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Research Article: In-Package Air Cold Plasma Treatment of Chicken Breast Meat: Treatment Time Effect

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Journal of Food Quality

Volume 2019, Article ID 1837351, 7 pages

Research Article
In-Package Air Cold Plasma Treatment of Chicken Breast Meat:
Treatment Time Effect

Hong Zhuang ,1 Michael J. Rothrock Jr.,1 Kelli L. Hiett,1 Kurt C. Lawrence,1

Gary R. Gamble,1 Brian C. Bowker,1 and Kevin M. Keener2
US National Poultry Research Center, USDA-ARS, Athens, GA 30605, USA
Center of Crop Utilization Research, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Hong Zhuang;

Received 16 September 2018; Revised 26 November 2018; Accepted 10 December 2018; Published 10 January 2019

Guest Editor: Božena Šerá

Copyright © 2019 Hong Zhuang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of in-package dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) atmospheric cold plasma
(CP) on meat color, microbiological quality and safety of chicken breast meat (pectoralis major). Raw broiler breast meat was
collected from a local commercial plant. Noninoculated meat samples and meat samples inoculated with Campylobacter and
Salmonella were packed in polymeric trays with air. The packaged samples were CP-treated at 70 kV for different times (0, 60, 180,
or 300 sec) and stored at 4°C for 5 days. Microbial counts (psychrophiles, Campylobacter, Salmonella) and meat color (In-
ternational Commission on Illumination (CIE) L∗a∗b∗) were measured before CP treatments and after 5 days of posttreatment
storage. Psychrophile growth was inhibited (P < 0.05), and both food-borne pathogens were reduced (P < 0.05) by more than 90%
with CP treatments regardless of treatment time. No differences in pathogenic bacterial counts were observed between the three
treatment times; however, increasing treatment time beyond 60 sec resulted in additional inhibition of psychrophilic growth.
There were no differences (P > 0.05) in a∗ and b∗ values between pretreatment and posttreatment plus storage; however, all CP
treatments resulted in increased L∗ value (P < 0.05). Results indicate that in-package CP treatments can be used to reduce both
microbial spoilage and food-borne pathogen risks, which could increase microbial food safety, although it may result in an overall
paler breast meat, and the reduction (about 1 log) in pathogenic and spoilage microbes are limited.

1. Introduction [2]. In 2011, a potential Salmonella contamination resulted

in a recall of 36 million pounds of ground raw turkey [3].
Microbiological quality and safety of raw poultry meat has In-package dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) atmo-
been a challenge for the poultry industry. Nonthermal an- spheric cold plasma (CP) is a new nonthermal antimicrobial
timicrobial treatments, such as chilling with chlorinated technique for inactivating food-borne pathogens and
water during processing, and strategies, such as cold-chain extending shelf life of fresh food products [4–8]. The CP
management and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) system consists of two conductive electrodes separated with
postpackaging, are used to control microbial quality and dielectric layers and a gas gap [4, 8–11]. At high voltage
safety of fresh poultry meat products during storage. (more than 10,000 kV), this device generates a number of
However, they appear either not to be effective against bioactive particles in packages, including reactive oxygen or
microbial contamination postprocessing or to have limited nitrogen species (RONS, such as ozone, superoxide, hy-
effects on microbial control during postpackaging handling droxyl radicals, atomic oxygen, nitric oxide, peroxynitrite),
(marketing and distribution; for example, microbiological ultraviolet (UV), radiation energetic ions, and charged
shelf life of fresh raw chicken meat is limited to 6–8 day at particles [12, 13]. Those particles confer bactericidal, fun-
4.4°C [1]). Each year, millions of pounds of fresh poultry gicidal, and viricidal effects to the system [14]. For example,
meat products are lost as a result of microbiological spoilage UV can cause DNA modification. Charged particles can
2 Journal of Food Quality

cause membrane rupture through electrostatic forces [15]. and used for microbial analysis (psychrophiles). The other
Guarnieri et al. [16] reported that RONS play a principal role cutlet was placed in the tray bone/dorsal side up and used for
in inactivation of microbes as compared to charged particles surface color (International Commission on Illumination
and UV in a DBD system. RONS interact with membranes (CIE) L∗a∗ b∗) measurements. One of the muscle core
and macromolecules (lipids, proteins, and DNA) and lead to samples was inoculated with Campylobacter and the other
injury and/or death of microbes [17]. The in-package CP with Salmonella prior to being placed on the tray with the
allows for the treatment of food products inside sealed inoculated side up. Individual trays were sealed with a
packages and eliminates the risk of postprocessing polypropylene-based barrier film (Toplex HB60, Plastopil
contamination. Europe, Netherlands) in ambient air with a tray sealer (Koch
A number of studies have documented the efficacy of the Kats 100 Single Head Tray Sealer, Ultra Source LLC, Kansas
in-package DBD CP inactivation of microbes in food City, Missouri, USA). After sealing, samples were let to sit
products. Misra et al. [6, 18] treated fresh strawberries with for at least 45 min at ambient temperature so that the relative
the in-package CP and reported that the background mi- humidity in the package could reach >80% before CP
croflora (aerobic mesophilic bacteria, yeast, and mold) of treatments. After the CP treatments, packaged samples were
strawberries was reduced by 2-log within 24 h of post- stored in a 4°C cold room for 5 days before they were
treatment, and the effect on product color and firmness was evaluated. In each trial, three trays were signed to each CP
insignificant. Ziuzina et al. [7] treated cherry tomatoes with treatment. A total of three independent trials (with different
the same system and found that the treatment for 10, 60, and batches of raw chicken breast meat and on separate dates)
120 s resulted in reduction of Salmonella, E. coli, and L. were conducted for the whole experiment.
monocytogenes populations on tomatoes to undetectable
levels from initial populations of 3.1, 6.3, and 6.7 log10 CFU/
2.2. Inoculation with Food-Borne Pathogens Salmonella and
sample, respectively. Misra et al. [5] showed that there were
Campylobacter. One Campylobacter jejuni isolate and one
no significant differences among weight loss, pH, and
Salmonella typhimurium isolate (both originally recovered
firmness between control and treated cherry tomatoes at the
from commercial poultry processing environments) were
end of storage life. Kronn et al. and Wang et al. [4, 19] found
used during this study. The C. jejuni isolate was grown in
that the CP with MAP resulted in more than 4-log re-
Tryptic Soy Broth/Agar biphasic cultures incubated at 42°C,
ductions in microbial populations and extended microbial
under a hydrogen-enriched microaerobic atmosphere (7.5%
quality of fresh chicken meat products compared with
H2, 2.5% O2, 10% CO2, and 80% N2) for 24 h [20, 21]. The
untreated samples packaged in ambient air.
Salmonella typhimurium isolate was grown in Tryptic Soy
Rothrock et al. [11] demonstrated that the in-package CP
Broth (TSB) at 37°C for 24 h at 200 rpm [22]. After in-
treatment resulted in more than 2-log10 reduction in
cubation, 5 mL of the C. jejuni or Salmonella typhimurium
spoilage bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens and pathogenic
growth was added to 495 mL of 1X phosphate buffered saline
bacterium Salmonella typhimurium and more than 4-log
(PBS) to create the 106 CFU/mL inoculum (average 6.6 ± 0.3
reduction in pathogenic bacterium Campylobacter jejuni in
log10 for Campylobacter and 6.9 ± 0.4 log10 for Salmonella).
liquid culture after samples were packed in air and treated at
Concentrations of C. jejuni and Salmonella typhimurium
80 kV for 180 sec. Changes in the CP treatment time sig-
inocula were verified spectrophotometrically (OD600). The
nificantly influenced CP killing efficacy. In this study, the
inoculation process began by pipetting 75 mL of inoculum
effects of the CP treatments for different times were further
into a plastic food tray (CS979, Cryovac, Duncan, SC). Fillet
evaluated on food-borne pathogenic and psychrophilic
core samples were placed skin side down in each tray so that
bacteria of packaged raw chicken breast meat (pectoralis
only the surface sat in the liquid. The core samples soaked for
major). The effect of the treatments on meat appearance was
30 min to allow the microorganisms to attach to the surface.
also estimated using surface color measurements.
After soaking, the core samples were removed and allowed
to drip for 5 min before they were placed in the tray package
2. Materials and Methods [4].
2.1. Meat Samples, Packaging, and Storage. Boneless skinless
breast meat (pectoralis major) from broiler birds (35–42 2.3. In-Package DBD CP Treatment. The same in-package CP
days old) was collected from a local commercial processing device as described by [4] was used in this study (Figure 1).
facility in Athens, Georgia. A total of 30 cutlets and 20 whole The treatments were performed with a BK-130 AC dielectric
fillets were collected for each trial. Breast cutlets and fillets test set consisting of a high-voltage transformer, power
were transported on ice back to the laboratory and trimmed supply, and control system. Two 15.24 cm diameter spun-
to remove fat and connective tissue. Prior to treatments, aluminum electrodes (Phenix Technologies, Accident, Md.)
samples were placed in polymeric trays (19.5 cm × 14.5 cm × were connected to the high-voltage transformer. The two
4.0 cm, Sealed Air Corp., Duncan, SC, USA). Each tray electrodes were arranged parallel to one another on the top
contained two trimmed fillet cutlets (approximately 90.6 ± and bottom of the sample. The electrodes were separated
6.5 g each) and two muscle samples (2.5 cm diameter, from the sample package by dielectric barriers and insulated
2.5–3.0 cm thick, average weight 21 ± 1.5 g) cored from the from the bench with a yellow low-voltage electrical blanket
cranial end of a single whole fillet (approximately 180.1 ± (Velcro, 36 × 36 in, Class 0 Type 1, Salisbury standard rubber
30.2 g). One cutlet was placed in the tray skin/ventral side up insulating blanket, Lab Safety Supply, Chicago, Ill.). The top
Journal of Food Quality 3



120 VAC Dielectric

60 Hz spacer post


Figure 1: Schematic of in-package cold plasma treatment system.

electrode was connected to the 130 kV tap of the high- Germany). The syringe volume was expelled into the de-
voltage transformer with a 1.09 m high-voltage spark plug tector tube and then removed, allowing a total flow volume
wire (8.5 mm superconductor spark plug wire, MSD, El of 100 mL to occur (volume required based on the manu-
Paso, Tex.). For additional insulation, the high-voltage wire facturer’s instructions). The observed gas concentration was
was fed through a 1.09 m length of Tygon tubing of 1.27 cm then multiplied by the ratio of the detection tube volume
diameter. The bottom electrode was connected to the return over the syringe volume [24]. It is important to note the
terminal of the transformer with the supplied ground wire, ozone gas measured by the Drager Ozone Method relies on
and a jumper connected the ground and guard terminals oxidation of indigo to form isatin [27]. This reaction is not
(Figure 1). Before treatments, the system was warmed up specific to ozone, and many oxidative species will contribute
with a sealed empty tray at 80 kV for at least 5 min. During to the “ozone” measurement including superoxide [28],
the treatments, voltage and current (kV and mA) were nitrogen oxides [29], and peroxides [30].
monitored, and the beginning and end values were recorded
to ensure treatment consistency. Average electric power was
2.5. Microbial Analysis. For microbiological recovery, the
58.5 ± 3.2 W for treatments.
fillet cutlets or cores (including 3 extra cutlets and 3 meat
After the meat sample was packaged and sat for more
cores inoculated with C. jejuni and 3 meat cores inoculated
than 45 min, trays were individually treated in the CP device
with Salmonella typhinurium for initial microbial load and
(Figure 1). In this study, only direct treatments (the package
the samples treated with CP and stored for 5 days) were
and sample are placed directly over the electrode) were
rinsed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, Gibco by Life
tested. Once the tray was placed, the top dielectric barriers
Technologies, Grand Island, N.Y.) 4 times less than that of
(polypropylene sheets) were positioned over the tray, and
meat weight (or about 22.5 mL for a cutlet and 5.25 mL for a
the electrode and electrode insulator were placed on top of
cylinder). The PBS diluents were then serially diluted 4 times
the barriers [4]. Trays were treated for 0, 60, 180, or 300 sec.
(∼107 to 103 CFU/mL). C. jejuni rinse dilutions were plated
Temperature and humidity of the laboratory were recorded
onto Campy-Cefex agar, Salmonella typhimurium rinse
during every replicate of the experiment [23, 24].
dilutions were plated onto Brilliant Green Sulfa agar (BGS)
with 100 ppm nalidixic acid, and psychrophiles were plated
onto TSA agar. C. jejuni plates and Salmonella typhimurium
2.4. Ozone Gas Measurement. Ozone gas was used as an
plates were incubated at the same temperature and atmo-
indicator for DBD CP generation and antimicrobial activity
sphere as described in section Inoculation with food-borne
within the package and commonly measured as a reference
pathogens Salmonella and Campylobacter. For psychro-
for the system performance [4, 7, 8, 19, 25, 26]. Immediately
philes, the plates were incubated at 4°C for 10 days. Plates
following CP treatment, headspace gas within the sample
containing between 30 and 300 colonies were used for
tray was taken and ozone content in the package was
measured with Draeger gas detection tubes (Draeger Safety
AG & Co., Lubeck, Germany). To measure high concen-
trations of ozone in packages, small gas sample volumes 2.6. Surface Color Measurement. The surface color (L∗a∗b∗)
(≤3 mL) were collected with a 3 mL syringe. The syringe was on the bone-side surface of the chicken cutlets was measured
flushed with headspace in the package once before gas using a spectrophotometer (CM-2600d, Konica Minolta,
samples were collected. The needle, which was used to collect Inc., Tokyo, Japan) with settings of illuminant C, 10° ob-
ozone gas from package headspace, was removed, and the server, specular component excluded, and an 8 mm aperture.
syringe was connected to a Draeger tube by a 3–4 cm length Color was measured before fillets were packed and after the
of flexible tubing. The tube was inserted into a Draeger samples were treated and stored at 4°C for 5 days. Surface
Accuro detection pump (Draeger Safety AG & Co., Lubeck, areas free from obvious defects (bruises, discolorations,
4 Journal of Food Quality

hemorrhages, or any other conditions that might have Table 1: Effect of cold plasma treatment time on ozone formation
prevented uniform color readings) were selected for mea- (Draeger tube method) in chicken breast fillet packages (mean ±
surements. Two measurements were taken for each fillet SE).
cutlet. Treatment (70 kV) Ozone formation (ppm)
0 sec 0 ± 0c
60 sec 1850 ± 240b
2.7. Statistical Analysis. Microbial count data were log10-
180 sec 2650 ± 145a
transformed to normalize the data. Analyses of microbial 300 sec 2550 ± 189a
and quality data were performed using one-way ANOVA via a-c
Means within a column lacking a common superscript letter differ
the PROC GLM of SAS (SAS version 9.4, SAS Institute Inc., significantly (P < 0.05).
Cary, NC). Replication was included as a factor. Means were
separated using Tukey’s multiple comparison tests at a
significance level of 0.05. (by 3.1–3.6 units) were found for the 60, 180, and 300 sec
treatment times. When comparing the effect of treatment
3. Results time on the posttreatment measurements compared to the
no-treatment control (0 sec + 5 d storage), increasing
3.1. Ozone Formation in Packages Immediately after CP treatment time to at least 180 sec significantly increased L∗,
Treatment. Table 1 shows that ozone concentrations in meat while treatment times of 60 and 300 secs significantly re-
packages treated with the in-package CP were greater duced b∗. Redness estimates were unaffected by CP-
(P < 0.05) than untreated packages immediately after DBD treatment (Table 3).
treatment at 70 kV regardless of treatment time. Increasing
CP treatment time from 60 sec to 180 sec further increased
ozone concentrations (P < 0.05) in packages; however, 4. Discussion
further increasing the treatment time to 300 s did not sig- The in-package CP device evaluated in this study is based on
nificantly increase ozone concentrations. DBD technology. Dielectric barrier discharges are common
methods used to generate plasma at atmospheric pressure
3.2. Effects of In-Package CP Treatment Time on Microbial [31] and are self-sustaining electrical discharges in electrode
Populations. The average populations of psychrophiles on configurations containing an insulating material in the
raw fillet cutlets was 4 log10 CFU/mL before packaging and discharge path [32]. In DBD, the high electric field or voltage
approximately 5 log10 CFU/mL for both Campylobacter and in the discharge gap causes formation of a large number of
Salmonella on inoculated meat core samples (Table 2). After microdischarges and breakdown of gas molecules through
5 days of refrigerated storage without CP treatment, the electron-driven ionization and dissociation, creating re-
psychrophilic population significantly increased by ∼4 logs active radicals. The dielectric between the electrode and
(8.33 ± 0.07 CFU/mL; P < 0.05); however, Campylobacter discharge limits the amount of charge transported by a single
and Salmonella populations were not significantly changed. microdischarge and distributes the microdischarges over the
Bacterial populations on CP-treated chicken breast meat entire electrode surface area. In literature [5–9, 18, 31, 33],
were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than that on untreated CP formation in packages treated with the same CP system
fillets after 5 days of refrigerated storage, regardless of was investigated using optical emission spectroscopy and
treatment time or bacterial type (Table 2). Cold plasma oscilloscope. Excited species of N2, NO, N2+, O2+, and OH
treatment for 60 sec resulted in more than 0.5-, 0.7-, and 0.4- group were detected in packages during DBD treatments,
log reductions in psychrophiles, Campylobacter and Sal- and it was concluded that the in-package CP system gen-
monella, respectively, compared to nontreated samples erated reactive oxygen species and excited nitrogen species.
(P < 0.05). Extending the CP-treatment times beyond 60 sec It was also demonstrated that the DBD performance or the
did not result in any further reductions in the Campylobacter DBD-induced CP formation was not affected by the pres-
or Salmonella populations; however, increasing CP- ence of food materials in the packages.
treatment time from 60 sec to 180 sec significantly re- Klockow and Keener [25] concluded that plasma gen-
duced psychrophilic populations by an additional 0.6 logs. erated from air by an in-package CP device similar to the one
Increasing CP-treatment time did not further reduce psy- used in this study was characterized by generation of various
chrophilic populations on the breast meat. chemically reactive species, with ozone being the most
predominant, longest-living, and most oxidative species.
Therefore, ozone formation in packages after the in-package
3.3. Effects of In-Package CP Treatment Time on Meat Color. CP treatment has been commonly used as an indicator for
Of the three color measurements, only b∗ was significantly both CP formation and antibacterial activity
affected by the storage time (as noted by the ∼2 unit increase [4, 7, 8, 18, 19, 25, 26]. Our study showed that the in-package
in the nontreated control posttreatment sample) (Table 3). CP device under the described experimental conditions is
When comparing prepackaging to posttreatment readings very effective in the generation of CP, resulting in antimi-
(Table 3), there were no significant changes in the redness crobial activity in packages. Increased treatment times be-
(a∗) or yellowness (b∗) of the CP-treated chicken cutlets for yond 60 s could further increase the CP formation and
any treatment time, but significant increases in lightness (L∗) enhance antimicrobial activity (especially psychrophiles).
Journal of Food Quality 5

Table 2: Effect of cold plasma treatment time on populations (log10 CFU/mL) of psychrophiles and pathogens on raw chicken breast fillets
(mean ± SE).
Treatment (70 kV) Psychrophiles (log10 CFU/mL) Campylobacter jejuni (log10 CFU/mL) Salmonella typhimurium (log10 CFU/mL)
0 sec + 0 time 4.03 ± 0.34d 5.14 ± 0.14a 5.30 ± 0.31a
a a
0 sec + 5d storage 8.33 ± 0.07 4.99 ± 0.17 4.90 ± 0.16a
b b
60 sec + 5d storage 7.81 ± 0.03 4.20 ± 0.18 4.49 ± 0.19b
180 sec + 5d storage 7.18 ± 0.12c 3.97 ± 0.13b 4.42 ± 0.21b
c b
300 sec + 5d storage 7.33 ± 0.15 4.03 ± 0.16 4.25 ± 0.20b
Means within a bacterial populations with no common superscript letter differ significantly (P < 0.05).

Table 3: Effect of cold plasma treatment time on CIE L∗ a∗ b∗ values of raw chicken breast fillets (mean ± SE).
L∗ a∗ b∗
Posttreatment + 5d Posttreatment + 5d Posttreatment + 5d
Treatment (70 kV) Prepackaging Prepackaging Prepackaging
storage storage storage
0 sec 56.9 ± 1.0bcd 56.2 ± 0.8cd −0.31 ± 0.49abc 0.21 ± 0.20a 9.3 ± 0.5b 11.0 ± 0.3a
60 sec 54.2 ± 0.85d 57.8 ± 0.7bc −0.42 ± 0.2abc −0.05 ± 0.13ab 8.7 ± 0.4b 9.3 ± 0.4b
180 sec 59.2 ± 0.6bc 62.5 ± 0.7a −0.80 ± 0.13bc −0.63 ± 0.14abc 9.5 ± 0.3ab 9.8 ± 0.5ab
300 sec 56.6 ± 1.0cd 59.7 ± 0.7ab −0.98 ± 0.22c −0.58 ± 0.18abc 8.4 ± 0.6b 8.51 ± 0.5b
Means with no common superscript letter within the same parameter differ significantly (P < 0.05). Note: the same chicken breast meat in each treatment
was used for color measurements before packaging and after treatment and 5d storage.

However, increases in CP treatment time beyond 180 s at not impact antimicrobial effectiveness against food-borne
70 kV did not result in further increases in ozone concen- pathogens; however, increasing treatment time to 180 sec
trations in the packages. Similar results have been found in significantly increases antimicrobial efficiency against psy-
different published studies with the same CP device chrophiles on raw chicken meat. These results suggest that the
[8, 19, 26]. The lack of a linear relationship between ozone antimicrobial effect of the CP treatment time may vary with
formation in packages and CP treatment time could be bacterial type.
ascribed to quenching by increased levels of water disso- Although ozone has been hypothesized to be the main
ciation and to direct reaction of ozone with water, N2, and/or factor contributing to microbial inactivation with DBD CP
other active components formed in meat packages with high treatments due to its known antimicrobial properties and its
relative humidity and longer treatment time [10, 31]. high content within packages [4, 7, 8, 24, 25, 37], data in this
Our data demonstrate that an in-package CP system can study suggest that the antimicrobial role ozone plays in in-
significantly inhibit growth of spoilage microbes and reduce package CP treatments may varies with bacteria type. Ozone
food-borne pathogens on raw chicken meat surfaces when may have more of an effect on spoilage microbes compared
packaged in air. This result is well in line with the findings with food-borne pathogens. Vaze et al. [38] concluded that
published in the literature on antimicrobial effects of CP ozone alone might not be a major inactivating factors in CP
treatments. Kim et al. [34] found that total bacterial pop- treatments. With the same device, Rothrock et al. [11] did
ulations on sliced bacon packed in helium and the helium/ not observe consistent correlations between bacterial in-
oxygen mixture decreased by 1.89 and 4.58 log CFU per gram, activation and ozone contents measured with the Draeger
respectively, after CP treatments. Rød et al. [35] reported tube method. In fact, plasma chemistry has shown that gas
reductions in Listeria innocua populations ranging from 0.8 discharges during CP generation can be a source of charged
to 1.6 log CFU per gram after 1 and 14 days of storage, re- particles, ions, reactive gas species, radicals, and radiation
spectively, in the CP-treated, ready-to-eat meat product. (ultraviolet, infrared, and visible), many of which have
Noriega et al. [36] showed that an 8 min CP treatment gave 1- biocidal properties [39, 40].
log reduction on chicken skin, and a 4-min treatment gave > In-package CP treatments in this study consistently and
3-log reductions on chicken muscle. Jayasena et al. [13] found significantly increased the lightness (L∗ values) of raw
that, following a 10 min CP treatment, microbial load re- chicken meat but had no effect on redness (a∗) or and
ductions in Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157: H7, yellowness (b∗), regardless of treatment time used in the
and Salmonella typhimurium were 2.04, 2.54, and 2.68 log study. These results indicate that in-package CP treatment
CFU per gram in pork-butt samples and 1.90, 2.57, and may cause changes in the appearances of skinless chicken
2.58 log CFU per gram in beef loin samples, respectively. With meat and make raw meat look paler. The effects of CP
the same device, Kronn et al. and Wang et al. [4, 19] treatments on meat color have been reported in the past and
also showed that in-package CP treatments significantly re- results showed that the effects varied by treatment/package
duce microbial growth of total aerobic populations on conditions, meat types, and color parameters. Kim et al. [34]
fresh chicken meat packed under MAP atmospheric condi- found that L∗ values of CP-treated bacon surfaces decreased
tions. In addition, data from the current study also showed at a higher input power and greater exposure time; a∗ values
that increasing CP treatment times from 60 to 300 sec does increased at a higher input power and greater exposure time
6 Journal of Food Quality

in helium gas packages; and b∗ values did not change when References
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