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CopyofCorrigendum Lokapur-Yadwad25km1 Compressed

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Signature Not
Digitally signed by P V
Date: 2023.01.30
22:26:10 IST
Location: New Delhi
South Western Railway, Bengaluru Cantonment



1 Definitions & Interpretations
1.1 Definitions 04
1.2 Interpretation 04
1.3 Measurements & Arithmetic Conventions 06
1.4 Priority of agreements and errors/discrepancies 06
1.5 {Joint & Several Liability} 07

Scope of the Project

2 Scope of the Project

2.1 Scope of the Project 09
3 Obligations of the Contractor
3.1 Obligations of the Contractor 10
3.2 Obligations relating to sub-contracts and any other agreements 11
3.3 Employment of foreign nationals 12
3.4 Contractor‟s personnel 12
3.5 Advertisement on Railway Project 13
3.6 Contractor‟s Care of the Works 13
3.7 Electricity, Water and other Services 13
3.8 Unforeseeable difficulties 13
3.9 Training of Authority‟s Personnel 14
3.10 Safety at Worksite 14
4 Obligations of the Authority
4.1 Obligations of the Authority 15
4.2 Maintenance and operation of the existing facilities 16
4.3 Environmental & Forest Clearances 16
4.4 Machinery & Equipment 17
4.5 Disconnection for modification of existing signalling & telecommunication works 17
4.6 Provision of Power Blocks & Traffic Blocks 17
5 Representations & Warranties
5.1 Representations & Warranties of the Contractor 19
5.2 Representations & Warranties of the Authority 20
5.3 Disclosure 21
6 Disclaimer
6.1 Disclaimer 22

7 Performance Security
7.1 Performance Security 24
7.2 Extension of Performance Security 24
7.3 Appropriation of Performance Security 25
7.4 Release of Performance Security 25
7.5 Retention Money 25
8 Right of Way
8.1 The Site 27
8.2 Handing over of the Project Site 27
8.3 Damages for delay in handing over the site 28
8.4 Site to be free from Encumbrances 29
8.5 Protection of Site from encroachments 29
8.6 Special/Temporary Right of Way 29
8.7 Access to the Authority and the Authority‟s Engineer 30
8.8 Geological & Archaeological Finds 30
9 Utilities & Trees
9.1 Existing utilities & roads 31
9.2 Shifting of obstructing utilities 31
9.3 New Utilities 31
9.4 Felling of trees 32
10 Design & Construction of the Railway Project
10.1 Obligations prior to commencement of works 33
10.2 Design & Drawings 34
10.3 Construction of Railway Project 37
10.4 Extension of time for completion 38
10.5 Incomplete Works 40
10.6 Equipment specific maintenance manual 40
11 Quality Assurance, Monitoring & Supervision
11.1 Quality of Materials & Workmanship 41
11.2 Quality Control System 41
11.3 Methodology 42
11.4 Inspection & Technical Audit by the Authority 42
11.5 External Technical Audit 42
11.6 Inspection of Construction Records 42
11.7 Monthly Progress Reports 42
11.8 Inspection 42
11.9 Samples 43
11.10 Tests 43
11.11 Examination of work before covering up 44
11.12 Rejection 44
11.13 Remedial work 44
11.14 Delays during construction 45
11.15 Quality control records & documents 45
11.16 Video recording 45
11.17 Suspension of unsafe construction works 45
12 Completion Certificate
12.1 Tests on completion 47
12.2 Provisional Certificate 47
12.3 Completion of Part-2 Punch List Items 48
12.4 Completion Certificate 48
12.5 Rescheduling of Tests 49
12.6 Delayed Authorisation 49
13 Change of Scope
13.1 Change of Scope 50
13.2 Procedure for change of scope 51
13.3 Payment for change of scope 52
13.4 Restrictions on change of scope 52
13.5 Power of Authority to undertake works 52
14 Traffic Regulations
14.1 Traffic regulation by the contractor 53
15 Defects Liability
15.1 Defects Liability Period 54
15.2 Remedy & Rectification of Defects & Deficiencies 54
15.3 Cost of remedying defects 55
15.4 Contractor‟s failure to rectify defects 55
15.5 Contractor to search cause 55
15.6 Extension of Defects Liability Period 56
16 Authority Engineer
16.1 Appointment of Authority‟s Engineer 57
16.2 Duties & Functions of the Authority Engineer 57
16.3 Authorised Signatories 58
16.4 Instructions of the Authority‟s Engineer 58
16.5 Determination by the Authority Engineer 58
16.6 Remuneration of the Authority‟s Engineer 58
16.7 Replacement of the Authority‟s Engineer 59
16.8 Interim Arrangement 59

Financial Covenants

17 Payments
17.1 Contract Price 61
17.2 Advance Payment 61
17.3 Procedure for estimating the payment for the works 62
17.4 Stage Payment Statement for Works 63
17.5 Stage Payment for Works 63
17.6 Payment of Damages 64
17.7 Time of payment & interest 64
17.8 Price adjustment for the works 65
17.9 Restrictions on price adjustment 89
17.10 Final Payment Statement 90
17.11 Discharge 90
17.12 Final Payment Certificate 90
17.13 Change in Law 91
17.14 Correction of Interim Payment Certificates 91
17.15 Authority‟s Claims 91
17.16 Bonus for early completion 91
18 Insurance
18.1 Insurance for Works 92

18.2 Notices to the Authority 93

18.3 Evidence of Insurance Cover 93
18.4 Remedy for failure to insure 93
18.5 Waiver of subrogation 93
18.6 Contractor‟s Waiver 93
18.7 Cross liabilities 94
18.8 Accident or injury to workmen 94
18.9 Insurance against accident to workmen 94
18.10 Application of insurance proceeds 94
18.11 Compliance with policy conditions 94

Force Majeure & Termination

19 Force Majeure
19.1 Force Majeure 96
19.2 Non-Political Event 96
19.3 Indirect Political Event 97
19.4 Political Event 97
19.5 Duty to report force majeure event 98
19.6 Effect of force majeure event on the agreement 98
19.7 Termination notice for force majeure event 99
19.8 Termination payment for force majeure event 99
19.9 Dispute resolution 100
19.10 Excuse from performance of obligations 100
20 Suspension of Contractor’s Rights
20.1 Suspension upon Contractor Default 101
20.2 Authority to act on behalf of Contractor 101
20.3 Revocation of Suspension 101
20.4 Termination 101
21 Termination
21.1 Termination for Contractor Default 103
21.2 Termination for Authority Default 105
21.3 Right of Authority to Determine the Contract 105
21.4 Requirements after Termination 106
21.5 Valuation of unpaid works 106
21.6 Termination Payment 106
21.7 Other rights & obligations of the parties 107
21.8 Survival of rights 108

Other Provisions

22 Assignment & Charges

22.1 Restrictions on assignment & charges 110
22.2 Hypothecation of materials or plant 110
23 Liability & Indemnity
23.1 General Indemnity 111
23.2 Indemnity by the Contractor 111
23.3 Notice & Contest of Claims 112
23.4 Defence of Claims 112
23.5 No Consequential Claims 113
23.6 Survival on Termination 113
24 Dispute Resolution
24.1 Conciliation of Disputes 114
24.2 Dispute Adjudication Board 114
24.3 Standing Arbitral Tribunal 116
25 Miscellaneous
25.1 Governing Law & Jurisdiction 119
25.2 Waiver of Immunity 119
25.3 Delayed Payments 119
25.4 Waiver 119
25.5 Liability for review of documents & drawings 120
25.6 Exclusion of implied warranties, etc. 120
25.7 Survival 121
25.8 Entire Agreement 121
25.9 Severability 121
25.10 No Partnership 121
25.11 Third Parties 121
25.12 Successors & Assigns 121
25.13 Notices 121
25.14 Language 122
25.15 Counterparts 122
25.16 Confidentiality 122
25.17 Copyright & Intellectual Property Rights 122
25.18 Limitation of Liability 123
26 Definitions
26.1 Definitions 124


A Site of the Project

1 The Site 135
Annexure-I: Site 135
Annexure-II: Dates for providing Right of Way 145
Annexure-III: Plan & Profile 146
Annexure-IV: Environmental & Forest Clearances 154
B Development of the Railway Project 155
Annexure-I: Description of the Railway Project 156
C Project Facilities
a Project Facilities 248
b Description of Project Facilities 248
D Specifications & Standards
1 Construction 271
2 Design Standards 281
3 Latest Version 294
4 Terms used in Manuals 294
5 Absence of specific provisions 294
6 Alternative Specifications & Standards 294
Annexure-I: Specifications & Standards for Construction 296
Annexure-II: Time Schedule for review of drawings by the Authority 325
E Applicable Permits
1 Applicable Permits 329
F Form of Bank Guarantee 330
Annexure-I: Form of Guarantee for Performance Security 330
Annexure-II: Form of Guarantee for Withdrawal of Retention Money 333
Annexure-III: Form of Guarantee for Advance Payment 336
G Contract Price Weightages 339
H Drawings
1 Drawings 365
2 Additional Drawings 365
Annexure-I: List of Drawings 365
I Project Completion Schedule
1 Project Completion Schedule 403
2 Project Milestone-I 403
3 Project Milestone-II 403
4 Project Milestone-III 403
5 Scheduled Completion Date 404
6 Extension of Time 404
J Tests on Completion
1 Schedule for Tests 405
2 Testing of works 405
3 Agency for Conducting Tests 410
4 Completion Certificate 410
K Provisional Certificate/Completion Certificate
1 Provisional Certificate 411
2 Completion Certificate 412
L Selection of Authority’s Engineer
1 Selection of Authority‟s Engineer 413
2 Terms of Reference 413
Annexure-I: Duties & Responsibilities of Authority‟s Engineer 414
Annexure-II: Monthly progress Reporting 419
M Forms of Payment Statements
1 Stage Payment Statement for Works 428
2 Contractor‟s Claim for Damages 428
N Insurance
1 Insurance during Construction Period 429
2 Insurance for Contractor‟s Defects Liability Period 429
3 Insurance against injury to persons and damage to property 429
4 Insurance to be in joint names 430
O Provision of Traffic Blocks & Power Blocks 431
P Machinery & Equipment 433

Need for EPC contracts:

Railways had hitherto been undertaking construction projects through the conventional item
rate contracts where the Authority provides the detailed design as well as the estimates of
quantities for different items of work (Bill of Quantities). Payments to the contractor are made
on the basis of measurements of the work done in respect of each item. Experience in railway
projects shows that item rate contracts are prone to excessive time and cost overruns due to
delays in design and drawing, variation in items and quantities and inadequate fund provisions
as allocation of construction risks are largely to the Authority. Considerable time of Project
Engineers is consumed in dealing with variations in quantities, introduction of Non-Schedule
Items and variation in contract price.

The growing requirements of the economy will necessitate faster expansion of the freight
network through new capacity creation. Considering that improved and modernised project
execution capabilities would be critical for speedy capacity creation, it has been decided to
adopt the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) mode of contracting for
construction of Railway projects.

On Indian Railways, EPC model has been used earlier in a limited way for constructing some
bridges on the Jammu-Udhampur rail link. However, in the Railway sector, EPC model has
been extensively & successfully used by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) over the years.
Accordingly, the processes for design approval, supervision and monitoring etc. have been
suitably incorporated in the Model EPC Agreement as per the practices being followed in

Model EPC Agreement:

The aforesaid drawbacks of item rate contracting can be addressed by adopting the EPC
approach that relies on assigning the responsibility for investigations, design and construction
to the contractor for a lump sum price determined through competitive bidding. The objective is
to ensure speedy implementation of the project to the specified standards and cost-effective
designs and least time overrun while assigning & balancing various risks judiciously between
Contractor & Authority.

This Standard EPC Agreement provides a contractual framework that balances the allocation
of risks & rewards, provides equity of obligations & penalties between Authority and the
Contractor, minimises the ambiguities and uncertainties, and thus improves the predictability of
cost & time. It also follows the global best practices related to force majeure, termination and
dispute resolution, apart from transparent and fair procedures.

The Contractor also has full freedom to plan the construction schedule for efficient use of its
manpower, equipment and other resources while payments are linked to specified stages of
construction (payment milestones) vis-à-vis the payment for individual items/units under the
item rate contract. Awarding a contract for a lump sum price ensures value engineering,
balancing of risks & financial discipline, both for the contractor and the Authority. The contract
price is subject to adjustment on account of price variation during the contract period as per
specified formula.
Technical parameters:

The Standard EPC Agreement specifies the required design standards and allows the
Contractor to design & construct the project using design engineering and global best practices
to achieve quality, speed, efficiency & economy as compared to the item rate contract that
relies on a fixed design provided by the Authority.

Only the core requirements of design and construction of the Railway project that have a
bearing on the quality and safety of assets are to be specified and enough room would be left
for the contractor to add value. This would provide the requisite flexibility to the contractor in
evolving & adopting the efficient designs without compromising on the quality and safety.

Contract period:

The contract period is determined on a project-specific basis depending on the volume of

construction work involved. The Contractor shall be liable to pay Damages at the specified rate
for each day of delay beyond the specified date of completion, subject to the total amount of
Damages not exceeding 10 percent of the contract price. However, the Contractor shall be
entitled to time extension arising out of delays on account of change of scope and force
majeure or delays caused by or attributable to the Authority.

Selection of Contractor:

Selection of the contractor will be based on open competitive bidding. All project parameters
such as the contract period, price adjustments & technical parameters are to be clearly stated
upfront along with lump sum price for the Railway Project.

Risk allocation:

Project risks such as soil conditions and weather or commercial & technical risks relating to
design & construction have been assigned to the Contractor. The Authority accepts its liability
to pay damages to the Contractor for any delays in handing over the land, approvals from road
authorities for road over-bridges/under-bridges at level crossings, environment clearances,
shifting of utilities & approvals in respect of engineering scale plan & signalling interlocking

Design & Construction:

It defines the scope of the Railway project with precision & predictability to enable the
Contractor to determine its costs & obligations. It also lays down a ceiling of 25 percent of
contract price to cater for any changes in the scope of the project, the cost of which the
Authority will bear.

The Contractor shall carry out surveys and investigations and also develop designs & drawings
in conformity with the specifications & standards laid down in the Agreement. Authority‟s
Engineer shall review the design & drawings to ensure that these conform to the scope of the
project, design standards & specifications. The EPC agreement also stipulates provisions for
quality control & quality assurance.
Monitoring & Supervision:

Monitoring & supervision of construction are proposed to be undertaken through an engineer to

be designated as „Authority‟s Engineer‟, who would be assisted by requisite organizational
support for day-to-day interaction between the Authority and the Contractor. Typical
organizational structure proposed to be followed for Authority‟s Engineer shall be in line with
the organizational set up being followed by DMRC for monitoring and supervision of their EPC
contracts. The Authority‟s Engineer will act as a single window for coordination with the

The Agreement provides for the schedule indicating the timeline within which Authority will
ensure the clearances of design proposals submitted by the contractor. Any comment by the
Authority on the design proposals submitted by the contractor will be communicated in totality
once in a time-bound manner as indicated in the schedule. The contractor will be free to
proceed with construction after the expiry of specified period in case no remarks/clearances
are given by the Authority.

Milestone based payments:

A simple & rational method for estimating interim payments to the Contractor has been
provided in the Agreement. It ensures that payments are made for works conforming to the
Agreement and commensurate with the stages of completion of works. Works have been
broadly divided into three categories, namely, civil & track works,signalling and
telecommunication works and electrification works, which could be taken together under a
single project or separately under different projects. Each item of work has been further
subdivided into stages and payment will be made for each completed stage of work.

A provision has been made for damages which the Contractor shall pay to Authority for not
achieving the prescribed milestones. Authority will pay a bonus to the Contractor for completion
of the project before the scheduled completion date.

Defects Liability Period:

Though normally a defects liability period of one year is specified in most contracts, a defects
liability period of two years has been specified in the Agreement in order to provide additional
comfort to the Authority.

Termination Dispute Resolution:

In the event the Authority terminates the Agreement on account of any of the specified defaults
of the Contractor, the Agreement allows the Authority to forfeit the performance security &
retention money of the Contractor. Similarly, defaults by the Authority are proposed to qualify
for adequate compensatory payments to the contractor. The Agreement also addresses issues
relating to dispute resolution and provides a mechanism for the same.




THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on this the day of 20


1) The President of India, represented by Chief Engineer/Construction/I, South Western

Railway, Hubballi, and having its principal office at South Western Railway, Construction,
Bangalore Cantonment – 560046 (hereinafter referred to as the “Authority” which expression
shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its administrators, successors
and assigns) of One Part;

2) { }, the selected bidder having its registered office at
(hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof, include its successors and permitted assignments) of the Other Part.


(A) The Authority has the responsibility to develop, operate and maintain the Indian Railways
in the territorial jurisdiction of the South Western Railway zone.

(B) The Authority had resolved to undertake the construction of a new railway line between
the Chainage 39/000 & Chainage 60/000 including Electrical & Telecommunication works
between Lokapur (excl.) & Yadwad (incl.) in Bagalkot (BGK) - Kudachi (KUD) New Line Project in
the South Western Railway zone on Engineering, Procurement, Construction (“EPC”) basis in
accordance with the terms and conditions to be set forth in an agreement to be entered into.

(C) The Authority had prescribed the Technical and Financial terms and conditions, and
invited Request for Participation (RFP) No. Dt. From the bidders for
undertaking the Project.

(D) After evaluation of the bids received, the Authority had accepted the bid of the selected
bidder and issued its Letter of Acceptance No. *** Dt. *** (hereinafter called the “LOA”) to the
selected bidder for construction of the above railway line at the Contract Price specified
hereinafter, requiring the selected bidder to inter alia:
(i) deliver to the Authority a legal opinion from the legal counsel of the selected bidder with
respect to the authority of the selected bidder to enter into this Agreement and the enforceability
of the provisions thereof, within 10 (ten) days of the date of issue of LOA; and
(ii) Execute this Agreement within 60 (Sixty) days of the date of issue of LOA.

(E) The Contractor has fulfilled the requirements specified in Recital (D) above:
Now, therefore, in consideration of the foregoing and the respective covenants and agreements
set forth in this Agreement, the sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the
Authority hereby covenants to pay the Contractor, in consideration of the obligations specified
herein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the
Agreement at the times and in the manner specified by the Agreement and intending to be legally
bound hereby, the Parties agree as follows:



1.1 Definitions

The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in this Agreement
(including those in Article 26) shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning
ascribed thereto herein, and the words and expressions defined in the Schedules and used
therein shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Schedules.

1.2 Interpretation

1.2.1 In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires,

(a) references to any legislation or any provision thereof shall include amendment or re-
enactment or consolidation of such legislation or any provision thereof so far as such amendment
or re-enactment or consolidation applies or is capable of applying to any transaction entered into

(b) references to laws of India or Indian law or regulation having the force of law shall include
the laws, acts, ordinances, rules, regulations, bye laws or notifications which have the force of
law in the territory of India and as from time to time may be amended, modified, supplemented,
extended or re- enacted;

(c) references to a “person” and words denoting a natural person shall be construed as a
reference to any individual, firm, company, corporation, society, trust, government, state or
agency of a state or any association or partnership (whether or not having separate legal
personality) of two or more of the above and shall include successors and assigns;

(d) the table of contents, headings or subheadings in this Agreement are for convenience of
reference only and shall not be used in, and shall not affect, the construction or interpretation of
this Agreement;

(e) the words “include” and “including” are to be construed without limitation and shall be
deemed to be followed by “without limitation” or “but not limited to” whether or not they are
followed by such phrases;

(f) references to “construction” or “building” include, unless the context otherwise requires,
survey and investigation, design, developing, engineering, procurement, supply of plant,
materials, equipment, labour, delivery, transportation, installation, processing, fabrication, testing,
and commissioning of the Railway Project, including maintenance during the Construction
Period, removing of defects, if any, and other activities incidental to the construction and
“construct” or “build” shall be construed accordingly;

(g) references to “development” include, unless the context otherwise requires, construction,
renovation, refurbishing, augmentation, up-gradation and other activities incidental thereto during
the Construction Period, and “develop” shall be construed accordingly;

(h) any reference to any period of time shall mean a reference to that according to Indian
standard time;

(i) any reference to day shall mean a reference to a calendar day;

(j) reference to a “business day” shall be construed as reference to a day (other than a
Sunday) on which banks in the State are generally open for business;

(k) any reference to month shall mean a reference to a calendar month as per the Gregorian

(l) references to any date, period or Project Milestone shall mean and include such date,
period or Project Milestone as may be extended pursuant to this Agreement;

(m) any reference to any period commencing “from” a specified day or date and “till” or “until”
a specified day or date shall include both such days or dates; provided that if the last day of any
period computed under this Agreement is not a business day, then the period shall run until the
end of the next business day;

(n) the words importing singular shall include plural and vice versa;

(o) references to any gender shall include the other and the neutral gender;

(p) “lakh” means a hundred thousand (100,000) and “crore” means ten million (10,000,000);

(q) “indebtedness” shall be construed so as to include any obligation (whether incurred as

principal or surety) for the payment or repayment of money, whether present or future, actual or

(r) references to the “winding-up”, “dissolution”, “insolvency”, or “reorganisation” of a

company or corporation shall be construed so as to include any equivalent or analogous
proceedings under the law of the jurisdiction in which such company or corporation is
incorporated or any jurisdiction in which such company or corporation carries on business
including the seeking of liquidation, winding-up, reorganisation, dissolution, arrangement,
protection or relief of debtors;

(s) save and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any reference, at any time, to
any agreement, deed, instrument, licence or document of any description shall be construed as
reference to that agreement, deed, instrument, licence or other document as amended, varied,
supplemented, modified or suspended at the time of such reference; provided that this Sub-
clause(s) shall not operate so as to increase liabilities or obligations of the Authority hereunder or
pursuant hereto in any manner whatsoever; any agreement, consent, approval, authorisation,
notice, communication, information or report required under or pursuant to this Agreement from
or by any Party or the Authority Engineer shall be valid and effective only if it is in writing under
the hand of a duly authorised representative of such Party or the Authority Engineer, as the case
may be, in this behalf and not otherwise;

(t) the Schedules and Recitals to this Agreement form an integral part of this Agreement and
will be in full force and effect as though they were expressly set out in the body of this

(u) references to Recitals, Articles, Clauses, Sub-clauses, Provisos or Schedules in this

Agreement shall, except where the context otherwise requires, mean references to Recitals,
Articles, Clauses, Sub-clauses, Provisos and Schedules of or to this Agreement; reference to an
Annex shall, subject to anything to the contrary specified therein, be construed as a reference to
an Annex to the Schedule in which such reference occurs; and reference to a Paragraph shall,
subject to anything to the contrary specified therein, be construed as a reference to a Paragraph
of the Schedule or Annex, as the case may be, in which such reference appears;

(v) the damages payable by either Party to the other of them, as set forth in this Agreement,
whether on per diem basis or otherwise, are mutually agreed genuine pre-estimated loss and
damage likely to be suffered and incurred by the Party entitled to receive the same and are not
by way of penalty (the “Damages”); and

(w) Time shall be of the essence in the performance of the Parties‟ respective obligations. If
any time period specified herein is extended for the reasons specified in the Agreement, such
extended time shall also be of the essence.

1.2.2 Unless expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement, any Documentation required to
be provided or furnished by the Contractor to the Authority shall be provided free of cost and in
three copies, and if the Authority is required to return any such Documentation with its comments
and/or approval, it shall be entitled to retain two copies thereof.

1.2.3 The rule of construction, if any, that a contract should be interpreted against the parties
responsible for the drafting and preparation thereof, shall not apply.

1.2.4 Any word or expression used in this Agreement shall, unless otherwise defined or
construed in this Agreement, bear its ordinary English meaning and, for these purposes, the
General Clauses Act, 1897 shall not apply.

1.3 Measurements and arithmetic conventions

All measurements and calculations shall be in the metric system and calculations done to 2 (two)
decimal places, with the third digit of 5 (five) or above being rounded up and below 5 (five) being
rounded down.

1.4 Priority of agreements and errors/discrepancies

1.4.1 This Agreement, and all other agreements and documents forming part of or referred to in
this Agreement are to be taken as mutually explanatory and, unless otherwise expressly provided
elsewhere in this Agreement, the priority of this Agreement and other documents and
agreements forming part hereof or referred to herein shall, in the event of any conflict between
them, be in the following order:
(a) this EPC Agreement; and

(b) all other agreements and documents forming part hereof or referred to herein,

i.e., this Agreement at (a) above shall prevail over the agreements and documents at (b).

1.4.2 Subject to the provisions of Clause 1.4.1, in case of ambiguities or discrepancies within
this Agreement, the following shall apply:

(a) between two or more Clauses of this Agreement, the provisions of a specific Clause
relevant to the issue under consideration shall prevail over those in other Clauses;

(b) between the Clauses of this Agreement and the Schedules, the Clauses shall prevail and
between Schedules and Annexes, the Schedules shall prevail;

(c) between any two Schedules, the Schedule relevant to the issue shall prevail;

(d) between the written description on the Drawings and the Specifications and Standards,
the latter shall prevail;

(e) between the dimension scaled from the Drawing and its specific written dimension, the
latter shall prevail; and

(f) Between any value written in numerals and that in words, the latter shall prevail.

1.5 Joint and several liability

1.5.1 If the Contractor has formed a Consortium/Joint Venture of two or more persons for
implementing the Project:

(a) these persons shall, without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement, be deemed to
be jointly and severally liable to the Authority for the performance of the Agreement; and

(b) The Contractor shall ensure that no change in the composition of the Consortium/Joint
Venture is affected without the prior consent of the Authority.

1.5.2 Without prejudice to the joint and several liability of all the members of the Consortium/
Joint Venture, the Lead Member shall represent all the members of the Consortium/ Joint
Venture and shall at all times be liable and responsible for discharging the functions and
obligations of the Contractor. The Contractor shall ensure that each member of the
Consortium/Joint Venture shall be bound by any decision, communication, notice, action or
inaction of the Lead Member on any matter related to this Agreement and the Authority shall be
entitled to rely upon any such action, decision or communication of the Lead Member. The
Authority shall have the right to release payments solely to the Lead Member and shall not in any
manner be responsible or liable for the inter se allocation of payments among members of the
Consortium/Joint Venture.






2.1 Scope of the Project

Under this Agreement, the scope of the Project (the “Scope of the Project”) shall mean and

(a) Construction of the Railway Project on the Site set forth in Schedule-A and as specified in
Schedule-B together with provision of Project Facilities as specified in Schedule-C, and in
conformity with the Specifications and Standards set forth in Schedule-D, with Contractor‟s own
Material Supplies including main line sleepers,Turn-out sleepers, Special sleepers (for SEJ/Guard
Rails/L-Xing‟s etc), Points (switches) & Crossings with all matching .fastening components, Glued
Joints, H-beam/Composite sleepers over Girder Bridges, SEJs, Guard rails, Check Rails,
fishplates, welding portions etc., all Telecom Work.

(b) Telecom Works

(c) Provision of Telecommunication arrangements between LOKAPUR(excl.) -

YADWAD(incl) section with RE standards.

(d) a.TeleCommunication arrangements between LOKAPUR(excl.) - YADWAD(incl) with

provision of OFC & 6 quad and VOIP based control communication with backbone of IP MPLS
shall be provided from KHAJJIDONI to YADWAD stations.

(e) b.Provision of One Train Only System (OTOS) between KHAJJIDONI and YADWAD

(f) Electrical
I. Power Supply Arrangement , Electrification & Lighting Arrangement for Station Buildings ,
PF/FOB, Staff Quarters , ROB/RUB‟s, Service Buildings, Circulating Area , Approach Roads ,
Goomties etc associated with all civil engineering works.
II. Modification/Shifting of EHT/HT/LT Power Lines & Other Electrical Utilities associated with all
civil engineering works .
III.OHE & PSI Works are not part of the scope of this project.

(g) Main line/Loop line sleepers and rails, except those covered in Clause 2(a) above
shall be supplied by the Authority free of cost.

(h) Performance and fulfilment of all other obligations of the Contractor in accordance with
the provisions of this Agreement and matters incidental thereto or necessary for the performance
of any or all of the obligations of the Contractor under this Agreement.



3.1 Obligations of the Contractor

3.1.1 Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Contractor shall
undertake the survey, investigation, design, engineering, procurement, and construction of the
Railway Project and observe, fulfil, comply with and perform all its obligations set out in this
Agreement or arising hereunder.

3.1.2 The Contractor shall comply with all Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits (including
renewals as required) in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

3.1.3 Save and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or Applicable Laws, as the
case may be, the Contractor shall, in discharge of all its obligations under this Agreement,
conform with and adhere to Good Industry Practice at all times.

3.1.4 The Contractor shall remedy any and all loss or damage to the Railway Project, occurring
on or after the Appointed Date and until the date of Provisional Certificate, with respect to the
Works completed prior to the issuance of the Provisional Certificate and/or Completion
Certificate, with respect to the Works referred to in the Punch List, at its own cost, save and
except to the extent that any such loss or damage shall have arisen from any default of the
Authority or on account of a Force Majeure Event in which case the provisions of Article 19 shall

3.1.5 The Contractor shall remedy any and all loss or damage to the Railway Project during the
Defects Liability Period at its own cost, to the extent that such loss or damage shall have arisen
out of the reasons specified in Clause 15.3.

3.1.6 The Contractor shall, at its own cost and expense, in addition to and not in derogation of
its obligations elsewhere set out in this Agreement:

(a) make, or cause to be made, necessary applications to the relevant Government

Instrumentalities with such particulars and details as may be required for obtaining Applicable
Permits set forth in Schedule-E and obtain and keep in force and effect such Applicable Permits
in conformity with Applicable Laws;

(b) procure, as required, the appropriate proprietary rights, licences, agreements and
permissions for Materials, methods, processes, know-how and systems used or incorporated into
the Railway Project;

(c) make reasonable efforts to maintain harmony and good industrial relations among the
personnel employed by it or its Subcontractors in connection with the performance of its
obligations under this Agreement;

(d) ensure that its Subcontractors comply with all Applicable Permits and Applicable Laws in
the performance by them of any of the Contractor‟s obligations under this Agreement;

(e) always act in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Agreement and not cause or
fail to do any act, deed or thing, whether intentionally or otherwise, which may in any manner be
in violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement;

(f) support, cooperate with and facilitate the Authority in the implementation and operation of
the Project in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;

(g) ensure that the Contractor and its Subcontractors comply with the safety and welfare
measures for labour in accordance with Applicable Laws and Good Industry Practice;

(h) keep, on the Site, a copy of this Agreement, publications named in this Agreement, the
Drawings, Documents relating to the Project, Change of Scope Orders and other
communications sent under this Agreement, and provide access to all these documents at all
reasonable times to the Authority Engineer and its authorised personnel;

(i) cooperate with other contractors employed by the Authority and with personnel of any
other public authority; and\

(j) Not interfere unnecessarily or improperly with the convenience of the public, or the
access to and use and occupation of all the existing facilities within the Right of Way, irrespective
of whether they are public or in the possession of the Authority or of others.

(k) To provide reasoned comments on any information relating to the contractor‟s activities
under or pursuant to the agreement, which the Authority may publish.

3.1.7 The Contractor shall undertake all necessary superintendence to plan, arrange, direct,
manage, inspect and test the Works.

3.2 Obligations relating to sub-contracts and any other agreements

3.2.1 The Contractor shall not subcontract the Works comprising more than 70% (seventy per
cent) of the Contract Price and shall carry out Works for at least 30% (thirty per cent) of the total
Contract Price directly under its own supervision and through its own personnel. The Parties
expressly agree that for the purposes of computing the value of sub-contracts under this Clause
3.2.1. The contract price shall exclude any sub-contract for the procurement of goods and
services equipment like (Rail,sleepers and track fittings, telecommunication and power supply

The Parties agree that all obligations and liabilities under this Agreement for the entire Railway
Project shall at all-time remain with the Contractor. {The Parties agree that the obligations of the
Contractor to carry out Works equal to at least 30% (thirty per cent) of the Contract Price shall be
discharged solely by the Lead Member.}

3.2.2 In the event any subcontract for Works, or the aggregate of such sub-contracts with any
Sub-contractor, exceeds 5% (five percent) of the Contract Price, the Contractor shall
communicate the name and particulars, including the relevant experience of the sub-contractor,
to the Authority prior to entering into any such sub-contract. Provided, however, that in any event
the Contractor shall communicate the name and particulars to the Authority for any sub-contract

including the relevant experience prior to entering into any such sub-contract. The Authority shall
examine the particulars of the sub-contractor from the national security and public interest
perspective and may require the Contractor, no later than 15 (fifteen) business days from the
date of receiving the communication from the Contractor, not to proceed with the sub-contract,
and the Contractor shall comply therewith and shall have no claim whatsoever on this account.

3.2.3 Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 3.2.2, in the event any sub-contract referred
to in Clause 3.2.2 relates to a sub-contractor who has, over the preceding 3 (three) financial
years and the current financial year , not undertaken at least one work of a similar nature with a
contract value exceeding 40% (forty per cent) of the value of the sub-contract to be awarded
hereunder and received payments in respect thereof for an amount equal to at least 80% (eighty
per cent) of such contract, the Authority may, no later than 15 (fifteen) business days from the
date of receiving the communication from the Contractor, require the Contractor not to proceed
with such sub-contract, and the Contractor shall comply therewith.

3.2.4 It is expressly agreed that the Contractor shall, at all times, be responsible and liable for
all its obligations under this Agreement notwithstanding anything contained in the agreements
with its Subcontractors or any other agreement that may be entered into by the Contractor, and
no default under any such agreement shall excuse the Contractor from its obligations or liability

3.2.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Contractor
agrees and acknowledges that it will not assign any work to any contractor/sub- contractor from a
country which shares a land border with India unless such contractor/ sub-contractor is registered
with the competent Authority. Contractor will ensure that such Contractor/sub-contractor fulfils all
requirements in this regard and is eligible to be considered (evidence of valid registration by the
competent authority is enclosed). The Competent Authority for registration will be the
Registration Committee constituted by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal
Trade (DPIIT), India.

3.3 Employment of foreign nationals

The Contractor acknowledges, agrees and undertakes that employment of foreign personnel by
the Contractor and/or its Subcontractors and their subcontractors shall be subject to grant of
requisite regulatory permits and approvals including employment/residential visas and work
permits, if any required, and the obligation to apply for and obtain the same shall and will always
be of the Contractor. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement,
refusal of or inability to obtain any such permits and approvals by the Contractor or any of its
Subcontractors or their subcontractors shall not constitute Force Majeure Event, and shall not in
any manner excuse the Contractor from the performance and discharge of its obligations and
liabilities under this Agreement.

3.4 Contractor’s Personnel

3.4.1 The Contractor shall ensure and procure that the personnel engaged by it or by its
Subcontractors for performance of its obligations under this Agreement are at all times
appropriately qualified, skilled and experienced in their respective functions including in
conformity with Applicable Laws including the Indian Railway General and Subsidiary Rules, [the
Indian Electricity Rules], and Good Industry Practice.

3.4.2 The Authority Engineer may, for reasons to be specified in writing, direct the Contractor to
remove any member of the Contractor‟s or Sub-contractor‟s personnel from the Railway Project.
Provided, any such direction issued by the Authority Engineer shall specify the reasons for the
removal of such person.
3.4.3 The Contractor shall, on receiving a direction from the Authority Engineer under the
provisions of Clause 3.4.2, ensure and procure the removal of such person or persons from the
Railway Project with immediate effect. The Contractor shall further ensure that such persons
have no further connection with the Railway Project.

3.4.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for the Security of the Work Site and for keeping the
unauthorized persons off the Site.

3.5 Advertisement on Railway Project

The Contractor shall not use the Railway Project or any part thereof in any manner for branding
or advertising purposes including for advertising any commercial product or services or

3.6 Contractor’s Care of the Works

The Contractor shall bear full risk in and take full responsibility for the care of Works, and of
Materials, goods and equipment for incorporation therein, on and from the Appointed Date and
until the date of Provisional Certificate, with respect to the Works completed prior to the issuance
of the Provisional Certificate and/or Completion Certificate, with respect to the Works referred to
in the Punch List, save and except to the extent that any such loss or damage shall have arisen
from any default or neglect of the Authority.

3.7 Electricity, Water and other Services

The Contractor shall be responsible for procuring all power, water and other services that it may
require for the Railway Project.

3.8 Unforeseeable difficulties

Except as otherwise specified in the Agreement:

(a) The Contractor accepts complete responsibility for having foreseen all difficulties and
costs of successfully completing the Works;

(b) The Contract Price shall not be adjusted to take account of any unforeseen difficulties or
costs; and

(c) The Scheduled Completion Date shall not be adjusted to take account of any unforeseen
difficulties or costs.

For the purposes of this Clause, unforeseeable difficulties include physical conditions like man-
made or natural physical conditions including sub-surface and hydrological conditions which the
Contractor encounters at the Site during execution of the Works.

3.9 Training of Authority’s Personnel

The Contractor shall provide & complete the training to the personnel of the Authority in
diagnostic, troubleshooting, repairing, operation & maintenance of the telecommunication
equipment. The number of persons to be trained shall not exceed [6 (six)] and the period of
training shall be for a period of [(04)] weeks. The training shall be completed before the issuance
of the Provisional Certificate/Completion Certificate. Before the issue of any handing-over
certificate, the final O&M Manuals, wherever required, shall be submitted by the contractor to the
Authority Engineer.

3.10 Safety at Worksite

The Contractor and its subcontractors shall follow the safety instructions and take all safety
measures for workmen & vehicles plying in the work area in accordance with Applicable Laws,
Good Industry Practice and the provisions of this Agreement.



4.1 Obligations of the Authority

4.1.1 The Authority shall, at its own cost and expense, undertake, comply with and perform all
its obligations set out in this Agreement or arising hereunder.

4.1.2 The Authority shall be responsible for the correctness of the Scope of the Project, Project
Facilities, Specifications and Standards and the criteria for Testing of the completed Works.

4.1.3 The Authority shall, upon receiving the Performance Security under Clause 7.1.1, provide
to the Contractor:

(a) the Right of Way in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 8.2 and 8.3 on no less than
95% (ninety five per cent) of core land length and 90% (ninety percent) of non-core land length of
the total length of the Railway Project before appointed date;

(b) all environmental and forest clearances as required under Clause 4.3 before appointed
date; and

(c) approval of the general arrangement drawings (the “GAD”) from concerned authorities to
enable the Contractor to construct road over-bridges, under- bridges and canal crossings on the
Railway Project in accordance with the Scope, Specifications and Standards, and subject to the
terms and conditions specified in such approval, within a period of 60 (sixty) days from the
Appointed Date.

4.1.4 In the event that

(i) the Authority does not procure fulfilment of any or all of the obligations set forth in Clause
4.1.3 within the period specified in respect thereof, and

(ii) The delay has not occurred as a result of breach of this Agreement by the Contractor or
due to Force Majeure, the Authority shall pay to the Contractor Damages in a sum calculated in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 8.3 of this Agreement and grant Time Extension in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 10.4.

[For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that the Damages for delay in approval of GAD by
the road authorities for a particular railway over-bridge or a railway under-bridge or a canal
crossing shall be deemed to be equivalent to the Damages payable under the provisions of
Clause 8.3 for delay in providing Right of Way for a length of 1 (one) kilometre for each such
railway over-bridge or railway line under- bridge or canal crossings, as the case may be.]

4.1.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Parties
expressly agree that the aggregate Damages payable by the Authority under Clauses 4.1.4,
4.4.3, 8.3 & 9.2 shall not exceed 5% (five per cent) of the Contract Price. For the avoidance of
doubt, the Damages payable by the Authority under the aforesaid Clauses shall not be additive if

they arise concurrently from more than one cause but relate to the same part of the Railway
4.1.6 The Authority agrees to provide support to the Contractor and undertakes to observe,
comply with and perform, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and
Applicable Laws, the following:

(a) upon written request from the Contractor, and subject to the Contractor complying with
Applicable Laws, provide reasonable support to the Contractor in procuring Applicable Permits
required from any Government Instrumentality for implementation of the Project;

(b) upon written request from the Contractor, provide reasonable assistance to the Contractor
in obtaining access to all necessary infrastructure facilities and utilities, including water and
electricity at rates and on terms no less favourable than those generally available to commercial
customers receiving substantially equivalent services;

(c) procure that no barriers that would have a material adverse effect on Works are erected
or placed on or about the Railway Project by any Government Instrumentality or persons claiming
through or under it, except for reasons of Emergency, national security or law and order;

(d) not do or omit to do any act, deed or thing which may in any manner is in violation of any
of the provisions of this Agreement;

(e) support, cooperate with and facilitate the Contractor in the implementation of the Project
in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; and

(f) upon written request from the Contractor and subject to the provisions of Clause 3.3,
provide reasonable assistance to the Contractor and any expatriate personnel of the Contractor
or its Subcontractors to obtain applicable visas and work permits for the purposes of discharge
by the Contractor or its Sub- contractors of their obligations under this Agreement and the
agreements with the Sub-contractors.

4.2 Maintenance and operation of the existing facilities

The Authority shall undertake the maintenance of the facilities existing prior to the Appointed
Date including railway lines, bridges, structures, electrical, signalling and communications works
within the Right of Way.

4.3 Environmental & Forest Clearances

The Authority represents & warrants that the environmental & forest clearances of Land
mentioned in clause 4.1.3 (a) will be obtained before Appointed Date. In the event of any delay,
the Contractor shall be entitled to Time Extension for the period of such delay in accordance with
the provisions of Clause 10.4 of this Agreement and shall also be entitled to Damages calculated
as if the Right of Way for and in respect of such sections of the Railway Project has not been
provided in accordance with the provisions of Clause 8.2 and as a consequence thereof, the
Contractor shall be entitled to Damages under and in accordance with the provisions of Clause
8.3. For the avoidance of doubt, the present status of environmental and forest clearances is
specified in Schedule-A.

4.4 Machinery & Equipment

4.4.1 The Authority shall upon receiving a request from the Contractor, provide the machinery &
equipment specified in Schedule-P on payment of hire charges at the monthly rates specified
therein. The Parties agree that the monthly rate for each machine or equipment shall be inclusive
of fuel and all other operating charges, which shall be converted into daily rates taking a month
comprising 25 (twenty five) working days. The Parties further agree that for each machinery or

(a) The charges shall be payable for a day even if a machine or equipment is used for less
than 8 (eight) hours, so long as it has been placed at the disposal of the Contractor and has not
been withdrawn;

(b) The daily rates shall be computed for a shift of 8 (eight) hours taken as one day. By way
of illustration, if the machinery or equipment is used for 16 (sixteen) hours on any day, the
charges payable shall be equal to twice the daily rate; and

(c) [For any machinery or equipment which can be used only during the period of a Power
Block or Traffic Block, no payment shall be due or payable for the day on which such block is not
provided to the Contractor.]

4.4.2 The Contractor shall by notice of at least three weeks convey to the Authority the
particulars of the machinery & equipment required for each day of the following one month.

4.5 Disconnection for modification of existing signalling & telecommunication works

The Contractor shall on requirement of disconnection of a particular subsystem for modification in

the existing signalling & telecommunication system at Railway stations, level crossing gates &
interlocked sections, inform the Authority Engineer by notice of at least one week of its readiness
for commissioning and the Authority Engineer shall obtain the requisite approvals from the
Authority for the required disconnections. All such work requiring disconnection of existing signal
and Telecom systems shall be executed under supervision of Authority Engineer or his
representative. The Parties expressly agree that in the event of any default in providing such
disconnection, the Authority shall pay to the Contractor Damages at the rate of Rs. 1,000/-
(Rupees One thousand) per day. The Contractor shall ensure that there is no interruption/
disturbance to operational circuits in such cases of modification of signalling & telecom systems.

4.6 Provision of Power Blocks & Traffic Blocks

4.6.1 The Authority shall provide Power Block or Traffic Block or both to enable the Contractor
to undertake the construction of overhead equipment, or such other work as may be determined
by the Authority Engineer.

4.6.2 The Contractor shall, in consultation with the Authority Engineer, submit a weekly
programme of Blocks, commencing from Monday, with a notice of at least 1 (one) week and the
Authority Engineer shall convey the approved weekly programme to the Contractor no less than
3 (three) days prior to the start of such week.

4.6.3 The minimum period for which a Power Block or Traffic Block shall be provided to the
Contractor shall not be less than two hours, period being counted from the time the track is
placed at the disposal of the Contractor and until it is cleared by the Contractor. Provided,
however, that a Power Block or Traffic Block, as the case may be, of shorter duration may be
provided with mutual consent of the Parties.

4.6.4 The aggregate period of Power Block & Traffic Block to be provided to the Contractor
during the Construction Period is specified in Schedule-O. The Contractor shall organise its work
so as to complete all Construction Works within such aggregate period. However, this aggregate
period may be increased by the Authority Engineer on Contractor‟s request, if the same is
considered justified and reasonable under the prevailing circumstances.

4.6.5 In the event of any change in the schedule of Power Block or Traffic Block or both, as the
case may be, the Authority shall inform the Contractor by a notice of not less than 24 (twenty
four) hours. Provided, however, that no such notice shall be required in case of a breakdown,
accident, law & order disturbance, natural calamity or any other unusual occurrence or

4.6.6 In the event a Power Block or Traffic Block, as the case may be, is not provided for any
day in accordance with the confirmed programme, the Contractor shall be compensated by
providing an additional Power Block or Traffic Block of equal time during the same week or the
following week. The Parties expressly agree that in the event of any default in providing such
additional blocks for compensating the Contractor, the Authority shall pay to the Contractor
Damages at the rate of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One thousand) per day for each hour which has not
been provided as required hereunder and until such hour is provided during any of the 6 (six)
following weeks.

4.6.7 The Contractor shall be entitled to undertake the Construction Works within the aggregate
period specified in Schedule-O. Provided, however, that in the event the aggregate period utilised
by the Contractor exceeds the period specified in Schedule- O and the extra time granted thereto
under Clause 4.6.4 if any, the Contractor shall pay to the Authority hourly charges at the rate
specified therein.



5.1 Representations & Warranties of the Contractor

The Contractor represents and warrants to the Authority that:

(a) it is duly organised and validly existing under the laws of India, and has full power &
authority to execute & perform its obligations under this Agreement and to carry out the
transactions contemplated hereby;

(b) it has taken all necessary corporate and other actions under Applicable Laws to authorise
the execution and delivery of this Agreement and to validly exercise its rights and perform its
obligations under this Agreement;

(c) this Agreement constitutes its legal, valid & binding obligation, enforceable against it in
accordance with the terms hereof, and its obligations under this Agreement will be legally valid,
binding and enforceable obligations against it in accordance with the terms hereof;

(d) it is subject to the laws of India, and hereby expressly & irrevocably waives any immunity
in any jurisdiction in respect of this Agreement or matters arising there under including any
obligation, liability or responsibility hereunder;

(e) the information furnished in the Bid and as updated on or before the date of this
Agreement is true and accurate in all respects as on the date of this Agreement;

(f) the execution, delivery & performance of this Agreement will not conflict with, result in the
breach of, constitute a default under, or accelerate performance required by any of the terms of
its memorandum and articles of association or any Applicable Laws or any covenant, contract,
agreement, arrangement, understanding, decree or order to which it is a party or by which it or
any of its properties or assets is bound or affected;

(g) there are no actions, suits, proceedings, or investigations pending or, to its knowledge,
threatened against it at law or in equity before any court or before any other judicial, quasi-judicial
or other authority, the outcome of which may result in the breach of this Agreement or which
individually or in the aggregate may result in any material impairment of its ability to perform any
of its obligations under this Agreement;

(h) it has no knowledge of any violation or default with respect to any order, writ, injunction or
decree of any court or any legally binding order of any Government Instrumentality which may
result in any material adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement
and no fact or circumstance exists which may give rise to such proceedings that would adversely
affect the performance of its obligations under this Agreement;

(i) it has complied with Applicable Laws in all material respects and has not been subject to
any fines, penalties, injunctive relief or any other civil or criminal liabilities which in the aggregate

have or may have a material adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations under this
(j) no representation or warranty by it contained herein or in any other document furnished
by it to the Authority or to any Government Instrumentality in relation to Applicable Permits
contains or will contain any untrue or misleading statement of material fact or omits or will omit to
state a material fact necessary to make such representation or warranty not misleading;

(k) no sums, in cash or kind, have been paid or will be paid, by it or on its behalf, to any
person by way of fees, commission or otherwise for securing the contract or entering into this
Agreement or for influencing or attempting to influence any officer or employee of the Authority in
connection therewith;

(l) all information provided by the {selected bidder/ members of the Consortium/Joint
Venture} in response to the RFP or otherwise, is to the best of its knowledge and belief, true and
accurate in all material respects; and

(m) Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create any contractual relationship or obligation
between the Authority and any Subcontractors, designers, consultants or agents of the

5.2 Representations & Warranties of the Authority

The Authority represents and warrants to the Contractor that:

(a) it has full power & authority to execute, deliver & perform its obligations under this
Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated herein and that it has taken all actions
necessary to execute this Agreement, exercise its rights & perform its obligations, under this

(b) it has taken all necessary actions under Applicable Laws to authorise the execution,
delivery & performance of this Agreement;

(c) it has the financial standing & capacity to perform its obligations under this Agreement;

(d) this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid & binding obligation enforceable against it in
accordance with the terms hereof;

(e) it has no knowledge of any violation or default with respect to any order, writ, injunction or
any decree of any court or any legally binding order of any Government Instrumentality which
may result in any material adverse effect on the Authority‟s ability to perform its obligations under
this Agreement;

(f) it has complied with Applicable Laws in all material respects;

(g) it has good & valid right to the Site and has the power & authority to grant the Right of
Way in respect thereof to the Contractor; and

(h) It shall have procured, as on the Appointed Date, Right of Way and environment
clearances such that the Contractor can commence construction forthwith on 95% (ninety five
per cent) of the core land length and 90% of non-core land length of the Railway Project.

5.3 Disclosure

In the event that any occurrence or circumstance comes to the attention of either Party that
renders any of its aforesaid representations or warranties untrue or incorrect, such Party shall
immediately notify the other Party of the same. Such notification shall not have the effect of
remedying any breach of the representation or warranty that has been found to be untrue or
incorrect nor shall it adversely affect or waive any obligation of either Party under this Agreement.



6.1 Disclaimer

6.1.1 The Contractor acknowledges that prior to the execution of this Agreement, the
Contractor has, after a complete & careful examination, made an independent evaluation of the
Request for Proposal (RFP), Scope of the Project, Specifications & Standards, Site, local
conditions, physical qualities of ground, subsoil and geology, traffic volumes, suitability &
availability of access routes to the Site and all information provided by the Authority or obtained,
procured or gathered otherwise, and has determined to its satisfaction the accuracy or otherwise
thereof and the nature and extent of difficulties, risks and hazards as are likely to arise or may be
faced by it in the course of performance of its obligations hereunder. Save as provided in Clause
4.1.2 and Clause 5.2, the Authority makes no representation whatsoever, express, implicit or
otherwise, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and/or completeness of any
assessment, assumptions, statement or information provided by it and the Contractor confirms
that it shall have no claim whatsoever against the Authority in this regard.

6.1.2 The Contractor acknowledges and hereby accepts to have satisfied itself as to the
correctness & sufficiency of the Contract Price.

6.1.3 The Contractor acknowledges and hereby accepts the risk of inadequacy, mistake or
error in or relating to any of the matters set forth in Clause 6.1.1 above and hereby acknowledges
& agrees that the Authority shall not be liable for the same in any manner whatsoever to the
Contractor, or any person claiming through or under any of them, and shall not lead to any
adjustment of Contract Price or Scheduled Completion Date.

6.1.4 The Parties agree that any mistake or error in or relating to any of the matters set forth in
Clause 6.1.1 above shall not vitiate this Agreement, or render it voidable.

6.1.5 In the event that either Party becomes aware of any mistake or error relating to any of the
matters set forth in Clause 6.1.1 above, that Party shall immediately notify the other Party,
specifying the mistake or error.

6.1.6 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all risks relating to the Project shall be
borne by the Contractor; and the Authority shall not be liable in any manner for such risks or the
consequences thereof.





7.1 Performance Security

7.1.1 The Contractor shall, for the performance of its obligations hereunder, provide to the
Authority, within 30 (Thirty) days of issue of LOA, an irrevocable & unconditional Bank Guarantee
(the “Performance Security”), for an amount equal to 3% (three per cent), of the Contract Price
from a Bank in the form set forth in Annex-I of Schedule-F.

The Performance Security shall be valid until 60 (sixty) days of the expiry of the Defects Liability
Period specified in Clause 15.1.1. Until such time the Performance Security is furnished by the
Contractor pursuant hereto and the same comes into effect, the „Bid Security‟ shall remain in
force and effect, and upon such furnishing of the Performance Security, the Authority shall
release the Bid Security to the Contractor. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties expressly
agree that the Contractor shall provide, no later than 30 (thirty) days prior to the expiry of the
Performance Security for the Defects Liability Period specified in Clause 15.1.1, a Performance
Security in respect of the extended Defects Liability Period, as specified in Clause 15.1.2, for an
amount equal to 3% (three per cent) of the estimated cost of the Structures, Important Bridges, if
any, comprising a new technology not currently in use in the Railways and the interlocking and
telecom switching equipment as specified in Schedule B.

7.1.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Parties agree
that in the event of failure of the Contractor to provide the Performance Security in accordance
with the provisions of Clause 7.1.1 and within the time specified therein or such extended period
as may be provided by the Authority, in accordance with the provisions of Clause 7.1.3, the
Authority shall encash the Bid Security and appropriate the proceeds thereof as part-Damages,
and thereupon all rights, privileges, claims and entitlements of the Contractor under or arising out
of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by, and to have ceased with the
concurrence of the Contractor, and this Agreement shall be deemed to have been terminated by
mutual agreement of the Parties along with further levy of the Liquidated Damages equivalent to
the stipulated „Performance Security‟, which shall be recoverable from contractor‟s pending/future
dues with IR in any of the ongoing/future contracts.

7.1.3 In the event the Contractor fails to provide the Performance Security within 30 (Thirty)
days of the issue of LOA as provided in Clause 7.1.1 above, the Contractor may seek extension
of time for a period not exceeding a further 30 (Thirty) days on payment of damages for such
extended period equivalent to a sum calculated at the rate of 0.002% (zero point zero zero two
percent) of the Contract Price for each day of delay until the Performance Security is provided.

7.2 Extension of Performance Security

The Contractor may initially provide the Performance Security for a period of [2 (two) years];
provided that it shall procure the extension of the validity of the Performance Security, as
necessary, at least 2 (two) months prior to the date of expiry thereof. Upon the Contractor
providing an extended Performance Security, the previous Performance Security shall be
deemed to be released and the Authority shall return the same to the Contractor within a period
of 7 (seven) business days from the date of submission of the extended Performance Security.

7.3 Appropriation of Performance Security

7.3.1 Upon occurrence of a Contractor Default, the Authority shall, without prejudice to its other
rights & remedies hereunder or in law, be entitled to encash and appropriate from the
Performance Security the amounts due to it as Damages for the Contractor Default.

7.3.2 Upon such encashment & appropriation from the Performance Security, the Contractor
shall, within 30 (thirty) days thereof, replenish, in case of partial appropriation, to its original level
the Performance Security, and in case of appropriation of the entire Performance Security
provide a fresh Performance Security, as the case may be, and the Contractor shall, within the
time so granted, replenish or furnish fresh Performance Security as aforesaid failing which the
Authority shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement in accordance with Article 21. Upon such
replenishment or furnishing of a fresh Performance Security, as the case may be, the Contractor
shall be entitled to an additional Cure Period of 30 (thirty) days for remedying the Contractor
Default, and in the event of the Contractor not curing its default within such Cure Period, the
Authority shall be entitled to encash and appropriate such Performance Security as Damages,
and to terminate this Agreement in accordance with Article 21.

7.4 Release of Performance Security

The Authority shall release the Performance Security within 60 (sixty) days of the expiry of the
Defects Liability Period or the extended Defects Liability Period, as the case may be, under this
Agreement. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, the Parties agree that the Authority shall not be
obliged to release the Performance Security until all Defects identified during the Defects Liability
Period or the extended Defects Liability Period, as the case may be, have been rectified.

7.5 Retention Money

7.5.1 From every payment for Works due to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of
Clause 17.5, the Authority shall deduct 6% (six per cent) thereof as guarantee money for
performance of the obligations of the Contractor during the Construction Period (the “Retention
Money”) subject to the condition that the maximum amount of Retention Money shall not exceed
5% (five per cent) of the Contract Price.

7.5.2 Upon occurrence of a Contractor‟s Default, the Authority shall, without prejudice to its
other rights & remedies hereunder or in law, be entitled to appropriate the relevant amounts from
the Retention Money as Damages for such Contractor‟s Default.

7.5.3 The Contractor may, upon furnishing an irrevocable & unconditional bank guarantee
substantially in the form provided at Annex-II of Schedule-F, require the Authority to refund the
Retention Money deducted by the Authority under the provisions of Clause 7.5.1. Provided that
the refund hereunder shall be made in tranches of not less than 0.5% (zero point five percent) of
the Contract Price. Further, the Retention money may be deposited as Bank Guarantee, issued
by Scheduled commercial Bank after signing of Contract Agreement, but before payment of first
payment bill. Provided further that validity of Bank Guarantee shall be extended from time to time
depending upon extension of Contract granted.

7.5.4 Within 15 (fifteen) days of the date of issue of the Completion Certificate, the Authority
shall discharge the bank guarantees, if any, furnished by the Contractor under the provisions of

Clause 7.5.3 and refund the balance of Retention Money remaining with the Authority after
adjusting the amounts appropriated under the provisions of Clause 7.5.2 and the amounts
refunded under the provisions of Clause 7.5.3.

7.5.5 The Parties agree that in the event of Termination of this Agreement, the Retention
Money and the bank guarantees specified in this Clause 7.5 shall be treated as if they are
Performance Security and shall be reckoned as such for the purposes of Termination Payment
under Clause 21.6


8.1 The Site

The site of the Railway Project (the “Site”) shall comprise the site described in Schedule -
A in respect of which the Right of Way shall be provided by the Authority to the Contractor. The
Authority shall be responsible for:

(a) acquiring & providing Right of Way on the Site in accordance with the [alignment plan,
Longitudinal section, Yard Plans/ESP and electrification sectioning diagram] finalised by the
Authority and attached with this document, free from all encroachments and encumbrances, and
free access thereto for the execution of this Agreement;

[This Right of Way will not include completely free access to locations where working may affect
safety of train traffic (i.e. relay room, locations boxes etc.). In such cases, right of work will be
arranged by the Authority Engineer on a written request made by the contractor at least 7 days in
advance, if such request is reasonable.]

(b) Obtaining environmental clearance & forest clearance for the Railway Project.

8.2 Handing over of the Project Site

8.2.1 The Authority Representative and the Contractor shall, within 15 (fifteen) days of
providing the Performance Security by the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of
Clause 7.1, jointly inspect the Site and prepare a joint memorandum containing an inventory of
the Site including the vacant and unencumbered land, buildings, structures, road/ railway works,
trees and any other immovable property on or attached to the Site. Subject to the provisions of
Clause 8.2.3, such memorandum shall have appended thereto an Appendix (the “Appendix”)
specifying in reasonable detail those parts of the Site to which vacant access and Right of Way
has not been given to the Contractor. Signing of the memorandum, in 2 (two) counterparts (each
of which shall constitute an original), by the authorised representatives of the Parties shall be
deemed to constitute a valid evidence of handing over of the Right of Way to the Contractor for
discharging its obligations under and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and for
no other purpose whatsoever.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that subject to the provisions of Clauses 8.2.2 and
8.2.3, whenever the Authority is ready to provide Right of Way for any part or parts of the Site
included in the “Appendix”, it shall by notice inform the Contractor, of the proposed date and
time when the Authority Representative and the Contractor shall inspect the specified parts of the
Site, and prepare a memorandum which shall be deemed to constitute a valid evidence of
handing over of such Right of Way to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of this
Clause 8.2.1.

8.2.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Clause 8.2, the Authority shall
specify the parts of the Site, if any, for which Right of Way shall be provided to the Contractor on
the dates specified in Schedule-A. Such parts shall also be included in the Appendix prepared in
pursuance of Clause 8.2.1. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties expressly agree that the
Appendix shall in no event contain Sections of the Railway Project the cumulative length of which

exceeds 5% (Five per cent) of the core land length and 10% (Ten percent) of the non-core land
length of the Railway Project.

8.2.3 The Authority shall provide the Right of Way to the Contractor, in respect of the land
included in the Appendix, by the date specified in Schedule-A for each part of the Site referred to
therein, but in no case later than 180 (one hundred and eighty) days of the Appointed Date, and
in the event of delay for any reason other than Force Majeure or breach of this Agreement by the
Contractor, it shall pay to the Contractor, Damages in a sum calculated in accordance with
Clause 8.3.

8.3 Damages for delay in handing over the site

8.3.1 In the event the Right of Way to any part of the Site is not provided by the Authority on or
before the date(s) specified in Clause 8.2 for any reason other than Force Majeure or breach of
this Agreement by the Contractor, the Authority shall pay Damages to the Contractor in a sum
calculated in accordance with the following formula for and in respect of those parts of the core
land to which the Right of Way has not been provided:

Amount of Damages in Rs. per day per km = 0.001% of Contract Price

In the event that any Damages are due and payable to the Contractor under the provisions of this
Clause 8.3.1 for delay in providing the Right of Way, the Contractor shall, subject to the
provisions of Clause 10.4, be entitled to Time Extension equal to the period for which the
Damages have become due and payable under this Clause 8.3.1, save and except that:

(a) if any delays involve time overlaps, the overlaps shall not be additive; and

(b) Such Time Extension shall be restricted only to the Works which are affected by the delay
in providing the Right of Way.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties expressly agree that the Damages specified hereunder
and the Time Extension specified in Clause 10.4 shall be restricted only to failure of the Authority
to provide the Right of Way for and in respect of the width of the Site required for Works in
accordance with the Good Industry Practice.

8.3.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Contractor
expressly agrees that Works on all parts of the Site for which Right of Way is granted within 180
(one hundred eighty) days of the Appointed Date, or with respect to the parts of the Site provided
in Schedule-A, no later than the date(s) specified therein, as the case may be, shall be
completed before the Scheduled Completion Date and shall not qualify for any Time Extension
under the provisions of Clause 8.3.1.

8.3.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Authority may
at any time withdraw any part of the Right of Way and the Works forming part of this Agreement,
subject to such Works not exceeding an aggregate value, such value to be determined in
accordance with Schedule-G, equal to 5% (five per cent) of the Contract Price.

Provided that if Right of Way has not been provided within 240 (two hundred and forty)
days of the Appointed Date, for commencing construction on any part of the Site included in the

Appendix, the affected Works shall be deemed to be withdrawn under the provisions of this
Clause 8.3.3 unless the Parties agree to the contrary, and such Works shall not be computed for
the purposes of the aforesaid ceiling of 5% (five per cent) of the Contract Price hereunder. For
the avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that such deemed withdrawal of Works hereunder shall
be without prejudice to the Contractor‟s entitlement to Damages under Clauses 4.1.4, 8.3 & 9.2.

8.3.4 In the event of withdrawal of Works under Clause 8.3.3, including deemed withdrawal of
Works, the Contract Price shall be reduced by an amount equal to 95% (ninety five per cent) of
the value of the Works withdrawn and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any other
compensation or Damages for the withdrawal of Works, including their deemed withdrawal, save
and except for Damages as provided under Clause 4.3.

Provided that if any Works are withdrawn after commencement of the Construction of such
Works, the Authority shall pay to the Contractor 100% (one hundred) of the fair value of the work
done, as assessed by the Authority Engineer.

8.4 Site to be free from encumbrances

Subject to the provisions of Clause 8.2, the Site shall be made available by the Authority to the
Contractor pursuant hereto free from all Encumbrances and occupations and without the
Contractor being required to make any payment to the Authority on account of any costs,
compensation, expenses and charges for the acquisition and use of such Site for the duration of
the Project Completion Schedule. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that the existing rights
of way, easements, privileges, liberties and appurtenances to the Site shall not be deemed to be
Encumbrances. It is further agreed that, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the
Contractor accepts and undertakes to bear any and all risks arising out of the inadequacy or
physical condition of the Site.

8.5 Protection of Site from encroachments

On and after signing the memorandum and/or subsequent memorandum referred to in Clause
8.2.1, and until the issue of the Provisional Certificate, the Contractor shall maintain a round-the-
clock vigil over the Site and shall ensure and procure that no encroachment there on takes place.
During the Construction Period, the Contractor shall protect the Site from any and all
occupations, encroachments or Encumbrances, and shall not place or create nor permit any
Subcontractor or other person claiming through or under the Agreement to place or create any
Encumbrance or security interest over all or any part of the Site or the Project Assets, or on any
rights of the Contractor therein or under this Agreement, save and except as otherwise expressly
set forth in this Agreement. In the event of any encroachment or occupation on any part of the
Site, the Contractor shall report such encroachment or occupation forthwith to the Authority and
undertake its removal at its own cost and expenses.

8.6 Special/Temporary Right of Way

The Contractor shall bear all costs & charges for any special or temporary right of way required
by it in connection with access to the Site. The Contractor shall obtain at its cost such facilities on
or outside the Site as may be required by it for the purposes of the Railway Project and the
performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

8.7 Access to the Authority and the Authority Engineer

8.7.1 The Right of Way given to the Contractor hereunder shall always be subject to the right of
access of the Authority and the Authority Engineer and their employees and agents for
inspection, viewing and exercise of their rights and performance of their obligations under this

8.7.2 The Contractor shall ensure, subject to all relevant safety procedures that the Authority
has unrestricted access to the Site during any Emergency.

8.8 Geological & Archaeological Finds

It is expressly agreed that mining, geological or archaeological rights do not form part of this
Agreement with the Contractor for the Works, and the Contractor hereby acknowledges that it
shall not have any mining rights or interest in the underlying minerals, fossils, antiquities,
structures or other remnants or things either of particular geological or archaeological interest
and that such rights, interest and property on or under the Site shall vest in and belong to the
Authority or the concerned Government Instrumentality. The Contractor shall take all reasonable
precautions to prevent its workmen or any other person from removing or damaging such interest
or property and shall inform the Authority forthwith of the discovery thereof and comply with such
instructions as the Authority or the concerned Government Instrumentality may reasonably give
for the removal of such property. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that any reasonable
expenses incurred by the Contractor hereunder shall be reimbursed by the Authority. It is also
agreed that the Authority shall procure that the instructions hereunder are issued by the
concerned Government Instrumentality within a reasonable period.



9.1 Existing utilities & roads

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Contractor shall ensure that the
respective entities owning the existing roads, right of way, level crossings, structures, or utilities
on, under or above the Site are enabled by it to keep them in continuous satisfactory use, if
necessary, by providing suitable temporary diversions with the authority of the controlling body of
that road, right of way or utility.

9.2 Shifting of obstructing utilities

9.2.1 The Contractor shall, in accordance with Applicable Laws and with the proactive support
& assistance of the Authority, cause shifting of any utility ( including water pipes and telephone
cables except electrical) to an appropriate location or alignment, if such utility or obstruction
adversely affects the execution of Works in accordance with this Agreement. The actual cost of
such shifting/relocation of such utilities , as approved and communicated/demanded by the entity
owning the utility, shall be paid by the Authority directly to the entity. In the event of any delay in
such shifting by the entity owning the utility beyond a period of 180 (one hundred and eighty)
days from the date of notice by the Contractor to the entity owning the utility and to the Authority,
the Contractor shall be entitled to Damages in a sum calculated in accordance with the formula
specified in Clause 8.3.1 for the period of delay, and to Time Extension in accordance with
Clause 10.4 for and in respect of the part(s) of the Works affected by such delay; provided that if
the delays involve any time overlaps, the overlaps shall not be additive.(All Modification of power
line crossings and Shifting of Electrical Utility are part of scope of this project)

9.2.2 For the existing utilities owned by Railways, where the shifting thereof can take place only
after certain works for enabling its shifting have been completed by the Contractor, the Authority
shall, undertake and complete its shifting within 180 (one hundred and eighty) days after the
Contractor has notified the Authority of the completion of the enabling works. In the event of
delay in shifting the utility, beyond the aforesaid period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, the
Contractor shall be entitled to Damages for the period of delay in accordance with the provisions
of this Clause 9.2.1.

9.3 New utilities

9.3.1 The Contractor shall allow, subject to such conditions as the Authority may specify,
access to, and use of the Site for laying telephone lines, water pipes, electric cables or other
public utilities. Where such access or use causes any financial loss to the Contractor, it may
require the user of the Site to pay compensation or damages as per Applicable Laws. For the
avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that use of the Site under this Clause 9.3 shall not in any manner
relieve the Contractor of its obligation to construct and maintain the Railway Project in
accordance with this Agreement and any damage caused by such use shall be restored forthwith
at the cost of the Authority.

9.3.2 In the event the construction of any Works is affected by a new utility or works undertaken
in accordance with this Clause 9.3, the Contractor shall be entitled to a reasonable Time

Extension in accordance with Clause 10.4 for and in respect of the part(s) of the Works affected
by such delay; provided that if the delays involve any time overlaps, the overlaps shall not be

9.4 Felling of trees

The Authority shall obtain the Applicable Permits for felling of trees to be identified by the
Authority for this purpose if and only if such trees cause a Material Adverse Effect on the
construction of the Railway Project. The cost of such felling and of the compensatory plantation
of trees, if any, shall be borne by the Contractor. In the event of any delay in felling there for
reasons beyond the control of the Contractor; it shall be excused for failure to perform any part of
its obligations hereunder if such failure is a direct consequence of delay in the felling of trees.
The Parties hereto agree that the felled trees shall be deemed to be owned by the Authority and
shall be disposed in such manner and subject to such conditions as the Authority may in its sole
discretion deem appropriate. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that if any felling of
trees hereunder is in a forest area, the Applicable Permit thereof shall be procured by the
Authority within the time specified in the Agreement; and for any period of delay in providing the
Applicable Permits, the Contractor shall be entitled to Damages and Time Extension as provided
under Clause 9.2.1.



10.1 Obligations prior to commencement of works

10.1.1 Within 20 (twenty) days of the Appointed Date, the Contractor shall:

(a) appoint its representative, duly authorised to deal with the Authority in respect of all
matters under or arising out of or relating to this Agreement;

(b) appoint a design director (the “Design Director”) who will head the Contractor‟s design
unit and shall be responsible for surveys, investigations, collection of data, and preparation of
preliminary & detailed designs;

(c) undertake & perform all such acts, deeds & things as may be necessary or required
before commencement of Works under and in accordance with this Agreement, Applicable Laws
and Applicable Permits; and

(d) Make its own arrangements for quarrying and procurement of materials needed for the
Railway Project under and in accordance with Applicable Laws & Applicable Permits.

10.1.2 The Authority shall, within 15 (fifteen) days of the date of this Agreement, appoint an
engineer (the “Authority Engineer”) to discharge the functions and duties specified in this
Agreement, and shall notify to the Contractor the name, address and the date of appointment of
the Authority Engineer forthwith.

10.1.3 Within 30 (thirty) days of the Appointed Date, the Contractor shall submit to the Authority
and the Authority Engineer a programme/CPM Charts & Bar Charts (the “Programme”) for
construction of Works, developed using networking techniques and giving the following details:

Part I Contractor‟s organisation for the Project, the project execution plan indicating
arrangements for design and construction i.e. engagement of design consultants, project phasing
and sub-contracting etc., environmental management plan, Quality Assurance Plan including
design quality plan, traffic management and safety plan covering safety of users and workers
during construction, Contractor‟s key personnel, and equipment.

Part II Programme for completion of all stages of construction given in Schedule-G and Project
Milestones of the Works as specified in Project Completion Schedule set forth in Schedule-I. The
Programme shall include:

(a) the order in which the Contractor intends to carry out the Works, including the anticipated
timing of design and stages of Works;

(b) the periods for reviews under Clause 10.2; and

(c) The sequence and timing of inspections and tests specified in this Agreement.

The Contractor shall submit a revised programme whenever the previous programme is
inconsistent with the actual progress or with the Contractor‟s obligations.
Part III Monthly cash flow forecast for the Project

Provided, however, that the Authority may, within a period of 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the
Programme, convey its comments to the Contractor stating the modifications, if any, required for
compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, and the Contractor shall carry out such
modifications, to the extent required for conforming with the provisions of this Agreement.

10.1.4 The Contractor shall plan the project work by keeping Schedule-G into consideration in
order to maximise the cash flow & progress. However, the Authority Engineer may modify /break
up any of the stage payment schedule (payment milestones) during execution if the same is
considered essential to speed up the progress or if the contractor is not able to achieve a
particular payment milestone due to the reasons/delays attributable to the Authority or due to the
factors beyond the control of Contractor or to any unforeseen circumstances.

10.1.5 Procurement of items should be planned by the Contractor in consultation with the
Authority Engineer. Procurement plan should be prepared in such a manner that those materials
which have limited shelf life may be procured in a staggered manner so that materials are
utilised/consumed well before its expiry. If the material/product does not remain of required
specifications at the time of its actual use, the same will be replaced by the Contractor with
materials conforming to Specifications at his own cost.

10.2 Design & Drawings

10.2.1 Design & Drawings shall be developed in conformity with the Specifications & Standards
set forth in Schedule-D. In the event, the Contractor requires any relaxation in design standards
due to restricted Right of Way in any section or unforeseen issues, the alternative design criteria
for such section shall be provided for review/approval of the Authority Engineer.

10.2.2 The Contractor shall appoint a proof checking consultant at its cost (the “Proof
Consultant”) after proposing to the Authority a panel of 3 (three) names of qualified, reputed and
experienced firms and Authority will select one Proof Consultant from the above panel, provided,
however, that if none of the name proposed in the panel is acceptable to the Authority and the
reasons for the same are furnished to the Contractor, the Contractor shall propose to the
Authority a revised panel of 3 (three) more names for obtaining the consent of the Authority. The
Contractor shall also obtain the consent of the Authority for two key personnel of the Proof
Consultant who shall have adequate experience and qualifications with respect to the main
components of the Railway Project. The Authority shall, within 30 (thirty) days of receiving a
panel from the Contractor, either convey its decision with reasons, to the Contractor, and if no
such decision is conveyed within the said period, the Contractor may proceed with engaging the
Proof Consultant of its own choice. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that no firm or
person having any conflict of interest shall be engaged for this purpose. The Parties further agree
that any assignments completed at least three years prior to the appointment hereunder shall not
be reckoned for the purposes of conflict of interest.

10.2.3 The Proof Consultant shall:

(a) evolve a systems approach with the Design Director so as to minimise the time required
for approval of final designs and construction drawings; and

(b) Examine the designs expeditiously and wherever necessary raise observations/ seek
clarifications, etc. as deemed appropriate and refer back the drawings within 15 days for
rectifications/clarifications, and finally proof check & endorse/counter-sign the detailed
calculations, drawings & designs, which have been approved by the Design Director.

10.2.4 route control chart/Table of Control(TOC)

(i) The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Authority's Engineer all route control
charts/TOC conforming to the SIPs, within a period of 3(three) months from the Appointed Date;
(ii) The Authority Engineer shall review the route control chart within two weeks and submit it with
its comments to the Authority for its approval; and
(iii) The Authority shall communicate the route control chart as approved by it within a period not
exceeding 2(two) months from the date of submission of the route control chart by the
Contractor. Such period of two months shall exclude any time that is taken by the Contractor in
providing clarifications or modifications in response to any communication from the Authority.

10.2.4(a)In the event of delay by the Contractor in submitting route control chart, as the case may
be, within the period specified in Clause 10.2.4 for any reason other than Force Majeure or the
delay attributable to the Authority, the Contractor shall pay Damages to the Authority in a sum
equal to 0.001% (zero point zero zero one percent) of the Contract Price for each day of delay.

10.2.5 In the event of delay by the Authority in providing to the Contractor the approved route
control chart, within the period specified in Clause 10.2.4 for any reason other than Force
Majeure or breach of this Agreement by the Contractor, the Authority shall pay Damages to the
Contractor in a sum equal to 0.001% (zero point zero zero one percent) of the Contract Price for
each day of delay and shall also grant Time Extension in accordance with the provisions of
Clause 10.4.

10.2.6 In regard to Contractor‟s obligations with respect to the design & drawings of the Railway
Project as set forth in Schedule-H, the following shall apply:

(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit, with reasonable promptness and in such
sequence as is consistent with the Project Completion Schedule, 3 (three) copies each of the
design and necessary Drawings, duly approved/signed by the Design Director and
certified/signed by the Proof Consultant, to the Authority Engineer for review. Provided, however,
that in respect of Important Bridges, Major Bridges, Structures, railway stations and yards, the
Authority Engineer may require additional drawings for its review in accordance with Good
Industry Practice;

(b) by submitting the Drawings for review to the Authority Engineer, the Contractor shall be
deemed to have represented that it has determined and verified that the design & drawings are in
conformity with stipulated Specifications and Standards, the Applicable Laws, statutory
stipulations and Good Industry Practice;

(c) Within 21 (twenty-one) days of the receipt of the Drawings, the Authority Engineer shall
review the same and convey its observations to the Contractor with particular reference to their
conformity or otherwise with the Scope of the Project and the Specifications & Standards.
Beyond the said period of 21 (twenty one) days, the Contractor shall not be obliged to await the
observations of the Authority Engineer on the Drawings submitted pursuant hereto and may
begin or continue Works at its own discretion and risk; Provided, however, that in case of
Important Bridges, Major Bridges, Structures, interlocking and telecom switching equipment and
any other specified item the aforesaid period of 21 (twenty one) days may be extended as per the
time limit as indicated in Annexure-II of Schedule-D;

(d) If the aforesaid observations of the Authority Engineer indicate that the Drawings are not
in conformity with the Scope of the Project or the Specifications and Standards, such Drawings
shall be revised by the Contractor in conformity with the provisions of this Agreement and
resubmitted to the Authority Engineer for review. The Authority Engineer shall give its
observations, if any, within 10 (ten) days of receipt of the revised Drawings. In the event the
Contractor fails to revise and resubmit such Drawings to the Authority Engineer for review as
aforesaid, the Authority Engineer may cause the payment for the affected works to be withheld
under and in accordance with the provisions of Clause 17.5.4. If the Contractor disputes any
decision, direction or determination of the Authority Engineer hereunder, the Dispute shall be
resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Procedure;

(e) no review and/or observation of the Authority Engineer and/or its failure to review and/or
convey its observations on any Drawings shall relieve the Contractor of its obligations and
liabilities under this Agreement in any manner nor shall the Authority Engineer or the Authority be
liable for the same in any manner; and if errors, omissions, ambiguities, inconsistencies,
inadequacies or other Defects are found in the Drawings, they shall, along with the affected
Works, be corrected at the Contractor's cost, notwithstanding any review under this Article 10;

(f) the Contractor shall be responsible for delays in submitting the Drawings, as set forth in
Schedule-H, caused by reason of delays in surveys and field investigations, and shall not be
entitled to seek any relief in respect thereof from the Authority; and the Contractor warrants that
its designers, including any third parties engaged by it, shall have the required experience and
capability in accordance with Good Industry Practice and it shall indemnify the Authority against
any damage, expense, liability, loss or claim, which the Authority might incur, sustain or be
subject to arising from any breach of the Contractor‟s design responsibility and/or warranty as set
out in this Clause.

10.2.7 Any cost or delay in construction arising from the review by the Authority Engineer shall
be borne by the Contractor.

10.2.8 Works shall be executed in accordance with the Drawings provided by the Contractor in
accordance with the provisions of this Clause 10.2 and the observations of the Authority
Engineer thereon as communicated pursuant to the provisions of Clause 10.2.6. Such Drawings
shall not be amended or altered without prior written notice to the Authority Engineer. If a Party
becomes aware of an error or defect of a technical nature in the design or Drawings, that Party
shall promptly give notice to the other Party of such error or defect.

10.2.9 Within 90 (ninety) days of the Project Completion Date, the Contractor shall furnish to the
Authority and the Authority Engineer a complete set of as-built Drawings, in 2 (two) hard copies
and in its editable digital format or in such other medium or manner as may be acceptable to the
Authority, including an as-built survey illustrating the layout of the Railway Project and setback
lines, if any, of the buildings and structures forming part of Project Facilities, and shall hand them
over to the Authority against receipt thereof.

10.2.10 The Contractor shall also appoint a safety consultant (the “Safety Consultant”)
after proposing to the Authority a panel of 3 (three) names of qualified and experienced
consultants having minimum 10 years‟ experience in ensuring safety at work site from whom the
Authority may choose 1 (one) to be the Safety Consultant. Provided, however, that if the panel is
not acceptable to the Authority and the reasons for the same are furnished to the Contractor, the
Contractor shall propose to the Authority a revised panel of 3 (three) names for obtaining the
consent of the Authority. The Contractor shall also obtain the consent of the Authority for
additional two key personnel of the Safety Consultant who shall have at least 5 years‟ experience
in ensuring safety at work site. The Authority shall, within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving a proposal
from the Contractor hereunder, convey its decision, with reasons, to the Contractor, and if no
such decision is conveyed within the said period, the Contractor may proceed with engaging the
Safety Consultant. The Safety Consultant shall:

(a) evolve a system approach for undertaking a safety audit of the Railway Project during
construction phase; and

(b) Proof check the detailed safety plan covering all aspects including safety of Users,
workers & equipment.

10.3 Construction of the Railway Project

10.3.1 The Contractor shall construct the Railway Project as specified in Schedule-B and
Schedule-C, and in conformity with the Specifications and Standards set forth in Schedule-D.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct positioning of all parts of the Works, and shall
rectify any error in the positions, levels, dimensions or alignment of the Works. For works
involving existing yards, the non-interlocking programme for each yard shall be drawn by the
Authority Engineer and provided to the Contractor. The Contractor and the Authority Engineer,
within a period of 30 days, will discuss the same and issue a jointly agreed NI programme. The
execution of work during the non-interlocking period will be the responsibility of the Contractor.
The work during the non-interlocking period in yards will be executed directly under the
supervision of Railways, however, the timely completion of NI working will be the responsibility of
the Contractor. The 730th (seven hundred thirtieth) day from the Appointed Date shall be the
scheduled completion date (the “Scheduled Completion Date”) and the Contractor agrees and
undertakes that the construction shall be completed on or before the Scheduled Completion
Date, including any extension thereof, in which case the Scheduled Completion Date will be the
extended date as per the time extension granted.

10.3.2 The Contractor shall construct the Railway Project in accordance with the Project
Completion Schedule set forth in Schedule-I. In the event that the Contractor fails to achieve any
Project Milestone or the Scheduled Completion Date within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the
date set forth in Schedule-I, unless such failure has occurred due to Force Majeure or for
reasons attributable to the Authority, it shall pay Damages to the Authority in a sum calculated at

the rate of 0.05% (zero point zero five per cent) of the Contract Price for delay of each day
reckoned from the date specified in Schedule - I and until such Project Milestone is achieved or
the Works are completed; provided that if the period for any or all Project Milestones or the
Scheduled Completion Date is extended in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the
dates set forth in Schedule-I shall be deemed to be modified accordingly and the provisions of
this Agreement shall apply as if Schedule-I has been amended as above; provided further that in
the event the Works are completed within or before the Scheduled Completion Date including
any Time Extension, the Damages paid under this Clause 10.3.2 shall be refunded by the
Authority to the Contractor, but without any interest thereon. For the avoidance of doubt, it is
agreed that recovery of Damages under this Clause 10.3.2 shall be without prejudice to the rights
of the Authority under this Agreement including the right of Termination thereof. The Parties
further agree that Time Extension hereunder shall only be reckoned for and in respect of the
affected Works as specified in Clause 10.4.2.

10.3.3 The Authority shall notify the Contractor of its decision to impose Damages in pursuance
of the provisions of this Clause 10.3. Provided, however, that no deduction on account of
Damages shall be affected by the Authority without taking into consideration the representation, if
any, made by the Contractor within 20 (twenty) days of such notice. The Parties expressly agree
that the total amount of Damages under Clause 10.3.2 shall not exceed 10% (ten percent) of the
Contract Price.

10.3.4 Certain works, which are executed in the vicinity of a running track, may require prior
sanction of the Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) before execution of such works are taken
up by the Contractor. The Authority Engineer will advise such works to the Contractor. The
Contractor shall be responsible to prepare and submit applications to Authority Engineer for
obtaining sanction of CRS at least 60 (sixty) days in advance of commencing a work that requires
prior sanction of CRS.

10.4 Extension of time for completion

10.4.1 Without prejudice to any other provision of this Agreement for and in respect of extension
of time, the Contractor shall be entitled to extension of time in the Project Completion Schedule
(the “Time Extension”) to the extent that completion of any Project Milestone is or will be delayed
by any of the following, namely:

(a) delay in providing the Right of Way, [approval of GAD by road / canal authorities,]
environmental/ forest clearances, or [signalling interlocking plan] and route control chart in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;

(b) change of Scope, unless an adjustment to the Scheduled Completion Date has been
agreed under Article 13;

(c) occurrence of a Force Majeure Event;

(d) any delay, impediment or prevention caused by or attributable to the Authority, the
Authority‟s personnel or the Authority‟s other contractors on the Site; and

(e) Any other cause or delay which entitles the Contractor to Time Extension in accordance
with the provisions of this Agreement.

10.4.2 The Contractor shall, no later than 15 (fifteen) business days from the occurrence of an
event or circumstance specified in Clause 10.4.1, inform the Authority Engineer by notice in
writing, with a copy to the Authority, stating in reasonable detail with supporting particulars, the
event or circumstances giving rise to the claim for Time Extension in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement. Provided that the period of 15 (fifteen) business days shall be
calculated from the date on which the Contractor became aware, or should have become aware,
of the occurrence of such an event or circumstance.

Provided further that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Time
Extension shall be due and applicable only for the Works which are affected by the aforesaid
events or circumstances and shall not in any manner affect the Project Completion Schedule for
and in respect of the Works which are not affected thereby.

10.4.3 In the event of the failure of the Contractor to issue to the Authority Engineer a notice in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 10.4.2 within the time specified therein, the Contractor
shall not be entitled to any Time Extension and shall forfeit its right for any such claims in future.
For the avoidance of doubt, in the event of failure of the Contractor to issue notice as specified in
this Clause 10.4.3, the Authority shall be discharged from all liability in connection with the claim.

10.4.4 The Authority Engineer shall, on receipt of a claim in accordance with the provisions of
Clause 10.4.2, examine the claim expeditiously within the time frame specified herein. In the
event the Authority Engineer requires any clarifications to examine the claim, the Authority
Engineer shall seek the same within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of receiving the claim. The
Contractor shall, on the receipt of the communication of the Authority Engineer requesting for
clarification, furnish the same to the Authority Engineer within 10 (ten) days thereof. The
Authority Engineer shall, within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of such
clarifications, forward in writing to the Contractor its determination of Time Extension. For the
avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that the Authority Engineer shall, in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement, notify the Contractor of the aforesaid Time Extension no later than
30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the Contractor‟s claim for Time Extension or the date of
receipt of the clarification from the Contractor, as the case may be.

Provided that when determining each extension of time under this Clause 10.4, the Authority
Engineer shall review previous determinations and may increase, but shall not decrease, the total
Time Extension.

10.4.5 If the event or circumstance giving rise to the notice has a continuing effect:

(a) the detailed claim shall be considered as interim;

(b) the Contractor shall, no later than 10 (ten) days after the close of each month, send
further interim claims specifying the accumulated delay, the extension of time claimed, and such
further particulars as the Authority Engineer may reasonably require; and

(c) The Contractor shall send a final claim within 30 (thirty) days after the effect of the event
or the circumstance ceases.

Upon receipt of the claim hereunder, the Authority Engineer shall examine and determine the
same in accordance with the provisions of Clause 10.4.4 within a period of 30 (thirty) days of the
receipt thereof.

10.5 Incomplete works

In the event the Contractor fails to complete the Works in accordance with the Project
Completion Schedule, including any Time Extension granted under this Agreement, the
Contractor shall endeavour to complete the balance work expeditiously and shall pay Damages
to the Authority in accordance with the provisions of Clause 10.3.2 for delay of each day until the
Works are completed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Recovery of Damages
under this Clause shall be without prejudice to the rights of the Authority under this Agreement
including the right to termination under Clause 21.1.

10.6 Equipment specific maintenance manual

No later than 90 (ninety) days prior to the Project Completion Date, the Contractor shall, in
consultation with the Authority Engineer, evolve an equipment specific maintenance manual for
equipment based on a new technology not currently in use in the Railways (the “Maintenance
Manual”) for the regular operation and maintenance of such equipment in conformity with safety
requirements, Good Industry Practice and manufacturer‟s manuals and instructions and shall
provide 10 (ten) hard copies and 2 (two) compact discs thereof to the Authority Engineer.



11.1 Quality of Materials & Workmanship

11.1.1 The Contractor shall ensure that the Construction, Materials & workmanship are in
accordance with the requirements specified in this Agreement, Specifications & Standards and
Good Industry Practice.

11.1.2 The Contractor warrants that all Materials shall be new, unused, not reconditioned and in
conformity with Specification & Standards, Applicable Laws and Good Industry Practice, and that
the Contractor shall not use any materials which are generally recognised as being deleterious
under Good Industry Practice.

11.2 Quality Control System

11.2.1 The Contractor shall establish a Quality Control Mechanism, Quality Assurance Plan (the
“Quality Assurance Plan” or “QAP”), Material Testing Plan (the “Material Testing Plan” or “MTP”)
and Method Statements for execution of works (the “Method Statements” or “MS”) in consultation
of Authority Engineer.

11.2.2 The Contractor shall, within 30 (thirty) days of the Appointed Date, submit to the Authority
Engineer its Quality Control Mechanism, QAP, MTP and MS which shall include the following:

(a) organisation, duties & responsibilities, procedures, inspections & documentation;

(b) quality control mechanism including sampling and testing of Materials, tests required
during the execution of works and frequencies by Contractor and Authority Engineer, standards,
acceptance criteria, testing facilities, reporting, recording and interpretation of test results,
approvals, checklist for site activities, and Performa for testing & calibration in accordance with
the Specifications & Standards and Good Industry Practice; and

(c) Internal quality audit system. The Contractor shall carry out internal audits of the Quality
management System regularly, and at least once every 6 months. The Contractor shall submit to
the Engineer a report listing the results of each internal audit within 7 days of completion. Each
report shall include, where appropriate, the proposed measures to improve and/or rectify the
Quality Management System and/or its implementation.
The Authority Engineer shall convey its comments to the Contractor within a period of 21 (twenty-
one) days of receipt of the QAP stating the modifications, if any, required, and the Contractor
shall incorporate those in the QAP to the extent required for conforming with the provisions of this
Clause 11.2.

11.2.3 The Contractor shall procure all documents, apparatus & instruments, fuel, consumables,
water, electricity, labour, Materials, samples, and qualified personnel as are necessary for

examining and testing the Project Assets, Materials and workmanship in accordance with the
Quality Assurance Plan.

11.2.4 The cost of testing of Construction, Materials and workmanship under this Article 11 shall
be borne by the Contractor.

11.3 Methodology

The Contractor shall, at least 15 (fifteen) days prior to the commencement of any construction
activity, submit to the Authority Engineer for review the Method Statement proposed to be
adopted for executing the Work, giving details of inspection checklist, quality parameters,
equipment to be deployed, traffic management and measures for ensuring safety. The Authority
Engineer shall complete the review and convey its comments, if any, to the Contractor within a
period of 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of the proposed method statement from the
Contractor. The Contractor shall revise the method statements by incorporating these comments
or else will advise the Authority Engineer reasons for not/partially including the same.

11.4 Inspection and Technical Audit by the Authority

The Authority or any representative authorised by the Authority in this behalf may inspect and
review the progress and quality of the construction of Works and issue appropriate directions to
the Authority Engineer and the Contractor for taking remedial action in the event the Works are
not in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

11.5 External Technical Audit

At any time during construction, the Authority may appoint an external technical auditor to
conduct an audit of the quality of the Works. The findings of the audit, to the extent accepted by
the Authority, shall be notified to the Contractor and the Authority Engineer for taking remedial
action in accordance with this Agreement. The Contractor shall provide all assistance as may be
required by the auditor in the conduct of its audit hereunder. Notwithstanding anything contained
in this Clause 11.5, the external technical audit shall not affect any obligations of the Contractor
or the Authority Engineer under this Agreement.

11.6 Inspection of construction records

The Authority shall have the right to inspect the records of the Contractor relating to the Works.

11.7 Monthly Progress Reports

During the Construction Period, the Contractor shall, no later than 10 (ten) days after the close of
each month, furnish to the Authority and the Authority Engineer a monthly report on the progress
of Works and shall promptly give such other relevant information as may be required by the
Authority Engineer along with all resources deployed and all problems faced during work.

11.8 Inspection

11.8.1 The Authority Engineer and its authorised representative shall at all times:

(a) have full access to all parts of the Site and to all places from which natural Materials are
being obtained for use in the Works; and

(b) During production, manufacture & construction at the Site and at the place of production,
be entitled to examine, inspect, measure and test the materials & workmanship, and to check the
progress of manufacture of materials.
11.8.2 The Contractor shall give the Authority Engineer and its authorised agents access,
facilities and safety equipment for carrying out their obligations under this Agreement.

11.8.3 The Authority Engineer shall submit a monthly inspection report (the “Inspection
Report”) to the Authority and the Contractor bringing out the results of inspections and the
remedial action taken by the Contractor in respect of Defects or deficiencies. For the avoidance
of doubt, such inspection or submission of Inspection Report by the Authority Engineer shall not
relieve or absolve the Contractor of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement in any
manner whatsoever.

11.9 Samples

The Contractor shall submit the following samples of Materials and relevant information to the
Authority Engineer for review:

(a) manufacturer‟s test reports and standard samples of manufactured Materials; and

(b) Samples of such other Materials as the Authority Engineer may require.

11.10 Tests

11.10.1 For determining that the Works conform to the Specifications & Standards, the
Authority Engineer shall require the Contractor to carry out or cause to be carried out tests, at
such time and frequency and in such manner as specified in this Agreement, and in accordance
with Good Industry Practice for quality assurance. The Contractor shall submit the schedule for
performing such tests to the Authority Engineer well in advance and not less than 7 days prior to
conducting such tests. The Contractor shall, with due diligence, carry out all the tests in
accordance with the Agreement and furnish the results thereof to the Authority Engineer. Of the
total tests for each category or type to be undertaken by the Contractor under the provisions of
this Agreement and Good Industry Practice, the Authority Engineer or his authorised
representative may witness or participate in such tests conducted or cause to be conducted by
the Contractor. Documentation of test records to be maintained by Contractor and Authority
Engineer or his authorised representative shall scrutinize 100% testing records of all tests
conducted as per existing guidelines of Indian Railways and Indian Road Congress. A copy of
such test records shall be provided to the Authority Engineer.

11.10.2 In the event that results of any tests conducted under this Clause 11.10 establish
any Defects or deficiencies in the Works, the Contractor shall carry out remedial measures and
furnish a report to the Authority Engineer on this behalf. The Authority Engineer shall require the
Contractor to carry out or cause to be carried out tests to determine that such remedial measures
have brought the Works into compliance with the Specifications and Standards, and the
procedure shall be repeated until such Works conform to the Specifications and Standards. For

the avoidance of doubt, the cost of such tests and the remedial measures in pursuance thereof
shall be solely borne by the Contractor.

11.11 Examination of work before covering up

In respect of the work which the Authority Engineer is entitled to examine, inspect, measure or
test before it is covered up or put out of view or any part of the work is placed thereon, the
Contractor shall give notice to the Authority Engineer whenever any such work is ready and
before it is covered up. The Authority Engineer shall then either carry out the examination,
inspection or testing without unreasonable delay, or promptly give notice to the Contractor that
the Authority Engineer does not require to do so. Provided, however, that if any work is of a
continuous nature where it is not possible or prudent to keep it uncovered or incomplete, the
Contractor shall notify the schedule of carrying out such work to give sufficient opportunity, not
being less than 3 (three) business days‟ notice, to the Authority Engineer to conduct its
inspection, measurement or test while the work is continuing. Provided further that in the event
the Contractor receives no response from the Authority Engineer within a period of 3 (three)
business days from the date on which the Contractor‟s notice hereunder is delivered to the
Authority Engineer, the Contractor shall be entitled to assume that the Authority Engineer would
not undertake the said inspection.

11.12 Rejection

11.12.1 If, as a result of an examination, inspection, measurement or testing, any Plant,

Material, design or workmanship is found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement, the Authority Engineer may reject such Plant, Material, design or
workmanship by giving notice to the Contractor, with reasons. The Contractor shall then promptly
make good the Defect and ensure that the rejected item complies with the requirements of this

11.12.2 If the Authority Engineer requires the Plant, Material, design or workmanship to be
retested, the tests shall be repeated on the same terms and conditions, as applicable in each
case. If the rejection and retesting cause the Authority to incur any additional costs, such costs
shall be recoverable by the Authority from the Contractor and may be deducted by the Authority
from any monies due to be paid to the Contractor.

11.12.3 The Contractor shall not be entitled to any extension of time on account of
rectifying any Defect or retesting as specified in this Clause 11.12.

11.12.4 No examination, inspection, measurement or testing of any Plant, Material, design

or workmanship by the Authority Engineer or its failure to convey its observations or to examine,
inspect, measure or test shall relieve the Contractor of its obligations and liabilities under this
Agreement in any manner nor shall the Authority be liable for the same in any manner.

11.13 Remedial work

11.13.1 Notwithstanding any previous test or certification, the Authority Engineer may
instruct the Contractor to:

(a) remove from the Site and replace any Plant or Materials which are not in accordance with
the provisions of this Agreement;

(b) remove & re-execute any work which is not in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement and the Specification and Standards; and

(c) execute any work which is urgently required for the safety of the Railway Project, whether
because of an accident, unforeseeable event or otherwise; provided that in case of any work
which is required on account of a Force Majeure Event, the provisions of Clause 19.6 shall apply.

11.13.2 If the Contractor fails to comply with the instructions issued by the Authority
Engineer under Clause 11.13.1, within the time specified in the Authority Engineer‟s notice or as
mutually agreed, the Authority Engineer may advise the Authority to have the work executed by
another agency. The cost incurred by the Authority for undertaking such work shall, without
prejudice to the rights of the Authority to recover Damages in accordance with the provisions of
this Agreement, be recoverable from the Contractor and may be deducted by the Authority from
any monies due to be paid to the Contractor.

11.14 Delays during construction

Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 10.3.2, in the event the Contractor does not achieve
any of the Project Milestones within the time period stipulated in Schedule-I or the Authority
Engineer shall have reasonably determined that the rate of progress of Works is such that
Completion of the Railway Project is not likely to be achieved by the end of the Scheduled
Completion Date, it may notify the same to the Contractor, and the Contractor shall, within 15
(fifteen) days of such notice, by a communication inform the Authority Engineer in reasonable
detail about the steps it proposes to take to expedite progress and the period within which it shall
achieve the Project Completion Date.

11.15 Quality control records & documents

The Contractor shall hand over to the Authority Engineer a copy of all its quality control records
and documents before the Completion Certificate is issued pursuant to Clause 12.2.

11.16 Video Recording

During the Construction Period, the Contractor shall provide to the Authority for every calendar
quarter, a video recording, which will be compiled into a 3 (three) hour digital video disc or any
substitute thereof, covering the status and progress of Works in that quarter. The video recording
shall be provided to the Authority no later than 15 (fifteen) days after the close of each quarter
after the Appointed Date.

11.17 Suspension of unsafe construction works

11.17.1 Upon recommendation of the Authority Engineer to this effect, or on its own
volition in cases of emergency or urgency, the Authority may by notice require the Contractor to
suspend forthwith the whole or any part of the Works if, in the reasonable opinion of the Authority
Engineer or the Authority, as the case may be, such work threatens the safety of the Users and
or other persons on or about the Railway Project.

11.17.2 The Contractor shall, pursuant to the notice under Clause 11.17.1, suspend the
Works or any part thereof for such time and in such manner as may be specified by the Authority
and thereupon carry out remedial measures to secure the safety of suspended works, the Users,
other persons and vehicles on or about the Railway Project including pedestrians. The Contractor
may by notice require the Authority Engineer to inspect such remedial measures forthwith and
make a report to the Authority recommending whether or not the suspension hereunder may be
revoked. Upon receiving the recommendations of the Authority Engineer, the Authority shall
either revoke such suspension or instruct the Contractor to carry out such other and further
remedial measures as may be necessary in the reasonable opinion of the Authority, and the
procedure set forth in this Clause 11.17 shall be repeated until the suspension hereunder is

11.17.3 Subject to the provisions of Clause 19.6, all reasonable costs incurred for
maintaining and protecting the Works or part thereof during the period of suspension (the
“Preservation Costs”), shall be borne by the Contractor; provided that if the suspension has
occurred as a result of any breach of this Agreement by the Authority, the Preservation Costs
shall be borne by the Authority.

11.17.4 If suspension of Works is for reasons not attributable to the Contractor, the
Authority Engineer shall determine any Time Extension to which the Contractor is reasonably



12.1 Tests on Completion

12.1.1 No later than 30 (thirty) days prior to the likely completion of the Railway Project or a part
thereof, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Authority Engineer the documents
required for seeking approval of the Commissioner of Railway Safety in accordance with the
provisions of the Railways Opening for Public Carriage of Passenger Rules, the Indian Railway
Permanent Way Manual, the Indian Railways Manual of A.C. Traction, Indian Railways Signal
Engineering Manual, Indian Railways Telecom Manual as the case may be, and notify the
Authority Engineer of its intent to subject the Railway Project to Tests. After ensuring and
procuring that the documents required to be submitted to the Commissioner for Railway Safety
meet the requirements of Applicable Laws, the Authority Engineer shall, in consultation with the
Contractor, determine the date and time of each of the Tests, and inform the Authority who may
designate its representative to witness the Tests. The Contractor shall provide such assistance
as the Authority Engineer may reasonably require for conducting the Tests. For avoidance of
doubts, the parties agree that in the event of the Contractor and the Authority Engineer failing to
mutually agree on the dates for conducting the Tests, the Contractor shall fix the dates by giving
not less than 10 (ten) days‟ notice to the Authority Engineer. Authority will carry out tests on
completion within 30 days of receiving a request from the contractor. And if the Authority
Engineer fails to carry out the test within 30 days, the Authority will pay damage to Contractor @
0.02% of the payment pending for want of test per day.

12.1.2 All Tests shall be conducted in accordance with Schedule-J at the cost and expense of
the Contractor; provided, however, that the trial running on railway track shall be undertaken at
the cost and expense of the Authority. The Authority Engineer shall observe, monitor and review
the results of the Tests to determine compliance of the Railway Project with Specifications and
Standards and if it is reasonably anticipated or determined by the Authority Engineer during the
course of any Test that the performance of the Railway Project or Section or any part thereof,
does not meet the Specifications and Standards, it shall have the right to suspend or delay such
Test and require the Contractor to remedy and rectify any Defect or deficiency. Upon completion
of each Test, the Authority Engineer shall provide to the Contractor and the Authority copies of all
Test data including detailed Test results. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties expressly agree
that the Authority Engineer may require the Contractor to carry out or cause to be carried out
additional Tests, in accordance with Good Industry Practice, for determining the compliance of
the Railway Project thereof with the Specifications and Standards.

12.2 Provisional Certificate

12.2.1 Upon completion of Tests, the Authority Engineer shall satisfy itself that the Tests have
been successful and the Railway Project is fit for opening to traffic. A list of outstanding items
signed jointly by the Authority Engineer and the Contractor (called the “Punch List”) shall be
prepared in two parts. The Part-1 showing the critical/safety items and the Part-2 showing non-
critical/non-safety items. The Authority Engineer may issue a Provisional Certificate to the
Contractor and the Authority in the form set forth in Schedule-K (the “Provisional Certificate”),
provided the items figuring in the Punch List of critical/safety items (Part-1) have been fully

completed/attended to. The items figuring in the Punch List (Part-2) of non-critical/non-safety
should be completed by the contractor in a time frame as stipulated in Clause 12.3.

12.2.2 Upon issuance of the “Provisional Certificate”, the Authority Engineer shall forward to
the Authority (i) copies of all Test data including Test results, and (ii) the documents submitted by
the Contractor for seeking approval of the Commissioner of Railway Safety in accordance with
the provisions of the Railways Opening for Public Carriage of Passenger Rules, the Indian
Railway Permanent Way Manual/ or the Indian Railways Manual of A.C. Traction, Indian
Railways Signal Engineering Manual, Indian Railways Telecom Manual as the case may be, for
obtaining authorisation from the Commissioner for Railway Safety.

12.2.3 The Contractor shall assist the Authority during inspection and tests to be conducted by
the Commissioner of Railway Safety for determining compliance of the Railway Project with
Applicable Laws and the provisions of this Agreement.

12.2.4 The Defects Liability Period for the Railway Project shall commence from the date of
issue of the Provisional Certificates.

12.2.5 The Parties hereto expressly agree that the Authority Engineer may also issue a “part
Provisional Certificate” for part of the Railway Project ready for commissioning/ opening subject
to the provisions of Clauses 12.1 & 12.2 applying mutatis mutandis. The issuance of the part-
provisional certificate will however not absolve the contractor in any manner of its obligations to
complete the remaining part of the Railway Project.

12.2.6 The risk of loss or damage to any Materials, Plant or Works in the Railway Project or part
thereof, as the case may be, and the care and custody thereof shall pass from the Contractor to
the Authority upon issuance of Provisional Certificate for the Railway Project or part thereof.

12.3 Completion of Part-2 Punch List Items

All items figuring in the Part-2 of Punch List shall be completed by the Contractor within 90
(ninety) days of the date of issuance of the Provisional Certificate for that part and for any delay
thereafter, other than for reasons solely attributable to the Authority or due to Force Majeure, the
Authority shall be entitled to recover Damages from the Contractor to be calculated and paid for
each day of delay until all items are completed, at the rate of 0.2% (zero point two per cent) of
the cost of completing such items as estimated by the Authority Engineer. Subject to payment of
such Damages, the Contractor shall be entitled to a further period not exceeding 120 (one
hundred and twenty) days for completion of the part-2 Punch List items. For the avoidance of
doubt, it is agreed that if completion of any item in the part-2 of Punch List is delayed for reasons
attributable to the Authority or due to Force Majeure, the completion date thereof shall be
determined by the Authority Engineer in accordance with Good Industry Practice, and such
completion date shall be deemed to be the date of issue of the Provisional Certificate for the
purposes of Damages, if any, payable for such item under this Clause 12.3.

12.4 Completion Certificate

12.4.1 Upon completion of all items in the Punch List (part-1 as well as part-2) and issuance of
authorisation by the Commissioner of Railway Safety and compliance of all CRS observations
pertaining to Contractor if any, the Authority Engineer shall issue forthwith to the Contractor and

the Authority; a completion certificate substantially in the form set forth in Schedule-K (the
“Completion Certificate”) separately in respect of each Provisional Certificate issued. For
Avoidance of doubt, Completion Certificate may also be issued for part-commissioning of Project.

12.4.2 Upon receiving the Completion Certificate, the Contractor shall remove its equipment,
materials, debris and temporary works from the Site, which are not required any more for the
Project, within a period of 15 (fifteen) days thereof, failing which the Authority may remove or
cause to be removed, such equipment, materials, debris and temporary works and recover from
the Contractor an amount equal to 120% (one hundred and twenty per cent) of the actual cost of
removal incurred by the Authority.

12.5 Rescheduling of Tests

If the Authority Engineer certifies to the Authority and the Contractor that it is unable to issue the
Completion Certificate or Provisional Certificate, as the case may be, because of events or
circumstances on account of which the Tests could not be held or had to be suspended, the
Contractor shall be entitled to reschedule the Tests and hold the same as soon as reasonably

12.6 Delayed Authorisation

In the event of delay in issuance of authorisation by the Commissioner of Railway Safety beyond
a period of 60 (sixty) days from the date of completion of all safety/critical items of punch list, the
Contractor shall be entitled to interest for the period of delay at a rate equal to 3% (three percent)
above the Bank Rate on the payment due for integrated testing & commissioning as specified in



13.1 Change of Scope

13.1.1 The Authority may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement,
require the Contractor to make modifications or alterations to the Works (“Change of Scope”)
before the issue of the Completion Certificate either by giving an instruction or by requesting the
Contractor to submit a proposal for Change of Scope involving additional cost or reduction in
cost. Any such Change of Scope shall be made and valued in accordance with the provisions of
this Article 13.

13.1.2 Change of Scope shall mean:

(a) change in specifications of any item of Works;

(b) omission of any work from the Scope of the Project except under Clause 8.3.3; provided
that, subject to Clause 13.5, the Authority shall not omit any work under this Clause in order to
get it executed by any other entity; or

(c) Any additional work, Plant, Materials or services which are not included in the Scope of
the Project, including any associated Tests on completion of construction.

(d) variation in the quantities of certain items (positive or negative) necessitated due to any
change(s) in the L-Section/Alignment/ESPs of the Project with respect to those attached with this

13.1.3 If the Contractor determines at any time that a Change of Scope will, if adopted,

i) accelerate completion,

ii) reduce the cost to the Authority of executing, maintaining or operating the Railway

iii) improve the efficiency or value to the Authority of the completed Railway Project, or

iv) otherwise be of benefit to the Authority,

It shall prepare a proposal with relevant details at its own cost. The Contractor shall submit such
proposal, supported with the relevant details including the amount of reduction in the Contract
Price, if any, to the Authority to consider such Change of Scope. The Authority shall, within 15
(fifteen) days of receipt of such proposal, either accept such Change of Scope with modifications,
if any, and initiate proceedings therefore in accordance with this Article 13 or reject the proposal
and inform the Contractor of its decision. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that the
Contractor shall not undertake any Change of Scope without a Change of Scope Order being
issued by the Authority, save and except any Works necessary for meeting any Emergency.

13.2 Procedure for Change of Scope

13.2.1 In the event of the Authority determining that a Change of Scope is necessary, it may
direct the Authority Engineer to issue to the Contractor a notice specifying in reasonable detail
the works and services contemplated thereunder (the “Change of Scope Notice”).

13.2.2 Upon receipt of a Change of Scope Notice from Authority Engineer, the Contractor shall,
with due diligence, provide to the Authority Engineer such information as is necessary, together
with preliminary documentation in support of:

(a) the impact of the Change of Scope on the Project Completion Schedule, if the works or
services are required to be carried out during the Construction Period; and

(b) the options for implementing the proposed Change of Scope and the effect, if any, each
such option would have on the costs and time thereof; including the following details:

i) breakup of the quantities, unit rates and cost for different items of work;

ii) proposed design for the Change of Scope; and

iii) Proposed modifications, if any, to the Project Completion Schedule of the Railway

For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties expressly agree that, subject to the provisions of Clause
13.4.2, the Contract Price shall be increased or decreased, as the case may be, on account of
Change of Scope.

13.2.3 The Contractor‟s quotation of rates/costs for the Change of Scope shall be determined on
the following principles:

(a) The rate for various items to be executed through change of scope order shall be
estimated on the basis of analysis of rates (AOR) of [Zonal Railway, CORE, whichever is
applicable] for item other than building works and as per CPWD‟s AOR for building works and by
applying the prevailing market rates of various input construction materials, labour, machinery
and T & P.

(b) In case AOR of any items is not available in [Zonal Railway‟s or CORE‟s AOR] then such
rates shall be determined as per prevailing market rates in accordance with Good Industry
Practice by the Authority Engineer.

13.2.4 Upon reaching an agreement, the Authority shall issue an order (the “Change of Scope
Order”) requiring the Contractor to proceed with the performance thereof. In the event that the
Parties are unable to agree, the Authority may:

(a) Issue a Change of Scope Order requiring the Contractor to proceed with the performance
thereof at the rates and conditions approved by the Authority till the matter is resolved in
accordance with Article 24. Or

(b) Proceed in accordance with Clause 13.5.

13.2.5 The provisions of this Agreement, insofar as they relate to Works and Tests, shall apply
mutatis mutandis to the works undertaken by the Contractor under this Article 13.

13.3 Payment for Change of Scope

Payment for Change of Scope shall be made in accordance with the payment schedule specified
in the Change of Scope Order.

13.4 Restrictions on Change of Scope

13.4.1 No Change of Scope shall be executed unless the Authority has issued the Change of
Scope Order save and except any Works necessary for meeting any Emergency.

13.4.2 Unless the Parties mutually agree to the contrary, the total value of all Change of Scope
Orders shall not exceed 25% (twenty five per cent) of the Contract Price.

13.4.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Article 13, no change arising from any
default of the Contractor in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement shall be
deemed to be Change of Scope, and shall not result in any adjustment of the Contract Price or
the Project Completion Schedule.

13.5 Power of Authority to undertake works

13.5.1 In the event the Parties are unable to agree to the proposed Change of Scope Orders in
accordance with Clause 13.2, the Authority may, after giving notice to the Contractor and
considering its reply thereto, award such works or services to any person on the basis of open
competitive bidding from amongst bidders who are pre- qualified for undertaking the additional
work; provided that the Contractor shall have the option of matching the first ranked bid in terms
of the selection criteria, subject to payment of 2% (two per cent) of the bid amount to the
Authority$, and thereupon securing the award of such works or services. For the avoidance of
doubt, it is agreed that the Contractor shall be entitled to exercise such option only if it has
participated in the bidding process and its bid does not exceed the first ranked bid by more than
10% (ten percent) thereof. It is also agreed that the Contractor shall provide assistance and
cooperation to the person who undertakes the works or services hereunder, but shall not be
responsible for rectification of any Defects and/or maintenance of works carried out by other

13.5.2 The works undertaken in accordance with this Clause 13.5 shall conform to the
Specifications and Standards and shall be carried out in a manner that it should not cause any
disruption to the Project and also minimise adverse effect to main contractor. The provisions of
this Agreement, insofar as they relate to Works and Tests, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the
works carried out under this Clause 13.5.



14.1 Traffic regulation by the Contractor

14.1.1 The Contractor shall take all the required measures and make arrangements for the
safety of any persons and vehicles on or about the Site during the construction of the Railway
Project or a Section thereof in accordance with Good Industry Practice, and Applicable Laws. It
shall provide, erect & maintain all such barricades, signs, markings, flags, and lights as may be
required by Good Industry Practice for the safety of the traffic using any public roads or access
along or across the Section under construction.

14.1.2 All works shall be carried out in a manner creating least interference to traffic passing
along or across the Railway Project or a Section thereof. The Contractor shall ensure that proper
passage is provided for the traffic. Where it is not possible or safe to allow traffic on the existing
road or passage, a temporary diversion of proper specifications shall be constructed by the
Contractor at its own cost. The Contractor shall take prior approval of the Authority Engineer for
any proposed arrangement for traffic regulation during Construction, which approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld.

14.1.3 In the event any construction work is required to be executed in close proximity of an
existing operating system of Railways, the Contractor shall make arrangements for the safety of
such system in accordance with the provisions of the „Compendium of Instructions on Safety at
work Sites‟ issued by the Authority and Good Industry Practice.



15.1 Defects Liability Period

15.1.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for all the Defects and deficiencies, except usual
wear and tear in the Railway Project or any part thereof, till the expiry of a period of 2 (two) years
commencing from the date of Provisional Certificate or expiry of a period 18 (eighteen) months
from the date of Completion Certificate, whichever is later (the “Defects Liability Period”).

15.1.2 [Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 15.1.1, the Defects Liability Period for and
in respect of any Structure or Important Bridge specified in Schedule B, or interlocking and
telecom switching equipment comprising a new technology shall be deemed to be extended by a
further period of 2 (two) year after the expiry of the Defects Liability Period specified in Clause
15.1.1.]Defect Liability Period shall also cover the extensions covered under clause 15.6]

15.1.3 [Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 15.1.1, the Contractor shall be responsible
for making arrangement for signing of agreement for AMC of SCADA as per clause 3.9 of
Annexure-I (Schedule-B) between OEM/Approved SCADA vendor and concerned
Railway/Division 6 months prior to defects liability period as defined in 15.1.1. In the event that
the Contractor fails to make above Arrangement, the Authority shall be entitled to remedy the
defects and deficiency of the Contractor in Accordance with the clause 15.4 or may extend the
Defects Liability Period in accordance with clause 15.6.1].

15.1.4 [Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 15.1.1, the Contractor shall be responsible
for making arrangement for signing of agreement for AMC of EI system/Axle Counters/ Automatic
Train protection system between OEM/Approved vendor and concerned Railway/Division 6
months prior to defects liability period as defined in 15.1.1. for the duration of Defect liability
period including extended defect liability period. In the event that the Contractor fails to make
above Arrangement, the Authority shall be entitled to remedy the defects and deficiency of the
Contractor in Accordance with the clause 15.4 or may extend the Defects Liability Period in
accordance with clause 15.6.1].

15.2 Remedy & Rectification of Defects & Deficiencies

15.2.1 Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 15.2.2, the Contractor shall repair or rectify
all defects & deficiencies observed by the Authority Engineer during the Defects Liability Period
within a period of 15 (fifteen) days from the date of notice issued by the Authority Engineer, or
within such reasonable period as may be determined by the Authority Engineer at the request of
the Contractor, in accordance with Good Industry Practice. For the purpose of this clause, the
time period of 15 days shall be applicable only to those Defects and Deficiencies which are not
affecting train operations of safety. For any defect noticed affecting train operation of train safety,
the Contractor shall arrange to rectify it within such a reasonable period as may be determined
by the Authority Engineer. If the Contractor is not able to rectify any fault as decided by the
Authority Engineer, the Authority will be at full liberty to make its own efforts to get such defects
rectified at Contractor‟s cost.

15.2.2 During a period of 2 (two) months from the date of issuance of Completion Certificate, the
Contractor shall retain sufficient staff and spares at Project for procuring prompt replacement,
installation or re-installation of any defective parts of (a) the SCADA system; (b) traction
substations & switching posts and (c) EI/SSBPAC spare cards/Telecom & OFC Equipments. The
spares for the purpose of this clause, shall be separate from any spares supplied within the
scope of the Project.

15.3 Cost of remedying defects

For the avoidance of doubt, any repair or rectification undertaken in accordance with the
provisions of Clause 15.2, including any additional tests, shall be carried out by the Contractor at
its own risk & cost, to the extent that such rectification or repair is attributable to:

(a) the design of the Project;

(b) works, plant, materials or workmanship not being in accordance with this Agreement and
the Specifications & Standards;

(c) improper maintenance during construction of the Railway Project by the Contractor; or

(d) Failure by the Contractor to comply with any other obligation under this Agreement.

15.4 Contractor’s failure to rectify defects

In the event that the Contractor fails to repair or rectify such Defect or deficiency within the period
specified in Clause 15.2, the Authority shall be entitled to get the same repaired, rectified or
remedied at the Contractor‟s cost so as to make the Railway Project conform to the
Specifications & Standards and the provisions of this Agreement. All costs consequent thereon
shall, after due consultation with the Authority and the Contractor, be determined by the Authority
Engineer. The cost so determined, and an amount equal to 20% (twenty percent) of such cost as
Damages, shall be recoverable by the Authority from the Contractor and may be deducted by the
Authority from any monies due to the Contractor.

15.5 Contractor to search cause

15.5.1 The Authority Engineer may instruct the Contractor to examine the cause of any Defect in
the Works or part thereof before the expiry of the Defects Liability Period.

15.5.2 In the event any Defect identified under Clause 15.5.1 is attributable to the Contractor, the
Contractor shall rectify such Defect within the period specified by the Authority Engineer, and
shall bear the cost of the examination and rectification of such Defect.

15.5.3 In the event such Defect is not attributable to the Contractor, the Authority Engineer shall,
after due consultation with the Authority and the Contractor, determine the costs incurred by the
Contractor on such examination and notify the same to the Contractor, with a copy to the
Authority, and the Contractor shall be entitled to payment of such costs by the Authority.

15.6 Extension of Defects Liability Period

15.6.1 The Defects Liability Period shall be deemed to be extended till the identified Defects
under Clause 15.2 have been remedied.

15.6.2 Any Materials or Works with Defects identified under Clause 15.2 and replaced or
repaired during the Defects Liability Period or the extended Defects Liability Period, as the case
may be, would be further warranted for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of
completion of such repair or replacement.

15.6.3 The Contractor shall upon termination or expiry of this Agreement or upon expiry of the
Defects Liability Period, assign any outstanding benefit in respect of any subcontract or any
warranty, to the Authority or to such other person as the Authority may direct.



16.1 Appointment of Authority Engineer

16.1.1 The Authority shall appoint a railway engineer / Project Management Consultancy (PMC),
to be the engineer under this Agreement (the “Authority Engineer”).

16.1.2 The appointment of the Authority Engineer shall be made no later than 30 (Thirty) days
from the date of this Agreement. The Authority shall notify the appointment or replacement of the
Authority Engineer to the Contractor.

16.1.3 The staff of the Authority Engineer shall include suitably qualified engineers and other
professionals who are competent to assist the Authority Engineer to carry out its duties.

16.2 Duties & Functions of the Authority Engineer

16.2.1 The Authority Engineer shall perform its duties and discharge its functions in accordance
with the provisions of this Agreement, and substantially in accordance with the duties &
responsibilities set forth in Annex 1 of Schedule L, but subject to obtaining prior written approval
of the Authority before determining:

(a) any Time Extension;

(b) any additional cost to be paid by the Authority to the Contractor;

(c) the Termination Payment;

(d) providing Power Block or Traffic Block or necessary disconnections to the Contractor;

(e) approval of disconnections for modification of telecom works, or

(f) Any other matter which is not specified in (a) to (f) above and which creates an obligation
or liability on either Party for a sum exceeding Rs. 50, 00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Lakh).

16.2.2 No decision or communication of the Authority Engineer shall be effective or valid unless
it is accompanied by an attested true copy of the approval of the Authority for and in respect of
any matter specified in Clause 16.2.1.

16.2.3 The Authority Engineer shall submit regular periodic reports, at least once every month, to
the Authority in respect of its duties and functions assigned to him for the project. Such reports
shall be submitted by the Authority Engineer within 10 (ten) days of the beginning of every

16.2.4 A true copy of all communications sent by the Authority to the Authority Engineer and by
the Authority Engineer to the Authority shall be sent forthwith by the Authority Engineer to the

16.2.5 A true copy of all communications sent by the Authority Engineer to the Contractor and by
the Contractor to the Authority Engineer shall be sent forthwith by the Authority Engineer to the

16.3 Authorised Signatories

The Authority Engineer will designate and notify to the Contractor up to 2 (two) persons under
him to sign for and on behalf of the Authority Engineer, and any communication or document
required to be signed by the Authority Engineer shall be valid and effective only if signed by any
of the designated persons; provided that the Authority Engineer may, by notice in writing,
substitute any of the designated persons by any of its employees.

16.4 Instructions of the Authority Engineer

16.4.1 The Authority Engineer may issue to the Contractor instructions for remedying any
Defect. The Contractor shall take such instructions from the Authority Engineer only.

16.4.2 The instructions issued by the Authority Engineer shall be in writing. However, if the
Authority Engineer issues any oral instructions to the Contractor, it shall confirm in writing the oral
instructions within 2 (two) working days of issuing them.

16.4.3 In case the Contractor does not receive the confirmation of the oral instructions within the
time specified in Clause 16.4.2, the Contractor shall seek the written confirmation of the oral
instructions from the Authority Engineer and shall obtain acknowledgement from the Authority
Engineer of the communication seeking written confirmation. In case of failure of the Authority
Engineer to reply to the Contractor within 2 (two) days of the receipt of the communication from
the Contractor, the Contractor may not carry out the instruction.

16.5 Determination by the Authority Engineer

16.5.1 The Authority Engineer shall consult with each Party in an endeavour to reach agreement
wherever this Agreement provides for the determination of any matter by the Authority Engineer.
If such agreement is not achieved, the Authority Engineer shall make a fair determination in
accordance with this Agreement having due regard to all relevant circumstances. The Authority
Engineer shall give notice to both the Parties of each such agreement or determination, with
supporting particulars.

16.5.2 Each Party shall give effect to each agreement or determination made by the Authority
Engineer in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Provided, however, that if any
Party disputes any instruction, decision, direction or determination of the Authority Engineer, the
Dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Procedure as per Article 24.

16.6 Remuneration of the Authority Engineer

The remuneration, cost and expenses of the Authority Engineer shall be borne by the Authority.
16.7 Replacement of the Authority Engineer

16.7.1 The Authority may, in its discretion, replace the Authority Engineer at any time, but only
upon appointment of another Authority Engineer in accordance with Clause 16.1.

16.7.2 If the Contractor has reasons to believe that the Authority Engineer is not discharging its
duties and functions in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, it may make a written
representation to the Authority and seek replacement of the Authority Engineer. Upon receipt of
such representation, the Authority shall hold a tripartite meeting with the Contractor and Authority
Engineer and make best efforts for an amicable resolution of the Dispute. After due
consideration, The Authority will decide about the replacement of Authority Engineer or
otherwise. However , if the Contractor is not satisfied with the decision of Authority, the Dispute
shall be resolved in accordance with Dispute Resolution Procedure as per article 24.In the event
that the Authority Engineer is to be replaced, the Authority shall appoint another Authority
Engineer in accordance with Clause 16.1.

16.8 Interim Arrangement

In the event that the Authority has not appointed an Authority Engineer, or the Authority Engineer
so appointed has relinquished its functions, the Authority may, in the interim, designate &
authorise any person to discharge the functions of the Authority Engineer in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement, save and except that such person shall not exercise any functions
relating to review, comment, approval or inspection as specified in this Agreement for and in
respect of the Authority Engineer, and such functions shall be discharged as and when an
Authority Engineer is appointed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Provided,
however, that nothing contained in this Clause 16.8 shall in any manner restrict the rights of the
Authority to enforce compliance of the provisions of this Agreement.





17.1 Contract Price

17.1.1 The Authority shall make payments to the Contractor for the Works on the basis of the
lump sum price accepted by the Authority in consideration of the obligations specified in this
Agreement for an amount of Rs. *** (Rupees *** Only) (the “Contract Price”), which shall be
subject to adjustments in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The Parties further
agree that save and except as provided in this Agreement, the Contract Price shall be valid and
effective until issue of Completion Certificate.

17.1.2 The Contract Price includes all duties, taxes, royalty, and fees that may be levied in
accordance with the laws & regulations in force as on the Base Date on the Contractor‟s
equipment, Plant, Materials & Supplies acquired for the purpose of this Agreement and on the
Works undertaken under this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall relieve the Contractor
from its responsibility to pay any tax including any tax that may be levied in India on profits made
by it in respect of this Agreement.

17.1.3 The Contract Price shall not be adjusted for any change in duties, taxes, etc specified in
Clause 17.1.2 above, save and except as specified in Clauses 17.8 & 17.13.

17.1.4 The Contract Price shall not be adjusted to take account of any unforeseen difficulties or
costs, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement.

17.1.5 Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the Contract Price covers all the
Contractor‟s obligations for the Works under this Agreement and all things necessary for the
Construction thereof and for the rectification of any Defects in the Railway Project.

17.1.6 All payments under this Agreement shall be made in Indian Rupees.

17.2 Advance Payment

17.2.1 Upon receiving request from Contractor, the Authority shall make an advance payment
(the “Advance Payment”), up to 10% (ten percent) of the Contract Price, for mobilisation
expenses and for acquisition of equipment, which shall carry simple interest at the rate of Bank
Rate plus 4% per annum and shall be made in two instalments of up to maximum 5% (five per
cent) of the contract price each.

17.2.2 The Contractor may apply to the Authority for the first instalment of the Advance Payment
at any time after the Appointed Date, along with an irrevocable & unconditional guarantee from a
Bank for an amount equivalent to 110% (one hundred and ten per cent) of such instalment,
substantially in the form provided at Annex-III of Schedule-F, to remain effective till the complete
and full repayment thereof.

17.2.3 At any time, after 60 (sixty) days from the Appointed Date, the Contractor may apply to
the Authority for the second instalment of the Advance Payment along with an irrevocable &
unconditional guarantee from a Bank for an amount equivalent to 110% (one hundred ten per

cent) of such instalment, substantially in the form provided at Annex-III of Schedule-F, to remain
effective till the complete and full repayment thereof along with proof of utilization of 1 st

17.2.4 The instalments of Advance Payment shall generally be paid by the Authority to the
Contractor within 15 (fifteen) days of the receipt of its respective requests in accordance with the
provisions of this Clause 17.2.

17.2.5 The Advance Payment shall be recovered through proportionate deductions to be made
in the Interim Payments Certificates issued in accordance with the provisions of Clause 17.5.2.
Deductions of Advance Payment shall commence from the Interim Payment Certificate in which
the cumulative interim payments certified shall have reached 50% (fifty percent) of the Contract
Price. The total amount recovered in each Interim Payment Certificate shall be equal to 30%
(thirty per cent) of the amount of interim payment due and payable under such Interim Payment
Certificate, and interest on the amount being recovered to be calculated from the date of
disbursement of the Advance Payment to the date of recovery until the entire Advance Payment
together with interest is recovered. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that in the event
the total payment specified in any Interim Payment Certificate exceeds the limit of 50% (fifty per
cent) of the Contract Price, the proportionate of recovery hereunder shall be restricted to the
amount exceeding 50% (fifty per cent) of the Contract Price. By way of illustration, the Parties
agree that if the first recovery of say, Rupees „x‟ is made after 20 (twenty) months from the date
of 1st (first) instalment of the Advance Payment, the interest will be recovered on Rupees „x‟ for a
period of 20 (twenty) months; and when the next recovery is made in the following month for say,
Rupees „y‟, interest on Rupees „y‟ will be computed for a period of 21 (twenty one) months. The
Parties further agree that no payments in excess of 90% (ninety per cent) of the Contract Price
shall be released until the Advance Payment, including interest thereon, has been fully

17.2.6 If the Advance Payment has not been fully repaid prior to Termination under Clause 19.7
or Article 21, as the case may be, the whole of the balance then outstanding shall immediately
become due and payable by the Contractor to the Authority. In the event of Termination due to
Contractor‟s Default, the Advance Payment shall be deemed to carry interest at an annual rate of
4% (four per cent) above the Bank Rate from the date of Advance Payment to the date of
recovery by encashment of bank guarantee for the Advance Payment. For the avoidance of
doubt, the aforesaid interest shall be payable on each instalment of the Advance Payment,
regardless of whether the instalment or any part thereof has been repaid to the Authority prior to

17.3 Procedure for estimating the payment for the works

17.3.1 The Authority shall make interim payments to the Contractor, as certified by the Authority
Engineer on completion of a Stage, for a length, number or area as specified, and valued in
accordance with the proportion of the Contract Price assigned to each item and its stage and
payment procedure in Schedule-G.

17.3.2 The Contractor shall base its claim for interim payment for the stages completed till the
end of the month for which the payment is claimed, valued in accordance with Clause

Supported with necessary particulars & documents in accordance with this Agreement.

17.3.3 Any reduction in the Contract Price arising out of Change of Scope or the Works
withdrawn under Clause 8.3, as the case may be, shall not affect the amounts payable for the
items or stage payments thereof which are not affected by such Change of Scope or withdrawal.
For the avoidance of doubt and by way of illustration, the Parties agree that if the amount
assigned to Important Bridges and/or Major Bridges is reduced from Rs. 100 Crore to Rs. 80
Crore owing to Change of Scope or withdrawal of Works, as the case may be, the reduction in
payment shall be restricted to the relevant payments for Important Bridges and/or Major Bridges
and the payment due in respect of all other stage payments under the item Important Bridges
and/or Major Bridges shall not be affected in any manner. The Parties further agree that the
adjustments arising out of the aforesaid modifications shall be carried out in a manner that the
impact of such modifications is restricted to the said Change of Scope or withdrawal, as the case
may be, and does not alter the payments due for and in respect of items or stage payments
which do not form part of such Change of Scope or withdrawal.

17.4 Stage Payment Statement for Works

The Contractor shall submit a statement (the “Stage Payment Statement”), in 3 copies, by the
7th (seventh) day of a month to the Authority Engineer in the form set forth in Schedule-M,
showing the amount calculated in accordance with Clause 17.3 to which the Contractor considers
itself entitled for the completed stage(s) of Works. The Stage Payment Statement shall be
accompanied with the progress reports and any other supporting documents. The Contractor
shall not submit any claim for payment of incomplete stages of work. In the event that there is no
claim for a month in accordance with the provisions of this Clause 17.4, the Contractor shall
submit a nil claim to the Authority Engineer.

17.5 Stage Payment for Works

17.5.1 Within 10 (ten) days of receipt of the Stage Payment Statement from the Contractor
pursuant to Clause 17.4, the Authority Engineer shall broadly determine the amount due to the
Contractor and recommend the release of 80 (eighty) percent of the amount so determined as
part payment against the Stage Payment Statement, pending issue of the Interim Payment
Certificate (IPC) by the Authority Engineer. Within 5 (five) days of the receipt of recommendation
of the Authority Engineer as above, the Authority shall make electronic payment directly to the
Contractor‟s bank account.

17.5.2 Within 20 (twenty) days of the receipt of the Stage Payment Statement referred to in
Clause 17.4, the Authority Engineer shall determine and shall deliver to the Authority and the
Contractor an IPC certifying the amount due and payable to the Contractor, after adjusting the
payments already released to the Contractor against the said statement. For the avoidance of
doubt, the Parties agree that the IPC shall specify all the amounts that have been deducted from
the Stage Payment Statement and the reasons therefore.

17.5.3 In cases where there is a difference of opinion as to the value of any stage, the opinion of
the Authority Engineer shall prevail and interim payments shall be made to the Contractor on this
basis; provided that the foregoing shall be without prejudice to the Contractor‟s right to raise a

17.5.4 The Authority Engineer may, for reasons to be recorded, withhold from payment:

(a) the estimated value of work or obligation that the Contractor has failed to perform in
accordance with this Agreement and in respect of which the Authority Engineer had notified the
Contractor; and

(b) The estimated cost of rectification of any Works which have not been constructed in
accordance with this Agreement.

17.5.5 Payment by the Authority shall not be deemed to indicate the Authority acceptance,
approval, consent or satisfaction with the work done.

17.5.6 In the event the amounts released by the Authority under Clause 17.5.1 exceed the
amount finally determined by the Authority Engineer pursuant to Clauses 17.5.2 to 17.5.4, the
difference thereof shall be accounted for in the next IPC.

17.6 Payment of Damages

17.6.1 The Contractor as well as the Authority may claim Damages due and payable to it in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

17.6.2 The Authority Engineer shall verify and check the claim and issue the IPC within 20
(twenty) days of the receipt of the claim under Clause 17.6.1, after making adjustments in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The Authority shall pay to the Contractor the
amount due under such IPC within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of the submission of
the claim under this Clause 17.6. In the event of the failure of the Authority to make payment to
the Contractor within the specified time, the Authority shall be liable to pay to the Contractor
interest thereon and the provisions of Clause 17.7 shall apply mutatis mutandis thereto.

17.7 Time of payment & interest

17.7.1 The Authority shall pay to the Contractor any amount due under any payment certificate
issued by the Authority Engineer in accordance with the provisions of this Article 17, or in
accordance with any other clause of this Agreement as follows:

(a) Payment shall be made no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of submission of the
Stage Payment Statement by the Contractor to the Authority Engineer for certification in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 17.4 for an IPC; provided, however, that in the event
the IPC is not issued by the Authority Engineer within the aforesaid period of 30 (thirty) days, the
Authority shall pay the amount shown in the Contractor‟s Stage Payment Statement and any
discrepancy therein shall be adjusted in the next payment certificate; and

(b) Payment shall be made no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of submission of the
Final Payment Certificate for Works along with the discharge submitted to the Authority Engineer
for certification in accordance with the provisions of Clause 17.12.

17.7.2 In the event of failure of the Authority to make payment to the Contractor within the time
period specified in this Clause 17.7, the Authority shall be liable to pay to the Contractor interest

at a rate equal to the Bank Rate plus 3%, calculated at quarterly rests, on all sums remaining
unpaid from the date by which the same should have been paid, calculated in accordance with
the provisions of Clause 17.7.1 (a) and (b) and till the date of actual payment.

17.8 Price Adjustment for Works

17.8.1 The amounts payable to the Contractor for Works shall be adjusted in accordance with
the provisions of this Clause 17.8.

17.8.2 Subject to the provisions of Clause 17.8.3, the amounts payable to the Contractor for
Works shall be adjusted in the IPC issued by the Authority Engineer for the increase or decrease
in the index cost of inputs for the works, by the addition or subtraction of the amounts determined
by the formulae specified in Clause 17.8.4.

17.8.3 To the extent that any compensation or reimbursement for increase or decrease in costs
to the Contractor is not covered by the provisions of this or other Clauses in this Agreement, the
costs and prices payable under this Agreement shall be deemed to include the amounts required
to cover the contingency of such other increase or decrease of costs and prices.

17.8.4 The Contract Price shall be adjusted for increase or decrease in rates and prices of
labour, materials, fuel & lubricants, equipment, Machinery, Plant and other Materials or inputs in
accordance with the principles, procedures & formulae specified below:

(a) Price adjustment shall be applied on completion of the specified stage of the respective
item of work in accordance with Schedule-G. The 1st Quarter will start from Bid Due date month;

(b) Adjustment for each item of work/stage shall be made separately;

(c) The following expressions and meanings are assigned to the value of the work done for
civil and track work:

EW = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item earthwork;

BRIMP = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Important Bridges;

BR = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the items Major Bridges, Minor
Bridges, RCC box/pipe culverts, Flyovers, RUB & ROB in accordance with Schedule-G;

TRK = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Track Works;

TUNL = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the items Tunnel;

OEW = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Other Engineering

INVCIV = Value of work done for under the item inventory;

INTGTESTCIV = Value of work done for the item integrated testing and commissioning of the
Railway Project.

(d) Price adjustment for change in costs of civil and track work shall be paid in accordance
with the following formula:

i) VEW = 0.85 EW x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PC x (Ci – Co)/Co + PF x (Fi –Fo)/Fo +


ii) VBRIMP = 0.85 BRIMP x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PC x (Ci – Co)/Co + PS x (Si –
So)/So + PF x (Fi –Fo)/Fo + PMACH x (MACHi – MACHo)/ MACHo + POTH x (OTHi -

iii) VBR = 0.85 BR x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PC x (Ci – Co)/Co + PS x (Si – So)/So + PF x
(Fi – Fo)/Fo + PMACH x (MACHi – MACHo)/MACHo + POTH x (OTHi - OTHo)/OTHo];

iv) VTRK = 0.85 TRK x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PC x (Ci – Co)/Co + PS x(Si – So)/So + PF
x (Fi –Fo)/Fo + PMACH x (MACHi – MACHo)/ MACHo + POTH x (OTHi – OTHo)/OTHo + PR x
(Ri - Ro)/Ro];

v) VTUNL = 0.85 TUNL x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PC x (Ci – Co)/Co + PS x (Si – So)/So +
PF x (Fi – Fo)/Fo + PMACH x (MACHi – MACHo)/ MACHo + POTH x (OTHi - OTHo)/OTHo +
PXLP x (XLPi – XLPo)/ XLPo];

vi) VOEW = 0.85 OEW x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PC x (Ci – Co)/Co + PS x(Si – So)/So +
PF x (Fi – Fo)/Fo + PMACH x ((MACHi – MACHo)/ MACHo + POTH x (OTHi - OTHo)/OTHo];

vii) VINVCIV = 0.85 INVCIV x [PR x (Ri – Ro)/Ro + POTH x (OTHi - OTHo)/ OTHo]; and

viii) VINTGTESTCIV = 0.85 INTGTESTCIV x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo = POTH x (OTHi -



VEW = Increase or decrease in the cost of earthwork during the period under consideration due
to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph (e);

VBRIMP = Increase or decrease in the cost of Important Bridges during the period under
consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph

VBR = Increase or decrease in the cost of Major Bridges, Minor Bridges, Flyovers, RCC box/pipe
culverts ROB/RUB) during the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for
relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph (e);

VTRK = Increase or decrease in the cost of track works during the period under consideration
due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph (e);

VTUNL = Increase or decrease in the cost of tunnels during the period under consideration due
to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph (e);

VOEW = Increase or decrease in the cost of Other Engineering Works during the period under
consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph

VINVCIV = Increase or decrease in the cost of inventory during the period under consideration
due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph (e);

VINTGTESTCIV = Increase or decrease in the cost of integrated testing and commissioning

during the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as
specified in sub-paragraph (e);

PC, PF, PLB, PMACH, POTH, PR, PS and PXLP are the percentages of cement, fuel and
lubricants, labour, Plant Machinery & Tools, other materials, rails, steel /components (including
strands & steel cables), and explosives respectively for the relevant item as specified in sub-
paragraph (e);

Co = The wholesale price index as published by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
Government of India (hereinafter called “WPI”) for sub-group Cement, Lime & Plaster for the
month of the Base Month;

Ci = The WPI for sub-group Cement, Lime & Plaster for the average price index of the 3 months
of the quarter under consideration;

Fo = The wholesale price index as published by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
Government of India (hereinafter called “WPI”) for group Fuel & Power for the month of the Base

Fi = The WPI for group Fuel & Power for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter
under consideration

LBo = The consumer price index for industrial workers – All India, published by Labour Bureau,
Ministry of Labour, Government of India, (hereinafter called “CPI”) for the month of the Base

LBi = The CPI for industrial workers – All India for the average price index of the 3 months of the
quarter under consideration;

MACHo = The wholesale price index as published by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
Government of India (hereinafter called “WPI”) for Category-K “Manufacturing of Machinery for
Mining, quarrying and construction‟ under (R) Manufacturing of Machinery & Equipment for the
month of the Base Month;

MACHi = The WPI for Category-K “Manufacturing of Machinery for Mining, quarrying and
construction‟ under (R) Manufacturing of Machinery & Equipment for the average price index of
the 3 months of the quarter under consideration;

OTHo = The wholesale price index as published by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
Government of India (hereinafter called “WPI”) for all commodities for the month of the Base

OTHi = The WPI for all commodities for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter
under consideration;

Ro = The Price for Rails (60kg) published by the Bhilai Plant of the Steel Authority of India for the
month of the Base Date;

Ri = The Price for Rails (60kg) published by the Bhilai Plant of the Steel Authority of India for the
month which is three months prior to the month to which the IPC relates;

So = Rate of RINL for Rebar 8 mm (coil) as published on their website for the month of the Base

Si = Average rate of RINL for Rebar 8 mm (coil) as published on their website for the 3 months of
the quarter under consideration;

XLPo = The wholesale price index as published by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
Government of India (hereinafter called “WPI”) for explosives for the month of the Base Month;

XLPi = The WPI for explosives for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under

(e) The following percentages shall govern the price adjustment of the Contract Price:

Importa Major Integrated

Component Earthwork nt Bridges/ Tunnels Other Engineering Inventory Testing &
Bridges Flyovers/ Works Commissi

Minor oning
Bridges, CC
Box/ Pipe
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Cement (PC) *****% - 15% - - 25% - - -
- - - - - - - - -
Fuel &
Lubricants 29% - 06% 18% - 07% - - -
Labour (PLB) 24% - 8% 58% - 8% - - -
Machinery &
Plants 35% - 08% 18% - 8% - - -
Materials 12% - 12% 06% - 12% - *** -
Rail (PR) - - - ***- - - - - -
Steel (PS) - - 51% *** - 40% - - -

Total 100% - 100% 100% - 100% 100% 100% 100%

Note: * Not to be considered for any price variation

(f) The following expressions & meanings are assigned to the value of the work done for
signalling & telecommunication works:

SIGWK = Value of signalling works for a stage payment of the item signalling works;

INVSIG = Value of inventory for signalling works for a stage payment of the item inventory for
signalling works;

INTGTESTSIG = Value of integrated testing and commission for signalling works of the Railway

COMWK= Value of telecommunication works for a stage payment of the item telecommunication

INVACOM = Value of inventory for telecommunication works for a stage payment of the item
inventory for telecommunication works; and

INTGTESTCOM = Value of integrated testing and commission for telecommunication works of

the Railway Project.

(g) Price adjustment for changes in cost of signalling works & telecommunication works shall
be paid in accordance with the following formula:

i) VSIGWK = 0.85 SIGWK x [PELEX x (ELEXi – ELEXo)/ ELEXo + POFC x (OFCi –

OFCo)/OFCo + PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + POTH x (OTHi – OTHo) /OTHo + S30C x (P30Ci –
P30Co)/P30Co + S24C x (P24Ci – P24Co)/ P24Co + S19C x (P19Ci – P19Co)/P19Co + S12C x
(P12Ci – P12Co)/ P120Co + S9C x (P9Ci – P9Co)/P9Co + S6C x (P6Ci – P6Co)/ P6Co + S4C x
(P4Ci – P4Co)/P4Co + S2C x (P2Ci – P2Co)/P2Co + S12C2.5 x (P12C2.5i – P12C2.5o)/P12C2.5o
+ S2C2.5 x (P2C2.5i – P2C2.5o)/ P2C2.5o + S2C25 x (P2C25i – P2C25o)/ P2C25o + QC x (PQCi
– PQCo)/ PQCo;

ii) VINVSIG = 0.85 SIGWK x [PELEX x (ELEXi – ELEXo/ ELEXo + POTH x (OTHi -

iii) VINTGTESTSIG = 0.85 INTGTESTSIG x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + POTH x (OTHi -


iv) VCOMWK = 0.85 COMWK x [PELEX x (ELEXi – ELEXo)/ELEXo + POFC x (OFCi –

OFCo)/OFCo + PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + POTH x (OTHi – OTHo)/OTHo + S30C x (P30Ci –
P30Co)/P30Co + S24C x (P24Ci – P24Co)/P24Co + S19C x (P19Ci – P19Co)/ P19Co + S12C x
(P12Ci – P12Co)/P120Co + S9C x (P9Ci – P9Co)/ P9Co + S6C x (P6Ci – P6Co)/ P6Co + S4C x
(P4Ci – P4Co)/P4Co + S2C x (P2Ci – P2Co)/ P2Co + S12C2.5 x (P12C2.5i – P12C2.5o)/P12C2.5o
+ S2C2.5 x (P2C2.5i – P2C2.5o)/ P2C2.5o + S2C25 x (P2C25i – P2C25o)/P2C25o + QC x
(PQCi – PQCo)/ PQCo+ PCEQP x (CEQPi – CEQPo)/CEQPo];


CEQPo)/CEQPo + POTH x (OTHi - OTHo)/OTHo]; and



VSIGWK = Increase or decrease in the cost of signalling works during the period under
consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph

VINVSIG = Increase or decrease in the cost of inventory for signalling during the period under
consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph

VINTGTESTSIG = Increase or decrease in the cost of integrated testing and commissioning of

signalling works of the Railway Project during the period under consideration due to changes in
the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph (h);

VCOMWK = Increase or decrease in the cost of communication works during the period under
consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph

VINVCOM = Increase or decrease in the cost of inventory for telecommunications works during
the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified
in sub-paragraph (h);

VINTGTESTCOM = Increase or decrease in the cost of integrated testing and commissioning of

telecommunication works of the Railway Project during the period under consideration due to
changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph (h);

PCEQP, PELEX, PIC, PLB, POFC, and POTH are the percentages of communication
equipment, electronics, PVC insulated cables, labour, optical fibre cables and other materials

CEQPo = The wholesale price index as published by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
Government of India (hereinafter called “WPI”) for communication equipment for the month of the
Base Month;

CEQPi = The WPI for communication equipment for the average price index of the 3 months of
the quarter under consideration;

ELEXo = The WPI for electronics for the month of the Base Month;

ELEXi = The WPI for electronics for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under

P30Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 30C
x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P30Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S30C = Percentage of size 30C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment
of the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P24Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 24C
x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P24Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S4C = Percentage of size 24C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment of
the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P19Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 19C
x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P19Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S19C = Percentage of size 19C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment
of the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P12Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 12C
x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P12Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.


S12C = Percentage of size 12C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment
of the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P9Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 9C x
1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P9Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S9C = Percentage of size 9C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment of
the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P6Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 6C x
1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P6Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S6C = Percentage of size 6C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment of
the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P4Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 4C x
1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P4Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S4C = Percentage of size 4C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment of
the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P2Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 2C x
1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P2Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S2C = Percentage of size 2C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment of
the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P12C2.5i = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size
12C x 2.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P12C2.5o = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S12C2.5 = Percentage of size 12C x 2.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price
adjustment of the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P2C2.5i = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size
2C x 2.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P2C2.5o = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.


S2C2.5 = Percentage of size 2C x 2.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment
of the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P2C25i = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 2C
x 25 sq. mm signalling cable

P2C25o = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S2C25 = Percentage of size 2C x 25 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment of
the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

PQCi = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size
0.9mm dia, 6 Quad cable.

PQCo = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

QC = Percentage of size 0.9mm dia, 6 Quad cable shall govern the price.

LBo = The consumer price index for industrial workers – All India, published by Labour Bureau,
Ministry of Labour, Government of India, (hereinafter called “CPI”) for the month of the Base

LBi = The CPI for industrial workers – All India for the average price index of the 3 months of the
quarter under consideration;

OFCo = The WPI for fibre cables for the month of the Base Month;

OFCi = The WPI for fibre cables for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under

OTHo = The WPI for all commodities for the month of the Base Month; and

OTHi = The WPI for all commodities for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter
under consideration.

(h) The following percentages shall govern the price adjustment of the contract price for
signalling & telecommunication works

Componen Signalling Telecommunication


t Integrat
Sig ed
nalli Integrated Telecommun Testing
Signalling Telecommuni
ng Testing & ication &
Inventory cation Works
Wor Commissioning Inventory Commi
ks ssionin
- - _ 8.74% % _
_ _ _ 8.02% % _
- _ _ ***% _ _
30C x 1.5
sq. -
_ _ ***% _ _

24C x 1.5
sq. mm -
signalling _ _ ***% _ _

19Cx 1.5
sq. mm -
signalling _ _ ***% _ _

12C x 1.5
sq. mm -
signalling _ _ ***% _ _
9C x 1.5
sq. mm
signalling ***% _ _ ***% _ _
6C x 1.5
sq. mm
signalling ***% _ _ ***% _ _
4C x 1.5 ***% _ _ ***% _ _

sq. mm
2C x 1.5
sq. mm
signalling ***% _ _ ***% _ _
12C x 2.5
sq. mm
signalling ***% _ _ _ _
2C x 2.5
sq. mm
signalling - _ _ ***% _ _
2C x 25
sq. mm
signalling - _ _ ***% _ _
0.9 mm
6Quad - _ _ 33.47% _ _
- _ - 19.43% ***% ***%
- - ***% 30.34% 100% ***%
Total ***% ***% ***% 100% 100% ***%

(i) Price Variation Formula for Signalling & Telecom Cable:

The price payable for signalling cables is variable as per Price Variation Formula given below:

For Signalling Copper Cables:

Pi= Po+CuF (Cu-Cuo) + CCFcu(CC-CCo) + FeF (Fe-Feo)

For Telecom Copper Cables for Jelly Filled, 0.9 mm dia, 6 quad cable
Pi= Po+CuF (Cu-Cuo) + AlFcu(Al-Alo) + CCFcu (CC-Cco) + FeF (Fe-Feo)

For Aluminium Power Cables:

Pi= Po+AlF (Al-Alo) + CCFAl(CC-CCo) + FeF (Fe-Feo)


Pi= Price payable per KM as adjusted in accordance with Price variation clause.

Po= Price per KM of cable as per Purchase order. CuF= Variation factor for Copper

Cuo= Price of copper Rod in Rs. per MT

CCFCu= Variation factor for PVC Compound for Copper Signalling & Telecom cable

CCo= Price of PVC Compound in Rs. per MT AlF= Variation factor for Aluminium

Alo= Price of EC grade LME Aluminium rods (Properzi rods) in Rs. per MT.
CCFAl = Variation factor for PVC Compound for Aluminium power cable

FeF= Variation factor for Steel

Feo= Price of Steel for Armour (Flat strip 4 mm. x 0.8mm/ Round 1.4mm dia) in Rs. Per MT

(Prices per MT for Cuo, CCo, Feo, Alo as applicable on the 1st working day of the month, one
month prior to the deadline for submission of bids. The above prices and indices are as published
by IEEMA vide Circular Reference No. IEEMA (PVC)/CABLE --/--/-- one month prior to the
deadline for submission of bids)

Cu= Price of Copper Rod in Rs. per MT.

CC= Price of PVC Compound in Rs. per MT.

Fe= Price of Steel for Armouring (Flat strip 4mm x 0.8 mm/ Round 1.4mm dia) in Rs. Per MT.
Al = Price of EC grade LME Aluminium rods (Properzi rods) in Rs. per MT.

(Prices per MT for Cu, CC, Fe, Al as prevailing on 1st working day of the calendar month
covering the date One month prior to the date of inspection call letter will be applicable for the
calculation of updated price. The above prices and indices are as published by IEEMA vide
Circular Reference No. IEEMA (PVC) /CABLE --/--/-- one month prior to the date of inspection)
The value of variation factors for copper, steel and PVC Compound are different for different
sizes of signalling cables. Accordingly, the PVC formula for some of the types of signalling cable
is as given under: - Underground Railway Signalling Cable unscreened and armoured copper

i) Size 30 C x 1.5

P30Ci=P30Co+0.391(Cu-Cuo) +0.557(CC-CCo) +0.425(Fe-Feo)
For armouring, the price of a steel flat strip of size 4mmx0.8mm is to be taken into consideration.

ii) Size 24C x 1.5

P24Ci= P24Co+0.313(Cu-Cuo) + 0.481 (CC-CCo) +0.398(Fe-Feo)
For armouring, the value of a steel flat strip of size 4mmx0.8mm is to be taken into consideration.

iii) Size 19C x 1.5

P19Ci= P19Co+0.248(Cu-Cuo) + 0.395(CC-CCo) +0.343(Fe-Feo)
For armouring, the value of a steel flat strip of size 4mmx0.8mm is to be taken into consideration.

iv) Size 12C x 1.5

P12Ci=P12Co+0.157(Cu-Cuo) + 0.277(CC-CCu) +0.289(Fe-Feo)
For armouring, the value of steel wire size 1.4mm dia is to be taken into consideration.

v) Size 9C x 1.5

P9Ci= P9Co+0.117(Cu-Cuo) +0.241(CC-CCu) +0.383(Fe-Feo)
For armouring, the value of steel wire size 1.4mm dia is to be taken into consideration.

vi) Size 6C x 1.5

P6Ci= P6Co+0.078(Cu-Cuo) +0.199(CC-CCu) +0.329(Fe-Feo)
For armouring, the value of steel wire size 1.4mm dia is to be taken into consideration.

vii) Size 4C x 1.5

P4Ci=P4Co+0.052(Cu-Cuo) +0.152(CC-CCo) +0.277(Fe-Feo)
For armouring, the value of steel wire size 1.4mm dia is to be taken into consideration.

viii) Size 2C x 4

P2Ci= P2Co+0.073(Cu-Cuo) +0.156(CC-CCo) +0.3(Fe-Feo)
For armouring, the value of steel wire size 1.4mm dia is to be taken into consideration.

ix) Size 12C x 2.5

P12C2.5i= P12C2.5o+0.282 (Cu-Cuo) +0.371 (CC-CCo) +0.342 (Fe-Feo)
For armouring, the value of a steel flat strip of size 4mmx0.8mm is to be taken into consideration.

x) Size 2C x 2.5

P2C2.5i= P2C2.5o+0.047 (Cu-Cuo) +0.139 (CC-CCo) +0.277 (Fe-Feo)
For armouring, the value of steel wire size 1.4mm dia is to be taken into consideration.

xi) Size 2C x 25 PVC insulated, armoured, Aluminium power cable

P2C25i= P2C25o+0.146 (Al-Alo) +0.303 (CC-CCo) +0.306 (Fe-Feo)
For armouring, the value of a steel flat strip of size 4mmx0.8mm is to be taken into consideration.

xii) For Jelly filled, 0.9mm dia, 6 quad cable

PQCi = PQCo + 0.135 (Al-Alo) + 0.139 (Cu-Cuo) + 0.515 (CC-Cco) + 0.693 (Fe-Feo).
For PVC Compound Grade CW-22, is to be taken into consideration.

(j) The following expressions and meanings are assigned to the value of the work done for
electrification works:

OHE = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Overhead Equipment

SP = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Switching Posts;

TRANSBOO = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Booster

TRANSAUX = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Auxiliary

TSS = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Traction SubStation;

TLOH = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item High Voltage
Transmission Line Overhead including monopole;

TLUG = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Underground High
Tension Cable Transmission Line;

BAY = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Bay Augmentation work
at Grid Sub-Station/Terminal arrangement at TSS;

SCADA = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item SCADA;

ELEGWK = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item various electrical
general services works;

MODHTPWRLINE = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item
modification of HT power lines and crossings (raising of height);

MODHTLTOUG = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item modification
of HT power lines and crossings to underground (replacement by underground cabling);

MODLTLTOUG = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item modification of
LT power lines and crossings to underground (replacement by underground cabling);

EXTNLTPWRSPLY = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item
extension/augmentation of power supply for CLS work;

EXTNPWRSUPLY = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item
extension/augmentation of general power supply;

MODELETRICAL = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item modification
to existing electrical works;

INVELECTRICAL = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item inventory

SIGMOD = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Signalling System

INVSIG = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item signalling inventory;

TESTSIG = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item integrated testing
and commissioning;

COMMOD = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item
Telecommunications modifications;

INVCOM = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item telecommunication

TESTCOM = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item integrated testing
and commissioning; and

CIVENG = Value of work done for the completion of a stage under the item Civil Engineering

(k) Price adjustment for changes in cost for electrification works shall be paid in accordance
with the following formula:

i) VOHE = 0.85 OHE x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PC x (Ci – Co)/Co + PSST x (SSTi –
SSTo)/SSTo + PCU x (CUi – CUo)/CUo + PINS x (INSi – INSo)/INSo];

ii) VSP = 0.85 SP x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PC x (Ci – Co)/ Co + PSWGR x (SWGRi –

iii) VTRANSBOO = 0.85 TRANSBOO x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PSST x (SSTi –

SSTo)/SSTo + PTR x (TRi – TRo)/TRo];

iv) VTRANSAUX = 0.85 TRANSAUX x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PSST x (SSTi –

SSTo)/SSTo + PTR x (TRi – TRo)/TRo];

v) VTSS = 0.85 TSS x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PTR (TRi – TRo)/TRo + PC x (Ci – Co)/Co
+ PSST x (SSTi – SSTo)/SSTo + PSWGR x (SWGRi – SWGRo)/ SWGRo];

vi) VTLOH = 0.85 TLOH x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PSST x (SSTi – SSTo)/SSTo + PCOND
x (CONDi – CONDo)/CONDo + PC x (Ci – Co)/ Co + PINS x (INSi – INSo)/INSo + POTH x (OTHi
– OTHo)OTHo];

vii) VTLUG = 0.85 TLUG x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PPC x (PCi – PCo)/PCo];

viii) VBAY = 0.85 BAY x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PSST x (SSTi – SSTo)/SSTo + PC x (Ci –
Co)/ Co + PCU x (CUi – CUo)/CUo];

ix) VSCADA = 0.85 SCADA x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PELEX x (ELEXi – ELEXo)/ ELEXo];

x) VELEGWK = 0.85 ELEGW x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + POTH x (OTHi – OTHo) /OTHo];


SSTo)/SSTo + POTH x (OTHi – OTHo)/OTHo];

xii) VMODHTLTOUG = 0.85 MODHTLTOUG x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PPC x (PCi –

PCo)/PCo + POTH x (OTHi – OTHo)/OTHo];

xiii) VMODLTLTOUG = 0.85 MODLTLTOUG x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PPC x (PCi –

PCo)/PCo + POTH x (OTHi – OTHo)/OTHo];


(OTHi – OTHo)/OTHo];


– OTHo)OTHo];




xviii) VSIGMOD = 0.85 SIGMOD x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PELEX x (ELEXi –

ELEXo)/ELEXo + PPC x (PCi – PCo)/PCo +POTH x (OTHi – OTHo)/OTHo];

xix) VINVSIG = 0.85 INVSIG x [POTH x (OTHi – OTHo)/OTHo];

xx) VTESTSIG = 0.85 TESTSIG x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + POTH x (OTHi – OTHo)/ OTHo];

xxi) VCOMMOD = 0.85 COMMOD x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PELEX x (ELEXi –

ELEXo)/ELEXo + POFC x (OFCi – OFCo)/OFCo];

xxii) VINVCOM = 0.85 INVCOM x [POTH x (OTHi – OTHo)/OTHo];

xxiii) VTESTCOM = 0.85 TESTCOM x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + POTH x (OTHi –

OTHo)/OTHo]; and

xxiv) VCIVENG = 0.85 x VCIVENG x [PLB x (LBi – LBo)/LBo + PS x (Si – So)/So + PC x (Ci –
Co)/ Co + POTH x (OTHi – OTHo)/OTHo].
VOHE = Increase or decrease in the cost of OverHead Equipment and other related works during
the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified
in sub-paragraph (k);

VSP = Increase or decrease in the cost of Switch Post and other related works during the period
under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-
paragraph (k);

VTRANSBOO = Increase or decrease in the cost of booster transformer and other related works
during the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as
specified in sub-paragraph (k);

VTRANSAUX = Increase or decrease in the cost of auxiliary transformer and other related works
during the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as
specified in sub-paragraph (k);

VTSS = Increase or decrease in the cost of Traction Substation and other related works during
the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified
in sub-paragraph (k);

VTLOH = Increase or decrease in the cost of overhead transmission line and related works
during the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as
specified in sub-paragraph (k);

VTLUG = Increase or decrease in the cost of underground high voltage transmission line and
related works during the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant
components as specified in sub- paragraph (k);

VBAY = Increase or decrease in the cost of bay augmentation work at grid sub-station/ terminal
arrangement at TSS and related works during the period under consideration due to changes in
the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph (k);

VSCADA = Increase or decrease in the cost of SCADA and related works during the period
under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-
paragraph (k);

VELEGWK = Increase or decrease in the cost of various electrical general services works and
related works during the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant
components as specified in sub-paragraph (k);

VMODHTPWRLINE = Increase or decrease in the cost of modification of HT power lines and

crossings (raising of height) and related works during the period under consideration due to
changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph (k);

VMODHTLTOUG = Increase or decrease in the cost of modification of HT power lines and

crossings to underground (replacement by underground cabling) and related works during the
period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in
sub-paragraph (k);
VMODLTLTOUG = Increase or decrease in the cost of modification of LT power lines and
crossings to underground (replacement by underground cabling) and related works during the
period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in
sub-paragraph (k);

VEXTNLTPWRSPLY = Increase or decrease in the cost of extension/augmentation of power

supply for CLS work and related works during the period under consideration due to changes in
the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph (k);

VEXTNPWRSUPLY = Increase or decrease in the cost of extension/augmentation of general

power supply and related works during the period under consideration due to changes in the
rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph (k);

VMODELETRICAL = Increase or decrease in the cost of modification to existing electrical works

and related works during the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant
components as specified in sub-paragraph (k);

VINVELECTRICAL = Increase or decrease in the cost of inventory electrical during the period
under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-
paragraph (k);

VSIGMOD = Increase or decrease in the cost of signalling system modification and related works
during the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as
specified in sub-paragraph (k);

VINVSIG = Increase or decrease in the cost of signalling inventory during the period under
consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-paragraph

VTESTSIG = Increase or decrease in the cost of SCADE and related works during the period
under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-
paragraph (k);

VCOMMOD = Increase or decrease in the cost of communication and related works during the
period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in
sub-paragraph (k);

VINVCOM = Increase or decrease in the cost of telecommunication inventory during the period
under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in sub-
paragraph (k);

VTESTCOM = Increase or decrease in the cost of integrated testing and commissioning and
related works during the period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant
components as specified in sub-paragraph (k);

VCIVENG = Increase or decrease in the cost of civil engineering and related works during the
period under consideration due to changes in the rates for relevant components as specified in
sub-paragraph (k);
PC, PCOND, PCU, PELEX, PINS, PLB, POFC, PSWGR, PPC, and PSST are the percentages of
cement, conductor, copper wire, electronic items, insulators, labour, fibre optic cables, electrical
switch gears, PVC insulated cable and structural steel respectively for the relevant item as
specified in sub-paragraph (k);

Co = The wholesale price index as published by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry,
Government of India (hereinafter called “WPI”) for cement, lime, plasterfor the month of the Base

Ci = The WPI for cement, lime, plaster for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter
under consideration;

CONDo = Aluminium LME SELLER Settlement Price including Premium for AL Ingots and
Customs duty published by IEEMA for the month of the Base Month;

CONDi = Aluminium LME SELLER Settlement Price including Premium for AL Ingots and
Customs duty published by IEEMA for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter
under consideration;

CUo = copper: (Cu) Price of copper wire rod published by IEEMA for the month of the Base

CUi= copper: (Cu) Price of copper wire rod published by IEEMA for the average price index of
the 3 months of the quarter under consideration;

ELEXo = The WPI for Manufacture OF Electronic Components for the month of the Base Month;

ELEXi = The WPI for Manufacture OF Electronic Components for the average price index of the
3 months of the quarter under consideration;
INSo = The WPI for insulators for the month of the Base Month;

INSi = The WPI for insulators for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under

LBo = The consumer price index for industrial workers – All India, published by Labour Bureau,
Ministry of Labour, Government of India, (hereinafter called “CPI”) for the month of the Base

LBi = The CPI for industrial workers – All India for the average price index of the 3 months of the
quarter under consideration

OFCo = The WPI for optical fibre cables for the month of the Base Month;

OFCi = The WPI for optical fibre cables for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter
under consideration;

OTHo = The WPI for all commodities for the month of the Base Month;

OTHi = The WPI for all commodities for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter
under consideration;

PCo = The WPI for PVC insulated cable for the month of the Base Month;

PCi = The WPI for PVC insulated cable for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter
under consideration;

So = The WPI for steel (rods) for the month of the Base Month;

Si = The WPI for steel (rods) for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under

SSTo = Price for BLOOMS-Retail (SBLR) 150mmx150mm published by IEEMA for the month of
the Base Month;

SSTi = Price for BLOOMS-Retail (SBLR) 150mmx150mm published by IEEMA for the average
price index of the 3 months of the quarter under consideration;

Base Month;

index of the 3 months of the quarter under consideration;

TRo = The WPI for transformers for the month of the Base Month; and

TRi = The WPI for transformers for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under

P30Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 30C
x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P30Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S30C = Percentage of size 30C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment
of the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P24Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 24C
x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P24Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S24C = Percentage of size 24C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment
of the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P19Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 19C
x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P19Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S19C = Percentage of size 19C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment
of the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P12Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 12C
x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P12Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S12C = Percentage of size 12C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment
of the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P9Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 9C x
1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P9Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S9C = Percentage of size 9C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment of
the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P6Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 6C x
1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P6Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S6C = Percentage of size 6C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment of
the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P4Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 4C x
1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P4Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S4C = Percentage of size 4C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment of
the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P2Ci = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 2C x
1.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P2Co = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S2C = Percentage of size 2C x 1.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment of
the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P12C2.5i = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size
12C x 2.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P12C2.5o = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S12C2.5 = Percentage of size 12C x 2.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price
adjustment of the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P2C2.5i = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size
2C x 2.5 sq. mm signalling cable

P2C2.5o = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.

S2C2.5 = Percentage of size 2C x 2.5 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment
of the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

P2C25i = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size 2C
x 25 sq. mm signalling cable

P2C25o = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement.


S2C25 = Percentage of size 2C x 25 sq. mm signalling cable shall govern the price adjustment of
the contract price for signalling & telecommunication works.

PQCi = Price payable per Km as adjusted in accordance with price variation Clause for size
0.9mm dia, 6 Quad cable.

PQCo = Price per Km of cable as per purchase order/contract agreement. QC = Percentage of

size 0.9mm dia, 6 Quad cable shall govern the price

The following percentages shall govern the price adjustment of the contract price for
electrification works:

i) For OHE, TSS, SP, Booster Transformer Stations, Auxiliary Transformer Stations:

Sw Boo Traction sub Auxi OHE

Overhead Equipment except other work itc ster stations li -except
h Tra Commissioning and ary works,
Comp charging
Po n tran commi
onent Stringing of All works
Foundation, mast erection, sts sfor Tran sf ssi
catenary except trans-
bracket, erection, insulators and contact exc mer sfor orm oning
wire e- Stat formers erst and

1.4 pt i on ati chargi

Comp co 4.1Co ons ng of
letion 1.6
1.1 Com m- mplet TSS,SP
Com 1.3 of mi ion of ,
pletio Com erecti ssi all Boo
1.2 n of
n of ple- on of o- civil 4.2 ster
Su wirin
Desi tion Brack nin works Compl Tran
ppl g
gn & of et, g for etion sfor
y of 1.5 along
drawi Steel Guy an the of all mer
ste Sup with
ng erecti Rod, d TSS supply stati
el ply erecti
and on anticr ch 4.3 (work and ons,
(M of on of
Foun (Mas eep ( arg Supply s like erectio auxil
ast Con balan
datio t& Comp ing and earth n iary
and tact ce
n Porta lete , erectio filling, works trans
Por & weig
work l) & pre n of retain of TSS form
tals Cat ht,
for grout wiring transfo ing except e
co enar dropp
block ing activit rme rs wall, supply rstati
mp y ing &
secti with y), appro and ons
o wire clippi
ons painti Heigh ach erectio
nen only ng
inclu ng of t road, n of
ts inclu
ding locati gaug contr Transf
onl ding
statio o e ol ormers
y) antith
ns Num & buildi
and ber prot ng,
ectio charg
yards fencin
n ing
scre g
r ***% - ***% ***% - ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***%
nt ***% - ***% ***% - ***% ***% - - - ***% ***% -
steel ***% *** ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***%
- - - -
(PSS %

ors - - - ***% - ***% ***% - - - - - -
Coppe ***
r wire - - - - ***% ***% - - - ***% - -
ormer _ ***% ***%
- - - - - - - - - -
(PTR) -
h ***% ***% ***% ***%
- - - - - - - - -

ddities - - - - - - - - - - -

Total ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***% ***%

ii) For transmission lines overhead, underground high tension cable transmission line, bay
augmentation work at Grid

ing of
Undergroun transmissio
Transmissio Bay
d high n lines
n lines augmentatio Modification
tension Various overhead,
overhead n work at of EHT/HT
cable electrical undergroun
including grid powerlines
Component transmissio general d high
monopole substation/ & crossings
n line services tension
except terminal (raising of
except works cable
commissioni arrangemen height)
commissioni transmissio
ng t at TSS
ng n line , bay
n work
***% ***% ***% 14.24 % 11.72 % 100%
***% - ***% - 57.95% -
***% ***% ***% - - -
***% - - - - -
Insulated - ***% - - - -
Cable (PIC)
Copper Wire
- - ***% - - -
***% - - - -
Other Items
***% ***% - 85.76 % 30.33 % -
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

iii) For SCADA, modification of HT powerlines & crossings to underground (replacement by

underground cabling), modification of LT powerlines & crossings to underground (replacement by
underground cabling except commissioning, extension/augmentation of power supply for CLS
work, extension/augmentation of general power supply, modification to existing electrical works:

Compone SCADA Modificatio Modificatio Extension/ Extension/ Modificatio Commi-


nt except n of HT n of LT augmentat augmentat n to ssioning of

commi- powerlines powerlines ion of ion of existing SCADA,
ssioning & & power general electrical modificatio
for the crossings crossings supply for power works n of HT
Division to to CLS work supply powerlines
undergrou undergrou except ,
nd nd commi- modificatio
(replacem (replacem ssioning n of LT
ent by ent by powerlines
undergrou undergrou and
nd nd extension/
cabling) cabling) augmentat
except except ion of
commi- commi- power
ssioning ssioning supply for
CLS work
***% 16.07 % 21.80 % ***% ***% 15.74 % 100%
***% - - - - - -
- 32.06 % 20.20 % - - - -
Cable - - - - - - -
All other
commoditi ***% 51.87 % 58.00 % ***% ***% 84.26 % -
es (POTH)
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

17.8.5 In case an IPC relates to a month which is within 3 (three) months from the Base Date, no
price adjustment shall be applicable.

17.9 Restrictions on price adjustment

Price adjustment shall be due and payable only in respect of the stages of Works for which the
Stage Payment Statement has been submitted by the Contractor no later than 30 (thirty) days
from the date of the applicable Project Milestone or the Scheduled Completion Date, as the case
may be, including any Time Extension granted therefore in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event of submission of any Stage Payment
Statement after the period specified herein, price adjustment shall be applicable only until the
date of the respective Project Milestone or the Scheduled Completion Date, as the case may be.

17.10 Final Payment Statement

17.10.1 Within 60 (sixty) days of receiving the Completion Certificate under Clause 12.4,
the Contractor shall submit to the Authority Engineer six copies of a final payment statement (the
“Final Payment Statement”), with supporting documents, in the form prescribed by the Authority

(a) the summary of Contractor‟s Stage Payment Statements for Works as submitted in
accordance with Clause 17.4;

(b) the amounts received from the Authority against each claim; and

(c) Any further sums which the Contractor considers due to it from the Authority.

If the Authority Engineer disagrees with or cannot verify any part of the Final Payment Statement,
the Contractor shall submit such further information as the Authority Engineer may reasonably
require. The Authority Engineer shall deliver to the Authority:

i) an IPC for those parts of the Final Payment Statement which are not in dispute, along
with a list of disputed items which shall then be settled in accordance with the provisions of
Article 24; or

ii) A Final Payment Certificate in accordance with Clause 17.15, if there are no disputed

17.10.2 If the Authority Engineer does not prescribe the form referred to in Clause 17.10.1
within 7 (Seven) days of the date of issue of the Completion Certificate, the Contractor shall
submit the statement in such form as it deems fit.

17.11 Discharge

Upon submission of the Final Payment Statement under Clause 17.10, the Contractor shall give
to the Authority, with a copy to the Authority Engineer, a written discharge confirming that the
total of the Final Payment Statement represents full and final settlement of all monies due to the
Contractor in respect of this Agreement for all the Works arising out of this Agreement, except for
any monies due to either Party on account of any Defect. Provided that such discharge shall
become effective only after the payment due has been made in accordance with the Final
Payment Certificate issued pursuant to Clause 17.12.

17.12 Final Payment Certificate

17.12.1 Within 30 (thirty) days after receipt of the Final Payment Statement under Clause
17.10, and the written discharge under Clause 17.11, and there being no disputed items of claim,
the Authority Engineer shall deliver to the Authority, with a copy to the Contractor, a final
payment certificate (the “Final Payment Certificate”) stating the amount which, in the opinion of
the Authority Engineer, is finally due under this Agreement or otherwise. For the avoidance of
doubt, before issuing the Final Payment Certificate, the Authority Engineer shall ascertain from
the Authority all amounts previously paid by the Authority, all sums due to the Authority, and the
balance, if any, due from the Authority to the Contractor or from the Contractor to the Authority,
as the case may be.

17.12.2 The Authority shall, in accordance with the provisions of Clause 17.7, pay to the
Contractor the amount which is specified as being finally due in the Final Payment Certificate.

17.13 Change in Law

17.13.1 If as a result of Change in Law, the Contractor suffers any additional costs in the
execution of the Works or in relation to the performance of its other obligations under this
Agreement, the Contractor shall, within 15 (fifteen) days from the date it becomes reasonably
aware of such addition in costs, notify the Authority with a copy to the Authority Engineer of such
additional costs due to Change in Law.

17.13.2 If as a result of Change in Law, the Contractor benefits from any reduction in costs
for the execution of this Agreement or in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, either
Party shall, within 15 (fifteen) days‟ from the date it becomes reasonably aware of such reduction
in costs, notify the other Party with a copy to the Authority Engineer of such reduction in costs
due to Change in Law.
17.13.3 The Authority Engineer shall, within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of receipt of
notice from the Contractor or the Authority, as the case may be, determine any addition or
reduction to the Contract Price, as the case may be, due to the Change in Law.

17.14 Correction of Interim Payment Certificates

The Authority Engineer may by an Interim Payment Certificate make any correction or
modification in any previous Interim Payment Certificate issued by the Authority Engineer.

17.15 Authority’s Claims

If the Authority considers itself to be entitled to any payment from the Contractor under any
Clause of this Agreement, it shall give notice and particulars to the Contractor 20 (twenty) days
before making the recovery from any amount due to the Contractor, and shall take into
consideration the representation, if any, made by the Contractor in this behalf, before making
such recovery.

17.16 Bonus for Early Completion

In the event that the Project Completion Date occurs prior to the Scheduled Completion Date, the
Contractor shall be entitled to receive a payment of bonus equivalent to 0.03% (zero point zero
three per cent) of the Contract Price for each day by which the Project Completion Date precedes
the Scheduled Completion Date, but subject to a maximum of 5% (five per cent) of the Contract
Price. Provided, however, that the payment of bonus, if any, shall be made only after the issue of
the Completion Certificate. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that for the purpose of
determining the bonus payable hereunder, the Contract Price shall always be deemed to be the
amount specified in Clause 17.1.1 and shall exclude any revision thereof for any reason.


18.1 Insurance for Works

18.1.1 The Contractor shall effect & maintain at its own cost the insurances specified in
Schedule-N and as per the requirements of Applicable Laws.

18.1.2 Subject to the provisions of Clause 19.6, the Contractor shall, in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement, be liable to bear the cost of any loss or damage that does not fall
within the scope of this Article 18 or cannot be recovered from the insurers.

18.1.3 Subject to the exceptions specified in Clause 18.1.4 below, the Contractor shall fully
indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Authority from and against any and all losses,
damages, costs, charges and/or claims with respect to:

(a) the death of or injury to any person; or

(b) the loss of or damage to any property;

That may arise out of or in consequence of any breach by the Contractor of this Agreement
during the execution of the Works or the remedying of any Defects therein.

18.1.4 Notwithstanding anything stated above in Clause 18.1.3, the Authority shall fully
indemnify the Contractor from and against any and all losses, damages, costs, charges,
proceedings and/or claims arising out of or with respect to:

(a) the use or occupation of land or any part thereof by the Authority;
(b) the damage to property which is the unavoidable result of the execution and completion of
the Works, or the remedying of any Defects therein, in accordance with this Agreement; and
(c) the death of or injury to persons or loss of or damage to property resulting from any act or
neglect of the Authority, its agents, servants or other contractors, not being employed by the

Provided, that in the event of any injury or damage as a result of the contributory negligence of
the Contractor, the Authority shall be liable to indemnify the Contractor from and against any and
all losses, damages, costs, charges, proceedings and/or claims to the extent proportionate to the
liability of the Authority, its servants or agents or other contractors not associated with the
Contractor in such injury or damage.

18.1.5 Without prejudice to the obligations of the parties as specified under Clauses 18.1.3 &
18.1.4, the Contractor shall maintain or effect such third party insurances as may be required
under Applicable Laws.

18.1.6 The Contractor shall provide to the Authority, within 30 days of the Appointed Date,
evidence of professional liability insurance maintained by its Design Director and/or consultants
to cover the risk of professional negligence in the design of Works. The professional liability
cover shall be for a sum of not less than [3% (three per cent)] of the Contract Price and shall be
maintained until the end of the Defects Liability Period.
18.2 Notice to the Authority

No later than 15 (fifteen) days after the date of this Agreement, the Contractor shall by notice
furnish to the Authority, in reasonable detail, information in respect of the insurances that it
proposes to effect and maintain in accordance with this Article 18. Within 15 (fifteen) days of4323
receipt of such notice, the Authority may require the Contractor to effect and maintain such other
insurances as may be necessary pursuant hereto, and in the event of any difference or
disagreement relating to any such insurance, the Dispute Resolution Procedure shall apply.

18.3 Evidence of Insurance Cover

18.3.1 All insurances obtained by the Contractor in accordance with this Article 18 shall be
maintained with insurers on terms consistent with Good Industry Practice. Within 10 (ten) days of
obtaining any insurance cover, the Contractor shall furnish to the Authority notarised true copies
of the certificate(s) of insurance, copies of insurance policies and premia payment receipts in
respect of such insurance, and no such insurance shall be cancelled, modified, or allowed to
expire or lapse until the expiration of at least 45 (forty-five) days after notice of such proposed
cancellation, modification or non-renewal has been delivered by the Contractor to the Authority.
The Contractor shall act in accordance with the directions of the Authority.

18.3.2 The Contractor shall procure and ensure the adequacy of the insurances at all times in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

18.4 Remedy for failure to insure

If the Contractor shall fail to effect and keep in force all insurances for which it is responsible
pursuant hereto, the Authority shall have the option to either keep in force any such insurances
and pay such premia and recover the costs thereof from the Contractor, or in the event of
computation of a Termination Payment, treat an amount equal to the Insurance Cover as
deemed to have been received by the Contractor. If either the Contractor or the Authority fails to
comply with any condition of the insurances effected under the contract, the Party so failing to
comply shall indemnify the other Party against all direct losses and claims (including legal fees &
expenses) arising from such failure.

18.5 Waiver of subrogation

All insurance policies in respect of the insurance obtained by the Contractor pursuant to this
Article 18 shall include a waiver of any and all rights of subrogation or recovery of the insurers
thereunder against, inter alia, the Authority, and its assigns, successors, undertakings and their
subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, insurers & underwriters, and of any right of the insurers to any
set-off or counterclaim or any other deduction, whether by attachment or otherwise, in respect of
any liability of any such person insured under any such policy or in any way connected with any
loss, liability or obligation covered by such policies of insurance.

18.6 Contractor’s Waiver

The Contractor hereby further releases, assigns and waives any and all rights of subrogation or
recovery against, inter alia, the Authority and its assigns, undertakings and their subsidiaries,
affiliates, employees, successors, insurers & underwriters, which the Contractor may otherwise
have or acquire in or from or in any way connected with any loss, liability or obligation covered by
policies of insurance maintained or required to be maintained by the Contractor pursuant to this
Agreement (other than third party liability insurance policies) or because of deductible clauses in
or inadequacy of limits of any such policies of insurance.

18.7 Cross liabilities


Any such insurance maintained or effected in pursuance of this Article 18 shall include a cross
liability clause such that the insurance shall apply to the Contractor and to the Authority as
separately insured.

18.8 Accident or injury to Workmen

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, it is hereby expressly agreed between the
Parties that the Authority shall not be liable for or in respect of any damages or compensation
payable to any workman or other person in the employment of the Contractor or Sub-contractor,
save and except as for death or injury resulting from any act, omission or default of the Authority,
its agents or servants. The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Authority from
and against all such claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges & expenses whatsoever in
respect of the above save and except for those acts, omissions or defaults for which the Authority
shall be liable.

18.9 Insurance against accident to Workmen

The Contractor shall effect & maintain during the Agreement such insurances as may be required
to insure the Contractor‟s personnel and any other persons employed by it on the Railway Project
from and against any liability incurred in pursuance of this Article 18 Provided that for the
purposes of this Clause 18.9, the Contractor‟s personnel/any person employed by the Contractor
shall include the Sub-contractor and its personnel. Provided further that in respect of any persons
employed by any Sub-contractor, the Contractor's obligations to insure as aforesaid under this
Clause 18.9 shall be discharged if the Sub-contractor shall have insured against any liability in
respect of such persons in such manner that the Authority is indemnified under the policy. The
Contractor shall require such Sub-contractor to produce before the Authority, when required,
such policy of insurance and the receipt for payment of the current premium within 10 (ten) days
of such demand being made by the Authority.

18.10 Application of insurance proceeds

The proceeds from all insurance claims, except for life & injury, shall be applied for any
necessary repair, reconstruction, reinstatement, replacement, improvement, delivery or
installation of the Railway Project and the provisions of this Agreement in respect of construction
of Works shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Works undertaken out of the proceeds of insurance.

18.11 Compliance with policy conditions

The Contractor expressly acknowledges & undertakes to fully indemnify the Authority from and
against all losses and claims arising from the Contractor‟s failure to comply with conditions
imposed by the insurance policies affected in accordance with this Agreement.






19.1 Force Majeure

As used in this Agreement, the expression “Force Majeure” or “Force Majeure Event” shall
mean occurrence in India of any or all of Non-Political Event, Indirect Political Event and Political
Event, as defined in Clauses 19.2, 19.3 & 19.4 respectively, if it affects the performance by the
Party claiming the benefit of Force Majeure (the “Affected Party”) of its obligations under this
Agreement and which act or event:

(a) is beyond the reasonable control of the Affected Party, and

(b) the Affected Party could not have prevented or overcome by exercise of due diligence
and following Good Industry Practice, and

(c) Has Material Adverse Effect on the Affected Party.

19.2 Non-Political Event

A Non-Political Event shall mean one or more of the following acts or events:

(a) act of God, epidemic, extremely adverse weather conditions, lightning, earthquake,
landslide, cyclone, flood, volcanic eruption, chemical or radioactive contamination or ionising
radiation, fire or explosion (to the extent of contamination or radiation or fire or explosion
originating from a source external to the Site);

(b) strikes or boycotts (other than those involving the Contractor, Sub- contractors or their
respective employees/representatives, or attributable to any act or omission of any of them)
interrupting supplies & services to the Railway Project for a continuous period of 24 (twenty-four)
hours and an aggregate period exceeding 10 (ten) days in an Accounting Year, and not being an
Indirect Political Event set forth in Clause 19.3;

(c) any failure or delay of a Sub-contractor but only to the extent caused by another Non-
Political Event;

(d) any judgement or order of any court of competent jurisdiction or statutory authority made
against the Contractor in any proceedings for reasons other than

i) failure of the Contractor to comply with any Applicable Law or Applicable Permit, or

ii) on account of breach of any Applicable Law or Applicable Permit or of any contract, or

iii) enforcement of this Agreement, or

iv) exercise of any of its rights under this Agreement by the Authority; or

v) breach of its obligations by the Contractor under its sub-contracts;

(e) the discovery of geological conditions, toxic contamination or archaeological remains on

the Site that could not reasonably have been expected to be discovered through a site
inspection; orany event or circumstances of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing.

19.3 Indirect Political Event

An Indirect Political Event shall mean one or more of the following acts or events:

(a) an act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, armed conflict or act of foreign
enemy, blockade, embargo, riot, insurrection, terrorist or military action, civil commotion or
politically motivated sabotage;

(b) industry-wide or State-wide strikes or industrial action for a continuous period of 24

(twenty-four) hours and exceeding an aggregate period of 10 (ten) days in an Accounting Year;

(c) any civil commotion, boycott or political agitation which prevents construction of the
Railway Project by the Contractor for an aggregate period exceeding 10 (ten) days in an
Accounting Year;

(d) failure of the Authority to permit the Contractor to continue with its Construction Works,
with or without modifications, in the event of stoppage of such work after discovery of any
geological or archaeological finds;

(e) any failure or delay of a Sub-contractor to the extent caused by any Indirect Political

(f) any Indirect Political Event that causes a Non-Political Event; or

(g) Any event or circumstances of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing.

19.4 Political Event

A Political Event shall mean one or more of the following acts or events by or on account of any
Government Instrumentality:

(a) change in Law, only if consequences thereof cannot be dealt with under and in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 17.13;

(b) compulsory acquisition in national interest or expropriation of any Project Assets or rights
of the Contractor or of the Sub-Contractors;

(c) unlawful or unauthorised or without jurisdiction revocation of, or refusal to renew or grant
without valid cause, any clearance, licence, permit, authorisation, no objection certificate,
consent, approval or exemption required by the Contractor or any of the Sub-contractors to
perform their respective obligations under this Agreement; provided that such delay, modification,
denial, refusal or revocation did not result from the Contractor‟s or any Sub-contractor‟s inability

or failure to comply with any condition relating to grant, maintenance or renewal of such
clearance, licence, authorisation, no objection certificate, exemption, consent, approval or permit;
(d) any failure or delay of a Sub-contractor but only to the extent caused by another Political
Event; or

(e) Any event or circumstances of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing.

19.5 Duty to report force majeure event

19.5.1 Upon occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, the Affected Party shall by notice report such
occurrence to the other Party forthwith. Any notice pursuant hereto shall include full particulars

(a) the nature & extent of each Force Majeure Event which is the subject of any claim for
relief under this Article 19 with evidence in support thereof;

(b) the estimated duration and the effect or probable effect which such Force Majeure Event
is having or will have on the Affected Party‟s performance of its obligations under this Agreement;

(c) the measures which the Affected Party is taking or proposes to take for alleviating the
impact of such Force Majeure Event; and

(d) Any other information relevant to the Affected Party‟s claim.

19.5.2 The Affected Party shall not be entitled to any relief for or in respect of a Force Majeure
Event unless it shall have notified the other Party of the occurrence of the Force Majeure Event
as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any event no later than 10 (ten) days after the Affected
Party knew, or ought reasonably to have known, of its occurrence, and shall have given
particulars of the probable material effect that the Force Majeure Event is likely to have on the
performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

19.5.3 For so long as the Affected Party continues to claim to be affected by such Force Majeure
Event, it shall provide the other Party with regular (and not less than weekly) reports containing
information as required by Clause 19.5.1, and such other information as the other Party may
reasonably request the Affected Party to provide.

19.6 Effect of Force Majeure Event on the Agreement

19.6.1 upon the occurrence of any Force Majeure

(a) Prior to the Appointed Date, both Parties shall bear their respective Force Majeure costs.

(b) after the Appointed Date, the costs incurred and attributable to such event and directly
relating to this Agreement (the “Force Majeure costs”) shall be allocated and paid as follows:

i) upon occurrence of a Non-Political Event, the Parties shall bear their respective Force
Majeure costs and neither Party shall be required to pay to the other Party any costs thereof;
PAGE 100

ii) upon occurrence of an Indirect Political Event, all Force Majeure costs attributable to such
Indirect Political Event, and not exceeding the Insurance Cover for such Indirect Political Event,
shall be borne by the Contractor, and to the extent Force Majeure costs exceed such Insurance
Cover, one half of such excess amount shall be reimbursed by the Authority to the Contractor for
the Force Majeure events; and

iii) Upon occurrence of a Political Event, all Force Majeure costs attributable to such Political
Event shall be reimbursed by the Authority to the Contractor.

For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure costs may include costs directly attributable to the
Force Majeure Event, but shall not include debt repayment obligations, if any, of the Contractor.

19.6.2 Save and except as expressly provided in this Article 19, neither Party shall be liable in
any manner whatsoever to the other Party in respect of any loss, damage, cost, expense, claims,
demands and proceedings relating to or arising out of occurrence or existence of any Force
Majeure Event or exercise of any right pursuant hereto.

19.6.3 Upon the occurrence of any Force Majeure Event during the Construction Period, the
Project Completion Schedule for and in respect of the affected Works shall be extended on a day
for day basis for such period as performance of the Contractor‟s obligations is affected on
account of the Force Majeure Event or its subsisting effects, as may be determined by the
Authority Engineer.

19.6.4 Force Majeure costs for any event which results in any offsetting compensation being
payable to the Contractor by or on behalf of its subcontractors shall be reduced by such amounts
that are payable to the Contractor by its Subcontractors.

19.7 Termination Notice for Force Majeure Event

If a Force Majeure Event subsists for a period of 60 (sixty) days or more within a continuous
period of 120 (one hundred twenty) days, either Party may in its discretion terminate this
Agreement by issuing a Termination Notice to the other Party without being liable in any manner
whatsoever, save as provided in this Article 19, and upon issue of such Termination Notice, this
Agreement shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, stand terminated
forthwith; provided that before issuing such Termination Notice, the Party intending to issue the
Termination Notice shall inform the other Party of such intention and grant 15 (fifteen) days‟ time
to make a representation, and may after the expiry of such 15 (fifteen) days period, whether or
not it is in receipt of such representation, in its sole discretion issue the Termination Notice.

19.8 Termination Payment for Force Majeure Event

19.8.1 In the event of this Agreement being terminated on account of a Non- Political Event, the
Termination Payment shall be an amount equal to the sum payable under Clause 21.5.

19.8.2 If Termination is on account of an Indirect Political Event, the Termination Payment shall

(a) any sums due and payable under Clause 21.5; and
PAGE 101

(b) the reasonable cost, as determined by the Authority Engineer, of the Plant & Materials
procured by the Contractor and transferred to the Authority for use in Construction, only if such
Plant & Materials are in conformity with the Specifications & Standards;

19.8.3 If Termination is on account of a Political Event, the Authority shall make a Termination
Payment to the Contractor in an amount that would be payable under Clause 21.6.2 as if it were
an Authority Default.

19.9 Dispute Resolution

In the event that the Parties are unable to agree in good faith about the occurrence or existence
of a Force Majeure Event, such Dispute shall be finally settled in accordance with the Dispute
Resolution Procedure; provided that the burden of proof as to the occurrence or existence of
such Force Majeure Event shall be upon the Party claiming relief and/or excuse on account of
such Force Majeure Event.

19.10 Excuse from performance of obligations

If the Affected Party is rendered wholly or partially unable to perform its obligations under this
Agreement because of a Force Majeure Event, it shall be excused from performance of such of
its obligations to the extent it is unable to perform on account of such Force Majeure Event;
provided that:

(a) the suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration
than is reasonably required by the Force Majeure Event;

(b) the Affected Party shall make all reasonable efforts to mitigate or limit damage to the
other Party arising out of or as a result of the existence or occurrence of such Force Majeure
Event and to cure the same with due diligence; and

(c) When the Affected Party is able to resume performance of its obligations under this
Agreement, it shall give to the other Party notice to that effect and shall promptly resume
performance of its obligations hereunder.
PAGE 102



20.1 Suspension upon Contractor Default

Upon occurrence of a Contractor Default, the Authority shall be entitled, without prejudice to its
other rights & remedies under this Agreement including its rights of Termination hereunder, to:

(a) suspend carrying out of the Works or any part thereof, and

(b) Carry out such Works itself or authorise any other person to exercise or perform the same
on its behalf during such suspension (the “Suspension”).

Suspension hereunder shall be effective forthwith upon issue of notice by the Authority to the
Contractor and may extend up to a period not exceeding 90 (ninety) days from the date of issue
of such notice.

20.2 Authority to act on behalf of Contractor

During the period of Suspension hereunder, all rights & liabilities vested in the Contractor in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement shall continue to vest in the Contractor and all
things done or actions taken, including expenditure incurred by the Authority for discharging the
obligations of the Contractor under and in accordance with this Agreement shall be deemed to
have been done or taken for and on behalf of the Contractor and the Contractor undertakes to
indemnify the Authority for all costs incurred during such period. The Contractor hereby licences
and sub-licences respectively, the Authority or any other person authorised by it under Clause
20.1 to use during Suspension, all Intellectual Property belonging to or licenced to the Contractor
with respect to the Railway Project and its design, engineering, construction and maintenance,
and which is used or created by the Contractor in performing its obligations under the

20.3 Revocation of Suspension

20.3.1 In the event that the Authority shall have rectified or removed the cause of Suspension
within a period not exceeding 60 (sixty) days from the date of Suspension, it shall revoke the
Suspension forthwith and restore all rights of the Contractor under this Agreement. For the
avoidance of doubt, the Parties expressly agree that the Authority may, in its discretion, revoke
the Suspension at any time, whether or not the cause of Suspension has been rectified or
removed hereunder.

20.3.2 Upon the Contractor having cured the Contractor Default within a period not exceeding 60
(sixty) days from the date of Suspension, the Authority shall revoke the Suspension forthwith and
restore all rights of the Contractor under this Agreement.

20.4 Termination

20.4.1 At any time during the period of Suspension under this Article 20, the Contractor may by
notice require the Authority to revoke the Suspension and issue a Termination Notice. The
PAGE 103

Authority shall, within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of such notice, terminate this Agreement under
and in accordance with Article 21 as if it is a Contractor Default under Clause 21.1.
20.4.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, in the event that
Suspension is not revoked within 90 (ninety) days from the date of Suspension hereunder, the
Agreement shall, upon expiry of the aforesaid period, be deemed to have been terminated by
mutual agreement of the Parties and all the provisions of this Agreement shall apply, mutatis
mutandis, to such Termination as if a Termination Notice had been issued by the Authority upon
occurrence of a Contractor Default.
PAGE 104



21.1 Termination for Contractor Default

21.1.1 Save as otherwise provided in this Agreement, in the event that any of the defaults
specified below shall have occurred, and the Contractor fails to cure the default within the Cure
Period set forth below, or where no Cure Period is specified, then within a Cure Period of 60
(sixty) days, the Contractor shall be deemed to be in default of this Agreement (the “Contractor
Default”), unless the default has occurred as a result of any breach of this Agreement by the
Authority or due to Force Majeure. The defaults referred to herein shall include:

(a) the Contractor fails to provide, extend or replenish, as the case may be, the Performance
Security in accordance with this Agreement;

(b) subsequent to the replenishment or furnishing of fresh Performance Security in

accordance with Clause 7.3, the Contractor fails to cure, within a Cure Period of 30 (thirty) days,
the Contractor Default for which the whole or part of the Performance Security was appropriated;

(c) the Contractor does not achieve the latest outstanding Project Milestone due in
accordance with the provisions of Schedule-I, subject to any Time Extension, and continues to be
in default for 45 (forty five) days;

(d) the Contractor abandons or manifests intention to abandon the construction of the
Railway Project without the prior written consent of the Authority;

(e) the Contractor fails to proceed with the Works in accordance with the provisions of Clause
10.1 or stops Works for 30 (thirty) days without reflecting the same in the current programme and
such stoppage has not been authorised by the Authority Engineer;

(f) the Project Completion Date does not occur within the period specified in Schedule-I for
the Scheduled Completion Date, or any extension thereof;

(g) failure to complete the Punch List items within the periods stipulated therefor in Clause

(h) the Contractor fails to rectify any Defect, the non-rectification of which shall have a
Material Adverse Effect on the Project, within the time specified in this Agreement or as directed
by the Authority Engineer;

(i) the Contractor subcontracts the Works or any part thereof in violation of this Agreement
or assigns any part of the Works without the prior approval of the Authority;

(j) the Contractor creates any Encumbrance in breach of this Agreement;

(k) an execution levied on any of the assets of the Contractor has caused a Material Adverse
PAGE 105

(l) the Contractor is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent, or if a trustee or receiver is appointed

for the Contractor or for the whole or material part of its assets that has a material bearing on the

(m) the Contractor has been, or is in the process of being liquidated, dissolved, wound-up,
amalgamated or reconstituted in a manner that would cause, in the reasonable opinion of the
Authority, a Material Adverse Effect;

(n) a resolution for winding up of the Contractor is passed, or any petition for winding up of
the Contractor is admitted by a court of competent jurisdiction and a provisional liquidator or
receiver is appointed and such order has not been set aside within 90 (ninety) days of the date
thereof or the Contractor is ordered to be wound up by a court except for the purpose of
amalgamation or reconstruction; provided that, as part of such amalgamation or reconstruction,
the entire property, assets and undertaking of the Contractor are transferred to the amalgamated
or reconstructed entity and that the amalgamated or reconstructed entity has unconditionally
assumed the obligations of the Contractor under this Agreement; and provided that:

i) the amalgamated or reconstructed entity has the capability & experience necessary for
the performance of its obligations under this Agreement; and

ii) the amalgamated or reconstructed entity has the financial standing to perform its
obligations under this Agreement and has a credit worthiness at least as good as that of the
Contractor as at the Appointed Date;

(o) any representation or warranty of the Contractor herein contained which is, as of the date
hereof, found to be materially false or the Contractor is at any time hereafter found to be in
breach thereof;

(p) the Contractor submits to the Authority any statement, notice or other document, in
written or electronic form, which has a material effect on the Authority‟s rights, obligations or
interests and which is false in material particulars;

(q) the Contractor has failed to fulfill any obligation, for which failure Termination has been
specified in this Agreement;

(r) the Contractor has failed to make any payment to the Authority within the period specified
in this Agreement; or

(s) The Contractor commits a default in complying with any other provision of this Agreement
if such a default causes a Material Adverse Effect on the Project or on the Authority.

21.1.2 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which the Authority may have under this
Agreement, upon occurrence of a Contractor Default, the Authority shall be entitled to terminate
this Agreement by issuing a Termination Notice to the Contractor; provided that before issuing
the Termination Notice, the Authority shall by a notice inform the Contractor of its intention to
issue such Termination Notice and grant 15 (fifteen) days to the Contractor to make a
representation, and may after the expiry of such 15 (fifteen) days, whether or not it is in receipt of
such representation, issue the Termination Notice.
PAGE 106

21.1.3 After termination of this Agreement for Contractor Default, the Authority may complete the
Works and/or procure its completion through any other entity. The Authority and such entity may,
for this purpose, use any Materials, Plant and equipment, Contractor‟s documents and other
design documents made by or on behalf of the Contractor.

21.2 Termination for Authority Default

21.2.1 In the event that any of the defaults specified below shall have occurred, and the
Authority fails to cure such default within a Cure Period of 90 (ninety) days or such longer period
as has been expressly provided in this Agreement, the Authority shall be deemed to be in default
of this Agreement (the “Authority Default”) unless the default has occurred as a result of any
breach of this Agreement by the Contractor or due to Force Majeure. The defaults referred to
herein shall include:

(a) the Authority commits a material default in complying with any of the provisions of this
Agreement and such default has a Material Adverse Effect on the Contractor;

(b) the Authority has failed to make payment of any amount due and payable to the
Contractor within the period specified in this Agreement;

(c) the Authority has failed to provide, within a period of 180 (one hundred eighty) days from
the Appointed Date, the environmental clearances & forest clearances required for construction
of the Railway Project;

(d) the Authority repudiates this Agreement or otherwise takes any action that amounts to or
manifests an irrevocable intention not to be bound by this Agreement; or

(e) The Authority Engineer fails to issue the relevant Interim Payment Certificate within 60
(sixty) days after receiving a statement and supporting documents.

21.2.2 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy which the Contractor may have under this
Agreement, upon occurrence of an Authority Default, the Contractor shall be entitled to terminate
this Agreement by issuing a Termination Notice to the Authority; provided that before issuing the
Termination Notice, the Contractor shall by a notice inform the Authority of its intention to issue
the Termination Notice and grant 15 (fifteen) days to the Authority to make a representation, and
may after the expiry of such 15 (fifteen) days, whether or not it is in receipt of such
representation, issue the Termination Notice.

21.3 Right of Authority to Determine the Contract

Notwithstanding anything hereinabove, the Authority shall be entitled to determine & terminate
the contract at any time should, in the Authority‟s opinion, the cessation of work becomes
necessary owing to paucity of funds or from any other cause whatever, in which case it shall be
treated as Authority Default and Termination Payment shall be made as per clause 21.6 below.
Notice in writing from the Authority of such determination and the reasons therefor shall be
conclusive evidence thereof. The termination shall take effect 30 (thirty) days from the date of
notice hereunder.
PAGE 107

21.4 Requirements after Termination

Upon Termination of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Article 21, the
Contractor shall comply with and conform to the following:
(a) deliver to the Authority all Plant & Materials which shall have become the property of the
Authority under this Article 21;

(b) deliver all relevant records, reports, Intellectual Property and other licences pertaining to
the Works, other design documents and in case of Termination occurring after the Provisional
Certificate has been issued, the “as built” Drawings for the Works;

(c) transfer and/or deliver all Applicable Permits to the Authority to the extent permissible
under Applicable Laws; and

(d) Vacate the Site within 15 (fifteen) days.

21.5 Valuation of Unpaid Works

21.5.1 Within a period of 45 (forty-five) days after Termination under Clauses 21.1, 21.2 or 21.3,
as the case may be, has taken effect, the Authority Engineer shall proceed in accordance with
Clause 16.5 to determine as follows the valuation of unpaid Works (the “Valuation of Unpaid

(a) value of the completed stage of the Works, less payments already made; and

(b) Reasonable value of the partially completed stages of works as on the date of
Termination, only if such works conform to the Specifications & Standards.

And shall adjust from the sum thereof:

i) any other amounts payable or recoverable, as the case may be, in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement; and

ii) All taxes due to be deducted at source.

21.5.2 The Valuation of Unpaid Works shall be communicated to the Authority, with a copy to the
Contractor, within a period of 45 (forty five) days from the date of Termination.

21.6 Termination Payment

21.6.1 Upon Termination on account of Contractor Default under Clause 21.1, the Authority

(a) encash & appropriate the Performance Security and Retention Money and in the event
the Contractor has failed to replenish or extend the Performance Security, claim the amount
stipulated in Clause 7.1.1, as agreed pre-determined compensation to the Authority for any
losses, delays and cost of completing the Works, if any;
PAGE 108

(b) encash & appropriate the bank guarantee, if any, to the extent of the outstanding
Advance Payment and interest thereon; and
(c) pay to the Contractor, by way of Termination Payment, an amount equivalent to the
Valuation of Unpaid Works after adjusting any other sums payable or recoverable, as the case
may be, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, and all taxes due to be deducted at
21.6.2 Upon Termination on account of an Authority Default under Clause 21.2 or under Clause
21.3, the Authority shall:

(a) return the Performance Security & Retention Money forthwith;

(b) encash & appropriate the bank guarantee, if any, to the extent of the outstanding
Advance Payment, including interest thereon; and

(c) pay to the Contractor, by way of Termination Payment, an amount equal to:

i) valuation of Unpaid Works;

ii) the reasonable cost, as determined by the Authority Engineer, of the Plant and Materials
procured by the Contractor and transferred to the Authority for its use, only if such Plant &
Materials are in conformity with the Specifications & Standards;

iii) the reasonable cost of temporary works, as determined by the Authority Engineer; and

Shall adjust from the sum thereof:

i) any other amounts payable or recoverable, as the case may be, in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement, and

ii) All taxes due to be deducted at source.

21.6.3 Termination Payment shall become due and payable to the Contractor within 30 (thirty)
days of a demand being made by the Contractor to the Authority with the necessary particulars,
after the Valuation of Unpaid Works has been communicated by the Authority Engineer, and in
the event of any delay, the Authority shall pay interest at the Bank Rate plus 3% (three percent),
calculated at quarterly rests, on the amount of Termination Payment remaining unpaid; provided
that such delay shall not exceed 90 (ninety) days. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly
agreed that Termination Payment shall constitute full discharge by the Authority of its payment
obligations in respect thereof hereunder.

21.6.4 The Contractor expressly agrees that Termination Payment under this Article 21 shall
constitute a full & final settlement of all claims of the Contractor on account of Termination of this
Agreement and that it shall not have any further right or claim under any law, treaty, convention,
contract or otherwise.

21.7 Other rights & obligations of the parties

PAGE 109

Upon Termination for any reason whatsoever,

(a) property & ownership in all Materials, Plant & Works and the Railway Project shall, as
between the Contractor and the Authority, vest in the Authority in whole, free from any and all
Encumbrances; provided that the foregoing shall be without prejudice to Clause 21.6;

(b) risk of loss or damage to any Materials, Plant or Works and the care and custody thereof
shall pass from the Contractor to the Authority; and

(c) The Authority shall be entitled to restrain the Contractor and any person claiming through
or under the Agreement from entering upon the Site or any part of the Project except for taking
possession of materials, stores, implements, construction plants and equipment of the
Contractor, which have not been vested in the Authority in accordance with the provisions of this

21.8 Survival of rights

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement any Termination pursuant
to the provisions of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to the accrued rights of either Party
including its right to claim and recover money damages, insurance proceeds, security deposits,
and other rights and remedies, which it may have in law or Agreement. All rights and obligations
of either Party under this Agreement, including Termination Payments, shall survive the
Termination to the extent such survival is necessary for giving effect to such rights and
PAGE 110


PAGE 111



22.1 Restrictions on assignment & charges

This Agreement shall not be assigned by the Contractor to any person, save and except with the
prior consent in writing of the Authority, which consent the Authority shall be entitled to decline
without assigning any reason.

22.2 Hypothecation of Materials & Plant

Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 22.1, the Contractor may pledge or hypothecate to its
lenders, any Materials or Plant prior to their incorporation in the Works. Further, the Contractor
may, by written notice to the Authority, assign its right to receive payments under this Agreement
either absolutely or by way of charge, to any person providing financing to the Contractor in
connection with the performance of the Contractor‟s obligations under this Agreement. The
Contractor acknowledges that any such assignment by the Contractor shall not relieve the
Contractor from any obligations, duty or responsibility under this Agreement. For the avoidance
of doubt, all Materials & Plants shall, upon their incorporation into Works, be free from any and all
Encumbrances without the Authority being required to make any payment to any person on
account of any costs, compensation, expenses and charges for such Materials, Plants & Works.
PAGE 112



23.1 General Indemnity

The Contractor will indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the Authority and its officers,
servants, agents, Government Instrumentalities & Government owned and/or controlled entities/
enterprises, (the “Authority Indemnified Persons”) against any and all suits, proceedings,
actions, demands and third party claims for any loss, damage, cost and expense of whatever
kind and nature, whether arising out of any breach by the Contractor of any of its obligations
under this Agreement or from any negligence under the Agreement, including any errors or
deficiencies in the design documents, or tort or on any other ground whatsoever, except to the
extent that any such suits, proceedings, actions, demands and claims have arisen due to any
negligent act or omission, or breach or default of this Agreement on the part of the Authority
Indemnified Persons.

23.2 Indemnity by the Contractor

23.2.1 Without limiting the generality of Clause 23.1, the Contractor shall fully indemnify, hold
harmless and defend the Authority and the Authority Indemnified Persons from and against any
and all loss and/or damages arising out of or with respect to:

(a) failure of the Contractor to comply with Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits;

(b) payment of taxes required to be made by the Contractor in respect of the income or other
taxes of the Sub-contractors, suppliers and representatives; or

(c) Non-payment of amounts due as a result of Materials or services furnished to the

Contractor or any of its Subcontractors which are payable by the Contractor or any of its Sub-

23.2.2 Without limiting the generality of the provisions of this Article 23, the Contractor shall fully
indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Authority Indemnified Persons from and against any
and all suits, proceedings, actions, claims, demands, liabilities and damages which the Authority
Indemnified Persons may hereafter suffer, or pay by reason of any demands, claims, suits or
proceedings arising out of claims of infringement of any domestic or foreign patent rights,
copyrights or other Intellectual Property, proprietary or confidentiality rights with respect to any
materials, information, design or process used by the Contractor or by the Sub-contractors in
performing the Contractor‟s obligations or in any way incorporated in or related to the Project. If
in any such suit, action, claim or proceedings, a temporary restraint order or preliminary
injunction is granted, the Contractor shall make every reasonable effort, by giving a satisfactory
bond or otherwise, to secure the revocation or suspension of the injunction or restraint order. If,
in any such suit, action, claim or proceedings, the Railway Project, or any part thereof or
comprised therein, is held to constitute an infringement and its use is permanently enjoined, the
Contractor shall promptly make every reasonable effort to secure for the Authority a licence, at
no cost to the Authority, authorising continued use of the infringing work. If the Contractor is
unable to secure such licence within a reasonable time, the Contractor shall, at its own expense,
and without impairing the Specifications and Standards, either replace the affected work, or part,
PAGE 113

or process thereof with non-infringing work or part or process, or modify the same so that it
becomes non-infringing.

23.3 Notice and contest of claims

In the event that either Party receives a claim or demand from a third party in respect of which it
is entitled to the benefit of an indemnity under this Agreement (the “Indemnified Party”) it shall
notify the other Party (the “Indemnifying Party”) within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the claim or
demand and shall not settle or pay the claim without the prior approval of the Indemnifying Party,
which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. In the event that the Indemnifying
Party wishes to contest or dispute the claim or demand, it may conduct the proceedings in the
name of the Indemnified Party, subject to the Indemnified Party being secured against any costs
involved, to its reasonable satisfaction.

23.4 Defence of claims

23.4.1 The Indemnified Party shall have the right, but not the obligation, to contest, defend &
litigate any claim, action, suit or proceeding by any third party alleged or asserted against such
Party in respect of, resulting from, related to or arising out of any matter for which it is entitled to
be indemnified hereunder, and reasonable costs & expenses thereof shall be indemnified by the
Indemnifying Party. If the Indemnifying Party acknowledges in writing its obligation to indemnify
the Indemnified Party in respect of loss to the full extent provided by this Agreement, the
Indemnifying Party shall be entitled, at its option, to assume and control the defence of such
claim, action, suit or proceeding, liabilities, payments and obligations at its expense and through
the counsel of its choice; provided it gives prompt notice of its intention to do so to the
Indemnified Party and reimburses the Indemnified Party for the reasonable cost and expenses
incurred by the Indemnified Party prior to the assumption by the Indemnifying Party of such
defence. The Indemnifying Party shall not be entitled to settle or compromise any claim, demand,
action, suit or proceeding without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party, unless the
Indemnifying Party provides such security to the Indemnified Party as shall be reasonably
required by the Indemnified Party to secure the loss to be indemnified hereunder to the extent so
compromised or settled.

23.4.2 If the Indemnifying Party has exercised its rights under Clause 23.3, the Indemnified Party
shall not be entitled to settle or compromise any claim, action, suit or proceeding without the prior
written consent of the Indemnifying Party (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or

23.4.3 If the Indemnifying Party exercises its rights under Clause 23.3, the Indemnified Party
shall nevertheless have the right to employ its own counsel, and such counsel may participate in
such action, but the fees and expenses of such counsel shall be at the expense of the
Indemnified Party, when and as incurred, unless:

(a) the employment of counsel by such party has been authorised in writing by the
Indemnifying Party; or

(b) the Indemnified Party shall have reasonably concluded that there may be a conflict of
interest between the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party in the conduct of the defence
of such action; or
PAGE 114

(c) the Indemnifying Party shall not, in fact, have employed independent counsel reasonably
satisfactory to the Indemnified Party, to assume the defence of such action and shall have been
so notified by the Indemnified Party; or

(d) the Indemnified Party shall have reasonably concluded and specifically notified the
Indemnifying Party either:

i) that there may be specific defences available to it which are different from or additional to
those available to the Indemnifying Party; or

ii) that such claim, action, suit or proceeding involves or could have a material adverse
effect upon it beyond the scope of this Agreement:

Provided that if Sub-clauses (b), (c) or (d) of this Clause 23.4.3 shall be applicable, the counsel
for the Indemnified Party shall have the right to direct the defence of such claim, demand, action,
suit or proceeding on behalf of the Indemnified Party, and the reasonable fees and
disbursements of such counsel shall constitute legal or other expenses hereunder.

23.5 No consequential claims

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Article 23, the indemnities herein
provided shall not include any claim or recovery in respect of any cost, expense, loss or damage
of an indirect, incidental or consequential nature, including loss of profit, except as expressly
provided in this Agreement.

23.6 Survival on termination

The provisions of this Article 23 shall survive Termination.

PAGE 115



24.1 Conciliation of Disputes

24.1.1 All disputes & differences of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the
contract, whether during the progress of the work or after its completion and whether before or
after the determination of the contract, shall be referred by the Contractor to the "Authority"
through “Notice of Dispute” provided that no such notice shall be served later than 30 days after
the date of issue of Completion Certificate by the Authority Engineer. Authority shall, within 30
days after receipt of the Contractor‟s “Notice of Dispute”, notify the name of conciliator(s) to the
Contractor. In case Authority fails to fix Conciliator within 30 days, Contractor shall be free to
approach Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) for adjudication of Dispute.

24.1.2 The Conciliator(s) shall assist the parties to reach an amicable settlement in an
independent & impartial manner within the terms of contract. If the parties reach agreement on a
settlement of the dispute, they shall draw up and sign a written settlement agreement duly signed
by Authority Engineer, Contractor and conciliator(s). When the settlement agreement is signed, it
shall be final and binding on the parties. The conciliators shall be paid a fee as fixed by the
Ministry of Railways time to time, which shall be shared equally by the parties.

24.1.3 The parties shall not initiate, during the conciliation proceedings, any reference to DAB or
arbitral or judicial proceedings in respect of a dispute that is the subject matter of the conciliation

24.1.4 The conciliation shall be carried out as per „The Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996‟ and
the proceedings may be terminated as per Section 76 of the above Act.

24.2 Dispute Resolution Board (DAB)

24.2.1 A dispute/s if not settled through conciliation, shall be referred to DAB. The DAB shall
consist of a panel of three Retired Railway Officers not below senior administrative grade (SAG).
The DAB shall be formed within 90 days of signing of the Contract Agreement. For this purpose,
the Authority will maintain a panel of DAB members. The complete panel, which shall not be less
than five members, shall be sent by Authority to the Contractor to nominate one member of the
DAB from the panel as Contractor‟s nominee within two weeks of receipt of the panel. On receipt
of Contractor‟s nominee, the Authority shall nominate one member from the same panel as
Authority‟s nominee for the DAB. Both above nominees shall jointly select the presiding member
of the DAB from the same panel.

24.2.2 The appointment of DAB shall be effectuated by way of a tripartite agreement among the
Authority, Contractor and the respective DAB members. The terms of the remuneration of each
member shall be as fixed by the Ministry of Railways from time to time. Each party shall be
responsible for paying one-half of this remuneration.
PAGE 116

24.2.3 If one or more of the members appointed refuses to act as DAB member, or is unable or
unwilling to perform his functions as DAB member for any reason whatsoever or dies or in the
opinion of the Authority fails to act without undue delay, the parties shall terminate the mandate
of such DAB member and thereupon new DAB member shall be appointed in the same manner,
as the outgoing DAB member had been appointed.

24.2.4 The appointment of any member may be terminated by mutual agreement of both Parties,
but not by the Authority or the Contractor acting alone. Unless otherwise agreed by both the
Parties, the appointment of the DAB (including each member) shall expire upon expiry of this
Contract Agreement.

24.2.5 Before start of DAB proceedings, each DAB member shall give the following certificate to
the Authority and the Contractor:

“I have no past or present relationship in relation to the subject matter in dispute, whether
financial, business, professional or other kind. Further, I have no past or present relationship with
or interest in any of the parties whether financial, business, professional or other kind, which is
likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to my independence or impartiality.”

24.2.6 DAB proceedings shall be conducted as decided by the DAB. The DAB shall give its
decision within 90 days of a Dispute referred to it by any of the Parties, duly recording the
reasons before arriving at the decision. The DAB shall decide the issue within terms and
conditions of the contract. This time limit shall be extendable subject to the Parties mutual

24.2.7 The DAB decision shall not be binding on both the Parties. In case any party is not
satisfied by the decision of DAB, then the aggrieved party may approach the Standing Arbitral
Tribunal for arbitration proceedings. However, even if the aggrieved party had proceeded for
Arbitration as per provisions of this agreement, 75% of award amount, pending adjudication by
Standing Arbitral Tribunal/Court of Law, shall be made by one party to another party. In case
payment is to be made by Authority to Contractor, the terms & conditions as incorporated in the
Ministry of Railways letter No. 2016/CE(I)/CT/ARB/3 (NITI Aayog)/Pt. Dt. 08th Mar. 2017 as
amended time to time shall be followed. However, in case Contractor has to pay to the Authority,
then 75% of the award amount shall be deducted by the Authority from the running bills or other
dues of the Contractor, pending adjudication by the Standing Arbitral Tribunal/Court of Law.

24.2.8 No dispute shall be referred to the Standing Arbitral Tribunal unless the same has been
referred to DAB for adjudication. However, in case DAB is not formed due to any reason, the
disputes can be directly referred to the Standing Arbitral Tribunal to adjudicate the dispute.

24.2.9 In the specific cases of any misconduct by any of the members of the DAB, the parties
shall have the right to specifically bring it to the notice of the DAB such conduct, through a
statement filed with necessary documents in proof of such misconduct and the DAB, after taking
NOTICE of such conduct initiate the replacement of the member concerned, in the same manner
the member to be replaced was appointed.
PAGE 117

24.2.10 Once the decision is given by DAB, DAB cannot review the decision at its own or
on the request of one party, unless both parties agree for review of decision by DAB.

24.2.11 In case DAB decision is not challenged by either party within 180 days of receipt
of decision of DAB, the decision shall be considered as final and parties would be barred from
referring the same to the Standing Arbitral Tribunal for adjudication.

24.2.12 the obligation of the Authority and the Contractor shall not be altered by reasons
of issue being or under reference to DAB.

24.2.13 The DAB shall conduct the proceedings at Hubballi or any other convenient venue
which shall be decided by DAB in consultations with parties.

24.2.14 It is a term of this contract that the Parties shall not approach any Court of Law for
settlement of such disputes or differences unless an attempt has first been made by the parties
to settle such disputes or differences through DAB and Standing Arbitral Tribunal.

24.3 Standing Arbitral Tribunal

24.3.1 The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted as per „The Arbitration & Conciliation Act,
1996‟. The Arbitral Tribunal shall consist of a panel of three Retired Railway Officers not below
senior administrative grade (SAG). The Standing Arbitral Tribunal shall be formed within 90 days
of signing of the Contract document. For this purpose, the Authority shall maintain a panel of
arbitrators. The complete panel, which shall not be less than five members, shall be sent by
Authority to the Contractor to nominate one arbitrator from the panel as Contractor‟s nominee
within two weeks of receipt of the panel. On receipt of Contractor‟s nominee, the Authority shall
appoint above contractor‟s nominee as well as another from the same panel as Authority‟s
nominee as arbitrators. Both above arbitrators shall jointly select the presiding arbitrator from the
same panel.

24.3.2 If the Contractor fails to select the contractor‟s nominee from the panel within two weeks
of the receipt of the said panel, the Authority shall, after giving one more opportunity to the
contractor to nominate one as contractor‟s nominee within next two weeks, appoint two
arbitrators from the same panel. Both above arbitrators shall jointly select the presiding arbitrator
from the same panel.

24.3.3 If one or more of the Arbitrators appointed refuses to act as Arbitrator, withdraws from his
office as Arbitrator, or vacates his office or is unable or unwilling to perform his functions as
Arbitrator for any reason whatsoever or dies or in the opinion of the Authority fails to act without
undue delay, the parties shall terminate the mandate of such arbitrator and thereupon new
arbitrator shall be appointed in the same manner, as the outgoing arbitrator had been appointed.

24.3.4 Before start of arbitration proceedings, each appointed arbitrator shall give the following
certificate to the Authority and the Contractor:

“I have no any past or present relationship in relation to the subject matter in dispute, whether
financial, business, professional or other kind. Further, I have no any past or present relationship
with or interest in any of the parties whether financial, business, professional or other kind, which
PAGE 118

is likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to my independence or impartiality in terms of The

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.”

24.3.5 In the specific cases of any misconduct by any of the members of the TRIBUNAL, the
parties shall have the right to specifically bring it to the notice of the TRIBUNAL such conduct,
through a statement filed with necessary documents in proof of such misconduct and the
TRIBUNAL, after taking NOTICE of such conduct initiate the replacement of the member
concerned, in the same manner the member to be replaced was appointed.

24.3.6 Each party has to prepare and furnish to Standing Arbitral Tribunal and other party, once
in a every six months, an account giving full and detailed particulars of all claims, which even
after decision of DAB are unsettled, to which the parties may consider themselves entitled to
during the last preceding six months. If any dispute has arisen as regards execution of the works
under the contract, while submitting the said half yearly claims, the parties shall give full
particulars of such dispute in the said submission. After signing a Contract agreement, within 6
months, the parties shall submit all the claims from the date of award of contract in first
submission of claims.

24.3.7 The said communication will be the reference of the dispute to the ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL
appointed under the present agreement.

24.3.8 The parties shall submit all the relevant documents in support of their claims and the
reasons for raising the dispute to the TRIBUNAL.

24.3.9 The said claims of the parties so referred to ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL so far it relates to the
disputed claims, shall be treated as Statement of Claims of the parties and the ARBITRAL
TRIBUNAL shall call upon the other party to submit its reply. The ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL after
giving an opportunity of being heard to both the parties, decide the dispute within a period of Four
months from the date of communication of the dispute under Clause 24.3.6 above. The Arbitral
Tribunal will pass a reasoned award in writing, while deciding the Dispute. Once the award is
declared, the Arbitral Tribunal cannot review the same except what is permissible in terms of
provisions contained in Arbitration and Conciliation Act. The parties shall be entitled to the
remedies under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 or any amendment thereof.

24.3.10 The parties agree that all the claims of any nature whatsoever, which the parties may
have in respect of the work of the preceding six months, should be made in the said Statements
of half yearly claims. If the parties do not raise the claim, if any, arising from the work done in the
preceding six months in the statement of half yearly claim, to Standing Arbitral Tribunal, the
parties shall be deemed to have waived and given up the claims. The ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL
shall not entertain such disputes, which have not been raised in the statement of half yearly
Claim before the Standing Arbitral Tribunal and such claims will stand excluded from the scope of
arbitration and beyond the terms of reference to the ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL.

24.3.11 The parties agree that where the Arbitral award is for payment of money, no
interest shall be payable on the whole or any part of the money for any period till the date on
which the award is made.
PAGE 119

24.3.12 The obligation of the Authority and the Contractor shall not be altered by reasons of
arbitration being conducted during the progress of work. Neither party shall suspend the work on
account of arbitration and payments to the contractor shall continue to be made in terms of the
contract and /or as awarded (except when Award is challenged in the Court in which case the
payments would be as per the court's orders).

24.3.13 The ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL shall remain in force during the entire period the PRINCIPAL
CONTRACT is in force and until the closure of the PRINCIPAL CONTRACT with the final no
claim certificate, which will be filed with ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL.

24.3.14 The Arbitral Tribunal shall conduct the Arbitration proceedings at Hubballi or any other
convenient venue which shall be decided by the Tribunal in consultation with both parties.

24.3.15 The cost of arbitration shall be borne equally by the respective parties. The cost shall
inter-alia include fee of the arbitrators as per the rates fixed by the Indian Railways from time to

24.3.16 It is a term of this contract that the Contractor shall not approach any Court of Law for
settlement of such disputes or differences unless an attempt has first been made by the parties
to settle such disputes or differences through conciliation, DAB and Standing Arbitral Tribunal.

24.3.17 Even in case an arbitration award is challenged by a party in the Court of Law, 75% of
the award amount, pending adjudication by the Court of Law, shall be made by another party. In
case payment is to be made by Authority to Contractor, the terms & conditions as incorporated in
the Ministry of Railways letter No. 2016/CE(I)/CT/ARB/3(NITI Aayog)/Pt. Dt. 08th Mar 2017 as
amended time to time shall be followed. However, in case Contractor has to pay to the Authority,
then 75% of the award amount shall be deducted by the Authority from the running bills or other
dues of the Contractor, pending adjudication by Court of Law.

24.3.18 The contract shall be governed by the law for the time being in force in the Republic of
India. In case of any disputes/differences resulting in court cases between Contractor &
Authority, the jurisdiction shall be of Courts at Bangalore only.
PAGE 120



25.1 Governing Law & Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with and governed by the laws
of India, and the courts at Bangalore shall have exclusive jurisdiction over matters arising out of
or relating to this Agreement.

25.2 Waiver of Immunity

Each Party unconditionally & irrevocably:

(a) agrees that the execution, delivery & performance by it of this Agreement constitute
commercial acts done and performed for commercial purpose;

(b) agrees that, should any proceedings be brought against it or its assets, property or
revenues in any jurisdiction in relation to this Agreement or any transaction contemplated by this
Agreement, no immunity (whether by reason of sovereignty or otherwise) from such proceedings
shall be claimed by or on behalf of the Party with respect to its assets;

(c) waives any right of immunity which it or its assets, property or revenues now has, may
acquire in the future or which may be attributed to it in any jurisdiction; and

(d) consents generally in respect of the enforcement of any judgement or award against it in
any such proceedings to the giving of any relief or the issue of any process in any jurisdiction in
connection with such proceedings (including the making, enforcement or execution against it or
in respect of any assets, property or revenues whatsoever irrespective of their use or intended
use of any order or judgement that may be made or given in connection therewith).

25.3 Delayed Payments

The Parties hereto agree that payments due from one Party to the other Party under the
provisions of this Agreement shall be made within the period set forth therein, and if no such
period is specified, within 30 (thirty) days of receiving a demand along with the necessary
particulars. In the event of delay beyond such period, the defaulting Party shall pay interest for
the period of delay calculated at a rate equal to Bank Rate plus 3% (three percent), save and
except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. All interest payment under this Agreement shall,
save and except as otherwise specified, be calculated at quarterly rests, and recovery thereof
shall be without prejudice to the rights of the Parties under this Agreement including Termination

25.4 Waiver

25.4.1 Waiver, including partial or conditional waiver, by either Party of any default by the other
Party in the observance & performance of any provision of or obligations under this Agreement:
PAGE 121

(a) shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent default hereof or
of other provisions of or obligations under this Agreement;

(b) shall not be effective unless it is in writing and executed by a duly authorised
representative of the Party; and

(c) Shall not affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement in any manner.

25.4.2 Neither the failure by either Party to insist on any occasion upon the performance of the
terms, conditions & provisions of this Agreement or any obligation thereunder nor time or other
indulgence granted by a Party to the other Party shall be treated or deemed as waiver of such
breach or acceptance of any variation or the relinquishment of any such right hereunder.

25.5 Liability for review of documents & drawings

Except to the extent expressly provided in this Agreement:

(a) no review, comment or approval by the Authority or the Authority Engineer of any
Document or Drawing submitted by the Contractor nor any observation or inspection of the
construction of the Railway Project nor the failure to review, approve, comment, observe or
inspect hereunder shall relieve or absolve the Contractor from its obligations, duties & liabilities
under this Agreement, Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits; and

(b) The Authority shall not be liable to the Contractor by reason of any review, comment,
approval, observation or inspection referred to in Sub-clause (a) above.

25.6 Exclusion of implied warranties etc.

This Agreement expressly excludes any warranty, condition or other undertaking implied at law
or by custom or otherwise arising out of any other agreement between the Parties or any
representation by either Party not contained in a binding legal agreement executed by both

25.7 Survival

25.7.1 Termination shall:

(a) not relieve the Contractor or the Authority, as the case may be, of any obligations
hereunder which expressly or by implication survive Termination hereof; and

(b) except as otherwise provided in any provision of this Agreement expressly limiting the
liability of either Party, not relieve either Party of any obligations or liabilities for loss or damage to
the other Party arising out of, or caused by, acts or omissions of such Party prior to the
effectiveness of such Termination or arising out of such Termination.

25.7.2 All obligations surviving Termination shall only survive for a period of 3 (three) years
following the date of such Termination.
PAGE 122

25.8 Entire Agreement

This Agreement and the Schedules together constitute a complete and exclusive statement of
the terms of the agreement between the Parties on the subject hereof, and no amendment or
modification hereto shall be valid and effective unless such modification or amendment is agreed
to in writing by the Parties and duly executed by persons especially empowered in this behalf by
the respective Parties. All prior written or oral understandings, offers or other communications of
every kind pertaining to this Agreement are abrogated and withdrawn. For the avoidance of
doubt, the Parties hereto agree that any obligations of the Contractor arising from the Request for
Proposal and bid submissions, as the case may be, shall be deemed to form part of this
Agreement and treated as such.

25.9 Severability

If for any reason whatsoever, any provision of this Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or
unenforceable or is declared by any court of competent jurisdiction or any other instrumentality to
be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining
provisions shall not be affected in any manner, and the Parties will negotiate in good faith with a
view to agreeing to one or more provisions which may be substituted for such invalid,
unenforceable or illegal provisions, as nearly as is practicable to such invalid, illegal or
unenforceable provision. Failure to agree upon any such provisions shall not be subject to the
Dispute Resolution Procedure set forth under this Agreement or otherwise.

25.10 No Partnership

This Agreement shall not be interpreted or construed to create an association, joint venture or
partnership between the Parties, or to impose any partnership obligation or liability upon either
Party, and neither Party shall have any right, power or authority to enter into any agreement or
undertaking for, or act on behalf of, or to act as or be an agent or representative of, or to
otherwise bind, the other Party.

25.11 Third Parties

This Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the Parties, and their respective successors
and permitted assigns, and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to,
standard of care with reference to, or any liability to, any person not a Party to this Agreement.

25.12 Successors & Assigns

This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective
successors and permitted assigns.

25.13 Notices

Any notice or other communication to be given by any Party to the other Party under or in
connection with the matters contemplated by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall:
PAGE 123

(a) in the case of the Contractor, be given by facsimile or e-mail and by letter delivered by
hand to the address given and marked for attention of the person set out below or to such other
person as the Contractor may from time to time designate by notice to the Authority; provided
that notices or other communications to be given to an address outside Bangalore may, if they
are subsequently confirmed by sending a copy thereof by registered acknowledgement due, air
mail or by courier, be sent by facsimile or e-mail to the person as the Contractor may from time to
time designate by notice to the Authority;

(b) in the case of the Authority, be given by facsimile or e-mail and by letter delivered by
hand and be addressed to the [Head of the Authority] with a copy delivered to the Authority
Representative or such other person as the Authority may from time to time designate by notice
to the Contractor; provided that if the Contractor does not have an office in Bangalore, it may
send such notice by facsimile or e- mail and by registered acknowledgement due, air mail or by
courier; and

(c) any notice or communication by a Party to the other Party, given in accordance herewith,
shall be deemed to have been delivered when in the normal course of post it ought to have been
delivered and in all other cases, it shall be deemed to have been delivered on the actual date and
time of delivery; provided that in the case of facsimile or e- mail, it shall be deemed to have been
delivered on the working day following the date of its delivery.

25.14 Language

All notices required to be given by one Party to the other Party and all other communications,
Documentation and proceedings which are in any way relevant to this Agreement shall be in
writing and in English language.

25.15 Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in two counterparts, each of which, when executed &
delivered, shall constitute an original of this Agreement.

25.16 Confidentiality

The Parties shall treat the details of this Agreement as private & confidential, except to the extent
necessary to carry out obligations under it or to comply with Applicable Laws. The Contractor
shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the Works in any trade or
technical paper or elsewhere without the previous consent of the Authority.

25.17 Copyright & Intellectual Property Rights

25.17.1 As between the Parties, the Contractor shall retain the copyright and other
Intellectual Property rights in the Contractor‟s Documents and other design documents made by
(or on behalf of) the Contractor. The Contractor shall be deemed (by signing this Agreement) to
give to the Authority a non- terminable transferable non-exclusive royalty-free licence to copy,
use & communicate the Contractor‟s Documents, including making and using modifications of
them. This licence shall:
PAGE 124

(a) apply throughout the actual or intended working life (whichever is longer) of the relevant
parts of the Works,

(b) entitle any person in proper possession of the relevant part of the Works to copy, use and
communicate the Contractor‟s Documents for the purposes of completing, operating, maintaining,
altering, adjusting, repairing & demolishing the Works, and

(c) in the case of Contractor‟s Documents which are in the form of computer programs and
other software, permit their use on any computer on the Site and other places as envisaged by
this Agreement, including replacements of any computers supplied by the Contractor:

25.17.2 The Contractor‟s Documents and other design documents made by (or on behalf
of) the Contractor shall not, without the Contractor‟s consent, be used, copied or communicated
to a third party by (or on behalf of) the Authority for purposes other than those permitted under
this Clause 25.17.

25.17.3 As between the Parties, the Authority shall retain the copyright and other
Intellectual Property rights in this Agreement and other documents made by (or on behalf of) the
Authority. The Contractor may, at its cost, copy, use & obtain communication of these documents
for the purposes of this Agreement. They shall not, without the Authority‟s consent, be copied,
used or communicated to a third party by the Contractor, except as necessary for the purposes of
the contract.

25.18 Limitation of Liability

25.18.1 Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for loss of use of any Works, loss of
profit, loss of any contract or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage which may be
suffered by the other Party in connection with this Agreement.

25.18.2 The total liability of one Party to the other Party under and in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement, save and except as provided in Articles 21 and 23, shall not exceed
the Contract Price. For the avoidance of doubt, this Clause shall not limit the liability in any case
of fraud, deliberate default or reckless misconduct by the defaulting Party.
PAGE 125



26.1 Definitions

In this Agreement, the following words and expressions shall, unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof, have the meaning hereinafter respectively assigned to them:

“Accounting Year” means the financial year commencing from the first day of April of any
calendar year and ending on the thirty-first day of March of the next calendar year;

“Advance Payment” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 17.2.1; “Affected Party” shall
have the meaning as set forth in Clause 19.1;

“Affiliate” means, in relation to either Party {and/or Members}, a person who controls, is
controlled by, or is under the common control with such Party {or Member} (as used in this
definition, the expression “control” means, with respect to a person which is a company or
corporation, the ownership, directly or indirectly, of more than 50% (fifty per cent) of the voting
shares of such person, and with respect to a person which is not a company or corporation, the
power to direct the management and policies of such person, whether by operation of law or by
contract or otherwise);

“Agreement” means this Agreement, its Recitals, and the Schedules hereto and any
amendments thereto made in accordance with the provisions contained in this Agreement;

“Applicable Laws” means all laws, brought into force and effect by GOI or the State
Government(s) including rules, regulations and notifications made thereunder, and judgements,
decrees, injunctions, writs and orders of any court of record, applicable to this Agreement and the
exercise, performance & discharge of the respective rights & obligations of the Parties
hereunder, as may be in force and effect during the subsistence of this Agreement;

“Applicable Permits” means all clearances, licences, permits, authorisations, no objection

certificates, consents, approvals and exemptions required to be obtained or maintained under
Applicable Laws in connection with the construction of the Railway Project during the subsistence
of this Agreement;

“Appointed Date” means that date which is later of:

(a) the 15th day from the date of signing of this Agreement,

(b) the 30th day from the date on which the Contractor has delivered the Performance
Security in accordance with the provisions of Article 7;

(c) the date on which the Authority has provided the Right of Way and environmental & forest
clearances of at least 95% (ninety-five per cent) of the core land length and 90% (ninety percent)
of the non-core land length of the Railway Project in conformity with the provisions of Clauses 4.3
& 8.2;
PAGE 126

“Arbitration Act” means the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 and shall include modifications
to or any re-enactment thereof, as in force from time to time;

“Authority” shall have the meaning attributed thereto in the array of Parties hereinabove as set
forth in the Recitals;

“Authority Default” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 21.2; “Authority Engineer”
shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 16.1;

“Authority Representative” means such person or persons as may be authorised in writing by

the Authority to act on its behalf under this Agreement and shall include any person or persons
having authority to exercise any rights or perform and fulfil any obligations of the Authority under
this Agreement;

“Bank” means a Nationalised bank incorporated in India when a Bank Guarantee for Advance
Payment (Clause 17.2) is to be submitted and a Scheduled Commercial Bank incorporated in
India for all other purposes, or any other bank acceptable to the Authority;

“Bank Rate” means the rate of interest specified by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time
in pursuance of section 49 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 or any replacement of such
Bank Rate for the time being in effect;

“Base Month” means the month just prior to Bid Due Date month. The Quarter for applicability of
price adjustment shall be commence from next month after Base Month;

“Bid” means the documents in their entirety comprised in the bid submitted by the selected
bidder/Consortium in response to the Request for Proposal in accordance with the provisions

[“Bid Security” means the bid security provided by the Contractor to the Authority in accordance
with the Request for Proposal, and which is to remain in force until substituted by the
Performance Security;]

“Change in Law” means the occurrence of any of the following after the Base Month:

(a) the enactment of any new Indian law;

(b) the repeal, modification or re-enactment of any existing Indian law;

(c) the commencement of any Indian law which has not entered into effect until the Base

(d) a change in the interpretation or application of any Indian law by a judgement of a court of
record which has become final, conclusive & binding, as compared to such interpretation or
application by a court of record prior to the Base Month; or

(e) any change in the rates of any of the Taxes or royalties that have a direct effect on the
PAGE 127

“Change of Scope” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article 13.

“Change of Scope Notice” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 13.2.1;

“Change of Scope Order” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 13.2.4;

“Completion Certificate” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 12.4;

“Consortium/Joint Venture” means the Consortium/Joint Venture of entities which have formed
a consortium/joint venture for implementation of this Project ;

“Construction” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 1.2.1 (f);

“Construction Period” means the period commencing from the Appointed Date and ending on
the date of the Completion Certificate;

“Contract Price” means the amount as specified in Clause 17.1.1;

“Contractor” shall have the meaning attributed thereto in the array of Parties hereinabove as set
forth in the Recitals;

“Contractor Default” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 21.1;

“Core Land” means the part of Land essentially needed to open & operationalize the mainline for
traffic including the Land required for laying the mainline tracks and its Signalling/ Telecom/
Overhead Electrification/ Power Supply Installations, Operational Buildings (station building, huts,
gumties etc.), as shown in item No. 3(a) of Annexure-I of Schedule-A;

“Cure Period” means the period specified in this Agreement for curing any breach or default of
any provision of this Agreement by the Party responsible for such breach or default and shall:

(a) commence from the date on which a notice is delivered by one Party to the other Party
asking the latter to cure the breach or default specified in such notice;

(b) not relieve any Party from liability to pay Damages or compensation under the provisions
of this Agreement; and

(c) not in any way be extended by any period of Suspension under this Agreement; provided
that if the cure of any breach by the Contractor requires any reasonable action by the Contractor
that must be approved by the Authority or the Authority Engineer hereunder, the applicable Cure
Period shall be extended by the period taken by the Authority or the Authority Engineer to accord
their approval;

“Damages” shall have the meaning as set forth in paragraph (w) of Clause 1.2.1;

“Defect” means any defect or deficiency in Construction of the Works or any part thereof, which
does not conform to the Specifications and Standards;
PAGE 128

“Defects Liability Period” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 15.1; “Dispute” shall
have the meaning as set forth in Clause 24.1.1;

“Dispute Resolution Procedure” means the procedure for resolution of Disputes as set forth in
Article 24;

“Drawings” means all of the drawings, calculations and documents pertaining to the Railway
Project as set forth in Schedule-H, and shall include „as built‟ drawings of the Railway Project;

“Document” or “Documentation” means documentation in printed or written form, or in tapes,

discs, drawings, computer programmes, writings, reports, photographs, films, cassettes, or
expressed in any other written, electronic, audio or visual form;

“Emergency” means a condition or situation that is likely to endanger the safety or security of the
individuals on or about the Railway Project, including Users thereof, or which poses an
immediate threat of material damage to the Works or any of the Project Assets;

“Encumbrances” means, in relation to the Railway Project, any encumbrances such as

mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, hypothecation, security interest, assignment, privilege or priority
of any kind having the effect of security or other such obligations, and shall include any
designation of loss payees or beneficiaries or any similar arrangement under any insurance
policy pertaining to the Railway Project, where applicable herein but excluding utilities referred to
in Clause 9.1;

“EPC” means engineering, procurement & construction;

“Final Payment Certificate” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 17.12.1;

“Final Payment Statement” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 17.10.1;

“Force Majeure” or “Force Majeure Event” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 19.1;

“GAD” or “General Arrangement Drawings” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 4.1.3

“GOI” or “Government” means the Government of India; “Good Industry Practice” means the
practices, methods, techniques, designs, standards, skills, diligence, efficiency, reliability &
prudence which are generally & reasonably expected from a reasonably skilled and experienced
contractor engaged in the same type of undertaking as envisaged under this Agreement and
which would be expected to result in the performance of its obligations by the Contractor in
accordance with this Agreement, Applicable Laws & Applicable Permits in reliable, safe,
economical & efficient manner;

“Government Instrumentality” means any department, division or subdivision of the

Government or the State Government and includes any commission, board, authority, agency or
municipal and other local authority or statutory body, including panchayat, under the control of
the Government or the State Government, as the case may be, and having jurisdiction over all or
any part of the Railway Project or the performance of all or any of the services or obligations of
the Contractor under or pursuant to this Agreement;
PAGE 129

“IEEMA” means Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers Association

“Important Bridge” means a bridge having a linear waterway of 300 metres or a total water way
of 1000 sq.m or more;

“Indemnified Party” means the Party entitled to the benefit of an indemnity pursuant to Article
“Indemnifying Party” means the Party obligated to indemnify the other Party pursuant to Article
“Indirect Political Event” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 19.3;

“Insurance Cover” means the aggregate of the maximum sums insured under the insurances
taken out by the Contractor pursuant to Article18, and includes all insurances required to be
taken out by the Contractor under Clauses 18.1 and 18.9 but not actually taken, and when used
in the context of any act or event, it shall mean the aggregate of the maximum sums insured and
payable or deemed to be insured and payable in relation to such act or event;

“Intellectual Property” means all patents, trademarks, service marks, logos, get-up, trade
names, internet domain names, rights in designs, blue prints, programmes and manuals,
drawings, copyright (including rights in computer software), database rights, semi-conductor,
topography rights, utility models, rights in know-how and other intellectual property rights, in each
case whether registered or unregistered and including applications for registration, and all rights
or forms of protection having equivalent or similar effect anywhere in the world;

“Interim Payment Certificate” or “IPC” means the interim payment certificate issued by the
Authority Engineer for payment to the Contractor in respect of Contractor‟s claims for payment
raised in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;

{“Lead Member” shall, in the case of a Consortium/Joint Venture, mean the member of such
Consortium/Joint Venture who shall have the authority to bind the contractor and each member
of the Consortium/Joint Venture; and shall be deemed to be the Contractor for the purposes of
this Agreement ;}

“LOA” or “Letter of Acceptance” means the letter of acceptance referred to in Recital (D);

“Maintenance Manual” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 10.6;

“Major Bridge” means a bridge having a linear waterway of 18 metres or more or which has a
clear opening of 12 metres or more in spans;

“Manuals” shall mean the manuals specified in Schedule-D;

“Material Adverse Effect” means a material adverse effect of any act or event on the ability of
either Party to perform any of its obligations under and in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement and which act or event causes a material financial burden or loss to either Party;

“Materials” are all the supplies used by the Contractor for incorporation in the Works or for the
maintenance of the Railway Project;
PAGE 130

“Minor Bridge” means a bridge having a linear waterway of less than 18 metres or which has a
clear opening of less than 12 metres or in spans;

“Non-Core Land” means the Land required for the project line other than the Core-Land, as
shown in item No. 3(b) of Annexure-I of Schedule-A;

“Non-Political Event” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 19.2;
“Parties” means the parties to this Agreement collectively and “Party” shall mean any of the
parties to this Agreement individually;

“Performance Security” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 7.1;
“Plant” means the apparatus and machinery intended to form or forming part of the Works;

“Political Event” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 19.4;

“Power Block” means the length of the railway line between two railway stations, on which the
overhead equipment (OHE) is de-energised and earthed to enable the Contractor to execute
construction or maintenance works;

“Programme” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 10.1.3;

“Project” means the construction and maintenance of the Railway Project in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement, and includes all works, services and equipment relating to or in
respect of the Scope of the Project;

“Project Assets” means all physical and other assets relating to:

(a) tangible assets such as civil works and equipment including [foundations, embankments,
pavements, road surface, interchanges, bridges, culverts, road over-bridges, drainage works,
traffic signals, sign boards, kilometre-stones, electrical systems, communication systems, rest
areas, relief centres, maintenance depots & administrative offices]; and

(b) Project Facilities situated on the Site;

“Project Completion Date” means the date on which the last Completion Certificate is issued;

“Project Completion Schedule” means the progressive Project Milestones set forth in
Schedule-I for completion of the Railway Project on or before the Scheduled Completion Date;

“Project Facilities” means all the amenities and facilities to be constructed on the Site, as
described in Schedule-C;

“Project Milestone” means the project milestone set forth in Schedule-I and includes the
Scheduled Completion Date;

“Proof Consultant” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 10.2.2;
“Provisional Certificate” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 12.2;

“Punch List” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 12.2.1;
PAGE 131

“Quality Assurance Plan” or “QAP” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 11.2.1;

“Railway Project” means the Works specified in this Agreement on the railway line from
Chainage 39/000 Lokapur (excl.) & chainage 60/000 Yadwad (incl.) having a length of 21 km
including Electrical & Telecommunication works in Bagalkot (BGK) - Kudachi (KUD) New Line
Project in South Western Railway Zone;

“Re.”, “Rs.” or “Rupees” or “Indian Rupees” means the lawful currency of the Republic of India;

“Request for Proposals” or “RFP” shall have the meaning as set forth in Recital „C‟;

“Retention Money” shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 7.5.1;

“Right of Way” means the constructive possession of the Site free from encroachments and
encumbrances, together with all way leaves, easements, unrestricted access and other rights of
way, howsoever described, necessary for construction of the Railway Project in accordance with
this Agreement;

“RINL” means Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited

“Safety Consultant” shall have the meaning as set forth in clause 10.2.11

“Scheduled Completion Date” shall be the date as set forth in Clause 10.3.1;

“Scope of the Project” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 2.1;

“Section” means the portion of the railway line between two block stations;

“Site” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 8.1;

“Specifications & Standards” means the specifications & standards relating to the quality,
quantity, capacity and other requirements for the Railway Project, as set forth in Schedule-D, and
any modifications thereof, or additions thereto, as included in the design & engineering for the
Railway Project submitted by the Contractor to, and expressly approved by, the Authority;

“Stage Payment Statement” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 17.4;

“Structures” means an elevated railway line or a flyover, as the case may be;

“Sub-contractor” means any person or persons to whom a part of the Works has been
subcontracted by the Contractor and the permitted legal successors in title to such person, but
not an assignee to such person;

“Suspension” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article 20;

“Taxes” means any Indian taxes including excise duties, customs duties, value added tax, sales
tax, local taxes, cess and any impost or surcharge of like nature (whether Central, State or local)
on the goods, Materials, equipment and services incorporated in and forming part of the Railway
PAGE 132

Project charged, levied or imposed by any Government Instrumentality, but excluding any
interest, penalties and other sums in relation thereto imposed on any account whatsoever. For
the avoidance of doubt, Taxes shall not include taxes on corporate income;

“Termination” means the expiry or termination of this Agreement;

“Termination Notice” means the communication issued in accordance with this Agreement by
one Party to the other Party terminating this Agreement;

“Termination Payment” means the amount payable by either Party to the other upon
Termination in accordance with Article 21;

“Terms of Reference” or “TOR” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 16.2.1;

“Tests” means the tests set forth in Schedule-J to determine the completion of Works in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;

“Time Extension” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 10.4.1;

“Traffic Block” means the length of railway line between two railway stations, on which traffic is
blocked with or without OHE being de-energised to enable construction or maintenance works to
be undertaken.

“User” means a person who travels or intends to travel on the Railway Project or any part thereof
on any train or vehicle;

“Valuation of Unpaid works” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 21.5.1;

“Works” means all works including survey and investigation, design, engineering, procurement,
construction, Plant, Materials, temporary works and other things necessary to complete the
Railway Project in accordance with this Agreement; and

“WPI” means the wholesale price index for various commodities as published by the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, GOI and shall include any index which substitutes the WPI, and any
reference to WPI shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to the
WPI published for the period ending with the preceding month.
PAGE 133



For and on behalf of South Western Railway by For and on behalf of the Contractor


In the presence of:



Countersigned and accepted by:

Name & Particulars of other members of the Consortium/Joint Venture

PAGE 134

PAGE 135

(See Clauses 2.1 & 8.1)

1 The Site

1.1 Site of the Railway Project shall include the land, buildings, structures & track works as
described in Annex-I of this Schedule-A.

1.2 The dates of handing over Right of Way to the Contractor are specified in Annex-II of this

1.3 An inventory of the Site including the land, buildings, structures, track works, trees and
any other immovable property on, or attached to, the Site shall be prepared jointly by the
Authority‟s Representative and the Contractor, and such inventory shall form part of the
memorandum referred to in Clause 8.2.1 of this Agreement.

1.4 The alignment plans of the Railway Project are specified in Annex-III.

1.5 The status of the environment clearances & forest clearances obtained or awaited is
given in Annex IV.
PAGE 136

1 Site

The site of the Railway project comprises the section commencing from chainage 39/000 & end
at Chainage 60/000 (21 Km) including General electrical, Telecommunication works between
Lokapur (excl.) and Yadwad (incl.) in Bagalkot (BGK) - Kudachi (KUD) new BG line project (142
Km) in the state of Karnataka under South Western Railway . The land and other structures
comprising the site are described below:

2 Route Length

The route length of the Railway Project comprises the section as described below:

Sl. Name of Name of Start End Length Remarks

No. Location From Location To Chainage Chainage (km)
(km) (km)
The project starts at
Lokapur (excluding)
1 Lokapur Bommanbudni 39/000 49/300 10.3
and Yadwad (including
) for a length of 21 Km
with 2 block section
2 Bommanbudni Yadwad 49/300 60/000 10.7 divided at

3 (a) Core Land

The site of the Railway Project comprises the land described below:

Chainage Distance in metres from

District Village Name Centre Line
39000 39100 21 20

39100 39200 26 26

39200 39400 36 36
39400 39600 32 31

39600 39700 34 33

39700 39900 40 40
PAGE 137

39900 40200 39 38

40200 40500 33 33

40500 40800 36 35

40800 41200 45 44

41200 41300 43 54

41300 41400 55 65

41400 41875 49 57

41875 41975 47 49

41975 42075 37 34

42075 42175 38 24

42175 42275 25 23

42275 42375 20 20

42375 42775 20 18

42775 43075 23 22

43075 44675 50 85

44675 44800 35 35

44800 44900 40 40

44900 45000 30 30

45000 45200 23 23
PAGE 138

45200 45700 18 18

45700 46100 25 25

46100 47200 22 31

Timmapura 47200 47700 20 20

47700 48500 22 22

Muddapura 48500 48700 18 18

48700 50100 85 50

50100 50675 30 30

50675 51182 35 34

Belagavi Kamkeri
51182 51383 32 32

51383 51572 29 29

51572 51775 23 22

51775 52469 25 24

52469 52869 29 29

52869 53300 30 30

53300 55000 25 24

Bagalkot Halki 55000 55600 23 22

55600 56000 20 19

56000 56730 85 50
PAGE 139

56730 57600 20 20

Belagavi Yadwad 57600 58300 26 26

58300 58700 26 85

58700 60100 50 85

(b) Non-Core Land

The Site of the Railway Project comprises the land described below:

Sl. Name of Name of Start Chainage End Chainage Land Remarks

No. Location From Location To (km) (km) width (m)

4 Details of existing structures & facilities on the New Railway Track

4.1 Permanent Way

Details of Permanent Way on the Right of Way are:

Minimum &
Sl. No. of Railway Maximum
Km. From Km. To Route Km. Remarks
No. Line/s Implantation (if
Include 3 line
yards at
1 Single Line 39/000 60/000 21 Nil
and Yadwad

4.2 Important Bridges

The Site includes the following Important Bridges:

Sl. Bridge No. & Type of Structure No. of Spans with Width
No. Location (km) Foundation Substructure Superstructure Span Length (m) (m)

4.3 Major Bridges

The Site includes the following Major Bridges:

PAGE 140

Sl. No. Location Type of Structure No. of Spans

(Chainage/Km with Span
) Foundation Substructure Superstructure Length (m)

1 41400 OPEN RCC PSC Slab 2x12.20

2 44850 OPEN RCC PSC Slab 1 X 12.20

PSC Slab
3 50860 OPEN RCC

59510 (canal PSC Girder 2X 18.30

cum road)

4.4 Minor Bridges/Culverts

The Site includes the following Minor Bridges & Culverts:

Span Barre
Sl. Bank Type
Br.N Chain Found Substr Superstr l
no Block section heigh of
o. age ation ucture ucture lengt
. No. B H t(m) Bridge

1 Bommanbudn 115 42670 Open 1 3.00 2.50 12.36 1.588 Canal

2 Bommanbudn 116 42740 Open 1 2.00 2.00 7.85 1.775 Minor

3 Bommanbudn 118 43670 Open 1 3.00 3.00 13.94 3.893 Minor

4 Bommanbudn 121 46170 Open 1 2.00 2.00 7.85 2.129 Minor

5 Bommanbudn 122 46930 Open 1 3.00 2.00 7.85 1.219 Canal
PAGE 141

6 Bommanbudn 124 47645 Open 1 3.00 3.00 12.10 4.063 Minor

7 Bommanbudn 125 47800 Open 1 3.00 2.00 20.59 5.185 Minor

8 Bommanbudn 126 47990 Open 1 3.00 3.00 15.26 3.148 Minor

9 Bommanbudn 127 48680 Open 1 2.00 2.50 7.85 2.537 Canal

Bommanbudn RCC/ PSC 12.48

10 129 50090 Open 1 6.10 - 7.85 Minor
i-Yadwad MCC Slab 7

Bommanbudn RCC/ PSC

11 130 50640 Open 1 6.10 - 7.85 8.041 Canal
i-Yadwad MCC Slab

Bommanbudn RCC
12 134 51000 Open 1 3.00 3.00 16.29 5.436 Canal
i-Yadwad Box

Bommanbudn RCC
13 140 53095 Open 1 3.00 3.00 7.85 3.441 Canal
i-Yadwad Box

Bommanbudn 141 RCC

14 53775 Open 1 2.00 2.00 19.36 4.242 Canal
i-Yadwad A Box

Bommanbudn RCC/ PSC

15 142 53900 Open 1 6.10 - 7.85 5.451 Minor
i-Yadwad MCC Slab

Bommanbudn RCC
16 144 54630 Open 1 3.00 3.00 12.35 2.839 Canal
i-Yadwad Box

Bommanbudn RCC/ PSC

17 145 56325 Open 1 9.15 - 7.85 3.815 Minor
i-Yadwad MCC Slab
PAGE 142

Bommanbudn RCC
18 147 58750 Open 1 3.00 2.50 61.50 1.766 Minor
i-Yadwad Box

Bommanbudn RCC
19 149 59640 Open 1 3.00 3.00 23.09 6.221 Canal
i-Yadwad Box

Bommanbudn RCC Field

20 150 59835 Open 1 2.00 2.00 37.95 9.318
i-Yadwad Box canal

4.5 Tunnels

Sl. No. Block Section Km. From Km. To Remarks


4.6 Railway Flyover

The Site includes the following Railway Flyovers:

Sl. Block Bridge No. & Type of Structure Span (Nos. x Width (m)
No. Sectio Location (km) Length)
n Foundation Substructure Super-

4.7 Road Under Bridges (RUB) , Road Over Bridges (ROB) and Limited height Subway

Span Barrel Bank RUB/R

Block Chaina Foundati Superstru
Sl. no. Br.No. length(m height( OB/LH
section ge on cture No. B H m) m) S
Bommanbud Bow String
1 146 58375 Open 1 60.00 6.525 63400 -4.15 ROB
ni-Yadwad Girder
2 Bommanbud 110 40230 Open RCC Box 1 9.00 5.50 10635.00 5.50 RUB
3 Bommanbud 111 41040 Open RCC Box 1 5.00 5.00 28638.00 10.9 RUB
4 Bommanbud 113 41605 Open RCC Box 1 5.00 5.5 51206.0 16.24 RUB
5 Lokapur- 114 42120 Open RCC Box 2 9.00 5.50 20706.00 5.79 RUB
PAGE 143

6 Bommanbud 117 43560 Open RCC Box 1 5.00 5.00 7850.00 4.42 RUB
7 Bommanbud 120 45280 Open RCC Box 1 5.00 5.00 7850.00 5.10 RUB
8 Bommanbud 123 47350 Open RCC Box 1 5.00 5.00 7850.00 5.13 RUB
9 128 49975 Open RCC Box 1 9.00 5.50 24226.00 10.40 RUB
10 131 50705 Open RCC Box 1 5.00 5.50 13266.00 7.45 RUB

11 133 50950 Open RCC Box 1 9.00 5.50 7850.00 5.26 RUB

12 139 52860 Open RCC Box 1 5.50 5.00 16649.00 5.12 RUB
13 141 53775 Open RCC Box 1 5.50 5.00 7850.00 4.23 RUB
Bommanbud PSC
14 148A 59510 Open 1 18.30 - - 4.77 RUB
ni-Yadwad Girder
15 135 51340 Open RCC Box 1 5.00 4.50 8158.00 3.59 LHS
16 136 51650 Open RCC Box 1 5.00 3.50 7850.00 3.23 LHS
17 137 52020 Open RCC Box 1 5.00 3.50 7850.00 3.55 LHS
18 138 52330 Open RCC Box 1 5.00 3.50 7850.00 3.12 LHS
19 143 54250 Open RCC Box 1 5.00 4.00 7850.00 4.34 LHS

The Site includes the following RUB (Road under Railway Line) & ROB (Road over Railway

* The width of the road of ROB/RUB to be merged with the existing road width near the
Railway boundary.
● For ROB, height is referred from rail level to bottom of girder/slab.
● For RUB, height is referred from road level to bottom level of slab.
PAGE 144

4.8 Railway Level Crossings

The Site includes the following Railway Level Crossings:

Sl No Block section Chainage LC NO LC classification

1 Lokapur-Bommanbudni 42670 4 C class

2 Lokapur-Bommanbudni 46470 5 C class

3 Lokapur-Bommanbudni 48170 6 C class

4 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 56860 7 C class

4.9 Railway Stations on Railway Project

The Site includes the following Railway Stations:

Sl. Station Building Remarks (whether

Station CL Km. Nos. No‟s of PF & Length
No. Area Junction Station)

1. Dadanhatti 43/900 1 50 sq.m 1 no HL PF of 270 m Halt

2 no‟s HL PF each of 570

2. Bommanbudni 49/300 1 400 sq.m m

1 no HL PF of 570 m and
1 goods PF of RL of 700 Crossing
3. Yadwad 58/900 1 400 sq.m

4.10 Railway Yards

The Site includes the following Railway Yards

Sl. No. Name of Yard Number of Lines ESP No.

1 Dadanhatti 1
DRG. No. Dy CE/CN/Spl/UBL/TR/02-2022

2 Bommanbudni 3 SWR/W.573/ESP/Bommanbudni/MP/CN/58/Jan-23
PAGE 145

3 Yadwad 3 SWR/W.573/ESP/Yadwad/MP/CN/59/Jan-23

4.11 Foot Over Bridges/Subway on Railway Project

The Site includes the following Foot Over Bridges:

Sl. Station Chainage Span/Nos. of Track Remarks

1. Bommanbudni 49/300 1X4X3m RCC box limited height subway
below 3 tracks
2. Yadwad 58/900 58.126 m / 3 No‟s of track 3m wide gangway with 3m wide
staircase and ramp of 3 m and slope
of 1 in 12

4.12 Transmission Lines crossing the Right of Way (Existing)

The Site includes the following transmission lines crossing the Right of Way :

Block Section Chainage OH/UG
No. (Specify KV)

1 Dadanahatti-Bommanbudni 46/400-500 220KV OH

2 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 42/600-700 33KV OH

3 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 40/200-300 11KV OH

4 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 40/200-300 11KV OH

5 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 40/200-300 11KV OH

6 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 40/200-300 11KV OH

7 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 41/700-800 11KV OH

8 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 42/100-200 11KV OH

9 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 42/100-200 11KV OH

10 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 42/400-500 11KV OH

11 Dadanahatti-Bommanbudni 46/100-200 11KV OH

12 Dadanahatti-Bommanbudni 46/400-500 11KV OH

13 Dadanahatti-Bommanbudni 46/500-600 11KV OH

14 Dadanahatti-Bommanbudni 47/900-48/000 11KV OH

15 Dadanahatti-Bommanbudni 49/900-50/000 11KV OH

PAGE 146

16 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 50/200-300 11KV OH

17 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 50/900-51/000 11KV OH

18 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 51/700-800 11KV OH

19 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 52/200-300 11KV OH

20 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 53/500-600 11KV OH

21 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 54/000-100 11KV OH

22 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 54/700-800 11KV OH

23 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 55/100-200 11KV OH

24 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 56/400-500 11KV OH

25 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 58/200-300 11KV OH

26 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 58/700-800 11KV OH

27 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 58/700-800 11KV OH

28 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 59/700-800 11KV OH

29 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 40/100-200 440V OH

30 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 41/500-600 440V OH

31 Lokapur-Dadanahatti 42/300-400 440V OH

32 Dadanahatti-Bommanbudni 49/800-900 440V OH

33 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 51/200-300 440V OH

34 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 51/300-400 440V OH

35 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 56/000-100 440V OH

36 Bommanbudni-Yadwad 56/600-700 440V OH

4.13. Underground Power line Crossing the Right of Way

The Site includes the following Underground Power line Crossings provisionally:

Sl. Block Section Chainage HT/LT (Specify KV) OH/UG

1 - - - -

4.14. Signalling Infrastructure

The Signalling part not in scope of this EPC section

PAGE 147

Sl. Station Standard of Existing Signalling Type of Signals (Single Remark

No. Interlocking System (RRI/TBM Distant/ Double Distant/
Rly, etc.) Colour Light, etc.)


4.15. Telecommunication Infrastructure

The Site includes the following Telecommunication Infrastructure:

Sl. Stati Control Phone DOT Any other communication Availability of

No. on OFC



4.16. Any Other Structures: Existing relay room/IPS room ,Battery room and OFC hut.
PAGE 148


The following are complete details of the Right of Way showing the dates on which the Authority
shall provide the different sections of the Right of Way to the Contractor:

Distance of
From Km. Length Railway Boundary Date of Providing Right
Sl. No. from C/L of
to Km. (km) of Way
(Up/Dn) line (in m)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Right of Way being 95%
Within 15 (fifteen) days
(ninety five percent) of the
of the signing of the
core land length and 90 %
Agreement or within 30
(ninety percent) of the non- Ch. 39/000
Details provided in (thirty) days of the date
core length of the Project, to 21
the table below of receiving the
under Clauses 4.1.3 read Ch. 60/000
Performance Security
with Clauses 8.2 & 8.3 of the
from the Contractor,
whichever is later.

Full Right of Way (Full Width)

Private land of 335A-35G-9.4An and forest land of 32A-14G-13An has been acquired and handed over
to railways,balanced private land of 6A 32G is yet to be handed over by Government of karnataka.

Chainage Distance in metres from Centre

Sl. Village Name Line


39000 39100 21 20

39100 39200 26 26

39200 39400 36 36

39400 39600 32 31

39600 39700 34 33
PAGE 149

39700 39900 40 40

39900 40200 39 38
40200 40500 33 33

40500 40800 36 35

40800 41200 45 44

41200 41300 43 54

41300 41400 55 65

41400 41875 49 57

41875 41975 47 49

41975 42075 37 34

42075 42175 38 24

42175 42275 25 23

42275 42375 20 20

42375 42775 20 18
19 Naganapura

42775 43075 23 22

43075 44675 50 85
PAGE 150

44675 44800 35 35

44800 44900 40 40

44900 45000 30 30

45000 45200 23 23
45200 45700 18 18

45700 46100 25 25

46100 47200 22 31

47200 47700 20 20
29 Timmapura

47700 48500 22 22

Muddapura 48500 48700 18 18


48700 50100 85 50

53300 55000 25 24

Halki 55000 55600 23 22


55600 56000 20 19

56000 56730 85 50

56730 57600 20 20
PAGE 151

Yadwad 57600 58300 26 26


58300 58700 26 26

58700 60100 50 85

PART-B: Balance of the Right of Way not covered in Part-A above (within 180 days from the Appointed

Sl. No. Distance in metres from Centreline

Village Name Chainage


1 Kamkeri 50100 50675 30 30

2 50675 51182 35 34

3 51182 51383 32 32

4 51383 51572 29 29

5 51572 51775 23 22

6 51775 52469 25 24

7 52469 52869 29 29

8 52869 53300 30 30

9 Yadwad 58300 58700 - 85

PAGE 152


The proposed alignment plan, L-sections, Engineering Scale Plans (ESPs), Signalling
Interlocking Plans (SIPs) of the Railway Project Line are attached. This is based on a survey
conducted by the Authority. The Contractor shall verify alignment plan, L- sections, ESPs, SIPs
for ensuring technical feasibility within the Right of Way boundaries. (Any deviation [positive/
negative] from the enclosed Engineering Scale Plans, Approved Alignment plan, L-section &
Signal Interlocking Plan will be treated as Change of scope)

Alignment Plans and other drawings

(1) The Contractor shall verify & revalidate all relevant factors which could have an impact on
the Design and construction of the earthwork including but not limited to the topography,
subsurface conditions, ground water levels, Temporary Works, dewatering, drainage, climatic
conditions, the availability or lack of access, working space, storage, accommodation, restrictions
imposed by the existing Indian Railways Tracks, the proximity of adjoining structures and roads,
the local regulations regarding the obstruction of public highways and any other limitations
imposed by the site and its surroundings, for the satisfactory completion of Works meeting with
performance requirements in the stipulated time.

(2) It will be presumed that Contractor has taken note of all effects of these constraints on his
construction operations to ensure on-time completion of the Works.

(3) No claim by the Contractor on the grounds of lack of foresight or knowledge of the site
conditions or any unknown parameters shall be considered.

(4) The Permanent Works shall not infringe the Indian Railway schedule of dimensions and
land boundary limits provided by Railways.

(5) If the definitive design requires additional land over and above that already set out, the
Contractor will inform the Engineer.

(6) The Geotechnical Investigation data provided by the Authority shall be supplemented by
verifications / additional investigations if considered necessary by the Contractor for development
of his Technical Design at his own cost. No claim shall be entertained by the Authority in case the
Contractor encounters the data different than that included during the verification / additional
investigation or actual execution of work.

The relevant drawings are provided in the Enclosure as given below:

1) Enclosure-A: Yard Station Drawings

Sl. No. Drawing Title Drawing Number

Engineering scale plan of Dadanhattii
1 DRG.No.DYCE/CN/SPL/UBL//TR/ 02-2022
PAGE 153

Engineering scale plan of SWR/W.573/ESP/Bommanbudni/MP/CN/58/Jan-23

Bommanbudni station

Engineering scale plan of Yadwad SWR/W.573/ESP/Yadwad/MP/CN/59/Jan-23


2) Enclosure-B: GAD of Bridges

PART-1: Major Bridges

Location No. of Spans

Sl. No. (Chainage/Km) Type of with Span Length Reference
Structure (m)
1 41400 2x12.20


2 44850 1 X 12.20


3 50860 2x12.20

PSC Girder
59510 (canal DRG NO:
4 2 X 18.30
cum road) DYCE/CN/SPL/UBL/BR/39-2023

PART-2: Minor Bridges

Typical General Arrangement Drawing for:

Span Barrel
Chainag Superstru
Sl. no. Br.No. length Drawing No
e cture
B H (m)

1 115 42670 RCC Box 3.00 2.50 12.36

2 116 42740 RCC Box 2.00 2.00 7.85

3 118 43670 RCC Box 3.00 3.00 13.94 NO:DYCE/CN/SPL/UBL/BR/18-
PAGE 154

4 121 46170 RCC Box 2.00 2.00 7.85

5 122 46930 RCC Box 3.00 2.00 7.85

6 124 47645 RCC Box 3.00 3.00 12.10

7 125 47800 RCC Box 3.00 2.00 20.59

8 126 47990 RCC Box 3.00 3.00 15.26

9 127 48680 RCC Box 2.00 2.50 7.85

10 129 50090 PSC Slab 6.10 - 7.85

11 130 50640 PSC Slab 6.10 - 7.85

12 134 51000 RCC Box 3.00 3.00 16.29

13 140 53095 RCC Box 3.00 3.00 7.85

14 141A 53775 RCC Box 2.00 2.00 19.36

15 142 53900 PSC Slab 6.10 - 7.85
PAGE 155

16 144 54630 RCC Box 3.00 3.00 12.35

17 145 56325 PSC Slab 9.15 - 7.85

18 147 58750 RCC Box 3.00 2.50 61.50

19 149 59640 RCC Box 3.00 3.00 23.09

20 150 59835 RCC Box 2.00 2.00 37.95

PART-3: GAD for RUBs, ROBs and LHS

Span RUB/
Sl. Br.N Chain Supers ROB/ Reference
no. o. age tructur LHS
e No. B H

1 146 58375 String 1 60.00 6.525 ROB SWR/CN/BNC/BR/18-2023


2 110 40230 Box 1 9.00 5.50 RUB 2022


3 111 41040 Box 1 5.00 5.00 RUB 2022


4 113 41605 Box 1 5.00 6.00 RUB 2022
PAGE 156


5 114 42120 Box 2 9.00 5.50 RUB 2022


6 117 43560 Box 1 5.00 5.00 RUB 2022


7 120 45280 Box 1 5.00 5.00 RUB 2022


8 123 47350 Box 1 5.00 5.00 RUB 2022


9 128 49975 Box 1 9.00 5.50 RUB 2022


10 131 50705 Box 1 5.00 5.50 RUB 2022


11 133 50950 Box 1 9.00 5.50 RUB 2022


12 139 52860 Box 1 5.50 5.00 RUB 2022


13 141 53775 Box 1 5.50 5.00 RUB 2023

14 148A 59510 Girder 1 18.30 - RUB


15 135 51340 Box 1 5.00 4.50 LHS 2022


16 136 51650 Box 1 5.00 3.50 LHS 2022
PAGE 157


17 137 52020 Box 1 5.00 3.50 LHS 2022


18 138 52330 Box 1 5.00 3.50 LHS 2022


19 143 54250 Box 1 5.00 4.00 LHS 2022

PART-4:GAD for passenger Subways

Sl. No. Location/Station Reference

1 Bommanabudni yard

PART-5 : GAD for FOBs

Sl. No. Location/Station Reference

1 Yadwad yard SWR/W.573/ESP/Yadwad/MP/CN/59/Jan-23

3) Enclosure-C: Longitudinal Section & Plan Drawings

Sl. No. Drawing Title Drawing No.Section

Working Plan & section from Km 38.500
1 SWR/CN/BNC/TR/301-2022 (sheet 1 of 4)
to 45.500
Working Plan & section from Km 44.500
2 SWR/CN/BNC/TR/301-2022 (sheet 2 of 4)
to 50.000
Working Plan & section from Km 45.000
3 SWR/CN/BNC/TR/301-2022 (sheet 3 of 4)
to 55.000
Working Plan & section from Km 54.500
4 SWR/CN/BNC/TR/301-2022 (sheet 4 of 4)
to 60.000

4) Enclosure-D: Standard RDSO Drawings (Drawing List for Reference only, Drawings
not enclosed in the enclosures)

Sl. No. Drawing No. Drawing Title

1 RDSO-B-10271 12.2m PSC Slab
PAGE 158

2 RDSO-B-10350/R Abutment for 12.2m PSC Slab

3 RDSO-B-10361 Pier for 12.2m PSC Slab
4 RDSO-B-10221/R 6.1m PSC Slab
5 RDSO-B-10355 Abutment for 6.1m PSC Slab
7 RDSO-10152/1R to 9R RCC Box
8 RDSO-B-10402 FOB Gangway
9 RDSO-B-10158/1 RCC Double Box
10 RDSO-M-0001 Height Gauge
11 RDSO-CBS-0016 Inspection Platform
12 RDSO-R-10631 Platform Shelter
13 IRC-6/2017 Approach Slab for ROB
14 GT/SK/GL/869-870/REV-O/2021 Transition System of Major Bridge Approach
Wider Prestressed Concrete Sleepers for 25t axle
load for BG 60kg (UIC)/60E1/52kg running rail with
15 RDSO/T-8971-8978
60kg (UIC)/60E1/52kg Guard Rail on Bridge
Protective screen at Foot Over Bridge & Road
16 RDSO ETI/C/0068
Over Bridge
Check Rail Assembly for Level Crossing on PSC
17 RDSO/T-8983 sleeper with 60kg (UIC)/60E1 running rail and
52kg check rail for 25t axle load BG

5) Enclosure-E: Civil work-related Drawings

Sl. No. Drawing Title Drawing No.

1 Labour / merchant room Dy.CE/CN/SPL/UBL/BLD/05-2023

2 Station building at Dadanhatti


3 Station building at Bommanabudni DY.CE/CN/III/1-2017

4 Station building at Yadwad DY.CE/CN/III/1-2017

5 Staff quarter Type-II Drg.No. DCE/CN/III/UBL/1-2018

6 Staff quarter Type-III Drg.No. B/SBC
7 Staff quarter Type-IV(Single unit) Dy.CE/CN/SPL/UBL/BLD/07-2023
9 Cross section for embankment RDSO:GE/SK/GL/00254/Rev.3/2018
10 Cross section for cutting RDSO:GT/SD/0005/Rev.1/2002
11 Platform plan at Dadanhatti DRG.No.DYCE/CN/SPL/UBL//TR/ 02-2022
12 Platform plan at Bommanabudni DRG No.DYCE/CN/SPL/UBL/1-2023
13 Platform plan at Yadwad DRG No.DYCE/CN/SPL/UBL/2-2023
15 High level platform wall SWR/CN/BNC/TR/03-2022
16 Platform fencing SWR/CN/BNC/TR/04-2022
17 Catch water drain SWR/CN/BNC/TR/08-2022
18 Trolley refuge in cutting SWR/CN/BNC/TR/07-2022
19 Trolley refuge in embankment SWR/CN/BNC/TR/06-2022
20 Bitumen road section SWR/CN/BNC/TR/01-2022
21 Concrete road section SWR/CN/BNC/TR/02-2022
22 Drain section at cutting and drain SWR/CN/BNC/TR/05-2022
PAGE 159

section at station yards

24 Staff Quarter Type-IV(4 units) RVNL/SBC/Quaters Plan/Type-lV - RO
25 P.Way store depot SWR/W.86/2018/HQ/PLG/SSE/P-WAY OFFICE-001
26 Ramp station entrance SWR/CN/BNC/TR/10-2022
27 Inspection steps SWR/CN/BNC/TR/13-2022
28 SSE/Signal Office Dy.CE/CN/SPL/UBL/BLD/01-2023
29 JE/Pway/Office Dy.CE/CN/SPL/UBL/BLD/02-2023
30 SSE/Works Office Dy.CE/CN/SPL/UBL/BLD/03-2023
31 Health unit Dy.CE/CN/SPL/UBL/BLD/04-2023
32 Supervisor rest house Dy.CE/CN/SPL/UBL/BLD/03-2023
33 Track machine rest house Dy.CE/CN/SPL/UBL/BLD/06-2023
34 SSE/Pway/Office Dy.CE/CN/SPL/UBL/BLD/02-2023

6) Enclosure-F: Signalling Drawings

Part-I: Mini Diagrams of Signalling Arrangements

Sl. No. Station Existing Signalling Proposed Tentative Signalling

Not Applicable

Part-II: Signalling Drawings

Sl. No. Drawing Reference

As per Annexure 1(D) and Technical guidelines of signalling as Attached

Part-III: Signalling Drawings

Sl. No. Drawing Reference

As per Annexure 1(D) and Technical guidelines of signalling as Attached

7) Enclosure-G: Telecom Other Drawings

Sl. No. S&T Other Drawings Drawing No.

CSTE/CN/OFC/1(Tele/OFC to be marked as per
1 RCC cable markers
Railway representative (SWR Drawing)
SG/CN/02/6 (SWR Drawing)
2 Apparatus case full size

3 Earth electrodes SG/CN/02/13 (SWR Drawing)

RDSO/SPN/197/2008 or Latest
4 Maintenance free Earth

As per Clause 12 of RDSO Spec No.

5 DTMF Gateway 4 port
RDSO/SPN/TC/99/2012 Rev 2 or latest.
PAGE 160

Control IP Telephones (without hands As per Clause 11 of RDSO Spec No.

free) RDSO/SPN/TC/99/2012 Rev 2 or latest.
As per Clause 13 of RDSO Spec No.
7 Gateway for Emergency Communication
RDSO/SPN/TC/99/2012 Rev 2 or latest.
8 Emergency Socket box (FRP make) RDSO/SPN/TC/44/2002 or latest
SMPS based Telecom Integrated Power RDSO/SPN/TC/102-2013 version 1 amendment 1
supply system or latest
6 Quad 0.9mm Underground Rly Jelly
IRS: TC-30/2005, Version 1 Amendment 5 or
10 filled quad cables for Signalling and
Telecom Installation
11 HDPE Telecom pipe size 40/33mm TEC.GR No. G/CDS-08/01 Dec 99 or latest

7(a) Indian Railway/Telecom Manual for Telecommunication Works (6 Quad Cable & OFC
7(b) Latest IRS/RDSO Specifications (6 Quad Cable, OFC cables and all its accessories.
8) Enclosure-H: Electrical Drawings

Sl. No. Description No. of Sheets Remarks

1 General power supply arrangement *

2 Sectioning diagram *

3 wiring plans *

4 SP/SSP location plans *

5 Traction working Rule (TWR ) and annexure –G *

* General power supply arrangement (G.P.S) , Sectioning diagram (S.D), wiring plans could not
be given as part of standard enclosures due to the adjoining sections GPS, S.D are not finalized
and approved. Hence the agency shall submit the proposed G.P.S, S.D, Wiring plans and
location plan for SP/SSP at appropriate time during execution of contract and get it approved
before physical execution.

9) Enclosure-I: Electrical RDSO Drawings: Master List of drawings of equipment &

materials for traction installation: (RDSO. T1-M-4.2.3-2, Ver.4.0)

10) Enclosure-J: Electrical RDSO: Master List of Specifications & Material traction
installation: 1) (RDSO T1-M-4.2.3-1)

11) Enclosure-K: Manual of Standard Specification for Railway Electrification Projects under
EPC Contract.

12) The above mentioned are uploaded in below Google drive link
PAGE 161
PAGE 162


1) Environment clearances*

No prior environmental clearance is required for this Railway Project since Railway Projects are
not included in SO 1533 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, and Section 3,
Sub-section (ii) by MOEF on 14th September 2006.

2) Forest Clearances

Forest permission has been obtained from DCF, Bagalkot Department of Forest, Government of
Karnataka vide letter no Sl No /B2/GFL/15.388(16.828)/CR- /2019-20/1902 Dated 04.06.2022.

The following forest clearances have been obtained:

Forest land is involved in the following stretches of the project for which Stage-I clearance has
been obtained:
(1) Chainage 39000 to Chainage 40854 (1.854 km)

(b) The following forest clearances are awaited:

Stage-II clearance is awaited in the following stretches of the project for which Stage-I clearance
has been obtained:
(1) Chainage 39000 to Chainage 40854 (1.854 km)
PAGE 163

(See Clause 2.1)


1) Development of the Railway Project

Development of the Railway Project shall include design and construction of the Railway Project
as described in Annex 1 to this Schedule-B and in Schedule-C.

2) Specifications & Standards

The Railway Project shall be designed and constructed in conformity with the Specifications and
Standards specified in Schedule-D and Manual of Specifications & Standard for EPC Contract-
PAGE 164


The project consists of laying New BG single line between Chainage 39/000 Lokapur (excl.) &
chainage 60/000 Yadwad (incl.) having a length of 21 km on Bagalkot (BGK) - Kudachi (KUD)
New BG Line project.

The proposed alignment of this project “Construction of New BG single line between Chainage
39/000 Lokapur (excl.) & chainage 60/000 Yadwad (incl.) having a length of 21 km”. It is intended
to design & construct the single line with „one train only system „at a maximum train speed of 130
km/h with an initial axle load of 25 tonnes. Formation, track and bridge structures are to be
provided for 25 tonne axle load.

The scope of the works to be performed under the contract (hereinafter referred to as „the scope
of work‟) shall comprise of Design & Construction Civil, Building, Electrical, Telecommunication &
Track works for the Project “Construction of New BG single line between Chainage 39/000
Lokapur (excl.) & chainage 60/000 Yadwad (incl.) having a length of 21 km” which entails
construction of 4 (Four) major bridge, construction of 20 (twenty) minor bridges, road under
bridges of 17 nos (eighteen) & 1 (one) road over bridges as indicated in para 4.7, Annexure-I)
including approaches, etc.

Scope of work shall also include any associated works relating to manufacturing, supply,
installation, testing & commissioning for Single Line Railway capable of operating at a speed of
160 km/h involving design & construction of formation in embankments/cuttings, bridges,
structures, buildings including station buildings, service buildings, etc., ballast on formation, track
works, integration with Indian Railway system including testing & commissioning on design build
lump sum price. The detailed description of scope of works is provided in the Schedule. All the
chainage lengths as indicated below are indicative & approximate.

The work areas, which are identified in terms of proposed chainage, are from Chainage 39/000
Lokapur (excl.) & chainage 60/000 Yadwad (incl.) having a length of 21 km, which includes the
following stations, where existing centreline of Bagalkot is considered as 0/000

Sl. No. Station Centreline of Station

1 Lokapur (excluding) 37/300 (proposed)

2 Dodanhatti 43/900 (proposed)

3 Bommanbudni 49/300 (proposed)

4 Yadwad 58/900 (proposed)

PAGE 165

The site of the Railway comprises the section commencing from Chainage 39/000 Lokapur
(excl.) & chainage 60/000 Yadwad (incl.) having a length of 21 km including General electrical
and Telecommunication works in Bagalkot (BGK) - Kudachi (KUD) new line project in the state of
Karnataka in the South Western Railway zone. The land and other structures comprising the site
are described below.

Features Description

Length of the line 21 Km

Number of proposed Stations 3 (2 crossing and 1 halt stations)

Ruling Gradient proposed 1 in 150 compensated

Gauge Broad gauge 1676 mm

Maximum Degree of Curvature 0.921 Degree

Height of Bank May vary up to 19.399 m (CH:41/400)

Depth of Cutting May vary up to 6.164 m (CH:58/300)


(a) Major Bridges 4

(b) Minor Bridges 20
(c) Road Over Bridges 1
(d) Road Under Bridges 17
(e) Foot Over Bridges 1
(f) Subways 1
(g) Level crossing gates 4

The work includes without limitation the design, construction & removal of any temporary works
and diversions of utility services both of Railways and Local Authorities as defined in the
agreement. In addition, the contractor shall undertake the rectification of defects happening in the
permanent works arising due to new line works to the standards.

The contractor is fully responsible for delivery a safe, sound, durable & satisfactorily functioning
state of the track conforming to project requirements, applicable standards, codes & manuals as
listed & retained in „Manual of Specification & Standards for Railway Projects‟.

Certain works may require condonation of Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) or Railway
Board before execution of such works, which have to be taken up by the contractor. The
Contractor shall be responsible to prepare and submit applications to Authority Engineer for
obtaining sanction of Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS).
PAGE 166

All Site investigations, Geo-technical surveys, setting of alignment, bridge planning, bore holes,
communication, ancillary works, record keeping, material testing, inspection reports etc. shall
form part of scope of Works for successful completion of Permanent Works.

1. Construction of Civil & Track Works

A. Site Surveys & Investigations

Prior to the Alignment verification and reviews of the various Reference Drawings by the
Contractor, the Contractor shall carry out validation of the data as provided by the Authority and
any additional surveys if considered necessary by the Contractor.
Validation of the data and any additional surveys as considered necessary by the Contractor is
particularly important in this Contract which imposes on the Contractor a single point
responsibility for the whole design and construction of the Works.

The Contractor shall plan and programme those validation and additional surveys if considered
necessary and investigations required to commence the design of Works and develop them to
the Survey Plan and Programme.

The Contractor shall summarize the results of Validation of Data and Additional Survey including
all the site surveys and investigations into different reports which shall form part of the Survey
Report, and shall be submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer for his consent. The Contractor shall
continue to be solely responsible for the accuracy and entirety of all the site surveys and
investigations including Traverse Survey, Topographic Survey, Centre Line Survey and
Geotechnical Investigations etc. throughout the Contract.

B. Traverse Survey

The Contractor shall carry out Traverse Survey and establish the horizontal and vertical systems
at Site. The Contractor shall summarize the Traverse Survey results with verification studies in
the Benchmark Establishing Report.

C. Topographic Survey

Upon review of the Benchmark Establishing Report by the Authority‟s Engineer, the Contractor
shall immediately carry out the validation of the data provided by the Authority including
additional Topographic Survey, if considered necessary by the Contractor, and meeting all the
requirements including verification of the Right of Way (ROW), details of which is provided by the
Authority and submit the Site Location / Layout Maps and Structure Setting-out Maps etc., to the
Authority‟s Engineer for his review and consent.

It shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility to ensure that there are no obstructions to the Right
of Way for Permanent Works based on the validation of data and additional survey carried out by
the Contractor. If any obstructions such as trees, structures or charted / unchartered public
utilities etc. exist, the Contractor shall locate the obstructions on the Site Location Maps or
Structure Setting-out Maps with the procedure and method statement that addresses the
PAGE 167

handling of the obstructions and submit to the Authority‟s Engineer for consent. Such
obstructions shall be dealt with as per the provisions of the Contract.

The Contractor shall summarize the results of validation of data and topographic survey and
include the same in the Survey Report and submit to the Authority‟s Engineer for his consent.

D. Centre Line Survey

The Contractor shall validate the horizontal and vertical Alignment and yard layout for each
Station as per the Design Criteria specified in the Design Standards and within the available
ROW giving due consideration to the various obligatory points e.g. existing Bridges, Level
Crossings, ROBs etc.

The Contractor shall validate that the Alignment is located adequately within the Right of Way as
indicated in the Alignment Drawings. If not adequately aligned, then the Contractor shall notify
the Authority‟s Engineer of the conflicts including descriptions on the issue and modify the same
to ensure that there is no conflict with the Right of Way and in compliance with the Design
Criteria as stipulated in the Design Standards. The Contractor shall submit the revised Alignment
Drawings (if required) to the Authority‟s Engineer for his review and consent of the Authority.

E. Geotechnical investigations

(1) Authority has carried out geotechnical investigation along the alignment at minor bridges,
major bridge, RUB and ROB locations and details of the same including the bore log data are
available in the typical GAD (General Arrangement Drawings). The contractor shall carry out the
confirmatory and additional exploratory core boring at his own cost. The Authority shall not
entertain any claim in case the contractor encounters the strata different than that indicated in

(2) The Contractor shall carry out the exploratory core boring for all the bridges such as the
Major Bridges, the ROBs , subways, RUBs, Minor Bridges, Rock Cutting locations along the
Alignment as well as for all the stretches on which the Embankment is to be constructed, in
compliance with the following as a minimum requirement:

(a) For Major Bridge, one (1) exploratory bore hole shall be done at all pier & abutment

(b) For Minor Bridges - For a culvert box or a pipe culvert, two (2) exploratory boreholes shall
be made in one location of the structure. For slab bridges, one (1) exploratory bore hole shall be
done at each abutment & pier location.

(c) For Rock Cutting locations, the exploratory boreholes shall be made at every fifty (50)
meters along the alignment; and

(d) The Contractor shall carry out the exploratory core borings for locations on which the Rail
Track Formation is to be constructed (for both embankment and excavation stretches) at least
one (1) exploratory borehole in every five hundred (500) meters along the Alignment.
PAGE 168

In case the Contractor considers that the additional geotechnical investigations are necessary for
undertaking the Detailed Design work, he may make use of the geotechnical investigation data
as provided by the authority in case the Contractor is satisfied that the results of the exploratory
core boring undertaken by him (as detailed above) are in conformity with the results of the
geotechnical investigation as provided by the authority. Alternatively, the Contractor may carry
out additional geotechnical investigation as planned in his Geotechnical Investigation Plan in
compliance with the requirements and the Specifications under the Contract. The amount for all
the geotechnical investigation to satisfy the Contractor's requirement shall be deemed to be
included in the Contract Price.

(3) The Contractor shall also carry out Plate Load Test, second step Plate Load Test (Ev2)
as required and at the locations as consented by the Authority‟s Engineer, to determine the
bearing capacity of the soil.

(4) Based on the geotechnical investigation as above, the Contractor shall submit the
Geotechnical Interpretative Report on Structure Foundation and Rail track Formation to the
Authority‟s Engineer for review.

F. Alignment Drawings

The Contractor shall be responsible for validation of the data provided by the Authority and
additional surveys if considered necessary and investigations necessary for development of his

During validation of the data and additional surveys, the Contractor shall link the same with GTS
BenchMarks (Survey of India BenchMarks). The final Alignment and yard layout for each Station
(horizontal and vertical) shall ensure that it caters to the design of all the Works including, but not
limited to, the Rail track formations, the Bridge Structures, the Track Works, the Level Crossings,
the Stations and depots, etc. Any structures adjacent to or traversing across the alignment is to
be consistently developed without infringing the ROW, the Structure Gauge and the Clearances,
as stipulated in the latest IR Schedules of Dimensions, 2004 during the Technical Design

G. Site & Work Areas

The Site is where the Permanent Works are to be executed within the available ROW. The Site
has been identified in the Alignment drawings and in other drawings as included in the Reference
Drawings indicating the structures proposed to be constructed for operation, inspection and
maintenance of facilities.

The Work Areas comprises the Site and areas for the Temporary Works including the area
outside the ROW.

H. Contractor‟s Possession of the Site

The Authority has in its possession more than 95% of the land within Right of Way (ROW)
required for this Package. The Authority shall give Right to Access of the Site to the Contractor
PAGE 169

as per the schedule specified in Annexure II of Schedule A and in conformity with the
Contractor's work plan duly consented by the Authority‟s Engineer and Authority. Conditions of
Possession of the Site from the Authority shall be described as follows:

(1) The actual land as required for the execution of Permanent Works within the ROW shall
be handed over to the Contractor free from all encumbrances except for the land area occupied
by the duty huts & gate lodges, public power lines of 33kV and below, existing roads, abandoned
structures, other charted public utilities which are to be handled / supported / protected
permanently diverted and all the trees including the trees having girth 300mm and more. Tree
cutting is the responsibility of Contractor. Such land area shall also be handed over to the
Contractor and making it free from all the encumbrances and / or handling the utilities to facilitate
the execution of Permanent Works shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

(2) The Contractor shall ensure that the land, for which the Right of Access has been given
by the Authority, is not encroached by unauthorized persons and is not used for any purposes
not connected with the Works.

(3) Diversion of all the uncharted utilities shall be handled as specified in the EPC agreement
and Schedules.

(4) Although the Site within the ROW shall become a possession of the Contractor during his
construction as described below, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for maintaining the
same and reinstating the same within the occupancy of Temporary Works to the entire
satisfaction of the Authority‟s Engineer / Authority at his own expenses.

I. Contractor‟s Access to the Site

The timings, sequence & conditions relating to the Contractor's possession of the Site shall be
and as detailed below:

(1) The Contractor shall divide the Site into separate segments and shall elaborate a
schedule for the time periods of the availability of these areas for his contract performance.

(2) The Contractor shall indicate the exact nature of the various Work Segments and the
extent of Works to be carried out therein prior to the execution of the Permanent Works or
making use of the area as working space and/or for temporary works / site facilities.

(3) The information as above shall be submitted as part of the Contractor's technical proposal
and shall be finalized before the Commencement Date and shall be subject to consent of the
Authority‟s Engineer and approval by the Authority.

(4) On the basis of the consented information above, the Contractor shall submit proposals
for the use and the occupation of each Work Segment of the Site, such submissions being at
least sixty (60) days prior to the programmed use of the specific segment of the Site. The
availability of Work Segment will only be permitted for the actual duration of the Permanent and
Temporary Works within the particular Work Segment of the Site.
PAGE 170

(5) Prior to the scheduled dates for returning of any of the Segment / works areas for
subsequent use by Other Contractors /Interfacing Parties/Authority, the Contractor shall carry out
the following activities:

(a) Construct all Permanent Works within the Work Segment of the Site, to the extent as
defined in the Technical Design and in accordance with the requirements of the Contract;

(b) Reinstate the area to the same condition as it was taken over from the Authority, unless
otherwise as consented by the Authority‟s Engineer and the Authority;

(c) Form the area to the approved lines and levels and carry out such other works as shall be
required by the provisions of the Contract;

(d) Remove all rubbish, debris and other materials to the entire satisfaction of the Authority‟s
Engineer and the Authority.

(6) The schedule for all the segments / work areas as above shall include, but not limited to
the following data:

(a) Indication of the segments of the Site;

(b) Description and the intended use of the segments of the site;

(c) The start and the end date of the Works in the segments of the site;

(d) The start and the end date of the periods in which the Contractor shall allow the segment
of the Site to be accessed by the Other Contractors and / or the Interfacing Party(ies).
(7) Restrictions on the timing of occupation of the traffic possession / traffic block so as to
avoid affecting operations will be made as applicable. The Contractor shall submit the Authority‟s
Engineer a proposal for the use of the Site for the survey and investigation if required for the
Technical Design and execution of the Works.

J. Validation Of Data , Additional Survey & Setting- Out


The Contractor shall plan and programme for the validation of the data provided by the Authority
and additional surveys if considered necessary by the Contractor to commence the design of the
works and develop them as the Survey Plan as described in The Contractor shall submit them to
the Authority‟s Engineer for consent within 28 days after the Commencement Date. General
contents of this para comprise the following three major stages.

First, the Contractor shall establish horizontal and vertical control system (x, y, z) at the Site and
establish Benchmarks using GTS Bench Marks and locate / confirm the ROW marks given by the
Authority and listed in as well as stacked at the Site adopting the established horizontal and
vertical control system.
PAGE 171

Second, the Contractor shall carry out validation of the data provided by the Authority and
additional topographic surveys, if considered necessary by him to update the Horizontal and
Vertical Alignment and yard layout for each Station in compliance with the Design Criteria (as
specified in the Contract) and develop it to the updated Alignment Plan and Profile Drawings as
well as the data with which the Contractor shall eventually draw up the Cross Section Drawings
at an interval of twenty (20) meters and other drawings necessary to develop the Technical
Design. The Contractor shall summarize the results of validation of the data and additional
surveys so far in the Survey Report and develop the Site Location Map, and the Structure Setting
out Map and submit them to the Authority‟s Engineer for consent as part of the Technical Design
Package. Based on the above, the Contractor shall update the Horizontal and Vertical Alignment
and develop yard layout for each Station in compliance with the Design Criteria and within the
available ROW. Upon consent by the Authority‟s Engineer to the revised Alignment Drawings, it
shall be referred to as the Updated Alignment Plan & Profile Drawings. The Final Alignment Plan
and Profile Drawings shall also indicate the offsets from existing IR tracks running parallel to the

Thirdly, the Contractor shall carry out Horizontal Alignment staking at the Site based on the Final
Alignment Plan and Profile Drawings and also verify and ensure the ROW staking in the same
interval as the horizontal staking so as to ensure the sufficiency of the available ROW.

Finally, upon the Construction Design Completion by the Good for Construction notice, the
Contractor shall set out the works to commence the construction with consistent accuracy and
entirely throughout the design and construction stages.

Horizontal & Vertical Control System Benchmark Installation at Site

(1) A set of the Bench Marks comprising a horizontal control system (x, y) and vertical control
system (z) shall be established at the Site based on the GTS Bench Marks which are established
and maintained by the Survey of India, and the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)
applying Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system and latest revision of World
Geodetic System (WGS). Description of various GTS Bench Marks along the route alignment as
provided by the Survey of India along with their height above Mean Sea Level is enclosed in
Table below. The Contractor shall ensure that horizontal and vertical position (x, y, and z) of each
Bench Mark shall not be interfered with and affected by any Permanent and Temporary Works.
The Bench Marks shall have the following features and conditions.

(2) All pillars shall be of thin metal fabricated in dimensions of 20cm x 20cm x h cm (height
above the ground (h) shall be determined at the Site). The entire pillar shall be galvanized or
primer coated, if it is applicable. Exposed surface of the pillars shall be appropriately painted with
enamel paint of a colour as specified by the Authority‟s Engineer to be easily identified. A
concrete base on which the steel pillar is found shall be 1:3:6 lean concrete and enable it to
support the pillar stable enough as indicated in the Reference Drawings. Details shall be
developed by the Contractor and submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer for review. Each pillar
shall be protected by retractable fencing or other similar measures to keep the pillar from
accidentally being touched, hit and moved.

(3) The pillars for the Bench Marks shall be staked at an interval of 5 kilometres on both
sides of the alignment in the ROW. The Contractor shall establish temporary bench marks (x, y,
z) which shall be staked and identified clearly painted in different colour from the Bench Marks as
PAGE 172

described hereinbefore. These temporary bench marks shall be used to run a closed traverse for
checking the Bench Marks.

(4) The Contractor shall plan and programme to establish a horizontal and vertical control
system at the Site by DGPS and correlate and adjust the system based on the GTS Bench Marks
or with reference to the existing control points or as specified by the Authority‟s Engineer. The
Contractor shall develop the plan and program in the Survey Plan and the Survey Programme
and submit to the Authority‟s Engineer. The Survey Plan shall include, but not be limited to,
details of the survey methods, error adjustment/ correction, accuracy achieved, means of
accuracy maintained, and the coordination with others with respect to the consistent accuracy
and entirety.
(5) The Contractor shall summarize the Traverse Survey results with verification studies in
the Benchmark Establishing Report.

(6) Upon establishing the Bench Marks completing all necessary adjustments, the final and
detailed survey data of the Bench Marks shall be submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer for
consent within the date designated as 14 weeks (98 Days). Upon 'Notice of No Objection' from
the Authority‟s Engineer to the Benchmark Establishing Report, the system shall be the sole
horizontal and vertical control system (x, y, z) and the reference pillars provided with the
coordinates (x, y, z), as described herein and shall be referred to as the Bench Marks which shall
be consistently applied to the project under this Contract. Benchmark Establishing Report
containing the traverse Survey results shall also be included as part of the Survey Report.

(7) The Bench Marks shall be periodically checked (at the intervals as consented by the
Authority‟s Engineer) by running closed traverses and closed level works. The Contractor shall
submit the results to the Authority‟s Engineer for review. The periodical check shall include the
nearest equivalent Benchmarks established by the other contractor(s) with sufficient
communication with him/them. If any discrepancy which deems to be crucial is found, the
Contractor shall carry out appropriate corrective measures under the instruction of the Authority‟s

(8) The equipment to be adopted in the survey to establish the horizontal control system shall
be Static DGPS System (horizontal/vertical) and Total Stations of 1" accuracy and to establish
vertical control system shall be auto levels which have sufficient accuracy to meet the
requirements hereinafter. The Contractor shall submit a certificate from the manufacturer or his
authorized service agent for the equipment and the peripherals. The date of the calibration
certificate shall not be earlier than one (1) month from the date of the survey commencement.
The calibration shall be checked & re-validated from time to time at a predetermined interval or
before the expiry of the calibration certificate whichever is earlier.

(9) The KMZ file for alignment of the above section can be accessed from the link:

Table Bench Marks

Description & Heights of Bench Marks in the Project

Provisional Bench mark details are as follows for guidance:

PAGE 173

Easting Northing TBM Description
On bridge no 87 RHS
1 29/580 566.425 TBM P6
Parapet wall

Requirements for Horizontal Control

(1) The Contractor shall establish a horizontal control system at the Site by DGPS, providing
each Benchmark with a horizontal coordinate (x, y). The horizontal coordinate (x, y) shall be
checked by the existing control points. The Contractor shall coordinate with the adjacent Other
Contractor(s) to ensure that the BenchMarks established by the Contractor and the equivalent
benchmarks established by the Other Contractor(s) are consistent. The Contractor shall include
the survey results and the description in the Survey Report as described in the following
paragraphs. Upon consent of the Authority‟s Engineer, the system shall be the sole horizontal
control system in the project under this Contract.
(2) The horizontal control system shall be developed by DGPS and by running a closed
traverse on the Bench Marks and the temporary bench marks along the alignment. In case of the
Connecting Line, and the Junction & Crossing Station arrangements, the traverse shall be run
along the periphery of these areas.

(3) The maximum length of a traverse to be closed shall be around 5km and the number of
azimuth courses within an azimuth check shall not exceed twenty-five (25). The Contractor shall
compute angular closing error of the traverse followed by linear error. Limits of traverse for
horizontal control shall have the following accuracy:

* Angular error of closure 15" √ (N) (N: number of angles measured) Where N shall not
exceed twenty-five (25).
* Total linear error of closure 1 in 25,000 (after angular adjustment).

(4) The error within the permissible limits of the traverse line shall be balanced by the Transit
Method. In case the errors are beyond the above permissible limits, the traverse survey shall be
carried out until the resulting error is within the permissible limits.

(5) The Contractor shall summarize the established coordinates (x, y) with necessary
adjustments of all BenchMarks along with raw observation data downloaded from Total Station,
calculation process and descriptions of all BenchMarks and submit to the Authority‟s Engineer for
his review.

Requirements for Vertical Control

(1) The Contractor shall establish a vertical control system at the Site by DGPS, providing
each Benchmark with a vertical coordinate (z). The vertical coordinate (z) shall be checked by
the GTS BenchMarks of the Survey of India practically as many as possible to ensure the entire
vertical control system is consistent including the equivalent system of the adjacent Other
Contractor(s). The Contractor shall include the survey results and the description in the Survey
Report as described in the following paragraphs. Upon consent of the Authority‟s Engineer the
system shall be the sole vertical control system in the project under this Contract.
PAGE 174

(2) The vertical control system shall be developed by DGPS or by running a closed level
work on the Bench Marks and the temporary bench marks along the alignment. In case of the
Connecting Line, and the Junction and Crossing Station arrangements, the level work shall be
run along the periphery of these areas. The Contractor shall close the level work at an
appropriate interval and find out the closing error as described in the following paragraph.

(3) Each level work shall be connected with the BenchMarks which have the consistent
accuracy and entirety in the system and the system of the adjacent Other Contractor(s) and
properly maintained at the Site. Closing error of loop closure shall not exceed 12 √ (K) [mm],
where K is the circuit length in kilometers, where K shall not exceed 5 kilometres. In case, the
accuracy of loop closure exceeds the limit defined herein, the entire loop shall be repeated until
the desired accuracy is achieved.
(4) The Contractor shall summarize the established coordinates (z) of all BenchMarks with
necessary adjustments along with raw observation data, calculation sheets and descriptions of all
control marks on excel components of MS Office and submit to the Authority‟s Engineer for

Topographic Survey

(1) The Contractor, after carrying out the validation and any additional survey, if considered
necessary by him, shall ensure the accurate topography of the Site so that he could be fully
satisfied to commence the design of the Alignment and design of Permanent Works. The Bench
Marks as established by the Contractor shall be consistently used for the surveys.

(2) The Contractor shall confirm and locate all the Right of Way marks given by the Authority
at the Site and provide them with coordinates (x, y, z) so that both Alignment and Right of Way
are located based on the same horizontal control system.

(3) The Contractor shall develop the documents including all reports, drawings, and maps as
described. The Contractor shall summarise the results of Validation of Data, Additional Survey
and Setting Out in the Survey Report and submittals to be developed by the Contractor shall
include but not limited to the following and as described in para 2 above:

● the BenchMark Establishing Plan;

● the Survey Plan;
● the BenchMark Establishing Report;
● the Survey Report;
● the Site Location Map;
● the Rail track Formation Plan and Profile Drawings;
● the Structure Setting-out Map;
● the Junction & Crossing Station Layout Maps;
● the Track Schematic Drawings and Schedule;
● the Final Alignment Plan and Profile Drawings; and
● the Cross-Section Alignment Drawings (at an interval of 20m).
PAGE 175

(4) During traversing the periphery areas, the Contractor shall pick up broad alignment of
important roads, rivers, canals, and locations of important buildings and facilities etc. whenever
considered necessary to develop the Alignment Plan and Profile Drawings and other required
drawings as part of the Technical Design

Horizontal Alignment Staking

(1) The Horizontal Alignment defined by the coordinates (x, y) of the centreline of the track
from CCD to GDYA shall be staked at an interval of twenty (20) meters in addition to TS, SC, CS,
and ST points along the proposed Alignment. While staking the Horizontal Alignment at Site, the
Contractor shall:

(a) Verify its offsets from the existing IR tracks as defined in the Final Alignment Plan &
Profile Drawings prepared by the Contractor and consented by the Authority‟s Engineer.
(b) Confirm the Right of Way (ROW) staking already done by the Authority at Site and
provide the missing stakes if any. The Contractor shall ensure staking of the ROW as per the
relevant provisions of Indian Railway Engineering Code. The Contractor shall consistently apply
the coordinates established by the Contractor on the Bench Marks hereinbefore to the staking
and any other surveys herein.
(2) The proposed Rail Track Formation Level (as reviewed / modified by the Contractor
during alignment review) shall also be marked on the stakes to indicate the height of the
embankment or depth of the excavation.

(3) Upon completing the Horizontal Alignment staking and providing all the ROW marks with
coordinates (x, y, z), the Contractor shall submit the final coordinates (x, y, z) data of the Vertical
Alignment at an interval of twenty (20) meters, the ROW coordinates (x, y, z) at an interval
approximately twenty (20) meters, horizontal alignment calculation report including curve details
(transition curves, circular curves, IP coordinates (x, y, z) and direction) and the Final Alignment
Plan and Profile Drawings to the Authority‟s Engineer within 120 Days.

(4) The Contractor shall summarize the survey results of the Right of Way marks given to the
Contractor by the Authority and the Centre Line Survey and the Right of Way staking in
conjunction with the finalised Alignment Plan and Profile Drawings in the "Alignment Verification
Report" and submit to the Authority‟s Engineer for his consent.

(5) Upon consent of the Authority‟s Engineer to the report, the confirmed Alignment and Right
of Way marks including maps and drawings which confirm the ROW as well as any control points
established by the Centre Line and Right of Way staking, shall become the responsibility of the
Contractor. The Contractor shall ensure that these marks and control points are maintained and
remain throughout the Contract period.


(1) After the completion of the design, the Contractor shall set out the Works at the Site. The
Contractor shall ensure that all the Permanent Works including, but not be limited to the Bridges
(Important Bridges, Major Bridges, Minor bridges, Road Over Bridges, Road Under Bridges, Foot
PAGE 176

Over Bridges), Tunnels, Earthworks for the Rail track Formation, Earthworks for other excavation
& embankment, Buildings in the Junction & Crossing Stations, are accurately set out.

(2) The setting-out of the Civil Works shall be carried out based upon the Construction
Design drawings including, but not be limited to, the Rail track Formation Plan & Profile Drawings
and the Structure Setting-out Maps which are consented by the Authority‟s Engineer as part of
the Technical Design Package.

(3) The setting-out of the Building Work shall be carried out based upon the Construction
Design drawings including, but not be limited to, the Rail track Formation Plan and Profile
Drawings and Junction & Crossing Station Layout Maps which are consented by the Authority‟s
Engineer as part of the Technical Design Package.

(4) The setting-out of the Track Work shall be carried out based upon the Construction
Design drawings including, but not be limited to, the Alignment Plan & Profile Drawings and the
Track schematic Drawings and Schedule which are consented by the Authority‟s Engineer as
part of the Technical Design Package.

Auxiliary Works

It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide all the auxiliary works and take precautions
necessary to ensure that the survey works are accurate, accountable and secure. The Contractor
shall ensure including but not limited to the following:

(1) perform all necessary calculations in a clear presentation of computations and results in
order to facilitate verification by the Contractor himself and by the Authority‟s Engineer;

(2) remove machinery and obstructions from the required sight-lines;

(3) Stop all machinery, drilling, blasting, driving and other work causing ground vibration and
stop all smoke, dust, gas, etc. obscuring clear view or causing refraction. If it is hindering the
survey work;

(4) restrict or stop traffic of persons and vehicles near instruments or in sight-lines during
instrument observations as required;

(5) provide adequate labour & materials as deemed necessary & suitable by the Authority‟s
Engineer for the control and auxiliary surveys;

(6) Carry out additional topographical surveys in cases where the existing topographic data
is, in the opinion of the Authority‟s Engineer, insufficient for accurate measurement of the Works.

Field Trial Embankment

PAGE 177

(1) The Field Trial Embankment shall be carried out to determine the following parameters for
each material to be used for the objective embankment:

(a) Optimum spreading thickness of lift;

(b) Number of roller passes; and
(c) Type of compaction equipment to be used.

(2) The Contractor shall submit the Field Trial Embankment Plan to the Authority‟s Engineer
for consent at least twenty-eight (28) days in advance of carrying out the Field Trial
Embankment. After the Trial the Contractor shall report to the Authority‟s Engineer the results
which shall contain the appropriate parameters above based on the tests as specified in the
Specifications including in-situ and laboratory tests together with his consideration on the detailed
actual implementation procedure for the embankment. The Field Trial shall be carried out for
each different material which has different characteristics based on the material tests which have
already been carried out and consented by the Authority‟s Engineer as described in the
Specifications. The Contractor shall include all those time factors in the Construction Programme
for Stretch as per Authority‟s Engineer requirements.

(3) The Contractor shall locate an appropriate place for the Field Trial where his proposed
Trial accomplishes the objectives above. The Contractor shall select the location of the place for
the Trial, subject to the Notice of No Objection by the Authority‟s Engineer, in the Right of Way
where the Trial does not interfere with the Works during the period of the Trial including
reinstatement of the area affected by the Trial.

Construction of Civil & Track Works

1.1 Operational Requirements

1.1.2 The Permanent Way shall be single line and designed to permit the Authority to operate
satisfactorily at a maximum design speed of 160 Kmph. All the bridges and formation shall be
constructed for 25 tonne axle loading standard. Track shall be constructed for an axle load of 25
tonne-2008. [The Laying of track to be done by NTC, if Project length is 100 Km or more.] In case
a particular stretch/es is not suitable for NTC working, the Authority Engineer may permit track
laying without NTC.

1.2 Alignment

1.2.1 The alignment of the Railway Project shall be as per the alignment plans given in
Schedule-A, Annex III. The Contractor is required to review and revalidate Engineering Scale
Plans, Alignment & L-section for technical feasibility.

1.3 Geometric design & general features

1.3.1 Geometric design, gradients, curves and all other general features of the Railway Project
shall be in accordance with provisions of the Indian Railway Permanent Way Manual.
PAGE 178

1.3.2 The formation level at various chainages along the alignment is indicated in the project
sheets. These shall be verified and corrected by the Contractor in the final alignment design in
conformity with the Specification & Standards specified in the Permanent Way Manual.

1.3.3 Released Material - The track, structure,buildings, and other properties, which are disturbed
or dismantled, the released bought out material shall be the property of Authority. Such materials
of all kind and sort shall be transported and handed over in the depot of the nominated stock
holder by the Contractor as per the direction of Authority in charge. Contractor shall be fully
responsible for safe guarding of such material while it is in custody, till the time it is handed over
to the stock holder.

1.3.4 Planned dismantling - In case of planned dismantling of any existing asset as a part of the
project, the detailed plan & procedure for the dismantling activity with responsible repercussions
and disposal of released material and other relevant details, shall be submitted by the Contractor.
Such work shall be taken up only after the approval of Authority. Dismantling of buildings as per
the agreed and approved dismantling plan and disposing off the released material of these
buildings to stock holder/outside Railway boundary are part of the scope of this contract.

1.3.5 Security of material - The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the site for the
entire period during which the site is in his/its possession. Notices shall be displayed at various
prominent locations around the site, to warm the public of the dangers of entering the site. During
the progress of the work, the Contractor shall maintain such additional security patrols over the
areas of works as may be necessary to protect its own and its sub-contractor‟s work and
equipment and shall coordinate and plan the security of the work under this Contract as well as
the work of others having access to and across the site and the works. The Contractor shall liaise
with the sub-contracts and the contractors responsible for the adjacent and other interfacing
contracts and ensure that coordinated security procedures are operated (in particular with
respect to vehicles permitted to pass through the site and/or the adjacent sites in latter periods of
the contract).

1.3.6 Safe working - Contractor shall be fully responsible for safely of trains running on existing
track in all respect and fully follow the instructions laid down by Railways for “Safety At Worksite”.

1.3.7 Utility Shifting – The utility shifting/diversion plan with all details like location, size, nature,
specific feature, mode/method of shifting and time required shall be submitted to the Authority for
approval. Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out the removal/ relocation of utilities and
also their commissioning, to the specified locations within or outside the Site, including all under
and over ground structures, temporary or permanent diversions etc. required as per the
clearances of concerned authorities/ utility owners. The Contractor shall immediately inform the
Authority‟s Engineer and the utility agencies of any damage to utilities, discovery of utilities not
previously identified. Certain utilities shall require temporary shifting of utilities as per agreed and
approved shifting/diversion plan which shall be dealt as per Article 9 of the Agreement.

1.3.8 Earthwork The Contractor shall verify and revalidate all relevant factors which could have an impact
on the Design and construction of the earthwork including but not limited to the topography,
subsurface conditions, ground water levels, Temporary Works, dewatering, drainage, climatic
PAGE 179

conditions, the availability or lack of access, working space, storage, accommodation, restrictions
imposed by the existing Indian Railways Tracks, the proximity of adjoining structures & roads, the
local regulations regarding the obstruction of public highways and any other limitations imposed
by the site and its surroundings, for the satisfactory completion of Works meeting with
performance requirements in the stipulated time.

It will be presumed that Contractor has taken note of all effects of these constraints on his
construction operations to ensure on-time completion of the Works. No claim by the Contractor
on the grounds of lack of foresight or knowledge of the site conditions or any unknown
parameters shall be considered. Contractor shall design the earthwork and formation and submit details along with geo-
technical reports, cross-sections of the formation at an interval of 20m, borrow areas, material
test reports, slope stability analysis, earth retaining structures, drainage & erosion control
measures, toe protection, any ground improvement, side drains, catch water drains and planning
of disposal of debris, cut spoils outside railway premises, etc. Earthwork for Rail track Formation: Design & Construction of the Earthworks in
Embankment or Cutting including Rock Cutting for the Rail track Formation for the Main Lines,
Loop Lines, future tracks for the track work within the Project Length area and including but not
limited to:

(a) Clearing & Grubbing and Stripping,

(b) Excavation with or without Blasting,
(c) Embankment,
(d) Subgrade,
(e) Blanket Layer,
(f) Slope Protection & Erosion Control

For Rock Cutting Areas, following shall also be included

(g) Protection Bund at the GL on both sides of rock cutting

(h) Provision of Berms as per design
(i) Catch Ditch to receive falling boulders if any
(j) Slope stability measures
(k) Safety refuge
(l) All other related works as considered necessary

The Earthwork for Rail track Formation along the Alignment may require rock cutting at some of
the locations.

Treatment & Disposal of Earthwork Material

(A) The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all classes of earthworks material
required for the Works, whether sourced from the excavations within the contract or obtained
from any other sources, which are located outside the Site, for which the Authority‟s Engineer
has given the consent.
PAGE 180

(B) All excavated material from the Site is deemed to be the property of the Authority and
shall not be disposed off unless it is not suitable or otherwise not required by the Authority. All the
excavated materials to the extent it is suitable and is required at Site shall be consumed in the
Site in embankment, ballast, aggregates, boulders, etc. Should the removal of the excavated
material from the Site be considered to be removed, the Contractor shall make all necessary
arrangements and a comprehensive plan & programme for the activity and submit it to the
Authority‟s Engineer for his consent.
(C) The disposal of surplus material, waste material, bentonite fluid and material
contaminated with bentonite, debris of demolished existing structures or buildings and unsuitable
material, etc. shall be the full responsibility of the Contractor and these materials shall be treated
and disposed of by the Contractor at an approved location(s) at his own cost. The disposal plan
& programme shall be subject to consent by the Authority‟s Engineer. RDSO documents for Earthwork

The work shall be executed as per the Comprehensive Guidelines & Specifications for Railway
formation. Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004, Sept-2020 with latest correction slips.

Note: Above conditions are for guidelines and not exhaustive and work will be executed as per
latest specifications issued by RDSO

Earthwork for yards should be done as per the yard Plans which is in Enclosure A of
Schedule A of Annex III Retaining Structures Where space limitations or other constraints do not permit provision of a stable slope for
the formation, retaining walls, Reinforced Soil Walls/Slopes shall be provided to safely retain and
support the formation, ballast and the track structure. Such situations may include the locations
where the embankment height is large and the right-of-way is not adequate. The details of the backfill and the drainage for the retaining wall shall be an integral
part of the structural drawing submitted by the Contractor. Minimum height of embankment shall generally be 1.0 meter except at obligatory
points like level crossings, junction yards, bridge approaches, etc. In case the difference between
formation level and ground level is less than required the existing ground will have to be
excavated to provide the formation layers of requisite thickness and specifications as mentioned
in the relevant specifications.

1.4 Bridges

1.4.1 All bridges shall be designed & constructed in accordance with the design standards and
specifications as per Indian Railway Concrete Bridge code, Indian Railway Steel Bridge Code,
Indian Railway Foundation & Substructure Code, Indian Railway Bridge Manual and other codes
and manuals specified in Schedule-D. And Manual of specifications and standard for EPC
contract 2014 issued by Ministry of Railways. RDSO approved drawings shall be used as far as
PAGE 181

1.4.2 All bridges shall be designed for the minimum recurrence interval of floods:

(a) For Important bridges : 1 in 100 years

(b) For Major bridges: 1 in 50 years
(c) For Minor bridges :1 in 50 years The Contractors should take adequate measures to protect the bank by sheet
piling or shoulder piling/micro piles or any other suitable protection measures. Adequate safety of
these lines at all times during the execution of the work is of paramount importance. The work also includes the construction of river training works at the required
locations. Provision of drop wall, curtain wall, flooring, toe wall, pitching, etc. as proposed &
approved drawings by Authority. The Contractor‟s design shall recognise that the new bridges are to comply with
the vertical clearances and freeboard as set down in the applicable standards, irrespective of the
vertical clearance and free board of the adjacent Bridge. However, for relaxation in
freeboard/vertical clearance as specified in the relevant provision of IRS Codes specific approval
from the Engineer shall be taken under unavoidable circumstances like non- availability of land or
presence of other obligatory points, etc. Contractor shall collect existing bridge data if any and prepare details of
catchment area and hydrological report and geotechnical investigation report for each bridge and
accordingly design the bridge. The bridges proposed by the Contractor shall be sized as a minimum to match the
existing bridges if any in the vicinity with a view to ensure minimum obstruction to the flow of
water. All bridge abutments are to be designed with an appropriate drainage system.
Back fill arrangement behind abutments shall be as per relevant RDSO guidelines. Bridges shall
have provision of guard rails, trolley / safety refuges ballast wall on approaches as per relevant
IR provisions. Pier / abutment caps of all bridges should have an adequate plan area so as to
accommodate the ladders, OHE masts pedestals, additional OHE mast pedestals, carrying out
inspections and for permitting the activities of pre-stressing, replacement of bearings, inspection
of bearings, etc. required during the construction and service life of the bridge. All bridges shall
be capable of carrying signalling & telecommunication cables through pipes/ducts & drawings
prepared by the Contractor shall indicate details of such provisions. M25 Grade concrete wearing course with minimum thickness 40mm and cross
slope of 1 in 40 shall be used on the deck of all ballasted bridges. Painting/galvanizing steel
members including structural as well as supporting to be done as per relevant codes / manuals. Flood gauges with the marking of danger level, HFL Plaques containing bridge
Nos. and indicating direction of flow, plaque showing particulars of foundation inscribing on CC/
metal plate, Name boards displaying the number of the bridge, the name of the river and
inspection steps would be provided as per IR Bridge Manuals.
PAGE 182 The Contractor shall submit manufacturer‟s warranty for all types of prestressing
material, bearings, etc. as a part of the design submission. These shall be accepted after
conforming to relevant codes/manuals. Bearing of the bridges should be procured through RDSO
approved manufacturer & suppliers. All Reinforcement Steel (TMT Bars) & Structural Steel shall be procured as per
specifications mentioned in BIS‟s documents – IS: 1786 and IS: 2062 respectively. Independent
tests shall be conducted, wherever required, to ensure that the materials procured conform to the
specifications. Structural steels shall be procured only from RDSO approved firms.
Reinforcement steel (TMT bars) shall conform to the schedule of Technical Requirements for
Supply of TMT Reinforcement Bars to IR vide Document No. WK-G-8.1-1 Ver.1.1 effective from
25.07.2019 with the approval of Authority Engineer. Load testing of Bridge girders and slabs shall be done in accordance with the
provisions of IRS Concrete Bridge Code / Steel Bridge Code / Other relevant code / as specified
by the Engineer. The Bridge design shall consider stream stability, backwater, flow distribution,
stream velocities, scour potential, flood hazard, bridge protection work and river training works. In case of major & minor bridges, as far as possible the Superstructure of the new
bridges should have RDSO standard spans and RDSO standard drawings for 25T-2008 loading.
Superstructure shall be as per the Tender GAD. Contractor may propose modification in the type
of superstructure for approval of Authority‟s representative, while conforming to all codes and
stipulations, and maintain requisite vertical clearance. For minor bridges, RCC boxes shall be
permitted up to 3m span only. Any superstructure other than RDSO approved drawing requires
prior approval of the Chief Administrative Officer (Construction). The data & information provided are indicative and for guidance only. These
should be rechecked, verified & modified by conducting site investigation to suit the site
conditions. Site Investigation should include but not limited to topographical survey, hydrological
survey & geotechnical surveys, etc. During planning it should be ensured that the piers of the
new bridge are in alignment of the existing bridge. The span arrangement should be decided in
such a way that there is free flow of water.

1.4.3 For Width and cross sections features of bridges refer GAD of Bridges provided in the

1.4.4 Minimum size of RCC box shall be in accordance with the specifications & standards.
Minimum clear opening of RCC Box with or without fill shall be 3m x 3m. The bridge completion
plan, LWR plans, L-Section, Inspection Register for bridges, Turnouts, LWR, Curve, Level
Crossings and other track structures, Records for welds, cushion, track defects, CRS approvals,
etc. shall be furnished to the Authority by the Contractor. Design and Construction of the Bridge
Structures grouped into Important bridges, Major Bridges, Viaducts including Special Steel bridge
spans over Indian Railways, Rail Flyovers, Minor Bridges, Road Over Bridges (ROBs), Road
Under Bridges (RUBs), Foot Over Bridges(FOBs) as identified in this section including but-not
limited to:
PAGE 183

(a) Abutments including Foundation

(b) Piers including Foundation

(c) Bearings including bearing inspection platform for each bearing

(d) Superstructure (open web welded through truss superstructure in case of special steel
bridge spans of viaducts) / deck including approach slab, wearing course, railing, ballast
retainers, cable ducts, deck drainage system, expansion joints, inspection ladders, etc.
(e) Maintenance Staff Refuges as required (in case of special steel bridge spans of Viaducts
& Major Bridges)

(f) Gangway for special steel bridge spans of Viaducts

(g) Supports for locating OHE Mast for traction system

(h) Approach ramps, approach roads along with related road surfacing & bituminous work,
slope protections, steps, etc.

(i) River Training and related protection works wherever required

(j) Curtain wall, drop wall, apron,

(k) Crash Barriers, filter beds, fascia, surface drainage system, height gauges & approach
roads including surfacing & bituminous work, etc. as required

(l) Lighting (for the Road Over Bridges in populated areas)

(m) Provision for outfall of the longitudinal side drains coming parallel to the tracks

(n) Signage as required

(o) Other related works as considered necessary

1.4.5 Important Bridges: There are no important bridges in this section.

Sl. Linear Length of

No. Bridge No. Proposed Location Bridge (in m) Type of Superstructure


1.4.6 Major Bridges shall be constructed at the following locations:

Sl. Linear length of Bridge (in
Location Span Type of Superstructure
No. m) dirt wall to dirt wall
1 41400 2x12.2 26.88 PSC Slab
2 44850 1x12.2 13.44 PSC Slab
PAGE 184

3 50860 2x12.2 26.80 PSC Slab

4 59510 2x18.3 39.64 PSC Girder

1.4.7 Minor Bridges shall be constructed at the following locations:

(a) Slab Bridges

Sl. Proposed Location Linear length of Bridge (in m)

Type of Superstructure
No. (Chainage) and skew angle w.r.t. to track
1 50090 1 X 6.10 PSC slab
2 50640 1 X 6.10 PSC slab
3 53900 1 X 6.10 PSC slab
4 56325 1X 9.15 PSC slab

(b) RCC Box Bridges

Barrel Skew Angle
Proposed Location Perpendicular
Sl. No. Super structure Length w.r.t. to
(Chainage) Opening Size
(in m) track
(span in m)

1 42670 1 X3.0 X 2.5 RCC Box 12.36 0

2 42740 1 X 2.0X 2.0 RCC Box 7.85 0

3 43670 1 X 3.0 X3.0 RCC Box 13.94 0

4 46170 1 X 2.0X 2.0 RCC Box 7.85 0

5 46930 1 X 3.0 x 2.0 RCC Box 7.85 0

6 47645 1 X 3.0 x 3.0 RCC Box 12.10 0

7 47800 1 X 3.0 X 2.0 RCC Box 20.59 0

8 47990 1 X 3.0 X3.0 RCC Box 15.26 0

9 48680 1 X 2.0 X 2.5 RCC Box 7.85 0

10 51000 1 X 3.0 X3.0 RCC Box 16.29 0

11 53095 1 X 3.0 X3.0 RCC Box 7.85 0

PAGE 185

12 53775 1 X 2.0X 2.0 RCC Box 19.36 0

13 54630 1 X 3.0 X3.0 RCC Box 12.35 0

14 1 X 3.0 X2.5 RCC Box 0

58750 61.50

1 X 3.0 X3.0 RCC Box 0
59640 23.09

16 1 X 2.0 X2.0 RCC Box 0

59835 37.95

1.4.8 Pipe Culvert: Pipe Culverts will be constructed at the following locations.

Sl. No. Location (km) Type of Culvert Dia (m) Length of Barrel (m)

1.4.9 Railway Flyovers: Railway Flyovers shall be provided at the following crossings as per
GAD attached.

Sl. Bridge No. Crossing Linear length of Flyover (dirt Vertical clearance
No. (Chainage) wall to dirt wall) (in m) w.r.t.rail level

1.4.10 Road under Bridges: Railway Flyovers shall be provided at the following crossings as per
GAD attached.

Scope of work includes construction of RUBs including construction of approach roads on the
side of new track, connecting to the adjacent roads with matching profile along with water
disposal system, height gauges and measures to restrict water entering the RUB portion to
minimise water logging.

i) The Scope of work for RUBs across proposed tracks shall also include but not limited to
Design & Construction of the following:

(a) Concrete approach ramp including earth retaining structures, as required on both sides of
the approach road to connect RUB across proposed tracks with the existing road(s);

(b) Necessary diversion road, including temporary leasing of land outside Railway boundary,
for free movement of road vehicles should be provided by bidder before commencement of RUB
work and to be maintained till commissioning of RUB.

(c) Drainage of the RUBs across proposed tracks and approach ramps including drainage
hump at the start of the approach ramp,
PAGE 186

(d) Height Gauges on both sides of the RUB across proposed tracks, in case of detour

(e) Signage‟s etc. as required

(f) Lighting of all RUBs for the RUBs in populated areas

ii) Right of Way as required for construction of the portion of the approach ramps beyond the
ROW shall also be made available by the Authority.

Road under Bridges (RUB) shall be provided at the following crossings as per GAD attached.

Box Clearnce
Sl. Crossing Perpendicular Skew Angle above
Length Remarks
No. (Chainage) Opening Size w.r.t. to track Road
(in mm)
(in m) level (in

1X 9.00X 5.50
1 40230 10635.00 RUB
RCC Box 76°50'26" 5.50

1X 5.00 X5.00
2 28638.00 RUB
41040 RCC Box Straight 5.00
1 X 5.00 X5.50
3 51206.00 RUB
41605 RCC Box Straight 5.50
2 X 9.00 X 5.50
4 20706.00 RUB
42120 RCC Box 60° 32‟ 34‟‟ 5.50
1X 5.00 X 5.00
5 7850.00 RUB
43560 RCC Box Straight 5.00
1X 5.00 X 5.00
6 7850.00 RUB
45280 RCC Box Straight 5.00
1X 5.00 X 5.00
7 7850.00 RUB
47350 RCC Box Straight 5.00
1X 9.00 X 5.50
8 49975 24226.00 RUB
RCC Box Straight 5.50
1X 5.00 X 5.50
9 50705 13266.00 RUB
RCC Box Straight 5.50
1X 9.00 X 5.50
10 50950 7850.00 RUB
RCC Box Straight 5.50
1X 5.50 X 4.50
11 51340 8158.00 LHS
RCC Box Straight 4.50
1X 5.00 X 3.50
12 51650 7850.00 LHS
RCC Box Straight 3.50
PAGE 187

1X 5.00 X 3.50
13 52020 7850.00 LHS
RCC Box Straight 3.50
1X 5.00 X 3.50
14 52330 7850.00 LHS
RCC Box Straight 3.50
1X 5.50 X 5.00
15 52860 16649.00 RUB
RCC Box 47° 51‟ 31‟‟ 5.00
1X 5.50 X 5.00
16 53775 RUB
RCC Box 7850.00 Straight 5.00
1X 5.00 X 4.00
17 54250 LHS
RCC Box 7850.00 Straight 4.00
1X 18.3
18 59510 RUB
PSC girder - Straight 5.00

Special Note: Major Bridge no 148 at chainage 59510 is included in the RUB list , The GAD of
this particular RUB is along with GAD of Major bridge no 148 at chainage 59/510 and payment
for both RUB and Major bridge will be done as per Schedule G Major bridge items with the
execution of both RUB and Major bridge.

For construction of RUBs, the Contractor shall design and construct RUBs as per specifications
of the Indian Railway as well as IRC Code and MORTH (Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
of India) specifications. This includes the drainage / road diversions including road approaches
which may become necessary for satisfactory functioning of the proposed RUBs.

Adequate approach roads including connection to both approaches shall be constructed.

The Contractors should take adequate measures to protect the bank by sheet piling/micro piles
or any other suitable protection measures.

All RUBs shall have provision of height gauges as per the IR standard, RDSO Drg No M001.
Effective water disposal system for drainage of the rain water and elements to ensure minimum
water getting into the RUB shall be provided.

1.4.11 Road Over Bridges (ROB): Road over Bridges (ROB) shall be provided at the following
crossings as per GAD attached.

Type of Linear length of Flyover dirt
Sl. Location length of Vertical clearance
Superstruct wall to dirt wall (in m) and
No. (Chainage) approach of w.r.t. rail level
ure skew angle w.r.t. to track
ROB and type

1x60m bow Linear Length-63.4 m

1 58375 357 m and RCC 6.525m
string girder Skew angle-48°14'36"

For construction of ROBs, the Contractor shall design and construct ROBs as per specifications
of the IR, IRC Code & MORTH (Ministry of Road Transport & Highways of India) specifications.
PAGE 188

This includes the drainage / temporary road diversions including road approaches which may
become necessary for satisfactory functioning of the proposed ROBs.

(1) The work includes re-grading of the approaches on both the sides with related structural
works and roadworks as per the existing road specifications.

(2) Necessary coordination with NHAI/State PWD/Local authorities shall be ensured by the
Contractor during the execution of work.

(3) Necessary diversion road, including temporary leasing of land outside Railway boundary,
for free movement of road vehicles should be provided by bidder before commencement of ROB
work and to be maintained till commissioning of ROB.

(4) Right of way as required for construction of the portion of the approach ramps shall be
made available by the Authority.

(5) Bituminous approach ramp including earth retaining structures, as required on both sides
of the approach road to connect ROB across proposed tracks with the existing roads

(6) Signages etc. as required

1.5 Track

1.5.1 The track layout shall be based on the provision contained in the Indian Railways
Permanent Way Manual, LWR manual, welding manuals, Indian Railway Engineering Code and
other manuals specified in specification and standard for EPC contracts issued by Railway Board
and latest specifications, correction slips and guidelines and codes & manuals, specified in

1.5.2 The final designs of the track layouts, including horizontal & vertical alignment, station
yard layouts, LWR plans, etc. shall be reviewed by the Authority Engineer in accordance with the
provisions of the Agreement.

1.5.3 The track will be laid with 60Kg rail on 60Kg PSC sleepers of 1660 nos per km density
with a 350mm ballast cushion on the main line. On a loop line the track structure consists of 52kg
second hand rail on 52/60Kg PSC sleepers of 1540 per Km density with 250mm ballast cushion
as per ESP of Dadanhatti, Bommanbudni and Yadwad.

1.5.4 The Curve should be laid with transitions designed for speed potential of 130 km/h and
super elevation should be provided as per sectional speed. During earthwork only the super
elevation should be provided to the blanket layer/subgrade for the curve portion.
1.5.5 Thick web switches should be provided in yards as per direction of the Engineer of the
1.5.6 The Alignment & Yard layout for each Station as developed by the Authority is enclosed
in the Alignment Drawings as part of the Reference Drawings. The Authority has acquired the
adequate Right of Way (ROW) for the same.
PAGE 189

1.5.7 The Alignment Drawings are enclosed in the Reference Drawings. The Contractor shall
be responsible for verifying its correctness & correct/optimise the same with reference to the
Design Criteria and other technical & geometrical obligatory requirements.

1.5.8 Supply of Ballast: All ballast shall be procured from the quarries approved by the
Authority‟s Engineer. All ballast shall be machine crushed and comply with the specifications set
out in IRS GE 1 June 2016 with latest correction slips. When transported by road vehicle all
ballast shall be dampened prior to leaving the quarry.

1.5.9 Spreading of Cess Ballast:

(a) The centreline, ballast toe lines shall be marked by the contractor with lime as per the
directives of Authority‟s Engineer or his authorized representative.

(b) The ballast shall be spread on formation centrally to the central line of the proposed track,
in a width of 5544/5694 mm. Initial spreading of the ballast shall be for a loose thickness of 200

(c) Ballast shall spread uniformly ensuring that no muck from the ballast tracks comes to the
track. While picking up the ballast from the bottom layer of stacks, proper care shall be taken not
to lift the ballast along with earth, dust etc. the same shall be carried out at contractors cost and
for which no extra payment shall be made. While picking up the ballast from the stacks, no
ballast shall be left to waste at the stacking ground and on the slopes of banks or in cuttings.
(d) The balance quantity of the ballast shall be spread after P.Way linking in stages in order
to achieve the required cushion and ballast profile.

(e) The work of carrying and spreading the ballast from stacks shall include all lead, lift,
decent crossing of tracks, roads and nala's complete with contractor‟s own labour, tools &
equipment, payment of taxes, incidental charges, etc.

1.5.10 Materials for Linking of Track

i) Service rails in 13m-6.5 m length up to the extent of the Project length shall be issued to
the contractor for temporary use progressively. However, track will be linked with Class-I &
Class-II rails for main line & loop line respectively. After linking of track over service rail, new rail
(free rail / 130m / 260m panel) will be arranged by the Authority. These will be welded by the
Contractor. The Contractor will have to lift the single rails from nominated steel plant or
nominated locations in South Western Railway/any zonal Railway/any location, and transport &
unload the same at site. The unloading of rails is to be done by the Contractor over service rail
track in case rail (free rail/130m/260m) is supplied through railway wagons.

ii) The PSC line sleepers (Class-II) only for loop lines will be made available in the sleeper
plants available within zonal railway or any zonal railway or any location from where the
Contractor has to carry by their own transport to the site including unloading by means of cranes
or suitable arrangement so that sleepers will not get cracked or broken. PSC line sleepers
(Class-I) for main line, Turn out sleepers & Bridge channel sleepers, etc shall be procured by
EPC Contractor for the work.
PAGE 190

iii) All track fittings including points (switches) & crossings, glued joints, H-beam/ composite
sleepers over girder bridges, SEJs, guard rails, check rails, etc. shall be procured by EPC
Contractor himself, from RDSO approved sources.

iv) The panels of rail shall be handled as per the guidelines of Railways, so as to avoid any
defects like dents/grip marks notching or cuts, bends, damage at the ends, etc.

Track shall be laid as per specifications & guidelines provided in IRPWM and LWR manual with
latest correction slips

1.5.11 Linking of Track

i) Concrete sleepers should be unloaded with great care. Use of rubber tyres and any other
similar arrangements are to be used for preventing shock unloading.

ii) Grooves of the rubber pad should be placed along the length of the rail.

iii) Driving of the ERC (after greasing with approved graphite grease to prevent rust &
binding with inserts) should be in such a way that ends of the central leg and the heel are flush
with the two edges inserted.

iv) Hammer of desired weight (1.9 to 2 Kg.) should be used for driving ERCs.

v) After linking of track over service rail, new rail (free rail/3 rail panel/130m/260m panel) will
be arranged by the authority.
vi) Before undertaking actual linking, line & level pegs should be fixed as indicated below:

(a) Level pegs at the beginning, end and at every 10 m. internals for vertical curves & 30m.
On either side of the bridge approach.

(b) Centre line pegs at every 30m. Intervals on straight and 10m.interval on curve.

(c) Centre line pegs at the following locations should be concreted for future reference:

i) The beginning & end of transitions

ii) Every 25m on curves

iii) Approaches of bridges & level crossing

iv) Every half km. on straights.

vii) The rail shall first be straightened for removal of kink with the help of Hydraulic Jim crow
of adequate capacity.

viii) The rails shall be connected by means of a pair of fish plates using in the first instance
only 2 fish bolts and nuts one in each rail fish plate/welding of rail joints using full complement of
fittings wherever applicable. Before fishing the rail ends, the fishing edges of the fish plates, the
PAGE 191

rail ends and fish bolts shall be lubricated with grease¸ graphite and oil of approved quality &
grade as directed by the Authority Engineer at site of work. Correct expansion gaps as directed
by the Authority Engineer shall be ensured between ends of rails by inserting liners.

ix) Paint marks shall be made on the rails with paint as directed by the Engineer to indicate
the spacing of sleepers to be adopted on curves marked on the outer rails to ensure radial
spacing while transferring it by T-square on the other rail.

x) The linked track shall be aligned correctly to the line pegs. Hammering of sleepers which
are out of square should be avoided. Sleepers that are squared should be re-gauged
immediately, the fastening tightened & repacked. The contractor is responsible for giving correct
alignment in the straight and in curve portion required as per degree of curve until alignment is
approved by the Engineer.

xi) Oiling & greasing of fish plates before fastening the rails will have to be done with
contractor‟s tools & consumables like plumage, kerosene oil, black oil, brushes, etc.

xii) The above track linking details shown are tentative. Bidders are free to submit his/her
track linking scheme/method for approval of Authority for better execution of work duly complying
all the relevant guidelines with regard to track linking.

1.5.12 Ballasting & Initial Packing

i) Ballast should be first spread over the formation as per required thickness approved by
Authority Engineer in charge & rolled by using a road roller to ensure uniform & compact ballast
cushion under the sleepers.
ii) Full ballast sections and profile as prescribed for different types of track, i.e., SR/SWR/
LWR is to be provided as per the provisions of IRPWM & LWR manual including the provisions
regarding extra shoulder width on curves.

iii) Initial packing should be of such standard so as to make track fit for 20 KMPH

iv) The ballast should be spread over the linked track covering it completely to a uniform
height & width as directed by the Authority Engineer or his authorized representative.

v) Lift the track correctly as directed by the Authority Engineer or his authorized

vi) Pack the ballast under the sleepers.

vii) Correct the alignment of rails, square the sleepers, adjust gauge as directed by the
Authority Engineer. Check cross levels & lift and repack wherever necessary.

1.5.13 Final Adjustment & Packing

i) Picking Up of slacks after running of test trains which may consist of ballast trains rolling
by Diesel/Electric Powers. The 1st/2nd/3rd packing is considered to be completed once the
picking up of slacks is completed and certified by the Authority Engineer, after each packing.
PAGE 192

ii) Test the track with loaded dip-lorry or engine as directed by the Authority Engineer and
lifting of the track and packing wherever sags have formed. Engine will be provided by the
iii) Any sleepers which have shifted from correct spacing or gone out of square shall be
moved back and squared after loosening the fastenings. The fastenings shall be tightened again
after squaring work. No hammering of sleepers to be done.

iv) The track shall be slewed to correct alignment by sighting along the rail head of the base
rail. It should be ensured that the track does not get lifted in the process of slewing.

v) Alignment on curves & transitions is to be checked and minor adjustments are to be


vi) Alignment kinks & gauge kinks to be rectified to avoid permanent set.

vii) Lubrication of gauge track is to be done for curved track length as per IRPWM.

viii) All steps of through packing as given in IRPWM shall have to be followed.

ix) Pre, During & Post Tamping operations shall be carried as per IR Track Machine Manual
(Para 3.12, 3.13 & 3.14).

1.5.14 Specification for Finished Work

i) Ballast Section: The ballast section should be uniform in height, width and side slopes
and brought to standard section as directed by the Authority Engineer with the quantity of ballast
made available No ballast shall be left on the cess side slopes of bank or near toe of bank.
ii) The track geometry will be recorded in floating condition after running of train & the track
parameters should be within the following tolerances:

Sl. No. Track Parameter Item Laying Standard

1 Gauge Sleeper to sleeper variation 2mm
Over average gap worked out by recording
2 Expansion Gap +/- 2mm
20 successive gaps
Low joints not permitted
3 Joints High joints not more than.. +/- 2mm
Squareness of joints on straight +/- 10mm
4 Spacing of Sleepers With respect to theoretical spacing +/- 20mm
5 Cross Level To be recorded on every 4th sleeper +/- 3mm
On straight of 10m chord +/- 2mm
On curves of radius more than 600m on 20m
6 Alignment chord variation over theoretical versines
On Curves of radius less than 600m on 20m
variation over theoretical versines
Variation in longitudinal level with reference
7 Longitudinal Level 50mm
to approved longitudinal sections
PAGE 193

1.5.15 Welding of Rails

The welding of rail joints to convert the track into LWR/CWR is to be carried out with Flash Butt
welding only. Welding by Alumino Thermit to be used sparingly with the approval of the Authority.
Welding or Alumino Thermite Process Welding as per instructions of the Authority. Decision of
the Authority with respect to the type of welding will be based on the length of rail panels (Class-
I) provided by Railway Board for this project.

(a) AT welding should be done as per provisions of Manual for fusion Welding of Rails by the
Alumino-Thermic Process (1998 Edition) in strict technical supervision of competent authority
having a valid competency certificate for the particular category of welding technique issued by
DG (M&C) RDSO/Lucknow for firms and by Thermit portion plant of Northern Railway, Lucknow
for Zonal Railways. The work of welding of rail joints shall be carried either on cess/track without
traffic blocks as per the directions of the Authority's Engineer.

(1) Rails are to be welded with Alumino Thermic (AT) SKV process with prior permission of
the Authority. AT welding will be done as per the procedure & specifications laid down in the
latest edition of Manual for Fusion Welding of Rails by the Alumino-Thermic Process with the
latest amendment slips

(2) Contractor shall arrange approved welding portions, prefabricated moulds, consumables,
equipment and actual execution of welding from the firms approved by RDSO for manufacturing
of the portions and execution of the welding.

(3) The contractor shall be responsible for removal of all kinks & twists in the rails, particularly
within 1.8m from either end. Once the rails to be welded have been aligned, levelled, cleaned
and provided with the specified amount of gap, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to
weld the joint and to guarantee its satisfactory performance.

(4) Maximum percentage of defective welds during initial weld testing should not exceed 2%.
In addition to free replacement of defective weld, a penalty of Rs. 10,000/- be also imposed for
each defective weld beyond 2%. The defective percentage be calculated for a group of 500
welds or part thereof.

(5) The contractor shall not carry out any welding work between sun-set to sun-rise. He
should make his own arrangements to protect the work against wind & weather in the course of
execution. No welding work shall be done during heavy rains. Work during light rain may be done
in accordance with the local instructions. However the contractor shall keep ready all protective
arrangements such as trolley umbrella, non-woven thick polyethylene tarpaulin etc. at his own

(6) A finished joint will be accepted as good on considerations of dimensional accuracy, if it

satisfied the following tolerances:

i) Finishing top table +/- 0.2mm when measured with a 10cm straight edge
ii) Head finishing +/- 0.3mm when measured with a 10cm straight edge (on both sides)
iii) Vertical alignment +/- 0.5mm when measured with a 1m straight edge
iv) Lateral alignment +/- 0.5mm when measured with a 1m straight edge
PAGE 194

The aforesaid tolerances are only applicable in case of new rails and tolerances for old rails shall
be as per manual.

(b) Flash Butt Welding to be done as per provisions in Manual for Flash Butt Welding of rails
with latest provisions & SWR Special Conditions of Contract for mobile flash butt welding of rails
(enclosed). Tolerances mentioned in the Manual are to be ensured.

1.5.16 Greasing Rails, ERCs & MS Liners

i) No ERC & MS Liners are to be put into the track without greasing. ERC & MS Liners are
to be greased as per the procedure laid down in IRPWM & as per the instruction of the
Authority's Engineer.

ii) Grease graphite used for ERC clips and liner shall be as per IS: 408, Grade-O.

1.5.17 Track Tamping by Machines

(A) Pre-tamping attention: To achieve good results the contractor should carry out the
following preparatory work before taking up the tamping:

(a) Ballasting where there is shortage of ballast.

(b) Heaping up of ballast in the tamping zone, to ensure effective packing.

(c) Making up for low cess.

(d) Cleaning of pumping joints and providing additional clean ballast, where necessary.

(e) Attending to Hogged joints before tamping.

(f) Tightening of all fixings & fastenings like fish bolts & keys, splitting of cotters, and
replacement of worn out fittings.

(g) Renewing broken and damaged sleepers.

(h) Squaring of sleepers & spacing adjustment; re-gauging to be done as necessary.

(i) Adjusting creep & expansion gap in rails.

(j) Examination of rails for cracks, etc.

(k) Realigning of curves which are badly out of alignment.

(l) Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them visible to the operator.

(m) All obstructions such as signal rods, cables, pipes, level crossing check rails, etc. likely to
be damaged by the tampers should be clearly marked and made known to the tamping operator
before he starts work. Tight overhead clearance should also be brought to his notice; the
PAGE 195

beginning and end of transitions should be marked. Super elevation should be marked on every
second sleeper so that it can guide the operator for levelling up correctly.
(B) Post Tamping Attention: The contractor shall pay attention to the following points:

(a) As some of the rigid fastenings might get loose, tightening of fittings should be done
immediately after tamping.

(b) Any broken fitting should be replaced.

(c) Proper quality check of work done by a tamping machine is important. Immediately after
the tamping work, the track should be checked, in respect of cross levels and alignment, and
action taken as considered necessary.

(d) The ballast should be dressed neatly and proper consolidation of ballast between the
sleepers should be done.

1.5.18 Laying of LWR

Destressing: Destressing of LWR /CWR shall be done as per the procedure prescribed in IR
P.way Manual using Hydraulic rail tensors.

For making the closure rail to be put behind the SEJ, an abrasive rail cutting machine shall be
used. The joints in LWR shall be welded immediately after distressing.

Laying: LWR should be laid as per the LWR plan approved by Authority and as per the
instructions contained in LWR manual followed by laying of switch expansion joint. Thereafter,
de-stressing of the welded panel shall be carried out as per the laid down guidelines.

Before laying SEJs, they should be completely oiled & greased.

1.5.19 Procurement, fabrication & manufacture of P.way materials & fittings

i) The Rails for linking of track, track renewal work in yard shall be provided by Authority
(Railways) free of cost from anywhere within the jurisdiction of South Western Railway / any
other Zonal Railway. In case, rails are brought in Railway wagons from any location outside the
jurisdiction of SWR, the same will be unloaded by the Contractor free of cost at some station in
Hubli Division of SWR. All SEJs, glued joints, check rails, guard rails, switches, crossings with
fittings shall be procured by the contractor from RDSO approved firms.

ii) All Class-II PSC line sleepers for loop line shall be provided by the Authority (Railways)
free of cost from any location in the jurisdiction of South Western Railway or nearby adjacent
Zones. PSC Class-I main line sleepers, Special type sleepers i.e., L-Xing PSC sleepers, Bridge
sleepers, SEJ sleepers, P-Xing sleepers, etc shall be procured by the Contractor from RDSO
approved plants/firms and the cost of the same is included in the scope of work.

iii) The P.Way material & fittings shall be procured from RDSO approved firms only and
testing, checks and approval as prescribed by RDSO/Railways. The successful bidder should
PAGE 196

assess and procure the actual requirement as per survey and approved drawings after the work
is started.

1.5.20 Reference Drawings for general guidance for Formation in cutting & embankment, Trolley
Refuges, side drain, catch water drain in cuttings, etc. are enclosed, For Gradient post,
Hectometre post, Fouling Marks, Boundary post, relevant para of IRPWM may be referred to for

1.5.21 Released Material: The track, structure, buildings and other properties which are
disturbed or dismantled, the resultant bought out material shall be the property of Authority. Such
materials of all kinds and sort shall be transported and handed over in the depot of the nominated
stock holder by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for safeguarding of such
material while it is in its custody till the time it is handed over to the Stockholder.

1.6 Railway Level Crossings

There are 4 (four) new level crossings in the new line stretch between Lokapur and Yadwad
section (21km).

a) Indian Railways has provided number of Level Crossings at various locations to facilitate
the movement of road traffic across its alignment. Under the policy of elimination of Level
Crossings, IR has already sanctioned a number of RUBs/ROBs at different Level Crossings
(which are at different stages of planning & construction). The RUBs / ROBs at planning stage
shall also be taken up for construction by IR during currency of the Contract.

b) Every effort shall be made by the Contractor to match the Formation Level of proposed
track with Formation Level of IR at all the existing Level Crossings where ROB /RUB are
proposed to be constructed by IR.

c) In case of requirement of extension of existing Level Crossings, the work shall include
design and construction of such level crossings across proposed tracks including:

i) Modification / remodeling / new construction (as the case may be) of the approach ramp &
approach road from the existing road on proposed track side to connect with the existing Level
Crossing across IR tracks along with suitable drainage arrangement.

ii) Surfacing of the area between proposed tracks & IR tracks and surfacing of the area
between proposed tracks along with suitable drainage arrangement. The road width provided at
the LC shall be as per the latest provisions of IR P.Way manual. Road surface between lifting
barriers shall be provided with interlock paver block / bituminous road as approved by Authority

iii) Shifting of the existing duty huts and gate lodges (presently existing within the Right of Way
and is required to be shifted due to construction of proposed tracks. Dismantling of existing gate
goomties and disposal of all unusable debris, cuts,spoils and handing over of the useable
material to stock holder. The Gate lodge shall be provided with CC/Kota stone or similar flooring
& toilet facilities. Suitable pathway up to the lodge and front area shall be provided.
PAGE 197

iv) Fencing on both sides of Level Crossing on proposed track side. Fencing of minimum 15m
on all sides of LC shall be provided along the track over road side & fencing / boundary wall shall
be provided up to lifting barrier or more towards and along the road side as approved by the
Authority‟s Engineer.

v) Height Gauges and signages only on the proposed new line side of the Level Crossing.

vi) Lighting, check rail, etc.

vii) All the temporary works including temporary diversions as required. In case temporary
diversion or temporary shifting of LC is required for the period of extension of the LC, planning
and permission for such work from loacal/state authorities shall be responsibility of the contractor
and same shall be constructed as inclusive of the scope of work. All planning, obtaining approval
and execution of such diversion/temporary shifting shall be the responsibilty of the Contractor

viii) Further, the provision of new lifting barriers for the combined Level Crossings (IR &
Proposed Track) shall also be carried out under this Contract.

ix) The existing level crossing which are planned to be retained shall be extented for the new
additional and included in the scope of work.

x) The work in approaches like providing of approach grade, speed breaker, painting, providing
of Signage Boards in road approach & track, warning & caution boards, chain stop board,
fencing, pathway etc shall be provided for the road side of new additional line, complete in all
respect as per IR P.Way Manual and laid down guidelines for the class of Level Crossing.

xi) The new set of lifting barriers shall be provided at the interlocked LC or LCs required to be
interlocked before commissioning of new line work.Along with the lifting barrier, gate signals and
other equipment shall be provided. All the existing utilities, telephone connection, electric
installation and other infrastructures shall be shifted and provided in the new gate goomty.

xii) The work includes extension of existing Level Crossings to cover new line alignment and re-
profiling of the approach road side of the new track. All necessary modification to the existing
level crossing gates, construction of new infrastructure and diversion of road, resurfacing of road
in between both lifting barriers shall be under scope of this work including shifting/providing of
lifting barriers, other Signaling and Telecommunication works including interlocking, shifting of
telephone in Gate lodge, Electrification of Gate Lodge, etc.

The railway level crossing shall be extended at following locations to cross new line including
road surfacing and works related to up gradation of all lines required as per norms:

Sl.No Chainage LC No Class Road Width Interlocking Gate

Status lodge to
PAGE 198

1 42670 4 C (Engg) 5m non inter- Yes


2 46470 5 C (Engg) 5m non inter- Yes


3 48170 6 C (Engg) 5m non inter- Yes


4 56860 7 C (Engg) 5m non inter- Yes


The scope of work includes extension of existing level crossings to cover new alignment by
way of shifting existing lifting barrier or providing new lifting barrier as decides by Authority
Engineer and re-profiling of approach road side of new track as per specifications given in

All necessary modification to the existing level crossing gates, construction of new infrastructure
and diversion of road, resurfacing of road in between both lifting barriers, provision of road sign
boards etc. shall be under the scope of this work including shifting/providing of lifting barrier,
other Signaling & Telecommunication works including interlocking, shifting/constructing new gate
lodge, if required, shifting of telephone in gate lodge, electrification of gate lodges,etc.

In case temporary diversion or temporary shifting of LC is required for the period of extension of
the LC, planning and permission for such work from loacal/state authorities shall be obtained by
the Contractor. CRS permission also needs to be taken for temporary Level Crossing for the
diversion, the same shall be obtained by the Authority for which all assistance will have to be
provided by the Contractor. All planning, obtaining approval and execution of such
diversion/temporary shifting/temporary level crossing shall be responsibility of contractor. The
temporary level crossing shall be provided with all the structures, infrastructure and elements
required to be provided as per the manual extent guidelines.

The temporary LC shall be completely dismantled after commissioning of the traffic from
extended Level Crossing. All planning, obtaining approval and execution of such
diversion/temporary shifting/temporary level crossing with all the structures, infrastructure and
elements required to be provided as per the manual and extent guidelines and its dismantling is
included in the scope of Work.

NOTE: The list given above in this document is indicative. However, the Contractor has to
conduct detail survey before taking up the work and extend all the existing L.C gates to
accommodate proposed new line. The width of LC is for reference, which may vary as per latest.
TVU at the time of commissioning.
PAGE 199

1.7 Track Layouts in Station Yards

Station yards at Bommanbudni and Yadwad shall be constructed as per the Engineering Scale
Plans attached i.e., ESP No. DRG.No.SWR/CN/BNC/TR/05-2023 and
DRG.No.SWR/CN/BNC/TR/ 01-2023 respectively.

1.8 Building Works

All items of building works shall conform to BIS Standard/CPWD Specifications. The building
work shall include electrical internal wiring with allied work, system electrical power supply
arrangement with transformer/ main distribution supply, sanitary fittings, sewerage system, water
supply arrangement (bore well pump house, water tanks) and internal fittings, approach roads,
street lighting, boundary wall, fencing, site levelling landscape elements, water harvesting and
other works incidental to buildings. Building works shall be deemed to include railway stations,
staff quarters, service buildings, buildings required for installation of equipment for signalling,
telecommunication & electrification works, and facilities along the Railway line.

Suitable layout plan duly indicating all the above items shall be developed by Contractor in
consultation with the Authority‟s Engineer for each station and submit the same for approval.

Suitable facade as per local architecture to be provided with the approval of the Authority

1.9 Railway Stations

1.9.1 Railway stations shall be constructed at the following locations (General Arrangement
Drawings are enclosed)

Nos. of Platform
Nos. of foot over
Centreline and their Minimum width
Sl. No. Name of Station bridge/Subway with
Chainage individual length & of platform (m)
width (m)
width (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6
HL PF-1 Nos.
1 Dadanhatti 43/900 6m Nil
PF-1: 270 m HL
PAGE 200

PF-1: 6 m

HL PF-2 Nos.
PF-1: 570 m HL Subway of size 1 x
2 Bommanbudni 49/300 PF-2: 570m HL 6m 4.0m x 3.0m to be
Width provided
PF-1: 6 m
PF-2: 6 m
HLPF-1: 1Nos
RLPF-2: 1 Nos.
PF-1: 570 m HL
3 Yadwad 58/900 6m 1 Nos, width - 3m
RLPF-2:700m RL
PF-1: 6 m
RLPF-2: 20 m
Nos. of stairs Parking
PF Shelter
and ramp on Lifts/ Escalators Washable Apron Watering Line Circulating Area
(Nos.) *L*B
each platform (sq.m)
7 8 9 10 11 12
1 No.
Nil Nil L=32 m Nil Nil 30x10=300
B= 10.35m
2 No.
1- staircase
Nil L=32 m Nil Nil 60x25=1500
1- ramp
B= 10.35m
1 No.
1- staircase
Nil L=32 m Nil Nil 60x25=1500
1- ramp
B= 10.35m

Essential passenger amenities shall be provided at the platforms of each station in the project as

Sl. No Description Quantities to be provided at the platforms of

Amenities each station of

Dadanhatti Bommandudni Yadwad

1 Drinking 1 bore well 16 nos. 8 Nos on

Water Taps with hand ( 8 Nos. on each platform) passenger PF

2 Seating 10 Nos 20 Nos. 10 Nos

Arrangement (10 Nos. on each platform)
PAGE 201

3 Fans - 4 Nos. in PF shelter 4 Nos

4 Clock - 1 No. 1 No

In addition to above essential amenities for passengers shall be provided as per the guidelines
issued by Railway Board for Passenger Amenities (RB/L&A/001/208 issued vide Railway Board
Letter No.2018/LM(PA)/03/06 Dt. 09.04.2018) for the new platform including corrigendum Dt.
14.02.2022, as instructed by Authority Engineer.

(1) The yard diagram (Engineering Scale Plan) Platform plans showing tentative & indicative
locations of various structures & facilities to be provided at the station are provided by the
Authority. However, the Contractor shall submit his own design and drawing. The architecture
and profile of all facilities & structures shall conform to the local buildings, aesthetics, architecture
and environment.

(2) The surface finish of the passenger platform at Dadanhatti halt station (PF-1), at
Bommanbudni for both PF 1 & 2 and at Yadwad PF-1 shall be provided with surfacing of
interlocking precast cement concrete hydraulically pressed paver blocks using plastic moulds.
Also, at Yadwad for goods PF same above described paver blocks shall be provided. For a
covered passenger platform shelter area, 25mm thick anti-skid granite has to be provided at
Dadanhatti, Bommanbudni and Yadwad.

(3) Drain of suitable size shall be constructed in front of the service buildings at the platform
with properly designed MS Jali cover. The water shall be disposed of suitably to ensure fast
smooth drainage outside the platform area.

(4) Wherever, existing structure or facility is disturbed, tampered or required to be suitably

shifted, the same shall be repaired, reconstructed & shifted with all required works to establish its
utility & functionality by the contractor and this is included in the scope of work.

(5) The yard platform plan for each station is developed with details of various structures,
facilities & elements to be provided for information and guidance of the Contractor. However, the
Contractor shall design and develop his own best layout and drawing for approval of the
Authority's Engineer.

(6) Platform has to be constructed as per the drawings platform plans enclosed. Anti Skid
tiles of 25mm thickness as per relevant IS Specifications has to be provided for a width of 1.8m
from edge of platform +0.3m of tact tiles all along the length of high level platform. The balance
width of platform has to be provided with interlocked precast cement concrete hydraulically
pressed paver blocks using plastic moulds of 80mm thick over base course of PCC 150mm thick
1:3:6 nominal mix all along the length of high level platform. Anti-skid granite of 25mm thick
should be provided only to cover the Platform Shelter area over base course of PCC of 150mm
thick 1:3:6 nominal mix.
PAGE 202

(7) New FOB and Subway has to be constructed at Yadwad and Bommanabudni stations
respectively as per attached GADs. Facilities for Divyangjan have to be provided as per Railway
Board letter No. 2019/STN/ DEV.i/03/06/ Policy/PWDs Dt. 12.02.2020.

(8) At the end of the platforms, a ramp of 1 in 12 is to be provided with the same top
surfacing pattern finish as mentioned for high level platforms in Item No. 6.

(9) 3 (three) meter wide precast paver block (120mm thick) joining the platforms across the
track at both ends has to be provided wherever required as per the direction of the Authority

(10) 25mm thick chequered tiles/designer tiles have to be provided on FOBs

(11) 25mm thick anti-skid granite has to be provided on Passenger Subway with dadoing upto
1 ft. height (mirror polished granite) and hand-railing with stainless steel pipe (both LH & RH
side). The colour of the granite has to be got approved by the Authority Engineer.

1.9.2 Service Buildings

(1) Design & construction of various buildings at the designated locations

i) Types of buildings, facilities included in the building work are as follows:

(a) Station Building at Dadanhatti, Bommanbudni and Yadwad per attached GADs
(b) Staff quarters as per the drawings attached at Yadwad (43 units)
(c) At Yadwad service building namely SSE signal office (100 sqm), SSE Pway office (100
sqm) , JE Pway office(50 sqm), SSE works office (100 sqm), and staff amenities building (Health
unit- 100 sqm, Supervisor rest house - 100 sqm), Track machine staff rest house-50 sqm, Labour
merchant room on goods PF-90 sqm) are to be constructed with fully serviceable and working
condition as per attached drawings.

(2) The building works shall include design and construction of:

(a) Architectural & Structural work including stairs, platforms, ramps, seating arrangement,
landscaping, etc.

(b) Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) services

(c) Storm water drainage system, water supply system & sewage disposal system within the
Station ROW
(d) Fire detection, alarm & control system (indoor)

(e) Entrance to Station

(f) Land boundary pillars all around the Station

(g) Rain water harvesting system

PAGE 203

(h) Internal roads & footpaths connecting various facilities within the Station complex

(i) All other building services & equipment including all fittings & fixtures as necessary for
functioning of the Stations & Buildings.

(j) Signage to be provided as per latest codal/manual provisions, passenger amenities

including Divyangjan guidelines.

Civil Engineering All buildings, required to be constructed under this Contract, shall comply with the
applicable Indian building, standards & codes. The functional & structural design of station
buildings & service buildings shall conform to National Building Code & bye-laws of local
authorities to the extent of their applicability. For the service buildings and for the colony, arrangements for rain harvesting would be
required. The design for the same should be done by the Contractor for approval of the Authority
Engineer. Architecture & profile of buildings shall conform to local aesthetic, cultural ethos, etc. and
it shall be approved by Authority Engineer. The foundations of buildings including the elements of the structures shall be designed for
at least one storey more than the requirement. The plinth level of residential quarters, service buildings S&T Rooms, and other buildings
shall be 900mm above the natural ground level or 600mm above HFL (High Flood Level)
whichever is higher. The ceiling height of station buildings & service buildings shall be 3.6m
above floor level. The DG panel room in Crossing/Junction station buildings should preferably be on the
extreme corner of the building to keep vibrations and exhaust at one end. The contractor shall develop the architectural plan & elevation, detailed design &
drawings and be fully electrified with proper toilet, water supply, sewerage, drainage facility,
leakage proof roof, rain water harvesting, etc. A P.way Store Depot with covered rooms with shutter & open shed Office similar to the
Drg.No. SWR/W.86/2018/HQ/PLG/SSE/P.way Office-001 shall be provided by the bidder with the
approval of Authority for location and area for storage of P.Way material. The Depot has to be
handed over to the railway in good condition at the time of commissioning of the project, clear of
all bidders materials. The service buildings & rest houses shall be fully electrified and with proper water supply,
sewerage, drainage facility, roof leakage proof, rain water harvesting, boundary wall/fencing, etc.
The Architectural plan & elevation shall be approved by the Authority Engineer. The proper
connecting roads, tree plantation, tree guards, common garden/area, pavement/pathway and
other colony specific facilities will be provided by the contractors. At certain stations framed
PAGE 204

structure for the building unit shall be preferred. The proposed structure can be frame type, RCC
wall type, RCC precast, steel, composite (RCC+steel).

Service building shall be constructed at each station as follows:

Sl. No. Station/Location Service Building Total Area Remarks

1 Dadanhatti Halt Station Building 50 sq.m
Station Building with S&T
2 Bommanbudni 400 sq.m
Station Building with S&T
accommodation,SSE signal
office , SSE Pway office , JE As per attached
Pway office, SSE works office ,
3 Yadwad staff amenities building (Health 1090 sq.m
unit, Supervisor rest house),
Track machine staff rest house,
Labour merchant room on
goods PF)

Specification of Service Buildings

Sl. No. Description Specification Skirting/Dado

Vitrified tiles of minimum 800x800
1 All rooms, verandah Same with 100mm high
mm size
Flooring tiles (anti-skid), granite
2 Toilet, Bath Vitrified tiles with 2100mm high
table top for wash basin
3 25mm thick anti-skid granite Same with 100mm high
Concourse, Portico
All walls finish in POP followed by acrylic/oil bound paint and
4 Internal finish
whitewash in toilet ceiling
5 Railing Stainless steel railing
6 Window frame 3 track UPVC section
7 Window ventilator UPVC section with glass panel
FRP door for bathrooms, flush door
8 Door Shutter
with veneer for other doors
9 Window Shutter 3 track UPVC window with glass panels & stainless-steel mesh
10 Grill MS grill
11 External finish Texture finish from Asian Paints, Berger, Nerolac etc

(1) The Service buildings shall be fully electrified with concealed wiring and with proper toilet,
water supply, sewerage, drainage facility, roof leakage proof, rain water harvesting, boundary
wall/fencing, etc. The Architectural plan & elevation shall be approved by the Authority‟s
Engineer. The proper connecting roads, tree plantation, tree guards, common garden/area,
pavement/pathway and other colony specific facilities will be provided by the Contractor. At
certain stations framed structure for the building unit shall be preferred.

1.9.2 Staff Quarters:

PAGE 205

Sl. No Type Unit (Nos) Station Area of each


1 II 24 61 sqm

2 III 14 73 sqm

3 IV 05 148 sqm

Specification of Quarters

SN Description Specification Skirting/Dado

1 Flooring for staircase, 25mm thick anti-skid Same with 100mm

concourse, portico & granite high

2 All other rooms Vitrified tiles of Same with 100mm

minimum 600x600 high

3 Toilet, Bath Flooring tiles (anti- vitrified tiles with

skid) of minimum size 2100mm high of
300x300mm, granite minimum size
table top for wash 450x300mm

4 Plasteering Internal: 12mm thick cement plastering with

2mm thick POP putty
External: 20mm thick cement plastering

5 Railing Stainless steel railing

6 Window frame 3 track-coloured powder coated Aluminium


7 Window ventilator Coloured powder coated Aluminium section

with glass panel

8 Door shutter FRP door of 30mm thickness for bathrooms,

fish door of 30mm thickness with veneer for
other doors

9 Window Shutter 3 track- coloured powder coated Aluminium

window with glass panels & stainless steel
PAGE 206


10 Grill MS grill

11 Internal finish All walls finish in POP followed by acrylic/oil

bound paint and whitewash in toilet ceiling

12 External finish texture finish from Asian Paints, Berger,


13 Terrace finishing FPS brick tiles of class designation 10 grouted

with cement mortar 13 mixed with 2% integral
water proofing compound by weight of cement
over a 12mm layer mortar of 1:3 and finished

14 Internal & External CPVC

water pipeline

15 Water storage tanks Type-II Block:5000 litres capacity (PVC)

Type-III Bloack:5000 litres capacity (PVC)

1.9.3 Outdoor power supply, distribution & lighting works

Outdoor power supply, distribution & lighting works for Dadanahatti , Bommanbudni & Yadwad to
be provided as per clause No. 3.10 .

1.9.4 Water Supply & Distribution

(1) The Contractor shall provide an adequate supply of water at platforms, station buildings,
offices, and staff quarters, etc.

(2) Where piped water supply is available, supply shall be at stand posts and where the
supply is from wells / river, storage tanks shall be provided. Water huts at each platform shall
also be provided for supplying appropriate quantity & quality of water.
(3) The Contractor shall also make arrangements for the provision and laying of water pipe
lines from the existing mains wherever available.

(4) Integration with the existing Indian Railways water supply network for drawing adequate
supply of water wherever possible would be permitted. However, if this is not possible because of
capacity or other constraints, the Contractor shall make his own arrangements for supplying
appropriate quantity and quality of water.

(5) The design of the pipe network shall be such that there is no possibility of backflow
towards the source of supply from any cistern or appliance whether by siphonage or otherwise,
and reflux or non-return valves shall not be relied upon to prevent such backflow.
PAGE 207

(6) In designing and planning the layout of the pipe work, due attention shall be given to the
maximum rate of discharge, required economy in labour & materials, protection against damage
and corrosion, protection from frost, if required, and to avoidance of airlocks, noise transmission
and unsightly arrangement.

(7) All pipe work shall be so designed, laid or fixed, and maintained as to be and to remain
completely watertight, thereby avoiding waste of water, damage to property and the risk of
contamination of the water conveyed.

(8) Underground piping shall be laid at such a depth that it is unlikely to be damaged by frost
or traffic loads and vibrations. It shall not be laid in ground liable to subsidence, but where such
ground cannot be avoided; special precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to the piping.
Where piping has to be laid across recently disturbed ground, the ground shall be thoroughly
consolidated so as to provide a continuous and even support

Functional Requirements of Pumping Installations

(1) Water pump installations shall be designed for automatic operation, controlled through
liquid level controllers, capable of pumping the requisite amount of water to the ground /
overhead tanks.

(2) The pumping installation shall withstand the corrosive effects of normal water supply,
seepage water & sewage and serve for the anticipated life of the equipment. The discharge
velocity for sewage / seepage pumping shall not be less than 0.75 l/sec.
(3) The pipe line size shall be such that the velocity head does not exceed the normal static
head except for the fire pump which is governed by separate criteria. The valve controls and
regulating mechanisms shall be designed for automatic operation.

(4) The pumps shall have 100% standby arrangement. The centrifugal pumps shall be of
self-priming type. The efficiency of the pump set shall not be less than 95% of the maximum
theoretical efficiency possible for that type of the pump.

Construction of bore wells, pump house, overhead tanks, shall be as follows:

Sl. Deep Bore

Location GLR Overhead Tank
No. Well
25000 litre capacity 5000 litre capacity polyethylene
1 Yadwad 2
RCC structure water storage tank
2000 litre capacity polyethylene
2 Bommanbudni 1 Nil
water storage tank
2000 litre capacity polyethylene
3 Dadanhatti 1 Nil
water storage tank

Water pipe line of required dia & length should be provided to the Proposed H/L Platform,
Proposed Station/S&T building & Cabin, SSE P. way Office, Quarters from the existing source
available at each station as directed by Authority Engineer.
PAGE 208

Overhead water tank facility should be provided with RCC tanks/PVC/SMC/FRP with delivery
main distribution pipelines with check valve, float valve, etc. to station building, quarters &
platform water booths. Bidder has to work out the requirement of Overhead tank capacity &
design the same along with delivery & distribution system.
The pump house will consist of a pump of adequate capacity. The contractor has to prepare the
drawings & design for the steel/SMC panel/RCC overhead water tank and get approval from the
Authority‟s Engineer.

i) Supply, installation, fixing, testing & commissioning of 10 HP to 15 HP of required Head at
site 415 volts Submersible pump as per Annexure-XVII of Specifications & Standards for
Construction Electrical Portion (For General Electrical Services Work).

ii) Complete with soft starter with backup star-delta starter as per pump required, B class GI
pipe 50 mm dia with flange, flat copper cable of size 3x6 & earthing with connections as
per Annexure-XVII of Specifications & Standards for Construction Electrical Portion (For General
Electrical Services Work).

iii) All cable connections should be made with proper glands & lugs as per Annexure-X of
Specifications & Standards for Construction Electrical Portion (For General Electrical Services

iv) Provision of power supply cable from feeder pillar for operation of pump.

1.9.5 Drainage System

Suitable efficient drainage system as required for the efficient disposal of sewage/waste water as
required for proposed service buildings & staff quarters is to be provided.

(1) For Details IS 1742-1988 Code of Practice for Building Drainage may be referred.

(2) Design of Drainage system: In designing a drainage system for building(s), the aim shall
be to provide self-cleansing conduits for the conveyance of soil, waste, surface or subsurface
waters, and the removal of such wastes speedily and efficiently to a sewer or other outlet, without
risk of nuisance and hazard to health.

(3) Gradient & discharge: The discharge of water through a domestic drain is intermittent &
limited in quantity and therefore, small accumulations of solid matter are liable to form in the
drains between the building and the public sewer. There is usually a gradual shifting of these
deposits as discharges take place. Gradients shall be sufficient to prevent these temporary
accumulations building up and blocking the drains.

(4) Self-cleaning velocity: Normally, the sewer shall be designed for discharging three times
the dry weather flow flowing half- full with a minimum self-cleansing velocity of 0.75 metre per
second. The approximate gradients which give this velocity for the sizes of pipes likely to be used
in building drainage, and the corresponding discharges when flowing half-full. The sizes and
slopes shall conform to Local Municipal Bye Laws.
PAGE 209

(5) Minimum velocity of flow: In cases, where it is practically not possible to conform to the
minimum gradients, a flatter gradient may be used but the minimum velocity in such cases shall
on no account be less than 0.61 metres per second.

(6) Maximum velocity of flow: On the other hand, it is undesirable to employ gradients giving
velocity of flow greater than 2.4 metres per second. Where it is unavoidable, cast iron pipes shall
be used. The approximate gradients which give a velocity of 2.4 metres per second for the
various sizes of pipes and the corresponding discharge.

(7) Design of pipes: Subject to the minimum size of 100mm, the sizes of pipes shall be
decided in relation to the estimated quantity of flow and the available gradient.

(8) Wherever municipal sewer connections are not available, Septic Tanks are to be
(9) Soil pipes: The minimum internal diameter for soil pipes shall not be less than 100mm.
Soil pipes shall be situated outside the building or in a suitably designed open shaft. The work of
the soil pipe shall be carried down truly vertical, but where unavoidable, they may be laid at an
inclination of not less than 22½ to Horizontal. Soil pipes below ground shall be cast iron. Above
ground asbestos cement soil pipes may also be used in exceptional cases.

(10) Vent pipes: The soil or waste pipe above the highest inlet connection shall be continued
upwards either to the full diameter or to a reduced diameter of not less than 80mm for water
closets, and 50 mm for other fixtures to serve as a ventilating pipe. The vent pipe shall be carried
to a height of at least 60 cm above the outer covering of roof (near the cover) of the building. In
the case of a flat roof with access provided the height shall be at least 120 cm above the parapet,
and 2 meters above the roof level. The top of the pipe shall also not be less than 2 metres above
the head of any window within a horizontal distance of 3 metres from it. The top of the vent pipe
shall be fitted with a hard cast iron / GI or copper wire dome.

(11) Waste pipes: Waste Pipes shall be fixed and jointed in the same manner as soil pipes.
Branch waste pipes from fittings to the main waste stack shall ordinarily be of lead and these
shall be connected to the fittings through an efficient syphon Trap.

(12) Discharge: All soil pipes, after passing vertically below ground level shall be led by an
easy bend into the adjoining home service manhole if provided or be connected directly to a
sewer pipe. No soil pipe shall discharge into a gully trap or open drain. All waste pipes shall
discharge into open gully traps, provided with square C.I. gratings. A waste pipe shall not be
connected directly to a manhole or soil pipe or sewer.

(13) Rain Water Drain Pipe: If a separate underground drainage system is provided for surface
water rainwater down pipes shall discharge in the open air over untrapped gullies. Otherwise
they shall discharge in the open air into surface drains.

(14) Tests: All soil, waste pipes, laid above ground, shall be subjected to a smoke test, at the
expense of the contractor, after fixing in position preferably with the use of a smoke machine
Smoke shall be pumped in from the lower end and all joints and traps carefully examined for any
leakage of smoke. In case of pipes laid below ground, they shall be subject to a static head of
PAGE 210

water of 60 cm above his crown at the top most point following the same method as for glazed
earthenware pipes.

Construction of Drainage System

Sl. No. Station Approx. length of Drainage System (Metres)

1 Yadwad 400
2 Bommanbudni 400
3 Dadanhatti 100

1.9.6 Sewerage System

Construction of Sewerage System

Sl. No. Station Approx. length of Sewerage System (Metres)

1 Yadwad 250
2 Bommanbudni 200
3 Dadanhatti 75

Construction of septic tank

Sl. No. Station Septic tank

1 Yadwad 12m x 4m x 3m (2 nos)
2 Bommanbudni 12m x 4m x 3m
3 Dadanhatti 6m x 4m x 3m

Construction of sewerage system will be with Indian/Ef/European type water closet with flushing
cistern & P-trap with underground EW pipes leading to septic tank as per standard designs with
baffle wall & scum boards considering 100 persons per station. Suitable drainage system as
required for the efficient disposal of sewage/waste water as required for proposed service
buildings is to be provided.

The sewerage system shall be provided in order to match with the existing sewerage system
available in the respective station where it will be connected.

1.10 Pedestrian Bridges

Foot Over Bridges/Subway for Pedestrians crossing Railway tracks/stations shall be constructed
as follows:

Sl. Station/ Block Barrel Length/ Width No. of Staircase

No. Section clear span
1 Yadwad 59.15m 3m Ramps are to be provided with a width of
(FOB) 3.0m at 1 in 12 slope as shown in the
attached drawing.Gangway will be of RDSO
standard drawing. Design of foundation &
ramps to be done.
2 Bommanbudni 23.052m 4m Ramps are to be provided with a width of
(Subway) 4.0m at 1 in 12 slope as shown in the
attached drawing.
PAGE 211

1.11 Service Roads/Internal Roads/Approach Roads, Circulating Area & Footpath

Sl. Road/ Circulating Location from Km. to Length Width Remarks

No. Area Km.
1 Pathway/Trolley Yadwad -At both ends 229m 3.0m 80 mm Heavy duty CC/paver
path of the Platform blocks / interlocking blocks shall
connecting the two be provided with the provision of
platforms check rails where the Railway
Bommanbudni-At 50m 3.0m track crosses & connecting
both end platform access to all platforms and
connecting the two siding/stabling lines.
2 Service road Dadanhatti 355m 5m Bituminous asphalt road
Bommanbudni 2080m 5m Bituminous asphalt road
Yadwad (station) 2040m 5m Bituminous asphalt road
Yadwad (goods) 768m 5m Concrete surface road
3 Footpath Yadwad 1000 1.2m 80mm heavy duty concrete
paver blocks over 150mm thick
base concrete of 1:3:6 nominal
4 Circulating Area Bommanbudni 60 m 25 m 80 mm Heavy Duty concrete
Yadwad 60 m 25 m paver blocks over 150mm thick
Dadanhatti (halt) 30 m 10 m base concrete of M15
5 Permanent Ch: 40330 to 40230 200m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be
Diversion Road provided

Ch:41190 to 41040 300m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be

Ch: 41680 to 41605 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be
150m provided

Ch:42800 to 42670 260m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be

provided along with 2mx2m box
culvert at Ch:42740
Ch:44930 to 45280 700m 5m Bituminous asphalt road
Ch:45630 to 45280 700m 5m Bituminous asphalt road
Ch:45970 to 46470 1000m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be
provided along with 2mx2m box
culvert at Ch:46170
Ch:46560 to 46470 180m 5m Bituminous asphalt road
Ch:48935 to 48170 1530m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be
provided along with 2mx2m box
culvert at Ch: 48680
Ch:51470 to 51340 260m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be
Ch:51590 to 51650 120m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be
Ch:51820 to 51650 340m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be
PAGE 212

Ch:52160 to 52020 280m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be

Ch:53525 to 53775 500m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be
provided along with 2mx2m box
culvert at Ch: 53775
Ch:54480 to 56860 4760m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be
provided along with box culvert
at following chainage
1) 3mx3m 54630
2) 6mx5m 56325
Ch:59325 to 59510 370m 5m Bituminous asphalt road to be

Note for Sr. No. 1 to 4 only:The road & pathway details are tentative. The road & pathway
actually required to effectively & properly connect the station, service buildings, various facilities,
offices, colony, quarters and as specifically required to establish complete usability, functionality
& convenience of the passenger, user, officials, residents shall be provided by the contractor as
considered necessary by Authority Engineer and as per the agreed and approved plan.
Road/footpath should be concrete. The berm of minimum 1 m shall be provided on both sides of
the indicated width of road. Separate pathways to each service building, parking and other
utilities shall be constructed for proper access.

Length of approach roads in connection with providing access to the stations. It does not include
the diversions / provision of the approach roads as may become necessary in case of RUBs.

Note for Sr. No. 5 only: 1)Contractor has to provide diversion roads at the above
mentioned locations. The details of road is indicative only. These roads are actually
required to effectively & properly divert the existing road to nearby RUB/ROB. These
roads are to be constructed as per the attached drawing number: . Payment for the
diversion road will be made as per clause of Schedule-G.

2) In addition, box culverts have to be constructed on both sides of the track at the above
mentioned locations across the diversion road, where the Nallah/canal/stream is crossing.
Size of the box culvert as mentioned above is indicative only. Box culverts should be
designed to safely carry vehicular loads in accordance with the IRC standards. Design for
the same to be submitted by contractor. Waterway provided in box culverts should not be
less than that provided in respective railway bridges. Payment for box culvert will be
made as per clause 1.2.4 of Schedule-G.

1.12 Boundary Walls, Boundary Pillars, Fencing

In stations, the boundary wall is in line with RDSO Drg. No. RDSO/WKS/2017/1 falling in the
proposed new line alignment and related development works requiring dismantling should be
constructed along the Railway boundary in the Station limits.

Platform fencing and Railway boundary fencing shall be provided as per the details given below:
PAGE 213

Sl. Description Approx. Length Remarks

1 Platform Fencing
1.Dadanhatti 290 m
Drawings attached
2.Bommanbudni 1180 m
3.Yadwad 590 m

2 Railway Boundary wall

1. Yadwad 600 m

1.13 Signage information boards & posts

All the signage, information boards & posts shall be provided which include road sign board, km,
gradient, curve, SEJ, Point & crossing, station, bridge, colony, W/L, Speed Restriction, TP/TG,
train indication Board (TIB), Coach guidance system (CGS), utility boards (such as cloak room,
parcel, waiting rooms, etc.), etc. in accordance with good industry practice.

All signage, information boards & posts shall be provided which include Platform Indication Board
(PIB) such as station name and service buildings, utility boards, such as Cloak Room, parcel,
waiting rooms, water coolers, etc. in accordance with requirement of Railways and various
signage‟s and Boards e.g., Bridge Board, curve board etc. required in block section. Upon
completion of the track installation following permanent markers shall be provided as per IRPWM
and prior approval by the Authority‟s Engineer of their information, plates/boards, colour scheme
and fixation arrangement, the list is indicative only:
(a) Kilometre markers;
(b) Change of gradient markers;
(c) Curve reference markers;
(d) LWR/CWR reference markers;
(e) SEJ markers including its reference markers;
(f) Fouling point markers;
(g) Turnout markers;
(h) Land boundary pillars
(i) Level crossing markers
(j) Mandatory - W‖ boards for level crossings
(k) Bridge boards/signage
(l) Fog signal locations
(m) All markers required to be painted on rails for curves, turnouts & SEJs, etc. shall be
painted by the Contractor as per IRPWM.

Reference: Booklet on Trackside Indicator Boards & Signage by Northern Railway Construction

1.14 Drainage along the Railway Line

PAGE 214

About 21000m of pucca drain including side drain, yard drain & catch water drain, etc. will be
required to be constructed.

Design & Construction of surface and subsurface drainage system all along the Alignment and in
the yards including all other related works as considered necessary shall be provided to ensure
proper drainage and no water logging in block section as well as in yards. The cross section of
drains is to be designed and approved by the Authority‟s Engineer. Further the drains can be
precast/cast-in-situ RCC structure depending upon the location and the requirement. The design
& specification shall confirm the relevant provision of Railway codes manuals & RDSO

Drainage system including surface and subsurface drains for the Railway Project shall be
provided in accordance with the Indian Railways Works manual.

Pucca catch water drain has to be provided for deep cuttings (i.e., height greater than 10m). In
other cutting locations, earthen catch water drain shall be provided.

1.15 Embankment/Slope Protection Works

Requirement of retaining wall, boulder pitching, geogrid turfing, etc. shall be as specified.
Approximate length of retaining wall along the embankment is 2000m (including LH & RH).

Note: The length provided above is for guidance only, the same may increase or decrease as per
design proposed by the contractor and approved by the Authority. Any change in length shall not
amount to variation. The contractor is required to do his own due diligence.

i) Requirement of Retaining walls/Toe wall – Retaining wall/toe wall for effective bank
protection shall be provided as per design and drawing as required at site and as approved by
Authority Engineer.
The retaining/toe wall in the block section and yard shall be provided where the land is short for
the toe of embankment as per the final alignment plan and provided right of way and other
identified locations.

ii) Requirement of boulder pitching: Pitching for effective bank protection shall be provided
as per final design and drawing as required and approved by Authority Engineer.

The specification and standards of boulder pitching shall be conforming to as per IR bridge
manual and other guidelines.

(1) Boulder pitching with Toe wall shall be provided on all sides of the minor bridges up to

(2) At major bridges, boulder pitching shall be provided on all sides up to HFL in general. At
certain bridges where flow of water is along the toe of the embankment, the pitching shall be
increased for protection of the bank, as per the direction of the Authority's Engineer.

(3) For height of embankment more than 6m, the pitching shall be done up to:
PAGE 215

i) HFL + 1m, or

ii) up to the height from ground level, excluding 6m from the top of embankment,

Whichever is more. For deeper cuttings (beyond 4m), rock bolting/geo-mat shall be done with the
approval of the Authority.

(4) At identified vulnerable locations, the pitching up to complete height of embankment.

iii) Requirement of geogrid: While designing the embankment as per RDSO Guidelines,
geogrids/geotextiles are to be used wherever required as per RDSO specifications (with all
iv) Requirement of turfing: All the new bank constructed shall be turfed as per RDSO

1.16 Supply of materials & stores

Requirement of store depot/maintenance depot for permanent way shall be as follows:

(a) Requirement of Gang Tools (IRPWM Para No. 232c)

Sl. Items Quantity to be supplied for the

No. Project
1 Level-cum-Gauge 3 Nos.
2 Red Hand Signal Flag + Banner Flag 15+ 6 Nos.
3 Green Hand Signal Flag 15 Nos.
4 Tri Color LED Torches (Rechargeable) 15 Nos.
5 Detonators 30 Nos.
6 Steel Scale 30cm long 3 Nos.
7 Straight Edge 1m long 3 Nos.
8 Square 3 Nos.
9 Hemp Cord 3 Nos.
10 Keying & Spiking Hammer 6 Nos.
11 Marking Chalk 6 Nos.
12 Rail Thermometer 3 Nos.
13 Shovels, Phowrahs, Beaters, Crow Bars, Ballast Each Item -12 Nos.
Fork, Mortar Pans
14 Wooden Mallet 6 Nos.
15 Feeler Gauge 6 Nos.
16 Whistle Thunder 12 Nos.
17 Fish Bolt Spanner (41/36mm) 6 Nos.
18 Box Spanner 12 Nos.
19 Thick Web Switches Full set of tool kit - 3 Sets
20 P.way Inspection Kit 3 Set

(b) Requirement of Small Track Machines

Sl. Name of Machine Quantity to be supplied for

No. the Project
PAGE 216

1 Abrasive Rail Cutter 1

2 Rail Drilling Machine 1
3 Heavy Duty Hydraulic Extractor Jammed ERCs (10 tonne) 1
4 Hydraulic Rail Bender (Jim Heavy Duty) 1
5 Weld Trimmer Power Pack version of AT Welding 1
6 Rail Profile Weld Grinder 1
7 Electronic/Mechanic Toe Load measuring device 1
8 Track Jack (Hydraulic/Mechanical) - 15 tonne 1
9 Portable DC Welding Generator - 5 KVA 1
10 LightWeight Rail (Mono)-cum-Road Trolley 1
11 Self-Propelled LightWeight Trolley 1
12 Hydraulic Rail Tensor (non-infringing type) 70 tonne capacity 1
13 Powered Material Trolley 1
14 Box type gauge-cum-level (BG) along with spirit level 1
15 Chamfering Kit-Manual/Battery operated 1
16 Magnetic Base type Rail Thermometer 1
17 Continuous Rail Thermometer 1
18 Gang/Worksite Remote Control Hooter 1
19 Portable track lifting & slewing device (TRALIS) 1

(c) Requirement of P.way fittings as Material Reserve

Sl. Name of Fitting Quantity to be supplied for

No. the Project
1 Thick web switch 1 in 12 60 kg 2 sets
2 Spring setting device 2 sets
3 CMS crossing 1 in 12 60 kg T-4220 2 Nos
4 Improved SEJ 60 kg 1 set
5 Rubber pad for 1 in 12 P&C 2 sets
6 Fish Bolts & Nuts 25x140mm T-3549 50
7 Metal Liners (T-8616-100 Nos. & T-8617 -100 Nos.) 50
8 Joggled Fish Plates 60 kg T-4016 (with clamps) 5
9 Joggled Fish Plates 52 kg T-5848 (with bolts) 5
10 Elastic Rail Clips T-5919 100
11 Elastic Rail J-Clips T-8258 25
12 Retro Reflective Speed Boards (20, 30, 45, 75) 1
1.17 Construction Depot

The Contractor will be required to establish at least one temporary construction depot at the site
of works where track materials & equipment, etc. could be stored for the construction purposes.

1.18 Compulsory afforestation & tree plantation

To be done as per the Rules & Regulations in force in Karnataka State Government and as per
the relevant orders of the Government Instrumentality. The tentative details of the number of
trees which are required to be planted by the contractor as compensatory afforestation is 3000
Nos.(Approximate). However actual numbers shall be as per final alignment and actual trees cut.

1.19 Any other requirement

PAGE 217

Additional Special Conditions

1.19.1 Deployment of Engineers & Staff: The contractor shall provide and keep on the works,
during the execution of the works, efficient and competent Engineers to ensure that the work is
executed strictly as per provisions of the contract. It shall be the obligation on the part of the
contractor to provide the following minimum engineering staff at site:

Sl. Minimum Nos. to

No. be deployed
Project Manager Civil - Degree holder with minimum experience of 15
1 1
years in the field Railway/Highway
Construction Manager - Degree Holder with minimum experience of 4
2 1
years/Diploma holders with minimum experience of 6 years in the field
Engineer (Quality Control) - Degree Holder with minimum experience of 3
3 years/Diploma Holders with minimum experience of 5 years‟ experience in 4
the field
Site Engineer (Civil) - Degree holder with minimum experience of 3
4 8
years/Diploma Holders with minimum experience of 5 years in the field
Survey Engineer - Degree holder with minimum experience of 3 years/
5 2
Diploma holders with minimum experience of 5 years in the field

In addition to the above, requisite no. of staff for laboratory and other supervisory staff shall be
deployed by the contractor. The technical staff shall be approved in writing from the Authority‟s
Engineer (whose approval may be withdrawn any time) for supervision of works and to receive
direction from the Authority‟s Engineer or his representative of the work on behalf of the
contractor. The supervisory staff of the contractor will not be changed without the approval of the
Authority‟s Engineer.

1.19.2 The contractor has to deploy the Project Manager, Construction Manager, Engineer
(Quality Control) & Survey Engineer within one month of issue of the letter of acceptance. The
site engineers shall be deployed by the contractor as per the deployment program/method
statement approved by the Authority‟s Engineer. In case, the contractor fails to deploy sufficient
Engineers as described above, the Engineer shall be entitled to recover the following amount
from the dues of the contractor:

1 Non-Deployment of Project Manager Rs. 200000/- per month or part thereof

2 Non-Deployment of Construction Manager Rs. 100000/- per month or part thereof
Non-Deployment of Site Engineer/Engineer
3 Rs. 80000/- per month or part thereof
(Quality Control)

The decision of the Authority‟s Engineer as to the period for which the required technical staff
was not employed by the contractor and as to reasonableness of the amount to be deducted on
this account shall be final and binding on the contractor.

1.19.3 The details of skilled manpower/workers trade wise i.e. skilled, semiskilled workers,
labour, arrangement of boarding/lodging along with the details of permanent staff shall be
submitted by the contractor within 15 days after the award of work to him. This shall be submitted
along with the program of works.
PAGE 218

1.19.4 Laboratory

Contractor shall establish a Central laboratory for carrying out testing to ensure compliance as
per the Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) as per details in this document. The laboratory should be
well equipped for the testing facilities for the following in addition to the other requirements as per

Concrete: Set of IS Sieves for coarse and fine aggregate, slump cone, cube moulds,
Compression strength testing machine.

Earthwork: Grain size analysis, Atterberg Limits, Modified Proctor density (OMC & MDD), Field
Density (OMC & MDD)

The above central laboratory shall have facility for carrying out all tests required, as per
Specifications or as stated elsewhere in the contract, including supply of laboratory equipment
and also provision of adequate number of qualified personnel, erection, maintenance & running
of laboratory including all consumable like chemicals & reagents. If the laboratory is not provided
within one month of issue of letter of acceptance, a deduction of Rs. 2, 00,000/- will be made on
monthly basis. In addition to these, field testing equipment are also to be arranged wherever
required and instructed by the Authority's Engineer. Further, cost of tests and all incidental &
departmental charges, etc. carried out at any other approved laboratory/test house shall be borne
by the contractor.

1.20 Change of Scope

The length of structures & bridges specified hereinabove shall be treated as an approximate
assessment. The actual lengths as required on the basis of detailed investigations shall be
determined by the Contractor in accordance with the Specifications & Standards. Any variations
in the lengths specified in this Schedule-B shall not constitute a Change of Scope, save and
except any variations in the length arising out of a Change of Scope expressly undertaken in
accordance with the provisions of Article 13.

1.21 Indicative list of utilities to be demolished after shifting (as identified by the

(A) Buildings & Structures: Temporary huts/pump-huts, sheds, buildings are to be dismantled
wherever coming in the alignment.

(B) Temporary Road Diversion (shifting of road) in block section

Sl. Length
Location Width (Approx.) Remarks
No. (Approx.)
1 RUB (40230) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
2 RUB (41040) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
3 RUB (41605) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
4 RUB (42120) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
PAGE 219

5 RUB (43560) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.

6 RUB (45280) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
7 RUB (47350) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
8 RUB (49975) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
9 RUB (50705) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
10 RUB (50950) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
11 LHS (51340) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
12 LHS (51650) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
13 LHS (52020) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
14 LHS (52330) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
15 RUB (52860) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
16 RUB (53775) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
17 LHS (54250) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
18 RUB (59510) 200 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.
19 ROB (58375) 2000 m 5.50 m Bitumen Road with motorable surface.

1.22 Transportation/Shifting of Railway Material

Service rails (Class-II) & Class-II sleepers will be issued to the contractor. The contractor will
have to lift & transport the Class-II service rails & Class-II sleepers issued by Railway from any
section/ Depot in South Western Railway / any Zonal Railway.

All kinds of Class-I sleepers, special sleepers required shall be procured by EPC contractor from
RDSO approved sleeper plants available in zonal railway or nearby railway / any zonal Railway
from where the Contractor has to bear the cost to procure it and has to transport to the site
including unloading by means of cranes or suitable arrangement. Loading of all kinds of Class-I
sleepers at manufacturer‟s plants will be exclusive of contractor‟s scope. In the event of failure at
a manufacturer's plant/s to load the Class-I sleepers, the contractor has to make arrangements
for loading of Class-I sleepers for which payment will be made in the relevant sub-item of

Class-I rails will be made available at manufacturer‟s plant/s / any location in Zonal Railway /
nearby Railway or any Zonal Railway from where the contractor has to transport to the site
including loading & unloading by means of cranes or suitable arrangement. In the event of
loading at the manufacturer's plant by the respective manufacturers, deduction towards loading
will be made as per the rate specified in the item schedule of loading of rails.

The Payment for transportation of service Rails & PSC main line Class-II PSC Sleepers for loop
line will be done on the basis of actual work done as per Rates mentioned in the schedule
below.No payment will be made for shifting of material within the proposed block section/between
two section.

Transportation/Shifting of Materials

Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Amount (INR)
PAGE 220

Loading of rails of any section and length upto 14

metres in
171010 - - - -
Wagons / Truck / Trailor including lead upto 50
metres and lift upto 5 metres -

In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible

171014 MT 132.05 2200 290510
and traffic block is not required or in Truck/Trailor.
Unloading of rails of any section and length
upto 13 metre, in neat manner for Railway usage
from departmental material train (DMT) or
171060 - - - -
contractor's / Railway's Truck/Trailor including lead
upto 250 metre, lift upto 5 metre and stacking in
prescribed manner -
In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible
171063 MT 78.58 2200 172876
and traffic block is not required or in Truck / Trailor
Leading all types of P.Way materials by
road vehicles to destination excluding loading
/ unloading, with contractor's vehicle, crew,
consumables, labour, tools & plants etc.
171131 Lead upto 10 Km MT 135.76 2200 298672
Extra to Item no. 171131 for additional lead over 10
171132 Km for every 5 Km lead or part thereof upto 100 MT 38.11 39600 1509156
Extra to Items no. 171131 & 171132 for additional
171133 lead beyond 100 Km for every 5 Km or part thereof MT 17.30 44000 761200
upto 400 Kms
For Wide base CL-I PSC sleepers
Loading of 52kg / 60kg PSC line and special
sleepers beyond 2.7 metre length including
existing fittings and fastenings in Depot / Station /
Mid-section between stations in a neat manner to
departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's
/ Railway's Truck/Trailer with crane or any other
means including crossing of one track with free lead
upto 250 metre and lift upto 5 metre, if required
with contractor's labour, tools & plants,
machinery, consumables etc. -
In Wagon/Truck / Trailer where mechanical
171114 handling is possible and traffic block is not MT 129.81 12935 1679092
Unloading of 52kg / 60kg PSC special sleepers
beyond 2.7 metre length in Depot / Station / Mid-
section between stations in neat manner for
Railway usage from departmental material
171150 train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's Truck/Trailer
with crane or any other means including crossing
of one track and lead upto 250 metre & lift upto
5 metre with contractor's labour, tools & plants,
machinery, consumables etc
PAGE 221

171153 From Truck / Trailer MT 96.38 12935 1246675

Leading all types of P.Way materials by
road vehicles to destination excluding loading
/ unloading, with contractor's vehicle, crew,
consumables, labour, tools & plants etc.
171131 Lead upto 10 Km MT 135.76 12935 1756056
Extra to Item no. 171131 for additional lead over 10
171132 Km for every 5 Km lead or part thereof upto 100 MT 38.11 258700 9859057
Extra to Items no. 171131 & 171132 for additional
171133 lead beyond 100 Km for every 5 Km or part thereof MT 17.30 776100 13427101
upto 400 Kms

171153 From Truck / Trailer MT 96.38 12935 1246675

For PSC Sleepers - CL-II

Loading of 52kg / 60kg PSC line and special
sleepers beyond 2.7 metre length including
existing fittings and fastenings in Depot / Station /
Mid-section between stations in a neat manner to
departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's
/ Railway's Truck/Trailer with crane or any other
means including crossing of one track with free lead
upto 250 metre and lift upto 5 metre, if required
with contractor's labour, tools & plants,
machinery, consumables etc. -
In Wagon/Truck / Trailer where mechanical
171114 handling is possible and traffic block is not MT 129.81 1830 237552
Unloading of 52kg / 60kg PSC special sleepers
beyond 2.7 metre length in Depot / Station / Mid-
section between stations in neat manner for
Railway usage from departmental material
171150 train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's Truck/Trailer
with crane or any other means including crossing
of one track and lead upto 250 metre & lift upto
5 metre with contractor's labour, tools & plants,
machinery, consumables etc
171153 From Truck / Trailer MT 96.38 1830 176375
Leading all types of P.Way materials by
road vehicles to destination excluding loading
/ unloading, with contractor's vehicle, crew,
consumables, labour, tools & plants etc.
171131 Lead upto 10 Km MT 135.76 1830 248441
Extra to Item no. 171131 for additional lead over 10
171132 Km for every 5 Km lead or part thereof upto 100 MT 38.11 32940 1255343
PAGE 222

Extra to Items no. 171131 & 171132 for additional

171133 lead beyond 100 Km for every 5 Km or part thereof MT 17.30 109800 1750760
upto 400 Kms

In Schedule-G (Contract Price Weightage), the %age of Transportation/Shifting of Material is 3,46,68,867/-
rounded off to 0.60%

Deduction in payment to the contractor for transportation of rails in the event loading of rails not done by
the contractor, will be done as per the following USSOR item
USS Item Description Unit Rate
USS Loading of rails of any section and length up to 14 metres in MT 132.05
OR wagons/truck/trailer including lead up to 50 metres and lift up to 5 metres in
2021 wagons where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is not
1710 required or in truck/trailer

Execution of SWR USSOR 2021 & DSR 2018 items which are not covered in Schedule-G (Civil
& Track work)

Sl. Item No. Description of Item Total value of USSOR

No. of Sch-G Items
1 1.15 Unforeseen SWR USSOR 2021 & DSR 2018 items not
covered in Civil & Track works under Sch-G 20107938/-

2. Signalling(Signalling part not in scope of this EPC section) & Telecommunication

2.1 All signalling works including Survey, design, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning shall be executed in accordance with the
provisionsoftheIndianRailwaySignal Engineering Manual.
2.2 The details of signalling works at wayside stations are:

SN Descript Details of wayside stations

PAGE 223

ion of Name No Std. of Type Typ Type Type Det

work Type of
of of Interlo of e of of of ail
statio Line cking Sign bloc point s
train barrier
n s alling k opera of
detect and
wor tion sid
king ion and ing
syste lockin

1. Survey, 3 II Rela SSB DC Electri

design,su y PAC Track cally
pply, base with circuits operat NIL NIL
installatio d HAS to suit ed IRS
n, testing, MAC SDA RE. (rotary
manuals LS C type) &
for new High
technolog thrust
y point
equipmen machin
t installed es for
each thick
place, web
supply of switch
completio es
oning at

Supply of
2 Description / quantities Remarks
PAGE 224

Electronic As required; Spares for each station to the

Interlocking extent of 10% subject to a minimum of one,
2.1 or for the cards / modules / PCB, fuses, all
RelayInterlock relays / relay groups, lightning arresters,
ingequipment isolators, converters, chargers etc

As required; As per RDSO specification.

Power supply Spares of each type of battery charger,DC-
system DC Converters to the extent of 10% for the
station, subject to a minimum of one.

Data Logger
2.3 As required Spares shall be provided
@10% quantity of items
installed in the station
As required for all stations as per approved Nil inventory for IPS, Fire
2.4 SIPs; Spares to be extent of 10% of each alarm system, Furniture ,
type, subject to minimum of one of each type signal post, surface base,
stop board, warning boards,
Signal no.
Signalling As required; For each station – Nil of cables plates etc.
cables laid of each corrage

As required; For each station – Nil of cables

2.6 Power Cables laid of each corrage10% for Indoor cables of
each size

As required; Spares to the extent of 10%

subject to minimum of one for all type of
2.7 Relays
interface relays, relays / relay groups with
bases used in indoor & outdoor

As per approved ESP; Spares to the extent
2.8 machines with
of 10%, subject to minimum of one
PAGE 225

As required; Spares to the extent of 10%,

subject to minimum of one for each type of
2.9 Detection
cards, battery chargers, batteries, track
relays, TLJB etc.

2.10 Not applicable

2.11 mentforTPWS Not applicable

TMS (with
2.12 operation Not applicable

Any other
item/items for As required; For each station – spares to the
functioning of extent of 10%, subject to minimum of one of
2.13 Signaling LED signal units of each type, terminals &
system as per fuse blocks, fuses, flexible wires, electric
contract lifting barriers etc.

Testing and
As required; Testing and measuring tools
tools and
and equipment as determined in accordance
equipment as
with the manufacturer‟s manuals for EI, IPS,
2.14 determined in
DAC, Point machines etc. Digital multimeter,
cable fault & route locator, megger (500V
with the
and 100V) etc.
PAGE 226

For all block sections, stations along with
3 testing and
IBH, interlocked gates

2.3 BlockSignalling (BPAC/Token/Tokenless).

Details of block signalling(BPAC/Token/Tokenless) for Single Line works are:

iption Details of Block signaling (BPAC / Token less)
N of

Sys Type No Nos. Typ Provis Toke An

Details of block tem of min of e of ion of n/ y
section of block al asp train interm toke oth
blo signal len ects dete ediate n er
ck ing gth for ctio block less det
wor syste of auto n signal block ails
kin m eac mati syst worki (ple
Chai Chain g (elect h c em ng ase
nage age ronic, aut sign spe
(fro (to) electri o aling cify
m) cal or sec )
electr tion

PAGE 227

2 Inventory.Supply of Description / quantities Remarks

signaling spares:

Electronic Interlocking
2.1 or Relay As required Spares shall be
Interlocking provided @10%
equipment quantity of items
installed in the
2.2 Power supply system As required

2.3 Data-logger system As required

2.4 Axlecounter system As required for all sections as per

approved SIPs

2.5 Signalling cables Nil of cables laid of each corrage

2.6 Power cables Nil of cables laid of each corrage 10% for
Indoor cables of each size

2.7 Relays As required

2.8 Point machines As required as per approved ESPs

PAGE 228

2.9 Train Detection system As required

On Board(Cab)
2.10 equipment for Not applicable
TPWS system

Line side equipment

2.11 for TPWSsystem Not applicable

TMS (with remote

2.12 operation system) Not applicable

2.13 Any other item/items As required

for functioning of
Signaling system as
per contract

2.14 Testing and measuring As required

tools and equipment as
determined in
accordance with the

3 Integrated testing and For all block sections, stations along with
commissioning IBS, interlocked gates


Other Signaling Equipment /items for the work

Following other equipment /items for all stations /sections /IBS as relevant are included in the
scope of work:

a) Provision of Class A protection

b) Provision of Ring/ Peripheral Earth in Relay Room /IPS as per latest RDSO guidelines.
c) Provision of EI with Dual VDU for complete stations /yards including existing lines/yards as
elaborated in Para 2.1.2 to 2.1.4 above
PAGE 229

d) Provision of RDSO type fire alarm detection system for EI

e) Provision of high availability DAC with E1 converter

f) Provision of Earth Leakage Detection (ELD)

g) Fuse and fire alarm

h) Releasing of S&T equipment, structures, foundations etc. and returning back to nominated
depot or other authorities in the division.

i) Preparation of Station Working Rules, Station working Diagram, Cable Route Plan, Cable Core
Plan, Location Details etc and approval of the same.

j) Provision of AC immunized (160V/400V as the case may be) clamp type point machines for
new thick web switches and IRS type normal point machines for existing turnouts.

k) Construction must also include verification and validation of system installed and independent
certification for maintenance and operation system during its life cycle. All other associated
materials and works for completion not limited to items in the above table as required for
execution of the signaling and telecom works to suit 25 KV has to be provided by the Contractor.

3.0 Telecommunication

Scope of Work

3.1 All telecommunication works including survey, design, supply, installation, testing &
commissioning shall be executed in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Railway
Telecom Manual. Engineering Manual, latest RDSO/TEC specification and RDSO/ Railway
Board recommendations, technical advisor notes of RDSO and South Western Railway and
guidelines. current/RDSO specifications are mentioned, however, while procuring S&T items /
materials, only the latest RDSO specification will prevail and material to be inspected as per
latest RDSO specification. Drawing Nos. mentioned here are current and may be updated. Latest
drawings are required to be followed while execution of work.

3.2 Optic Fibre Cable System:

Optic fibre cable supply, laying in trench in all types of soil including cable laying through
trenchless technique for road/road crossing, jointing/splicing, termination, testing and design.

supply, installation, testing & commissioning of UTP patch cards, FDMS, 19 inch Racks, and

(b) Final location joint survey of proposed cable route plan (Quad / OFC cable) and
submission for approval of Railway. The detailed instructions / guidelines regarding joint survey &
preparation of cable route plan are given in the Tender document. Contractor will submit two
copies of prints with a soft copy to be checked by Railways. If alterations are suggested by
Railways, then again two copies of prints will be provided for advance approval after carrying out
PAGE 230

all the alterations as suggested / proposed by Railways. Tracing will be provided to approval by
the Railway. All drawings will be prepared in CAD. It also includes preparation and submission of
a final cable route plan on 75 micron standard polyester film which includes details of the entire
section in which quad / OFC cables are laid. Once Railway has approved & signed tracings for
cable route plan then contractor will submit 6 (six) sets of xerox copies for cable route plan in
proper binding form.

(c) Trenching up to depth of 1200mm with 300mm wide base in all types of soil (Normal soil,
Hard soil & Black cotton soil) and backfilling after laying of HDPE pipe / OFC cable and 6
quad/PIJF cable, etc. at 1000 mm depth respectively as per Drg. No.CORE/S&T/ALD/SK/571/04.
Ramming & consolidation of soil in trenches as well as disposal of the soil if any.

(d) Supply & installation of Electronic route marker (TEC approved) to deduct cable up to 8 feet
and spaced at 200mts.

(e) Provision of warning tape of orange colour of width 250mm (10‟‟) by printing in black
characters on both side of tape for the entire chainage (39/000 and 60/000) between Lokapur
and Yadwad 23 km at a depth of 1 feet from the earth surface for 6 quad cable & OFC.

(f) Supply, Installation & commissioning of DTMF control phone for control communication at

(g)Supply, Installation & commissioning of Auto/BSNL phone phone for SM room.

(H)Supply, Installation & commissioning of STM and PD MUX.This includes termination of OFC
cable in FDMS and to STM. 21 E1 shall be terminated in DP Krone and then further each E1 to
be connected to PD MUX.Futher Output of PD MUX is connected to control/auto Telephone.

(i)For installation of UTS/PRS in SM room,E1 connectivity to be provided in SM room through

V35 and G703 Modem.10 Pair PIJF cable to be laid from OFC hut to SM room for E1 provision.

(j)25 W VHF set to be installed in SM building along with installation of 12V power supply
equipment in SM room.

NOTE:For complete installation of OFC system technical specification for South western railway
as attached as annexure „2‟ is to be referred.

Sl Descrip Chain Nam Type of Type Power Control office equipment Any
PAGE 231

. tion of age e of STM of Supply with power supply other

N work the equipme Multipl details
o Stati nt ex-ure

r Way
To Hqrs. gency
o Station


installat Control
ion, Teleph
one as 1.0
testing, per along
manual RDSO with
s specific New 24
d Power
ation fibers
for new for Way OFC
Side along
for To be
technol Loka Station. with
station commis
ogy pur - HDPE
as per sioned
Yaw -PD Auto duct &
1 ST RDSO -- newly
equipm ad MUX phone/ related
M spec No with 6
ent BSNL works to
RDSO/ quad
phone be
installe SPN/ cable.
(FCT ) carried
d for TC/102/
out in
each 2013 1 set Kotegan
version of 25W guru to
place, 1.0 at All VHF Shikarip
supply stations. set with ura
of 12 V section.
complet charger
ion .

s, and

PAGE 232






2 Inventory Supply of Description Quantity Remarks

Communication Spares

2.1 Optical fibre cable with As above including requisite jointing kits, 1) Spare equipment shall
accessories OFC cable termination boxes, cable route be provided at each
markers, OFC termination boxes(FDMS), etc. station 10% quantity of
each item, installed in the
OFC cable: Nil section shall be provided
as spare, subjected to
10% accessories subject to a minimum of minimum 1 quantity of the
one item.

Nil spares for GI pipe, Half

round RCC pipe, Bricks,
2.2 HDPE duct with Nil of the total cable laid 10% accessories etc.
accessories subject to a minimum of one

2.3 Optical fibre Digital Nil

equipment s STM with

2.4 Digital Multiplexer Nil

equipment s PDH with
PAGE 233

2.5 Power supply with Yes, as required; 10% of the total, subject to
accessories a minimum of 1 set

2.6 Control office equipment 10% of the total, subject to a minimum of 1

with accessories set

(a) Way station

(b) Hqrs.

(c) Power Supply Power supply system with SMPS based

Telecom Integrated power supply
system.(VRLA type 48V, 200AH battery)

2.7 Emergency communication Emergency socket complete with post as

system with accessories required from Lokapur to Yadwad (Km
Chainage 39/000 & Chainage 60/000)

10% of the total, subject to a minimum of 1


2.8 Any other item items for Cable termination boxes for PIJF cables,
functioning of isolating transformers, patch cords, jumper
telecommunication system cables, cable jointing termination materials
as per contract requirement for copper cables as required.

2.9 Testing and tools Consumables for OFC jointing &

measuring and equipment terminations, etc. and other tools as
as determined in necessary.
accordance with the
manufacturer‟s manuals Equipment as determined in accordance with
the manufacturer‟s manuals and two sets of
Power source meter, Power meter, Digital
transmission measurement set, Digital Cross
talk measuring set, Digital Earth test, Rodo
meter, EI, analyser, OTDR, Fusion splicing
machine, Digital OLED multimeter, OFC
restoration tool kit, cable route locator, cable
PAGE 234

fault locator

3.3 Six Quad Telecom Cable

Six quad telecom cable supply and laying in trench in all types of soil including cable laying
through trenchless technique for road/road crossing, jointing, termination and testing including
provision of EC sockets at every km for emergency communication & Level crossing gate.

Sl. Description of Details of 6 Quad Telecom Cable System

No. work

Chainage Name of LC Any other details

Stations Gate

From To

1 Survey, design, LOKAPUR- --- 6 Quad cable to be supplied,

supply, installed and to be
installation, YADWAD commissioned laid which
testing, manuals includes EC sockets at every
for new km and at LCs.
equipment *Cable to be laid from
installed for LOKAPUR-YADWAD
each place,
supply of
drawings and
of 6 Quad
telecom cable
PAGE 235

2 Inventory: Description quantity: Spare shall be provided at each station 10% quantity of each
Supply of item

2.1) Six quad

telecom cable &

sockets with
box & pins

2.3) Any other

item/ items for
functioning of
on system as
per contract

2.4) Testing &

measuring tools
and equipment
as determined
in accordance
with the

3 Integrated Complete section

testing &

2 Inventory Supply of Description Quantity Remarks

Communication Spares

Supply of tools kit comprising of the following tools:

1) Kronne insertion tool: 5 Nos.

2) Digital multimeter: 1 No.

PAGE 236

3) Electronic insulation tester 100 volts dual range Model No lT/100/ll or equivalent: 1 No.

4) Blow torch working on LPG with following accessories

(a) Universal Handle: 1 No.

(b) Burner: 8 Nos.

(c) Neck Tubes: 2 Nos.

(d) Gas hose pipe: 2 mtrs.

(e) Spanner: 1 No.

(f) Swivet Type Regulating Valve: 1 No.

(g) Branded Cylinder of 2 kg. Capacity 2 Nos.

5) Screw driver set Taparia make: 1 No,

6) Double ended spanner set of 12 Nos. Taparia make: 1 set

7) Cutting Piler 6" Taparia make: 2 Nos.

8) Nose Plier 6" Taparia make: 2 Nos.

9) Wire stripper: 2 Nos.

10)Supply of RFID marker locator ,8000 marker records,built in GPS module, 1.5m depth range
4X20 digits LCD display

11)Supply of Digital transmission measurement set suit to RDSO spec IRS:TC:43/87 or latest

12)Supply of Digital cross talk measuring set to RDSO spec. IRS:TC 45/88 or latest

13) Cable joiner Collapsible tool kit comparing the following:

(a) Hacksaw frame: 1 No.

(b) Hacksaw Blade: 5 Nos.

(c) Hot chisel 12 inches: 1 no.

(d) Adjustable Spanner 2 inches jaw: 1 No.

(e) Scissors 15 inches: 1 No.

(f) Din Cutter 15 inches: 1 no.

(g) Ball pen Hammer 1½ tbs: 1 No.

PAGE 237

(h) File Flat 5 inches: 1 No.

(i) Triangular File smooth: 1 No.

(j) Steel Tape 3M: 1 No.

(k) Steel Tape 30M: 1 No.

(l) Soldering iron soldron 50 Watts: 1 No.

(m) Knife 8 inches: 1 no.

(n) Knife 12 inches: 1 no.

3.4 Mobile Train Radio Communication: Not Applicable

3.5 Other Locations: Not Applicable

3.6 Automatic Fire Alarm & Detection System

Wayside Stations Major/Junction Stations Other Location Stations

Sl. No. Name of Station Sl. No. Name of Station Sl. No. Name of Station
1 YADWAD 1 Nil 1 Nil

3.7 Automatic Fuse Alarm System

Wayside Stations Major/Junction Stations Other Location Stations

Sl. No. Name of Station Sl. No. Name of Station Sl. No. Name of Station

1 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil

3.8 Maintenance Free Earthing & Surge Protection System

Wayside Stations Major/Junction Stations Other Location Stations

Sl. No. Name of Station Sl. No. Name of Station Sl. No. Name of Station

1 1 Nil 1 Nil

3.9 Any other requirements of Telecommunication

PAGE 238

Installation of complete OFC system,termination of OFC/Quad cable in

termination/FDMS,installation of power supply equipment and installation of control phone.

3.9.1 All materials required for the completion of the work, whether specifically mentioned or
not, shall be arranged by the contractor.

3.9.2 Materials which are part to be supplied as RDSO Specifications are to be procured from
RDSO Approved Part-I Suppliers only.

3.9.3 General Instructions for execution of Telecom works

For trenching, cable laying, provision of RCC / DWC / GI / RCC Hume pipe / HDD method for
track / road / platform / culvert / bridge, etc. to be followed as specified in relevant guidelines /
circulars issued by South Western Railway.

(a) All the surfaces shall be repaired and brought back to its original condition, as the case
may be.

(b) The standard ratio of cement, sand, 25 mm stone chip shall be 1:2:4 respectively, wherever
concreting is involved and curing of concreting to be done by the contractor at least for 15 days.

(c) All the sundry materials will be provided by the Contractor at site like cement, sands,
bricks, 15-25mm or 1" stone chips for concreting, bolts, nuts, washers, Sal wood shelves planks,
SW strips, hylam sheet of thickness 6mm, ferrules, anti-corrosive / Red oxide / Weatherproof /
Acid proof paint, MS plates / angles / flats, anchor (foundation) bolts, MS clamps, screws,
eyelets, PVC bunching tape, buttons, condenser, resistance, varnish, fevicol, soldering/welding
material, copper lug, charcoal, salt, salmoniac, 6 SWG GI wire, speed board, screen with MS
frame, MS pin, boss pin, 6 mm rivet, split pin, angle cleats to drawing no. 22859/T/SE, 1"
diameter GI pipe, 6/8-SWG soft bond wire, flexible wire, channel pin, heat shrinkable tape,
suitable compound for fixing lead wire, 1.5 " GI/HDPE pipe, 3/4" thick wood boards, transparent
sheet for box, lock for box make Godrej or similar, insulated strip, sulphuric acid, distilled water,
cupboard, sunmica, cable fixing clamps, nylon rope, HDPE couplers , end caps, etc. so as to
complete the individual job as per schedule description.

(d) All the supply materials shall be issued by the Contractor from stores and transported to
the site as per the requirement. Rest all sundry materials will be supplied by the Contractor at site
to complete the execution of work.

(e) The Contractor has to conduct a detailed site survey of the cable route, prepare a plan to
get approval of the Railway, putting white lime powder marking before excavation of earth under
supervision of Railway‟s authorized representative.

(f) GI Pipes to be supplied by the Contractor must be as per specification IS 1239, Part-I, 1979
(grade medium) and should be TATA, Jindal or similar make.

(g) Any charges required to be paid to site PWD / Municipal authority shall be borne by the
Contractor for cutting of public roads, etc.
PAGE 239

(h) RCC pipes along with collars to be supplied by the Contractor must be as per specification
No. IS: 458, Class NP2.

(i) Guarding of cables / HDPE pipe, relaying of cables / HDPE pipe and re-jointing of cable /
HDPE pipe in case of thefts or otherwise to be borne by the Contractor at his own cost till

(j) General instructions for execution of any charges required to be paid to site PWD /
Municipal authority shall be borne by the Contractor for cutting of public roads, etc.

(k) RCC pipes along with collars to be supplied by the Contractor must be as per specification
No. IS 458, Class NP2.

(l) Guarding of cables / HDPE pipe, relaying of cables / HDPE pipe and re-jointing of cable /
HDPE pipe in case of thefts or otherwise to be borne by the Contractor at his own cost till

Telecom Items Inspecting Agency

Description Specification/ Drawing No. Inspecting Agency
Telecom Items
Supply of cable route markers as per FRP.
Note: Testing certificate of FRP material from
a Government certified laboratory is to be
1 Not Applicable Consignee
submitted certifying that the FRP material is
as per RDSO Specification No:
2 Supply of earth electrode assembly Drg. No. SG/SN/ 02/13 Consignee
Supply of DWC pipe with one snap fit coupler
& 'O' ring conforming to IS 14930 (Part 2:
2001), Non-metallic, corrugated, multi- IS 14930 Part II 2001 &
walled, normal duty, pliable, with protection BSEN 50086 with Fire
3 against chemical attack and Non flame Retardant & very high RITES
propagating in 6 meter length of size 120mm compression, impact &
outer diameter & 103 mm inner dia in tensile strength
ORANGE colour only (Permitted tolerance in
diameter = +/- 3 mm)
Supply of Double Walled Corrugated flexible
IS 14930 Part II 2001 &
Pipe along with couplers conforming to IS
BSEN 50086 with Fire
14930 with Anti Rodent, Fire Retardant &
4 Retardant & very high RITES
very high compression, impact and tensile
compression, impact &
strength properties having dimensions OD/ID
tensile strength
50/39 in mm
Supply of GI Pipe of 50mm bore size,
medium grade along with sockets & material
required for fixing on Girders / RCC bridge
IS /1239 (Part I) of 2004 or
5 i.e., suitable clamps of MS Bar at the interval RITES
of 2m including bend pipes at the ends and
brick masonry work at both ends. The design
of the clamp shall have prior approval of the
PAGE 240

Authority Engineer. Suitable anti-theft holes

to be provided in the pipe before laying as
per instruction of site Engineer.
Cable Jointing & Jointing Materials
Supply of 6 Quad cable IRS : TC-30/2005,
Amendment 5 or latest
Supply of Thermo-Shrink Cable Jointing Kit
(Reinforced) TSF-2 type generally
conforming to RDSO Specification
7 RDSO/SPN/TC/57/2006 with modified kit RDSO
contents suitable for jointing both 10/20/ 50
pair PIJF & 4/6 Quad cables along with sub-
kit for armour continuity.
Supply of Thermo-shrink jointing kit as per
RDSO specification suitable for LC Gates, RDSO Specification No. IRS
Emergency Post for TC 77/ 2006 with latest
8 emergency/derivation/joint with VF Amendment for Jointing kit RDSO
transformers on 6 Quad cable & PIJF Cable. & IRS TC 76/2000 for VF
This includes supply of all items including 2T transformer
VF transformers (1120: 470 ohms).
Supply of RCC cable markers as per drawing
No.CSTE/CN/OFC/1. The lettering on
9 the cable marker shall be "SIG" / "TELE" / Not Applicable Consignee
"OFC" as per the instructions of the Railway
representative at site.
Supply & installation of Maintenance free
Specification No.
10 earth as per Specification No. Consignee
RDSO/SPN/197/ 2008
RDSO/SPN/197/2008 or latest
Emergency Control Circuit
Supply of light weight control telephone with IRS TC 78/2000 with latest
11 Consignee
6 pin plug flat type to suit the EC socket amendment
Supply of 6 pin emergency socket box made
of FRP material as per RDSO Specification TC/44/2002/ver.2
12 Consignee
No. TC/ 44/2002/ ver.2 Amendment II or Amendment-II or Latest
Supply of 6 pin emergency socket, Flat type
IRS TC-42/87 (Amd 1) or
13 to suit light weight Portable control Consignee
Telephone 4 Wire.
Supply of MS PLATE OF 300 mm x 300 mm
14 Consignee
X 8 mm complete with nut bolts.
Supply of Krone DP 10/20 Pair in metal box
15 with locking arrangement & Krone module for Consignee
20 pair
Supply & installation of DP box 20 Pair in
Aluminium metal box with locking
arrangement and good quality terminal strip
and termination of quad cable / PIJF cable in
16 Consignee
DP duly mounted on good quality Teak wood
/ hylum board & GI / good quality PVC pipe
at the entry of DP box as decided by site in-
Supply & Fixing of wooden Telephones
stands for Magneto / Group / AUTO / BSNL
PAGE 241

Switchboard, Indoor Cable (Delton/Finolex)
17 5 Pair, 0.63mm diameter IRS TC -24/91 Consignee
18 10 Pair 0.63mm diameter IRS TC -24/91 Consignee
19 20 Pair 0.63mm diameter IRS TC -24/91 Consignee
20 Supply of Industrial Casing Capping 1x1 inch Consignee
Twin Flat 0.6 mm diameter Delton / Finolex /
21 Consignee
Leader make
22 Field cable Delton / Finolex / Leader make Consignee
Supply of Push button caller ID telephone
23 model Beetel marvel clip plus / blue clip / Consignee
orpat with rosset and pencil cell
Supply of Way station equipment with rack
mounting arrangement operated on 48 Volts
and provide connection to 4 way station
telephones by having a facility to give more
connection by using 3-way amplifiers. These
telephones shall work on 2-wire upto 2 kms.
RDSO Spec. No.
With calling facility, with gain setting for
24 RDSO/SPN/TC/66 /2007 RDSO
Trans and Receive channels along with
with Amendment-I or latest
separate setting for the DTMF Trains
Receive channel and with ringing pattern
arrangement confirming to RDSO
Specification No. RDSO/SPN/ TC/66/2007
with Amendment-I or latest if any.
(Compatible with existing system)
RDSO Spec. No.
Supply of 3-way amplifier confirming to
RDSO/SPN/TC/66 /2007
25 RDSO Spec. No. RDSO/SPN/TC/66/2007 RDSO
with Amendment-I or latest if
with Amendment-I or latest if any.
Supply of Push Button telephones with
26 rosette used for connecting the wayside RDSO
make Panasonic Kx TS500 or Similar.
Supply of AO-11 MC-1 card Interface of STM
27 for Tejas supports the third optical port for Not Applicable Consignee
Supply of 8 port FXS Gateway-SIP/H.323
Ver.4-audio codes G.711 (a-law/µ law)
G.729a, G.723.1 - 8 analog FXS ports
28 functioning on 0.5sq. mm JFTC upto Not Applicable Consignee
distance of 5 kms. functioning on -48VDC
(The input -48VDC shall be provided by
Supply of E1 to Ethernet converter with
router capabilities having 2 nos. synch. WAN
ports with DTE speeds of 2.048 Mbps to
29 Consignee
connect to fractional E1 (G703) operating on
48VDC (The input -48VDC shall be provided
by Railway).
PAGE 242

Supply of HDPE telecom duct 40mm

diameter solid permanently lubricated inner
diameter 33mm & wall thickness 3.5 mm as
per GR No. TEC/GR/TX/CDS-008/03/MAR-
11 with Amd. No. 1 Dt. 25/28.03.2013 with
008/03/MAR-11 with Amd.
30 latest amendment with end plugs, Couplers RITES
No. 1 Dt. 25/ 28.03.2013
cable sealing plug & duct collar, etc. To be
with latest amendment
supplied from TEC approved sources with all
accessories suitable for OFC cable of size
24-fiber armoured. HDPE 40/33 mm duct
supply in length of 1000m roll.
RDSO/SPN/TC/110/2020 or
31 24 Fibre OFC RDSO
Supply of 24 fiber straight joint closure (SJC)
complete with all accessories as per RDSO
Spec. No. RDSO/SPN/TC/68/2007, Rev.0 RDSO Spec. No. RDSO/
Amendment No.1.1 or latest amendments as SPN/TC/68/2007, Rev.0
32 per or TEC Spec. G/OJC/02/02 Sept 2003 or Amendment No.1.1 or latest Consignee
latest of Raychem make model FOSC 400 or TEC Spec. G/ OJC/02/02
B4 24F or TVS ICS make model 1500-L1 83- Sept 2003 or latest
XX or Birla VXL make model VT-200 or 3M
make model 2179 CD.
Supply of VF Isolation Transformer of various
types (1120:600, 1120:470 & 1120:1120,
33 TC-22/76 Consignee
470: 600) as per exact requirement of
Railway Engineer In-charge.
Supply of patch cords, 10m Long with
34 Consignee
E2000/ APC to LC/PC connectors.
TEC Spec. No. G/OFJ-01/03
Supply of patch cords, 10m Long end with
35 Jan-99 with latest Consignee
FC/PC TO LC/PC connectors.
Supply of Krone connector 100 pair-with GD
36 tubes and fuses fitted with box with Plastic Consignee
Supply of cable termination Panel as per
Drawing no. SK/CSTE(C)/97/26, fitted with
Drawing No. SK/CSTE (C)/
37 12 Nos. of 32 way U link feed Panel along Consignee
with U links complete and mounting
arrangement for isolation transformers.
Supply of Fiber distribution management
system (As per RDSO/Spec IRS-TC-37/2000
Ver-3 or latest) Birla 3M / TVS R&M make
GR/FDM-01/01 Dec-99 or
38 rack mounting type suitable for 48 fibers with Consignee
48 pig tails, FC/PC connectors splicing tray
etc. Confirming to TEC Spec No GR/FDM-
01/ 01 Dec-99 or latest

TEC specification No. G/

39 Supply & Installation of Electronic markers Consignee
TIE/07/01 June 98 or latest

Supply of SDH (STM-1 upgradable to STM-

4) Add / Drop Mux fully wired for 2 x 63/64
40 Not Applicable RDSO
MB equipped for 21 E1 and a VC12
granularity Cross Connect of 147 x 147
PAGE 243

capability with STM-1 aggregate interface,

power source upto 50 Km range including
OLTE and Power supply, order wire, sub
racks, 8-port Ethernet, in built DDF,
installation material and other required
accessories, manuals etc. as per DOT
generic spec. GR/ SDH-04/-04 of March
2002 with latest amendments. Compatible to
existing STM & MUX.
Note: (a) The tenderer shall give technical
write up along with their offer wherein with
the help of sketch it shall be clearly brought
out how the requirements are complied with
and shall achieve the same.
Note: (b) The above equipments should be
fully wired for 2x63/64 E1 including DDF &
mother board,
Supply of 2 MB programmable primary digital
Drop / Insert multiplexers with conference
facility fully wired and equipped for 30
channels complete with all accessories and
power supply etc. as per IRS - TC- 68-04 or
latest. The MUX shall be equipped with 2
41 Not Applicable RDSO
wire / 4 wire E&M omnibus cards 05 Nos., 64
Kbps omnibus / co-directional data 01 No.,
subscriber's, exchange and hot line cards
one number each, combination of cards with
each mux to be decided by the site engineer.
Compatible to existing STM & MUX.
Supply of Interface cards compatible with
existing MUX i.e. webfil make. 2W/4W E&M
VF interface card (min 4 circuits as per card)
Exchange loop interface card (min 4 circuits
per card) Subscriber/Hotline interface card
(min. 4 circuits per card)
Network Management System
Supply of Remote Service Terminal
(Portable) fully compatible with NMS. Service
Terminal shall be for any location of Net
Work. It should also be possible to read fault
status of STM, MUX cross-connect in the
43 Consignee
network from the service terminal / Node
Manager. In case the same address is being
accessed by the central NMS & remote
service terminal simultaneously, the access
will be denied to the remote service terminal.
In addition to Remote service terminal
microprocessor computing device with
branded in one assembly like HP/DELL/HCL
44 includes tower cabinet consisting of HDD 1 Not Applicable Consignee
TB, core i5 or i7 5th or 7th Generation
Central Processing Unit, minimum 8 GB
Random Access Memory, 19" LED display,
PAGE 244

DVD writer, mono Laser jet hard copier, M/M

Keyboard, Optical mouse & Modem card.
1KVA UPS, 2600W 5-Channel stereo
amplifier with speaker, 16 GB Pen drive,
Computer table with chair, dust cover, mouse
pad, 200 CD storage box/file type.
Supply of composite rack covered with front
transparent doors to house 2 SDH, 2 Opti
MUXs / OLTEs and Two PDMux along with
PDP, DDF, cooling Fans, MDF for 100 pairs
with anti-surge protection through fast acting
45 fuses & GD tubes (Z protection) & one ringer
Not Applicable Consignee
Note: The SDH Opti Mux, PD Mux, Cross-
connect shall be mounted in a composite
rack. X, Y, Z protection for system
equipments at each location shall be
provided by the tenderer to protect the
Power Supply Equipment
Supply of 2 volt, 200AH sealed Maintenance
free Valve Regulated sealed Lead Acid (MF-
VRLA) battery as per RDSO Spec. No. IRS:
46 93.96 or latest. (A) Conforming to voltage RDSO
48V, 200 AH at 10 hours rate fully charged,
complete with accessories and two copies of
manuals of instructions with each set.
Supply of SMPS based battery chargers as
per RDSO Spec. No. RDSO/SPN/TL/23/99
(Ver. 3) With latest amendment-for telecom
47 Not Applicable RDSO
use, 48V DC, 25 AMPS in n+1 configuration
i.e. using three modules of 25 Amps with
automatic switching between the modules.
Supply of ultra isolation transformers
230VAC /230VAC 1.5KVA with MOVR
protection on either side to provide "X"
48 Not Applicable RDSO
protection and supply of crow bar surge
protection circuit for 48V DC side to provide
"Y" Protection.
Wiring Material for Power Supply
Supply of paramite wire 51 strands, each
49 strand size of 0.75mm diameter in red & blue Consignee
Supply of Electronic group phone set 12-way
omnibus 2 Wire DTMF desk type RDSO
Spec. No. 80/2000 (11 numbers) with power
RDSO Sp. No 80/2000
50 supply unit wall mounted.12V (11 numbers) Consignee/ RDSO/RITES
Amendment No. 1
and battery backup 12V/7Ah maintenance
free (built in PSU pack) as per spec. RDSO
TC 72/97.
Supply of Electronic Magneto telephone, IRS TC 79 / 2000
51 Epsilon / Aces / Tummala make Desk type Amendment No. 2 Consignee/ RDSO/RITES
as per spec.
PAGE 245

Supply of Panel operator / Relay room / OFC

52 room Record Table special quality, with Consignee/ RDSO/RITES
sunmica top model No. T102 Godrej make
Supply of chair H1110 x W510 x D650 mm
medium back mechanism center tilt seat and
53 back leatherette upholstery with high density Consignee
foam base chrome plated steel base, Model
No. Nyla MB, Methodex make.
Supply of executive chair H 1280 x W 510 x
D 650 mm high back mechanism center tilt
seat and back leatherette upholstery with
54 Consignee
high-density foam base chrome plated steel
base, Model No. VOGUE- HB, Methodex
Supply of screwdriver bit set comprising 36
or more bits including magnetic hold handle
55 Consignee
with hard carrying case. MAKE BOSCH/
Taparia make or similar.
Supply of maintenance tools kit (For 6 Quad
56 cable) one set as per Annexure Tool kit 6
Supply of standard 19" Rack mountable
LER, IP- MPLS Router with redundant -
48VDC power supply, 2 x 10G SFP+ ports
along with 2 no‟s of 10G SFP+ Modules, 4 x
1Gbe optical interface with 4 Nos. of 1Gbe
57 SFP (10KMs) Modules and 4 x 1Gbe Copper Consignee
WAN based interfaces, with minimum 1 x
additional slot to add any one of the following
interfaces: 8 x E1, 16 x E1, 32 x E1 & 2 x
STM1 (Channelized). Mounting kit with all
necessary accessories & Software/Licenses.
Supply of LSR Type 1, IP- MPLS Router with
redundant -48V DC power supply, redundant
controller card, 8 x 10G SFP+ ports along
with 8 Nos. of 10G SFP+ modules, 2 Nos. of
adopter modules with 4x1G optical SFP ports
58 and 4 x 1G copper ports along with SFPs for Consignee
Optical and copper ports & 2 x STM-1
(Channelized) along with 2 Nos. of SFP
(S.1.1) modules compatible with existing
STM-1. Mounting kit with all necessary
accessories & Software/Licenses.
Supply of Layer 3, 24 Port Managed Switch
with 24 Nos of 10/100/1000 Ethernet Ports
SFP + Support with redundant 48 volt DC
59 Power Supply ,Dedicated stacking module 4 Consignee
x 1 GE SFP Ports form uplink including 4
Nos of 1 GE SFP Modules, mounting kit with
all necessary accessories.
Supply of 12 Fiber 12 SC Type FDMS
60 Consignee
loaded with SC '0' DB & Adaptor SC SM
PAGE 246

Pigtail 1.5 meters all accessories required for

installation (TVS, Veekay, R&M or
Supply & installation of 19 inch 42U 600mm
depth Telecom Rack with standard
accessories (Closed type telecom rack) with
front door glass type, all doors should be
removable type two exhaust fans, one
horizontal tray, one AC multiple (4 Nos of 5A
sockets) earthing strip (copper)-1 with
fasteners-2 pac, rack mountable DCDB
panel with one common copper strip and 4
61 Consignee
MCB 6A+2MCB 26A. All fittings for housing
Router and other equipment including supply
& laying of Power cable, ladder &
connectivity to Earthing, connectivity to MDF
using Krone module with integrated
protection module of 100 pairs and supply of
other accessories. The rack is of
EURO/President/ HCL/ Netrack as per the
Supply Installation Testing & Commissioning
of PC WorkStation for Viewing, Monitoring &
System Management including 24 inch 4K
UHD LED Monitors with all accessories, all
required Licensed software, Spike Buster,
500 VA UPS with backup for 30 Min Back up.
RDSO Spec. No RDSO/SPN/TC/65/2021,
Rev 6.0 or latest. Inspection RDSO.
Supply of DTMF Gateway 4 port as per
63 Clause 12 of RDSO Specification RDSO
RDSO/SPN /TC/99/2012 Rev 2 or latest
Supply of Control IP Telephones without
hands free and goose neck operation for way
64 side station as per Clause 11 of RDSO RDSO
Specification RDSO/SPN/TC/99/2012 Rev 2
or latest
Supply of Gateway for Emergency
Communication at HQ/Way station as per
Clause 13 of RDSO Specification
RDSO/SPN /TC/99/2012 Rev 2 or latest
Supply of 0dB gain adjustable GP antenna
66 for VHF set Model No. GM300/GM338/ Consignee
GM950, etc.
Supply of VHF set model set Model No.
67 Consignee
GM300/GM338/GM950 etc.

Additional Special Conditions

4.0 Deployment of Engineers & Staff

The Contractor shall provide and keep on the works, during the execution of the works, efficient
& competent Engineers to ensure that the work is executed strictly as per provisions of the
PAGE 247

contract. It shall be the obligation on the part of the Contractor to provide the following minimum
engineering staff at site:

Minimum Nos. to
Sl. No. Position/Qualification/Experience
be deployed
Site Engineer (Telecom) - Degree holder with minimum experience of 3
1 2
years/Diploma Holders with minimum experience of 5 years in the field

4.1 The Contractor has to deploy the Site Engineer (Telecom) within one month of issue of
the letter of acceptance. The Site Engineers shall be deployed by the contractor as per the
deployment program/method statement approved by the Authority‟s Engineer. In case, the
Contractor fails to deploy sufficient Engineers as described above, the Engineer shall be entitled
to recover the following amount from the dues of the contractor:

1 Non-deployment of Site Engineer Rs. 80,000/- per month or part thereof

The decision of the Authority‟s Engineer as to the period for which the required technical staff
was not employed by the contractor and as to reasonableness of the amount to be deducted on
this account shall be final and binding on the contractor.

4.2 The details of skilled manpower/workers trade wise i.e., skilled, semiskilled workers,
labour, arrangement of boarding/lodging along with the details of permanent staff shall be
submitted by the Contractor within 15 days after the award of work to him. This shall be
submitted along with the program of works.

Guidelines of requirement for S&T works:

Authority‟s Requirement of Works

The Authority‟s Requirement of Works shall be prepared by Zonal Railways, as each project has
its own scope of works, specific functional requirement, specific site conditions, specific technical
requirements, etc. However, broad guidelines mentioned below, but not limited to, will facilitate
Zonal Railways in formulating the Authority's Requirement of Works.

The Authority‟s Requirement of Works should cover in details following requirements:

(a) A section should cover Objective of Project, A System Overview & Scope of Works.

(b) A section should cover Project Program requirements which stipulates requirements of
various works programs such as Overall Works Program, Design Submission Program,
Procurement Program, Installation Program, Testing & Commissioning Program and Training
Program. This should also include a mechanism of monitoring progress through Progress
Reports & Progress Review Meetings.

(c) A section should cover Design Requirements which stipulates various design criteria &
design specification to be followed by Contractor while preparing design under the project. It
PAGE 248

should also cover a list of design & documents prepared by the Contractor. It should also
stipulate various stages of design & procedures to be followed for review & approval of design.

(d) A section should cover interface requirements for System Design, Installation and Testing &

(e) A section should cover technical requirements, which stipulates various standards &
specifications of cables, equipment, material, items & accessories to be followed in the project.

(f) A section should cover system requirements, which stipulates requirements related to overall
system architecture.

(g) A section should cover requirements, which stipulates various standards, guidelines,
procedures, methods to be followed during supply, storage & laying, construction & installation of
cables, equipment, material, items & accessories in the project.

(h) A section should cover testing requirements. This should cover various stages of testing such
as factory, supply, storage, installation, system acceptance, etc. This should cover the agency
responsible for such testing and procedure to follow during such testing.

(i) A section should cover requirements related to RAMS. This should also include requirements
of redundancy and spare capacity in the system.

(j) A section should cover requirements related to Training for Authority‟s Personnel.

(k) A section should cover requirements related with Spares to supply to Authority‟s Personnel.

(l) A section should cover requirements related to Operation & Maintenance Documents. These
documents include Operation Manual, Technical Manuals, Maintenance Manuals, and As Built
Drawings etc.

(m) A section should cover requirements related to the Defect Liability Period.

5.0 Electrification of existing Railway line

No Rail Electrification work is sanctioned for the section , hence not in

scope of this tender.
5.1 Overhead Equipment (OHE)

The scope of work will broadly include design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of
25kV, 50 Hz, AC Overhead equipment including Foundations, Structures and all ancillary
equipment etc. as per following details along with PTFE neutral section at SPs, Height
Gauges at level crossing gate, Protective screens on over line structure, Structure
arrangement on bridge piers, feeder wire, all types of caution, warning, instruction and
protection boards at required locations, anti-theft charging arrangement, Traction Station
Working Rule along with sectioning diagram at required locations (TPC, Traffic control, OHE
Depot, AEE office etc.), Safety items (i.e. key box, First aid box, shock treatment chart, Collar
ring, men at work board etc.) at required locations, construction of contractor„s depot &
PAGE 249

sidings and all necessary documentation for EIG sanction and CRS Inspection, breakdown
attention till CRS inspection etc.

5.1.1 Regulated conventional type OHE with normal contact wire height 5.80 Metre

S.N. From Station to Station km to km Total Track km Remarks

1. - - -

5.1.2 Regulated high rise type OHE with normal contact wire height 7.57 Metre

S.N. From Station to Station km to km Total Track km Remarks


5.1.3 Regulated Tramway type OHE with normal contact wire height 5.80 metre

S.N. From Station to Station km to km Total Track km Remarks


5.1.4 Regulated tramway type high rise OHE with normal contact wire height 7.57 metre.

S.N. From Station to Station km to km Total Track km Remarks


5.1.5 Unregulated conventional type OHE with normal contact wire height 5.80 metre.

S.N. From Station to Station km to km Total Track km Remarks


5.1.6 Unregulated type OHE high rise with normal contact wire height 7.57 metre.

S.N. From Station to Station km to km Total Track km Remarks


5.2 25 KV Sectioning post (SP) and sub-sectioning post (SSP) (Switching Post)

5.3 25 KV Booster Transformer and return conductor arrangement

[Specify scope of booster transformer stations]

PAGE 250

S.N. From Station to km to km Length of Remarks

Station RC (Metres)


5.4 25 KV Auxiliary transformer stations

[Specify scope of auxiliary transformer stations]

S.N. Location Capacity Quantity Remarks

1. - - -

2. - - -

5.5 Traction substations (TSS)

S.N. Location of Input Number of Capacity of each Remarks

TSS Voltage Transformers Transformer


5.6 High voltage transmission line from grid sub-station to railway TSS

3.6.1 Overhead transmission line

S.N. Location km to Total length in Nominal Single Circuit/ 3-Phase/ 2- Remarks

km km Voltage level Double Circuit Phase


5.7 Monopole overhead transmission line

S.N. Location km Total length Nominal Single Circuit/ 3-Phase/ 2- Remarks

to km in km Voltage level Double Circuit Phase


5.8 Underground high tension cable transmission

PAGE 251

S.N. Location km to km Total length Nominal Single 3-Phase/ 2- Remarks

in km Voltage Circuit/ Phase
level Double


5.9 Bay augmentation work at grid sub-station

[Specify scope of work]

S.N. Location Nominal Number of Remarks

Voltage level bays


6.0 Supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA).

S.N. Item Quantity Remarks

Remote Control Centre

1. with SCADA Hardware NIL
and software

2. Modification of existing NIL

SCADA System

SCADA Equipment at
Traction Substation

SCADA Equipment at
4 Switching Posts NIL

The RTUs shall be provided compatible to the already existing system in the neighbour section
and RCC at TPC/SBC of the concerned section. OFC Communication with dedicated E1-
Channel shall be provided for controlling and status indication of equipment and parameters of
SSP at remote control centre at SBC.

7.0 Various Electrical General Services Works:

Electrical Arrangement as laid down below shall form the scope of this tender.

i) Power Supply Arrangement , Electrification & Lighting Arrangement for Station

Buildings , PF/FOB, Staff Quarters , ROB/RUB’s, Service Buildings, Circulating Area ,
Approach Roads , Goomties etc associated with all civil engineering works.
PAGE 252

ii) Modification/Shifting of EHT/HT/LT Power Lines & Other Electrical Utilities associated
with all civil engineering works

The scope of Electrical (General) items provided in the schedule are indicative based on initial
survey and this does not restrict standard provision of Electrical (General) equipment to
commensurate with scope of Civil Engineering portion. All Electrical Arrangements required to
ensure standard provision/parameters as per latest Railway Board/RDSO/SWR guidelines shall
be included in this scope.

In absence of any of the above guidelines, the issue shall be referred to Authority Electrical
Engineer and shall follow the instruction which shall be binding on the contractor.

Scope of Works

7.1.1 Electrification of 3 Station Buildings described in Para 1.9.1 (Railway Station) of

Annex-I of this Schedule-B

Electrical work at Station Building (All the related Electrical installation drawings to be submitted
to the Railway for approval, For No. of Sockets/Power Points required in any service building a
proposal shall be submitted to get approval of authority engineer and shall follow the instruction
which shall be binding on the contractor).

(a) Provision of the Light point, Fan point, Bell point, Exhaust Fan, Tube light point &
emergency light point in station buildings as per Annexure VI of Specifications & Standards for
Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(b) Provision of 6/10 Amp plugs socket (minimum 04 Nos in each room) & computer point at
booking window with 4 Nos. 6/10 Amp plugs socket as per Specifications & Standards for
Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(c) Provision of 16/20 Amp socket as per Specifications & Standards for Construction
(Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(d) Supply & fixing of LED lights 20W (minimum) as per Specifications & Standards for
Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(e) Provision of BLDC fan 1200 mm with remote and regulator electronic step type as per
Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services

(f) Exhaust fan 300 mm for toilets as per Specifications & Standards for Construction
(Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(g) Provision of Distribution board having suitable MCB‟s as per requirement complying to
Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services

(h) Selector switch for selecting phase as per Specifications & Standards for Construction
(Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)
PAGE 253

(i) GI pipe earthing with connection with 8 SWG GI wire as per Specifications & Standards
for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(j) Illumination Level under covered shed should be as per Railway board letter No. 2004/
Elect./(a)/109/1 Dt. 17.05.2007 & Dt 14.02.2019

(k) Number of fans to be provided should be as per Railway Board letter No. 2012/LM(PA)/3
/5 Dt. 11.09.2012 & 09.04.2018

(l) Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of Split AC 1.5 Ton with 20 Amp plug socket and
complete connection as per requirement.
(m) Supply, Erection, testing and commissioning of water cooler stainless steel of 02 Nos on
each platform with all necessary flexible pipes, accessories pertaining to installation, connecting
of water lines as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For
General Electrical Services work).

(n) Provision of power supply cable from feeder pillar/8-way SPN Distribution Board for
operation of water cooler.

(o) Fabrication, assembling and supply of outdoor type meter box of suitable size 16SWG
CRCA sheet to accommodate 3 phase energy meter (As per ESCOM Standards) with suitable
Copper bus bar and CT with suitable capacity and MCCB‟s and MCB‟s. As per station
requirement . Meter box should be erected on a suitable size of MS frame (Contractor shall
obtain Energy meter from ESCOM).

i) Provision of 3 Source (AT/Regular/DG Power Supply) Change over switch at SM Room .

ii) Rubber mat of suitable kV to be provided in front of the main distribution panel.
iii) Electrical Safety Gadgets & Displays , Fire Extinguishers shall be provided .

(p) Provision of 10KVA ONLINE UPS with 30 minutes battery backup along with batteries,
interlinks and all necessary accessories and battery stand as per detailed specification

7.1.2. Electrification of Platforms & PF Shelters in each station described in Para 1.9.1
(Railway Station) of Annex-I of this Schedule-B.

Electrical work at Railway stations‟ platforms (All the related Electrical installation drawings to be
submitted to Railway for approval)

7.1.3. Platform Light (Covered shed)

(a) 8 ways SPN DB as per Annexure I to be provided for controlling of light & fan as per
Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services
PAGE 254

(b) Covered Shed should be provided with lights & fans as Specifications & Standards for
Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(c) Supply & fixing of LED lights 20W (minimum) with suitable clamping arrangements as per
Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services

(d) Illumination Level under covered shed should be as per Railway board letter No. 2004/
Elect./(a)/109/1 Dt. 17.05.2007 & Dt 14.02.2019

(e) Nos. of fans to be provided should be as per Railway Board letter No. 2012/LM (PA)/3/5
Dt. 11.09.2012 & 09.04.2018

(f) 2 Nos. separate GI Earthing to be provided with earth connection by 8 SWG GI wire for
each platform covered shed as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical
Portion) (For General Electrical Services work).
(g) Supply & fixing PVC cable duct (or better) of suitable size with standard slot of approved
colour with MS flat , MS clamp and GI nut bolt & providing by 5 wire (copper) of 6 sqmm
throughout length as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For
General Electrical Services work) for covered shed wiring.

(h) Shed wiring with 1.5 copper wire single core multi-strand with same size neutral to
be done as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General
Electrical Services work)

(i) GI pipe earthing with connection with 8 SWG GI wire as per Specifications & Standards
for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(j) All fitting shall be provided with suitable earthing connection.

7.1.4. Platform Light (Uncovered shed)

(a) Provision of Octagonal Pole 5.5 Mtrs long single Arm (Double Arm for Island Platforms)
with inbuilt junction box with 6Amps MCB & Junction plate. Foundation of pole should be
prepared as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General
Electrical Services work)

(b) Each 5th pole to be provided with Earth and all other pole should be connected with 8
SWG GI wire as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General
Electrical Services work)

(a) Provision of Street LED lighting as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (For
General Electrical Services work)

(b) HDPE pipe of 50 mm diameter (PE 80, PN 8) to be provided for cable laying at platform
as per Para 9, General Instructions for Electrical Works of Specifications & Standards for
Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)
PAGE 255

(c) Illumination level of platform lighting as per letter no. 2004/Elect./(a)/109/1 Dt. 17.05.2007
& Dt 14.02.2019 of Railway Board.

(d) GI pipe earthing with connection with 8 SWG GI wire as per Specifications & Standards
for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

7.1.5. Electrification of FOBs described in Paras 1.9.1 (Railway Station) and 1.10
(Pedestrian Bridges) of Annex-I of this Schedule-B

Electrical Work for Foot Over Bridges (All the related Electrical installation drawings to be
submitted to the Railway for approval).

(a) 8 ways SPN DB to be provided for controlling of light as per Specifications & Standards
for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(b) Covered FOBs should be provided with lights as per Specifications & Standards for
Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)
(c) Supply & fixing of LED lights 20W (minimum) with suitable clamping arrangements as per
Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services

(d) Illumination Level under covered shed should be as per Railway board letter No. 2004/
Elect./(a)/109/1 Dt. 17.05.2007 & Dt 14.02.2019.

(e) 2 Nos. separate GI Earthing to be provided with earth connection by 8 SWG GI wire for
each platform covered shed as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical
Portion) (For General Electrical Services work).

(f) Supply & fixing PVC cable duct (or better) of suitable size with standard slot of approved
colour with MS flat , MS clamp and GI nut bolt & providing by 5 wire (copper) of 6 sqmm
throughout length as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For
General Electrical Services work) for covered shed wiring.

(g) Shed wiring with 1.5 copper wire single core multi-strand with same size neutral to
be done as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General
Electrical Services work)

7.1.6. Electrification & Power Supply arrangements of Staff Quarters as described in Para
1.9.3 (Staff Quarters) of Annex-I of this Schedule-B.

(a) Electrification with suitable size copper wire in concealed pipe as per

(b) Scale of fittings shall be as per Plinth Area Norms for Residential Accommodation to be
constructed for Indian Railway Employees vide Railway Board latest letters.
PAGE 256

(c) Each quarter to be provided with one GI pipe earthing with connection with 8 SWG
GIWire as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General
Electrical Services work.

(d) Single Phase energy meter & meter box to be provided in each quarter as per
Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services
work.Service connection to staff quarters to be processed with Direct Metering from ESCOMS

(e) LED tube 20W (minimum) to be provided as per Specifications & Standards
forConstruction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work.

(f) Suitable SPN DB to be provided for controlling supply for lights fans, exhaust fans etc as
per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (ForGeneral Electrical
Services work to be provided in each quarter.

(g) RCCB of 25 Amp double pole 30mA to be provided in each qtrs. as per Specifications &
Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work.

(h) Fabrication, assembling and supply of outdoor type meter box of suitable size 16SWG
CRCA sheet to accommodate 3 phase energy meter (As per ESCOM Standards) with suitable
Copper bus bar and CT with suitable capacity and MCCB‟s and MCB‟s. As per station
requirement . Meter box should be erected on a suitable size of MS frame (Contractor shall
obtain Energy meter from ESCOM).

(i) Provision of pump for GLR and overhead tank shall be made as per site requirement with
suitable water level controllers with separate energy metering provision.

(j) Separate energy meters for common area and street lights shall be provisioned.

7.1.7. Electrification of Circulating Area/Approach Road lighting, as described in Para

1.11 (Service Roads/Internal Roads/Approach Roads, Circulating Area & Footpath) of
Annex-I of this Schedule-B.

Electrical Work for Roads & Foot path (All the related Electrical installation drawings to be
submitted to Railway for approval)

(a) Provision of GI Tubular Pole 9 Mtr long (Minimum) or better single/double arm with
inbuilt junction box with 6 Amp MCB & Junction plate. Foundation of pole should be as per
Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services
work). Street light poles to be provided at every 25 meters distance.

(b) Provision of Street LED lighting as per Specifications & Standards for Construction
(Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work.

(c) All cable connections should be made with proper glands & lugs as per Specifications &
Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)
PAGE 257

(d) Cable laying 4Cx16 Pole to pole with one ring loop on both sides.

(e) Provision of power supply cable for electrification of circulating area.

(f) Illumination level for circulating area to be maintained as per letter No. 2004/Elect/G/109/
1 Dt. 17.05.07 & Dt 14.02.2019. Railway Board.

(g) Each 5th pole to be provided with Earth and all other pole should be connected with 8
SWG GI wire as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General
Electrical Services work).

(h) Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of control panel housing with suitable
controller for automatic ON & OFF of the lights with all night/part night circuits.

(i) The illumination of the circulating areas of the stations shall be properly illuminated using
high mast tower and LED based flood lights complementing building architecture
(j) Suitable fencing to be provided with locking arrangement to be provided for high mast.

7.1.8 Power Supply arrangements/Enhancement of LT3 phase 440V power supply by

laying 11KV HT line from the nearest EB Supply and installing Distribution Transformer of
adequate capacity as per ESCOM Standards described in Para 1.9.1 (Railway Station) of
Annex-I of this Schedule-B

Power Supply arrangements of station building (All the related Electrical installation drawings to
be submitted to Railway for approval)

(a) Power supply shall be arranged from reliable source for dedicated use at railway station
through adequate capacity transformer with accessories including DTC board.

(b) Transformer shall be suitably guarded with fencing provision and ballast floor as per

(c) Provision of HT/LT Cable laying in trench & HDPE pipe as per Specifications & Standards
for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(d) All cable connections should be made with proper glands and lugs as per Specifications &
Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(e) Supply, installation, fixing, testing & commissioning of suitable LT panel as per ESCOM
standards with all accessories.

7.1.9 Electrification Power supply arrangements & Lighting of ROB/RUBs

PAGE 258

(a) Laying of LT overhead conductor/underground LT Cable from nearest tapping point of EB

for giving 3 phase 415 V AC supply to ROBs.

(b) Provision of HT/LT Cable laying in trench & HDPE pipe as per Specifications & Standards
for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(c) All cable connections should be made with proper glands & lugs as per Specifications &
Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work)

(d) Provision of EB metering.

(e) Concealed Cable laying 4Cx16 Pole to pole with one ring loop on both side.

(f) Provision of Octagonal Pole 9 Mtrs (minimum) long single/double arm as per standards of
NHAI within built junction box with 6 Amp MCB & Junction plate. Foundation of pole should be
prepared as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General
Electrical Services work)

(g) Provision of Street LED lighting as per Specifications & Standards for Construction
(Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work.

(h) All cable connections should be made with proper glands & lugs as per Specifications &
Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General Electrical Services work.

(i) Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of control panel housing with suitable timer
contactor circuit for automatic ON & OFF of the lights at a pre-set time.

7.1.10 Modification/Shifting of Railway & Non-Railway Electrical Utilities.

(a) Shifting of Railway/ Non Railway Electric poles which are infringing on Civil Engineering
Construction works.

(b) Relocation of LT/HT, Cable/Overhead line which are infringing on Civil Engineering
Construction works.

(c) Relocation of Transformers which are infringing on Civil Engineering Construction works.

7.1.11 The Contractor shall also provide one Graduate Engineer at Authority Engineer‟s
office to coordinate & obtain approvals on various designs, drawings, and material specifications
and also to prepare various periodical reports for submission to Authority.

7.1.12 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 35 KWp (Or as per contract
demand) Integrated Solar Roof Top PV system for each station .

(a) Solar panel shall be integrated to Rooftop PV Panel, which shall act like a solar panel as
well as roof with the following items.
PAGE 259

(b) PV module shall be similar to VIL-375/380 Wp of ATUM VISAKA Make or Similar,

Quantity 80 Nos.

(c) Provision of Solar grid tie inverter of Growatt/Goodwe/Kstar/Power one or Similar make 1
No. 33 KW.

(d) Provision of ACDB, AJB, Solar Modules Mounting Hardware and accessories, Cables
(AC & DC), Cable tray.

(e) Provision of complete plant earthing and lightning protection arrangements.

(f) Provision of Hardware, Lugs, Cable ties, Numbering and other C class items

(g) Provision of net metering with Bi directional meter

7.1.13 Provision of 2 No‟s self-contained drinking water cooler (non CFC refrigerant) with energy
efficient compressor; cooling capacity 150 litre/ hour, 150 litre storage capacity in each station
platform as per Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) (For General
Electrical Services work.

7.1.14 Provision of 1 nos. online 2 kVA UPS with 30-minute backup with isolation transformer, 3-
phase AC input, 1-phase output, floor mounted type complete in all respects 1 No in each station
for UTS.

7.1.15 Provision of 2 No. 1.5 Ton, split Air Conditioning unit inverter type (minimum 5 star
rated) complete in all respects with rotary compressor at various locations for RRI/EI building.

7.1.16 Provision of battery charging and precooling facilities at each platform & Yard sidings
lighting arrangement is under scope of contractor.

7.1.17 Provision of temporary arrangement of Lights and fans for non interlocking periods with
DG including emergency power supply for station building for Pre NI/NI Works

7.1.18 Provision of Submersible Pump (5 HP Minimum) as well as mono submersible open

well pump (1 HP Minimum) with flat cables of suitable size and all other accessories shall be
provided at Stations and Staff Quarters as per requirement. Pumps shall be provided with Soft
Starter with backup star delta/DOL starter panel having single phasing protection , dry run
protection , overload ,phase sequence and non reversible protection relays.

7.1.19 Provision of Station Name board (8ft x 28 ft approx) with LED Signage in three
languages with suitable MS structural support and foundations for each station as per approved

7.1.20 Supply of Material

(1) The Inspecting authority for the work shall be RITES/Railway„s representative.

(2) Inspection of Material

PAGE 260

(a) All materials to be used for installation shall be subject to inspection by RDSO / RITES /
Railway„s representative at the manufacturer„s premises. For this purpose the Contractor shall
give sufficient notice of time to RDSO / RITES / Railway„s representative when the material is
ready for testing / inspection. All facilities as may be necessary shall be provided for carrying out
the tests.

(b) Whether a product has or has not been accepted at the point of manufacture, if, upon
arrival at destination, it does not meet the requirements of the specification, it may be rejected
and the Contractor shall undertake disposal of the rejected products and shall bear all charges.

(c) The Contractor shall make such tests as may be necessary to demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the Railway that the apparatus and the system as installed are in accordance with
the requirements of the specifications and contract. The Contractor shall provide such
instruments and apparatus as may be necessary for making the tests.

(d) Inspection Charges: The inspection charges for the inspection service shall be borne by
the Contractor.

7.1.21 Watch and ward

Watch & ward and security of the assets (Traction & General Services) constructed shall be
responsibility of the Contractor till the time of taking over of the assets by Railways. The
Contractor shall deploy adequate resources for this purpose at the various assets „sites.

7.1.22 Released Material

(a) A joint survey of materials, to be released from site after commissioning of relevant
assets, is to be done jointly by representatives of the Contractor, Authority„s Engineer & Railways
Open Line organization/Utility Owner.

(b) The released material shall be transported by the Contractor to stores of SSE(G) for
further disposal by Railways/Utility Owner. The Site shall be handed over to the Railway in neat
and clean condition with all the systems being fully functional.

7.2 Modification of EHT power lines & crossings (raising of height)

Scope of Work: Modification of EHT power line crossings mentioned vide Clause No. 4.12 & 4.13
of Annex-I of Schedule-A wherever not meeting IRSOD clearances while carrying out works.
Works to be carried out as per Appendix-IV of ACTM (AC Traction Manual) Regulations for
Power Line Crossings of Railway Tracks (issued by Railway Board in 1987) with latest correction

S.No Item Nominal Single No of Designated Quantity Remarks

Voltage Circuit/Dou Phases Current
Level ble Circuit Carrying
1 Track Crossing 220 KV Single 3 600A 1 -
PAGE 261

Circuit DRAKE

The Tenderer should make himself conversant with the latest/amended specification of KPTCL if
any before offering their prices.The tenderer should carry out detailed survey and check survey
and obtain approval from KPTCL before start of the work.

i) The design & accessories required shall be strictly as per Approved Check Survey by
KPTCL. Contractor has to execute the work of modification strictly as per the detailed
survey/check survey design approved by KPTCL The tower design should be KPTCL approved.

7.3 Modification of HT power lines & crossings (replacement of UG cabling)

Scope of Work: Modification of HT power line crossings mentioned vide Clause No. 4.12 & 4.13
of Annex-I of Schedule-A wherever not meeting IRSOD clearances while carrying out works.
Works to be carried out as per Appendix-IV of ACTM (AC Traction Manual) Regulations for
Power line Crossings of Railway Tracks (issued by Railway Board in 1987) with latest correction

All power line crossings up to and 33kv line crossing the proposed track shall necessarily be
modified through UG Cables

Any type of compensation required to be paid towards right of way in course of execution of
these power line crossings and supervision charges required to be paid towards supervision
charges to EB authorities shall be part of scope of this work.

Sl. Item Nominal Single Circuit/ No. of Designated Quantity Remarks

No. Voltage Double Circuit Phases current carrying
level capacity
1 Track 33 KV Double Circuit 6 400 Sqmm 1
Crossing HTUG Cable
1 Track 11 KV Single Circuit 3 240 Sqmm 26
Crossing HTUG Cable

● All the parallel HT/LT lines(Approx 5 HT & 5 LT Locations) and Transformers (Approx 5
Locations ) falling within the vicinity of 8 meters from the centre line of track shall be shifted to
minimize the induction levels within limits as per RITES OHE manual.
● All modifications up to 33KV shall be executed through UG cable only.

7.4 Modification of LT power lines & crossings (replacement by UG cabling)

Scope of Work: Modification of LT power line crossings mentioned vide Clause No. 4.12 & 4.13
of Annex-I of Schedule-A wherever not meeting IRSOD clearances while carrying out works.
Works to be carried out as per Appendix-IV of ACTM (AC Traction Manual) Regulations for
Power line Crossings of Railway Tracks (issued by Railway Board in 1987) with latest correction

Any type of compensation required to be paid towards right of way in course of execution of
these power line crossings and supervision charges required to be paid towards supervision
PAGE 262

charges to EB authorities shall be part of scope of this work. Only the power supply demand
charges required will be paid by railways

Sl. Item Nominal Single Circuit/ No. of Designated Quantity Remarks

No. Voltage Double Circuit Phases current carrying
level capacity
1 Track 440V Single Circuit 3 120 Sqmm LTUG 8
Crossing Cable

The number of EHT/HT/LT crossings/ parallel lines or Transformers indicated in the above tables
is at the time of Final location survey. For Ascertaining exact number of lines required to be
modified shall be assessed through a field survey by the tenderer before submission of offer.
This does not restrict the scope of tender and all the lines required to be modified either through
UG/OH lines required for commissioning of the project shall be part of scope of this tender and
necessarily to be carried out by the tenderer.

Any type of compensation required to be paid towards right of way in the course of execution of
EHT/HT/LT Power line crossings and shifting including supervision charges ,inspection and all
other incidental charges required to be paid to EB authorities/Affected parties shall be part of
scope of this work.

The Contractor shall liaison with ESCOM/ KPTCL/ PGCL, State/Central Government and local
bodies till completion of works in all respects. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure
proper liaison and coordination with State Authorities for availing line clearance, joint
inspection, testing & commissioning energisation of into the full satisfaction of State Authorities
and handing over, and Railways intervention should not be sought for any of the above.

Extension of LT power supply for CLS work

Sl. Location Current Capacity/Size of Conductor Quantity Remarks

1 - - -

7.5 Extension/Augmentation of electrical power supply arrangements and associated works

as per Clause 3.2.5 of Annex-I of this Schedule-B

Sl. No. Location Load (KW) Remarks

1 Yadwad 60 KW Provision of electrical power supply for 60 KW by
installing 100 KVA dedicated Transformer
2 Bommanbudni 25 KW Provision of electrical power supply for 25 KW by
installing 63 KVA dedicated Transformer
3 Dadanhatti 10 KW Provision of electrical power supply for 10 KW by
installing 25 KVA dedicated Transformer

Authority shall only pay for the power supply demand deposits required availing power supply for

7.6 Modifications of existing electrical works

PAGE 263


7.7 Inventory Electrical

Details of tools, equipment, materials for supply to stores

1) Laser type Transmission Line Height clearances (Horizontal & Vertical) Distance
measuring Instruments: 1 no. similar to Bosch GLM 250 VF with Tripod arrangement.

2) Digital Megger for Cable Insulation measurement (1 No. 500V and 1 No. 1000V) similar to
Fluke Make Model No. Fluke 1507

3) Digital Earth Measurement Meter: 1 No. similar to Kusam Meco KM-4234ER - Digital 4

4) Clamp On Current Meter: 1 No. similar to MECO 3600+ Clamp Meter, 1200A AC/DC True

5) Digital Multimeter: 1 No. similar to Fluke 117 True Rms Digital Multimeter

6) Digital Lux Meter: 1 No. similar to Fluke 941 Light meter

7) Power Analyser , Ultrasound Condition monitoring equipment and thermal analyser of

reputed make.

8) Cable fault locator - 01 No similar to Kusum Meco KM-CFPL 620/620B

9) Graduated Scale for Vernier / Dial type Calipers Display Calipers , Tester & Measuring
Tape etc

9) Screen opening device remote operated motorised curtain raiser of 9 feet with all
accessories .- 02 Nos
The following minimum OHE inventory shall be supplied by the Contractor: (Not
Scope of this project)
SN Description Unit Qty
A T&P Items for OHE Maintenance
1 Tirfor 1.5Tonne. No. 0
2 Tirfor 3 Tonne No. 0
3 Pull - Lift 3/4 Tonne No. 0
Come-along clamp for Catenary suitable for 65 Cu
4 No. 0
Catenary conductor
5 Come-along clamp for contact wire 107 sq. mm No. 0
6 Come-along clamp for copper feeder wire 150 No. 0
7 Come-along clamp for 130 copper large span wire No. 0
8 Rail jumpers with clamps at both ends No. 0
9 Rail jumpers extension with clamp at one end No. 0
PAGE 264

10 Earthing discharge rod complete with cable, clamp etc. No. 0

11 Steel sling with eye each & 16mm diameter 0
a) 1 m long No. 0
b) 2 m long No. 0
c) 3 m long' No. 0
d) 4 m long No. 0
e) 10 m long No. 0
12 Metric tape, cotton (insulated plastic) 0
a) 30m No. 0
b) 15m No. 0
13 Dropper wire cutter No. 0
B T&P Items for PSI Maintenance
Gedore or similar standard make with ISI mark, spanner double
1 Set 0
Ended, 24 sizes 12 piece set (6mm to 42mm).
2 Cogex or similar 52 piece socket set (Box spanners) Set 0
3 Megger 500V Hand driven Each 0
Avo meter, AC/DC Current & Voltage, OA 10, 10A, O to 3000V, O
4 Each 0
to 5000 Ohms' infinity, in double range.
5 Dielectric tester O to 75KV with accessories. Each 0
6 Digital Thermometer (Motwani/Meco/Testica make) Each 0
7 Cutting plier (Good Quality) 9 inches. Each 0
8 Nose plier (Good Quality) 9 inches long Handle insulated for 25KV. Each 0
9 Battery operated wall clock. Each 0
MIT 520/2 Megger make Digital Insulation testing meter (5KV
10 Each 0
11 SF6 Gas filling device Each 0
C OHE Spares
1 9 T Porcelain insulator CD 1050 Nos. 0
2 Dropper wire 5mm kg 0
3 Contact dropper clips (RI 1180) Nos. 0
4 Catenary dropper clips (RI 1192) Nos. 0
5 Contact splice (RI No.1080-1) Nos. 0
6 Catenary splice (RI 1090) Nos. 0
7 Catenary ending clamp (65) (RI 1120) Nos. 0
8 Contact ending clamp (RI No.1110-2) Nos. 0
9 150 ending clamp (RI.1130) set 0
10 130 ending clamp (RI.1140) set 0
11 105 Cu. ―G‖ wire Mt‟s 0
12 Stay Insulator(Porcelain) Nos. 0
13 Bracket Insulator(Porcelain) Nos. 0
14 Large Catenary suspension clamp (RI 1161/1163) Nos. 0
15 Stainless Steel Wire Rope Nos. 0
16 Double suspension clamp. (RI 1170) Nos. 0
D PSI Spares
1 LA 42 kV station class with surge monitor along with connector Nos. 1
2 25 kV 1600 Amps Vacuum interrupter Nos. 0
132kV Current transformer of ratio (800-400/5A) for protection as
3 Nos. 0
per RDSO Specification No.ETI/PSI/117(7/88)or latest
4 25kV ,3000-1500/5A Current transformer (Protection) Nos. 0
5 25kV single pole vacuum Circuit breaker (2000A rated) Nos. 0
6 25 kV /240 V ,25 KVA LT supply transformer with LV box Nos. 0
7 25kV single pole 3150 A isolator Nos. 0
PAGE 265

7.7 Signalling System (for Electrification works) : NIL

7.8 Telecommunication (for Electrification works) : NIL
7.9 Civil Engineering works (for Electrification works): NIL


(See Clause 2.1)



The Contractor shall construct the Project Facilities in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement. Such Project Facilities shall include:

(a) Site offices & related facilities

I. Site offices to be set up at 3 locations namely Lokapur, Bommanabudni and Yadwad in
between the section, Land for setting up of site offices will be the land available in the right of
II. Site huts to be set up at a range of each/5km, at every major bridge and ROB location. (5+1+4
= 10 nos of site huts between Lokapur to Yadwad)

(b) Furniture & Office Equipments (as mentioned below per site requirement)

(c) Manning of Offices & Maintenance

(d) Transport Facilities

(e) Temporary works / Temporary Facilities for Contractor‟s use / Contractors office / Camp /
Contractors labour camp

(f) Survey equipment

(g) Services such as water supply, electrification & sanitation

(h) Project network with project monitoring software like MS project along with closed user
telecom group, fax & e-mail facilities and mobile communication network for project monitoring.



The Contractor shall provide for the use of the Authority‟s Engineer, office accommodation,
equipment, communication & drawing facilities throughout the course of the work and for such
period of time during the Defects Liability Period as the Authority‟s Engineer may require, the
details of the accommodation & the other facilities are detailed below:
PAGE 266

All the facilities under this clause will continue to be maintained by the Contractor free of cost till
the Defect Liability Period is over.


Office facilities for the by Authority and Authority‟s Engineer

1.2.1 Site Office & Huts Accommodation for the Authority‟s Engineer shall consist of one site office with total
plinth area of 250 sqm to be constructed/hired by the Contractor at places Lokapur/Yadwad
Bommanbudni and Yadwad, as per details provided in Clause 1.2.4 of Schedule C within 6
months from the date of commencement of the works. In case of delay beyond three months in
provision of the accommodation either through construction or hire, penalty @ Rs. 5000/- per
week per site office or part thereof will be imposed. The site office should remain open for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week i.e., round the
clock till the defect liability period is over. The main site office shall have chambers/rooms for PM, Resident Engineers, Project
Director of SWR not less than 16 sqm, work stations for other PMC personnel, Conference
Room, pantry & kitchen area, toilets, etc. for the proper functioning of the site office. Materials used for the construction of the offices shall be new and of good quality.
Materials shall be chosen such that the buildings when erected shall give good ventilation, heat &
sound insulation. All buildings shall be supplied with continuous (24 hour) running potable cold water to
the kitchens & wash rooms. The toilets may use raw water for flushing. The Contractor shall also
arrange for the constant & hygienic disposal of all effluent, sewage & rubbish from the buildings. All buildings shall be supplied with electricity, AC 240 Voltage 50 C/S that shall be
distributed to each room in accordance with the Regulations. Lighting & electrical power points
shall be provided in each room. The disposition & location of light & power points will be as
directed by the Authority‟s Engineer. 24 hours power supply is to be arranged by Contractor to
meet full power load. Site office will be fully air-conditioned by providing Air Conditioners of
appropriate capacity. Fire fighting equipment shall be provided in accordance with the local recommendations.

1.2.2 Requirements

The Contractor shall design, construct, equip & furnish the site office & huts for the Authority &
Authority Engineer's use at the time specified below. The Contractor shall also maintain the site
PAGE 267

office and the huts in good conditions and provide services including, but not limited to
maintenance of the office equipment & furniture, repairing & mending, cleaning, consumable
replenishment in respect of toiletries, cartridges for the plotter & colour laser writers, first aid box,
batteries / battery cells, drinking water, etc.

Design of all the Site Offices & Huts shall be submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer for review
prior to commencement of the construction of those facilities. Details of the Authority Engineer's
site office including a provisional site office & huts are described in the following paragraphs.

All furniture, furnishing, fittings & fixtures and equipment, etc shall be of the configuration, make
& quality as consented by the Authority‟s Engineer.
Unless otherwise stated herein below, all the site office & huts including all furniture, furnishings,
fittings & fixture and equipment, etc as provided by the Contractor for the use of Authority‟s
Engineer / Authority shall be the property of the Authority after issue of Taking-over Certificate.

(1) Provisional Site Office: Within 60 days after the appointed date, one provisional site office
shall be constructed and furnished & maintained in good condition for use while the main site
offices are being constructed.

(2) Authority Engineer's Main Site Office: Within 180 days after the Appointed Date, unless
otherwise authorized by the Authority‟s Engineer, the Authority Engineer's Main Site Office shall
be constructed in the same location as the Contractor constructs his main office at
Lokapur/Yadwad and fully furnished as described in the following clauses, and maintained in
good conditions until the issue of Taking-Over Certificate unless otherwise authorised by the
Authority‟s Engineer.

(3) Site Huts: Within 60 days after the Appointed Date, the Site Huts shall be prepared for
use at every station except the station where the Authority Engineer‟s main office is located &
maintained in good conditions until the issue of Taking-Over Certificate unless otherwise
authorised by the Authority‟s Engineer.

1.2.3 Provisional Site Offices

(1) The provisional site office shall be constructed using the consented materials. They shall
be capable of being dismantled but of sound, weatherproof construction and shall be provided
with lockable doors & windows, mosquito screens, appropriate HVAC systems, mobile sanitary
facilities, lighting power supplied by diesel generator unit(s).

(2) The provisional site office shall have internal partition walls & doors, and shall contain at
least the following rooms:

Room Designation Floor Area (sq.m)

Resident Engineer 15
Principal Office 15
General Office 35
Meeting Room 35
Wash Rooms/Stores/Miscellaneous with shelving as required 25
Total Area 125
PAGE 268

Within the given total area, necessary modification can be made with the approval of Authorities

(3) The furniture, furnishings, fittings & fixture and equipment, etc. to be provided for the
Provisional Site Office are listed in Table 9-2 at the end of this Section and shall be of make /
brand, model, type, size, capacity as approved by the Authority‟s Engineer / Authority. All the
said furniture, furnishings, fittings & fixtures and equipment as provided by the Contractor for the
Provisional Site Office may be shifted to the Authority Engineer's Main Site Office and shall be
adjusted against the quantities of furniture, furnishings, fittings & fixtures and equipment required
for the Authority Engineer's Main Site Office.

Authority Engineer‟s Main Site Office

(1) The area surrounding the office shall be well drained and provided with concrete
pavements, walkways & parking areas for the vehicles.

(2) The Authority Engineer's Main Site Office building shall be of sound design and of the
material as approved by the Authority‟s Engineer, complying with national building codes. The
office shall be weatherproof, lined inside with plywood, and painted internally & externally. Floors
shall be tiled and floor to ceiling height shall be as consented by the Authority‟s Engineer. Each
room having an internal wall shall have at least one screened window. The office building shall
have two external lockable doors with screened storm doors. Electricity supply & receptacles
shall be provided in various locations appropriate to the usage of the rooms. Rooms shall be well
lighted, appropriate HVAC systems with temperature control and other necessary building
services as described in the National Building Code of India.

(3) The Authority Engineer's Main Site Office shall be furnished as referred to the following
parameters and the design shall be submitted to the Authority Engineer for review. Within the
total area necessary modification can be made with the approval of the Engineer.

Sl. Room No. & Designation No. of Minimum Minimum Total

No. Rooms Area (sq.m) Area (sq.m)
1 Project Manager Office (PM, Secretary & Engineer) 1 18 18
2 Deputy Project Manager (DyPM & Secretary) 1 14 20
3 Senior Engineers 1 32 32
4 Jr. Engineers/Surveyors 1 32 32
5 Inspectors 1 28 28
6 Conference Room-1 1 36 36
7 Administrative Office 1 28 28
8 Filing room 1 7 7
9 Store 1 7 7
10 Drivers 1 7 7
11 Lobby/Display 1 8 8
12 Kitchen 1 7 7
13 Washrooms 2 3.5 7
14 Printing room 1 8 8
15 Corridors 1 8 8
16 Total Area (Minimum) 253
PAGE 269

(4) Plumbing fixtures shall be standard types made out of porcelain or stainless steel and all
pipework & fittings shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC). All works, materials & fixtures shall comply
with the National Plumbing Code, Sanitary Engineering Standards, and other applicable

(5) The equipment & furniture to be provided are listed in Table below and shall be of make /
brand, model, type, size, capacity as approved by the Authority‟s Engineer / Authority.
PAGE 270

1.2.4 Furniture and other office equipment

The Contractor shall supply & maintain the following new furniture & equipment (including
installation, erection & commissioning) to the Authority‟s Engineer‟s offices within seven days of
the date of commissioning of site office until the Defect Liability Period is over.

Sl. Description Nos. per site office

1 Conference table (at least 4000 mm x 1500 mm) 2
2 Conference chairs 16
3 Glass-fronted lockable bookcase 8
4 1800mm x 1200mm double pedestal desk 2
5 1200mm x 900mm single pedestal desks 8
6 Swivel office chair with armrests 12
7 Swivel office chair without armrests 4
8 Typist chair 2
9 Visitors chair 16
10 4-drawer filing cabinet 4
11 Plan chest (A 0 size) 1
12 1500mm x 900mm tables 15
13 Steel lockable cupboard 6 ft. high with internal shelves 6
14 Computer table with Revolving Chair 10
15 Sofa Set 2
16 Plane rack with holders As one thinks fit
17 Drawing Hangers As one thinks fit
18 Drawing Cabinets 4
19 Waste paper can 30
20 Display Boards(Wall Type) 4
21 Fully automatics camera with date and time recording 1
facility loadable to a PC
22 Multifunctional Movie projector(with screen) 1
23 Refrigerator 1
24 Crockery/Cutlery Set 10 settings
25 Rain coats(various sizes) 10
26 Pair Safety boots(various sizes) 15
27 Flashlight with batteries 15
28 Wall clock 2
29 Lockers 15
30 Tele-facsimile transmission / reception facility connected 1 set
to a dedicated line with STD facility
31 First aid kits for up to 36 persons 2
32 Safety helmets 15
33 Safety harness 15
34 Day-glow waistcoat 20
35 Pairs industrial safety goggles 6 pair
36 5 L kettles 1
37 2 L kettles 2
38 Potable water dispenser with hot/cold taps 1
39 Cups & Plates 20
40 Fire Extinguisher (As required conforming to the
stipulations of local authorities)
PAGE 271

S&T Department
41 Revolving Chairs 4
42 Table 2
43 Cupboard (Godrej) 2
Electrical Department
44 Revolving Chairs 3
45 Table 3
46 Cupboard (Godrej) 5

1.2.5 Equipment for use of the Authority‟s Engineer

The Contractor shall provide at his own cost new equipment & software as listed below and
maintain them for the exclusive use of the Authority and the Authority‟s Engineer. The Contractor
shall provide & maintain the following equipment for the use of the Authority‟s Engineer and the
Authority within one month from the date of commencement of the works until the defect liability
period is over. On completion of defect liability period, the equipment shall be property of the

A Desktop Computer 3 Nos. With minimum specification of Intel Core i7, 3.5 GHz, 3MB
Cache, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, 1 TB HDD with SSD, DVD writer,
23.5”colour TFT monitor, 10/100 LAN card, Modem Card
,Operating system-Windows11 professional or higher preloaded
with media and documentation and certificate of authenticity
and Microsoft Security Essentials preloaded antivirus software.
B Printers 4 Nos. The A4 size printer shall be all-in-one Colour Office jet having
(A4 size-2 No., A3 size-2 No.) features of Fax, Scanner and Printer, A3 size printer shall be
Colour office jet with a print speed of up to 8 pages at 800 dpi
or more.
C Large Format Plotter-2 No. HP Model c6084A(3800CP 54 colour plotter) or similar/ better
D Application Software 1) Microsoft Office latest release(2016)
2) AutoCAD 3D 2021
3) MS Project/Sure Track
4) PDF Converter/Professional
E Colour Scanner-3 No. A3 size
F Xerox Machine- 3 No. For paper prints capable of reduction & copying A3 & A4 size
paper with Automatic document feeder capability &
sorter(Canon IR 2020 or similar/better)
G UPS system With sufficient power backup (minimum backup of 30 minutes)
to meet the sufficient power load in case of power disruption.
H Surge Protection Devices One for each computer & printer as given above
I Power supply for systems Is to be AC 240 volts, 50 Hz from normal building wiring circuit
mains, power regulator, stabilizer or transformer should be
supplied by the Contractor for the computer systems such that
the systems can function efficiently.
J Internet upto 100 MBPS internet connection with Wi-Fi facility so that
multiple devices can be connected for each site office.
K Required Spares Ink, Cartridges for PCs, Printer, Photocopier including AMC for
the machines to ensure defect free operations.
L RO machine-3 No.
M Water Cooler-6 No.
PAGE 272

Note: In case of failure to provide the equipment including original software & internet
connectivity within one month, penalty @ Rs. 5000/- per week or part thereof will be imposed.

1.2.6 Site Huts

(1) The Site Huts at Crossing Stations shall be constructed in the same conditions &
specifications except dimensions of the buildings as described those of the main site office

(2) Every site hut shall be furnished as referred to the following parameters and the design
shall be submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer for review.

Sl. Room No. & Designation No. of Rooms Minimum Area Minimum Total
No. (sq.m) Area (sq.m)
1 Engineers & Authority Engineers 1 25
2 Conference Room 1 15
3 Kitchen 1 5
4 Washrooms 1 5
Total Area (Minimum) for each of Site Huts 50

The furniture, furnishings, fittings & fixture and equipment, etc. to be provided are listed in Table
at the end of this Appendix and shall be of make / brand, model, type, size, capacity as approved
by the Authority‟s Engineer / Authority.

1.2.7 Resting Facilities

In addition to the area indicated above, Rest House facilities of a minimum plan area of 100 sq.m
for main site office & 60 sq.m for provisional site office shall be provided by the Contractor. These
rest houses shall have facilities for an overnight stay. The facilities would include air-conditioning,
beds & beddings (including regular replacement thereof) and all other appropriate items. Each
rest area shall be fully furnished & equipped with Kitchen, mess hall & WCs/ Showers.

1.2.8 In addition to the above listed items, the Contractor shall provide the following personnel:

Sl. No. Description Nos.

1 Chainmen/Staff Men 5
2 Field/Office Attendants 4
3 Messengers 3
4 Watchmen/Security Guard 2 Nos. (Round the clock) for each main office & site office
5 Cook for Mess/RestRoom 1 No. (at each main & site offices)

The Contractor shall provide personnel and perform daily cleaning of all rooms in the Authority &
Authority‟s Engineer site offices. The Contractor shall collect & dispose of, in a location and
manner consented by the Authority Engineer, all domestic waste & garbage from the Authority‟s
and Authority Engineer‟s site offices on a daily basis.

The Contractor shall provide a properly designed and maintain the sewerage & sanitation
facilities of the offices.
PAGE 273

1.2.9 Office Maintenance

The Contractor is required to maintain the offices throughout the contract period and provide the
following, but not limited to:

i) Pay all electricity charges

ii) Reimburse telephone bills for the use of telephone, up to Rs. 3000/- per month for each
external landline connection

iii) Pay all water charges

iv) Carry out necessary repairs to office and equipment as & when required

v) Day-to-Day cleaning & maintenance and watch & ward, etc.

vi) The Contractor shall provide within two months from the date of commencement,
following personnel in the office as required for Watchmen / Security (3 shifts of 2 men in a shift,
till the defect Liability period is over)

Note: In case of delay beyond two months, penalty @ Rs. 5000/- per week or part thereof will be


1.3.1 General

The Contractor shall provide road transport (for the use of the Authority and the Authority‟s
Engineer within one month from the date of commencement of the works).

1.3.2 Road Transport

(a) The vehicles shall be new and delivered & maintained by the Contractor in good
roadworthy condition including daily cleaning. The vehicle shall be replaced with a new vehicle
after a maximum run of 75000 km or three years whichever is earlier.

(b) The Contractor shall employ & make available competent drivers fully licensed to operate
the vehicles as and when required by the Authority‟s Engineer. The Contractor shall replace
drivers at the request of the Authority‟s Engineer.

(c) The vehicles shall be licensed & insured for use on the public highway and shall have
comprehensive insurance cover for any qualified driver together with any authorised passengers
and the carriage of goods or samples.

(d) The Contractor shall provide fuel, oil for running of each vehicle and ensure maintenance
in conformity with the vehicle manufacturer‟s recommendations and all relevant toll & parking
PAGE 274

charges incurred in connection with the Works. The vehicle shall be provided day & night as
required by the Authority‟s Engineer or his representative.

(e) A suitable replacement shall be provided by the contractor for any vehicle out of service
for more than 24 hours. If the contractor at any time fails to provide vehicle(s) or substitute
vehicle(s) as specified, an amount of Rs. 1500/- per day for each vehicle (that the Contractor
failed to provide) shall be recovered from the Contractor.

1.3.3 Number of Vehicles

The Contractor shall provide the following type of vehicles as per requirement indicated by the
Authority‟s Engineer within one month of the date of commencement.

Number of Number of Vehicle Number of Total Vehicle

Vehicle (Civil) (Electrical) Vehicle (S&T) Months*
(SUV) Innova or Similar 3 1 1 120
(MUV) Bolero, Scorpio, or
4 1 2 168
Total 7 2 3 288
* The total vehicle months given is for project completion period of 24 months

Note: Each Vehicle supplied should ply 3000 km per month. If the total kilometre exceeds 3000
km in a month, it will be treated as a separate vehicle month until the next 3000 km is reached in
a month‟s time. The vehicles movement will depend on work requirement from Authority/Authority
Engineers‟s Office/Head Office/Camp Office.

The vehicle requirement given above is the maximum requirement of the vehicles at a time.
However, requirements in a particular period will be intimated by the Authority‟s Engineer to the
contractor on programme basis at least 7 days before the actual date of requirement. The
Contractor shall withdraw particular vehicle(s) if the same is not further required by the
Authority‟s Engineer if so directed. In such cases the instructions shall be given in writing 7 days
in advance. The requirement during the Defect Liability Period will be quite less than the
maximum requirement mentioned above.

Duration of Transport Requirements

Transport for the Authority‟s Engineer shall be provided so as to cover the entire completion
period(s) & Defect Liability Period(s). The transport so provided, shall continue to be the property
of the Contractor.


1.4.1 Scope of Work

1) All necessary Temporary Works adequate for the realization of the Works such as
Temporary Facilities & Temporary Utility Services shall be provided & maintained by the
Contractor for his own use, for his subcontractors, the Authority‟s Engineer and the Authority
unless otherwise authorised by the Authority‟s Engineer.
PAGE 275

2) The Temporary Facilities including, but not limited to, offices, warehouses & material
stock areas as well as the Temporary Utility Services including, but not limited to, power, lighting,
water & communication shall be provided, equipped and maintained in good conditions until the
issue of Taking-Over Certificate.
3) The Contractor shall ensure that the Temporary Facilities & Services do not interfere with
the Permanent Works or prevent the installation, commissioning & testing of the Permanent
Works and works & services of other Contractors. Where necessary the Contractor shall divert or
relocate the temporary facilities / services in the course of the works at his own cost.

1.4.2 Submittals

Technical Design Submission: The Contractor shall submit the Temporary Works Drawings and
the Temporary Works Design Report which detail adequate scale, location and all arrangements
of the Temporary Works to the Authority‟s Engineer for review within 90 days after the Appointed
Date except for the items as described in Paras (4), (7) & (8) herein below, submissions in
respect of the same shall be made by the time when the Final Technical Design Submission is
made. The Temporary Works to be carried out shall be consistent with the plan submitted by the
Contractor with his technical proposal in his Bid together with any subsequent developments and
/ or changes subsequently agreed to by the Authority / Authority‟s Engineer. The Temporary
Works shall include but not limited to the following:

(1) Contractor‟s camp: Detailed drawings at scale 1:500 showing the camp layout, buildings,
road recreation areas, all public utilities, etc. and drawings at scale 1:50 showing type building
construction details with specifications

(2) Offices, parking areas, warehouses, storage areas & medical care services: Drawings &
specifications for the establishments & facilities with appropriate details and First Aid Station

(3) Water supply, sewerage, sewage treatment and disposal, power supply & illumination,
communication services (basically mobile phones & land phones), fire fighting services

(a) Detailed design for industrial & potable water supply to the camps & working areas as
well as sewerage systems, sewage treatment & disposal system based upon estimated number
of users.

(b) Detailed layout drawings for electrical installations & distribution system at the Site &
Work Areas, showing power sources, voltages, outlets and routing of power lines

(4) Temporary construction works including support systems for deep excavations, cofferdam
and the support, concrete formworks and its support, temporary bridges & staging and so on

(5) Access routes including temporary road works to all locations necessary to be reached in
the course of construction in the Site and the Work Areas including public road diversions

(6) Equipment pools & mechanical workshops

PAGE 276

(7) The detailed plan for operation of the Borrow Areas & Quarries as detailed hereinafter
including approach roads

(8) The Stockpile areas as detailed hereinafter including approach roads

(9) Concrete batching & mixing plant and crushing plants, including cement storage: Detailed
design & drawings including manufacturer's drawings and foundation drawing with the supporting
design calculations prepared by the Contractor for concrete batching & mixing plant and crushing
plants in accordance with the requirements of the pertinent provisions of the Specifications

(10) Fabrication Yard, Casting Yard including casting bed, lifting, curing and stacking system
for precast concrete elements along with the supporting design calculations & drawings

(11) Transporting, handling & launching system for the precast concrete elements / steel
fabricated elements including design & drawings for launching truss / girder, etc.

(12) Material testing laboratories: Detailed breakdown of all equipment to be used for material
testing in field and in laboratories in accordance with the requirements of the pertinent provisions
of the Specifications.

(13) Explosives magazines, their proposed locations & operation plan

(14) Security & safety arrangements: All arrangements shall comply with the relevant

(15) Layout & drawings for offices for the Authority‟s and the Authority Engineer's staff

(16) Project Sign boards & Diversion boards

(17) Barricades and other temporary walls and alike with pertinent design considerations &
drawings containing details such as height, material, colour scheme, logo, anchoring mechanism,
etc. complying with the requirements.

1.4.3 Temporary Facilities for the Contractor‟s Use

A) Contractor‟s Site Offices Warehouses, Material Yards

(1) The Contractor shall provide & equip, for his own and his subcontractors' use, main &
secondary offices, warehouses, materials stock areas, fuel storage areas & explosives
magazines, all of which shall be constructed and furnished for use within 120 days after the
Appointed Date and maintained in good conditions until the issue of Taking-Over Certificate.

(2) Listed hereunder are the buildings, shops & warehouses expected to be constructed and
equipped by the Contractor for his use in the performance of the Work under this Contract, in
addition to facilities explicitly specified elsewhere in this Contract:

(a) Mechanical repair shop

(b) Electrical repair shop
PAGE 277

(c) Metalwork & wood fabrication shop

(d) Main warehouse and tools & parts store
(e) Bulk cement silo
(f) Bagged cement store
(g) Spare parts store
(h) Testing facilities & site laboratory

B) Land for temporary facilities for Contractor‟s Use

Wherever available, the Contractor shall be allowed to use Railway land for carrying out his
Temporary Works including stockpiling of ballast and other materials but excluding the Borrow
Pits and the Quarries subject to the consent by the Authority‟s Engineer. Any land required in
excess of that shall have to be arranged by the Contractor using his own resources and at his
own cost under due intimation to the Authority‟s Engineer.

C) Borrow Areas & Quarry

(1) It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to arrange for the borrow areas (for fill
material) and quarry sites (for ballast, aggregates & rock material) using his own resources and
at his own cost. The Contractor shall have to carry out his own investigations and verify about
their approach, availability, sufficiency, quality & quantity of the material from the sources. The
Contractor may also arrange additional borrow areas & quarry sites as required by him and at his
own discretion. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained by the Authority in this regard.

(2) All the charges whatsoever towards royalties, taxes & duties, cess, cost of temporary
land, etc. as applicable for arranging the borrow areas & quarry sites including for the material
extracted there from shall have to be borne by the Contractor.

(3) Before commencing operations in each of the borrow areas & quarry site, the Contractor
shall submit a detailed plan of his operations and demobilization/grading & finishing, etc. in
respect of the same to the Authority‟s Engineer for his consent along with relevant drawings. The
details shall be submitted as part of Temporary Work Design Report & Temporary Works

(4) The quality of fill material, ballast & aggregates, etc. extracted from borrow areas & quarry
sites shall meet the requirements of Specifications and subject to consent of the Authority‟s

(5) Generally No Borrow areas, quarry sites and installation of rock crushers shall be
permitted within the ROW of the Project. However, in case of Railways land is found to be
suitable for extracting good soil / boulder for aggregate, etc. the same shall be permitted with the
approval of Authority after due permission from State Authority.

The Financial terms for use of this material shall be:

(6) On completion of the work, the Contractor shall leave the borrow area site in a safe &
stable condition.
PAGE 278

(7) The Contractor shall indemnify the Authority against all claims in relation to the borrow
areas & quarry sites during and after the works are completed.

D) Stockpile Areas

(1) The Land available within the ROW at each Station has been indicated in the respective
Station drawings enclosed in the Reference Drawings. The same may also be used by the
Contractor for stacking of ballast and other materials, subject to consent of the Authority‟s

(2) The Contractor may also arrange additional stockpile areas as required by him at his own
discretion & cost.

(3) The location & size of the Stockpile Areas proposed by the Contractor shall be subject to
consent of the Authority‟s Engineer. The Authority Engineer's consent may be withheld for any of
the following reasons:

If the Stockpile Area, or access into them, in the opinion of the Authority‟s Engineer:

(a) will have a detrimental effect on the natural and social environment;

(b) will disturb drainage system around the Stockpile Areas;

(c) would constitute a danger to the public; or

(d) Becomes too high stockpile as decided by the Authority‟s Engineer.

(4) Before commencing operations, the Contractor shall submit detailed drawings of the
proposed Stockpile Areas together with the proposed method of operation including stockpile
heights, runoff / dust control measures, access road layout, drainage & measures to be taken for
restoration, etc.

(5) On completion of stockpile operations the Contractor shall reinstate the Stockpile Area in
a safe & stable condition.

(6) The Contractor shall indemnify the Authority against all claims in relation to the Stockpile
Areas during and after the Works.

(7) All the soil excavated in the ROW shall be the property of the Authority and shall not be
removed from the Site without the consent of the Authority‟s Engineer / Authority and shall be
used for the Works to the extent feasible.
PAGE 279

(8) Concrete Batching & Mixing Plant & Crushing Plants

The Contractor shall plan, install & erect all necessary concrete batching & mixing plant and
crushing plants of sufficient capacity to meet the planned peak requirements during construction.
The capacity of the plants shall be subject to consent by the Authority‟s Engineer. All control &
measuring equipment shall be regularly calibrated. The Contractor shall submit the Authority‟s
Engineer the results of the calibration regularly.

E) Material Testing Laboratories

(1) The Contractor shall build & equip adequate Material Testing Laboratories on the Site and
/ or at the Work Areas for sampling and testing of materials for concrete, earth or any other
materials as specified in the Specifications. The location of the Material Testing Laboratories
shall be consented by the Authority‟s Engineer.

(2) The laboratory shall be located in a building properly equipped with electricity, water, air-
conditioning, etc and shall have enough room for storing the samples.

(3) The equipment to be supplied and the methods of testing shall be in accordance with the
relevant Indian Standards specified in the Specifications and / or as described in the respective
Manual. All apparatus & equipment shall be brand new and of the latest design and
manufactured by a reputable manufacturer. The proposed type & number of items of laboratory
equipment shall be presented to the Authority‟s Engineer prior to purchase.

(4) The equipment & apparatus shall be calibrated before the testing starts and at regular
intervals as specified by the manufacturer and as directed by the Authority‟s Engineer. The
Contractor shall submit the results of the calibration to the Authority‟s Engineer regularly.

(5) The Contractor shall complete the construction & installation of the facility for operation
within 120 days after the Appointed Date and operate & maintain the facility until the issue of
Taking-Over Certificate unless otherwise authorized by the Authority‟s Engineer. The Contractor
shall also make all facilities & services available to the Authority‟s Engineer as required. All
sampling & testing to be undertaken shall be under the direct supervision of the Authority‟s
Engineer. The Material Testing Laboratory shall be run by Contractor‟s personnel fully
experienced in sampling & testing of materials, and quality control.

(6) Specialized testing which may be required and which cannot be performed in the
Contractor's laboratory due to lack of time or equipment shall be assigned to an independent
organization having NABL Accreditation and duly consented by the Authority‟s Engineer. The
Contractor shall accept all results, instructions or restrictions stipulated by the Authority‟s
Engineer based on such tests.

F) Communication Systems

The Communication System to be applied to the project shall be basically the Mobile Phone
Base Communication System. The Contractor shall establish the Mobile Phone Base
PAGE 280

Communication System Plan solely dependent on ready-to-use mobile phones for internal &
external communication and submit the plan to the Authority‟s Engineer for consent The
Contractor shall ensure that his Communication System is available for communication with the
Authority‟s Engineer & Authority within 30 days after Appointed Date and shall maintain the same
until completion of the Defect Notification Period.

G) Contractor‟s Camp

(1) The Contractor shall provide adequate camping facilities for the use of his employees /
staff and those of his sub-contractors. Camping facilities shall have adequate sanitary facilities
including sewage disposal system, medical service, drainage, fire control and all utility services
(potable water, power, etc) and shall comply with statutory requirements.

(2) Contractor's Employee's Camp can be located at the land available within the ROW
wherever available subject to the consent by the Authority‟s Engineer. If any additional area is
required by the Contractor for the purpose, the same shall have to be arranged by the Contractor
at his own cost.

(3) No camp construction shall commence until the Contractor's drawings & specifications
have been consented by the Authority‟s Engineer.

(4) Camp facilities shall be provided to meet the requirements of the maximum anticipated
workload & labour force. These facilities shall be made available and fully operational within 120
days after the Appointed Date and maintained in good conditions until the issue of Taking-Over
Certificate unless otherwise authorized by the Authority‟s Engineer.

(5) The Contractor‟s camp shall comply with the applicable laws, codes & standards.

(6) The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping the camp, and the buildings within it, in
good hygienic conditions. The standards & regulations presently in force in India with regard to
personnel treatment, sanitary conditions, and fire & accident prevention shall be duly taken into

H) First Aid Stations

(1) The Contractor shall comply with the applicable laws & health standards presently in force
in India. In the event of an epidemic breaking out, the Contractor shall carry out and comply with
all orders, arrangements or regulations, which may be issued by the Government or local

(2) The Contractor shall construct, equip & maintain the First Aid Station at adequate
locations on the Site and at each & every camp.

(3) These facilities shall be fully equipped and staffed as per the applicable regulations in
force. These facilities shall be available & fully operational within 120 days after the Appointed
Date and maintained in good conditions until the issue of Taking-Over Certificate unless
otherwise authorized by the Authority‟s Engineer.
PAGE 281

(4) Medical services in the First Aid Stations shall be under the direction of a licensed doctor
& nurses on the same working hours as the Works throughout the duration of the construction.

(5) Standing arrangements shall have to be made with the nearest general hospital for
providing treatment in case of emergencies and serious cases

The Contractor shall summarise the design of all his Temporary Facilities in the Temporary
Works Design Report & Drawings.

1.4.4 Temporary Utility Services for the Contractor‟s Use

Power Supply & Illumination

(1) The electric power supplies for the Temporary Facilities including but not limited to
Contractor's camps, offices, site, work areas and other facilities as described herein shall be
arranged by the Contractor at his own cost. If water & electricity connections are available and
provided to the Contractor for Project facilities, they will be charged as per the extant rules of

(2) The Contractor shall install, operate & maintain its own electrical distribution systems for
the power supply for his Temporary Facilities including Site, Work Areas.

(3) The Contractor shall also furnish, install & keep operational the diesel power generating
facilities of such capacity what he considers necessary to prevent the interruption of the Works.

(4) The Contractor shall ensure adequate illumination for all his operations at the Site and at
the camp. According to National Building Code of India (2005) the minimum intensities for
illumination in general shall be as follows:

Sl. Area of Operation Luminous

No. Intensity
(a) General construction areas, outdoor concrete placement, active storage 20 Lux
areas, loading, platforms, refueling & field maintenance areas
(b) Indoor construction areas 150 Lux
(c) General construction plant & shops, e.g., batching plants, mechanical &
electrical, equipment rooms, carpentry shops, active storerooms, barracks 100 Lux
or living quarters, lockers or dressing rooms, mess halls & indoor toilets.
(d) First aid stations, infirmaries & offices 300 Lux
(e) General interiors warehouses, corridors, hallways & exit ways 100 Lux
(f) Welding 150 Lux

Water Supply

(1) The Contractor shall design, install, operate & maintain water supply systems including
pumps, piping system, valves, storage tanks, etc at the Site with respect to:
PAGE 282

(a) Industrial water supply system for construction use meeting the quality requirements as
specified in Specifications

(b) Potable water supply system for supply to all the Temporary Facilities including but not
limited to Contractor's camps, offices, Site, Work Areas and other facilities for human
consumption & use.

In case the Contractor plans to install a bore well for water supply, he shall thoroughly investigate
the relevant legislation & regulations imposed by the competent authorities and the installation
shall be subject to approval by the said competent authorities and/or consent of the Authority‟s

(2) Throughout the duration of the construction, the Contractor shall take samples from all
water supplies at regular intervals and test it for its suitability for the intended use.

Sanitation & Sewerage

(1) All Sites, offices, workshops, laboratory, camp and other buildings, etc shall be provided
with sanitation & sewage handling & disposal systems complying with the statutory requirements
& applicable laws, Codes & Standards.

(2) If required, portable chemical toilets shall be provided & maintained by the Contractor for
the use of all personnel at all work locations.

Waste & Garbage Disposal

(1) The Site and the Work Areas shall be kept clean & free of re-use at all times.

(2) The Contractor shall collect waste material & garbage from site, camp, office, yards &
workshops on a daily basis and dispose of the same in the approved area and as per the
guidelines prescribed by the local authorities. No waste of any kind shall be deposited in any

Fencing and Site Security & Safety

(1) The Contractor shall be responsible for the security & safety of the site. Accordingly, the
contractor‟s offices, workshops & storage compounds, camp sites, all construction areas, storage
areas shall be adequately fenced, gated, lighted & guarded round the clock. Fire-fighting
equipment shall be provided in accordance with the applicable Codes and requirements of local

(2) The explosive magazines comply with the relevant regulations of India and shall be at the
locations approved by the competent authorities. Detonators and fuse shall be stored in separate
magazines away from explosives. In no case they shall be transported in the same vehicles with
explosives. Explosive magazines shall be kept locked and keys accounted for at all times.

(3) The Contractor shall be responsible for any losses occurring within the Site premises.
PAGE 283

The Contractor shall install, furnish all these facilities within 120 days after the Appointed Date
and maintained in good conditions until the issue of Taking-Over Certificate.

Inspection by the Authority or Authority‟s Engineer

The Authority and the Authority‟s Engineer have the right at any time to inspect any part of the
Contractor's Temporary Facilities and to require immediate rectification to comply with the
specified requirements.

Final Clean-Up

(1) Upon the Completion of Works, or when any of the plants and facilities have completed its
functions, the Contractor shall dismantle & demobilize the temporary facilities and remove all
refuse, debris, objectionable material, and fill, grade & dress all the areas to its original condition
as it was before commencement of the Work.

(2) No demobilization or removal of temporary facilities & equipment shall be made without
prior consent of the Authority‟s Engineer.


1.5.1 General

(1) The Contractor shall comply with all requirements as specified in the local bye laws
formulated by the State Government.

(2) The Authority will not provide living accommodation for the use of the Contractor or any of
his staff or labour employed on the Works.

1.5.2 Provision of Labour Camp

(1) The Contractor, shall, at his own expense, make adequate arrangements for the housing,
supply of drinking water and provision of bathrooms, latrines & urinals, with adequate water
supply, for his staff & workmen at the location authorised by the Authority.

(2) No labour camp shall be allowed at Site without the consent of the Authority or any
unauthorised place. The Contractor shall prepare a detailed labour camp plan to obtain the
consent from the Authority.

(3) The Contractor at his own cost shall maintain all campsites in a clean & sanitary

(4) The Contractor shall obey all health and sanitary rules & regulations, and carry out at his
cost all health & sanitary measures that may from time to time be prescribed by the
PAGE 284

Local/Medical Authorities and permit inspection of all health and sanitary arrangements at all
times by the Authority and the staff of the local municipality or other authorities concerned.

(5) Should the Contractor fail to provide adequate health & sanitary arrangements, these
shall be provided by the Authority and the cost recovered from the Contractor.

(6) The Contractor shall at his own cost, provide First Aid Stations within the camp.

(7) The Contractor shall at his own cost, provide the following minimum requirements for fire
precautions at suitable locations complying with the requirements of applicable codes:

(a) Portable fire extinguishers

(b) Manual Fire Alarms
(c) Water Supply for use by the Fire Service
(8) The Contractor at his own cost shall provide necessary arrangements for keeping the
camp area sufficiently lighted to avoid accidents to the workers.

(9) The Contractor shall ensure that electrical installations are done by trained electricians
and as per the applicable Codes & Standards and these installations shall be maintained and
daily maintenance records shall be made available for inspection of the Authority. Necessary
periodical safety audit may be undertaken for safety measures.

1.5.3 Camp Discipline

(1) The Contractor shall take requisite precautions, and use his best endeavours to prevent
any riotous or unlawful behaviour by or amongst his workmen, and others, employed directly or
through sub-contractors.

(2) These precautions shall be for the preservation of the peace and protection of the
inhabitants & security property in the neighbourhood of the Works.

(3) In the event of the Authority requiring the maintenance of a Special Police Force at or in
the vicinity of the site, during the tenure of the work, the expenses thereof shall be borne by the

(4) The sale of alcoholic drinks or other intoxicating drugs or beverages upon the work, in any
labour camp, or in any of the buildings, encampments or tenements owned or occupied by, or
within the control of, the Contractor or any of his employees directly or through subcontractors
employed on the work shall be strictly prohibited and the contractor shall ensure strict compliance
with this condition.

(5) The Contractor shall also ensure that no labour or employees are permitted to work at the
site in an intoxicated state or under the influence of drugs.

(6) The Contractor shall remove from his camp such labour and their families, who refuse
protective inoculation & vaccination when called upon to do so by the Authority on the advice of
the Medical Authority.
PAGE 285

(7) Should Cholera, Plague or any other infectious disease break out, the Contractor shall at
his own cost burn the huts, bedding, clothes and other belongings of or used by the infected

(8) The Contractor shall promptly erect new accommodation on healthy sites as required by
the Authority, within the time specified by the Authority failing which the work shall be done by the
Authority and the cost recovered from the Contractor.

(9) Labour Accommodation

(1) The Contractor shall provide living accommodation for all staff employed by himself or his
subcontractors that is equal to or exceeds the minimum criteria established in the following

(2) The buildings shall be constructed so as to have a minimum life of not less than the
period of the Contract.

(3) The roofs shall be leak proof and laid with suitable non-flammable materials permissible
for residential use under local regulations and for which the consent of the Authority has been

(4) Each unit shall have suitable ventilation with all doors, windows & ventilators provided
with security leaves & fasteners and back to back units are to be avoided.

(5) The minimum height of each unit shall be 2.1 m.

(6) The Contractor shall provide a suitable cooking area.

(7) The number of common toilet/bath/urinals shall be provided as per camp requirement.

1.5.4 Water Supply

(1) The Contractor shall make his own arrangements to provide adequate potable water
supply in the Camp.

(2) Where piped water supply is available, supply shall be at stand posts and where the
supply is from wells or rivers, storage tanks of metal or other consented material shall be

(3) The Contractor shall also at his expense make arrangements for the provision & laying of
water pipe lines from the existing mains wherever available.

1.5.5 Drainage

(1) The Contractor shall provide efficient arrangements for draining away surface water so as
to keep the camp neat & tidy.
PAGE 286

(2) Surface water shall be drained away from paths & roads and shall not be allowed to
accumulate into ditches or ponds where mosquitoes can breed.

1.5.6 Sanitation

(1) The Contractor shall make arrangements for conservancy and sanitation in the labour
camps according to the rules & regulations of the Local Public Health & Medical Authorities.

(2) The Contractor shall provide a sewage disposal system that is adequate for the number
of residents in the camp, and which meets the norms of the local authorities.

(3) The provision of the latrines & wash places shall be in accordance with applicable Codes
& Standards. However, the layout shall be subject to consent by the Authority.

(4) The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all latrines & wash places on the Site
in a clean & sanitary condition and for ensuring that they do not pose a nuisance or a health

(5) The Contractor shall also take such steps and make such provisions as may be
necessary or directed by the Authority to ensure that vermin, mosquito breeding, etc are at all
times controlled.

(6) The Contractor shall be responsible for providing water, electricity, communication,
sewage disposal arrangements, drainage, roads, paths & parking facilities, etc for all the site
accommodations, structures & buildings and meeting all the requirements as specified in the Bid

(7) The Contractor shall also be responsible to obtain the necessary approval from the
relevant civic & utility authorities and shall maintain all such services that are necessary for
satisfactory performance of the Works.


(1) The surveying instruments, to be provided for exclusive use of the Authority‟s & Authority
Engineer's site staff, shall be brand new, of the latest design and manufactured by Wild, Kern,
Nikon or other reputable manufacturer as acceptable to the Authority‟s Engineer / Authority. The
instruments shall include all items necessary for the Authority‟s Engineer to be able to establish
horizontal & vertical control both on the surface & underground and to check the Contractor's
surveying work.

(2) The Contractor shall present to the Authority‟s Engineer for consent the proposed make,
type, and models with parts & performance catalogues & manufacturer's warranty, prior to

Following equipment shall be provided:

(a) 4 Nos. Levels type Wild N#2 or similar, (2 Nos. with parallel plate attachments) complete
with tripods, plumbing rods & staves (including 2 sets of precise staves)
PAGE 287

(b) 2 Nos. Wild Total-stations or similar, complete with tripods & accessories

(c) 4 sets Sighting targets, illuminated for night use, complete with batteries, etc

(d) 4 Nos. each Steel tapes of 30m & 60 m each, with spring gauges

(e) 35 Nos. Metric steel tapes 3m, retractable

(f) 2 Nos. Optical plumbs

(3) The Contractor shall furnish the survey equipment within 60 days after the Appointed
Date and maintain it in good conditions until the issue of the Over Certificate unless otherwise
authorized by the Authority‟s Engineer.

(4) All the survey instruments shall be maintained by the Contractor through service agents
and shall be regularly checked & calibrated.

(5) The Contractor shall provide the Authority‟s Engineer with any additional surveying
equipment & materials such as pegs, mallets, stakes, nails, paint, etc as required, and shall
make available to the Authority‟s Engineer any surveying instrument owned by his surveying
department, but not included in the above list of equipment, which may be necessary for
checking the Works. Any instrument which has been damaged or been non-operational shall be
immediately replaced or repaired by the Contractor. Equivalent replacement shall be provided by
the Contractor in such cases including the equipment, which is being repaired or serviced.



The following temporary utility services shall be provided by the Contractor for the use by the
Authority / Authority‟s Engineer until issue of Taking Over Certificate unless otherwise directed by
the Authority‟s Engineer.

1.7.1 Electricity & Water Supply

Power & potable water supply systems for the Authority‟s & Authority Engineer's site offices
(Provisional Site Office, Main Site Office & Site Huts) shall be installed and made operational
within the specified period of construction as mentioned above in respect of the respective site
offices. The Contractor shall maintain and provide continuous & adequate supplies unless
otherwise authorized by the Authority‟s Engineer.

1.7.2 Sanitation & Sewerage

(a) Sanitation & Sewerage systems for the Authority‟s & Authority Engineer's site offices shall
be installed and made operational within the specified period of construction as mentioned above
in respect of the respective site offices.
PAGE 288

(b) The Contractor shall provide a properly designed & constructed septic tank as consented
by the Authority‟s Engineer for the disposal of domestic sewage from each building in the
Authority Engineer's site offices / huts.

(c) Each septic tank shall be regularly emptied, maintained & serviced by the Contractor to
ensure proper functioning.

1.7.3 Office Cleaning, Waste & Garbage Disposal

(a) The Contractor shall provide personnel and perform daily cleaning of all rooms in the
Authority‟s & Authority Engineer's site offices & huts.

(b) The Contractor shall collect & dispose of, in a location and manner consented by the
Authority‟s Engineer, all domestic waste & garbage from the Authority‟s & Authority Engineer‟s
site offices & huts on daily basis. Collection times shall be arranged for the convenience of the
Authority & Authority‟s Engineer.

1.7.4 Fire Fighting Equipment

Fire-fighting equipment shall be provided in all the site offices and site huts of the Authority‟s
Engineer in accordance with the recommendations of the Local Fire Brigade Station.

1.7.5 Office Security

The service of a full time round the clock office security shall be provided for all the site offices &
site huts of the Authority‟s Engineer.

1.7.6 Use of Contractor‟s First Aid Stations

The Contractor's emergency medical care & first aid services shall be made available, for use by
the Authority‟s and Authority Engineer‟s site staff and their families living at the Site or the Work
Areas, free of charge.

Railway electrification

a) Officers‟ rest house

b) Camp office for authority
c) Subordinate rest house
d) Danger and caution boards
e) Protective screens
f) Earthing arrangement for structures
PAGE 289

(See Clauses 2.1)

1 Construction

The Contractor shall comply with the Specifications & Standards set forth in Annex-I of this
Schedule-D for construction of the Railway Project. The time limit for the review & clearances by
the Authority for design and drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be as indicated in

1.1 Contractor‟s Responsibilities

1.1.1 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for adequacy, stability, safety & security in
respect of all the:

(a) Works including the Permanent Works & Temporary Works

(b) Site Operations

(c) Methods of construction, manufacture, transportation, installation including testing &


(d) Plants, and

(e) Contractor's Equipment

irrespective of any Notice of No Objection by the Authority‟s Engineer.

1.1.2 The Contractor shall, whenever required by the Authority‟s Engineer, submit to the
Authority‟s Engineer details of the arrangements & methods, which the Contractor proposes to
adopt for execution of the Works for his consent. No alteration to these arrangements & methods
shall be made without the consent of the Authority‟s Engineer.

1.1.3 Before starting the Work at Site, it shall be essential on part of the Contractor to ensure
that there are no charted & uncharted utilities infringing the Permanent Works, particularly the
cables carrying the working circuits within the Right of Way (ROW). Diversion of all the charted &
uncharted utilities shall be handled as specified

1.2 Contractor's Organization during Construction Phase

1.2.1 Project Organisation Plan

(1) The Contractor's Personnel shall be deployed & maintained as per the requirement at
site. The Contractor's Superintendence shall be also properly deployed & maintained to carry out
the construction activities.
PAGE 290

(2) The Contractor shall submit an updated Project Organization Plan, which includes a
complete project organization chart during the Construction Phase adding functions & personnel
necessary to perform the Works during the Construction Phase. This plan shall be updated &
resubmitted whenever there are changes to the staff and / or the organizational structure. The
plan shall show the management structure & state clearly the duties, responsibilities and
authority of key staff members.

(3) Full details regarding qualification & experience in respect of all the key staff shall be
submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer for his consent, If the Authority‟s Engineer asks (in writing)
the contractor to remove a person of his work force stating the reasons, the Contractor shall
ensure that the person leaves the Work Area within seven days and shall have no further
connection with the Works in the Contract. The Authority‟s Engineer shall also seek prior consent
of the Authority in this regard.

(4) During the Construction Phase, the Contractor shall maintain the Design Team in his
organization independent of the Construction Team to deal with his design development
including the variation & changes to his design.

1.2.2 Requirements during construction phase

(1) The principal requirements relating to the Contractor's Documents during the
Construction Phase are the submissions by the Contractor of the followings:

(a) Working Drawings & Documents

(b) The technical submissions as required under the Contract

(c) The compilation of the multiple design submissions for the different Work Segments and
submission of the final design with related documentation and the submission of the As-Built
Drawings / Document.

(2) Working Drawings & Documents shall be prepared as required under the Contract.

(3) The Contractor shall endorse the submissions required under the contract that "all effects
of the designs comprising the submission, on the design of adjacent or other parts of the works
have been fully taken into account in the design of these parts".

(4) The Contractor shall submit the Construction Design & Drawings as specified.

(5) The Contractor shall maintain all records necessary for the preparation of the As-Built
(Completion) Drawings & Documents.

(6) Upon completion of the Works or at such time as agreed to or required by the Authority‟s
Engineer, the Contractor shall prepare drawings which, subject to the Authority Engineer's
agreement, shall become the As-Built (Completion) Drawings & Final Documents.

(7) All such drawings & documents shall be endorsed by the Contractor as true records of the
construction of the Permanent Works and of all Temporary Works that shall remain on the site.
PAGE 291

(8) The Contractor shall maintain all records necessary for the physical & financial
completion & commissioning. These records shall consist of as a minimum:
(a) The implemented work according to activities, places & price; and

(b) Used materials - type, name of manufacturer along with batch No., place & price etc.

(9) Prior to the commencement of construction operations, the Contractor shall obtain all
necessary clearances from the concerned Authorities.

1.3 Construction Works

1.3.1 Prior to the start of the construction operations, the Contractor shall submit all relevant
technical details including but not limited to the following for review and evaluating the proposed
construction methods & quality control procedures.

(a) Geological Investigation Report and evaluation of sub-surface conditions for Permanent
Works along the alignment including tunnels

(b) Geological Investigation Report for borrow areas, tunnels, etc

(c) Material test report for embankment fill, prepared subgrade, blanket material, structural
steel, bearings for steel bridge spans, cement, reinforcing steel, water, sand, aggregate, etc for
concrete works

(d) Slopes stability calculations duly certified by any Government College/Agency

(e) Analysis of stability & settlement of embankments/tunnels and design of remedial

measures (if required)

(f) Details of construction equipments

(g) Construction quality control plan

1.3.2 Contractor shall be responsible for reviewing & validating the information provided, taking
all necessary measures & precautions of satisfactory completions of the works meeting the
performance requirements in the stipulated time including but not limited to carrying out all the
investigations as required, changes in the design, ground treatment or improvement, modification
of construction methods, etc required due to site conditions. He shall also be responsible for all
the temporary works, dewatering & drainage arrangements.

1.3.3 Availability of Embankment Fill Material: The Contractor shall procure the materials
suitable for sub-grade & embankment fill after carrying out the necessary tests required as per
Specifications and confirming their suitability.

1.3.4 Scheme to improve the sub-soil/ground condition of "weak ground" & locations of "BCS",
location wise & design for the same shall be submitted by the contractor. The necessary
PAGE 292

parameters adopted for design shall be well corroborated with Indian/International codes and/or
practices adopted successfully for similar conditions & loadings.

1.3.5 Storage / Fabrication Yard for Structural Steel for Steel Bridge Spans: The Contractor
shall plan, design & construct his fabrication yard & shop assembly yard as consented by the
Authority‟s Engineer and at the location acceptable to the Authority‟s Engineer. All the facilities
provided therein shall be subject to consent of the Authority‟s Engineer.

In respect of structural steel material brought by the Contractor to the storage/fabrication yard for
incorporation into the Permanent Works, the Contractor shall store such steel material in the
proper storage yard and carry out fabrication & shop assembly of such steel material in the
proper fabrication yard. Such storage/fabrication yard shall be kept clean & properly drained, as
to prevent loss, damage & deterioration, and to ensure the preservation of its quality & fitness for
the Works.

Checking of the Contractor‟s Temporary Works Design

The Contractor shall, prior to commencing the construction of the Temporary Works, fully check
the design and go through the Internal Authorisation Process and submit design to the Authority
Engineer for consent as part of the Technical Design. Through those process and procedures,
the Contractor shall ensure that his Temporary Works have been properly and safely designed
and checked the effect of the Temporary Works on the Permanent Works.

In addition to the above, the Contractor shall also submit a Design Certificate to the Authority
Engineer, duely designed by Design Director of the Contractor‟s Design Team and Contractor‟s
Representative as part of Contractor‟s Internal Authorisation process, certifying that the
Temporary Works have been properly and safely designed and checked including the effect of
the Temporary Works on the Permanent Works and has found this to be satisfactory.

1.4 Safety Requirements

1.4.1 The contractor‟s site safety plan shall cover the following aspects:

(a) Statement of contractor‟s safety policy

(b) Senior management responsibility for safety

(c) Appointment, duties & responsibilities of Site safety staff

(d) Policy for identifying Hazards

(e) Safety training

(f) Safety equipment

(g) Safety of the Contractor's construction & office equipment

PAGE 293

(h) Safety of the workmen & staff at site

(i) Safety procedures for subcontractors

(j) Disciplinary procedures

(k) Accident reporting

(l) First aid & emergencies

(m) Safety promotion & awareness

(n) Site security

(o) Labour safety

1.4.2 The Contractor's Site Safety Plan shall also incorporate the requirement of Safety while
having interface with the running tracks of Indian Railways and complying with:

1.4.3 Indian Railways rules & regulations for track, signalling & operations possessions

(a) Operating a system of permit to work for all works, which may affect the operations of the
existing Railway, and

(b) Requirements of safety aspects for working near the running tracks of Indian Railways as
1.4.4 The Authority's Engineer reserves the right to order (in writing) the immediate removal &
replacement of any of the Contractor's equipment or temporary works, which in his opinion is
unsatisfactory or not required for the Work for its purpose and / or is in unsafe condition.

1.4.5 Contractor shall be fully responsible for safety of the Works and shall treat safety
measures as a priority in all his activities throughout the execution of the Works.

1.4.6 Contractor shall have full regard for the safety of all his personnel, sub-contractor's
personnel, the public and all the personnel directly or indirectly associated with the Works on or
in the vicinity of the Site and the Work Areas (including without limitation to the persons to whom
access to the Site has been allowed by the Contractor), to comply with all relevant safety
regulations, including provision of safety gear, and in so far as the Contractor shall be in
occupation or otherwise is using areas of the Site and the Work Areas, to keep the Site and the
Work Areas (so far as the same are not completed & occupied by the Authority) in an orderly
state appropriate to the avoidance of injury to all persons and shall keep the Authority‟s Engineer/
Authority indemnified against all the injuries to such persons.

1.4.7 Contractor shall provide and maintain all lights, guards, fences & warning signs and
watchmen when & where necessary or required by the Authority‟s Engineer or by laws or by any
relevant authority for the protection of the Works and for the safety & convenience of the public
and all persons on or in the vicinity of the Site and the Work Areas.
PAGE 294

1.4.8 When the work would otherwise be carried out in darkness, the contractor shall ensure
that all parts of site and work areas where the work is being carried out are so lighted as to
ensure the safety of all persons on or vicinity of the sites, the work areas and of such work to the
satisfaction of the Authority‟s Engineer.

1.4.9 Contractor shall be required to take note of all the necessary safety provisions and the
Contract Price shall be deemed to be inclusive of all the necessary costs to meet the standards &
requirements as prescribed therein. In case the Contractor fails to meet the above requirements,
the Authority shall provide the necessary arrangements and recover its costs from any bills due
to the Contractor.

1.5 Safety Requirements for working near running tracks of Indian Railways

1.5.1 Operational Safety: Where the work to be executed is in proximity of the running Railway
track, the Contractor shall be required to observe all precautions and carryout all works that may
be necessary to ensure the safety of the running track/trains, etc without imposition of any speed
restriction thereon as may be directed by the Authority‟s Engineer. No claim whatsoever shall be
entertained for either any inconvenience caused to the Contractor or for the rescheduling of the
operations or for any other reasons on this account. The Contractor shall ensure that the
materials are not stacked close to the Railway track, which may endanger the safety of trains &

1.5.2 Where the Schedule of Dimensions of Indian Railways for the running tracks of IR are
likely to be infringed by the Contractor, the following safety measures shall be ensured: Measures prior to start of the Work:

i) Contractor shall arrange to provide necessary training to their supervisors & staff
including lookout man / flagman etc. For safety requirements as per IRPWM for working near IR
tracks. Such training can be arranged at Zonal Training Centre/Divisional Training Centre or any
other authorized institute of Indian Railways. Authority shall assist the contractor in organizing
such training and all the charges for such training shall be borne by the contractor. The
contractor shall ensure that the safety norms are followed for working in the premises of IR and in
the vicinity of running tracks & electrified territories.

ii) Inform the Authority‟s Engineer / Authority about:

(a) Name & address of the Contractor's supplier / subcontractor assigned to execute the

(b) Name of the vehicle drivers / equipment operators identified for the work

(c) Location, duration & timings during which the SOD of IR is to be infringed

iii) Provide the Authority‟s Engineer / Authority with

(a) Copy of detailed planning of work including protection of IR track & safety measures
proposed (duly consented by the Authority‟s Engineer and approved by the Authority)
PAGE 295

(b) Copy of the competency certificate of the Contractor's Supervisor incharge of the work (to
be issued by the Authority‟s Engineer)

iv) Demarcate the working area at site in consultation with the Authority‟s Engineer /

v) Barricade/temporary fencing along the stretch of the concentration of the work area along
the IR track, as consented by the Authority‟s Engineer.

vi) Provide adequate watch & ward, flagman, lighting, etc including signage Boards (road
crossings) Measures during execution of Work

i) It shall be ensured that no workmen & staff are working on line / trackside unless a proper
'Permit to Work' is issued for those lines by the Indian Railways & Authority‟s Engineer.

ii) It shall be ensured that the moving dimensions of IR shall not be infringed. The track
crossing work shall not be carried out without permission from the Authority‟s Engineer & IR.
Safety of all the existing fixed structures near the vicinity of the Site shall also be ensured.

iii) It shall be ensured that the line of demarcation shall not be infringed by the road vehicles /
construction equipment.

iv) It shall be ensured that only eligible & competent staff shall be employed for the work and
they must wear identity cards while working near running tracks of IR.

v) For working during night, sufficient illumination shall be provided for the entire work area
for safety of the workmen and public.

vi) Temporary Engineering signals as required shall be provided.

vii) Lookout men with red & green flags / hand signals & whistle shall be deployed wherever

viii) No part of the stacked material shall infringe the moving dimensions of IR. Material shall
be stacked to such a height that it does not lead to infringement of SOD in case of accidental toll

ix) Any temporary arrangement shall not infringe with the moving dimensions of IR.

x) First aid kit shall be readily available at the site.

xi) In case any cable/utility is found while working, the Contractor shall inform the Authority‟s
Engineer immediately. In case a large number of cables / utilities are found during the
excavation, the work shall be carried out in the presence of representatives from the concerned
owning agency of the utility / cable.
PAGE 296

1.6 Safety Requirements for Electrical Works

i) The Indian Electricity Rules 1956, as amended up to date, shall be followed. The detailed
instructions on safety procedures given in ISS & Indian Electricity Rules, respective State
Electricity Authorities‟ regulation with up to date amendment shall be applicable.

ii) The LT/HT distribution diagrams of sub stations shall be prominently displayed. The
substation premises, main switch rooms & DB enclosure shall be kept clean whenever works are
carried either inside or outside.

iii) No inflammable materials shall be stored in places other than the rooms specially
constructed for this purpose in accordance with the provisions of Indian Explosives Act.

iv) Rubber insulating mats of suitable size & thickness shall be provided in front of the main
switch boards of substation or any other control equipment of medium voltage & above.

v) Protective & safety equipment such as rubber gauntlets or gloves, earthing rods,
lineman's belt, portable artificial respiration apparatus, safety goggles, etc shall be provided as
per the requirement of the Work.

vi) Necessary number of caution boards such as "Man working on line, Don't switch on" shall
be readily available in the vicinity of electrical installation.

vii) Standard first aid boxes containing materials as prescribed by the St. John's Ambulance
Brigade or Indian Red Cross shall be made available.

viii) Charts displaying methods of giving artificial respiration to a recipient of electrical shock
(one in English and another one in the regional language) shall be prominently displayed at
appropriate places.

ix) No work shall be undertaken on live installations, or on installation, which could be

energized unless one another person is present to immediately isolate the electric supply in case
of any accident and to render first aid, if necessary.

x) No work on live LT bus bar or pedestal switch board in the sub stations shall be handled
by a person below the rank of a Licensed Wireman and such work shall preferably be done in the
presence of a qualified engineer.

xi) When working on or near live installations, suitable insulated tools shall be used, and
special care shall be taken to see that those tools accidentally do not drop on live terminals
causing shock or dead short.

xii) The electrical switch controls in distribution boards shall be clearly marked to indicate the
areas being controlled by them.

xiii) Before starting any work on the existing installation, it shall be ensured that the electric
supply to that portion is cut off. Precautions, like displaying "Men at Work" caution boards on the
PAGE 297

controlling switches, removing fuse carrier from these switches shall be taken against accidental
operation. Caution boards shall be kept with the person working on the installation.

xiv) All electrical panels & switchgear shall conform to relevant IEC standards.

xv) All external enclosures shall have degree of protection not less than IP-54.

xvi) All equipment, system shall conform to the relevant IEC standard on Electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC).

xvii) Cable routes of all the newly laid cables by the contractor shall be identified with
electronic or concrete markers.

xviii) Fire extinguishers to mitigate electrical fire shall be supplied for each station as per

1.7 Legislation & Codes of Practice

1.7.1 The Contractor shall comply with all the safety and industrial health legislation including
without limitation to the Rules & Regulations of National Safety Council of India. The Contractor
shall keep at each site office sufficient copies of Safety & Industrial Health Regulations and
related documents.

1.7.2 All regulations & documents as referred above shall be translated into languages, which
are understood by the operators engaged by the Contractor or sub-contractor and such
translations shall be displayed or kept alongside those in Hindi, English & Regional language.

1.8 Damage & Interference

1.8.1 Works shall be carried out in such a manner that there shall be no damage to interference

(a) Watercourses or drainage systems;

(b) Public utilities;

(c) Structures (including foundations), roads, including street fixtures, or other properties;

(d) Public or private vehicular or pedestrian access;

(e) Monuments, graves or burial grounds other than to the extent that shall be necessary for
them to be removed or diverted to permit the execution of the Works, and

1.8.2 Heritage structures shall not be damaged or disfigured on any account. The Contractor
shall inform the Authority‟s Engineer as soon as practicable of any items, which are not stated in
the Contract to be removed or diverted but which the Contractor considers necessary to be
removed or diverted to enable the Works to be carried out. Such items shall not be removed or
PAGE 298

diverted until the consent of the Authority‟s Engineer to such removal or diversion has been

1.8.3 Assets / items of the Authority, Indian Railway, other Contractors and any other entities
which are damaged due to Contractor's operations / negligence during construction or are
interfered with or removed to enable the Works to be carried out, shall be replaced / reinstated by
the Contractor at his own cost to the same condition as existed before the Work started and to
the satisfaction of the Authority‟s Engineer and the concerned entity.

In case of damage to the existing cables, the Contractor shall have a suitable arrangement of
joining the cables under technical supervision of IR/relevant authority. In addition to this the
Contractor shall also be responsible for any penal action or any claim as a result of the damage
and shall indemnify the Authority‟s Engineer, Authority, Indian Railway, other Contractors and
any other entities in this regard.

1.8.4 In case of obstructions due to interference, the Contractor shall comply with the
requirements as described. Followings are the major required items as detailed therein:

(a) Uncharted utilities

(b) Alternative Access
(c) Protection of Trees
(d) Removal of trees, graves and other obstructions
(e) Protection of adjacent structures

1.9 Handling of Utilities & Interferences

1.9.1 Handling & shifting of the existing utilities identified within the Right of Way, such as:

(a) The power lines of 33kV and below requiring permanent diversion; and

(b) Other charted Railway owned utilities presently existing within Right of Way and requiring
diversion/disposal are in the Scope of Work of the Contractor.

1.9.2 Alternative access, which may be needed for all public or private premises when
interference with the existing access occurs to enable the Works to be carried out, shall be
arranged by the Contractor.

1.9.3 Trees, graves and other obstructions which may remain at the Site or the Work Areas
shall be appropriately removed.

1.9.4 Identification of uncharted utilities within ROW shall be undertaken by the contractor by
trial and/or using cable locator as consented by the Authority‟s engineer. The results shall be
summarized in the Uncharted utility report and submitted as part of the technical design.

1.10 Site Establishments

PAGE 299

1.10.1 The Contractor shall provide & maintain the Temporary Facilities & Temporary Utility
Services, which comprise part of the Temporary Works for use of the Authority & Authority‟s

1.10.2 The Contractor shall provide & maintain all Temporary Works as required by him and as
specified for execution of the Works.

1.10.3 Latrines & wash places: Contractor shall provide latrines & wash places for the use of his
personnel and all persons who will be on the site as per the requirements and in accordance with
the local laws & regulations.

1.11 Testing of Works

1.11.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for all on-site & off-site testing and for all in-situ
testing. Daily on-site testing shall be coordinated with the Authority‟s Engineer. A programme of
proposed tests shall be provided on a weekly basis, at least one week in advance of such events.

1.11.2 Notification of required Factory testing shall be made in writing to the Authority‟s
Engineer, including full details of test requirement, at least 15 days in advance of the test.

1.12 Provisions for other works

1.12.1 Provision of Masts for OHE: For the mast installation to be done on bridges & tunnels, the
Contractor shall prepare all necessary provisions as part of the permanent work. The Contractor
shall ensure that this provision and the masts to be installed do not infringe the Structure gauge
as specified in the Specification. This provision is not indicated in the Reference Drawings. Prior
to design of the provision, the Contractor shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the
provisions of the mast installation is coordinated and integrated with the works to be done later

1.13 Restoration of work areas disturbed by construction

Unless otherwise directed by the Authority‟s Engineer, any areas disturbed by the construction
activity, either inside or outside the Right of Way, shall be reinstated as follows:

All areas affected by the construction work shall be reinstated to their original condition, with new
materials, including but not necessarily limited to, sidewalks, parking lots, access roads, adjacent
roads, properties & landscaping. Grass cover shall be provided for any bare earth surface areas,
along with proper provisions for surface drainage.

2 Design Standards

The Railway project including Project Facilities shall conform to design requirements set out in
the following documents:

Sl. No. Description

1 Indian Railway Code for the Engineering Department
2 Indian Railway Permanent Way Manual
PAGE 300

3 Indian Railway Works Manual

4 Rules for the opening of a Railway for the Public Carriage of passengers
5 General & Subsidiary Rules, Pt. I & II
6 Schedule of Dimensions
7 Manual of Instruction of fabrication, installation & maintenance of glued insulated rail joint
8 Code of practice for Flash Butt Welding of rails
9 Code of practice for welding of rail joints by Alumino Thermit Process
10 Indian Railway Bridge Manual
11 IRS Concrete Bridge Code
12 IRS Code of practice for The design of substructures and foundation of bridges
13 Bridge Rule 1964
14 IRS Specification (IRS B-1 and BS-110), BS -111
15 IS:1786-2008, Specification for Thermo Mechanically Treated Steel (TMT) and wires for
concrete reinforcement & HYSD Bars
16 IS:875 Code for Loads & Weights of Materials
17 IS:456-2000, Plain and reinforced concrete code of practice
18 IS:383-1970, Specification for coarse & fine aggregates for concrete
19 IS:269-1989, Ordinary Portland Cement 33 grade specification
20 IS:8112-1989, 43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement
21 IS:12269-1987, Specification for 53 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement
22 IS:516-1959, Method of testing for strength of cement
23 IS:1383-1980, Code of practice for pre-stressed concrete
24 IS:1948-1970, Classification & Identification of soils for general engineering purposes
25 IS:2062 Code of Practice for Structural Steel
26 RDSO/2020/GE:IRS-004 Comprehensive Guidelines and Specifications for Railway
27 IRS: Code of practice for plain, reinforced & pre-stressed concrete for General Bridge
28 RDSO Station Manual on Indian Railway
29 IS:800-1984, Code of practice for General construction in Steel
30 USFD Manual
31 Codes, Indian Railways Standard for Bridges, Structures and other subjects
32 Engineering Formulae Pocket Book
33 Signal Engineering Manual Part-I
34 Signal Engineering Manual Part-II
35 ACTM Volume - I & II and Treatise of ACTM (IRIEEN)
36 Indian Railway Electricity Rules
37 Indian Railway Standard Code of Practice For The Design of Steel or Wrought Iron Bridges
Carrying Rail, Road or Pedestrian Traffic (Steel Bridge Code) Adopted 1941 with latest
correction slips
38 RBF-16 & 22 for Estimating Waterway Calculations
39 IS:2386 Method of Tests for Aggregates for Concrete
40 IS:10500:2012 for Potable Water
41 IS:516 for Testing Strength of Concrete
42 IS:4103 Specification for Concrete Admixtures
43 IS:10262 for Concrete Mix Design
44 IS:14268 Code of Low Relaxation Steel
45 IS:2770 Code for Testing Bond in Reinforced Concrete
46 IS:6403 Code for Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil
47 IS:83 Code for POT-cum-PTFE bearings
48 IRC:83 Code for Elastomeric Bearings
PAGE 301

49 IS:1893-2002 Earthquake resistance structures

50 IS:2911-2010 Code of Practice for Piles
51 RDSO Report No. GE-R-73 for RE Structures
52 Manual of Specifications & Standard for EPC Contract-2014
53 Guidelines for Cuttings in Railway Formations, Guidelines No. GE:G-2-2005

2.1 Design Specifications

2.1.1 The Contractor shall establish an office for his dedicated design team in the Main Site
Office of the Contractor and referred to as Design Team. The Design Team shall function from
this office and all meetings & discussions relating to design shall be held in this office or in the
office of Authority‟s Engineer / Authority and / or as instructed by the Authority‟s Engineer. In
addition to the requirements herein, the Contractor shall, whenever the Authority‟s Engineer so
requests, provide information and participate in discussions that relate to design matters.

2.1.2 The Contractor shall ensure that the Design Team continues to be represented at Site at
all times by staff whose seniority & experience are to the satisfaction of the Authority‟s Engineer
and whose representative shall be available on the Site as necessary or as required by the
Authority‟s Engineer. If the Authority‟s Engineer asks (in writing) the Contractor to remove a
person of his Design Team stating the reasons thereof, the Contractor shall ensure that the
person leaves the Site within seven (7) days and shall have no further connection with the Works
in the Contract. The Authority‟s Engineer shall also seek consent of the Authority in this regard.

2.1.3 There are Four Design Submissions covering the Design Phase & Construction Phase:

i) Inception Report
ii) Technical Design
iii) Construction Design
iv) As-Built (Completion) Documents

The requirements for each design stage are detailed in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement.

2.1.4 The Contractor shall submit plans, programmes, reports, manuals & drawings as
specified in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement for the four design stages in accordance with the
provisions herein and as further detailed in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement to the Authority‟s
Engineer for consent and issue of Notices of No Objection. It shall also include the additional
information as required by the Authority‟s Engineer.

2.1.5 The Authority Engineer shall review the submissions to be satisfied that the submittal
covers the obligations and intended purpose of the design of the Works and fully complies with
the Contract.

2.2 Contractor’s Organisation during Design Phase

2.2.1 Project Organisation Plan

(1) The Contractor's Personnel shall be deployed & maintained as necessary or as required
by the Authority‟s Engineer.
PAGE 302

(2) Within 45 days after the Appointed Date, the Contractor shall submit the Project
Organization Plan, which includes a complete project organization chart during the Design
Phase, equipped with the functions in a manner as described in Article 11 [Quality Assurance].
The Contractor shall deploy fully qualified personnel in the Design Team with the Authority
Engineer's consent for each key personnel during the Design Phase. This plan shall be updated
& resubmitted whenever there are changes to the personnel. The Plan shall show the
management structure and state clearly the duties, responsibilities & authority of each key & staff

(3) The Contractor shall establish the Design Team in his organization independent of the
Construction Team, which shall be also maintained in the construction phase to ensure that the
Contractor's design development strictly complies with the Technical Design which has received
'Notice of No Objection' from Authority‟s Engineer and also the Authority‟s Requirements &
Specifications without being harmed by the adverse position of the Contractor against the
Authority as detailed in Article 11 [Quality Assurance].

2.3 Requirements during Design Phase

2.3.1 Inception Report

(1) Within 45 days after the Appointed Date, the Contractor shall submit the Inception Report
as described herein and as further detailed in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement to the Authority‟s
Engineer for consent & issue of a Notice of No Objection.

(2) The Inception Report shall be based on the Contractor's Bid Design and shall be
sufficiently developed including the main documentation needed to prepare and to develop the
Technical Design and to demonstrate compliance with design requirements, including, but not
limited to, survey & investigation plans, design submission plan & programme, reviews of the
Authority‟s Documents. The Inception Report shall sufficiently define the main structures, track
alignment & track components, non-traction power supplies & building services, etc. Full details
of the contents of the Inception Report are given in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement and the
submittals are summarized in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement.

2.3.2 Technical Design

(1) During the preparation of the Technical Design, the Contractor shall in particular:

(a) complete all calculations and analysis;

(b) delineate all main and all other significant elements;

(c) complete all tests & trials and all selection of materials & equipment;

(d) assess and take full account of the effect on the Works of the proposed methods of
construction, installation, testing & commissioning and temporary works.
PAGE 303

(e) complete the validation of all the data provided by the Authority including all the additional
surveys, investigations & testing as considered necessary by the Contractor to develop the
Technical Design of the Works in accordance with the Contract.

(f) draw up a set of the Technical Drawings as summarized in Article 10 of the EPC

(2) Engineering studies & comparative evaluations shall be performed to ensure that the
designs incorporate features to achieve optimum performance of all elements.

(3) Upon issue of the "Notice of No Objection" in respect of the Technical Design Report, the
Contractor shall complete the design in all respects and produce Technical Drawings.

(4) The Temporary Works as defined in Schedule-C [Temporary Works] shall also be
identified as a separate Works Segment and the design of those shall be proposed by the
Contractor early enough to have sufficient discussions on engineering & procedural issues with
the Authority‟s Engineer so as to meet the intent of the Authority‟s requirements. The Contractor
shall submit the agreed design of the Temporary Works as part of the Technical Design to the
Authority‟s Engineer for consent.

(5) The Contractor shall provide to the Authority‟s Engineer five original full & latest editions
of the publications / Technical Standards including the Codes & Standards and other documents
that the Contractor propose to use for carrying out the Technical Designs, including other
communications between Authority‟s Engineer and the Contractor relevant to this Contract as
part of the Inception Report. These publications / documents shall be for the sole use of the
Authority‟s Engineer and, upon completion of the Contract, shall become the property of the

2.4 Requirements during Construction Phase

The principal requirements during the Construction Phase are the production, submission &
consent of the Construction Design, the As-Built Documents

2.4.1 Construction Design

(1) Upon the issue of a Notice of No Objection in respect of a Technical Design Package, the
Contractor shall produce the respective Construction Design Package, which shall include, but
not limited to,

(a) the Technical Drawings,

(b) the updated Specifications (if any) including Method Statements/work procedures
/construction sequences,

(c) the Working Drawings

PAGE 304

(d) the Construction Practicing Documents including site sketches, bar bending schedules,
bar reference drawings, fabrication & shop drawings, erection sequences, etc and

(e) Works Management Plans as detailed in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement.

They shall be endorsed by the Contractor through the Contractor Internal Authorising Process as
being in accordance with the Technical Design for which the Contractor has received the "Notice
of No Objection"

(2) The Construction Design & Construction Technical Drawings including updated
Specifications (if any) / Method Statements, etc shall be derived directly from the Technical
Design as consented by the Authority‟s Engineer including changes that may be necessary to
resolve the comments of the Authority‟s Engineer attached to the Notice of No Objection.

(3) The Working Drawings and the Construction Practicing Documents shall be prepared to
facilitate construction to meet the required workmanship as well as technical requirements. The
Works Management Plans shall be prepared to check and monitor the Works & Quality
Assurance requirement described in Article 11 of the EPC Agreement. The submittals are
summarized in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement.

(4) All those drawings & documents are revised, upgraded, detailed & integrated in the
Construction Design Package. The Contractor shall fully verify the Construction Design Package
through the Internal Authorization Process along with Design Certificate as described in Article
11 of the EPC Agreement by endorsing the original paper drawings & documents.

(5) Upon the Internal Authorization Process, as specified in Article 11 of the EPC Agreement
the Contractor shall submit the Construction Design Package as the "Request for Construction"
as further detailed in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement, to the Authority‟s Engineer for consent
and issue of a Notice of No Objection.

(6) Upon receipt of the "Notice of No Objection" or "Notice of No Objection With Comments",
the Contractor shall endorse the original paper drawings in respect of the Working Drawings as
"Good For Construction" as per the Internal Authorisation Process as defined in the Design
Quality Assurance Plan as per Article 11 of the EPC Agreement. If the Authority‟s Engineer so
requires, the said endorsed original paper drawings shall be re-submitted to the Authority‟s
Engineer, who shall, if has no objection to the contents of the re-submission, further endorse the
original paper drawings by stating that he has no objection to the proposed Working Drawings.
On endorsement by the Authority‟s Engineer, the original drawings shall forthwith be returned to
the Contractor as Working Drawings to be issued to Site.

(7) The Contractor shall submit the Construction Design & Drawings for a particular work to
the Authority‟s Engineer at least 3 months but not more than 6 months prior to the planned /
scheduled date of commencement of that particular work.

2.5 As-Built Documents

PAGE 305

(1) The Contractor shall maintain all records necessary for the preparation of the As-Built
Documents. The Contractor shall prepare & submit the As-Built Drawing and the Records, which,
subject to the Authority Engineer's agreement, shall become the contents of the As-Built
Documents. The Records are defined & detailed in Article 11 of the EPC Agreement.

(2) The As-Built Drawings shall be a full set of the latest revisions of the Construction
Technical Drawings, which are updated to incorporate all Design Change Notices & Field
Change Notices and as many Working Drawings as necessary to convey a full & true record of
the as-built condition of the Works. The As-Built Drawings shall show all changes from the
Construction Design, all construction deviations and all other features relevant to the future
maintenance and management of the Railway and its facilities. The As-Built Drawings shall be
endorsed by the Contractor as true records of the construction of the Works.

(3) The As-Built Records shall include survey results including geotechnical, all inspection
records, and other documents as detailed in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement and shall be
verified & endorsed by the Contractor through the Internal Authorization Process, as specified in
Article 11 of the EPC Agreement as true records of the construction of the Works.

2.6 Contractor’s coordination with others

2.6.1 Interfacing Parties & Related Parties

The Contractor shall fully coordinate the design of the Works with Interfacing Parties, all relevant
bodies, parties & entities, in particular Government authorities, departments and regulatory
bodies, utility companies, and the consultants, and contractors of adjacent projects whether
ongoing or planned, as advised by the Authority‟s Engineer. The Contractor shall identify all such
related parties, bodies & entities in his Interface Management Plan (IMP) and other relevant

2.7 Design Review Procedures

2.7.1 Design Submissions

(1) In the case of submissions subsequent to the Technical Design, the Design Data shall be
in accordance with the Authority‟s Requirements and the Technical Design.

(2) The Contractor shall submit to the Authority‟s Engineer all the Designs and relevant
Design Data together with the Design Certificates, on or before the respective dates for
submission shown on the Design Submission Programme or the Works Programme. In the event
that a resubmission of Design / Design Data is required, such resubmission shall be made as
soon as practicable after the receipt of the relevant statement of objections. All submissions of
Design Data shall include the copies as stipulated in the Authority's Requirements.
PAGE 306

(3) Following receipt of a submission of Design & Design Data, the Authority‟s Engineer shall,
within the period specified in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement to the Authority‟s Requirements,
respond as per the procedure defined in Article 10 and issue "Notice of No Objection" or "Notice
of No Objection with 'A' Comments" or "Notice of Objection with Comments" as the case may be.
The Contractor shall comply with the requirements accordingly as specified therein.

(4) The issue of a Notice of No Objection in relation to any submission of Design shall be
entirely without prejudice to the review of subsequent submissions of Design or to any request for
a Contractor's Variation, and shall not bind the Authority‟s Engineer in any manner whatsoever
when deciding whether to accept or not to accept the issue.

2.7.2 Design Submission Programme

(1) The Contractor shall prepare the Design Submission Programme (for Design Phase &
Construction Phase), which is to set out fully the Contractor's anticipated programme for the
preparation, submission by the Contractor and review of the Design Packages, the issue of
Notices by the Authority‟s Engineer for all stages of design. The Design Submission Programme
shall cover all submissions during the Design Phase and the Construction Phase.

(2) The Design Submission Programme shall:

(a) be deemed to comprise part of the Contractual Construction Programme and be in any
case consistent & comply with all relevant Coordination Dates in the latest Contractual
Construction Programme;

(b) identify dates & subjects by which the Authority‟s Engineer's response shall be made;

(c) make adequate allowance for periods of time for review by the Authority‟s Engineer as
specified in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement to the Authority‟s Requirements and for the review
of other bodies, if necessary;

(d) clarify correlations by identifying, describing, cross-referencing & explaining the various
Design Submissions including multiple submissions of the design for the different Work
(e) make adequate allowance for the design & development of the specialist works/
subcontractor works.

(f) indicate the interfacing design activities in respect of each of the Other Contractor /
Interfacing Parties and external related parties, and

(g) shall meet the requirements as specified in Article 10 of the EPC Agreement.

(3) The Contractor shall submit the Design Submission Programme to the Authority‟s
Engineer within forty-five (45) days after the Appointed Date, and thereafter updated versions
thereof at intervals of not more than one (1) month throughout the Design Phase. Such updates
shall be included as an exhibit in the Contractor's Monthly Progress Report.
PAGE 307

(4) The Contractor shall submit complete set of documents requested by any Indian
legislation, as well as consented As Built Documents & certificates for conclusion of any
legislative procedures.

(5) General requirements which are applicable to the Design Submission Programme are
described in Article 11 of the EPC Agreement to the Authority's Requirements.

2.7.3 Calculations

(1) Unless otherwise required by the Authority‟s Engineer, calculations shall be submitted
together with the respective Design Package submissions.
(2) A comprehensive set of calculations for the whole of the Technical Design and the
Construction Design & Technical Drawings / Construction Drawings (in the form acceptable to
the Authority‟s Engineer) shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Authority‟s Engineer for
consent as part of the relevant submittals.

2.8 Design Criteria

2.8.1 General

The design of the Works shall comply with the relevant Indian Railway standards, Codes,
Specifications, manuals & guidelines as published by Indian Railways/RDSO, Indian Standards,
Indian Road Congress (IRC) codes & specifications and other International codes as specified
and as applicable, and with the consent of the Authority‟s Engineer.

The Design Criteria shall be read in conjunction with the Specifications and other documents
forming part of the Contract.

2.8.2 Track Structure

Table: Technical Parameters of Track Structures

Sl. No. Technical Parameter Value

1 Gauge 1676 mm(BG)
2(a) Rails for main line and points and crossings 60 kg class 1,R260, 90 UTS
2(b) Rails for other than main line (i.e., for loop lines, 52/60 Kg 2 Hand Rails
non-running lines, sidings, connecting lines)
2(c) Guard rails 52 kg class-II (2 nos. for each track) for
Major bridges and for tracks under
3 Points & Crossings
3.1 Main line & running loops 60 kg class-I ,R260 Rails ,1 in 12 thick
web switches with CMS crossings on
PSC sleepers layout (for straight track
4 Check Rail clearance at footpath/trolley path
4.1 Minimum 51 mm
4.2 Maximum 57 mm
5 Minimum depth of space for wheel flange from 38 mm
PAGE 308

rail level
6 Ballast cushion below the bottom of sleeper at
the rail seat
6.1 Main line & connecting lines 350 mm (minimum)
6.2 Loop line & connecting lines 250 mm(minimum)
7 Sleeper Wide based PSC mono-block 60 kg with
1 in 20 cant for the rail seat. The rail seat
for PSC sleeper will be able to cater to
60kg/ m & 52 kg/m rail sections by
providing suitable liners
8 Sleeper density (No. of sleepers per km)
8.1 Main line & connecting lines 1660
8.2 Loop lines & sidings 1540
9 Fastening Elastic rail fastening
10 Formation width (with minimum center to center
distance of tracks as 7.8 m)
10.1 Embankment & Cutting (excluding side drains) 1) Double track: 13.16 m
2) Single track: 7.85 m

2.8.3 Earthwork Design For design of the embankment/earthwork, Comprehensive Guidelines & Specifications for
Railway Formation RDSO/2020/GE:IRS-004 issued by RDSO will be followed except the
provisions contained hereinbelow. The geometric parameters & design principles are described
in terms of earthwork structure as follows:

(1) It is incumbent on the Contractor to identify the soft ground/BCS sub-soil locations as a
first step of starting the work and take up the earth work on priority at such locations, so that
maximum settlement takes place before "Integrated testing & commissioning". Geometric Parameters & Design Principles

(a) The following table specifies the geometric parameters with regards to Earthwork
Structure of project.

Sl. No. Parameter Value

1 Formation width (with minimum center to 1) Double track: 13.16 m
center distance of tracks as 5.8m 2) Single track: 7.85 m
a) Embankment & cutting
2 Slope gradient for embankment 2H:1V
3 Slope gradient for cut (general) 1H:1V*
4 Thickness of blanket Comprehensive Guidelines & Specifications for
Railway Formation RDSO/2020/GE:IRS-004
PAGE 309

5 Thickness of prepared subgrade Comprehensive Guidelines & Specifications for

Railway Formation RDSO/2020/GE:IRS-004
6 Width of berm 2000 mm(minimum)
7 Width of cess 1075 mm(minimum)
(a) Embankment & cutting
8 Cross slope at top of blanket 1:30 or 3% with tolerance of 0.5%
9 Cross slope at top of prepared sub 1:30 or 3% with tolerance of 0.5%
10 Cross slope at top of embankment fill 1:30 or 3% with tolerance of 0.5%
11 Cross slope at berm 1:30 or 3% with tolerance of 0.5%

* Based on the land width & soil parameters, the slope for cutting can be flatter than 1H:1V.
However, in case of restricted land width & soil parameters, suitable slope protection measures
to be undertaken at such locations by the contractor, at its own cost with the approval of the
Authority Engineer.

(b) Design Principles of Earthwork

(1) RDSO‟s “Comprehensive Guidelines & Specifications for Railway Formation


(2) Guidelines for cutting in Railway Formations GE:G-2

2.8.4 Railway Bridges Design Criteria: The design criteria for the railway bridges shall be as under:

(a) All the bridges shall be designed with ballasted deck except the special steel bridge
spans of the viaducts, which shall be designed as open web welded through truss type girders
with open deck. Clearances below Rail Level shall be as per Schedule of Dimensions for IR. This
may be required to be increased for bridges on curved track, with girder spans being of straight

(b) Design shall be suitable for 25T Loading (25 tonne axle load) with PSC sleepers (with MS
H-Beam Sleepers for special steel bridge spans of viaducts). Load condition includes the live
load, earth pressure & longitudinal forces due to braking & traction considering the wind &
seismic load etc. as per relevant codes.
(c) All the bridges having girders of individual span of 30 .5m clear span or below shall be of
prestressed/reinforced cement concrete only. However, the steel composite superstructure can
be used for Road over Bridges.

(d) All bridges shall be designed to accommodate curvature of the track alignment wherever

(e) All bridges shall be capable of carrying LWR/CWR as per the provisions of UIC 774- R(3),
Code for Track/Bridge Interaction – Recommendations for calculations or any other International
Code and practice applicable to conditions available on the project.

2.8.5 Design of Road Under Bridges (RUBs)/Pedestrian Subways

PAGE 310 Vertical Clearances for RUBs/Pedestrian Subways

(1) The minimum vertical clearances for RUBs / Underpasses for different highways / roads
shall be as under:

National Highways 5.5m

State Highways 5.0m
Village Roads and for non-vehicular traffic 3.5m to 4.5m (subject to consent of Authority‟s

(2) A reference to IRC 54-1974 “Lateral & Vertical Clearances At Underpasses for Vehicular
Traffic” and IRC 11-1962 “Design & Layout of Cycle Tracks" may also be made in this regard.

(3) Vertical Clearance for Pedestrian Subways: Minimum Clear Height of 2.75 meter shall be
provided for pedestrian crossings.

2.8.6 Design of Minor Bridge Design Criteria: The Design Criteria shall be as follows:

(a) The Contractor shall carry out standardization of the sizes and undertake their design as
per the Design Philosophy & Design Criteria.

(b) Preparation of bed below the culvert shall be based on actual site conditions to achieve
the necessary Safe Bearing Capacity.

(c) Barrel length of the culvert shall be decided based on the fill height.

(d) Suitable Bed slope shall be provided.

2.8.7 Wayside Signs

The Contractor shall design & install the Wayside Signs in accordance with the requirements as
specified in relevant IRS Codes and Manuals. The list of the Wayside Signs indicated herein
below and in the Reference Drawings is not exhaustive and the Contractor shall provide all the
Wayside Signs as per the IRS Codes and Manuals as applicable. Details of these signs shall be
developed & submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer as part of the Technical Design for consent.
The Contractor shall take into account the visibility of the signs (in particular by the locomotive
drivers); their stability (support post & foundations); durability & maintenance aspects. Design of
reflective-type signs, incorporating clear numerals, located on non-corrosive supports, with
parallel & perpendicular to the track as indicated in the Reference Drawings shall be developed
in accordance with the requirements of relevant IRS Codes and Manuals.

(1) Kilometer Post: Kilometer Posts shall be located at every km point along the alignment on
the left hand side of the track towards the termination of proposed line. The distance from the
Zero Chainage shall be shown in numerals increasing from Zero to the termination engraved 6
mm deep on both sides of the post.
PAGE 311

(2) Hectometer Post: Hectometer posts shall be located at every 100m between the
Kilometer Posts. Letters in numerals are engraved 6 mm deep on both sides of the post.

(3) Gradient Post: Gradient posts shall be located at every change of gradient along the
vertical alignment on the left hand side of the track toward the termination of proposed line.
Letters showing forthcoming gradients shall be engraved 6 mm deep on both sides of the post as
indicated in the Reference Drawings.

(4) Curve Board: Curve boards shall be located at the start/end point of a horizontal curve.
They shall include Curve Number, Radius of Curvature, Cant, Circular Curve Length & Tangent
Curve Length, which shall be embossed onto a metal plate, or similar as indicated in the
Reference Drawings.

(5) Transition Curve Post: Transition posts shall be located at the beginning & end of each
transition curve. Letters painted in white indicating “BTC” or “ETC” are engraved in front of a
black- painted wooden post with the Chainage written on the back side in the same way.
(6) Fouling Mark: Fouling marks shall be located between two converging tracks within the
ballast to indicate the safe stabling limit for trains approaching the convergence point. This point
shall ensure that no contact shall be made with a train passing on the adjacent track. Its location
shall be based on the width of the MMD as described in the Specifications between the two track
centre lines. The letters “FM” shall be engraved 6 mm deep on the marker as indicated in the
Reference Drawings.

(7) Bridge Number Plaque: Bridge number plaques showing the bridge number which shall
be embossed onto a metal plate or similar shall be attached diagonally on the top surface of the
both abutments as indicated in the Reference Drawings.

(8) Inscription Plaques on Bridges: Inscription plaques on all bridges of span 3.0m and above
showing nature and depth of foundations shall be inscribed on cement concrete or stone slab
fixed on each pier and abutment as per Indian Railway Bridge Manual Para 1103.4.

(9) Flood Gauges: Flood gauges with marking of danger level & HFL shall be painted on
each of the abutment and every fourth pier in case of multi-span bridges as per IRS Manuals.

(10) Station Name Board: Station Name Boards (which shall be provided at both ends of the
Station and at the Station Building) on which the name of the station shall be embossed onto a
metal plate, or similar shall be placed at both ends of the Station at the main Station Building in
the station area facing to the Main Line and shall comprise a metal plate, a metal frame
supported on steel posts, or similar as indicated in the Reference Drawings. The Name shall be
written in English & Hindi.

(11) Rail Posts Indicating Tangent Points: On the inside of the curve, rail posts shall be
erected on each approach of the curve, to indicate the positions of the beginning and end of
transition curves. These rail posts may be painted in red and white colours respectively.

(12) Indication of Cant on Track: Super-elevation or Cant shall be indicated by painting its
value on the inside face of the web of the inner rail of the curve and at every versine station,
beginning with zero at the commencement of the transition curve. The value of Cant shall be
PAGE 312

indicated on the circular curve at its beginning and at the end. In the case of long circular curve,
the cant value shall be indicated at intermediate stations at a distance not exceeding 250 metres.

(13) Whistle indicator: Whistle boards shall be provided at the rear of all places where the view
of the Drivers is obstructed by cuttings or tunnels or curves and where it is necessary to give
audible warnings of the approach of a train to those working on the track. The whistle boards are
fixed at a distance of 600 meters. The whistle indicator shall consist of two 600 mm square
boards painted yellow and bearing letter “W” in black. Its height shall be 2100 mm from the rail
level to the underside and the post on which it is fixed, painted with 300 mm high bands in white
& black.

(14) Whistle Indicator for Level Crossing (wherever level crossing is required): Whistle Boards
shall also be provided on the approach of all manned level crossings, where a clear view is not
obtained. These bear the letters „W/L‟. The details of these whistle boards are described in Para
916(1) / Chapter IX-Level Crossings & Gateman of IRPWM.

(15) Shunting Limit Boards: Shunting Limit Boards shall be provided at an adequate distance
in advance of the trailing points. This shall consist of a 600 mm x 1000 mm rectangular board
painted yellow with a black cross on the top and words “shunting limit” written in black below it.
Its height should be 2 metres from the rail level to the underside of the portion containing the
cross and the post on which it is fixed, painted with 300 mm high bands in white and black. It
shall be fitted with a lamp showing white light in both directions.

(16) Switch Expansion Joint (SEJ) Boards

(17) Long Welded Rail (LWR) Boards

(18) Bridge Boards

(19) Engineering Restrictions Boards (if any)

(20) Section Limit Boards

(21) Road Sign Boards

(22) Project Sign Boards

(23) Any other board as per the requirement of relevant IR codes/manuals

2.9. Latest Version

Latest version of the Manuals, letters, Specifications & Standards including the amendments
notified/published by the Base Date shall be considered applicable.

2.10. Terms used in Manuals

The terms [„Inspector‟, „AEE‟, „DE‟] used in the Manuals shall be deemed to be substituted by the
term: “Authority‟s Engineer”; to the extent it is consistent with the provisions of the Agreement.
PAGE 313

2.11. Absence of specific provision

In the absence of any specific provision on any particular issue in the aforesaid Manuals,
Specifications or Standards, the following standards shall apply in order of priority:

(1) Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

(2) Euro Codes or British Standards or American Standards

(3) Any other specifications/standards proposed by the Contractor and reviewed by the
Authority‟s Engineer.

2.12. Alternative Specifications & Standards

2.12.1 The requirements specified in the Manuals are the minimum. The Contractor shall,
however, be free to adopt international practices, alternative specifications, materials & standards
to bring in innovation in the design & construction provided they are better or comparable with the
standards prescribed in the Manuals. The specifications & techniques, which are not included in
the Indian Railway Manuals/ RDSO specifications shall be supported with authentic
specifications and standards specified in paragraph 5 above. Such a proposal shall be submitted
by the Contractor to the Authority Engineer. In case, the Authority Engineer is of the opinion that
the proposal submitted by the Contractor is not in conformity with any of the international
standards or codes, then he shall record his reasons and convey the same to the Contractor for

2.12.2 In case, the Contractor is offering an alternative product which is not as per the
designs/ specifications stipulated in this Agreement, but the same is already in the use with
satisfactory performance in one or more major world Railway(s) for more than 5 (five) years for
the same or higher design speed/rating (as applicable for project line), such product can be
permitted to be used by the Authority Engineer in accordance with the Cross Approval policy of
the Railway Board as existing at the time of offering of such product. The products covered for
the purpose of this clause shall be as per the list provided in the policy.
PAGE 314


1 Specifications & Standards

Equipment, materials & sub-systems (as required within the Scope of Works) shall be designed,
manufactured & tested in accordance with the latest issue of consented / approved & recognized
codes & standards defined and proposed by the Contractor and consented by the Authority‟s
Engineer for the Work.

The Contractor shall submit Five original copies (latest publications in English) to the Authority‟s
Engineer of all the Codes, Standards & Guidelines proposed to be used for the work including
those listed in the Specifications out of which two original copies shall be retained by Authority‟s
Engineer and three original copies shall be forwarded to the Authority for his use.

References to “standards or to materials and equipment of a particular manufacturer” in the Bid

Documents shall be regarded as followed by the words “or better”.

The Contractor may propose alternative standard materials, or equipment that shall be equal to
or better than those specified & compatible with Specifications / requirements defined under the
All Materials, works & construction operations shall conform to the following manuals:

1.1 For Civil Works

1.1.1 General Guidelines for Civil Works

(a) Earthwork in formation should conform to Guidelines issued by RDSO i.e.,

Comprehensive Guidelines & Specifications for Railway Formation RDSO/2020/GE:IRS-004,
Guidelines for Cuttings in Railway Formations, Guidelines No. GE:G-2 August-2005. Only
Mechanical Compaction of Embankment Fill with vibratory/sheep foot roller as the case may be
to suit the available, designed & approved soil should be resorted.

(b) Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual, Flash Butt Welding Manual, AT Welding
Manual, Manual of Long Welded Rails, Manual for Ultrasonic Flaw Detection, On Track Machine
Manual, Small Track Machine Manual, RDSO Specification & Drawings for P. Way & Works
Materials with upto date Addendum & Corrigendum.

(c) Indian Railway Bridge Manual, Foundation & SubStructure Code of IR, IR Bridge Rules,
IRS Concrete Bridge Code, RDSO Spec.B1 2001 for Structural Steel & IR Steel & welded Bridge
Codes with up to date Addendum & Corrigendum Slips.

(d) Indian Railway Works Manual with up to Addendum & Corrigendum.

(e) Indian Railway Schedule of Dimensions with upto date Addendum & Corrigendum Slips

(f) Indian Railway Track Manual Vol. I & II with latest Amendments.
PAGE 315

(g) All Relevant IS Codes for works & Materials

Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials), 2010 Volume-I (Chapter 1
to 10)-2010

(h) Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials), 2010 Volume-II
(Chapter 10 to 26)-2010

(i) CPWD Works Manual, 2019

(j) In case of any contradiction in the various codal provisions, the order of precedence shall
be as follows:

i) Provisions of this Annex-I

ii) IRS Codal provisions
iii) IRC Codal provisions
iv) IS (BIS) Codal provisions

1.2 For Signalling & Telecommunication Works

(a) Indian Railway Signal Engineering Manual for Signalling

(b) Indian Railway Telecom Manual for Telecommunication Works

(c) RDSO Specifications for Signalling & Telecom works

(d) RDSO Drawings for Signalling & Telecom works

(e) RDSO / Railway Board / South Western Railway HQ issued guidelines / circulars /
instructions / technical advisory notes, etc as relevant for S&T works

(f) Implementation of IP-MPLS Technology of unified communication backbone on Indian

Railways vide Document No STT/TAN/IP-MPLS/2020 version 1.0 or latest (Authority: Railway
Board letter No. 2011/Tele*9(2)/1 Dt. 25.02.2020)

Attachment A1 to this Annex-I (Schedule D) provides the indicative list of RDSO specifications /
drawings for S&T works.

Attachment A2 to this Annex-I (Schedule D) provides the S&T cable related policy letters issued
by South Western Railway for reference of the Bidders.

1.3 For Electrification Works

(a) Indian Railways Manual AC Traction, Volume-II Part-I & Volume- II Part-II with latest
amendments wherever applicable.

(b) Manual of Standards & Specification for Railway Electrification with latest amendments
wherever applicable.
PAGE 316

(c) Indian Railways Standards schedule of Dimension with latest amendments wherever
(d) All the latest circulars / instruction issued by Railway Board & South Western Railway HQ
regarding OHE & PSI installation

1.4 For Electrical General Services Works

(a) Specifications & Standards for Construction (Electrical Portion) issued by Ministry of
Railway (Railway Board)/RDSO

(b) All the latest circulars / instructions issued by Railway Board/RDSO and South Western
Railway HQ regarding electrical general services installation.

(c) CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part-I Internal-2013 with latest

(d) CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part-IV substations-2013 with latest

(e) Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications and Code of Practices.

(f) Indian Electricity Act 2003 and rules framed there under

(g) Regulations laid down by the Chief Electrical Engineer of concerned zonal railway/ Chief
Electrical Inspector/ local authorities.

(h) Indian Electricity rules, 1956 with latest amendments.

(i) Energy Conservation Act 2001

(j) Energy Conservation Building Code

(k) National Building Code

(l) IRSOD 2004 with latest ACS.

(m) ACTM (AC Traction Manual) 1987 with latest correction slips

2 Deviations from the Specifications & Standards

Not used.
PAGE 317

(Annex-1 of Schedule-D) (S&T)


PAGE 318

(Annex-1 of Schedule-D)

Attachment B to this Annex-I (Schedule D) provides the indicative list of RDSO specifications /
drawings for traction works (PDF copies of 1) Master list of Drawing TI-M- 4.2.3-2 Ver. 4.0 (72
pages) and master list of specification & material TI-M-4.2.3-1 Ver. 6.0(1) (12 Pages) attached in


All Materials, works & construction operations shall conform to the following manuals:

For Electrification Works:

(a) Manual of Standards & Specification for Railway Electrification

(b) Indian Railways Standards of Dimension.

(For General Electrical Services Work)


Flush type switch - 6 A to operate on AC single phase 240V, 50 Hz supply conforming to IS 3854/latest.
Switches controlling fans and plug points shall have engraved letters 'F' and 'P' respectively as
applicable/available for the category.

Cable PVC insulated (FRLS) single core, copper conductor multi-strand of various sizes 6 sqmm, 4 sqmm,
2.5 sq mm and 1.5 sqmm, 1100V grade and conforming to IS 694/latest. The PVC cable should comply
with the relevant category of IS 694 /latest for improved fire performance.

TYPE & SIZE OF PVC PIPES: All PVC pipes for wiring shall be conforming to IS 9537/P3/1983 with grey
colour. No PVC pipe less than 20 mm +/- 0.2mm in diameter with wall thickness of 2mm shall be used.The
number of insulated conductors that can be drawn into PVC pipes should be as per table III of IS:732/1963
and should be easy to pull at the time of rewiring. Conduit inspection type coupler at reasonable interval
shall be provided. Scope includes supply of couplers, joint box, bends etc. at contractor’s cost.

FIXING / CONCEALING OF CONDUIT: Conduits shall be laid inside roof slab or wall for concealed wiring.
Replastering shall be done after laying the conduits in the wall / roof. Conduits shall be attached with
existing PVC pipe if already laid on the roof.

FIXING OF CONDUIT: If surface wiring involves, conduit shall be fixed by heavy duty PVC saddles
secured to suitable wooden plugs/phil plug compound with screws in manner at an interval of not more
PAGE 319

than 60 cms. but on either side of couplers/bends/joint box in similar fittings, saddles shall be fixed at a
distance of 30 cm from the centre of such fittings. Fixing of PVC double locked casing and capping shall be
as per standard wiring practice . Casing and capping shall be white or ivory in colour. When the wiring is to
be drawn in shelter/sheds the PVC pipe shall be secured to the steel members of shelters/sheds with
suitable clamps made out of MS flats 25mm wide and 3mm thick.

CEILING ROSE:Surface semi recessed types for pendant lighting and fan, wherever required, to be used
in circuits with voltage not exceeding 240V, current 5A, conforming to IS 371/latest.

SYSTEM OF WIRING:Concealed or surface wiring system shall be adopted for wiring as per site condition
as instructed by Engr. in Charge. The rate of wiring to point shall include the cost of ceiling rose with
two/three terminals (as applicable), round block/plate, earthing and all related accessories required for
safe wiring.

The system of wiring shall be such that separate phase and neutral wires shall be taken from the switch
control board to each and every light/ fan point. Suitable bakelite connectors shall be used in the switch
control board for termination of phase and neutral wires controlling the light points. No jointing or twisting
of wires is permitted either inside the control boards or anywhere else outside. Necessary earth continuity
connection to fan/ light / socket points shall be provided along with wiring cable. Connection to light/fan
from ceiling rose shall be with 3 core 1.5 sq mm flexible copper cables. The wiring shall be carried out in
an approved manner satisfying the relevant IS specification, code of practice available and additional
specifications applicable if any for surface/ concealed wiring system.

The route of the wiring is to be decided in consultation with the authorised representative of Engineer-in-
charge. Chipping/ replastering of wall/ceiling as required for wiring shall be carried out by the contractor.

Before commissioning the installations the following tests shall be conducted and the results shall
conform to the values specified and shall be certified by the person whose competency certificate has
been attached.

1. Insulation resistance test

2. Testing of polarity of non-linked single pole switches
3. Earth continuity path (Bell tester)
4. Earth resistance value
5. Any other test as desired by Engineer-in-charge on safety
point of view.

8 Way SPN DB:

Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of SPN DB 8 way IP protection with double door having
DP Isolator 10 to 32 amp and M.C.B 6 to 20 amp. 10 kA C curve with earth connection.
PAGE 320

Covered Shed (light and fan) LED Light fitting

Supply, fabrication, erection, testing & commissioning of pendant/surface mounted LED tube
fitting 20W complete with tube rod. Energy Efficient LED Tubular lamp four feet with its Driver
and Luminaries of CRCA Steel sheet Enclosure, IP-20 for In-door application, operating voltage
(140-270 V), Minimum 1800 Lumens, System Efficacy 100 Im/W (Min.) colour Temperature
6500º K, CRI > 65 and Warranty of 60 months from the Date of Commissioning or 72 Months
from the date of Supply, whichever is earlier, as per Specification No: SWR/LED LIGHT FITTING
(INDOOR/OUTDOOR) /001-2016.

Ceiling fan

The ceiling fans were fixed and commissioned by providing suitable size MS hook, required down
rod and connection with 3 cord flexible/3x1.5 mm multi strength copper wire properly and earth
connection (Ref: PCEE/SWR/UBL letter No. SWR/EL/S-433/Vol.III Dt. 12.01.2018)

Description: Energy Efficient BrushLess DC Motor (BLDC) Ceiling Fan

Technical Specification
1 Sweep 1200 mm
2 BEE Rating 5 star
3 Rated Power 32 Watts Maximum
4 Operating Voltage 140-290 V, Single Phase AC
5 Frequency 48-52 Hz
6 Air Delivery 220 Cum/Min
7 Harmonic Distortion 5% Max
8 Speed Control Smart Remote Control with minimum three steps
9 Blade Thickness 1.1 MM
10 Blade Material Aluminium
11 Bearing Double ball bearings
12 Down rod size (without shackle) 300 mm
13 Shank & Shackle Thickness 2 mm (minimum)
14 Canopy 2 Nos.
15 Color Standard White
16 Warranty 5 Years
17 IS Specification Performance test for Air Delivery shall be conducted
as per clause 10.3 of IS Specification No. 394/1979.
The Fan shall comply with IS:616/ 2010 for safety
requirements for electronic equipments
18 Test Report The firm has to submit type test report from
Government accredited test labs like NABL/ CPRI,
19 No. of fans to be provided in platform 1 No. in every 6 meters (minimum)
20 No. of fans to be provided in closed 1 No. in every 18 sq. meter (minimum)

Earthing Arrangements
PAGE 321

Perforated steel galvanised pipe of 'C' class of 50mm dia and 2920mm long shall be erected in an earth pit
as shown in drawing. The earth wire used shall be of GI strip of size 25mmx3mm for HT and 8 SWG GI
wire for LT with suitable clamping of size not less than 25x3mm on to the terminal structure and embedded
in concrete for raising to the top of terminal structure. Both ends of the GI strip/GI wire should be fixed
with GI bolts, nuts and spring washer. A square RCC box/Brick masonry as indicated in
Drg.No.DEE/CN/MISC/163/A shall be fixed. An RCC slab of size 450x450x40mm thick is to be placed
where RCC box/brick masonry work. Earth box shall be painted above the ground level to facilitate
painting of earth values. The earth pit shall be filled with alternate layers of charcoal and salt each of
thickness 150mm and 200mm dia surrounding the pipe. The earth value when measured individually and
combined should be less than 10 ohms. 8 SWG GI earth wire shall be used for earthing single pole
structure. In the ground GI wire shall be buried at a depth of 0.5m and connected to the earth terminal.
Earth resistance value in ohms, earth pit No. and date of testing to be painted in the plinth by white paint.
Supply of GI pipe and all accessories for earthing (excluding GI flat/GI wire) is included in the scope of work
for earthing arrangements.

PVC Duct (covered shed)

Supply and fixing of PVC cable duct suitable approved colour of standard make and drawing
required no of PVC copper wire 6mm2 inside it. The PVC duct shall be properly fixed with the
help of MS clamps /rawl plugs/14 SWG GI wire as per the instructions of site Engineer.

Shed Wiring

The circuit wiring in the platform shed is to be done by 2.5/ 4/6 insulated multi strand
copper wire inside PVCduct/ conduit 19/20/25 mm as per instruction of site Engineer. The PVC
conduit shall be properly fixed with the help of MS clamps /rawl plugs/14 SWG GI wire as per the
instructions of site Engineer. The tappings from the main circuit (for connecting the fans and
FTLs) shall be done with the use of suitable conductors. There should be no loose connections
and joints in the wiring circuit. Bends or flexible conduits should be used as per the site
requirement. Insulated Copper earth wire of size 2.5/4/6/10, is to be along the complete
length of the circuit inside the PVC duct/conduit. The wiring should be in a well dressed up
manner. Any discrepancy occurred in engineering work during the wiring should be restored in
the original condition by the contractor, at his own cost.

A plug socket 5 pin, 6/10 Amp. 230 V with 6/10 Amp piano type switch is to be provided in the PF
shelter for mobile/laptop charging. The plug socket is to be fixed on the existing MS/wooden
board. The connection of the switch socket is to be done by insulated copper wire 2.5 sq.. mm
along with 2.5 Sq. mm insulated copper earth wire inside PVC conduit 19/20/25 mm size.

The circuit of the platform lighting is to be designed / bifurcated so as to operate switching in the
ratio of 30% and 70% separately.

Electrical Wiring

Point/submain wiring shall be done in concealed/on surface in PVC Conduit pipe/Existing

PAGE 322

PVC conduit pipe ISI Marked 1.5 mm thick, minimum 19/20/25 mm bend / junction, PVC
insulated wire of size 1.5 sq. mm 1100 V. grade ISI marked confirming to relevant IS
specifications and make of reference list shall be used for point wiring, and 2.5 / 4 /6 sq. mm shall
be used in sub-main as per item of schedule and instructions of authority engineer. All metallic
parts, fittings, etc shall be connected to the earth wire. Joints in Wires are not allowed. Sub-main
shall be run in separate Conduit pipe, the wire of sub-main and the loop of sub-main belonging to
the same circuit may be taken through the pipe from the same sub- main. Switches: All 6/10
Amp. Switches shall be provided on phase wire. All the M.S. box shall have 3 mm thick hylam
sheet with required groove cutting for fixing of switches / sockets etc. The wiring shall be done in
such fashion that minimum conduit pipes run inside the room as far as possible. Piano type
switches, 6/10 & 16/20 amp. Sockets, ceiling rose, batten holder, etc shall be of reference list.
The contractor shall dismantle old wiring completely in case it is replaced with new wiring.
Samples of all wiring items shall be approved from the Railway before installation. The copper
wire used for earthing purpose shall not be less than wire used for wiring and sub mains
respectively and may be used for other electric purposes.

The octagonal pole shall be made of hot dip galvanized 3 mm thick steel sheet, Top 70 mm A/F and Bottom
130mm A/F with base plate 250X250X12mm for 5.5 mtr Octagonal Pole & Top 70 mm A/F and Bottom
155mm A/F with base plate 260X260X16mm for 9 mtr Octagonal Pole and inbuilt junction box with
single/double arm bracket. Each bracket not less than 1 1/4th dia, B glass GI pipe Bracket of 350mm (5.5 mtr
pole) & 1000mm (9mtr pole) long for mounting of light fitting.The Octagonal pole shall be erected by
excavating a pit and concreting the foundation in all kinds of soil with plastering above ground level, with
base plate , installed by means of foundation bolts/nuts/check nuts and provided with inbuilt junction box and
suitable power strip connector and 16A cut out for each light shall be provided inside the box and suitable
power strip connector and 16A cut out for each light shall be provided inside the box. After hot dip
galvanized the pole and mounting pipe shall be painted with double coat aluminium paint. RCC foundation of
size 1m depth X 0.5m width X 0.5m breadth and 1.5m depth X 0.6m width X 0.6m breadth shall be provided
for erecting the 5.5 mtr pole and 9 mtr pole respectively . Steel reinforcement to the foundation shall be
provided within scope of erection of pole. Excavation and clearing the balanced soil shall be in the
contractor's scope of work. Foundation above ground level shall be adjusted as per the instruction of
engineer in charge as per site condition.PVC pipe shall be provided for cable entry while casting the
foundation. For poles with a double arm bracket, the second bracket shall be provided exactly opposite to
the first bracket arm with the same fixing angle.


Erection of Swaged Tubular Pole shall include the following works
Excavation of a pit of size 1.65 m depth x 0. 5m width x 0.5m breadth and provision of rough cement
concrete mixture base at the bottom for 0.15 m thick , erection of pole 9 mtrs long on the base concrete
and filling the pit with cement concrete mixture using 1:3:6 ratio cement and 25mm hard stone metal for
the foundation of size 1.5mx 0.5mx0.5m . Coping and muffing with finished surface shall be provided in
scope of erection of post. Raising cable shall be taken through an encasing pipe.


PAGE 323

The contractor shall assemble the fitting and fix on Canopy assembly with pipe bracket, on the Post.
The wiring to Light Point should be drawn from the junction box from inside of Octagonal/Tubular post
by providing suitable grommets at cable entry points. Junction box shall be provided with entry for two
cables (max 4cx16 sqmm -2nos ) from bottom with proper rigid sealing/ glanding as suitable.. Supply of
post shall be inclusive of base plate suitable for 9 mtr pole as approved by Engr. in charge .The location
for fixing of fitting shall be decided by site Engineer In charge. Arm bracket shall be attached with a
suitable base plate welded to the pipe for support. Canopy and Bracket assembly should be painted
same as that of the pole


Tubular Lamp Post shall be made of hot dip galvanised iron tubular pipe 100mm dia „ C Class,
heavy duty ( wall thickness 4.0 - 4.5 mm ) as per IS 1239- Pt I, 1979 or latest with covered top.
Single Bracket assembly with GI pipe (min. 48 cm, 3.5-4.0 mm thickness) welded on the post at
an angle of 45-60 degree for mounting the light fitting. Bracket pipe shall be welded with
25x6mm GI flat and then to the pole as per drg No.DyCEE/CN/06/2016/1 at suitable angle for
support and shall be made as per instruction of Engr. In charge.

The Lamp Post, GI pipe and mounting bracket shall be painted with two coats of anticorrosive
red oxide and one coat of cold aluminium paint or polyurethane paint from top most point to one
foot below the lowest cross arm and two coats of aluminium paint up to the ground level and
one coat of Anti Corrosive black paint for the portion of pole buried in the earth. Black enamel
paint shall be used for painting, coping and muffing. Supply items shall be inclusive of all
accessories with loop in loop out box , raising pipe etc.

Erection of Tubular post: This work includes the following :

Excavation of a pit of size 1.00 m depth x 0. 5m width x 0.5m breadth and provision of thick cement
concrete mixture base at the bottom of the above foundation, erection of pole 6 mtrs long and filling the
pit with cement concrete mixture using 1: 3:6 ratio cement and 25mm hard stone metal.

SPECIFICATION FOR Loop In Loop Out Box FRP Loop-In-Loop-Out Box outdoor type for
Lighting poles

BOX : Made from Polycarbonate ideal for outdoor application. Inclined roof for water run out.
Single door with proper hinges , side opening and Ball Catch locking system.

Cable Entry: This is through 3 Holes with grommets at equal distances provided below the box
suitable for 16 sq. mm cable, Provision should be made for Light fittings wires to run through
the channel behind the box.

Fixing: 5mm Thick M.S. strip 2 Nos for pole mounting should be provided within the box with
suitable holes to avoid rusting of MS strip.

Box size (Minimum) : 330 (H) x 250 (W) x 130 (D) mm, Wall Thickness of box = 3mm.
Accessories :

(1) Fuse cutout 16 Amps-1 No,(FOR SINGLE FITTING)

(2) 32 Amps 6 way terminal block-1No,
PAGE 324

(3) 16 Amps neutral Link

All Mounted on Poly carbonate base of thickness not less than 4mm of FR Grade.

Properties of Box Material: Polycarbonate

Non rusting/non corrosive

Shockproof/ non reactive to weather changes.
Non-sparking, /Resistant to propagation of fire.
Make it similar to HENSEL.


The contractor shall assemble the fitting and fix on the Canopy assembly GI pipe bracket, on the
Post.The wiring to Light Point should be drawn with copper wires from LILO Box
from inside of the tubular post by providing suitable grommets at cable entry points.

The location for erection of pole with fitting shall be decided by site Engineer In charge.

Street light fitting

Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of street light LED fitting complete. Energy Efficient LED
based Street Light fitting with Pressure Die Cast Aluminum Housing, with Driver and Suitable
Fixing Arrangement, IP-65 for outdoor application, operating voltage (140-270 V), Minimum 3600
Lumens, System Efficacy 100 Im/W colour Temperature 5700º K, CRI > 65 and Warranty of 60
months from the Date of Commissioning or 72 Months from the date of Supply, whichever is
earlier, as per Specification No: SWR/LED LIGHT FITTING (INDOOR/OUTDOOR) / 001-2016.

Fitting shall be of complete set with driver circuit, LED lamp etc. as per CEE/SWR specification. When
the fitting is mounted on a pipe bracket, 25x6mm size GI clamps with fastners shall be used for fixing the
fitting on the building/ on pole. When fixing on the building/ on the pole, wiring shall be extended from
ceiling rose with 1.5sqmm copper wires as part of fixing of fitting .


When the cable is to be laid in trenches, two layers of sand coarse of 150 mm and 150mm thickness
respectively shall be provided on both bottom and top of the cable. When the cable is to be run on
members of supporting structures /shelters/ wall, the same shall be clamped with MS clamps made out
of 25mmx3mm thickness flats, spaced not more than 1.0M apart and cost shall be borne by the
contractor. The minimum internal dia of bends of multicore PVC/XLPE insulated LT cables shall not be
lesser than 15D where D is the diameter of the cable to be laid. When cable laying is involved,
termination of the same on its either ends shall also be carried out.


PAGE 325

The cable protecting pipe shall be a rigid PVC pipe of dia given in the schedule. The pipe shall be secured
with either walls or posts using clamps made out of MS flats of 25mm wide and 6mm thick, spaced not
more than 1.0M apart. The clamps shall be applied with one coat of red oxide and two coats of aluminium
paint. The top of the leading pipe shall be sealed with sealing compound to prevent entry of water. The
PVC pipe shall conform to IS 4985-2000, latest and shall be capable of withstanding 6 kgf / sq cm pressure.


The description of the cable route indicator (cable marker) is detailed in the schedule. Construction of
cable markers and other details shall be as per Drg No.CSTE/CN/OFC/1 and lettering shall be as
specified in schedule. It shall be spaced not more than 25m apart. It should be placed at the following
places also.

1.On either sides of track/road exactly at points where the HDPE pipe ends.
2.At points where there are changes in the route of cable laying.


1 .a) The trench shall be of 0.4 M width and 1. 2 M depth for HT cables & 0.3 M width and 1. 0 M depth for
LT cables. Sand cushioning and spreading of bricks are required. The excavated earth is filled up in the
trench (including for cable coil pit) and the trench is made to the original ground level by watering and
ramming processes. Trench for cable underneath the track/road : HT/LT cables shall be drawn through
HDPE pipe

b) Trench to accommodate HDPE pipe shall be of suitable width and excavated at 1.2 M below the
formation level/road and 1m below GL as in schedule for other areas shall be used as per site requirement
. No sand cushioning and spreading of bricks are required. But once the pipes are laid in the trench, it
should be made to its original formation level by filling it up with excavated earth by watering and ramming
process and resetting the ballast of track to its original level. Similarly wherever road has been dug for
laying the cable the same should be filled, rammed and asphalted and brought to original condition. In rocky
area, cable shall be drawn through HDPE pipe provided inside the trench for protection of cable. Trench with
1 mtr depth and to be operated as per site condition as instructed by Engr. in Charge. Supply of any size
HDPE pipe includes its jointing accessories. Refilling of trench and balance work shall be as explained

1. Excavation means, earthwork for laying of cable, erection of structures, stay, strut etc.,
irrespective of soil condition.
2.If any tar road requires to be excavated, it will be classified under item (b) above

LT Cable Laying

Laying & commissioning of different sizes of cables in trench / under the road / under the track /
along-with pole / wall / in air/cable tray/ already laid pipe. Before laying the cable the trench
should be thoroughly checked for sharp ballast and stones so that the cable may not be
PAGE 326

damaged. Before and after laying the cable the IR value should be checked. While laying the
cable, care should be taken that no tree roots come in the way of cable, as it may damage the
outside insulation of cable. Armouring at both ends of cable should be earthed. At termination
point of cable aluminium lugs and Brass glands of suitable size and good quality shall be
provided. Cable markers should be provided on both the sides/ each turn of the cable and at
each 20 mtrs and all bends. Bending radius of the cable shall not be less than 16 times of dia of
the cable. And the trench shall be refilled with soil available. Wherever the cable emerges out of
the ground at least two loops of sufficient radius should be laid. Installation of cable along with
wall / pole / underneath sheds wherever required shall be done with support of GI Saddles / J
bolts of proper size / GI Pipe. Breaking of floor / wall / road and other civil structures and
repairing upto original condition, shall be done by the contractor, and no extra cost will be paid for
it. Permission for crossing any road if required, shall be arranged by the contractor in
coordination of the concerned railway site engineer, and all the expenditures will be borne by the
contractor. Before and after laying the cable , the IR value should be checked. All the instruments
required for insulation testing/ high voltage testing shall be arranged by the contractor at his own
cost. Cable connection will be provided by the contractor to all electrical fitting, pumps, water
coolers, staff quarters, station building, circulating area, street light, high mast, signage board,

LED tube light fitting

Supply, fabrication, erection, testing & commissioning of pendant/surface mounted LED tube
fitting 20W complete with tube rod. Energy Efficient LED Tubular lamp four feet with its Driver
and Luminaries of CRCA Steel sheet Enclosure, IP-20 for In-door application, operating voltage
(140-270 V), Minimum 1800 Lumens, System Efficacy 100 Im/W (Min.) colour Temperature
6500º K, CRI > 65 and Warranty of 60 months from the Date of Commissioning or 72 Months
from the date of Supply, whichever is earlier, as per CEE/NWR/GS/LED/2015, July 2015 and
Generally conforming to Philips Cat. No. MAS LED Tube STD 1200 mm 20 W 865 T81 for LED
Tube with Philips Cat. No. TMC 501P x T-LED for Luminaire or Similar with connection and

Exhaust Fan

Supply, fixing & commissioning of Exhaust fan 300 mm sweep make as per reference list. The
exhaust fan shall be fixed on the wall at the main hole provided for it in the room by grouting 4
Nos. MS nut- bolt with other required arrangement and suitable louvers with connection and


Power Panel board shall be cubicle type made out of 16 SWG CRCA sheet powder coated type
consisting of copper bus bar arrangements and MCCB/MCBs as per schedule. Bus bars shall be of size
1 1/2” x1/4’’ or equivalent size. MDB shall be erected on a suitable stand or on CC foundation as
instructed by Engr. in charge.


PAGE 327

Meter panel board shall be made out of 16 SWG CRCA sheet powder coated consisting of copper/a bus
bar arrangements and MCCB/MCBs as per schedule . Bus bar shall have current carrying capacity 1.25
times of incoming MCCB rating. Single/Three phase energy matter shall be as per ESCOM approved
make and shall be provided in the compartments with glass window for meter reading. Same shall be
erected on suitable stand or on CC foundation or on the wall in concealed/surface manner as instructed
by Engineer in charge


MCB DP/SPN/SP/FP of rating as specified in the schedule, 240 V/415V, 50 Hz. to automatically isolate the
electrical circuit under sustained overloads or short circuits and comply with IS 8828/96 latest. MCB DB shall
be powder coated made of 16 SWG CRCA sheets with all internal accessories. All MCBs shall be of 10 KA
breaking capacity with ‘C’ curve characteristics.

MCCB shall be an adjustable type with rotary handles. MCBs shall be with C curve characteristics of
10KA category. Energy meter in each compartment shall be fixed on a 5 mm thick hylem sheet for
insulation. Autocad drawings shall be submitted for approval before supply of panel board.


The housing for socket and plug with interlocked and MCB shall be in enclosure fabricated out of MS
sheet of thickness 1.6mm (16SWG) powder coated and shall be a weather proof suitable for outdoor
The following items shall be mounted inside the enclosure with suitable mounting arrangements
a. 4 pole 63 Amps 440 V MCB with breaking capacity of 10KA
b. 63 Amps 440V (3 phase + neutral + earth ) industrial type socket and
c. Mechanical interlocking between MCB and plug pocket
d. 4 way terminal block DMC moulded – 2 Nos. for cable termination and looping of LTUG Cable
e. CAM type socket cover
f. Plug locking ring
g. Earthing terminals
h. Glands suitable for LTUG Cable
i. Name plate
j. Danger plate
k. Aluminium cable grip

The interlocking arrangement shall be such that

i) MCB cannot be switched ON unless plug is inserted
ii) Plug cannot be withdrawn unless the MCB is in OFF position
iii) Enclosure door can be opened only with MCB in OFF position and plug removed
PAGE 328

Each enclosure unit shall be internally wired with appropriate size PVC insulated copper conductor / strips
with color code.The enclosure shall have front operated hinged door with industrial lock – 2 Nos. for each
unit and suitable clamping arrangements duly painted .The surface of enclosure both internal and external
shall be treated with base coat of anti-corrosion finished with grey colour powder coated paint.The
enclosure shall be of suitable size for easy usage and undertaking repairs. The whole precooling unit with
enclosure shall be mounted inside a CRCA sheet MS box powder coated made up of 16 SWG of suitable
size complete with necessary GI bolts, nuts, washers etc


a) Input voltage: 230 V, Single phase AC supply,

b) Output voltage: 110 V DC Supply with 35 Amps Rate current,
c) Charging current range: 7 to 40 Amps (With 3 way current selector switch)
d) Output voltage range: 110 to 120 V DC,
e) Class of insulation: E
f) Cooling: Natural air Cooling,
g) Overall efficiency: Minimum 75% at 110V, 35 Amps,
h) List of components of Pole mounted battery charger.

1 AC MCB Main ON 25 A
2 DC MCB-Output 50 A
3 Neon Light Mains on Indication 230 V
4 Transformer with Tapping 4.5 KVA
5 Choke Transformer-Filter Choke 30 A
6 Switch 1 P 3 WAY ON & OFF Rotary Switch 63 A
7 D 1, D 2 Bridge Diode Body anode 70 A,1200 V
8 D3,D4 Bridge diode body anode 70 A,1200 V
9 R1-R4 Resistor 150 Ohm, 1⁄2 Watt
10 C1-C4 Capacitor 01 MF/200 V
11 C5 Filter capacitor 1000 MF/200 V
12 R5,R6 Bleeder Resistor Wire wound 400 Ohm 150 W

The housing for pole mounted battery charger shall be fabricated out of MS sheet of thickness 1.6 mm
shall be of weather proof suitable for outdoor installation .The surface of enclosure both internal and
external shall be treated with base coat of anticorrosion finished with Deep Yellow colour powder coated
paint .The pole mounted battery charger shall be with suitable mounting arrangements inclusive of all
nuts, bolts & washers and shall have the following features
1. Indicator for AC supply
2. Double pole MCB for AC
PAGE 329

3. Double pole MCB for DC

4. Variable Voltage Selector Switch
5. Overload protection with HRC fuse
6. Ripple content less than 5%rms
7. Operating temperature 0 to 60 deg. Celsius ambient

Phase selector switch

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of manual phase selector 63 A. Capacity wall
mounting with indicators. The enclosure should be of MS sheet treated with powder coating,
suitable for indoor operation; input three phase MCB 63 Amp. And single phase outgoing through
63 Amp. DP MCB. In case of receiving one or two phase supply from the source The phase
selector should select the live phase for load side. The make of MCB shall be from the reference
Meters (5 to 20 Amp.)

1) It should be as per IEC 1036 and IS 13779 and of any approved make as per approved

2) It should have an overload capacity of basic current for 100% with accuracy Class-I.

3) It should be instant start and should consume less than 1 watt.

4) It should record correct energy with the same accuracy under reverse current conditions.

5) LED indication should be provided for current reversal tempering.

6) It should record correct energy under load earthed connected, temper condition with LED

7) It should have the following technical specifications. Make as per reference list.

i) Operating voltage - 120-300 Volt

ii) Frequency range - 45-55 hz
iii) Starting current - 0.4% of basic current
iv) Display - 6 digit electromechanical impulse Counter with one decimal.
v) Meter constant - 6400 impulse per KWH.
vi) LED - Separate LEDs should be provided on the front window for meter calibration,
reverse indication, earth tamper indication, phase available indication.

Meter Box

It should be suitable for LT single phase KWH meters (single door ). It should be made of
insulating, Thermo settings resins material i.e. sheet molding compound (SMC) confirming to IS

i) Connections to and from meter should be done through Pin thimbles‖ for avoiding any
chances of sparking due to loose connection.
PAGE 330

ii) Connection from meter box to distribution box should be done with 2 x 4 copper
conductor with PVC conduit of appropriate size and proper size of PVC glands.


Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of RCBO 25A, double pole, 30mA with Earth leakage,
overload and short circuit protection of each quarter.


For the purpose of this work following are the specifications, terms/ definitions (150mm –6‖)

Sl. No. Particulars Range

1 Discharge range (LPM) 150 approx
2 Head range (Mtr) 95 approx
3 Phase Three
4 HP 5/7.5/10
5 Delivery size 50mm

Submersible Pumpset

The pump set shall confirm to ISS 8034-1976 or latest and shall be guaranteed for the pump
discharge range of head between +25% and -10% of the specified head. The pump set shall be
suitable for open well/ 6" dia bore well.

Rotor dynamically balanced suitable for operation on 3-phase 50 Cycles 415Volts -10% +5% AC
Supply. Motor squirrel cage induction type and shall be adequate capacity to provide the pump
discharge within the range as specified.

The Electric motor shall be water-cooled and water lubricated sealed against pollution from
outside water. The thrust bearing shall be hydrodynamic Mitch well type preferably and provided
with tilting thrust pads designed to make up all outward loads at the most unfavorable conditions.
The motor shall be of ISI 410 grade material; stater of motor should be impregnated with superior
quality epoxy paint having type it thermal insulation as per IS 5831-1970 the rotor shall be
dynamically balanced.

All nut-bolts in contact with water or bore well should be of stainless steel. The motor should
confirm to IS 9283-1979 and shall be suitable for star delta starters and have nameplate as
specified in IS 9283-1979.

PUMP: The hydraulic components of pump shall be lightweight and high-grade engineering
material having excellent wear resistance and resistance of corrosion. The pump shaft shall be
stainless steel, suction casing of pump be of cast iron from grade F6200 of IS 210-1970. The
impellers shall be enclosed type and shall be norly/bronze. Each pump shall be complete with the
following assemblies.

a) Suction case with strainer

b) Coupling
PAGE 331

c) Non return valve fitted in pump assembly.

d) Pressure compensation device and rubber device for water.

Installation: Complete installation of submersible pump set in open well/bore at site shall be
done by contractor as per instruction of Rly. Engineer at site including S&F of GI pipe 50mm dia
'B' class with flanges as per IS1239. The supporting and holding assembly clamps on top of the
well/bore to hold complete pump and pipes shall be minimum 8mm thick 2 Nos. The bolts shall
be high tensile steel. Necessary cable clips (min. Two clips per pipe) to be provided by the
contractor. Necessary flanges with rubber packing along with welding of flanges at pipe joints
shall be done by contractor. The work of the delivery line from pump outlet to delivery valve on
top shall be provided by the contractor as per requirement. After execution of work the bore head
shall be sealed with suitable MS covering with locking arrangements.

Automatic Control Panel: Floor mounted panel board fully automatic air break star delta starter
suitable to pump motor set offered with over load and under voltage protection relay. All the
contractor of starter shall be of min 40A Legrand/L&T/BCH/SIEMENS/GE/Control group/
Schneider/Havells/HPL make with O/L relay setting of 0.6 times, the actual load current of pump
motor and O/L shall be suitable for contactor mounting type. The starter confirms to relevant IS
and complete for automatic operation of pump and shall be provided with.

a) One single phasing preventor of Legrand/L&T/BCH/SIEMENS/GE/Control group/

Schneider/Havells/HPL makes a pump motor.

b) One ammeter of 95x95mm size make as per reference list

c) One voltmeter 0-500V with selector switching for measuring different phase voltage (size
95x95mm) make as per reference list

d) Indication lamp for start/run position of pump

e) MCB triple poles of suitable cap make as per reference list

f) Water level guard Legrand/L&T/BCH/SIEMENS/GE/Control group/Schneider/Havells/

HPL/GELCO make for dry run protection with probe and connecting cable for WLC in bore well

g) Electronic hours meter seven digit (5+2 decimal of Legrand/L&T/BCH/SIEMENS/GE/

Control group/Schneider /Havells/ HPL make.)

h) Electronic Time switch for automatic operation of pump Make-Legrand/L&T/BCH/

SIEMENS/GE/Control group/Schneider /Havells/HPL

i) 2 Nos. Earthing terminals of controls panel at suitable location

j) All the components/starter/relay/contactor, etc shall be confirm to relevant ISS

k) The control panel shall be dust tight vermin proof of made out of sheet metal (18swg)
suitable for floor mounting & lockable type with provision of louvers for heat dissipation
PAGE 332

l) The automatic control panel shall have one switch for selecting manual and automatic

m) Switching ON & OFF of pump shall be through electronic time switch

n) The panel shall be complete with wiring with copper PVC cable 6mm sq. for load wires of
pump including connections and provided with 2 Nos. earthing terminals

o) control panel shall be with an MS angle stand of suitable size with MS sheet base 1-mm
thick for fixing panel on stand with nut-bolts. It shall be grouted 6" in the floor with cement. The
panel shall be painted with one coat of red oxide and two coats of enamel paint/powder coated

Electrical Wiring & Supply: Electric supply 415V 3 phase AC will be made available by Railway.
Other electrical works including power supply from main board to automatic control panel be
provided by contractor in flexible conduit by copper cable of suitable size.

Flat Submersible Cable: Supply of flat submersible cable copper 6 mm sq. 3 core for pump set
ISI mark as per IS 694 Part-I 1964 along with cable clips. Make- NOLEX/METRO/GLOSTER/

GI Pipe: Supply of delivery GI pipe B class as per IS 1239 for bore well/open well with flanges/
sockets/bends as required as per site conditions in 6mtr lengths. Size: 50mm dia

Main Board: Supply & installation of switch board (Iron) with angle iron frame of suitable size
with MS sheet 1.5mm thick and 63A TP MCB with enclosure. The board should be painted with
one coat of red oxide and two coats of enamel paint.

General Condition for Pump

1) The contractor shall have to arrange himself tripod and chain pulley blocks etc for
installation of pump set at site.

2) Where submersible pumps are required to be installed in bores the Rail on top of well for
main support will be provided by Railway other works i.e. clamping & fixing supporting clamp, etc
shall be provided by the contractor.

3) In case the pump is required to be lifted or taken out during installation prior to
commissioning, the contractor shall have to make his own arrangements. No labour for this
purpose from the Railway will be provided.

Water Coolers

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of water coolers 150 ltrs capacity with complete
electrical connection & earth. The contractor will construct the required masonry foundation &
pipe connection from the water point available near the water cooler as per satisfaction of site
incharge. Also Supply and fixing of MS jali 1‖x1‖ welded on MS angle frame 30x30x3mm which
is fixed on base angle frame of 50x50x6 mm and 40 x 6 mm MS flat in center to support the jali.
The whole structure is painted with one coat of red oxide and two coats of enamel paint as per
PAGE 333

instruction of site engr. The structure is to be supported by erection of rails if required. Providing
roof on existing MS rail/angle structure by AC/GI sheet with 50x50x6 mm support angles, nut
bolts & washer if required.



a) Supplying of 16 Mtrs/12.5 Mtrs. High Mast system

b) Erection, testing & Commissioning of the High Mast
c) Supplying and fixing foundation bolts
d) Design and casting of suitable foundation for the high mast
e) Supplying and installing of control panel on suitable foundation with timer, contactor for automatic
ON/OFF of the mast
f) Supply of High powered integral 3 phase, reversible power tool for electrical operation of raising &
lowering of lantern carriage
g) Provision of earthing arrangement
h) Supply of Safety Devices
i) Flood light 1x 300W/150W LED luminaire, 8 Nos. for each high mast


The work to be governed by this contract shall cover designing, manufacturing, transporting till site, safe
custody at site, insurance, erection, laying of cables, testing and commissioning as detailed in the scope of
work of tender documents. All the materials and workmanship shall strictly conform to the provision of this
specification primarily and to the related Indian Standard Specification and code of practice mentioned in the
specifications.All the materials brought to site for use on this work shall be of the best quality of approved
makes/manufacture as per list of approved makes of equipments/materials and conforming to the relevant
BIS specifications.All the cable routes, locations of relevant items of work shall be first shown in drawing and
marked at site and approval of the Engineer-in-charge obtained for the same before starting the work. Such
drawings shall be based on the drawings issued and further based on the changes made at site by the
Engineer-in-charge through instructions to the site representative of the contractor.The rates quoted for the
relevant items of work shall include the cost of materials and equipments, their accessories, fixing labour,
together with cost of providing the necessary tools and tackles etc., so as to ensure that the work carried out
forms a complete installation to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.

Any deviation from the specifications shall be clearly brought out in the offer along with the reasons for such
deviations. If, no such deviations are brought out in the offer, it will be deemed that the tenderer has fully
understood the requirements of the tender and no extra cost will be paid under any circumstances for
carrying out the works under this tender in accordance with the interpretation of the Engineer-in-charge.The
rates quoted shall also include the cost of any civil works connected with relevant items of works.The rates
quoted shall also provide for handing over the necessary completion drawings together with the test results
of commissioning tests carried out by the contractor, in accordance with BIS before the installation is handed
over to the Railways.
PAGE 334

The contractor is bound by the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge in accepting whether the work is carried out
in accordance with the provisions of these specifications or not and shall take steps to rectify or replace such
parts of the materials and installations as in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge which are unsatisfactory in
relation to this specifications.


a)The materials and equipments to be supplied and installed under this contract shall conform to the
requirements of these specifications.

b)In further support of what is contained in this specifications, the materials and equipments as well as
workmanship shall satisfy the requirements.

c)All the materials and equipments shall conform to the Standards not less than those stipulated under the
current Indian Standard Specifications.

For such of the materials and methods of construction for which BIS have not been published, British
Standards shall be followed subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
In addition to the above, the equipment and workmanship shall satisfy the requirements of the

a) Method of construction approved by the Electrical Inspectorate.

b) Indian Electricity Acts and Rules.

c) Fire Insurance Regulations.

d) I.E.E. wiring regulations.

e) Instructions of the Engineer-in-charge based on the site conditions and revised requirements, if any.


The following shall be Reference Standards for the loading of the high mast.

Code No. Title

I.S.875 (Part III)1987 Code and practice for wind loads for structures
BSEN 10025/100027,BS4360 Mast sections / Grades of MS Plates
BS.ISO 1461 / BS729/IS2629 Galvanizing
TR. No. 72000 of IL.E.UK Specification for Mast and foundation
I.L.E.TR-7, Latest Edition
BS5649,PART-7 Structural Design
IS 2062 Base plate, Top plate and Accessories
BS 5135 OR IS 9595 Welding
PAGE 335


Design shall be based on dynamic conditions resulting from the maximum wind pressure. The mast structure
shall be suitable to sustain an assumed maximum reaction arising from a wind speed as per IS875 (three
second gust) and shall be measured at a height of 10 meters above ground level. The design life of the mast
shall be 25 years.

Structure / Construction of mast: Structure :

The high mast structure shall be of continuously tapered polygonal cross section [at least 20 sided for 16M
and above]. The Mast structure should be pleasant in appearance & designed for suitable wind loads as per
IS 875. Mast will be designed to have a structural Life of 25 years.

Construction of mast:

The mast shall preferably be manufactured from mild steel/ BSEN 10025 / DIN 17100/FE to form a
multifaceted continuously tapered profile and shall be delivered in multiple section of effective length the
mast shall be 16 Meters high and polygonal construction presenting a good visual clearance thus a 16M
mast in 2 sections to site . The section shall be fabricated out of single duly folded and welded. There shall
be only one longitudinal seam weld per section.(BS 5135 or IS 9595 – Weld). Sections with more than one
weld, circumferential or longitudinal, shall not be accepted. At site the section shall be joined together by
slip-stressed-fit method and joining to be done with stressing equipment, thus conforming a sleeve joint. No
site welding or bolted joint to be done on the minimum top diameter shall be 150mm. The over tap distance
shall have full penetration of longitudinal welds.
Mast shall be hot dip galvanised both internally and externally having a uniform thickness not less than 70
micrometres and two coats of aluminium marine paint. The life of the mast shall not be less than 25 years.
The procedural weld geometry and the workmanship shall be exhaustively tested by Radiography on the
completed welds and certificates submitted. The dimensions of the mast shall be decided based on proper
design and design calculations shall be submitted for verification.


The mast shall be provided with a fully penetrated base flange which shall be free from any lamination or
incursion. The welded connection of the base flange shall be fully developed to the strength of the entire
section.The base flange shall be provided with supplementary environmental protection of the mast, the
entire fabricated mast shall be hot dip galvanised, internally and externally, having a uniform average
thickness of 85 microns for plates with more than 5 mm thickness and 70 microns for 5mm or less.
Galvanising shall be done in a single dipping method for better adhesion and life.

PAGE 336

Door opening: An adequate door opening shall be provided at the base of the mast and the opening shall be
such that it permits clear access to equipment like winches, cables, plug and socket etc. and also facilitate
easy removal of the winch. The door opening shall be complete with a close fitting, vandal resistant,
weatherproof door, provided with a heavy-duty double internal lock with special paddle key.The door
opening shall be carefully designed and reinforced with welded steel section, so that the mast section at the
base shall be unaffected and undue buckling of the cut portion is prevented. Size of door opening shall not
be more than 1200x250mm to avoid buckling of the mast section under heavy wind conditions.

Dynamic Loading

The Mast sections should be designed based on basic wind speed data as mentioned at 10m level as per IS
875, Part-III, 1987. The structural design of the mast shall comply with BS 5649 part VII and ILE TR 7
guidelines. The design life shall be a minimum of 25 years.
The foundation design shall be made by taking into considerations the following :
1. Soil conditions
2. Dynamic loading on the mast as per ILE TR 7 and IS 875 and
3. Static load of the total mast structure.
Raising and Lowering Mechanism

The high-mast shall have an optimally balanced system for raising and lowering of the Luminaries and
control gear boxes for regular maintenance work. The same shall be provided by means of a double drum
winch fixed at the base, 3 wire suspension wire ropes along with compensating disc and safety wires, a
specially designed 6 pulley head frame assembly.


M.S. fabricated hot dip galvanized housing using IS2062 grade steel accommodating 6 CA pulleys with
stainless steel pins for the suspension wire ropes and upto 3 such smaller pulleys for the electrical cables.

Pulleys are grooved suitably to ensure that the wire ropes/cables do not get dislodged from their positions
while raising / lowering. Self-lubricating bearings and stainless steel shaft shall be provided for smooth and
maintenance free operation throughout the mast life.

The head-frame shall be made in three compartments placed 120 degree apart for most optimum balancing
of lantern carriage. Head frame shall have top canopy in tripod shape to protect the mast from entry of water
/ solid particles etc from the top. Top canopy shall have provision for fixing lightning arrestor of suitable

PAGE 337

A fabricated MS hot dip galvanized lantern carriage shall be provided for mounting of luminaire arm
assemblies. The lantern carriage shall be made of specially designed square steel tube having a three piece
construction. The flanges shall be jointed at site by stainless steel bolts and nuts. Inner side of the lantern
carriage shall be provided with a separate guide ring with rubber padding to protect the mast surface while
raising and lowering of the lantern carriage. The diameter of the lantern carriage shall not be less than


Luminaire arm assembly shall be fabricated MS hot dip galvanized to be fixed on the lantern carriage for
mounting of luminaries and CG Boxes. Each arm shall be suitable for accommodating up to 2 nos suitable
flood lighting luminaires and their CG boxes. The length of the luminaire arm assembly shall be 900mm in
case of non-integral luminaries and 300mm in case of integral luminaries.


Three-wire suspension assembly from compensating disc to the lantern carriage shall be made of 6mm dia
stainless steel wire rope as per AISI 316/304 Grade. This shall be of 7x19 construction having tensile
strength not less than180 kg / mm. sq. No joints shall be allowed in any length of the wires. The wires from
a compensating disc to the double drum winch shall be made of 6 / 8 mm dia stainless steel wire rope of the
same grade as above. Breaking load capacity of each wire rope shall not be less than 2100kg with a factor
of safety not less than 5.0.


A separator of MS Construction hot dip galvanized having provision for fixing 3 nos suspension wires on
upper deck at 120 degree apart and provision of fixing two nos. wires from double drum winch. It will also
have the provision to connect two nos. safety wires from both side of the base of the mast. Shape/size of the
compensating disc shall be designed for its free movement up to top of the mast. When the lantern carriage

is at mast top, the compensating disc position will be at door level. Compensating Disc is mandatory as per
I.L.E., TR-7. Compensating disc enables dismantling of D/D winch which is essential during the design life of
the mast, by way of the safety wires.


The double drum winch shall be a completely self-sustaining type without the need for brake shoe, springs
and clutches. The winch shall have a self lubrication mechanism by means of an oil bath. The gear assembly
shall be essentially made of phosphor bronze for optimum design life.
The gear ratio shall be 53 :1 and safe working load capacity shall not be less than 750 kg. for masts of
height 16m and above. The winch drums shall be grooved to ensure perfect seat for stable and tidy rope lay
with no chances of slipping of ropes. The rope termination in the winch shall be such that distortion or
PAGE 338

twisting is eliminated and at least 5 to 6 turns of rope remain on the drum even when the lantern carriage is
at fully lowered position. It should be possible to operate the winch manually by a suitable handle or by an
integral/external power tool. It shall be possible to remove the winch after dismantling it from its mounted
position and refix it through the door opening. The winch shall be type tested and due certifications shall be
furnished whenever required.


The electric cable shall be 5 core X 2.5/4.0 round type or 8 core X flat type made of
strands of plain copper wires, core insulation of PVC based compound, core identification in accordance with
VDE 0293 or equivalent, special cold resistant PVC outer sheath, black and flame retardant. The cable shall
be highly flexible for optimum design life and the bending radius shall be not more than 60mm and VDE (or
equivalent) approved for hoist applications. Base end of the cable shall be connected with a 5 pin/10 pin
male plug which can move easily with the cables during raising/lowering. A 5 pin/10 pin socket shall be
provided at the bottom of the mast for cable termination. One or more cables can be used depending on the
electric load of each mast.


One or more suitable boxes shall be provided on the lantern carriage for connecting the luminaries and the
cable. The number of ways is decided by the no. of luminaries to be connected.

A suitable high powered, electrically driven and electrically controlled, portable, externally mounted power
tool with manual override shall be provided for the raising and lowering of the lantern carriage. The power
Tool mounting shall be so designed that it will not only be a self supporting type but also it shall align itself
perfectly with respect to the winch spindle during the operations. A handle for manual operations shall be
provided as per standard practices.
Power tool shall consist of 3-phase 415 volts, 50c/s motor and a gear box to match winch gear ratio duly
coupled with each other. It shall be of reversible speed type.
A controlling unit for rotation changes of motor with provision of torque limiter by way of using electric
circuits for electrical protection shall be provided. A 5m control cable shall be provided for using push
button control from a safe distance of the mast.

NOTE 1) : Bidder shall note that the proposed High Mast lighting system will be located in Railway
yards in stations/workshops . In these yards, there will always be heavy fine dust flowing and
diffusing in all the directions. The High Mast lighting system to be supplied shall be of robust
design to withstand all these hostile environmental conditions in the site.
PAGE 339

NOTE-2: Location of each High mast lighting system in Station yard will be decided by Railway
site Engineer at the time of erecting depending on the site condition duly taking into account the
existing lighting system

General Instruction for Electrical Work

1) Contractor shall arrange shutdown & clearance of the power block also at his own cost.

2) Contractor should have all testing equipment for testing of cable, Installation and earthing
before commissioning of line.

3) Contractor should have all safety equipment during working at site like earthing chain,
safety belts, helmet, etc.

4) First aid boxes must be available every time at site during working.

5) The contractor will measure all EHT lines of complete section with standard total station
instrument by engaging surveyor of reputed firm by arranging a vehicle at his own cost and
responsible for correct measurement. The contractor will also remain available at the time of
CRS inspection and measure those EHT track crossing lines which would be required to got
measured by CRS.

6) The contractor shall dismantle the complete high mast tower/lattice tower as per
requirement & instruction of site engineer and also deposit complete dismantled material in site
engineer/utility owner store as per instruction.

7) Removal of transformer from existing location, transportation, installation, testing &

commissioning of transformer 25 KVA to 300 KVA or any other rating as per site at new location
including connection.

8) Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of heat shrinkable straight through joint with
required accessories complete in all respects suitable for LT cable and HT cable as per site

9) Supply & fixing / laying of HDPE pipe in trench, under floor / road / railway track, etc as
per site requirement size 50 mm Dia wall thickness 3mm. It involves Digging of trench and laying
of pipe under road / Rly. Tract at 0.75 meter depth from ground level and 0.45 meter on platform,
from PF level after laying the pipe the trench should be refilled with same soil, and restored to
original position and shall be possible to withdraw the cable for repair or replacement.

10) The Wiring diagram of service building, S&T building, quarters (All types), stations
buildings, power house etc. will be prepared by the contractor on AUTO CAD drawing and get
approval from the Electrical department or competent authority before starting the work.

11) All cable laying diagrams will be prepared by the contractor on AUTO CAD drawing and
get approval from the Electrical department or competent authority before starting the work.
PAGE 340

12) Raw materials of fabricated products like steel poles should be tested at approved test
laboratories and certificates should be furnished by the contractor. Materials, welding, galvanizing
etc. shall conform to IS specifications latest. DP test should be carried out on all the seam as per
IS.3658:1999 or latest.

13) Successful tenderers should obtain relevant Approved ESCOM Specification for
transformers (if supply of Tr. involved) with endorsement of acceptance for execution of work at
respective locations.


SN Item Name Approved make


multi –core for internal wiring ANCHOR, V GUARD, POLYCAB

Cable – lugs & accessories for

electrical general services.


3 Capacitor–Fans and motors

Capacitor-PF correction for

electrical general services.


general services

LT switchgear and control

6 gears contactors and motor ABB, CGL, L&T, SIEMENS, LEGRAND, SCHNEIDER


7 HDPE Pipe

Industrial sockets/Ray roll plug LEGRAND, INDOASIAN SCHNEIDER, SIEMENS,

and socket STANDARD, CYCLO.


per Railway specification.

Measuring instrument AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC, L&T, MOTWANE,

PAGE 341


11 Pumps –Submersible
SUGUNA with ISI mark

Switch fuse unit single and

12 three phases, Change Over

13 Timer‟s Electronic ABB, BHEL, GE, L&T, SIEMENS, BCH, LEGRAND.

Normal type/Modular type

14 switches, sockets, ceiling rose,
bakelite lamp holder.

Any SEB Approved with latest required star rating as

15 Transformer
per their requirement.


Any State Electricity Board (SEB) approved make with

17 Insulators
latest approval

18 HT DOLO FUSE Any SEB approved make with latest approval

LAMCO, L&T/Any SEB approved make with latest

19 Lightning Arrestor




21 Jointing kit - HT/LT


22 11KV HTUG XLPE Cables

insulated GANAK, with ISI Mark

24 Aerial Bunched cable (HT/LT) HAVELLS, POLYCAB, INSUCON, SBEE

Supply of light pipe of size SKYSHADE, RAY KONNECT, KONTACT


Microcontroller Timer control BAJAJ, PHILIPS, CROMPTON, SIEMENS,

PAGE 342


system MNRE approved




30 Octagonal pole / Swaged pole

31 MS/GI Tubular Poles JINDAL, TATA, SURYA


type (Ways)



34 BLDC Fan

35 AC Ceiling Fan/Exhaust Fan USHA, C&G, BAJAJ, HAVELLS, ALMONARD

36 Water purifier and coolers BLUE STAR, OASIS, USHA, VOLTAS

37 Compact Substation (CSS) ABB, SCHNEIDER, SIEMENS, C&S.


38 ACSR Conductor


cable/Wires Raising PRINCE PIPE

40 GI Strip 25x5mm/Wires Any ISI make

41 Cable Trays & Accessories Any approved make (with Prior approval)



44 Digital Indicating Instruments L&T(QUASAR), SCHNEIDER(CONZERV), ABB

Modular plate type

switch/Socket GI boxes/Fan SCHNEIDER, LEGRAND, ABB, HAVELLS, L&T,
Regulator/telephone/RJ-45/RJ- GOLD MEDAL.
11 modular Socket
PAGE 343

46 Selector switch L&T, KAY CEE, SIEMENS, ABB.

47 Digital Energy Meter L&T, CONZERV, SECURE


49 Cable Gland/Lugs/Thimbles COMET, DOWELLS, RAYCHEM, GRIP WELL

Valve/sluice Valve/Dual Plate
Check valve/Y-strainer/Fire
Man axe

Gunmetal/Bronze Gate / Globe

/Check/Ball Valves


52 Fire Extinguisher


53 Contactors/starters/Relay

Single Phase Preventer

(Current Sensing)

55 HT SF-6 Circuit Breakers/VCB SIEMENS, ABB, CGL, L&T


56 Geysers

57 HRC fuse/Fuse switch unit L&T, SIEMENS, HAVELLS, ABB


58 Insulation Mats

59 Change Over switch L&T, HAVELLS, ABB, C&S.


60 Air conditioners (Split type)


61 Solar water Heater


PAGE 344





NOTE: Railways reserves the right to choose any one of the makes given above, tenderers are
advised to supply any one of the makes, in this regard the decision of Railway is final.


Sl. Item Preparation Authority‟s Review by

No. Review with time Openline/RDSO
- Approved copy enclosed
1 Alignment plan - with RFP.
- Approved copy enclosed
2 L Section - with RFP.
CE/C (45 days) Copy to CTE to give
3 LWR Plans Contractor remarks in 30 days, if
Design basis report for CE/C (60 days) CBE and RDSO to give
4 important bridges Contractor remarks in 45 days.
GAD of important bridges CE/C (45 days), Contractor to submit
5 Contractor CBE and RDSO GAD after clearance of
to give remarks design basis report.
in 30 days
GAD of major and minor CE/C (45 days) Copy to CBE to give
6 bridges, affecting the existing Contractor remarks in 30 days, if
bridge (requiring load sharing any.
or imposition of SR during
PAGE 345

GAD of major and minor CE/C (30 days)

7 bridges (without any reduction Contractor
in waterway/ vertical clearance
and not
affecting the existing bridge)
Structural drawings of CE/C (30 days)
8 important & major bridges Contractor
Structural drawings of minor Dy.CE/C
9 bridges Contractor (30 days)
GADs of RUBs CE/C and To be approved before
10 Contractor State Authority invitation of tender.
Structural Drawings of CE/C (45 days)
11 ROBs/RUBs Contractor
GADs of FOB CE/C (45 days) Copy to CBE and DRM
12 Contractor to give remarks in 30
days, if any.
Structural Drawings of FOBs CE/C (30 days)
13 Contractor
Engineering Scale Plans - Approved copy enclosed
14 (ESPs) - with RFP.
Signal Interlocking Plans - Not Applicable
15 (SIPs) -
Route Control Charts CSTE/C Not applicable
16 (RCCs/TOC) Contractor (14 Days)
Cable Route Plan CSTE/C Remarks to be given
17 Contractor (45 days) within one month of
submission & approval
by Railways to be
furnished to the
contractor within one
month of submission of
compliance of remarks
by contractor.
Interface & logic circuits (to be CSTE/C Not Applicable
18 submitted within 30 days after Contractor (30 Days for
receipt of approved RCCs). Both)
Station Working Rule CSTE/C Remarks to be given
19 Diagrams & Station Working Contractor (30 Days) within one month of
Rules. (to be submitted within submission & approval
21 days, after receipt of by Railways to be
approved RCCs) furnished to the
contractor within one
month of submission of
compliance of remarks
by contractor.
Technical System Approval for CSTE/C Not Applicable
20 EI Contractor (30 Days)
Track circuit & traction Bonding CSTE/C & Not Applicable
21 plan (to be submitted within 21 Contractor CEE/C (21 Days)
days, after receipt of approved
Power supply scheme (to be CSTE/C Remarks to be given
22 submitted 21 days, after Contractor (21 Days) within one month of
PAGE 346

receipt of approved SIPs) submission & approval

by Railways to be
furnished to the
contractor within one
month of submission of
compliance of remarks
by contractor.
Cable Core Plan, (to be CSTE/C Remarks to be given
23 submitted within 21 days, after Contractor (21 Days) within one month of
receipt of approved SIPs) submission & approval
by Railways to be
furnished to the
contractor within one
month of submission of
compliance of remarks
by contractor.
- Approved copy enclosed
24 Building Plans - with RFP.
25 Drainage Plans Contractor (30 days)
CE/C (30 days)
26 Protection Work Design Contractor

and Drawings



Sl. Authority‟s Review Review by Openline/

No. Item Preparation with time limit RDSO

Final Layout Plan based on

1 Pegging Plan supplied Contractor CEE(C) (21 days) NIL

by Railway

CEE(C) (21 days) NIL

2 Cross Sectioning Drawings Contractor

3 Structure Erection Drawings Contractor CEE(C) (21 days) NIL

Long Section drawings of OHE

4 under over line structures & Contractor CEE(C) (21 days) NIL
overhead crossings

Other design & drawings where

5 there is any deviation from Contractor CEE(C) (15 days)) NIL
RDSO standards

6 As erected SED and CSD Contractor CEE(C) ( 30 days) NIL

PAGE 347

CEE of the concerned Railway.

CBE in case of bridge masts,
Any special arrangement,
FOB/ROB, engineering structure
including bridge masts, CEE(C) (45 days)
7 Contractor modification (CEE or CBE to
FOB/ROB modification, or
review & return to CEE (C)
structural modifications.
within (30 days)

8 All PSI Drawings/Designs Contractor CEE(C) (21 days) NIL

SrDEE (TRD) of concerned

Relay setting calculation of CEE(C) (21 days) Division (Review to be returned
9 Contractor
TSS to CEE(C) within 14 days)

SrDEE(TRD) of concerned
EHT,HT,LT crossing CEE(C) (45 days) Division (Review & return to
10 Contractor
modifications CEE(C) within 30 days).

SrDEE(TRD) of concerned
11 Bonding Plan of Yard Area Contractor CEE(C) (28 days) Division (Review & return within
21 days to CEE(C)/ CPD/RE)

Signalling Plan for each

interlocked station, including
Approved copy enclosed with
12 interlocked level crossings - -
situated outside station limits &
interlocked mid-section sidings.
Locking Table & locking
diagrams for each interlocking
frames, station master‟s slide CSTE Divn/HQ of concerned Railway
13 control, frame, interlocking key Contractor ( 45 days) (within 75 days)
box, power frame with
mechanical locking.
Remarks to be given within one
month of submission and
approval by Railways, to be
Selection Table for each CSTE
furnished to the contractor within
14 EI/Relay Interlock Station Contractor (14 Days)
one month of submission of
compliance of remarks by
Remarks to be given within one
month of submission and
approval by Railways, to be
All other Signalling/ Telecom
15 Contractor CSTE (60 days) furnished to the contractor within
Drawings/ Designs
one month of submission of
compliance of remarks by
PAGE 348

21 days where
All other drawings not CPD/RE is approving
mentioned above, where Authority. 45 days
mandatory review by Railway where approval has As per the case.
16 Contractor
is necessary to comply with to be taken from
provision of Manuals/Codes. Open Line

Note: All other drawings/designs which are not mentioned herein will fall under the review of
Authority Engineer (DyCEE/DyCE/DyCSTE as the case may be) and the time limit thereof will be
as per the terms & conditions mentioned in the Contract Document.
PAGE 349

[See Clause 3.1.6(a)]

1 Applicable Permits

1.1 The Contractor shall obtain, as required under Applicable Laws, the following Applicable

(a) Permission of the State Government for extraction of boulders from quarry;

(b) Permission of Village Panchayats & Pollution Control Board for installation of crushers;

(c) Licence for use of explosives;

(d) Permission of the State Government for drawing water from river/reservoir;

(e) Licence from inspector of factories or other competent Authority for setting up batching

(f) Clearance of Pollution Control Board for setting up batching plant;

(g) Clearance of Village Panchayats & Pollution Control Board for setting up asphalt plant;

(h) Permission of Village Panchayats & State Government for borrow earth; and

(i) Any other permits or clearances required under Applicable Laws.

1.2 Applicable Permits, as required, relating to environmental protection and conservation

shall have been or shall be procured by the Authority in accordance with the provisions of this
PAGE 350

[See Clauses 7.1.1, 7.5.3 & 17.2]

(See Clause 7.1.1)

Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer/Construction

South Western Railway, Bangalore Cantonment


(A) ……………………………………(insert name and address of the contractor) (hereinafter

called the “Contractor") and (insert name and address of the project authority), (hereinafter
called the “Authority”) have entered into an agreement (hereinafter called the “Agreement”) for
the construction of the new railway line between Chainage 39/000 Km & Chainage 60/000 for a
length of Km (21 km) including Electrical & Telecommunication works between Lokapur (excl.)
and Yadwad (incl.) stations in Bagalkot (BGK) - Kudachi (KUD) - New Line Project of 142 Km
length in the South Western Railway zone on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (the
“EPC”) basis, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement

(B) The Agreement requires the Contractor to furnish a Performance Security for due and
faithful performance of its obligations, under and in accordance with the Agreement, during the
{Construction Period/Defects Liability Period } (as defined in the Agreement) in a sum of Rs…..
cr. (Rupees ………..….. crore) (the “Guarantee Amount”).

(C) We, ………………….. through our branch at ............ (the “Bank”) have agreed to
furnish this bank guarantee (hereinafter called the “Guarantee”) by way of Performance Security.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Bank hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably, guarantees and affirms
as follows:

1) The Bank hereby unconditionally & irrevocably guarantees the due and faithful
performance of the Contractor‟s obligations during the {Construction Period/Defects Liability
Period}under and in accordance with the Agreement, and agrees and undertakes to pay to the
[mention Finance of Authority], upon its mere first written demand, and without any demur,
reservation, recourse, contest or protest, and without any reference to the Contractor, such sum
or sums up to an aggregate sum of the Guarantee Amount as the Authority shall claim, without
the Authority being required to prove or to show grounds or reasons for its demand and/or for the
sum specified therein.

2) A letter from the Authority, under the hand of an officer not below the rank of [***in the ***]
Railway, that the Contractor has committed default in the due and faithful performance of all or
any of its obligations under and in accordance with the Agreement shall be conclusive, final and
binding on the Bank. The Bank further agrees that the Authority shall be the sole judge as to
whether the Contractor is in default in due and faithful performance of its obligations during and
under the Agreement and its decision that the Contractor is in default shall be final and binding
PAGE 351

on the Bank, notwithstanding any differences between the Authority and the Contractor, or any
dispute between them pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrators or any other authority or
body, or by the discharge of the Contractor for any reason whatsoever.

3) In order to give effect to this Guarantee, the Authority shall be entitled to act as if the
Bank were the principal debtor and any change in the constitution of the Contractor and/or the
Bank, whether by their absorption with any other body or corporation or otherwise, shall not in
any way or manner affect the liability or obligation of the Bank under this Guarantee.

4) It shall not be necessary, and the Bank hereby waives any necessity, for the Authority to
proceed against the Contractor before presenting to the Bank its demand under this Guarantee.

5) The Authority shall have the liberty, without affecting in any manner the liability of the
Bank under this Guarantee, to vary at any time, the terms and conditions of the Agreement or to
extend the time or period for the compliance with, fulfillment and/ or performance of all or any of
the obligations of the Contractor contained in the Agreement or to postpone for any time, and
from time to time, any of the rights and powers exercisable by the Authority against the
Contractor, and either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions
contained in the Agreement and/or the securities available to the Authority, and the Bank shall
not be released from its liability and obligation under these presents by any exercise by the
Authority of the liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to
the Contractor or any other forbearance, indulgence, act or omission on the part of the Authority
or of any other matter or thing whatsoever which under any law relating to sureties and
guarantors would but for this provision have the effect of releasing the Bank from its liability and
obligation under this Guarantee and the Bank hereby waives all of its rights under any such law.

6) This Guarantee is in addition to and not in substitution of any other guarantee or security
now or which may hereafter be held by the Authority in respect of or relating to the Agreement or
for the fulfillment, compliance and/or performance of all or any of the obligations of the Contractor
under the Agreement.

7) Notwithstanding anything contained hereinbefore, the liability of the Bank under this
Guarantee is restricted to the Guarantee Amount and this Guarantee will remain in force for the
period specified in paragraph 8 below and unless a demand or claim in writing is made by the
Authority on the Bank under this Guarantee all rights of the Authority under this Guarantee shall
be forfeited and the Bank shall be relieved from its liabilities hereunder.

8) The Guarantee shall cease to be in force and effect on ****$. Unless a demand or claim
under this Guarantee is made in writing before expiry of the Guarantee, the Bank shall be
discharged from its liabilities hereunder.

9) The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency, except with the
previous express consent of the Authority in writing, and declares and warrants that it has the
power to issue this Guarantee and the undersigned has full powers to do so on behalf of the

10) Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by post
addressed to the Bank at its above referred branch, which shall be deemed to have been duly
PAGE 352

authorised to receive such notice and to effect payment thereof forthwith, and if sent by post it
shall be deemed to have been given at the time when it ought to have been delivered in due
course of post and in proving such notice, when g
11) iven by post, it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope containing the notice was
posted and a certificate signed by an officer of the Authority that the envelope was so posted
shall be conclusive.

12) This Guarantee shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force and
effect for up to the date specified in paragraph 8 above or until it is released earlier by the
Authority pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement.

Signed and sealed this ………. day of ……….., 20……… at ………..


For and on behalf of the Bank by:

(Code Number)

i) The bank guarantee should contain the name, designation & code number of the
officer(s) signing the guarantee.

ii) The address, telephone number and other details of the head office of the Bank as well
as of the issuing branch should be mentioned on the covering letter of the issuing branch.
PAGE 353

(See Clause 7.5.3)

Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer/Construction

South Western Railway, Bangalore Cantonment


(A) [insert name and address of the contractor] (hereinafter called the “Contractor") has
executed an agreement (hereinafter called the “Agreement”) with the [name and address of the
project authority), (hereinafter called the “Authority”) for the construction of the new railway line
between Chainage 39/000 Km & Chainage 60/000 for a length of Km (21 km) including Electrical
& Telecommunication works between Lokapur (excl.) and Yadwad (incl.) stations in Bagalkot
(BGK) - Kudachi (KUD) - New Line Project of 142 Km length in the South Western Railway zone
on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (the “EPC”) basis, subject to and in accordance
with the provisions of the Agreement.

(B) In accordance with Clause 7.5.3 of the Agreement, the Contractor may withdraw the
retention money (hereinafter called the “Retention Money”) after furnishing to the Authority a
bank guarantee for an amount equal to the proposed withdrawal.

(C) We, ………………….. through our branch at ............... (the “Bank”) have agreed to
furnish this bank guarantee (hereinafter called the “Guarantee”) for the amount of Rs. …………
cr. (Rupees ..... Crore) (the “Guarantee Amount”).

NOW, THEREFORE, the Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees & affirms as

1) The Bank hereby unconditionally & irrevocably undertakes to pay to the Authority, upon
its mere first written demand, and without any demur, reservation, recourse, contest or protest,
and without any reference to the Contractor, such sum or sums up to an aggregate sum of the
Guarantee Amount as the Authority shall claim, without the Authority being required to prove or
to show grounds or reasons for its demand and/or for the sum specified therein.

2) A letter from the Authority, under the hand of an officer not below the rank of [*** in the
***Railway], that the Contractor has committed default in the due and faithful performance of all
or any of its obligations for under and in accordance with the Agreement shall be conclusive, final
and binding on the Bank. The Bank further agrees that the Authority shall be the sole judge as to
whether the Contractor is in default in due and faithful performance of its obligations during and
under the Agreement and its decision that the Contractor is in default shall be final, and binding
on the Bank, notwithstanding any differences between the Authority and the Contractor, or any
dispute between them pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrators or any other authority or
body, or by the discharge of the Contractor for any reason whatsoever.

3) In order to give effect to this Guarantee, the Authority shall be entitled to act as if the
Bank were the principal debtor and any change in the constitution of the Contractor and/or the
PAGE 354

Bank, whether by their absorption with any other body or corporation or otherwise, shall not in
any way or manner affect the liability or obligation of the Bank under this Guarantee.

4) It shall not be necessary, and the Bank hereby waives any necessity, for the Authority to
proceed against the Contractor before presenting to the Bank its demand under this Guarantee.

5) The Authority shall have the liberty, without affecting in any manner the liability of the
Bank under this Guarantee, to vary at any time, the terms and conditions of the Retention Money
and any of the rights and powers exercisable by the Authority against the Contractor, and either
to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement
and/or the securities available to the Authority, and the Bank shall not be released from its liability
and obligation under these presents by any exercise by the Authority of the liberty with reference
to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to the Contractor or any other
forbearance, indulgence, act or omission on the part of the Authority or of any other matter or
thing whatsoever which under any law relating to sureties and guarantors would but for this
provision have the effect of releasing the Bank from its liability and obligation under this
Guarantee and the Bank hereby waives all of its rights under any such law.

6) This Guarantee is in addition to and not in substitution of any other guarantee or security
now or which may hereafter be held by the Authority in respect of or relating to the Retention

7) Notwithstanding anything contained hereinbefore, the liability of the Bank under this
Guarantee is restricted to the Guarantee Amount and this Guarantee will remain in force for the
period specified in paragraph 8 below and unless a demand or claim in writing is made by the
Authority on the Bank under this Guarantee all rights of the Authority under this Guarantee shall
be forfeited and the Bank shall be relieved from its liabilities hereunder.

8) The Guarantee shall cease to be in force and effect 15 (fifteen) days after the date of the
Completion Certificate specified in Clause 12.4 of the Agreement.

9) The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency, except with the
previous express consent of the Authority in writing, and declares and warrants that it has the
power to issue this Guarantee and the undersigned has full powers to do so on behalf of the

10) Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by post
addressed to the Bank at its above referred branch, which shall be deemed to have been duly
authorised to receive such notice and to effect payment thereof forthwith, and if sent by post it
shall be deemed to have been given at the time when it ought to have been delivered in due
course of post and in proving such notice, when given by post, it shall be sufficient to prove that
the envelope containing the notice was posted and a certificate signed by an officer of the
Authority that the envelope was so posted shall be conclusive.

11) This Guarantee shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force and
effect up to the date specified in paragraph 8 above or until it is released earlier by the Authority
pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement.
PAGE 355

Signed and sealed this ………. day of ……….., 20……… at ………..


For and on behalf of the Bank by:

(Code Number)

i) The bank guarantee should contain the name, designation & code number of the
officer(s) signing the guarantee.

ii) The address, telephone number and other details of the head office of the Bank as well
as of issuing branch should be mentioned on the covering letter of issuing branch
PAGE 356

(See Clause 17.2)

Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer/Construction

South Western Railway, Bangalore Cantonment


(A) [name and address of the contractor] (hereinafter called the “Contractor”) has executed
an agreement (hereinafter called the “Agreement”) with the [name and address of the project
authority], (hereinafter called the “Authority”) for the construction of the new railway line between
Chainage 39/000 Km & Chainage 60/000 for a length of Km (21 km) including Electrical &
Telecommunication works between Lokapur (excl.) and Yadwad (incl.) stations in Bagalkot
(BGK) - Kudachi (KUD) - New Line Project of 142 Km length in South Western Railway zone on
Engineering, Procurement and Construction (the “EPC”) basis, subject to and in accordance with
the provisions of the Agreement.

(B) In accordance with Clause 17.2 of the Agreement, the Authority shall make to the
Contractor advance payment (hereinafter called “Advance Payment”) equal to 10% (ten per
cent) of the Contract Price; and that the Advance Payment shall be made in two instalments
subject to the Contractor furnishing an irrevocable and unconditional guarantee by a Bank for an
amount equivalent to 110% (one hundred and ten percent) of such instalment to remain effective
till the complete and full repayment of the instalment of the Advance Payment as security for
compliance with its obligations in accordance with the Agreement. The amount of {first/second}
installment of the Advance Payment is Rs. ……cr. (Rupees ……crore) and the amount of this
Guarantee is Rs. …… cr. (Rupees …… crore) (the “Guarantee Amount”)$.

(C) We, ………………….. through our branch at (the “Bank”) have agreed to furnish
this bank guarantee (hereinafter called the “Guarantee”) for the Guarantee Amount.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Bank hereby, unconditionally & irrevocably, guarantees & affirms as

1) The Bank hereby unconditionally & irrevocably guarantees the due & faithful repayment
on time of the aforesaid instalment of the Advance Payment under and in accordance with the
Agreement, and agrees and undertakes to pay to the Authority, upon its mere first written
demand, and without any demur, reservation, recourse, contest or protest, and without any
reference to the Contractor, such sum or sums up to an aggregate sum of the Guarantee Amount
as the Authority shall claim, without the Authority being required to prove or to show grounds or
reasons for its demand and/or for the sum specified therein.

2) A letter from the Authority, under the hand of an officer not below the rank of [***in the
***Railway], that the Contractor has committed default in the due & faithful performance of all or
any of its obligations for the repayment of the instalment of the Advance Payment under and in
accordance with the Agreement shall be conclusive, final and binding on the Bank. The Bank
further agrees that the Authority shall be the sole judge as to whether the Contractor is in default
PAGE 357

in due and faithful performance of its obligations during and under the Agreement and its
decision that the Contractor is in default shall be final and binding on the Bank, notwithstanding
any differences between the Authority and the Contractor, or any dispute between them pending
before any court, tribunal, arbitrators or any other authority or body, or by the discharge of the
Contractor for any reason whatsoever.

3) In order to give effect to this Guarantee, the Authority shall be entitled to act as if the
Bank were the principal debtor and any change in the constitution of the Contractor and/or the
Bank, whether by their absorption with any other body or corporation or otherwise, shall not in
any way or manner affect the liability or obligation of the Bank under this Guarantee.

4) It shall not be necessary, and the Bank hereby waives any necessity, for the Authority to
proceed against the Contractor before presenting to the Bank its demand under this Guarantee.

5) The Authority shall have the liberty, without affecting in any manner the liability of the
Bank under this Guarantee, to vary at any time, the terms and conditions of the Advance
Payment or to extend the time or period of its repayment or to postpone for any time, and from
time to time, any of the rights and powers exercisable by the Authority against the Contractor,
and either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions contained in the
Agreement and/or the securities available to the Authority, and the Bank shall not be released
from its liability and obligation under these presents by any exercise by the Authority of the liberty
with reference to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to the Contractor or any
other forbearance, indulgence, act or omission on the part of the Authority or of any other matter
or thing whatsoever which under any law relating to sureties and guarantors would but for this
provision have the effect of releasing the Bank from its liability and obligation under this
Guarantee and the Bank hereby waives all of its rights under any such law.

6) This Guarantee is in addition to and not in substitution of any other guarantee or security
now or which may hereafter be held by the Authority in respect of or relating to the Advance

7) Notwithstanding anything contained hereinbefore, the liability of the Bank under this
Guarantee is restricted to the Guarantee Amount and this Guarantee will remain in force for the
period specified in paragraph 8 below and unless a demand or claim in writing is made by the
Authority on the Bank under this Guarantee all rights of the Authority under this Guarantee shall
be forfeited and the Bank shall be relieved from its liabilities hereunder.

8) The Guarantee shall cease to be in force and effect on ****.$ Unless a demand or claim
under this Guarantee is made in writing on or before the aforesaid date, the Bank shall be
discharged from its liabilities hereunder.

9) The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency, except with the
previous express consent of the Authority in writing, and declares and warrants that it has the
power to issue this Guarantee and the undersigned has full powers to do so on behalf of the
PAGE 358

10) Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by post
addressed to the Bank at its above referred branch, which shall be deemed to have been duly
authorised to receive such notice and to effect payment thereof forthwith, and if sent by post it
shall be deemed to have been given at the time when it ought to have been delivered in due
course of post and in proving such notice, when given by post, it shall be sufficient to prove that
the envelope containing the notice was posted and a certificate signed by an officer of the
Authority that the envelope was so posted shall be conclusive.

11) This Guarantee shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force and
effect up to the date specified in paragraph 8 above or until it is released earlier by the Authority
pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement.

Signed and sealed this ………. day of …….. 20……… at ………..


For and on behalf of the Bank by:

(Code Number)

i) The bank guarantee should contain the name, designation & code number of the
officer(s) signing the guarantee.

ii) The address, telephone number and other details of the head office of the Bank as well
as of issuing branch should be mentioned on the covering letter of issuing branch.
PAGE 359


(See Clauses 10.1.4 & 17.3)


1.1 The contract price for this agreement is Rs.357.46 Crores (rates are inclusive of
applicable GST) (it is assigned for different components of the Railway Project as follows)

(For works consisting of Civil Works, Telecom & Electrical Works without Railway Elecrification)

Sl. No. Department % contract price (approx.) Amount in Rs.

I Lumpsum cost
A Civil and track works (95.45) % of the contract price 3412109158.58

Signalling(Signalling part not in

B scope of this EPC section) and 0.91 % of the contract price 3,23,94,795.00
telecom works

C Railway Electrification works 0% of the contract price 0.00

D General Electrical Works 2.11 % of the contract price 7,53,15,020.00

Payment on actual work done
Transportation of service rails &
E main line sleepers to be supplied by 1% of the contract price 34668867.00
Railway only
Unforeseen USSOR 2021 & DSR
F 2018 items not covered in Civil & 0.58% of the contract price 20107938.59
Track works
TOTAL 100 % 3,57,45,95,779.17
PAGE 360

1.2 Proportions of the contract price for different stages of construction of the Railway

(1) Civil & Track Works

Weightage in
percentage to
Item the contract Stage for Payment Payment Procedure
price of Civil &
Track Works
1.1.1) Earthwork in embankment/cutting (a) Unit of
including compaction up to H*/4 from (35%) measurement is linear
ground level complete in all respects. length. Payment of each
1.1.2) Earthwork in embankment/cutting stage shall be made on pro
including compaction from H/4 to H/2 from (25%) rata basis on completion of
ground level complete in all respects. a stage in a continuous
1.1.3) Earthwork in embankment/cutting length of minimum 50 m.
including compaction from H/2 to 3H/4 from (25%) (b) Provided that
ground level complete in all respects payment for the blanketing
1.1.4) Earthwork in embankment/cutting layer shall be made on
including compaction from 3H/4 level to H (15%) completion of minor bridges
from ground level complete in all respects. including slab/RCC
box(item no 1.4)/pipe
culverts (item 1.5) in the
1.1 Earthwork length for which stage
payment is claimed. For the
avoidance of doubt,
payment for minor Bridges
shall be payable separately
in accordance with item 1.4
Total 100% and pipe culverts shall be
payable separately in
accordance with item 1.5.
*H = Height of formation
from ground level minus
blanketing thickness.
Note: The whole Project
length may be divided in
sections depending on
PAGE 361

average Formation
Height/depth Up to 3 m, 3
to 6 m, 6 to 9 m and 9 m
and above. In each section
Km number shall be
grouped according to
average formation Ht and a
separate EW payment
milestone may be made as
it is made for item No. 1.1. (
i.e. 1.1A, 1.1 B, 1.1C, 1.1D)
1.2.1) Blanketing work complete in all
(64.00%) Unit of measurement is
1.2 linear length. Payment of
1.2.2) Slope protection by turfing of
Blanketing (0.15%) each stage shall be made
6.08% formation slope
other on pro rata basis on
1.2.3) Pitching of formation slope (1.17%)
Miscellaneous completion of a stage in a
1.2.4) Retaining wall/toe wall and other
works (34.68%) continuous length of
miscellaneous works
minimum 50 m.
Total 100%
Important 0%
1.4.1) Foundation: Completion of the a) Cost of each
foundation work including pile caps/ well bridge shall be determined
caps and foundations for wing and return on a pro rata basis with
walls, and testing. respect to the total linear
length of the Major Bridges.
1.4.1/a) Foundation of pier/ abutments (5.76%) b) In case any
component of a bridge is
1.4.1/b) Foundation of return/wing wall (17.92%)
not complete in full, then
1.4.2) Substructure: Completion of Cost of each component of
abutment/ piers including bed blocks (9.53%) the individual bridge shall
1.4 Major
9.87% (without bearing) be determined on a pro rata
basis with respect to the
1.4.3) Completion of the wing walls, return
(42.83%) total linear length of that
walls in all respects
1.4.4) Superstructure: Completion of the c) Payment shall be
(4.33%) made on completion of
superstructure except deck slab & bearings
each component/stage of a
1.4.5) Completion of the deck slab, Major Bridge as per the
bearings/ expansion joints and making weightage given in this
(1.08%) schedule.
bridge ready for track linking including
bearings d) For item no 1.4.4
PAGE 362

if a bridge is constructed
using pre-cast concrete
girders/plate girders/open
web girders, etc, 70%
payment shall be released
upon finishing casting of
concrete precast
1.4.6) Miscellaneous works: Completion of
elements/Assembled plate
the remaining works including hand rails,
girders/ Assembled open
walls, all protection works, pitching, turfing, (18.55%)
web girders etc &
river training works, if any, tests, etc.,
transportation to site
complete in all respects and fit for use.
e) For Item No.
1.4.1/a & 1.4.1/b if a bridge
is constructed with pile/well
foundation 70% payment
shall be released upon
finishing the piling/ well
sinking activity.

Total 100%
(a) Cost of each bridge
1.5.1) On completion of the RCC boxes,
(29.83%) shall be determined on pro-
abutments, pier & slab for slab bridges rata basis with respect to
the total clear span of the
1.5.2) On completion of wing wall & return
7.60% (51.46%) minor bridges
wall (b) Payment shall be made
1.5 Minor
1.5.3) On completion of balance works of on completion of each
apron, curtain wall, drop wall and other (18.71%) component/stage of a minor
protection works in all respects bridge as per the weightage
given in this schedule.
Total 100%

1.6 Pipe
0% 1.5 pipe culvert 0.00%
(A) FOR SLAB GIRDER BRIDGES a) Cost of each ROB shall
be determined on pro-rata
1.7.1) Foundation: Completion of the basis with respect to the
foundation work including pile caps/well total linear length of the
caps & foundations for wing & return walls ROB
(if any) & testing b) In case any component
of bridge is not complete
1.7 ROB 3.27% 1.7.2) Substructure: Completion of full, then cost of each
abutment/ piers including bed blocks component of
(without bearings) foundation/substructure of
ROB shall be determined
1.7.2/a) Pier/abutment shaft & return wing on pro-rata basis with
wall respect to the total linear
1.7.2/b) Pier/abutment cap (1.45%) length of the individual ROB
PAGE 363

c) Payment shall be made

1.7.3) Superstructure: Completion of the
on completion of each
stage of a ROB as per the
weightage given in this
1.7.3/a) Construction of superstructure
(56.86%) schedule
except deck slab, expansion joint, bearings
d) For Item No. 1.7.1/a &
1.7.3/b) Construction of deck slab, 1.7.1/b if a bridge is
expansion joint, bearings and making (7.02%) constructed with pile
superstructure fit for laying road carpeting foundation, 70% payment
shall be released upon
1.7.4) Miscellaneous works: Completion of finishing the piling activity
the remaining works including bearings,
handrails, walls, all protection works, (3.45%)
pitching, turfing, load tests, etc complete in
all respects
1.7.5) Completion of approaches in all
respect and fit for offering the asset for (25.58%)
CRS inspection
a) Cost of each RCC box
1.7.6) On completion of the RCC
shall be determined on pro-
boxes/barrel/ abutments, pier & slab for (0%)
rata basis with respect to
slab bridges
the total clear span of the
1.7.7) On completion of works of wing
RCC box
wall/return wall and making bridge fit for (0%)
b) Payment shall be made
track linking
on completion of each
1.7.8) On completion of retaining wall of
component/stage of RCC
approach roads & road works in all (0%)
box as per the weightage
respects including drains
given in this schedule
Total 100%
1.8.1) On completion of the RCC boxes (a) Payment shall be made
barrel/ abutments, pier & slab for slab (42.05%) on completion of each
bridges component/stage of a
1.8.2) On completion of works of wing RUB/LHS as per the
wall/return wall and making bridge fit for (31.86%) weightage given in this
10.30% track linking schedule
1.8.3) On completion of retaining wall of (b) Payment shall be made
1.8 RUB/ LHS approach roads & road works in all respect on completion of each
1.8.4) On completion of height gauge, component/stage of a
roofing of approaches, drainage RUB/LHS as per the
arrangement and all other ancillary works weightage given in this
in all respects schedule.

Total 100%

1.9 Flyovers 0% 1.9 Flyovers (0%)

1.10.1) Supply of ballast & stacking (23.27%) a) Unit of measurement is
1.10.2) Bed ballast laying, compacting cum for item No. 1.10.1
initial layer of 200mm to facilitate (4.08%) cum [80% ] payment may
mechanised track laying be released after taking
1.10.3) Mechanised track laying in block indemnity bond. The unit of
section between station limits on PSC measurement of cum
sleepers complete in all respects including ballast is only for releasing
laying (60kg) PSC sleepers at sleeper interim payment. After
PAGE 364

density of (1660/ km), laying of rails, completion of track work qty

supplying & fixing switch expansion joints, of ballast will be reconciled
glued joints, guard rails, check rails along on the basis of minimum
with welding of rails, supply & fixing of all ballast cushion of [350] mm
rail sleeper fittings, etc complete linkage of on main line and [250] mm
track as per track diagram on loop line.
1.10.3/a) Skeleton linking without supplying b) Unit of measurement is
and fixing switch expansion joints, glued linear length. For items
joints, guard rails, check rails, along with from 1.10.2 to 1.10.4.
welding of rails, supply and fixing all rail Payment of each stage
sleeper fittings, etc complete linkage of shall be made on pro rata
track basis on completion of a
1.10.3/b) Supplying & fixing switch stage in a continuous
expansion joints, glued joints, guard rails, length of minimum 100m.
1.10 Track 9.04% check rails, alongwith welding of rails, (37.02%) c) For Item No. 1.10.3,
works supply & fixing all rail sleeper fittings, etc payment shall be made on
complete linkage of track completion of a track work
1.10.4) Mechanised track laying in yards in block section on pro rata
(within station limits) on PSC sleepers basis with reference to the
complete in all respects including supply of total length of main lines.
new (60 kg) PSC sleepers, laying of d) For Item No. 1.10.4,
sleepers at sleeper density of (1660/ km on payment shall be made on
main line & 1540/km on loop line), completion of a yard on a
providing & laying points & crossings, pro-rata basis with
switch expansion joints, glued joints, reference to the total length
derailing switch in all lines in yards, etc of all loop lines in all the
complete to ensure continuous & complete yards.
linkage of track in the yard as per yard plan e) On supply of complete
1.10.4/a) Skeleton linking without providing T/O sleepers sets
and laying points & crossings, switch payments of [***%] of Item
expansion joints, glued joints, derailing Nos. 1.10.4/a & 1.10.4/b
switch in all lines in yards, etc complete to will be released on pro rata
ensure continuous and complete linkage of basis after taking indemnity
track in the yard as per yard plan bond.
1.10.4/b) Providing & laying points & f) On supply of T/O
crossings, switch expansion joints, glued switches, Xings & fittings,
joints, derailing switch in all lines in yards, payments of [***%] of Item
etc complete to ensure continuous & Nos. 1.10.4/a & 1.10.4/b
complete linkage of track in the yard as per will be released on pro rata
yard plan basis after taking indemnity
1.10.5) Ballast laying to facilitate lifting of bond.
track, making full ballast cushion & profile, Note: In case option of item
distressing of long welded rails, machine No. 1.10.1 is not operated,
tamping of track then this item will be added
in Item Nos. 1.10.2 & 1.10.5
Total 100%

1.11 Tunnels 0% 1.11 Tunnels 0.00%

PAGE 365

1.12.1(a) Construction of platforms For 1.12.1(a), (b), (c), the

including platform fencing/wall but
(8.72%) unit of measurement is
excluding items mentioned in Item No. square metres. Payment
1.12.1(b) & (c) as per yard diagram shall be made on pro-rata
1.12.1(b) Surfacing of platform with (Kota basis on completion of each
(8.04%) platform
stone/ CC) including passenger amenities
1.12.2) Unit of
1.12.1(c) Provision of platforms including
(2.05%) measurement is the
shelters number. Payment of each
level crossing shall be
1.12.2) Railway level crossings & gate
made on completion on a
lodges including water supply, sewer line, (1.59%)
pro-rata basis with respect
approach road & fencing
to total number of level
1.12.3) Foot over bridges on Railway crossings.
stations & pedestrian foot over bridges at (8.29%) 1.12.3) Unit of
other locations measurement is linear
length including landings &
1.12.3 b) Pedestrian subways on railway
(2.87)% stairs. Payment shall be
stations made on completion of a
foot over bridge on a pro-
1.12.4) Construction of Railway station rata basis with respect to
buildings & service buildings complete in all total length of all foot over
respects including fixing of doors, windows, (13.54%) bridges.
sanitary, water supply works, and all 1.12.4) Unit of
specified & incidental works measurement is plinth area
1.12 Other
Engineer-ing 14.45% in square metres. For the
Works 1.12.5) Construction of staff quarters buildings having more than
complete in all respects including fixing one storey, the total area
doors, windows, sanitary, water supply (24.54%) shall be found out by
works, and all other specified & incidental adding the area of each
works storey. Unit cost shall be
1.12.6) On completion of circulating area, determined on a pro-rata
parking area, boundary wall, internal roads, basis with respect to the
drainage, water supply works including total area of all stations &
(1.77%) service buildings.
bore well, pump house, landscaping and all
other incidental works in Railway * 50% payment shall be
station/colony area paid after completion of
structural works i.e.,
1.12.7) Boundary walls, boundary pillars,
beams, columns & slab in
fencing, roads, footpaths in block sections
case of framed structure or Boundary walls (0.20%) walls & slabs in case of Boundary pillars (0.11%) other buildings and
* 30% payment shall be Fencing (0.20%)
paid after completion of Roads (24.27%) finishing, and Footpaths (0.30%) * 20% final completion of
1.12.8) Signage, information boards & works in all respects ready
(0.06%) for use.
1.12.9) Drainage along the Railway line (2.95%) 1.12.5) Unit of
1.12.10) Compulsory afforestation & tree measurement is plinth area
plantation (0.50%) in square metres. For the
PAGE 366

staff quarters having more

than one storey, the total
area shall be found out by
adding the area of each
Unit cost shall be
determined on a pro-rata
basis with respect to the
total area of all staff
quarters. 50% payment
shall be paid after
completion of structural
works i.e., beam, columns
& slab in case of framed
structure or walls & slabs in
case of other buildings and
50% final completion of
works in all respects ready
for use.
1.12.6) Payment shall be
made on pro-rata basis on
completion of these works
for the area & buildings
covered as completed
works for stage payment
under Items 1.12.4 &
Total 100% 1.12.5.
1.12.7) Unit of
measurement is linear
length. Payment shall be
made on a pro rata basis
with respect to the total
length on completion of
work in a block section.
1.12.8) Unit of
measurement is linear
length. Payment shall be
made on a pro rata basis
with respect to the total
length on completion of
installation of all signage,
boards and posts in a block
1.12.9) Unit of
measurement is linear
length. Payment shall be
made on a pro rata basis
with respect to the total
length on completion of
work in a block section.
1.12.10) Payment shall be
made for surviving plants,
at least two years old, on a
PAGE 367

pro rata basis with respect

to the specified number of

1.13 Inventory 1.13) Supply of material as per the

0.12% (100%)
for Civil & Track inventory for civil and tracks
Works Total 100%
1.14)Transportation/ Shifting of Rails and On completion of supply of
1.14 1.00 % (100%)
sleepers full inventory at least three
months before the issue of
Total 100%
the Provisional Certificate.
1.15) Execution of unforeseen SWR On issue of Completion
1.15 0.58% USSOR 2021 & DSR 2018 items not (100%) Certificate. In case the
covered in Civil & Track works Completion Certificate is for
part of the Railway Project,
the payment shall be made
for the route km covered by
Total 100%
the Completion Certificate
pro rata to the total route
km for the Project.
1.16 0.46% Integrated testing and commissioning (100%)
PAGE 368

Total 100%
Total Civil &
Track works

(2) Signalling (part not in scope of this EPC section)& Telecommunication works

Item Weightage in Stage for Payment Percentage Payment Procedure

percentage to weightage
the Contract
2.1.1 Survey & Design of signalling works [0%] 2.1.1 Payment shall be
2.1 Signalling [0%] at wayside station made on completion of
works Survey and Design of
signalling works at
wayside stations and
approval of all drawings,
designs and schemes.
Unit of measurement
shall be no. of wayside
stations. Payment shall
be made on the pro rata
basis for work completion
with respect to total no. of
wayside stations.

2.1.2 Signalling works at wayside stations 2.1.2 Unit of

measurement shall be
Supply, installation, testing, manuals for no. of stations. Payment
Signalling & telecommunication shall be made on
equipment installed for each place, completion of signalling
supply of completion drawings, and work at a wayside station
commissioning of wayside stations on pro rata basis with
except EI/ Underground Signalling respect to the total
Cable, Power Cable, 6Quad number of wayside
Cable/Axle Counters/Various types of

2.1.3 Survey & Design works at [***%] 2.1.3 Payment shall be

made on completion of
major or Junction station Survey and Designworks
at major or junction
stations and approval of all
drawings, designs and
schemes. Unit of
measurement shall be no.
of stations. Payment shall
be made on the pro rata
basis for work completion
with respect to total no. of
PAGE 369


2.1.4 Unit of
2.1.4 Major or Junction stations Supply, measurement shall be
installation, testing, , manuals for major/junction station.
Signalling & Telecommunication Payment shall be made
equipment on completion of
installed for each place, supply of signalling work at a major
completion drawings, and or junction station on pro
commissioning of major/junction stations [***%] rata basis with respect to
except EI/Underground Signalling Cable, the total number of major
Power Cable, Six or junction stations.
Quad Cable/ Axle Counters

/Various types of Relays/IPS.

2.1.5 Payment shall be

made on completion of
2.1.5 Survey & Design works for block Survey and Design works
signalling for Block signalling and
approval of all drawings,
designs and schemes.
Unit of measurement
shall be no. of block
[***%] sections. Payment shall
be made on the pro rata
basis for work completion
with respect to total no. of
block sections.

2.1.6 Unit of
2.1.6 Block Signalling (BPAC/ measurement shall be
Token/Tokenless) block station. Payment
shall be made on
Supply, installation, testing,manuals for completion of each block
Signalling & Telecommunication signalling work on pro
equipment installed for each place, supply rata basis with respect to
of completion drawings, and the total number of block
commissioning of block signalling signalling work
Underground Signalling Cable, (BPAC/Token/Tokenless/
Power Cable,Six Quad Cable/ Axle

Counters /Various types of


2.1.7 Survey & Design works for 2.1.7 Payment shall be

made on completion of
Automatic Train protection system [****%] Survey and Design works
for Automatic Train
PAGE 370

protection system after

approval and submission
of all drawings, schemes
etc. on pro rata basis after
work completion in at least
one block section with
respect to required work in
total km of route length.

[***%] 2.1.8 Payment shall be

made on completion of
2.1.8 Automatic Train protection system work on a pro rata basis
for each block section for
Supply, installation, testing, manuals for track side equipment. For
Signalling & Telecommunication cab equipment, payment
equipment installed for each place, shall be made for [10%]
supply of completion drawings, and locos on a pro rata basis.
commissioning of Automatic Train
protection system except Axle 2.1.9 Payment shall be
made on completion of
Counter Survey and Design works
at sections

2.1.9 Survey & Design works at Sections


2.1.10 Sections [**%] 2.1.10 Payment shall be

made on completion of
Supply, installation, manuals for new signalling work for a
technology equipment installed for each section on a pro rata basis
place, supply of completion drawings, with respect to the total
and commissioning of sections. number of sections.

2.1.11 EI system including various type of 2.1.11 [70%] payment

indoor Relays Supply and [0%] shall be made on
completion of supply of EI
Installation. system, [10%] payment
shall be made on
completion of supply of
Various indoor Relays
and [20%] payment shall
be made on completion of
installation and
commissioning of work on
pro rata with respect to
PAGE 371

total no. of EI. Supply may

be planned as per Para
10.1.5 of EPC document.

2.1.12 [80%] payment

2.1.12 Signalling Underground Signalling shall be made on
Cable, Power Cable, 6 completion of supply and
[0%] [20%] payment shall be
Quad Cable Supply and Installation made on completion of
installation of work on pro
rata with respect to total
no.of stations.

2.1.13 [ 80%] payment

shall be made on
2.1.13 Axle Counters completion of supply and
[20%] payment shall be
Supply and Installation made on completion of
installation and
commissioning of work on
[***%] pro rata with respect to
total no. of stations.

2.1.14 IPS Supply and Installation 2.1.4 [ 80%] payment shall

be made on completion of
supply and [20%]
[0%] payment shall be made on
completion of installation
and commissioning of
work on pro rata with
respect to total no. of


1. [80%] payment against

2.1.11, 2.1.12, 2.1.13 and
2.1.14 shall not be more
than 80% of percentage
weightage against each
item respectively.
PAGE 372

2.1.10 Sections [**%] 2.1.10 Payment shall be

made on completion of
Supply, installation, manuals for new signalling work for a
technology equipment installed for each section on a pro rata basis
place, supply of completion drawings, with respect to the total
and commissioning of sections. number of sections.

2.1.11 EI system including various type of 2.1.11 [70%] payment

indoor Relays Supply and [0%] shall be made on
completion of supply of EI
Installation. system, [10%] payment
shall be made on
completion of supply of
Various indoor Relays
and [20%] payment shall
be made on completion of
installation and
commissioning of work on
pro rata with respect to
total no. of EI. Supply may
be planned as per Para
10.1.5 of EPC document.

2.1.12 Signalling Underground Signalling

Cable, Power Cable, 6 2.1.12 [80%] payment
shall be made on
Quad Cable Supply and Installation completion of supply and
[0%] [20%] payment shall be
made on completion of
installation of work on pro
rata with respect to total
no.of stations.

2.1.13 Axle Counters 2.1.13 [ 80%] payment

shall be made on
Supply and Installation completion of supply and
[20%] payment shall be
made on completion of
installation and
commissioning of work on
[***%] pro rata with respect to
total no. of stations.

2.1.14 IPS Supply and Installation 2.1.4 [ 80%] payment shall

be made on completion of
supply and [20%]
PAGE 373

payment shall be made on

[0%] completion of installation
and commissioning of
work on pro rata with
respect to total no. of


1. [80%] payment against

2.1.11, 2.1.12, 2.1.13 and
2.1.14 shall not be more
than 80% of percentage
weightage against each
item respectively.

2.1.15 payments shall be

2.1.15 Commissioning of [0%] made on completion of
EI/Underground Signalling Cable, Power Commissioning on pro
Cable, 6 Quad Cable/Axle rata with respect to total
no. of stations.
Counters/Various types
of For item No. 2.1.11,
Relays/IPS. 2.1.12, 2.1.13, and 2.1.14
payment against supplies
under these items shall be
made for quantities as per
the approved layout, on
receipt of material at
contractor depot and
production of inspection
certificates and other
documents and against
BG of equivalent amount.
Note: payment made for
supplies under these
items shall not be counted
for completion of Project
milestone under

Total 0%
PAGE 374

Payment for inventory

2.2 Inventory : [0%] 2.2.1 Inventory for wayside stations [0%] (supply of signalling
Supply of spares) for each stage
signalling spares 2.2.2 Inventory for Major or shall be made on
completion of works (item
Junction stations 2.1) and supply of the
entire quantity of spares.
2.2.3 Inventory for block signaling There will not be any
payment for part supply of
(BPAC /Token / Token less) inventory.

2.2.4 Inventory for Automatic

Train protection system

2.2.5 Inventory for Sections


Total 100%

2.3 Integrated Integrated testing and commissioning of On the issuance of

testing and [0.00%] the signalling works of railway project 100% Completion Certificate. In
commissioning along with supply of all as made drawing case the Completion
of signalling of signalling works. Certificate is for part of
works the Railway Project, the
payment shall be made
for the route km covered
by the Completion
Certificate on pro rata
basis with reference to the
total route km for the
PAGE 375

2.4.1 Optical fibre cable system including [11.35%] 2.4.1 Unit of

2.4 [44.36%] its survey, design, testing, manuals for measurement is distance
Telecommunicat new technology Telecommunication in track km between two
ion works equipment installed for each place, stations. Payment shall be
supply of completion drawings, and made on completion of
commissioning. work between two
stations on a pro rata
basis with respect to the
total track km length.

2.4.2 Quad telecom cable system 2.4.2 As in the case of

including survey, design, testing, 2.4.1 above
manuals for new technology equipment
installed for each place, supply of
completion drawings, and commissioning
of 6 Quad telecom cable system.
2.4.3 Payment shall be
2.4.3 Mobile train radio communication
made on completion of the
system including survey, design, supply,
entire work
installation, testing, manuals for each
place, supply of completion drawings,
and commissioning of mobile train radio
communication system.

2.4.4 Other locations including their

2.4.4 Work on five
survey, design, supply, installation,
Locations on a pro rata
testing, supply of manuals for new
basis with respect to total
technology equipment installed for each
numbers of locations.
place, supply of completion drawings,
and commissioning of telecommunication
equipment at specified locations.
2.4.5 Payment shall be
made on completion of the
2.4.5 Other communication Equipment
entir work.
including the survey, design, supply,
installation, testing, supply of manuals for
new technology equipment installed
supply of completion drawings, and
commissioning of the other
2.4.6 [80%] payment shall
telecommunication equipment be made on completion of
supply and [20%]
payment shall be made
on completion of
2.4.6 Supply and Installation of
installation work between
OFC two stations on a pro rata
basis with respect to total
track kilometre (TKM)
[13.37%] length.
PAGE 376

2.4.7 Supply and Installation of 6 2.4.7 [80%] payment shall

[0.01%] be made on completion of
(six) Quad telecom cable supply and [20%]
payment shall be made
on completion of
installation work between
two stations on a pro rata
basis with respect to total
track kilometre (TKM)

For item No. 2.4.6 and

2.4.7 payment for
[34.58%] supplies, to the extent of
maximum [10%] of the
total quantity involved in
scope of work may be

Payment against supplies

under these items shall
be made fo
quantities as per the
approved layout, on
receipt of material at
contractor depot and
production of inspection
certificates and other
documents and against
BG of equivalent amount.
Note: payment made for
supplies under these
items shall not be counted
for completion of Project
milestone under
PAGE 377

2.5 [97.38%] Payment for inventory

12.45%] 2.5.1 Inventory for optical fiber cable (supply of
Inventory : system communication spares)
Supply of for each stage shall be
communication 2.5.2 Inventory for six quad telecom [2.62%] made on completion of
spares cable system works (item 2.4) and
supply of the entire
2.5.3 Inventory for Mobile train radio quantity of spares.
communication system There will not be any
payment for part supply
2.5.4 Inventory for [***%] of inventory.
Other locations

2.5.5 Inventory for other [***%]

communication equipment

Total 100%

2.6 On the issuance of

[40.62%] Integrated testing and ***% Completion Certificate.
Integrated commissioning of the In case the Completion
testing and communication works of railway projects Certificate is for part of
commissioning along with supply of all as made drawing the Railway Project, the
of of communication works. payment shall be made
for the route km covered
communication by the Completion
works Certificate pro rata to
the total route km for the

Supply, installation, testing and

2.7 [2.57%] commissioning of various ***% 90% payment shall be
Passe passenger amenities made on completion of
nger supply & installation &
Amenities 10% payment shall be
made on completion on
testing & commissioning

Note : The above list is illustrative and may require modification as per the scope of the
PAGE 378

(3) Railway Electrification Works

Item Weightage Stage for Payment Perce Payment Procedure

in ntage
percentag Weigh
e to the tage
price of

1.1 Completion of Design & [***%] Payment for each stage shall be
drawing and Foundation work made after completion of a
for block sections including previous stage for a Section and
stations and yards its yards, measured in track kilo
metre(TKM) pro rata with
reference to the total TKM.

1.2 Supply of steel (Mast and

Portals components only)
Note- In case completion of work
in any yard is delayed on
account of Authority, work of
1.3 Completion of Steel yard may be delinked from the
erection (Mast & Portal) & rest of the section with approval
grouting with painting of of CPD for the purpose of
location Numbers payment
1. Overhead [***%]
Equipment [***%]
1.4 Completion of erection of For item 1.2 and 1.5 of stage
Bracket, Guy Rod, anti creep ( payment, payment for supplies
Complete pre wiring activity), for additional sections, to the
Height gauge & protection extant of maximum 10% of the
screen total TKM, in addition to the
payment admissible under item
1.0 above may be done.
Payment against supplies under
this item shall be made for
quantities as per the approved
1.5 Supply of Contact & layout, on receipt of material at
Catenary wire only contractor depot and production
of inspection certificates and
other documents and against BG
of equivalent amount. Note:
1.6 Completion of wiring along payment made for additional
with erection of balance [***%] supplies under item 2.0 above
weight, dropping & clipping shall not be counted for
PAGE 379

including antitheft charging completion of Project milestone

under schedule-I.

For item No. 1.6 Stage payment

1.7 Commissioning [***%] will be released on completion of
work under item no. 12 (
modification of HT power lines
and crossing replacement of UG
cabling) and item 13
modification of LT power lines
and crossings ( replacement of
UG cabling) and Item no 2.1, 4.1,
[***%] 10, 14.1,

For item No. 1.7 Stage payment

will be released on completion of
work under

Item no [2.2, 4.2 ],

Total 100%

2.1 Completion of all works Payment shall be made for each
stage after completion of all the
switching posts work for a
2.Switching Section and its yards, measured
Posts 2.2 Commissioning and in number of switching posts on
charging at 25 KV. pro rata basis with reference to
the total switching posts for the
Railway Project.

Total 100%

[***%] Payment shall be made for each

3.1 Completion of all works
stage after completion of each
3.Booster including testing.
booster transformer and related
[***%] work on pro rata basis with
and Return
reference to the total of the
booster transformers for the
3.2 Commissioning
[***%] Railway Project.
PAGE 380

Total 100%

[***%] Payment shall be made for each

4.1 Completion of all works
stage after completion of each
including testing.
4. Auxiliary auxiliary transformer station and
Transformer [***%] related work on pro rata basis
Stations with reference to the total of the
auxiliary transformer stations for
4.2 Commissioning
[***%] the Railway Project.

Total 100%
PAGE 381


5.1Completion of all civil works

for the TSS (works like earth
filling, retaining wall, approach
road, control building, fencing

5.2 Completion of all supply

and erection works of TSS
except supply and erection of Payment for each stage shall be
5.Traction [***%]
Transformers made after completion of all the
TSS work measured in number
(TSS) [***%]
of TSS on pro rata basis with
reference to the total TSS for the
5.3 Supply and erection of Railway Project

5.4 Completion and

Commissioning of TSS and
charging at 25 KV.


Total 100%

6. High voltage 6.1Completion of erection of [***%] 6.1 Payment shall

Transmission all towers/poles associated be made for each stage after
Line Overhead with a TSS completion of each transmission
from grid sub- line overhead and related work.
station to TSS [***%] The unit of measurement is
linear metre on pro rata basis
6.2 Stringing of conductors with reference to the total length
of all the transmission line
overhead for the Railway Project.
PAGE 382

6.3 Commissioning [***%]


Total 100%

7.1 Payment shall

be made for each stage after
7. 7.1Completion of cable trench completion of each underground
Underground and laying of cable high tension cable transmission
High Tension line. The unit of measurement is
Cable linear metre on pro rata basis
Transmission with reference to the total length
Line 7.2 Commissioning of all the underground high
tension cable transmission line
for the Railway Project.

8.1 Payment shall

[***%] be made for each stage after
8. Bay completion of each bay
8.1 Completion of erection
Augmentation augmentation work at grid sub-
including testing
work at Grid station/terminal arrangement at
Sub- [***%] TSS. The unit of measurement is
Station/Termin unit on pro rata basis with
al Arrangement reference to the total of all the
8.2 Commissioning
at TSS bay augmentation work at grid
[***%] sub-station/terminal arrangement
at TSS for the Railway Project.

Total 100%

9.1 Supply and erection of
SCADA at remote control
Payment shall be made after
centre at division
9. completion of the work of each
SCAD [***%] stage.
9.2 Supply and erection of
remote terminal units at
switching post/ TSS.

9.3 Commissioning of SCADA

PAGE 383

per switching post/TSS [***%]

9.4 Final commissioning of

SCADA system for the division



17.1) Supply of tools, Payment shall be made on

10. Inventory [***%] equipment, materials for (100%) completion of the supply of the
supply to stores entire inventory items


Item Weighta Stage for Payment Percenta Payment Procedure

ge in ge
percent Weighta
age to ge
price of
l Works

11) Various Electrical 48.58 % 11.1) Completion & commission of (100%) Payment shall be
General Services electrical general services made after the
Works completion &
commissioning of
PAGE 384

works under this

item of work

12) Modification of 0.00 % 12.1) Completion of work including testing (90%) Payment shall be
EHT power lines & made after
crossings (raising of completion of all
height) 400 KV EHT works of a EHT
power line crossing 12.2) Commissioning (10%) power line crossing,
on pro-rata basis
with reference to
the total number of
Total 100% EHT power line

13) Modification of 17.13 % 13.1) Completion of work including testing (90%) Payment shall be
EHT power lines & made after
crossings (raising of completion of all
height) 220 KV EHT works of a EHT
power line crossing 13.2) Commissioning (10%) power line crossing,
on pro-rata basis
with reference to
the total number of
Total 100% EHT power line

14) Modification of 0.00 % 14.1) Completion of work including testing (90%) Payment shall be
EHT power lines & made after
crossings (raising of completion of all
height) 110 KV EHT works of a EHT
power line crossing power line crossing,
on pro-rata basis
14.2) Commissioning (10%)
with reference to
the total number of
EHT power line
Total 100% crossings

15) Modification of 0.00 % 15.1) Completion of work including testing (90%) Payment shall be
EHT power lines & made after
crossings (raising of completion of all
height) 66 KV EHT works of a EHT
15.2) Commissioning (10%) power line crossing,
PAGE 385

power line crossing on pro-rata basis

Total 100% with reference to
the total number of
EHT power line

16) 3.57 % 16.1) Completion of work including testing (90%) Payment shall be
made after
Modification/shifting of completion of all
33 KV HT power lines works of
& 16.2) Commissioning (10%) replacement of HT
crossings(replacement power line crossing
by UG cabling) by UG cabling, on
pro-rata basis with
Total 100% reference to the
total number of
replacements of HT
power line
crossings by UG

17) 23.66 % 17.1) Completion of work including testing (90%) Payment shall be
made after
Modification/shifting of completion of all
11 KV HT power lines works of
& crossings 18.2) Commissioning (10%) replacement of HT
(replacement by UG power line crossing
cabling) by UG cabling, on
pro-rata basis with
Total 100% reference to the
total number of
replacements of HT
power line
crossings by UG

18) 4.05 % 18.1) Completion of work including testing (90%) Payment shall be
Modification/shifting of made after
440 V LT power lines & completion of all
crossings works of
(replacement by UG 18.2) Commissioning (10%) replacement of LT
PAGE 386

cabling) power line crossing

Total 100% by UG cabling, on
pro-rata basis with
reference to the
total number of
replacements of LT
power line
crossings by UG

19) Modifications of 2.68 % 19.1) Modification of electrical works (100%) Payment shall be
existing electrical including all associated works and testing made after
works (like at existing completion of works
transformer shifting, on pro-rata basis
DP structure, etc)

20) Inventory Electrical 0.33 % 19.1) Supply of tools, equipment, materials (100%) Payment shall be
for supply to stores made on completion
of the supply of the
entire inventory

19) Signalling system Not Applicable


(See Clause 10.2.7)

1 Drawings

In compliance with the obligations set forth in Clause 10.2 of this Agreement, the Contractor shall
furnish to the Authority Engineer, free of cost, all Drawings listed in Annex-I of this Schedule-H.
PAGE 387

2 Additional Drawings

If the Authority Engineer determines that for discharging its duties and functions under this
Agreement, it requires any drawings other than those listed in Annex-I, it may by notice require
the Contractor to prepare and furnish such drawings forthwith. Upon receiving a requisition to this
effect, the Contractor shall promptly prepare and furnish such drawings to the Authority Engineer,
as if such drawings formed part of Annex-I of this Schedule-H.


List of Drawings & Documents to be furnished by the Contractor shall include, but not be
limited to:

1) General & Civil Engineering:

(a) General map of the country traversed by the Project, scale about 20 km to 1 cm;

(b) Index map, scale about 1 km to 1 cm;

(c) Index Plan & Sections prepared in accordance with the terms of Engineering Code;

(d) Schematic Plans of Station Yards;

(e) General arrangement drawings of Structures; and

(f) River training/Protection work.

(g) Details of Level Crossings & RUB/LHS and RFOs.

(h) Station Yard Layout including details of connectivity with existing yards

(i) Station Building including cabins, approach connectivity, etc

(j) Details of Track Structure & its component

(k) Details of Integrated Maintenance Depots (IMD & ISMD), if any

(l) Details of existing utilities in ROW & plan for their shifting

2) Signal Engineering: Not Applicable

3) Telecommunication Engineering

(a) Location & connectivity of all equipments & cables

(b) Schematic & wiring diagrams- not applicable

PAGE 388

(c) Cable core plan & numbering scheme- not applicable

(d) Equipment mounting details

(e) Cable route drawings

(f) Layouts in equipment racks, in equipment rooms, trackside, and all other equipment

(g) Channelling plan

(h) 6 Quad cable, Optical fiber cable supply, laying in trench in all types of soil including cable
laying through trenchless technique for road/road crossing, jointing, termination, testing & design,
supply, installation, testing & commissioning of MPLS Routers, (LER & LSR), 3.24 manageable
switch along with cat 6, UTP patch cards, FDMS, 19 inch Racks, work station, Training, Control
Communication over VOIP for implementation IP-MPLS Technology of unified communication
backbone on Indian Railways vide Document No STT/TAN/IP-MPLS2020 Version 1.0 (Authority:
Railway Board letter No. 2011/Tele*9(2)/1 Dt. 25.02.2020)

4) Electrical Engineering (Traction)

(a) General arrangement of the Traction substation for (2 x 25 KV) system single transformer
and the double transformer with incoming as 220 KV or 132 KV 3 phase. (These substations will
be remotely controlled & operated)

(b) General arrangement of SP (Sectioning Post) with the autotransformer. (These

substations will be remotely controlled & operated)

(c) General arrangement of the SSP (Sub sectioning post) with the autotransformer. (These
substations will be remotely controlled & operated)

(d) Power supply arrangement for (2 X 25 KV) AT system and Sectioning drawing for the
traction arrangement.

(e) Power supply arrangement for the signals at the stations (Auxiliary transformer and the
arrangement of 230 volt supply)

(f) Typical layout of the control room at the traction substation SP, SSP

(g) Typical layout of the remote control centre

(h) General arrangement of the implementation of the SCADA system

(i) Earthing arrangement at the TSS, SP & SSP

(j) Typical arrangement of the regulated OHE for (2 X 25 KV) system with the feeder
PAGE 389

(k) Power supply arrangement with IR at interface point


This part of Tender document contains general, technical and other specifications for
design and erection of complete 25 KV AC, 50 Hz single phase Traction Overhead
equipment, Switching stations, Booster Transformer stations, LT Supply Transformer
stations, Traction Substations and associated Transmission line works, SCADA system,
Electrical General Works, Signaling Works, Telecom works, Civil Engineering Works etc.

This part also gives typical designs relating to Overhead Equipments, Switching
Stations, Booster Transformer stations and Traction Substations along with technical
specifications of materials components, fittings etc.

The entire Railway Electrification work shall be executed as per relevant

IS/Specifications/ Drawings (latest version applicable in all cases up to the date of
tender opening) and good industry practices. A list of the relevant Specifications/ IS
available is included in Annexure.


This Annexure contains a list of documents, technical Specifications and IS referred to in

various paragraphs of the Tender. The list of relevant Drawings for RE works has been
included in the Schedule-I (Drawings) of the RFP document.
All references to drawings, charts, schedules, specifications, IS etc given in this
Annexure or elsewhere in the tender document shall be taken to be the latest versions
including all amendments up to the date of tender opening.
All other items not covered under the Drawings/Specification shall be referred to as per
relevant IS and Railways practices in force.
The Drawings and RDSO specifications can be purchased from the office of
CEE/CORE, Allahabad or TI Directorate of RDSO, Lucknow on payment basis.



PAGE 390

1. Annealed stranded copper conductor for jumper wire. ETI/OHE/3(2/94) with A&C slip No.1of(4/95)

2. Copper busbar RE/30/OHE/5 (11/60)

3. Structural Steel tubes. ETI/OHE/11 (5/89)

Hot dip zinc galvanisation of steel masts (Rolled and ETI/OHE/13(4/84) with A&C slip No. 1of
Fabricated) tube and fittings used on 25 KV AC OHE. (5/86),2 of (4/90) & 3 of (4/90)

TI/SPC/OHE/WR/1060 with A&C slip

5. Stainless steel wire ropes
No 1 of (11/06) & 2 of (05/07)

Solid core porcelain insulators for 25 KV 50 Hz single phase

6. TI/SPC/OHE/INS/0070 (04/2007)
overhead lines

ETI/OHE/16(1/94) with A&C slip No.1

7. 25 KV single and double pole isolators.
of (06/2000) & 2 of (3/2004)

8. Steel fasteners & Stainless Steel fasteners TI/SPC/OHE/Fasteners/0120

9. Aluminum alloy section and tubes ETI/OHE/21(9/74)

Standard for drawings for Traction Overhead

10. ETI/OHE/25(3/66)

Light Weight Section Insulators assembly. TI/SP TI/SPC/OHE/LWTSI/0060

(8/2006) OR
OR ETI/OHE/27(8/84) with A&C slip No.1
of (10/92)
Section Insulator assembly without sectioning insulator.

12. Enameled steel plates ETI/OHE/33(8/85)

Retro-reflective Structure Number Plates &

ETI/OHE/33A(12/97) Rev-8 (11/12)
Caution/Warning Boards
PAGE 391

Retro-reflective Structure Number Plates &

ETI/OHE/33A(12/97) Rev-8 (11/12)
Caution/Warning Boards

ETI/OHE/36(12/73) with A&C Slip No.1

13. Galvanised steel wire
of (5/98)

TI/SPC/OHE/ATD/0060 (8/2006) with

14. 3 pulley Type Regulating Equipment
A&C Slip No1 of (10/2006), 2 of
(5/2007) & 3 of (01/13)

Fitting for 25 kV 50 Hz AC Overhead TI/SPC/OHE/Fitting/0130(10/13)

equipment. {Old ETI/OHE/49 (9/95) with A&C}

Cadmium copper conductor for overhead ETI/OHE/50 (6/97) with A&C slip No.1
Railway Traction to 3 (04/09).

ETI/OHE/53(6/88) with A&C slip no.1 of

Principles of OHE layout plans and sectioning diagrams for
25 KV AC traction.
(12/88), 2 of (8/89), 3 of (6/90), 4 of
(8/92) & 5 of (11/2006)

19/2.79mm All Aluminum alloy stranded ETI/OHE/54(2/85) with A&C slip No. 1
catenary wire. of (11/89) &2 of (10/92)

19. Bimetallic (Al-cu) strip ETI/OHE/55(4/90)

TI/SPC/OHE/SNS/0000 of (2/2000) with

20. Short Neutral Section Assembly (Phase Break)
A&C slip No. 1

Code for bonding and earthing for 25 KV, AC ETI/OHE/71(11/90) with A&C slip no. 1
single phase, 50 Hz traction system. of (8/91) & 2 of (3/93)

Insulated Cadmium copper catenary 19/2.10 mm dia for

provision under overline structures
22. TI/SPC/OHE/INSCAT/0000 of (4/2000)
in the 25 KV AC Electric Traction.
PAGE 392

23. Battery charger for 110 V battery, 40 AH. ETI/PSI/1(6/81)

ETI/PSI/3(8/75) with A&C slip No.1

24. Lightning arrestor- 7.5 KV
of (2/91)

220 KV or 132 KV or 110 KV or 66 KV or 25 TI/SPC/PSI/PTs/0990 with A&C slip

kV Potential transformers No.1 to 5 (01/09)

25 KV Dropout fuse switch & operating pole for use with 10 ETI/PSI/14(1/86) with A&C slip no 1 of
KVA and 100 kVA 25 kV/ 230 V L.T. Supply transformer. (4/87)

25 kV/240 V, 5 kVA,10 kVA, 25 kVA & 50

27. ETI/PSI/15(8/03)
kVA, 50 Hz single phase oil filled Auxiliary Transformers.

Low maintenance Lead Acid 40AH & 200 AH RDSO/PE/SPEC/TL/0040-2003(Rev-0)

cells. with A&C slip no 1 of (9/2005)

150 KVA, 25 KV, single phase, 50 Hz. Dry type Cast ETI/PSI/97(6/87) with A&C slip No.1 of
resin Booster Transformers (9/88)

100 KVA & 150 KVA, 25 KV, single phase, ETI/PSI/98(8/92) with A&C slip No.1 of
50 Hz, oil filled Booster Transformers (9/92), 2 of (1/94) & 3 of (6/94)

25 KV AC Single Pole, Double Pole mounted, Outdoor

Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB) and TI/SPC/PSI/LVCBIN/0120
Vacuum Interrupter (BM). (December‟2013) Revision-0)

TI/SPC/PSI/HVCB/0120 (June 2014)

220 kV/132 kV/110 kV/100 kV/66 kV Double
with A&C slip No.1(March-16)
Pole, Triple Pole, OutDoor SF6 Circuit Breakers.

ETI/OHE/76(6/97) with A&C slip No.1

32 Hard drawn grooved copper Contact wire
of (4/01), 3 of (03/05) , 4 of (12/06), 5 of
(7/09), 6 of (5/12) & 7 of (12/13)
Metal Oxide Gapless type Lightning Arrester for use on
the 25kV side of Rly. traction sub
33 TI/SPC/PSI/MOGTLA/0100(07/10)
stations & switching stations

Technical Specification for Silicone Composite Insulators

34 TI/SPC/OHE/INSCOM/1070 (01/07)
for 25 kV A.C. 50 Hz single phase
PAGE 393

overhead traction lines. (04/13)

Specification for solid core porcelain cylindrical

35 TI/SPC/OHE/POST/0100(01/2010)
post insulator for systems with nominal voltage of 66kV,
110kV, 132kV & 220kV.

36 25kv/240V L.T. supply Transformer, 100 KVA ETI/PSI/15 A (7/82) with A&C Slip No.1(9/89)

37 Battery charger for 110V Battery, 200 AH ETI/PSI/24(6/81)

Low tension Distribution panels for Rly. A.C ETI/PSI/29 (12/79)With A&C Slip No.1 (
traction substations 2/93)

Standard for drawings for power supply

39 ETI/PSI/31 (5/76)

40 Low tension distribution panels. ETI/PSI/63(7/82)

Technical specification for control and relay panel for 25kV

ac TSS including specification for numerical type protection
relays for traction transformer, 25kV shunt capacitor bank
41 and transmission line for 25kV ac TSS on Indian TI/SPC/PSI/PROTCT/6071


Technical specification for shunt capacitor &

42 TI/SPC/PSI/FC&SR/0100(01/10)
series reactor equipment for traction substation
Technical specification for 25kV ac, 50 Hz, single phase, oil
filled, current transformer with CT ratio of I-1000-500/5A (for
general purpose), II-1500-750/5A (for heavy haul ETI/PSI/90 (6/95) with A&C Slip No.1,
2,3,4,5,6,7 (08/2007) & 8 (April 2009).
duties) for Railway ac traction substation.

Technical specification for two zone static relay for distance

protection for 25kV ac single phase ETI/PSI/101 (8/87) with A&C Slip No.1
50 Hz traction overhead equipment.

Technical specification for current transformers. I. 220kV.

ETI/PSI/117 (7/88) with A&C Slip No.1
45 200-100/5A, II. 132kV. 400-200/5A, III. 110kV. 400-200/5A,
(11/88), 2 (3/89), 3 (12/89), 4 (4/90), 5
IV. 66kV. 800-400/5A
PAGE 394

(6/90), 6 (9/92), 7 (8/05), 8 (08/2007) & 9

for Railway A.C traction substations.
(July 2008).

Specification for 21.6 MVA single phase, 50 Hz. i) 220/27kV

ii) 132/27kV iii) 110/27kV, iv), 66/27kV traction power
transformer for ETI/PSI/118 (10/93) with A&C Slip No.1 to 9
& A&C slip No.10 (08/12) or latest
Railway A.C traction sub- station.

Code of practice for earthing of power supply installations for

25kV A.C., 50 Hz, single phase ETI/PSI/120 (2/91) with A&C Slip No 1
traction system.

Technical specification for i) 245 kV, (ii) 145 kV, (iii) 123 kV,
(iv) 72.5 kV double pole & triple pole Isolator for Railway
traction sub ETI/PSI/122 (3/89) with A&C
Slip No.1(4/90)

Specification for Metal Oxide gapless type lightning arrestors

ETI/PSI/137 (8/89) with A&C Slip No.1,2,3
(combined) for use on
49 (Embodying) A&C slip No. 4(8/94) 5(04/01),
6 (9/05) & 7(07/2007)
220/132/110/66 kV side of Railway A.C. traction

Technical specification for 220 kV or 132 kV or TI/SPC/PSI/PTS/0990 with A&C Slip

110 kV or 66kV or 25 kV potential transformer. No.1,2,3,4,& 5 (April 09)

Delta I type High resistive fault selective Relay for 25 kV AC

Single phase 50 Hz traction
with A&C slip No.1(10/13)

Panto flashover protection relay for 25 kV A.C.

52 TI/SPC/PSI/PROTCT/2983 (09/2001)
single phase 50 Hz traction system.

Technical Specification of SCADA system for 25kV, AC

53 TI/SPC/RCC/SCADA/0130(04/2014)
Single phase Traction supply on Indian Railway.

Technical Specification for Galvanised Steel

54 TI/SPC/OHE/GSSW/0090 (10/2009)
Stranded Wire for Traction Masts
PAGE 395

Technical specification for galvanized steel TI/SPC/OHE/GALSTB/0040(09/04) Rev.

stranded wire for traction bonds 1 (08/05)

Setting up Earthing Station at switching posts Special Maintenance Instruction No.

(SSP & SP) with conventional Earthing. TI/SMI/0032 Rev-1
Design handout for Overhead equipment for running
double stack containers under electrified routes (High Rise
OHE) with speed potential of 140 Kmph based on revised
57 wind TI/DESIGN/OHE/2013/00001 (July‟13)


OHE span in view of changes in wind zones in TI/OHE/GA/2013 DATED

country 25/30.04.2013

Technical guidelines and Standard Instruction for Railway

Electrification Works including OHE,TSS, Transmission
Line, SCADA , Electrical General Works, signaling Works,
Telecom works & Civil Engineering Works.


S N. IS Code No. Descriptions

1 IS:210-1993 Grey iron castings

2 IS:269-1989 Specification for 33 grade ordinary Portland cement (4 Rev)

3 IS:282-1982 Dropper Wire

4 IS:306-1983 Tin bronze castings

5 IS:335-1993 New Insulating oil (4 Rev) Reaffirmed 2000

6 IS:371-1999 Ceiling rose spec.( (3 Rev)
PAGE 396

Specification for coarse & fine aggregates from natural sources for
7 IS: 383-1970

8 IS:398(PT.I)-1996 All Aluminum conductor

9 IS:398 Pt.II-1996 Al. conductor for overhead transmission purposes

10 Aluminum conductors galvanized steel reinforced

Specification for mild steel & medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn
11 IS: 432 Pt.1-1982
steel wires for concrete reinforcement
12 IS: 456-2000 Plain & Reinforced concrete Code of practice (3 Rev)

13 IS: 516-1959 Method of tests for strength of concrete

14 IS:617-1994 Aluminum castings

15 IS:694:1990 Al. Jumper wire

16 IS:702-1988 Specification for industrial bitumen (2 Rev) reaffirmed 1999

Porcelain Insulator for overhead power lines with a nominal voltage

17 IS:731-1971
greater than 1000V

18 IS:732-1989 Code of practice for electrical wiring installation (3 Rev)

19 IS:800-1984 Code of practice for general construction in steel (2 Rev)

20 IS:808-1989 Dimensions for hot rolled steel beam, column, channel & angle sections

21 IS:816-1969 Welding
PAGE 397

IS:875 (Part-3) 1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquakes) for building
(Reaffirmed) and structures – Part 3: Wind loads second revision.

Plugs & socket outlets of rated voltage upto and including 250V and
23 IS:1293-2005
rated current up to 16 Amp(3 Rev)

24 IS:1387-1993 General requirements for the supply of metals and metal products

Specification for Portland-Pozzolana cement Pt .I Fly ash based (3
25 IS: 1489 Pt. I 1991

26 IS:1554(Part-I) 1988 PVC insulated cables

27 IS:1608-1995 Mechanical testing of metal- tensile testing

28 IS:1731-1971 Dimensions for steel flats for structural & general engineering purpose

29 IS:1777-1978 Industrial Luminaires with metal reflectors (1 Rev)

Specification for high strength deformed steel bars and wires for
30 IS:1786-1985
concrete reinforcement

31 IS:1897-1983 Copper strip for formed fittings

32 IS:2004-1991 Carbon steel forgings for general engineering purpose

33 IS:2062-2011 Steel for general structural purpose

34 IS: 2074-1992 Ready mix Paint, air drying, Red oxide, Zinc chrome

Aluminum and steel cored Aluminum conductors for (Part I & II)
35 IS:2121-1981
overhead power lines.

36 IS:2141-2000 Galvanised stay strand

PAGE 398

37 IS:2312-1967 Propeller type AC ventilating fans (1 Rev)

Method of tests for aggregates for concrete Pt. III Specific gravity,
38 IS: 2386 Pt.III-1963
density voids, absorption & buckling

39 IS:2673-2002 Dimensions for Aluminum Tubular Busbar.

Enclosed distribution fuse boards ad cut-outs for voltage not exceeding

40 IS:2675-1983 nd
1000V AC & 1200V DC (2 Rev)

41 IS:3043-1987 Code of practice for earthing (1 Rev)

42 IS:3091-1999 Aluminum bronze castings

43 IS:3188-1980 Characteristics of string insulator units

44 IS:3837-1976 Accessories for Rigid steel conduit for electrical wiring

45 IS:3854-1997 Switches for domestic & similar purposes(2 Rev)

Specification for hot dipped for galvanized coatings on round steel wires
46 IS:4826-1979
(1 Rev)

47 IS:5082-1998 Material for Aluminum tubular busbar.

Code of practice for determination bearing capacity of shallow

48 IS: 6403-1981
foundations (1 Rev)

49 IS:7098 (Part I) 1988 LT XLPE cables

IS:7098 (Part II)

50 HT XLPE cables
PAGE 399

51 IS: 8130-1984 Conductor for Insulated electric cables & flexible cords (1 Rev)

52 IS:9537 Part-I-1980 Conduits for electrical installations

53 IS:9968(Pt.2)-2002 Annealed Copper Jumper Wire

IS:13947 Pt. III Specification for low voltage switchgear & control gear Pt.-3,
1993 disconnectors & fuse combination unit

55 IS:14329-1995 Malleable iron castings

List of Drawings
SI. Drawing
Brief Description Mod. No.
No Series Number
1 2 3 4 5
Extra allowance for setting of structures on curves
1. ETI/OHE/G 00111 Sh-1 C
(1676 mm Broad gauge)
Standard setting of structures in the vicinity of signals
2. -do- 00112 D
(broad gauge)
3. Typical design of side bearing foundation. -do- 00131 -
4. Typical design of cantilever mast. RE/33/G 00141 Sh.3 -
Standard drilling schedule of OHE masts 9.5 m long
5. ETI/OHE/G 00144 Sh.3 C
Span and stagger chart for (conventional OHE,
6. Cad. Cu catenary & Cu cont. wire) wind pressure ETI/OHE/G 00202 -
75,112.5 & l50kgf/m².
Employment schedule for Cantilever mast Regulated
7. OHE without return conductor and without Earth wire ETI/OHE/G 00153 Sh.1 F
(WP- 112.5 kgf/m² (Cd- 65/Cu, Cont. 107/Cu)
Employment schedule for Cantilever mast Regulated
OHE without return conductor and
8. ETI/OHE/G 00153 Sh.2 F
with Earth wire (WP- 112.5 kgf/m² (Cd- 65/Cu, Cont.
Employment schedule for Cantilever masts Regulated
9. OHE with return conductor and without Earth wire (WP- -do- 00153 Sh.3 F
112.5 kgf/m² (Cd- 65/Cu Cont. 107/Cu)
Employment schedule for Cantilever masts Regulated
10. OHE with return conductor and with -do- 00153 Sh.4 E
Earth wire (WP- 112.5 kgf/m² (Cd- 65/Cu, Cont. 107/Cu)
Employment schedule for Cantilever masts unregulated
OHE without return conductor and without Earth wire
11. -do- 00154 D
- 65/Cu, Cont. 107/Cu)
12. Employment schedule of bracket tubes Conventional ETI/OHE/G 00158 sh.1 of 3 -
PAGE 400

OHE (Cad Cu Caty & Cu contact wire 1000 kgf tension

each) WP-75 Kgf/ m²
Employment schedule of bracket tubes Regulated
Conventional OHE (Cad. Cu Cat & Cu contact wire
13. ETI/OHE/G 00158 sh.2 of 3 -
1000 kgf tension in each) WP-
112.5 Kgf/ m²
Employment schedule of bracket tubes Regulated
14. Conventional OHE (Cad Cu Caty & Cu contact wire ETI/OHE/G 00158 sh.3 of 3 -
1000 kgf tension in each) WP- 150 Kgf/ m²
Dropper schedule for uninsulated Overlap
15. -do 00169 A
16. Dropper schedule for insulated Overlap spans -do 00170 A
Dropper schedule for conventional regulated
17. -do 00177 A
OHE. With Zero presag (1400/1400)
Adjustment chart of Regulating equipment 3
18. -do 00195 A
Pulley Type (3:1 ratio)
19. Schematic arrangement of regulated OHE -do 02101 A
Schematic arrangement of uninsulated overlap
20. -do 02121 Sh.4 A
(3 & 4 span overlaps)
21. Schematic arrangement of insulated overlap ETI/OHE/G 02131 Sh.3 A
Standard termination of tramway type OHE
22. (Regulated) with Pulley type regulating ETI/OHE/G 04212 B
equipment (3:1 ratio).
23. General distribution of droppers ETI/OHE/G 00161 -
Outline of Pantograph (Broad gauge and metre
24. RE/33/G 00181 A
General formation of single track in
25. RE/33/G 01101 Sh.1 A
Embankments and cutting (Broad gauge.)
General formation of double track in
26. -do- 01102 Sh.1 A
embankments and cutting (Broad gauge).
General formation of multiple tracks (1676 mm
27. -do- 01103 Sh.1 A
28. Standard anchor arrangement -do- 01401 E
29. Anchor arrangement with dwarf mast. ETI/OHE/G 01402 B
30. Schedule of anchor block for B.G. track. -do- 01403 Sh.1 E
31. Schedule of anchor block for B.G. track. -do- 01403 Sh.2 D
Schedule of anchor block for B.G. track (Black cotton
32. -do- 01403 Sh.3 D
Standard guide tube arrangement on a mast and
33. ETI/OHE/G 01505 -
Trapezoidal counter weight arrangement on
34. ETI/OHE/G 01502 -
OHE structures.
Arrangement of 3KV & 25 KV Pedestal Insulator
35. -do- 01601 -
supports OHE masts and portals.
Standard arrangements for mounting of number
36. ETI/OHE/G 01701 A
plate on OHE Structures.
Schematic arrangement of regulated overhead
37. -do- 02101 A
Typical arrangements of OHE on cantilever masts for
38. -do- 02102 -
double track section.
Typical arrangement for fixing of bracket assembly on
39. 9.5 m mast and Structure to suit -do 02102 Sh.3 -
raising of tracks (in future)
PAGE 401

40. Mast on platforms (Metre Gauge) RE/33/G 02104 Sh.2 A

Details of bracket arrangement on tangent and
41. ETI/OHE/G 02106 Sh.1 A
curved tracks
42. Details of bracket arrangement for OHE -do- 02106 Sh.3 C
Single bracket assembly on Structures and
43. RE/33/G 02107 D
dropped arms.
44. Box type cantilever Arrangement. ETI/OHE/G 02108 A
45. Arrangement at anti creep. 00001/12/0 0
Standard cantilever arrangement for boom
46. ETI/OHE/G 02113 -
anchor anti creep location.
Schematic arrangement of uninsulated overLap
47. RE/33/G 02121 Sh.1 F
(type-I) (3 & 4 Span overlaps)
48. Schematic arrangement of insulated overlap. ETI/OHE/G 02131 Sh.1
General arrangement of regulated OHE at turn-
49. ETI/OHE/G 02141 C
outs (overlap & crossed type).
General arrangement of regulated OHE at cross
50. -do 02151 -
over(overlap & crossed type).
51. Arrangement of neutral section -do- 02161 Sh.1 C
Arrangement of neutral section assembly (PTFE
52. -do 02162 -
Type) at SWS.
53. Arrangement of short neutral section. -do 02161 Sh.2 -
Schematic arrangement of unregulated
54. -do 03101 -
overhead equipment.
Standard termination of OHE (Regulated & un-
55 ETI/OHE/G 03121 Pt 1 of 3 E
56 -do- -do 03121 Pt 2 of 3 E
57 -do- -do 03121 Pt 3 of 3 E
General arrangement of Unregulated OHE at
58. -do 03151 -
turnouts (crossed & overlap type).
General arrangement of unregulated OHE at
59. crossovers and diamond crossings (overlap and -do 03152 Sh.1 -
crossed type).
General arrangement of unregulated OHE at
60. -do 03152 Sh.2 -
diamond crossing.
61. General arrangement of pull off -do- 03301 A
62. General arrangement of Head span -do 03201 -
In span jumper connection between catenary &
63. -do- 05101 -
contact wire.
Continuity jumper connection at un-insulated
64. -do 05102 C
overlap turnouts and crossovers
65. Anti- theft jumper -do 05107 A
66. Connections at turnouts -do 05103 B
Potential equalizer connection at insulated
67. -do- 05104 -
overlap and neutral section
68. Connections at diamond crossing. -do- 05106 A
General arrangement of connections to OHE by
69. -do 05121 Sh.1 C
copper cross feeder (150).
General arrangement of connections at
70. switching station on double track section by ETI/OHE/G 05122 Sh.1 C
copper cross feeder
General arrangement of connections at switching
71. -do- 05123 Sh.1 C
station on multiple track section by
PAGE 402

copper cross feeder

Suspension of 25kV feeder(Spider)on 25 KV OHE
72. ETI/OHE/G 05143 B
Termination of feeder, return conductor & return
73. ETI/OHE/G 05145-1 A
feeder(copper & aluminum).
Arrangement of suspension of double spider 25 KV
74. feeder and return feeder between substation and RE/33/G 05152 C
feeding station
75. Assembly of section insulators RE/33/G 05181 C
76. General arrangement of earth wire on OHE mast ETI/OHE/G 05201 A
77. General arrangement of earth wire on OHE mast ETI/OHE/G 05201-1 -
78. Arrangement of transverse bonds ETI/OHE/G 05251 A
79. Connection of return conductor to track -do- 05306 F
Suspension arrangement of aluminum return
80. -do- 05307 B
conductor (spider) on traction Structures
Suspension of return conductor (spider) from
81. -do- 05312 A
boom of Structures (with clevis type disc insulators)
Connections between OHE and aluminum return
82. ETI/OHE/G 05413 B
conductor at booster stations
Mounting of 25 kv Isolators on OHE Structures
83. ETI/OHE/G 05513 Sh.1 A
(General arrangement)
Details of small part steel work for supporting 25 kv
84. -do- 05513 Sh.2 A
Isolator on new T.T.C. boom
85 Connection from Isolator to OHE -do- 05516 A
Characteristics of conductors/ bus-bar for 25kv AC
86 -do- 05600 A
Mounting arrangement of Auxiliary Transformer
87 ETI/OHE/G 05522 -
on OHE masts
Employment Schedule for Cantilever Mast regulated
88 OHE without return conductor & without earth wire ETI/C 0702 (Sh.1) B
(WP- 75 kgf/ m².) (Cat. 65/Cu & Cont. 107/Cu)
Employment Schedule for Cantilever Mast regulated
89 OHE with earth wire but without return conductor -do- 0702 (Sh.2) B
(WP- 75 kgf/ m²) (Caty. 65/Cu & Cont. 107/Cu)
Employment Schedule for Cantilever Mast regulated
90 OHE with return conductor but without earth wire -do- 0702 (Sh.3) B
(WP- 75 kgf/ m²) (Caty. 65/Cu & Cont. 107/Cu)
Employment Schedule for Cantilever Mast regulated
OHE with return conductor with earth wire (WP- 75
91 -do- 0702 (Sh.4) B
kgf/ m²) (Caty. 65/Cu & Cont.
Employment Schedule for Tramway type regulated
92 -do- B
OHE RC & EW (WP- 75 kgf/m²) 0704
Employment Schedule for 8”x 8”x35 lbs BFB (9.5
93 M. long)(WP-112.5 kgf/m² Caty. 65/Cu & Cont. -do- 0708 B
Employment Schedule for OHE mast (9.5m) overlaps
94 central location with 3.0 m implantation WP-75 kgf/m² -do- 0709 A
Caty. 65/Cu & Cont. 107/Cu.
Employment schedule for OHE mast (9.5M) overlap
95 central with 3.0 M implantation WP- ETI/C 0710
112.5 kgf/m² (Caty 65/cu and Cont.107/Cu)
96 Employment Schedule for OHE mast (9.5m) overlap -do- 0711 A
PAGE 403

inter with 3.0 m implantation. WP-75 kgf/

m² Caty. 65/Cu & Cont. 107/Cu.
Employment schedule for OHE mast (9.5M) overlaps
97 with 3.0 M implantations. WP- -do- 0712 A
112.5kgf/m² Caty.65/Cu and cont.107/Cu
Employment Schedule for 9.5 m 200x200x49.9
98 -do- 0713 B
kg mast WP-75 kgf/m² (Caty. 65/Cu & Cont. 107/Cu.)
Employment schedule for 9.5 m long 200x200x49.9
99. kg mast WP-112.5 Kgf/ m² (Caty. -do- 0714 B
65/Cu and Cont.107/Cu)
Employment Schedule for OHE mast (9.5m) WP-
100 75 kgf/ m² overlap Anchor location with 3.0 -do- 0715 A
m implantation (Copper OHE)
Employment schedule for OHE mast (9.5M) WP
101 112.5 kgf/ m² overlap anchor location with -do- 0716 A
3.0 M implantations. (Copper OHE)
Employment Schedule for prestressed span concrete
mast (PC 42) - 9.5 M long conventional OHE, normal
102 ETI/C 0725 A
location (WP-150),112.5 &75kgf/
103 STD portals (N,O,P,R,G & Double BFB types) -do- 0064 -
Volume chart and equivalent chart of foundations
TI/DRG/CIV/ 00001/04/0
104 (Side bearing, Side gravity and B
Volume chart and equivalent chart of foundations
TI/CIV/FND/ 00001/12/0
105 (Side bearing, Side gravity and A
Volume chart and equivalent chart of TI/DRG/CIV/ 00001/04/0
106 B
foundations (NG type) FND/RDSO/ SH-2
Volume chart and equivalent chart of TI/CIV/FND/ 00001/12/0
107 A
foundations (NG type) RDSO SH-2
Volume and equivalent chart of foundations for Dry
TI/DRG/CIV/ 00001/04/0
108 black cotton soil B
(NBC type) (For 16500 & 11000kgf/ m²)
Volume and equivalent chart of foundations for Dry
TI/CIV/FND/ 00001/12/0
109 black cotton soil A
(NBC type) (For 16500 & 11000kgf/ m²)
Volume chart and equivalent chart of New pure TI/DRG/CIV/ 00001/04/0
110 B
gravity foundations (500 mm exposed) FND/RDSO/ SH-4
Volume chart and equivalent chart of New pure TI/CIV/FND/ 00001/12/0
111 A
gravity foundations (500 mm exposed) RDSO SH-4
Volume and equivalent chart of New foundations for
TI/DRG/CIV/ 00001/04/0
112 Dry black cotton soil only (8000 kg/m²)(NBC type) 2.5 B
M depth
Volume and equivalent chart of foundations for Dry
TI/CIV/FND/ 00001/12/0
113 black cotton soil only (8000 kg/m²) NBC type A
2.5 m depth
Volume and equivalent chart of foundations (For
114 8000 kg/m² Direct ETI/C 0058 Sh.6 B
load )
Special BFB portal for 5 tracks
115 -do- 0026 Sh.1 C
(General arrangement)
116 Protective screen of foot-over bridge and road -do- 0068 H
PAGE 404

117 Chart for portal foundation -do- 0005/68
118 Muff for OHE structures -do- 0007/68 E
119 Structures muff for sand cored foundations -do- 0012/69 E
9.5 m Standard traction mast
120 -do- 0018-2 D
(fabricated `K‟ series)
Remote Control Cubicle at Stn, Foundation,
121 -do- 0067 B
RCC slab, Building plant & Steel door
9.5 m long standard traction mast
122 ETI/C 0071 E
(fabricated with bottom plates `B‟ series)
123 Details of OHE foundation in soft rock (Bearing
ETI/C 0059 C
(a) capacity 45,000 Kgf/m²).
123 Details of OHE foundation in Hard rock (Bearing
ETI/C 0060 D
(b) capacity 90,000 Kgf/m²).
124 Details of foundation for fencing upright -do- 0032 B
Employment schedule for switching and booster
125 ETI/C 0185 B
station main masts
126 Drilling schedule for S-1 mast ETI/C 0030 F
127 Drilling schedule for S-2 mast -do- 0031 D
128 Drilling schedule for S-3 mast (length 11. 4 m) -do- 0180 C
129 Drilling schedule for 8” x 6” x 35 1bs. RSJ mast -do- 0036 E
8.0 m long for booster transformer station Type S-4
130 Drilling schedule for S-5 mast (11.4m long) -do- 0042 E
131 Drilling schedule for S-6 mast (length 12.4m) -do- 0181 C
132 Drilling schedule for S-7 mast (length 12.4m) -do- 0182 C
133 Drilling schedule for S-8 mast (length 12.4m) -do- 0183 C
134 Drilling schedule for S-9 mast (length 12.4m) -do- 0184 C
135 General arrangement & details of fencing panels -do- 0186 Sh.1 E
& gate for switching station
136 Details of fencing uprights and anti-climbing -do- 0186 Sh.2 E
device for switching station
137 S-100 fabricated mast for mounting LT supply -do- 0043 B
transformer and drop out fuse switch at
switching station
138 S-101 details of mast for supporting Isolator ETI/C 0044 A
inside switching station
139 Details of anchor beam or SP, SSP, & FP -do- 0033 D
140 Details of small part steel for switching station ETI/C 0034 Sh.1 K
141 Details of bracing for switching & B.T. masts ETI/C 0034 Sh.2 B
142 Details of small parts steel of out rigger for switching ETI/C 0037 C
stations and booster transformer
143 Details of small parts steel for booster ETI/C 0040 E
transformer stations
144 Details of pre-cast cable trench for switching -do- 0038 E
145 Standard 'R‟ type portal rod laced general -do- 0011/69 Sh.1 C
146 'G‟ type portal special upright and end piece -do- 0056 C
147 Short bored pile foundation for traction mast -do- 0062 B
(permissible BM & volume)
PAGE 405

148 Chart for portal foundations in dry black cotton -do- 0063 B
soil safe bearing capacity 16500 Kg/ M²
149 Dwarf mast foundation on wet & dry black cotton soil CORE/ALD/O 02 -
150 Typical design of new pure gravity foundation. ETI/SK/C 131 A
151 Typical design of side gravity foundation (Soil -do- 142 A
pressure=8,000 Kg/ M²)
152 Rock Anchor for B.G. Track. – ETI/SK/C 208 -
153 Bracket fitting for PSC Mast (cap 4200 Kgm) ETI/SK/C 214 Sh.1of 2 E
general arrangement and SPS details
154 SPS details for Earth wire clamp on PSC mast ETI/SK/C 214 Sh. 2 of 2 A
155 Special arrangement of OHE under over line ETI/OHE/SK 529 --
156 Earthing and bonding of PSC mast. ETI/OHE/SK 537 Sh.1 of 2 D
157 Typical Earthing arrangement in SPUN PSC -do- 537 Sh.2 of 2 B
Mast with 18mm dia rod.
158 Arrangement of overlap ETI/OHE/SK 566 -
159 Catenary dropper assembly ETI/OHE/P 1190 B
160 Parallel clamp (20/20) ETI/OHE/P 1550 E
161 Standard guide tube assembly. ETI/OHE/P 5060-2 C
161 Counter weight assembly for Regulating ETI/OHE/P 5090-5 E
A Equipment (3:1 Ratio)
161 Trapezoidal weight assembly for Regulating TI/DRG/OHE/ 00004/00/2 -
B Equipment (3:1 Ratio) ATD/RDSO/
161 Trapezoidal weight assembly ETI/OHE/P/ 5090-1 G
161 Counter weight assembly ETI/OHE/P/ 5090 F
162 Standard anti-wind clamp -do- 2550-1/2 L
163 Multiple cantilever cross arm assembly. RE/33/P 3120 H
164 Anchor fitting assembly on rolled sections ETI/OHE/P 3230 C
165 Anchor fitting assembly on 'K‟ series, TCC masts -do- 3240 D
and 'P‟ type portal upright.
166 Anchor assembly on 'N‟ and `O‟ type portal upright -do- 3250 D
167 Structure bonds -do- 7000 F
168 Earthing station -do- 7020 B
169 Longitudinal rail bond -do- 7030 F
170 Short super mast assembly ETI/C/P 8010 G
171 Long super mast assembly -do- 8020 C
172 Bracket attachment assembly on portal upright -do- 8030 B
(N,O,R,P,G &BFB Type)
173 Super mast assembly on portals -do- 8050 C
174 Medium super mast assembly ETI/OHE/P 8060 C
175 Compensating plate -do- 5191-1/2 D
176 Suspension clamp RE/33/P 1160 J
177 Double suspension clamp -do- 1170 K
178 Double suspension lock plate. -do- 1172 C
179 Catenary splice (65) ETI/OHE/P 1090 -
180 Typical location & schematic connection diagram ETI/PSI 003 C
PAGE 406

for a three interrupter switching station

181 Typical general arrangement of a three -do- 004 F
interrupter switching station
182 Typical location plan & general arrangement for -do- 005 F
sectioning & paralleling station
183 Typical location plan and general arrangement -do 006 E
for a feeding station
184 Typical general arrangement at a Booster transformer -do- 013 B
station (with 4 cross feeder) Type III
185 General arrangement of 280 KVA Booster -do- 018 A
Transformer station Type III (with 4 cross feeder)
186 Typical general arrangement at a booster ETI/PSI 011 C
transformer station (without cross feeder) Type-I
187 Typical number plate for Auxiliary Transformer ETI/PSI/P 7525 -
188 Typical fencing and anti-climbing arrangement at ETI/PSI 104 E
switching stations
189 Typical earthing layout of sub-sectioning and -do- 201 B
paralleling station
190 Typical earthing layout of a sectioning and paralleling -do- 202 B
191 Typical earthing layout of a feeding station -do- 203 B
192 Earthing details for interrupter L.T. supply transformer -do- 204 C
25 KV Lightning Arrestors P.T. Type-I (S-100 masts,
S-101 mast, fencing
upright and main mast)
193 Typical earthing layout at a booster transformer -do- 211-1 A
194 Typical cable run layout of a sub-sectioning & -do- 301 C
paralleling station
195 Typical cable run layout of a sectioning and -do- 302 C
paralleling station
196 Typical cable run layout of a feeding station -do- 303 B
197 Typical earthing layout at a booster transformer ETI/PSI 212 B
station (with 4 cross feeder for Type III,IV and V
198 Typical drawing for a terminal board -do- 501 C
199 36 mm Aluminum Bus terminal for 25kv Isolator ETI/PSI/P 6480 C
(Rigid type)
200 36 mm Aluminum Bus splices -do- 6490 B
201 36 mm Aluminum Bus Tee connector -do- 6500 C
202 36 mm Aluminum Bus Tee terminal -do- 6510 D
203 36/15 mm Top connector -do- 6520 B
204 36mm Aluminum flexible bus splice -do- 6550 B
205 36 mm Aluminum bus splice cum tee connector -do- 6560 B
206 Typical number plate for interrupter and double pole -do- 7520 B
207 Typical number plate for potential transformer -do- 7521 B
208 Typical number plate for booster transformer -do- 7522 B
209 Caution plate 25 KV AC ETI/OHE/P 7531 C
PAGE 407

210 General Caution notice at entrance to railway RE/33/P 7551 C

Station (Hindi & English)
211 Typical details of pressed steel door, window RE/Civil/S 129/ 2001 R2
and ventilator
212 Bolted base connection for portals located in ETI/C 0010 C
213 Details of base plate for mast on drains in station -do- 0002/68 A
214 Height gauge for level crossings (for clear span upto TI/DRG/CIV/ 00001/05/0 --
7.3 mtr) details of structure and foundation HGAUGE/RD
215 Height gauge for level crossings (for clear span TI/DRG/CIV/ 00002/05/0 --
above 7.3 mtr up to 12.2 mtr) details of structure and HGAUGE/RD
foundation SO
216 Standard plan details of Height gauge for span RE/CIVIL/S 146/2008 R3
7.3 M to 10.0 M with rail Type
217 Arrangement for false catenary under over line ETI/OHE/SK 446 --
218 Typical arrangement of OHE with insulated ETI/OHE/SK 570 --
copper catenary under over line structure
218A Anti Climbing Arrangement TI/SK/OHE/AN 00001/08/0 --
218B Anti Climbing Arrangement TI/SK/OHE/AN 00001/09/0 --
218C GSSW Assembly TI/DRG/OHE/G 0002/09/0 --
218D 18 mm Lug (Forged) (Compression type) TI/DRG/OHE/G 00001/04/0 --


1 2 3 4 5

219 Span and stagger chart for Tramway type OHE ETI/OHE/G 04201 -

220 Drilling schedule of OHE mast 8.5m & 9m ling ETI/OHE/G 04202 Sh.1 CC
RSJ and BFB for Tramway OHE (Regulated)

221 Schematic arrangement of tramway type OHE -do- 04203 C


222 Arrangement of bracket assembly for Tramway -do- 04204 B

Type OHE (regulated)

223 Arrangement of anti-creep for Tramway Type ETI/OHE/G 04205 B

OHE (Regulated)
PAGE 408

224 Arrangement of anti creep (alternative -do- 04206 B

arrangement) for Tramway OHE (Regulated)

225 Arrangement of section Insulator for Tramway -do- 04207 Sh.1 B

Type OHE (Regulated)

226 Small parts steel for supporting section insulator -do- 04207 Sh.2 B
assembly for (regulated Tramway Type OHE)

227 General arrangement of turnouts for Tramway ETI/OHE/G 04208 -

type OHE (Regulated)

228 Adjustment chart for Tramway type OHE ETI/OHE/G 04209 -


229 Bridle wire clamp (6 mm) with two bolts ETI/OHE/P 1070-1 B

230 Large suspension clamp 20mm (with Armour ETI/OHE/P 1580 Sh-2 -

231 Hook Bracket ETI/OHE/P 2380 C

232 BFB Steady arm assembly for Tramway OHE ETI/OHE/P 2540-1 -

233 Anti wind clamp for tramway OHE (Regulated) -do- 2550-3 E

234 Counter weight assembly (light) ETI/OHE/P 5090-3 I

235 Counter weight assembly -do- 5090-6 D

236 Employment schedule for ETI/C 0705 B

tramway type regulated
OHE without R.C. and

(W.P.112.5 kgf/sq..m)

237 Protective screen at FOB/ROBs ETI/C 0068 H

1 2 3 4 5

238 Typical layout of Remote Control cubicle at a ETI/PSI 0010 E

switching station

239 Typical layout of 132 /27kv Traction sub- station TI/DRG/PSI/TSSLO/R 00001/01 0
(Type-I) DSO/

240 Typical layout of 132 /27kv Traction sub- station TI/DRG/PSI/TSSLO/R 00002/01/0 -
(Type-II) DSO/
PAGE 409

241 Typical layout of 132 /27kv Traction sub- station TI/DRG/PSI/TSSLO/R 00003/02 0
(Type-III) DSO/

242 Typical layout of 132/27kv Traction Substation TI/DRG/PSI/TSSLO/R 00004/02 0

(Type IV) (with outgoing feeders and metering DSO/


243 Typical layout of 132/27kv Traction Substation TI/DRG/PSI/TSSLO/R 00005/02 0

(Type V) DSO/

244 Typical layout of 132/27kV traction substation TI/DRG/PSI/TSSLO/R 00006/02 0

(Type VI) DSO/

245 Typical layout of 132/27kV traction substation TI/DRG/PSI/TSSLO/R 00007/02 0

(Type VII) DSO/

246 Typical layout of 132/27kV traction substation TI/DRG/PSI/TSSLO/R 000008/02 -

(Type-VIII) DSO/

247 Typical layout of 132/27kV traction substation with TI/DRG/PSI/TSSLO/R 00009/02 0

single transformer (Type -IX) DSO/

248 Typical layout of 132/27kv Traction Substation with TI/DRG/PSI/TSSLO/R 00010/02 0

132kv Switching Station (Type x) DSO/

249 Typical layout of Control Room at traction sub- TI/DRG/PSI/CPROOM 00001/01 0


250 Standard plan of control room at traction sub- RE/Civil/ S-144/06 0

station (General arrangement and RCC details)

251 Typical return current connection to buried rail at ETI/PSI 0212-1 Nil
132/25kv Traction substation

252 Typical general arrangement of earth screen wire ETI/PSI 0225 C

termination at Traction substation

253 Typical termination arrangement for strung bus ETI/PSI 0226 B

"Spider" (AAC) conductor at TSS.

254 General arrangement & terminal connection for ETI/PSI 0227 A

25kV PT Type-II at TSS

255 General arrangement and terminal connection for ETI/PSI 0227-1 Nil
25kV Potential Transformer at TSS (220kV)

256 Typical layout of 220/27kV traction substation ETI/PSI 0240-1 Nil

(Type -I)

257 Typical return current connection to buried rail at ETI/PSI 0242 A

220/25kV TSS.

258 Typical termination arrangement for strung bus ETI/PSI 0243 A

PAGE 410

(ZEBRA ACSR) conductor at TSS (220kV)

259 Typical general arrangement of earth screen ETI/PSI 0244 Nil

wire termination at 220/25kV traction sub- station.

260 Mounting arrangement of 100 KVA 25kv/240V LT ETI/PSI 0312 B

supply transformer at TSS

261 25kv D.O. Fuse switch assembly ETI/PSI 032 D

262 Typical fencing layout at traction Substation ETI/PSI 121 F

(Details of fencing panel, door, anti climbing device

263 Typical arrangement of an earth electrode ETI/PSI 222-1 Nil

264 Typical earthing, cable trench & foundation layout ETI/PSI 224 E
of 132/25kv TSS

265 Typical earthing arrangement for equipment/ ETI/PSI 228 A

structure at TSS

266 Typical earthing cable trench and foundation layout ETI/PSI 229 Nil
of 132/25kV traction substation with

Shunt Capacitor bay

267 Typical details of run at a two transformer TSS ETI/PSI 323 E

268 Part Plan for Details of position of feeder Bus ETI/PSI/SK 272 Nil
coupling interrupter at TSS

269 Terminal connector for 220kV equipment‟s (Typical ETI/PSI/SK 324 Nil

270 Typical schematic diagram of protection for double ETI/PSI 024-1 Nil
Transformer traction substation

271 Typical layout for 25 kv Shunt capacitor with series ETI/PSI 0223 E
reactor to be installed at 132/25kv TSS

272 High speed auto reclosing scheme for feeder ETI/PSI 0231-1 A
circuit breaker at 25kV A.C TSS

273 Typical details of cable run at a ETI/PSI 325 Nil

two transformer TSS with Shunt

274 Typical details of cable run at two transformers ETI/PSI 326 Nil
Traction Substation with Shunt capacitor


275 General Scheme of supply for 25kV, 50 Hz single ETI/PSI 702-1 D

PAGE 411

phase traction system

276 Standard Post Insulator for clean ETI/OHE/P 6090-1 C

area (Creepage path 850mm min)

277 Typical number plate for circuit breaker ETI/PSI/P 7523 Nil

278 Typical number plate for Auxiliary Transformer ETI/PSI/P 7525 Nil

279 Typical number plate for Power transformer at ETI/PSI/P 7526 Nil

280 Typical number plate for PT at TSS ETI/PSI/P 7527 A

281 Typical number plate for CT at TSS ETI/PSI/P 7528 A

282 Typical number plate for Isolators at TSS ETI/PSI/P 7529 A

283 Bimetallic terminal connector to suit 'ZEBRA' ETI/PSI/P 11010 C

ACSR conductor and 30 dia Cu stud of

CT/CB/traction power transformer.

284 220kV system bimetallic terminal connector to suit ETI/PSI/P 11030 C

'ZEBRA' (28.58 Dia ) ACSR conductor & Al./Cu.
pad of Isolator /CT/CB.

285 220kV system tee connector to suit 'ZEBRA' ETI/PSI/P 11040 C

(28.58 dia) ACSR conductor on both ways.

286 220kV system rigid connector on SI to suit ETI/PSI/P 11050 C

ZEBRA (28.58 dia) ACSR conductor

287 Details of expansion type terminal connector to ETI/PSI/P 11060 Sh.2 E

suit 50 dia Al. tubular busbar to terminal pad of of 2

25kv CT/ Isolator/ CB and Interrupter

288 Detail of rigid type bimetallic terminal connector ETI/PSI/P 11070 B

suitable for 50 dia Al. tubular busbar to 30 dia Cu.
Stud of 25kV CT.

289 Rigid bimetallic terminal connector suitable for ETI/PSI/P 11090 C

50 dia Al. tubular busbar to terminal pad of 25kv

Isolator/ CT

290 Rigid through connector to suit 50 dia Al. ETI/PSI/P 11110 C

Tubular bus bar and „SPIDER‟ AAC conductor for

25kv PT Type-II

291 Details of Rigid terminal connector suitable for 20 ETI/PSI/P 11120 C

dia Al. Conductor to terminal pad of 25kv PT Type
I & II
PAGE 412

292 25kv system tee connector to suit 50 O/D Al. ETI/PSI/P 11140 B
Tube and 'SPIDER' 'AAC' conductor

293 25 K.V system Tee connector to suit 50. O/D AL. ETI/PSI/P 11150 B
tubular busbar to 50. O/D AL. tubular busbar

294 25Kv System Rigid bus splice connector to suit 50 ETI/PSI/P 11180 B
O/D Al. tube on both ways

295 25 kV System Sliding clamp for 50mm O/D ETI/PSI/P 11190 C

Aluminium Bus bar

296 25Kv System Rigid connector on S.I to suit 50 ETI/PSI/P 11200 C

mm O/D Al. Bus bar

297 25kv system expansion bus coupler on SI to suit ETI/PSI/P 11210 D

50 O/D Al. tube.

298 Typical fencing , door and anti climbing device CORE/ALD/PSI 01 D

details of traction substation

299 Structural layout of 132/25 KV traction sub- ETI/C 0200, H

stations SH.No.-1

300 Structural layouts of 132/25kv traction sub- ETI/C 0200, D

stations SH.No.-2

301 Details of Beam B/1 for 132/25 KV TSS ETI/C 0201 D

302 Details of Tower T 1 for 132/25 KV TSS ETI/C 0202 H

303 Details of Tower T 2 for 132/25 KV TSS ETI/C 0203 G

304 Details of beam B/2 and column C/1 for132/25kV ETI/C 0208 E
traction substation.

305 Typical cable trench and foundation layout of ETI/C 0210 F

132/25kv TSS

306 Details of baffle wall at TSS(WP-112.5kg/sq..m) ETI/C 0213 D

and WP (75kg/sq..m)

307 Details of RCC baffle Wall at TSS(WP- ETI/C 0214 B


308 Transformer oil drainage arrangement at sub- ETI/C 0216 B


309 Line Diagram of Structural layouts of 220/25kV ETI/C 0222 Nil

Traction substation

310 Structural layout of 220/27kV traction sub- station ETI/C 0222-1 Nil

311 Control Room for Traction substation ETI/C 0225 Nil

PAGE 413


312 Control Room for Traction Substation(RCC ETI/C 0225 Nil


313 Details of structure for 132kv double pole Isolator ETI/C 0310 G

314 Details of structure for 132kv ETI/C 0320 E

support insulators

315 Details of structure for 132kv ETI/C 0330 F

Current transformer

316 Details of structure for 120kv ETI/C 0340 F

Lightning Arrestor

317 Details of structure for 25kv ETI/C 0360 F

Current transformer

318 Details of structure for 42kv ,10KA LA & 25kv ETI/C 0370 J
support insulator
319 Black Weight of Structure for 42kv,10KA LA & ETI/C 0370 Nil
25kv support insulator.
320 Details of structure for 25kv Single Pole isolator ETI/C 0380 F

321 Details of structure for 25kv ETI/C 0390 E

Potential transformer

322 S-100 Fabricated Mast for mounting LT supply ETI/C 0043 B

transformer and DO fuse switch at switching

323 Details of structure and foundation for 25kV DP ETI/SK/C 0180 C

Isolator at TSS

324 Gillsans Letters and Figures RE/33 527 A

325 Typical schematic diagram of protection for single ETI/PSI 0228-1 Nil
transformer traction substation

326 25 kV drop out fuse switch details ETI/PSI 038 C

327 Operating pole for 25kV drop out fuse switch ETI/PSI 039 B

328 Typical schematic diagram for TSS, FP, SSP and TI/DRG/PSI/3L- 00001/07 1
SP with 21.6 MVA or 30 MVA transformer for TSS/RDSO
three lines.

329 Scheme of locking /Interlocking arrangement of ETI/PSI 5212 B

132 kV Isolator at Traction Sub-Station.

330 Typical return current connection to buried rail at ETI/PSI 0212-1 Nil
PAGE 414

132 kV/25 kV Traction Sub-Station.

331 Typical arrangement of an earth electrode. ETI/PSI 222-1 Nil

332 Flexible connector for 25 kV circuit breaker 25kV ETI/PSI/P 6570 F

Interrupter & 25 kV side of 13.5/20 MVA
traction transformer.

333 Scheme of Interlocking arrangement for 25kV ETI/PSI 5214 B

circuit breakers at Traction Substation

334 Expansion type terminal connector for 25 kV, ETI/PSI/P 11220 D

60mm dia terminal for traction power transformer.


The annexure contains reference to standard, typical and particular drawings & specifications
referred to in various paragraphs of tender specification (Pt.II) and particular specification.
1 2 3 4 5

335 General scheme of supply for 25 kV 50 Hz ETI/PSI 702-1 D

Single Phase AC

336 Typical layout of control room at TSS TI/DRG/PSI/CPROOM 00001/01 0


337 Typical layout of remote control cubicle at ETI/PSI 0010 E

switching stations.

338 Schematic inter connection diagram for remote ETI/PSI 644 C

control of power gear & supervision equipment
at TSS.

339 Schematic inter connection diagram for remote ETI/PSI 645 C

control of power gear and supervision
equipments at controlled station (SP & SSP)

340 High speed Auto reclosing Scheme for feeder ETI/PSI 0231-I A

Circuit Breaker at 25 kV A.C. Traction Sub-


341 Control desk arrangement for 2 work stations ETI/PSI/SK 337 Nil
of SCADA system.

342 Setting up earthing station at switching posts

(SSP & SP) with conventional earthing as per
Special Maintenance No. TI/SMI/0032 Rev-1 - - -
PAGE 415


S.N Brief Description Drawing Mod No.
Series Number

343 Design handout for Overhead equipment for TI/DESIGNS/OHE/2013/ - -

running double stack containers under 00001 (July‟13)
electrified routes (High Rise OHE) with speed
potential of 140 Kmph based on revised wind


344 Terms of reference for consultancy contract RDSO Letter No. - -

for high speed OHE and high rise OHE.
TI/Traction policy/2013
dated 25.04.2013

345 OHE span in view of changes in wind zones RDSO Letter No. - -
in country.
TI/OHE/GA/2013 dated







349 HIGH RISE OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/ 00001/1

(11.4 m) (Wind Pressure 178 kgf/m2) (Basic
3/0 SHEET- 1
Wind Speed 50 m/s) (Without
Return Conductor and Without Earth

350 HIGH RISE OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/ 00001/1

(11.4 m) (Wind Pressure 155 kgf/m2) (Basic
Wind Speed 47 m/s) (Without Return 3/0 SHEET- 2

Conductor and Without Earth Wire)

351 HIGH RISE OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/ 00001/1

(11.4 m) (Wind Pressure 136 kgf/m2) (Basic
Wind Speed 44 m/s) (Without Return 3/0 SHEET- 3

Conductor and Without Earth Wire)

PAGE 416

352 HIGH RISE OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/ 00001/1

(11.4 m) (Wind Pressure 105 kgf/m2) (Basic
Wind Speed 39 m/s) (Without Return 3/0 SHEET- 4
Conductor and Without Earth Wire)

353 HIGH RISE OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/ 00001/1

(11.4 m) (Wind Pressure 73 kgf/m2) (Basic
3/0 SHEET- 5

Wind Speed 33 m/s) (Without

Return Conductor and Without Earth


3/0 SHEET- 1


3/0 SHEET- 2

356 11.4 M Long Standard Traction Mast “B” TI/DRG/CIV/B- Mast/ 00001/1
Series (B-150, B-175, B-200, B-225 & B-250
type Fabricated with Batten Plates) 3/0 -

357 Volume Charts & Equivalent Charts of

Foundations (Side Bearing, Side Gravity &
WBC) TI/DRG/CIV/FND/ 00001/1 Sheet- 1


358 Volume Charts & Equivalent

Charts of Foundations (NG Type)
TI/DRG/CIV/FND/ 00001/1 Sheet- 2


359 Volume Charts & Equivalent Charts of

Foundations for Dry Black Cotton Soil (NBC
Type, 3.0 metre Depth) TI/DRG/CIV/FND/ 00001/1 Sheet- 3


360 Volume Charts & Equivalent Charts of New TI/DRG/CIV/FND/ 00001/1 Sheet- 4
Pure Gravity Foundations (500 mm exposed)

361 Volume Charts & Equivalent Charts of TI/DRG/CIV/FND/ 00001/1 Sheet- 5

Foundations for Dry Black Cotton Soil (NBC
Type, 2.5 metre Depth) 3/0

362 Employment Schedule OHE Mast (11.4 TI/DRG/CIV/ES/ 00001/1 Sheet- 1

metre) Wind Pressure 155 kgf/m2

363 Employment Schedule OHE Mast (11.4 TI/DRG/CIV/ES/ 00001/1 Sheet- 2

PAGE 417

metre) 3/0

Wind Pressure 136 kgf/m2

364 Employment Schedule OHE Mast (11.4 TI/DRG/CIV/ES/ 00001/1 Sheet- 3

metre) Wind Pressure 105 kgf/m2

365 Schedule Anchor Blocks for BG Tracks TI/DRG/OHE/GUYHR/ 00001/1 Sheet- 1


366 Double Guy Rod Arrangement with Anchor TI/DRG/OHE/GUYHR/ 00001/1 Sheet- 2
Block for BG Tracks

367 Schedule Anchor Blocks for BG Track Black TI/DRG/OHE/GUYHR/ 00001/1 Sheet- 3

Cotton Soil 3/0

368 Guy Rod Ǿ 25 mm TI/DRG/OHE/GUYHR/ 00001/1 Sheet- 4


368 Dropper Schedule Encumbrance 1.4m/1.4m TI/DRG/OHE/DROP/ 00001/1 Rev-1

(For 25 kV AC Regulated OHE) (65 and 107
A SQ.. MM) 0/1

368 Dropper Schedule Encumbrance 1.4m/0.9m TI/DRG/OHE/DROP/ 00002/1 Rev-1

(For 25 kV AC Regulated OHE) (65 and 107
B SQ.. MM) 0/1

368 Dropper Schedule Encumbrance 1.4m/0.75m TI/DRG/OHE/DROP/ 00003/1 Rev-1

(For 25 kV AC Regulated OHE) (65 and 107
C SQ.. MM) 0/1

368 Arrangement of mounting of 25kV/240V, ETI/OHE/HR/AT/G/ 05522 -

50kVA LT Supply Transformer for High Rise
D OHE (On separate mast) Sheet-2

368 Mounting Arrangement of Auxiliary ETI/OHE/HR/AT/G/ 05522 -

Transformer on High Rise OHE mast
E Sheet-1

368 Anchor Arrangement with Dwarf Mast for ETI/OHE/HR/ G/ 01402 -

conventional and High Rise OHE

368 Standard Arrangement of Drop Arm for ETI/C/HR/ 0076 -

supporting Cantilevers on the Booms of
G Portals and TTC (For Normal as well as High
Rise OHE)

368 Drilling schedule for S-6H mast (length 13.0 ETI/C/HR/ 0181 -
m) (for High Rise OHE)
PAGE 418

368 Drilling schedule for S-7H mast (length 13.0 ETI/C/HR/ 0182 -
m) (for High Rise OHE)

368 Drilling schedule for S-8H mast (length 13.0 ETI/C/HR/ 0183 -
m) (for High Rise OHE)

368 „P‟ Type Portal General Arrangement and TI/DRG/CIV/P-Portal/ 00001/1 -

details of upright & End Pieces (High Rise
L OHE) 3/0


369 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast (9.5 ETI/C/ 0758 A

m) (Wind Pressure 178 kgf/m2) (Basic Wind Sheet-1

Speed 50 m/s) (Without Return Conductor
and Without Earth Wire)

370 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast (9.5 ETI/C/ 0758 A

m) (Wind Pressure 155 kgf/m2) (Basic Wind Sheet-2

Speed 47 m/s) (Without Return Conductor
and Without Earth Wire)

371 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast (9.5 ETI/C/ 0758 A

m) (Wind Pressure 136 kgf/m2) (Basic Wind Sheet-3

Speed 44 m/s) (Without Return Conductor
and Without Earth Wire)

372 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast (9.5 ETI/C/ 0758 B

m) (Wind Pressure 105 kgf/m2) (Basic Wind Sheet-4

Speed 39 m/s) (Without Return Conductor
and Without Earth Wire)

373 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast (9.5 ETI/C/ 0758 A

m) (Wind Pressure 73 kgf/m2) (Basic Wind Sheet-5

Speed 33 m/s) (Without Return Conductor
and Without Earth Wire)

374 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast (9.5 ETI/C/ 0759

m) (Wind Pressure 178 kgf/m2) (Basic Wind Sheet-1

Speed 50 m/s) (Without Return Conductor
and Without Earth Wire)(1100+1100) kgf
tension CAT-65 mm2, CONT-107 mm2.
PAGE 419

375 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast (9.5 ETI/C/ 0759

m) (Wind Pressure 155 kgf/m2) (Basic Wind Sheet-2

Speed 47 m/s) (Without Return Conductor
and Without Earth Wire) (1100+1100) kgf
tension CAT-65 mm2, CONT-107 mm2.

376 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast (9.5 ETI/C/ 0759

m) (Wind Pressure 136 kgf/m2) (Basic Wind Sheet-3

Speed 44 m/s) (Without Return Conductor
and Without Earth Wire) (1100+1100) kgf
tension CAT-65 mm2, CONT-107 mm2.

377 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast (9.5 ETI/C/ 0759

m) (Wind Pressure 105 kgf/m2) (Basic Wind Sheet-4

Speed 39 m/s) (Without Return Conductor
and Without Earth Wire) (1100+1100) kgf
tension CAT-65 mm2, CONT-107 mm2.

378 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast ETI/C/ 0759

m) (Basic Wind Speed 33 m/s) (Wind

73 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) (1100+1100) kgf tension
CAT-65 mm2, CONT-107 mm2.

379 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0001/18/0

m) Basic Wind Speed 50 m/s Wind Sheet-1/5


178 kgf/m2 (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT. 107mm2

380 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0001/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 47 m/s) (Wind Sheet-2/5


155 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT. 107mm2
PAGE 420

381 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0001/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 44 m/s) (Wind Sheet-3/5


136 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT. 107mm2

382 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0001/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 39 m/s) (Wind Sheet-4/5


105 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension CAT-65
mm2, 1000 kgf tension in CONT-107 mm2.

383 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0001/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 33 m/s) (Wind Sheet-5/5


73 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT. 107mm2

384 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0002/18/0

m) Basic Wind Speed 50 m/s Wind Sheet-5/5


178 kgf/m2 (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT. 107mm2
(with implantation more than 2.8 m & upto 3.8

385 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0002/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 47 m/s) (Wind Sheet-4/5


155 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT. 107mm2
(with implantation more than 2.8 m & upto 3.8

PAGE 421

386 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0002/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 44 m/s) (Wind Sheet-3/5


136 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT. 107mm2
(with implantation more than 2.8 m & upto 3.8

387 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0002/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 39 m/s) (Wind Sheet-2/5


105 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension CAT-65
mm2, 1000 kgf tension in CONT-107 mm2.
(with implantation more than 2.8 m & upto 3.8

388 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0002/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 33 m/s) (Wind Sheet-1/5


73 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT. 107mm2
(with implantation more than 2.8 m & upto 3.8

389 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0003/18/0

m) Basic Wind Speed 50 m/s Wind Sheet-5/5


178 kgf/m2 (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT. 107mm2
(with implantation more than 3.8 m & upto
4.85 m)
PAGE 422

390 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0003/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 47 m/s) (Wind Sheet-4/5


155 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT.

(with implantation more than 3.8 m & upto

4.85 m)

391 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0003/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 44 m/s) (Wind Sheet-3/5


136 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT. 107mm2
(with implantation more than 3.8 m & upto
4.85 m)

392 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0003/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 39 m/s) (Wind Sheet-2/5


105 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension CAT-65
mm2, 1000 kgf tension in CONT-107 mm2.
(with implantation more than 3.8 m & upto
4.85 m)

393 Normal OHE Employment Schedule Mast TI/DRG/CIV/ES/RDSO/

(9.5 0 0003/18/0

m) (Basic Wind Speed 33 m/s) (Wind Sheet-1/5


73 kgf/m2) (Without Return Conductor and

Without Earth Wire) 1000 kgf tension in CAT.
65mm2 1000 kgf tension in CONT. 107mm2
(with implantation more than 3.8 m & upto
4.85 m)

Note: New wind pressures/speeds as per RDSO letter No TI/CIV/MS/14 dated 14.07.2014 & IS:
875 Part-III, 1987, Reaffirmed during 1997 are:
PAGE 423

Sl No. Design Wind Pressure (Kg/m2) Basic Wind Speed

metre / second Km / hour

178 50 180.0

155 47 169.2

136 44 158.4

105 39 140.4

73 33 118.8


1. Required PTCC clearance shall be co-ordinated by agency before charging the line for which
necessary application shall be submitted through Railways.

2. The grade of the concrete shall be M15 for foundation & M20 for grouting for all foundations.

3. Provision shall be made for standard double line arrangement including layout/foundations
for additional structures / BM‟s in all SP/SSP.

5) Electrical Engineering (General Power Supply)

(a) General arrangement of the 11/33/66 KV substations for the station and the service

(b) General arrangement of the distribution of the 415 V 50 Hz supply to various loads

6) Tabulated details which shall consist of important characteristics of the Railway or a

portion of Railway to be constructed, which shall, as may be applicable, include, but not be
limited to the following:
PAGE 424

(a) Curve Abstract

(b) Gradient abstract

(c) Bridge abstract

(d) Important bridges particulars of waterway & construction

(e) Ballast & permanent way

(f) Station & station sites

(g) Station accommodation

(h) Station machinery

(i) Level crossing abstract

(j) Brief particular of tractions installations

(k) Power supply installation abstract

(l) Traction maintenance depot abstract

(m) Restricted overhead equipment clearance abstract; and

(n) Electrical crossing over railway track abstract

PAGE 425

(See Clause 10.3.2)

1 Project Completion Schedule

During the Construction period, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements set forth in this
Schedule-I for each of the Project Milestones and the Scheduled Completion Date. Within 15
(fifteen) days of the date of each Project Milestone, the Contractor shall notify the Authority of
such compliance along with necessary particulars thereof.

The Project is proposed to be commissioned in one stage from Chainage 39/000 Km & Chainage
60/000 for a length of Km (21 km) including Electrical & Telecommunication works between
Lokapur (excl.) and Yadwad (incl.) stations in Bagalkot (BGK) - Kudachi (KUD) - New Line
Project of 142 Km length.

A penalty for delay in achieving each milestone will be imposed as prescribed in Clause 10.3.2
(Article 10).

2 Project Milestone-I

2.1 Project Milestone-I shall occur on the date falling on the 6th month (sixth month) 180th
(one hundred and eighty ) day from the Appointed Date (the “Project Milestone-I”).

2.2 Prior to the occurrence of Project Milestone-I, the Contractor shall have commenced
construction of the Railway Project and submitted to the Authority duly and validly prepared
Stage Payment Statements for an amount not less than 10% (ten per cent) of the Contract Price.

3 Project Milestone-II

3.1 Project Milestone-II shall occur on the date falling on the 12th month (twelfth month)
360th (three hundred and sixty) day from the Appointed Date (the “Project Milestone-II”).

3.2 Prior to the occurrence of Project Milestone-II, the Contractor shall have continued with
construction of the Railway Project and submitted to the Authority duly and validly prepared
Stage Payment Statements for an amount not less than 35% (thirty five per cent) of the Contract

4 Project Milestone-III

4.1 Project Milestone-III shall occur on the date falling on the 18th month (eighteenth month)
540th (five hundred and forty) day from the Appointed Date (the “Project Milestone-III '').

4.2 Prior to the occurrence of Project Milestone-III, the Contractor shall have continued with
construction of the Railway Project and submitted to the Authority duly and validly prepared
Stage Payment Statements for an amount not less than 70% (seventy per cent) of the Contract
PAGE 426

5 Scheduled Completion Date

5.1 The Scheduled Completion Date shall be the 24th month (twenty fourth month) 730th
(seven hundred thirty) day from the Appointed Date.

5.2 On or before the Scheduled Completion Date, the Contractor shall have completed
construction in accordance with this Agreement.

6 Extension of Time

Upon extension of any or all of the aforesaid Project Milestones or the Scheduled Completion
Date, as the case may be, under and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the
Project Completion Schedule shall be deemed to have been amended accordingly.
PAGE 427

(See Clause 12.1.2)

1 Schedule for Tests

1.1 The Contractor shall, no later than 30 (thirty) days prior to the likely completion of
construction, notify the Authority Engineer and the Authority of its intent to subject the Railway
Project to Tests, and no later than 10 (ten) days prior to the actual date of Tests, furnish to the
Authority Engineer and the Authority detailed inventory & particulars of all works and equipment
forming part of Works.

1.2 The Contractor shall notify the Authority Engineer of its readiness to subject the Railway
Project to Tests at any time after 10 (ten) days from the date of such notice, and upon receipt of
such notice, the Authority Engineer shall, in consultation with the Contractor, determine the date
and time for each Test and notify the same to the Authority who may designate its representative
to witness the Tests. The Authority Engineer shall thereupon conduct the Tests itself or cause
any of the Tests to be conducted in accordance with Article 12 and this Schedule-J.

2 Testing of Works

Visual & physical test: The Authority Engineer shall conduct a visual & physical check of
construction to determine that all works and equipment forming part thereof conform to the
provisions of this Agreement.

2.1 Testing:

(1) The Contractor shall submit the Project Quality Assurance Plan and its sub-plans as
described in EPC Agreement. According to the plans, the Contractor shall implement tests which
are listed, but not limited to, in the EPC Agreement.

(2) The Contractor shall be responsible for all on-site and off-site testing and for all in- situ
testing. All appropriate laboratory tests may be carried out in the Contractor's laboratory, or tests
shall be carried out in other laboratories if consented by the Authority‟s Engineer provided that:

(a) the identified laboratory is accredited by NABL for the relevant work; and

(b) Particulars of the proposed laboratory are submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer for his

(3) All site specific & in-situ tests shall be done in the presence of the Authority‟s Engineer.
The Authority may also be present if he so desires.

(4) Equipment, apparatus & materials for all on site, off site & in-situ tests including laboratory
compliance tests to be carried out (by the Contractor and / or by the Authority‟s Engineer] shall
be provided by the Contractor. The equipment and apparatus shall be maintained by the
Contractor and shall be calibrated before the testing starts, at regular intervals as specified and
PAGE 428

as directed by the Authority‟s Engineer. The equipment, apparatus & materials for in-the situ
tests shall be removed by the Contractor as soon as practicable after the testing is complete.

(5) The Contractor shall be entitled in all cases to attend the testing carried out in the
Authority‟s or other laboratories, to inspect the calibration certificates of the testing machines and
to undertake the testing on counterpart samples. Testing of such samples shall be undertaken in
laboratories complying with the provisions which are submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer for
consent prior to the testing.

(6) Attendance on tests, including that by the Authority‟s Engineer, the Contractor and the
designer shall be as laid down in the Quality Assurance Procedures.

2.2 Batches, Samples & Specimens

(1) A batch of material is a specified quantity of the material that satisfies the specified
conditions. If one of the specified conditions is that the material is to be delivered to the Site at
the same time, then the material delivered to the Site over a period as consented by the
Authority‟s Engineer shall be considered as part of the same batch if in the opinion of the
Authority‟s Engineer there is sufficient proof that the other specified conditions applying to the
batch apply to all of the material delivered over this period.

(2) A sample is a specified quantity of material that is taken from a batch for testing and
which consists of a specified amount, or a specified number of pieces or units, of the material.

(3) A specimen is the portion of a sample that is to be tested.

2.3 Samples for Testing

(1) Samples shall be of sufficient size and in accordance with relevant standards to carry out
all specified tests.

(2) Samples taken on the Site shall be selected by, and taken in the presence of the
Authority‟s Engineer and shall be suitably marked for their identification. An identification marking
system shall be evolved at the start of works in consultation with the Authority‟s Engineer.

(3) Samples shall be protected, handled & stored in such a manner that they are not
damaged or contaminated and such that the properties of the sample do not change.

(4) Samples shall be delivered by the Contractor, under the supervision of the Authority‟s
Engineer, to the specified place of testing. Samples on which non- destructive tests have been
carried out shall be collected from the place of testing after testing and delivered to Site or other
locations by the Contractor and as instructed by the Authority‟s Engineer.

(5) Samples that have been tested may be incorporated in the Permanent Works provided

(a) the sample complies with the specified requirements

PAGE 429

(b) the sample is not damaged; and

(c) The sample is not required to be retained under any other provision of the Contract.

(d) consent of the Authority‟s Engineer is obtained

(6) Additional samples shall be provided for testing if in the opinion of the Authority‟s

(a) material previously tested no longer complies with the specified requirements; or

(b) material has been handled or stored in such a manner that it does not comply with the
specified requirements.

2.4 Compliance of Batch

(1) The results of tests on samples or specimens shall be considered to represent the whole
batch from which the sample was taken.

(2) A batch shall be considered as complying with the specified requirements for a material if
the results of specific tests for the specified properties comply with the specified requirements for
the properties.

(3) If additional tests are permitted or required by the Authority‟s Engineer but separate
compliance criteria for the additional tests are not stated in the Contract, the compliance criteria
for the same shall be mutually decided by the Authority‟s Engineer and the Contractor.

(4) Cost of all such tests shall be borne by the Contractor.

2.5 Record of Tests

(1) Records of in-situ tests and laboratory compliance tests carried out by the Contractor
shall be kept by the Contractor on the Site and a report shall be submitted to the Authority‟s
Engineer within seven (7) days, or such other time stated in the Contract or in the Quality
Assurance Programme, after completion of each test. In addition to any other requirements, the
report shall contain the following details:

(a) material or part of Works tested;

(b) location of the batch from which the samples were taken or location of the part of the

(c) place of testing;

(d) date & time of tests;

(e) weather conditions in the case of in-situ tests;

PAGE 430

(f) technical personnel supervising or carrying out tests;

(g) size & description of samples & specimens;

(h) method of sampling

(i) properties tested;

(j) method of testing;

(k) readings & measurements taken during the tests.

(l) test results, including any calculations and graphs;

(m) specified acceptance criteria; and

(n) other details stated in the Contract and / or as required by the Authority‟s Engineer

(2) Reports of tests shall be signed by the Contractor's site representative, or by any other
representative authorized by the Contractor.

(3) If requested, records of tests carried out by the Authority‟s staff or by the Authority‟s
Engineer shall be given to the Contractor.

2.6 Production Tests (At Works)

(1) Should the Contractor propose or the Contract includes use of any equipment not
previously proven in service, the Contractor shall undertake a thorough testing of pre-production
units to the entire satisfaction of the Authority‟s Engineer. The Contractor shall identify such
equipment, which differs significantly from that which is already in service elsewhere.

(2) All materials, components, sub-assemblies, unit assemblies including software, cables,
wiring, etc shall be subject to testing and certification. Notification of these tests shall be
submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer twenty eight (28) days in advance of carrying out any tests.
The Authority‟s Engineer shall then determine which items, if any, shall be accepted based on
previous supply or experience.

(3) Where processor based equipment is to be used for the Works, test shall also include
verification of software used in this application.\

(4) Works Tests shall include but not limited to:

(a) Physical Inspection

(b) Dimensional check
(c) Electrical check
(d) Calibration
(e) Output check
PAGE 431

(f) Operational performance

(g) Full load test
(h) Flash over test
(i) Insulation test
(j) Soak test
(k) Non-destructive test to assess integrity or strength of parts
(l) Tests on bearings as specified in specifications
(m) Tests on production of rails as prescribed in IRS T-12- 2009

2.7 Visual & Physical Test: The Authority‟s Engineer shall conduct a visual & physical check
of construction to determine that all works and equipment forming part thereof conform to the
provisions of this Agreement. The physical tests shall be as per the codes, manual & extent
2.8 Integrated Testing of the system followed by a period of trial running. The test sequence may
be as shown below:

(a) Tests on Equipment

(b) Installation Test & sub-system individually
(c) System Integrated Test
(d) Final Acceptance Test
(e) Trial Running

2.9 Sanction of Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) is required before opening of track in
terms of Chapter XIII of Indian Railway Permanent Way Manual.

2.10 Riding quality of track and recording of various track parameters on electronic track
recording cars will be arranged and run by the Authority. This run will be scheduled after the
floating parameters recorded are found to be within acceptable limits.

2.11 Tests for bridges: All major & minor bridges shall be subjected to the tests as prescribed in
Specifications and Standards, in schedule G and as per relevant bridge code, bridge manual &
extant guidelines.

2.12 Electrical tests: All the Electrical installations should be subjected to following tests jointly
with the Authority‟s Engineer/Railway Authority/Utility Owner.

i) Tests for EIG approval for 2.2 KV charging, 25 KV charging, commissioning of TSS,
substations, as required under IE Act.

ii) Joint TW/SED checking along with Railway officials.

iii) Current collection Test with the loaded train will be arranged and run by the authority to
check the profile of OHE, UST/USFD of contact wire.

iv) Earth Resistance Test, Earth Fault Test, Floating Current Test, etc

v) Tests for Electrification works to be carried out as per Chapter IX and X of Indian
Railways Manual of AC Traction Volume II Part I.
PAGE 432

vi) Station Electrification Work including power supply availing from utility shall be arranged
from respective inspection authorities of utility owner as required for availing power supply.

2.13 Other tests: The Authority‟s Engineer may require the Contractor to carry out or cause to be
carried additional tests, in accordance with Good Industry Practice, for determining the
compliance of the Railway Project with Specifications & Standards.

Environmental audit: The Authority‟s Engineer shall carry out a check to determine conformity of
the Railway Project with the environmental requirements set forth in Applicable Laws &
Applicable Permits.

2.14 Safety audit: The Authority‟s Engineer shall carry out, or cause to be carried out, a safety
audit to determine conformity of the Railway Project with the safety requirements and Good
Industry Practice.

2.15 The USFD (UltraSonic Flaw Detection) testing shall be carried out by the Authority for the
track & welds, the defective weld shall be replaced as per the Manual and extent guidelines.

2.16 Following the satisfactory completion of the acceptance tests and the Integrated System
Test the Authorities Engineer will commence an extended period of trial running to prove all
technical systems, to the satisfaction of the CRS or any other authorized official, who will check
the system from safety point of view and to allow all technical systems to settle and to train staff
in working procedures.

2.17 For the purpose of assessing the riding quality of track an OMS (Oscillating Monitoring
System) accelerometer run at a speed as deemed fit by Authority Engineer shall be arranged by
the Authority. The said run will be conducted keeping the accelerometer in a passenger fit coach
attached as the last vehicle of the train formation. All the arrangements including men & material
required for conducting such a run will be made by the Authority. The acceptance criteria for the
track in respect to peaks shall be as per Manual and latest guidelines.

In case the track fails to qualify within the aforesaid criteria, the track will be attended to rectify
the defects and a rerun of the recording car shall be scheduled.

3 Agency for conducting tests

All Tests set forth in this Schedule-J shall be conducted by the Authority‟s Engineer or such other
agency or person as it may specify in consultation with the Authority.

4 Completion Certificate

Upon successful completion of Tests, the Authority Engineer shall issue the Provisional
Certificate in accordance with the provisions of Article 12. For the avoidance of doubt, the
Completion Certificate shall not be issued by the Authority Engineer unless authorisation of the
Commissioner for Railway Safety has been obtained.
PAGE 433

(See Clauses 12.2 & 12.4)

1 I/We, …………………………. (Name of the Authority Engineer), acting as the Authority

Engineer, under and in accordance with the Agreement Dt. ……………. (the “Agreement”), for
construction of the New Line section from Chainage 39/000 Km & Chainage 60/000 for a length
of Km (21 km) including Electrical & Telecommunication works between Lokapur (excl.) and
Yadwad (incl.) stations in Bagalkot (BGK) - Kudachi (KUD) - New Line Project of 142 Km length
in the State of Karnataka in South Western Railway (the “Railway Project”) on Engineering,
Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis through ………………………… (Name of
Contractor), hereby certify that the Tests in accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement have
been undertaken to determine compliance of the Railway Project with the provisions of the

2 Certain minor works are incomplete and these are not likely to cause material
inconvenience to the Users of the Railway Project or affect their safety or the movement of rail
traffic in any manner. These works have been specified in the Punch List appended hereto, and
the Contractor has agreed and accepted that it shall complete all such works in the time and
manner set forth in the Agreement.

3 In view of the foregoing, I/We are satisfied that the Railway Project from Chainage 39/000
Km & Chainage 60/000 for a length of Km (21 km) including Electrical & Telecommunication
works between Lokapur (excl.) and Yadwad (incl.) stations in Bagalkot (BGK) - Kudachi (KUD) -
New Line Project of 142 Km length can be safely and reliably placed in service of the Authority
for railway freight and passenger traffic, subject to authorisation by the Commissioner of Railway
Safety in accordance with Applicable Laws. In terms of the Agreement, the Railway Project is
hereby provisionally declared fit for entry into operation on this the ………… day of ………..


For and on behalf of CONTRACTOR For and on behalf of AUTHORITY ENGINEER

Signature Signature
PAGE 434


1 I/We, ……………………. (Name of the Authority Engineer), acting as the Authority

Engineer, under and in accordance with the Agreement Dt. ………… (the “Agreement”), for
construction of the New Line section Chainage 39/000 Km & Chainage 60/000 for a length of Km
(21 km) including Electrical & Telecommunication works between Lokapur (excl.) and Yadwad
(incl.) stations in Bagalkot (BGK) - Kudachi (KUD) - New Line Project of 142 Km length in the
State of Karnataka in South Western Railway (the “Railway Project”) on Engineering,
Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis through …………………. (Name of Contractor),
hereby certify that the Tests in accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement have been
successfully undertaken to determine compliance of the Railway Project with the provisions of
the Agreement, and the authorisation by the Commissioner for Railway Safety under Applicable
Laws has been obtained.

2 It is certified that, in terms of the aforesaid Agreement, all works forming part of the
Railway Project have been completed, and the Railway Project is hereby declared fit for entry
into operation on this the ……… day of ……… 20…..


For and on behalf of the Authority Engineer by




PAGE 435

(See Clause 16.1.1)

1 Selection of Authority Engineer

1.1 Generally, a railway officer of Selection Grade (SG)/Junior Administrative Grade (JAG)/
Project Management Consultant (PMC) shall be appointed as Authority Engineer.

2 Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for the Authority Engineer (the “TOR”) shall substantially conform with
Annex 1 to this Schedule L.
PAGE 436


1 Scope

1.1 These Duties & Responsibilities (DR) shall apply to construction & maintenance
(wherever applicable) of the Railway Project.

2 Definitions & Interpretations

2.1 The words & expressions beginning with or in capital letters and not defined herein but
defined in the Agreement shall have, unless repugnant to the context, the meaning respectively
assigned to them in the Agreement.

2.2 References to Articles, Clauses & Schedules in this DR shall, except where the context
otherwise requires, be deemed to be references to the Articles, Clauses and Schedules of the
Agreement, and references to Paragraphs shall be deemed to be references to Paragraphs of
this DR.

2.3 The rules of interpretation contained in Clauses 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4 of the Agreement shall
apply, mutatis mutandis, to this DR.

3 General

3.1 The Authority Engineer shall discharge its duties in a fair, impartial & efficient manner,
consistent with the highest standards of professional integrity and Good Industry Practice.

3.2 The Authority Engineer shall perform the duties and exercise the authority in accordance
with the provisions of this Agreement, but subject to obtaining prior written approval of the
Authority (where Authority Engineer is designated as the Authority, the compliance of these
conditions have to be ensured by him/her) before determining:

(a) any Time Extension;

(b) any additional cost to be paid by the Authority to the Contractor;

(c) the Termination Payment;

(d) providing Power Block or Traffic Block to the Contractor;

(e) approval of signalling plan and signalling plan & route control chart;

(f) approval of disconnections for modification of signalling & telecom works;

(g) any other matter which is not specified in (a) to (f) above and which creates an obligation
or liability on either Party for a sum exceeding Rs. 50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Lakh).
PAGE 437

3.3 The Authority Engineer shall submit regular periodic reports, at least once every month, to
the Authority in respect of its duties and functions assigned to him for the project. Such reports
shall be submitted by the Authority Engineer within 10 (ten) days of the beginning of every

3.4 The Authority Engineer shall aid and advise the Authority on any proposal for Change of
Scope under Article 13.

3.5 In the event of any disagreement regarding the meaning, scope & nature of Good
Industry Practice, as set forth in any provision of the Agreement, the Authority Engineer shall
specify such meaning, scope and nature by issuing a reasoned written statement relying on
Good Industry Practice & authentic literature.

3.6 The Authority Engineer shall verify the as built drawings submitted by the Contractor after
completion of the works. These drawings will be signed by the Authority Engineer after due

4 Construction Period

4.1 During the Construction Period, the Authority Engineer shall review the Drawings
furnished by the Contractor along with supporting data, including the geo-technical & hydrological
investigations, characteristics of materials from borrow areas & quarry sites and topographical
surveys. The Authority Engineer shall complete such review and send its observations to the
Authority and the Contractor within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of such Drawings; provided,
however that in case of an Important Bridge, a Major Bridge or Structure, and interlocking and
telecom switching equipment the aforesaid period of 15 (fifteen) days may be extended up to 30
(thirty) days. In particular, such comments shall specify the conformity or otherwise of such
Drawings with the Scope of the Project and Specifications & Standards.

4.2 The Authority Engineer shall review any revised Drawings sent to it by the Contractor and
furnish its comments within 10 (ten) days of receiving such Drawings.

4.3 The Authority Engineer shall review the Quality Assurance Plan submitted by the
Contractor and shall convey its comments to the Contractor within a period of 21 (twenty-one)
days stating the modifications, if any, required thereto.

4.4 The Authority Engineer shall complete the review of the methodology proposed to be
adopted by the Contractor for executing the Works, and convey its comments to the Contractor
within a period of 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of the proposed methodology from the
Contractor. The Authority Engineer shall draw the non-interlocking programme for works
involving existing yards and issue a jointly agreed NI programme for each such yard.

4.5 The Authority Engineer shall grant written approval to the Contractor, where necessary,
for interruption and diversion of the flow of traffic in the existing lane(s) of the Railway Project for
purposes of maintenance during the Construction Period in.
PAGE 438

4.6 The Authority Engineer shall review the monthly progress report furnished by the
Contractor and send its comments thereon to the Authority and the Contractor within 7 (seven)
days of receipt of such report.
4.7 The Authority Engineer shall inspect the Construction Works and the Railway Project and
shall submit a monthly Inspection Report bringing out the results of inspections and the remedial
action taken by the Contractor in respect of Defects or deficiencies.

4.8 The Authority Engineer shall conduct the pre-construction review of manufacturer's test
reports and standard samples of manufactured Materials, and such other Materials as the
Authority Engineer may require.

4.9 For determining that the Works conform to Specifications & Standards, the Authority
Engineer shall require the Contractor to carry out, or cause to be carried out, tests at such time &
frequency and in such manner as specified in the Agreement and in accordance with Good
Industry Practice for quality assurance. For purposes of this Paragraph 4.9, the tests specified in
***** Manuals or any modification/substitution thereof shall be deemed to be tests conforming to
Good Industry Practice for quality assurance.

4.10 The Authority Engineer shall test checks prescribed in this agreement for each category
or type of test for quality control by the Contractor.

4.11 The timing of tests referred to in Paragraph 4.9, and the criteria for acceptance/ rejection
of their results shall be determined by the Authority Engineer in accordance with the Quality
Control Manuals. The tests shall be undertaken on a random sample basis and shall be in
addition to, and independent of, the tests that may be carried out by the Contractor for its own
quality assurance in accordance with Good Industry Practice.

4.12 In the event that results of any tests conducted under Clause 11.10 establish any Defects
or deficiencies in the Works, the Authority Engineer shall require the Contractor to carry out
remedial measures.

4.13 The Authority Engineer may instruct the Contractor to execute any work which is urgently
required for the safety of the Railway Project, whether because of an accident, unforeseeable
event or otherwise; provided that in case of any work required on account of a Force Majeure
Event, the provisions of Clause 19.6 shall apply.

4.14 In the event that the Contractor fails to achieve any of the Project Milestones, the
Authority Engineer shall undertake a review of the progress of construction and identify potential
delays, if any. If the Authority Engineer shall determine that completion of the Railway Project is
not feasible within the time specified in the Agreement, it shall require the Contractor to indicate
within 15 (fifteen) days the steps proposed to be taken to expedite progress, and the period
within which the Project Completion Date shall be achieved. Upon receipt of a report from the
Contractor, the Authority Engineer shall review the same and send its comments to the Authority
and the Contractor forthwith.

4.15 The Authority Engineer shall obtain from the Contractor a copy of all the Contractor‟s
quality control records & documents before the Completion Certificate is issued pursuant to
Clause 12.4.
PAGE 439

4.16 Authority Engineers may recommend to the Authority suspension of the whole or part of
the Works if the work threatens the safety of the public and pedestrians. After the Contractor has
carried out remedial measures, the Authority Engineer shall inspect such remedial measures
forthwith and make a report to the Authority recommending whether or not the suspension
hereunder may be revoked.

4.17 In the event that the Contractor carries out any remedial measures to secure the safety of
suspended works and the public, and requires the Authority Engineer to inspect such works, the
Authority Engineer shall inspect the suspended works within 3 (three) days of receiving such
notice, and make a report to the Authority forthwith, recommending whether or not such
suspension may be revoked by the Authority.

4.18 The Authority Engineer shall carry out, or cause to be carried out, all the Tests specified
in Schedule-J and issue a Completion Certificate or Provisional Certificate, as the case may be.
For carrying out its functions under this Paragraph 4.18 and all matters incidental thereto, the
Authority Engineer shall act under and in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 &

5 Determination of costs & time

5.1 The Authority Engineer shall determine the costs, and/or their reasonableness, that are
required to be determined by it under the Agreement.

5.2 The Authority Engineer shall determine the period of Time Extension that is required to be
determined by it under the Agreement.

5.3 The Authority Engineer shall consult each Party in every case of determination in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 16.5.

6 Payments

6.1 The Authority Engineer shall withhold payments for the affected works for which the
Contractor fails to revise & resubmit the Drawings to the Authority Engineer in accordance with
the provisions of Clause 10.2.7(d).

6.2 Authority Engineer shall:

(a) within 10 (ten) days of receipt of the Stage Payment Statement from the Contractor
pursuant to Clause 17.4, determine the amount due to the Contractor and recommend the
release of 80 (eighty) percent of the amount so determined as part payment, pending issue of the
Interim Payment Certificate; and

(b) within 20 (twenty) days of the receipt of the Stage Payment Statement referred to in
Clause 17.4, deliver to the Authority and the Contractor an Interim Payment Certificate certifying
the amount due and payable to the Contractor.

7 Other Duties & Functions

PAGE 440

The Authority Engineer shall perform all other duties & functions as specified in the Agreement.

8 Miscellaneous

8.1 A copy of all communications, comments, instructions, Drawings or Documents sent by

the Authority Engineer to the Contractor pursuant to this TOR, and a copy of all the test results
with comments of the Authority‟s Engineer thereon, shall be furnished by the Authority‟s Engineer
to the Authority forthwith.

8.2 The Authority Engineer shall retain at least one copy each of all Drawings & Documents
received by it, including „as-built‟ Drawings, and keep them in its safe custody.

8.3 Within 90 (ninety) days of the Project Completion Date, the Authority Engineer shall
obtain a complete set of as-built Drawings, in 2 (two) hard copies and in microfilm form or in such
other medium as may be acceptable to the Authority, reflecting the Railway Project as actually
designed, engineered & constructed, including an as-built survey illustrating the layout of the
Railway Project and setback lines, if any, of the buildings & structures forming part of Project
Facilities; and shall hand them over to the Authority against receipt thereof.

8.4 The Authority Engineer shall inform the Authority and the Contractor of any event of
Contractor‟s Default within one week of its occurrence.
PAGE 441


1 General

The Contractor shall submit to the Authority‟s Engineer, a Monthly Progress Report (MPR). This
Report shall be submitted on the last working day of each calendar month and shall account for
all work actually performed from 26th day of the last month and up to and including the twenty
fifth (25th) day of the month of the submission and referred to as the 'Report Month'. It shall be
submitted in a format to which the Authority‟s Engineer shall have given his consent, describing,
but not limited to, the topics listed below.

2 Design Status

Status of design progress shall be reported including:

(1) a report detailing the design progress made for „Technical Design‟, „Construction Design‟,
& „As Built Records‟, as the case may be and outstanding issues to be resolved with solutions
during the reporting period; and

(2) the progressive and detailed version of the Design Submission Programme or its sub-
programme indicating actual achievement dates and forecast dates for outstanding items.

3 Physical Progress

It shall describe the status of work performed, significant accomplishments, including critical
items and problem areas, corrective actions taken or planned and other pertinent activities, in
respect of all the items /sub-items of the milestones/cost centre in each Work Segment and shall,
in particular, address interface issues, problems & resolutions, representation of progress
measured in percentage terms compared with percentage planned as derived from the Works

The Physical Progress shall be reported including:

(1) a listed description of all Civil, Building, Electrical, Signalling, Telecommunication & Track
Works performed during the month with quantified progress and the updated Works Programmes
showing both scheduled & actual progress of each sub-item of the work corresponding to each
milestone/cost centre pertaining to each Work Segment;

(2) the percentage of each main work activity completed as well as the projected percentage
thereof to be completed to the end of the Report Month;

(3) the total overall percentage of the works completed as well as the projected percentage
thereof to be completed in respect of each cost centre, each Work Segment and the project as a
whole to the end of the Report Month, and with appropriate comments to explain any differences
and how to regain any lost time or set-backs which may have occurred.
PAGE 442

(4) a list of quantities of each major items of the work (including temporary works) performed
during the month vis-a-vis the total estimated quantities to be executed and illustrations showing
the exact location of the work done such as concrete lift schedule; and

(5) a list of major Works (including Temporary Works) schedules to be started within the next
two (2) months and estimated quantities thereof. If the expected starting and/or completion dates
are different from those shown on the updated programme, an explanation is to be given.

4 Coordination

Status & outstanding issues of coordination and interfacing activities with the other Contractors &
other entities. Items to be reported shall include:

(1) a summary of the coordination & interfacing activities during the Report Month and details
of outstanding actions; and

(2) a schedule of all submissions & consents/approvals outstanding as well as those


5 Procurement

Status of procurement of major items such as plants, equipment & manufactured materials, and
material for the earthwork shall be reported including:

(1) a summary of all significant procurement activities during the Report Month, including
action taken to overcome problems;

(2) a list of major items with description detailing their manufacturer, date of letter of credit,
status of manufacturing and its origin, transportation & date of arrival at site (scheduled /actual),
reasons for delay, if any and a quantities procured immediately and made available for the

(3) Delays in procurement, if any, including reasons thereof and mitigation measures.

6 Programme Update

6.1 Programme Update for the entire project shall include but not limited to the following

(1) The Monthly Programme Update which shall be prepared by recording actual activity
completion dates & percentage of activities completed up to the twenty-fifth (25th) of the month
together with estimates of remaining duration and expected activity completion based on current
progress. The Programme Update shall include:

(a) to account for the actual progress

(b) updated Works Programme to reflect modifications in the design & construction
PAGE 443

(c) status of the every Work in progress, its graphic representation (completed & remaining)
in respect of the identified Works in the Report Month as well as for all the major Works and
relevant activities; and

(d) progress 'S' curve indicating Baseline 'S' Curve for the accepted programme and physical
Progress 'S' curve

(2) The Programme Update shall be accompanied by an Activity Report and a Narrative
Statement, which shall explain the basis of the contractor's submittal regarding:

(a) Work programme-explaining determination of activity duration and describing the

contractor‟s Approach for meeting coordination dates as specified in the contract.

(b) Updated work programme- starting in the narrative, the works actually completed &
reflecting along the critical path in terms of days ahead or behind allowable dates. Specific
requirements of narrative are:

i) Identification of causes of actual and potential delays (if any) in respect of milestones,
Coordination Dates & Contract Completion dates

ii) Provide explanation of the Works affected due to delays and proposed corrective
action/mitigation measures to achieve the milestones, Coordination Dates & Contract Completion
dates and mitigation the potential delays

iii) Identification of any deviation from previous month's Critical Path

iv) Clear identification of every activity with number & description for activities in progress
and activities scheduled to be completed

v) Provision of time required to cater for the Design Changes & Variation order, if any

(c) Programme Status presenting:

i) Works Programme status upto & including the current Report Month with cumulative
progress to date and a forecast of remaining work.

ii) Programme bar-chart size A3 and a time-related logic network diagram on an A1 size,
including activity listings.

(d) Activity Variance Analysis analyzing activities planned to start prior to or during the Report
Month but not started at the end of the period as well as activities started and/or completed in
advance of the Works Programme.

7 Three Month Rolling Programme

i) The Three Months‟ Rolling Programme shall be an expansion of the Works Programme,
covering sequential periods of three months.
PAGE 444

ii) The Three Month Rolling Programme shall provide more detail of the Contractor's plan,
organisation & execution of the work within these periods.

iii) In particular, the Contractor shall expand each activity planned to occur during the next
three (3) month period, if necessary to a daily level of detail.

iv) The Three Month Rolling Programme shall be developed as a Critical Path Method (CPM)
network, and shall be presented in bar chart and time-scaled network diagram format. Bar charts
shall be presented on an A3 size and time-scaled networks diagrams on an A1 size reproducible
media. Tasks in the programme shall be derivatives of and directly related to tasks in the
consented Works Programme.

v) The Contractor shall describe the discrete work elements & work element inter-
relationships necessary to complete all works and any separable parts thereof including work
assigned to sub-contractors /suppliers.

vi) Each activity in the Three Month Rolling Programme shall be coded, or described so
clearly to indicate the corresponding activity in the Works Programme.

vii) The Three Month Rolling Programme shall be issued on a monthly basis.

viii) Three Month Rolling Programme Revisions & Updates:

(a) The three month rolling programme shall be extended forward each month as described
above. Each submission of the three month rolling programme shall be accompanied by a
Programme Analysis Report describing actual progress to date, and the forecast for activities
occurring over the next three month period.

(b) If the three month rolling programme is at variance with the Works Programme, the
Programme Analysis Report shall be accompanied by a supporting narrative statement
describing the Contractor‟s plan for the execution of the activities to be undertaken over the three
month period, including programme assumptions & methods to be employed in achieving timely

(c) The Contractor shall revise the Three Month Rolling Programme or propose revisions of
the Work Programme, or both, from time to time as may be appropriate to ensure consistency
between them.

8 Performance on Quality Management System

The MPR shall also include the Contractor's monitoring report on performance of the Contractor‟s
quality management system and shall include the following as a minimum:

(a) The submission status & review status of the quality system documents;

(b) An up-to-date audit schedule & status

PAGE 445

(c) An up-to-date nonconformity register providing the status of all non-conformity identified
by the Authority‟s Engineer or the Contractor within the reporting period and those non-
conformities not yet satisfactorily closed;

(d) A narrative appraisal of the performance of the quality management system, including any
non-conformities, shortcomings or problem areas identified and the corrective & preventive action
taken or proposed; and

(e) All the pending issues / references with the Authority‟s Engineer, Authority and the
Contractor and the action proposed

9 Financial Status

The MPR shall also include the following aspects of the financial status:

(1) A narrative review of all significant financial matters, and actions proposed or taken in
respect to any outstanding matters.

(2) A spreadsheet summarizing each major activity, the budget, costs incurred during the
period, costs to date, costs to go.

(3) A spread sheet indicating the status of all payments due and made.

(4) „S‟ curve for the cash flow planned as per the Contract and as actual till the date of MPR
including describing the variance

(5) A report of the status of any outstanding claims.

(6) The report shall in particular provide interim updated accounts of continuing claims.

(7) Any other information as required by the Authority‟s Engineer

10 Other Items

At minimum the following items shall be covered:

(1) a list of local labour (in man-date by trade classification) employed during the month and
the statement about labour relations including shifts & hours of works executed and an
explanation of any actual or potential problems;

(2) a list of expatriate personnel (in man-month by position) employed during the month;

(3) a table showing actual working hours of each items of construction equipment, a list of
stand-by equipment and a list of unserviceable (inoperable) equipment describing action being
taken to get it back in operation;

(4) a quantity list of the Contractor‟s construction materials consumed or used during the
month and accumulated quantities thereof;
PAGE 446

(5) photographs

(6) a summary of quality control tests (routine tests and check tests) performed on the
materials and the products for the Permanent Works during the month including results (in
values) of performance on each test and contrasted fluctuations of the properties with the
specified range of their acceptability. The results of Quality Audits shall be summarized in the
Contractor's monthly reports.

(7) a general description of the weather, listing rainfall in mm, maximum & minimum
temperatures, and river water levels, for each day through the month;

(8) a statement concerning the effectiveness of the safety/security activities including a list of
each accident involving the hospitalization and/or death of any person and list of any major
thefts. Also a list of any accidents in which equipment was damaged to the extent it become
inoperable, and any fire which occurred;

(9) a list of the amount & date of each payment received and amount of any monthly invoice
which has been submitted but not yet paid;

(10) a list of claims (if any) submitted during the month, including claim amounts &
extension(s) of time;

(11) a table of updated cash flow estimate;

(12) a list of letters, drawings, and documents received from or submitted to the Authority‟s
Engineer and/or Authority during the month;

(13) Resources Mobilisation: Status in respect of key persons and major construction material
indicating the resources already available at Site and the proposed mobilization schedule for the
next three months, and

(14) construction equipment report including:

(a) a list of all the construction equipment located at the site vis-a-vis required during the
month to achieve targeted progress (segment wise);

(b) daily working & operation records of each item of equipment;

(c) inspection, repair & maintenance records;

(d) quantities of fuel, lubricant, oil & tires consumed;

(e) overhauling records;

(f) accident reports; and

(g) a list of unserviceable equipment and action being taken to put back in operation
PAGE 447

(h) schedule of mobilization of the construction equipment required at site for the next three

(15) Status of all the Temporary Works including temporary facilities & utility services for
Contractor's use

(16) Status of Borrow Areas/Quarries arrangement including access roads

(17) Status of temporary facilities & utility services for the use of Authority‟s Engineer /

(18) Assistance required from the Authority

11 Monitoring of Progress

i) The Contractor shall submit to the Authority‟s Engineer 6 copies of Monthly Progress
Report (MPR), describing the progress and current status of the Works. The MPR shall address
the matters set out in the Works Programme.

ii) The MPR shall be divided into two sections. The first section shall cover progress &
current status relating to design and the second section shall cover physical progress & current
status relating to construction including co- ordination, procurement and other miscellaneous

iii) A monthly meeting on the progress of the project shall be convened by the Authority‟s
Engineer/contractor‟s representative & representative of all other contractors/interacting
parties(as required) shall also attend the meeting. The meeting shall be chaired by the Authority.

iv) The Authority Engineer shall record the proceedings of the monthly meeting and shall
circulate the copies of the record to all concerned and as instructed by the Authority.

12 Management Meetings

(1) The Authority or the Authority‟s engineer shall require the contractor to attend a
management meeting in order to review the resource mobilization for future work, works progress
or other issues. The Authority‟s Engineer shall record the proceeding of the management
meetings and shall supply copies of records to all those in attendance and as instructed by the

(2) The items to be discussed at the management meetings shall be set out at the first
meeting with the concurrence of the Contractor, the Authority and the Authority‟s Engineer.

(3) The minutes of the meeting signed by the Contractor, the Authority and the Authority‟s
Engineer shall constitute an official record of matters discussed, but shall not replace any
requirement in the Contract for consents, approvals, instructions or decisions to be submitted in
PAGE 448

(4) The Contractor shall copy all correspondence, notices & documents related to the
management meetings and send them to the Authority, the Authority‟s Engineer and those
parties as instructed by the Authority prior to the meeting.

(5) The Contractor shall, when requested with reasonable notice, attend any other meetings
convened by the Authority, the Authority‟s Engineer to review works progress or other relevant

(6) A copy of all the reports, as submitted by the Contractor to the Authority‟s Engineer shall
be submitted to the Authority by the Authority‟s Engineer along with his comments within 7 days
of its submission by the Contractor.

13 Records

Records produced by the Contractor.

All the documents produced by the Contractor including drawings of site layouts, Temporary
Works, etc and the number of copies to be submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer shall be as per
the requirements & standards.

14 Progress Photographs & Videography

(1) The contractor shall provide monthly progress photographs, which have been properly
recorded to show the progress of the works to the Authority‟s Engineer. The photographs shall be
taken on the locations agreed with the Authority‟s Engineer to record the exact progress of the
works. Two sets of photographs shall be provided on CD-ROM format with 2 sets of colour prints
of 16 cm x 12 cm size.

(2) The Contractor shall mount each set of each month's progress photographs in a separate
album of a type to which the Authority‟s Engineer has given his consent, and shall provide for
each photograph two typed self-adhesive labels, one of which shall be mounted immediately
below the photograph and one on the back of the photograph. Each label shall record the
location, a brief description of the progress recorded and the date on which the photograph was

(3) All photographs shall be taken by a skilled photographer whose name and experience
shall be submitted to the Authority‟s Engineer for consent. Processing shall be carried out by a
competent processing firm to the satisfaction of the Authority‟s Engineer.

(4) The Contractor shall ensure that no photography other than meeting the contractual
obligation is permitted on the Site without the specific consent of the Authority.

(5) The said photographs shall become the property of the Authority and shall not be
reproduced for any purpose without the consent of the Authority.

(6) IP based cameras to be installed at all the locations of major bridges, grade separators,
station building areas for monitoring the construction activities, during the entire period of
execution of project work from start till commissioning.
PAGE 449

(7) Drone footage of the entire project length to be submitted once every month.

15 Records of Wage Rates

The Contractor shall keep monthly records of the average, high and low wage rates for each
trade/tradesman employed on the Site and records shall be made available to the Authority‟s
Engineer during inspection.

16. Maintenance Report

The Maintenance Report shall be submitted as part of the Technical Design and shall include full
details of the long term inspection & maintenance operations for each major component including
Embankment, Track Works, Bridges, Stations, ventilation equipment, non-traction power supply,
electrical, Signalling & telecommunication and distribution systems, fire-fighting equipment &
water supply, drainage & sewerage, etc.

In addition to the various existing Codes & Manuals of Indian Railways as applicable for
Operation & Maintenance of permanent Civil & Track Works, electrical, Signalling &
telecommunication and other assets, the Contractor shall provide the additional provisions (if
any) to the applicable IR Manuals required for the Operation and Maintenance of various assets
created as per the Contract.
PAGE 450

(See Clauses 17.4.1, 17.6.1 & 17.6.1)

1 Stage Payment Statement for Works

The Stage Payment Statement for Works shall state:

(a) the estimated amount for the Works executed in accordance with Clause 17.3.1
subsequent to the last claim;

(b) amounts reflecting adjustments in price for the aforesaid claim;

(c) the estimated amount of each Change of Scope Order executed subsequent to the last

(d) amounts reflecting adjustment in price, if any, for (c) above in accordance with the
provisions of Clause 13.2.3 (a);

(e) total of (a), (b), (c) & (d) above;

(f) Deductions:

i) Any amount to be deducted in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement except

ii) Any amount payable by the Contractor to the Authority under the provisions of the
Agreement; and

iii) Any amount towards deduction of taxes at source under Applicable Laws.

iv) Total of (i) to (iii) above.

(g) Net claim: (e) – (f) (iv);

(h) The amounts received by the Contractor up to the last claim:

i) For the Works executed (excluding Change of Scope orders);

ii) For Change of Scope Orders, and

iii) Taxes deducted at source under Applicable Laws

2 Contractor’s Claim for Damages

Note: The Contractor shall submit its claims in a form acceptable to the Authority.
PAGE 451

(See Clause 18.1)

1 Insurance during Construction Period

1.1 The Contractor shall effect and maintain at its own cost, from the Appointed Date till the
date of issue of the Completion Certificate, the following insurances for any loss or damage
occurring on account of Non Political Event of Force Majeure, malicious act, accidental damage,
explosion, fire & terrorism:

(a) insurance of Works, Plant & Materials and an additional sum of 15% (fifteen per cent) of
such replacement cost to cover any additional costs of and incidental to the rectification of loss or
damage including professional fees and the cost of demolishing and removing any part of the
Works and of removing debris of whatsoever nature; and

(b) insurance for the Contractor's equipment & Documents brought onto the Site by the
Contractor, for a sum sufficient to provide for their replacement at the Site.

1.2 The insurance under paragraph 1.1 (a) & (b) above shall cover the Authority and the
Contractor against all loss or damage from any cause arising under paragraph 1.1 other than
risks, which are not insurable at commercial terms.

2 Insurance for Contractor’s Defects Liability

The Contractor shall effect & maintain insurance cover for the Works from the date of issue of the
Completion Certificate until the end of the Defects Liability Period for any loss or damage for
which the Contractor is liable and which arises from a cause occurring prior to the issue of the
Completion Certificate. The Contractor shall also maintain other insurances for maximum sums
as may be required under Applicable Laws and in accordance with Good Industry Practice.

3 Insurance against injury to persons and damage to property

3.1 The Contractor shall insure against its liability for any loss, damage, death or bodily injury,
or damage to any property (except things insured under Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Schedule) or
to any person (except persons insured under Clause 18.9), which may arise out of the
Contractor's performance of this Agreement. This insurance shall be for a limit per occurrence of
not less than the amount specified below with no limit on the number of occurrences. The
insurance cover shall be not less than: Rs. [***]

3.2 The insurance shall be extended to cover liability for all loss & damage to the Authority‟s
property arising out of the Contractor‟s performance of this Agreement excluding:

(a) the Authority's right to have the construction works executed on, over, under, in or
through any land, and to occupy this land for the Works; and

(b) damage which is an unavoidable result of the Contractor's obligations to execute the
PAGE 452

4 Insurance to be in joint names

The insurance under Paragraphs 1 to 3 above shall be in the joint names of the Contractor and
the Authority.
PAGE 453

(See Clauses 4.6 & 4.7)

Traffic Blocks & Power Blocks are not required for this project.

Provision of Traffic Blocks and Power Blocks

1. Provision of Traffic Blocks Power Blocks and Disconnections

1.1 The authority shall provide Power Blocks or Traffic Blocks or Power Blocks, or both,
during day or night, as the case may be, to enable the Contractor to execute the construction
works of overhead equipment, or such other work as may be determined by the Authority
Engineer. The maximum aggregate duration of blocks for the Railway Project shall be [200]

1.2 The Contractor is entitled to execute the construction work within the block period
specified in this Schedule-O. The total duration of Power Block or Traffic Block or both, as the
case may be, shall not exceed 20% of the period specified in this Agreement. In case such
total duration exceeds 20% the Contractor shall pay Damages at the rate of [Rs. 10,000/-] per
hour or part thereof for the exceeded Block periods.


2.1 General

2.1.1 The definition of the "Possession" to be applied herein is the 'Possession

of the segment / stretch of Works and / or Indian Railway (IR) tracks required by the Contractor
from the Authority and / or IR during construction of the Works and / or after Taking Over
Certificate and during the Defects Notification Period for maintenance / rectification of the
defects in the Works'.

2.1.2 The Contractor shall comply with the possession management system
operated by Indian Railways (IR)

2.1.3 The Contractor shall appoint a responsible person who shall coordinate
with Authority /IR and Other Contractors as applicable and who shall act as the possession
coordinator for the Contractor only. The person appointed shall have experience of IR
operations and shall be fully aware of IR Rules and Regulations related to possession of track
for construction of railway works and in accordance with IR regulations to issue possession
requests. For the purpose he shall be duly certified in accordance with the said rules.
PAGE 454

2.2 Possession Periods

2.2.1 The Contractor shall use possessions on the line as follows:

a) For each particular possession and depending on the duration and the location of
the possession, alternative route / mode of transport may be required, and where provided this
alternative route / mode of transport shall be at the Contractor's cost.

b) The normal alternative mode of transport will be by IR Tracks / road and the route
and timings of this alternative transport is to be agreed with the Authority/ IR (as the case may
be) prior to obtaining the Possessions. Authority shall however provide necessary assistance to
the Contractor for arranging alternative modes of transport.

2.2.2 Line closures shall be agreed subject to approval of the Authority and IR (as the case
may be).

2.2.3 The Authority gives no guarantee that line closures and possession periods will be
available during the period as requested by the Contractor. No claim shall be entertained by the
Authority on this account.

2.2.4 The Authority shall however provide any assistance necessary to the Contractor to
enable him to obtain the line closures and possessions required by him but shall not be
responsible if any possession requests are refused by IR. No claim shall be entertained by the
Authority on this account.

2.2.5 The Contractor shall prepare a technological and organizational schedule for
construction and submit the same to the Authority‟s Engineer for his consent.

2.2.6 The Contractor shall submit his requests for 'possessions' well in advance (2 weeks) and
inform Authority / IR at least 24 hours earlier if he is not able to use the permitted 'possessions'.
PAGE 455

(See Clause 4.4)

1 The Authority shall provide the following machinery and equipment to the Contractor at
the daily rates shown against each machinery & equipment:

A. ) Other than Track Machines

Particulars of each type

Daily rate in rupees in
S of machinery
rounded figures.
N and equipment
1 8 wheeler Tower Wagon Rs. 70,430/-
Addl. Rs. 9,460/- per hour
2 Diesel Loco Rs 2000
3 BRN Wagon Rs 1000
4 Conventional non-ac coach Rs 1000
5 BRN mounted 5MT rail crane Rs 1000

(i) The above changes are inclusive of fuel and operator. All other manpower
requirements shall be arranged by the contractor.

B. For Track Machines

Particulars of each type of machinery Unit rate in rupees in

and equipment rounded figures.
1 CSM packing machine 36,820/- per kms
2 DUOMATIC packing machine 33,759/- per kms
3 UNIMAT packing machine 42,855/- per kms
4 DGS (Dynamic Track Stabilizer) 61,659/- per kms
5 MPT (Multi purpose tamper) 53,177/- per kms
6 DTE ( 59,651/- per kms
7 T/Express 54,120/- per kms
8 DTS 42,742/- per kms
9 T-28 2,11,294 /- per T/out

The cost of fuel for operating Track Machines is to be borne by the Contractor.

Tower wagon shall be charged at the rate of Rs.2000/ working hr with minimum charge of
Rs.8000/- per day tower wagon spared.

Note: For Machines and T&P whose hire charges are not mentioned above, the monthly rate for
those machines/equipment shall be equal to 2% (two per cent) of the cost of such machine or
equipment, as published in the latest Pink Book of Ministry of Railways. If the cost of any
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machine or equipment has not been published in the latest Pink Book, then the last purchase
price thereof, shall be applicable for determining the charges for such machine or equipment.
It would be clearly understood that it is entirely the Contractor„s responsibility and liability to
procure all the machinery, tools & plants, and their spare parts that are required for the efficient
and methodical execution of the work. Delay in procurement of such items due to their non-
availability or its import difficulties or any other causes whatsoever, will not be taken as an
excuse for slow or non performance of work.

The Railway may, depending on availability, give on hire to the Contractor any plant as
considered necessary by the Engineer. However, it does not guarantee hiring any machinery and
it shall not entertain any claim or compensation due to Railways inability to supply any plant /
machinery or the condition of the railway„s plant / machinery supplied on hire shall not be taken
as an excuse for slow progress or for non- performance of the work


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