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Action Plan in Gulayan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Zamboanga Peninsula
Sinunuc District


S.Y. 2021-2022

NO. Key Result Areas KRA Activities Targets Office/Persons Responsible Time Line Resource Success Indicator

1. Planning and Policy Orientation on National Attend orientation about the Gulayan sa Paaralan June 2021 Human Resource Attended the
Formulation Greening Program Division implementation of Coordinator, TLE Teachers Meeting
National Greening Program and School Head.

Selection of the school Select the NGP/GPP program School Head and Faculty June 2021 Human Resource Select the school
NGP/GPP program coordinator among the faculty Members NGP/GPP Leader
coordinator and members.

Integration of NGP in Integrate NGP/GPP in the School Head and Faculty July 2021 – Human Resource Integrated in the
the School Improvement School Improvement Plan and Members March 2022 SIP/APP of the
Plan and Annual Annual Procurement Plan school
Procurement Plan

Planning of meetings for Conduct meeting among the GPP Coordinator, Teachers, June 2022 Human Resource Organized Meeting
the implementation of teachers, parents and pupils Parents and Students
the program about the implantation of the
Establishment of the Establish urban vegetable School Head, GPP June 2021 – Human and Established School
Urban Vegetable Garden garden to sustain the Coordinator, Teachers, March 2022 Financial Urban Vegetable
in the school supplementary school feeding Parents and Students Resources Garden

Putting up nursery in the Establish seed box/seedlings School Head, Teachers, July 2021 – Human and Established seed
school nursery to sustain Parents and Students March 2022 Financial box/seedling
seed/seedlings requirement for Resources nursery
different planting cycle.

Establishment of School Find garden tools room that School Head, Teachers, July – October Human and Constructed School
Garden Tools Room will use to keep the garden Parents, Students and Other 2021 Financial Garden House
tools, seedlings and other community stakeholders Resources
related materials

2. Staff Development Trainings and seminar Attend trainings and seminar GPP Coordinator and July – October Human and Participated in the
workshops on NGP workshops related to Members 2021 Financial different
NGP/GPP like urban Resources training/workshops
gardening food production and

Brainstorming of Seek cooperation among Teachers, GPP Coordinator July 2021 – March Human Resources Teamwork
teachers who are teachers and members 2022
knowledgeable about the
NGP to share more

Surfing the internet and Browse the internet, read and School Head, GPP July 2021 – March Human Resources Improved technique
reading journals about read journals about gardening Coordinator and Members, 2022
gardening techniques. techniques Teachers
3. Successful feeding
Health and Nutrition Service Implementation of Implement supplementary School Head, PTA Officers, July 2021 – March Human and program
Delivery Supplementary School school based feeding program Parents, Canteen Manager, 2022 Financial
Based Feeding Program Health and Nutrition Leader Resources
and GPP Coordinator
Accomplished of
Identification of Accomplish Nutritional Status School Head, Teachers, June 2021 Human Resources Nutritional Status
Nutritional Status Baseline Report and identify Students, Health and Baseline Report
Baseline Report either severely wasted and wasted Nutrition Leader, GPP Leader
severely wasted and nutritional status students. and Members
wasted nutritional status
of students.
Utilized the harvested Successful feeding
Utilization of harvested vegetable to support the School Head, PTA Officers, July 2021 – March Human Resources program
vegetable to support and supplementary school based Parents, Canteen Manager, 2022
sustain the feeding program Health and Nutrition Leader
supplementary school and GPP Coordinator
based feeding program.
Ask funds from the school Enough Funds
4. Financial Management Budget Sourcing MOOE, canteen fund and School Head, Canteen July 2021 Human Resources
other sources Manager, Health and
Nutrition Leader and GPP
Launch the Gulayan sa Launched GPP
5. Advocacy and Resource Launching of the Paaralan during the Nutrition School Head, Teachers, July 2021 Human Resources
Mobilization Gulayan sa Paaralan Month Celebration Pupils, Health and Nutrition
Program Leader,GPP Coordinator and
Conduct community campaign Developed
Campaign on about the NGP/GPP among School Head, Teachers, July - October Human and Campaign
Community Awareness stakeholders Pupils, Parents, Health and 2021 Financial
Nutrition Leader, GPP Resources/Banners
Coordinator and Members
Solicit support for garden Solicited Garden
Garden tools and tools and seedlings from the School Head, Teachers, July - October Human Resources tools and seedlings
seedlings solicitation. Barangay/City Agricultural Parents. MPTA officers, GPP 2021 and Solicitation
Office and other NGO’s Coordinator and Members Letter

Establish linkages and Ensured partnership

Seeking Partnership partnership with the School Head, City/Barangay July 2021 – March Human Resources
with the City/Barangay City/Barangay Agricultural Agricultural Officer, GPP 2022
Agricultural Office and Office and Division Task Coordinator and Members
Division Task Force on Force on NGP (National
NGP (National Greening Greening Program)
Program) Developed plan
Develop a plan who will be in
6. Sustainability Mechanism Sustainability Planning charge in the maintenance if School Head, Teachers, July 2021 – March Human Resources
there is no classes Parents. PTA officers, GPP 2022
Coordinator and Members Earned Funds
Generate funds and extra
Raising Funds through income through selling of School Head, Teachers, July 2021 – March Human Resources
selling excess products vegetable production. Parents. PTA officers ,GPP 2022
Coordinator and Members Distributed criteria
Provide the copy of criteria
Dissemination of for evaluation to all teachers Division Task Force on July 2021 Human Resources
information criteria for concerned. National Greening Program
evaluation to all schools (NGP)
in the Division

Maintained GPP
Ensure sustainability through
Maintenance of GPP for consistent monitoring School Head, Teachers, July 2021 – March Human and
periodic evaluation Parents. PTA officers, GPP 2022 Financial
Coordinator and Members Resources Accomplished
Submit the annual Report
7. Monitoring and Evaluation Accomplishment of accomplishment report to the GPP Coordinator and March 2022 Human Resources
annual report Division Office Members

Prepared and Submitted by:


SVOLBP Coordinator


Principal II

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