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Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling: IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics January 2009

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Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics · January 2009

DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2008.2009516 · Source: OAI

76 1,293

4 authors, including:

Abraham Gebregergis P. Pillay

Veoneer Concordia University Montreal


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Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling

Abraham Gebregergis, Member, IEEE, Pragasen Pillay, Fellow, IEEE,
Debangsu Bhattacharyya, and Raghunathan Rengaswemy

Abstract—This paper discusses the modeling of a solid oxide the effects of heat/mass transfer and electrochemical reactions
fuel cell using both lumped and distributed modeling approaches. in each CV.
In particular, the focus of this paper is on the development of a Detailed analyses of interconnecting a fuel cell to a grid
computationally efficient lumped-parameter model for real-time
emulation and control. The performance of this model is compared are presented in [11]–[15]. References [11]–[14] focus on the
with a detailed distributed model and experimental results. The design and control algorithms of the power conditioning system
fundamental relations that govern a fuel cell operation are utilized only. Reference [15] includes the fuel cell model based on
in both approaches. However, the partial pressure of the species empirical equations derived from experimental data of an actual
(fuel, air, and water) in the distributed model is assumed to vary fuel cell.
through the length of the fuel cell. The lumped model approach
uses the partial pressure of the species at the exit point of the However, the complexity and computation time associated
fuel cell. The partial pressure of the species is represented by an with these models are the drawbacks for real-time emula-
equivalent RC circuit in the lumped model. tion and control applications. This paper therefore focuses
Index Terms—Fuel cells, modeling, simulation. on a lumped-modeling approach using electrical components
in PSpice and/or Matlab/Simulink for real-time applications,
and parameter estimation. It also allows the study of the
I. I NTRODUCTION performance and reliability of the SOFC under various flow
rates and load conditions. Moreover, the modeling takes into
A SOLID OXIDE fuel cell (SOFC) converts chemi-
cal energy into electrical energy at high temperature
(800 ◦ C–1000 ◦ C), in contrast to a PEM fuel cell that op-
consideration the effects of reactant and product concentrations,
polarization losses, and the effects of internal (inherent) resis-
erates at a lower temperature (80 ◦ C–100 ◦ C). The SOFC is tances. Steady-state simulation results of the SOFC model were
a promising technology for distributed power generation with compared with experimental data to validate the model.
high efficiency and no moving parts. The transient and static This paper is organized as follows. Section II is a background
model of an SOFC, which takes into account the effect of study of fuel cell operation, in particular SOFC, followed by
electrochemical, thermal, and mass flow, is proposed in [1]. In two modeling approaches—a distributed model incorporating
[2]–[4], dynamic models of SOFCs are developed for analyzing detailed calculation of all phenomena and a lumped model us-
power system performance and fuel cells. A more compre- ing electrical components in Section III. The simulation results
hensive mathematical model of an SOFC is conducted in [5]. and experimental data are presented in Section IV. Finally,
It estimates the parameters for a 1-D cathode microstructure Section V discusses the conclusions.
SOFC model, such as the composition and particle size. A zero-
dimensional model is presented in [6] to show the limitation II. SOFC O PERATION
of the empirical assumptions derived from observation and
measurements of physical process. The Butler–Volmer equation A fuel cell (SOFC) generates electrical power by contin-
analysis for approximating the activation losses in SOFC mod- uously converting chemical energy of a fuel into electrical
els is presented in [7]. These papers do not include a detailed energy through an electrochemical reaction. The fuel cell itself
analysis of all the losses in a fuel cell. A dynamic fuel cell has no moving parts, making it quiet and reliable. Fuel cells
model, which uses a similar approach to that in [2], is proposed typically utilize hydrogen as the fuel and oxygen (usually
in [8]. Reference [9] focuses only on the effect of polarization from air) as the oxidant in the electrochemical reaction. It
losses of an anode-supported SOFC for various cell parameters generates electricity, and its by-products are water and heat.
such as the geometry of the cell. A dynamic model of the SOFC, The system has higher efficiency compared to conventional
where a single cell is divided into small control volumes (CVs), combustion engines [16], because it is not limited by Carnot
is presented in [10]. It is a detailed model that accounts for both efficiencies. The electrochemical reactions that occur in an
SOFC that utilize fuel (hydrogen) and air (oxygen) [1]–[10] are
as follows.
Manuscript received November 9, 2006; revised May 1, 2008. First pub-
lished November 18, 2008; current version published December 30, 2008. This Anode:
work was supported by NanoDynamics, Inc.
A. Gebregergis and P. Pillay are with the Department of Electrical and H2 + O2− − > H2 O + 2e− . (1)
Computer Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699-5720 USA
D. Bhattacharyya and R. Rengaswemy are with the Department of
Chemical Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699-5707 USA
(e-mail:; O2 + 2e − > O2− . (2)
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2008.2009516 2

0278-0046/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

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Overall reaction:
H2 + O2 − > H2 O. (3)
The stoichiometric ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 2 : 1.

A. Fuel Cell Voltage

The output voltage Vfc of the SOFC is given by [1]–[10]

Vfc = E − Vact − Vcon − Vohmic (4)

where E is the Nernst reversible voltage, Vact is the activa-

tion loss, Vcon is the concentration loss, and Vohmic is the
ohmic loss.
1) Nernst Reversible Voltage: The Nernst reversible voltage
is the open-circuit voltage of the SO fuel cell when the current Fig. 1. V –I polarization curve of an SOFC.
density Ifc is zero
where T is the fuel cell temperature; T0 = 973 K, γ = 0.2 Ω,
RT PH2 ∗ PO0.5 and β = −2870 K are the constant coefficients of the fuel cell;
E = E0 + ln (5) and r is the internal resistance of the SOFC.
2F PH2 O
Fig. 1 shows a simulated V –I (voltage versus current) polar-
ization curve of a fuel cell. As the cell current begins to increase
where E0 = 1.1 V is the standard potential, R = 8.314 kJ/
from zero, a sudden drop of the output voltage of the fuel cell
kmol · K is the universal gas constant, T is the operating
is seen. This drop of the cell voltage is due to activation voltage
temperature of the fuel cell in kelvins, F = 96 486 C/mol is
loss. Then, almost a linear decrease of the cell voltage is seen
the Faraday constant, and PH2 is the hydrogen partial pressure,
as the cell current increases beyond certain values, as shown
PH2 O is the water partial pressure, and PO2 is the oxygen partial
in Fig. 1, which is a result of the ohmic loss. Finally, the cell
voltage drops sharply to zero as the load current approaches the
2) Activation Voltage Loss: Chemical reactions, including
maximum current density that can be generated of the fuel cell.
electrochemical reactions, must overcome energy barriers,
The sharp voltage drop is the effect of the concentration loss in
called “activation energy,” for the reaction to proceed. This
the fuel cell.
leads to activation polarization. The activation loss is given by
the Butler–Volmer equation [6], [8], [17], [18]
  B. Mass Flow Rate Conservation
Ifc = I0 e(α1 nF/RT )Vact − e(−α2 nF/RT )Vact (6)
The performance of the fuel cell depends on the electrochem-
ical reactions that take place at tpb. A relationship that governs
where I0 is the exchange current, αi is the coefficient of
the mass flow rate conservation in the fuel cell is given by [1],
charge transfer, and n = 2 is the number of moles of electrons
[9], [10], [20], [21]
3) Concentration Voltage Loss: This occurs due to the mass V dP
transfer resistance to the flow of the reactants and the products = Nxin − Nxo − Nxr (9)
RT dt
through the porous electrodes. Concentration voltage loss can
be calculated as [18] and [19] where V is the volume of the fuel cell electrode, N in is the
  input mole flow rate, N o is the output mole flow rate, N r is
RT Cb the mole flow rate reacted, P is the partial pressure, and x is
Vcon = ln (7)
nF C∞ the species.
The electricity generated from the electrochemical reaction
where Cb is the concentration at the triple-phase boundary inside the fuel cell is given by [8], [9], [16], [20], [21]
(tbp), where the gas, electrolyte, and electrode meet; C∞ is the
bulk concentration of reactant; and n is the number of moles of r 4F Nxr
Ifc = (10)
electrons participating in the reaction (in this case, n = 2). n
4) Ohmic Voltage Loss: Ohmic losses occur because of the where n is two for hydrogen and water and is one for oxygen.
resistance to the flow of ions in the electrolyte and the resistance
to the flow of electrons through the electrode materials. The
inherent resistance of a fuel cell governed by the change in cell III. M ODELING THE SOFC
temperature is given by [3], [9], [20], [21] A. Distributed Model
1 1 The distributed-modeling approach is introduced here be-
Vohmic = γ exp β − Ifc = rIfc (8)
T0 T fore discussing the lumped SOFC modeling. The cell which

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Fig. 2. Schematic of the distributed model of a tubular SOFC.

has been modeled is an anode-supported counterflow tubular is the effective binary diffusivity of x into y, Rout,PEN is the
SOFC. The modeling considers not only the reactants and outside radius of PEN (porous cathode electrode, electrolyte,
product composition but also the physical shape (geometry) of and porous anode electrode assembly), Rin,INS is the inside
the cell. The modeling is done based on a CV approach, as radius of the insulator, and subscripts ac, an, cc, and ca de-
shown in Fig. 2 [6], [8], [10]. The fuel (hydrogen) enters into note the anode channel, anode, cathode channel, and cathode,
the anode channel, and air goes to the cathode channel. The fuel respectively.
diffuses into the anode tpb through the porous anode, where it The momentum conservation equations for the distributed
reacts with the incoming oxygen ions to produce water. In the SOFC model are as follows [10], [22].
same manner, oxygen diffuses into the cathode tpb through the Anode channel:
porous cathode. The oxygen ions which are generated in the tpb

of the cathode travel through the solid oxide electrolyte to the ∂(ρac uz,ac ) ∂ ρac u2z,ac ∂(ρac ur,ac uz,ac ) ∂pcc
=− − − .
anode tpb to react with the fuel. The unutilized air and hydrogen ∂t ∂z ∂r ∂z
are exhausted to the balance of the plant facilities. The fuel and (15)
air enters each CV at different concentrations from the cathode Cathode channel:
channel and the anode channel, respectively. Hence, the partial

pressure measured at each CV is different and is a function of ∂(Ccc uz,cc ) ∂ ρcc u2z,cc ∂(ρcc ur,cc uz,cc ) ∂pcc
=− + + .
time and space. This partial pressure governs the dynamics of ∂t ∂z ∂r ∂z
the fuel cell. (16)
The species conservation equations in the channels for the
ρx is the density in the x channel and px is the pressure
distributed SOFC model are as follows [10], [22].
in the x channel. These equations are developed based on the
Hydrogen conservation: assumption that u is a function of z and t only. The radial
∂CH2 (∂CH2 uz,ac ) 2DH2 −H2 Oeff ∂CH2 component of the velocity vector is ignored. Since the Reynolds
=− + . (11) number, the ratio of the rate of the convective transport of
∂t ∂z Rac ∂r
momentum to the rate of the molecular transport of momentum,
Water conservation: is greater than one in both the anode and cathode channels
in the operating range of the cell, the molecular transport of
∂CH2 O (∂CH2 O uz,ac ) DH2 O−H2eff ∂CH2 O
=− + . (12) momentum in the main flow direction is ignored.
∂t ∂z Rac ∂r The species conservation equations in the electrode are as
Oxygen conservation: follows [22].
Hydrogen conservation:
∂CO2 (∂CO2 uz,cc ) 2DO2 −N2eff ∂CO2  
=− + . (13) ∂(CH2 ,an ) 1 ∂ ∂CH2 ,an
∂t ∂z Rcc ∂r an = rDH2 −H2 Oeff . (17)
∂t r ∂r ∂r
Nitrogen conservation:
Oxygen conservation:
∂CN2 (∂CN2 uz,cc ) 2DN2 −O2eff ∂Cn2  
=− + . (14)
∂t ∂z Rcc ∂r ∂(CO2 ,ca ) 1 ∂ ∂CO2 ,ca
ca = rDO2 −N2 eff . (18)
∂t r ∂r ∂r
2 2 2
R = Rin,INS
+ Rout,PEN
Cx is the molar concentration
of species x, uz is the velocity in the main flow direction z, an and ca are the porosities of the anode and cathode,
Rac is the radius of the anode channel, t is the time, Dx−y respectively. Similar equations are also written for water and

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Fig. 3. Tubular SOFC lumped model.

nitrogen conservations. The boundary conditions are listed in

Appendix A.
In contrast to the distributed SOFC model, a lumped
model that applies the fundamental electrochemical equations
and equivalent electrical components is presented next. The
model developed is for a single cell. This approach can be
Fig. 4. Electrical model of partial pressure equation.
easily extended to model “a fuel cell stack.” The proposed
model is of reduced complexity and is amenable to real-time

B. Lumped Model
1) Species Conservation: In the case of the distributed-
modeling approach, the flow rate and partial pressure at each
CV are different. The lumped model considers the fuel cell
as a single lumped system, which reduces the complexity and
computation time. The species enter the cell through one end
and leaves through the other end, as shown in Fig. 3. The mass
conservation is applied at one end of the fuel cell. The partial
pressure at the exit point of the fuel cell is calculated using (9).
The relation between the reactant/product flow rate and the cell
current of the fuel cells is given by [1]–[10]

Nxr = 2nKr Ifc (19)

Fig. 5. Activation loss versus logarithmic of current density.
where Kr = 1/(8F ).
The output flow rate N o of the species at the exit is a function
The electrochemical equations given in (23) can be modeled
of the current generated by the fuel cell and the inlet flow rate.
with electrical components using the analogy [23] shown in
This output flow rate can be expressed as a function of the
Table I. Fig. 4 shows an equivalent electrical model repre-
partial pressure of the species [2], which is given by
sentation of the chemical equation that determines the partial
N o = Kx P x (20) pressure of the species. The current at node n in Fig. 4 and its
Laplace transform are given in (24) and (25). Since the dynamic
where Px is the partial pressure of species x at the output and response of the fuel cell is contained in the electrochemical
Kx is the molar valve constant of species x. equations, the equivalent electrical circuit inherits the dynamics
Substituting (19) and (20) into (9) results in
dVc Vc
C =I − (24)
V dPx dt R
= Nxin − Kx Px − 2nKr Ifc . (21)
RT dt (RCs + 1)Vc (s) = I(s)R. (25)
Rearranging (21),
2) Activation Voltage Loss: Fig. 5 shows the simulated re-
V dPx sults of an activation loss versus a logarithm of cell current
+ Kx Px = Nxin − 2nKr Ifc . (22)
RT dt density of the SOFC. The two dashed straight lines are calcu-
lated based on the Tafel equation given in (26) for two different
Taking the Laplace transform of (22)
exchange current density I0 values, i.e., I01 = 1.0689 A/cm2
V 1
in and I02 = 1.6487 A/cm2 . These straight lines are known as the
s + 1 Px (s) = Nx − 2nKr Ifc . (23) Tafel lines. The Tafel equation holds true only for Ifc > 4I0
Kx RT Kx
[6]. The other two solid lines are drawn based on (27) for the
The boundary conditions of this lumped model are listed in same I0 values used previously. The Butler–Volmer equation is
Appendix B. explicitly expressed in (27) if α1 and α2 are equal. For high cell

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current densities, both equations have the same results. How- It is necessary to have experimental data for determination
ever, the error of the Tafel equation becomes large if Ifc < 4I0 , of the limiting current density. The limiting current density
and the activation voltage calculated using (26) is negative for depends upon a number of things like reactant concentration,
Ifc < I0 , as shown in Fig. 5. Therefore, the activation loss for temperature, material properties, etc. Equation (31) can be
all current densities is calculated using the inverse hyperbolic alternatively expressed as [24]
sine of (27)
  ln(1 − pre )
RT Ifc IL = KL (34)
Vact = ln (26) T
F I0
  where pre is the reactant concentration, T is the operating
RT −1 Ifc
Vact = sinh . (27) temperature of the cell, and KL = 69 is a constant factor.
F 2I0
Alternatively, (27) can be written as (28), since it is easy to
C. Implementation of the SOFC Model Using PSpice
implement the equation in PSpice or Matlab/Simulink
All the equations and the equivalent circuit of the lumped
SOFC model discussed in the previous section are implemented
Vact = z + (1 + z 2 ) (28)
F in PSpice. The implemented model of the SOFC in PSpice
is shown in Fig. 6. The PSpice model contains a circuit
where z = (Ifc /2I0 ).
that represents the output voltage, as shown in Fig. 6(a), and
It is evident from the graph that the exchange current I0 of
equations that calculate the polarization losses and equivalent
the two Tafel lines is not the same. This difference may occur
circuit of the flow rate conservation. Fig. 6(b) and (c) shows the
for a number of reasons such as the cell temperature, reactant
activation and concentration losses, respectively, while the flow
and product concentration, electrode material, its geometry, and
rate equivalent electrical circuit is shown in Fig. 6(d), where
so on [3], [6], [8], [10], [16]. The exchange current density can
n = 2 for the hydrogen and water circuits and n = 1 for the
be expressed as [6], [23]
oxygen circuit. The dynamics of the SOFC is embedded in the
equivalent RC circuit. Moreover, the SOFC model is imple-
I0 = Ae−Eact /RT (29)
mented in Matlab/Simulink for the development of emulator
and control application. The parameters used in the simulation
where A = 101.2 kA/cm2 is a preexponential factor ob-
are given in Table II, where CH2 , CH2 O , and CO2 are the
tained by curve fitting with the distributed model and
capacitances of hydrogen, water, and oxygen, respectively.
Eact = 120 kJ/mol is the activation energy of the electrochem-
ical reaction.
3) Concentration Voltage Loss: According to the polariza- IV. S IMULATION AND E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
tion curve, this voltage drop appears when the current density
of the fuel cell approaches the maximum current density of A. Experimental Test Setup
the cell and is dependent on the flow rate [10], [19]. The The experiments were carried out on an anode-supported
concentration loss is determined using (7). The cell current Ifc tubular SOFC manufactured by NanoDynamics, Inc., Buffalo,
produced is related to the concentration of the species using the NY. The anode material is nickel–yttria-stabilized zirconia, and
following: the cathode is lanthanum strontium manganite. Pure hydrogen
was supplied to the anode gas flow channel from a bank of
Ifc = K · (C∞ − Cb ). (30) cylinders through a flow controller. Compressed air regulated
by a flow controller was provided through an electrical furnace
The limiting current IL is the cell current evaluated at Cb = 0. to the cathode channel. The entire cell was kept well insulated
That is to minimize the radiation heat loss from the system. The cell
was heated up slowly by the hot air. When the cell temper-
IL = K · C∞ . (31) ature reached about 200 ◦ C, hydrogen was introduced, and
the temperature was brought to 700 ◦ C. Once a steady open-
Hence, the ratio of the concentration in (7) can be written circuit potential was obtained, the data collection was started.
alternatively as the ratio of the cell current to the limiting DC polarization of the cell was maintained by an electronic
current of the fuel cell load controller run in constant-voltage mode. The V –I data
were collected while decreasing the voltage gradually to 0.5 V.
Cb Ifc
=1− . (32) While keeping the temperature constant, the data were collected
C∞ IL at hydrogen flow rates of 31, 36, 41, and 51 mL/min. Then,
Therefore, substituting (32) into (7), the concentration loss is the temperature was increased to 750 ◦ C, and the V –I data
written as were collected at all flow rates mentioned earlier. The same
  procedure was repeated at 800 ◦ C and 850 ◦ C. At every flow
RT Ifc and temperature, the data were collected after a steady-state
Vcon = ln 1 − . (33)
nF IL condition was reached.

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Fig. 6. PSpice simulation circuit diagram of an SOFC. (a) SOFC circuit diagram. (b) Activation loss. (c) Concentration loss. (d) Partial pressure circuit.

TABLE II products, which is reflected in the activation and concentration

overpotentials. As a result, different V –I curves are obtained
for various operating cell temperatures and flow rates. If the
fuel cell temperature is decreased at a given flow rate, the cell
voltage decreases and vice versa. A reduction in flow rate for
the same flow temperature will decrease the cell voltage and
vice versa.
Comparisons between the experimental data and simulation
results of the model for various flow rates and operating cell
temperatures are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. Fig. 7 shows the
V –I curves of the different flow rates at 8000-◦ C cell temper-
ature. Simulations at 850 ◦ C for the same flow rate are also
B. Steady-State Response of the SOFC Model
done. Fig. 8 shows the V –I curves of the same flow rate at
A single SOFC was simulated using PSpice based on the an operating cell temperature of 850 ◦ C. Since the operating
lumped model approach. The fuel cell was subjected to various cell temperature is increased to 850 ◦ C, the exchange current
flow rates and operating temperatures. As a result, the fuel density is also increased. Fig. 9 shows the simulation V –I
cell exhibits different V –I characteristics. Each V –I point in curves at 800 ◦ C and 850 ◦ C of the four flow rates in a single
the curve is generated by solving the dynamic model until graph. From the polarization curves, it can be seen that the
the simulation reaches the steady state. The discussion on the cell voltage is almost the same for low cell current. As the
simulation results is separated into the different V –I curves cell current increases, the cell voltage starts to decrease almost
based on the operating temperature and flow rate variations. linearly. However, the lower flow rate (31 mL/min) has a higher
The effects of the operating temperature and flow rate on the voltage drop with increasing cell current than the voltage drop
output voltage of the fuel cell is shown in Figs. 7–10. The with higher flow rates, as shown in Figs. 9(a) and (b). The sharp
output voltage of the cell depends on the operating temperature drop of each curve at high cell current is due to the limiting
of the fuel cell and the natural logarithm of the reactant and current density that depends on the flow rates.
product concentrations. The exchange current density changes The relative error between the experimental data and simu-
with a change in the cell temperature, and the limiting current lation results of the lumped model is shown in Table III. One
density varies, depending on the concentration of reactants and point (from the experimental data −0.891 V) in the V –I curve

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Fig. 8. V –I curves for different input flow rates at 850 ◦ C. (a) Polarization
Fig. 7. V –I curves for different input flow rates at 800 ◦ C. (a) Polarization
curves at 31 mL/min. (b) Polarization curves at 36 mL/min. (c) Polarization
curves at 31 mL/min. (b) Polarization curves at 36 mL/min. (c) Polarization
curves at 41 mL/min. (d) Polarization curves at 51 mL/min.
curves at 41 mL/min. (d) Polarization curves at 51 mL/min.

is set as a reference and then compared with the simulation 750-◦ C, 800-◦ C, and 850-◦ C cell temperatures. The cell voltage
results. The maximum relative error occurs at 31-mL/min flow increases with an increase in the operating cell temperature.
rate and 800-◦ C cell temperature. The error becomes more Fig. 10(b) is an enlarged portion of Fig. 10(a) at a cell current
severe for lower flow rate and cell temperature. Ifc = 2.5 A. The cell voltage increases almost linearly as a
Simulation results at 41-mL/min flow rate were considered function of temperature at this particular cell current and its
to study the effect of cell temperature on the cell voltage. vicinity, while the cell voltage is almost the same in the activa-
Fig. 10(a) is a plot of the V –I polarization curve at tion and concentration regions of the polarization curve.

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Fig. 9. Polarization curves at 800-◦ C and 850-◦ C operating temperatures

and the four flow rates. (a) V –I curves at 800-◦ C operating cell temperature.
(b) V –I curves at 850-◦ C operating cell temperature.

Fig. 11. Cell current response for a step load change.

C. Dynamic Response of the SOFC Model

The dynamic response of the model for a step change in the
load at an operating cell temperature of 800 ◦ C and a flow rate
of 36 mL/min is considered. A step decrease of the cell voltage
from 0.8 to 0.785 V was obtained at t = 4.0 s. The cell current
increases from 1.563 to 1.695 A and slowly decays to its steady-
state value of 1.688 A, as shown in Fig. 11. A step increase
from 0.8 to 0.815 V in the cell voltage was also obtained at
t = 4.0 s. The cell current drops from 1.563 to 1.429 A and then
increases exponentially to 1.436 A, as shown in Fig. 11. The
cell current response of the lumped model behaves in a manner
similar to that of the distributed model with slight difference
at time t = 4.0 s when the step change is applied. The cell
current of the distributed model increases to 1.7 A during a
step decrease in the cell voltage, which is higher than the cell
current of 1.695 A of the lumped model. Similarly, the cell
current of the distributed model drops to 1.425 A, which is
lower than the cell current value of the lumped model when the
cell voltage increases. Both models have similar time response.
Fig. 12 shows the cell voltage transient for a step change in
the cell current. The cell voltage jumps to 0.81 V and slowly
reaches steady state for stepping down the cell current from
1.563 to 1.436 A. Similarly, when the cell current is stepped
up from 1.563 to 1.695 A, the cell voltage drops to 0.79 V and
finally settles to 0.785 V. The predicted cell voltage behaves in
Fig. 10. Polarization curves at 41-mL/min flow rate and 750-◦ C, 800-◦ C, a manner similar to that of an actual fuel cell, as expected. It
and 850-◦ C operating temperatures. (a) V –I curves at 41 mL/min of the three
operating cell temperatures. (b) Enlarged portion of V –I curves given in (a) at may be noted that the capacitance in the partial pressure circuit
cell current of 2.5 A. is a function of the cell temperature. However, it is observed

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fuel cell power plant,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 14, no. 4, Debangsu Bhattacharyya received the B.S. de-
pp. 1651–1657, Dec. 1999. gree from Regional Engineering College (currently
[21] M. D. Lukas, K. Y. Lee, and H. Ghezel-Alagh, “An explicit dynamic National Institute of Technology), Durgapur, India,
model for direct reforming carbonate fuel cell stack,” IEEE Trans. Energy in 1993. He is currently working toward the Ph.D.
Convers., vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 289–295, Sep. 2001. degree in chemical engineering in the Depart-
[22] D. Bhattacharyya, R. Rengaswamy, and F. Caine, “Isothermal models for ment of Chemical Engineering, Clarkson University,
anode-supported tubular solid oxide fuel cells,” Chem. Eng. Sci., vol. 62, Potsdam, NY.
no. 16, pp. 4250–4267, Aug. 2007. DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2007.04.020. He was with the refineries division of Indian Oil
[23] P. Famouri and R. Gemmen, “Electrochemical circuit model of a PEM Corporation Ltd. in its Barauni Refinery. His re-
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[24] K. Huang, “Gas-diffusion process in a tubular cathode substrate of an
SOFC,” J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 151, no. 5, pp. A716–A719, 2004.
Raghunathan Rengaswemy received the B.S. de-
gree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Abraham Gebregergis (S’07–M’08) received the Madras, India, in 1990, and the Ph.D. degree from
B.S. degree from the University of Asmara, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, in 1995.
Asmara, Eritrea, in 2001, and the M.S. degree from He is currently a Professor with the Depart-
Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa, ment of Chemical Engineering, Clarkson University,
in 2004. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. Potsdam, NY. From 1996 to 2000, he was with IIT,
degree in electrical engineering in the Department Bombay, India. He was a Visiting Professor with the
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clarkson University of Delaware, Newark, in summer 1999;
University, Potsdam, NY. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, in winter
His research interests include power electronics, 2001; and the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
drives and machines, control, and fuel cell modeling. Canada, in summer 2002. His research and teaching interests include modeling,
optimization, diagnostics, and control of proton exchange membrane and
solid oxide fuel cells, chemical process calculations, mathematical methods,
computer-aided design, advanced process control, and artificial intelligence
Pragasen Pillay (S’84–M’87–SM’92–F’05) re- techniques in process engineering.
ceived the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University Dr. Rengaswemy was the recipient of the Young Engineer Award from the
of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa, in 1981 Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) in 2000. He was chosen by
and 1983, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the the students of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Clarkson University,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, as the Professor of the Year in 2003.
Blacksburg, in 1987, while funded by a Fulbright
From January 1988 to August 1990, he was with
the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle
upon Tyne, U.K. From August 1990 to August
1995, he was with the University of New Orleans,
New Orleans, LA. He is currently with Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY,
where he is a Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering and holds the Jean Newell Distinguished Professorship in Engi-
neering. He has also been an Adjunct Professor with the University of Cape
Town, Cape Town, South Africa, since 1999. He has organized and taught
short courses on electric drives at the Annual Meeting of the IEEE Industry
Applications Society. His research and teaching interests include modeling,
design, and control of electric motors and drives for industrial and alternative
energy applications.
Dr. Pillay is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technoloy, U.K.,
and a Chartered Electrical Engineer. He is a member of the Academy of Science
of South Africa and the IEEE Power Engineering, IEEE Industry Applications,
IEEE Industrial Electronics, and IEEE Power Electronics Societies. He is also
a member of the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Electric Machines
Committee, the Past Chairman of the IEEE IAS Industrial Drives Committee,
and the Past Chairman of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Induction
Machinery Subcommittee. He is currently the Chair of the Awards Committee
of the IEEE IAS Industrial Power Conversion Department.

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