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General Physics 2 Week 3 4

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Semester 2
Week 3-4


Beiser, A. Fundamentals of Modern Physics. Fourth Edition
Resnick, R. H. (n.d.). Physics, 5th Edition. USA.
Halliday, D., Resnick, R. at al., Fundamentals of Physics Extended. 6th
Edition. Wiley. USA
Serway, R., Hewett,J. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern
Physics.6th Edition.USA
Simpson, D. (2019, September 11). General Physics I: Classical
Mechanics. Largo, M
Recommended videos: I f internet connection is available, you can
watch the topics discussed and further explanations in videos by Michel
van Biezen on:
( by Michel van Biezen)
Or you may w atch through Y outube by keying a keyw ord and M i-
chael van Biezen Ex. “Vectors Michael van Biezen”


Activity Sheets and Assessment pages (page 14-15) must be answered,

filed neatly and submitted after two weeks.

Week 3: Electric Potential and Capacitors

WEEK 3 DAY 1-4

(240 MINS)

Most Essential Learning Competencies ( MELCs)

1. Infer the direction and strength of 4. Deduce the effects of simple

electric field vector, nature of the capacitors )e.g., parallel-plate,
electric field sources and electrostatic spherical, cylindrical) on the
potential surfaces given the capacitance, charge, and potential
equipotential lines difference when the size, potential
difference or charge is changed
2. Calculate the electric field in the
region given a mathematical function 5. Calculate the equivalent capacitance
describing its potential in a region of of a network of capacitors connected
space in series/parallel
3. Solve problems involving electric
potential energy and electric
potentials in contexts such as, but not
limited to, electron guns in CRT TV
picture tubes and Van de Graff

WEEK 3 DAY 1-2

(120 mins)

Objectives: After this lesson, learners should be able to:

1. Define equipotential surfaces 4. Solve problems involving electric po-

2. Calculate electric potential from the
electric field
3. Calculate the electric field from the
electric potential

 Electric potential (V)  Equipotential Points
Electric potential is a property of an If the points in an electric field are all
electric field, regardless of whether a at the same electric potential, then
charged object has been placed in that they are known as the equipotential
field. points. If these points are connected
Equal to the potential energy per unit by a line or a curve, it is known as an
charge and is expressed in Joules per equipotential line. If such points lie on
Coulomb (J/C) or volt. a surface, it is called an equipotential
V= U/q surface.
 Electric Potential energy (U)  Relationship Between Electric
The energy of charged object in an Potential and Electric Field
external electric field ( or more
precisely, the energy of the system
consisting of the object and the  Electric field vs Electric
external electric field); measured in Potential
Joules (J) or in electron volt (eV)
where 1eV=1.60 x10-19 J The electric field, E, is a measure
of force per unit charge ( E=F/q);
 Equipotential surfaces the electric potential ,V, is a
Any surface with the same electric measure of energy per unit
potential at every point is termed as
an equipotential surface.
charge (V=U/q)

Week 3: Electric Potential and Capacitors

Electric Potential Energy

Electric potential energy, like the

gravitational potential energy, may be
defined using a reference point.
Commonly, we define the electric potential
energy to be zero when all charges are
infinitely far apart.
If we take the initial potential energy, Ui, to If the displacement is in the same
be zero, then we can say that direction as the electric field,
ΔU= Uf-0=Uf=U; and then again W=qEL cos 00 = qEL, so
For electric potential energy, this follows
Here, a positive charge loses
potential energy when it moves in the
If the electric field, E, does positive work, direction of the electric field.
then U<0 and
If the displacement is in the direction
If the electric field, E, does negative work, opposite to the direction of the electric
then U>0.
Now let’s look at the electric potential W= qEL cos 1800 =-qEL, so
energy when we move a charge, q, by a ΔU=qEL
distance, L, in a constant electric field.
Here, a positive charge gains
potential energy when it moves in the
direction opposite to the electric field.
The potential energy of a charged
particle in an electric field depends
not only in the electric field but on the
charge of the particle.

Recall that: The work, W, done by the field,

E, is Try this: Given the illustration
W= FL cos θ below:

For a constant electric field, E, the force, F,

So the work done by the electric field on a
charge, q, is

W= qEL cos θ
At which point (A or B) is the potential
W-work done energy larger,
q– magnitude of the charge a) For a positive charge +q ?
d or L– displacement of the charge b) For a negative charge –q ?
θ– angle between E and L

Week 3: Electric Potential and Capacitors

Electric Potential and Electric Equipotential points and surfaces

Potential Difference We know that when an electric field is
present, the electric potential has a given
value anywhere in space.
The electric potential, V, is the electric
potential energy per unit charge. If the points in an electric field are all at
the same electric potential, then they are
V=U/q known as the equipotential points. If these
Unlike the electric field which is a vector, points are connected by a line or a curve,
the electric potential is a scalar quantity. It it is known as an equipotential line. If such
is expressed in Joules per Coulomb (J/C) or points lie on a surface, it is called
volt, where an equipotential surface.

1 volt=1 J/C Equipotential surfaces and lines must

always be perpendicular to electric field
The electric potential can be positive, lines.
negative or zero but it has no direction.
For a charged particle that moves in
The electric potential difference, ΔV, is the equipotential lines, no work is done.
difference in the electric potential of a
charge, q, between the initial point, i, and W= qEL=0 w hen E and L are
the final point, f, in an electric field. perpendicular to each other.

ΔV= Vf-Vi Thus, if a charged particle moves

perpendicular to electric field lines, then, no
ΔV=Uf/q-Ui/q work is done.
ΔV=ΔU/q If the work done by the electric field is zero,
and since : ΔU=-W then, from ΔV=-W/q , ΔV=0. This
means that there is no change in the
then; ΔV=-W/q potential or we can say that the
potential is constant or equal.
We can also relate the potential difference
ΔV to the electric field, E. For a constant electric field, the electric
field lines are shown as straight lines
Since ΔU=qEL; and ΔV=ΔU/q, then
parallel to E in a 2D illustration below:
ΔV=qEL/q cancelling q,
High potential
Low potential
ΔV=EL and then,
From this equation, we can also define a
new unit for electric field, the volt per
meter (V/m). Now, we can prove that the
units N/C is equal to volt/meter.
Since 1 volt=1 J/C

Equipotential lines
In this illustration, the
Watch more of this on YouTube: electric field lines are shown emanating
from a positive charges ( right plate) and
Physics - Electrical Potential and Electrical terminating in the negative charges ( left
Potential Energy by Michel van Biezen plate) . Electric field lines are also shown
Part 1 is here: starting from high potential and ending in a
low potential. Dashed lines shown perpendicular to the electric field lines are
v=eZPmIKneSBk&t=16s equipotential lines. Work done along these
lines is zero.
Let : F=qE
W=Fd cos θ
W=qEd cos θ; if E and d are
perpendicular, then θ=900
W=Fd cos 900 =0

Week 3: Electric Potential and Capacitors

Sample problem:
1. A particle with a charge , q=3.0x10-9 C 2. Dry air will support a maximum
moves from point a to point b along a electric field strength of about
straight line, a total distance, d= 0.50m. 3.0 × 106 V/m. Above that value, the
The magnitude of the electric field, E=200 field creates enough ionization in the
N/C. Determine the (a) force on q (b) work air to make the air a conductor. This
done on it by the field and (c) the potential allows a discharge or spark that
difference Va-Vb . reduces the field. What, then, is the
maximum voltage, Vab, between two
parallel conducting plates separated
E=200 N/C by 2.5 cm of dry air?
Given: E=3.0 × 106 V/m
q=3x10-9 C
d=2.5 cm =0.025 m

a d=0.50 m b Solution: The potential difference

or voltage, Vab, between the plates is
Va-Vb = Vab = Ed
Given: E=200 N/ C
Vab = (3.0 × 106 V/m) ( 0.025 m)
q=3.0 x10-9 C
Vab = 75,000 V; 1 kV=1000 volts
d= 0.50 m
Vab= 75 kV

3. A solid conducting sphere with radius,
A.) The force is in the same direction as the
R, has a total charge Q, find the
electric field and its magnitude is given by:
potential, both outside and inside the
F=qE sphere.
F=(3.0 x10-9 C ) ( 200 N/C ) Solution: Let r-radius inside
-7 sphere and R –radius outside
F= 6.0 x10 N

B.) The work done by this force is

W=Fd= (6.0 x10-7 N) (0.50 m)
W= 3.0 x10-7 J
C.) The potential difference is the work per
unit charge, which is
Va-Vb = W/q=3.0 x10-7 J / 3.0 x10-9 C
Va-Vb =100 J/C=1.0 x102 J/C
Va-Vb =1.0 x102 V

Alternatively, E is force per unit charge, and

we can obtain the work per unit charge by
Here, we must recall Gauss’ law to
multiplying E and d:
point that all points outside the
Va-Vb =Ed sphere the field is the same as that of
a point charge, and the potential, V, is
Va-Vb = (200 N/C) (0.50 m)
Va-Vb = 1.0 x102 V
Inside the sphere, the field is zero
everywhere. Thus the potential is the
same at every point inside the
sphere and is equal to its value at the
V inside= Voutside=kQ/R
where k= 1/4∏ε0

Week 3: Electric Potential and Capacitors

WEEK 3 DAY 3-4

(120 mins)

Objectives: After this lesson, learners should be able to:

1. describe a capacitor 5. define the capacitance of simple

capacitors ( parallel-plate, spherical,
2. define capacitance and its unit
3. define the factors that affect the
6. calculate the equivalent capacitance
capacitance of a capacitor
of a network of capacitors connected
4. explain how the capacitance, charge in series/parallel
and potential difference in a capacitor
is affected by the change in size,
potential difference and charge

During ventricular fibrillation, a common

type of heart attack, the chambers of the
heart fail to pump blood because their
muscle fibers randomly contract and
relax. A medical defibrillator is needed to
save a victim; this medical device requires
100 kW of power. What can provide the
power needed for defibrillation at remote
See: Capacitors: Physics Concept Trailer™

 Capacitors  Charging a Capacitor
An electronic device that can store When a capacitor is charged, its plates
energy as a potential energy in an have equal but opposite charges of +
electric field. Q and –Q.

 Capacitance A capacitor is charged by connecting it

to a DC voltage source. This may be a
Capacitance is the electrical property battery or a DC power supply. Once
of a capacitor and is the measure of a
the capacitor is connected to the DC
capacitors ability to store an electrical
charge onto its two plates. voltage source, it will charge up to the
voltage that the DC voltage source is
 Farad (F) outputting.
The unit of capacitance named after
the British physicist Michael Faraday.  Capacitors in Combination

 Parallel-Plate Capacitors Electrical circuits often contain two or

more capacitors grouped together and
Two parallel metal plates (conductors) attached to an energy source, such as
isolated from each other and from
their surroundings form a capacitor a battery.

Each of the conductor is called plates. Capacitors may be connected in series

or in parallel circuits.
The capacitance of a capacitor is
related to its area, A and the distance,
d, between its plates.

 Spherical capacitors
A spherical capacitor consists of two
concentric conducting spheres of radii,
R1 and R2 .

 Cylindrical Capacitors
A cylindrical capacitor consists of two
concentric, conducting cylinders of
length, L.

Week 3: Electric Potential and Capacitors

A capacitor is a device used to store
increases with the magnitude
electric charge. Capacitors have (amount) of charge and decreases
applications ranging from filtering static out with distance between charges. Thus,
of radio reception to energy storage in the bigger the plates are, the more
heart defibrillators. Typically, commercial
charge they can store—because the
capacitors have two conducting parts close charges can spread out more.
to one another, but not touching. When Thus, C should be greater for larger
battery terminals are connected to an area, A. Similarly, the closer the
initially uncharged capacitor, equal amounts plates are together, the greater the
of positive and negative charge, +Q and attraction of the opposite charges on
–Q, are separated into its two plates. The them. So, C should be greater for
capacitor remains neutral overall, but we smaller distance, d. It is clear then
refer to it as storing a charge Q in this that for a parallel- plate capacitor
circumstance. there are only two factors (A and d)
The amount of charge Q a capacitor can that affect its capacitance C. The
store depends on two major factors—the capacitance of a parallel plate
voltage applied and the capacitor’s physical capacitor in equation form is given by
characteristics, such as its size. And we can
say that, C=ε0A/d
Q=CV Where: ε0– permittivity of free space
Where: Q-amount of charge =8.85 × 10−12 F/m
C-capacitance of the capacitor A– area of the plates
V– voltage applied d– distance between plates
Parallel– Plate Capacitors The Farad (F) is the unit of
capacitance. Other smaller multiples
Two parallel metal plates (conductors)
are also used such as: nano Farad
isolated from each other and from their
(nF), micro Farad (μF) and the millli
surroundings form a capacitor. The
Farad (mF).
parallel-plate capacitor is the simplest type.
Sample Problem:
(a) What is the capacitance of a
parallel plate capacitor with metal
plates, each of area 1.00 m2,
separated by 1.00 mm?
(b) What charge is stored in this
capacitor if a voltage of 3.00
×103 V is applied to it?

(a) Given: A=1.00 m 2,

d=1.00 mm= 1.00 x10-3 m
C= (8.85 × 10−12 F/m )(1.00
m2) /1.00 x10-3 m
C=8.85 × 10−9 F=8.85 nF
The parallel plate capacitor shown in the
figure above has two identical conducting This capacitance is very
plates, each having a surface area A, small for a 1m2 capacitor!
separated by a distance d (with no material
(b) Q=CV
between the plates). When a voltage V is
applied to the capacitor, it stores a Q= (8.85 × 10−9 F) (3.00
charge Q, as shown. We can see how its ×103 V )
capacitance depends on A and d . We also
Q=2.66×10-5 C= 26.6 μC
know that like charges repel, unlike charges
attract, and the force between charges

Week 3: Electric Potential and Capacitors

Cylindrical and Spherical Capacitors in Combination

Capacitors Several capacitors may be connected
A co-axial cable is a cylindrical capacitor together in a variety of applications.
is made up of two collinear conducting Multiple connections of capacitors act like
cylinders of length, L. a single equivalent capacitor. The total
capacitance of this equivalent single
capacitor depends both on the individual
capacitors and how they are connected– in
L series or in parallel.
Capacitors in Series

The inner cylinder radius be R1
and the outer cylinder radius be R2
The capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor is
given by
C= 2∏ε0 L/ ln ( R2/R1)
And the electric field, E is given by
E=q/ 2∏ε0 L R
Where R is the radius of the Gaussian
Figure 1. (a) Capacitors connected in series.
The magnitude of the charge on each plate
A spherical capacitor is formed by two is Q. Connected one after the other in a
concentric conducting spheres with radii R1 single path, it is equivalent to a capacitor
and R2 . having a larger plate separation, d. Series
connections produce a total capacitance
that is less than that of any of the individu-
al capacitors.
Now, let us define the charge, voltage and
capacitance for capacitors in series.
Charge: The charge is the same
anywhere in the connection.
QT = Q1 = Q2 =Q3 ... where Q1=C1V1 …
and QT= CTVT
Voltage: The total voltage is the sum
of individual voltages.
Let: VT = V1 + V2 + V3... where V1=Q1/C1…
The inner sphere radius be R1 and VT= QT/CT
and the outer sphere radius be R2 Capacitance: The total capacitance is
the inverse of the sum of the inverses of
The capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor is
each individual capacitances.
given by
1/CT = 1/C1+1/C2+1/C3…
C= 4∏ε0 (R1R2 )/ ( R2-R1)
where “…” indicates that the expression is
And the electric field, E is given by
valid for any number of capacitors
E=q/ 4∏ε0 L R2 connected in series. An expression of this
form always results in a total
Where R is the radius of the Gaussian
capacitance CT that is less than any of the
individual capacitances.

Week 3: Electric Potential and Capacitors

Capacitors in Parallel Capacitors in Series- Parallel

Capacitors which are all connected to the More complicated connections of capacitors
same source of potential are said to be can sometimes be combinations of series
connected in parallel. and parallel. To find the total capacitance of
such combinations, we identify series and
parallel parts, compute their capacitances,
and then find the total.

Figure 2. (a) Capacitors in parallel. Each is

connected directly to the voltage source
just as if it were all alone, and so the total
capacitance in parallel is just the sum of
the individual capacitances. This is just
equivalent to a capacitor which has a
larger plate area and can therefore hold
more charge than the individual capacitors. Figure 3. (a) This circuit contains both
Now, let us define the charge, voltage and series and parallel connections of
capacitance for capacitors in parallel. capacitors. (b) C1 and C2 are in series; their
Charge: The total charge is the sum of equivalent capacitance CS is less than either
the individual charges of them. (c) Note that CS is in parallel
with C3. The total capacitance is, thus, the
QT =Q1 + Q2 + Q3 ... where
sum of CS and C3. For the series part, use
Q1=C1V1 …and QT= CTVT
the equations in series and for the parallel
Voltage: The total voltage is the same as part, use the equations in parallel. Start
the individual voltages. simplifying the complex circuit into either a
VT = V1 = V2 = V3... where V1=Q1/C1… simple series or parallel circuit and then
apply the corresponding equations.
and VT= QT/CT
Capacitance: The total capacitance is the
sum of the individual capacitances.
CT = C1+C2+C3…

Sample problem: (b) What is the total charge and the charge
on each capacitor?
(a) Find the equivalent capacitance of three
capacitors, 2.0 μF, 4.0μF and 6.0 μF con- QT = CTVT
nected in series with a 24-V battery. QT = (1.09 x 10-6 F) (24 V)= 2.62 x 10-6 C
Solution: QT = 26.2 μC = 26 μC = Q1 = Q2 =Q3
1/CT = 1/C1+1/C2+1/C3 (c) What is the voltage across each
1/CT = 1/2.0 μF+1/4.0 μF+1/6 .0μF capacitor?

1/CT =0.917 V1=Q1/C1=26.2 μC /2.0 μF=13.1 V

CT =1.09 μF=1.1 x 10 F -6 V2=Q2/C2=26.2 μC /4.0 μF=6.55 V

As a way of checking your answer, for a V3=Q3/C3=26.2 μC /6.0 μF=4.37 V

series combination, the total capacitance is To check, we can add the individual voltag-
lower than the value of the least es to see if we get 24 V.
VT = V1 + V2 + V3=(13.1+6.55 +4.37) V
VT =24 V– correct!

Week 4: Capacitance and Dielectrics

WEEK 4 DAY 1-4

(240 MINS)

Most Essential Learning Competencies ( MELCs)

1. Determine the total charge, the 3. Describe the effects of inserting

charge on, and the potential difference dielectric materials on the
across each capacitor in the network capacitance , charge and the electric
given the capacitors connected in se- field of a capacitor
4. Solve problems involving capacitors
2. Determine the potential energy stored and dielectrics in contexts such as but
inside the capacitor given the geome- not limited to, charged plates,
try and the potential difference across batteries and camera flash lamps
the capacitor


(120 mins)

Objectives: After this lesson, learners should be able to:

1. Solve for the total charge, the charge 2. Solve for the potential energy
on and the potential difference stored inside the capacitor given the
across each capacitor in a network of geometry and the potential difference
capacitors across the capacitor

Concepts :
A table of equations summarizing
capacitance, charge and voltage in
series and parallel capacitance circuits
 The potential energy, U,
Quantity Series Parallel of a charged capacitor
U=1/2 QV ; since Q=CV
Capacitance 1/CT = 1/ CT =
C1+1/C2+1/ C1+C2+C3… Then,
C3 ... U=1/2 (CV)V
Unit: Farad
(F) U=1/2 CV2

VT = V1 + V2 + VT = V1 = V2 =
V3… V3…  Some basic circuit
Voltage (V) symbols
Unit: volt (V) In making a schematic diagram
Q1=C1V1 …. Q1=C1V1 …. of electronic circuitry, the
following symbols are used:
Q T = Q1 = Q2 QT = Q1 + Q2
=Q3 ... +Q3 … wire
Charge (Q)
Unit: cell
Coulomb (C) Q1=C1V1 … Q1=C1V1 …

Note: Do not confuse the
Capacitance, C with the Coulomb (C).
Capacitance is a quantity and Coulomb Earth ( ground)
is a unit.

Week 4: Capacitance and Dielectrics

Sample Problem:
Three capacitors, C1, C2, and C3 whose QT = Q1 + Q2 +Q3
values are indicated in the illustration after we have computed the charge in each
below are connected in parallel with a capacitor.
24-V battery.

(c) First w e must remember that:

VT = V1 = V2 = V3 =24 V
The charge in each capacitor can be
solved using
Q1=C1V1 , Q2=C2V2 and so on
Starting with the charge in capacitor 1
Q1=C1V1= (2 x 10-6 F) (24 V)
Q1=4.8 x 10-5 C
(a) the total capacitance in the
circuit Q2=C2V2= (4 x 10-6 F) (24 V)

(b) the total charge in the circuit Q2=9.6 x 10-5 C

(c) the charge in each capacitor

Q3=C3V3= (6 x 10-6 F) (24 V)
Q2=1.44 x 10-4 C
C1= 2μF=2 x 10-6 F
Now we can try to check our answer in (b)
C2= 4μF=4 x 10-6 F by using the equation:
C3 = 6μF=6 x 10-6 F QT = Q1 + Q2 +Q3
VT= 24V QT = 4.8 x 10-5 C+ 9.6 x 10-5 C
+ 1.44 x 10-4 C
QT =2.88 x 10-4 C
Since the capacitors are connected in
parallel, we know that the voltage in each QT =2.9 x 10-4 C - our answer is
capacitor is just equal to the total voltage, the same as in (b)!
that is, VT = V1 = V2 = V3 .
(a) The total capacitance is given by
Try This: Given the circuit
CT = C1+C2+C3 diagram below:
CT = (2+4+6) μF

CT = 12 μF=12 x 10-6 F
Or CT = 1.2 x 10-5 F
One way to check your answer is to
remember that since you are adding the
individual capacitances, your total capaci-
tance should be greater than the greatest
value in the given capacitances.
Find :
(b) The total charge can be solved
using (a) the total capacitance ( 6 μF)

QT= CTVT (b) the total charge ( 144 μF)

QT= (1.2 x 10-5 F) (24 V) (c) the charge in capacitor 1 (96 μC)

QT= 2.88 x 10-4 C (d) the voltage , V2, and V3 in the 3μF
and 6μF capacitors ( 16 V and 8 V
QT= 2.9 x 10-4 C
respectively ( assume all digits in
This answer can be verified later using the answer to be significant)
the equation

Week 4: Capacitance and Dielectrics

WEEK 4 DAY 3-4

(120 mins)

Objectives: After this lesson, learners should be able to:

1. Describe a dielectric 3. Solve problems involving capacitors

and dielectrics in contexts such as but
2. Describe the effect of using a
not limited to, charged plates,
dielectric material on the
batteries and camera flash lamps
capacitance , charge and the electric
field of a capacitor


 Dielectric
An insulating material which when  Dielectric and Electric field
placed in an electric field significantly
reduces the electric field than with Inserting an insulator between the
nothing ( vacuum) between them. plates reduces the net electric
field between the plates.
 Dielectric constant, k
 Dielectric breakdown
A measure of how effective a material
is in reducing an electric field set up A process that occurs when
across it. an electrical insulating material,
subjected to a high enough voltage,
 Dielectric and Capacitance suddenly becomes an electrical
conductor and electric current flows
Inserting an insulator between the
through it. All insulating materials
plates reduces the electric field
undergo breakdown when the electric
flow within the gap separation. field caused by an applied voltage
This in turn reduces the voltage in exceeds the material's dielectric
the capacitor and increases the strength.
capacitor’s capacitance.

Dielectrics and Capacitance

By this time, we know that the capacitance Not only does the smaller d make the
of a capacitor is affected by its area, A, and capacitance greater, but many
the distance between its plates. insulators can withstand greater
electric fields than air before
One of the difficulties in storing a large
breaking down.
amount of charge in a capacitor is
making it large enough to accommodate There is another benefit to using a
more charges and bringing the plates close dielectric in a capacitor.
to each other while avoiding electrical
breakdown. Depending on the material used, the
In our sample problem in page 7 for capacitance is greater than that given
example, we noted that for a parallel-plate by the equation C=ε0 A/d by a
capacitor with a plate area of 1m2 and a factor κ, called the dielectric constant.
separation distance of 1mm, its capacitance A parallel plate capacitor with a
is of the order 10-9 F! dielectric between its plates has a
An important solution to this difficulty is to capacitance given by C=κε0A/d.
put an insulating material, called
a dielectric, between the plates of a
capacitor and allow, distance between the
plates, d, to be as small as possible.

Week 4: Capacitance and Dielectrics

Capacitance with a Dielectric

The table below, shows some materials and Inserting an insulator between the
their corresponding dielectric constant, K. capacitor plates reduces the electric
field flow within the gap separation.
This in turn reduces the voltage , V,
in the capacitor and increases the
capacitor’s capacitance.
Since; V=Ed, and C=Q/V; then
This equation shows the inverse
relationship between electric field, E,
between the plates and the
capacitance, C, of the capacitor.
The voltage, V can also be computed
using these relationships. Since V and
C are inversely proportional, then
K=C/Co we can also deduce
K =Vo/V
Vo-voltage with no dielectric
V– voltage with a dielectric
Sample problem:
The parallel plates in a capacitor have
If we let Co to be the capacitance of the
an area of 2000 cm2 (2.00 x 10-1 m2 )
capacitor with no dielectric where
and are 1.00 cm (1.00 x10-2 m)
Co=ε0 A/d apart. The original potential difference
Vo between the plates is 3000 V and it
and C is the capacitance of the capacitor
decreases to 1000 V when a sheet of
with a dielectric having a dielectric
a dielectric is inserted between the
constant, k, where
plates. (a) What is the original
C=Kε0 A/d capacitance Co of the capacitor ? (b)
What is the dielectric constant of the
Then, we can also say that
dielectric material used?
C=KCo ; K=C/Co
Which means that that capacitance of the
Plate area = 2000 cm2
capacitor with a dielectric is increased K
times its capacitance with no dielectric. Distance between plates=1.00 cm
For example, say, a parallel-plate capacitor Vo =3000 V
with no dielectric has a capacitance Co=10
V=1000 V
nF. If paper, having a dielectric constant,
K=3.5 is inserted between the plates of this Solution:
conductor its new capacitance value will
(a) Co= εo A/d
increase 3.5 times or we can say that
Co= 8.85 x10 –12 F/m (2.00 x
C=(3.5) ( 10 nF)
10-1 m2 ) /1.00 x10-2 m
C= 35 nF
Co=1.77 x10-10 F
For the same capacitor area and distance of
(b) K= Vo/V
separation between plates, a capacitor with
a dielectric can have 3.5 times higher K= 3000 V/ 1000V
K= 3 – From this answer
we can also guess that the capacitance of
the capacitor increased 3 times its Co .

Week 3: Electric Potential and Capacitors

(60 mins)

Assessment: Solve the following problems. Show your solutions.


A. Electric Potential
1. What is the electric potential at B. Capacitors
Point P, located at the center of 1. How large should a capacitor be
the square of point charges. The for it to have a capacitance of 1F
distance d= 1.3 m and the charges
are: if the distance between its plates
is 1mm?
q1=+12 nC q2=-24 nC
q3=+31 nC q4=+17 nC

2. Compare the amount of charges

stored in a 5µF and a 40 µF
capacitor when connected across
a 20V supply .

2. The figure below shows a family of

parallel equipotential surfaces ( in
cross section) and five paths along
which we shall move an electron from
one surface to another. (a) What is the
direction of the electric field
associated with the surfaces? (b) For
3. A heart attack often leads to a
each path, is the work done positive,
condition called fibrillation in
negative or zero? (c) Rank the paths
which the heart’s action lose their
according to the work we do, greatest
synchronization and is unable to
pump blood effectively. This
condition can often be corrected
by an electric shock to the heart
that completely stops it for the
moment; the heart may then
again start spontaneously in its
normal rhythm.
An appropriate such shock can be
provided by a discharge of a 10 µF
capacitor that has been charged
to a potential difference of
6000V. (a). What energy is
Path Work done Rank released as a current pulse? (b)
How much charge passes
through the patient’s body? (c) If
the pulse lasts 5ms, what is the
2 average current that passes
through the patient’s body?


Week 4: Capacitance and Dielectrics

(60 mins)

Assessment: Solve the following problems. Show your solutions.


A. Capacitors in Combination B. Capacitors and dielectrics

Three capacitors, C1=12.0 μF, C2=5.30 1. The parallel plates in a capacitor

μF and C3=4.50 μF are connected in have an area of 2000 cm2 (2.00 x
combination as shown in figure a be- 10-1 m2 ) and area 1.00 cm (1.00
low. The input terminals are connected x10-2 m) apart. The original
to a 12.5 V battery.
potential difference Vo between
the plates is 3600 V and it
decreases to 1000 V when a sheet
of a dielectric is inserted between
the plates. Find
(a) the original capacitance Co of
the capacitor
(b) the magnitude of the charge,
Q, in each plate?
(c) the capacitance, C, after the
dielectric is inserted
(d) the dielectric constant of the
(e) the permittivity ε of the
(a) the total capacitance (f) the original electric field, Eo ,
between the plates
(b) the total charge
(g) the electric field, E , after the
(c) the charge in each capacitor
dielectric is inserted
(d) the voltage in each capacitor
(e) the total potential energy
stored in the circuit

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