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SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences (JECS), Vol. 23, No.

1, 2022

Efficiency Increase and Fuel Save Benefits of Combined Cycle Operation

(Garri Power Plant as a Case Study)
Ridab B. Mohamed, Alla E. Ahmed, Mayasir J. Aldeen, Fadia A. Alfarouq, Walaa O. Mohamed, Salah G.

School of Electrical and Nuclear Engineering, College of Engineering, Sudan University of Science & Technology,
Khartoum, Sudan.

Received: 24/11/2022
Accepted: 03/02/2023

ABSTRACT – Thermal power plants’ overall efficiency increase and fuel consumption decrease draw
worldwide researcher’s attention due to the limited resources and high cost of fossil fuel. Considering Al-
Jaily power plant, the so-called Garri power plants 1 and 2 in Sudan as the case study, this paper compares
overall plant efficiency and fuel save with the combined cycle and open cycle operation in which both
plants could run. Evaluation of plant’s efficiency is based on the first law of thermodynamics. The results
reveal advantage of the combined cycle operation mode in terms of efficiency increase, and on the other
hand, in terms of fuel consumption decrease with the same amount of energy produced.
Keywords: Combined cycle, Open cycle, Efficiency, Fuel save.

‫ تجذب زيادة الكفاءة الكلية لمحطات الطاقة الحرارية وتخفيض استتالك ا الوقود ابالها الهاحثين في جميع أبحاء العالم بستته‬- ‫المستتتص‬
‫ في الستتتتودا كحالة‬2 ‫ و‬1 ‫ المستتتتماة أيضتتتتا بمحطة قري‬،‫ بأخذ محطة الجيلي للطاقة‬.‫الموارد المحدودة والالكلفة العالية للوقود األحفوري‬
‫ واستالك ا الوقود لكل من وضتعي تشتييل الدورة المركهة والدورة المفالوحة الالي يمكن‬،‫ تقار هذ الورقة الكفاءة اإلجمالية للمحطة‬،‫دراستة‬
‫ تكشتتتتن النالان عن مي ة وضتتتتع تشتتتتييل‬.‫ يعالمد تقييم كفاءة المحطة على القابو األول للديناميكا الحرارية‬.‫أ تعمل عليكا كلالا المحطالين‬
.‫ ابخفاض اسالك ا الوقود إلبالاج بفس كمية الطاقة‬،‫ ومن جكة أخرى‬،‫الدورة المركهة من حيث زيادة الكفاءة‬
INTRODUCTION bottoming cycle. In combined cycle operation
While the world is working hard to shift to mode, heat addition process of Rankine cycle is
renewable energy, yet, most of electricity coupled with Brayton cycle’s heat rejection
generation depends on thermal power plants. process.
Thermal generation up to 2021 represents over 70% The combination ‘gas-turbine-steam cycles’
of the world`s total electricity generation, with 86% aims at utilizing the heat of exhaust gases from the
of the thermal generation being fossil fuel fired [1]. gas turbine and thus, improve the overall plant
Due to the high cost of fossil fuels, it is of efficiency [2]. This is done by means of Heat
paramount importance to ensure that thermal power Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) where a steam
plants extract as much energy as possible from this with high temperature is generated from low
resource. pressure hot gases at over 500̊ C [3].
Operation of thermal power plants at highest Edgar et. al. [4] have performed a similar
possible efficiency is essential. Brayton cycle analysis, to this present one, for Tuxpan II
consists of four processes, which are compression, combined cycle power plant in Mexico. Their work
heat addition, expansion, and heat rejection. The targeted study of generation and environmental
exhaust gases from a gas turbine carry a large differences between both cycles. Authors of [4]
quantity of heat since their temperature is far above found that, open cycle thermal efficiency is 35.16%
the ambient temperature [2]. Rankine cycle in the and combined cycle thermal efficiency is 43.79%.
other hand, is a steam cycle which takes place at Khan and Tlili [5] conducted performance
lower temperature; therefore, it is known as the optimization of the combined cycle. Their study

revealed an output growth of 45%, as an effect of generation and steam turbine generation in MW,
increasing the turbine’s inlet temperature of the both steam and gas turbine operating hours, fuel
topping cycle from 1000o K to 1400o K. consumption, fuel types and heat value of each
Several local analyses for thermal power plants type. Data are from the efficiency unit and central
were performed as in [6], where an analysis at Garri control room.
2 power plant was carried out using second law of
thermodynamics to locate the most exergy-
destructive component in the thermodynamic cycle.
Results revealed that, thermal and exegetic
efficiency of the overall plant are 38% and 49%
Osman et. al. [7] had performed an exegetic
analysis for a steam power plant at Garri 4 power
plant. Their work disclosed a plant thermal
efficiency of 21.12%. An alike procedure to [7] is
found in [8], where an overall plant efficiency of
13.4% is found. This present paper aims at
comparing Garri 1 and 2 power plants’ open and Figure 1: Double Chimney Structure
combined cycle daily as well as three weeks
efficiency. The paper also aims at investigating
number of plants’ open cycle and combined cycle
fuel consumption while generating the same
amount of energy for a period of three weeks.

Garri power plants 1 and 2 are multi shaft
combined gas and steam power plants. They
implement two types of thermodynamic cycles,
which are Brayton cycle as the topping cycle of the Figure 2: Combined Cycle Block
gas turbine, and Rankine cycle as the bottoming
cycle of the steam turbine. Purpose of the combined ANALYSIS
operation is mainly to improve the plant efficiency Two key analyses are performed in this work.
and therefore reduce fuel cost. The plant basic These are determination of fuel consumption while
principle is to use gas turbine’s hot exhausts to generating same amount of power for each of open
generate steam in the heat recovery steam cycle and combined cycle operation modes, as well
generator. Then, this steam is applied to a steam as determination of overall plant efficiency for each
turbine. The plant could also run with the of open cycle and combined cycle operation modes.
conventional open cycle and directly release the
exhausts to the environment. • FUEL CONSUMPTION
This is possible because of the structure of gas The thermal power plant uses two types of fuel,
turbine and HRSG which is provided with double which are Light Diesel Oil (LDO) and Heavy
chimney that allows operation in both cycles as can Coked Gas Oil (HCGO), each has different heat
be seen in Figure 1. Garri plants 1 and 2 contain value. Accordingly, in order to obtain the total input
eight gas turbines, eight HRSGs and four steam energy (kJ), calculations of each fuel type should be
turbines. Garri power plant could be divided into separated from the other.
small blocks those perform the same functionality
of the whole plant. Each block contains two GTs, - For the LDO:
two HRSGs and a single ST. Accordingly, each ST 𝑘𝐽
ELDO (kJ) = m1 (𝑘𝑔) × H1 (𝑘𝑔) (1)
is fed from two HRSGs as represented in Figure 2.
The data which have been collected are the where,
daily readings for whole April 2022 for gas turbine ELDO = energy released by LDO(kJ).

m1 = LDO consumed mass (ton). cycles are connected. It could be described as an
H1 = LDO heat value(kJ/kg). ordinary gas turbine open cycle supplied with heat
recovery system. The cycle begins in gas turbines
- For the HCGO: where combustion happens. After hot gases rotate
𝑘𝐽 the turbine, it is directed to the Heat Recovery
EHCGO (kJ) = m2 (𝑘𝑔) × H2 (𝑘𝑔) (2)
Steam Generator (HRSG). This is basically a boiler
where, that generates steam using hot exhausts that
EHCGO = energy released by HCGO (kJ). generates power by rotating steam turbines.
m2 = HCGO consumed mass (ton). The fuel consumption of each block is the total
H2 = HCGO heat value(kJ/kg). fuel consumption of the two gas turbines within the
block. Then, calculations would be taken for each
block to represent the combined cycle using
The term open cycle efficiency refers to
Equations (6, 7, and 8):
the efficiency of the conventional cycle of
plant which could be in both internal
Eout (MW.h) = ( Ea + Eb + Es ) (6)
combustion and external combustion
machines. In open cycle, fuel energy is
released and exchanged in one stage. Taking
Ea= GTa output (MW.h).
gas turbine energy exchange process as an
Eb= GTb output (MW.h).
example, fuel is burned generating
Es= steam turbine output (MW.h).
compressed hot gases which hit turbine’s
blades then these gases are released to the
Ein (KJ) = (Ea’+Eb’) (7)
environment as exhausts. The efficiency (𝜂)
of this cycle could be determined by the
following equations: Ea’ = energy released in GTa (kJ).
Eb’ = energy released in GTb (kJ).
𝜂 = 𝐸𝑖𝑛
× 100% (3)
where, ET (kJ) = 𝑚 (𝑔) × 𝐻 (𝑘𝑔) (8)
Ein = input Energy(kJ). where,
Eout = output Energy(kJ). ET = energy released in each turbine(kJ).
m= fuel consumed mass (ton).
Ein (kJ) = 𝑚 (𝑘𝑔) × 𝐻( ) (4) H= low heat value of fuel (kJ/kg).
where, The daily efficiency of combined cycle blocks
m = fuel consumed mass (ton). is calculated utilizing data in Appendices I, II, IV,
H = low heat value of fuel (kJ/kg). and V, as presented in Table II.

Eout (kJ) = 𝑝 (𝑀𝑊) × 𝑡 (ℎ𝑟) (5) • OVERALL PLANT EFFICIENCY

where, Overall plant efficiency represents the
p = turbine generation (MW). ratio between produced electric energy and
t = turbine running hours (hours). consumed fuel energy. Therefore, it indicates
to plant capability of converting primary
Table I demonstrates the daily efficiency of GTs energy into electric energy, which directly
for a period of month. Calculation is performed affect plants running cost. Table III shows
using data attached in Appendices I, II, and III. Garri 1 and 2 electricity generation and fuel
consumption for operating period of a month.
• COMBINED CYCLE EFFICIENCY It also shows average generation rate
Combined cycle could be defined as the calculated from the actual generation, and
thermodynamic cycle where two or more simple plant’s efficiency.

1/4 27.92 25.87 25.08 25.32 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
2/4 23.14 23.28 22.73 24.57 24.15 - 24.13 23.96
3/4 25.66 25.43 06.85 24.26 23.79 - 23.08 23.09
4/4 24.02 17.67 23.99 25.88 23.79 - 23.09 21.60
5/4 24.47 25.21 24.43 25.51 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
6/4 26.77 27.80 24.50 26.92 23.79 - 23.70 24.34
7/4 24.98 21.74 25.14 23.67 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
8/4 25.70 30.16 28.26 25.95 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
9/4 25.07 24.01 22.78 24.41 25.15 - 23.09 24.71
10 / 4 22.78 25.40 19.59 24.27 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
11 / 4 23.88 25.04 24.35 - 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
12 / 4 26.04 25.54 24.83 - 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
13 / 4 26.48 29.24 17.10 - 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
14 / 4 26.47 25.40 24.76 - 25.03 - 23.08 23.09
15 / 4 24.07 26.35 28.52 - 23.79 - 23.10 23.09
16 / 4 28.02 24.32 27.35 - 23.79 - 22.86 18.91
17 / 4 24.09 22.94 24.17 - 23.79 - 23.09 -
18 / 4 25.95 25.87 24.07 - 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
19 / 4 25.60 23.39 25.63 - 23.34 - - 23.09
20 / 4 24.83 29.81 24.50 - 23.79 - - 23.09
21 / 4 27.59 21.92 26.25 - 24.40 - - 24.13
22 / 4 26.08 26.69 20.28 - 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
23 / 4 26.52 27.17 25.64 - 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
24 / 4 24.22 23.59 24.60 - 25.82 - 23.09 23.44
25 / 4 24.49 25.70 25.12 - 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
26 / 4 24.32 26.87 25.31 - 25.59 - 23.78 24.17
27 / 4 24.47 29.14 24.65 - 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
28 / 4 24.98 23.70 24.73 - 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
29 / 4 24.51 24.85 24.61 - 25.36 - 23.10
30 / 4 24.19 - 23.87 - 23.79 - 23.09 23.09
31 / 4 - - - - - - - -
25.30 25.54 24.24 25.05 24.11 - 23.20 23.55

Block1 Block2 Block3 Block4
1/4 27.22 34.74 23.79 23.09
2/4 23.19 30.43 24.15 24.05
3/4 25.54 22.66 25.72 39.55
4/4 20.89 29.68 34.06 33.36
5/4 24.76 35.04 34.60 33.48
6/4 27.20 34.81 23.79 35.12
7/4 22.85 33.29 27.03 34.03
8/4 27.48 33.58 32.75 33.82
9/4 24.56 32.71 34.39 34.18
10 / 4 23.93 30.29 32.86 33.61
11 / 4 24.41 29.02 32.86 34.22
12 / 4 25.81 24.83 32.86 33.85
13 / 4 27.73 17.10 31.34 31.40
14 / 4 25.94 24.76 25.03 23.09
15 / 4 25.14 28.52 23.79 23.09
16 / 4 26.29 28.71 23.87 21.31
17 / 4 23.41 24.17 23.79 23.26
18 / 4 25.91 26.01 23.79 23.09
19 / 4 24.57 35.31 23.34 23.09
20 / 4 26.82 25.76 31.15 23.09
21 / 4 24.87 26.25 34.00 24.13
22 / 4 26.34 20.28 33.52 23.09
23 / 4 26.80 25.64 33.21 23.09
24 / 4 23.92 24.60 36.12 28.07
25 / 4 25.00 25.12 33.46 28.38
26 / 4 25.48 25.31 35.77 28.97
27 / 4 26.45 24.65 33.76 30.18
28 / 4 24.62 24.73 28.49 31.05
29 / 4 24.62 24.61 30.58 28.95
30 / 4 27.83 23.87 34.71 29.35
31 / 4 - - - -
25.41 28.66 30.20 29.12
*The highlighted blocks refer to open cycle operation .

TABLE III: A MONTH OPERATING PERIOD DATA Monthly efficiency (%) 28.09
HCGO 2627.33
Consumed resources (ton)
Actual generation (MW.h) 112884.90 The study compared combined and open
Average generation rate (MW) 156.78 cycle operation in terms of efficiency and

fuel consumption as shown in Table IV. In shown an efficiency range that varies between
order to make a valid comparison for long 25.72% to 36.12%.
period, each cycle should have full operation For purpose of validation of the present paper’s
at this period. It is noticeable in Table II that results, it is found that, analysis performed in [6] for
there is full open cycle operation at block 1 Garri 2 power plant where block 3 is located, results
for the whole month. in a thermal efficiency of 38% for the overall plant.
However, no data exists for a full month Figure 4 illustrates the daily efficiency for three
period with the combined cycle operation weeks, for block 3 and block 1 exemplifying the
mode, due to faults that occurred at steam operation of the combined cycle and open cycle
turbines, that made it out of service. For respectively.
purpose of accurate comparison, the days that In order to determine the fuel, save as a result
represent open cycle operation period at of combined cycle operation mode, fuel
blocks 2, 3, and 4 are excluded. As it is found consumption is determined in case of combined
that block 3 had the longest operation period cycle as well as open cycle operation modes within
in combined cycle mode with 21 days period, a period of three weeks. In order to determine fuel,
the comparison is made for those 21 days. save, same output should be obtained from both
cycles operating modes. From Table IV considering
TABLE IV: THREE WEEKS RESULTS the output of combined cycle, assuming the same
Block1 Block3 output is to be generated by open cycle operating
LDO consumption (ton) 5509.81 3456.15 mode, the respective fuel consumption is
HCGO consumption (ton) 922.64 0.00 determined as follows:
Output (MW.h) 20747.22 14356.00
Efficiency 25.38 32.61 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 (𝑘𝐽)
From Figure 3, the comparison is made 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 (𝑡𝑜𝑛) =
between block1 which operates in the open cycle 𝜂 × ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 ( )
mode, due to a fault that occurred in ST1 that made (14356.00 × 3600)(𝑘𝐽)
it out of service for the whole month, and block 3 =
in the other hand, when it operates in combined (0.2538 × 45859) ( )
cycle mode. A remarkable rise in the efficiency is = 4440.38
noticeable. The combined cycle operation has




Efficiency (%)



Figure 3: Block`s Daily Efficiency

The amount of fuel consumption in case of the Ch1= Gas turbine outlet chimney.
combined cycle operation mode represented in Ch2 = HRSG outlet chimney.
block 3 in the same three weeks period is obtained 𝜂 = efficiency.
from Table IV. Then, the amount of fuel save in Ein = input Energy(kJ).
Eout = output energy(kJ).
result of the combined cycle operation mode is
ELDO = energy released by LDO (kJ).
given by: EHCGO = energy released by HCGO (kJ),
Ea= GTa output (MW.h).
𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 (𝑡𝑜𝑛) = 4440.38 − 3456.15 Eb = GTb output (MW.h).
= 984.23 Es = steam turbine output (MW.h).
Then, percentage fuel save is given by: Ea`= energy released in GTa (kJ).
984.23 Eb`= energy released in GTb (kJ).
𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑒 (%) = = 22.17%
4440.38 ET= energy released in each turbine(kJ).
p = turbine generation (MW).
It is noticeable that, for a specific amount of t = turbine running hours (hours).
output electric energy of the plant, the combined m1 = LDO consumed mass (ton).
cycle operation results in consumption of less fuel m2 = HCGO consumed mass (ton).
than open cycle operation, and the percentage fuel H = low heat value of fuel (kJ/kg).
save is considerable. H1 = LDO heat value(kJ/kg).
H2= HCGO heat value(kJ/kg).
CONCLUSION H1= 45859 (kJ/kg).
H2= 45125 (kJ/kg).
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Appendix I
1/4 28.00 95.00 28.00 161.00 160.38 0.00 213.52 179.86
2/4 90.00 103.00 5.00 161.00 156.00 0.00 203.00 173.00
3/4 100.45 106.08 17.50 173.00 158.40 0.00 212.26 190.06
4/4 95.74 101.80 100.90 161.00 174.24 0.00 220.32 191.90
5/4 0.00 128.40 0.00 161.00 101.64 0.00 208.08 209.10
6/4 32.40 135.85 0.00 160.33 94.38 0.00 205.00 209.00
7/4 13.00 171.00 99.66 172.20 174.24 0.00 210.46 209.10
8/4 0.00 127.20 0.00 164.00 174.24 0.00 211.14 209.10
9/4 0.00 154.80 0.00 167.00 177.60 0.00 212.16 209.00
10/4 7.36 148.68 6.75 170.40 177.87 0.00 209.10 207.40
11/4 97.00 150.80 110.80 0.00 169.62 0.00 211.14 193.80
12/4 198.00 169.00 99.00 0.00 169.62 0.00 211.14 207.40
13/4 199.20 164.00 115.70 0.00 168.30 0.00 211.14 210.12
14/4 192.53 188.80 185.20 0.00 165.60 0.00 212.26 216.24
15/4 199.20 175.20 160.80 0.00 168.30 0.00 208.76 212.84
16/4 199.00 175.00 168.80 0.00 169.69 0.00 205.00 132.00
17/4 112.00 162.00 186.00 0.00 102.96 0.00 81.60 0.00
18/4 201.00 146.00 199.20 0.00 135.96 0.00 108.80 131.58
19/4 187.30 164.00 196.50 0.00 177.60 0.00 0.00 212.16
20/4 188.30 124.68 185.98 0.00 192.06 0.00 0.00 208.08
21/4 189.00 175.00 185.00 0.00 193.00 0.00 0.00 203.00
22/4 186.00 137.00 178.00 0.00 192.06 0.00 203.32 208.08
23/4 194.40 139.00 180.00 0.00 198.33 0.00 210.80 217.60
24/4 172.00 155.00 180.32 0.00 182.40 0.00 212.16 209.00
25/4 175.03 125.83 178.73 0.00 196.35 0.00 207.74 210.80
26/4 175.00 145.00 180.00 0.00 185.00 0.00 206.00 204.00
27/4 176.40 129.60 182.40 0.00 65.34 0.00 207.74 210.80
28/4 172.80 68.30 181.77 0.00 78.54 0.00 17.68 211.14
29/4 174.40 84.16 181.70 0.00 165.60 0.00 205.00 -
30/4 175.20 115.20 179.28 0.00 161.70 0.00 201.28 212.16
31/4 - - - - - - - -
Total 3930.71 4165.38 3672.99 1650.93 4787.02 0.0 5226.6 5531.72

Appendix II
1/4 157.00 0.00 144.00 0.00 - - - -
2/4 106.00 0.00 78.00 0.00 - - - -
3/4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
4/4 9.23 0.00 80.30 0.00 - - - -
5/4 199.20 0.00 184.56 0.00 - - - -
6/4 160.48 0.00 184.00 0.00 - - - -
7/4 77.04 0.00 72.00 0.00 - - - -
8/4 194.40 0.00 160.80 0.00 - - - -
9/4 172.53 0.00 157.80 0.00 - - - -
10 / 4 185.10 0.00 179.75 0.00 - - - -
11 / 4 85.14 0.00 40.00 0.00 - - - -
12 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
13 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
14 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
15 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
16 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
17 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
18 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
19 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
20 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
21 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
22 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
23 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
24 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
25 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
26 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
27 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
28 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
29 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
30 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
31 / 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - -
Total 1346.12 0.0 1281.21 0.0 - - - -

Appendix III
1/4 649.09 313.09 542.18 519.27 486.00 0.00 628.00 529.00

2/4 572.73 305.46 236.73 504.00 480.00 0.00 624.00 528.00
3/4 328.36 343.64 15.27 534.55 480.00 0.00 624.00 559.00
4/4 320.73 229.09 549.82 530.73 528.00 0.00 648.00 528.00
5/4 610.91 412.36 565.09 523.09 308.00 0.00 612.00 615.00
6/4 649.09 481.09 565.09 549.82 286.00 0.00 619.00 648.00
7/4 282.55 473.56 546.00 519.27 528.00 0.00 619.00 615.00
8/4 626.18 488.73 469.64 542.18 528.00 0.00 621.00 615.00
9/4 542.18 473.46 450.55 519.27 569.00 0.00 624.00 658.00
10 / 4 549.82 481.09 458.18 526.91 539.00 0.00 615.00 610.00
11 / 4 549.82 481.09 465.82 0.00 514.00 0.00 621.00 570.00
12 / 4 656.73 549.82 313.09 0.00 514.00 0.00 621.00 610.00
13 / 4 672.00 610.91 252.00 0.00 510.00 0.00 621.00 618.00
14 / 4 649.09 610.91 584.18 0.00 528.00 0.00 624.00 636.00
15 / 4 610.91 588.00 584.18 0.00 510.00 0.00 614.00 626.00
16 / 4 710.18 542.18 588.00 0.00 516.00 0.00 597.00 318.00
17 / 4 343.64 473.46 572.73 0.00 312.00 0.00 240.00 0.00
18 / 4 664.36 481.09 610.91 0.00 412.00 0.00 320.00 387.00
19 / 4 610.91 488.73 641.46 0.00 528.00 0.00 0.00 624.00
20 / 4 595.64 473.46 580.36 0.00 582.00 0.00 0.00 612.00
21 / 4 664.36 488.73 618.56 0.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 624.00
22 / 4 618.00 465.82 459.82 0.00 582.00 0.00 598.00 612.00
23 / 4 656.73 481.09 588.00 0.00 601.00 0.00 620.00 640.00
24 / 4 530.73 465.82 565.09 0.00 600.00 0.00 624.00 624.00
25 / 4 546.00 412.00 572.00 0.00 595.00 0.00 611.00 620.00
26 / 4 542.18 496.36 580.36 0.00 603.00 0.00 624.00 628.00
27 / 4 549.82 481.09 572.73 0.00 198.00 0.00 611.00 620.00
28 / 4 549.82 206.18 572.73 0.00 238.00 0.00 52.00 621.00
29 / 4 544.47 266.51 569.67 0.00 535.00 0.00 624.00 -
30 / 4 539.89 489.49 545.24 0.00 490.00 0.00 592.00 624.00
31 / 4 - - - - - - - -

Total 16936.92 13554.31 15235.48 5269.09 14700 0.00 15448 16594

Appendix IV
Block1 Block2
1/4 649.09 313.09 0.00 542.18 519.27 401.80
2/4 572.73 305.46 0.00 236.73 504.00 200.22
3/4 328.36 343.64 0.00 15.27 534.55 0.00

4/4 320.73 229.09 0.00 549.82 530.73 208.48
5/4 610.91 412.36 0.00 565.09 523.09 441.00
6/4 649.09 481.09 0.00 565.09 549.82 398.80
7/4 282.55 473.56 0.00 546.00 519.27 388.00
8/4 626.18 488.73 0.00 469.64 542.18 366.50
9/4 542.18 473.46 0.00 450.55 519.27 373.20
10 / 4 549.82 481.09 0.00 458.18 526.91 380.90
11 / 4 549.82 481.09 0.00 465.82 0.00 89.20
12 / 4 656.73 549.82 0.00 313.09 0.00 0.00
13 / 4 672.00 610.91 0.00 252.00 0.00 0.00
14 / 4 649.09 610.91 0.00 584.18 0.00 0.00
15 / 4 610.91 588.00 0.00 584.18 0.00 0.00
16 / 4 710.18 542.18 0.00 588.00 0.00 0.00
17 / 4 343.64 473.46 0.00 572.73 0.00 0.00
18 / 4 664.36 481.09 0.00 610.91 0.00 49.00
19 / 4 610.91 488.73 0.00 641.46 0.00 242.50
20 / 4 595.64 473.46 0.00 580.36 0.00 30.00
21 / 4 664.36 488.73 0.00 618.56 0.00 0.00
22 / 4 618.00 465.82 0.00 459.82 0.00 0.00
23 / 4 656.73 481.09 0.00 588.00 0.00 0.00
24 / 4 530.73 465.82 0.00 565.09 0.00 0.00
25 / 4 546.00 412.00 0.00 572.00 0.00 0.00
26 / 4 542.18 496.36 0.00 580.36 0.00 0.00
27 / 4 549.82 481.09 0.00 572.73 0.00 0.00
28 / 4 549.82 206.18 0.00 572.73 0.00 0.00
29 / 4 544.47 266.51 0.00 569.67 0.00 0.00
30 / 4 539.89 489.49 0.00 545.24 0.00 0.00
31 / 4 - - - - - -
total 16936.92 13554.31 0.0 15235.48 5269.09 3569.60
30491.23 24074.17

Appendix V
Block3 Block4
1/4 486.00 0.00 0.00 628.00 529.00 0.00
2/4 480.00 0.00 0.00 624.00 528.00 0.00
3/4 480.00 0.00 39.00 624.00 559.00 436.00
4/4 528.00 0.00 228.00 648.00 528.00 576.00

5/4 308.00 0.00 140.00 612.00 615.00 552.00
6/4 286.00 0.00 0.00 619.00 648.00 585.00
7/4 528.00 0.00 72.00 619.00 615.00 585.00
8/4 528.00 0.00 199.00 621.00 615.00 574.50
9/4 569.00 0.00 209.00 624.00 658.00 552.00
10 / 4 539.00 0.00 195.00 615.00 610.00 558.00
11 / 4 514.00 0.00 196.00 621.00 570.00 574.00
12 / 4 514.00 0.00 196.00 621.00 610.00 574.00
13 / 4 510.00 0.00 162.00 621.00 618.00 446.00
14 / 4 528.00 0.00 0.00 624.00 636.00 0.00
15 / 4 510.00 0.00 0.00 614.00 626.00 0.00
16 / 4 516.00 0.00 0.00 597.00 318.00 0.00
17 / 4 312.00 0.00 0.00 240.00 0.00 0.00
18 / 4 412.00 0.00 0.00 320.00 387.00 0.00
19 / 4 528.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 624.00 0.00
20 / 4 582.00 0.00 180.00 0.00 612.00 0.00
21 / 4 600.00 0.00 236.00 0.00 624.00 0.00
22 / 4 582.00 0.00 238.00 598.00 612.00 0.00
23 / 4 601.00 0.00 238.00 620.00 640.00 0.00
24 / 4 600.00 0.00 239.00 624.00 624.00 258.00
25 / 4 595.00 0.00 242.00 611.00 620.00 282.00
26 / 4 603.00 0.00 240.00 624.00 628.00 261.00
27 / 4 198.00 0.00 83.00 611.00 620.00 378.00
28 / 4 238.00 0.00 47.00 52.00 621.00 232.00
29 / 4 535.00 0.00 110.00 624.00 75.00 110.00
30 / 4 490.00 0.00 225.00 592.00 624.00 330.00
31 / 4 - - - - - -
total 14700 0.0 3714 15448 16594 7863.5
18414 39905.5


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