aforementioned (S)-selective transaminases from example (Drepper et al., 2007; Wingen et al., 2014). As
P. putida, with identities up to 60%. Homology searches it is known that marine environments are a rich source
with (R)-selective transaminases from Aspergillus fumi- for LOV proteins (Pathak et al., 2012), we investigated
gatus, Aspergillus fisheri, Fusarium graminearum and the genomes of the marine P. pertucinogena bacteria
Arthrobacter sp. according to Pavlidis et al. (2016) for occurrence of short LOV proteins using a BLASTP
delivered no results within the search parameters. Con- search for homologues of PpSB1-LOV (NP_746738.1).
clusively, every searched genome contains at least two We identified proteins with >63% identity in every marine
structurally different putative x-transaminases, P. aestus- strain with exception of P. litoralis. The highest identity
nigri, P. oceani and P. pelagia CL-AP6 contain three observed was 75% for a P. aestusnigri protein. While it
such candidate enzymes (Table 2). is reported that short LOV proteins occur in 10% of all
Pseudomonas species generally (Rani et al., 2013), this
seems to be a remarkable frequency. Hence, the P. per-
Flavin-binding fluorescent proteins
tucinogena lineage may represent a promising source
Flavin-binding fluorescent proteins (FbFPs) were devel- for novel FbFPs with unique properties given the fact
oped as reporter proteins which constitute an oxygen- that these bacteria can thrive in dark, cold and toxic
independent alternative to the family of green environments.
ª 2018 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.
8 A. Bollinger, S. Thies, N. Katzke and K.-E. Jaeger

Notably, several of the investigated genomes seem to

Secondary metabolites and storage compounds
contain elements similar to the emulsan biosynthetic
Pseudomonas species, in general, produce a number pathways. Emulsan is a surface-active polymeric
of well-studied secondary metabolites, for example bioemulsifier best known from Acinetobacter species.
rhamnolipids, phenazines, pyoverdines or syringafactins Bioemulsifiers and biosurfactants are considered as
(Laursen and Nielsen, 2004; Visca et al., 2007; Burch interesting natural products for biotechnological applica-
et al., 2014; Tiso et al., 2017). In contrast, the sec- tions as detergents or emulsifiers in consumer products,
ondary metabolism of the P. pertucinogena members pharmaceutical or environmental applications (Rosen-
still remains undiscovered, despite the eponymous per- berg and Ron, 1997; Fracchia et al., 2014; Gudin ~a et al.,
tucin produced by P. pertucinogena that was described 2016). Biosurfactant or bioemulsifier production would fit
to be active against phase I Bordetella pertussis the observed surface activity in cultures of P. pachastrel-
(Kawai and Yabuichi, 1975). We therefore mined the lae (Antoniou et al., 2015) and is furthermore known
genome data available via Genbank (Table 1, column among bacteria living in oil-contaminated environments
6) of the marine P. pertucinogena lineage organisms (Satpute et al., 2010; Cafaro et al., 2013). A MultiGene-
with respect to secondary metabolite production path- Blast using the Acinetobacter iwoffii emulsan cluster
ways applying the antiSMASH pipeline with enabled (Acc. No. AJ243431.1) as input sequence (Medema
cluster finder algorithm (Weber et al., 2015; Blin et al., et al., 2013) revealed that none of the marine strains
2017). Not surprising, large gene clusters encoding contains a complete cluster; furthermore, all species lack
modular polyketide or non-ribosomal peptide syn- a protein homologous to the respective polymerizing
thetases (NRPS) were very rarely detected within enzyme Wzy. These strains also lack lipopeptide-related
these comparably small-sized genomes. Only in the non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) clusters as
genome sequences of P. sabulinigri, an NRPS cluster well as operons with homology to the rhamnolipid syn-
was predicted that contains four adenylation domains thesis genes rhlAB from P. aeruginosa; hence, the bio-
suggesting the synthesis of a hitherto undescribed surfactant production capacities of the P. pertucinogena
tetrapeptide derivative. Furthermore, P. sabulingri as bacteria remain undiscovered.
well as P. salegens and P. pelagia strain 58 possess Bacterial carbon storage compounds, namely triacyl-
putative biosynthesis pathways for aryl-polyenes, a glycerols or wax esters and polyhydroxyalkanoates
widespread class of antioxidant natural products (PHA), are also of interest for biotechnology (Alvarez
(Scho €ner et al., 2016), which, however, seems to be and Steinbu €chel, 2002; Steinbu€chel and Lu €tke-Eversloh,
of less importance for biotechnological applications. 2003) with the latter compounds discussed as a naturally
The aforementioned capability of P. pertucinogena for produced alternative to common petroleum-derived
pertucin production suggests that bacteriocin production polyester materials (Narancic and O’Connor, 2017).
might also be found as a feature of these bacteria. Bac- Gene loci encoding for PHA production are present in all
teriocins are ribosomally produced peptides which are available genomes of the marine P. pertucinogena bac-
post-translationally processed to become antimicrobial teria according to a MultiGeneBlast analysis using the
peptides and may thus be applied by the pharma or food PHA locus of P. putida KT2440 from AE015451 as input
industries (Hassan et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2014). Bac- sequence. This result confirms microscopical observa-
teriocin clusters were indeed predicted in the genomes tions of PHA granulae within the cells reported for some
of several species (P. sabulinigri. P. aestusnigri, of the species (Liu et al., 2009). Remarkably, no homolo-
P. pachastrellae, P. pelagia CL-AP6, P. oceani), but gous gene clusters were identified in all terrestrial spe-
they do not appear as a common feature. cies tested. Noteworthy, all marine species contained
In contrast, gene clusters coding for the biosynthesis homologs to the wax ester or triacylglyceride synthases
of the osmoprotectant ectoin are common among the of Alcanivorax borkumensis and Marinobacter hydrocar-
P. pertucinogena bacteria and were predicted in all gen- bonoclasticus (Alvarez, 2016). Marine P. pertucinogena
omes, regardless of whether marine or soil origin. species may thus be able to adapt their carbon storage
Ectoines are biotechnologically produced, e.g. with Halo- metabolite production to the respective environmental
monas spec., and used as moisturizing ingredients in conditions.
cosmetics (Yin et al., 2015; Bownik and Stez pniewska,
2016). Ectoin synthesis is widespread among marine or
halophilic bacteria (Yin et al., 2015) as it helps to cope
with high salt concentrations allowing growth at salt con- Bacterial species belonging to the recently established
centrations up to 8%, and in some cases even 15%, as P. pertucinogena lineage are barely explored until
reported for P. pertucinogena lineage bacteria (Table 1, today; nevertheless, it appears that they clearly
column 5). diverge from other Pseudomonas species with respect

ª 2018 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.
Marine P. pertucinogena bacteria for biotechnology 9

to their metabolism, genome size and, not least, envi- Alvarez, H.M., and Steinbu €chel, A. (2002) Triacylglycerols in
ronmental conditions. Notably, by applying bioinformat- prokaryotic microorganisms. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 60:
ics tools for genome mining, we discovered that these 367–376.
Amoozegar, M.A., Shahinpei, A., Sepahy, A.A., Makhdoumi-
bacteria hold a high potential for a variety of biotech-
Kakhki, A., Seyedmahdi, S.S., Schumann, P., and Ven-
nological applications. Presumably, these findings will tosa, A. (2014) Pseudomonas salegens sp. nov., a halo-
be corroborated by further approaches of whole gen- philic member of the genus Pseudomonas isolated from a
ome sequencing, in silico genome data mining, gene wetland. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 64: 3565–3570.
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will further expand the still limited set of enzymes from akis, N. (2015) Biosurfactant production from marine
already reported but also from other relevant enzyme hydrocarbon-degrading consortia and pure bacterial
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classes, e.g. keto-reductases. In addition, the bacteria
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cal applications, in particular, psychro- and halophilic Hamood, B., Erkin, R., et al. (2016) Pseudomonas populi
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ant bacteria (Margesin and Feller, 2010; Cavicchioli euphratica. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 66: 1419–1425.
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Acknowledgements Bilal, M., Guo, S., Iqbal, H.M.N., Hu, H., Wang, W., and
Zhang, X. (2017) Engineering Pseudomonas for phena-
The authors receive funding from the European Union’s
zine biosynthesis, regulation, and biotechnological
Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Blue applications: a review. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 33:
Growth: Unlocking the potential of Seas and Oceans) 191.
through the Project ‘INMARE’ under grant agreement Blin, K., Wolf, T., Chevrette, M.G., Lu, X., Schwalen, C.J.,
No. 634486 and ERA-IB 5 ‘METACAT’. ST is financially Kautsar, S.A., et al. (2017) antiSMASH 4.0—improve-
supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the ments in chemistry prediction and gene cluster boundary
German State of North Rhine-Westphalia within in the identification. Nucleic Acids Res 45: W36–W41.
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323-400-00213). vent and catalytic stability by engineering the cofactor-
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