Project Form m2
Project Form m2
Project Form m2
Date Set:
w/c 8th January 2024
Review Date:
w/c 12th February 2024
To pass module 2, you must initiate a project based on the acquisition activities and/or elective projects that
tutors set at the start of the module. It is important to understand that there only three supported studio weeks
to refine, interact and complete this project and research which supports this project will be ongoing
throughout the whole module cycle.
Your project must be manageable in a shared studio space which means you must be aware of the Health and
Safety implications, environmental impact and sustainability and have planned for its disposal at the end of the
assessment period. Materials and scale used must be relevant for the shared space and equipment /materials
readily available. You should also plan for any additional purchases of material or equipment form your own
To help you begin to identify your ambitions for this term, you will need to complete this initial proposal form.
This proposal form helps you to identify the themes, processes and mediums that are inspiring for you and
your development of a creative identity.
There is scope to refine this proposal at a later stage and your personal tutor will give you guidance. However,
to begin, it is important to engage with the prompts in this initial proposal and provide a personal response to
the questions. If you are finding a particular question difficult, it maybe because you have not engaged fully
with the project work on the module so far, or done enough reflection about your own areas of interest.
At the mid module review point, you will share your proposal intention alongside your evolving work on the
Weebly site. The proposal form is a key tool in all project advice sessions or tutorials so spend time working
on this initial proposal to get the most opportunity for feedback.
You must load this initial version of your proposal ahead of mid module review and an additional version
post review acknowledging feedback received and how you have responded to it.
What ideas or themes are starting to emerge from the acquisition tasks? What do you hope to
Please use this section to talk about the meaning of this project for you at this stage - what themes
or ideas are beginning to emerge? How will you expand upon these?
I was interested in the M Shed trip and how the museum choses to tell Bristol's story through the
history of Bristolian objects, technology, and people. I want to explore this theme of "everyday
history" and use it as a method of explaining how history is relevant to everyones lifes. I hope to
change the minds of people who may be disinterested in history and make them consider the
relevance of history in their own lives. This idea was inspired by some disintrest I saw on the M
Shed trip. I can understand why some people may not care much about the items in the museum,
but I want to encourage people to look past the face value of objects and understand what they
represent, or what they meant to the people who made or owned them.
Consider how you can build your understanding further by becoming more informed of your
theme/ concept.
Reflect on what do you already know about your emerging theme or concept. How can you deepen
this existing understanding? Are there specific books and interviews, film and exhibitions that will
broaden your understanding? Is there is a contemporary and historical context that surrounds your
theme/concept? Are there suggestions made by your tutors and peers that you can follow up?
I plan to explore and communicate this theme through a short video collage of photography,
vidiography, illustration and animation. I am inspired by a content creator called Vsauce who
creates similar, more scientific informative videos, and so I will study his videos for research to
understand how he engages audiances and links ideas. I will also research documentaries to gain a
better understanding of the types of editing methods I will want to use. As I am new to
photography, in order to research this subject, I will be talking to the photography tutor about the
basics of photography and my project as a whole. After that I will practice and research
photography to get familiar with the process.
From a studio perspective, what materials or processes do you need to source, arrange, or
learn to create a wider body of work and exploration?
Alongside identifying the wider themes and questions of your work, consider what materials you
might need to source, digital tools or resources to arrange and learn? Be realistic and reflect on your
time management and organisational skills from this module.
Moving forward, how can you create ways to better organise your workload and time management
to fulfil your potential?
To do this project, I will need a digital camera to take the photos, my laptop and PC to work on,
clip studio paint for the animation and illustration, and premier pro for video editing. Additionaly I
will need to go around Bristol to do my photography and need a few other softwares to plan and
create my video. Most of the tools I am planning to use for my project I am comfortable with, but I
am less confident with the photography and animation side of the project so I will dedicate more
time for these parts.
Is there a specific context that you would like your work to be seen e.g., a magazine, online,
gallery, community, or retail space? Describe the impact that you would like your work to have on
your audience.
When I talked to my photography tutor, this is what we disgussed most. It is obvious in reflection,
but when creating an informative video it is most important to concider the audience you are
targeting and exactly what you want to achieve. After having this talk, I now know I want my video
to be less informative and be more about the conceptual side of history. This way it is more fitting
for the artistic theme of the video and less heavy for a casual viewer. The video will be uploaded
online publicaly on youtube to reach the broadest audience possible as I want the video to reach
everyone. This is because the purpose of the video is to give people a new interest in history, if I
restrict the intended audience to people who already have an interest in the subject, I wont be
achieving my goal.
We fully anticipate that this proposal will change as you move through the module, and we expect
you to develop a second draft after the mid module review point. Coming back and amending a
project brief is vital in this stage in your learning - as it allows you to manage your expectations
and ambition at the half way point.
Why might you need to revisit your initial concept? How will you know when things are going
well? How will you plan for when you get stuck or for when things get difficult?
I understand that including photography, videography, animation and illustration into one video is a
lot of work, therefore I am prepared to not be able to complete this project and also have to limit
the amount of animation and illustration I use. Because this project includes so many things that are
brand new to me, I wont feel bad if it is uncompleted and in the end I will be proud that I have tried
something new. Especially with only three weeks to work with, I understand I will likely have to
adapt the project to fit the time.
How will you plan for the Health and Safety and end-of-life disposal of your project?
How will you minimise the impact of your creative process and ensuing practical or digital work on
others i.e. the studio space? What are the environmental and sustainability impacts of your piece
and the materials and processes used to create it? What is an appropriate scale at this stage in your
For the photography part of the project, I will make sure to follow the laws and rules of public
photography to avoid legal problems and make sure I am respectful of people's and establishments
rights and privacy. Photography can also be a tiring and involved activity so I will make sure to
take breaks during shoots and stay aware of my surroundings to avoid injury. As for the more
digital side of the project, spending to long sitting down working on the video can result in eye
strain, back pain, energy problems and other issues. To avoid this I will also be taking breaks and
making sure my posture and work environment are suitable for my health and work.