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9lOMoA RcPSD|1451847 1


Cloud Computing

Nguyen Nhat Thanh

lOMoARc PSD|14 518471


Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 16: Cloud computing

Submission date 28/02/2023 Date Received 1st submission 28/02/2023

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Nhat Thanh Student ID GCS210101

Class GCS1003A Assessor name Van Ho

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature THANH

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1
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❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Signature & Date:

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P1 Analyse the evolution and fundamental concepts of Cloud Computing. .......................................... 4
1. Definition of Cloud Computing.................................................................................................................. 4
2. Benefits of cloud computing ....................................................................................................................... 4
3. P2P model ................................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Client/server model ..................................................................................................................................... 6
5. Deployement models .................................................................................................................................... 7
6. Characteristic of cloud .............................................................................................................................. 10
7. Virtualization ............................................................................................................................................. 10
P2 Design an appropriate architectural Cloud Computing framework for a given scenario .............. 12
1. Architectural Cloud Computing framework ............................................................................................ 12
P3 Define an appropriate deployment model for a given scenario ....................................................... 14
1. Types of Cloud deployment model............................................................................................................ 14
2. Cloud deployment model is proposed for the company ATN .................................................................. 18
P4 Compare the service models for choosing an adequate model for a given scenario ...................... 18
1. Definition .................................................................................................................................................. 18
2. The differences between the services ....................................................................................................... 19
M1 Discuss why an organisation should migrate to a Cloud Computing solution .............................. 22
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 23
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 24

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P1 Analyse the evolution and fundamental concepts of Cloud

1. Definition of Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing is the on-demand use of computer resources housed in a distant data center and
controlled by a cloud services provider, such as programs, servers (both physical and virtual), data
storage, development tools, networking capabilities, and more (or CSP). These materials are made
available by the CSP in exchange for a monthly subscription fee or usage-based charges.

2. Benefits of cloud computing:

Depending on the cloud services you choose and in comparison to conventional on-premises IT,
cloud computing aids in the following:

- Lower IT costs: By using the cloud, you may offload some or all of the expenses and labor
associated with building, deploying, configuring, and maintaining your own on-premises
- Improve agility and time-to-value: Instead of waiting weeks or months for IT to reply to a request,
buy and setup supplementary gear, and install software, your firm may begin using enterprise apps in
the cloud in only a few minutes. Additionally, the cloud enables some users, particularly developers
and data scientists, to self-serve software and support infrastructure.
- Scale more easily and cost-effectively: Cloud offers elasticity, allowing you to scale capacity up
and down in response to spikes and dips in demand rather of purchasing extra capacity that sits
idle during slack times. You can also spread your applications closer to people around the world
by utilizing the worldwide network of your cloud provider.
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The term "cloud computing" is frequently used to describe the technology that enables clouds to exist. It
consists of a particular sort of virtualized IT infrastructure, such as servers, operating systems, networking,
and other infrastructure that has been abstracted using specialized software to allow pooling and splitting
without consideration for actual hardware limits. For instance, a hardware server might be divided into
numerous virtual servers.

3. P2P model:

Under the P2P paradigm, both parties can start a communication session, and all end systems have
comparable capabilities and duties.

Each member contributes a portion of their hardware resources, such as CPU power, storage capacity, and
link capacity. To deliver the service or material made available via the P2P network, several shared resources
are required.

As a result, the participants use comparable networking platforms to communicate with one other as
resource suppliers and resource requestors.

In P2P networks, downlink and uplink data flow are frequently (but not always) symmetric. This is due
to the simultaneous operation of each linked host as a client and server, which results in an average data
transmission and receipt of the same amount.

Instead of clients or servers, the P2P paradigm uses analogous peers that operate as both clients and
servers at the same time. Yet, we can always distinguish between asking peers as "clients" and replying
peers as "servers" during each contact session”.

Benefits of P2P:

• No need for dedicated application and database servers

• Improved scalability and reliability (no single point of

failure) Shortcomings of P2P:

• Poor security
• Lack of centralized control

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• Computers with shared resources may suffer from sluggish performance

4. Client/server model

The client/server model divides all end systems into clients and servers, each with a function.

Clients take the lead and start a conversation by submitting requests to servers.

• Clients must have knowledge of the available servers and the services they provide
• Clients can communicate with servers only; they cannot see each other

Servers have a passive role in client interaction, executing on each request and providing responses.

Software roles

• TCP/IP uses different pieces of software for many protocols to implement ”client” and ”server”
• Client software is usually found on client hardware and server software on server hardware, but
not always
• Some devices may run both client and server software

Web clients:

• Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, . . .

Web servers:

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• Apache, Microsoft IIS, GWS, ...

5. Deployement models
❖ Types of cloud computing:
➢ Public Cloud Service: given by outside sources (Microsoft azure, Amazon web service, ...)
➢ Private Cloud Service: Built and used by a company.
➢ Hybrid Cloud Service: Moving applications across clouds is rapid and simple thanks to a
combination of the aforementioned two kinds and an application connectivity mechanism.
❖ Public Cloud usage model:

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The shops will have two options for using the data they want to push to the system's designated
cloud portion. The first method is using the integrated web interface to immediately carry out
operations for data (add, edit, remove, and view) using the offered ID store. The store can utilize the
second method, which is to push the data into the Main App, to carry out the same duties as when
using the web and when connected correctly, in the event that the website is down or there is a
network connection issue. Any data input offline using the given ID store will be automatically sent
by the primary app.

From here the data from the shops will be managed on the available cloud partition.

Next, App for Cloud will regularly gather data from the shop's cloud partition and transfer it to the
primary cloud (Database of all shops). Moreover, it provides features like data viewing and data
collation with an existing database to prevent misunderstanding, duplication, and unused storage

❖ Private Cloud usage model:

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Here, top managers or the board of directors can extract these data to do analysis and review after
receiving them from the database of all businesses (can use Business Intelligence tool to Support
implementation quickly and get the most intuitive reports).

And from there they will create important data to be able to assess the status quo and set out future
plans (this is also one of the most important and confidential data needs).

The administrators have the ability to add, amend, delete, and examine these critical data after they
have been generated on the Important Data Server. This location will need to meet strict security
standards since it houses a lot of sensitive information that is crucial to the firm.

❖ Hybrid usage model:

The model will combine the use of Public Cloud (used to manage the shop database) and Private
Cloud (used to manage important company data) by App to manage with access rights of managers
or board members to view and extract data in the shop database for reference or as a basis for using
in BI tools.

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Above is the application deployment diagram on the cloud diagram.

Using Visual Studio 2019, the application was separately constructed on a PC or laptop before
being deployed to the cloud. A web application was then created on Localhost using XAMPP.
Lastly, we open it on the cloud using GIT after pushing it to the HEROKU cloud.

The user interface (Front-end) will be implemented and deployed in the PHP programming language
throughout the deployment process, while the back-end (database array) will be implemented and
deployed in the SQL server programming language.

6. Characteristic of cloud

There are basically 5 essential characteristics of Cloud Computing.

• On-demand self-services: Users of cloud computing services are able to deploy, monitor, and
manage computer resources as needed without the assistance of human administrators.
• Wide network access: Computer services are often offered across conventional networks and a
variety of hardware.
• Quick elasticity: The IT resources for the computing services should be able to scale up and down
fast as needed. When a user requests a service, it is delivered to him and scaled back as soon as
that service is no longer needed.
• Resource pooling: Many applications and occupants share the available IT resources (such as
networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) in an ad hoc way. With the same physical
resource, services are given to several clients.
• Measurable service: Each application and occupant's resource usage is recorded, giving both the
user and the resource supplier an account of what has been consumed. This is done for a variety
of purposes, including resource efficiency and billing oversight.

7. Virtualization

A method of separating a service from the underlying physical delivery of that service is virtualization.
Making a virtual replica of anything, like computer hardware, is what it entails. It was first created in
the age of mainframes. It entails creating a virtual or software-created version of a computer resource
rather than the actual version of the same resource using specialized software. The usage and flexibility
of hardware are increased by the simultaneous use of various operating systems and applications on the
same computer and the identical hardware thanks to virtualization.

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In other words, virtualization is one of the primary cost-effective, hardware-reduction, and energy-
saving strategies employed by cloud providers. A single physical instance of a resource or an application
may be shared by several consumers or organizations at once thanks to virtualization. This is
accomplished by giving a physical storage device a logical name and instantly delivering a reference to
that resource. Hardware virtualization, which is sometimes used interchangeably with the word
"virtualization," is essential to effectively offering Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutions for cloud
computing. Moreover, virtualization technologies offer a virtual environment for networking, storage,
and memory in addition to running programs.

The host machine is the device on which the virtual machine will be created, and the guest machine is the
virtual machine itself.


1. More flexible and effective resource allocation.

2. Enhance development productivity.

3. It lowers the cost of IT infrastructure.

4. Remote access and rapid scalability.

5. High availability and disaster recovery.

6. Pay peruse of the IT infrastructure on demand.

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7. Enables running multiple operating systems.

P2 Design an appropriate architectural Cloud Computing

framework for a given scenario.
1. Architectural Cloud Computing framework

The architecture designed for ATN system.

Below is a diagram illustrating my sample hybrid cloud architecture for the ATN firm. In particular, the
combination of private and public clouds (filling the needs of synthesis and administration of crucial ATN
business information as well as the necessity to upload and maintain sales databases of child stores under
the ATN company).

Going into details, I will conduct an analysis of each section so that people can understand more about how this
system works.

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1. Architecture description

1.1. Main architecture design

The cloud-based user interface provides universal access to the online application for all users. The
event will be conveyed in database language and delivered to the database whenever a user performs a
function on the web.

1.2. Deployment

Source code will be built in Sublime text and push to Github and Heroku.

1.3. Components

Front-end will be built with PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS

Back-end will be implemented via MySQL

2. Detailed Design

2.1. Programing language

I chose PHP because PHP is good to build the connection between webserver and database as well as
support querying data from webserver to database and reverse. While HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can built
the body of the page

2.2. Web server

I chose APACHE because:

The web server itself uses a modular architecture, in which extra modules can be loaded to extend its

Apache Web Server is open source software, which means it is available for anyone to download at no

Technical support resources for Apache are available on multiple websites around the world.

2.3. Database server

I chose MySQL because

Data Security

High Performance

The Flexibility of Open Source

2.4. Deployment model

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Because ATN is a tiny business, I went with public cloud. You are not in charge of administering your
cloud hosting solution if you use the public cloud. The administration and upkeep of the data center where
your data is kept rests with your cloud service provider.

2.5. Service model

I selected infrastructure as a service because it is scalable and affordable, which is crucial for a small
business like ATN. It also saves money on servers because you don't have to pay for actual servers and
network resources when you utilize it.

P3 Define an appropriate deployment model for a given

1. Types of Cloud deployment model:
1.1. Public Cloud

A form of cloud hosting called public cloud enables simple client/user access to systems and its services.
Examples of businesses that offer public cloud services include IBM, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and others.
The usage of this cloud service is available. This form of cloud computing is an actual example of cloud
hosting, where service providers offer services to several clients.

There is no need for user organizations to purchase and maintain their hardware because service
providers own the server infrastructure and manage it along with resource pools. Using an Internet
connection, provider businesses provide resources as a service for free or on a pay-per-use basis. As
necessary, users can scale their resources.


• Flexible
• Reliable
• High Scalable
• Low cost
• Place independence


• Less Secured

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• Poor Customizable

1.2. Private Cloud

From a technological perspective, there is little to no distinction between a public and private model
because of how similar their structures are. Private clouds, on the other hand, are owned by only one
particular business, as opposed to public clouds, which are accessible to everyone. It is also known as an
internal cloud or corporate cloud for this reason.


• Highly private and secured: Private cloud resource sharing is highly secured.
• Control Oriented: Private clouds provide more control over its resources than public cloud as it
can be accessed within the organization’s boundary.


• Poor scalability: Private type of clouds is scaled within internal limited hosted resources.
• Costly: As it provides secured and more features, so it’s more expensive than a public cloud.
• Pricing: is inflexible; i.e., purchasing new hardware for up-gradation is more costly.
• Restriction: It can be accessed locally within an organization and is difficult to expose globally.

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1.3. Community Cloud

The only significant distinction between a community deployment methodology and a private one is the
user base.

A community type differs from a private type in that several firms with comparable histories share the
infrastructure and associated resources. A private type means that only one company owns the server. An
illustration of such a community would be one where financial institutions/banks coexist with
organizations/firms. a cloud-based multi-tenant configuration created amongst many enterprises
belonging to a certain community or group with related computing concerns.


• Cost reduction
• Improved security, privacy and reliability
• Ease of data sharing and collaboration


• High cost if compared to a public deployment model

• Sharing of fixed storage and bandwidth capacity
• It is not widespread so far

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1.4. Hybrid Cloud

Another form of cloud computing is hybrid cloud, which combines two or more cloud servers—private,
public, or community—into a single architecture while maintaining their distinct identities. While non-
essential jobs like development and test workloads can be completed using a public cloud, sensitive
important tasks like managing organizational data are best completed utilizing a private cloud. In a hybrid
cloud hosting environment, advantages of both deployment strategies as well as a community deployment
approach are conceivable.

The hybrid cloud deployment strategy not only maintains and preserves strategically vital assets, it
also does so in the most economical and resource-efficient manner for each unique situation. Moreover,
this strategy promotes data and application portability.


• Flexible
• Secure
• Cost Effective
• Rich Scalable


• Complex networking problem

• Organization’s security Compliance

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2. Cloud deployment model is proposed for the company ATN:

- We will create and provide a private cloud solution if we are optimistic about the long-term
development of ATN. Only internal users have access to the database, which satisfies the
requirements, and private cloud deployment's high level of security will provide the business piece
of mind about data protection. The cost of using the software will likely be somewhat expensive in
comparison to other cloud implementations if one chooses to utilize a private cloud system.
- There is still another effective option available that requires less capital outlay than using public
cloud deployments. Due to the fact that many network salesmen in datacenters store and run Private
Cloud for the organization, the application management also focuses on the provider and when the
public cloud is utilized. ATN may significantly cut down on network security and upkeep. Therefore,
even if the Public Cloud will have no impact on the cloud, it is still reasonable to use it for ATN
administration and expansion.
- We can see that the public cloud is the perfect place to apply the ATN management model at the

P4 Compare the service models for choosing an adequate

model for a given scenario.
1. Definition:
1.1. Software as a Service (SaaS):

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The term "cloud application services" refers to a product that reflects the majority of the most popular
business service solutions available in the cloud market. Online third-party software is made available to SaaS
subscribers. Many SaaS programs may be used straight in a web browser and don't require users to download
or install anything.

1.2. Platform as a Service (PaaS):

PaaS offers cloud modules to other devices even though it is utilized for core applications. PaaS gives
programmers a framework for planning and building unique apps. Applications can be maintained by
developers, while servers, storage, and networking can be controlled by vendors or third parties.

1.3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

Iaas uses a machine resource that is highly automated and scalable. IaaS provides full self-service
capabilities that help businesses track and access resources like computers, networks, storage, and other
facilities. This lets businesses buy resources on demand rather than buying an entire item.

2. The differences between the services:

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IaaS PaaS SaaS

Supplier - Microsoft Azure - Heroku - Google Apps

- Google Compute Engine (GCE) - Google App Engine - Dropbox
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) - OpenShift - Salesforce
Distribution Distributing cloud infrastructure Provides a platform for Web-based
application creation. distribution
Benefit - The most flexible paradigm for - Savings in rates. - Save time.
cloud computing. - Easy to scalable. - Cost savings.
- Extra hardware can be bought - Easy hybrid model
on a use basis. integration.
- Resources can be bought if - Strong disponibility
- A perfect place to improve.
Characteristics - Services as a commodity are - Resources can easily be - Centrally based
available expanded up or down management

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- Costs vary according to with changes in your facilities

consumption business. - Place on the
- Services are highly scalable - Provides a range of remote server
- Multiple users on different software development, - Strength of
hardware typically exist testing and delivery internet access
- Full control of the infrastructure services. - The user is not
of the organisation - Multiple users can responsible for
- Excellent versatility concurrently access the software
same service changes or
application. hardware
- The incorporation of
online infrastructure
and databases

In ATN's management system development project I will use Paas:

Each type offers a unique set of advantages and disadvantages. I came to the conclusion that Platform as a
Service (PaaS), which gives developers a basis to build on and use to create original apps, is the best option
for ATN after conducting research on the given case. PaaS offers a development platform for both finished
and continuing cloud applications, in contrast to SaaS, which solely hosts cloud applications that have
already been developed. ATN may develop and deploy programs in a PaaS environment without having to
estimate how much memory or processors their application would use. Throughout all stages of software
development, from planning to design to application development to deployment and maintenance, ATN
benefits from the PaaS paradigm. Using special software elements called as middleware, PAAS enables
ATN to create and develop applications that are integrated into the PAAS and are scalable and highly
accessible as they embrace cloud characteristics.

+ Applications that are agile may be created and deployed.

+ Able to focus on important company resources without worrying about infrastructure expenditures.

+ Platforms from a PaaS provider are updated and improved versions that enable the development of
apps utilizing the most recent technologies.

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+ Reduces development time while increasing production. The developer does not have to be familiar with
the backend operations of the cloud platform environment.

Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and other companies are only a few of the many
cloud service providers. Heroku, a Platform-as-a-Service choice, is my preference for an ATN situation. It
supports a broad range of programming languages, including Java, Node.js, Scala, Python, PHP, and others,
and is largely recognized as being easy to use. This suggests that ATN may use Heroku as a low-cost
method to scale their application regardless of their preferred development language. The management and
operation of apps is handled by Heroku, in contrast, negating the need to manage operating systems or other
internal system configurations. Heroku means we never have to consider servers. All of the server's intricacy
is concealed by Heroku's streamlined web interface. Once your app is running on the platform, deployments
are as easy as a click away. ATN has two options for using Heroku: either for free, which includes both the
core service and a variety of add-ons, or on a monthly pay-as-you-go basis.

M1 Discuss why an organisation should migrate to a Cloud

Computing solution.
Benefits of Cloud Computing:

+ Simple:
• All applications for employee data needed are stored in the cloud.
• The IT staff won't have to spend time setting the device, installing software, or upgrading
• There is no time for finding or transferring data for the same department.
• Make it possible for everyone in the firm to update their programs and apps at the same time and
ensure that they are all using the same platform and version.
+ Easy to access Internet platform:
• Employees can work almost anywhere (with an Internet connection).
• You may access using a number of devices (phones, tablets, computers, etc.) without relying
on certain physical locations.
+ Security for important data:
• Data will be digitally stored in a cloud infrastructure to prevent the loss of flawed data or hardware.
• Simple access to data backup and recovery to prevent losing crucial data.
• Many Cloud system suppliers provide excellent and trustworthy privacy and security encryption

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+ Use cost effectively:

• The corporation must pay for the procurement and installation of hardware compatible with the
old system as part of the technological upgrade (the amount of the cost depends on the size of
the company).
• Upgrading the original device is free (desktop, connected device, related software, etc.).
• There is no cost to set up a team to operate and test the system on a large scale.
• With the same model using cloud computing, it will save a lot of costs (about 30% or more).
• You can hire a third party or create your own system and run it yourself.
• For the resources that have been rented but not used (low demand), customers do not have to pay.
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I outlined the issues after the report:
• A description of cloud computing, including its development history and foundational ideas.
• A cloud computing architecture framework appropriate for the situation of ATN..
• Using cloud computing to analysis and assessment of business reasons is recommended.
• Do analysis to determine the best deployment strategy for the ATN firm.
• Compare service models to offer a model that works for the business.
• Useful illustrations of the aforementioned deployment models.

Therefore, I came to the conclusion that, while cloud computing is a novel approach that can satisfy ATN's
objectives, the organization must also be aware of, consider, and get ready for the world.
Resources for issues that may arise during project operation and development and in day-to-day business

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1. Điện toán đám mây là gì?
Available at:
[Accessed Feb 20, 2023]
2. Cloud Computing
Available at:
[Accessed Feb 20, 2023]
3. Cloud Deployment Models – Which One is Right for Your Organization
Available at:
[Accessed Feb 20, 2023]
4. Cloud Computing Deployment Models: Technical know how.
Available at:
[Accessed Feb 20, 2023]
5. Cloud Deployment Model
Available at:
[Accessed Feb 20, 2023]
6. 4 Best Cloud Deployment Models Overview
Available at:
[Accessed Feb 20, 2023]
7. 5 Cloud Deployment Models: Learn the Differences
Available at:
[Accessed Feb 20, 2023]

8. The three service models of Cloud Computing

Available at:[Accessed
[Accessed Feb 20, 2023]
9. Cloud Service Models
Available at:
[Accessed Feb 20, 2023]

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10. Service models in Cloud Computing

Available at:
[Accessed Feb 20, 2023]

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