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Protecting Animals Within and Across Borders Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and The Challenges of Globalization Charlotte E Blattner All Chapter

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Protecting Animals Within and Across

Borders: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction

and the Challenges of Globalization
Charlotte E Blattner
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Protecting Animals Within and Across Borders
Protecting Animals Within
and Across Borders

Charlotte E. Blattner

Protecting Animals Within and Across Borders. Charlotte E. Blattner.
© Oxford University Press 2019. Published 2019 by Oxford University Press.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-​in-​Publication Data

Names: Blattner, Charlotte E., author.
Title: Protecting animals within and across borders: extraterritorial jurisdiction and the challenges
of globalization /​Charlotte E. Blattner.
Description: New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. | based on author’s thesis (doctoral—​
 Universität Basel, 2016) issued under title: The extraterritorial protection of animals:
admissibility and possibilities of the application of national animal welfare standards to
animals in foreign countries. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018051660 | ISBN 9780190948313 ((hardback): alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Animal welfare—​Law and legislation. | Exterritoriality. | Universal jurisdiction. |
International and municipal law. | Law and globalization.
Classification: LCC K3620 .B53 2019 | DDC 346.04/​6954—​dc23
LC record available at https://​​2018051660

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To Bobby and Balou

Preface and Acknowledgments xiii

List of Cases xvii
List of Legal Material xxvii
Abbreviations xlix

Introduction: Protecting Animals in an Age of Globalization 1

1. Mapping the Territory of Animal Law 11

§1 Cornerstones of Jurisdiction 11
A. Jurisdiction as a Meta-​Ordering Doctrine 12
B. Potentia, potestas, and Other Core Elements of Jurisdiction 14
C. Usefulness of Prescriptive Jurisdiction 16
§2 The Rise of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction 17
A. The Historical Rise 17
B. Emerging Spheres of Jurisdiction 18
C. Globalization and Deterritorialization of Sovereign Space 19
D. The Rise of Jurisdiction Based on Personal and Organizational Sovereignty 23
§3 The Extraterritoriality Framework 25
A. Jurisdictional Norms and the Extraterritoriality Framework 25
B. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction stricto sensu, or Direct Extraterritoriality 28
C. The Animal Relation 31
D. Extraterritorial Ancillary Repercussions, or Indirect Extraterritoriality 33
§4 Spatial Dimensions of Animal Law 34
A. Of Humans and Other Animals 34
B. Unconquered Jurisdictional Territory 38
§5 Assistants along the Way: Four Case Groups 43
§6 Interim Conclusion 48

viii Contents
2. Shifting Spatial Dimensions of Animal Law 51
§1 Animal Law at an Impasse 52
§2 Is Extraterritorial Jurisdiction the Panacea? 55
§3 The Rationale of Economic Entanglement 58
A. The Rationale of Economic Entanglement in Economic Law 58
B. The Rationale of Economic Entanglement in Animal Law 61
I. Regulatory Competition in Animal Law 61
II. Heading for Lower Common Denominator Movement 65
III. Catalysts for Extraterritorial Jurisdiction 67
§4 The Universality Rationale 69
A. The Universality Rationale in Criminal Law 69
B. The Universality Rationale in Animal Law 71
I. Recognition of Animal Sentience 71
II. Condemnation of Animal Cruelty 74
III. Principles of Humane Treatment and Avoidance of Animal Suffering 75
IV. General Principle of Animal Welfare 76
§5 Interim Conclusion 80

3. The Unanswered: Indirect Protection through the GATT 83

§1 Does the Trade Law Jungle Leave Room for Animals? 85
A. Animal Law vs. Trade Liberalization 85
B. Trade Law as Indirect Extraterritoriality 88
C. Labels, Tariffs, Taxes, and Quantitative Restrictions 91
§2 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 94
A. Most-​Favored-​Nation Obligation 94
B. National Treatment Obligation 94
I. Note Ad Article III GATT 94
II. Article III GATT 96
III. Process and Production Methods (PPMs) 99
C. Reduction of Quantitative Restrictions 107
D. Schedules of Concessions 107
E. GATT Justifications 109
I. Article XX(g) GATT 109
II. Article XX(b) GATT 111
III. Article XX(a) GATT 112
F. Extraterritorial Animal Protection in the GATT 115
I. Terminology and Means of Interpretation 116
II. General Treaty Analysis of Articles XX(b) and (g) GATT 119
III. Jurisdictional Analysis of Articles XX(b) and (g) GATT 122
IV. General Treaty Analysis of Article XX(a) GATT 124
V. Jurisdictional Analysis of Article XX(a) GATT 126
§3 Interim Conclusion 127
Contents ix
4. The Ignored: Indirect Protection through the TBT, the SPS, the ADA, the AoA, and the
Special Treatment Clause 131
§1 Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) 132
A. Scope of the TBT 133
B. Article 2 TBT 135
C. Extraterritorial Animal Protection in the TBT 138
§2 Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) 139
A. Scope of the SPS 140
B. Articles 2–​5 SPS 140
C. Animal Welfare vs. Animal Health: The Role of the World Organization for
Animal Health (OIE) 142
D. Extraterritorial Animal Protection in the SPS 147
§3 Anti-​Dumping Agreement (ADA) 147
A. ADA and Article VI GATT 147
B. Extraterritorial Animal Protection in the ADA and Article VI GATT 149
§4 Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) 149
A. Applicable AoA Provisions 149
B. Extraterritorial Animal Protection in the AoA 152
§5 Special Treatment Clause 152
§6 Interim Conclusion 155
Indirect Extraterritorial Protection of Animals in Trade Law: Evaluation and
Outlook 156

5. The Unexplored: Direct Extraterritoriality 161

§1 Jurisdictional Principles in Animal Law 161
§2 Territoriality Principles 163
A. Protecting Animals Abroad through the Territoriality Principle 163
B. Protecting Animals Abroad through Subjective and Objective Territoriality
Principles 166
C. Territoriality Principles in the Extraterritoriality Framework 171
§3 Active Personality Principle 172
A. Natural Persons 172
B. Legal Persons 174
C. Parent Corporations, Branches, and Subsidiaries 175
I. Dissecting the Multinational 176
II. The Multinational as a Single Legal Unit 186
III. Synthesis 188
D. Active Personality Principle in the Extraterritoriality Framework 190
§4 Protective Principle 192
A. Protecting Animals Abroad through the Protective Principle 192
B. Protective Principle in the Extraterritoriality Framework 196
§5 Interim Conclusion 196
x Contents
6. Extended Jurisdiction through Foreign Policy, Soft Law, and Self-​Regulation 199
§1 Extended Extraterritorial Jurisdiction 200
A. Investment Rules 200
B. Export Credits 204
C. Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) 206
D. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) 208
E. Impact Assessments 211
F. Reporting 215
G. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 220
H. Codes of Conduct 224
I. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises 227
J. Extended Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Extraterritoriality Framework 229
§2 Interim Conclusion 230

7. Lex Ferenda: Direct Extraterritoriality 233

§1 Passive Personality Principle 234
A. Functional Animal Nationality 234
I. The Need for a Stable Jurisdictional Link to Animals 235
II. Nationality of Animals as Goods 238
III. Nationality of Animals as Passport Holders 239
IV. Nationality of Animals as Legal Hybrids 242
V. Functional Nationality 246
VI. International Legal Limits 247
VII. Acquisition of Nationality 249
B. Protecting Animals Abroad through the Passive Personality Principle 251
C. Passive Personality Principle in the Extraterritoriality Framework 253
§2 Universality Principle 253
A. Protecting Animals Abroad through the Universality Principle 253
B. Universality Principle in the Extraterritoriality Framework 258
§3 Effects Principle 259
A. Protecting Animals Abroad through the Effects Principle 259
B. Effects Principle in the Extraterritoriality Framework 263
§4 Interim Conclusion 263
Synthesis of Direct Possibilities and Case Groups in the Extraterritoriality
Framework 265

8. Parameters of Substantive Law 273

§1 Moral Trajectory of Extraterritorial Animal Law 273
A. Moral Trajectory in General International Law 274
I. Global Justice 274
II. The Precautionary Principle 276
B. Moral Trajectory in Trade Law 278
C. Moral Trajectory in Animal Law 280
I. From Property Protection to Animal Protection 280
Contents xi
II. Toward Pathocentrism 282
III. Pathocentrism and the Moral Trajectory of Animal Law 286
§2 Moral Consistency 286
§3 Guide to a Hierarchy of Extraterritorial Animal Laws 290
A. Minimum Standards 290
B. Hierarchy of Presumptions 292
I. Presumption in Favor of Transparency 293
II. Presumption in Favor of Recognizing Animal Interests 296
III. Presumption in Favor of Integrating Animal Interests 296
IV. Presumption in Favor of Extensive and Detailed Laws 297
V. Presumption in Favor of Adequate Interest Balancing 299
VI. Presumption in Favor of Prohibitions 303
VII. Presumption in Favor of Animal Rights 304
§4 Duty to Protect and Respect Animals Across the Border 307
A. Learning from the “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework 308
B. The “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework in Animal Law 311
§5 Interim Conclusion 316

9. Comparative Vantage Points of Extraterritorial Animal Law 319

§1 Equivalence of Criminal, Administrative, and Civil Animal Law 320
§2 Applying Constitutional Animal Law Extraterritorially 321
A. Brazil and Egypt: From Conservationism to Pathocentrism 322
B. Germany, Luxembourg, and the European Union: Animal Protection as a State
Objective 325
C. India: From the Duty of Compassion to Animal Rights 328
D. Switzerland: Animal Dignity 330
E. Constitutional Animal Law in the Extraterritoriality Debate 334
§3 Applying Criminal Animal Law Extraterritorially 334
A. Basics of Criminal Animal Law 334
B. Advanced Criminal Animal Laws 335
C. Advanced Liabilities 340
D. Corporate Criminal Liability 341
§4 Applying Administrative Animal Law Extraterritorially 344
A. Basics of Administrative Animal Law 344
B. Protection of Farmed Animals 346
C. Transportation Standards 354
D. Slaughter Standards 358
§5 Interim Conclusion 363

10. Legality of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction under International Law 365

§1 Countering Extraterritorial Animal Law 365
A. Objections 365
B. Forms of Protest 370
xii Contents
§2 Conflicts of Animal Laws 372
A. Addressing Cultural Clashes 372
B. Emergence and Classification of Jurisdictional Conflicts 373
C. Preventing and Mitigating Jurisdictional Conflicts 376
I. The Rule of Law and the Prohibition of Double Jeopardy 376
II. Principle of Reasonableness 378
D. Resolving Jurisdictional Conflicts 380
I. Unilateral Resolution 380
II. Bilateral and Multilateral Resolution 383
§3 International Legal Limits 385
A. Principle of Sovereign Equality 386
B. Right to Territorial Integrity 387
C. Domaine Réservé and the Principle of Nonintervention 388
D. Principle of Self-​Determination of Peoples 392
E. Influence of the Extraterritoriality Framework on International Legal
Limits 394
§4 Legal Consequences of Exorbitant Extraterritorial Animal Law 395
§5 Interim Conclusion 398

11. Conclusion: Toward Legal Pluralism, Postcolonialism, and Interspecies Justice 401

Bibliography, Newspaper Articles, and Press Releases 411

Index 449
Preface and Acknowledgments

Global entanglements and challenges abound in animal law, as multinationals rise

in number and power, production facilities move to other countries, and animals are shipped
for use and slaughter across borders by the millions. None of these issues have preoccupied
international law, which has been engaged in its own fights against poverty, corruption, the
sex trade, and environmental degradation. This focus on other matters has eroded the trust
and confidence of states in the regulatory powers of international law to tackle matters of
animal law. At the same time, it has become increasingly difficult for states to gain legal cer-
tainty about whether or under what circumstances they themselves can protect animals in
cases involving a cross-​border element. Even worse, many states do not even know whether
it is worth protecting animals within their border, as they have a deep and abiding fear of
outsourcing and consider industries that use animals reliable and valuable taxpayers, even as
they probe the limits of the law. These developments paint a dystopian future for animals,
one in which corporations reign law, the free market equates to exploitation, and globaliza-
tion translates as “globalization of animal cruelty.”1
Many believe the best way for states to resolve this dilemma is to conclude a treaty. In
theory, finding consensus through international agreements would be an admirable and
possibly an effective accomplishment, but chances of uniting states in their quest to pro-
tect animals are slim and only marginally promising in case of success because treaties un-
necessarily boil consensus down to the lowest common denominator. Others argue there
is an alternative and better way to respond to these challenges by enabling states to regain

Steven White & Deborah Cao, Introduction: Animal Protection in an Interconnected World, in Animal Law
and Welfare: International Perspectives 1, 2 (Deborah Cao & Steven White eds., 2016).

xiv Preface and Acknowledgments
their regulatory power and begin forming a dense and overlapping jurisdictional net across
borders. There are good reasons to believe that extraterritorial jurisdiction—​the authority of
states to prescribe law across state borders—​can do just this. It can fill gaps in transboundary
governance, offer perspective-​taking through legal pluralism, and encourage international
treaty efforts. Extraterritorial jurisdiction is an established legal tool in human rights law,
criminal law, antitrust law, securities law, and environmental law, but its boundaries remain
fuzzy, its usage selective, and its potential not fully tapped. Clarifying the boundaries of ex-
traterritorial jurisdiction, pushing it toward coherence, and harnessing its power to protect
animals across borders has been the goal of this work.
In this book, I challenge the law of jurisdiction to become more definitionally precise,
and I propose a sophisticated extraterritoriality framework that can be used to categorize
and assess jurisdictional norms by their importance, reach, and legality. My main claim is
that the law of jurisdiction cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the struggles of animal law,
in particular, because it carries potential to bring to a halt and prevent races to the bottom,
which we owe animals on grounds of justice. The topic invites readers to engage in broader
discussions about global justice, interspecies ethics, and the ever-​lingering struggle between
economics and social welfare. But the book also aims to find closure and ways to resolve
these controversies. It has at its heart a detailed catalogue of jurisdictional options for states
to strengthen their animal laws under the lex lata. The core purpose and primary motivation
of asserting jurisdiction over animals is to protect them, but doing so can also amount to an
act of oppression by reaffirming animals’ controversial status as commodities and objects of
law. As Kristen Stilt eloquently put it:

Animals did not ask us, as humans, to make laws that apply to them. Nor did we ask
them if they wanted our laws. Under an alternative framework, we might relate to an-
imals as differing self-​governing societies relate to one another. Instead, we impose our
jurisdiction and our laws on animals. We use law to put animals into categories of our
own choosing and control them, both conceptually and physically. We use law not to
recognize, embrace, cultivate and enable their own innate characteristics and abilities
but rather to position them in a way that is convenient and conducive to our own
wants and needs. Animals do not have the ability to challenge us on our own terms
because they are not formally part of any society’s lawmaking process.2

As Stilt implies, we must go beyond simply expanding the status quo of the law, and begin
reformulating and repurposing law so that it becomes more inclusive. I believe there are
reasons and ways to realize this claim in the law of jurisdiction, which I do by proposing rea-
sonable lex ferenda options that respect animals as self-​determining social and legal agents.
But why advocate for extraterritorial jurisdiction in an age of postcolonialism, you may
ask. After all, both extraterritorial jurisdiction and animal law can be and have been used to
oppress minorities and nonhegemonic ways of living and being. Once combined, their po-
tential to feed neocolonial power structures significantly rises, and efforts to counter it must
be multiplied. These dangers, though compelling and ubiquitous, do not prompt us to recoil

Kristen Stilt, Law, in Critical Terms for Animal Studies 197, 198 (Lori Gruen ed., 2018).
Preface and Acknowledgments xv
from extraterritorial jurisdiction because it would mean fully succumbing law, and, with it,
the regulation of social life, to the law of the market. This book takes serious these competing
demands and seeks to reconcile them by providing explanations and precautions that help us
avoid reinscribing existing forms of oppression and creating new wrongs through extraterri-
torial jurisdiction. Taken as a whole, extraterritorial jurisdiction in animal law is as much a
quest for justice for animals as it is for the empowerment of human people.
As I sought to understand the role the law of jurisdiction plays in a world of complex
and diverse social, legal, and political relations, I was quickly humbled by the task. I ini-
tially thought I would write a very focused work on a niche subject, but one line of inquiry
opened another. The tricky questions raised by applying the law of jurisdiction to animals
captured my imagination and propelled me through my research. Though the discussion
about protecting animals through extraterritorial jurisdiction has not yet gained a strong
foothold in political and academic discourse, we see the first traces of this practice emerge
across the board. This is encouraging because the global problems it sets to tackle are more
pressing than ever. It is my profound hope that this book will make a difference in our pri-
vate and public thinking about global justice and animals, and, ultimately, in the policies we
This work was accepted by the Faculty of Law of the University of Basel as a doctoral
thesis in November 2016 and takes into account literature, judicature, and legislation up
to January 2019.I have received much encouragement and the support of many people and
institutions in writing this book, for which I am deeply grateful. I would like to thank the
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), whose excellent funding scheme (Doc.CH)
enabled me to pursue my research for this book project full-​time for several years, and whose
generous open access funding makes this book accessible to people from all disciplines and
outside. My heartfelt thanks go to the Haldimann-​Stiftung and the University of Basel for
their generous impetus grant, and to the Schweizerische Universitätskonferenz (SUK) and
the University of Basel for their generous financial support of the doctoral program, “Law
and Animals: Ethics at Crossroads,” at the Law Faculty of the University of Basel.
During my research and writing, I have greatly profited from Professor Anne Peters’
guidance and expertise. She has been a source of inspiration in many ways, and I am espe-
cially thankful for her open-​mindedness, academic versatility, and deep dedication to both
respecting and challenging the law. Professor Christine Kaufmann did me the honor of
supervising this book project and my work as an assistant for the Swiss Center of Expertise
in Human Rights. Throughout this time, she offered me excellent opportunities to challenge
and put to the test the strengths and promises of the law of extraterritoriality, and gain a
deeper understanding of its role in international relations. I owe many thanks to Dr. Gieri
Bolliger for serving as an expert member of the committee that evaluated my work, and for
allowing me to benefit from his long-​standing expertise in animal law.
During my research on this topic, I was offered the unique opportunity to join the re-
nowned Center for Animal Law Studies at the Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland,
Oregon, as a visiting scholar. My deepest thanks go to Professor Kathy Hessler, Professor
Pamela Frasch, Natasha Dolezal, and Lindsay Kadish for welcoming me so warmly to the
CALS community and giving me an insight into the academic rigor with which you ad-
vance animal law and explore its intersections. I want to thank the Antelope Career Program
of the University of Basel, organized by Dr. Andrea Flora Bauer and Patricia Zweifel, who
xvi Preface and Acknowledgments
played a crucial role in empowering me, and many other women, in academia. This book has
benefited from the valuable advice of my colleagues in the doctoral program and personal
conversations with Dr. Janine Dumont-​Rosas, for which I am very grateful. I also want to
thank Ellen Campbell for kindly helping me solve the puzzles of encapsulated postscripts.
Versions of the proposals and arguments this book makes were presented at Harvard Law
School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the Center for Animal Law Studies at Lewis & Clark
Law School in Portland, Oregon, the Pace University and New York University in New York,
the University of Vienna in Austria, and the University of Basel in Switzerland. At these
events, I was fortunate enough to profit from challenging questions from the audiences and
organizers, and the intriguing conversations I had with them. I also want to thank Professor
Will Kymlicka for sharing his thoughts about the book and offering advice as I began my
postdoctoral work under his supervision at Queen’s University, Kingston. Special thanks
go to the anonymous referees at Oxford University Press, whose encouragement and
recommendations have helped make this book a better version of what it was before. I’d es-
pecially like to thank my editor at Oxford University Press, Blake Ratcliff, for his sustained
interest in the subject and his willingness and patience to respond to any special requests
I had, as well as Meera Seth and David Lipp, who took over these tasks during Blake’s much-​
deserved parental leave. My heartfelt thanks also go to the many people working behind the
scenes at Oxford University Press, including my copy editor, project manager, typewriter,
and indexer. Of all people, I am most indebted to Dr. Kali Tal for her meticulous editing, for
pushing me beyond my boundaries, and for her unwavering enthusiasm for the book.
I have gained all the confidence to write this book from two people who, like no other,
have shown a deep understanding for the many hours I spent poring over books, and who
have expressed their unwavering trust in this project: Bobby and Balou. I hope they approve
it was worth the wait. No words can convey my gratitude for the unconditional support
of my family—​my parents, my brothers, and my partner—​and of Sarah Small and Steve
Schreiner, who have become a solid part of it. Thank you.
Cambridge, February 2019
List of Cases

International cases
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
Acquisition of Polish Nationality, Advisory Opinion, 1923 P.C.I.J. (ser. B) No. 7 (September 15).
Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Guinea v. Dem. Rep. Congo), Judgment, 2010 I.C.J. Rep. 639 (May 24).
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
(Bosn. and Herz. v. Serb. and Monten.), Preliminary Objections, 1996 I.C.J. Rep. 595
(May 28).
Case Concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
the Crime of Genocide (Bosn. & Herz. v. Serb. and Montenegro), Judgment, 2007 I.C.J.
Rep. 43 (February 26).
Case Concerning the Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Dem. Rep. Congo v. Belg.), Judgment,
2002 I.C.J. Rep. 3 (February 14).
Case Concerning the Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited (Belg.
v. Spain), Judgment, 1970 I.C.J. Rep. 3 (February 5).
Case Concerning the Payment of Various Serbian Loans Issued in France (Fr. v. Kingdom of
Serbs, Croats and Slovenes), Judgment, 1929 P.C.I.J. (ser. A) No. 20/​21 ( July 12).
Certain Criminal Proceedings in France (DRC v. France), Order, 2003 I.C.J. Rep. 102
( June 17).
Certain German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia (Ger. v. Pol.), Judgment, 1926 P.C.I.J. (ser. A)
No. 7 (May 25).
Colombian-​Peruvian Asylum Case (Colom. v. Peru), Judgment, 1950 I.C.J. Rep. 266
(November 20).
Corfu Channel Case (U.K. & N. Ir. v. Alb.), Judgment, 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 4 (April 9).
Elettronica Sicula S.p.A. (ELSI) (U.S. v. Italy), Judgment, 1989 I.C.J. Rep. 15 ( July 20).
Fisheries Case (U.K. v. Nor.), Judgment, 1951 I.C.J. Rep. 116 (December 18).
Gabcikovo-​ Nagymaros Project (Hungary/​ Slovakia), Judgment, 1997 I.C.J. Rep. 7
(September 25).

xviii List of Cases
Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia
(South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), Advisory
Opinion, 1971 I.C.J. Rep. 16 ( June 21).
Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, 1996 I.C.J. Rep. 226
( July 8).
Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicar. v. U.S.), Judgment,
1986 I.C.J. Rep. 14 ( June 27).
Nationality Decrees issued in Tunis and Morocco (Fr. v. U.K.), Judgment, 1923 P.C.I.J. (ser.
B) No. 4 (February 7).
Nottebohm Case (Liech. v. Guat.), Judgment (second phase), 1955 I.C.J. Rep. 4 (April 6).
Oil Platforms (Iran v. U.S.), Judgment, 2003 I.C.J. Rep. 161 (November 6).
Reparations for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations, Advisory Opinion,
1949 I.C.J. Rep. 174 (April 11).
Request for an Examination of the Situation in Accordance with Paragraph 63 of the Court’s
Judgment of 20 December 1974 in the Nuclear Tests Case (N.Z. v. France), Order, 1995
I.C.J. Rep. 288 (September 22).
Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide, Advisory Opinion, 1951 I.C.J. Rep. 15 (May 28).
S.S. Lotus (Fr. v. Turk.), Judgment, 1927 P.C.I.J. (ser. A) No. 10 (September 7).
Western Sahara, Advisory Opinion, 1975 I.C.J. Rep. 12 (October 16).

Special international courts and tribunals

Aguas del Tunari v. Bolivia, ICSID Case No. ARB/​02/​3, Decision on Jurisdiction, Oct.
21, 2005.
Award between the United States and the United Kingdom Relating to the Rights of
Jurisdiction of the United States in the Bering’s Sea and the Preservation of Fur Seals
(U.S. v. U.K.), R.I.A.A. 263 (Arbitral Tribunal 1893).
Flegenheimer Case (U.S. v. Italy), 182 R.I.A.A. 327 (United States–​Italian Conciliation
Commission 1958).
Hussein Nuaman Soufraki v. United Arab Emirates, ICSID Case No. ARB/​02/​7, Decision
of the ad hoc Committee, June 5, 2007.
Island of Palmas Case (U.S. v. Neth.), 2 R.I.A.A. 829 (Perm. Ct. Arb. 1928).
Prosecutor v. Gojko Jankovic, Case No. IT-​96-​23/​2-​AR11bis2, Decision on Rule 11bis
Referral (Nov. 15, 2005).
Rompetrol v. Romania, ICSID Case No. ARB/​06/​3, Decision on Respondent’s Preliminary
Objections on Jurisdiction and Admissibility, Apr. 18, 2008.
SOABI v. Senegal, ICSID Case No. ARB/​82/​1, Award, Feb. 25, 1988.
The Juno Trader (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea-​Bissau), Case No. 13,
Judgment, 2004 ITLOS Rep. 17 (Dec. 18).
Tokios Tokeles v. Ukraine, ICSID Case No. ARB/​02/​18, Award, July 26, 2007.
List of Cases xix
Inter-​American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)
International Responsibility for the Promulgation and Enforcement of Laws in Violation of
the Convention (Arts. 1 and 2 of the American Convention on Human Rights), Advisory
Opinion OC-​14/​94, Inter-​Am. Ct. H.R. (ser. A.) No. 14 (Dec. 9, 1994).
Proposed Amendments to the Naturalisation provision of the Constitution of Costa Rica,
Advisory Opinion OC-​4/​84, Inter-​Am. Ct. H.R. (ser. A) No. 4 ( Jan. 19, 1984) [IACtHR,
Naturalisation Costa Rica].

European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)

Cha’are Shalom Ve Tsedek v. France, 350 Eur. Ct. H.R. 233 (2000).
Fayed v. United Kingdom, 294-​B Eur. Ct. H.R. (ser. A.) (1994).
Jorgic v. Germany, 2007-​IX Eur. Ct. H.R. 1 (2007).
Rasmussen v. Denmark, 87 Eur. Ct. H.R. (ser. A.) (1984).

European Court of Justice (ECJ)

Case 265/​87, Schräder HS Kraftführer GmbH & Co KG v. Hautpzollamt Gronau, 1989
E.C.R. 2237.
Case 36/​74, Walrave and Koch v. Union Cycliste Internationale, 1974 E.C.R. 1405.
Case 48/​69, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. v. Commission of the European Communities
[ICI v. Commission], 1972 E.C.R. 619.
Case C-​1/​96, The Queen and Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, ex parte
Compassion in World Farming Limited, 1998 E.C.R. I-​1251.
Case C-​27/​76, United Brands v. Commission, 1978 E.C.R. 207.
Case C-​ 286/​98, Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags AB v. Commission of the European
Communities, 2000 E.C.R. I-​9925.
Case C-​424/​13, Zuchtvieh-​Export GmbH v. Stadt Kempten, 2015 E.C.R. I-​1251.
Case C-​6/​72, Continental Can v. Commission, 1973 E.C.R. 215.
Case C-​97/​08 P, Akzo Nobel NV et al. v. Commission of the European Communities, 2009
E.C.R. I-​8237.
Case T-​102/​96, Gencor Limited v. EC Commission, 1999 E.C.R. II-​753.
Case T-​11/​89, Shell v. Commission, 1992 E.C.R. II-​757.
Case T-​201/​04, Microsoft Corp. et al. v. Commission, 2007 E.C.R. II-​3601.
Case T-​210/​01, General Electric Company v. Commission, 2005 E.C.R. II-​5575.
Joined Cases 89/​85, 104/​85, 114/​85, 116-​7/​85, and 125-​9/​85, A. Ahlström Osakeyhtiö
v. Commission, 1988 E.C.R. 5214.
Joined Cases C-​6/​73 and C-​7/​73, Commercial Solvents, 1974 E.C.R. 223.
Joined Cases T-​71/​03, T-​74/​03, T-​87/​03, and T-​91/​03, Tokai Carbon v. Commission, 2005
E.C.R. II-​00010.
xx List of Cases
Commission decisions
Commission Decision of 14 December 1972, Relative to a Procedure for Application of
Article 86 of the Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community (IV/​26.911 –​
ZPJA/​CSC –​ICI) (72/​457/​EEC), 1972 O.J. (L 299) 51.
Commission Notice, Guidelines on the Effect on Trade Concept Contained in Articles 81
and 82 of the Treaty (2004/​C 101/​07), 2004 O.J. (C 101) 81.

World Trade Organization (WTO) reports

Appellate Body Report, Argentina—​Measures Affecting Imports of Footwear, Textiles,
Apparel and Other Items, WTO Doc. WT/​DS56/​AB/​R (adopted Apr. 22, 1998).
Appellate Body Report, Australia—​Measures Affecting the Importation of Salmon, WTO
Doc. WT/​DS18/​AB/​R (adopted Nov. 6, 1998) [Australia—​Salmon, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, Australia—​Measures Affecting the Importation of Salmon—​
Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Canada, WTO Doc. WT/​DS18/​RW (adopted
Mar. 20, 2000).
Appellate Body Report, Australia—​Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples from
New Zealand, WTO Doc. WT/​DS367/​AB/​R (adopted Dec. 17, 2010) [Australia—​
Apples, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, Brazil—​Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres, WTO
Doc. WT/​DS332/​AB/​R (adopted Dec. 17, 2007) [Brazil—​Retreaded Tyres, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, Canada—​Certain Measures Concerning Periodicals, WTO Doc.
WT/​DS31/​AB/​R (adopted July 30, 1997) [Periodicals, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, Canada—​Continued Suspension of Obligations in the EC—​
Hormones Dispute, WTO Doc. WT/​DS321/​AB/​R (adopted Nov. 14, 2008) [Canada—​
Continued Suspension, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, EC—​ Conditions for the Granting of Tariff Preferences to
Developing Countries, WTO Doc. WT/​DS246/​AB/​R (adopted. Apr. 20, 2004) [EC—​
Tariff Preferences, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, EC—​Measures Affecting Asbestos and Products Containing
Asbestos, WTO Doc. WT/​DS135/​AB/​R (adopted Apr. 5, 2001) [Asbestos, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, EC—​Measures Affecting Meat and Meat Products, WTO Doc.
WT/​DS26/​AB/​R , WT/​DS48/​AB/​R (adopted Feb. 13, 1998) [EC—​Hormones, AB
Appellate Body Report, EC—​Measures Prohibiting the Importation and Marketing of
Seal Products, WTO Doc. WT/​DS400/​AB/​R , WT/​DS4001/​AB/​R (adopted June 18,
2014) [Seals, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, EC—​Trade Description of Sardines, WTO Doc. WT/​DS231/​AB/​
R (adopted Oct. 23, 2002).
Appellate Body Report, EC and Certain Member States—​Measures Affecting Trade in
Large Civil Aircraft, WTO Doc. WT/​DS316/​AB/​R (adopted June 1, 2011) [EC—​Large
Civil Aircraft, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, Japan—​Measures Affecting Agricultural Products, WTO Doc.
WT/​DS76/​AB/​R (adopted Mar. 19, 1999) [Japan—​Agricultural Products II, AB Report].
List of Cases xxi
Appellate Body Report, Japan—​Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, WTO Doc. WT/​DS8/​
AB/​R , WT/​DS10/​AB/​, WT/​DS11/​AB/​R (adopted Nov. 1, 1996) [Japan—​Alcoholic
Beverages, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, Philippines—​Taxes on Distilled Spirits, WTO Doc. WT/​DS396/​
AB/​R , WT/​DS403/​AB/​R (adopted Jan. 20, 2012) [Philippines—​Distilled Spirits, AB
Appellate Body Report, US—​Anti-​Dumping Measures on Certain Hot-​Rolled Products
from Japan, WTO Doc. WT/​DS184/​AB/​R (adopted Aug. 23, 2001).
Appellate Body Report, US—​Final Anti-​Dumping Measures on Stainless Steel from Mexico,
WTO Doc. WT/​DS344/​AB/​R (adopted May 20, 2008).
Appellate Body Report, US—​Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products,
WTO Doc. WT/​DS58/​AB/​R (adopted Nov. 6, 1998) [Shrimp/​Turtle I, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, US—​Measures Affecting the Cross-​Border Supply of Gambling and
Betting Services, WTO Doc. WT/​DS285/​AB/​R (adopted Apr. 20, 2005).
Appellate Body Report, US—​ Measures Affecting the Production and Sale of Clove
Cigarettes, WTO Doc. WT/​ DS406/​AB/​ R (adopted Apr. 14, 2012) [US—​Clove
Cigarettes, AB Report].
Appellate Body Report, US—​Subsidies on Upland Cotton, WTO Doc. WT/​DS267/​AB/​
R (adopted Mar. 21, 2005) [US—​Subsidies on Upland Cotton, AB Report].
Mutually Agreed Solution, Canada—​Tax Exemptions and Reductions for Wine and Beer,
WTO Doc. G/​L/​806/​Add. 1, G/​SCM/​D72/​a/​Add. 1, WT/​DS354/​2 (adopted Dec.
23, 2008).
Panel Report, Argentina—​Measures Affecting the Export of Bovine Hides and the Import
of Finished Leather, WTO Doc. WT/​DS155/​R (adopted Feb. 16, 2001) [Argentina—​
Hides and Leather, Panel Report].
Panel Report, Belgium—​Belgian Family Allowances, WTO Doc. G/​32–​1S/​59 (adopted
Nov. 7, 1952).
Panel Report, Canada—​Administration of the Foreign Investment Review Act, WTO Doc.
L/​5504—30S/​140 (not adopted, circulated Feb. 7, 1984).
Panel Report, Canada—​Measures Affecting Exports of Unprocessed Herring and Salmon,
WTO Doc. L/​6268—35S/​98 (adopted Mar. 22, 1988) [Herring and Salmon, Panel
Panel Report, China—​Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services of
Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products, WTO Doc. WT/​DS363/​
R (adopted Jan. 19, 2010) [China—​Audiovisuals, Panel Report].
Panel Report, Dominican Republic—​Measures Affecting the Importation and Internal Sale
of Cigarettes, WTO Doc. WT/​DS302/​R (adopted May 19, 2005).
Panel Report, EC—​Conditions for the Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing
Countries, WTO Doc. WT/​DS246/​R (adopted Apr. 20, 2004).
Panel Report, EC—​Measures Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products,
WTO Doc. WT/​ DS291/​R , WT/​ DS292/​R , WT/​ DS293/​R (adopted Nov. 21,
2006) [EC—​Biotech Products, Panel Report].
Panel Report, EC—​Measures Prohibiting the Importation and Marketing of Seal Products,
WTO Doc. WT/​DS400/​R , WT/​DS4001/​R (adopted June 18, 2014) [Seals, Panel Report].
xxii List of Cases
Panel Report, EC—​Payments and Subsidies Paid to Processors and Producers of Oilseeds
and Related Animal-​Feed Proteins, WTO Doc. L/​6627—37S/​86 (adopted Jan. 25,
Panel Report, Japan—​Tariff Imports on Spruce, Pine, Fir (SPF) Dimension Lumber, WTO
Doc. L/​6470—36S/​167 (adopted July 19, 1989) [Japan—​Lumber, Panel Report].
Panel Report, Korea—​Measures Affecting Government Procurement, WTO Doc. WT/​
DS163/​R (adopted June 19, 2000).
Panel Report, Thailand—​Customs and Fiscal Measures on Cigarettes from the Philippines,
WTO Doc. WT/​DS371/​R (adopted July 15, 2011) [Thailand—​Cigarettes (Philippines),
Panel Report].
Panel Report, US—​Imports of Certain Automotive Spring Assemblies, WTO Doc. L/​
5333—30S/​107 (adopted May 26, 1983).
Panel Report, US—​Measures Affecting the Cross-​Border Supply of Gambling and Betting
Services, WTO Doc. WT/​DS285/​R (adopted Nov. 10, 2004).
Panel Report, US—​Measures Concerning the Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna and
Tuna Products, WTO Doc. WT/​DS381/​R (adopted June 13, 2012) [Tuna/​Dolphin III,
Panel Report].
Panel Report, US—​Prohibition of Imports of Tuna and Tuna Products from Canada, WTO
Doc. L/​5198—29S/​91 (adopted Feb. 22, 1982) [US—​Tuna I, Panel Report].
Panel Report, US—​Restrictions on Imports of Tuna, WTO Doc. DS21/​R—39S/​155 (not
adopted, circulated Sept. 3, 1991) [Tuna/​Dolphin I, Panel Report].
Panel Report, US—​Restrictions on Imports of Tuna, WTO Doc. DS29/​R (not adopted,
circulated June 16, 1994) [Tuna/​Dolphin II, Panel Report].
Panel Report, US—​Sections 301–​310 of the Trade Act 1974, WTO Doc. WT/​DS152/​R
(adopted Jan. 27, 2000).
Panel Report, US—​Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, WTO Doc.
WT/​DS2/​R (adopted May 20, 1996) [US—​Gasoline, Panel Report].

National cases
ACCC v. Australian Egg Corporation Limited [2016] FCA 69 (Feb. 10, 2016) (Austl.).
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v. Pirovic Enterprises Pty Ltd. (No.
2) [2014] FCA 1028 (Sept. 23, 2014) (Austl.).
CSR v. Wren (1997) 44 N.S.W.L.R. 463 (C.A. NSW) (Austl.).

Hof van Cassatie [Cass.] [Court of Cassation], May 26, 1978, Stagno v. Vanhoyland q.q., RW
846 (1978–​9) (Belg.).

ADI 1, 856-​6/​R J (1998), Sept. 3, 1998 (Braz.).
RE No. 153.531-​8/​SC (1997), June 3, 1997 (Braz.).
List of Cases xxiii
Amfac v. Int’l Systems & Controls Corp., [1981] 654 P.2d 1092 (Ore Ct. App.) (Can.).
Association Canadienne Contre l’Impunité (ACCI) v. Anvil Mining Ltd., [2012] QCCA
117 (Can.).
Canadian Dredge and Dock Co. Ltd. v. The Queen, [1985] 1 SCR 662 (Can.).
R v. Hape, [2007] 2 SCR 292 (Can.).

Cour de cassation [Cass.] [Supreme Court for Judicial Matters], Recueil Dalloz Sirey 395,
1991, “Serre et Régnier” (Fr.).

Appellationsgericht Berlin, Dec. 21, 1965, North-​Transylvania Nationality Case (Ger.).
Appellationsgericht Kassel, Oct. 5, 1990, NStZ 1991, 443–​5 (Ger.).
BGHSt 5, 230, 234, NJW 510, 1954 (Ger.).
BGHZ 173, 246, NJW 2689, 2007 “Trihotel” (Ger.).
BVerfG, May 16, 1995, 1 BvR 1087/​91 (Ger.).
BVerfG, Dec. 13, 2006, 1 BvR, 2084/​05 (Ger.).
BVerfG, Sept. 28, 2009, 1 BvR 1702/​09 (Ger.).
BVerfG, Nov. 6, 2001, 1 BvR 1783/​99 (Ger.).
BVerwG, 3 C 30.05, Nov. 23, 2006 (Ger.).

Animal Welfare Board of India v. A. Nagaraja et al., AIR 2014 SC 547 (India).
Centre for Environment Law, WWF 1 v. Union of India et al., AIR 2013 8 SC 234 (India).
Mohd. Habib v. State of Uttar Pradesh, Civil Misc. Writ Petition No. 38469 of 1994 (HC
Allahabad 1997) (India).
Mohd. Hanif Quareshi et al. v. The State of Bihar, AIR 1959 SC 629 (India).
Narayan Dutt Bhatt v. Union of India (UOI) et al., Writ Petition No. 43 of 2014 (HC
Uttarakhand at Nainital 2014) (India).
N.R. Nair et al. v. Union of India (UOI) et al., AIR 2000 Ker 340 (India).
N.R. Nair et al. v. Union of India (UOI) et al., AIR 2001 SC 2337 (India).
People for Animals et al. v. State of Goa et al., Writ Petition No. 347 of 1996 (HC Bombay
1997) (India).
Shriomani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee, Amritsar v. Shri Somnath Dass et al., AIR
2000 SC 1421 (India).
State of Gujarat v. Mirzapur Moti Kureshi Kassab Jammat et al., AIR 2006 SC 212 (India).
Vidya Varuthi Thirtha v. Balusami Ayyar, 24 BOMLR 629 (1922) (India).

HCJ 6446/​96 Cat Welfare Society v. Arad Municipality IsrSC 55(1) 769 (1996) (Isr.).
HCJ 9232/​01 Noah v. Att’y General 215 PD (2002–​2003) (Isr.).
xxiv List of Cases
LCA 1684/​96 Let the Animals Live v. Hamat Gader 51(3) PD 832 (1997) (Isr.).
LCA 4217/​12 Mamut v. Ministry of Agriculture (2012) (Isr.).
LCA 537/​08 Kagan v. Unicol (2008) (Isr.).


Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (HR) (Supreme Court of the Netherlands) Nov. 13, 1951, NJ
1951, 42 (Public Prosecutor v. L.) (Neth.).

AppGer Basel, Jan. 15, 2019, VG.2018.1 (AG.2019.40) (Switz.).
Bundesgericht [BGer] [Federal Supreme Court] Mar. 17, 1982, Entscheidungen des
schweizerischen Bundesgerichts [BGE] 108 II 122 (Switz.).
BGer Aug. 27, 1991, BGE 117 II 432 (Switz.).
BGer Dec. 12, 1991, BGE 117 II 570 (Switz.).
BGer Nov. 15, 1994, BGE 120 II 331 (Switz.).
BGer Oct. 29, 2001, BGE 128 III 92 (Switz.).
BGer Oct. 7, 2009, 2C_​421/​2008 (Switz.).
BGer Oct. 7, 2009, 2C_​422/​2008 (Switz.).
BGer Feb. 8, 2010, 4A_​306/​2009 (Switz.).
BGer Sept. 26, 2011, BGE 137 III 550 (Switz.).
VGer Zürich, Apr. 5, 2017, VB.2016.00048 (Switz.).

United Kingdom
Adams v. Cape Industries PLC [1990] Ch. 433, [1990] 2 WLR 786 (U.K.).
Amalgamated Investment & Property Co. v. Texas Commercial Bank [1982] QB 84 (U.K.).
DHN Food Distributors Ltd. v. Tower Hamlets London Borough Council [1976] 1 WLR
852 (U.K.).
DPP v. Doot [1973] AC 807 (U.K.).
DPP v. Stoenhouse [1978] AC 55 (U.K.).
Ebbw Vale Urban District Council v. South Wales Traffic Area Licensing Authority [1951] 2
KB 366 (U.K.).
Gold Coast Ltd. v. Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo [2001] EWCA Civ. 1806 (U.K.).
Hodges v. Humkin, 2 Bulst. 139 [1615] 80 KB 1015 (U.K.).
In re (FG) Films [1953] 1 WLR 484 (U.K.).
Macleod v. A.G. for N.S.W. [1891] AC 455 (U.K.).
Prest v. Petrodel Resources Limited et al. [2013] 2 AC 415 (U.K.).
Provimi Ltd. v. Roche Products Ltd. et al. [2003] EWHC 961 (Comm) (U.K.).
R v. Burke, Casey and Mullady (1868) 11 Cox C.C. 138 (U.K.).
R v. Casement [1917] 1 KB 98 (U.K.).
R v. Elling [1945] AD 234 (U.K.).
R v. Jones [2007] 1 AC 36 (U.K.).
R v. Lynch [1903] 1 KB 444 (U.K.).
List of Cases xxv
Re Southard and Co. Ltd. [1979] 1 WLR 1198 (U.K.).
Salomon v. A. Salomon & Co. Ltd. [1897] AC 22 (U.K.).
Smith, Stone and Knight v. Birmingham [1939] 4 All. E.R. 116 (U.K.).
Stone & Rolls v. Moore Stephens [2009] 1 AC 1391 (U.K.).
Tesco Supermarkets Ltd. v. Nattrass [1972] AC 153 (U.K.).
Compania Naviera Vascongado v. SS Cristina [1938] AC 485 (U.K.).
Viscound Simonds in Metliss v. National Bank of Greece [1958] AC 509 (U.K.).

United States
Arnold v. Phillips, 117 F.2d 497 (5th Cir. 1941) (U.S.).
Associated Vendors Inc. v. Oakland Meat Co., 210 Cal. App.2d 825 (1962) (U.S.).
Association des Éleveurs de Canards et d’Oies du Québec v. Becerra, 870 F.3d 1140 (9th Cir.
2017) (U.S.).
Bowoto v. Chevron Corp., 312 F. Supp. 2d 1299 (N.D. Cal. 2004) (U.S.).
Carte Blanche (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. v. Diners Club Int’l, 2 F.2d 24 (2d Cir. 1993) (U.S.).
Castleberry v. Branscum et al., 721 S.W.2d 270 (S. Ct. Tex. 1986) (U.S.).
DeWitt Truck Brokers v. W. Ray Fleming Fruit Co., 540 F.2d 681 (4th Cir. 1976) (U.S.).
Doe v. Unocal Corp., 395 F.3d 915 (9th Cir. 2002) (U.S.).
Doe v. Unocal Corp., 395 F.3d 978 (9th Cir. 2003) (U.S.).
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) (U.S.).
EEOC v. Arabian Am. Oil Co., 857 F.2d 1014 (5th Circ. 1988) (U.S.).
Empagran SA v. F. Hoffmann-​LaRoche Ltd., 315 F.3d 388 (D.C. Circ. 2003) (U.S.).
Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64 (1938) (U.S.).
F. Hoffmann-​La Roche v. Empagran, 542 U.S. 155 (2004) (U.S.).
Friends of the Earth Inc. et al. v. Mosbacher et al. (also known as v. Watson or as v. Spinelli),
488 F. Supp. 2d 889 (N.D. Cal. 2007) (U.S.).
Hamilton v. Water Whole International Corp., 302 F. Appx. 789 (10th Cir. 2008) (U.S.).
Hartford Fire Insurance Co. v. California, 509 U.S. 764 (1993) (U.S.).
House of Koscot Dev. Corp v. Am. Line Cosmetics Inc., 468 F.2d 64 (5th Cir. 1973) (U.S.).
In re Investigation of World Arrangements, 13 FRD 280 (D.D.C. I 1952) (U.S.).
In re Oil Spill by “Amoco Cadiz,” 1984 A.M.C. 2123 (D.C. Ill. 1984) (U.S.).
In re Uranium Antitrust Legislation, 473 F. Supp. 382 (N.D. Ill. 1979) (U.S.).
International Labor Rights Research and Education Fund et al. v. George Bush et al., 954
F.2d 745 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (U.S.).
International Shoe Co. v. Washington, 326 U.S. 310 (1945) (U.S.).
Jones v. Butz, 374 F. Supp. 1284 (S.D.N.Y. 1974) (U.S.).
Justice v. Vercher, Case 18CV17601, Opinion Letter by Judge Knowles, Sept. 17, 2018 (U.S.).
Kimes v. Grossnerc, 195 Cal. App. 4th 1556 (2011) (U.S.).
Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, 133 S. Ct. 1659 (2013) (U.S.).
Laker v. Sabena, Belgian World Airlines, 731 F.2d 909 (D.C. Cir. 1984) (U.S.).
Lowendahl v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 247 A.D. 144 (N.Y. App. Div. 1936) (U.S.).
Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992) (U.S.).
Mannington Mills Inc. v. Congoleum Corporation, 595 F.2d 1287 (3d Cir. 1979) (U.S.).
Martinez v. Robledo, 210 Cal. App. 4th 384 (2012) (U.S.).
xxvi List of Cases
Matter of Nonhuman Rights Project, Inc. v Stanley, 2015 NY Slip Op 25257 [49 Misc
3d 746] (2015) (U.S.).
McDonald v. Mabee, 243 U.S. 90 (1917) (U.S.).
McElderry v. Cathay Pacific Airways, 678 F. Supp. 1071 (S.D.N.Y. 1988) (U.S.).
McGlinchy v. Shell Chemical Co., 845 F.2d 802 (9th Cir. 1988) (U.S.).
Minn-​Chem, Inc. v. Agrium, Inc., 683 F.3d 845 (7th Cir. 2012) (U.S.).
New York Central & Hudson River R.R. v. United States, 212 U.S. 481 (1909) (U.S.).
New York Trust Co. v. Carpenter, 250 F. 668 (6th Cir. 1918) (U.S.).
Parker v. Bell Asbestos Mines Ltd., 607 F. Supp. 1397 (E.D. Pa. 1985) (U.S.).
Pennoyer v. Neff, 95 U.S. 714 (1878) (U.S.).
People v. Rogers, 703 N.Y.S.2d 891 (N.Y. City Ct. 2000) (U.S.).
Radaszewski v. Telecom Corp., 981 F.2d 305 (8th Cir. 1992) (U.S.).
Robertson v. Methow Valley Citizens Council, 490 U.S. 332 (1989) (U.S.).
Rocker MGMT, L.L.C. v. Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V., 2005 WL 3658006
(D.N.J. 2005) (U.S.).
RRX Indust. Inc. v. Lab-​Con Inc., 772 F.2d 543 (9th Cir. 1985) (U.S.).
Santa Clara County v. Southern Railroad, 118 U.S. 394 (1886) (U.S.).
Scenic Hudson Preservation Conference v. Federal Power Commission, 407 U.S. 926 (1972)
Slater v. Mexican Nat. R. Co., 194 U.S. 120 (1904) (U.S.).
State of Arizona v. Willoughby, 862 F.2d 1319 (Ariz. Sup. Ct. 1995) (U.S.).
State of Colorado v. Hess, Nos. 14CA1435, Nov. 3, 2016, Cert Denied Oct. 2, 2017 (U.S.).
State of Oregon v. Nix, 355 Or. 77, 334 P.3d 437 (2014) (U.S.).
Strycker’s Bay Neighborhood Council v. Karlen, 444 U.S. 223 (1980) (U.S.).
Tauza v. Susquehanna Coal Co., 115 N.E. 915 (N.Y. 1917) (U.S.).
The Schooner Exchange v. McFaddon, 11 U.S. 116 (1812) (U.S.).
Tilikum v. SeaWorld Parks & Ent., Inc., 842 F. Supp. 2d 1259 (S.D. Cal. 2012) (U.S.).
Timberlane Lumber Co. v. Bank of America, NT & SA, 549 F.2d 597 (9th Cir. 1976) (U.S.).
United States v. Aluminum Company of America, 148 F.2d 416 (1945) (U.S.).
United States v. Imperial Chemical Industries, 105 F. Supp. 215 (S.D.N.Y. 1952) (U.S.).
United States v. Jon-​T Chemicals Inc., 768 F.2d 686 (5th Cir. 1985) (U.S.).
United States v. LSL Biotechnologies et al., 379 F.3d 674 (9th Cir. 2004) (U.S.).
United States v. Nippon Paper Industries Co., 109 F.3d 1 (1st Cir. 1997) (U.S.).
United States v. Scophony Corp, 333 U.S. 795 (1948) (U.S.).
United States v. The Watchmakers of Switzerland Information Center, 133 F. Supp. 40
(S.D.N.Y. 1955) (U.S.).
United States v. Watchmakers of Switzerland Information Center Inc., 1963 Trade Cases
CCH 70600 (U.S.).
United States v. Yousef, 327 F.3d 56 (2d Cir. 2003) (U.S.).
United States v. Yunis, 681 F. Supp. 896 (D.C. 1988) (U.S.).
Westinghouse Electric Corp. v. Rio Algom Ltd. 617 F.2d 1248 (7th Cir. 1980) (U.S.).
List of Legal Material

International conventions, quasi-​conventions, and declarations

African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Oct. 21, 1986, 1520 U.N.T.S. 217 [Banjul Charter].
African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Sept. 15, 1968,
1001 U.N.T.S. 3.
Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States
of America on the Application of Positive Comity Principles in the Enforcement of Their
Competition Laws, June 4, 1998 O.J. (L 173) 28.
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Commission
of the European Communities Regarding the Application of Their Competition Laws,
Exchange of Interpretative Letters with the Government of the United States of America
(U.S.-​EC Competition Law Agreement), Sept. 23, 1991, 1995 O.J. (L 95) 47.
Agreement between the Office International des Epizooties and the World Trade
Organization, July 8, 1998, WT/​L/​272.
Agreement Between the United States and Cuba for the Lease of Lands for Coaling and
Naval Stations, Feb. 23, 1903, T.S. No. 418.
Agreement Concluded between the Delegates of the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom
of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Regarding a Draft Convention for the Regulation of
Fishing in the Adriatic, Sept. 14, 1921, 19 L.N.T.S. 39.
Agreement Establishing an Association between the European Community and its Member
States, of the One Part, and the Republic of Chile, of the Other Part, Nov. 18, 2002.
Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on
the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of
Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, Sept. 8, 1995, 2167 U.N.T.S. 3.

xxviii List of Legal Material
Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, Dec.
18, 1979, 1363 U.N.T.S. 3 [Moon Agreement].
Agreement on Encouragement and Reciprocal Investments Between the Kingdom of the
Netherlands and the Republic of Venezuela, Oct. 22, 1991.
Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards between the European
Community, Canada and the Russian Federation, Dec. 15, 1997, 1998 O.J. (L 42) 43.
Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears, Nov. 15, 1973, 27 U.S.T. 3918.
American Convention on Human Rights, July 18, 1978, 1144 U.N.T.S. 123.
Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary
Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa, Jan. 30, 1988, 2101
U.N.T.S. 177.
Bergen Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Development in the ECE Region, U.N. Doc.
A/​CONF.151/​PC/​10 (May 16, 1990).
Bonn Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, June 23,
1979, 1651 U.N.T.S. 355.
Charter of the Organization of African Unity, May 25, 1963, 479 U.N.T.S. 39.
Charter of the United Nations, Oct. 24, 1945, 1 U.N.T.S. 16.
Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), Declaration on the
Consequences of State Succession for the Nationality of Natural Persons, Sept. 13–​4,
1996, CDL-​NAT(1996)007rev-​e.
Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, Sept. 21, 2017 [CETA].
Consolidated Version of the Treaty European Union, 2016 O.J. (C 202) 01 [TEU].
Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, 2016 O.J.
(C 202) 01 [TFEU].
Constitution of the International Labor Organization (Part XIII of the Treaty of Peace be-
tween the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany), June 28, 1919, 15 U.N.T.S. 40.
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment, Dec. 10, 1984, 1465 U.N.T.S. 85.
Convention Establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, Oct. 11, 1985, 1508
U.N.T.S. 99 [MIGA Convention].
Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals, June 1, 1972, 1080 U.N.T.S. 175.
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Nov. 4, 1950,
213 U.N.T.S. 221 [ECHR].
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, Sept.
23, 1971, 974 U.N.T.S. 178 [Montreal Convention].
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, Dec. 16, 1970, 860 U.N.T.S.
105 [Hijacking Convention].
Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement, June 14, 1985, 2000 O.J. (L 239)
Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement
and Co-​operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection
of Children, Jan. 1, 2002, 35 I.L.M. 1391.
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision Making and
Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, June 28, 1998, 2161 U.N.T.S. 447 [Aarhus
List of Legal Material xxix
Convention on Biological Diversity, June 5, 1992, 1760 U.N.T.S. 79 [CBD].
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, Feb. 25,
1991, 1989 U.N.T.S. 309 [Espoo Convention].
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Mar. 3,
1973, 993 U.N.T.S. 243 [CITES].
Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, Sept. 14,
1963, 704 U.N.T.S. 220 [Tokyo Convention].
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, May 20, 1980, 1329
U.N.T.S. 48.
Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their
Disposal, Mar. 22, 1989, 1672 U.N.T.S. 126 [Basel Convention].
Convention on the High Seas, Apr. 29, 1958, 450 U.N.T.S. 11.
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Dec. 9, 1948, 78
U.N.T.S. 277.
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of
Other States, Mar. 18, 1965, 575 U.N.T.S. 159 [ICSID Convention].
Convention Relative to the Preservation of Fauna and Flora in their Natural State, Nov. 8,
1933, 172 U.N.T.S. 241.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention for the Protection of Animals during International
Transport, Dec. 13, 1968, C.E.T.S. No. 065.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention for the Protection of Animals during International
Transport (revised), Nov. 6, 2003, C.E.T.S. No. 193.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention for the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming
Purposes, Mar. 10, 1976, C.E.T.S. No. 087.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention for the Protection of Animals for Slaughter, May 10,
1979, C.E.T.S. No. 102.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, Nov. 13, 1987,
C.E.T.S. No. 125.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for
Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes, Mar. 18, 1986, C.E.T.S. No. 123.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention on Laundering of Search Seizure and Confiscation of
the Proceeds from Crime, Nov. 8, 1990, C.E.T.S. No. 141.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, Apr. 20,
1959, C.E.T.S. No. 30.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention on Nationality, Nov. 6, 1997, C.E.T.S. No. 166.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against
Women and Domestic Violence, May 11, 2011, C.E.T.S. No. 210.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and
Natural Habitats, Sept. 19, 1982, C.E.T.S. No. 104.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism, May 16, 2005,
C.E.T.S. No. 196.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual
Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, Oct. 25, 2007, C.E.T.S. No. 201.
Council of Europe (CoE), Convention on the Protection of the Environment through
Criminal Law, Nov. 4, 1998, C.E.T.S. No. 172.
xxx List of Legal Material
Council of Europe (CoE), Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, Jan. 27, 1999, C.E.T.S.
No. 173.
Council of Europe (CoE), European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), Nov. 4, 1950, C.E.T.S. No. 5.
Council of Europe (CoE), Explanatory Report to the Convention on the Protection of
Environment through Criminal Law, Nov. 4, 1998.
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, U.N.
Doc. A/​CONF.151/​26, 31 I.L.M. 874 ( June 14, 1992) [Rio Declaration].
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, U.N. Doc. A/​
CONF.48/​14/​Rev. 1, 11 I.L.M. 1416 ( June 6, 1972) [Stockholm Declaration].
Ecuador-​France Bilateral Investment Agreement, Paris, Sept. 7, 1994.
EU-​Singapore Free Trade Agreement, Brussels, June 29, 2015.
Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the One Part,
and the Republic of Korea, of the Other Part, Oct. 6, 2010.
Geneva Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in
Armed Forces in the Field, Aug. 12, 1949, 75 U.N.T.S. 31.
Geneva Convention (II) for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and
Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea, Aug. 12, 1949, 75 U.N.T.S. 85.
Geneva Convention (III) Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Aug. 12, 1949, 75
U.N.T.S 135.
Geneva Convention (IV) Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War,
Aug. 12, 1949, 75 U.N.T.S. 287.
Hague Convention (IV) Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and Its
Annex: Regulations Concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land, Oct. 18, 1907, T.S. 539.
Hague Convention Concerning the Recognition of the Legal Personality of Foreign
Companies, Associations and Institutions, June 1, 1956, 1 A.J.C.L. 277.
Inter-​American Convention on Human Rights, Nov. 22, 1969, 1144 U.N.T.S. 123 [IACHR].
International Convention Concerning the Transit of Animals, Meat and Other Products of
Animal Origin, Feb. 20, 1935, 193 L.N.T.S. 39.
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance,
Dec. 20, 2006, 2716 U.N.T.S. 3.
International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, Nov. 10, 1948, 161 U.N.T.S. 72
International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, Dec. 9, 1999,
2178 U.N.T.S. 197.
International Convention on the Harmonized System, June 14, 1983, 1503 U.N.T.S. 168 [HS
International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid,
Nov. 30, 1973, 1015 U.N.T.S. 243.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Dec. 16, 1966, 999 U.N.T.S. 171
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Dec. 16, 1966, 933
U.N.T.S. 3 [ICESCR].
International Dolphin Conservation Program Agreement, May 5, 1998, 1999 O.J. (L 132) 3
List of Legal Material xxxi
International Labor Organization (ILO), Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning
Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, ILO Official Bulletin, Series A, No. 3 (ILO,
Geneva 2000).
League of Nations Convention on Certain Questions Relating to the Conflict of Nationality,
Apr. 13, 1930, 179 U.N.T.S. 89.
Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (Inter-​American), Dec. 26, 1933,
165 L.N.T.S. 19.
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Sept. 16, 1987, 1522
U.N.T.S. 3.
North American Free Trade Agreement, Dec. 17, 1992, 32 I.L.M. 289 (1993) [NAFTA].
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the
Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), June 8, 1977, 1125
U.N.T.S. 3.
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, July 17, 1998, 2187 U.N.T.S. 90 [Rome
Statute of the International Court of Justice, June 26, 1945, 33 U.N.T.S. 993 [ICJ Statute].
The Antarctic Treaty, Dec. 1, 1959, 402 U.N.T.S. 71.
The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in Non-​Human Animals, July 7, 2012, avail-
able at http://​​img/​CambridgeDeclarationOnConsciousness.pdf
(last visited Jan. 10, 2019).
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Dec. 9, 1948,
78 U.N.T.S. 277.
Trans-​Pacific Partnership, Oct. 4, 2015 [TPP], available at https://​​
text (last visited Jan. 10, 2019).
Treaty between the United States of America and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment, Oct.
25, 2004.
Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community, Mar. 25, 1957, 298 U.N.T.S. 11.
U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, Dec. 10, 1982, 1833 U.N.T.S. 3 [UNCLOS].
U.N. Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Convention on the Protection and Use
of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, Mar. 17, 1992, 1936 U.N.T.S 269.
U.N. Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of
Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, Jan. 27, 1967, 610 U.N.T.S.
205 [Outer Space Treaty].
U.S.-​EU Agreed Minute on Humane Trapping Standards, 1998 O.J. (L 219) 26.
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, Mar. 22, 1985, 1513 U.N.T.S. 293.
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, Apr. 24, 1963, 596 U.N.T.S. 261 [VCCR].
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, May 23, 1969, 1155 U.N.T.S. 331 [VCLT].
World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), International Agreement for the Creation of
the OIE, Jan. 25, 1924.
World Trade Organization (WTO), Agreement on Agriculture, Apr. 15, 1994, 1867 U.N.T.S.
410 [AoA].
World Trade Organization (WTO), Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, Apr. 15, 1994, 1868 U.N.T.S. 201 [Anti-​
Dumping Agreement, ADA].
xxxii List of Legal Material
World Trade Organization (WTO), Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures,
Apr. 15, 1994, 1867 U.N.T.S. 14 [SCM Agreement].
World Trade Organization (WTO), Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, Apr. 15,
1994, 1868 U.N.T.S. 120 [TBT].
World Trade Organization (WTO), Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and
Phytosanitary Measures, Apr. 15, 1994, 1867 U.N.T.S. 493 [SPS].
World Trade Organization (WTO), General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Apr. 15, 1994,
1867 U.N.T.S. 187 [GATT].
World Trade Organization (WTO), General Agreement on Trade in Services, Apr. 15, 1994,
1869 U.N.T.S. 183 [GATS].
World Trade Organization (WTO), Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade
Organization, Apr. 15, 1994, 1867 U.N.T.S. 154 [WTO Agreement].
World Trade Organization (WTO), Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing
the Settlement of Disputes, Apr. 15, 1994, 1869 U.N.T.S. 401 [Dispute Settlement
Understanding, DSU].

UN documents
Bonn Declaration on Rio+20, Presented to the General Assembly, 64th UN DPI/​NGO
Conference, U.N. NGO Branch, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Apr.
26, 2011).
G.A. Res 375, U.N. GAOR 4th Sess., Draft Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States,
U.N. Doc. A/​RES/​375 (Dec. 6, 1949).
G.A. Res. 1514, U.N. GAOR 15th Sess., Declaration on the Granting of Independence to
Colonial Countries and Peoples, U.N. Doc. A/​RES/​1514(XV) (Dec. 14, 1960).
G.A. Res. 20/​ 2131, U.N. GAOR 20th Sess., Declaration on the Inadmissibility of
Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of their Independence
and Sovereignty, U.N. Doc. A/​RES/​20/​2131 (Dec. 21, 1965).
G.A. Res. 217 A (III), U.N. GAOR 3rd Sess., Universal Declaration of Human Rights, U.N.
Doc. A/​RES/​810 (Dec. 10, 1948) [UDHR].
G.A. Res. 2625, U.N. GAOR 25th Sess., Declaration on Principles of International Law
Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in Accordance with the
Charter of the United Nations, U.N. Doc. A/​RES/​25/​2625 (Oct. 24, 1970) [Friendly
Relations Declaration].
G.A. Res. 3281 (XXIX), U.N. GAOR 29th Sess., Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of
States, U.N. Doc. A/​RES/​29/​3281 (Dec. 12, 1974).
G.A. Res. 36/​ 103, U.N. GAOR 36th Sess., Declaration on the Inadmissibility of
Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States, U.N. Doc, A/​RES/​36/​
103 (Dec. 9, 1981).
G.A. Res. 37/​7, U.N. GAOR 37th Sess., World Charter for Nature, U.N. Doc. A/​RES/​37/​
7 (Oct. 28, 1982).
G.A. Res. 55/​610, U.N. GAOR 55th Sess., International Law Commission (ILC), Draft
Articles on Nationality of Natural Persons in Relation to the Succession of States, U.N.
Doc. A/​RES/​55/​610 (Nov. 28, 2000).
List of Legal Material xxxiii
G.A. Res. 56/​10, U.N. GAOR 53rd Sess., International Law Commission (ILC), Draft
Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, Supp. No. 10, U.N.
Doc. A/​RES/​56/​10 (Apr. 23–​June 1 and June 2–​Aug. 10, 2001) [ARSIWA].
G.A. Res. 66/​750, U.N. GAOR 66th Sess., Letter dated 7 October 2011 from the Permanent
Representative of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the President of the
General Assembly, U.N. Doc. A/​RES/​66/​750 (Mar. 20, 2012).
Human Rights Council Res. 10/​13, 13th Sess., Human Rights and Arbitrary Deprivation of
Nationality, U.N. Doc. A/​HRC/​13/​34 (Dec. 14, 2009).
Human Rights Council, 17th Sess., Special Representative of the Secretary-​General, Report
on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business
Enterprises, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the
United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework, U.N. Doc. A/​HRC/​17/​31
(Mar. 21, 2011) (by John Ruggie).
Human Rights Council, 19th Sess., Guiding Principles on Human Rights Impact Assessments
of Trade and Investment Agreements, U.N. Doc. A/​HRC/​19/​59/​Add.5 (Dec. 19, 2011).
Human Rights Council, 8th Sess., Special Representative of the Secretary-​General John
Ruggie, Protect, Respect and Remedy: A Framework for Business and Human Rights,
U.N. Doc. A/​HRC/​8/​5 (Apr. 7, 2008).
Human Rights Council, 8th Sess., Special Representative of the Secretary-​General John
Ruggie, Business and Human Rights: Mapping International Standards of Responsibility
and Accountability for Corporate Acts, U.N. Doc. A/​HRC/​4/​35 (Feb. 19, 2007).
International Law Commission, 47th Sess., First Report on State Succession and its Impact
on the Nationality of Natural and Legal Persons (Special Rapporteur Vaclav Mikulka),
U.N. Doc. A/​CN.4/​467 (Apr. 17, 1995).
International Law Commission, 48th Sess., State Succession and Its Impact on the Nationality
of Natural and Legal Persons, U.N. Doc. A/​CN.4/​472/​Add. 1 ( Jan. 10, 1996).
International Law Commission, 58th Sess., Report of the International Law Commission,
Supp. No. 10, U.N. Doc. A/​61/​10 (May 1–​June 9 and July 3–​Aug. 11 2006), Annex
E. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.
International Law Commission, 58th Sess., Report of the Study Group of the International
Law Commission, Fragmentation of International Law, Difficulties Arising from
Diversification and Expansion of International Law (finalized by Martti Koskenniemi),
U.N. Doc. A/​CN.4/​L.682 (Apr. 13, 2006).
Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, U.N. Doc. A/​
CONF. 48/​14 (1972).
S.C. Res. 827, U.N. SCOR 48th Sess., on Establishing an International Tribunal for the Prosecution
of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed
in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia, U.N. Doc. S/​RES/​827 (May 25, 1993).
S.C. Res. 955, U.N. SCOR 49th Sess., On Establishment of an International Tribunal and
Adoption of the Statute of the Tribunal, U.N. Doc. S/​RES/​955 (Nov. 8, 1994).
Special Representative of the Secretary-​ General Allens Arthur Robinson, ‘Corporate
Culture’ as a Basis for the Criminal Liability of Corporations (Feb. 2008), available at
http://​​Allens-​Arthur-​Robinson- ​Corporate-​Culture-​paper-​for-​Ruggie-​
Feb-​2008.pdf (last visited Jan. 10, 2019).
xxxiv List of Legal Material
U.N. Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International
Criminal Court, Draft Statute for the International Criminal Court, U.N. Doc. A/​
CONF.183/​2/​Add.1 (Apr. 14, 1998).
U.N. Environmental Program (UNEP), Goals and Principles of Environmental Impact
Assessment, U.N. Doc. UNEP/​WG.152/​4 Annex ( Jan. 16, 1987).

European Union
Commission Directive 2002/​4 on the Registration of Establishments Keeping Laying Hens,
2002 O.J. (L 30) 44.
Commission Implementing Regulation 577/​2013 on the Model Identification Documents for
the Non-​commercial Movement of Dogs, Cats and Ferrets, the Establishment of Lists of
Territories and Third Countries and the Format, Layout and Language Requirements of the
Declarations Attesting Compliance with Certain Conditions Provided for in Regulation
(EU) No. 576/​2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, 2013 O.J. (L 178) 109.
Commission of the European Communities, Opinion of the Commission Pursuant to Article
251 (2), Third Subparagraph, Point (c) of the EC Treaty, on the European Parliament’s
Amendments to the Council’s Common Position Regarding the Proposal for a Directive
of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending for the Seventh Time Council
Directive 76/​768/​EEC on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating
to Cosmetic Products, COM(2002) 435 final ( July 26, 2002).
Commission Regulation 1361/​2014 Amending Regulation (EC) No. 1126/​2008 Adopting
Certain International Accounting Standards in Accordance with Regulation (EC) No.
1606/​2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council as Regards International
Financial Reporting Standards 3 and 13 and International Accounting Standard 40, 2014
O.J. (L 365) 120.
Commission Regulation 1771/​94 Laying Down New Provisions on the Introduction into
the Community of Pelts and Manufactured Goods of Certain Wild Animal Species, 1994
O.J. (L 184) 3.
Commission Regulation No. 589/​2008 Laying Down Detailed Rules for Implementing
Council Regulation No. 1234/​2007 as Regards Marketing Standards for Eggs, 2008 O.J.
(L 163) 6.
Commission Staff Working Paper, Impact Assessment Accompanying the Document
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and
the European Economic and Social Committee on the European Union Strategy for the
Protection and Welfare of Animals 2012–​2015, SEC(2012) 55 final ( Jan. 19, 2012).
Committee on External Economic Relations, Report on the Communication from the
Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on Trade and Environment,
COM(96)0054—C4-​0158/​96, Rapporteur Wolfgang Kreissl-​Dörfler (Oct. 14, 1996).
Council Directive 1999/​22 Relating to the Keeping of Wild Animals in Zoos, 1999 O.J. (L
94) 24.
Council Directive 1999/​74 Laying Down Minimum Standards for the Protection of Laying
Hens, 1999 O.J. (L 203) 53.
List of Legal Material xxxv
Council Directive 2007/​43 Laying Down Minimum Standards for the Protection of
Chickens Kept for Meat Production, 2007 O.J. (L 182) 19.
Council Directive 2008/​119 Laying Down Minimum Standards for the Protection of Calves,
2009 O.J. (L 10) 7.
Council Directive 2008/​120 Laying Down Minimum Standards for the Protection of Pigs,
2009 O.J. (L 47) 5.
Council Directive 92/​43/​EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and Wild Fauna
and Flora, O.J. (L 206) 7.
Council Directive 93/​119/​EC on the Protection of Animals at the Time of Slaughter or
Killing, 1992 O.J. (340) 21.
Council Directive 98/​58/​EC Concerning the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming
Purposes, 1998 O.J. (L 221) 23.
Council Framework Decision on Combating Terrorism (2002/​475/​JHA), 2002 O.J. (L
164) 3.
Council Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant and the Surrender Procedures
between Member States (2002/​584/​JHA), 2002 O.J. (L 190) 1.
Council Regulation 1/​2003 on the Implementation of the Rules on Competition Laid
Down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty, 2003 O.J. (L 1) 1.
Council Regulation 1/​2005 on the Protection of Animals During Transport and Related
Operations and Amending Directives 64/​432/​EEC and 93/​119/​EC and Regulation 1255/​
97/​EC, 2005 O.J. (L 3) 1, and corrigendum 2011 O.J. (L 336) 86.
Council Regulation 1099/​2009 on the Protection of Animals at the Time of Killing, 2009
O.J. (L 303) 1.
Council Regulation 1215/​2012 on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement
of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Recast), 2012 O.J. (L 351) 1 [Brussels
Council Regulation 2271/​ 96 Protecting Against the Effects of the Extra-​ Territorial
Application of Legislation Adopted by a Third Country, and Actions Based Thereon or
Resulting Therefrom, 1996 O.J. (L 309) 1.
Council Regulation 3254/​91 Prohibiting the Use of Leghold Traps in the Community and
the Introduction into the Community of Pelts and Manufactured Goods of Certain Wild
Animal Species Originating in Countries Which Catch Them by Means of Leghold Traps
or Trapping Methods Which Do Not Meet International Humane Trapping Standards,
1991 O.J. (L 308) 1.
Council Regulation 3626/​82 on the Implementation in the Community of the Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1982 O.J. (L
384) 1.
Council Regulation 44/​2001 on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of
Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, 2000 O.J. (L 12) 1.
Directive 2008/​99/​EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of
the Environment through Criminal Law, 2008 O.J. (L 328) 28.
Directive 2010/​63 of the European Parliament and the Council on the Protection of Animals
Used for Scientific Purposes, 2010 O.J. (L 276) 33.
xxxvi List of Legal Material
Directive 2011/​92 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Combating the Sexual
Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Child Pornography, and Replacing
Council Framework Decision 2004/​68/​JHA, 2011 O.J. (L 335) 1.
Directive 2014/​52 of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Directive
2011/​92/​EU on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Public and Private Projects on
the Environment, 2014 O.J. (L 124) 1.
Directive 2014/​95 of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Directive 2013/​
34/​EU as Regards Disclosure of Non-​financial and Diversity Information by Certain
Large Undertakings and Groups, 2014 O.J. (L 330) 1.
Eleventh Council Directive Concerning Disclosure Requirements in Respect of Branches
Opened in a Member State by Certain Types of Company Governed by the Law of
Another State (89/​666/​EEC), 1989 O.J. (L 395) 36.
European Commission, Action Plan “Simplifying and Improving the Regulatory
Environment,” COM(2002) 278 final ( June 5, 2002).
European Commission, Comments on the US Regulations Concerning Trade with the
USSR, Aug. 12, 1982.
European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document, Impact Assessment on the
Animal Testing Provisions in Regulation (EC) 1223/​2009 on Cosmetics, Accompanying
the Document Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and
the Council on Animal Testing and Marketing Ban on the State of Play in Relation to
Alternative Methods in the Field of Cosmetics, SWD(2013) 66 final (Mar. 11, 2013).
European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document, Impact Assessment
Report Accompanying the Report from the Commission to the European Parliament,
the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the
Regions, Options for Animal Welfare Labelling and the Establishment of a European
Network of Reference Centres for the Protection and Welfare of Animals, SEC(2009)
1432 (Oct. 28, 2009).
European Commission, Communication from the Commission to the Council and the
European Parliament on Animal Welfare Legislation on Farmed Animals in Third
Countries and the Implications for the EU, COM(2002) 626 final (Nov. 18, 2002).
European Commission, Communication from the Commission to the Council and the
European Parliament on Trade and Environment, COM(96) 54 final (Feb. 28, 1996).
European Commission, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,
the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of
the Regions, A Renewed EU Strategy 2011–​2014 for Corporate Social Responsibility,
COM(2011) 681 final, Oct. 25, 2011.
European Commission, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,
the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee on the European Union
Strategy for the Protection and Welfare of Animals 2012–​2015, COM(2012) 6 final/​2
(Feb. 15, 2012).
European Commission, Health & Consumer Protection Directorate-​General, Labelling:
Competitiveness, Consumer Information and Better Regulation for the EU (European
Communities 2006), available at http://​​food/​safety/​docs/​labelling-​
nutrition_​better-​reg_​competitiveness-​consumer-​info_​en.pdf (last visited Jan. 10, 2019).
List of Legal Material xxxvii
European Commission, Implementation of Humane Trapping Standard in the EU (2015),
available at http://​​environment/​biodiversity/​animal_​welfare/​hts/​index_​
en.htm (last visited Jan. 10, 2019).
European Communities, Communication from the Commission on the Precautionary
Principle, COM(2000)1 (Feb. 2, 2000).
European Parliament Legislative Resolution on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European
Parliament and of the Council Concerning Trade in Seals Products (COM(2008)0469—
C6-​0295/​2008—2008/​0160(COD)), 2010 O.J. (C 212 E) 169.
European Parliament, Resolution of the European Parliament on European Union Strategy
for European Enterprises Operating in Developing Countries: Towards a European Code
of Conduct, 1999 O.J. (C 104) 180.
Proposal for a Council Regulation Amending Council Regulation 3254/​91 Prohibiting the
Use of Leghold Traps in the Community and the Introduction into the Community of
Pelts and Manufactured Goods of Certain Wild Animal Species Originating in Countries
Which Catch them by Means of Leghold Traps or Trapping Methods Which Do Not
Meet International Humane Trapping Standards, 1996 O.J. (C 58) 17.
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Concerning Trade
in Seal Products, COM(2008) 469 final ( July 23, 2008).
Regulation 1007/​2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September
2009 on Trade in Seal Products, 2009 O.J. (L 286) 36.
Regulation 1221/​2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Voluntary
Participation by Organisations in a Community Eco-​management and Audit Scheme
(EMAS), 2009 O.J. (L 342) 1.
Regulation 1223/​2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Cosmetic Products,
2009 O.J. (L 342) 59.
Regulation 1523/​2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council Banning the Placing
on the Market and the Import to, or Export from, the Community of Cat and Dog Fur,
and Products Containing such Fur, 2007 O.J. (L 343) 1.
Regulation 576/​2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Non-​commercial
Movement of Pet Animals and Repealing Regulation (EC) No. 998/​2003, 2013 O.J. (L 178) 1.
Regulation 593/​2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Law Applicable
to Contractual Obligations (Rome I), 2008 O.J. (L 177) 6.
Regulation 648/​2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on OTC Derivatives,
Central Counterparties and Trade Repositories, 2012 O.J. (L 201) 1.
Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European
Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, Options for Animal
Welfare Labelling and the Establishment of a European Network of Reference Centres for
the Protection and Welfare of Animals, COM(2009) 584 final (Oct. 28, 2009).

National legislation
Ley Nacional 14.346 de Protección Animal, Sancionada en el Congreso Nacional el 27/​9/​54,
Incluida en el Codigo Penal, Dec. 27, 1954 [Law No. 14.346, Animal Welfare Code] (Arg.).
xxxviii List of Legal Material

Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 (Qld) (Austl.).

Animal Welfare Act 1985 (SA) (Austl.).
Animal Welfare Act 1992 (ACT) (Austl.).
Animal Welfare Act 1993, Act No. 63 (Tas) (Austl.).
Animal Welfare Act 2002 (WA) (Austl.).
Animal Welfare Act (NT) (Austl.).
Australian Citizenship Act 2007, Act No. 20 (Austl.).
Australian Meat and Live-​stock Industry (Export of Live-​stock to Egypt) Order 2008, Nov.
28, 2008, Annex A, Memorandum of Understanding on the Handling and Slaughter of
Live Australian Animals (Austl.).
Corporations Act 2001, Act No. 50 (Austl.).
Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) (Austl.).
Criminal Code Act 1995, Act No. 12 (Austl.).
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979, Act No. 200 (NSW) (Austl.).
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (Vic) (Austl.).


Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch [ABGB] [Civil Code], BGBl. I No. 43/​2016 (Austria).
Bundesgesetz über die Verantwortlichkeit von Verbänden für Straftaten [Verbandsverant-
wortlichkeitsgesetz (VbVG)] [Federal Act on the Responsibility of Entities for Criminal
Offenses], BGBl. I No. 151/​2005 (Austria).
Bundesgesetz über Versuche an lebenden Tieren [Tierversuchsgesetz, TVG] [Austrian
Animal Experimentation Act], BGBl. I No. 114/​2012 (Austria).
Bundesgesetz vom 23. Jänner 1974 über die mit gerichtlicher Strafe bedrohten Handlungen
[StGB] [Criminal Code], BGBl. No. 60/​1974 (Austria).
Tierschutzgesetz [TSchG] [Animal Protection Act], BGBl. I No. 118/​2004 (Austria).

Code des sociétés [Companies Code], No. 1999A09646, Moniteur Belge [M.B.] [Official
Gazette of Belgium] 29440, May 7, 1999 (Belg.).
Code pénal [Criminal Code], No. 1867060850, M.B. 3133, June 8, 1867 (Belg.)
Loi relative à la protection et au bien-​être des animaux [Animal Protection Act], No.
1986016195, M.B. 16382, Aug. 14, 1986 (Belg.).

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Official Gazette 3/​03, translation in Official
Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina 37/​03 (Bosn. & Herz.).

Cruelty to Animals Act, Cap. 37:02, May 8, 1936, consolidated version of the Proclamation
27 of 1936 as of Dec. 31, 2008 (Bots.).
List of Legal Material xxxix
Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil [C.F.] [Constitution], Oct. 5, 1988
Decreto Lei Nº 24.645, de 10 de Julho de 1934 [Federal Decree on Anti-​Cruelty Nº 24.645],
July 10, 1934 (Braz.).
Lei Nº 9.605, de Fevereiro de 1998 [Environmental Crimes Law Nº 9.605] Feb. 12, 1998

Zakon za Zashtita na Zhivotnite [Law on the Protection of Animals] of Jan. 31, 2008,
Durzhaven Vestnik [D.V.] [State Gazette], Feb. 8, 2008 (Bulg.).

Animal Care Act, C.C.S.M. c. A84 , 1996 (MB, Can.).
Animal Health and Protection Act, c. A-​11.1, 2005 (PEI, Can.).
Animal Protection Act, c. A-​41, 2000 (AB, Can.).
Animal Protection Act, c. 33, 2008 (NS, Can.).
Animal Protection Act, c. 6, 2002 (YK, Can.).
Animal Protection Act, c. A-​21.1, c. 38, 1999 (SK, Can.).
Animal Welfare and Safety Act, c. B-​3.1, 2016 (QC, Can.).
Civil Code of Québec, c. 64, 1991 (QC, Can.).
Criminal Code, c. C-​46, 1985 (Can.).
Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, c. O.36, 1990 (ON, Can.).
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, c. 372, 1996 (BC, Can.).

Ley 1774/​2016, por medio de la cual se modifican el Código Civil, la Ley 84 de 1989, el
Código Penal, el Código de Procedimiento Penal y se dictan otras disposiciones, enero 6,
2016, Diario Oficial [D.O.] (Colom.).

Costa Rica
Decreta Ley de Bienestar de los Animales [Decree on the Well-​being of Animals], No. 7451,
June 20, 2012 (Costa Rica).


Zakon o zaštiti životinja [Animal Protection Act], No. 71-​05-​03/​1-​06-​2, Dec. 7, 2006

Czech Republic

Občanský Zákoník [C. Civ.] [Civil Code], No. 89/​2012 Coll., Feb. 3, 2012 (Czech.).
xl List of Legal Material

Act Amending the Environmental Protection Act (Green Accounts), Act No. 403, June 14,
1995 (Den.).
Animal Protection Act, Act No. 473, May 15, 2014 (Den.).
Danish Criminal Code, Order No. 909, Sept. 27, 2005 (Den.).
Financial Business Act, Consolidated Act No. 1125, Sept. 23, 2010 (Den.).
Financial Statements Act, Act No. 448, June 7, 2001 (Den.).


Constitution of The Arab Republic of Egypt, Jan. 15, 2014 (Egypt).


Lomakaitseseadus [Animal Protection Act], Dec. 13, 2000, Riigi Teataja [R.T.], I 2001, 3, 4
Karistusseadustik [Penal Code], Sept. 1, 2002, R.T. I 2001, 61, 364 (Est.).


Animals (Control of Experiments) Act, May 13, 1957, c. 161, by Ordinance No. 11 of 1957


Eläinsuojelulaki [Animal Welfare Act], 247/​1996 (Fin.).


Code civil [C. Civ.] [Civil Code], Dec. 19, 2015 (Fr.).
Code de commerce [Business Act], Sept. 21, 2000 (Fr.).
Code pénal [C. Pén.] [Penal Code], Dec. 19, 2015 (Fr.).
Code rural et de la pêche maritime [Rural and Maritime Fisheries Code], Dec. 1,
1979 (Fr.).
Loi n°2001-​420 relative aux nouvelles régulations économiques [La loi NRE] [Law on New
Economic Relations], May 15, 2001 (Fr.).

Aktiengesetz [AktG] [Stock Corporation Act], Sept. 6, 1965, BGBl. I at 1089 (Ger.).
Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch [BGB] [Civil Code], Jan. 2, 2002, BGBl. I at 42, 2909; 2003 at
738 (Ger.).
Gesetz zur Änderung des Grundgesetzes (Staatsziel Tierschutz) [Law to Change the Basic
Law (State Objective of Animal Protection)], July 31, 2002, BGBl. I at 2862 (Ger.).
Grundgesetz [GG] [Basic Law], May 23, 1949, BGBl. I at 2438 (Ger.).
List of Legal Material xli
Strafgesetzbuch [StGB] [Criminal Code], Nov. 13, 1998, BGBl. I at 3322 (Ger.).
Tierschutzgesetz [TierSchG] [Animal Welfare Act], May 18, 2006, BGBl. I at 1206 (Ger.).

Animal Experiments (Scientific Procedures) Act, Principal Act, No. 1999-​03, Mar. 3, 1999

Nomos (2012:4039) Gia Ta Deopozomena Kai Ta Adeopota Zōa Syntrophiaskai Tēn
Zōōnapotē Ekmetalleysē ē Tē Chrēsimottoiēsē me Kerdookopikookotto [Law
Concerning Domestic and Stray Companion Animals and the Protection of Animals
from any Exploitation or Use for Economic Profit], Ephemeris Tes Kyverneseos Tes
Hellenikes Demokratias [E.K.E.D.] 2012 (Greece).

Hong Kong
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (1997) Cap. 169, June 20, 1997, [L.N.] 331 of
1999 (Originally 44 of 1935 (Cap 169 1950)) (H.K.).

Act on Animal Welfare, No. 55, Apr. 8, 2013 (Ice.).

Code of Criminal Procedure, Act No. 2 of 1974 (India).
Constitution of India, Jan. 26, 1950 (India).
The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, Act No. 59 of 1960 (India).

Indonesian Penal Code, Feb. 27, 1982 (Indon.).

Cruelty to Animals Law (Animal Protection), Jan. 11, 1994, 5754-​1994, Passed the Knesset
28 Tevet 5754 (Isr.).

の動物の愛護及び管理に関する法律 [Act on Welfare and Management of Animals],
Law No. 105 of 1973 ( Japan).
刑法 Keihō [Penal Code], Act No. 45 of 1907 ( Japan).

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, Cap. 360, 1983, [L.N.] 119/​1984 (Kenya).
xlii List of Legal Material
Dzīvnieku aizsardzības likums [Animal Protection Law], Dec. 9, 1999, Latvijas Vēstnesis
[Latvian Herald], 444/​445 (Lat.).

Tierschutzgesetz [TSchG] [Animal Welfare Act], Sept. 23, 2010 (Liech.).

Gyvūnų Gerovės ir Apsaugos Įstatymas [Law on Welfare and Protection of Animals], Oct.
3, 2012, No. XI-​2271, Valstybės Žinios [Official Gazette], Oct. 20, 2012, No. 122-​6216

Constitution du Grand-​Duché du Luxembourg [The Constitution of the Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg], Oct. 17, 1868 (Lux.).
Loi du 27 juin 2018 sur la protection des animaux [Animal Protection Act], July, 3, 2018

Animals Act, Apr. 30, 1953, Laws of Malaysia, Act 647 (Malay.)

Animal Welfare Act, Feb. 8, 2002, c. 439, Act No. XXV of 2001 (Malta).

Constitución Política de la Ciudad de México [Constitution of the City of Mexico], Gaceta
Oficial de la Ciudad de México, Feb. 5, 2017 (Mex.).

Animal Health and Development Law, Nov. 25, 1993, No. 17/​93 (Myan.).


Wet houdende regelen met betrekking tot het verrichten van proeven op dieren [Wet op de
dierproeven] [Animal Experimentation Act], Jan. 12, 1977 (Neth.).
Wet van 19 mei 2011, houdende een integraal kader voor regels over gehouden dieren en
daaraan gerelateerde onderwerpen (Wet dieren) [Act of May 19, 2011, containing an inte-
grated framework for rules on animals kept and related subjects (Animal Law)], May 19,
2011 (Neth.).
List of Legal Material xliii
New Zealand

Animal Welfare Act, Public Act No. 142, Oct. 14, 1999 (N.Z.).
Animal Welfare Amendment Act (No. 2) 2015, Public Act No. 49, May 9, 2015 (N.Z.).


Criminal Code Act, c. 77 (1990) (Nigeria).


Animal Welfare Act, 2009, LOV I 2009 hefte 7 (Nor.).

Papua New Guinea

Animals Act 1952, c. 329 (Papua N.G.).

Animals Regulation 1967, c. 329 (Papua N.G.).


Ley N° 4840 de Protección y Bienestar Animal El Congreso de la Nacion Paraguaya

Sanciona con Fuerza de Ley [Law for the Protection and Well-​being of Animals], Jan. 28,
2013, Gaceta Oficial [G.O.] [Official Gazette of Paraguay], No. 21, Jan. 30, 2013 (Para.).


An Act to Promote Animal Welfare in the Philippines, otherwise known as “The Animal
Welfare Act of 1998,” Republic Act No. 8485 (Phil.).


Kodeks karny [Penal Code Act], June 6, 1997, Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
[ Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland], No. 88 Item 553 (Pol.).
O Ochronie Zwierzat [Act Regarding Animal Protection], Aug. 21, 1997, Dziennik Ustaw
Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej [Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland], No. 111 Item 724 (Pol.).

Código Civil [Civil Code], Nov. 25, 1967, No. 47344/​66, Diario do Governo Ser. 1, p. 1883
Protecção aos Animais [Protection of Animals Act], Sept. 12, 1995, No. 92/​95, Diario do
Governo Ser. 1, p. 5722 (Port.).

Puerto Rico
Animal Protection and Welfare Act, No. 154, Aug. 4, 2008, P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 5, ch. 58
(Puerto Rico).
xliv List of Legal Material
Animals and Birds Act, c. 7, Dec. 31, 2002 (Sing.).

Ustava Republike Slovenije [Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia] Dec. 23, 1999, URS-​
NPB9 (Slovn.).
Zakon o Zaščiti Živali [Animal Protection Act], Nov. 18, 1999, Uradni List No. 98/​1999,
p. 14645 (Slovn.).

Solomon Islands
Animals (Control of Experiments Act, c. 97, 13 of 1957, LN 46A of 1978, Sept. 11, 1957
(Solom. Is.).

South Africa
Animals Protection Act, No. 71 of 1962 (S. Afr.).
Protection of Businesses Act, No. 99 of 1978 (S. Afr.).

South Korea
Dongmulbohobeob [Animal Protection Law], Act. No. 8282, Jan. 26, 2007 (S. Kor.).

Sri Lanka
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance, Cap. 573, July 10, 1907 (Sri Lanka).

Sudan Constitution, July 6, 2005 (Sudan).
Transitional Constitution of the Government of South Sudan, 2011 (Sudan).

Djurskyddslag [Animal Protection Act], Svensk författningssamling [SFS] 1988:534 (Swed.).

Bundesgesetz über die Landwirtschaft [Landwirtschaftsgesetz, LwG] [Federal Act on
Agriculture], Apr. 29, 1988, SR 910.1 (Switz.).
Schweizerische Bundesverfassung [BV] [Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation],
Apr. 18, 1999, SR 101 (Switz.).
Schweizerische Tierschutzverordnung [TSchV] [Animal Welfare Ordinance], Apr. 23, 2008,
SR 455.1 (Switz.).
Schweizerisches Tierschutzgesetz [TSchG] [Animal Welfare Act], Dec. 16, 2005, SR 455
Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch [ZGB] [Civil Code], Dec. 10, 1907, SR 210 (Switz.).
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Pettit, John, 29n
Peters, Mrs., 186
Phillips, John, 7
Phillips Rents, 7
Pickering, Joseph, 84
Pierrepoint, Lady Anne, 91
Pierrepont, Lady Mary (afterwards Lady Mary Wortley Montagu), 89
Pillar at Seven Dials, 113–114
Pindar, Peter (Dr. Wolcot), 83
Piozzi, Mrs., 85
Plowden, —, 71
Plumer, John, 21n
Pole, —, 165
Pole, Peter, 180
Pollard, Eliz., 83
Polton, John de, 109
Pont, Mrs., 71
Pope, Thos., 83
Popham, Colonel Alexander, 73
Port of London, scheme for improving, 187
Porter, Endymion, 88
Porter, George, 88
Porter, Lady Diana (Ann), 88
Porter, T. C., 185
Portsmouth, Duchess of (formerly Mdlle. de Keroualle), 54
Portsmouth Street, No. 2, 46
Portuguese Embassy, 65–66, 96, 97
Pound, St. Giles’, 144
Povey, Justinian, 12
Povey, Thomas, 11, 12
Powell, Giles, 106n
Powell, Richard, 36n
Powlet, Lady Ann (afterwards Belasyse), 137
Powlett, Charles, Earl of Wiltshire (afterwards Duke of Bolton), 65
Praed, Wm. Mackworth, 11
Prescott, Jeoffery, 35n, 37n, 40n
Princes Street, 10
Pritchard, —, 56
Pritchard, William, 90
Purcell, Dr. John, 142
Purse Field, 4, 6, 10, 24, 34
Purse Rents, 5, 7
Pynchon, John, 11n
“Pyramide de la Tremblade”, 115

Queen Anne Street West, 58

Queen Anne’s Bath, Endell Street, 105
Queen Anne’s Bounty, 76
Queen Anne’s Wardrobe, 45n, 66
Queenhithe, 117
Queen’s Court, 60
Queen Street. (See Great Queen Street, Little Queen Street.)
Quire, Matthew, 107
Radcliffe, Dr., 56
Radclyff, Thomas, 124
Raftor, William, 71
Ragged Staff Court, 108
Ralph, James, 131
Rawlinson, Mary, 106n, 108n
Raye, Thomas, 60n
Raymond, Ch., 84
Raymond, John, 180
Raynbowe, Richard, 25
Raynseford, Thomas, 6, 7
Read, Jonathan, 3n
Reade, Richard, 14
Reading, Roger, 15n
Redditt, Nicholas, 38n
Reede, Margaret (late Margaret Pennell), 186
Reede, Richard, 186, 187
Reid, Andrew, 179
Reneger, Thomas, 80n
Reynolds, Joshua, 76–77
Rich, Sir Henry, 126
Rich, Henry, 1st Earl of Holland, Baron Kensington, 88
Rich, Robert, Baron Kensington, 5th Earl of Warwick, 88
Richard II., 23
Richard, Lewis, 10n
Richardes, Lewis, 40n
Richardson, C. J., 63
Richardson, Jas., 163
Richardson, Jonathan, 76
Richardson, W. Westbrook, 83
Richold, —, 83
Ride, Miss, 71
Ridge, Jeremiah, 106n
Risley, Thos., 126
Rivers, Arabella, Lady, 69
Rivers, Elizabeth Scroope (afterwards Countess), 68
Rivers, Elizabeth, Countess of (née Darcy), 59, 67–68, 73n, 90
Rivers, John Savage, 2nd Earl, 68
Rivers, Margaret, Lady (formerly Tryon), 69
Rivers, Mary, Countess Dowager, 68n
Rivers, Penelope, Lady, 69
Rivers, Richard, 4th Earl (“Tyburn Dick”), 69, 70
Rivers, Thomas Darcy, Baron Darcy of Chich (afterwards Earl), 67
Rivers, Thomas Savage, 3rd Earl, 68, 69
Rivers House, Great Queen Street, 59, 63, 67
Roberts, Thomas, 13, 14
Robins, Richard, 107
Robinson, Mr., 77–78
Robinson (née Darby), Mary (“Perdita”), 77–78
Rochford, Bessy, Countess of, 70
Rochford, Frederick Nassau de Zuylestein, 3rd Earl of, 70
Rochford, William Henry, Earl of, 70n
Roger, son of Alan, 107
Ronquillio, Don Pedro de, 97n
Rookery, St. Giles, 145–146
Roos (Rous), Lord, 80n, 91, 92
Rope, Master, 126n
Roper, Poyser, 39
Ros of Hamlake, Barony of, 91n
Ros of Roos, Barony of, 91n
Rose Inn, 27, 28, 123
Rose, tenement in Lewknor’s Lane, 28
Rose Field, 18, 20, 27–32, 34
Rosslyn, Alexander Wedderburn, Earl of, 155
Round Rents (Middle Row), Holborn, 125
Rous. (See Roos.)
Rowland, Percival, 122n
Rowlandson, William, 139
Rowley, —, 90
Royal, Mrs., 163
Rudd, Ric., 92
Rudd, Thos., 92
Russell, Francis, Earl of Bedford, 23n, 51n
Russell, Lady Rachel, 126
Russell, Thos., 115n
Russell, William, Lord, 75
Rutland, Duchess of, 70n
Rutland, Earls of, 91
Rutland, John Manners, 9th Earl of. (See Roos.)
Rymes, William, 3n
“Sacharissa” (Dorothy Spencer, Countess of Sunderland), 54
Sadler, Ric., 89
Sadler (alias Clarke), Thomas, 80
St. Albans, Earl of (Marquess of Clanricarde), 46, 47, 50, 59
St. Amond, Jas., 65n
St. Andrew Street, 113
St. Giles, Cripplegate, Charity Schools, 112
St. Giles-in-the-Fields Church, 127–140
St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Hospital of, 20, 23, 34, 107, 109, 111, 117–126,
St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Rectors of, 87, 139
St. Giles’s Lane, 23n, 35n
St. Giles’s Pound, 144
St. Giles, Vestry of, 26
St. Giles’ Wood, Edmonton, 125
St. Giles’ Workhouse, 109, 110
St. John, Lord, Earl of Wilts., and Marquess of Winchester, 95, 96,
St. John of Jerusalem, Priory of, 3, 7
St. John’s Court, 76
St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, Order of, 118
St. Mary Graces, Abbot of, 117–118
St. Thomas’s Street (now Shelton Street), 27, 31
Salisbury, Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of, 75
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of, 36
Salisbury, Thomas, 139
Salvadore, —, 66
Sandby, Thomas, 61, 62, 63
Sanders (Saunders), Mary, 96
Sandfeild, William, 38
Sandwich, Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of, 89
Sardinia Ambassador, 45n
Sardinia Place, 34
Sardinia Street, 93, 94, 100
Saunders, —, 89
Savage, —, 84
Savage, Miss Bessy (afterwards Countess of Rochford), 70
Savage, Elizabeth (afterwards Lady Thimbleby), 90
Savage, Elizabeth (née Darcy), Countess Rivers, 59, 67, 68, 73n, 90
Savage, J., 89
Savage, John, 2nd Earl Rivers, 68
Savage, Lady Mary, 68
Savage, Sir Thomas (afterwards Viscount Savage), 67, 90
Savage, Thomas, 3rd Earl Rivers, 68, 69
Savill, Miss, 71
Sayes Court, Addlestone, 114
Saywell (née Lloyd), Elizabeth, 119–120
Schmidt, Bernard (Father Smith), 132
Scott, —, 172
Scott, John, 1st Earl of Eldon, 155
Scott, Sir John, 186
Scott, John (Rector), 139
Scott, William, 150
Scott, William (afterwards Lord Stowell), 155
Scroope, Adrian, 102
Scroope, Elizabeth (afterwards Countess Rivers), 68
Scroope, Sir Gervase, 102
Seagood, Henry, 35, 37, 40, 41
Seal, Office of the Lord Keeper of, 79, 80, 81
Seales, Major, 91
Segar (Seager), Sir William and Lady, 6n
Seven Dials, 113–114
Seven Dials. (See also Marshland.)
Seven Dials Mission, 116
Seymour, Francis, 5th Baron Conway, 61n
Seymour (alias Conway), Popham, 78, 82
Shaftesbury Avenue, 112n, 113, 118
Sharp, John, 139
Shaw, Charles (afterwards Shaw-Lefevre), 160
Shaw-Lefevre, Charles (afterwards Viscount Eversley), 160
Shaw-Lefevre, Sir John George, 160
Sheffield, Edmund, 2nd Earl of Mulgrave, 73
Sheffield, John, Marquess of Normanby, 73–74
Sheffield Street, boundary stone in, 1
Sheldon, Lady Henrietta Maria, 90
Sheldon, John, 147, 149
Sheldon, Ralph, 90
Shelton Street, 27, 30–31
Shenton, Mrs., 17
Shenton’s Tenements, 16, 17
Sherbourne, Richd., 11
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 66–67
Sheridan, Thomas, 66
Shiffner, Henry, 84
Ship Tavern, Gate Street, 12
Short, Dudley, 109
Short, Gregory, 18n
Short, Thomas, 106, 108, 109
Short, William (the Elder), 28, 101, 106
Short, William (the Younger), 18, 19, 27n, 28, 29, 30, 31n, 101, 110,
Short’s Gardens, 101, 106–111
Sidney, Algernon, 81
Sidney, Henry, 54
Skinner, Sir John, 175
Slingsby, —, 79
Slingsby, Henry, 53n, 79
Smallbone, Sir John, 110n
Smart, John, 22
Smart, Lewis, 22
Smart, William, 22
Smart’s Buildings, 18–22
Smith, Edward, 80n
Smith (Smyth), Edward, 106, 110, 121
Smith, Father (Bernard Schmidt), 132
Smith, John, 125
Smith, John, of Tudworth, 76
Smith, Lilley, 89
Smith, Thomas, 67, 72n
Smith, Thomas, 11
Smithfield Gallows, 144
Smithson, George, 6n, 8n
Smyth, John, 139
Smyth, Katherine (alias Katherine Clerke), 24
Soane, Sir John, 63
Soho Square, 76
Somaster, Sir Samuel, 19n
Southampton, Henry, 3rd Earl of, 126
Southampton Buildings, 77
Southampton Square, 56
South Crescent, 186
Southgate, Rev. Richard, 136
Spanish Ambassador, 47, 59, 67, 96, 97
Sparkes, John, 41
Speaks, Hugh, 6n
Speckard, Abraham, 122
Speckard, Dorothy, 122
Spencer, Lady, 95
Spencer, Anne (née Digby), Countess of Sunderland, 54
Spencer, Lady Diana (afterwards Beauclerk), 149
Spencer, Dorothy (Countess of Sunderland) (“Sacharissa”), 54
Spencer, Henry, 1st Earl of Sunderland, 54
Spencer, Robert, 2nd Earl of Sunderland, 54
Spiller, Sir Henry, 29n
Spittle Houses, St. Giles’s Hospital, 118, 121–122, 125
Stafey, John, 119n, 121n
Stainsforth, George, 151
Stamford, Thomas Grey, 2nd Earl of, 65
Star, High Holborn, 3n
Statue of Queen Henrietta Maria, 44, 59, 60, 61, 71–77
Steers, Charles, 149
Stephenson, Jno., 165
Stephenson, Mrs., 165
Steward, P. G., 61
Steward, William, 139
Stewart, G., 92
Stidwell Street, 123, 141
Stoake, Thomas, 40n
Stockwood, Edward, 3
Stonor, Thos., 47, 48, 54n, 55
Stowell, William, Lord, 155
Stradling, Sir Edward, 42, 43, 93, 94, 100n
Stradling, Sir Edward (Junior), 94n
Stradling House, 95
Strange, Sir Robert, 44n
Stratton, Edward, 94n
Stratton, Elizabeth, 17n
Stratton, Henry, 110
Stratton, Robert, 35n
Strode, George, 42, 93
Stuart, Esmé, Seigneur D’Aubigny, Earl of March (afterwards Duke
of Lennox), 72, 101
Stuart, George Seigneur D’Aubigny, 60, 72
Stydolph, Sir Francis, 112, 113
Stydolph, Sir Richard, 113, 122, 123
Stydolph, Thomas, 112
Suffolk, Earl of, 72
Sun and Dolphin, High Holborn, 3n
Sunderland, Anne, Countess of, 54
Sunderland, Dorothy Spencer, Countess of (“Sacharissa”), 54
Sunderland, Henry Spencer, 1st Earl of, 54
Sunderland, Robert Spencer, 2nd Earl of, 54
Sussex, Duke of, 62
Sutton, George, 27–28
Swan, The, 107, 108
Swan on le Hop, 108
Symonds, R., 11

Tahairdin, Peter, 67n

Talbot, Hon. Catherine, 136
Talbot, Hon. John, 136
Tamworth, Viscount, 75n
Tatnell, Wm., 171
Tattershall, Widow, 96
Tavistock, Francis, Marquess of, 149
Tavistock, Lady, 149
Taylor, Ed., 56
Taylor, Dr. John, 89
Taylor, Richard, 28n
Taylor, W. A., 113–114
Taylor, William, 15n
Temple, Freemasons’ Tavern, 61, 62
Thanet, Thomas Tufton, 6th Earl of, 147, 148
Thanet House, 147–149
Theedham, Edward, 108
Thelwall, Daniel, 6, 8n
Theobalds, Hertfordshire, road to, 36, 42
Thimbleby, Elizabeth, Lady, 89–90
Thimbleby, John, 90
Thimbleby, Sir John, 11n, 90
Thomas, —, 92
Thomas, Mrs., 92
Thomson, Mrs. Anne, 11
Thomson, William, 11
Thornton, Beatrice, 9
Thornton, John, 9
Thornton’s Alley, 9
Thorold, Anthony W., 138
Three Anchors, Salisbury Court, 82n
Three Feathers Tavern, High Holborn, 8
Thriscrosse, Francis, 38
Tomkins, Packington, 73n
Tompson, Elizabeth (afterwards Hollinghurst), 8
Tooke, Edward, 27n, 28, 30n
Tottenham Court Road, 187, 188
Tower Street, 113n
Trinity College, 16
Troughton, —, 119
Trueman (alias Johnson), William, 80n
Tryon, Charles, 122
Tryon, Mrs. Margaret, 69
Tubb, Marchant, 163
Tubbs, Robt., 165
Tufton, Lady Margaret, 148
Tufton, Thomas, 6th Earl of Thanet, 147, 148
Turngatlane, 3
Turnpiklane, 3
Turpin, Jeremiah, 19
Twelves, John, 71
Twiney, J., 83
Twisden, Sir Thomas, 11
Twisden, Sir William, 11
Twyford Buildings, Gate Street, 12
“Tyburn Dick”, 69
Tyburn Gallows, 144
Tye, Dr., 162
Tyler, Rev. James Endell, 105
Tyler, William, 61, 62

Umfreville, Chas., 103n

Umfreville, Gilbert, 103n
Unicorn Inn, High Holborn, 8, 9
Unicorn Yard, High Holborn, 8
Vanblew, —, 76, 77n
Van Helmont, —, 78
Varney, Frances, 120
Vaughan, Elinor, 18
Vaughan, Thomas, 18
Vaughan, Thomas (“Dapper”), 71
Vaune, Mr., 90
Vavasour, Anne, 20
Vavasour, John, 20, 101, 107, 108, 110, 144
Vavasour, Nicholas, 144
Vere, Lady, 31
Vere, Sir Horace, 51
Verney, Edmund, 121
Verney, Sir R., 120n
Vernon, Mr., 77
Verrinder, Dr. G. C., 132
Vertue, —, 44
Vestry of St. Giles, 26
Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham, 91n
Villiers, George, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 91n
Villiers House, 53n
Vine, The, High Holborn, 123, 124
Vine Street (now Grape Street), 124
Violetti, Eva Maria, 90n
Vuidele, Anthony, 119

Waldron, John, 6
Wales, George, Prince of (afterwards George IV.), 78
Walgrave, John, 28, 107
Walker, Dr. Jas., 11
Walker, John, 13, 14
Walker, Richard, 163
Walker, Thomas, 29n, 31n
Walpole, Horace, 44, 46, 56n, 71
Walter, Peter, 105
Walton, Brian, 139
Ward, James, 92
Wardrobe, Great Queen Street, 45n, 66
Warner, Henry, 34n
Warwick, Charles, Earl of, 88
Warwick, Robert, Earl of, 88
Watson, Mrs., 96
Watson, Henry, 149
Watson, Mary, 96
Watson, Rowland, 5, 6
Watson, William, 5
Watson, Sir William, 133
Wayte, Edward, 79
Webb, Barbara (afterwards Viscountess Montagu), 65
Webb, Lady Barbara, 65, 136
Webb, Sir John, 47n, 65n, 136
Webb, John, Architect, 44
Webb, Philip Carteret, 73n, 74
Webb, Rhoda (afterwards Beavor), 75
Webb, Richard, 38
Webb, Thos., 71
Wedderburn, Alexander, Lord Loughborough (afterwards Earl of
Rosslyn), 155
Weedon, Thomas, 96
Weld, Lady Frances, 94, 95n
Weld (Wild, Wield), Humfrey, 59, 60, 94, 95n, 96, 97n, 100
Weld House, 93–97, 99
Weld Street. (See Wild Street.)
Wesley, John, 115, 116
Wesleyan Chapel, Great Queen Street, 86–92
West London Mission, 88, 115
West Street, 112n, 115
West Street Chapel, Seven Dials, 87
Western, Thomas, 11
Weston (Whetstone), John, 5n
Westone, William, 109n
Wetherell, Philip, 21n
Wharton, Philip, 4th Lord, 79, 120
Whetstone, William, 6–7
Whetstone Park, 4, 8
White, James, 28, 112
White Hart, 14, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29n, 30n, 123
White Hart Feilde, 6
—(See also Pursefield.)
White Hart Yard, 26
White Horse in Drury Lane, 35
White House, St. Giles’s Precinct, 121
White Lion Street, 113n, 114
Whitesaunder, Thomas, 119
White Swan in Queen Street, 37n
Whitfield, Henry Fotherley, 31n
Whitfield, Thomas, 110n, 111n
Wigg, William, 110n, 111n
Wild. (See Weld.)
Wild Boare Alley, 18
Wild Court, Nos. 6 and 7, 98
Wild Street (Weld Street), 34, 93–97
—(See also Little Wild Street.)
Wilkes, John, 74–75
Wilkinson, William, 125
Wilkinson’s Close, 125n, 187
Williams, Jas., 165
Williams, John, 84
Williams, Paul, 40n
Williamson, Sir Joseph, 69
Williamsfeild (alias Church Close), 145
Willoughby, Philip, 60n
Willson, Thomas, 138
Wilson, Benjamin, 56, 57, 66, 67n
Wilson, Jas., 56
Wilson, Major, 57
Wilton House, Picture of Lincoln’s Inn Fields, 46
Wiltshire, Charles Powlett, Earl of (afterwards Duke of Bolton), 65
Winchester, John, Marquiss of, 95, 96, 137
Windell, Richard, 109n
Windham, W., 67
Winstanley, J., 11
Wise (Wyse), Joan (afterwards Briscowe), 107, 119
Wise, John, 107n
Wise, Robert, 20
Wither, Thomas, 60n
Withers (Wither, Wyther), Anthony, 51, 60, 73n
Withers, William, 74
Wolcot, Dr. (Peter Pindar), 83
Wolstenholme, John, 96
Wood, Anthony, 80
Woodville, Thomas, 130
Woodward, William, 14
Worcester, Edward (1st Marquess of), 73
Worliche, Mary, 9n
Worlidge, Mrs., 77
Worlidge, Thomas 58, 67n, 76, 77
Worsley, John, 96
Wortley, Sir Francis, 89
Wray, Sir John, 95n
Wren, Sir Christopher, 123, 147
Wren, Stephen, 147
Wright, —, 96n
Wright, Martin, 89
Wriothesley, Lord, 124
Wylson, —, 119
Wynter, Master, 119
Wyse. (See Wise.)

Yarmouth, 1st Earl of, 52

York, Frederica, Duchess of, 114
York, Sir William Dawes, Archbishop of, 110n
Young, Thomas, 110

Zucchi, Antonio, 151, 153, 163, 176

Zuylestein, Frederick Nassau de, 3rd Earl of Rochford, 70

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