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Antholoy Corregida

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There is/ There are, Prepositions, Can and Can´t
Grammar 4.1-4.3

There is/ There are.

There is, is used for affirmative o negative sentences in singular way and There are is
used for affirmative o negative sentences in plural way.

The structure in affirmative sentences is: There is/There are+verb+complement

The structure in negative sentences is: There isn´t/ There aren´t+verb+complement

For yes or no questions: Is there/ Are there+ verb+ complement+question mark

For interrogative sentences with how much and how many: How much/How many+ is
there/are there+ complement+question mark.
Can for possibility
Is used to talk about skills, to ask for permission, to make a request, to talk about a
possibility or to make an offer. This modal verb can be used with any subject, but
always accompanied by a main verb.

Structure for affirmative sentences: Subject+ can+ verb+ complement

Structure for negative sentences: Subject+ can´t+ verb+ complement

Structure for interrogative sentences: Can+ subject+ verb+ complement

Structure for interrogative sentences with Wh questions: Wh+can+verb+complement


There are sentences that help us ask for help when we want to buy something.

Asking for help

•Can you help me?
•Can you give me a hand?
•How do I…?
•I´m trying to…
•I don´t know how to
Responding to a request for help
 Yes, of course.
 Sure

Offering help
1. •Can I help?
2. •Do you want a hand?
Vocabulary 4.1-4.3


Some the prepositions are: in, on, under, above, behind, between, in front of, net to,
near to, across from.

The structure of sentences are: there are/ there is+noun+ preposition+ complement
Places are spaces where we have the opportunity to go, there are places made to shop,
have fun, play, to exercise, ask for help, etc.
Things to buy
There are sentences that help us ask for help when we want to buy something.

 Food and drink

 Clothes
 Magazines, smartphone’s or books
 Music o DVD’S
 Shampoo or medicine
 Things for the home
 Earphones or charger for your cell phone

*There is a fly on the window
*There are some flies on the window
*There isn´t a good movie on TV
*There aren´t any good movies on TV
*Is there a good restaurant near here?
*Are there any good restaurants near here?
*How much is there in your house?
*How many books are there in your bag?

 There are four books on the desk
 There is a table in front of the window
 There is a mirror above the TV
 There is a rug under the table
 There is a plant behind the lamp
 There is a table in front of the door
 There is a chair next to the sofa

 You can look at paintings at an art gallery

 You can see plays at the theater
 You can buy medicine a pharmacy
 You can aspirine at the drugstore
 You can watch films at the movie theater or cinema
 Can I buy stamps here?
 Can you pay with credit card?
 Where can we find presents for our friends?
 Can we get tickets here?

 Do you have it in……?
 How much are they?
 Do you have these …..?
 How much is it?

 There __ a car on the road.

 There __ a lamp in my bedroom.
 There __ two books on the desk.
 There __ two students absent today.
 __ there a cat in your house?
 __ there any food?
 __ there some vegetables in the refrigerator?
 __ there a security guard?
 __ there museums in this town?

Yes or no questions:
 A: __ there some milk in the refrigerator?
 B: Yes, ______
 A: __ there a TV in the living room?
 B: No, _____
 A: __ there any houses around here?
 B: Yes, _____
 A: __ there any children?
 B: No, ____
 A: __ there a table in your room?
 B: Yes, _____
 A: __ there oil in the cupboard?
 B: Yes, ________

Underline the correct alternative.

 1.- A: Where´s Johan?
 B: He´s between/in/on his room.

 2.- A: Where´s your apartment?

 B: It´s on/under/above that shop.

 3.- A: Where´s the horse?

 B: Look on/next to/in the barn

 4.- A: Do you have some magazine?

 B: Yes. It´s in/on/between the kitchen table.

 1.- You ___ see plays at theater
 2.- You ___ send a letter at post office

 3.- You ___ borrow a book at the library

 4.- You ___ look old objects at museum

5.- A: ___ I buy cake here?

 B: Yes, _________

 6.- A: ____ he plays tennis here?

 B: No, ________

 7.- A: ___ we get tickets?

 B: Yes, ______

 8.- A: ____ I made cake in the club?

 B: No, _______
Use the words/ phrases in the box below to complete the sentences 1-8
Have medium it

Long 50 big

Are they take

1.- it´s too ____.

2.- that’s fine. I´ll ___ this one.
3.- How much is ___?
4.- Do you have it in ____?
5.- It´s too ____
6.- Do you have it in size ___?
7.- That´s fine. I´ll ____ it
8.- How much _______?

There is/ there are, are words that help us explain what exists in a certain place. And
the prepositions help us describe where exactly something is located. Can help us a lot
to ask something that may be possible. Also to give a short answer to the question. It´s
important to know what words we use to be able to ask correctly when we go shopping.

Countable and uncountable nouns, quantifiers, countainers

Grammar 5.1-5.5

Countable nouns are things you can count in English. They are singular or plural.
(A banana, an apple, potatoes.)
Uncountable nouns are things you can´t count in English, e,g water, rice, bread. They
are never plural.
(Water, rice, bread)
Grammar Rules

Use how much / many to find out the amount or number of something.
Ask questions with how much + uncountable nouns.
How much water do we have? How much milk is there in the fridge?
Ask questions with how many + plural countable nouns.
How many bananas are there in the fridge? How many oranges do you eat in a week?
Use quantifiers for short answer to how much / many ……?
How much milk do we have? None
Use a lot/ lots (of), not much/ many + noun.
I eat a lot of vegetables I don’t drink much water

Countable Quantifiers Uncountable Quantifiers

How many oranges A lot/ lots How much coffee do you A lot/ lots
Do you eat? Quite a lot drink every day? Quite a lot
Not many Not many
None None
Could Have a glass of milk, Please? Yes of course.
some +
Can vegetable soup. Yes, certainly.
I´d Like Please? I´m sorry, we don’t
(I would) - have any soup.
Important vocabulary

Milk – Leche
Juice – Jugo Water - Agua

Burger- Hamburguesa
Strawberries- Fresas

An apple – Manzana
Important vocabulary

Countable singular: Countable plural:

An apple- A banana/ Un platano Potatoes/ Papas

una manzana


Cheese- Queso Butter- Mantequilla Rice- Arroz

Important Vocabulary

Important vocabulary

No many Quite a lot A


1. I love bananas
2. I don´t like water.
3. I love vegetables.
4. I hate onion.
Can I have two burges?
Could I have some water?
I´d you like something to food?

1.-Write the words from the box correct word web below.

-Milk -Burger -Water

- a banana - an apple
-Strawberries -Tacos




Exercise to practice
1.- Underline the correct alternative.
I hate rice / rices
I love milk / milks
I really don’t like cheese / cheese
I hate garlic / garlics
1.- Match the correct word with the picture

Bag Cup Carton Glass Bottle

2.- Put a  if the word under the photo is correct or an  if it is incorrect

Cup ( ) Can

Exercise to practice Not many A lot / lots

1.- Match the words below with pictures 1-3 Quite a lot

1 2 3

2.- Complete the questions.

How____ juice do you drink every week?
How ____ cousins do you have?
How ____ water do you drink a day?
How ____ friends do you have?

Exercise to practice

1.- Complete the conversation.

a) __________ two burgers.
b) ______ you like vegetable soup?
c) ______ you _____ something to drink?
d)- Would you like_____ vegetables?
e) _____ like a soda, _______.

It is important to know the names of drinks, foods and fruits for when you go to a
restaurant, fast food and supermarket. It is important to know if a word is countable or
uncountable in order to know the correct way to say it.
It is important to know how to ask and the different ways to answer a question It is very
important to know how to order in a restaurant so that communication is easier.

Grammar 6.1-6.3

“Positive way”
When we use “was” which is the first form of the past simple verb to be, we start the
sentences with I, He, She or It. When it is the second case of "were" we must use You,
They or We.
“Negative form”
To each initial name you have to add a "no" to later create the negative tone. It can be
pronounced in its negative form that sticks to the word and adds an apostrophe. When
saying "I did not go" it can be contracted by saying "I did not go".
Put the verb first + the pronoun second + and then the object.
“Short answer”
They use the same pronouns and the verb comes at the end.
Dates and time phrases
cardinal numbers refer to natural figures such as 0,1,2,3,4, etc., that is, they indicate
"quantity". On the other hand, ordinal numbers are the digits that express order or
succession such as 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 4th (fourth), etc., which
translated into Spanish would be: first, second , third, fourth, etc. Note that all ordinal
numbers in English use suffixes, which are: -nd, -rd, -st, or -th.
The date structure is: “The” + Ordinal Number + “of” + Month, Year
Month + Ordinal Number, Year.
Day of the week, month + ordinal number, year.

Simple past
The "simple past" is used to talk about an action that before the current time. The
duration is not relevant. The time in which the action takes place can be the recent past
or the distant past.ended

Life story collocations

Affirmative sentence:Subject + past tense verb + complement.
negative sentence:Sujeto + didn’t + verbo infinitivo + complemento
Interrogative sentence:Did + sujeto + verbo en infinitivo + complemento
Ask follow- up questions
There are phrases that help us ask for help when we want to know why, where is who
you went with.

Positive Negative form “Question” Short answer
was / were Wasn’t / Weren’t Was / Were Was / Were
I was a good student
She wasn’t happy with
She was my girlfriend Was he friendly?
He was my life Were they friendly?
She wasn’t sick
He was sick Were you my
I wasn’t that happy Yes, he was.
We were very good classmate??
They weren’t great No, he wasn’t.
friends Were you happy with
this time
They were here her?
We weren’t friends:
They were fired

Daniel was born on the thirteenth .
Daniel was born on the 13th of May
Today is the 1st of January, 2021.
The 21st of September, 1990
March 3rd, 1947
Thursday, June 2nd, 2000

 He found a diamond on the beach
 I ran the 1994 marathon
 They won the match without difficulty
 We didn’t drink wine or beer
 He didn’t write the whole novel alone
 She didn’t eat the cake because it tasted bad
 Did she teach chemistry or physics
 Did I forget our anniversary?

What are you doing?
Which is your favorite color?
When is your birthday?
Where is your pet?
Who is your brother?
Whose pet is this?
Whom did you visit at the hospital?

She ________ the most beautiful girl I had seen.
__________ the weather nice yesterday? Yes, it _________.
My friends ___________ sad yesterday because it ____________ raining
__________ your parents at home yesterday?
___________ the movie interesting? Yes, but a little bit long
_______ I a good student? Yes, you _______
_______ they good friends for many years? Yes, they _______ good friends for many
________my aunt a good tennis player? Yes, she ________ a good tennis player.
________ the wind very strong? Yes, it _________ very strong.
Why ______ she tired?
Why _______ they at the meeting?
Why ________ we invited?

How do you read these years? Choose the correct answer.

1567 [fifteen sixty-seven / one thousand sixty-seven]
1987 [nineteen eighty-seven / one nine eighty-seven]
1894 [eighteen ninety-four / eighteen and ninety-four]
2006 [two thousand (and) six / twenty six]
2011 [twenty one one/ twenty eleven]

7 April ________________
3 May ________________
31 July ________________
10 November ________________
18 December ________________
27 September ________________
15 January ________________
My father __________ (go) to work by car yesterday.
This morning I __________ (have) a shower.
My sister ___________ (not clean) her room on Saturday.
_________ (you/see) the football match on Tuesday night?
John __________ (not like) studying English.
I __________ (not see) her yesterday.
__________(you / really /want) to buy that car?
Where_____ you ______ those boots?
________you _________the skateboarding competition on TV last night?
We _______in the end.
My old comics! I _____________ we still ______them!

When ____ you leaving?

When ____ you leave for school in the morning?
______ do you do your homework?
______time ____ you eat dinner last night?
How much ____ it cost?
How much ____ it cost?
Why ____ they not there last week?
_____ are you wearing my jacket?
______ is the teddy bear?
_______is the park?
It is important to know how to write the date in English. They are the digits that express
order or succession such as 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 4th (fourth).
It helps us to talk about an action that ended in a time before the current one. The
duration is not relevant. The time in which the action takes place can be the recent past
or the distant past.
The first thing we need to know about these types of questions is that they cannot be
answered with “yes” or “no”. These questions are used to find out specific information.

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