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Altair Embed® 2022.3

Altair Embed, Altair Embed SE, Altair Embed Basic, and Altair Embed Viewer

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Release Notes / Altair Embed, Altair Embed SE, Altair Embed Basic, and Altair Embed Viewer

Release Notes Altair Embed 2022.3

These Release Notes cover four products: Altair Embed, Altair Embed Basic, Altair Embed SE, and Altair Embed Viewer. They include
new features and enhancements, known issues, and resolved simulation and code generation issues.

Simulation Enhancements

General Enhancements Description Version

How-to guide Provides easy-to-follow steps to perform 2022.2

common simulation and code generation tasks

64-bit software Embed, Embed SE, and Embed Basic supports 2022.1
64-bit configuration

DLL Wizard Supports Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 2022.1

File > Save Saves diagrams as VSMX files and uses ZIP 2022.1
compression to save the associated files with
the diagrams

File > Send Sends VSMX diagrams with their associated 2022.1

Local Help installation instructions Improved directions for installing local help 2022.1

Optimization method Expands methods to include Generalized 2022.1

Reduced Gradient

Block Enhancements Description Version

Plot Creates unique y-axis labels for multiple 2022.3


PolarPlot Zooms in to a specific time segment 2022.3

Knowledge Studio Scoring block Generates a DLL that can simulate the 2022.2
response of a decision tree before deploying it
on hardware for verification

State Chart block • Executes multiple transitions in one step 2022.2

• Executes temporal events
• Allows transitions to be straight lines

eDrives blocks Provides a highly efficient environment 2022.1

covering all phases of developing control
systems for electric drives; license available

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Release Notes / Altair Embed, Altair Embed SE, Altair Embed Basic, and Altair Embed Viewer

Blocks Enhancements Description Version

Flip block Reverses the elements in a matrix or vector 2022.1

either horizontally or vertically

Import block Recognizes the semi-colon character as a 2022.1

delimiter in imported data files

OpenVision: Draw Lines, Draw Rectangles, Includes line type specification 2022.1
Draw Circles blocks

PSIMCoupler block Links an Altair PSIM® schematic to an Embed 2022.1


State Chart block Synchronizes default state chart execution with 2022.1
time steps in the Embed diagram

Code Generation Enhancements

These features and enhancements apply only to Altair Embed and Altair Embed Basic; they do not apply to Altair Embed SE.

Code Generation Enhancements Description Version

Compile pop-up command Compiles the selected compound block based 2022.3
on the settings in the Tools > Code Gen dialog

Texas Instruments™ target support Expands target support to include F280039C, 2022.3
F2800137, and F2800157

Texas Instruments peripheral support Expands eCAP support to include high 2022.3
resolution event capture and to use internal
signals on devices as event capture input

STMicroelectronics® STM32® Supports the latest GNU toolchain 2022.2

Arduino® target support Expands target support to include Nano boards 2022.1

Raspberry Pi™ OS support Expands OS support to include Bullseye OS 2022.1

STMicroelectronics target support Expands target support to include STM32 2022.1

F103x, H7x, and WBx boards

STMicroelectronics peripheral support Expands peripheral support to include Hall 2022.1

Sensor and Set PWM Mode blocks

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Release Notes / Altair Embed, Altair Embed SE, Altair Embed Basic, and Altair Embed Viewer

Code Generation Enhancements Description Version

Texas Instruments target support • Expands target support to include F280025 2022.1
and F2838x microcontrollers
• C2407 target support has been retired

Texas Instruments peripheral support • Provides internal and external voltage 2022.1
• F2838x supports XBAR, CMPC, and CMPD

Known GUI Issues

• If you choose Chrome as your Browser for Help, and Help opens in an empty window, close Chrome and then re-open Help

Known Simulation Issues

• ActiveX blocks are 32-bit and do not work with 64-bit applications

• OPC blocks are 32-bit and do not work with 64-bit applications

• Co-simulation with PSIM does not detect the modelsim co-sim element

• Raspberry Pi

o Embed supports only 32-bit OS on Raspberry Pi

o Under Examples > Embedded > Linux > Raspberry Pi > SPI, the following two diagrams produce incorrect

temperature values: SPI0_TC77_RPi3BPlus and SPI1_TC77_RPiBPlus

Known Code Generation Issues

• Arduino: HIL for string outputs does not work

• Linux®: Diagrams set up to run on Linux targets using the Target Interface block may show spikes in CPU utilization due to the

multiprocess nature of how Linux processes are scheduled

• Raspberry Pi: HIL for string outputs does not work

Resolved GUI Issues

Issue Resolved In

AFT block: missing Help button in dialog 2022.3

Bezel block: Help button not pointing to correct Help location 2022.3

DLL error when invoking Embed SE 2022.3

Get AFT Parameter block: missing Help button in dialog 2022.3

Kafka blocks: Embed crashes 2022.3

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Release Notes / Altair Embed, Altair Embed SE, Altair Embed Basic, and Altair Embed Viewer

Issue Resolved In

Matrix Size block: missing text in dialog 2022.3

Plot block: wrong trace style for trace6 2022.3

Set AFT Parameter block: missing Help button in dialog 2022.3

Viewer: unable to install 64-bit version 2022.3

Compound blocks: colors on compound block are incorrect when Local Time
Step or Execute on Interrupt parameter is activated

Local Help install: needs better online instructions 2022.2

Missing descriptions of input connectors on ePWM blocks 2022.2

Saving a vsmx file as a vsm file has issues with compound blocks 2022.2

Temp files remain after uninstall 2022.2

Browse button on dialog boxes not consistently working 2022.1

Compound blocks: Incorrect compound block colors when Local Time Step or
Execute on Interrupt is selected

Default install directory is not path relative if environmental variable is not


Diagrams with OLEobject blocks are not saved 2022.1

Embed, Embed SE, and Embed Basic: Local Help is a separate install 2022.1

File > Save As Metafile not working 2022.1

Online Help is not the default when Embed starts up 2022.1

Missing menus when last diagram is closed is not documented 2022.1

MQTT block: Hide password 2022.1

Plot, StripChart, and PolarPlot blocks: Inconsistent terminology for Axis tab 2022.1

Resolved Simulation Issues

Issue Resolved In

Compound block internal connectors not saved when Stacked option is


Export block: fails when Background Output is enabled 2022.3

Import block: interpolation and extrapolation produce incorrect results 2022.3

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Release Notes / Altair Embed, Altair Embed SE, Altair Embed Basic, and Altair Embed Viewer

Issue Resolved In

FMU block: simulation error in model exchange 2022.3

JSON example: incorrect entry in Key/Values parameter 2022.3

Kafka block: crashes Embed 2022.3

Map 1D block: incorrect simulation results for single step 2022.3

Plot block: incorrect y-axis label for nonuniform plots 2022.3

PSIM Coupler block: does not work properly when Retain States is enabled 2022.3

Bezel block: does not support PNG files 2022.2

DialogTable block: attached data table sometimes crashes Embed 2022.2

Export block: Append mode broken in 64-bit Embed 2022.2

Histogram block: when maximized and pressing CTRL+Z corrupts the


Matrix dotProduct block: produces wrong simulation results 2022.2

Plot block: inconsistent Axes tab 2022.2

Plot block: Multi-XY plot fails 2022.2

Plot block: plot scaling does not change when you select different unit 2022.2

Plot block: when maximized and pressing CTRL+Z corrupts the diagram 2022.2

Plot3D block: inconsistent Axes tab 2022.2

Plot3D block: when maximized and pressing CTRL+Z corrupts the diagram 2022.2

SpectrumDisplay block: when maximized and pressing CTRL+Z corrupts the


State Charts: Embed crashes when editing State Charts Properties dialog 2022.2

StripChart block: inconsistent Axes tab 2022.2

TransferFunction block: crashes Embed when pole-zero format selected

without checking the Poles and Zeros tab

Video block: when maximized and pressing CTRL+Z corrupts the diagram 2022.2

Plot block: tick marks disappear on small plots 2022.2

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Release Notes / Altair Embed, Altair Embed SE, Altair Embed Basic, and Altair Embed Viewer

Issue Resolved In

State Charts: editing State Machines sometimes causes unrecoverable error 2022.2

Bezel block: Cannot load PNG file 2022.1

Compound blocks: Local bound not working 2022.1

Convert block: Error when converting 32-bit numbers to unsigned long 2022.1

Definition scope variable block: Incorrect operation 2022.1

DialogTable block not working 2022.1

Discrete 7th order transfer function: Incorrect results 2022.1

Expression block: Bitwise XOR operator not documented 2022.1

Import block: Time skew 2022.1

MQTT blocks: Keep Alive parameter default setting not 60 sec 2022.1

Optimization dialog box: Max Iterations parameter should be Max

Optimization Steps and User Optimization needs to be added

Optimization fails to obey upper and lower bounds 2022.1

Plot block: Bogus bounds on small plot windows 2022.1

Plot block: copy/paste into Word not working 2022.1

Plot block: incorrect description of Fixed Bounds 2022.1

Plot block: Max bounds defaults to 4096 rather than 0 2022.1

Plot block: time scaling does not work 2022.1

Serial block: missing received data 2022.1

Resolved Code Generation Issues

These issues apply to Altair Embed and Altair Embed Basic; they do not apply to Altair Embed SE.

Issue Resolved

ADC Config block: Reference drop-down missing 2022.3

Code Generation Aborted pop-up message appears intermittently during code 2022.3

Conversion of non 16/32 bit fixed point to string not working properly 2022.3

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Release Notes / Altair Embed, Altair Embed SE, Altair Embed Basic, and Altair Embed Viewer

Issue Resolved

Cortex M3 Blink example: missing file name in extern block 2022.3

Map block: extrapolation does not work for Raspberry Pi 2022.3

Matrix Constant block: throws compile error for all targets 2022.3

C2000: ePWM interrupts missing configuration information 2022.3

F28004x/F2837x/F28002x: XINT issue when GPIO is used 2022.3

Linux: dotProduct output incorrect 2022.3

ZynqSoc7000: compound block: matrix signal not aligning properly to 2022.3

SIM_STATE structure

Arduino: Help button in UDP Read and Write dialogs do not work 2022.2

Arduino: I2C slave configuration fails 2022.2

Arduino: matrix operation throws undefined reference to _VsmDisplay and 2022.2

cannot generate ELF files

Compound block matrix input not working for HIL 2022.2

Embed 32-bit: issues installing TI drivers 2022.2

Integrator block: does not produce output during code generation 2022.2

Linux: pop-up message while compiling matrix operation blocks 2022.2

Raspberry Pi: Change Period Dynamically parameter for PWM for sim block 2022.2
does not work

Raspberry Pi: using Bullseye OS gives compile error when selecting 2022.2
compound block

State Chart compiler does not support // for comments 2022.2

Texas Instruments: F28379 and F280049 do not accept ADC interrupts 2022.2

Texas Instruments: F28x target: could not differentiate ePWM output pins 2022.2
present in ePWM simulation block

AMD 64: Green bar in Download screen not working correctly 2022.1

Arduino: SerialUno example outputs incorrect data 2022.1

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Release Notes / Altair Embed, Altair Embed SE, Altair Embed Basic, and Altair Embed Viewer

Issue Resolved

Arduino: Target Interface block: Sample rate does not work 2022.1

Arduino: UDP blocks: Help button not working 2022.1

Built-in C interpret chokes on legal code 2022.1

ePWM blocks: Help does not describe input pins 2022.1

HOST: Autocodegen fails 2022.1

Raspberry Pi: PWM for sim: Change Period Dynamically parameter not

State Chart compiler does not support double-slash comments 2022.1

Target Interface block: Path aliases on example diagrams not working 2022.1

Target Interface block: Show CPU Utilization parameter not working for all
integration methods except Euler

Texas Instruments: ADC Analog Input sim block: Add Unit dropdown to dialog

Texas Instruments: ADC Config incorrectly handles dual sampling 2022.1

Texas Instruments: ePWM block: Incorrect labels on output pins 2022.1

Texas Instruments: ePWM sim block: Add output enable pin 2022.1

Texas Instruments: Flash F280049c closes JTAG connection 2022.1

Texas Instruments: GPIO Config sets up GPIO input qualification 2022.1

STM32: Restart on Reset with ELF does not work 2022.1

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