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Doc: Bis/lrs/2020

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DOC : BIS/LRS/2020


1. Introduction

1.1 Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the National Standards Body of India, was established under
The Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 now revised to The Bureau of Indian Standards Act 2016. To
protect the interest of consumers, BIS operates a variety of Conformity Assessment Schemes for
manufacturers and service providers for a variety of goods and services. Under the Product Certification
Scheme, the licensed manufacturers can use the Standard Mark, popularly known as the ISI mark, on
their products which conform to the relevant Indian Standards. Under the Compulsory Registration
Schemes, BIS registers the manufacturers for self-declaration of conformity whose products conform to
the relevant Indian Standards as assessed through testing at BIS recognized laboratories. Both the
Schemes require testing of products for quality evaluation against the respective Standard and therefore
there is need for testing facilities. It is in this context that BIS has established a network of eight
laboratories of its own in the country to cater to testing of samples generated from its Conformity
Assessment Schemes.

1.2 BIS operates Laboratory Recognition Scheme which is governed by the provisions under Section
13 (4) of the BIS Act 2016 and Rule 32 of the BIS Rules, 2018. These statutory provisions confer upon
BIS, powers to recognize any laboratory in India or outside India for carrying out testing of samples in
relation to conformity assessment and such other functions as the Bureau may assign to it. The Rules
also provide for issuance of guidelines for suspension or withdrawal, revocation or renewal of
recognized laboratories. BIS also maintains record of such laboratories as are recognized by it for testing
of samples of articles or processes in relation to relevant Indian Standards. The delegation of powers for
carrying out the activities for the operation of the scheme shall be as given in Annex A.

2. Objectives of Laboratory Recognition Scheme

It is neither physically possible nor economically viable for BIS laboratories to develop testing facilities
for each and every product covered under various conformity assessment schemes of BIS. Accordingly,
this Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS) has been formulated with the objective of having a sufficient
number of outside laboratories in India and abroad, in addition to BIS labs to cater to the needs of
various conformity assessment schemes of BIS.

3. Scope of BIS LRS

3.1 This Scheme lays down the criteria, terms and conditions of grant and operation of recognition,
suspension or withdrawal of recognition, revocation or renewal of recognition, appeals, complaint
handling mechanism, administrative instructions for testing & issuing test reports and charges relating to
recognition of outside labs.

3.2 The Scheme covers recognition of laboratories in India and outside India.

3.3 The recognition in no way guarantees utilization of the recognized laboratories by BIS for testing
of samples drawn under Conformity Assessment Schemes of BIS.

3.4 BIS Samples: All the samples sent by BIS to the recognized labs or the samples sent directly by
the applicants/prospective applicants /licenses (drawn by BIS or submitted by applicant / licensee for
conformity tests as per Scheme of Inspection and Testing) to the recognized labs for testing for the
purpose of obtaining BIS Registration/License/ inclusion/ CCL/ Changeover etc. shall be considered as
BIS Sample. BIS approved testing charges shall be applicable on such samples.
The schedule of Fees for Laboratory Recognition Scheme for Laboratories is given in Annex B of this

4. Grant of Recognition

Recognition is granted to such laboratories which meet the criteria for recognition and which are able to
demonstrate availability of infrastructure, test facility and manpower required for testing of products
covered or proposed to be covered under Conformity Assessment Schemes of BIS and payment of fees
as prescribed by BIS.

4.1 Criteria for recognition – The laboratory desirous of seeking recognition under LRS shall meet
the following criteria:

4.1.1 Accreditation - The laboratory shall be accredited to Laboratory Quality Management System as
per IS/ISO/IEC 17025 (latest implemented/concurrent version). The accreditation body, through which
the laboratory is accredited, shall be a full member of International Laboratory Accreditation Co-
operation (ILAC) and/or Asia Pacific Accreditation Co-operation (APAC) or any other regional
accreditation cooperation body. All the test parameters of the Indian Standard(s) for which recognition
is sought shall be covered under the scope of accreditation as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025 (latest
implemented/concurrent version), except for the test parameters for which no test method has been
prescribed in the Indian Standard (e.g. visual examination, finish etc) or it is not technically possible to
obtain accreditation for the said parameter. BIS will take decision regarding exclusion of parameters
from the scope of accreditation, if required, on case to case basis.

Note: The standard IS/ISO/IEC 17025 (latest implemented/concurrent version), wherever appears in this
Scheme, would also mean ISO/IEC 17025 (latest implemented /concurrent version) or the equivalent
national standard of any other country.

4.1.2 Indian Standards for recognition – Recognition shall be considered only for Indian
Standards which are covered/ proposed to be covered under the conformity assessment schemes of BIS
and/or related standards, for all the requirements/ parameters/ tests in the standard. Recognition can be
granted even if the Indian Standard in not covered under any certification scheme of BIS, but the same is
covered in applicant lab's NABL scope.

However, if exclusion for certain tests are desired by the Laboratory for an Indian Standard/ product, the
same may be permitted as per the following:
i) Exclusions of scope for Indian Standard/ product will only be permitted in case test
facilities are not available anywhere for the particular test for which exclusion is being
sought. The exclusion of test will not be based on the choice of the individual laboratories
but will be considered in case of genuine difficulty / non availability or limited
availability of the test facility for a particular requirement. Also, other reasons like
possibility of conformance of the requirement on the basis of other test reports or
documentary evidence for the test which are not routinely required may be allowed for
exclusion from the scope of the recognition (e.g. radioactive test in packaged drinking
water, pull out test in HSD / TMT bars, Short Circuit test in case of Transformers and
switchgears, Photometry test for LED Luminaries, EMI/ EMC test for safety of Electrical
Appliances etc. are some of the examples where exclusions can be permitted).

ii) These exclusions in scope will be specifically considered and allowed by BIS on merit of
the case, for an initial period of six months (extendable by another six months) within
which the lab shall make arrangement of its own. Exclusion for extended period may be
permitted with the permission of DDG (Labs).
iii) In case the laboratory is seeking exclusion of certain tests in the Indian Standard/ product
while applying for recognition/ inclusion, the same has to be mentioned in application
form for applying for recognition/ inclusion under LRS. The application in such cases
will be recorded and entertained only once the decision regarding exclusion of tests has
been taken by BIS.
iv) Recognition may be considered only for specialized tests prescribed in Indian Standards,
for which exclusions have been permitted to other laboratories and for which there is
limited test facility available in the country, as per the decision of BIS for the individual
Indian Standard/ product, if required.

Note : The details of tests mentioned in (i) above is for guidance purpose only and not exhaustive. For the purpose of certificate of conformity to be issued under the various conformity
assessment schemes of BIS, if the report is to be issued for particular requirements only, in such cases
the recognition can be granted for such particular requirements only.

4.1.3 Sub contracting of tests shall not be allowed.

Note: Subcontracting may be agreed in case of breakdown of existing test equipments and only for the
samples which are already under test. The lab to which subcontracting of tests is to be carried out shall
also be BIS recognised for the particular Indian Standard/ product or IS/ISO/IEC17025 (latest
implemented/concurrent version), accredited for that Indian Standard/ product.

4.1.4 The laboratory shall be carrying out all testing related activities in the same premises. For the
purpose of this LRS, the term ‘same premises’ would mean one or more of the following:
i) Single address
ii) Premises comprising of number of buildings within the same perimeter of the address all of
which under authorized ownership/lease rights of the laboratory.
iii) In case of laboratory operating from different areas (within the same premises) which have
different identifications (such as different flat no., plot no., wing, floor, etc) then all such
areas should be part of the document authenticating the address of the premises.

Exemptions may be permitted as per the merit of the case by BIS for specialized tests like test for
Fire performance of Fire extinguishers, short circuit test in case of transformers, Photometry test
for LED Luminaries, EMI/ EMC test for safety of Electrical Appliances etc (list is for guidance
purpose only and is not exhaustive) for which laboratory may have arranged a separate premises
at a different location, subject to the test at separate premises being covered under the scope of
accreditation as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025 (latest version) of the laboratory. In such case, the
laboratory has to mention the same clearly in application form itself for applying for recognition
under LRS. The application in such cases will be recorded only after decision regarding allowing
functioning from a separate premise at different location has been taken by BIS.

4.1.5 Impartiality

As per the requirements of IS/ISO/IEC 17025 (latest implemented/concurrent version), the

following has to be ensured by the lab for the purpose of impartiality:

“ a) Laboratory activities shall be structured and managed so as to safeguard impartiality.

b) The laboratory management shall be committed to impartiality.

c) The laboratory shall be responsible for the impartiality of its laboratory activities and
shall not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise impartiality.

d) The laboratory shall identify risks to its impartiality on an on-going basis. This shall
include those risks that arise from its activities, or from its relationships, or from the
relationships of its personnel. However, such relationships do not necessarily present a
laboratory with a risk to impartiality.

NOTE A relationship that threatens the impartiality of the laboratory can be based on ownership,
governance, management, personnel, shared resources, finances, contracts, marketing (including
branding), and payment of a sales commission or other inducement for the referral of new
customers, etc.

e) If a risk to impartiality is identified, the laboratory shall be able to demonstrate how it

eliminates or minimizes such risk”. The laboratory shall ensure the impartiality of testing on a ongoing basis, and shall
submit an undertaking on Stamp Paper of Rs 100/- duly notorized by Notary Public as
part of the application in the prescribed format as given below.


We, M/s _____________________________________________________________________

(OSL Code - ___________/Laboratory applying for recognition under BIS LRS 2020 ), located
at _____________________________________________
a BIS recognized laboratory under the Laboratory Recognition Scheme of the Bureau of Indian
Standards / an applicant lab under the Laboratory Recognition Scheme of the Bureau of Indian
Standards , do, hereby, undertake that:

i) We shall not encourage “agent culture” (either through direct contract or collection
representative) for obtaining business and shall deal professionally with the organizations
submitting samples with our laboratory for independent testing under any conformity assessment
scheme of the Bureau. We shall not indulge in payment of a sales commission or other
inducement for the referral of new customers

ii) Neither members of management of the laboratory nor any employee of the laboratory
shall, in any way, act as authorized Indian representative for any foreign manufacturer under the
Foreign Manufacturers’ Certification Scheme and / or Compulsory Registration Scheme/ any
other Conformity assessment scheme of the Bureau; and

iii) Family members of management of the laboratory or sister unit of laboratory are not
acting as authorised Indian representative for any foreign manufacturer under the Foreign
Manufacturer's Certification Scheme and/or Compulsory Registration Scheme/ any other
conformity assessment scheme of the Bureau; and if at any time in future family members of
management of the laboratory or sister unit of laboratory poses any risk to impartiality as stated
above, we shall inform BIS about the identified risks.

In such a situation, we undertake that we shall not test samples of these manufacturers in our
laboratory to maintain impartiality as per requirement of terms and conditions of BIS recognition.


Family members of management of the laboratory or sister units of the laboratory are acting as
authorized Indian representative for any foreign manufacturer under the Foreign Manufacturers’
Certification Scheme and / or Compulsory Registration Scheme/ any other conformity
assessment scheme of the Bureau. The details of the manufacturers are as below:

We undertake that we shall not test samples of these manufacturers in our laboratory to maintain
impartiality as per requirements of terms and conditions of BIS recognition.

iv) All of our relationships based on ownership, governance, management, personnel, shared
resources, finances, contracts, marketing (including branding) shall not present any threat to the
impartiality of our laboratory.

v) We hereby also declare that the above mentioned information is true to the best of our
knowledge. We are also aware that any deviation to the above-mentioned declarations or any
information submitted, if found incorrect by BIS at any stage, may lead to rejection of our
application without any further reference and if found after grant of recognition, withdrawal of
recognition of the laboratory.

Date: Name:

Place: Designation:



Note: The undertaking shall be furnished, signed and sealed by Proprietor or Director or
Partner of the BIS recognized laboratory /applicant laboratory on laboratory’s official
stationery (letter-head). For Government labs, the undertaking may be given by the local heads
of the Lab.

Family members as per above undertaking shall mean anyone who is related to another, if :

(a) they are members of a Hindu Undivided Family;

(b) they are husband and wife; or

(c) if he or she is related to another in the following manner, namely:

(i) Father including step-father. (ii) Mother including step-mother (iii) Son including the step-
son (iv) Son’s wife (v) Daughter (vi) Daughter’s husband (vii) Brother including the step-
brother (viii) Sister including the step-sister. The laboratory shall submit an signed code of ethics in the prescribed format as given
below along with the application form :

Code of Ethics:

We, M/s _____________________________________________________________________

(OSL Code - ___________/Laboratory applying for recognition under BIS LRS 2020 ), located
at _____________________________________________
a BIS recognized laboratory under the Laboratory Recognition Scheme of the Bureau of Indian
Standards / an applicant lab under the Laboratory Recognition Scheme of the Bureau of Indian
Standards , do, hereby, undertake that:

1. Integrity: We shall have a professional behavior, be straightforward and honest in all professional
and business practices.
2. Objectivity: We shall not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue influence of others in our pro-
fessional testing and reporting activity.
3. Professional competence and due care : It is our continuing duty to maintain professional
knowledge, skill and testing facilities at the level required to ensure that the customer receives competent
professional services based on current technological advancements, revision/amendment in the standards
4. The following practices shall be strictly discouraged:
 Sharing of test results before completion of testing and final issue of report.
 Reporting the test results without proper/actual testing on the sample
 Provide any undue favor to BIS or any government official
 Giving any undue favor to the customer in terms of testing and reporting of results
5. Confidentiality: We shall maintain adequate confidentiality with respect to the sample under test
and the test results.
6. Professional behavior: We Shall comply with relevant laws and regulations and should avoid any
action that discredits the profession or brings bad name to BIS

Date: Name:

Place: Designation:



Note: The code of ethics shall be furnished, signed and sealed by Proprietor or Director or
Partner of the BIS recognized laboratory /applicant laboratory on laboratory’s official
stationery (letter-head). For Government labs, the undertaking may be given by the local heads
of the Lab.

4.2 Submission of Application

4.2.1 Any laboratory fulfilling the criteria as laid down under clause 4.1 may apply for recognition in
the prescribed application form (BIS/ LRS/ F-01) along with the requisite documents and fees.

4.2.2 The following documents, duly authenticated, shall be submitted along with the application form:

a) Legal Identity of the laboratory – any one or more of the following documents

i) Certificate of Registration by Company Registrar and Memorandum of Articles in case

laboratory is a Limited Company or Document issued as per societies registration act or Indian Trust
registration act
ii) Partnership Deed in case laboratory is a Partnership entity and copy of registration under 1932
iii) Certificate from Chartered Accountant establishing the proprietorship or Affidavit on Non-
Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100/- by Proprietor that he is the sole Proprietor, duly attested by Notary
Public in case of laboratory being a proprietorship business entity along with Bank Passbook, Account
Statement, ID of the proprietor,
iv) Certificate of registration under shop and establishment act
v) Certificate of registration under Goods & Service Tax Act.
vi) For the purposes of legal identity, a governmental laboratory is deemed to be a legal entity on the
basis of its governmental status (Copy of Government notification/declaration etc).
vii) Documents authenticating legal identity of overseas laboratory: Any document from local
authority/ Government, establishing legal identity of the laboratory as per law of the country

b) Authenticating premises of the laboratory - any one or more of the following documents clearly
indicating and covering all the areas where laboratory activities are carried out and which are proposed
to be covered under recognition:
i) Certificates from Registrar of Firms or Directorate of Industries or Industries Centre
ii) Municipal Corporation/Local Body/Central Insecticides Board or Drug Controller/ Pollution
Control Board or any such BIS indicating premises of the applicant laboratory
iii) Rent Agreement, duly notarised.
iv) Authentication of the premises of a governmental laboratory will be carried out on the basis of its
governmental status.
v) Documents authenticating the premises of overseas laboratory: Any document from local
authority/ Government, authenticating laboratory premises as per law of the country.

Note: In case the document(s) of address proof and legal identity is (are) in the local language, then their
authenticated English Translation may preferably also be provided.

c) Certificates of accreditation for IS/ISO/IEC 17025 (latest implemented/concurrent version),

version) and scope of accreditation covering all test parameters as per the Indian Standard/s for which
recognition is being sought.

d) List of Indian Standards (clearly mentioning the latest versions & amendments) with product
name for which recognition is being sought (BIS/ LRS/ F-02). In case an Indian Standard is having no.
of parts/sections than each of such part/section is to be separately listed out.

Note: The above list shall not include any Indian Standards or other international standards on
methods of tests which may have been cross referred in the product standards.

e) Organization chart of the laboratory, clearly indicating the names and designations of various
functionaries engaged in laboratory activities. In case the laboratory is part of larger organization, its
place in the organization shall be clearly indicated in the organization chart.
f) List of Technical & Managerial personnel of the laboratory with their name, designation,
qualification, experience, training details, etc. on the prescribed proforma (BIS/ LRS/ F-03).
g) Layout Plan of the Laboratory clearly indicating key facilities, sample receipt, remnant store etc.
and including floor plans covering all areas under the address.
h) Declaration regarding requirement-wise details of test facilities available for each of the Indian
Standard for which recognition is sought shall be submitted on the prescribed proforma (BIS/ LRS/ F-04)
separately for each Indian Standard. In case an Indian Standard provides for option of more than one test
method for any requirement, then the laboratory shall declare the actual test method it follows with the
facilities available for the same. In case an Indian Standard provides option to use ‘any instrumental
method’ then the laboratory shall declare the test actual method it follows which should be as per any
national or international standard method.
i) Details / list of reference materials required and used for testing and calibration with details of
traceability to national/international standards and validity.
j) Declaration of IS-wise Testing Capacity per month for each of the standard with testing time on
the prescribed proforma (BIS/ LRS/ F-02) and testing charges in the prescribed proforma (BIS/ LRS/ F-
k) Copies of such documents of the laboratory which cover the requirements specific to this scheme
which inter alia include, but not limited to the following:

i) Handling of Samples for BIS Conformity Schemes - covering aspects related to safe-
handling of samples, access control, confidentiality, recoding, decoding, review of test
request, testing of samples as per the test method prescribed in the relevant Indian Standard,
methodology followed / proposed to be followed for addressing queries / disputes related to
samples or test requests, if any.
ii) Handling of Remnants of Tested Samples - covering retention period of remnants,
methodology for safe-keeping and return / disposal of samples, responsibility, etc.
iii) Maintaining Confidentiality - including access control to testing area.
iv) Handling of Complaints - including provision for retesting / witnessing of testing.

l) Undertaking to abide by the Terms and Conditions of this scheme on continuous basis on the
prescribed proforma, to be submitted on laboratory’s letter head in the proforma (BIS/ LRS/ F-07)
m) Undertaking with regards to maintenance of impartiality and code of ethics as per clause
and of this scheme.
n) Documents as referred in the application form but not covered above.
o) Any other document considered relevant by the laboratory.

4.3.1 The application, form duly filled-in, shall be signed by its owner/top management i.e. Proprietor,
Partner, Director, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Head as the case may be or any other person so
authorized for the purpose by the management. The name and designation of the person signing the
application shall be recorded legibly in the space for the purpose in the application form. In case
application is signed by authorized signatory, a certificate from the top management of the laboratory on
its official letter head, bearing seal of the laboratory and clearly attesting the signature of the authorized
signatory, shall also be required to be submitted with the application.
4.3.2 The application form along with the required documents and the covering check-list
(BIS/LRS/F/06) shall be submitted to the following address :

Laboratory Policy and Planning Department,
Bureau of Indian Standards,
9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi – 110002.
Telephone: +91 11 23230860

4.4 Receipt of Application: Applications submitted by the laboratory shall be verified by BIS for its
completeness. The verification will be done only w.r.t. availability of the documents Depending upon
the outcome of verification, the following actions could be taken:

a) Application found complete w.r.t. the requisite fees and required documents would be accepted
for further processing.
b) Application found incomplete w.r.t. the requisite fees and/or the required documents mentioned
shall be returned to the laboratory, along with the original financial instrument through which the fees
was paid, if any with the advice for re-submission of the application complete in all respect.
c) In case the laboratory had submitted the fees through electronic means but the application is
incomplete, then the application and the documents as received would be returned with the advice for re-
submission of the application complete in respect of all documents. The application so submitted if
found complete, would be accepted for further processing.
d) In case the laboratory had submitted the fees through electronic means but the initial or the re-
submitted application is incomplete and if the applicant laboratory desires to get the fees back then the
fees would be returned by BIS excluding any tax component.

4.4.1 A laboratory will not be permitted to apply for recognition during the currency of the cooling-off
period, imposed if any, at the time of Withdrawal of recognition of the laboratory’s previous recognition
and any such application, if received, shall be returned.

4.5 Recording of Application: Application found complete w.r.t. documents and submission of fees
and accepted for further processing shall be processed further as per details given below:

a) Application would be recorded and assigned unique serial no called the 'Application
Number'. All future correspondence between the laboratory and BIS shall be made referring this
application no.
b) Evaluation of Documents – Details given in the application form and the attached
documents would be assessed against the criteria for recognition and other provisions of
Laboratory Recognitions Scheme as per Cl 4.2.2.
c) Deficiencies observed during evaluation of documents would be conveyed to the
laboratory for providing clarification/corrective action/re-submission of the document as
required within 10 days.
d) On receipt of the required clarification/corrective action/re-submitted document and
found satisfactory on further evaluation, the application would be processed further.
e) In case the laboratory does not provide the required clarification/corrective action/re-
submitted document within the prescribed time limit, or if the details/documents provided are not

found satisfactory to meet the criteria and other provisions of this scheme , then actions would be
taken as per Clause 4.6.
f) Once application is recorded, the application fee shall not be refunded or adjusted against
any future application.

4.6 Rejection of Application - Application for recognition shall be liable for rejection for any or more
of the following reasons:

If the laboratory
a) does not pay any of the prescribed fees or charges.
b) does not take corrective action(s) on deficiencies observed during evaluation of documents
within 15 days.
c) does not confirm readiness for initial audit within 15 days from the receipt of communication of
the audit team from BIS.
d) does not submit clarification/corrective actions for non-conformities observed during the Initial
and verification audit within time frame as agreed between the laboratory and the audit team
( time period for submission of corrective action will not exceed 30 days in any case).
e) is found to have made any false declaration in the application form and/or attached documents
with respect to infrastructure, testing facilities, calibration / CRM, competence of testing
personnel, etc.
f) violates provisions of the BIS Act, 2016 and the Rules & Regulations framed there under.
g) Risk to impartiality is found to have been compromised as prescribed in clause, or the
code of ethics as given in clause is violated .
h) is not able to maintain its accreditation as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025 (latest version) during the
processing of application.

4.6.1 Procedure for Rejection of Application

a) A notice for rejection of application stating the reason(s) thereof, will be served to the applicant,
giving 14 days’ time to respond and providing justification for the delay as well as for submitting
the required clarification/corrective action/re-submission of the documents.
b) While issuing notice for rejection, an opportunity for personnel hearing would be provided, if so
requested by laboratory.
c) In case no reply is received within the stipulated time, to the notice of rejection or no request is
received for personal hearing, then the application shall be rejected and decision conveyed to the
d) If reply given by the laboratory to the notice and/or the justifications submitted during the
personal hearing are found unsatisfactory and/or unacceptable, the application shall be rejected.

4.7 Initial audit: On satisfactory evaluation of documents after recording of the application as at
clause 4.5 above, an initial audit of the laboratory shall be carried out for on-site assessment of the
laboratory’s compliance to the procedures and the activities described in the documented management
system and relevant management system standard. The audit shall, inter alia, cover assessment of the
applicant laboratory's competence to do testing as per the relevant Indian Standard(s), availability of
adequate infra-structure, competence of testing personnel, etc. The various stages and actions for the
initial audit are as given below:

a) Audit team- BIS shall constitute an audit team comprising of adequate number of auditors (with
experts as required) depending upon the ISS in the scope of recognition sought by the laboratory as per
Annexure D.
b) The names and contact details of the audit team members shall be communicated to the
laboratory for confirmation within 7 days . The Audit team shall interact with the laboratory for carrying
out the audit at a mutually convenient date which shall normally be within 15 days of receipt of
c) Audit fees- The laboratory shall be required to pay the prescribed audit fees in advance, the
details of which shall be communicated to the laboratory along with the intimation regarding the audit
d) Travel and stay arrangements- The laboratory shall arrange for travel and stay arrangement for
audit team members as per the entitlements of the auditors.
e) Obligations of the laboratory - The laboratory shall ensure availability of all concerned
personnel whose competence is to be assessed during the audit. The presence of the Quality Manager
(however named) and technical management (however named) is a must during the audit. The laboratory
shall provide all necessary assistance to the audit team for smooth conduct of the audit and shall provide
all necessary document/information as required by the audit team. The laboratory shall also arrange for
availability of samples of the product as per the relevant Indian Standards, for which recognition is

4.8 Decisions for Recognition - On the basis of the audit findings, closure of all non-conformities
observed if any, and confirmation on record that criteria for recognition is met and the laboratory has
submitted to abide by the Terms & Conditions of this scheme, the application shall be processed for
grant of recognition through the following:

a) Finalizing the scope, in terms of Indian Standard, for which recognition is granted.
b) Specifying restrictions regarding varieties/grades/sizes/designations etc. in particular standards
depending upon the test facilities as available.
c) Exclusion of test(s) permitted, if any under particular standard(s).
d) Recognition shall be for a period of three years subject to payment of applicable recognition fee.
e) The laboratory shall pay the recognition fees within 14 days from date of receipt of
communication in this regard.
f) In case, the laboratory does not pay the prescribed fee within the stipulated 14 days, BIS may
process the application for rejection following due process.
g) Recognition shall be effective from the date of realization of the recognition fee.
h) A unique number called OSL code shall be allotted to each recognized laboratory.
i) Decision of grant of recognition shall be communicated to laboratory, enclosing therewith
instructions for use of software for receipt of samples and issue of test reports.

5. Terms and Conditions of Laboratory Recognition Scheme

Every laboratory recognized by BIS shall abide by the following terms and conditions:

a) The laboratory shall inform BIS about major changes made, if any, to the Laboratory Quality
Management System which formed the basis for the grant of the recognition.
b) The laboratory shall ensure that infrastructure, test facility and manpower required as per the
relevant Indian standard are met and maintained on continuous basis. Any change in status i.e., either
upgradation or disruption of facilities shall be promptly informed to BIS.
c) In case changes in the infrastructure, test facility and manpower which adversely affects the
laboratories capability to test any requirement(s) as per the Indian standard(s), then the testing should be
suspended under intimation to BIS and so maintained till such time the issue is addressed satisfactorily.
BIS may, at its discretion, decide to impose condition for verification of corrective actions through
special audit before permitting normal operation under the Scheme.
d) The laboratory shall inform BIS as and when it plans for shifting of its laboratory premises to an
address other than that declared and verified at the stage of grant of recognition. The laboratory shall not
accept samples for the testing at the new premises without prior permission of BIS.
e) The laboratory shall inform BIS as and when there is any change in testing capacity in terms of
number of samples for any IS which can be tested in a month. The fresh declaration in this regard shall
be submitted on the prescribed proforma ( BIS/LRS/F-02).
f) The laboratory shall inform BIS as and when there is any change in status e.g., expiry, withdrawal,
extension date of validity date of accreditation for IS/ISO/IEC 17025 .
g) The testing charges for outside recognized laboratory during the tenure of the recognition shall
be declared and fixed at the time of its recognition for three years. There shall be no upward revision in
the testing charges during the period of three years except when the standard is revised/amendment
issued. The laboratory shall follow the policies of BIS regarding the testing charges as amended from
time to time.
h) The laboratory shall issue the Test Report containing information as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025
including information related to sample, code, dates of commencement and completion of testing, clause
reference of the tests performed, relevant standard, amendment, and its specified values as per relevant
IS. The laboratory shall issue test report in the formats prescribed by BIS, wherever applicable.
i) The laboratory shall issue the test report within 7 days of completion of testing. Under no
circumstances the issuance of test reports shall be withheld by the laboratory for any reason.
j) The laboratory shall facilitate and permit access to BIS for all audits and investigations which
BIS may carry out, with or without prior announcement to the laboratory and provide the required
information as sought.
k) The laboratory shall give minimum 30 days’ notice while surrendering recognition and shall
comply with the instructions given by BIS for handling and disposal of samples/remnants pending with
it. The laboratory shall not claim refund of the recognition fee for the unutilized period of recognition.
l) The laboratory shall retain remnants of the samples for a minimum period of 3 months from date
of issuance of test report or till the shelf life of the product whichever is earlier. The laboratory shall
maintain proper record of disposal of remnants and produce the same as and when required.
m) The laboratory shall pay such fees for application, recognition, renewal and enhancement of
scope of recognition, audits and other services as applicable and pay such additional fees on account of
revision of any standard from time to time.
n) The application for renewal of recognition, if desired by the laboratory shall be submitted along
with the requisite fees (Renewal and Accreditation fees) and the required documents at least 6 months
prior to the expiry of recognition.
o) The laboratory shall not accept any BIS sample for testing during application stage or after the
validity of recognition is over except in the situation covered under clause 8.1.4.of this scheme.
p) The laboratory shall not accept any BIS samples during the period of suspension of recognition
and shall inform the details of the sample pending with it at the time of suspension. The laboratory shall
abide by the directions of BIS for handling of BIS samples and issuance of reports for the samples
pending with it at the time of suspension.
q) The laboratory shall maintain records of all complaints received by it for the BIS samples and
test reports issued for the same and shall document the actions taken for the complaints so received.
Laboratory shall give full details of actions taken in response to complaints or discrepancy in test results
and allow access to all relevant records and documents for the purpose of any investigation and provide
certified copies thereof.
r) The laboratory shall have the relevant Indian standards including cross-referred standards
(National or International) required for testing of products covered under scope of recognition.
s) As and when any standard for which recognition is granted or their cross-referred standard is
revised or any amendment is issued to it, the laboratory shall review and update its test facilities to
implement such revision/amendment and inform BIS accordingly.
t) The laboratory shall neither entertain nor contact BIS licensees/applicants for samples received
from BIS. For any clarification which may be required for the sample, the laboratory shall interact only
with the BIS office/laboratory from where the sample is received. This clause shall not be applicable for
samples sent directly by the manufacturers under the various conformity assessment schemes of BIS.
The laboratory shall also follow and provide a signed copy of the code of ethics as per Clause

u) Upon Withdrawal of recognition or expiry of the recognition, the laboratory shall discontinue
claiming BIS recognition and withdraw all publicity material (both in print and electronic media) which
may contain reference thereto.
v) The laboratory shall implement the laboratory information management system (LIMS) as
approved by BIS from time to time, in respect of products for which it applied to have BIS recognition.
Recognized lab shall update the necessary details of testing facilities of its testing facility in the National
Directory of Laboratories (NDL), as per the instructions of BIS.
w) The laboratory would be required to work through available BIS portal as per the instructions
provided by BIS for receiving, accepting, forwarding and uploading of test reports etc.
x) The Laboratory shall also maintain impartiality as per the requirements of clause of this
scheme. In addition, neither members of management of the laboratory nor any employee of the
laboratory shall, in any way, act as authorized Indian representative for any foreign manufacturer under
the Foreign Manufacturers’ Certification Scheme and / or Compulsory Registration Scheme/ any other
conformity assessment scheme of the Bureau; and
also, if any of the family members of management of the laboratory or sister units of the
laboratory or employee of the laboratory is acting as authorized Indian representative for any foreign
manufacturer under the Foreign Manufacturers’ Certification Scheme and / or Compulsory Registration
Scheme/ any other conformity assessment scheme of the Bureau; the name of such manufacturers shall
be declared to BIS. In such a situation, lab shall not be permitted to test samples of these manufacturers
in their laboratory.

y) In case exclusion for some test has been permitted to the laboratory by BIS, the laboratory shall
inform the same to prospective BIS applicants before accepting the samples from them.

z) The laboratories recognized for testing of products covered under various conformity assessment
schemes of BIS shall adhere to scheme specific guidelines issued by BIS from time to time.

6 Operation of Laboratory Recognition Scheme after Grant of Recognition.

6.1 Witnessing of Testing – The laboratory shall agree and facilitate witnessing of its testing of any
sample as decided by BIS.

6.2 Surveillance Audits – BIS shall carry Surveillance Audits as under:

a) Frequency of surveillance audit would generally be once in a year.

b) All surveillance audits shall be surprise audits.
c) Surveillance audits may be carried out by the audit team nominated by BIS and involve man
days as per Annexure D
d) Laboratory would not be required to pay any audit charges or the travel & stay expenses of the
auditors & experts.
e) Non-conformities, observed if any, shall be dealt with in the same manner as in the initial audit.
f) Laboratory shall be required to pay audit charges and arrange for the travel & stay of the
auditors for verification (follow-up) audit, if required to be carried out for verifying the
corrective actions taken for the non-conformities.

6.3 Supervisory Visits – Supervisory visits may be carried out by senior BIS officers not below rank
of Scientist F at the laboratory to assess implementation of this scheme. No expenses for such visits will
be charged from recognized laboratories.

6.4 Extension & Deletion from the Scope of Recognition

6.4.1 Extension of Scope of Recognition shall be dealt as follow:

a) The laboratory shall make formal request for extension of scope for addition of Indian
Standard to its scope along with the prescribed fee and Declaration regarding the test facilities
for the additional standard on proforma BIS/LRS/F-02, 03, 04, 05 along with undertaking in
Annex C.

b) Laboratories shall also submit documentary evidence of all the tests / parameters of Indian
Standard (whose inclusion is being sought) being already covered under their scope of
accreditation as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025 (latest version) with the test method and accuracy as per
the requirement of the Indian Standard for which inclusion is sought ( i.e. scope of accreditation
as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025 (latest version) covering the Indian Standard along with the test
method and accuracy as per the requirement of the Indian Standard).

c) On satisfactory assessment of the documents mentioned at sl. No. a) and b) above, the
extension of scope for the additional standard may be permitted on desktop audit basis , based on
the undertaking submitted with the application for inclusion and agreeing to all the terms and
conditions of this scheme.

d) The test facilities for the Indian Standard included in the scope of recognition would be
verified during the next surveillance audit.

e) In case deviation are observed in the scope and declaration vis a vis the test facilities as
actually verified during the BIS audit, the recognition of the laboratory would be suspended for
the IS included in the scope and processed for deletion of the Indian Standard included.

6.4.2. In case of revision/amendment to the standard if the recognized OSL provides the documentary
evidence and conformation for the changes in test facilities (if any required) as per the
amendment/revised version of the Indian Standard , the same shall be included in the scope of the lab on
desktop audit basis. The verification of the test facilities shall be carried out during the next
surveillance/renewal audit.

6.4.3 In case the request for inclusion by the lab consists of Indian Standard/ test/ parameter which are
similar to Indian Standard / test/ parameter already included in the scope of the laboratory and no
additional testing facility is required for the new Indian Standard/ test/ parameter proposed for inclusion,
the inclusion may be permitted by BIS on desktop basis. The verification of testing facilities for the
included ISs may be carried out during the next surveillance/renewal audit.

6.4.4 In case where the Indian Standard proposed for inclusion or test facilities required as per the
revision/amendment to Indian Standard is not covered under the scope of accreditation or not similar to
Indian Standard already included in the scope of accreditation of the laboratory, the Indian Standard will
be included in the scope of BIS recognition only after on-site verification by BIS. The OSL will be

required to include the Indian Standard in their scope of IS/ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation within one year
from date of BIS inclusion.

6.4.5 Reduction in Scope of Recognition –

Any Indian Standard (IS) may be deleted from the scope of recognition for any of the following reasons:
(i) Supersession/withdrawal of the Indian Standard.
(ii) Lab is assessed incompetent for any particular product.
(iii) Lab requests for deletion of any Indian Standard (s).

7 Suspension of Recognition - Recognition of the laboratory would be liable to be suspended as

and when non-compliance to fulfilment of the recognition criteria and/or violation of terms and
conditions of this scheme are observed or reported. The causes which may lead to suspension of
recognition are as below :

(a) Lab fails to observe terms & conditions and undertaking of the Lab Recognition Scheme.
(b) Break down of system as observed during audits or otherwise.
(c) Non intimation of significant changes in lab management (as per signed undertaking submitted).
(d) Lack of cooperation to BIS in conduct of audits or in resolving various related issues.
(e) Prima-facie evidence suggests that the test results reported by the lab are not genuine/ valid and/or
the laboratory does not carry out the test(s) properly as per the requirement of relevant ISs.
(f) Failure to take corrective actions on NCs reported during audits within stipulated timeframe.
(g) Shifting of laboratory premises.
(h) Prolonged closure of laboratory due to any reason whatsoever.
(i) Repeated occurrence of similar NCs.
(j) Accreditation body withdraws accreditation as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025 during its validity period.
(k) Occurrence of any natural calamity that affects the operations of the laboratory.
(l) Lab continues testing and issuing of test reports for product(s) related to BIS conformity assessment
schemes which is beyond scope of recognition, without seeking formal inclusion of the product(s) in
their scope of recognition.

(m) Complaint is established.

(n) Impartiality of laboratory and code of ethics as required under clause and respectively
of this scheme is found to be compromised.
(o) The laboratory itself requests for suspension due to operational reasons.

7.1 Maximum period of suspension/partial suspension The period of Suspension shall not exceed
three months. It may be extended beyond three months in special case with valid reason(s) by the BIS
and shall not exceed six months. The recognition of the laboratory shall be withdrawn after this period.

7.2 Revocation of suspension/partial suspension When necessary corrective actions are confirmed by
the lab, BIS may consider revocation of suspension based on satisfactory assessment including on-site
verification, if necessary.

7.3 Recognition fee is payable even during period of suspension.

7.4 Partial Suspension - During the operation of the scheme, recognition of lab may be suspended
partially for a product/ a group of products/ field due to any of the following reasons:
a) Inability of laboratory to demonstrate capability of testing of a product or a group of products.
b) Failure to take corrective actions on NC reported during audit within stipulated timeframe.
c) Repeated occurrence of similar NCs pertaining to a product or a group of products or product field(s).
d) Accreditation body withdraws accreditation as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025 for the particular product(s).
7.5 During the period of suspension/partial suspension, the lab shall not accept and test any sample
forwarded by BIS or by BIS licensees/applicants for tests to be carried out as per SIT under the various
conformity assessment schemes of BIS . However, in case of partial suspension, the lab shall not accept
and test any sample of the product/a group of products/product field(s) for which the lab was placed
under partial suspension.

7.6 Samples pending with the lab at the time of suspension/ partial suspension shall not be tested
without prior approval of the BIS. Lab shall furnish the details of samples pending for testing or under
test at the time of suspension/partial suspension to BIS within two days from the date of receipt of
intimation of suspension/partial suspension in the prescribed format (Annexure- E). BIS will take a
decision on testing or otherwise of samples already under test/pending for testing depending upon
ground(s) of suspension and communicate the same to the lab. If statement is not received, BIS will not
consider test reports of such samples.

7.6 Whenever a BIS recognized lab is suspended, the lab:

i. Shall not accept any further BIS sample during suspension.

ii. Shall inform BIS the details of the sample pending with it at the time of suspension in the pre-
scribed format (Annexure- E).

iii. In case of samples already received by the laboratory and testing not started, those shall be divert-
ed to some other laboratory. The laboratory shall ask the concerned BIS branch (in case of BIS
Sample) or the customer (in case the samples have been directly sent by the customer to the lab),
where to divert the samples.

iv. In case of sample has been partially tested, the laboratory shall issue the partial test reports for the
tests already conducted, and divert the remnant sample for the remaining tests after asking the
concerned BO/Customer.

v. In case testing has been completed, the test reports shall be released.

In all the above cases, the recognized lab must seek prior permission from BIS for the action to
be taken.

7.7 Maximum period of partial suspension: The period of partial suspension shall not exceed three
months. It may be extended beyond three months in special case with valid reason(s) by the BIS and
shall not exceed six months. The Indian Standard for which the recognition of the laboratory has been
suspended will be processed for deletion from the scope of the laboratory.

7.8 Revocation of partial suspension: When necessary corrective actions are confirmed by the lab, BIS
may consider revocation of suspension based on satisfactory assessment including on-site verification, if
necessary for which the laboratory will be required to pay the necessary audit charges.

7.9 Recognition fee is payable even during period of partial suspension.

8 Renewal, Deferment cum Expiry and Withdrawal of recognition.

8.1 Renewal
8.1.1 For renewal of recognition the lab shall apply to BIS on application form as prescribed
(BIS/LRS/F-01) at least six months before validity date of the recognition along with requisite fees as
prescribed and related documents. A renewal notice may be sent to the lab well in advance. However,
non-receipt of such notice from BIS cannot be considered as ground for not applying for renewal in time.

8.1.2 A renewal audit may be carried out before considering further renewal. The lab shall pay in
advance the renewal audit fees as prescribed. BIS may also take decision regarding renewal of
recognition without carrying out any renewal audit on desktop basis if past performance during
surveillance audits has been satisfactory.

8.1.3 Renewal application fees and renewal audit fees (for the audits already carried out) are non-
refundable. However in case renewal has been done without carrying out renewal audit, the renewal
audit fees will be refunded.

8.1.4 If renewal of recognition is pending with BIS due to any reason which cannot be assigned to the
lab, though renewal application along with requisite fees/ dues have been received before the expiry date
of recognition, the lab shall be allowed to function as a recognized lab till a decision on the renewal
application is taken by BIS.

8.1.5 In case lab is under partial suspension, then renewal for Indian Standard(s) under suspension may
be considered only if the action taken were found satisfactory for the aspects for which partial
suspension was imposed.

8.2 Deferment/Expiry of Renewal

8.2.1 Reasons for deferment of renewal - Renewal of recognition may be deferred for a maximum period
of six months due to any of the following reasons:-

(a) If the lab is under suspension at the end of validity period.

(b) Any complaint against the lab is under investigation or decision on some related issues is pending at
the end of validity period.

(c) If the renewal process is delayed due to any of the following reasons on the part of the lab :

i) Non-compliance by the lab to the requirements necessary to process renewal.

ii) The lab is not ready for renewal audit/ follow up audit.

iii) Performance is not satisfactory as assessed during renewal audit.

The laboratory will be intimated about its recognition being put under deferment due to above reasons.
In case the laboratory does not take corrective action during the period of deferment, a deferment-cum-
expiry notice (14 days prior to the deferment period being over ) with the option of personal hearing will
be sent to the laboratory giving 14 days time to reply. If no reply is received within the stipulated period
or reply is found unsatisfactory, or if the plea(s) extended at the time of personal hearing are not
acceptable to the BIS, the recognition shall be allowed to expire.

8.2.2 If renewal is not sought by the laboratory along with requisite fees before the validity period is
over, a deferment-cum-expiry notice with the option of personal hearing will be sent to the laboratory
soon after the validity period is over by giving 14 days time to reply. If no reply is received within the
stipulated period or reply is found unsatisfactory, or if the plea(s) extended at the time of personal
hearing are not acceptable to the BIS, the recognition shall be allowed to expire.

8.2.3 Samples pending with the lab at the time of deferment/expiry of recognition shall not be tested
without prior approval of the BIS. Lab shall furnish to BIS the details of samples pending for testing or
under test at the time of deferment within two days from the date of receipt of intimation of deferment in
the prescribed format. The BIS will take a decision on testing or otherwise of samples already under
test/pending for testing depending upon ground(s) of deferment and communicate the same to the lab. If
statement is not received, BIS will not consider test reports of such samples.

8.2.4 The period of deferment of renewal may be extended beyond six months in exceptional situations.

8.2.5 The renewal of deferred recognition may be considered on satisfactory compliance of the
requirement for which renewal was deferred.

8.2.6 Recognition fee is payable even during period of deferment.

8.3 Withdrawal of recognition

8.3.1 The recognition of the laboratory may be withdrawn any time during the recognition period by the
BIS for any of the following reasons:

(a) If the laboratory surrenders recognition

(b) If continuation of the recognition of the laboratory would not be of any assistance to the conformity
assessment schemes of BIS.

(c) If the laboratory does not maintain adequate secrecy pertaining to the sample(s) under test and test

(d) If the lab acts/works directly or indirectly against the interest of BIS in any form or in any manner;

(e) If the laboratory is found indulging in unethical practices as detailed below :

i) Laboratory tries to influence BIS through unethical means for procuring more business.

ii) Laboratory has approached/allows BIS applicants or licensees to approach them or their
representative before or after issuing test report for BIS samples (this clause shall not be applicable
for samples sent directly by the manufacturers as per the various conformity assessment schemes
of BIS).

(f) If the laboratory after the imposition of suspension does not take corrective actions by the stipulated
period or the corrective actions taken are found not satisfactory.

(g) If the partial suspension/ suspension continues beyond the permissible period for reasons for which
the lab is responsible.

(h) Impartiality of testing/ code of ethics by laboratory as required under clause or resp.
of this scheme is found to be compromised.

8.3.2 For the reasons mentioned above, the recognition of the lab shall be suspended with immediate
effect (if not already under suspension). Process for withdrawal of recognition will be initiated by
issuing a notice for withdrawal of recognition to the lab with provision of personal hearing to explain as
to why such proposed action may not be taken against the lab. If no reply is received within 14 days or if
the reply is found unsatisfactory or if the plea(s) extended at the time of personal hearing are not
acceptable to the BIS, the recognition of the laboratory shall be withdrawn.

The cooling period for any lab whose recognition is withdrawn shall be minimum 6 months and
maximum shall be one year. The cooling off period and notice shall not be applicable in case of
surrender of recognition by the laboratory, however BIS may confirm the request for surrender of

9. Special Audits and Visits

9.1 Special Audit - In addition to the initial audit and surveillance audits, all other audits carried out
at the request of the laboratory such as verification (follow-up), extension of scope, verification of
corrective actions, revocation of suspension, verification of satisfactory working of equipment after
breakdown, change of new premises etc. would be termed as special audits. The laboratory shall be
required to pay the prescribed audit charges and also arranged for travel and stay for the auditors/experts,
as applicable.

9.2 Special Visits – BIS may, at its discretion, carry out supervisory visits, visits for investigation for
complaints or any other visit by its officers as per its requirement and these will not be treated as special

10. Changes in management/structure of laboratory

10.1 During the operation of recognition, a number of special situations may arise on account of changes
in the management/structure of the lab. The situations may be of the following type:

a) Change in address of the laboratory premises;

b) Change in the name of laboratory without change of ownership and management;

c) Change in the ownership of the laboratory, with or without change in the name;

d) Division of the laboratory into two or more units with one of them retaining the original name;

e) Division of the laboratory into two or more units none retaining the original name;

f) Merging of two or more laboratories into one entity with change in name or retaining one of the
original names.

10.2 In case of 10.1(a), the lab is required to intimate the Bureau in advance about shifting of the
laboratory and stop testing at the old premises. On receipt of this information, the recognition will be
suspended by the BIS. On completion of shifting the lab will intimate this fact to BIS along with the
following documents:

(i) Any legal document authenticating the new premises as per clause 4.2.2(b).

.ii) Certificate of Accreditation of the laboratory for the new premises as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025 (latest
version) or ISO/IEC 17025 (latest version).

BIS in turn would arrange for verification audit at both locations and shall consider revocation of
suspension of recognition subject to satisfactory audit. The period of such shifting shall not be more than
three months.

10.3 In case of 10.1(b), any of the legal documents as specified in clause 4.2.2 (a) shall be resubmitted
along with a fresh undertaking in part B of the application form and BIS/LRS/F-07 in the new name of
the lab.

10.4 In case of 10.1(c), any of the legal documents as specified in clause 4.2.2 (a) shall be resubmitted,
along with a fresh undertaking in part B of the application form and BIS/LRS/F-07 by the new

10.5 In case of 10.1(d), the lab is required to intimate BIS immediately and stop testing at all the units.
The lab will also not issue any test report from any of the units. On receipt of this information, the
recognition will be suspended by the BIS. The BIS shall consider revocation of suspension of
recognition subject to satisfactory audit of the recognized lab retaining the original name and on
submission of the following documents by the lab:

(i) No objection Certificate from the other unit(s) and/ or any other suitable legal document.

(ii) Fresh undertaking in part B of the application form and BIS/LRS/F-07 from the lab.

(iii) Any of the documents authenticating the premises as specified in clause 4.2.2 (b).

10.6 In case of 10.1(e), the units will be treated as new entities and they may apply for recognition

10.7 In case of merger of two or more labs into one entity (10.1 (f) ) with or without change of name,
the recognition of the lab shall stand withdrawn. The merged entity shall be treated as new entity & it
may apply for recognition afresh.

10.8 The procedure to deal with special situation in case of labs located overseas will be same as
detailed in above.

10.9 Lock out, Winding Up, Liquidation, Dissolution and Closure etc. of the lab. The lab will
inform any such situation with exact status of its functioning to the BIS immediately. On receipt of
information, the BIS will decide suspension/ withdrawal of recognition of the lab depending upon the

situation. In case of winding up, liquidation etc, full details regarding the authorized owner of the
company or the liquidator shall be provided by the lab to enable BIS to lodge a claim for recovery, if any.

11. Appeal - Laboratory aggrieved by the order of Withdrawal of recognition may file an appeal to
the Director General, BIS within a period of 45 days from the date of the order of withdrawal of

12 Recognition of Foreign Laboratories

Criteria for recognition of Foreign Laboratories shall be same as that for Indian Laboratories described
in this Scheme with the additional requirement as given below:

a) The foreign laboratories shall set up a liaison/branch office located in India with the required
permissions, which shall meet all liabilities with respect to BIS Act, Rules and Regulations for the
purpose of BIS recognition. The requirement to set up an office in India shall not apply, if BIS enters in
to an MoU with respective Foreign Government for implementation of BIS Act, Rules and Regulations
including the punitive provisions, or if the foreign laboratory nominates an Authorized representative
located in India who declares his consent to be responsible for compliance to provisions of BIS Act 2016,
Rules and Regulations on behalf of the laboratory as per Terms & Conditions of the Agreement signed
between BIS and the foreign laboratory. The Authorized Representative may either be in-charge or a
senior officer of the Indian office or a legally appointed agent of the foreign laboratory in India. The
Authorized Representative shall furnish a Affidavit/Undertaking as given in Annex F.

b) Travelling and stay expenses of the auditors shall be borne by the auditee laboratory as per
entitlement of the auditors. The per diem allowances to the auditors as applicable shall be paid by the
auditee lab to BIS as per BIS Rules as amended from time to time.

c) The test certificate issued by the laboratory shall have reference to its accreditation as per
ISO/IEC 17025 (latest version) status/logo of Accreditation Body and also reference to its
ILAC/APLAC membership.

d) The recognition of foreign laboratories will be subject to acceptance of all other terms and
conditions of this scheme and as per the decision of BIS in this regards. The foreign laboratories
applying for BIS recognition shall be required to sign agreement with BIS in the format to be prescribed
by BIS. The decision regarding recognition of foreign laboratories will be taken by BIS taking into
account the MRA (Mutual Recognition Agreement) with the concerned nation.

12.1 Schedule of Fees and charges for Foreign Laboratories

Schedule of fees and charges for foreign laboratories shall be same as for domestic laboratories and is
given in Annex B.

13 Complaint/Feedback against the Laboratory- Any complaint/feedback received against a

laboratory from any source will be examined/ investigated by BIS and action as deemed fit by BIS will
be taken.

14 Testing charges: The testing charges for recognized laboratory during the tenure of the
recognition shall be declared and fixed at the time of its recognition/ renewal for three years. There shall
be no upward revision in the testing charges during the period of three years except when the standard is
revised/amendment issued. The laboratory shall follow the policies of BIS regarding the testing charges
as amended from time to time.
15 Government laboratories empanelled by BIS (Group 2 Labs) :

As per the BIS Conformity Assessment Regulations 2018, the following laboratories are covered under
the definition of third party laboratory:

“third party laboratory’’ means a laboratory established, maintained or recognised by the Bureau or
Government laboratories empanelled by the Bureau or any other laboratory decided by the Executive
Committee of the Bureau.”

BIS is utilizing test facilities of lab of national repute and eminence for products for which limited
testing facilities are available or testing facilities are not available with BIS or BIS recognized labs.
These laboratories are included under Group 2 labs and are not BIS recognized laboratories since a
formal and detailed procedure for recognition as mentioned in BIS LRS is not applicable to these
laboratories. BIS is not carrying out audits of these laboratories and the testing charges of these
laboratories are also not regulated by BIS. The inclusion of a laboratory in the list of Government
empanelled laboratory of BIS will be as per the requirement and decision of BIS.

16 General : Any situation not covered under this Scheme, will be considered by the BIS and decision
of BIS shall be final.

Annexure A
Delegation of Powers in relation to Laboratory Recognition Scheme

Sl. LRS Activity

No. Responsibility
Formulation of Operational Procedure &
1. Guidelines and their Interpretation DDGL
Empanelment of Auditors and Experts
2. (Internal/External) DDGL

3. Recording of application OIC (LRS)/ Concerned Officer

4. Nomination of Audit team for all types of Head (LPPD)
{Initial, Surveillance, Verification (Follow-
up), Special etc.}
Rejection of application including summary
5. rejection. Head (LPPD)
Grant and Renewal of Recognition, Fixation Head (LPPD)
6. of Testing Charges
7. Extension and Reduction of scope of Head (LPPD)
8. Expiry, Deferment of Renewal , Extension of Head (LPPD)
validity of Recognition
Suspension/ Partial Suspension/ Revocation
9. of Suspension Head (LPPD)
Withdrawal of recognition, Extension of
10 Deferment of Renewal DDGL
Operation of recognition of Overseas
11. (Foreign Labs) Head (LPPD)
12. Decision for exclusions of certain tests as per
Indian Standard Head (LPPD)
13. Closure of Complaints against the Head (LPPD)
Recognized laboratory
14. Withdrawal of recognition DDGL
15. Appellate Authority for decisions taken under DG

Annexure B
Schedule of Fees for LRS

Sl. Item Fees/Charges

No. (Rs.)
1 Application Fee for initial recognition and renewal of recognition 40,000
for upto 10 IS.

2 Application Fee for initial recognition and renewal of recognition 10,000

for additional 20 IS (each)

3 Recognition Fee for up to 10 IS for 3 years 1,00,000

Recognition fees for 10 additional IS: 10,000

4. Application Fee for Extension of scope. 10,000 for upto
20 IS

20,000 for more

then 20 IS
7. Processing Fee for extension of scope of recognition Audit Fee for
required Man
8. Initial / Renewal assessment audit fee Audit Fee for
required Man
9. Surveillance Audit Fee Nil
10 Audit Fee per man day 5,000

Recognition fee shall be payable at the time of grant of recognition or renewal of recognition upfront for
all the three years.
@ Plus the actual expenses on travel and stay of the audit team, if required.
# Plus taxes, as applicable.
* Schedule of fees and charges are subject to revision from time to time.

In case of foreign laboratories:

1. All payments are to be made in equivalent USD by Laboratories situated in Non-SAARC Countries.

2. All payments can be made either in Indian Rupees with GST (as applicable) or in equivalent USD by
Laboratories situated in SAARC Countries.

3. The cost of travel ,ticket, visa, insurance and stay of the auditors etc. shall be payable as per BIS norm.

4. The amount indicated above are excluding bank commissions and transfer charges. Ensure that bank

commission and/or transfer charges, if any, are deposited in addition to the above-mentioned amount and

fluctuation in the foreign exchange rate is also taken care of so that the above mentioned net fee/charges

(in INR) are credited to BIS Account.

5. The payment for foreign laboratories may only be deposited with BIS through RTGS/NEFT/SWIFT
transfer. Our Bank account details are as follows:

Name of the Bank: Syndicate Bank

Address of the Bank: BIS Branch, Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi

BIS Account No.: 90842180024625

Swift Code: SYNBINBB126 (For transfer in US Dollars)

IFSC Code: SYNB0009084 (For transfer in INR)

* Schedule of fees and charges are subject to revision from time to time.


We, M/s _____________________________________________________________________ located

at _____________________________________________

are applying for inclusion under BIS LRS. We undertake that :

1. Complete test facilities for the Indian Standard (s) for which application has been made
for inclusion under BIS LRS are available with our laboratory or are similar to test facilities
required as per Indian Standard(s) which are already covered under our scope of BIS recognition.
The scope of accreditation as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025 (latest version) and clause wise details of
test facilities are attached.
2. The test facilities available for the Indian Standard (s) for which application has been
made are as per the range and accuracy as mentioned in the Indian Standard.
3. In case of inclusion on the basis of this procedure and non-availability of test
facilities/non-availability of test facilities of required range and accuracy as per the requirements
of Indian Standard detected in subsequent BIS audit, recognition of our laboratory will be
suspended for the Indian Standard included and processed for deletion of these IS from the scope
of the lab.

Note : Any test parameters for which test facilities are not available are also to be mentioned in the
application and decision on inclusion of such Indian Standard will be taken by BIS.

Date Signature
(Owner / Partner / Director of the laboratory / Authorized Signatory*)
Place Name

* In case of authorized signatory, a letter from Owner / Director / Partner of the lab certifying the signature of authorized
signatory to be submitted with the application.

Annexure D
Allotment of Audit Man-days

1. Surveillance audit

S. No. Indian Standard covered in the scope for which Audit Man days*
recognition is sought
1. Up to 10 2
2. More than 10 and less than 100 4
3. More than 100 8

1. For Renewal/Initial audit

S. No. Indian Standard covered in the scope for which Audit Man days*
recognition is sought
1. Up to 10 4
2. 11-50 ISs 6
3. 51-100 ISs 8
4. More than 100 10

*The above table is for guidance purpose. However the man days may be decided by Heads of
BIS Labs depending upon the type and number of Indian Standard in the scope of OSL.


Status of BIS samples pending for testing/under test

Name of the Lab: ……………..

OSL code: ……………………..

Sl. Description IS no. BIS Name of Date of Sample as applicable Remarks

No. of sample sample RO/BO receipt Pending Under test
code no. from of for Testing Testing
where sample Testing started expected
sample is to
received complete

Seal of the Lab:…………………

Model affidavit cum undertaking (to be furnished by the in-charge or a senior officer of the Indian office
of the foreign laboratory or a legally appointed agent of the foreign laboratory in India, before grant of
recognition by BIS)
(On rupees one hundred only non-judicial stamp paper, duly notarized)
I, ………………………., aged about ……… years, by occupation in-charge or a senior officer of the
Indian office of the foreign laboratory or a legally appointed agent of the foreign laboratory
(designation…………..) M/s …………………………… having its Registered Office/Head Office
at …………………… (address in India), do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:
1. That M/s…………………………… (foreign applicant laboratory ) having its laboratory address
at …………………… (address of foreign applicant laboratory ) has nominated
Sh/Ms ………………as its authorized representative located in India for the purpose of grant of
recognition under Bureau of Indian Standards Laboratory Recognition Scheme (BIS LRS )

That I have been duly authorised to give this affidavit cum undertaking (authorisation appended

3. That Sh ……M/s ……………………………… (the nominated Compa-

ny/Firm/Proprietorship in India) does hereby unconditionally accept the nomination and give
consent to be responsible for compliance to the provisions of the Act, rules and regulations and
provisions of BIS LRS framed thereunder, on behalf of M/s …………………………… (foreign
applicant) for the purpose of recognition under BIS Laboratory recognition scheme.
M/s ……………………………… (the nominated Company/Firm/Proprietorship in India) fur-
ther undertakes that this consent shall not be revoked during the operation of the BIS recognition
without prior consent of the Bureau.

4. That without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing declaration, Sh…………….or

M/s ……………………………… (the nominated Company/Firm/Proprietorship in India) ac-
cepts and undertakes to be responsible for compliance of all terms and conditions of the recogni-
tion under BIS LRS and to be liable to meet all outstanding financial dues to BIS that may arise
at any stage in connection with the recognition under BIS LRS .

5. That M/s ……………………………… (the nominated Company/Firm/Proprietorship in

India) accepts and undertakes full liability in case of violation of any provision of the BIS Act,
rules and regulations and BIS LRS terms and conditions framed thereunder, arising out of any
act or omission on the part of the foreign applicant.

6. That I declare that M/s ……………………………… (the nominated Compa-

ny/Firm/Proprietorship in India) it will not engage in any activity that is in conflict with the in-
terest of BIS . I fully understand that any violation of this may lead to cancellation of the recog-
nition under BIS LRS apart from other actions as per law.

7. That M/s ……………………………… (the nominated Company/Firm/Proprietorship in

India) as well as the undersigned i.e. deponent, undertake to fully indemnify BIS from any loss
arising out of the licence recognition under BIS LRS to be granted, jointly and severally, on be-
half of the foreign applicant.

In witness whereof, I do hereby sign and execute this affidavit cum undertaking on this
the …… of ………., 20…..

Signed, sealed and delivered by the above named

(Signature with seal and stamp)
(Signature, stamp and seal of Notary Public)
** Strike off whichever is not applicable.


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