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Assessment Booklet Preschool 3 April

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Assessment Booklet

April, 2023
We look forward to your suggestions and feedback regarding worksheets at the
The National Education Policy, 2020 envisions to ensure quality Early Childhood Care
and Education for all children between 3 to 6 years. The overall aim of ECCE in NEP is to attain
optimal outcome in all domains i.e. Physical Development, Socio-Emotional and Ethical
Development, Cognitive Development, Language and Literacy Development, Aesthetic and
Cultural Development. For healthy brain development the children need positive learning
experiences catering to all the domains of the development. The positive experiences will
build a foundation for future learning of children and their health. The best way to help
children in the preschool is to engage them in age appropriate activities. A child learns best
when there is joy in learning.

The assessment booklet for Preschool has been developed to track the monthly
progress of child in achieving Learning Outcomes. It attempts to provide competency based
worksheets in a simple interesting and engaging manner. The activities and worksheets in the
assessment booklet will be added every month to help the preschool teachers in assessment.
The activities for assessment are suggestive and can be modified by the teacher keeping in
view the need of the children. There is lot of scope to add or skip the worksheet based on the
children’s context and needs.

The teacher can use the given worksheets or can develop more worksheets based on
the concepts. They need to foster creativity and independence, allow exploration and
hands-on experiences before doing the worksheet or assessment. Make sure to customize
the worksheet for children with special needs.

I appreciate the efforts of all the resource persons for developing the booklets and
look forward to comments and suggestions from stakeholders to improve upon the booklet
in the coming months.

Dr. Surender S. Dahiya

Director, SCERT
UT Chandigarh
Each sheet of Assessment Booklet gives levels of efficiency that the child shows in performing
an activity. The teacher can mark against each Competency based on the child’s current stage
in the learning trajectory. Each stage can be marked for different levels (I, II, III, IV) of
achievement as given in the table below:

Grading Level I Level II Level III Level IV

Description of Tries to achieve Achieves the Achieves the Achieves the Learning
gradation of the Learning Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Outcomes
the children to Outcomes with with teacher’s on their own
support their teacher support support in the Helps and support
learning and in the given given time frame others to achieve the
development timeframe Learning Outcomes

Requires more
challenging tasks

Source: NCF-FS 2022

WEEK 1 and 2
Domain Competencies Suggestive activities
C-1.2 Practices basic self-care and hygiene  Rhymes on good habits
 Independent Toilet training
Development  Proper use of water before and after using the
 Mirror Activity e.g. children will self-assess
their uniform and cleanliness
C-3.3 Shows precision and control in working  Asking the child to:
with their hands and fingers - make a welcome card
- sculpt the clay in different objects
- Colour the pictures
- enjoy sand play
- make garland with leaves
C-3.4 Shows strength and endurance in carrying,  Free Outdoor Play on swings
walking, and running  Exercises e.g. bending / stretching / right/ left
 Walking on straight/curve/zig-zag line
 Hopscotch
 Jumping between the tyres
 Action Songs
C-4.1 Identifies self as a member of a family,  Greeting the parents, teachers and known
neighbourhood, school, city, with different parsons
and Ethical people doing different roles  Use of magical words in day-to-day life.
Development  Self-introduction e.g. children will make an
attempt to give their introduction
 Welcome party
C-8.3 Counts up to 99 both forwards and  Identifying the numbers (1 to 10)
backwards and in groups of 10s and 20s  Collecting objects like 5 stones, 2 leaves or
Development counting objects during nature walk etc.
 Numbers song e.g. 1little monkey jumping on a
bed, 1,2 buckle my shoes
 Identification of numbers from magazines and
C-9.4 Understands oral instructions for a  Making the child keep toys inside and outside
Language and
complex task and gives clear oral instructions for the cupboard
Literacy the same to others  Asking children to give instructions to peers
Development regarding cleanliness in classroom
C-10.1 Develops phonological awareness and  Revision of swar orally and written
blends phonemes/ syllables into words and  Varnmala song
segment words into phonemes/ syllables  Picture reading
 Matching pictures with swar
C-11.1 Develops phonological awareness and  Alphabet song
are able to blend phonemes/syllables into words
and segment words into phonemes/syllables

C-13.3 Observation, wonder, curiosity, and  Asking the children to name the things/objects
Positive Learning
exploration: Observes minute details of objects, of their class room/ play ground
Habits wonders, and explores using various senses,  Group dance/ action song/ singing
tinkers with objects, asks questions

WEEK 3 and 4
Domain Competencies Suggestive activities
Physical C-1.2 Practices basic self-care and hygiene  Hand wash activity

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 1
C-1.3 Keeps school/classroom hygienic and  Keeping the surroundings clean, Use of wet
organized and dry dustbins in School / Home / Public
 Showing videos or short films
 Role play on cleanliness of class for festival -
Assign different responsibilities to the
 Asking the child to name the thing that help
in hygiene and sanitation
 Rhymes
C-1.4 Practices safe use of material and simple  Making child aware about safety rules for e.g.
tools not to touch electric switches, not to use
sharp things etc.
 Asking children not to keep nail cutter,
cutter, screw driver, cells, hair pins, scissors,
blade etc. in bag.
C-3.3 Shows precision and control in working  Drawing emojis
with their hands and fingers  Making material for classroom decoration
 Making of Rainbow by paper tearing
 Clay modelling
C-3.4 Shows strength and endurance in carrying,  Free Play
walking, and running  Running, Hopping
 Hide and seek
 Playing with tyres
Socio-Emotional C-4.2 Recognizes different emotions and makes  Mirror Activity - Naming Parts of Body
and Ethical deliberate efforts to regulate them  Free conversation, likes/dislikes and interests
Development appropriately of self and family members
 Pretending and identifying different
 Showing emojis
 Free conversation
Cognitive C-7.2 Observes and understands cause and  Rhyme
Development effect relationships in nature by forming simple  Showing different colours of light by Prism
hypothesis and uses observations to explain Experiment
their hypothesis  Asking children to observe the round shapes
in the surroundings
C-8.3 Counts up to 99 both forwards and  Number 1 -12 and Backward Counting 12 - 1
backwards and in groups of 10s and 20s  Number card activity
 Jump on the number line forward and
 Explain the pattern of writing date
C-8.10 Performs simple measurements of time  Names of days of the week
in minutes, hours, day, weeks, and months  Rhyme on days of the week
Language and C-9.7 Knows and uses enough words to carry out  Taking permission in second language like
Literacy day-to-day interactions effectively and can May I come in, May I go to the washroom
Development guess meaning of new words by using existing  Asking the child to give self-introduction in
vocabulary English with the help of teacher
 Showing 5 to 6 objects to the children and
asking them to name the objects
C-10.1 Develops phonological awareness and  Revision of swar (orally and written too)
blends phonemes/ syllables into words and
segment words into phonemes/ syllables 
C-11.1 Develops phonological awareness and  Alphabet song
are able to blend phonemes/syllables into words
and segment words into phonemes /syllables

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 2
Learning Outcome C-1.2(1): Always washes and dries hands before and after using the toilet or eating

Note: Sing the song with actions using any musical instrument. Repeat the song three to four times. Let the children enjoy
the song and encourage them to develop hygienic habits. The teacher can ask the given questions after the song in
L-1 and L-2

Source: ‘UNMUKH’ Trainer’s Handbook for Balvatika

1. Do you wash your hands before eating food?

2. Do you wash your hands after using the toilet?
3. Do you think we should always keep our hands clean?
4. How can we keep our hands clean?

Assessment Rubrics
Sings the song with actions and answer all questions correctly Advanced
Sings the song with actions and answer 3 questions correctly Proficient
Sings the song with actions and answer 1-2 questions correctly/ Responds
with the help of teacher
Tries to Respond only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 3
Learning Outcome C-1.2(3): Begins to use personal care objects on their own

Note: Let the teacher read the name of the activity and ask the students to circle the object that is used for the activity. She
can also explain the right way of performing the activity e.g. right way of brushing, right way to wipe nose.

Brushing Wiping nose


Wiping the body Nail clipping


Handkerchief Towel

Nail cutter

Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Assessment Rubrics
All correct responses Advanced
4-5 correct responses Proficient
1-3 correct responses / Responds with the help of teacher Progressing
Tries to respond only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 4
Learning Outcome C-3.3(1): Uses coordinated movements of fine motor muscles for working on activities that
require more precision with some assistance (e.g., pencil drawing, cutting on straight or curved
line, threading small beads, legible writing of letters, stringing flowers, colouring within closed

Note: Let the children start from red dot, draw the figure and colour it.

Source: आनंद worksheets for Balvatika, NCERT

Assessment Rubrics
Joins the dots to complete the figure and colour it Advanced
Joins the dots and almost completes the figure and colour it Proficient
Joins the dots with the help of teacher Progressing
Tries to Join the dots only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 5
Learning Outcome● C-3.4(1): Walks and runs easily, coordinating body movements harmoniously

Note: Make the children walk to the beat of a drum or dafli. Encourage creative movements
allowing children to control speed and pace of walking, for example, ask the children to
change their pace of walking as per the varied beat of drum/dafli changing abruptly from
‘fast’ to ‘slow’ to ‘fast’ again or let the children sing a song and walk according to the
beats like hum aagey, aagey aatey hain; hum peechey, peechey jatey hain.

Assessment Rubrics
walk to the beat of a drum, can change pace of walking as per the varied beat
and leads the game
walk to the beat of a drum and can change pace of walking as per the varied
walk to the beat of a drum but at times need the help of teacher Progressing
Makes an effort to walk with the beat of drum only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 6
Learning Outcome C-4.1(1): Identifies self as a member of a family, neighbourhood, school, city, with different people
doing different roles

Let the children draw a family tree with extended relatives and pets. They can tell the roles of their family members,
their likes and dislikes, etc. The children may be asked paste the photographs of their family members in the family


Assessment Rubrics
Name the family members, tells clearly about their roles, likes, dislikes and
paste the photoghraphs
Name the family members, tells about their roles, likes, dislikes and paste the
Name the family members and paste the photoghraphs/ responds with the
help of teacher
Tries to respond only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 7

Learning Outcome C-8.3(1b): Counts objects with understanding of cardinality till 10 accurately

Note: Tell the children to count the number of animals and write the number names in the space provided

Assessment Rubrics
9-10 correct responses Advanced
7-8 correct responses Proficient
5-6 correct responses/ responds with the help of teacher Progressing
Tries to respond only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 8

Learning Outcome C-8.3(1e): Demonstrates the understanding of the numeral as face value and positioning value
(ordinality) and ordinal position of an object from left to right vice versa

Note: Tell the students to circle the bird according to the positioning value from left

1 2 3 4 5
One Two Three Four Five

Colour the bird Number - 2

Colour the cock Number - 3

Colour the duck Number - 4

Assessment Rubrics
All correct responses Advanced
2 correct responses Proficient
1 correct response/ responds with the help of teacher Progressing
Tries to respond only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 9
Learning Outcome C-9.4(1): Follows instructions comprising of several steps - 4 to 5 instructions at a time

The teacher can use the worksheet to play snakes and ladder using a dice. After the game the teacher will give the
following instructions
 Count the Ladders and Snakes.
 Circle the numbers 2, 4, 6, 9
 Tell your favourite food from the picture
 Name the foods that we should eat to remain healthy

Assessment Rubrics
Follows all the instructions Advanced
Follows 3 instructions Proficient
Follows 1-2 instructions/ Responds with the help of teacher Progressing
Tries to respond only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 10
Learning Outcome C-10.1(1): Produces rhyming words and alliterations

Note: Let the children read out the swars. She can ask the children to produce alliterations related to swars.

Assessment Rubrics
11-12 correct responses Advanced
9-10 correct responses Proficient
6-8 correct responses/ responds with the help of teacher Progressing
Less than 5 responses or responds only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 11
Learning Outcome C-1.2(1): Gets help to wash and dry hands before and after using the toilet or eating.

Note: The teacher will tell need and importance of washing of hands and demonstrate the steps to be followed while washing
hands. Later the teacher can ask the students to join the correct order of washing hands.

Assessment Rubrics
All correct answers Advanced
6-7 correct answers Proficient
4-5 correct answers/ responds with the help of teacher Progressing
1-3 correct answers or responds only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 12
Learning Outcome C-1.4(1) Uses scissors, knife with care under supervision

Note: Ask the children to circle the objects that are unsafe to use

School bag Knife

Electric wires Ball

Pillow Scissor

Gas Stove Medicine

Assessment Rubrics
5 correct answers Advanced
4 correct answers Proficient
3 correct answers Progressing
1-2 correct answers or responds only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 13
Learning Outcome C 8.10(1): Knows the names of the days of the week and months of the year

Note: Let the teacher sing rhyme on days of the week with children. Later she can name the day and ask children to number
the days of week in order

Assessment Rubrics
6-7 correct answers Advanced
4-5 correct answers Proficient
2-3 correct answers Progressing
1 correct answer or responds only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 14
Learning Outcome C-13.3(2): Shows curiosity and wonder in exploring collections from the nature/ immediate

Note: Let the children observe the picture and name the classroom objects

Assessment Rubrics
7 – 8 correct names Advanced
5 – 6 correct names Proficient
3 – 4 correct names/ responds with the help of teacher Progressing
1 – 2 correct names or tries to respond only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 15
Learning Outcome C-3.3(1): Exhibits fine motor skills, eye hand coordination and muscle strength in simple activities
(e.g., scribbling, tearing paper, pasting, free hand colouring, clay work).

Note: Help the child understand that we all have feelings, but it is important to learn to cope up with our feelings. Then ask
the child to match the feelings with appropriate faces with similar expressions. Do some activities that will help them
learn to cope up with their feelings and ask them to draw the emoji of their feelings in the following situation
I Have Feelings

Story telling by teacher

Outing with family

Fight with sibling or friend

Birthday celebration

Assessment Rubrics
Can identify emotions and draw all emojis Advanced
Can identify emotions and draw 2-3 emojis Proficient
Can identify emotions but finds it difficult to draw/ responds with the help of teacher Progressing
Tries to respond only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 16
Learning Outcome C-11.1(1): Sings rhymes

Note: The teacher will sing the alphabet song and the students will repeat after her.

Assessment Rubrics
Individually sings the rhyme correctly Advanced
Individually sings the rhyme but skips 1-2 alphabets Proficient
Repeats the rhyme after the teacher Progressing
Tries to repeat only with the help of teacher Beginner

SCERT, UT Chandigarh 17

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