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Solar Powered Electroculture Technique For Backyard Farming

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Some key takeaways are that electroculture involves using electricity to stimulate plant growth and increase crop yields. It works by applying electric currents to soil which helps plants grow faster. The paper discusses designing a solar-powered electroculture system for backyard farming.

Electroculture is a technique that uses electricity and electric fields to stimulate plant growth. It works by applying small electric currents to soil through copper rods placed near plants. This helps increase the speed that plants produce food and makes them grow faster, larger, and with higher yields.

The results of two growth tests showed that plants grown using electroculture (Plot B) grew significantly faster than plants without (Plot A) or with only fertilizer (Plot C). Plot B plants reached full growth in around 5 weeks versus the normal 6 weeks. Electrocutlured plants grew on average 4 times faster.

International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications

ISSN: 2456-9992

Solar-Powered Electroculture Technique For

Backyard Farming
Elenor M. Reyes, GlennJordan M. Achico
Batangas State University, College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts,
Pablo Borbon Main II, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines

Batangas State University, College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts,

Pablo Borbon Main II, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines

Abstract: To make crops grow larger and faster has been the primary concern of agriculture for ages. All methods of cultivation techniques
and technologies have been developed to fulfill this aim; from simple crop rotation to complex synthetic fertilizers. Another cultivation
technology discovered in agriculture is the application of electricity and magnetism that can accelerate growth rates, increase yields, and
improve crop quality. This technology is called electroculture. Electroculture can protect plants from diseases and insect and likewise
reduce the requirements for fertilizer or pesticides. Farmers can grow bigger and better crops in less time, with less effort, and at a lower
cost. Rationalizing the concept of electricity’s role in plant growth stimulation and application of solar technology, the researcher designed
and developed a project that would help increase the growth of plants without losing their quality and nutrition. Electroculture with proper
watering system will help the plants grow faster. Moreover, the portable solar power supply may be used to power up the project for a more
cost effective operation. With this project, there will be an increase in the production of crops and may help resolve the shortage of food in
the years ahead.

Keywords: solar energy  electroculture  farming

1. Introduction their quality and nutrition. Electroculture with proper

One major factor contributing in the increase in food demand watering system will help the plants grow faster.[3]
is world population growth. Demographic projections have a Moreover, a portable solar power supply may be used to
high degree of certainty, so projections of future world food power up the project for a more cost effective operation.
needs based on population growth are quite reliable. Demand With this project, there will be an increase in the production
for food in the Philippines is expected to rise because of the of crops and may help resolve the shortage of food in the
expected growth in the economy. The country's growing years ahead.
population shall require greater food supplies. With the fast
increasing population, the need for food will become 2. Material and Methods
increasingly urgent as several factors such as pests, climate The project study used engineering and planning type of
change and the like, force the change of the approach to research which involved the use of plans, procedures and
agriculture, creating or developing new agricultural strategies to come up with the working prototype.
techniques or strategies to ensure enough food supply for the Conceptual literature and related studies were considered in
people. Experts say that farmers now lack the ability to yield the construction of the proposed project. The evaluation of
good quality edible plants. Electroculture is one of the the existing electroculture included the analysis of the
potential solutions to help solve this crisis. Electroculture design, construction and operation of the previous models.
includes the study of the effects of electricity and electric Some modifications for improvement on the previous models
fields on the rate of seed germination and plant growth. For were also included. The study also took into consideration
centuries, farmers had sworn that thunderstorms make crops the requirement and standards of the electrical engineering
grow quicker. Observations have been made that certain and agriculture and the knowledge of the existing technology
types of grass appear healthier after a thunderstorm and grass to be modified to come up with the design of the
that grows below an electric power cable generally looks electroculture on plants. After gathering different
greener. The reason is that after a thunderstorm, the plants information from different references, the design layout and
make use of the electric current produced by the lightning, specifications has been conceptualized and carry out.
then the plants widely open their roots containing the guard Computation and technical analysis are important to have
cells which allow the passage of electric current to increase accurate results and to minimize actual problems that may
the speed of production of their food. The application of arise throughout the operation of the project. Bit-by-bit
electricity, magnetism, monochrome light, and sound can process and the proper machines and tools to be used in the
stimulate the growth of plants to a great extent[1]. This little- project are given attention in the methods of fabrication and
known technology, called electroculture, can accelerate assembly. The fabrication of the project has been assessed
growth rates, increase yields, and improve crop quality. accurately and the safety of the individual was prioritized.
Electroculture can protect plants from diseases, insects and Some tests were performed to determine acceptability of the
frost. These methods also can reduce the requirements for operation of the project and its efficiency. Furthermore,
fertilizer or pesticides. Farmers can grow bigger and better charging and discharging tests were done to measure the
crops in less time, with less effort, and at a lower cost .[2] It current drain capabilities of the solar panel and its
is the researchers’ aspiration to design and develop a project auxiliaries.
that will quickly increase the growth of plants without losing

Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2019 116
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992

3. Results and Discussion 3.1.4 Areas for Improvement. The past study
concerned only on using electroculture as a technique
3.1 Evaluation of the existing electroculture technique for plant growing whereas the present study added other
features such as solar power energy as the supply and an
3.1.1 Design. In the study of electroculture technique, automated watering system. Using solar power energy
the proponent planted a vegetable garden in their front as the supply is a means to conserve energy. A 12V DC,
yard. Tomatoes, eggplant, broccoli, peppers, and chard 40 AH deep cycle battery was used to store the energy
were planted. The plants were electrified by Samsung that is generated by the solar panel. The copper rods
phone charger with a 5v, 550 mA output. The charger used in the project and the trigger for the automatic
was connected to two three-inch nails by a 1.75 mm watering system got their supply from the solar power
diameter conductor, one connected to each wire of the connected to it. Having an automated watering system
charger. The nails were buried in the east and west sides. is one way to control or conserve water.
The Samsung charger was plugged in an outside
convenience outlet. The garden was manually watered 3.2 Design Consideration and Requirement
8:00 in the morning and at 4:00 in the afternoon.
3.2.1 Philippine Electrical Code (PEC). In order to
3.1.2 Construction. The garden wherein electroculture ensure the quality of the products, some provisions of
technique was applied is about 25 feet by 14 feet. The the Philippine Electrical Code were cited and considered
long axis was east to west. The nails which are as guides for the development and operation of a solar-
connected to the supply were positioned on the east and powered electroculture technique for backyard farming.
west sides. The positive electrode was about 8 feet away Researchers provided a functional prototype as to
to the right. Figure 1 shows the garden where simulate final design, considering aesthetics, materials,
electroculture technique was applied. quality and functionality. They reduced its size in order
to reduce its cost. The provisions cited were on storage
batteries, wiring and equipment supplied from batteries. Storage batteries. Art. 4.80.18 provides that

racks and trays shall comply with (a) Racks, as required
in this article, are rigid frames designed to support cells
or trays. They shall be substantial and be made of one of
the following: (1) Metal, treated so as to deteriorating
action by the electrolyte and provided with no
conducting members directly supporting the cells or
with continuous insulating material other than paint on
conducting members; or (2) Other construction such as
fiberglass or other suitable nonconductive materials. (b)
Trays are frames, such as crates or shallow boxes
usually of wood or other nonconductive material,
Figure 1. Plot where electroculture technique is applied constructed or treated so as to be resistant to
deteriorating action by the electrolyte.
3.1.3 Operation. The plants were electrified 24/7. The
garden is manually watered 8:00 in the morning and at Wiring and equipment supplied from
4:00 in the afternoon. Three weeks later after the batteries. According to Art., wiring and
electroculture technique was applied, the plants grew equipment supplied from storage batteries shall be
faster. Figure 2 shows the effect of electricity to the subject to the requirements of this code applying to
plants. The row of plants closest to the path is taller than wiring and equipment operating at the same voltage,
the rows further away. This was because the electric unless otherwise permitted by
field was originating next to the path. As the field
diminishes over distance, so does the growth Wiring. Wires shall be identified by sleeve-wire
amplification effect. markers or equivalent at each end. Wiring shall be
thermoplastic and heat-resistant.

3.2.2 Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers (IEEE) IEEE SA - 1562-2007 - IEEE Guide for Array

and Battery Sizing in Stand-Alone Photovoltaic (PV)
Systems. According to this IEEE Standard, a method for
properly sizing the PV array and battery for stand-alone
PV systems where PV is the only charging source is
recommended (in conjunction with IEEE Std 1013TM).
Load calculations and determination of solar radiation in
the sizing of the system need special attention.
Figure 2. Plot after electricity was applied

Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2019 117
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992

Additionally, the critical nature of the load in deciding

an acceptable annual availability needs to be considered. Department of Agriculture (DA). Under a

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed by former
Secretary of Department of Agriculture Yap and AFI
president Regina Lopez, the Department will set up
home gardens at the resettlement site; train the
beneficiaries on vegetable farming and teach them
environment-friendly technologies to increase their
production; and provide them with farm inputs in the
form of assorted vegetable seeds, fish tank /fingerlings,
shredder and vermicomposting units.
Figure 3. Solar Powered Electroculture Technique for Pechay Production. Pechay can either be sown Backyard Farming
directly on the soil or transplanted. Direct seeding is
carried out by broadcasting or by sowing in rows. Cover 3.3.2 Design and computation analysis. For a better
the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm by raking or understanding of the prototype, the proponents provided
spreading additional top soil. Water immediately after computations of the components of the design.
sowing. Plant spacing should be 10 cm between plants Sizing of the Solar Panel. In order to determine the size
and 20 cm between rows. Afterwards, harvest in 45 days of the solar module, the total load demand must be
after sowing. Harvest methods are preferably done on computed first.
the leaves and then remove roots. Pechay is about 15-30 Solenoid Valve = 4.8 W
cm tall in vegetative state. [4] Copper Rods = 12V x 2.5A = 30 W

3.3 Design Plans and Specifications The total demand load will be the sum of the individual
3.3.1 General Description of the Project. The solar-
powered electroculture technique for backyard farming Total load = 4.8 W + 30 W = 34.8 W x 1.25 = 43.5
is a project which aims to make crops grow larger and Watts (since 125% is the reciprocal of 80 percent and 80
faster. It is powered by a 50 Watts solar panel connected percent of the rating of the solar panel shall be its
to a 12 Volt DC deep cycle battery. The 12 Volt deep maximum allowable load.
cycle battery supplies the copper rods planted in the soil
through a charge controller. The project has three The researchers used a 50 W solar panel for further
different plots planted with 24 pechay plants per plot. improvement of the prototype. Pmax = 50W and
Plot A was intended for traditional plant growing nominal voltage was 12V.
without fertilizers. In plot B, two copper rods were
planted in the soil of each pechay plant soil. The copper Sizing of the Charge Controller. The researchers came
rods were placed at opposite sides of the plot and did not up with the size of the charge controller using the
touch each other. Using a solar charge controller, the parameter computed in sizing the solar panel.
solar panel charges the battery while the battery supplies Solar Panel = 50 W
the microcontroller. It is programmed that every 8 am Battery = 12VDC
and 4 pm the microcontroller will allow the passage of Ampere Rating:
electricity from the battery to the solenoid valve for the = (50W / 12VDC) x 1.25 = 5.2083 A
watering system and the copper rod for the
electroculture technique for two minutes. Lastly, in plot Twenty five percent (25%) of the ampere rating should
C, liberal amount of organic fertilizer (compost) was be added to take account the special conditions that
applied at the base of the plants and covered lightly with could occur, causing the solar panel to produce more
soil and watered immediately to give the plants enough power than normally rated (e.g. due to sunlight’s
nutrients. In plot A, there was no fertilizer used. The reflection off of water, extraordinary bright conditions,
plots were watered through an automated watering etc.).
system. This system was done by a program using an
Arduino supplied by the 12 Volt DC battery supply. Sizing of the Battery. The researchers provided
This Arduino is connected to a solenoid valve which batteries based on parameters computed in a worst case
triggers every 8am and 4pm. The solenoid valve is scenario that the solar panel will not be available due to
connected to a hose that connects the water supply and insufficient sunlight. The battery at full charge
the pulsating sprinkler in the end. The pulsating condition is assumed to be used 360 minutes (non
sprinkler automatically waters the plant whenever the continuous).
solenoid valve triggers. The growth of the pechay plants
is monitored by using a bullet type CCTV camera. The Therefore:
actual prototype of the project is shown in Figure 3. Ampere-Hour
= (5.20A)(360 minutes x 1 hour/60 minutes)
Ampere-Hour = 31.2 AH

Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2019 118
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992

The researchers used 40 AH deep cycle battery because

it is designed for solar applications and the rating is
more than the computed rating.

3.3.3 Design layouts. The construction assembly of

solar powered electroculture technique for backyard
farming is shown in Figure 4. It consists of a solar panel,
a storage battery, sprinkler, a greenhouse, a charge
controller, and a microcontroller of irrigation. The
greenhouse consists of three plots. It has also a CCTV
for monitoring purposes only. Along with it are the
dimensions of the prototype.

Figure 6. Flowchart

The battery supplies the circuit and initializes the device and
is represented by a parallelogram. The RTC is a real time
clock which tracks the current time even if the
microcontroller does not have a power supply because it has
a separate battery. The microcontroller operates based on
real-time manner. The researchers set the time of watering
the plants, 8:00am and 4:00pm only, and the duration of the
process is set for two (2) minutes for each time set. The
Figure 4. Isometric View diamond indicates decision making process where the
Arduino decides if the set time is equal to the current time in
Figure 4 shows the isometric view of the project. The the RTC. If the Arduino decides that the set time is not equal
greenhouse is 2.4m x 1.3m x 1m with the three (3) to the current time, the Arduino repeats the process from the
partitions; Plot A, Plot B, Plot C. Electroculture plot has start until the Arduino reaches the set time equal to the
the copper rods installed 12cm from the base of the current time in the RTC. When the real time clock (RTC) is
plant. The project study has additional features: sprinkle equal to the time set, the Arduino sends electrical signal to
and CCTV camera. Sprinkler post of 1.25m and the the sprinkler’s relay (the solenoid valve is directly connected
solenoid valve post of 1m in height was installed 1.5m to the sprinkler’s relay), the sprinkler’s relay will allow the
from the greenhouse while the CCTV camera post of electric signal to flow to the solenoid valve. The solenoid
1.3m in height was installed from the distance of 2m will open up and allow the water to pass through for duration
from the greenhouse. of two minutes; the sprinkler is directly coupled to the
solenoid valve, which will water the plants. The
3.3.4 Circuit Diagram. The circuit diagram of the microcontroller is again returned to the start until it reaches
project and the connection of all components of project the condition set by the proponents.
is shown in figure 4.5. It composes of a solar panel,
charge controller, microcontroller, solenoid valve and 3.4 Testing Methodologies
the copper rods. Tests were conducted to determine whether the mechanism
and output of the system reached the desired output. A
growth test was conducted in order to establish the
effectiveness and efficiency of the prototype. To confirm that
the necessary output of the project was achieved, a CCTV
camera was used to monitor the growth of the plants.
Researchers will use a ruler to record the height of the plants
in each plot. In the first test, the researchers provided
seedlings of pechay and planted them in the three plots (plot
A, plot B and plot C). All the plots were provided with same
amount of water through an automated watering system. The
plants in plot B were electrocuted 24 hours a day while plot
A and plot C grew the plants in a conventional manner with
and without fertilizer, respectively. The testing lasted only
Figure 5. Schematic Circuit Diagram for two weeks. After such observations made for weeks, the
following results for different parameters set by the
3.3.5 Program and its Implementation. Figure 6 proponents are drawn.
shows the flowchart of the operation of the

Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2019 119
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992

sense plant growth are being stimulated by electricity

because wet soil improves current flow.


* P1 – Plant 1 P2 – Plant 2 P3 – Plant 3

P4 – Plant 4 P5 – Plant 5 P6 – Plant 6
P7 – Plant 7 P8 – Plant 8
PLOT A – without fertilizer ; PLOT B – * P1 – Plant 1 P2 – Plant 2 P3 – Plant 3
electroculture; PLOT C – with fertilizer P4 – Plant 4 P5 – Plant 5 P6 – Plant 6
D P7 – Plant 7 P8 – Plant 8
Table 1: Growth Test (Test I) PLOT A – without fertilizer ; PLOT B –
electroculture; PLOT C – with fertilizer
L PLANT Table 2: Growth Test (Test II)
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 P HEIGHT OF PECHAY PLANT (mm)
P1 30 72 L PLANT
P2 44 86 O NO. WEEK NO.
P3 35 93 T 1 2 3 4 5 6
P4 45 78
A P1 20 38 70 70 95
P5 35 62
P2 17 35 70 110 115
P6 43 105
P3 20 33 70 70 80
P7 20 80
P4 28 51 88 10 120
P8 30 81 A
P5 19 42 70 100 120
Average 35.25 81.12
P6 30 50 90 130 135
P1 42
P7 20 40 68 80 96
P2 54 85
P8 15 30 60
P3 60 120
Average 21.1 39.9 73.3 95.7 108.7
P4 40 68
B P1 37 70 125 150 160
P5 60 90
P2 34 90 120 135 150
P6 60 103
P3 33 80 110 125 160
P7 60 112
P4 45 85 120 150 155
P8 40 B
P5 34 60 90 100 150
Average 52 96.33
P6 35 80 110 130 142
P1 50 75
P7 30 55 100 130 165
P2 55 150
P8 40 70 130 165 170
P3 50 95
Average 52 32.3 73.8 113 136
P4 45 117
C P1 25 50 90 140 160
P5 40 105
P2 15 30 70 120 125
P6 60 108
P3 20 50 80 115 125
P7 52 85
P4 12 20 60 65 70
P8 70 85 C
P5 28 40 80 113 120
Average 52 102.5
P6 20 40 80 110 130
P7 32 45 90 120 125
Table 1 shows the results of Test 1 of the growth test done in P8 40 60 128 155 160
the three different plots. In the first week, the plants in Plot A Average 52 24 41.9 84.8 117
have the lowest average growth while the plants in Plot C
have the highest average growth. In the second week, all the Table 2 shows the results gathered in the second testing of
plants in the three plots grew but plant 1 and plant 8 in Plot B the project. In first week, plot B had the highest average of
died. Plot C still had the highest growth average. After the growth test. The second was plot C and plot A had the lowest
second week of testing in Test 1, the researchers looked for among the three. Based on the plant monitoring system the
other references on how to improve the design of the project. pechay plants planted on plot B grew faster than the two
Plot B was divided into 8 different sections by a plywood. other plants. The ranking of the average growth of the plants
The copper rods were placed 12 cm from the base of the was the same from first week to fifth week. According to
pechay plants. Instead of supplying the copper rods by DC department of agriculture, pechay plants may be assumed
voltage source for 24 hours, it was minimized for only about fully grown after 45 days or six weeks. As gleaned on the
four minutes a day using the microcontroller. For Test II of results above, plants in plot B grew faster compared with the
growth test, the researchers set the automated plant watering other two plots and reached its full grown state for around
device using a sprinkler for four (4) minutes a day. In this five (5) weeks only. Moreover, it was observed that watering
for four (4) minutes a day and application of electricity

Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2019 120
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992

stimulates plant growth faster because wet soil improves

electric current flow. Electro-cultured plants require about 10
percent more water than control plants because the charged
water is perspired more rapidly than under normal conditions
[6] Furthermore, the passage of currents through the soil was
beneficial to plant growth. As observed, plants subjected to
electric current for 4 minutes daily results to about four times
the healthier than plants grow the conventional way.

A well designed electroculture technique has great impact on
household income. As observed in the study, the normal
harvesting time of pechay plants is reduced by a week. This
means reduction in the consumption of water, fertilizers and
pests controls. Moreover, electroculture technique illustrates
low maintenance and operating cost that best fits for every
farmers growing vegetables plants. It will give farmers a
chance to grow high quality crops faster, reduce
environmental problems caused by using organic fertilizers
and increase their income.

[1]. Diprose, M. F., Benson, F. A. And Willis, A. J., The
Effect of Externally Applied Electrostatic Fields,
Microwave Radiation and Electric Currents on
Plants and Other Organisms, with Special
Reference to Weed Control, 1984

[2]. Nelson, Robert A., The Next Bigly Thing:

ElectroCulture, 1982

[3]. https://www/
/science .hmtl


[5]. Butchbaker , Allen F., Electricity and Electronics

for Agriculture, (1976)

[6]. Lakhovsky, George,, The Secret Of Life, 2010

[7]. Villaluna, Menchie C.,, Growth of Corn planted in

lahar applied with organic and inorganic fertilizers,

[8]. Electroculture, good vibes for agriculture: retrieved


[9]. Electropism: retrieved from

Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2019 121

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