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A Multifunctional Solar PV and Grid Based

On-Board Converter for Electric Vehicles
Ankit Kumar Singh , Member, IEEE, Manoj Badoni, Member, IEEE, and Yogesh N. Tatte

Abstract—This work deals with the development of a multi- chargers have to be light weight and small in size so that they
functional power electronic converter (PEC) utilizing dual power can easily fit inside EVs. Further, the on-board chargers are
sources (grid and solar photovoltaic (PV)) for charging phe- more attractive for EVs because this types of charger is always
nomenon of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). The developed config-
uration accomplished all modes of vehicles (charging, propulsion available with vehicles.
(PP) and regenerative braking (RB)). In standstill condition of The on-board chargers are further classified as single-
vehicle, the battery is either charged by grid or simultaneously by stage charger and two-stage charger. Moreover, in two-stage
both grid and solar PV system. In running mode, the battery can charger [3]–[5], a number of components are employed; there-
also be charged through RB operation by utilizing kinetic energy fore, two-stage charging solution is not much appealing for
of vehicle wheels. The proposed converter operates as an isolated
SEPIC in plug-in charging (PIC) mode and as a non-isolated SEPIC on-board implementation of charging system. While a single-
in solar PV charging mode. Further, in PP and RB modes, oper- stage charging system employs fewer number of components
ation of the proposed PEC as a conventional boost converter and than two-stage charging system; therefore, it is more attractive
conventional buck converter, respectively. Both the simulation and for on-board application of EVs. In conventional single-stage
experimental validations for all modes of the proposed converter charging system, a bidirectional DC-DC converter is connected
have been presented.
between DC-link of inverter and battery for power flow during
Index Terms—Electric vehicles, on-board chargers, solar PV PP and RB modes [6]. To eliminate this bidirectional DC-DC
system, DC-DC converter, power factor correction. converter from single-stage charging system, power electronics
researchers have proposed integrated type of chargers [6]–[10].
I. INTRODUCTION In the integrated charger, the bidirectional DC-DC converter of
conventional single-stage system connected between battery and
SUALLY, the electric vehicles (EVs) battery chargers are
U classified as off-board chargers and on-board chargers [1].
In off-board charging system, the charger is placed outside the
DC-link is integrated with front-end converter at the cost of some
additional switches. The overall integrated system has fewer
number of total components compared to single-stage charging
vehicle premises at a charging station and provides a dc output system.
which is directly plugged to the battery. This type of charger In the available literature integrated charging system utilizes
is not responsible for the vehicle weight; therefore, weight of non-isolated type of converters [11]. Moreover, magnetic iso-
these chargers is very high. As a result, it can be rated for high lation is desirable for vehicle application for safety of vehicle
power and thus the EV battery can be charged within a few users as well as protection of charging circuit. Further reported
minutes. However, an impeding factor for the development of integrated chargers use grid as main source for battery charging
these chargers is the cost. Therefore, number of these chargers and alternatively battery is also charged with RB modes. The
is limited and they are not ubiquitous. chargers [12]–[14] utilize only solar PV power source for battery
In on-board chargers, the battery can be directly charged from charging and have the limitation of power indeterminacy; there-
ac mains, which are widely available everywhere. This kind of fore, reliability of charger is sacrificed. However, recently a solar
charger does not require expensive infrastructure and vehicle PV and grid based isolated 10-kW charger has been proposed
can be charged anywhere, which is a clear advantage. They are in [15], which utilizes a large number of component as well as
further classified as conductive charging or inductive charging. it does not operate in PP and RB modes.
In conductive charging system, the whole charging system is Based on the above literature review, this paper proposes a
placed inside the vehicle. In inductive charging system, a part new grid and solar PV based single-stage integrated charging
of the charger is placed outside of the vehicle [2]. The on-board solution for on-board applications, as shown in Fig. 1. The
main features of the proposed PEC are summarized as (a) dual
Manuscript received October 4, 2019; revised December 14, 2019; accepted sources for charging operation, which enhances reliability of
February 2, 2020. Date of publication February 6, 2020; date of current version the charger, (b) galvanic isolation for better safety of vehicle
April 16, 2020. The review of this article was coordinated by Dr. B. Akin.
(Corresponding author: Ankit Kumar Singh.) users and charging circuit, (c) cost of conventional fuel sources
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Instrumentation based electricity per charge reduces, (d) achieves all modes of
Engineering, India Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala- vehicle. Apart from above advantages of solar PV and grid based
147001, India (e-mail:;; charging system, there are few additional advantages for baterry
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2020.2971971 charging with solar PV power, which are summarized as: (i)

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Fig. 1. Configuration of the proposed PEC. Fig. 2. Operation of the proposed PEC during PIC mode.

EV battery is act as energy storage for solar PV system and on switching devices; therefore, these chargers have higher
reduces the adverse impact of large scale of solar PV power operational efficiency in each mode. The charger [10] has very
integration to the conventional grid system, (ii) long duration high efficiency in PP and RB modes because in these two modes
of parking at workplaces or at home results in low charging the converter has low stresses on switching devices and fewer
power requirement, which enables implementation of vehicle- number of devices encounters in the current path. The major
to-grid (V2G) operation (for V2G operation, diode rectifier will limitation of integrated charger [15] is the presence of large
be replaced by active rectifier), where EV act as controllable number of components and does not operate in PP and RB
power sources, (iii) power demands for battery charging from modes.
grid reduces as solar PV power is generated locally [15], [16]. Rest of the sections are organized as follows: section II
The proposed solution is developed from conventional isolated discusses the converter operation in each mode. In Section III,
and non-isolated SEPIC, which operates as an isolated SEPIC stress analysis and selection of switching devices are discussed.
for plug-in charging (PIC) mode and as non-isolated SEPIC Section IV discusses about design and selection of passive
during solar PV charging. Further, in PP and RB modes, the components. The control algorithms for different modes are
proposed integrated converter operates as boost converter and discussed in section V. The simulation and experimental results
buck converter, respectively. have been presented in section VI. Finally, concluding remarks
A detailed analysis of the proposed PEC with reported meth- drawn from the study are given in Section VII.
ods is investigated in the following paragraph using Table I.
The comparison is carried with respect to galvanic isolation, II. OPERATING MODES OF THE CONVERTER
availability of solar PV charging, number passive components In this section, operating modes of the proposed PEC are
and semiconductor devices, and buck/boost capabilities. discussed in detail. States of the switching devices are shown in
From Table I, the existing integrated chargers [7]–[10] do not Table II.
have magnetic isolation between battery and grid as well as solar
PV charging capability. Moreover, integrated charger reported
A. Grid Mode
in [7] has the capability of buck-boost operation in all modes
but this charger has lower efficiency in all modes because it When solar power is not available, the battery is charged
utilizes a number of components in the current path. The reported through grid power. When switch Sa1 turns ON, the rectified grid
integrated chargers [8], [9] can not be effectively used for battery voltage is applied to inductor L1 and current through it builds
charging when peak grid voltage is more than the battery voltage up and L1 stores magnetic energy. The path of current through
(at low state of charge (SOC)) because these converters operate inductor L1 is shown by solid lines in Fig. 2. Moreover, the
only in boost mode. However, integrated chargers [8], [9] have capacitor Cs transfers its stored energy to magnetizing inductor
low component counts and lower voltage and current stresses Lm of high frequency transformer (HFT). In this duration,

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Fig. 3. Operation of the proposed PEC during solar PV mode. Fig. 4. Operation of the proposed PEC during PIC and solar PV modes

the battery is disconnected from the grid hence, capacitor Cb

supplies power to the battery. When Sa1 turns OFF stored energy D. PP Mode
of Lm is transfered to the battery through diode D6 as shown by
green dashed line and shown in Fig. 2. The proposed system in this mode is operated as a conven-
tional boost converter. The switch Sa2 is operated through PWM
signal, and mechanical switches P2 and P3 ON permanently
B. Solar PV Mode ON. When Sa2 is turned-ON voltage Vb is applied to inductor
L1 and it stores magnetic energy and current flows through
If grid power is not available, the battery is charged through
the path indicated in Fig. 5(a) by solid pink line. When Sa2
only solar PVsystem and it is connected to the battery through
is turned- OFF, inductor L1 is supplied its stored energy to the
SEPIC converter. The perturbed and observed based maximum
DC-link capacitor Chv . The current path through various circuit
power point Tacking (MPPT) controller is implemented through
elements has been shown with dotted lines in Fig. 5(a). The
this SEPIC converter to optimize the performance of PV array.
DC-link capacitor transfers its stored electrostatic energy to the
The equivalent circuit representation of this mode is shown in
load (motor drive system though an inverter). The vehicle will
Fig. 3. When switch Sa3 is turned-ON, current through inductors
be in running mode as along as the battery is supplying energy
L2 and L3 flow as path indicated by pink and blue solid lines.
to the DC-link capacitor.
When Sa3 is turned-OFF, inductor L3 imparts its stored energy
to the battery through the diode D8 . While inductor L3 charges
the capacitor Cp . E. RB Mode
The proposed system in this mode is operated as a conven-
C. Solar PV and Grid Modes tional buck converter. The switch Sa3 is operated through PWM
signal, and mechanical switches P2 and P3 is permanently ON
This mode occurs when solar PV system is not able to generate similar to the PP mode. When switch Sa3 is turned ON inductor
required power (reference charging power) to charge the battery. L1 stores energy through the path indicated by pink solid line
In such condition, grid is supplying remaining power (reference in Fig. 5(b). When Sa3 is turned OFF, stored energy of L1 is
power − solar PV power). The grid and solar PV system both supplied to the load through the path indicated by green dotted
simultaneously charge the battery. If reference charging power lines, which is shown in Fig. 5(b).
is not met by solar PV system the rest of the power is supplied
by the grid. The switch Sa3 is operated through PWM to achieve
MPPT operation and supplying power to the battery. The switch
Sa1 is operated for supplying power from grid to the battery. The In this section, peak voltage and current stress analysis of
equivalent circuit of this mode is shown in Fig. 4. the converter is investigated. Based on stress on the switching

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where NC = Not conducting, NIL = 0 V, iL1,pp = inductor L1 current in PP mode, iL1,RB = inductor L1 current in RB mode, iLm,grid = magnetizing inductor Lm current
in PIC mode, ipv,max = peak solar PV current.

The voltage and current rating of switch Sa3 and diode D8 is

selected based on solar PV mode because Sa3 and D8 conduct
only in this mode. The rating of diode D6 is decided by PIC
mode because D6 subjected to the highest stress in this mode.
From Table III, voltage rating of switch P1 is selected as Vhv and
current rating is decided as ig max max (1, g,max
Vb ). The voltage
and current rating of switch P2 is selected as |Vg,max − Vb | and
i i
max (iL1,pp T s + L1,pp
2 , iL1,RB T s + L1,RB
2 ). The switch P3
does not have any voltage stress problem and its current rating
is same as switch P2 .


The design guideline of the passive components of the pro-
posed PEC is an important step because some of the compo-
nents is operated for more than one mode. Therefore, largest
value among all modes is chosen as final value. The switch-
ing frequency is selected as 20 kHz for design of the passive
Inductor L1 is operated in PIC, PP and RB modes; therefore,
its value is calculated for each mode.
a) PIC Mode:
The battery voltage vb in PIC mode is given as [6]
d1 (t)
Vb = |vg (t)| (1)
(1 − d1 (t))
Fig. 5. Operation of the proposed PEC during in (a) PP mode and (b) RB
mode. where d1 (t) is the duty ratio of the converter and expressed as:
vb vb
d1 (t) = = (2)
devices, rating (voltage and current) of the these devices is de- vb + | vg (t) | vb + Vg max | sin(ωt) |
cided. In the proposed integrated system, some of the switching
devices conduct for more than one mode.Therefore, their rating The value of L1 for permitted current ripple (η) is given as [6],
is selected based on the mode for which maximum voltage and [17]
current stress develop on the switching devices. Table III shows    
peak stress on the switching devices for all modes. vg (t)d1 (t) Vg2 d(t) 1 Vg2 Vb
L1P IC = = =
The switch Sa1 is utilized in PIC and PP modes. The voltage ηig (t)fs Pg ηfs ηfs Pg Vb + | Vg |
Stress on Sa1 in PIC mode is (Vg,max +Vb ) and in PP mode is (3)
Vb . Therefore, voltage rating of Sa1 is selected based on PIC The maximum ripple current in inductor is determined at the
mode. The current rating of Sa1 is also decided based on PIC rated conditions i.e., Vb = Vb max and grid power Pg = Pg max
mode because current stress on the switch Sa1 is the sum of the for minimum value of grid voltage (Vg min ). The input √ inductor
input output current. The switch Sa2 conducts only in RB mode. L1P IC is designed for minimum peak grid voltage ( 2Vg min ).
The peak voltage developed across switch Sa2 in RB mode is Using (3), the calculated value of L1P IC is 3.5 mH for permitted
Vhv . Therefore, the voltage rating of Sa2 is selected as Vhv . current ripple 10% of input current (ig ).
The current rating of Sa2 is decided based on only RB mode. b) PP Mode:

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The value inductor L1 in PP mode for allowable ripple current

(η  ) is given as [6], [17], [18]
V b d2
L1P P = (4)
η  fs
where d2 is equal to 1 − VVhv
. For 10% of allowable ripple, the
value of L1P P is calculated as 1.65 mH.
c) RB Mode:
The value of L1 in RB mode for allowable ripple current (η  )
is given as [6], [17], [18] Fig. 6. Control strategy for PIC and solar PV modes.

Vb (1 − d3 )
L1RB = (5)
η  fs
where d3 is equal to VVhv
. For 10% ripple current, the value L1RB
is calculated as 1.63 mH.
The final value of inductor L1 is selected as
L1 = max(L1P IC , L1P P , L1RB ) = max(1.78, 1.65, 1.63)
Therefore, the final of L1 is 1.78 mH and selected value for
simulation experimentation studies.
The value of magnetizing inductance Lm for ripple ξ% of the Fig. 7. Control strategy for PP and RB modes.
grid (ig ) is expressed as [19]

(1 − d1 (t)) Vg2 1 Vb where δ represents the voltage ripple in (%) across capacitor Cb ,
Lm = V b = (7) ω = 2πfL and fL is the grid frequency (50 Hz). For 5% voltage
ΔILm (t)fs Pg ξfs vg (t) + Vb
ripple in Cb , the size of capacitor Cb using (10) is chosen as
where ΔILm (t) = ξ% of the gird current (ig ). The turn ratio of 1200 μF for simulation and experimentation studies.
HFT is selected as unity for this design. The value of Lm for a The DC-link capacitor Chv is determined by PP mode, which
permitted current ripple (10% grid current) is calculated as 2.1 is given as [18]
mH and selected as 2 mH for simulation and experimentation
studies. Chv = (11)
The value of middle capacitor Cs for voltage ripple k% of vcs Rfs Δv

is given as [6] where Δvhv is the ripple voltage in capacitor Chv . From (11),
Vb d1 (t) the value of Chv is calculated as 83.5 μF for Δvhv = 1% of Vhv .
Cs = (8) The selected value of Chv is 100 μF.
kvcs (t)fs RL
The design of MPPT converter (non-isolated SEPIC) is car-
where vcs is the voltage across capacitor Cs by substituting ried out in similar way as isolated SEPIC.
d1 (t), vcs (t)= |vg (t)| and equivalent load resistance RL =
Vb2 /Pb in (8), we can get V. CONTROL ALGORITHM
Vb Vb In this section, control techniques for each mode of vehicle
Cs =
k|(vg (t)|fs Pbb | vg (t) | +Vb
V2 operation are discussed using Figs. 6 and 7.

Pb A. Control Technique for PIC and Solar PV Modes

= (9)
kfs |(vg (t)|(vg (t) + Vb ) In PIC mode (alone), the battery is charged through the
The value of capacitor Cs is estimated at peak magnitude of reference power Pref . It is a two loop control strategy, the
grid voltage (Vg max ) and at nominal battery voltage (Vb ). Now, outer proportional integral (PI) regulator (or controller) Gib (z)
allowable ripple voltage is 5% of vcs , the capacitance value of is supplied by error signal between set charging power and
Cs after assuming 5% voltage across it is 0.823 μF and chosen measured rectified grid side power. The outer PI regulator pro-
as 1 μF. vides a reference DC signal, which is applied to the inner PI
The capacitor Cb is chosen based on second harmonic regulator GiL (z). The signal generated from inner regulator
(100 Hz) voltage ripple experienced by it. Therefore, size of is compared with high frequency sawtooth carrier signal to
capacitor is computed as [6] produce pulse width modulation (PWM) pulses for switch Sa1 ,
as represented in Fig. 6. The PV array provides variable power to
b P
Ib Pb the battery bank depending upon availability of solar irradiance.
Cb = = Vb = (10)
2ωΔVb 2ωδVb 2ωδVb2 A non-isolated SEPIC converter is used as a DC-DC interference

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between PV panel and battery storage system. This converter

has mainly two important functions, first is to optimize the
performance of PV array and second to perform the buck and
boost operation depending upon the environmental situation. A
simple perturb and observe (P&O) based MPPT algorithm is
associated with the solar system is used because it is easy to
implement for experimental study [20]–[23].
When solar of the power is supplied through grid, i.e., Pg =
Pref -Ppv . In this case, battery draws power from both grid and
solar PV system.

B. Control Technique for PP and RB Modes

The implementation of control technique for PP and RB
modes is depicted in Fig. 7.
The control objective for PP mode is to maintain constant
DC-link for effective operation of vehicle drive system. The Fig. 8. Simulation waveforms of PIC mode (alone) (a) grid voltage and grid
PP mode utilizes dual-loop PI controller. The error between current, (b) voltage across capacitor Cs , (c) battery voltage, (d) battery current.

reference DC-link voltage vhv and measured DC-link voltage
vhv is fed to the outer loop PI controller Ghv (z). The error signal
between generated signal (reference battery current i∗b ) from A. Simulation Results
outer controller and measured battery current ib is supplied to
the inner PI controller Gibc (z). The output of inner PI controller The various modes of the proposed PEC have been simulated
is compared to the high frequency sawtooth carrier signal for in Simulink toolbox of Matlab 2013.
generation of PWM pulses for switch Sa1 . 1) PIC and Solar PV Modes: The simulated waveforms of
The control strategy for RB mode utilizes torque or speed PIC mode (alone) are presented in Fig. 8. The grid current and
as reference input, which is determined by the driver [9]. This grid voltage (110 V/10) with 800 W reference charging power
mode also uses dual-loop PI controller. The output of outer PI is shown in Fig. 8(a). Both grid voltage and grid current are
controller Gt (z) is a reference charging power, which generates sinusoidal shape and in line with same phase, which shows the
reference battery current (reference power/ battery voltage) for proposed PEC is operating in high power factor (HPF) mode.
inner current controller. The inner PI controller is common for The voltage developed across capacitor Cs is a rectified grid
PP and RB modes. The output and inner controller is compared voltage, i.e., |vg |, which is approximately around 155 V (peak)
with sawtooth carrier signal for generation PWM pulses to shown in Fig. 8(b). With 20% SOC, the battery voltage is around
switch Sa2 . 50 V, which is shown in Fig. 8(c). At this battery voltage, average
current through the battery is around 15.2 A. Therefore, the
measured power at the battery side is 760 W hence, efficiency
of the converter in PIC mode (alone) is 95%.
VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The waveforms of PIC and solar PV modes (simultaneously)
The proposed PEC is validate through simulation and experi- are shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. The solar PV system is operated
mentation for 48 V battery and 150 V DC-link. The parameters with 500 W/m2 solar irradiation. The maximum solar PV power
of the proposed PEC for simulation and experimentation have at this irradiation is 400 W. The reference charging power is set
been given in Tables IV and Table V. The reference power for at 800 W hence, remaining 400 W charging power is supplied
charging is 800 W. through grid. The grid voltage and grid current are still in same

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Fig. 9. Simulation waveforms of PIC and solar PV modes (simultaneously)

Fig. 11. Simulated waveforms of PP mode (a) DC-link voltage, (b) DC-link
(a) grid voltage and grid current (b) solar PV voltage, (c) solar PV current.
current, (c) battery voltage, (d) battery current.

Fig. 10. Simulated waveforms of PIC and solar PV modes (simultaneously),

(a) solar PV power, (b) battery voltage, (c) battery current. Fig. 12. Simulated waveforms of RB mode (a) DC-link voltage, (b) battery
voltage, (c) battery current.

phase when solar PV system acting with grid, which shows

The current at battery side is measured as 9.4 A and 11.5 A at
converter is stably operating in PFC mode with solar PV source.
450 W and 550 W, respectively, which is shown in Fig. 11(d).
The meaured solar PV voltage at maximum power point (MPP) is
RB mode is tested by decreasing dc-link voltage because
around 54.6 V and current is 7.3 A, as shown in Fig. 9. The solar
when brakes will be apply speed of the machine continuously
PV power, battery voltage and battery current have been shown
decreases hence, generated voltage voltage at machine terminal
in Fig. 10. The measured battery current in this mode is around
will decrease. Here, dc-link voltage is varied from 150 V to 100 V
14.5 A and power at battery side is 725 W. The overall efficiency
shown in Fig. 12(a) and the battery is charged with constant
of both converter (SEPIC isolated and SEPIC non-isolated) is
current of 10 A. The battery voltage and battery current are
around 90.6%.
shown in Fig. 12(b) and Fig. 12(c), respectively.
2) PP and RB Modes: The simulation waveforms of PP
modes with step load variations are shown in Fig. 11. The
B. Experimental Results
reference DC-link voltage is 150 V and the objective of pp mode
is to regulate the DC-link voltage at the reference value. To verify In this section, experimental results of each mode are dis-
this mode, a step load variation is applied at t = 1 s (450 W to cussed. The experimental setup (Fig. 13) has been developed
550 W) and again t = 2 s (550 W to 450 W). The DC-link using components mentioned in Table VI.
voltage reaches to reference value immediately after this step 1) PIC and Solar PV Modes: The screenshot of oscilloscope
load variation, which is shown in Fig. 11(a). The variation in during PIC mode (alone) with 800 W power is shown in Fig. 14.
the DC-link current with load power is shown in Fig. 11(b). The From this figure, the grid voltage and grid current are in same
battery voltage remains constant at 50 V shown in Fig. 11(c). phase with desired wave-shape. The measured power factor (PF)

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Fig. 15. Power quality parameters of PIC mode.

Fig. 13. Photo of experimental setup.


Fig. 16. Waveforms across capacitor Cs and current through inductor L1 .

Fig. 17. Voltage waveform across switch Sa1 and diode D6 in plug-in mode.

waveform across capacitor Cs and current waveform through

inductor L1 have been shown in Fig. 16. The waveform of
voltage across switch Sa1 and diode D6 in PIC mode is shown
in Fig. 17. Both switch and diode tolerate a sum of input and
output voltages, i.e., (vg +vb ).
The waveforms of grid and solar PV modes (simultaneously)
are shown in Fig. 18(a) and 18(b). At 500 W/m2 solar irradiation,
the solar PV generates 400 W power. For 800 W reference
Fig. 14. Experimental waveforms in PIC mode (alone).
charging power, remaining 400 W power is supplied by the grid.
The grid current and grid voltage are still in same phase with
and total harmonic distortion (THD) of the grid current have desired wave-shape, which shows converter is operating in high
been shown in Fig. 15. The THD of the grid current is found PF mode even solar PV operation. The measured average battery
as 4.4% and PF is unity. Which indicates converter is drawing current is around 15.4 A and calculated power at battery side is
almost negligible reactive power from the grid as a result, cost 740 W. Hence, for 800 W reference charging power, the overall
of electricity for charging is minimized. The measured power at efficiency of the system (including both converters) is around
grid side is 855 W at 800 W charging power; therefore, converter 92.5%. The waveform of voltage across switch Sa3 and diode
efficiency in this mode is around 93.56%. The battery current D8 is shown in Fig. 19. Both switch and diode experience a sum
shown in Fig. 14 at CH4 contains 100 Hz frequency ripple, i.e. of PV output voltage and battery voltage, i.e., (vpv + vb ).
twice of the grid frequency (50 Hz), which appears inherently 2) PP and RB Modes: In PP mode, the battery supplies power
in single-phase system with single-stage implementation of to the load. In a real system, load i.e., motor drive is controller
charger. This low frequency current ripple in battery is reduced through an inverter. For healthy operation of vehicle, the DC-link
by utilizing an inductive filter at battery terminal. The voltage voltage of inverter must be constant during this mode irrespective

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Fig. 20. Experimental Verification of PP mode with step load change.

Fig. 21. Voltage waveform across switch Sa1 and diode D7 in PP mode.

Fig. 18. Waveforms during PIC and solar PV modes (simultaneously) (a)
waveforms of grid voltage, grid current, and solar PV current and voltage (b)
waveforms of solar PV power, battery voltage and battery current.

Fig. 22. Experimental Verification of RB mode with dc-link voltage variation.

Fig. 19. Voltage waveform across switch Sa3 and diode D8 in solar PV mode.

of any variations in the system either input side or output side. In application, usually PP mode has highest power rating than any
this study, DC-link voltage is selected as 150 V for 48 V battery. other mode [8].
To verify the effectiveness of closed loop control system, the RB modes, kinetic energy of wheels is converted into electric
load power is varied in step manner from 450 W to 550 W. The energy by regeneration process. In this study, this mode is
variation in the battery current at step load changes is shown in tested by manually varying the DC-link voltage through the help
Fig. 20 at CH3. The DC-link voltage is regulated at 150 V for of auto-transformer and rectifier arrangement because DC-link
the load change in Fig. 20 at CH1. The measured battery side voltage changes in accordance with speed of motor in real
current is around 9.8 A hence, and calculated power at battery system. The battery is charged with 10 A of current through
side is 472. 36 W. The efficiency of the converter at 450 W is regeneration process by varying the DC-link voltage from 150 V
approximately 95%. The waveform of voltage across switch Sa1 to 100 V, which is shown in Fig. 22. The waveform of voltage
and diode D7 in PP mode is shown in Fig. 21. In this mode, both across switch Sa2 and diode D5 in RB mode is shown in Fig. 23.
switch and diode experience output voltage i.e.,vhv . Moreover, In this mode, both switch and diode experience input voltage,
low voltage stress (only vhv ) in PP mode is desirable for vehicle i.e., vhv .

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[3] O. C. Onar, J. Kobayashi, D. C. Erb, and A. Khaligh, “A bidirectional Ph.D degree from the Indian Institute of Technology,
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[4] J. C. Bendien, G. Fregien, and J. D. van Wyk, “High-efficiency on-board India as a Lecturer from 2009 to 2011. He is currently
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maximum power factor,” IEE Proc. B - Electric Power Appl., vol. 133, research interest in battery charging of electric vehi-
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Manoj Badoni (Member, IEEE) received the Yogesh N. Tatte was born in India, in 1988. He
B. Tech. degree in instrumentation engineering from received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering
the University Science and Instrumentation Centre, from Nagpur University, Nagpur, India, in 2010, the
HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, India, M. Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the G.
in 2006, the M.E. degree in electronics engineering H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, India, in
from Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh, India, 2013, and the Ph.D. degree from the Visveswaraya
in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India, in
from Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India, in july 2017. He is currently working as an Assistant
2016. In 2017, he joined the Department of Electrical Professor with the Thapar Institute of Engineering
and Instrumentation Engineering, Thapar Institute of and Technology, Patiala, India. His current research
Engineering and Technology, Patiala, India, as an interests include power electronics, drives and digital-
Assistant Professor. His areas of research interest include power electronics, signal-processing-based control applications.
power quality, and grid integration of renewable energy sources.

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