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Procedia Food Science 7 (2016) 168 – 172

9th International Conference on Predictive Modelling in Food

Modelling the growth of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli O157

on lettuce
Olivier Veysa, Susana de Oliveira Eliasb, Imca Sampersa, Eduardo César Tondob
Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Biotechnology, Department of Industrial Biological Sciences, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent
University Campus Kortrijk, Graaf Karel de Goedelaan 5, Kortrijk B-8500, Belgium
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Avenida Bento Gonçalves, 9500 – Campus do Vale – Prédio 43212 – CEP 91501-970 - Porto


This study aimed to model the growth of Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157 on lettuce at different temperatures.
Microorganisms were inoculated separately on lettuce and stored at 5, 10, 25, and 37°C. Growth curves were built by fitting the
data to the Baranyi’s DMFit model and Ratkowsky equation was used as secondary model. The models were able to assess the
growth of both microorganisms and data showed that bacteria did not growth for 24 hours at 10°C, what can be a suitable
temperature for lettuce distribution on food services. However, prolonged periods demonstrated growth at every temperatures
The Authors. Published
by Elsevier by Elsevier
Ltd. This Ltd.
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Department of Food Science, Faculty of Food Engineering, University of Campinas.
Peer-review under responsibility of Department of Food Science, Faculty of Food Engineering, University of Campinas.
Keywords: microbial pathogens; predictive modeling; food safety; leafy greens; temperature

1. Introduction

Foodborne pathogens are a major concern in the global food market today, including Salmonella spp. and E. coli
O1571. Currently, the production of fresh produce is associated with a healthy lifestyle, however it can be
contaminated throughout the production chain and consumption. Consequently, a high percentage of the population
is exposed to foodborne illnesses due to the consumption of fresh products 2, if appropriate control measures were not
Lettuce is one of the most consumed leafy green cultivated around the world2. In Brazil, lettuces are responsible
for approximately 40% of the total volume of fresh produce traded; this high consumption is attributed due to the
availability, cost, and nutritional factors3. Besides this, independently the way lettuces are served, it is always
consumed raw, being possibly to be contaminated by pathogens as Salmonella spp. and E. coli O1572.

2211-601X © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Department of Food Science, Faculty of Food Engineering, University of Campinas.
Olivier Veys et al. / Procedia Food Science 7 (2016) 168 – 172 169

The storage temperatures of lettuces before eating are highly variable, depending on the available equipment and
environmental conditions. Temperature is an important extrinsic factor affecting microbial growth and,
consequently, the safety of lettuces4. The recommended temperature for storage of ready-to-eat fresh produce in
Brazilian food services is <5°C5. However, it is hardly reached and maintained on buffets, because of equipment
used are frequently open, allowing temperature changes. Moreover, the environmental temperature in Brazil is much
higher than 5°C, increasing the probability of microbial growth. Based on this, the investigation of pathogens on
lettuce is important to understand the microbial behavior.
To model the influence of the temperature on the growth of Salmonella spp. and E. coli O157 primary and
secondary models can be used. With these models, the behavior of pathogens can be simulated and predicted on
lettuce, giving important information on the safety of these leafy greens.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Strains

The Salmonella strains used were: Salmonella Enteritidis SE86, Salmonella Typhimurium L12031, Salmonella
Typhimurium 1T2, Salmonella Anatum, Salmonella Newport and Salmonella Saint Paul. The E. coli O157 strains
were isolated from different sources, two were isolated from bovines in the States of Rio Grande do Sul and São
Paulo, and the other two were isolated from manure and from lettuce washing water in Porto Alegre city (Brazil).

2.2. Lettuce

The lettuces were bought in a local supermarket of Porto Alegre city, Brazil. The outer leaves of the lettuces and
the core were removed, as well as all visible dirtiness. The intact leaves were cut into 4 X 4 cm pieces, using a
sterile surgical knife and a disinfected metallic template.

2.3. Pathogens inoculation on lettuce

Each Salmonella and E. coli O157 strain was grown in 5 mL of Brain Heart Infusion broth (BHI), at 37°C for
24h. The cultures were centrifuged, separately, at 4°C, for 10 min, at 2810g, the supernatants were discharged and
pellets were washed with 0.1% peptone water. This procedure was repeated 3 times and then, after the third
repetition, cells were re-suspended with 0.1% peptone water and all Salmonella and E. coli O157 strains were mixed
in two different pools.
The final cell concentration of 108 CFU/mL was adjusted through optical density (OD630nm) and confirmed by
plating on BHI. Decimal serial dilutions using 0.1% peptone water were prepared, and a Salmonella pool was
inoculated on lettuce in order to obtain a final cell concentration of nearly 2 log CFU/g. The E. coli O157 pool was
inoculated on lettuces in order to reach a final concentration of nearly 4 log CFU/g.

2.4. Storage conditions and enumeration of pathogens on lettuce

Inoculated portions (10 g) of lettuces were stored at 5, 10, 25, and 37°C for different periods in stomacher bags.
These temperatures were chosen because they simulate the following scenarios: recommended temperature of
Brazilian regulation (<5°C), suitable fridge temperature (10°C), environmental temperature (25°C) in Brazil and the
ideal growth temperature (37°C) for the bacteria6.
Analysis was carried out at varied time intervals, depending on the storage temperature. At each time point, 10 g
of sample were homogenized with 90 mL of 0.1% peptone water, followed by decimal dilution in 0.1% peptone
water. Then, aliquots were plated onto Plate Count Agar (PCA) and on Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate agar for
Salmonella and onto PCA and Sorbitol MacConkey agar, for E. coli O157, and incubation at 37°C for 24h. All the
bacterial counts were carried out in triplicate. The experiments were repeated three times and the results were
expressed as log CFU/g.
170 Olivier Veys et al. / Procedia Food Science 7 (2016) 168 – 172

2.5. Modeling of pathogens growth on lettuce

The predictive primary model described by Baranyi and Roberts (1994)7 was used in order to calculate the
growth kinetic parameters of pathogens on lettuce. The growth curves for each temperature were built by fitting the
experimental data to the Baranyi’s DMFit version 2.1 Excel® add-in ( The following
parameters were obtained: 1) maximum growth rate (µ), 2) lag time (λ), and 3) maximum population density.
The predictive secondary model was built using the square root model described by Ratkowsky et al. (1982) 4 to
describe µ and λ as a function of storage temperature.

2.6. Model evaluation

Measures of coefficient of determination (R2) were used to evaluate the performance of the models built in this
study. The R2 was generally considered as an overall measure of the prediction calculated by developed model, and
the closer to 1 the better the model’s performance8.

3. Results and Discussion

Salmonella spp growth curves started with an initial concentration of nearly 2 log CFU/g, and reached a final
concentration of 8 log CFU/g, after 10 h at 37°C. For the other temperatures, 6 log CFU/g were reached after 10,
100 and 300 h at 25, 10 and 5°C, respectively. These results are shown in Figure 1.
For the pool of E. coli O157, all growth curves started with an initial concentration of nearly 4 log CFU/g and
reached a final concentration of 7 log CFU/g after 8 h, at 37°C, and for the other temperatures 6 log CFU/g were
obtained after 6 and 150 h at 25 and 10°C, respectively. These results are shown in Figure 1.
It can be observed that the temperature had a considerable influence on the microbial behavior, because final
concentrations were different. This may be explained by the enzymatic leaf browning of lettuce that has
antimicrobial compounds, causing a reduction of bacteria9 or by the lettuce microbiota that may cause competition
for nutrients and space, resulting in less growth of pathogens mainly at low temperatures.

Fig. 1. The observed growth of Salmonella and E. coli O157 on lettuce stored at 5°C (symbolized by ●), 10°C (♦), 25°C (■), and 37°C (▲),
fitting data to DMFit add-in version 2.1. Each symbol represents a mean of triplicate trials results.

Table 1 presents the primary growth parameters (growth rate, lag time and maximum population density) of
pathogens on lettuce stored at different temperatures. It also shows the R2, a measure that the closer is to 1, more the
model will represent the reality. These parameters were estimated by DMFit (Table 1).
Olivier Veys et al. / Procedia Food Science 7 (2016) 168 – 172 171

Table 1. Growth parameter of Salmonella and E. coli O157 inoculated on lettuce at different temperatures. MPD is maximum population density.
Temperature Salmonellaa E. coli O157a
(°C) Growth rate Lag time MPD R2 Growth rate Lag time MPD R2
(log CFU/h) (h) (log CFU/g) (log CFU/h) (h) (log CFU/g)
5 0.02 63.2 5.82 0.92 ND ND ND ND
10 0.05 24.6 5.96 0.93 0.02 52.1 5.80 0.93
25 0.63 1.85 5.64 0.95 0.71 2.72 6.14 0.96
37 0.82 0.85 8.2 0.99 0.79 1.80 6.80 0.97
Mean value of triplicate trials.
Not determined.
Based on the results of Table 1, it can be observed that there is a good fit between the experimental data and the
primary model (R2). Therefore, the data obtained in primary model (the values of µ and λ) were used to elaborate a
secondary model (Table 2), which allowed the prediction of the parameters (growth rate and lag time) described on
the basis of the temperature variation. The developed models were able to assess the growth of both Salmonella spp.
and E. coli O157 on lettuce under various temperatures, ranging from 5 to 37°C and 10 to 37°C, respectively.
Table 2: Secondary model represented by square root equation, showing the relationship between growth rate and temperature and lag time and
temperature of Salmonella and E. coli O157 inoculated on lettuce.
is the maximum growth rate (log CFU/g/h); is lag time (h); T is temperature (°C).
Bacteria Square root equation R2

Salmonella 0.97

Salmonella 0.88

E. coli O157 0.85

E. coli O157 0.84

4. Conclusion

The developed models were suitable to assess the growth of both Salmonella spp. and E. coli O157 on lettuce
stored at 5 to 37°C and 10 to 37°C, respectively. Besides this, the results of this study indicated that lettuces exposed
to 10°C for until 24h did not supported the growth of pathogens investigated, suggesting that this temperature is
adequate to keep lettuce exposed on buffets of restaurants and supermarkets.


CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), FAUFRGS (Fundação de Apoio da

Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul) and CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico).


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