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1 Cell: The Unit of Life: Solutions

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Chapter 1

Cell : The Unit of Life



1. Answer (4)
Mitochondria can be seen only after staining with vital stains. Mitochondria possess circular DNA and their
number per cell varies according to the activity of cell.

2. Answer (2)
C - Middle lamella
A - Primary cell wall
B - Secondary cell wall

3. Answer (3)
Nucleolus - membraneless

4. Answer (4)
G. Palade - Ribosome

5. Answer (3)
– Ribosome is the only cell organelle found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
– Fimbriae are fine bristle like structures of bacteria, which help in attachment with substratum.

6. Answer (2)

7. Answer (2)

8. Answer (3)
Centrosome - 9 + 0 microtubule arrangement.

9. Answer (4)

10. Answer (3)

Nucleolus - Site of r-RNA synthesis.

11. Answer (1)

Plant cell has large central vacuole.

12. Answer (3)

R. Virchow – Omnis-cellula-e-cellula

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2 Cell : The Unit of Life Solutions of Assignment

13. Answer (2)

A – RBC, B – Lipids, C – Fluid mosaic model, D – Singer and Nicolson.

14. Answer (4)

15. Answer (4)

Metacentric chromosome – Centromere in centre
Acrocentric chromosome – Slightly away from centre
Telocentric chromosome – Centromere at one end

16. Answer (2)

Inner chloroplast membrane is less permeable than outer one.

17. Answer (1)

Core of flagella is called axoneme which remain surrounded by membrane. Axoneme exhibit 9 + 2 arrangement
of microtubules.

18. Answer (3)

Cytoplasm is found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

19. Answer (4)

20. Answer (3)

Capsule – Thick and tough

21. Answer (3)

Nucleolus is the site for r-RNA synthesis.

22. Answer (3)

Site for attachment of spindle fibre is a proteinaceous disc in centromere region. This proteinaceous disc is
called kinetochore.
23. Answer (1)
In nucleolus, precursor of ribosome are formed. Ribosomes are related to protein synthesis. The cells which
are actively involved in protein synthesis, have larger and more numerous nuclei.

24. Answer (2)

Pigment chlorophyll remain present in thylakoid not in stroma.
Rest of the statements are correct.

25. Answer (4)

In eukaryotes, basal body exhibit 9 + 0 arrangement of microtubules like centriole. It is chiefly made up of
tubulin proteins. Flagellin is found in flagella of prokaryotes.

1. Answer (4)
Rudolf Virchow modified the cell theory and gave it a final shape.

2. Answer (3)
Mesosomes are specialised extension of plasma membrane that help in respiration, secretion and replication of
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Solutions of Assignment Cell : The Unit of Life 3
3. Answer (2)
Glycocalyx is the outermost covering of bacterial cell that help in cell adhesion as well as protect it from host
immune system.

4. Answer (2)
Animals, protists, fungi and lower plants possess centrioles while higher plants lack centriole.

5. Answer (3)
Thickness as well as composition of glycocalyx differ in bacteria.

6. Answer (2)
Plasmid DNA confers extra phenotypic characters to bacteria such as antibiotic resistance.

7. Answer (2)
Middle lamella – Jointly secreted by daughter cells
Plasmodesmata – Connects the cytoplasm of neighbouring cells.

8. Answer (3)
Lipids of plasma membrane are quasi-fluid in nature.

9. Answer (2)
Ribosomes – made of RNA + proteins
Primary cell wall – capable of extension
Endomembrance system – Organelles function in co-ordination.

10. Answer (3)

RER is more abundant in the cell actively involved in protein synthesis.

11. Answer (3)

Cellulosic cell wall is freely permeable.

12. Answer (4)

Chromatin essentially contain DNA & basic histone proteins.

13. Answer (1)

Microbodies are single membrane bound vesicles found in both plant and animal cells.

14. Answer (2)

Polytene chromosomes show somatic pairing.

15. Answer (3)

Metacentric chromosomes – Isobrachial (equal arms)

16. Answer (4)

Residual bodies – Secondary lysosomes with undigested waste.

17. Answer (2)

Single circular DNA 

 Mitochondria
70S ribosomes 
Aerobic respiration 
Carbon assimilation – Chloroplast
Detoxification of drugs – SER
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4 Cell : The Unit of Life Solutions of Assignment

18. Answer (1)

NADP reductase enzyme – grana lamellae.

19. Answer (4)

Secondary cell wall is formed inner to the primary cell wall.

20. Answer (2)

Proteins due to their larger size cannot show flip-flop movement.

21. Answer (2)

Processing and packaging of materials is the function of golgi apparatus.

22. Answer (3)

Nucleolus synthesises 80S ribosomal sub-units.

23. Answer (3)

Microfliaments – pseudopodia formation
ER – formation of desmotubules

24. Answer (2)

Unconnected units of cisternae in plants – Dictyosomes

25. Answer (2)

Acrocentric chromosomes – One very long arm
One very short arm

26. Answer (2)

Nuclear pore allows movement of RNA and proteins from nucleus to cytoplasm or vice-versa.

27. Answer (4)

Sphaerosomes secrete hydrolyzing enzymes.

28. Answer (4)

Fimbriae – help in attachment of cell to the substratum/host.

29. Answer (3)

Chloroplast and mitochondria both have 70S ribosomes.

30. Answer (4)

Aleuroplast – Store protein
Amyloplast – Store starch
Elaioplast – Store fat

1. Answer (2)
(a) Golgi apparatus (iii) Formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids
(b) Lysosomes (iv) Digesting biomolecules
(c) Vacuoles (ii) Trap waste and excretory products
(d) Ribosomes (i) Synthesis of protein

2. Answer (3)
The important function of Golgi apparatus is to process, package and transport the materials for secretion.
Therefore secretory cells have Golgi apparatus in highest number.
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Solutions of Assignment Cell : The Unit of Life 5
3. Answer (4)
Nucleolus is non-membranous nucleoplasmic structure in nucleus.
Nucleolus is the site of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis.

4. Answer (2)
 Sub metacentric chromosome is Heterobrachial.
 Short arm designated as 'p' arm
(p = petite i.e. short)
 Long arm designated as 'q' arm

5. Answer (4)
Lysosomes bud off from trans face of Golgi bodies.
Precursor of lysosomal enzymes are synthesised by RER and then send to Golgi bodies for further processing.

6. Answer (3)
Lysosomes and Vacuoles do not have DNA.

7. Answer (2)
In mitochondria, enzymes for electron transport are present in the inner membrane.

8. Answer (1)
Concept of “Omnis cellula-e cellula” regarding cell division was proposed by Rudolph Virchow.

9. Answer (1)
The phenomenon of association of many ribosomes with single m-RNA leads to formation of polyribosomes
or polysomes or ergasomes.

10. Answer (1)

Saccharomyces i.e. yeast is an eukaryote (unicellular fungi)
Mycobacterium – a bacterium
Oscillatoria and Nostoc are cyanobacteria.

11. Answer (2)

Golgi complex, after processing releases secretory vesicles from their trans-face.

12. Answer (3)

Nucleolus is a non membranous structure and is a site of r-RNA synthesis.

13. Answer (4)

Mitochondria are the site of aerobic oxidation of carbohydrates to generate ATP.

14. Answer (4)

Sticky character of the bacterial wall is due to glycocalyx or slime layer. This layer is rich in glycoproteins.

15. Answer (2)

Large central vacuole is present in plant cells.

16. Answer (1)

The isolated lysosomal vesicles have been found to be very rich in almost all types of hydrolytic enzymes.

17. Answer (1)

Anthocyanin are water soluble vacuolar pigments that may appear red, purple or blue depending on pH.
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6 Cell : The Unit of Life Solutions of Assignment

18. Answer (4)

Mitochondria and chloroplast are semi-autonomous organelles which contains DNA, RNA, ribosomes (70s) etc.
Both contains protein synthesis machinery and multiply by division of pre-existing ones.

19. Answer (3)

Microtubules are structures present in cilia, flagella, centrioles and spindle fibres.

20. Answer (4)

Nuclei, mitochondria and chloroplasts are double membrane bound organelles. Lysosomes are single membrane
bound organelle.

21. Answer (2)

True nucleus is absent in prokaryotic cell.

22. Answer (3)

Ribosomes are made up of r-RNA and proteins.

23. Answer (1)

Lysosomes, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria are membrane bound organelles.

24. Answer (4)

Mycoplasma is wall-less smallest living organism.

25. Answer (1)

Plant cell – Cell wall = Protoplast

26. Answer (2)

Chromatophores are photosynthetic apparatus in prokaryotes.

27. Answer (3)

Fimbriae - Hollow tubular surface appendages, present in bacterial cell, which help in attachment to rocks
and/or host tissues.

28. Answer (3)

Thylakoids – Flat membranous sacs in stroma of chloroplast.
Cristae – Infoldings in mitochondria
Cisternae – Disc-shaped sacs in golgi-apparatus
Chromatin – Condensed structure of DNA.

29. Answer (1)

Balbiani rings are the large chromosome puff of polytene chromosomes. These are the sites of RNA and protein

30. Answer (1)

31. Answer (2)

32. Answer (3)

33. Answer (3)

34. Answer (3)

35. Answer (1)

36. Answer (3)

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Solutions of Assignment Cell : The Unit of Life 7
37. Answer (4)
Mesosomes (Chondroid) contains respiratory enzyme.

38. Answer (2)

Microfilaments - Solid filaments made up of actin proteins.

39. Answer (2)

Vacuoles - Large membrane bound space which cheifly contains water.

40. Answer (1)

RNA enzymes are known as Ribozymes.

41. Answer (3)

42. Answer (3)

Lysosomes – In digesting proteins and carbohydrates.
Chloroplasts – In trapping the light and transforming it into chemical energy.

43. Answer (1)

44. Answer (2)

45. Answer (2)

E.coli (Prokaryotic) Chlamydomonas (Eukaryotic)
Cell wall  Peptidoglycan Cellulosic
Ribosomes  70S 80S
Chromosomal organization  DNA without histones DNA with histones

46. Answer (2)

Lipids are arranged in a bilayer with polar heads towards the outer part.
Na+ and K+ ions move across cell membrane by active transport.
Proteins make up  50% of the cell membrane.

47. Answer (4)

These are found in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
Prokaryotic ribosomes are 70S where “S” stands for sedimentation coefficient.

48. Answer (4)

Site of synthesis of ribosomes is nucleolus.

49. Answer (1)

Ribosome is present on ER and that ER is known as RER.

50. Answer (1)

Thylakoids – Flattened membranous sacs forming the grana of chloroplasts
Centrioles – Spindle appratus formation
Ribosomes – Those in chloroplasts are smallest (70S) while those in the cytoplasm are larger (80S)
Lysosomes – Optimally active of a pH of about less than 7 i.e., acidic

51. Answer (3)

Golgi apparatus is concerned with glycosylation (glycoprotein) and glycosidation (glycolipid)

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8 Cell : The Unit of Life Solutions of Assignment

52. Answer (1)

53. Answer (2)

Plasma membrane is made up of lipid bilayer and also has proteins.

54. Answer (4)

Endomembrane system includes Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, Lysosomes and Vacuoles.

55. Answer (4)

A – Matrix - site of Krebs cycle.
B – Inner membrane - contains respiratory enzymes.
C – Cristae - contains ATPase
D – Outer membrane - continuous layer.

56. Answer (4)

Matrix of cell where all cellular activities occur
Nucleus : Site of DNA duplication and packaging, transcription, rRNA formation.
Plasma membrane : Limiting membrane of cell, maintains the shape of cell, checks the transport in and out
of cell.
Mitochondria : Power house of cell, site of formation of energy, currency of cell i.e., ATP.

57. Answer (3)

58. Answer (2)

Mitochondria – semi-autonomous cell organelle.

59. Answer (2)

(1) Centriole is found in animal cells, which help in the producing aster during cell division.
(3) Nucleosome consists of core of eight histones.
(4) DNA is formed of nucleotides.

60. Answer (4)

Cytoskeleton Microfilament
Intermediate filaments
61. Answer (3)
Proteins of plasma membrane can be intrinsic or extrinsic.

62. Answer (1)

C – Nucleus
D – Cytoplasm

63. Answer (3)

Lignified cemented layers between cell – Middle lamella
Locomotory structure – Cilia, Flagella

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Solutions of Assignment Cell : The Unit of Life 9
64. Answer (2)
Muramic acid Component of bacterial cell wall

Hemicellulose – Plant cell wall

65. Answer (3)
Proteinaceous filamentous structures present in cell is known as cytoskeleton.

66. Answer (3)

Its membrane is known as tonoplast.

67. Answer (2)

Polysomes are present in prokaryotes.

68. Answer (3)

Flip-flop movement is shown by lipids.

69. Answer (3)

As they contain enzymes related to glyoxylate cycle.

70. Answer (4)

Mangnesium ion concentration help in union of two subunits of ribosomes.

71. Answer (4)

72. Answer (3)

Only chloroplast have thylakoid

73. Answer (2)

They are embedded in inner membrane of mitochondria.

74. Answer (1)

75. Answer (1)

Stacks of thylakoids (flattened sac-like structure) is known as grana.

76. Answer (2)

77. Answer (3)

Proteins can also undergo flip-flop movements in the bilipid layer.

78. Answer (1)

 Outermost layer comprising a coating of mucous or polysaccharides macromolecules
 It protects the cells and also helps in adhesion.

79. Answer (4)

Attachment  Fimbriae
Protection from dessication  Slime layer
Locomotion  Flagella

80. Answer (3)

E.coli is a bacterium.

81. Answer (1)

Prokaryotic flagella

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10 Cell : The Unit of Life Solutions of Assignment

82. Answer (4)

The invagination of cell membrane into the cell which increases the surface area.

83. Answer (2)

Prokaryotes have double stranded and circular DNA.

84. Answer (2)

Hemicellulose is absent in algal cell wall.

85. Answer (2)

Cell wall

Cell membrane (Plasmalemma)


86. Answer (2)

These ribosomes impart rough appearance to ER.

87. Answer (1)

It is not a cell.

88. Answer (4)

Golgi apparatus is responsible for modification, packaging and transport of cell proteins.

89. Answer (4)

Golgi apparatus consist of cisternae, tubules, vesicles and golgian vacuoles.

90. Answer (4)

Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes.

91. Answer (2)

Hydrolytic enzymes have digestive action.

92. Answer (2)

Secondary lysosomes formed by the fusion of food vacuoles and primary lysosomes.

93. Answer (2)

Mitochondria – "Power house of the cell"

94. Answer (3)


Thylakoids, Lamellae and Grana are parts of chloroplasts.

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Solutions of Assignment Cell : The Unit of Life 11
95. Answer (2)
Chromoplasts contain coloured pigment.
Amyloplasts  Store starch
Elaioplasts  Fats
Aleuroplasts  Proteins

96. Answer (3)

It is a type of Leucoplast that stores fats.

97. Answer (2)

Chloroplast and mitochondria are semi-autosomous cell organelles.

98. Answer (3)

Thylakoids are the membranous sac which contain pigments.

99. Answer (3)

Ribosomes are also known protein synthesising machinery of cell.

100. Answer (3)

Microtubule is involved in cell division by helping in the formation of spindle apparatus.

101. Answer (1)

Microtubules are cytoskeletons.

102. Answer (3)

Prokaryotes  Flagellin protein and show 360° movement.
Eukaryotes  (9 + 2) arrangement of tubulin protein and movement is 180°.

103. Answer (3)

Centromere is required for poleward movement of chromosome because it contains a proteinaceous trilamellar
structure that provides binding site of spindle fibres.


Centromere splites and chromatid moves towards opposite poles.

104. Answer (3)

Polytene chromosome giant chromosome present in salivary glands of insects.

105. Answer (3)

106. Answer (2)

Because transcription occurs inside nucleus i.e., in matrix of nucleus or nucleoplasm.

107. Answer (2)

Because they are formed when cell exhibits extended diplotene stage which is a stage of prophase I of

108. Answer (1)

Centromere is a part of chromosome and is also known a primary constriction.

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12 Cell : The Unit of Life Solutions of Assignment

109. Answer (2)

Nucleus contains DNA

110. Answer (3)

It maintains the structural identity of chromosome.


111. Answer (4)

1 Telomere 1 2 Telomere

Centromere Centromere

2 Telomere 3 4 Telomere
(More than one) (Less than five)

112. Answer (1)

Nucleolus is rich in rDNA therefore it is the site of synthesis of ribosomes.

113. Answer (3)

They are easily visible and thus useful mapping gene.

114. Answer (2)

Euchromatin  Genetically active, loosely packed.
Chromatin  The material of the nucleus stained by basic dyes.
Chromosome  Condensed form of chromatin.

115. Answer (2)

Glyoxylate cycle converts fats into carbohydrates.

116. Answer (2)

Rest all are double membrane bound.

117. Answer (2)

Motile bacteria show locomotion by flagella only.

1. Answer (3)
Tunnel proteins – run throughout the lipid bilayer.

2. Answer (1)
Cytoskeleton – in eukaryotes

3. Answer (3)
Synthesis of carbohydrate occur in chloroplast.

4. Answer (2)
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Solutions of Assignment Cell : The Unit of Life 13
5. Answer (4)

Outer membrane Inner membrane

(1) Protein 60% 80%

(2) Lipid 40% 20%

(3) ETC Absent Present

6. Answer (1)

7. Answer (4)
Equal arms in metacentric chromosomes.

8. Answer (2)
Centrioles are non membrane bound structures.

9. Answer (3)

10. Answer (3)

Chromatophores – found in cyanobacteria.

11. Answer (3)


12. Answer (1)

Peroxisome, sphaerosome, glyoxysome.

13. Answer (4)

Possesses a pair of centrally located microtubules.

14. Answer (4)

15. Answer (4)

16. Answer (1)

Plasma membrane is similar in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

17. Answer (1)

18. Answer (3)

Peroxisomes have enzymes of peroxide metabolism.

19. Answer (1)

20. Answer (4)

Centrosome consists of a pair of centrioles.

21. Answer (2)

22. Answer (1)

Nucleolus – site for rRNA synthesis,
Kinetochore – disc shaped structure on both sides of centromere
Histone – basic protein
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14 Cell : The Unit of Life Solutions of Assignment

23. Answer (2)

Ribosomes are called Palade particles.

24. Answer (2)

Ribosomes are smallest non membrane bound cell organelles.

25. Answer (4)

26. Answer (3)

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum-site of lipid and steroid synthesis

27. Answer (3)

9 doublets and two singlets of microtubules = 20 microtubules.

28. Answer (3)

29. Answer (3)

Rudolf Virchow has given concept of omnis cellula-e-cellula.

30. Answer (1)

Cytoplasm is absent in viruses.

31. Answer (2)

The cell is the basic unit of life because anything less than a complete structure of cell does not ensure
independent living.

32. Answer (4)

Prokaryotic cell has gas vacuole, single envelope system and non-cellulosic cell wall.

33. Answer (1)

Many ribosomes attached to single mRNA is called polysome.

34. Answer (3)

A – Smooth endoplasmic reticulum B – Plasma membrane
C – Centriole D – Mitochondria
E – Rough endoplasmic reticulum F – Nucleus

35. Answer (4)

It is plasma membrane. Most accepted model of plasma membrane is fluid mosaic model.

36. Answer (2)

Plasma membrane selects whether to allow and what to allow, asymmetric as its composition of proteins differs
on both the sides.

37. Answer (1)

Middle lamella is composed of Mg pectate and Ca pectate.

38. Answer (3)

Golgi complex – Modification and packaging of fats and proteins.
RER – Protein synthesis.
Ribosomes – Machinary for protein synthesis.

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Solutions of Assignment Cell : The Unit of Life 15
39. Answer (1)
The organelle in picture is Golgi complex.

40. Answer (4)

Golgi apparatus helps in plant cytokinesis by initiating cell plate formation and it is known as phragmoplast.

41. Answer (4)

Primary lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes but they are inactive.

42. Answer (1)

Plant cells do not contain gas and contractile vacuole and movement of molecules across tonoplast is always
against concentration gradient and require energy.

43. Answer (3)

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are semi autonomous body as they possess DNA + RNA + ribosomes.
But still they require nuclear genome for their functioning.

44. Answer (2)

Mitochondria and chloroplast are double membranous like some prokaryotes.

45. Answer (2)

Mitochondria and Chloroplast

46. Answer (2)

A – False (It is selectively permeable)
B – True
C – True
D – False (Present between two grana, connects them and contain PSI and ATP synthase)
E – True

47. Answer (3)

Ribosome, centriole and nucleolus are non-membranous cell structure.

48. Answer (3)

These rRNA are component of 80S ribosome  60S (Larger subunit)

49. Answer (2)

Centriole duplicates itself in cytoplasm during S phase.

50. Answer (4)

There are nine evenly spaced fibrils of tubulin and each fibril is made up three sub fibres.
 9 × 3 = 27

51. Answer (4)

Flagellin } Prokaryotic flagella.
Dynein, Tubulin and Nexin } Eukaryotic flagella.

52. Answer (3)

c  Cytoskeleton is a proteinaceous structure for maintenance, motility and shape.
d  Steroidal hormones are synthesised by Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER).
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16 Cell : The Unit of Life Solutions of Assignment

53. Answer (1)

All statements are correct for eukaryotic cells. 70S ribosomes are present in some organelles.

54. Answer (2)

Flagella and cilia  9 + 2 organisation.
Centriole  9 + 0 organisation

55. Answer (2)

A Satellite

B Arm

C Centromere

D Arm

56. Answer (2)

NOR of chromosome give rise to Nucleolus.

57. Answer (2)

Glyoxysomes are numerous in the endosperm of castor, peanuts etc.

58. Answer (2)

Glyoxylate cycle is present in glyoxysomes.

59. Answer (4)

Catalase and urate oxidase enzymes are associated with the organelle which is also involved in
photorespiration and glycolate oxidation.

60. Answer (3)

Plasma membrane consist of lipid bilayer.


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