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Rubber Design-0-COMM

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Table of content.

Flexible suspension.

1.1 General Page 2

1.2 Flexible stabilizers Page 3

1.3 Hanging fixed points Page 4

1.4 Standing fixed points Page 5


2.1 General Page 6

2.2 Absorptive silencers Page 7

2.3 Combined reactive/absorptive silencers. Page 8

2.4 Reactive silencers Page 9

Stainless steel bellows.

3.1 General Page 10

3.2 Flanges type DIN 2573 PN6 Page 12

3.3 Flanges type DIN 2576 PN10 Page 13

3.4 Flanges type DIN 86044 Page 14

Other exhaust equipment.

4.1 Funnel deck piperuns Page 15

4.2 Heat reducing bulkhead penetration Page 16

4.3 Heat reducing flexible bulkhead penetration Page 17

1 Last revision 24-01-2005

1.1 General
In every situation where diesel engines are used, noise and It is equally important to ensure the frequencies, produced by any
vibration will be generated! As well through the engine foundation, part of the exhaust system, are not the same as the frequencies
engine disturbance will travel along the exhaust system to be caused by the engine ignition, the first order frequencies of the
transmitted into the vessel wherever the system is in contact with engine or the propeller blade frequency.
the ships structure. Rubber Design BV has the experience and
solutions to control the vibration and noise emissions from the Types of mounting.
exhaust system.
By flexibly mounting not only the engine but also the exhaust Two basic types of mounting are used, fixed support mountings and
system, we can control most of these unwanted noise emissions. A stabiliser mountings. The fixed support mountings take the static
significant reduction in the radiated noise and vibration can be and dynamic forces and determine the direction of the expansion in
achieved by introducing rubber-metal elements between the the exhaust system. The stabiliser mountings allow the thermal
exhaust system and ship’s structure. expansion movement caused by the high temperature of the
For an explanation of how the noise reduction is achieved, the exhaust piping within the ship’s structure to be controlled. In case
transmission speed of sound through steel and rubber needs to be of horizontal piping the stabiliser mountings also carry the weight of
understood. The transmission speed through steel is approximately the pipe.
5000 m/sec. while through rubber, the transmission speed is
approximately 45 to 90 m/sec. Thermal insulation.
By careful design and positioning of the rubber-metal elements it is
possible to obtain a reduction of 8 to 10 dB (A) across the majority In order to protect the rubber against the high exhaust gas
of the frequency range of 63 to 4000 Hz. temperatures, it is necessary to install sufficient thermal insulation.
To give the optimum isolation, the number of mountings are kept to It is essential to reduce the temperatures at the rubber-metal
a minimum and positioned at strengthened locations in the ship’s elements to less than 80°C. By using suitable insulation materials, it
structure, for example deck levels, frame webs or specially is possible to keep the temperature to a maximum of 50°C. It is
constructed supports. Every installation takes into account the always recommended to provide a minimum air gap of
weight of the appropriate section of the system, the forces approximately 25 mm between the exhaust mounting and exhaust
produced by ship movements and thermal expansion effects. system. The above is applicable for the flexible fixed points, for the
stabilisers the thermal insulation is attained to the length of the
threaded rod.

2 Last revision 25-08-2006

1.2 Stabilizers
The stabilizers are sized and positioned to allow the maximum If necessary, the length of the stabilizer can be reduced by one-third
thermal expansion of the exhaust system between the fixed point in of its length.
the exhaust and the stainless steel bellows.
The stabilizers are available in the following dimensions:
It is necessary to place the stabilizers at an angle of approx. 90° to
flexibly the support of the exhaust piping in the required directions.

RD 101 RD 251D / RD 501D RD 1001 / RD 2001 / RD 3001

Type A B C D E F G H I Weight Fz max Hardness

RD 101 50 320 118 8 50 95 75 M10 - 1.4 kg 900 N 45° / 60°
RD 251D 65 300 135 10 60 100 100 M12 - 2.6 kg 3000 N 45° / 60°
RD 501D 80 470 130 15 70 120 120 M16 - 5.0 kg 4500 N 45° / 60°
RD 1001 100 530 115 10 40 150 150 M24 70 9.7 kg 9000 N 45° / 60°
RD 2001 100 530 130 10 50 180 200 M30 80 14.7 kg 20000 N 45° / 65°
RD 3001 100 555 215 15 65 230 200 M36 140 25.4 kg 36000 N 45° / 65°

3 Last revision 18-02-2004

1.3 Hanging fixed points
The hanging fixed points support the exhaust system and control the The fixed points control the direction of the thermal expansion
dynamic forces which occur in the system while the vessel is in within the exhaust system.
The hanging fixed points are available in the following

RD 101 / RD 251 / RD 501 RD 251D / RD 501D / RD 1001 / RD 2001 / RD 3001

Type A B C D E F G Insulation Weight Fz max Hardness

RD 101 75 40 95 50 50 Max.20 M10 35x35x12 0.9 kg 900 N 45° / 60°
RD 251 100 55 110 65 65 Max.15 M12 40x40x12 2.1 kg 5200 N 45° / 60° / 70°
RD 251D 100 55 100 65 65 - M12 40x40x12 1.9 kg 3000 N 45° / 60°
RD 501 120 68 135 80 80 Max.20 M16 50x50x12 3.8 kg 9500 N 45° / 60° / 70°
RD 501D 120 65 120 80 80 - M16 50x50x12 3.5 kg 4500 N 45° / 60°
RD 1001 150 80 150 100 100 - M24 60x60x12 7.3 kg 9000 N 45° / 60°
RD 2001 200 110 180 100 100 - M30 70x70x16 10.1 kg 20000 N 45° / 65°
RD 3001 200 110 230 100 100 - M36 80x80x16 17.0 kg 34000 N 45° / 65°

4 Last revision 18-02-2004

1.4 Standing fixed points
The standing fixed points support the exhaust system and control the The fixed points control the direction of the thermal expansion within
dynamic forces, which occur in the system while the vessel is in the exhaust system.
The standing fixed points are available in the following dimensions:

RD MP 2 / RD MP 3 RD MP 4 / RD MP 5

Type A B C D E F Insulation Weight Fz max Hardness

RD MP 2 134 82 45 11 (2x) 100 M12 40x40x12 0.5 kg 2250 N 45° / 55° / 65°
RD MP 3 170 113 55 13 (2x) 140 M12 40x40x12 1.1 kg 4750 N 45° / 55° / 65°
RD MP 4 168 150 66 13 (4x) 132 M16 80x80x12 2.2 kg 14000 N 45° / 55° / 65°
RD MP 5 220 206 94 18 (4x) 180 M20 100x100x20 5.4 kg 36000 N 45° / 55° / 65°

5 Last revision 24-11-2004

2.1 General

Rubber Design silencers are available in a standard design (types These silencers are also available in other materials such as
NCS, NAS and NRS) and can also be made to a custom size upon AISI304 and AISI316 as an option.
request. The technical department at Rubber Design has an The silencers can be mounted both in a horizontal and
extensive knowledge of acoustics and flow-dynamics which vertical position and are optionally available with an
enables us to select the ideal configuration, considering available integrated spark arrester.
space, position of the silencers in the system, pressure fall and
the required sound reduction. The following information is required for the design of these
Design: • Sound level/pressure (Lw/Lp) of the
The standard range of the silencers are manufactured from ST37- • Desired noise reduction
2 and are provided with a heat-resistant preservation. • Exhaust volume
• Maximum acceptable pressure loss
• Available space.

6 Last revision 18-02-2004

2.2 Silencers type NAS
Rubber Design type NAS silencers are absorptive silencers and are Using the formula below you will be able to calculate the
generally used for noise attenuation in the middle and higher gas pressure fall.
frequencies. These silencers can be mounted in both horizontal If required we can give you additional detailed
and vertical positions. Max recommended gas speed 60 m/s, max information specific for your application.
temperature 600 °C. In general, these silencers are manufactured
in mild steel (S 235 JR G2) and are provided with a black heat
resistant silicon coating. These silencers are also available in other
materials such as stainless steel 304 and 316 as an option.

The pressure drop of a silencer is depending upon the exhaust

flow (gas velocity) through the silencer.

Attenuation silencer: (measured on a 6” system) Pressure drop calculation:

50 2
 1,27 xQv   293 
P = 0,18 x  x 
 d   t + 273 

30 Qv = exhaust flow in M³/s

dB d = nominal bore in m
t = temperature in °C

31,5 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K

Frequency •Hz•

N.B. 050 065 080 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
A (mm) 60,3 76,2 88,9 114,3 139,7 168,3 219,1 273,0 323,9 355,6 406,4 457,2 508,0
B (mm) 150 200 200 250 300 350 400 550 600 700 800 800 900
C (mm) 750 750 1000 1000 1250 1250 1500 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3000
D (mm) 900 900 1150 1250 1500 1500 1750 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3250
Weight (kg) 10 15 20 30 45 70 95 200 275 350 425 475 575
Flanges up to NB 350 according to DIN 2576 PN10, above NB 350 according to DIN 86044, other flanges on request.

7 Last revision 18-02-2004

2.3 Silencers type NCS
Rubber Design type NCS silencers are combined The pressure drop of the silencer is depending upon the
reactive/absorptive silencers with a high attenuation, approx. 40 exhaust flow (gas velocity) through the silencer.
dB(A), across the entire frequency range, this is all combined with Using the formula below you will be able to calculate the
the compact dimensions of the unit. This silencer is optionally gas pressure fall.
available with an integrated spark arrester. These silencers can be If required we can give you additional detailed
mounted in both horizontal and vertical position. Max information specific to your application.
recommended gas speed 60 m/s, max temperature 600 °C.
In general, these silencers are manufactured in mild steel (S 235
JR G2) and are provided with a black heat resistant silicon
coating. These silencers are also available in other material such
as stainless steel 304 and 316 as an option.

Attenuation silencer: (measured on a 6” system) Pressure drop calculation:

45 2
 1, 27 xQv   293 
40 P = 2,7 x  x 
 d   t + 273 

30 Qv = exhaust flow in M³/s
dB 25 d = nominal bore in m
20 t = temperature in °C
31,5 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K

Frequency (Hz)

N.B. 050 065 080 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
A (mm) 60,3 76,2 88,9 114,3 139,7 168,3 219,1 273,0 323,9 355,6 406,4 457,2 508,0
B (mm) 250 300 300 400 400 480 600 700 800 950 950 1100 1200
C (mm) 750 750 1000 1250 1500 1500 1750 2250 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
D (mm) 900 900 1250 1500 1750 1750 2000 2500 2750 3250 3750 4250 4750
Weight (kg) 25 35 40 80 90 130 200 300 400 625 800 1250 1500
Note: This type of silencer can optionally be provided with a side inlet and also with a side outlet.
Flanges up to NB 350 according to DIN 2576 PN10, above NB 350 according to DIN 86044, other flanges on request.

8 Last revision 18-02-2004

2.4 Silencers type NRS
Rubber Design type NRS silencers are reactive silencers and are The pressure drop of a silencer is depending upon the
generally used for noise attenuation in the the lower frequencies, exhaust flow (gas velocity) through the silencer.
mainly in combination with the NAS type. This silencer is
optionally available with an integrated spark arrester. These Using the formula below you will be able to calculate the gas
silencers can be mounted in both horizontal and vertical positions. pressure fall.
Max recommended gas speed 60 m/s, max gas temperature 600 If required we can give you additional detailed information
°C. specific to your application.
In general, these silencers are manufactured in mild steel (S 235
JR G2) and are provided with a black heat resistant silicon
coating. These silencers are also available in other materials such
as stainless steel 304 and 316 as an option.

Attenuation silencer: (measured on a 6” system) Pressure drop calculation:

35 2
 1, 27 xQ v   293 
P = 2, 4 x   x 
30  d   t + 273 

Qv = exhaust flow in M³/s
dB 20
d = nominal bore in m
t = temperature in °C
31,5 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K

Frequency (Hz)

N.B. 050 065 080 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
A (mm) 60,3 76,2 88,9 114,3 139,7 168,3 219,1 273,0 323,9 355,6 406,4 457,2 508,0
B (mm) 250 300 300 400 400 480 600 700 800 950 950 1100 1200
C (mm) 750 750 1000 1250 1500 1500 1750 2250 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
D (mm) 900 900 1250 1500 1750 1750 2000 2500 2750 3250 3750 4250 4750
Weight (kg) 20 30 35 70 80 100 180 275 350 550 700 1100 1350
Note: This type of silencer can optionally be provided with a side inlet and also with a side outlet.
Flanges up to NB 350 according to DIN 2576 PN10, above NB 350 according to DIN 86044, other flanges on request.

9 Last revision 18-02-2004

3.1 Stainless steel exhaust bellows
There are two basic types of expansion bellows – singles and doubles, control of vibrations and forces in pipe systems which provides optimal
and their purpose is to absorb the movement in any pipework run that lifetime.
is fixed between two fixed points.
Single bellows units are chiefly used to absorb axial movement, while We can deliver bellows with welding ends or flanges. Standard we can
double units are more suitable where lateral movement is present. supply flanges like DIN 86044, DIN PN 6/10. (For measurements see
To move a bellows in any direction a force must be applied. That force attached flange tables), if required we are able to deliver other types of
is the product of the movement and the spring rate of the bellows in the flanges e.g. JIS 5K and ANSI 150 LBS or a flange especially made in
direction of the movement. accordance with your desires. It is also possible to deliver the stainless
Rubber Design supplies a stainless steel bellows with a low stiffness, steel bellows with a rotating flange to simplify assembling.
which achieves in combination with our flexible suspension the best

Single bellows

welding ends flanges

N.B. 050 065 080 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000
A 195 210 250 290 305 305 310 320 320 330 340 340 340 350 350 350 360 360
J 60 76 89 114 140 168 219 273 324 356 406 457 508 608 - - - -
K 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.6 5.6 5.6 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 - - - -
Max axial 35 38 32 32 32 32 32 40 40 40 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
Max lat. 18 16 22 28 22 20 16 17 15 14 13 11 10 9 7.5 7 6 5.5
On page 12, 13, and 14 you can find the dimensions of the standard flanges.
Combined movements at reduced rates.

10 Last revision 18-02-2004

Cold-pull Transit bars
Bellows are designed for both compression and extension from their Some means of length restriction will be added to the bellows unit
natural or “free length.” By pre-setting (or ‘cold-pulling’) the bellows before shipment in order to maintain the overall length at its’ factory
length prior to installation we are able to take full advantage of the setting. These may be threaded bars, angle iron or wood blocks. These
available movement. Maximum performance is obtained by allowing must be removed after installation in order for the bellows unit to
movement to be taken equally either side of the free length position. function correctly.
The mentioned movements for the bellows unit must not be exceeded.

Twin bellows

N.B. 080 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000
B 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Max axial 80 69 70 75 75 55 64 64 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Max lat. 35 40 60 70 70 32 43 39 75 69 62 52 45 39 35 31
On page 12, 13, and 14 you can find the dimensions of the standard flanges.
Combined movements at reduced rates

Rubber Design can also deliver counterflanges complete with an exhaust-

gasket and a set of nuts, bolts and washers. All kinds of flanges are possible
and the gaskets are of high quality Steamgard 500.


- +

To calculate the maximal axial and lateral movement you can use
the following formula.

max lateral movements −
max axial movements
x max = Determine
x max =
max max

= Maximal axial movements.

= Existing axial movements.
= Maximal lateral movements.
= Existing lateral movements.

11 Last revision 18-02-2004

3.2 Flanges type DIN 2573 PN6 with reduced thickness.
Tooling: Inner-, outer- and gasketside rolled.
Provided with three gasketgrooves.

Material: Rst. 37-2 or stainless steel.

Outside Inside Thickness Number of Diameter of Pitch circle Weight

N.B. diameter diameter holes the holes diameter (steel)
(C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)

050 140 61 12 4 14 110 1,1 kg

065 160 77 12 4 14 130 1,4 kg
080 190 90 12 4 18 150 2,0 kg
100 210 116 12 4 18 170 2,2 kg
125 240 142 16 8 18 200 3,4 kg
150 265 171 16 8 18 225 3,8 kg
175 295 195 16 8 18 255 4,5 kg
200 320 222 16 8 18 280 5,0 kg
250 375 276 16 12 18 335 5,9 kg
300 440 327 16 12 22 395 7,9 kg
350 490 360 16 12 22 445 10,3 kg
400 540 411 16 16 22 495 11,3 kg
450 595 461 16 16 22 550 13,1 kg
500 645 512 16 20 22 600 14,1 kg
600 755 614 24 20 26 705 22,0 kg
700 860 716 24 24 26 810 25,8 kg
800 975 818 24 24 30 920 31,8 kg
900 1075 920 24 24 30 1020 35,2 kg
1000 1175 1022 24 28 30 1120 38,1 kg

12 Last revision 01-02-2005

3.3 Flanges type DIN 2576 PN10 with reduced thickness.
Tooling: Inner-, outer- and gasketside rolled.
Provided with three gasketgrooves.

Material: Rst. 37-2 or stainless steel.

Outside Inside Thickness Number of Diameter of Pitch circle Weight

N.B. diameter diameter holes the holes diameter (steel)
(C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)
050 165 61 12 4 18 125 1,6 kg
065 185 77 12 4 18 145 2,0 kg
080 200 90 12 8 18 160 2,2 kg
100 220 116 12 8 18 180 2,4 kg
125 250 142 16 8 18 210 3,9 kg
150 285 171 16 8 22 240 4,7 kg
175 315 196 16 8 22 270 5,6 kg
200 340 222 16 8 22 295 6,1 kg
250 395 276 16 12 22 350 7,3 kg
300 445 328 16 12 22 400 8,3 kg
350 505 360 16 16 22 460 14,4 kg
400 565 411 16 16 26 515 17,1 kg
450 615 462 16 20 26 565 18,5 kg
500 670 514 16 20 26 620 21,0 kg
600 780 614 24 20 30 725 26,1 kg
700 895 716 24 24 30 840 32,7 kg
800 1015 818 24 24 33 950 41,0 kg
900 1115 920 24 28 33 1050 44,9 kg
1000 1230 1020 24 28 36 1160 53,4 kg

13 Last revision 01-02-2005

3.4 Flanges type DIN 86044
Tooling: Inner-, outer- and gasketside rolled.
Provided with three gasketgrooves.

Material: Rst. 37-2 or stainless steel.

Outside Inside Thickness Number of Diameter of Pitch circle Weight

N.B. diameter diameter holes the holes diameter (steel)
(C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)
050 165 61 12 4 18 125 1,6 kg
065 185 77 12 4 18 145 2,0 kg
080 200 90 12 8 18 160 2,2 kg
100 220 116 12 8 18 180 2,4 kg
125 250 142 16 8 18 210 3,9 kg
150 285 171 16 8 22 240 4,7 kg
200 320 222 16 8 18 280 5,0 kg
250 375 276 16 12 18 335 5,9 kg
300 440 327 16 12 22 395 7,9 kg
350 490 360 16 12 22 445 10,3 kg
400 540 411 16 16 22 495 11,3 kg
450 595 461 16 16 22 550 13,1 kg
500 645 512 16 20 22 600 14,1 kg
550 703 563 20 20 22 650 20,5 kg
600 754 614 20 20 22 700 22,3 kg
650 805 665 20 20 22 750 24,0 kg
700 856 716 20 24 22 800 25,5 kg
750 907 767 20 24 22 860 27,3 kg
800 958 818 20 24 22 900 29,0 kg
900 1060 920 20 28 22 1010 32,3 kg
950 1110 970 20 28 22 1060 34,0 kg
1000 1162 1022 20 32 22 1110 35,6 kg
1100 1266 1126 20 32 22 1210 39,1 kg
1200 1366 1226 20 36 22 1310 42,3 kg
1300 1466 1326 20 40 22 1410 45,5 kg
1400 1566 1426 20 40 22 1510 48,9 kg
1500 1666 1526 20 44 22 1610 52,1 kg

14 Last revision 01-02-2005

4.1 Funnel deck piperun.
Funnel deck piperuns are meant to lead the exhaust gas pipe through The raincap protects the interior of the ship against rainwater and is
the funnel deck.. Due to the stainless steel cushions, the exhaust gas made of stainless steel.
pipe can move in axial direction but is still flexible mounted.
The piperuns are available in the following dimensions:

N.B. A B C D E F G Weight

050 60.3 109.8 5.6 130 2 215 75 3.5 kg

065 76.1 127.1 6.3 130 2 230 75 4.0 kg
080 88.9 136.0 5 130 3 240 75 4.0 kg
100 114.3 161.0 5 130 3 265 75 4.5 kg
125 139.7 187.0 6 130 3 290 75 6.0 kg
150 168.3 215.0 8 160 3 318 75 9.5 kg
200 219.1 266.0 8 160 3 369 75 11.0 kg
250 273.0 320.0 8 160 3 423 75 13.0 kg
300 323.9 370.0 8 160 4 474 75 15.0 kg
350 355.6 402.0 8 200 4 506 75 20.0 kg
400 406.4 453.0 8 200 4 556 75 22.5 kg
450 457.2 505.0 8 200 5 607 75 25.5 kg
500 508.0 555.0 8 200 5 658 75 27.5 kg
600 608.0 655.0 8 200 5 758 75 32.0 kg
700 711.0 758.0 8 200 5 862 75 37.0 kg
800 813.0 860.0 8 200 8 970 75 42.5 kg
900 914.0 961.0 8 200 8 1065 75 47.0 kg
1000 1016.0 1063.0 8 200 8 1173 75 52.5 kg
Larger sizes on request.

15 Last revision 03-02-2005

4.2 Heat reducing bulkhead penetration.
Heat reducing bulkhead penetrations are especially designed to lead the Rubber Design delivers the heat reducing bulkhead penetration
exhaust gas pipe watertight through bulkheads or decks. By using completely. This means that type 1 can easily be assembled by welding
special insulation material, we prevent the heat from flowing into the the bulkhead flange to the ship’s structure. The threaded holes simplify
ship’s structure. These bulkhead penetrations are designed with the final assembly. Type 2 also enables it to easily disassemble the
(relatively) small dimensions, therefore providing better and easier built- exhaust pipe afterwards.
in possibilities.

N.B. A B C D E F G H I Bolts for Bolts for
Type 1 Type 2
050 60.3 171 240 285 171 240 285 180 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (8x)
065 76.1 171 240 285 222 295 340 180 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (8x)
080 88.9 171 240 285 222 295 340 200 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (8x)
100 114.3 171 240 285 222 295 340 200 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (8x)
125 139.7 196 270 315 276 350 395 200 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (12x)
150 168.3 222 295 340 327 395 440 200 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (12x)
200 219.1 276 350 395 355 445 490 200 16 M12 x 55 (12x) M12 x 60 (12x)
250 273.0 327 395 440 411 495 540 200 16 M12 x 60 (12x) M12 x 60 (16x)
300 323.9 411 495 540 461 550 595 200 16 M12 x 60 (16x) M12 x 60 (16x)
350 355.6 411 495 540 512 600 645 200 16 M12 x 60 (16x) M12 x 60 (20x)
400 406.4 461 550 595 614 700 754 200 16 M12 x 60 (16x) M12 x 60 (20x)
450 457.2 512 600 645 614 700 754 200 16 M12 x 60 (20x) M12 x 60 (20x)
Other dimensions on request.

16 Last revision 31-01-2005

4.3 Heat reducing flexible bulkhead penetration.
Heat reducing flexible bulkhead penetrations are especially designed to By using special insulation material, we avoid that the heat from the
lead the exhaust gas pipe watertight and flexible through bulkheads or exhaust gas pipe will flow into the rubber parts. Rubber Design
decks. The rubber parts prevents the vibrations to move from the delivers the heat reducing flexible bulkhead penetration completely.
exhaust gas pipe into the ship’s structure. The penetrations are available in the following dimensions.

N.B. A B C D E Bolts Weight

050 60.3 171 240 285 16 M12 x 110 (8x) 17 kg

065 76.1 171 240 285 16 M12 x 110 (8x) 16 kg
080 88.9 196 270 315 16 M12 x 110 (8x) 21 kg
100 114.3 222 295 340 16 M12 x 110 (8x) 24 kg
125 139.7 222 295 340 16 M12 x 110 (8x) 23 kg
150 168.3 276 350 395 16 M12 x 110 (12x) 29 kg
175 193.7 276 350 395 16 M12 x 110 (12x) 28 kg
200 219.1 327 395 440 16 M12 x 110 (12x) 32 kg
250 273.0 360 445 490 16 M12 x 120 (12x) 36 kg
300 323.9 411 495 540 16 M12 x 120 (16x) 40 kg
350 355.6 461 550 595 16 M12 x 120 (16x) 45 kg
400 406.4 512 600 645 16 M12 x 120 (20x) 54 kg
450 457.0 614 700 754 16 M12 x 120 (20x) 65 kg
500 508.0 614 700 754 16 M12 x 120 (20x) 61 kg
Other dimensions on request.

17 Last revision 24-01-2005

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