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Design of 2kW DC Charger For Two Wheelers: D. M. Chandwadkar, Azmina Gayasuddin Maniyar, S. P. Ugale

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-10, August 2019

Design of 2kW DC Charger for Two Wheelers

D. M. Chandwadkar, Azmina Gayasuddin Maniyar, S. P. Ugale
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) further
Abstract: The demand for Electric Vehicles is increasing day characterized the AC charging stations into standard levels as
by day. EVs are silent, nonpolluting and produce zero emissions. Level1 and Level 2. A Level 1 EVSE is typically a
This paper presents the design of a dc charger that performs the residential
necessary functions for charging EV battery. An EV charger is a charger which uses commonly available 120 VAC/230 VAC
component in EV environment that supplies power for recharging power sources while Level 2 EVSE can be a residential or
the EV battery. Usually, charging an electric car seems to be very
commercial charger used in public places such as malls,
simple process, implying that one can plug one’s car into a
offices, etc. which uses poly-phase 240 VAC sources. There
charger that is connected to the electric grid. However, it is not as
that simple. It depends on the types of EVSE that one has
is an unofficial Level known as Level 3 DC for DC Charging
deployed. Offboard DC Charger is connected to the premises Stations. This Level 3 DC charging station consists of an
wiring of the mains ac supply network .It is designed to be external charger to supply high-voltage DC directly to the
separate and operate entirely off the vehicle. In the offboard dc vehicles battery and quickly charges it by reducing the
charger, direct current electrical power is delivered directly to the charging time [2].The power subsystem (module) of an
vehicle. The power module in a DC fast charger consists of an onboard charger and an off-board charger are differentiated
AC-to-DC rectifier converter and an isolated DC/DC converter. on the basis of charging power levels. The power module of
The AC-to-DC rectifier is power factor correction stage in which a an off-board (DC) charger is generally designed for the
Vienna Rectifier based PFC converter is used. The Isolated purpose of transferring higher kilowatts of power on the EV
DC-DC Converter used here is the Phase Shift Full Bridge and requires a more complex BMS which can increase
DC-DC converter. A 2 kW prototype of the offboard DC Charger overall efficiency of the electric vehicles. Similarly, an
is designed and simulated in MATLAB/Simulink R2018b. onboard charger is generally designed for lower kilowatts of
power transfer on the EV and requires long charging time[3].
Index Terms: charger , emissions, isolated, offboard. Power electronics converters play an important role in
Electric Vehicles starting from the charging stations to
I. INTRODUCTION driving of the electric motor drives [4]. In EVs, AC-DC
The global Electric Vehicle market is amped up and is on the Converters, DC-DC Converters and DC-AC Converters are
rise. EVs are slowly emerging as a viable alternative to the the various types of converters present. The most important
conventional gasoline vehicles. New battery technology is part in each EV is the battery that provides energy for the
making EV more practical, but the real secret to its ultimate entire system. EV batteries needs to be charged up to a
success is the charging system. EVs have a primary certain level to have sufficient amount of energy for the car
advantage, that they produce zero emissions. EVs are also user required during any travel. Different battery chargers
quiet in operation and fast. The disadvantages of EVs are its have been introduced for EVs distinguished as fast or slow
cost , range, and issues for charging battery. Prices remain up chargers in which charging depends on the power rating and
due to small production volumes and the high battery cost. the place of charge.
Range is one of the main limitations because of the battery
capacity [1]. For public outlets feeding AC supply to the EV, II. CLASSIFICATION OF CONVERTERS
the chargers are on board and these on-board chargers are
supplied by vehicle manufacturer. If the public chargers, also The single-phase systems and passive three-phase diode
known as off-board chargers are DC chargers, the batteries of rectifiers help to derive the three-phase PFC rectifier
the electric vehicles could be charged directly. An AC topologies. These single phase and three phase PFC
charger provides power for charging the electric vehicles topologies are basically classified mainly into three types
battery through the vehicles onboard charger, while at the such as passive, hybrid, and active PFC rectifier systems.
same time, a DC charger directly charges the electric The active PFC rectifier topologies are further divided into
vehicles battery. four types namely, the active six-switch boost-type PFC
rectifier, the active six-switch buck-type PFC rectifier,
Manuscript published on 30 August 2019. Vienna rectifier, and the Swiss rectifier. The applications of
*Correspondence Author(s) high power, three-phase power factor correction are offboard
Prof. Dr. D. M. Chandwadkar, Professor & HOD, Department of electric vehicle (EV) chargers and telecom rectifiers in which
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, K. K. Wagh Institute of
Engineering Education and Research, Nashik, India Vienna Rectifier Topology is used. Control design of the
Azmina Gayasuddin Maniyar, ME student, Department of Electronics and rectifier can be complex. Three-phase power is used by
Telecommunication Engineering, K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering equipment operating at high power in industrial applications.
Education and Research, Nashik, India To improve grid power quality and reduce the harmonic
Prof. Dr. S. P. Ugale, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering, K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering currents drawn, power factor correction is needed as many of
Education and Research, Nashik, India the forward loads are DC.
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the
CC-BY-NC-ND license

Retrieval Number: I8960078919/19©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I8960.0881019 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
624 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Design of 2kW DC Charger for Two Wheelers

Applications such as regulated switch-mode dc power A. Vienna Rectifier

supplies and in dc-motor drive provides the significance of The AC/DC power circuit uses an input filter in order to
Dc-Dc Converters. Switch mode dc power supplies consists reduce electromagnetic interferences to the grid and a
of dc-dc converters with an electrical isolation transformer, three-phase power factor correction circuit. The PFC circuit
while dc-motor drives needs them without an isolation regulates the output voltage (bus voltage) and also achieves
transformer. With all the different topologies discovered, the desired unity power factor in the point of connection to
dc-dc converters are categorized into two types, non-isolated the grid. It comprises of a semiconductor switch, say, an
and isolated converter. Buck converter, boost converter, IGBT in each phase leg of a 3-Phase diode bridge. The
buck-boost converter, Cúk converter, and full-bridge corresponding line current is forced to be sinusoidal and in
converter are the five topologies that are common phase with the Voltage by adjusting the width of the pulse
non-isolated converter. The full-bridge is obtained from the that turns ON the IGBT.
buck converter whereas both the Cúk and buck-boost When the IGBT is turned ON the corresponding phase is
converters are a combination of the buck and boost connected, by means of the line inductor, to the center point
converters. These converters are sometime used as in between the two output capacitors. The phase current
unidirectional converters either to step up or step down the rises, through the IGBT charges the capacitor during that
voltage. The electrical isolation in switching dc power pulse period. When the IGBT is turned off, current tapers
supplies is provided by a high-frequency transformer where through the diode half bridge which can be upper or lower
the input and output of the converter are electrically depending on direction of the current flow. In Vienna
separated. Having isolation will assist in noise reduction, Rectifier configuration, as shown in fig. 3.2, the output
help in personnel safety, and provides protection to the capacitor is split in two parts as two equal value capacitors,
system due to galvanic isolation. Various types of Isolated C1 and C2, which are connected in series configuration.
dc-dc converters can be classified into two basic categories Across the output capacitors, the three Phase peak detected
like Unidirectional Core Excitation and Bidirectional Core outputs are the –Vdc and +Vdc respectively.
Excitation on the way they utilize the transformer core. Some
of the Non-isolated dc-dc converters can be modified to
provide electrical isolation by means of unidirectional core
excitation. Such modifications include Flyback Converter
which is derived from the buck-boost converter and Forward
Converter which is derived from the Step-down converter.
To provide electrical isolation by means of bidirectional core
excitation, the single-phase switch-mode inverter topologies
can be used to produce an ac square-waveform at the input of
the high-frequency isolation transformer. The inverter
topologies which can constitute a switching dc power supply
are Push-pull, Half-bridge and Full-bridge. Fig. 3.2 Circuit Diagram of Vienna Rectifier


The power circuit is composed of two different stages, The phase shift isolated DC-DC Converter consists of an
AC/DC converter stage at the first followed by a DC/DC inverter, transformer and a secondary rectifier. There are two
converter stage. A circuit configuration of the battery charger basic topologies that most of the isolated families fall into,
can be seen in fig. 3.1.The power-factor-correction (PFC) voltage source converter and a current source converter with
circuit conditions the three-phase AC filtered input. The AC a high frequency transformer in between them.
is converted into a DC-voltage of about 560 V by active The voltage source is paired with a current source to form a
metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor bidirectional flow to allow smooth power transfer. Each
(MOSFET) rectifiers. inverter or rectifier block can be in a form of voltage source
or a current source converter. There are three basic structures
that make a voltage source or a current source converter.
These are the full-bridge, half-bridge and push-pull structure.
The basic three topologies of the current source can be
achieved by replacing the capacitor in parallel to the dc bus
in a voltage source structure with an inductor that is placed in
series with the dc bus. The phase shift full bridge DC-DC
Converter is shown in fig. 3.3. The inverter consists of four
IGBTs. When IGBTs Q1 and Q2 are turned on
simultaneously, the supply voltage Vs appears across the
Fig. 3.1 System Diagram of DC Charger load. If IGBTs Q3 and Q4 are turned on at the same time,
the voltage across the load is of reversed
This voltage is supplied to a DC/DC converter made up of
insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) in order to
generate the correct DC level voltage of about 48 VDC for
charging of the battery. One or more MCUs like TI’s C2000
Microcontroller series control the AC/DC and DC/DC

Retrieval Number: I8960078919/19©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I8960.0881019 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
625 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-10, August 2019

parameters so that the model can be simulated correctly.

Each distinct Simscape block diagram requires exactly
one Solver Configuration block to be connected to it for its
The simulation of Phase Shift full Bridge DC-DC Converter
is carried out in Matlab Simulink R2018b as depicted in fig.
4.2. The toolbox used for performing the simulation is
Simscape. The powergui block is needed to simulate any
Fig. 3.3 Phase Shift Full Bridge DC-DC Converter Simulink model containing Simscape Electrical and
polarity and is –Vs. The table I shows the five states of the Specialized Power Systems blocks. It stores the equivalent
switches. IGBTs Q1,Q4 in fig. 3.3 act as the switching Simulink circuit that represents the state-space equations of
devices S1,S4, respectively. If two switches one upper and the model which are needed to derive the appropriate results.
one lower conduct at the same time the output voltage can be
±Vs. The components conducting are shown in table.

Table I.
Vo Conducting
S1 S2 S3 S4 io > 0 io < 0
OFF OFF ON ON - Vs D4,D3 S4,S3
- Vs
D4,D3 D4,D2
Fig. 4.2 Phase Shift Full Bridge DC-DC Converter
The transformer turns ratio n which can be calculated from
equation (1) is 8.4. Sinusoidal PWM Method is used in the inverter. The
diagnostics for the building of the ePWM model is shown in
Ns/Np = (Vout / Vin_min) * (1/∂max) (1)
fig. 5.1. These pulses from the ePWM blocks are given for
n = Np/Ns = 8.4 driving the IGBTs as shown in fig. 5.2. These are generated
The table II depicts the specifications of the phase shift full using the ePWM Block of the Texas Instruments C2000
bridge DC-DC Converter. For the PSFB DC-DC Converter, TMS320F28027 MCU.
the input voltage is 560V and the output voltage is 48V with
the switching frequency of 100KHz. The IGBTs which can
be selected are STGW60H65DFB with 650V, Ic = 60A.

Table II.
Parameter Description Typ. Unit
Vin Input Voltage 560 V
Vout Output Voltage 48 V
Pout Output Power 2 kW
Iout_max Maximum Output Current 42 A
fsw Switching Frequency 100 kHz

Fig. 5.1 Diagnostic viewer for building a Simulink Model

The simulation of the Vienna Rectifier has been performed in
MATLAB R2018b software and the simulation model is
shown in fig. 4.1. The simulation is performed in the
Simscape Toolbox. In the Simscape Toolbox, each physical

Fig. 5.2 SPWM for IGBTs

The Vienna rectifier has an input voltage of 3Ø 415 V, 50
Hz. Total Simulation time is 0.4 s, the modulation index
changes from 0.3 to 0.8 at time 0.2 s.
Fig. 4.1 Vienna Rectifier

network which is represented by a connected block diagram

requires solver settings information for its simulation.
The Solver Configuration block specifies the required solver
Retrieval Number: I8960078919/19©BEIESP Published By:
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I8960.0881019 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
626 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Design of 2kW DC Charger for Two Wheelers

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Fig. 5.4 The dc-link voltage and Phase currents. AUTHORS PROFILE

The dc link voltage obtained from the output of the Vienna Dr. Dinesh M. Chandwadkar is a Professor and head
Rectifier(PFC) is the input for PSFB DC-DC Converter of E & TC Department at K. K. Wagh Institute of
Engineering Education & Research, Nashik, India. His
which is made up of IGBTs and the output voltage obtained area of interest includes Signal Processing, Power
is 48V. This 48V is required for charging of the electric Electronics, Mechatronics, Automotive Electronics etc.
vehicle battery. The input and output voltages of the DC DC He has published many research papers in reputed
Converter are plotted in the fig. 5.5. Journals. He is working as Board of Studies member of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering for Pune University. He is working on a
research project “ Technology Pilot for DC charging of EV Bus”, funded by,
DHI New Delhi.

Azmina Gayasuddin Maniyar is pursuing Masters of

Engineering (VLSI and Embedded Systems) at K. K.
Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research,
Nashik, India. She has completed her Bachelor’s degree
in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
from the K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering
Education Research, Nashik, India. She has published a research paper in an
International Journal.

Fig. 5.5 The input and output voltages Prof. Dr. Sunita Patil (Ugale) is working as an
Associate Professor in Electronics and
VI. CONCLUSION Telecommunication Engineering department of K. K.
Wagh Institute of engineering Education and research,
In this paper, 2 kW DC Charger is presented for Electric Nashik, Maharashtra since last 20 years. She has
completed her Ph. D. from S.V. National Institute of
Vehicle Applications. The purpose of the PFC stage is to Technology, Surat.
ensure that the input current is in phase with the grid voltage, Her special fields of interest include Fiber Optics Communication, Optical
thus improving the grids overall power factor. The dc link Sensors and VLSI technology. She has published more than 50 papers. She
voltage obtained is 560V. The SPWM method is used in the has worked as Board of Studies member of Electronics Engineering for Pune
University. She has received research grant from Department of science and
inverter part. The output voltage of 48V is used for charging technology of India, DHI New Delhi and BCUD.
the electric vehicle’s battery.

1. Bart Basille, Jayanth Rangaraju,“Which new semiconductor
technologies will speed electric vehicle charging adoption?” ,
September 2017.
2. “Committee Report on Standardization of Public EV Chargers”, May

Retrieval Number: I8960078919/19©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I8960.0881019 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
627 © Copyright: All rights reserved.

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