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Psychological Injuries: Forensic Assessment, Treatment, and Law

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Psychological Injuries:

Forensic Assessment,
Treatment, and Law



American Psychology-Law Society Series

Series Editor
Ronald Roesch

Editorial Board

Gail S. Goodman Edward P. Mulvey

Thomas Grisso J. Don Read
Craig Haney N. Dickon Reppucci
Kirk Heilbrun Gary L. Wells
John Monahan Lawrence S. Wrightsman
Marlene Moretti Patricia A. Zapf


Death by Design: Capital Punishment as a Social Psychological System
Craig Haney

Trial Consulting
Amy J. Posey and Lawrence S. Wrightsman

Psychological Injuries: Forensic Assessment, Treatment, and Law

William J. Koch, Kevin S. Douglas, Tonia L. Nicholls, Melanie L. O’Neill

Forensic Assessment,
Treatment, and Law


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Psychological injuries : forensic assessment, treatment, and law /

William J. Koch . . . [et al.].
p. cm.—(American Psychology–Law Society series)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 10: 0–19–518828–4
ISBN 13: 978–0–19–518828–8
1. Liability for emotional distress—United States. 2. Personal
injuries—United States. 3. Forensic psychology—United States. 4.
Traumatic neuroses—Treatment—United States. I. Koch, William J.,
1951–II. Series.
KF1264.P79 2005
346.7303'23—dc22 200500387

1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper
Series Foreword

This book series is sponsored by the American Psychology-Law Society (APLS),

an interdisciplinary organization devoted to scholarship, practice, and public ser-
vice in psychology and law. Its goals include advancing the contributions of
psychology to the understanding of law and legal institutions through basic and
applied research; promoting the education of psychologists in matters of law and
the education of legal personnel in matters of psychology; and informing the
psychological and legal communities and the general public of current research,
educational, and service activities in the field of psychology and law. APLS mem-
bership includes psychologists from the academic research and clinical practice
communities, as well as members of the legal community. Research and practice
is represented in both the civil and criminal legal arenas.
APLS has chosen Oxford University Press as a strategic partner because of its
commitment to scholarship, quality, and the international dissemination of ideas.
These strengths will help APLS reach its goal of educating the psychology and
legal professions and the general public about important developments in the field
of psychology and law. By including books on a broad range of topics, the focus
of this series reflects the diversity of the field of psychology and law.
This is the third book in the American Psychology-Law Society series. The
first book, by Craig Haney, focuses on the process of jury decision making in
capital cases. The second, by Amy Posey and Larry Wrightsman, analyzes the
vi Series Foreword

practice of trial consulting. The present book by William Koch, Kevin Douglas,
Tonia Nicholls, and Melanie O’Neill centers on the civil legal process and ex-
amines research and practice in cases in which some form of psychological injury
may have taken place and the alleged injured party has initiated legal action to
seek compensation. The authors provide a detailed review of legal issues and
assessment approaches that will be of considerable value to psychologists in-
volved in these evaluations. But the authors don’t simply focus on clinical as-
sessment practices; they provide a comprehensive discussion of prevention and
rehabilitation of psychological injuries, and conclude with an analysis and critique
of current practices and a blueprint for future research. This book is an exceptional
contribution to both practitioners and researchers who are involved in these often-
difficult civil cases.

This book arose from William J. Koch’s perception that the field of forensic
mental health assessment has been largely insulated from current knowledge of
the epidemiology, psychopathology, and treatment of trauma survivors. The term
psychological injuries refers primarily to traumatically precipitated emotional
disturbances that impair functioning and well-being. Researchers, insurers, em-
ployers, and the courts increasingly recognize the negative economic and health
impact of emotional disorders. Not surprisingly, psychological injuries, particu-
larly that of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), are increasingly the subject of
compensation requests or legal actions. However, assessment and treatment prac-
tices in most clinicians’ and forensic evaluators’ offices compare poorly to the
current scientific understanding of such conditions, resulting in less than optimal
opinion evidence and rehabilitative efforts. This book is meant to bridge the gap
between common practice and current scientific knowledge.
The following pages address the history of psychological injuries from mental
health and legal perspectives and review relevant statutory and case law. Subse-
quently, several chapters discuss assessment issues, including such topics as em-
pirically based assessment tools, vulnerabilities in psychological evidence, and
the assessment of malingering. One chapter provides case examples illustrating
different challenges for forensic assessment, and discusses in detail cultural and
gender issues that influence survivors’ responses to trauma. Additionally, our cur-
viii Preface

rent knowledge of efforts at early intervention with trauma survivors is examined,

as well as the results of clinical treatment trials of both a psychological and
pharmaceutical nature. Finally, suggestions for further innovations and important
research themes are provided.
This book is written for a variety of readers, including forensic mental health
professionals, personal injury lawyers, clinicians who assess and treat trauma
survivors, and graduate students in clinical and forensic psychology, as well as
for researchers in this broad area.
A number of individuals deserve acknowledgement for their encouragement,
understanding, and advice. William J. Koch’s wife and daughters have tolerated
his frequent disappearances into his home office on the weekends and evenings
to work on this manuscript when he might have been otherwise helpful to family
pursuits. He is grateful for their support and the joy they provide to him through
their love and diverse accomplishments. Kevin S. Douglas is grateful to his wife
for her endless support, for her willingness to move from one coast to the other,
and for putting her own career on hold temporarily, and to his daughter, Julianna,
who was born after the book was under way, just for being the little piece of joy
that she is. Tonia L. Nicholls had a childhood filled with love, laughter, and books;
for this, and so much more, she is grateful to her parents, Ed and Lucille Lamy.
Her husband and daughters have been endlessly supportive and understanding of
her professional pursuits. Numerous claimants and patients, through their attempts
to obtain compensation, articulate their difficulties, and bravely recover their func-
tioning, provided the stimulation for many of our ideas, as well as many cogent
case examples. Melanie L. O’Neill is indebted to her husband, Dominic, who
continues to be her pillar of support in all academic and professional pursuits.
Lynn Alden, Charles Brasfield, and Margaret Kendrick all read parts of this book
and made helpful suggestions. Ron Roesch, series editor, was understanding of
some of the stresses and tribulations we suffered in putting this book together
and tolerant of our delays.

1. Definition and History of the Concept of Psychological Injury, 3

2. Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injuries, 22
3. General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries, 49
4. Detecting Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury
Claims, 76
Grant L. Iverson and Rael T. Lange
5. Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence, 113
6. Gender, Trauma, and Distress, 142
7. Ethnocultural Minorities, 178
8. Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries, 211
9. Psychological Injury Cases, 235
10. Current Status and Future Trends, 251
References, 265
Index, 309

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Definition and History of the Concept of
Psychological Injury

It is rare to find a psychiatric diagnosis that anyone likes to have, but PTSD
seems to be one of them.
—Andreasen (1995)

Psychological injuries are referred to in the main title of this book, implying that
a great deal is known about them. This is true in some ways, but not in others.
For instance, a straightforward definition of psychological injury—damage of a
psychological nature—would certainly include such conditions as posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD), about which a fair amount indeed is known. On the other
hand, psychological injury is not a term that appears in any official nosological
system, nor is it a legal term of art (i.e., there is no tort of psychological injury).
As such, its contours are ill-defined. Yet, it offers the advantage of not being tied
to any particular psychiatric or legal principle, process, code, or classification
system, but at the same time communicates a meaningful category of events and
This chapter presents a coherent definition of psychological injury. Psycho-
logical injuries are stress-related emotional conditions resulting from real or imag-
ined threats or injuries that may become the subjects of personal injury litigation,
workers compensation claims, criminal injury compensation, other disability
claims, or human rights tribunals. Such disorders include PTSD, acute stress
disorder (ASD), major depressive episode (MDE), substance abuse disorders, and
a myriad of other less-defined anxiety and depressive reactions. However, not all
psychological states such as PTSD and MDE are legally compensable; there must
be some mechanism that attaches liability to another party. Part of the definition

of psychological injury, then, includes causation by a third party, a legal concept

that will be returned to several times.
The importance of this book is predicated on the economic impact of stress-
related psychological conditions. While much remains to be done in the investi-
gation of the economic impact of such conditions, accumulating data suggest that
psychological injuries result in substantial economic costs. Because we have re-
viewed these data before (Samra & Koch, 2002), we will only highlight particular
findings in this chapter.
The costs of mental health conditions have been extensively studied in the
United States. Rice and Miller (1998) noted that the total economic cost of mental
illness in the United States was estimated to be $147.8 billion in 1990. Anxiety
disorders (such as PTSD) and affective disorders had total costs of $46.6 billion
and $30.4 billion, respectively. Indirect costs of mental health problems (e.g., lost
productivity) were estimated as higher than the direct costs. Economic correlates
of the prototypical psychological injury, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD,
American Psychiatric Association, 2000), have been studied primarily in veteran
populations, but one community study has important implications. Amaya-
Jackson et al. (1999) found that persons with posttraumatic stress symptoms
(PTSS) are more likely to report that their income poorly meets their needs, to
have spent more than seven days in bed in the preceding three months, to report
increased general medical and mental health outpatient visits, and to use psycho-
tropic drugs. They also found that individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for
PTSD are more functionally impaired than are those who meet subthreshold levels
of PTSS. Fairbank, Ebert, and Zarkin (1999) reviewed research on employment
and income for trauma survivors and found that exposure to trauma was consis-
tently associated with worse economic outcome. It should be recognized, how-
ever, that much of the literature reviewed by Fairbank et al. (1999) concerned
combat veterans and may not be generalizable to survivors of other forms of
traumatic experience.
Depression is another frequently cited psychological injury in torts litigation
and disability claims. Greenberg et al. (1993) estimated total annual costs of
depression in the United States to be more than $43 billion, with more than half
of this related to reduced productivity. Among depressed patients, work absen-
teeism is predicted by severity of depressive symptoms, comorbid anxiety, and
psychomotor retardation (Tollefson, Souetre, Thomander, & Potvin, 1993). Not
only do depression, PTSD, and anxiety reduce sufferers’ work attendance and
income, they also increase health care costs for these individuals. Depressed and
anxious individuals generate per capita health care costs almost five times that of
nondistressed people (Simon, Ormel, VonKorff, & Barlow, 1995).
With the evidence that psychological distress has significant economic impli-
cations, and having stated the basic elements of psychological injury (legally
compensable psychological damage), the bulk of this chapter traces the evolution
Definition and History of the Concept of Psychological Injury 5

of the concept of psychological injury and summarizes its contemporary meaning.

Because psychological injury inherently involves both mental health and legal
aspects, we attend to its development in both circles, which at times have over-
lapped. Specifically, we discuss the development of the concept of trauma in the
intersection between the fields of mental health and law. In addition, the changes
in the law’s receptivity to the construct of psychological injuries are outlined.

The Roots of Psychological Injury as a Construct

One certainty is that recognition of psychological trauma as part of the human

condition is not recent; in fact, this was discussed by the most venerable of ancient
Greeks—Plato. Homer, too, in his Iliad, similarly included reference to the psy-
chological sequelae of war (Shay, 1991). In the seventeenth century, writers such
as Samuel Pepys noted the presence of sleep disturbance and intrusive thoughts
in response to the “Great Fire” of 1666 in London (Daly, 1983). Pepys wrote, “it
is strange to think how to this very day I cannot sleep a night without great terrors
of the fire” (from Saigh & Bremner, 1999, p. 1).
Freud’s early work considered early trauma, and a person’s fixation to it, the
source of hysteria. A number of terms have been used in the past 150 years to
describe the reaction of people to extreme trauma, whether war-related or civilian-
related. The concept of psychological injury has developed over these years in
various contexts. For instance, in response to railway accidents that became very
common in nineteenth-century England with the advent of mass railway travel,
commentators developed the concept of railway mind (Harrington, 1996) to de-
scribe the apparent psychological effects (anxiety, chronic pain) of such accidents.
Some commentators preferred the term railway spine because of the medical
assumption that the psychological effects were in fact caused by physical injuries
to the central nervous system. This medical assumption, which was common to
nineteenth-century thinking, entrenched itself in the legal processing of such
cases, with physical manifestation of injury being a necessary component of re-
coverable claims in some jurisdictions for many years. For this reason, the term
nervous shock was sometimes applied in the nineteenth century in order to reflect
the medical assumption that psychological effects of railway accidents typically
stemmed from shock to the nervous system, such as subtle compression of the
spine (Page, 1885). Some professionals, however, considered these claims to be
fraudulent and termed them compensation neurosis (see Levy, 1992).
In the United States, the Civil War gave rise to terms such as soldier’s heart,
irritable heart, and effort syndrome. These referred to apparently biological con-
ditions resulting from physical stress and manifesting as weakness and heart pal-
pitations (Tomb, 1994). Shell shock was commonly used to describe the psycho-
logical condition, characterized by anxiety and fatigue, of some World War I

soldiers (Mott, 1919). As with some other conditions, such as railway spine, the
ultimate etiology of shell shock was presumed to be physical (i.e., brain damage
from exploding shells). War neurosis made the link clear between the trauma of
war and the associated effect on some soldiers (Grinker & Spiegel, 1945).

Mental Health Perspectives

This section traces the concept of psychological injury from a mental health
perspective, focusing on the diagnoses of PTSD and ASD, to which it is closely
aligned. As Stone (1993) noted, no other diagnosis comes close to PTSD in terms
of impact on the legal system. Given its preeminence among psychological in-
juries, and spotlight in the law, described below is what we perceive to be the
major controversies surrounding PTSD. We start, however, with a brief history
of its development.
We return to the war theme, which unfortunately has given the mental health
field much to learn about the effects of trauma. During the 1940s, some of the
more influential psychiatrists actually served in the military—during and after
World War II—hence directing the psychiatric spotlight onto stress reactions from
combat (Kardiner, 1947). Consequently, Gross Stress Reaction appeared in the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I) in 1952 (Amer-
ican Psychiatric Association, 1952), described as a temporary state elicited by
extreme environmental conditions. The DSM-II, published during the early to
middle stages of the Vietnam War (American Psychiatric Association, 1968),
dropped Gross Stress Reaction, and in fact had no other event-related disorder.
As Scott (1990) noted, the primary psychiatrists behind the DSM-II did not have
combat experience and hence did not witness firsthand the effects of war, as the
generation of DSM psychiatrists before them had.
By the time the DSM-II was revised in 1980, it was clear that many Vietnam
veterans experienced some form of severe psychological reaction to their combat
experiences. Similarly, research and commentary on the effects of sexual assault
were increasing, leading to the construct of rape trauma syndrome (Burgess &
Holmstrom, 1979). As such, the political and social zeitgeist was conducive to
the official entrenchment of an event-based trauma diagnosis in the DSM system.
As such, posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, was born. It required the
presence of a stressor that was outside the usual realm of experience of most
people. As noted, the nature of the stressor has changed quite substantially be-
tween DSM-III, DSM-III-R (American Psychiatric Association, 1987), and DSM-
IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994), so that it no longer requires events
to be outside the realm of normal human experience. Each iteration of the DSM
since DSM-III has included the stressor criterion as well as three main substantive
areas of symptoms (reexperiencing, avoidance, hyperarousal).
The current DSM-IV diagnostic criteria require the following symptoms:
At least one of: recurrent and intrusive recollections of the event, recurrent
Definition and History of the Concept of Psychological Injury 7

distressing dreams of the event, acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were
recurring, intense physiological distress at exposure to internal or external re-
minders of the event, physiological reactivity on exposure to internal or external
At least three of: efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations about the
trauma; efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that are reminders of the event;
inability to recall an important part of the event; markedly diminished interest or
participation in significant activities; feelings of detachment or estrangement; re-
stricted affect; sense of a foreshortened future.
At least two of: difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, irritability or anger,
difficulty concentrating, hypervigilance, exaggerated startle response.

History and Controversies in PTSD and ASD

Sociopolitical aspects of trauma-related diagnoses. Scott (1990) adopted a soci-
opolitical interpretation of events leading to the introduction of PTSD into the
DSM system, challenging the traditional psychiatric position that the disorder’s
inclusion was based on scientific evidence. In Scott’s view, the addition of PTSD
to the DSM-III, and hence its “recognition,” “was profoundly political, and dis-
plays the full range of negotiation, coalition formation, strategizing, solidarity
affirmation, and struggle” (p. 295).
As described above, the seeming extrascientific factors that led to the inclusion
of Gross Stress Reaction in the DSM-I included several leading psychiatrists who
had seen firsthand the psychological correlates of war. This was not the case when
DSM-II was published, but it certainly was when the American Psychiatric As-
sociation prepared to revise the DSM-II during the 1970s. Several factors con-
tributed to the ultimate inclusion of PTSD in the DSM-III. For instance, the
grassroots organization formed in 1967 called Vietnam Veterans against the War
(VVAW), a pro–veterans’ rights, antiwar organization, ultimately developed into
a powerful lobbying voice (Scott, 1990).
There were also a number of antiwar psychiatrists, social workers, and other
professionals (such as Robert Lifton, Sarah Haley, Arthur Blank, and Chaim Sha-
tan) who had informal connections with groups like VVAW (hence, were “pro-
rights”) and/or a professional connection with the Veterans Affairs (VA) admin-
istration (hence, had large exposure to Vietnam vets), and ultimately would be
influential mental health professionals who advocated in the form of work groups
for PTSD to be included in the DSM-III (Scott, 1990). Robert Spitzer was sub-
sequently persuaded to consider the merits of including a disorder in the DSM-
III, and included himself and Nancy Andreasen, a now-prominent psychiatric
researcher, along with “pro-inclusionists” Lifton, Shatan, and Jack Smith, on a
DSM-III task force on reactive disorders. After years of collecting case histories
and lobbying, these task force members persuaded Spitzer, Andreasen, and others,
suggesting the disorder be called catastrophic stress disorder. The rest, as the

saying goes, is history, and the disorder was ultimately approved under the name
of posttraumatic stress disorder.
As Scott (1990) convincingly argued, “PTSD is in the DSM-III because a core
of psychiatrists and veterans worked consciously and deliberately for years to put
it there” (p. 308). Without these few dedicated and politically savvy psychiatrists,
PTSD may not have come to be. The dramatic impact that event-based sympto-
matology, under the name PTSD, has had on the mental health field and the law
would likely not have occurred. As we argue, the law’s reticence to accept mental
injury claims lessened once there was an official psychiatric diagnosis to that
effect, especially one that required the injuries to stem from a specifiable event
(i.e., something and someone to blame, a key legal issue).
Andreasen (1995), many years after being appointed to the DSM-III task force
for reactive disorders in the 1970s, wrote that PTSD was created to meet the needs
of Vietnam vets who were returning home and needed treatment, but had no
diagnosis. Over time it was realized that the original stressor, required to be
outside the range of usual human experience, actually excluded many traumatized
persons (e.g., crime victims, accident victims). This is no longer a feature of PTSD
in the DSM-IV, which, as others have noted (Tomb, 1994), tends to emphasize
the perception of threat rather than threat itself. Hence, a relatively minor car
accident could lead to PTSD under the DSM-IV, where this would not have been
permissible under the DSM-III.
These debates still play out. An exchange between Summerfield (2001) and
Mezey and Robbins (2001) in the British Medical Journal is testament to this.
Summerfield noted the sociopolitical aspects of the disorder, as described above,
whereas Mezey and Robbins countered by pointing out that any diagnostic system
is a product of the times, recognizing that cultural factors do indeed influence
thinking about psychopathology. Summerfield (2002) countered with the follow-
ing indictment:

Psychiatrists serve neither society nor patients with psychiatric difficulties when
they uncritically endorse the medicalisation of life (though they may well serve the
pharmaceutical industry, with its vested interest in the medicalisation of the human
predicament . . . ). It is academic shallowness and complacency that may permit so-
ciocultural (and often political) values and expectations to be dressed up as medico-
psychiatric facts. (p. 914)

Mezey and Robbins also attempted to downplay the importance of vulnera-

bility factors for PTSD by stating in the same breath that schizophrenia and
depression also have vulnerability factors without which some persons might not
develop the disorder.
The nature of the disorder. Is PTSD biological or psychological? Andreasen
(1995) noted that PTSD was once considered the quintessential psychological
disorder, but has turned out to have quite strong biological underpinnings, or at
Definition and History of the Concept of Psychological Injury 9

least correlates. However, this is somewhat of a false dichotomy, a point made

by Andreasen (1995). Yehuda and McFarlane (1995) concluded that the contem-
porary biological research, though supportive of a construct of PTSD, was actu-
ally inconsistent with the original theory and conceptualization of PTSD under
psychosocial theory and stress research. That is, biological findings have emerged
showing biological processes that are not the same as typical stress responses,
contradicting the claim made in the DSM-III that PTSD is a normative stress
response to an extreme environmental stressor.
This leads to another question—is PTSD normative or pathological? Origi-
nally, perhaps partially to normalize the suffering of Vietnam veterans, PTSD was
construed as a normative response to an extreme event. As Yehuda and McFarlane
(1995) described, its addition to the DSM-III satisfied political, social, and mental
health needs. As noted above, however, the biological response to PTSD is not
the same as a normal stress response, and PTSD is not the normative response
(i.e., 50% plus one) to almost every trauma, with the possible exception of phys-
ical torture. Further, as described in more detail below, there is now quite con-
vincing evidence that the event itself is not the most important predictor of PTSD,
but rather individual characteristics and perceptions of the event (Bowman, 1999).
Are the memories that putatively sustain the disorder subject to distortion over
time? Southwick, Morgan, Nicolaou, and Charney (1997) asked this question,
and observed that the more severe the PTSD symptomatology among Gulf War
vets, the more inaccurate and distorted were the memories of traumatic events.
That is, approximately 70% of a sample of Gulf War vets reported events 2 years
posttrauma that they had failed to report one month posttrauma. These findings
have important implications for what the traumatology field holds as accepted
knowledge, and question the wisdom of relying upon retrospective recall as a
methodological feature of studies. Nemiah (1995) echoed this sentiment, remark-
ing that such designs can confuse cause and effect. Retrospective designs can
make disentangling the event and preexisting personality or emotional pathology
difficult. One should note that the low reliability of retrospective memory is not
unique to compensation seeking samples, but appears to be common in the general
population (see chapter 7 for a full discussion).
DSM vs. ICD systems. Two main nosological systems for mental disorders
exist—the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders published by
the American Psychiatric Association (fourth edition published in 1994; Textual
Revision, or TR, published in 2000, and the International Classification of Dis-
eases [ICD], the 10th edition of which was published in 1992 by the World Health
Organization). Although some attempt was made in recent revisions of both sys-
tems to promote their convergence, important differences exist that can result in
different prevalence estimates of disorder. This has implications for the general
scientific body of knowledge on disorders, since their identification and incidence
is partially method-dependent.

For example, Peters, Slade, and Andrews (1999) observed that the ICD system
tends to produce approximately twice as many PTSD diagnoses as does the DSM
system (based on 1,300–1,500 interviews with a “disorder-enriched” population).
In this study, the concordance between the systems was 35%. The DSM and ICD
systems differ in two important respects that lead to such differences. First, the
DSM system requires that distress or impairment be present, and the ICD does
not. The DSM also requires numbing of general responsiveness as part of its
symptomatology and the ICD does not (although the ICD does describe it as a
frequent concurrent feature of the disorder). Peters et al. (1999) pointed out that
concordance would rise to 56% if changes were made to bring these two differ-
ences closer together.
Some of the individuals involved in actually writing the DSM (First & Pincus,
1999) argued that Peters et al. (1999) overstated the problem. They pointed out
that Peters et al. used an inappropriate version of ICD-10 (the research version
rather than the version for general clinical use) because the ICD-10 clinical ver-
sion actually includes the numbing symptom that is excluded from the research
version. They further argued that the DSM simply rests on more solid scientific
footing in terms of how diagnostic categories were defined, refined, and tested.
Other classification differences include the discouragement in ICD of multiple
concurrent diagnoses, in contrast to the encouragement in DSM to do so (Shalev,
2001). This has implications for the degree of comorbidity observed with PTSD,
and, generally, our understanding of the nature of the disorder. Most North Amer-
ican–based studies of PTSD observe high comorbidity with other anxiety disor-
ders, mood disorders (especially major or unipolar depression), personality dis-
orders, and substance-related disorders. In adolescents, PTSD is often comorbid
with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Weinstein, Staffelbach, &
Biaggio, 2000). This high degree of comorbidity has led some to question the
necessity and integrity of PTSD as a distinct disorder, and propose rather that it
is part of a larger construct such as negative affectivity (Bowman, 1999; Watson,
1999), a point we return to later. Watson (1999) described anxiety disorders gen-
erally within a hierarchical model, with negative affectivity common to each, and
each involving a unique construct.
The nature of Criterion A—the stressor. Because PTSD and, later, ASD es-
sentially codified what had been observed in humans for millennia—that mental
and emotional functioning can be disturbed by dangerous or traumatic events—
each iteration of the DSM that has included PTSD (since the DSM-III) has by
necessity included a stressor that must be present in order to diagnose the disorder.
Even the first DSM made reference to a stressor in the context of Gross Stress
Reaction disorder, though PTSD had yet to be officially recognized. The nature
of the stressor for PTSD has changed, quite substantially, in every iteration of the
DSM since the DSM-III (when it was first introduced). It has done so not without
Definition and History of the Concept of Psychological Injury 11

some controversy, leading some commentators to question the integrity of the

disorder when its criteria shift so rapidly.
Since the DSM-III, the stressor criterion arguably has broadened substantially.
In the DSM-III, the stressor was required to be outside the realm of usual human
experience. In the DSM-III-R (American Psychiatric Association, 1987), the
stressor was required to cause significant distress in almost anyone. The DSM-
IV (1994) changed yet again, so that there are now two stressor criteria, one
detailing possible types of stressors, and the other requiring the subject’s response
to include fear, helplessness, or horror. This provides a subjective emphasis more
so than an objective one. As Tomb (1994) described, the DSM-IV places almost
as much emphasis on the perception of threat as it does on actual physical threat,
perhaps leading to an increased risk of subjectivity in diagnosis, and confusion
in applications such as the legal system. Further, the stressor no longer has to be
outside the range of usual human experience. Breslau and Kessler (2001), based
on a random sample of more than 2,000 people, estimated that the number of
events qualifying under Criterion A has increased by 59% under the DSM-IV.
Still, some argue that it is not broad enough, since it ostensibly omits nonphysical
stressors such as psychological torture (Priebe & Bauer, 1995).
One of the most interesting implications of the stressor criterion has to do
more with the variable response to stressors across people rather than the stressor
criterion per se. That is, we know that vastly more people in the population
experience Criterion A stressors than actually go on to develop PTSD. In sum-
marizing this literature, Lee and Young (2001) reported that up to 93% of the
population could be defined as having experienced a traumatic event, yet only 5–
12% of the population ever develop PTSD. Some people might develop PTSD in
response to a relatively minor traffic accident, whereas others could go through
heavy combat, violent victimization, or even rape and not develop PTSD. This
observation has led some to posit that “individual differences are significantly
more powerful than event characteristics in predicting PTSD” (Bowman, 1999,
p. 28). In fact, as Bowman asserted, event characteristics contribute “relatively
little variance” to the development of PTSD (p. 28).
In addition, as Bowman (1999) explained, certain individual characteristics,
such as beliefs about emotionality, are defined in part by group (i.e., culture)
membership, leading to vastly different responses to similar events across cultures.
Accordingly, Bowman noted that reports in the literature have observed seemingly
discrepant outcomes; for instance, 0% of approximately 500 Israeli children
showed a traumatic disorder after being locked into sealed rooms during SCUD
missile attacks, whereas 100% of 23 American children demonstrated trauma after
a bus hijacking. She suggested that cultural differences between Israelis and
Americans accounted for this difference. As another example, there is epidemi-
ological evidence that the prevalence of PTSD varies even across Western coun-

tries such as Australia and the United States, despite similar rates of trauma
exposure (Creamer, Burgess, & McFarlane, 2001).
This possibility has interesting implications when PTSD enters the legal arena.
If a greater proportion of the variance is accounted for by individual and cultural
characteristics than by an event, should a wrongdoer be held responsible for the
symptoms a “victim” experiences? This issue, discussed further below, often plays
out legally in determinations of injury and damage causation.
PTSD across the lifespan. PTSD was developed with adults in mind. Most
research focuses on trauma survivors between the ages of 18 and 50 years. Con-
ceptually and empirically, people at both ends of the lifespan have generally been
neglected. From a developmental perspective, this is problematic, since there are
well-documented psychological differences across the lifespan. As alluded to
above, and discussed in detail in chapter 4, numerous age-relevant psychological
factors mediate the relationship between a traumatic event and PTSD; these in-
clude attributional style, cognitive processing, and emotionality. To the extent that
these differ across developmental stages, the prevalence, course, and expression
of PTSD might differ as well.
As an extreme example, some investigators have studied the effect of trauma
in children younger than four, and whether the DSM system is appropriate and
applicable to this age group (Scheeringa, Zeanah, Drell, & Larrieu, 1995). Scheer-
inga et al. first noted that nearly half of DSM-IV’s symptoms are reliant on patient
self-report, making such symptoms largely impossible to assess in very young
children, a point also made by Davidson and Foa (1991). They had raters attempt
to complete a DSM-IV PTSD checklist based on published case accounts of 20
traumatized children in the literature. None reached diagnostic threshold, despite
obvious traumatic effects; only three children reached threshold for Cluster B
Scheeringa et al. (1995) found that the DSM-IV criteria were not sensitive
enough to capture psychological distress in young children. They used empirical
means to develop alternative criteria that purportedly were more age-appropriate
than the DSM-IV criteria—more behaviorally based, less reliant on inner sub-
jective experience that is difficult to access in very young children. These alter-
native criteria were more sensitive and more reliable than the DSM-IV criteria.
Other research with 7- to 14-year-old children is consistent with the finding above.
Carrion, Weems, Ray, and Reiss (2002) reported that there were no differences
in terms of distress and impairment between subthreshold children and those who
met all three clusters of DSM-IV’s PTSD diagnosis. Interestingly, symptoms
showed a greater tendency to cluster meaningfully in later stages of childhood
(Carrion et al., 2002), suggesting again that the diagnosis is more appropriate for
It is known that children and adults differ in their responses to trauma. Chil-
dren, for instance, appear more likely to recollect traumatic experiences through
Definition and History of the Concept of Psychological Injury 13

daydreams and fantasies, and are more likely to have sleep disturbances (Benedek,
1985). Numbing is also considered less common in children compared to adults
(Terr, 1985). As such, differing symptomatological phenomenology calls into
question the appropriateness of the DSM system for assessing traumatic responses
in children. This might be especially true for younger children whose memory,
perceptual, emotional, and cognitive processes are still in development.
At the other end of the life spectrum, Averill and Beck (2000) reviewed re-
search and theory on PTSD among older adults (aged 65⫹), and noted that few
studies have focused on this age group, especially comparatively with other age
groups. They concluded that PTSD does occur in older adults with similar symp-
tom expression as younger adults; however, important differences emerged. For
instance, some studies have reported that older adults show a more severe pre-
occupation, hyperarousal, intrusion, sleep disturbance, and cue-related distress,
although there have not been enough systematic comparisons or longitudinal stud-
ies for definitive statements to be made. As with children, certain developmental
differences between older adults and younger adults (e.g., declining memory)
complicate the diagnostic process.
The role of dissociation. Dissociation has played a much more prominent role
in the DSM system since the introduction of ASD in the DSM-IV. ASD requires
three dissociative symptoms to be met, although critics assert that this emphasis
on dissociation is not empirically warranted because it excludes a large proportion
of people actually suffering from trauma (Marshall, Spitzer, & Liebowitz, 1999).
That is, under the current DSM setup, many people will meet PTSD at one month
posttrauma, but will not have met ASD criteria. Marshall et al. (1999) called for
a return to the DSM-III feature that allowed PTSD to be diagnosed prior to one
month; this, they argued, is more consistent with the extant data. Having ASD
and PTSD as separate disorders arbitrarily dichotomizes a naturally occurring
Can PTSD and traumatic brain injury co-occur? A number of commentators
have argued that traumatic brain injury (accompanied by loss of consciousness)
precludes the possibility of PTSD, since one cannot perceive the event if one is
not conscious (Price, 1994; Sbordone & Liter, 1995; Warden, Labbate, Salazar,
& Nelson, 1997). Conversely, other writers have suggested that PTSD often oc-
curs comorbidly with head injuries, as it might with any physical health condition.
Thus, PTSD symptoms may follow from changes in the brain-injured person’s
self-concept (Wright & Telford, 1996), from a “nondeclarative memory” of the
traumatic event (Layton & Wardi-Zonna, 1995), or when an “island” of memory
for the trauma (e.g., hospital emergency room procedures) exists in head-injured
persons (King, 1997). Alternatively, PTSD symptoms may occur in cases where
the head-injured person subsequently appraises either the episode or his/her in-
juries as traumatic, despite no direct memory of the event (Davidoff, Kessler,
Laibstain, & Mark, 1988). Consistent with the latter hypothesis, Bryant (1996)

suggested that posttraumatic “pseudomemories” based on information given to

head-injured subjects at a later date may behave in a similar manner to flashbacks
and other intrusions, thus resulting in PTSD.
It is important in evaluating this debate to remember that a large part of PTSD
involves fear and avoidance, and that not all phobias are acquired traumatically.
Thus, it is possible that individuals without a memory of the specific traumatic
event may learn something during their later experience that results in fear, avoid-
ance, and other PTSD symptoms. As well, Parker (2002) has argued that the
DSM-IV-TR does not adequately distinguish between PTSD and traumatic brain
injury (TBI), despite symptom overlap, and hence may contribute toward diag-
nostic confusion. Ultimately, the critical question is the extent to which brain
injury and PTSD occur together in representative samples. Some studies have
examined the effects of loss of consciousness, whereas others have focused on
head injuries specifically.
Studies of loss of consciousness. Ehlers et al. (1998) found that unconscious-
ness predicted PTSD only in univariate analyses at 3-month follow-up (it did not
predict at a 1-year follow-up, or in any multivariate analyses, suggesting it had
no independent predictive power). Hickling, Gillen, Blanchard, Buckley, and Tay-
lor (1997) compared the rates of PTSD in motor vehicle collision (MVC) victims
who either did or did not lose consciousness to determine whether rates of PTSD
were lower among those who lost consciousness. They further tested the propo-
sition that apparent PTSD symptoms in MVC victims who lost consciousness are
actually the result of mild brain injury or concussion by comparing patients’
functioning on neuropsychological tests. If what is being diagnosed as PTSD is
actually the result of brain injury, then performance on these tests should be worse
among MVC victims who had PTSD diagnoses compared to those who did not.
Hickling, Gillen, et al. (1997) found that there was no difference in the rate of
PTSD across persons who did or did not lose consciousness, or who did or did
not strike one’s head or suffer whiplash in the MVC. There also were no differ-
ences on the neuropsychological tests between those who met the diagnostic
criteria for PTSD and those who did not.
However, Bryant and Harvey (1996) found that lack of loss of consciousness
(LOC) did predict intrusion, but not avoidance, as measured by the Impact of
Events Scale (IES). These findings are reconcilable with those of Hickling et al.
(1997). In principle, persons can develop PTSD with relatively fewer intrusion
symptoms (only 1 of 5 possible reexperiencing symptoms is necessary for diag-
nosis) relative to other types of symptoms (3 of 7 avoidance/numbing and 2 of 5
hyperarousal symptoms).
Studies of head-injured MVC victims. Ohry, Rattok, and Solomon (1996) re-
ported that 33% of 24 TBI patients met criteria for PTSD. Parker (1996) found
that more than 90% of 33 Minor (MTBI) patients had other psychiatric disorders,
while Powell, Collin, and Sutton (1996) assessed that one-third of their 62 MTBI
Definition and History of the Concept of Psychological Injury 15

patients suffered from some anxiety or stress-related condition 3 months post-

injury. On the other hand, Sbordone and Liter (1995), when comparing PTSD
and MTBI patients, found that MTBI subjects did not report intrusions, hyper-
vigilance, or phobic avoidance to the same extent as did PTSD patients. In larger-
scale research, Bryant and Harvey (1999a, b), in a sample of 63 MTBI and 71
non-TBI patients, hypothesized that intrusions would be less common among
MVC victims who also suffered MTBI. There were very few differences (2 of 17
symptoms) between those with and without MTBI—fear and helplessness during
the MVC were less prevalent for the MTBI group. Importantly, these symptoms
are not among those that must be present at least one month posttrauma in order
for a diagnosis of PTSD to be given (i.e., they are part of Criterion A). Friedland
and Dawson (2001) found that MTBI patients had more posttraumatic stress (PTS)
symptoms on the IES at nine-month follow-up than did non-TBI patients. Bryant,
Marosszeky, Crooks, and Gurka (2000) extended their research to severe TBI
MVC victims, reporting that while only a minority (19%) of comorbid TBI/PTSD
patients had intrusive memories of the trauma, 96% reported cued emotional
reactivity to reminders of the trauma. Taken together, these studies are incom-
patible with the notion that LOC or TBI protects the victim from development of
PTS symptoms.
Evidence from child samples is mixed. In one study, children with severe TBI
had more PTS symptoms than children without TBI (Levi, Drotar, Yeates, &
Taylor, 1999), a finding consistent with those reported above. However, Max et
al. (1998) reported that fewer than 5% of their TBI participants received a diag-
nosis of PTSD, although 68% of them experienced at least one PTSD symptom
at 3 months post-injury.
There appear to be three general conclusions from this body of research. First,
the presence of TBI or amnesia for the traumatic event does not render persons
immune to PTSD. Second, the majority of studies show some substantial com-
orbidity of TBI and PTSD (e.g., 25–26%, Bryant & Harvey, 1999a, b; Bryant,
Marosszeky, et al., 2000). Third, the symptom picture, particularly in the short
term, may consist of relatively fewer intrusive symptoms for MTBI than for non-
MTBI persons. Further, although it appears that PTSD symptom profiles do not
differ between MTBI and non-TBI MVC victims, it is likely that those with MTBI
suffer additional, non-PTSD symptoms such as cognitive deficits and postcon-
cussive symptoms (e.g., headaches), and that PTSD symptoms may potentiate
both postconcussive symptoms and functional impairment. The effects of these
non-PTSD symptoms on the longer-term course, remission, and treatment of
PTSD remain unclear, pending empirical investigation.

Legal Perspectives
It was not until the nineteenth century that the law became responsive to psycho-
logical injuries. This development appears related in commonwealth countries to

the advent of railway travel, in the same way that the mental health field started
to pay attention to psychological injuries at this time. In fact, the legal history of
psychological injury is closely intertwined with its mental health history. Just as
psychiatrists were struggling with new concepts of event-based psychological
effects, so too was the law defining a new frontier of justiciable issues and com-
pensable injuries. In fact, the construct of psychological injury truly had a med-
icolegal nature to it in the mid-1800s. Not only were the medical and legal fields
both trying to come to terms with the phenomenon, but also the medical field
was often called upon to help evaluate the claims made by persons against railway
Most of the same concepts discussed earlier, such as railway spine, are
therefore relevant here as well. Chapter 2 covers the details of case and statutory
law dealing with psychological injuries. In this chapter, we communicate more
generally the evolution of the legal system’s receptivity to, conception of, and
mechanisms for addressing psychological injuries. The legal history surrounding
psychological injuries (more often called mental injury in legal discourse), un-
folds primarily in the context of the law of tort, and specifically in the law of
negligence. For this reason, our discussion focuses mainly on tort law, but outlines
other relevant areas such as workers’ compensation law.
Courts historically have been skeptical of claims for psychological injury or
emotional distress, for a variety of reasons. They overtly fear that such claims
may be easily fabricated since there are no clear, objective markers for whether
a psychological injury exists. Courts have also had difficulty determining the
proper degree of compensation. As Shuman and Daley (1996) discussed, it is
fairly easy to gauge the damage to a car in an accident, but how does one deter-
mine the value of the emotional suffering of parents whose child died in that car?
Further, how does one prove causation of psychological injury, which is the pe-
nultimate legal question in negligence, especially when there are usually so many
other putative causes at play (e.g., psychological vulnerability factors)?
Courts have had fewer problems providing compensation for emotional inju-
ries that stemmed from traditional intentional torts, such as battery, in part as
punishment for the tortfeasor. Torts such as battery have existed for centuries. A
more recent intentional tort, however, is the deliberate infliction of emotional
distress, in which a person can be held liable for extreme behavior designed
specifically to inflict serious emotional damage. Although this intentional tort is
now accepted by most jurisdictions, it was not recognized in the United States
until the 1948 Restatement of Torts.
A murkier area is that of negligent infliction of emotional distress. This, in
fact, was not an independent tort in the United States until 1970 (Rodrigues v.
State, 1970). In the past, again for fear of opening the floodgates, courts in the
United States and in Commonwealth countries required some sort of physical
injury or impact in order to allow a claim for negligently inflicted emotional
Definition and History of the Concept of Psychological Injury 17

distress. Over time, the rule was broadened to include persons within the so-called
zone of danger, or within close enough proximity to fear for their safety (e.g.,
standing next to the person who was hit by a car that runs off the road). Some
jurisdictions allow recovery to persons who witness the death or mutilation of
others—if they are closely connected to the victim (i.e., mother, father, child,
sibling)—even if they were not themselves in physical jeopardy. Some jurisdic-
tions no longer rely on the zone-of-danger concept, but have reverted to the
traditional negligence principle of foreseeability. In other words, the law asks,
was psychological or emotional injury or harm to the victim reasonably foresee-
able by the tortfeasor? If so, then liability attaches to the behavior; if not, it does
not. The California case of Dillon v. Legg (1968) spearheaded this approach when
it awarded compensation to a mother who witnessed her daughter’s death in a
motor vehicle collision, though she was far enough away that her own physical
safety was not at risk. Again, chapter 2 covers these concepts in more detail.
The “creation” of PTSD in 1980 did much to further persuade the law to
compensate persons for emotional injuries. PTSD became an official, medically
sanctioned disorder with a name on which the law could rest its judgments. Al-
though the torts of intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress both
existed prior to the appearance of PTSD in 1980, its emergence was influential
in shaping court decisions. As Stone (1993) wrote, “By giving diagnostic credence
and specificity to the concept of psychic harm, PTSD has become the lightning
rod for a wide variety of claims of stress-related psychopathology in the civil
arena” (p. 29). He also argued, “no diagnosis in the history of American psychi-
atry has had a more dramatic and pervasive impact on law and social justice than
post-traumatic stress disorder” (p. 23).
Generally, then, PTSD facilitated an already shifting legal philosophy that was
increasingly recognizing the legitimacy of psychological injuries. However, one
issue that the law has always struggled with, and still does, is the determination
of actual causation of psychological injuries. As we discuss in chapter 2, it is not
necessary to prove that an event (e.g., MVC) is the sole cause of psychological
injury; it does, however, have to be a contributing cause. Because of the compli-
cating nature of vulnerability factors for psychological injuries—which, again,
some argue are more important than actual stressors in causing conditions such
as PTSD (Bowman, 1999)—we spend some time on how the law has handled
this challenging task.
Thin skulls, crumbling skulls, and eggshell psyches. The legal constructs of
thin skulls, crumbling skulls, and eggshell psyches all have implications for the
concept of psychological injury and the determination of causation in tort law.
As described above, vulnerability factors likely account for a greater proportion
of the explanatory PTSD variance than the event itself. In legalese, these vulner-
ability factors in essence represent the concept of eggshell psyches, a cousin of
thin skulls and crumbling skulls, which refer to physical conditions. These issues

arise when a preexisting condition of the plaintiff is material to the event-related

injuries. Where a plaintiff was predisposed to develop some particular injury, but
was asymptomatic prior to the event, the thin skull doctrine applies. In short,
tortfeasors take their victims as they find them (Athey v. Leonati, 1996). This
doctrine, applied to mental injuries, is known by the unflattering term of eggshell
personality (Janiak v. Ippolito, 1985). The key legal question is the extent to which
the preexisting condition, versus the event of contention, caused the subsequent
Not surprisingly, there is a fair degree of variance between jurisdictions in the
United States over the degree to which preexisting sensitivity to emotional injuries
bars a successful claim for negligent infliction of emotional distress. Texas appears
to allow compensation of persons with eggshell psyches (Padget v. Gray, Tex. Ct.
App., 1987). Other jurisdictions are less sanguine about compensating persons
who are more than ordinarily sensitive (Theriault v. Swan, Maine Sup. Jud. Ct.,
To be distinguished from the thin skull (or eggshell psyche) is the crumbling
skull doctrine. Thin skulls pertain to preexisting, though asymptomatic, sensitiv-
ities (though in psychological terms, this is highly suspect, given that often these
sensitivities or vulnerabilities will be personality-based and hence relatively in-
variant). Crumbling skull doctrine comes into play when a plaintiff was already
experiencing symptoms that were worsened or aggravated by an accident. The
tortfeasor, though still liable for causing the aggravation to the injuries, will likely
secure a reduction in the award to be made. Tort theory espouses the principle
that plaintiffs ought to be returned to their pre-tort positions (Waddams, 1997),
and hence that defendants ought not to be required to compensate them as if they
were in perfect health.
The Louisiana Court of Appeal case Miramon v. Bradley (1997) illustrates
concepts dealing with preexisting conditions and multiple causal factors. This
case involved an MVC, but was complicated by an earlier MVC as well as the
plaintiff’s preexisting psychological problems. After the first accident, the plain-
tiff was described as having difficulties with an eating disorder, as well as diffi-
culty managing stress. She sought mental health treatment for problems related
to her first MVC. The second, and less objectively severe, accident occurred while
she was receiving this treatment. The treatment team agreed that the second ac-
cident led to depression, increased anxiety, fear of driving, and setbacks in treat-
ment progress. Further complicating matters, there were additional stressful
events occurring in the plaintiff’s life that also affected her psychological health.
About a year after the second accident (the one being contested), the plaintiff was
diagnosed with PTSD stemming from her involvement in both accidents.
Issues at trial and on appeal included: (a) whether the second accident caused
an aggravation of the plaintiff’s preexisting psychological problems; (b) whether
the second accident was, or was required to be, the sole cause of the plaintiff’s
Definition and History of the Concept of Psychological Injury 19

injuries; and (c) the damages that the plaintiff was entitled to. The experts were
unable to attribute the plaintiff’s psychological problems to one or the other ac-
cident. The trial judge held that the plaintiff could not recover compensation;
however, the appeal court disagreed, holding that “if a defendant’s tortious con-
duct aggravates a pre-existing condition, the defendant is liable to the extent of
the aggravation” (Miramon v. Bradley, 1997, p. 478). The event need not be the
sole cause of the aggravation, and the presence of preexisting psychological vul-
nerabilities does not preclude recovery for the aggravation (we detail both of these
topics in chapter 2).
Other cases have struggled with the issues of preexisting conditions and mul-
tiple causes that manifest themselves in somewhat different form. In Koury v.
Lanier Express, Inc. (1988), for example, the court held that the plaintiff’s PTSD
was caused by the MVC she had suffered, despite the fact that she had experienced
a great many traumas in her life, including physical abuse, repeated sexual abuse,
rape, the witness of a murder, and a miscarriage-inducing beating at the hands of
her partner. In a different vein (and country), the court in West v. Zehir (1997)
accepted expert evidence that the plaintiff did not have PTSD, but rather had
antisocial personality disorder (APD), and that this preexisting psychological con-
dition was consistent with the defense’s argument that the plaintiff was exagger-
ating his difficulties. Finally, in a Canadian case (Strain v. Donesky, 1991), the
judge accepted the psychological thin skull principle, but also believed that the
plaintiff’s preexisting anxious personality led him to embellish his psychological
difficulties (including PTSD). Although the MVC caused the PTSD, the preex-
isting personality condition decreased damages.
Generally, then, the law in the United States and in most Commonwealth
countries has evolved from a skeptical system that disallowed claims in which
there was not a physical injury, to a system quite accepting of psychological
injuries, even in the presence of preexisting vulnerability factors that might have
partially caused the event-related psychological disturbance. As long as the event
was a contributing, material, or proximate cause (all concepts we return to in
chapter 2), then it legally caused the injuries. The amount of damages may be
reduced proportionally to the extent to which nonevent factors were deemed to
cause the injuries. Also, if preexisting vulnerabilities led to embellishment or
exaggeration, rather than true symptom expression, courts will either reduce dam-
ages further or deny the claim altogether.

Other Areas of Law

Over the years, the concept of compensation neurosis has arisen in the context
of litigation for mental injuries. As the name implies, it is a nervous condition
that occurs in the presence of possible payoff. Typically, compensation neurosis
is raised by those who generally are skeptical of the claims made by “injured”
parties for compensation. British neurologist Henry Miller (1961), for instance,

has adopted rigidly skeptical positions on the legitimacy of claims for mental
injury that have affected the opinions of legal players, despite being less than

Workers’ Compensation
Unlike the law of negligence, there is no need under worker compensation
schemes to prove that the third party’s behavior failed to meet some standard of
care. This is sometimes called “no-fault” law. That is, it matters only that the
injury was caused at the workplace while the employee was engaged in work
activities—it matters not who or what caused the injury. Unlike tort law, workers’
compensation law was a creature of the legislature (i.e., statute), developed, in
fact, in response to the near-impossibility under common law tort laws for injured
employees to recover from injuries sustained at work. Most of these statutes
became active in the latter part of the nineteenth century. As discussed in chapter
2, most have provisions for mental injuries, though their strictness varies by

Criminal Law
Legal commentators also have discussed the potential role of PTSD in criminal
law, providing the basis for defenses of insanity, automatism, diminished capacity,
or unconsciousness (Daniels, 1984; Higgins, 1991; Stone, 1993), as well as for
procedural issues such as competence to stand trial. Although this is not our focus
for this book, most of the assessment principles we discuss apply to forensic
assessment of PTSD and other conditions in these contexts as well as in civil


What then, are psychological injuries? Well, they are railway mind, shell shock,
war neuroses, hysteria, PTSD, ASD, depression, other anxiety disorders (e.g.,
panic disorder), as well as less-defined states of anxiety, fear, or dysphoria that
are inflicted upon a person by a third party, and for which the injured party is
legally entitled to compensation. It is a concept that requires harm, though harm
of a primarily nonphysical nature (acknowledging that many psychological con-
ditions have biophysical correlates). There is also a threshold implicit in this
definition that should be made explicit. The concept requires not only harm, but
enough harm to be protected by legal mechanisms. There must be interests pro-
tected; for example, the interest protected by the tort of battery is physical integ-
rity, and the interest protected by the torts of intentional or negligent infliction of
emotional distress is emotional tranquility.
There is an analogy that can be made to physical injuries concerning the degree
Definition and History of the Concept of Psychological Injury 21

of harm required. If you lightly brush your finger along an inch of your neighbor’s
arm, this technically is the tort of battery (intentional, nonconsensual contact).
However, no court would award damages to your neighbor because there is no
meaningful injury caused by your behavior. The “victim” was not put in a mean-
ingfully worse position or state by the activity, and hence does not need to be
restored to their pre-tort physical status. Similarly, the psychological equivalent
of the (lack of) injury caused by the finger brushing (say, fleeting mild embar-
rassment) would not qualify as psychological injury. The challenge is to find the
dividing line for what is, and what is not, compensable or protected psychological
It should be noted that this is an inherently psycholegal definition. Both psy-
chological and legal factors must be present. We pointed out, with a tort-related
example, that a third party must be responsible and that the victim is entitled to
compensation; however, we must stress that the definitional components of third
party and responsible can be met in a variety of ways. This is dealt with more
fully in chapter 2, but third parties can include private individuals, companies,
employers, governments, or other agents, and responsibility may or may not re-
quire proof, by some legal standard, of causation, negligence, intention, or mere
status (e.g., as an employer in workers’ compensation frameworks). The legal
framework could be tort (intentional or negligence), nuisance, criminal compen-
sation, workers’ compensation, government compensation, or disability insurance.
We also note that if a psychological injury is deemed noncompensable, technically
for our purposes it is not a psychological injury, although it may be so from a
purely mental health perspective.
Legal Contexts and Law Related to
Psychological Injuries

mental pain or anxiety the law cannot value, and does not pretend to re-
dress . . .
—Lynch v. Knight (1861)

I am having a flashback . . . all the way to the bank.

—Eden (2001)

The law has treated psychological injuries with reactions ranging from outright
rejection to skeptical acceptance. Despite the controversies described in chapter
1, the concept of psychological injury has become and remains firmly entrenched
in many areas of law. Mental health professionals inevitably come into contact
with the construct of psychological injury within various legal contexts. This
chapter is devoted to explicating the primary areas of law in which psychological
injury is likely to be material and relevant, and in which mental health profes-
sionals are likely to find themselves practicing.
In particular, we discuss tort law (both intentional and negligent), workers’
compensation law, antidiscrimination law (sexual harassment, employment dis-
crimination, housing discrimination), and laws governing airline accidents. These
areas cover a majority of incidents that might give rise to litigation about psy-
chological injuries, such as motor vehicle and other accidents, criminal victimi-
zation, harassment, discrimination, workplace injuries, and a host of other cir-
cumstances that might give rise to actions in negligence (e.g., medical
malpractice, mishandling of dead bodies, consumer liability).
There are numerous other legal contexts that may permit recovery for psycho-
logical injury in certain circumstances in some jurisdictions, such as breach of
contract, breach of statutorily imposed duty, insurance, violations of bankruptcy
stays, disability compensation (e.g., stemming from military duty), and the torts

Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 23

of nuisance and trespass (as well as the psychological injury that can stem from
other torts in a parasitic fashion, such as battery or unlawful confinement). Al-
though psychological injuries can sometimes be relevant in these areas, space
precludes full coverage of these topics, and dictates that we devote greater space
to the contexts that are most likely to be encountered by mental health profes-
Some of these areas (e.g., tort) command greater attention than others (e.g.,
airline conventions or treaties), in a manner roughly proportionate to the frequency
with which psychological injury surfaces as a material issue. For each area of
law, we describe the salient legal issues, the legal tests that are used to determine
causation, and the law’s construal of psychological injury. A thorough review of
case law is not feasible, although its principles and important cases are discussed.


A tort is a civil (opposed to criminal) wrong that the law deems worthy of com-
pensation in order to restore people to their previous (pre-tort) status. The word
tort stems from the Latin tortus (crooked), and the French word tort (wrong)
(Klar, 1996). Essentially, a tort is a wrong caused by one party to another for
which the former party is deemed legally at fault and responsible for compen-
sation. There are two primary categories of tort—intentional torts and negligence.
The defining difference lies in the intent requirement—for intentional torts (e.g.,
battery), the wrongdoer must be found to have intended the harm that was pro-
duced by his or her actions. In negligence, intention is not required—the tortfeasor
(i.e., the negligent party) can be liable for acts she or he reasonably ought to have
known would cause harm. This area of law is the genesis of the so-called rea-
sonable man or reasonable person test—if a reasonable person would have fore-
seen the harm that an action might cause, then liability may attach to a person’s
behavior. Although the majority of tort actions are for negligence, we first discuss
intentional tort.

Intentional Tort
To illustrate intentional tort, we examine the tort of battery. A battery is simply
contact made by one person on another to which the second person did not con-
sent. In practical terms, the contact has to be nontrivial. Clearly, acts that the
criminal law would define as assault or sexual assault would potentially qualify
for the tort of battery. As mentioned above, a person has to intend the harm that
results from their action. There are two primary ways in which psychological
injuries are relevant here. First, the intentional infliction of mental or emotional
distress or shock is a stand-alone tort in most, if not all, jurisdictions. That is, if
a tortfeasor intends to cause emotional shock or harm, he or she can be held liable

for it. The second way in which psychological injury can be considered under
intentional tort is as a parasitic tort. That is, a person can be held responsible for
the psychological injury they cause in the context of performing another (typically
more traditional) intentional tort, such as battery. In fact, until the 1948 supple-
ment to the Restatement (Second) of Torts, recovery for psychological injury was
only possible through parasitic means.
Section 46 of the current Restatement (Second) of Torts states: “One who by
extreme and outrageous conduct intentionally or recklessly causes severe emo-
tional distress to another is subject to liability for such emotional distress, and if
bodily harm to the other results from it, for such bodily harm.” Of course, case
law has attempted to discern exactly what the terms extreme and outrageous mean
with respect to the tortfeasor’s behavior, and severe emotional distress in terms
of the effect on the plaintiff. Fox (2003) argued that the law has made the concept
of extreme and outrageous, notwithstanding its subjectivity, the gatekeeper to
successful actions under this tort. That is, if the conduct is proven to be extreme
and outrageous, it will generally be assumed that it caused severe emotional dis-
tress. Contrarily, if it is apparent that severe emotional distress is present, but it
is not proven that the conduct was extreme and outrageous, often the claim will
not succeed.
With respect to the severe emotional distress component of this tort, comment
j in section 46 of the Restatement (Second) of Torts describes it as including “all
highly unpleasant mental reactions, such as fright, horror, grief, shame, humili-
ation, embarrassment, anger, chagrin, disappointment, worry, and nausea.” It also
states that the intensity and duration of these mental reactions is germane to
severity. As such, it is clear that severe emotional distress is not limited to cases
in which the presence of a psychiatric disorder is confirmed, suggesting the im-
portance of evaluating subsyndromal psychological reactions to tortious conduct
in these cases. It also implies that when a disorder, such as posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), is actually present, it will likely satisfy the “extreme emotional
distress” component of this tort. Some of the mental reactions listed in comment
j actually overlap with symptoms of several mental disorders, particularly PTSD
and other anxiety disorders.
As with negligent infliction of emotional distress, the law allows a claim for
third-party intentional infliction of emotional distress, as specified in section 46(2)
of the Restatement (Second) of Torts: “Where such conduct is directed at a third
person, the actor is subjected to liability if he intentionally or recklessly causes
severe emotional distress (a) to a member of such person’s immediate family who
is present at the time, whether or not such distress results in bodily harm, or (b)
to any other person who is present at the time, if such distress results in bodily
Third-party intentional infliction of emotional distress has been applied suc-
cessfully in the context of domestic violence. In Bevan v. Fix (2002), the Wyoming
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 25

Supreme Court, in overturning a lower court’s decision to summarily dismiss the

claim, held that children exposed to domestic violence could have a claim of
third-party intentional infliction of emotional distress. In this case, two children
visually witnessed part of an attack on their mother by her boyfriend, and heard
other parts of it. Mental health professionals noted that both children suffered
distress related to the event. One child was diagnosed with PTSD, and the other
with dysthymia (the latter suggesting that disorders other than PTSD or major
depression may constitute the “severe emotional distress” component of the law),
which the Supreme Court held constituted sufficient evidence for emotional dis-
tress to preclude summary dismissal on this point. In Bevan, being “present” was
not deemed to require visual observation of an entire incident, but rather allow-
ance was made for contemporaneously experiencing an event through senses other
than vision.
It is likely that intentional torts more likely stem from behavior that is clearly
criminal in nature, such as the tort of battery arising from a criminal assault or
sexual offense, or the tort of unlawful confinement arising from the crime of
kidnapping. For this reason, these tortious acts in principle could also form the
basis for compensation under many jurisdictions’ criminal compensation laws.

Psychological injury cases more commonly find themselves in the legal frame-
work of negligence. The vast majority of accidental injuries (e.g., motor vehicle
accidents, “slip and fall” accidents, medical accidents) give rise to causes of action
in negligence, not intentional torts.
Several elements must be proved by the plaintiff in any negligence case: (1)
that a duty of care was owed to the plaintiff; (2) the standard of care in the given
context; (3) that the defendant’s behavior fell below, or breached, the duty of care;
(4) that the plaintiff was injured in some legally relevant way; (5) that the defen-
dant’s behavior caused the injury; and (6) that the plaintiff suffered damages
(Restatement (Second) of Torts, s. 281–282). For mental health professionals
acting within a civil lawsuit, issues 4, 5, and 6 are most germane to their role.
Duty of care, standard of care, and breach of duty are more in the realm of legal
decision makers (although mental health professionals might be asked to comment
on the standard of care for a given issue). Readers are referred to landmark cases
and sources of law (Brown v. Kendall, 1850; Donoghue v. Stevenson, 1932).
This book is most concerned with regard to the injury or damages suffered by
a plaintiff. Here, we are concerned about psychological injuries, of which PTSD
is just one example. Legally, psychological injuries such as PTSD, or mental
anguish more broadly, have been termed, variously, emotional shock, nervous
shock, psychiatric damage, or emotional injury (Linden, 1997; Melton, Petrila,
Poythress, & Slobogin, 1997). In chapter 1, we reviewed the history of this con-
cept, and the reticence with which it has historically been received by the law. In

essence, courts in both the United States and Canada were hesitant to award
damages for such “psychic injuries.” As Linden (1997; see also Romeo, 1997),
a justice of the federal court of Canada, explained, “tort law was slow to grant
protection to the interest of mental tranquility” (p. 385). Yet, this interest of mental
tranquility—that is, the legally protected interest against disturbance of our mental
tranquility by others—has come to be recognized by courts within the context of
tort and other areas of law. The only issue, then, is what constitutes a legally
recognized disturbance to mental tranquility?
As with intentional torts, psychological injuries were first recognized in a
parasitic fashion—typically accompanying physical injuries sustained, for in-
stance, in a negligence action resulting from a car accident (Levit, 1992). Now,
in both Canada and the United States, there is a range of restrictions, varying by
jurisdiction, placed on whether plaintiffs can recover for psychological injuries.
Some American jurisdictions require that plaintiffs suffer a physical injury, or at
least a physical impact, in order to recover for emotional injuries; others require
that plaintiffs be in a “zone of danger,” meaning that they were at least in danger
of suffering physical impact or injury by reason of proximity to the incident
(American Jurisprudence, 1968/1997a).
In both the United States and Canada, psychological injuries have been in-
creasingly recognized as distinct injury claims. In Canada, courts tend to require
either a physical manifestation of psychiatric damage, or a recognizable psychi-
atric disorder, in addition to reasonable foresight of the psychiatric damage by
the defendant (Linden, 1997). Diagnoses such as depression or PTSD fit the
requirements of Canadian law, and case law supports this assertion.
Similarly, in the United States, since the mid-twentieth century, restrictions on
recovery for psychological injuries (i.e., physical impact, physical injury) have
been eroding. In many jurisdictions, recovery for psychological damages is al-
lowed independent of physical injuries (Brown, 1996). In some American juris-
dictions (e.g., Alabama), negligent infliction of emotional distress has not been
adopted as an independent tort but, rather, psychological injuries are given con-
sideration in the damages stage of a traditional negligence action (Huffaker, 2001).
Other than these rare exceptions, the entrenchment of PTSD as a sanctioned
diagnostic entity certainly has facilitated this legal movement toward the recog-
nition of the negligent infliction of emotional distress as an independent tort
(Newman & Yehuda, 1997).

Causation in Negligence Cases

Causation in Canada (Athey v. Leonati, 1996) and the United States (Chaney v.
Smithkline Beckman Corp., 1985) is tested with the “but for” test, which asks,
“but for the negligent act, would the injuries have resulted?” If, on a balance of
probabilities, a judge or jury decides that the injury would not have occurred but
for the negligent behavior of the defendant, then causation is proved. In some
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 27

contexts, especially if competing causal factors are at play, courts also apply a
material contribution test. If the defendant’s tortious conduct can be viewed as a
material contribution to the plaintiff’s psychological injury, then, despite the pres-
ence of other causal factors, causation may be found.
To illustrate, in Miramon v. Bradley (1997), a trial court rejected the plaintiff’s
claim stemming from a car accident because she had been in another car accident
some two years earlier, and the second accident could not be isolated as the sole
cause of the aggravation of psychological problems. The appellate court deemed
this decision to be in error, ruling that tortious conduct need not be the sole causal
factor of a plaintiff’s injury, as long as it is a “significant contributing factor”
(p. 478).
Within the context of applying the “but for” or material contribution tests,
courts rely upon the interrelated concepts of proximity, remoteness, and foresee-
ability. If a putative cause is considered to be too remotely connected to the injury,
then it is not considered to be a proximate cause, and causation will not be made
out (Epstein, 1995). If an injury is deemed not to have been foreseeable by the
defendant, then causation may not be made out. However, there is some contro-
versy over this point, especially in regard to cases involving emotional injuries,
with some authorities opining that in psychological damage cases, the injury need
not be foreseeable to the defendant, as long as the negligent act remains the
proximate cause of the injury (American Jurisprudence, 1968/1997a). The estab-
lishment of proximate cause entails an examination of how far the defendant’s
liability should extend for the consequences of the negligent act (Epstein, 1995).
In Pokrifchak v. Weinstein (1998), the plaintiff experienced serious emotional
reactions to a car accident, including anxiety and nightmares (although it was not
specified whether PTSD was diagnosed). In treatment, she claimed to have re-
called that she was sexually abused as a child, and attempted to receive damages
not only for the injuries that stemmed from the accident, but also for the trauma
that arose from her recollection of sexual abuse (which, she argued, only arose
because she was in treatment for the accident caused by the defendant). Under
the “but for” test, causation for the physical and emotional injuries stemming
from the accident was conceded. The judge, however, held that the accident was
not a proximate cause of the trauma stemming from the recalled abuse; this injury
was considered too remote or far-removed from the putative cause (the accident).
However, this issue is not treated consistently across jurisdictions—the North
Carolina Supreme Court indeed held that a plaintiff could legitimately recover
damages for the trauma caused by childhood sexual abuse that was apparently
recalled only because of the defendant’s tortious sexual harassment conduct
(Poole v. Copland, Inc., 1998). Note that this is an application of the thin skull
doctrine applied to psychological injuries (discussed in chapter 1). In this case,
the plaintiff was diagnosed with PTSD as well as dissociative disorder. She had
flashbacks of the sexual abuse that were deemed to have stemmed from the de-

fendant’s conduct. It could be that this claim was accepted in Poole because the
sexual harassment was more substantively similar to the previous trauma, whereas
in Pokrifchak, the second trauma was a car accident.
Often, there are multiple possible causes of a plaintiff’s injuries, which is not
only a relevant issue legally, but also in terms of a mental health professional’s
assessment (i.e., to determine which of several possible causes actually led to the
psychological injuries). This situation may arise in cases involving a preexisting
condition (e.g., an anxiety disorder), or in cases where other traumas may have
caused the psychological injury (e.g., a different accident or assault, etc.). The
presence of multiple possible causes of PTSD will be a major focus of litigation,
for it represents to the defense an opportunity to negate liability. As Brown (1996)
states, “causation must be attacked” (p. 57).
Finally, we remind the reader of our discussion in chapter 1 concerning egg-
shell psyches or personalities, the psychological equivalent of the more traditional
concept of the thin skull and crumbling skull doctrines. We do not repeat that
discussion here, but summarize its importance to the issue of legal causation in
psychological injury cases. The colorful term eggshell personality (Janiak v.
Ippolito, 1985) applies when a person has a predisposition to suffer psychologi-
cally, and hence might be more easily harmed by behavior that would not typically
have harmed a person not so predisposed. This reflects the more general principle
that tortfeasors take their victims as they find them. An applied example might
be the greater ease with which PTSD develops in a person who has several risk
factors (high neuroticism, previous anxiety disorder, tendency to ruminate) than
it would in a person without such risk factors (see Poole, above). The crumbling
skull doctrine applies when a person was already symptomatic at the time of the
tortious conduct, and his or her symptoms were worsened by the defendant’s
behavior. In these cases, the defendant will still be liable for the harm he or she
caused, but monetary damages will tend to be reduced to reflect the fact that there
was already a certain degree of injury present at the time of the tortious conduct.
Not surprisingly, jurisdictions vary in the degree to which they are receptive to
psychological thin and crumbling skulls (see chapter 1 for greater detail), with
some limiting liability for psychological injury to people who are “normally con-
stituted.” Some commentators, of course, fear that allowing the application of the
thin and crumbling skull doctrines to psychological injuries will result in the
inevitable (though never verified) flood of frivolous and dubious claims (Eden,
The existence of the eggshell personality doctrine, at least in some jurisdic-
tions, suggests that mental health evaluators should consider pre-tort mental health
functioning and trauma history of plaintiffs (a recommendation that is expanded
upon in chapter 3). Note that this process is also necessary to understand the
potential role of competing causes and preexisting conditions. In some circum-
stances, competing causes will preclude recovery in a tort action if they reduce
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 29

the causal contribution of the defendant’s actions. Similarly, if a mental health

condition was preexisting, the plaintiff might not recover damages if defense can
demonstrate that the defendant’s behavior was not at least a material cause to its
existence or aggravation. In yet other circumstances, depending on jurisdiction,
defendants might be liable for worsening a preexisting mental health condition.
In any event, it is important for mental health professionals to attempt to document
how the plaintiff’s mental health condition differs from pre-tort status.
Who can recover? As mentioned, there have been several restrictions placed
on recovery in psychological injury cases, such as the requirement of physical
impact, injury, or a physical manifestation of the psychological injury. The earliest
restriction was simply to refuse recovery for purely psychological injuries for
fear of frivolous claims. However, in many jurisdictions, these restrictions have
been lessened (Marrs, 1992), perhaps because of increased recognition by some
courts of a heightened sophistication of medical and psychological science and
research, hence making proof of emotional injury more objective and reliable
than in the past (e.g., James v. Lieb, Neb. S. Ct., 1985).
The law restricts recovery for psychological injuries in various ways. To un-
derstand this, it is important to distinguish between negligent infliction of emo-
tional distress cases that involve a direct victim versus a bystander, or percipient,
victim. First, concerning direct victims, courts historically required that there be
a physical impact as part of the claim, although this no longer tends to be the
case (Dobbs, Keeton, Owen, & Keeton, 1984). There are only approximately five
states that still require a physical impact component in negligent infliction of
emotional distress cases (see Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall, 1994). Most
courts now require that a plaintiff suffer a physical injury or illness or manifes-
tation of the psychological injury (Koopman, 2003; Dobbs et al., 1984). This is
in keeping with the law’s desire to limit fraudulent or frivolous claims. However,
a groundbreaking California case has further abrogated the physical injury or
manifestation requirement in direct victim cases (see Molien v. Kaiser Found.
Hosps., 1980). Some jurisdictions have followed suit, not requiring physical man-
ifestation in direct victim cases, whereas others still require it. To some extent,
this is case specific, and depends on the court’s judgment with respect to the
circumstances that would be expected to yield serious emotional harm without
physical injury or manifestation present to “verify” it.
Second, one of the more contentious areas in which negligent infliction of
emotional distress plays out is in so-called bystander cases. The landmark su-
preme court of California case of Dillon v. Legg (1968) illustrates this situation,
and has set a precedent that many other jurisdictions have followed, albeit often
with loosening or tightening modifications. In Dillon, a mother observed her
daughter being run over and killed by a car. The car did not impact the mother,
nor was she in any real danger. The mother sued the defendant for psychological
injuries, and the court agreed with her. In its ruling, the court held that bystander

witnesses could recover for emotional or psychological injuries, but limited re-
covery to those who were near the incident, observed it (rather than those who
learned about it later), and were closely related to the primary accident victim
(these are the requirements for proving foreseeability in these cases). They also
required a physical injury or manifestation (though not impact), as with direct
victim cases.
Approximately half of all states have followed Dillon in abandoning this zone-
of-danger requirement (Gottshall). For instance, the supreme court of Iowa fol-
lowed California’s lead in abandoning the physical zone-of-danger requirement,
reasoning that genuine emotional distress could still follow the observation of a
loved one being injured or killed, and that to require presence in a zone of danger
results in “harshness and artificiality” (Barnhill v. Davis, 1981); however, the court
retained the physical injury or manifestation requirement.
Yet, subsequent case law suggests that this physical injury or manifestation
requirement is also eroding in bystander cases. Rodrigues v. State (1970) is often
heralded as the first case to fully recognize negligent infliction of emotional dis-
tress as a stand-alone tort without a physical injury or manifestation requirement
(Dobbs et al., 1984). Now, more than a dozen jurisdictions no longer require
physical impact or manifestation (see also Molien for direct-victim cases).
Whereas physical injury or manifestation was included as part of the legal test as
an attempt to ensure the veracity of the claim, courts that currently accept the “no
physical injury” rule instead have adopted a more general test that the psycho-
logical injury or emotional distress be “serious” (e.g., Molien) and/or “genuine”
(e.g., Rodrigues, above, and Potter, below). (“What psychological injuries are
recoverable?” expands on these concepts, below.)
In bystander cases, many jurisdictions have followed the recommendation
within the Restatement (Second) of Torts that bystanders be within a zone of
physical danger. This principle essentially holds that a person can only recover
for purely psychological damages within a bystander context if they could have
been physically injured by the defendant’s actions. Dillon rejected the zone-of-
danger rule (as have approximately half of all jurisdictions), although it does
apply in some state jurisdictions.
In addition to the zone-of-danger rule (where it applies), plaintiffs in various
jurisdictions also have to meet other requirements first delineated in Dillon, such
as (a) how close they were to the accident in question, (b) how they learned of
the injury to the primary victim (i.e., whether they contemporaneously observed
the accident), and (c) how closely related they were to the primary victim (the
foreseeability component of these cases—as in closely related family members,
who might predictably suffer more mental shock from the traumatic injury/death
than would strangers or mere acquaintances). These components of bystander
cases differ by state (American Jurisprudence, 1968/1997a). Perhaps surprisingly,
in California, subsequent case law has restricted the “closely related” prong of
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 31

the test. In Elden v. Sheldon (1988), the California Supreme Court ruled that
recovery in a bystander case was precluded because the plaintiff was not actually
married to the primary victim, but only cohabited in a marital-like relationship.
In Thing v. La Chusa (1989), the same court ruled that, in the absence of physical
impact or injury to the plaintiff, recovery for negligent infliction of emotional
distress should be limited to close relatives living together, or to parents, children,
grandparents, or siblings. Interestingly, the California legislature has seemingly
trumped this line of cases by enacting section 1714.01 of the California Civil
Code in 2002, which reads: “Domestic partners shall be entitled to recover dam-
ages for negligent infliction of emotional distress to the same extent that spouses
are entitled to do so under California law.” It remains to be seen what impact this
change will have beyond California.
Some jurisdictions have retained a mixture of the physical impact or manifes-
tation rules in bystander cases. Florida has explicitly retained a physical impact
requirement, but carves out limited exceptions on a case-by-case basis. For in-
stance, in Champion v. Gray (1985), a mother who did not suffer a physical impact
upon hearing her daughter being killed by a car was successful at trial because
she did sustain physical manifestations of the distress. The court did not abandon
the physical impact rule, but held that in certain circumstances it essentially could
be suspended or waived. In this case, the rule was suspended because the emo-
tional distress (and physical manifestation thereof) was the direct result of a phys-
ical injury to another person. Another context in which Florida has suspended
the physical impact rule is when it simply seems not to reasonably apply to the
fact pattern—such as wrongful birth cases. In Kush v. Lloyd (1992), the plaintiffs
had one child with a disorder that the physician diagnosed as nongenetic, and
hence did not indicate elevated risk for the same disorder in subsequent children.
However, the physician was wrong, and the plaintiffs’ next child also had the
same genetic disorder. They ultimately were successful in court, which held that
the impact rule did not apply in such circumstances where emotional suffering is
a natural consequence of the circumstances.
Clearly, given the various possible tests (and modifications, combinations, and
iterations thereof) for causation that exist across jurisdictions, mental health pro-
fessionals should query the attorneys with whom they work about what tests will
be applied in their given jurisdiction, depending on the type of tort action. While
the question of whether causation is proved ultimately will be decided by legal
players, knowledge of the relevant test will inform the forensic assessor in terms
of how previous conditions, traumas, physical concomitants of psychological in-
jury, and experiences of the plaintiff may be treated by the courts.
What psychological injuries are recoverable? As another way to limit recovery
for psychological injury, most jurisdictions require that such injury is “serious”
and “genuine.” Severity has in some jurisdictions been defined by example,
whereby psychosis, neurosis, phobias, and chronic depression were enumerated

as meeting the seriousness test (Shultz v. Barberton Glass Co., 1983). In other
jurisdictions, it has been defined by broader principles—that the emotional dis-
tress is “medically diagnosable and must be of sufficient severity so as to be
medically significant” (Bass v. Nooney Co., 1983). Others still have attempted to
provide behavioral markers for when emotional distress may be considered se-
rious—the supreme court of Montana listed, for example, being “on the verge of
tears,” “animated,” “agitated,” and “disoriented” as such markers (Johnson v. Su-
persave Mkts., Inc., 1984, p. 212). In determining genuineness, courts will be
interested in whether the psychological injuries can be corroborated by medical
or mental health evidence, bringing the reliability and validity of such evidence
into the spotlight (see Potter; also Rodrigues). These restrictions of seriousness
and genuineness—in conjunction with the court’s increasing recognition of the
reliability and utility of behavioral science and practice regarding psychological
injuries (James v. Lieb, 1985), and the emergence of official diagnostic entities
such as PTSD—help to accomplish what the historical outright rejection of psy-
chological injury cases also did—to protect against trivial or frivolous actions.
Moreover, the U.S. Supreme Court has stated that emotional injuries are dis-
tinct from the tort law concept of pain and suffering, which are conceptualized
as stemming from physical injuries (Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall, 1994).
Rather, emotional or psychological injury refers to “mental or emotional harm
(such as fright or anxiety) that is . . . not directly brought about by a physical
injury, but that may manifest itself in physical symptoms” (p. 544). Some courts
have provided legal definitions of when “psychological disorders” might be said
to exist. For instance, psychological disorder has been defined to occur when any
medically determined nonpermanent injury endures for 90 days or more and sub-
stantially limits the performance of daily activities (Granowitz v. Vanvickle, 1993).
In Molien v. Kaiser Found. Hosps. (1980), the court held that serious emotional
injury occurs when “a reasonable man, normally constituted, would be unable to
adequately cope with mental stress engendered by the circumstances of the case”
(p. 928). This implies a functional aspect to recovery—that is, the injury must
impair a person’s ability to cope—and that a thorough functional analysis of any
psychological distress should be conducted in psychological injury cases. While
functional analysis of psychological distress is theoretically an important part of
diagnosis, the court decisions discussed above underscore the importance of such
functional assessment.
Some courts have specifically recognized PTSD as satisfying the “serious”
requirement for psychological injury. In the New York case of Quaglio v. Toma-
selli (1984), PTSD and other psychiatric ailments were accepted as sufficient
evidence to conclude that the plaintiff sustained a serious psychiatric injury. Ap-
peal courts have overturned trial courts that have rejected expert testimony dem-
onstrating PTSD (e.g., Koury v. Lanier Express, Inc., 1988). In Johnson v. May
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 33

(1992), the court rejected an expert’s position that PTSD was a “malingerer’s
disorder,” and asserted that the validity of PTSD as a disorder is not open to
serious question. Other cases reviewed in this chapter have upheld damages on
the basis of diagnoses of dysthymia and dissociative disorders.
As noted earlier, the Restatement (Second) of Torts has defined “severe emo-
tional injury” as “all highly unpleasant mental reactions, such as fright, horror,
grief, shame, humiliation, embarrassment, anger, chagrin, disappointment, worry,
and nausea.” Numerous jurisdictions have incorporated this definition into their
case law with respect to emotional injury cases (whether intentional or negligent).
For instance, the Texas case of Trevino v. Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (1979) de-
fined emotional injury as follows: “The term ‘mental anguish’ implies a relatively
high degree of mental pain and distress. It is more than mere disappointment,
anger, resentment, or embarrassment, although it may include all of these. It
includes a mental sensation of pain resulting from such painful emotions as grief,
severe disappointment, indignation, wounded pride, shame, despair and/or public
humiliation” (p. 584).
Clearly, this definition is broader than any one diagnostic category, suggesting
that mental health professionals, in addition to assessing for a variety of disorders,
must evaluate numerous areas of mental and emotional functioning that are either
subsyndromal, or do not happen to cluster into actual diagnoses (e.g., severe and
persistent anger, or embarrassment). Further, given the Restatement’s inclusion
of effects such as “nausea,” in conjunction with the requirement (in some juris-
dictions) that psychological injuries be accompanied by physical injury or man-
ifestation, it would seem important for mental health professionals to evaluate
possible physical manifestations of the psychological phenomena they are as-

No-Fault Insurance Jurisdictions

Some jurisdictions, such as New York, have adopted no-fault motor vehicle pol-
icies, reducing the role of negligence actions. In New York, plaintiffs have to first
demonstrate that their injuries are “serious,” as defined by New York’s Insurance
Law, section 5102, in order to pursue a third-party lawsuit. A serious injury
includes death, dismemberment, serious disfigurement, fractures, and other phys-
ical injuries, as well as “a medically determined injury or impairment of a non-
permanent nature which prevents the injured person from performing substantially
all of the material acts which constitute such person’s usual and customary daily
activities for not less than 90 days during the 180 days immediately following
the occurrence of the injury or impairment.” Although this provision has tended
to be interpreted fairly strictly, the New York Appellate Division, Third Depart-
ment held that PTSD could indeed satisfy the statutory requirement of “serious
injury” (Chapman v. Capoccia, 2001).

Toxic Torts
A toxic tort is simply a pithy way of describing the situation in which persons
are exposed to toxic agents through the failure of the tortfeasor (often a company)
to meet the standard of care in preventing the release of such agents. A common
example would be the exposure of people to asbestos; another would be exposure
to chemical agents from an industrial site. Most often, the harm that is litigated
in these cases is the physical effects of such exposure (e.g., cancer, birth defects,
radiation damage). However, as described by Tuohey and Gonzalez (2001),
courts, at least in California, are willing to compensate the often-accompanying
psychological distress.
Although a toxic tort is often evaluated under the general rules of negligence,
it is discussed separately because claims can also be made under nuisance, tres-
pass, battery, strict liability, and other legal mechanisms (see Tuohey & Gonzalez,
2001). When framed as negligence, there are some practical differences to tra-
ditional negligence actions that have implications for recovery for psychological
injury. That is, in toxic tort cases, the physical injuries suffered tend to be more
insidious, more slowly emerging, and less easily attributed to the putative tortious
conduct. As such, in the toxic tort arena, many cases have rejected negligence
claims for psychological injury without physical injury (Metro-North Commuter
R.R. Co. v. Buckey, 1997; though see Lilley v. Bd. of Supervisors of La. State
Univ., 1999).
In California, however, cases such as Cottle v. Superior Court (1992) and Potter
v. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. (1993) “are quite clear that in toxic cases, neither
physical impact nor physical injury is required for emotional distress . . . claims”
(Tuohey & Gonzalez, 2001, p. 673). Tuohey and Gonzalez, however, were com-
menting about recovery options within the law broadly, and not limiting their
comments to negligence cases, which may not necessarily be so liberal. It might
help that the California Civil Code (section 3333) states that tort defendants are
liable for all detriment caused, which includes fear, anxiety, and other emotional
distress (Tuohey & Gonzalez, 2001). Tuohey and Gonzalez go on to state, how-
ever, that recovery for emotional distress may be more likely (when the only
injury claimed is emotional or psychological in nature) when the action is for-
mulated as nuisance rather than as intentional or negligent infliction of emotional
distress, because the focus is more on the harm suffered by the plaintiff than on
the conduct of the defendant.
Certain types of toxic tort cases have enjoyed some success for psychological
injury—fear cases; that is, exposure to carcinogens understandably gives rise to
the fear that cancer will develop. The physical injury in this context—cancer—
might never develop, or could take years to do so, and courts tend not to require
its presence (Heinzerling, 2001; Tuohey & Gonzalez, 2001). However, courts in
these cases (depending on jurisdiction) are inclined to require a physical mani-
festation of the fear itself, which some criticize as inviting dishonesty and dra-
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 35

matics on the part of plaintiffs—where certain legitimate cases are rejected and
others, though less legitimate on their merits, are rewarded because the plaintiff
is a capable actor (Heinzerling, 2001).
Attempts to claim PTSD in the context of toxic tort cases have not typically
been successful (Heinzerling, 2001). Courts have balked at the notion that a pro-
longed exposure to a toxic element could meet the intent of the American Psy-
chiatric Association’s (1994) definition of trauma in the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) system. As the court stated in Sterling v.
Velsicol (1987), “drinking or otherwise using contaminated water . . . does not
constitute the type of recognizable stressor identified either by professional med-
ical associations or courts” (p. 1210).
Heinzerling (2001) has described the current system of toxic torts as being
“confused and ignorant, even backward” (p. 77), arguing that the knowledge of
the risk caused by exposure to toxins causes enough psychological distress—even
dread—to warrant being considered a legally compensable injury. She asserted
that “if courts took seriously the psychological and sociological literature” (p. 90)
on the psychological effects of exposure to potentially deadly agents, they would
be more likely to compensate them.
The point of this section is to illustrate that in toxic exposure cases, the legal
frameworks that might be used are numerous, and the type of emotional injury
will tend to take on a different hue than in more traditional tort contexts, such as
motor vehicle accidents. The psychological injury might be more chronic, per-
sistent, and colored with fear over the unknown, rather than a reaction to an acute
physical event such as a motor vehicle accident. Mental health professionals
should be prepared to address these types of psychological injuries, and to inquire
of lawyers the type of action being framed with the resultant implications for

Damages in Tort
While it is beyond the scope of this chapter to fully discuss the rules governing
the quantum of monetary damages awarded in various tort claims involving psy-
chological injuries (other sources that do so include Douglas, Huss, Murdoch,
Washington, & Koch, 1999; Louisiana Personal Injury Awards, 2002), we do
briefly discuss why damages are important to the mental health professional’s
evaluation. Generally, monetary damages are intended to return the plaintiff to
pre-tort status. Although this function sounds retrospective in nature, it also in-
cludes a forward-looking estimation procedure that surrounds issues such as abil-
ity to work, time required to recover, treatment needs, and so forth.
Much of the law of damages for tort comprises various forms of compensatory
damages (as opposed to punitive damages, which are intended to “punish” the
tortfeasor for outrageous behavior). In the United States, special damages arise
from the injury in a manner that is peculiar or special to the case; they include

natural and actual, though not necessary, results of the case, as well as past and
future economic losses stemming from the incident (Restatement (Second) of
Torts, 1979, section 671). General damages are more immediate, direct, and prox-
imate results of the incident; they might comprise any form of direct economic
loss such as medical bills, lost wages, or property damage (Rest. 2d, 1979, section
670). Pecuniary damages (which can be either general or special) are losses that
are financially estimable and compensated with money. Plaintiffs can recover
future damages for the future effects of the wrongdoing (e.g., loss of capacity to
work, future pain and suffering, future medical expenses). Future pain and suf-
fering damages must be based on solid evidence. In addition, injured parties can
recover damages that are said to be inherent to the injury itself, such as pain and
suffering, disabilities, or disfigurements.
In Canada, the heads, or categories, of damage use the same terminology,
although it refers to different concepts than in the United States. General damages
in Canadian law refer to nonpecuniary damages (damages that are not quantifi-
able), including pain and suffering (which itself subsumes “lost expectation of
life” and “lost enjoyment of life”). Special damages (also called pecuniary dam-
ages) can be quantified, and basically include out-of-pocket expenses up to the
time of trial (e.g., medical expenses, loss of earning capacity and past wages).
Other heads of damage in Canadian law include cost of future care and loss of
future earning capacity.
Therefore, the mental health professional’s evaluation can, in principle, inform
decisions about damages in terms of specifying the past and current severity of
the psychological injury, and the likely course of the injury in the future. This
includes the nature and severity of future pain and suffering, as well as its likely
impact on functioning in major life domains, whether it will preclude or diminish
the plaintiff’s capacity to work, what the most probable course of treatment will
be, and its expense.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation laws, in the form of state statutes, evolved in the late
nineteenth century, in response to tort law that, at the time, essentially precluded
employees from being compensated under tort for injuries sustained on the job
(Shuman & Daley, 1996). While tort law and workers’ compensation share the
objectives of compensating injured parties, they also are significantly different.
First, the scope of injury that is compensable is much more limited in workers’
compensation, with the majority of reimbursement devoted to loss of earnings.
How, then, are psychological injuries relevant to workers’ compensation? While
a person is not compensated for the violation to the personal interest of mental
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 37

tranquility, as in tort law, a person’s earnings may be reimbursed as a function of

having suffered a psychological injury that prevents him or her from working.
Another significant difference between the systems relates to causation and
fault. In tort, causation is always relevant, whether the tort is one of intention or
negligence—it is one of the primary elements that must be proved. So too is fault
relevant in tort, in which tortfeasors must either have intended or ought to have
foreseen the harm that flowed from their actions. Causation in workers’ compen-
sation is more limited—it must be proven, essentially, that the employment setting
caused the injury, even if by accident (e.g., getting one’s hand caught in heavy
machinery). Fault, however, is irrelevant—injuries can arise entirely by accident
and still be compensable.
Further, workers’ compensation law is governed primarily by statute, rather
than common law (depending on jurisdiction), meaning that what is compensable,
and to what degree, is restricted by legislation. Certain types of injuries, or ben-
efits, can simply be written out of the recovery matrix. For many injuries, workers’
compensation acts are the exclusive remedy available—employees essentially
waive their rights to sue in tort for injuries suffered at work. There are exceptions,
however (again, depending on jurisdiction), if the harmful behavior, despite hap-
pening at work, was not related to employment (e.g., a sexual assault of one
employee by another) (Jordan, 2000).
It should be noted that in some jurisdictions, the exclusivity criterion of work-
ers’ compensation acts, coupled with disallowance of certain types of injuries,
has resulted in situations in which employees are in a bind that does not permit
recovery either under workers’ compensation law or under tort. This was recently
the case in Ohio, where persons, under the workers’ compensation statute, could
not recover for purely psychological injuries unaccompanied by physical impact.
Yet, they were also barred from suing under negligence. Bunger v. Lawson Co.
(2001) removed this particular bind in Ohio, when the court decided that such
persons could be allowed to sue in negligence.
As with tort law, psychological injuries historically were rejected in workers’
compensation settings, or at least were less likely to be compensated than physical
injuries, for many of the same reasons (Melton, Petrila, Poythress, & Slobogin,
1997). Today, they are recognized in most jurisdictions, although this depends on
their category. Three categories of workers’ compensation claims have usually
been identified with respect to psychological injury: (a) physical events or traumas
that cause mental/psychological injury (“physical-mental” claims), (b) mental/
psychological events that cause physical injuries (“mental-physical” claims),
and (c) mental/psychological events that cause mental/psychological injuries
(“mental-mental” claims). Not surprisingly, this latter category of claim has re-
ceived the most skepticism and is most likely to be rejected by decision makers
(usually administrative tribunals).

Physical-Mental Claims
Tribunals and courts have few problems with this category of claim, in which a
physical impact gives rise either directly to a mental injury, or to a physical injury
that then develops into mental or psychological injuries. Courts and administrative
tribunals tend to recognize these claims because the physical element provides
an ostensible safety net against frivolous or fraudulent claims—similar to the
rationale underlying the physical injury or manifestation rule in tort law. The
types of physical events that can substantiate a claim are numerous and varied
(e.g., being criminally victimized at work, or accidental physical injury or maim-
ing), as are the descriptions of psychological injury (various anxiety conditions
and disorders, sometimes developing years after the event) (see Melton et al.,
These cases may most resemble negligence cases, at least superficially, in that
the psychological injury in question often stems from an accident that causes
physical injury. Courts have been willing to uphold claims in which mood dis-
orders (commonly depression) or anxiety disorders accompanied some physical
accident (Chamberlain Mfg. Corp. v. Workmen’s Compensation Appeal Board,
1979; Gilchrist v. Trail King Industries, 2000)
Causation in these claims contains two aspects—that a psychological injury
exists, and that it was caused by a physical injury or event that occurred in the
context of work (Chamberlain). As with tort law, the physical event or injury
need not be the sole causal factor, so long as it is a contributing factor (Gilchrist).
Courts in some jurisdictions also seem to permit a lengthy period between the
physical event and the psychological injury—perhaps even years (Getsinger vs.
Owens Corning Fiberglass Corp., 1999), although this is likely to vary by juris-

Mental-Physical Claims
Courts and tribunals also tend to accept claims that assert physical injury (e.g.,
heart attack, stroke) that can be linked to mental or psychological phenomena
(e.g., shock, fright, accumulated stress) (Melton et al., 1997). Often, the psycho-
logical injury that precipitates the physical injury takes the form of prolonged job
stress and pressure. This suggests that mental health professionals should be pre-
pared to evaluate these forms of chronic, long-lasting psychological states, as
opposed to the acute psychological distress that often is the substance of tort
Causation in these cases will typically be supported if it is proven that the
injury happened in the context of employment, and that the mental/psychological
condition in some way caused the physical injury (e.g., Borough of Media and
PMA v. Workmen’s Compensation Appeal Bd., 1990). How restrictive this second
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 39

causal element is depends on jurisdiction, with some requiring more of a direct

causal link than others.

Mental-Mental Claims
As Melton et al. (1997) explained, although a majority of American jurisdictions
do allow these claims, a substantial minority do not. Jurisdictions that do permit
recovery for these claims, including Canadian jurisdictions, tend to place restric-
tions on them that are not placed on the other two categories. For instance, some
permit recovery only under circumstances of unusual stress, while others require
that additional evidence be adduced that employment, and not other factors, pri-
marily caused the injury. The mental cause of the injury is often limited to those
precipitants that are sudden and/or unexpected. The routine stresses of employ-
ment tend to be ruled out as accepted causes of psychological injury in these
Psychological injuries that have been compensated under this category include
schizophrenia that was deemed to arise from occupational stress (Leo v. Work-
men’s Compensation Appeal Bd., 1998), panic disorder arising from harassment
at work (McDonough v. Workmen’s Compensation Appeal Bd., 1984), and PTSD
resulting from inappropriate sexual acts (Everingim v. Good Samaritan Center of
New Underwood, 1996—in this case, the employee had been sexually assaulted
as a child, suggesting increased psychological vulnerability to subsequent unto-
ward sexual behavior).
Causation is more difficult in these cases. A psychological injury must be
proven, and it also must typically be established that the specific work-related
“unusual circumstances” referred to above were a proximate cause of the psy-
chological injury (Larsen, 1993). Further, as mentioned above, in some jurisdic-
tions, the causal agent must be sudden or unexpected. Further limiting these
claims, most jurisdictions impose an objective, rather than subjective, burden of
proof, meaning that the suddenness or unusualness of the relevant events are to
be decided based on the reasonable person’s viewpoint, not from the employee’s
perspective (Joseph v. Jefferson Parish Fire Department, 2000).

Thin and Crumbling Skulls, Revisited

As with tort law, the presence of preexisting psychological conditions is a relevant
consideration in workers’ compensation claims. If a preexisting disorder or con-
dition is made worse by an employment-related event or condition, then com-
pensation may follow (Melton et al., 1997). Courts may be willing to allow re-
covery for psychological injuries that were deemed to lay “dormant” until a
subsequent trauma, even if not work-related (Ryan v. Workmen’s Compensation
Appeal Bd., 1998). However, proving the causal link between employment and

psychological injury is muddied when preexisting psychological conditions are


Sexual Harassment

Legislation and case law in the United States and Canada define sexual harassment
in two ways: (1) quid pro quo harassment, which refers to situations in which the
employment of persons is made contingent upon their complying with sexual
demands, remarks, gestures, or behaviors; and (2) hostile environment harassment,
which describes circumstances in which sexual demands, remarks, or behaviors
make the work environment intolerable. In both the United States and Canada,
sexual harassment is illegal under antidiscrimination legislation, such as the Ca-
nadian Human Rights Act (1985) and Title VII, section 703(2) of the American
Civil Rights Act (1964/1991). The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC, 1980) defines sexual harassment as illegal under the Civil Rights Act
(1964/1991) as follows:

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical
conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when (1) submission to such
conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s
employment, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used
as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or (3) such conduct
has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work per-
formance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Case law in both countries has supported the proposition that sexual harass-
ment is prohibited under antidiscrimination statutes. For instance, in Meritor Sav-
ings Bank v. Vinson (1986), the U.S. Supreme Court proclaimed that victims of
sexual harassment must show that, based on their gender, they received unwanted
sexual behavior that created a hostile working environment. More specifically,
Meritor stated that Title VII is violated when the workplace is permeated with
“discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, and insult” (p. 65) “that is sufficiently se-
vere or pervasive to alter the conditions of [the victims’] employment and create
an abusive working environment” (p. 67). Severity and pervasiveness must be
proven both subjectively and objectively. That is, there must be consideration of
whether the victim in question found the behavior hostile or abusive (i.e., it caused
psychological harm—fear, anxiety, humiliation—to the particular victim) and
whether the reasonable person would have agreed.
In Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc. (1993), the U.S. Supreme Court overruled a
lower court that had held that the harassing behavior must cause serious (or, as
the court also termed it, tangible or concrete) psychological harm in order to be
actionable. Harris held that, while serious psychological harm is certainly one
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 41

consideration, Title VII cases do not require its presence to be successful. If it is

present, however, it will likely contribute to a finding of discrimination under
Title VII. The court stated that the totality of circumstances must be taken into
account to determine if a work environment has been made hostile or abusive,
and psychological harm is one of the considerations. As the court stated in Harris,
“Title VII comes into play before the harassing conduct leads to a nervous break-
down” (p. 22). Courts will be concerned with both the severity and frequency of
the behavior. Isolated mere utterances or stray remarks typically will not be ac-
tionable (Meritor), although if coupled with threats of physical harm, or if such
utterances cause psychological harm, they may well be actionable (Harris).
Courts often will pay particular attention to whether the behavior caused humil-
iation (Harris). Despite these pronouncements by the U.S. Supreme Court, com-
mentators have criticized some lower courts, and some circuit courts, of attempt-
ing to retain the “serious psychological injury” component of sexual harassment
law by, for instance, finding exceptions to the general rule that dismisses its
necessity (Schnapper, 1999).
In Canada, sexual harassment is illegal under civil rights legislation on the
ground of gender discrimination. Such was the ruling of the Supreme Court of
Canada in Janzen and Governeau v. Platy Enterprises Ltd. (1989). Two waitresses
successfully argued that their treatment by another employee constituted discrim-
ination based on sex under the Manitoba Human Rights Act (1974). After two
appeals, the Supreme Court agreed, and defined sexual harassment as a subtype
of sexual discrimination, and therefore as illegal. An earlier Supreme Court of
Canada case, Robichaud v. Canada (Treasury Board) (1987), established that
employers are responsible for the actions of their employees in terms of sexual
harassment, meaning that an employee may take legal action against a company
if a coworker sexually harasses her or him, as happened in Janzen.
There has been an interesting expansion of Title VII sexual harassment claims
fairly recently, which has been termed bystander sexual harassment. Some courts
have held that sexual harassment need not be directed at an individual in order
for him or her to recover, if it nonetheless altered the work conditions and caused
a hostile environment. In Leibovitz v. New York City Transit Auth. (1998), a worker
observed a supervisor sexually harassing her colleagues, and when she com-
plained to him about it, she was informed that doing so would have an adverse
effect on her career. She complained of severe emotional distress, was diagnosed
with depression, and was described as suffering weight gain, sleep problems, and
What seems clear from the sexual harassment/Title VII jurisprudence, and is
reflected more generally in employment discrimination jurisprudence, of which
sexual harassment/Title VII is one species, is that the degree of emotional harm
necessary for a claim to be actionable seems lower than in tort cases. While
psychological injuries in tort law are broader than diagnostic categories, they must

nevertheless be “serious.” In sexual harassment litigation (and employment dis-

crimination law more broadly), psychological injuries need not be “serious, tan-
gible, or concrete” to support a claim. It clearly does not need to be accompanied
or caused by a physical injury or manifestation (or, at least, minimally so), as in
tort or airline convention law. It also will often include a focus on humiliation,
anger, resentment, and other psychological reactions following offensive behavior,
many times in public. This means that the mental health professional will need
to be prepared to evaluate these psychological states even in the absence of a
diagnosable mental disorder. Clearly, when a mental disorder is present, it would
seem likely to satisfy the law’s demands in these cases (depending somewhat on

Employment Discrimination

Employment discrimination is actually a broader category that encompasses sex-

ual harassment. It can draw from a variety of state and federal antidiscrimination
and civil rights laws that bar discrimination on the basis of age, race, sex, dis-
ability, and so forth. Depending on the particular statute, plaintiffs will be entitled
to back pay, front pay, reinstatement, compensatory damages, and perhaps pu-
nitive damages. It is notable that, under Title VII, compensatory damages were
not available for emotional distress until the Civil Rights Act of 1991 permitted
them. This Act now permits compensatory damages for “emotional pain, suffer-
ing, inconvenience, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life” (s. 1981a(b)(3)).
Some commentators have suggested that emotional injuries need not be terribly
serious, or even supported by very strong evidence, to support a successful claim
of employment discrimination. Cucuzza (1999), for instance, stated that, at least
in the Second Circuit, “as long as a plaintiff’s testimony is not limited to his or
her subjective feelings and describes some physical manifestations of emotional
distress, however slight or transient, the defendant will not be able to reverse or
vacate the jury’s verdict” (p. 398). She went on to catalog a number of successful
cases in which the following types of psychological injuries were present: feeling
angry, upset, hurt, or shocked; feeling inadequate; loss of self-esteem; concern
over the future; short temper; and strained family relations. In addition, the fol-
lowing physical manifestations have been reported in successful cases: sleep prob-
lems, appetite problems, upset stomach, headaches, crying, shortness of breath,
and chest pains. Less commonly, Cucuzza posits, plaintiffs have more serious
emotional and physical conditions.
In Carrero v. New York City Housing Authority (1989), the Second Circuit
upheld an award on the basis of the plaintiff having experienced substantial hu-
miliation, discomfort, stress, anxiety, and crying, as well as having obtained a
prescription for valium and suffering strained family relations. In Annis v. County
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 43

of Westchester (1998), the same court dismissed a claim because there was no
evidence short of the plaintiff’s subjective testimony (i.e., affidavits) and no report
of any physical manifestations (even just crying). In employment discrimination
cases, it is common for plaintiffs to be successful based solely on their testi-
mony—that is, without medical or psychological experts (Cucuzza, 1999)—sug-
gesting that there is a much lower evidentiary burden on such plaintiffs than in
tort cases, as well as a much lower level of emotional distress that is required.
Commentators have read such cases as suggesting that even slight physical man-
ifestations—such as crying or stomach pains—will be enough to support claims
of emotional distress (Cucuzza, 1999). If other corroborating evidence is intro-
duced, or if the emotional distress is very serious, it seems most likely that a
claim would have little problem succeeding. Having said this, it is also the case
that the quantum of awards will likely differ as a function of the severity of
emotional harm. Hagood (1999) has commented that while expert testimony typ-
ically is not required to establish a claim, damages tend to be smaller without it.
As with other areas of law, “emotionally sensitive” plaintiffs are entitled to
recover so long as the discriminatory behavior also passes the objective (“rea-
sonable person”) test (Hagood, 1999). Similarly, persons with psychological
“crumbling skulls” also can recover if their condition was made worse by the
discriminatory behavior, although damages might be reduced to return the plain-
tiff only to their prediscrimination level of functioning. Further, as with other
areas of law, it must be proven that the discriminatory behavior caused the emo-
tional distress.

Housing Discrimination

The Fair Housing Act, which is part of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, prohibits
discrimination in the selling, buying, leasing, or renting of real property on the
basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and familial status. It shares
similarities with other types of discrimination law (employment, sexual harass-
ment) as well as with tort law. Because there was no specific provision in the law
to compensate emotional injuries, courts had to look to other sources of law for
guidance. The U.S. Supreme Court interpreted this law in Curtis v. Loether
(1974), reasoning that the purpose of the law was to “make whole” persons who
have been subjected to this type of discrimination—a purpose akin to the role of
tort law in restoring plaintiffs to their pre-tort status. The court stated, “an action
to redress racial discrimination may also be likened to an action for defamation
or intentional infliction of mental distress. . . . [R]acial discrimination might be
treated as a dignitary tort” (pp. 195–196, note 10).
In other words, the court’s interpretation was that the law sought to redress the
indignity of being denied the basic need of fair housing, or housing at all, on the

basis of race (or other personal attribute). Because of its reliance on tort law, there
has been a perhaps more conservative judicial approach to psychological injuries
within this area of discrimination law as opposed to other areas such as employ-
ment or sexual harassment. While courts have recognized emotional distress as a
compensable injury in housing discrimination cases, commentators have noted
that such injuries tend to be undervalued, and that the inconsistency of recognition
is greater among federal courts compared to the administrative tribunals that often
hear such actions (Goode & Johnson, 2003; Hale, 1999). However, because this
area is not simply a specific instantiation of intentional infliction of emotional
distress, courts have taken some leeway as well. For instance, as with other areas
of discrimination, expert testimony is not required to succeed at trial (courts have
held that judges or juries are well suited to infer whether psychological harm is
present based on the circumstances of the case), although some commentators
have described such expert evidence as an “invaluable tool” in these cases (Hale,
1999). Further, the defendant’s conduct need not be characterized as “outrageous,”
as in traditional torts, likely because discrimination is often subtle, covert, and
insidious (Goode & Johnson, 2003).
The role of humiliation and embarrassment, as in other areas of discrimination
law, as well as indignancy, will often be relevant in housing discrimination cases
(Goode & Johnson, 2003). The injury must be more than the transient and ex-
pected trivial irritation involved with looking for housing (Steele v. Title Realty
Co., 1973). It also will be important to take individual plaintiff’s circumstances
into account—for instance, denial of housing on the basis of race, though always
offensive, may understandably cause even greater anger and anxiety when that
person is, for example, a single parent. Psychiatric evidence from victims of
housing discrimination suggests that the effects thereof often consist of “feelings
of numbness, withdrawal, difficulty in concentrating and focusing, depression,
anxiety, and the diminished quality of care given to children” (Goode & Johnson,
2003, p. 1157, note 72, citing psychiatric evidence given in a housing discrimi-
nation hearing). Goode and Johnson devised a 32-item “Emotional Harm Check-
list” for use in these cases. Although it is best considered an aide-mémoire for
lawyers to interview their clients, and not a psychometric instrument, it does
represent a potentially useful source for asking questions that will be relevant to
the legal issues at hand.
As with other areas of discrimination law, as well as additional areas such as
tort, the causal link between the discrimination and pursuant psychological injury
must be proven. In addition, as with other areas of law, defendants take their
victims as they find them, meaning that psychologically vulnerable plaintiffs, and
plaintiffs with preexisting psychological problems are not barred from recovery
(although some courts are criticized for not recognizing this legal principle—see
Goode & Johnson, 2003).
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 45

Convention (Airline Accidents)

Airline accidents might represent the ultimate in terms of potential for catastrophic
injury, damage, and death. One of the legal differences between airline crashes
and other accidents (say, motor vehicle collisions) is that airlines and air travel
are governed partially by international law, meaning that a straightforward appli-
cation of domestic law is not possible.
The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International
Transportation by Air (1929), also called the Warsaw Convention, was created in
order to protect airlines by limiting their liability for injuries caused to passengers,
yet also allow recovery for injured passengers in certain circumstances. The
United States ratified the Convention in 1934, and signed an “update” in 1966
that served to increase the amount of damages that injured parties could recover
(Chester, 2000).
There has been a fairly extensive history of litigation surrounding emotional
injuries suffered on flights under the auspices of the Warsaw Convention. In sum-
marizing these, Chester (2000) concluded that lower courts have split over
whether psychological injuries are compensable, even if accompanied by physical
injuries. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that purely psychological injuries are
not recoverable in the context of air accidents if there are no physical injuries
suffered (Eastern Airlines, Inc. v. Floyd, 1991). They did not, however, state that
such psychological injuries are, indeed, recoverable if there is an accompanying
physical injury. Some lower courts have, however, allowed recovery for emotional
damages that are either caused by, or simply accompany, a physical injury.
Despite pleas from some commentators to allow recovery for psychological
injury accompanied by physical injuries because this has been claimed to reflect
the intent of the treaty framers (Chester, 2000), it appears that more recent juris-
prudence is heading in the opposite direction. The U.S. Court of Appeals, Second
Circuit, has recently interpreted the Warsaw Convention as not permitting recov-
ery for psychological injuries that are accompanied by, but not caused by, physical
injuries (Ehrlich v. American Airlines, Inc., 2004). The court ruled, after a com-
prehensive examination of various primary and secondary sources of law, that
the Warsaw Convention only permits recovery for psychological damages if they
are caused by, not merely accompanied by, physical injuries.
It is noteworthy that, while this case was being litigated and later appealed,
some 50 countries, including the United States and Canada, ultimately ratified
and put into force a new treaty designed to essentially replace—though not disturb
the jurisprudence developed under—the Warsaw Convention. This new, so-called
Montreal Convention was preceded during negotiations by substantial discussion
over whether to allow recovery for emotional damages unaccompanied by phys-

ical injury, although no consensus could be reached, and the relevant provisions
are little changed from its predecessor (see Ehrlich for a discussion).
The implications for mental health professionals are that, in such evaluations,
which admittedly will be rarer than other psychological injury cases, there must
be a clear demonstration that any psychological injuries were caused by the sus-
tained physical injuries (e.g., depression and grief over loss of a limb rather than
fear and anxiety stemming from the accident itself).

Tests of Admissibility

We refer readers to fuller accounts of admissibility than the present chapter allows
(Dixon & Gill, 2002; Garcia-Rill & Beecher-Monas, 2001). Between the United
States and Canada, there are three admissibility tests by which potential expert
evidence will be adjudicated. First, in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals
(1993), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the admissibility of expert evidence in
jurisdictions that are governed by the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE). The basic
elements of the Daubert test are reliability, relevance, and legal sufficiency of
evidence. Together, these elements focus legal attention on the quality of scientific
evidence (e.g., testable theoretical basis, peer-reviewed publication of data, and
acceptability of the assessment or research procedure in the field), the relevance
of testimony (e.g., will admission of the evidence make a fact in issue more or
less probable?), and the legal sufficiency of expert evidence (e.g., is the evidence
more probative than prejudicial, as per FRE 403?).
Although binding only in federal jurisdictions, many states have adopted
Daubert (or highly similar language) into their evidentiary codes (Goodman-
Delahunty, 1997). The Daubert test has important implications for experts who
testify about PTSD and other psychological injuries. In Miramon v. Bradley
(1997), citing Daubert, the court noted that the “trial judge serves a ‘gatekeeping’
function to screen and exclude ‘invalid’ and irrelevant material” (pp. 478–479).
Daubert applied to scientific experts; subsequent U.S. Supreme Court case law
(Kumho Tire Co., Ltd. v. Carmichael, 1999) has extended it to essentially all expert
evidence (including psychology and mental health testimony, which is not typi-
cally always “scientific” by the law).
Some legal commentators have argued that PTSD easily meets the Daubert
criteria, unlike so-called syndrome evidence (e.g., battered woman syndrome),
although it is often excluded by judges who are misinformed or uneducated about
such evidence (which is really the fault of attorneys who seek to introduce it)
(Garcia-Rill & Beecher-Monas, 2001). The introduction of the Daubert test for
the admissibility of expert evidence may have the effect of introducing more
objectivity into testimony on PTSD and other psychological injuries (Newman &
Yehuda, 1997). Indeed, surveys of case law suggest that expert evidence is given
Legal Contexts and Law Related to Psychological Injury 47

more scrutiny by judges than prior to Daubert (Krafka, Dunn, Johnson, Cecil, &
Miletich, 2002). Such increased scrutiny arguably results in an increased quality
of expert evidence. Further, neurochemical and psychophysiological indicators of
PTSD may be welcomed in court as providing objective evidence for the existence
of the disorder, as well as evidence that symptoms are not malingered. The pres-
ence of neurochemical changes associated with PTSD also may satisfy the phys-
ical impact or injury tort requirements of some jurisdictions, if such changes could
be proved with respect to the individual plaintiff (Pitman, Saunders, & Orr, 1994).
The second test, in place in many U.S. jurisdictions, stems from the 1923 U.S.
Supreme Court decision of Frye v. United States. This test, known as the “general
acceptance” test, requires that scientific evidence or testimony be generally ac-
cepted in the particular field. This test has sometimes excluded evidence on PTSD
(Goodman-Delahunty, 1997), and, frankly, is a poor indicator of whether psy-
chological science is necessarily valid and reliable. Finally, the Supreme Court
of Canada recently enumerated the criteria for the admissibility of expert evidence
in R. v. Mohan (1994): (1) relevance, (2) qualification of the expert, and (3)
necessity of the evidence. Under Mohan, expert testimony is admissible only
when it makes the proof of some fact more or less probable, when the testimony
is more probative than prejudicial, when the proposed expert has advanced or
specialized knowledge in the field, and his or her testimony rests on an established
body of knowledge. The testimony must also be necessary to assist the trier of
fact, in that it must relate to issues that are beyond the understanding of the
average layperson.


Psychological injuries have a tumultuous history in the law. They have been
outright rejected, begrudgingly accepted, and are still met with skepticism and
additional burdens in terms of proof. Nevertheless, they have found their way into
many areas of law, the four main areas of which have been outlined above: tort
(intentional and negligent), workers’ compensation, airline convention, and dis-
crimination (sexual harassment, employment, and housing). There are certainly
similarities among these areas, although clear differences emerge as well in terms
of the nature of the psychological injury that will be actionable, the level of proof
required to establish a claim, whether expert testimony is required, and so forth.
Even within categories, such as negligent infliction of emotional distress, sub-
stantial variability exists across jurisdictions in terms of whether physical injuries
or manifestations are required to accompany the psychological injury.
While serious mental disorders will surpass whatever threshold the law has
crafted, it is also the case that a much broader range of psychological phenomena
will possibly satisfy the law’s demands. These psychological phenomena may

understandably take on different hues across the different legal areas. For instance,
humiliation and feeling as if one’s dignity has been violated might be a more
salient psychological injury in the various discrimination contexts, whereas
PTSD, depression, or other diagnosed anxiety disorders might be more common
in tort. In all contexts, issues of causation and preexisting psychological distur-
bance will be important. Mental health professionals have to be prepared to re-
spond to the law’s varying needs depending on which context and jurisdiction
they find themselves practicing. Consulting with attorneys about these various
issues should enhance the quality, relevance, and, in turn, helpfulness of the men-
tal health professionals’ psychological injury evaluations. The remainder of this
book is devoted to explicating just how mental health professionals might go
about conducting optimally informative and valid evaluations in these various
legal contexts.
General Assessment Issues with
Psychological Injuries

If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to

be out of danger?
—T. H. Huxley On Elementary Instruction in Physiology (1877)

It might be fairly said that forensic assessors know sufficient information about
psychological injuries to be dangerous—to claimants, to insurers, to the courts,
and to themselves. The aim of this chapter is to increase the knowledge base of
forensic assessors and consumers of such assessments, perhaps reducing such
danger. Discussions below include what is known about the frequency of trau-
matic and nontraumatic stressors, the all-too-commonly missing trauma histories
in many assessments, and the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
and comorbidity-related issues. We describe the limitations on our knowledge of
the conditional prevalence of PTSD; and finally, we examine some commonly
used evidence-based assessment instruments, including both clinician interviews
and self-administered tests.

Frequency and Assessment of Traumatic Stressors

At one time, traumatic events sufficient to cause PTSD were thought to be rare.
For example, “The essential feature of (PTSD) is the development of characteristic
symptoms following a psychologically distressing event that is outside the range
of usual human experience. . . . The stressor producing this syndrome would be
markedly distressing to almost anyone” (American Psychiatric Association, 1987,

p. 247). Contrary to the statement above, research during the past decade has
shown that traumatic stressors are all too common in everyday life, and that many
such ordinary events have a relatively high association with PTSD.
Perhaps the first study reflecting the ubiquity of trauma exposure was that of
Norris (1992), who sampled 1,000 adults in four separate southeastern U.S. cities
following Hurricane Hugo. Twenty-five percent of Norris’s sample had been ex-
posed to robbery, 15% physical assault, 4% sexual assault, 30% tragic death, 23%
motor vehicle accidents (MVAs), 9% combat, and 69% any trauma. Resnick,
Kilpatrick, Dansky, Saunders, and Best (1993) randomly sampled 4,008 women
in the United States by telephone for prevalence of criminal and noncriminal
traumas. Replicating the findings of Norris (1992), 69% of the sample had been
exposed to at least one trauma.
Because of the results of studies such as these, the criterion for determining
the presence of a traumatic stressor changed in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) to “both of the following
were present [during the event]: (1) the person experienced, witnessed, or was
confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or
serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others [or] (2) the
person’s response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror” (American Psy-
chiatric Association, 1994, pp. 427–428). The latter inclusion of an individual’s
appraisal of the event was a watershed event in the conceptualization of PTSD
and resulted in controversy in some circles.
Since the advent of DSM-IV, sophisticated prevalence studies have continued
to demonstrate the ubiquity of traumatic stress. For example, in a U.S. national
random sample of 505 adults, Elliott (1997) found that 72% of respondents had
experienced at least one Criterion A stressor, including 27% MVA, 23% child
sexual abuse, 20% child physical abuse, 23% adult physical assault, 25% wit-
nessing domestic violence as a child, and 21% witnessing nondomestic violent
crime. Therefore, within the general population or selected nonclinical popula-
tions, the lifetime prevalence of exposure to at least one Criterion A traumatic
stressor approximates 70% of the general public! The average subject of either a
clinical or forensic mental health assessment is more likely than not to have
experienced a traumatic stressor in his/her lifetime.

Missing Trauma Histories in Clinical Assessment

If trauma exposure is so common, it behooves clinicians and forensic assessors
to obtain a detailed trauma history from a patient or plaintiff. However, various
sources suggest that many trauma victims do not freely present for mental health
assessment and treatment. For example, Kimerling and Calhoun (1994) found
that only 19% of rape survivors initially seen in a hospital emergency room later
sought mental health care of any kind.
There are a number of strategies for eliciting more accurate trauma histories,
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 51

including: (a) adding a preface about others’ experiences of trauma prior to the
inquiry, (b) avoiding legal descriptions in favor of behaviorally specific language
to describe acts of sexual victimization, and (c) allowing for reports of multiple
traumatic experiences (Resnick, Falsetti, Kilpatrick, & Freedy, 1996). In a move
to improve the detection of traumatic events, general prefatory statements about
trauma exposure are now more commonly used in structured interviews for PTSD.
However, Weaver (1998), in a sample of 43 women, found that behaviorally
specific inquiries (e.g., about childhood physical and sexual abuse or adult sexual
assault) markedly increased the endorsement rate for such events when compared
to the preface used in the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID):
“Have you ever had an experience that was really frightening or traumatic, like
having your life threatened, seeing someone dead or badly hurt, or having your
house burn down?” Close examination of this particular prefatory remark suggests
that respondents might understandably not mention exposure to date rape, motor
vehicle accidents, sexual harassment, or life-threatening medical illness, among
other potentially threatening events. In Weaver’s sample of battered women,
having a behaviorally specific question about childhood sexual abuse increased
the endorsement rate for such experiences from 7% to 53% of respondents. Failure
to inquire in a behaviorally specific manner about previous traumas will lead to
the underdetection of such traumas.

Assessing Traumatic Experiences

Because the first criterion for diagnosing PTSD (American Psychiatric Associ-
ation, 1994, 2000) is the determination that the claimant suffered a particular
event with accompanying adverse emotion, some debate has revolved around how
an assessor determines whether a specific event was, in fact, “traumatic.” Some
authors advocate focusing on the objective severity of the traumatic event (e.g.,
physical injury, amount of property damage; see Malmquist, 1996), and there
appears to be a general fear in some circles (e.g., the insurance industry) that
considering the subjective response during trauma exposure will markedly in-
crease claims for psychological distress. This stems both from natural skepticism
and from admonitions coming out of the DSM Task Force—“The major question
in defining posttraumatic stress is whether or not to include reactions to the nu-
merous stressors that are upsetting or not life threatening” (Frances, First, &
Pincus, 1995, p. 259). However, Kilpatrick et al. (1998), in the DSM-IV field
trials, found that restrictions on the definition of Criterion A stressors had only
modest effects on PTSD prevalence.
Despite the findings of Kilpatrick et al. (1998), we believe that a thorough
forensic assessment of PTSD or other emotional consequences of trauma should
include a detailed evaluation of the subject trauma and the claimant’s initial emo-
tional response. Our preferred strategy for such evaluation is reviewed briefly.
First, did the claimant suffer a life-threatening injury during or because of the

traumatic event? Severe orthopedic injuries or loss of blood from lacerations,

head injuries, or gunshots would obviously qualify as life threatening. Second,
did the claimant suffer a physically disabling injury that could conceivably limit
his/her employment or accomplishment of important life goals (e.g., spinal cord
injury)? Third, did the claimant witness a death or severe injury, such as death
via homicide, vehicular accidents, or within medical settings (e.g., hospital emer-
gency departments)? Fourth, did the claimant have a realistic fear that his/her life
was in danger despite no obvious traumatic injury (e.g., HIV-infected blood
splash or needle puncture, stalking by stranger or ex-romantic partner)? Fifth, did
the claimant suffer some threat to his/her physical integrity (e.g., threatened or
actual coercive sexual contact)?
If the answer is yes to one or more of these types of events, the examiner must
ask for a description of the claimant’s emotional state at the time of the traumatic
event. DSM-IV specifies intense fear, helplessness, or horror as the requisite emo-
tional states. However, the examiner must use his/her clinical judgment to ascer-
tain whether the claimant was in one or more of these states or some similar form
of negative emotional arousal. Thus, the assessor should probe to determine if the
claimant feared for his/her life, or that something worse than the actual physical
outcome might occur (e.g., “What did you think the stalker would do to you?”).
Also relevant are descriptions of intense emotional reactions. There is evidence
(e.g., Nixon & Bryant, 2003) that panic attacks during the subject trauma predict
PTSD status.
There is considerable debate about the role of dissociation at the time of the
trauma (termed “peritraumatic dissociation”) in the development of PTSD. Sup-
porting the role of peritraumatic dissociation in the prediction of PTSD are results
from several different trauma populations (e.g., Mellman, David, Bustamante,
Fins, & Esposito, 2001). On the other hand, Holeva & Tarrier (2001) found that
peritraumatic dissociation did not independently predict PTSD status 4 to 6
months post-MVA, when measures of personality (e.g., neuroticism) were in-
cluded in the regression equation.
Sometimes, objective data concerning heightened emotional arousal such as
emergency room vital signs (e.g., heart rate) will be available. However, empirical
investigation of heart rate obtained during vital signs assessment within emer-
gency departments has had mixed results with respect to predicting PTSD (e.g.,
Blanchard, Hickling, Galovski, & Veazey, 2002; Shalev et al., 1998).
Thus, a careful forensic assessment of PTSD following exposure to trauma
will evaluate systematically the objective and subjective threat experienced by the
claimant during the trauma, as well as the presence of negative emotional arousal.
Beyond DSM-recommended emotional states such as fear, helplessness, and hor-
ror, the careful assessor will ask the claimant what he/she anticipated happening
to him/her during the trauma (e.g., loss of life, life-altering injury, or threat to
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 53

personal well-being) and assess for the presence of panic, peritraumatic dissoci-
ation and physiological hyperarousal.
Another issue with respect to assessing Criterion A stressors involves the top-
ographic and temporal boundaries of the traumatic event. It may not be the fender-
to-fender impact of two vehicles that engenders a sense of threat, but the comment
by the paramedic afterward that “you’re lucky to be alive” or the disabling and
unexplained pain on the subsequent day. Thus, forensic assessors must carefully
delineate what the claimant perceived as threatening about the event.

Prevalence of PTSD

Studies of PTSD prevalence in the general population suggest that approximately

8% to 9% of members of Western society will suffer from PTSD in their lifetime
(e.g., Breslau, Davis, Andreski, & Peterson, 1991). However, knowing the lifetime
prevalence of PTSD within the general population is of little utility in a psycho-
legal context. Rather, it is more important to know the conditional prevalence,
that is, the percentage of trauma-exposed persons who develop PTSD following
a given traumatic stressor. Perhaps the first studies to address this issue were
epidemiological studies conducted by Breslau, Davis, Andreski, and Peterson
(1991), Norris (1992). Breslau et al. (1991), using a sample of 1,000 young adults,
found a 9% lifetime prevalence of PTSD, based on a traumatic event exposure
prevalence of 39% and a conditional PTSD prevalence of 24%. The publication
of this particular study was important because previous studies (e.g., Breslau,
Davis, Andrewski, & Peterson, 1991) suggested lifetime prevalence for PTSD in
the general public of approximately 1%. Kilpatrick and Resnick (1993) sampled
1,500 women and found lifetime conditional rates of PTSD to vary from 10% to
39%, with higher rates among rape and assault victims.
Norris (1992), in an attempt to improve on these previous studies, used a more
open-ended inquiry about potentially traumatic events and stratified her random
sample by ethnicity (50% White, 50% Black), gender, and age (young, middle-
aged, and older adults). This study resulted in a current PTSD prevalence of 6.2%.
The lowest rate of current PTSD was associated with a history of combat exposure
(2%), the highest with sexual assault (14%), physical assault (13%), and MVA
(12%). Resnick, Kilpatrick, Dansky, Saunders, and Best (1993) sampled 4,008
randomly selected women and found lifetime and current PTSD prevalence as
follows: completed rape (32% lifetime, 12% current); other sexual assault (31%,
13%); physical assault (39%, 18%); noncrime trauma, for example, disaster or
accident (9%, 7%).
More recently, Shercliffe (2001) conducted a statistical meta-analysis of PTSD
prevalence rates among civilian samples. He further limited data sets used in this

study by excluding any acute samples (e.g., less than six months posttrauma). In
this meta-analysis, the author clustered trauma types into three groups: interper-
sonal (e.g., crime), technological (e.g., MVA), and life-threatening illness (e.g.,
cancer). Current (mean one year posttrauma) PTSD rates were, respectively, 25%,
15%, and 7% for interpersonal, technological, and illness traumas.
In summary, it appears that PTSD is most common following criminal victim-
ization, with the incidence of chronic PTSD (greater than six months in duration)
being between 13% and 39% of victims. Technological traumas such as MVAs,
other transportation accidents, and workplace accidents have an arguably lower
prevalence of PTSD, between 9% and 15% of victims. Less is known about the
conditional prevalence of PTSD for other specific traumatic stressors. However,
it is apparent that estimates of PTSD prevalence can be influenced markedly by
the method of inquiry. Assessment methods that closely approximate those util-
ized in the best epidemiological and clinical research studies will increase the
reliability and validity of forensic assessments of PTSD.
While the PTSD prevalence data above reflect our best current understanding,
there are problems with even the best of these epidemiological studies. Some
complications in accurately estimating PTSD prevalence from MVA and indus-
trial trauma arise from the clinical contexts in which such patients are seen and
comorbid problems common to injury survivors. First, some of the associated
features of severe physical injuries may result in hyperarousal (Criterion D) symp-
toms such as sleep disturbance, concentration deficits, and irritability through the
effects of acute physical pain (see review by O’Donnell, Creamer, Bryant, Schny-
der, & Shalev, 2003). Behavioral avoidance of reminders (e.g., driving a vehicle)
may be difficult to reliably assess in MVA survivors if (a) their opportunities for
driving are limited by their physical injuries (e.g., patients who are still confined
to inpatient medical wards), or (b) they are not driving because of physical lim-
itations (e.g., broken leg). As well, interviewers/assessors must differentiate in-
trusive memories of a nonvoluntary nature from voluntary ruminative thought
content concerning the MVA. The latter would not fulfill Criterion B (reexperi-
encing symptoms), but it is not clear that all research studies successfully differ-
entiate these two classes of thought content.

Prevalence of Nontraumatic Stress and

its Consequences

While the focus of litigation may revolve around specific traumatic stressors (e.g.,
MVAs, assaults, or harassment), such events and their emotional consequences
occur in a fluid social and environmental context, in which people are exposed
to a high rate of distressing nontraumatic stressors as an ongoing part of their
personal and work life. It is important for professionals who conduct forensic
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 55

assessments to have some basic understanding of the incidence of nontraumatic

stressors and their relationship to emotional distress. In recent years, studies of
daily stress and distress have benefited from the development of diary-based as-
sessments (e.g., Bolger, DeLongis, Kessler, & Schilling, 1989). Bolger et al.
(1989) have collected data on interpersonal stressors (e.g., marital arguments),
role overload (work, home, demands from others), as well as transportation and
financial problems. All of these nontraumatic stressors are at least as likely to
affect personal injury claimants as other members of the general population, and
therefore exert some influence on their well-being independent of that arising
from traumatic stressors.
Daily stressors, particularly interpersonal conflict, have robust effects on mood
within members of the general population (e.g., Bolger et al., 1989). Interpersonal
conflict appears to occur frequently in the general population, with the married
couples in Bolger et al. (1989) averaging 0.9 marital conflicts per month. Com-
bining both interpersonal and other stressors, Bolger et al. found that one quarter
of their (nonclinical) sample’s diary days contained at least two concurrent stres-
sors. Interestingly, most individuals appear to “bounce back” rather quickly from
short-lasting daily stressors with mood returning to usual levels on the day fol-
lowing such stressors (Bolger et al., 1989), but socially isolated or chronically
stressed individuals experience more persistent distress (Caspi, Bolger, & Eck-
enrode, 1987). Therefore, it appears that interpersonal conflict is a relatively fre-
quent occurrence in the general population and results in significant psychological
distress that may be more persistent in vulnerable individuals.
Few data exist concerning the prevalence of PTSD symptoms in the absence
of a traumatic stressor (partially because reexperiencing and some avoidance
symptoms are tied to specific trauma experiences—how do you ask someone if
they have distressing memories of a nonexistent trauma?). However, information
on other stress-related symptoms in the general population comes from the lit-
erature on postconcussive symptoms (PCS). This is relevant to our topic because
the research diagnostic criteria for postconcussional disorder include a 3-month
history of concentration or other cognitive difficulties, fatigue, sleep disturbance,
headache, dizziness, irritability, anxiety or depression, changes in personality, and
apathy (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). All of these symptoms but
headaches overlap with symptoms of PTSD or depression. It should be recognized
that chronic pain is often comorbid with PTSD (e.g., Sharp & Harvey, 2001). Of
note for the current discussion, this list of postconcussive symptoms includes 3
of the 5 PTSD Criterion D (hyperarousal) symptoms (anger/irritability, concen-
tration problems, and sleep disturbance).
How common are such symptoms in the general public? Fox, Lees-Haley,
Earnest, and Dolezal-Wood (1995) assessed the presence of PCS in 1,116 patients.
Four hundred of these subjects were seeking psychotherapy, 104 were neurology
patients, 124 were family practice patients, 192 were internal medicine patients,

and 296 had just enrolled in the health maintenance organization (HMO) and
were undergoing an initial evaluation. The authors asked patients to indicate
whether they had experienced any postconcussive symptoms in the last two years.
For our purposes, the important results involve the percentage of endorsements
for complaints of dizziness, concentration difficulties, fatigue, and irritability in
the family practice and initial evaluation samples, both of whom would be ex-
pected to have a low rate of psychiatric disturbance or cognitive symptoms in
comparison to the psychotherapy or neurology samples. Within the family prac-
tice sample, 27%, 40%, 59%, and 44% of subjects endorsed symptoms of diz-
ziness, concentration, fatigue, and irritability, respectively, within the previous
two years. Within the evaluation sample, 24%, 19%, 34%, and 33% complained
of the same symptoms. Therefore, these symptoms (common to both PCS and
PTSD) occur at least intermittently in a large percentage of general medical pa-
tients without known psychiatric diagnoses. What, then, does it mean when 59%
of a nonpsychiatric, nonlitigating sample of general medical patients endorse
feeling fatigued at some time? What are the implications of such a high complaint
base rate within the general population for forensic assessment of individuals with
mental health claims? Clearly, careful delineation of the frequency, intensity, and
associated interference should be a critical part of forensic assessments.


While PTSD is the psychological condition most often litigated in personal injury
claims, injured claimants’ mental and physical health concerns are rarely limited
to symptoms of PTSD alone. First, diagnoses are not synonymous with psycho-
logical injuries. Individuals can suffer psychological injuries in forms of psycho-
logical distress (e.g., shame, humiliation, apprehension, or anger) that do not
conform to any known diagnostic nomenclature such as that found in DSM-IV.
Nonetheless, such injuries may be severe, disabling, and compensated by courts
of law. Second, as a principal diagnosis, PTSD has a much higher rate of com-
orbidity with other anxiety and mood diagnoses than any other anxiety disorder.
Comorbidity refers to the joint occurrence of two or more diagnoses or clinical
problems in the same person. While the term comorbidity reflects its origins in a
medical or disease model of mental health problems, we prefer to use this term
to refer to the co-occurrence of different forms of disabling or distressing life
problems independent of whether these problems conform to specific diagnostic
nomenclature. Within this section, we review comorbidity of problems across
mental health diagnoses, pain, other medical complaints and health perceptions,
as well as more specific emotional difficulties.
Brown, Campbell, Lehman, Grisham, and Mancill (2001), in a sample of 1,217
treatment-seeking outpatients, found that 92% of individuals with principal PTSD
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 57

diagnoses had another current mental health diagnosis, while 100% of PTSD
cases had a lifetime history of at least one other mental health diagnosis. Within
a community sample of 391 women, Boudreaux, Kilpatrick, Resnick, Best, and
Saunders (1998) found that women with PTSD were more likely to have any Axis
I disorder (64% vs. 25%), major depressive episode (32% vs. 4%), panic disorder
(14% vs. 1%), agoraphobia (18% vs. 1%), obsessive-compulsive disorder (27%
vs. 3%), and social phobia (18% vs. 4%) than were women in general. Logistic
regression analyses using demographic and crime factors as well as PTSD as
predictor variables for other non-PTSD disorders showed PTSD status to be an
important mediator of major depressive episode, panic disorder, agoraphobia, and
obsessive-compulsive disorder. In another treatment-seeking sample of 310 out-
patients, Zayfert, Becker, Unger, and Shearer (2002) found that 74% of principal
PTSD patients had at least one other anxiety disorder diagnosis, while 50% of
principal PTSD patients had at least two comorbid anxiety disorder diagnoses.
When depression was included, 86% of principal PTSD cases had at least one
other disorder. Feeny, O’Neill, and Foa (under review) examined comorbidity of
clinical and personality disorders in 222 female victims of sexual and nonsexual
assault. Women with current PTSD were more likely to be diagnosed with another
(both lifetime and current) Axis I disorder than those without PTSD. Women with
PTSD were more likely to meet criteria for major depression and adjustment
disorder than those without PTSD. Women who met symptom criteria for PTSD
were also more likely to have personality disorder diagnoses (39.1%) than women
who did not meet symptom criteria for PTSD (19.6%). Women with PTSD re-
ported higher rates of self-defeating and borderline personality disorders.

PTSD and Depression

An important question has been raised about the meaning of the substantial co-
morbidity between PTSD and depression following trauma exposure. As men-
tioned above, Boudreaux et al. (1998) found that 32% of women with PTSD had
concurrent depression, while Blanchard and Hickling (1997) found that more than
50% of MVA-PTSD cases suffered from a major depression. What accounts for
this very high degree of comorbidity? Are PTSD and depression following ex-
posure to trauma separate clinical phenomena, or is their high level of comorbidity
an artifact of shared symptoms?
Blanchard, Buckley, Hickling, and Taylor (1998) addressed this question in a
creative manner using a sample of 158 MVA survivors, 62 of whom met full
criteria for PTSD and 45 of whom met criteria for subsyndromal PTSD (i.e.,
failing to meet criteria on either the avoidance/numbing or hyperarousal clusters).
Within these two sets of patients, 33 and 3, respectively, met criteria for a major
depressive episode. The authors then analyzed the goodness of fit of two separate
hypothetical factor solutions for subjects’ responses on PTSD and depression-
related tests/interviews. The two-factor solution was a better fit than a single-

factor solution, although substantial shared variance existed between the two un-
derlying latent variables (r ⫽ .88). Thus, PTSD and depression appear to have
some statistical independence, at least within a sample of MVA survivors. The
authors then divided the 62 full PTSD sufferers into four groups: (a) PTSD w/
MDE (5 to 6 depressive symptoms), (b) PTSD w/MDE (7 to 9 depressive symp-
toms), (c) PTSD with preexisting MDE, and (d) PTSD without MDE. In short,
those subjects with PTSD and MDE showed greater global distress and worse
functioning than those subjects with PTSD alone, and there were no functional
differences between the two PTSD/MDE groups based on number of depressive
symptoms. Finally, when reexamining 55 of the PTSD subjects six months later,
the authors found different rates of spontaneous remission among these four
groups. Specifically, those PTSD sufferers who were depressed at initial assess-
ment were less likely to have spontaneously remitted 6 months later than PTSD
cases without comorbid depression. Thus, MVA survivors with both PTSD and
depression have a worse outcome than those MVA survivors with PTSD alone,
suggesting that there are important functional implications of depression inde-
pendent of PTSD.
In short, the diagnosis of PTSD appears to be associated with substantially
higher rates of depression as well as higher rates of other anxiety disorders (e.g.,
panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder). Suffice it to say, psychological
assessment of a plaintiff in a personal injury claim should not be limited to de-
termining the presence or absence of PTSD, but should include assessment of
these other apparently interrelated diagnoses of major depression, panic disorder,
and obsessive-compulsive disorder, among the wider range of anxiety disorders.
Decisions about appropriate treatments for such patients also need to take into
account such comorbidity.

PTSD and Substance Abuse

Yet another important mental health condition that frequently co-occurs with
PTSD is substance abuse. In a recent review, Stewart (1996) concluded that trauma
exposure is associated with increased risk of alcohol problems and that a diagnosis
of PTSD following trauma exposure increases such risk. The relationship between
PTSD and alcohol problems has been most extensively studied in combat veter-
ans, assault victims, and disaster victims. We know relatively less about the prev-
alence of alcohol and other substance abuse problems in survivors of transpor-
tation or work-related traumas.
Some recent research explicates the mechanisms behind this relationship be-
tween PTSD and substance use problems. In a study that appears to be represen-
tative of other findings, Stewart, Conrod, Pihl, and Dongier (1999) factor analyzed
PTSD symptom scores in 295 non–treatment-seeking substance-abusing women
and found a four-factor solution (intrusions, arousal, numbing, and avoidance).
Forty-six percent of this sample met criteria for PTSD. Alcohol dependence was
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 59

significantly but modestly correlated with the PTSD arousal symptom factor;
anxiolytic dependence correlated with both arousal and numbing factors; and
analgesic dependence correlated with arousal, intrusions, and numbing factors.
While these data are correlational and thus weak indicators of causality, they do
suggest that maladaptive substance (e.g., alcohol, anxiolytic) use may be moti-
vated by PTSD sufferers’ motivation to reduce negative emotion.
In summary, both alcohol abuse/dependence and other forms of substance
abuse appear to occur concurrently with PTSD, possibly motivated by the emo-
tional discomfort of PTSD symptoms.

PTSD and Pain

Sharp and Harvey (2001) reviewed research concerning the comorbidity between
PTSD and chronic pain, as well as suggested several potential avenues by which
these two conditions may maintain each other. These authors concluded that the
rates of pain complaints in PTSD samples range from 25% to 80%. Second, there
appears to be a higher than expected prevalence of PTSD in chronic pain popu-
Sharp and Harvey described seven different mechanisms by which PTSD and
chronic pain experience may exacerbate each other. First, because of their threat-
related attentional biases, PTSD patients may excessively attend to, and thus am-
plify, their pain sensations. Second, high levels of anxiety sensitivity (fear of the
sensations of autonomic arousal) in PTSD sufferers may aggravate fear of pain
among chronic pain patients who also suffer from PTSD. Third, chronic pain
sensation may serve as a reminder of the traumatic event in which both the PTSD
and physical injury were acquired, thus motivating avoidance of both such anxiety
provoking reminders and activities that may increase pain experience. Fourth,
avoidant coping, a common characteristic of both disorders, may account for the
relationship. Fifth, the connection between PTSD and pain may be a result of the
high rate of depressive symptoms associated with both these disorders. The fatigue
and lethargy common to depression may result in reduced activity levels that serve
to maintain low levels of activity and exposure to trauma-related stimuli, as well
as reduce involvement in physical rehabilitation, thus impeding recovery on both
these dimensions. Sixth, the high levels of anxiety common in PTSD may directly
increase pain perception. Finally, effective pain coping may be adversely affected
by the high level of negative cognitive activity (e.g., catastrophic thinking, cog-
nitive intrusions of the trauma) because of a finite supply of attentional resources.
Obviously, a great deal of research is needed with regard to the complex rela-
tionship between PTSD and pain.
A better understanding of the interplay between PTSD and pain is important
for forensic assessors, rehabilitation professionals, and lawyers. The task for fo-
rensic assessors is to ascertain how an individual PTSD claimant’s symptoms
from these two domains may be related and mutually maintaining each other. The

rehabilitation counselor needs to coordinate the simultaneous treatment of both

conditions so that the existence of one condition does not preclude successful
treatment of the other. Legal counsel must better understand the interplay between
these two conditions so as to interpret forensic assessments more meaningfully
and understand the complex nature of claimants’ disabilities.

PTSD and General Physical Health

Pain is but one facet of physical health. During the past decade, different research
groups have investigated the relationships among trauma exposure, PTSD symp-
toms, general psychological distress, and physical health. Epidemiological studies
(e.g., Golding, 1994) consistently find that trauma-exposed persons report a much
larger number of physical illnesses and related symptoms.
In an enlightening prospective study, Kimerling and Calhoun (1994) followed
115 recent sexual assault victims for one year. These victims were compared to
87 nonassaulted, demographically matched women. The assessment included in-
formation about social network, mental health problems, medical utilization and
physical symptoms (excluding those directly related to the assault), and mental
health service utilization. Victims had more mental health problems than nonvic-
tims throughout the year postassault, and initially higher physical symptoms than
the nonvictim group. This latter difference declined by the end of the first year,
but general medical utilization (not mental health care) remained higher than for
nonvictims at one year postassault. Social support appeared to buffer victims
against the negative physical health effects of sexual assault and led to reduced
medical utilization. Later empirical work and reviews (e.g., Schnurr & Green,
2004) suggest that PTSD status serves as a mediating variable between trauma
exposure and subsequent worsening physical health.
There is substantial evidence that trauma exposure leads to a decline in indi-
viduals’ perception of their physical health and increased general medical utili-
zation. Any of PTSD symptoms, depressive symptoms, or more global psycho-
logical distress may mediate this relationship between trauma and complaints of
physical illness. Ultimately, it appears that mental health symptoms mediate some
proportion of physical health complaints in trauma survivors.

PTSD and Anger

The relationship between PTSD and anger has been studied primarily in combat
veterans (e.g., Novaco & Chemtob, 2002) and crime victims (e.g., Feeny, Zoell-
ner, & Foa, 2000). First, we address the issue of anger arousal and its implications
for PTSD in assault victims. The initial study, to our knowledge, that investigated
the intersection of PTSD and anger in noncombat samples was that of Riggs,
Dancu, Gershuny, Greenberg, and Foa (1992). These authors compared 116 adult
female assault victims with 50 adult women matched on demographic variables.
Those victims who met criteria for PTSD one month later were angrier than non-
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 61

PTSD victims. A regression analysis found that one-month PTSD severity was
predicted by guilt, life threat, and state anger at one week. Thus, anger appeared
to contribute to the development of PTSD at one month postassault. Feeny, Zoell-
ner, and Foa (2000) investigated the relationships among anger, dissociation, and
PTSD symptoms at 2, 4, and 12 weeks postassault in a sample of 104 female
assault victims. Regression analyses revealed that anger expression but not dis-
sociation contributed to the prediction of PTSD symptoms at four weeks. Dis-
sociation, but not anger expression, predicted worse social functioning at three
months. Therefore, it appears likely that anger potentiates PTSD. Ehlers, Mayou,
and Bryant (1998) assessed via questionnaires a large sample of consecutive hos-
pital admissions at both 3 and 12 months post-MVA. Anger about the accident
was one of several variables that predicted later PTSD. In multivariate analyses,
angry thought content was one of several variables that predicted PTSD at both
3 and 12 months. Clearly, anger is an important psychological variable that pre-
dicts new cases of PTSD and requires careful assessment within both forensic
assessment and routine clinical care.

Evidence-Based Assessment

Given the history of underdetection of traumatic stressors described earlier, it is

heartening to know that some researchers have developed psychometrically sound
tests for assessing the occurrence of traumatic events. Self-report and interview
tools for traumatic event screening have been developed by a number of authors
(e.g., Goodman, Corcoran, Turner, Yuan, & Green, 1998). While there are several
such measures, we limit our current discussion to Goodman et al. to illustrate
specific screening issues.
The Stressful Life Events Screening Questionnaire (SLESQ, Goodman et al.,
1998) is a 13-item self-report measure. It was specifically developed to assess the
lifetime prevalence among subjects of DSM-IV PTSD Criterion A stressors. The
SLESQ consists of 11 specific types of trauma: (a) life-threatening illness, (b)
life-threatening accident, (c) robbery or mugging, (d) traumatic death of family
member or friend, (e) forced vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse, (f) attempted forced
intercourse, (g) nonconsensual sexual touching, (h) physical child abuse, (i) phys-
ical assault as an adult, (j) threatened with weapon, and (k) present during an-
other’s death, injury, or assault. Two “other” items are included, which if the
subject endorses, he/she is asked to describe. Goodman et al. (1998) reported data
from the SLESQ from 202 university undergraduates. One hundred forty respon-
dents completed a follow-up assessment two weeks after their initial assessment.
Seventy-two percent of respondents reported at least one traumatic event (mean
⫽ 1.83 events, SD ⫽ 1.96). Independent ratings by the first three authors of a
randomly selected sample of 46 protocols found that 85% of reported events met

the authors’ severity threshold for a Criterion A traumatic stressor. According to

the authors, the false positive responses in these surveys primarily involved peer
fights as children, spanking by parents, and non–life-threatening illnesses. Reli-
ability was good (two-week test-retest reliability for total number of events, r ⫽
.89; and individual kappas ranged from .31 to 1.00, median k ⫽ .73). Attempted
sexual assault and witnessing a traumatic event were the only items having kappas
below .60. Comparison of the SLESQ with interview suggested that the interview
increased trauma reporting because it tapped events that were below DSM thresh-
olds for Criterion A traumatic stressors. We learn a few things from these data.
First, a self-report asking about exposure to traumatic events with sufficiently
descriptive categories is reliable. Second, interviews (as opposed to self-report
measures) may increase the rate of trauma reporting by eliciting endorsements
from subjects of relatively low-threat events. Third, overendorsement appears to
be largely a consequence of subjects setting the threshold too low for defining a
traumatic event. It is apparent that trauma-screening measures with adequate psy-
chometric quality are available and should comprise part of a forensic assessment

Reliability of PTSD, Anxiety, and Mood Diagnoses

The clinical assessment of mental disorders has a checkered record. Approxi-
mately 40 years ago, Ward, Beck, Mendelson, Mock, and Erbaugh (1962) dis-
covered that disagreements between clinical assessors had been disproportionately
accounted for due to the use of different standards for clinically relevant symp-
toms or complaints and to variations in the nature of questions, observations, and
the organization of such information by examiners. The implicit message from
this study was that mental disorders could be more reliably assessed if examiners
used standardized inquiries and agreed on the threshold at which a complaint or
emotional experience becomes clinically severe. More recently, Steiner, Tebes,
Sledge, and Walker (1995) studied the agreement between clinical interview and
the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID) in 100 admissions to a
community mental health center. While kappas for schizophrenia and bipolar
disorder (.55 and .47, respectively) were fair, kappas for other conditions were
much worse (e.g., major depression [.34], panic disorder [0], and adjustment
disorder [.10]). These studies and others gave rise to the opinion of Rogers (2001)
that regular use of structured diagnostic interviews would help clinical diagnosis
by reducing idiosyncratic questions, variable coverage of mental disorders, and
idiosyncratic sequencing of questions, as well as systematizing ratings of symp-
tom severity.
We briefly mention some of the more commonly used and empirically sup-
ported measures of PTSD symptoms. The proliferation of PTSD measures over
the past decade precludes an exhaustive review. We begin with semistructured
diagnostic interviews that canvas a broader range of disorders, followed by dis-
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 63

cussions of more narrowly focused diagnostic interviews, and subsequently by

an examination of self-report inventories.

Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-III-R

The SCID is a comprehensive, semistructured interview for diagnosing psycho-
pathology according to DSM-III-R or DSM-IV. The SCID is often used as the
“gold standard” of diagnosis. The original purpose of the SCID was to standardize
DSM-III (American Psychiatric Association, 1980) diagnoses. It is a hierarchical
interview with branching instructions and great breadth so that it captures a wide
range of psychopathology. Nonetheless, the SCID does not cover certain areas
(e.g., dissociative disorders, sleep disorders, factitious disorders). Inter-rater re-
liability for specific diagnoses ranges from moderate (kappas ⬎ .75) to very good
(kappas ⬎ .85) (reviewed in Rogers, 2001). The SCID appears to have moderate
test-retest reliability, although Williams et al. (1992), with a large sample of clin-
ical and nonclinical subjects, found moderate reliabilities for individual current
diagnoses (mean kappa ⫽ .61 for clinical subjects), but great variability across
research sites in test-retest reliability of individual diagnoses (e.g., kappas ranged
from .37 to .82 for depression). Of note to our emphasis on forensic assessment,
two factors were thought to explain the variable test-retest reliability: (a) inter-
viewers were transferred from research site to research site so that they had var-
iable pre-interview experience with the individual patients being assessed, and
(b) the study was conducted across countries (the United States and Germany)
and languages. This bodes ill for the reliability of SCID evaluations in forensic
assessments, given that forensic assessors often have less pre-interview experience
with the subject of their evaluation than do treating clinicians. However, its reli-
ability within samples of motor vehicle accident victims, common personal injury
claimants, is excellent (kappa ⬎ .95) (Ursano et al., 1999).
Because the SCID corresponds to DSM criteria, little research has focused on
concurrent validity. In a comparison of the SCID and the computerized Diagnostic
Interview Schedule (DIS) in a sample of substance abusing patients, Ross, Swin-
son, Larkin, and Doumani (1994) found overall percent agreement on individual
diagnoses to be high (median ⫽ 84%), but poor agreement was reached for mood
and anxiety disorders (median kappa ⫽ .22). This would suggest that if two
separate forensic examiners were to assess the same patient, one using the SCID
and the other the DIS, they would be unlikely to agree on mood or anxiety disorder

Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS)

The DIS was developed by the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health to aid in
assessing DSM-III mental disorders. Early data showed variable inter-rater agree-
ment between psychiatrists and lay interviewers using this schedule, with sensi-

tivity for diagnoses ranging from 41% to 100%, and specificity ranging from 84%
to 100% (Robins, Helzer, Croughan, & Ratcliff, 1981). Kappas between lay in-
terviewers’ DIS diagnoses and psychiatric chart diagnoses ranged from .39 to .03,
with better agreement for affective, obsessive-compulsive, and schizophrenic dis-
orders; it was poorest for phobias (Erdman, Klein, Greist, & Bass, 1987). In a
larger study than that of Wittchen, Kessler, Zhao, and Abelson (1995) however,
Vandiver and Sher (1991) found the DIS to be moderately reliable for assessing
lifetime psychopathology. In general, the DIS may be of less utility for the di-
agnosis of anxiety disorders than other interview schedules.

Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)

The CIDI is a structured diagnostic interview for mental health conditions de-
veloped by the World Health Organization. It is capable of providing data for
either DSM-IV or International Classification of Diseases (ICD) diagnoses (An-
drews & Peters, 1998). Inter-rater reliability for diagnosis of anxiety disorders
with the CIDI has been described as excellent (Andrews, Peters, Guzman, & Bird,
1995), and test-retest reliabilities are generally good, with the only anxiety dis-
order exception being generalized anxiety disorder (Wittchen, Lachner, Wunder-
lich, & Pfister, 1998).

Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule (ADIS)

DiNardo, O’Brien, Barlow, Waddell, and Blanchard (1982) developed the ADIS
for three purposes: (a) differential diagnosis of anxiety disorders, (b) ruling out
other disorders (e.g., substance abuse, mood disorders), and (c) providing
treatment-relevant clinical data. Thus, the ADIS has a more limited scope of target
disorders/problems than do the SCID, DIS, or CIDI. As its name suggests, the
ADIS has modules for PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), acute stress
disorder (ASD), panic disorder (PD), agoraphobia, specific and social phobias,
and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), as well as other modules for mood
and substance abuse/dependence disorders. The ADIS is relevant to our discussion
of psychological injuries because (a) PTSD is considered an anxiety disorder in
DSM-IV, (b) PTSD has a high rate of comorbidity with other anxiety disorders
and depression (see discussion above), and (c) personal injury and disability
claimants may have psychological losses that are not necessarily best conceptu-
alized as PTSD.
Rogers (2001) has described the ADIS as moderately reliable with respect to
diagnosing anxiety disorders. Of relevance to our discussion, Blanchard, Gerardi,
Kolb, and Barlow (1986) found high agreement (percent agreement on diagnosis
⫽ 93%, kappa ⫽ .86) for combat-related PTSD and clinician diagnosis. More
recently, Brown, DiNardo, Lehman, and Campbell (2001) reported on the relia-
bility of ADIS assessments in 362 treatment-seeking subjects. Inter-rater relia-
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 65

bility kappas for DSM-IV current diagnoses ranged from .22 (dysthymia) to .86
(specific phobia), with relatively good to modest kappas for other disorders (e.g.,
OCD ⫽ .85, PD ⫽ .72, GAD ⫽ .67, major depressive disorder—MDD ⫽ .67,
PTSD ⫽ .59). For our discussion, it is worth noting that despite the large overall
sample size (n ⫽ 362), these authors had only 14 PTSD subjects. The latter small
sample size may account for the poorer reliability of PTSD diagnoses. The authors
also reviewed the sources of disagreement between raters with the ADIS and
noted that the majority of disagreements were accounted for by either differences
in patient report (i.e., gave different answers to the same question to two different
interviewers) or diagnostic threshold (interviewers disagreeing on whether a prob-
lem was severe enough to merit a diagnosis). In brief, the ADIS-IV is moderately
reliable in diagnosing anxiety disorders, although it may have lower levels of
agreement for PTSD than for some other anxiety disorders. There are limited data
for its concurrent validity with clinicians’ diagnoses.

Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS)

The CAPS, originally developed by Blake et al. (1998), is a structured assessment
guide administered by clinicians within a diagnostic interview. Clinicians rate the
frequency from 0 to 4 of 17 PTSD symptoms within the previous month: 0 (not
present), 1 (once or twice, or less than 10% of the time), 2 (once or twice per
week, 20–30%), 3 (several times per week, 50–60%), 4 (daily or almost daily,
more than 80%). The severity of symptoms also is rated from 0 to 4. Thus, each
symptom receives a rating from 0 to 8. In order for a symptom to be counted
toward a diagnosis, the traditional scoring rule is that it must have a combined
score of 3, comprised of a rating of at least 1 on either the frequency or severity
scale (i.e., 1-2 or 2-1). Inter-rater reliability for CAPS ratings of symptoms is
very good, with correlations between raters ranging from .82 to .99, and averaging
.975 (e.g., see Blanchard, Hickling, Taylor, Forneris, Loos, & Jaccard, 1995).
Diagnostic agreement is also very good (kappa ⫽ .81) (Blanchard, Hickling,
Taylor, & Loos, 1995).
The use of different scoring rules for the CAPS has been investigated by a
number of authors; for example, Blanchard, Hickling, Taylor, Forneris, Loos, and
Jaccard (1995) found that PTSD prevalence among MVA victims varied from
27% to 44% dependent on the stringency of the CAPS scoring rule and that those
who met the more stringent CAPS criteria were significantly more distressed on
psychological tests. Weathers, Ruscio, and Keane (1999) evaluated the sensitivity,
specificity, and optimal discrimination of multiple rules in several samples of U.S.
veterans. In brief, the traditional rule of 3 originally advocated by Blake et al.
(1990) resulted in the highest rates of PTSD (48% to 82%), while a combination
rule of 3 plus total symptom severity score of 65 was an easily scored rule that
resulted in relatively equal false negatives and false positives, and a PTSD rate

of 34% to 59%. This research suggests that the rules clinicians use to define a
symptom as present or absent and the cutoff they use for total symptom severity
have a significant impact on PTSD prevalence.

PTSD Checklist (PCL)

While the CAPS, SCID, DIS, CIDI, and ADIS are interviews, researchers have
developed numerous self-report measures of PTSD or related constructs. Based
on a small sample of 27 MVA victims and 13 sexual assault victims, Blanchard,
Jones-Alexander, Buckley, and Forneris (1996) evaluated the validity of the PTSD
Checklist (PCL), a 17-item self-report PTSD measure, by correlating it with the
CAPS. The PCL requires persons to rate the 17 PTSD symptoms according to
the degree to which they were bothered by the symptoms in the previous month.
Internal consistency for the PCL total score was .94; for Criterion B items, it was
.94; for Criterion C, .82; and Criterion D, .84. These values are very good, and
suggest that the PCL consists mainly of “true-score” variance rather than “error
variance.” Validity coefficients also were good; the overall correlation between
the PCL and CAPS was .93. Thus, the PCL shows good concurrent validity with
an interview measure of PTSD. However, we must caution that this was a small
sample study, and its participants were mostly female (92%).
More recently, Ruggiero, Del Ben, Scotti, and Rabalais (2003) examined the
psychometric properties of the PTSD Checklist—Civilian Version (PCL-C) with
392 university students. Of note, their sample reported a very high prevalence of
traumatic event exposure (96.7%). The PCL correlated highly with both the Im-
pact of Event Scale (IES) and Mississippi Scale for PTSD (r ⫽ .77 and .82
between the PCL and the IES and Mississippi total scores, respectively). These
correlations between measures of the same construct were significantly if mar-
ginally greater than the correlations between the PCL and measures of different
constructs such as depression (r ⫽ .67), trait anxiety (r ⫽ .60), and general distress
(r ⫽ .70). Small subsamples of this group of subjects completed the PCL either
on the same day, one week later, or two weeks later. Test-retest correlations for
the PCL over these intervals were .92 (same day), .88 (one week), and .68 (two
weeks), suggesting reasonable temporal stability of scores on this measure.

Impact of Events Scale (IES)

The IES (Horowitz, Wilner, & Alvarez, 1979) is a self-report measure that as-
sesses avoidance and intrusion symptoms. It consists of 15 items, split into sub-
scales of intrusion (7 items) and avoidance (8 items). Split half reliability of the
total scale is high (r ⫽ 0.86), and internal consistency measured by Cronbach’s
alpha is high for both intrusion (0.78) and avoidance (0.82) items. Test-retest
reliability over a one-week interval is 0.87 for total score, 0.89 for the intrusion
subscale, and 0.79 for the avoidance subscale. Scores on the total scale, as well
as the two subscales, differentiated a sample of patients with exposure to traumatic
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 67

experiences from a sample of medical students responding shortly after witness-

ing their first cadaver. More recent commentary has expressed some concerns
about the utility of some of the items and psychometric qualities of the scale (e.g.,
Briere & Elliott, 1998). Joseph (2000) reviewed research on this scale, and noted
that internal consistency and test-retest reliability are adequate for the IES, al-
though relatively few studies have reported such data. With respect to validity,
there is some debate about whether all IES items can be considered measures of
psychological distress (“I had dreams about it.”). While many clinicians treat the
IES as a measure of posttraumatic stress symptoms, it does not contain any items
tapping Criterion D (hyperarousal symptoms). As well, the IES does not sample
some Criterion C symptoms traditionally considered related to the emotional
numbing aspects of posttraumatic response (detachment, diminished interest).
Given that Criterion C is the “gatekeeper” criterion for diagnosing PTSD, such
an omission would lead to overestimation of PTSD prevalence if clinicians were
to use the IES as a proxy for formal diagnosis of PTSD. Despite such poor content
validity, the IES differentiates between those who receive a diagnosis of PTSD
and those who do not (e.g., Bryant & Harvey, 1996). In summary, the IES has
some utility in the discrimination of distressed versus nondistressed trauma sur-
vivors, but it should not be used as a proxy for measures, whether self-report or
interview-based, that can reliably diagnose PTSD and that provide a fuller cov-
erage of the range of PTSD symptoms.

Posttraumatic Symptoms Scale-Self-Report (PSS-SR) and

Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale (PDS)
PDS (Foa, Cashman, Jaycox, & Perry, 1997) and PSS-SR (Foa, Riggs, Dancu, &
Rothbaum, 1993) are both self-report measures of PTSD symptoms. The symp-
tom severity score of this newer test has good test-retest reliability over 10 to 22
days (kappa ⫽ .74, diagnostic agreement between the two administrations of
87%). The test is also internally consistent (Cronbach’s alpha of .92). Using the
SCID as the diagnostic gold standard, the PDS had a sensitivity of 82% and
specificity of 77%, with overall agreement of 79%, and a kappa of .59. In Foa’s
normative sample (n ⫽ 230), the symptom severity score correlated highly with
all of the Beck Depression Inventory—BDI (r ⫽ .79), (State Trait Anxiety In-
ventory—State Version) STAI-S (r ⫽ .73), (State Trait Anxiety Inventory—Trait
Version) STAI-T (r ⫽ .74), (Intrustion scale of the IES) IES-I (r ⫽ .80), and
(Avoidance scale of the IES) IES-A (r ⫽ .66).

Mississippi Scale for PTSD (Civilian and

Combat-Related Versions)
The Mississippi Scale for PTSD is a 35-item scale with a five-point Likert re-
sponse scale for each item. Items cover PTSD symptoms such as intrusions, avoid-
ance, emotional numbing, and hyperarousal (all DSM-IV criterion symptom do-

mains), as well as depression, suicidal ideation, and guilt. Eleven of the 35 items
are worded differently in the civilian version than in the combat version in order
to avoid combat references. The possible range of scores is 35 to 175, with a
higher score indicating greater distress.
Vreven, Gudanowski, King, and King (1995) studied the responses of 668
nonveterans from the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study. Their re-
sults suggested caution in the use of the Civilian Mississippi. While the distri-
bution of scores on this instrument was similar to that of the Combat Mississippi,
the item structure appeared less homogenous for the civilian version with lower
item-total score correlations, and its factor structure appeared to suggest a mul-
tifactor solution rather than a single higher order PTSD factor shown by the
combat version. Thus, these authors found substantial psychometric differences
between the civilian and combat versions of the Mississippi scale. More damaging
however, were their findings that the Civilian Mississippi had limited evidence of
criterion validity. While scores on the Civilian Mississippi were more highly
related to subjects’ reports of frequency of lifetime traumatic stressors than they
were to concurrent nontraumatic stressors (e.g., job loss, divorce, serious illness),
the Civilian Mississippi shared only a small amount of variance with the DIS-
PTSD module score. The authors concluded “the [Civilian Mississippi] should
be used with caution in both research and diagnostic decision-making pending
additional, more favorable, and definitive validational research” (Vreven et al.,
1995, p. 106).
In a further evaluation of the Civilian Mississippi, Inkelas, Loux, Bourque,
Widawski, and Nguyen (2000) randomly sampled 656 adults residing in the San
Francisco Bay area approximately six months following the 1989 Loma Prieta
earthquake. Cronbach’s α for the whole scale was .74, but the internal consistency
was higher for the 25 nonreverse scored items (α ⫽ .86, item-total r’s ranged
from .29 to .57) than for the 10 reverse-scored items (α ⫽ .73, item-total r’s
ranged from .19 to .50). While the 25 nonreverse scored items formed a single
factor, the 10 reversed-score items did not load on that single factor. While the
Civilian Mississippi correlated moderately with other measures of psychological
distress, it was minimally related to important characteristics of trauma exposure.
In brief, while the Civilian Mississippi appears to be a reliable measure of
psychological distress, with total score meaningfully related to trauma exposure,
it has limited utility with respect to the assessment of PTSD, per se.

Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II)

BDI-II (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) is a 21-item, self-report questionnaire that
assesses symptoms of depression. The BDI, and its successor the BDI-II, are the
most commonly used self-report measures of depressive symptoms and are part
of most self-report assessment batteries for forensic and clinical assessors. Items
are scored on a four-point scale. Psychometric characteristics of the BDI-II are
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 69

satisfactory, with internal consistency high for both the psychiatric outpatients
and university student samples reported in the manual (alphas ⫽ .92 and .93,
respectively (Beck et al., 1996). Limited data on test-retest reliability reported in
the manual suggest that BDI-II scores are stable over one week. One issue with
respect to using the BDI-II with psychological injury claimants involves the sub-
stantial variance associated with somatic and cognitive symptoms. Factor analyses
of this instrument suggest that the items on this test form two discrete factors:
one reflecting negative affect and physical concerns, the other reflecting cognitive
concerns. Dozois, Dobson, and Ahnberg (1998), in a recent article examining the
psychometric characteristics of the BDI-II and the BDI, found that somatic and
vegetative symptoms appeared to load on a separate factor to the emotional symp-
toms. Given the high prevalence of orthopedic injuries and significant prevalence
of mild head injuries in MVA survivors, the BDI-II may overestimate the extent
of depressive symptoms through oversampling symptoms like sleep disturbance
and fatigue.

Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS)

A relatively new measure, the DASS (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) was devel-
oped in order to better differentiate the emotional constructs of depression, anx-
iety, and stress. While this instrument has not been studied as extensively as the
BDI and BDI-II, it has the advantages of providing somewhat more specific mea-
sures of depressed affect, as well as of the different dimensions of anxiety and
stress. Antony, Bieling, Cox, Enns, and Swinson (1998) factor analyzed the DASS
in a sample of clinical patients with diagnoses of major depression, panic disorder,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, and specific phobia. A 3-factor so-
lution was found corresponding to the individual subscales. These scales differ-
entiated clinical cases from a nonclinical control group. More significantly, the
major depression sample was higher on the DASS depression and stress subscales
than other clinical groups, while the panic disorder group was higher on the
anxiety subscale than the other groups. Thus, this inventory has some potential
for differentiating those distressed claimants who suffer depression from those
who have more anxiety-related distress.

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)

No discussion of the assessment of psychological injuries would be complete
without at least mentioning the MMPI-2. There are two scales on this commonly
used multiscale inventory that merit discussion here. Scale 2 has 57 items and is
developed to measure the construct of depression. Unfortunately, this scale has
relatively low internal consistency and appears not to be unidimensional; rather
the scale appears to reflect both somatic and affective problems (see review by
Nezu, Ronan, Meadows, & McClure, 2000). While a multiscale inventory such
as the MMPI-2 has the advantage in forensic assessments of providing a broad

screen for a variety of mental health problems, as well as tests of response bias
(see chapter 4), Scale 2 itself is likely of limited utility with respect to assessing
depressed mood.
Many clinicians have also used the MMPI and MMPI-2 to aid in the diagnosis
of PTSD. In particular, Scale PK (MMPI scale developed by Terrence Keane)
(Keane, Malloy, & Fairbank, 1984) has been studied extensively with combat
veterans, as well as with civilian PTSD patients. Despite the frequent use of the
MMPI-2 and PK in forensic assessments, there are significant problems in its use
for the assessment of PTSD. Several studies have examined the utility of PK in
differentiating PTSD sufferers from controls within nonmilitary contexts (e.g.,
Gaston, Brunet, Koszycki, & Bradwejn, 1996). While these studies superficially
suggest that PK can differentiate PTSD from non-PTSD patients, the earlier of
these studies fell prey to some serious methodological problems. For example,
Gaston et al. (1996) compared their PTSD sample to patients who had not ex-
perienced a traumatic stressor. This begs the question of whether PK reflects
PTSD status or merely trauma exposure and diffuse psychological distress. Other
studies have not necessarily controlled for severity of distress or impairment,
leaving open the possibility that PK measures the severity of general psycholog-
ical distress rather than PTSD. More recent studies have examined the latter hy-
pothesis. Scheibe, Bagby, Miller, and Dorian (2001) compared 28 Workers Com-
pensation Boards (WCB) claimants who had been independently diagnosed with
PTSD and 22 WCB claimants with no diagnosis (36%), depression (32%), pain
disorder (18%), other anxiety disorders (14%), or adjustment disorder (14%).
Regression analyses looking at comparative predictive power found that PK
lagged behind independently assessed functional impairment GAF (Global As-
sessment of Functioning)), and the MMPI-2 content scales of anxiety and anger
in differentiating PTSD from non-PTSD claimants. In short, PK may be no more
than a measure of general emotional distress.

Behavioral Assessment
From our perspective, behavioral assessment is a frequently neglected aspect of
forensic assessments. Behavioral assessment, as apparent from its name, refers to
the observation or quantification of some overt behavior. Within the assessor’s
office, behavioral assessment is of limited utility for the assessment of PTSD,
depression, or related anxiety disorders. However, it is useful for the examiner to
compare the claimant’s verbal endorsements of symptoms (e.g., hypervigilance,
easy startle response, fatigue, and emotional upset when reminded of the trauma)
with observations of his/her overt behavior during the interview. Marked discrep-
ancies between the claimant’s reports and presentation during assessment should
make the examiner search for independent information about the claimant’s func-
However, more ecologically valid information is best obtained outside the in-
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 71

terview room. Forensic mental health professionals must remember that it is the
claimant’s disability outside the mental health professional’s office that constitutes
the true loss, not his/her presentation within the examining room. For example,
individuals who complain of PTSD or acquired driving phobias post-MVA should
(given the importance of fear and avoidance in the diagnosis of PTSD) show some
overt signs of phobic vigilance and avoidance of vehicular travel. Our clinical
observations suggest that legitimately fearful MVA claimants consistently show
some combination of heightened tension (e.g., grasping door handles or dashboard
when a passenger, vigilant scanning or shoulder checking) or overtly excessive
safety behavior (e.g., “backseat driving,” stepping on nonexistent brakes on the
passenger side) when in a vehicle or when confronted with increased traffic den-
sity. They may also show heightened physiological arousal (e.g., perspiration,
increased heart rate or respiration) during such exposure. Taking claimants for a
short drive while recording their self-reported fear/anxiety and observing them
for signs of excessive vigilance, tension, or excessive safety behavior can be a
useful adjunct to forensic assessment of driving-related fear that is a common
corollary of PTSD following MVAs. Similar types of behavioral observation may
be useful for individuals who claim PTSD or related phobias following different
types of trauma (e.g., pedestrian accidents, industrial accidents, dog attacks),
where correlates of disabling fear (e.g., avoidance behavior, hypervigilance)
should, if present, be observable during close exposure to thematically related
Behavioral assessment poses some unique ethical issues. First, if it involves
observations outside the mental health professional’s office, appropriate consent
should be obtained. Probably all forensic assessors have had the experience of
engaging a stranger in their office parking lot, lobby, or elevator before realizing
that this person is the subject of their next assessment. During that casual en-
counter, the claimant may behave in a manner consistent with some emotional
condition (e.g., appear overly cautious while driving in a parking lot, appear
agitated and stressed in the lobby); on the other hand, the claimant may show no
such signs of distress during casual observation. Independent of whether such
observations might support or discredit the claimant’s case, there is a serious
ethical problem with such encounters because they precede formal introductions
and an appropriate warning of the nature of the forensic assessment. Without
informed consent, inclusion of such observations within a forensic assessment
would constitute an ethical violation.
When taking claimants out of the office for behavioral assessment, consent for
this specific procedure should be obtained, even if consent has already been given
for the interview and other assessment methods. There are two reasons for this:
First, the claimant may be exposed to other overt dangers outside the examining
office. For example, if he/she is taken for a drive as part of a behavioral assessment
of driving fear, there is some chance of a collision. Second, because more of the

weight in behavioral assessments is based on observations of motor behavior and

involuntary reactions, the claimant should be informed that he/she is being ob-
served. Common sense dictates that forensic assessors who conduct such behav-
ioral assessments in motor vehicles have appropriate insurance. We believe that
behavioral assessment of fear as part of a condition like PTSD enhances the
quality of forensic assessments.

Collateral Information
The discussion of behavioral observations above underscores our belief that the
use of multiple methods of obtaining information about claimant functioning
enhances our understanding of the claimant’s difficulties. The latter multitrait,
multimethod model for psychological assessment has been around for a long time
(Campbell & Fiske, 1959), but it is still useful and perhaps critical in understand-
ing complex presentations of psychological distress and disability as they present
in personal injury or compensation claims. Meyer (2002) summarized this point
of view cogently, “If we wish to accurately describe or classify patients, we must
synthesize information from multiple independent methods and multiple inde-
pendent sources. This is not just a good idea. Rather, it is a necessity if we wish
to have a refined, empirically grounded taxonomy of psychological health and
illness” (p. 97).
To that end, information from collateral sources is also beneficial in forensic
assessment. Some authors (e.g., Melton, Petrila, Poythress, & Slobogin, 1997)
state strongly that within forensic assessments, independent information about the
claimant’s functioning will play a larger role and self-reported information a lesser
role than in clinical assessment because of concerns about the validity of self-
report during forensic assessment. Beyond concerns about the reliability of claim-
ant’s self-report, it is clear that multiple sources of information provide a richer
description of claimant’s difficulties.
Sources of collateral information can vary on a number of dimensions. For
example, forensic and clinical assessors can review other health professionals’
reports and integrate these into their own diagnostic or forensic formulation.
While an important source of collateral information, it is notable that many of
these assessments will rely on claimant self-report alone and may use similar
enough assessment methods to not provide substantial additional information to
that of the forensic assessor’s interview.
Treatment notes by family physicians or mental health professionals, when
viewed chronologically, offer a longitudinal perspective on the claimant’s health
concerns. However, such records have the following problems for forensic as-
sessment: First, most notes in family physician records are driven by a complaint
presented by the patient, not by a systematic mental health review by the family
physician. Thus, the absence of a note about depression or other mental health
symptoms tells the reader only that mental health symptoms were likely not dis-
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 73

cussed during that appointment. The absence of evidence about mental health
complaints is not synonymous with evidence of the absence of mental health
problems. Therefore, if mental health complaints of a particular nature are doc-
umented clearly in a family physician record for a particular period of time, the
forensic assessor can feel more comfortable that such issues were of concern to
the claimant at that time. However, the absence of such documentation is not
especially strong evidence for the absence of problems.
Family members are another important source of collateral information. While
they may also have some motivation to misrepresent the claimant’s mental health
problems (because of sympathy with the claimant or related motivation for finan-
cial compensation), they have the unique perspective of seeing the claimant over
time in his/her daily activities. Such collateral information can be collected in
either unstructured interviews (e.g., “Have you seen any changes in your wife’s
emotional state over the years? How so? When did this begin? What stressors or
life events do you think cause her difficulties?”), or via some structured interview
or questionnaire. For example, during his assessments of MVA-related trauma,
the first author utilizes a family member report questionnaire that asks the claim-
ant’s relatives to rate the extent of his/her difficulty with respect to a variety of
PTSD, depression, and other anxiety disorder symptoms; the extent of interfer-
ence the claimant experiences across different life areas; and open-ended ques-
tions about the nature of the claimant’s emotional/physical concerns; as well as
a third-party form of the Accident Fear Questionnaire (AFQ) (Kuch, Cox, &
Direnfeld, 1995).
In short, forensic assessments of psychological injury claimants can be en-
hanced through the use of assessment data collected via different sources (claim-
ant interview, psychological tests, behavioral observations, preexisting health rec-
ords, and collateral data from family members).

Future Directions

While much has been accomplished, even more remains to be done in the sci-
entific development of reliable and valid measures of psychological injuries. It is
clear that epidemiological research with respect to PTSD, in particular, needs to
become more sophisticated so that putative PTSD symptoms (e.g., sleep distur-
bance, behavioral avoidance) are evaluated more carefully within these research
interviews. Such increased sophistication may very likely reduce the prevalence
estimates of PTSD. It is also important that we learn more about the differential
prevalence of a wider range of psychological problems in different claims settings
(e.g., MVAs, industrial accidents, white collar work settings, health care settings).
It is likely that certain occupations pose specific risks for specific mental health
conditions and that the functional impact of any one mental health condition may

vary markedly dependent on the individual’s occupational context. For example,

professional drivers will likely suffer more occupational impairment from MVA-
PTSD, while white collar professionals may suffer more functional impairment
if their interpersonal behavior is negatively affected. These are areas that have not
been systematically explored and deserve attention by researchers.
Additionally, while we are learning more about the spontaneous remission of
PTSD within the first year posttrauma, future research must extend longitudinal
research in the following ways: We need to know more about longer term (e.g.,
five or more years) prognosis in order to better inform insurers and the courts. It
appears likely that the average PTSD claimant in everyday forensic practice is
assessed well past the temporal point for which we have well-established scientific
knowledge about spontaneous remission and so longitudinal research that follows
trauma survivors for five years or more is critical. Also, we need to know more
about the predictors of remission versus chronicity. While some research has been
done with the predictors of developing PTSD, less has been conducted with re-
spect to remission from PTSD (see review by Douglas & Koch, 2001), and these
studies have dealt with varying samples (e.g., MVA survivors, assault survivors)
so that they are not always generally applicable across other types of trauma.
Furthermore, many of the empirically based measures of PTSD, in particular,
have been developed on samples of convenience and may not generalize to other
PTSD samples. For example, while the AFQ (Kuch et al., 1995) is a good measure
for determining behavioral avoidance with MVA survivors, it is irrelevant to
sexual-assault PTSD patients. A measure that captures functional impairment in
crime victims would help us to understand the behavioral consequences of crim-
inal victimization in a manner that can aid in the determination of losses. On a
similar vein, psychological injuries such as PTSD, depression, and other anxiety
disorders are thought to be maintained by different underlying concerns, psycho-
logical coping mechanisms, or beliefs. For example, the Posttraumatic Cognitions
Inventory (PTCI) (Foa, Ehlers, Clark, Tolin, & Orsillo, 1999) measures constructs
such as negative beliefs about oneself, negative beliefs about the safety of the
world or trustworthiness of others, and self-blame. It is likely that the experiences
of survivors of different types of trauma (e.g., MVA vs. sexual assault) may differ
substantially on such measures. Such differential responding may have implica-
tions for both treatment and prognosis. However, measures of such mediating
variables for PTSD, depression, and the like have not been systematically inves-
tigated across samples involved in insurance or other disability claims as well as
nonclaiming or non–treatment-seeking samples. For example, if behavioral avoid-
ance of driving or riding as a passenger is part of MVA-PTSD or posttraumatic
driving phobia, it would be interesting to see (a) how a large general sample of
accident-free licensed drivers responds to the AFQ, and (b) how beliefs about
traffic safety differ between MVA-PTSD/driving phobics and such a general pop-
ulation sample. Similar questions can be posed about different measures of PTSD
General Assessment Issues with Psychological Injuries 75

phenomena and different sources of trauma. For example, how does the sensible,
adult woman who has not suffered a sexual assault differ from an assaulted woman
with PTSD with respect to her beliefs about sexual safety and her avoidance of
interpersonal intimacy?
Finally, many of the tests commonly used in forensic or clinical assessments
have not necessarily been evaluated scientifically in an ecologically valid manner
for the populations usually seen in psychological injury evaluations. Future re-
search in this area needs to address questions such as the effect of chronic physical
pain, narcotic analgesics, or litigation status on responses to a self-report test (e.g.,
PCL-C) used to assess the severity of a psychological condition such as PTSD.
While we know a great deal about the epidemiology and assessment methods
for a number of psychological conditions that may arise from trauma, there are
large scientific gaps between this research and the application of such knowledge
to specific claimants. It is all the more important, therefore, that forensic assessors
be aware of the available research and limit their assessment methods and con-
clusions according to up-to-date scientific evidence.
Detecting Exaggeration and Malingering
in Psychological Injury Claims

Grant L. Iverson
Rael T. Lange

Careful assessment for exaggeration and malingering is an essential component

of every civil forensic psychological and neuropsychological evaluation. Re-
searchers have developed sophisticated assessment techniques for identifying ex-
aggerated psychological problems and poor effort during cognitive testing. Psy-
chologists who conduct evaluations for court are expected to be familiar with
research relating to the specific instruments they use, as well as the literature in
general. Fortunately, excellent reviews are available for this enormous literature
in both clinical psychology (e.g., Resnick, 1997a, b; Rogers, 1997) and neurop-
sychology (e.g., Hayes, Hilsabeck, & Gouvier, 1999; Iverson, 2003; Iverson &
Binder, 2000; Reynolds, 1998; Rogers, 1997; Sweet, 1999; Vickery, Berry, Han-
lon Inman, Harris, & Orey, 2001).
Researchers repeatedly have demonstrated that specialized assessment tech-
niques can assist with the detection of exaggeration and malingering in criminal
forensic evaluations, such as those involving competency to stand trial or criminal
responsibility, where the detection of faked insanity is essential (Berry, Baer, &
Harris, 1991; Rogers, Sewell, & Salekin, 1994; Rothke et al., 2000). To this end,
there have been many studies using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory-Second Edition (MMPI-2) (Greene, 2000; Iverson, Franzen, & Ham-
mond, 1995; Lees-Haley, Iverson, Lange, Fox, & Allen, 2002; Rogers, Sewell,
Martin, & Vitacco, 2003; Rothke et al., 2000) and a few using the Structured

Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 77

Interview of Reported Symptoms (SIRS) (McCusker, Moran, Serfass, & Peterson,

2003; Poythress, Edens, & Watkins, 2001; Rogers, Kropp, Bagby, & Dickens,
The purpose of this chapter is to review the methods for identifying exagger-
ation and malingering in civil forensic evaluations involving posttraumatic stress
disorder. The discussion is divided into four sections: (a) overview of malingering,
(b) exaggerated injury claims, (c) specialized assessment techniques, and (d) con-
clusions. Our goal is to provide detailed information to assist clinicians with
conceptualizing, evaluating, and reporting information relating to whether a plain-
tiff appears to be exaggerating his or her psychological problems or disability.

Overview of Malingering

Malingering is the intentional production of false or greatly exaggerated symp-

toms for the purpose of attaining some identifiable external reward (American
Psychiatric Association, 1994). Within the context of a psychological evaluation,
an individual who is malingering may exaggerate subjective symptoms that are
difficult to define or to measure precisely, such as depression, anxiety, pain, stiff-
ness, dizziness, sleep disturbance, memory problems, poor concentration, or per-
sonality change. A person may decide to malinger to (a) receive more money
than he/she is entitled to in a personal injury lawsuit, (b) receive workers’ com-
pensation or disability benefits, (c) obtain prescription medications, (d) avoid
prosecution for criminal activities (vis-à-vis a determination of incompetency to
stand trial), or (e) avoid criminal responsibility (i.e., not guilty by reason of
From a social psychological perspective, malingering occurs on a spectrum of
severity. Many people have engaged in this behavior from time to time. Some
obvious examples include pretending to be sick or exaggerating minor illness to
avoid school or work, or pretending to be ill to avoid a social engagement (so as
not to hurt a friend’s feelings). These examples generally are considered benign.
In fact, malingering may not be considered “wrong” unless the underlying mo-
tivation for the behavior is much more serious. Examples include the person
accused of murder who malingers mental illness to be deemed incompetent to
stand trial, or the accident victim who fakes chronic pain, depression, and dis-
ability from whiplash to get an insurance settlement.
There are, of course, different types of malingering in civil and criminal fo-
rensic settings, described by Resnick (1997a) as “pure malingering” (a complete
fabrication of symptoms), “partial malingering” (exaggerating actual symptoms
or reporting past symptoms as if they are continuing), and “false imputation” (the
deliberate misattribution of actual symptoms to the compensable event). Recog-
nition of these types is important because mental health and legal professionals

might have a simplistic view of malingering (i.e., only pure malingering is con-
sidered malingering). To assume that a person with a real condition, such as
PTSD, depression, or the lingering effects of a traumatic brain injury could not
malinger would be extraordinarily naı̈ve and tantamount to concluding that people
with these conditions are not capable of engaging in goal-directed behavior (i.e.,
exaggeration of symptoms to influence their litigation).
To diagnose malingering in a personal injury litigation case, the clinician must
make an inference regarding the plaintiff’s underlying motivation or reasons for
exaggerating or fabricating problems. There are, in essence, three underlying
reasons for presumed deliberate exaggeration that are typically considered in per-
sonal injury cases. First, and most commonly, the clinician might conclude that
the plaintiff has exaggerated as a “cry for help.” This euphemism implies that the
person has serious psychological or psychiatric problems and he or she is des-
perately seeking recognition of, and attention for, these problems. There is a long
history of conceptualizing exaggeration as a cry for help in psychology, whereas
in psychiatry and general medicine, clinicians are inclined to attribute exagger-
ation to “psychological factors” or “psychiatric problems.” Second, a plaintiff
might deliberately exaggerate because he or she has a deep-seated psychological
need to be perceived as sick and disabled. The motivation is not the litigation per
se, but to be seen and treated as a sick and disabled person. Under these circum-
stances, the person would be diagnosed with a factitious disorder. Finally, a person
might deliberately exaggerate because he is trying to influence the outcome of
his psychological and medical evaluations in order to manipulate the results of
his litigation. This latter behavior is what we consider malingering.
Some clinicians are reluctant to diagnose malingering because they say it is
not possible for them to determine if the exaggeration was “conscious” or “un-
conscious.” The conscious-unconscious dichotomy has its roots in psychoanalytic
theory and can be used by those whose orientation is not psychodynamic as a
convenient way of avoiding attributing cause to the plaintiff’s behavior. However,
if a clinician suspects an unconscious or subconscious underlying motivation for
current symptoms or problems that appear to be exaggerated, then the clinician
should be considering a diagnosis of one of the somatoform disorders (e.g., con-
version disorder, hypochondriasis, somatization disorder, or somatoform disorder
Some clinicians emphasize that they cannot provide an opinion as to whether
someone is malingering because they cannot determine whether the underlying
motivation for the presumed exaggeration was a desire to influence the outcome
of the litigation. This is a reasonable position; however, clinicians who adopt this
thinking should be equally cautious and circumspect when attributing exaggera-
tion to other causes, such as a “cry for help.” The attribution of an underlying
cause for exaggeration requires careful consideration. Clinicians should not sim-
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 79

ply jump to one conclusion or another in the absence of thoroughly considering

reasonable explanations. The clinician who infers an underlying cause for exag-
geration should state clearly the foundations for that opinion. All too often, un-
fortunately, when a person exaggerates problems during a psychological or med-
ical evaluation, plaintiff experts simply attribute the cause to a cry for help or
psychological factors, and defense experts conclude malingering, without provid-
ing the foundations for their opinions. Either extreme is an example of bias (as
discussed in chapter 5).
In reality, very little is known about a personal injury litigant’s underlying
motivation to engage in deliberate exaggeration of symptoms or problems. There
is no doubt that litigation can be very stressful; the plaintiff typically undergoes
multiple independent evaluations from physicians and psychologists retained by
the respective parties in the action. Some examiners, usually retained on behalf
of the plaintiff, might be warm and sympathetic, whereas others, usually retained
by the defendant, might be distant and even hostile. The repeated rehearsal of
symptoms and problems to a variety of parties, some sympathetic and others
skeptical, might lead to different behaviors, symptoms, and problems being em-
phasized to different examiners. Over time, the plaintiff might not even be sure
of the true nature and extent of his reported symptoms.1 In addition, family mem-
bers, lawyers, treating professionals, and expert witnesses often have competing
vested interests in the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of the plaintiff. In
fact, there might even be pressures to avoid effective treatments and to remain
out of work in order to illustrate the damages resulting from the tort. Undoubtedly,
protracted litigation can be associated with a variety of direct and indirect stres-
sors, and a plaintiff who was once significantly injured, but who has largely
recovered, might feel entitled to the compensation anticipated by his lawyer, thus
feeling justified in his decision to grossly exaggerate his current disability.

Exaggerated Psychological Injury or Disability Claims

Clinicians who examine patients within the context of personal injury litigation
or disability claims must carefully consider whether the claimant is exaggerating
or malingering. It is easy to exaggerate symptoms and problems associated with
PTSD, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and the persistent postconcussion syn-
drome. Therefore, Resnick’s (1997a) “partial malingering” or “false imputation”
can be very difficult to detect. In this section, we discuss factors specific to PTSD
that can help the clinician identify exaggeration or malingering.

1. In this regard, the reader should consider the literature on biased retrospective memory, as
discussed in chapter 5.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Exaggeration and malingering in people with alleged posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) has been a concern for clinicians, researchers, insurance companies, and
the U.S. Veterans Administration for many years. The Veterans Administration
authorized compensation and other benefits for delayed-onset PTSD in 1980, the
same year this disorder was officially recognized by the American Psychiatric
Association in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third
Edition (DSM-III). From the beginning, there were concerns about veterans ex-
aggerating past combat details and current symptoms and problems. Within a few
years, case reports appeared in the literature describing factitious and fraudulent
claims, including PTSD claims in veterans who did not serve in Vietnam (Lynn
& Belza, 1984; Sparr & Pankratz, 1983). “Simulation is easy, since the symptoms
described by DSM-III mostly reflect private phenomenology and since by defi-
nition the symptoms are caused by events now past. Patients may manufacture or
exaggerate symptoms and misidentify their origin. It is not always easy to deter-
mine if distortions are outright lies or subtle misperceptions” (Sparr & Pankratz,
1983, p. 1018).
For more than 20 years, research relating to exaggeration and malingering in
PTSD (e.g., Fairbank, McCaffrey, & Keane, 1985) has occurred in tandem with
research designed to better understand the predictors, nature, diagnosis, and treat-
ment of this psychiatric illness. Researchers have demonstrated convincingly that
naı̈ve healthy subjects can easily and accurately falsify symptoms of PTSD, suf-
ficient to meet diagnostic criteria, when given a symptom checklist. This was first
demonstrated with naı̈ve undergraduates: 86% met diagnostic criteria for PTSD
(Lees-Haley & Dunn, 1994). Burges and McMillan (2001) reported that 94% of
naı̈ve subjects successfully simulated PTSD using a standard symptom checklist.
Clearly, it is not difficult to self-report symptoms and problems associated with
PTSD, making this an easy disorder to fake, if desired.
When considering the diagnosis of PTSD, or malingered PTSD, it is important
to consider carefully the type and severity of the traumatic stressor. Developing
PTSD following a car accident is uncommon. Some estimates of the rate of this
disorder in accident victims have been 9% (Blanchard & Hickling, 1997), 12%
(Breslau, Davis, Andreski, & Petersen, 1991), and 6.3% and 8.8% for men and
women, respectively (Kessler, Sonnega, Bromet, Hughes, & Nelson, 1995). Es-
sentially, 90% of people in car accidents do not develop PTSD. Less than 5% of
individuals develop PTSD after a natural disaster (Kessler et al., 1995). In a
sample of survivors of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the Pentagon,
14% had PTSD seven months after the event (Grieger, Fullerton, & Ursano, 2003).
Rape is associated with the highest incidence of PTSD, with estimates ranging
from 46% to 80% (Breslau et al., 1991; Kessler et al., 1995). Therefore, when
examining a plaintiff in a motor vehicle accident, it is appropriate to ask oneself:
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 81

“Is this person likely to be in the group of 90% of accident victims who do not
have PTSD or in the 10% who do?”
The first step in diagnosing PTSD, or malingered PTSD, is to determine if the
plaintiff experienced an extreme traumatic stressor sufficient to meet Criterion A
for a diagnosis. Minor motor vehicle accidents, such as rear-end collisions, do
not meet this criterion. Having an unpleasant disagreement with a supervisor or
coworker does not meet this criterion. Any combination of symptoms and prob-
lems reported by the patient at some point after the event are not sufficient for a
diagnosis in the absence of a qualifying traumatic stressor, such as rape or a mo-
tor vehicle accident involving the death of a family member. In a forensic eval-
uation, it is possible to either over- or underemphasize the importance of the
traumatic event. Therefore, it is also important to assess Criterion A2, the indi-
vidual’s initial response to the traumatic event (e.g., see the discussion in chap-
ters 3 and 5), and not simply use the nature of the specific event as a superficial
Veterans have been known to fabricate the traumatic stressor, such as a male
solider providing vivid combat details when he didn’t actually serve in Vietnam.
Misrepresentation appears to be quite common. For example, Burkett and Whitley
(1998) obtained the military records of the members of the American Ex-Prisoner
of War Association and discovered that nearly 30% were never prisoners of war.
Accident victims often do not have to exaggerate or fabricate the traumatic stres-
sor; however, they might simply exaggerate their reaction to the stressor. In some
cases, it is not necessary for a plaintiff to exaggerate his reaction to a stressor if
he or she is evaluated by a “sympathetic” expert who (a) assumes the accident
must have been traumatic, (b) applies very liberal criteria for Category B, such
as having some mildly distressing thoughts about the accident, and then (c) doc-
uments the largely nonspecific Category C symptoms reported by the plaintiff.
Thus, it is possible for a plaintiff expert to misdiagnose PTSD, which might
contribute to a defense expert misdiagnosing malingered PTSD. The former mis-
diagnosis could occur because the plaintiff clearly did not meet Criterion A (the
traumatic event). The latter misdiagnosis could occur because the defense expert
assumed that the diagnosis of PTSD is emanating from the plaintiff, when in fact
the plaintiff expert has misdiagnosed PTSD. Thus, the plaintiff might be endorsing
(perhaps exaggerating) nonspecific symptoms that the plaintiff expert attributes
to PTSD.
Greiffenstein, Baker, Axelrod, Peck, and Gervais quantified a number of atyp-
ical factors in several well-defined clinical groups. There are no definitive data
on the usefulness of these factors, singly or in combination, for identifying ex-
aggerated or malingered PTSD. However, these factors are related to PTSD and,
as more data emerges, they might be increasingly useful as “red flags” for im-
plausible PTSD claims. Several of the atypical factors have considerable support

in the literature, whereas other factors are derived from clinical judgment and
common sense (Greiffenstein et al., 2004).
One atypical factor is delayed onset of symptoms. Symptoms following ex-
posure to a traumatic event typically occur in the initial days and weeks. The
onset of PTSD symptoms in the survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing was
swift, with 76% reporting symptoms on the day of the event (North et al., 1999).
Delayed symptom onset is uncommon; for example, there were no cases of de-
layed onset PTSD associated with the Oklahoma City bombing (North, 2001). If
delayed onset PTSD is reliably diagnosed, it might better reflect an individual
who was distressed, but undetected or merely subsyndromal shortly following the
trauma. Buckley, Blanchard, and Hickling (1996) compared seven MVA survivors
who did not meet PTSD criteria at initial assessment (1 to 4 months post-MVA)
with a larger sample of MVA survivors with acute onset PTSD. Delayed onset
subjects differed from acute onset patients by having lower perceived social sup-
port, greater avoidance (but without meeting sufficient PTSD Criterion C avoid-
ance and numbing symptoms), greater physical injury severity during follow-up
assessment, and more negative life events during the follow-up interval. This
particular study and others (e.g., Ehlers, Mayou, & Bryant, 1998) emphasize the
relative infrequency of delayed onset PTSD, but suggest that the delayed onset
phenomena may be a joint product of (a) insensitive diagnostic criteria and meth-
ods, (b) individual differences in avoidance behavior that masks other PTSD
symptoms, and (c) posttrauma stressors that exacerbate psychological distress, as
well as (d) delayed compensation motivation.
Patients with PTSD frequently have comorbid diagnoses (e.g., borderline per-
sonality disorder—Zlotnick, Franklin, & Zimmerman, 2002; psychotic disor-
ders—Seedat, Stein, Oosthuizen, Emsley, & Stein, 2003; substance dependence—
Vaidya & Garfield, 2003; major depression—Kilpatrick et al., 2003), but they
tend not to have multiple comorbid diagnoses. A controversial comorbid diagnosis
is traumatic brain injury. Logically, it should be difficult to have a traumatic brain
injury and PTSD because patients with significant traumatic brain injuries are
often densely amnestic for the circumstances of the traumatic event, making it
difficult to (a) be horrified [criterion A] and (b) reexperience the event [criterion
B]. There are data to support the position that traumatic brain injury and PTSD
typically are mutually exclusive (Sbordone & Liter, 1995), although researchers
have put forward a compelling rationale for how, under certain circumstances,
PTSD could emerge in a patient with a brain injury (Bryant & Harvey, 1999;
Harvey, Brewin, Jones, & Kopelman, 2003; see also chapter 1 of this book). Other
atypical factors relate to the severity of the symptoms, the course of the disorder,
and the extent of the reported disability. In particular, readers need to be aware
that a large percentage of PTSD sufferers spontaneously remit within the first 12
Greiffenstein et al. (2004) formed groups for an MMPI-2 study based partly
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 83

on these atypical factors. The first group consisted of 57 compensation-seeking

patients with improbable posttraumatic stress claims. These individuals clearly
did not meet Criterion A for exposure to a traumatic event, they had prolonged
work disability claims, they were in litigation, and they had at least two atypical
factors. The percentages of these patient subjects with each atypical factor was
as follows: three or more comorbid diagnoses ⫽ 93.5%; delayed symptom onset
of one or more months ⫽ 87.5%; dual claims of mild traumatic brain injury and
PTSD ⫽ 81.8%; symptoms not responsive to any psychotropic medication ⫽
78.6%; unchanged or progressive symptom course ⫽ 76.7%; able to participate
normally in enjoyable activities, incapacity in work only ⫽ 67.9; nonadherence
to treatment ⫽ 64.7%; externalizes all blame, no guilt experienced at any point
⫽ 58.6%; hallucinations of trauma ⫽ 6.3%. The second group was comprised of
32 individuals involved in litigation who clearly met Criterion A for exposure to
a traumatic event. The third group consisted of 40 patients seen for initial psy-
chological evaluations following a relatively recent exposure to a qualifying trau-
matic event (mean of 4.6 months post, SD ⫽ 8.4). None of the patients in the
third group were involved in litigation.
As seen in figure 4.1, there was a fairly dramatic relationship between the total
number of atypical factors and group membership. These factors were very un-
common in nonlitigating clinical patients who had been exposed to traumatic
stressors. They were more common in the litigating groups, with the highest rates
in those with implausible traumatic stressor exposure. The authors illustrated that
patients involved in litigation scored considerably higher on the MMPI-2 Fake
Bad Scale, with the highest scores occurring in litigants with implausible post-

Figure 4.1. Total number of atypical factors by gender and group membership. Source:
Derived from Greiffenstein, Baker, Axelrod, Peck, and Gervais (2004).

traumatic stress claims. These data are illustrated in figure 4.2. In addition, we
have added several known groups from the literature to illustrate that the Fake
Bad Scale appears to be useful for identifying exaggeration in patients with post-
traumatic stress claims.
The clinician must consider carefully the nature, course, and severity of the
symptoms and problems reported by litigating patients with posttraumatic stress
claims. When patients present with a number of atypical features of PTSD, this
obviously should raise the clinician’s index of suspicion for exaggeration, alter-
native diagnoses, or both. Resnick (1997a) encouraged clinicians to consider the
following factors as suspicion indices for malingered posttraumatic stress disor-
der: (a) poor work record, (b) prior “incapacitating” injuries, (c) markedly dis-
crepant capacity from work and recreation, (d) unvarying, repetitive dreams, (e)
antisocial personality traits, (f) overly idealized functioning before the trauma,
(g) evasiveness, and (h) inconsistency in symptom presentation.
Specialized psychological tests also can be used to identify exaggeration. The
MMPI-2 is most commonly relied on for inferences regarding exaggeration and
malingering in patients with alleged PTSD. This test has been used in numerous
studies, most of which have focused on combat veterans. Several analog malin-
gering studies have been conducted with university students who have been in-
structed to malinger PTSD.

Figure 4.2. Fake Bad Scale scores in known groups. Source: Healthy men and women
(Greene, 1997); federal prisoners (Iverson et al., 1995); psychiatric and medical patients
(Tsushima & Tsushima, 2001); clinical posttraumatic stress (PTS), litigating major trauma,
and litigating implausible posttraumatic stress (Greiffenstein et al., 2004); implausible PTS
claims (Lees-Haley, 1992); analog malingerers (Lees-Haley et al., 1991); and analog ma-
lingerers faking depression (Bagby et al., 2000).
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 85

Malingered PTSD on the MMPI-2

There have been several analog studies of malingered PTSD that utilized similar
methodologies. Only two are described in detail, to illustrate the general meth-
odology of this research. A more comprehensive review of the MMPI-2 validity
scales are provided later in the chapter; the performances of subjects with pre-
sumed genuine PTSD and experimental malingers are described in that section.
Elhai, Gold, Sellers, and Dorfman (2001) examined the ability of the MMPI-
2 validity scales to discriminate 64 adult outpatients from a child sexual abuse
survivor treatment program from 85 psychology university students instructed to
fake PTSD. The clinical sample was diagnosed with PTSD according to DSM-
III-R or DSM-IV criteria. The simulation group was provided with training ma-
terials consisting of information on PTSD, including common symptoms of the
disorder and several case studies. On average, individuals instructed to feign
PTSD scored significantly higher on all validity scales evaluated, with the excep-
tion of the F-FB (F scale minus the FB scale) index. A stepwise discriminant
function analysis, using the MMPI-2 validity scales as the predictor variables,
revealed that F(p), F-K, and O-S were the best validity scales for differentiating
between individuals with presumed genuine PTSD and those instructed to fake
the disorder. Examination of classification rates, by gender, using a range of cutoff
scores for F(p), F-K, and O-S revealed that a cutoff score of 5 for F(p) produced
the best classification rates for both men and women. For the F-K index, a cutoff
score of 12 for men and 12 or 13 for women was considered optimal. A cutoff
score of 150 for men and 180 for women on the Obvious-Subtle index produced
the highest classification rates.
Wetter, Baer, Berry, Robison, and Sumpter (1993) examined the usefulness of
the MMPI-2 validity scales for differentiating patients with genuine PTSD (n ⫽
20) or paranoid schizophrenia (n ⫽ 20) from individuals instructed to fake these
two disorders separately (feign PTSD group, n ⫽ 20; feign paranoid schizophre-
nia group, n ⫽ 22). Both simulator groups were provided with specific infor-
mation regarding their assigned disorder and were instructed that they would be
required to pass a quiz prior to participation. Significant differences were found
on all validity scales, with the exception of L and VRIN, when comparing each
faking group to their corresponding genuine patient group. For both comparisons,
the faked disorder group scored lower on L and higher on F, FB, F-K, and Ds
(Dissimulation Scale) compared to their respective patient samples (effect size
range ⫽ 0.79 to 2.47). The best classification rates for PTSD were found using
the following cutoff scores: F ⱖ 96T (85% simulators, 70% patients), FB ⱖ 98T
(80% and 65%), F-K ⱖ 15 (75% and 85%), and Ds ⱖ 35 (75% and 85%).
Most MMPI-2 studies of patients with PTSD have used combat veterans from
Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals (e.g., Elhai, Gold, Frueh, & Gold, 2000;
Elhai et al., 2002; Franklin, Repasky, Thompson, Shelton, & Uddo, 2002; Frueh,
Gold, & de Arellano, 1997; Smith & Frueh, 1996). A relatively consistent finding

is that a subset of these patients has frankly elevated validity scales, such as F
and F(p). Researchers have struggled to understand whether these elevations rep-
resent true psychological distress associated with PTSD, exaggeration, or some
combination of factors (Frueh, Hamner, Cahill, Gold, & Hamlin, 2000). Studies
attempting to elucidate this tend to be methodologically limited and sometimes
circular in reasoning.
In an innovative study of the MMPI-2 for assessing exaggerated PTSD symp-
toms, Elhai et al. (2002) developed the Infrequency-Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Scale (Fptsd), designed to assess exaggeration of symptoms in individuals seeking
disability for PTSD. This new 32-item scale shares 20 items with F(p) and in-
cludes infrequently endorsed items within the MMPI-2 normative sample and a
sample of male combat veterans diagnosed with PTSD. An obvious limitation
with this new scale is the implicit assumption that none of the veterans (n ⫽ 940)
used in its development were actually frankly exaggerating or malingering. Ad-
ditional research on this scale might help clarify its clinical usefulness.

Malingering PTSD on the Personality Assessment Inventory

The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) (Morey, 1991) is a 344-item objec-
tive personality inventory designed to measure psychological functioning across
multiple domains. Unlike the MMPI-2, there is no item overlap on the scales. In
addition, items are answered on a four-point Likert scale as opposed to a true/
false format. In addition to the clinical scales, the PAI has four validity scales:
(1) the Inconsistency Scale is comprised of 10 highly correlated items, (2) the
Infrequency Scale contains eight items that are rarely endorsed by healthy adults
and are believed to be minimally related to psychopathology, (3) the Positive
Impression Management Scale is designed to evaluate fake good responding, and
(4) the Negative Impression Management Scale (NIM) contains nine items that
are rarely endorsed by persons in the general population and are considered to
reflect exaggerated psychological problems. Morey (1996) described eight score
patterns that comprise a “Malingering Index” on the PAI. If the patient demon-
strates three or more of these score patterns, malingering is suspected; five or
more and malingering is likely. Rogers, Sewell, Morey, and Ustad (1996) con-
ducted an extensive study of the PAI validity scales, using undergraduates and
psychology graduate students as simulators. A discriminant function analysis pro-
vided better classification accuracy than the single validity scales (Rogers, Sewell,
Morey, & Ustad, 1996). This discriminant function is now included in the com-
puterized scoring program for the PAI.
Two studies have examined the performances of experimental malingerers on
the Personality Assessment Inventory. Liljequist, Kinder, and Schinka (1998) con-
ducted an analog malingering study in which participants included four groups:
29 men with a diagnosis of PTSD and alcohol dependence, 30 men with a di-
agnosis of alcohol dependence, 27 undergraduate psychology students instructed
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 87

to fake PTSD, and 30 undergraduate psychology student controls. Simulators

were asked to “imagine that they were attempting to convince a team of health-
care professionals that they were suffering from a combat-related mental health
disorder that was manifested in the symptoms listed on the paper given to them.
These symptoms were read aloud, and a copy was provided for their review during
the remainder of the test completion” (p. 327). On average, individuals instructed
to fake PTSD produced PAI profiles that were significantly different from both
the student control group and the veterans with PTSD. Simulators tended to report
more psychopathology and consequently had higher T scores. When compared
to controls, simulators had higher scores on the Negative Impression Management
(NIM) Scale and multiple clinical scales (e.g., anxiety, depression, schizophrenia,
and borderline). Similarly, when compared to the PTSD group, simulators had
higher scores on the NIM validity scale and several of the clinical scales (e.g.,
anxiety, schizophrenia, and paranoia). Simulators also scored higher on Morey’s
(1996) eight-item Malingering Index than either group of veterans and controls.
A cutoff score of ⱖ3 resulted in only 44.4% simulators being correctly classified
as faking PTSD, with low false positive error rates in the alcohol dependence
group (3.4%). The accuracy of NIM was not evaluated in this study.
Calhoun, Earnst, Tucker, Kirby, and Beckham (2000) examined the ability of
the NIM Scale and the Malingering Index to identify individuals instructed to
fake PTSD. Twenty-three undergraduate men instructed to fake PTSD, 23 male
veterans diagnosed with combat-related PTSD, and 23 men randomly selected
from the PAI standardization sample were included in this study. Simulators were
provided with information regarding DSM-IV criteria for PTSD. Participants
were given 10 minutes to read the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and then they
completed the PAI and the Mississippi Scale for Combat-Related PTSD. Nearly
all of the individuals instructed to fake PTSD (91%) were able to achieve scores
on the Mississippi Scale above the suggested cutoff score for PTSD. No signifi-
cant differences were found between mean scores on the Mississippi Scale in this
group when compared to the actual combat veterans. Using the PTSD LOGIT
function for considering a diagnosis of PTSD on the PAI as described by Morey
(1991, 1996), 83% of the combat veterans were correctly identified as having the
disorder, none of the control subjects were identified as having PTSD, and 70%
of the individuals who were faking PTSD produced PAI profiles that were con-
sidered reflective of the disorder. Using only those individuals from the faking
group who received a diagnosis of PTSD based on their PAI profile, 75% of this
subgroup was detected as simulating using a NIM raw score cutoff of ⱖ8. Using
the recommended cutoff score for clinical populations for the Malingering Index
(i.e., ⱖ3) and NIM (i.e., ⱖ13), only 43.8% of the group was detected as simu-
lating using each of these scores separately. The false positive error rate in the
PTSD sample was high, with 65% of combat veterans incorrectly identified as
faking using a NIM cutoff score of ⱖ8, 57% using a cutoff score of ⬎11, and

35% using a cutoff score of ⱖ13. The authors concluded that the PAI is suscep-
tible to the faking of PTSD.
The literature to date suggests that PTSD can be successfully faked on the
PAI. The Negative Impression Management Scale is reasonably sensitive to more
extreme forms of malingered mental illness such as schizophrenia (e.g., Rogers,
Ornduff, & Sewell, 1993; Rogers, Sewell, Morey, & Ustad, 1996), but it is rela-
tively insensitive to malingered PTSD. Additional research is needed to more
clearly delineate the classification accuracy of NIM in patients with genuine ver-
sus malingered PTSD.

Conclusions—Malingered PTSD
There is no doubt that the symptoms and problems experienced by people with
PTSD can be exaggerated or fabricated. Using symptom checklists makes it par-
ticularly easy to appear as if you have the condition. The PAI has limited clinical
usefulness for detecting exaggerated or malingered PTSD because it fails to iden-
tify the majority of experimental malingerers. The Atypical Responses Scale from
the TSI (Trauma Symptom Inventory) also fails to identify a large percentage of
experimental malingers. The items comprising this scale are unusual or frankly
bizarre, and the suggested cutoff for suspecting exaggeration or malingering is
much too high. The MMPI-2 holds the most promise for detecting exaggeration
and malingering; however, the literature is complicated and dominated by studies
with combat veterans. A careful review of the MMPI-2 validity scales and indices
is provided in the next section.

Specialized Assessment Techniques

This section reviews several specialized assessment methods for identifying ex-
aggeration and malingering. Most of the discussion is devoted to summarizing
the various validity scales and indices for the MMPI-2. Brief summaries are
provided of the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology and the
Malingering Probability Scales because they have been utilized in relatively few
studies. Selected specialized tests designed to detect poor effort during cognitive
testing are also reviewed.

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-

Second Edition
There is an enormous literature relating to exaggeration on the MMPI-2. The
validity scales and indices that are most often referred to in the literature are
summarized, and data from known clinical groups are provided for many of
them. Many of these scales and indices are described in detail elsewhere (e.g.,
Greene, 2000; Guriel & Fremouw, 2003; Lees-Haley, Iverson, Lange, Fox, &
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 89

Allen, 2002; Meyers, Millis, & Volkert, 2002; Rogers, Sewell, Martin, & Vitacco,

L and the F Family [F, F-K, FB, and F(p)]

The L (Lie) Scale, consisting of 15 items, is one of the standard validity scales.
Elevated scores are believed to reflect defensiveness or a desire to portray oneself
as overly virtuous. In contrast, very low scores on L might reflect exaggeration.
Greene (2000) noted that low scoring clients (e.g., raw score 0–2), “may be
attempting to create an extremely pathological picture of themselves” (p. 94).
There has not, however, been systematic research demonstrating that the L Scale
can reliably detect exaggeration in personal injury litigation.
The F (Infrequency) Scale is also one of the standard validity scales, and
consists of 60 items that are infrequently answered by healthy adults. Fewer than
10% of the MMPI-2 normative population answered these items in the scored
direction (Greene, 1991, 2000). Butcher (1990) noted that, “The F scale was
devised as a measure of the tendency to admit to a wide range of psychological
problems or to fake bad. An individual who scores high on the F scale is admitting
to a wide range of complaints that are infrequently endorsed by the general pop-
ulation and reflect a tendency to exaggerate problems” (pp. 28–29).
In the MMPI-2 manual (Butcher et al., 2001), exaggeration is listed as one of
the potential explanations for F scale scores that exceed 70T. However, Butcher
(1998) recommended that T scores of 90–99 are “Exaggerated”, T ⫽ 100–109
are “Highly Exaggerated”, and T ⱖ 110 (with VRIN ⬍ 79) are “Likely Malin-
gering.” Certainly, F scale T scores in excess of 100 are frequently seen in com-
munity volunteers, federal inmates, and psychiatric patients instructed to malinger
severe psychiatric illness (Bagby, Rogers, Buis, & Kalemba, 1994; Graham,
Watts, & Timbrook, 1991; Iverson, Franzen, & Hammond, 1995; Rogers, Sewell,
& Ustad, 1995; Wetter, Baer, Berry, Robison, & Sumpter, 1993). Greene (2000)
reported that elevations of T ⫽ 81–110 are associated with a readily apparent
level of psychological distress or exaggeration. Therefore, mental status obser-
vations of the patient can help clarify the more likely hypothesis. Greene further
noted that an elevation of T ⬎ 110, if based on accurate responses by the patient,
suggest a severely disorganized, floridly psychotic patient. Such a presentation is
highly unusual among personal injury plaintiffs, and more likely a product of
gross exaggeration.
The F-K (F minus K) Index, developed by Gough (1947, 1950), is sometimes
referred to as the Gough Dissimulation Index. The average F-K score in the
MMPI-2 normative sample is negative 11 (⫺11). Approximately 95% of the
normal population score below zero on this index. Various cutoff scores have
been proposed, such as ⱖ 0, ⱖ 5, ⱖ 6 and ⱖ 8, although no score is universally
accepted. Clinicians need to examine the literature carefully to identify the most
appropriate cutoff scores for specific populations (e.g., Bagby et al., 1997; Bagby,

Nicholson, Buis, & Bacchiochi, 2000; Elhai, Gold, Frueh, & Gold, 2000; Elhai,
Gold, Sellers, & Dorfman, 2001; Fox, Gerson & Lees-Haley, 1995; Frueh, Gold,
& de Arellano, 1997; Lees-Haley, 1992; Rothke et al., 1994; Sivec, Lynn, &
Garske, 1994; Walters & Clopton, 2000; Wetter et al., 1993; Wetter & Deitsch,
The Back Infrequency Scale [FB] consists of 40 items, and was developed
similarly to the F scale (i.e., these items were answered in the scored direction
by fewer than 10% of the MMPI-2 normative sample; Greene, 1991). The items
for the standard F scale all appear within the first 370 items of the test; the items
for FB are all found in the second half of the test, beginning with item 281. The
FB is routinely reported in studies relating to exaggeration and malingering; sim-
ilar to the F scale, it is typically elevated in these samples. The FB Scale is useful
for identifying faked depression (Bagby et al., 1997, 2000; Walters & Clopton,
2000). Greene (1991, 2000) suggested that the same interpretive statements be
used for both F and FB.
The Infrequency-Psychopathology [F(p)] Scale contains 27 items that are usu-
ally not endorsed by psychiatric inpatients (Arbisi & Ben-Porath, 1995). No more
than 20% of psychiatric patients (N ⫽ 1,129) or the MMPI-2 normative sample
endorsed each item on this scale in the deviant direction (Greene, 2000). The
scale taps a number of content areas, including severe psychotic symptoms, very
unusual habits, highly amoral attitudes, and identity confusion (Greene, 2000).
Researchers have suggested that the F(p) scale is less sensitive to real psychiatric
illness than the F or FB scales (e.g., Arbisi & Ben-Porath, 1997; Rothke et al.,
2000; Strong, Greene, & Schinka, 2000). Greene (2000) noted that F(p) raw
scores ranging from 4 to 8 indicate “these clients either are experiencing and
reporting a significant level of emotional distress or they may be embellishing the
severity and extent of their psychopathology” (p. 76). In one study, F(p) was
superior to F in identifying malingered PTSD (Elhai et al., 2001).
Researchers have suggested that the F(p) scale can be used to refine interpre-
tation of the F scale (e.g., was the elevation on the F scale due to real psycho-
pathology?). The following sequence has been proposed: (a) rule out random
responding and an acquiescence response set by eliminating profiles with elevated
VRIN (T ⫽ 100) or TRIN (T ⫽ 80) scores, (b) rule out malingering or exagger-
ation by considering whether the F(p) scale is elevated (and whether F-K is ele-
vated), and (c) if steps a and b are negative, then a high F scale might be due to
psychopathology (Arbisi & Ben-Porath, 1995; Rothke et al., 2000).

Consistency Scales
The Variable Response Inconsistency Scale (VRIN) consists of 67 pairs of items
with similar or opposite content (Graham, 1993). Each inconsistent answer counts
as one point on the raw score for VRIN. Elevations on VRIN render the MMPI-
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 91

2 protocol meaningless for interpretation because it is assumed that the respondent

is not endorsing items consistently, which might reflect a careless or random
response style. Therefore, it is recommended that VRIN be one of the first scales
evaluated. Wetter, Baer, Berry, Smith, and Larson (1992) found that VRIN was
elevated with random responding, but not with malingering. Thus, in the case
where a protocol has a high F or FB, VRIN can help clarify whether these scores
are elevated due to inconsistent responding (i.e., high VRIN, high F) or due to
exaggeration (i.e., normal VRIN, high F).
The True Response Inconsistency Scale (TRIN) consists of 23 pairs of items
with opposite or contradictory content, and is designed to assess for the consis-
tency of item responding. If the subject responds true to both items in the con-
tradictory pair, for example, he or she is responding inconsistently. The scale can
be helpful for identifying indiscriminate true (i.e., yea-saying) or false (i.e., nay-
saying) responding.

Obvious Minus Subtle Scales

Wiener and Harmon (1946; Wiener, 1948) sorted questions on the MMPI into
two categories that they called “obvious” and “subtle.” The original concept was
that the differential ability of laypeople to fake obvious and subtle items provided
measures of exaggeration on specific scales. In a meta-analytic review of 24
studies using the original MMPI to detect malingering, Berry, Baer, and Harris
(1991) cautioned the use of the Obvious/Subtle scales because they had smaller
effect sizes compared to other validity scales (i.e., F, Ds, & F-K Index). In contrast,
Rogers, Sewell, and Salekin (1994) conducted a meta-analysis of the MMPI-2
validity scales and found that Total Obvious minus Subtle (O-S) scores had a
very strong effect size that was maintained across both nonclinical controls and
psychiatric groups. They recommended using the Total Obvious minus Subtle
score, F, and K when evaluating malingered MMPI-2 profiles. Greene (2000)
reported that these scales show promise for detection of overreporting of symp-
toms on the MMPI-2, and he included these scales in his computerized interpre-
tation program for the MMPI-2 (Greene, Brown, & Kovan, 1998).
Hedlund and Won Cho (1979) reported data from 8,646 male and 3,743 female
psychiatric patients that showed a mean score of 56.5 (SD ⫽ 85.1) for Total T
score difference between Obvious-Subtle scales on the original MMPI. Only 28%
to 29% of adults who were so disturbed that they required psychiatric hospitali-
zation exceeded the cutoff of 100T. With regard to the MMPI-2, Lees-Haley and
Fox (1990) found that only 16% of inpatients with psychosis would be misclas-
sified using a T difference of 100. In other words, high scores are not expected
from outpatients and they are improbable. Rogers et al. (1994) recommended
using Total O-S ⬎ 81 as a screening measure for suspecting exaggeration.
We have extracted information from numerous studies relating to the Obvious
Table 4.1. Obvious-Subtle Index (O-S) T Score Performances in Known Groups
group n m sd

Normal Control Subjects

University Students1 40 35.1 59.9
University Students2 58 80.8 47.4
University Students3 95 47.7 64.7
University Students4 90 61.0 74.7
University Students (Male)5 58 53.4 69.1
University Students (Female)5 140 51.3 71.3
University Students (Male)6 56 9.0 59.9
University Students (Female)6 49 28.0 61.7
Psychiatric Patients
Inpatients (Major Depression)1 40 79.1 60.8
Inpatients (Schizophrenia)1 40 78.8 78.8
Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses)4 95 90.4 87.6
Nonforensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Male)5 64 90.0 94.8
Nonforensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Female)5 65 88.2 83.3
Forensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Male)5 131 73.7 101.3
Forensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Female)5 28 93.4 82.4
Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Male)6 29 50.1 98.7
Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Female)6 20 81.3 96.5
Outpatients (Mixed Diagnoses)7 42 140.1 87.9
PTSD and Chronic Pain
Child Sexual Abuse Outpatients with PTSD8 64 155.3 66.5
Combat War Veterans with PTSD9 124 196.1 74.3
Non–Compensation-Seeking Combat Veterans10 38 128.2 71.8
Mixed Neurological/Chronic Pain—Not in Litigation11 100 27.7 61.8
Mixed Neurological/Chronic Pain Litigants11 100 91.1 89.0
Personal Injury Claimants (PS/PK scores ⬍ 61)12 64 ⫺2.1 46.4
Compensation-Seeking Combat Veterans10 87 219.4 65.1
Work Comp./Personal Injury Claimants (Mixed Psych)13 289 65.6 88.9
Implausible PTSD Litigants12 55 150.7 54.6
Analog Malingerers
Fake PTSD (University Students)8 85 220.2 81.5
Fake PTSD (University Students)9 84 221.8 80.7
Fake Depression (University Students)1 20 213.9 71.8
Fake Depression (University Students—Depression & Validity 112 162.2 58.7
Fake Depression (University Students—Depression Info Only)3 80 196.9 66.8
Fake Depression (University Students—Validity Info Only)3 89 171.8 66.0
Fake Depression (University Students—No Training)3 89 228.1 49.1
Fake Depression (University Students—Successful Mals)3 111 130.3 46.3
Fake Depression (University Students—Unsuccessful Mals)3 259 212.5 56.2
Fake Schizophrenia (University Students)1 20 224.1 75.2

Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 93

group n m sd

Fake Somatoform Disorder (University Students)2 58 172.9 83.1

Fake Paranoid Psychosis (University Students)2 58 295.5 57.4
Fake Psychiatric Problems (Psychiatric Outpatients)7 42 193.8 82.7
Fake Bad (University Students)4 58 204.8 69.2
Fake Bad (University Students)2 58 288.4 67.9
Fake Bad (Male University Students)5 29 189.8 69.1
Fake Bad (Female University Students)5 45 198.8 59.9
Fake Bad (Male University Students)6 29 254.8 48.8
Fake Bad (Female University Students)6 20 260.4 47.7
Students Instructed to “Fake Good”
Fake Good (University Students)4 67 ⫺40.0 51.4
Fake Good (Male University Students)5 14 ⫺36.2 47.2
Fake Good (Female University Students)5 56 ⫺36.4 54.9
Fake Good (Male University Students)6 27 ⫺60.1 58.2
Fake Good (Female University Students)6 29 ⫺53.8 70.5
Note: All values have been rounded to one decimal.
Source: 1Bagby et al. (1997), 2Sivec et al. (1994), 3Walters & Clopton (2000), 4Bagby et al. (1994),
Bagby et al. (1995), 6Timbrook, Graham, Keiller, & Watts (1993), 7Rogers et al. (1995), 8Elhai et al.
(2001), 9Elhai et al. (2000), 10Frueh et al. (1997), 11Meyers et al. (2002), 12Lees-Haley (1992), 13Fox
et al. (1995).

and Subtle scales. These tables can be used to compare the scores from an indi-
vidual patient to a number of known experimental and clinical groups (See tables
4.1 to 4.3).

Ego Strength (Es)

The Ego Strength (Es) Scale consists of 52 items. It was originally developed as
a measure of prognosis for psychotherapy (Barron, 1956). Other researchers have
reported that low Es scores might reflect severe psychiatric illness. For example,
Caldwell (1988), referring to the original MMPI, noted that patients with a T
score of 20 or lower have a “usually urgent if not critical” need to be hospitalized
in a mental ward (p. 37). He also noted that patients with a T score of 30 and
below “consistently need extensive care and support from others and very possibly
hospitalization.” Graham (1993) and Greene (2000), in reference to the MMPI-
2, noted that low Es Scale scores can be associated with exaggeration or over-
reporting of psychological problems. Thus, in clinical practice, it can be useful
to compare a person’s Es score to their actual level of functioning. Extremely low
scores, in the absence of obvious, independently verifiable psychiatric problems,
should be considered suspicious for exaggeration.
Table 4.2. Total Obvious T Score Performances in Known Groups
group n m sd

Normal Control Subjects

University Students1 40 276.3 50.7
University Students (Male)2 58 240.1 44.2
University Students (Female)2 140 240.9 48.8
University Students (Male)3 56 268.7 43.9
University Students (Female)3 49 285.4 53.8
Child Sexual Abuse Outpatients with PTSD4 64 395.4 54.7
Combat War Veterans with PTSD5 124 434.1 63.1
Psychiatric Patients
Nonforensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Male)2 64 281.8 66.9
Nonforensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Female)2 65 287.5 52.8
Forensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Male)2 131 263.4 62.3
Forensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Female)2 28 270.7 55.3
Inpatients (Major Depression)5 48 359.4 56.8
Inpatients (Major Depression)1 40 341.9 48.3
Inpatients (Schizophrenia)1 40 331.4 63.2
Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Male)3 29 320.2 76.0
Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Female)3 20 341.8 72.0
Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses)6 50 331.7 60.0
Analog Malingerers
Fake PTSD (University Students)4 85 452.6 71.3
Fake PTSD (University Students)3 84 454.3 70.2
Fake Depression (University Students)1 20 446.9 57.7
Fake Depression (Mental Health Professionals)6 23 428.1 42.7
Fake Schizophrenia (University Students)1 20 462.1 60.2
Fake Bad (Male University Students)2 29 338.8 48.6
Fake Bad (Female University Students)2 45 341.9 44.9
Fake Bad (Male University Students)3 29 510.9 50.2
Fake Bad (Female University Students)3 20 506.8 39.2
Students Instructed to “Fake Good”
Fake Good (Male University Students)2 14 183.9 24.7
Fake Good (Female University Students)2 56 183.6 36.4
Fake Good (Male University Students)3 27 224.4 31.0
Fake Good (Female University Students)3 29 229.5 49.7
Note: All values have been rounded to one decimal.
Source: 1Bagby et al. (1997), 2Bagby et al. (1995), 3Timbrook et al. (1993), 4Elhai et al. (2001), 5Elhai
et al. (2000), 6Bagby et al. (2000).

Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 95

Table 4.3. Total Subtle T Score Performances in Known Groups

group n m sd

Normal Control Subjects

University Students (Male)1 58 241.9 24.3
University Students (Female)1 140 244.1 26.5
University Students (Male)2 56 259.7 25.9
University Students (Female)2 49 257.4 25.9
Psychiatric Patients
Nonforensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Male)1 64 255.1 31.7
Nonforensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Female)1 65 259.7 32.0
Forensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Male)1 131 256.9 33.2
Forensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Female)1 28 244.5 27.1
Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Male)2 29 270.0 33.2
Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Female)2 20 260.6 31.8
Analog Malingerers
Fake Bad (Male University Students)1 29 232.9 20.5
Fake Bad (Female University Students)1 45 231.4 18.4
Fake Bad (Male University Students)2 29 256.1 17.5
Fake Bad (Female University Students)2 20 246.4 12.7
Students Instructed to “Fake Good”
Fake Good (Male University Students)1 14 266.0 26.2
Fake Good (Female University Students)1 56 264.5 24.1
Fake Good (Male University Students)2 27 284.6 31.9
Fake Good (Female University Students)2 29 283.4 26.9
Note: All values have been rounded to one decimal.
Source: 1Bagby et al. (1995), 2Timbrook et al. (1993).

Dissimulation Scale (Ds/Dsr)

The original Dissimulation Scale (Ds), consisting of 70 items, was created by
Gough (1954). In 1957, Gough created the revised, 40-item scale by asking nor-
mal persons to pretend to be neurotically disturbed. Those items that differentiated
normal people faking disturbance from genuinely disturbed patients were then
identified. During the conversion from MMPI to MMPI-2, a number of items
were dropped or changed. The MMPI-2 Ds scale has 58 items and the Dsr scale
has 34 items. Berry, Baer, and Harris (1991) conducted a meta-analysis of the
original MMPI and reported that the Ds scale had one of the largest effect sizes
of the malingering scales. Researchers examining the clinical utility of the MMPI-
2 Ds or Dsr validity scales have repeatedly demonstrated that individuals in-
structed to fake a psychiatric or neurological condition (e.g., PTSD, paranoid
schizophrenia, depression, or traumatic brain injury) perform significantly higher
on the Ds and Dsr scales compared to either healthy subjects (e.g., Bagby et al.,
Table 4.4. Dissimulation Index (Ds) Raw Score* Performances in Known Groups
group n m sd

Normal Control Subjects

University Students1 40 14.2 5.0
University Students2 95 58.2T 12.2
University Students3 58 14.2 6.3
University Students4 36 12.9 5.8
University Students (Baseline)5 32 14.7 6.4
University Students (Retest)5 32 14.7 6.6
Job Applicants6 43 5.6 3.8
Psychiatric Patients
Inpatients (Borderline Personality Disorder)7 36 22.6 9.7
Inpatients (Schizophrenia)1 40 19.0 9.2
Inpatients (Paranoid Schizophrenia)7 20 18.6 8.9
Inpatients (Major Depression)8 48 17.9 8.2
Inpatients (Major Depression)1 40 17.7 7.9
Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses)8 50 17.3 8.6
Outpatients (Mixed Diagnoses)9 42 24.9 10.4
Outpatients (Mixed Diagnoses)10 30 65.5T 14.1
Psychiatric and Medical Patients6 208 13.2 8.0
PTSD and Chronic Pain
Psychiatric Inpatients (PTSD)7 20 24.4 9.7
Combat War Veterans (PTSD)11 124 87.1T 13.1
Child Sexual Abuse Outpatients (PTSD)12 64 82.2T 15.8
Combat Veterans (Eval. for PTSD—Noncompensation)13 38 26.6 6.5
Personal Injury Litigants6 120 13.0 7.5
Combat Veterans (Eval. for PTSD—Compensation-Seeking)13 87 32.2 6.3
Analog Malingerers
Fake PTSD (University Students)7 20 42.3 11.1
Fake PTSD (Baseline)—University Students5 30 38.8 12.2
Fake PTSD (Retest)—University Students5 30 34.1 13.9
Fake PTSD (University Students)11 84 100.4T 18.0
Fake PTSD (University Students)12 85 100.0T 18.3
Fake Depression (Mental Health Professionals)8 23 34.7 7.8
Fake Depression (University Students)1 20 37.5 8.6
Fake Depression (University Students—Depression & Validity Info)2 112 86.3T 14.8
Fake Depression (University Students—Depression Info Only)2 80 92.6T 16.3
Fake Depression (University Students—Validity Info Only)2 89 87.3T 17.3
Fake Depression (University Students—No Training)2 89 101.8T 15.0
Fake Depression (University Students—Successful Mal)2 111 75.9T 9.8
Fake Depression (University Students—Unsuccessful Mal)2 259 98.6T 14.6
Fake Borderline Personality Disorder (University Students)4 23 37.5 9.3
Fake Psychiatric Disability (University Students)4 23 32.5 9.9
Fake Psychiatric Problems (Psychiatric Outpatients)9 42 39.4 10.9
Fake Somatoform Disorder (University Students)3 58 27.3 10.2

Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 97

group n m sd

Fake Paranoid Psychotic (University Students)3 58 43.4 9.2

Fake Paranoid Schizophrenia (University Students)7 22 45.4 9.5
Fake Schizophrenia (University Students)1 20 41.4 9.9
Fake Cry for Help (Psychiatric Outpatients)10 30 106.9T 16.4
Fake Bad (University Students)3 58 42.4 10.0
Fake CHI (Baseline)—University Students5 34 28.7 11.4
Fake CHI (Retest)—University Students5 34 27.2 10.1
*All values are raw scores with the exception of the denoted values that are T scores. All values have
been rounded to one decimal.
Source: 1Bagby et al. (1997), 2Walters & Clopton (2000), 3Sivec et al. (1994), 4Wetter et al. (1994),
Wetter & Deitsch (1996), 6Tsushima & Tsushima (2001), 7Wetter et al. (1993), 8Bagby et al. (2000),
Rogers et al. (1995), 10Berry et al. (1996), 11Elhai et al. (2000), 12Elhai et al. (2001), 13Frueh et al.

1994; Rogers et al., 1995; Sivec et al., 1994; Walters & Clopton, 2000; Wetter &
Deitsch, 1996) or psychiatric patient controls (e.g., Bagby, Buis, & Nicholson,
1995; Bagby et al., 1994, 2000; Berry et al., 1996; Elhai et al., 2000; Storm &
Graham, 2000; Wetter, Baer, Berry, & Reynolds, 1994; Wetter et al., 1993). In
regard to the MMPI-2, Greene (2000) noted that, “it clearly needs to be used in
evaluating whether the person is overreporting psychopathology” (p. 78). Rogers
et al. (2003) also strongly recommended interpreting this scale. We have extracted
the Ds and Dsr scores from numerous studies and presented them in tables 4.4and
4.5. The reader should note that these tables contain a mix of raw scores and T
Fake Bad Scale (FBS)
The Fake Bad Scale (FBS) is not one of the standard validity scales. It was
developed in 1991, two years after the MMPI-2 was published, to measure ex-
aggeration in personal injury litigation evaluations. According to Lees-Haley, En-
glish, and Glenn (1991), personal injury malingerers may present with a blended
fake good/fake bad response set. They portray themselves as premorbidly well
adjusted, high functioning, honest, conscientious, and hard working, yet currently
psychologically traumatized or disabled. These researchers developed the FBS
(Lees-Haley et al., 1991) to assess this response set. The scale consists of 43
questions. In the original study, medical outpatients were instructed to simulate
emotional distress under a variety of circumstances, such as in relation to a motor
vehicle accident, toxic exposure, or on-the-job stress (Lees-Haley et al., 1991).
For these three combined groups of experimental malingerers (N ⫽ 67), their
average score on the FBS was 25 (SD ⫽ 8.5).
Table 4.5. Dissimulation Index Revised (Ds-R) Raw Score* Performances in Known
group n m sd

Normal Control Subjects

Hospital Patients1 192 11.0 6.6
University Students2 95 57.2T 12.1
University Students3 90 11.7 4.6
University Students (Male)4 58 10.0 5.7
Psychiatric Patients
Outpatients (Mixed Diagnoses)5 42 16.4 7.2
Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses)3 95 12.7 5.6
Nonforensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Male)4 64 11.3 6.7
Nonforensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Female)4 65 12.1 6.3
Forensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Male)4 131 10.0 6.2
Forensic Inpatients (Mixed Diagnoses—Female)4 28 12.0 6.5
PTSD and Chronic Pain
Mixed Neurological/Chronic Pain (Nonlitigation)6 100 54.2T 10.1
Combat Veterans (Eval. for PTSD—Noncompensation)7 38 14.3 4.4
Mixed Neurological/Chronic Pain (Litigation)6 100 66.9T 17.2
Work Comp./Personal Injury Claimants—Psych Disorders8 289 63.8T 15.9
Combat Veterans (Eval. for PTSD—Compensation-Seeking)7 87 19.7 4.6
Analog Malingerers
Fake Psychiatric Problems (Psychiatric Outpatients)5 42 24.7 7.0
Fake Depression (University Students—Depression & Validity Info)2 112 83.2T 13.2
Fake Depression (University students—Depression Info Only)2 80 87.7T 14.6
Fake Depression (University Students—Validity Info Only)2 89 84.2T 15.7
Fake Depression (University Students—No Training)2 89 96.2T 12.5
Fake Psychiatric Problems (Uncoached)1 67 23.3 6.9
Fake Psychiatric Problems (Coached)1 93 16.4 5.6
Fake Depression (University Students—Successful Mal)2 111 75.4T 9.9
Fake Depression (University Students—Unsuccessful Mal)2 259 93.0T 13.4
Fake Bad (University Students)3 58 20.8 5.0
Students Instructed to “Fake Good”
Fake Bad (Male University Students)4 29 19.7 5.9
Fake Bad (Female University Students)4 45 21.0 4.5
Fake Good (Male University Students)4 14 12.4 5.4
Fake Good (Female University Students)4 56 13.7 4.7
Fake Good (University Students)3 67 6.3 3.2
*All values are raw scores with the exception of the denoted values that are T scores. All values have
been rounded to one decimal.
Source: 1Storm & Graham (2000), 2Walters & Clopton (2000), 3Bagby et al. (1994), 4Bagby et al.
(1995), 5Rogers et al. (1995), 6Meyers et al. (2002), 7Frueh et al. (1997), 8Fox et al. (1995).

Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 99

Lees-Haley (1992) identified a sample of personal injury litigants with

“pseudo-PTSD.” Pseudo-PTSD patients were those who (a) claimed to be suffer-
ing a psychological injury, (b) maintained that the injury was so severe that it
was disabling, (c) said it was due to an experience that was entirely implausible
as a candidate for PTSD Criterion A in DSM-III-R, and (d) scored T ⫽ 65 or
higher on both PK and PS, the posttraumatic stress disorder subscales of the
MMPI-2. On average, litigants with pseudo-PTSD scored 27.1 (SD ⫽ 5.2) on the
FBS. For comparison, as reported by Greene (1997), the average score for men
in the MMPI-2 normative sample on the FBS was 11.7 (SD ⫽ 3.8) and for women
13.8 (SD ⫽ 4.1). Greiffenstein, Baker, Axelrod, Peck, and Gervais (2004) also
reported high FBS scores in personal injury litigants with improbable posttrau-
matic stress claims (M ⫽ 29.1, SD ⫽ 5.0).
Although the FBS was originally oriented toward emotional distress injuries,
researchers have shown that it is useful for detecting “somatic malingering” (Lar-
rabee, 1997, 1998). Somatic malingering is characterized by major exaggeration
of both physical and psychological problems. It appears most likely to occur in
patients with chronic pain and/or mild traumatic brain injuries (and an alleged
persistent postconcussion syndrome). Larrabee (1997) suggested that “somatic
malingering should be considered whenever elevations on scales 1 and 3 exceed
T ⫽ 80, accompanied by a significant elevation on the FBS” (p. 203).
The FBS has been used successfully in numerous studies involving litigating
patients with mild traumatic brain injuries or other conditions believed to at least
mildly affect their cognitive and psychological functioning. The FBS has been
shown to be more accurate for identifying exaggeration than the traditional
MMPI-2 validity scales in several studies (Greiffenstein, Baker, Gola, Donders,
& Miller, 2002; Larrabee, 2003a; Ross, Millis, Krukowski, Putnam, & Adams,
2004). Larrabee (2003b) combined the FBS with atypical performance patterns
on standard neuropsychological tests to successfully identify malingering. In a
recent study involving MTBI litigants, ROC curve analysis revealed that a cutoff
score of 21 had a sensitivity of 90%, specificity of 90%, and an overall correct
classificatory rate of 90% (Ross et al., 2004).
Tsushima and Tsushima (2001) found that the FBS was the only validity scale
that differentiated a large sample of personal injury litigants from a sample of
clinical patients. They concluded that high FBS scores could be affected by liti-
gation stress and exaggeration, and further noted that their data were consistent
with the growing evidence that personal injury litigants tend to demonstrate so-
matic preoccupation and symptom overreporting on the MMPI-2.
It should be noted that, based on available cutoff scores and a large data set,
the majority of personal injury litigants do not appear to frankly exaggerate on
the FBS (Lees-Haley, 1997). Therefore, elevations, when they occur, likely are
clinically meaningful. Greene (2000) recommended additional research with the
FBS based on its low correlation with the infrequency scales (thus, its unique
Table 4.6. Fake Bad Scale Scores in Known Groups
group n mean sd

Normal Control Subjects

MMPI-2 Normative Sample Males1 1,138 11.7 3.8
MMPI-2 Normative Sample Females1 1,462 13.8 4.1
Federal Prison Inmates Minimum Security Males2 25 9.8 4.1
Medical Patients
Traumatic Brain Injury3 59 14.6 4.7
Severe Traumatic Brain Injury4 15 15.4 5.2
Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury4 12 16.6 7.0
Mixed Neurological Group4 13 15.8 3.2
Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury5 29 15.7 6.0
Medical Outpatients Transplant Candidates Males2 20 15.3 7.6
Chronic Pain6 100 19.0 5.5
Psychiatric Patients
MMPI-2 Psychiatric Sample Estimated Scores for Males7 — 16.9 —
MMPI-2 Psychiatric Sample Estimated Scores for Females7 — 19.1 —
Patients with Chronic Psychiatric Problems8 42 22.1 5.8
Male Veterans Inpatient Substance Abuse Unit2 25 15.6 6.4
Psychiatric and Medical Patients9 208 17.1 5.7
Patients with Depression10 48 22.0 5.5
Psychiatric Patients10 50 18.5 6.6
Psychiatric Patients4 14 18.2 5.0
Posttraumatic Stress11 48 20.2 5.9
Child Custody Litigants12
No Alleged Abuse Males — 13.8 3.0
No Alleged Abuse Females — 13.8 3.0
Alleged Physical Abuse Males — 13.6 3.1
Alleged Physical Abuse Females — 15.1 3.6
Alleged Sexual Abuse Males — 13.5 3.1
Alleged Sexual Abuse Females — 16.0 3.5
Personal Injury Litigants
Head Trauma, Chronic Pain, or Both12 95 22.3 6.9
Unselected, Consecutive Litigants13 492 20.8 6.7
Personal Injury Litigants9 120 20.7 6.2
Atypical Mild Traumatic Brain Injury14 159 24.8 6.2
Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury14 68 17.6 6.5
Chronic Pain6 100 22.7 6.3
Improbable Posttraumatic Stress11 57 29.1 5.0
Major Trauma Posttraumatic Stress11 32 24.3 5.7
Personal Injury Litigants7 25 27.6 4.7
Litigants with Presumed Spurious PTSD Claims15 55 27.1 5.2
Analog Malingerers
Medical Outpatients: Simulate Emotional Distress from MVA7 16 26 6.7

Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 101

group n mean sd

Medical Outpatients: Simulate Emotional Distress from Toxic 15 21 9.6

Medical Outpatients: Simulate Emotional Distress from Job Stress7 36 27 8.0
Medical Outpatients: Total Analog Malingerers7 67 25 8.5
Patients with Psychiatric Problems: Malinger Severe Psychiatric 42 24.8 5.7
Federal Inmates: Malinger Severe Psychiatric Problems2 25 21.6 5.8
Sophisticated Malingerers Faking Depression10 23 28.4 4.4
Suspected Malingerers
Suspected Malingerers (MTBI and Neurotoxic Exposure Litigants)16 33 25.6 4.6
Mild Head Injury Litigants3 59 28.6 5.1
Mild Head Injury and Other Litigants5 24 26.4 5.2
Mild Head Injury and Other Litigants5 17 26.7 5.7
Note: In Posthuma & Harper (1998), there were 188 individuals involved in custody evaluations.
Source: 1Greene (1997), 2Iverson, Henrichs, Barton, & Allen (2002), 3Ross et al. (2004), 4Larrabee
(2003b), 5Larrabee (2003c), 6Meyers et al. (2002), 7Lees-Haley et al. (1991), 8Rogers et al. (1995),
Tsushima & Tsushima (2001), 10Bagby et al. (2000), 11Greiffenstein et al. (2004), 12Posthuma &
Harper (1998), 13Lees-Haley (1997), 14Greiffenstein et al. (2004), 15Lees-Haley (1992.) 16Larrabee

contribution to the assessment of validity). The performances of subjects in known

groups on the Fake Bad Scale are presented in table 4.6
Rogers et al. (1995) included the FBS in an analog malingering study using
psychiatric outpatients in a within-subjects design. This study found low sensi-
tivity of the FBS to the extreme exaggeration response set (mean F scale score
was 109.6) of chronically mentally ill outpatients and a problematic rate of false
positive classifications (19%) in the psychiatric patient sample. This, of course,
is not surprising because the FBS was not designed to detect malingered psy-
Butcher, Arbisi, Atlis, and McNulty (2003) have recently questioned the use
of the FBS for the purpose of detecting malingering. They completed a large-
scale study examining the psychometric characteristics of the FBS scale in more
than 20,000 MMPI-2 protocols that included 6,731 psychiatric outpatients, 2,897
individuals from a correctional facility, 4,408 patients from a chronic pain pro-
gram, 5,090 general medical patients, 901 Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital
inpatients, and 157 personal injury litigants. All protocols were obtained from
the National Computer Systems MMPI-2 archival data files. These authors present
malingering classification rates by group using four different cutoff scores: FBS
⬎20, ⬎22, ⬎24, and ⬎26. Using a cutoff score of 26, malingering classification
rates ranged from 2.3% to 23.9% for males, and 2.5% to 37.9% for females. The

lowest classification rates were for the correctional facility group for both men
and women, while the highest classification rates were for the VA inpatient sample
for men, and personal injury sample for women. The authors concluded that:

the results indicate that the FBS is more likely to measure general maladjustment
and somatic complaints rather than malingering. The rate of false positives produced
by the scale is unacceptably high, especially in psychiatric settings. The scale is
likely to classify an unacceptably large number of individuals who are experiencing
genuine psychological distress as malingerers. It is recommended that the FBS not
be used in clinical settings nor should it be used during disability evaluations to
determine malingering. (Butcher et al., 2003, pp. 473–474)

This study by Butcher et al. has been criticized on theoretical and methodo-
logical grounds (e.g., Greiffenstein et al., 2004; Greve & Bianchini, 2004; Lar-
rabee, 2003a; Lees-Haley & Fox, 2004). We believe the literature, as a whole,
supports the use of the Fake Bad Scale as an indicator of exaggeration in personal
injury cases (see table 4.6).

MMPI-2 Validity Index

Meyers, Millis, and Volkert (2002) developed the MMPI-2 Validity Index. The
Validity Index combines seven validity scales from the MMPI-2 (i.e., F-K, F,
FBS, F(p), Dsr, Es, and O-S). Each validity index is assigned a weighting of one
or two points based on an arbitrarily defined score range on each validity scale.
Scores on the Validity Index can range from 0 to 14. A cutoff score of 5 or higher
was recommended as a preliminary criterion for exaggeration based on the Va-
lidity Index scores of 100 nonlitigant chronic pain patients, 100 litigating chronic
pain patients, and 30 sophisticated simulators instructed to feign the emotional
and cognitive difficulties demonstrated by chronic pain patients. Using a cutoff
score of 5 or above, 100% of nonlitigant chronic pain patients were successfully
classified as honest responders, and 86% of the simulators were correctly iden-
tified as exaggerating symptomatology. In the litigating chronic pain patients sam-
ple, 33% scored 5 points or higher on this index. These authors conclude that the
MMPI-2 Validity Index appears to be superior to any single validity scale; how-
ever, replication of these findings was recommended.
In a recently presented Australian MMPI-2 study, Senior, Lange, and Douglas
(2003) examined base rates of MMPI-2 Validity Index scores in 1,038 personal
injury litigants referred for psychiatric evaluation and/or neuropsychological as-
sessment, 310 community controls, and 25 confirmed malingerers. Using the rec-
ommended cutoff score of ⫽5, 76% of the confirmed malingerers were correctly
classified using the Validity Index. The presumed false positive error rate in com-
munity controls was 7.1%. Several large subsamples of litigants were evaluated.
The breakdown of litigants by diagnostic group who scored 5 or higher was as
follows: depression (n ⫽ 136) ⫽ 33.1%, PTSD (n ⫽ 116) ⫽ 39.7%, chronic pain
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 103

(n ⫽ 248) ⫽ 22.2%, and alleged traumatic brain injury (n ⫽ 156) ⫽ 25.6%.

These results suggest that the recommended cutoff score of 5 or higher on the
Validity Index might be too low. Of course, it is not possible to know what
percentage of these litigating patients might be exaggerating or frankly malin-

There is a tremendous body of literature relating to exaggeration and malingering
on the MMPI-2. There are several recent summaries of this literature (e.g., Guriel
& Fremouw, 2003; Lees-Haley et al., 2002; Rogers et al., 2003). There is clear
and compelling evidence that experimental malingerers produce elevations on
multiple validity scales and indices. Thus, various MMPI-2 scales and indices are
sensitive to exaggeration and malingering.
Clinicians are rightfully concerned about falsely labeling someone as exag-
gerating or malingering. We think that some clinicians are too conservative and
others are too liberal when they interpret the MMPI-2 validity scales and indices.
We hope that the data provided in tables 4.1 to 4.6 are useful for better under-
standing individuals’ scores in relation to known groups.
Cutoff T scores for five MMPI-2 validity scales are provided in table 4.7. These
cutoffs were derived from the recent meta-analysis by Rogers et al. (2003). Ag-

Table 4.7. Cutoff T Scores for Five MMPI-2 Validity Scales and Indices for Patients
with Depression, PTSD, or Heterogeneous Diagnoses
group f fb f(p) subtle ds

Depression 71.7 82.0 59.9 79.1 64.4

(21.6) (24.2) (17.4) (61.6) (15.0)
90th Percentile 99 113 82 158 84
PTSD 86.3 92.3 69.0 182.2 68.4
(21.6) (24.6) (21.0) (71.8) (14.6)
90th Percentile 114 124 96 274 87
Schizophrenia 80.1 79.4 66.7 58.6 65.7
(23.2) (24.3) (20.1) (91.6) (16.2)
90th Percentile 110 110 92 176 86.4
Mixed Diagnoses 75.6 79.2 60.0 73.8 54.8
(23.7) (24.8) (19.0) (91.1) (14.2)
90th Percentile 106 111 84 190.4 73
Note: The 90th percentile was calculated by multiplying the standard deviation by 1.28 and adding
it to the mean.
Source: The means and standard deviations (in parentheses) are derived from table 4 in Rogers et al.
(2003) meta-analysis.

Table 4.8. Cutoff Scores for Various MMPI-2 Validity Scales and Indices
Rogers et al. (2003) Caldwell Data
Meta-Analysis (Greene, 2000)
93rd 98th
99.9% percentile percentile
general average normative psychiatric psychiatric
scale / index population cutoff cutoff patients patients

F 17 20 105T 17 24
F-K 11 12 18 7 15
FB 14 18 117T 14 20
F(p) 8 7 98T 4 7
Obvious-Subtle 197 156 256 186 240
Ds 32 35 91T 28 35
Lachar-Wrobel 62 74 80 60 73

Note: Obvious minus Subtle (O-S) scores are T-difference scores. All scores are raw scores unless
followed by a “T.” The cutoff scores for the MMPI-2 normative sample (i.e., “general population”)
were derived from Greene (2000). The Caldwell clinical dataset consists of 52,543 psychiatric in-
patients and outpatients. The cutoff scores for the 93rd and 98th percentiles are derived from Greene
(2000). The “average cutoff ” is the mean cutoff score reported in table 5 of the Rogers et al. (2003)
meta-analysis. The “normative cutoff ” score represents the 98th percentile for the entire patient sample
in the meta-analysis.

gregated means and standard deviations for four patient groups are provided. The
T score corresponding to the 90th percentile for each patient group was calculated.
For example, 90% of patients with depression are expected to have T scores less
than or equal to 99 on F, 113 on Fb, 82 on F(p), 158 on O-S, and 84 on Ds.
Patients scoring above these cutoffs have unusually high scores. Note that the
data from the PTSD group is heavily influenced by the fact that most studies have
been conducted with combat veterans. When patients score above these cutoffs,
they are endorsing symptoms in an atypical manner, which might reflect exag-
geration or malingering.
Table 4.8 also is useful for evaluating several validity scales. The cutoff scores
for the 99.9th percentile in the general population are provided. Notice that the
average cutoff scores across studies reviewed in the Rogers et al. (2003) meta-
analysis are quite similar to the scores corresponding to the 99.9th percentile for
healthy adults. The final three columns represent T scores and raw scores that are
unusual or rare in presumed genuine psychiatric patients.

Structured Inventory of Malingered

Symptomatology (SIMS)
The Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (Smith & Burger,
1997) is a brief paper-and-pencil screening measure designed to detect exagger-
ated psychological and subjective cognitive complaints. The SIMS consists of 75
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 105

true/false items grouped into five subscales, with 15 items in each subscale. The
five subscales consist of five different conditions commonly feigned by individ-
uals: low intelligence, affective disorders, neurological impairment, psychosis,
and amnestic disorders. Many items were generated based on characteristics of
malingerers reported in the literature, and other items were selected and modified
based on questions appearing in other tests. The detection of deviant or malin-
gered response patterns is based on three strategies: (a) endorsement of bizarre
experiences (e.g., “Sometimes my muscles go limp for no apparent reason so that
my arms and legs feel as though they weigh a ton”), (b) highly atypical symptoms
(e.g., “At times, I am so depressed I welcome going to bed early to ‘sleep it
off’ ”), and (c) approximate answers (e.g., If you have $1.50 and I take fifty cents
away, you will have 75 cents left”; Merckelback & Smith, 2003).
A few analog malingering studies have been conducted with the SIMS. In the
initial development, Smith and Burger (1997) reported high sensitivity (95.6%)
and specificity (87.9%) for total SIMS scores (using a cutoff score of 14) to
differentiate honest responders versus those instructed to simulate a specific psy-
chological disorder corresponding to one of the SIMS subscales. Moderate to
high sensitivity (i.e., 74.6% to 88.3%) and specificity (51.5% to 90.69%) values
were reported when using the subscales alone. In a similar study, Edens, Otto,
and Dwyer (1999) examined the ability of the SIMS to detect individuals in-
structed to fake depression, psychosis, or cognitive impairment. High sensitivity
and specificity values were found for the SIMS affective disorders subscale
(81.5% and 100%, respectively), psychosis subscale (93.2% and 91.5%), and the
neurological impairment subscale (93.1% and 94.4%) to detect their correspond-
ing experimental malingering group. The SIMS total score also showed high
sensitivity and specificity values to differentiate honest responders from all ma-
lingering groups regardless of their feigned disorder (96.4% and 91.3%, respec-
Rogers, Hinds, and Sewell (1996) conducted an analog malingering study
using adolescent offenders. Participants completed the SIMS on two occasions,
once under honest conditions, and again under instructions to fake major depres-
sion, generalized anxiety disorder, or schizophrenia. Predictive power values were
calculated for the total score and each of the five subscales. Using a cutoff score
of 16, the SIMS total score demonstrated high positive predictive power (PPP ⫽
.87) but only moderate negative predictive power value (NPP ⫽ .62) for differ-
entiating honest responders from experimental malingerers. The highest PPP was
reported for the affective disorders scale (PPP ⫽ .91) and the highest NPP for
the low intelligence Scale (NPP ⫽ .81). The best overall SIMS score was the
Low Intelligence Scale (PPP ⫽ .91 and NPP ⫽ .70).
Lewis, Simcox, and Berry (2002) examined the clinical usefulness of the SIMS
and selected MMPI-2 validity scales (F, F-K, FB, F(p)) to differentiate faking from
honest responding in 55 federal prison inmates undergoing pretrial psychological

evaluations for competency to stand trial or criminal responsibility. Of this group,

31 were classified as honest responders and 24 as feigning, based on Structured
Interview of Reported Symptoms (SIRS) scores. Using a cutoff score of 16, SIMS
total scores demonstrated high sensitivity (1.00) and negative predictive power
(1.00) values, and moderate specificity (.61) and positive predictive power (.54)
values for identifying suspected malingerers from honest responders. Compared
to the SIMS total scores, MMPI-2 validity scales had lower sensitivity (.50 to .83)
and negative predictive power (.81 to .91) values, but higher specificity (.94
to 1.00) and positive predictive power (.86 to 1.00). These authors concluded
that both tests have potential as a screen for malingering. However, these re-
sults suggest that the MMPI-2 validity scales were more useful than SIMS total
scores at identifying suspected exaggerators, while SIMS total scores were more
useful than MMPI-2 validity scales at identifying individuals who were honest
In the most recent study, Merckelbach and Smith (2003) examined the ability
of a Dutch translation of the SIMS to differentiate 241 honest responders (231
university students, 10 patients) from 57 university students instructed to feign
amnesia, schizophrenia, or neurological disease. Using the recommended cutoff
score of 16 for the total score on the SIMS, high sensitivity (.93), specificity (.98),
positive predictive power (.90), and negative predictive power (.98) values were
demonstrated for the SIMS to differentiate individuals instructed to feign a dis-
order from honest responders. These authors conclude that these results “provide
a basis for cautious optimism regarding the usefulness of the SIMS as a screening
tool for malingering” (p. 152).

Malingering Probability Scale (MPS)

The MPS (Silverton & Gruber, 1998) is a 139-item true/false self-report inventory
designed to “assess whether an individual is attempting to produce false evidence
of psychological distress” (p. 1). These statements are similar in appearance to
MMPI-2 items. The test contains two validity scales: (1) the Inconsistency Scale
measures consistency of responding to items, and (2) the Malingering Scale is
comprised of statements that describe spurious yet seemingly authentic symptoms
of psychological distress. Spurious psychological distress items parallel symp-
toms associated with depression and anxiety, dissociative disorders, posttraumatic
stress disorder, and schizophrenia. Although the MPS was designed primarily as
a tool to assess exaggeration of psychological distress, as a secondary purpose,
the MPS also provides four clinical scales that assess the presence of bona fide
psychological distress in the four areas above. These items were included to pro-
vide a context in which the foil items for the Malingering Scale could be included.
The distinction between real (e.g., “I hear voices”) and false (e.g., “I am bothered
by voices in my head”) symptoms was designed to be subtle and difficult for
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 107

individuals who have not experienced such symptomatology to differentiate with-

out sufficient understanding of the relevant scientific literature.
The two validity and four clinical scales can be interpreted using T scores. For
the clinical scales, when the inconsistency and malingering results indicate that
the responses to the MPS are meaningful, scores of 60T or higher on depression,
dissociative disorder, and posttraumatic stress, and 65T or higher on schizophrenia
are considered to be elevated. For the validity scales, inconsistency scores of 70T
or higher indicate inconsistent responding. For the Malingering Scale, “if the INC
score is not elevated, a MAL score of 70T or higher can be considered an initial
strong indicator of an effort to exaggerate or simulate psychological distress”
(Silverton & Gruber, 1998, p. 6). However, a more sophisticated interpretation of
the Malingering Scale is offered in the test manual, and the authors suggest that
the interpretation of the T score for the Malingering Scale should only be con-
sidered preliminary. Rather, they propose that the conclusion of whether a person
is exaggerating or malingering be coined in terms of a probability score (e.g.,
80% probability of malingering) rather than using a cutoff score to render a
dichotomous classification. In addition, the probability score varies depending on
the a priori expectation of malingering base rates in a certain population or setting
(e.g., personal injury litigants vs. hospital patients). For example, for a score of
80T on the malingering scale, the probability of malingering will be either 97%,
88%, and 76%, depending on whether the expected base rate of malingering in
that particular setting is assumed to be 50%, 20%, or 10%, respectively.
The majority of the research using the MPS has been undertaken as part of
the test development, with Silverton and Gruber (1998) reporting high sensitivity
(i.e., 80% to 90%) and specificity (94% to 96%) of the MPS validity scales to
differentiate honest responding from feigned psychological symptoms in a sample
of university students and prison inmates. Higher base rates of invalid MPS pro-
tocols were also reported in forensic/workers’ compensation settings versus clin-
ical outpatients. To our knowledge, the only other study using the MPS is by
Leark, Charlton, Allen, and Gruber (2000). In an unpublished analog malingering
study, they examined the ability of the MPS to detect faked symptoms in 54
individuals instructed to feign psychological distress under “simple faking” (i.e.,
feign distress instructions), “motivated faking” (i.e., financial incentive), and
“honest responding” conditions. Statistically significant differences were found
between the honest responding condition and both the simple faking and moti-
vated faking conditions, while no differences were found between the two faking

Effort Tests in Neuropsychology

Some of the most sophisticated tests and procedures for detecting exaggeration
have been developed in clinical and forensic neuropsychology. Essentially, these

tests measure exaggeration by inference; they actually measure poor effort (a.k.a.
suboptimal effort, nonoptimal effort, incomplete effort, or negative response bias).
Specifically, there are numerous empirically validated procedures for determining
whether a patient, or plaintiff, is underperforming during neuropsychological test-
ing. One explanation for poor effort is a deliberate attempt to make oneself look
cognitively compromised due to an alleged neurological or psychological injury.
There are two approaches to detecting poor effort in neuropsychology. First,
researchers have examined performance patterns on specific neuropsychological
tests or test batteries that (a) are uncommon in healthy people, (b) are uncommon
in patients with psychiatric conditions, brain injuries, or brain diseases, yet (c)
are relatively common in people known or suspected to be exaggerating and/or
malingering. Second, researchers have developed specialized tests designed spe-
cifically to detect poor effort. The potential use of a specialized test in civil fo-
rensic psychological evaluations is illustrated in the following section.

Test of Memory Malingering

The Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) (Tombaugh, 1997) is a traditional
symptom validity test. Fifty target line drawings are presented to the patient and
then a two-alternative forced-choice recognition task is administered (Trial 1).
The procedure is repeated for Trial 2. After approximately 10–15 minutes, a
retention test is given in which the original 50 items are paired with distracters.
The TOMM appears difficult, but is actually quite easy. For example, Tom-
baugh (1997) administered the test to a sample of 70 community dwelling adults.
On average, these subjects correctly recalled 47.8 pictures on Trial 1, 49.9 pictures
on Trial 2, and 49.9 pictures on the retention trial. Moreover, Tombaugh reported
scores from several groups of patients with brain injuries and diseases. In general,
these patients performed well on the TOMM, indicating that the test is not very
sensitive to the effects of acquired brain damage, but instead measures effort.
Tombaugh recommends that a cutoff score of 45 for either Trial 2 or the
retention trial be used as an index for poor effort. This cutoff score has repeatedly
been supported in the literature. A significant proportion of patients with dementia
score below the cutoff (Teichner & Wagner, 2004; Tombaugh, 1997). However,
no other patient group reported in the literature is likely to fail the test.
Therefore, if a litigant with alleged depression, PTSD, chronic pain, a persist-
ent postconcussion syndrome, or some combination of diagnoses scores below
the cutoff, the most probable explanation is poor effort. People don’t fail the test
because of concentration problems, depression, anxiety, or pain. Rees, Tombaugh,
and Boulay (2001) administered the test to 26 patients with such severe depression
that they were admitted to a psychiatric unit; no patient failed the test. Ashendorf,
Constantinou, and McCaffrey (2004) administered the test to 197 older commu-
nity dwelling adults (average age ⫽ 64.6, SD ⫽ 5.5). They identified subgroups
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 109

with at least mild depression, mild anxiety on the day of testing, and mild anxiety
in general. Not a single older adult, regardless of psychological state, failed the
TOMM. LePage, Iverson, Koehler, Shojania, and Badii (2004) gave the test to 56
community dwelling patients with fibromyalgia. This group reported considerable
pain, symptoms of depression, and functional problems associated with their con-
dition; however, no patient failed the test. The TOMM is a very simple test, passed
easily by children (Constantinou & McCaffrey, 2003). Even patients with aphasia
or traumatic brain injuries pass the test without difficulty (Rees, Tombaugh, Gan-
sler, & Moczynski, 1998; Tombaugh, 1997).
We believe the TOMM is useful in civil forensic psychological evaluations as
a measure of effort. By inference, it can be used in some cases as a measure of
exaggerated cognitive impairment associated with depression or another psycho-
logical condition. It should not, however, be considered a direct measure of ex-
aggerated symptoms. Weinborn, Orr, Woods, Conover, and Feix (2003) reported
that the test is useful in criminal forensic psychological evaluations involving
competency to stand trial. They reported a very high failure rate, for example, in
patients with pending murder charges. It is essential to appreciate, however, that
the TOMM is highly specific to exaggeration, but its sensitivity varies; that is, it
will fail to identify a subset of people who are exaggerating. Researchers have
shown that the TOMM is less accurate for identifying exaggeration than some of
the other effort tests (Gervais, Rohling, Green, & Ford, 2004; Tan, Slick, Strauss,
& Hultsch, 2002). Therefore, it would be a mistake to conclude definitively
that someone who passes the TOMM (or any single effort test, for that matter)
has given full and complete effort throughout the entire evaluation. This is sim-
ply one test performance. The proper conclusion is that the person passed the
TOMM; thus, there wasn’t obvious evidence of poor effort as measured by this
test. To be clear, the TOMM is useful for identifying poor effort (although it will
miss some cases), but it cannot be used to make definitive statements about good


Every civil forensic psychological evaluation should include careful assessment

for exaggeration and malingering. To determine if someone is malingering, the
psychologist must establish that the patient is deliberately exaggerating or fabri-
cating symptoms or intentionally performing poorly on testing. By definition, this
must be judged to be goal-directed behavior designed to achieve a readily iden-
tifiable external incentive (American Psychiatric Association, 1994; Slick, Sher-
man, & Iverson, 1999). The identification of malingering requires careful con-
sideration of multiple sources of data and the systematic ruling out of several

differential diagnoses. It is much easier to determine if a person is exaggerating

problems or providing poor effort during testing than it is to determine if he or
she is malingering.
Some clinicians rather naı̈vely propose that because a person has, or had, a
clearly identifiable psychiatric condition, he or she couldn’t be malingering. Ob-
viously, it is possible to malinger within the course of depression or PTSD, or to
malinger in the presence of observed structural brain damage following a trau-
matic brain injury. To say otherwise is tantamount to suggesting that the person
could not engage in goal-directed behavior. The systematic process of considering
multiple differential diagnoses and factors is needed to determine if one or more
of these can completely account for the observed exaggeration of symptoms or
poor effort on tests. Important differential diagnoses to consider are factitious
disorder, somatization disorder, somatoform disorder NOS, hypochondriasis, and
conversion disorder.

Detecting Exaggeration on Specific Tests

There is a tremendous amount of research relating to detecting exaggeration on
the MMPI-2. Much of the analog malingering research has suggested that the
traditional and supplemental infrequency validity scales, such as F, FB, and F(p)
are effective for identifying exaggeration. There is no doubt that some personal
injury litigants will substantially elevate these scales. This often represents frank
and somewhat unsophisticated exaggeration. It is important to note, however, that
these scales are more appropriate for identifying exaggeration of severe mental
illness, such as in criminal forensic evaluations involving competency to stand
trial. Validity scales and indices that can be particularly useful for identifying
exaggeration in civil forensic evaluations include the Fake Bad Scale, Obvious-
Subtle Scales, and the Dissimulation Scale. Cutoff scores that are highly improb-
able in the healthy population and in psychiatric patients are provided in tables
4.7 and 4.8. Essentially, this is a form of “psychological severity indexing.” Scores
that fall in such an extreme range require thoughtful and objective comment, and
it would be inappropriate for a psychologist to ignore or dismiss them.
The Personality Assessment Inventory is a well-designed and validated mea-
sure for identifying psychological, behavioral, and personality problems. The
healthy normative sample and the clinical comparison sample are impressive. One
method of screening for exaggeration is to determine whether the person’s symp-
tom reporting seems extreme relative to the clinical sample. If so, do the assess-
ment results converge to suggest that this is reflective of the person’s true con-
dition? That is, when considering interview findings, behavioral observation,
medical records, and other collateral information, does it make sense that the
person could be experiencing the extreme symptoms and problems? Psychologists
should be cautious about overrelying on the Negative Impression Management
(NIM) or the Malingering Index. These measures are more likely to detect ex-
Exaggeration and Malingering in Psychological Injury Claims 111

treme and bizarre symptom reporting, such as that seen in a criminal forensic
evaluation of someone who is faking insanity. These measures are considerably
less sensitive to exaggeration in civil forensic evaluations.
The Malingering Probability Scale and the Structured Inventory of Malingered
Symptomatology have solid empirical support as useful measures for detecting
exaggeration. We recommend that psychologists use these measures cautiously,
however, as one source of information regarding whether a person might be ex-
aggerating. More research is needed to (a) better understand how people exag-
gerate, and (b) document the performances of nonexaggerating clinical groups (in
order to create tables such as those for the MMPI-2).
We believe that effort tests (i.e., the so-called malingering tests) are useful in
civil forensic psychological evaluations. By inference, poor effort might reflect
exaggerated memory or cognitive problems. As a general rule, most of the effort
tests are not adversely affected by anxiety, depression, pain, or other psychological
factors. Essentially, they should be considered effortless tests of effort. Therefore,
when a person frankly fails one of the well-validated effort tests, such as the
TOMM, it is inappropriate to conclude that the failure was due to depression,
anxiety, or both unless there is compelling evidence to support this inference (such
as the patient had profound psychomotor retardation and seemed to provide a
number of random responses on the test). This is because researchers have dem-
onstrated repeatedly that patients with psychiatric conditions do not fail these
simple effort tests. When failure occurs, the most likely conclusion is that the
person was underperforming; if the poor effort was an attempt to appear cogni-
tively impaired and to influence the outcome of personal injury litigation, then
this would be malingering. Some clinicians mistakenly assume that if a person
passes an effort test, this means he or she gave full and complete effort throughout
the evaluation and there is no evidence of exaggeration or malingering. It is
reasonable to conclude that there was no obvious evidence of poor effort (if this
is supported by the rest of the test data), but it is not reasonable to infer good
effort throughout the evaluation based on this single test result.

Approach to Assessment
Malingering should not be inferred from a single test; rather, this conclusion is
derived from converging evidence that the person was deliberately exaggerating
symptoms and/or performing poorly on testing to increase the probability of ob-
taining an obvious external incentive. It is possible that a person scoring below
an empirically derived cutoff score on a single test designed to detect poor effort
could (a) be a false positive, or (b) could have performed poorly, even deliberately,
for reasons other than those associated with malingering (e.g., general uncoop-
erativeness or severe psychiatric disturbance). It is possible that a person might
deliberately exaggerate or fabricate symptoms, yet not be malingering. The best
example would be someone with a factitious disorder. It is also possible that a

person could exaggerate symptoms out of desperation to be taken seriously (e.g.,

the so-called cry for help), or to be manipulative for interpersonal reasons (e.g.,
borderline personality disorder).
To sort out the complexities of differential explanations and diagnoses, it is
often important to consider (a) behavioral observations, (b) interview data, (c)
collateral records, (d) collateral interviews, and (e) psychological test results.
Before concluding that a person is malingering, the clinician should systemati-
cally rule out alternative explanations for the behavior. Psychologists have an
ethical responsibility to report assessment results fairly, accurately, and objec-
tively. When there is clear evidence of exaggeration, this should be stated plainly
in one’s report; it should not be dismissed or obfuscated. The failure to accurately
report presumed exaggeration would be tantamount to inaccurately reporting
symptoms of depression. Exaggeration, of course, does not equal malingering, so
it would be irresponsible and unethical for a clinician to conclude that a person
is malingering simply because he or she appeared to be exaggerating. We should
be very cautious in our assumptions regarding malingering; the clinician should
have persuasive converging evidence before reaching this conclusion.
Common Vulnerabilities in
Psychological Evidence

The truth is rarely pure, and never simple.

—Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest (1895)

Oscar Wilde, as quoted above, could easily have been writing about expert tes-
timony in the modern day courtroom. Expert opinions about the existence and
causality of psychological injuries are complex reconstructions of the nature and
history of a litigant’s mental health problems and the environmental and social
stresses that influence his/her well-being. These opinions are constructed from
sometimes questionable assumptions and potentially unreliable information. Un-
fortunately, expert witnesses all too frequently portray the nature of plaintiff in-
juries in an overly definitive and simplistic manner, leading to poor—and some-
times unethical—practices. Current ethical standards in forensic psychology
require psychologists to be both fair and accurate in their written and oral opinions
(e.g., Committee on Ethical Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists, 1991).

Differences Between Forensic and

Therapeutic Assessment

Forensic assessment of psychological injuries differs from standard clinical as-

sessment on a number of dimensions. As noted by Melton, Petrila, Poythress, and
Slobogin, (1997), the individual claimant’s perspective is less important in a fo-
rensic assessment than it would be in a clinical assessment. While a clinician

solicits the client’s perspective on his/her problems both to facilitate treatment

planning and rapport, a forensic assessor solicits the claimant’s perspective as
one of several sources of information about the nature, severity, and history of
the claimant’s problems. The clinician’s concern is in his patient’s best interest.
The forensic assessor’s goal is to provide a coherent and accurate description
of the claimant. Thus, forensic assessments of psychological injuries require a
broader range of information than the claimant’s self-report.
Claimants should be warned of the differences between forensic and clinical
assessments. Most psychological injury claimants are participating in the assess-
ment reluctantly, either because of their fear of an untoward result (“the insurer
won’t pay my claim”) or because of the apparent intrusiveness and loss of con-
fidentiality. In the case of psychological trauma, claimants may resist the assess-
ment process because they fear bringing up old memories that have been partially
suppressed, or because they feel that the defendant (e.g., an alleged sexual ha-
rasser) will have inappropriate access to their personal history.
Given the potential for financial compensation to alter the claimant’s self-
description, forensic assessors must be vigilant to threats that may affect the
validity of the assessment process. Such threats come from the claimants them-
selves (e.g., motivation for compensation, defensiveness about self-disclosure),
attorneys (e.g., coaching), family members (e.g., through motivation to see their
loved one compensated), and representatives of the defense (e.g., through adver-
sarial actions that contribute to the claimant’s distress). What Melton et al. (1997,
p. 45) call the “pace and setting” differences between clinical and forensic as-
sessments refers to the fact that forensic assessments are typically arranged on a
one-time-only basis. Thus, the forensic assessment is a “snapshot” of the claimant
without the opportunity of observing waxing and waning of symptoms over time,
albeit forensic assessments are more often supplemented with historical records,
collateral sources, and more sophisticated assessment tools than are clinical as-
Heilbrun (2001, table 1.2 particularly) has provided a useful analysis of the
differences between forensic and therapeutic assessment. Some of the main areas
of difference that he noted include: (a) the purpose of the assessment (diagnose/
treat vs. assist legal decisions), (b) relationship between assessor and assessed
(helping vs. independent roles), (c) identity of client (subject of assessment vs.
the court or lawyer), (d) standard of care (psychological/medical vs. legal), (e)
response style (honesty assumed vs. honesty not assumed), (f) clarification of
reasoning and limits of knowledge (not typically done formally vs. typically done
formally), and (g) written report (brief vs. lengthy). Practitioners must be acutely
aware of these differences in order to competently provide forensic assessments.
Evaluators also need to be familiar with ethical and professional guidelines
that specifically apply to forensic work, such as the American Psychological
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 115

Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2002c,

especially section 9.01), and the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists
(Committee on Ethical Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists, 1991). It would
also be advisable for clinicians involved in forensic work to be familiar with
forensic commentators’ published counsel on ethics and standards of care in fo-
rensic assessment (e.g., Ogloff & Douglas, 2003).
Based on our previous discussions, we assume that mental health conditions
like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression are valid constructs and
are relevant to the legal arena of psychological injuries. In this chapter, we review
vulnerabilities in psychological evidence from a conceptual perspective. First, we
describe how biases and decision-making heuristics may affect forensic assess-
ments, followed by a discussion of the implications of assumed base rates of
mental health conditions for forensic assessment. We then discuss the differential
reliability of structured versus clinical interviews. Problems in the assessment of
psychological injuries are reviewed from a hypothesis testing perspective, dis-
cussing the following topics—identifying a psychological injury, attributing cau-
sality, determination of functional disability, and estimation of prognosis. In ad-
dition, the limitations of psychological tests with ethnic minorities are reviewed.
Finally, suggestions for cross-examination of expert evidence and promising areas
for research are presented. We also provide in tabular form suggestions for lim-
iting these vulnerabilities within forensic assessments. Specific case examples of
vulnerabilities in psychological evidence are provided in chapter 9.

Validity of Mental Health Diagnoses and

Psychological Injuries

The valid assessment of psychological injuries requires several elements: (a) a

valid mental health condition that is the focus of assessment; (b) structured, re-
liable, and valid assessment methods that are directly relevant to the legal ques-
tions at hand; (c) the systematic application of such valid assessment methods to
the individual case; and (d) the application of scientific knowledge about the
clinical course of such injuries to the individual case.

The Focus of Assessment Should Be a Valid

Mental Health Condition
While psychological injuries are not constrained to specific medical diagnoses
(e.g., PTSD, American Psychiatric Association, 2000), it is worthwhile using the
validity of medical diagnoses as a starting point in discussing validity issues in
forensic assessment. According to Syndeham (1753, cited in Rogers, 2001), a
medical disorder is composed of three necessary elements: (a) inclusion criteria

or the core characteristics of a disorder, (b) exclusion criteria or the characteristics

of the disorder that set it apart from other disorders, and (c) outcome criteria, that
is, the expected clinical course of the disorder. These elements still apply today.
With respect to PTSD for instance, we have a reasonably good understanding
of its core inclusion criteria. According to DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR (American
Psychiatric Association, 1994, 2000), these are: reexperiencing symptoms (e.g.,
nightmares, intrusive memories), hyperarousal symptoms (e.g., sleep disturbance,
irritability), effortful avoidance, and emotional numbing symptoms. Factor ana-
lytic research has been somewhat inconsistent in supporting the three sets of
criterion symptoms model of DSM. Some research (e.g., Taylor, Kuch, Koch,
Crockett, & Passey, 1998) has suggested that PTSD symptoms fit best within a
two-factor solution in which reexperiencing symptoms and effortful avoidance
vary together and hyperarousal and emotional numbing symptoms vary together,
while other research (e.g., Foa, Riggs, & Gershuny, 1995) suggests that three
factors (arousal and avoidance, emotional numbing, and reexperiencing symp-
toms) best described PTSD.
One comment stemming from the work on the factorial and construct validity
of PTSD requires statement here. Some symptoms appear to be more important
than others. Maes et al. (1998) reported that only Criterion C symptoms were
able to differentiate trauma victims with and without PTSD. Yet, the prevalence
of these symptoms was substantially lower than for Criteria B and D. This led
the researchers to argue that Criterion C, while largely responsible for PTSD, is
also too restrictive (or that B and D are too sensitive). For example, Schützwohl
and Maercker (1999) reported that certain subthreshold PTSD cases (people who
did not meet Criterion C) were more distressed on psychological measures than
were some people who met criteria for PTSD. They proposed that “partial PTSD”
be recognized as a legitimate classification option for persons who do not meet
criteria for PTSD but who clearly are traumatized. Although the clinical char-
acteristics of PTSD appear stable across different victim groups, giving credence
to PTSD’s status as a coherent construct and diagnosis, composed of reliable and
distinct, yet interrelated factors, the original tripartite conceptualization of PTSD
symptoms does not appear to be valid and avoidance/numbing symptoms appear
to largely control the differentiation of PTSD from non-PTSD cases under current
diagnostic guidelines.
A related issue is exposure to a traumatic stressor (Criterion A), in particular
the individual’s initial emotional response. The American Psychiatric Association
(2000) criteria require that “the person’s response involved intense fear, help-
lessness, or horror” (p. 467). The trauma survivor’s emotional response was first
included as part of the diagnostic criteria in DSM-IV (American Psychiatric As-
sociation, 1994). However, it is likely that this will be revised in the future to
include other forms of adverse emotional responses. Recent research (e.g., Bre-
win, Andrews, & Rose, 2000) suggests that intense emotions such as shame or
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 117

anger may mediate the development of PTSD. This has implications for both the
validity of the diagnosis (i.e., the precipitating emotional responses may be more
variable than the current DSM suggests) and for the forensic assessment of PTSD
claimants because it appears likely that shame and anger at perpetrators may be
important emotions that mediate between the traumatic event and subsequent
emotional disability.
True exclusionary criteria do not really exist for PTSD, as is evident by its
high degree of comorbidity with other anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders
(see chapter 3). The reader should note, therefore, that a forensic examiner cannot
logically rule out PTSD based on exclusion criteria, but rather must rule out the
disorder based on (a) the absence of criterion-required symptoms, (b) atypical
course characteristics (e.g., onset of symptoms temporally unrelated to trauma
exposure), or (c) alternative explanations (e.g., malingering). This means that
the task of diagnosing PTSD in a personal injury case requires close systematic
attention to diagnostic criteria, the temporal course of symptoms as they relate
to the subject trauma, and alternative explanations. Valid diagnoses also require
the assessor to be guided by formal, structured, and scientifically accepted pro-
Also, according to Syndeham, a condition should have a known clinical course.
In the case of PTSD, we know that not all trauma survivors develop PTSD (see
review by Bowman, 1999). Of those who do develop acute stress disorder (ASD)
or PTSD within the first few months posttrauma, as many as 50% remit from
clinical status within the first one to two years posttrauma (e.g., Blanchard &
Hickling, 1997). Unfortunately, somewhere in the vicinity of 10% of trauma sur-
vivors remain symptomatic for several years posttrauma (e.g., Mayou, Ehlers, &
Bryant, 2002). The safest conclusions about course characteristics of PTSD at
this time include: (a) a sizeable proportion of trauma-exposed survivors will ex-
perience substantial PTSD symptoms within the first month posttrauma; (b) of
those who do evidence distress, as many as 50% will spontaneously remit within
months of the trauma; and (c) upwards of 10% of survivors will develop a course
of PTSD in excess of one year.

Structured, Reliable, and Valid Assessment Methods

In chapter 3, we reviewed a variety of interview- and test-based assessment tools
for both PTSD and depression. According to Heilbrun (1992), psychological tests
used in forensic assessment should be of adequate reliability. It is clear that rea-
sonably reliable and valid assessment methods exist for the assessment of specific
mental health conditions, including those most likely to be a source of psycho-
logical injury claims. The use of established assessment instruments increases the
reliability, and hence validity, of clinical diagnoses and decisions. However, Heil-
brun (1992) also stated that tests should be applicable to the population and
purpose for which they are used. Major gaps still exist in the research base con-

cerning the reliability and validity of many of these instruments in compensation-

seeking samples, as well as in ethnocultural minority groups. Beyond this im-
portant gap in the research, our observations suggest that few forensic assessors
routinely use the majority of the tests reviewed above.

Systematic Application of Valid Assessment Methods to

Individual Cases

This section discusses biases and heuristics, as well as their impact on diagnostic
decision making. Subsequently, the implications of base rates for diagnosing men-
tal health conditions and the differences between semistructured and clinical in-
terviews are examined. Different ways in which evidence gathering can fail within
the context of forensic assessments are described, followed by a discussion of
issues with respect to the use of psychological tests with minority group members.

Biases and Heuristics

Clinicians and forensic assessors exhibit a number of biases and diagnostic heu-
ristics that negatively affect the validity of their assessments. While an exhaustive
review of types of biases is beyond the scope of this chapter, it is worthwhile
describing the following: illusory correlations, confirmatory bias, and confirma-
tory information-seeking bias, as well as ethnic and gender biases.

Illusory Correlation
Illusory correlation refers to the phenomenon in which clinicians observe that
two events co-occur within a limited sample and draw the conclusion that these
two events co-occur more commonly than they would in a more representative
sample. According to Garb (1998, p. 24), “Research on illusory correlations in-
dicates that clinicians frequently report correlations between test indicators and
personality traits or psychiatric symptoms when in fact no relations exist.” Read-
ers of forensic opinions should be alerted to the potential for illusory correlations
whenever they read the phrase “in my experience.”

Confirmatory Bias
Confirmatory bias refers to a cognitive process in which “clinicians knowingly
or unknowingly review patient information in such a way that they seek and attend
to information that can support but not counter their initial hypotheses” (Garb &
Boyle, 2003, p. 25). Thus, confirmatory bias affects the subsequent interpretation
of information gathered by the assessor in support of a favored hypothesis. Read-
ers of forensic assessments can detect such bias through the absence of discussion
of assessment results that would appear not to be consistent with the ultimate
conclusion given by the assessor.
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 119

Confirmatory Information-Seeking Bias

Confirmatory information-seeking bias refers to clinicians’ unbalanced search for
information that confirms their prior hypothesis about the patient while simulta-
neously neglecting to look for facts that might conflict with that initial diagnosis.
The difference between confirmatory bias and information-seeking bias is that
the prior reflects an interpretive bias, while the latter reflects the investigative
behavior of the clinician. For example, assessors may limit their inquiries in such
a way as to preclude finding evidence for either preexisting pathology (through
neglect of historical inquiry) or a breadth of other mental disorders (through
restriction of inquiry about current symptoms or problems). It is important to note
in this regard the findings of Ward, Beck, Mendelson, Mock, and Erbaugh (1962)
that almost one-third of the variability in diagnoses given by clinicians arises
from variations in what questions are asked by the examiner.
Perhaps the most common information-seeking bias shown by forensic asses-
sors is abandoning systematic symptom inquiry too early, presuming that patient
endorsement of prototypical symptoms of a disorder (e.g., nightmares for PTSD)
means that no further inquiry is necessary. In fact, empirical evidence suggests
that the avoidance and emotional numbing symptoms (e.g., thought suppression,
emotional distancing from others, and loss of interest in usual activities) are more
predictive of full PTSD than other symptoms (e.g., Maes et al., 1998). An exclu-
sive focus on reexperiencing symptoms will lead to overdiagnosis of PTSD.

Heuristics are simple rules clinicians use to make judgments or diagnoses. Cli-
nicians may develop a heuristic based on their clinical experience that allows
them to efficiently eliminate particular diagnoses from investigation without un-
due interview time. In fact, structured and semistructured diagnostic interviews
have heuristics built into them by design. All such interviews for PTSD, for
example, begin with a limited survey of the patient’s exposure to traumatic life
events. The limited number of such events routinely surveyed in such interviews
is itself a problem, as discussed in chapter 3. Next, interviewers for PTSD question
the patient about initial emotional responses such as fear of bodily injury, death,
or other serious outcome, as well as reactions to such threat with extreme fear,
horror, and feelings of helplessness (i.e. the peritraumatic response). Subse-
quently, all structured interviews ask the patient about the presence of intrusive
thought content related to the traumatic event (e.g., flashbacks, nightmares). Each
of these formal heuristics within structured interviews serves a gatekeeping pur-
pose. That is, one cannot earn a PTSD diagnosis if one has not: (a) had a traumatic
event, to which one (b) subsequently had an initial severe emotional response,
and then (c) suffered a significant number of intrusive thoughts, even if one were
to meet all other symptomatic criteria for PTSD.
Similarly, structured diagnostic methods utilize heuristics for the diagnosis of

depression. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis-

orders (DSM) (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), “The essential feature
of a Major Depressive Episode is a period of at least 2 weeks during which there
is either depressed mood or the loss of interest or pleasure in nearly all activities
. . . The symptoms must persist for most of the day, nearly every day” (p. 349).
It should be apparent to the reader that the restrictions above (at least two weeks,
nearly all activities, most of the day, nearly every day) are meant to create a
threshold of severity for determining clinically severe cases.
How do interview heuristics affect the determination of a major depressive
episode? Typically, the interviewer initially asks the subject whether he/she has
been feeling depressed, sad, empty, or whether he/she has lost interest or pleasure
in almost all usual activities. If the subject of the assessment denies experiencing
these symptoms, as well as responds negatively to a follow-up question intended
to determine whether family or friends have commented on his/her depression/
loss of interest, the inquiry about a potential major depression ends at that point.
This heuristic presumes that a sufficiently depressed subject of the assessment
will recognize his/her depressive affect or loss of interests or that someone in his/
her social environment will have brought this to his/her attention. This is likely
a safe bet for many who suffer a major depressive episode, but may not be the
case for those claimants who suffer disabling subclinical depressive symptoms or
who are lacking in insight about their distress. If the subject of the assessment
endorses depression or reduced interests, the interviewer then inquires whether
feelings of depression and lost interest have been present nearly every day over
the past two weeks, and then reviews the severity and presence (nearly every day)
of symptoms of altered appetite/weight, sleep disturbance, psychomotor retar-
dation/agitation, fatigue, excessive guilt, impaired concentration and suicidal ide-
ation. To meet criteria for a major depression, the subject must have five symp-
toms of sufficient severity and pervasiveness (nearly every day).
These heuristics generally are agreed upon by researchers in the area and are
encoded in the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, 2000). How-
ever, clinicians often devise their own idiosyncratic heuristics that may have sig-
nificant effects on the frequency and accuracy of their diagnoses of PTSD or any
other disorder. For example, some forensic assessors may not follow up on PTSD
symptom inquiries if the subject trauma is not objectively severe (e.g., a motor
vehicle accident not requiring hospital attendance), or if the claimant does not
endorse specific reexperiencing symptoms such as nightmares or flashbacks. Such
idiosyncratic heuristics ignore the fact that subjective appraisals of traumas are
more predictive of PTSD than objective measures of injury, and that nightmares
and flashbacks are only two of the five potential reexperiencing symptoms noted
in DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, 2000). Alternatively, an
optimistic examiner may diagnosis PTSD on the basis of reexperiencing symp-
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 121

toms without sufficient inquiry about avoidance/numbing symptoms. Individual

assessors may also devise idiosyncratic heuristics for inquiries about depression
(e.g., overemphasize vegetative symptoms such as reduced appetite, weight loss,
sleep disturbance over affective symptoms) that vary from formal diagnostic rules.
Sample cases illustrating idiosyncratic diagnostic heuristics that may hamper the
validity of forensic assessments are provided in chapter 9.
Two other sources of bias merit discussion here. First, it is clear that the pa-
tient’s ethnicity contributes significantly to clinician diagnoses independent of the
clinical presentation. For example, African Americans have been found to receive
more severe mental health diagnoses relative to Caucasians (Loring & Powell,
1988), while Caucasian counselors gave less-severe diagnoses to patients de-
scribed in vignettes as Native American than they did to patients described as
Caucasian (Allen, 1992). While it is not clear that ethnic minority status leads to
consistent over- or underdiagnosis of mental health problems, it appears that eth-
nic status can contribute inappropriately to clinicians’ diagnoses when clinical
data from patients may not differ at all (e.g., Allen, 1992). Such diagnostic bias
is particularly problematic given the absence of psychological tests with appro-
priate normative data for ethnic minority groups. We do not yet know whether
ethnic minority group members receive different diagnoses in psychological in-
jury evaluations. Given the increasingly multicultural nature of Western society,
this is an important area of future research.
Second, gender bias has been shown to occur in clinicians with respect to the
diagnosis of mental health conditions. Becker and Lamb (1994) surveyed 311
psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers (from a total of 1,080 mail-outs
for a 32% response rate), asking these professionals to rate goodness of fit of case
vignettes that contained both borderline personality disorder (BPD) and PTSD
symptoms and were otherwise identical, with the exception of the patients’ gen-
ders. Female cases were more likely to be given BPD diagnoses than were male
cases. Thus, forensic assessors must be aware of the potential for this form of
gender bias to affect their own opinions.

How Biases and Heuristics Influence Diagnoses

The process of forming a forensic conclusion concerning a psychological injury
requires several steps. When a forensic assessor receives a referral, the first task
is to formulate potential hypotheses to investigate. Each of these hypotheses must
be formulated in a manner that is subject to refutation. To clarify, the hypothesis
must be worded in such a fashion that it is possible to support or refute the
hypothesis via detailed assessment. For example: “Is this person suffering from
PTSD?” or “Is this person exaggerating or otherwise overreporting symptoms?”
One obvious source of diagnostic bias arises in the lawyer-assessor relation-
ship. Those forensic assessors who derive a disproportionate share of their refer-

rals from either defense or plaintiff counsel may be prone to diagnostic bias for
reasons described by Garb and Boyle (2003). That is, any assessor’s perception
of a particular clinical phenomenon such as PTSD is colored by the assessor’s
prior experience, by the preferred assessment methods, and by the unfortunate
absence of any feedback about prior diagnostic accuracy. In effect, plaintiff and
defense lawyers refer only partially overlapping samples of patients for assess-
ment. Defense lawyers initiate a forensic assessment because of their suspicions
that something is illegitimate about the claimant’s presentation, while plaintiff
lawyers refer a wider range of claimants. Thus, claimants referred by defense
counsel are a particular subset of a larger population of claimants. Consequently,
defense-hired experts may behave differently toward such claimants, and these
claimants may behave differently during examination than they would in the office
of a similar professional who is perceived to have a helping relationship with the
claimant (Melton et al., 1997).
If defense experts see such a unique subsample, they may alter their expecta-
tions and thus their assessment methods (e.g., greater use of malingering assess-
ment tools, more critical evaluation of complaints). Because very few personal
injury cases go to court for critical examination of assessment findings and be-
cause longitudinal assessment of personal injury claimants is virtually nonexis-
tent, forensic assessors do not obtain any feedback about the accuracy of their
diagnoses. This is why there is little opportunity for assessors to learn from ex-
perience, and why their idiosyncratic biases may not change over time (Garb &
Boyle, 2003).
Assessors who primarily consult to plaintiff counsel are no less prone to bias.
They typically see a broader sample of claimants so that “suspicious” cases com-
prise a smaller percentage of their practices. Their selection of assessment tools
thus varies from that of individuals who conduct primarily defense-initiated as-
sessments (e.g., fewer tests of malingering, less-critical acceptance of claimants’
self-descriptions). Plaintiff experts also suffer from the absence of feedback about
their diagnostic accuracy.
A critical and scientifically based assessor must formulate hypotheses in a
nonbiased fashion, so that all alternative hypotheses are given equal attention. We
use PTSD as an example, but the same process of hypothesis generation and
testing can be applied to psychological injuries more generally, even if they do
not conform strictly to DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) di-
agnoses. One way to combat biases is simply to be aware of them. More con-
cretely, evaluators are advised to incorporate some degree of structure into their
evaluations (i.e., structured interviews and tests), in order to attenuate subjectivity.
Later in this chapter, we review critical hypotheses that the forensic assessor must
test and the limits to reliable assessments with respect to each hypothesis.
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 123

Implications of Base Rates on Accurate Diagnosis

Bias within forensic assessments frequently occurs within the hypothesis gener-
ation phase of the assessment. For example, a forensic examiner may markedly
over- or underestimate the prevalence of PTSD to specific Criterion A traumatic
stressors. Such bias in hypothesis generation can then result in biased selection
of assessment tools. There are, for example, forensic assessments of PTSD claim-
ants in which the assessors have applied dated lifetime prevalence rates of PTSD
to suggest that only 1% of motor vehicle accident (MVA) victims develop PTSD.
This is a classic example of the misapplication of base rates, which can then lead
to underdetection of PTSD in claimants. The lifetime prevalence of PTSD within
the general population is not comparable to the conditional prevalence of PTSD
following an MVA or sexual assault.
There are three base rate scenarios of interest to this discussion. The lifetime
prevalence of a condition refers to the percentage of the general population who
will develop a condition during their lives; as reviewed in chapter 3, the lifetime
prevalence of PTSD in the general population is approximately 8%. The condi-
tional prevalence of PTSD refers to the percentage of trauma-exposed persons
who develop the disorder. According to the meta-analysis of Shercliffe (2001),
approximately 25% of crime victims, 15% of transportation or other technological
disaster victims, and 7% of life-threatening illness victims develop PTSD. Finally,
the treatment-seeking prevalence of a condition refers to the percentage of indi-
viduals who have a given condition and present for evaluation by specialists. This
percentage will arguably be much higher than the conditional prevalence because
the latter subjects have defined themselves prior to assessment as having some
psychological disturbance; the same might be said of individuals involved in
While conditional prevalence is relevant to the assessment of individuals claim-
ing psychological injuries following some tortious act (e.g., MVA, assault), point
prevalence is more relevant to assessments of disorders that arise outside the
context of a tortious act (e.g., employment disability claims related to depression).
In such cases, lifetime prevalence of depression results in a higher prevalence
estimate than point prevalence, the prevalence of a condition within the general
population at any specific point in time. For example, lifetime risk for major
depressive disorder ranges from 10% to 22% for women and 5% to 12% for men,
while point prevalence estimates of depression for women is 5% to 9% and 2%
to 3% for men (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). From this discussion,
we might conclude that a forensic assessor in an employment disability case
involving a claim of depression should be using the point prevalence figures rather
than the lifetime prevalence figures in formulating hypotheses. That is, the lifetime
risk of developing depression is less relevant to an individual forensic assessment

of depression-related disability than is the point prevalence of depression (i.e.,

the probability that a randomly chosen person from the general population would
suffer from depression). However, the use of point prevalence has its limitations.
For example, point prevalence estimates of a condition may underestimate the
occurrence of this condition across the general population (as the difference be-
tween lifetime and point prevalence of depression illustrates). In addition, the use
of point prevalence in research studies may produce an inaccurate picture of the
characteristics of individuals with that condition (e.g., comorbid personality dis-
orders) because more persistent cases of a condition are more likely to be detected
in a point prevalence sampling study than in a lifetime prevalence sample (see
discussion by Phelan & Link, 1999). Certainly, future research concerning psy-
chological injuries such as PTSD and depression will have to sort out differential
characteristics of persistently symptomatic and disabled sufferers from episodi-
cally distressed individuals.
Both forensic and clinical assessments are conducted under an implicit as-
sumption; that the acquisition of more information about a plaintiff or patient will
result in more reliable and valid conclusions. However, such assessments and
predictions are valuable only to the extent that they improve upon predictions
made from base rate information. Finn and Kamphuis (1995) noted that “decisions
based on more information may actually be less accurate than those based on less
information.” This is because the lower the base rate of a given phenomenon (i.e.,
the percentage of cases showing the relevant characteristic or diagnosis), the hard-
er it is for any assessment method to improve on predictions made solely on base
Let us use an example relevant to this text—PTSD following MVAs. For the
reader unfamiliar with diagnostic decision-making tables, we present table 5.1 to
illustrate these issues. Keep in mind that the purpose of forensic assessment is to
correctly identify four types of claimants. First, one wishes to correctly identify
those who have PTSD (true positives) as well as to correctly identify those without
PTSD (true negatives). Second, one wishes to minimize the number of legitimate
cases of PTSD that one overlooks (false negatives) and the number of non-PTSD
cases that one diagnoses as having PTSD (false positives).
If one presumes a base rate of 15% from MVA or similar traumas (Shercliffe,
2001), we can construct decision-making table 5.2 for 100 consecutive MVA
survivors who have suffered some physical injury.
If one randomly diagnoses 15% of claimants with PTSD, on average 72 of the
85 people who do not suffer from PTSD (85% true negatives) and only 2 of the
15 legitimate PTSD claimants (13% true positives) will be correctly classified.
While only 13 healthy people would be diagnosed with PTSD (15% false posi-
tives), fully 13 of the legitimate PTSD cases would not be diagnosed accurately
(87% false negatives). Two points should arouse the reader’s interest. First, under
this base rate scenario, almost 75% of 100 MVA survivors, overall, will be cor-
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 125

Table 5.1. Accuracy Indices for Diagnostic Decision Making


ptsd no ptsd

ptsd A B
no ptsd C D

accuracy indexes formulae

Base Rate (A⫹C)/(A⫹B⫹C⫹D)

False Positive Cell B
False Negative Cell C
True Positive Cell A
True Negative Cell D
Specificity (True Negative Rate) D/(D⫹B)
Sensitivity (True Positive Rate) A/(A⫹C)
False Positive Rate B/(B⫹D)
Positive Predictive Power A/(A⫹B) ⫻ 100%
Negative Predictive Power D/(D⫹C) ⫻ 100%
Odds Ratio (A⫻D)/(B⫻C)

rectly classified without the expense and time of a formal assessment. Therefore,
any legitimate assessment must guarantee some improvement over a 75% percent
overall correct classification rate. Because rules of legal fairness barring arbitrar-
iness would preclude the random assignment of diagnoses to cases, an individu-
ally tailored assessment procedure would still be required, even if overall accu-
racy could not be improved by a particular diagnostic procedure. Second, for a
low base rate phenomenon like PTSD, actuarial prediction would do a disservice
to most of the legitimate claimants because only 2 of 15 legitimate claimants
would be accurately identified.
Formal assessment procedures are intended to improve upon this 75% overall
classification rate. In particular, the objective is to reduce the false negatives and

Table 5.2. Base Rate Prediction of MVA-PTSD Presuming a 15%

Conditional Prevalence
actual ptsd actual no ptsd

Predicted PTSD 2 (13%) 13 (15%)

True Positive False Positive
Predicted No PTSD 13 (87%) 72 (85%)
False Negative True Negative

false positives. To demonstrate, let us consider what might happen if one were to
use one of the tests reviewed in chapter 3. Blanchard, Jones-Alexander, Buckley,
and Forneris (1996) evaluated the PTSD Checklist’s (PCL—Ruggiero, Del Ben,
Scotti, & Rabalais, 2003) agreement with the Clinician’s Assessment of PTSD
(CAPS—Blake et al., 1990) interview and found a markedly increased true pos-
itive rate (amounting to 80% vs. 13% in the actuarial example above), while still
correctly identifying 86% of non-PTSD subjects (true negatives). Using the PCL
within a PTSD claim should therefore correctly classify more plaintiffs than
would an actuarial estimation based purely on base rates. This is an example of
a psychological test improving diagnostic accuracy.
The discussion above has several purposes. First, all forensic assessors have
either implicit or explicit base rate expectations for whatever conditions they are
assessing, based variably on: (a) relevant and up-to-date epidemiological research,
(b) summary statements from diagnostic manuals, (c) dated or less-relevant epi-
demiological research, or (d) clinical lore. Therefore, base rate expectations may
vary widely among forensic assessors and are of variable validity for the purposes
of forensic assessment. Second, base rate expectations have a significant impact
on the ultimate diagnosis given by the forensic assessor. Unfounded expectations
of a high base rate of a condition may lead to overdiagnosis if actual base rates
are lower, while unfounded expectations of a low base rate may lead to under-
diagnosis. Assessors should be aware of their own vulnerability to base rate as-
sumptions and ensure that such assumptions are corrected by updated familiarity
with the relevant forensic and epidemiological research. As well, consumers of
forensic assessments need to question the base rate assumption of the assessor.
Third, forensic assessors can improve on their diagnostic accuracy by using re-
liable and valid assessment tools. Forensic assessments that do not include either
a validated diagnostic interview or procedure, or psychological tests with adequate
validity data for the condition of interest are unlikely to improve upon the accu-
racy of base rate predictions. It is further important that the instrument chosen
was either designed for use with the claimant’s clinical population or that it has
been validated in the population of interest.

Differences between Clinical and

Semistructured Interviews

The forensic assessment process is intended to reveal facts about the claimant
with respect to his/her psychological status. To achieve this goal, however, vari-
ability associated with different examiners must be reduced as much as possible.
Remember Oscar Wilde’s statement that “truth is rarely pure.” Ward, Beck, Men-
delson, Mock, and Erbaugh, (1962) analyzed the sources of diagnostic disagree-
ment between psychiatrists assessing the same patients. Only 5% of disagreement
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 127

was related to variations within patients (i.e., changes in their behavior between
two different assessments), while 62.5% and 32.5%, respectively, were attribut-
able to different examiners holding different standards for diagnoses or asking
different questions of the patients. More recently, Steiner, Tebes, Sledge, and
Walker (1995) compared Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID)-based
diagnoses with those attained by psychiatric clinical interviews for 100 patients.
Inter-rater agreement for major depression (a frequent subject of psychological
injury claims) was very low. Thus, SCID interviews and unstructured clinical
interviews have unacceptably low levels of agreement with each other for this
common condition.
In lay language, the disagreements between assessors in the Ward et al. study
(1962) had to do more with the behavior of the assessors than they did with the
behavior of the patient. Findings such as those of Ward et al. (1962) led to the
development of structured diagnostic interviews. According to Rogers (2001),
structured interviews improve the diagnostic process by reducing unnecessary
variance between clinicians. Unstructured clinical interviews are more likely to
result in diagnostic variability from such sources as (a) idiosyncratic questions,
(b) variable coverage of problems/diagnostic criteria, (c) different sequencing of
questions, (d) variable recording of information given by patients, and (e) vari-
ability in rating the severity or frequency of symptoms. It is not hard to understand
why forensic assessors frequently disagree on claimants’ diagnoses if they are
using their own idiosyncratic assessment methods.
Thus, one of the purposes of structured or semistructured diagnostic interviews
is to establish an objective measurement system with respect to assessing and
recording the patient’s self-reported symptoms, so that clinically significant
thresholds for given diagnoses can be scientifically determined and clinicians can
improve the reliability and validity of their diagnoses. This is why the CAPS, for
example, requires the examiner to ask the patient about the frequency of unwanted
memories from 0 (never) to 4 (daily or almost every day) and the intensity of
such memories from 0 (none) to 4 (extreme). Without such an explicit symptom-
rating system, an individual who occasionally experiences unwanted memories
with mild distress may be treated as equivalent to an individual who experiences
unwanted memories on a daily basis and with incapacitating distress.
While one cannot expect forensic assessors to use precisely the same assess-
ment tools all the time (to do so would make the role of the psychologist redundant
with his/her tests), it is clear that assessors who use only unstructured clinical
interviews will have a difficult time agreeing with other such assessors indepen-
dent of claimant status. On the other hand, two assessors who use structured
diagnostic interviews for the same problem will have a greater probability of
agreeing on a diagnosis. Greater use of semistructured diagnostic interviews
within forensic assessments, coupled with judicious clinical judgment, will im-
prove the quality of such assessments. We note also, however, that professionals

are responsible for choosing appropriate measures, for deciding when they are
applicable and when they are not, and when it is appropriate to stray from the
dictates of a strict, structured approach. Despite our enthusiasm for structured
methods of assessment, ultimately, tests and measures are just tools for clinicians
to use as part of a general assessment strategy.

Failures in Evidence Gathering

One of the tenets of evidence-based practice is that once one has formed a hy-
pothesis, one must set up an experimental test of the hypothesis from which both
confirming and disconfirming results are possible. Many forensic assessors do
not clearly specify the alternative hypotheses (see above) available to them in an
individual assessment. If an individual is exposed to some traumatic event and
makes a claim for a psychological injury, the forensic assessor should explicitly
test the following hypotheses: (1) Is a psychological injury present? (2) Did the
tortious event contribute substantially to psychological injury? (3) Was the prob-
lem present immediately preceding the tortious event? (4) Are there credible al-
ternative causes for the plaintiff’s problems(s)? (5) Does the injury cause func-
tional disability? and (6) What is the prognosis of the injury? Each of these
hypotheses must be tested in a manner that allows for disconfirmation. Consumers
of forensic assessments must be alert to cases in which the assessor has gathered
inadequate data to offer a valid opinion about a particular hypothesis.

Is a Psychological Injury Present?

This question may be stated as, “Does this person meet diagnostic criteria for
PTSD, depression, or otherwise suffer from some significant emotional problem?”
Therefore, the forensic assessor must address the following specific questions: (a)
what assessment results will convince me that PTSD or some other condition is
present, and (b) what assessment results will convince me that no emotional prob-
lem is present?
Psychological injury claimants often arrive in the forensic assessor’s office
some years following the index trauma. At the time of referral, the assessor is
typically asked whether the claimant suffers from one or more psychological
conditions. The assessor is testing for the presence of PTSD and other anxiety
disorders, depression and other mood disorders, and substance use disorders, as
well as subclinical states of anxiety, depression, or other aversive emotional states.
This assessment must test for the presence of injury both at the time of assessment
(current status) and the period between the index trauma and the current period
(past status). Even at this simplest level of hypotheses testing, many forensic
assessments appear inadequate. First, assessors must use reliable assessment
methods for the range of potential conditions from which a claimant might suffer.
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 129

As mentioned above, it is still uncommon to see forensic assessments that include

structured or semistructured interviews. This reduces the reliability and thus va-
lidity of such assessments and begs the question of “how” the assessor knows
whether the claimant does or does not have the claimed condition. It is just as
important to rule out certain conditions by use of structured assessment as it is to
rule others in.
Second, it is common to see forensic assessments that apparently touched on
the criteria for only one type of psychological injury; the most common of these
is PTSD. Given that PTSD has very high rates of comorbidity (see chapter 3),
any assessment of a psychological injury claimant that is focused solely on PTSD
without investigating for the presence of other anxiety disorders or depression is
inadequate in scope.
One alternative hypothesis to the presence of one or more psychological in-
juries is that the complaints of the claimant are of such a limited severity and
nondisabling nature that they do not qualify as injuries; although the expert should
focus on describing the claimant’s condition and leave the decision of whether
an injury occurred to the law. Such a judgment on the part of a forensic expert
requires measurement on a numerical scale that has more gradations than simple
presence versus absence of a disorder. Following such measurement, forensic
assessors must define severity thresholds above which they consider an injury
substantially greater than the moment-to-moment unhappiness common in daily
existence, and communicate their opinion that an injury is present while being
able to defend this opinion based on objective data. Some assessors may utilize
DSM-IV diagnoses as their threshold; however, the law does not limit compen-
sable psychological injuries to DSM-IV diagnoses, and the astute forensic asses-
sor or lawyer will develop systematic means for assessing, litigating, or defending
against less well-defined injuries.
For example, a concept called subsyndromal PTSD (SS-PTSD) has recently
arisen in the research literature (Blanchard, Hickling, Taylor, & Loos, 1995). SS-
PTSD is defined as any case meeting Criterion A (exposure to a threatening event
and an immediate reaction of extreme fear, helplessness, or horror), and Criterion
B (at least one reexperiencing symptom), but only one of Criterion C (three or
more avoidant/numbing symptoms) or D (two or more hyperarousal symptoms).
In practice, patients typically fall short on Criterion C because of the DSM-IV
requirement for at least three symptoms from this cluster. Blanchard and Hickling
(1997) described their sample of patients in the Albany MVA Project with respect
to diagnostic status, breaking out the SS-PTSD patients. They had, respectively,
61 PTSD, 44 SS-PTSD, 50 MVA survivors without PTSD, and 95 non-MVA
control subjects. Using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI—Beck & Steer,
1987, range of scores 0–63) as a continuous measure of general psychological
distress; 77% of PTSD cases had BDI scores above the minimal depression range
(0–9), 32% of SS-PTSD cases had BDI scores of clinical significance, and 18%

of non-PTSD cases had clinically significant BDI, while only 13% of non-MVA
controls had BDI scores this high. Therefore, the SS-PTSD subjects were more
likely (32% vs. 13%) than non-MVA victims to show significant depressed mood,
suggesting that use of this category will capture additional cases of psychological
injury, albeit cases that may be less severely distressed than those meeting full
criteria for PTSD.

Did the Tortious Event Contribute Substantially to

Psychological Injury?
Forensic assessors also are asked about the causal relationship between particular
events and the claimant’s psychological state. Given the law’s preference for tem-
poral relationships between causes and effects, a prerequisite for the expert speak-
ing to causality is to answer the following alternative hypotheses: Did the claimant
suffer one or more psychological problems temporally following the traumatic
event? or Did the problems first appear at a time or in a manner that would not
suggest a causal relationship to the traumatic event?
Given the high prevalence of potentially traumatic events (PTE) in the general
population and the much lower prevalence of PTSD, assessors must resist the
impulse to automatically connect a trauma history with psychological distress.
As cogently argued by O’Brien (2003), personal histories of trauma and of mental
health problems may coexist without being causally related.
A controversial issue in this regard involves the concept of delayed-onset
PTSD. Bear in mind also that causing the exacerbation of preexisting problems
(as in the crumbling skull doctrine reviewed in chapter 1) typically constitutes
legally compensable injury. We pointed out earlier in this chapter that in the
absence of other exclusionary diagnostic criteria for PTSD, atypical temporal
relationships between the traumatic event and the onset of PTSD symptoms is a
potential exclusionary criterion. That is, if plaintiff A is in an MVA in February
2003, sues for physical injuries in March 2003, and then experiences his/her first
onset of PTSD symptoms in February 2004, the skeptical lawyer will have a hard
time accepting the relationship of the claimant’s PTSD symptoms to the February
2003 MVA. Therefore, the concept of delayed-onset PTSD is problematic as a
diagnostic entity and for arguing PTSD in personal injury claims. Nonetheless, a
number of well-controlled longitudinal prospective studies have documented the
occurrence of what are called “delayed-onset” PTSD cases, with onset starting
several months or more following the traumatic stressor. For example, Ehlers,
Mayou, and Bryant (1998) assessed via questionnaire 967 consecutively admitted
MVA survivors 3 and 12 months postadmission. Six percent of their participants,
none of whom met criteria for PTSD at 3 months, subsequently met PTSD criteria
at 12 months. Predictors of delayed-onset PTSD included physical injury severity,
rumination, anger cognitions, and history of pre-MVA mental health problems.
While this was a large sample, replication of studies finding a high prevalence of
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 131

delayed-onset PTSD is needed (that is, the 6% who developed delayed-onset

PTSD in this sample possibly could be accounted for by measurement error on
the instruments).
Why might cases of PTSD arise in such a delayed manner? It is possible that
some survivors of trauma acquire further information at a later date that alters
their perception of the danger they faced during the trauma and thus their current
feelings of safety. This information may not necessarily be traumatic (e.g., yet
another MVA or assault), but may simply be information that makes them feel
less safe (e.g., comments in emergency room or ambulance records about the life-
threatening nature of their injuries, slow recovery from trauma-induced injuries).
Moreover, additional life stressors may aggravate the effects of a prior trauma
or may account by themselves for a newly developed PTSD status (e.g., a sub-
sequent trauma precipitating an unrelated PTSD). Because of the inadequacy of
trauma screening in many studies and in usual clinical care, this hypothesis has
some serious merit. Note that attributing causality to such subsequent life stres-
sors will weaken the connection between the trauma being litigated and the claim-
ant’s damages.
Additionally, symptom endorsement biases among trauma survivors may
change in valence over time. Thus, some trauma survivors may minimize PTSD
symptom endorsement shortly after the index trauma for varied reasons (e.g.,
embarrassment, extreme avoidance behavior), while others may become increas-
ingly distressed over time with their dawning realization of the severity of their
physical injuries or other losses. Finally, there is evidence (reviewed in chapter
1) that memories of the traumatic event may change over time, particularly among
those with more serious symptomatology (Southwick et al., 1997).
Adequate forensic assessments will carefully evaluate and document the dates
of onset for different psychological injuries in relationship to the index trauma,
as well as to other stressors or negative life events. Given the multiple scenarios
under which PTSD can arise in a delayed manner and the epidemiological evi-
dence showing such delayed onset to be relatively common; delayed onset itself
does not appear to be a valid reason for presuming the absence of a causal rela-
tionship between a traumatic event and subsequent PTSD.

Was the Problem Present Immediately Preceding the

Tortious Event?
As much care should be given to the diagnostic interview for psychological dis-
turbance preceding the index trauma as to interviewing for disturbance following
the trauma, so as to rule out a preexisting condition as the explanation for the
posttrauma condition. This is a difficult area of forensic assessment for several
reasons. First, few assessors use structured diagnostic interviews and thus find it
hard to precisely replicate their symptomatic inquiries across different temporal
points in the patient’s history. Given the low reliability of unstructured clinical

interviews, it is very difficult to place any faith in forensic assessors’ judgments

about the absence or presence of preexisting conditions. Second, such a historical
assessment process is made more difficult by the relatively low reliability of
humans’ autobiographical memory. In particular, social psychological research
suggests that individuals “reconstruct” their memories of subjective experiences
(e.g., aches, pains, emotional distress) based at least partially on personal models
they use to explain their experiences. Ross (1989) theorized that when individuals
attempt to remember their personal characteristics in the past, they engage in a
two-step process. The first step involves self-assessment of their current status on
the dimension of interest, under the presumption that present status will be related
to past status. Step two involves the application of whatever implicit theory the
person has about the personal characteristic (e.g., is this characteristic likely to
be stable over time or to vary in a particular manner?).
Arising from this theory, McFarland, Ross, and DeCourville (1989) con-
structed a very creative study that has significant implications for the assessment
of psychological injuries. These authors based their study on the theory above
and on the common belief that women suffer significantly more physical and
emotional distress during their menstrual period. They demonstrated that young
university women retrospectively recalled more pain and depressive symptoms
during their period than they reported when self-monitoring on a daily basis. Of
particular note here, subjects substantially overestimated the negative affect and
pain occurring during their menstrual period when asked to retrospectively esti-
mate the same symptoms, but significantly underestimated their negative affect
and pain on days outside their menstrual period. Thus, retrospective recall of
subjective symptoms of negative affect and physical discomfort appears to be
controlled by stereotypical beliefs about causal factors for such distress.
Does this phenomenon apply to trauma survivors? Unfortunately for forensic
assessors, it applies quite well. Harvey and Bryant (2000b) interviewed 56 acci-
dent victims about their ASD symptoms one month and two years postaccident.
In the follow-up interview, they asked the patients when their symptoms had
begun. PTSD symptom severity at two-year follow-up predicted inaccurate rec-
ollection of more symptoms during the first month after the accident than the
patients had reported at the one-month assessment. Less symptomatic individuals
at the two-year follow-up tended to underreport ASD symptoms compared to
their reports at one month.
These results can be applied to a forensic assessment of psychological injuries
in the following way. First, the plaintiff, through making a claim, has already
asserted a personal theory that he or she has suffered a loss of functioning related
to a particular traumatic event. Second, the forensic assessment takes place some
months or years following the tortious event to which the plaintiff attributes his/
her losses. Third, the assessor queries the plaintiff about his/her current status
with respect to symptoms of PTSD, depression, or related subjective emotional
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 133

or physical symptoms. Fourth, the assessor conducts a historical inquiry about

the plaintiff’s experience of these same symptoms prior and subsequent to the
tortious event. One would predict, based on Ross’s (1989) theory, and without
interviewing the patient, that the claimant would retrospectively recall fewer
symptoms pretrauma. Similarly, the claimant is likely to remember being more
symptomatic shortly after the trauma than he/she was at that time. Therefore, the
forensic assessor who understands this phenomenon of retrospective recall will
use assessment methods (e.g., review of past health records, interviewing of col-
lateral informants) that will reduce a reliance on the claimant’s retrospective recall
and adjust for the bias described above.

Are There Credible Alternative Causes for the

Plaintiff’s Problems?
The law requires that a claimant’s complaints not be better explained by alter-
native explanations (e.g., malingering or other stressors). Although there can be
more than one cause to a person’s injuries while still allowing compensation, a
credible forensic assessment will systematically search for alternative stressors or
life events that may account for part or all of the claimant’s psychological distress.
Such assessment will include systematic evaluation of previous traumatic stres-
sors, as well as assessment of daily hassles and other life events (e.g., divorce,
death of family members, job loss) that may contribute to the claimant’s psycho-
logical distress. Assessments that do not investigate a broad range of potential
traumatic stressors in the claimant’s history and potential ongoing life stressors
or hassles, or alternatively do not carefully evaluate the claimant’s psychological
responses to such traumatic or nontraumatic stressors are at greater risk of misi-
dentifying variables contributing to the claimant’s distress. Also, many forensic
assessors apparently neglect to investigate potential causal relations between sub-
stance abuse/dependence and psychological symptoms, which is unfortunate
given the known negative effects of such abuse. For example, regular and exces-
sive cannabis use has been shown to be strongly associated with depression (e.g.,
Troisi, Pasini, Saracco, & Spalletta, 1998). Many forensic assessments also ne-
glect formal assessments of symptom over endorsement, and clinical assessments
by therapists, psychiatrists, and family physicians almost never use such methods.
In summary, adequate forensic assessments must screen for the alternative expla-
nations for heightened psychological distress; presence of other traumatic and
nontraumatic stressors, psychoactive substance use that is known to adversely
affect psychological well-being, and symptom over endorsement or exaggeration.

Does the Injury Cause Functional Disability?

The forensic assessor must consider what evidence is needed to relate the patient’s
clinical status to employment or other functional deficits, and what evidence is
required to conclude that the patient has no functional deficits related to his/her

clinical status. Forensic assessors must investigate whether identified psycholog-

ical problems lead in a logical fashion to deficits in the claimant’s occupational,
educational, social, or recreational functioning. From our experience in reviewing
forensic and clinical assessments, this is yet another area in which many forensic
assessments may be inadequate. Neither has psychological science systematically
addressed the pathway between psychological distress and functional disability
other than to note that many mental health conditions are associated with worse
economic outcome.
Dillman (2003) proposed the following domains of psychological functioning
that may have implications for employment functioning: (a) understanding and
memory (e.g., understanding and remembering instructions), (b) sustained con-
centration and persistence (e.g., maintaining attention and concentration for ex-
tended periods), (c) social interaction (e.g., interacting appropriately with the
general public), and (d) adaptation (e.g., responding appropriately to changes in
the work setting). From our own perspective, most psychological injuries (e.g.,
PTSD, depression, traumatically acquired phobias, anxiety symptoms) appear to
influence individuals’ daily lives through impairment in one or more of the fol-
lowing dimensions: (a) deficits in attention and concentration, (b) problematic
interpersonal relations, (c) decreased motivation and energy, (d) decreased stress
tolerance, and/or (e) phobic avoidance (e.g., driving to work, working by oneself
or in particular settings). While it is clear that mental health conditions such as
PTSD, depression and other anxiety or affective disorders have demonstrable
effects on employment and income at the population level, not all clinical cases
of PTSD or depression will suffer substantial employment disability. Expert opin-
ions with respect to disability may be more credible and valid for individual cases
if the expert can trace individual claimant’s symptoms and behaviors to important
functional deficits that hinder employment or other duties. The reader of forensic
opinions about disability must be careful to ensure that a logical pathway has
been demonstrated between observed deficits of the claimant and the interaction
of such deficits with specific occupational demands.

What is the Prognosis of the Injury?

To provide prognostic opinions, forensic assessors must ask themselves if and
when the PTSD or other emotional problem is likely to remit (get better), and if
it will improve with or without treatment. The expert must thus address those
characteristics of the patient (history, personality, coping style, comorbid condi-
tions, and clinical status) that the research literature suggests will lead to a slower
or faster remission. With respect to PTSD, known predictors of negative prognosis
include chronic pain or other physical disability and financial stress, as well as
anger and rumination (see review by Douglas & Koch, 2000).
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 135

Misuses of Psychological Tests

Psychological tests can increase diagnostic accuracy and add rich information
about subjects’ psychological states. Above, we gave the example of how the PCL
(a 17-item test of PTSD symptoms) increases predictive accuracy over base rate.
“Mechanical” prediction (i.e., that prediction using automated judgments from
test or other objective data) is generally more accurate than “clinical” prediction,
that is, a prediction hinging on clinician judgment beyond test data (Grove, Zald,
Lebow, Snitz, & Nelson, 2000). In Grove et al.’s statistical meta-analysis, clinical
interviews were actually associated with a worsening of performance in compar-
ison to mechanical prediction. Thus, psychological tests or other standardized
methods of gathering data about the person can be beneficial to the forensic
assessment process.
However, psychological tests can be applied in inappropriate clinical or foren-
sic assessment situations, or misused to the detriment of a search for truth. It
appears from Boccaccini and Brodsky’s (1999) survey of forensic assessors that
there is little consistency among experienced forensic assessors about a standard
test battery for the assessment of psychological injuries. In fact, of the self-report
instruments reviewed in chapter 4, only the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory-Second Edition (MMPI-2) and BDI are frequently used by forensic
assessors in psychological injury cases (Boccaccini & Brodsky, 1999). Therefore,
readers of such assessments should critically examine the appropriateness of in-
dividual psychological tests used in individual cases.

Cross-Examining Psychological Injury Evidence

Any cross-examination of a forensic assessor with respect to a psychological

injury should start with questions about the assessor’s perception of the base rate
of the relevant injuries in a context relevant to the subject litigation. Such cross-
examination also should inquire about the scientific support for such base rate
assumptions, and should focus on the reliability and validity of the assessor’s
evaluation methods. We appreciate that the term reliability is sometimes used
within the law to refer to issues of validity from a social scientific perspective
(i.e., Does the instrument measure what it claims to?). Reliability of measurement
in this context refers either to the extent of agreement between different assessors
for a given condition via a specific method, (i.e., inter-rater agreement) or to the
stability of findings by a measurement instrument over time (i.e., test-retest reli-
ability). A measurement strategy with low levels of inter-rater agreement is prob-
lematic because the consumer cannot be confident that the assessment findings
reflect the subject of the assessment more than they do the idiosyncratic charac-
teristics of the assessor. A measurement strategy with low levels of test-retest

reliability is problematic because the purpose of such assessments is to determine

enduring characteristics of the claimant. Because such methods are theoretically
intended to improve upon base rate assumptions, assessors must be able to justify
the relevance and reliability of their methods under cross-examination. For ex-
ample, expert witnesses in this area must be able to address questions about how
their interview findings could be reasonably replicated by another trained profes-
sional, which would be exceedingly problematic unless they use some variant of
a structured diagnostic interview during their assessment. As another example,
experts should be able to defend their use of specific tests by referring to scientific
studies showing this test to reliably measure a variable of interest in the psycho-
logical injury claim (e.g., PTSD or depression severity) with the population of
interest (i.e., that the test is reliable and valid for use with people of the individual
claimant’s ethnic and cultural background).
In terms of validity, experts (and the lawyers who examine or cross-examine
them) should be intimately familiar with the scientific research on the validity of
the measures in question. That is, they should be able to defend (or attack) the
instruments used in terms of how well they measure the constructs in question
(i.e., PTSD, anxiety, depression), and any limitations in the research base.
As mentioned in one example above, some assessors conduct assessments that
are too narrow in focus. A potentially fruitful line of cross-examination in such
a case would be to question the assessor about methods used to rule out one or
more of the following disorders/problems from consideration: PTSD, subsyn-
dromal PTSD, depression, distressing but subclinical depressive symptoms, gen-
eralized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and/or disabling phobias and avoidance
behavior. For example, an expert who concludes that the subject of an evaluation
does not meet criteria for any mental disorder should be cross-examined to de-
termine how he or she ruled out each of the DSM-IV anxiety and mood disorders,
as well as subclinical variants of these conditions (e.g., subsyndromal PTSD,
subclinical depression). Similarly, an expert who rules out the presence of exag-
geration or symptom exaggeration should be questioned about those objective
data supporting this conclusion.
Expert witnesses frequently allude to heuristics they use in arriving at a di-
agnosis (e.g., rear-end accidents seldom resulting in PTSD, accelerated heart rate
during trauma exposure being necessary for the development of PTSD, loss of
consciousness during an MVA precludes subsequent PTSD). Legal counsel
should identify these heuristics within expert reports and inquire assertively about
the scientific references supporting their use.
A very fruitful area of cross-examination presents itself when forensic asses-
sors offer the opinion that the subject condition did not exist prior to the index
trauma. Given the difficulties with human’s retrospective memory, legal counsel
should take care to examine the expert about the evidence supporting opinions
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 137

about the absence of a preexisting condition(s) to ensure that the expert is not
relying on the claimant’s retrospective memory alone.
Given the increasing ethnic diversity of our society and the complex relation-
ships between ethnocultural identity and psychological well-being (see chapter
7), expert witnesses should consistently discuss the limitations of their inferences
when offering opinions about the mental health of claimants from ethnocultural
Many forensic assessors may too easily assume the equivalence between psy-
chological distress and functional disability. Cross-examining counsel should rec-
ognize that while PTSD and depression are demonstrated risk factors for reduced
employment and worse economic outcomes, the existence of such risk factors is
not synonymous with functional disability in the individual case and expert wit-
nesses should be made to demonstrate convincingly that specific behavioral def-
icits of the claimant that result from the PTSD or other mental health condition
logically interfere with work attendance or productivity. A potentially fruitful line
of cross-examination would be to inquire along the lines of “Doctor, you indicated
that Ms. Jones is disabled from her work as an X by her PTSD. Could you tell
me what PTSD symptoms or emotional problems led to this disability? Further,
can you explain to the court how it is that these symptoms interfere with the
plaintiff (a) getting to work regularly, (b) completing work-related tasks, (c) con-
centrating on work duties, (d) getting along with coworkers or supervisors, (e)
remaining in the work setting for a normal work shift?”
It is clear that there are many pitfalls and vulnerabilities in psychological ev-
idence. Even an exceptionally knowledgeable and thorough forensic assessor may
fall prey to some of these vulnerabilities. For the benefit of assessors, we offer in
table 5.3 a summary of common vulnerabilities and our suggestions for correcting
such vulnerabilities.

Future Avenues for Research in Psychological

Injury Assessment

Psychological Injury Assessment Practice

With the recent exception of Boccaccini and Brodsky (1999), no one has actually
studied just what forensic personal injury assessors actually do in their offices.
Outside of knowing that the MMPI-2 is the favorite psychological test of psy-
chologists performing personal injury assessments, we are ignorant about their
practices. We are tempted to say from our own professional experience that fo-
rensic assessors in this area seldom use structured diagnostic interviews, seldom
use psychological tests normed for the task (other than the ubiquitous MMPI-2
and the BDI), seldom qualify their opinions when faced with an ethnic minority
Table 5.3. Vulnerabilities in Evidence and Potential Solutions for Practitioners
vulnerabilities potential solutions

Excessively High or 1. Awareness of empirical research on base rates of target con-

Low Base Rate ditions.
Assumptions 2. Awareness of empirically known course characteristics of
condition (e.g., spontaneous remission following trauma ex-
posure, recurrence of episodes).
3. Awareness of own biases that may conflict with empirical
4. Specify in writing one’s base rate assumptions.
Illusory Correlations 1. Awareness of own practice-based assumptions.
2. Check practice-based assumptions against research literature.
3. Specify in writing which conclusions are based on practice-
based assumptions and which on either empirical research or
validated methods.
Information-Seeking 1. Use structured assessment methods when available.
Ethnic Biases 1. Awareness of personal ethnic biases.
2. When possible, check research literature for empirical differ-
ences in mental health between different ethnic/cultural
3. Formally assess acculturation of ethnic minorities/immi-
4. Specify in writing potential limitations of conclusions given
ethnic/cultural background of the plaintiff.
Gender Bias 1. Awareness of any personal gender-based biases.
2. Use of valid assessment tools whenever considering diagno-
ses or problem formulations that are potentially sex-linked
(e.g., borderline personality disorder).
Impressionistic 1. Use structured diagnostic interviews whenever possible and
Assessments relevant.
2. Supplement interviews with reliable, valid, and relevant
Insufficient Breadth of 1. Awareness of breadth of diagnoses, problems associated
Problem Coverage with a given trauma or disability claim based on epidemio-
logical literature.
2. Use of reliable, valid, and relevant assessment tools for all
relevant problems.
3. Allocate sufficient time for such a broad assessment.
Inadequate Assess- 1. Use assessment tools that have a range of severity/frequency
ment of Injury options rather than mere symptom checklists.
Severity 2. Compare plaintiff data to empirically established norms.
3. Review functioning across life domains (work, home, social
life) and investigate impact of symptoms on functioning in
each of those domains.

Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 139

vulnerabilities potential solutions

Taking Plaintiff’s Ret- 1. Review medical, accident, employment, and school records
rospective Memories whenever possible.
at Face Value 2. Obtain collateral information from family members or other
potential third-party observers.
Overlooking Alterna- 1. When possible, use validated checklists or other tools to as-
tive Contributions to sess the plaintiff’s exposure to both traumatic and nontrau-
Injury matic stressors.
2. Review other stressors or adverse life events with plaintiff
and collateral observers.
Presumption of 1. Awareness of empirical literature on economic correlates of
Disability Associated mental health problems.
with Distress 2. Critically examine ways in which symptoms/problems may
result in reduced functioning.
Misuse of Tests 1. Awareness of test norms.
2. Use appropriate norms if available for individual case.
3. Specify in writing limitations of particular tests for individ-
ual plaintiffs because of ethnic, cultural, or other reasons.

patient for whom appropriate test norms do not exist, and seldom cite recent
research when making their conclusions. However, these are only our impressions;
we recommend the following topics of timely research questions to fill at least
some of the gaps in our knowledge.
How many psychologists and psychiatrists who assess psychological injuries
use structured diagnostic interviews to arrive at diagnoses? Our bias that assess-
ments using such interviews are superior may be transparent to the reader. A
determination of how frequently such diagnostic tools are used will become a
baseline assessment of the quality of such assessments.
How adequately do psychologists and psychiatrists warn their personal injury
claimants about confidentiality limitations, goals of the forensic assessment, and
the adversarial nature of such assessments? Remember Melton et al.’s (1997)
comments on the distinguishing characteristics of clinical and forensic assess-
ments. The presence of such warnings may have significant impact on the claim-
ant’s responses during assessment. While this relates to the ethics of practice more
than to assessment procedures, per se, it is still an important element in deter-
mining quality control.
To what extent are tests normed for trauma survivors used in psychological
injury assessments? It is one thing to use commercially available tests that have
a large and diverse psychometric research history such as the MMPI-2. It is a
step beyond to use tools that reliably answer questions directly relevant to the

legal questions about the existence and prognosis of a psychological injury. It is

notable that many of the measures we reviewed in chapter 4 were not used by
Boccaccini and Brodsky’s (1999) subjects. For example, the CAPS and PCL are
perhaps the best validated interview and self-report measures of PTSD status.
Given that forensic assessors must frequently make judgments about the presence/
absence of PTSD, it is worthwhile knowing how many forensic assessors use
these “best practice” tools. On a related theme, anger is a psychological state that
is apparently common in PTSD sufferers and appears to be a negative prognostic
sign. It is interesting how many forensic assessors use some validated measure
of trait, or state anger or even assess anger in an unstructured manner during
PTSD evaluations.
How do psychologists and psychiatrists accommodate their assessments to the
cultural and ethnic characteristics of claimants that may influence the validity of
their forensic opinions? Specific research questions in this area include: (1) how
many forensic assessors qualify their interpretation of psychological test data by
referencing known limitations in the normative data or studies that suggest caution
in interpretation of such test data with particular ethnic minorities, (2) do forensic
assessors regularly address the claimant’s ethnic/immigration status and accul-
turation in their reports, and (3) how many forensic assessors qualify their opin-
ions about psychological injury with a discussion of cultural limitations on the
expression of emotional distress?

Common Heuristics/Biases
The field desperately needs to know how some of the common clinical biases and
heuristics operate among experienced forensic assessors involved in psycholog-
ical injury evaluations. For example, are there professional (e.g., psychiatry vs.
psychology) or other contextual (defense vs. plaintiff-hired), or gender biases that
inflate or suppress the diagnosis of psychological injuries? Answering this ques-
tion takes us a step further toward understanding the influence of assessor char-
acteristics on diagnoses given to claimants.
It would also be enlightening to know if there are heuristics concerning the
diagnosis of psychological injuries that are commonly used by forensic assessors
and to what degree these heuristics are supported by current research literature.
Related to this question is the influence of experience (in terms of years of practice
or number of forensic assessments) on the use of such heuristics. Forensic experts
may be prone to a number of types of “drift” as they gain more experience. For
example, they may increasingly depend on idiosyncratic diagnostic heuristics
rather than empirically supported practice. On the other hand, “true” experts may
become increasingly sophisticated in their use of state-of-the-art assessment tools,
knowledge, and diagnostic heuristics.
The inverse of “drift” is calcification, that is, relying on a personal knowledge
base that is increasingly obsolete given burgeoning research within the field and
Common Vulnerabilities in Psychological Evidence 141

limited continuing education by the practitioner. Given the possibility that calci-
fication of knowledge is a problem within forensic practitioners, it is worthwhile
knowing the state of knowledge about recent relevant research findings within the
forensic assessment community.

Consumer Satisfaction
There are several different consumers of forensic assessments for psychological
injuries, personal injury lawyers, insurance adjusters (e.g., automobile and disa-
bility insurers, workers’ compensation programs), judges, and juries. Because the
vast majority of personal injury cases settle prior to court, the prime consumer
groups for psychological injury assessments are legal counsel and insurance ad-
justers. Therefore, it seems important that psychological science address the ex-
tent to which these consumers understand the content of such assessments, value
them, and perceive them as (a) improving their own knowledge of the claimant
and (b) helping to resolve claims. It also would be worthwhile to know the extent
to which these consumers discriminate between the credentials, assessment con-
tent, or assessment quality of different forensic assessors. Finally, it would be
illuminating to determine the extent to which lawyers and insurance adjusters
express their own biases and heuristics concerning psychological injuries that
may color their interpretation of forensic assessments.
With respect to juries and judges, it would be of some interest to know the
extent to which professional credentials (e.g., psychiatrists vs. psychologists),
professional experience, and professional roles (independent consultant vs. treat-
ing professional) influence judges’ and jury members’ receptivity to expert evi-
dence with respect to psychological injuries. It would also be useful to know what
mode of communicating evidence is most understandable to judges and juries,
and leads to the highest comprehension. Because juries are chosen from the gen-
eral public, the biases and beliefs of the general public about the veracity and
associated disability of psychological injuries are also interesting topics for future
Gender, Trauma, and Distress

There is perhaps no variable that is easier to measure than biological sex and
more difficult to know what its values—male or female—mean . . . sex, the
biological factor becomes utterly confounded with gender, a sociocultural
—Norris, Perilla, Ibañez, and Murphy (2001a)

Gender has a complex relationship with trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder

(PTSD), and more generally with psychological distress. Conclusions regarding
the implications of gender for differences in the prevalence and intensity of post-
traumatic responses have variously been described as “consistent” (Gavranidou
& Rosner, 2003, p. 131) and “limited and confusing” (Freedman et al., 2002,
p. 407; also see Pimlott-Kubiak & Cortina, 2003). In our view, relative consensus
exists on several chief points, but considerable debate with regard to other issues
concerning women’s experiences of psychological stressors continues.
Although the prevalence of PTSD in women is consistently about double what
it is in men—causing some writers to conclude that female gender is a vulnera-
bility factor for PTSD (Gavranidou & Rosner, 2003)—we believe that there is
still insufficient evidence to draw concrete conclusions about the relationship of
gender to posttraumatic adjustment (also see Cloitre, Koenen, Gratz, & Jakupcak,
2002; Saxe & Wolfe, 1999) or to describe female gender as a “risk factor” for
PTSD (also see Cusack, Falsetti, & de Arellano, 2002, p. 172).
As our opening quote by Norris et al. (2001a) alluded, most current knowledge
addresses biological sex differences in the prevalence of PTSD, without ade-
quately accounting for gender differences (e.g., social influences) that potentially
underlie variations in posttraumatic coping. “To date, no empirical study of PTSD
has measured the construct of gender and associated correlates. . . . One can thus

Gender, Trauma, and Distress 143

only indirectly surmise the effect of gender on PTSD from their results” (Saxe &
Wolfe, 1999, p. 164). The field awaits an increased understanding of the toxicity
of the stressor (e.g., subjective level of fear or risk of serious harm or death in
males and females exposed to the same trauma category) and the event charac-
teristics (see Cloitre, Koenen, Gratz, & Jakupcak, 2002, p. 121), as well as the
social, cultural, and economic factors influencing trauma exposure and posttrauma
adjustment (Kimerling, Ouimette, & Wolfe, 2002). In addition, research to date
has not sufficiently controlled for age at exposure, the impact of chronic traumas
(e.g., child abuse, partner abuse), attachment, and/or traumas involving betrayals
of trust (e.g., child sexual abuse, abuse by intimate partners, sexual harassment,
and stalking, which affect women disproportionately). Similarly, postexposure
variables (e.g., availability of social support, impact of daily hassles, socioeco-
nomic status) and cognitions (e.g., self blame, belief in a just world) must be
measured to allow researchers to conclude with any confidence that women are
uniquely vulnerable to posttraumatic maladjustment when such other variables
are accounted for.

Exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events and the

Risk of PTSD

Gender Differences in the Frequency of

Traumatic Stressors
By definition, PTSD, acute stress disorder (ASD) (American Psychiatric Asso-
ciation, 2000), and adjustment disorders are mental illnesses that can be explicitly
associated with a precipitating incident. Thus, a logical starting point for consid-
ering the influence of gender on psychological injuries is a possible difference in
the rate of exposure to potentially traumatic events (PTE) among men versus
women. Recent theoretical reviews consistently conclude that women are less
likely than men to be exposed to PTE (Criterion A1, DSM-IV-TR, American
Psychiatric Association, 2000) (e.g., Ballenger et al., 2000; Gavranidou & Rosner,
2003; Norris, Foster, & Weisshaar, 2002).
Several epidemiological studies of trauma exposure and PTSD that compare
male and female respondents have been conducted, primarily in the United States
(for reviews, see Breslau, 2002b; Norris et al., 2002). The most commonly used
diagnostic tools for assessing PTSD in such studies are the National Institute of
Mental Health-Diagnostic Interview Schedule (NIMH-DIS) and the World Health
Organization-Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WHO-CIDI), based
on the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) (Breslau, 2002b). In these interviews,
respondents are asked to nominate the worst event they have ever experienced,
or a randomly selected stressor is chosen from the respondent’s list of reported
PTE and PTSD symptoms associated with the selected event. The lifetime prev-

alence of exposure and conditional risk for PTSD determined across epidemio-
logic studies reflects discrete and combined effects of differences in stressor def-
initions and diagnostic criteria (see Breslau, 2002b; Kessler, Sonnega, Bromet,
Hughes, & Nelson, 1995). Perhaps the most commonly reported factor believed
to contribute to between-study prevalence differences has been the modifications
to the DSM-IV/DSM-IV-TR stressor criteria, which broadened considerably the
types of stressors that qualified for a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM) diagnosis of PTSD. For instance, sudden unexpected death of
a loved one accounts for nearly one-third of PTSD cases (Breslau, Kessler, &
Chilcoat, 1998). This change has been associated with a substantial increase (e.g.,
68.1% to 89.6%) in the lifetime rate of exposure to PTE in the general population
(see Breslau & Kessler, 2001); readers should be mindful of these differences
when comparing studies described below.
The Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) Study (Helzer, Robins, & McEvoy,
1987; Robins & Regier, 1991) was the first to use the original DIS (Robins,
Helzer, Croughan, & Ratcliff, 1981), a highly structured interview based on DSM-
III criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 1980). The DIS was the first mea-
sure developed to provide reliable psychiatric diagnoses in samples drawn from
the general population. This groundbreaking study included interviews with more
than 20,000 community participants over a series of five community survey sites.
Respondents were asked if they had experienced an event that frightened them
so much that they had one or more of the PTSD symptoms. Events considered to
fit the criteria (“a psychologically traumatic event that is generally outside the
range of usual human experience,” American Psychiatric Association, 1980) were
grouped into seven categories: combat, serious accident, physical attack, seeing
someone hurt or die, threat or close call, natural disaster, other. Results suggested
that PTSD was relatively uncommon in the general population with 5 men and
13 women per 1,000 meeting diagnostic criteria (Helzer et al., 1987). Subsequent
critiques of the DIS resulted in its revision and initiated a generation of research
demonstrating substantially higher rates of PTSD in community samples; how-
ever, gender differences persisted.
The Health and Adjustment in Young Adults study (HAYA) (Breslau, Davis,
Andreski, & Peterson, 1991) demonstrated the ubiquity of traumatic events, and
the extent of the burden of PTSD in the general population. In that sample of
1,007 young (ages 21–30) male and female health maintenance organization
(HMO) members in the United States, 39.1% of respondents (n ⫽ 394) reported
experiencing a PTE, defined according to the DSM-III-R (American Psychiatric
Association, 1987). Using the PTSD section of the NIMH-DIS (version III, re-
vised) (Robins, Helzer, Cottler, & Golding, 1989), men (43.0%) were more likely
than women (36.7%) to report exposure to a traumatic stressor. These results were
further substantiated in the findings of the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS)
of trauma (Kessler et al., 1994). The NCS was the first to administer a structured
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 145

psychiatric interview to a representative national sample in the United States.

Using the modified version 1.0 of the CIDI (World Health Organization [WHO],
1990) for the DSM-III-R, the NCS asked Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics, 15–54
years old, from 48 states about 12 trauma categories. Consistent with the earlier
studies, men (60.7%) reported a significantly higher rate of exposure to traumatic
events than women (51.2%).
According to the Detroit Area Survey (DAS) of Trauma (N ⫽ 2,181, age range
⫽ 18–45 years; Breslau et al., 1998), few people in the United States have never
encountered a PTE. Telephone interviews in the DAS began by using a list of 19
types of PTE according to DSM-IV criteria to determine the lifetime prevalence
of specific traumatic events. The four categories included assaultive violence (e.g.,
combat, rape), other injury or shocking experience (e.g., motor vehicle accident,
diagnosed with life threatening illness), learning about traumas to others (e.g.,
friend/relative physically attacked), and the sudden unexpected death of a close
friend or relative. According to DSM-IV, PTSD was assessed using the DIS (ver-
sion IV) and the WHO CIDI, with respect to a randomly selected event from the
list of reported PTE; lifetime exposure for any trauma was 92.2% for men and
87.1% for women (Breslau et al., 1998). On average, men (n ⫽ 5.3) also reported
significantly more distinct events than women (n ⫽ 4.3). The dramatically high
rates, in contrast to earlier studies, are attributed primarily to the changes in the
DSM-IV. Other research (see chapter 3) suggests that the lifetime prevalence for
PTE exposure hovers above 60%. Kessler (2000) recently commented it is not
entirely clear how the results of these American studies generalize to other de-
veloped countries given that the United States has substantially higher rates of
violent crimes.
A brief review of research in other developed nations also suggests a high
prevalence of PTE, with slightly higher rates in men than in women. In a sample
of 1,002 Canadian adults (⬎ 18 years), Stein, Walker, and Forde (2000) reported
that men (82%) evidenced a greater rate of lifetime exposure to at least one
traumatic event than women (74%). Men (55%) also were more likely to report
multiple events than women (46%). Using the CIDI and DSM-IV criteria, Per-
konigg, Kessler, Storz, and Wittchen (2000; also see Perkonigg & Wittchen, 1999)
found the lifetime prevalence of traumatic events in a prospective survey of a
large (N ⫽ 3021), representative, young (14–24 years) community sample from
metropolitan Munich, Germany, was much lower than in prior U.S. studies. With
regard to gender differences, however, the results were relatively consistent with
North American research. Male subjects were more likely than female subjects
to report lifetime exposure to at least one traumatic event (25.2% vs. 17.7%,
respectively). The Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being
(N ⫽ 10,641) similarly demonstrated that substantially more men (64.6%) than
women (49.5%) experienced trauma over their lifetime (Creamer, Burgess, &
McFarlane, 2001).

While the perceptive reader may believe that these high prevalence estimates
reflect an overestimation of disorders (e.g., due to nonclinicians administering the
diagnostic interviews in large studies), this does not seem to be the case (Kessler
et al., 1997). Validation studies from the DIS (e.g., Wittchen, Kessler, Zhao, &
Abelson, 1995) and the CIDI (WHO, 1990) demonstrate that blind clinical inter-
viewers are in agreement with the vast majority of diagnoses (Kessler et al., 1997).
In fact, the more common concern may be underreporting (Wittchen, Uestuen, &
Kessler, 1999). Alternatively, the critical reader might query whether apparent
gender differences reflect underreporting bias in males and/or overreporting bias
in females. In an effort to combat underreporting in general, researchers use mem-
ory enhancement and motivational procedures to reduce underreporting; evidence
suggests these approaches are successful (e.g., see Kessler et al., 1997); however,
extensive research demonstrates that men and women tend to have different re-
porting styles. Saxe and Wolfe (1999) asserted women might be more willing to
disclose PTE, and research confirms that women tend to report more symptoms
of physical and emotional distress than men. Gender differences in reporting
styles have not been adequately addressed in the PTSD literature and such biases
might affect prevalence rates (Saxe & Wolfe, 1999).
A review of the literature suggests that men have a higher (Breslau et al., 1991,
1998; Kessler et al., 1995; Stein et al., 2000) or fairly equivalent (Breslau, Davis,
Andreski, Peterson, & Schultz, 1997a) risk of exposure to traumatic stressors
when compared to women. While women are less likely than men to experience
PTE across many developed countries, there are significant cross-cultural differ-
ences with respect to PTE prevalence. For example, women in the United States
are at higher risk of exposure to trauma than men in Germany. The risk of lifetime
exposure to PTE does not appear to explain the unique burden of PTSD for

Gender Differences in the Prevalence of PTSD in the

General Population
Generally, women are reported to have approximately twice the risk of developing
PTSD compared to men (Davidson et al., 1991; for reviews, see Brewin, Am-
drews, & Valentine, 2000; Foa & Street, 2001; Gavranidou & Rosner, 2003;
Norris et al., 2002; Seedat & Stein, 2000; Wolfe & Kimerling, 1997). For highly
noxious events (e.g., rape), gender differences appear to be ameliorated (Gavran-
idou & Rosner, 2003; Kessler et al., 1995: Perkonigg & Wittchen, 1999) and the
probability of PTSD is high for both sexes. A large body of data converges to
support this conclusion.
To study the frequency and impact of different types of PTE on a variety of
demographic groups, Norris (1992) used a sampling procedure that assured ap-
proximately equal numbers of Blacks and Whites, men and women, and younger
(18–39), middle-aged (40–59), and older (60⫹) participants. The sample was
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 147

drawn from 12 neighborhoods across four mid-sized southeastern U.S. cities.

Because the sample was not drawn randomly, it cannot be described as necessarily
representative of the general population, but likely much more so than many
PTSD studies that often draw on samples of convenience. Consistent with pre-
vious research, men (73.6%) were more likely than women (64.8%) to experience
most categories of trauma (with the exception of sexual assault). Current PTSD
was higher, though not significantly, among women (8.5%) than among men
(6.1%); lifetime frequency of PTSD was not reported.
In the HAYA study (Breslau et al., 1991), the cumulative incidence of PTSD
(DSM-III-R, American Psychiatric Association, 1987) was significantly higher
in women (30.2%) than in men (13%) (also see Breslau & Davis, 1992; Breslau,
Davis, Andreski, Peterson, & Schultz, 1997a). Lifetime prevalence rates were
11.3% in women, 6% in men (Breslau et al., 1991). Perhaps the best estimate of
the prevalence of PTSD in the U.S. general population is the NCS (Kessler et al.,
1995), a nationwide study that yielded a lifetime prevalence rate of 7.8% (apply-
ing DSM-III criteria). The NCS demonstrated that men (60.7%) were more likely
to be exposed to trauma than women (51.2%), but women (10.4%) were more
likely than men (5.0%) to experience clinically significant symptoms (Kessler et
al., 1995; also see Purves & Erwin, 2002).
To truly appreciate the burden of PTSD, Kessler (2000) recommends reporting
the point prevalence estimate (i.e., how many people in the population have PTSD
at one point in time). Though we see considerable value in reporting point prev-
alence estimates, we direct the reader to Phelan and Link (1999) for a discussion
of the potential limitations of this approach. Specific to the current topic, it is to
be expected that the conditional risk is higher among women given that women
experience more chronic courses of PTSD (Norris et al., 2002). The DAS (Breslau
et al., 1998) is one of the only studies to use the necessary methodology to capture
this information (Kessler, 2000). The results of the DAS suggested the lifetime
prevalence and mean number of traumas are both lower in women than in men
(Breslau, Chilcoat, Kessler, & Davis, 1999a; Breslau, Chilcoat, Kessler, Peterson,
& Lucia, 1999b). Despite less exposure to PTE, the overall conditional risk of
PTSD among women was double that for men. Consistent with prior studies,
Breslau et al. (1998) reported that women were nearly twice as likely as men to
develop PTSD after exposure to a PTE. The conditional risk of PTSD was 13.0%
in women and 6.2% in men, when estimated based on a randomly selected trauma.
PTSD resulting from the respondent’s nominated worst events was 17.7% in
women and 9.5% in men. Breslau (2001) contends that PTSD is not a rare disorder
and estimates that PTSD affects as many as 1 in 12 adults over the course of their
As previously noted, the bulk of this research has been conducted in the United
States and the prevalence of PTSD in general populations in other countries has
not been studied widely (Kessler, 2000; Norris et al., 2002). For the most part,

research that has been conducted in other nations is consistent with the U.S. data,
indicating that females are significantly more likely to develop PTSD. According
to the Modified PTSD Symptoms Scale, Stein, Walker, Hazen, & Forde (1997)
found that 5% of Canadian women compared to 1.7% of Canadian men met
symptom criteria. In subsequent analyses of the same data, Stein et al. (2000)
reported that Canadian women were more vulnerable to PTSD following nonsex-
ual assault but not in response to nonassaultive traumas. Lifetime exposure (to at
least one trauma) resulted in full or partial current PTSD in 8.2% of women and
1.8% of men (Stein et al., 2000).
Research outside of North America yields relatively consistent findings with
regard to gender differences, but much lower base rates of PTSD in the com-
munity, consistent with the evidence reviewed above demonstrating lower rates
of exposure to PTE. In a German study of 3,021 adolescents and adults (Perkonigg
& Wittchen, 1999) the lifetime prevalence of PTSD was 1.3%. Consistent with
data from the United States, the lifetime risk for PTSD after trauma was substan-
tially higher for women (2.2%) than for men (0.4%). Epidemiological research
in Australia similarly reveals a much lower prevalence of PTSD (12-month prev-
alence of PTSD at 1.3%) in the general population (Creamer, Burgess, & Mc-
Farlane, 2001) than generally is reported in North American research (e.g., 12-
month prevalence of 3.9%, Kessler, Mickelson, & Williams, 1999). Australian
women (1.4%) were somewhat more likely than their male counterparts (1.2%)
to have PTSD in the past 12 months. When examining a specific trauma, women
(2.9%) were significantly more likely than men (1.9%) to be diagnosed with
PTSD in the prior 12 months.
Recent empirical (e.g., Brewin, Andrews, & Valentine, 2000b) and theoretical
(Ballenger et al., 2000; Breslau et al., 1999b; Gavranidou & Rosner, 2003; Ye-
huda, 2002) reviews confirm that women have about a twofold greater lifetime
risk of PTSD than do men (for a thorough review, see Kimerling, Ouimette, &
Wolfe, 2002); the same also has been found with panic disorder and generalized
anxiety disorder (Kessler et al., 1994). For present purposes, it is most essential
to consider that despite differences in methodology, culture, the prevalence of
exposure to traumatic events across studies, and so on, the lifetime prevalence of
PTSD varies within a narrow range and is consistently found to be more common
among women (also see Breslau, 2002a).

Gender Differences in the Risk of Exposure to

Multiple Traumas
Epidemiological surveys indicate that the unique risk for PTSD among women
is not because they are more likely than men to have a history of multiple trauma
exposures (Freedman et al., 2002; Pimlott-Kubiak & Cortina, 2003). To the con-
trary, men often are found to have a greater mean number of prior traumas. In
the DAS, the mean number of distinct events was 5.3 for men and 4.3 for women
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 149

(Breslau et al., 1998). In the NCS (Kessler et al., 1995) considerably more men
(34%) than women (25%) reported multiple traumas. Similarly, Creamer et al.
(2001) found that a significantly greater proportion of Australian men than women
reported two (18.3% vs. 11.8%), three (10.2% vs. 6.2%), four (6.5% vs. 2.9%)
and more than four (4.7% vs. 2.4%) traumas, respectively. A related area of study
is the impact of chronic or serial traumas (e.g., childhood abuse, abuse in intimate
relationships, combat) (see Kaysen, Resick, & Wise, 2003).

Gender Differences in PTE and the Conditional Risk

As discussed elsewhere in this book, knowledge of the prevalence of PTSD within
the general population is of less utility for the practitioner than knowledge of the
conditional prevalence of PTSD. While women’s exposure to trauma (lifetime or
mean number of events) is less than that for men, these findings do not necessarily
indicate that female gender, per se, is a risk factor for PTSD. Simple examination
of PTE exposure rate may mask important differences in the nature of traumas
experienced by women versus men. The fundamental issue is whether women
are more likely than men to encounter the kinds of aversive events that trigger
traumatic responses (Kessler et al., 1995) or whether women’s experiences of the
“same” event differ in some manner from men’s experiences (Yehuda, 2002).
Research confirms that men and women are prone to exposure to distinctive
types of PTE. Stein et al. (2000) excluded respondents with a history of sexual
abuse, controlled for number of lifetime exposures and trauma types (i.e., sexual
traumatization, nonsexual assaultive violence, nonassaultive trauma), and exam-
ined features associated with the trauma (e.g., physical injury, fear of death).
Controlling for trauma-related variables in this manner led these authors to con-
clude that men and women are exposed to unique stressors.
In their review of gender differences in PTSD, Gavranidou and Rosner (2003)
asserted that women more often experience sexual abuse and rape, men more
frequently experience physical attacks and serious accidents, and there are no
apparent gender differences in the prevalence of traumas like natural disaster or
sudden death of close family members. We would add that the most common
cause of PTSD among men reported in the literature is exposure to combat (see
Breslau et al., 1999a; Seedat & Stein, 2000). Provided below is a brief review of
gender differences in the conditional risk of PTSD associated with various forms
of PTE within categories of trauma likely to give rise to forensic assessments
with women.

Nonsexual Interpersonal Violence

Interpersonal violence is more likely to result in posttraumatic maladjustment than
other types of events (e.g., natural disasters, motor vehicle accidents) (e.g., Bal-
lenger et al., 2000; Breslau et al., 1998; Kessler et al., 1995; Shercliffe, 2001).

Given that women are twice as likely as men to suffer from PTSD over their
lifetime, some have speculated that this might simply reflect the fact that women
are at greater risk of being assaulted. On the contrary, crime records, national
victimization surveys (e.g., Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000), and epidemiological stud-
ies of trauma (e.g., Breslau et al., 1998, 1999b; Norris, 1992; Kessler et al., 1995)
indicate that women are actually less likely than men to be the victims of non-
sexual interpersonal violence. Further, although men are the predominant victims
of nonsexual physical assaults, several studies suggest that women are substan-
tially more likely to develop PTSD secondary to a physical attack (e.g., Breslau
et al., 1998; Kessler et al., 1995; Perkonigg et al., 2000).
In their reanalysis of data from the National Violence Against Women survey,
Pimlott-Kubiak and Cortina (2003) found that men reported more childhood phys-
ical abuse (54% vs. 40%) and adult physical assaults (45% vs. 31%) than women
(also see Freedman et al., 2002). Males are also substantially more exposed to
combat violence (Breslau et al., 1998, 1999a; Creamer et al., 2001; Freedman et
al., 2002).
Norris (1992) reported the conditional risk of PTSD to be similar for men and
women, with the exception of criminal violence. Similarly, the results of the NCS
(Kessler et al., 1995) suggested that differences in the response to traumatic in-
terpersonal events might account for gender differences in the clinical outcome.
Women (6.8%) sampled in the NCS (Kessler et al., 1995) were significantly less
likely than men (19.0%) to report having been threatened with a weapon over
their lifetime, or to be the victim of a physical attack (women ⫽ 6.9%, men ⫽
11.1%). However, women who did report these experiences had significantly
higher rates of PTSD than men (weapon ⫽ 32.6% vs. 1.9%; attack ⫽ 21.3% vs.
1.8%, respectively). A relatively unique sample of trauma survivors from the
general population further bolsters this interpretation of the data. North, Smith,
and Spitznagel (1994) reported that women (36%) were significantly more likely
than men (20%) to suffer from PTSD after surviving a mass murderer’s attack.
Recent qualitative (e.g., Norris et al., 2002) and quantitative reviews (Tolin &
Foa, 2002) provide further evidence that “even within trauma types, females still
appear to be at somewhat greater risk for PTSD” (p. 90). While these findings
are generally consistent across studies, the extant literature is not particularly
compelling. Research examining gender differences in the nature of PTE really
is in its infancy—studying broad categories of trauma types is just a preliminary
step in the right direction. Cusack et al. (2002) recommend an assessment of the
relationship with the perpetrator, the victim’s perception of potential serious harm
or death, the chronicity of the trauma, and the extent of injury. To date, the trauma
literature has not sufficiently examined Criterion A2 to determine the role of
subjective distress. Recent reviews suggest that the subjective risk perceived by
a woman versus a man in response to an otherwise identical stressor might account
for gender differences (e.g., Pigott, 2003). Breslau (2002a) and Yehuda (2002)
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 151

both hypothesized that a woman’s fear of injury or death may exceed that of a
man’s, providing the two targets were facing an identical attacker. Women do, in
fact, face a substantially greater threat of injury than men during physical attacks,
suggesting that women’s disproportionate fear is based on an accurate evaluation
of their differential risk of harm compared to men facing the same threat. In the
Violence Against Women survey (VAWS), 39.0% of female physical assault vic-
tims compared to 24.8% of male physical assault victims reported being injured
during their most recent assault (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000).
There are at least two forms of nonsexual interpersonal violence that present
a relatively unique risk of trauma to women in terms of the rate of exposure and
the associated risk of harm: abuse in intimate relationships and stalking/criminal
harassment. Although these PTE are included here under “nonsexual” interper-
sonal violence, it is important to note that physically abusive relationships and
stalking often include some element of sexual violence.

Abusive Intimate Relationships

Approximately 25–30% of North American women report experiencing physical
abuse by an intimate partner (e.g., in dating, common law, or marital relationships)
over their lifetime (Canadian Violence Against Women Survey, Johnson, 1998;
U.S. National Violence Against Women survey, Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000). While
the rate of abuse experienced in romantic relationships is comparable for men
and women, there is less consensus regarding men’s and women’s experiences of
domestic violence and the resulting physical, psychological, and economic dam-
ages experienced by male and female victims. (e.g., Nicholls & Dutton, 2001;
Straus, 1999). It is not surprising that female victims of intimate partner abuse
have exceptionally high rates of PTSD (31%–60%, Cascardi, O’Leary, Lawrence,
& Schlee, 1995; 33%–84%, Golding, 1999) and other trauma related symptoms
(e.g., depression, suicide) compared to women in the general population (for a
review, see Rhodes & McKenzie, 1998). Highlighted are several important issues
for cross-examination in court and in the assessment and treatment of women
with abusive partners.
First, psychopathology among abused women is consistently found to postdate
the abuse (i.e., it is considered a consequence of the abuse) (Cascardi et al., 1995;
Gondolf, 1998). Using data from the NCS, Kessler, Molnar, Feurer, and Appel-
baum (2001) found no evidence of elevated rates of premarital mental disorders
among women in abusive relationships. Attempts to identify a typology of bat-
tered women have been unsuccessful, meaning that there is no “typical” battered
woman, and pathology models are poor predictors of who will enter into or remain
in abusive relationships (Campbell, Miller, Cardwell, & Belknap, 1994).
Second, because stress symptoms during and immediately following a PTE
can be considered a normal response (Simon, 1996), applying the diagnosis of
depression or PTSD to a woman in an ongoing violent situation “lacks common

sense” (Koss, Bailey, Yuan, Herrara, & Lichter, 2003, p. 135). Similar to using
bereavement as a factor to rule out applying the diagnosis of depression during
the normal grieving period, women’s reactions to the ongoing threat of danger in
abusive intimate relationships might preclude a mental disorder diagnosis (Koss
et al., 2003). Mental health problems among women currently experiencing abuse
should be considered relevant to the extent that they place a woman at risk for
ongoing abuse by interfering with her ability to engage in safety planning and
help seeking.
Third, concepts such as learned helplessness and posttraumatic stress disorder
(Koss et al., 2003; Mechanic, Kaysen, & Resick, 2002) might be of limited utility
when dealing with women currently in abusive relationships and women whose
ex-partners continue to abuse, stalk, or harass them following dissolution of the
relationship. A diagnosis of PTSD implies that the threat of abuse has been al-
leviated and the woman is now in a safe interpersonal situation. In fact, women
often are at increased risk of abuse and severe violence when attempting to seek
help or to leave an abuser, and over the period of time shortly after a separation
(e.g., Coleman, 1997). Hyperarousal might be an adaptive response to a chronic
abusive relationship (Mechanic et al., 2002). Decreasing a battered woman’s
arousal level might reduce her awareness of her partner’s level of risk, inadver-
tently increasing her level of danger.
Fourth, many women “choose” to remain in an abusive relationship for fear
of escalating abuse, because the abuser has made specific threats to harm her or
others if she attempts to leave, or because she believes authorities and/or family
cannot protect her. Considerable research demonstrates that these fears are justi-
fied, and leaving an abuser does not necessarily end the violence (e.g., Coleman,
1997; LaViolette & Barnett, 2000). As many as one in three women with former
abusive partners experience a physical assault after separation (Fleury, Sullivan,
& Bybee, 2000), some women experience abuse for the first time following a
separation (Kurcz, 1996) and the risk of murder and attempted murder is highest
during this time (Campbell, 1992; Coleman, 1997; McFarlane et al., 1999; Meloy,
Finally, professionals carry the substantial burden of ensuring that they do not
inadvertently undermine a woman’s credibility in criminal and civil proceedings
(e.g., reducing the woman’s chances of obtaining custody of her children; Gon-
dolf, 1998). Advocates need to be aware of the limits of confidentiality and share
that information and the associated risks with their clients (see Carlson & Dutton,

According to Tjaden & Thoennes (2000, p. 5), stalking or criminal harassment
involves, “a course of conduct directed at a specific person that involves repeated
visual or physical proximity; nonconsensual communication; verbal, written, or
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 153

implied threats; or a combination thereof that would cause fear in a reasonable

person (with repeated meaning on two or more occasions).” It is little wonder,
therefore, that one of the major associated mental health problems is PTSD. Stalk-
ing can result in chronic stress due to repeated trauma, a loss of control, mistrust,
and/or fear (Pathé & Mullen, 1997).
Douglas and Dutton (2001) estimated that as many as 1 in 20 people in the
general population will be stalked in the course of their lifetime. Official criminal
records and self-report victim surveys suggest that women are the predominant
victims of this form of interpersonal aggression. Gill and Brockman (1996) ex-
amined 601 stalking cases spanning a 3-year period (1993–1996) in Vancouver,
Edmonton, Winnipeg, Montreal, and Halifax, Canada. Their data revealed that
88% of the victims were women. More recent data released by Statistics Canada
(Johnson & Au Coin, 2003) indicated that rates of criminal harassment have
increased (up 53% between 1995 and 2001; Schell, 2003), with women still ac-
counting for the vast majority of victims (male victims increased 8% to 12%).
Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey (NVAWS) in the
United States indicated that 1% of all adult women are stalked each year and that
8% (1 in 12) of all women have been stalked at least once in their lifetime,
compared with 1 in 45 men.
The most common victim of stalking is an ex-intimate partner (Douglas &
Dutton, 2001; Meloy, 1998). In their sample of 144 battered women, Mechanic,
Weaver, and Resick (2000) found 13% to 29% reported being stalked in the 6
months immediately following separation from the abuser. According to the
NVAWS, slightly more than half (54%) of all stalking is done by current or former
partners. The prevalence of prior intimate partner stalking is particularly troubling
because ex-intimate stalkers engage in more dangerous behavior than nonintimate
relationship stalkers (Palarea, Zona, Lane, & Langhinrichsen-Rohling, 1999). Of
note, male victims (32%) are about half as likely as female victims (59%) to have
had a prior intimate relationship with the stalker (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000),
suggesting that females are not only more likely to be harassed, but also are more
likely than their male counterparts to experience violence by the stalker.
Research in Australia (Pathé & Mullen, 1997), the United States (Tjaden &
Thoennes, 2000), Canada (Abrams & Robinson, 1998), and the Netherlands
(Blaauw, Winkel, Arensman, Sheridan, & Freeve 2002), for example, demon-
strates that stalking is a significant risk factor for posttraumatic reactions even a
year or more after such activity has ceased (Blaauw et al., 2002; Draucker, 1999).
As many as one-third of stalking victims experience PTSD. Pathé and Mullen
(1997) reported that 83% of stalking targets responding to an interview question-
naire had increased anxiety, 37% had PTSD, and 18% had subsyndromal PTSD.
According to Kamphius and Emmelkamp (2001), in a community-based study of
Dutch female help-seeking stalking victims, more than half the women had clin-
ically significant distress, as measured by the General Health Questionnaire. The

authors concluded that stalking was associated with psychological morbidity in

59% of the women, including PTSD. In one of the few studies to examine both
male and female victims of stalking, Davis, Coker, and Sanderson (2002) reported
that the physical and mental health repercussions of stalking were not differen-
tiated by gender. That said, it must be recalled that women are more likely to
experience stalking by an ex-partner and to be the targets of serious threats and/or
In summary, women are disproportionately exposed to stalking, as well as to
stalking in a manner (when the offenders are ex-intimate partners) in which they
are objectively at risk of serious physical harm. Stalking appears to have signif-
icant negative emotional consequences for the victim. Further research is required
to elucidate the psychological impact of stalking, and to further explore gender
differences and similarities.

Sexual Violence
In the United States, the NVAW survey concluded that females comprised more
than 90% of the victims of childhood and adult sexual violence (Tjaden & Thoen-
nes, 2000; also see Pimlott-Kubiak & Cortina, 2003). Tjaden and Thoennes
(2000) estimated that 14.8% of women and 2.1% of men in the United States had
experienced a completed rape and another 2.8% of women and 0.9% of men
suffered an attempted rape over their lifetime. The disparity in the rate of sexual
violence experienced by women versus men raises the issue of whether sexual
violence might account for the association between gender and PTSD.

Adult Sexual Assault and Rape

Most authors distinguish between sexual assaults (i.e., any unwanted sexual acts)
and rape (i.e., forced vaginal, oral, or anal penetration). The majority of epide-
miological and national studies have examined rape (see Breslau et al., 1998;
Koss et al., 2003; Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000). The NVAWS showed that 0.3% of
women and 0.1% of men had been raped in the 12 months prior to the survey.
The incidence of rape (i.e., the number of separate victimizations) exceeded its
prevalence (i.e., the number of victims reporting rape; n ⫽ 734 women, 62 men)
because some respondents reported multiple rapes. In the previous 12 months,
women reported an average of 2.9 rapes and men reported an average of 1.2 rapes
(Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000), although these data must be viewed with caution
given the small sample sizes. In the NVAWS, 31.5% of female rape victims com-
pared to 16.1% of male victims reported being injured during their most recent
assault (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000).
Posttraumatic stress disorder is a common consequence of sexual assault; in
fact, sexual assaults are more closely associated with the onset of PTSD than
other forms of trauma (Breslau et al., 1998, 1999a; Kessler et al., 1995; Norris,
1992; Norris et al., 2002). Estimates of the conditional risk of PTSD following
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 155

rape range from one-third (Resnick, Kilpatrick, Dansky, Saunders, Best, 1993) to
94% (Rothbaum, Foa, Murdock et al., 1993). In a retrospective national proba-
bility sample of women in the United States (National Women’s Study), Resnick
et al. (1993) found that rates of PTSD were highest among women whose traumas
included rape or assault. One in 3 rape survivors (31%) developed PTSD over
their lifetime, a rate 6.2 times higher than women who had never been crime
victims (current PTSD ⫽ 11% vs. 2%, respectively). Prospective studies indicate
that as many as 94% of female rape victims meet criteria at two weeks (dropping
to 47% at 3 months) (e.g., Rothbaum, Foa, Riggs, Murdock, & Walsh, 1992;
Riggs, Rothbaum, & Foa, 1995). Foa (1997) concluded that rape is uniquely
traumatic, resulting in PTSD in 48% versus 25% of nonsexual crime victims three
months after the trauma. Of note, the conditional prevalence of PTSD in the NCS
(Kessler et al., 1995) did not differ between men and women exposed to a sexual
assault. Of the women sampled, 9.2% reported a rape, nearly half (49.5%) of
whom developed PTSD (Kessler et al., 1995). In contrast, of the 0.7% of men
reporting a rape over their lifetime, 65.0% developed PTSD (also see Creamer et
al., 2001; Freedman et al., 2002). Rape in marital or cohabitating relationships is
estimated at 10–14% of the general population of women, and about 50% of
women who are physically abused by a male partner also report sexual assaults
(Koss et al., 2003; Smith, Thornton, DeVellis, Earp, & Coker, 2002). Importantly,
rapes committed in the context of intimate relationships are associated with mental
health effects as deleterious as the psychological impact of being raped by a
stranger (Campbell et al., 1999) and a greater likelihood of injury than rapes
committed by nonintimates (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000).
In summary, adult sexual assault is disproportionately suffered by women,
female victims are more likely to suffer multiple sexual assaults than are men,
and sexual assaults within cohabiting or married relationships are more likely to
be associated with other forms of abuse and with physical injury. All of the above
suggests that sexual assault poses a more toxic influence on women’s mental
health than it does for men.

Childhood Sexual Abuse

Girls and women are at substantially greater risk of sexual assault throughout
their lifetime than their male counterparts, beginning in childhood. Large national
surveys in the United States indicate that as many as 1 in 3 women (27%), com-
pared to 1 in 10 men (8–16%), experienced at least one incident of childhood
sexual abuse (CSA) (Breslau et al., 1997a; Finkelhor, 1994; Finkelhor, Hotaling,
Lewis, & Smith, 1990). The NVAWS (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000) similarly dem-
onstrated that 9% of women and 1.9% of men were raped before the age of 18.
Female respondents (13.5%) to the NCS (Molnar, Buku, & Kessler, 2001) also
were much more likely than male respondents (2.5%) to report CSA.
Epidemiological studies and large national surveys in other developed nations

similarly indicate that the prevalence and incidence of CSA is no less alarming
in other countries (e.g., Fergusson, Swain-Campbell, & Horwood, 2002; Finkel-
hor, 1994). The World Health Organization (WHO) recently carried out a review
of prevalence estimates of CSA from 39 countries. “After controlling for differ-
ences between studies, the prevalence of non-contact, contact and intercourse
types of CSA in females was about 6%, 11% and 4%, respectively. In males it
was about 2% for all categories. Thus, over 800 million people worldwide may
have experienced CSA, with over 500 million having experienced contact or
intercourse types of abuse” (WHO, 2002, p. 10).
Professionals should be aware that it is still being debated in the literature
whether or not all instances of CSA satisfy DSM-IV criteria for PTSD. Although
sexual contact between adults and children is morally repugnant, research sug-
gests that every such instance might not be “traumatic” as such, particularly when
the abuse does not involve physical force (e.g., Rind, Tromovitch, & Bauser-
man, 1998; cf., Dallam, Gleaves, & Cepeda-Benito, 2001). Moreover, it is difficult
to disentangle long-term effects specific to CSA from the larger body of childhood
adversities often facing sexual abuse targets (e.g., mother’s psychopathology,
poverty, parental substance abuse, interparental violence) (e.g., Browne & Fin-
kelhor, 1986; Molnar et al., 2001). This methodological issue is particularly chal-
lenging when the perpetrator is a previously trusted family member. Finkelhor
(1979) suggested that the matter should be framed in terms of the ethical and
legal issues. He asserted that asymmetrical power makes informed consent by a
child impossible; and, therefore, inherently wrong. Although many CSA survivors
go on to be well adjusted, a large body of literature demonstrates a link between
CSA and immediate and long-term negative outcomes, including PTSD (see Bres-
lau, Peterson, Kessler, & Schulz, 1999c; Fergusson et al., 2002; Molnar et al.,
Community samples (e.g., Saunders, Villeponteaux, Lipovsky, Kilpatrick, &
Veronen, 1992) suggest that the psychological sequelae of CSA often involve
PTSD and appear to differ as a function of the aspects of the experience. Saunders
et al. (1992) reported 33.3% of survivors of CSA that involved physical contact
without penetration versus 64.1% of those who experienced penetration devel-
oped PTSD. The duration of CSA, use of physical force or threats, and fear of
injury or death have been found to differentiate the risk of PTSD and/or the
severity of symptoms (e.g., Rowan, Foy, Rodriguez, & Ryan, 1994; Wolfe,
Schnurr, Brown, & Furey, 1994).
Most epidemiological studies to date have not evaluated the conditional risk
of PTSD following CSA. Creamer et al.’s study (2001) indicated that while fe-
males (10.2%) were significantly more likely than males (3.5%) to report CSA,
male victims were significantly more likely to suffer from PTSD (11.8% vs.
5.5%). In sum, exposure to adult or childhood sexual victimization almost cer-
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 157

tainly accounts for some, but not all, of the variance we witness in the prevalence
of posttrauma maladjustment among men and women (see Stein et al., 1997,

Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is a pervasive problem. McKinney (1990) estimated that 20–
75% of female college students are the targets of harassing behaviors of a sexual
nature. Ilies, Hauserman, Schwochau, and Stibal (2003) found that 58% of women
reported having experienced potentially harassing behaviors at work in the United
States. Sexual harassment appears to be no less prevalent in Canadian industry;
in a cross-section of 46 Canadian companies responding to a questionnaire
(Schell, 2003), 43.5% indicated that a reported incident (i.e., the target made an
official complaint) of sexual harassment occurred from January 1995 through
January 2000. The vast majority of these reported incidents (including 53 cases
in 20 companies) involved male perpetrators and female targets (91.7%). Given
that this study examined cases reported to the companies’ human resources de-
partments, it likely underestimated the prevalence of sexual harassment. As dis-
cussed, men tend to experience potentially sexually harassing behaviors very
differently from women; as such, the study likely overestimated the proportion
of cases involving female targets. Simon (1996) estimated that complaints by men
account for about one-tenth the number of complaints by women.
Although power and hierarchical status are considered important antecedents
to sexual harassment, there also is considerable research documenting “contra-
power” sexual harassment (i.e., harassment by objectively less powerful persons
against more powerful persons) (McKinney, 1992). DeSouza and Fansler (2003)
found that almost one-third of university students (N ⫽ 158) admitted to having
sexually harassed a professor and more than half of the 209 professors surveyed
reported having been sexually harassed by students. Male and female professors
experienced similar rates of harassment, though the psychological impact was
greater for women (DeSouza & Fansler, 2003).
Some authors assert that Criterion A1, as defined in the DSM-IV, does not
necessarily require a life-threatening event, and many victims of sexual harass-
ment show a pattern of PTSD-like symptoms (for a review, see Avina &
O’Donohue, 2002). Theorists further assert that sexual harassment has a trauma-
like impact and exists on the same continuum as sexual assault (e.g., Koss, 1990).
Empirical support for the traumatic impact of sexual harassment has been ob-
tained in workplace (e.g., Dansky & Kilpatrick, 1997) and university contexts
(McDermut, Haaga, & Kirk, 2000). Controlling for prior traumas, lifetime PTSD
(measured with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV [SCID]) is asso-
ciated with sexual harassment, and the severity of harassment is positively cor-
related with current PTSD symptoms (McDermut et al., 2000). As would be

expected, PTSD symptom scores on average are lower than among samples of
rape victims, and the research indicates that sexual harassment likely falls on the
low severity end of the sexual trauma continuum (McDermut et al., 2000).
It is important to consider that the operational definitions of sexual harassment
used in research and psychology do not always translate well to legal definitions.
These differences are particularly compelling if one considers, for instance, gen-
der differences in response to potentially harassing behaviors (e.g., Berdahl, Mag-
ley, & Waldo, 1996; Koedam, 2000; Waldo, Berdahl, & Fitzgerald, 1998). It might
well be the case that a female target found a sexually harassing experience to be
emotionally taxing, though the experience might not satisfy legal definitions. In
contrast, a male target might experience more severe harassing behavior, which
satisfied legal criteria, but was not distressing to him (Waldo et al., 1998). Pro-
fessionals should be conversant in relevant legal standards in their jurisdictions.

Nonassaultive Traumas

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Data from large-scale epidemiological studies that have examined PTSD follow-
ing motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) and other serious accidents (e.g., Breslau,
2002b; Creamer et al., 2001; Kessler, 1995; Norris, 1992) offer little evidence
that gender plays an important role in psychological recovery following accidents.
In contrast, several convenience and clinical samples have yielded more mixed
Freedman et al. (2002) examined gender differences in response to MVAs in
275 emergency room patients (N ⫽ 93 men and 104 women). Lifetime exposure
to 24 potentially traumatic events was examined using the Trauma History Ques-
tionnaire. This prospective study indicated that subsequent to MVAs, there was
no gender difference in the incidence of PTSD. Using regression analyses, the
authors reported that gender did not add significantly to the prediction of PTSD
above trauma severity and previous trauma exposure. The authors also found no
statistically significant difference in the occurrence of major depressive disorder
or dysthymia, though women were significantly more likely to have postaccident
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), as well as a lifetime history of GAD. The
authors concluded that gender differences in response to PTE reflect “gender-
specific attributes” of the events. Their results are somewhat unique from other
convenience samples, suggesting that women demonstrate poorer recovery than
males following MVAs (e.g., Ehlers, Mayou, & Bryant, 1998; Fullerton et al.,
In a recent review of the predictors of PTSD in MVA survivors, Douglas and
Koch (submitted) concluded that there is consistent evidence for the relationship
between female gender and MVA-PTSD, although they postulate that other factors
identified in the literature might account for the apparent relationships. For in-
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 159

stance, Almeida, Wethington, and Kessler (2002) and Almeida and Kessler (1998)
have found that gender differences in daily levels of psychological distress might
be explained by different frequencies of daily nontraumatic stressors. Douglas
and Koch further postulated that peritraumatic dissociation (see Fullerton et al.,
2001) and the generally higher rate of psychological distress among women (e.g.,
Kessler, McGonagle, Swartz, Blazer, & Nelson, 1993) might account for different
rates of PTSD (also see Cusack et al., 2002).

Natural Disasters
Biological sex also has not emerged as an important predictor of recovery fol-
lowing natural disasters. Though epidemiological data suggest that women typi-
cally fare somewhat more poorly than men, these differences tend not to be sta-
tistically significant (e.g., Kessler, 1995; Norris, 1992; for a review, see Yehuda,
2002). Similar to the epidemiological literature, research with disaster victims
generally points to small, nonsignificant gender main effects (e.g., Benight, Swift,
Sanger, Smith, & Zeppelin, 1999; Norris et al., 2001a; Thorunn & Ask, 2002).

Summary of the Conditional Risk of PTSD: Are Women

Uniquely Vulnerable?
When it comes to trauma, are women the “weaker” sex (Gavranidou & Rosner,
2003)? We opened the chapter by alluding to the relative lack of agreement in
the literature regarding women’s vulnerability to PTSD. While this debate still
rages in the literature (e.g., Bresleau, 2002a; Kimerling et al., 2002; Yehuda,
2002), substantial progress has been made in the field, and speculations regarding
sex differences in posttraumatic responses have begun to converge, demonstrating
several consistent findings:

1. Women are about twice as likely as men to develop PTSD over their life-
2. Gender differences in the prevalence of PTSD cannot be accounted for by
sex differences in the prevalence or incidence of trauma exposures or in
exposure to multiple traumas.
3. An examination of diverse forms of trauma reveals that the conditional risk
of PTSD in women appears to be relatively similar to men, with a trend for
higher rates among women than men exposed to the same PTE.
4. Interpersonal violence appears to have a unique impact on posttraumatic
recovery, generally, but presents a greater threat of PTSD to women than
to men.
5. Sexual traumas, in particular, contribute disproportionately to the devel-
opment of posttrauma symptoms in men and women; women are at sub-
stantially greater risk of exposure to this form of interpersonal violence.
6. Sex differences in the threat associated with interpersonal violence (i.e.,

risk of injury) likely account for some of the variance in the prevalence of
PTSD among men and women.

Several researchers contend that women are more prone than men, irrespective
of the nature of the trauma, to develop PTSD and other posttraumatic disorders
(e.g., Breslau, 2002a; Kessler et al., 1995; Stein et al., 2000). Gavranidou and
Rosner (2003) concluded, “Even when the conditional probabilities for amount
and type of traumatic events (toxicity) are considered, the relative risk for women
of developing PTSD is elevated” (p. 135). They suggest that women display a
higher risk of developing PTSD across categories of trauma, with the exception
of highly toxic events such as rape and childhood neglect. Others contend it is
possible that the quality of the traumatic events experienced by women and the
subjective interpretation of those experiences is what makes women more likely
than men to experience subsequent psychopathology (e.g., Cusack et al., 2002;
Freedman et al., 2002; Pimlott-Kubiak & Cortina, 2003; Tolin & Foa, 2002; Wolfe
& Kimerling, 1997). Yehuda (2002) asserted, “Although women have a higher
prevalence of PTSD, it is not clear whether this finding reflects an increased
vulnerability to the disorder or the fact that seemingly similar events are experi-
enced differently by men and women” (p. 109). Results of a recent meta-analysis
(Tolin & Foa, 2002) demonstrated several significant differences in the conditional
risk of PTSD for men and women by trauma category; however, with the excep-
tion of sexual assault, CSA, and combat, all of the effect sizes were small. These
authors concluded that a general trend toward greater PTSD among females ap-
peared to exist, but that more research was needed to link specific aspects of the
traumatic experience with the onset of PTSD.
In sum, we contend that the research does not support the “feminine vulner-
ability” to PTSD hypothesis (Pimlott-Kubiak & Cortina, 2003, p. 528; Yehuda,
2002); or, perhaps more accurately, the methodology of existing studies is not yet
sophisticated enough to conclude that the conditional risk of PTSD is higher
among women, without other alternative hypotheses (e.g., greater toxic exposure
to a categorically similar trauma) (also see Saxe & Wolfe, 1999). The following
discussion should provide some clarity regarding methodological and clinical
issues that might account for discrepant findings in the literature, as well as offer
some recommendations for future research.

Limitations of Current Knowledge and

Future Research Directions

General Methodological Issues

The conventional approach in assessing PTSD prevalence is to specify symptoms
in the past month as current and those that occurred prior as during the subject’s
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 161

lifetime (Litz, Miller, Ruef, & McTeague 2002). To the extent that researchers
examine current as opposed to lifetime prevalence of PTSD in men and women,
apparent gender differences in prevalence rates could reflect an artifact of the
differential course of PTSD across the sexes as opposed to a true susceptibility
in women (Stein et al., 2000). In a similar vein, some research has examined
PTSD from the perspective of the victim’s most distressing event (Stein et al.,
2000). As discussed above, women are the predominant victims of sexual vio-
lence, which appears to be uniquely predictive of PTSD. Results from studies
inquiring about the respondent’s most distressing event may provide biased com-
parisons of PTSD prevalence between men and women. That being said, even
within broad trauma categories, there is some evidence of significant gender dif-
ferences in the conditional risk of PTSD (Tolin & Foa, 2002). How might such
gender-related differences be accounted for? Saxe and Wolfe (1999) hypothesized
that diagnostic biases (i.e., research demonstrates that health-care practitioners
are more likely to diagnose women with some mental illnesses) and reporting
styles (i.e., research confirms that women are more likely to disclose PTE and
tend to report more severe symptoms) might be to blame. Below we offer some
further possible explanations.

The Nature of the Trauma

Criteria A1 and A2
With regard to assessment and diagnostic criteria, the DSM-IV is still relatively
vague. As Litz et al. (2002) noted, “threat to physical integrity of self or others”
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994, pp. 427–428) is “particularly ambigu-
ous and subject to interpretation” (p. 220). Furthermore, Vogel and Marshall
(2001) emphasized that distinguishing different types of traumas is an important
goal given that multiple stressors, trauma severity, and revictimization all have
been demonstrated to predict PTSD symptoms. While some authors assert that
gender differences in the risk of PTSD exist even after controlling for trauma
types, (i.e., typically defined broadly as combat, MVA, rape), there is a great deal
of variability within classes of traumatic experiences (e.g., Cusack et al., 2002;
Foa & Tolin, 2002; Norris et al., 2002; Stein et al., 2000). Norris (1992) similarly
noted that one assault is not necessarily like another assault and, therefore, victims
may have qualitatively different experiences.
Our review of sex differences in sexual harassment, stalking, and abuse in
intimate relationships indicates that a more detailed analysis of PTE features
might advance our understanding of women’s vulnerability to PTSD. Other au-
thors have similarly recommended such a finer-grained analysis of PTE. Yehuda
(2002) concluded that the most salient characteristics of PTE for the development
of PTSD are the severity, predictability, duration, and type of trauma.
The necessity of furthering PTSD assessment approaches to more accurately

reflect the perspective of the victim is evident in the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic

criteria. Criterion A2 requires that “The person’s response to the event must
involve intense fear, helplessness or horror” (American Psychiatric Association,
2000, p. 463). The few studies that have begun to examine Criterion A2 support
our assertion that this will be an important area of study to clarify gender differ-
ences. To demonstrate, Perkonigg and Wittchen (1999) reported that rates of ex-
posure to PTE were significantly higher for men (25%) than women (18%); how-
ever, once Criterion A2 was accounted for, gender differences were substantially
reduced (men ⫽ 19%; women ⫽ 15%). Norris et al. (2002) reported that an
examination of Criteria A1 and A2 in a Mexican sample (N ⫽ 1,289, two-thirds
female) assessed using the CIDI version 2.1 for DSM-IV resulted in very similar
findings. An assessment of A1 yielded 83% of men and 74% of women experi-
encing at least one lifetime PTE; however, nearly identical percentages of men
(60%) and women (61%) met Criterion A2. King, King, Gudanowski, and Vreven
(1995) also found that perceived threat was a better predictor of PTSD in men
and women than other traditional means of assessing combat exposure.
The differential meaning of interpersonal violence, such as spouse abuse or
sexual harassment, for men versus women has received considerable attention in
the literature for those fields, yet these issues have yet to be adequately addressed
in the trauma/PTSD literature. For instance, speaking to sexual harassment, Waldo
et al. (1998) wrote, “similar behavioral experiences are likely to have different
meanings for men and women, given gender differences in socialization and in
social, organizational, and physical power” (p. 60). In fact, some research dem-
onstrates that men often describe potentially sexually harassing experiences as
benign or even welcome, and are significantly less likely than women to find such
experiences distressing (e.g., Cochran, Frazier, & Olson, 1997; DeSouza & Fan-
sler, 2003; Waldo et al., 1998).
Threat to physical safety and cognitive perceptions (e.g., the perceived likeli-
hood of being injured or killed; see Blanchard et al., 1995; Shalev, Peri, Canetti,
& Schreiber, 1996) have been demonstrated to increase risk for PTSD. Moreover,
factors that contribute are evaluated based on the victim’s feelings of control over
the circumstances, predictability, and the extent of the perceived risk. Further
examination of Criterion A–related factors—such as perceived risk, feelings of
control versus helplessness, and predictability—might explain, in part, why
women are at greater risk than men of developing PTSD following nonsexual
assaultive violence (e.g., mugging, robbery, domestic violence), but not following
nonassaultive violence (e.g., MVA, fire) (see Stein et al., 2000). Litz et al. (2002)
critiqued the DSM-IV for its categorical approach and failure to assess dimen-
sional features of PTE and the person’s response. They recommended that clini-
cians provide clients the opportunity to evaluate the event subjectively; appropri-
ate measures for this type of evaluation are available (e.g., the Severity of Violence
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 163

against Women Scales; Marshall, 1992), though to our knowledge have not been
utilized for this purpose.

Cumulative and Chronic Traumas—Considering Dose Response

Intuitively, the extent or length of exposure to a PTE should predict mental health
problems. Evidence of a dose-response relationship and PTSD has been demon-
strated in several studies of partner abuse (e.g., Astin, Lawrence, & Foy, 1993;
Cascardi & O’Leary, 1992; Cascardi, O’Leary, & Schlee, 1999), and also has
been found in studies of the impact of CSA on psychological functioning (e.g.,
Rowan et al., 1994; Saunders et al., 1992; Wolfe et al., 1994; for a model see
Briere, 1992), for instance. Future research should serve to quantify the chronicity
of traumatic events when attempting to make gender comparisons (e.g., see Her-
man, 1992; Kaysen et al., 2003; also see Litz et al., 2002). Most experts agree
(e.g., Breslau, 2002a; Yehuda, 2002) that contrasting the experience of a man who
is repeatedly involved in physical fights with other men against a woman’s ex-
perience of being battered repeatedly by a male partner is inappropriate. Meta-
phorically, it is like contrasting the likelihood of injury to a heavyweight boxer
fighting other heavyweights to a lightweight boxing above his weight in the
heavyweight class. One would logically expect more frequent and severe injuries
to the lightweight. Yet, these essential distinctions are not made in the bulk of the
literature—typically, a female abuse victim and a man in a barroom brawl would
both be categorized as having experienced a physical assault. Litz et al. (2002)
recommended asking clients to describe the timing of the stressor, to determine
if it was (a) serial or chronic in nature, or (b) if the individual experienced repeated
similar events over their lifetime. Within forensic assessments, it is particularly
important to detect multiple PTE and their temporal relationship to psychological

Traumatic Betrayals—Relationship to Perpetrators of Violence

The relationship of the victim to the perpetrator of interpersonal violence also
has received relatively little research attention in the PTSD literature. Some re-
search suggests that CSA has worse outcomes if the perpetrator is a father figure
versus a trusted adult outside the immediate family or a stranger (e.g., Friedrich,
Urquiza, & Beilke, 1986). On a related matter, the relationship between the child
and the perpetrator has been found to affect mothers’ reactions to disclosures of
CSA, subsequent family discord, and family composition. According to the CSA
(Friedrich et al., 1986; Quas, Goodman, & Jones, 2003; cf., Lucenko, Gold, &
Cott, 2000), domestic violence (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000), and stalking (e.g.,
Palarea et al., 1999) literatures, closer affiliation to the perpetrator generally in-
creases the target’s risk of chronic abuse, severe abuse, and physical injury. It is
as yet unclear whether it is the victim’s relationship to the perpetrator or associated

risks (e.g., age, duration of abuse, or penetration) that increase the risk for psy-
chopathology in CSA survivors (Lucenko et al., 2000). Similarly, much of the
extant epidemiological literature assesses physical assault experiences without
considering that many of the incidents reported reflect familial abuse, which likely
carries substantially different meanings (e.g., trustworthiness of close family
members, shame, implications of reporting the abuse) for the victims.
Gender differences in PTSD might reflect women’s greater risk of PTE that
involve a betrayal of trust (also see DePrince & Freyd, 2002), reporting (i.e.,
disclosure), and cognitive differences associated with family abuse and sexual
violence (e.g., self-blame or victim blaming; see Quas et al., 2003), or the im-
portance of relationships to women’s construct of self (Saxe & Wolfe, 1999). To
clarify the role of betrayal, DePrince and Freyd (2002) called for further research
to elucidate the influence of gender role socialization, the experience of unique
PTE across the genders, or some combination of these factors (also see Cusack
et al., 2002).

The Context in Which Trauma and Recovery Occurs

As noted in chapter 3, trauma recovery occurs in the context of the individual’s
everyday life. Measuring the social (e.g., social support, economic resources) and
cultural (e.g., attitudes around gender roles, sexual assault) context in which PTE
and recovery occur is likely to provide further clarity regarding the true influence
of gender (e.g., see Norris et al., 2001a). Almeida and Kessler (1998) asserted
that it is necessary to obtain both richer descriptions of external triggers, as well
as internal appraisals of traumatic events to better understand the relationship
between gender and well-being. Litz et al., (2002) similarly advised clinicians
that the current nosological systems (i.e., DSM-IV-TR, American Psychiatric
Association, 2000) and existing assessment tools for rendering a decision about
the client’s exposure and extent of trauma are insufficient in their coverage of the
victim’s social context. They recommend that clinicians should ask, at a mini-
mum, “What was going on in your life at the time that this event occurred?” and
“What were the responses of those around you?” (pp. 220–221).

Social Support
The reactions of significant others to trauma survivors appear to predict shifts
from normal responses to chronic posttraumatic reactions. Social-psychological
theories suggest that social support tends to buffer people who experience PTE
(for a review, see Turner, 1999). On the other hand, research examining negative
social support also points to the deleterious impact of some social relationships
(e.g., see Turner, 1994).
Survivors of interpersonal violence are more likely than survivors of other
types of PTE (e.g., MVAs or nonsexual assaults) to encounter negative reactions
from others, including accusations that the incident(s) did not occur (e.g., in the
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 165

case of incest) and victim blaming (e.g., following sexual assault, domestic vio-
lence) (Janoff-Bulman, 1992). Research from the general social support literature
indicates that women tend to report greater perceived support and derive greater
benefits from that support than men, but that women also are more likely than
men to experience negative social support (Turner, 1994). In the trauma literature,
PTSD symptoms are more strongly associated with negative or harsh reactions
from significant others (e.g., rejection, denial) than with positive reactions from
the social environment (e.g., Ullman & Filipas, 2001; Zoellner et al., 1999b).
Societal responses to victims of sexual PTE in contrast to other types of trauma
survivors are more likely to be unsupportive or even hostile (Campbell, Ahrens,
Sefl, Wasco, & Barnes, 2001; Zoellner et al., 1999b). Such negative social support
may be particularly relevant to minority women whose cultures place great value
on chastity (Ullman & Filipas, 2001).
In a recent meta-analysis of risk factors for PTSD, of the 14 risk factors ex-
amined, social support was found to have the largest weighted average effect size
(Brewin, Andrews, & Valentine, 2000). The first known study to compare gender
differences in levels and benefits of social support among trauma victims (An-
drews, Brewin, & Rose, 2003) found that negative social support mediated the
relationship between distress and gender (i.e., women might be more likely to
experience negative support). Alternatively, the authors postulated that support
might moderate the relationship between distress and gender (i.e., women might
be more vulnerable to negative support and/or derive more benefit from positive
support). Presumably, as Andrews et al. (2003) asserted, the impact of negative
perceptions will be more evident in the longitudinal course of posttraumatic re-
actions than in the immediate response to trauma. Negative responses from others
can serve to exacerbate avoidance behaviors and reinforce maladaptive attitudes
(e.g., shame, self-blame) (e.g., see Janoff-Bulman, 1989; Quas et al., 2003). Fur-
ther appreciation of the differential impact of social support might broaden our
understanding of women’s consistently higher rates of PTSD.

Daily Hassles and Nontraumatic Stressors

Gender role theoretical perspectives posit that women are more likely than men
to experience distress due to their role in providing nurturing and empathy to a
broad range of people and unique role-related stressors (e.g., Gove & Tudor,
1973). For most individuals, even a short period of adjustment and recovery can
compound the impact of a PTE (e.g., an increased workload due to time off).
Research suggests that the burden for women recovering from mental health prob-
lems may be even greater than for men (Allen & Webster, 2001). Almeida and
Kessler (1998) used daily diary methods to demonstrate that women are more
likely than men to report any distress on a given day and to have a greater prev-
alence of high-distress days. Longitudinal research has found that assaulted
women subsequently face higher rates of poverty, divorce, and unemployment

than do male assault victims (e.g., Byrne, Resnick, Kilpatrick, Best, & Saunders,
1999). Almeida and Kessler (1998) concluded that future research should use
more sophisticated assessments of daily stressors (e.g., frequency, style, and out-
come of marital disagreements), a measure of respondents’ appraisals of daily
events, daily responding to assure actual daily reporting of events (e.g., e-mail
responses), and combined gender role and cognitive behavioral approaches (also
see Almeida et al., 2002).

Gender Roles and Socialization

Gender role socialization shapes how we understand our environment and our-
selves; as noted above, gender role theories are believed to have considerable
applicability to improving our understanding of gender differences in PTSD. Nor-
ris et al. (2001a) found nonsignificant gender differences in cultures that value
egalitarian roles for women (i.e., women who are expected to be resourceful,
contribute to wage earning; e.g., African American women) versus large gender
differences in cultures that are more likely to socialize women to be compliant
and passive (e.g., Mexican women). This is an area of study that likely has im-
portant implications for reporting PTE (DePrince & Freyd, 2002), victim attri-
butions of responsibility, help-seeking, coping strategies (DePrince & Freyd,
2002), micro-explanations of gender differences (e.g., trauma processing, see Al-
meida & Kessler, 1998; DePrince & Freyd, 2002; Krause, DeRosa, & Roth, 2002)
and treatment (e.g., Cason, Grubaugh, & Resick, 2002).

Posttraumatic Reactions, Cognitive Distortions,

and Coping
It is normal for individuals exposed to traumatic events to experience a short-
lived stress reaction (Litz et al., 2002). The extent to which the individual expe-
riences normal recovery is determined in part by the psychological processes he
or she employs following the trauma. Wolfe and Kimerling (1997) proposed that
the assessment of trauma in women requires a multidimensional approach, and
urged clinicians to consider the impact of schemata and distorted cognitions re-
lated to the self and the world on women’s posttrauma coping. As reviewed above,
examples of victims for whom distorted cognitions might be particularly relevant
include domestic violence victims, incest, and other sexual assault survivors (for
a cognitive model, see Tolin & Foa, 2002). Empirical evidence of the impact of
these types of traumas on women’s attributions and cognitions (e.g., self-blame,
shame, self-efficacy) indicates that clinicians need to consider posttrauma adjust-
ment beyond the circumscribed DSM-IV criteria including “event type, fre-
quency, overall severity . . . individual attributions about stressor causality”
(Wolfe & Kimerling, 1997, p. 210). Research further suggests that female gender
may account for more cases of PTSD through the pathway of rumination (e.g.,
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 167

Ehlers, Mayou, & Bryant, 1998) and peritraumatic dissociation (e.g., Fullerton
et al., 2001).

Clinical Presentation and Course of Recovery

As reviewed above, epidemiological studies have yielded higher rates of PTSD
in women than in men in the general population; a greater number of comorbid
diagnoses and gender differences in clinical presentation after traumatic events
also have been reported (Wong & Yehuda, 2002). Some authors contend that
women with PTSD have a higher rate of comorbidity (Wong & Yehuda, 2002),
express more symptoms (Lavik, Hauff, Skrondal, & Solberg, 1996; North, Smith,
& Spitznagel, 1997), have unique symptoms (Norris et al., 2001a), and/or that
PTSD persists longer for them than for men (Breslau et al., 1998; McFarlane,
1988; Perkonigg et al., 2000; Saxe & Wolfe, 1999). Wolfe and Kimerling (1997)
asserted that women show clinically significant disruption in health status (e.g.,
sexual dysfunctions, eating disorders, somatization), substantial comorbid sub-
stance abuse, as well as depression, and family and social disruption.
Despite the fact that comorbidity with PTSD is the norm (Orsillo, Raja, &
Hammond, 2002; see chapter 3), very few studies have examined it in relation to
gender differences. Kessler et al. (1995) reported that among individuals with a
lifetime history of PTSD, men (88.3%) had a higher likelihood than women
(79.0%) of having at least one other disorder. Men (59%) also were more likely
than women (44%) to have more than three comorbid disorders. Similarly, Kessler
et al. (1995) reported that comorbidity among their NCS sample was not differ-
entiated by gender; for instance, lifetime history of depression (men ⫽ 47.9%,
women ⫽ 48.5%) and dysthymia (men ⫽ 21%, women ⫽ 23.3%), were nearly
identical. Based on their review of the literature, Orsillo et al., (2002) concluded
that specific prevalence rates vary widely between studies, but a general pattern
suggests that for most disorders, comorbidity does not differ “dramatically” for
men and women.
With regard to substance-use disorders (SUD) specifically, Stewart, Ouimette,
and Brown (2002) summarized the literature by stating that SUD might be some-
what more likely to appear in women, but that its presence appears to be related
to the severity of the trauma. Data on this question are equivocal. There are two
means of examining co-occurring disorders—the prevalence of people with PTSD
who also have SUD (for instance) or the prevalence of people with SUD who
also have PTSD. Data from the NCS (Kessler et al., 1995) indicated that 51.9%
of men and 27.9% of women with PTSD had co-occurring alcohol abuse/depen-
dence. Of participants without PTSD, 34.4% of men and 13.5% of women had
alcohol abuse/dependence (Kessler et al., 1995). Kessler, Davis, and Kendler
(1997) found that among people with lifetime alcohol dependence, women
(26.2%) were much more likely than men (10.3%) to have PTSD. Najavits, Weiss,

Shaw, and Muenz (1998) noted that 30% to 59% of women with a current
substance-use disorder have PTSD, while women with current PTSD are 1.4 to
5.5 times more likely to have SUD than women without PTSD. Najavits et al.
(1998) noted that while these rates are remarkable on their own, they are partic-
ularly striking if one considers the prevalence rates are double that found in men.
Stewart et al. (2002) summarized the empirical literature and suggested that
women appear to develop SUD subsequent to PTSD, while men appear more
likely to develop PTSD subsequent to SUD, possibly reflecting impulsive or risky
behaviors increasing their level of risk for exposure to PTE. In general, they
suggest that “In mental health treatment settings geared for SUDs or trauma re-
lated problems, approximately half of the men and one-third of the women will
evidence this dual diagnosis” (p. 235).
Comorbidity research also has examined gender differences in medical or
health-related outcomes for PTSD clients. In contrast to the general population,
recent reviews indicate that male and female trauma victims show few differences
in number or severity of physical symptoms (Brand, 2003; Kimerling, Clum,
McQuery, & Schnurr, 2002). It should be noted, however, that much of the co-
morbidity research does not include control groups, has been conducted on males,
and relies on retrospective reports of symptom onset (increasing susceptibility to
biased reporting).
While research suggests that there are gender differences in the PTSD symp-
tom constellation, it is not entirely clear yet if women necessarily fare “worse.”
Davis and Breslau (1998) reported that women experience PTSD symptoms for
longer than men. Similarly, the Detroit Area Survey (DAS) (Breslau et al., 1998)
concluded that women suffered from PTSD for approximately 4 years compared
to men who remitted after about one year. Freedman et al. (2002) also found that
10 of 24 men (42%) and 18 of 29 women (62%) who met PTSD at one month
no longer met CAPS PTSD criteria at a 4-month follow-up, indicating a trend
for faster recovery among women. Future research with larger samples and longer
follow-up periods is called for.
With regard to symptoms/severity of PTSD, Pimlott-Kubiak and Cortina
(2003) found that women were not more likely to score higher than men on
continuous measures of PTSD. In their sample of MVA survivors, Freedman et
al. (2002) reported that male and female victims had similar symptom expression:
men’s and women’s scores on the Clinical Administered PTSD Scale, the Impact
of Events Scale, and the Beck Depression Inventory showed that no gender dif-
ferences remained statistically significant after taking into account multiple com-
Brady and Back (2002) suggested that gender differences might be evident in
the PTSD Clusters. For instance, they postulated that men might evidence more
Cluster D symptoms (i.e., irritability, angry outbursts) and women might report
higher rates of Cluster B (i.e., re-experiencing) or Cluster C (i.e., avoidance/numb-
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 169

ing) symptoms (e.g., see Davis & Breslau, 1998). Considerable research confirms
that men and women respond differently to trauma exposures, typically described
as internalizing (e.g., self-harm, depression) versus externalizing (e.g., anger, an-
tisocial personality disorder) symptoms or disorders. Further research is necessary
to examine gender differences in symptom expression and chronicity, both im-
portant issues for assessment and treatment.

The Psychometric Assessment of PTSD in Women

As previously discussed, PTSD has a brief history (introduced in DSM-III, Amer-

ican Psychiatric Association, 1980), and the first measure to assess the prevalence
in the general population followed shortly thereafter (Diagnostic Interview Sched-
ule, Robins et al., 1981). Litz et al. (2002) commented on the proliferation of
PTSD assessment instruments in the 1990s. Limitations of such rapid develop-
ment of assessment measures have been, as mentioned previously, the inadequate
norms for litigating or compensation-seeking samples, and germane to the current
discussion, gender-based normative data. Compared to the explosion of preva-
lence data reviewed in this chapter, there has been relatively less work on the
psychometric assessment and diagnosis of PTSD in women (for recent reviews,
see Cloitre, Koenen, Gratz, & Jakupcak, 2002; Cusack et al., 2002).
Assessment of PTSD has included measures intended to diagnose PTSD using
interview schedules such as the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID;
Spitzer et al., 1989) and the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS; Robins et al.,
1981). In addition, several self-report measures to assess PTSD are available,
including the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI; Keane, Mal-
laoy, & Fairbank, 1984). Methods for evaluating the severity of symptoms have
emerged, including the Impact of Events Scale (IES; Horowitz, Wilner, & Alva-
rez, 1979) and measures that quantify symptom severity and allow for diagnosis
(e.g., PTSD Symptom Scale-Interview, PSS-I/PSS-SR; Foa, Riggs, Dancu, &
Rothbaum, 1993). Often, these tools don’t address Criterion A (i.e., exposure to
a trauma; e.g., PSS-I/PSS-SR); as such, more recently, tools to screen for trau-
matic experiences have emerged (Stressful Life Events Questionnaire, SLESQ;
Goodman, Corcoran, Turner, Yuan, & Green, 1998).

The Importance of Using Behaviorally Specific

Assessment Methods
In a treatment-seeking sample of battered women (N ⫽ 43), Weaver (1998) com-
pared two methods of screening for physical and sexual assaults. Using the PTSD
module from the SCID (Spitzer, Williams, & Gibbon, 1986, cited in Weaver,
1998), respondents were asked “Have you ever had an experience that was really
frightening or traumatic, like having your life threatened, seeing someone dead

or badly hurt, or having your house burn down?” (Spitzer et al., 1986, p. 20, cited
in Weaver, 1998); women were asked to list all of their life experiences they felt
met the criteria. A second assessment relied on behaviorally specific questions
(e.g., “Has a man or boy ever made you have sex by using force or threatening
to harm you or someone close to you? Just so there is no mistake, by sex we
mean putting a penis in your vagina”). Respondents were invited to describe as
many as nine experiences from childhood, six different experiences from their
adolescence, and five from their adulthood. In response to the single SCID ques-
tion, women reported a total of 71 traumas. A comparison of the mean number
of CSA, childhood physical abuse, adult rape, and adult physical battery experi-
ences indicated that the behaviorally specific assessment methodology identified
significantly more childhood sexual abuse (n ⫽ 23, 53%; n ⫽ 3, 7%, respectively)
and childhood physical abuse (n ⫽ 4, 9%; n ⫽ 32, 74%) than the SCID. There
was also a trend for the SCID to miss adult rape (t (72) ⫽ 1.88, p ⫽ .067), while
there was a nonsignificant difference for adult physical battery (t (83) ⫽ 1.48, p
⫽ .14). Weaver (1998) concluded the results demonstrated that the context of an
assessment might influence the nature of traumas reported and serves as a re-
minder of the “importance of detailed and separate assessment of traumatic life
events in conjunction with assessment of diagnostic symptomatology” (p. 184).
The importance of behaviorally specific questions is widely recognized in the
child abuse, rape, partner abuse, and trauma literatures (for a discussion of inter-
view construction, see Johnson, 1998).

Assessment of Potentially Traumatic Events—Criterion A

The diagnosis of PTSD requires detailed assessment of a PTE (Criterion A1).
The DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), although substan-
tially improved over prior volumes, still is lacking in certain respects (for a review,
see Litz et al., 2002). Of particular relevance to assessments with women is the
ambiguous definition of a PTE provided in the DSM-IV: “an event that involves
actual or threatened death or serious injury, or other threat to one’s physical
integrity; or witnessing (a similar event)” (American Psychiatric Association,
2000, p. 463). The necessity of actual or threatened physical harm is problematic
because some PTE, such as some cases of CSA, might not satisfy these criteria
although they might give rise to emotional distress that is symptomatically iden-
tical to PTSD.
Given that many of the instruments developed to evaluate exposure to poten-
tially traumatizing events are relatively new, psychometric data is limited, gen-
erally (Litz et al., 2002) and for women, specifically (Cusack et al., 2002). More-
over, the strategies to evaluate the validity and reliability of these measures are
necessarily unique (see Litz et al., 2002). Based on their review of measures
available to assess exposure to PTE, Cusack et al. (2002) recommended that the
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 171

Traumatic Assessment for Adults (TAA; Resnick, Best, Kilpatrick, Freedy, &
Falsetti, 1993), the Life Stressor Checklist (LSC; Wolfe & Kimerling, 1997), and
the Trauma History Questionnaire (THQ; Green, 1996) are preferable for use
with women.
Beyond the use of specific psychometric assessment techniques, one must
consider the emotional response of the woman exposed to specific traumas and
how it might realistically differ because of the social and physical characteristics
of female gender. “Threat to physical integrity” is a particularly vague concept.
Thus, given women’s smaller stature and increased risk of physical injury during
assaults, it is worthwhile questioning more closely a female claimant’s subjective
perception of risk of physical injury, even under circumstances when the resulting
physical injury was nonexistent or minor. Given society’s long-standing differ-
ential attitudes about sexual experiences of men and women (e.g., valuing vir-
ginity in women more so than in men, devaluing women who are more sexually
experienced), women who have experienced sexual victimization need to be ques-
tioned concerning their perception of permanent harm accrued by involuntary
sexual experiences. Such perceived harm may be greater in religious or ethnic
subcultures that place a special premium on female virginity. Similarly, in most
cultures, women are valued at least partially on their physical attractiveness. Thus,
disfiguring scars may pose a differential threat to women’s physical integrity in
comparison to men.

PTSD Assessment Instruments—Interviews

Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS)

Designed for use by trained lay interviewers, the original Diagnostic Interview
Schedule (DIS; Robins et al., 1981) assessed just two categories of PTE—lifetime
military service and physical assault within the six months preceding the inter-
view. Some of these weaknesses were addressed in the revised DIS-R (Robins,
Helzer, Cottler, & Golding, 1989); however, the PTE still evaluates exposure using
broad questions (e.g., “A few people have terrible experiences that most people
never go through—things like being attacked, being in a fire or flood or bad traffic
accident”) rather than using behavioral anchors, which, as discussed above, are
essential to obtaining an accurate appraisal of exposure to PTE. Authorities cau-
tion that the instrument still has some important limitations, some of which have
particular relevance to assessments with women.
Resnick, Falsetti, Kilpatrick, and Freedy (1996) identified the following prob-
lems with the DIS: (1) the preface suggests that PTE are rare, which is problematic
given the statement’s factual inaccuracy and also because it might reduce report-
ing; and (2) the measure fails to use behaviorally specific questions to assess
sexual assaults, which likely results in large underestimates of the prevalence of

such experiences. The DIS might have utility for confirming a diagnosis of PTSD,
but its utility as a screening interview is limited (Litz et al., 2002) and it is not a
particularly sensitive measure for use with women (Cusack et al., 2002).

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV

(SCID-PTSD Module)
An advantage of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-IV, SCID-
IV/P—First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, 1995, 1996) is that it is particularly
useful for evaluating comorbidity because the module comprises one component
of the SCID, which was designed to assess most mental disorders. Symptom
evaluation is based on the “worst” event, which might inadvertently contribute to
apparent gender differences in prevalence rates (e.g., due to the high prevalence
of sexual assaults among females, a longer course of PTSD in some women).
Resnick et al. (1996) further proposed that reference to the worst PTE might limit
the assessor’s ability to develop an appreciation of how multiple traumas are
reflected in the development and course of PTSD. Further, as with the DIS-R, a
failure to normalize exposure to PTE (i.e., preface the assessment with a comment
about the ubiquity of trauma) and to use behaviorally specific questions to assess
trauma exposure are important limitations. Cusack et al. (2002) recommended
that the SCID should be used in conjunction with a Criterion A measure. In
addition, the utility of the SCID is somewhat limited in that a trained clinician
must administer it.

Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS)

The CAPS (Blake et al., 1990, 1995) is a structured interview that assesses the
17 DSM-IV symptoms and severity. As indicated by the title, it was intended for
use by mental health professionals, but there is some evidence that it may be used
by other trained interviewers (Blake et al., 1995). The CAPS has several com-
pelling strengths and is considered a useful measure for assessing women (Cusack
et al., 2002). It assesses multiple events, uses behavioral anchors, and has excellent
validity and reliability in diverse samples of men and women (e.g., schizophrenic
women, Gearon, Bellack, & Tenhula, 2004; female victims of civilian traumas,
MVA survivors, Weathers, Keane, & Davidson, 2001 (Keane et al., 1995). This
measure’s excellent psychometric properties have been demonstrated in sophis-
ticated studies (e.g., Weathers, et al., 2001) and recently were documented in an
extensive review of a decade of research and more than 200 studies (e.g., Weathers
et al., 2001). Perhaps one of this measure’s few limitations is that it is sometimes
considered lengthy and cumbersome (see Foa & Tolin, 2000; Weathers et al.,
2001 for a discussion), though it is “often referred to as the ‘gold standard’ mea-
sure for PTSD” (Foa & Tolin, 2000, p. 182).
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 173

Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)

The CIDI (WHO, 1993) contains a PTSD module similar to the DIS; as such,
many of the limitations of the DIS apply to the CIDI, as well. In their extensive
review of psychometric assessment of PTSD in women, Cusack et al. (2002)
concluded that the CIDI should not be used to screen for PTSD in women and
would be appropriate only if used in conjunction with other measures, given the
high rate of false negatives. They recommended further validation research be-
cause of the instrument’s promise resulting from its development and validation
with multicultural samples.

PTSD Symptom Scale (PSS-I/PSS-SR)

The PTSD Symptom Scale is available as a semistructured interview (PSS-I; Foa,
Riggs, Dancu, & Rothbaum, 1993) and a self-report version (PSS-SR; Foa et al.,
1993) to assess frequency and severity of PTSD symptoms over the two weeks
prior to the assessment. Both contain 17 items that correspond to the 17 DSM-
III-R diagnostic criteria and the scoring is identical on the self-report and inter-
view. Trained lay assessors administer the semistructured interview version. The
authors assert that advantages of the PSS include the fact that in contrast to
measures such as the SCID or CAPS, it is brief to administer (20–30 minutes)
and interviewers can be trained to use the PSS-I in 2 to 3 hours (e.g., see Foa &
Tolin, 2000). Foa and Tolin (2000) recommended the PSS-I as a suitable alter-
native to the CAPS. Cusack et al. (2002) noted that despite the instrument’s many
strengths (e.g., psychometric properties, provides dichotomous and continuous
scores, validated with rape victims and general clinical samples of women) it
assesses symptoms over the prior 2 weeks, contrary to PTSD criteria (at least
one month), and it also does not allow for lifetime diagnoses and limits the as-
sessment to one index trauma.
The PSS has been validated with victims of rape and nonsexual assault (e.g.,
Foa, Riggs, Dancu, & Rothbaum, 1993; Saunders, Arata, & Kilpatrick, 1990). In
a sample of primarily African American (70.7%) women who had been assaulted
within 2 weeks of the initial assessment (46 rape victims and 72 nonsexual assault
victims—excluding women assaulted by family members or partners) Foa et al.
(1993) studied the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, inter-rater reliability,
and concurrent and convergent validity of the PSS-I and PSS-SR, and reported
adequate to good results on each domain. Convergent validity of both the PSS-I
and PSS-SR was tested by comparing diagnostic agreement with the SCID in 64
women. According to the SCID, 16 of the 64 women had a diagnosis of PTSD,
and 14 of those women also were diagnosed with PTSD by the PSS-I (sensitivity
⫽ 88%, specificity ⫽ 96%, positive predictive power ⫽ 88%, negative predictive
power ⫽ 96%). The PSS-SR also demonstrated good convergent validity, though
as the authors acknowledged, it is a more conservative measure with a fairly high
false negative rate (38%). When a brief interview is needed or if the assessor is

interested in one event, Cusack et al. (2002) recommend the PSS-I for use with

Self Report Measures—Not Corresponding to DSM Criteria

Impact of Events Scale (IES)

The IES (Horowitz et al., 1979) is a 15-item self-report measure intended to assess
posttraumatic symptoms of intrusion and avoidance (i.e., not PTSD diagnosis).
The revised version (IES-R; Weiss & Marmar, 1997) added 7 items to evaluate
hyperarousal; however, it still assesses just 14 of the 17 PTSD symptoms. Neither
version is suitable for diagnosing PTSD; the IES is useful as a screen or to monitor
treatment progress. The scale has been validated with diverse samples including
male and female assault victims, combat survivors, female sexual assault survi-
vors, and women at risk for breast cancer. Both versions of the scale have adequate
psychometric properties (see Cusack et al., 2002; Joseph, 2000). Although some
studies have reported that women receive significantly higher scores than men
(particularly on the IES intrusion scale), a recent meta-analysis of 66 studies
indicated that gender, age, and culture did not contribute significantly to regres-
sion models (Sundin & Horowitz, 2003). In contrast, results indicated that type
of event and time elapsed since the event accounted for a substantial proportion
of the variance in IES intrusion (total R2 ⫽ .29) and IES avoidance (total R2 ⫽
.22) (Sundin & Horowitz, 2003). As Sundin and Horowitz acknowledged, how-
ever, there is still a substantial proportion of variance unaccounted for by the
variables considered in the study.
The IES has the advantage of measuring the client’s subjective psychological
distress associated with the PTE. We see this as particularly important for as-
sessments with female clients, and an important avenue of future research to
clarify gender differences (also see Resick, 1993). However, the IES has been
criticized for potentially measuring the memorability of an event or the cognitive
accessibility of the “stressor” rather than psychopathology (e.g., Lees-Haley,
Price, & Williams, 2001) and because it contains just one item to assess numbing
(Foa, Cashman, Jaycox, & Perry, 1997).

Self Report Measures—Corresponding to DSM Criteria

The Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale (PDS)

The PDS (Foa et al., 1997) is a self-report measure of PTSD (DSM-IV); it also
assesses Criterion A. None of the previously examined self-report measures cor-
respond to DSM criteria and on their own cannot be used as diagnostic instru-
ments; the PDS was developed to rectify this gap in the assessment literature (Foa
et al., 1997). The PDS was validated in a community sample of primarily Cau-
casian (65%) or African American (31%) men (55%) and women (45%) who had
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 175

diverse trauma histories (Foa et al., 1997). Using the SCID-PTSD module (Spitzer
et al., 1990) as the criterion against which the PDS was evaluated, convergent
validity was satisfactory (kappa ⫽ .65; sensitivity ⫽ .89, specificity ⫽ .75). Test-
retest reliability was measured over 2- to 3-week retest intervals, with satisfactory
results on all four scales (α ⫽ .83 for total symptom severity).

PTSD Checklist (PCL-C)

The PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version (PCL-C; Weathers, Litz, Herman, Huska,
& Keane, 1991; Weathers & Ford, 1996) is a 17-item measure of PTSD originally
based on DSM-III-R and revised to correspond to the three DSM-IV symptom
clusters (Criteria B, C, and D). The PCL has been used with breast cancer sur-
vivors, MVA survivors, parents of pediatric cancer patients, cancer patients, and
veterans, and has been found to have excellent reliability and validity with men
and women (e.g., Cusack et al., 2002; Dobie, Kivlahan, & Maynard, 2002). The
PCL-M is the military version and also has been found to be useful with women.
Dobie et al. (2002) reported that the PCL performed well as a screening measure
for PTSD in a sample (n ⫽ 282) of female Veterans Affairs patients. Using the
CAPS as the gold standard for comparisons, the area under the Receiver Operating
Curve (ROC) was 0.86 (sensitivity ⫽ .79, specificity ⫽ .79), demonstrating very
good agreement between the two measures.

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)

The Keane MMPI-PTSD Scale (PK) has 49 items and was developed to assess
PTSD in combat veterans (Keane, Malloy, & Fairbank, 1984). Perrin, Van Hasselt,
Basilio, and Hersen (1996) studied the validity of the Keane scale in a sample of
66 primarily Caucasian (73%) battered women referred to an outpatient Inter-
personal Violence Program in Florida. Consistent with their hypothesis, battered
women diagnosed with PTSD (n ⫽ 48) on the MMPI scale had significantly
higher scores on the three primary measures of PTSD: the IES intrusion (t (60)
⫽ 5.1, p ⫽ .0001) and avoidance subscales (t (59) ⫽ 5.2, p ⫽ .0001) and the
SCL-90-R CR PTSD subscale (t (60) ⫽ 5.1, p ⫽ .0001), suggesting that the
MMPI-PTSD scale has utility as a screening measure with abused women.
The MMPI scales for diagnosing acute and chronic PTSD in civilians do not
appear to be influenced by gender (Gaston, Brunet, Koszycki, & Bradwejn, 1996),
but assessors should consider that mental health professionals and forensic as-
sessors have been cautioned that the PK scale has an unsatisfactory hit rate based
on existing validation data (e.g., Gaston et al., 1996).

It is important to recognize that a diagnosis of PTSD might be less critical than
the degree of impairment experienced by the individual. The International Con-
sensus Group on PTSD (Ballenger et al., 2000) recommended that clinicians

consider partial PTSD (e.g., the individual fails to meet one criterion, most often
avoidance), which can be associated with substantial impairment. The past de-
cades have resulted in profound advancements in the assessment of PTSD; in
particular, many measures have been developed. The challenge now is to validate
these existing measures rather than developing more instruments (also see Cusack
et al., 2002).

Summary and Closing Comments

The literature examining gender differences in the risk of PTSD is at a crossroads.

To date, researchers have used gender as a crude sorting variable, but emerging
research concerning biological and cognitive moderator variables are likely to
increase our understanding of how individual differences influence posttraumatic
distress. Our current rudimentary knowledge suggests several conclusions.
Women face twice the risk of developing PTSD over their lifetime. However,
simple prevalence rates should not be misinterpreted as confirmation that female
gender is a risk factor or vulnerability for PTSD. The DSM-IV resulted in sub-
stantial changes to the assessment of PTSD, some of which (addition of Criterion
A2) were meant to account for differences in the individual response to trauma
exposure. However, to date there is no “gold standard” means for evaluating
Criterion A1 (i.e., exposure to a PTE), and the ambiguity of Criterion A2 is
problematic. More specific to gender issues, little attention has been given to the
significance of Criterion A2 (i.e., the subjective experience of the victim), in
particular how characteristics of female gender (greater risk for physical injury
from assault, women’s socially based different appraisals of the consequences of
involuntary sexual experience) might affect posttraumatic emotional distress. A
rapidly maturing empirical literature directed by firmly established theories likely
will provide greater understanding of gender differences in PTSD.
Given the relative youth of this field, practitioners have a duty to ensure that
they consider our limited empirical knowledge and the limits of available meth-
odology, thus not rushing to judgment in any individual case. While on the surface
it might seem a relatively minor issue to conclude that women (or minorities—
see chapter 8) are more susceptible to PTSD or other posttraumatic emotional
distress, such an assumption could have important and far-reaching implications
both for the individual claimant and for these specific populations. Much as it
would be inaccurate and reprehensible to conclude that educational achievement
or criminal offending simply reflect group ethnic differences rather than social
inequalities (e.g., poverty, child abuse), it is essential in the area of trauma to
discover the unique factors about women or women’s experiences that place them
at greater risk for posttraumatic distress (also see Cusack et al., 2002, pp. 172–
Gender, Trauma, and Distress 177

To assert that gender differences in the likelihood of adaptive versus maladap-

tive responses to stress are due to an inherent vulnerability is to suggest that the
“cause” of the susceptibility lies within the individual, potentially contributing to
biased conclusions. In large part, that perspective relinquishes society from having
to intervene responsibly to relieve social inequalities that might actually be con-
tributing to apparent gender differences. It might also adversely impact the re-
sponse of mental health professionals to female claimants or patients. As such,
we recommend further consideration of methodological issues that currently limit
our understanding of the meaning of gender for adaptation to PTE, and consid-
eration of social status differences (e.g., daily hassles) and dynamic risk factors
(i.e., that are changeable, amenable to intervention) that the extant literature sug-
gests might account for gender differences in posttraumatic response. A better
understanding of the factors that masquerade as gender differences may shed light
on the etiology of PTSD (also see Seedat & Stein, 2000), the nature and course
of the disorder (Cloitre, Koenen, Gratz, & Jakupcak, 2002) and useful treatment
Ethnocultural Minorities

Life’s pain and tragedy is not evenly, randomly, or fairly distributed over the
population but falls disproportionately on a concentrated segment which is
beset by increased risk of all forms of ill fortune and personal agony, both
of which are compounded by stigma.
—Rosenheck (2002)

Trauma can affect individuals’ psychological well-being, independent of ethnicity,

race, or cultural affiliation. Marsella, Friedman, Gerrity, and Scurfield (1996; also
see Norris, Murphy, Baker, & Perilla, 2003) concluded that PTSD occurs in a
considerable range of non-Western cultures. PTSD appears to be a valid mental
health condition even in nonindustrialized, hunter-gatherer cultures that are iso-
lated from Western media influences (e.g., Kalahari Bushmen; McCall & Resick,
2003). That said, ethnocultural differences abound with respect to the nature of
traumatic stressors encountered and in clinical presentation, coping strategies, and
barriers to the receipt of treatment. Rosenheck’s (2002) observation above should
remind us to routinely consider the unique impact of trauma on the lives of mi-
nority group members, who frequently lack social influence, economic power,
and often confront stereotypes and discrimination. While exposure to potentially
traumatic events (PTE) is common in our society, only a minority of people
exposed to such events develop PTSD or related emotional disorders (see chapters
3 and 5). Foa and Street (2001) summarized the state of the literature nicely:
“Individuals differ in their ability to recover from a traumatic experience, and
traumas differ in their likelihood to produce PTSD” (p. 29). This chapter considers
how ethnicity, culture, or race (referred to as ethnocultural status or affiliation)
impacts uniquely on the risk of PTSD.
The chapter begins with a brief discussion of the necessity of considering

Ethnocultural Minorities 179

ethnocultural status in mental health assessments and the limitations of our current
knowledge. We then review the impact of ethnocultural affiliation on the risk of
exposure to PTE and the lifetime prevalence and conditional risk of PTSD in
non-White, non Euro-American groups. This is followed by a discussion of how
ethnocultural status is reflected in the expression of psychological injuries or
symptoms and subsequent coping and help-seeking responses. We also provide a
brief examination of cross-cultural assessment issues and ethics. The chapter
closes with a discussion of current controversies and recommendations regarding
future directions in the field.

Importance of Considering Ethnocultural Identity

How many “Cablinasians” do you know? Tiger Woods coined the term after he
won the Masters Golf Tournament in 1997. It was “Tigerspeak” for Caucasian-
Black-Indian-Asian; Woods explained that his father is half Black, one-quarter
American Indian, and one-quarter White, and his mother is half Thai, half Chinese
(Castro, 2003). The 2000 Census in the United States was the first to allow people
like Tiger to select multiple races, and results show that he is one of many Amer-
icans embracing their diverse heritage (Population Reference Bureau, 2001). In
contemporary society, diversity may be more the rule than the exception. It is
anticipated that over the next 25 years, 40% of adults and 48% of children in the
United States will be from ethnic “minority” groups (U.S. Census Bureau, 2001).
Many other nations also are experiencing similarly dramatic transformations
in the cultural compositions of their populations. Immigration accounts for more
than 50% of Canada’s population growth. Visible minorities currently comprise
10% of Canada’s population, and it is predicted that by 2016, one in five Cana-
dians will be a visible minority (Statistics Canada Census, 2001a). Australia’s
multicultural society also is increasing at an accelerating pace. In 1947, virtually
the entire population of Australia (98%) had been born in Australia or another
English-speaking nation. This had declined to 86% by 1996, and diversity is
expected to continue to flourish as a result of recent major immigration policy
changes (Hugo, 2003). The Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eu-
rostat, 2003) reported that in 2002, more than three-quarters of the population
increase in the European Union (including Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain,
France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, and Fin-
land) came from cross-border migration.
Given the pluralistic nature of many countries’ populations, it behooves mental
health professionals to be aware of, and sensitive to, cultural mores and differ-
ences relevant to their clients (Sue, Bingham, Porche-Burke, & Vasquez, 1999).
While recognizing the influence of cultural affiliation on mental health, the U.S.
surgeon general’s report on mental health (U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services, 2001) cautioned that sweeping statements about cultural characteristics

might invite stereotyping of individuals based on physical appearance or reported
cultural affiliation. There is usually more diversity within ethnocultural groups
than there is between groups, for example, in terms of education, income, atti-
tudes, and beliefs (see Marsella et al., 1996). Ethnocultural affiliations should not
be treated as a stereotype applied broadly to individual members of a group (Dra-
guns & Takana-Matsumi, 2003). While the focus of this chapter is on non-White
and non–Anglo-American individuals, we encourage mental health professionals
to give adequate consideration to religious beliefs, ethnicity/race, and cultural
heritage in all assessments. Service providers should assess, in collaboration with
the client, the relevance of cultural status/affiliation for the individual and the
extent of acculturation to the predominant culture (Manson, 1996; Weaver, 1998;
for models of culturally competent psychotherapy, see Kirmayer, Groleau, Guz-
der, Blake, & Jarvis, 2003; Lo & Fung, 2003). An appreciation of the claimant’s
subjective experience of trauma doubtless will reflect these experiences,
traditions, and beliefs.

Limitations of Knowledge about PTSD and

Minority Groups
A number of methodological hurdles complicate the study of cross-cultural issues
in trauma victims (Sattler et al., 2002). First, there is a lack of large, rigorous
epidemiological (Norris et al., 2003; Sue, 2002) and longitudinal studies with
minority groups (Lee, Lei, & Sue, 2001). As Lee et al. (2001) noted, longitudinal
and cross-sectional studies are important for revealing intergenerational effects of
trauma exposure and to explore developmental issues. Second, although minority
groups are growing in many industrialized nations, individual minority groups
still often represent a small proportion of the population. Because it is often
difficult to obtain sufficient and representative samples, many studies rely on
convenience samples (e.g., ethnic organizations, snowball sampling); in particular,
we have little research examining subgroups of ethnic minorities (Lee et al.,
2001). Third, as discussed below in greater detail, ethnocultural groups are ex-
tremely heterogeneous (Sue, 2002) and they are constantly evolving (Lee et al.,
2001), for instance, due to changes in immigration and group acculturation; study
samples rarely reflect this diversity. Fourth, it is not yet entirely clear how well
many existing assessment instruments translate for cross-cultural use (e.g., Lee
et al., 2001; Manson, 1996). Fifth, cross-cultural differences in response styles,
values, and self-disclosure (Lee et al., 2001), as well as “cognitive processes,
social structure and person-environment” (Manson, 1996, pp. 239–240) have not
been adequately addressed in the literature.
At the most basic level, there is a lack of research examining anything but the
most rudimentary descriptive indices of ethnicity or culture, making any conclu-
sions about the relationship of ethnicity to PTSD tentative, at best. To clarify,
Ethnocultural Minorities 181

there is increasing recognition of the limitations of large descriptive categories

such as “Asian” or “Hispanic” for classifying cultural affiliation (e.g., Marsella
et al., 1996; Weaver, 1998). As illustrated by Tiger Woods’s comment above,
many individuals identify with multiple ethnocultural groups, which tend not to
be reported or considered when designating group status in trauma-related re-
search. Broad cultural categories likely exaggerate similarities and overlook var-
iabilities within groups. For instance, the label “African American” might be
applied to Haitian, Black Cuban, Jamaican, or Ethiopian subjects, not to mention
Black Americans whose families have lived in the United States for many gen-
erations. The category “Asian/Pacific Islander” would treat as culturally identical
a Punjabi Sikh immigrant farmworker, a Chinese immigrant entrepreneur from
Hong Kong, and a fifth-generation Chinese university student. Categorizing in-
dividuals by place of birth or broad racial characteristics also seriously restricts
the validity of the conclusions we can draw from the research (Marsella et al.,
Studying the impact of culture on mental health requires careful a priori def-
initions of the boundaries of each ethnocultural group, as well as the measurement
of defining group characteristics (e.g., with a questionnaire assessing beliefs, at-
titudes, identity, traditions, etc.). In their review of ethnocultural aspects of PTSD,
Marsella et al. (1996) asserted that much of the extant literature had actually failed
to truly control for ethnocultural factors.
Culture as defined by Marsella (1998) refers to “shared learned behavior which
is transmitted from one generation to another to promote individual and group
adjustment and adaptation. Culture is represented externally as artifacts, roles,
and institutions, and is represented internally as values, beliefs, attitudes, cognitive
styles, epistemologies, and consciousness patterns” (p. 10). As the term suggests,
cultural affiliation refers to a shared set of norms and traditions; it is reflected in
our cultural identity, and our use of an identified group to whom we look for
standards of behavior (Cooper & Denner, 1998).
A competent assessment with a person who is an immigrant or an individual
from a minority group should also consider the extent to which the claimant has
been acculturated. The term “acculturation” originated in anthropology and refers
to changes in cultural patterns associated with contact between members of dif-
ferent cultural groups (Salant & Lauderdale, 2003). To determine accurately an
individual’s cultural affiliation requires an assessment of these multiple, over-
lapping, and complex constructs. To our knowledge, few studies of trauma ex-
posure and PTSD to date have assessed respondents’ degree of acculturation,
despite the existence of several such measures (see Marsella, 1998; Salant &
Lauderdale, 2003).
Cross-cultural studies in trauma also have failed to control for other potential
sources of variance. Marsella et al. (1996) critiqued the extant literature for in-
attention to variations in trauma exposure, education, social class, residence, and

income; factors that are likely to vary as greatly within cultural groups as they
do between them. Despite these serious limitations, the literature examining
trauma exposure and PTSD in minority populations has expanded rapidly in re-
cent years (e.g., Marsella et al., 1996).

Trauma Exposure among Minorities

Minorities Are More Likely to Be At Risk Due

to Marginalization
Of all the mental disorders in the DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Associa-
tion, 2000), PTSD probably is most influenced by cultural and social influences.
Social dominance theory asserts that racism, classism, and patriarchy reflect a
common social hierarchy that is found in many cultures (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999).
According to this conceptualization, groups without access to prestige and valued
resources are more likely to be oppressed and exposed to victimization (e.g.,
women, Aboriginals, African Americans, immigrants, refugees, the homeless).
People who belong to minority groups are at increased risk for trauma exposure
due to lower social status and economic vulnerability (e.g., Shupe, Cortina, Ra-
mos, Fitzgerald, & Salisbury, 2002). Worldwide, people of certain groups are
disproportionately represented among refugees, concentration camp survivors,
the homeless, incarcerated, and impoverished—people who are or have been at
heightened risk of experiencing trauma.
People of color comprise the vast majority of refugees and report high rates
of exposure to preimmigration trauma such as torture and forced relocation (e.g.,
Porter & Haslam, 2001). The proportion of refugees subjected to torture is esti-
mated to be between 5% and 30% (Burnett & Peel, 2001). Although many ref-
ugees adapt well, preimmigration stressors often are exacerbated by relocation
stressors (e.g., loss of educational credentials), separation from social supports,
the conditions inherent in refugee camps (e.g., overcrowding), and the socioec-
onomic and acculturative stressors encountered upon resettling in a new country
(e.g., racism, separation from loved ones) (Porter & Haslam, 2001).
Theories of marginalization and social dominance also find support in analytic
investigations of poverty, homelessness, and reported rates of incarceration, which
demonstrate that those conditions affect minorities to a disproportionate extent in
comparison to people of Anglo-American heritage. Phelan and Link’s (1999)
review of homelessness based on three large American surveys and a review of
18 other published studies conducted in the United States indicated that 50–66%
of currently homeless individuals were minorities and 20% of previously home-
less individuals were racial/ethnic minorities. The U.S. surgeon general (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, 2001) reported that African Ameri-
cans comprise 40% of the homeless, despite being only 12% of the U.S. popu-
Ethnocultural Minorities 183

lation. Rosenheck (2002) asserted, “It is not news that homelessness affects mi-
norities, especially African Americans, more than Whites, any more than it is
news that African Americans are so much more likely than Whites to be in prison
(7% of Black males vs. 1% of White males), or to live in poverty (over 20% of
Blacks and less than 10% of Whites)” (p. 1005). In the United States, Latino men
are nearly four times more likely than White men to be imprisoned at some point
during their lifetimes (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001).
The surgeon general further noted that poverty rates are 14% for Cuban Ameri-
cans, 31% for Puerto Ricans, and 27% for Mexican Americans, compared to
13.5% of all Americans.
Although minorities are overrepresented in disenfranchised groups, whether
they experience a disproportionate number of PTE is still an empirical question.
Doubtless, experiences such as homelessness, poverty (e.g., living in low-income
neighborhoods), and incarceration are associated with high rates of traumatic
experiences (e.g., Wenzel, Leake, & Gelberg, 2001). However, drawing conclu-
sions about minority groups fails to take into account substantial within-group
heterogeneity. Moreover, these issues do not impact all ethnic minority groups
equally, making it difficult to draw conclusions about the significance of “minor-
ity” status or being “non-White” as a risk factor for trauma exposure (see Shupe
et al., 2002). Data from the U.S. surgeon general (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 2001) clarifies our point: African Americans were noted to be
at significantly greater risk of being homeless than non-Hispanic Whites. In com-
parison, Asian American/Pacific Islanders (AA/PI) and Hispanics were not dis-
proportionately represented among the homeless, but they comprised a large pro-
portion of refugees. In comparison, Hispanics reportedly have high rates of
poverty, but AA/PI do not (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001;
also see Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000).

Risk of Trauma Exposure Among Minorities

A small number of studies have examined the differential risk of trauma exposure
among diverse ethnic groups using large, representative samples of the general
population. Among 1,000 adults in four southern U.S. metropolitan cities dam-
aged by Hurricane Hugo, Norris (1992) found that African American respondents
(60.2%) were less likely to report a lifetime history of exposure to PTE than
Caucasian respondents (67.6%). Significantly more White than Black respondents
reported prior physical assaults (18.4% vs. 11.6%), exposure to disasters (21.8%
vs. 4.6%), hazards (23.6% vs. 6.8%), and tragic deaths (36.3% vs. 24.1%). Rates
were not significantly different between Whites and Blacks for exposure to com-
bat, robberies, and motor vehicle accidents (MVAs). Notably, with the exception
of African Americans reporting a higher rate of MVAs than Whites in the prior
12 months, no significant ethnic differences were reported for past-year traumas.
It should be recalled that Norris’s sample was not random; however, she noted

that it was quite heterogeneous and approximated the cultural, gender, and age
composition of the southeastern United States.
In a random sample of young adults (21–30 years of age) from southeast
Michigan, Breslau, Davis, Andreski, and Peterson (1991) reported no ethnic dif-
ferences at baseline, but found that African Americans had a higher rate of PTE
at the three-year follow-up. In the 1996 Detroit Area Survey (DAS, Breslau,
Kessler, & Chilcoat, 1998) non-Whites had double the risk of PTE that Whites
had over their lifetime. In that community survey, non-Whites were not only at
greater risk of being victims of physical violence, but also were more likely to
report knowing someone who had suffered violence; controlling for socioeco-
nomic differences or location of residence did not eliminate ethnic differences
(Breslau et al., 1998).
National victimization surveys also can provide substantial insight into this
issue. The National Violence Against Women Survey in the United States
(NVAWS, Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000) found that ethnic minority men and women
were no more likely than White men and women to be the victims of rape, physical
assault, or stalking. However, disaggregating the five ethnic minority groups re-
sulted in an interesting pattern of ethnocultural differences. African American
women were no more likely to report violent victimization histories than White
women. In stark contrast, the rate of rape among American Indian/Alaska Na-
tive women (34.1%) was nearly double that reported by White (17.7%) or African
American women (18.8%) (mixed race ⫽ 24.4%; Asian/Pacific Islander ⫽ 6.8%).
The proportion of American Indian/Alaska Native women reporting physical as-
sault (61.4%) and stalking (17.0%) also was strikingly higher than that reported
by women of the other ethnic groups. These data suggest that various minorities
might be at differential risk for specific forms of PTE. This study did not take
into account neighborhood or socioeconomic status differences.
Some authors have hypothesized that specific ethnocultural groups might face
a greater risk of some forms of trauma. For example, Black American males 18–
24 years of age have a homicide risk nearly 17 times their representation in the
general population (Pallone & Hennessy, 2000). Considerable evidence suggests
that minorities also are at unique risk of violence as a result of race-hate crimes
in many countries (e.g., Clancy, Hough, Aust, & Kershaw, 2001; Federal Bureau
of Investigation, 2002; Roberts, 1995). It also has been hypothesized that women
of color might face a “double jeopardy” for sexual harassment; however, this has
received minimal support in the literature (Cortina, Swan, Fitzgerald, & Waldo,
1998). Large surveys (e.g., U.S. Meritor System’s Protection Board, 1988) have
failed to demonstrate that non-White women were any more likely than White
women to be sexually harassed. Shupe et al. (2002) found that Hispanic women
reported less sexual harassment than non-Hispanic White women and that their
risk of harassment increased as the minority women became more incorporated
into the dominant culture. Cortina et al. (1998) asserted that no firm conclusions
Ethnocultural Minorities 185

could be drawn about the interaction between ethnicity, gender, and harassment
in academia and the workplace, and further proposed that the same limitations
exist with regard to the sexual assault literature. Women of ethnic minorities might
be at unique risk for contrapower harassment (i.e., Whites with less organizational
power harassing minorities with more power).
Koss, Gidycz, and Wisniewski (1987) reported that while Native American
women had greater exposure to sexual assault than White women, African Amer-
ican, Hispanic, and Asian women reported fewer sexual assaults than White
women; their findings are consistent with the NVAW reviewed above (Tjaden &
Thoennes, 2000). Also, there is little conclusive evidence that minorities are at
unique risk of exposure to child abuse (e.g., Fluke, Yuan, Hedderson, & Curtis,
2003), intimate partner violence (e.g., Vogel & Marshall, 2001) or MVAs (e.g.,
Norris, 1992) once confounding psychosocial indicators are considered (e.g., so-
cioeconomic status, neighborhood, substance abuse).
Research examining exposure to combat (Norris, 1992) and natural disasters
(Webster, McDonald, Lewin, & Carr, 1995) suggests that ethnicity might be as-
sociated with the severity of PTE (e.g., dose) rather than the rate (i.e., prevalence
or incidence) of exposure. For example, the National Vietnam Veterans Read-
justment Study (NVVRS; Kulka et al., 1990) found that apparent cross-cultural
differences in PTSD disappeared or were substantially reduced once differential
war-zone exposure was controlled.

Summary—Is Ethnocultural Minority Status a

Risk Factor for PTE?
As our opening quote reminds us, ethnicity is tightly and complexly interwoven
with hardship and stigma. We leave the reader with a few essential points: (1)
Ethnic minority status per se does not place individuals at greater risk for exposure
to PTE (with the exception of specific forms of trauma such as race-hate crimes),
but rather points to the influence of related risk factors and socioeconomic pre-
dictors of exposure such as immigrant or refugee status, neighborhood, substance
abuse, poverty, and education—risks that impact differentially upon ethnic mi-
norities who are dramatically overrepresented among marginalized individuals.
In short, ethnicity is a risk marker, not a causal risk factor for exposure to PTE.
(2) Exposure to specific traumas is not evenly distributed between ethnocultural
groups. (3) Conflicting research findings with regard to the risk of exposure to
discrete forms of trauma (e.g., sexual harassment) suggest that minority group
affiliation might even serve a protective function in some cases. As Manson (1996)
noted, “None of this argues against the importance of ethnicity and culture in
regard to risk of PTSD. The field just has not thought critically about the matter
or struggled much beyond a static conceptualization of either as independent
variables to be accounted for in epidemiological and clinical study designs”
(p. 241).

It is unlikely that minority status, or a relatively hollow term such as “non-

White,” will ever provide much insight into this issue. Future research with respect
to PTE exposure should examine narrowly defined ethnocultural subgroups, as
well as study the predictive utility of those demographic characteristics (e.g.,
socioeconomic status) typically confounded with ethnicity. Even then, the het-
erogeneity within groups is likely to make this a challenging research enterprise
(see Sue, 2002).

Ethnoculural Identity and the Conditional Risk of PTSD

Some of the earliest examinations of ethnocultural differences in trauma recovery

came from studies of Vietnam veterans. The NVVRS (Kulka et al., 1990; for a
critique, see Ruef, Litz, & Schlenger, 2000) entailed a survey of 3,016 non–
treatment-seeking Vietnam veterans (including 1,200 male veterans exposed to
the war zone) and civilians. In order to ensure adequate statistical power to detect
cultural differences, the authors oversampled ethnic minorities; marked ethnic
differences in the prevalence of PTSD were reported. Among those who served
in Vietnam, 20.6% of Black veterans and 27.9% of Hispanic veterans compared
to 13.7% of White/other veterans were diagnosed with PTSD (all statistically
significant differences). After adjusting for predisposing factors (e.g., economic
disadvantage in family of origin, childhood behavior problems, drug abuse or
dependence, and affective disorder), the differences between Black and Hispanic
veterans disappeared, but individuals from the minority groups still were signif-
icantly more likely to be diagnosed with PTSD than White/other veterans (Kulka
et al., 1990, 1991). Black and Hispanic veterans were more likely than White/
other veterans to report having experienced high combat stress exposure (e.g.,
combat, abusive violence, and related conflicts, deprivation, loss of meaning and
control, and prisoner of war status). After controlling for combat stress exposure,
ethnic group differences disappeared or were substantially reduced; Hispanic vet-
erans still had a higher rate of PTSD than both White/other and Black veterans.
To summarize, controlling for confounding early life experience and combat ex-
posure variables greatly reduced, but did not entirely extinguish, cultural differ-
ences in the NVVRS (Kulka et al., 1990).
The American Indian Vietnam Veterans Project (AIVVP, Beals et al., 2002)
supplemented the NVVRS (Kulka et al., 1990), which had not been able to include
a sufficient number of other ethnic minorities to provide enough power for certain
statistical comparisons. In a sample of 487 Vietnam veterans assessed with the
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID), the prevalence of one-month
and lifetime PTSD was higher among American Indian veterans than among
White veterans. Regression analyses indicated that ethnicity was no longer a sub-
stantial risk factor once the authors accounted for war-zone stressors. These stud-
Ethnocultural Minorities 187

ies both demonstrate that the greater risk of PTSD in minority veterans was
primarily a function of their greater exposure to trauma and point to the impor-
tance of a more detailed examination of trauma exposure.
As discussed previously, in some studies, affiliation with a traditional minority
culture has actually been found to moderate the incidence of sexual harassment
and to have no significant interaction with psychological distress. A random sam-
ple of 207 non-Hispanic White women and 124 Hispanic women employed in a
northwestern U.S. organization were administered the Sexual Experiences Ques-
tionnaire (SEQ) as part of a sexual harassment education initiative (Shupe et al.,
2002). To examine incidence rates, Shupe et al. (2002) compared respondents
who had experienced at least one harassing behavior: 23% of Hispanic women
with low affiliation to the dominant culture, compared to 61% of Hispanic women
with high affiliation and 77% of non-Hispanic White women reported experienc-
ing harassment during the previous 2 years. As sexual harassment experiences
increased, women of all cultural affiliations reported worse psychological out-
comes. The authors hypothesized that the collectivist Hispanic culture may in-
volve coworkers watching out for one another or that Hispanic women were
perceived as having little organizational power and, therefore, experienced less
harassment. Alternatively, it may be that Hispanic women with low affiliation
were less likely to report harassing experiences.
In a comprehensive review of predictors of PTSD following vehicular acci-
dents, Douglas and Koch (2000) found little evidence that ethnic status was a
substantial predictor of PTSD for MVA victims. However, they concluded there
is some evidence to suggest that minority status among MVA victims might pre-
dict a higher level of PTSD symptoms (e.g., Norris, 1992).
The Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) survey examined the prevalence
of PTSD in five urban centers in the United States. Helzer, Robins, and McEvoy
(1987) reported that ethnic minorities were not overrepresented among people
satisfying PTSD criteria on the Diagnostic Interview Schedule. Using data from
North Carolina residents in the ECA (N ⫽ 2,985, ages 18–95), Davidson, Hughes,
Blazer, and George (1991) found that fewer White residents met diagnostic cri-
teria for lifetime PTSD (1.02%) than non-White residents (1.69%), though the
difference did not reach statistical significance. Norris (1992) similarly reported
that according to her Traumatic Stress Schedule (Norris, 1990), African American
(7.6%) and Caucasian (7.2%) respondents evidenced comparable rates of current
PTSD. The proportion of respondents meeting current PTSD criteria who re-
ported a lifetime history of exposure to potentially traumatic crimes (7.2%,
10.4%), hazards (5.1%, 6.9%), or accidents (8.2%, 9.2%) did not differ signifi-
cantly between the groups (Norris, 1992).
The National Comorbidity Survey (NCS, N ⫽ 5,877; Kessler et al., 1994)
examined trauma exposure among White, Black, and Hispanic Americans. Sim-
ilar to Norris’s (1992) findings and the ECA (Horwath, Johnson, & Hornig, 1993),

there was no evidence of Black-White or Hispanic-White differences in anxiety

disorders. Controlling for income and education did not alter the results. Kessler,
Sonnega, Bromet, Hughes, and Nelson, (1995) reported that lifetime prevalence
rates for PTSD (7.8%) did not differ by ethnicity once sociodemographic corre-
lates of PTSD (sex, age, marital status) were controlled.
In the 1996 DAS (Breslau et al., 1998), Black subjects (14%) were reported
to be twice as likely as White subjects to meet diagnostic criteria for PTSD;
however, the statistical significance of the difference in the DAS was negated
when the person’s place of residence was controlled. People of different cultural
affiliations who resided in the same neighborhoods exhibited similar rates of
PTSD. Other studies similarly indicate that once exposure is controlled for, the
rate of current and lifetime PTSD is relatively equivalent across different ethno-
cultural groups (e.g., Beals et al., 2002).
One of the few studies to look at the combined effect of culture and gender,
Norris, Perilla, Ibanez, and Murphy (2001a) found both a sex main effect and a
sex-by-cultural-group interaction (White, Black, and Mexican). Using data six
months after Hurricanes Paulina (N ⫽ 200) and Andrew (N ⫽ 270), Norris et al.
(2001a) assessed respondents with the Revised Civilian Mississippi Scale
(RCMS). There was no statistical difference in the likelihood that a Black woman
(23.2%) and a Black man (19.7%) would meet all criteria for PTSD. In compar-
ison, White women (19.4%) and Mexican women (43.8%) were significantly
more likely than their male counterparts (5.9% and 14.4%, respectively) to be
diagnosed with PTSD. The authors concluded that the study provided strong
evidence for their hypothesis that the traditional culture of Mexico would amplify
sex differences. The study also provided tentative evidence that sex differences
are attenuated among Blacks, who, the authors asserted, socialize females to be
strong and resourceful.
Our review converges with other recent scholarly reviews to suggest that ethnic
status has not been demonstrated to be a significant risk factor for PTSD (e.g.,
Ballenger et al., 2000; Brewin, Andrews, & Valentine, 2000; Douglas & Koch,
2000; Perilla, Norris, & Lavizzo, 2002). Following their meta-analysis of PTSD
in trauma-exposed adults, Brewin et al. (2000) concluded, “Race (minority status)
was one of the few demographic variables to be a weak predictor across all of
the studies” (p. 754). Although the authors cautioned against drawing strong con-
clusions due to serious limitations in the study (e.g., minority status was coded
dichotomously as White majority vs. non-White minority groups), they noted that
several other studies have similarly failed to uncover evidence that minority status
is a risk factor for PTSD once confounds (e.g., exposure, neighborhoods) were
To date, research indicates, “ethnic differences may interact with (Norris,
1992) or be attributable to (Breslau et al., 1991) other factors” (Halligan & Ye-
huda, 2000, p. 1). Disparities in the nature of the trauma exposure (e.g., extent
Ethnocultural Minorities 189

of war combat or the level of risk associated with combat assignments; Beals et
al., 2002), related socioeconomic characteristics (e.g., neighborhoods character-
ized by crime), and the influence of culture (e.g., collectivism vs. individualism,
sex role socialization) have not been sufficiently studied to allow us to draw
anything more than tentative conclusions about the conditional risk of PTSD
among specific groups of non-White, non–Anglo-Americans. Sweeping state-
ments about the differential risk of PTSD among “minorities” have been dem-
onstrated to provide little useful information if one considers the unique findings
that emerge when data are disaggregated.
Despite the relative lack of evidence to suggest that ethnocultural status influ-
ences trauma exposure and subsequent risk of PTSD, experts agree it is important
for practicing clinicians and forensic assessors to consider the client’s ethnocul-
tural identity (Carlson & Dutton, 2003; Sue et al., 1999). Regardless of whether
there are large demonstrable cross-cultural group variations, the clinician must
consider the impact of race, ethnicity, and culture for the individual client (see
DSM-IV, American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Cultural identity might have
significance for the individual’s history of prior traumas, reporting style, coping
styles, help-seeking behavior, family and community resources, symptom ex-
pression, and clinicians’ responses to the individual.

Assessment of Ethnocultural Minority Individuals

Professional Cross-Cultural Assessment Policies

and Ethics
Evaluating individuals from non-White, non–Anglo-American backgrounds is
likely to become the norm rather than the exception in North America and else-
where, in the very near future. A select review of the ethical and professional
standards guiding psychologists might be of particular interest to lawyers faced
with the task of cross-examining expert witnesses in cases involving ethnocul-
turally diverse claimants.
The Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists (Canadian Psychological As-
sociation, 2000), the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of
the American Psychological Association (American Psychological Association,
2002c), and the Australian Psychological Society Ethical Guidelines (Australian
Psychological Society, 2003), for instance, articulate the ethical principles guiding
both clinical practice and scientific research by psychologists. These guidelines
speak directly to the conduct of cross-cultural assessments. For instance, Ethical
Standard 9.02(b) of the American Psychological Association’s Ethics Code re-
quires psychologists to consider available evidence when choosing, administer-
ing, and evaluating test results in specific populations (e.g., gender, age, race,
ethnicity, national origin, religion, language, and socioeconomic status). Mental

health professionals conducting forensic assessments also should be familiar with

the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists (Committee on Ethical
Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists, 1991).
In response to evidence of the import of culture for clinical assessment, the
American Psychological Association’s Board of Ethnic Minority Affairs (BEMA)
established a Task Force on the Delivery of Services to Ethnic Minority Popu-
lations in 1988. The task force developed “Guidelines for Providers of Psycho-
logical Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations” (Amer-
ican Psychological Association, 1993). These guidelines were intended to address
issues that might arise when working with American Indians/Alaska Natives,
Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, Blacks/African Americans, and Hispanics/
Latino Americans. Relevant populations also included refugee and immigrant
groups and established subcultures such as Amish, Hasidic Jewish, and rural Ap-
palachian people (American Psychological Association, 1993). The guidelines
reflect general principles and were intended to be aspirational in nature. For ex-
ample, it should be clear that the assessor considered language fluency (written
and oral) in choosing and administering assessment instruments, in conducting
interviews, and in drawing conclusions from psychometric tests, which may have
limited validation data for the claimant’s ethnocultural group. Similarly, the in-
dividual’s sociopolitical history and prior trauma experiences must be considered
in the overall clinical picture. For instance, a tendency to be suspicious or hy-
pervigilant that might reflect a response style that has been developed in reaction
to prior negative experiences with persons in a position of authority (e.g., torture
by criminal justice authorities) should be clearly indicated in the ensuing report.
At about the same time the American Psychological Association guidelines
emerged, the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-IV, American Psychiatric Association, 1994) was published.
This was the first edition of the DSM to give careful consideration to cross-cultural
and multiethnic assessment. The DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Associa-
tion, 2000) presents four types of information pertaining to cross-cultural assess-
ments: (1) a systematic overview of cultural variations in the clinical presentation
of many disorders; (2) a glossary of idioms of distress or “culture-bound syn-
dromes”; (3) an appendix, which provides an outline for cultural formulation; and
(4) expanded definitions of psychosocial and environmental factors in Axis IV to
include acculturation and discrimination. The outline is intended to assist clini-
cians in identifying the cultural issues relevant to an individual case (for a dis-
cussion of DSM-IV and culture, see Lopez-Ibor, 2003). More recently, the Amer-
ican Psychological Association published its Guidelines on Multicultural
Education, Training, Research, Practice and Organizational Change for Psy-
chologists (2002b). Similar advances are occurring in Canada (e.g., development
of the Cultural Consultation Service, see Kirmayer, Groleau, Guzder, Blake, &
Jarvis, 2003) and the United Kingdom (Nippoda, 2003).
Ethnocultural Minorities 191

A few principles that apply in any forensic assessment (generally, see Heilbrun,
2001) or any psychological assessment, for that matter, seemingly have particular
importance to conducting ethnoculturally sensitive assessments. First, the Amer-
ican Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles (2002c) require that psychol-
ogists accept referrals only within their area of expertise (e.g., education, training,
experience). Divorced from guidelines and professional requirements, this issue
is particularly salient in forensic assessments, given that the courts will apply
legal criteria to determine whether or not a clinician can testify as an expert
witness (Heilbrun, 2001). Thus, it should be clear that the mental health profes-
sional has expertise in the relevant legal issues (e.g., sexual assault, partner abuse,
workplace discrimination) and in conducting evaluations with the relevant eth-
nocultural group. Second, it is a general tenet in forensic psychology that the
strengths and limitations of the report should be discussed in such a way “so that
they need change little under cross-examination” (Heilbrun, 2001, p. 226). In
addition to evaluating and reporting general limitations in the assessment, the
unique impact of the client’s ethnocultural status should be afforded special at-
tention (e.g., conducting interviews with an interpreter).

Considerations for Culturally Competent Assessments

Plaintiffs and their lawyers tend to prefer that a single causative factor (i.e., the
index PTE) is reported to have led to the diagnosed psychological difficulties and
functional impairments. In conducting an unbiased and competent assessment,
however, the mental health expert must evaluate and compare the client’s pre-
PTE and post-PTE mental health status and functioning. Below, we provide sev-
eral examples of issues that might differentially impact ethnically diverse clients
over White, Euro-American claimants. The mental health professional should
consider the claimant’s unique life history and how ethnocultural identity is or is
not relevant to postexposure adjustment.

Immigration and Acculturation

Although immigration can be stressful, research results do not suggest that im-
migration, in the absence of PTE, results in higher rates of mental disorders (for
a discussion, see U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001); the fact
that a client is an immigrant does not necessarily imply that the experience was
traumatic. In contrast, trauma among adults and children from war-torn countries
before and after immigrating is associated with disproportionately high rates of
PTSD (Eisenman, Gelberg, Honghu, & Shapiro, 2003; U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, 2001). In particular, refugees who had little control over
their decision to immigrate and the circumstances surrounding their departure,
and those who experienced political violence are at risk for psychological distress
(Eisenman et al., 2003; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001).
Emerging research suggests that the process of adapting to a new culture might

also result in acculturative stress (for a review, see Rudmin, 2003). For instance,
Nippoda’s (2001) questionnaire research with a random sample of Japanese peo-
ple living in the United Kingdom indicated high rates of disillusionment (36%);
stress from interacting with non-Japanese people (30%); worries about loved ones
in Japan (29%); feelings of frustration or inferiority due to the language barrier
(59%); and isolation, loneliness, or social withdrawal (28%). Simon (1996) cau-
tioned that while base rates such as those above can be informative, it should not
be presumed that an experience was necessarily distressing for the individual.

Racism and Discrimination

Despite evidence of improvements in cross-cultural relations, racism is ubiqui-
tous, and available evidence suggests that, both intergroup (e.g., White Canadians
discriminating against Black or Chinese Canadians) and intragoup (e.g., African
Americans discriminating on the basis of skin tone) (e.g., Clark, Anderson, Clark,
& Williams, 1999) racism persists. Racism and discrimination can be traumatic
in their own right (e.g., physical assaults, workplace discrimination) or can add
to the stress experienced in relation to other PTE (Clark et al., 1999; Marsella et
al., 1996; Penk & Allen, 1991). Experiences linked to racial/ethnic discrimination
are hypothesized to contribute to the likelihood that ethnic minority individuals
will develop posttraumatic symptoms (Butts, 2002); there is some research to
support this position (e.g., Norris, 1992; Penk & Allen, 1991). In a nationally
representative telephone survey, Kessler et al. (1999) found that “major discrim-
ination” (e.g., being hassled by police, fired from a job) was significantly higher
(50%) among African Americans, in contrast to White Americans (31%). “Day-
to-day perceived discrimination” was experienced “often” among African Amer-
icans (almost 25%) and rarely among Whites (3%). Day-to-day discrimination
was related to the development of distress and related diagnoses of generalized
anxiety and depression in both Black and White Americans. The magnitude of
the association between these two forms of discrimination and diminished mental
health was similar to other commonly studied stressful life events, such as death
of a loved one, divorce, or job loss.
Racism and discrimination also have been demonstrated to impact the extent
or nature of a trauma. For instance, several authors have discussed at length how
combat experiences during the Vietnam War were uniquely distressing for mi-
nority veterans (e.g., Lee et al., 2001; Manson, 1996; Penk & Allen, 1991). These
challenges included racial stigmatization by fellow comrades, “bicultural conflict”
(e.g., referring to Asians as “gooks”), cognitive dissonance as a result of identi-
fying with the Vietnamese culture, and being mistaken for the enemy (e.g., Man-
son, 1996; Penk & Allen, 1991).
Ethnocultural Minorities 193

Dose Response
Minority groups may be at greater risk than nonminority groups to experience a
unique dose (e.g., length of time, proximity) of what otherwise appear to be
similar stressors (e.g., a hurricane or store robbery). As discussed above, evidence
of trauma exposure and dose differences have been noted among individuals ex-
posed to combat. Research with veterans demonstrates several potential con-
founds including differential exposure to war zone and the level of danger in-
volved in assignments, as well as the greater potential for individuals of ethnic
minority status to identify with the enemy due to their physical appearance, which
may account for a large proportion of the variance in posttraumatic adjustment
(e.g., Penk & Allen, 1991).

Family Collectivism and Social Support

The focus on the individual within Western cultures is in dramatic contrast with
the collectivism evident in many other cultures. Greek, Latino, African American,
Asian, and Aboriginal cultures, for instance, often are described as sharing col-
lectivism and family solidarity as common characteristics (e.g., Chatzifotiou &
Dobash, 2001; Nippoda, 2003; Perilla, et al., 2002; Sue, 2002). Collectivism
emphasizes familial ties and responsibilities and reflects a shared feeling of be-
longing or oneness with other people. In collectivist cultures, the self is primarily
defined as part of the group; the role of extended family, religious traditions, and
interdependence are central in many communities (e.g., Sue, 2002).
While family cohesiveness can represent a significant source of support when
an individual encounters stress, it also has been found to be associated with poor
recovery in certain circumstances. For example, familial support may be depleted
when natural disasters occur (see Perilla et al., 2002). Furthermore, when the
source of trauma is in the family (e.g., elder, wife, or child abuse) this intercon-
nectedness and a reluctance to seek sources of support outside the family can
have serious implications for the individual’s risk of further trauma exposures,
the likelihood of disclosure, help seeking, and recovery. Behaviors by members
of the social network, such as ostracizing or victim blaming, can influence the
individual’s distress (Simon, 1996). For example, many women with abusive part-
ners report that help seeking from friends and family often is useless (e.g., women
are told that it is their responsibility to keep the family together). Women from
cultures with strong patriarchal beliefs are more likely to encounter such re-
sponses and to be less likely to engage in active coping strategies such as formal
help seeking than women from less patriarchal societies (e.g., Chatzifotiou &
Dobash, 2001). The shame associated with divorce in some cultures may interfere
with women’s attempts to escape from abusive relationships (Roysircar-Sodowsky
& Kuo, 2001). Similarly, minority survivors of childhood sexual abuse often
experience social, familial, and cultural pressures (e.g., the importance attached
to female virginity) that make disclosure exceptionally difficult.

Symptom Expression
Psychiatric symptoms can be linked to collective attitudes, which sometimes vary
between cultures (Draguns & Tanaka-Matsumi, 2003). Unique or characteristic
modes of expressing psychological discomfort are termed culture-bound syn-
dromes or “idioms of distress” (American Psychiatric Association, 2000, p. 897).
Somatization, for example, is widely regarded as a common means of expressing
psychological discomfort and is particularly apparent among ethnic minorities.
Keane, Kaloupek, and Weathers (1996) similarly recommend that professionals
consider that trauma symptoms may be expressed differently. For instance, they
note that it might be difficult to develop one instrument that could measure rape
across different cultures because the effects of rape might reflect diverse mores
and religious and cultural beliefs.
In their recent review of three decades of literature on psychopathology across
and within cultures, Draguns and Tanaka-Matsumi (2003) concluded that soma-
tization and guilt were prominent examples of cross-cultural variation in ex-
pressed well-being and psychopathology. Somatic dysfunction, general malaise,
pain, and discomfort appear to function as important avenues of communicating
mental experience for individuals from non-Caucasian states (e.g., Japan, India,
Latin America, and Africa). Marsella (1988) hypothesized that with increasingly
severe psychological disturbance, cross-cultural variability in symptoms is likely
to decrease. Differential symptom profiles might decrease cross-cultural validity
in qualitative assessments (e.g., semistructured clinical interviews) and also in
quantitative assessments (e.g., structured assessment instruments). For example,
the client’s behavior might not fit the mental health professional’s culturally biased
stereotype of a typical domestic violence victim. Similarly, the client’s symptoms
might not cluster as expected on psychological tests developed with Euro-

Response Styles
Between-group differences in values and beliefs about mental health (e.g., stigma
and shame, fear of losing face) might affect self-disclosure of both PTE and
symptoms of psychological distress. Lee et al. (2001; also see Roysircar-
Sodowsky & Kuo, 2001) described seven response styles relevant to cross-cultural
assessments: (1) acquiescence—a tendency to agree, (2) social desirability—a
tendency to respond in normative or socially favorable ways, (3) oppositional—
a tendency to endorse neutral responses or to respond aggressively (e.g., answer-
ing “no” to all questions), (4) evasiveness—unwillingness to commit to a re-
sponse, (5) carelessness—a tendency to respond inconsistently, (6) impression
management—or other deception, and (7) self-deception—denying to the self the
relevance of items, significance of symptoms. Lee et al. (2001) caution that re-
sponse styles might differ between ethnocultural groups, between acculturated
and unacculturated individuals, and so on, which can invalidate test results and
Ethnocultural Minorities 195

between study comparisons. For example, efforts on the part of the client to avoid
reexperiencing the event or to save face might lead to underreporting of symptoms
and increase the risk of a false negative diagnosis when conducting a PTSD
evaluation, though these behaviours are not unique to minority individuals.

Socioeconomic Status
Poverty is a risk factor for poor mental health in relation to both the risk of PTE
and the “dose” of PTE experienced (e.g., resources to escape when a natural
disaster occurs, insurance). Socioeconomic status can moderate the impact of
potentially stressful events or, conversely, trauma can result in “resource spirals”
(Sattler et al., 2002). Hobfoll (1989) coined the term “loss spirals” to describe
secondary stressors or additional strains and hassles that develop in the wake of
a disaster; the term similarly can be applied to other trauma exposures. People of
low socioeconomic status are more likely to be exposed to stressful social envi-
ronments (e.g., crime, overcrowding) and to be cushioned less by social or ma-
terial resources (e.g., medical insurance, respite child care) to prevent these cycles
(McLeod & Kessler, 1990).
Following Hurricane George, Sattler et al. (2002) reported that resource loss
accounted for a significant portion of acute stress disorder variation in all locations
studied: the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and the United
States. Large interethnic differences in the adequacy of insurance were reported.
Similarly, in their random sample of non-Hispanic White and Hispanic women
discussed previously, Shupe et al. (2002) found that Hispanic women who were
least acculturated were the least likely to consider quitting their jobs in response
to sexual harassment. The authors hypothesized that high rates of unemployment
among Hispanic women might influence work-related outcomes among harass-
ment victims.
A further element of distress associated with financial resources is the strain
and expense of the litigation process and the cost of treatment. Herman (2003)
speculated, “Indeed, if one set out intentionally to design a system for provoking
symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, it might look very much like a court
of law” (p. 159). She further commented that the adversarial system is stressful
for the most robust individual, but is likely exceptionally troubling for crime
victims. We would further speculate that the distress and expense associated with
obtaining legal representation, and attending serial interviews and assessments is
likely particularly arduous for many individuals of minority ethnocultural affili-
ation. In particular, immigrants who might be unfamiliar with the civil and crim-
inal justice systems, for whom English is not their native language, or who jus-
tifiably distrust government authority (e.g., refugees) may find navigating the
courts overwhelming. Similarly, claimants of restricted financial resources might
find it difficult to obtain adequate legal representation, obtain timely and effective
mental health resources, and otherwise utilize available resources.

Low socioeconomic status (SES) might also explain cultural differences in

health or health care utilization. Most experts agree that poverty and SES do play
a strong role in disparities in the use of mental health services (e.g., Chow, Jaffee,
& Snowden, 2003), but evidence contradicts the notion that lower SES alone
explains ethnic and racial disparities in treatment seeking (see U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, 2001). We turn now to an examination of these

Barriers to Help Seeking among Minority Groups

Attitudes, Beliefs, and Stigma

Cultures vary with respect to the meaning they impart to illness, and their sub-
jective understanding of distress (Kleinman, 1988a; Sue, 2002). Mental health
problems in China, for example, traditionally were not considered indicative of a
need to seek professional intervention (Sue, 2002; Sussman, Robins, & Earls,
1987; Zhang, Snowden, & Sue, 1998). Within Japanese communities, mental
health problems are seen as a weakness (Nippoda, 2003) and among Chinese
people, like many groups, mental illness can result in a significant loss of face
(Sue, 2002). Koenen, Goodwin, Struening, Hellman, and Guardino (2003) ex-
amined barriers and predictors of treatment seeking among community partici-
pants who met DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) criteria for
PTSD (N ⫽ 2, 713) identified through the National Anxiety Disorders Screening
Day (NADSD) survey in 50 states across the United States. Individuals who had
ever (n ⫽ 2,045) versus never (n ⫽ 668) received treatment were compared on
enabling (e.g., employment, residence), need (interference with daily life mea-
sured in response to “How much of the time does your anxiety interfere with your
daily life” using a six-point Likert scale), and predisposing factors (e.g., age,
gender, race—White vs. minority), as well as barriers to treatment seeking (e.g.,
“afraid of what others might think,” “not sure where to get help”). Minority race
was associated with a decreased likelihood of having been in treatment, even after
taking into account need factors and enabling factors.
Stigma surrounding mental health problems is pervasive and can have dramatic
effects on coping strategies, social support, and treatment seeking; this appears
to be somewhat more pronounced among some ethnic minorities than it is among
Whites. In a sample of Asian Americans, Zhang et al. (1998) found that just 12%
of Asians, in contrast to 25% of Caucasians, reported they would mention their
mental health problems to a friend or relative. Even fewer Asians (4%) stated
they would seek help from a psychiatrist or specialist, or physician (3%) (versus
26% and 13% of Caucasians, respectively) (also see Chow et al., 2003; Sue,
2002). Conversely, studies with African Americans have found that they did not
differ from Caucasians in the amount of embarrassment associated with seeking
treatment for mental illness (e.g., Sussman et al., 1987). Taken together, these
Ethnocultural Minorities 197

results suggest that minorities hold similar, and in some cases stronger, stigma-
tizing attitudes toward mental illness than do Caucasians, but that the term “mi-
nority” is too broad to yield much clarity as there is great diversity within and
between ethnocultural groups.
One issue that has been neglected in the research literature is the extent to
which members of ethnocultural minorities utilize different health providers (e.g.,
more culturally connected but perhaps less professionally recognized counselors)
than do members of the Caucasian majority. For example, reserve-dwelling Ab-
originals in Canada are more likely to seek and receive mental health care via lay
counselors within Aboriginal healing centers than they are to seek and receive
care from licensed psychiatrists or psychologists (Brasfield, 2004).

Family Factors and Collectivism

As we noted above, some minority individuals/groups might be more likely to
seek out culturally specific treatment providers than Whites; they also may be
more likely to rely on friends and family. Koenen et al. (2003) called for further
inquiry into whether minorities are truly underserved or whether they simply
make use of other resources such as clergy, friends, or family. We would add that
assessors should carefully evaluate the utility of these kinds of alternative sources
of support, considering for instance the nature of the PTE and the client’s rela-
tionship to the perpetrator (if relevant) and how the beliefs and attitudes of the
individuals involved might impact the client (Chatzifotiou & Dobash, 2001). As
noted previously, the interconnectedness of ethnocultural personal networks can
make help seeking within the family/social network of some ethnic minority
groups difficult because of the extensive sharing of personal information and the
expectation that family members be productive in order to support family mem-
bers either in the host country or in the country of origin (Sue, 2002). Sue (2002)
noted that having a mental health problem that might reduce productivity would
result in a significant loss of face, exacerbating the person’s shame. In addition
to sharing the same struggles as White victims, some people from non–Euro-
American backgrounds also describe unique pressures (e.g., the value of a girl’s
virginity) and how social, family and cultural experiences impact on their coping
and help-seeking decisions (Lee & Law, 2001).

In comparison to the White majority, ethnic minorities are more likely to report
a reluctance to seek treatment due to prior negative experiences with health-care
professionals, mistrust of government authorities, or fear of deportation due to
lack of documentation (e.g., Sussman et al., 1987; U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 2001). Sue, Nakamura, Chung, & Yee-Hradbury (1994) con-
cluded that underutilization of mental health services among minorities reflects
limited English proficiency, stigma (i.e., embarrassment/losing face), lack of ac-

cess to culturally competent services, and mistrust. Research with African Amer-
icans and North American Aboriginals, for instance, suggests that their histories
of discrimination by the majority Euro-American population has had long-lasting
detrimental effects on the trust required to seek assistance from primarily White
service providers and to develop rapport in therapy (e.g., Fenster & Fenster, 1998).

Expertise in Cross-Cultural Services and Clinician Bias

Koenen et al. (2003) hypothesized that a minority group member’s reluctance to
seek treatment may reflect a lack of cross-cultural expertise among mental health
professionals. Related to this issue, the surgeon general (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, 2001) estimated that just 2% of psychiatrists, 2% of
psychologists, and 4% of social workers in the United States are African Amer-
ican. Minority groups report a reluctance to seek treatment due to a lack of cli-
nicians familiar with either the client’s culture or language (see Nippoda, 2003;
Sue et al., 1994; Sue, 2002). Some research suggests that dropping out of treat-
ment is more common if therapists and clients are of different ethnicities (Rosen-
heck, Fontana, & Cottrol, 1995).
A lack of faith in clinicians’ skills with non-White patients might be at least
partially justified: Ethnicity-related bias has been found to result in overdiagnosis,
underdiagnosis, or misdiagnosis of mental disorders among African Americans
(e.g., Garretson, 1993) and underdiagnosis among Asian Americans (e.g., Tak-
euchi & Uehara, 1996; also see Sue, 2002) (generally, see Kirmayer et al., 2003;
Lin & Lin, 2002). These errors likely reflect Euro-American biases inherent in
the psychiatric and psychological professions (e.g., the notion that Asians are
better adjusted than other ethnocultural groups) and the failure of mental health
professionals and educators to evolve with the rapidly diversifying population in
developed nations (Lin & Lin, 2002; Sue et al., 1999; Sue, 2002). The need to
train culturally competent practitioners and address the influence of culture on
current nosological systems has been widely recognized, but developments have
been slow (e.g., Kirmayer et al., 2003; Lin & Lin, 2002; Lo & Fung, 2003; Sue,
Bingham, Porché-Burke, & Vasquez, 1999; U.S. Department of Health and Hu-
man Services, 2001).

Evaluating Measures for Use in

Cross-Cultural Assessments
Given the overabundance of diverse cultures and ethnicities both within nations
and cross-nationally, it is impossible for clinicians to have instruments that have
been validated for every ethnicity or culture (Ritsher, Struening, Hellman, &
Guardino, 2002). A variety of methods are available for developing measures
suitable to evaluate mental health in minority populations. Researchers/clinicians
have developed new measures for the express purpose of evaluating a specific
ethnocultural group (emic or culture-specific measures); alternatively, existing
Ethnocultural Minorities 199

measures are translated and modified as necessary to capture the same construct
(in this case, PTSD) in the population of interest (etic or universal measures).
Suggestions are provided below for determining whether a measure might be
appropriate for use with a particular client. This information should be of value
to legal counsel as well as forensic assessors, clinicians, and researchers who
intend to develop, validate, or use PTSD assessment instruments in their work.
There are several psychometric issues to be considered if existing tools are to
be used cross-culturally. Measurement equivalence refers to several interrelated
issues (Marsella & Kameoka, 1989): (a) content equivalence, (b) linguistic and
semantic equivalence, (c) conceptual equivalence, (d) scale and technical equiv-
alence, and (e) normative equivalence (also see Keane, Kaloupek, & Weathers,
1996). Other issues include: score interpretation, the use of nonrepresentative
samples, and the selection criteria used to establish separate norms and response
sets (see Roysircar-Sodowsky & Kuo, 2001).
Content equivalence refers to the extent to which two ethnocultural groups
respond to the same trauma in the same way, expressing the same signs and
symptoms (Keane et al., 1996); or, put another way, whether the content of the
questionnaire or interview taps the same construct when used with different eth-
nocultural groups (Lee et al., 2001). Moreover, some constructs might not exist
in some cultures. To the extent that there is equivalence, one measure might be
suitable; if the two groups respond differently, there may be a need to develop a
completely different measure to accomplish the same goal (Keane et al., 1996).
To ensure linguistic and semantic equivalence, it is preferable for measures to
be translated and back-translated by individuals who are fluent in both languages,
as well as knowledgeable about the relevant culture and mental health issues
(Keane et al., 1996). Cultural and mental health experts should then review the
translated version to evaluate the extent to which the measure accurately repre-
sents the mental health construct in the intended cultural group. There may be no
dictionary equivalent in some languages for certain mental health descriptors
including, for example, “depression” (Draguns & Tanaka-Matsumi, 2003, p. 761).
Moreover, when such words exist, their connotations may be inconsistent across
ethnocultural groups. The issue of cultural appropriateness deserves consideration
when using DSM disorder criteria and in the selection and use of scales and
interviews (i.e., given that most were designed using middle- to upper-class White
Americans). To demonstrate, if a client does not satisfy all criteria for PTSD, it
might be useful to probe to determine if symptoms are being expressed in a
culturally unique manner; for example, by asking: “is there any other way that
the crime event comes back to you?” (Carlson & Dutton, 2003, p. 140).
Conceptual equivalence is central to measure equivalence but difficult to attain
(Keane et al., 1996). For instance, concepts such as numbing, depression, or rape
might have very different meanings across cultures. Similarly, it is essential that
the measurement methods for specific constructs are evaluated for cross-cultural

equivalence. Scales such as Likert scales or true/false questions are commonplace

in Western nations; however, they might have different interpretations in other
cultures (Keane et al., 1996; Roysircar-Sodowsky & Kuo, 2001).
The final essential aspects of cross-cultural validation are to use indigenous
people in validation studies and to develop norms that are relevant for the pop-
ulation of interest. Most psychological measures are developed, validated, and
normed with White, middle-class individuals (Roysircar-Sodowsky & Kuo,
2001). According to Keane et al. (1996, p. 189): “Norms are often the bases for
determining abnormality and normality . . . making comparisons between non-
Western individuals’ performance(s) on tests or instruments developed with West-
ern norms risks two major problems. First, it gives precedence to the Western
way of experiencing life. Second, it does not inform the investigator of the relative
status of individuals compared to their ethnic or cultural peers.” Apparent mean
differences between the ethnoculturally different client and the established norms
on such a measure might provide little valid information. Roysircar-Sodowsky
and Kuo (2001) suggest that two interpretations might be considered: (1) the
ethnoculturally unique group might be experiencing greater psychopathology, or
(2) psychometric nonequivalence is being reflected in apparent group differences.
The interpretation of test results derived from research on one cultural group
should not be applied to a different cultural group; this is particularly relevant
when cutoffs are used (i.e., when scores above or below a certain value are used
to identify pathology).
Even when there are norms available for a specific minority group, there is
reason to be skeptical. As discussed previously, it is difficult to obtain sample
sizes large enough in some cases to ensure they are representative. Furthermore,
the extent to which the norms derived from a validation study are relevant to a
particular claimant must be carefully considered. Often, selection criteria or meth-
ods used for identifying the ethnocultural group are questionable. Roysircar-
Sodowsky and Kuo (2001) delineated several examples of problematic selection
criteria. Self-selected, referred individuals, or snowball sampling (e.g., referrals
by friends or family who participated in the study) within minority group research
may result in nonrepresentative samples because of cultural variations in help
seeking or accessibility to researchers. Categorizations of samples based on fam-
ily names will miss important within-group differences such as acculturation and
SES. Norming samples are sometimes recruited from relatively unique settings
that actually do not reflect the education, occupation, SES, language proficiency,
values, and beliefs of the more general group. In some cases, the classification of
groups is nothing short of arbitrary, reflecting little if any information about eth-
nocultural affiliation. For instance, the restandardization of the Minnesota Mul-
tiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) included only African Americans
from military bases and the “Hispanic” individuals were arbitrarily classified as
“White” or “other” (Roysircar-Sodowsky & Kuo, 2001). Minorities are over-
Ethnocultural Minorities 201

represented among people residing in households without telephones, the home-

less, and incarcerated—groups who fail to get measured in the vast majority of
epidemiological and national surveys.
If the forensic assessor/clinician is compelled to use assessment instruments
that have not been validated with the client’s ethnocultural group, he/she should:
(a) interpret the results cautiously, (b) use multiple measures of the relevant con-
struct to ensure theoretically adequate coverage, and/or (c) use the results of such
measures primarily as a way to generate hypotheses about the claimant that can
be confirmed by collateral information (also see Roysircar-Sodowsky & Kuo,
2001). In particular, conclusions should reflect information drawn from the recent
empirical literature (e.g., ethnocultural differences in response to the relevant

A Checklist for Evaluating Ethnocultural Sensitivity

in Minority Assessment
Provided below is a select list of recommendations for increasing ethnocultural
sensitivity in forensic assessments of PTSD. Readers are cautioned, however, that
no instrument, checklist, or other tool is sufficient to replace professional judg-
ment, and no measure or guideline is culture free.

1. Evaluate your own competence to work with the client. This includes at
least two essential considerations. First, an awareness of one’s own eth-
nocultural identity, values, and biases, and an honest examination of how
that might detract from an effective, ethical, objective, and competent as-
2. An evaluation of your expertise in the relevant legal and clinical issues.
Professional and ethical guidelines require that psychologists accept refer-
rals only when they have the necessary expertise. The Association of Mul-
ticultural Counseling and Development has developed guidelines for eval-
uating awareness, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide services to
culturally and racially diverse clients (Lo & Fung, 2003). When appropriate,
seek out supervision or consider making referrals. The PTSD and ethno-
cultural literatures are expanding exponentially, making continuing educa-
tion essential.
3. Evaluate the claimant’s cultural identity (e.g., the Cultural Identity Check-
list, Ibrahim, 1993, cited in Ibrahim & Ohnishi, 2001) to determine the
client’s affiliation with the culture of origin and the extent of acculturation
(see, Marsella, 1998; Salant & Lauderdale, 2003). If relevant, it might be
useful to consider how long the client has been in the country.
4. Consideration in interviews and regarding the choice, use, and evaluation
of results from assessment instruments should be given to reading fluency,
and comprehension for ethnocultural minority claimants. Assessors should

not mistake verbal fluency for reading level. Clients might be reluctant to
admit such a perceived deficiency.
5. Use professional interpreters when necessary. Choosing an interpreter re-
quires identification of the correct subcultural language group and, in some
cases, an interpreter whose gender and ethnocultural status will make the
claimant feel most comfortable. It is preferable to use one interpreter for
all interviews. The assessor should be sure to stipulate in his/her written
conclusions and testimony: (a) when testing and interviews were conducted
in a language other than that in which the client was reared, and/or (b) if
an interpreter was used during the assessment.
6. In any PTSD assessment, a multidimensional approach is preferable. A
multicultural assessment will require a flexible integrative approach
wherein the qualitative data available from interviews is reconciled with the
quantitative data available from psychometric assessment tools.
7. A multimethod approach (e.g., paper and pencil self-reports, structured in-
terviews) will help in (a) reducing potential bias (see chapter 4) that may
arise from less structured assessment methods, (b) ensure a broader range
of coverage of potential psychological injuries, and (c) increase the accu-
racy of conclusions (Keane, Buckley, & Miller, 2003); this is particularly
relevant to assessments involving ethnoculturally different individuals.
When assessing minority individuals, it is likely best to use multiple mea-
sures to ensure that the relevant constructs are adequately assessed.
8. As with any forensic assessment, it is essential that the assessor obtain data
from multiple sources including, for example: the client (it is recommended
that the assessor conduct multiple interviews); collaterals (e.g., friends,
family, coworkers, employer); and medical, employment, and academic rec-
ords (see Heilbrun, 2001; Simon, 2003). Use of multiple external sources
might help to corroborate the claims of the client, but discrepant findings
will need to be integrated into the final clinical picture; the importance of
external sources cannot be exaggerated in forensic assessments (see chap-
ters 4 and 5; Heilbrun, 2001; Simon, 2003).
9. In conducting cross-cultural assessments, in particular, knowledge of the
current qualitative and quantitative literature should be used to guide the
assessment and temper the conclusions. For instance, although large-sample
studies might not be available from the client’s ethnocultural group, re-
search involving case studies or focus groups can be useful for understand-
ing the client’s response to the PTE, their response styles in an interview,
and so on.
10. The assessment should be guided by multiple hypothesis testing, which
should generally conform to the criteria for PTSD in the DSM-IV-TR and
should also be guided by the professional and research literatures. It is
essential to consider other diagnoses (e.g., depression, other anxiety dis-
Ethnocultural Minorities 203

orders, and malingering); while forensic clinicians have a duty to remain

vigilant to the possibility of exaggeration and malingering, it is also im-
portant to consider that apparent exaggeration might reflect cultural dif-
ferences in symptom expression, or cultural problems with respect to the
testing procedures. Consider culture-bound syndromes. For instance, dis-
sociative phenomena, a central component of PTSD assessment and diag-
nosis (Simon, 2003), are not considered pathological in all cultures (DSM-
IV-TR, American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
11. Consider the possible contribution of multiple stressors. Seemingly low-
magnitude stressors that result in considerable functional impairment
should be scrupulously investigated (Simon, 2003), but in a multicultural
context, consideration also should be given to the unique cognitive per-
spective of the claimant. What appears to be a minor assault might result
in extreme fear in an African American male who has heard about acquain-
tances being severely injured or killed as a result of interpersonal violence;
thus, he anticipates a significant threat of harm or death associated with
even seemingly low-level physical aggression. That is, the vicarious ex-
perience of severe or deadly violence may place the individual at risk of a
greater sense of personal threat and greater likelihood of developing PTSD
or other psychological injuries from a less-severe victimization experience.
12. Assessor characteristics, environment, and the like can serve to enhance or
weaken rapport. Conduct the assessment at a location that will enhance the
comfort of the claimant. Consideration should be given to cultural elements
in the patient-clinician relationship reflecting differences in gender, culture,
and social status, for instance, and how such cultural factors may affect the
clinical encounter. Monitor the client’s behavior during interviews and test-
ing to ensure comfort and understanding. Apparent discomfort might sig-
nify problems in either communication or rapport.
13. Thoroughly investigate seemingly subthreshold PTSD or nonprototypical
variants. The assessor should consider the phasic nature of the disorder
(Simon, 2003) and structure the assessment to detect disabling subthreshold
cases of PTSD as well as other, perhaps culturally related, consequences of
the trauma. This will surely involve the assessor allowing the claimant to
describe in his/her own words how the trauma has affected his/her well-
being and functioning.
14. Evaluate the trauma exposure in a culturally sensitive manner. For instance,
the threatening nature of an MVA or disaster might be significant for a
client without insurance or social support, and the perceived threat posed
by objectively minor assaults might be greater for recent immigrants from
countries with notable human rights violations.
15. Consider cultural factors that might impact symptoms. While recognizing
that PTSD is a universal response to human suffering, it is important to

remain vigilant about recognizing diversity in individual responses. Simon

(2003) reported that some attorneys view the DSM-IV as the black letter
definitive authority, but reminds the reader that diagnostic criteria reflect
knowledge available at the time of publication and that specific diagnostic
criteria are guidelines requiring clinical expertise in assessment and diag-
nostic formulation. Assessors should consider culturally specific expres-
sions such as somatization.
16. Consider cultural influences on coping, help seeking, and reporting with
respect to victimization experiences. Frequently, expert witnesses are asked
to elaborate on the nature of the trauma (e.g., what is wife abuse, sexual
harassment?) and how a “typical” victim might respond (e.g., the likelihood
of reporting the experience to authorities). A history of discriminatory,
institutional, and social barriers to equitable treatment, as well as prejudice
and discrimination might be useful for explaining delays in reporting vic-
17. There is no maximum quota on the traumas or other stressors to which we
may be exposed. Claimants may experience ongoing, concurrent, or over-
lapping PTE resulting from traumatic stressors such as conflict in the coun-
try of origin or fear for missing or separated family members, as well as
from psychosocial stressors such as racism/discrimination and socioeco-
nomic disadvantage.
18. Consult with colleagues who have expertise in cross-cultural assessments—
in the ethnocultural group of interest and in the index PTE.
19. The term eggshell plaintiff refers to the litigant’s preexisting degree of vul-
nerability (see chapter 2). The eggshell plaintiff is a person who is extremely
vulnerable to even a minor trauma, but has remained asymptomatic prior
to the injury. This issue might be of considerable importance for minority
individuals wherein an assessor will have to tease apart and educate the
trier of fact about the distinction between preexisting psychiatric histories,
multiple traumas, and the litigant’s pretrauma vulnerability.
20. No assessment measure or assessor is culture free. Forensic assessors have
a responsibility to communicate culturally related limitations of their as-
sessments and opinions so as to not misinform consumers (e.g., lawyers,
judges, juries).

Future Directions in Research and Practice

Past research intended to elucidate the influence of ethnocultural affiliation upon

posttraumatic adjustment has been methodologically inadequate. There are rela-
tively few prospective studies of PTSD (Brewin, Andrews, & Valentine, 2000;
for exceptions, see Macklin et al., 1998; Freedman et al., 2002), epidemiological
Ethnocultural Minorities 205

research with people from minority groups lags significantly behind that of re-
search with Caucasians (Norris et al., 2003; Sue, 2002), and there is little evidence
that existing measures have cross-cultural validity (Norris et al., 2003). Further,
researchers have relied upon broad categories of “ethnicity” that tend not to reflect
shared culture and fail to consider other multiple confounding factors (Marsella
et al., 1996).
It makes no sense that ethnic minority status per se would be associated with
increased exposure to PTE. However, these relationships appear to exist and need
to be recognized; in particular, we need to understand what variables are con-
founded with ethnic minority status and how those confounded variables affect
trauma exposure or PTSD. Identified below are several categories of research that
might provide some clarity as to why ethnicity might be an important risk marker
for PTSD and why some studies reveal few if any differences in rates of PTSD
while others suggest important differences.

Measuring Ethnocultural Identity and Acculturation

While many researchers measure and control for SES, most do not carefully define
and measure aspects of ethnicity or cultural affiliation. Studies often report the
ethnic or racial backgrounds of study participants as shorthand for their culture,
without systematically examining more specific information about their living
circumstances, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior. Furthermore, assimilation to the
dominant culture rarely is considered. The limitations in this realm are so signif-
icant that one of the most prolific writers on ethnicity and trauma went so far as
to state that most culture and trauma research has not actually studied “culture”
(Marsella et al., 1996). As we noted previously, many acculturation measures
exist and can be used to address this deficit in the literature (e.g., for reviews see,
Marsella, 1998; Salant & Lauderdale, 2003). Future research with respect to in-
dividuals’ responses to trauma should use more detailed and valid measures of
culture and acculturation.

The Impact of Racism, Discrimination, and

Multiple Stressors
Future research must attend to the potentially mediating aspects of daily stressors
or other discrimination-related experiences on the expression of psychological
distress, as well as to potential biases in forensic assessment related to claimants’
or assessors’ ethnocultural status. Few studies consider the influence of ethno-
cultural status on PTE exposure (see Ibrahim & Ohnishi, 2001), for example,
events that occur in a racist or discriminatory context, such as workplace harass-
ment or hate crimes and the impact of prior traumas on recovery from PTE. Our
review of the literature suggests that minority groups may be more likely to
experience posttraumatic symptoms due to elevated pretrauma levels of stress
and/or due to the impact of day-to-day stressors. Wyatt (1990) postulated that

assessments of multiple victimization experiences are particularly warranted

when studying minority groups. Moreover, ethnic minority status alone may be
a stressor in itself (see Comas-Diaz, 1990). Exposure to racism likely has signif-
icant implications for susceptibility to posttraumatic maladjustment and help seek-
ing. Minority status and degree of acculturation may not only influence individ-
uals’ responses to traumatic stress; they may also influence the judgments of
mental health professionals providing forensic assessments (e.g., diagnostic bias).

Defining the Trauma—Accounting for Dose Response

or Severity
One of the most promising areas for advancing research in trauma appears to be
examination of the characteristics of the stressor (see Litz, Miller, Ruef, &
McTeague, 2002, pp. 216–217; Norris et al., 2003; cf., Bowman, 1999). Similar
to other populations (e.g., women—see chapter 6), apparent ethnic differences in
posttraumatic adjustment might be accounted for by a failure to operationalize
adequately the index stressor. Few studies sufficiently assess the severity of the
trauma (Stein, Walker, & Forde, 2000), or examine individual differences in the
experience of apparently similar traumas. This appears to be a profitable avenue
of research for understanding apparent ethnocultural differences (Manson, 1996;
Marsella et al., 1996; Penk & Allen, 1991).

Interactions Among Race, Poverty, and Gender

The symptoms experienced by these groups have been misclassified as anx-
iety disorders, adjustment disorders, affective disorders, and so on. This has
occurred due to the misperception that we have a level playing field
—Ibrahim and Ohnishi (2001, p. 98)

Socioeconomic status, education, and poverty are widely regarded as important

risk factors for PTSD (Breslau et al., 1991; U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, 2001). Wealth, education, and high-status positions are all underrepre-
sented among women and non-White individuals. Minorities tend to be over-
represented among incarcerated, homeless, and economically disadvantaged
groups and individuals with alcohol and drug problems; these marginalized
groups are at unique risk for trauma exposure. “Any analysis that fails to control
for income may present findings that reflect the influence of poverty rather than
culture” (Koss, Bailey, Yuan, Herrera, & Lichter, 2003, p. 133). Similarly, race
and gender work together to influence trauma exposure. For instance, some com-
mentators assert that the line between gender and racial discrimination and ha-
rassment in the workplace often is blurry (e.g., Texeira, 2002).
Bergman and Drasgow (2003) examined a rich data set of more than 20,000
women from the U.S. military using the Sexual Experiences Questionnaire (SEQ)
(Gelfand, Fitzgerald & Drasgow, 1995). They found that White women reported
Ethnocultural Minorities 207

the fewest harassment experiences, and noted that, “the experience of race and
gender is intertwined, resulting in distinct experiences” (Bergman & Drasgow,
2003, p. 142). Sexual harassment and other forms of workplace discrimination
often are rooted in power differences between majority and minority group mem-
bers. The extent to which cultural affiliation, gender, and poverty interact is an
under-researched area that conceivably has important implications for the prev-
alence of trauma exposure, coping, help seeking, and recovery (e.g., Chow et al.,

Possible Protective Factors

Few studies have considered that minority status might contribute to vulnerability
to PTE or subsequent psychological trauma in some cases, but that conversely
some ethnocultural affiliations might reduce an individual’s risk or exposure to
PTE and/or subsequent distress. It might well be that communal living and social
embeddedness serve to reduce the risk of exposure to some forms of PTE and/or
increase resiliency postexposure in some groups.
The influence of constructs such as hardiness and resilience and investigations
of protective factors have not been fully explored with regard to ethnocultural
differences following exposure to trauma. For instance, some cultures, such as
Mexican Americans, or Asian Americans might “normalize” stress and present
as stoic, resigned, or indifferent to suffering, which reduces the extent of stress
associated with PTE. To the contrary, in cultures where control is considered
important a PTE might be experienced as more extreme (Ibrahim & Ohnishi,
2001) if the individual experienced extreme helplessness, for instance.
In summary, to attribute differences to ethnicity requires measures of ethno-
cultural identity, acculturation, multiple traumas (e.g., racism, immigration/ac-
cultural stress), trauma severity/dose, and a consideration of other confounds (e.g.,
socioeconomic status, daily stressors, culturally unique resilience factors). These
issues have not been thoroughly researched, and may, in part, account for con-
flicting research results to date.

Assessment Issues and PTSD Diagnostic Criteria

Other research priorities should involve the investigation of equitable provision
of services to minorities, such as validating instruments for use across ethnic
groups (Ritsher et al., 2002) and treatment outcome studies demonstrating the
utility of various approaches to ensure culturally competent services (e.g., Kir-
mayer et al., 2003; Lo & Fung, 2003). Research priorities to ensure evidence-
based practice for minorities must be a priority. The surgeon general’s (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, 2001) report on mental health in the
United States demonstrated that empirically supported therapies for minorities
have received little research attention. Research consistently indicates that mi-
norities are less likely to receive treatment that adheres to clinical practice guide-

lines and more likely to suffer uncomfortable side effects from psychotherapeutic
medications (Lin & Cheung, 1999; U.S. Department of Health and Human Serv-
ices, 2001).
As we discussed, cultural affiliation likely influences the manner in which
traumas are experienced and the subsequent expression of psychological distress
(Perilla et al., 2002, p. 22; Sue, 2002). Kleinman (1988) asserted that clients of
varying cultural affiliations likely describe and express their symptoms in unique
ways. There are some well-recognized differences in symptom presentation across
cultures. Asian patients, for instance, are noted to be more likely to report somatic
symptoms (Sue, 2002), while not reporting the emotional symptoms that they do
acknowledge having when probed (Lin & Cheung, 1999). As such, cultural dif-
ferences might have significant import for the manner in which clinicians conduct
their assessments and make diagnostic decisions; in particular, several authors cite
cultural bias in Criterion C in the DSM-IV (e.g., Marsella et al., 1996; McCall
& Resick, 2003; for a review, see Kirmayer et al., 2003).
Some preliminary research on the cultural implications for posttraumatic
symptom expression has been conducted (Norris, Perilla, & Murphy, 2001b; Nor-
ris et al., 2001c; Norris et al., 2003). Results to date suggest that current PTSD
criteria are salient for Mexicans. In a qualitative study of Mexican disaster vic-
tims, Norris et al. (2001c) found that unprompted, subjects reported 14 of the 17
criteria for PTSD in the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 2000);
nonetheless, these authors reported some interesting differences from U.S. sam-
ples. Controlling for the severity of the trauma, Norris et al. (2001c) reported that
the Mexican sample (N ⫽ 200) had higher intrusion and avoidance scores, in
contrast to the U.S. non-Hispanic Whites (n ⫽ 270), who had higher arousal
scores. The authors point out that their results are consistent with Marsella et al.’s
(1996) hypothesis that intrusive thoughts might be common across cultures,
whereas avoidance/numbing and hyperarousal might be culturally specific ex-
pressions. These results are consistent with those of McCall and Resick (2003),
who found very low rates of avoidance/numbing symptoms such as psychogenic
amnesia, reduced interest, and emotional numbing in Kalahari Bushmen exposed
to traumatic assault. As Norris et al. (2001c) asserted, their results demonstrate
that important findings can be masked if PTSD is examined as a unidimensional
While changes to the DSM-IV reflect some substantial improvements, there is
still considerable room for advancement. In their review of the literature,
Roysircar-Sodowsky and Kuo (2001) noted that the DSM-IV glossary of culture-
bound syndromes might be of little utility when making diagnoses. Indigenous
afflictions might still result in substantial functional distress, and as such, coding
these conditions as part of a multiaxial diagnosis similar to that used in DSM-IV
Axes IV and V might be useful.
Perhaps the greatest cultural barrier to accurate assessment is the availability
Ethnocultural Minorities 209

of validated measures. A review of the literature seems to indicate uncertainty as

to whether the etic (i.e., cross-validated existing measures) or the emic approach
is preferable. Of note, Roysircar-Sodowsky and Kuo (2001) pointed out that some
third-party payers and mental health settings require the use of “mainstream in-
struments”; this seems to reflect ethnocentricity on the part of those agencies, but
it also raises an important issue for PTSD litigants. We disagree with Roysircar-
Sodowsky and Kuo on the issue of needing etic measures in order to provide a
common language across cultures. If unique measures are developed to determine
PTSD in different groups, it will be essential that statistical procedures (e.g., item-
response theory) are able to demonstrate cross-cultural content equivalence (i.e.,
that the instruments are measuring the same thing). More research is needed in
these areas in order to provide further insights into how the expression of post-
trauma psychopathology differs between and within cultural groups (see Sue,

Closing Comments
Meeting the needs of the rapidly evolving client population in developed nations
requires that mental health professionals, educators, professional associations, and
policy makers are prepared to evolve with the changing landscape of the mental
health profession (Sue et al., 1999). Public education, training, and research are
needed to ensure the provision of adequate mental health care to non-White, non–
Anglo-American cultural groups. Mental health professionals should reflect on
their own identities and biases. Respect for cultural diversity is critical for en-
suring that minorities will seek services (e.g., marketing, outreach strategies),
remain in treatment, and ultimately benefit from interventions (e.g., people must
appreciate how the intervention addresses their needs). Culturally sensitive public
education is needed to reduce the stigma of mental illness among both Whites
and non-Whites (Nippoda, 2003). Increasing the availability of culturally respon-
sive mental health providers should be a priority of educators, professional or-
ganizations (e.g., American Psychiatric Association), and policy makers (see Sue
et al., 1999).
Minority groups are more likely to fall victim to certain forms of trauma (e.g.,
torture), but research demonstrates that there are substantial differences between
heterogeneous minority groups and within trauma categories (e.g., sexual ha-
rassment, MVA). We found virtually no evidence that ethnocultural status is a
risk factor for PTSD once risk factors such as extent of exposure and socioeco-
nomic status are controlled. Like gender, ethnocultural minority status is a risk
marker, not a causal risk factor, for PTSD. This is an essential distinction that
needs to be carefully translated into public policy. Labeling ethnicity as a risk
factor for trauma and PTSD suggests that a particular group is uniquely vulnerable
to stressful experiences rather than identifying the real underlying risk factors.
This seems to be a very seriously misinformed conclusion.

The challenge of advancing multicultural psychology has been taken up with

great enthusiasm, as reflected by recent developments in the diversification of
organizational, educational, and research agendas (e.g., American Psychological
Association, 2002b; Kirmayer et al., 2003; Lo & Fung, 2003; Nippoda, 2001;
Sue et al., 1999). We hope these research agendas encourage the reduction of
stigmatization and isolation associated with elevated rates of trauma exposure and
subsequent psychopathology among disadvantaged groups.
Prevention and Rehabilitation of
Psychological Injuries

We shall have to learn to refrain from doing things merely because we know
how to do them.
—Theodore Fox, Speech to Royal College of Physicians (1965)

The perceived need to prevent and rehabilitate psychological injuries has en-
couraged the development of a variety of psychological and pharmacological
interventions in the last two decades. This chapter provides an overview and
analysis of these interventions.

Prevention of Psychological Injuries

The perceived high prevalence of psychological injury following traumatic events

encouraged the development of early intervention for posttraumatic stress symp-
toms. Rachman (1980) and others have argued that maladaptive cognitive, affec-
tive, and behavioral patterns may be less entrenched immediately following the
experience of trauma and thus more amenable to change. This, and society’s
compassion for victims of workplace and disaster-related trauma, has led to the
increased popularity of early intervention and prevention initiatives such as crit-
ical incident stress debriefing (CISD) and psychological debriefing (PD). As
shown, such attempts at prevention of PTSD may, in fact, result in unintended
negative outcomes.


Critical Incident Debriefing

CISD was first described by Mitchell (1983) and developed for emergency service
workers such as paramedics and firefighters. Debriefing protocols presume that
normalizing and ventilation shortly after a traumatic stressor can inhibit subse-
quent stress responses (Mitchell, 1983). CISD is a structured intervention con-
ducted by trained mental health professionals in either group or individual format.
The process typically occurs 2 to 3 days following the traumatic event and can
last 3 to 5 hours. Victims are encouraged to recount their thoughts and feelings
with the ultimate goal of processing and making sense of the trauma (Mitchell,
1983). These debriefing protocols are now recommended as standards of care for
a multitude of national and international government and military organizations
(Mitchell & Everly, 1997).
While growing anecdotal support for CISD enhanced its popularity and use,
methodologically sound studies testing the effectiveness of CISD lagged behind
clinical implementation. Since two randomized controlled trials were published
in 1979 (Bordow & Porritt, 1979; Bunn & Clarke, 1979), empirical evaluations
of debriefing have resulted in uniformly disappointing results, and several re-
viewers have commented on such continued failures (e.g., Bisson, 2003; Ehlers
& Clark, 2003). We briefly review the empirical studies of PD to illustrate the
range of outcomes with trauma victims.

Accident Victims
Bordow and Porritt (1979) allocated 70 males who had been hospitalized sub-
sequent to motor vehicle accident (MVA)-related injuries to either a 3- to 4-month
follow-up assessment, immediate short debriefing interview and follow-up as-
sessment, or a social work intervention of 2 to 10 hours. The subjects receiving
the social work intervention fared better than the other two groups, while the
subjects given the initial debriefing interview fared better at follow-up than the
subjects given only follow-up assessment. There were multiple problems with this
study, including the absence of baseline measures of psychological distress, and
the absence of blind assessment of subjects (the outcome measures were admin-
istered by the same people conducting the intervention). Bunn and Clarke (1979)
randomly assigned 30 relatives of seriously ill/injured emergency room patients
to either a 20-minute counseling session or to no intervention. Five-minute au-
diotaped verbal samples of pre- and post-intervention discussion were analyzed
for features of anxiety. Subjects receiving the 20-minute intervention were said
to be less anxious based on these speech samples. These are, to date, the success
stories for psychological debriefing.
Hobbs, Mayou, Harrison, and Worlock (1996) randomly assigned 106 MVA
survivors to either one hour of debriefing within 2 days of the accident or to no
treatment, and assessed them on established measures of psychological distress
and PTSD symptoms at baseline, 4 months, and (in a subsequent paper) three
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries 213

years post-MVA (Mayou, Ehlers, & Hobbs, 2000). The debriefed subjects fared
marginally worse at the 4-month follow-up, and, alarmingly, had more self-
reported PTSD symptoms three years later. Hobbs and Adshead (1996) reported
an unpublished study by Stevens and Adshead in which 63 emergency room
patients were allocated to either debriefing or control groups and assessed at one-
week, one-month, and three-month follow-up on self-report measures of depres-
sion, anxiety, and the Impact of Event Scale (IES). While most patients found the
intervention useful, there were no between-group differences on any of the mea-
sures of psychological distress or PTSD symptoms. Bisson, Jenkins, Alexander,
and Bannister (1997) randomly assigned 130 burn victims to debriefing within
three weeks of injury or to a control group. Subjects were assessed prior to
debriefing, as well as at 3- and 13-month follow-up. There were no between-
group differences in general distress or PTSD symptoms at the 3-month follow-
up, but the debriefing group fared worse on PTSD symptoms at 13 months. Con-
lon, Fahy, and Conroy (1999) assigned 40 MVA survivors to either a 30-minute
debriefing or no intervention, and assessed subjects at baseline and at 3-month
follow-up. The small sample size of this study made it difficult to obtain mean-
ingful results. While four control subjects met criteria for PTSD at follow-up and
only two debriefing subjects met such criteria, this was not a statistically signif-
icant or clinically meaningful difference.

Other Trauma Victims

Lee, Slade, and Lygo (1996) randomly assigned 40 women who had miscarried
to either one hour of debriefing within 2 weeks of miscarriage or no intervention
and assessed them at baseline and at 4-month follow-up on self-report measures
of psychological distress and PTSD symptoms. While women who received de-
briefing considered it helpful, there were no differences between groups in PTSD
symptoms or psychological distress at the 4-month follow-up. Rose, Brewin, An-
drews, and Kirk (1999) randomly assigned 157 crime victims to a control group,
to a 30-minute educational session on normal responses to trauma, or to a one-
hour debriefing session approximately 3 weeks postassault. Subjects were as-
sessed at baseline, and at 6- and 11-month follow-up. No differences were found
between groups on any measures. Deahl et al. (2000) non-randomly allocated
British soldiers returning from duty in Bosnia to either two-hour group debrief-
ings or to a control condition, and assessed subjects at baseline, as well as at 3-,
6-, and 12-month follow-up. The debriefed group fared worse with respect to
reductions in PTSD symptoms. This is a problematic study because of the non-
random assignment of subjects to conditions and because the nondebriefed group
was significantly more distressed at baseline (therefore making their greater im-
provement on the IES explainable by regression to the mean).
Given emerging empirical findings of equivocal efficacy and participants’ pos-
itive opinions of CISD, Raphael, Meldrum, and McFarlane (1995) recommended

carefully considering the most cost-effective and helpful intervention options for
different groups of people and traumas. Ehlers and Clark (2003) have suggested
that debriefing typically occurs too early, that it may reinforce an individual’s
maladaptive appraisals of his/her intrusive memories (e.g., having this recurrent
upsetting memory means I’m losing my mind), and that patients may use the
debriefing exposure to memories maladaptively (e.g., as an opportunity to ru-

Treating Acute Stress Disorder

Acute stress disorder (ASD, American Psychiatric Association, 2000) was intro-
duced as a diagnostic category into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) to help identify those at risk of developing PTSD.
ASD is defined as a reaction to traumatic stress that occurs up to four weeks after
the index trauma. Although ASD focuses more on dissociative symptoms than
PTSD, it also includes symptoms of reexperiencing, avoidance, and hyperarousal.
Preliminary prospective studies suggest that between 60% and 80% of individuals
meeting criteria for ASD following a traumatic event will meet criteria for PTSD
up to 2 years later (e.g., Harvey & Bryant, 2000a). The ASD diagnosis has been
contentious since its inception. It has been criticized on the grounds of being
conceptually and empirically redundant with PTSD, as well as pathologizing
common symptoms of psychological distress in the immediate aftermath of
To date, there have only been a few controlled treatment trials for ASD. Bryant,
Harvey, Dang, Sackville, and Basten (1998) randomly assigned 24 participants
with ASD following either a motor vehicle or industrial accident to either five
sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or supportive counseling (SC)
within two weeks of the trauma. Seventeen percent of participants in the CBT
group compared with 67% in the SC group met criteria for PTSD at the 6-month
follow-up assessment. Similar results with 45 participants were found when Bry-
ant, Sackville, Dang, Moulds, and Guthrie (1999) compared prolonged exposure,
exposure with anxiety management, and supportive counseling. Bryant, Moulds,
and Nixon (2003) followed 41 participants who had received these two treatments
over a four-year period. Eight percent of CBT clients and 25% of SC clients met
PTSD criteria at the 4-year follow-up assessment.
Echeburua, de Corral, Sarasua, and Zubizarreta (1996) randomly assigned 20
sexual assault victims with acute PTSD (1 to 3 months posttrauma) to five sessions
of either cognitive restructuring and coping skills training or progressive muscle
relaxation. Therefore, these patients did not meet the ASD duration criterion, but
were sufficiently acute that they could be considered to have received early in-
tervention. There were no differences between groups on any postassessments,
except for the cognitive restructuring group having a significantly lower PTSD
symptom score at the 12-month follow-up assessment. Foa, Hearst-Ikeda, and
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries 215

Perry (1995) found that survivors of recent sexual assault who received four
sessions of CBT had lower rates of PTSD, and reduced depressive and reexper-
iencing symptoms than did a matched assessment control group.
More recently, Foa et al. (unpublished data cited in Ehlers & Clark, 2003)
found that four 2-hour weekly sessions of CBT beginning an average of 21 days
posttrauma did not have superior results to mere repeated assessments of patients.
CBT was marginally superior to supportive counseling in this study. The Bryant
group’s most recent study (Bryant, Moulds, Guthrie, & Nixon, 2005) found that
5 to 6 sessions of CBT as well as a combination of CBT and hypnosis were more
effective than supportive counseling.
In short, brief (four to six sessions) CBT provided to trauma survivors meeting
diagnostic criteria for either ASD or acute PTSD appears relatively effective in
reducing the rate of chronic PTSD. Therefore, ASD and acute PTSD cases may
benefit from early intervention, but only if it is of a specific CBT nature. CISD,
while receiving positive consumer satisfaction ratings, appears unlikely to have
reliable benefits with respect to reduced PTSD symptoms or general psychological
distress. At this time, SC has not been demonstrated to have any benefit for
symptomatic trauma survivors.
Despite the relative superiority of CBT of 4 to 6 sessions duration to supportive
counseling, there are some strikingly unanswered questions about such early in-
tervention. According to Ehlers and Clark (2003), it is still unclear whether CBT
beginning within one month of the trauma is superior to simple repeated assess-
ments, which themselves may potentially be an effective treatment. Second, it is
still unclear whether supportive counseling administered within the first few
weeks posttrauma is worse than no treatment. If this were the case, it would have
serious implications for trauma rehabilitation as it is currently practiced.

Pharmacological Prevention of PTSD

There have been only limited research trials evaluating pharmaceutical prevention
of PTSD. Pitman et al. (2002) found that 40 mg of propanolol administered 4
times daily for 10 days beginning within 6 hours of accident trauma resulted in
decreased heart rate and skin conductance reactivity to mental imagery of the
trauma, as compared to a placebo group. There were, however, no differences in
PTSD symptoms between the two groups. Saxe et al. (2001) found that amount
of morphine administered during initial hospitalization due to burn injury pre-
dicted lower PTSD symptoms at 6-month follow-up, despite there being no sig-
nificant correlation between pain and later PTSD outcome. This is a curious result
given the many studies that have shown a potentiating relationship between pain
and PTSD. There is some evidence that short-term use of sedative benzodiaze-
pines may be helpful with PTSD cases in their early stages. Mellman, Byers, and
Augenstein (1998) found that use of benzodiazepines for sleep disturbance in
PTSD patients between 1 and 3 months posttrauma resulted in reduced PTSD

symptoms. It is clear that much more research is necessary before pharmaceutical

treatments can be confidently prescribed as preventative interventions for trauma

Psychological Treatment of PTSD

The controlled and open trials of treatment for PTSD are reviewed below so that
the reader may appreciate the current standards for optimal treatment.

Treatment Efficacy Studies for Chronic PTSD

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) appears to be the main efficacious psycho-
logical treatment for chronic PTSD. Four variations of CBT have demonstrated
significant efficacy. These include stress inoculation training (SIT, Veronen &
Kilpatrick, 1983), prolonged exposure (PE, Foa, Dancu, Hembree, Jaycox, Mead-
ows, & Street, 1999), cognitive processing therapy (CPT, Resick & Schnicke,
1992), and cognitive behavioral therapy based on Ehlers and Clark’s (2000) cog-
nitive model of PTSD (e.g., Ehlers et al., 2003). The efficacy of cognitive behav-
ioral interventions for chronic PTSD has been demonstrated in a number of dif-
ferent studies with various different trauma populations. These include sexual
assault victims (e.g., Foa et al., 1999; Resick & Schnicke, 1992), adult survivors
of childhood abuse (Cloitre, Koenen, Cohen, & Han, 2002), motor vehicle acci-
dent survivors (e.g., Blanchard et al., 2003), and veterans (e.g., Frueh, Turner,
Beidel, Mirabella, & Jones, 1996).
Limited studies included the following criteria necessary to be defined as a
randomized controlled treatment trial: clearly defined target symptoms; random
assignment of patients to different treatments or control conditions; reliable and
valid measures of symptoms or clinical status; blind evaluators of outcome; as-
sessor training; manualized, replicable, specific treatment programs; unbiased as-
signment of patients to specific treatments or control conditions; and monitored
adherence by therapists to treatment protocols. Such criteria are important be-
cause they ensure that any variations in outcome between patients in different
treatment or control conditions can be validly attributed to the treatment and not
to extraneous variables. The reader will recall the difference between widespread
consumer satisfaction with CISD and the equivocal evidence for symptomatic
improvement following CISD in randomized trials. Such well-controlled trials
are thus critical to our acceptance of the efficacy of any particular treatment.
PE-based interventions have largely been developed by Foa, Rothbaum, and
Steketee (1993) and include education about PTSD; breathing retraining; in vivo
hierarchy construction and graded repeated exposure (e.g., to different driving
situations for MVA-PTSD victims); prolonged imaginal exposure to trauma mem-
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries 217

ories (e.g., to the assault or subject MVA); and imaginal exposure debriefing.
Imaginal exposure encourages the client to relive the trauma in imagination, in
present tense, for a prolonged period of time (typically 45–60 minutes). Therapists
use various techniques to titrate the imaginal recounting for maximal exposure
and habituation. Some protocols tape the reliving and encourage clients to listen
daily for increased emotional processing.
Stress inoculation training (SIT) interventions focus on skills to cope with
trauma-related anxiety and other difficulties. This includes education about PTSD,
breathing retraining, applied relaxation, thought stopping, cognitive restructuring,
and guided self-dialogue. The behavioral rehearsal techniques include covert
modeling, role-play, and exposure, which are designed to decrease the patients’
avoidance of trauma-related stimuli (Kilpatrick, Veronen, & Resick, 1982).
Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) interventions focus mainly on cognitive
therapy and exposure for victims of sexual assault. Resick and Schnicke (1992)
implemented exposure through detailed written accounts of the index trauma that
sexual assault survivors read to both themselves and the therapist. Consistent with
traditional cognitive therapy, CPT therapists identify distorted beliefs that the
individual may have about the assault, him/herself, and other matters (e.g., other
people’s evaluation of the rape victim); challenge these beliefs; and work to create
more balanced, yet realistic beliefs. These authors found that CPT significantly
reduced both PTSD and depressive symptoms compared to a wait-list control.
Ehlers et al. (2003) showed that up to 12 weekly sessions of CBT with their
particular emphasis on cognitive therapy was superior to one session with a cli-
nician and bibliotherapy, as well as superior to repeated assessments with MVA-
PTSD patients recruited approximately three months post-MVA. This particular
study is important because it better controlled for repeated assessments, which
appears to be a mildly effective procedure in reducing PTSD symptoms (cf.,
Tarrier, Somerfield, Reynolds, & Pilgrim, 1999).
While SIT appears to be an efficacious treatment, when it is compared to PE,
effect sizes measuring PTSD symptoms, depression, and general anxiety are gen-
erally lower (see Foa, Dancu, et al., 1999). Recent theoretical and empirical efforts
suggest that thought stopping, one of the interventions in the SIT package, may
actually be harmful for persons with anxiety problems. Thought stopping is now
understood to be a form of thought control or suppression that unexpectedly
increases the frequency and intensity of intrusive thoughts (e.g., O’Neill & Whit-
tal, 2002). Thus, the inclusion of thought stopping in these trials may explain the
marginally worse outcomes. This also has implications for interventions applied
by many general clinicians with trauma victims, given that thought stopping is
still widely used.
Nevertheless, because SIT does not incorporate any imaginal exposure to
trauma memories, some clients may prefer this form of treatment. It may also

prove useful for trauma survivors who tend to dissociate easily or who experience
extremely high levels of emotional arousal in response to trauma memories. SIT
could provide a helpful set of coping skills in which to train PTSD patients prior
to PE treatment. While it is intuitively plausible that such improved stress man-
agement skills would enhance patients’ responses to PE treatment, this hypothesis
has not yet been empirically tested.
Resick, Nishith, Weaver, Astin, and Feuer (2002) compared CPT, PE, and wait-
list conditions with female sexual assault victims. Overall, it appears that both
treatments were highly efficacious and superior to the wait-list control. The two
active treatments were largely equivalent with respect to symptom reduction. Tar-
rier et al. (1999) compared CPT and PE for a mixed-trauma sample, finding that
both treatments were effective, but neither superior to the other.
When Nishith, Resick, and Griffin (2002) examined the pattern of change, they
found several interesting results. First, for both the PE and CPT, reexperiencing
symptoms were often initially exacerbated before they lessened. Foa, Zoellner,
Feeny, Hembree, and Alvarez-Conrad (2002), on the other hand, found only a
minority of individuals experiencing symptom exacerbation following imaginal
exposure and that such exacerbation was unrelated to the probability of treatment
termination or symptomatic change. Therapists should therefore educate their
patients about such short-term effects and reassure them that such symptom ex-
acerbations will be temporary. Second, for both treatment conditions, overall
symptom levels exhibited a dramatic decrease following the first exposure session.
This finding, as Nishith et al. (2002) concluded, leads us to suspect that the
exposure element of treatment is the active ingredient in symptomatic improve-
CBT also appears effective for MVA survivors with PTSD. For example, Blan-
chard et al. (2003) examined CBT, supportive psychotherapy, and wait-list control
in a sample of 78 MVA survivors with chronic PTSD. The CBT treatment con-
tained components of exposure, progressive relaxation, training in coping self-
statements, and behavioral activation. CBT significantly reduced PTSD symptoms
and diagnosis, as well as reduced comorbid diagnoses of major depression and
generalized anxiety disorder in comparison to the other two conditions.
Overall, it appears that the different variants of cognitive behavioral therapy
are all efficacious and generally equivalent. The International Consensus Group
on Depression and Anxiety along with a group of PTSD experts recommend
exposure therapy as the first-line psychological treatment for PTSD with the ther-
apy being continued for six months and follow-up provided on an as-needed basis
(Ballenger et al., 2000). This has important implications for therapists involved
in PTSD rehabilitation. Treatment that does not include some form of PE, SIT,
or CPT may not meet minimum standards and, thus, is a disservice to patients
and to third-party insurers.
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries 219

Open Treatment Trials for Chronic PTSD

There are a number of studies not meeting randomized controlled trial criteria.
These are typically referred to as open trials. Najavits, Weiss, Shaw, and Muenz
(1998) examined the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy for
women with PTSD and concurrent substance dependence. Compared with pre-
treatment, the women showed significant improvements across a wide variety of
adjustment measures including PTSD symptoms, depression, substance use, and
social and familial adjustment. Frueh et al. (1996) developed trauma management
therapy (TMT) for combat veterans with PTSD. TMT uses exposure and social
and emotional skills training over 29 sessions. These authors found significant
pre- and post-differences across PTSD symptom scores in a sample of 15 veterans.
CBT interventions have also been investigated in women with PTSD related
to domestic violence. Kubany, Hill, and Owens (2003) examined the preliminary
effectiveness of cognitive trauma therapy (CTT) in 37 women who had left an
abusive relationship. CTT focuses on modifying the irrational beliefs and eval-
uative language associated with chronic PTSD. Thirty of the 32 women who
completed CTT did not meet criteria for PTSD at posttest. Kubany et al. (2004)
replicated their first study in a larger sample of 125 battered women. Eighty-six
(69%) of these women completed treatment, with 87% of the latter remitting from
PTSD status. Gains were maintained at six-month follow-up. Of note, women
who failed to complete treatment differed at the beginning of treatment from
completers by being younger, less educated, and more depressed. Noncompleters
also experienced lower self-esteem and greater guilt and shame.
The largest open trial of CBT for PTSD following MVAs is that of Taylor et
al. (2001). These authors completed an uncontrolled study of group CBT for
chronic PTSD in 50 MVA survivors, and found significant reductions in PTSD
symptomatology with 44% of PTSD patients no longer meeting formal criteria
for PTSD at follow-up. This study was significant for two results: (a) the reason-
able success rate (44% remission) for group-administered CBT, and (b) the var-
iables that were found to predict worse outcome. Taylor et al. (2001) used cluster
analysis to group patients into those who made substantial symptomatic improve-
ments and those who had less symptomatic improvement. Pain severity, comorbid
depression, and anger all predicted worse outcome. Interestingly, presence of
litigation or compensation claims did not predict outcome.

Pharmacological Treatment of PTSD

Increasing evidence supports the effectiveness of selective serotonin reuptake in-

hibitors (SSRIs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) in reducing PTSD
symptomatology. Davidson, Rothbaum, van der Kolk, Sikes, and Farfel (2001)
compared sertraline and placebo in a double-blind multicenter trial for moderate

to severe PTSD. A 60% versus 38% responder rate for sertraline compared with
placebo was found for 208 patients over a 12-week period. Davidson, Landerman,
Farfel, and Clary (2002) examined the impact of sertraline on the individual
symptoms of PTSD using data from two 12-week placebo-controlled trials. Ser-
traline outperformed placebo on the vast majority of PTSD symptoms, particu-
larly with the numbing and arousal clusters of symptoms.
There are a number of open-trial studies for the treatment of PTSD with var-
ious SSRIs. Fluvoxamine has demonstrated some effectiveness for PTSD symp-
toms, particularly with combat-related trauma (e.g., Escalona, Canive, Calais, &
Davidson, 2002). Citalopram has demonstrated symptom reduction in a prelimi-
nary study with 14 adults (Seedat et al., 2002). There is also evidence that ne-
fazodone decreases PTSD symptoms in combat veterans (Garfield, Fichtner, Lev-
eroni, & Mahableshwarkar, 2001). However, Lubin, Weizman, Shmushkevitz, and
Valevski (2002) completed an open-label preliminary study of naltrexone and
found that the side effects did not support the minor clinical improvements found.
Overall, it appears that the family of SSRIs demonstrates moderate but clinically
significant improvement in PTSD symptomatology and overall functioning across
a wide variety of trauma populations. Gaffney (2003) suggests that SSRIs may
be more effective with the depressive symptoms that are often associated with
PTSD. The International Consensus Group on Depression and Anxiety along with
a group of PTSD experts recommend SSRIs as the first-line class of pharmaceu-
tical treatment for PTSD, with such treatment recommended for at least 12 months
(Ballenger et al., 2000). To date, within the United States, both paroxetine and
sertraline have received the label of having a PTSD-specific indication.

Special Issues in Psychological Treatment of PTSD

Several articles discuss specific techniques for increasing treatment success with
cognitive behavioral interventions. Resick and Schnicke (1992) recommend a
focus on “stuck points” within trauma narratives as a key element in aiding treat-
ment. Moderate to high levels of emotional engagement throughout the imaginal
exposure exercise have also been shown to improve treatment outcomes for PTSD
and depression (Jaycox, Foa, & Morral, 1998). For less severe cases of PTSD,
Reynolds and Tarrier (1996) found that simple monitoring of symptoms could
result in improvement. All of the points above emphasize the importance to suc-
cessful treatment of imaginal exposure, associated writing assignments, and elic-
itation of adverse emotional responses contained in the trauma memory.
There is increasing evidence that panic attacks, whether spontaneous or trig-
gered by exposure to reminders of the index trauma, occur frequently in PTSD
patients. For example, Falsetti and Resnick (1997) found that 69% of a sample
of 62 adults seeking treatment for trauma-related symptoms had experienced at
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries 221

least one panic attack in the two weeks prior to assessment. Bryant and Panasetis
(2001) found that more than half of civilian trauma sufferers reported panic attacks
during their index trauma, and that those who met criteria for acute stress disorder
had more panic symptoms. Such findings led Falsetti, Resnick, Davis, and Gal-
lagher (2001) to develop a specific PTSD treatment protocol (multiple-channel
exposure therapy) for comorbid PTSD and panic. This implies that PTSD patients
who also suffer significantly from panic attacks may require specific treatment
for panic and thus may require more treatment in total.

Specific Trauma Populations

Specific trauma populations such as veterans, victims of sexual assault, childhood
abuse, and vehicular or industrial accidents may require variations or additions
to the psychological protocols described above in order to maximize functional

Combat-Related PTSD
Perhaps unique within the general PTSD population, many combat-related PTSD
survivors experience feelings of both victimization and perpetration of trauma
(Foa & Meadows, 1997). Guilt and shame may be justifiably present around the
frequently violent acts that can be carried out while in combat, and standard
interventions such as cognitive restructuring should be initiated with caution be-
cause of the potential for strengthening maladaptive beliefs about oneself (e.g.,
guilt over one’s actions). Foa and Meadows (1997) suggest using more creative
interventions such as exploring different acts in the interests of reparation (e.g.,
volunteering). Frueh et al. (1996) describe a number of interventions in their
trauma management therapy unique to veteran populations.

Childhood Abuse and Sexual Assault

There are a number of issues for victims of childhood abuse and sexual assault.
Victims of chronic, long-term childhood abuse may suffer delays or aberrations
of emotional and social development (e.g., sexual trust, intimacy) that result in
interpersonal skill deficits. Therapists may have to spend 1 or 2 sessions con-
ducting assertiveness skills training. With victims of sexual assault, the uncer-
tainty of possible revictimization, particularly for women living in troubled neigh-
borhoods or relationships, is a reality to be addressed throughout the course of
treatment (Foa & Meadows, 1997). Treatment should focus on differentiating safe
from unsafe situations, particularly when conducting the in vivo exposure aspect
of the therapy (Foa & Meadows, 1997).
PTSD secondary to domestic violence has a number of complications, includ-
ing many social, economic, and emotional obstacles to leaving the abusive rela-
tionship. While in a violent relationship, victims are justified in viewing their
situation as dangerous and, thus, most of the elements of PE, intended to give the

patient an increased sense of safety, are inappropriate for both ethical and practical
reasons. Victims of domestic violence may also be more prone to guilt and shame
related to their perceived “choice” of the abusive relationship (Kubany, Hill, &
Owens, 2003) and, thus, require cognitive interventions concerning such emo-
tions. Even if a victim of domestic violence has left the abusive relationship, he/
she may be stalked by the perpetrator, thus continuing to be in a legitimately
dangerous situation. Finally, well-intentioned family members may interfere with
domestic violence victims’ attempts to leave the relationship, stay away from the
perpetrator, or develop appropriate safety measures.

Motor Vehicle Accident Victims

While PTSD sufferers following automobile collisions are as heterogeneous as
other PTSD sufferers; there are some more common presentations that are im-
portant for treatment and rehabilitation professionals to consider.
First, MVA-PTSD patients will frequently suffer from concurrent pain con-
ditions secondary to orthopedic or soft-tissue injuries. The severity of continuing
pain complaints will interfere with CBT for PTSD (e.g., Taylor et al., 2001) and
thus CBT of MVA-PTSD should perhaps be coordinated with the patient’s pain
management program.
Second, approximately 50% of MVA-PTSD patients will have a concurrent
major depression. Even those who do not suffer a clinically severe depression
may have sufficient depressive symptoms to complicate their recovery. Because
depressive affect compromises individuals’ tolerance of emotional distress and
impairs motivation, many MVA-PTSD patients will require help with their de-
pressive condition. This may be most parsimoniously dealt with through behav-
ioral activation such as pleasant event scheduling (e.g., Blanchard et al., 2003)
and exercise or through pharmacological assistance. It appears unwise to ignore
depressive affect when treating MVA-PTSD patients.
Mobility restrictions are a striking part of the functional disability of MVA-
PTSD patients. As well, there are many MVA survivors who do not meet formal
criteria for PTSD, yet suffer disabling phobic avoidance of automobile travel.
Ehlers, Hofmann, and Herda (1994) noted three routes of acquisition of driving
phobias: (a) fear of auto travel secondary to panic disorder, (b) traumatic onset
fear of auto travel secondary to an MVA and a fear of being in yet another MVA,
and (c) fear of auto travel secondary to performance anxiety (e.g., low confidence
in driving ability, fear that one might become confused/lost). Because these dif-
ferent routes of acquisition are not mutually exclusive, and because of the diffi-
culty in controlling the environment in which driving phobias express themselves,
overcoming the phobic avoidance that is common following traumatic MVAs has
unique complexities. Ascertaining the core fear(s) for individual patients (e.g.,
fear of reinjury and worse physical outcomes, lowered confidence in one’s driving
ability, fear of panic symptoms while driving) is a necessary early step in devel-
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries 223

oping a treatment plan. Ascertaining these core fears and other factors maintaining
patients’ driving fears requires not only detailed interviewing, but also structured
questionnaires (e.g., Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory, Foa, Ehlers et al., 1999),
and behavioral assessments such as observing the patient when he/she is driving
or riding as a passenger.
In vivo exposure therapy that involves both therapist- and spouse-accompanied
drives is frequently necessary to return MVA-PTSD patients to optimal function-
ing. Basic principals of in vivo exposure treatment include: (a) remaining in the
feared situation until one’s fear/anxiety declines in intensity, (b) altering danger
and safety appraisals through repeated and prolonged benign exposure to the
feared situation, and (c) suppressing maladaptive safety behaviors that increase
the patient’s sense of safety but become “crutches.” Because the auto traffic en-
vironment is neither easily controlled nor constant, in vivo exposure treatment
requires that the patient repeat his/her exposure to specific situations that elicit
fear (e.g., intersections, driving by cars parked on a narrow street, freeway on-
ramps), rather than just spending a certain amount of time driving. The therapist
must keep in mind that the feared situation is not just being in a car, it is those
frequently short-lived traffic situations that elicit rushes of fear in the individual
Accompanying such a patient in a vehicle will allow the therapist to assess the
particular situations in which the patient experiences fear, as well as those mal-
adaptive safety behaviors exhibited by individual patients. We have previously
used the term “safety compulsions” to describe specific behaviors such as grab-
bing door handles and bracing oneself against the dashboard. We believe these
behaviors in accident phobics serve the same function as compulsions in
obsessive-compulsive patients—temporarily increasing the patient’s sense of
safety, but ultimately maintaining fear and avoidance. As in the treatment of
obsessive-compulsive disorder, we believe it is important to block these safety
compulsions during in vivo exposure treatment in order to achieve maximal im-
provement. In vivo exposure to auto traffic may require a graduated approach
(e.g., initial repeated short drives in a safe residential neighborhood leading to
longer drives in heavier traffic or inclement weather conditions). We recommend
a procedure we refer to as “looping exposure,” in which patients drive several
times through particular locations (e.g., specific intersections) or driving situations
(e.g., heavy commercial truck traffic); this maximizes exposure to the situations
that elicit fear and allows fear to gradually decline during such repeated within-
session exposures.
While the scientific jury is still out on the benefits of specific cognitive therapy
procedures for enhancing the effects of exposure therapy for PTSD, we believe
there are specific cognitive change exercises therapists should prescribe for their
driving phobic patients. Consistent with cognitive behavioral models of PTSD,
we believe that accident phobics suffer a change in their perception of the safety

of automobile travel and an increased expectancy of collisions. We also believe

that they “filter” information while driving in a manner that highlights danger
cues (e.g., cars running red lights, illegal lane changes by others), and overlooks
safety cues (e.g., cars following a safe distance behind other vehicles, courteous
merging behavior). Thus, we frequently ask patients to spend time at a given
intersection and to count the number of cars passing through and the number of
collisions to get an objective sample of the probability of automobile collisions.
Similarly, we frequently ask patients to count the number of “good driving be-
haviors” or examples of courteous driving in order to shift their attention. Hickling
and Blanchard (1996) train their MVA-PTSD patients in coping self-statements
such as, “In particular, you need to remind yourself that you are a good driver
and a careful and safe driver” (p. 15).
Despite our knowledge of general principles of treating phobias, the therapist
must keep in mind that individual differences in coping with fear are very com-
mon. One of the authors once simultaneously had two accident phobic patients,
one of whom vigilantly scanned oncoming traffic when riding as a passenger so
that she could better warn the driver of impending disaster, while the other con-
sistently rode as a passenger with her eyes closed so that she could avoid the sight
of oncoming traffic. Treating both of these behaviors as safety compulsions led
to prescribing assignments for the vigilant accident phobic to ride with her eyes
closed while relaxing, and the “eyes-closed” patient to watch oncoming traffic
while practicing relaxation.

Domestic Violence
Because domestic violence (DV) has a high prevalence of PTSD and other emo-
tional distress, it is somewhat surprising that treatments for DV-related PTSD
have only very recently been conducted (Kubany, Hill, & Owens, 2003; Kubany
et al., 2004). This variant of CBT for PTSD, referred to as cognitive trauma
therapy for formerly battered women (CTT-BW), incorporates a unique focus on
cognitions (attitudes and beliefs) that revolve around the concepts of guilt and
shame. CTT-BW also includes specific treatment modules around assertiveness,
managing unwanted contacts with the abuser, and avoidance of future abusive
relationships. As well, Kubany and Watson (2002) emphasize the importance of
their cognitive therapy intervention for guilt, which targets the following issues
thought to plague domestic violence victims: (a) perceived self-responsibility for
negative events in the relationship, (b) difficulties justifying self-protective ac-
tions, (c) victims’ perception that they may be violating other values (e.g. “mar-
riage is supposed to be forever”), and (d) hindsight bias and self-blame (e.g., “I
should have been able to predict”). It is important to note here that the two
successful trials of treatment to date with domestic violence victims have excluded
battered women who were still in the violent relationship (must have been 30
days or more postseparation) or who were considering reconciling. This is im-
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries 225

portant for two reasons. First, treatment of PTSD demands that patients not be in
current danger, but women in physically abusive relationships appear to remain
at heightened risk of physical harm for some time following the cessation of their
violent relationship. Second, it appears (see chapter 6) that women in violent
relationships have a significant remission of emotional distress after leaving the
violent relationship. Thus, use of CTT-BW would not be recommended for
women currently in a violent relationship.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

The efficacy and mechanism of action behind eye movement desensitization and
reprocessing (EMDR, Shapiro, 1999) remain highly contentious. EMDR was
originally designed for the treatment of PTSD, but has more recently been applied
to an increasing variety of disorders and difficulties including phobias, panic
disorder, depression, interpersonal conflict, and eating problems.
EMDR has clients engage in lateral eye movements while recalling, in imag-
ination, important portions of a traumatic or disturbing event. As originally de-
scribed by Shapiro in 1989, the therapist uses lateral movements of their index
finger to guide clients in making between 10 and 20 rhythmic eye movements
while verbally reporting sensations, cognitions, and emotions. This process is
repeated until desensitization occurs. The trauma memory is then paired with a
positive cognition until the client reports significant levels of belief in the new
Interestingly, in 1999, Shapiro retracted much of the focus on eye movements
as the critical component of the treatment, stating that, “this is incorrect and
unfortunate interpretation of the method can be explained by the author’s con-
centration on the concrete actions in which she was engaging during therapy,
rather than on the attendant complexity of the methodology actually employed
and the underlying processes thought to be engendered by it” (p. 37). Shapiro
(1999) indicated that EMDR has been significantly modified over the years
through clinical observation to now include 8 phases of treatment that draw from
a variety of theoretical and empirical orientations. These include client history
and treatment planning, preparation, assessment, desensitization, installation,
body scan, closure, and reevaluation.
EMDR’s claim of rapid recovery from PTSD, often within one session, sparked
significant empirical investigations. Currently, we know EMDR is often associ-
ated with treatment gains when compared to no treatment conditions in the treat-
ment of PTSD (e.g., Boudewyns & Hyer, 1996; Carlson, Chemtob, Rusnak, Hed-
lund, & Muraoka, 1998; Rothbaum, 1997). In contrast, a number of studies have
found that EMDR is not superior to supportive counseling (e.g., Devilly, Spence,
& Rapee, 1998; Lytle, Hazlett-Stevens, & Borkovec, 2002). Whether EMDR is
as effective as already established treatments for PTSD (i.e., PE, SIT, CPT) re-
mains unclear. After a review of the literature, Cahill, Carrigan, and Frueh (1999)

concluded that the active ingredient of EMDR is repeated imaginal exposure to

the trauma and that EMDR has greater effects on subjective ratings of anxiety
made by the patient rather than on established psychometric scales.
A recent meta-analysis of 34 empirical studies of EMDR (Davidson & Parker,
2001) led to several conservative conclusions. First, when EMDR is compared to
no treatment, clients appear to be better off with respect to improvement on re-
liable measures of PTSD symptoms. In addition, EMDR appeared to be reliably
superior to nonspecific therapies such as applied relaxation. Third, EMDR was
not found to be superior to treatments utilizing different forms of exposure therapy
or cognitive behavioral therapy. Fourth, EMDR procedures not utilizing the eye
movements that gave the treatment its name are as effective as EMDR with eye
movements. Fifth, EMDR proponents have in the past explained away negative
findings of trials claiming that the therapists in these negative outcome studies
were not appropriately trained in EMDR. The meta-analytic data showed that
EMDR results were equivalent independent of whether therapists were trained by
the EMDR Institute.
More recently, Taylor et al. (2003) compared EMDR, exposure therapy (a
documented treatment of choice for PTSD), and relaxation training with 60
chronic PTSD patients. Therapists were trained via the EMDR Institute. Of the
19 patients assigned to EMDR, 15 completed treatment. Fifteen of 22 patients
assigned to exposure therapy completed their treatment and 15 of 19 patients
assigned to relaxation training completed treatment. Treatments were structured
to involve equivalent amounts of in-session work (eight 90-minute sessions) and
equivalent amounts of homework. In brief, PTSD symptoms declined for all treat-
ments, but exposure therapy was superior to EMDR and relaxation in reduction
of both reexperiencing symptoms and avoidance behavior, leading to a lower rate
of active PTSD cases in the exposure therapy group at follow-up (15%) than for
EMDR (35%), or relaxation (55%). Exposure therapy also led to more rapid
reduction in avoidance behavior. This particular empirical study adds to the evi-
dence that exposure therapy is beneficial for chronic PTSD cases, and that EMDR
has little unique to offer PTSD cases beyond marginal improvement over the
effects of nonspecific treatments. EMDR should not be considered a treatment of
choice for PTSD sufferers by rehabilitation coordinators and insurers.

The Effects of Litigation on Treatment

Many clinicians decline to treat individuals who have ongoing compensation
claims, are on work disability payments, or who are involved in personal injury
litigation with respect to their mental health. Specifically, many clinicians believe
that litigants or compensation-seeking patients are unlikely to improve clinically
and functionally until their litigation resolves or they are awarded compensation.
The beginning of this belief is usually attributed to Miller (1961) who, based on
a sample of 50 accident victims, concluded that the prospect of compensation
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries 227

was the primary cause of what he called “accident neurosis.” Weissman (1990)
seconded Miller’s positions, stating, “Involvement in litigation renders plaintiffs
susceptible to stressors and to influences that may lead to increased impairment,
biased reportage, and retarded recovery” (p. 67). There appear to be two hypoth-
eses underlying these writings: (a) that compensation seeking is the primary cause
of symptom overendorsement for many if not all claimants (i.e., secondary gain),
and (b) that litigation may contribute to plaintiffs’ experience of stress, thus con-
tributing directly to their clinical disability.
There is certainly some evidence that personal injury litigation and compen-
sation seeking are associated with elevated reports of emotional distress and dis-
ability (e.g., Frueh, Gold, & de Arellano, 1997). However, few methodologically
rigorous studies exist that have tested Miller’s initial inference that cessation of
litigation will result in cessation of symptoms.
One recent study by Blanchard et al. (1996) tested this hypothesis with MVA
survivors. These authors followed 132 subjects for 12 months following their
initial assessment one to four months after MVA, using the Clinician Adminis-
tered PTSD Scale (CAPS) interview, self-report measures of distress, and mea-
sures of role functioning including employment status. Of these 132 subjects, 18
had their litigation settled during the 12-month follow-up, 49 litigants had not yet
settled at 12 months, and 65 had never litigated. Nonlitigants did have significantly
lower PTSD symptom scores (from the CAPS) at initial assessment compared to
the two litigant groups. This is consistent with Miller’s hypothesis, notwithstand-
ing the alternative hypothesis that less-distressed/injured persons will appropri-
ately be less likely to initiate legal claims. However, these interviewer-assessed
PTSD symptoms did decrease at the 6- and 12-month assessments for both litigant
groups, as well as for the nonlitigant group. While the litigation-pending group
had more PTSD symptoms at 12 months than the nonlitigating group, the litigants
had clearly improved over the 12 months despite ongoing litigation. Initial dif-
ferences on the CAPS between litigants and nonlitigants were replicated with
self-report measures of subjective distress, role performance, social relationships,
and recreational activity. However, in this study, the litigants had also suffered
more severe physical injuries as objectively assessed, thus offering some support
for the view that severity of injury itself predicts decisions to litigate. At 12-
month follow-up, litigants were no worse off with respect to role functioning or
to PTSD symptoms as assessed by the CAPS than were nonlitigants, although
they were more distressed as measured by self-report tests. In short, Blanchard
et al. (1998) provided some limited support for Miller’s hypothesis in that MVA
survivors with pending litigation reported higher levels of distress on self-report
inventories. Contrary to Miller’s prediction, however, role functioning and PTSD
symptoms assessed via a reliable interview improved despite pending litigation.
Very few trials of psychological treatment have evaluated the effects of liti-
gation or compensation status on treatment success. One such study was that of

Taylor et al. (2001), an open trial of CBT for PTSD following MVAs. Study
participants were chronic PTSD sufferers, with almost 90% of subjects involved
in litigation. The authors used cluster analysis to identify two clusters of patients:
full responders to treatment (n ⫽ 30) and partial responders (n ⫽ 20). The authors
assessed a broad array of other potential predictor variables for differentiating the
two clusters of patients who had differential success in group CBT treatment.
Subjects pretreatment global functioning, anger about the MVA, severity of de-
pression, and comorbid major depression, pain severity and pain-related interfer-
ence, and use of psychotropic medications during CBT all predicted membership
in the partial responding cluster. Litigation did not predict cluster membership;
in fact, the percentage of patients in litigation was numerically higher in the
responders cluster than in the partial responders cluster. However, it should be
recognized that this study had a lower rate of full PTSD remission (44%) than
the 70% of Blanchard et al. (2003), a study utilizing relatively similar treatment
strategies. Other differences between these two studies included group (Taylor et
al., 2001) versus individual (Blanchard et al., 2003) administration of treatment,
and the handling of motor vehicle claims in the two jurisdictions. The Blanchard
et al. study was conducted in New York State, a no-fault jurisdiction, while the
Taylor et al. study was conducted in British Columbia, a torts jurisdiction where
psychological services are excluded from reimbursement other than through a
lawsuit. The differences in outcome could be accounted for by the methodological
or legal differences between these two studies, or some other related factor. The
extent to which personal injury litigation is stressful has not been studied in detail.
One study (Koch, Shercliffe, Fedoroff, Iverson, & Taylor, 1999) collected survey
data from both lawyers (n ⫽ 50) and psychologists (n ⫽ 50). They found that
both lawyers (57%) and psychologists (80%) believed that stress secondary to
the litigation process had moderate to major effects on plaintiffs’ psychological
status. In an attempt to understand whether different aspects of personal injury
litigation would predict psychological outcome, these authors correlated pretreat-
ment values of a number of putative litigation stress variables with prepost change
on PTSD symptoms following cognitive behavioral therapy. The only items cor-
relating with PTSD symptom change were (a) slowness of physical recovery (r
⫽ ⫺.38), (b) optimism about recovery (r ⫽ ⫺.39), number of health-care ap-
pointments since the subject MVA (r ⫽ ⫺.39), and pre-MVA hours worked (r ⫽
⫺.45). Thus, those stressors related to litigation that predict PTSD symptom
change appear to involve physical recovery and negative changes in how much
time the person spent in health-care appointments and at work. Thus, perhaps the
most stressful aspect of personal injuries is the change in how the person spends
his/her time following injury.
In any event, a number of studies now suggest that litigation leads to over-
endorsement of self-reported psychological distress, but there is little convincing
support for Miller’s (1961) hypothesis that accident neurosis is primarily medi-
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries 229

ated by the litigation process. It appears that MVA survivors spontaneously remit
even when pursuing litigation and make gains in CBT treatment for PTSD despite
concurrent involvement in litigation. Therefore, it does not appear wise to with-
hold effective treatment for PTSD from litigants.

Ethnicity and Treatment Outcome

The role of ethnicity in treatment outcome for sufferers of PTSD is scarce. The
literature that does exist focuses, almost exclusively, on the differences between
Caucasians and African Americans. Two studies looked at PTSD treatment for
veterans. Rosenheck, Fontana, and Cottrol (1995) found that African American
veterans participated less in therapy, showed poorer attendance, and had less im-
provement on outcome measures compared to Caucasian veterans, even after con-
trolling for a number of important variables. However, Rosenheck and Fontana
(1996) investigated male veterans again and found no differences between groups
in treatment response.
One study examined chronic PTSD treatment in 95 female victims of sexual
and nonsexual assault (Zoellner, Feeny, Fitzgibbons, & Foa, 1999). They found
no differences between Caucasian and African American women on several mea-
sures including pretreatment functioning, dropout rates, and overall treatment
efficacy. In short, there is one study indicating that African American combat-
related PTSD sufferers may respond less well to treatment, but other studies that
show no effects of African American ethnicity on treatment response. Socioec-
onomic factors may be more important predictors than ethnicity of treatment
involvement and success, and all those professionals involved in PTSD rehabili-
tation should be alert to financial and other resource obstacles to PTSD sufferers
entering and successfully completing treatment. Other prominent ethnic minori-
ties (e.g., East Asians, South Asians, Aboriginal peoples) have been neglected in
this treatment literature.

Comorbidity and Treatment Outcome

Comorbidity refers to the joint occurrence of two or more health problems si-
multaneously in the same patient. As discussed in chapter 3, PTSD has a very
high rate of comorbidity of both other mental health conditions and of physical
health problems. What are the implications of this comorbidity for successful
rehabilitation of psychological injury claimants? Three types of studies have ad-
dressed the implications of comorbid problems in the treatment outcome of PTSD
sufferers. A few treatment outcome studies have used pretreatment characteristics
of patients to predict response to therapy (e.g., Taylor et al., 2001). Other studies

have evaluated the efficacy of multicomponent treatments that target both PTSD
and specific comorbid problems (e.g., Blanchard et al., 2003). Chemtob, Novaco,
Hamada, and Gross (1997) have also evaluated the efficacy of anger treatment
strategies on anger problems within PTSD samples.

Predictors of Worse PTSD Outcome

Taylor et al. (2001) conducted a large (n ⫽ 50) open trial of group-administered

CBT for PTSD following MVAs. As part of this study, all patients completed an
extensive pretreatment assessment battery and a CAPS interview. Following treat-
ment, the authors performed a statistical cluster analysis to separate those patients
who showed significant improvement in their PTSD symptoms (termed “respond-
ers,” n ⫽ 30) and those patients who showed relatively little improvement (“partial
responders,” n ⫽ 20). Partial responders were characterized by more severe numb-
ing symptoms on the pretreatment CAPS, greater depression, more severe pain,
and greater trait anger expression. Blanchard et al. (2003) examined predictors of
outcome for both their CBT and supportive psychotherapy conditions in a large
Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) for MVA-PTSD. It is of interest that these
two different treatments with differential effectiveness had slightly different pre-
dictors of outcome. For patients receiving CBT, the pretreatment CAPS score and
number of days of work missed following the MVA contributed 43% of the
variance in posttreatment CAPS scores. For patients receiving supportive psy-
chotherapy, approximately 70% of the variance in posttreatment CAPS scores
was explained by pretreatment CAPS, a diagnosis of major depression at intake,
and the patient’s subjective fear that they might die in the MVA. Foa, Riggs,
Massie, and Yarczower (1995) found that angry female rape victims receiving
exposure treatment for their PTSD expressed less fear during such imaginal ex-
posure sessions and benefited less from treatment. Tarrier et al. (2000) found that
worse outcome was predicted by higher suicide risk, male gender, living alone,
and comorbid generalized anxiety disorder.
On the other hand, van Minnen, Arntz, and Keijsers (2002), using two samples
of mixed-trauma PTSD patients (n’s ⫽ 59 and 63), found that no demographic
or pretreatment variables predicted outcome. However, benzodiazepine use was
related to both poorer outcome and dropout, while alcohol use was related to
Taken as a whole, there is some evidence that comorbid physical pain, de-
pression, generalized anxiety disorder, high levels of anger, benzodiazepine use,
and extent of initial work impairment may all limit the effectiveness of CBT or
exposure therapy for PTSD. Because there is good reason to believe that depres-
sion, other anxiety disorders, and anger are commonly comorbid conditions in
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries 231

PTSD patients, good clinical practice will involve screening for, and concurrent
treatment of, these comorbid conditions. In addition, those involved in the reha-
bilitation of trauma survivors should note the potential negative predictive status
of initial work impairment and of benzodiazepine use.

Treatment of Anger with PTSD Patients

Chemtob, Novaco, Hamada, and Gross (1997) allocated 28 Vietnam War veterans
with PTSD and high levels of anger to either 12-session stress inoculation inter-
vention for anger devised by Novaco (1983) or usual clinical care. Alarmingly,
13 of 28 participants who began treatment subsequently dropped out, leaving 8
in the anger control treatment and 7 in the control condition. The anger treatment
consisted of self-monitoring of anger, completing an anger provocation hierarchy
(i.e., situations that resulted in different degrees of anger), relaxation training,
cognitive restructuring and self-instruction training, role-played assertiveness and
communications training, and practicing new coping skills within session in role-
played vignettes from their anger hierarchies. Participants completed several mea-
sures of anger, anxiety, and depression pre- and posttreatment, as well as at 18-
month follow-up. The treated subjects showed greater reduction in anger control,
but no other differences on measures of anger disposition, anxiety, or depression.
Interpretation of this study is hampered by the high dropout rate (perhaps a natural
consequence with this particularly impaired sample) and the resulting small sam-
ple size.

Treatment of Substance Abuse with PTSD Patients

Of special interest, recent efforts have been made in evaluating treatments for
individuals with comorbid PTSD and substance abuse (e.g., Najavits, Weiss,
Shaw, & Muenz, 1998). Najavits et al. (1998), in perhaps the best-described
treatment for PTSD and substance abuse, conducted an open trial of a 24-session
CBT treatment for these comorbid conditions on 27 women (17 completers, 10
dropouts). Completers improved from pretreatment to three-month posttreatment
follow-up on measures of substance use, PTSD symptoms, and somatic com-
plaints. While the dropout rate of 37% was alarming, treatment completers were
paradoxically more impaired at pretreatment assessment than dropouts.
In short, while controlled trials of treatment for PTSD and substance abuse are
still limited in number, there is growing evidence that psychological treatments
can be tailored to include effective interventions for comorbid problems as well
as for PTSD.

Future Directions

Despite the progress of the last decade, there are many unanswered questions
about the prevention and rehabilitation of psychological injuries. With respect to
prevention, four questions need to be addressed. First, given the number of trauma
survivors who improve secondary to simple repeated assessments, any proposed
preventive interventions must demonstrate that they improve upon such simple
repeated assessment.
Second, both single-session psychological debriefing and supportive counsel-
ing need more stringent tests in which they are pitted against repeated assessments
and CBT. Both supportive counseling and PD, when applied as early interven-
tions, may now be in the position of having to prove they are not harmful. Such
evaluations may benefit from being conducted in multisite trials in which the
impact of treatment allegiance on treatment outcome can be empirically evaluated.
Such studies should also use more diverse outcome evaluations to determine
whether their muted or negative effects on symptomatic status are counterbalanced
by positive effects on other dimensions. For example, such early interventions,
while being neutral with respect to symptom reduction, may lead to better rela-
tionships between trauma survivors and employers or insurers because of the
recipients’ perception of having their psychological concerns heard. The latter
phenomenon may have beneficial effects on work attendance and productivity, as
well as litigation propensity, all of which may be independent of clinical status.
If debriefing and supportive counseling continue to have neutral or negative out-
comes, insurers and employers will have to grapple with a substantial policy issue.
Is it, in fact, ethical insurance or employment policy to apply such well-intended
but perhaps ineffective prevention strategies to unselected trauma survivors?
Third, stringently evaluated pharmacological prevention trials must be con-
ducted and compared with appropriate comparison groups such as repeated as-
sessment and 4- to 6-session CBT. Fourth, even in the presence of apparently
positive results from the 4- to 6-session CBT trials, cost-benefit research con-
cerning prevention of psychological distress following trauma is necessary to
guide policy. Identifying symptomatic cases shortly following trauma is an ex-
pensive and time-consuming business, and many trauma survivors appear reluc-
tant to seek help early. The cost of screening for and then soliciting such early
survivors into preventative treatment must be weighed against the benefits asso-
ciated with later decreased distress and disability. This is particularly the case
given (a) the high rate of spontaneous remission during the first year posttrauma
and (b) the relative success of different CBT interventions in treating chronic
There are also substantial remaining questions with respect to the treatment of
more chronic psychological injuries. Treatment trials need more stringent controls
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Psychological Injuries 233

including such minimalist treatments as repeated assessments (e.g., Ehlers et al.,

(2003). In the absence of this type of control group, randomized controlled trials
of PTSD treatment may give overly optimistic results. Unlike treatment trials for
depression, we have yet to see head-to-head trials of psychological and pharma-
cological treatments to determine relative efficacy. Such comparative trials will
likely emerge within the next few years. Moreover, given the extensive comor-
bidity of PTSD with depression and particularly with chronic pain in accident
survivors, the field needs controlled evaluations of more intensive treatments that
combine therapy for PTSD with focused treatments for chronic pain, depression,
anger, and/or substance abuse. Some inroads have been made (e.g., including
depression treatment components in CBT for PTSD, evaluating anger control
treatments with PTSD samples), but much more remains to be done before the
results of treatment efficacy studies can be used to guide individual rehabilitation
programs for claimants with complex psychological injuries.
An important step in evaluating PTSD treatment may involve examining the
impact that treatment choice has on treatment outcome. Clients may have better
symptomatic outcomes when allowed to choose their own treatment from an array
of evidence-based treatments. Because personal injury claimants have a duty to
ameliorate their losses through following appropriate professional advice, it be-
hooves us to understand whether patient treatment preferences predict better out-
come. Some individuals will have an adverse response to exposure therapy for
PTSD or will reject it out of hand for diverse personal reasons. Rather than apply
different treatments to individual claimants on a trial and error basis, it would be
helpful to understand better what works for whom. In addition, matching treat-
ment type to patient preference would increase external validity because such
matching more closely mimics the usual process of treatment initiation in non–
research-based clinics. One way to answer this question would be to utilize a
randomized design comparing “choice” to “no choice” treatment types, and the
three known effective treatments. Zoellner and colleagues at the University of
Washington are beginning to explore this important question.
Rehabilitating psychological injuries is about more than treating symptoms of
disorders such as PTSD. The fundamental purpose of rehabilitation is to return
claimants to a state of good functioning vocationally and socially, as well as to
reduce their general distress. For that reason, future treatment trials will have to
more carefully evaluate vocational and social outcomes, as well as more diverse
psychological variables (e.g., quality of life, emotional resiliency). Throughout
our field, many clinicians assume that remission of a clinical disorder will auto-
matically result in amelioration of the vocational and social deficits seen in psy-
chological injury claimants. While there may be some truth in this assumption,
it has yet to be tested directly, and one suspects that many variables other than
mere symptomatic status will control claimants’ return to optimal functioning.
Finally, it is apparent to us that few clinicians who treat trauma victims use

treatments that have been found efficacious in clinical trials. In fact, it is clear
that the vast majority of licensed psychologists do not use prolonged imaginal
exposure (perhaps the most consistently documented efficacious treatment for
PTSD) on any of their PTSD patients. In a survey of 207 licensed psychologists
from the northeastern United States and Texas, Becker, Zayfert, and Anderson
(2004) found that 83% of their sample never used imaginal exposure therapy with
their PTSD patients. As the increasing popularity of EMDR, a marginally effec-
tive treatment, shows, practitioners treat many PTSD patients and other personal
injury claimants by less-than-ideal methods. Dissemination of better treatments
and policy development by insurers and employers to mandate reimbursement of
only the more efficacious treatments cannot come too soon for those individuals
who suffer with psychological injuries. It is now 40 years since Theodore Fox
encouraged physicians to be discriminating in the treatments they provide their
patients. In the area of trauma rehabilitation, this advice continues unheeded.
Psychological Injury Cases

When one has finished building one’s house, one suddenly realizes that in
the process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the
worst way—before one began.
—Friedrich Nietzsche

Writing an expert opinion about psychological matters is much like building

Nietzsche’s house. After their written opinions are in the hands of other profes-
sionals, experts often learn something important that they should have known
about the plaintiff or the phenomenon under scrutiny. Then, having to own their
opinions with possibly negative consequences, experts may face embarrassment
in the witness box or ethics complaints. This series of case descriptions is intended
to alert forensic assessors to problematic areas of forensic opinion. The following
cases all illustrate issues in psychological injury assessment that have been ad-
dressed in some form in previous chapters.

Biases and Heuristics

We start with a case that illustrates the potential for biased assessment decisions,
presumably based on an implicit diagnostic heuristic held by the assessor. The
reader should remember that a diagnostic heuristic is, in its simplest form, a
sorting device that assessors use to shorten the evaluation process. Such sorting
devices may be formally agreed upon and part of standard diagnostic rules. Al-
ternatively, such heuristics may be idiosyncratic biases of individual clinicians.

Case 1. A young woman was physically injured in a severe motor vehicle accident
(MVA) and was later assessed by Dr. Quick Assessment as having an acquired “driv-
ing phobia” caused by the MVA. The plaintiff complained of fear and avoidance of
driving on bridges, in highway traffic, and in crowded inner urban traffic. Subse-
quently, the plaintiff was assessed by Dr. Defense (hired by the auto insurer), who
diagnosed a panic disorder with agoraphobia (American Psychiatric Association,
2000), and documented that the plaintiff had been a driver of limited experience and
confidence prior to the MVA. In the opinion of Dr. Defense, the plaintiff’s fear of
driving was not traumatically induced, but rather was a joint product of the plaintiff’s
preexisting panic disorder (including fear of being away from safe places in the
event of biological catastrophe—e.g., heart failure) and low confidence in her driving

As the reader can tell from this example, Dr. QA may have been overly influ-
enced by an illusory correlation (see chapter 5) stemming from his own forensic
practice that would read, more or less, as “Most MVA survivors I see have driving
phobias, so driving phobias must be uniquely related to MVA trauma.” Unfor-
tunately, such is not necessarily the case. Taylor and Deane (2000) compared 140
individuals who had experienced at least one MVA in their lives with 50 individ-
uals who had never had an MVA and found no group difference in fear of driving
or interference by such fear. Ehlers, Hofmann, Herda, and Roth (1994) found that
self-defined driving phobics varied in the reasons they gave for their fear, with
only 15% attributing their fear to an MVA, and 53% attributing it to a fear of
panic attacks occurring while driving. It is notable that Taylor, Deane, and Podd
(2002) concluded that the association of driving competence/confidence with
driving fears has been largely neglected by the research literature, but that low
driving confidence may mediate such fear. Some clinicians and forensic assessors
may believe that driving phobias occur uniquely in MVA survivors; however, the
scientifically sophisticated assessor will understand that it is necessary to inves-
tigate other explanations for the plaintiff’s driving fears.
The next case further illustrates the causality conundrum.
Case 2. An elementary school teacher was verbally abused and physically intimidated
by a parent in the classroom and on the school grounds. The teacher was already
aware through her colleagues that this parent was suspected of significant criminal
and gang involvement. Subsequent to these incidents at the school, the teacher co-
incidentally met the parent on public transit where he again threatened her. She
subsequently became frightened whenever she saw adult males of the same ethnic
minority group in public places. This case is of forensic interest because the teacher
claimed PTSD and fear of: (a) work attendance at the school, and (b) traveling on
public transit in the nearby community. Thus, she was unable to work at the particular
school and initiated a claim with the Workers’ Compensation Board.

The forensic question in this case is whether this teacher’s fear and other mental
health symptoms are part of a PTSD secondary to the parent’s threats (which
Psychological Injury Cases 237

arguably occurred because of her work as a teacher) and thus deserving of inter-
vention by the Workers’ Compensation Board or whether it is part of an unrelated
fear of crime. Some forensic examiners might normalize this teacher’s fear as
general apprehension about crime and not consider such avoidance a symptom
of PTSD. Such a decision will make a diagnosis of PTSD less likely and would
also fail to connect such avoidance to her workplace experiences. Alternatively,
an assessor might consider this to be partial evidence for PTSD Criterion B4—
“intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that sym-
bolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event” (American Psychiatric As-
sociation, 1994, p. 425)—requiring further investigation. Other examiners might
consider such a reaction to meet Criterion B4 without any further elaboration.
This latter decision ignores the alternative explanation that the teacher may have
an unfortunate fear of crime that is causally unrelated to the workplace incidents.
Either of the two extremes (normalization or acceptance without elaboration)
would show confirmatory bias, and potentially lead to confirmatory information-
seeking bias. See chapter 5 for a discussion of these forms of diagnostic bias.
The case below illustrates how gender bias may influence psychological injury
Case 3. A young woman with severe panic disorder (PD, American Psychiatric
Association, 1994) was referred for her first treatment for this condition to Dr. Unique
Therapy. Dr. UT and the patient then had a brief sexual relationship, following which
the patient’s emotional state allegedly deteriorated, she made a suicide gesture, and
became more avoidant. The patient launched a personal injury suit to seek compen-
sation for the worsening of her psychological state. As would be expected, there was
disagreement both about the degree of the patient’s consent to the sexual relationship
and the emotional consequences to the patient. The defense expert diagnosed a bor-
derline personality disorder (BPD, American Psychiatric Association, 1994) and PD,
and concluded that the alleged worsening of the plaintiff’s symptoms were a naturally
evolving product of her personality disorder rather than any consequence of Dr. UT’s
professional misbehavior.

Much has been made of the potential for women with BPD to become involved
in untoward sexual interactions and to make sexual harassment complaints (e.g.,
Feldman-Schorrig, 1994). However, making a diagnosis in a case like this ne-
cessitates structured assessments of BPD, PD, and other potential conditions such
as PTSD and depression, both historically and with respect to current status. For
example, forensic assessors considering personality disorder diagnoses as alter-
native explanations for claimants’ distress should use formal assessment instru-
ments such as structured interviews (e.g., First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams,
1995; Widiger, Mangine, Corbitt, Ellis, & Thomas, 1995). Such structured
interviews can be supplemented by multiscale assessment tools relevant to per-
sonality assessment (e.g., Personality Assessment Inventory [PAI]—Morey, 1991;
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 [MMPI-2]—Butcher, Dahlstrom,

Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989; Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III

[MCMI-III]—Millon, 1994). All of the latter self-report instruments have some
validity in assessing BPD, although the reader should consider the critical study
of Rogers, Salekin, and Sewell (1999) that suggests the MCMI is not yet well
validated for use in forensic settings. The defense expert in this case would need
to carefully examine his/her own potential diagnostic biases given the results of
Becker and Lamb (1994). The latter authors found that psychiatrists, psycholo-
gists, and social workers, when given vignettes of patients with symptom patterns
equally representative of either borderline personality disorder (BPD) or post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), more frequently gave BPD diagnoses to female
cases than to male cases. That is, female gender itself led to the clinicians pre-
ferring the diagnosis of BPD rather than PTSD when symptomatic status was
Forensic assessors must specify prognoses for the plaintiff’s injuries. While
estimates of prognosis are at best probabilistic, experts should relate their opinions
to the scientific literature. Following is an example of what not to do:

Case 4. Dr. Pessimist assessed a survivor of a rather gruesome MVA two months
following the accident with a comprehensive assessment battery. The claimant met
criteria for PTSD, but not major depression, during interview. While having PTSD,
he had no residual physical injuries or excessive anger. Dr. P. then opined, “This
patient requires extensive therapy and will suffer some permanent disability from his

Assessing and communicating prognosis for psychological problems is a three-

step process. First, one must understand and communicate the prognoses for sim-
ilar cases as documented in the psychological, psychiatric, and related research
literatures. This allows the assessor to communicate what is known in general
about the probability and speed of recovery from specific mental health problems.
Second, the assessor must systematically assess factors known to predict the im-
provement or worsening of such problems, and subsequently describe the claim-
ant’s status with respect to such scientifically established predictors. Third, the
assessor must communicate a clinical opinion about the individual claimant’s
prognosis based on the results of steps 1 and 2. To take a simple example, anger
about the trauma and general anger-proneness have been shown to predict worse
outcome for PTSD sufferers (e.g., Ehlers, Mayou, & Bryant, 1998; Taylor et al.,
2001). In our experience, however, very few forensic assessors routinely assess
for anger problems in PTSD claimants. In the example above, Dr. P. would have
been wise to note the positive prognostic implications of the absence of depressed
mood in the claimant, and would also have been well advised to assess for anger
problems and the presence of chronic pain, both of which have been shown to
predict worse outcome for PTSD (Taylor et al., 2001). Moreover, given that
PTSD, particularly that arising from MVAs, has a steep remission curve within
Psychological Injury Cases 239

the first year (Blanchard, Hickling, Vollmer et al., 1995; Blanchard, Hickling,
Forneris et al., 1997; Blanchard, Hickling, Barton et al., 1996; Ursano et al.,
1999), Dr. P. should have noted that PTSD sufferers in general have a substantial
probability of remitting without treatment during the first several months post-
MVA. Also of note in this particular example: PTSD of less than three months
in duration does not qualify as chronic in DSM terms (American Psychiatric
Association, 1994, 2000). This is not to say that Dr. P. could not justify her
negative prognosis, but she would have to speak to known risk factors for such a
negative prognosis and the extent to which these risk factors characterized the
individual plaintiff. It is important to remember that overly optimistic prognostic
opinions also may fail to consider scientific research.

Idiosyncratic Heuristics
All clinicians and forensic assessors likely show some “drift” in their diagnostic
methods over time. Part of such drift involves the use of heuristics. Use of idio-
syncratic heuristics is to be expected as busy professionals try to achieve their
assessment goals within a tight schedule; however, such heuristics can reduce the
validity of expert opinions. We give an example of a forensic examiner’s context-
specific heuristic below.

Case 5. Dr. Rear-End Heuristic sees a patient who suffered a severe whiplash injury
following a rear-end collision, and who also reported fear of motor vehicle travel,
becoming upset when traveling near the MVA scene, becoming less interested in her
social and recreational activities, and being easily startled, among other psychological
symptoms. Dr. Heuristic opined, “Individuals who suffer rear-end MVAs seldom
develop PTSD because they have no visual image of the car approaching,” and sub-
sequently concluded that the plaintiff had no PTSD or driving phobia.

One presumes that this professional uses this heuristic to guide her assessment
activities and the interpretation of subsequent assessment data. Such a heuristic
would likely work toward lowering the rate of vehicular PTSD she diagnoses
because it would automatically rule out some cases as potential PTSD sufferers
without the benefit of a diagnostic interview. It is important to compare this
particular heuristic to what we know of the predictors of PTSD. In brief, the
nature of the subject MVA (amount of property damage to vehicles, nature of
vehicular accident) has not been shown to predict subsequent PTSD (see review
by Douglas & Koch, 2001). Therefore, use of objective trauma characteristics to
exclude further inquiry about PTSD when plaintiffs exhibited subjective severe
fear, helplessness, or horror runs against our current scientific understanding of
The following illustrates a case involving the designation of a particular MVA-
related trauma as a Criterion A stressor. As we discussed in chapter 3, forensic
assessors of PTSD claimants must take care with respect to assessing the putative

stressful event. According to DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association,

2000), a person suffering from PTSD must have been exposed to:

An extreme traumatic stressor involving direct personal experience of an event that

involves actual or threatened death or serious injury, or other threat to one’s physical
integrity; or witnessing an event that involves death, injury, or a threat to the physical
integrity of another person; or learning about unexpected or violent death, serious
harm, or threat of death or injury experienced by a family member or other close
associate (Criterion A1). The person’s response to the event must involve intense
fear, helplessness, or horror (Criterion A2). (American Psychiatric Association,
2000, p. 463)

The reader should examine carefully the logic presented by the forensic as-
sessor involved in the case below.

Case 6. Dr. Pseudoscience assessed an MVA claimant and stated (in part), “PTSD is
a syndrome resultant upon an extremely traumatic stressor where actual or threatened
death or serious injury to oneself or another may occur. In this respect, once again
quoting from the ambulance crew report, there was ‘moderate damage’ reported.
Thereafter there must be a response on the part of the victim, which will involve
intense fear, helplessness, or horror . . . although she was shaky and felt sick with a
hollow sickness, scared and shocked she was able to grab her son in the backseat
and, very importantly, her vital signs in the Emergency Department were all within
the norm. Specifically, her blood pressure and respiratory rates were within the norm
within half an hour of being seen and in this respect, quoting the literature, following
such a traumatic event there is an enormous autonomic discharge occurring in re-
sponse to fear. This autonomic surge would include a very rapid heartbeat, termed
tachycardia, rapid respiration, and increased blood pressure. This autonomic arousal
persists for days, weeks, or even months if the stressor is extreme or catastrophic as
in PTSD.”

The forensic assessor’s reference here to autonomic arousal as an important

facet of PTSD assessment has some validity. Some studies (reviewed by Yehuda,
McFarlane, & Shalev, 1998) have shown that increased heart rate (HR) and lower
cortisol levels subsequent to the trauma are associated with PTSD. The predictive
utility of posttrauma HR has been investigated in MVA-PTSD by three different
labs. In an Israeli sample of 86 patients (34 women, 52 men) attending an Emer-
gency Department following a trauma (83% MVAs), Shalev et al. (1998) obtained
HR and blood pressure (BP) measures and Clinician Administered PTSD Scale
(CAPS) assessments following the trauma. They reported that HR assessed in the
Emergency Department was higher in PTSD patients (average of 95.5 BPM) than
non-PTSD patients (83.3 BPM) diagnosed at one month (for HR ⱖ 85, positive
predictive power ⫽ 85%, negative predictive power ⫽ 79%). The Australian
group, Bryant, Harvey, Guthrie, and Moulds (2000), measured HR and BP on the
day of discharge for 113 MVA survivors, and found that it was significantly higher
Psychological Injury Cases 241

for the PTSD group (82.9 BPM) than for non-PTSD subjects (76.3 BPM). Heart
rate greater than 90 BPM at hospital discharge was a strong predictor of PTSD
at 6 months.
These findings suggest that immediate posttrauma resting HR may be a reliable
predictor of later PTSD status. Unfortunately, the only study to attempt to replicate
these findings using hospital Emergency Department vital signs (Blanchard, Hic-
kling, Galovski, & Veazey, 2002) found negative results. These authors examined
the relationship of emergency personnel-obtained vital signs (HR, systolic BP,
and diastolic BP) to CAPS and PTSD Checklist (PCL) diagnoses of PTSD an
average of 13 months post-MVA in 74 treatment-seeking MVA victims. Contrary
to predictions, HR and DBP were negatively related to PTSD diagnosis in this
Bearing in mind the data above, and the strongly held opinion of the expert
witness, it is of note that the ambulance crew assessing vital signs for the claimant
in Case 6 found her to have a heart rate of 92 beats per minute. According to
Yehuda et al. (1998), use of a heart rate of ⬎ 85 BPM in diagnosing PTSD led
to a positive predictive power of 85%, meaning that 85% of HR-predicted PTSD
cases were actual PTSD cases. Thus, if the forensic assessor above were both
committed to this model of PTSD and more knowledgeable about this physio-
logical research, he/she would have to say that “Ms. Doe’s heart rate response at
the time of the accident (92 BPM) was predictive of her later having PTSD.” An
expert assessor cannot have his/her cake and eat it too. One cannot assert that a
claimant did not have sufficient physiological arousal at the time of the MVA to
qualify for a PTSD without comparing her heart rate to the research studies con-
cerning this topic. This is a good example of an expert engaged in pseudoscientific
The reader will be cognizant of our discussion in chapter 1 about the high
level of comorbidity of PTSD and traumatic brain injury. We repeat our two
conclusions from that review: the presence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) or
amnesia for the traumatic event does not render persons immune to PTSD; and
the majority of studies show some substantial comorbidity of TBI and PTSD
(e.g., 25% to 26%, Bryant & Harvey, 1999; Bryant, Marosszeky, Crooks, & Jo-
seph, 2000). The following case illustrates an adverse consequence of a forensic
assessor using the loss of consciousness–PTSD incompatibility heuristic.
Case 7. A middle-aged successful retailer was exiting a shopping mall parking lot
after a late lunch with her adult daughter. Another vehicle was turning left into the
parking lot when it was struck by an oncoming, third, vehicle and propelled into the
eventual claimant’s car. Minor damage to the claimant’s vehicle ensued, but when
she went to help the driver of one vehicle she began to feel faint from seeing blood
(the other driver’s nose had broken and the claimant had a preexisting blood-injury
phobia). After an ambulance arrived, the paramedic observed the claimant appearing
faint and asked her to recline in the ambulance while wearing an oxygen mask.

Unfortunately, while doing so, the claimant became nauseous, vomited the contents
of her stomach into the mask, and aspirated it. She subsequently stopped breathing
and her heart stopped beating for a brief period of time. Luckily, she was discovered
in short order and rushed to the hospital where she stayed in a coma for some days
prior to awaking. She suffered some cognitive impairment from the anoxia, but more
importantly developed a range of anxiety and fear symptoms. Thus, she complained
of a significant fear and avoidance of motor vehicle travel, and was bothered by
intrusive thoughts and upsetting dreams, not of the MVA (which she did not recall
at all), but of her family sitting by her side during the time she was in intensive care
during her coma. The latter intrusive memories would appear to qualify as pseudo-
memories (Bryant, 1996). The claimant was later seen by a forensic assessor who
opined, “She did not suffer a posttraumatic stress disorder, because PTSD and a
cerebral concussion are two mutually exclusive disorders.”

The reader should note a few important issues with respect to this case. First,
this lady did, in fact, experience a life-threatening event (Criterion A1, American
Psychiatric Association, 1994, 2000). In fact, she was momentarily dead. Second,
she had no recall of either the MVA, some period of time preceding the collision,
or of the first several days of her hospitalization. Nonetheless, she later appreciated
how close to death she had been, arguably fulfilling Criterion A2, had intrusive
reexperiencing symptoms (in particular of pseudomemories of her family grieving
at her hospital bed, but also of emotional distress when in a car), and had related
phobic fear and avoidance. Third, the forensic assessor’s strong statement about
the incompatibility of PTSD and cerebral contusion cannot be supported by the
research literature (see chapter 1).

Breadth of Assessment

Because of the broad range of emotional problems trauma survivors can develop,
competent forensic assessors should not arbitrarily limit the scope of investiga-
tion. An example of a common type of narrow assessment follows:

Case 8. Dr. Narrow & Focused, acting as a defense expert, uses the CAPS interview
for PTSD as well as an MMPI-2 to assess a woman claiming damages for a sexual
assault by a church official. Dr. Narrow used no other structured diagnostic interviews
or tests. Scale 2 (depression) of the MMPI-2 was marginally elevated (T ⫽ 67), and
the CAPS interview resulted in the claimant falling one symptom short on Cluster
C (avoidant/numbing symptoms) of a full PTSD diagnosis. This led Dr. Narrow to
conclude that the claimant had no PTSD and, consequently, no psychological injury.
A separate forensic assessment of the same claimant included (a) the Anxiety
Disorders Interview Schedule, (b) MMPI-2, (c) Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale
(PDS), and (d) collateral interviewing of the woman’s husband about her emotional
state and her responses to physical intimacy. This assessment replicated the elevated
Psychological Injury Cases 243

score on MMPI-2 scale 2 and the findings of subsyndromal PTSD. However, this
broader assessment found evidence of (a) clinically severe depressive symptoms, (b)
clinically elevated scores on the PDS, and (c) collateral evidence from the plaintiff’s
partner that she was fearful and avoidant of church and other authority figures, as
well as avoidant of sexual intimacy.

While we approve of the use of a CAPS interview in such cases because of

its superior psychometric qualities for assessing PTSD (see, e.g., Blanchard,
Jones-Alexander, Buckley, & Forneris, 1996), limiting a forensic interview to just
the CAPS precludes documentation of other mood or anxiety disorders. These
two experts varied in their diagnoses, but more importantly they varied in their
methods. One can argue that the first expert’s assessment was too narrow to find
evidence of the full range of the claimant’s injuries, which were detected by the
second expert’s more detailed assessment strategy. Note that some of the losses
documented by the second assessor did not necessarily conform to DSM-IV di-
agnoses. Psychological injuries that are either of subclinical severity or which do
not easily conform to psychiatric nosology may cause significant disability and
require documentation, even if assessment methods previously proven to be re-
liable are not always available. Guidelines for psychological assessment favor
using the second expert’s method because it is consistent with the multitrait,
multimethod assessment model that is at the heart of psychological measurement
(Campbell & Fiske, 1959; see also Meyer, 2002).

Estimations of Functional Disability

Expert opinions with respect to disability may be more credible and valid for
individual cases if the expert can trace individual claimant’s symptoms and be-
haviors to important functional deficits that hinder employment or other duties.
Casual observation of many forensic and clinical assessments suggests that this
is a relatively neglected area. Remember from our previous discussion that oc-
cupational disability may be mediated by a number of psychological character-
istics, including impaired social interactions and fear-mediated avoidance behav-
ior. We give some examples below of ways in which different plaintiffs may
express their disabilities.
Case 9. A 35-year-old man with PTSD following injuries suffered in an MVA was
able to sustain employment as a sales manager in a large retail auto dealer, but was
vulnerable to job loss/disability through: (a) fear and avoidance of driving, and (b)
extreme irritability and angry verbal outbursts. His employment appeared to be saved
by: (a) living within walking distance of the car dealership, (b) being able to avoid
test drives with customers given his managerial status, and (c) an understanding
employer who accommodated his angry outbursts because of his previous positive
work history.

Case 10. Another MVA-PTSD sufferer, a 30-year-old woman with pronounced travel
fear and avoidance, was on long-term disability because the large retail chain in which
she held a middle management position had no job opportunities within easy pedes-
trian or mass transit access, and also required her to drive between different stores
during the workday. She had a marked avoidance of motor vehicle travel secondary
to two separate MVAs, related orthopedic injuries, and a fear of reinjury if she were
to be involved in another MVA.

The cases above illustrate not only how different problems within the same
diagnosis differentially affect employment functioning, but also how accommo-
dations made by employers for the behavioral deficits of their employees may
impact on disability claims. The employment disability associated with PTSD in
Case 9 were mitigated by both living close to work and by a sympathetic em-
ployer. However, the PTSD illustrated in Case 10 resulted in greater economic
damages because of both a longer commuting distance and work demands in-
volving automobile travel. The reader should note that despite having the same
mental health diagnosis, these cases had strikingly different employment dis-
The following case illustrates how individuals who suffer criminal assaults
may also suffer occupational disability related to their trauma.
Case 11. A 45-year-old Aboriginal man was assessed in the context of litigation
concerning his sexual and physical abuse as a child in a residential school. At the
time of evaluation, 35 to 40 years postabuse, he still met criteria for subsyndromal
PTSD based on CAPS interview. By history, he had met full criteria for PTSD during
his adolescence and early adulthood. While he had little residual occupational disa-
bility at the time of the evaluation, he described a history of social avoidance of
Caucasian males, particularly authority figures. This avoidance behavior was appar-
ently motivated by fear of adverse treatment and by triggering of upsetting memories
of his sexual abuse by male caregivers in the residential school. This fear-motivated
avoidance figured prominently in his avoidance of postsecondary education and of
applying for work outside his Aboriginal reserve. In fact, early in his working life,
he took up work that allowed him to not leave the reserve. Such restriction arguably
had significant negative effects on his earning capacity.

The reader of forensic assessments about disability must consider such opin-
ions carefully to ensure that a logical pathway has been demonstrated between
observed deficits of the claimant and the interaction of such deficits with specific
occupational demands. As illustrated in the cases above, fear-related avoidance
can impact negatively on employment, as can problematic anger or other inter-
personal deficits.
Psychological Injury Cases 245

Inadequate Historical Data Collection

The following case illustrates the risks inherent in offering opinions without ad-
equate collateral data about a plaintiff’s history. It is well accepted that forensic
assessment requires the collection of collateral information to confirm plaintiff
self-report and that a review of the plaintiff’s past history is especially important
(see, e.g., Melton, Petrila, Poythress, & Slobogin, 1997).
Case 12. A plaintiff claimed the onset of his panic disorder to be an MVA that
occurred when he was in his mid-thirties. Plaintiff’s counsel requested an indepen-
dent assessment from Psychologist A, who conducted a diagnostic assessment, in-
cluding measures of response bias (validity scales of MMPI-2). All interview mea-
sures (Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV [ADIS-IV]) and tests
pointed to a severe panic disorder, without evidence of symptom over endorsement.
Plaintiff’s counsel did not, however, provide complete health records predating the
subject’s MVA. Psychologist A opined, “Mr. X currently meets criteria for a panic
disorder with agoraphobia, which appears to have arisen subsequent to the subject
MVA. There is no evidence that he is overendorsing or exaggerating mental health
problems, and by his report, these symptoms began following the index MVA.” How-
ever, defense counsel later obtained both childhood and earlier adult health records
that showed a history of childhood sexual abuse, somatic preoccupation, and anxious
apprehension predating the subject MVA.

Psychologist A would have been well advised to have qualified his initial
forensic opinion given the absence of pre-MVA health records and/or to have
delayed writing a final opinion until he obtained such records. However, use of
collateral health records also requires that the forensic assessor admit when such
records suggest the absence of similar psychological conditions preceding the
subject trauma. The case below illustrates the apparent reluctance of a defense
expert to admit the absence of evidence for a preexisting condition, and demon-
strates the role of individual risk factors in the development of trauma-precipitated

Understanding Preexisting Vulnerabilities

Given that only a minority of individuals exposed to potentially traumatic events

(PTE) develop chronic PTSD (see chapter 3), it behooves forensic assessors to
appreciate how preexisting vulnerabilities may influence the development of psy-
chological distress following trauma. The reader will also recall the discussion in
chapter 2 of eggshell personality. The two cases below illustrate this phenomenon,
and the forensic decision making inherent in answering the causality question.

Case 13. Ms. Vulnerability had a pre-MVA history of victimization by sexual assault
and intimate partner abuse. She also espoused some thought action fusion beliefs
(TAF, Rachman, 1993). TAF beliefs are those in which individuals believe that
thoughts may be harmful because of some combination of the moral culpability of
certain beliefs or the potential for thoughts to lead to actual events (e.g., having a
catastrophic thought or image may make the actual event more likely to occur).
Unfortunately, Ms. V.’s TAF beliefs dovetailed with a traumatic MVA in which she
accompanied a friend with a newborn child. The friend had expressed worries about
untoward accidents or illness harming her baby (e.g., Sudden Infant Death Syn-
drome). Ms. V. reassured her friend and, in so doing, warned her against thinking
such bad thoughts because they might come true. Shortly afterward, the two adults
and infant were struck by a motor vehicle in a crosswalk, resulting in life-threatening
injuries to the new mother and her infant and less-severe physical injuries to Ms. V.
Subsequently, Ms. V. developed: (a) a PTSD which eventually partially remitted; and
(b) an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), in which she became fearful of caring
for small children (she ran a home-based day care), and of becoming contaminated
through others’ malevolence or negligence. There was no evidence from pre-MVA
health records of any disabling anxiety or affective disorder, although there were very
limited family physician references to modest complaints of stress. Historical inter-
view did not lead to the report of any significant anxiety or mood disorders predating
the subject MVA, despite the sexual assault and domestic violence history in the
distant past.
Plaintiff’s expert diagnosed a PTSD and an OCD evidently triggered by the sub-
ject MVA, and noted that Ms. V. had some preexisting vulnerability to: (a) PTSD
from her previous history of assault, and (b) OCD from her preexisting TAF.
Defense’s expert stated (in part), “It is evident from the data that Ms. V. probably
did not have any major psychiatric illness prior to the (subject) events.” However,
the defense expert then stated, “Ms. V. has hyper reactions to stressful events stem-
ming from preexisting difficulties with her thought form” and “Ms. V. is simply
biologically predisposed to having marked anxiety responses to events.”
This case should be reviewed with three principles in mind. First, it is impor-
tant that forensic experts clarify whether they believe the plaintiff had a preex-
isting disorder and subsequently are prepared to defend such a conclusion based
on objective data concerning the plaintiff. It is neither logical nor ethical to in-
dicate in the body of one’s report that the previous health records suggest the
plaintiff had no preexisting mental health diagnoses and then in the same breath
opine that he/she had such a disorder pre-MVA because of some unusual presen-
tation or trait that may have predisposed the plaintiff to develop such a disorder.
Second, forensic assessors must be able to differentiate between factors that are
putative vulnerability or risk factors and the actual characteristics of the health
condition (e.g., PTSD, OCD) being litigated. The logical corollary of considering
risk factors for OCD such as TAF synonymous with OCD itself is to consider the
presence of TAF (without further evidence of OCD) as a mental health condition.
Given the ubiquity of risk factors for developing psychological distress, assump-
Psychological Injury Cases 247

tion of risk factor–disorder equivalence is a dangerous precedent. Third, forensic

assessors owe it to the courts, the legal counsel who retain them, and to the
plaintiffs they assess to continually educate themselves about the factors influ-
encing mental health conditions about which they are offering expert opinions.
The case below is less complicated, yet illustrates the differentiation of psy-
chological damages that can and cannot be attributed to a tortuous act.

Case 14. Ms. Cautious was a 30-year-old, well-educated, and employed professional,
who suffered some soft-tissue injuries from a head-on MVA in which she was a
passenger. She had no preexisting history of mental health treatment or use of psy-
chotherapeutic medications. Shortly after the MVA, and while suffering frequent
headaches and upper back pain, she began to show fear and avoidance of passenger
travel in a car, with lesser fear of driving (which she insisted on describing as “being
cautious” because she did not feel comfortable labeling this as fear). She also began
suffering upsetting nightmares involving traumatic death or injury of her or family
members (husband, father). Structured interview revealed (a) current subsyndromal
PTSD; (b) current subclinical depression; and (c) current severe fear and avoidance
of car passenger travel; as well as (d) past and current generalized anxiety disorder
(GAD) and (e) past and current severe specific phobias of dogs and cats. The forensic
assessor’s conclusion was that (a) neither the GAD nor animal phobias were attrib-
utable to the MVA; (b) the GAD (characterized by excessive worrying, perfectionism,
need for control, and tension) served as a predisposing condition for the development
of distress following trauma; and (c) the specific phobias of dogs and cats were
evidence for a predisposition toward developing phobic avoidance; but that (d) the
subsyndromal PTSD and depression, including the car travel fear and avoidance were
causally linked to the traumatic MVA and her resulting physical injuries. That is, the
MVA and subsequent physical injuries were the direct precipitants to the latter con-

The latter case presents what may be a more prototypical case of psychological
injury causality. Take an eggshell personality (e.g., preexisting anxiety disorder,
or avoidant coping style), expose the person to a life-threatening trauma, and wait
for the potential blossoming of new anxiety or mood disorders when the person’s
coping resources are exceeded or lead to maladaptive responses to the new chal-
lenges. The inference of the forensic assessor in this case rests heavily on the
empirical differentiation of the diagnoses of PTSD and depression from GAD.

Understanding Comorbid Conditions

PTSD seldom occurs by itself, and claims for psychological injuries usually in-
volve multiple emotional losses, as well as possibly physical losses (discussed in
chapter 3). Therefore, it behooves the forensic assessor to appreciate the scientific
research concerning the interrelationships among these problems, as well as the

temporal onset of such conditions. The following case illustrates inadequate con-
sideration of the comorbidity of different mental health problems.

Case 15. A defense expert assessed a plaintiff in a legal action emanating from
putative sexual assaults in a residential school for Aboriginal children some 30 years
previous to the assessment. The defense expert noted the plaintiff’s adolescent and
young adult history of alcohol abuse, as well as the biological family’s history of
alcohol abuse, but gave cursory attention to the plaintiff’s PTSD symptoms. This
expert then asserted that the plaintiff’s primary mental health problem was alcohol
abuse and that it arose from his Aboriginal background and family history of alcohol
abuse rather than from his abuse in the residential school. Plaintiff’s expert noted
that the temporal onset of the plaintiff’s alcohol and substance use followed the
beginning of his sexual abuse history by several years, that he had relatively modest
exposure to his parent’s alcohol problems (given that he was living away from home
for most of his childhood), and that his alcohol use reportedly was motivated by a
need to sedate himself when emotionally distressed.

Such sexual abuse assessments pose difficulties for forensic assessors because
of the vagaries of retrospective memory and the passage of time and life expe-
riences between the alleged trauma and the actual assessment. Putting aside issues
related to the accuracy of retrospective memory, this case illustrates some of the
interpretive problems forensic assessors may encounter if they do not have an
adequate appreciation of the comorbidity of mental health conditions. First, it is
important to appreciate that substance abuse is highly comorbid with PTSD (Bres-
lau, Davis, & Schultz. 2003; Kilpatrick et al., 2003; Stewart, 1996). This is a case
in which the defense expert appeared to not appreciate recent research concerning
the comorbidity of PTSD and substance abuse, in particular, those studies sug-
gesting that in PTSD sufferers, substance use is more often used to cope with
negative emotion than for other reasons (e.g., social activities) (Stewart, Conrod,
Pihl, & Dongier, 1999; Stewart, Conrod, Samoluk, Pihl, & Dongier, 2000).
Forensic assessors must also consider the temporal onset of comorbid condi-
tions, especially if causality is a relevant legal issue.

Case 16. Subsequent to a vehicular accident in which the plaintiff suffered a fractured
leg, she presented as very distressed to three separate forensic assessors. The first
assessor opined (on the basis of a neuropsychological test battery, an MMPI-2, and
a clinical interview) that the plaintiff had no organic neuropsychological impairment,
but likely had a PTSD accounting for both her emotional distress and some impair-
ment of her concentration and short-term memory. The former expert did not com-
ment on the extent of the plaintiff’s prescription and nonprescription drug use. The
second assessor, on the basis of a clinical interview, noted the plaintiff’s extreme
distress and a long-term history of daily cannabis use, and concluded that she had
suffered a PTSD and a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). A third expert, using a
structured diagnostic interview and different psychological tests, noted that the plain-
tiff did not meet criteria for PTSD (because of a lack of sufficient emotional distress
Psychological Injury Cases 249

at the time of the incident), but was in a severely depressed state. The third expert
also noted that the plaintiff had substantial, daily use of both cannabis and Tylenol
#3 (containing codeine) both prior to and following the index trauma. He then ques-
tioned the causality issue, suggesting that the plaintiff’s preexisting cannabis and
codeine use might contribute substantially to her depression.

This last case is notable because it brings to the fore the issue of preexisting
substance use and its impact on psychological distress. There is evidence in the
research literature suggesting that both cannabis use (Troisi, Pasini, Saracco, &
Spalletta, 1998; Reilly, Didcott, Swift, & Hall, 1998; Patton et al. 2002; Rey &
Tennant, 2002) and codeine use (Sproule, Busto, Somer, Romach, & Sellers,
1999; Bakal, 1997) increase the risk of depressive symptoms. Thus, forensic
assessors must not only account for comorbid substance abuse and dependence
problems when assessing for other psychological injuries, but they must also use
available information to determine the relative dates of onset of substance use and
other emotional problems.


The cases above and related discussion were intended to alert both forensic as-
sessors and consumers of expert opinions to a number of important issues. Idio-
syncratic diagnostic heuristics and outright biases (e.g., gender bias, confirmatory
bias) constitute serious limitations to the validity of forensic assessments. Asses-
sors should monitor their use of such heuristics and biases, and readers of forensic
opinions should be alert to them.
Some assessors may offer opinions on prognosis without careful consideration
of the known early course of spontaneous remission for PTSD or of scientifically
established predictors of remission. Forensic assessors need to integrate both what
is known about the temporal course of specific disorders (e.g., PTSD, depression)
from the scientific literature and individual characteristics of the plaintiff that
indicate positive or negative prognoses in the individual case.
Forensic assessments need to be of both adequate breadth and historical per-
spective to describe the plaintiff and changes in him/her before and after the index
trauma. Very narrow assessments or those that do not adequately sample historical
data or collateral sources of information are a disservice to plaintiffs and their
defense, as well as to the courts. Forensic assessors should ensure that their eval-
uation methods are sufficiently broad and incorporate sufficient historical and
collateral data that they can adequately describe the plaintiff’s difficulties; and
readers must hold experts accountable on these assessment practices.
The pathways from mental health problems to employment disability are mul-
tiple. A symptom that interferes with one plaintiff’s ability to work may not
interfere with another plaintiff’s work status. This may be a result of either the

demands of the job or accommodations made by the employer. Forensic assessors

must attend to the task of relating symptoms or diagnoses to work disability for
individual plaintiffs. Readers of such expert opinions must consider them criti-
cally to determine if a logical case has been made for claiming work disability
associated with a psychological injury.
Cases 13 and 14 illustrate issues in inferring causality. While Case 14 illus-
trates what might be considered a prototypical case of psychological injury and
the contributions of preexisting conditions, many cases are as complicated as that
illustrated in Case 13. All of Cases 13 through 16 illustrate the complexity with
which psychological injury plaintiffs may present and the need for broad assess-
ment methods, understanding the contributions of preexisting vulnerability fac-
tors, the nature of comorbidity among different mental health conditions, and
adequate historical assessment. Readers of forensic assessments should critically
examine expert opinions in complex cases, and hold experts accountable for un-
derstanding the complex relationships among different mental health conditions,
as well as for explicating the temporal courses of such conditions with regard to
the same plaintiff.
Current Status and Future Trends

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

—Isaac Newton (1676)

Newton was referring to the fact that knowledge of our world develops incre-
mentally and through the influences of individual scholars and the evolving sci-
entific and social zeitgeist. There are many scholars who have added to our un-
derstanding of what we call psychological injuries. Progress in the understanding
of this intersection of human misery, science, and law has come in a gradual and
often nonsystematic manner, sometimes necessitating the merger of thinking from
quite different scholarly traditions (e.g., law, clinical and social psychology, psy-
chiatry). In particular, the “giants” to whom we refer involve the prolific research-
ers in trauma, PTSD, and other areas of the anxiety and mood disorders (see our
references), as well as the remarkable changes in legal precedents arising over
the past century. For example, 166 citations for PTSD were found via the Amer-
ican Psychological Association’s Psych Info search engine between 1980 and
1984. In contrast, in an identical time period (1995–1999), 3,093 citations for
PTSD were found via this same search engine (American Psychological Asso-
ciation, 2004).
Society’s interest in psychological injuries such as PTSD, depression, other
anxiety disorders and their association with work disability also plays a substan-
tive role in the growth of this area of research, practice, and legal precedent.
Numerous professions are beset with stress-related work disability (e.g., nursing,
Canadian Institutes of Health Information, 2001), and other professional groups,

like lawyers, claim what appear to be high rates of depression (e.g., see Mounteer,
2004). Thus, society’s interests in this phenomenon, whether gullible, self-
interested, or skeptical (e.g., Lilienfeld, Lynn, & Lohr, 2003) have played a major
role in the growth of intellectual and legal interest in psychological injuries.
In this chapter, we will briefly discuss where the field (or rather intersection
of several related fields) now stands. Subsequently, we describe what we antici-
pate to be the future trends and necessary research to move this field forward.

Current Status

Treatment of Psychological Injuries in Law

Not long ago, the law simply did not acknowledge psychological injuries. That
is, psychological injuries to persons were considered noncompensable. The law
considered such injuries too ephemeral, excessively subject to malingering, and
impossible to prove. There was great worry that allowing recovery for psycho-
logical injuries would open the metaphorical floodgates and permit litigation
premised upon shaky and unverifiable grounds. Terms such as “compensation
neurosis” were commonly applied by doubtful critics who thought that untrust-
worthy plaintiffs would abuse such injuries in an attempt to get something for
However, the twentieth century—particularly the latter half—witnessed drastic
legal changes. In fact, there has been a correlation between the growth of the
science and practice surrounding psychological injuries and its acceptance by the
law. We hesitate—as one always should in the realm of correlation—to draw firm
causal connections between the progress in science and practice concerning psy-
chological injuries and the acceptance by the law. However, it seems likely that
there is some meaningful connection between the development of the mental
health field and the responsiveness of the legal arena.
Currently, psychological injuries are compensable in many areas of law. The
earliest examples were in the area of tort law. Psychological injuries were com-
pensable to the extent that they were parasitic to established, independent torts
such as battery. That is, if one suffered battery at the hands of another, one could
be compensated for the psychological injuries sustained, as well as for any phys-
ical ones. However, in the absence of a traditional, independent tort, psychological
injuries had no “standing” under tort law.
This changed with the 1948 supplement of the Restatement (Second) of Torts,
which introduced the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress. This was
the first example under tort law in which psychological injuries (or “severe emo-
tional distress”) were independently compensable.
The area of negligent tort followed suit shortly thereafter, though typically
required that in order to be compensable, the psychological injury had to be
Current Status and Future Trends 253

caused by physical contact or injury, or had to manifest physical sequelae. In

some jurisdictions, these requirements have been loosened. The Hawaii case of
Rodrigues in 1970 is commented upon by some as the first time a negligent
infliction of emotional distress case was not required to have either a physical
injury or manifestation. Today, many jurisdictions allow “bystander” negligent
infliction of emotional distress cases, which logically precludes the necessity of
physical injury as part of the legal calculus. Physical manifestation might still be
required in some jurisdictions in bystander cases, and most jurisdictions also
narrow the field of compensability as a function of the relationship between the
injured and bystander parties, and nearness in space and time with respect to the
observation of the injury. Recovery is even allowable in the so-called eggshell
personality and crumbling personality contexts, in which some psychological vul-
nerability or malady might have been present prior to the tortious act.
Psychological injuries are recognized in many other areas of law now as well,
many of which have borrowed from (and modified) the more established area of
tort law in terms of defining psychological injury. For instance, psychological
injuries are recognized in workers’ compensation law, particularly when either
caused by or leading to a physical injury. Some jurisdictions are less likely to
recognize the so-called “mental-mental” case, where a psychological insult is said
to cause psychological injury. The primary difference between workers’ compen-
sation law and tort law stems from the intent requirement that is absent in workers’
compensation law. That is, in tort law, the tortfeasor either must have intended
the harm that would ensue from his/her act (in the case of intentional torts), or
must have reasonably known what harm could ensue from his/her actions (in the
case of negligence). In workers’ compensation, harm can be caused by purely
accidental means, so long as the injured party can prove a causal connection
between the putative injuring agent and the resulting psychological harm.
Psychological injuries also are recognized in sexual harassment, employment
discrimination, and housing discrimination contexts. Some commentators have
even argued that the harm suffered need not be as serious as in other areas of
law, such as tort (Cucuzza, 1999). A movement is evident throughout the last
century from a legal position of near-absolute rejection of psychological injuries
by the law, to greater and greater acceptance within the law that mental tranquility
is a legitimate interest to protect.

Status of Current Assessment Methods

We now understand that exposure to potentially traumatic events (PTE) in modern
civilization is relatively common, and that a thorough mental health professional
should screen for the occurrence of a wide array of such events in the lives of
his/her patients. While the importance of screening for PTE is known to research-
ers in this field, systematic screening in primary practice or even specialized
mental health services appears relatively rare.

Whereas the assessment technology for conditions such as PTSD and depres-
sion was once quite unreliable, there is now a wide array of reliable structured
interviews and self-report psychological tests available that can help in the di-
agnosis and description of psychological injuries. We know that use of such in-
struments provides more reliable, and thus valid, descriptions of people who are
being assessed than do mere clinical interviews. Unfortunately, we also know that
many tests shown to be reliable and valid in strictly clinical contexts have not yet
been validated within litigating or compensation-seeking samples, and often have
not been sufficiently validated among ethnic/cultural minority groups, who com-
prise an increasingly large proportion of Western society. Further, because of the
potential of nonclinical influences (e.g., compensation motivation, retrospective
memory bias) on the self-report, sophisticated forensic assessors use a multi-
method assessment model incorporating collateral information such as medical
records and family members’ reports, as well as behavioral observation.
Both clinical and forensic practices appear to lag far behind the scientifically
supported best practices. Many clinicians and forensic assessors apparently still
rely on unstructured interviews and relatively few tests shown to be directly ger-
mane to the relative questions. The unstructured nature of many clinical and
forensic assessments is made more problematic because of the many potential
sources of decision-making bias (e.g., ethnic and gender bias, social distance bias,
confirmatory bias) that can unduly influence the conclusions of mental health
professionals, especially if they are operating within a vacuum devoid of reliable
and valid assessment tools. Despite lagging behind the science of trauma in their
utilization of empirically supported assessment methods, many (though not all)
practitioners proffer themselves as “experts” about trauma and PTSD to the pub-
lic, legal counsel, and the courts in a manner that may misinform consumers. The
reader will recall from chapter 9 the example of Dr. Pseudoscience who waxed
eloquently about the relationship of physiological arousal to the diagnosis of
PTSD but did not appear to have up-to-date knowledge about research in this
area. One should not presume that self-proclaimed but unjustified expertise is a
rarity. For example, if one searches the Canadian Register of Health Service
Professionals in Psychology (CRHSP) Web site across major metropolitan areas,
fully 54% of CRHSPP registrants designate themselves as having expertise in
PTSD (CRHSP, 2004). Given the breadth of psychology and what we know about
psychological practice with trauma survivors, one can only presume that some
CRHSP listees are setting the threshold for claiming PTSD expertise rather low.
Certain of the types of questions posed to forensic assessors about psycholog-
ical injuries are likely unanswerable via any straightforward reference to the sci-
entific literature. The inherent biases in humans’ retrospective memories and un-
derdocumentation of mental health problems in general health records make
forensic opinions about plaintiffs’ past mental health guesswork at best. State-
ments about the prognoses for conditions such as PTSD based on published lon-
Current Status and Future Trends 255

gitudinal data limit us to actuarial predictions of only a few years in the future.
This is obviously inadequate for the purposes of legal counsel and judges, both
of whom must take a longer-term view of the plaintiff’s prospects for symptom
remission and recovery of adequate functioning. Statements about functional dis-
ability following psychological injuries at this time must be limited to a review
of the correlational data concerning lowered economic functioning for individuals
with similar mental health problems. Beyond such general statements, the re-
sponsible forensic assessor is once again limited to informed speculation about
how an individual plaintiff’s particular symptoms may limit his/her ability to
attend and function in the workplace.
Women are at disproportionate risk for psychological distress following trauma
exposure, and have significantly higher rates of depression. While some may
consider female gender, per se, a risk factor for psychological distress, the re-
search literature is throwing more light on the ways in which women inhabit a
different social environment than do men. Women’s environment is characterized
by greater risks for victimization by sexual assault, stalking, harassment, and for
physical injury secondary to assault. In addition, the role demands placed on
women in industrialized society result in a higher density of daily hassles that
may exacerbate the negative influences of traumatic stressors or interfere with the
remission of psychological distress.
While there is evidence that PTSD and related psychological injuries exist
across diverse cultures, there appear to be some culture-specific differences (e.g.,
the higher prevalence of PTSD among Mexican than among non-Hispanic Cau-
casian or Black women). We are only beginning to understand the cultural and
gender contributions to the form, frequency, and intensity of psychological in-
juries following trauma. In particular, the crude sorting categories of race typically
used in epidemiological research may do an injustice to our understanding of
more subtle cultural/social variables that may be more important in understanding
individual differences in psychological distress.
There are significant economic and personal incentives to exaggerate psycho-
logical distress. Because the symptoms of conditions like PTSD and depression
are known widely in the lay public, many psychological injury claimants are not
naı̈ve as to the prototypical characteristics of the conditions for which they are
being assessed. Therefore, forensic assessors must be vigilant for symptom ex-
aggeration, overendorsement, or distortion of the chronological history of prob-
lems by claimants. Assessors and the consumers of forensic assessments must
also understand that symptom exaggeration is not a black and white phenomenon.
Claimants may have varying motivations (e.g., seeking treatment resources versus
seeking financial compensation), and may exaggerate their symptoms in varying
degrees. Claimants may also provide (and even believe) a distorted history of
their psychological distress either through compensation motivation, or through
a form of retrospective memory bias, as described in chapter 5.

Symptom checklists or other self-report measures of PTSD and depressive

symptoms, when used alone, are vulnerable to overdiagnosis of mental health
conditions. Superficial reliance on such self-report methods by practitioners who
neither collect a wider range of more objective data (e.g., collateral data, past
medical records), nor assess the claimant’s response set with respect to symptom
exaggeration can result in misdiagnosis and inappropriate compensation. Thus,
vigilance with respect to potential symptom exaggeration is no more than a spe-
cific example of Meyer’s (2002) admonition that the accurate description of pa-
tients involves the use of “multiple independent methods and multiple indepen-
dent sources” (p. 97).
At this time, none of our commonly used psychometric measures of symptom
exaggeration are sufficiently developed to be used singly to identify individuals
who are malingering PTSD or depression. However, research in the malingering
of emotional distress is evolving rapidly. Currently, we know that use of some of
the MMPI-2 (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989) derived
measures of symptom overendorsement, in combination with tests of effort, and
judicious skepticism in comparing medical records and other collateral sources
of information to the claimant’s self-report comprise the best current multimethod
strategies for ruling out or confirming an exaggerating response set.

Status of Prevention Efforts

A great deal of effort has gone into developing and implementing strategies for
preventing psychological disturbance following exposure to traumatic events. The
extent to which single session psychological debriefing has become part of the
landscape in Western society appears to reflect more the success of marketing
than of effective reduction in human suffering. Suffice it to say that single-session
debriefing of trauma survivors cannot be scientifically justified at this time. Some
relatively brief (4 to 6 hours) cognitive behavioral treatments for PTSD appear
to have some benefit when applied to only highly distressed trauma survivors
within the first month or so after their respective traumas. This heartening news
is muted when one realizes what professional resources must go into identifying
such cases, particularly when many trauma survivors (e.g., sexual assault victims)
are initially reluctant to seek help.

Status of Treatment Efforts

We now possess some consistently efficacious treatments for PTSD, depression,
and some of the other anxiety disorders. Variants of cognitive behavioral therapy,
especially those having large doses of exposure therapy for PTSD and other anx-
iety disorders, consistently have been shown to help sufferers of these mental
health conditions. Other treatments such as stress inoculation therapy and cog-
nitive processing therapy for PTSD also appear efficacious. While these treat-
ments have been shown to be effective in the clinical laboratory, they are available
Current Status and Future Trends 257

to the general public only within the confines of tertiary care clinics, or from
some select evidence-based practitioners. Pharmaceutical treatments, particularly
those involving the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) antidepres-
sants, are showing some promise with PTSD.
Four caveats apply: First, not all patients benefit from even these rather good
treatments. For example, it is clear that even when one eliminates known risk
factors for poor outcome (e.g., comorbid chronic pain in PTSD sufferers), not all
PTSD patients benefit equally from exposure therapy. We need, therefore, to con-
tinue to develop additions to these currently efficacious treatments to improve
their success rates. Part of this will involve learning what works for whom, and
studies that carefully investigate the relationship of pretreatment patient charac-
teristics (including patient treatment preference) to outcome of different therapies.
Second, despite clinical lore, we have not yet conducted appropriate research
to determine the impact of litigation, compensation, or receipt of financial com-
pensation on trauma survivors’ responses to even the best treatments. Well-
designed treatment trials utilizing such compensation-involved patients are re-
quired before we can advance in our knowledge of the rehabilitation of
psychological injuries.
Third, we have yet empirically to evaluate comprehensive rehabilitation pack-
ages that include both treatments described in this text and other interventions
for comorbid conditions such as chronic pain. Given that chronic pain is a com-
monly comorbid condition among MVA-PTSD survivors, such multidimensional
rehabilitation programs are necessary to more fully rehabilitate many patients.
The evaluation of such comprehensive rehabilitation programs that integrate
evidence-based interventions will be a substantial endeavor.
Fourth, practice in this area has lagged far behind the science of treatment
development and evaluation. Very few practitioners regularly utilize the most
efficacious treatments (e.g., Becker, Zayfert, & Anderson, 2004). Therefore, even
if we reliably identify those psychological injury plaintiffs who deserve treatment
for their disabling condition, the probability that they will receive an efficacious
treatment is, unfortunately, relatively low. Worse, the probability that consumers
will receive treatments with either no scientific support (e.g., supportive counsel-
ing) or heavily marketed treatments with limited scientific support (e.g., eye
movement desensitization processing) is rather high.

Future Trends

Where does the field go from here? It is apparent that over the last quarter century,
the courts have become much more welcoming of claims for psychological in-
juries (see chapters 1 and 2, as well as Shuman, 2003). Parallel to this legal trend
has been an explosion of research involving PTSD, depression, and other anxiety

disorders. Simultaneously, employment by mental health professionals and legal

counsel related to these disorders has also expanded. We believe society’s interest
in psychological injuries will remain strong, although there is the potential for
legal (e.g., tort reform) and professional (improving standards) changes that may
rein in the rapid growth of legal claims and professional services for such con-

Trends in the Law

Although speculating about trends in the law is almost certain to invite some
error, especially because the law sometimes moves more slowly than public opin-
ion or political agendas, we offer some thoughts here on where the law pertaining
to psychological injuries might go in the future. First, we think that there will
continue to be a correlation between progress in the science and practice sur-
rounding psychological injuries and legal acceptance of them. Legal acceptance
of psychological injuries showed a marked increase after PTSD was introduced
into the official diagnostic nomenclature. We believe that if further substantial
ground is gained in terms of understanding the nature and course of PTSD and
other disorders in scientific terms, and if the reliability and validity of concomitant
measurement procedures are further enhanced, then the law will maintain or in-
crease its position on the compensability of psychological injuries.
One particular context to watch, we believe, is research on the physical man-
ifestations of PTSD within the brain. Because there is something of a legacy
within the law of requiring some physical evidence that the psychological injury
is real and not feigned, accurate tests stemming from brain or physiological func-
tioning will likely be welcomed within courtrooms. Pitman, Saunders, and Orr
(1994) speculated along these lines approximately a decade ago, and we believe
that this remains an area of great legal relevance. Although some jurisdictions
have dropped the physical manifestation requirement, we believe that, depending
on what science tells us about functional and physiological manifestations of
PTSD, more jurisdictions might be willing to accept this as evidence of physical
manifestation. More broadly, this might assuage the fears that many legal profes-
sionals have about the legitimacy of psychological injuries.
If the previous 100 years are any indication of what is to come, there may be
more areas of law that come to recognize psychological injuries. There has been
a slow and somewhat meandering momentum accrued by psychological injuries
that might find its way more firmly into other areas. For instance, some have
argued that psychological damage might play a more prominent role in toxic torts
and toxic megatorts than it currently does (Heinzerling, 2001; Tuohey & Gon-
zalez, 2001). Psychological injuries already are recognized in some breach-of-
contract cases, and it is possible that it might play a more prominent role in the
future. Similarly, even in ostensibly far-removed areas of law such as bankruptcy,
emotional distress is now being recognized, at least under certain circumstances,
Current Status and Future Trends 259

as a compensable injury (i.e., in the case of a willful violation by a creditor of an

automatic stay, McCullough, 2003).
As in any profession, there is an inevitable specialization and splintering of
subfields. As this happens in law, we think that psychological injuries will likely
keep pace and receive some recognition within the more specialized areas. A
good example of this is the recently created tort of stalking in some jurisdictions
(i.e., California Civil Code, § 1708.7). Stalking is now recognized as a crime in
all jurisdictions; however, a handful of jurisdictions are now giving stalking vic-
tims a more direct means by which to be compensated by defining it as a tort as
well. Stalking is defined in part by the fear felt by its victims for themselves or
family members (as well as whether victims felt “harassed” or “alarmed”), and
hence is particularly well suited for psychological evidence pertaining to state of
mind and emotional effects of being stalked. Another prime example is tort lia-
bility through Internet activities, such as the spreading of hate, which could os-
tensibly lead to litigation for intentional infliction of emotional distress (Smith,
Of course, there are wild cards that can affect any forecasts. Part of the future
of psychological injuries within the law will depend on the conservatism versus
liberalism of future higher courts. More legally conservative judges will tend not
to favor expansion of any legal areas, including this one. More “reformist” judges
might favor expanding this area of law. This is one factor that also will depend
on political agendas, elections, and so forth, and hence is difficult to forecast.
There has been another type of legal conservatism playing out as well with respect
to proposed revisions to the Restatement of Torts. Some commentators would like
to remove liability for emotional distress from the core of tort law, whereas others
object to this (see, generally, Chamallas, 2001).
Finally, we may see some limiting of recovery within psychological injury
cases in the form of greater expectations put upon plaintiffs to mitigate their
damages. It is a general rule within tort law that victims have a duty of their own
to minimize—or mitigate—the harm that they have suffered, and tortfeasors can
be expected to pay less if mitigation has not taken place. For instance, if a person
is seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident and refuses to seek medical treat-
ment, the tortfeasor may only be required to pay the damages that would have
occurred with medical treatment. Mitigation is not as prominent a feature in psy-
chological injury cases. Some commentators argue that it should be, but recognize
that there would be some difficulty in establishing what could be agreed upon as
reasonable mitigating efforts (Kontorovich, 2001). For instance, does a person
have to seek treatment from a psychologist or psychiatrist in order to have miti-
gated the psychological effects of a motor vehicle accident or criminal victimi-
zation? Would seeking pastoral counseling count? Would just talking to one’s
spouse suffice? This is relatively uncharted legal water in the psychological injury
arena, but water that will someday need navigating.

Advances in Assessment Practice and Important

Research Questions
As representatives of the mental health disciplines, we hope that forensic assess-
ment practices will evolve closer to scientifically supported methods. We believe,
however, that this will be a slow evolution and will require efforts from several
groups. First, a greater emphasis on the training of empirical assessment methods
is necessary in clinical, as well as forensic psychology and psychiatry graduate
programs. However, given the small number of forensic training programs, im-
provements in formal training will have only a small impact on the practice of
forensic assessment in the field. In the broader training of clinical psychologists
and psychiatrists, such improvements will likely be incremental. There is a glim-
mer of hope for more rapid evolution toward science-based assessment. This hope
is provided by the evolution over the past decade of the empirically supported
treatments movement (APA Division of Clinical Psychology, 1995). While con-
troversial in some circles, this movement spread within a decade to the accredi-
tation criteria for academic and internship training in psychology (American Psy-
chological Association, 2002a). Practitioner-friendly guidebooks to empirically
based assessment tools for anxiety and depression, including PTSD, are becoming
more accessible (e.g., Antony, Orsillo, & Roemer, 2001), and hopefully will lead
to gradual improvements in the practitioners’ utilization of superior assessment
Second, legal counsel and insurance adjusters have important roles to play in
a more refined critical appraisal of forensic evidence about psychological injuries.
Because they are the consumers of such evidence, they can exert a direct influence
on the quality of forensic assessment practice through educated cross-examination
and the selection of more empirically oriented assessors. The improvement of
professional standards through increasingly specialized credentialing, or through
the courts becoming more restrictive on qualifying experts, may eventually en-
hance the quality of forensic assessment practice. For example, Shuman (2003)
has specifically suggested that “Qualification as an expert witness is not generic,
but rather issue specific. Licensure as a physician who practices psychiatry, or
even board certification in psychiatry should not, without more, result in quali-
fication as an expert on PTSD” (p. 855).
There are also many important questions to answer that will impact on the
quality of forensic assessments more generally and allow us a greater understand-
ing of this process. While psychological assessment instruments (e.g., tests, struc-
tured interviews) are increasingly sophisticated and psychometrically sound, we
still have inadequate normative data for large samples of (a) personal injury claim-
ants, and (b) claimants from ethnic/cultural minority groups. Collection of such
normative data is a pressing issue. Comparisons of diagnosis-matched litigating
and nonlitigating samples with respect to their responses to empirically validated
Current Status and Future Trends 261

psychological tests will increase the ecological validity of forensic assessments

using such tools.
In addition, we do not yet understand the impact of the different types of bias
on expert opinions about psychological injuries. While we understand that cli-
nicians in general may have biases in making mental health diagnoses with respect
to certain ethnic minorities and with respect to women, we have no data showing
us whether this is a trivial or substantial problem with expert evidence given in
psychological injury claims. Early work in this area can be done via clinical
vignettes utilizing samples of forensic practitioners and fictional cases. It would
also be helpful to know what diagnostic heuristics (e.g., nature/severity of the
index trauma, incompatibility of different diagnoses) forensic assessors com-
monly endorse, and whether such heuristics change with professional experience.
We also need a better database with respect to the prevalence of different
psychological injuries within relevant contexts (e.g., conditional prevalence of
PTSD following automobile collisions in no-fault vs. torts litigation jurisdictions).
These questions can, of course, only be answered in collaboration with the in-
surers who receive such claims. Related to prevalence of psychological injuries,
we need more research on the longitudinal history of such injuries, whether these
arise from tortious acts like MVAs or as disability claims among specific occu-
pations. It would also be worthwhile to study the natural course of depression
and PTSD-related distress while sufferers are receiving disability compensation.
While disability arrangements may superficially appear to assume unchanging
levels of distress and functional disability, it seems more likely that both distress
and functional disability wax and wane over time and secondary to life events,
daily hassles, and other variables. For example, Ronis et al. (1996) studied the
records of mental health services to Veterans Administration PTSD patients to
track their use of mental health services, and, by implication, their functioning
over time. Patients with PTSD were relatively chronic users of mental health
services, but did have episodes when they did not use mental health services
(average of 2.2 “nonuse intervals” of 100 days or more in duration). The latter
suggests that PTSD patients may have episodic bursts of relative well-being. Sim-
ilar research is needed for a wider range of disabled claimants.
Finally, mental health concepts are admittedly fuzzy, with substantial symp-
tomatic and functional overlap among such putatively separate entities as PTSD,
depression, other anxiety disorders, chronic pain, and traumatic brain injury. It is
likely that very few psychological injury claims involve just one of the conditions
above, and thus the symptomatically complex claimant is more the norm than the
exception. Much future work is required on developing assessment tools or pack-
ages of tools that enable us to understand this complexity and provide more
coherent and helpful descriptions of claimants’ psychological problems. Much of
this research will be of an experimental nature in which we come to understand,

for example, the ways in which two classes of psychological injury like PTSD
and pain interact (e.g., Sharp & Harvey, 2001). For example, Rachman (1991)
proposed a model for studying the comorbidity of emotional problems, which has
implications for the study of the substantial comorbidity between PTSD, depres-
sion, other anxiety disorders, pain, and anger.

The Future of Prevention and Rehabilitation

If there are to be advances in the prevention of psychological injuries, we believe
they will occur in the following spheres: First, it is our opinion that single-session
psychological debriefing as it is currently practiced in many settings will decline
in use. It appears to be an intervention that is currently practiced without any
empirical support despite multiple attempts to demonstrate its utility with respect
to symptom reduction. However, it is possible that better-designed research util-
izing a wider array of outcome measures will demonstrate that early debriefing
has some benefits (e.g., providing voice to survivors, improving claimant-insurer
relations). Second, we believe that 4- to 6-session CBT for selected trauma sur-
vivors will continue to be evaluated and will prove to be an efficacious interven-
tion when applied to highly distressed survivors. Third, to make the latter
intervention practically useful, much research must be done on cost-effective de-
tection and recruitment of deserving trauma survivors. It does little good to have
an efficacious early intervention for a health problem if the cost of early detection
is so prohibitive that no one will pay for such screening.
Future research with respect to the rehabilitation of psychological injuries will,
we believe, focus much more on the following three topics: First, research atten-
tion will focus on what works for whom, and will involve evaluating such inno-
vations as matching patient preference to treatment modality (e.g., psychological
vs. pharmaceutical, exposure therapy vs. coping skills training). A second variant
of this theme will involve the evaluation of efficacious treatments with high-risk
or treatment-resistant patients (e.g., those in litigation, those with high levels of
Second, multicomponent treatment trials that evaluate the effectiveness of
treatment across more than one domain of dysfunction (e.g., PTSD symptoms as
well as pain complaints) will be published. This will reflect the complexity with
which many claimants present and the need for demonstrated effective treatments
for the “whole person” as opposed to a set of symptoms reflecting a subset of the
claimant’s distressing problems.
Third, effectiveness studies will evolve into evaluations of functional rehabil-
itation, with the critical dependent measures including return to employment and
other finer-grained measures of work performance, as well as functioning in im-
portant family and social roles.
Current Status and Future Trends 263


In the end, the law is increasingly recognizing the importance and compensability
of psychological injuries, albeit this concept is still ill defined. These injuries
appear to have a negative economic impact, but the nature and extent of such
impact is still inadequately studied. Practice in both forensic assessment and re-
habilitative efforts lags behind scientific advances and it behooves the mental
health professions, as well as individual practitioners, to improve the quality of
such practice. Research over the past few decades has led to a greater understand-
ing of the mental health conditions comprising psychological injuries, to more
reliable assessment tools, and to some efficacious interventions. However, both
our assessment methods and our treatments lag behind in terms of ecological
validity. They have not always been adequately evaluated with the individuals
who commonly comprise psychological injury claimants, or in settings that reflect
the world in which such claims are typically handled. Moreover, interventions
that have only limited scientific support are still popular among practitioners,
while empirically supported treatments (e.g., exposure therapy for PTSD) are
seldom used. Much work remains to be done, both in the realm of scientific
investigation and in the dissemination of scientifically supported assessment and
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abusive intimate relationships, 151–152 American Indian Vietnam Veterans

See also domestic violence Project, 186–187
accident neurosis, 226–227 Andreasen, Nancy, 7, 8
accident victims anger, 60–61, 231
CISD for, 212–213 Annis v. County of Westchester, 42–43
rate of PTSD in, 80 anxiety disorders
See also motor vehicle accidents costs of, 4
(MVAs) Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule
acculturation, 191–192, 205 (ADIS), 64–65
acute stress disorder (ASD), 3, 13, 214– ASD. See acute stress disorder
215 Asian Americans. See ethnocultural
See also posttraumatic stress disorder minorities
ADIS. See Anxiety Disorders Interview assessment issues, 49–75
Schedule behavioral assessment, 70–72
admissibility biases, 118–122
tests of, 46–47 collateral information, 72–73
African Americans. See ethnocultural comorbity, 56–61
minorities with ethnocultural minorities, 180–182,
airline accidents, 45–46 189–204, 207–209
Alaska Natives, 184 evidence-based assessments, 61–73
See also ethnocultural minorities future trends in, 260–262
alternative causes, 133 historical data collection, 245
American Indians, 184, 186–187 prevalence rates, 53–56
See also ethnocultural minorities reliability issues, 62

310 Index

assessment issues (continued ) brain injuries, 13–15, 82, 241–242

of traumatic stressors, 49–53 “but for” test, 26–27
validity issues, 115–122 bystander cases, 29–31
See also forensic assessments bystander sexual harassment, 41
assessment measures
base rates of, 123–126 California Civil Code, 31, 34
behaviorally specific, 169–170 Canadian law, 26, 40–42
breadth of, 242–243 CAPS. See Clinician-Administered PTSD
current status of, 253–256 Scale
diagnostic interviews, 63–70, 119–122, Carrero v. New York City Housing
126–128, 171–174 Authority, 42
evaluating, for use in cross-cultural case examples
assessments, 198–204 of biases, 235–239
in forensic assessment, 117–118 of comorbid conditions, 247–249
of PTEs, 170–171 of functional disability, 243–244
for PTSD, in women, 169–176 of heuristics, 239–242
reliability of, 135–136 of historical data collection, 245
self-report measures, 174–176 of preexisting conditions, 245–247
validity of, 136, 198–204 catastrophic stress disorder. See
See also specific measures posttraumatic stress disorder
assessment policies causation, 4
for cross-cultural assessments, 189–191 in negligence cases, 26–33
assessment techniques in workers’ compensation cases, 37–40
to detect exaggeration and malingering, CBT. See cognitive behavioral therapy
76–77, 84–109 Champion v. Gray, 31
atypical factors, 81–84 childhood sexual abuse, 155–157, 221–
Back Infrequency Scale, 90 children
battery, 16, 23–25 effect of trauma in, 12–13
BDI-II. See Beck Depression Inventory-II exposed to domestic violence, 24–25,
Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), 68– 221–222
69 with TBI, 15
behavioral assessment, 70–72 CIDI. See Composite International
benzodiazepines, 215–216 Diagnostic Interview
Bevan v. Fix, 24–25 CISD. See critical incident stress
biases, 118–122 debriefing
case examples of, 235–239 Civil Rights Act, 40–42
common, 140–141 claimants
confirmatory bias, 118 forensic assessments and, 114
confirmatory information-seeking bias, See also trauma victims
119 Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale
ethnicity-related, 198 (CAPS), 65–66, 172
gender, 121, 237–238 cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 214–
in hypothesis generation, 123 220, 232–233
illusory correlations, 118 cognitive distortions, 166–167
impact of, 261 cognitive processing therapy (CPT), 217–
racial, 121 218
Board of Ethnic Minority Affairs cognitive trauma therapy for formerly
(BEMA), 190 battered women (CTT-BW), 224–225
Index 311

collateral information, 72–73 Detroit Area Survey (DAS), 145

combat-related PTSD, 221 diagnosis
comorbidity, 82, 167–168, 229–230, 247– accuracy indices for, 125
249 base rates and accurate, 123–126
compensation neurosis, 5, 19–20 heuristics and, 119–122
competing causes, 28–29 influence of biases on, 118–122
Composite International Diagnostic Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Interview (CIDI), 64, 173 Mental Disorders, 9–10
conditional prevalence, 123, 149 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
confirmatory bias, 118 Mental Disorders (DSM-I), 6
confirmatory information-seeking bias, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
119 Mental Disorders (DSM-II), 6
consciousness, loss of, 14 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Convention for the Unification of Certain Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), 190
Rules Relating to International diagnostic criteria, 161–163
Transportation by Air, 45–46 for ethnocultural minorities, 207–209
coping mechanisms, 166–167 for PTSD, 116–117
Cottle v. Superior Court, 34 diagnostic interviews, 63–70
courts clinical vs. semistructured, 126–128
skepticism of, 16, 25–26 heuristics, 119–122
CPT. See cognitive processing therapy for PTSD, 171–174
criminal harassment, 152–154 Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS), 63–
criminal law, 20 64, 171–172
Criterion A. See stressor criterion Dillon v. Legg, 17, 29–30
critical incident stress debriefing (CISD), direct victims, 29
212–214 DIS. See Diagnostic Interview Schedule
cross-cultural assessments, 198–204 disability, functional, 133–134, 137, 243–
See also ethnocultural minorities 244
cross-examination discrimination, 42–43, 192, 205–206
of evidence, 135–137 See also ethnocultural minorities
crumbling skulls, 17–19, 28, 39–40, 43 Dissimulation Scale (Ds), 95–97, 98
culture dissociation, 13, 52
definition of, 181 domestic violence, 24–25, 221–222, 224–
Curtis v. Loether, 43 225
dose response, 193
damages, 35–36
DASS. See Depression Anxiety Stress economic impact, 4
Scales effort syndrome, 5
data collection, historical, 245 effort tests
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, in neuropsychology, 107–109, 111
46–47 eggshell psyches, 17–19, 28
delayed symptom onset, 82, 130–131 Ego Strength (Es) Scale, 93
depression Elden v. Sheldon, 31
comorbity of, with PTSD, 57–58 EMDR. See eye movement desensitization
economic impact of, 4 and reprocessing
major depressive episode, 120 emotional distress
prevalence of, 123–124 deliberate infliction of, 16, 23–25
Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS), negligent infliction of, 16–17, 25–36
69 employment discrimination, 42–43
312 Index

employment functioning, 133–134, 137, false imputation, 77

243–244 family collectivism, 193, 197
Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) family members
Study, 144, 187 as source of collateral information, 73
Equal Employment Opportunity financial stressors, 195–196
Commission, 40 F (Infrequency) Scale, 89
ethical standards, 113, 114–115 F-K (F minus K) Index, 89–90
for cross-cultural assessments, 189–191 forensic assessments
ethnicity, 121, 137 assessment methods in, 117–118
treatment outcome and, 229 biases in, 118–122, 140–141
ethnocultural identity clinical vs. semistructured interviews,
conditional risk of PTSD and, 186–189 126–128
importance of, 179–182 consumers of, 141
measuring, 205 evidence gathering failures in, 128–135
research on impact of, 204–210 heuristics and, 119–122, 140–141
ethnocultural minorities study of, 137, 139–141
assessment of, 189–204 vs. therapeutic assessment, 113–115
barriers to help seeking among, 196– validity issues in, 115–122
198 See also assessment issues
protective factors for, 207 forensic psychology
risk of PTSD in, 178–181 ethical standards, 113–115
trauma exposure among, 182–186 foreseeability, 17
validity of assessment measures for, Freud, Sigmund, 5
198–204 Frye v. United States, 47
evidence functional disability, 133–134, 137, 243–
cross-examination of, 135–137 244
failures in gathering, 128–135 future damages, 36
vulnerabilities in, 138–139
evidence-based assessments, 61–73 gender bias, 121, 237–238
exaggerated claims gender differences
effort tests to detect, 107–109, 111 in clinical presentation of PTSD, 167–
identification of, 76–77, 79–86, 111– 169
112 in comorbidity, 167–168
malingering and, 77–79 in exposure to multiple traumas, 148–
MMPI-2 to detect, 84–86, 88–104, 110 149
MPS to detect, 106–107, 111 in frequency of traumatic stressors, 143–
PAI to detect, 86–88, 110–111 146
of PTSD, 80–88 in interpersonal violence, 149–154
red flags for, 81–84 in posttraumatic reactions, 166–167
SIMS to detect, 104–106 in prevalence of PTSD, 142–143, 146–
specialized assessment techniques for, 149, 159–169, 176–177
88–109 in response to MVAs, 158–159
exclusionary criteria, 117 gender roles, 166
expert testimony, 113, 136 general damages, 36
eye movement desensitization and Gough Dissimulation Index, 89–90
reprocessing (EMDR), 225–226 Gross Stress Reaction, 6, 7, 10

Fair Housing Act, 43–44 Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc., 40–41

Fake Bad Scale (FBS), 83–84, 97, 99–102 head injuries. See brain injuries
Index 313

Health and Adjustment in Young Adults major depressive episode, 120

(HAYA) study, 144 malingering
heuristics, 119–122, 136, 140–141, 239– identification of, 79–88, 111–112
242 overview of, 77–79
Hispanics. See ethnocultural minorities See also exaggerated claims
historical data collection, 245 Malingering Index, 87, 110–111
Homer, 5 Malingering Probability Scale (MPS), 106–
housing discrimination, 43–44 107, 111
Hurricane Hugo, 50 MAOIs. See monoamine oxidase
idiosyncratic heuristics, 239–242 marginalization, 182–183
IES. See Impact of Events Scale material contribution test, 27
illusory correlations, 118, 235–236 measurement
immigration, 191–192 reliability of, 135–136
Impact of Events Scale (IES), 66–67, 174 memory distortions, 9
individual characteristics mental health conditions
reactions to stress and, 11–12 occupational context of, 73–74
Infrequency-Psychopathology Scale, 90 stigma of, 196–197
intentional torts, 23–25 valid assessment of, 115–122
International Classification of Diseases See also psychological injuries
(ICD) (WHO), 9–10 mental health perspectives
International Consensus Group on PTSD, on psychological injuries, 6–15
175–176 mental injuries. See psychological injuries
interpersonal conflict, 55 mental-mental claims
interpersonal violence, 149–154, 159, in workers’ compensation cases, 39
162 mental-physical claims
abusive intimate relationships, 151–152 in workers’ compensation cases, 38–39
relationship between victim and Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson, 40
perpetrator in, 163–164 Mezey, G., 8
stalking, 152–154 Miller, Henry, 19–20
irritable heart, 5 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory-2 (MMPI-2), 69–70, 76, 84–
104, 110, 175
Janzen and Governeau v. Platy Enterprise
Back Infrequency Scale, 90
Ltd., 41
consistency scales, 90–91
Johnson v. May, 32–33
Dissimulation Scale (Ds), 95–97, 98
Fake Bad Scale, 83–84, 97, 99–102
Koury v. Lanier Express, Inc., 19 F (Infrequency Scale), 89
Kush v. Lloyd, 31 F-K (F minus K) Index, 89–90
Infrequency-Psychopathology Scale, 90
legal perspectives L (Lie) Scale, 89
on psychological injuries, 15–20, 22– Obvious-Subtle Index (O-S), 91–95
23, 258–259 Validity Index, 102–104
Leibovitz v. New York City Transit Auth., minorities. See ethnocultural minorities
41 minor traumatic brain injury (MTBI), 14–
lifetime prevalence, 123 15
litigation Miramon v. Bradley, 18–19, 27
effects of, on treatment, 226–229 Mississippi Scale for PTSD, 67–68
L (Lie) Scale, 89 mistrust, by minorities, 197–198
314 Index

MMPI-2. See Minnesota Multiphasic pain

Personality Inventory-2 comorbity of, with PTSD, 59–60
MMPI-2 Validity Index, 102–104 panic attacks, 220–221
Molien v. Kaiser Found. Hosps., 32 parasitic torts, 24
monetary damages PCL. See PTSD Checklist
in torts, 35–36 PDS. See Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), Scale
219–220 pecuniary damages, 36
Montreal Convention, 45–46 Pepys, Samuel, 5
motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) peritraumatic dissociation, 52
debriefing after, 212–213 personal injury assessors
PTSD and, 14–15, 80, 124–125, 158– study of, 137, 139–141
159, 187 Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI),
treatment for victims of, 222–224 86–88, 110–111
MPS. See Malingering Probability Scale pharmaceuticals
(MPS) for prevention of PTSD, 215–216
multiculturalism, 179–180 for treatment of PTSD, 219–220
See also ethnocultural minorities physical health
multiple-channel exposure therapy, 221 PTSD and, 60
multiple stressors, 205–206 physical impact rule, 29–31
physical-mental claims
National Comorbidity Survey (NCS), 144– in workers’ compensation cases, 38
145, 187–188 Plato, 5
National Violence Against Women Survey, Pokrifchak v. Weinstein, 27
184 postconcussive symptoms (PCS), 55–56
natural disasters, 80, 159 Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory
Negative Impression Management (NIM) (PTCI), 74
Scale, 87–88, 110–111 posttraumatic reactions
negligence, 23, 25–36 gender differences in, 166–167
causation and, 26–33 Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale
toxic torts, 34–35 (PDS), 67, 174–175
nervous shock, 5 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
neuropsychology across lifespan, 12–13
effort tests in, 107–109 admissibility tests and, 46–47
no-fault insurance jurisdictions, 33 affect of ethnicity on, 178–181, 186–
no-fault law, 20 189, 207–209
nonpecuniary damages, 36 anger and, 60–61, 231
nontraumatic stressors, 54–56, 165–166 chronic pain and, 59–60
clinical course of, 117
Obvious-Subtle Index (O-S), 91–95 combat-related, 221
occupational contexts, 73–74 comorbidity with, 10, 56–61, 167–168
occupational disability, 243–244 conditional prevalence of, 149
older adults delayed-onset, 82, 130–131
effect of trauma in, 13 depression and, 57–58
open treatment trials, 219 diagnostic criteria for, 6–7, 116–117,
PAI. See Personality Assessment economic impact, 4
Inventory exaggerated claims of, 80–88
Index 315

gender differences in, 142–143, 146– definition, 3–4, 20–21

149, 159–169, 176–177 determining presence of, 128–130
history of development of, 6 economic impact, 4
legal implications of, 17 functional disability caused by, 133–
measures of. see assessment measures 134
misdiagnosis of, 81 future trends in, 257–262
nature of, 8–9 legal perspectives on, 15–20, 22–23,
pharmaceuticals for treatment of, 219– 252–253, 258–259
220 mental health perspectives on, 6–15
physical health and, 60 physical injuries and, 5
predictors of worse outcome for, 230– preceding tortious event, 131–133
231 prevention of, 211–216
prevalence of, 53–54 prognosis of, 134
prevention of, 211–216, 256, 262 recovery restrictions on, 29–33
prognosis of, 134 reliability of diagnosis of, 62
psychological treatment of, 216–219, roots of construct of, 5–20
220–225 severity of, 31–33
psychometric assessment of, in women, societal interest in, 251–252
169–176 treatment of, 216–230
research needed on, 74 valid assessment of, 115–122
sociopolitical aspects of, 7–8 vulnerability factors for, 17–19
stressor criterion for, 10–12 See also posttraumatic stress disorder
substance abuse and, 58–59, 231 (PTSD)
toxic torts and, 35 psychological tests
traumatic brain injury and, 13–15 misuses of, 135
validity of, and recovery requirements, See also assessment measures
32–33 PTCI. See Posttraumatic Cognitions
posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), 4 Inventory
Posttraumatic Symptoms Scale-Self- PTE. See potentially traumatic events
Report (PSS-SR), 67 PTSD. See posttraumatic stress disorder
potentially traumatic events (PTE) PTSD Checklist (PCL), 66, 175
assessment of, 170–171 PTSD Symptom Scale (PSS-I/PSS-SR),
exposure to, and risk of PTSD, 143– 173–174
exposure of minorities to, 183–186, 205– Quaglio v. Tomaselli, 32
See also traumatic events racial bias, 121
Potter v. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 34 racial discrimination, 43–44, 192, 205–206
poverty, 206–207 railway mind, 5
preexisting conditions, 18–19, 28–29, 39– railway spine, 5, 16
40, 131–133, 136–137, 245–247 rape, 154–155, 184
prognosis, 134, 238–239 rape trauma syndrome, 6
PSS-SR. See Posttraumatic Symptoms rape victims, 80
Scale-Self-Report recovery course, 167–169
psuedomemories, 14 reliability, of measures, 135–136
psychological injuries research
causal event for, 130–131 on cross-cultural issues, 180–182
current status of, 252–257 future trends in, 260–262
316 Index

research (continued ) Spitzer, Robert, 7

on impact of ethnocultural identity, 204– SS-PTSD. See subsyndromal PTSD
210 SSRIs. See selective serotonin reuptake
on treatment methods, 219–220 inhibitors
response styles stalking, 152–154
among minorities, 194–195 Sterling v. Velsicol, 35
Restatement of Torts (1948), 16 stigma, surrounding mental health
Restatement (Second) of Torts, 24, 33 problems, 196–197
retrospective recall, 131–132 Stone, A., 17
retrospective memory, 9 Strain v. Donesky, 19
Robbins, I., 8 Stressful Life Events Screening
Robichaud v. Canada (Treasury Board), Questionnaire (SLESQ), 61–62
41 stress inoculation training (SIT), 217–218
Rodrigues v. State, 16, 30 stressor criterion, 161–163
R. v. Mohan, 47 for ethnocultural minorities, 207–209
for PTSD, 10–12, 116–117
SCID. See Structured Clinical Interview stressors
for the DSM-II-R or DSM-IV evidence-based assessments of, 61–73
Scott, W. J., 8 nontraumatic, 54–56
sedatives, 215–216 rate of PTSD with various, 80
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors See also traumatic events
(SSRIs), 219–220 Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV
sex differences. See gender differences (SCID-PTSD Module), 172
sexual abuse, childhood, 155–157, 221– Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-
222 II-R or DSM-IV (SCID), 63
sexual assaults, 154–155, 221–222 Structured Interview of Reported
behaviorally specific assessment Symptoms (SIRS), 76–77
methods for, 169–170 Structured Inventory of Malingered
psychological injuries due to, 6 Symptomatology (SIMS), 104–106
Sexual Experiences Questionnaire (QES), substance-abuse disorders (SUD), 58–59,
206–207 167–168, 231
sexual harassment, 40–42, 157–158, 187, subsyndromal PTSD (SS-PTSD), 129–130
206–207 symptoms
sexual violence, 154–158, 159, 184–185 delayed onset of, 82, 130–131, 130–131
shell shock, 5–6 expression of, among minority groups,
SIMS. See Structured Inventory of 194
Malingered Symptomatology
SIRS. See Structured Interview of Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM),
Reported Symptoms 108–109, 111
SLESQ. See Stressful Life Events therapeutic assessment
Screening Questionnaire vs. forensic assessment, 113–115
social context, surrounding trauma, 164 Thing v. La Chusa, 31
social dominance theory, 182–183 thin skulls, 17–19, 27–28, 39–40
socialization thought stopping, 217
gender roles and, 166 Title VII, 40–42
social supports, 164–165, 193 TOMM. See Test of Memory Malingering
socioeconomic status, 195–196, 206–207 torts, 23–36
soldier’s heart, 5 bystander cases, 29–31
special damages, 35–36 causation in, 26–33
Index 317

damages in, 35–36 comorbidity and outcome of, 229–230

definition, 23 current status of, 256–257
intentional, 23–25 for domestic violence, 224–225
negligence, 23, 25–36 effects of litigation on, 226–229
no-fault insurance jurisdictions, 33 ethnicity and outcome of, 229
parasitic, 24 eye movement desensitization and
recovery restrictions, 29–33 reprocessing, 225–226
toxic, 34–35 future directions in, 232–234, 262
toxic torts, 34–35 for MVAs, 222–224
trauma histories, 50–51 open trials on, 219
Trauma History Questionnaire (THQ), 171 pharmacological, 219–220
trauma-related diagnoses predictors of worse outcome for, 230–
sociopolitical aspects of, 7–8 231
Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI), 88 psychological, 216–225
Traumatic Assessment for Adults (TAA), of substance abuse, 231
171 for veterans, 221
traumatic brain injury (TBI), 13–15, 82, treatment-seeking prevalence, 123
241–242 Trevino v. Southwestern Bell Tel. Co., 33
traumatic events TRIN. See True Response Inconsistency
alternative, 133 Scale
assessment of, 49–53, 81 True Response Inconsistency Scale
causal relationship between (TRIN), 91
psychological state and, 130–131 TSI. See Trauma Symptom Inventory
context of, 164
coping with, 166–167 unconsciousness, 14
effect of, on children, 12–13
effect of, on older adults, 13 validity, of assessment measures, 136, 198–
emotional response to, 116–117 204
evidence-based assessments of, 61–73 Variable Response Inconsistency Scale
exposure of minorities to, 182–186 (VRIN), 90–91
frequency of, 49–50 veterans
gender differences in exposure to malingering by, 81
multiple, 148–149 Veterans Administration, 80
gender differences in frequency of, 143– Vietnam veterans, 7, 8, 186–187
146 Vietnam Veterans against the War
interpersonal violence, 149–154 (VVAW), 7
length of exposure to, 163 violence
memory distortions of, 9 domestic, 24–25, 221–222, 224–225
nonassaultive, 158–159 interpersonal, 149–154
sexual violence, 154–158 sexual, 154–158
social supports after, 164–165 VRIN. See Variable Response
trauma victims Inconsistency Scale
cross-cultural issues in, 180–182 vulnerability factors, 17–19
debriefing of, 212–214
minorities as, 182–186 war
treatment psychological injuries due to, 5–8, 186–
of anger, 231 187
of ASD, 214–215 Warsaw Convention, 45–46
for child abuse, 221–222 West v. Zehir, 19
318 Index

women socialization of, 166

in abusive intimate relationships, 151– stalking of, 152–154
152 as victims of sexual violence, 149–
frequency of exposure to traumatic 154
stressors in, 143–146 See also gender differences
prevalence of PTSD in, 142–143, 146– Woods, Tiger, 179
149, 159–169 workers’ compensation, 20, 36–40
psychometric assessment of PTSD in,
169–176 zone-of-danger concept, 17, 26, 29–30

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