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Annex II

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(National Institute of Training for Standardization)

Ref: NITS/INTERNS/BO 02.04.2024

Sub: Guidelines for Allocation of Work to Interns Posted at Branch Offices

This document is intended to serve as a guidance document for Branch Offices for allocation of
work to interns being on boarded for 8 weeks. The intent is to create awareness amongst the interns,
being young students from different educational institutions, regarding the conformity assessment
activities of BIS as well as to benefit from their energy and skill set to identify the gap areas, gain
insights that will help in implementation and adoption of Indian Standards by the stakeholders.

The 8-week plan for utilization of Interns in certification activity at BOs has been divided into
different parts as detailed below.

Introduction and Preparatory Work at BOs

1.1 BO shall attach a coordinating officer with the interns. Also, different coordinating
officers may be assigned to different interns as deemed suitable by Head of BO. The
coordinating officer shall monitor the activities of the interns so as to ensure successful
completion of the internship. The 8 weeks internship at BOs should be broadly divided
into following sections:

(i) The first week will be aimed at familiarizing the interns with the conformity assessment
activities of BIS, particularly Product Certification and Standards Promotion activities
of Branch Offices. Special emphasis would be given on mandatory and voluntary
certification, processing of applications for grant of licence, inspection visits to
manufacturer’s premises, collection of samples and their testing at independent
laboratories, factory and market surveillance, non-conformity of samples and corrective
actions, verification of corrective actions, post verification visits, etc. The activities in
this week will also include visits to industry and laboratory along with BIS officers.

(ii) The interns in weeks 2 to 6 will be required to carry out independent survey as
mentioned below through physical visits to,

a) Visit to Industries using To identify the standards/standard operating

Standards for Good procedures relating to good manufacturing/other
Practices other than practices including sustainable practices
Indian Standards (starting from sourcing of raw materials,
processing to end of life of the product and their
disposal) being used by the industries, including
reasons for not using the corresponding Indian
Standard(s), if available.

b) Visit to Manufacturing To identify the standards they are following, and

Units who have not opted also identify the reasons behind their decision
for BIS Certification for for not adopting the Indian Standards and/or BIS
Products under Certification and additionally gather insights on
Voluntary Certification
how BIS can assist them in implementing the
Indian Standard and obtaining BIS Certification.

c) Industries using foreign To uncover the reasons for not using the
standards for products corresponding Indian Standard for the product
and to also gather insights into their expectations
from BIS for enhancing the usability of the
Indian Standards.

d) Organized buyers To gather insight with respect to the quality of

products, particularly BIS certified products and
also understand from them the ways by which
BIS can ensure better compliance to standards.

e) Visit to BIS’ To have an insight into the system followed by

Management System them for application of the standard and the
Certification Holder benefits accrued

Branch Offices should possess an updated industrial landscape of their jurisdiction to

facilitate interns' industry visits. This would ensure efficient allocation based on their
discipline upon posting. Utilizing the industrial landscape, the coordinating officer shall
prepare a schedule of the units to be visited in each of the above cases and get the same
approved by Head BO. It is advisable that Head BO may have a prior interaction with
the units to be visited so as to avoid infructuous visits.

(iii) During the last two weeks, interns will be based at the BOs, and prepare their final
report and make presentation on their observations and findings. Interns to use their
own laptops during visits to the units and while preparation of the report.

Week 1 – Orientation

2.1 In the first week, the interns shall be oriented and educated regarding product
certification activity of BIS at the BO with respect to broad products covered in the BO.
A suggested lesson plan is given below:

Day 1 Introduction

(i) Introduction to Indian Standards: Structure of Indian Standards (one product

standard, one code of practice, one test method and one management system standard
to be explained), their development process as well as process of review and brief
introduction to standards of other NSBs and ISO/IEC Standards.

(ii) Overview of BIS Product Certification and other Conformity Assessment Bodies:
Provisions of the BIS Act, 2016, the BIS (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018,
Voluntary and Compulsory Certification with a focus on Scheme-I, QCOs, etc. Brief
introduction to other conformity assessment bodies.
(iii) Overview of General and Product Specific Guidelines: The guidelines of product
certification activity and product manuals with a focus on market and factory
surveillance, dealing with non-conformity, verification of corrective actions, etc.

Day 2 Dealing with Non-Conformity

(i) Introduction to IT tools deployed in certification: Introduction to Manakonline and

use of apps for factory and market surveillance, Know your Standard module of BIS
website, List of Products under Compulsory BIS Certification, etc.

(ii) Dealing with Non-Conformity: Detailed discussions on sample non-conformity, root

cause analysis, corrective actions, verification of corrective actions and post verification
corrective actions by BIS. Major products under the BO where failure rates are high
shall be identified and included in these discussions.

(iii) Management System Certification: Overview of various management system

standards and audit process, for which BIS Talks may also be utilized by BOs.

(iv) Q&A Session: The BOs may include Q/A session to make the discussions interactive.

Days 3 & 4 Visits to Industry

2.2 The interns shall visit 2 manufacturing units for the products identified (where the
failure rates are high) to make them understand the manufacturing processes and
performance requirements and controls exercised to manufacture products meeting the
quality requirements prescribed by Indian Standards and to avoid product non-
compliance. While finalizing the units to be visited, BOs should select one Large or
Medium scale unit and another Small or Micro scale unit so as to expose the interns to
different sectors of industries.

2.3 Industry visits should also incorporate demonstration on methods of test, understanding
the relevance of tests, BIS factory surveillance mechanisms and verification of
corrective actions. Interns shall understand the industry practice of root cause analysis
and process of deciding and implementing corrective actions after non-conformity.

Day 5 Visit to Laboratory

2.4 Visit to laboratory which should focus on how laboratories work starting from receipt
of samples at sample cell, basic concepts of testing and calibration up to test report
generation and uploading on LIMS. This visit shall focus on method of tests followed
at labs especially for the products identified as having high occurrence of non-

Week 2 Visits to Industries to ascertain Standards on Good Practices/SOPs being


3.1 Each intern shall be allocated 2 products. For each of the allocated products, interns
shall identify in coordination with the BO, one Large or Medium Scale unit and another
Small or Micro scale unit. Products should be so selected, that both can be covered in
the same unit of each type. If not so, the unit for each of the product should be in close
proximity to the extent possible. Intern shall undertake visits to these industry units, to
have an insight into the standards/standard operating procedures relating to good
practices for manufacturing, sustainability (starting from sourcing of raw materials,
processing to end of life of the product and their disposal), circularity, energy
efficiency, service delivery, etc adopted by the firm. The industry may not necessarily
be a manufacturing industry. It may be an industry/firm using certified/non-certified
products for delivering some other service, like industries involved in laying and
jointing of pipes, cold storage industries, etc. Prior to the visit, intern shall study the
Indian Standard, if available for good practices relating to the product allocated to them.
They should also carry out literature survey of international standards or standards of
other National Standards Bodies that are available on the subject. During the industry
visit, interns shall ascertain from the industry, the reasons for not adopting the Indian
Standards, if available. They will also seek their suggestions for changes in the standard
for making them amenable to use. In cases where Indian standards for the said process
is not available, they shall collect information from the industry regarding the standard
currently adopted, the need for an Indian Standard and, if so, their willingness to
contribute towards the development of the standard. The above exercise is intended to
compile a list of other standards/SOPs for good practices/services duly implemented by
industries, as well as the reasons for non-implementation of Indian Standards for code
of practices, where available. It will also give an insight of processes/practices for
which standards need to be formulated.

Questionnaire for the survey should be developed by the BOs which may include the
following questions:

a) Which standards/SOPs are followed by them for various processes/practices?

b) Does an Indian Standard exist on the subject?
c) If an Indian Standard exists, are they aware of the same?
d) If they are aware and still have not adopted the Indian Standard, what is the
reason behind their decision?
e) What is the difference between the standard followed by them and the Indian
Standard on the subject?
f) Any difficulty in implementing the Indian Standard?
g) Is there any legal/statutory requirement to be complied, which is different from
that in the Indian Standard?
h) Any changes required in the Indian Standard that can make it amenable to use?
i) If an Indian Standard exists and they are not aware of the same, the intern shall
inform the same to the firm and enquire whether the requirements in the Indian
Standard seem implementable to them.
j) Is the firm willing to implement the Indian Standard?
k) If no, the reasons to be ascertained?
l) If Indian Standard does not exist, does the firm feel that there is a need to have
an Indian Standard?
m) If yes, is the firm willing to contribute towards development of the standard?

BOs may customize the questionnaire based on their specific requirements.

3.2 Based on the survey, each intern shall record their observations for all the visits carried
out by them and make recommendations for changes in the standards, processes,
systems and policies in BIS.
Week 3 Visit to Industries who have not opted for BIS Certification for Products under
Voluntary Certification

4.1 Interns shall be allocated 2 products under voluntary certification. For each of the
allocated products, interns shall identify in coordination with the BO, one Large or
Medium Scale unit and another Small or Micro scale unit who have not obtained BIS
licence. Products should be so selected, that both can be covered in the same unit of
each type. If not so, the unit for each of the product should be in close proximity to
the extent possible. Interns shall thoroughly study the Indian Standard for the product,
its cross-referred standards and the product manual before undertaking the visit for that
product. They should also carry out literature survey of international standards or
standards of other National Standards Bodies that are available on the subject. Interns
shall then visit these industries and ascertain from them, the reasons for not opting BIS
Certification for the product. In case their concern is relating to certification process,
they shall seek from them their suggestions for improvement in the system. In case,
the reason cited is relating to the provisions of the standard, the intern shall gather
information regarding their proposals for changes in the same for making it amenable
for use by them. In case standard of some other country is being followed by them or
conformity assessment by some other body has been obtained by them, the intern shall
also enquire the reasons for the same. Questionnaire for the survey should be developed
by the BOs which may include the following questions:

a) Whether the product is being produced according to the concerned Indian

Standard or any other standard (international/other country/company standard)?
b) Whether the product is meant for export or domestic market.
c) In case of production for domestic market, who are their major customers,
Government or private institutions or retail consumers including their names and
d) Are their customers seeking any kind of certification or compliance to any other
standard as a condition of purchase? If yes, the intern should make an attempt to
collect the copies of such tender specifications, and details of those standards
from the firm.
e) In case a standard other than Indian Standard is being followed, what is the
reason for preferring that standard?
f) Gap areas between the standard being followed and the corresponding Indian
g) How is the marking and labelling being done on such products? In what manner
it deviates from the requirements given in Indian Standards?
h) In case third party certification by some other body against the adopted standard
has been obtained, what are the reasons for selecting that body and in what ways
their process is different from BIS Certification process?
i) Suggestions for changes that may be required in the standard for making it
j) In case Indian Standard is being followed, what is the reason for not opting for
BIS certification?
k) What changes in the BIS certification process would encourage them to obtain
BIS certification voluntarily?

BOs may customize the questionnaire based on their specific requirements.

4.2 Based on the survey, each intern shall record their observations for all the visits carried
out by them and make recommendations for changes in the standards, processes,
systems and policies in BIS.

Week 4: Visit to Manufacturing Units that follow Product Standards other than
Indian Standards

5.1 Interns shall be allocated 2 products. For each of the allocated products, interns shall
identify in coordination with the BO, one Large or Medium Scale unit and another
Small or Micro scale unit who are following product standards other than the Indian
Standards. Products should be so selected, that both can be covered in the same unit of
each type. If not so, the unit for each of the product should be in close proximity to the
extent possible. Prior to the visit, the interns shall thoroughly study the Indian Standard
for the product. They should also carry out literature survey of international standards
or standards of other National Standards Bodies that are available on the subject. They
shall then visit these manufacturing units and ascertain from them the reasons for not
following Indian Standards for the product.

Questionnaire for the survey should be developed by the BOs which may include the
following questions:

a) Standard(s) that are followed (international/other country/company standard) for

the product requirements and methods of test.
b) Are they aware of Indian Standards pertaining to the product?
c) If yes and still not following the Indian Standards then reasons for preferring
those standards.
d) Is the firm getting their product certified against that standard?
e) Are the products meant for export or domestic use?
f) List of their major customers (Government or private institutions or retail
g) Whether there is any demand from the customers for compliance and
certification against any standard other than the Indian Standard. If yes, the
intern should make an attempt to collect such tender specifications and details
of those standards from the firm.
h) Manner and extent to which the standards adopted by them deviates from the
requirements given in the Indian Standards.
i) Suggestions for changes that may be required in the Indian Standards for making
them amenable for use.
j) What can be done by BIS to lay the emphasis of buyers on compliance and
certification to Indian Standards rather than these standards?
k) Any change in the BIS certification process required to enable easy adoption and
certification against the Indian Standards.

BOs may customize the questionnaire based on their specific requirements.

5.2 Based on the survey, each intern shall record their observations for all the visits carried
out by them and make recommendations for changes in the standards, processes,
systems and policies in BIS.
Week 5 Visits to Organized Consumers

6.1 Interns shall identify, in coordination with the BO, two organized consumers/buyers
of products and undertake visits to these organizations to carry out the survey to obtain
the relevant details from them including the following:

a) Evaluate if they use products conforming to standards other than Indian

Standards, either non-certified or certified by other bodies. If yes, ascertain
reasons for the same;
b) If for that product category, they use both BIS certified and not certified
products, their views regarding comparison of both the types of products;
c) Feedback regarding quality of BIS certified products;
d) Determine the additional quality checks, if any, performed by them for accepting
the BIS certified products;
e) Percentage of non-compliance of the ISI marked products;
f) Actions taken by the firm in case of non-compliance of ISI marked products;
g) Suggestions to BIS for enhancing product compliance and reliability;
h) Does the firm have any policy specifying purchase of ISI marked products;
i) Awareness about BIS portals, such as BIS care App, Know Your Standard, etc.

The above questions are suggestive in nature. BOs may customize the questionnaire
based on their specific requirements.

6.2 Based on the survey, each intern shall record their observations for all the visits carried
out by them and make recommendations for changes in the standards or need for new
standards, as well as their suggestions for process reforms.

Week 6 Visit to Management System Licencees of BIS

7.1 Interns, to identify in coordination with the BO/RO and undertake visit to two
Management System Licencees of BIS to understand the processes followed by them
for successfully implementing the management system and understand the benefits
accrued to them after obtaining BIS’ licence. Prior to the visit, interns shall study the
concerned standards for the management system licences granted to the units allotted
to them.

Questionnaire to be used for this purpose may include the following:

a) Performance of the firm prior to obtaining BIS licence;
b) Enhancement in performance after obtaining BIS licence and parameters in
which enhancement is observed;
c) Increase in market share after obtaining licence;
d) Reduction in expenditure after obtaining licence;
e) Other benefits accrued;
f) Whether the firm has any other branch who has also obtained the same licence
from BIS;
g) Suggestions for improvements in processes of BIS;
h) Any other Management System licence being held by the unit from some other
certifying body as well as the reasons for the same and the differences in the
services provided;
i) Any other Management System licence being held by other branches/ units of
the same firm from BIS or from other certifying bodies.

BOs may customize the questionnaire based on their specific requirements.

7.2 Based on the survey, each intern shall record their observations for all the visits carried
out by them and make recommendations for process reforms required, if any.

Weeks 7 and 8: Summing up and Reporting

8.1 Interns shall prepare and submit their reports latest by the 2nd day of the seventh week
along with the presentation (PPT) to the concerned coordinating officer. The concerned
coordinating officer shall evaluate, accept/ask the intern for further modification(s) in
the report and ppt. Interns to incorporate the advice accordingly and finalize the report
latest by the 4 day of the week. BO head shall then have a presentation by each intern

on the last day of the 7 week. Any further suggestions by BO head to be incorporated,

and the report to be submitted latest by the 2nd day of the 8 week by the intern to the

concerned coordinating officer. The Coordinating officer shall evaluate the work done
by the intern and submit to BO head recommending successful/unsuccessful
completion of the internship. The concerned coordinating officer to specifically bring
out the benefits to BIS and the intern, through the internship programme. Certificates
to be issued by BO head to the intern on the last day of the 8 week on successful

completion of the internship. The format of the certificate is attached at Annex 1.

8.2 The final report of the intern shall be submitted by the coordinating officer through BO
head to NITS along with the copy of the certificate, and a write-up covering details
regarding benefits accrued to BIS as well as to the intern through this internship.
Editable files of the Report and the findings of the coordinating officer based on review
of the report shall be also submitted by BO Head to NITS with a copy to CMDs,
concerned technical departments and MSCD for compiling the suggestions for
improvements in standards and certification processes.

Other General Guidelines

9.1 Total expenditure incurred on the intern to be also submitted by the BO Head to NITS
in due course. Expenses would be met from the fund allocated under Budget Head
‘R&D expenses (Code 3022).

9.2 The matters related to reimbursement of visit expenses, logistics facilities, payment of
stipend and issuance of internship completion certificates, etc are to be dealt by BOs in
accordance with Internship Scheme Guidelines issued by NITS.

9.3 Visits are to be made by the interns individually and not in groups. It is desirable that
visits are so planned that, interns may not have to undertake extensive outstation travel
in a week.

9.4 Web links for accessing various standards should be informed to the interns. These web
links will be shared by NITS with the BOs. Any Standard required by the interns for
the study would be made available by the BO through BIS’ Library/International
Relations Department or BIS Portal (Know Your Standard).

9.5 Period of internship can be extended by a week or so in case of genuine exigency subject
to the approval by Head (BO).





It is certified that Ms./Shri , Student of has successfully completed the

internship, during the period ____ to ___, in the field of Conformity Assessment focusing on
implementation of National Standards by the industry and analysis of user feedback, thereby
contributing to the organization's understanding about the latest industry practices.

During the course of Internship his/her conduct was found to be satisfactory.

Sign Sign
Coordinating Officer at BO Head (BO)
Name and Details of the Officer Name and Details of the Officer

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