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Industrial Marketing Management: Jan-Åke Törnroos, Aino Halinen, Christopher J. Medlin

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Industrial Marketing Management 61 (2017) 10–19

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Industrial Marketing Management

Dimensions of space in business network research

Jan-Åke Törnroos a,⁎, Aino Halinen b, Christopher J. Medlin c
Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
University of Turku, Finland
University of Adelaide, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Interactive processes constitute a core notion in business exchange, leading to the concepts of relationships and
Received 30 April 2015 networks. The constitution of process, comprising unfolding events, activities, and connected structures, relies on
Received in revised form 10 May 2016 difference in space and time. While research has been devoted to time, the concept of space has thus far remained
Accepted 15 June 2016
largely unexplored within business network research.
Available online 23 June 2016
This conceptual paper focuses on spatial dimensions for conducting research according to the IMP business net-
work approach. Business actors create connected relationships and networks that exist and change as continuous
Network space emerging spatial structures and as mental maps in the managerial mindset. These relational network processes
Economic geography and structures are located, distributed and experienced in and across space. Drawing on economic geography
Interaction and conceptual frameworks from the business network approach, we propose new dimensions and conceptual-
Business networks izations of space for the study of these networks. The paper delivers proposals to extend our current understand-
Relational space ing of business networks as emerging and changing spatio-temporal entities with implications for theory
Process research development, research and practice.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

and the connected structure occupy an inbuilt and central position, play
the key role.
“A network approach requires identifying actors in networks, their on-
Analyzing some key constructs of the IMP network approach reveals
going relations and the structural outcome of these relations. Networks
the important but predominantly implicit presence of both time and
therefore become the foundational unit of analysis for the understand-
space in research constructs. A plethora of concepts related to time
ing of the global economy, rather than individuals, firms or nation
and process can be found in the central constructs of the tradition,
states” (Dicken, Kelly, Olds, & Yeung, 2001).
including e.g. interaction, relationships, activities, processes, stability
and change, episodes, events, and path dependence (e.g. Ford, 2001;
Håkansson, 1982; Håkansson & Snehota, 1989, 1995; Håkansson et al.,
1. Introduction 2009). There are also many central concepts that include a spatial di-
mension, such as network structure, resources, actors, position, links,
Business relationships and networks constitute an avenue of re- ties, embeddedness, and network horizon. All of these concepts exhibit
search both within industrial marketing and in the current research to some degree an inherent temporal or spatial loading. Network links
on economic geography. Interaction between firms is a key process and ties as located and connected entities relate to existing structures
through which companies relate their activities and resources to each in geographic space. Companies and their facilities are located in specific
other, forming networks of interconnected business relationships. The places, and resources are combined by various activities through their
Industrial Marketing & Purchasing Group (IMP) of researchers has locations, physically and/or virtually. Social bonds, such as trust and
been developing the interaction and network approach in business mar- commitment, relate on the other hand to socio-cognitive dimensions
keting since the late 1970s (Ford, 2001; Ford, Gadde, Håkansson, & existing in the mental space between interacting actors.
Snehota, 2003; Håkansson, 1982; Håkansson, Ford, Gadde, Snehota, & While space has been identified as an area in need of research
Waluszewski, 2009; Håkansson & Snehota, 1995). In this tradition, net- (Håkansson et al., 2009; Tidström & Hagberg-Andersson, 2012;
work actors, their activities and joint resources, where time and process Törnroos, 1991a), it has received scant attention as a key conceptual
framework within the IMP network approach. Apart from a few recent
⁎ Corresponding author.
contributions (e.g. Cantù, 2010; Eklinder-Frick, Eriksson, & Hallén,
E-mail addresses: (J.-Å. Törnroos), 2011; Nicholson, Tsagdis, & Brennan, 2013), the concept of space and
(A. Halinen), (C.J. Medlin). geography has remained unexplored and is not taken explicitly into
0019-8501/© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
J.-Å. Törnroos et al. / Industrial Marketing Management 61 (2017) 10–19 11

account within this domain. Yet the notion of space provides a core basis but the notion of space has only recently been proposed as a relevant di-
for e.g. resource heterogeneity, embeddedness and the overarching mension to be included in IMP network research (see e.g. Håkansson et
business network structure. al., 2009, pp. 38–45). Theoretically, in the IMP network approach space
In economic geography, the dimensions of time and space differen- has been conceived through three focal elements: interdependency of
tiate a business network virtually and geographically as well as socially activities, heterogeneity of resources, and jointness of business actors
and culturally (Dicken, 2007; Dicken et al., 2001; Yeung & Coe, 2014). (Håkansson et al., 2009, pp. 38–45). Space has been seen as a context
Overcoming spatial and other distances in exchange requires time, for interaction, or as a network structure that positions each actor and
and the spatial positioning of actors occurs relative to time and the their interactions in its connected business landscape.
timing of business actions. To discuss space from this perspective with- Space has therefore in some form been, at least implicitly, present in
out also considering time seems likely to be unproductive. business network studies. In studying internationalization from a net-
Therefore, we find it important in this study to clarify and deepen work perspective (Fletcher & Barrett, 2001; Fletcher, 2008; Johanson &
the concept of space in business network research. We posit that Mattsson, 1988; Johanson & Vahlne, 2009; Törnroos, 1991), the spatial
space, like time, should be seen as a multifaceted human dimension of dimension is by necessity accounted for. In these studies, the spatial di-
social change (cf. Andersson & Mattsson, 2010b, 61), and that space can- mension is often closely related to country-level issues and recently also
not easily be captured with one or even a few chosen perspectives, con- to global processes. Also, the concept of distance has played an impor-
cepts, or patterns of thought. This study differentiates between various tant role, whether regarded as a physical, cultural, or psychic category
spatial constructs, and adds to the extant literature by proposing a con- (Törnroos, 1991a,b). Studies on regional networks take the proximity
ceptual model of space pertinent to understanding the development of of companies and other actors in a specified geographical area as a
interactive business networks. The purpose of the model is to enhance focal point of departure in examining some focal aspect of business net-
and direct research on how space affects and is constructed in a business works, e.g. industry decline (Nicholson et al., 2013), R&D operations
network. (Johanson & Lundberg, 2007), knowledge transformation (Cantù,
We draw on conceptual developments and approaches within eco- 2010), social capital (Eklinder-Frick et al., 2011). The central and pe-
nomic geography to shed light on how spatial concepts can be used as ripheral locations of suppliers (Kamp, 2007) and local and global origins
relevant frameworks and perspectives to study interactive networks of investor relations (Chen & Chen, 1998) exemplify network type
in business marketing. Other network viewpoints of relevance, e.g. so- studies in relation to location. Finally, in strategy research in
cial networks (Granovetter, 1985; Parkhe, Wasserman, & Ralstron, business networks, sensemaking by managers and the mental
2006) and strategic networks (Gulati, Nohria, & Zaheer, 2000; Jarillo, dimensions of network space have been pronounced (Henneberg,
1988), deserve treatments of their own, although the proposed concep- Naudé, & Mouzas, 2010; Tidström & Hagberg-Andersson, 2012).
tual model might be applicable there, too. The concept of network horizon (Holmen & Pedersen, 2003), and
Industrial networks in business markets and economic geography the recent growing number of studies around ‘network pictures’
share common ground, though little exploited to date. Nicholson et al. as cognitive maps, imply the idea of space, i.e. how human managers
(2013) argue that business network studies and economic geography mentally experience their relational business webs around them (see
“… often address similar (arguably identical) research problems, partic- e.g. Ford & Redwood, 2005; Henneberg, Mouzas, & Naudé, 2006;
ularly those pertaining to the analysis of regional development net- Laari-Salmela, Mainela, & Puhakka, 2015).
works, but with subtly distinct conceptual armories.” However, cross- Thus, we conclude that space plays mostly an implicit role in IMP
fertilization between the fields has been largely lacking, with only a business network research. The topic has occasionally arisen in studies
few authors working in the overlapping area (see e.g. Cantù, 2010; but has never been explicitly discussed or integrated into the develop-
Törnroos, 1991; Yeung, 1994, 2005). Based on the argued closeness ment of IMP network theory. In the recent research, the mental–cogni-
and similarity, the development of a spatial perspective would appear tive dimension of space has been strongly highlighted, but other spatial
to offer a promising opportunity to advance understanding of business dimensions have barely been addressed. In some concepts (network
networks. structure, distance, location) or in some studied contexts (global busi-
The structure of the paper is as follows. First, we review the IMP net- ness, regional networks), space is inherently involved indicating specific
work literature on how space is conceived and studied as part of busi- and relative positions in a spatial sense. We see these space dimensions
ness interaction and networks. Second, we introduce the viewpoints as fruitful avenues for further inquiry.
and conceptual contributions that economic geography can offer the
IMP network approach. Third, based on both streams of research, we de- 3. Geographical perspectives on space in business networks
velop a conceptual model of network space comprising the key spatial
dimensions of business networks. Fourth, we deepen the discussion Studies of the firm in economic geography, where the focus lies on
by adding three geospatial concepts: place, location, and distance, and the spatial organization of business operations, offer an important
integrating them into the model. Finally, we sum up the conceptual de- source of ideas for the conceptualization of space in networks. As the
velopment and discuss its implications for business network research as economic geographer Yeung (1998, 109) states, “Network relationships
well as practice. in their abstract sense are placeless, although they produce ‘networked
space’. But the concrete realization of network relations must always be
2. Spatial dimension in IMP business network studies embedded in place”, and “geography therefore plays a crucial role in
influencing the formation of networks” (Yeung, 1998, 116). This idea
Business networks are defined as sets of connected exchange rela- is supported by economic geographers studying business networks
tionships where one relationship affects another (Cook & Emerson, within their field (see e.g. Dicken, 2007; Dicken et al., 2001; Yeung &
1978). The concept of connection implies the idea of business exchange Coe, 2014; Coe & Yeung, 2015). This is also taken as a point of departure
occurring in and across space and in and through time. Here, the expres- for this study.
sion of ‘in’ concerns time and space as an arena or environment for busi- Economic geography has traditionally looked closely at how firms
ness interaction, whereas ‘across’ and ‘through’ suggest the socially locate their activities and what drives and motivates them to seek favor-
constructed forms of time and space, yet importantly including the sub- able or ‘optimal places’. The classical location theory of v. Thünen,
stantive interactions. Weber and their followers (see e.g. Isard, 1956; Lloyd & Dicken, 1979;
In the IMP approach, networks connect business relationships com- Smith, 1981) employs mainly quantitative methods together with gen-
prising actor bonds, activity links and resource ties (Håkansson & eral economic theory where space “… and the world as well as people in
Snehota, 1995). Business interaction and networks evolve in space, it were treated as objects rather than subjects” (Cresswell, 2009, 3).
12 J.-Å. Törnroos et al. / Industrial Marketing Management 61 (2017) 10–19

Research focused on restricted geographical environments and minimiz- In sum, the economic geographic dimension of space has thus devel-
ing transport costs by looking at distance in simple production units oped from classic studies on locations, physical dimensions, and dis-
through the eyes of ‘economic man’. Space in these theories deals tance, towards relational and mental constructs. A dynamic socio-
with physical–natural and relative notions of locations. In the spatial perspective has gained ground in economic geography since
1970s, Post-Weberian theories began to study the locations of mul- the late 1980s, including the idea of ‘space being produced’ (Harvey,
tinationals (Scott, 1988). Thereafter, the disintegration of MNCs and 1973; Lefébvre, 1991). Just as networks are created and differentiated
‘spatial division of labor’ in conjunction with post-Fordist produc- by managers through business relationships, interaction episodes and
tion systems and regional clusters emerged (Malecki, 1991). Ag- events, so too is network space produced and differentiated by actor
glomeration and location in cities, embedded ideas of activity and managers. This notion implies that space is necessarily related to the so-
regional dimensions as well as networks of business relationships cial world and that producing space relates to interplay between the so-
in spatially connected areas were also noted (Dicken, 2007; Markusen, cial and the spatial. As Yeung (1998) notes, space is related to social
1996; Yeung, 1998). Space and location theory also deals with the interactions and is “necessarily constructed and reproduced socially”
notion of mentally experienced spaces of economic activity and loca- (p. 110). Thus, the spatial element resides in reality, resulting from
tional investment (Malecki, 1991). human interaction, and forms a building block for networking and for
More recent theory and conceptual development in economic geog- producing network(ed) spaces.
raphy offers a relational perspective for spatial analysis (Bathelt &
Glückler, 2003; Dicken et al., 2001; Malecki, 1991; Yeung, 1998). The
idea of relational space came to the fore in the early 1970s (Harvey, 4. Space dimensions for the study of business networks
1973) and was later interpreted as ‘the relational turn’ in economic ge-
ography (see Bathelt & Glückler, 2003; Dicken & Thrift, 1992; Hess, In this section, we propose four space dimensions that are either ex-
2004). The relational idea concerns the process of spatial development plicitly or implicitly present both in the IMP network approach and in
as an outcome of intra-firm and extra-firm interactive business relation- economic geography. The first three describe different viewpoints for
ships in the global economy. The foundation of space as a product of examining specific dimensions of space at a point in time. It is striking
these social processes in relational economic geography is proposed to that separating out the first three dimensions is only possible when
rest on the four so-called ‘ions’: organization, evolution, innovation, in- the dynamic sense of a process is removed, whereas the fourth dimen-
teraction (Storper, 1997; Bathelt & Glückler, 2003; Bathelt, Malmberg, & sion is only apparent within a dynamic perspective. The first three di-
Maskell, 2004). Business interaction not only produces value, but also mensions of space particularly relevant to business network research
creates an organizing network structure that is connected and operates are:
in space. Such a network is constantly emerging through evolution and
revolution and often through new innovation processes. Space (in its o A structural network dimension that includes the nodes, links, ties and
network constellation) is relationally emerging in the sense that it is a bonds forming a connected network configuration in geographical
result of decisions and interactions undertaken by human managerial space.
actors. o A mental network dimension that defines the cognitive space in the
A relational view on space is a good fit with the business network form of network maps or ‘pictures’ as perceived by human actors
view of interactive relationships and networking as spatio-temporal in the network, and
emergent processes. From an IMP network approach you could howev- o A relative network dimension defined as the comparative and relative
er argue that the four ‘ions’ miss something essential: the role of strate- positions of corporate actors in the network space where they are
gizing by intentional actors and the need of adaptive mechanisms to embedded.
deal with unexpected developments.
The idea of relational network space, as we use it here, approaches
other network views drawn from economic geography and sociology. The inclusion of the fourth dynamic dimension is essentially new to
However, their perspective on networks may be quite different and IMP network theory:
their focal interest lies on somewhat other levels and issues. The Net-
work Society view of Castells (1996) and the Global Shift viewpoint by o A relational dimension that comprises business interactions and
Dicken (2007) take a spatial view of corporate network development, strategizing that create new network spaces, altering the former
in conjunction with globalization. Economic geographers' Global Pro- nodes and links, positions and roles between actors over time, and
duction Networks (GPN) approach (Coe & Hess, 2014; Yeung & Coe, constituting the three aforementioned dimensions of space.
2014; Coe & Yeung, 2015) place their interest mainly on industrial pro-
duction processes and global change in creating spatial production
structures and organizing networking processes. Their approach focuses The relational dimension denotes the emerging network creation
on three issues. First, the spatial fragmentation of production and con- process where the first three dimensions – structural, mental and rela-
sumption globally; second, the ongoing shift of global production net- tive – become enmeshed and undergo change. It provides a dynamic
works including a new agency of global labor, and new institutional view on space as socially produced, reproduced and changing.
and territorial networks; and third, a stated need to move beyond tradi- The concept of space we set out is essentially multidimensional. We
tional production networks and incorporate other actors and dimen- are inclined to agree with the human geographer Harvey (1985, p. 228)
sions of place in order to account for change processes in global on conceiving space in a contextualized and flexible way: “The concept
production. The inclusion of the local dimension in this global process of space is in itself multidimensional. … The lesson that should be
is also significant. Both structure and a relational spatial process view learned is that there is no need to take a rigid view of the spatial concept
prevail in the GPN approach (Coe & Yeung, 2015). The focus of GPN itself either for philosophical purposes or for purposes of empirical in-
aims to explain the current drivers of global production and its spatial vestigation. … The concept itself may thus be regarded as flexible – to
logic where the network organization and structure of leading firms is be defined in particular contexts, to be symbolized in particular ways,
the primary force. Instead of business market and management re- and to be formalized in a variety of spatial languages.” This multidimen-
search, the GPN approach mostly draws on the macroeconomic litera- sionality view calls for a framework that can contain and connect re-
ture (for notable exceptions see e.g. Yeung, 2005 and Gress, 2010). search ideas concerning space. Next, the four dimensions are defined
GPN also uses the Actor Network Theory, deviating from the IMP net- and discussed in the light of the economic geography and IMP business
work approach. network literatures.
J.-Å. Törnroos et al. / Industrial Marketing Management 61 (2017) 10–19 13

4.1. Structural network space Humanistic geographers developed the idea of mental space early
on (see Buttimer, 1976; Gould & White, 1986; Tuan, 1971, 1974,
We treat structural space here as the factual existence of phenomena 1975), but their contributions have barely been referred to in business
in space. This type of absolute space, “which is fixed, asocial, and time- network studies. The network picture idea is closely related to mental
less” (Warf, 2010, 2403) depicts a structure in a ‘frozen’ state. space and maps, but the geographers focus on feelings and experiences
In the IMP network approach, the concept of space is mostly and im- in a humanistic and phenomenological sense. This differs from the more
plicitly used to refer to the structural configuration of a network at a straightforward idea of network pictures as experientially based
specific point in time (Håkansson et al., 2009). This structural form en- real life network structures with a specific theoretical content and
ables the examination of the network as an institutional organizational operationalization (e.g. Henneberg et al., 2006; Ramos & Ford, 2011).
form along with its physical elements (i.e. nodes, links and ties existing In sum, if we look at mental maps of business actors we are focusing
in space) at one point only, thus disregarding the dynamic element. on how they experience, feel and make sense of their network relation-
The change in the bonds, links and ties that form the structure occurs ships and how they cognitively map the network space as if it were an
through interaction processes, between the actors who look to achieve existing structure of nodes and threads. As Tuan (1975, 209) posits,
their goals and respond to events of importance taking place within this is, however, an abstraction of reality and of the networks which in
their networks. This idea of a changing network structure aligns also themselves are a human construction. “Mental maps…provide some-
with a relational notion of time, where interacting parties simulta- thing to think with; they make it easier to focus and reorganize our
neously face both the past and future in the emerging present thoughts. They cannot, however, be read off in the way that a real
(Halinen & Törnroos, 1995; Dawson, 2013). The structure of the net- map can” (Tuan, 1975, 209). Tuan (1975) also tells us that mental
work needs to be analyzed in a frozen state in order to see its constitu- maps are mnemonic devices to memorize events, people, and things,
ents existing spatially at different points in time, and in order to make and also a means to structure and store knowledge. Thus, time in mental
sense of them as dynamic structures. network space is likely to be highly differentiated across actors, with
The notion of the structural network space emphasizes the physical– some individuals having highly fluid mental network space conceptual-
locational and structural–organizational aspects of spatial connections izations and others quite fixed.
in networks existing at a specific point in time. In reality, companies
strike business deals to exchange goods and services and information 4.3. Relative network space
across space, and combine and employ various resources in continuous
interaction. Companies, factories and offices represent an existing web In the economic geography literature, the relative notion of space
of actors wherein these connections and flows are enacted between has a locational aspect, which shows how one place or node in space
parties. Structural network space exists in the form of location nodes is related to another. Space being relative, is therefore comprehensible
in space as well as in form of existing activity links, resource ties and in reference to specific frames of interpretation. Harvey (2006) notes
actor bonds, which form the connections, interactions and diverse that “Space is relative in the double sense: that there are multiple geom-
flows (e.g. information, economic, technological) needed through etries from which to choose and that the spatial frame depends crucially
space. Thus, structural space at a specific point in time forms a spatial upon what it is that is being relativized and by whom…” (cited from
network connecting the nodes through specific interlinked threads. Warf, 2010, 2403). Thus, who is the actor and with whom and how do
they relate to the network are critical issues regarding what is consid-
4.2. Mental network space ered relevant in this sense.
Relative space leans conceptually on both structural as well as men-
The mental approach to network space adopts a humanistic perspec- tal space, but adds the relative dimension and perspective to both. This
tive on the issue and describes the cognitive–spatial element of how in- relative dimension is created from a social sensemaking process be-
dividual business actors subjectively experience the connected set of tween actors.
relationships surrounding their organization. The focus lies on with In a business network setting, relative space describes for instance
how business people make sense of the network and its structure, con- how an actor is positioned in relation to other actors in the existing net-
nectedness, extension, and actors' positions therein. As the mental net- work structure (Johanson & Mattsson, 1985), or how a company acts in
work space is subjective, the position of actors in the network can also a role according to other actors' expectations (Anderson, Havila,
carry the idea of actor power across space. Andersen, & Halinen, 1998). Embeddedness of business networks with-
Cognition and mental mapping have been studied in the IMP net- in global, regional, and local geographical layers, or different cultural
work research in the form of schemas or mental models (Welch & settings (Fletcher & Barrett, 2001; Halinen & Törnroos, 1998), can also
Wilkinson, 2002), network horizons as mental network boundaries be seen as a notion of relative space. The location of a company in a net-
(Holmen & Pedersen, 2003), and as mental ‘network pictures’ (Ford & work can be more or less favorable in relation to the company's cus-
Redwood, 2005; Henneberg et al., 2006). This stream of literature is re- tomers or material suppliers. The relativeness further contains a
ceiving considerable attention within the business network approach mental cognitive dimension, i.e. how the position or location of an
(Colville & Pye, 2010; Geiger & Finch, 2010; Laari-Salmela et al., 2015), actor in the network structure is perceived relative to other actors in
but with an emphasis on cognitive aspects and sensemaking by man- the network.
agers. However, the explicit spatial dimensions of the concept, residing In sum, the relative dimension concerns a specific spatial quality of
in the geographical literature, have largely been left unexplored. comparisons with other actors in the connected pattern of located
Humanistic geographers have since the late 1960s studied the expe- nodes. Similarly, it refers to a mental quality of comparisons with
riential role of space related to individuals as a distinct research area other actors. At a specific point in time, the relative positions and links
(Cresswell, 2009). This humanistic approach draws heavily on a phe- and connections between network actors can be mapped and analyzed.
nomenological philosophy of science (Buttimer, 1976; Tuan, 1971, The relativeness lends firms the potential to strategize, to enhance their
1976). Humanistic geography relates to place as the key spatial concept, roles and create positions through their specific locations in the
which can be seen as a central critique of humanistic geographers to- geospatial and mental landscape in a specific situation.
wards the quantitative geography dominating at the time (Cresswell,
2009). Sack (1993) notes that place draws together the natural, social 4.4. Relational network space
and intellectual properties of space. “Integrating these diverse realms
is another and combining effect of space and place - one that helps ex- The concept of relational space notes the human construction
plain the capacious qualities of geography.” (Sack, 1993, 328). composed of the preceding three space dimensions, also bringing in
14 J.-Å. Törnroos et al. / Industrial Marketing Management 61 (2017) 10–19

continuing emergence, as the business network is dynamically evolving

in time–space. The idea of relational space refers to social actors
interacting in an ongoing emergent way with each other in time and
space. Thus, the social and the spatial interact in a continuous process
of emerging events and activities because there is “…. no such thing as
purely spatial processes; there are only particular social processes oper-
ating over space” (Massey, 1985 cited in Bathelt & Glückler, 2003, 122).
In economic geography, the relational school of thought notes that
“space can neither be used as an explanatory factor for economic action
nor be treated as a separate research object in isolation from economic
and social structures and relations” (Bathelt & Glückler, 2003, 123).
Along these lines, we argue that business actors produce a network
space by forming spatial patterns through their relational investments.
This relational interactive process may concern e.g. supply activities,
new foreign investments in specific locations, or the planning distribu-
tion and logistics between actors. These specific activities constitute
spatial outcomes, i.e. connected network structures in space, between
the actors.
In the IMP network approach, space – conceptualized as a network
of relationships – leads to embedded positions of the actors, their re-
sources and activities. The focus is on companies and their relationships
(at the micro-level), yet stresses the central idea of connectedness. For
firms, a “… consequence of their relative positions in space is that we
cannot explain what happens in a single interaction process in isolation Fig. 1. Spatial model for network space.
from those others with which it is connected” (Håkansson et al., 2009,
93; see also Andersson & Mattsson, 2010a,b). This implies that the key only becomes clear in relation to other connected relationships
constituents of networks, i.e. actors, activities and resources, are config- (Håkansson et al., 2009, 93; Andersson & Mattsson, 2010a,b). Thus, in-
ured as an outcome of social interactions forming a relational network teractive processes create a relationally constituted network space,
space. thereby forming a constantly emerging and changing exchange struc-
In sum, in business network research the relational spatial dimen- ture. This relational notion of space also accounts for a human perspec-
sion has thus far not been brought to the fore. It comes into play when tive on networks and aligns well with the IMP research on ‘network
actors interact and relate to each other through their previous invest- pictures’ (see e.g. Ford & Redwood, 2005; Henneberg et al., 2006).
ments and in conjunction with the relative structural, geographical Thus, in Fig. 1, interaction processes and events create network
and strategic positions in the network. Each actor (individuals, depart- structures, mental perceptions and locations in space. The relational
ments, firms) has a structural position in relation to others, who in space dimension comprises the interplay of interactive social processes
turn have relative positions connected to other actors. Interaction pro- between business actors that creates the networks as well as being af-
cesses between these actors affect prospective others in the network, ei- fected by them when networking and interaction proceed. Pre-existing
ther directly or indirectly. Each actor also has a mental perspective on network space left from past interactions also affects present interactive
the network that has emerged through social processes and directs processes for an emerging future.
strategizing. Time and change are inherently present in relational net- Rooted in the economic geography literature and its notions of
work space, as compared to the structural, mental or relative network space, the proposed model is also well aligned with the IMP network
spaces, which show themselves in a specific way as an outcome of thinking. In Table 1, we list and evaluate a number of IMP studies that
socio-spatial processes. The network notion connects the temporal pro- focus on some of the presented aspects of space. The concepts of the
cesses (Medlin, 2004) and linkages with the spatial network (Ford & proposed model are used as analytical tools to assess how the spatial di-
Håkansson, 2006a,b). Analyzing network change through the dimen- mensions are, via our interpretation, present in the extant research.
sion of relational network space reveals the specific structure, mental In sum, the relational space dimension forms the multidimensional
perspective and relative notions of network space. spatial context for change in networks, bringing together the structural,
relative, and mental dimensions. The relational dimension rests on the
5. Building a model of Network Space schools of thought in the economic geography literature.

Fig. 1 integrates the proposed dimensions into a four-dimensional 6. Developing spatial notions in business network research
model of network space. We consider network space the overarching
concept that comprises the four proposed spatial dimensions. Each di- Thus far we have argued that space forms an inherent multi-dimen-
mension is qualitatively different, stressing a special angle of space, sion category for understanding business networks, especially in the
and thus enables specific research strands for inquiry. We contend, IMP network approach. To deepen this conceptual analysis, and to expli-
however, that these generic concepts are not mutually exclusive but cate it in more concrete terms, we will now draw on three spatial terms:
highly related to each other. The relational dimension of space forms a place, location, and distance. Each of these can be examined from a
dynamic process-based view of how interactions and events have a structural, mental, and relative viewpoint, in accordance with the
bearing on the spatial outcome of a business network. This central pro- four-dimensional model of network space.
cess approach to network space can be related to each of the dimensions
displayed in the lower area of Fig. 1. 6.1. Place
Network space exists as a specific, differentiated entity and is main-
tained by the connected network. In the upper part of Fig. 1, relational The concept of place assists in specifying networks and actors in
network space refers to the idea of networks as spatially existing and their structural space, but place is clearly also a relative concept that
constantly emerging relational and processual phenomena. In net- can be broadened geographically, as well as socially, culturally and
works, each interactive relationship and the activities involved therein mentally.
J.-Å. Törnroos et al. / Industrial Marketing Management 61 (2017) 10–19 15

Table 1
Examples of business network studies with different spatial dimensions.

Study and focus Method and network type Spatial dimension(s)

Törnroos (1991a,b) ­ Case studies Network space, other than mental

Internationalization of Finnish firms in the late ­ Network internationalization of firms and industries Physical, relative and relational space
1980s (paper and construction companies)
Fletcher and Barrett (2001); Fletcher (2008) ­ Single longitudinal case study Structural network space
Internationalization of an Australian white ­ Network embeddedness in internationalization Spatial business expansion across national borders over time in
goods manufacturing company developing network structures
Johanson and Lundberg (2007) ­ 37 firms, interviews Relative network space
Regional proximity in high-tech firms ­ High-tech networks in Mälardalen, Sweden The role of geographical proximity and location/nearness of firms
Kamp (2007) ­ 2 longitudinal case studies Relational and structural network spaces
Locational behavior in the Automobile industry ­ Central-peripheral supplier networks, location and Locational change in network structures for automobile
in Europe change production, and relations, in Europe
Cantù (2010) ­ Focused case study on different proximity dimensions Network space, other than mental
Local proximity in space in developing spin offs in spatial relationships Developing local competencies, spatial relations and spin-offs
of technological innovations ­ Spin-off networks from the University of Milan in from the local University Technology Park.
materials engineering
Eklinder-Frick et al. (2011) ­ Case study research on key actors in the network Structural and mental network spaces
Bridging and bonding forms of social capital in ­ Participant observation and interviews in 2004. New Bridging and social bonding mechanisms in developing a
a regional strategic network. round of interviews in 2010 strategic network
­ Strategic regional network
Tidström and Hagberg-Andersson (2012) ­ Comparative cases Structural, relative and mental network spaces
Networking processes and change in SME ­ SME networks changing from co-operation to Using inner (intra) and outer (extra) network spaces
relationships competition
Nicholson et al. (2013) ­ A case study in a declining peripheral region in the Relational network space
Processes in declining regional competitiveness U.K. Generative and degenerative processes causing industrial change
­ Regional network and decline in a regional context

Note. The dimensions relate to the conceptualizations presented in this paper. The expressions of space are used as analysis tools to denote the spatial dimensions in these studies.

Place is defined as a “particular point in space” (Wilkes & Krebs, are more fluid and movable, for instance capital or logistic and transport
1985), one that is usually singular because it is occupied by an actor or systems. Places also create settings in which to pursue common (socie-
a thing. Place can also include a broadened point in space. Agnew tal, regional) as well as actors' specific interests. Further, places create
(2011) treats place as characterized by a meaningful location with platforms for learning and sites for value creation through relational
three key dimensions: i) Location, ii) Locale, and iii) Sense of place. All proximities in specific local environments.
places are located in an absolute sense through more objective mea- In the IMP network approach, boundaries are an important topic for
sures (e.g. latitude–longitude). Locales are material settings for social discussion. Network horizons and network pictures represent mental
relations and “the way places look” (Cresswell, 2004, 1). This gives lo- approaches to cognitively perceived network connections and bound-
cales a social dimension for interactions and proximities in place, so cre- aries (Holmen & Pedersen, 2003; Ford & Redwood, 2006; Henneberg
ating social communities in specific local places. Sense of place relates to et al., 2006). Similar ideas from economic geographic research are pre-
the human feel, or sense, of specific places such as cities, neighborhoods sented by Markusen (1996) in her article “Sticky places in slippery
or e.g. local business environments or industrial sites (Gieryn, 2000). space”, where certain locales have a specific attraction for investment
Cresswell (2004, 8) and Gieryn (2000, 465) also note that space is a and trade. Examples include Silicon Valley, the Johore Triangle around
more abstract term than place but the concepts need to be related to Singapore, the so-called ‘Third Italy’, southern Scandinavia, and global
each other. financial centers (Saxenian, 1994).
The concept of a boundary is an element of place, as a boundary de- In the globalized business world, local existence and place play a role
limits the point or locality in space. For place, the concept of boundary in creating a sense and feel for e.g. cities or other localities as business
has interesting ramifications. Successive boundaries create places inside spaces. Thus, “being there” makes a difference for network actors
locales, and broader places outside locales, in a hierarchical manner. (Gertler, 2003). Tradition and former decisions also play their part in
However, boundaries are also porous (Massey, 2008). The characteris- attaching business activities to specific localities. The same is true of fa-
tics of broader place and more local place are linked by different net- vorable locations in a logistical sense or specific innovative milieus and
work connections with somewhat similar as well as diverse social and clusters (Castells, 1996; Dicken, 2007; Dunning, 1998; Porter, 1990,
cultural meanings (e.g. Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain). Boundaries 1998).
are important in creating meaning and networks in relation to different The spatial dimension of place in a network constitutes the charac-
mental maps of the network, but so too is the permeability of teristics of an actor's embedded local existence in a specific physical place
boundaries. or milieu. Each of the network nodes has its local place as well as reasons
Business organizations have their offices and production units in for existing in specific places. The reasons can for example be a relative
specific places, in geographic locales, where key interaction takes location and position in the network, former investments, spatial prox-
place. Business resources are often fixed in space at specific places, at imities and spillover effects on other firms, local history and attachment
least to some degree. In particular, specific sources of raw materials, of the owners. Finally, the idea of place inside larger places and linked by
such as iron ore, are fixed in place. Even markets are often placed and networks leads to the key concept of location exerting influence on spe-
often concentrated in specific localities in space. These specific spatially cific places in a fluid and extended global space.
“fixed” places constitute the microenvironment in which business units
are embedded. The place of a business enterprise and its local network 6.2. Location
always possesses particular characteristics. This specificity is an impor-
tant basis for the resource heterogeneity premise in network research, a Location opens up the relative nature of places or locales. Location
crucial factor that influences and shapes network development and deals with where business organizations operate and economic invest-
change. Specific places, e.g. cities, around the actor companies form ments are situated and made, relative to each other. Locations position
the basic spatial entity of the local network. However, other resources places in a macro-environment, i.e. into the wider network (Yeung,
16 J.-Å. Törnroos et al. / Industrial Marketing Management 61 (2017) 10–19

2005; Dicken, 2007; Dicken & Thrift, 1994). Thus, space is differentiated three basic geospatial concepts of place, location and distance in con-
into places that are located relative to each other in space as well as junction with the model, we have added depth to the conceptual treat-
time. Location therefore has both an absolute characteristic (a specific ment of space in business networks. The model is advanced to enhance
point or local place by latitude and longitude) and a relative character- our understanding of the spatial dimensions of interactive relationships
istic, describing the proximity of one element in a structure to another. and networks in the field of business marketing.
The locational advantages derive from site characteristics i.e. the The presented model is helpful in various respects. First, it offers a
physical features that make up the immediate environment of a place's perspective on how space can be defined conceptually in the IMP busi-
location. Such advantages may be based on proximity effects including ness network tradition. Second, it provides the means to examine net-
spillover effects from learning and innovation processes (Brown & work space in both static terms and from a dynamic perspective; it
Duguid, 1996; Gertler, 2003; Torré, 2008; Cantú, 2010), as well as situ- explains how space emerges based on structural, mental and relative di-
ational characteristics i.e. a place's relative location to other places and mensions in a social process of business interaction producing a
especially connected activities in the surrounding region (Owusu, relational network space. Third, the model provides an overarching
2014). Location must have important implications for network develop- meaning–structure to guide spatial research in industrial networks.
ment, the actor's position in a network and the overall embeddedness of While a specific study may focus on only one or two key concepts, the
business companies. As a geographic concept it has not however been connections into a broader framework provided by the model can aid
explicitly elaborated within the IMP network research. researchers in positioning and motivating their specific research
The location dimension aids in defining the network as existing rel- problem.
ative to other actors in the emerging relational network space at a specific Fig. 2 explicates the developed conceptualizations in the context of
point(s) in time. Location positions a company in a geographic network. IMP network theory. The figure indicates how spatial concepts fre-
The location has different scales from local to global, and also specifies quently used in the IMP network research refer to the structural, mental
network space structurally, forming the different locales and places on or relative dimension of network space. It also illustrates how the essen-
the map of a network's spatial nodes. Locations may also have strong tially dynamic referent of space – the relationally produced network
mental connotations. space – emerges through these three temporally static descriptors in
the social processes of business interaction. Interacting actors create ac-
6.3. Distance tivity links, resource ties and social bonds between each other; they
build mental maps concerning other actors they are relating to in con-
A third spatial concept related to business networks is the distance junction with mutual interactions and decisions made and they act,
between the nodes of the located units of the network. Nodes are con- strategize and invest in order to position and locate themselves in rela-
nected, and resource ties, activity links and actor bonds are formed tion to suppliers, customers and competitors as well as other actors. In
and change through interaction that necessarily occurs across a dis- short, through their networking, business actors produce the relational
tance. Information, goods and capital flows are handled between net- network space around them.
work actors to be managed over diverse distances. Distance is It is possible using the four spatial dimensions depicted in Fig. 2 to
multifaceted and deals with how to overcome different spatial-based describe the state of the network in spatial terms, at a specific point in
barriers. Distance barriers can be, for example, physical such as geo- time. This view, as presented at the bottom of Fig. 2, presents the net-
graphical barriers related to activity links between actors; socio-cultural work as a locked structural entity at a specific moment generated
such as communication and developing social bonds; or time-related as through previous processes. This frozen network space is seen as an out-
in how to interact and resolve economic and technological issues be- come of interactive processes between relevant actors over time. The
tween actors combining resources and activities (Törnroos, 1991b). Dis- concepts of place, location and distance can additionally be used to
tance and time create frictions in interaction between actors. In the specify the prevailing geospatial configuration of network space. The
global digital economy, some barriers are, at least potentially, more concept of network space is in itself static and does not reveal the
easily overcome than before. Also cultural distance affects how net- fluid picture of interactive elements gradually forming and changing
works function in various contextual settings (Jansson, Johanson, & the network structure in time–space. The dynamic aspect is noted in
Ramström, 2007). the process dimension of the model, in the continuously forming rela-
The concept of distance assists in analyzing the potential frictions in tional network space.
interaction that need to be overcome to implement business deals in
time–space. These frictions may relate to geographical, temporal or
socio-cultural aspects of business interaction. In the IMP business
network research, the concept of distance has played a minor role,
but has been employed in characterizing relationship development
and in creating a relationship ‘atmosphere’ between industrial
buyers and sellers (Ford, 1980; Håkansson, 1982; Hallén, Johanson,
& Seyed-Mohamed, 1991).
In sum, the basic geospatial concepts of place, location and distance
form spatial identifiers and specifiers to aid in differentiating the four di-
mensions presented in Fig. 1. In digging deeper into how networks de-
velop over space, these three concepts are useful analytical devices with
which to study emergence and change in business networks.

7. Discussion and implications

Space is besides time an inevitable but challenging dimension of in-

teraction in business networks. In this paper, we have elaborated the
concept of space by unwrapping its multidimensional meaning for the
IMP business network research. Based on existing space-related re-
search in this tradition and in the economic geography literature, we
have built a conceptual model of network space. By further analyzing Fig. 2. Spatial concepts creating network space.
J.-Å. Törnroos et al. / Industrial Marketing Management 61 (2017) 10–19 17

We argue that the dimensions of the model deliver conceptual tools resources in particular locations and business milieus (e.g. Johanson &
to handle space in the IMP based business network research. Each di- Lundberg, 2007; Cantú, 2010). Finding so-called ‘sticky places’ and en-
mension constitutes a specific research issue and can be used to develop abling mutual interactions and gains in specific locations concerns the
spatial understanding of business networks. In research, these dimen- three static dimensions of network space as well as the location concept.
sions need to be related, however, to some specific spatial concepts In addition, the mental dimension of how specific locations, actors and
and research contexts. Here we have analyzed place, location and dis- business environments are considered potential alternatives is a prom-
tance as three relevant examples. We are aware that they do not take ising avenue for research. The relative dimension of embeddedness
in all of the constructs that economic geography might offer for business when locating new business activities forms another relevant spatial
network research. For instance, geographic inquiry on networks often angle for research into network development.
concerns different levels from local to global or the interface thereof Research on traditional industries as well as virtual business can both
(see e.g. the GPN approach that deals with this issue Coe & Yeung, benefit from the concept of network space. Space, in its physical mean-
2014, 2015, 67-74). In the business network research, these geographic ing, often constrains the shaping and emergence of a business network.
scales have not been elaborated to any great extent even if they have Raw materials and markets are often necessarily spatially fixed in one
important ramifications for the study of e.g. international and global place. The result is that certain network actors are required to bridge
business networks as emergent and changing spatial phenomena. It these physical distances. This concerns industrial sectors in particular,
should be noted that scaling is a human construction to study space but the mental dimensions of space may be equally important to other
from a specific angle and focus. For example, place, location or intra- sectors, for instance banking and insurance, or even for “placeless” vir-
net and extra-net perspectives allow a researcher to study business net- tual business such as the games industry. It is suggested that the crea-
works from the local to the global level or vice versa. Thus, these tion of bridging roles and positions between actors in the network
concepts enable researchers to pursue a specific spatial focus and space is a relevant area for research. Also locating business nearby
perspective. other similar types of company, thinking in terms of both people and
IMP network research has to date either explicitly or implicitly ad- talent, may be an important driver in networking. The current trend
dressed some spatial perspectives (see Table 1). Those studies show for digitalization has a significant impact on companies' place, location
how space exists through the dimensions presented in the research. and positioning decisions, which again constitute interesting topics for
Empirical research has to date been scarce and we therefore propose future research.
areas of research where a more varied and explicit use of spatial ap- Furthermore, many methodological issues need to be considered to
proaches and concepts would bring new insights. come to terms with tools needed to highlight the role of space in busi-
ness networks. Process research together with empirical network–geo-
7.1. Research implications graphic studies is needed to better grasp networking processes and
their spatial outcomes (Van de Ven & Poole, 1995; Halinen, Medlin, &
Spatial issues are clearly noted in the research on international mar- Törnroos, 2012; Dawson, 2013).
keting and management in networks, but mostly in an implicit fashion.
Cultural or psychic distance between business actors in international 7.2. Implications for business practice
trade and relational investments forms one line of inquiry closely con-
nected to the mental dimension of network space. Developing interna- The concept of network space also raises practical implications. It
tional network structures and interdependencies between firms implies a typical view of business networks in the global economy as
necessarily involves spatial aspects linked to the relative dimension of structures that create mutual interdependence and ongoing rapid
space. An explicit use of the embeddedness concept offers one opportu- change. Companies are advised to be alert to unpredictable change
nity (Fletcher, 2008; Fletcher & Barrett, 2001; Taylor & Leonard, 2002). and to respond quickly in order to survive and enhance value creation
We could in the future also expect to see more research on the local– and social and global demands. What we want to suggest here is that
global interface of international business networks, the role of regional as an alternative to continuous change, it may be revealing to consider
networks in global business, simultaneously problematizing time and networking in terms of continuous production of space. Business suc-
space in these studies (see e.g. Buckley & Ghauri, 2004; Buckley (2016)). cess requires not only the management of change but also of space.
The spatial reality of networks is explicitly related to strategy and Managers deal with space especially in strategic management. This
strategizing in business networks. Strategizing refers to how business ac- concerns for instance strategic location decisions (e.g. co-location), lo-
tors perceive their network of connected actors and intentionally inter- gistic solutions, make or buy decisions, and supply management. Strat-
act with others to relate to (or unrelate from) them. The continuous egizing in networks also relates to how companies act on and perceive
production of relational network space is thus essential for strategizing. their network boundaries and the overarching connected business land-
The research on strategy in business networks is most explicitly drawn scape when coping with the firm's position and role in and across space
from the mental aspects of space, the analysis of network horizon (Mattsson & Johanson, 1992). In making strategic decisions, the four di-
(Holmen & Pedersen, 2003) and network pictures, both essentially root- mensions of space all indicate important spatial issues to address. For
ed in managerial perception and sensemaking (Laari-Salmela et al., instance, being able to analyze the consequences of decisions when lo-
2015). In addition, the relative dimension represented by the concepts cating or starting to develop relationships in different parts of the
of network position, location or embeddedness offers relevant spatial world is strategically significant. How firms exploit the potentials of
viewpoints. Strategic goals, such as getting close to customers or the multitude of locations connected to the network is another issue
obtaining cost-efficient access to raw materials, closely relate to the pro- of importance for networking.
posed geospatial concepts of place, location and distance, providing a The international and global scale of business activities and invest-
potential new angle for network research on strategizing. Dealing ments stress the need to tackle the spatial aspects of business. How
with both closeness and distance in global business forms an interesting well are managers making sense of the places, regions and countries
line of inquiry on how to tackle space in strategy research. where they operate and do business? This issue concerns the structural,
Innovation and development in networks is another area of research mental and relative dimensions and the underlying relational processes
where spatial aspects could add new insights. Locations in space con- continuously producing the network in which firms are embedded and
cern e.g. proximity issues that imply learning, diverse potential spillover operate. In making investments by connecting with actors in new local-
effects and the possibility of finding favorable milieus for companies to ities, regions and cultures across the globe deal with these “liabilities of
act jointly in production, trade, investments, and innovation. Proximity foreignness” in networking (Johanson & Vahlne, 2009) need to be
research can help in understanding the closeness and alignment of addressed.
18 J.-Å. Törnroos et al. / Industrial Marketing Management 61 (2017) 10–19

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