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DLL Els Quarter 2 Week 1

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Grade Level 11
Department of Education Teacher KENNEDY F. VAGAY Learning Area EARTH & LIFE SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and Time Week 1 Quarter Second Quarter |1st Semester
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
The learner understands of…
1. the historical development of the concept of life
2. the origin of the first life forms
3. unifying themes in the study of life
A. Content Standards 4. plant and animal reproduction
5. how genes work
6. how genetic engineering is used to produce.

The learners should be able to …

B. Performance Standards 1. value life by taking good care of all beings, humans, plants, and animals.
2. conduct a survey of products containing substances that can trigger genetic disorders such as phenylketonuria
C. Learning
Explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of evidence.



A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources Modules in Earth and Life Science
A. Reviewing previous lesson or A. Start the class by asking the Recall the previous lesson Recall the previous lesson Recall and review the previous
presenting the new lesson students if they remember the lessons ready for the
previous lesson about the assessment.
characteristics of living things.
B. Briefly review the previous
lesson if necessary.
C. Introduce the new lesson: the
evolving concept of life based
on emerging pieces of
Explain to the students that the
purpose of this lesson is to help
B. Establishing the purpose of them understand how the
the lesson concept of life has evolved over
time based on new pieces of
A. Show the students a timeline
of the history of life on Earth,
from the origin of life to the
present day.

C. Presenting
examples/instances of the
new lesson

1. Discuss some of the major

events and milestones in the
evolution of life, such as the
Discuss some of the
development of
experiments and theories that
photosynthesis, the Cambrian
have been proposed to
explosion, the evolution of
B. Discussing new concepts explain the origin of life on
mammals, and the
and practicing new skills #1 Earth, such as the Miller-Urey
emergence of humans.
experiment and the RNA world
2. Explain how our understanding
of these events has changed
over time as new evidence
has been discovered.

C. Discussing new concepts Introduce the concept of Have the students work in pairs
or small groups to research
abiogenesis, the idea that life
one of these experiments or
and practicing new skills #2 can arise from non-living
theories and present their
findings to the class.
1. Divide the class into groups of
4-5 students.
2. Provide each group with a set
of cards that list different
pieces of evidence for the
evolution of life, such as fossils,
DNA, and biogeography.
3. Have the groups work
together to arrange the cards
in chronological order, based
D. Developing Mastery
on when the evidence was
discovered or when the
events it represents occurred.
4. 4. After the groups have
completed the activity, have
a class discussion about the
different pieces of evidence
and how they contribute to
our understanding of the
evolution of life.
1. Ask the students to brainstorm
ways in which the concepts
and skills they have learned in
this lesson might be useful in
their everyday lives.
E. Finding practical 2. For example, they might
applications of concepts discuss how an understanding
and skills in daily living of the origins of life could
inform their career choices or
how knowledge of
astrobiology might help them
appreciate the diversity of life
on Earth.
1. Ask the students to reflect on
what they have learned in this
lesson and to identify any
F. Generalizing and overarching themes or
abstractions about the concepts.
lesson 2. Have them discuss how their
understanding of the evolution
of life has changed as a result
of this lesson.
Have the students complete a
short quiz or written reflection to
G. Evaluating Learning
assess their understanding of the
concepts covered in this lesson.
1. For advanced students, have them research a specific topic related to the evolving concept of life and prepare a presentation or report for
H. Additional Activities for the class.
Application or Remediation 2. For struggling students, provide additional resources or one-on-one support to help them better understand the concepts covered in this


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Teacher II Head Teacher III School Principal II

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