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Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

Paper Boats

Let us read

Meena walked towards the stream

near the bamboo bridge. She bent
a little and put a paper boat in the
water. It sailed down the stream
swiftly. Meena was delighted.
She went on putting several
paper boats in the
a naughty boy pushing the boats into the water.
Meena stared at the boy angrily. He did not care
for Meena’s angry face. She shouted “Stop!” But
the boy did not stop.

“Why are you overturning the paper boats?”

Meena asked angrily.
“Because it is fun,” replied the boy.
“It may be fun for you, but those are my paper
boats” said Meena. “So, you just stop overturning
my boats.”
The boy thought for a minute and said, “I will
not do it again, but I also want to play. Can you
help me?”
Meena said, “I have enough paper. You can make
boats for yourself.”

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The boy answered, “I don’t know how to fold the
paper to make boats.”
Meena said, “That’s easy, I will help you.” She
showed him how to make the boats.
Meena took out coloured paper of different
sizes. She showed the boy how to fold and re-fold
the paper to make a boat. The boy watched
carefully. Then he took a piece of paper and
started to make a paper boat. Soon a few boats
were ready.

Meena gently put her boats in the stream. The

boy put his boats in the stream too. The boats sailed
down the stream. Both enjoyed watching the boats.

New words
delighted several overturning stream watched

A. Answer the following.

1. What was Meena playing with?




58 Santoor ɕClass 3
Let us think

2. Meena was angry. Why?




3. How did Meena help the boy?




B. Think and answer.

1. Meena made paper boats. What else can you make

with paper? Discuss in small groups.

2. What games do you play with your friends? Which

one do you like the most? Why?

C. Say whether True or False.

1. The boy thought it was fun to overturn paper boats.

2. Meena ran home to complain about the boy.

3. The boy did not know how to make paper boats.

4. Meena had only white paper.

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Let us speak

Look at the pictures.

Tell the story of ‘Manish saves the ant’ to the class.

Note to the teacher

• Give a help box according to the level of learners.
• Provide support to the learners as and when needed.

60 Santoor ɕClass 3
Let us learn

Read the following sentences. Observe the underlined

xample 1
• Meena walked towards the stream near the bamboo
• She bent a little and launched a paper boat.
In the second sentence, ‘she’ is used instead of Meena.
xample 2
• The boy jumped into the stream and pulled the boat out.
• He gave it to Meena
In the second sentence, ‘he’ is used instead of the word ‘boy’.
A. Fill in the blanks using ‘he’ or ‘she’.

1. Rani likes playing outside.


2. Sahil has a top.

plays with it every day.


is going to school.

4. Ranjit goes to school, regularly.

likes reading stories.

Note to the teacher

• Draw learners’ attention to the use of ‘he’ and ‘she’ in the
texts covered in Units 1 and 2.
• Encourage students to create and share sentences using
‘he’ and ‘she’.

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B. Look at the picture.

Write where each thing is. Choose the correct word from
the brackets.

1. The bat is (on/under) the bed.

2. The bag is (in/on) the chair.

3. The ball is (in/under) the box.

4. The car is (in/under) the table.

5. The books are (in/on) the shelves.

Note to the teacher

Reinforce the concept of preposition by adding examples from
the learners’ milieu.

62 Santoor ɕClass 3
Let us do

A. Follow the steps to draw a rangoli.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Note to the teacher

Help students recall the rangoli activity given on the page 26 of
Mridang 2.

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Let us write

A. Write a few lines about the picture using the following


park children playing see-saw

swings slide enjoying happy






Note to the teacher

Encourage learners to share their sentences in the class.

64 Santoor ɕClass 3
B. Solve the crossword puzzle.

Hint: All the answers are related to toys and games.

2 3

4 5

Across Down

2. A round object that spins on 1. A game played using a ball

a needle and your foot

3. An object used to hit a ball 3. A round object used to play

4. A round glass ball used for 5. A seat tied by ropes and which
playing moves front and back

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Let us explore

A. Talk to your elders at home. Find out what games

they played when they were young. Learn a game
from them and share with your friends preferably in
small groups.

66 Santoor ɕClass 3

1. I can recite the poems

- in a group.
- in pairs.
- by repeating after my teacher.
- by myself.
2. I can read the stories
- by myself.
- with my classmates.
- with the help of my teacher.
3. I can write
- by copying from the book or the board.
- as my teacher speaks.
- with the help of my classmates.
- by myself.
4. I can tell the stories that I have read or listened
- by myself (without any help).
- with the help of the teacher.
- by using the book.
5. I was able to do
- all the exercise questions.
- most of the exercise questions.
- a few exercise questions.

Note to the teacher

guidance of parents and teachers.

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