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Mary’s University School of Graduate Studies

Project Management 2010 A
Addis Ababa

Course Title: MAPMC-611



PREPARED BY: Group Two Members:

1. Elias Afework,
2. Ermias Alemayehu,
3. Fasika Shiferaw,
4. Fasil Mekonnen,
5. Fromsa Taye,
6. Getu Tefera

SUBMITED TO: Habtamu Abebaw

March, 2022

Project Proposal Outline Page No.
CHAPTER ONE – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..........................................................................3
1.1. Background of the project...........................................................................................3
1.2. Project Site..................................................................................................................4
1.3. Project management and implementation..................................................................5
1.4. Project prospect...........................................................................................................5
1.5. Project Challenges and strategies................................................................................5
2.1. Background of the project.........................................................................................6
2.2. Project development (Rationale)...............................................................................6
2.3. Investment Motivation..............................................................................................7
CHAPTER THREE: MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS................................................7
3.1. Market Investigation...................................................................................................7
3.1.1. Product description.............................................................................................7
3.1.2. Main customers................................................................................................8
3.2. Market Prediction (Demand and Supply forecast......................................................8
3.2.1. Demand estimation............................................................................................8
3.2.2. Supply estimation..............................................................................................9
3.3. Marketing elements....................................................................................................9
3.4. Marketing plan...........................................................................................................9
CHAPTER FOUR: CONSTRUCTION SITE SELECTION..................................................11
CHAPTER FIVE: TECHNICAL ANALYSIS........................................................................11
5.1. Production Process..................................................................................................12
5.2.Material inputs.........................................................................................................16
CHAPTER 6: ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS..................................................................17
6.1. Environmental protection and safety........................................................................17
6.2. Social Benefits of the project....................................................................................18
CHAPTER SEVEN: INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS............................................................19
7.1. Man power requirement...........................................................................................20
7.2. Organizational Structure...........................................................................................21
7.3. Structure and Civil work
CHAPTER EIGHT: PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION............................................................22
8.1. Project implementation activity.................................................................................22
8.2. Project implementation schedule...............................................................................22
9.1. Investment requirement..............................................................................................23
9.2. Sources of Project Financing.....................................................................................23
10.1. Financial Analysis of the project...........................................................................24
10.1.1. Estimation total Sales
10.1.2. Production plan and Revenue projection Profit/loss statement Cash flow statement `1Balance sheet
10.2. Investment Selection Criterions
CHAPTER ELEVEN: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS..............................................27
Conclusions and suggestions...........................................................................................27

Agriculture is currently at the center of Ethiopia's growth, but the government intends for the
economy to be led by industry in the long run. However, there is still significant development
potential in the agriculture sector, and it is widely expected that the sector will continue to lead in
the coming year. Growth in the agriculture sector has generally stimulated the agro industry sub-
sector because most people in rural and urban areas are striving for better living and working
conditions, which has led to an increase in the consumption of processed foods such as refined
edible oil.

Ethiopia has enormous potential for increasing edible oil production due to favorable agro-
climatic conditions for increased oil seed cultivation, the sub-labor-incentive sector's nature, a
conductive business environment, and massive local demand. Despite this potential, the edible
oil processing industry is still in its infancy. The main constraints are low production, poor seed
quality, insufficient trading infrastructure, inadequate agro-processing facilities, and poor
business development services provided by edible oil processors.

Ethiopia has enormous potential for increasing edible oil production due to favorable agro-
climatic conditions for increased oil seed cultivation, the sub-labor-incentive sector's nature, a
conductive business environment, and massive local demand. Despite this potential, the edible
oil processing industry is still in its infancy. The main constraints are low production, poor seed
quality, insufficient trading infrastructure, inadequate agro-processing facilities, and poor
business development services provided by edible oil processors.

According to financial analysis made, the envisage project will be profitable and viable.

The project proposal are planned to establish and owned by potential Ethiopian national
investors. where the first four have equity share of 15% each while the last two investors have
equity share of 20% each. Its current paid up capital is birr 10 million. `The head office of the
company is found in Adama where it runs and manages its business. There is also a liaison office
in Addis Ababa to facilitate export, undertake trade negotiation with the buyers and suppliers of
export items.

The company is established to engage in various business activities, focusing mainly on export.
The project plan to hire more than 90 employees and 35 permanent qualified skilled and well
experienced staffs in the field of export of oil seeds. Presently it has installed a state of the art
machinery that perform cleaning sorting grinding and bagging raw oil seeds and spices before
being exported.

2.1. Project Development rationale

The company decided to establish edible oil processing plant after observing the ever growing
demand for the product particularly in the domestic market. This project will established in Mojo
town on a total area of 4000m2 leased from the regional government.

The new oil processing plant will have a capacity to process 20 tons of various kinds of oil seeds
including nigger seed and cotton seed. The technology selected offers greater opportunity to
produce edible oils from any of the given oil seeds variety based on the prevailing market

Taking in to account the current market demand, raw materials availability and future prospects,
the subject is planned to produce edible oil of nigger seed and cotton seed at a product mix ratio
of 35% and 65% respectively. The larger production proportion of edible oil due availability of
the raw materials in the market in abundance.

In Ethiopia more than, 11 types of pulses and oilseeds with potentials to enable the country
produce affordable cooking oil in large quantities have been identified. In particular, Niger seed
have been selected as the most viable oilseed for this purpose. Plans to mass produce niger seed
and supply it to cooking oil factories will be activated shortly. The Ministry of Industry and The
Ministry of Agriculture are working in collaboration to link farmers with the raw materials and
factories that need the pulses and oilseeds. There are farmers who is producing oilseeds in
Adama, therefore it is easy to establish working relations with cooking oil producing factories in
Mojo. Ethiopia exports a large amount of oilseeds but imports cooking oil at a much expensive
price tag. The latest effort to produce cooking oil locally is aimed at resolving this irony.

3. Product description, application & rationale
3.1. Product description

Edible oil produced from Niger seed and cotton seed which are common in the edible oil market
will be the major product of the envisaged project. The oil and protein contents of the seeds vary
with the variety and agro climatic conditions. Some verities may have up to 25% oil content.

Refined oil is used mainly for food purposes such as salad and cooking oils, shortening,
margarine and to lesser extent in packing of fish and cured meat. Low grade oil is used in
manufacturing of soaps, lubricants and protective coating. The by-product of the proposed plant
is expeller cake which is used for animal feed.

3.2. Project Application

The oil production company intended to install cutting-edge machinery for cleaning, sorting,
grinding, and bagging raw oil seeds and spices before export. The company intends to assemble a
team of professionals and competent management with extensive experience in the oil and seed
export industry.

The company's policy is to earn a high reputation among its clients by providing quick,
compressive, and efficient service.

The company decided to establish edible oil processing plant after observing the ever growing
demand for the product particularly in the domestic market. This project will established in
Adama town on a total area of 4000m2 leased from the regional government.
The new oil processing plant will have a capacity of 20 tons and will process two types of oil
seeds: Niger seed and cotton seed. Based on the current market situation, the chosen technology
provides a greater opportunity to produce edible oils from any of the given oil seed varieties.
Taking current market demand, raw material availability, and future prospects into account, the
subject intends to produce edible oil from niger seed and cotton seed at a product mix ratio of
35% and 65%, respectively.
The increased production proportion of edible oil is due to the abundance of raw materials in the
market. When the project becomes operational, it will generate income primarily from business
activities, such as sales of refined edible oil and byproducts (oil cake).
The oil is sold to the public for use in cooking, whereas the oil cake is sold to commercial
livestock farms such as dairy, poultry, and fattening farms.

3.3. Project rationale

Ethiopia has a huge potential for scaling up its production of edible oil; favorable agro-climatic
condition for increased oil seed cultivation, the labor-incentive nature of the sub- sector, a
conductive business environment and the huge local demand. Despite this potential, however the
edible oil processing industry remains underdeveloped. Main constraints are: low production,
poor quality of seeds, inadequate trading infrastructure, poor agro- processing facilities and week
business development services on the part of edible oil processors.
On the other hand good performance of the economy brings a huge demand for quality product.
Edible oil is an essential element for day to day consumption in almost all forms of daily meal

both in the rural and urban area. Currently the majority of refined edible oil products are while a
few proportion are being supplied by local producers, yet the demand has not yet fully satisfied.
The oil processing company taken the initiative to engage in the production of refined oil after
careful observation and survey of the market trends. The assessment made in this study also
shows that there exists and increasing and unsatisfied demand for edible oil.

The proposed project possesses socioeconomic befits such as increasing the level of investment,
tax revenue, employment creation and import substitution. Generally’ the project is technically
feasible, financially and commercially viable as well as socially and economically acceptable.
Hence the project is worth implementing.

4. Market study and plant capacity

4.1. Market Study
The construction of oil Production Company is one of the most favorable idea and seems to be
the profitable in developing countries. In our country the business has not far received attention
of the government and the concerned organs.

The need for food oil is increasing in the country; Ethiopia has invested over 1,128,312,275 to
import oil and fats in 2015. The recent report shows that the industry is matured but not
saturated. There is a gap between the demand and the supply of the oil products. The increase of
the population has made the situation even worse and made it difficult for the government to
fulfill the need with imported as well as small domestic oil products. The project when
implemented will be curving this problem to some extent by selling to the country market and
exporting to the international market after fulfilling the internal market In the long run.

4.1.1. The market area

The oil market is not dominated by few large players rather there are fragmented small producers
as well as importers who are unable to satisfy the large demand for the product. The proposed
business mainly targets the internal demand of oil, that in order to substitute the imported
vegetable oil; then after that to export to international market, in order to generate foreign
currency. So the business must be located near to the raw material and also be in a central
location for distribution purpose. Expected potential customers of the business are nearly 100
million. In addition to the Ethiopian population the project is believed to have a capacity to
export to the international market in the long run.
4.1.2. Main customers
Government Institutions:- Such government institutions as universities and hospitals, police
and defense forces are known for their consumption of edible oil and similar products. Police and
defense camps that are all over the country large depend on the different training and working

Individual Customers:- The demand for edible oil for individual consumer level is a function of
increase in population size. As the consumption from purchase of the items in the market is
discussed under the topic business establishments the individual consumption level is considered
in terms of household consumption.

A. Past Supply and Present Demand

Based on the information obtained from CSA abstract, there is more or less the same distribution
of consumption between rural and urban population, with an average consumption of 2.8kgs per
head per annum. Using annual population growth rate estimation of the CSA by making the 2007
as a base, the consumption of oil could be estimated. In addition, the average per capita
consumption of oil in Ethiopia which is at low level compared to most of African counties (8-
10.5kgs), is expected to increase slowly to at least the fellow African levels in the next few years
as induced by economic growth.

B. Projected Demand

In order to make a more valuable estimation, it is found appropriate to make use of per capital
consumption of oil which is common yardstick. The per capital consumption is a function of
population size so that population growth statistics shall be employed. According to population
census carried out in 2007, the total population was 73,750,932 and it is estimated to grow by at
least 2.7% per annum.

Table. 3.1. Total projected oil demand in tons

Year Population Size Demand(Tons)

2010 79,887,502 297,725

2011 82,044,465 336,340

2012 84,259,666 379,963

2013 86,534,677 390,222

2014 88,871,113 400,758

2015 91,270,633 411,578

2016 93,734,940 422,691

2017 96,265,783 434,104

2018 98,864,959 445,824

2019 101,534,313 457,862

2020 104,275,740 470,224

2021 107,091,185 482,920

2022 109,982,647 495,959

2023 112,952178 509,350

2024 116,001,887 523,102

C. Pricing and Distribution

The saleable items of the project are refined oil which is the principal product and oil cake which
come out as a byproduct residual product. To determining the selling prices, assessment was
made in the market of similar products. Accordingly, price trend shows that both imported and
domestically produced refined oil prices have been on the rise especially in the past couple of
years of 2013 and 2014. The prices are determined by not only the usual demand and supply
interaction, but also the difference in the testes. The local refined oil extracted from oil seeds is
generally accepted as being tastier than the imported palm oil. On the other hand, the majority of
locals are regarded less purified and obtain less acceptance while those bottled vegetable
oil(imported) products are much more expensive than local products.
This project will be initially supplying its products at a fair selling price as a strategy to attract
adequate market. But in the future, as the products penetrate the market, the promoter will seek
to optimize the production volume wits sale by applying more fair market prices.
The following summarize price s used:
Table :3.7 Product prices
Room type Unite of measurement Price /unit product
Refined oil-Niger seed Liters 63
Cotton seed 62
Oil cake –Niger seed Tons 5,000
Cotton seed Tons 4,500

4.2. Plant capacity and production program

A. Plant capacity

Considering the time needed for developing production and industrial skill by the plant, it is
assumed the project is not expected to start at full capacity, rather it shall begin with a lower
level and shall attain its maximum capacity through time. Accordingly, it is assumed to start
operation at a capacity of 70% and progressively increase this capacity utilization annually until
it attains the maximum of 95% at the sixth year and continue the same onwards. The production
capacity is based on 3 shifts of 8 working hours a day and 250 working days a year considering
reductions of Sundays and public holidays in a year and possible downtime due to repair and
maintenance works.
The product mix and production level planned in this project are shown
below :

Product mix and production

S.R Product type Ratio (by weight) Total Production (Ton)

1 Niger seed oil 35% 1,750
2 Cottonseed oil 65% 3,250
Total 5000

B. Production Program

5. Materials and inputs

5.1. Raw and auxiliary materials

The principal raw material and consumables required for the production of edible oil seeds such
as Niger seed and cotton seed. Auxiliary and consumable materials needed during production are
caustic soda, bleaching earth, common salt, and packing bottles and card boards. The annual
major raw material i.e. raw oil seeds requirement of the factory is estimated to be about 5,000
tons at full capacity. Moreover, the plant requires large quantities of consumable materials which
are estimated on based the level of production.
5.2. Utilities

Electricity and water are the major utilities required for the factory operation. Energy
consumption of oil factories varies from 650,000 - 1,250,000kwh/annum depending on their
capacities. For the project in question, the electric consumption is estimated to be
1,056,000kwh/year. Similarly, the factory requires large liters of water per day so that water
consumption is assumed to be 28,000 liters per annum. Annual utility requirement and the
corresponding estimated costs are presented below. Furthermore, furnace oil extraction, and it is
estimated to consume 3,866 liters per annum.

Table 4.2: Utilities requirement and cost at installed capacity

No Description Unit Qty/year Unit cost (Birr) Total Cost (Birr)

1 Electricity KWh 1,056,000 0.5 511,420

2 Furnace oil Kg 3,866 16.53 63,903

3 Water 28,000 1.5 42,000

4 Total 617,323

6. Technology and engineering

6.1. Technology
The machinery planned for purchase and installation for the envisage project shall involve
pressing line, oil refining line, bottling and labeling line and bottle blowing line. The complete
set of machinery could be obtained from different sources including china, India and even
Europe. The promoter has come to terms to import a Chinese technology supplied by a
manufacturer in china. The planned supplier win tone machinery manufacture a leading
manufacturer of grain and oil machinery which has a long time experience in the machinery
manufacturer and supply.

Project scale:- The plant shall have three distinct and major production components of milling
and refinery:

 20 tons per day milling line

 8tpd refinery line
 Automatic bottle filling and packaging line
Product quality standards: - The technology to be adopted shall enable the project to produce
products that could fulfill the basic quality standards of sanitary and health. The neutralized,
bleached and deodorized oil leaving.

Workshop space

NO Main construction building Dimension Feature Remarks

1 Pretreatment oil pressing 20*6 m Steal structure


A. Production Process

Edible oil production in general is of two types in terms of the manner by which the production
stages or the manner the seeds undergo processing, which are crude and refined oil production.

In crude processing impurities are separated from seeds by vibratory screens, pneumatic cleaners
and magnets. The cleaned oil seeds are then conditioned in a cooker with steam. The cooked
seed is then pressed to crude oil which shall be screened and filtered before entering the refinery

The production process of refinery unit involves mainly three steps: neutralization, bleaching and
deodorization. In the neutralizer, the free fatty acid(FFA) content of crude oil shall be lowered by
adding caustic soda. The color of oil will be adjusted in the bleacher with bleaching earth.
Finally, the constituents of oil which cause the odor are removed by the deodorization process.
The final refined oil is then packed in bottles then dispatched for sale.

The edible oil milling process in order to guarantee the above mentioned points, undergoes 3
important lines:

1. Pretreatment line
2. Oil refining line
 Refining pot
 Bleaching pot
 Deodorization pot
3. Packaging workshop
Brief introduction of the different basic lines

1. Pretreatment line
Big and small impurities are removed after process of magnetic separation and vibration sifter
and flaking machine for the pretreatment. Then go to steaming and frying section to damage the
seed cell, denaturalizing protein and condense the oil. The heating treatment adjusts temperature
and moisture of the material, beneficial for pressing. the crude oil goes to refinery after filtration.
The pressed cake goes to cake storage by conveyor.

The filtered crude oil is added with some salt after preheating to remove scrap. The degummed
oil is separated out of Niger seed and neutral oil after alkali refining reaction. The neutral oil is
centrifuged and goes to decoloration tank after draying. Then the decolored oil goes to
deodorization tower and filtered.

Refining pot: also named De-phosphorylation and de acidification tank. Under 60-70 C, it
carries acid –base neutralization with sodium hydroxide. After stirring by reduction box, it can
decrease the acid level in oil and separate the impurity, phospholipid, which will enter into soap
stock. The oil can be refined further.

Bleaching pot; also named bleaching, dewatering pot, as it removes water from oil by vacuum.
The bleaching earth is breathed in to bleaching pot, after stirring, filtrated by filter and change
the color of the oil.

Vertical blade filter machine; equipped with vertical leaf filter to remove used bentonite from
the oil, operating conveniently and continuously, low laboring tense, keeps environment well,
keeps oil residence in deposable bleaching earth in low level.

Fig 4.4 Filter machine Fig 4.5 Deodorization process

Deodorization pot

It uses USU 304 stainless steel plate, under the vacuum condition of vacuum and high
temperature (220-240C). the deodorization system can remove fatty acid and other rare delicacy
high efficiently. Meanwhile, the pot has the advantage of lowering steam consumption and
avoids hydrolyzation of oil.

The whole process of intermittent refining:_ The process involves oil inlet –heating up –de
acidification---de- alkalizing –washing 2-3 times –dry dehydration. The total time is about 1

Process characteristics:- Both short mixed and long mixed process are adapted in washing
section, which insures washing effectiveness, equipped with vertical leaf filter to remove used
bentonite from the oil, operating conveniently and continuously, low laboring tense, keeps
environment well, keeps oil residence in deposable bleaching earth in low level.

Accurate stirring method, decrease the maximum distance between the oil from cooling facet so
as to ensure the same temperature of crystal with same quality. It is better guaranteed that in the
process of crystallization, crystal will not cluster in an intense area. In a flexible system, cooling
curve can be easily altered by changing water temperature, thus the kinds of products can be
changed easily.

Packaging technology process :-It involves the following sequence; finished oil tank –bottle
filling –covering presenting the cover –light inspection –spraying the code –pasting label –carton
B. Sources of Technology

2 Refining workshop 20*8m Steel structure

3 Filling workshop 20*6m Depends on the


4 Raw material 20*18m

5 Packed oil warehouse 20*12m

6 Oil cake warehouse 20*18m

6.2. Engineering

A. Machinery

The plant is going to include state- of -the -art technology at a fair price as summarized below:

Machinery and equipment cost

Qty Amount/USD Rate Cost/Birr

20tpd oil line machine 1 92,000.00
8tpd batch oil refining equipment 1 86,000.00
Automatic high precision filling line 1 42,040.00
Bottle blowing machine 1 13,330.00
A complete crushing line including related spare 1 233,370.00 20.5 4,784085
parts (FOB Quingdao) piece
Import processing, transportation and installation 956,817
Total cost 5,740,902

B. Land Buildings and Civil Works

The total land area designated for the factory buildings is about 4,000 square meters. A minimum
of total built up area of 1,700 square meters would be allotted for production hall, for officers,
clinic and workers’ quarters and other facilities. The building and construction cost is estimated
based on built up areas and rates for various categories of structures. The factory building and
stores shall be built with local materials and the total estimated cost of construction is estimated
to be ETB 21 million.

C. Proposed Location

There is a significant demand for edible oil in the country as a whole, and the company wishes to
participate in the sector and play an active role in meeting this demand by establishing a modern
and competitive production firm. The Niger and Cotton Oil Company intends to build a large-
scale edible oil refinery in the Oromia Regional State. Mojo (also spelled Modjo) is a town in
central Ethiopia that takes its name from the nearby Mojo River. Mojo is located in the Oromia
National Regional State's East Shewa Zone, 70 kilometers from Addis Abeba and 25 kilometers
from Adama. Its astronomical coordinates are 08o 35' North Latitude and 39o 07' East
Longitude, and it was established in 1925.The head office of the company will be in Adama
where it runs and manages its business. There is also a liaison office in Addis Ababa to facilitates
export, undertake trade negotiation with the buyers and suppliers of export items.

D. Office equipment, Furniture & Vehicle

Description Number Cost/unit Total

Table(office) 15 3,200 48,000
Chair(office) 15 2,600 39,000
Guest chairs 12 2,400 28,800
Computers and printers 7 7,500 52,500
Miscellaneous - 50,000 50,000
Total 218,300

7. Manpower and training requirement
7.1. Man power requirement

Man power requirement vary with level and technology of production involved in the industry in
question. Most mills in the oil production industry are driven to operate 24 hours, 6-7 days a week,
by the high expense of plant and machinery, huge unsatisfied demand and significant production
startup cost, among others. Some mills operate two 12-hour shifts and other operate three 8-hour
shift. Considering the type of work in the involved and other factors, the promoter shall recruit at
least 90 preliminary skilled employees and administrative staff when operation commences. As the
proposed project surrounding is good source of adequate workforce, the required skilled and semi-
skilled manpower would be recruited from the society found in and around the project area.
The following table shows the total manpower requirement and remuneration plan.
Man power requirement plan

Position No. of Monthly Annual salary

employee salary
1 Management
General manager 1 65,000 780,000
Executive-Secretary 1 15,500 186,000
Sub total 2 966,000
2 Production & technical
Department Manager 1 35,500 426,000
Production Supervisions 4 18,500 222,000
Machine Operators 10 8,500 102,000
Mechanical engineer 2 12,500 150,000
Electrician 1 6,500 78,000
Forklift Operator 3 4,500 54,000
Laborers 18 1,500 18,000
Sub total 39 1,050,000
3 Quality control &
Department Manager 1 32,500 390,000
Chemist 2 10,500 126,000
Sub total 3 516,000
4 Administration
Department Manager 1 28,500 342,000
Human resource officer 2 15,500 186,000
Safety officer 1 10,500 126,000
Achieve Specialist 1 3,500 42,000
General service 2 10,500 126,000
Receptionist 1 4,750 57,000
Security Head 1 4,500 54,000
Driver 3 3,750 45,000
Wage laborers coordinator 2 2,500 30,000
Security personnel 5 2,000 24,000
Time keeper 3 2,000 24,000
Tools keeper 3 2,000 24,000
Cleaner and Janitor 4 1500 18,000
Gardener 2 1000 12,000
Messenger 1 1000 12,000
Sub total 32 1,122,000
5 Finance Department
Department Manager 1 35,500 426,000
Accountant 2 8,000 96,000
Cashier 1 5000 60,000
Sub total 4 582,000
6 Marketing & Customer
Department Manager 1 25,500 306,000
Purchaser 2 7,000 84,000
Sales person 3 7,000 84,000
Sub total 6 474,000
Total 86 4,710,000

8. Implementation Planning and Budgeting

8.1. Project management

The tasks of implementing the envisaged project will include constructing of factory hall building,
offices and other buildings necessary for smooth operation. Then the promoter shall carry out
procurement of the machinery and equipment. But before these tasks could be completed, Bank process
should be triggered as a partial financing of the projects. Upon finishing of the credit processing, the
project could start operation within ten months’ time.

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