Networking Infrastructure (ASM2)
Networking Infrastructure (ASM2)
Networking Infrastructure (ASM2)
Networking Infrastructure
Assignment Brief 2 (RQF)
Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing
Issue Date:
Date: 10/5/2022
Submission Format:
● The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style
using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as
appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please
also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.
● Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by the Tutor.
● The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
● Remember to convert the word file into PDF file before the submission on CMS.
● The individual Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student.
● If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you must reference your
sources, using the Harvard style.
● Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines to avoid plagiarism. Failure to comply this requirement will
result in a failed assignment.
The CEO Mr. Nguyen is happy with your first report and now he has asked you to analyse the specification from
the institution, as given earlier.
You need to design and implement the networking project within a given timeframe:
Task 1
Design efficient networked systems:
• Prepare a written step-by-step plan of how you are going to design a Local Area Network including a blueprint
of your LAN.
• Justify your choice of devices for your network design.
• Produce a test plan to evaluate this design for the requirements of bandwidth and cost constraints as per user
• Justify the security requirements and quality of services needed for selection of accessories.
• Suggest a maintenance schedule to support the networked system.
Task 2
Implement test and diagnose networked systems:
• Implement a networked system based on your prepared design.
• Conduct verification with, e.g., Ping, extended ping, trace route, telnet, SSH, etc.
• Record the test results and analyse these against expected results.
• Investigate what functionalities would allow the system to support device growth and the addition of
communication devices.
• Discuss the significance of upgrades and security requirements in your recommendations.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria (Assignment 1):
Figure 9 – Requirements become more technical as we move closer to network devices. ................................................................ 21
Ping from one device to all devices and check connectivity to ensure the connection of network .................................................... 24
Figure 18 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 19 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 20 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 21 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 22 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 23 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Result: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 36 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 37................................................................................................................................................................................................ 45
Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................ 47
References ................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Electronically joining computers is what networking is used for when sharing information. Information
regarding networking is extensively shared via tools such as media, devices, printers, and apps. Because it
allows users to interact in a number of ways, the networking benefit may be seen clearly in terms of security,
efficiency, manageability, and cost-effectiveness. Hardware components such as servers, hubs, switches,
routers, and other network infrastructure interface tools make up the network. These are the gadgets that
employ various technologies, such as radio waves and cables, to carry data from one location to another.
There are several types of networks accessible in the networking industry, the most prominent of which are
the Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) (WAN). A LAN network is made up of
two or more short-distance networked computers that are generally found at home, in offices, or in
classrooms. A WAN is a network that spans a larger region than a LAN, typically incorporating cities,
nations, and the entire globe. A WAN can be formed by connecting many big LANs. Given the number of
computers connected to the network, it is critical to ensure that data interference does not occur when these
machines attempt to access communication channels at the same time. To identify and avoid collisions in
networks, a set of rules known as Carrier Sense Multiple Access or Collision Detection is utilized.
+ Cost
+ Scalability
+ Bandwidth capacity
+ Ease of installation
+ Ease of troubleshooting
- Types of Physical Topology:
+ Bus topology - This sort of network is characterised by having all nodes connected by a
central medium (the "bus") with exactly two ends, also known as the backbone, linear, or
ethernet topology. Bus topologies are simple to set up and use less cables than other
topologies. However, if the central bus fails, the entire network fails as well, making it
impossible to pinpoint the problem.
+ Ring topology - Packets of data are transmitted round the ring until they reach their
destination, and nodes are connected in a circular fashion. Ring networks can outperform
bus networks and are simple to add and remove devices from. They are, however,
nonetheless susceptible since a single node may bring the entire network down. Also,
bandwidth must be shared across all the devices and connection.
+ Star topology - The star topology, which is one of the most prevalent, consists of a
central hub or switch through which all data goes, as well as all peripheral nodes connected
to that central node. Because individual machines may crash without impacting the rest of
the network, star topologies are more reliable. None of the linked nodes will be able to
reach the central hub or switch if it fails. Star networks have higher cable costs as well.
+ Mesh topology - Mesh topology may be divided into two categories. Each node in the
first, known as complete mesh topology, is directly linked to every other node.
+ Nodes in a partial mesh topology are only connected to the nodes with whom they have
the greatest interactions.
Most networks have a hybrid topology, which is a blend of several topologies.
Logical Design
- Logic topology, like physical topology, emphasizes how data is dispersed across network nodes
rather than the actual structure of the data's journey. The notion that all physical and logical
topologies are independent of a network, regardless of size or shape, is a key truth to remember.
- A signal path which passes through a physical topology is a logical topology is:
+ Line discipline
+ Ordered delivery of frames
+ Error notifications
+ Optimal flow control.
- Types of Logical Topology:
+ Logical Bus - From the source, the data travels in a straight route to all destinations.
+ Logical Ring - In this topology, the data travels from one device to another in the form of
a ring and reaches the start of the circle.
Figure 1 – Bus Topology
Figure 2 – Ring topology
Figure 3 – Star topology
Addressing table:
Device Interface Ip address Subnet Gateway DNS
Lan-Router Fa0/0 n/a n/a
Fa1/0 n/a n/a
Fa6/0 n/a n/a
Fa7/0 n/a n/a
Se2/0 n/a n/a
Wan-Router Fa0/0 n/a n/a
Se2/0 n/a n/a
Mail-Server 1 Fa0
Mail-Server 2 Fa0
DNS-Server Fa0
FPT-Server Fa0
PC1 Fa0
PC25 Fa0
PC26 Fa0
PC50 Fa0
PC_Staff4 Fa0
PC_Staff35 Fa0
Printer 0 Fa0
Printer 1 Fa0
Printer 2 Fa0
Table 2 – Addressing table
User Requirements:
When addressing the use cases for a project, user requirements are often specified. The customer or product
managers who understand how the user will utilize the embedded system define the requirements.
A lot of user requirements are concerned with how a user will interact with a system and what they
anticipate from it. A user requirement may be predicated on what occurs when the user selects an action on
the screen if the system has a screen or human machine interface component. Perhaps pressing a button
starts a procedure as well as switching to a different screen and providing an aural notice. When user needs
like these are set down, they frequently break down into several system requirements afterwards owing to
screen switching, maximum delays in beginning the process, and lastly what the next screen should look
like. Starting to create system requirements during a user requirement meeting is a common problem. This
can hinder from obtaining insight into the user's needs, and critical functionality elements may be
In reality, as previously stated, it is generally preferable to manage and report user needs separately from
system requirements. User requirements are usually more clear, intelligible, and give a better idea of how
the system will work. Despite the fact that user requirements may lack specifics on what exactly needs to
happen in the system, they are nevertheless useful in that they can offer the system's overall functioning
Furthermore, having traceability in terms of where the user need originated is a good notion when
developing user requirements. Understanding where it originated from, whether from a single client or a
product manager, is critical. There are situations when distinct user sessions produce contradictory needs
while recording user requirements. Going back to the source and better understanding the use case might
aid in the decoding of conflicting user expectations. It might come from different perspectives, such as an
operator vs. a maintenance worker, so being able to go back and reconcile those disparities is critical.
The user component is the uppermost layer in our generic system's system component model. The term user
refers to the system's end users, but it may also refer to everyone participating in the system, including
network and system administrators and management. User requirements are the collection of needs acquired
or developed from user input that users need to complete their duties on the system effectively. When
gathering requirements, everyone who is connected to that network is usually considered a prospective user.
Figure 6 depicts some hypothetical user needs.
Figure 8 – Types of user requirements
At this layer, we start articulating requirements, which will lead to the development of more detailed
needs as we progress through the components.
"What does it require to get the task done?" we may ask from the user's perspective. This generally yields
a collection of qualitative rather than quantitative needs. When gathering and extracting user needs, we
try to make them as quantifiable as feasible.
In generally, the system should adapt to users and their environments, enable fast and reliable information
access and transmission, and give excellent service to users. The following are the general requirements:
+ Timeliness
+ Interactivity
+ Reliability
+ Presentation quality
+ Adaptability
+ Security
+ Affordability
+ Functionality
+ Supportability
+ Future growth
The least scientific and arbitrary are user specifications. As seen in Figure 2.3, requirements get
increasingly explicit as users migrate to the network. As we go through the program, system, and network
aspects, each of these specifications will become increasingly specified.
Figure 9 - Requirements become more technical as
we move closer to network devices.
The idea is to utilize them as a jumping off point for more concrete and functional requirements in the other
components. These sample specs are offered as a guide for you to utilize while building your network needs,
which may differ depending on the user experience.
Timeliness is required for the user to be able to see, move, or alter data in a reasonable amount of time.
What constitutes a "tolerable" time period, for example, is determined by the user's awareness of device
latency. The experience is what we want to calculate. For example, a user could want to import data from
the cloud and finish each transfer in under 10 minutes. Alternatively, the user may need video frames every
30 milliseconds, requiring the network to offer a delay. The timeliness, end-to-end, or round-trip delay can
all be important metrics.
Interactivity is similar to timeliness, but it is based on device response times (as well as network response
times) that are in the order of user reaction times. In the example above, the 10 minutes it takes to get a file
may be considered the device response time. We also argue that the file transfer interacts with the user
(which it does), but the level of interactivity in this case is quite low and of little architectural or design
importance. When system and network reaction times are near to user response times, improvements in
network architecture and design to improve response times can have a direct influence on the user's
impression of interactivity.
When devices and networks are expected to connect successfully with consumers, interactivity is a function
of their reaction times. The round trip latency, in this case, is a measure of interaction. Using these
timeliness and interactivity concepts, timeliness is more likely to be connected with bulk file or picture
transfer, but interactivity is frequently associated with remote computer access (e.g., telnet), Web use, or
User-facing availability, or reliability, is a need for a consistently available service. Not only must the user
be able to access device services a large proportion of the time, but the quality of customer assistance (in
terms of program usage or information delivery) must also be constant. Reliability is therefore linked to
output characteristic reliability (covered as part of RMA in Chapter 1), but it is also important for delay and
power. Reliability is likely to be defined as a mixture of all performance characteristics.
Presentation quality relates to the user's perception of the presentation. This can be the user's interpretation
of the audio, video, and/or data displayed. Consider video conferencing, (live or delayed) video streams,
and telephone as examples of present Internet capabilities. While both of these may be accomplished over
the Internet, other methods currently offer far more presenting efficiency. Delivering a capability across a
network isn't always enough; the functionality must be on par with or better than alternative means, or the
consumer will be disappointed. This idea is frequently overlooked by network architects and designers. All
of the performance parameters are included in quality measures.
Adaptability refers to a system's ability to respond to changing user demands. Versatility and distance
independence are two instances of this. As users become more reliant on the network, they become more
connected to logical infrastructure and less connected to physical servers. Customers do not have to be
concerned about the location of the computers because they can obtain the information they want. As a
result, distance-independent computing occurs, in which the user is unaware of where jobs are being
executed or data is being gathered, processed, or transported across the network. Mobility refers to mobile
or nomadic computing, in which a user may use portable devices and wireless network connection to access
services and resources from any place. Adaptability to such user requirements places additional demands
on system architecture and design.
From the standpoint of the user, security is required to guarantee that the user's information and physical
resources, as well as access to the username and system resources, are secure, essential, and legitimate.
Security is perhaps the most closely related performance feature to dependability, although it will also effect
capacity and latency.
In order for purchases to be under budget, they must be affordable. Although this is not scientific, it would
have an impact on design and construction. We want to figure out which users or management can purchase
for the network so that the architecture and design aren't too expensive to deploy. We investigate how costs
and finances are linked to consumers, user groups, and administration as a software need. We will also
address funding as a system-wide requirement in terms of total spending.
Functionality refers to whatever requirements the customer may have for the software. Programs operating
on the network are also tied to the functions that the system performs. Learning the specification is vital
since it adds to the framework's specs (covered in the next section). Choosing which applications people
enjoy or use in their daily job is a part of understanding the UI. We don't want to waste time evaluating
software that no one will utilize.
Supportability is a set of characteristics that determine how well a customer can maintain the network
running at the required level throughout a wide range of job conditions established during the requirements
evaluation process. This includes whether or if users prefer or expect to be dealt with by their network
operations professionals, as well as any connections they make with the Network Operations Center (NOC).
Is the network, for example, required to meet new or changing customer demands? Which tools do network
management employees and/or the NOC need to assist customers and discover and resolve network issues?
Information like this will be fed into the network management architecture later.
Users' plans to deploy and use new apps and devices on the network are determined by future growth.
In addition to these requirements, we'd need to know how many users are expected to be on the network
and where they are located. Forecast the rise of subscribers over the first 1 to 3 years since the network is
anticipated to be operational, or what the network's estimated life span is.
Test Plan
To do the test, I use Cisco packet tracer version There are a few steps to verifying the design:
To guarantee network connections, ping from one device to all devices and confirm connectivity.
Table 3 – Connectivity
Figure 12 – Check FTP
When it comes to connecting and transmitting files or text, the interface is incredibly efficient. It signified
the network had a strong connection and a rapid transmission rate. However, this network's flaw is its lack
of security (no firewall, ...).
+ Step 7: Enter the IP Address in the box (The third space is not the same).
+ Step 9: Enter Start IP Address and Maximum number of User in the 2 boxes of the bottom of the screen.
Figure 21
+ Step 3: Choose DHCP in the IP Configuration (get a dynamic IP configuration for your computer) (if this is the
printer, you must click on static and enter IP Address)
• Configure Server DHCP
Figure 22
Firstly, click the icon Server
Figure 23
+ Step 3: Choose the DNS Service on button on the first line of the DNS bar
Expected result:
Finally, computers at all levels were able to communicate with one another, and three managers in
particular were able to ping all machines on three floors and across the system.
Definition DHCP
DHCP is a network administration protocol that allows devices in IP networks to access network services
such as DNS, NTP, and any UDP or TCP protocol. On each device in a network, DHCP provides a
customisable IP address and network setup options for connecting with other IP networks. DHCP
improves DHCP.
The BOOTP protocol is outdated. The DDI technique relies heavily on DHCP (DNS- DHCP-IPAM). To
get an IP address for our device, we'll follow the procedures following on my router.
Figure 26 – Provide IP
I believe we should first construct a DHCP Pool for the first block. The IP address and subnet mask must
be configured second. Finally, the default gate for the first floor must be configured. Finally, we must
configure the DNS server. Finally, we must repeat the previous processes for each of the remaining
If the partner needs to connect the PCs on different levels, we'll need to do another step: on the router,
click the network address to link the floors.
Figure 27 – DHCP Setting
Next, we must create three access lists for three levels, and then allocate each list to the appropriate floor.
Finally, we must configure the FTP telnet password.
Ping PC 1.1 and PC 1.2 in the same lab (First floor): ping successful
Ping PC 2.1 and PC 2.25 in the same lab (Second Floor): ping successful
Ping PC 2.25 and PC 1.2 in the different lab (Different Floor): ping successful
Figure 36
Figure 37
Figure 38
Our research usually aims to encourage students to gain abilities like information comprehension,
analytical thinking, examination, reasoning, and understanding, which are required for job acquisition and
academic achievement. Furthermore, we considered the following to be the most important aspects of our
+ The use of the knowledge learned
+ Almost everything required enterprises to apply and expand on the network.
+ Students can utilize this content to supplement their studies and contribute expertise to their
+ However, we do have certain flaws
+ The knowledge we supply is limited to the demands of businesses and students.
+ Software that makes functional work difficult.
+ We still don't have adequate proof for building corporate networks.
+ In the future, we should try to specify specific vulnerabilities. We'll try to add as much
information as possible. To avoid errors in the notification process, we would always endeavor to gather
as much information as possible from credible sources and acquire a range of relevant expertise from our
experience. Proceed, and we'll gradually integrate relevant topic knowledge into the classroom.
Surely you are familiar with the topic and learning techniques of Networking from my report.
Furthermore, in the previous essay, I used and incorporated various network elements to demonstrate the
capabilities and functions of each network component. It also demonstrates how to set up and maintain a
1. (2020). Advantages and Disadvantages of the Logical
Design. Availableat:
advantages-and-disadvantages-of-a-logical-data-model [Accessed 23 June. 2020].
2. [Accessed 26 June. 2020].
3. (2020). Definition of the Logical design and Physical
design. Available at:
[Accessed 27 June. 2020].
4. (2020). What is Logical Design? Available at:
mainframe-software/database- management/ca-idms/19-
design.html [Accessed 23 June. 2020].
5. (2020). What is Physical Design? Available
[Accessed 22 June. 2020].
6. (2020). Advantages of the Logical Design.
Available at:
design.aspx [Accessed 23 June. 2020].
7. (2020). Advantages and Disadvantages of the Logical
Design. Availableat:
advantages-and-disadvantages-of-a-logical-data- model [Accessed 23 June. 2020].