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AU BIM Standards

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Building Information Modelling

NATSPEC BIM Position Statement What is BIM?

NATSPEC is a not-for-profit organisation with the objective “BIM is a digital form of construction and asset
of improving the construction quality and productivity of operations. It brings together technology, process
the built environment through leadership of information. improvements and digital information to radically improve
NATSPEC believes that digital information, including 3-D client and project outcomes and asset operations. BIM
Modelling, Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Digital is a strategic enabler for improving decision-making for
Engineering (DE) will provide improved methods of design, both buildings and public infrastructure assets across
construction and communication for the industry. Further, the whole life cycle. It applies to new build projects; and
NATSPEC supports open global systems. This will result in crucially, supports the renovation, refurbishment and
improved efficiency and quality. maintenance of the built environment – the largest share
of the sector.” (European Union BIM Task Group).
NATSPEC’s primary focus is on the “i” (information) in BIM
and how it is linked to digital models.
NATSPEC’s aim is to promote productivity through
consistency, through the development of BIM guidelines,
standards, and tools beneficial to the construction
Introduction to BIM
For an introduction to BIM see the page on this topic
under the Resources menu of the NATSPEC BIM Portal
This page includes a brief summary of the benefits
of using BIM and links to short videos, documents,
websites and books on the topic.

Getting started with BIM

This NATSPEC BIM Paper is for those who have been seriously
considering implementing BIM within their organisation and are
now asking ‘What do we do next’?
The paper covers the preparation and planning required by
architectural or engineering personnel who want to make
implementation happen. It provides general guidance on the topic
and discusses some of the issues that need to be considered
and decisions to be made during the process.

NATSPEC Industry Affiliations

NATSPEC actively participates in a NATSPEC has worked on a number The NATSPEC BIM Portal bim.natspec.
range of international, national and of BIM initiatives with organisations org acts as a Knowledge Hub for the
state digital information projects. This including the International Construction Australasian BIM Advisory Board (ABAB)
participation informs the development of Information Society, buildingSMART, and the Australian Construction Industry
NATSPEC’s BIM documents, resources Australian Institute of Architects and Forum (ACIF)-Australasian Procurement
and tools, ensuring they reflect current Consult Australia, Sustainable Built and Construction Council (APCC)
best practice and Australian industry Environment National Research Centre Project team integration (PTI) and BIM
requirements. (SBEnrc) and Facility Management initiative.
Association of Australia.
AU BIM Standards
Open Standards and Consistent practices
NATSPEC supports open standards such as those developed by
buildingSMART and ISO. With so many stakeholders collaborating
in the procurement and management of the built environment,
these are essential for reliable communication and the free flow of
NATSPEC supports a consistent approach to BIM implementation
nationally through the free documents, resources and tools it provides.
The consistent use of proven methods, techniques, standards,
templates, workflows and tools facilitates BIM implementation and
accelerates BIM adoption, leading to greater efficiency, productivity
and sustainability across industry as a whole.

NATSPEC National BIM Guide

The National BIM Guide is the central

reference in a suite of documents
that defines requirements for BIM
projects in general.The Guide defines
things such as uses for BIM on
projects, BIM Management Plan
content, roles and responsibilities,
collaboration procedures, modelling
requirements, documentation
standards and digital deliverables.

Asset Information requirements NATSPEC Project BIM Brief Template

The purpose of the ABAB As- The Project BIM Brief Template
set Information Requirements is used to outline initial strategic
(AIR) Guide is to assist clients decisions early in a project. It
and their consultants to define provides a means of documenting
their AIR in order to take ad- client requirements regarding BIM for
vantage of BIM’s capacity to their projects. By indicating the scope
deliver the information about of services required for the project, it
a built asset captured during allows the project team to formulate
the design and construction an effective response.
processes to those respon-
sible for its ongoing operation
and maintenance.
Open BIM Object Standard (OBOS) NATSPEC BIM Properties Generator
The OBOS is an international standard to promote best The BIM Properties Generator is a free online tool for
practice in BIM object creation. It is for standardising object designations,
use by all construction professionals properties and property names.
– designers, specifiers, manufacturers
and BIM content developers – to assist It provides an accessible user-friendly
the creation of standardised generic, resource for selecting properties
manufacturer and project-specific BIM based on open BIM standards.
objects of high quality. This streamlines the exchange and
Being based on open BIM standards interoperability of BIM objects between
such as Industry Foundation Classes disciplines and projects to promote
(IFC), the OBOS provides confidence to object authors productivity and progress across the
and, product manufacturers that their BIM objects will be Australian construction industry.
acceptable to end users.

NATSPEC BIM Management Plan Templates NATSPEC BIM Reference Schedule

A BIM Management (execution) The BIM Reference Schedule is a

Plan (BMP) is a formal document list of reference documents and
that defines how a project will be standards provided for consideration
executed, monitored and controlled for inclusion in project documents.
with regard to BIM. One of its main
purposes is to make clear what The specific documents selected
members of the project team can to apply to a project are recorded in
expect from each other – who is the Project BIM Brief, e.g. Open BIM
meant to do what, and how, and Object Standard. This arrangement
when. provides flexibility to select the
references most appropriate to the
specific requirements of a project.

BIM Value Tool BIM Value Benchmarking Tool

BIM Value Benchmarking is a free

Although there are numerous online tool for collecting contract
studies and articles on the information and calculating the value
benefits of BIM, it can be of benefits delivered by BIM. It was
difficult for organisations to developed by the Sustainable Built
assess its potential value for Environment National Research
their particular purposes. Centre (SBEnrc) and is hosted by
The BIM Value tool was Over time, BIM Value Benchmarking
developed by the Sustainable will provide historical data to refine
Built Environment National decision making regarding BIM
Research Centre (SBEnrc) in implementation.
partnership with NATSPEC to
address this issue.

NATSPEC – mainly through its BIM Portal website – provides There is no shortage of information available on BIM. On the
information to help people improve their knowledge of BIM contrary, the sheer volume of information can be overwhelming
and to allow them to make more effective use of the tools and it can take some time to find that which is relevant.
and project-related documents also found on the site. This
The content of the BIM Portal has been selected or developed
information takes the form of web pages and guides on
to provide targeted information for busy practitioners wanting
a number of topics, case studies and links to documents
to learn key concepts or quickly find tools and resources that
provided by other organisations.
can be readily applied on their projects.

The NATSPEC BIM Portal contains all of the resources mentioned in this document and many more. Many of the documents
and tools are designed to work together and provide a useful, practical means of implementing BIM on projects. All are free and
aligned to Australian industry practices.

Some of the resources that can be found under the following menus include:

Documents Resources
• NATSPEC National BIM Guide suite of documents • Getting started with BIM
• Open BIM Object Standard • Introduction to BIM
• NATSPEC BIM Papers on a variety of subjects • BIM Guides by other organisations
• ABAB BIM Process Consistency Report • BIM Management Plans by other organisations
• ABAB Asset Information Requirements Guide • BIM topics including COBie and Object Libraries
• NATSPEC BIM Papers on a variety of subjects • Case Studies of BIM projects
• Templates, Proforma and Checklists • Presentations from recent BIM events
• Glossary of BIM terms
Tools R & D Projects
• NATSPEC BIM Properties Generator • Details of Australian Government or industry
• SBEnrc BIM Value Tool organisation R & D projects
• SBEnrc BIM Value Benchmarking Tool
• Keynoting Framework
• Classification and Filing Tools
To visit the NATSPEC BIM Portal go to and click on the BIM logo.

NATSPEC is a national not-for-profit organisation, owned by Government and industry, whose objective is to
improve the construction quality and productivity of the built environment through leadership of information.

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