Gyro Compass GROUP 7
Gyro Compass GROUP 7
Gyro Compass GROUP 7
Submitted to
Submitted by
Christian Padios
Joseph Warren Portosa
Rico John G. Quicoy
Johannes Ramos
Table of Contents
Title Page………………………………………………… i
Table of Contents……..………………………………………. ii
Introduction………………………………….. 1
Parts of Gyrocompasses……………………………… 3
Types of Gyrocompass…………………………. 5
Conclusions…………………………………………… 5
References…………………………………………………………………….. 6
Navigation, the age-old art of finding one's way across vast oceans and through
the skies, has been a defining aspect of human exploration and trade for centuries. Over
time, various tools and instruments have been developed to aid sailors, pilots, and
explorers in finding their way across vast oceans and skies. Among these innovations,
the gyro compass stands as a remarkable and indispensable device that has
revolutionized modern navigation. In the realm of modern navigation, one instrument
stands as a beacon of precision and reliability: the gyro compass. Unlike its magnetic
counterparts, the gyro compass harnesses the power of gyroscopic stability to provide
mariners and aviators with accurate directional information, unfazed by the Earth's
magnetic variations. This research delves into the gyro compass, exploring its historical
evolution, the principles underpinning its operation, its multifaceted applications in
maritime and aviation, and its pivotal role in ensuring navigational safety and precision.
The history of gyrocompass started in the mid to late 1800s. The first model was
created the French inventor Jean-Bernard-Leon Foucault in 1852. After it followed
several failed attempts in the form of gyrostat made by mathematical physicist and
engineer William Thomson (1st Baron of Kelvin) in 1880, and Arthur Krebs' early
gyrocompass that enabled French submarine ability to travel automatically in a straight
line (which was one of the earliest examples of naval autopilot capability).
The first patent for working model of gyrocompass was awarded to Marinus
Gerardus van den Bos in 1885. However, since his design was not practical for use on
naval ships, the first usable design was provided by German inventor Hermann Anschütz-
Kaempfe in 1906. After a period of testing, his device was successfully integrated into the
German Imperial Navy in 1908. United States ships quickly adopted the gyrocompasses
that were produced by the Elmer Ambrose Sperry who patented his design in 1908.
Devices made by Sperry Gyroscope Company were placed on all US Navy ships during
the World War I, and some naval projects also started using
gyrocompasses as means in creation automated movement of the ships and
submarines. After the WW1, gyrocompass technology was regularly used on ships,
submarines, airplanes and zeppelins. In Europe, commercial sale of the gyrocompass
started in 1913.
The first seaworthy gyrocompass was produced in 1908 by the firm of Hermann
Anschütz-Kaempfe in Germany. It was largely made possible through the efforts of Max
Schuler, who developed the principles on which a practical shipborne gyrocompass
depends. This compass was a marvel of mechanical ingenuity. In 1911 Elmer Sperry in
the United States produced a gyrocompass that was easier to manufacture. In England,
Sidney George Brown, working with John Perry along similar lines as Sperry, produced
a gyrocompass in 1916. Later the Arma Corporation in the U.S. produced a unit that was
a modification of the Anschütz.
Gyroscopes have two basic properties. First is Rigidity in space. The spin axis of
a gyroscope tends to remain in space in the direction in which it is started. A freely
spinning gyroscope will maintain its axis of spin in same direction in space regardless of
how its supporting base is turned. It resists any force attempting to turn its axis of spin in
new direction. This property is termed as “rigidity in space”
Second is, Gyroscopic Precession. When a gyroscope's axis is tilted and it starts rotating,
it resists changes in its orientation due to its angular momentum. When subjected to a
torque, such as the Earth's rotation, the gyroscope's axis processes or slowly rotates,
maintaining its original orientation in space. Precession causes the spinning rotor to twist
the spin axis in anticlockwise direction when upward vertical tipping force is applied on
the end of the spinning gyro axis, as shown in the figure.
The gyro spin axis will process in the other direction (clockwise) if applied tipping force is
downwards. The gyro will always precess at right angles to the direction of the applied
force. This property is called precession. Precession causes the gyro to point in different
directions depending upon the force applied to either end of the axis of spin. Because of
precession, we can control the direction that the spin axis points.
Parts of a Gyrocompass
The Sperry unit is a good representative gyrocompass due to its extensive use at
sea. The gyro wheel is electrically driven and mounted on spin-axis ball bearings within
the rotor case. This case in turn is mounted to tilt on ball bearings about a horizontal and
nearly east-west axis in the vertical ring. The vertical ring is pivoted about a vertical axis
within the phantom ring, but its weight is borne by strands of steel wire from the
phantom head. A follow-up system keeps the phantom ring aligned with the vertical
ring, thus preventing torsion in the wires and reducing support friction about the vertical
to a minimum. The compass card is mounted on the phantom head. The phantom
is supported by thrust bearings in the spider (a mounting that connects various parts of
the gyroscope), which also carries the follow-up motor. This whole device is mounted with
a small pendulosity in the binnacle (a cylindrical pedestal that illuminates the compass
face from below) within a covering case. The compass elements are thus protected and
also free from the rolling of the ship. The mercury ballistic frame is pivoted to the phantom
on horizontal and nearly east-west bearings. The frame connects to the rotor case by a
link that makes contact slightly east of the bottom of the case. The frame carries the tanks
of mercury and the connecting tubes. The master gyrocompass is usually installed in a
compartment that will not be affected by the outside environment. Repeaters of its
indication are mounted on the bridge and elsewhere as needed. The course recorder
keeps a permanent record of the ship’s heading.
Types of Gyrocompasses
Cult of Sea, Sanginan, & Afsar. (2018, June 10). Gyro Compass - basic principle,
operation and usage on ships. Cult of Sea.
Dasgupta, S. (2021, December 23). Gyro compass on ships: Construction, working, and
usage. Marine Insight.