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STRUCTURE OF A CELL - Nucleoplasm/Nuclear Sap/Karyoplasm:

 Cell Membrane/Plasma Membrane: Liquid matrix inside.

- Composed of Protein and - Darkly stained spherical body which
Phospolipids. produce mRNA.
- Chromatin: Genes, No cell activity.
- Double membrane bound cell.
- Chromosomes: Undergo cell division,
- Maintains shape of cell.
butterfly form.
- Controls entrance and exit of
materials in the cell.
- Prevents cell contents from mixing
to other.

 Cytoplasm: Living substance of cell.

- Contains Organelles: Tiny organs in
Polar heads: Hydrophilic (Loves water) cell.
Tails: Hydrophobic (Fear of water)
Membranous Organelles: 2 sets of
- Oxygen and papasok sa cells dahil membrane
may protein ang receptors. - Mitochondria
- Double layer ang phospolipids. - Golgi Bodies
- Buong katawan may protein. Hair, - Endoplasmic Reticulum
skin and nails. - Lysosomes
- Walang protein ang Bile (apdo) and - Peroxisome
Urine. - Vacuoles
- Pag nagkaroon ng protein ang Urine,
may problema sa kidney. Non-Membranous Organelles: 1 set of
 Nucleus: Control center of cell. - Ribosomes
- Rounded, darkly stained structure - Centrosomes
separated from the cytoplasm by a - Microtubules
double-walled nuclear membrane. - Microfilaments
Parts of Nucleus
- Nuclear Membrane: Physiology of Cell Membrane
- Outer Nuclear Membrane: With a
system of Endoplasmic Reticulum.
- Perforated with pores, facilitates
passage of large organic molecules.
- Inner Nuclear Membrane: Composed
of membrane system with DNA as the
principal nucleic acid, some RNA and
- Impermeable to exit of DNA, but
permeable to m-RNA.
Membranous Organelles  Vacuoles
 Endoplasmic Reticullum - Spherical, empty sacs for storage of
- Transport of Proteins. food.
- Canal carry substances from cell - Larger than Vesicles.
membrane thoughout the cytoplasm. - Water: Plants
- Smooth: Near cell membrane. - Food: Animals
- Rough (dots): Near nucleus. - Waste: Microorganisms

Non-Membranous Organelles
 Ribosomes
- Storage of proteins. Amino acids are
linked to produce protein.
- Attached: to Endoplasmic Reticullum.
- Free living: Spread out on cell’s

 Lysosomes
- Suicide bag of cell.
- Hydrolases (enzyme): Used by cell to
digest. Capable of breaking down
intracellular molecules.
- Once tinapon ang hydrolases,
mamamatay ang cell.

 Centrosomes
- Life-less body.
- Work is during cell division, divided
into 2.
- Indicator of cell division.
- Organelle that is only present in and
animal cell, “cell center”.
- Near the nucleus.

 Peroxisome
- From water to hydrogen peroxide for
storage, then back to water if needed.
- Membrane bound sacs containing

 Microtubules
- Made up of protein molecules.
- Cytoskeleton of cell.
- Maintains the shape of cell.
- Control movement of chromosomes.

 Microfilament
- Locomotory structure of cell. Controls
movement of cell
- Flagella (Flagellum): Buntot ng sperm
- Cillia: Tiny hairs

- Function of cell inside the body.

Illustration of Animal Cell Homeostasis: Balance inside the body.

Passive: Does not need much effort to


 Diffusion: C - C =
- Liquid/Gas form.
- Gas is faster to spread than Liquid.
- Solution: Solvent+Solute
- Universal Solvent: Water
Liquid Form
- Homogenous: Can’t identify/separate
- Heterogenous: Can identify

 Osmosis: Semi-permeable
- Pressure (osmotic pressure)
- Osmotic pressure is vital to living cells
because of the enclosing semi-permeable
membrane of the cells through which
they communicate with their
Osmotic Characteristics of Solutions
- Isotonic: Equal solution with cell. No
changes, as is, internal and external.
- Hypertonic: Shrinking of RBC. Higher
osmotic than blood serum.
- Hypotonic: Swelling of RBC. Lower
osmotic than blood serum.
Hemolysis in Animals.
Plasmoptysis in Plants, plant becomes STAGES OF CELL DIVISION
turgid and crisp.
 Interphase: Preparation Stage
 Dialysis: Separating and purifying - G1: Gap 1, Organelles x2
selective passage of ions and minute - S-Stage: Synthesis, DNA x2
molecules through a semi-permiable - G2: Gap 2, Cytoplasm x2
membrane that will not allow Single: Chromatin
proteins to pass through. Double: Chromosomes

 Filtration  Prophase: Doubled

- Straining: Removing substain from
substance. Moist should be removed.
- The passage of solution across a semi-
permeable membrane as a result of
mechanical force (gravity).

Active: Requires energy, involves

movement of substances regardless of
concentration gradient.

 Endocytosis: Encloses substance in

membrane-bounded vesicles pinched
off from the cell membrane.
Types of Endocytosis
- Phagocytosis: Cell eating.
- Pinocytosis: Cell drinking.

 Exocytosis: Secretory granules

discharge contents by fusing with
cell membrane.  Metaphase: Chromosomes in one
- Hormones and waste materials are straight line.
released from cell.


Scwamous cells: Madali kalatan ng Cancer

cells. Cheeks.
Stratified scwamous: Skin.

Mitosis: Body, All who need repair in


 Anaphase: Sister chromatids separte

from one another. Protein “glue” is
broken down, allowing them to
- Microtubules not attached to
chromosomes elongate and push apart,
separating the poles and making the cell
 Telophase: Nearly done dividing. Starts
to re-establish its normal structure,
cytokinesis takes place.

Meiosis: Reproductive System, Gametes.

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