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IoT-Based Hydroponic System

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ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

IoT-Based Hydroponic System

Ruaa Suliman Al-Gharibi
2021 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN) | 978-1-6654-3986-2/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICSCAN53069.2021.9526391

Electrical and Communication Department

National University of Science and Technology
Muscat, Oman

Abstract— For the past few years, hydroponics has become to provide a more suitable environment. The greenhouse is a
popular due to its capability to produce nutrient-rich crops with house built of glass or plastic used mainly by the plants inside
minimum resources. The project concentrates on developing a from excessive heat or cold outside as well as undesired pests
hydroponic system based on internet of things technology to [6].
provide a flexible growing environment. The paper provides a
modern system for monitoring parameters like temperature, Conversely, William Frederick Gericke firstly popularised
humidity, water temperature, TDS, pH, and light intensity via Wi- the idea of growing plants is actually possible without the soil
Fi in the Blynk platform. It promises an opportunity to grow using only a mix of water and nutrient solutions, which then
varieties of crops throughout the year without the restrictions became an interest for researchers at California university, in
imposed by climate. Many researchers have contributed to this which several experiments were performed and revealed the
field of interest by exploiting various techniques and technologies benefits and importance of the hydroponic cultivation (Espiritu
such as leaf temperature-based watering system and different and Teodoro, 2019). Unlike traditional agriculture, hydroponic
hardware like NodeMCU. The core elements of the proposed cultivation saves a tremendous amount of space, where the roots
model are the Arduino board, ESP12F Wi-Fi module, DHT22 are dipped in the nutrient solution and don't need a large area to
sensor, DS18B20 sensor, TDS sensor, pH sensor, LDR, LED light, spread. Not only that, hydroponic farms can be implemented
and an ultrasonic atomiser. Tests have been conducted to appraise vertically, maximising the benefit and reducing space. Similarly,
the performance and production consistency. The findings show
hydroponics consumes 65-70% less water than soil-based
that the Greek basil grown in the system achieved the best growth
cultivation. Apart from that, it allows better control, especially
rate in which the plants' height was 26, 24, 23.6mm for the three
samples, respectively. While the leaves number was 26, 13, and 10 when bugs and diseases appear; where it helps to illuminate the
with an average height of 9.07, 9.49, and 9.96mm, respectively. traces of the disease and eliminate or control them before they
Besides, the root length was 90.6mm, 39.6mm, and 38.2mm, prevalence to the rest of the harvest, although hydroponics
respectively. Similarly, the number of leaves of Loose-leaf lettuce minimise the chances of running into these issues owing to the
of the three samples planted in the system was 16, 14, and 8 with clean and controlled medium [1].
23.99mm, 31.87mm, and 36.49mm average height, respectively, Excessive temperatures occur in many countries worldwide,
while the plant height reached 48.3, 79.8, and 80.2mm and roots
not to mention drought, desertification, water scarcity, and
length of 92.7mm, 83.7mm, and 38.2mm. Therefore, the paper's
findings have concluded that the proposed IoT-based hydroponic
chemical toxicity due to exacerbated population growth,
system performed satisfyingly. The growth rate was better than affecting the cultivation. The demand rose in recent years,
the other scenarios tested, and the system manifested consistent causing to spread awareness among people to their consumed
results. food quality. As a result of these factors, agriculture was
pressured to meet the high demand and standard quality.
Keywords— hydroponic; environment; climate; arduino Accordingly, an IoT-based hydroponic system will be
implemented to tackle the over-water consumption, water and
I. INTRODUCTION soil salinity facing conventional agriculture and soil-based
For the past few centuries, the soil was considered the key greenhouse cultivation, offering control over the growing
element for agriculture as it hosts plants and provides a good and environment. The system will aid to grow high-quality food
reliable medium for the roots. Nevertheless, traditional soil- varieties faster and healthier.
based farming became useless as the soil does not hold nutrients
and water for too long, making the roots spread out. Also, the II. RELATED WORKS
crops themselves require a lot of space, and with the rapid A paper about an IoT based hydroponic system was written
urbanisation, agricultural lands started to diminish. by (Lakshmanan, Djama, Perumal and Abdulla, 2020). The
Additionally, according to Arizona university researchers, plants system's methodology introduced in the previous paper consists
grown in the soil consume a large amount of water, which of three stages, client-side, server-side, and graphical interface.
created a real challenge for farmers. Further, traditional soil- The first stage includes setting up the components used for
based farming limits the food varieties that could be grown due implementing the system. The system's main component was the
to the climate's nature. Equally important, the emergence of NodeMcu board, which was used as a microcontroller alongside
problems in the soil is directly reflected in the plants' health and a 220V light with a relay and various sensors, such as a
growth at the time the problem is difficult to control and temperature sensor, pH sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and humidity
eradicate [1]. Thereafter, agriculture evolved to use greenhouses

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ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

sensor. All the components were connected to a circuit board an ultrasonic atomiser, LED light, DHT22 sensor, float sensor,
and supplied with 5V. DS18B20 sensor, photoresistor, TDS sensor, pH sensor, DC-DC
boost converters, a relay, NPN transistors, push-button, ON- OFF
Altogether, the system has spectacular features, for instance, switch, a fuse, capacitors, resistors, and regulators.
sending SMS notification to the user in case no internet
available, notifying the supplier as the stock running out, and
switching ON or OFF the light using the application, and
visualising real-time data in a web page and the smartphone
application. However, one of thesystem's limitations is that there
is no sensor to measure the total dissolved solids. It is an
important parameter in hydroponics formonitoring the strength
and concentration of the nutrient solution.
Furthermore, (Lakshmanan, Djama, Perumal and Abdulla,
2020) did not provide an android version of the application. The
android's market share is 71.18% compared to IOS, which only
forms 28.19% in November 2020, according to (Mobile
Operating System Market Share Worldwide, 2020). There is no
timer for the light, which might cause a series damage on the
plant growth if it was put on for too long. To illustrate, some
Fig. 1. Block diagram. (Self, 2019).
plants need 12 hours of light per day and some 18 hours; the
variation of periods between types of plants will confuse users.
Hence, it's preferable to set a timer to run the light at specific ggggggg
A. Model Fabrication
times for a particular period. Also, the light has low efficiency The enclosure of the project was designed in Autodesk
and consumes power and produces heat that might affects the Inventor software. It's a 2D and 3D CAD software that allows
plants, so it's preferable to use LED light instead. modelling, simulating, and visualising prototypes before they
built. Furthermore, it enables adding components and visualise
On the contrary, (Adidrana and Surantha, 2019) introduced
their position in the design. This software was used to design the
in their paper an IoT hydroponic nutrient control system design
structure of the project and the covers.
with remarkable features such as a nutrient circulation system
and TDS sensor. The system was designed to maintain the The project's physical appearance was 3d modelled in
quality of the nutrient solution in terms of total dissolved solids Autodesk Inventor to visualise and evaluate the idea as
(TDS), acidity (pH), water temperature, and electrical aesthetics, authenticity, and functionality are essential for the
conductivity (EC) to ensure healthy growth for the plants. The project. The project's structure consists of a reservoir, reservoir
authors used an Arduino board, HC-SR04 sensor, and ESP8266 holder with an electronics enclosure, a lid for the electronics box,
board as a communication module. a holder for net pots, and a base with slides to hold the reservoir
holder properly. In addition, it has a top section in which the light
Still, it's necessary to highlight the limitations of this
will be attached and two walls at the sides to provide support as
system. Firstly, the system's efficiency depends on the plants'
shown in Fig.2.
health, so if the plants were already defective, this method of
control would be useless. Secondly, the pump's duty cycle alters
based on the type of plant grown. Each time a new cultivar is IV. SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION
planted, an update will be required for programming, so it's In this phase, the components were connected based upon the
better to make the system programmable by adding the schematic diagram. The pH and TDS sensors were calibrated using
controlling button either in the circuit design or in the buffer solutions. The code was written, modified in the Arduino
ThingSpeak. Lastly, the solar panel provides clean energy; yet, IDE, and uploaded to Arduino. The performance of the system
it's expensive. The panel requires maintenance periodically, not was tested and evaluated under diverse conditions. The project's
to mention the large space it takes, which must be considered enclosure was prepared and assembled. Then, the PCBwas made,
when designing the project's outer body. Also, it might limit the and all components were attached to the board and soldered.
ability to execute a modern and compact design for the system. Lastly, the electronics were arranged in the enclosure and tested
again to examine the hardware and software functionality and
assess the system's efficiency. The circuit wasconnected Initially
III. SYSTEM DESIGN AND FABRICATION in a breadboard. It consists of an Arduino mini pro, ESP12F, an
ultrasonic atomiser, LED light, DHT22 sensor, float sensor,
A. System Model
DS18B20 sensor, photoresistor, TDS sensor, pH sensor, DC-DC
This design focuses on implementing a modern and efficient boost converters, a relay, NPN transistors, push-button, ON-
hydroponic system utilising IoT features and the Blynk OFF switch, a fuse, capacitors, resistors, and regulators. The
platform to create a user-friendly interface ultrasonic atomiser was connectedto Arduino through a TIP120
transistor. It's suitable for driving high power devices, namely
B. Hardware pumps. When a HIGH signal is sentto the base, the transistor will
A list of components was selected to implement the project. act as a switch, and it will allow the current to flow to the emitter
The circuit consists of an Arduino mini pro, ESP12F, from the collector by completing the circuit. The LED light was

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ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

Fig. 2. The project’s structure design. (Self, 2021).

connected to the Arduino through a 5V relay and a transistor. The

relay is suitable for controlling high-current demanding devices
with a lowcurrent signal. It's tremendously crucial to calibrate
the pH sensor to get accurate readings. To calibrate the sensor, the
BNC probe connector centre was shorted to the outer part of
the connector using a wire. Then, it was connected to Arduino.
A code was uploaded to Arduino to display the analogue
voltage pin in the serial monitor. Next, the potentiometer in the
BNC board was adjusted until it gave a value of 2.5V. When
the voltage is 2.5V, the pH value is 7. Regarding the TDS
sensor, it is essential to clean the probes and dry them with a Fig. 3. The complete prototype. (Self, 2021).
tissue beforecalibrating the sensor. The calibration mode can
be easilyentered from the serial monitor by typing (enter) and Arduino was used to send the sensors data to the Blynk server
send the command. Then, a buffer solution with known and observe the duration taken to update the data in the interface
electrical conductivity (EC). After immersing the probes in the and monitoring the connection stability.
buffer solution, to calibrate the sensor, the command (cal: TDS
value)was sent, in which TDS value is the value of TDS of the A. Time Response
buffersolution. Further, the ESP12F module was the trickiest
part of the project. It has to be flashed with compatible The first test performed was straightforward to evaluate the
firmware. Sincethe one used in the project is a clone version of response time of the Blynk app to the system and the time taken
ESP12F, it wasarduous to find a compatible firmware and flash to update the data in the interface. This test is critical, as the time
tool from the manufacturer. Moreover, a PCB was developed taken for updating the data must be minimum to alert the user
which has passed several stages, starting with printing the immediately when the temperature rise and the water level
design, transferring the circuit into the copper board, etching, decreases. Also, to keep an eye on the different parameters sent
cleaning,verifying the connections and drilling. from the sensors.

The project's parts were 3D printed using three 3D printers. The time response was tested under two conditions, Ideal and
The structure was split into smaller pieces to fit the printing Normal condition. The Ideal state was considered when there
plate. Further, acrylic sheets were used to make the covers and were no devices connected to the Wi-Fi except the system. In
net pots holder. The files were exported from Autodesk Inventor contrast, the Normal case was considered when there were
and sent to a CNC milling machine to cut the sheets as per the multiple devices connected to the Wi-Fi. The internet signal and
design. The reservoir was fabricated from acrylic, whereby a speed are crucial factors that massively affect the response time
heat strip was used for bending the edges and the cavity. Then, and delay. It's been noted that the average response time was 1s
the whole project was assembled, including the structure and the under the Ideal condition. Consequently, the data is being sent to
electrical circuit. Little joints were printed to be used between the Blynk server within 1s, and the user interface is updated with
each part to align the printed parts correctly. Superglue was used minimum delay. Similarly, the Blynk server connectivity
to glue the pieces together firmly. Nevertheless, bolts and nuts remained stable. Fig. 4 represents the signal strength and speed
were used to attach the side walls to the main body. Similarly, under the Ideal condition. On the contrary, the system was
the electronics components were placed on the PCB and experiencing lag in transferring and updating the data due to the
soldered. Then, they were placed on the prototype. The ON-OFF weak internet signal, where the average response time was 4.25s.
switch, along with the fuse, was utilised to safely power on or The Blynk application often disconnects from the server, causing
off the circuit. In addition, LDR and DHT22 sensors were connection instability between the system and the Blynk server.
attached to the body. Fig. 3 demonstrates the final prototype of Fig. 5 justifies the connection failure most times. The Arduino
the IoT-based hydroponic system. sends tens of data to the server multiple times within asecond. If
the internet signal were weak, it would cause a lag intransferring
the data to the server; hence the connection will be lost. However,
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION in the first case, the ping was 30.77ms, as shownin fig. 4, while it
The tests targeted the time response to evaluating the speed was 270.9ms in the second case. The ping describes the latency
of updating the data in the Blynk interface, the system occurred when data is being transferred from the device to the
performance, and system consistency. For the time response, server. It's recommended to have a low ping for demanding
services, whereby any values in the range of 50 to 100ms
considered very good. Thus, it's undesired to have ping values

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ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

greater than 150ms [4]. Equally important, the download and

upload speeds were 20.47Mbps and 6.48Mbps in the Ideal
condition, while in the Normal state, it was 0.57Mbps and
0.25Mbps, respectively.
Therefore, the data will be displayed in the Blynk interface
in real-time with minimal lag under Ideal condition. In contrast, Fig. 5. The signal strength under the Normal condition. (Self, 2021).
a lag is expected in the Normal state and connection loss.
25 to 30C. The reason is, when the plants are exposed to
sunlight, it becomes tricky to control the temperature. When the
temperature increases, it will slightly affect the pH causing it to
decrease. Equally, the temperature rise caused the water
temperature to increase, which causes an increment in the water
conductivity (EC). Temperature impacts the mobility of the
ions in the water, which will boost dissolvability. An increment
of 1°C in temperature raises the conductivity by 2-4%. Hence,
Fig. 4. The signal strength under the Ideal condition. (Self, 2021). the TDS is affected as it's proportional to the EC [2].
The latency occasionally causes sudden fluctuations in the In the second case, the growth rate increment in which the
values displayed on Blynk widgets. Yet, for improving the samples show development in terms of leaves number, colour,
connection stability and response time, the programme was plant height, and leaves lengths. The first seedling has six leaves
modified to send sensors' data to the server at different time with a 5.83mm average height, while the plant height was
intervals, which impressively eliminated the delay and 4.7mm. The second sample has nine leaves with a 6.98mm
stabilised the connection a bit. average height. Meanwhile, the plant length was 5.2mm. The
B. System Performance number of leaves recorded in sample three was 8 with an
average length of 7.54, while the height of the plant reaches
This experiment was conducted to test the performance of 5.7mm. The roots length of all the seedlings were 21.8mm,
the system and the features efficiency compared to regular 25.2mm, and 21.7mm, respectively. The seedlings have a dark
models. In this experiment, Greek basil seeds were subjected green colour, reflecting a good chlorophyll content in the
to three cases. In the first case, Greek basil seeds were planted leaves. Notwithstanding, leaves tips on sample one and three
in a basic system under the sunlight and with direct contact were a bit brownish, indicating water lost due to transpiration,
with the nutrient solution. Similarly, another set of seeds were or the plant was not getting enough water. The ultrasonic
grown in a system under the sunlight and irrigated with the atomiser might have increased the growth rate by ensuring good
nutrient solution using an ultrasonic atomiser. In the last case, airflow and oxygenating the reservoir. Even so, the ultrasonic
the seeds were planted in the implemented system. The system atomiser converts the solution into a vapour, which will
has a full spectrum LED light, an ultrasonic atomiser, and evaporate quickly under relatively high temperatures, and this
sensors to monitor the humidity, temperature, pH, and EC justifies the presence of brown tips on the leaves [5].
parameters. Indeed, only water was used for the first seven
days of germination for all the samples, and then the nutrient In the third condition, the growth was significant compared to
solution of 560ppm TDS value was added on the second week. the first and second scenario. The first has developed twenty-
It was increased to 570ppm at the third week. The pH value six leaves within three weeks with an average height of
remained 6.5 for all the samples. Four seeds were placed in 9.07mm, while the plant height reaches 26mm. The second
each seedling. The experiment was conducted on the 9th of sample has thirteen leaves with a 9.49mm average height, while
April, 2021. the plant length was 24mm. Lastly, the third sample has ten
leaves with a 9.96mm average height, while the plant height
Every three samples were subjected to a distinct approaches 23.6mm. It's been noted that roots have developed
circumstance. The first three samples were put under the in the seedlings, whereby the length of the roots was 90.6mm,
sunlight and supplied with a solution directly. The results show 39.6mm, and 38.2mm for the three samples, respectively. The
that only one instance has developed within the three weeks, in colour of all the samples looked astonishing, whereby it had a
which two leaves started to appear with an average length of dark green colour with healthy leaves tips.
3.1mm. Likewise, the plant length was 2mm, while the root
length was 13.2mm. On the other hand, the other two samples
have not developed leaves and roots. Multiple factors may
have limited the growth rate in the first case. Since the pH and
TDS values remained within the specified range 6.5 and 560-
570ppm, the next thing to look at is the temperature.
Temperature plays a crucial role in hydroponics as it
significantly affects the pH and TDS values. Certain types of
cultivars required different temperatures, and usually, the
temperature must be maintained within a suitable range from

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ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

The root growth was more explicit than the ones in the
previous experiment that were grown in the system. And that's
maybe because of the type of cultivar or seeds used. To illustrate,
during the last investigation, the basil developed one to two
strips of roots, and they were fragile and delicate. On the
contrary, the Loose-leaf lettuce grew multiple strips of evident
and stronger roots than the previous one. The results indicate
healthy and consistent growth.

Fig. 6. Data distribution of case 3 samples. (Self, 2021).

The roots were firmly white, reflecting good health. The

increment in the growth rate might be due to the relatively
warmenvironment in the system and the balanced amount of
light. Also, the ultrasonic atomiser works well in low- Fig. 8. The samples of Loose-leaf lettuce after three weeks from
temperature areas, as it provides oxygen in the reservoir, germination (Self, 2021).
which helps the plant absorb the nutrient well. The heat
created due to the light was sufficient and didn't cause and VI. CONCLUSION
burning symptoms on the plants. For many years, Oman and many Arab countries have been
striving to improve agriculture to enhance food production, food
B. Production Consistency quality, avoid desertification, salinity, and resist the nature of the
An experiment was performed to confirm the results hot climate. It is expected that hydroponic will reduce the
obtained at the previous test and evaluate the production sultanate's dependence on importing fruits and vegetables from
consistency of the system. Loose-leaf lettuce seeds were used abroad. It's believed that hydroponics can overcome all of these
this time, in which three samples were subjected to the test. obstacles and capable of changing the future of agriculture.
ThepH value was set to 6.5, while it was supplied only with Indeed, hydroponics uses water efficiently up to 90%,increments
water the first week. The seedlings were supplied with a the production rate three to ten times compared to conventional
nutrient solution in the second week. The TDS value of the methods. The production is even faster in a well- managed
nutrient solution was 560ppm in the second week and 570ppm hydroponic environment. Not only that, but various crops could
in the third week. Four seeds were placed in each seedling. be grown throughout the year. This document has proposed an
Theexperiment was conducted on the 30th of April, 2021. IoT- based hydroponic system that promises to consolidate the
growth rate and production time whileevaluating the possibility
The system shows marvellous outcomes based on the of enhancing food diversity. Theproject integrates the internet of
results presented in table 5.3. The leaf number of the first thing technology, the Blynk platform, a microcontroller, and
sample was sixteen, with an average height of 23.99mm and different sensors. The project has successfully achieved its
the plant heightof 48.3mm. The second sample has fourteen objectives. The project provided an innovative hydroponic
leaves with a 31.87mm average height, while the plant length environment to grow plants faster and healthier while
was 79.8mm. Incontrast, the last sample has eight leaves with monitoring multiple parameters like temperature, humidity,
an average length of 36.49mm, while the plant height was TDS, pH, water level, and water temperature. It offered a user-
80.2mm. The roots lengths were 92.7mm, 83.7mm,38.2mm friendly interface through Blynk to display the data in real-time
for the three samples, respectively. The leaves colour was light and notify the user when particular circumstances occur. The
to dark green, while the roots have firm white colour, as in Fig. system provided convenient and accurate techniques to safely
7. grow different types of plants with minimum effort thanks to
utilising an efficient LED light with timers and an ultrasonic
atomiser to minimise water consumption. The model was tested
from three different aspects to evaluate the performance and
ensure obtaining all the desiredobjectives. According to the results,
the system was able to boost the growth rate and crop quality
quickly. Apart from that, it was proven that various cultivars
could be grown effortlessly in the system. The project has a
modern design, fit for indoor use, portable, easy to use, and most
importantly it's affordable. The project's cost, excluding the
software subscriptions, is 25.52 OMR only. Thereby, the project
has fulfilled the desired criteria.

Fig. 7. Data distribution of all the three samples. (Self, 2021).

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ISBN 978-1-6654-3986-2

VII. FUTURE WORK [5] Pennington, "How to Save Brown Tipped Plants",
The project provided outstanding results as per the tests [6] J. King, "The History of Greenhouses",, 2020.
conducted. The project performed satisfyingly and was able to Available:
produce crops efficiently and in a healthy manner. Nevertheless,
some improvements can be achieved to the system in future to
enhance the performance of the system and provide an excellent
user experience. Firstly, improving connectivity by adding a
two-way connection through Wi-Fi and Bluetooth allows
controlling and monitoring the system wirelessly even with the
absence of the internet. Secondly, adding more feature windows
such as an LCD to monitor the system status without referring
to the Blynk application. Thirdly, implementing a temperature
control system to cool down or heat the growing environment as
needed. Though, saving the data in the cloud and prepare weekly
reports and records of the sensors and devices could be
beneficial for users to track the system's progress and tasks.
Besides, utilising the NFT technique can be of the utmost
essential for recycling the water, therefore decreasing the water
consumption further. Having said that, using another IoT
platform might give better results, especially in terms of
updating the data in the user interface since some readings still
fluctuate in the Blynk app each time the server updates the data.
Additionally, integrating a humidity control system will
definitely enhance the system's performance and production
quality by allowing control over the environment. Moreover,
utilising wireless sensors will avoid cables misconnections as
well as wires jam. Equally important, more tests, experiments
and comparisons have to be conducted to analyse the project's
performance from different aspects and explore its limits and

The completion of this project wouldn't be possible without
the assistance and encouragement of many people whose names
might not be enumerated in this paper. I would also like to
express my deep appreciation and gratitude to my advisor, Dr
Suresh Manic, for his continuous contribution and countless
guidance. However, many thanks to all relatives and friends who
expressed their endless support in one way or another, either
physically or morally.

[1] Rimolgreenhouses, "5 Reasons Hydroponic Growing is More Profitable
Than Soil Growing",, 2017. Available:
[2] R. Ahmed, "The Impact of TDS & pH on Quality of Drinking Water",
Medium, 2021. Available:
[3] D. Martinez, "Light Wavelengths: Does Your Grow Light Have What
Your Need for Your Next Harvest?",, 2020. Available:
[4] J. Dobbin, "Lag! Top 5 Reasons your Ping is so High",, 2020.

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07:11:50 2021Xplore. Restrictions ap

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