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Knowledge Proximity and Firm Innovation: A Microgeographic Analysis For Berlin

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Urban Studies
2020, Vol. 57(5) 996–1014
Ó Urban Studies Journal Limited 2019
Knowledge proximity and firm Article reuse guidelines:
innovation: A microgeographic DOI: 10.1177/0042098018820241
analysis for Berlin

Christian Rammer
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Germany

Jan Kinne
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Germany

Knut Blind
Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany

We analyse the geographic proximity of innovative firms to different types of knowledge sources
in an urban environment on a microgeographic scale. Based on a comprehensive panel data set of
manufacturing and service firms in the German capital city Berlin, we investigate the characteris-
tics of firms’ knowledge environment while differentiating by the type of innovation. Geocoded
firm locations at the level of individual addresses allows us to describe the knowledge environ-
ment of firms on a very fine microgeographic scale. We find that innovative firms are located in
places with higher numbers of same-sector firms, more start-ups and a higher inflow of other
firms. They also locate in closer proximity to universities and research institutes. These differ-
ences decay rapidly within a few metres (50–250 m), indicating a truly microgeographic scope of
knowledge sources in urban environments.

agglomeration/urbanisation, economic processes, innovation, technology/smart cities


Received January 2018; accepted November 2018
Rammer et al. 997

Introduction is applied (Duranton and Overmans, 2005;

Jang et al., 2017; Larsson, 2017; Murata
Knowledge spillovers are an important
et al., 2014; Rosenthal and Strange, 2008).
driver of innovation in firms. Using knowl-
Recent research has paid more attention
edge of others reduces the cost of innovation
to the very local environment of a firm and
through input sharing and learning (Jaffe,
how the configuration of a firm’s direct
1986) and provides firms with ideas and neighbourhood and the local situation in
technology they could not have developed which a firm operates affect knowledge
based on their own capabilities. While exchange and innovation results (see
knowledge spillovers may occur at any geo- Catalini, 2016; Kabo et al., 2014). These
graphic scale, close proximity to external microgeographic studies, applying a very
knowledge sources is likely to facilitate such detailed scale of a few metres only, show
spillovers (Audretsch and Feldman, 1996; that local environments provide special
Jaffe et al., 1993). Proximity eases exchange opportunities for meeting and contacting
of workers among firms and hence the diffu- other innovative actors and can have a sig-
sion of knowledge embedded in people nificant impact on innovation performance.
(Glaeser, 1999; Jovanovic and Nyarko, Another recent strand of literature analysis
1995; Jovanovic and Rob, 1989). Proximity the role of microgeographic configuration in
also facilitates learning from observing, a city (see Andersson et al., 2016, 2017). The
informal knowledge exchange through per- concept of innovation districts within cities
sonal contacts of workers and managers, (Katz and Bradley, 2013; Katz and Wagner,
and knowledge exchange from joint business 2014) is another recent approach that
activities along the supply chain. emphasises the role of microgeography for
An urban environment provides an excel- innovation in urban areas.
lent ground for such knowledge flows The present article links this microgeo-
(Audretsch, 1999; Feldman, 1999; Glaeser, graphic view with the literature on knowl-
1999). Knowledge spillovers have hence edge spillovers and innovation in an urban
been identified as one of the major sources environment. By employing highly disaggre-
for the emergence and growth of cities gated geographic data on the location of
(Duranton and Puga, 2004; Marshall, 1890). knowledge sources and innovative firms in
There is strong empirical evidence that the German capital city Berlin, the article
knowledge spillovers actually increase inno- aims to contribute to the literature in two
vation performance in cities (Audretsch and ways. First, we provide evidence on the role
Feldman, 2004; Feldman, 1999; Feldman of microgeographic proximity within a city
and Audretsch, 1999; Henderson, 2007; instead of treating a city as a single location.
Simmie, 2002). Less is known about the Second, we investigate how different knowl-
exact geographic scope of these spillovers, edge sources (universities, research institutes,
however. Many studies consider the entire start-ups, other innovative firms) are geogra-
stock of knowledge within a city as a source phically related to different types of innova-
for spillovers (Audretsch and Feldman, tion (product and process innovation, degree
2004). When looking at proximity within a of novelty) which offers new insight into the
city, usually a rather large geographic scale role of knowledge diversity in a city for

Corresponding author:
Christian Rammer, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics,
L7, 1, Mannheim 68161, Germany.
998 Urban Studies 57(5)

innovation. While this paper builds on the choose from many potential employers
theoretical framework of knowledge spil- within a short commuting area from their
lovers, we do not empirically analyse knowl- home. Another way is to learn from obser-
edge spillovers as such. ving and communicating with others
(Duranton and Puga, 2004). Urban density
clearly eases interaction, making urban areas
Knowledge proximity and a kind of school where entrepreneurs, man-
innovation in urban areas: A agers and workers can continually add to
microgeographic perspective their skills (Rosenthal and Strange, 2003).
A city is an ideal spot for accessing and Urban density was also found to have a posi-
exchanging knowledge that is critical to tive effect on wages, especially for university-
innovation. Innovative ideas of users, educated workers, potentially capturing
advanced technology from suppliers, new localised non-market interaction effects
knowledge generated in science and research, (Andersson et al., 2016). The concept of
innovations of other firms, or support from innovation districts introduced by Katz and
consultants and other service providers are Wagner (2014) also emphasises the role of
often crucial inputs to innovation (Cassiman local interaction between urban actors and
and Veugelers, 2006; Leiponen and Helfat, infrastructures. They are becoming more
2011; West and Bogers, 2013). In order to important owing to the value of density and
access this knowledge, firms do not only proximity in the evolution of a knowledge
need absorptive capacities and adequate and technology driven economy and the
search strategies, they also need to interact emergence of open innovation approaches.
with these external sources. Geographic The link between local knowledge envir-
proximity can certainly facilitate the onments and innovation in firms is not a uni-
exchange of knowledge (Figueiredo et al., directional one. Firms may not only seek for
2015; Jaffe et al., 1993; Singh and Marx, knowledge proximity, their innovation activ-
2013; Thompson, 2006). The more tacit ities may also shape their local knowledge
knowledge is, the more important is face-to- environment and affect innovation in other
face communication, mutual understanding, firms, owing to the public good property of
a common background and trust in order to innovation (Duranton and Puga, 2004).
learn from others (Audretsch and Feldman, Close proximity between knowledge sources
1996; Gertler, 2003; Howells, 2002). and innovative firms can hence form a local
Combining specialised knowledge sources innovative milieu where actors mutually pro-
and diverse actors in a city helps to avoid vide inputs for innovation (Gertler, 2003).
lock-in that may emerge if close interaction The literature on innovative clusters has
among local actors restrict openness and demonstrated how this process can form
searching beyond the local boundaries dynamic regional concentrations of innova-
(Boschma, 2005). tive activities (see Audretsch, 2003; Feldman
Knowledge exchange can take place in and Audretsch, 1999; Forman et al., 2016;
different ways. One is when workers move Glaeser, 2000; Klepper, 2010; Porter, 1996;
between firms as much of the critical knowl- Saxenian, 1994).
edge needed for innovation is embedded in A key but yet little-explored issue is the
workers (Combes and Duranton, 2006; exact geographic scale at which the proxim-
Fosfuri and Rønde, 2004). Cities provide a ity to knowledge sources can stimulate inno-
particularly favourable environment for this vation and knowledge spillovers. Personal
type of knowledge exchange as workers can interaction certainly facilitates this process
Rammer et al. 999

(Glaeser, 1999, 2000). The potential for per- knowledge providers may increase the
sonal interaction is assumed to decay rapidly chance of getting in contact with them and
with distance (Larsson, 2014). Close spatial exchanging information, including coinci-
proximity can also drive job-switching and dental contacts. Personal contacts can also
associated knowledge flows (Larsson, 2017). facilitate the move of workers between firms.
Recent research has stressed the specific role Direct neighbourhood may also increase the
of such microgeographic1 configurations. opportunity to observe activities of neigh-
Kabo et al. (2014) use path overlap within bours and stimulate learning.
an academic research building as a measure We investigate the role of the local knowl-
of proximity and examine how physical edge environment of innovative and non-
space is shaping the formation and success innovative firms in urban areas, using Berlin
of scientific collaborations. They find that as the place for our empirical analysis.
when two researchers traverse paths with Detailed firm address data allow for a micro-
greater overlap, both their propensity to geographic analysis at a scale of 50-m dis-
form new collaborations and to win grant tances and below. At the same time, our
funding for their joint work increase. data include information on innovation
Catalini (2016) shows that researchers’ co- activities of a very large sample of firms in
locations matter for the rate, quality and manufacturing and services in Berlin for a
direction of scientific collaboration. Using five-year period. This provides the opportu-
data on research labs that were forced to nity to examine how innovation activities
move within a Paris university campus with- relate to changes in the innovation activities
out being able to choose their new location, of surrounding firms, including relocations,
he found that collaboration between two start-ups and closures.
labs increases significantly if the labs have Our research is explorative in nature. The
moved to the same place, as long as the type main aim is to describe the local knowledge
of research done in both labs is sufficiently environment of innovative and non-
similar. Jang et al. (2017) demonstrate for innovative firms and their spatial proximity
the mobile gaming industry in Seoul that to different knowledge sources on a micro-
firms specialising in similar aspects of prod- geographic scale. We focus on three types of
uct innovation tend to locate in a single clus- knowledge sources:
ter within the city. Andersson et al. (2017)
find that firms may benefit from both spe-
(1) The location of universities and
cialisation and diversification economies by
research institutes as a major source of
locating in neighbourhood-level industry
knowledge and talented people for
clusters within diversified cities.
innovative firms (Agrawal et al., 2014;
While these microgeographic studies
Anselin et al., 1997; Feldman and
focus on collaboration and the performance
Florida, 1994; Roper et al., 2017).
of researchers and other individuals within
(2) Entrepreneurship clusters which pro-
the same organisation, there is little research
vide both a source for innovation, and
on the role of the microgeographic config-
may challenge existing firms to respond
uration of the knowledge environment at the
to new market entries by increasing
firm level. In this article, we analyse whether
their own innovative efforts (Chatterji
spatial proximity can play a decisive role for
et al., 2014; Duvivier and Polèse, 2018;
firms’ innovation in urban areas. The direct
Glaeser et al., 2010).
neighbourhood to other firms and other
1000 Urban Studies 57(5)

(3) Micro-clusters of innovative firms that We deal with this selection issue in two
facilitate learning and specialisation in ways. For investigating differences in the
innovation (Boix et al., 2015; Jang local knowledge environment of innovative
et al., 2017). and non-innovative firms, it is important to
consider firm characteristics which may
Duranton and Puga (2001) stressed the affect both innovation decisions and the
importance to distinguish product and pro- choice of location. We apply a matching
cess innovation when analysing innovation approach (Heckman et al., 1998) to ensure
in an urban environment. They showed that that we compare innovative firms with non-
product innovation tends to be linked to innovative ones that share the same basic
diversified knowledge sources while cost- characteristics so that differences in the local
reducing process innovation are linked to knowledge environment cannot be attrib-
more specialised places. We follow them and uted to these characteristics.
separate product from process innovation. While matching is usually employed to
In addition, we distinguish novel product identify treatment effects of policy interven-
innovations (new-to-the-market) from the tion, the method is also useful for our pur-
imitation of innovative ideas and consider pose. We match each innovative firm i in
whether a firm conducts in-house R&D since our sample with a non-innovative firm j
different knowledge sources may be required which shows the same basic characteristics.
for different degrees of novelty and types of For this purpose, we estimate the propensity
innovative knowledge (Leiponen and Helfat, score for each innovative firm Pðxi , bÞ and
2011; Rammer et al., 2009). consider only innovative firms with common
support, i.e. for which the probabilities do
not exceed the maximum and do not fall
Methodology below the minimum of the probabilities of
When investigating the relation between a non-innovative firms. xi represents firm
firm’s local knowledge environment and its characteristics (size and age) and b is a para-
innovation activities, endogeneity problems meter. In order to ensure that each pair of
emerge immediately. Since geography mat- innovative and non-innovative firm comes
ters for innovation, firms will try to choose from the same sector, we require exact
locations that fit best to their innovation matching for a firm’s sector affiliation (seci
activities and may locate in close proximity = secj, sec being the 2-digit level of ISIC
to other innovative firms and important rev. 2). The difference d between an innova-
knowledge sources (Leiponen and Helfat, tive firm i and a non-innovative firm j (out
2011). This self-selection of innovative actors of the entire group of non-innovative firms
into certain urban neighbourhoods can be a N0) is given by:
main driver for the emergence of innovative  0   
districts within a city (Katz and Bradley, ^  P k x0 , b
dkij = Pk xi , b ^ 8j = 1, . . . , N 0
2013; Katz and Wagner, 2014). Our data
show that innovative firms indeed cluster in ð1Þ
certain locations (see Figure 2) which sug-
Based on (1), we calculate the Malahanobis
gests that a selection process may be at work.
distance (MD)
At the same time, locations may change their
characteristics if they host innovative firms, 0
MDij = dij k O(1) d8j=1, . . . , N 0 for seci =secj
e.g. if research institutes relocate towards
existing innovative clusters. ð2Þ
Rammer et al. 1001

to find the nearest non-innovative firm j for focus firm i’s later innovation activities. At
each innovative firm i. O represents the cov- the same time, innovation dynamics in a
ariance matrix based on non-innovative firm i’s local environment may alter the
firms. Note that the matching is performed firm’s opportunities for innovating. If
for each type k of innovation separately. neighbouring firms introduce innovations,
Owing to the large data set we have at hand, innovative firms move into firm i’s neigh-
the matching resulted in a high quality. The bourhood, or innovative start-ups open
common support criteria was met for each their business in firm i’s neighbourhood,
innovative firm, and after matching size and firm i may be stimulated by these activities
age differences between innovative and non- and may learn for its own innovative
innovative firms were completely insignifi- efforts. Similarly, the loss of an innovative
cant. By ensuring that each innovative firm environment because of closures or moving
is matched with a non-innovative one from out of innovative firms or stopping of
the same 2-digit sector, we take also into innovative activities in neighbouring firms
account the very different locational require- might discourage innovation in firm i. In
ments of manufacturing and services firms. order to test the relation between past
The second approach to tackle endogene- innovation dynamics in the local environ-
ity is to analyse whether changes in innova- ment on current innovation IN in firm i,
tion activities of neighbouring firms in the we run the following regression model:
past are correlated with a firm’s current X X
innovation activities in t. For this purpose, INi,k t = a + bkm IDkmj, t1 + g l CTli, t
we consider five types of changes in innova- m l
tion activities of firm j in period t21 which + ei, t i 6¼ j; ni = nj
is located in the neighbourhood n of firm i
ID represents the different types m of inno-
(1) transition of firm j from innovative to vation dynamics variables (transition of sta-
non-innovative between t22 and t21 tus, moving in and out, start-up and closure
(and vice versa) while firm j remains of firms) based on the number of firms
located in neighbourhood n in t22, reporting a respective dynamic in firm i’s
t21 and t; neighbourhood n. CT represents control
(2) moving in of an innovative or non- variables l that may affect firm i’s innova-
innovative firm j in t21 into neigh- tion decision in t, such as size, age and sec-
bourhood n (and staying in n in t); tor. a is a constant, b and g are parameters
(3) moving out of an innovative or non- to be estimated, and e is the error term.
innovative firm j in t21 from neigh- In both the matching and the regression
bourhood n; model approach, we consider five types k of
(4) foundation of a new firm j (innovative innovative firms:
or non-innovative) in t21 in neigh-
bourhood n (which remains located in
(1) innovator (product and/or process)
n in t);
(2) product innovator (goods and/or
(5) closure of a firm j (innovative or non-
innovative) in t21 in neighbourhood n.
(3) new-to-market innovator (i.e. novel
product innovation)
We assume that past innovation dynamics (4) process innovator
in other firms are rather exogenous to a
1002 Urban Studies 57(5)

(5) firms with continuous in-house R&D design, quality control and data processing
activity routines (see Peters and Rammer, 2013, for
more details). The Berlin Innovation Panel
Note that firms can have different types of as well as the German Innovation Survey
innovations in the same period. All indica- are conducted by the Centre for European
tors refer to well-established definition and Economic Research (ZEW) as a voluntary
measures proposed in the Oslo Manual mail survey (including an online response
(OECD and Eurostat, 2005) and applied in option) on an annual base. This paper uses
the Community Innovation Surveys (CIS) of the first five waves of the Berlin Innovation
the European Commission and are measured Panel conducted in the years 2012 to 2016
in a binary (yes/no) way. Such indicators are which cover the reference years 2011 to
well suited for measuring innovation in small 2015.
firms since small firms usually only have one The gross sample of the survey includes
or few innovations within a certain period of basically all firms of the target population of
time. The chosen indicators are also well sui- the survey and has been refreshed in 2013
ted for capturing innovation both in manu- and 2015 to compensate for firm closures
facturing and services. Using quantitative and firms moving out of Berlin. Panel mor-
indicators such as R&D expenditure or sales tality is substantially high in the Berlin panel,
with new products is often less useful as they reflecting high dynamics in the urban firm
can be subject to extreme values in small sector. The response rate of the survey is
firms and may overrate differences in inno- around 20%, which is somewhat lower than
vation performance (see Rammer et al., the response rate in the German Innovation
2009). As about 80% of the firms in our Survey (25–30%), reflecting a lower propen-
empirical study are small firms with fewer sity of survey participation among smaller
than 50 employees, and about 70% are from firms. Following the German Innovation
service sectors, we believe that the choice of Survey, the Berlin Innovation Panel includes
binary indicators is adequate for our study. a comprehensive non-response survey which
collects information on the presence of prod-
uct and process innovation as well as in-
house R&D activities, applying the same def-
The empirical analysis is based on a unique initions as the paper/online questionnaire.
panel data set on innovation activities of The non-response survey is based on a strati-
Berlin-based firms, the ‘Berlin Innovation fied sample of non-responding firms and is
Panel’. This panel survey has been initiated conducted by telephone. The number of
in 2012 by the Technical University of Berlin firms covered by the non-response survey
and has received funding since 2013 from exceeds the number of responding firms,
the Technologiestiftung Berlin. The survey leading to a high share of firms from the
covers all legally independent enterprises gross sample for which innovation-related
with five or more employees in manufactur- information has been collected (between
ing and knowledge-intensive services2 that 42% and 47%). Table 1 provides details on
are headquartered in Berlin. The survey is the sample size of the Berlin Innovation
conducted as part of the German Innovation Panel.
Survey,3 which is the German contribution The high dynamics in the Berlin firm sec-
to the CIS. It shares all methodological fea- tor reduces the panel nature of the data. In
tures with the CIS, including questionnaire the first five survey years, a total of 7936
Rammer et al. 1003

Table 1. Sample size of the Berlin Innovation Panel.

Survey year Gross Not Responses (#) Non-response Response Response

sample (#) utili-sablea (#) (NR) survey (#) rate (%)b rate incl.
NR (%)b

2012 4927 908 770 909 19.2 41.8

2013 5275 914 806 1101 18.5 43.7
2014 4886 782 752 997 18.3 42.6
2015 4810 918 791 1048 20.3 47.3
2016 4002 554 707 901 20.5 46.6

Notes: aFirm closure, moving out of Berlin, wrong address because of relocation, etc.
As a percentage of gross sample net of not utilisable addresses.

different firms have been surveyed, but only below. Details about geocoding of the
2092 firms were surveyed in all five years. As address data are provided in the
the unbalanced nature of the survey limits Supplementary Material (available online).
our analysis with respect to measuring inno- Figure 1 illustrates the geographic detail of
vation activities that take place in a firm’s our firm-level innovation status data for the
neighbourhood, we extended the data set central area of Berlin.
towards a more balanced panel by interpo- Data on the five innovation indicators
lating and extrapolating observations. For and on firm-level control variables are taken
this purpose, we exploit additional data directly from the survey. While innovation is
from the Mannheim Enterprise Panel self-reported by firms, there are no incentives
(MEP), which is the sampling pool for the for firms to over- or under-report innova-
survey,4 on firm foundation and closure. tion. To clarify the concept of innovation,
Annual address, employment and sector the survey includes examples for different
data from the MEP are used to fill in geo- types of innovations for the sector of the
graphic, employment and sector informa- firm. 39.0% of the firms in our sample have
tion. For innovation indicators, inter- and introduced an innovation. 31.2% are classi-
extrapolation is facilitated by the fact that fied as product innovators, 5.4% have intro-
each indicator refers to a three-year refer- duced a market novelty, 24.4% are process
ence period, following the common practice innovators and 21.2% conduct in-house
of the CIS and the recommendations of the R&D continuously. The average size of firms
Oslo Manual (OECD and Eurostat, 2018). is 86 employees (at full-time equivalents) and
Details on the procedure are provided in the the average age of the firms is 21 years.
Supplementary Material (available online). 34.4% of the firms are from manufacturing
In that way, we extended the total number sectors (including construction, energy and
of year-firm observations to 13,405.5 The water supply, and waste treatment) and
more balanced panel contains 3723 different 65.6% from service sectors.
firms. The average number of observations The geographic distribution of innovative
per firm is 3.6. and non-innovative firms is highly uneven.
Address information for each firm in Figure 2 shows for product/process innova-
each year allows us to exactly geolocate tors a number of clusters with a high share
firms and to calculate distances to other of innovative firms as well as areas with pre-
knowledge sources at a scale of 50 m and dominantly non-innovative firms. Some
1004 Urban Studies 57(5)

Figure 1. Example for the geographic distribution of firms in Berlin by innovation status.

Figure 2. Clusters of innovative and non-innovative firms (product or process innovators) in Berlin.
Rammer et al. 1005

Table 2. Location indicators.

Group Indicator Short name Unit

Universities, Universities uni_[d] No. of students

research institutes Research institutes ins_[d] No. of researchers
Entrepreneurship Firms moving in fin_[d] No. of firms
Start-up activity st_[d] No. of firms
Micro-clusters Stock of firms in same sector fst_[d] No. of firms
Innovation dynamics Incoming innovators/non-innovators in[k]1_[d]/in[k]0_[d] No. of firms
Outgoing innovators/non-innovators ot[k]1_[d]/ot[k]0_[d] No. of firms
Transition into/out of innovator ch[k]1_[d]/ch[k]0_[d] No. of firms
Innovative/non-innovative start-ups nf[k]1_[d]/nf[k]0_[d] No. of firms
Closing innovators/non-innovators cl[k]1_[d]/cl[k]0_[d] No. of firms

Notes: [d]: alternative distance thresholds: 50 m, 100 m, 250 m 500 m, 1000 m, 2500 m; [k]: type k of innovation activity.

clusters relate to Katz and Wagner’s (2014) (1) Universities and research institutes:
‘anchor plus’ model which describes innova- number of students in universities and
tion districts with a rich base of related number of researchers in research insti-
firms, entrepreneurs and spin-off companies tutes in firm i’s neighbourhood n in year
in downtown and mid-town areas of central t. The data have been collected based on
cities centred around a major anchor institu- our own inquiry and include 63 loca-
tion (e.g. the Charlottenburg district around tions of universities and 83 locations of
the Technical University) while others repre- research institutes (see Figure 2).
sent ‘re-imagined urban areas’ (industrial or (2) Entrepreneurship: number of firms
warehouse districts that underwent transfor- newly started in firm i’s neighbour-
mation, e.g. Friedrichshain). The Adlershof hood n in t21, number of firms that
and Buch clusters in the southeast and the moved into firm i’s neighbourhood in
northeast correspond to Katz and Wagner’s t21 (either from Berlin or from else-
‘urbanised science park’ type. More details where), considering only the sectors
on these clusters and their sector composi- that are covered by the Berlin
tion is provided in the Supplementary Innovation Panel. Data are taken
Material (available online). from the MEP.
The maps shows the difference in local (3) Micro-clusters: number of firms active
firm densities between innovative and non- in the same 2-digit sector as firm i in
innovative firms The densities are based on firm i’s neighbourhood n in year t.
kernel density estimation using triweight Data are taken from the MEP.
kernels with radius 1.5 km and identical (4) Innovation dynamics: number of firms
weights (1.0) for all firms. In order to facili- in firm i’s neighbourhood n that chan-
tate the visual presentation, the kernel den- ged their innovation status between
sity raster of innovative firms was multiplied years t21 and t, including firms that
by the relation of non-innovative to innova- have changed their innovation status,
tive firms. firms that moved in or out of the neigh-
Four groups of indicators describe the bourhood, and firms newly founded or
local knowledge environment of a firm (see closed. Data are taken from the Berlin
Table 2). Innovation Panel.
1006 Urban Studies 57(5)

For defining a firm i’s neighbourhood n, we have to choose locations that are rather dis-
use six different distance thresholds: 50, 100, tant from the university buildings.
250, 500, 1000 and 2500 m, measured as direct Another significant difference relates to
distance from the building in which a firm is the proximity to other firms that recently
located to the location of other firms, universi- have moved into a firm’s neighbourhood
ties and research institutes. Descriptive statis- (fin_[d]). A product innovator has on aver-
tics for all model variables, including data on age 2.8 new neighbours in a 50 m radius,
innovation dynamics of firms by type of inno- and 4.8 in a 100 m radius. This is 19% and
vation, can be found in the Supplementary 15% more than for firms without product
Material (available online). innovation. Product innovators also show a
larger number of recent start-ups (st_[d]) in
their neighbourhood, exceeding the number
Empirical results of start-ups of firms without product inno-
vation by 14% in a 100 m radius. We do not
Local knowledge environment of innovative
find higher local firm dynamics for process
firms innovators. In addition, we find some indi-
The result of the matching analysis reveals cation of localisation economies for product
significant differences in the local knowledge innovators as the number of firms from the
environment of innovative and non- innovating firm’s sector (fst_[d]) within a
innovative firms in Berlin (see Table 3). For 250 m radius is significantly higher.
both product and process innovators we find For market novelty innovators, the
statistically significant positive differences to results largely correspond to those for
non-innovators for the proximity to research product innovators. A main difference
institutes (in_[d]). An innovator on average relates to localisation economies. Firms
has three researchers from public research with market novelties are located in much
institutes located within a 50 m radius, closer proximity to other firms from their
which is 79% more than for non-innovators. sector as compared with similar firms with-
The difference is monotonously declining out market novelties. The number of same-
with increasing distance. The proximity to sector firms (fst_[d]) located within a 50 m
research institutes is significant up to a dis- radius is 39% higher. The number of firms
tance of about 1 km (except process innova- that have moved into the direct neighbour-
tors: 0.5 km). hood (fin_[d]) is 49% higher for a 50 m
For universities (uni_[d]), we find that radius and 36% higher for a 100 m radius.
within a distance of 0.5 to 1 km, the number The same holds for the number of start-ups
of university students in a firm’s neighbour- (st_[d]). Significant positive differences
hood is significantly higher for all product can be observed up to 250 m for firms mov-
innovators and market novelty innovators ing in (fin_[d]) and for start-ups (st_[d]),
while we do not find significant differences and up to 1 km for firms in the same sector
for smaller distances. This result may reflect (fst_[d]). For the proximity to research
the fact that most university buildings are institutes and universities the results are
rather huge and often located next to each- similar to those for all product innovators.
other on a campus, leaving little space for For firms conducting in-house R&D on a
other firms to locate nearby, except for firms continuous basis we find similar location pat-
that provide direct services to the university terns as for firms with market novelties. They
or to students (e.g. printing shops, facility show a higher number of firms in the same
management). Consequently, other firms will sector (fst_[d]) up to a 500 m radius. For the
Table 3. Differences in the proximity to knowledge sources by type of innovation: Results of matching analyses.

Variable Innovator Product innovator Market novelty Process innovator Continuous R&D
mean diff t value mean diff t value mean diff t value mean diff t value mean diff t value
Rammer et al.

uni_50 11 221 20.28 11 22 0.38 6 0 0.00 17 52 1.09 11 41 0.61

uni_100 21 21 20.01 22 24 0.56 7 29 20.07 21 4 0.07 26 69 1.77
uni_250 147 16 0.75 164 19 0.93 157 32 0.69 159 16 0.70 188 56 2.73*
uni_500 982 25 2.99* 1068 27 3.22* 1517 48 3.28* 897 8 0.74 1356 52 6.85*
uni_1000 2760 14 2.51* 2928 17 3.03* 3657 43 4.47* 2622 4 0.55 3249 35 6.03*
uni_2500 12188 22 20.53 12437 2 0.48 12875 11 1.54 12086 23 20.66 12949 11 2.70*
ins_50 3.3 79 4.86* 3.7 76 4.36* 6.9 66 2.24* 3.1 70 3.65* 5 69 3.82*
ins_100 8.8 55 4.49* 9.3 52 3.76* 13 51 2.15* 7.8 30 1.78 12 51 3.81*
ins_250 48 40 4.35* 53 46 5.00* 76 51 2.85* 47 28 2.68* 76 63 7.58*
ins_500 117 31 4.73* 128 38 5.76* 194 51 4.21* 114 18 2.35* 161 56 9.10*
ins_1000 286 17 3.06* 305 22 4.00* 398 36 3.52* 280 8 1.22 342 34 6.18*
ins_2500 1192 0 0.10 1219 5 1.45 1275 9 1.16 1158 27 21.72 1244 7 1.62
fst_50 0.5 21 20.16 0.5 11 1.39 0.8 39 2.92* 0.4 217 21.71 1 26 3.14*
fst_100 0.7 1 0.12 0.7 12 1.77 0.9 30 2.40* 0.6 211 21.30 1 26 3.68*
fst_250 1.7 7 1.51 1.8 14 2.94* 2.5 34 3.71 1.7 4 0.67 2 23 4.34*
fst_500 4.0 3 0.63 4.2 6 1.42 5.2 26 3.07* 3.9 3 0.50 5 13 2.71*
fst_1000 11 0 20.07 11 3 0.64 13 19 2.19* 11 22 20.44 12 7 1.44
fst_2500 43 28 22.10* 44 29 22.08* 43 22 20.24 42 28 21.89 44 27 21.43
fin_50 2.6 17 1.81 2.8 19 2.00* 4 49 2.69 2.5 29 20.77 3 25 2.75*
fin_100 4.6 13 1.96* 4.8 15 2.25 6 36 2.51* 4.4 25 20.67 5 18 2.41
* *
fin_250 15 4 0.74 16 9 1.67 18 29 2.84* 15 0 0.02 16 6 1.01
fin_500 44 27 21.34 45 1 0.15 47 14 1.36 44 26 21.16 46 0 0.05
fin_1000 140 28 21.98* 144 0 20.02 142 6 0.60 139 29 22.03* 146 1 0.16
fin_2500 646 25 21.56 657 21 20.19 650 5 0.71 644 26 21.89 674 2 0.58
st_50 0.2 12 1.28 0.2 13 1.35 0.3 51 3.14* 0.2 1 0.05 0 14 1.24
st_100 0.4 14 2.12* 0.5 14 1.98* 0.5 34 2.34* 0.4 4 0.53 0 11 1.26
st_250 1.7 5 0.89 1.7 9 1.62 1.9 24 2.02* 1.7 5 0.83 2 4 0.59
st_500 5.2 21 20.11 5.3 1 0.28 5.5 13 1.20 5.3 3 0.51 5 2 0.38
1008 Urban Studies 57(5)

t value
number of ingoing firms (fin_[d]), significant

effects are confined up to a 100 m radius. In
Continuous R&D
diff addition, proximity to research institutes
(ins_[d]) is much higher for continuously
318 / 7510
R&D performing firms. They also tend to be
located closer to university campuses

(uni_[d]) than any other type of innovation


active firms. Proximity to start-ups (st_[d]) is

not higher for firms with continuous R&D.
t value


The results presented above refer to

firms across all sectors. While the matching
Process innovator

approach controls for firm sector affiliation,


there might be a systematic difference between


592 / 7158

manufacturing and services owing to the dif-

ferent role of external knowledge sources in

their innovation process. When matching sep-


arately for manufacturing and service firms

(for results see the Supplementary Material,
t value


available online), we find that the results hold

for manufacturing but not for services, except
Notes: *p \ 0.05. diff: difference to control group in %. aNumber of innovative/non-innovative firms.
Market novelty

for continuous R&D where we also see that



2558 / 7584

service firms with continuous R&D are

located in closer proximity to universities and

research institutes, and they have a larger


number of other firms nearby.

t value


Innovation dynamics in a firm’s

Product innovator


3305 / 6778

The second part of our empirical analyses


investigates the role of prior changes in


other firms’ innovation activity in the neigh-


bourhood of a focal firm. These changes

refer to firms already located in the area
which start or stop to innovate (including
t value


closures) or move in or out (including start-

ups). We assume that a firm’s innovation of
type k is particularly affected if changes in

the same type of innovation occur nearby.

4119 / 5924

In order to limit the variety of results, we

Table 3. Continued

define a firm’s neighbourhood by a 250 m



radius only since the analysis in the previous

section has shown that the 250 m distance
threshold is often a demarcation between

# obs.a

significant and insignificant differences in

location patterns. We use regression models
Rammer et al. 1009

to analyse the link between a firm’s innova- smaller value (0.9 percentage points, the
tion activities (‘dependent variable’) and average share of firms with market novelties
innovation dynamics in its neighbourhood is 5.9% in our sample).
(‘independent variable’) while controlling for The probability to introduce a process
size, age and sector. Our results should be innovation increases if neighbouring firms
interpreted as correlations and not causal have introduced process innovations in the
effects, as we cannot rule out that past inno- previous year. The estimated marginal effect
vation dynamics in a firm’s local environ- is 1.4 percentage points, while the average
ment were influenced by the firm’s current share of process innovators in the sample is
innovation activities, considering the steady- 24.6%. This finding indicates a kind of local
state nature of innovation. learning effect if firms can observe process
We use three different dependent vari- innovation activities of their neighbours. For
ables: (a) the probability of a firm i to report continuous R&D, we find similar results as
innovation of type k in year t (irrespective for product innovation. If neighbouring firms
whether firm i has reported the same type of started or stopped continuous R&D activities
innovation in t21), (b) the probability of a in the previous year, the probability to con-
firm i to enter into innovation k in t (i.e. firm duct continuous R&D increases. A high tur-
i hat no innovation of this type in t21), and bulence in local R&D activities seems to
(c) the probability of a firm i to stop innova- stimulate a firm’s own R&D. In addition, the
tion k in t (while having reported this type in probability decreases if firms without continu-
t21). All independent variables are mea- ous R&D moved into the neighbourhood.
sured as change in the innovation status of We also run the regression analysis sepa-
neighbouring firms between t22 and t21. rately for manufacturing and service firms.
The estimation results are shown in Table 4. Again, most of the above findings are con-
We find that firms have a higher propen- firmed for manufacturing firms but fewer
sity to introduce a product innovation if for services, except for the findings on pro-
other firms in their neighbourhood started cess innovation and continuous R&D which
or stopped product innovation activity in the mainly apply to services. Owing to the lower
year before. The estimated marginal effect is number of observations in the split models,
rather low: 1.2 percentage points for ‘posi- fewer statistically significant results are found.
tive’ innovation dynamics and 2.1 percentage
points for ‘negative’ dynamics, compared to
an average share of product innovators in
Discussion and conclusion
the sample of 31.6%. This article made an attempt to explore the
If other firms in the neighbourhood intro- role of proximity to knowledge sources for
duced a market novelty in the previous year, innovation in firms in an urban environ-
or if firms with market novelties moved ment. Using panel data on Berlin-based
away or ceased business, the probability to firms and exact address data, we investi-
introduce a new-to-the-market innovation gated the firms’ knowledge environments at
increases significantly. The estimated mar- a microgeographic scale, zooming into a
ginal effects are quite large: 3.8 percentage firm’s neighbourhood at the level of individ-
points if firms with a market novelty moved ual buildings.
out and 6.6 percentage points if firms with When controlling for size, age and sector,
market novelties closed. In case neighbour- we find that innovative firms, opposite to
ing firms have introduced such innovations non-innovative firms, are located in places
in the previous period we find a much with a much higher number of other firms
Table 4. Estimation results of probit models on past innovation dynamics in a firm’s neighbourhood and the firm’s current innovation activities.

Innovation Product innovation Market novelty Process innovation Continuous R&D

m.E. std.err. m.E. std.err. m.E. std.err. m.E. std.err. m.E. std.err.

in1 20.014 0.020 20.021 0.022 0.013 0.026 0.008 0.022 20.006 0.019
in0 0.025 0.020 0.008 0.017 20.003 0.006 0.012 0.013 20.027 0.013*
ot1 0.013 0.019 0.001 0.020 0.038 0.016* 20.017 0.022 0.014 0.016
ot0 0.032 0.021 0.025 0.017 0.007 0.005 0.019 0.013 0.019 0.013
ch1 0.010 0.005 0.012 0.005* 0.009 0.005* 0.014 0.005* 0.023 0.011*
ch0 0.012 0.008 0.021 0.008* 20.001 0.005 0.007 0.006 0.021 0.008*
cl1 20.028 0.034 0.013 0.035 0.066 0.025* 20.027 0.037 0.028 0.052
cl0 20.024 0.035 20.004 0.029 0.015 0.011 20.019 0.025 0.000 0.022
nf1 0.133 0.143 20.036 0.154 0.321 0.216 0.053 0.054
nf0 20.032 0.040 0.014 0.034 0.004 0.013 20.022 0.029 0.022 0.026
lna 20.024 0.008* 20.023 0.008* 0.009 0.002* 20.016 0.007* 20.024 0.007*
lnb 0.067 0.005* 0.053 0.004* 0.148 0.082* 0.059 0.004* 0.044 0.004*
LR Chi2 1015.5 1103.5 372.9 467.5 1,209.8
Pseudo R2 0.112 0.131 0.168 0.062 0.179
# observations 6736 6742 4915 6754 6311

Notes: All models include sector dummies. aVariable omitted because of perfect correlation with dependent variable. *p \ 0.05.
Urban Studies 57(5)
Rammer et al. 1011

and start-ups in close vicinity (less than 250 results hold across all industries, pointing to
m) and with a higher inflow of other firms. a general micro-scale localisation advantage
Close proximity to research institutes and in urban areas that can be related to learning
universities is another distinctive feature of from observing nearby competitors. Again,
innovative firms. This finding is in line with our contribution to the literature is that loca-
a large number of studies that emphasise the lisation economies in urban areas seem to
role of local knowledge exchange between operate on a very small geographic scale,
science and industry as a key factor of inno- which is in line with some sector-specific
vation (Anselin et al., 1997; Jaffe et al., studies (see Arzaghi and Henderson, 2008;
1993). What our study shows is that the geo- Jang et al., 2017).
graphic scope of this exchange seems to be The innovation dynamics in a firm’s
very confined, at least in the context of urban neighbourhood in the recent past (defined as
spaces. Concerning the proximity to research changes in innovation activities in other
institutes, the concentration of innovative firms located within a 250 m radius) do show
firms already decreases beyond a 50 m radius. some relation to current innovation in firms.
Beyond a distance of 1 km, we do not find a As both ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ changes do
significant relation anymore. Product innova- play a role, it seems that local turbulence in
tors and firms with continuous R&D in par- innovation can motivate firms to consider
ticular are very closely located to science and innovation for themselves.
education institutions. These results point to This research is a first attempt to zoom
the importance of opportunities for meeting into the role of knowledge proximity for
each other in micro-spaces (Catalini, 2016; innovation in the city at a microgeographic
Kabo et al., 2014). The role of researcher level. While we believe that some of our
mobility between universities, research insti- results widen our understanding of the rela-
tutes and firms in the innovation process may tion between localised knowledge and firm
also enhance close proximity between them innovation, many important research ques-
(Kaiser et al., 2015). In addition, some inno- tions remain open. First, we refrained from
vative firms may be spin-offs from research examining the exact urban environment in
facilities or firms that choose a science park which a firm operates, e.g. urban infrastruc-
location in order to establish or ease interac- ture, density or amenities. In that way, our
tions with science (see Löfsten and Lindelöf, study is somewhat blind to the urban con-
2002; Phan et al., 2005). However, the share text that shapes innovation districts in cities
of innovative firms located in science parks in (Katz and Bradley, 2013; Katz and Wagner,
all innovative firms in Berlin is at about 7%, 2014). In future studies, one should compare
implying that the overall results cannot be the role of knowledge proximity for different
determined by this small group. innovation districts within a city.
Another important finding of our analysis Second, we can only observe correlations
relates to the role of microgeographic indus- between innovation and local knowledge
trial clusters. For firms with market novelties sources. We do not know to what extent
or continuous in-house R&D, close proxim- firms actually interact with these knowledge
ity (up to 250 m) to other firms from the sources and how knowledge is exchanged.
same sector is a distinctive feature. In addi- Third, though we do have panel data, the
tion, a firm’s probability to introduce a new- limited length of our time series (5 years)
to-market innovation increases significantly prevents a more in-depth analysis of how
if neighbouring firms have introduced such changes in the local knowledge environment
innovations in the previous period. These are associated with changes in innovation.
1012 Urban Studies 57(5)

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