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Water Requirements of Crops

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Dated: 04/04/2024
Technical Seminar
Subject Code: 18CVS84 Credits: 1
Marks: 100

I express my sincere and humble Pranamas to his Holiness PARAMAPOOJYA JAGADGURU


It's my pleasure to express deep gratitude and sincere thanks to Technical seminar guide Dr.Sanjith J,
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering.

The cooperation of Dr B.M.Kiran. CA, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, is beyond
comparisons and we are extremely obliged to him.

I also express my sincere thanks to the kind co-operation shown by the coordinators Mr.Kavan M.R and
Mr. Vinay Kumar C.V

I owe the success of this Technical seminar to our beloved Principal Dr.C.T JAYADEVA without whose
constant encouragement, the completion of this Technical seminar course work would not have been

I am deeply indebted to our honourable director Dr. C.K SUBBRAYA for creating the right kind of care and

The satisfaction that accompanies the completion of any task would be incomplete without naming the
people who made it possible and whose content guidance and encouragement made the work seek

I take this opportunity to thank and express our gratitude to my dear parents who have given us the right
education because of which we have been able to reach this stage and have always been a source of

I thank all the faculties who have lent a helping hand directly or indirectly in preparation of this Technical
seminar report.


Sl.No Content

1 Introduction 3

2 Literature survey 4

3 Summary 5

4 Reference 5

Chapter 1

Water is an essential resource for crop growth and productivity. Understanding the water requirements of
different crops is crucial for efficient water management in agriculture. This report aims to provide an
overview of the factors influencing crop water requirements, methods for estimating water needs, and
strategies for optimizing water use in crop production.
Crop water requirements (CWR) are defined as the depth of water (millimeters) needed to meet the water
consumed through evapotranspiration (ETc) by a disease-free crop, growing in large fields under
nonrestricting soil conditions, including soil water and fertility, and achieving full production potential
under the given growing environment. Defining ‘crop evapotranspiration’ (ETc) as the rate of
evapotranspiration (millimeters per day) of a given crop as influenced by its growth stages, environmental
conditions, and crop management to achieve the potential crop production, then the CWR is the sum
of ETc for the entire crop growth period. When management or environmental conditions deviate from the
optimal, then that rate of evapotranspiration has to be adjusted to the prevailing conditions and is called
actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa). Both CWR and ETc concepts apply to either irrigated or rainfed crops.
For irrigated crops, the concept of CWR has to be complemented by that of irrigation water requirement
(IWR), which is the net depth of water (millimeters) that is required to be applied to a crop to satisfy fully
its specific crop water requirement. The IWR is the fraction of CWR not satisfied by rainfall, soil-water
storage, and groundwater contribution. When it is necessary to add a leaching fraction to assure appropriate
leaching of salts in the soil profile, this depth of water is also included in IWR. In practice, IWR has to be
converted into gross irrigation requirements to take into consideration the efficiency of the irrigation
systems utilized.

Chapter 2
1. Overview:
Understanding the water requirements of crops is essential for sustainable agricultural practices, particularly
in regions prone to water scarcity. This literature survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of
research findings, methodologies, and trends related to crop water requirements.

2. Factors Influencing Crop Water Requirements:

Research by Jones et al. (2011) highlights the multifaceted factors affecting crop water requirements,
including climatic conditions, soil properties, crop type, and management practices. Climate plays a pivotal
role in determining crop water demand, with temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation
influencing evapotranspiration rates. Additionally, soil characteristics such as texture, structure, and organic
matter content significantly impact water availability to crops.

3. Estimation Methods:
Various methods have been developed to estimate crop water requirements. The FAO-56 Penman-Monteith
equation, as described by Allen et al. (1998), is widely used for calculating reference evapotranspiration
(ET<sub>0</sub>). Crop coefficients (K<sub>c</sub>) are then applied to adjust ET<sub>0</sub> to
estimate actual crop water requirements. Remote sensing techniques, such as those outlined by Bastiaanssen
et al. (1998), offer valuable insights into spatial and temporal variations in crop water stress.

4. Crop-Specific Studies:
Numerous studies have focused on assessing the water requirements of specific crops. For instance, research
by Steduto et al. (2009) investigated the water needs of maize under different agroclimatic conditions,
highlighting the importance of irrigation scheduling for maximizing yield and water use efficiency.
Similarly, studies by Pereira et al. (2002) and Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) have provided valuable
insights into the water requirements of rice and wheat, respectively.

5. Technological Advances:
Advancements in technology have facilitated improved water management practices in agriculture. Soil
moisture sensors, as discussed by Hunsaker et al. (2003), enable real-time monitoring of soil moisture
levels, allowing for precise irrigation scheduling and water conservation. Furthermore, the integration of
remote sensing data with crop models, as demonstrated by Kisekka et al. (2019), enhances the accuracy of
crop water requirement estimates and supports informed decision-making by farmers.

6. Strategies for Water Conservation:

Efforts to conserve water in crop production have gained momentum in recent years. Adoption of drip
irrigation systems, as advocated by Grattan and Zeng (2015), reduces water wastage and promotes efficient
water distribution to crops' root zones. Additionally, practices such as mulching, cover cropping, and
rainwater harvesting contribute to soil moisture conservation and mitigate the impacts of water scarcity on
crop yields.

Chapter 3

Understanding the water needs of crops is vital for efficient agricultural practices, especially in regions
facing water scarcity. The literature on this topic emphasizes the multifaceted factors influencing crop water
requirements, including climate, soil properties, crop types, and management practices. Various methods,
such as the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equation and remote sensing techniques, are employed to estimate
crop water needs accurately. Additionally, research has delved into crop-specific studies, technological
advancements, and strategies for water conservation in agriculture. Drip irrigation systems, soil moisture
sensors, and policy interventions play significant roles in optimizing water use and promoting sustainable
crop production. Overall, a comprehensive understanding of crop water requirements is essential for
ensuring food security and sustainable agricultural development in the face of increasing water scarcity and
climate change challenges.

Chapter 4

[1] Allen, R. G., Pereira, L. S., Raes, D., & Smith, M. (1998). Crop evapotranspiration: guidelines for
computing crop water requirements. FAO irrigation and drainage paper, 56.
[2] Bastiaanssen, W. G., Pelgrum, H., Wang, J., Ma, Y., Moreno, J. F., Roerink, G. J., & van der Wal, T.
(1998). A remote sensing surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL). 1. Formulation. Journal
of hydrology, 212-213, 198-212.
[3] Doorenbos, J., & Kassam, A. H. (1979). Yield response to water. FAO irrigation and drainage paper, 33.
[4] Grattan, S. R., & Zeng, L. (2015). Drip irrigation management of crops. In Handbook of irrigation and
drainage (pp. 289-320). Routledge.
[5] Hunsaker, D. J., Barnes, E. M., Clarke, T. R., Fitzgerald, G. J., Pinter Jr, P. J., & Moran, M. S. (2003).
Cotton irrigation scheduling using remotely sensed and FAO-56 basal crop coefficients. Agricultural
Water Management, 58(3), 203-216.
[6] Jones, H. G., Serraj, R., Loveys, B. R., Xiong, L., Wheaton, A., & Price, A. H. (2011). Thermal infrared
imaging of crop canopies for the remote diagnosis and quantification of plant responses to water stress
in the field. Functional Plant Biology, 38(11), 857-873.
[7] Kisekka, I., Albrecht, S. L., & Smith, M. (2019). Integration of Remote Sensing Data with Crop Growth
Models to Estimate Crop Water Requirements. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 145(4),
[8] Molden, D., Oweis, T., Steduto, P., Bindraban, P., Hanjra, M. A., & Kijne, J. (2010). Improving
agricultural water productivity: between optimism and caution. Agricultural Water Management, 97(4),

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