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Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10–13 September 2019

Evaluation of Current and Emerging In-situ Ocean Wave Monitoring Technology

Elysia Andrews and Leo Peach

An Evaluation of Current and Emerging In-situ Ocean Wave Monitoring

Elysia Andrews1 and Leo Peach1
Department of Environment and Science, Brisbane, Australia;

Historically the offshore ocean wave-monitoring field has been dominated by surface following wave buoys
utilising accelerometers. However, recent advancements in technology have introduced alternate global
positioning system (GPS) sensors. To monitor wave conditions effectively, it is important to have a
comprehensive understanding of available wave monitoring devices. A three-month field trial was undertaken
at the Gold Coast, Queensland, deploying nine wave monitoring devices for comparison to Datawell’s DWR-
MkIII, which is considered the industry standard. Devices used in this study include four GPS buoys, one
accelerometer buoy, two pressure transducers and two prototype devices. For each device, wave parameters
were either examined, as the on-board calculated parameters, or by using manufacturer provided post-
processing software. In addition, parameters were recalculated from the raw displacements to reduce
variability caused by different calculation methods.

The comparison shows excellent agreement for significant wave height (Hs) and maximum wave height
(Hmax) across all commercially available devices in both the on-board and recalculated parameters. Peak
period (Tp) returned the weakest agreement across all devices compared to the DWR-MkIII, most likely due
to the presence of bi-modal sea-states, differing spectral calculation methods and GPS signal loss. Two GPS
buoys developed by Spoondrift Technologies Inc. sustained damage, with one resulting in device failure after
two months. The SCRIPPS GPS prototype device compared well to the DWR-MKIII across all parameters;
however, suffered antenna damage resulting in loss of satellite connection. The prototype smartphone app
had issues with low-frequency interference and the pressure transducers displayed poor agreement in wave
period, potentially due to considerably shorter recording period and fouling.

The recalculated parameters from the GPS equipment demonstrated that appropriate filtering can help
overcome GPS loss issues, indicating that smaller GPS based devices may be an appropriate alternative in
future wave monitoring applications. However, further consideration of their robustness during extreme events
may be warranted.

Keywords: wave measurements, comparison, buoy, prototype device.

1. Introduction Whilst the application of GPS technology in ocean
Long-term wave monitoring is crucial to monitoring is becoming widespread, few emergent
understanding coastal processes that influence devices have undergone lengthy sea trials for
human activity in the coastal zone. Despite the comparison to the widely used and tested
usage of long-term wave datasets across multiple accelerometer buoys.
disciplines, global monitoring networks are still
widely underdeveloped. Multiple devices have been The primary objective of this trial is to test emerging
designed to monitor wave parameters, the most cost-effective technologies by comparing the
notable being: wave monitoring buoys (directional parameter outputs of in-situ wave measurements
and non-directional); Acoustic Doppler Current collected over a three-month period. While there is
Profilers (ADCP); high-frequency radars; and no clearly defined industry standard for wave
pressure transducers. Unfortunately these devices monitoring, Datawell products – specifically
are expensive or require costly infrastructure to accelerometer-based sensors – are arguably the
deploy, thus setting up extensive monitoring most commonly used buoys [13], successfully being
networks is often not economically viable. To applied in wave measurement applications for many
reduce the cost of wave monitoring programs, new years [9]. Datawell buoys have undergone multiple
low-cost alternatives are being developed; however, comparison and validation field studies, and thus
they are often relatively untested in open ocean are considered as the best available
environments. The introduction of alternative global reference/standard in wave monitoring technology
positioning system (GPS) based sensors is [17]. As such, it is essential that the performance of
foremost amongst these inexpensive alternatives, new measuring methods and equipment align with
primarily due to the absence of mechanical the extensively tested and efficient technology
accelerometers that are predominantly used in offered by Datawell’s 50+ years of experience [15].
wave buoys, thereby, resulting in reduced
equipment size, easier deployments, reduced 2. Site Location and Set-up
sensitivity, and the need for calibration [10] [12] [14]. This study was conducted offshore of the Gold
Coast in South East Queensland, Australia. The site
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10–13 September 2019
Evaluation of Current and Emerging In-situ Ocean Wave Monitoring Technology
Elysia Andrews and Leo Peach

is a long-term wave monitoring site for the Coastal personnel at CIU, founded on over 40 years of wave
Impacts Unit (CIU), Department of Environment and monitoring experience, and primarily consisted of
Science, and has been active since 21 March 1987 changes to the anchoring method, and have been
[11]. Nine devices were deployed for comparison utilised in numerus deployments with no negative
with Datawells DWR-MkIII (Table 1), including influence on the buoy. Both the DWR-MkIII and the
seven directional wave measuring devices TriAxys buoy incorporate a rubber cord which, due
consisting of five buoys and two prototype devices. to the added elasticity enables greater flexibility and
Two non-directional pressure transducers were also range of motion when following the orbital motion of
deployed. The estimated water depth at the ocean water particles [7] [9].
deployment site is ~16 m, and the Datawell DWR-
MkIII was located at 27° 57.876’ S, 153° 26.500’ E. 3. Analysis Techniques
Historical wave climate data indicates that the All commercially available instruments provide an
average significant wave height (Hs) is 1.12 m, with automatic wave summary output, either calculated
a dominant east to east-southeast wave direction on the device or by post processing software. As
[11]. The monthly average significant wave height these automatic outputs are what typical users will
(Hs) varies throughout the year, peaking at 1.37 m be relying on for wave measurements it is important
in March to 0.94 m in September, with a modal to examine how they compare to the DWR-MkIII.
height of about 0.9 m. The top five maximum Parameters compared were Hs, Hmax, Tp, and
recorded wave heights (Hmax) range from 10.6 to average period (Tz). Whilst each device provides
12.0 metres. Peak wave periods (Tp) typically range most of these parameters, there are some
from 3 to 15 seconds, with a unimodal period of variations in calculation methods. These
about 10 seconds. Occasional bimodal sea states discrepancies introduce undesired variability and
can be apparent, particularly in cyclone season. are a key limitation in making direct comparisons
between each device. As such, in order to rule out
Table 1 Equipment specifications
differences in calculation methods, non-directional
Device Measurement Record Data parameters have also been recalculated from
Principle frequency
Interval devices that also provide raw displacements,
(min) (Hz) enabling a more consistent comparison of each
Commercially Available Wave Buoys devices ability to measure the motion of waves.
DWR-MkIII Accelerometer 26.6 1.28 Recalculated statistics are unavailable for the
DWR-G4 GPS 26.6 1.28 Aanderaa and the RBR as they were not set up to
x2 record raw displacement data.
TriAxys Accelerometer 20.0 1.28
Spoondrift GPS 30.0 2.5 Filtering methods were also incorporated into the
Spotter x2 recalculation of wave parameters in order to
Commercially Available Pressure Transducers validate the data and remove errors. This allowed
RBRduet Pressure 8.5 2.5 various errors in records to be identified in the
Aanderaa Pressure 8.5 4 devices where possible. The re-calculation process
Prototype Devices
was adapted from validation procedures developed
by the CIU, aimed at ensuring quality and integrity
of its long-term historical data sets. This process is
WaveApp Accelerometer 1
implemented in four stages: 1) a coarse spike
removal filter is applied in order to remove large
Due to the dominant easterly wave direction spikes exceeding five times the standard deviation;
indicated by historical data, equipment was 2) a Butterworth high pass filter is applied to
deployed parallel to the shore along a contour line frequencies lower than 0.025 Hz, or periods longer
for uniform depth during February 2018, enabling than 40 seconds; 3) wave statistics are recalculated
the instrumentation to capture comparable data using similar methods to those outlined by Datawell
from the same wave train. Devices were deployed [9]; and 4) range and ratio checks that are used to
approximately 150 metres apart in order to prevent identify potential erroneous records for review [5].
mooring system entanglement and the RBR and
Aanderaa pressure transducers were bottom In order to analyse the vast amount of data
mounted together in a weighted triangular frame produced from the nine wave monitoring devices, a
~1 m above the seafloor, with a float as a marker. number of statistical parameters were chosen to
compare the test devices to the DWR-MkIII.
2.1 Mooring Configurations Including Spearman’s correlation coefficient (1),
Manufacturer recommended mooring designs were RMSE, bias (2), and Scatter Index (3).
followed as closely as possible for all wave buoys
∑𝑖(𝑥𝑖−𝑥̅ )(𝑦𝑖−𝑦̅)
[2] [9] [18], however, minor alterations were made to 𝑟= (1)
√∑𝑖(𝑥𝑖−𝑥̅ )2 ∑𝑖(𝑦𝑖−𝑦̅)2
the DWR-MkIII and TriAxys mooring configurations.
Alterations were based on technical advice from
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10–13 September 2019
Evaluation of Current and Emerging In-situ Ocean Wave Monitoring Technology
Elysia Andrews and Leo Peach

1 Tp, Tz) produced by the DWR-MkIII (automatic output) for

𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸 = √𝑁 ∑𝑁
𝑖=1(𝑥𝑖 − 𝑦𝑖 )
2 (2) the duration of the trial.
4.1 Automatic Outputs
𝐵𝐼 = 𝑥̅ − 𝑦̅ (3) The following sections compare the DWR-MkIII
Where x is the test device, y is the DWR-MkIII, and against other commercially available instruments
N is the number of data pairs. The r values provided based on wave parameters, as calculated on-board
are calculated using the non-parametric each instrument. Statistical test results are provided
Spearman’s correlation test, as not all variables in Table 2 and Table 3 and scatter plots are
were normally distributed as assessed by the provided in Figure 2 and Figure 3. No further
Shapiro–Wilk test. Due to the nature of this analysis, validation or reanalysis was undertaken. Analysis
a comparison can only be undertaken when there was undertaken for the prototype devices (as
are simultaneous records from each wave outlined in Table 1) independently of the
measurement system and the DWR-MkIII. commercially available devices in section 4.3.
Statistical analysis has been undertaken for both
automatic summaries provided directly from each 4.1.1 Wave buoys
device and recalculated statistics. The Spoondrift Spotter has a highly correlated Hs,
however does not record Hmax which is a limitation
4. Results and Discussion for some applications. Moderate correlation was
For the purpose of this paper, where multiple shown for Tp. While Tz displays a strong correlation
devices of the same model (i.e. Spotter’s and DWR- there is a notable positive bias in comparison to the
G4’s) were used, only one device has been DWR-MkIII, which can be attributed to differing
examined. Additionally, due to device malfunction calculation methods (Table 2 and Figure 2).
(Spotter) and battery limitations (DWR-G4) data for The Datawell DWR-G4 strongly correlated for Hs,
these devices was only available for the first two however displayed a positive bias consistently
months of the trial. Over the trial period, Hs varied measuring higher than the DWR-MkIII. Additionally
between 0.4 (99 per cent exceedance) to 3.0 m while the DWR-G4’s Hmax values generally aligned
(1 per cent exceedance), with Hmax reaching up to and displayed good agreement with the DWR-MkIII
5.5 m in June. Tp ranged between 5 and 15 seconds a number of values were overestimated by up to two
and a bimodal sea state was evident in April. Time metres difference (Figure 2). Tp also displayed a
series of parameters Hs, Hmax, Tp, and Tz produced number of inflated values and consequently a
by the DWR-MkIII (automatic outputs) are provided weaker correlation. Tz displayed a higher correlation
in Figure 1 demonstrating the wave climate for the than Tp for the DWR-G4.
duration of the trial.
Table 2 Statistical tests for automatic outputs parameters
of the wave buoys compared to the DWR-MkIII
Hs Hmax
Device Method T p (s) Tz (s)
(m) (m)
r 0.99 - 0.65 0.96
Spotter RMSE 0.1 - 2.12 0.86
BI −0.05 - −0.55 0.79
r 0.98 0.92 0.60 0.94
RMSE 0.18 0.45 6.36 0.36
BI 0.13 0.06 1.27 0.23
r 0.98 0.92 0.61 0.91
TriAxys RMSE 0.08 0.31 2.16 0.44
BI 0.02 −0.04 −0.5 −0.18

Figure 1 Number of devices deployed for the comparison

trial (top), and time series of wave parameters (Hs, Hmax,
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10–13 September 2019
Evaluation of Current and Emerging In-situ Ocean Wave Monitoring Technology
Elysia Andrews and Leo Peach

Figure 3 Automatic outputs (Hs, Hmax, Tp, Tz) for the

pressure transducers compared to the DWR-MkIII with a
1:1 line.
4.2 Recalculated parameters
Figure 2 Automatic outputs (Hs, Hmax, Tp, Tz) for each Results from recalculated wave parameters enable
wave buoy compared to the DWR-MkIII with a 1:1 line. a ‘like-for-like’ comparison between each wave
The MetOcean TriAxys buoy had a high correlation monitoring device and the DWR-MkIII. Hs, Hmax and
for Hs and Hmax and the lowest RMSE for Hmax, in Tz all displayed a reasonably high correlation in
comparison to the other devices which were prone comparison with the DWR-MkIII across all wave
to greater variation in more energetic sea states. buoys (Table 4 and Figure 4). As with the
A moderate correlation was evident for Tp, while Tz comparison of automatic summaries discussed
showed a high level of agreement. previously, Tp had a relatively low correlation with
the DWR-MkIII across all buoys, likely due to the
4.1.2 Pressure Transducers variability introduced by a bimodal sea state.
The pressure transducers displayed a strong Comparison of the recalculated Hs from the wave
correlation for Hs, however, the RBR seemed to buoys showed a minimal increase in correlation to
consistently underestimate Hs. The Aanderaa the DWR-MkIII, compared to parameters from each
displayed a strong correlation with Hmax, while the device’s automatic output. With the recalculated
RBR’s correlation was slightly weaker. Both the parameters the Spotters Hmax is shown to have a
Aanderaa and the RBR had a poor correlation to the strong correlation to the DWR-MkIII. This parameter
DWR-MkIII for Tp as well as Tz, which also had a was not provided in the automatic output for the
notable positive bias (Table 3 and Error! Reference Spotter. The DWR-G4 and the TriAxys have a
source not found.). The difference in sampling slightly weaker recalculated Hmax correlation;
frequency between the pressure transducers and Table 4 Statistical tests for the recalculated parameters of
the DWR-MkIII, the shorter wave record (8.5 min in the wave buoys compared to the DWR-MkIII
comparison to 26.6 min), and attenuation due to
depth limitations are likely major contributing factors Device Method Hs (m)
T p (s) Tz (s)
for the poor agreement between T p and Tz. The r 0.99 0.92 0.69 0.96
Aanderaa is suitable for deployments up to 15 m, Spotter RMSE 0.08 0.33 1.81 0.25
and the RBR 20 m. BI 0.06 0.14 0.19 0.04
Table 3 Statistical tests for the automatic outputs of the r 0.99 0.91 0.70 0.95
pressure transducers compared to the DWR-MkIII RMSE 0.07 0.38 1.68 0.32
BI 0.05 0.17 0.17 0.05
Hmax r 0.98 0.91 0.59 0.94
Device Method Hs (m) T p (s) Tz (s)
(m) TriAxys RMSE 0.09 0.98 2.15 0.3
r 0.94 0.86 0.40 0.43 BI 0.06 0.16 0.22 0.05
RBR RMSE 0.2 0.59 2.92 2.97
BI −0.14 −0.43 −1.74 2.81
r 0.96 0.93 0.49 0.64
Aanderaa RMSE 0.12 0.44 2.61 1.99
BI −0.02 −0.34 −1.03 1.82
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10–13 September 2019
Evaluation of Current and Emerging In-situ Ocean Wave Monitoring Technology
Elysia Andrews and Leo Peach

Figure 4 Recalculated parameters (Hs, Hmax, Tp, Tz) for

each wave buoy compared to the DWR-MkIII with a 1:1
however other testing mechanisms improved such Figure 5 Time series comparison between the SCRIPPS
as the RSME. Recalculated Tp had large differences and DWR-MkIII.
for the DWR-G4 in comparison to the automatic
data outputs and shows significant improvements in 4.3.2 WaveApp
goodness of fit measurements. This improvement is A smartphone based WaveApp [16] was deployed
due to the application of filters (outlined in inside the hull of DWR-G4 in order to enable an
Section 3), in addition to the removal of wave inter-sensor comparison of data. Throughout the
records that were deemed irreparably corrupt. deployment the DWR-G4 experienced a corrupted
Mostly due to GPS signal loss creating an error in GPS signal which heavily impacted the wave period
the raw displacements discussed at length in recorded (Tp and Tz), possibly caused by mooring
Section 4.4. Tz from the DWR-G4 shows similar forces. The examination of the raw accelerations
improvement. While the correlation of recalculated recorded by the WaveApp showed significant low-
Tz for the Spotters shows no improvement in frequency noise occurring between 8 and 15
correlation compared to the DWR-MkIII, the positive seconds. In order to filter the raw signal to produce
bias that was present in Error! Reference source heave displacements that were not heavily affected,
not found. is now absent; this absence suggests a frequency filter was applied to the acceleration
that Tz was previously affected by a differing signal a frequency filter was applied to the
calculation method. acceleration signal, removing waves with periods
greater than 7.5 seconds.
4.3 Prototype Devices
4.3.1 SCRIPPS DWSD The WaveApp shows a strong positive correlation
The prototype Directional Wave Spectra Drifter for Hs in comparison with the DWR-MkIII and the
(DWSD) GPS device developed by SCRIPPS [6] DWR-G4, however, shows a negative bias (Table 5,
was unable to attain satellite connection throughout Figure 6 and Figure 7), while Hmax has a slightly
the trial period, however, it was functional for an weaker correlation to both devices. Due to the
earlier two-month deployment in August and filtering applied to the WaveApp data long period
September 2017. Throughout this period, wave waves, were heavily affected, thus Tp does not
parameters from the SCRIPPS DWSD compared to display a statistically significant correlation with
the DWR-MkIII displayed general consistency, with either the DWR-MkIII or the DWR-G4. Comparison
Hs, and Tp showing very little bias, while a of Tz showed that the DWR-MkIII and the DWR-G4
comparison of the Scripps Tz with the DWR-MkIII have a weak correlation with the WaveApp.
showed slight positive bias. Although a general Examination of goodness of fit measures showed
uniformity between the devices was attained, as is that the WaveApp has a slightly higher correlation
displayed through time series comparisons (Figure when compared to the DWR-G4 than with the DWR-
5). However, difficulties connecting to the satellite MkIII. This highlights the benefits of having both
system were evident throughout the dataset, sensors in the same device as the same wave field
resulting in a sporadic time series which made is being compared.
determining a direct correlation between wave Table 5 Statistical tests for the of the DWR-MkIII and
records challenging. DWR-G4 compared to the WaveApp
Device Method Hs (m) T p (s) Tz (s)
r 0.80 0.65 −0.03 0.27
RMSE 0.2 0.38 8.27 0.76
BI −0.17 −0.23 −7.88 0.38
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10–13 September 2019
Evaluation of Current and Emerging In-situ Ocean Wave Monitoring Technology
Elysia Andrews and Leo Peach

r 0.84 0.72 −0.01 0.32 parameters can be minimised. Due to the presence
DWR-G4 RMSE 0.19 0.44 8.60 0.57 of saw-tooth artefacts in both moored and
BI −0.15 −0.3 −7.91 0.09 unmoored DWR-G4 buoys, it is unlikely that the low-
frequency errors were solely caused by mooring
forces. They are likely due to a combination of high-
energy sea states causing GPS signal corruption,
general loss of the minimum number of required
GPS satellites, and tension placed upon the
mooring configuration, leading to one or both of the
Figure 6 Recalculated parameters (Hs, Hmax, Tp, Tz) for the aforementioned. In order for the DWR-G4 buoys to
WaveApp compared to the DWR-MkIII with a 1:1 line. calculate orbital wave motion via the Doppler shift
principle, a minimum of four visible satellites is
required [8]. The Spotter demonstrated less
frequent saw-tooth patterns in the raw
displacement, possibly due to the Spotter utilising
the Iridium SBD for GPS as opposed to the GPS
satellite system used by Datawell.
Figure 7 Recalculated parameters (Hs, Hmax, Tp, Tz) for the
WaveApp compared to the DWR-G4 #6 with a 1:1 line. 4.5 Device Longevity
4.4 Raw Heave Displacements Longevity of wave monitoring equipment is a
A comparison of a half-hour segment of raw significant factor to take into consideration when
displacements from the DWR-MkIII and DWR-G4 undertaking wave monitoring due to the harsh
on 19 April demonstrates the extent to which heave ocean environments that devices are subjected to
measurements were influenced by GPS corruption during deployment. There are a number of
(Figure 8). Whilst the DWR-MkIII fluctuates around situations that can result in ocean monitoring
0.0 m in a relatively uniform manner, the DWR-G4 equipment being damaged or destroyed: lightning
has multiple anomalies which severely impacted strikes; boat strikes; and extreme events. Datawell
calculated parameters (Table 6) in both the and TriAxys buoys are made from stainless steel
automatic data outputs and recalculated (DWR-G4 and TriAxys) or cunifer alloy (DWR-MkIII)
parameters. in order to resist potential damage, while Spoondrift
Spotters are made from a marine grade plastic.
Table 6 Automatic output wave parameters for the DWR- Throughout this trial damage was sustained to the
G4 and DWR-MkIII on 19 April 2018 at 08:30
hull of the Spotters which resulted in water intrusion.
Device Hs (m) Hmax (m) T p (m) Tz (m) Additionally, the Spotter’s size is of concern when
DWR-G4 1.61 2.53 40 6.36 deployed for extended periods as mooring forces
DWR-MkIII 1.247 2.22 14.29 5.128 and biofouling may affect the buoyancy of the
device. In warmer climates biofouling is a serious
concern for equipment within the marine
environment. For long-term deployments of both the
Spotter and DWR-G4 extensive biofouling may
severely hamper a buoys ability to follow the orbital
motion of the water, reducing the quality of wave
parameters recorded and affecting the high
frequency response of the buoy [19]. For GPS
buoys an additional concern is that the added
weight of marine growth can cause the buoy to sit
Figure 8 Vertical heave displacement produced by the lower in the water, becoming more susceptible to
DWR-MkIII and DWR-G4 to demonstrate the effect of wave over topping thus causing GPS interference.
GPS loss on raw displacements. Observations are from Additionally the DWR-G4 is limited by a 4–6 week
19 April 2018.
battery life. Due to the submerged nature of the
pressure transducers biofouling was apparent,
This anomaly (known as a saw-tooth pattern that however, no negative effects on wave parameters
introduces erroneous low frequency energy) has records were apparent. Both the DWR-MkIII and
been reported in a number of studies, utilising both TriAxys buoys were subject to barnacle growth, but
moored and drifting DWR-G4 buoys [3] [4]. The they were not notably affected due to the size and
saw-tooth like artefact occurred frequently subsequent buoyancy of the devices. However,
throughout the raw displacements of the DWR-G4s consideration of biofouling for long duration
and infrequently in the Spotters, and is a result of deployments is recommended.
the buoy losing track due to loss in GPS signal.
By applying a high-pass filter to the data, the effect
of these erroneous displacements on wave
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10–13 September 2019
Evaluation of Current and Emerging In-situ Ocean Wave Monitoring Technology
Elysia Andrews and Leo Peach

5. Summary comparison between each sensors ability to

It was determined that wave parameters collected measure waves.
by Spoondrift Spotters, Datawells DWR-G4s,
Metocean’s TriAxys, RBR and the Aanderaa have a 6. Conclusion
statistically significant correlation to the DWR-MkIII The results presented from this three-month
both in automatic outputs and recalculated comparison trial have revealed a number of
parameters. The TriAxys buoy consistently strengths and weaknesses of several wave
performed well in comparison to the DWR-MkIII, as monitoring devices. Overall, a strong correlation
did the Spotter. However, the Spotters do not was discovered for parameters Hs, Hmax, and Tz in
provide Hmax in their automatic outputs. The DWR- comparison to the DWR-MkIII, while Tp returned the
G4 experienced irregular GPS corruption due to weakest correlation across all devices compared to
signal loss, which impacted some of the automatic the DWR-MkIII. There was a notable difference
wave parameters, particularly Hmax, and Tp. between the performance of the wave buoys and
However, the correlation for recalculated peak the pressure transducers, particularly when
period improved significantly with filtering and measuring wave period.
erroneous record removal. The Aanderaa had
average performance in comparison to the DWR- In order to conduct wave monitoring, multiple
MkIII, showing a negative bias for Hmax and Tz. The factors need to be considered prior to deployment
RBR displayed particularly weak correlations for T p to determine the most suitable device. For example,
and Tz in addition to a negative bias for Hs and Hmax. location, depth, deployment duration, wave energy,
The weak agreement apparent in the pressure and project objective are all crucial in deciding
transducers recording of wave period could possibly which wave monitoring device is the most suitable
be attributed to the variances in record length (8.5 for a particular application. The results of this study
minutes compared to 26.6 minutes) preventing the may provide a good starting point for deciding which
measurement of the peak period. Due to the type of device might be the most appropriate for
absence of a live data feed for both the Aanderaa future wave measuring applications. For further
and RBR, deployment applications are limited. It is information regarding this study, including in-depth
important to note, however, that while each device analysis techniques, recommendations and
has a correlation, these relationships are of varying mooring comparisons, the author recommends
strengths dependant on the wave parameter and reading the in-depth report [1].
device. The RBR in particular, demonstrated a
consistently weaker correlation across Hs, Hmax, and 7. Acknowledgements
Tz. This project was possible through collaboration with
a number of external organisations: Griffith
Device longevity was highlighted as an issue for the University; Metocean Services International;
smaller buoy designs, due to the failure of the SCRIPPS Institute of Oceanography; and Heiko
Spoondrift Spotter buoys caused by water incursion Loehr. Without the advice and equipment provided
and the need to replace batteries on the DWR-G4. by the personnel within these organisations, this
With a more durable design the Spoondrift device project would not have been possible.
could provide a promising alternative for longer-
term ocean monitoring. There is still uncertainty as 8. References
to the reliability and robustness of the tested [1] Andrews, E., Peach, L. (2019). Wave Monitoring
instruments over an extended period and during Equipment Comparison; An Evaluation of Current and
extreme conditions. However, the DWR-G4 has Emerging In-situ Ocean Monitoring Technology.
Brisbane, Department of Environment and Science,
previously been deployed into cyclonic conditions Queensland Government.
with promising results, produced by filtering the raw
displacements and recalculating wave parameters [2] Axys Technologies Inc. (2014). TRIAXYS Next Wave
[4]. II Directional Wave Buoy: Application Manual.

5.1 Limitations [3] Björkqvist, J.-V., Pettersson, H., Laakso, L., Kahma, K.
While the authors endeavoured to undertake a K., Jokinen, H., & Kosloff, P. (2016). Removing low-
comprehensive comparison of wave monitoring frequency artefacts from Datawell DWR-G4 wave buoy
equipment there were a number of limitations, measurements. Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods
and Data Systems, 5, 17–25.
primarily, due to spatial differences, measurements
of the exact same wave were not possible. Future [4] Boswood, P. (2017). Monitoring and Modelling
trials would benefit from an on-board inter-sensor Extreme Wave Conditions during Tropical Cyclone
deployment where the sensors of each device are Nathan. In Coast and Ports 2017.
deployed within one hull. Additionally this will
minimise variations caused by alternate mooring [5] Butterworth, S. (1930). On the Theory of Filter
configurations and hull designs, allowing a direct Amplifiers. Experimental Wireless and the Wireless
Engineer, 7, 536–541.
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10–13 September 2019
Evaluation of Current and Emerging In-situ Ocean Wave Monitoring Technology
Elysia Andrews and Leo Peach

[6] Centurioni, L., Braasch, L., Lauro, D., Constestabile,

P., De Leo, F., Franco, L., & Vicinanza, D. (2016). A new
strategic eave measurement station off Naples Port main
breakwater. Coastal Engineering (Vol. 1). Council on
Wave Research, the Engineering Foundation.

[7] Datawell BV. (2006). Elastic mooring of wave and

navigation buoys.

[8] Datawell BV. (2017a). Datawell DWR-G unit Manual.

[9] Datawell BV. (2017b). Datawell Waverider Reference


[10] De Vries, J. J., Waldron, J., & Cunningham, V.

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