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Ual Proposal Template Isabel Leadbeater 2

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Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

& Technology
Project proposal template
In producing the project proposal, and in preparing for the project realisation you should
familiarize yourself with Units 13 of the qualification.

In particular, you should understand the assessment and grading criteria which will be
used to determine standards of achievement.

Units 13 require you to produce a project proposal of about 500 words, excluding the
project action plan and bibliography. Project proposals should not be so succinct that
they do not address the requirements listed below, nor should they be excessively long
and unfocused.

Your project proposal should be sufficiently challenging to ensure you have the best
possible chance of meeting the grading criteria.

Your project proposal should include:

• Centre name and number
• Candidate name and number

• Project proposal title and date
• Main area of activity/ pathway, e.g. film, TV, games design etc.

The project proposal must be word processed and presented under the headings listed

Section 1 - Rationale
(Approximately 150 words)

This section provides you with an opportunity to reflect on, review and summarise your
progress and achievements through the first 12 units of the qualification.

You should outline the knowledge, skills and understanding you have acquired. What
you know now, and what it means to you, compared with what you knew and could do
before you started the course, and how this has influenced your choice of discipline or
disciplines and your project proposal.

It also provides an opportunity for you to explain your reasons for choosing a particular
discipline or disciplines and to outline both your immediate and longer-term aspirations.

Section 2 – Project concept

(Approximately 200 words)

This section provides an opportunity for you to clearly explain the concept and aims of
your project, production or performance and the research and ideas that will support its
development. What you anticipate producing, the levels and types of resources that you
will need and an indication of the form in which you will complete and present your final
realisation within the allocated timescale.

This might include an indication of when and how you will use studios, equipment and
other resources, how you will make use of tutorial and peer feedback and where you will
incorporate independent study.

Section 3 - Evaluation
(Approximately 150 words)

This section provides an opportunity for you to explain how you will reflect on and
evaluate your work, as both an ongoing activity and at the conclusion of your project.

You should describe how you intend to record your decision-making and how you will
document changes to your ideas as your work progresses.

The evaluation should be referenced to your stated aims and be reflective and analytical
rather than a description of actions completed.

When working in collaboration with others you should comment on how this may impact
either positively or negatively and steps you can take to minimise disruption in your own

Additional requirements, not included in the 500-word limit of the

Project action plan and timetable:
This section provides you with an opportunity to outline your planning and organisation
over a period of weeks and the activities you will need to carry out in order to
successfully complete your project in the agreed time frame. The more time and thought
you give to planning your project, the more successful it is likely to be.

It is important that you consider how you will balance ambition, time and realism in the
realisation of the project. You should also include what you are going to do, how you will
do it and by when. Remember to include: time spent sourcing materials and other
resources to conduct research, seek feedback from tutors and peers, and identify when
you will carry out independent study.

Bibliography (Harvard Format):

This section provides an opportunity to record the initial research sources, both primary
and secondary, that you intend to use.

Your sources of research should be as wide as possible and could include libraries,
galleries, books, magazines, films, computer games, websites, blogs, social media, radio
programmes, archive material etc. Where appropriate, you should use the Harvard
system of referencing. The bibliography should be continuously updated as the project
(Unit 13)
Project Proposal and Realisation




ULN: 6829677466


FMP – MIDNIGHT short film


MAIN AREA OF ACTIVITY / PATHWAY e.g. art/fashion/illustration etc.


Creative Media Production & Technology
Unit 13 Project Proposal

Name Isabel Leadbeater

Number 6829677466

Creative media production

Project Title
FMP – MIDNIGHT short film

Section 1: Rationale (approx. 150 words)

Throughout my time I spent at College I developed the core skills that will carry me through
the rest of my career in film. From editing, camera work, scriptwriting and directing. I found a
liking for every subject and was constantly trying to develop all the skills required to the best
of my ability. From my first project in Documentary where I chose to create a Climate Change
awareness film I learnt how to tell a story through the form of video. As part of this project, I
had to reach out to the community and climate change groups, arranging meetings with them
and attending protests to gather footage. This experience enhanced my people skills and
confidence. After leaving school I was always worried about how certain days would play
out. But I feel safe to say that I have overcome this and now feel a lot more comfortable when
meeting new people and taking on new challenges. I’m overall extremely proud of how I have
improved and developed over my two-year course, from winning Best Director, Best
Documentary and Best music video, to learning camera skills and essay writing; I have
enjoyed almost every second. I hope that this FMP can showcase how far I have come.

Section 2: Project Concept (approx. 200 words)

Transitioning from one media form to its complete opposite, with only a few days before
filming week, may not have been the most thought-out plan of mine. However, I believe it will
pay off. Inspired by films like Fight Club and a previous project I worked on, I will focus my
short film around insomnia. To delve into its effects, I will have to research the experiences
of those with insomnia. Cinematography will take center stage in my production, focusing on
unique and well-framed shots. With limited planning time, I aim for a simple yet impactful
story, prioritizing quality over quantity. Paying credit to my inspiration, I will incorporate
subtle references. Background visuals from fight club and Alice and wonderland, along with
our protagonists watching A Nightmare on El, Street, featuring the iconic line ‘Whatever you
do, don’t fall asleep’, will acknowledge my influences. Despite my tight timeline, I remain
optimistic. Through focused efforts, I aim to create a thought-provoking and emotionally
resonant short film that explores the complexities of insomnia.

Section 3: Evaluation (approx. 150 words)

To record and analyze my progress along my project I’ll use my website to submit the
inspiration I get that influences my video, my journey and my opinion on how I believe the
project went or how I could’ve improved in certain areas. After any meetings with lecturers or
peer feedback, I will make sure to record how this changed or influenced the decision-
making progress. I will also hold focus groups with my chosen demographics to further
improve my idea and confirm my audience will engage in my content. Another form of
evaluation I will create will be through the form of behind the scenes and vlogs when on set.
The variety of evaluative methods will help me to inform and grow my ideas.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format) (n.d.). Adobe Premiere Pro CC Effects: How to Create a Static

Film Grain Overlay Filter (Tutorial). [online] Available at: (n.d.). A nightmare on elm street (1984)- Don’t fall asleep!!!

SCENE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 May
2023]. (n.d.). Fight Club 1999: Jack finds out the truth. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2023]. (n.d.). Alice in wonderland - ending scene. [online] Available

at: [Accessed 28 May 2023]. (n.d.). The Dream - Experimental Short Film. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 28 May 2023].

Shepherd, J. (2023). 21 Essential YouTube Statistics You Need to Know in 2022.

[online] The Social Shepherd. Available at:

Healthline. (2021). Insomnia Facts and Stats. [online] Available at:

Hull, M. (2021). Insomnia Facts & Statistics. [online] The Recovery Village Drug
and Alcohol Rehab. Available at:
health/insomnia/insomnia-statistics/. (n.d.). 5 Rules For Effective Low Budget Filmmaking. [online]

Available at:
Cinematic Lighting Techniques | Part 1 (2018). Cinematic Lighting Techniques |
Part 1. [online] YouTube. Available at:


Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to do - Resources / What you will need to
Beginning including independent study do it - including access to

1 06/03/23 During this week we are pitched with the Weebly Website
specifications of the upcoming FMP. I
developed my initial ideas of creating an
advert and started up my online journal.

2 13/03/23 I will begin developing the beginning of my Weebly Website
ideas and researching into target
audiences and how to create an advert. I
will also investigate into the history of
video advertising.

3 20/03/23 I will finalize my first advert idea, Weebly Website

contributors, and locations needed for
filming. I will begin brainstorming for my
second advert. I will begin working on a

4 27/03/23 During this week I will finish the first Pitch website
storyboard for my Nissan advert and Sony X70
continue the development of my pitch Tripod
using the website ‘Pitch’ in preparation for
Wednesday. I will create small car posters
with my logo included to place on the
Panel’s desks and will come up with an
interactive idea to include in my
presentation. I will also book out any
equipment needed for the Nissan filming
the following week and finalize any last-
minute details.

5 03/04/23 EASTER HOLIDAY Sony X70

From the 7th until the 9th, I will be filming in Tripod
and around Dartmouth for the Nissan Trainline app
advertisement with my aunt and uncle. I will
be travelling down by train and therefore
will need to book a return train for the days
following up to the Friday. Once I’ve arrived
on Friday morning me and the crew will go
for a RECCE in which we will scope out
Slapton sands and surrounding areas,
looking for possible short roads for our
filming. Saturday will be our main filming
day on which we will film using the drone
and tripod camera shots. Sunday will be for
any last-minute shots that were not
captured on the Saturday before I head



7 17/04/23 During this week I will focus on gathering Premiere pro

more research needed before the two Microsoft teams
weeks of planned filming. I will also begin
putting together the footage I captured
during the easter holidays and begin
experimenting with the shots and how I can
edit them to their full potential. My script
will be complete and sent over to my voice
actor. I will also begin to work on my pre-
production folder.

8 24/04/23 After my idea changed this week, I needed Sony X70

to focus primarily on arranging everything Tripod
(IDEA for my brand-new pre-production Zoom H4N
CHANGE – paperwork, whilst also developing my idea Xlr cable
ADVERT TO and getting my actors sorted. I also need to Gun Rode Microphone
SHORT FILM) book out the equipment necessary for
filming the following week.

9 01/05/23 FILMING WEEK Sony X70

Week 9 is our designated filming week in Tripod
which I will gather almost all of the footage Zoom audio equipment
Xlr cable
I need for my short film. I will also start Microphone
uploading this footage onto premiere pro. Premiere Pro

10 08/05/23 FILMING WEEK Sony X70

During week 10 I will gather any last-minute Tripod
footage that was not filmed during the week Zoom audio equipment
before. I will begin working on my final edit, Xlr cable
as well as the beginning ideas for my Microphone
poster and advertisement. Premiere pro

11 15/05/23 EDITING WEEK Premiere pro

During my editing week I hope to have my Microsoft Teams
first draft edit to be finished and to begin Canva
working to have my final edit by the end of
the week. I would like to send the ‘final’
poster to people around my course and
have them put their input-on improvements
and things that could be changed in set up
for the due date.


After taking on my improvements I would
like to have all edits finished and uploaded
to my assignments page for the 22nd.

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