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CC PlayersGuide 02-24

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IB Eboracum




Londinium LO MB I

LG I Colonia M A G N AA N N I
I C A Agrippina OM
Durocortum Treverorum QUA


L U G D ULutetia



SI Argentorate RAETIA

S Augusta Lauriacum Vindobona
3. ALPES MARITIMAE Limonum Vindelicorum Aquineum




Burdigala TA Lugdunum



Mediolanum S
N E 2 Aquileia
TA RBO Cremona A

A Narbo A

Caesaraugusta Massilia
Salamantica I TA L I A



IS Tarraco ROMA

Emerita Aleria
Augusta ET

Italica Corduba SARDINIA Neapolis

Gades ET
IC Cathargo
A Nova Caralis

E TA N A M AU R E TA N I A Utica
Cirta Carthago
AZ Leptis
AN Magna
The Roman Empire
2nd Century AD - The Reign of Marcus Aurelius
Provinces Terratorial Border
Provinces Capital City
Client States Provincial City
0 100 Miles
Legionary Fort



Olbia Regnum
D A C I A Apullum IBERIA
Sarmizegetusa MOESIA
Durostorum S EUXINUS
NT Trapezus
Philippopolis PO Artaxata
Dyrrhachium BITHY C A P PA D O C I A

EP Thessalonica
IR Nicaea Ancyra

Buthrotum Caesarea





Ephesus L ES Nisibis
C I Tarsus
Corinth Athenae LY C I A
Miletus PA M P H Y L I A Antiochia OT

Myra Palmyra IA

RNUM Tyrus


Cyrene Hierosolyma

C R E TA Alexandria A

Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. Cohors Cthulhu and all characters, underlying game systems and
39 Harwood Rd, mechanics are copyright works © 2023 of Modiphius Entertainment Ltd.
All rights reserved. “Cohors Cthulhu”™, “Modiphius”®, “2d20”™ and the
London SW6 4QP, United Kingdom Cohors Cthulhu and Modiphius logos are trade marks or registered trade marks of Modiphius Entertainment Ltd.
Modiphius Entertainment
Product Number: MUH0860108 Any trademarked names are used in a fictional manner; no infringement
ISBN: 978-1-80281-061-5 is intended. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people
and events, past or present, is purely coincidental and unintentional
All Rights Reserved, except the Modiphius Logo except for those people and events described in an historical context.
which is Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. Any unauthorised use of copyrighted material is illegal.

INTRODUCTION..............................................���������������������������������� 5 CHAPTER FIVE: THE PATH OF HEROES������������������������������������ 83
Portents Align���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 Character Creation Overview���������������������������������������������86
Welcome to Cohors Cthulhu!�����������������������������������������������8 Character Building Blocks���������������������������������������������������88
What Is Cohors Cthulhu?������������������������������������������������������ 9 Character Creation Step-Through������������������������������������96
What Is the 2d20 System?���������������������������������������������������������� 9 Step 1: Record Starting Attributes�������������������������������������96
Some Basics����������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Step 2: Choose Archetype��������������������������������������������������������96
The Same, but Different…�������������������������������������������������������10 Archetypes�����������������������������������������������������������������������98-109
Pre-Campaign Preparations����������������������������������������������������11 Archetype Specializations��������������������������������������� 110-122
CHAPTER ONE: DOCUMENTS OF THE HIDDEN WARS������������ 12 Castes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
Correspondence, Rumors, and Unverified Reports����������� 12 Step 3: Determine Culture���������������������������������������������������� 124
CHAPTER TWO: PLAYING THE GAME��������������������������������������� 17 Step 4: Add Finishing Touches��������������������������������������������� 132
Scenes, Sessions, Adventures, and Campaigns���������������� 19 Final Values������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 139
Dice������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 CHAPTER SIX: TALENTS���������������������������������������������������������������145
Skill Tests�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 Talent Descriptions���������������������������������������������������������������� 148
Momentum�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 CHAPTER SEVEN: ARMS AND EQUIPMENT�������������������������153
Truths and Complications�����������������������������������������������������25 Carrying Capacity������������������������������������������������������������������� 156
Fortune and Omens������������������������������������������������������������������26 Weapons�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 157
Threat��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28 Armor������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 163
CHAPTER THREE: CONFLICT������������������������������������������������������� 29 Belongings��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 164
Environments and Zones�������������������������������������������������������� 31 Personal Gear�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 167
Action Order������������������������������������������������������������������������������35 Acquiring Equipment.................�������������������������������������������� 167
Actions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36 CHAPTER EIGHT: MOUNTS AND VEHICLES������������������������169
Attacks, Damage, and Injuries����������������������������������������������38 Getting Around����������������������������������������������������������������������� 170
Weapon Reach and Range������������������������������������������������������42 On the Move: Vehicles...............�������������������������������������������� 172
Momentum and Fortune in Action Scenes�����������������������43 CHAPTER NINE: WORLD OF COHORS�����������������������������������181
Recovering from Stress and Injuries��������������������������������45 Setting Overview��������������������������������������������������������������������� 183
Social Conflict and Reputation������������������������������������������50 Rome��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 183
CHAPTER FOUR: MAGIC��������������������������������������������������������������� 57 Germania������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 184
Types of Spellcasting���������������������������������������������������������������59 Aegyptus�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 185
Learning Spells and Rituals�������������������������������������������������� 61 Britannia������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 185
Casting Spells and Performing Rituals����������������������������64 Life in the Empire and Outer Provinces�������������������������� 186
Battlefield Magic����������������������������������������������������������������������66 Life in the Germanic Tribes�������������������������������������������������� 192
Magical Traditions������������������������������������������������������������������68 Religious Pantheons Overview������������������������������������������ 193
Runic Spellbook�������������������������������������������������������������������������68 Historical Timelines�������������������������������������������������������������� 199
Oracular Spellbook����������������������������������������������������������������� 71 Regional Timelines�����������������������������������������������������������������203
Celtic Spellbook������������������������������������������������������������������������ 73 APPENDICES�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������207
Ritualistic Magic�����������������������������������������������������������������������76 Appendix A: Your Road to Laurium�����������������������������������208
Appendix B: Companion Creatures������������������������������������ 211
Appendix C: Supporting Characters�������������������������������� 216
Character Sheet���������������������������������������������������������������������� 219

COHORS CTHULHU CREATED Graphic Design Cover Artist Proofreading
BY CHRIS BIRCH Mark Raynor Björn Barends Erin Willard
2D20 System Design Project Management Interior Artwork Artists Latin Proofreading
Nathan Dowdell Chris Shepperson, Jamie MacKenzie Anatole Arakelian, Thomas J. Howell
Cohors Cthulhu Rules Design Adrian Sanchez, Björn Barends,
Production Management Danny Spitz, David Benzal, Sensitivity Reading
Matt Goetz, Nathan Dowdell Peter Grochulski Anna Everts
Edouard Groult, Eren Arik,
Writing Art Direction Glynn Seal, Imad Ud Din, Technical Assistance
Douglas Seacat, Matt Goetz, Ricardo Amato, Julio Rocha, Louie Maryon, John Houlihan, Nick Brown,
John Houlihan, Nick Brown Rocío Martín Pérez Martin Sobr, Nathan Porto, Allan Smith
Olivier Hennart, Robert Galliers,
Editing Thibault Ollier,
Christine Crabb, Bryce Johnston

Modiphius Entertainment
Chief Creative Officer Chris ‘Chrispy’ Peacey RPG Design Assistants Tool Makers
Chris Birch Andy Douthwaite, Jess Gibbs Luke Gill, David Hextall,
Senior 3D Plastics Designer Anthony Morris
Chief Operations Officer Colin Grayson Project Management Office Team Lead
Rita Birch Błażej Kubacki Customer Service and
3D Designers Accounts Manager
Managing Director Ben de Bosdari, Sean Bullough Senior Project Manager Lloyd Gyan
Cameron Dicks Gavin Dady
Studio Painter Events Manager
Head of Brand Callum France Project Managers Gregoire Boisbelaud
Samantha Webb Daniel Lade, Jamie MacKenzie,
Studio Terrain Designer Ben Maunder, Community Manager
Head of Creative Services Julian Jeratsch Haralampos Tsakiris April Hill
Jon Webb Translations and Publishing Manager
Lead Graphic Designer Project Management Assistant
Head of Development Michal E. Cross Robert Hebblethwaite
Matt Timm
Sophie Williams Distribution and
Graphic Designers Operations Manager
Head of Finance Stephanie Toro, Chris Webb, Key Accounts Manager
John Wilson Gary Moore
Luc Woolfenden Mark Whittington, Leigh Woosey
Factory Manager Sales Account Manager
Creative Coordinator Audio and Video Producer Martin Jones
Kieran Street Steve Daldry Matt Vann-Hinton
Senior Production Operatives Marketing Coordinator
Logistics and Production Manager Editor Drew Cox, Warwick Voyzey Shaun Hocking
Peter Grochulski Bryce Johnston
Lead Production Operatives Marketing Assistant
Lead Art Director Games Designer Jake Pink, Miles Turner Georgie Reeve
Rocío Martín Pérez James Hewitt
Production Operatives Brand Manager
Art Director Community and Design Assistant Thomas Bull, Rebecca Cartwright, Chris Shepperson
Ariel Orea Dom Westerland Louis Hartley-Edwards, Customer Support Representative
Studio Coordinator Scheduling and Design Assistant Jake Skinner-Guy, Christopher Leigh Chris Dann
Rocío Martín Pérez Justin Talsma Assembly Team Webstore Manager
Photographer 2d20 Developer Wendy Harris, Apinya Ramakomud
Fátima Martín Pérez Nathan Dowdell Elaine Elizabeth Hughes, Bookkeeper
Michelle Richards Valya Mkrtchyan
Lead 3D Designer
Jonny La Trobe-Lewis Account Payable Specialist
Senior 3D Designers Ofelya Mnatsakanyan
Joana Abbott, Finance & Logistics Admin Assistant
Domingo Díaz Fermín, Hollie Shepperson

Ross Thurston III, Daniel Atson, Thomas Brandick, Will Mcshire, Grace Cripps, Brad Bell, Fen Baker, Ingolf Schäfer, Stefan-Matthias Aust,
Florian Hollauer, Joerg Sterner, Carlos “Malky” Cabrero, Kazemi, Tack, Jeffrey Weist, Christian Douven, Paul Kießhauer,
Astrid Knobling-Sterner, Nacho “Iggy” Buey, Bri Mears, Liam McCormack, Philip David McNair, Wendy McNair,
Eva Karl-Rueckert, Ricardo “Dacosta” Sanz, Schadegg, Patrick, Atli, Lee Parker, Garrett Crowe, Mari Kozlowski,
Roland Steiner, Cameron Stall, Diego Felipe, Raquel “Raky” Miguel, Dave Sanderson, Graeme McIntosh, Ryan Walsh, Artimus Killian,
David Almgren, Mario Nordqvist, Raúl “Tanke” Turón, Oliver Mayes, Dave Hancock, Mark Ferguson, Eben Tuff,
Thomas Karlsson, Peter Karlsson, Pilar “Becaria Miskatonic” Paz, Mathew Bryan, Tegan Mannino, Alasdair Price, Karl Rodriguez,
Ryan Gale, Michael John Lusty Smith, Lorena Claveria, Ana Garcia, Juan Wes Odom, Chris Fougere, Amy Lee Rodriguez, Arlen Walker,
Joseph Gagnon, Stephen Mask, Carlos Barreno, Anita Fougere, Anthony Giberson, Darren Green, Joe Arnaud, Seiji Kato,
Björn Sonerud, Marc-André Durand, Germán Cantabrana, Trevor Giberson, Junior Blais, Heather Carolan, Paul Carolan,
Frédéric Lauzon, Benoit Gervais, Leonardo Overleo Paixao, Benjamin Chee, Helena Chee, Marc Brown Liam Carolan,
Eric Knowles, Alasdair Price, Jose Tzmisce Luis, Daniel Danzin Murta, Tyrone Callaghan-Jones, Steve Bond, Bobby Molloy, John Cross,
Eben Tuff, Merk, William C Bargo Jr, Rafael Kender Navarro, Ralph Plowman, Niall Boyd, Sean Ahern, Paul McDonough,
Lynette Bargo, Will Norman Bargo, Luciano Souza, Frederico Albano, Liam Boyd, Alex Tokarczyk, Dave Walker, Adrian Sztucki,
Laura McLanster, Andrew Yildirim, Thomas Henschel, Roger Ellingham, Lars Hermes, Jens, Daniel, Markus, Chris F. Willoughby.
Jasmine Yildirim, Noah Smithieer, Iain Bell, Jen Parr, Amy Williams, Matthias, Daniel Atson,


Portents Align................................................................. 6
Welcome to Cohors Cthulhu............................... 8
What Is Cohors Cthulhu?.....................................................9

What Is The 2D20 System?........................................................9

Some Basics.....................................................................................10

The Same, but Different… .....................................................10

Pre-Campaign Preparations...................................................11

Documents of The Hidden Wars........................12

Correspondence, Rumors, and
Unverified Reports.................................................................... 12
Portents Align
he smell of death was still heavy on the air as they approached Hunched over, he was inspecting something discolored at his feet. A
the site of recent carnage. Suibhne moved cautiously, hunkered layer of purple powder stained the ground. Glinting in the light were
down and passing through the undergrowth slowly so as not to make sharp shards of what might be broken glass, perhaps some kind of
unnecessary noise, using the trees as cover. The youth enlisted as her container that had once held the powder.
guide, a Gaul named Cenno, followed not far behind. He managed
Cenno seemed fascinated by the color and reached out a finger to
a passable job of remaining quiet and unseen, likely having hunted
prod the purple dust.
enough to know how to step lightly.
“Stop!” She barked sharply, and he froze. More gently she said,
Fewer corpses lay scattered across the ground than she would have
“Watch the trees for me, Cenno.”
expected, given the obvious scale of the battle that had stained the
ground. Everywhere she looked were bits of broken armor, splin- He seemed disappointed but did as bid. Suibhne stared at the purple
tered arrows, abandoned shields, the burned wrecks of what must dust with intense misgiving. It shimmered as if radiating its own
have been wagons. It had been long enough for the slain to have light, almost seeming to swirl of its own accord at the edge of her
been set upon by carrion feeders, but there was strangely little sign vision. She did not know what this powder might be but felt certain
of them. Where were the crows? And why did the shapes of the it was the result of some unfamiliar ritual. It was laden with power.
bodies seem so wrong, even from a distance? She was careful not to disturb it.

Her heart was racing, and she endeavored to calm herself. She closed “I must see with my own eyes the nature of this corruption,”
her eyes a moment in prayer to the Dagda. she told him. She indicated the direction of the tracks, where the
ambushers and the bodies they had taken had gone. “I go alone.”
The forest was rife with malevolence and tainted by the energies
of unnatural death. What had happened here was very far from the Cenno nodded. “I need to tell my elders what we have already seen.
natural bloodshed of a predator killing and eating its prey. Or even If this many Romans could be killed so easily, my village stands no
the harsher violence of two tribes locked in martial strife, each side chance against whatever did this.”
killing to survive.
She clasped him once and said her thanks, acknowledging him as a
The chill she felt increased as she inspected the nearest body. A true friend, and then let him go. Cenno had been a good guide, and
Roman soldier, clearly, but changed. It took a moment for her eyes his tribe had been welcoming and friendly to her, remembering old
to adjust and accept what she was seeing. ties with those who lived across the water.

At first she thought he had been decapitated and his head had gone She had thought to find evidence of Herjan the Deathless and his
missing, with the remnant of a scaled and toothy creature lying warriors here, as the depraved Germanic berserker had been forcing
nearby. No. The length of serpentine flesh, which was divided down lesser chiefs to bend the knee and slaughtering those who refused.
the middle to reveal triangular, serrated teeth, showed a ragged wound She had braced herself for villages put to the torch. But what she
at its stump that matched the one on the soldier’s neck. It had been had found here was something else and far worse. Not that she
severed by some desperate blow. The tentacle thing had clearly occupied pitied the Romans, but they did not die easily.
the space where his head had been. His sprawled arms initially looked
normal, one extended as if reaching for a sword half-buried in the mud
nearby—but the other was twisted and deformed, the fingers thickened Night had fallen by the time the trail she followed led her to the quarry
with scaled growths, and black claws extended from the tips. A small she sought. She pressed on, knowing the darkness would make it easier
cloud of flies rose up from the corpse, and she waved them off. to move unseen, to reconnoiter from the periphery. Yet many malev-
olent powers took strength in these hours and would have been weaker
The youth came up behind her and, seeing what she saw, sucked in
by day. With whispered prayers, she borrowed from the virtues of the
his breath and backed away. She held a finger to her lips and gave
owl, and her eyes subtly shifted and changed. Now even the faintest
him a stern look.
starlight sufficed to put the landscape she crossed in sharp relief.
Very few bodies remained, and those that were present had similarly
The broken walls of a crumbling ruin lay ahead, lit by starlight.
changed, or were so badly mangled as to be almost unrecognizable.
She could feel more than see a smoky miasma hovering over this
She saw furrows in the dirt and smashed grass and broken branches
place. As she neared, she could hear low voices chanting in some
leading away. Perhaps the bodies had been taken—or had left of
unknown but sibilant tongue. The phrases had a rhythmic quality,
their own volition, she considered, looking back at the serpentine
rising and falling together with a thumping like large hands
appendage where the Roman’s head had been. Her people told their
slapping against chests. Something glowed within the ruins, and
own tales of corpses that walked.
its color was not orange or yellow like ordinary flame, but instead
“What’s this?” Cenno asked, thankfully keeping his voice low. tinged with purple and green, like an angry bruise.

There was an opening in the outer wall where the old stones had For a moment she thought she had drawn the attention of one
tumbled away, the wall buckled under its own weight and over- when it turned to face her hiding place—but her concerns were
grown with moss and lengths of ivy. Peeking over its edge, wary erased by something far more alarming. The distended, rippling
of the growing light within, she was able to perceive the interior. orb of purple-green liquid darkened as a larger silhouette loomed
within its depths.
Lit torches were held by strange figures gathered in a semicircle,
the flames guttering against a swirling wind, but their light was The oceanic sphere rippled as a slender limb pierced it and began
overshadowed and swallowed by a pulsing distortion in the air to enter the world. Impossibly elongated and branchlike, its
between them. It looked almost as though a swirling orb of deep first joint emerged, then the second, the movement reminding
ocean had been somehow brought to this place and was floating her of a spider, though one that was far too large. Its drab skin
untethered in the air, lit from within by occasional bursts of seemed more like stone than flesh, pulling some greater bulk that
strangely filtered and colored light. It was like looking upon strained at an opening too narrow to accommodate it.
the surface of a shimmering pool filmed with oil and trying to
Suibhne did not register any decision to flee before she was
decipher the warped reflections of the moon.
already running. There was only the certainty that she must get
With an effort, she pulled her gaze from its depths to survey the away at all costs, combined with knowing that something awful
chanting figures around it and felt her blood chill. Almost none was on her heels. Branches lashed scrapes along her face and tore
of them looked human to her eyes. Only the one standing almost at her clothes, but she did not feel it. Only when her legs gave
opposite her vantage point, head back as he chanted; he at least out, trembling from exhaustion after some unknown distance,
had ordinary hands raised in supplication. did she finally slow. Glancing back, she saw nothing, but she did
not feel reassured. It was there, somewhere.
The others had pincers or claws where fingers should be, and what
seemed to be writhing tentacles extended from the openings in their She found a sheltered place at the trunk of an old tree and
hooded robes. They swayed side to side in a loosely coordinated huddled into a ball, pulling leaves around herself, and fell into
motion, periodically breaking the rhythm by thumping their an exhausted but restless sleep.
extremities to their torsos. Several on the periphery seemed akin to the
disfigured corpses she had found at the battlefield site, with toothy
scaled growths in place of their heads, still wearing Roman armor.


Prepare to delve into a roleplaying game of cosmic horror and epic adventure set within a divergent version of the ancient Roman
Empire and its surroundings.

This setting is part of an alternative history in which Atlantis Do not be daunted by a lack of familiarity with the historical
existed and was destroyed as part of a greater conflict between aspects of the setting. Cohors Cthulhu is intended as an
cosmic powers—but its legacy has endured and left countless approachable historical fantasy / horror roleplaying game that
ripples. It is a setting where magic is tangible, if perilous and does not require prior knowledge. Certainly if you have seen
arising from a variety of sinister powers. The gods of myriad movies or shows, read books, or played games set in this era or
pantheons are at play in the world of Cohors Cthulhu, and featuring ancient Rome or neighboring cultures, that will be
some of them can even be called upon, if you dare. Many of useful and make things easier to visualize. But we expect it will
these so-called gods are but echoes of vast, ancient, and alien feel comfortable and familiar quite quickly to anyone who has
entities with terrifying agendas. Each struggling culture and ever explored other more fantastical games and settings, as so
civilization in Cohors Cthulhu is rife with cults to these deities, many classic fantasy tropes and concepts are rooted in aspects
some benevolent and others more sinister, hoping to bend of this era and its legends. But by all means feel free to add
reality to their own ends, many in conflict with one another. to your enjoyment by absorbing the diversity of compelling
Yet arising from each of these cultures are great heroes who are media featuring ancient Rome, Germania, Syria, Britannia,
willing to risk death by confronting horrors to preserve what Egypt, and other areas from which your characters may hail.
they value most.
While we provide a small amount of setting information
Characters controlled by players might, if they survive, become here as an adjunct to character creation, this is a bit cursory
these epic heroes, wielding the artifacts of fallen civilizations by design. The Cohors Cthulhu Gamemaster’s Guide will include
and invoking the magic of unpredictable gods. Forged by much more information on the secret aspects of the setting,
trauma, strife, and solemn oaths, they will become weapons including details of the Hidden Wars and various Mythos
pitted against the uncaring cosmos. Reaching such heights influences. Additionally, from the outset it has not been our
is necessary to have a hope of standing victorious against the goal to try to depict every minute detail of the Roman Empire,
monstrous creatures awaiting them. its history, and its features. Because Cohors Cthulhu is based
on a historical era, a wealth of information is readily and
The Cohors Cthulhu setting is connected to the alternate reality
freely available elsewhere to fill in any gaps. Both players and
depicted in Achtung! Cthulhu, which is set many centuries later,
gamemasters should feel free to embrace the reality of this
though no previous knowledge or exposure to that game or
ancient period as much or as little as they desire.
its characters is required. It is quite possible for ambitious
gamemasters to create chronicles with characters participating
in sprawling epics across both time periods or, alternatively, to
use Cohors Cthulhu to create stories of the ancient ancestors of
heroes from this later era. This is a topic we will also explore in
adventures that bridge this gulf in time.

This guide is designed to allow you to jump into character

creation with minimal knowledge and experience. It provides
all the tools necessary for you to create characters and gain
a sense of the fundamental aspects of the world. Depending
on the preferences of your gamemaster, you might be able to
start the game without any previous preparation whatsoever,
building your character as you go and filling in the details as
they are needed.

What Is Cohors Cthulhu?

Where once mighty legions marched and valiant tribes fought, where legends walked the lands and terrors prowled the vast forests, where
ancient secrets unlocked immense power and inhuman gods threatened chaos and destruction…

Cohors Cthulhu is a setting for Lovecraftian horror placed Other entities prowl the shadows. Ancient, godlike beings
against a backdrop of epic heroism, intrigue, and strife during slumber beneath the oceans and in lost ruins, sending dreams
the height of the early Roman Empire. to their cults; Deep Ones demand sacrifices from coastal villages
and conduct raids along the waterways. Mi-Go, dangerous
Amid a war-torn and fractious world in which Roman
visitors from other stars, have sent expeditions into the
legionaries bent on conquest face off against barbarian
mountains to plunder Earth’s resources and perform horrific
warriors protecting their tribes, players take on the roles of
experiments on its peoples. Nightmarish creatures and ancient
diverse heroes from regions across the empire: Germania,
beings of incalculable power stalk the periphery of civilization,
Gaul, Britannia, Aegyptus, Assyria, Hispania, and even eternal
seeking living things upon which to feast… or worse.
Rome itself. Arising from a wide array of backgrounds, they
battle baleful horrors facing all of humanity. Whether the There is a reason why humanity is coveted by entities that can
fight was forced on them or they chose this path, it requires swallow entire stars: their limitless potential threatens even the
putting aside allegiances and prejudices, and making friends gods. It falls to the heroes to achieve that potential: by plundering
of former enemies. forgotten ruins, seeking out strange allies, entering into dubious
pacts, and exploring untamed forests where malign cultists
This fight also requires confronting peril to gather remnants
prowl—all to empower themselves against the Mythos. They may
of forgotten magic, most often preserved by priests of jealous
find weapons such as Atlantean relics, become transformed by
and competing gods. But fickle as humanity’s gods may be,
Hyperborean armories, or earn the blessings of more benevolent
they are sometimes the only recourse against those from
gods. Ordinary mortals can aspire to rise as demigods and make
beyond the stars. Nyarlathotep, the God of a Thousand Forms, has
a stand against the impending cataclysm. It remains to be seen if
unleashed myriad schemes to corrupt once-sacred cults across
they can surmount these heights, or if they will instead fall to the
Rome, Germania, and beyond. In the shadows lurk powerful,
malevolent forces seeking to corrupt their aspirations.
corrupted survivors of Atlantis, their minds twisted by
Sarthothus, the Shattered God, whose alien intellect has infected The stories of this era will take their place among humanity’s
the Atlantean relics upon which their power relies. most epic tales. What part will your heroes play in them?

What Is the 2d20 System?

During your game, your character’s actions and their consequences affect the storyline uniquely. What happens when a villain draws a
bow and your hero tries to dive for cover behind the nearest pillar? Does the hail of arrows hit them full on, taking them down, or do the
arrows narrowly miss, spraying the wall instead? When a character is in jeopardy and the outcome is in doubt, it’s the dice that decide.

You pull out a pair of twenty-sided dice and roll them to see handily discovered back door. The gamemaster can use Threat to
what happens. A twelve and a fifteen mean your hero feels make cultists of Mormo materialize out of the ether, blocking the
those arrowheads penetrating their flesh, their body twitching hero’s escape route and sparking a further encounter (an event
under the impact. If you roll a three and a ten, the arrows that is invoked as a complication).
might shatter against the pillar or whistle by your hero’s cheek,
All of these rules and mechanics help set the scene, add
failing to find their prey.
suspense, and shape the thrilling storylines that characters
Roleplaying games use rules to shape or resolve the drama of a in the Cohors Cthulhu universe experience during their
story. Cohors Cthulhu utilizes the 2d20 System (2d20 is shorthand daring escapades.
for “two twenty-sided dice”). In this system (as in others), the dice
The 2d20 System is also here to lend a helping hand to players
reign where the gamemaster (GM) does not, dictating whether the
taking their first steps on that road as they create a unique hero
archer hits their mark, as well as the consequences of that action.
to fight in the Hidden Wars. Focuses, personal truths, talents,
The 2d20 System has several defining characteristics. Rules for stress and other mechanical values come together to flesh out each
let you know how much physical and mental punishment your character’s personality—while skills and attributes define their
character can take. Rules for Momentum allow your character to virtues and weaknesses. The 2d20 System does all of this in an
push home any advantage, using that successful dive into cover easy-to-learn, quick-to-play manner. Buckle up, pack your trustiest
to rise with their sword drawn or to make their escape through a spear, and prepare for action: it’s going to be quite a ride!

Some Basics

Most Cohors Cthulhu players are probably familiar with other roleplaying games, but if you are not, have no fear. Cohors Cthulhu is
designed to be an easy entry point and can be played and run by those who have limited to no experience with these sorts of games.
At its heart, a roleplaying game is a cooperative storytelling experience between (usually) one person who is presenting the story
and arbitrating gameplay, called the gamemaster, or GM, and one or more (ideally three to four) other people, the players, who
participate in the story by taking control of various characters called player characters (PCs, sometimes also referred to as heroes).

This guide is primarily intended for players, to allow them to The only materials required for playing this game is
understand the game’s rules and create the characters they will imagination, some twenty-sided dice (one to five work well),
roleplay in the course of a campaign. A campaign is a series some six-sided dice, and a character sheet. You may also wish
of individual play sessions in which the same or connected to have some means to take notes during a game for matters
characters participate in an ongoing story initiated by the beyond those covered by the character sheet.
gamemaster but shaped and evolved by everyone. While
reading through this summary of the game and its setting,
each player can begin thinking about what sort of character
they might want to play.

However, as this book also contains the integral rules of play,

it is also an essential reference for the gamemaster. Additional
gamemastering tools, setting background, and information
on non-player characters (NPCs), as well as a bestiary of
formidable adversaries, can be found in the Cohors Cthulhu
Gamemaster’s Guide.

The Same, but Different…

Cohors Cthulhu lives in the world of Against the Gods Themselves, like other 2d20 System titles including Achtung! Cthulhu. Players of
Achtung! Cthulhu will notice many similarities between these two titles, but there are also some significant differences we want
to highlight here.

Era of the Orator Who Are You, Exactly?

In the world of ancient Rome, the ability to sway public New to Cohors Cthulhu is the concept of hidden facets of a
opinion was significant: from the Senate floor to the player character. Secret truths, hidden talents, and Campfire
battlefield, convincing oratory could alter the course Tales give you the option to leave certain aspects of your
of history. The same was true in other cultures of the character undefined at the outset and then “discover” new
time. Among the tribes of Germania Magna, for example, things about the character through play.
influencing the people around you to respect your way of
thinking was critical if you wanted to avoid violence. Culture and Caste
A character’s culture and their standing within it are important
To reflect this, Cohors Cthulhu introduces a new attribute:
aspects of life in the ancient world. The Roman Empire
Gravitas. A character uses Gravitas to make convincing
absorbed many different cultures, each with its own distinctive
arguments and act with seriousness and dignity.
traditions. You can choose which part of the ancient world
affected by Rome your character calls home.
Blades, not Bullets
Unlike Achtung! Cthulhu, Cohors Cthulhu has a strong focus on Similarly, the Roman world incorporated people of every
melee combat. That’s not to say ranged combat options don’t cultural standing and socioeconomic level, from the outcasts
exist—bows, javelins, pila, and arcuballistae all see use on the at society’s fringes to patricians, who guided the fate of the
battlefield—but melee combat in Cohors Cthulhu incorporates empire. Players may choose characters of any caste, and efforts
relevant concepts from other 2d20 System games. Melee weapons have been taken to ensure that no specific caste is “better” for
have Reach, for instance, and Guard is an important aspect of play than any others.
melee combat. Reach and Guard are incorporated to ensure that
melee combat options are as robust as possible and to allow for
a complexity of choices similar to the complexity available in
Achtung! Cthulhu.

Fiction and R eality
Cohors Cthulhu uses, and hopefully subverts, certain abiding and harmful philosophies and fictions. Lovecraft’s stories
revealed deeply racist and exclusionist attitudes. The concepts of Hyperborea and Atlantis were used by figures like Madame
Blavatsky and early eugenicists to imply the superiority of Europeans over the biologically indistinguishable other cultures
of the world. We have chosen instead to utilize these concepts in a different way, with Hyperboreans as otherworldly beings
who had no shared ancestry with humanity until they reshaped themselves to survive a new world. Atlanteans inherited
advanced technology and reaped its benefits but were in no way inherently superior to other peoples, eventually succumbing
to corruption and other human foibles that resulted in their fall. Where these myths have in the past been offered as the
foundations of racist rhetoric, we have chosen to use them as cautionary tales.

No group is inherently superior to another. No culture is lesser. Humanity, in all of our infinite variations, is wonderful,
beautiful, and worthy of respect.

Pre-Campaign Preparations
Roleplaying games allow you to experience a wide variety of
situations, places, and dramatic moments, some of which you
might never want to face in reality. Often this is part of the
Mature Themes
fun of these shared imaginative experiences, but sometimes The Cohors Cthulhu Player’s Guide incorporates mature
an in-game experience can vividly call to mind a real-life subjects including human and animal sacrifice
traumatic event, making the game session extraordinarily (potentially performed by player characters), infant death,
difficult for the person who experienced it and potentially enslavement, torture, self-harm (potentially including
unenjoyable for those who do not experience trauma around self-harm by player characters as part of a ritual), racism,
the topic, but still feel uncomfortable with it. death and severe injury, severe mental illness (see Mental
Scars, page 48), opium and other drug use, and nudity—not
As a result, it’s important that everyone involved gain a clear idea
to mention horrifying eldritch entities!
ahead of time regarding potentially difficult topics a campaign or
adventure might cover, and to have the opportunity to indicate If you are the gamemaster, before you run adventures
what subjects they’d like to avoid without feeling judged by the using any of these subjects, please apprise your players
group. It’s also key to have a system in place that lets everyone at of them and discuss using a system in which they can
the table feel comfortable indicating during play when a subject comfortably air any concerns they might have or request
that has arisen is too much and roleplaying or discussing it needs that certain content be skipped. To avoid presenting
to be halted and moved in a different direction. subjects as spoilers, a good strategy is to offer a longer list
of potential subjects, only some of which appear in the
To facilitate such discussions, it’s a good idea to pick up the TTRPG
adventure or campaign.
Safety Toolkit, compiled by Lauren Bryant-Monk and Kienna Shaw,
and Monte Cook Games’ Consent in Gaming, by Sean K. Reynolds
and Shanna Germain. Both are free and easy to find online.

On Cultural Identities
Cohors Cthulhu makes use of certain collective terms for large groups of people who share cultural features and beliefs but who,
in reality, were more diverse and varied than they are commonly depicted. This is particularly true for some of the tribal cultures
on the periphery of Rome.For example, the modern perception of Celtic culture is viewed through a lens built around an Iron
Age culture known as La Tène, centered on Gaul, which spread across much of western and northern Europe. Recent scholarship
suggests that the term “Celt” was specific to a small tribe in southern Gaul, rather than a term widely used by many culturally
connected tribes. Our use of “Celtic” is as a term of roleplaying convenience when referring to people from any of these tribes
and regions, a fictional cohesive mystical tradition, and also an associated spellbook. Players or gamemasters with more precise
knowledge of these peoples may opt to utilize more specific tribal identities for their characters.

Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - Documents of the Hidden Wars

Correspondence, Rumors, and Unverified Reports
The rise of organized and active Mythos threats during the era featured in Cohors Cthulhu takes place amid existing conflicts
between the Roman Empire and the surrounding areas it is attempting to pacify or control, particularly the frontier region of
Germania. Among these regions’ myriad competing groups there is no shortage of bloodshed and mayhem, including violent raids
against neighboring villages on the empire’s outskirts.

Yet beyond these mortal conflicts, larger and more secretive If you wish your character to enter the strange world of Cohors
wars with higher stakes are being fought. These battles are Cthulhu unburdened by this dangerous foreknowledge, then
part of an existential struggle that few know about and even this chapter is not for you, and you should skip forward to
fewer understand. They pose threats against humanity itself by Chapter Two: Playing the Game, page 17.
vast and alien powers allied to factions of long-lived ancients
However, if you must know more, the short, intercepted
whose minds they have subverted or compromised. In the face
missives, accounts, and vignettes presented in this chapter
of such perils, certain brave heroes have put aside old grudges
reflect some of the rumors, gossip, and innuendo that have
to join the larger fight, their eyes having been opened to the
spilled over from the Hidden Wars. Your character may have
graver menace. They have learned and trained in methods of
been in a position to overhear some of this information or
combating unnatural, nightmarish horrors and monsters.
may have stumbled across it some other way. Characters with
The veil of secrecy around the underlying conflicts is never
an interest in the occult may even have sought out these hints
absolute; traces of information on these Hidden Wars are
while striving to learn more of the hidden world.
conveyed in whispered rumors; reports from soldiers on the
frontier; and tales told by those who have witnessed strange
things, sometimes interpreted as the very will of the gods.

My beloved pater,

I write to you from Anreppen Fort, where

I am now stationed, in one of the last bastions
the wilds of Germania. Being billeted at the of civilization, surrounded by
fort is a relief, but I will not remain here for
have been marching out on patrol into regi long. For weeks on end, we
ons where our control is very tenuous and we
any time. The nearest tribes are supposed to mig ht be assailed by hostiles at
be subdued and no longer defiant, but amon
us. Though I am far from home, I am ever g them are many who resent
mindful of my duty to protect and serve our
great empire.
The land here is wild and untamed, and each
day brings its own dangers and surprises.
strength and courage of the Germanic peop I have seen firsthand the
le, and I have come to respect them. They are
be ever vigilant to protect our tenuous grasp fierc e warriors, and I must
in the lands east of the river. Rumors in the
lurking deep within the forest’s shadows, and camp hint at stranger perils
I must remain alert and prepared for any
lessons of diligence and observation you insti thing. I thank you for the
lled in me from a young age, even if these
than the nattering of bored soldiers. Still, I rumors amount to little more
am unnerved by the dreadful howls that reac
I have ever known. Our next patrol is to vent h us, sounds like no animal
ure farther into an area most here consider
these whispers entirely. cursed. It is difficult to ignore

The days here can be long and lonely, but

I draw strength from my faith in Rome, in
the knowledge that I am fighting for a nob Mars and Jupiter, and in
le cause. I miss you all dearly and cannot wait
return to your loving embrace. for the day when I can

Until then, I pray for your health and safe

Your loving son,

Cnaeus Epedius Tertulus

l and
, C n a e u s, a loya e eternally
r son we a r
e d i u s T er tulus, m y o u that you he Empire, and
s Ep info r e to t
i l y of Cnaeu o u today to his life in servic in
To the f a m
m u s t w rite t o y
. H e g a ve y t a k e comfor t
r t, I f dut y u ma
a b u r d ened hea en in the line o a n d r e spect. Yo
With ldier, has fall . onor
rest in h
brave so for his sacrifice here h e w i ll
grateful a c k t o Rome, w
ins b .
i ll s e n d his remaro. u t y u n to death
We w he died a h e his d
knowing b e r C n aeus and
i r e w i ll forever r
The Em ruses
A r g u s Attia D

the for tre ss he re in La uri um ad dressed to the family of a fallen

centurion at s killed him
I have intercepted a letter from a y acknowledge his true killer. To even suggest that one of those thing
soldier. The Empire will never publ to bear.
would be more than they are prep of
son . On ly a foo l wo uld br ing thi s corruption back to the city. Most
is even their it was replaced with or adjoined a
I doubt the body they send back ny ha d no rec og niz ab le he ad , as
tilated, and ma
the casualties in that fight were mu
serpentine and toothy appendage. s
Second Key Harius Viator Lauriatu
Our patrol found the to
an abandoned village a wer empty save for blood. We followed
similar disappearances.nd confronted local Chatti warriors, who smoke to
creatures had attacked A local boy we queried reported that st reported
do not trust the tribe, b the village. There are no bodies here, eit range
ut they were strangely her. I
Marius sh a k e n .
The consuls, when they remain
are the masters of all public aff in Rome, before they leadout the armies into the field,
are subject to them, and bound airs. For all other magistrates, the tribunes alone excepted
the senate. They propose also to to obey their commands. They introduce ambassadors in ,
are observed in making the decr the senate the subjects of debates; and direct all forms th to
to those affairs that are transac ees. Nor is it less a part of their office likewise, to attend at
report to them the resolutions of ted by the people; to call together general assemblies; to
greater number. In all the prep the senate; and to ratify whatever is determined by the
administration in the field, theyarations that are made for war
po , as well as in the whole
belongs to impose upon the allie sse ss an al m ost absolute authority. For to th
s w ha te ve r services they judge expedient; to em it
military tribunes; to enroll the appoint th
punishments in the field, upon legions, and make the necessary levies, and to inflict e
have the power likewise to expend all that are subject to their com
w ha mand. Add to this, that they
the public treasury; being atten te ve r su m s of money they may think con
receive and execute their orders. de d for th at purpose by a quaestor; who is al venient from
ways ready to

However, it must be noted that

and that the true powers of the the authority of the consuls is built on a false foundation
to comprehend, much less attemimmortal city lie with individuals too ancient and power ,
pt to defy. Polybiu
s, you fool. You can’t put suc
h things in
your codex. Are you trying to
When any one therefore, direct
get killed?

reasonable for him to conclude s his view to this part of this constitution, it is very
Let me only observe, that if in that this government is no other than a simple mummery.
be mentioned, any change shousome of these particular points, or in those that will hereaft
time, such an alteration will no ld be either now remarked, or should happen at some futu er
t destroy the general principles re
of this discourse.

Salvē Iovita, r island friends who

na me of ou
I greet you in the sian Fields. I have returned, but
now feast in the ng whispers from the north and,
there are troub te mpl e . I fear I may have to
t he
worryingly, from to recover the artifact. It is too
e f
l n to
travel there mys to others. We should meet soo e
e ar
important to leav y of the corrupted endure and
discuss whether r min ing our long-laid plan
active ly un de
sima Iovita?
What news, caris
x Sacrorum, First Key
Spurious Minicius Thermus, Re Enemy are
in thi s lan d. He rja n’s hor des and the servants of the
The Ancient and Dreadful ha
ve stirred
s: go at pe opl e wa lki ng on two legs, great shambling
ming an army of horror hands. I have seen baleful
gathering in the forests, for th sca led ski n an d cla ws for
d twisted priests wi ter Gods are
forms that smell of death, an bli ng wh isp ers on the br eeze. The creatures of the Ou
have heard trou
performed in the night and ve be en en acted and the forces of chao
s unleashed.
rit ch pow er ha
convening. Rites of eld
thi s lan d an d tho se sur rou nding it, an evil that would
loose a terrible evil on e action to prevent the coming
of this
I am confident they plan to you to be ca uti ous yet tak
governors. I urge
challenge even Rome and its
old and dreaded power.
to pr eve nt wh at is com ing . Therefore, I recommend a
magic; we must use our ow n
The Ancients have powerful
st capable mystics.
permanent presence of our mo faithful
tid e of cor ru pti on soon to be unleashed. I remain your
stand against the
We must prepare ourselves to dark.
de vot ed to pr ote ctin g the world from the terrors of the
of Dawn,
Your servant in the Fingers
tia Tarpeia
Gaulo, corniculary of Juven
Chapter 2

Playing the Game...........................................................18

Scenes, Sessions, Adventures, and Campaigns............ 19

Dice...................................................................................................... 19

Skill Tests....................................................................................... 20

Momentum..................................................................................... 23

Truths and Complications................................................. 25

Fortune and Omens................................................................. 26

Threat............................................................................................... 28
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Playing the Game


Almost everyone in Laurium knew Garin’s face, which made his job a lot harder. It wasn’t a job, exactly, but
it was what he did. Cutpurse. Pickpocket. Thief. He’d been doing it for five years, having run away when his
father sold his older brother into slavery. The old man said he’d had no choice, but Garin knew his mother would
never have allowed it. She’d been dead since he was a little boy though, and his father had never cared much for her
opinion even when she was alive.

So, because everyone knew him, he’d decided to move on. In exchange for two days’ work for a boat captain, he’d
got himself downriver to the town of Frodis. During the trip, Garin had thought a lot about his mother. She was
a proud, fair woman, and she wouldn’t have liked to see him turn to crime. In fact, she would have hated it.

Stepping off the boat, Garin made a pledge to himself that he would at least look for a job before going back to
stealing. He asked around at the docks and the dyeworks and the smithies and the market, but nobody was hiring.
He had a little money, but it wouldn’t last him more than a few days. That first night, he slept down at the docks
in a wrecked boat, his slumber disturbed by some very loud rats.

For two more days, he searched for work. Something always drew him back to the docks. He enjoyed watching the
boats arrive and leave and all the birds that lived close to the water. The largest building down there was a ware-
house belonging to a man named Hengist. Garin learned that he owned several boats and had a share in the docks.
Hengist had built himself a nice villa next to the warehouse. One day, as he was passing, Garin saw an elderly
woman gazing up at a tree.

He soon realized that there was a kitten stuck up there.

“Would you like me to get it down?” he offered, hoping for a reward.

“Thank you, son. Very kind.” The woman opened the gate and beckoned him in.

Also a practiced burglar, Garin was up and down the tree in a minute, the kitten safely in his grasp. He received
2 sesterces for his trouble, but that was not all he gained. Bidding farewell to the woman, he was approached by a
sailor outside the gate.

“Son, I’ve rarely seen such speed and balance. Even the youngsters on my crew aren’t much use up the mast. Can I
offer you a job? I need someone who can move fast and keep his head even when trouble’s brewing.”

In the Cohors Cthulhu Roleplaying Game, dauntless heroes battle This chapter covers the core rules of Cohors Cthulhu, forming
evil cultists and powerful, uncanny creatures in thrilling the foundation of the game. Cohors Cthulhu employs these rules
adventures set amid the Hidden Wars of unfathomable greater regularly, so you should read and familiarize yourself with
powers. Yet even the bravest heroes require rules to help frame them for use during roleplaying sessions and adventures.
and describe their mighty feats.

Scenes, Sessions, Adventures, and Campaigns

Chapter 2 - Playing the Game

Just like the events of a TV show, movie, or novel, gameplay in Cohors Cthulhu is structured in scenes. A standard scene typically takes place
in a single location and covers events during which the player characters attempt to achieve a goal, overcome a problem, or otherwise
engage in significant activities. Scenes typically take from a few minutes to a few hours of game-world time, depending on their nature. An
action scene features conflict or combat. If it involves combat, it is also called a combat encounter. It is similar to a standard scene but is
divided into rounds and turns. Each character in an action scene takes one turn each round. Collectively, scenes are the building blocks of
a game session—a single block of time when the gamemaster and players meet to play—and serve as a foundation for gameplay.

An adventure is defined as a significant chapter in a longer real-world time. For example: the adventuring group arrives
campaign. This is a flexible concept but includes a distinct in the town of Laurium and meets several locals; the town’s
beginning, middle, and end. An adventure generally includes magistrate hires them to investigate a nearby cave; at the cave,
a mix of standard and action scenes, as well as any setup and the group is attacked by some strange creatures, but it survives
aftermath. The length of game-world time an adventure covers and acquires some interesting clues; finally, the group returns
varies, but it usually encompasses multiple game sessions of to Laurium and is rewarded by the magistrate.

Cohors Cthulhu uses two different types of dice to resolve the actions a character attempts and the situations they face. If more than
one die of the same type will be rolled at once, these dice are referred to as a dice pool.

D20s If You Don’t Have Challenge Dice

The most commonly used
die is the twenty-sided die,
If you don’t have special Challenge Dice available, you can
abbreviated d20. D20s are
use normal six-sided dice instead; treat any roll of a 3 or 4
used for resolving skill tests
as blank, and any roll of a 5 or a 6 as an effect [ ].
and for rolling on random
tables. Skill tests require two D6 TO CHALLENGE DIE [ ] CONVERSION
to five d20s, noted as Xd20, where X is the number of dice to be D6 ROLL CHALLENGE DICE ROLL RESULT
rolled. 2d20 means that two twenty-sided dice should be rolled,
and 5d20 means that five should be rolled. It’s helpful to have 1 1
at least two d20s for each player, as sometimes two or more 2 2
players roll at the same time.
3 – 0

Challenge Dice 4 – 0
The second type of dice is 5 1, plus damage effect
Challenge Dice, indicated by this
6 1, plus damage effect
symbol: . These six-sided dice
are used primarily for inflicting
stress in combat. Each has
four faces with three possible
results—a score of 1 ( ); a score of 2 ( ); and two faces Re-Rolls
showing , or an effect—as well as two blank faces.
Certain talents and other rules allow you to re-roll dice. To
When you roll Challenge Dice , an effect result counts as
do so, roll the specified dice again, and replace the original
a roll of 1 and also triggers special effects, like additional stress,
results with the new results, even if the new results are worse.
depending on the circumstances of the roll. If multiple special
rules trigger when an effect is rolled, then all of them trigger You can always choose how many dice you want to re-roll,
even if only a single effect is rolled. up to the number listed, and you can always choose not to
re-roll a die if you want to keep the original result.
A pool of Challenge Dice is rolled all at once, and the die
results are added together. The total is the amount of stress
inflicted. Multiple Challenge Dice are noted as X
, where X is the number of dice rolled. So, 4 indicates
that four Challenge Dice should be rolled and their
results added together.

Skill Tests
Chapter 2 - Playing the Game

In Cohors Cthulhu, the heroes you play—called player characters, or PCs—are daring, dynamic individuals. They are skilled in their
chosen fields and knowledgeable enough in others to overcome a wide range of problems, given enough time and the right tools.

In any situation in which success is in doubt, failure would be

interesting, or risk is involved, you need to make a skill test.
When the gamemaster calls for a skill test, they set a difficulty,
normally between 0 and 5. The difficulty represents how
ROLLING THE DICE challenging the task is. Skill tests have a base difficulty of 1,
1. Choose the Attribute and Skill: Player characters have
though more routine skill tests can have a difficulty of 0, and
attributes, skills, and focuses that represent their innate
more challenging ones may have a higher difficulty. Difficulties
abilities and their general and specialized training.
can also be affected by circumstances, typically represented by
When you make a skill test, the gamemaster chooses
truths (see Truths and Complications, page 25).
which attribute and skill are appropriate for the test and
determines whether any of your character’s focuses apply. The gamemaster should always inform you of the difficulty
Add together the numerical scores for the attribute and of any skill test you are about to attempt. Player characters
skill chosen: this is the target number for each d20. are skilled individuals with fate on their side, and they
have the ability to evaluate how challenging an activity is.
2. Set the Difficulty: The gamemaster sets the skill test’s
Knowing a skill test’s difficulty allows you to decide whether
difficulty, normally between 0 and 5. The difficulty is the
you want to spend Momentum (see Momentum, page 23) or
number of successes you must generate with your dice to
Fortune points (see Fortune and Omens, page 26) to improve
pass the skill test.
your chance of success.
3. Roll the Dice Pool: Assemble your dice pool. You start with
two d20s, and you may purchase up to three additional
d20s by spending Momentum (see Momentum, page 23) EXAMPLE DIFFICULTIES
or adding to the GM’s Threat pool (see Using Threat to Pay
Instead, page 28). Once you have purchased additional dice,
if any, you roll the entire dice pool. 0 Researching a widely known subject

4. Check for Successes: Each d20 that rolls a number equal to 1 Overcoming a simple lock
or less than the target number—your attribute + skill—
Hitting a target with a ranged attack
scores one success. 2
in poor light
• If you have a focus that applies, each die that rolls equal
to or less than your ranks in the skill used is a critical Disguising yourself in the
success. A critical success generates two successes middle of a crowd
instead of just one.
4 Deciphering an unknown language
• If you don’t have a focus that applies, each die that rolls a
1 is a critical success, generating two successes instead of Retaining your rationality as your stare
just one. into the face of an Elder God!

• Each d20 in your dice pool that rolls a 20 causes a

complication (see Truths and Complications, page 25). DIFFICULTY ZERO TESTS
If a skill test has a difficulty of 0, it does not require a dice roll:
5. Check the Successes against the Difficulty: If the number
it automatically succeeds even with zero successes, and it has
of successes you generated equals or exceeds the skill test’s
no risk of complications. However, because no roll is made, it
difficulty, then you have passed the test. If the number of
cannot generate Momentum—even bonus Momentum from
successes is less than the difficulty, you have failed the test.
talents, and even for particularly advantageous situations—and
• Each success above the difficulty becomes a point you cannot spend any Momentum on its outcome.
of Momentum (see Momentum, page 23), a valuable
At the gamemaster’s discretion, you can still choose to roll
resource that tips the odds in the heroes’ favor.
the dice on a test with a difficulty of 0 in order to generate
6. Get the Result: The gamemaster describes the outcome, Momentum as usual. Because zero successes are required,
and if you passed the test, you can spend Momentum to every success generates Momentum—but complications can
improve the result further. After this, the GM introduces still occur if you roll a 20.
any complications.

Chapter 2 - Playing the Game
ASSISTING OTHER CHARACTERS i To complete an opposed test, both characters make a skill
If the situation allows, characters can work together as a team test with a base difficulty of 1, which may be adjusted by
when attempting a skill test. When characters work together, the GM. The outcome of the opposed test depends on both
one acts as the leader, and the others act as assistants. To assist characters’ results.
on a skill test, you must describe how you are assisting the skill
i Active Character Passes, Reactive Character Fails: The active
test’s leader. If the gamemaster agrees, then you roll only 1d20,
character achieves their goal, and their test is successful.
using your own attribute + skill target number and your own
focus (if any). You do not have to use the same attribute, skill, i Active Character Fails, Reactive Character Passes: The
and focus as those used by the leader. If the leader generates active character fails to achieve their goal, and the reactive
at least one success, then you add your successes to theirs. You character achieves theirs (of resisting the active character).
can still generate complications. Some opposed tests have a specific additional benefit for
the reactive character’s test.
You cannot purchase additional d20s while assisting, but your
dice don’t count toward the leader’s 5d20 limit. i Both Characters Fail: The active character fails to achieve their
goal, and the reactive character gains no additional benefit.
OPPOSED TESTS Both Characters Pass: Compare the total Momentum
At times, you will find yourself acting in direct opposition to i
generated on each character’s skill test. The character with
an opponent, which calls for an opposed test. On an opposed
the higher Momentum wins and achieves their goal, but
test, there is an active character (the character who is trying
they lose 1 Momentum for each Momentum their opponent
to accomplish something) and a reactive character (the
gained. The loser then discards all the Momentum they
one trying to resist or avoid the active character’s efforts). If
generated, and they cannot spend any. In the case of a tie,
there is more than one character on each side, the additional
the active character wins but doesn’t gain any Momentum.
characters may assist (see Assisting Other Characters above).

Chapter 2 - Playing the Game
2. Make a Damage Roll: To make a damage roll for an
Some actions and outcomes are too complicated to be extended test, roll 4 , plus any bonus you receive
covered by a single skill test. Extended tests represent for the attribute you used on the test (for example, a high
problems that take more time and effort. Examples Brawn attribute might give you one or more bonus
include lengthy actions like cracking a complicated on skill tests for physical tasks). Calculate your total
cipher, sneaking through a shadowy compound, and on this roll.
constructing a defensive palisade. Extended tests use the
3. Determine Stress: If the extended test has any resistance
same mechanism as taking stress and injuries in combat
(see Resistance on Extended Tests, see below), subtract the
(see Attacks, Stress, and Injuries, page 38), except that instead
resistance from the total. The result is the amount of stress
of injuries, they have breakthroughs.
the roll generates.

Stress Tracks for Extended Tests 4. Record Stress on Stress Track: The GM may tell you how
Each extended test has a stress track of five to twenty boxes, as many boxes should be in the extended test’s stress track,
determined by the GM. The stress track represents how much or may keep this hidden until you reach the total. Mark
work is needed to resolve the problem represented by the off that number of boxes on the extended test’s stress
extended test. track (not on your character’s stress track). If you have an
appropriate skill kit (see Skill Kits, page 164 or other tools
that are relevant to the test, at the GM’s discretion, you
might also gain the Piercing X or Vicious damage effect
from your damage rolls (see Damage Effects, page 40).

If you mark off five stress track boxes in one go, if you complete
the test’s stress track, or if you inflict any stress after the stress
track is full, you have achieved a breakthrough!

When you have made enough breakthroughs to defeat the

problem and pass the extended test, the GM describes what
happens. Before that point, any individual breakthrough may
have one of the following consequences, at the GM’s discretion.

i Difficulty Reduction: On each of the extended test’s

remaining skill tests, reduce the difficulty by 1.

i Resistance Reduction: Reduce the extended test’s

resistance (see Resistance on Extended Tests, page 22) by an
amount determined by the GM.

Breakthroughs Challenge Dice Increase: Gain +1 on each damage roll

In addition to having a stress track, each extended i
you make as part of the extended test.
test requires achieving a number of breakthroughs.
Breakthroughs represent the tasks that must be completed i Establish a Truth: The GM establishes a new truth (see
to pass the extended test. A breakthrough can be thought Truths and Complications, page 25) that reduces or increases
of as a key moment when you discover the solution to part the difficulty of the extended test’s remaining skill tests by
of a difficult problem. The scale of the problem, called its an amount the GM determines.
magnitude, is a number from 1 to 5 and is determined by the
GM. The magnitude is the number of breakthroughs required
to pass the extended test. When you have made enough
Resistance on Extended Tests
If a problem is especially tricky, the extended test to solve
breakthroughs, you’ve achieved the goal represented by the
it may have some native resistance, which reduces the
extended test. You do not need to complete the stress track
stress generated on any damage rolls you make for the
(although you usually do) to pass the extended test.
test. This resistance is similar to Armor resistance and
Cover resistance (see Resistance, page 40) in that it hinders
Resolving Extended Tests your efforts to mark off boxes on a stress track. Most
To achieve a breakthrough, you must do the following:
extended tests have a resistance of 0, but some have more,
1. Pass a Skill Test: You must pass a skill test that represents a as determined by the GM. For each point of resistance an
component of the problem you are trying to solve. As with extended test has, reduce the amount of stress you inflict
other skill tests, the gamemaster determines the attribute, on its stress track by 1 each time you make a damage roll for
skill, focus (if any), and difficulty of the test. that test.


Chapter 2 - Playing the Game

Whenever you generate more successes than the difficulty of a skill test, each of the extra successes becomes 1 point of Momentum,
a valuable resource that you can either spend to improve the result of the skill test or save so your group can use it later.

SPENDING MOMENTUM Using Threat to Pay Instead

Immediately after you pass a skill test, you can spend
Momentum to improve its outcome. In addition, you may save
If you don’t have any Momentum, or you don’t want
Momentum in your group’s Momentum pool for spending
to use Momentum, you can sometimes pay for a
at another time, not necessarily immediately after a skill test.
Momentum option by allowing the gamemaster to
(NPCs can spend Threat from the GM’s Threat pool instead of
increase their Threat pool. This is always allowed when
Momentum to purchase Momentum options.)
you buy additional d20s, but your GM may permit
You can spend Momentum on the following other uses of Momentum to be paid for with Threat.
Momentum options: The cost of the option is the same, but you don’t spend
Momentum for it; instead, the GM increases their
i Buy d20s: Before you roll for a skill test (but after your
Threat pool by an amount equal to the cost of that
gamemaster sets its difficulty), you may buy up to three
option. Alternatively, you can use a mix of Momentum
more d20s for your dice pool. The cost increases for each
and Threat to pay for a Momentum option. Threat is
die purchased: the first d20 costs 1 Momentum, the second
explained in more detail in Threat, page 28.
costs 2 Momentum, and the third costs 3 Momentum. You
can’t roll more than 5d20s on a skill test.

i Confidence: Each Momentum you spend on this option Repeatable Momentum Spends
after you pass a skill test adds +1 to your character’s Morale A character may spend Momentum on only one Momentum
resistance until the start of their next turn. You may spend option on a skill test, or on one Momentum option per
a maximum of 3 Momentum on this option, for a total of +3 round in an action scene (see Momentum and Fortune in
Morale resistance. Action Scenes, page 43). When a character may use a specific
Momentum option more than once during a single skill test
i Create a Truth: You can spend 2 Momentum to establish a
or round, the description of that option includes the words
new truth in the scene (see Truths and Complications, page
repeatable or per Momentum spent. These Momentum
25) or to change or remove a truth currently in play. A truth
spends can be used as many times per skill test or round as
you create must relate to a skill test you just passed, and it
you are willing to pay for them.
must be something that would result from your actions.
You may spend a maximum of 2 Momentum on this option,
for a total of one truth. Other Uses for Momentum
i Obtain Information: You may ask the gamemaster a single
Instead of using a listed Momentum option, you can
question about the scene per Momentum spent. The GM
be creative when using Momentum. When you pass a
must answer truthfully but doesn’t have to give complete
skill test with a lot of Momentum, think of how that
information, and the question must be related to a skill test
incredible success might affect the test’s immediate
you just passed.
results, or how it could affect what happens next.
i Reduce Time: You can spend Momentum to reduce the Together with your gamemaster, you may invent ways
time it takes to complete an activity represented by a skill to spend Momentum as long as they make sense in
test you just passed. The reduction in time is determined the context in which you generated that Momentum.
by the gamemaster, and you can vary the amount of Any option you and your GM agree upon is feasible. Of
Momentum you spend depending on how quickly you course, your GM can veto proposed Momentum spends
want your character to complete the skill test. that do not reflect the scene.

Any unspent Momentum is saved to your group’s Momentum

pool (see Saving Momentum, page 24). Momentum that cannot be
added to your group’s Momentum pool is lost if it isn’t spent.

Chapter 2 - Playing the Game

just generated on the test. You don’t need to choose how much
BONUS MOMENTUM Momentum to take from your group’s Momentum pool until
Some situations, items, and talents can grant your character
you know how you want to spend it, and you don’t need to
bonus Momentum. This is added to the amount of Momentum
spend all the Momentum in the pool at once.
you generate from a successful skill test. A special rule that
generates bonus Momentum may specify that it can only be At the end of each scene, the GM removes 1 point of
used in a specific way, such as to buy dice or obtain information. Momentum from the group’s Momentum pool.

Bonus Momentum cannot be saved to a Momentum pool: if it Momentum must be maintained; it does not last forever.
is not used when generated, it is lost forever.
Timing Momentum
SAVING MOMENTUM Most uses of Momentum occur immediately after a
Saved Momentum goes into a Momentum pool, which can
successful skill test, but a few important uses occur at
be added to or used by any player in the group and represents
different times. If a Momentum option is not for use
the benefits of your collective successes. The Momentum pool
immediately after a skill test, the option’s description
cannot contain more than 6 Momentum at any time.
indicates when it may be used. For instance, the
Whenever you want to spend Momentum, you may spend 1 or description for the Buy d20s Momentum option indicates
more Momentum from your group’s Momentum pool. If you that this option may be exercised before you roll for a skill
just passed a skill test, you can add this to any Momentum you test but after your GM sets the test’s difficulty.

Truths Complications

Chapter 2 - Playing the Game


Locations, situations, and characters each have a variety of notable features, and these significant details are called truths. A truth
is a single word or short phrase describing an important fact about a scene or character. It might be:

i A location truth, such as Muddy Road, Rowdy Bathhouse, Complications arise in one of four ways:
or Dense Forest
i Rolling a 20: When you attempt a skill test, each d20 that
i A situation truth, such as Darkness, Heavy Rain, or rolls a 20 causes a complication. The complication takes
Bustling Crowd effect after the test is resolved.

i A personal truth, such as Veteran or Member of the Ninth i GM Introduction: The GM can introduce a complication by
Legion (see Personal Truths and Scars, page 94) spending 2 Threat.

i A secret truth (see Secret Truths and Hidden Talents, page 94) i Succeeding at a Cost: The GM may allow you to turn a
failed skill test into a successful one in exchange for taking
Details of a scene are only truths if they affect a skill test. They on a complication.
help the gamemaster determine what is and isn’t possible, and
i Invoking a Personal Truth or Scar: When you invoke one
how easy or difficult things are to achieve. With regard to the
of your character’s personal truths or scars, your character
game rules, if a truth applies to an action, it does one of the
incurs a complication and gains a nonrefreshing Fortune
point and an experience point (see Voluntarily Invoke a Truth
i The truth makes the action easier, reducing the difficulty of or Scar, page 27).
the skill test by 1.

i The truth makes the action more difficult, increasing the BUYING OFF COMPLICATIONS
difficulty of the skill test by +1. When you receive a complication, you can always choose to
cancel it by buying it off. Buying off a complication means
i The truth makes the action possible or impossible.
you add 2 points of Threat to the gamemaster’s Threat pool—
trading a problem now for a potential problem later. Similarly,
If a truth should have a particularly potent or intense effect,
if you do not buy off a complication but your GM can’t think
the GM can add a number after the name of the truth to
of an appropriate complication to inflict, your GM can add 2
increase or decrease the difficulty of affected skill tests by a
Threat to their Threat pool instead.
greater amount. For example, the Smoke truth could be made
more intense by calling it Smoke 2, making the difficulty to see If a non-player character, or NPC (a character the GM
through the smoke increase by +2 rather than +1. controls), suffers a complication, the GM can choose to spend 2
Threat to buy off the complication, canceling the complication
and removing 2 Threat from the GM’s Threat pool.
Sometimes unforeseen problems crop up, sometimes there are
consequences for acting, and sometimes a price must be paid SUCCESS AT A COST
simply to even attempt a heroic action. Some skill tests can’t really be failed outright; rather, it’s
uncertain whether such a test can be completed without
These obstacles are called complications: truths or
causing problems. In this type of situation, the gamemaster
disadvantageous events, usually determined by the GM, that
may allow you to succeed at a cost. With this option, a failed
have a uniquely negative impact on the characters they affect.
roll means you pass the skill test anyway, but you also suffer
Complications make skill tests harder or impossible after they
one automatic complication in addition to any that occur
are introduced.
because of the dice roll results.
A complication doesn’t inherently mean failure, just
Although the failed skill test produces a successful outcome,
that an extra problem has occurred, or that something
you cannot spend Momentum to further improve its outcome.
inconvenient has happened. A complication may mean
Momentum can only be spent on a skill test if it was successful
that an action took longer to complete than expected, that
due to the dice roll.
it wasted some resources your character was using, that
it drew unwanted attention, or that something similar
occurred. In combat, a complication may mean your
character overextends themself, loses their balance, or loses
their grip on their weapon.

Chapter 2 - Playing the Game

Some skill tests might not be more difficult but are riskier
or more uncertain than normal. With this in mind, the COMPLICATION
gamemaster might increase a skill test’s complication
range, making it more likely to generate complications. A 1 20
skill test normally has a complication range of 1, meaning
that you suffer a complication for each d20 that rolls a 2 19-20
20. Increasing the complication range by +1 means that a
3 18-20
complication occurs for each d20 that rolls a 19 or 20. The
complication range can be increased by up to 4; in other 4 17-20
words, a complication range rarely if ever exceeds 5 (a roll of
16 to 20). 5 16-20

Fortune and Omens

For the peoples of the Roman Empire, the Germanic tribes, and other cultures known to them, the existence of magic and the
influence of gods is undeniable. People consult soothsayers and haruspices to gain knowledge of future events, and they are
watchful for omens of fortune and misfortune. Many people wear amulets to ward off evil spirits and curses. Many also seek out
Mystics to cast spells or create curses on their behalf, though such works are often of dubious use and uncertain legality.

The heroes of the Hidden Wars, being epic characters, have i Additional Major Action: In an action scene, after you have
access to a special resource called Fortune. Fortune reflects taken a major action and that action has been resolved,
their ambition, drive, and luck, which go beyond those of you may spend a Fortune point to immediately take an
ordinary people. Such individuals take destiny into their own additional major action during the same turn (see Actions,
hands, shape their own fate, and have the attention of the gods page 36). Outside of an action scene, after you perform
themselves. Player characters are marked by destiny, and they a skill test or other significant action, you can spend
just might be the champions humanity needs in its darkest hour. a Fortune point to perform another skill test or other
significant action immediately, before anyone else has an
Your character begins an adventure with 1 Fortune point,
opportunity to respond to the first one.
which refreshes at the beginning of each subsequent
adventure. This is called a refreshing Fortune point. Over the i Avoid Defeat: When your character suffers a defeat (see
course of your character’s career, they will have opportunities Injuries, page 41), you may spend a Fortune point to have
to gain additional Fortune points that refresh in this manner. them return from defeat immediately or at some point later
In addition, during an adventure, you may gain Fortune points in that scene.
that do not refresh, called nonrefreshing Fortune points.
i Make It Happen: You may spend a Fortune point to
A player character cannot have more than 5 Fortune points at immediately introduce a new truth for the scene. The truth
any one time, and any excess points they receive are discarded. could be something that no one in the scene has noticed
At the end of each adventure, your character loses any Fortune yet, or it could be a piece of equipment you thought you
points they haven’t spent, but they receive their refreshing didn’t have, but actually do! The Make It Happen option
Fortune points again at the start of the next adventure. may be used before rolling for a skill test.

i Evil Eye: You may spend a Fortune point before an

SPENDING FORTUNE opponent’s skill test to set a single d20 so that it
You may spend Fortune points to buy any of the
automatically rolls a 20 (generating a complication). You
following options:
must select this option before your opponent rolls any dice
i Critical Success: You may spend a Fortune point before a on that skill test, and your opponent must roll the remaining
skill test to set a single d20 in the dice pool to an automatic dice in the pool. Your character must have line of sight to the
result of 1 (generating two successes automatically). This opponent to whom they wish to give the Evil Eye.
option must be selected before any dice are rolled on that
skill test, and you must roll the remaining dice in the pool.

i Re-Roll: You may spend a Fortune point to re-roll any

number of dice in your character’s dice pool, whether they
are d20s or Challenge Dice . You may select this option
after you have rolled the dice.

Chapter 2 - Playing the Game
Gaining Fortune Points Voluntarily Invoke a Truth or Scar
Refreshing Fortune points refresh at the start of each adventure, You can also gain a nonrefreshing Fortune point by voluntarily
as your heroes prepare themselves to face the unspeakable. But invoking one of your personal truths or scars and gaining a
when you’re down on your luck, the gamemaster might award complication and 1 experience point (XP). For more information,
you an additional nonrefreshing Fortune point during play— see Personal Truths and Scars, page 94, and Scars, page 45.
perhaps you make a noble sacrifice, or deploy a killer one-liner
while destroying the enemy’s foul shrine to an eldritch being. The OMENS
GM may also award nonrefreshing Fortune points to the group Those who look for them can find omens everywhere. Certain
when it makes significant progress in a campaign or completes days of the month can be lucky or unlucky for certain activities,
an objective. Other ways to gain a nonrefreshing Fortune point and seemingly innocuous events can portend doom for
include voluntarily failing a skill test, invoking a personal truth or important decisions or significant activities.
scar, or declaring an ill omen (see Omens below).
Beneficial omens are typically reflected in the ability of
To gain a refreshing Fortune point, you can reveal a new characters to spend Fortune points, but the potential for
part of your character’s story, such as a background or misfortune and ill omens is another matter.
characteristic, during a Campfire Tale. When you do so, your
Once per adventure, you may declare something to be an ill
starting Fortune each adventure increases by +1, to a maximum
omen. No more than one character may declare an ill omen
of 3 refreshing Fortune points. For more information on
in any given adventure. When you declare an ill omen, the
Campfire Tales, see Campfire Tales, page 132.
gamemaster immediately gains 2 Threat, plus 1 additional
Threat per player character, representing the worsening
Voluntary Failure situation. In exchange, every player character, including yours,
With your gamemaster’s approval, you can choose to
gains 1 nonrefreshing Fortune point at the end of the scene.
voluntarily fail a skill test to gain a nonrefreshing Fortune
point. If you decide that fate turns against your character, the
test fails automatically, and you gain 1 nonrefreshing Fortune
point. You can’t decide to fail a difficulty 0 skill test or a skill
test on which you can succeed at a cost.

Chapter 2 - Playing the Game

As you generate and spend Momentum, the gamemaster generates and has their own currency to spend, called Threat. The GM spends
Threat from their Threat pool to alter scenes and empower non-player characters. Strictly speaking, your characters don’t know about
Threat, but when the GM spends Threat, characters experience a sense of the peril they face or impending doom around the corner.

Paying for Momentum Spends i Complications: If you want to ignore a complication

with Threat from rolling a 20 during a skill test, you can buy off the
complication by generating 2 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool.
If you’re in dire straits and low on Momentum, you can
sometimes pay for a Momentum spend by letting the
i Escalation: If you perform a heroic but risky action, it is
gamemaster add to their Threat pool an amount of Threat equal
possible to generate Threat. The GM (or the rules) may
to the cost of the Momentum option. This is always allowed
determine that a specific action or decision risks Escalation
when you buy additional d20s, but your GM may allow you to
by making the situation more dangerous or unpredictable.
pay for other uses of Momentum with Threat. Adding Threat to
Getting access to exotic or deadly equipment, or reading
the GM’s Threat pool is called generating Threat. You may use a
forbidden alien texts, can escalate the tension and should
combination of spending Momentum and generating Threat for
be approached with caution! If a character performs an
the GM’s Threat pool to pay for your Momentum spends.
action that risks Escalation, they immediately generate 1
Threat for the GM’s Threat pool. Escalation is also a weapon
Other Ways to Generate Threat quality. Entering a scene while openly carrying a weapon
You may also need to add Threat to the GM’s Threat pool for
that has the Escalation weapon quality generates 1 Threat.
other reasons, such as:

Chapter 3


Environments and Zones..................................................... 31

Action Order............................................................................... 35

Actions............................................................................................. 36

Attacks, Damage, and Injuries........................................... 38

Weapon Reach and Range.................................................... 42

Momentum and Fortune in Action Scenes.............. 43

Recovering from Stress and Injuries........................... 45

Social Conflict and Reputation..................................... 50

Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Conflict

Eventually they got across the stream. Aulus, relieved not to be tasked with wrestling the last wagon, was able to
take a short reprieve, panting and leaning against a tree as they hauled it across. Most of the column had reached
the other side and were re-forming into a semblance of order, though stretched out along the path ahead.

That was when chaos erupted from the trees.

A shout of alarm sounded deeper in the forest, toward the front of the column. “Ambush!” came the cry as
soldiers sprang into action, drawing weapons and shields and forming up.

Aulus unshouldered his shield, took his pilum in hand, and moved to try to rejoin his troops closer to the middle
of the column. He cursed under his breath as he hurried, aware of how dense the trees were, how bad the visi-
bility. A light rain had begun again, and the ground was swallowed by wisps of fog. It was late in the day, and the
canopy did not allow much light.

The shouting was louder ahead of him, and he could see shadowy forms moving amid the trees.

“Raise shields!” The commanding voice of Optio Orosius reached him, its tenor reassuring despite the circum-
stances. “One line to the front, another to the rear! They’re on both sides! Brace for arrow fire. Ready archers!”

He lined up next to Appius and Paulus, two of the men of his contubernium, but leaned forward to peer past them
in an attempt to catch sight of the nearest fighting. He thought he saw Farald, the Germanic axeman, not far in
that direction, his weapon at the ready, his expression fierce.

The situation was strange, for many reasons, not the least being that he could hear no sound of arrows. Aulus had
his shield raised and ready just the same. Looking down to where Farald and the auxilia waited, he was startled by
an eruption of purple mist among them.

He heard a tinkling noise, and objects began to pelt them from the woods. As he watched, one of the auxilia
raised a round shield to intercept a small projectile hurled in his direction. The strange spherical object exploded
on impact with that same distinct sound, and glowing purple powder sprayed forth in a broad plume. More glass
spheres were incoming, and Aulus raised his own shield higher to protect his head.

Though startling, the globes did not seem an especially effective weapon, conveying relatively little force to those
they struck. Then he heard choking noises from the closest legionaries. Several threw down their shields, falling to
their knees. Looking farther ahead to the auxilia, Aulus saw Farald gasping and holding his hands to his throat, his
shoulders and hair misted with purple powder.

The man grimaced with extreme pain, and dark-red splotches bloomed on his face, as though he were holding his
breath under some exceptional exertion. Then he gave a strange cry, and his head seemed to split open from within
amid a spray of bloody gore. Something long and scaled erupted from his neck, a broad and reptilian appendage
that ruptured down the middle to reveal jagged teeth.

Chapter 3 - Conflict
Conflict in Cohors Cthulhu embraces its mythic, legendary nature. Whether they’re chasing adversaries through the wilderness,
clashing with another champion, or going toe-to-toe with the might of a Mythos menace, your hero will have to think quickly
and make difficult choices. From physical combat, to social intrigue, to recovering from injury, this chapter covers the intricacies
of altercations on the Roman frontier and beyond. Scenes centering on conflicts involving quick decisions and actions that may
result in potentially perilous consequences are sometimes referred to as action scenes, which often involve combat.

Environments and Zones

A conflict’s setting can have a profound impact on how events unfold, and considering details of the environment makes scenes
that involve conflict more dynamic and distinct. Many environmental aspects can come into play in an action scene, but these can
be broken down into a few categories pertinent to combat in particular, including the distances between participants, the nature
of the terrain, and the presence of noteworthy objects. Some of these factors can be abstracted by the use of zones.

ZONES outdoor regions, and smaller in cramped spaces with many

To visualize an action scene and your hero’s place in it, it’s potential obstacles. In combat, movement and distance ranges
important to keep track of the locations of participating are measured using the following zone categories—one state
characters. Tracking a character can simply be a matter of and four ranges:
description—an enemy might be “on the watchtower” or
i Reach: A state of Reach means an object or creature
“standing at the gate.” The gamemaster might also use a map
is within arm’s length or melee weapon range of your
or sketch to depict various areas within a scene, using pencil or
character. Reach isn’t a specific range, but rather a state you
miniatures to indicate characters’ positions.
can enter when you move. When you move into or within
The use of zones can help further delineate distances without a zone, you can move into or out of Reach of an object or
tracking everything to the precise inch. The potential sizes character. To make a melee attack, you must be within
of zones is intentionally abstract and can vary considerably Reach of your target. Being within Reach of an enemy
depending on the environment and situation. Zones are increases the difficulty of any skill test that isn’t a melee or
intended to be used to provide a sense of how easy it might be mental attack by +2.
to move from one area to another, or to effectively use ranged
i Close: An object or character is at Close range from you if
weapons at distant targets. Zones tend to be larger in open or
it is in the same zone you are in. Close range is a distance
of 0 zones.
Examples of Zones Medium: An object or character is at Medium range from
you if it is in an adjacent zone. Medium range is a distance
of 1 zone.

i Long: An object or character is at Long range from you if

it is 2 zones away. Long range is a distance of 2 zones.

i Extreme: An object or character is at Extreme range from

you if it is beyond Long range. Extreme range is a distance
of 3 or more zones.

In Cohors Cthulhu, the term creature refers to both sentient
beings and nonsentient animals.

Distance and Perception

Distant objects are harder to see. The difficulty of skill
tests to notice creatures or objects (often Insight +
Observation) increases by +1 for each zone beyond Close
range. Noticing a particularly large object or a creature that
isn’t trying to avoid notice doesn’t require a skill test under
normal circumstances.

Chapter 3 - Conflict

MOVEMENT AND TERRAIN When you want your character to move in difficult terrain as
During your turn, moving to anywhere within Medium range, a a minor action, the gamemaster may call for a test, usually an
distance of 1 zone, is a minor action—so long as your movement Agility + Athletics test with a difficulty of 1. If you fail the test,
is unimpeded. Moving to Long range in one turn requires the you can’t move in the difficult terrain as a minor action, but
Rush major action (see Major Actions, page 36). you can still move within Medium range during a single turn if
you use the Rush major action.
If the terrain is difficult or hazardous due to a location truth,
moving across it requires a skill test with a difficulty based on Note that the specific location truth might increase the
that location truth. Shorter distances, such as those that occur difficulty of the test.
during an action scene, use an Agility + Athletics test, while
longer ones—say, traversing a forest to get to the next town— Hazardous Terrain
require a Reason + Survival test for each hour of game-world Hazardous terrain is similar to difficult terrain but also
time. Failure may mean your character stops in the difficult includes some danger of coming to harm. Examples of
or hazardous terrain, falls prone (see Conditions, page 44), or hazardous terrain include rooms filled with choking smoke,
suffers the effects of a hazard (see the Physical Hazard Damage burning structures, and fields drenched in toxic clouds of
and Threat Costs table, see opposite). poison deployed by an eldritch menace.

When your character starts or ends a turn in hazardous terrain,

Difficult Terrain the gamemaster can spend 2 Threat to inflict 3 damage on
Difficult terrain is terrain that is challenging to cross at
your character. After that, the gamemaster can spend extra
normal speeds: rugged ground, loose stone, thick mud, dense
Threat to increase the damage (the number of rolled) or to
forest, heavy snow, and so forth. The gamemaster determines
inflict one or more damage effects , as detailed in the Physical
if a zone consists of difficult terrain, representing it with a
Hazard Damage and Threat Costs table, see opposite.
location truth like Overgrown or Slippery.


Chapter 3 - Conflict
A hazard is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, or
Physical Hazard Damage
and Threat Costs
circumstance—other than a weapon or unarmed strike—that
causes damage (stress, damage effects , or both). Hazards DAMAGE OR
can be physical or mental. DAMAGE NOTES

Physical Hazards Damage [ ]

Physical hazards are hazards that can cause physical damage
to the body. They range from lightning storms to severe heat Base damage for a
3[ ] 2
or cold to hazardous terrain (see Hazardous Terrain, opposite).
As with hazardous terrain, your gamemaster may spend Threat Can be stacked
+2 [ ] +1
to introduce physical hazards that inflict damage on multiple times
characters as detailed in the Physical Hazard Damage and Threat
Costs table. See Damage Effects, page 40, for more information Damage Effect [ ]
on the damage effects included in this table.
Apply Threat cost
modifier from Area
Mental Hazards damage effect last;
Mental hazards are situations in which a character encounters Area Multiply
only applies to hazards
something horrific or unnatural, and it shakes their resolve. The total cost by 2
that inflict damage
first time in a scene your character encounters a hazard of this suddenly, not over
sort, you need to make a Will + Resilience test with a difficulty multiple rounds
determined by the gamemaster; the more terrifying and beyond
reason the encounter, the higher the difficulty. Seeing a war Drain +1 –
party of Deep Ones emerge from beneath the waves for the first Intense +2 –
time would give anyone pause for thought and might result
in a difficulty 2 test, but suddenly beholding a dread god like Knockdown +1 –
Azathoth could involve a lucidity-sapping difficulty 5 test.
+(X divided
Persistent X Round fractions up
Failure on this test means you suffer mental damage. Typically, by 2)
a mental hazard inflicts a number of of mental damage
+(X divided
equal to the difficulty +2, but this is left to the GM’s discretion. Piercing X Round fractions up
by 2)
The mental damage may have damage effects as well (see
Damage Effects, page 40). Snare +2 –

Creatures with the Fearsome X special rule serve as a mental Stun +1 –

hazard just by being present in a scene.
Vicious +2 –
Resolving Damage from Hazards May only be used with
To resolve the damage from a hazard that affects your
Applies to lingering hazards,
character, use the following steps: more than 1 +3 which deal damage to
1. Determine Resistance: For a physical hazard, total zone anyone in the area and
your character’s Armor + Cover resistance. For a mental last multiple rounds
hazard, total your character’s Courage resistance + Morale
May only be used
resistance. Reduce the amount of stress your character with the Area damage
receives by that amount. Does not effect or with lingering
affect PCs’ +3 hazards, which deal
2. Record Stress: Mark off the stress you received on your
adversaries damage to anyone
stress track, and check to see if you have sustained
in the area and last
any injuries (see Injuries, page 41). If you have, on your
multiple rounds
character sheet, record the name of the injury, followed by
“(M)” to indicate it is a mental injury.

1. Determine Effects: Effect results your attacker rolled

also trigger any damage effects specified in the opponent’s
weapon or attack profile or in the hazard’s description
(see Damage Effects, page 40).

Chapter 3 - Conflict
Cover comes in two types: light cover and heavy cover.
On occasion, your character may need to move, damage, or
i Light Cover: Light cover partially conceals or protects
destroy an inanimate object. If time is of the essence or the
characters behind it, but it cannot fully impede attacks.
outcome is in question, the rules here provide some useful
Examples of light cover include things like dense brush,
thin wooden fences, and low stones. Light cover grants +1
Cover resistance.
Interacting with Objects
Interactive objects include doors, windows, and anything i Heavy Cover: Heavy cover better conceals and protects
else a character can move or manipulate in an action scene. characters behind it and offers better protection against
Interacting with these objects may take little time or effort attacks. Examples of heavy cover include large tree trunks,
under normal circumstances, but operating something short stone walls, and wooden palisades. Heavy cover
more complex or in trying circumstances might require a grants +2 Cover resistance.
major action (see Major Actions, page 36) or even a skill test, as
determined by the gamemaster. There are also objects that fully impede the ability to attack.
Characters outside a stone fortress or similar fortification
Damaging Objects cannot attack characters within it, for example, and vice versa.
Characters can damage objects using weapons, unarmed Rather than granting Cover resistance, these objects prevent
strikes, or battlefield spells. Objects are immune to mental characters on opposite sides of them from being able to attack
damage, but they take physical damage just as NPCs do. If your each other at all, so the objects are not considered cover for the
character attempts to damage an object, the GM determines its above purposes, although they are called hard cover.
maximum stress and Armor resistance (if any).

If an inanimate object sustains an injury, it gains a truth

that represents its having been broken, compromising its
Rallying Points &
function and structure. The number of injuries an object Morale Resistance
can withstand before it is destroyed depends on the nature
Just as objects and even whole zones can provide Cover
of the object: a flimsy interior door may collapse after a
resistance, the environment can also sometimes grant
single injury, while a sturdy wall may take several injuries.
Morale resistance (see Resistance, page 40), fortifying
An object’s scale can also affect the number of injuries it can
characters against mental damage. People may feel a
withstand (for information on scale, see @@@@ in the Cohors
degree of extra safety and security when behind a solid
Cthulhu Gamemaster’s Guide, page @@).
wall, or near a hearth when the outside world is cold and
dark, and these might give characters +1 or +2 Morale
COVER resistance. Soldiers might take heart when fighting near
Cover refers to objects that interfere with a character’s ability
their battle standard.
to see or attack a target. Cover provides protection to the target
of an attack in the form of Cover resistance (see Resistance,
page 40). A large object that serves as cover might provide
Cover resistance to everyone in its zone, while a smaller object
might provide Cover resistance only to characters within a
particular zone or within Reach of it.

“I’ve never seen anyone shoot like that Sarmatian.

She could put an arrow through a butterfly’s wing
at two hundred paces, I reckon.”
— Caius Dursuo, Roman auxiliary

Chapter 3 - Conflict
Action Order
Action scenes are divided into rounds and turns. Over the course of a round, each character takes a turn, during which the
character can attempt a single major action, normally including a skill test of some kind. In addition, the character may also take
one or more minor actions during their turn. Minor actions happen separately from the major action, though they may influence
it. No character may take more than one turn in a round. For more information on major and minor actions, see Actions, page 36.

At the start of an action scene, the gamemaster chooses a single whatever order they choose, one at a time, until all characters
character to take the first turn: on both sides have taken a single turn each.

i Unless there are good reasons for a non-player character Once all characters on both sides have taken a turn, 1 point of
to take the first turn, the gamemaster chooses a player Momentum is removed from the PCs’ group Momentum pool.
character to take the first turn. The action passes to a character on the side that did not take the
last turn, and the whole process begins again for the next round.
i If NPCs have an obvious reason to act first, or the GM spends
2 Threat, the GM may choose an NPC to take the first turn.
Keep the Initiative
After taking a turn, instead of handing the action to the
ALTERNATE TURNS opposing side, a character may choose to use Keep the
After the first character takes their turn, the opposing side
Initiative. To Keep the Initiative, the character who has just
(the NPCs if the first character was a PC, or the PCs if the first
completed their turn may spend 2 Momentum and then hand
character was an NPC) chooses a single character to take the next
the action to another character on their own side. Once one
turn. After the second turn is taken, turns continue to alternate
side has opted to Keep the Initiative, nobody on that side may
sides. The side whose turn it is gets to choose which of their
do so again until the opposition has taken at least one turn of
members who has not had a turn yet that round gets to act.
their own. Both player characters and non-player characters
Once all characters on one side have taken a turn, any may use Keep the Initiative (NPCs spend 2 Threat instead of 2
remaining characters on the other side take their turns in Momentum to do so).

Chapter 3 - Conflict

During each turn, a character can take a major action and a minor action.

i Catch Breath: You take a moment to remove stress from

MINOR ACTIONS your stress track or remove a damage effect you are
You can take one minor action on your turn. Additionally, you
suffering. Taking this action requires a Will + Resilience
may spend 1 Momentum to take one additional minor action
test with a difficulty of 2. Success either removes stress
that turn. Each minor action can be taken only once per turn.
equal to your ranks in Resilience (plus 1 stress per
i Aim: If you take the Aim minor action, you can re-roll 1d20 Momentum spent) or removes an ongoing effect, such as
when you make an attack during the current turn. the Persistent X damage effect.

i Draw Item: The Draw Item minor action lets you pick up i Create Truth: You alter circumstances to give yourself an
an item within Reach, or draw forth an item or weapon you advantage or to hinder the enemy. This action requires a
are carrying. If the item doesn’t require a skill test to use, skill test with a difficulty of 2, using an attribute + skill
you can use it immediately without spending an additional appropriate to the way in which you intend to alter the
major or minor action. scene. You should discuss this with the GM to see if the truth,
attribute, and skill are appropriate for the circumstances.
i Movement: A Movement minor action lets you move to any
If you pass the skill test, you create a new truth, change an
point within Medium range. You can stand or drop prone
existing one, or remove a truth from the scene.
as part of this movement. You can’t take this minor action
if you have taken the Rush major action (see Major Actions, i Dual Wielding: A character who has already made a melee
page 36) or if you are within Reach of an enemy. attack on their turn may spend 1 Momentum to make a
second melee attack that turn using their other hand and
i Prepare: Taking the Prepare minor action means you take
with another weapon. The difficulty of the second attack
a second to set up a major action. Some major actions,
increases by +1. If the second weapon was not already
such as spellcasting, require this minor action before they
drawn, they still need to spend a minor action to draw it.
can be taken.
i Pass: You choose not to attempt a major action.

i Ready: You choose another major action to take as a

reaction to an event you specify. When the trigger event
occurs, you temporarily interrupt the current character’s
turn to resolve your readied major action. Then, play
proceeds normally. If the triggering event does not occur
before your next turn, you lose that major action. You can
still perform minor actions during your turn as usual.

i Rush: You sprint as fast as you can, making an Agility +

Athletics test with a difficulty of 1 to move anywhere within
MAJOR ACTIONS Long range during your turn. You can’t take this action if
You can take one major action each turn. Additionally, once
you’ve already taken the Movement minor action this turn.
per action scene, you may spend 1 Fortune point to take a
Location truths may increase the difficulty of this skill test,
second major action during your turn. Major actions include
and this skill test always allows you to succeed at a cost (see
the following:
Success at a Cost, page 25).
i Assist: The Assist major action lets you assist a character
i Skill Test: You make a skill test, at the discretion of the GM.
with a skill test during their turn (see Assisting Other
Characters, page 21). You can take this action before or after i Stabilize: If a character is dying (see Dying or Irrational,
your turn, but this is still the only major action you may page 42), you can provide medical attention by making
take during the current round. a Coordination + Medicine test with a difficulty of 2. If
you pass the test, the dying character’s condition becomes
i Attack: You attack an enemy or object. See Attacks, Stress, and
stabilized—they are no longer at immediate risk of dying,
Injuries, page 38, for details.
but they remain defeated (see Defeated, page 41).
i Cast a Spell: Spellcasters can use a major action to cast a
spell, which includes making the spell’s skill test, but they
must have taken a Prepare minor action beforehand.

Chapter 3 - Conflict
action not covered in the rules to be a free action, and you can
Dual Wielding in perform as many free actions as the GM decides. A free action
Cohors Cthulhu never involves a skill test.

The Dual Wielding major action allows your character to REACTIONS

spend Momentum to make two melee attacks in one turn In addition to taking a major and minor action during your
while wielding two weapons (see Major Actions, page 36). If turn, you may be able to respond to other characters’ actions
the Dual Wielding action is not used, wielding two melee outside of your turn. You may attempt one reaction each
weapons at once does not add to the number of attacks round, as long as it is not during your turn. Reactions each
but instead gives your character the choice of using either have a specific circumstance or condition that triggers their
weapon while attacking. For each attack your character use, and they must be declared as soon as that circumstance
makes, you can choose which weapon they use and then or condition applies. One reaction is available to all
apply the Reach, stress, damage effects, and weapon qualities characters, and characters may gain other reactions from
of that weapon. (See also Reach, Guard, and Attacking, page talents or other special abilities:
42.) For these reasons, it can be advantageous to wield two
i Brace: When you are targeted by a melee attack but
weapons that have different features.
before the dice pool is rolled, you ready your shield or set
yourself to receive the charge. You use your reaction to
FREE ACTIONS add +1 to the difficulty of the attacker’s first melee attack
Free actions are very short actions—such as talking briefly, and to gain +1 Morale resistance until the start of your
turning, or dropping something—that can be incorporated next turn. When you Brace, you cannot move out of your
into minor or major actions. The gamemaster may judge any current zone until after the end of your next turn.

Attacks, Damage, and Injuries
Chapter 3 - Conflict

This section covers how physical attacks are resolved, how stress is inflicted on characters, how injuries impair characters, and how
characters recover from stress and injuries.

For step-by-step information on making a mental attack, see

ATTACKS Making a Physical or Mental Attack below. For more information on
An attack is any action made with the intention to harm a
spells that deal mental damage, see Magic, page 58.
non-player character or player character or to inflict stress
upon an object. Some situations that aren’t attacks can inflict mental harm
as well. For more information on these situations, see Mental
Three broad forms of attack are available to characters:
Hazards, page 33.
physical attacks, mental attacks, and magic attacks (attacks
made via spells or rituals). Spells and rituals are discussed
separately in Magic, page 58.

Physical Attacks
Physical attacks are meant to subdue, incapacitate, or kill.
They can be made with or without a weapon and, when
successful, inflict damage, injury, or other harm on a target.
Physical attacks can include punching or kicking as well as
strikes with a sword, spear, bow, or any of a startling variety of
other tools of destruction.

Physical attacks are divided into melee attacks and

ranged attacks. Making a Physical or Mental Attack
Physical and mental attacks proceed according to the
i During a melee attack, the opponents are in a state of
following steps:
Reach—they are within arm’s length or melee weapon range
from each other. Being within Reach of an enemy increases 1. Declare the Attack: Choose a target to which your
the difficulty of ranged attacks (and skill tests that aren’t character has line of sight. Choose a weapon to use if the
melee or mental attacks) by +2. attack is physical, or choose a mental attack to use if the
attack is mental.
i Ranged attacks can be made at any distance from an
opponent, although an attack’s difficulty increases by +2 † To make a melee attack, your character must be within
when made in a state of Reach. Reach of the target.

For step-by-step information on making a physical attack, see † To make a ranged attack, your character must have line
Making a Physical or Mental Attack, below. of sight to the target or the ability to precisely sense the
target’s location in relation to your own.
Mental Attacks
In addition to inflicting physical violence, some creatures, † To make a mental attack, the target must be aware of your
character and must be within Medium range of them.
including certain characters, can inflict mental harm on
one another. 2. Make a Skill Test: Make a skill test with an attribute,
skill, and difficulty determined by the type of attack.
Mental attacks are attempts to intimidate, dominate, or
Further adjustments to difficulty may be made at the
overwhelm others, relying on the attacker’s presence. Other
gamemaster’s discretion.
than spellcasters, most player characters cannot inflict
mental damage. However, Mythos creatures and other † Melee: Make an Agility + Fighting test with a difficulty of
fearsome NPCs (NPCs with the Fearsome X special rule) 1, opposed by the target’s own Agility + Fighting test, also
can inflict mental damage through a mental attack or even difficulty 1. If the target wins the opposed test, they may
through their presence alone, inspiring a primal dread that’s choose to inflict damage on your character; alternatively,
difficult to resist. A mental attack made due to the Fearsome they may move to any point within Close range.
X special rule may only be made if a character is aware of the
creature making the mental attack. The target must be aware † Ranged: Make a Coordination + Fighting test. The test has
a base difficulty of 2 if your character is at their weapon’s
of the fearsome character and must be within Medium range
range from the target. If the target is closer or farther away
of them. In addition, some forms of magic can attack the
than the weapon’s range, the difficulty increases as specified
mind directly, inflicting mental damage.
in Weapon Ranges, page 42.

† Mental: Fearsome characters—characters (usually NPCs)

Chapter 3 - Conflict
with the Fearsome X special rule—make a Will + Persuasion Physical and Mental Stress
or Will + Survival test with a difficulty of 1.
Physical attacks, like melee blows and arrow strikes, deal
3. Inflict Damage: If your character wins the opposed test
physical wounds to the body, while mental attacks can
for a physical attack or passes their skill test for a ranged or
inflict pain, fear, or confusion in the minds of their targets.
mental attack, then the attack inflicts damage (stress and
Magic attacks, such as spells, can deal physical or mental
damage effects). Damage from a physical attack or physical
damage. When a rule states that a weapon, spell, or other
hazard is physical damage; damage from a mental attack
source inflicts physical damage or stress, or that it inflicts
or mental hazard is mental damage.
mental damage or stress, it refers to the type of injury that
† Roll Challenge Dice : damage or stress causes, and which kinds of resistance
• For a physical attack or hazard, roll the number of reduce it. Physical stress and mental stress are not two
Challenge Dice indicated in your weapon’s row in separate things: both are added to the same stress track.
the appropriate weapon table, plus any applicable bonus
damage (see Bonus Damage, opposite), or roll the
number of Challenge Dice indicated in the physical DAMAGE
hazard’s description. Characters in Cohors Cthulhu regularly face—and inflict—harm
to the body, mind, or both, whether from attacks, spells, or
• For a mental attack or hazard, roll the number
hazards. Damage is represented by Challenge Dice and
of indicated in the attack or mental hazard’s
consists of both stress, which is measured in points, and special
description. The mental damage for a mental attack
effects called damage effects, indicated by the symbol on
that is not a spell equals a base damage of 2 +
a Challenge Die . Each attack or weapon deals a specific
bonus based on the attacker’s Will (see Bonus
number of , referred to as its base damage, and the attacking
Damage, opposite) + any additional from special
character may add additional bonus damage to the attack based
rules, relics, or other sources.
on their relevant attribute. The points of stress an attack deals are
Total the results rolled. Remember to add +1 for each reduced by the target’s relevant resistance. Bonus damage, stress,
effect result. This is the amount of stress your resistance, and damage effects are covered in more detail
character deals to the target. in this section. To calculate the amount of damage dealt by an
attack, see Making a Physical or Mental Attack, opposite.
• Determine Resistance: The target totals the relevant
resistance they have: Armor resistance + Cover resistance for
physical attacks, or Courage resistance + Morale resistance
Bonus Damage
In addition to their weapon or attack’s base damage, characters
for mental attacks (see Resistance, page 40). They reduce the
may inflict bonus damage based on their attributes. A high Brawn
amount of stress they receive by that amount. Resistances
gives a character extra on melee attacks, a high Insight gives
appear on the relevant character sheet or NPC profile.
a character extra on ranged attacks, and a high Will gives
• Inflict Stress: If your character is the attack’s target, mark off a character extra on mental attacks. For information on
any remaining stress on the stress track on your character spellcasters’ bonus when casting spells, see Power, page 65).
sheet (a row of initially empty boxes labeled Stress). If the
target is an NPC, the GM keeps track of how much stress
that NPC has accrued. The number after the label Stress in an BONUS DAMAGE FOR MELEE, RANGED,
NPC profile is that NPC’s maximum stress. After the target AND MENTAL ATTACKS
records their stress, they check to see if they have sustained
any injuries (see Injuries, page 41). If your character sustains
an injury, record the name of the injury on your character 8 or lower —
sheet, followed by “(P)” to indicate it is a physical injury or
“(M)” to indicate it is a mental injury. 9 +1

10 or 11 +2
• Inflict Effects: Effect results rolled also trigger any
damage effects noted as part of the damage for the weapon 12 or 13 +3
or attack used (see Damage Effects, page 40). A weapon’s
damage is indicated in the damage column of its row in the 14 or 15 +4
appropriate weapon table.
16 or higher +5

Chapter 3 - Conflict
legionary’s lorica segmentata, or is natural, like a Deep One’s
Despite the protection of their armor and the dauntlessness of toughened skin. Cover comes from terrain or obstacles, like a
their courage, your character can only withstand a certain degree sturdy earthworks emplacement or a brick wall.
of punishment before they sustain lasting harm. This ability to
i Against mental damage (damage from mental attacks,
endure physical pain and wounds, as well as mental harm such
mental hazards, and some magic attacks), your character
as fear and panic, is represented by your character’s ability to take
applies persistent resistance from Courage and conditional
stress, while any lasting harm they suffer is called injury.
resistance from Morale. Courage represents a character’s
Whenever your character is successfully attacked, that attack confidence and discipline, while Morale is the certainty
inflicts stress. Your character’s maximum stress is the measure of that comes from being inspired or encouraged by others.
how much stress they can withstand before they become injured.
After your opponent rolls their Challenge Dice for an
Whenever your character successfully makes a physical or attack or hazard and adds up the stress the roll inflicts, you
mental attack against an opponent, you roll a number of reduce that stress by your character’s relevant resistance. If this
Challenge Dice equal to your weapon or attack’s damage final total is 0 or less, the attack or hazard inflicts no stress.
rating plus your bonus damage for the attribute used (see the
For example, the legionary Anais has 3 Armor resistance
Bonus Damage for Melee, Ranged, and Mental Attacks table, page 39).
from their lorica segmentata armor and 1 from their Brawn.
When your character successfully casts a spell that deals damage,
They take cover behind some rubble, which provides 1 Cover
you roll the number of indicated by the spell effect instead.
resistance, for a total of 5 resistance. When they are attacked
You add up the results and then add +1 for each effect rolled.
and dealt 6 stress, Anais reduces that stress by 5, taking only 1
The total is the amount of stress you inflict. That stress total
stress from the physical attack.
is then reduced by your target’s resistance: their Armor and
Cover resistance if the damage was physical, or their Courage Similarly, Anais is a courageous individual, with a Courage
and Morale resistance if the damage was mental. Any remaining resistance of 3. On the eve of battle, their centurion offers
stress then fills up their stress track, point by point. a rousing speech to encourage the cohort, which the GM
determines offers a Morale resistance of 1. When they are
Your character’s maximum stress is equal to the highest
assailed by a mental attack that deals 6 stress, Anais reduces
of their Brawn or Will attribute, plus their Resilience skill.
that stress by 4, taking only 2 stress from the attack.
You may be able to increase your character’s maximum stress
through other means as well, such as talents. Your character may begin play with a small amount of Armor
resistance and Courage resistance (covered in Calculate Armor
and Courage Resistance, page 139), and they may increase those
Example Stress Track ratings further by wearing specific equipment or taking certain
talents. Cover and Morale resistance come from circumstances,
Publius, the Thracian Scoundrel, has a Will of 8 and a Resilience
however—characters get them for being in specific places or
of 1, giving him a maximum stress of 9, as represented by his
situations or from taking certain actions.
stress track of nine boxes.

Stress Destroying Cover or Morale

During an attack, you may attempt to target an enemy’s
source of Cover or Morale instead of targeting the enemy
themself. To do so, at the gamemaster’s discretion, you
may need to resolve a Create Truth major action with an
Characters make use of a variety of factors to protect
appropriate adjustment to difficulty as determined by the
themselves. This protection is called resistance, and it reduces
GM. Alternatively, the GM may provide a stress track for
the amount of stress a character suffers.
you to inflict stress on in order to overcome the source of
Resistance comes in two forms: persistent and conditional. Armor Cover or Morale.
and Courage resistance are persistent in that they are worn by or
innate to your character, while Cover and Morale resistance come
from sources external to your character. Each type of resistance is
Damage Effects
When you roll Challenge Dice after a successful attack,
expressed as a numbered rating, and it reduces the points of stress
the results can include not only the stress you deal to your
your character receives from an attack or hazard’s damage.
opponent, but also damage effects . If you roll an effect
i Against physical damage (damage from physical attacks, symbol , all of the damage effects of the weapon or attack
physical hazards, and some magic attacks), your character you are using apply (you do not need to roll two or more
gets persistent resistance from Armor and conditional to activate two or more damage effects). For more on
resistance from Cover. Armor is either worn, like a damage effects, see Damage and Effects, page 157.


Chapter 3 - Conflict
As with any truth, an injury’s effects apply at the GM’s
Injuries represent wounds and mental trauma, which cause discretion to a character’s relevant skill tests—a character with
heroes and villains alike real problems. While injuries don’t a Twisted Ankle (P) injury may find Agility + Athletics tests
knock you out of the fight by default, if they build up, they more difficult (see Truths, page 25), but it’s unlikely to affect
can cause lasting issues and leave you defeated at the hands of their aim too much. And, as an injury is a personal truth—it
your enemies. reflects something that is true about the character—it can be
invoked to gain a nonrefreshing Fortune point, 1 XP, and a
If you suffer 5 or more stress from a single attack or hazard,
complication (see Voluntarily Invoke a Truth or Scar, page 27).
or if you reach your maximum stress, you immediately suffer
an injury. If both these things happen, then you suffer 2 In addition, due to pain and distraction, a character increases
injuries instead of 1. Suffering 5 stress is just a threshold, the complication range of their skill tests by +1 for every
however; additional injuries aren’t gained in a single attack injury they have (see Complication Range, page 26).
by suffering multiples of 5 stress (10, 15, 20, etc.) in that attack.

If you are already at maximum stress, then suffering any

Multiple Injuries
If a character suffers multiple injuries from a single attack,
amount of stress causes an injury. If you suffer 5 or more
the gamemaster is welcome to treat those injuries as a single
stress in a single attack or hazard while already at maximum,
severe injury with a rating equal to the number of injuries
you suffer 2 injuries (1 injury for receiving stress while over
suffered in the attack. A severe injury counts as multiple injury
the maximum, and 1 injury for suffering 5 or more stress in
truths with the same name, whose results stack. For instance,
one attack).
if you invoke a severe injury truth with a rating of 2, you gain 2
nonrefreshing Fortune points, 2 XP, and 2 complications.
Nonlethal Attacks
When you make an attack with a weapon or unarmed Once a character has suffered 3 injuries, in any combination,
strike, you can decide to try to defeat your opponent but they are defeated. They also become defeated if their
keep them alive. Any injuries you inflict while you do maximum stress reaches 0 due to fatigue (see Fatigue, page 49).
this can be treated or removed normally, as described When a character becomes defeated, they are incapacitated
in Healing Injuries, page 45, and they don’t require any and unable to act. A defeated character immediately falls prone
magical healing. You can’t do this with obviously lethal (see Conditions, page 44) and cannot take any actions unless the
weapons, however, like artillery—such as a catapult— gamemaster allows it.
and even swords aren’t an effective means to debilitate
When your character suffers a defeat, you may spend a Fortune
someone rather than kill them. Implements like clubs
point to have them return from defeat immediately or at
and unarmed strikes are ideal for performing these
some point later in the scene. Alternatively, another character
nonlethal attacks.
may attempt a skill test with a difficulty of 3 to revive your
Trying to make a nonlethal attack with a lethal weapon, defeated character, using an attribute and skill determined by
like a sword, may be more difficult or simply impossible, your GM. In both cases, your character still suffers the effects
at the gamemaster’s discretion. of their injuries, but they may otherwise act normally. If your
character suffers another injury of any kind, they become
defeated once again.
Having any stress does not, by itself, cause a problem for
your character: it imposes no penalty and doesn’t impair If a defeated character suffers another physical injury, they
their actions or choices. Injuries, however, could mean their die. If a defeated character suffers another mental injury, they
untimely demise! experience permanent and severe loss of rationality or fall into
a coma. Either way, they are no longer a playable character.
Each injury is a special kind of personal truth, one that
generally impairs a character, making relevant activities
difficult or impossible. The name of the injury should
Voluntary Defeat
Whenever your character receives 1 or more injuries, you can
reflect the type of damage or hazard that caused it. Physical
choose for them to become defeated immediately. If you opt
damage and hazards result in physical injuries like spear
for voluntary defeat, your character suffers only a single
wounds, lacerations, broken bones, burns, and so forth.
injury—they ignore any injuries after the first. They also
Mental damage and hazards result in mental injuries,
become defeated and receive 1 Fortune point. In addition,
normally expressed as severe emotions like fear, panic,
your character cannot die or gain a scar during that scene
and anxiety.
(see Scars, page 45), no matter how many injuries they accrue.
Whether an injury is physical or mental should be noted after However, they cannot be revived during the scene, and you
the injury’s name, to ensure that the difference is clear: (P) for cannot spend Fortune to have your character return from
physical injuries, and (M) for mental injuries. defeat during the scene.

Dying or Irrational
Chapter 3 - Conflict

effect , your character gains an immediate mental scar, in

If your character is defeated and has more physical injuries
addition to any mental scars they might normally suffer as a
than mental ones, they are also dying. At the end of each of
result of the roll (see Scars, page 45).
your dying character’s turns, you roll 1 . If you roll an
effect , your character dies from their injuries. If your dying or irrational character suffers another physical
or mental injury, they are no longer a playable character (see
If your character is defeated and has more mental injuries than
Defeated, page 41).
physical ones, they are also irrational. At the end of each of
your irrational character’s turns, you roll 1 . If you roll an

Weapon Reach and Range

Weapons come in many forms, each with its own advantages, disadvantages, and ideal circumstances for use. This section outlines
how your character’s weapons affect their attacks in terms of disparities in Reach and the capacity to Guard against incoming attacks.

REACH AND GUARD Reach and Attacking

The ebb and flow of melee combat is shaped by the combatants Each melee weapon has a Reach rating, typically from 1 to 3,
and the weapons they use. Different weapons are suited with higher ratings representing longer weapons.
to different situations: a fight plays out differently if the
When your character makes a melee attack against an enemy,
combatants are using daggers than if they’re using spears.
if that character’s weapon has a Reach that is equal to or longer
than the enemy’s, then the attack proceeds normally.
A character is said to have Guard if they are aware of their attacker If the character’s weapon has a shorter Reach than the enemy’s,
and are able to defend themself. They must also be standing or check to see whether the enemy has Guard:
crouching. Having Guard gives characters an advantage in melee,
i If the enemy has Guard, the difficulty of the character’s
as described in Reach and Attacking, below.
attack increases by +1.
A character loses Guard if they are knocked prone (see
i If the enemy does not have Guard, then the attack is a
Conditions, page 44), become stunned (see Stun in Damage
normal skill test, rather than an opposed test: that is, the
Effects, page 157), are unaware of their attacker, or are incapable
defender does not get to roll to defend themself.
of defending themself. A character may also lose Guard because
of a complication or at GM’s discretion if they are knocked If a character is wielding two weapons at once (one in each
off-balance or otherwise hindered. hand), the weapon they use to determine which combatant has
longer Reach must also be used to determine the damage they
If your character starts their turn without Guard, they can gain
deal in a successful attack.
Guard as a free action (see Free Actions, page 37) if they have
no enemies within Reach. If they have enemies within Reach,
your character can gain Guard as a minor action instead. Your
Ranged attacks each have an associated range category: the
character cannot gain Guard when prone or otherwise unable
range at which the weapon can be used most effectively.
to defend themself.
Weapons with a range of Close become inaccurate over long
distances, while weapons with a range of Long may be awkward
or impractical in close quarters. When a character makes an
attack with a ranged weapon, determine the range from the
character to their target. Weapon ranges use the same terms
that describe distances (see Zones, page 31).

i If the attack’s target is at a distance that is within the

weapon’s range category, then the attack proceeds normally.

i If the target is at a distance that is outside the weapon’s

range category, the difficulty of the attack increases by +1
for each category beyond the weapon’s range—whether
closer or more distant—as described in the table Ranged
Attack Modifiers: Attacks Outside of Weapon Range.

Momentum Fortune Action Scenes

Chapter 3 - Conflict
and in
Momentum provides more options than ever in action scenes as violent conflict erupts and valiant heroes respond to ever-
changing situations. As detailed in Momentum, page 23, you earn Momentum from extra successes on skill tests, and you can spend
Momentum to improve the odds of passing a skill test or to improve a skill test’s outcome. In an action scene you can do more than
that with Momentum, from increasing damage to taking more actions in a single turn.

During an action scene, you can spend Momentum on the You may spend Momentum on only one Momentum option
Momentum options in the Action Scene Momentum Options per round, but you may spend as much Momentum as
table, see below. Alternatively, at your GM’s discretion, you can you want on that option, up to the indicated maximum, if
invent ways to spend Momentum as long as they make sense in applicable, provided you have enough Momentum available to
the context in which you generated it. (NPCs can spend Threat spend or are willing to pay by generating Threat for the GM’s
from the GM’s Threat pool instead of Momentum to purchase Threat pool (see Paying with Threat, page 44).
Momentum options.)

Action Scene Momentum Options


Each Momentum you spend on this option before you roll your attack’s adds +1 to your
Bonus 1 attack’s damage . You may spend a maximum of 3 Momentum on this option, for a total of
+3 .

Before you roll for a skill test (but after your gamemaster sets its difficulty), you may buy up
Buy d20s 1, 3, or 6 to three more d20s for your dice pool. The first d20 costs 1 Momentum, the second costs 2
Momentum, and the third costs 3 Momentum. You can’t roll more than 5d20s on a skill test.

Each Momentum you spend on this option after you pass a skill test adds +1 to your
Confidence 1 character’s Morale resistance until the start of their next turn. You may spend a maximum of
3 Momentum on this option, for a total of +3 Morale resistance.

You may spend 2 Momentum to establish a new truth in the scene (see Truths and Complications,
Create a page 25) or change or remove a truth currently in play. The truth you create must relate to a skill
Truth test you just passed, and it must be something that would result from your character’s actions.
You may spend a maximum of 2 Momentum on this option, for a total of one truth.

After you pass a skill test, you may spend 2 Momentum to impose one condition (see
2 Conditions, page 44) on the target. You may spend a maximum of 2 Momentum on this option,
for a total of one condition.

After taking a turn in an action scene, instead of handing the action to the opposing side, you
Keep the may choose to use Keep the Initiative by spending 2 Momentum and then handing the action
Initiative to another character on your own side. Once one side has opted to Keep the Initiative, nobody
on that side may do so again until the opposition has taken at least one turn of their own.

Minor Action 1 Your character may take one additional minor action this turn per Momentum spent.

After you pass a skill test, you may ask the gamemaster a single question about the scene
1 per Momentum spent. The GM must answer truthfully but doesn’t have to give complete
information, and the question must be related to the skill test you just passed.

After you make a successful attack, you may spend 2 Momentum to affect an additional target
2 within Reach of the primary target. The additional target suffers the full results of the attack.
You may spend a maximum of 2 Momentum on this option, for a total of one secondary target.

Chapter 3 - Conflict
i Disarmed: You knock a weapon or item out of your
Paying with Threat target’s hands. The item falls to the ground somewhere
in the same zone. The target can spend 3 Momentum or 3
Remember, if you can’t or don’t want to use
Threat to prevent this disarming.
Momentum, the GM may allow you to pay for a
Momentum option by letting the GM add to their i Frightened: Your attack is particularly brutal. The target
Threat pool an amount of Threat equal to the cost of immediately loses 1 point of Morale resistance, if it has it.
the Momentum option. This is always allowed when If the target has no Morale resistance, it takes +1 point of
you buy additional d20s, but your GM may permit other mental stress instead.
uses of Momentum to be paid for with Threat. Adding
i Prone: You knock your target prone. The difficulty of
Threat to the GM’s Threat pool is called generating
melee attacks targeting a prone character is reduced by 1,
Threat. You may use a combination of spending
as is the difficulty of ranged attacks made by a character
Momentum and generating Threat for the GM’s Threat
within Reach of the prone character.
pool to pay for your Momentum spends.
i Sundered: Your attack damages your target’s armor. The
target immediately loses 1 point of Armor resistance, if
it has it. If the target has no Armor resistance, it takes +1
CONDITIONS point of physical stress instead.
By spending 2 Momentum as a part of an attack, you can impose
one condition on your target. Conditions are tied not to any
specific weapon or spell, but rather to how you employ the
Fortune in Action Scenes
Luck is as much a part of combat as skill—even Roman soldiers
weapon or spell in battle. Conditions include the following:
can find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time (just
i Beat Back: Your attack drives your foe off balance. You ask Emperor Augustus!), supplies can go bad, and strikes can
may either move the target anywhere within the same go wide. Heroes, thankfully, have Fortune to call on in hopes of
zone or force them to lose Guard. reversing unlucky outcomes.

i Bleeding: You open a vicious wound in your target. Until Fortune spent in an action scene works the same as in any
your target takes the Catch Breath major action, at the end other scene. You may spend only 1 Fortune per scene. Fortune
of each of its turns, it takes +1 point of physical stress. points may be spent as specified in Spending Fortune, page 26.

Recovering Stress and Injuries

Chapter 3 - Conflict
The heroes of the Hidden Wars are a resilient, hardy bunch. Unless they are killed outright, they can, over time, recover from the
stress and injuries they suffer from.

Whenever an injury is removed from your character, you

REMOVING STRESS must make a Brawn + Resilience or Will + Resilience test
At the start of a scene, a character removes all the stress
(depending on whether the injury is physical or mental)
they’ve accumulated, assuming they have had some time to
with a difficulty of 1; failure on this test means that the
rest since the previous scene. The amount of rest required
injury has some lasting effect, called a scar. Another
is determined by the gamemaster, but it should be at least a
character may make this test on your behalf, using Reason
few hours in which a character can stop to catch their breath,
+ Medicine instead. Injuries removed by magical means
steady their nerves, and prepare for further challenges.
always result in a scar.

Injuries cannot be removed as easily. With appropriate time and In-Game Scars and
rest, you can attempt to treat an injury with a difficulty 2 skill
test. Physical injuries are treated with Coordination + Medicine,
Real-Life Trauma
while mental injuries are treated with Insight + Medicine.
Many types of in-game scars can also occur in the real
Success means that a single injury of the chosen type is treated,
world, where they may be deeply traumatic to those
plus one additional injury per 2 Momentum spent. Once treated,
who experience them. For players with friends or family
the injury is changed, renamed to reflect the treatment provided
touched by certain traumas—or who have experienced
(for example, from Broken Leg to Leg in a Splint).
similar traumas themselves—roleplaying particular
A treated injury no longer imposes an increase in scars, or seeing others roleplaying them, may rightly
complication range (each untreated injury increases the be profoundly unenjoyable and has the potential to
complication range of the character’s skill tests by +1). It won’t negatively affect the mood of the game.
be a problem as often (a broken leg in a splint may still be a
We strongly recommend that players and their
hindrance, but not as much as if the leg weren’t splinted),
gamemaster discuss this book’s list of scars (and the
but it still counts as an injury in every other sense, and
opium use associated with the Chronic Pain scar) prior
complications later could cause a treated injury to worsen (as
to play to establish whether any should be avoided.
stitches tear and wounds reopen).
Players should not be pressured to explain why they wish
Removing an injury entirely takes time and rest, and it may to avoid a certain scar, and they should feel free to change
result in a scar (see Scars, page 45). How much time and rest is their mind at any point regarding whether a certain scar
required is left to the GM’s discretion, but in general, 1 injury is should be portrayed in the game.
removed at the start of each new adventure, representing time
We also recommend treating the conditions described
taken to recover. If your character is able to sit out ongoing
with these scars respectfully. If you don’t think you can
adventures—resting in a medicus’s care, a safe house, or
represent a scar in a considerate way, it may be best to ask
similar—then they heal at twice this rate. If this is an option, it’s
your GM to choose a different scar for your character.
recommended that the GM give you a temporary character to
play while your usual character is recovering.

Scars are new personal truths that affect the character’s skill
STABILIZING THE DYING tests. They could be anything, particularly mental scars or those
If a character is dying (see Dying or Irrational, page 42), you
that come from magical healing. Because a scar is a personal
can provide medical attention with a Coordination +
truth, the gamemaster can use one to alter a skill test’s difficulty
Medicine test with a difficulty of 2. If you pass the test, the
or to determine whether the skill test can be made at all.
dying character’s condition is stabilized—they are no longer
at immediate risk of dying, but they remain defeated (see INVOKING A SCAR
Defeated, page 41). As a player, you get to choose when one of your character’s
personal truths, such as a scar, has a more dramatic effect.
SCARS When one of your scars comes into play and you invoke it, it
Sometimes, injuries do not heal properly—a surgery has generates an immediate complication for your character and
complications, or an injury is so bad that it changes a character’s earns them a nonrefreshing Fortune point and 1 XP in return.
life forever. These old wounds, or haunting memories of past The gamemaster may suggest times when a scar could be
trauma, stay with the character as long as they live. These invoked this way, but the final decision on when it does so is
lingering injuries, whether physical or mental, are called scars. always yours.

Physical Scars
Chapter 3 - Conflict
i Bad Back: Your character’s back was damaged or injured,
When a character suffers a physical scar, the gamemaster perhaps even broken, leaving them with restricted
selects one of the following options or creates their own. mobility and a limited range of movement. Whenever this
Additionally, certain NPCs, monsters, and phenomena can scar affects a relevant skill test, you gain a nonrefreshing
cause their own unique physical scars. Fortune point and 1 XP, and the complication range and
difficulty of the skill test each increases by +2.
i Amputation: Your character lost part of a limb—a hand,
foot, or part of their arm or leg—when they were injured i Bad Leg: Your character’s leg was hurt, possibly even broken,
or perhaps because a wound became infected and needed and although they’ve recovered, it will never quite be the
to be removed to save your character’s life. Your character same. When your character attempts to move rapidly, this
can rely on a prosthetic to give them an approximation of scar may come into play: you gain a nonrefreshing Fortune
previous function, but it isn’t the same as the real thing. point and 1 XP, and the difficulty and complication range of
When your character with a missing hand or arm attempts a the skill test to move each increase by +1.
Coordination-based skill test, or when your character with a
i Chronic Pain: Your character suffered severe nerve
missing foot or leg attempts an Agility-based skill test, this scar
damage when they were injured, and they are now forced
may come into play: you gain a nonrefreshing Fortune point
to live with continual pain and discomfort. While there
and 1 XP, and the difficulty of the skill test increases by +2.

Chapter 3 - Conflict
are ways they can lessen or ignore the pain, it never goes i Head Wound: Your character took a severe blow to the
away entirely, and the character carries around a supply of head. While they survived the attack, it may have left lasting
opium to combat its worst effects. This scar may come into damage, altering how they think and how they respond to
play at the start of any scene: you gain a nonrefreshing events around them. Select a mental scar instead.
Fortune point and 1 XP, and your character must either
i Lost an Eye: Your character has lost an eye, and their vision
use a dose of opium (see Medicamenta and Pharmaka, page
is permanently impaired. Whether they wear an eye patch
166) or immediately suffer 2 fatigue (this fatigue can be
to conceal the empty socket, hide it with a glass eye, or
removed in any subsequent scene once your character has
neither, their eyesight is diminished. When your character
taken some opium, or as specified in Fatigue, page 49).
with a missing eye attempts a Coordination-based skill
i Distinctive Scarring: Your character has distinctive scars test or any other skill test for which depth perception
that are difficult to conceal if they wish to do so. When is important, this scar may come into play: you gain a
your character attempts a skill test to move among other nonrefreshing Fortune point and 1 XP, and the difficulty of
people unnoticed the scar may come into play: you gain the skill test increases by +2.
a nonrefreshing Fortune point and 1 XP, and the skill test
increases its complication range by +3, as your character’s
scars risk drawing unwanted attention.

Mental Scars
Chapter 3 - Conflict
i Compulsive Rituals: Your character has a compulsion to
carry out a particular activity or action repeatedly, and they
Mental Trauma in the become anxious if they are unable to do so. This activity
Roman World may be handwashing, praying, checking their weapons,
or something similar. It is normally something routine
and simple, and it is typically related to the source of the
In the era of Cohors Cthulhu, mental trauma was not a
scar. This scar is a mild inconvenience most of the time,
settled science. The effects of a character’s mental scars
but during an action scene or other tense situation, it may
might be attributed to a curse or blessing from the gods or
come into play: you gain a nonrefreshing Fortune point and
some other supernatural source.
1 XP, and your character’s compulsive action makes them
ill prepared to react quickly or spontaneously to changing
circumstances, adding +2 to the difficulty of any skill test
they attempt when they benefit from another character’s
use of Keep the Initiative.

i Dissociative Identity Disorder: Your character has

developed a secondary personality, or several secondary
personalities, which overtake their primary personality
during the current scene. You and your GM should discuss
and agree on which new identities and behaviors your
character will exhibit before they experience the effects of
this disorder. When this scar comes into play, you gain a
nonrefreshing Fortune point and 1 XP.

i Hears Voices: When overcome by this mental scar,

your character hears voices directing and focusing

Mental Scars in their actions—sometimes to their benefit, sometimes

to their detriment. Whether these voices are familiar
Lovecraftian Settings or completely unknown, they are compelling and
believable to your character. You and your GM should
Mental scars in Cohors Cthulhu do not accurately discuss how this will play out during a scene and come
represent mental illness in the real world. More akin to an agreement on the nature and direction of these
to how mental illness was once portrayed in fiction, they voices. When this scar comes into play in a way that is
mirror common tropes in cosmic horror and are meant to detrimental to your character, you gain a nonrefreshing
represent fictional characters’ responses to experiencing Fortune point and 1 XP.
incomprehensible horror, like the supernatural terrors of
i Insomnia: Your character suffers from difficulty falling or
the Mythos. As with scars in general, we recommend that
staying asleep, such that they often can’t get a good night’s
players and their GM discuss these mental scars before
repose or gain sufficient rest in the way that others can.
play to determine whether any should be avoided in the
Following a bout of insomnia, your character suffers a
game. In addition, if you are unsure whether you can treat
temporary fatigue penalty determined by the GM, which
a mental scar your character incurs respectfully, it may be
lasts until they are able to rest properly again (see Fatigue,
best to ask your GM to assign you a different one.
page 49). When this scar comes into play in a way that is
detrimental to your character, you gain a nonrefreshing
Fortune point and 1 XP.
When a character suffers a mental scar, the gamemaster selects
one of the following options or creates their own. Additionally, i Mania: When this mental scar comes into play, your
certain NPCs, monsters, and phenomena can cause their own character is suddenly overtaken by great excitement or
unique mental scars. euphoria, an excessively heightened level of activity, or
delusional behavior. This might manifest as an extreme
i Amnesia: Your character suffers memory loss, blocking out
enthusiasm for an idea, a fixation on a particular design
severe trauma and leaving them with gaps in their memory.
or plan, or an urgent need to act in a particular way. You
They may experience confusion and distress when these
and your GM should discuss and agree on the effects of
gaps are discovered. Whenever this scar comes into play,
the passing mania, which should be derived from your
the GM declares that your character cannot recall a past
character’s situation or circumstance when it comes into
event or important piece of information, and you gain a
play. When it does so in a way that is detrimental to your
nonrefreshing Fortune point and 1 XP.
character, you gain a nonrefreshing Fortune point and 1 XP.

Chapter 3 - Conflict
i Object Fixation: Your character has developed a powerful
obsession with a particular item in their possession, which
Healing Scars
brings them comfort. They can function normally while this
Scars are more permanent than injuries and stress.
item is with them, but being deprived of the item causes
They become an intrinsic part of your character,
considerable distress. If your character is deprived of the
demonstrating past near misses or exposure to the
object, any skill test they attempt increases its difficulty and
epic horrors of the Hidden Wars. At your gamemaster’s
complication range by +2 each until the item is returned to
discretion, you may be able to work to change your scar or
them, and you gain a nonrefreshing Fortune point and 1 XP.
remove its debilitating factors through therapy, whether
i Paranoia: Paranoia can take many forms, but in general your physical or mental. This kind of therapy takes a very long
character has an irrational belief that others are conspiring time, and it won’t be accomplished soon after the events
against them, or an overwhelming feeling that something that led to the trauma. How that therapy manifests, and
awful is just about to happen. It’s recommended you discuss how long it takes, is up to you and your gamemaster.
the exact nature of your character’s paranoia with the GM
Changing or removing a scar (with your GM’s approval)
to best fit your character and their scar. After your character
requires an expenditure of 10 XP and usually requires
suffers one or more complications, this scar may come into
extended downtime (see Downtime, page 60) between
play: you gain a nonrefreshing Fortune point and 1 XP, and
adventures to undergo medical treatment or to consult
you lose the ability to draw from, or add to, the group’s
with a spiritual authority.
Momentum pool for the remainder of the scene.
It is worth noting that, just like in real life, not all scars
i Phobia: Your character has developed an irrational fear of
can be healed, and there is nothing wrong with having
something—the GM should link this to something your
a permanent scar or disability. In this case you are
character encountered around the time they suffered the
encouraged to discuss with the GM how to respectfully
scar. When your character is confronted with the object of
represent this permanent scar or disability, and explore
their phobia, they must attempt to remove themself from its
how your character learns to live with it.
presence as quickly as possible, and you gain a nonrefreshing
Fortune point and 1 XP. If your character fails to distance
themself from the object of their phobia (or are unable to
do so), they suffer 3 mental damage with the Drain and FATIGUE
Piercing 1 damage effects (see Damage and Effects, page 40). From intense heat or cold, to extreme thirst or starvation,
to abject despair, sleep deprivation, or severe overexertion,
i Tics or Tremors: Your character has developed a twitch,
certain circumstances and environmental conditions can affect
spasm, tremor, or other involuntary movement that
your character’s endurance. These issues, while not as severe as
becomes strongest during times of stress. This scar can
an injury, can still cause problems for your character.
also manifest as a verbal tic: involuntary sounds or speech.
This mental scar can come into play during an action When your character suffers fatigue, you temporarily reduce
scene or other tense situation, increasing the difficulty and their maximum stress by 1 for each point of fatigue suffered.
complication range of a single skill test by +1 each; you then If their maximum stress is reduced to 0, they are defeated—
gain a nonrefreshing Fortune point and 1 XP. collapsing from exhaustion, despair, or deprivation (see
Defeated, page 41). Reducing their maximum stress also makes
i Violent Tendencies: Your character has been traumatized
it easier for your character to suffer injuries, as their stress track
to such a degree that when seriously threatened, they may
fills up more quickly.
lash out indiscriminately. When seized by this affliction
during combat, your character attacks those closest to their Your character can remove fatigue with a Brawn + Resilience
location, friend and foe alike, as they unleash their unbridled or Will + Resilience test with a difficulty of 1, once they have
anger. This bout of violence lasts for a number of combat removed themself from any sources of fatigue. For example, if
rounds equal to 1 + 1, until your character’s fury is spent, they took fatigue from sleep deprivation and starvation, getting
after which you gain a nonrefreshing Fortune point and 1 XP. a hot meal and a good night’s sleep allows your character to
Note that people with real-life mental illness are not more try to remove that fatigue. Passing the test removes 1 point of
likely to be violent than people without mental illness and, in fatigue, plus 1 more for each point of Momentum spent.
fact, are more likely than others to be victims of violence.

Social Conflict Reputation
Chapter 3 - Conflict

Not all action scenes need involve bloodshed. In certain circles, it is words that are the weapons of choice, not blades. While many of
the rich and powerful are well armed, to them, the threat of a weapon is often secondary to that of intrigue, rumor, and scandal.

Social conflict describes situations in which problems Whenever your character faces another whose motivations
are resolved through bargaining, deception, diplomacy, are opposed to theirs, and your character wants to change
intimidation, or similar interactions, and significant stakes their mind, the two characters enter a social conflict. This is
are on the line. Not all personal interactions constitute social represented with an opposed test (see Opposed Tests, page 21).
conflict, but social conflict is driven by personal interaction, The base difficulty for your character—the active character—
especially when interlocutors have different goals or do not depends on how reasonable your character’s request is (less
wish to yield to the desires of another. While some interactions reasonable requests increase the difficulty). The base difficulty
that involve social conflict are better handled solely through for your character’s opponent—the reactive character—
roleplaying, the system described here offers an alternative depends on how wary, defiant, or suspicious the opponent is
that allows characters who have attributes, skills, or talents that (the more reluctant they are to help, the lower their difficulty).
facilitate social interactions to take to the fore. In social conflict, a Note that certain intractable positions may be impossible to
Sage, Schemer, or Mystic might dominate in the same way more overcome regardless of difficulty. The lifelong loyal bodyguard
martial characters tend to take center stage in physical battle. of a chieftain cannot simply be persuaded to allow her murder.
You may need to find an oblique angle of approach for conflicts
of this nature.
Consent and Social Conflict The outcome of the opposed test depends on both
characters’ results.
At the heart of any social conflict is a disagreement: you
wish to obtain something or do something, and someone i Active Character Passes, Reactive Character Fails: The
wishes to stop you. But alongside that is another, equally reactive character fails and goes along with the active
vital component: the idea of a reasonable request. character’s objective, to a degree that is reasonable in
context. If the reactive character absolutely cannot accede
The base difficulty of the active character’s test in a social
to the request without dire consequences, their attitude
conflict depends on how reasonable the character’s
shifts to reflect the active character’s words reaching them,
request is. This is entirely subjective, but if there’s
and they may offer an alternative or compromise.
something that a targeted character would never do, then
the skill test to request that thing becomes impossible, i Active Character Fails, Reactive Character Passes: The
and the test counts as having failed—meaning the active reactive character does not grant the active character’s
character can’t try again without changing the context to request. Worse, the active character cannot make the
make the request more agreeable to the target. request again without changing the context. Narratively,
this is assumed to involve some rephrasing and adapting
This means that if there are lines the GM or a player
the request so it isn’t repeated verbatim.
doesn’t wish to cross, the rules allow for outright refusal.
i Both Characters Fail: The reactive character does not
grant the active character’s request. The active character
can make the request again without changing the context.
The gamemaster may decide that your skill test to persuade i Both Characters Pass: Compare the total Momentum
a lowly guard to look the other way, or to inspire a loyal generated on each character’s skill test. The character with
follower, doesn’t constitute a social conflict. Instead, they may the higher Momentum wins. If this is the active character,
ask for a normal skill test using whichever attribute and skill the reactive character grants the request to a degree that
is appropriate. is reasonable. If this is the reactive character, they do not
grant the request, and the active character cannot make the
SOCIAL CONFLICT request again without changing the context. The character
At the heart of a social conflict is a desire or goal, normally in with the higher Momentum loses 1 Momentum for each
the form of a request: you want something, and another person Momentum their opponent gained. The loser then discards
either is able to grant that request but won’t, or is standing all the Momentum they generated, and they cannot spend
between you and your goal. At its simplest, the social conflict any. In the case of a tie, the active character wins but doesn’t
comes down to you attempting to change that person’s mind. gain any Momentum.

Chapter 3 - Conflict
Attributes and Skills for Social Conflicts
The most obvious attribute to use for a test in a social conflict is Gravitas, but in some cases, characters may find Insight (for
gut instinct and keen observation), Reason (for logical arguments), or Will (for intimidation and raw force of personality) a
better fit than the rhetorical flair and commanding presence represented by Gravitas.

Similarly, while Persuasion seems like the most natural skill to use in a social conflict, a character might find that
another skill applies if they provide a character with pertinent knowledge. An argument between two scholars debating a
recommended course might involve Academia or Medicine, for instance.

Extended Social Conflicts

Some characters may be particularly defiant in a social conflict, drawing out and increasing its complexity. In such cases, your
GM may treat the social conflict as an extended test (see Extended Tests, page 22).

This extended test has a stress track with a length typically equal to the reactive character’s maximum stress and a magnitude
(number of breakthroughs required) determined by the GM. The active character adds to this track whenever they put the reactive
character under pressure. The GM determines how much stress that pressure inflicts on the stress track; normally, this is a number
of equal to 2 plus the active character’s ranks in the Persuasion skill.

When the active character achieves a number of breakthroughs equal to the extended test’s magnitude, the reactive character
fails and goes along with the active character’s objective.

At each earlier breakthrough, the reactive character may offer a concession: something that falls short of the active character’s
request and gives them a way out of the social conflict without acceding to the full request. If the active character rejects the
offer of the concession, the difficulty of their subsequent tests in social conflicts against the reactive character increases by +1,
as the reactive character becomes more resistant after what they viewed as a reasonable offer was turned down.

Nuances of Failure and Defeat in a Social Conflict

Suffering failure in a social conflict can mean a few different things.

In a face-to-face social conflict, a reactive character who fails ceases to be a problem or obstacle: without additional
intervention, they agree to what they’ve been asked to do and are no longer a concern in that regard for the rest of the
scene. However, the failing character might recover if someone else causes them to have second thoughts—a guard might be
convinced to let you pass, but a guard officer might make that guard reconsider.

Social conflict can’t inflict lasting defeat of the type described in Defeated, page 41: that requires much deeper intrigue. A lasting
social defeat stops a character being a social problem for much longer than mere failure: it usually gets them cast out of one of their
social circles or factions, isolating them from their resources and their connections. A character can recover from a lasting social
defeat with time and effort, but this isn’t easy. For more information on social defeat, see Lasting Social Defeat, page 56.

“ Things lurk in that forest… unnatural things…

things far older than these woods… or this world.”
— Ekkehard the Hunter

Chapter 3 - Conflict
deception social tool can be used by itself to make a request
When you engage in a social conflict, you don’t have to dive seem more reasonable or agreeable, or it can be used with
straight into the opposed test. Social tools can help you shift the other tools to create fake threats, imaginary bargains, or false
opposing tests’ difficulties in your favor, making your request evidence. Effective deception requires skill, cunning, and an
seem more reasonable or the target more accommodating. In understanding of the person being lied to.
essence, you can use one or more social tools to influence the
Lying to someone requires an opposed test. For the active
social conflict, reducing the difficulty of your skill test (or of
character, the difficulty is based on how believable the lie
some or all of your skill tests in an extended social conflict) or
is; for the reactive character, the difficulty is based on their
shifting the context so that you can try again.
doubts and suspicions about the active character. If the lie is
i Deception is the art of lying to someone, duping them successful, the active character completes their objective (of
into believing something that isn’t real. convincing the reactive character that they are being truthful),
and the reactive character gains a personal truth such as Trusts
i Evidence is the presentation of facts to frame someone’s
[Active Character]. If the reactive character discovers that they
were lied to, the truth changes to something like Distrusts
i Intimidation is a threat of violence or harassment that [Active Character]. In the latter case, the active character’s
changes someone’s mind through fear. future social conflicts against the reactive character increase
in difficulty, and the reactive character may even seek payback.
i Negotiation is the creation of a contract with someone, so
Further, complications the active character rolls while lying
that a transaction of some kind takes place (money may or
might reveal holes or flaws in the lie, making the reactive
may not be involved).
character more suspicious.
Using any social tool counts as a major action and can be
thought of as specific kind of Create Truth major action (see Evidence
Major Actions, page 36). In a social conflict, relevant evidence can be intensely
persuasive. In many cases, providing evidence is simple, but
Deception some evidence may require explaining, or its authenticity
Falsehood and deceit can be powerful tools in the hands may need proving, particularly if you’re trying to persuade
of the cunning, but they are dangerous if discovered. The someone who thinks you’re lying.

Chapter 3 - Conflict
Each piece of evidence is a truth, often representing you wanted to, or find that you received something worth
something like Official Documents. less than you paid. The alternative, of course, is not paying
up, but that comes with a whole set of problems of its own,
Evidence reduces the difficulty of relevant skill tests, as
particularly if you bargained with something you didn’t own
is normal for a truth. In a social conflict, if the reactive
(using deception). For some reason, however, this hasn’t
character doesn’t initially believe the evidence, then the
stopped people from trying to sell things they don’t own…
active character may first need to pass a skill test to explain
the evidence or prove that it is legitimate.

Evidence can be used alongside any other social tool. Proving

Reading a Target
that you can carry out a threat can make intimidation even more
A key element of most social conflicts is understanding
effective, for instance, while evidence of wealth or ownership
people, and winning a social conflict often relies on
can bolster your side of negotiations, and immaculately forged
knowing how to discover or spot relevant details about
documents can make deception more convincing.
your opponent.

Intimidation An Insight- or Reason-based skill test, often using the

Fear and doubt are powerful tools for coercion, ones Academia, Observation, or Persuasion skill, provides a
frequently employed by the powerful against the weak. good basis for trying to learn about a target by gathering
Intimidation is the practice of using threats to compel others information on them in advance or by observing and
to do as you wish, especially using the promise of force or interacting with them in person. The base difficulty for this
other severe consequences. test is 0, and Momentum generated is used to ask questions
with the Obtain Information Momentum option. The
Intimidating someone normally requires an opposed test.
difficulty increases if the target is particularly secretive or
Unlike many tests that affect a social conflict, intimidation
inscrutable. If they know or expect that someone will try to
might use a character’s Fighting skill if the threat involves the
read them, the skill test might become an opposed test.
use of physical force.
Useful questions to ask include “What do they fear?”
Intimidating a target makes them more likely to cooperate for
“What do they seek to protect?” “What do they
the time being: they gain a truth that represents their increased
desire?” and “What do they believe,” but less direct
desire to comply, such as Scared into Submission or Cooperating
questions about a person’s background, history, and
at Knifepoint. Failing to intimidate them means your character
accomplishments may also be useful.
can’t try to intimidate them again during that scene: the threat
has failed, and trying again is unlikely to make your character Possessing relevant information about your opponent
seem scarier. The GM may allow later intimidation attempts if decreases the difficulty of your skill tests in a social
you’ve got some new way to back up your threats, however. conflict by an amount determined by your GM.

Intimidation is a hostile act, and people do not respond well to

being threatened. This can make ensuing interactions with them CONNECTIONS, REPUTATION,
more difficult, cause lingering resentment, or even provoke a
target into aggression or betrayal. Once the truth representing
The Roman Empire is a place where friendships and alliances
the more immediate effects of your act of intimidation is no
offer valuable means of advancement, but such bonds can also
longer in play, the character you intimidated remembers your
be weaknesses that enemies can exploit. Your character’s reach
threats and acts with that information in mind.
and influence increase with the connections they make, and a
dangerous rival becomes less dangerous when separated from
Negotiation their comrades.
Negotiation revolves around offering compensation in
exchange for granting a request, and this compensation can During play, your character may obtain connections. These
take many forms: everyone has a price, but the trick is finding may be individuals, called contacts, or groups, called factions.
out what that price is, and not everyone cares about coin. An Each connection can do three things:
offer of favors or specialized expertise may have a greater value.
i Help your character achieve their goals and provide
Winning against an opponent using negotiation creates a truth opportunities your character would otherwise lack
that represents the offer you made, which could be as simple
i Request things of your character, serving as a source of
as A Bribe of 30 Denarii or as complex as A Favor from the
adventures or extra goals to achieve
Magistrate. If you fail against your opponent, you’ll need to offer
more to try again: perhaps 30 denarii weren’t enough of a bribe. i Be threatened by your character’s enemies

The drawback of a negotiation is that you’ll need to pay up As you can see, connections are a double-edged sword, equal
afterward, and you might find yourself giving up more than parts advantage and disadvantage.

Chapter 3 - Conflict
i Provide medical aid or a similar specialized service
Each contact is a single person with whom your character
i Help your character reach a specific location
has a solid relationship. They might be someone you know
professionally, or they might be a friend, a distant family member, The aid a contact needs in turn is also specific to each contact.
or someone else entirely. The important thing is that you know Common examples include the following:
each other well, and you help each other out from time to time.
i Resources, whether rare (like an amber figurine) or not so
The guidelines in this section cover how your character can rare (like money)
enlist a contact’s aid and how a contact can request aid in return.
i Specific information
Each relationship with a contact has a relationship
i Access to a particular location
classification of great, fair, neutral, poor, or dire. The
classification governs the difficulty of skill tests to obtain aid or i Protection from others
information from the contact.
A character can ask a contact for aid by means of a Gravitas +
i In a great (difficulty 1) relationship, your character and Persuasion test with a difficulty based on the relationship’s
their contact get along well, trust each other, help each classification. Offering something in return reduces the
other out, and have each worked hard to keep it that way. difficulty at the GM’s discretion, with more substantial
compensation reducing the difficulty further. You may also
i In a fair (difficulty 2) relationship, your character and their
reduce the difficulty by up to 2 at the cost of downgrading the
contact are friendly and can rely on each other for help
relationship classification by one step (from great to fair or from
from time to time.
neutral to poor, for instance) after the current adventure ends—
i A neutral (difficulty 3) relationship is distant and insisting on the importance of your request makes your contact
businesslike. Neither character expects anything from more likely to grant it but places strain on your relationship.
the other without proper compensation, but with it, each
If you pass the skill test, the contact provides the aid your
provides reliable help.
character has requested. On a failure, the contact insists they are
i A poor (difficulty 4) relationship is cold and standoffish. in no position to assist or offers other explanations or excuses. A
The contact will help your character if they can gain from it, new offer of compensation might allow for another skill test with
and vice versa—but your character may have requested aid a a revised difficulty, though the GM might determine the contact is
few too many times without repaying the contact. currently unwilling to provide aid regardless of incentives.

i A dire (difficulty 5) relationship is as bad as it gets without Your character might also request a work opportunity from a
characters being rivals or enemies. They’ll help each contact, asking whether they have anything they need done
other, grudgingly, if the price is right, though they’d and offering to do it. Your character can offer to help without
probably both be happier if they never saw one another compensation if they wish; if they do so, for each job they
again. There’s even a risk that the contact might sell your complete, the relationship classification improves by one step
character out, and the contact wouldn’t expect any better (to a maximum of great). If the relationship is already at the
from your character. great classification, then your character gains a free favor (see
Favors, page 55) for every job done without compensation.
A relationship may move between these classifications during
play. A relationship cannot become better than great, and When a contact asks your character for aid or to do a job, it’s up
if it becomes worse than dire, then your character loses the to you whether to help them, and your character is welcome
contact permanently. to request compensation in return. However, if your character
chooses not to help them and has no adequate excuse (as
During an adventure, your character can request aid from a
determined by the GM), the relationship may worsen,
contact, or the contact may request aid from your character.
dropping to the next step down.
Who the contact is and what they do helps govern the kind of
aid they can provide, at the GM’s discretion. Typically, a contact
can provide aid in the form of one or two of the following:

i Facilitate access to specialized equipment, rare resources, a

workshop relevant to their needs, or advanced training

i Provide information that would otherwise be difficult or

impossible to obtain

i Make arrangements to make things easier for your character

during an adventure, such as by leaving a specific door
unlocked or hiding a supply cache in an agreed-upon location


Chapter 3 - Conflict
impose a lower ceiling on influence gained by work alone.
Groups of people your character has a connection with are Some factions may have special requirements to attain the
called factions. Factions represent significant groups and highest level of influence.
social circles that characters move within, from the Imperial
court of the emperor and their advisors, to trade guilds and
secret societies, to neighborhoods and street gangs. Favors
A faction works similarly to a contact, providing and requesting A favor is a valuable thing. During play, your character
aid and serving as a source of work. However, with a faction, may gain favors from, and owe favors to, their various
rather than dealing with a single person, your character is dealing contacts and factions. The number of favors they can have
with a group of people and the politics that come with that. Your and owe is unlimited.
character has a reputation and an influence with each faction
When you use a favor, you may automatically pass a skill
they’re connected to, rather than a relationship classification.
test to request help from the contact or faction that
i Reputation represents your character’s standing within owes your character the favor. Similarly, your character
a particular faction and how well regarded they are by the may gain a favor as compensation for a job done or aid
faction’s other members. If your character belongs to a provided to a faction or contact.
faction, their reputation within it is normally a number
If your character owes a favor, the contact or faction they owe
between 5 and 10, but it can be higher or lower in some
it to may call it in when they request aid or your character
unusual circumstances. Normally, if your character’s
seeks work from them; instead of giving your character
reputation is less than 5, they’re considered a contact of the
compensation for the aid provided or job done, the contact
faction rather than being a member or associate of it.
or faction is no longer owed the favor. If your character
i Influence is your character’s status and power within a refuses to provide requested aid or work when they owe a
faction: it’s a rough estimate of how much your character’s favor, it always worsens the relationship, possibly by more
opinion and agenda matter to the faction. Influence is a than one step, as they are breaking a promise (and it may
number between 0 and 5, with 1 representing minimal have further narrative consequences at the GM’s discretion).
say in matters and 5 representing a significant ability to
You may choose to owe a favor as compensation when you
influence others. If your character has an influence of 0,
seek aid from a contact or faction or ask them to do a job
then they have no influence at all, though this also means
for you; this reduces the difficulty of the skill test by 2.
that few people pay them any mind, which can prove an
advantage in some circumstances. Servants often have an Favors are specific to your character—you cannot trade
influence of 0 with their employers—they’re part of the them with other characters.
relevant faction, but not a part with any power.

Your character’s reputation and influence change over time. It is

entirely possible to have a high reputation and a low influence, Aid Requested
or vice versa: a trusted servant may have a high reputation, but When a faction your character belongs to requests aid or work
their influence is likely minimal beyond an occasional word in from them, if your character refuses without a convincing
their employer’s ear, while an unpopular, tyrannical leader may excuse, either their reputation or influence (GM’s choice) is
have a low reputation but a high influence. reduced by 1. If this reduces your character’s reputation below
5, they are no longer part of the faction.
Seeking Aid
When your character approaches a faction seeking aid, the base Name-Dropping
difficulty is equal to 5 minus their influence with that faction. When your character makes a skill test to speak on behalf of
As with a contact, your character may offer something in return a faction they belong to, or when they try to use its name and
to reduce this difficulty by 1, or you may choose to reduce the status to bolster their own, you may replace your character’s
difficulty by 2 at the cost of reducing your character’s influence Gravitas attribute with their reputation.
by 1 after the current adventure.
In addition, you may use your character’s influence instead of
their Persuasion skill on any skill test to persuade a member of
Seeking Work that faction.
If your character offers to work for a faction without
compensation, completing a number of jobs equal to your
character’s reputation increases your character’s reputation
within that faction by +1, to a maximum of 10. If your
character’s reputation is already 10, they may instead increase
their influence by +1, to a maximum of 5, though the GM may

Chapter 3 - Conflict
easily spread rumors among those who won’t listen to them.
The whirl and dance of society is more dangerous than it looks, all The number of you roll as damage is normally equal to your
etiquette and flowery words concealing razor-sharp intentions. If influence + 1, though your GM may increase the number of
your character is cunning, they can use that to their advantage. If you roll or add damage effects if you have evidence or spread
they’re not, then they may find it used against them. This danger rumors that the rival cannot easily counter or dismiss.
isn’t limited to courtly intrigues: the dynamics of workplaces and
With each breakthrough on this extended test (see Breakthroughs,
criminal organizations are just as volatile and ruthless.
page 22), the rival gains a truth that represents some scandal, stain
A character can, during social situations, seek to inflict a lasting on their reputation, or similar. A PC or Nemesis NPC can withstand
social defeat on another character, called a rival. As with any three such breakthroughs before the extended test is completed
defeat, this means the rival takes no further meaningful actions in and they experience a lasting social defeat. A Toughened NPC can
the scene (see Defeated, page 41); in the case of lasting social defeat, withstand two. A Trooper NPC can withstand one.
their words are disregarded by everyone in their social group, they
When a character experiences a lasting social defeat, in
are flustered into silence, or they leave to save face. Lasting social
addition to being unable to take further meaningful actions
defeats have lingering consequences that may be difficult or even
in the current scene, their reputation and influence are each
impossible to recover from after the current scene. In addition to
halved (rounding up), and they lose any leadership position
any other consequences, the rival is usually cast out of their social
they may have had. If this reduces a character’s reputation
group due to shame, disgrace, or scandal.
below 5, then they are ousted from their faction or subjected
Of course, inflicting a lasting social defeat is tricky. Your character to some form of probation, and their influence is reduced to
can’t just go up to the rival and kick them out of their group unless 0. They also gain a single new permanent personal truth that
your character is the one in charge… and even then, such directness reflects their disgrace. Even if they manage to clear their name
is as likely to hinder your character as it is to eliminate the rival. later, the shame they’ve faced has lingering consequences.

Instead, dealing with rivals socially requires undermining their

reputation. And this requires tact and subtlety. Members of social
Recovery from Lasting Social Defeat
A character experiencing lasting social defeat has minimal
circles are not easily discredited. Thus, inflicting lasting social
power within their social group or faction—or remains removed
defeat requires an extended test (see Extended Tests, page 22) with a
from it entirely—until they can somehow restore their standing
reputation stress track equal in length to the rival’s reputation.
and gain influence again. Neither quick nor easy, recovering
To undermine a rival’s reputation, characters seek out associates from lasting social defeat requires investing significant time and
in the same social circles and convince them that there is effort, particularly if the character fell from a great height.
something shady, untoward, or otherwise unacceptable about the
To recover, after removal from the current scene, the character
rival. A character influences an associate this way by making an
must spend extended time rebuilding their reputation and
opposed test against them using the social conflict rules (see Social
respectfully lobbying their social group. Fundamentally
Conflict, page 50). The base difficulty of your character’s opposed
altering their circumstances, such as by bringing a great boon
skill test is equal to the rival’s influence in the social group. The
to their social group, can aid in this endeavor. The amount of
base difficulty for the associate in the opposed test is gauged by
time required is left to the GM’s discretion but typically lasts at
the GM’s estimation of the associate’s loyalty and connection to
least until the start of the next adventure.
the rival, from 1 (very low loyalty) to 5 (extremely committed).

Persuading an associate via an opposed test in a social conflict

counts as a successful attack against the rival’s reputation stress
More Complex Scandals
track. In essence, your character attacks by spreading rumors
If you want to achieve something even more dramatic and
and undermining the rival among their associates, and the
decisive than lasting social defeat, your character can arrange
rival experiences negative consequences from these attacks.
an event that permanently discredits the target. This usually
Importantly, each attack against the rival’s reputation stress track
requires leaving evidence of the rival’s wrongdoing (whether
must persuade a different associate in the same social group—the
real or fake) for someone else to discover and reveal, or
attacks can’t all be against the same associate. Spreading rumors
maneuvering the rival into committing a deeply compromising
to a single person has minimal influence, but spreading rumors
act in view of associates. Such subterfuge requires considerable
far and wide magnifies their results.
effort spent creating or obtaining evidence and getting it to
Each successful attack your character makes against an associate the right people, or planning and implementing the series of
in an effort to undermine a rival inflicts stress on the rival’s events required to maneuver the rival into the compromising
reputation stress track. This stress is reduced by resistance equal circumstance. The component activities could be the work of
to the rival’s influence (as influential rivals are difficult to dislodge a whole adventure, or merely a few skill tests. Integrating this
from positions of power).The stress inflicted is based on your type of plot into a campaign is best discussed with your GM, as
character’s influence within the rival’s group, as a person can’t it has so many possible permutations.

Chapter 4


Magic................................................................................... 57
Types of Spellcasting............................................................... 59

Learning Spells and Rituals................................................ 61

Casting Spells and Performing Rituals...................... 64

Battlefield Magic...................................................................... 66

Magical Traditions................................................................. 68

Runic Spellbook......................................................................... 68

Oracular Spellbook.................................................................. 71

Celtic Spellbook..........................................................................73

Ritualistic Magic........................................................................76
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 - Magic

It was hard to keep the cave secret. Anyone wishing to pray or make an offering had to follow Orlantha’s
rules. She would have preferred to carry out her role as priest in the open, but that simply wasn’t possible.
The Romans weren’t the real problem. As long as one made an occasional symbolic gesture toward their
emperor and their gods, they were happy. The real problem was the other cults in the area, which seemed to
view other religions as competition.

Orlantha didn’t see it like that at all, so the secrecy and precautions depressed her. But the effort was worth it,
because she believed utterly in the power of Aericura. The god was not all that popular due to her association
with the underworld, but Orlantha had never minded that: didn’t everyone end up there eventually anyway? More
importantly, as her mother had taught her, Aericura was a giving god, a listening god, who responded to her
devotees far more readily than most.

Orlantha’s parents had left Gaul to avoid the tribal wars, but the women in her family had worshiped Aericura for
many generations. Orlantha had taken over care of the cave and the figurine when her mother had died five years
earlier. She could count on around twenty regular worshippers and the occasional newcomer. Everyone always
wanted something—a child, a job, a cure—and if other gods didn’t provide it, the desperate overcame their fears
and turned to Aericura.

No ceremony was planned for that week, but Orlantha went up to the cave anyway. She always took a cloth
and some water with her to clean the figurine, but she also enjoyed the solitude. Once in the cave, she used
the brush she kept there to sweep out some leaves. Then she cleaned the figurine, which resided in a niche
toward the rear. The stone carving depicted Aericura seated on a throne, holding a basket of apples: a symbol
of plenty and generosity.

While cleaning, Orlantha moved aside a wilting bunch of flowers a new worshiper had brought several weeks ago.
The poor woman had asked Aericura to return her dead baby daughter from the underworld. Orlantha had said
nothing, but she had found the request as ill-considered as it was pitiful. Even now she shook her head in disbelief.
She loved Aericura but knew she possessed no such power. Even gods have their limits.

On her way home through the forest below the cave, she was approached by a hooded man. Though her instincts
told her to run, she stopped there in the clearing. He did not lower his hood, but she saw him smile. His voice was
deep and strangely reassuring.

“Greetings, Orlantha. I do admire your devotion to Aericura, but will you open your mind and heart to other
gods? If you do, you may learn that there are no limits. Nothing is impossible.”

This chapter deals with the magical and mystical elements of Cohors Cthulhu, delving into the occult traditions and potent spells
that can be accessed by player characters.

Magic in Cohors Cthulhu is the practice of Mystics and certain talent, are able to shape and harness mystical forces that are
seekers of forbidden knowledge. It can also be used by especially sometimes far beyond their comprehension or, indeed, control.
gifted individuals who, due to their heritage, will, or native

Chapter 4 - Magic
Few things—especially those that promise radical change and The second discipline, ritualistic magic, is longer in form,
instant power—come without cost, and magic especially so. Upon more complicated, and more intricate; it is also immensely
the wielder, magic exacts its price in mental damage, and that’s more powerful. This is the magic that characters use to
before one counts the deleterious effect upon one’s immortal communicate with, and summon, supernatural alien beings
soul. Many who have sought its benefits have unwittingly and malevolent forces previously unknown to this world; to
gambled away their life and soul to a malevolent power, regretting travel between the planes of existence; or to effect permanent
that unholy bargain the moment the time for payment arrived. and lasting change on the mortal plane.

The practice of magic is divided into two separate and distinct The use of magic is most often connected to divine favor. It
disciplines. The first is battlefield magic, shorter-term is frequently seen in the hands of Mystics, most of whom are
enchantments of instant effect and brief duration—spells, called by the gods; many Mystics also serve as priests. However,
curses, hexes, charms, and blessings—that are used primarily characters who crave magical power may discover other routes
in combat and out in the field, away from the controlled to it through diligent study and great personal sacrifice.
conditions necessary for lengthier rites.

Types of Spellcasting
In order to cast spells (also called battlefield spells), your character must become a spellcaster by taking a spellcaster talent: a talent with
the Spellcaster keyword. (Performing rituals does not require a spellcaster talent.) Most spellcaster talents are available only to characters
with the Mystic archetype (see Mystic Talents, page 99). However, a character with a different archetype may become a spellcaster by taking
the Weird talent Occult Dabbler (see Dabbling, page 60). Spellcaster talents can be taken either during character creation or by spending
experience points (see Chapter 5: The Path of Heroes, page 84, and Character Advancement, page 144, respectively).

After you select a spellcaster talent, choose one of the following

three spellcasting types. These types reflect the way a character
A research spellcaster has studied forbidden tomes, occult
has learned magic. You must have a spellcaster talent in order
lore, and fragments of precious knowledge to piece together
to choose a spellcasting type.
their understanding of the paranormal. This is dangerous,
as research-driven occultists are typically self-taught or part
TRADITIONAL of a clandestine society, which limits their knowledge base
A traditional spellcaster has spent much of their life
and makes many greedy for more lore rather than cautious
learning a magical tradition such as the Runic, Oracular,
and reverent. Research spellcasters can learn any spell but
or Celtic magical tradition. Magical traditions, also called
are often led to malign powers, which is dangerous in its
occult traditions, are passed down through the generations
own right.
and take many years of study to master. Access to specific
occult traditions is scarce outside families and tribes, and i Research spellcasters use Reason to cast spells.
the rewards of obtaining their closely held information
Research spellcasters derive their ominous power from the
are considerable. Magical traditions commonly have an
study of esoteric books, scrolls, and artifacts; from mentors;
abundance of strict prohibitions and guidelines shaping
or directly from a supernatural entity. If you choose the
their use, intended to shield their users from the worst side
research spellcasting type and wish to draw on magical
effects of wielding magic.
traditions other than the Runic, Oracular, and Celtic magical
i Traditional spellcasters use Insight to cast spells. traditions, work with your GM to establish which battlefield
spells your character has acquired. GMs have access to a
After you select the traditional spellcasting type, choose which
wealth of arcane knowledge.
magical tradition your character follows (see Magical Traditions,
page 68). To select your character’s spells, see Learning Spells To select your character’s spells, see Learning Spells and Rituals,
and Rituals, page 61. Traditional spellcasters may use spells page 61. Your research spellcaster character may use spells
only from their own magical tradition. They can also perform from the spellbooks of any magical tradition, and they can also
rituals, as detailed in Ritualistic Magic, page 76. perform rituals (see Ritualistic Magic, page 76).

Chapter 4 - Magic

A dabbling spellcaster is someone who is fascinated by or Downtime

even obsessed with the occult or esoteric mysteries and has
managed to acquire, perhaps by dubious means, the ability to Downtime is any time that passes for characters
wield magic. Many dabblers stumbled into magic accidentally between actively played scenes or adventures; this can
or through unusual circumstance rather than gaining their be considered “off camera” time that isn’t featured in the
abilities through mentorship or dedicated study, though campaign story. Downtime often occurs when the GM
they may still become powerful Mystics in time. Due to the needs to advance time between one scene or adventure
unconventional origins of their knowledge, dabblers are and the next. During downtime, characters might sleep,
prone to wielding flawed and incomplete versions of spells, eat meals, or carry out other such mundane activities
potentially endangering themselves and those around them. before the scene or adventure resumes.

i Dabbling spellcasters use Will to cast spells. Spellcasters can use a portion of this time to research
spells, learn rituals, or study occult lore, if a source of
To select your character’s spells, see Learning Spells and Rituals,
such knowledge is available. The length of time required
page 61. Your dabbling spellcaster character may use spells
for such tasks is at the GM’s discretion.
from the spellbooks of any magical tradition, and they can also
perform rituals (see Ritualistic Magic, page 76). Engaging in downtime may not be possible between
scenes that are linked immediately one after the other at
Weird Talent: Occult Dabbler a time of urgency or crisis.
Keywords: Spellcaster, Weird

Requirements: No other talent with the Spellcaster keyword

You’ve dabbled with occult forces beyond your comprehension.

You are now a spellcaster of the dabbling spellcaster type.

Learning Spells and Rituals

Chapter 4 - Magic
Once you have selected your character’s spellcaster talent and spellcasting type (and magical tradition if they are a traditional
spellcaster), they learn a few spells as well. You do not ordinarily begin with knowledge of specific rituals, but may possess broader
knowledge of ritual practices based on your tradition, facilitating learning rituals as they become necessary. You should work with
your gamemaster during character creation to establish if your character has access to such knowledge, if required for the campaign,
and can integrate it into your backstory. Otherwise, it must be acquired from a mentor or other source in the course of play.

i If your character is a traditional spellcaster, they begin with

three battlefield spells from the spellbook of their magical Flawed Spells
tradition. Your character can learn spells only from their
When a dabbler learns a new spell, that spell is a flawed
magical tradition (see Magical Traditions, page 68), and they
version—the character has learned the core principles of
can also perform rituals (see Ritualistic Magic, page 76). They
the spell but is ignorant of its nuances, making the spell
learn new spells through studying with a mentor.
less effective and harder to control.
i If your character is a research spellcaster, they begin
A flawed spell is affected in the following ways:
with two battlefield spells, which you may choose from
the spellbooks of any magical traditions. Your character i When you cast a flawed spell, you automatically suffer
can learn spells from any magical tradition (see Magical one complication, in addition to any generated by
Traditions, page 68), and they can also perform rituals (see the skill test. In other words, even if you cast the spell
Ritualistic Magic, page 76). To learn new spells, they must successfully, it is considered a miscast (see Miscast
expand their knowledge by seeking out research materials, Spells and Rituals, page 64).
typically ancient, esoteric tomes and manuscripts. Such
i You can only purchase additional d20s for the spell’s
materials are usually gained during adventures, feeding
skill test by generating Threat—you cannot do so by
research during downtime. Alternatively, your research
spending Momentum.
spellcaster can learn from a mentor or directly from a
supernatural entity. A research spellcaster may learn any i Any specific uses of Momentum the spell would
spell they discover, though they will find this more difficult normally have may not be used when you cast a
than if they were a traditional spellcaster, and they may flawed version of that spell.
find that some spells are too enmeshed in the lore of a
Some spell profiles have a Flawed section, which specifies
particular magical tradition to be learned by an outsider.
adjustments made when a character uses a flawed version
i If your character is a dabbling spellcaster, they begin with of the spell in question.
either one standard battlefield spell or two flawed spells, which
To remove a spell’s flawed status, a dabbler must
you may choose from the spellbooks of any magical traditions.
cast it successfully at least once in-game (not during
Your character may attempt to learn any spell they come across
downtime), and then they must refine their knowledge
in the same way as a researcher, but each new spell your dabbler
of it through practice and study during downtime
learns is flawed and automatically suffers a complication when
between adventures (see Learning New Spells and Rituals,
cast (see Flawed Spells, page 61). Your character can also perform
page 62). They may not spend that downtime engaging in
rituals (see Ritualistic Magic, page 76).
other significant activities.
To select spells from the Runic, Oracular, or Celtic magical
tradition, see Magical Traditions, page 68.

Describing Magic
Researchers and dabblers can learn any spell, from any source. Some of those spells may be lore stolen from the Runic,
Oracular, or Celtic tradition and studied until their secrets are understood. Others might be products of patching
together observations, scraps of lore, and the spellcaster’s own experimentation and discoveries.

When a researcher or dabbler learns a spell—including any they begin play with—they are encouraged to rename it as they see
fit and describe it in their own way. A dabbler may not know that they’ve harnessed the Curse of Loki, for instance: instead,
using powers unique to their own capabilities, their spell may use rules of that existing spell and have a different name.

Chapter 4 - Magic
Most research spellcasters acquire their knowledge directly from
dusty tomes, hidden manuscripts, and other forbidden sources of
ancient wisdom and dangerous knowledge; others learn from a
After character creation is complete, additional spells and rituals
mentor or supernatural entity. Due to the lack of guidance or less
must be learned independently, usually via a mentor or a tome
established process in most cases, or the more cryptic guidance
of occult knowledge. Spells and rituals require extensive study
they receive from a supernatural entity, these spellcasters’ learning
and practice to perfect; thus, new ones may be learned only
process takes more time than it does for traditional spellcasters.
during downtime between adventures. The learning process
is an arduous and mentally draining one, often requiring the To learn a new spell or ritual, a research spellcaster must do
attainment of new insights into the true nature of reality and the following:
accompanied by fitful nights filled with harrowing dreams.
i Spend a number of hours equal to four times the spell or ritu-
Many trials may be needed to practice and perfect the casting.
al’s difficulty studying texts and other research materials. This
Regardless of how a spellcaster or ritualist attempts to learn may be spread across several consecutive days, but no less than
new material, they may only study one new spell or ritual at a four hours must be spent in study each day. If the spellcaster
time: they may not attempt to study a new one until they have goes a day without study, they must start over from scratch.
learned the previous one or abandoned progress on it.
i Suffer 4 fatigue for each day spent in study. A full day’s rest
A traditional spellcaster may learn new spells and rituals automatically removes this fatigue.
only directly from a mentor or from the framework of their
i Obtain ingredients, tools, and other materials with a
own magical tradition. This is not a formal and fixed process;
combined Restriction rating equal to the difficulty of the
it occurs when the mentor has deemed the spellcaster worthy
spell or ritual being learned + 1.
or wise enough for new capabilities, or in the case of some
pressing need to receive the new esoteric knowledge. Due to i Spend 10 XP.
the guidance the spellcaster receives, the learning process
i Make a Reason + Academia test with a difficulty equal to
takes less time than it does for researchers and dabblers.
that of the spell or ritual + 1. Passing the test means the spell
To learn a new spell or ritual, a traditional spellcaster must do or ritual has been learned successfully, and the character
the following: will be able to cast or perform it during the next adventure.
Failing this test means that the spell or ritual has not been
i Spend a number of hours in study with their mentor or
completely learned, and the spellcaster must repeat their
a similar teacher from their tradition equal to twice the
time in study after the next adventure to finish learning it.
spell or ritual’s difficulty. This may be spread across several
consecutive days, but no less than two hours must be spent Dabbling spellcasters gain an incomplete understanding of
in study per day. If the spellcaster goes a day without study, magic in any of numerous ways, most often having stumbled
they must start over from scratch. upon scrolls or tomes of sacred or forbidden knowledge and
spending time in focused study. Others glean secrets by listening
i Suffer 2 fatigue for each full day spent in study. A full day’s
in on occult practitioners, perhaps stealing notes or scribbling
rest automatically removes this fatigue.
copies of glimpsed scrolls and seeking to replicate them. Others
i Obtain ingredients, tools, and other materials with a may have received such lore amid strange dreams. Similarly,
combined Restriction rating equal to the difficulty of the both dabblers and non-spellcasters may have occasion to learn
spell or ritual being learned. a mystical ritual vital to their future success, though for a ritual
to be successful, such individuals must acquire a relatively
i Spend 10 XP.
complete and comprehensive description of its steps and
i Make an Insight + Survival test with a difficulty equal to requirements, either in writing or by verbal instruction. Rituals
that of the spell or ritual. Passing the test means the spell or that are only partially or incompletely known always fail.
ritual has been learned successfully, and the spellcaster will
To learn a new spell or ritual, a dabbler must do the following.
be able to cast it or perform it during the next adventure.
A non-spellcaster uses the same process to learn a new ritual,
Failing this test means that the spell or ritual has not been
although they cannot learn spells:
completely learned, and the spellcaster must repeat their
time in study after the next adventure to finish learning it. i Spend several hours studying fragments of occult texts,
experimenting, and interpreting bizarre dreams. The total
time required in hours is determined by rolling a number
of equal to twice the spell or ritual’s difficulty but no
less than an hour must be spent in study each day. This may
be spread across several consecutive days, but no less than
an hour must be spent in study each day. If the spellcaster
goes a day without study, they must start over from scratch.

Chapter 4 - Magic
Suffer 2 fatigue for each day spent in study, plus additional
fatigue equal to the number of effects rolled when
Learning Spells and Complications
determining the amount of study required. A full day’s rest
As learning new spells and rituals requires a skill test,
automatically removes this fatigue.
the process has an inherent risk of complications. These
i Obtain ingredients, tools, and other materials with a complications can have any of the standard results, but certain
combined Restriction rating equal to the difficulty of the complications especially suit the hazards of learning magic:
spell or ritual being learned + 2.
i The character takes +1 fatigue. Learning magic strains
i Spend 10 XP. the mind and leaves the spirit weary, and it takes time
to recover. Complications can increase the toll that
i Make a Will + Resilience test with a difficulty equal to
this process takes.
that of the spell or ritual + 1. Passing the test means the
spell or ritual has been learned, and the spellcaster or i The character’s study has drawn the attention of
ritualist will be able to cast or perform it during the next something dangerous and otherworldly. What has
adventure. However, if it is a spell, it is in a flawed state found the character, when it will arrive or make itself
and is subject to some limitations (see Flawed Spells, page known, and what form its attention will take are left to
61). Failing this test means that the spell or ritual has not the GM’s discretion.
been completely learned, and the spellcaster must repeat
i The character begins the next adventure with 1 fewer
their time in study after the next adventure to finish
Fortune point, as luck and fate seem to have turned
learning it.
against them.
A dabbler may repeat their learning process on a flawed spell
i The GM adds to Threat. As learning new spells and rituals is
to refine their method for it and remove its flawed status.
done between adventures, any Threat generated is added
However, in order to refine a flawed spell, they must have cast it
to the pool the GM starts the next adventure with, and the
successfully at least once in-game in its flawed state.
character’s nightmares are plagued by foreboding omens.

Casting Spells Performing Rituals
Chapter 4 - Magic

Unless otherwise noted in a spell’s description, casting a spell requires a skill test during a standard scene, or the Prepare minor
action and Cast a Spell major action (which includes the spell’s skill test) during an action scene. For more information on casting
spells, see Casting a Battlefield Spell, page 66.

Rituals take more time than spells, and successfully Survival (Mysticism) deals with spells and rituals passed down
completing one is similar to passing an extended test: you need through ancient oral traditions rather than through books and
to fill a stress track and complete a number of steps in the same scrolls, particularly spells and rituals connected to forces of
way you make breakthroughs on an extended test. For more nature or understanding the wilderness.
information on rituals, see Ritualistic Magic, page 76.
Tactics (Omen Reading) covers a number of practices that
The attribute for a skill test used in a spell or a ritual depends on involve reading signs in the natural world and interpreting the
your character’s spellcasting type: traditional spellcasters use future from them. Countless undertakings are preceded by a
Insight, research spellcasters use Reason, and dabbling spellcasters reading of omens.
use Will (the attribute for a ritualist who is not a spellcaster is also
While a character with one or more of these focuses may
Will). The skill, which is related to the spell’s spell effect or the
possess knowledge useful for dealing with the occult, having
ritual’s outcome, is listed in the spell or ritual’s profile.
such a focus does not in itself indicate an ability to cast
spells. To cast battlefield spells, a character needs a talent
MAGIC SKILLS with the Spellcaster keyword, although rituals do not have
Magic in Cohors Cthulhu relies upon set skills. Which skill a spell
that same requirement.
or ritual requires depends on its nature and circumstances.
Several of the game’s skills have at least one focus that lends
itself to occult applications. Following are the skills and
Due to the power a spellcaster or ritualist wields, even the
focuses that most often apply to magic use:
slightest break in their concentration can cause their magic
Academia (Religion) is a common route into the study of the to spiral out of control. Any spell or ritual that generates a
arcane and the supernatural, as the practice of magic is often complication is considered to be miscast.
part of religious rituals and sacrifices to the gods.
As on any other skill test, a roll of 20 on a skill test to cast a spell
Academia (Linguistics) is another common route, as scholars or perform a ritual causes a complication. However, due to the
of language are often well versed in dead languages, allowing intricate nature of spellcasting, the complication range for the
them to translate ancient religious texts… though they may casting of a spell or ritual increases as its difficulty increases, as
not be ready for the consequences of such translations. specified in the Spell and Ritual Complication Ranges table below.
In addition, a ritual’s complication range may be increased
Fighting (War Magic) arises from zealously pious martial
further at the GM’s discretion.
traditions, in which those who carry the blessings of the gods
are expected to fight in battle and risk death. Complications caused by a miscast spell or ritual are much more
unpredictable and devastating than those from other tests. The
Medicine (Faith Healing) covers rites, rituals, and appropriate
gamemaster is encouraged to apply their creativity, ingenuity,
offerings and practices with which the gods (or other supernatural
and sense of fun and to indulge in devious invention when
beings) can be petitioned to intercede on behalf of the sick or injured.
adjudicating the results of a complication caused by miscasting.
Observation (Instincts) covers much of human perception
beyond the traditional senses. Characters with an Instincts focus
are often sensitive to unnatural phenomena and can discern the
influence of the supernatural—especially the unearthly nature SPELL OR SPELL RITUAL
of the Mythos—more keenly and clearly than others. RITUAL COMPLICATION COMPLICATION
Persuasion (Invocation) encompasses unusual and esoteric
1 20 19–20
methods of communicating with unnatural entities. It is
also applicable to magic drawing on the mental faculties of 2 19–20 18–20
emotion or reason. It is the arcane tool of those seeking to
rouse or calm the mob, or to evoke awe or fear through the 3 18–20 17–20
power of the spoken word.
4 17–20 16–20
Resilience (Discipline) isn’t exclusively focused on the
supernatural, but it is invaluable for enduring some of the 5+ 16–20 15–20
nastier effects of dabbling in the occult.


Chapter 4 - Magic
If a spell is successfully cast or a ritual successfully performed,
its spell effect or outcome still occurs even if it is miscast: Not all spells and rituals deal damage to their target
complications cannot turn success into failure, and miscasts (though most deal damage to their spellcaster). Of those
can only produce additional or unintentional consequences. that do deal damage to their target, some deal physical
damage, inflicting stress that is reduced by Armor and Cover
POWER resistance, and some deal mental damage, inflicting stress
When your character casts a spell or performs a ritual, you may that is reduced by Courage and Morale resistance. The type of
be required to roll Challenge Dice to inflict damage or damage a spell or ritual inflicts is specified in its spell effect or
complete a ritual step. All spellcasters have a power rating— outcome description, respectively.
often simply called power—which indicates the number of
If your character successfully casts a spell or ritual that deals
Challenge Dice a player rolls when their character casts a
damage , resolve the damage using the following steps:
spell or performs part of a ritual. A character’s power rating is
equal to their base power rating plus their bonus Challenge 1. Roll Challenge Dice: Roll the number of indicated by
Dice for the attribute they use to cast spells. the spell effect or outcome description: usually a number
of equal to your character’s power rating plus some
i A traditional spellcaster has a base power rating of 2 and
additional specified by the spell effect. Total the results
receives bonus based on their Insight attribute, as their
rolled. Remember to add +1 for each effect result. This is
techniques favor wisdom and instinctual understanding.
the amount of stress you deal to the target.
i A research spellcaster has a base power rating of 2 and
2. Determine Resistance: The target totals their relevant
receives bonus based on their Reason attribute, as they
resistance: Armor resistance + Cover resistance for physical
favor study and analysis over spirituality.
damage, or Courage resistance + Morale resistance for
i A dabbling spellcaster has a base power rating of 1 , but mental damage, as specified by the spell effect or outcome
they can increase that to 3 whenever they roll a dice pool description. They reduce the amount of stress they receive
in exchange for generating 1 Threat for each effect they roll. by that amount.
They receive bonus based on their Will attribute, as raw
3. Inflict Stress: The target adds marks off any remaining
mental strength and self-confidence empower their magic.
stress on their stress track and checks to see if they have
Use the Bonus Power table below, to determine your spellcasting sustained any injuries (see Injuries, page 41).
character’s bonus for casting spells and performing rituals.
On the table, find their rating for the attribute they use to cast 4. Inflict Effects: Effect results rolled also trigger any
spells, and note the corresponding number of bonus in the damage effects included in the spell effect or outcome
Bonus Challenge Dice column. description.

Some talents and other abilities may increase a spellcaster’s

power rating in certain circumstances. Momentum Spends in Magic
Skilled practitioners of magic wield their spells and
BONUS POWER rituals with deftness and precision, leveraging their skill
and knowledge to achieve heightened results. Some spell
ATTRIBUTE RATING and ritual descriptions specify ways to use Momentum
generated during casting. In addition, spellcasters and
8 or lower — ritualists can spend Momentum on the following spell-
and ritual-related Momentum options:
9 +1 Cost Resistance: For each Momentum spent, gain +1
Morale resistance against the spell or ritual’s cost (the
10 or 11 +2 mental damage it inflicts on the caster).

12 or 13 +3
i Bonus Damage: For each Momentum spent, add +1 to
the damage the spell or ritual inflicts on its targets.
14 or 15 +4
i Duration Increase: For 2 Momentum, double the duration
16+ +5 of any spell or ritual with a duration that isn’t “instant.”

Battlefield Magic
Chapter 4 - Magic

While not as powerful or, indeed, as dangerous as longer-form ritualistic magic, battlefield sorcery is able to bring instant aid to
forces in the field, wreak destruction upon both natural and supernatural enemies, and act as both a counter and deterrent against
rival spellcasters. Although these shorter-term enchantments are deployed primarily in combat, they are also used for other
situations that do not require a ritual’s lengthier casting time.


Spells—also called battlefield spells—are prepared in advance of During a scene, a spellcaster may attempt to cast any of the
conflict and held in the spellcaster’s mantle, a totemic object spells in their mantle. A spellcaster cannot attempt to cast
or other significant item such as a wand or runestone that more than one spell per turn. To cast a spell in an action
a spellcaster uses to “store” bound spells. This allows them scene, the spellcaster must use the Prepare minor action and
to unleash the power of those spells quickly and without then the Cast a Spell major action. Unless otherwise specified,
elaborate rituals. When a bound spell is added to a spellcaster’s each spell requires a skill test that is part of its Cast a Spell
mantle, it can be held for as long as the spellcaster remains major action.
conscious. Bound spells do not miscast if the spellcaster
The attribute used for the skill test to cast a spell depends on
becomes unconscious—they dissipate safely.
the type of spellcaster the character is: traditional spellcasters
A spell cannot be cast if it has not been prepared by binding it use Insight, research spellcasters use Reason, and dabbling
to a spellcaster’s mantle first—an unbound spell is knowledge spellcasters use Will. The skill a spellcaster uses to cast a spell
without the power to make it real. A spellcaster can bind a and the difficulty of the skill test they make to cast it are
number of spells in their mantle equal to their power rating detailed in the spell’s profile.
(see Power, page 65), and each bound spell can be cast as many
times as the spellcaster desires, though they pay a cost each RESISTING MAGIC
time they attempt to cast it, as described in the spell’s profile. Although magic is a potent and dangerous force, it is not
all-powerful. Sometimes, a spellcaster must overcome their
Binding spells to a mantle requires a skill test with a difficulty
target’s innate resolve to ensure that a spell takes effect.
of 0, and it takes a number of minutes equal to the combined
difficulty of the spells being prepared. The attribute and skill In other words, certain spells give their targets the chance to
used to bind spells varies: traditional spellcasters use Insight resist. The skill test to cast such a spell is an opposed test. The
+ Survival, research spellcasters use Reason + Academia, and caster uses their spellcasting attribute and the spell’s skill. The
dabbling spellcasters use Will + Resilience. Once the spells are resisting target uses the attribute and skill specified in the
bound, a spellcaster’s mantle contains the chosen spells until spell’s Difficulty section. Both tests use the spell’s difficulty. See
the spellcaster sleeps or is otherwise rendered unconscious. Opposed Tests, page 21, for more information.

What’s Your Mantle? Each battlefield spell is defined using the following format
and terms:
A spellcaster’s mantle can be thought of as a metaphysical cloak
that a spellcaster wraps around themself. While a mantle’s Skill: The skill listed in a spell’s profile is the one used on skill
effective core is intangible, spellcasters invariably possess a tests to cast the spell. The attribute for the skill test depends on
physical object they use to focus bound spells and bridge the the character’s spellcasting type.
gap between the physical world and their magic. This object
Difficulty: This section of a spell profile lists the difficulty of
might be something more traditionally associated with magic,
skill tests to cast the spell. If the spell’s skill test is an opposed
like a wand or staff, but it can equally be a totemic object,
test, that is also specified in this section. On an opposed test
runestone, or other item. What matters more about the object
to cast a spell, the resisting character’s skill test uses the spell’s
is its significance to your character and how they practice
difficulty. The attribute and skill the resisting character must
magic, not its cultural or historical significance. Normally, your
use are specified in this section as well.
character finds or creates their mantle, whatever it may be.
Cost: Each battlefield spell has an associated cost that the
spellcaster pays when casting it. This cost takes the form of
mental damage inflicted on the spellcaster. The stress
dealt to the spellcaster as a result is reduced by their Courage
resistance + Morale resistance, as usual. This cost is applied
after the spellcaster resolves the skill test to cast the spell, and
it applies whether or not they successfully cast the spell.


Chapter 4 - Magic
Duration: All spells last for their stated duration. Most
spells have a duration of instant (the spell’s effects take place Banishment spells inflict physical or mental damage, just as attack
immediately, and the spell ends). Others last a number of spells do, but they have a greater effect upon supernatural entities.
rounds (ending after a set number of rounds, or at the end of the If a banishment spell inflicts 1 or more injuries on a supernatural
current round), until the end of the current scene, or a number creature, that creature loses its next turn as it struggles to remain in
of hours. A spellcaster may choose to end a spell early as a minor this universe. If a supernatural target is defeated by a banishment
action, but otherwise, the spell lasts until the end of its stated spell, it vanishes immediately, cast back whence it came.
duration or until the spellcaster suffers an injury or is otherwise
forcibly distracted (normally requiring the creation of a truth). Blessing
A blessing spell infuses its target with magical energies, granting
Category: This section lists a spell’s category (see Spell Categories,
some benefit or enhancement to the target’s capabilities.
page 67). A spell might have more than one category, usually
because it has more than one potential spell effect.
Spell Effect: This section lists a spell’s consequences. It also A control spell inflicts mental damage, undermining the mind
provides information about who or what the spell can target, of its target. If a control spell deals an injury to its target, then
and it may list uses for Momentum that expand or enhance the instead of suffering the injury, the target is placed under the
spell effect. spellcaster’s control, as detailed in the spell effect.

Flawed: Not all spell profiles have this section; those that do
specify adjustments to make when a character attempts to cast
Curse spells infuse their targets with magical energies that
a flawed version of the spell.
hinder them. Each curse spell’s profile describes how the curse
Momentum: Spell profiles that have this section list ways to can be broken. This might be as simple as passing a skill test, or
gain additional benefits by spending Momentum. it might require considerable time and effort.

Divination spells provide the spellcaster with knowledge. All spells in
this category allow the spellcaster to ask a number of questions using
the Obtain Information Momentum option, though the allowable
scope of the spellcaster’s queries varies by spell. Regardless, spells in
this category allow your spellcasting character to ask questions for
which obtaining an answer would otherwise be impossible.

Manifestation spells alter the fabric of reality, resulting in
everything from mirages to major weather fluctuations.

Summoning spells are powerful invocations that call objects,
creatures, or other phenomena to materialize out of thin air.
Spells can be grouped into the following categories based on
the types of results they achieve. Some categories come with
Transmutation spells alter a subject’s physical being,
rules that apply to all their spells. While most spells belong to
transforming them into a new shape or changing their persona.
only one category, some belong to more than one, gaining the
benefits and strictures of each category they belong to.
A ward spell provides protection or restoration, or it inflicts
Attack physical or mental damage on any creatures that come within
Attack spells inflict physical or mental damage, normally
range of its protective aura.
through the conjuring of some deadly projectile or psychological
effect. When successfully unleashed, an attack spell inflicts the
stress and effects rolled on its upon its target. An attack
spell has a damage rating, exactly as a weapon does, based on the
spellcaster’s power rating. See Spell and Ritual Damage on page 65,
for more information on inflicting damage via a spell.

Magical Traditions
Chapter 4 - Magic

The world of Cohors Cthulhu has myriad magical traditions. This chapter focuses on the Runic magic of the Germanic people, the Oracular
magic favored by Rome’s priesthood and Germanic seiðkonur, and the Celtic magic of the druids. Some types of spellcasters draw from
just one of these magical traditions, while others may use any magical tradition, as detailed in Learning Spells and Rituals, page 61.

Spellcasters who use spells from the Runic magical or seiðkonur of the Germanic tribes, Oracular magic is often
tradition draw power from runic symbols of Norse and associated with certain religious figures, like Mimir or Antevorta.
Germanic origin. Runes allow Runic magic practitioners, Oracular spells are detailed in the Oracular Spellbook, page 71.
known as spellseers or runeweavers, to focus magical
Spells from the Celtic magical tradition are rooted in
energies. Though rare, these gifted individuals are found
animistic beliefs and draw power from both the Celtic
practicing their art among the tribes of Germania Magna
pantheon and the forces of the natural world. Practitioners
and anywhere else they have settled. Runic spells are
of this magic may originate from Hibernia or Britannia or
detailed in the Runic Spellbook, see below.
have roots in other Celtic tribes in Gaul or Germania. They
Spells from the Oracular magical tradition allow spellcasters are referred to as druids, semnothei, or vates. This tradition’s
to see events of the future, to understand things their senses practitioners are wise in the ways of healing and protection
could not possibly perceive, and to interpret the fates of those but can also command raw forces of natural destruction. Celtic
around them. Whether practiced by augurs or oracles of Rome spells are detailed in the Celtic Spellbook, page 73.

Literacy is almost unheard of among the Germanic and Norse peoples, the writing of runes being reserved almost exclusively for
magic, best wielded by the gods or their chosen priests, wise ones, and seers. Runes are not used to shape words but are instead
symbolic investments of sacred power, awakened by the prayers and mental focus of those who know how to wield them. Such
magics may require other payments and sacrifices, being exhausting and potentially perilous to those who invoke them. Wodan
himself gained the runes after sacrificing himself to himself by hanging wounded upon the World Tree for nine nights. Most Runic
spells and rituals rely on a single rune to express their magic, though there are some rare few that combine them.

Blessing of Fylgjur i For 2 Momentum, the spell affects allies within Medium
The fylgjur, ancestral spirits who serve as guardian of a tribe and range instead.
counselor to its people, are protective of a family’s line. They
can be called upon through the rune Laguz, a manifestation of
healing and renewal. Using the powerful Runic incantation the
Bounty of Baldr
This powerful Runic shield is associated with Algiz, the rune of
Blessing of Fylgjur, the runeweaver invokes a fylgja’s healing
protection, and draws on the power of Baldr, most beloved of all
skills to restore the wounded and even raise those who have
the Æsir. The rune seems to cloak its targets in mystical armor,
fallen, so that they may renew the fight.
giving them immunity from most harm: accurate shots narrowly
Skill: Medicine miss their mark, damage dissipates, and the efficacy of malign
forces greatly diminishes under this rune’s protective influence.
Difficulty: 3
Skill: Resilience
Cost: 4 Drain
Difficulty: 2
Duration: Instant
Cost: 3 Drain
Category: Ward spell
Duration: A number of rounds equal to the spellcaster’s
Spell Effect: The spell immediately removes stress equal to the
power rating
spellcaster’s power rating from all allies within Close range. In
addition, any defeated allies within Close range immediately Category: Ward spell
recover from defeat, though they still retain any injuries they
Spell Effect: While this spell remains in effect, any attacks
have suffered.
against the spellcaster or any of the spellcaster’s allies within
Flawed: A flawed version of this spell removes stress from all Close range of the caster increase in difficulty by +2.
creatures within Close range, not just allies.
Momentum: All affected characters gain +X Cover resistance,
Momentum: where X is the amount of Momentum spent.
i For 2 Momentum, all affected allies remove a single physical
or mental injury each.

Curse of Loki Hammer of Thunraz

Chapter 4 - Magic
The prince of tricksters is an appropriate patron for the The runeweaver draws on the mystical rune of Thurisaz, long
spellseer. The spellseer draws upon Nauthiz, the rune of associated with Thunraz, the legendary god of thunder, and
shadow, to sow confusion and dread in an enemy’s ranks. Any calls forth the power of the god’s hammer, Mjölnir, to strike the
enemy unit, character, or creature afflicted by the Curse of Loki enemy with devastating thunderbolts and lightning. Winds
is plagued by terrifying visions of giants and monsters, of fell rise, storm clouds gather, and electrical energy surges from the
creatures and foul entities from the icy wastes, sent to bewilder, spellseer to strike their target, causing enormous damage both
mislead, and demoralize them. to it and those close by.

Skill: Persuasion Skill: Fighting

Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2

Cost: 5 Drain; in addition, each damage effect rolled on Cost: 4 Drain, Piercing 1
the cost generates 1 Threat
Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant
Category: Attack spell
Category: Attack spell
Spell Effect: The spell targets a single enemy or object within
Spell Effect: The spellcaster inflicts power +2 mental damage Medium range and inflicts power +2 physical damage, with
with the Stun damage effect on all enemies within Close range. the Area damage effect, upon that target.

Flawed: A flawed version of this spell affects all creatures Momentum:

within range, not just all enemies. i For 1 Momentum, replace the Area damage effect with the
Piercing 2 damage effect.
i For 2 Momentum, add the Persistent 6 damage effect to i For 2 Momentum, add the Vicious damage effect.
the damage.
i For 2 Momentum, add the Stun damage effect.
i For 2 Momentum, add the Snare damage effect to the damage.

Ravens of Wodan Wisdom of Frigg
Chapter 4 - Magic

Weaving the symbol of the rune Ansuz, the spellseer invokes The god Frigg is renowned for her wisdom and insight; Wodan
the powers of the Allfather: Wodan, the hanged god, lord of is her consort. By calling forth the power contained in Kaunaz,
battle, and consort of Frigg, who sends his twin ravens, Huginn the rune of fire and knowledge, a runeweaver can tap into Frigg’s
and Muninn, to fortify his allies with the spirit of the brave wisdom to learn an opponent’s most vulnerable aspects and
warriors battling eternally in Valhalla. Allies who channel the exploit those weaknesses. Becoming much more vulnerable
Ravens of Wodan become resistant to fear and terror. They when the Wisdom of Frigg is cast, Mythos entities can then be
fight with greater determination, vigor, and valor, performing injured by mundane weapons. Wisdom of Frigg’s spell effects in
heroic deeds upon the battlefield. turn can be magnified, doing significantly more damage.

Skill: Academia Skill: Observation

Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 1

Cost: 4 Drain, Piercing 1 Cost: 3 Drain, Stun

Duration: A number of rounds equal to the spellcaster’s power Duration: Instant

Category: Divination spell
Category: Ward spell
Spell Effect: The spellcaster targets a single creature within
Spell Effect: While the spell remains in effect, the spellcaster and Medium range. The spellcaster gains +3 bonus Momentum, which
all of the spellcaster’s allies within Close range receive additional they may spend only to Obtain Information about the creature
Morale resistance equal to the spellcaster’s power rating. or to use the Create Truth major action; the created truth must
reflect knowledge of one of the targeted creature’s weaknesses.
i For 2 Momentum, each affected allied target inflicts +2
damage on all melee attacks they make. i For 2 Momentum, if the creature has the Invulnerable
special rule, it loses that rule for a number of rounds equal
i For 3 Momentum each, the spellcaster may give one or to the spellcaster’s power rating.
more affected allies 1 additional nonrefreshing Fortune
i For 2 Momentum, until the end of the scene, any attacks
point each, which is lost at the end of the spell’s duration if
the spellcaster or their allies make against the targeted
it has not been used.
creature gain either the Intense or the Vicious damage
effect (spellcaster’s choice).
Swiftness of Sleipnir
The runeweaver conjures the force of the rune Ehwaz,
associated with the horse, to unlock the characteristics of
Sleipnir, Wodan’s steed, the child of Loki and Svaðilfari and the
best and swiftest of all mounts.

Skill: Survival

Difficulty: 2

Cost: 3 Drain

Duration: Instant

Category: Blessing spell

Spell Effect: The spellcaster and any allies within Close range
may immediately move up to 2 zones. In addition, whenever
an ally chooses to implement Keep the Initiative before the
spellcaster’s next turn, it costs 0 Momentum for them to do so.

Momentum: For 2 Momentum, each affected character may

take an additional minor action for free on their next turn.


Chapter 4 - Magic
Oracular magic is ancient and diverse in its methodology and origins, finding expression in countless ways. Foundational to oracular
magic is augury, by which the shape of the future or of divine will’s impact on the world is discerned indirectly through seemingly
random means, such as the casting of bones or rune-carved staves, or the spilling of a sacred offering’s entrails. The more powerful
practitioners of this magic have means to shift fortune in their favor, calling upon the gods who govern fate or chance. Some believe
such magic places a growing strain on the fragile mind—and can draw the attention of malevolent spirits.

Augury is the Roman religious practice of interpreting omens Augury among other Cultures
from the observed behavior of birds. When the spellcaster, known
Romans often practiced augury by studying the auspices,
as the augur, interprets these signs, it is referred to as taking the
but other cultures employed different methods of seeking
auspices. Depending upon the birds, the auspices from the gods
omens and foretelling events. Staring into burning coals,
could be favorable or unfavorable (auspicious or inauspicious).
tossing bones, and spilling the entrails of sacrificial beasts
Skill: Observation are just a few of the numerous approaches taken.

Difficulty: 2 Characters in Cohors Cthulhu can use one of these or any

other form of divining appropriate to their culture as the
Cost: 3 Drain
game-world basis of their Augury spell, producing the
Duration: Up to twenty-four hours same game-mechanical effect.

Category: Manifestation spell

Spell Effect: The spellcaster spends ten minutes consulting

the movements of birds to ascertain whether the auspices are
Guiding Hand
With merely a hint of events yet to transpire, the oracle can
favorable or unfavorable. The GM determines which of the
guide an ally through the most dangerous of circumstances.
following auspices applies:
Even a cryptic phrase that only intimates what the day ahead
i Auspicious: Fortune favors the current course of action. holds can forearm a person against the greatest peril.
For the duration of the spell, the spellcaster can re-roll any
Skill: Tactics
number of dice from a single skill test, and then the spell ends.
Difficulty: 2
i Inauspicious: Following the current course of action is to act
in opposition to the fates, but the augur is forewarned. For Cost: 2 Drain, Piercing 1
the spell’s duration, when the GM spends Threat to Create a
Duration: Twenty-four hours
Truth—such by introducing a complication (see Complications,
page 25) or via the Change of Circumstance option (see the Category: Blessing spell
Cohors Cthulhu Gamemaster’s Guide, page @@)—the spellcaster
Spell Effect: The oracle whispers a portent of events to come,
can ignore the effects of that truth, and then the spell ends.
which can help an ally alter their fate. The spellcaster chooses
Momentum: an ally within Close range. For the duration of the spell, any
i For 2 Momentum, the duration increases by twenty-four hours. time the ally’s player spends a Fortune point, that player
can roll 1 . If the result is an effect , the Fortune point
i For 2 Momentum, the spellcaster, not the GM, determines
is immediately returned to the ally. The ally regains only 1
the choice of auspices.
Fortune, no matter how many effect results are rolled.

i For 2 Momentum, increase the duration by twenty-four

i For 2 Momentum, the ally’s player rolls 2 instead of

1 .

Invoke the Parcae
Chapter 4 - Magic
Spell Effect: The spell gives the oracle visions of future events.
The Parcae, the “sparing ones,” are the three fates who weave the For the duration of the spell, the oracle has the truth Vision
destinies of all mortals. While even the gods must bow before of the Future, which they can use at any point within that
the decisions of the weavers of fate, the Parcae sometimes heed time frame (for more on truths and their use, see Truths and
the pleas of mortals who show them sufficient deference. Complications, page 25). After the oracle benefits from this truth
on a single skill test, the spell ends.
Skill: Persuasion
Difficulty: 4
i For 2 Momentum, the spell does not end when the oracle
Cost: 4 Drain, Stun benefits from the Vision of the Future truth.

Duration: Instant i For 2 Momentum, the oracle receives a vision of another

character’s future and can give the Vision of the Future
Category: Blessing or curse spell
truth to that character instead.
Spell Effect: This spell allows an oracle to make a plea to the Parcae
to modify the oracle’s fate or the fate of another. As a reaction to
any skill test performed within Close range, whether the test was
Gazing into smoke, burning embers, still water, or some
made by friend or foe, the oracle can attempt to invoke the Parcae,
other medium, the oracle receives a vision of a place far
and their player chooses one of the following spell effects:
away, which imparts knowledge of things the oracle should
i Critical Success: You may change the roll result of a single not be able to know.
d20 from the skill test to 1 (generating two successes
Skill: Observation
Difficulty: 2
i Complication: You may change the roll result of a single
d20 from the skill test to 20, generating a complication. Cost: 2 Drain, Piercing 1

i Re-Roll: You may force the ally or enemy to re-roll all of the Duration: A number of rounds equal to the oracle’s power rating
dice from the skill test before determining the outcome.
Category: Divination spell
After the oracle casts this spell, the target gains the scar The
Spell Effect: The oracle selects an object or location they are aware
Fates Must Be Balanced until the oracle rolls a complication
of within Close range. The oracle can accurately study the object or
on a skill test. The Fates Must Be Balanced increases the
location—even parts of it that are hidden from view or obscured,
complication range of the target’s skill tests by +1 until it is
such as the words on a scroll sealed in a case, the contents of a
removed or healed (see Healing Scars, page 49).
locked container, or the interior of a closed room. The oracle may
Momentum: continue to study the object, or switch their attention to another
i For 2 Momentum, choose two of this spell’s spell effects object within range (once per round at most), for the duration of
when you invoke the Parcae. the spell. Momentum spent to Obtain Information while this spell
is in effect may reveal things a person could not normally see.
i For 2 Momentum, you can invoke the Parcae as a reaction to
skill tests performed within Medium range. Momentum:
Unlike the costs of most spells, Scrying’s cost increases by +1
i For 3 Momentum, you can invoke the Parcae for tests
for each Momentum spent on either of the following options:
performed within Long range.
i For 1 Momentum, the oracle may select an object within
Medium range. For 2 Momentum, they may select an object
Prescience within Long range. For 3 Momentum, they may select an
Prescience is an oracle’s ability to see events in the future.
object in any location they are familiar with on Earth. In
Often visited upon the oracle in dreams, which must then be
all cases, the oracle must be aware of the object or location
interpreted, prescient visions of things to come can be difficult
before using this spell.
to comprehend.
i For 3 Momentum, the oracle may instead choose an object
Skill: Observation
within Reach and gain limited knowledge about that object’s
Difficulty: 3 past. Additional Momentum spent to Obtain Information
may be used to ask questions about the object’s history,
Cost: 4 Drain
whether recent or distant. The GM’s answers to these
Duration: Up to twenty-four hours questions may be cryptic, and some past events may be
unpleasant or even dangerous to see. The range of the spell
Category: Blessing spell
may not be increased if this option is used.

Second Sight

Chapter 4 - Magic
Spell Effect: The oracle targets themself or one allied
The ability to see the true nature of beings despite any character within Close range. Targeted characters reduce the
glamours or rationality-preserving obfuscation is known as difficulty of skill tests using vision by 2, ignore any difficulty
Second Sight. The oracle can bestow this gift of true seeing on or complication range increases caused by darkness, and can
their comrades, for a time. attempt skill tests that would otherwise be impossible to
attempt due to darkness. For the duration of the spell, targeted
Skill: Observation
characters gain the See the Unseen truth (for more on truths
Difficulty: 2 and their use, see Truths and Complications, page 25).

Cost: 3 Drain, Piercing 1 Momentum:

Duration: One hour i For 1 to 5 Momentum, choose one additional allied character
to be targeted by the spell for each Momentum spent.
Category: Blessing spell

Celtic magic is rooted in a faith and legend cycle that emphasizes a connection to the land and forces of nature, relying on mysterious and
willful powers dwelling in all places and things. Historically Celtic practitioners in this period pass lore through the spoken word, though
in Cohors this mystical tradition has begun to employ special markings called ogham writing, which are increasingly integrated into Celtic
magical rites. Celtic druids are versed in the arts of healing and protective magics, but they are also able to call on fearsome destructive
natural forces to smite their foes.

However, as the cyclone’s distance from the druid increases,

Bounties of the Dagda so does the druid’s control fade: the vortex begins shifting and
Just like the mystical cauldron of the Hibernian druid-god
veering randomly before blowing itself out.
after which it is named, this enchantment can nourish and
replenish all creatures in proximity to its wondrous powers. Skill: Survival
Blood that was shed is restored, wounds are knit, bones healed,
Difficulty: 2
and it is said that even the newly dead may rise to fight again,
long after they were thought to have perished. Cost: 4 Drain, Piercing 1

Skill: Medicine Duration: A number of rounds equal to the spellcaster’s power

Difficulty: 2
Category: Summoning spell
Cost: 4 Drain
Spell Effect: The spell conjures a cyclone of wind into a zone within
Duration: Instant
Medium range. The cyclone receives its own turn in the action
Category: Ward spell order, but it cannot be attacked or suffer damage in any way. At the
start of the cyclone’s turn, it inflicts power +1 physical damage
Spell Effect: All allies within Close range immediately remove
with the Piercing 1 and Stun damage effects on all creatures and
stress equal to the druid’s power rating.
damageable objects within Close range of it, and then it moves to
Momentum: an adjacent zone. Damage inflicted on supernatural creatures also
i For 1 Momentum, all defeated allies within range return has the Vicious damage effect.
from defeat immediately.
Each time the cyclone moves, the spellcaster may choose the
i For 2 Momentum, all affected allies remove a single injury direction if they are within Medium range of it. If the spellcaster
(physical or mental). is farther than Medium range, the cyclone remains stationary;
the GM may spend 1 Threat to move the cyclone instead.
i For 2 Momentum, the spell affects allies within Medium
range instead. Flawed: A flawed version of this spell does not allow the
spellcaster to control the cyclone, and it does not require the
GM to spend any Threat to move the cyclone.
Cyclone of Cernunnos
Focusing their will into a whirling vortex, the druid releases Momentum:
it toward their enemies, where it has the potential to wreak i The spellcaster may increase the damage the cyclone
immense destruction. This swirling whirlwind is especially inflicts by +1 per Momentum spent.
harmful to Mythos creatures and entities, increasing its
damage beyond its already heinous effects on mortal foes.

Chapter 4 - Magic

Gaze of Balor swiftly, ignore the effects of fatigue, rearm on the double, and
Drawing on the force of the Formorian king, this baleful gaze perform twice as effectively as they normally would in combat.
strikes fear and terror into the hearts of its wielder’s enemies. They are also able to pass through wooded terrain, over broken
Extending from the druid in an enervating arc, the Gaze of Balor ground, and across streams unhindered.
causes its victim’s knees to buckle, limbs to tremble, and soul to
Skill: Survival
quail. An affected target is likely to throw down their arms, turn
tail, and flee gibbering, heedless of the consequences. Difficulty: 3

Skill: Persuasion Cost: 4 Drain

Difficulty: 2, opposed by target’s Will + Resilience Duration: A total number of rounds equal to the spellcaster’s
power rating, divided evenly among the affected targets
Cost: 5 Drain, Stun
(rounding down all fractions).
Duration: Instant
Category: Blessing spell
Category: Attack spell
Spell Effect: The spell may affect the spellcaster and any of the
Spell Effect: Targeting a single enemy within Medium range, spellcaster’s allies within Close range, up to a total number of
the Gaze of Balor inflicts power +2 mental damage with the targets equal to the spellcaster’s power rating. For the spell’s
Intense damage effect. duration, affected targets may move up to 1 additional zone
whenever they move as a minor or major action. Affected targets
may also take one additional minor action for free each turn.
i For 2 Momentum, add the Drain damage effect.
i For 2 Momentum, add the Persistent 6 damage effect.
i For every 2 Momentum spent, the spellcaster or a single
affected ally may take an additional major action during
Gift of Arduinna one of their own turns, provided the turn takes place before
Those calling on the powers of the lady of Arduenna Silva the spell’s duration ends. No character may gain more than
(the Forest of Ardennes) are truly blessed, able to move more one additional major action this way.

Horn of Néit

Chapter 4 - Magic
then it loses the benefits of its Invulnerable special rule for the
Channeling a fearsome curse from the Celtic god of war, the remainder of the current scene. If the creature is defeated by the
druid summons a mystical musical instrument and plays a song spell, it vanishes, banished to its realm of origin.
that turns the very earth itself against its victims. Phantom roots,
tendrils, and branches snake out to ensnare targets’ limbs, holding
them fast in place, leaving the squirming victims hapless and i For 2 Momentum, add the Intense damage effect.
helpless before the wielder’s power. Those trapped by the Horn of i For 2 Momentum, add the Stun damage effect.
Néit are unable to move or take any action until the spell fades.

Skill: Survival Roots of the Earth

Tapping into the ancient byways and hidden roots of the
Difficulty: 1
world known only to the inhabitants of the hollow hills, the
Cost: 4 Drain spellcaster transports themself and their companions (though
not enemies or anyone who would resist) to a nearby location,
Duration: A number of rounds equal to the spellcaster’s power
disappearing as though swallowed by the earth itself to
reappear wherever they will, even behind an enemy formation.
Category: Curse spell
Skill: Survival
Spell Effect: This spell targets all enemy creatures within
Difficulty: 2
Medium range of the spellcaster. The spellcaster rolls a number
of equal to their power rating and compares the number Cost: 3 Drain, Stun
of effects rolled to each target’s ranks in Athletics. For a
Duration: Instant
target larger than a human, add that target’s scale to their
Athletics ranks (for information on scale, see the Cohors Cthulhu Category: Blessing spell
Gamemaster’s Guide, page @@). Each creature whose Athletics
Spell Effect: The spell may affect the spellcaster and any of the
is lower than the number of effects rolled suffers the Snare
spellcaster’s allies within Close range, up to a total number of
damage effect and cannot take any physical actions other than
targets equal to half the spellcaster’s power rating (rounding
trying to break free. Breaking free requires passing an Agility
up). The affected characters vanish and instantly reappear at
+ Athletics or Brawn + Athletics test with a difficulty equal to
any point in line of sight within Long range.
the number of effects rolled. Ensnared creatures are freed
automatically at the close of the spell’s duration. Momentum:

i For 2 Momentum, all creatures transported by the spell receive
+2 Cover resistance until the start of the spellcaster’s next turn.
i For each Momentum spent, one additional creature within
Long range is also affected.

For each Momentum spent, the spellcaster rolls +1 .

Spear of Lug
i The druid focuses their will and calls upon the power of the
Celtic god Lug, focusing their combined energies to form a living
The Ogham Sign weapon, a burnished spear of destructive power that they hurl
Drawn from the sacred alphabet, The Ogham Sign is a powerful at foes to inflict immense damage. Directed by the will of the
spell to use against Mythos creatures, inflicting not only a great druid, the spear inexorably homes in on its target, slicing through
deal of damage as it is unleashed, but significantly weakening obstacles and ignoring all cover and armor to strike its victim.
them if they manage to survive its initial onslaught.
Skill: Fighting
Skill: Academia
Difficulty: 3
Difficulty: 3
Cost: 5 Drain, Piercing 1
Cost: 5 Drain, Piercing 1
Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant
Category: Attack spell
Category: Banishment spell
Spell Effect: The spell targets a single enemy or object within
Spell Effect: This spell targets a single supernatural creature Medium range, inflicting power +2 physical damage with
within Medium range, inflicting power +2 mental damage the Piercing 3 damage effect.
with the Drain and Piercing 2 damage effects, even if the creature
is normally immune to mental attacks (creatures normally
immune to mental attacks count as having a Courage of 6). If i For 2 Momentum, add the Intense damage effect.
the creature suffers one or more mental injuries from this spell, i For 2 Momentum, add the Vicious damage effect.

Ritualistic Magic
Chapter 4 - Magic

The potent magic wielded even in the heat of battle represents only a narrow, specialized form of mystical power. Magic takes many forms
beyond this: a vast range of rites, rituals, and occult ceremonies allow mortals to harness mystical forces and invoke supernatural effects.

Your character does not necessarily need a talent with the

Spellcaster keyword in order to perform rituals. If they do not
Rituals take the form of extended performances by one or more
have such a talent, then whether they can perform rituals—
participants who usually follow an elaborate sequence, adhering
and which rituals they can perform, if any—are left to the
to instructions passed down by a mystical tradition. They are
gamemaster’s discretion. See Amateur Ritualists, box out below,
highly varied and may include flourishes and elaborations that
for more information on ritualists who are not spellcasters.
are not strictly required for a rite’s success but have been passed
The process for performing a ritual is the same as that for down and reinforced by generations. A given practitioner is
an extended test (see Extended Tests, page 22), though some likely unaware of which aspects are crucial, and so is best served
components have been adjusted to reflect the nuances of the by repeating what has been successful for their predecessors. As
occult. When a character wishes to induce a ritual’s potent a result, rituals with similar outcomes may vary considerably
outcomes, they must undertake the necessary ceremony. among different cultures and practices. A ritual’s specific steps,
Rituals are defined by the following factors, described in more words, and actions may exist primarily to put practitioners in a
detail in Performing Rituals. receptive frame of mind, or to call to otherworldly forces that are
attracted or compelled by sometimes inexplicable conjunctions
i Requirements: A ritual can require specific components,
of time, place, action, and thought.
ingredients, times of day or year, or other circumstances
for your character to successfully complete it.

Skill Test: Each ritual requires one or more skill tests.

Amateur Ritualists
The skill and difficulty listed in a ritual’s profile are the
While battlefield magic can only be performed by spellcasters,
defaults used for these tests. The attribute depends on the
anyone can attempt a ritual. A character who is not a
ritualist’s spellcasting type (non-spellcasters use Will).
spellcaster has a base power rating of 0. They use the Will
i Maximum Stress: Like an extended test, each ritual attribute to attempt to perform rituals, and they gain bonus
requires a specific amount of work to complete it. As you Challenge Dice based on that attribute (see the Bonus
pass skill tests and roll damage , you inflict stress on Power table, page 65). Add their base power rating to their
the ritual’s stress track. bonus to determine their power rating. For example, a
non-spellcaster with a Will of 11 has a total power rating of 0
i Resistance: Depending on the circumstances, a ritual may
+ 2 = 2. Naturally, this means that they will find it difficult to
decrease some of the stress inflicted on its stress track, just as
complete a ritual. Those who wish to pursue magical power
a character’s Armor resistance or Courage resistance does.
often start by becoming dabblers (see Dabbling, page 60).
i Steps: Each ritual’s profile lists the number of steps
needed to complete the ritual. Just like an injury is caused
in an action scene or a breakthrough is made on an
A ritualist must ensure that a ritual’s requirements and conditions
extended test, a ritual step is completed when a ritualist
are met in order to attempt to perform it. Most rituals require
inflicts 5 or more stress at once, fills the stress track, or
at least some basic tools and simple offerings. Rituals may need
inflicts any stress when the stress track is already full.
a specific number of participants, or they might have to be
i Cost: Just like casting a battlefield spell, performing a performed in a certain place or time to be effective. More powerful
ritual, whether successfully or not, deals mental damage rituals may even need to be performed with a rare artifact, with a
to the ritualist. sacrifice, or when the stars are aligned in a specific way.

i Duration: Ritual outcomes last for the stated duration.

i Outcome: The outcome is what happens once all a ritual’s Content Note: This section contains game-mechanical definitions
steps have been completed. encompassing self-harm, harming animals that have not attacked
any player characters, and performing human sacrifice. If any of these
i Momentum: Ritual profiles that have this section list
subjects are ones you need to avoid, either entirely or only with regard to
ways to gain additional benefits by spending Momentum.
your spellcasting character’s actions, please let your gamemaster know
i Miscast: If specific things occur when the ritual is miscast, (if they have not already asked you) and ask whether an alternative can
they are described in this section; otherwise, results of a be substituted.
miscast are per the GM’s discretion (see Miscast Spells and
There are occasions when a ritualist’s skills and effort alone are not
Rituals, page 64).
enough. Those are the times when further sacrifice is necessary.

In the simplest cases, a sacrifice is an offering: a gift of food or sacred
Ritual Harm and

Chapter 4 - Magic
objects consumed in the ritual. These sorts of offerings, along with
libations (offerings of a beverage, or sometimes grain, poured into Real-Life Trauma
the earth or onto an altar during a ritual) are mundane enough
that the ritualist likely has them on hand. If desired, the ritualist Roleplaying, or watching others roleplay, self-harm
may increase the potency of an offering by spending resources as part of a ritual may be profoundly unenjoyable for
from their Ritual tools, which include 3 resources (see Skill Kits and players with friends or family who have engaged in
Ritual Tools, pages 164 and 165). These resources can be expended self-harm and for players who have considered doing
to generate bonus Momentum for use on skill tests during the so (or have done so) themselves. Game-world animal
ritual. In addition, some rituals require that at least 1 resource be sacrifice and human sacrifice can be very upsetting to
expended at the start of their performance without benefit. some players as well, particularly if performed by PCs.
We strongly recommend that the gamemaster ask
More significant sacrifices are sometimes required, quickly
players prior to play whether the following subjects
turning to the unpleasant or unspeakable. Ritualists can enhance
should be avoided:
their chance of success with the following sacrificial offerings:
i Self-harm involving bloodletting as part of a ritual
A blood sacrifice requires that the ritualist shed their own
performed by an NPC, or by a PC
blood during the course of the ritual. The first time the ritualist
suffers the cost of performing the ritual, the cost inflicts physical i Animal sacrifice (including the sacrifice of a dog, cat,
stress, rather than mental, and ignores any Armor resistance. The or other pet) performed by an NPC, or by a PC
ritualist gains +1 power for the duration of the ritual.
i Human sacrifice performed by an NPC, or by a PC
Animal sacrifice requires the slaughter of a live animal. The
If any of these subjects don’t work for one or more players,
ritualist must make a Coordination + Survival test with a
without continuing to mention those subjects, gamemasters
difficulty of 2 (this test may succeed at a cost; see Success at a Cost,
are encouraged to get players’ input and come up with
page 25). If the ritualist passes the test, the animal is slain, and
unsettling alternative sacrifices that work for everyone!
the ritualist gains +2 power for the duration of the ritual.
If all players agree to allow these subjects, it is a good idea
Human sacrifice requires the death of a living person. The ritualist
to double-check whether they’re OK with PCs performing
must make a Coordination + Survival test with a difficulty of
these acts, and to find out how in-depth any descriptions
2 (this test may succeed at a cost; see Success at a Cost, page 25).
should get. Some players may be fine with mentions but
Passing the test means the person is slain, and the ritualist gains
not all the gruesome details.
+2 power for the duration of the ritual, with the Vicious
damage effect, increasing any stress inflicted on the ritual’s target Players should not be pressured to explain why they wish
by another +1 for each effect rolled. Performing a human to avoid a certain subject, and they should feel free to
sacrifice is a horrific act, so even attempting this skill test generates change their mind at any point regarding whether any of
2 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool, increases the cost of the ritual by these subjects should be portrayed in the game.
+1 , and adds the Piercing 1 damage effect to the cost.

Ritual Assistance
Some rituals are particularly complex and time-consuming, requiring considerable power to perform effectively. For more powerful
rituals, and rituals performed by weaker ritualists, assistance can be beneficial in obtaining the desired results.

A ritualist who employs assistance is called the primary ritualist, and the assisting characters are called assistants. For the duration
of the ritual, the primary ritualist may have a maximum total number of assistants equal to the ritualist’s ranks in Tactics.

To assist on one of a ritual’s component skill tests, an assistant rolls 1d20, using their own attribute + skill target number and their own
focus (if any). If the assistant is a spellcaster, they use their own spellcasting attribute; otherwise, they use Will. If the assistant generates
at least one success on their skill test, they add half their power rating (rounding up) to that of the primary ritualist for the duration of
the ritual’s component skill test. See Amateur Ritualists, page 76, to determine the power rating of a character who is not a spellcaster.

If the ritual’s outcome is dependent upon the primary ritualist’s power rating, then for the purposes of the outcome, they receive
additional power only from assistants who successfully contribute to the final step of the ritual.

Ritual assistance is also beneficial because a ritual’s cost in can be divided among the participants. The primary ritualist
must suffer damage from at least half of the cost’s (rounded up), but the rest of the cost’s can be divided freely among
the assistants. The cost’s must be allocated to the participants before they are rolled.

Skill Tests
Chapter 4 - Magic
other rituals, adding one step accomplishes a result equivalent to a
A ritualist must pass one or more skill tests to perform a result of spending a Fortune point (see Spending Fortune, page 26) or
ritual. The profile of each ritual lists the default skill and creating a truth (see Truths and Complications, page 25).
difficulty required for its skill tests (the GM may modify the
skill and difficulty to fit the circumstances). The ritualist’s Cost
spellcasting type determines the attribute used on the ritual’s Like battlefield spells, rituals come at a cost—attempting
skill tests. Insight is the attribute for traditionalists, Reason a skill test to perform a ritual inflicts mental damage. This
for researchers, and Will for dabblers. If the ritualist is not a damage is listed as a number of Challenge Dice and
spellcaster, they use Will (see Amateur Ritualists, page 76). includes any damage effects that apply (normally Drain).
More potent or unnatural spells come with higher costs.
As with battlefield spells, a ritual’s complication range increases
Rituals normally have a minimum cost of 3 Drain.
along with its skill test’s difficulty. A ritual with a difficulty of
1 suffers a complication on a result of 19–20, rather than a 20
(see Miscast Spells and Rituals, page 64). A ritual with a difficulty
Ritual outcomes last for a stated duration. It may be an instant
of 2 suffers a complication on a result of 18–20, and so on. The
(the ritual’s outcome takes place immediately, and the ritual
complication range may increase further if the GM judges that
ends); a number of rounds, minutes, hours, days, or more; or
the source text for a ritual is unclear or the circumstances aren’t
until the end of the current scene.
right. Keep a running total of the complications these skill tests
generate, and see Miscast, page 64, for more information.
The Outcome section describes what happens when the ritual
Maximum Stress is successfully performed.
As with an extended test (see Extended Tests, page 22), a ritual
has a stress track—normally with a maximum stress of between
5 and 20—representing the effort that must be spent to
This section, when it is included, lists additional uses for
complete it. When the ritualist passes a skill test they make for
Momentum that further enhance the ritual’s outcome, such as
the ritual, they roll a number of equal to their power rating
gaining better control over a summoned entity or achieving
and inflict stress on the stress track equal to the total rolled.
protection from the ritual’s dangerous effects.
Remember to add +1 for each effect result.

Resistance Miscast
Rituals are risky propositions. While a ritualist performs a ritual,
If the ritual is especially complex or tricky to perform, it may
their player must keep a running total of the complications
have resistance. When stress is dealt to the ritual’s stress track,
the ritual’s skill tests generate. These complications have no
the amount of stress received is reduced by an amount equal to
immediate effect, cannot be removed by adding threat to the
that resistance.
GM’s pool, and the GM doesn’t gain Threat for them. Instead, if
the number of complications ever equals or exceeds the number
Steps of steps needed to complete the ritual before it’s finished, then
In addition to having a stress track, each ritual requires
the ritual has been miscast, causing the gathered magic to spiral
completing a number of steps. Steps represent significant parts
out of control. This produces a consequence that is similar to the
of the ritual that must be completed in a certain sequence to
intended outcome but is unpleasant, painful, or dangerous to the
successfully perform the ritual. The number of steps needed is
ritualist. In addition, the ritualist can’t continue, and no further
linked to the potency of the ritual’s outcome. A ritual of a single
skill tests can be attempted to complete the ritual.
step might only be local or short-lived, whereas a ritual of five
steps might change the nature of reality.
Rituals: Roleplay vs. Extended Test
A ritual step is completed when the ritualist inflicts 5 or more stress
at once or fills the stress track. If both occur at once, then two steps
The extended test format of a ritual reflects the amount
are completed. The ritualist also completes a step if they inflict
of work needed to complete it, over and above the work
any stress when the ritual’s stress track is already full. When the
represented by a single skill test. Rituals take time and
ritualist has completed all the required steps, they have successfully
concentrated effort. However, if characters have ample
performed the ritual (even if they have not filled the stress track).
time (particularly during a standard scene) or the
To change the intended outcome of a ritual, the ritualist may adjust circumstances aren’t challenging, roleplaying a ritual can
its number of steps before they begin performing it. Rituals that be just as rewarding as managing it via an extended test.
summon, banish, curse, or control creatures have the same number
Extended tests work best for rituals in situations involving
of steps as the creature can sustain injuries before becoming
danger, limited time, or significant uncertainty about
defeated (as listed in the Injuries section of an NPC’s profile). For
whether the ritual can be performed successfully.

Reversing a Ritual

Chapter 4 - Magic
If the ritualist suffers a complication on the same skill test with
which they complete the ritual, the ritual is not miscast; the Rituals can make significant transformations in their subjects,
complication is resolved normally instead of being applied to sometimes of lengthy duration. Such rituals can be reversed
the ritual. only at the gamemaster’s discretion. To do so requires
successfully performing the same ritual again, repeating any
Abandoning a Ritual required offerings or sacrifices.
Once magical forces have been set in motion, the uncontrolled
release of that energy comes with repercussions. For your
character to abandon a ritual, you must make a Will +
Attacking a Ritualist
Resilience test with a difficulty equal to the number of steps
If you attack a ritualist while they are performing a
completed (the Discipline focus applies). If you pass this test,
ritual, not only do you inflict damage and possibly
then the ritual’s energies disperse safely, and your character
injuries, but you can also add a complication to their
suffers 1 fatigue for each step already completed. If you fail this
ritual by spending 2 Momentum. Even if your attack isn’t
test, the ritual immediately miscasts.
successful, your gamemaster may increase the difficulty of
the ritual’s skill tests or add a complication to it anyway,
Disrupting a Ritual because trying to recite verse and shape magical energy
Rituals are delicate things that require concentration and
while under fire requires nerves of steel!
precision. As a result, it is very easy for a ritual to become

When something occurs that could disrupt a ritual your

character is performing, the character causing the disruption
must make an appropriate skill test with a base difficulty of 2.
If they pass the test, they add a complication to the ritual, or
they can choose to add a truth to the scene that increases the
difficulty of the ritual’s skill tests by +1.

Chapter 4 - Magic

The various magical traditions of Cohors Cthulhu each encompass arcane rituals unique to their area of practice, though even
traditional spellcasters do not usually begin with much knowledge of their tradition’s rituals. Rituals are included in this section
to illustrate how ritual mechanics work; however, it should be noted that they are but a fraction of the many rituals practiced in the
known world.

Players should work with their gamemaster during character Runic Ritual: Bless or Blight the Land
creation to establish whether their character has access to This ritual can be used to either bless or blight the land,
ritualistic knowledge and can integrate it into their backstory. depending on the ritualist’s intention and execution. The ritual
Otherwise, such knowledge must be acquired from a mentor, requires a sample of the land to be blessed or blighted, as well as
spiritual leader, or supernatural entity, or through study of an the usual ritual tools. The affected area covers a six-mile radius,
ancient source from a magical tradition. or one hex on a hexploration map (see @@Cohors Cthulhu:
Hexploration, Random Encounters, and Settlements, which is
Runic Ritual: Baldur’s Shield available bundled with the Cohors Cthulhu GM Screen @@).
This protection ritual is used to deflect, absorb, or repel harmful
Requirements: Ritual tools, a handful of the land to be blessed
magic, projectiles, and physical attacks and hazards that might
or blighted
prove injurious to the ritualist and their companions. This
powerful rite calls upon the god Baldur to grant the boon of his Bless: Fruit or grain, pure water such as water from a spring
protection (as all things have sworn not to harm him, save the
Blight: Drop of ritualist’s blood or cursed object,
humble mistletoe). Baldur’s Shield protects against one type of
poisoned water
attack or hazard (physical, mental, or magic) at a time.
Skill Tests: Survival, difficulty 4
Requirements: Ritual tools, blood sacrifice
Maximum Stress: 20
Skill Tests: Survival, difficulty 2
Steps: 3
Maximum Stress: 15
Cost: 6 Drain, Piercing 2
Steps: 1+
Duration: Permanent, or until the opposite ritual is performed
Cost: 3 Drain
Duration: Thirty minutes
Bless: To bless the land, the ritualist must approach the ritual
Outcome: The ritualist designates any number of targets to with a pure heart and a genuine desire to bring positive change
protect. The ritual’s number of steps is equal to the number to the environment. The ritualist focuses on their intention
of targets, and to benefit from its protection, a target must be to bless the land and invokes the aid of gods associated with
within Reach of the ritualist at the moment the final step is nature and growth, such as Cernunnos, Freya, or Saturn. The
complete. Starting at the end of its final step, the ritual protects ritualist offers a small gift to the gods, such as a piece of fruit
all designated targets within Reach against the damage of or a handful of grain, and pours a small amount of blessed
a single type of attack or hazard: physical, mental, or magic water onto the land sample. The ritualist then offers a heartfelt
(spell and ritual). Each target is wreathed in a magical barrier prayer, expressing their gratitude for the blessings of nature
that grants additional resistance equal to the ritualist’s power and asking for continued abundance and growth.
rating for the spell’s duration. The type of resistance depends
The difficulty of all characters’ Survival-based skill tests
on the attack or hazard type:
to forage in the blessed region is reduced by 1. If you are
i Protection from physical attacks and hazards grants Cover using the hexploration rules, the number of hex resources
resistance against nonmagic attacks and hazards. available doubles in a blessed region.

i Protection from mental attacks and hazards grants Morale Blight: To blight the land, the ritualist must approach the
resistance against nonmagic attacks and hazards. ritual with a shadowed heart and a desire to cause harm
or destruction. The ritualist focuses on their intention
i Protection from magic attacks grants resistance against
to blight the land and invokes the aid of gods or beings
magic attacks: Cover resistance if a magic attack’s damage
associated with poison or punishment, such as Nidhogg
is physical, or Morale resistance if its damage is mental.
or the Morrigan. The ritualist offers a small sacrifice to the
Miscast: The ritual appears to succeed, but for its duration, gods, such as a drop of their own blood or a cursed object,
whenever any of the affected characters is dealt damage from and pours a small amount of poisoned water onto the land
an attack or hazard of the chosen type for the first time, the sample. The ritualist then utters a curse, expressing their
damage dealt to them increases by +2 . hatred for the land and asking for its destruction and decay.

Oracular Ritual: Helios’s Concealment

Chapter 4 - Magic
The difficulty of all characters’ Survival-based skill tests
to forage in the blessed region increases by +1. If you are “Take fat or an eye of a night owl and a ball of dung rolled by a beetle
using the hexploration rules, the number of hex resources and oil of an unripe olive and grind them all together until smooth,
available is halved in a cursed region. and smear your whole body with it and say to Helios: “I adjure you by
Miscast: If a ritualist attempting to bless or curse the land
LAHAM IEŌ NAU NAX AI AEŌ,” and moisten it and say in addition:
miscasts, the ritual may invoke the opposite of its intended
“Make me invisible, lord Helios, AEŌ GAE EIE BAO, in the presence of
effect. Instead of bringing growth and abundance to the land,
any man until sunset, IŌ PHRIXRIZO EDA.”
a Bless the Land ritual could cause a blight or plague to spread
through the environment, making crops wither and animals — Hans Dieter Betz, ed., The Greek Magical Papyri in
die; alternatively, it might cause the land to become cursed Translation: Including the Demotic Spells I. 222–31
or haunted, making it uninhabitable for humans or causing
This ritual calls on Helios to render the ritualist or a
strange and dangerous creatures to emerge. Either way, it
companion invisible until the sun god once again graces the
functions as a Blight the Land ritual. A Blight the Land ritual
world with his presence.
that miscasts, on the other hand, works as a Bless the Land
ritual, bringing abundance to the land. Requirements: Ritual tools

Skill Tests: Academia, difficulty 2

Runic Ritual: Craft Tarnkappenstein
This ritual allows the practitioner to create a tarnkappenstein, Maximum Stress: 10
or “invisibility cloak stone.” The ritualist offers the sacrifice
Steps: 1
of a black hound, which can move through the shadows of
night unseen, to the gods, who in return grant a portion of Cost: 3 Drain
the creature’s concealed nature to the ritualist. To create the
Duration: Until the next sunrise
tarnkappenstein, the heart of a black dog with not a single
white hair in its pelt must be buried bound in spruce for nine Outcome: The ritual helps conceal the ritualist or one
nights. On the tenth day, the heart is replaced with a rune- creature from sight, provided the creature is within Reach of
inscribed stone that grants its bearer invisibility. the ritualist at the time of the ritual’s completion. The ritual
grants its subject the truth Invisible to Mundane Eyes for its
Requirements: Ritual tools, animal sacrifice, 1 resource
duration. In addition, the first d20 the subject purchases as a
Skill Tests: Stealth, difficulty 2 Momentum option on each Stealth-related test they make for
the ritual’s duration costs no Momentum.
Maximum Stress: 10
Miscast: If this ritual miscasts, then it still conceals the subject
Steps: 2
as intended, but improperly. While the subject is affected by
Cost: 3 Drain the ritual, mortal humans and other mortal creatures are still
affected by the subject’s Invisible to Mundane Eyes truth,
Duration: The tarnkappenstein retains its power for one hour
and supernatural and Mythos creatures are still not, but
Outcome: Upon completion, the ritual produces a single supernatural and Mythos creatures also reduce the difficulty of
tarnkappenstein. A character can place the stone in their their Observation-related tests to see the subject by 1.
mouth, gaining the Unseen truth, for up to one hour.
Additionally, until the end of the ritual’s duration, whenever
the stone is in the character’s mouth, the difficulty of
Observation-based skill tests to see the character and of attacks
targeting the character each increase by +2.

Miscast: The ritual appears to succeed, but the first time any
character attempts to use the tarnkappenstein, it dissolves
in their mouth, acting as a dose of poison (see Poison in
Medicamenta and Pharmaka, page 166).

Chapter 4 - Magic
Oracular Ritual: Visions of the target’s fatigue instantly (see Fatigue, page 49). These results
can be combined: the ritualist could, for instance, complete
Distant Shores three steps to remove all fatigue and two physical injuries (one
The ability to view distant lands and events from afar is
step for the fatigue and one step for each of the two injuries).
a powerful one, but not one that should be attempted
lightly. Peering beyond one’s own physical location can Miscast: If this ritual miscasts, then it still removes injuries
be dangerous and unpredictable, resulting in mental and or fatigue as intended, but improperly. Each injury removed
physical exhaustion or even loss of reason. However, those immediately becomes a scar, and the target cannot make a skill
who successfully perform the Visions of Distant Shores ritual test to resist gaining that scar (see Scars, page 45). If the ritualist
can gain valuable insights into the actions of others, discover has chosen to remove fatigue, they remove only half the
hidden secrets, and gain a better understanding of the world target’s fatigue (rounded down) instead of all of it. In addition,
beyond their immediate surroundings. for each injury removed from the target, the ritualist suffers a
single injury of the same type, as the ritual inflicts sympathetic
Requirements: Ritual tools, a map or other representation of
wounds to power its healing.
the area to be viewed

Skill Tests: Observation, difficulty 3 Celtic Ritual: Commune with Dead

The ability to commune with the dead is a powerful one, but
Maximum Stress: 15
not one that should be attempted lightly. Communicating
Steps: 3 with spirits of the deceased, particularly those who have been
claimed by death deities such as the Morrigan, Orcus, or Hel,
Cost: 5 Drain, Piercing 2
can be dangerous and unpredictable. Many find their mental
Duration: One hour stability ripped away, and the ritualist’s own soul is often
imperiled, for few such favors are given away for free.
Outcome: This ritual allows the ritualist to see distant
locations and events through a form of remote viewing. The Requirements: Ritual tools, personal item of the deceased,
ritualist may gain valuable information and insights into the offering of food or drink
area they are viewing, including information about people,
Skill Tests: Persuasion, difficulty 3
objects, and events. However, the visions may not always be
clear, and they may require interpretation or decoding. Maximum Stress: 10

Miscast: The ritualist fails to obtain a clear vision and instead Steps: 2
receives a distorted or confusing image. They also lose a
Cost: 3 Drain, Piercing 1
Fortune point due to the potential backlash from their failure,
which may include attracting unwanted attention from Duration: One hour
malevolent entities.
Outcome: Commune with Dead spells allow a ritualist seeking
guidance, knowledge, or closure to communicate with the
Celtic Ritual: Balm of Belenus spirits of the deceased. Successfully communing with the
This ritual calls on the healing powers of the shining Celtic god
dead may take various forms, such as dreams, visions, or direct
Belenus to heal the most awful of wounds, provide a balm for
communication with a spirit through the ritualist’s voice or
souls shocked by the trauma of mass-scale combat, or repair
body. However, these experiences can be emotionally taxing for
the psychic damage inflicted by occult terrors.
the ritualist and should be approached with caution.
Requirements: Ritual tools
Communicating with the dead may come at a cost. Spirits may
Skill Tests: Medicine, difficulty 2 ask for offerings or favors in exchange for their help, and their
demands can be unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. In
Maximum Stress: 10
some cases, the ritualist may attract unwanted attention from
Steps: 1+ (at GM’s discretion) malevolent spirits, leading to possession or haunting.

Cost: 3 Drain Ritualists may have an easier time communicating with

their own ancestral spirits, but they still must approach with
Duration: Instant
caution and respect. Not all spirits are benevolent, and some
Outcome: The ritualist targets a single creature within Reach may hold grudges or seek revenge for past wrongs.
and chooses whether to heal physical or mental injuries (see
Miscast: The ritualist fails to contact the dead and loses
Healing Injuries, page 45). The ritual instantly removes a single
a Fortune point due to the potential backlash from their
injury of the chosen type for each ritual step completed, without
failure, which may include angering the spirits or attracting
resulting in any scars. Alternatively, instead of removing injuries,
malevolent entities.
the ritualist can complete one step in the ritual to remove all of

Chapter 5

The Path of Heroes......................................................83

Character Creation Overview.......................................... 86
Character Building Blocks................................................ 88
Character Creation Step-Through............................... 96
Archetypes............................................................................. 98-109
Archetype Specializations............................................110-122
Background and Characteristic..................................132
Final Values..................................................................................139
Spellcasting Choices............................................................. 140
Additional Details..................................................................142
Character Advancement.................................................... 144
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes



The clerk eyed him suspiciously, clearly curious why an Easterner would have a Roman name.

“You wouldn’t be able to pronounce my real name.”

The clerk shrugged. “What was your brother’s name?”

Geta didn’t much like the man using “was,” but he didn’t mention it.

“He goes by Tuscus, and I know for a fact that he was entered on the legion records with that name.”

The clerk stood and walked to the rear of the little office, where there was a wooden rack that contained dozens of
scrolls. Geta reckoned he couldn’t have been more than eighteen; he still had spots on his chin.

“And you’re certain that he arrived in Germania two years ago, attached to the First Minerva?”


The clerk took out a scroll and carefully unrolled it upon his desk. He then ran his finger down a long list of
names written in an untidy scrawl.

“You must appreciate that records for auxiliary cohorts tend to be less complete than those for regular units.”

“Of course.” Geta had served with the Roman Army himself for more than a decade. Back on leave in the
Syrian capital, Antioch, he’d been told by his mother that she’d received no written messages from Tuscus for six
months, which was unheard of. Thankfully, Geta’s eleven years of service had earned him many weeks of unused
leave, which he was now redeeming.

If he was to establish what had happened to Tuscus, he would first need to discover exactly where he’d been posted.

“Here we are,” said the clerk. “The third unit of Syrian archers. Most of them were posted to the northern
region. I suggest you head up there to continue your inquiries.”

“I will. Thank you.” Geta knew he would need more help from this man. “If you don’t mind, the name of a senior
officer and a letter of introduction would be very welcome. I can barely write my own name in Greek, let alone Latin.”

The youthful clerk rolled his eyes. “I do have other work to be getting on with, you know.”

Geta reached into the little bag he kept on his belt and took out a tiny blue stone, which he placed on the desk.

“Very small,” said the clerk.

“Very rare,” countered Geta. “That’s lapis lazuli. It comes from the east, far beyond the empire.”

The clerk plucked it off the desk and held it up to the light. “Lovely color.”

“You’ll write the letter?”

With a satisfied grin, the clerk reached for a pen. “A fair deal. But I should warn you—there has been talk of
some grisly deaths up that way.”

“He’s my brother,” countered Geta. “And I’ve already come hundreds of miles. It’ll take more than a bit of talk
to put me off.”

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes
As a player in Cohors Cthulhu, you create and play a heroic character drawn from the era. Your character serves as your roleplayed proxy
through whom you experience the adventures your gamemaster arbitrates. This chapter provides all the information your group
needs to create a diverse array of player characters with the skills and abilities to confront the perils and challenges that lie ahead.

The term “hero” is used deliberately, as each player character some initial power or versatility for the flexibility of tailoring
is an extraordinary person who stands out from the masses, aspects of your character’s backstory to the evolving campaign
possessing a special combination of qualities that give them via the reveal of previously undisclosed information.
the potential for greatness. Whether your character achieves
The character-generation process begins with a short overview
their potential is up to you and perhaps the Fates (represented
of the various steps, followed by a description of some
by both the GM and various fickle die rolls). Each PC will soon
character building blocks, and then detailed descriptions of
be confronting supernatural horrors and strange experiences
each of the steps with the various choices presented in full. It
that would unnerve the bravest paragon. Even starting
might be a good idea to skim through these sections to get a
characters have had noteworthy experiences in the recent
feel for the contents before starting to make a character.
past, perhaps having survived a brush with the supernatural,
escaped oppressive conditions, or passed a gauntlet of grueling It’s worth checking with your gamemaster to find out if the
training as a soldier. The moment the story begins, each PC is upcoming adventure has any guidelines or requirements. Some
significant. Given time, there is no limit to what your group of adventures may require most characters to be from specific
heroes can accomplish, if they can learn to work together and cultures, such as various Germanic tribes, or to be soldiers in the
survive long enough to gain experience fighting the Mythos. Roman Army. The degree to which you might want to specialize
your character may vary depending on the campaign. Some
Character creation can be daunting with its large array of
adventures work best with combat-ready characters, prioritize
unfamiliar options. Some groups may find it useful to play
those with occult knowledge, or need characters who can
through a short adventure with pregenerated characters, such
comfortably navigate social encounters among the Roman elite.
as those found in the Cohors Cthulhu Roleplaying Game Quickstart,
before attempting to make new characters from scratch. This It’s usually a good idea, particularly in longer campaigns, to
can let you become familiar with the rules and the various have a mix of characters in a player group, allowing a wider
archetypes, attributes, skills, talents, and other aspects that array of activities in which one or more excels. For this reason,
make each character distinct. it is also a good idea to talk to other players in the group to find
out what they are planning to do, potentially modifying your
Alternatively, you may prefer to dive right in and learn
choices to complement the others or to fill a missing niche.
character creation by doing; this chapter will guide you
through that process step by step. You may already have a The six archetypes, which are chosen in Step 2, are the largest
character in mind, or perhaps the seed of a concept. It’s also points of distinction between character roles, by design. The
possible to start the process with nothing in mind and make easiest quick and dirty way to ensure characters are distinct
choices as you go, allowing those to flesh out your character. from one another is for each player to use a different archetype,
It’s even feasible to make some of these choices randomly. avoiding duplication unless the group has more than six
Cohors supports a mode of character creation done through players. That said, some degree of duplication may be fine,
discovery, in which you gradually sketch in some of the details and two characters with the same background, culture, and
about your character during play sessions. This option trades archetype can still turn out very different.

“ The hall of heroes awaits all who die in glorious battle. Why
concern yourself with when you will be welcomed through its doors?
Come, break out the mead and stop looking so gloomy. Skald, sing
us a song to cheer up these grumblers and doubters! Anyone would
think they remained unblooded and their beards uncut, rather than
fearsome fighters who are the scourge of the Hermunduri.“
— Brunhilda, warrior of the Chatti

Character Creation Overview
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Creating your character is a multistage process. This process is summarized here and explained more fully later in this chapter,
starting on page 96. At each step of character creation, you’ll generate information about your character that you’ll record on your
character sheet, shown on page 219.


Begin by taking a quick look at the character sheet on page 219.
RECORD STARTING Your character’s attributes of Agility, Brawn, Coordination,
ATTRIBUTES Gravitas, Insight, Reason, and Will all start at 6. Check out
the various skills and focuses to get an overall picture of what
makes up a character. At the moment this is just a blank page,
but you’ll soon start filling it out.

More information on attributes can be found in Attributes, page 88,

and in Step 1: Record Starting Attributes, page 96.


CHOOSE ARCHETYPE Here’s your first major decision—are you a Mystic, Sage,
Schemer, Scoundrel, Scout, or Soldier? Make your choice and
then apply the bonuses it grants!

More on the various archetype options can be found starting on page 98.

i Add archetype attribute bonuses

i Add archetype skill bonuses

STEP 3 Choose two skill focuses
DETERMINE CULTURE i Choose an archetype talent or hidden talent

i Alternatively, choose an archetype specialization and a core

talent from that specialization (for individual archetype
specializations, see Archetype Specializations, page 110)

i Add archetype equipment (for details on equipment, see

Chapter Seven: Arms and Equipment, page 153)
STEP 4 Roll for or choose a personal agenda
ADD FINISHING TOUCHES i Roll for or choose a caste (for individual castes, see Castes,
page 123)

Optional archetype specializations can be found in Archetype

Specializations, page 110. Specializations are a more complex
option that new players might not want to utilize for their
first characters, but they are worth considering if you’d like
to emulate one of the featured professions (such as Roman
Legionary) more closely.


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

i Record I Have a Secret as a personal truth (see Secret Truths,
Where are you from? Are you a proud scion of Rome, are you page 94)
a citizen of one of its many client states, or do you hail from
i Make final checks (see Final Values, page 139)
wilder lands? The region you call home provides you with a key
part of your backstory. i Calculate maximum stress: Brawn + Resilience or
Will + Resilience, whichever is higher (see Calculate Stress
Further information on this step begins on page 124.
Track, page 139)
i Choose a culture and record it as a personal truth
i Calculate Armor resistance, based on your Brawn (see
i Add culture attribute bonuses Calculate Armor and Courage Resistance, page 139)

i Choose a culture talent or hidden talent i Calculate Courage resistance, based on your Will (see
Calculate Armor and Courage Resistance, page 139)
i Record your traits
i Determine bonus damage, also called bonus Challenge
Specific cultures are presented starting on page 125.
Dice , for:

• Melee attacks (Brawn)

Two Ways to Play
• Ranged attacks (Insight)
After Step 3, most characters are nearly ready to begin a
• Mental attacks (Will)
game of Cohors Cthulhu. However, if you and your group
are playing more advanced characters, or if the GM See Determine Bonus Damage, page 140.
decides not to use the Campfire Tales rules (page 132), you’ll
i If you chose a talent with the Spellcaster keyword:
also need to choose a background and characteristic
for your character, covered in Backgrounds, page 134, and • Choose a spellcasting type, a magical tradition (if
Characteristics, page 136. applicable), and your initial spells (see Choose Spellcasting
Type, Magical Tradition, and Spells, page 140)

• Determine your starting power rating (see Power, page 140)

STEP 4: ADD FINISHING TOUCHES Determine your bonus languages (see Determine Bonus
With the building blocks of your character almost complete, i
Languages, page 142)
in this section, you’ll do some final checks and balances; add
in applicable bonuses and other details; make some additional i Look up and record information about your weapons, armor,
choices if your character is a spellcaster; and finally, decide on and equipment (see Record Equipment Details, page 143)
your character’s name, personality, and appearance to bring
• If desired, select additional equipment using resource
your living, breathing hero to life!
points provided by your character’s caste (see Select
This is not, however, the end of your character’s backstory. During Additional Equipment, page 143)
gameplay, you’ll have the opportunity to reveal additional aspects
i Choose your character’s name (see Choose Name, page 143)
of your character, such as their background and characteristic
(see Backgrounds, page 134, and Characteristics, page 136). If you’re i Decide on your character’s personality (see Establish
playing more advanced characters, or if your GM decides to forgo Personality, page 143)
the use of Campfire Tales scenes, you’ll choose a background and
i Determine your character’s appearance (see Determine
characteristic as part of this step instead.
Appearance, page 143)
Further information on finishing touches begins on page 132.
i Read about character advancement (see Character
i If your gamemaster is not using the Campfire Tales Advancement, page 144)
rules (page 132) or if you and your group are playing
more advanced characters, choose a background and
characteristic (see Background and Characteristic, page
132; for individual backgrounds and characteristics, see
Backgrounds, page 134, and Characteristics, page 136)

Character Building Blocks
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

If you’re new to roleplaying, or to the world of Cohors Cthulhu, before you plunge headlong into creating your first character, you
might like to acquaint yourself with what the various attributes, skills, and focuses mean and what they do within the game. This
section also offers an overview of key character concepts like talents, maximum stress, and Fortune points and provides additional
information that goes into creating your Cohors Cthulhu hero.

Although it’s not strictly essential to know every single detail, Gravitas
this can help you gain a better understanding of the building Gravitas reflects a character’s bearing, dignity, and solemn
blocks that form your character and allow you to shape your manner. Characters with high Gravitas are good orators,
character in more detail. If you’re an experienced roleplayer make ideal leaders, and command authority and respect.
and want to skip this section, simply head straight to Character Some characters express Gravitas differently, using humor
Creation, page 96, but even veteran players may benefit from to befriend the wary or demonstrating quiet humility and
reviewing these core concepts. empathy. However it is expressed, Gravitas enables a character
to more easily persuade a target, instill confidence, or convey
ATTRIBUTES conviction and sincerity.
A character’s initial building blocks are their attributes, and each
i Gravitas is used to make convincing arguments and act
Cohors Cthulhu character is defined by seven of them: Agility, Brawn,
with seriousness and dignity.
Coordination, Gravitas, Insight, Reason, and Will. Attributes
describe a character’s physical and mental abilities, and they are
one of two components that affect skill tests’ target numbers.
Insight represents a character’s perception, instincts, and
Each of a character’s attributes has a numerical attribute ability to comprehend the world around them. Insightful
rating, with higher numbers reflecting greater ability. For characters are observant and shrewd, and they have “street
player characters, attribute ratings range from 6 to 12, with smarts” and wisdom. They may not always know exactly why
8 representing the average. Some characters and creatures they have come to a given conclusion or be able to express
may have attributes higher or lower than this, and non-player their intuition, but they have learned to trust their hunches.
character special rules (see the Cohors Cthulhu Gamemaster’s
i Insight adds bonus Challenge Dice to ranged attacks.
Guide, page @@) may increase their capabilities further.
i Traditional spellcasters use Insight when casting spells.
Agility is a mixture of speed, balance, and muscle memory, and Reason
it is responsible for a character’s movement and dexterity. An Reason encompasses the ability to apply logic, intellect,
agile character is quick, moving with certainty and precision. and learned facts to a situation. Characters who have high
reasoning skills tend to be lucid, rational, contemplative, and
i Agility is used to navigate difficult terrain and move swiftly
driven by a need to learn or understand. This doesn’t mean
or silently.
they always make the correct decisions, but they are better able
i Agility is used to make melee attacks. than many to learn from mistakes.

i Research spellcasters use Reason when casting spells.

Brawn represents a character’s physical fitness and endurance.
A brawny character is strong and hardy. Brawn can manifest in
Will reflects a character’s sense of self, mental strength, and
a number of ways, as some brawny characters are lean and wiry,
self-discipline. Willful characters tend to be single-minded and
while for others, Brawn comes with being tall and heavyset.
stubborn, and to have forceful personalities. Characters with
i Brawn adds bonus Challenge Dice to melee attacks. high Will are not easily distracted or diverted from their goals
and can draw on this resolve when faced with unusual obstacles.
i It helps determine a character’s maximum stress.
i Will helps determine a character’s maximum stress.
i It provides a character with Armor resistance.
i Will provides a character with Courage resistance.
Coordination Dabbling spellcasters use Will when casting spells.
Coordination is a measure of a character’s fine motor skills, i
accuracy, and sense of timing. Coordinated characters have
good aim, ride skillfully, and excel at sleight of hand and other
delicate, precise tasks.

i Coordination is used to make ranged attacks.


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

While a character’s attributes embody their physical and mental abilities, skills define their education and experience in certain fields.

Each character is trained in several skills, which are each ranked Athletics
from 0 to 5. A skill rank of 0 represents a complete lack of training, This skill measures your character’s physical conditioning
while 5 ranks in a skill represents mastery of that discipline: the and athletic ability. Athletics also includes your character’s
character is among the best in the world in that field. attempts to move with haste.

To have your character take action in an area defined by a skill, FOCUSES

you perform a skill test. To do so, you combine an attribute and i Climbing incorporates scaling sheer surfaces such as walls
a skill to determine the skill test’s target number. You might use and cliffs, as well as mountaineering.
Reason + Engineering to approach an engineering problem
i Lifting involves lifting and moving heavy objects, as well
with learned knowledge, or Brawn + Engineering to know just
as the conditioning necessary to make such efforts more
where to force a stubborn timber to fit into the proper place. You
might use Coordination + Stealth to sneak past a guard, but
Insight + Stealth tells you the best time to move. i Physical Training constitutes knowing how to train oneself
and others.
Each skill is subdivided into focuses representing specializations
within that skill. A character’s archetype determines the skills i Running encompasses short-distance sprinting and
from which you may select two focuses for your character later long-distance endurance running.
in this chapter. If one of your focuses is relevant to a skill test you
i Swimming covers unaided swimming and diving.
make, after you roll the dice pool, each die roll that is equal to
or less than your ranks in the associated skill counts as a critical
success, generating two successes.

This skill covers your character’s education and accumulated
knowledge, as well as their ability to research unfamiliar
subjects. Academia is most useful when trying to study new
information or recall facts about a subject.

i Finance covers knowledge of trade and banking and of the
influence of money on politics and culture.

i History incorporates knowledge of historical events and of

the forces and individuals that drove those events, as well
This skill incorporates your character’s familiarity with
as an understanding of different historical perspectives.
techniques to fabricate goods, as well as their ability to
i Linguistics is the study of languages in their current and research and develop new designs.
past forms, of dead languages, and of the ways in which
languages change over time. In addition to the language
i Armorsmithing covers the manufacture and repair
or languages they received with their traits, a character
of worn armor and the forging and smithing of its
with this focus may know up to three additional languages
component parts.
(see Determine Bonus Languages, page 142). (To use this
focus to cast spells, a character must have a talent with the i Cooking encompasses an ability to prepare meals, an
Spellcaster keyword.) understanding of how to use ingredients, and a knowledge
of food preservation techniques.
i Philosophy encompasses the study of concepts that may
underlie our perceived realities and fundamental truths, i Tailoring involves designing, fabricating, and altering
particular viewpoints on these concepts, and the history of garments, from simple tunics to heavier items for protec-
influential philosophers. tion against inclement weather, as well as leatherworking.

i Religion constitutes the study of the gods; their manifesta- i Weaponsmithing incorporates the manufacture and
tions; and the practices, traditions, and creatures associated repair of weaponry. It includes woodworking techniques
with them. (To use this focus to cast spells, a character must for spears and bows as well as metalworking techniques for
have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword.) forging, shaping, and sharpening blades.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Engineering Fighting
This skill encompasses your character’s technical and This skill covers your character’s ability to fight and defend
mechanical expertise, with an emphasis on practical themself against attacks, incorporating a combination of learned
applications: designing, building, and repairing devices and techniques, physical conditioning, and instinct. It is used to make
structures; operating equipment; and determining how to attacks and to judge threatening situations, and it includes a
disable or destroy devices and structures. practical understanding of weaponry and combat styles.

i Architecture entails an understanding of how buildings are i Archery involves the use and maintenance of bows and
designed and constructed, of their internal and external struc- more modern arms like the arcuballista.
ture, and of how their mass is supported and distributed.
i Melee Weapons constitutes the ability to fight with a melee
i Defenses covers the planning and construction of fortifica- weapon, such as a dagger, axe, sword, or spear, as well as the
tions like watchtowers, palisades, trenches, and barricades. practice of keeping such weapons in good order.

i Demolition involves an understanding of how to effec- i Thrown Weapons covers the use of thrown weapons like
tively destroy buildings, siege engines, and fortifications. javelins, throwing axes, and plumbatae (lead-weighted
darts), as well as weaponry like slings.
i Infrastructure encompasses the planning and construction
of infrastructure such as roads, aqueducts, and bridges. i Unarmed encompasses a range of unarmed techniques
for striking and grappling opponents, from the classical
i Siege Engines covers the planning and construction of
fighting art pankration, to fisticuffs, to simple brawling.
weaponry and tools required to perform a siege, such as
siege towers, ladders, onagers, and ballistae. i War Magic covers the casting of direct, damaging spells
during the heat of combat. (To use this focus to cast spells, a
character must have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword.)


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

focus to cast spells, a character must have a talent with the
Medicine is your character’s ability to diagnose and treat Spellcaster keyword.)
conditions such as injuries and diseases. It is used for mending
i Sight boosts visual perception, heightening visual sensi-
wounds, dealing with the symptoms of an illness, and staving
tivity when visibility is poor, allowing a character to
off death.
reliably pick out details at a distance, and increasing their
FOCUSES ability to spot small variations or brief movements. Scouts,
i Contagion involves an understanding of diseases, their navigators, and hunters are particularly well suited to
causes, the way they spread, their symptoms, and the ways utilizing this focus.
in which they can be treated.
i Smell and Taste encompasses the ability to detect and
i Faith Healing covers the rites, rituals, and appropriate discern information from scents and tastes. This is not a
offerings and practices for petitioning the gods (or other commonplace focus for humans, as humans don’t have an
supernatural beings) to intercede on behalf of the sick or especially sensitive sense of smell, though it is a valuable
injured. (To use this focus to cast spells, a character must focus for poisoners, physicians, food tasters, and cooks.
have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword.)

i Field Treatment includes knowledge of how to quickly

stanch bleeding and dress wounds in the field, which can
keep the injured alive long enough to receive more compre-
hensive treatment.

i Pharmacia incorporates knowledge of naturally

derived drugs, medicines, and toxins. A character with
the Pharmacia focus knows how to manufacture such
substances, can identify the common symptoms they cause,
and is experienced in ways to counteract them.

i Surgery covers surgical, instrumental, and operative

medical procedures that require cutting into a patient,
extracting tissue or foreign objects, amputating limbs, or
manually closing wounds.
Observation This skill represents your character’s ability to influence others
This skill incorporates your character’s awareness and their through a mixture of speech and body language. It also allows
ability to glean information from their surroundings. It your character to spot when others are attempting to use these
describes how observant and astute they are, how quickly they techniques—it often takes a liar to spot a liar.
pick out important details and make use of them, and how well
they can ignore distractions.
i Charm involves methods of manipulating others through
Observation overlaps with many other skills and often runs natural charisma and magnetism.
parallel to Academia, as both address gaining information,
i Deception incorporates methods of manipulating others
albeit in different ways.
to believe untruths.
i Innuendo is the art of conveying meaning indirectly.
i Hearing encompasses auditory perception, the capacity
to distinguish between different sounds, and the ability i Intimidation lets a character inspire fear, doubt, or hesita-
to discern information conveyed by sounds (such as being tion or leverage a person’s weaknesses against them.
able to pick up a faint accent in someone’s voice). This focus
i Invocation encompasses unusual and esoteric methods of
is a great asset for hunters and guards.
communicating with unnatural entities. It is typically only
i Instincts covers the “sixth sense” or “gut feelings” arising available to spellcasters. (To use this focus to cast spells, a
from observations, as well as other extrasensory percep- character must have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword.)
tions for which a character may not be able to identify the
i Negotiation constitutes reaching agreement through
source. Instincts are unlikely to provide detailed informa-
conversation, possibly involving trade or payment.
tion, but rather convey a hunch or general feeling about
a situation, and they are often derived from an accumula- i Rhetoric is the use of language in public speaking or formal
tion of experience and absorbed knowledge. (To use this debate to inform, persuade, motivate, or convince others.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Resilience Stealth
This skill encompasses your character’s ability to resist and This skill covers your character’s ability to conceal themself,
recover from physical and mental debilities including injury, move unseen and unheard, blend into a crowd, and hide
pain, fatigue, and mental distress. It also includes withstanding objects on their person.
the effects of poisons and diseases, as well as resisting magical
effects. Characters use Resilience to try to prevent negative
i Concealment is the ability to hide oneself, others, or
effects before they happen, or to recover from the continuing
objects so they will not be detected.
effects of conditions they have already succumbed to. While
Medicine overlaps with Resilience in a few ways, Resilience is i Disguise covers the use of clothing, props, acting, and
more concerned with an individual’s inherent toughness. appropriate body language to assume the guise of another
Resilience, together with the higher of Brawn and Will, is used
to calculate a character’s maximum stress. i Escape Artistry constitutes the ability to free oneself from
i Discipline represents a character’s mental durability and i Lock Picking lets a character overcome mechanical locks
self-control, as well as their ability to resist and recover using picks and a torsion bar.
from confusion, fear, and supernatural effects that afflict
i Sleight of Hand incorporates techniques for pilfering
the mind. (To use this focus to cast spells, a character must
objects worn or carried by others, as well as for making
have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword.)
objects in hand vanish from sight.
i Fortitude is the body’s hardiness and endurance, as well
i Sneak involves moving in a hidden manner and avoiding
as its ability to resist and recover from fatigue, pain, and

i Immunity incorporates a character’s natural ability to

resist diseases and toxins, and to recover from their effects.

Survival Tactics

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Survival encompasses your character’s knowledge of how to This skill deals with your character’s ability to perceive and
live and operate in the wilderness without the comforts offered evaluate a combat situation and devise an appropriate plan.
by civilization. It is a measure of the ability to secure essentials, It covers not only military strategy and tactics, but also team
deal with wilderness conditions, navigate in the wild, acquire dynamics, leadership, and the organization of disparate groups.
provisions, and build or find shelter from the elements.
FOCUSES i Cavalry covers familiarity with military strategy and tactics
i Animal Handling covers knowledge about a range of for mounted troops.
different animals, how they behave, and how to act around
i Infantry covers familiarity with military strategy and
them, as well as how to train and command them.
infantry tactics.
i Boating covers the fundamental skills required to pilot,
i Leadership is the ability to command and lead others, give
skipper, or crew a riverboat or other freshwater vessel.
clear orders, and maintain morale.
i Foraging allows a character to gather food from the local
i Navy covers naval strategy and tactics, incorporating
environment, identify edible flora, and safely recognize
everything from shallow to deep water and from single-
natural toxins.
boat actions to major fleet engagements.
i Hunting is the ability to stalk, catch, and kill animal prey,
i Omen Reading covers the practice of reading signs in
as well as the knowledge of how to prepare game.
the natural world and using them to interpret the future.
i Mysticism encompasses practices implemented in the wilds Countless undertakings are preceded by a reading of
to beseech natural powers or spirits to protect the practitioner. omens. (To use this focus to cast spells, a character must
It may also have practical benefits but is primarily useful for have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword.)
spells and rituals. (To use this focus to cast spells, a character
i Scouting involves organizing a team to operate quietly and
must have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword.)
efficiently to stage ambushes, scout out enemy positions, or
i Navigation lets a character navigate over a distance, perform stealthy operations in enemy territory.
maintain a direction, plan a route, and endure the physical
demands of overland travel.

i Tracking encompasses identifying and following the tracks of a

specific animal, person, or group. It also includes the ability to
determine information such as the number of individuals and
their direction, physical state, speed, and other characteristics.

i Woodcraft incorporates skills for wilderness living,

including, but not limited to, the ability to construct
shelter and camp facilities from local natural materials.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Characters have personal truths that define key elements

of their personality or physicality—single words or short
phrases that describe a fundamental aspect of who they are. A
character’s personal truths are used the same way as any other
truths: they can make a skill test easier or harder or make
something possible or impossible for the character.

Each player character starts the game with at least two

personal truths: I Have a Secret and the name of their
culture (see Secret Truths and Cultures, pages 94 and 124,
respectively). If they also start with a background (such as
if the gamemaster is not using the Campfire Tales rules),
they have a personal truth associated with that background
as well (see Backgrounds, page 134). The gamemaster can use TALENTS
one of a player character’s personal truths to alter a skill Whether you are on the frontier of the Roman Empire or
test’s difficulty or to determine whether the skill test can be navigating the complex network of intrigue within its great
made at all. cities, it is wise to keep some things secret. Revealing everything
about yourself can give your opponents the information they
However, as a player, you get to choose when one of your
need to conquer you. And when those opponents might have
character’s personal truths has a more dramatic effect.
affiliated themselves with baleful powers beyond the reckoning
When one of your personal truths or scars comes into
of mortals, having a few surprises of your own can mean the
play, you can choose to invoke that truth or scar. Doing so
difference between life and death.
generates an immediate complication for your character
and earns them a nonrefreshing Fortune point and 1 XP in In Cohors Cthulhu, you incorporate secret truths and, in some
return (see Fortune and Omens, page 26). The gamemaster cases, hidden talents into the creation of your character.
may suggest times when a personal truth or scar could come These allow you to leave some things about your character
into play this way, but the final decision on when it does so unrevealed at the start of the game, so that you can fill in the
is always yours. blanks later on with revelations about those aspects.

Your character may occasionally gain an additional truth

during play. It may be the result of an injury they sustained
Secret Truths
Your character begins the game with one secret truth, a type
or the impact of a harrowing experience; these are called
of personal truth. You define this secret truth during gameplay
scars (see Scars, page 45). Alternatively, the gamemaster
when your character confronts a situation you feel would bring
may decide to give your character a truth or to change
the truth to the surface.
one of their truths because of their actions. There is no
fixed number of truths a character can have, though from At first, this truth is I Have a Secret. Like any other personal truth,
character creation forward, each character has at least two, I Have a Secret can be used to modify the difficulty of a task or
one of which reflects their culture. can grant permission to make a task possible. Unlike other truths,
however, I Have a Secret can be used to modify any task. After you
For more on truths, see Truths and Complications, page 25.
use this truth, you must replace I Have a Secret with a new truth,
one that justifies how you used the secret truth. That new truth
TALENTS becomes a personal truth for your character from that point on.
Player characters are more than the sum of their parts, and
attributes, skills, and focuses alone do not give a full picture of When you reveal a secret truth to modify a task, you must
what they are capable of. These larger-than-life heroes also have declare your choice before you roll to determine the outcome.
heroic edges called talents.
For example, during a scene, a contubernium (squad) of Roman
Talents are additional benefits a character possesses. They legionaries confronts Doug’s Scoundrel character. The legionaries are
take the form of mechanical bonuses—such as re-rolls, bonus blocking a road he needs to travel down. Doug decides to use I Have
Momentum, or rule exceptions—that apply within a specific a Secret to modify the difficulty of the Gravitas + Persuasion test
set of circumstances. needed to convince them to let him pass—he really needs to reach his
destination! After reducing the difficulty, Doug declares that his secret
The main list of talents can be found in Chapter Six: Talents, page
truth is Legionary Deserter. His Scoundrel’s military past lets him
145. In addition, some choices during character creation—a
drop the name of a significant Roman commander in the region and
character’s archetype and culture—provide access to unique
imply he’s working on the commander’s behalf, making it easier to
talents available only for the chosen option.
convince the legionaries to let him through.


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

After you define one of your secret truths, you might decide Your character has personal equipment determined by
to pick up another one (or more) later on in your character’s their role in society. If your character is part of a military
career. An additional secret truth could simply be one your organization like the Roman Army, their basic needs like food,
character already has—perhaps a deeper one—or it could be a water, and shelter might also be provided to them, but others
yet-unrealized truth that emerges in response to the events of need to see to these necessities on their own. Your character’s
your character’s unfolding story. archetype gives them some of the key pieces of equipment
with which they start gameplay.
If you want to gain another secret truth, between adventures
you can spend 10 XP to gain I Have a Secret once again. This For a full list of equipment, see Chapter Seven: Arms and
counts as an advancement (see Character Advancement, page Equipment, page 153.
144), but it must have the approval of your GM, who may
choose to reduce the cost at their discretion.

Hidden Talents
Just as you can do with secret truths, you can declare hidden
talents during gameplay in response to circumstances a talent
could affect.

During character creation, whenever you can choose a talent

provided by an archetype, culture, background, or characteristic,
rather than selecting one of the available options, you may take
a hidden talent instead. During gameplay, you may reveal the
hidden talent at any time, choosing it from the talents for which
your character meets the requirements (see Chapter Six: Talents,
page 145). If a hidden talent would modify the outcome of a test,
Your character knows at least one language, based on their
you must declare the talent before resolving the test.
culture. They may know more due to their Reason attribute
GAINING NEW HIDDEN TALENTS or a Linguistics focus (see Determine Bonus Languages, page
Between adventures, you may choose to spend 10 XP to give 142). Being able to speak another language helps a character
your character a new hidden talent, which functions as communicate and negotiate with those who do not speak their
described above. native tongue, and this knowledge is imperative for operating
effectively in the vast and multicultural society of the Roman
expanse. Note that, depending on your campaign, Latin or
Greek might be useful as a shared language across characters
from different cultures. Greek was widely known by the
educated in this era and also at times served as a trade tongue.

Your character can endure a certain amount of stress before
they start sustaining injuries, and stress can be either mental
or physical. A character’s maximum stress is the total of
FORTUNE Brawn + Resilience or Will + Resilience, whichever is higher.
Destiny has marked you out for greatness, and Fortune points
represent your character’s good luck or fate, allowing you to INJURIES
seize the moment and reverse unfortunate rolls or drastically Your character can sustain 3 injuries before being taken out of
improve your odds of success. You can use Fortune points to the conflict in an action scene. These can be a mix of physical
generate automatic successes on skill tests, re-roll dice, and and mental injuries, and if the combined total is 3, your
change the truths of a scene. character is defeated—they are incapacitated and unable to act.

Each character begins each adventure with 1 refreshing Fortune i If a character with 3 injuries has more physical injuries than
point. They can earn more Fortune points—both refreshing and mental, they are dying.
nonrefreshing ones—through bold, selfless actions or by revealing
i If a character with 3 injuries has more mental injuries than
more about their personal journey through Campfire Tales (see
physical, they are irrational.
page 132). Refreshing Fortune points are renewed at the start
of each adventure. You can find out more about refreshing and For more information on injuries and defeat, see Injuries,
nonrefreshing Fortune points in Fortune and Omens, page 26. page 41.

Character Creation Step-Through
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

To play Cohors Cthulhu, you first need to create your character. The vastness of the Roman Empire brings people together from all
nations and walks of life, giving you plenty of freedom to choose where your character comes from, their opinions on the empire,
and how they respond to the supernatural mysteries and growing spread of corrupt influence across the known world.


At the start of character creation:

i Your character’s attributes—Agility, Brawn, Coordination, 1–2 Mystic 98

Gravitas, Insight, Reason, and Will—each begin with a
rating of 6. 3–6 Sage 100

i Your character’s skills each start with a rank of 0.

7–9 Schemer 102
Attributes can be raised to a maximum of 11 during character
creation, while skills can be raised to a maximum of 5. If 10–13 Scoundrel 104
an instruction would take an attribute or skill above these
maximums, allocate the point to a different attribute or skill of 14–16 Scout 106
your choice.
17–20 Soldier 108
At each stage of the creation process, you select one of the
options available, apply its benefits and bonuses, and see
your character continue to grow and take shape. While some Skills and Focuses: Next, record the initial skill ranks listed
combinations of options may seem obvious—like choosing for your archetype. Each skill is subdivided into focuses
the Roman citizen culture to go with the Schemer archetype— representing specialties within that skill. Choose two focuses
there are no restrictions, and unorthodox choices may make from within the skills your archetype specifies, and circle them
for a more interesting and memorable character. on your character sheet.

At this point, you should have a blank character sheet handy.

The character sheet is presented on page 219 and is also Many Ways to Skin a Teufelshund
downloadable at It’s a good idea to
use a pencil when writing down information and taking notes The six archetypes are intended to provide a wide
during character creation, as the values for attributes and skills assortment of character possibilities and approaches,
are likely to change during the process. and it is worth bearing in mind that there are multiple
ways a given character concept could be executed. While
most politicians will likely be Schemers, one could just
STEP 2: CHOOSE ARCHETYPE as easily make such a character who is a Scoundrel or
Select your character’s archetype, their main role within a a Sage. It’s worth examining the attributes, skills, and
group. A character’s archetype describes their field of expertise focuses of each archetype and considering how those
and what kind of role they will fulfill in a group of adventurers. might best apply to a given character concept. Some of
the more unusual and unexpected interpretations can
Archetype Options and Attribute Bonuses: The initial choices
also be the most satisfying to play.
for archetypes are Mystic, Sage, Schemer, Scoundrel, Scout,
and Soldier. These archetypes represent the most common
roles found among people on the Roman frontier, as well
Archetype Talent, Hidden Talent, Occult Dabbler Talent,
as among citizens of Rome’s various client states and rival
or Archetype Specialization: After you have made these
powers. Each one provides a distinct set of abilities, but this
choices, select an archetype talent from the ones listed for
doesn’t mean your character will be stereotypical. You’ll be
your character’s archetype. As an alternative, you could
able to add more depth, flexibility, and variety throughout
opt for a hidden talent (see Hidden Talents, page 95) or
your character’s career as you reveal backgrounds and
the Occult Dabbler talent (see Becoming a Dabbler, page
characteristics through narratively driven Campfire Tales.
97). Another option is to choose one of the archetype
To complete this step, read about each archetype, and then specializations associated with your archetype and to
select one or roll for a random archetype on the Random select one of the core talents for the specialization, if
Archetypes table, page 96. Turn to the section on that archetype the specialization better fits your character concept (see
and apply the attribute bonuses it offers. Archetype Specializations, page 110).

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes
Archetype Equipment: Choose and record your equipment as
Becoming a Dabbler directed by your archetype. For now, just jot down the names
of these items. Later, you can obtain details in Chapter Seven:
The typical way to become a spellcaster is by selecting the
Arms and Equipment, page 153.
Mystic archetype and choosing one of its talents with the
Spellcaster keyword. However, not everyone who employs Personal Agenda: Next, roll for or choose a personal agenda
magic has been as deeply steeped in a mystical tradition, from the table for your archetype.
and some few may have happened upon this capability
more haphazardly. Such individuals may have come upon
an ancient scroll, or had a chance encounter with the Personal Agendas
supernatural, that has awakened in them a compulsion
to understand the world of the occult. Those who choose Your character begins the game with a personal agenda,
to chase down these threads and learn more can become a driving force that compels them to a life of exploration
dabblers, spellcasters who possess just enough magical and adventure. Each archetype section includes a table
knowledge to be a danger to themselves and others, as listing suggested agendas that you can choose from or roll
their partial understanding can lend itself to mishaps. randomly for.

A character with any archetype can become a dabbling

spellcaster by selecting the Weird talent Occult
Dabbler instead of a different talent at any point when
they have an opportunity to select a talent. Occult
Dabbler has the Spellcaster keyword, which is required
to cast spells. A character may have only one talent with
the Spellcaster keyword.

For more information on dabbling spellcasters and the

Occult Dabbler talent, see Dabbling in Chapter Four: Magic,
page 60. Caste: Finally, your archetype directs you to roll for or choose a
caste from the Castes section, which starts on page 123.

Mystic Archetype
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

The gods call to you. They make demands of you and guide your actions in the world. In difficult and uncertain times, the gods may
provide some degree of comfort and stability that is otherwise missing, but their will must be interpreted by Mystics who speak for
them. This requires a degree of insight, confidence, and humility that not everyone possesses, as well as the courage to confront the
world’s deeper mysteries.

While few doubt the existence or power of the gods, their Personal Agenda
attentions are unpredictable, and mortals cannot always i Choose a personal agenda from the Mystic Agendas table,
anticipate how fortune will smile or frown upon them. It is page 99, or roll for a random one.
easier to hold Mystics—many of whom serve as priests—to
blame when entreaties and sacrifices fail. Therefore, while Caste
Mystics and priests occupy an esteemed position in society, i Choose any caste from the Castes section, page 123, or roll
they can also serve as scapegoats. on the Random Castes table for a random one.

Most Mystics assume their role after feeling a calling, if truly Proceed to Step 3: Determine Culture, page 124.
pious, but some take up this mantle for more pragmatic
reasons, fulfilling family expectations or simply seeking
reliable work for which they might be suited. Those who are
less physically imposing but who have an interest in acquiring
knowledge or an aptitude for oration or writing may be
encouraged to join the priesthood regardless of their piety.

The role of a Mystic is one that can convey a degree of

influence and power for the ambitious, while others in
this role may toil in obscurity, known only to their peers
and the silent dead whose last rites they oversee.

Attributes Skills
i Coordination +1 i Academia +2
i Gravitas +2 i Medicine +2
i Reason +1 i Observation +1
i Will +2 i Persuasion +2
i Resilience +1
i Stealth +1

i Choose any two focuses from the Academia, Medicine, and
Persuasion skills (see Skills, page 89).

A talent with the Spellcaster keyword allows a character to cast
spells (see Chapter Four: Magic, page 57); a character cannot cast
spells without this keyword. A character may have only one
talent with the Spellcaster keyword.

i Choose one talent from Mystic Talents, page 99.

i Alternatively, choose a hidden talent (see Hidden Talents, page

95) or the Occult Dabbler talent (see Dabbling, page 60), or
select one of your archetype’s specializations and choose one
of its core talents (see Archetype Specializations, page 110).

i A melee weapon of your choice with a Restriction rating of
3 or lower

i Traveling clothes and ritual vestments

i Ritual tools

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Mystic Agendas
Keywords: Mystic, Persuasion, Spellcaster
Claim Vengeance for a Wrongdoing. Someone has
Requirements: Mystic archetype, no other talent with the
1–2 wronged you or someone you care about. You won’t
Spellcaster keyword rest until they meet justice. Gain +1 to Resilience and
gain one Resilience focus.
You inspire confidence with your fervent calls upon divine
favor. You are a spellcaster, as described in more detail in
Spread the Faith. You seek to convince the huddled
Chapter Four: Magic, page 57. In addition, as a minor action, you 3–4 masses to respect, admire, and even fear your god.
can make a Gravitas + Persuasion test with a difficulty of 2. If Gain +1 Persuasion and gain one Persuasion focus.
you pass the test, you and all allies within the same zone each
gain +2 Morale resistance until the end of your next turn. Show Up a Rival. You’re looking for an opportunity to
show up one of your rivals. Pick a character to be your
5–6 rival—this may involve working with the gamemaster
to create an appropriate rival character. When you and
Keywords: Mystic, Academia, Spellcaster your rival participate in an opposed test, the first d20
you buy does not cost you Momentum.
Requirements: Mystic archetype, no other talent with the
Spellcaster keyword Prove Your Devotion. You set out to prove your
7–8 unshakeable faith and devotion to your god. You
Witnessing the actions of fate and the gods in everything, you gain the Religious Fervor truth.
can guide the hands of your comrades toward the ordained
Acquire an Object. An important item or relic has
order. You are a spellcaster, as described in more detail in
9–10 gone missing in the wilderness, and you aim to
Chapter Four: Magic, page 57. Additionally, once per round when locate it. You gain the Seeking the Lost truth.
an ally makes a melee, ranged, or magic attack or performs a
Tend to the Needy. Using the secret arts of your god,
Reason + Academia test, you can generate 2 Threat for the GM’s
11–12 you treat the afflicted among the faithful. Gain +1
Threat pool to assist that character as a reaction.
Medicine and gain one Medicine focus.

PAIN IS NOTHING Increase Your Status. You seek to elevate yourself

13–14 from your current station in life. You gain the
Keywords: Mystic, Medicine, Spellcaster
Aspires to Greatness truth.
Requirements: Mystic archetype, no other talent with the Cow the Unbelievers. The only way the faithless
Spellcaster keyword 15–16 masses will be brought to wisdom is by the sword.
Gain +1 Fighting and gain one Fighting focus.
Temporary suffering is nothing in the face of the greater
mysteries of the universe. Understanding this allows you Help the Unfortunate. You seek ways to help those in
to push yourself past the limits of your flesh. You are a need. On your turn, if you perform one or more major
17–18 or minor actions to provide for beings requiring aid,
spellcaster, as described in more detail in Chapter Four: Magic,
you can remove 1 Threat from the gamemaster’s Threat
page 57. In addition, at the start of any of your turns, you may pool. You cannot remove more than 1 Threat per turn
generate 3 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool to remove stress from the GM’s pool this way.
up to your power rating, or to ignore a single injury you’ve
Make a Sacrifice to the Gods. When you perform
sustained until the end of the current scene.
a sacrifice of goods, livestock, humans, or other
things the gamemaster deems worthy of your god’s
SPIRIT OFFERING 19–20 attention, you gain an extra +2 XP. The sacrifice
Keywords: Mystic, Spellcaster, Weird must take place as part of an established ritual (see
Ritualistic Magic, page 76), and you cannot gain more
Requirements: Mystic archetype, no other talent with the than 2 XP per ritual this way.
Spellcaster keyword

By drawing on your own life force, or that of a defeated foe, you

can make a sacrifice to appease the gods. You are a spellcaster,
as described in more detail in Chapter Four: Magic, page 57. In
addition, as a free action, you may inflict 2 mental damage on
yourself; if you do so, or if you defeat an enemy during your turn,
you can cast spells without the Prepare minor action until the end
of your turn, and you can treat the Cast a Spell action as a minor
action instead of a major action until the end of your turn.

Sage Archetype
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

You are a Sage, someone for whom knowledge and expertise is its own reward. This impulse may take a variety of forms, depending
on your origins, your education, and your life’s path. You may love the quiet solitude of study among scribed tomes and library
shelves stacked with sacred scrolls. The path of the Sage may overlap in some ways with that of the Mystic, but you seek truth and
build on the knowledge of others more so than you pursue inner enlightenment or communion with higher powers.

You may be an engineer or architect, someone capable of

building places and objects meant to last and to serve specific
Personal Agenda
i Choose a personal agenda from the Sage Agendas table, page
functions. You may instead be an apothecary or herbalist,
101 or roll for a random one.
versed in healing lore that may also afford you greater
knowledge of anatomy and theories of medicine.
You are steeped in the histories of those who have gone before, i Choose any caste from the Castes section, page 123, or roll on
taking wisdom from their successes and wariness from their the Random Castes table for a random one.
failures. Even in the ancient world, when knowledge is not
Proceed to Step 3: Determine Culture, page 124.
fixed and much is yet unproven and unknown, you are one
of those who tests and defines the underlying principles
governing reality. Through learning and reason, even the
irrational can be understood. That which can be defined can be
confronted without fear.

Attributes Skills
i Gravitas +1 i Academia +2
i Insight +2 i Crafting +2
i Reason +2 i Engineering +2
i Will +1 i Medicine +1
i Observation +1
i Tactics +1

i Choose any two focuses, which may be from the Academia,
Crafting, and Engineering skills (see Skills, page 89).

i Choose one talent from Sage Talents, page 101.

i Alternatively, choose a hidden talent (see Hidden Talents, page

95) or the Occult Dabbler talent (see Dabbling, page 60), or
select one of your archetype’s specializations and choose its
core talent (see Archetype Specializations, page 110).

i A melee weapon of your choice with a Restriction rating
of 3 or lower or a ranged weapon of your choice with a
Restriction rating of 3 or lower

i Several sets of plain traveling clothes and a suit of fine


i A small personal library of choice volumes and reference


i A plethora of writing materials, including vellum or

papyrus scrolls (see Skill Kits, page 164) and books


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Sage Agendas
Keywords: Sage, Engineering ROLL

Explore the World. You set out to push back the

Requirements: Sage archetype
1–2 boundaries of the known world a bit more. Gain +1
You’re skilled at the construction of projects both big and to Academia and one Academia focus.
small. When you attempt an Engineering-based skill test as Acquire an Object. An important item or relic has
part of an extended test that has any resistance, you ignore 1 3–4 gone missing in the wilderness, and you aim to
resistance for each effect you roll. locate it. You gain the Seeking the Lost truth.

Increase Your Status. You seek to elevate yourself

THE BEST DOCTOR IS ALSO A PHILOSOPHER 5–6 from your current station in life. You gain the
Keywords: Sage, Medicine Aspires to Greatness truth.

Requirements: Sage archetype Uncover Secrets. You set out to learn the secrets of
7–8 everyone you encounter. Gain +1 Observation and one
You’ve studied the science and philosophies of medicine, Observation focus.
including the works of great physicians such as Galen of Remove Doubt. Through study and logic, you can
Pergamon. You are fluent in Greek as an additional language 9–10 convince others to cast aside their doubts. Gain +1
(if you already speak Greek, you may select one additional Persuasion and one Persuasion focus.
language to be fluent in). Further, when you make a
Help the Unfortunate. You seek ways to help
Medicine-based skill test, you may reduce its difficulty by 1 or those in need. On your turn, if you perform one or
2 at the cost of increasing the skill test’s complication range more major or minor actions to provide for beings
by the same amount. requiring aid, you can remove 1 Threat from the
gamemaster’s Threat pool. You cannot remove more
than 1 Threat per turn from the GM’s pool this way.
Keywords: Sage, Academia Acquire Lost Knowledge. There is forgotten truth
13–14 out in the world that you seek to uncover. You gain
Requirements: Sage archetype the I Must Know! Truth.
You are an expert in many fields. You gain an additional focus Win a Debate. You’re looking for an opportunity to
for each skill in which you have 3 or more ranks. After you have demonstrate your rhetorical and oratory superiority.
taken this talent, each time one of your other skills increases to Pick a character as your rival—this may involve
15–16 working with the GM to create an appropriate
3, you immediately gain one additional focus for that skill.
character. When you and your rival participate in an
opposed test as part of a battle of oratory skill, the
NERO NIHIL VERIUS first d20 you buy does not cost you Momentum.
Keywords: Sage, Observation
Challenge Authority. You are a natural skeptic and
Requirements: Sage archetype 17–18 critic of those in power, and you seek to challenge their
hypocrisies. You gain the Question Everything truth.
You have a keen eye that can spot the truth of the matter.
Whenever you make a skill test to detect danger or hidden Solve the Impossible. Pick a deeply entrenched
societal or intellectual problem you are committed
enemies, reduce the test’s difficulty by 1.
to resolving or understanding (for example, “design
19–20 economic system that eliminates Rome’s reliance
on slavery,” “create a flying machine,” or “cure the
Antonine Plague”). You gain +1 to an associated
skill (Academia, Engineering, or Medicine for the
examples) and one corresponding focus.

Schemer Archetype
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

You are a Schemer, someone who uses a quick tongue and a cunning mind to advance an agenda—either for your personal gain or for that
of a greater authority such as a nation, tribal leader, religious figure, or politician. Using stealth and deception, or honeyed words and
clever plots, you navigate through all manner of social circles, always looking for ways to exploit situations toward your own ends. Many
Roman dignitaries and politicians fall within this archetype, as do the counselors of barbarian chieftains and spies from organizations
and governments across the world. Living as a Schemer is not easy, as it requires one to keep a complex and ever-growing web of plots and
lies straight, but for those who can manage such a difficult task, there are no boundaries or barriers that cannot be overcome.

Attributes Skills Caste

i Gravitas +2 i Academia +2 i Choose any caste from the Castes section, page 123, or roll on
i Insight +1 i Fighting +1 the Random Castes table for a random one.
i Reason +1 i Observation +2
Proceed to Step 3: Determine Culture, page 124.
i Will +2 i Persuasion +2
i Resilience +1
i Stealth +1

i Choose any two focuses, which may be from the Academia,
Observation, and Persuasion skills (see Skills, page 89).

i Choose one talent from Schemer Talents, page 103.

i Alternatively, choose a hidden talent (see Hidden Talents, page

95)or the Occult Dabbler talent (see Dabbling, page 60), or
select one of your archetype’s specializations and choose its
core talent (see Archetype Specializations, page 110).

i A melee weapon of your choice with a Restriction rating of
3 or lower

i A dagger or a dose of poison

i Several sets of plain traveling clothes and a suit of fine clothing

i A small personal library of choice volumes and reference


i A symbol of authority or a memento taken from a rival

Personal Agenda
i Choose a personal agenda from the Schemer Agendas table,
page 103, or roll for a random one.

Some of the choices available during character creation
may provide a player character with the option to
make contacts, non-player characters whom the player
character knows and who can provide the player character
with specific types of resources or information. The
gamemaster should work with the player to define who
their character’s contacts are. For more information on
contacts, see Connections, Reputation, and Favors, page 53.


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Schemer Agendas
Keywords: Schemer, Persuasion ROLL
Claim Vengeance for a Wrongdoing. Someone has
Requirements: Schemer archetype wronged you or someone you care about. You won’t
rest until they meet justice. Gain +1 to Resilience and
You have the backing of a notable regional authority, such as a
one Resilience focus.
provincial governor, warlord, or religious figure. You may re-roll
Increase Social Standing. You’re working to get into
1d20 when you make a Persuasion-based skill test, but you must
3–4 the upper circles of local society. You gain the Social
accept the new result. Additionally, you treat the Restriction Climber truth.
rating of all items as 1 lower than normal, to a minimum of 1.
Show Up a Rival. You’re looking for an opportunity to
show up one of your rivals. Pick a character to be your
5–6 rival—this may involve working with the gamemaster
Keywords: Schemer, Fighting to create an appropriate character. When you and
your rival participate in an opposed test, the first d20
Requirements: Schemer archetype
you buy does not cost you Momentum.
You know the best method of attack is with an open hand in front Accumulate Allies. You set out to build a network
and a dagger clenched behind your back. When you have passed of contacts and associates. You gain one contact a
a Persuasion-based skill test to influence or deceive an enemy relationship classification of fair (see Connections,
during a scene, if you make a successful surprise attack against Reputation, and Favors, page 53).
them during the same scene (see Surprise Attack, page 158), you Accumulate Wealth. Everyone needs money. You
may roll +1 on that attack for every effect rolled; effects just need it more than most. When you make a skill
rolled on these additional dice do not themselves generate 9–10 test to acquire wealth, valuables, or other objects
additional . through treachery, stealth, or deception, you may
re-roll a single d20 on the test.

PLAY THE PART Uncover Secrets. You set out to learn the secrets of
11–12 everyone you encounter. Gain +1 Observation and
Keywords: Schemer, Academia
one Observation focus.
Requirements: Schemer archetype Puppeteer. You are interested in either advancing or
hindering the cause of a specific faction, and apply
You are so familiar with foreign cultures that you have learned
your cunning toward that end whenever possible.
to impersonate the members of a broad range of societies. 13–14 Choose a faction when you gain this Agenda , which
This includes their styles of dress, their speech, and their other can be specific, like ‘The Vigiles of Laurium’, or broad,
mannerisms. When attempting to make use of a disguise, you such as ‘The Roman Empire’. You gain the Agent of
may substitute your Academia skill for Stealth. Change truth.
Sow Doubt. A torrent of falsehood is the best way
SOCIAL NETWORK 15–16 to keep people vulnerable to your schemes. Gain +1
Persuasion and one Persuasion focus.
Keywords: Schemer, Observation
Help the Unfortunate. You seek ways to help
Requirements: Schemer archetype
those in need. On your turn, if you perform one or
Once you have lived in any place for any length of time, you 17–18 more major or minor actions to provide for beings
requiring aid, you can remove 1 Threat from the
pick up a variety of hangers-on and informants. In any location
gamemaster’s Threat pool. You cannot remove more
where you have had downtime (see Downtime, page 60), than 1 Threat per turn from the GM’s pool this way.
you have at least one useful contact on tap (see Connections,
Reputation, and Favors, page 53); this contact has a relationship Take the Throne. You set out to become the region’s
foremost mover and shaker. This requires you not
classification of fair.
19–20 only to get enough loyal flunkies on your side to
In addition, the first bonus d20 you purchase for any skill test pull it off, but also to somehow depose the current
regional leaders. You gain +2 XP each time you get
you make during downtime is free (see Spending Momentum,
closer to accomplishing your goal.
page 23), providing the skill test does not involve combat of
any kind.

Scoundrel Archetype
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

You are a Scoundrel, someone who makes a living outside the law. You strive to gain whatever advantage you can to survive,
resorting to methods such as exploiting others, thievery, extortion, or perhaps even murder for hire.

Scoundrels come in countless varieties, though most do not Personal Agenda

see themselves as such, instead considering themselves to be i Choose a personal agenda from the Scoundrel Agendas table,
pragmatic survivors who know how to make the most of a bad page 105, or roll for a random one.
situation. Many Scoundrels come from the lower classes or
marginalized minorities and are not afforded the advantages Caste
enjoyed by the wealthy and by true citizens of Rome. Their i Choose the Outcast caste (see Castes, page 123), or roll on the
origins are typically among the peoples whom society Random Castes table for a random one.
overlooks or neglects, who might be enslaved or treated as filth
Proceed to Step 3: Determine Culture, page 124.
by those who deem themselves better.

Scoundrels who learn the ways of the streets and form useful
connections in the criminal underworld might find a way to
improve their circumstances, rising above what their station
typically allows—or dying in the attempt. Living on the wrong
side of the law comes with numerous risks, but for some, this is
better than the guaranteed squalor or oppression they would
otherwise be forced to endure. That said, there are also some
who turn to a life of crime regardless of their former position,
seeking an easier path to wealth or simply having an aptitude
for larceny, thuggery, or deception.

Attributes Skills
i Agility +2 i Athletics +2
i Coordination +2 i Fighting +1
i Insight +1 i Observation +2
i Will +1 i Persuasion +1
i Stealth +2
i Survival +1

i Choose any two focuses, which may be from the Athletics,
Observation, and Stealth skills (see Skills, page 89).

i Choose one talent from Scoundrel Talents, page 105.

i Alternatively, choose a hidden talent (see Hidden Talents, page

95) or the Occult Dabbler talent (see Dabbling, page 60), or
select one of your archetype’s specializations and choose its
core talent (see Archetype Specializations, page 110).

i A melee weapon of your choice with a Restriction rating of
3 or lower

i Two daggers or a bow

i A choice of leather armor or three weapons of minor size

that require the Thrown Weapons focus to use

i Scoundrel’s tools or three doses of poison


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Scoundrel Agendas
Keywords: Scoundrel, Athletics ROLL

Claim Vengeance for a Wrongdoing. Someone has

Requirements: Scoundrel archetype
1–2 wronged you or someone you care about. You won’t
When you fight, you use every dirty trick at your disposal, rest until they meet justice. Gain +1 to Resilience and
one Resilience focus.
from throwing sand in your opponent’s eyes to kicking them
in the mentula. When an enemy attempts a melee attack Steal a Valuable Item. You’ve heard of an object that
3–4 would command great value or prestige if you could
against you and fails to inflict any stress, they lose their Guard
lay claim to it. Gain +1 to Stealth and one Stealth focus.
(see Reach and Guard, page 42). If your next attack targeting
that enemy is successful, the attack inflicts extra equal to Show Up a Rival. You’re looking for an opportunity
to show up one of your rivals. Pick a character to be
your Athletics skill.
5–6 your rival—this may involve working with the GM to
create an appropriate character. When you and your
HIDDEN BLADE rival participate in an opposed test, the first d20 you
Keywords: Scoundrel, Fighting buy does not cost you Momentum.
Pull Off a Scam. You have a scam in mind to help
Requirements: Scoundrel archetype
7–8 you acquire funds or other resources. You gain the
You fight dirty, slitting opponents’ veins open with a discreet Scheming Mind truth.
but nonetheless deadly blade. When making a melee attack, you Accumulate Wealth. Everyone needs money. You
may generate between 1 and 3 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool. just need it more than most. When you make a skill
On a successful attack, you can add +1 per Threat generated, 9–10 test to acquire wealth, valuables, or other objects
or you may add one of the following damage effects to your through treachery, stealth, or deception, you may
re-roll a single d20 on the test.
attack per Threat: Intense, Vicious (see Damage Effects, page 40).
Pin the Blame. To deflect suspicion, you attempt
OCULUS AURUM 11–12 to pin the blame for unfortunate circumstances
on someone—anyone—other than you. Gain +1 to
Keywords: Scoundrel, Observation
Persuasion and one Persuasion focus.
Requirements: Scoundrel archetype
Increase Your Status. You seek to elevate yourself
You have an eye for valuables—particularly ones that are not
13–14 above your current station in life. You gain the
Aspires to Greatness truth.
well guarded. As a free action, you may generate 1 Threat for the
GM’s Threat pool to identify the most valuable object within Stay out of Trouble. You’re trying to keep your head
your zone (see Environments and Zones, page 31). If you do so, 15–16 down and lie low for a while. You gain the Lying Low
you may generate 1 more Threat to know its general value and
Restriction rating. Help the Unfortunate. You seek ways to help
those in need. On your turn, if you perform one or
UNREMARKABLE 17–18 more major or minor actions to provide for beings
requiring aid, you can remove 1 Threat from the
Keywords: Scoundrel, Stealth
gamemaster’s Threat pool. You cannot remove more
Requirements: Scoundrel archetype than 1 Threat per turn from the GM’s pool this way.

Typically falling beneath scrutiny, you have a natural talent Build an Empire. You have your eyes on the throne,
so to speak. You’re looking to become the head of
for blending in with crowds, which can be useful for sneaking
19–20 your own organization of Scoundrels, like a group
around a city or camp. When you attempt to blend in, you of bandits, hired killers, master thieves, or other
increase the difficulty of any skill tests to notice you by +1. morally flexible types. You gain an extra +2 XP each
time you get closer to accomplishing your goal.

Scout Archetype
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

You are a hunter, a Scout, someone who moves through the trackless wilderness and relies on your cunning and senses to survive.
Scouts come in a variety of types, some having undergone formal training, but most having acquired their skills over a lifetime of
experience negotiating the wilderness; hunting to survive; and learning the behavior of animals, the impact of shifts in weather,
and the changes that come with each season.

Even when working for the military or alongside a war band, Caste
Scouts very often operate alone or in small groups, ranging i Choose the Outcast or Plebian/Freedman caste (see Castes,
ahead of their peers and therefore being the first to observe page 123), or roll on the Random Castes table for a random
and potentially receive the brunt of danger. They learn to rely one.
on their senses and instincts—and they become skilled in
Proceed to Step 3: Determine Culture, page 124.
evasion—to get back to their allies in one piece.

If you are suited to this role, you are likely to be a loner, quiet
by nature, and more comfortable exploring than amid the
bustle of a crowded city. Others have come to rely on you when
they must venture into uncharted territory, and they have
learned to heed your warnings.

Attributes Skills
i Agility +1 i Athletics +2
i Coordination +2 i Fighting +1
i Insight +2 i Observation +2
i Will +1 i Resilience +1
i Stealth +1
i Survival +2

i Choose any two focuses, which may be from
the Athletics, Observation, and Survival skills
(see Skills, page 89).

i Choose one talent from Scout Talents, page 107.

i Alternatively, choose a hidden talent (see Hidden Talents, page

95) or the Occult Dabbler talent (see Dabbling, page 60), or
select one of your archetype’s specializations and choose its
core talent (see Archetype Specializations, page 110).

i A melee weapon of your choice with a Restriction rating of
3 or lower

i A bow or a sling or three javelins

i Leather armor

i A warm woolen cloak or fur pelt

i A survival kit (see Skill Kits, page 164)

Personal Agenda
i Choose a personal agenda from the Scout Agendas table,
page 107, or roll for a random one.


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Scout Agendas
Keywords: Scout, Observation ROLL

Claim Vengeance for a Wrongdoing. Someone has

Requirements: Scout archetype
1–2 wronged you or someone you care about. You won’t
You are able to spot vulnerabilities in your quarry’s defenses, rest until they meet justice. Gain +1 to Resilience and
one Resilience focus.
natural or otherwise. When you spend Momentum to Obtain
Information (ask the GM a question; see Spending Momentum, Hunt a Great Beast. You’ve heard of an unusual or
page 23) to study a creature or enemy, until the end of the 3–4 legendary beast in the region that would confer high
status upon anyone who successfully hunted it. Gain
scene, your attacks targeting that creature gain the Piercing
+1 to Fighting and one Fighting focus.
1 damage effect or deal +1 if your weapon already has the
Show Up a Rival. You’re looking for an opportunity
Piercing effect.
to show up one of your rivals. Pick a character to be
5–6 your rival—this may involve working with the GM to
STRIKE FROM HIDING create an appropriate character. When you and your
Keywords: Scout, Fighting rival participate in an opposed test, the first d20 you
buy does not cost you Momentum.
Requirements: Scout archetype
Uncover Secrets. You set out to learn the secrets of
The best attack is one sprung when your prey isn’t even aware of 7–8 everyone you encounter. Gain +1 Observation and
you. When you make a successful surprise attack on an enemy one Observation focus.

(see Surprise Attack, page 158), you may roll +1 on that attack Acquire an Object. An important item or relic has
for every effect rolled; effects rolled on these additional 9–10 gone missing in the wilderness, and you aim to
dice do not themselves generate additional . locate it. You gain the Seeking the Lost truth.

Uncover a Hidden Place. Rumors of a hidden place

SURVIVALIST 11–12 of great mystical power or containing vast forgotten
Keywords: Scout, Survival wealth have reached you, and you set out to discover
that place. Gain +1 Survival and one Survival focus.
Requirements: Scout archetype
13–14 Claim Victory in Battle. You seek glory through
You’re able to get by in the wilderness using your survival skills battle. Gain +1 Fighting and +1 Courage resistance.
to make up for limited resources, and you can operate far afield Find a Safe Route. In an effort to unite places
for extended periods of time. When you make an extended test divided by an expanse of dangerous wilderness, you
15–16 seek to discover a safe and maintainable route in
to forage for food, hunt, build shelter, or gather supplies in the
order to expand trade and ease travel. You gain the
wilderness, you gain the Vicious damage effect on the test.
Pathfinder truth.
Help the Unfortunate. You seek ways to help
those in need. On your turn, if you perform one or
Keywords: Scout, Athletics more major or minor actions to provide for beings
requiring aid, you can remove 1 Threat from the
Requirements: Scout archetype
gamemaster’s Threat pool. You cannot remove more
You are proficient in navigating broken and difficult terrain, than 1 Threat per turn from the GM’s pool this way.
including dense forest and tangled undergrowth. When you Survive the Danger of the World. The world is an
move through difficult or hazardous terrain, you decrease the uncaring place filled with peril. When you guide
difficulty of any skill tests you make to move through it by 1, to others through a significant natural hazard or
19–20 navigate a group of characters through the unknown
a minimum of 0. If that difficulty is reduced to 0, you can move
wilds, at the GM’s discretion, you gain an extra +2 XP.
through the area as if it weren’t difficult or hazardous terrain.

Soldier Archetype
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Whether you are a member of one of the Roman legions, an auxiliary fighter drawn from the local population, or a warrior for your
tribe, you have taken up arms as a way of life. The world is a violent place, and demand is considerable for those willing to put their
lives on the line in wars waged abroad or to defend those who serve society in other ways.

In most societies in Cohors Cthulhu, becoming a warrior means

joining a privileged class held in high regard, though it entails
i Choose the Plebian/Freedman caste (see Castes, page 123), or
sometimes-difficult responsibilities. If you are a Soldier,
roll on the Random Castes table for a random one.
whether you live or die relies on your skill with weapons and
your bonds with those you fight alongside. If you would not Proceed to Step 3: Determine Culture, page 124.
ordinarily be eligible to become a citizen, signing on as a
Soldier might allow you to do so, or to own land, or to earn
wealth and glory for yourself and your descendants. But it
could also result in grueling marches through inhospitable
lands only to suffer a swift and anonymous death, pierced by
the arrows, javelins, or blades of a faceless enemy.

Attributes Skills
i Agility +1 i Athletics +2
i Brawn +2 i Fighting +2
i Coordination +2 i Observation +1
i Will +1 i Resilience +2
i Survival +1
i Tactics +1

i Choose any two focuses, which may be from the
Athletics, Fighting, and Resilience skills (see
Skills, page 89).

i Choose one talent from Soldier Talents, page 109.

i Alternatively, choose a hidden talent (see Hidden

Talents, page 95) or the Occult Dabbler talent (see
Dabbling, page 60), or select one of your arche-
type’s specializations and choose its core talent
(see Archetype Specializations, page 110).

i A melee weapon of your choice with a
Restriction rating of 3 or lower

i A spear or three javelins

i A choice of lorica segmentata or chainmail and a

small shield

i A soldier’s kit (see Skill Kits, page 164)

Personal Agenda
i Choose a personal agenda from the Soldier
Agendas table, page 109, or roll for a random one.


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Soldier Agendas
Keywords: Soldier, Athletics ROLL

Acquire an Object. An important item or relic has

Requirements: Soldier archetype
1–2 gone missing in the wilderness, and you aim to
Your blows strike deep, opening brutal wounds in your targets. locate it. You gain the Seeking the Lost truth.
When you perform a melee attack, you can re-roll any number of Show Obedience to Your Leaders. You seek to prove
when determining the stress and damage effects inflicted. yourself a loyal and dedicated soldier. During scenes
in which you carry out a superior’s orders that put
FLASHING STEEL you in peril, you gain +1 Morale resistance.
Keywords: Soldier, Fighting Show Up a Rival. You’re looking for an opportunity
to show up one of your rivals. Pick a character to be
Requirements: Soldier archetype your rival—this may involve working with the GM to
create an appropriate character. When you and your
When you perform an Attack major action, you can make a rival participate in an opposed test, the first d20 you
second attack targeting a different character within Reach as buy does not cost you Momentum.
a minor action. If you attack a mob of enemies (see the Cohors
Protect the Innocent. You use your strength to
Cthulhu Gamemaster’s Guide, page @@), you instead double the protect those who need it. When you perform
points of stress dealt by your attack. 7–8 actions to protect those who cannot defend
themselves, you can re-roll 1d20 on opposed tests for
HOLD FAST which you are the reactive character.
Keywords: Soldier, Resilience Claim Victory in Battle. You seek glory through
battle. Gain +1 Fighting and +1 Courage resistance.
Requirements: Soldier archetype
Rise in the Ranks. You seek promotion from a
You can hold a position against the most brutal of enemy 11–12 position as a common soldier or warrior to one of
onslaughts, inspiring your allies to do the same. When you authority. You gain the Aspires to Greatness truth.
or an ally in the same zone is the target of a melee attack, you
Help the Unfortunate. You seek ways to help
may generate 1 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool. If you do, the those in need. On your turn, if you perform one or
attacker adds +1 to the difficulty of their attack. more major or minor actions to provide for beings
requiring aid, you can remove 1 Threat from the
SHIELD WALL gamemaster’s Threat pool. You cannot remove more
than 1 Threat per turn from the GM’s pool this way.
Keywords: Soldier, Tactics
Achieve Conquest. You are devoted to conquering
Requirements: Soldier archetype 15–16 an opposing force, settlement, or tribe. Gain +1
You are trained to fight in formation with your shield-bearing Tactics and one Tactics focus.
comrades. When you and at least one other ally within Reach Claim Vengeance for a Wrongdoing. Someone has
are equipped with shields, as a minor action, you can close 17–18 wronged you or someone you care about. You won’t
formation to lock shields with your allies to form a shield wall. rest until they meet justice. Gain +1 to Resilience and
one Resilience focus.
Provided they have Guard, each character in the shield wall
increases the normal Cover resistance from their shield by +2 Giant Slayer. The names of famous rival soldiers run
while they remain in the shield wall. 19–20 through your dreams. When you defeat a Toughened
or Nemesis NPC, at the gamemaster’s discretion, you
gain an extra 2 XP.

Archetype Specializations
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Archetype specializations offer optional ways to represent more specific classes of characters within a given archetype. They allow a
character to more closely align with a given profession, such as that of a Roman legionary.

When you choose an archetype during character creation, you If you want to take an archetype specialization with a core talent
are offered a selection of talents for that archetype. If you choose that has the Spellcaster keyword but you already have a talent
to create a character using one of your archetype’s archetype with the Spellcaster keyword, you may discard your current
specializations in this section, you must select the core talent talent and replace it with the specialization’s core talent. You
in that specialization’s talent tree. Then, whenever you have the still need to meet the other requirements for that core talent.
opportunity to gain another talent, as one of your options, you
The following specializations are featured for each archetype:
may choose another talent from your specialization’s talent tree,
provided your character meets that talent’s listed requirements. i Mystic: Lupercus, Staff Bearer
Any talent you select from your specialization’s talent tree (other
i Sage: Engineer, Medicus
than the core talent) must be connected to a talent you have
already acquired; this is shown in the talent tree diagram and i Schemer: Frumentarius, Magistrate
noted in the talent’s Requirements section.
i Scoundrel: Robber, Sicarius
You can also pick up an archetype specialization after character
i Scout: Hunter, Veles
creation by spending an advancement (10 XP; see Spending
Experience, page 144) on a new talent and selecting the core i Soldier: Berserker, Legionary
talent for one of your archetype’s specializations. This does not
provide the specialization’s starting equipment. At your GM’s
discretion, it may require the expenditure of a secret truth or
the occurrence of specific in-game circumstances to explain
your new access to specialized knowledge or training.

Lupercus Specialization (Mystic Archetype)

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

It is said that Rome’s founders, Romulus and Remus, were suckled by a she-wolf, an experience that features prominently in legend.
This fascination with wolves has continued through the time of the Roman Republic and the empire. Perhaps its most obvious
manifestation is in the Luperci, an insular group of priests thought by some to be associated with the legendary she-wolf and with
Lupercus, also known as Faunus, an ancient deity. (A single priest is also called a Lupercus.) The Luperci oversee the annual festival
and fertility rite of Lupercalia. You and the other Luperci celebrate this festival with animal sacrifice and by dressing in wolf furs,
running in bands while laughing and striking at congregants with thongs of animal skin.

For some, Lupercalian practices hold only typical religious HASTY RITUAL
significance, but you are of a class of Luperci who feel a deeper Keywords: Lupercus
connection to the wolves, one that shapes their very being. You
Requirements: Spectral Hunter talent
feel the spirit of the wolf in your veins, allowing you to move
with that hunter’s swiftness, or even to howl with the fury of Choose one spell that you know. Once per scene, you can cast
that dire and ancient beast. the chosen spell without first performing the Prepare minor
action. When you do so, the spell is cast as a flawed spell (see
In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the
Flawed Spells, page 61).

i A wolf-fur cloak INSTINCTIVE MAGIC

Keywords: Lupercus, Resilience
i Several strips of animal skin, used to strike attendants
during festivals Requirements: Hasty Ritual talent

Once per scene, when you cast a battlefield spell, you may use
Lupercus Talent Tree Resilience (the Fortitude focus applies) instead of any other skill. In
addition, the spell’s cost is reduced by 2 , to a minimum of 1 .
Spectral Hunter JAWS OF THE WOLF
Keywords: Lupercus

Requirements: Hasty Ritual talent

Hasty Ritual Instinctive Mystic When you successfully cast an attack spell, you gain +1 bonus
Momentum, which may only be used to add +1 to the
damage the spell inflicts on the target.

Jaws of the Wolf Wolf Howl Keywords: Lupercus

Requirements: Jaws of the Wolf talent

Lupercalia is the great festival for which your college of priests

exists. This ceremonial ritual has made you skilled at the
working of ritual magic. Whenever you pass one of a ritual’s
component skill tests, you may ignore up to 2 resistance for
every effect rolled.
Keywords: Lupercus, Spellcaster WOLF HOWL
Keywords: Lupercus, Persuasion, Survival
Requirements: Mystic archetype, no other talent with the
Spellcaster keyword Requirements: Jaws of the Wolf talent

You are a spellcaster, as described in more detail in Chapter You can invoke the mighty she-wolf of Rome, growling a warning
Four: Magic, page 57. In addition, when you take stress from that scratches at the rationality of foes who hear it. You can perform
the cost of a battlefield spell, you can immediately move to a mental attack targeting a creature you are aware of, and which is
anywhere within Medium range. aware of you, within Medium range by making a Will + Persuasion
or Will + Survival test with a difficulty of 1 (you do not need the
If you already have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword, you may
Fearsome X special rule to make this mental attack). Passing the
discard it and replace it with this one. A character may have only one
test means you inflict power +2 mental damage on your target.
talent with the Spellcaster keyword.

Staff Bearer Specialization (Mystic Archetype)
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

A Staff Bearer is a figure of significance among the Germanic tribes, occupying a position somewhere between politician and
religious leader. As a Staff Bearer, you bridge the spiritual and physical worlds, bringing wisdom and guidance to your tribe. You are
respected for your connection to the spiritual realm and your ability to interpret the will of the gods and spirits. You are also seen
as a source of strength and protection, helping to ensure the health and prosperity of the tribe.

You have an important role in your tribe’s rituals and six hours, you may make an Insight + Observation test with a
ceremonies and may even be responsible for leading them. difficulty equal to the number of hours that have passed since
You might also have a role in diplomacy, helping to resolve the person or object was affected. If you pass the skill test, you
disputes between different tribes or between members of your recognize the taint of the supernatural. Spending 2 Momentum
tribe. Further, you may have a role in teaching and passing on lets you identify the specific powers used on the person or object.
your tribe’s traditions and customs to the younger generations.
If you already have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword, you may
In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the discard it and replace it with this one. A character may have only one
following: talent with the Spellcaster keyword.

i A stout wooden staff of ash, elm, or oak DO WE FEAR THIS?

i A leather bag of runestones Keywords: Staff Bearer, Persuasion

Requirement: Force of Presence talent or Protective

Staff Bearer Talent Tree Superstitions talent
The Staff Bearer specialization has two core talents. You may choose
either one of those talents when you select this specialization. You can easily buoy the spirits of your allies, imbuing them with a
sense of purpose that lets them endure great adversity. As a minor
action, you may spend 1 Fortune point to grant each of your allies
within Close range a bonus to Morale resistance equal to your
Quiet Wisdom Know the Signs
ranks in Persuasion. This bonus lasts until the end of the scene.


Keywords: Staff Bearer, Weird

Requirement: Quiet Wisdom talent

Force of Presence Protective Superstition
Your bonus damage for attacks that deal mental damage
increases by +1 .
Do We Fear This?
Keywords: Staff Bearer, Observation
Keywords: Staff Bearer, Persuasion, Spellcaster Requirement: Quiet Wisdom talent or Know the Signs talent

Requirement: Mystic archetype You know how to cast the runes to scry for future events. Once
every twenty-four hours, you may cast the runes. Make an
You are a spellcaster, as described in more detail in Chapter Four:
Insight + Observation test with a difficulty between 1 and 5
Magic, page 57. In addition, you may re-roll 1d20 when you make a
(your choice). If you pass the test, roll a number of d20s equal
Persuasion-based skill test, but you must accept the new result.
to the test’s difficulty and record the result of each die rolled.
If you already have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword, you may At any point until the next morning, you may use the following
discard it and replace it with this one. A character may have only one reaction: when you, or any creature you can perceive within line
talent with the Spellcaster keyword. of sight, makes a skill test, you may change one or more of the
d20s rolled to match one of your previously recorded results.
CORE TALENT: KNOW THE SIGNS Each recorded result may be used to change a single d20 only.
Keywords: Staff Bearer, Observation, Spellcaster You do not have to use all the recorded results on a single test.

Requirement: Mystic archetype

You have personally dealt with the effects of the supernatural Keywords: Staff Bearer, Observation
and recognize the signs of its activity. You are a spellcaster,
Requirement: Know the Signs talent
as described in more detail in Chapter Four: Magic, page 57. In
addition, whenever you are in the presence of a person or object When you resist a spell (see Resisting Magic, page 66), you gain
that has been affected by supernatural abilities within the last +1 bonus Momentum per rank in Observation.
Engineer Specialization (Sage Archetype)

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

“Rome might not have been built in a day, but this bridge damn well better be.”

Projects as simple as a wooden palisade or as complicated as the modern Roman road have something in common: a skilled
engineer who plans and executes their construction.

You are one of these engineers, someone who uses your DEDICATION
knowledge to construct—or destroy—structures and machines Keywords: Engineer, Momentum
both straightforward and complex. Whether you are erecting
Requirements: Fabricator talent
a bridge to span a river, repairing damage to a latrine used by
an army’s senior officers, constructing a siege engine to batter Your commitment to a cause is unwavering, and this has
down enemy walls, or building a simple barricade to keep carried you through many a tough situation. At the start of a
enemies out of a room, you use intelligence and ingenuity to scene, if there is no Momentum in your group’s Momentum
turn raw materials and labor into complex constructions. pool, roll 1d20. If you roll equal to or less than your Will rating,
add +1 Momentum to your group’s Momentum pool.
In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the
i Crafting tools (see Skill Kits, page 164) Keywords: Engineer, Academia, Engineering

i A dolabra Requirements: Intense Study talent, 3+ ranks in Academia or

Engineer Talent Tree Whenever you pass an Academia- or Engineering-based skill
test as part of an extended test, you gain the Vicious damage
CORE TALENT effect on the test.
Keywords: Engineer

Requirements: Fabricator talent

Incisive Scrutiny Dedication
You have a knack for finding weak spots in arguments, theories,
and machines alike to glean information from them, learning
about things by observing how they respond to pressure against
vulnerable points. When you pass an Insight- or Reason-based
Intense Scrutiny Intense Study skill test, you gain +1 bonus Momentum, which may be used
only for the Obtain Information Momentum option.

Keywords: Engineer
In the Nick of Time
Requirements: (Incisive Scrutiny talent or Intense Study
talent) and (3+ ranks in Academia or Engineering)

When you pass a Reason- or Will-based skill test as part of an

CORE TALENT: FABRICATOR extended test, you gain the Piercing 2 damage effect on the test.
Keywords: Engineer, Crafting, Engineering
Requirements: Sage archetype
Keywords: Engineer
You may re-roll 1d20 when you make a Crafting- or Engineering-
Requirements: Dedication talent or Intense Scrutiny talent
based skill test, but you must accept the new result.
You are extremely well-read, possessing vast amounts of
knowledge on a wide range of subjects that can provide you
with situational expertise in times of need. Twice per game
session, before you make a skill test, you may choose a focus
you do not possess and gain it for that test. You then retain the
focus for the remainder of the session.

Medicus Specialization (Sage Archetype)
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Sitting at the bedside of a consul and treating an ailment that has no obvious cause, stitching a wounded soldier reclaimed from
the heart of the battlefield, treating a serpent’s bite on a young child: these are the duties of the Medicus.

You are one of these skilled healers, an individual who blends FAST AID
understanding of the body, knowledge of physical illnesses and Keywords: Medicus, Medicine
ailments, and remedies developed through years of study. You
Requirements: Physician talent
might be a healer educated in your craft by master physicians in
one of the great cities of the world, a wise herbalist who treats When you make a Medicine-based skill test, you may choose to
the illnesses of their village, or a commoner who has discovered suffer one additional complication in exchange for gaining one
a knack for the healing arts. Whatever your background, you automatic success on the test.
battle ailment and injury on behalf of your patients.
In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the
Keywords: Medicus, Medicine
Requirements: Physician talent
i A set of Medicus’s tools (see Skill Kits, page 164)
When you make a Medicine-based skill test, you may ignore
i A dose of opium or a dose of poison any increase in difficulty for working without the proper tools
or equipment.
Medicus Talent Tree
CORE Keywords: Medicus, Medicine
Physician Requirements: Fast Aid talent, 3+ ranks in Medicine

In combat, you may use the Stabilize major action on

characters who are not dying: if you pass a skill test to perform
Field Emergency this action, your target does one of the following (your choice):
Fast Aid
Medicine Doctor
i Removes stress equal to your ranks in Medicine and
removes 1 additional point of stress per Momentum spent

i Removes a condition
Triage i Removes an ongoing damage effect, such as the Persistent
damage effect, that is currently afflicting them

CORE TALENT: PHYSICIAN Keywords: Medicus, Medicine
Keywords: Medicus, Medicine
Requirements: Emergency Doctor talent or First Response
Requirements: Sage archetype, 1+ ranks in Medicine talent, 3+ ranks in Medicine

You may re-roll 1d20 when you make a Medicine-based skill You can make a Reason + Medicine test to identify specific
test, but you must accept the new result. injuries or illnesses in a patient, or to determine the
severity of a patient’s condition. If you do so, you gain +1
EMERGENCY DOCTOR bonus Momentum, which you may use only on the Obtain
Keywords: Medicus, Medicine Information Momentum option. In addition, when you pass a
Reason + Medicine test to remove a scar, you can remove the
Requirements: Physician talent
scar of one additional patient for each Momentum spent.
When you take the Stabilize major action, the difficulty is
reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.

Frumentarius Specialization (Schemer Archetype)

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

What once was a simple Roman courier service has evolved, over time, into the foremost imperial spying agency: the Frumentarii.
One of these skilled spies and assassins operating across the empire, you are able to adopt different personae to move clandestinely
throughout the world, collecting information and, when needed, ending the lives of those whom you deem threats to the empire.

You are a master of disguise, able to blend into any environment, DO OR DIE
and your skills in infiltration are key to your ability to achieve Keywords: Frumentarius, Morale
your goals. Using any tools and strategies at your disposal, you
Requirements: Sharp Senses talent
gain access to restricted areas and gather intelligence on your
targets with the aim of uncovering secrets and revealing plots. Frumentarii are used to operating independently and know they
Your mission is to serve the emperor and ensure the safety and are likely to be cut off from support much of the time. Such is their
security of the Roman Empire. You are the silent hand of justice, determination that they may generate 1 Threat for the GM’s Threat
striking when necessary without being seen. pool to gain +2 Morale resistance until the end of the current scene.

You are a Frumentarius: a spy, assassin, and warrior for the empire.
In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the Keywords: Frumentarius
Requirements: Know Thy Enemy talent
i Two sets of common clothing to serve as disguises
When you pass a skill test to coerce someone to reveal
i Writing instrument and parchment information in a social conflict, you gain +1 bonus Momentum,
which you may spend only on the Obtain Information
Frumentarius Talent Tree Momentum option.


Perfect Know Thy Keywords: Frumentarius
Facade TALENT Enemy
Sharp Senses Requirements: Sharp Senses talent

When you make an Insight-based skill test to determine

whether someone is lying or hiding the truth, the first d20 you
Do or Die Interrogation buy does not cost you Momentum.

Keywords: Frumentarius, Stealth
Thorough Requirements: Sharp Senses talent
You have learned to capably impersonate a broad range of people,
effectively blending into the background and appearing as
CORE TALENT: SHARP SENSES though you belong. When you pass a Stealth-based skill test to
Keywords: Frumentarius, Observation make or use a disguise, you gain bonus Momentum equal to your
ranks in Stealth, to a maximum of +3 bonus Momentum.
Requirements: Schemer archetype

You may re-roll 1d20 when you make an Observation-based THOROUGH SEARCH
skill test, but you must accept the new result. Keywords: Frumentarius

Requirements: Interrogation talent

When you pass a skill test to search an area for evidence, you
generate +1 bonus Momentum, which you may use only on the
Obtain Information Momentum option. If you assist another
character on a skill test to search an area for evidence, and they
pass their skill test, then that character receives this talent’s +1
bonus Momentum, which is subject to the same restriction.

Magistrate Specialization (Schemer Archetype)
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest. (Let no man be another’s who can be his own.) — Cicero

Magistrates hold positions of authority. In Rome, magistratus is one of the highest offices of the state, while lesser stations like
municipium come with more local authority. Other cultures have authority by birthright, such as that invested in the tribal
monarchs of Germania; in still others, elder members of the community assume similar duties.

As a Magistratus, you use words and knowledge as your HONESTAS

principal weapons. You rely on your charisma and gravitas Keywords: Magistrate
to sway others, on the strength of your rhetoric to present
Requirements: Charismatic talent
convincing arguments, and on the loyalty of those close to you
to handle physical confrontation. You maintain a careful air of respectability. Whenever
you make a skill test to resist being coerced into breaking
In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the
a promise, betraying your allies, or otherwise acting
dishonorably, the difficulty is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.
i A suit of fine clothing
i A symbol of your station, such as a laurel wreath or gold torc Keywords: Magistrate, Tactics

Magistrate Talent Tree Requirements: Commanding Presence talent

You may designate any number of allied characters in your zone

CORE up to your rank in Tactics to act as your lictors. For the remainder
TALENT of the scene, whenever you are targeted by an attack, one of your
lictors can choose to be the target instead; the lictor gains Courage
resistance against that attack equal to your ranks in Tactics.

Commanding RHETORIC
Rhetoric Honestas
Presence Keywords: Magistrate

Requirements: Charismatic talent

When you make a skill test to speak to a crowd, if you buy any
Lictors Stoic bonus d20s, you may re-roll a single d20.

Keywords: Magistrate
Requirements: Honestas talent
Keywords: Magistrate, Persuasion
You subscribe to the philosophy of Stoicism, being indifferent to
Requirements: Schemer archetype
the vicissitudes of fortune and to pleasure and pain. The difficulty
You may re-roll 1d20 when you make a Persuasion-based skill of all skill tests you make to resist coercion, mental intrusion,
test, but you must accept the new result. pain, or other mental attacks is reduced by 2, to a minimum of 0.

Keywords: Magistrate, Persuasion, Tactics

Requirements: Charismatic talent

You lead with immense charisma and persuasive skills. When

you make a Persuasion- or Tactics-based skill test, the first d20
you buy does not cost you Momentum.

Robber Specialization (Scoundrel Archetype)

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Wherever there are humans, there is theft and banditry. Rome and its client states are no strangers to common robbers—even
Emperor Nero was known to sneak out in disguise at night to indulge in some petty larceny and mugging.

As a Robber, you may be anything from a petty larcenist to a ALTER EGO

criminal mastermind. Whichever it may be, you often rely on a Keywords: Robber
stealthy entrance and your raw agility to snatch as many valuables
Requirements: Inconspicuous talent
as possible and get away from the scene of the crime in a hurry.
You can adopt an alter ego: another “I.” Whenever you enter a
In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the
scene, you may choose an identity or persona to adopt. If you do,
you receive a new truth that represents who you appear to be,
i A suit of dark clothes, a hood, and a cloth mask and you retain this truth until you are discovered or choose to
drop your disguise. If you move out of sight of others during a
i A sack for storing stolen loot scene, you may take a major action and generate 2 Threat for the
GM’s Threat pool in order to quick-change into a new disguise.
Robber Talent Tree
The Robber specialization has two core talents. You may
choose either one of those talents when you select this
Keywords: Robber, Movement
Requirements: Hasty Retreat talent

CORE CORE You’re quick on your feet, and few obstacles can impede you.
TALENT TALENT When you make a skill test to move over, around, or through
Inconspicuous Hasty Retreat difficult terrain or similar physical obstacles (such as during
a pursuit or skirmish), the difficulty is reduced by 2. If this
reduces the test’s difficulty to 0, you may move over or around
that obstacle freely, as if it weren’t there.
Alter Ego Scotopia Nimble
Keywords: Robber, Observation

Requirements: Scotopia talent

When time is of the essence, you prioritize getting the

Ransack work done over covering your tracks. When you make an
Observation-based skill test to search an area, you may
generate 2 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool to reduce the test’s
CORE TALENT: HASTY RETREAT difficulty by 1 and halve the amount of time the search takes.
Keywords: Robber
Requirements: Schemer archetype
Keywords: Robber
When you make a skill test to evade pursuit, if you buy any
Requirements: Alter Ego talent or Nimble talent
bonus d20s, you may re-roll a single d20.
Your eyes are accustomed to the dark. You ignore any penalties
CORE TALENT: INCONSPICUOUS to skill tests imposed due to poor illumination or low light
Keywords: Robber, Stealth levels. This talent does not help you in total darkness, however.

Requirements: Schemer archetype

Committing a crime is easy—getting away with it is harder.

Through practice, you have learned how to avoid notice and slip
away undetected. If any people who aren’t your enemies are within
Close range of you, you may make an Insight + Stealth test to hide
or avoid notice even if you are visible to an enemy. The GM may
increase the difficulty of this test if your appearance, clothing, or
similar stand out or are likely to draw undue attention.

Sicarius Specialization (Scoundrel Archetype)
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

The Sicarii began as a splinter group of the Zealots, a Jewish political group that strongly opposed Roman occupation of their homeland.
This splinter group’s name is derived from the sika, a unique dagger that Sicarii would hide in their cloaks to use for carrying out
assassinations against Roman occupiers, making them perhaps the first group of organized assassins in the world known to Rome.

According to Josephus, the original Sicarii died en masse by their ASSASSIN

own hand in 73 CE during a siege on their fortress of Masada. Since Keywords: Sicarius
that time, a group by that name—now hailing from a variety of
Requirements: Death Dealer talent or Silent Strike talent
cultures and not strictly connected to the group’s founding—has
been operating as a more general group of killers for hire. You are practiced in the art of murder, and taking lives no
longer carries emotional weight for you. When you attack with
You are one of their number, and though you may not know
a melee weapon that has the Hidden weapon quality, you may
much about your organization’s origins, you certainly know
spend 2 Momentum to count the result of each in your dice
how to eliminate those you are hired to dispatch. Even more
pool as an effect , instead of as the die’s actual roll.
so, you know the brutal effectiveness of the dagger that gives
your profession its name.
In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the Keywords: Sicarius
Requirements: Guard Break talent or Subtle Step talent
i A sika, a type of long, curved dagger (use the Dagger When you attack a target that does not have Guard, your
profile in the Melee Weapons table, page 159)
weapon’s attacks gain the Intense damage effect if they do not
i A sheath for your sika that you can wear concealed inside already have that effect.
your clothing
Sicarius Talent Tree Keywords: Sicarius, Stealth

Requirements: Guard Break talent or Silent Strike talent

TALENT You are a proficient killer, relying on trickery and misdirection.
Subtle Step When you are armed with any weapon that has the Hidden
weapon quality, you may use your Stealth skill instead of your
Fighting skill to attack with that weapon, and you may increase
Backstabber Guard Break that weapon’s damage by +1 .

Keywords: Sicarius

Requirements: Backstabber talent or Subtle Step talent

Silent Strike Death Dealer
When you attack an opponent with a Reach greater than yours,
treat the opponent’s Reach as 1 point lower.

Assassin Keywords: Sicarius

Requirements: Backstabber talent or Death Dealer talent

Each attack you make with a melee weapon that has a Reach of
CORE TALENT: SUBTLE STEP 1 gains the Subtle weapon quality.
Keywords: Sicarius, Stealth

Requirements: Scoundrel archetype

You’re well versed in methods for avoiding notice, and you

reveal little that you do not intend. When you make a Stealth-
based skill test to sneak or otherwise pass unseen through an
area, the first d20 you buy does not cost you Momentum.

Hunter Specialization (Scout Archetype)

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Hunters are largely self-sufficient individuals who track and bring down game. Some do this as a means of sustenance for
themselves, their families, and their villages. Others do so to earn a living, selling off their kills at a market.

Regardless of your motivations, as a successful Hunter, you DEAD EYE

have developed keen skills of observation, an exacting aim, Keywords: Hunter
and the ability to act beyond the comforts of civilization for
Requirements: Expert Aim talent
extended periods.
You know where to sink your shots to do the most damage.
In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the
When you attack with a ranged weapon, the weapon deals an
extra +1 .
i A set of sturdy woolen clothes
i A square of fabric to use as a tent, twenty-five feet of rope, Keywords: Hunter
tent stakes, and a wooden mallet
Requirements: Tracker talent
Hunter Talent Tree When you take a moment to aim, you rarely miss even the
most challenging targets. When you take the Aim minor
CORE action, instead of re-rolling 1d20, you may select a single d20
TALENT in your dice pool before rolling and count that die as having
rolled a 1.

Constantly Self Keywords: Hunter
Expert Aim
Watching Sufficient
Requirements: Constantly Watching talent

Your eyes are accustomed to the dark. You ignore any penalties
to skill tests imposed due to poor illumination or low light
Scotopia Dead Eye levels. This talent does not help you in total darkness, however.

Keywords: Hunter, Survival

CORE TALENT: TRACKER Requirements: Tracker talent

Keywords: Hunter
You may re-roll 1d20 when you make a Survival-based skill test,
Requirements: Scout archetype but you must accept the new result.

When you make a skill test to discover or follow tracks, the first
d20 you buy does not cost you Momentum.

Keywords: Hunter

Requirements: Tracker talent

When you make a skill test to detect danger or hidden

enemies, the difficulty is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.

Veles Specialization (Scout Archetype)
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

“Fortune may favor the bold, but victory favors the careful.”

The Velites are a class of light infantry and skirmishers. They served through Rome’s mid–Republic era during the time of the
Roman maniple, but they have been retired from the formal military structure. At their height, the Velites encompassed the
youngest and poorest soldiers, those who were most eager to prove themselves to their legion. Deploying at the front of an army,
an individual Veles would strike out to secure glory and perhaps earn a higher position.

Though the Velites are no longer an official part of the army ASSAIL
by the time of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, they continue to Keywords: Veles, Fighting
exist at the fringes of the empire as auxilia drawn from the
Requirements: Pack Tactics talent
local populace. You are one of these auxilia, carrying on the
tradition of the Velites: a bold skirmisher who harries the Velites are known for unleashing a rain of javelins the moment
enemy with your javelins and unequaled fervor. before they charge into combat. When you make a ranged attack
with a weapon that has the Thrown Weapons focus, you may
In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the
spend 2 Momentum to take a second major action that turn.

i A wolf-fur cloak FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD

Keywords: Veles, Fortune
i Five javelins
Requirements: Rejuvenation talent
Veles Talent Tree When you fail a skill test and spend Fortune to re-roll dice,
before you re-roll, you can choose to increase the difficulty of
CORE the test by +1. If you do so and the re-rolled dice let you pass the
Rejuvenation TALENT Victory test, you immediately regain the spent Fortune.
Pack Tactics
Keywords: Veles
Acrobatic Requirements: Pack Tactics talent
Favors the Assail
There is value in speed, even if there are consequences. When
you make an Athletics-based skill test to take a Rush major
action or to cross difficult terrain, you may choose to suffer one
additional complication in exchange for gaining one automatic
Keywords: Veles
success on the test. Further, at the start of any conflict, you may
Requirements: Scout archetype generate 1 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool to take the first action,
regardless of who would otherwise act first.
When you assist another character during combat and they
pass their skill test, the character you assist gains +1 bonus
Keywords: Veles, Resilience

ACROBATIC DODGE Requirements: Pack Tactics talent

Keywords: Veles, Athletics
Used to strings of clashes at the edges of the battlefield, Velites
Requirements: Swift Victory talent know how to quickly get back into the fray. When you take
the Catch Breath major action, the difficulty of the skill test
You’re always moving, and you have a knack for recognizing
to do so is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0; in addition, each
opportunities to escape an aggressive enemy. When an enemy
Momentum you spend to remove stress as part of this action
makes a melee attack against you, you may oppose the attack
removes 2 stress instead of 1.
with Agility + Athletics instead of Agility + Fighting. You
may not inflict damage if you win this opposed test, but
you may move to any point within Close range; if you spend 1
Momentum after winning this opposed test, you may move to
anywhere within Medium range instead.

Berserker Specialization (Soldier Archetype)

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Berserkers are part of a fearsome warrior tradition found among a number of Celtic, Germanic, and northern tribes. As a Berserker,
you are able to enter into an almost-mystical fighting trance that lets you ignore fear and even the shock of wounds to remain in a
frenzied state. You may employ a variety of ingested substances to facilitate the fighting trance, which lets you work yourself to a
state of battle lust and enthusiasm that is terrifying for others to behold. Your preferred armaments may vary depending on your
background, though you probably eschew armor and may prefer to enter battle completely naked.

In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the Offensive Branch
following: HACK AND SLASH
Keywords: Berserker, Fighting
i Two axes
Requirement: “Head Taker” talent
Berserker Talent Tree When you make a melee attack targeting a creature you have
Mobility Branch Offensive Branch
already hit with a melee attack during the current scene, the
CORE first d20 you buy does not cost you Momentum.
Onslaught Hack and
Keywords: Berserker

Requirement: Hack and Slash talent

Berserker Brutal
War Cry All weapons you wield gain the Vicious damage effect. If a
Rush Fighter
weapon already has the Vicious damage effect, its damage
increases by +2 when you use it.

handed Keywords: Berserker, Fighting

Requirement: Brutal Fighter talent

When you make a melee attack, you may add the Area damage
effect to the attack, striking one extra target (an opponent of
Keywords: Berserker, Fighting
yours chosen by the GM) within Close range for each effect
Requirement: Soldier archetype rolled. If you do so, you also add 1 Threat to the GM’s Threat
pool for each effect rolled. The GM may spend Threat from
Choose a Toughened, Nemesis, or Eldritch NPC you can perceive
your use of this talent to cause your attack to hit secondary
within line of sight. Your melee attacks gain +1 against the
targets you did not wish to strike: each unintended target costs
chosen NPC, and you gain +1 nonrefreshing Fortune point when
the GM 2 Threat.
you defeat them, which you lose at the end of the current scene.
These effects last until the chosen NPC is dead, until end of the
scene, or until you suffer stress from an attack the chosen
Mobility Branch
NPC makes.
Keywords: Berserker, Movement

WAR CRY Requirement: “Head Taker” talent

Keywords: Berserker
After you make a melee attack and your opponent takes stress
Requirement: “Head Taker” talent from that attack, you may move anywhere within Medium
range as a free action.
When the chosen NPC from your use of the “Head Taker” talent
targets you with a melee attack, you may bellow a war cry as
a reaction. Before the GM rolls the dice pool for the chosen
Keywords: Berserker, Fighting
NPC’s attack, you may choose 1d20 from that dice pool. That
die is not rolled, and it instead counts as if it had rolled a 20. Requirement: Onslaught talent
Additionally, the complication range of the chosen NPC’s
After you use the Rush major action, you may spend 2
attack increases by +1.
Momentum to make a melee attack at the end of your
movement. If your target takes damage from this attack,
the attack deals +1 to the target.

Legionary Specialization (Soldier Archetype)
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

The famous backbone infantry of the Roman Army, legionaries are arguably responsible for the military successes of the Roman Empire.

As a character with the Legionary specialization, you are The weapons you wield gain the Piercing 1 damage effect. If
disciplined and trained in a versatile and effective set of arms— a weapon already has the Piercing damage effect, increase
including the spear, gladius, and pilum—and your armor and Piercing by +1.
shield are of types standardized across the empire. Close unit
tactics and formation drills enable you to close with the enemy
Keywords: Legionary, Tactics
under the protection of your unit’s shields, hurl pila to disrupt
the enemy line, and then engage on your own terms. Requirement: Precision Strikes talent

In addition to your normal starting equipment, you gain the As a minor action before making an attack, you may spend one
following: or more Momentum to give an order to strike to one ally per
Momentum spent; the maximum Momentum you may spend
i Three pila (see the Pilum profile in the Ranged Weapons here is equal to your Tactics rank. When you then make an attack
table, page 162)
(as a major action as normal), each ally who received the order
i A large shield (see the Melee Weapons table, page 159) may use their Reaction to make a melee attack or ranged attack.

Legionary Talent Tree Defensive Branch

Defensive Branch Offensive Branch
CORE Keywords: Legionary
TALENT Precision Requirement: Legionary Training talent
Scutarius Legionary Strikes
Training As a major action, you may lock shields with an allied character in
the same zone. To do so, you and your ally must each have a shield
equipped. While your shields are locked together, you gain an
Brace for Legionary Strike additional +X Cover resistance, where X is Shield X weapon quality
Impact Veteran As One of your ally’s shield; your ally in turn receives an additional bonus
to Cover resistance equal to your shield’s Shield X quality.


Wall of Keywords: Legionary, Fighting
Requirement: Scutarius talent

When you are targeted by a melee attack but before the attack’s dice
CORE TALENT: LEGIONARY TRAINING pool is rolled, you may brace yourself in formation with an allied
Keywords: Legionary, Fighting character in the same zone. To enter the formation, you and your
ally must each have a shield equipped. You and your ally each gain
Requirement: Soldier archetype
+1 Cover resistance. If you win the melee attack’s opposed Agility +
You may re-roll 1d20 on any Fighting-based skill test you Fighting test, you may inflict damage on your opponent and force
make with a spear, gladius, or pilum, but you must accept them to fall back to a point you choose within Close range.
the new result.
LEGIONARY VETERAN Keywords: Legionary
Keywords: Legionary
Requirement: Brace for Impact talent
Requirement: Legionary Training talent
As a major action, you may enter a formation with an allied
You have endured many hardships as a legionary, giving you an character in the same zone. To enter the formation, you and
iron resolve. Increase your Courage resistance by +2. your ally must each have a shield and gladius or similar sword
equipped. While you are in this formation, you can regain
Offensive Branch Guard as a free action even if you have an enemy within Reach.
PRECISION STRIKES Further, if an enemy makes a successful attack against anyone
Keywords: Legionary in this formation, that enemy suffers 2 physical damage.

Requirement: Legionary Training talent


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

A character’s caste is a rough measure of their social standing. Generally, caste is determined by birth, but characters may rise to a higher
station through the merits of their actions or through lucky circumstance. So, too, might they fall from a higher caste to a lower one.

You may choose from the castes offered by your character’s The other benefit your caste may offer is a talent. Talents that
archetype earlier in Step 2, or you may roll on the Random Castes are restricted to a particular caste appear in that caste’s section.
table, below to determine a random caste. Record your caste For a list of talents that are not restricted to a particular caste
on your character sheet. Then, look up your caste’s row in the or archetype, see Chapter Six: Talents, page 145.
Random Castes table and read the description of your caste that
follows the table. Record any benefits your caste offers. OUTCAST
Outcasts live on the fringes of society. Many are exiled criminals,
fugitives from slavery, or people marginalized for other reasons
who must be wary among civilization. Outcasts have few resources
D20 WEALTH at their disposal, but the way they live allows them to move
ROLL RATING without notice and survive beyond the walls of a city or settlement.
You gain one talent
1–4 Outcast 0 with the Stealth or SERVANT
Survival keyword Servants serve an employer via the terms of a contract, as a form of
punishment, or due to having been captured in battle. The life of
You gain one talent
with the Athletics a Servant is more secure than an Outcast’s, but it comes with less
5–10 Servant 1 freedom. Servants are expected to follow the commands of their
keyword or you gain
the Purse Strings talent employer, and failure to do so can be met with punishment.

Plebian/ If your character belongs to the Servant caste, work with your
11–15 2 — GM to determine the identity of their employer, and build a
story about how your character feels about their current status.
You gain the Envy and
16–20 Noble 3
Keywords: Servant
One of these benefits is a wealth rating. At character creation,
Requirements: Servant caste
and then at the end of each adventure, your character gains a
number of wealth points equal to their wealth rating. You may As a reliable member of the Servant caste, you have been
spend your character’s wealth points on additional weapons, entrusted with your employer’s household financial matters,
armor, and other personal gear. Each item costs a number of which you can use to your own advantage. Once per adventure,
wealth points equal to its Restriction rating. You do not need you may purchase an item with a Restriction rating of 3 or lower
to spend wealth points on equipment provided to you during using your employer’s wealth or requisition points instead of your
character creation, such as items specified by your archetype, own wealth or your group’s requisition points. You either remove
archetype specialization, or background. See Chapter Seven: the item from your employer’s possession or purchase it on their
Arms and Equipment, page 153, for information on weapons and behalf and “borrow” it for a short time. You must return the item
other gear. to your employer’s control following the current adventure.

For now, you can just jot down the names of any items you
purchase with your character’s initial wealth points in the
appropriate sections on your character sheet. You’ll record
their details in Step 4. Record your wealth rating in the Wealth
Rating box, and record any wealth points you didn’t spend in
the Wealth Points box. Your opportunity to spend wealth points
over the course of an adventure may be limited, so it is not
necessarily an advantage to save any wealth points for later use.
At the end of each adventure, your wealth points reset to equal
your wealth rating. You may receive opportunities to increase
your wealth rating over the course of your adventures (see
Wealth, page 167).

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes
A broad spectrum of individuals, the Plebians of Rome and Keywords: Noble
the Freedmen of Germania constitute the working classes of
Requirements: Noble caste
their societies. While they do not command as much power or
influence as the nobility, they can determine their own destiny You hold considerable status in society, and while that comes with
and live—or die—as the result of their own choices. numerous benefits, it can cause challenges and complications to
arise as well. You cannot move around unnoticed easily, and those
NOBLE who wish to see your downfall or to usurp your position conspire
Whether equestrians or patricians of Rome, or thegns or against you. The GM begins each adventure with +2 additional
chieftains of another culture, the members of the Noble Threat in their Threat pool to represent these potential problems.
caste have the greatest access to resources and command the This talent cannot be retrained (see Retraining, page 144) unless
greatest influence among their peoples. your character loses their position as a member of the Noble caste.


Myriad cultures can be found within the Roman Empire and the regions where it has influence. There are far too many to list here
in their entirety, but this section offers a selection from which you may choose a culture for your character. Each culture conveys
benefits in the form of a personal truth, attribute increases, a talent, and traits.

Personal Truth: Your character gains the name of their culture i A hidden talent (see Hidden Talents, page 95)
as a personal truth.
Traits: Your character gains traits that reflect the quirks or
Attributes: Your character adds +2 to one attribute of your strengths common to people of their culture due to their
choice. Then, your character adds +1 each to two other shared history, beliefs, or needs. Traits give you an idea of what
attributes of your choice. your character does and doesn’t know, regardless of their
archetype and any background or characteristic they may have.
Talent: Your character gains a single talent for which they meet
the requirements, if any. You may choose this talent from the
following: Raised among Others
i A talent that is available to characters of their culture; these
Culture is a factor of nurture, not nature. A character’s
reflect the culture in some way
parentage does not necessarily reflect the culture the
i A talent from the main talent list (see Chapter Six: Talents, character grew up in, or what influences they might have
page 145) had in life. A Scythian raised in the streets and alleys of
Rome would be considered to be of the Roman culture,
i A core talent from their archetype’s specializations; this
while the child of a legionary who was taken and raised
means they gain the corresponding archetype specialization
among the tribes of Germania Magna would be of the
i A talent that is available to your character via their arche- Germanic tribe culture.
type or their archetype specialization

Choose your character’s culture from the list in this section,
or roll on the Cultures table for a random one. If you would CULTURES
like your character to hail from a culture not provided here,
work with your gamemaster to integrate your character’s
culture of origin into your group’s Cohors Cthulhu story. Note 1–5 Roman citizen (page 125)
that Other culture / foederati is a catchall option for anyone who 6–9 Germanic tribe (page 126)
might originate from a culture that is not defined here but is a
10–11 Aegyptus (page 127)
culture that has assimilated (to some degree) into the empire.
Additional cultures are planned for future release. 12 Briton (page 128)
13–15 Gaul (page 129)
Once you have determined your character’s culture, turn to
that culture’s section and apply the benefits it offers. 16–17 Greek (page 130)
18–20 Other culture / foederati (page 131)


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

You are a true citizen of Rome (civis Romanus), placing you among the elite of a powerful and far-reaching empire, one its
inhabitants deem the sole true bastion of civilization. While this attitude could rightfully be considered arrogant and elitist, there
is no disputing Rome’s place in the world, nor the considerable advantages, privileges, and protected rights afforded its citizens.
Many people who live within the empire’s borders are not counted as citizens; those who are can claim descent from a prestigious
or connected family or from a predecessor who served in the legions. Alternatively, a citizen may derive their status from serving
directly in the military. Some people in this category may not technically be full citizens yet but are on the path to attain that
standing or occupy a status nearly as esteemed, such as that of a former enslaved person, also called a liberti (see the Liberti
background, page 135); such people are still considered to belong to the Roman citizen culture in the Cohors setting.

You have considerable familiarity with the traditions and ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME
expectations of Rome and understand its complicated politics, Keywords: Roman Citizen
at least to some degree. You are probably at least nominally
Requirements: Roman Citizen culture
literate and comfortably fluent in Latin, and you may have
had some degree of formal education. You may be most The Roman Empire is vast and includes a wide variety of
comfortable in established towns and cities of the empire peoples, with different cultures, languages, and traditions.
and are likely less at ease on the fringes or beyond, where the When you make a skill test to learn about an unfamiliar
lessons of your upbringing are less relevant. culture, or to act in an appropriate manner when interacting
with members of such a culture, the test’s difficulty is reduced
Given Rome’s extended reach, there are still many differences
by 1, to a minimum of 0.
among its citizens, and they come from myriad backgrounds
and ethnicities. Some retain connections to their ancestral
roots, while others eschew their origins.
Truth i You speak and read Latin. You also know a smattering of
You gain the Roman Citizen personal truth. words and phrases in another language, like Germanic or
Brythonic—not enough to hold lengthy conversations, but
Attributes enough to get a general point across.
Add +2 to one attribute of your choice. Then, add +1 each to two
i You know about your nation and its neighbors.
attributes of your choice.
i You have likely heard stories of the great cities of the
Culture Talents empire, like Naples and Rome, even if you don’t hail from
You receive access to the following talents. At this step, you one of those cities.
may choose a single additional talent to take: one of those
i You are aware of the threats, politics, and customs of the
listed below; any other talent available to your character,
such as from their archetype or Chapter Six: Talents, page 145
(provided they meet the requirements); or a hidden talent (see
Hidden Talents, page 95).
i You don’t know the customs of people in places beyond the
reach of the empire, like farthest Scotia and the heart of
Germania Magna.
Keywords: Roman Citizen

Requirements: Roman Citizen culture WHAT YOU CAN DO

i You can ride trained mounts.
Once per scene when an NPC suffers a complication, you can
use this talent to increase the GM’s Threat cost to cancel the Proceed to Step 4: Add Finishing Touches, page 132.
complication to 4 Threat.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

You come from one of a broad array of disparate tribes local to the regions north of Rome. For decades, these tribes have been at
odds with Rome’s legions. Their members have more in common with other tribal peoples—such as the recently subjugated Gauls
and various Celtic peoples, with whom they may be in periodic contact—than they do with Roman citizens.

The Germanic tribes are fractured and divided despite WOODWISE

occasional efforts by ambitious chieftain-monarchs. Each looks Keywords: Germanic Tribe
to its own and occasionally trades with or engages in small-scale
Requirements: Germanic Tribe culture
conflicts with its neighbors. Still, these tribes are sometimes
willing to band together against external threats, such as Roman When you are in the woodlands of Germania and make a skill
patrols. Tribes along the contested borders of the empire are test to find food or shelter, to navigate, or to travel in the forest,
often compelled to enter into arrangements with Roman the difficulty of the test is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.
officials, lacking the martial strength to resist them.

Daily life in the Germanic regions is rooted in rustic

farmsteads, where wealth is tied to control of cattle, hunting WHAT YOU KNOW
prowess, and spoils seized in periodic raids. A typical Germanic i You speak a dialect of the Germanic language. You may also
village is protected by warriors who serve their chief and who know enough Latin to have a brief conversation, but only
live and die by familiarity with a simple but effective selection just enough to get by.
of traditional weapons. The forests and untamed lands in
i You know details about your tribe, its leader, and its customs.
which these tribes dwell are sometimes perilous places, and
those who learn the lay of the land have a decided advantage i You know your tribe’s significant allies, trading partners,
over those who do not. and rivals.

Myths and legends are passed down primarily by oral tradition

and include many fantastical elements that are accepted as
i You don’t know the customs of people from distant lands.
part of the inherent fabric of the world. Because of this, you are
less discomfited than others by unexpected perils and threats.
i You can ride trained mounts.
You gain the Germanic Tribe personal truth. Proceed to Step 4: Add Finishing Touches, page 132.

Add +2 to one attribute of your choice. Then, add +1 each to two
attributes of your choice.

Culture Talents
You receive access to the following talents. At this step, you
may choose a single additional talent to take: one of those
listed below; any other talent available to your character,
such as from their archetype or Chapter Six: Talents, page 145
(provided they meet the requirements); or a hidden talent
(see Hidden Talents, page 95).

Keywords: Germanic Tribe

Requirements: Germanic Tribe culture

You are made of sterner stuff than most. You increase your
maximum stress by +3.


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

You come from the region the Romans call Aegyptus, though many of its inhabitants use the Greek name, Aegyptos, instead. In
more ancient times, the people of this fertile land along the Nile valley called it Kemet (Black Land) after its rich, dark soils.

When it comes to wealth and influence within the empire, BALANCING THE SCALES
Aegyptus is second only to Rome itself, and its capital city Keywords: Aegyptus
of Alexandria is one of the most financially and culturally
Requirements: Aegyptus culture
important imperial cities. Aegyptus is the breadbasket of the
empire, and a great deal of Rome’s wealth and infrastructure The people of Aegyptus have a long history of understanding
relies on it. Being a member of this culture is to be a part of the balance between one’s good and ill deeds, stretching back
one of the most esteemed and long-standing civilizations of to stories of Anubis weighing the hearts of the dead in the
the age. Although Aegyptus’s status as a conquered province afterlife. When you make a skill test to haggle for the price of a
of Rome is a bitter reality for some residents, most have come good or service, you can generate 2 Threat for the GM’s Threat
to accept and live with the idea of rule by external powers; the pool to reduce the difficulty of the test by 1, to a minimum of 1.
diverse people of this region are eminently adaptable.
While Aegyptus had been unified for many centuries before
Keywords: Aegyptus, Academia
the arrival of Romans, differences between the upper and
lower portions—which were once different kingdoms—remain. Requirements: Aegyptus culture
Aegyptus is a complex land with many distinct subcultures,
Your homeland is known for its long history, some of which is
and each of its major cities has its own traditions, histories,
etched into stone on the faces of ancient walls. When you make
and beliefs. Greek influences are pervasive, but the province
an Academia-based skill test to recall a bit of relevant history or
retains many of its older customs, including veneration of its
lore, you may re-roll each d20 that fails to generate a success.
numerous gods, the worship of whom is a significant aspect
of daily life in every stratum of society. Aegyptus also has a
significant population of Jewish residents, particularly in
Alexandria, as well as a community of adherents to the newer WHAT YOU KNOW
Christian religion. i You speak Greek and a dialect of Coptic. You may also know
enough Latin to have a brief conversation, but only just
Most of the province’s people are farmers, but Aegyptus
enough to get by.
also supports a wide variety of expert craftspeople, scholars,
couriers, artists, priests, clerks, laborers, tradespeople, and i You know details about the recent history of Aegyptus,
providers of an array of services. A sharp cultural divide exists including stories from both before and since the start of
between those living in the rural and urban areas, the latter Roman occupation, as well as many aspects of the religions
being noted for a high rate of literacy and fluency in Greek. and pantheons of Aegyptus. You may know more about
specific cults to which you or your family have belonged.
Truth You know your nation’s significant allies, trading partners,
You gain the Aegyptus personal truth. i
and rivals. This includes some passing knowledge of Rome
itself based on stories heard secondhand.
Add +2 to one attribute of your choice. Then, add +1 each to two
attributes of your choice.
i You don’t know the customs of people from distant lands.

Culture Talents WHAT YOU CAN DO

You receive access to the following talents. At this step, you
i You can ride trained mounts.
may choose a single additional talent to take: one of those
listed below; any other talent available to your character, i You can fit in among Romans and among people of its
such as from their archetype or Chapter Six: Talents, page 145 client states.
(provided they meet the requirements); or a hidden talent (see
Proceed to Step 4: Add Finishing Touches, page 132.
Hidden Talents, page 95).

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

You are a Briton, a part of the fierce warrior society that has inhabited the islands off the coast of the mainland since the Bronze Age.
Made up of a diversity of peoples and cultures, from the fierce northern Cruithne to the more settled Atrebates of the south, the
people of Briton are hardy, clear-eyed folk who are skilled with the spear and conduct swift, nocturnal raids. While the Romans have
maintained an iron fist in the lowlands of the islands, they have not conquered all of Briton. So fierce is the spirit of the isles that the
general Hadrian would rather erect a massive wall to split the land in two than deal with all of its inhabitants at once. Whether you or
your kin have been subjugated or remain free and independent, you think of yourself as a Briton first and foremost.


You gain the Briton personal truth. Keywords: Briton

Requirements: Briton culture

Add +2 to one attribute of your choice. Then, add +1 each to two A true child of Andraste, you are fearless and relentless on the
attributes of your choice. attack. You begin the game with +2 Courage resistance.

Culture Talents Traits

You receive access to the following talents. At this step, you may WHAT YOU KNOW
choose a single additional talent to take: one of those listed
i You speak a dialect of the Brythonic language. You also know
below; any other talent available to your character, such as
a smattering of Latin, enough to convey a simple point.
from their archetype or Chapter Six: Talents, page 145 (provided
they meet the requirements); or a hidden talent (see Hidden i You know about your tribe, its leader, and its customs.
Talents, page 95).
i You know your tribe’s significant allies, trading partners,
and rivals.
Keywords: Briton
Requirements: Briton culture i You don’t know the customs of people from distant lands.

The people of Briton, particularly those in the northern

regions, are skilled at fighting in the dead of night. Your keen
night sight allows you to ignore location truths that modify i You can ride trained mounts.
skill tests imposed due to poor illumination or low light levels.
Proceed to Step 4: Add Finishing Touches, page 132.
This talent does not help you in total darkness, however.

“ That island gives rise to stubborn people, I’ll give you that.
Every Briton I’ve met has some steel in his spine,
if also some fleas in his beard.”
— Pubilius, Thracian scoundrel


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

You come from the once-wilder lands north of Rome and belong to one of many proud tribes known as the Gaul, a Celtic
lineage that has earned a legendary stature even in the annals of its adversaries. By the Cohors era, this region has been more or
less thoroughly pacified and brought into the empire, having been conquered by Julius Caesar in the Gallic Wars. It has been
divided into three Roman provinces together called Gallia: Gallia Aquitania, Gallia Lugdunensis, and Gallia Belgica. Though still
proud of their warriors, the people of these regions have been more noteworthy for their skill at metalworking, their affinity for
raising cattle, and their success at farming.

Though knowledge of tribal lineages remains, the people of NOBLE LINE

these regions are now part of a hybrid culture that combines Keywords: Gaul
both Roman and Celtic influences at every level. Since the time
Requirements: Gaul culture
of Emperor Claudius, the druidic religion has been severely
suppressed, and many aspects of Celtic culture have been made The people of Gaul have a long lineage of respected noble
anathema, or are only practiced privately. Though a certain leaders. You may re-roll 1d20 on any test you make to gain
kinship remains in the hearts of Gauls with their Celtic cousins in support or aid from a non-Roman, but you must accept the
other regions, many have given up such traditions and embraced new result.
the Roman way of life. In a few decades, the people of this region
will be fully embraced as Roman citizens, and there are many here UNDERGOING ALL DANGERS
who have already earned that standing through military service. Keywords: Gaul
Still, some families hold to Celtic ways and seek to defy Roman
Requirements: Gaul culture
rule, albeit with limited success and only on the fringes.
Some claim that the people of Gaul once burned down
The Roman villas established throughout Gaul hold
their former homes before they migrated, in the belief that
considerable sway both socially and economically, allowing
destroying the hope of return would compel them to face any
the empire to exploit the wealth of this region, including many
hardship. You begin the game with +1 Courage resistance.
favored vineyards, for its own ends. The working conditions in
these places are sometimes brutal, though some Gauls of noble
standing have profited from this arrangement with Rome,
having been given control over valued lands. WHAT YOU KNOW
i You speak Gaulish and can also converse in Latin. You may also
know some Germanic, but only enough to speak haltingly.

i You know details about the recent history of Gaul,

including stories from both before and since the start of
Roman occupation. You have paid particular attention to
legends that arose during the Gallic Wars, including any
involving members of your lineage who may have played a
noteworthy role in those conflicts.

i You know some of the stories of the Celtic gods and heroes,
despite Roman efforts to suppress this lore. You are also
Truth versed in the greater Roman gods and may conflate some of
You gain the Gaul personal truth. these with the ancestral gods of your people.

i You have knowledge of Roman customs and may be fully

Attributes integrated into the empire. Alternatively, you may endeavor
Add +2 to one attribute of your choice. Then, add +1 each to two
to cling to Gaulish customs and feel more comfortable
attributes of your choice.
among other Celts.

Culture Talents WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW

You receive access to the following talents. At this step, you
i You don’t know the customs of people from distant lands.
may choose a single additional talent to take: one of those
listed below; any other talent available to your character,
such as from their archetype or Chapter Six: Talents, page 145
i You can ride trained mounts.
(provided they meet the requirements); or a hidden talent (see
Hidden Talents, page 95). Proceed to Step 4: Add Finishing Touches, page 132.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

You come from one of many thriving communities on the Greek peninsula, most of which is firmly under Roman control, though
a few outlying poleis, especially in southern Greece, remain autonomous. Regardless, you are part of a widely admired and rich
culture, albeit one with an often contentious and complicated relationship with Rome. It has been centuries since Rome waged
war on and conquered Greece, folding it into the empire, and while that time is long past, some of those conflicts were brutal
and left deep scars. Many Romans hold Greek culture in high regard, and its influence on Roman culture is pervasive. Still, some
Romans deny this; those who do tend to denigrate Greeks in an attempt to assert the supremacy of their own people and legends.

Despite facing these prejudices, most Greeks find their PRACTICED LISTENER
cultural ties to be advantageous within the empire, as the Keywords: Greek
Greek language has become the most common tongue
Requirements: Greek culture
employed for commerce and scholarly work. And though
many Greeks in the empire are enslaved, they commonly Your homeland is rife with the great thinkers of the age, each
occupy the less arduous and more privileged end of this with their own unique perspective on truth. Hearing their
spectrum, particularly among the well educated and literate. words in the streets of Greece and at the forum have given
Greek culture places significant value on education, oratory you keen insight. When you make an Insight-based check to
skill, and the arts, and some of its members take pride in determine the honesty of a speaker, you may re-roll each d20
their mastery of mathematics, philosophy, architecture, that fails to generate a success.
engineering, or other learned trades. By the time of Cohors,
Greece has become a thriving hub for commerce, and its Traits
cities see considerable traffic from across the region. This WHAT YOU KNOW
gives its residents exposure to other cultures and languages,
i You speak Greek. You may also know enough Latin to have a
as well as mercantile opportunities.
basic conversation, provided it does not involve specialized
You gain the Greek personal truth. i You know Greek customs and recent history, as well as
Greek folklore, and you are versed in the Greek pantheon of
Attributes gods and its connected heroic legends.
Add +2 to one attribute of your choice. Then, add +1 each to two
i You know your nation’s significant allies, trading partners,
attributes of your choice.
and rivals, and you have a degree of familiarity with Rome.

Culture Talents WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW

You receive access to the following talents. At this step, you
i You don’t know the customs of people from distant lands.
may choose a single additional talent to take: one of those
listed below; any other talent available to your character,
such as from their archetype or Chapter Six: Talents, page 145
(provided they meet the requirements); or a hidden talent (see i You can ride trained mounts.​​
Hidden Talents, page 95).
Proceed to Step 4: Add Finishing Touches, page 132.

Keywords: Greek

Requirements: Greek culture

Your homeland supports countless visitors and residents with

a dazzling variety of customs and tongues. When you speak
with someone with whom you do not share a language, you are
both nevertheless able to clearly communicate with each other
through a combination of pidgin, gestures, and other means,
provided the information is not overly complex.


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

This category is intended as catchall to allow you to create a character from a culture that is not detailed in this book but is
nevertheless one whose people Rome has integrated into its empire.

From Asia Minor to Germania, a host of different peoples and cultures have been absorbed into the Roman Empire. Many of
these are foederati: peoples, tribes, or cities bound to Rome by treaty. Rome provides the foederati with military protection and
assistance in exchange for certain concessions, such as the ability to recruit auxiliaries from their combat-ready populations.
“Foederati” can also refer to mercenaries from places willing to offer their warriors’ services to Rome for hire.

Whether or not you are of the foederati, you are a member of a HIDDEN POTENTIAL
culture whose people Rome has incorporated without making Keywords: Other Culture / Foederati
them citizens. Accepting Roman rule offers many advantages and
Requirements: Other Culture / Foederati culture
opportunities, and although doing so may have required you to
turn away from the values of your ancestors, it might be ensuring Once per scene, you can generate 2 Threat for the GM’s Threat
a better future for your immediate family and descendants. pool. If you do, for the remainder of the scene, you can choose
one skill in which you do not have ranks and treat it as if you
Joining the Roman armed forces as a member of the auxilia is one
have 2 ranks in the chosen skill, plus one focus appropriate for
way you might have become integrated into Roman culture; in
the chosen skill.
many frontier areas, the need for such soldiers is great. While you
conform in some ways to the expectations of Roman society, it is
nevertheless possible for you to retain many aspects of your original
Keywords: Other Culture / Foederati
culture, including your religion (as long as you still pay respects to
the Roman gods as well). You may also be secretly defiant of Roman Requirements: Other Culture / Foederati culture
assimilation, holding fast to the ways of your people while heeding
When you make a Will-based skill test, you add one automatic
Roman authority only when you absolutely must.
success to the test. After putting up with the headaches of life
under Roman rule, you tend to remain unfazed.
You gain the Living among the Romans personal truth.
Attributes WHAT YOU KNOW
Add +2 to one attribute of your choice. Then, add +1 each to two i You speak the language of your nation of origin and Latin,
attributes of your choice. with decent fluency.

i You know about the history of your state before Roman

Culture Talents occupation, of its national heroes, and of its faiths. You may
You receive access to the following talents. At this step, you may
still adhere to the religion of your people, or you may have
choose a single additional talent to take: one of those listed below;
converted to the faith of the Romans.
any other talent available to your character, such as from their
archetype or Chapter Six: Talents, page 145 (provided they meet the i You know your nation of origin’s significant allies, trading
requirements); or a hidden talent (see Hidden Talents, page 95). partners, and rivals.


Keywords: Other Culture / Foederati i You don’t know the customs of people from distant lands.

Requirements: Other Culture / Foederati culture

Learning to live among the people of Rome is a useful talent i You fit in among Romans.
for anyone who resides in proximity. You gain access to any of
i You can ride trained mounts.
the culture talents available to Roman citizens.
Proceed to Step 4: Add Finishing Touches, page 132.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

At this stage, your character is almost ready to begin their life in Cohors Cthulhu. This section features final checks and adjustments
to ensure that their information is all present and correct, and it gives you a last chance to customize your character before finally
diving into the action of the Hidden Wars.

Background and Characteristic

If your gamemaster is not using the Campfire Tales rules (see below), or if you and your group are playing more advanced
characters, you’ll need to choose a background and characteristic to flesh out your character’s story before performing the rest of
your finishing touches. To select a background and characteristic, see Backgrounds, page 134, and Characteristics, page 136. Then, apply
the benefits your choices offer.

If your gamemaster is using the Campfire Tales rules, read

the Campfire Tales section (and feel free to skim the Background
When to Tell a Campfire Tale
i At the End of the Day: A Campfire Tale most often
and Characteristics sections), but then proceed to Final Values,
occurs at the end of the day, after your character has had
page 139, instead of choosing a background and characteristic.
time to reflect on recent events and discoveries. Your tale
It’s worth noting that a character without these features will
is shared at the end of a session or between adventures.
be less powerful and flexible than one who has them, but will
also be simpler and easier to grasp. This is a deliberate tradeoff i Limit Two per Session: The revelations of a Campfire Tale
which will fit some campaigns better than others. can be diluted if everyone jumps in to tell them all at the
same time. Normally, only two Campfire Tales should be
told per session, though the GM may alter this limit at their
discretion. Players may choose who among them is ready
After a long day on the march, the traveling
to reveal some element of their character’s background, or
companions rested their swollen feet and aching bones
if multiple players wish to make a revelation at the same
around a dancing fire. The mercator with the nervous
time, the gamemaster can choose who does so first.
eyes produced a skin of Falernian wine strong enough
to burn the throat and loose the tongue. After a few i Everyone Takes a Turn: Each other player should have a
drinks, the mercator cast his gaze on a woman across the chance to tell a Campfire Tale before you share another one.
flames, whose skin had the deep tone and brilliant luster
i No Shouting into the Void: A Campfire Tale must be shared
of Ionian hardwood.
with at least one other player character. These secrets only
“We’ve been traveling together for days,” he began, become relevant when they are shared with others. If no one
“but you’ve said nearly nothing. Tell me, friend, is there to hear your revelation, nothing has changed.
what’s your story?”
i Effective (Almost) Immediately: After sharing a Campfire
Tale, your character gains any and all benefits it entails.
Some things, like equipment, are items they’ve kept hidden
CAMPFIRE TALES until now, while things like attributes, skills, truths, and
Campfire Tales are a mechanic that allows you to gradually talents are things they’ve kept secret. They have always
expand your character’s story over the course of an adventure been a part of your character, but your character has
or campaign, when you feel the time is right for a new piece of worked to conceal them from others.
information, or when a revelation merits inclusion. A Campfire
Tale can reveal a bit of your character’s background, a secret What Do Campfire Tales Include?
they share only with close friends and companions, a long- Numerous things can be a part of a Campfire Tale, the
standing rivalry, or a quest for vengeance. following being the most common.

Not only do Campfire Tales help you and your fellow players i Backgrounds: You choose to reveal a background and
explore who your characters are, but they also provide new gain its benefits.
truths, talents, equipment, and other in-game benefits.
i Characteristics: You choose to reveal a characteristic and
While the name implies stories shared around the fire while gain its benefits.
traveling the world, a Campfire Tale can take place anywhere
i Personal Agendas: You can choose a new personal agenda
and at any time. It can be shared between two soldiers patrolling
from the agendas available to your character.
Laurium in the dark hours of morning, but it can just as easily be
revealed as a character struggles to hold a barricade against the
encroaching forces of Nyarlathotep’s servants.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes
Campfire Tales and Fortune A character can have only one background, characteristic,
Before you choose and reveal your character’s background or personal agenda at a time, but you are not limited to your
or characteristic (or if you choose one but keep it a secret for initial choices of these items. At any time, you can reveal
now), your character does not have the benefits of that item. another background, characteristic, or personal agenda
However, your starting Fortune each session increases by +1 through a Campfire Tale, altering your character accordingly,
for each secret kept. You still have a maximum of 3 refreshing provided they have experienced a significant event that relates
Fortune points. Your character will feel slightly less powerful to the new revelation.
than characters who have already revealed their background or
If you reveal a new background, characteristic, or personal
characteristic, but the additional Fortune helps make up for it.
agenda, your character loses the benefits of the old one and
Once you reveal a background or characteristic, you lose the gains the benefits of the new one.
refreshing Fortune point you gained for keeping it hidden, but you
If your gamemaster is using the Campfire Tales rules, feel
start applying its benefits, such as increases to attributes and skills.
free to skim the Background and Characteristics sections),
but then proceed to Final Values, page 139, instead of
Changing Your Story choosing a background and characteristic.
Despite how immutable something like your character’s history—
such as where they came from or a critical event in their past—
might seem, the fact of the matter is that people fabricate, lying
even to themselves. This is particularly true in an RPG where you
are developing details about your character’s past in the course of
play, not having actually lived their life.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Everyone comes from somewhere, and your character’s background is a mixture of their upbringing, profession, and most
formative experiences. In conjunction with their archetype, your character’s background describes how, where, or why they
learned their skills. An archetype and background don’t necessarily have to be closely connected, and contrasting ones can often
result in memorable characters. For instance, a character with a Campaign Veteran background might have left a military career
behind to pursue a life as a Sage, while one with a Criminal background may have chosen to abandon a life of crime in order to find
a better life as a Scout.

If your gamemaster is using the Campfire Tales rules (page Focuses: Choose one focus from Stealth and one focus from any
132), you’ll choose a background during gameplay as part of a other skill (see Skills, page 89).
Campfire Tale. Take a look at the options here to see what you
Talent: Choose one talent with the Stealth keyword (see Chapter
might wish to choose later, and then proceed to Characteristics,
Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents your character has
page 136.
access to).
If your gamemaster is not using the Campfire Tales rules,
Truth: Choose one of the following truths, or create a truth
choose a background as part of Step 4 of character creation.
about your illegal dealings.
After you make your choice, apply the benefits your new
background provides and proceed to Characteristics, page 136. i Burglar

i Killer
Campaign Veteran
You have fought in one or more significant recent campaigns. i Mastermind
Your campaign might have been a glorious one, marked
i Smuggler
by frequent victories along the campaign trail to suppress
dissidents in the empire’s far territories, or you might have Equipment: Gain any one item with a Restriction rating of 1
conquered a rival tribe and seen its lands and resources or lower.
absorbed into your own. Your campaign might instead have
Special: After revealing this background, you can begin
been a bleak affair, and you one of the few survivors to return
purchasing talents with the Scoundrel archetype requirement
to your homeland. Whether you are still a part of the military
(see Scoundrel, page 104).
or not, you carry the experience of the campaign with you.

Attributes: Brawn +2, Gravitas +1, Insight +2, Will +1 Decimated

You participated in the decimation of a Roman cohort.
Skills: Fighting +1, Resilience +2, Survival +1
Whether you were one of the Roman soldiers forced to choose
Focuses: Choose one focus from Resilience and one focus from one of their number to club, stone, or stab, or you were one
any other skill (see Skills, page 89). of the unlucky chosen to suffer such punishment, is up to
you. If it’s the latter, how you escaped death is a story in itself.
Talent: Choose one talent with the Resilience keyword (see
Regardless of your choice, the event haunts you. The many
Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents your
soldiers who died during the decimation weigh heavy on your
character has access to).
mind and seem to linger on, judging you for your actions.
Truth: Gain the Campaign Veteran truth, or make up your
Attributes: Agility +1, Brawn +1, Gravitas +2, Will +2
own related to your military history.
Skills: Observation +1, Resilience +2, Survival +1
Equipment: You gain an item with a Restriction rating of 2 or
lower, taken as loot from the battlefield of your campaign. Focuses: Choose one focus from Resilience and one focus from
any other skill (see Skills, page 89).
Criminal Talent: Choose one talent with the Resilience keyword (see
You have a history as a criminal, either as a solitary outlaw or as
Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents your
part of a larger organization. You may have seen punishment
character has access to).
for your crimes in the form of forced labor, imprisonment, or
something else appropriate to your offense, or you may have Truth: Gain the Decimated truth, or create a truth about your past.
eluded your culture’s law-keepers. Whether or not you are still
Equipment: Gain a personal item with a Restriction rating of
a criminal, the experience has shaped your life and outlook,
1 or lower. The item was important to one of the slain. It also
and it might cause complications in your future.
serves as a good-luck charm. Once per adventure, you can invoke
Attributes: Agility +2, Brawn +1, Gravitas +1, Insight +2 a good-luck charm the same way you would use a Fortune point.

Skills: Fighting +1, Persuasion +1, Stealth +2

Liberti Nomadic

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

You were once enslaved, but you have earned or purchased You live life as a wanderer, with no permanent place to call
your freedom. The suffering you endured has left lasting and your home. You might be from a nomadic culture—raised to
difficult memories, but having survived this adversity also live on the move, following herds, hunting, or raiding your
fortifies you in the face of hardship. You have picked up certain settled neighbors—or you could be a person struck with
skills that serve you well in your new life. wanderlust who finds it impossible to settle down.

Attributes: Brawn +2, Coordination +2, Insight +1, Will +1 Attributes: Brawn +2, Coordination +2, Reason +2

Skills: Athletics +1, Crafting +1, Resilience +2 Skills: Observation +1, Survival +1, and +1 each to two
additional skills (no skill may be chosen twice)
Focuses: Choose one focus from Resilience and one focus from
any other skill (see Skills, page 89). Focuses: Choose one focus from Survival and one focus from
any other skill (see Skills, page 89).
Talent: Choose one talent with the Fortune or Resilience
keyword (see Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents Talent: Choose one talent with the Observation or Survival
your character has access to). keyword (see Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents
your character has access to).
Truth: Gain the Formerly Enslaved truth, or make up your
own truth related to your freedom from bondage. Truth: Gain the Nomad truth, or make up your own truth
describing your wayfaring lifestyle.
Equipment: You have a token related to obtaining your freedom
that distinguishes you as a free individual. It also serves as a Equipment: You have a survival kit (see Skill Kits, page 164).
good-luck charm. Once per adventure, you can invoke a good-
luck charm the same way you would use a Fortune point.

As a mercatus, you are a merchant who makes a living by
selling goods. You might be an artisan or smith who produces
the items you sell, or you might be a trader who deals in
items produced by others, but in any case, you are skilled at
spotting good craftsmanship, determining the value of objects,
and haggling with customers over the price of goods. This
background covers not only those who make a living through
the sale of items, but also those who work closely with them, Politician
like the supply officers of a military cohort. You enjoyed a position of power, such as that of government
official or member of a tribal council. Skilled in negotiations
Attributes: Gravitas +2, Insight +2, Reason +1, Will +1
and debate, you use your wit and words to sway people to your
Skills: Crafting +2, Observation +1, Persuasion +1 way of thinking—or, failing that, you intimidate them into
avoiding interfering with your plans. This background also
Focuses: Choose one focus from Persuasion and one focus from
covers public servants, bureaucrats, tribunes, and people who
any other skill (see Skills, page 89).
might not themselves hold political influence but work closely
Talent: Choose one talent with the Crafting or Persuasion with figures who do.
keyword (see Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents
Attributes: Gravitas +2, Insight +1, Reason +2, Will +1
your character has access to).
Skills: Academia +1, Persuasion +2, Tactics +1
Truth: Gain the Mercatus truth, or make up your own truth
related to your mercantile life. Focuses: Choose one focus from Persuasion and one focus from
any other skill (see Skills, page 89).
Equipment: When your group makes requisitions at the start
of an adventure (see Making Requisitions, page 167), you can Talent: Choose one talent with the Fortune or Persuasion
reduce the Restriction rating of one item by 1. keyword (see Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents
your character has access to).

Truth: Gain the Politician truth, or make up your own truth

related to your political background.

Equipment: At the beginning of each adventure, you gain +2

requisition points (see Making Requisitions, page 167) for your
group to spend on equipment.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes
Talent: Choose one talent with the Academia keyword (see
You have fought against a dominant force in your homeland, Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents your
whether the Roman conquerors who absorbed your community character has access to).
into their empire or a chieftain who overthrew your previous
Truth: Choose one of the following truths, or create a truth
leader. Perhaps you were in a rebellion similar to the legendary
about your pursuit of knowledge.
slave uprising led by the Thracian gladiator Spartacus, or
perhaps you participated in the Bar Kokhba revolt of Judea or i Student of History
the revolt of the Boukoloi in Egypt. This background is also
i Student of the Occult
appropriate for characters who were not directly involved in a
rebellion but are linked to its participants by oath or by blood. i Student of Philosophy

Attributes: Agility +1, Coordination +1, Reason +2, Will +2 i Student of Warfare

Skills: Persuasion +1, Stealth +2, Tactics +1 Equipment: You have a papyrus scroll (see Skill Kits, page 164).

Focuses: Choose one focus from Stealth and one focus from any
other skill (see Skills, page 89).
You grew up on the streets or at the fringe of a village. From a young
Talent: Choose one talent with the Stealth keyword (see Chapter age, you were forced to fend for yourself, which has left you willing
Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents your character has to resort to nearly anything to make it in the world. Life on your
access to). own, without anyone looking out for you, has given you a strong
sense of where danger lies and where opportunities might be seized.
Truth: Gain the Rebel truth, or make up your own truth related
to your political background. Attributes: Agility +2, Coordination +2, Insight +2

Equipment: You have scoundrel’s tools (see Skill Kits, page 164). Skills: Observation +1, Persuasion +1, Stealth +2

Focuses: Choose one focus from Stealth and one focus from any
Scholar other skill (see Skills, page 89).
You have devoted much of your life to acquiring knowledge,
following the examples of figures like Cicero and Varro or Talent: Choose one talent with the Observation or Stealth
their wizened counterparts from your own culture. You might keyword (see Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents
have been a student of traditional knowledge, like history your character has access to).
or philosophy, or you might have spent time learning about
Truth: Gain the Urchin truth, or make up your own truth
the natural world, serving as a recordkeeper for your tribe, or
related to your life on the streets.
spreading knowledge as a traveling sage.
Equipment: You have a treasured item, found abandoned
Attributes: Gravitas +2, Insight +2, Reason +2, Will +1
among the refuse or otherwise discarded, that you consider a
Skills: Academia +2, Observation +1, Persuasion +1 token of good fortune. This item serves as a good-luck charm.
Once per adventure, you can invoke a good-luck charm the
Focuses: Choose one focus from Academia and one focus from
same way you would use a Fortune point.
any other skill (see Skills, page 89).

Characteristics mark you as distinct, unusual, and extraordinary in some way. They indicate what it is about you that has caused
you to become a playing piece in the invisible battles between defiled ancients, supernatural powers, and the nations of the world
known to Rome.

If your gamemaster is using the Campfire Tales rules (page 132), Atlantean Ancestry
you’ll choose a characteristic during gameplay as part of a Campfire Your lineage traces back to the civilization of Atlantis, though
Tale. Take a look at the options here to see what you might wish to you might not be aware of this fact. Over the centuries, the
choose later, and then proceed to Final Values, page 139. strength of your family’s lineage has waned, but your ancestry
has nevertheless bestowed upon you certain insights and
If your gamemaster is not using the Campfire Tales rules,
abilities marking you as exceptional. You might feel faint
choose a characteristic as part of Step 4 of character creation.
echoes of the power of your ancestry, receive visions and
After you make your choice, apply the benefits your new
portentous dreams, or otherwise experience unnatural and
background provides and proceed to Final Values, page 139.
inexplicable phenomena related to your Atlantean ties.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes
Attributes: Coordination +1, Gravitas +2 Equipment: You possess a hideous family relic made of
patinated bronze that seems to writhe and twist in an effort
Skills: Athletics +2, Fighting +1, Resilience +1
to escape the gaze of an observer. There is some strange power
Talent: Choose one talent with the Weird keyword (see Chapter in it you have yet to discover. This relic serves as a good-luck
Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents your character has charm. Once per adventure, you can invoke the good-luck
access to). charm the same way you would use a Fortune point.

Truth: Gain the Atlantean Ancestry truth, or make up your

own related to your unusual ancestry. CALL OF THE REEF
Keywords: Born of the Waters, Weird
Equipment: You gain a family heirloom, like an unusual coin
or piece of jewelry made of a strange material, that traces its Requirements: Born of the Waters characteristic
origin to Atlantis. This heirloom serves as a good-luck charm.
Your strange inheritance lets you move within the water
Once per adventure, you can invoke a good-luck charm the
as though born to it. The difficulty of your Athletics-based
same way you would use a Fortune point.
skill tests to swim are reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Additionally, you can stay underwater for prolonged
Beloved of Valusia periods of time, up to ten minutes, without suffering any
You descend from a line of humans who served the serpent folk,
adverse effects.
the ancient Valusians. Although you are countless generations
distant from those early servants, a lingering mark of their
science and sorcery lies on you. Child of Greatness
You are descended from a great figure, such as a significant
Attributes: Agility +2, Insight +1
general or battlefield champion, a famous gladiator, or an
Skills: Academia +1, Medicine +1, Observation +2 influential politician. Growing up in the shadow of your
forebear has put pressure on you to excel in life in order to
Talent: Choose one talent with the Weird keyword (see Chapter
meet the lofty expectations of your family.
Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents your character has
access to). Attributes: Gravitas +1, Insight +1, and +1 to any other attribute

Truth: Gain the Beloved of Valusia truth, or make up your own Skills: Academia +1 (likely with an emphasis on your forebear’s
related to your unusual ancestry. great accomplishments), Persuasion +1, and +1 each to two
additional skills (no skill may be chosen twice)
Equipment: You gain a family heirloom, like an unusual coin
or piece of jewelry made of a strange material, that traces its Talent: Choose one talent with the Fortune or Persuasion
origin to the serpent folk. This heirloom serves as a good-luck keyword (see Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents
charm. Once per adventure, you can invoke a good-luck charm your character has access to).
the same way you would use a Fortune point.
Truth: Gain the Child of Greatness truth, or make up your own
related to your ancestor’s great deeds.
Born of the Waters
Your lineage is marked by fell contamination, traces of which Equipment: You own an item with a Restriction rating of 2
squirm and wriggle within your veins. In eons past, your or lower that was previously owned by your famous ancestor.
family consorted with pestilent beings who dwelled beneath Although it is an heirloom, this item is not a good-luck charm.
the waves and foam, lurking in cancerous growths of coral
and slimy forests of seagrass. Their corruption has waned over Dreamwalker
the generations, but you can still feel it within you, an echo of Sleep is a mere gateway, and even as a child you wandered the
Paleogene antiquity that calls to you when you sleep. Dreamlands. Many strange beings have attempted to trick
you into obeying them, but you have avoided the cruel fates
Attributes: Agility +1, Brawn +1, and +1 to any other attribute
of those lost in the void. As uncanny things emerge from the
Skills: Athletics +1, Survival +1, and +1 each to two additional frontier, can you use the special wisdom you have gained while
skills (no skill may be chosen twice) contemplating the great beyond?

Talent: Choose one talent with the Weird keyword (see Chapter Attributes: Insight +1, Will +1, and +1 to any other attribute
Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents your character has
Skills: Observation +1, Resilience +1, and +1 each to two
access to), or choose Call of the Reef, page 137.
additional skills (no skill may be chosen twice)
Truth: Gain the Born of the Waters truth, or make up your
Talent: Choose one talent with the Observation or Weird
own related to your unusual ancestry.
keyword (see Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents
your character has access to).

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes
Truth: Gain the Dreamwalker truth, or make up your own Truth: Gain the Seen the Truth truth, or make up your own
related to your travels through the Dreamlands. related to your encounter with the world behind the curtain.

Equipment: You own a small, harmless pet of your choice, Equipment: You gain one item with a Restriction rating of 2 or
like a rat, cat, small snake, or bird, which is devoted to you lower. It is the very weapon or piece of equipment that proved
and seems to see things that aren’t there. Your pet does not pivotal to you in surviving your brush with the otherworldly.
participate in combat, but its sensitivity to the occult and the
otherworldly can sometimes aid in times of need. While it is Sole Survivor
with you, you gain the Otherworldly Vision truth. If you ever The attack came at night. Within moments, buildings were
lose your pet, you may gain a new one anytime after your next burning, and the screams of the dying filled the air. You didn’t
full night of dream-filled sleep. Your new pet comes to you as get a good look at who—or what—destroyed the settlement and
you sleep and is there when you awaken. slaughtered nearly every living thing in it, but for reasons you
can’t fathom, you alone were spared.
Ghoulish Lineage Attributes: Agility +1, Insight +1, Reason +1
Within you are echoes of your descent from ghouls, the flesh-
eating worshippers of Great Old Ones. Your connection to Skills: Survival +2 and +1 each to two additional skills (no skill
the ghouls gives you moments of strange inspiration through may be chosen twice)
painting, sculpture, or storytelling; these often feature the
Talent: Choose one talent with the Fortune keyword (see
destructive rites of your ancient ancestors. Most distressing,
Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents your
though, is your budding urge to feast upon human flesh.
character has access to).
Attributes: Agility +1, Brawn +1, and +1 to any other attribute
Truth: Gain the Sole Survivor truth, or make up your own
Skills: Resilience +2 and +1 each to two additional skills (no related to your harrowing survival against all odds.
skill may be chosen twice)
Equipment: You have a memento from one of your deceased
Talent: Choose one talent with the Resilience or Weird friends or comrades. This memento serves as a good-luck
keyword (see Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents charm. Once per adventure, you can invoke a good-luck charm
your character has access to). the same way you would use a Fortune point.

Truth: Gain the Ghoulish Lineage truth, or make up your own

related to your family’s ghoulish past.
Touched by Shadow
Some people wonder what hides in the darkness beyond the
Equipment: You have a piece of bone—a rib bone, vertebra, or campfire light. Not you, however: you have experienced it
other suspiciously human-looking bone inscribed with strange firsthand. While others might not understand or believe you,
designs—that has been passed down through your family for you have had an encounter with a power not of this world—and
generations. When you hold it in your hand, it fills you with a it has left a literal mark on you.
gnawing hunger that reduces your Gravitas by 1 but allows you
Attributes: Gravitas +1, Insight +1, Will +1
to deal +1 on melee attacks. Although it is an heirloom, this
item is not a good-luck charm. Skills: Observation +2 and +1 each to two additional skills (no
skill may be chosen twice)
Glimpse behind the Curtain Talent: Choose one talent with the Weird keyword (see Chapter
A veil of misunderstanding has been drawn over the eyes of
Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents your character has
the world. Moving behind that veil are strange and terrible
access to).
forces, ones that most people are not even aware of, much
less able to comprehend. Strange fate has given you a glimpse Truth: Gain the Touched by Shadow truth, or make up your own
behind the curtain. You may not understand what you’ve related to your brush with forces beyond the natural world.
seen or experienced, and you might not be able to describe it
Equipment: You have a marking on your flesh, a strange
to others, but you know that there is more to the world than
sigil of unknown origin. It pains you in the presence of the
anyone else suspects.
otherworldly, almost as if to warn you and your allies. When
Attributes: Agility +1, Gravitas +1, Reason +1 you purchase the Keep the Initiative Momentum option, the
Momentum cost is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Skills: Observation +2 and +1 each to two additional skills (no
skill may be chosen twice)

Talent: Choose one talent with the Observation of Weird

keyword (see Chapter Six: Talents, page 145, and any other talents
your character has access to).

Final Values

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

In this section, you’ll do some recordkeeping, make some final checks, and calculate a few derived figures you’ll need in combat.


If you haven’t done so already, on your character sheet, record I
i Brawn + Resilience, or
Have a Secret as a personal truth. For more information on this
truth, see Secret Truths, page 94. i Will + Resilience (whichever is higher)

Leave that number of boxes open on the Stress Track section of

MAKE FINAL CHECKS your character sheet. Fill in the rest of the boxes.
Now that you’ve selected an archetype and a culture, you
should have the following details. For more information on stress tracks, see Stress in Chapter
Three: Conflict, page 29.
Truths: Your character should have at least two truths: one
personal truth from their culture and one secret truth (see
Secret Truths, page 94). If they don’t, revisit your choices Example Stress Track
and check the truths relating to them. Backgrounds,
characteristics, and some personal agendas can give a character Publius, the Thracian Scoundrel, has a Will of 8 and a
additional personal truths. Resilience of 1, giving him a maximum stress of 9, as
represented by his stress track of nine boxes.
Attributes: Your character’s attributes should all be at least
6 and no higher than 11. If any attribute has a rating of 12 or
higher, reduce that rating to 11 and assign the excess points
to other attributes. The total of all your character’s attributes
added together should equal at least 52 (this will be higher if
you’ve chosen a background and characteristic).

Skills: Your character should have no more than 5 ranks in CALCULATE ARMOR AND
any one skill. If any skill has 6 ranks or more, reduce that skill
rank to 5 and assign the excess ranks to other skills. The total
Characters may begin play with a small amount of Armor
of all your character’s skills added together should equal at
resistance, Courage resistance, or both. To determine your
least 9 (this will be higher if you’ve chosen a background
character’s base Armor resistance, look up their Brawn rating
and characteristic). Backgrounds, characteristics, and some
on the Character Resistance table, see below, and record the
personal agendas can modify your total skill ranks.
resistance number that corresponds to it in the Base Armor
Focuses: Your character should have two focuses from their box on your character sheet. To determine their base Courage
archetype. If they don’t, revisit your choices and make sure you resistance, look up their Will rating on the Character Resistance
picked focuses relating to the skills specified in your archetype. table and record the resistance number that corresponds to that
Backgrounds and some personal agendas can modify your total rating in the Base Courage box on your character sheet.
number of focuses.

Talents: Your character should have at least two talents: one CHARACTER RESISTANCE
from their archetype and one for their culture. If they don’t,
revisit your choices and pick relevant talents. Backgrounds,
characteristics, and some personal agendas can modify your 8 or lower —
total number of talents.
9 1


Your character’s stress track is a measure of their ability to
12 or 13 3
withstand damage, pain, and the distress that comes from
conflict and dangerous situations. Their maximum stress is 14 or 15 4
equal to the higher of their Brawn or Will, plus their Resilience.
16+ 5
You may be able to increase your maximum stress through
other means as well, such as talents. If a character suffers
enough stress to reach their maximum stress, they sustain an To these base values, you may add additional Armor resistance
injury (see Injuries, page 41). from the equipment your character wears or additional
Courage resistance from talents you choose for your character.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

“Armor” While Unarmored— Your other attributes may contribute bonus to certain

Take Courage! improvised attacks or hazards at the GM’s discretion, or due

to the use of certain talents. Although in most cases you’re not
likely to use bonus for Agility, Coordination, Gravitas, or
The rules provide some characters with a small amount
Reason, it’s a good idea to look them up on the Bonus Damage
of Armor resistance even when they appear completely
table and record their bonus damage anyway.
unarmored. While this may seem counterintuitive and
may conjure images of heroes with arrow-proof skin,
the amount of resistance a character receives from their BONUS DAMAGE
attributes is relatively minor, and more than anything
represents a higher tolerance for pain and discomfort ATTRIBUTE RATING BONUS DAMAGE
as well as a greater ability to roll with the punches.
8 or lower —
A character with a high Brawn doesn’t literally have
armored skin: they’re just generally “tough” and can take 9 +1
more punishment than their less brawny comrades.
10 or 11 +2
Courage resistance is a measure of your character’s mental
12 or 13 +3
strength, indefatigability, and morale and is used to withstand
mental attacks, fear and terror, and the mind-bending effects 14 or 15 +4
of viewing strange Mythos creatures firsthand!
16+ +5


Your character receives bonus damage, also called bonus
Challenge Dice , on their skill tests based on their If you don’t have special Challenge Dice available, you
attributes. Challenge Dice let your character inflict stress can use normal six-sided dice instead; treat any roll of a 3
in combat and can trigger special damage effects . or 4 as blank, and any roll of a 5 or a 6 as an effect .

i Your character adds bonus to their melee attacks based CHALLENGE DIE
on their Brawn. ROLL

i Your character adds bonus to their ranged attacks 1 1

based on their Insight.
2 2
i Your character adds bonus to their mental attacks
based on their Will. (Most player characters do not make 3 — 0
mental attacks.) —
4 0
On the Bonus Damage table, look up the rating for each of
5 1, plus damage effect
these attributes. Record their corresponding bonus damage
in the second row of the Attribute section of your 6 1, plus damage effect
character sheet.

Spellcasting Choices
This section is for characters who have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword.

If you don’t have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword, proceed to Additional Details, page 142.

If you do have a talent with the Spellcaster keyword, continue on to Choose Spellcasting Type, Magical Tradition, and Spells to make
choices related to your spellcasting ability.

First, see Types of Spellcasting, page 59, and choose a spellcasting

CHOOSE SPELLCASTING TYPE, type: traditional, research, or dabbling.
MAGICAL TRADITION, AND SPELLS If you select the traditional spellcasting type, also choose a
If you have chosen a talent with the Spellcaster keyword, choose i
magical tradition (see Magical Traditions, page 68).
your spellcasting type, your magical tradition if applicable, and
your initial spells (see Chapter Four: Magic, page 57). Then, select your character’s initial spells. To do so, see Learning
Spells and Rituals, page 61.

Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes
Finally, record your spellcasting type, magical tradition, and Record your base power and your total power rating (base
spells on your character sheet. power + bonus ) on the Spells page of your character sheet.

For more information on a spellcaster’s power, see Power in

DETERMINE STARTING POWER Chapter Four: Magic, page 57.
All spellcasters have a power rating—often simply called
power—which indicates the number of Challenge Dice
you roll when your character casts a spell or performs part of BONUS POWER
a ritual.

Your character’s power rating is equal to their base power ATTRIBUTE RATING BONUS CHALLENGE DICE
rating plus their bonus Challenge Dice for the attribute
8 or lower —
they use to cast spells.

If you’re a traditional spellcaster, your base power rating is 9 +1

2 , and you add bonus based on your Insight.
10 or 11 +2
i If you’re a research spellcaster, your base power rating is
2 , and you add bonus based on your Reason. 12 or 13 +3

i If you’re a dabbling spellcaster, your base power rating is 14 or 15 +4

1 , and you add bonus based on your Will.
16+ +5
Find your character’s attribute rating for the attribute they use
to cast spells, and note the corresponding number of bonus
in the Bonus Challenge Dice column.

Additional Details
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

In this final portion of character creation, you will be fine-tuning some smaller aspects of your character, picking out elements
that will make them truly distinct from others who might otherwise share similar origins and attributes. This is when you select
your character’s bonus languages and record important information about their weapons and equipment. The final elements you
choose are their name, personality, and appearance.


Your character already knows one or more languages due to the
traits they received with their culture. Your gamemaster may Many languages are available to characters in the
allow your character to know one or two additional languages Cohors era. In theory, players could select any language
if your character’s backstory supports it: for example, a Roman known at this time or earlier. Following are some of
character born to parents who immigrated from Briton might the more common languages closely tied to the Roman
speak Brythonic as well. Empire and its provinces, client states, and immediate
surroundings. These include simplifications, as many
Languages might be known partially or imperfectly, as is
regional languages existed in various forms and dialects.
featured in several culture descriptions. (For example, from
Within the empire proper, both Latin and Greek
Briton: You speak a dialect of the Brythonic language. You
(technically Koine Greek) were commonly spoken.
also know a smattering of Latin, enough to convey a simple
Known in many areas during this era, Greek is the most
point.) This can be represented on your character sheet by a
universal Western tongue at this time and is the easiest
parenthetical description after the name of the language, such
to use for a diverse group as a shared language.
such as: Latin (simple). This usually implies the ability to make
oneself understood in that language even if in a halting way or Regional languages include Aramaic (the primary
with limited vocabulary or flawed grammer. language of Syria and Mesopotamia), Brythonic
(common in Britannia, closely related to Celtic) Syriac
Your character may also know additional languages of your choice
(Antioch and surroundings), Coptic (Aegyptus;
based on their Reason, and up to three additional languages if
encompasses an array of dialects), Punic (North Africa),
they have the Linguistics focus (see Academia in Skills, page 89).
Celtic (encompasses numerous related tongues,
These do not have to be languages spoken in the Cohors era. When
including Gaulish but also Celtiberian, Galatian, Irish,
determining languages, it is a good idea to discuss the matter
and others), and Germanic (quite commonly known
with the other players in your group to ensure that all the player
both by Germanic people and by Romans, including
characters have at least one language in common.
soldiers on the frontier). Among certain southeastern
European tribes, Illyrian, Thracian, or Dacian are spoken.
BONUS LANGUAGES Among the Jewish people of the era, both Hebrew and a
Jewish variant of Aramaic are commonly spoken. Several
REASON RATING BONUS LANGUAGES KNOWN previously listed languages are commonly in use by
9–10 1
Christians of the time, including most prominently Greek,
but also Coptic and other tongues such as Armenian.
11+ 2

“ The more tongues you master, the more common

threads you see, and how much we are all alike
regardless of the lands we call home.”
— Lemonius, traveller and philosopher


Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

Now that you’ve calculated your bonus damage (in the Final Now that you know what sorts of experiences have shaped your
Values section, page 139), this is a good point at which to turn character, ask yourself the following: What sort of personality
to Chapter Seven: Arms and Equipment (page 153), and look up do they have, and how would you like to play them? Are they
the weapons, armor, and other gear you jotted down in Step 2. angry? Happy-go-lucky? Adventuresome? Out for revenge?
Most (but not all) of the equipment listed for each archetype is Wise? Hot-tempered? Calm? Fierce? Cynical? Brooding? Even
described in Chapter Seven. choosing a few quick adjectives like these can really help
define or refine their personality. That doesn’t mean their
i Find the details on your weapons and armor in the Melee
behavior will always be in line with those adjectives, however.
Weapons table, Ranged Weapons table, and Armor table (pages
Characters evolve and make changes to their personality over
159, 162, and 163, respectively), and record them on your
time based on their experiences. Still, it’s a good idea to have
character sheet. For each weapon, you may wish to add your
some defining notes or points of differentiation at the start of
relevant bonus to the weapon’s damage when you
a game, even if it’s just for the gamemaster to grasp how others
record this information (see Determine Bonus Damage, page
see your character. Record this information in the Background
box on your character sheet.
i If your equipment includes tools, a kit, or a papyrus scroll,
see Skill Kits, page 164.

i If you have any doses of poison, see Medicamenta and

Pharmaka, page 166.

i If you have a memento or other token of your past, see

Good-Luck Charm, page 167.

On your character sheet, record your equipment and any

details about each item you’d like to keep track of.

Select Additional Equipment

In addition to any equipment granted as a part of your archetype,
you may select additional weapons, armor, and belongings
using the wealth (if any) provided by your character’s caste (see
Castes, page 123). Each item purchased costs a number of wealth
points equal to the item’s Restriction rating: that is, an item with
Finally, how does your character look? Are they typical
a Restriction rating of 2 costs 2 wealth. A character may select a
for someone from their area or era? Take a look at the
single Restriction 0 item for free, but otherwise, a character may
character’s attributes. Do any stand out (a high or low
purchase two Restriction 0 items for a single wealth point.
Brawn, for example) or offer suggestions for their physical
appearance? Is your character conventionally good-looking
or less appealing to the society they frequent? Remarkable
or average-looking? How do they dress? Do they have any
signature habits, tendencies, or behavioral quirks? Maybe
they have a distinctive mannerism or employ a catchphrase.
You can decide on all of these aspects or none of them, but it’s
often a good idea to give your character some sort of visual
description, especially to give other players an idea of what
they look like. Record this information in the Characteristic
box on your character sheet.

Every character needs a name to identify them. You might Character creation is now complete, and you’re ready to
decide to go for something typical of the era or your play! To learn how to upgrade your character’s capabilities
nationality, or you might simply pick your name based on your as gameplay progresses, continue to the final section of this
character’s personality. Don’t be afraid to choose something chapter, Character Advancement.
that really stands out and have some fun with this aspect of
your character’s identity. Record your name in the Name box on
your character sheet.

Character Advancement
Chapter 5 - The Path of Heroes

In Cohors Cthulhu, you have several options for gaining experience and further developing your character after character creation.


Just as the heroes of the Hidden Wars are in charge of their own You can retrain your character in one of the following areas
destinies, so you are in charge of the experience your character between adventures, but you may not retrain and buy an
gains and how that influences their development. Over the advancement in the same category at the same time (for
course of a campaign, you gain experience points (XP) for example, you may not increase an attribute and retrain another
your character through the choices you make in play. If any of attribute at the same time). Retraining does not cost XP.
the following occur during a scenario, you gain the listed XP
i Attribute: Reduce one of your character’s attributes by 1;
as a reward at the end of the session. It’s a good idea to keep a
then, increase any other attribute by +1.
record of your XP as you continue your adventures.
i Skill: Reduce one of your character’s skills by 1; then,
i Goals: You receive 4 XP for achieving your mission’s main
increase any other skill by +1.
i Focus: Your character loses one of their existing focuses
i Pursuing an Agenda: Certain personal agendas offer the
but gains a new focus in its place.
opportunity to gain bonus XP.
i Talent: The character loses one of their existing talents
i Heroism: At the end of each session, players vote to
but gains a new talent in its place.
determine which characters performed heroic deeds; then,
they rank those deeds in order. The most heroic act earns a
character 4 XP, and other heroes during that session gain 2 ADJUSTING TRUTHS AND SCARS
XP each. If you need a final arbiter, ask the GM. As the more persistent elements of your character, truths
cannot be easily altered, gained, or lost. However, you, or your
i Invoking a Truth: You gain 1 XP when you invoke a
gamemaster, may want to change one of your truths because of
personal truth or scar to gain a Fortune point and a
a significant event in your character’s life.
When you want to change a truth, you should work with your
i Failure: You gain 1 XP each time you fail a skill test in
GM to rephrase that truth so that it makes sense based on how
which you bought one or more bonus d20s.
events have affected your character and are likely to continue
i Threat Spend: You gain 1 XP when the GM spends 3 or to influence them.
more Threat at once.
A character must always have at least one other truth in
i GM’s Gift: GMs also award XP for good roleplaying and addition to their culture. You can’t reduce the number of
for audacious, innovative, or amusing actions or dialogue. truths below two for any reason.
Make sure you record these XP, too.
If you want to gain a truth due to a sufficiently significant event
in an adventure, you can spend 10 XP to gain an additional
SPENDING EXPERIENCE truth or secret truth to reflect the event’s impact on your
Between adventures, you can spend XP your character has character. This counts as an advancement, but it must have the
earned to increase an attribute or skill, or to acquire a new approval of your GM, who may choose to reduce the cost at
focus or talent. These increases are called advancements. Each their discretion.
advancement costs 10 XP.
You can only change or remove scars by spending 10 XP with
i Attribute: Improve one attribute by +1. No attribute can the GM’s approval. This usually requires extended downtime
be increased above 12. (see Downtime, page 60) between adventures to undergo
medical treatment or to consult with a spiritual authority.
i Skill: Improve one skill by +1. No skill may be increased
above 5.

i Focus: Gain one focus.

i Talent: Gain one talent or hidden talent.

Chapter 6


Talents............................................................................... 145
Talent Descriptions................................................................148
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 - Talents

Some legionaries were better laborers than they were soldiers. These were the ones that Buccio preferred to work
with. Keeping the water systems in and around Laurium functioning symbolized the advantages of Roman rule,
and so the magistrate thought it important too. As the fort’s most experienced engineer, Buccio was the one they
called if there was a problem. And unless it was a small job he could handle with his two assistants, he invariably
had to bring in a few soldiers to help.

On this occasion, a main sewer channel had become blocked, and wastewater was flowing up through the grates
close to the center of Laurium. Buccio had been at work since dawn with his assistants and a squad of eight, all
known to be hardworking and reliable. By midday, his team had successfully blocked off the sources that ran into
the sewer: namely, three fountains, two sanctuaries, and five private houses. Once the excess water had run off,
Buccio’s team opened several grates and dropped down into the semicircular channel, which was over three feet
wide. Their search led them to four serious blockages. Buccio already knew—from the lack of odor—that human
waste was not to blame. In fact, what they discovered confirmed his suspicion: recent heavy rain had washed soil
and ground litter into the system.

The engineer set his people to work. They used shovels to fill buckets with the soil and litter, which was then
transferred up to the street and carried away by wagon. By midafternoon, most of the obstructive material had
been removed, but that didn’t stop several rich residents from telling Buccio to hurry up. As usual, the soldiers
performed well. Buccio knew from speaking to them that they enjoyed any respite from the endless churn of
marching, drilling, and maintaining their equipment.

By early evening their work was done, and Buccio dispatched his people to unblock the drainage pipes they had
blocked off earlier in the day. While standing beside one of the full wagons, the engineer noted an odd substance
within the wet soil. Peering through the twilight, he took some in his hand. The substance seemed to be a type of
purple powder that glittered despite the gloom. He had never seen anything like it.

This was not the only strange turn of the evening. Shortly afterward, one of his assistants came down the street
holding a shovel. “Sir,” she said. “I found this.”

Sitting on the shovel was a mud-encrusted arm joint with no hand attached.

“Unpleasant,” said Buccio, “but hardly the first time.”

“But look at the skin, sir.” The assistant scraped off more mud, and Buccio told one of the drivers to bring over
a lantern. When he peered close, he saw that the skin was very thick, and mottled and green in color.

“Almost like a lizard,” said the assistant. “Strange, eh, sir?”

“Bloody strange.” Buccio had enough on his plate; he didn’t want to get dragged into these bizarre happenings or
be responsible for a panic. “Burn it, and let’s not mention this to anyone, eh?”

Chapter 6 - Talents
Talents are special heroic benefits a character possesses that allow them exceptional options or aptitudes that are distinct from, but
may augment, their attributes and skills. Talents take the form of mechanical bonuses—such as re-rolls, bonus Momentum, or rule
exceptions—that apply within a specific set of circumstances. They are sometimes used to add versatility to a character, making up for low
skills or adding special functionality, or they might instead take an already highly effective aspect of a character to an even higher level.

TALENT KEYWORDS AND Four: Magic, page 57). A character may have only one talent with
the Spellcaster keyword.
All talents are labeled with one or more keywords, which group Weird: A talent with the Weird keyword represents something
similar talents together. Keywords are labels that usually unusual, unnatural, or inexplicable. Many of these talents
signify which skill, rule, or group a talent most often applies come with some drawback or quirk that sets a character apart
to. Other keywords require a character to do something, such as strange. After character creation, Weird talents may only be
as spend a Fortune point, to use a talent. Still others convey selected with the GM’s permission.
a certain status or capability: the Spellcaster keyword lets a
character cast spells, for instance. Requirement Categories
Advanced: A character must have 3 or more ranks in the
Certain talents also have requirements, which limit those
associated skill to choose a talent with the Advanced
talents’ access to characters with a particular archetype, caste,
culture, related talent, or similar. If a keyword description lists
no requirements, then none apply. Archetype: Only characters with the listed archetype can
choose a talent with an archetype requirement. Most archetype
Categories that keywords and requirements most commonly
talents are listed with their related archetype (see Step 2: Choose
make use of are described in this section.
Archetype, page 96).

Keyword Categories Caste: Only characters with the listed caste can choose a talent
Fortune: The use of the talent involves spending a Fortune point. with a caste requirement. Most caste talents are listed with
their related caste (see Castes, page 123).
Movement: A talent with the Movement keyword relates to
a character’s movement but does not necessarily require a Culture: Only characters with the listed culture can choose
Movement minor action. a talent with a culture requirement. Most culture talents are
listed with their related culture (see Cultures, page 124).
Skill: Talents with a skill as their keyword affect skill tests that
use that skill. “<Skill>” denotes a talent that can be used with a Talent: Only characters with the talent in its Requirement line
single specific skill, one you choose when you take the talent: can choose a talent with a talent requirement. Most talents
replace “<Skill>” with the name of the skill you choose. with this type of requirement are part of a talent tree and
appear in Archetype Specializations, page 110.
Spellcaster: A talent with the Spellcaster keyword, called a
spellcaster talent, allows a character to cast spells (see Chapter

“Did you see what that thing did to him? Mauled him
to pieces —strange wounds dripping with unnatural blue
pus. Not like any beast I know. When they brought him
back, he was hanging onto life by the barest thread.”
— Fridolin of Laurium

Talent Descriptions
Chapter 6 - Talents

The talents detailed in this chapter are grouped in alphabetical order according to the skill involved in their use, with two exceptions:

i Each talent in the first section, labeled Common Talents, requires the player to choose which skill the talent will affect at the time
they take the talent.

i The final section, Weird, comprises talents with the Weird keyword.


Keywords: Fortune
The gods who control fate are entertained by you, casting you about
Keywords: <Skill>
on the tides of luck both good and ill. Whenever you spend a
You’ve got a knack for guiding others through problems. When you
Fortune point, you may roll 1 . If you roll an effect , you
select this talent, choose a single skill. Whenever you assist an
immediately regain that Fortune point. If you roll a blank,
ally and you use that skill, the ally you assist may re-roll a single
however, you immediately generate 3 Threat for the GM’s
d20 in their dice pool.
Threat pool.

Keywords: <Skill>
Keywords: Fortune
When you take calculated risks, you tend to succeed more often than
You have a knack for (just barely) avoiding the worst injuries. Once
seems reasonable. When you select this talent, choose a single
per scene, you may spend a Fortune point when you are dealt
skill. When you make a skill test using that skill, and you buy
an injury in order to avoid suffering that injury.
additional d20s by generating Threat for the GM’s Threat pool,
you may re-roll a single d20 in that dice pool.
Keywords: <Skill> Keywords: Academia
You’re patient and circumspect, acting only when the odds are in your The knowledge you have accumulated gives you bursts of insight to
favor. When you select this talent, choose a single skill. When deal with unexpected challenges. Once per scene, you may use
you make a skill test using that skill, and you buy additional Academia in place of another skill when you make a skill test,
d20s by spending Momentum, you may re-roll a single d20 in and you are counted as having a focus for that test.
that dice pool.
COLLABORATION Keywords: Academia
Keywords: <Skill> You paid attention to your tutor, were extensively self-taught, or both.
Requirements: Advanced You have constantly sought out knowledge beyond the scope
You’ve coached your allies to capitalize on your expertise, and that effort of your minimum necessary training. If you pass an Academia-
has paid off. When you select this talent, choose a single skill in based skill test, you gain +1 bonus Momentum. Bonus
which you have 3 or more ranks. Whenever an ally makes a skill Momentum may not be saved.
test using that skill, and you can communicate with them, you
may spend 2 Momentum to allow them to use your ranks in that PLATONIST
skill instead of their own, as well as one of your focuses instead Keywords: Academia
of their own (if applicable). You are skilled at understanding the divide between the utilitarian
external world and the internal world of the mind. You gain
Fortune additional Courage resistance equal to your ranks in Academia.
This does not stack with other talents that grant extra Courage
Keywords: <Skill>, Fortune
When the situation gets tough, you take a deep breath and get the job
done. When you select this talent, choose a single skill. When
Keywords: Academia
you make a skill test using that skill, you may spend a Fortune
You display an uncommon aptitude. Choose any two skills to which
point to automatically pass that skill test, but you generate no
your archetype provided bonus ranks. For each of those skills, you
may either increase its ranks by +1 or select a focus for it.

Chapter 6 - Talents
Keywords: Engineering
The objects, vehicles, and structures you build are a cut above the rest
Keywords: Athletics
and can withstand much more wear and tear. When you construct
You have competed, and prevailed, in Rome’s annual athletic
an object, its maximum stress increases by +2, and the total
competition or in its equivalent in another culture. When you make
number of injuries it can sustain increases by +1. (See Damaging
an Athletics-based skill test to run, ride, or swim, ignore the
Objects, page 34, for more information on damaging objects.)
first complication you roll.


Keywords: Engineering
Keywords: Athletics
You’re used to putting in hard work and getting the job done. When
When you are running, you always maintain a reserve of energy to
you make an Engineering-based skill test as part of an extended
help you cross the finish line. On your turn, you may take the Rush
test, the damage you roll gains the Piercing 1 damage effect.
major action even if you have already taken the Movement
minor action.
Keywords: Athletics Keywords: Fighting
You are a physically remarkable specimen. When you make an When you make an attack with a melee weapon, you may
Athletics-based skill test to lift, run, throw, or swim, you may reduce the Momentum cost of the first d20 you buy to 0. If you
re-roll any number of dice on the test. do so, the difficulty of attacks targeting you is reduced by 1
until the start of your next turn.
Keywords: Fighting
Keywords: Crafting
You’re especially good at avoiding harm. Select melee attacks or
You are adept at repairing items in the field with suboptimal
ranged attacks. When you are targeted by the selected form of
materials. When you make an Insight + Crafting test to repair
attack, the attack’s difficulty increases by +1. This talent may be
a damaged item (such as armor or a weapon) in the field, you
selected two times, once for each form of attack.
may generate 2 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool to reduce the
test’s difficulty by 1, to a minimum of 1. The repaired item gains
the Field Repairs truth.
Keywords: Fighting
One per round when an enemy character misses you with a melee
or ranged attack, you may generate 2 Threat for the GM’s Threat
Keywords: Crafting
pool and, as a free action, move to anywhere within Medium
You have a knack for finding supplies. By spending half an hour
range. When you do so, you gain +2 Cover resistance against melee
scrounging for useful ingredients and passing an Insight
and ranged attacks until the start of your next turn.
+ Crafting test with a difficulty of 1, you can gather enough
ingredients to replenish the resources of a crafting tools skill kit.
Keywords: Fighting
Engineering Your attacks with ranged weapons are deadly accurate. When you
DEMOLITIONIST take the Aim minor action, you may re-roll 2d20 on your attack
Keywords: Engineering roll that turn, rather than 1d20.
You’ve got a knack for breaking things. When you make a skill
test to attack an object, structure, or stationary vehicle, you
may use your Engineering skill instead of Fighting, and you
may gain bonus from Reason instead of Brawn or Insight.
When you inflict damage on such a target, you may spend 2
Momentum to take any number of rolled up to your ranks
in Engineering and replace each with an effect result.

Chapter 6 - Talents
Keywords: Persuasion
You’re blessed with a silver tongue, allowing you to influence people to
Keywords: Medicine
adopt your views quickly and effectively. When you make a Persuasion-
Your work with injured creatures has given you a working knowledge
based skill test to sway someone to your way of thinking or haggle
of how best to injure them. When you attack a human target, or
over the price of an item, the test’s difficulty is reduced by 1.
an animal or creature that you have previously dissected, you
can land your strikes in vulnerable areas. You can use Medicine
instead of Fighting for attacks targeting such creatures and can Resilience
add the Vicious damage effect to the attacks. IRON HIDE
Keywords: Resilience
COMBAT MEDICUS You possess great fortitude and can bear horrible injuries without
Keywords: Medicine showing it. For the purpose of increasing your complication range,
You know the basics of treating wounds in the field. When you use you ignore the first injury you are suffering from. In addition, you
the Stabilize major action, you may re-roll 1d20 from your are defeated after suffering 4 injuries instead of 3.
Coordination + Medicine test. If you pass the test, you may
also remove one condition (see Conditions, page 44). MITHRADATIC
Keywords: Resilience
Observation You are either naturally resistant to toxins or have become inured
to them through constant exposure. When you need to make
a Resilience-based skill test to avoid the effects of a poison,
Keywords: Observation
toxin, or drug, the difficulty is reduced by 1. If this reduces the
Your eyesight is as sharp as an eagle’s. The increased difficulty of your
difficulty to 0, it eliminates the need for a skill test.
Perception-based skill tests for zones beyond Close is reduced
by 1 (see Distance and Perception, page 31). In addition, when you
use a ranged weapon, its normal range and the next higher zone
Keywords: Resilience
are both considered its effective range. For example, a weapon
When you take the Catch Breath major action, roll 1
with an effective range of medium can now be effectively used at
per your ranks in Resilience. For each effect result this
both medium and long ranges without an increase in difficulty
generates, you may remove 1 additional point of stress.
normally imposed by attacking outside a weapon’s effective range.


Keywords: Observation FADE AWAY
Your senses are as sharp as those of a wolf on the hunt. While you Keywords: Stealth
are conscious, enemies cannot receive the benefits of a surprise Once per scene as a minor action, you may generate 2 Threat for
attack against you (see Surprise Attack, page 158). Additionally, the GM’s Threat pool to slip from sight. If you do, you cannot be
the gamemaster must spend +1 Threat to have NPCs act first in the target of an attack (other than attacks with the Area damage
a combat encounter. effect) until the start of your next turn. If you are in heavy cover,
you do not need to generate Threat to use this talent.
Keywords: Observation LOW PROFILE
You are suspicious of everything and everyone. You treat every Keywords: Stealth
suspicious character (or suspect thicket of brambles) like When you gain Cover resistance, the total Cover resistance
it might be a threat to your life. Before your turn in the first gained increases by +1.
round of combat, the difficulty of any hostile character’s
physical or mental attack targeting you increases by +1. Survival
Persuasion Keywords: Survival
IMPOSING PRESENCE You aren’t alone in the wilderness. You have a nonsapient
Keywords: Persuasion companion creature that serves as a friend and ally
It’s always been easy for you to intimidate others. You can use a in dangerous times. The companion creature has the
melee weapon to make a mental attack with a Gravitas + Companion Creature profile included in this talent entry
Persuasion skill test. The attack deals mental damage equal to or one of the profiles in Appendix B: Companion Creatures,
your weapon’s + your bonus based on your Will, with page 211. Your companion creature is treated as an allied
your choice of the Piercing 1 or Stun damage effect. You do not non-player character under your command. When you
need the Fearsome X special rule to make this mental attack. forage for supplies, your companion looks after itself. If your

Chapter 6 - Talents
companion is ever slain by enemy action or misfortune, you INCONSPICUOUS
immediately gain a nonrefreshing Fortune point and have Keywords: Tactics
a choice between retraining this talent (and getting a new You know how to keep a low profile and avoid suspicion. When your
companion) or replacing this talent with a different talent. weapons or equipment generate Threat, you reduce the total
Threat by 1.
Note that if a relic or profane item has a special rule that allows it
Keywords: Survival
to generate additional Threat, you cannot reduce the Threat of that
You know how to move through the wilderness without leaving a
object below 1.
trace of your passage. When you are traveling alone or leading a
group, you can increase the difficulty of skill tests to track your
movements by half your ranks in Survival, rounding down.
Keywords: Tactics
With a confident yell, you can stop your comrades from quaking in
Tactics their caligae (sandal-style hobnailed boots). To use this talent, roll a
COORDINATOR number of equal to your ranks in Tactics. Instead of inflicting
Keywords: Tactics stress on your stress track, each point of stress generated by the
You are proficient in coordinating the actions of a group working in roll lets you or an ally within Close range remove 1 stress. Each roll
unison. Anytime you participate in a skill test being made with of lets you remove 2 stress instead of 1. You may apportion
assistance—even if you are not the assisted skill test’s leader— the total points of stress removed among yourself and your allies
the player of each assisting or leading character may choose to within Close range in any way you choose.
re-roll 1d20 but must accept the new result.

Companion Creature
TROOPER NPC Special Rules
Good Boy: While the companion creature’s handler remains in
Truths the scene, the companion creature gains +2 Courage resistance.
i Loyal Companion If the handler is defeated, the companion creature moves as
i Trained Animal fast as possible to the handler’s side and defends them from any
enemy who gets too close.
Attributes Keen Senses (Hearing, Scent, or Vision): The companion
Agility 11 Gravitas 1 creature reduces the difficulty of all skill tests relating to the
Brawn 9 Insight 10 sense appropriate to that creature by 2, to a minimum of 0. It
Coordination 5 Reason 5 can detect things via that sense that humans cannot.

Will 9 Vigilant Companion: If a player character is selected to take

the first turn, the companion creature’s controller may elect
Skills and Focuses to go first in place of the selected character.
Athletics 2, Fighting 2, Observation 3 (Smell and Taste),
Resilience 1, Survival 2 (Tracking) Companion Talents
Pick one of Helpful Awareness or A Sense for Danger (see
Stress 5 Injuries 1 Companion Talents and Advancements, page 212).
Armor 1 Courage 3 Note: This profile is for a trained dog companion creature. With
your gamemaster’s approval, you may choose a different nonsapient
Attacks creature, such as the war hound, hunting hawk, or trusty steed in
i Bite or Claw: (Unarmed), Reach 1, 3
Appendix B: Companion Creatures, page 211. Alternatively, if your
gamemaster allows, you can work with them to adapt or create a
different creature profile for your companion creature.

Chapter 6 - Talents

Weird Glimpsed What Mortals Should Not Know or another truth

that reflects the toll this knowledge has taken. When you cast
a spell, you may increase your power rating by +2 . If you do
Keywords: Weird
so, each of your allies within Close range suffers 1 mental stress
Your mind often shows you glimpses of things you couldn’t otherwise
for each effect you roll as part of the spell’s cost, as they’re
know. Once per scene, you may generate 1 Threat for the GM’s
exposed to the unearthly secrets you have learned.
Threat Pool to Obtain Information (ask the GM a question; see
Spending Momentum, page 23) without passing a skill test.
Keywords: Weird
For some reason, blood, death, and violence don’t affect you mentally.
Keywords: Weird
You increase your Courage resistance by +6, but you cannot
Every so often, it feels like you narrowly avoid disaster thanks to an
add any other source of Courage resistance. In addition, you
unknown guiding hand. How you avoid these fates is unknown, but bad
may re-roll 1d20 on any skill test to determine whether you
luck seems to befall those around you. Once per session when you are
gain a mental scar. However, others find your distant manner
dealt an injury, you may generate 3 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool
off-putting, which increases the complication range of all
in order to avoid suffering that injury. At the GM’s discretion, you
Persuasion-based skill tests you make by +1.
may be offered the chance to avoid other misfortune in exchange
for generating 3 Threat as well.
Keywords: Spellcaster, Weird
You’ve dabbled with occult forces beyond your comprehension. You
Keywords: Weird
are now a spellcaster of the dabbling spellcaster type, as
You may select this talent only if you are a spellcaster. You have
described in Chapter Four: Magic (page 57).
delved deep into the immortal mysteries of the Mythos and
the secrets of time and have returned with a greater aptitude
for magical endeavors. You gain an additional personal truth:

Chapter 7

Arms and Equipment................................................ 153

Carrying Capacity...................................................................156

Weapons.......................................................................................... 157


Belongings.................................................................................. 164

Personal Geaar...........................................................................167

Acquiring Equipment............................................................167
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment


Once he was past the Roman guard post, Penrod began to relax. This wasn’t the first time he had lied to the
legionaries, and he suspected it wouldn’t be the last. Roughly an hour after his conversation with them, he guided
his horse off the paved road and onto a mud track. The route took him deep into dense forest, and when he reached
the agreed meeting point, Godric was already there.

“Morning, Penrod. What tale did you spin them this time?”

“Told them I was visiting a client on the outskirts of Laurium. There’s not a legionary this side of the river
whose tack I haven’t fixed up at some point. They view me as a kindly uncle.”

“Little do they know, eh?” said Godric, scratching at his blond beard.

“Little, indeed. Let’s get moving, Godric. I want to be home before nightfall.”

The rebels had assembled in a clearing. There were six of them, every face well-known to Penrod. Each one had
some problem with a bridle or a saddle horn or a harness. As enemies of Rome, they could not easily go about
their business within Laurium or other towns. They depended on sympathetic craftspeople and traders like Penrod
to help them survive—and to keep up the fight.

Penrod enlisted Godric to help him with some leatherwork and was keen to hear the latest on Aldegar. The tribal
leader was openly opposed to Rome, though he lacked enough people and resources to really take on the occupiers.

“He does what he can,” remarked Godric.

“Honestly, I’m surprised the Romans have never tried to take him out.”

“A war with him would cost them too much,” said Godric. “They don’t want to be chasing him into territory
he knows like the back of his hand. And there are things deep in those woods that even Aldegar fears.”

“The Romans pretend to fear nothing, but it is all an act.” Penrod often used these trips to vent his true feelings.

“Deceit comes naturally to them. Arrogance too. Do they really believe that we honor their gods? We have our
own gods to watch over us.”

“It must be difficult,” said Godric, “to live among them.”

“It is. But days like this sustain me. And the knowledge that one day we will rise up and cast them out of our
lands forever.”

Godric grinned. “I will fetch you some wine, Penrod, for you are truly one of us. Let’s discuss how you’re going to
get us some better weapons. There’ve been some strange doings around here, and we need to be ready for violence.”

In Cohors Cthulhu, your heroes rely on their tools and equipment to overcome the challenges they encounter on the fringes of the
Empire. Amid a dangerous world, the armor they wear and weapons they wield are among their most important belongings. Even a
person relatively unversed in combat may find themself forced to fight to defend themself and stay alive.

But weapons are not the only important gear. Specific tools are essential for members of certain professions to function properly: a
Medicus needs their scalpel, a thief their lock picks, and a ritualist their athame.

Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment
This chapter covers the weapons, armor, and gear issued discusses how much gear a character can carry and how they
to characters as starting equipment, along with new and go about obtaining new items. Cohors Cthulhu takes an abstract
interesting items they may find or acquire in the course of approach to both wealth and ordinary item acquisition, giving
their adventures. The sections on weapons and armor also you periodic opportunities to change your character’s favored
provide important information about these items’ unique gear. Your character and their compatriots can purchase
qualities and how they function in combat. important items that benefit the group via this chapter’s
Requisition system, while their individual wealth lets them
In addition to detailing the weaponry and equipment most
obtain items more specific to their personal requirements.
commonly used by heroes of the Cohors era, this chapter

Counting Coins
Cohors Cthulhu handles money in an abstracted way; it isn’t necessary to track the number of coins possessed by each player character.
Each hero can be assumed to have enough coinage on their person for ordinary purposes such as buying meals or maintaining
ordinary clothing and gear for their station and background. This also means having “pocket change” sufficient to pay the customary
costs of going about one’s profession. For example, a Scoundrel who is a smuggler can pay the sorts of small bribes needed to convince
a town inspector checking riverboats to look the other way.

Your GM might impose a truth on a scene that requires your group to secure special story-based assets for a given expenditure,
but this shouldn’t be necessary for otherwise ordinary purchases.

Between adventures, your group will often have a chance to acquire additional gear with their personal wealth or via this
chapter’s requisition system; wealth and requisitions are covered in Acquiring Equipment, page 167.

Occasionally, characters acquire noteworthy valuable items, stashes of coins, plundered supplies, or other treasures that might be
considered special assets. These should be written down, but they can also be treated abstractly as a single “hoard,” named in a way
that identifies them with the circumstances of acquisition. Such hoards might be used in a story, at the GM’s discretion, for making
more unusual purchases beyond those allowed by the wealth and requisition systems. Of course, valuables of this type can draw
unwanted attention, and they have been known to become the focal point of a scene or even an entire adventure.

Carrying Capacity
Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment

Just as the bold Roman in his national arms

Cruelly laden takes the road, and before
The enemy expects it stands in formation, having pitched camp

A person can carry only so much if they wish to move swiftly and quietly enough to perform their mission. A character’s carrying
capacity, sometimes called encumbrance, is the amount of gear they can transport on their person without incurring a penalty.
The carrying capacity of a typical character is two major items and three minor items. Worn items, such as armor and clothing, do
not count as occupying part of a character’s carrying capacity.

In accordance with how much of a person’s carrying capacity HEAVY LIFTING

they require, carried items are divided into four categories: Characters with a high Brawn attribute can carry more than the
trivial items, minor items, major items, and massive items. standard major item and three minor items. The number and
size of the additional items they can carry depending on their
Trivial items are tiny objects. Your character may carry as many
Brawn are delineated in the Beast of Burden table.
trivial items as they need at any particular moment. A purse
of denarii, eating utensils, and whetstones are all examples of
trivial items. BEAST OF BURDEN
Minor items are small and easily carried, their size and weight
allowing them to be stowed in pouches, hung on belts, or
tucked into clothing. Your character can carry up to three 9 1 minor
minor items on their person. Daggers, hand axes, and javelins
are considered minor items.
10–11 2 minor
Major items are large and bulky, which limits how many
can be carried and how easily they can be concealed. If your 12+ 1 major or 3 minor
character is carrying no minor items, they can carry two major
items without being weighed down. They can carry three
minor items in place of a major item. Your character may attempt to carry more than their carrying
capacity by choosing to become Encumbered. Being
Massive items are too large to realistically be carried and
encumbered allows them to carry three additional minor
require multiple people or pack animals to transport.
items and one additional major item. Encumbered is a truth
(see Truth: Encumbered, below)—one that makes moving and
carrying items more difficult, or impossible, depending on
how much a character tries to carry.

Truth: Encumbered
The Encumbered truth increases the difficulty of your
skill tests relating to movement, endurance, or strength
by +1. In addition, while you have this truth, you might
not be able to run or take the Rush major action, at the
discretion of your gamemaster. Your gamemaster may
also impose further penalties or points of fatigue (see
Fatigue, page 49) if you are overly Encumbered.


Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment

Whether it’s the ubiquitous Roman gladius, the deadly and terrifying falx wielded by Dacians and Thracians, or something more exotic,
a weapon is essential to a Cohors hero, allowing them to protect themself and take the fight to the enemy. Weapons in Cohors Cthulhu are
delineated by their effectiveness and any special features or functions they possess. The following categories help define their capabilities.

REACH A weapon that has a damage effect listed in its profile imposes
The ebb and flow of melee combat is shaped by the combatants that damage effect when an effect is rolled for an attack with
and the weapons they use. Different weapons are suited the weapon. A damage effect a weapon inflicts is considered
to different situations: a fight plays out differently if the part of its damage. Some damage effects are listed with an X;
combatants are using daggers than if they’re using spears. these are called rated effects. A weapon that has a rated effect
Each melee weapon has a Reach score, typically between 1 and indicates what number to replace X with in its description or
3. Shorter weapons like daggers have Reach 1, while polearms in the damage section of the weapon’s line in the appropriate
and long weapons like spears have Reach 3. How Reach works weapon table. The intensity of most damage effects increases
in practice is discussed in Reach and Guard, page 42. with every effect symbol generated by the damage roll. If a
weapon gains a rated damage effect that it already has, only the
RANGE higher rated of the duplicate effects applies.
Each ranged weapon has a range category of Close, Medium,
Long, or Extreme. The difficulty of any skill test to attack a
Damage Effects
i Area: The attack or hazard hits one additional target
target closer to or father from the wielder than the weapon’s
within Close range of its initial target for every effect
range increases by +1 per range category. For example, using
rolled. Secondary targets suffer the attack’s full effects.
a weapon with a range of Medium to hit a target at Long or
Close range adds +1 to the skill test’s difficulty, while using i Drain: The target struck suffers 1 fatigue for each effect
that weapon to hit a target at Extreme range adds +2 to the rolled.
difficulty. For more information, see Weapon Ranges, page 42.
i Intense: If the attack inflicts an injury and an effect is
rolled, the attack inflicts an additional injury.
This category of a weapon’s profile describes which focus is i Knockdown: The attack or hazard causes the target to
applicable to attacks made with the weapon. If you have the stumble or fall. If the number of effects rolled equals or
weapon’s specified focus, then after you roll the dice pool for exceeds the target’s Athletics skill, the target is knocked prone.
an attack with that weapon, each die result that is equal to or
i Persistent X: The attack or hazard has a lingering effect.
less than your ranks in the associated skill counts as a critical
If the attack generates one or more effect results, the
success, generating two successes.
target rolls X at the start of their turn for a number
of rounds equal to the number of effect results. They
DAMAGE AND EFFECTS suffer the stress generated by these rolls. These rolls do not
The number of Challenge Dice ( ) a weapon or hazard
trigger additional effects. If the target is an object instead
adds to an attack’s dice pool is called that weapon or hazard’s
of a creature, the Persistent X effect begins immediately.
damage, or damage rating. A character’s Brawn or Insight
attribute can add bonus damage to their weapon’s damage— i Piercing X: The attack or hazard ignores X resistance for
thus increasing the number of they roll for an attack each effect rolled.
with that weapon (see Determine Bonus Damage, page 140). In
i Snare: The attack or hazard can entangle and bind the
addition to imposing other consequences, a weapon’s damage
target. The target cannot take any actions other than to try
effects can add to the damage a weapon inflicts as well.
to break free. Breaking free requires a skill test (typically
Brawn + Athletics for physical snares) with a difficulty
Hazards equal to the number of effects rolled.

i Stun: The attack or hazard leaves the target momentarily

A hazard is anything other than a weapon or unarmed
unable to act. If the number of effects rolled equals or
strike that causes damage (stress, damage effects, or both).
exceeds the target’s ranks in Resilience, the target may not
Hazardous terrain is a common source of hazards. For
take any actions during their next turn.
more information on hazards, see Hazards in Environments
and Zones, page 31. i Vicious: The attack or hazard is especially potent. For each
effect rolled, it adds +1 to the total stress inflicted.

Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment
i Reload: This weapon requires an intense process to reload
Normally, it’s assumed that a character has enough arrows or or rearm it before attacking. After an attack is made with
other ammunition to attack with their weapons that require this weapon, it must be reloaded, requiring a major action.
it as often as they need to. The gamemaster may, at their
i Shield X: When targeted by a melee attack, a character
discretion, spend 3 Threat to impose the Out of Ammunition
with a shield treats their Reach as X, rather than as the
truth on a character.
shield’s normal Reach. In addition, while the character
has Guard, they gain +X Cover resistance.
A weapon’s profile notes whether it is a minor item or a major i Special: This weapon has some unique property or ability,
item as defined in Carrying Capacity, page 156. which is specified in its description.

i Subtle: Attacks with this weapon are difficult to hear,

WEAPON QUALITIES requiring an Insight + Observation test with a difficulty
The following weapon qualities alter the way a weapon
of 2 to notice. The GM may adjust this difficulty based on
functions: some in positive ways, others by applying
distance and ambient noise.
restrictions or limitations.
i Unreliable: Attacks with this weapon increase the test’s
i Accurate: If a character takes the Aim minor action before
complication range by +1.
attacking with this weapon, the weapon gains the Intense
damage effect for that attack.

i Bane: This weapon is especially effective against Mythos Surprise Attack

creatures; it ignores the effects of the Invulnerable special
The element of surprise is a powerful advantage in a fight,
rule against them. In addition, creatures with the Tough
and some forms of attack are especially effective against
X special rule may not spend Threat to ignore injuries
surprised or defenseless foes. If your opponent is unaware
caused by a weapon with the Bane weapon quality.
of you before you attack, or if they don’t consider you a
i Debilitating: The difficulty of any skill test to treat the threat (which might be represented by a truth applying
physical injuries caused by this weapon increases by +1. to that enemy), then they do not have Guard. An attack
against an unaware or unsuspecting foe is a surprise
i Escalation: Entering a scene with this weapon generates 1
attack: if a surprise attack is successful, it gains the
Threat for the GM’s Threat pool.
Intense damage effect. If the weapon is already Intense,
i Heavy: Attacks with this weapon increase in difficulty by then the attack inflicts +2 instead. Once you attack,
+1 unless the wielder has a Brawn of 10 or higher. the sound of the attack alerts enemies nearby unless you
are using a weapon with the Subtle weapon quality, in
i Hidden: When this weapon is hidden, people who are simply
which case only the enemy attacked is alerted.
looking at the character carrying it cannot detect it. Skill tests
to search for this weapon increase in difficulty by +1.

i Hunger: Whenever this weapon is used to inflict 1 or

more injuries, the wielder may gain one of the following
bonuses: remove 5 stress, remove a single injury, or gain +1
power for the remainder of the scene (this bonus to power
may only be gained once per scene).

i Inaccurate: A character cannot benefit from the Aim

minor action when using this weapon.

i Indirect: This weapon is not designed for direct fire,

instead dropping its payload upon enemies over great
distances. Attacks with the weapon increase in difficulty
by +1, but they do not require line of sight.

i Parrying: When the weapon’s wielder makes an opposed

test when targeted by a melee attack, they may re-roll
a single d20 on their test. This does not stack if the
character has multiple Parrying weapons.

i Reliable: A character may ignore the first complication

they roll when using this weapon in an action scene.


Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment

Attacks with melee weapons (including unarmed strikes) gain bonus Challenge Dice if the wielder has a Brawn of 9 or higher
(see Determine Bonus Damage, page 140).

Melee Weapons

Axe Melee Weapons 2 3 Vicious Minor Special 1

Club Melee Weapons 2 2 Minor — 0

Cudgel Melee Weapons 2 3 Stun Major — 1

Dagger Melee Weapons 1 2 Piercing 1 Minor Hidden, Subtle 0

Dolabra Melee Weapons 1 3 Piercing 1 Minor — 1

Javelin Melee Weapons 2 3 Minor Special 1

Spear Melee Weapons 3 4 Piercing 1 Major — 0

Staff Melee Weapons 3 2 Major Special 0

Sword Melee Weapons 2 4 Major Parrying 2

Sword, Falx Melee Weapons 2 4 Vicious Major — 2

Sword, Gladius Melee Weapons 2 4 Piercing 1 Major Parrying 2

Sword, Long Melee Weapons 2 5 Major — 3

Sword, Long, Spatha Melee Weapons 2 5 Piercing 1 Major — 3

Unarmed Strike Unarmed 0 2 — Subtle —

War Axe Melee Weapons 2 4 Vicious Major — 2

Small Shield Melee Weapons 1 2 Stun Minor Shield 2 0

Large Shield Melee Weapons 1 3 Stun Major Shield 3 1

Smaller axes are common tools used to harvest and split Clubs are simple weapons ranging from sturdy tree branches
lumber, shape wood, and—when needed—chop down an to fire-hardened batons banded in bronze or iron.
opponent. One-handed axes designed specifically for combat
often have a longer blade edge and handle, and thicker cheeks.
Cudgels are larger, more dangerous versions of clubs that can
They may have a hammer-like striking surface or short spike set
dent armor and crush bones. The cudgel category encompasses
opposite the cutting face.
other blunt implements used in battle as well, like the Celtic
Special: One-handed axes can also function as ranged burda, the Persian war mace, and the blacksmith’s hammer.
throwing weapons with the Thrown Weapons focus and a
range of Close. They deal the same damage whether used for a
Knives are a commonplace tool, but daggers designed
melee or ranged attack.
specifically for fighting include the double-edged pugio, the
sickle-shaped sica, and the Germanic seax.

Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment

Axe Dolabra




Cudgel Sword

Similar to a mattock, the dolabra is the entrenching tool of the Spears are commonplace across many cultures. They are easy
Roman legions. Its primary function is to break rock and dig to manufacture and effective even in the hands of a relatively
out fortifications, but the short axe face and long spike make it untrained combatant. Spears manufactured by different
effective against armor. cultures have minor variations, but whether it is a Roman
hasta, Greek xyston, Celtic lancea, or boar-hunting spear, the
weapon remains functionally the same: a sharpened bit of
See Javelin in Ranged Weapon Profiles, page 162.
metal at the end of a stout stave.
Large shields take many different forms, the most common
The staff is the most innocuous weapon. It is a stout wooden
being the rectangular and semicylindrical scutum carried by
pole, as useful in directing a herd of goats or negotiating a march
the legionaries. These shields are large enough to protect their
over rugged terrain as it is in battering the skull of a robber.
users from most attacks, and they can be overlapped to present
an intimidating shield wall to the enemy. Special: If the staff is wielded two-handed, reduce Reach to 2
and increase base damage to 3 .
Smaller shields are seen throughout the empire, as well as
among the tribes of Germania, Briton, and beyond. Strapped to a
warrior’s off-hand, small shields grant protection against enemy
attacks in close quarters, but they are not as effective against
massed ranged fire as the larger variety. Common examples
of smaller shields include the round Roman clipeus and the
hexagonal wooden shield favored by Germanic skirmishers.

Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment

Large Shield

Lorica Bow


Swords come in numerous varieties, ranging from short Long swords, like the Roman spatha, are heavier and longer
stabbing blades to the single- and double-edged swords than those commonly used by Roman infantry in this era, like
common in Germania Magna to the chopping falcata and the gladius. They are more frequently used from horseback or
khopesh of Iberia and Egypt, respectively. Standard swords share a chariot. Some notable warriors wield a long sword as their
a common profile, with the following notable exceptions. weapon of choice, particularly Gaulish warriors. Long swords
share a common profile, with the following exception.
i Gladius: The standard sidearm of Roman soldiers, the gladius
is a short sword with a tapered point designed for quick, i Spatha: Worn by cavalry officers and preferred by some
thrusting strikes. A gladius gains the Piercing 1 damage effect. other soldiers, the spatha is very similar to a gladius in
form but is a longer and heavier blade. A spatha gains the
i Falx: With its sickle-shaped blade and long handle, the
Piercing 1 damage effect.
falx is devastating in the hands of a strong wielder. First
encountered in battle with the Dacians and Thracians, the
falx is famous for chopping through Roman armor and
In times when a warrior has no weapons at hand, they might
shields. A falx loses the Parrying weapon quality but gains
be forced to resort to fists, knees, elbows, brutal headbutts, and
the Vicious damage effect.
biting. An unarmed strike represents any attack made without
a weapon, from the fighting art of pankration to the frenzied
strike of a berserker.

A war axe is any two-handed axe. Its axe-head is sharp and
heavy, dealing out vicious injuries when wielded in a strong
pair of hands.

Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment

Attacks with ranged weapons gain bonus Challenge Dice if the wielder has an Insight of 9 or higher (see Determine Bonus
Damage, page 140).

Ranged Weapons

Arcuballista Archery Medium 4 Piercing 1 Major Accurate, Reload 4

Axe Thrown Weapons Close 3 Vicious Minor Special 1

Bow Archery Medium 3 Piercing 1 Major Reliable, Subtle 1

Bow, Recurve Archery Long 4 Piercing 1 Major Indirect, Subtle 3

Javelin Thrown Weapons Medium 3 Minor Special 1

Pilum Thrown Weapons Close 4 Piercing 1 Minor Special 2

Plumbata Thrown Weapons Close 2 Piercing 1 Minor — 2

Inaccurate, Subtle,
Sling Thrown Weapons Long 3 Stun Minor 0

The arcuballista resembles the much larger torsion-powered The pilum is the standard javelin of the Roman Army. Larger
scorpion, but scaled down for use by a single soldier. While than a common javelin, it has a long metal shaft with a pyramid-
it is much slower to load and fire than a traditional bow, an shaped head as well as a lead weight on the handle designed to
arcuballista does not demand as much skill to operate effectively. increase its striking power. The shaft is engineered to bend or
shear off after impact. This prevents pila from being picked up
and hurled back at Roman soldiers. If a pilum embeds itself in a
See Axe in Melee Weapon Profiles, page 159.
shield, it can weigh the item down and reduce its usefulness.
Special: If a pilum attack’s damage roll includes an effect
The bow is a common ranged weapon useful for hunting and
result, after damage is dealt, the weapon is rendered unusable.
warfare. Its power is derived from the elastic nature of its
If the target is carrying a shield and the pilum attack’s damage
wooden structure and taut bowstring. While the bow is simple
roll produces an effect , the pilum has embedded in the
to use and effective, true proficiency with it can take many
shield and lowers the shield’s Cover resistance by 1.
years of dedication and practice.
i Recurve Bow: Used by the archers of eastern provinces
Plumbatae, sometimes called Barbs of Mars, are lead-weighted
like Sarmatia, Parthia, and Scythia, the recurve bow is
throwing darts with barbed tips. While not always lethal
reinforced with horn and shaped to increase its draw
on their own, plumbatae can be thrown in high arcs to rain
weight and power.
down on the enemy from above, and their barbed points slice
JAVELIN through and embed in flesh.
A javelin is, in essence, a short spear balanced for throwing.

Special: While the javelin is not designed for hand-to-hand

fighting, if a character has the Melee Weapons focus, they can
make a melee attack with a javelin. As a melee weapon, a javelin
has a Reach of 2. It deals the same damage whether used for a
melee or ranged attack.

Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment
SLING kinetic impact than arrows, and its volleys are rumored to
That slingers served in all battles of the ancients is known to sometimes splinter wooden shields or shatter bones.
everyone. This weapon should be learned by all recruits with
Special (Sling Stones): The standard ammunition for a sling in
frequent exercise, because it is no effort to carry a sling.
this era is an elongated, spherical lead bullet. However, one of
— Vegetius, Epitome of Military Science, I.16
this weapon’s strengths is its ability to hurl any appropriately
The sling is a common ranged weapon that can fling stones or sized stone in a pinch. If, for any reason, a character equipped
lead bullets with deadly force and accuracy. Properly trained with a sling suffers the Out of Ammunition truth, they can
and practiced slingers contribute to battles with lethal scavenge stones from the ground. Stones reduce the weapon’s
effectiveness. A sling’s projectiles achieve greater velocity and by 1.

Armor is a vital piece of any soldier’s equipment, whether it is the light boiled-leather armor used by some auxiliary units or the
iconic lorica segmentata worn by Roman legionaries. Armor comes in a variety of forms that offer different degrees of protection,
though there is a direct link between how protective armor is and how heavy or cumbersome it is.

Armor has the following features, and it counts as a major item

when it is not worn. A character may wear only one suit of
armor at a time.

Beyond the common armors of the era, there also exist mythic
and relic armors that offer even greater protection, as well as
other benefits.

Each form of armor provides 1 or more points of Armor
resistance, which is added to a character’s base Armor
resistance. Armor resistance reduces the amount of stress
taken from physical attacks, as described in Resistance, page 40. ARMOR DESCRIPTIONS
Armor resistance is always expressed as a number. CHAINMAIL / LORICA HAMATA
Chainmail, including the lorica hamata worn by some
ARMOR QUALITIES legionaries, is a mesh made of interlocking rings of iron or other
Armor may have one or both of the following armor qualities. metals that provides good protection against slashing attacks.
While chainmail has a vulnerability to Piercing weapons, it can
i Heavy: Due to its size and weight, the armor counts as a
still mean the difference between a minor wound and a deadly
major item even if it is worn.
one. A coat of mail is labor-intensive to produce.
i Uncomfortable: The armor is uncomfortable and awkward
to wear for long periods. At the end of every scene in which LEATHER ARMOR
the character wears the armor, they suffer 1 fatigue. Leather armor is a light, flexible form of armor made from a
plentiful resource. The leather is treated to increase its stiffness
and durability, but it does not limit the wearer’s mobility.
ARMOR ARMOR RESTRICTION The armor of the Roman legions, lorica segmentata consists
RESISTANCE QUALITIES RATING of a series of overlapping metal plates fastened together with
internal leather straps. The plates of the metal cuirass move
Chainmail /
+2 Uncomfortable 1 with the wearer, allowing for greater mobility than with fully
Lorica Hamata
rigid armors.
Leather Armor +1 — 0
Lorica Segmentata +3 Uncomfortable 3 Lorica squamata is a metal cuirass made up of metal scales of
iron or brass sewn to a fabric backing. This scale armor was
Lorica Squamata +3 2 prominent during the days of the Republic, and it continues to
see use throughout the Roman Empire.

Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment

Some of your character’s equipment and possessions have an important influence on their actions. The tools and items they use
can improve their ability to perform tasks or may grant them options they wouldn’t otherwise have. Many of your belongings work
like truths: having them makes a skill test easier, or indeed possible.

SKILL KITS Skill Kits and Facilities

A belonging described as a skill kit represents a set of tools
that facilitate use of a particular skill. For example, a character RESTRICTION
uses a medicus’s tools skill kit with their Medicine skill to treat
Academia Papyrus scroll Library 1
injuries, while they use a survival kit with the Survival skill
to start a campfire or set snares to capture game. A skill kit Academia
Ritual tools Shrine 2
makes its related skill test possible, or if you don’t need tools to (Religion)
attempt the skill test, the kit decreases the test’s difficulty by 1. Crafting Crafting tools Workshop 1

If a skill kit specifies a focus for its related skill, a character Valetudinarium
must have that focus to use the skill kit. Medicine Medicus’s tools (a type of field 1
Resources Scoundrel’s
Each skill kit also comes with 3 resources, which help you buy Stealth Hideout 1
additional d20s to use on the kit’s related skill test. Before you
Survival (Animal
roll your dice pool, you can spend 1 resource in exchange for Handler’s tools Stables 1
1 bonus Momentum, which can only be spent on d20s. The
cost to purchase d20s remains the same (1 Momentum for the Tactics Soldier’s kit Barracks 1
first, 2 for the second, and 3 for the third). Some complex tasks Survival Survival kit Campsite 1
may require that 1 or more resources be spent just to attempt
the related skill test, without providing bonus Momentum.
Resources are replenished at the start of each new adventure.
If you’re using the requisitions rules (see Making Requisitions,
page 167), you may purchase 3 extra resources for a skill kit by
Restriction Rating: 1
spending a number of requisition points equal to the skill kit’s
Crafting tools are kits containing the instruments necessary to
Restriction rating. A kit and 3 resources count as a minor item
fabricate items from raw materials. Depending on the nature
(see Carrying Capacity, page 156); every 3 additional resources
of the work, the kit includes a saw, mallet, and chisels for
(obtained separately) count as another minor item.
woodworking; tongs and a selection of hammers and files for
metalworking; or the heavy chisels, hammers, and iron bars
FACILITIES used in stonecutting. Crafting tools always include a number of
A larger version of a kit is called a facility, which is built into
measuring and marking instruments. This kit contains enough
a room or building, like a blacksmith’s workshop. Naturally,
supplies to provide 3 bonus Momentum for buying d20s.
a character cannot carry a facility. A facility is treated as two
truths that affect the associated skill test (the effects of the two
truths stack).
Restriction Rating: 1
Facilities also allow you to re-roll 1d20 in their related skill Requirements: Animal Handling focus
test’s dice pool, and they come with 10 resources to spend on Handler’s tools include bit and bridle, leashes, training
generating bonus Momentum to buy d20s. rewards, whips, and other tools for the treatment and training
of different types of animals. This kit contains enough supplies
Characters can’t acquire facilities through normal means.
to provide 3 bonus Momentum for buying d20s.
Instead, a facility should be something a character obtains
through roleplaying or as a reward for a successful adventure.
It is more common for a character to borrow a facility than
Restriction Rating: 1
to own one. However, a gamemaster may choose to offer the
Medicus’s tools consist of surgical instruments useful in the
opportunity to purchase one. In such a case, it is appropriate
treatment of battlefield injuries. The kit includes bone levers
for a facility to have a cost of a permanent reduction of a
for resetting bones, hand drills, arrow extractors, scalpels, and
character’s wealth by 1 or more.
medical ointments and oils. Medicus’s tools include enough
supplies to provide 3 bonus Momentum for buying d20s.

Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment
Restriction Rating: 1 Restriction Rating: 1
The books of the Roman era are written on large scrolls of Handheld earthenware or metal lamps that burn olive oil, or a
vellum or, more often, papyrus. Covering a range of different more readily available replacement, are common in the Roman
material, scrolls can be found on nearly any subject from era. An oil lamp produces a pool of dim light within Close
the history of the empire to the philosophical theories of range and can burn for one hour before needing to be refilled.
an obscure thinker. This papyrus scroll contains enough
A handheld lamp is a trivial item.
knowledge to provide 3 bonus Momentum for buying d20s.

Restriction Rating: 0
Restriction Rating: 2
Though it is infrequently seen in the warmer climate of Rome,
Requirements: Religion focus
the lacerna, a heavier hooded cloak common among the
A kit of basic ritual tools contains an athame (ritual blade),
northern people of Germania, has been adopted by folk on the
incense, oil lamp, parchment paper, and ink. It includes the
frontier. In addition to providing warmth and protection from
basic needs for any practitioner who wishes to perform a ritual.
the elements, this cloak has a deep hood that can help conceal
This kit has enough supplies to provide 3 bonus Momentum for
a person’s identity.
buying d20s.

Restriction Rating: 3
Restriction Rating: 1
A small but sturdy wooden box with a bronze lock, a lockbox
A bag of scoundrel’s tools contains lock picks, chisels, a short
is an expensive and elaborate piece of equipment used to keep
crowbar and hammer, coal dust, and oils and lubricants to assist in
valuables and secrets safe.
breaking into and entering a secure location. This kit comes with
enough supplies to provide 3 bonus Momentum for buying d20s. A lockbox is a minor item. Its lock can be opened with a key or
picked with a Coordination + Stealth test with a difficulty of 3
SOLDIER’S KIT (TACTICS SKILL) (the Lock Picking focus applies).
Restriction Rating: 1
A soldier’s kit contains spare clothing, food rations, a small MIRROR
spade and cooking vessel, and supplies for making camp. This Restriction Rating: 1
kit contains enough supplies to provide 3 bonus Momentum Mirrors come in many materials, the most common being
for buying d20s. polished bronze. The rich can afford the much finer silver-
faced mirrors.
A mirror is a trivial item.
Restriction Rating: 1
A survival kit contains materials for starting fires, like a tinderbox,
flint, and steel; a warm blanket or furs; and preserved food ideal
Restriction Rating: 1
for wilderness travel. It also includes enough rope, pitons, and
To make quick, impermanent notes, writers often employ a
canvas to erect a one-person shelter. This kit comes with enough
bronze stylus with a point on one end and a flat spade on the
supplies to provide 3 bonus Momentum for buying d20s.
other, scribing into sheets of wax contained in a wooden or
metal box. When a record is no longer needed, the spade of the
OTHER EQUIPMENT stylus can be used to wipe out the markings.
A stylus and wax tablet are a trivial item.
Restriction Rating: 0
Characters buy or make amulets and talismans for protection
from curses, spirits, the evil eye, and similar evils. Children are
Restriction Rating: 1
given amulets—a bulla or lunula—to wear until they come of
A timekeeping candle is a beeswax or tallow candle with markings
age, for they are considered particularly vulnerable.
inscribed or painted down its sides. In theory, the candle burns
A character wearing an amulet may spend a Fortune point when down to the next marking for each hour that passes, but these are
they are targeted by a supernatural power, a spell, the evil eye, not precision devices. Differences in temperature and humidity
or a mental attack from a Mythos being or other supernatural can cause the burning time of the candle to fluctuate.
creature. The amulet prevents the negative repercussions of the
A timekeeping candle is a trivial item.
power, spell, or attack. The player then rolls 1 . If the result is
an effect , the amulet remains effective and can be used again;
otherwise, it is rendered useless and must be replaced.

Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment
TRIBULI are often viewed as a coward’s weapon, poisons can provide an
Restriction Rating: 1 expedient means of eliminating a tough or troublesome foe.
Tribuli are iron caltrops used by the Romans and their
When a character ingests a dose of poison, the dose deals 4
enemies. Four points arranged in a pyramidal configuration
physical damage with the Persistent 3 and Piercing 3 damage
ensure that no matter how a tribulus lands, one of its barbed
effects. If a dose of poison is applied to a weapon or piece of
iron points sticks up. Tribuli are a minor item and function as
ammunition, for the remainder of the scene, the weapon deals
a physical hazard in one zone, inflicting 3 on anyone who
+2 and gains Persistent 3.
moves over them (see Physical Hazards, page 33).
A dose of poison is a trivial item.


Restriction Rating: 3
Restriction Rating: 2
A broad category of mind-altering substances—from the
Opium is a powerful drug derived from the poppy. Milder
hallucinogenic honey of bees that harvest toxic plants, to teas
doses taken as a tea, called cretic wine, are used as a sleep aid,
brewed from the blue lotus, to the meat of bream known as
while the leaves are used to prepare mekonion, which can
dreamfish—seplasia induce hallucinations and commonly
soothe the pain of injuries.
feature in magical and religious rituals.
When you take a Catch Breath major action to remove stress from
Consuming a dose of seplasia inflicts 3 mental damage
yourself, you may consume a dose of opium. If you do, you remove
with the Persistent 2 and Piercing 3 damage effects. When a
an additional 1 stress. However, if an effect is rolled, then the
character uses seplasia, choose one of the following:
drug has dulled your abilities, and you increase the complication
range of all skill tests you make by +1 for the rest of the scene. i The seplasia reduces the difficulty of spells cast by the user
by 1 for one hour.
A dose of opium is a trivial item.
i The seplasia prevents any negative effects from a character’s
POISON mental scars for one hour.
Restriction Rating: 2
Regardless of the choice, the character gains the personal
Poisons are a common tool for the disposal of one’s political
truth Sees Visions, Both True and False for the duration of the
rivals in the Roman courts. The most common poisons are
seplasia’s repercussions.
distilled from plants like henbane, nightshade, and hemlock,
but certain animal venoms are equally effective. While they A dose of seplasia is a trivial item.

Personal Gear

Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment

Every character has a certain amount of personal gear provided by the archetype, background, characteristic, and talents their player
selected. Barring extreme circumstances, your character always has access to these items. If personal gear is lost or destroyed, it can be
replaced between adventures, though your GM may decide that it takes time to replace items with a Restriction rating of 4 or higher.

Your character may use only one good-luck charm per

GOOD-LUCK CHARM adventure. If your background and characteristic give you
Several backgrounds and characteristics give a character a
two such items, although you may keep both items, only
token of their past, memorabilia of an event, or something
one functions as a good-luck charm during any particular
similar. Regardless of the specifics of such items, they function
adventure. However, you gain one additional piece of
the same. Once per adventure, your character can invoke the
equipment with a Restriction rating of 1 or lower.
good-luck charm the same way they would use a Fortune point.

Acquiring Equipment
Some gaming groups like to give their characters all the tools of the trade they need (within reason), or simply like to allow them
to acquire rare, epic, and legendary items during the course of their adventures. Some groups like to keep matters of loot, plunder,
and relative wealth entirely abstract or narrative.

For those who prefer a system that is less abstract, yet still Each party of player characters has a collective total of 5
doesn’t get bogged down with recordkeeping, the wealth and requisition points, plus 1 per character, and it can acquire items
requisition system presented here offers a simple alternative, with a Restriction rating of 3 or lower. Certain backgrounds,
affording characters regular opportunities to acquire new characteristics, and other sources can modify these numbers.
equipment as part of their group’s adventuring activities
Each item costs requisition points equal to its Restriction
without having to account for every denarius in their possession.
At the GM’s discretion, a given group may have access to
Items with a Restriction rating above 5 cannot be requisitioned:
requisition points, to individual character wealth, or both.
they must be obtained through other means, such as receiving
These give characters an opportunity at the start of each
them as direct gifts from a patron of the characters. The
adventure to acquire additional items to help them complete
gamemaster may veto any individual items requested or may
their upcoming tasks.
declare that some items are not currently available.


It is extremely unlikely the Roman Army would ever dispatch
From a beggar’s wooden bowl with a few clipped coins rattling
soldiers on a mission without the means necessary to get the
in the bottom to a patrician’s sprawling estate of marble, the
job done. The same could be said for other groups involved in
wealth of the Roman Empire’s denizens runs the full gamut.
the Hidden Wars, who are often generous with their agents.
Requisitions represent support offered by such patrons to a In Cohors Cthulhu, a character’s wealth rating is an abstract
group of heroes. The group as a whole receives a quantity of measure of how extensive their personal resources are. It
requisition points, which they may spend upon individual includes not only the coins they have at their disposal, but also
items. The group can use its requisition points to requisition things like real estate, heirlooms, and even contacts who can
items from the characters’ military suppliers, their patron’s assist the character in times of need.
provisioners, or other sources as needed.
Your character’s initial wealth rating is determined by their
caste: their station in society (see Castes, page 123). At character
creation, your character gains a number of wealth points
equal to their wealth rating. These wealth points allow them to
purchase additional weapons, armor, and other personal gear.

Each item costs wealth points equal to its Restriction rating.

After character creation, wealth still plays an important role.

At the end of each adventure, your character’s wealth points
reset to equal their wealth rating. Your character can use their
wealth points to purchase equipment in addition to what the
group requisitions using its requisition points. This usually
happens between adventures, during downtime.

Chapter 7 - Arms and Equipment
The opportunity to spend wealth points over the course With the GM’s approval, you may seek a permanent increase
of an adventure may be limited, so it is not necessarily an to your character’s wealth rating outside of circumstances
advantage to save wealth points for later use. However, if your involving a windfall. A permanent wealth rating increase costs
character’s wealth rating is 2 or higher, the GM has the option the same number of experience points as a standard character
of reducing your character’s wealth rating any time you use advancement: 10 XP raises your character’s wealth rating by +1 as
your character’s wealth points to purchase an item with a they pull together what resources they can to make investments
Restriction rating equal to their wealth rating. and connections that will yield regular future benefits.

Some GMs might decide that the heroes do not have access During character creation, a character begins with a wealth
to requisition points, making wealth the only way to gain rating between 0 and 3. During adventuring, it is possible for a
equipment outside of adventures. Using solely wealth might be character to reach a wealth rating of 4, which represents access
more appropriate for a group of tribal warriors, loosely affiliated to considerable assets, beyond those even commonly possessed
bandits, or others who lack patrons or sponsors to support their by those of the noble caste. It is generally difficult to maintain
activities and for whom plunder and seizing assets is a vital activity. a wealth rating that is this high, and doing so can attract
unwanted and hostile attention.
Raising and Lowering Wealth
A character’s wealth rating can fluctuate across a campaign: RESTRICTION RATINGS
the gamemaster can adjust a wealth rating to represent a All items have a Restriction rating expressed as a number.
character’s changed circumstances. Any adjustments to wealth An item with a Restriction rating of 0 is freely available
rating take effect at the end of the current adventure. everywhere, while an item with a higher Restriction rating is
scarce, difficult to produce, rare, or perhaps even illegal. The
Example Restriction Ratings table, see below, offers examples of
The GM might decrease the wealth rating of one or more
various types of items and their typical Restriction ratings.
characters by 1 to reflect significant major misfortune.
Profligate spending can also affect a character’s wealth rating:
when a character with a wealth rating of 2 or higher uses their EXAMPLE RESTRICTION RATINGS
wealth points to purchase an item with a Restriction rating RESTRICTION
equal to their wealth rating, the GM has the option of reducing ITEM
their wealth rating by 1. If the misfortune or spending issue
Rations, clothing, utensils, etc. 0
seems temporary, the GM might decide the wealth rating
reduction lasts only for a certain number of adventures. Simple weapons, ammunition for bows
and slings, leather armor, skill kits
Similarly, if one or more characters receive a windfall of resources, Good-quality weapons and armor,
such as a hoard of treasure or a reward for bringing in a significant expensive or complicated items
bounty, the GM might raise those characters’ wealth rating. At
Military-grade weapons and armor,
the GM’s discretion, that benefit might be restricted to characters items requiring rare or extremely 3
with a lower wealth rating: for example, characters with a wealth valuable components
rating of 0 or 1 might increase their wealth rating by +1, while
those with a wealth rating of 2 or more might remain unaffected. Epic specialized weaponry, siege weapons 4
If the windfall seems temporary, the GM might decide the wealth
Legendary or semimystical weapons,
rating increase lasts only for a certain number of adventures. including those that are relics of 5
fallen Atlantis
Windfalls Hyperborean augmentations
and equipment
When a character receives a windfall of resources, the GM
may handle the increased purchasing power it offers in
either of two ways:

i For smaller windfalls, the GM might offer the character

one or more wealth points, which they must spend (or
lose) before the end of the current adventure.

i The GM might increase the character’s wealth rating

at the end of the adventure. The GM could decide
that the increase will last for a certain number of
adventures, or they could decide that it is permanent.

Chapter 8

Mounts and Vehicles.............................................. 169

Getting Around.......................................................................170

On The Move: Vehicles..........................................................172

Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - Mounts and Vehicles


Getting Around
Humanity has long harnessed the power of animals to make their lives and their labor easier. Large, strong beasts such as horses
and oxen are employed to move people and cargo more easily from place to place. This use extends to times of war, in the form of
baggage trains laden with provisions, horses used to pull siege engines, and the deadly presence of cavalry and chariots.

When a mounted character faces a physical attack, the

MOUNTED TRAVEL attack is assumed to target the rider. The attacker may spend
Typically, a mount doesn’t allow travel faster outside of combat
2 Momentum on the attack to target the mount instead.
than a character can manage on foot. While horses and similar
Whether the mount or the rider is hit, damage is dealt to them
beasts are faster than humans over relatively short distances,
in the standard manner.
across long ranges their endurance doesn’t compare to that of
an average human adult. This is made worse if the beast is also Mental attacks against a mounted character automatically
pulling a cart, wagon, siege weapon, or some other vehicle. target the mount—animals are more easily spooked, and thus
For routine purposes, the utility of a mount or vehicle is more vulnerable to being scared. However, the mount may use
more in carrying the weight of a rider and allowing travel at a the rider’s Courage + Morale resistance instead of its own, as
reasonable pace, without undue exertion. the rider tries to calm their steed.

For crossing large distances quickly, a rider may need to change Should a mount be knocked prone, stunned, or become
horses regularly. Riding at full pace for part of a journey is otherwise incapacitated, its rider falls from the saddle, taking
possible, but pushing a mount beyond that risks killing it 3 physical damage with the Stun damage effect. The
from overexertion. When traveling long distances, a rider must character is no longer mounted and is knocked prone within
make an Insight + Survival test, assisted by the mount’s Brawn Reach of their mount.
+ Resilience test instead of the rider’s own Brawn + Resilience
Attacking with a ranged weapon while in motion on a mount
test. If the rider fails the Insight + Survival test, the mount
increases the attack’s difficulty by +1, but attacks with melee
(not the rider) takes 1 fatigue. A long ride tires the steed far
weapons are unmodified. However, a mounted character
more than the rider.
may not make any mounted attacks with a Reach 0 or Reach 1
In battle, a different set of actions becomes available to a weapon, as the character is too distant from their enemies to
mounted rider. These are described in Mounted Combat Actions. make an unarmed strike or use such short weapons effectively.

A mounted character has a few new types of actions available

MOUNTED COMBAT ACTIONS to them in combat. However, the Movement minor action and
Mounted warriors are fast and dangerous in combat. Mounts
Rush major action represent the character’s mobility on foot,
trained for combat are typically minor NPCs, a type of
and thus they cannot be used until the character dismounts.
supporting character (see Appendix C: Supporting Characters,
A steed does not take its own actions or reactions; its ability to
page 216). These mounts provide assistance on skill tests when
act is subsumed into its rider’s actions.
their rider takes actions, representing cooperation between
skilled rider and well-trained mount.

Whenever a mounted character would normally need to make

an Athletics-based skill test related to movement, the character
may make an Insight + Survival or Will + Survival test instead,
with their mount assisting using Agility + Athletics or Brawn +
Athletics, provided the type of movement is within the mount’s
capabilities (a horse cannot climb sheer cliffs, for example).
The mounted character may similarly gain assistance from
their mount on melee attacks and Observation-based tests they
make—the mount’s bulk is an advantage in the former case, and
its height and senses offer advantages in the latter.

Chapter 8 - Mounts and Vehicles
in its entry). You may not take the Charge major action if
Minor Actions (Mounted) you’ve already taken the Trot or Canter minor action this
A mounted character cannot use the Movement minor action.
turn. To Charge, guide your mount to move at full speed
i Mount/Dismount: You climb or leap into the saddle of a toward an enemy: select an enemy within Medium range,
mount within Reach, or onto its back if it has no saddle. and move to within Reach of that enemy. Then, you make
Alternatively, you dismount from a mount you’re riding. a melee attack against that enemy. If you pass the attack’s
skill test, your weapon deals +X damage, where X is the
i Trot: You guide your mount to move to any point within
weapon’s Reach, and it gains the Knockdown damage effect.
Medium range. You can’t take the Trot minor action if you’ve
already taken the Charge or Gallop major action this turn. i Gallop: You spur your mount to full speed, making a Will
+ Survival skill test with a difficulty of 1 (assisted by your
i Canter: You guide your mount to move to any point
mount’s Agility + Athletics) to move to anywhere within
within Long range. While your mount is cantering, you’re
Medium range. You may then spend Momentum to move up
harder to hit, but you suffer a penalty in return. The
to 1 additional zone per Momentum spent. Location truths
difficulty of attacks targeting you increases by +1 until the
may increase the difficulty of this skill test, and this test always
start of your next turn, but any skill tests you make before
allows you to succeed at a cost (see Success at a Cost, page 25).
the start of your next turn also suffer +1 difficulty.
You may not take the Gallop major action if you’ve already
taken the Trot or Canter minor action this turn.
Major Actions (Mounted)
A mounted character cannot take the Rush major action.
Reactions (Mounted)
i Charge: The Charge major action may only be taken if you You may not use reactions while mounted.
are mounted on a steed trained for battle (which is noted

On Move: Vehicles
Chapter 8 - Mounts and Vehicles

The Roman Empire in the second century CE is characterized by highly organized military campaigns and strategic conquests. Mobility
and efficiency are key to the success of the Roman legions, as soldiers must traverse vast distances to expand the empire’s territory.
Roman troop transports range from simple carts to large supply wagons and even include naval vessels for crossing seas and rivers. In this
era, it is disciplined and well-trained infantry that ultimately dominates the battlefield, alongside cavalry and war elephants.

Vehicles play an essential role in the Roman Empire, Brawn: A vehicle’s Brawn rating is used on Brawn + Resilience
transporting troops and supplies as well as aiding in combat tests to shift loads that exceed the vehicle’s passenger and Cargo X
against enemy forces. This section presents rules and statistics capacity. Brawn is also the attribute used on skill tests to employ
for vehicles used or encountered during this time. brute force using the vehicle, such as when the driver uses the
vehicle to bully their way through a crowd or blockade. Further,
Acquiring Vehicles vehicles have the Extraordinary Brawn X vehicle quality, where X
is equal to the vehicle’s scale (see Vehicle Qualities, page 177).
Vehicles fall outside the category of personal equipment
Skill tests that involve an animal-drawn vehicle’s Brawn use
and cannot ordinarily be acquired by spending wealth or
the best Brawn of the animals pulling the vehicle. For each
requisition points. However, patrons or other authorities
animal beyond the first that is pulling the vehicle, add 1d20 to
might give or loan the PCs one or more vehicles as
the dice pool.
necessary to carry out operations on their behalf. They
might even provide the PCs with drivers or any support Maximum Stress: A vehicle’s maximum stress—labeled Stress in
crew required to operate the vehicles if the PCs lack the its profile—is the measure of how much stress it can take before
necessary skills or numbers. For example, a wagon and it sustains an injury (see Vehicle Damage and Stress, page 176).
driver or riverboat and pilot plus crew might be loaned
Injuries: The number after the Injuries label in a vehicle’s
to a group tasked with escorting a delivery of vital cargo
profile indicates the number of injuries it can sustain before it
to a remote village or town. A PC group could potentially
becomes defeated and therefore unusable (see Vehicle Injuries,
permanently acquire a wagon, boat, chariot, or other
page 176).
vehicle in the course of an adventure; in such a case, the
vehicle could be considered a special asset of the group or Armor Resistance: When a vehicle is dealt stress, that stress
could be sold to increase the wealth rating of one or more is reduced by the vehicle’s Armor resistance—labeled Armor
PCs, at the GM’s discretion. in its profile—and by any Cover resistance it receives from its

Speed: A vehicle’s speed is used to calculate the number of zones

it can travel when it moves, as detailed in Vehicular Movement,
page 173. An animal-drawn vehicle’s maximum speed is 2.

Passengers: A vehicle can carry up to the number of

passengers, including its driver and any crew, noted after its
Passengers label.

Cover: A vehicle’s Cover is the Cover resistance it provides to

creatures and objects inside it if the vehicle has the Exposed
vehicle quality. Passengers inside a vehicle with the Enclosed
vehicle quality cannot be targeted by attacks from outside the
vehicle. A vehicle’s Cover rating does not affect stress dealt to
the vehicle itself.
A vehicle’s various features and capabilities are defined using Vehicle Qualities: Most vehicles have one or more vehicle
the following terms: qualities, which are defined in Vehicle Qualities, page 177.

Scale: A vehicle’s scale is a representation of its size. Scale 0 refers Impact: A vehicle’s impact rating is used to calculate the
to any vehicle that is approximately the same size as a human. damage it deals when it strikes a creature or object (see
Scale 1 covers vehicles around twice the size of a human, and Vehicular Attacks, page 175).
each additional increase in scale approximately doubles the size
Weapons: Any weapons mounted on a vehicle are listed in its
of the vehicle. (Scale also applies to creatures, as covered in the
Weapons section.
Cohors Cthulhu Gamemaster’s Guide, page @@.) If a vehicle’s scale
could negatively affect a character’s skill test, the difficulty of the Special Rules: Any additional capabilities a vehicle has or
skill test increases by a number equal to the vehicle’s scale. unique rules that apply to it are listed in its Special section.


Chapter 8 - Mounts and Vehicles

A character inside a vehicle is referred to as a passenger. Some In action scenes, including combat, vehicles operate within
passengers take on specific roles to operate the vehicle, and zones from Close to Extreme range, just as characters do (see
these are referred to as crew. Zones, page 31). They can also be in a state of Reach. Vehicles do
not, however, maneuver the same way characters do—instead,
Crew Roles a vehicle’s driver must take one of the actions described in
Each character inside a vehicle can take a specific crew role Vehicular Movement, to cause a vehicle to move.
related to that vehicle. Moving into position to assume a crew
The type of terrain being traversed may affect different vehicles
role requires use of a minor action.
in different ways. At the GM’s discretion, any of the following
Driver: A vehicle can have only a single driver. To cause the may apply when a vehicle crosses over certain types of terrain:
vehicle to move, the driver may take any of the actions listed in
i The terrain only affects vehicles of a specific scale or
Vehicular Movement, page 173. Typically, no skill test is needed to
higher, like terrain that can easily be navigated only by
take one of these actions, but on occasion, such an action may
smaller vehicles.
require a Coordination + Survival test. A vehicle without a
driver automatically fails all tests. i The terrain only affects vehicles of a specific scale or lower,
like obstacles that large vehicles can just power through or
Artillerist: An artillerist operates ranged vehicle weapons
over unhindered.
mounted on the vehicle (see Vehicular Attacks, page 175). If a
vehicle mounts multiple vehicle weapons, only one can be i The terrain only affects specific types of vehicles, such as
operated per turn, and any single vehicle weapon may be fired wheeled vehicles.
by only one artillerist each round.
i The test to move across the terrain has a difficulty of 1;
Commander: The commander is responsible for coordinating therefore, a skill test is not required for a vehicle moving
the actions of the crew and passengers and for making tactical slowly and carefully, such as if the driver takes a Careful
decisions during combat. Commanders are found only on the Driving major action.
largest vehicles, like the mighty Roman trireme.
A vehicle terrain test is a Coordination + Survival test made
Vehicular Movement by the vehicle’s driver. If the terrain a vehicle is crossing over
The following actions are available to a vehicle’s driver.
is more problematic for certain types of vehicles, the terrain
These actions do not typically require a skill test, but if they
test’s difficulty, complication range, or both may be increased
do, such as if the vehicle is in difficult or hazardous terrain,
at the GM’s discretion.
then moving the vehicle requires passing a Coordination
+ Survival test, which is called a vehicle terrain test. (If the
player and GM feel a different combination is more suitable in
a particular situation, that combination may be substituted.) A
vehicle without a driver automatically fails all tests.

Maneuver (Minor Action): The vehicle moves to anywhere

within Close range.

Careful Driving (Major Action): The vehicle moves a number

of zones equal to half its speed, rounding up. If the driver
must make a vehicle terrain test, the difficulty of that test is
reduced by 1.

Hasty Driving (Major Action): The vehicle moves a number of

zones equal to its speed. The difficulty of each skill test made
by a crew member or passenger increases by +1 until the start
of the driver’s next turn.

Chapter 8 - Mounts and Vehicles

SUPPLY LINES: BEASTS OF Passengers and Cargo

A vehicle can carry up to the number of passengers,
VEHICLES including crew, noted in the Passengers line of its profile.
While a Roman soldier with sufficient Brawn may feel
The Passenger number represents the number of dedicated
comfortable carrying everything they own in their sarcina
spaces—usually seats—for passengers in or on the vehicle.
marching pack, others may need to rely on a horse, mule, or
other beast to help carry heavy but important belongings. A In addition to passengers and the items they carry, a vehicle
beast of burden, whether a draft horse, aurochs, or mule, is may normally carry a number of major items equal to
considered to be Brawn 12+ when determining the number of its Cargo X vehicle quality (see Vehicle Qualities, page 177).
major and minor items it can haul or carry when it is not being Unlike characters, a vehicle cannot naturally carry extra
ridden or attached to a vehicle (see Heavy Lifting, page 156). items based on Brawn or scale, as a vehicle needs places to
stow extra items in order to carry them effectively.
Just like riding instead of walking, hauling gear in a cart pulled
by a beast of burden—or traveling in a carriage or wagon—is Items can be stored in passenger spaces instead of
more a way to cross distances without exhausting oneself than passengers—each passenger space can carry up to two
it is a way to traverse a region quickly. major items if there is no passenger in it. Similarly,
passengers can ride along in cargo space, with each
Such vehicles lack the top speed of the typical lone riding
passenger taking up the space of four major items.
horse, as the beasts pulling them must devote their strength
Passengers in cargo space are liable to have an
to moving the weight of their burden rather than to swiftness.
uncomfortable journey in their improvised space, suffering
Instead, these animals and conveyances provide a way to
an additional +2 stress from any impacts the vehicle suffers.
transport multiple people or large quantities of goods much
more easily than via people on foot.

Similarly to mounted combat, when your character travels a long

distance, employing an animal-drawn vehicle means they do not
need to make any Resilience-based skill tests to withstand the
rigors of the road—the animals pulling the vehicle must make the
related skill tests instead. If a team of animals shares the burden
of pulling the vehicle, they can continue for longer than a lone
Overloaded Vehicles
When an animal-drawn vehicle’s load exceeds its passenger
animal could. Whenever an animal in a team makes a skill test
and Cargo X capacity, actions taken to move the vehicle require
to pull a vehicle or engage in another activity that would benefit
a Brawn + Resilience test. The test’s Brawn and Resilience each
from their teamwork, each animal after the first adds 1d20 to that
equal the best Brawn or Resilience, respectively, of the animals
test, as if they were a mob (see @@Mob Tactics@@ in the Cohors
pulling the vehicle. For each animal beyond the first that is
Cthulhu Gamemaster’s Guide, page @@) all contributing to the task.
pulling the vehicle, add 1d20 to the dice pool.

“I’d hazard I could tell you exactly where in the empire

I am from the cadence of the wagon’s jolts and bumps.
Every citizen of Rome should try riding along the dirt
trails of Germania once in a while to better appreciate
the relative comforts of a real road.”
– Lemonius, traveler and philosopher

Chapter 8 - Mounts and Vehicles
A vehicle’s archers or slingers can make attacks with mounted
Attacking Passengers
vehicle weapons in the same way they attack with personal
When you make a successful attack against a vehicle with the
weapons, making a Coordination + Fighting test (the Archery
Exposed vehicle quality, you may spend 2 Momentum to hit
and Thrown Weapons focuses apply).
a passenger within line of sight in that vehicle instead.
An archer or slinger cannot carry or fire a vehicle weapon
If a vehicle has the Exposed vehicle quality, any successful
as they would a personal weapon unless the weapon is first
attack against it that has the Area damage effect hits the
mounted on a stand or directly on the vehicle. All weapons
vehicle with its initial blast. Passengers within line of site
mounted on a vehicle are treated as though wielded in two
of the attack’s point of impact count as additional targets
hands. Weapons with the Heavy weapon quality lose that
within Close range, meaning the attack also hits one
quality when they are mounted on a vehicle.
passenger per effect rolled. These passengers suffer the
If a vehicle has the Exposed vehicle quality, then passengers may full consequences of the attack.
use personal weapons to make attacks against targets outside
the vehicle as they normally would. If the vehicle does not have
the Exposed vehicle quality, passengers cannot use personal
weapons to attack targets outside the vehicle unless certain
circumstances (as determined by the GM) or special rules apply.

Ramming Repairing Vehicles
Chapter 8 - Mounts and Vehicles

If a vehicle moves during the driver’s turn, the driver may Unlike characters, vehicles do not recover from stress
make a Will + Survival test with a difficulty of 1 to use the automatically between scenes. Characters can do repair work
vehicle to make a melee attack against a target within Close to remove vehicle stress and injuries; the latter take significant
range. If the attack is successful, it deals physical damage time and effort to remove fully. A character must work on a
equal to the vehicle’s impact rating. vehicle during downtime to remove stress or injuries using the
following tests:
When a vehicle rams another vehicle or a structure, in addition
to dealing , the attacking vehicle also suffers equal to Repair Vehicle Stress: You hammer out dents, replace
the target’s scale or half the attacking vehicle’s impact rating, damaged wood, and make other minor repairs to a vehicle.
whichever is smaller. This requires an Insight + Crafting test with a difficulty of 1.
Passing the test removes stress equal to your ranks in Crafting

Bumps and Bruises +1 per Momentum spent.

Repair Vehicle Injury: You repair and replace parts of the

When a vehicle suffers one or more injuries due to an damaged vehicle. This requires an Insight + Crafting test with
attack or impact, each passenger within it suffers the a difficulty of 2. Passing the test removes a single injury after
same damage the vehicle does, with the Drain and Stun four hours of work.
damage effects, to a maximum of 4 , or a maximum
of 8 with the Snare and Stun damage effects if the Vehicle Momentum
vehicle becomes defeated. A vehicle’s driver or crew can spend Momentum on the options
in the Vehicle Momentum Options table. Alternatively, at the GM’s
discretion, you can invent ways for a driver or crew member to
spend Momentum as long as they make sense in the context in
which it was generated.


Vehicle Damage and Stress MOMENTUM
Vehicles can be targeted by an attack and take physical damage OPTION OUTCOME
, including stress, just as any other combatant can. A vehicle’s
maximum stress is labeled Stress in its profile. Because vehicles After failing a terrain test,
are objects, they cannot be the targets of mental attacks, continue moving forward
though their crew and passengers can be. Vehicles do not Ram as if the terrain test had not
suffer fatigue. Through failed. The vehicle suffers a
number of determined
Vehicle Injuries and Defeat by the GM.
Vehicles follow the same rules for taking injuries that
After a successful attack,
creatures do (see Injuries, page 41), with some minor
you can target a passenger
adjustments. In particular, when a vehicle suffers stress 2
Passenger inside of an Exposed vehicle
from a physical attack or hazard, instead of sustaining an
instead of the vehicle.
injury after suffering 5 stress, it sustains an injury after
suffering stress equal to 5 plus its scale. Thus, a vehicle of
scale 1 must suffer 6 stress from a single attack, not 5, to
sustain an injury.

As with injuries suffered by characters, each injury a vehicle

suffers becomes an additional truth describing how the vehicle
has been damaged, such as Broken Axle, Cracked Frame, or
Damaged Wheel.

Most vehicles become defeated once they accrue 3 injuries

(see Defeated, page 41), though some vehicles may be more
durable and able to withstand more injuries, as noted in their
profiles. When a vehicle is defeated, it can no longer be used.


Chapter 8 - Mounts and Vehicles

The following vehicle qualities alter the way a vehicle functions,
whether positively or negatively.

Cargo X: The vehicle may carry up to X major items in addition

to its passengers and the items on their persons. See Passengers
and Cargo, page 174, for more information.

Cumbersome: The vehicle is bulky and unresponsive. The

difficulty of its driver’s tests to move the vehicle increase by +1.

Enclosed: The vehicle is completely enclosed, protecting its

crew and other passengers if they are within it. Crew and
other passengers within the vehicle cannot be targeted by
attacks made from outside the vehicle, but they also cannot
use their personal weapons to attack targets that are outside
Attacking a Vehicle the vehicle. (They can still use vehicle weapons to attack
An attack against a vehicle is like an attack against a mounted targets outside the vehicle.)
rider, though with a greater number of possible targets. The
Exposed: The crew and other passengers of an exposed vehicle
larger size of a vehicle compared to a rider on horseback grants
can be targeted by attacks made from outside the vehicle, and
1 bonus Momentum to all attacks made against the vehicle. A
they may use their personal weapons to attack targets outside
player or GM whose character successfully attacks a vehicle rolls
the vehicle.
1 on the Attacked Vehicle Target table, see below , to determine
what is struck. The attacker may spend 2 Momentum to choose a Extraordinary Brawn X: Skill tests that use the vehicle’s Brawn
target from this table instead of rolling to determine the target. attribute gain +X automatic successes, where X is equal to the
A vehicle with a team of animals should use the mob rules to vehicle’s scale. For example, if a vehicle has a scale of 1, each skill
resolve damage dealt to the animals (see @@Mob Tactics@@ in test made using the vehicle’s Brawn gains one extra success.
the Cohors Cthulhu Gamemaster’s Guide, page @@).
Tough X: The vehicle can take more punishment than most.
The number of injuries the vehicle can withstand before being
defeated increases by X. The driver or commander can also
generate 3 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool to remove an injury
inflicted on the vehicle (NPC vehicles spend 3 Threat instead).

Animal(s): The attack’s damage is dealt to Large Vehicles
the creatures pulling the vehicle.
Any vehicle with a scale of 4 or above may take up
Driver: If the vehicle has the Exposed multiple zones and may have its own internal space
vehicle quality, the attack’s damage is dealt divided into several zones. For example, a warship may
to the driver or one of the passengers. If have different cabins and decks, and these may exist
there is more than one driver or passenger, across several zones on the environment map (the fore,
randomly determine which is struck. If the the aft, etc.) The specifics are left to the GM’s discretion.
vehicle does not have the Exposed vehicle
quality, roll again.

Vehicle: The attack’s damage is dealt to the

Blank vehicle. Most vehicles have higher Armor
resistance than the animals or driver.

Chapter 8 - Mounts and Vehicles

Hauled by beasts of burden, overland vehicles are wheeled vehicles used to travel on roads and across land. They can be hindered
by rough terrain, mud, deep fords, and trackless landscape, but they function well on the expanse of a flat battlefield or on the
surface of a Roman road.

The basterna is a conveyance most often used by the spouses of influential Roman citizens. It is similar to a palanquin but replaces
human carriers with a pair of mules directed by a drover. A basterna’s interior—called its cavea, or cage—contains numerous
pillows for passengers to lounge upon as they are carried across a city.

Truths Passengers: 4 in addition to assistant (optional) and driver

i Mule-Borne Litter
Cover: 0

Profile Vehicle Qualities: Cargo 1, Cumbersome, Enclosed

Scale 1 Injuries 3 Impact Rating: 1 per mule drawing the basterna (maximum 4)
Brawn 11 Armor 1
Stress 8 Speed 1 Weapons

Special Rules
Assistant: A basterna may, optionally, have an assistant who can aid the driver. The assistant is part of the crew and can take an
Assist major action to help the basterna’s driver.

Exposed Crew: The basterna’s passengers benefit from the Enclosed vehicle quality, but the crew are not protected from enemy
attacks made from outside the vehicle or from weather conditions, and they may use personal weapons to make attacks against
targets outside the vehicle.

Sturdy: The basterna is designed to handle rough terrain; it can move across uneven or difficult ground without difficulty.

Chariots are a specific type of cart. They are driven by a charioteer and accommodate a single additional passenger, and they are
usually pulled by two horses. While chariots come in a variety of configurations, sizes, and weights, the chariot profiled here is one of
the smallest and simplest in construction, with a largely open cart that is not sturdy enough to reliably handle the rigors of combat.
Nevertheless, even simple chariots provide rapid transportation across level and open ground.

Truths Passengers: 1 in addition to charioteer

i Horse-Drawn Chariot
Cover: 0

Profile Vehicle Qualities: Cargo 1, Exposed, Extraordinary Brawn 1

Scale 1 Injuries 3 Impact Rating: 1 per horse drawing the chariot (maximum 4)
Stress 8 Armor 1
Brawn Equals the Speed 1 per horse Weapons
horse’s Brawn  (max 2) None


Chapter 8 - Mounts and Vehicles

The most common wagons are built to serve as robust conveyances for cargo but are not comfortable to drive or ride. Wagons
generally have four wheels on a pair of axles and are pulled by a team of horses or oxen. They can be found in nearly every culture
that uses beasts of burden and serve a vital role in moving heavy cargo across long distances, though generally at a slow pace. They
are reliant on the quality of roads and can get stuck if venturing off-road. Many Roman wagons are finely engineered and might be
quite durable and sophisticated, providing a greater-than-usual degree of comfort and protection for both driver and passengers,
and capable of conveying heavier cargo.

Passengers: 4 in addition to driver

i Horse- or Ox-Drawn Wagon Cover: 1

Profile Vehicle Qualities: Cargo 5, Cumbersome, Enclosed (partially),

Extraordinary Brawn 2
Scale 2 Injuries 3
Stress 8 Armor 1 Impact Rating: 1 per horse or oxen drawing the wagon
(maximum 4)
Brawn Equals the Speed 1 per horse or ox
horse’s Brawn  (max 2)
i None

Enclosed (partially): The wagon is partially enclosed, protecting passengers and cargo within it to some extent. Passengers cannot
be directly targeted by attacks from outside the wagon, but they may still be affected by attacks with the Area damage effect (see
Attacking Passengers, page 175). Passengers cannot use personal weapons to attack targets outside the wagon unless they are
exposed (leaning out of the wagon).

Exposed Crew: The wagon’s passengers benefit from the Enclosed vehicle quality, but the crew are not protected from enemy
attacks made from outside the vehicle or from weather conditions, and they may use personal weapons to make attacks against
targets outside the vehicle.

The war chariot is a small cart with two robust wheels, which are generally made of wood and clad in a rim of steel or iron. This
chariot has room for a charioteer and one passenger as well as a small amount of cargo. When it is used for military purposes, its
passenger is typically a soldier armed with a long weapon, such as a spear, or with a bow.

A war chariot offers a significant military advantage, allowing soldiers to sweep around formations, or acting as a mobile platform
for commanders. A creature targeted by a war chariot might be knocked to the ground by its horses or the chariot itself, run over
by the wheels, or attacked by its passenger. Some war chariot wheels have spikes or blades affixed to them, imperiling anyone the
chariot drives past.

Passengers: 1 in addition to charioteer

i Horse-Drawn Chariot Cover: 0
i Reinforced
Vehicle Qualities: Cargo 1, Exposed, Extraordinary Brawn 1
Impact Rating: 1 per horse drawing the chariot (maximum 4)
Scale 1 Injuries 3
Stress 12 Armor 2 Weapons
Brawn Equals the Speed 1 per horse i None
horse’s Brawn  (max 2)

Bladed Wheels: The chariot’s wheels are iron-shod and bladed. Attacks that use its impact rating gain the Intense and Piercing 1
damage effects.

Chapter 8 - Mounts and Vehicles

Whether they are crossing the expanse of the Mediterranean or navigating the watery byways of Germania’s many rivers, watercraft
are the most reliable vehicles for transporting goods and soldiers across great distances.

Available in a broad range of types, riverboats are small vessels used primarily to carry passengers and cargo along sufficiently
robust rivers and streams. They have a shallow draft and are relatively nimble in the water for their size, though they can easily
become grounded if piloted incautiously. These vessels rely on the power of people serving as rowers on either side. Most have
limited protective cover beyond that provided by tarps drawn over vulnerable cargo to shield it from weather. A riverboat’s captain
usually directs the rowers from the rear while operating a simple rudder to facilitate maneuvers.

Truths Passengers: 10 in addition to driver and any crew (crew, if any,

i Small Rivergoing Boat are per the GM’s discretion)

Cover: 1
Scale 2 Injuries 3 Vehicle Qualities: Cargo 4, Exposed

Stress 8 Armor 1 Impact Rating: 2

Brawn 10 Speed 2
i None
Shallow Draft: The riverboat is designed to navigate shallow waters and can move through shallow or narrow waterways without difficulty.

Its name derived from its three rows or banks of oars, the trireme is a powerful and impressive galley that serves as a warship. Employed
by various cultures of the Mediterranean, it has a long and proud history of service under the Greeks, Phoenicians, Romans, and others.

Though triremes vary in size and design, most can support approximately two hundred crew. The majority of the crew are sailors or
rowers, but triremes also have a marine detachment. Some triremes are outfitted with machines of war such as a ballista, and their
soldiers may include archers and peltasts (javelineers). Many of these vessels are equipped with a forward metal-shod ram, which
serves as a primary method of engaging in combat. In addition to attempting to ram and sink enemy vessels, after impact, the
embattled crews might engage in fierce boarding actions.

Truths Passengers: 50 in addition to approximately 200 crew

i Reinforced Hull
Cover: 3
i Warship
Vehicle Qualities: Cargo 10, Cumbersome, Enclosed (partially),
Profile Extraordinary Brawn 5, Tough 1
Scale 5 Injuries 4 Impact Rating: 6
Stress 18 Armor 5
Brawn 14 Speed 1 per 100 rowers (max 2)
 or 4 (sails) Ballista: (Siege Engines), Long range, 8 Area, Intense,
Vicious, Escalation, Indirect

Enclosed (partially): The trireme is partially enclosed, protecting the passengers and cargo within it to some extent. Its passengers
cannot be directly targeted by attacks from outside the trireme, but they may still be affected by attacks with the Area damage
effect (see Attacking Passengers, page 175). Passengers cannot use personal weapons to attack targets outside the trireme unless they
are exposed (leaning out of the ship).

Ramming: The trireme is equipped with a large, reinforced ramming prow, allowing it to deal significant damage on attacks that
use its impact rating (included above).

Rowers: Up to 200 crew can act as rowers, allowing the trireme to move even without the use of its sails. For each 100 rowers, the
trireme’s speed increases by +1 (maximum 2).

Chapter 9

The World of Cohors.............................................. 181

Setting Overview......................................................................183


Germania....................................................................................... 184


Life in the Empire and Outer Provinces....................186

Life in the Germanic Tribes................................................192

Religious Pantheons Overview........................................193

Historical Timelines...............................................................199

Regional Timelines.................................................................203
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors


His day was not going well. Apart from the fact that a fast-moving cart had splashed his new tunic, Eldwin had
received some bad news. He’d been assured by Aksel, a local shipping agent, that his Falernian red would arrive that
week. But there was apparently still no sign of it, and he could therefore not meet an order from Tribune Herenus.
The Romans did love their expensive wine, and Eldwin cursed at the thought of losing one of his best customers.

“What’s up with you?” remarked Minna, one of his employees. The woman had been with him a long time and
felt at liberty to speak frankly.

“Not your concern, Minna. But tell me, how will I get the mud off here?” Eldwin stepped out from behind the
counter of his store and gestured to his tunic. “I think it’s just mud. I hope it is.”

“Still got that Ida working at your place? She’ll know what to do with it. Just make sure your wife doesn’t interfere.”

Eldwin was about to admonish Minna for this comment when young Anselm hurried in from the warehouse.
Eldwin could tell from the look on his face that he had more bad news.

“Sorry, sir, we lost two amphorae while unloading the cart. I take full responsibility—I should have supervised
them more closely.”

Eldwin sighed. “Just tell those clumsy oafs to be more careful.”

“Of course, sir.” Anselm sensibly withdrew and could soon be heard shouting at his underlings.

In his early days as a wine merchant, Eldwin had moved his product himself, but it had been a long time since he’d
got his hands dirty. His tunic, however, was another matter, and he cursed again. He’d only worn it twice.

His thoughts turned to the Falernian and disappointing Tribune Herenus. He wondered why he’d even bothered to
visit the Temple to Jupiter. His family had worshiped the Roman emperors and Roman gods for several genera-
tions, and it seemed to Eldwin that this devotion had generally been rewarded. Not this week, it seemed.

As Minna finished up her sweeping, a tall man entered the store. He smiled genially, but Eldwin couldn’t place him.

“Master Eldwin, isn’t it?”

“Indeed,” he replied, reaching over the counter to shake the man’s forearm. “I’m afraid I—”

“I’m Faramund. Your name was mentioned to me by the priest at the Temple to Jupiter.”

“Ah.” Eldwin reflected that perhaps his recent prayers hadn’t been wasted.

“I specialize in purchasing damaged properties. Do you know the Pig’s Tail Inn?”

“The one that burned down? Such a shame.”

“A sad loss indeed, but I was able to secure it for a reasonable price. Fortunately, the cellar survived, including
stocks of beer and wine. Any interest?”

Eldwin reckoned the fire and the subsequent purchase was a tad suspicious; such things went on all the time, espe-
cially in Rome. Then again, he really did need that wine, and it wasn’t as if he’d done anything wrong.
“I don’t suppose there’s any Falernian?”
“As a matter of fact, I believe there is.”
Eldwin offered a silent prayer: All praise to Jupiter!

Setting Overview

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

Cohors Cthulhu games can be set in a variety of locations and time periods, but the heart of the setting is the Roman Empire, its various
holdings, and the contested frontier regions along its shifting borders. While a general overview is provided here, many initial Cohors
games will take place near the small frontier town of Laurium, just within Roman-occupied Germania, set around 165 CE (AD).

This region and era provide ample opportunities for adventure, coast to the eastern provinces and the borders of another great
as several major Mythos-related conspiracies and events empire: Persia. The farthest outpost of the Roman Empire in this
intensify in this time period, escalating supernatural incidents period is the Farasan Islands, just off the coast of present-day Saudi
and spurring those combating them to heightened activity. Arabia, almost four thousand kilometers from Rome. By 160 CE
While certain historical events are preserved in Cohors Cthulhu, (AD), the democratic Republic is long forgotten, and more than
the impact of Mythos powers has been significant, and their twenty emperors have ruled. These include Augustus, Caligula,
Hidden Wars have sometimes changed history in small or large Nero, and Vespasian. The era of Julius Caesar is two centuries past,
ways, including influencing cultures, legends, and religions. while the reign of Constantine is more than a century into the
future. For decades, Rome has been more concerned with holding
Much of the material here is an overview of the mundane reality
onto its existing possessions than with obtaining new ones.
in which most people live, as few are aware of the complex web
of supernatural forces at play, leaving such matters to the gods Emperor Antonius Pius ruled for over twenty years before his
and those touched by them, such as various priesthoods. death in 161. An adopted son of Hadrian, he was born just outside
Rome and went on to govern the province of Asia. Antonius Pius
Note: The frontier town of Laurium used in Cohors Cthulhu is an
was respectful of the Senate (which retained some power) and was
entirely fictional place. It is not based on any historical towns of the
seen as an efficient and generous administrator. Unfortunately,
same name, nor does it share a location with one.
trouble was looming on the empire’s borders, particularly in
Britannia and Germania. The emperor also had to deal with revolts
THE EMPIRE, LATE SECOND in North Africa, Egypt, and Judea. Antonius Pius was one of the
CENTURY few emperors to die of natural causes and has been succeeded by
The Roman Empire is already eight hundred years old. From his son, Marcus Aurelius, who will come to be known as a great
its origins as a small city-state, Rome has conquered first Italy, military commander and philosopher. Another threat will soon
then much of the known world. The empire stretches from the arise in the east: a plague (most likely smallpox) that, over the next
highlands of Scotland to the Sahara desert, and from the Atlantic few years, will kill millions, devastating the capital and the army.

All roads lead here, and in fact, the ancient capital is approximately at the geographical center of the empire. While many
inhabitants were born in the city, it also encompasses Iberians, Africans, and various easterners. Though many residents endure
dire living conditions, this is an advanced city of paved streets, baths, aqueducts, and central heating. Here are some of the greatest
buildings in the world, and many a crossroads or square boasts an impressive statue. You will also find theaters, hippodromes, and
arenas, where you can watch plays, chariot racing, beast hunts, and gladiatorial contests.

The rich live in sprawling townhouses with dozens of staff, while and some who believe in nothing at all. Superstition and a belief
many others reside in crowded apartment blocks (insulae) in magic are also prevalent. Small household gods, collectively
vulnerable to fire and collapse. If you are rich, you need do little called Panes, and household spirits, called Lares, play an
actual work, likely leaving it to your employees and servants. important role in day-to-day life and spirituality for most Romans;
Some among the wealthy enjoy a degree of work as a labor of they are thought to have tremendous influence on domestic
fulfillment, having the luxury to choose the extent to which they affairs. They are looked to for protection and for ensuring the
exert themselves, while others prefer a life of indulgence. For most, quality of meals and the health of the family. Minor sacrifices to
life is a slog of backbreaking, incessant labor. In the city, you might these beings to ensure their benevolence is a common practice.
own a store or have a trade working with textiles, pottery, wood,
stone, or metal. A small fraction of the population is enslaved; the Notable Romans
law considers them the possessions of those termed their owners.
As for children, only the wealthy can afford education, by way of Arriving in Rome in 162, the famous physician Galen
private tutors, and most begin work at a young age. studies the Antonine Plague and serves Marcus Aurelius as
his personal doctor. He is a prodigious writer on medicine,
A variety of religions can be found in the capital, including
philosophy, and literature. One of his contemporaries is
Judaism and Christianity. However, the most common worship is
Apuleius, author of Metamorphoses, or The Golden Ass, the
that of the twelve great gods: the deities of the Roman pantheon.
only complete Latin novel to survive antiquity.
Adherents of dozens of other deities can be found here as well,

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

The term Germania (also Germania Magna or Germanic Barbaricum) describes a broad, uncontrolled northern European region
differentiated from the Roman-controlled provinces of Germania Inferior and Germania Superior. Ever since Caesar explored the
lands beyond the Rhine in the first century BCE (BC), Rome has attempted to bring northwestern Europe to heel, with varying
degrees of success. The Goths, for example, have never been fully subdued. In this regard, Germania Magna can be considered
almost a frontier area, where the extent of Roman control and local conflicts are more fluid than in older, settled provinces. Levels
of conflict with the local tribes fluctuate, but it’s unlikely that there are many periods of total peace.

Soldiers and civilians alike exist in a constant state of

tension, with the prospect of war never far away. As is the
Ethnically similar to the Chatti, the Cherusci are first
case for most in the ancient world, life is difficult, short,
mentioned in Caesar’s military memoirs, and by 12 BCE, they
and dangerous. Most residents’ main occupation is survival;
have apparently been subjugated. The tribe’s most noted
only the rich have much time to enjoy life. Some locals
leader is Arminius, who leads the deadly attack of 9 CE in
benefit greatly from the presence of Rome, while for others
Teutoburg Forest. After Arminius’s death, the Romans largely
it means a loss of identity and sovereignty. The Romans
leave the Cherusci alone, and the tribe benefits from having
use various tactics with the local tribes but are usually
the Chatti between them and the German provinces controlled
careful not to overstretch themselves. They employ military
by Rome. Because of this and other factors, the Cherusci enjoy
scouts and local informers to keep themselves apprised
a degree of prosperity and are alleged by Tacitus to have a
of developments among the tribal villages of the region.
peaceful nature, one that may undermine the effectiveness
It’s likely that a more “lawless” province like Germania
of their warriors. Those dwelling closer to Roman-occupied
Magna is appealing to criminal enterprises such as robbers,
territories more readily integrate and adapt to this life. By the
smugglers, forgers, and enslavers. The valuable mines in the
middle of the second century, they are residing between the
area are also a source of conflict and rivalry.
Visurgis and what is now called the Elbe. In the areas close to
Remote frontiers often attract shady characters: those Roman control, many members of this tribe have been able to
running from danger or with secrets to hide. It’s even adapt and endure with less conflict, not always appreciating
possible that Goth agents or spies might choose to cross the empire and its laws, but finding ways to live their lives. A
into imperial territory in such a “porous” area. With access number have found work as auxiliaries in service to the Roman
to the sea via the Visurgis river, travelers might arrive from legions and may aspire to become citizens.
as far away as Britannia.

This tribe’s homeland is near the upper Visurgis, where
its people settled in the first century BCE (BC). In 9 CE
(AD), the Chatti join Arminius’s notorious ambush in
Teutoburg Forest, resulting in the destruction of three
entire Roman legions. Then, in 16 CE, they appear within
a list of tribes conquered by Rome. Strabo explains that
they were relatively poor because they had been defeated
and plundered. Tacitus describes them as hardy and
courageous—effective soldiers and strategic thinkers. He THE MARCOMANNI
also records their long hair and beards and the iron rings It is believed that the name Marcomanni derives from an early
worn on their fingers. Tacitus places the Chatti to the west of Germanic word for marching. The Marcomanni, too, first
the Cherusci. The tribe clearly does not remain subjugated, appear during the campaigns of Julius Caesar, and it seems
because a major raid it makes into Germania Superior is they are a large, well-traveled tribe. By the first century CE,
successfully resisted by the Roman Army in 50 CE. Its capital they have established themselves in what is now Bohemia.
city is named Mattium. In 89 CE, the Chatti side with the According to Tacitus, their kings are appointed by Rome,
rebel Saturninus against the emperor Domitian. During making them a “client kingdom.” In the second century,
the Marcomannic Wars (166–180 CE), they attack southward however, the Marcomanni ally themselves with the Quadi, the
toward Germania Superior. Later, in 175, they are repulsed Vandals, and the Sarmatians to attack Rome. This assault may
from the Rhine by Emperor Didius Julianus. Many Chatti have been provoked by the movement of the Goths into the
remain proudly defiant even when subjugated, seeking Marcomanni’s historic lands. The war begins in 166 CE, with
opportunities to defy Roman rule. the tribe penetrating the provinces of Pannonia and Noricum.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors
Aegyptus became a Roman province in the first century BCE after Octavian defeated Mark Antony and deposed Cleopatra. The
province is a crucial producer of grain and one of the wealthiest of Roman possessions. The capital, Alexandria, is the empire’s
largest port and its second-largest city, home to such renowned institutions as the Library of Alexandria, which remained a vital
repository for great thinkers even as it entered a period of decline. Though it was accidentally set afire by Julius Caesar during the
civil war in 48 BCE, it was rebuilt and its treasury of texts remained unmatched. Still, it would languish from lack of proper funding
after that time. Due to its importance, legions are permanently stationed there during the Roman era.

The province is badly affected by the Antonine Plague—as demonstrated by the mass graves in this era. In 171 CE, native Egyptian
herders revolt in a conflict that will become known as the Bucolic War.

By 160 CE, Britannia has felt the pressure of Rome for almost two hundred years. The initial invasions by Caesar in 55 and 54 BCE were
not successful but provided a small degree of reconnaissance for later efforts. Rome consolidates its hold after Claudius dispatches
three legions in 37 CE. Within ten years, Rome controls the south, though it continues to struggle at the extremities of the British Isles.
The emperor Agricola wins a major battle in 84 CE against the Caledonians (Scots) led by Calgacus, concluding a conquest that took
four decades. During the second century, the emperors Hadrian and Antonius Pius both built walls to defend the province against
incursions from the north. By 197, the islands will have been divided into two provinces: Britannia Superior (the south plus Wales)
and Britannia Inferior (the north). Many of the islands’ local traditions are still preserved in this time period, and there are large areas
outside of direct Roman control, though most people are not eager to invite Roman retaliation. Nevertheless, there are organized
bands of various Celtic tribes that actively resist the Romans and conduct periodic raids on vulnerable outposts or isolated patrols.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

Life in the Empire and Outer Provinces

course common and often results in death. Recovering soldiers
MEDICINE AND TREATMENT might find themselves in a hospital where they are treated with
The Romans derive their medical knowledge from a variety
baths, herbs, and a special diet.
of sources, including the Greeks, as well as Egyptian and
Etruscan practitioners. While limited in comparison to modern For citizens, expert medical care is only available for
considerations, Roman knowledge of medicine is relatively the wealthy. Others make do with traditional cures and
advanced for the era and will not be surpassed again until the local practitioners. At this time, medical practitioners’
early 1800s. Roman medical practitioners can treat wounds and understanding of human physiology and disease is limited.
maintain hospitals but have limited capability to cure serious For most, a favorable intervention from the gods might be
disease. A legion’s staff includes medici: some are orderlies, and the best an ill person can hope for. And, indeed, most medical
others are knowledgeable senior medical officers. Troops are practices—even those that are relatively effective—include
trained to dress wounds, while surgeons possess equipment ample ritual practices encompassing prayers and sacrifices
and texts to help them remove foreign bodies, stitch wounds, to the gods. Greek doctors, who more rarely prescribe such
and—in extreme circumstances—amputate limbs. Infection is of remedies, are a notable exception.


Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

Content Note: Torture and execution of enslaved people, mutilation, Ordinary Romans have little time for enjoying themselves,
torture by crucifixion, murder, execution though legionaries enjoy periods of leave with plenty of money
to spend. In cities and towns, there are regular “games,” which
Rome does not have a police force, though it does have the vigiles,
are held in amphitheaters and usually involve animal hunts
originally founded as a fire brigade, whose duties have expanded
and gladiatorial contests. The games often mark festival days or
to dealing with the likes of thieves and enslaved people who
historic victories.
have escaped their captors. Local soldiers can also be called in to
deal with serious civil disobedience and rioting. If the emperor Chariot racing is the oldest and most popular form of
himself is threatened, the Praetorian Guard intervenes. entertainment in Rome. In the capital, there are four main
factions: the whites, greens, blues, and reds, whose colors are
Punishments are very severe and designed to act as a deterrent.
worn by the charioteers. Champions became rich and famous.
Imprisonment is not used as a punishment; criminals are
Street violence between supporters of the factions is common.
briefly detained before court appearance and sentence. Even
relatively minor crimes such as theft can result in forced Theater has been popular since the third century BCE. There
labor, whipping, or mutilation. Murderers and those guilty have been stipulations at some times and places regarding who
of similarly heinous crimes often find themselves publicly might be allowed on stage, and in some eras masks have been
executed or forced to fight in the arena. Crucifixion is generally used to signify certain roles, but in the current era, performers
reserved for enemies of the empire and enslaved people caught of a variety of backgrounds are allowed to thrive. From the first
after attempted revolt. century CE, pantomimes have become popular, accompanied
by singing, music, and dancing.
In the provinces, law and order is often the purview of
the army, though larger cities and some towns have their Most Romans use the baths, which is also a recreational
own versions of the vigiles. These town guards might be activity. Here, they are free to gossip, exercise, play games,
administered by the local authorities and staffed by locals, or relax. Richer Romans possess private baths, but they are
though they are probably citizens. Anyone guilty of a minor otherwise among the few places where different strata of
offense such as theft or fighting is arrested and held until a society can mingle without stigma.
magistrate is sitting. Punishments reflect those carried out
Gambling is very popular, especially with soldiers, who
in Rome. However, for larger-scale crimes such as rioting,
particularly enjoy dice games.
banditry, or criminal schemes like counterfeiting, the army
leads the way. Any local or noncitizen always has to be very
wary of legionaries and officers in particular. Soldiers cannot
Most people get around on foot, though a lucky few have a
be tried in civilian court and often act with impunity; in other
horse or even a horse-drawn cart or carriage. Within big cities,
words, any criminal they apprehend might find themself
pedestrians navigate their way through routes a minimum of
subject to very rough justice.
fifteen feet wide (to allow two carts to pass). Although some
In theory, every Roman citizen has a right to a trial if accused. areas are very cramped and crowded, Rome is also a city of
But only the wealthy are able to afford legal representation, squares, gardens, and religious sanctuaries.
which might not be available even to them in remote locations.
The Romans are known for their wide, straight, well-
Ultimately, who you know is crucial, and while a lowly criminal
constructed roads. These connect cities and provinces across
has no chance of besting the authorities, an individual with
the entire empire. Excellent engineers, the Romans also
money and power has a reasonable chance. Unfortunately, the
construct tunnels and bridges for essential routes. Many of
status of victims is also crucial. While those with jurisdiction
these are still standing today. Most roads are marked with
might not deem the murder of an enslaved person or a serious
milestones to help travelers. The army and the government
crime against a servant worthy of investigation, an influential
make use of the cursus publicus, an imperial post system (see
individual can use their power to enlist the assistance of the
The Wider World, page 188).
authorities. It is not uncommon for scores to be settled outside
the law, and here again, the rich and powerful hold an advantage. Legionaries can easily cover twenty miles a day, fully laden. A
traveler with a horse might expect to cover three times that
distance. Travel by ship is a rarity for most. These vessels use
a combination of oar and sail power. Most captains avoid
sailing during winter because of the dangers of fog and snow.
Navigation is rudimentary, and most stick close to the land.
However, in the right conditions, ships can make impressive
progress. It is possible, for example, to sail from Ostia (Rome’s
key port) to Hispania in four days.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

For most, news travels as slowly as the people bringing it,

though within the empire, important matters can be expedited
The standard-issue weapon for a legionary is the gladius
by its postal service, the cursus publicus, which makes use of
(sword), a cut-and-thrust weapon with a blade length of around
fast riders and a series of stations providing fresh horses. In
twenty-six inches. By the second century, there is more variety
the winter months, many routes are impassable, so remote
in the size and design of these weapons than was previously the
provinces and settlements are very isolated. If the army is
case. They are typically carried in a scabbard attached to a belt.
present, news from Rome is more regular and reliable. In the
Soldiers wear theirs on the right, officers on the left.
distant reaches of the empire, locals might not learn of a great
victory or change of emperor for many weeks. For the emperor, Equally important is the pilum, a heavy javelin around six feet
currency is a crucial method of consolidating influence and long, designed to punch through shields and armor. A volley
“advertising” imperial power. The emperor’s face appears on is often thrown into the enemy ranks before a charge. This
every coin, the closest most will ever come to meeting the provides the Roman legions a unique advantage and may be one
person who rules over them. of the most important factors for the empire’s success in war.

The legionary’s backup weapon is the pugio (dagger), a smaller

POLITICS version of the sword.
In the second century, the emperor is preeminent, though
the Senate retains some power over finance and law. Around The majority of soldiers also use some form of armor, typically
the emperor are imperial advisors. They are usually members a mail shirt (lorica hamata) composed of metal rings. These are
of the upper classes but might also include enslaved servants short sleeved and reach down as far as the knee. The mail shirts
and family members. As with most aspects of power in Rome, afford good protection but are very heavy (between twenty and
access to an individual is crucial. Bribes, gifts, and letters of thirty-three pounds). In this era, scale (lorica squamata) and
introduction are very common. segmental armor (lorica segmentata) are also sometimes used.
Numerous different helmet designs are worn; many have flaps
In practical terms, the emperor’s authority comes from the
to cover the ears and neck. Centurion helmets are of course
military. The soldiers swear an annual oath to the emperor and are
equipped with the famous horsehair crest.
paid directly from the imperial coffers. The people at large do have
some influence: they can voice their approval or disapproval of The design of the scutum (shield) hasn’t changed much in
the emperor directly at public events such as the games. centuries. Rectangular in shape with edges curving inward,
it weighs about twenty-two pounds and is composed of wood
THE ROMAN ARMY covered with leather and felt. Many soldiers personalize their
The Roman Army is basically a professional organization, shields with boasts relating to their unit, the empire, and
though it occasionally employs conscription. Conscripts are even the gods.
usually recruited from specific provinces or areas in times of
Other personal weapons used by the Roman Army include the
need, though communities can sometimes pay a tax instead.
bow, javelin, and plumbata (throwing dart).
Provincial recruits typically join auxiliary units, though by
the Cohors era, significant numbers are recruited from the The key identifiers of a legionary are a wide military belt and
“barbarian” tribes that have settled within the empire and hobnailed boots. Legionaries have to pay for their weapons and
may be included as regular legionaries. Those with special equipment out of their wages.
skills (such as carpenters, metalsmiths, and armorers) take on
Weapons are produced in workshops and factories that
equivalent posts within the army.
have military contracts. Many of the weapons in circulation
The ultimate military power in Rome is the Praetorian Guard. originate from Roman cities. In the provinces, local artisans
The size of this unit varies over time, but it is charged with the also create weapons of varying design and quality.
emperor’s protection. It has barracks within the city and in
Germanic warriors often favor the axe. Some axes are very heavy
neighboring towns. Lacking the prestige of the Praetorians is
and double-bladed, powerful enough to cut through armor and
the Urban Cohort, another military unit based in the capital,
shield. These warriors also prefer longer swords than the Romans,
which deals with street gangs and rioting. It is also viewed
using blades designed more for “hack-and-slash” fighting. These
as a useful counterbalance to the powerful Praetorians. The
are ideal for one-on-one combat, whereas the Roman blades
prefect of the Praetorian Guard is a supremely influential
are designed for joint close maneuvers and tight spaces. The
individual, not just militarily but also politically, often being
Germanic tribespeople also use armor of their own, particularly
a confidant of the emperor and thereby one of the most
mail shirts. Their shields tend to be smaller and circular in design.
powerful people in the empire.
It is not uncommon for civilians to carry a dagger. Wealthy
Germanic people also employ bodyguards who might be
armed with clubs or swords.


Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

Regardless of culture, the basic garment for adults is the Outside the army, most working people have a particular trade
tunic, which resembles a long T-shirt and is usually worn or craft, such as farming, weaving, spinning, mining, dyeing,
with a belt. In colder months, extra layers are worn. In Rome, pottery, woodwork, metalwork, leatherwork, baking, butchery,
masculine formal dress usually means the traditional toga. or wine making. Other professionals include surgeons, lawyers,
Typically feminine formalwear comprises a stola (a long administrators, moneylenders, tax collectors, merchants,
dress) worn over a tunic. Trousers are generally associated teachers, and philosophers, among others. While the number
with “barbarians,” though they become more popular over of dedicated priests is not large, many devotees freely offer
time. Most colors are available, although the majority of their services to temples, sanctuaries, and other holy places,
garments are plain due to cost. Red is often worn by soldiers— becoming a substantial support infrastructure.
particularly officers—and the color is very much associated
Banks exist in this era, but they are really only for the elite.
with army and empire. Other popular garments are capes and
Moneychangers fulfill an important function, particularly in
cloaks. Cotton and wool are the most common materials used
the provinces and border areas. The later empire will experience
in clothing, though linen and silk are available for the rich.
problems with inflation and debasement, but in the second
Sandals are commonly worn, though shoes and boots are century, the economy is fairly stable. The government levies taxes
available. Soldiers wear both hobnailed sandals and hobnailed on inheritance and other forms of wealth, most of which goes
boots. Men generally wear loincloths for underwear. Soldiers to fund the military. Only Roman citizens pay these, though all
wear socks with their boots. residents are subject to local tolls and taxes on individual goods.

Weaving is a common occupation for people of any gender.

Clothiers offer new garments and repairs, but it’s likely that
soldiers would themselves be very handy with a needle and
thread. Cobblers can be found in every town for fittings
and repairs.

The most valuable coin of the era is the aureus (partly gold).
The denarius is partly made of silver, and 25 denarii are worth
1 aureus. Sesterces are made of brass; 4 of them are worth 1
denarius, so 100 sesterces are equal to 1 aureus.

In this era, legionary pay is 300 denarii per year, which is

generally distributed every four months if possible. Legionaries
FOOD AND DRINK spend a considerable amount on food, equipment, and other
Wheat and other grains are staples of the Roman diet.
supplies. Below are some estimated prices for the second
Vegetables, fruit, and nuts are also crucial for ordinary people.
century. (Note, however, that Cohors Cthulhu handles coins and
Bread is eaten at most meals and often flavored with cheese
characters’ purchase of items in an abstracted way, described in
or honey. Snails and dormice are bred for eating by the poor.
Counting Coins, page 155, and Acquiring Equipment, page 167.)
Poultry and game are also popular, as are eggs, fish, and
shellfish. Meat, particularly pork, is available but expensive for
most. Richer Romans enjoy pastries and tarts and all manner COMMON ITEM PRICES
of exotic delicacies.

Wine is commonly drunk, usually watered down. Beer and ITEM PRICE
mead are available in the northern provinces. Milk is not usually
Good meal in a tavern 2 denarii
drunk but instead used for cheese and medicinal purposes.

Preserving food is very difficult. Meat is often dried or cured. New tunic 6 denarii
Fish and shellfish are often transported live.

The legions are sustained by hard biscuit, barley, pork, lentils, and New pair of army boots 15 denarii
beans. They also receive regular rations of oil and vinegar, both of
which have innumerable uses. Army bases sometimes grow food, A horse 150 denarii
but the legionaries are also expert foragers while on the move.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

Life expectancy is very short compared to modern times.

Reckoning the Year
Two-fifths of children never reach adulthood, and adults who
For players’ convenience, this book uses BCE (BC) and
make it to sixty are considered old. For a legionary, the risk of
CE (AD) for years, but people in Rome numbered their
injury or death is ever present, and with medicine so limited,
years Ab urbe condita, “from the founding of the city”
disease is also a serious threat. For those on the lower rungs of
(abbreviated AUC) in 753 BCE. By this system, the year
society, life is extremely difficult. In cities, theft and violence is
160 CE would be 913 AUC, for example. This can be
common, while brigands and rebellious locals constitute the
utilized for in-setting dates such as those applied to
greatest threat in the provinces. Without money, most people
Roman documents. It was more common in regular use
cannot expect any help from wider society, and exploitation is
for people to demarcate years by indicating the current
rife. Perhaps it’s no wonder that so many turn to the gods for
consuls, such as “in the year of the consulship of x and y.”
divine intervention.
913 AUC is the year of the consulship of Atilius and Vibes.
While soldiers enjoy more legal rights than others (they cannot
be tried in a “civilian court”), they are subject to the whims
of individual officers and the constant demands of the army.
Although extended periods of peace are common, very few
soldiers avoid combat entirely.


The calendar used in Rome has undergone a number of ROMAN NAMES
revisions over time, though it has settled into a more stable Most Roman men and boys are identified by three names: the
form since revisions in 45 BCE under Julius Caesar. Romans praenomen (first name, or given name), the nomen (principal
designed this system with the aid of Greek astronomers and name or gens/clan name), and often a cognomen (additional
mathematicians, including most prominently Sosigenes of name or nickname, sometimes indicating a branch of a family).
Alexandria. This calendar allows for three normal years of Although naming was simpler for women and girls in ancient
365 days followed by a leap year of 366 days. It has not been Rome, by the Imperial period of Cohors, many women have
adopted universally in the Roman Empire (some parts of adopted a naming structure similar to that of men, including
Aegyptus prefer an Alexandrian calendar), and it has some the need for a distinguishing cognomen.
complications related to astronomical adjustments, but most
Among some large or prestigious families, certain praenomina
of these have little impact on the majority of people.
have become so pervasive and preferred across multiple
The following are the Roman months under this calendar: generations that they are no longer useful for signifying
individuals, making cognomina more significant for these
purposes. But it is also the case that certain cognomina are
inherited and associated with a given family, while others
are more informal descriptive terms related to a personal
characteristic—for example, Scaevola, or “Lefty”; Cursor, or
Ianuarius 31 “Runner”; and Barbatus, or “Bearded”). Secondary or tertiary
cognomina might be appended for significant achievements,
Februarius 28 (29 leap year)
giving rise to longer chains of names.
Martius 31
Nomina and gentes (principal names and gens/clan names)
Aprilis 30 were much more important in earlier periods of the Roman
Empire, when it was a Republic and before, and are of less
Maius 31
consequence in imperial times, when the major families hold
Iunius 30 diminished authority. Nevertheless, awareness of one’s family
and ancestry is still important to many Romans and might be
Iulius 31
connected to their use of their names. A person adopted into
Augustus 31 another gens could also be identified by an adjectival name
indicating their family of birth.
September 30
Many nicknames seemingly based on numerical order (for
October 31
any gender) no longer signify this but have become accepted
November 30 names in their own right, such as Quintus and Quinta. In
previous eras, such a name might have signified the fifth child
December 31
of a certain gender, but this is no longer the case.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors
& Surrounding Area

Abandoned Fort

Roman Barracks

Watch Tower





0 500

Life Germanic Tribes
Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

in the
Content Note: Graphic description of human sacrifice, torture by ordeal

Whether Chatti, Cherusci, or of some other tribe, the local Germanic peoples have many things in common. Though they’ve had to
contend with the Roman invaders for many centuries, and their lives have been irrevocably changed, they still have their own ways.
For example, while for the Romans, the emperor is the law, the Germanic tribes have historically created their own laws. These have
been passed from generation to generation. Like much of the local culture, such “communal memory” is essential; prior to the
arrival of the Romans, the Germanic people had no writing system or alphabet.

Also unlike the empire, Germania’s tribal society is divided Though the warriors contribute, much daily work is done
into clans and then subdivided into smaller groups organized by nonwarriors and children. Cattle are plentiful and very
around family ties. Life revolves around villages, long- valuable. Sheep provide wool, and chickens, ducks, and geese
established settlements typically built in secure locations close provide eggs and meat. Important crops include barley, rye,
to a water source. Some larger settlements include a mead hall: wheat, beans, and peas. Some farmers use a heavy plow of a
a sizable building with a raised platform and wooden throne type considered superior to that used by the Romans. Many
for the chief and other notables. families have equipment for spinning wool or weaving cloth.
Some of the farm and domestic work is carried out by enslaved
In Germania’s early history, local warriors elected its chieftains,
servants. Like the Romans, the Germanic tribes enslave
but over time the position has become hereditary. When
prisoners of war and use them for labor. Others might find
not fighting Romans, a chief might spend their time trying
themselves enslaved if they incur large debts, possibly from
to prevent or solve conflicts within and between clans. It is
gambling. Tacitus tells us that these tribes were less cruel in
common for warriors to drink heavily and fight among each
their treatment of those they enslaved than other peoples
other. If these skirmishes escalate to “blood feuds,” the enmity
(although of course, slavery of any kind is abhorrent).
and search for vengeance can last for generations. In order
to avoid such feuds, a weregild is sometimes paid: goods or Though they have no currency of their own, the tribes are
currency are offered as forms of compensation for those killed keen traders. They sell a great deal of amber (which is mined
or injured. In addition to keeping close relatives nearby to extensively across Germania), especially to the Romans. Other
assist in various endeavors, an aggressive chief might have exports include cattle, fur, and hides. They also sell the people
retainers: warriors who fight in return for a share of the spoils. they have enslaved. Key imports from the empire include
beads, glassware, silverware, weapons, and wine. Bartering is
Young people destined for lives as warriors (these were typically
common, though the tribes also place great value on Roman
boys in real-world Germania, although we encourage GMs to step
coins of bronze, silver, and gold. And although the crucial
away from this restriction in game) begin training for combat
materials for their own products are wood and bone, they also
from a young age. When they reach the age of majority, they are
have advanced potters and metalworkers who craft items from
taken to a sacred grove during a full moon. Here they receive
clay and metal. The Germanic communities greatly respect
a spear, axe, or sword, as well as a shield. To lose these in battle
their master craftspeople.
means to lose honor. Like the Romans, this is a fiercely militaristic
society. The key difference is that most legionaries are elite career Germanic tribespeople are very hospitable. In some areas it
professionals; in Germania, many more people of fighting age are is actually illegal to turn away a stranger at your door, though
expected to take up the sword—or axe. They are happy to fight on this may not have applied to Roman soldiers! Generally,
foot or on horseback, and some wear armor of thick leather. They guests are welcomed, fed, and entertained. The tribes all enjoy
have, though, few fixed military plans. Their methods involve feasting, drinking, and dancing. Gambling with dice is popular,
surprise, noise, and a fearsome charge. It is common for youths as are boxing and wrestling. In winter, they skate on frozen
with facial hair to let their hair and beard grow long and refrain ponds and lakes using skates made of bone.
from shaving until they have slain their first foe.
Typically masculine clothing includes short woolen tunics and
When not fighting, Germanic villagers are often farming. Their close-fitting trousers. In colder months, these are covered with
homes are surrounded by arable land and pasture. Most of their cloaks fastened at the right shoulder by a brooch. More typically
dwellings are long, thatched huts with plenty of space around them. feminine clothing includes long skirts and one-piece dresses.
Typically, a family occupies one end, while their valuable animals These can be covered by scarves and shawls fastened by bone pins.
occupy the other. Though the smell may be unpleasant, the warmth
The tribes’ love of battle is closely connected to their religion.
provided by the animals is very useful in the winter months. Walls
Their chief god, Wodan (aka Woden, Wodanaz, Odin, and
are constructed from timber posts, with gaps filled with branches
many others), is a deity of poetry, learning, magic—and war.
and twigs; the exterior is covered in clay. Furniture such as benches,
Germanic tribespeople also worship Donar (Thor) and believe
tables, and stools are carved out of wood. Only richer villagers or
thunder to be the sound of his chariot wheels. Donar is looked
chiefs possess luxuries like carpets and wall hangings.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors
to as a more benevolent protector and guardian against
eternal and supernatural threats than the more enigmatic and Note on Cultural Biases
mysterious Wodan. The Romans greatly fear Germanic war
Most sources for information on life in Germania in this
priests, and for good reason: some religious leaders among the
era are limited and heavily biased. These sources include
Germanic tribespeople occasionally practice human sacrifice
biased Roman historical documents and accounts, as well
in their most extreme rites, cutting their captives’ throats or
as later biased Christian sources attempting to generalize
removing their intestines for prophetic readings. The tribes
backward. The depiction of life in the tribes and its
do not build temples, but they make much of sacred places
heavily militant nature may represent a fraction of its
serving as shrines, such as groves and islands. Festivals mark
culture, especially the most outward-facing and therefore
autumn, spring, the new year, and midsummer.
most commonly encountered element during conflicts.
Tribespeople accused of a crime can give their oath and summon
For the setting, we have gone slightly beyond the historical
others to do the same. Those who lie are expected to be punished
sources to add to aspects of tribal daily life and culture,
by the gods. In some cases, a judge (often a chief) issues a
particularly as they relate to the prevalence of supernatural
judgment, or a court is formed to do so. The accused might face
occurrences in the world of Cohors. In the Cohors setting, there
trial by combat or trial by ordeal. These ordeals often involve fire
is a diversity of tribal customs, beliefs, and practices, with some
or water. Examples include walking across red-hot coals, putting
groups practicing traditional rites and respecting a variety
an arm in boiling water, or being thrown into a lake. Traitors can
of gods, some highly localized. Certain tribes have also been
expect to be hanged from trees, while a person facing trial by
corrupted, conquered, or forced to turn to Mythos powers,
combat who refuses to fight might be drowned in a bog.
some of them adopting variant beliefs and practicing the most
The Germanic tribespeople are not road builders, though harsh and violent of religious practices. The presence of such
they do make and maintain paths and wagon tracks. Also Mythos cults should not be viewed as representative of the
unlike the Romans, they do not build bridges; instead, they broader culture, and most people caught up in these groups are
use boats or fords. themselves victims and deserving of empathy and sympathy.

Religious Pantheons Overview

The people of Cohors believe in many gods, and honoring them properly by worship and ritual is a vital aspect of daily life. The favor or
disapproval of the gods is believed by most to have a direct bearing on the success or failure of nearly any endeavor. Each culture in the region
has its faiths and pantheons, some of them home to gods beyond counting. Among the tribal peoples outside of Rome are a wealth of beliefs
and revered gods, some known widely, if identified by different names, while many others are only locally known and remain obscure.

The Romans have a relatively vast pantheon, layered and Regardless of the truth of any god’s existence, belief and ritual
complex, with each major god having various epithets, each has a certain power. Occultists and priests can draw upon that
representing an aspect of the god’s dominion. The major power to invoke mystical effects. Whether this magic proves a
gods have numerous cults with diverse agendas. Over time connection to forces beyond mortal comprehension or draws
these pantheons have shifted and changed, absorbing and on a Mystic’s inner reserves is a matter of conjecture. The
transforming deities from other cultures. The Roman gods greatest of practitioners can accomplish amazing feats, though
bear a close resemblance to those of the Greeks, though with these often require commensurate sacrifices.
differences related to their respective cultures.
The gods whom most ordinary people in Cohors worship
Whether any or all gods tangibly exist is a mystery. Even to are classified as Terrestrial Gods, those connected to and
those who believe in them, they are aloof and distant figures. arisen from the cultures of Earth, with diverse and complex
Still, it is widely accepted by many of these peoples that the pantheons. This distinction is only meaningful and significant
gods were more active and accessible in a bygone era, during to those few who know of the existence of other, more ancient
which the mingling of gods and mortals resulted in semidivine and alien powers: the Outer and Elder Gods, whose conflict
heroes of legend. has been eternal and has a tremendous impact on the Hidden
Wars. The way these gods function and make use of identities
The world of Cohors is a mystically vibrant and perilous place, and
and cults associated with the more common Terrestrial Gods is
within it are Dreamlands where thought becomes tangible and
detailed in the Cohors Cthulhu Gamemaster’s Guide.
contact can be made with ancient powers from beyond the stars.
Some of these powers may cloak themselves in the guises of more
familiar gods and bestow magic on those who forge pacts with
them under the auspices of the alleged divinities they impersonate.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors
shrines to these beings exist in most households; their
The Roman Pantheon has many gods, each with their own worship a private matter. Other genii look after aspects of the
place and rites, divided by various scholars into different state and have their own cults, a facet of state religion. Some
hierarchies of standing. The respective importance of of the greater genii have specific names, though these might
individual gods has shifted over time as Rome has changed only be known in specific areas or among those thought to
and evolved as a Republic and then an empire. The Roman benefit from their protection. To ordinary people within
pantheon has likewise evolved to absorb gods from several the empire, these minor gods are far more important and
Italic peoples, such as the Etruscans and Sabines, and has been tangibly a part of their daily lives than the greater legendary
heavily influenced by the Greek pantheon. gods who dominate the pantheon. They are credited for
changes in fortune, health, or prosperity, making regular
Genii, Lares, and Penates offerings to them vital. These offerings are often made during
In addition to the major gods, one of the most important aspects family meals and could include portions of the meal or
of day-to-day religious worship in Rome involves myriad minor special cakes, wine, honey, or incense. More rarely, a family in
household and familial gods. Roman religion incorporates the crisis may offer a blood sacrifice, such as a farm animal or a
concept of genius (plural genii). Each genius is an instance of portion of meat acquired by hunting.
the divine nature that occupies every person, place, or thing.
Essentially, a small seed of divinity is thought to reside in each The Major Gods
object and living thing, and some of these genii are more In the city of Rome, three gods hold a central place in public
tangible and powerful. These beings are sometimes referred religion. Honored with a great and elaborate temple on the
to as Lares (guardian deities, more often tied to a geographical Capitolium, they are known as the Capitoline Triad: Jupiter,
location or sometimes to a heroic ancestor) or as Di Penates Juno, and Minerva. The preeminence of Juno and Minerva is
(formal name for household gods), part of the dii familiares of a relatively recent development; they have slightly eclipsed
household deities, many connected to domestic rituals. Mars, the god of war, and Quirinus, a god of agriculture and
an embodiment of the Roman state. That said, Mars remains
Each person is thought to have an unseen genius watching
vitally important to those serving in the Roman legions,
over them as a guardian spirit, though such beings’ power
particularly soldiers stationed to contested frontier regions.
is limited. Similarly, each family is looked after, and small

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors
Twelve gods, the Dii Consentes, are preeminent in Rome: beliefs. This is more a matter of necessity than benevolence,
however, as can be seen in its sometimes hostile treatment of
i Apollo (he): God of oracles, sunlight, healing, archery,
groups such as defiant Jewish and Christian sects.
Part of Rome’s apparent religious tolerance came from a
i Ceres (she): God of agriculture, fertility, the harvest, grains
systematic process of cultural appropriation and syncretism
i Diana (she): God of the hunt, wild animals, the moon, fertility referred to as interpretatio romania, whereby Roman priests and
scholars believed that most of the gods worshiped by other
i Jupiter (he): God of the sky, king of gods
peoples were identical to their own. It was very common to apply
i Juno (she): God of marriage, childbirth, queen of the gods the names of Roman gods to foreign counterparts. Germanic
entities such as Wodan, Thor, Tyr, and Frigg might be equated to
i Mars (he): God of war, agriculture, father of Rome
Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, and Juno, for example. A great number of
i Mercury (he): God of commerce, eloquence, messages, Gaelic and Germanic gods were equated to Mercury in particular.
travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, merchants, thieves
Many of the peoples living under Roman rule simply
i Minerva (she): God of wisdom, strategy, justice, law, the accepted this process or at least paid lip service to this
arts, poetry, medicine, the crafts, courage, inspiration, practice in the interests of avoiding conflict, but not all.
victory, civilization, mathematics, science, technology Some of the unrest with Rome’s Jewish populations resulted
from a refusal to accept the classification of their god as
i Neptune (he): God of the seas, horses
Jupiter. This identification, which Jews viewed as a terrible
i Vulcan (he): God of metalworking, fire, the forge sacrilege, played a role in events such as the Bar Kokhba
revolt in Judea. Fought from 132 to 136 CE, this uprising was
i Venus (she): God of love, desire, sex, beauty, prosperity
provoked in part from escalating tensions after Emperor
i Vesta (she): God of the hearth, home, family Hadrian attempted to rebuild Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina
and erect a temple to Jupiter on the Temple Mount.
Other important gods in the pantheon considered major
figures either for their mythological significance or dominion
include the following: The Greek Pantheon and its Impact
on Rome
i Bacchus (he): God of wine, sensual pleasures, ritual frenzy
There is no greater cultural impact on the Roman religion
i Dis Pater (he): God of the underworld, mineral wealth, soil and gods than the widely known legends of the Greek gods
wealth (sometimes conflated with Orcus, Pluto, and Hades) and heroes. The parallels are sometimes subtle, sometimes
less so, and distinctions between these pantheons are
i Fortuna (she): God of chance and fate, personification of luck
fascinating to knowledgeable occultists, scholars, and
i Janus (he): God of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, theologians. Nearly all major and even most minor Roman
passages, endings gods have a counterpart in the Greek pantheon. In some
instances, the Romans borrowed and integrated Greek gods
i Liber (he): God of freedom, wine, wine making
directly and nearly unchanged, such as Apollo.
i Luna (she): God and personification of the moon
As an example of a point of difference, the Greeks and
i Salus (she): God of safety and well-being (of both the state Romans have quite different relationships with their gods of
and individual) war and conflict. Whereas Mars is highly venerated in Rome
and counted among the greatest and most important gods
i Sancus (he): God of oaths, trust, honesty
of the empire, Ares, his Greek counterpart, is less central
i Saturn (he): God of generation, wealth, sowing, seasonal time to worship and is often portrayed villainously, with Athena
elevated and beloved instead. Ares is thought to embody the
i Sol (he): God and personification of the sun
more disturbing aspects of war, such as bloodshed, rage, and
i Terra Mater (she): God of the Earth aggression, whereas Athena embodies wisdom, restraint, and
war as a means of defense. Arguably, many of the Greek gods
There tends to be a divide between official support and
are depicted as being more emotional, vengeful, and flawed.
worship of the greater gods tied to the state, who were
Often, their relationships more closely resemble human ones
afforded lavish temples and sacrifices, and local people’s
than their aloof and unfathomable Roman equivalents do.
private, day-to-day worship of smaller patron gods—
sometimes specific to a town, city, or family—and of genii, The Greek pantheon includes several gods that are
Penates, and Lares. Being a sprawling empire, Rome is noteworthy for being fluid in gender. Dionysus, for example,
relatively tolerant of the faiths of other cultures, in most is depicted as being able to become either male or female.
cases seeing no need to enforce orthodoxy or stamp out other The god Hermaphroditus, a child of Aphrodite and Hermes,

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors
embodies two genders at once and can be considered the Some of the more widely worshipped Germanic gods include
patron god of those who are intersex or androgynous. Selene, Wodan (Odin, Woden, Wotan), Thunraz (Thor, Donar), Freyr,
the female god of the moon, also had the male name Mene; Freya, Frigg, Baldr, Nerthus, Sunna (Sol), and Tiwaz (Tiw, Tyr).
under each of these two names, the god was considered to be There are a number of localized gods revered by certain tribes
a differently gendered aspect of the same entity. but about whom little is widely known.

The most important and prominent Greek gods are the twelve
Olympians, thought to reside on Mount Olympus. Which Matres and Matronae
twelve belong to this set vary slightly in some depictions (Mothers and Matrons)
but most commonly include Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, The triple goddess is a widely represented and revered concept
Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, in most of northwestern Europe, including among both
and Dionysus. Other major gods include Hades (brother to Germanic and Celtic tribes. These three figures are sometimes
Poseidon and Zeus), Persephone, Hestia, Hecate, and Hercules, equated with the Norns, the Fates, and certain other trios of
the latter being considered both a hero and a god at different goddesses thought to govern the destinies of mortals. Rustic
points in his legend. There are also several prominent groups shrines and altars to the Mothers and Matrons are numerous
of divinities or quasi-divine beings that fulfill a major function, and common, generally including carvings in stone depicting
such as the three Erinyes (or Furies), who enact divine three female figures, one holding a basket of fruit in her lap.
vengeance; the nine Muses, who inspire great works of art or Figures representing snakes and children are often included in
knowledge; and the three Fates, who shape the destiny of every these sculptures, along with depictions of offerings for sacrifice
other being. Hecate, the god of magic, is sometimes depicted as such as pigs, incense, or fruit. At such altars it is common to
triple-bodied or three-faced. leave offerings to the goddesses in hopes of eliciting their favor
and restoring one’s fortunes. Certain specific goddesses, such
One of the most intriguing aspects of this pantheon is the
as Baduhenna and Syn, are sometimes linked to this trio. The
generational conflict fundamental to its world creation myth.
Matres and Matronae are also at times linked to other divine
The Greek gods exist as descendants of godlike beings called
female emissaries such as the valkyries, idisi, or disir.
Titans, with whom they went to war, perpetuating a cycle of
younger generations slaying their elders. Zeus overthrew his
father, the Titan Cronus, who had previously slain his own
The civilization of Aegyptus and its complex and ever-changing
father, the primordial god Uranus.
pantheon of gods are already ancient by the time of Cohors, built
Many notable legendary heroes are associated with the on traditions stretching back thousands of years. The hierarchy
pantheon, some as revered as—and alleged to be the offspring of the gods revered by this region’s people changed periodically,
of—various gods. Some of the most famous heroes include affected by conflicts between Aegyptus Superior and Aegyptus
Hercules, Theseus, Perseus, Orpheus, Achilles, Odysseus, and Inferior (Upper and Lower Egypt; Coptic: Mares and Tsakhet)
Bellerophon. Even in the time of Cohors, it is widely believed as well as by the attitudes of individual pharaohs. Each of these
that these heroes and their close relationships with the regions has at various times worshiped different patron gods.
gods are historical truths, and this belief is especially held Several major cities (Hermopolis, Heliopolis, Memphis, and
by those engaged in the Hidden Wars. Some sages believe Thebes) and their respective cults gave rise to distinct creation
that accounts of many of the legendary battles against the stories, all of which were thought to be potentially valid or to
Titans and greater monstrous beings reflect battles against encompass some vital aspects of larger divine mysteries.
Mythos entities in the era before the founding of Rome.Some
From 3100 BCE until the Roman Empire annexed Egypt in 30
powerful individuals even claim to be descendants of these
BCE, the early monarchs and later pharaohs of Egypt were
heroes, or to have personally survived since those times,
considered both rulers and high priests, and were themselves
making claims to divinity.
often elevated to divinity. Religion is an integral aspect of
nearly all aspects of Egyptian life and culture, with the pharaoh
GERMANIC GODS considered the intermediary between the gods and the people.
Given the diversity of tribes across Germania and adjacent
In the Cohors era, this role has been relegated to the highest
regions, this area’s peoples do not adhere to a single cohesive
priests. The gods are still thought to be ever present and
pantheon but worship a number of different gods connected
involved in all matters of significance, and they are venerated
in various ways. Certain gods are more associated with the
accordingly. Shrines to various deities can be found in both
northern region sometimes referred to as Scandia, which
individual households and public venues, and the gods are
will eventually become known as Scandinavia. These include
regularly prayed to for aid or advice on matters small and large.
deities seen later in the Norse pantheon, Gothic paganism, and
Anglo-Saxon precursors. As in other pantheons, these gods’ Certain gods are highly regional or began as local cults but
depictions change over time, and the tribes sometimes adopt eventually gathered a larger following. Among the broader
gods from neighboring cultures. pantheon, the following are especially noteworthy and

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors
significant either for the people of Aegyptus or for the mysticism tunnels between worlds. Opposed to the Tuatha Dé Danann are
of Cohors: Ra, Amun, Isis, Aten, Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, the Fomorians: powerful supernatural adversaries, sometimes
Osiris, Seth, Nephthys, Horus, Ptah, Set, Anhur, Thoth, Sobek, described as monsters or giants, who occupy a place similar to
Amunet, Bastet, Hathor, Maat, Sekhmet, Anubis, Kek. that of the jötnar in Norse religions. But as is the case in similar
accounts in other cultures, the Fomorians sometimes mingled
THE CELTIC PANTHEON with and had children with the gods, giving rise to deities of
A varied array of Celtic tribes live in the regions to the mixed lineage, such as Lugh himself, whose mother, Ethniu, was
northwest of Rome, including several conquered territories daughter of the Fomorian tyrant and leader.
home to Britons, Gauls, and other Celts. They worship an
By the Cohors period, many Celtic tribes and their faiths have
assortment of divinities, many highly localized and in
been thrown into turmoil not only by powerful invaders, but
some cases patrons of individual tribes. Many gods serve
also by the insidious influence of corruptive cults seeking to
as personifications of specific rivers or other geographical
infiltrate and co-opt their religions. Rome has seized most Celtic
features. The most prominent and revered figures include
regions, including the homelands of the Gauls and Britons.
the Dagda, Lugh, Taranis, Belenus, Cernunnos, Brighid, the
The island of Hibernia remains free and has become a bastion
Morrígan, Epona, Sucellus, Toutatis, and Ogmios/Ogma.
of the Celtic faith, but it is in the midst of secret conflict with
Many of these gods are part of the Tuatha Dé Danann, corrupted Mythos elements. Hibernia’s druids have remained
supernatural beings who are separate from but closely tied to true to their deeper beliefs, but across the water on the adjoining
humanity. According to Celtic belief, these beings exist in the island, most of the druids of Britannia have embraced ominous
Otherworld, which is separate from the world where mortals variants. The supernatural has been made manifest and real,
dwell but connected to it by tomb passages. The dead go to dwell lending a dire aspect to these religious conflicts. Celtic mystics
with the gods, so there is a close connection between the dead are engaged in nonmetaphorical battles for the preservation of
and the divine. Burial sites are inherently sacred, serving as their beliefs while monsters from myth stalk the land.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors


There exist some faiths and belief systems that fall outside Most people in Cohors belong to a religion that serves the
the larger categories of the gods, as they involve neither the traditional pantheon of their culture and are entirely ignorant
pantheons of individual, fallible Terrestrial Gods nor the of Outer and Elder Gods, vast and often terrible Mythos beings
terrifying duality of the Outer and Elder Gods and their endless whose scope and influence transcend the Earth. Only a few
conflict. Certain philosophies attempt to comprehend reality by especially knowledgeable mystics know anything about such
means of meditation and thought without relying on divinities. beings, who are often misunderstood or mistaken for more
There are also monotheistic faiths such as Judaism and its much familiar divinities. The world of Cohors is rife with cults, both
more recently established offshoot, Christianity, which posit a accepted ones and those that work in the shadows.
single greater divinity who encompasses everything; these sects
Even when a cult is ostensibly dedicated to a more familiar
deny the existence of polytheistic pantheons.
traditional god, its most potent mystics may be unknowingly
serving an Elder or Outer God who has assumed a more
Judaism and Christianity innocuous or benevolent guise. Several Elder Gods are especially
Judaism and Christianity are faiths that occupy an interesting
prone to subverting cults and offering powerful boons to mystics
but also difficult position within the Roman Empire. Both
in exchange for worship and service against their sinister enemies.
encompass minorities who have been subject to various
Elder Gods such as Hypnos and Nodens have almost entirely
degrees of persecution and oppression.
assumed the role of more commonly known Terrestrial Gods,
Because these faiths are still commonly practiced today, we have appearing to exist within the framework of a familiar pantheon
not connected them to cosmic Mythos cabals and conspiracies. despite having more exotic origins and a different true nature.
It is best to reserve such supernatural complications for
Some occultists may have learned or seen reference to the
religions rooted in Terrestrial, Outer, or Elder Gods.
names of one or more Outer Gods such as Nyarlathotep,
Sarthothus, Yog-Sothoth, Cthulhu, and Mormo. These entities
are most often associated with the actions of sinister cults that
are often at odds with and hostile toward more traditional
religions. For example, the followers of the Cult of Mormo
actively seek out and try to corrupt or destroy adherents of the
most widely worshiped fertility gods.

Historical Timelines

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

This section is intended to provide a snapshot of some of the most significant recent historical events in the decades prior to and
surrounding the “current day” in the Cohors setting (loosely 165 CE). It features events that might be known to individuals living
in or near the Roman Empire in the Cohors era, particularly those who keep abreast of such things, and can be utilized to inform
characters’ histories. Events listed in years during or just following the timing of a particular campaign might be integrated with
ongoing stories. These timelines, however, are purely historical and do not feature events from the Hidden Wars.

Years are listed with both the more modern Common Era (CE) The timelines are broken down into sections: a broad overview
/ Anno Domini (AD) numbering system and the Ab urbe condita that gives details of the most major events to occur each year,
(AUC) system, which numbers years “from the founding of the and multiple regional timelines that offer details of notable
city,” based on the traditional year attributed to the founding events that happened in their respective regions. Note that in
of Rome. By this reckoning, 1 CE (AD) would be considered some years, the only details provided are the Roman consuls
AUC 754. Within Rome, years were more often designated by and the name of the years.
the identities of the two consuls, also provided.

144 147 151
i The Romans launch a campaign i Festivals commemorating the nine- i The capital of Lesbos, Mytilene,
against the Mauri people in the hundredth anniversary of Rome’s as well as the city of Smyrna are
Roman province of Mauretania in founding begin. destroyed by an earthquake.
Africa in response to Mauri raiding.
i King Vologases III of the Parthians
i Marcion of Sinope is dies. He is succeeded by Vologases IV. 152
excommunicated for declaring the Parthia is united under his rule.
Old Testament incompatible with
i Faustina the Younger receives YEAR OF THE CONSULSHIP OF
the New. The heresy Marcionism
the title Augusta and becomes an GLABRIO AND HOMULLUS
grows out of his beliefs.
empress of Rome. By extension,
Marcus Aurelius receives the 153
145 authority of imperium.
HADRIANUS AND CAESAR i A minor uprising against Roman rule
i Marcus Aurelius marries Faustina the occurs in Aegyptus. The praefectus
Younger, daughter of Antoninus Pius. Aegypti is killed during the riot.
i Antoninus Pius continues the
146 celebration of Rome’s nine- 154
hundredth anniversary by
hosting a series of games.
i Senator and aristocrat Sextus Erucius 149 i King Eupator of Bosphorus pays
Clarus, once a close friend of Pliny tribute to Rome in response to the
the Younger, dies after becoming growing threat of the Alani.
consul for the second time. He dies
SCIPIO AND PRISCUS i The Antonine Wall, about 100 miles
while simultaneously holding the
north of Hadrian’s Wall, is completed.
offices of consul ordinarius and
urban prefect.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

155 161 164

i The Brigantes, a tribe in Britannia, i Emperor Antoninus Pius dies and is i Emperor Lucius Verus marries
revolt against Roman rule. succeeded by Marcus Aurelius and Lucilla, daughter of Emperor Marcus
Lucius Verus. Aurelius and Faustina the Younger.

156 i Emperor Marcus Aurelius reduces


the weight of a gold piece, the 165
aureus, from 7.81 grams to 7.12 grams.
install their own candidate on the ORFITUS AND PUDENS
157 throne. Marcus Sedatius Severianus, i General Avidius Cassius crosses
convinced by the prophet Alexander the Euphrates and invades Parthia.
of Abonutichus that he can defeat Ctesiphon is captured and the royal
the Parthians easily, leads Legio IX palace torched. The general takes
Hispana into Armenia. He and the Nisibis and destroys Seleucia, a Greek
i A revolt against Roman rule begins
legion are massacred at Elegeia after city on the Tigris that surrendered to
in Dacia.
a campaign of only three days. him; this impugns the reputation of
i The revolt of the Brigantes against Emperor Lucius for sacking the city.
i Marcus Aurelius and Faustina the
Roman rule in Britannia ends with
Younger’s son Commodus is born. i The Parthians sue for peace, possibly
Roman troops being first repulsed
due to suffering from plague. The
from the region, then returning and
Romans found Douro Europos as
subduing the populace. 162 a garrison and trade point on the
915 AB URBE CONDITA Euphrates.
The Antonine Plague spreads
911 AB URBE CONDITA among the Roman legions after the
i Emperor Lucius Verus takes
YEAR OF THE CONSULSHIP OF destruction of Seleucia on the Tigris.
command of the war with Parthia.
TERTULLUS AND SACERDOS Plague breaks out in Rome as the
His commanding presence prevents
i The Dacian revolt is crushed. legions return with Emperor Lucius,
a rumored rebellion in Syria from
and it quickly spreads across the
rising to full revolt.
empire. The plague continues until 180.
912 AB URBE CONDITA 163 166
160 Marcus Statius Priscus reconquers
i Peace is granted to the Parthians,
913 AB URBE CONDITA Armenia and destroys the capital i
ending the Parthian War. The
Romans claim Armenia and
i Roman forces abandon the Antonine Mesopotamia in the peace
i Battles occur over the Antonine
Wall, retreating to Hadrian’s Wall. settlement but return Ctesiphon.
Wall. It is briefly lost but is
Only the Roman fort at Trimontium,
eventually retaken by Roman forces. i Conflict erupts on the Danube
Caledonia (modern-day Newstead,
frontier between Rome and the
i Appian writes Historia Romana Scotland), and a handful of outposts
Marcomanni. Dacia is invaded.
(Roman History), diligently remain garrisoned.
including the history of each nation i Aurelius’s sons, Commodus and
conquered by Rome. Marcus Annius Verus, are appointed
corulers as caesar while Aurelius and
Lucius travel north to deal with the

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors
167 170 172
i Marcus Aurelius is appointed a i The Suebian tribes cross the Danube i Aurelius invades the land of the
consul of Rome. and invade the northern region of Marcomanni and subdues their
Italia. Twenty thousand Romans are forces. He spreads some of the
i The Astingi, Lacringi, and Iazyges join
defeated in Pannonia at the Battle of Germanic population across the
the northern conflict and invade Dacia.
Carnuntum. empire to repopulate the areas
Legio V Macedonica arrives to fight
devastated by plague. This ends
them, bringing the plague with it. i Marcomanni sack Opitergium and
the Germanic part of the First
besiege Aquileia. This is the first
Marcomannic War.
time hostile forces have entered
168 Italy since 101 BCE, more than 270
921 AB URBE CONDITA years earlier. (Note: This date is given 173
YEAR OF THE CONSULSHIP OF by the primary source, Lucian, but
APRONIANUS AND PAULLUS this is debated, and many scholars
i Emperors Aurelius and Lucius believe that the real date was closer
leave Rome, establishing military to 167, based on a critical analysis
i The Quadi break their treaty with
headquarters in Aquileia. Under of Lucian’s works and supporting
Aurelius and invade the lower
their command, the Roman Army archaeological evidence.)
Danube. Roman soldiers under siege
enters Pannonia and subdues the
i The Costoboci enter Thrace and the are saved by a “miracle of the rain,”
Marcomanni at Carnuntum and
Balkans. The Balkans are ransacked. which relieves the legions of thirst
north of the Danube.
while the Quadi suffer from mud,
i Aurelius reduces the weight of a
i Aurelius increases the weight of a storms, and lightning. Dio attributes
silver piece, the denarius, from 2.67
silver piece, the denarius, from 2.57 it to the work of an Egyptian
grams back to 2.57 grams.
grams to 2.67 grams. magician praying to Mercury.

i Didius Julianus repels an invasion

169 171 of the Chatti and Hermunduri. The
924 AB URBE CONDITA Chauci raid the shoreline of Gallia
i Aquileia is relieved of its siege, and
i Emperor Lucius Verus dies of either
the Marcomanni are forced out
food poisoning or plague. Marcus
of Roman territory. (This date is 927 AB URBE CONDITA
Aurelius becomes sole emperor.
questioned; scholars suggest the YEAR OF THE CONSULSHIP OF GALLUS
i The Marcomannic Wars continue. siege of Aquileia may have ended as AND FLACCUS
Germanic tribes invade Raetia and early as 168.) i The Romans campaign against the
Moesia. Quadi. The Quadi kill their own king,
i Aurelius signs a peace treaty with
Furtius, putting his rival Ariogaesus
i The Mauri cross the Gibraltar to raid the Quadi, Iazyges, Hasdingi, and
on the throne. Marcus Aurelius
Baetica. Lacringi. The latter two become
exiles Ariogaesus to Alexandria and
Roman allies.
i Aurelius’s son, Caesar Marcus subjugates the Quadi.
Annius Verus, dies due to medical i The Costoboci continue south and
complications during surgery. destroy Eleusis. The Greek orator
Commodus is now sole heir to the Aelius Aristides laments the damage
Roman Empire. done by barbarians to the sacred site.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

175 177 179

i Aurelius defeats the Iazyges in i Commodus is promoted again from i Commodus and Aurelius march
battle and obtains terms of peace, imperator to Augustus, officially against the Quadi. Under the
receiving one hundred thousand sharing the rank of emperor with command of Marcus Valerius
Roman prisoners and eight thousand Aurelius. Maximianus, the Romans defeat
Iazyges as auxiliary cavalry, who are the Quadi in battle at Laugaricio.
i Several churches in Gaul are
subsequently deployed in Britannia. The remaining Quadi flee farther
destroyed after Christians are
This ends the First Marcomannic War. westward into Germania.
accused of practicing cannibalism.
i Avidius Cassius hears rumors that Aurelius signs off on the execution
Marcus Aurelius is dead and declares of forty-eight Christians in Lyon due 180
himself emperor. Marcus Aurelius to issues of civil unrest, a product
marches his army east, accompanied of the ongoing fear and suspicion
by auxiliary detachments of against underground mystery cults.
Marcomanni, Quadi, and Naristi
i The Quadi rebel against Roman rule; i Emperor Marcus Aurelius dies at
under his command to defeat the
the Marcomanni follow. Aurelius Vindobona.
self-appointed emperor. Avidius is
heads north, beginning the Second
assassinated by his own officers. i Praetorian Prefect Publius
Marcomannic War.
Tarruntenius Paternus declares a
victory against the Quadi. Shortly
176 178 afterward, Commodus negotiates
929 AB URBE CONDITA a peace treaty with both the
YEAR OF THE CONSULSHIP OF Marcomanni and the Quadi, ending
PROCULUS AND APER the Second Marcomannic War.
i Commodus, age 15, ceases to be
i Commodus and Aurelius cross the i The Goths arrive at the Black Sea.
caesar, heir to the empire, and is
Danube; they arrive in Carnuntum
promoted to imperator, commander i The garrison at the Roman fort at
and defeat the Marcomanni in battle.
of the Roman Armies. Trimontium, Caledonia, finally
i Aurelius forgives all debts owed to abandons its post.
the emperor’s private treasury or to
i The Antonine Plague ends. It is
the public treasury and has the state
estimated that 20 percent of the
debt records burned in the Forum.
Roman Empire, fifteen million
people, have died of the plague over
a period of fifteen years.

“Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it,
if you have to, with the same weapons of reason
which today arm you against the present.
— Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor

Regional Timelines

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

i 141: Faustina the Elder, wife of i 161: Marcus Aurelius takes a four-day i 170: Marcomanni sack Opitergium
Antoninus Pius, dies. The Temple of holiday at Alsium to relax, writing and besiege Aquileia. This is the first
Antoninus and Faustina is built in to his friend Fronto that he was too time hostile forces have entered
her honor. anxious to relax but is encouraged Italy since 101 BCE, more than 270
by Fronto to spend the time gaming years later. (Note: This date is given
i 141: The Lycia earthquake is felt
and at leisure instead of worrying. by the primary source, Lucian, but
throughout the Roman Empire.
this is debated, and many scholars
i 164: Emperor Lucius Verus marries
i 145: Marcus Aurelius marries believe that the real date was closer
Lucilla, daughter of Emperor Marcus
Faustina the Younger, daughter of to 167, based on a critical analysis
Aurelius and Faustina the Younger.
Antoninus Pius. of Lucian’s works and supporting
i 165: The Antonine Plague spreads archaeological evidence.)
i 147: Faustina receives the title
among the Roman legions after
Augusta and becomes an empress of i 170: Marcus Aurelius orders that
the destruction of Seleucia on the
Rome. By extension, Marcus Aurelius enslaved people and Christians
Tigris. Plague breaks out in Rome
receives the authority of imperium. be treated humanely across the
as the legions return with Emperor
i 147: Festivals commemorating the Lucius, and it quickly spreads across
nine-hundredth anniversary of the empire. The plague continues i 171: Aquileia is relieved of its siege,
Rome’s founding begin. until 180. and the Marcomanni are forced
out of Roman territory. (This date
i 148: Antoninus Pius continues i 166: Aurelius and Fausta the
is questioned; scholars suggest the
the celebration of Rome’s nine- Younger’s sons, Commodus and
siege of Aquileia may have ended as
hundredth anniversary by hosting a Marcus Annius Verus, are appointed
early as 168.)
series of games. corulers as caesar while Aurelius
and Lucius travel north to deal with i 171: Aurelius signs a peace treaty
the Marcomanni. with the Quadi, Iazyges, Hasdingi,
i 150: Anicetus becomes bishop of
and Lacringi. The latter two become
Rome (centuries later, this office i 166: Soter becomes bishop of Rome.
Roman allies.
becomes known as pope).
i 167: Marcus Aurelius is appointed a
i 174: Eleutherius becomes the
i 156: Antoninus Pius begins nibbling on consul of Rome.
thirteenth bishop of Rome.
dry bread to stay awake and requires
i 168: Emperors Aurelius and Lucius
medical stays (a type of corset) to i 174: Faustina is accused of an affair
leave Rome, establishing military
remain upright during the day. with Avidius Cassius.
headquarters in Aquileia.
i 160: Appian writes Historia Romana i 174: Trade in Italia is centralized
i 169: Emperor Lucius Verus dies of
(Roman History), diligently around Rome and the port of Ostia,
either food poisoning or plague.
including the history of each nation incapacitating other harbors that
Marcus Aurelius becomes sole
conquered by Rome. lack imperial patronage.
i 161: Emperor Antoninus Pius i 175: Faustina dies while on
i 169: Caesar Marcus Annius
dies and is succeeded by Marcus campaign with Aurelius (details
Verus, Aurelius and Fausta the
Aurelius and Lucius Verus. Marcus unknown).
Younger’s son, dies due to medical
Aurelius also becomes pontifex
complications during surgery. i 176: Commodus, age 15, ceases
maximus, the most powerful office
Commodus is now sole heir to the to be caesar, heir to the empire,
in the Roman state religion.
Roman Empire. and is promoted to imperator,
i 161: Marcus Aurelius and Faustina the commander of the Roman Armies.
Younger’s son Commodus is born.
i 170: The Suebian tribes cross the i 177: Commodus is named consul of
i 161/162: The Tiber floods much of Danube and invade the northern Rome.
Rome. Marcus and Lucius spend region of Italia. Twenty thousand
i 177: Commodus is promoted again
several months addressing the Romans are destroyed in Pannonia
from imperator to Augustus,
damage and repercussions, including at the Battle of Carnuntum.
officially sharing the rank of
the famine resulting from drowned
emperor with Aurelius.
animals and flooded farmlands.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors
i 177: Several churches are destroyed i 178: Commodus marries Bruttia i 180: Commodus negotiates a peace
after the Christians are accused of Crispina. treaty with both the Marcomanni
practicing cannibalism. Aurelius and the Quadi, ending the Second
i 178: Aurelius forgives all debts owed
signs off on the execution of forty- Marcomannic War.
to the emperor’s private treasury or to
eight Christians in Lyon due to
the public treasury and has the state i 180: Work begins on the Column of
issues of civil unrest, a product
debt records burned in the Forum. Marcus Aurelius.
of the ongoing fear and suspicion
against underground mystery cults. i 180: The Antonine Plague ends.
i 180: Emperor Marcus Aurelius dies It is estimated that 20 percent of
i 177: The Quadi rebel against Roman
at Vindobona. the Roman Empire, fifteen million
rule; the Marcomanni follow.
people, have died to the plague over
Aurelius heads north, beginning the
a period of fifteen years.
Second Marcomannic War.

i 140: The Quadi become an ally of i 168: Emperors Aurelius and Lucius i 173: Didius Julianus repels an
Rome. leave Rome, establishing military invasion of the Chatti and
headquarters in Aquileia. Under Hermunduri. The Chauci raid the
their command, the Roman Army shoreline of Gallia Belgica.
i 150: The Roman town Forum
enters Pannonia and subdues the
Hadriani (modern-day Voorburg) i 174: The Romans campaign against
Marcomanni at Carnuntum and
receives the right to organize markets the Quadi. The Quadi kill their
north of the Danube.
and is declared a proper town. It is own king, Furtius, putting his rival
officially the northernmost town in i 169: The Marcomannic Wars Ariogaesus on the throne. Marcus
the Roman Empire. continue. Germanic tribes invade Aurelius exiles Ariogaesus to
Raetia and Moesia Alexandria and subjugates the Quadi.
i 150: A Germanic migration occurs,
moving toward the Carpathians. i 177: The Quadi rebel against Roman
i 170: The Suebian tribes cross the rule; the Marcomanni follow.
Danube and invade the northern Aurelius heads north, beginning the
i 161: The Chatti of the Taunus
region of Italia. Twenty thousand Second Marcomannic War.
mountains cross over the limes (the
Romans are defeated in Pannonia at
boundary of the Germanic frontier), i 178: Commodus and Aurelius cross
the Battle of Carnuntum.
raising the threat of war. the Danube; they arrive in Carnuntum
i 171: Aurelius signs a peace treaty and defeat the Marcomanni in battle.
i 161: Three legions, the I Minervia from
with the Quadi, Iazyges, Hasding,
Bonn, II Adiutrix from Aquincum, i 179: The Roman fort Castra Regina
and Lacringi. The latter two become
and V Macedonica from Troesmis, are is built along the Regen river, at
Roman allies.
sent to the eastern front to deal with modern-day Regensburg.
Parthia. The northern frontiers are i 172: Aurelius invades the land of
i 179: Aurelius allows Marcomanni
ordered to avoid conflict wherever the Marcomanni and subdues
colonists across the Danube to
possible to accommodate for the loss their forces. He spreads some of
repopulate Pannonia.
of military strength. the Germanic population across
the empire to repopulate the areas i 179: Commodus and Aurelius
i 162: The Chatti invade Germania
devastated by plague. This ends march against the Quadi. Under
Superior with armed forces but are
the Germanic part of the First the command of Marcus Valerius
repulsed by Roman troops.
Marcomannic War. Maximianus, the Romans defeat
i 166: Conflict erupts on the Danube the Quadi in battle at Laugaricio.
i 173: The Quadi break their treaty
frontier between Rome and the The remaining Quadi flee farther
with Aurelius and invade the lower
Marcomanni. Dacia is invaded. westward into Germania.
Danube. Roman soldiers under siege
i 166: The Lombards invade Pannonia are saved by the “miracle of the rain,”
but are defeated by Roman forces. which relieves the legions of thirst i 180: Praetorian Prefect Publius
while the Quadi suffer from mud, Tarruntenius Paternus declares a
i 167: The Astingi, Lacringi, and
storms, and lightning. Dio attributes victory against the Quadi. Shortly
Iazyges join the northern conflict
it to the work of an Egyptian afterward, Commodus negotiates
and invade Dacia. Legio V
magician praying to Mercury. a peace treaty with both the
Macedonica arrives to fight them,
Marcomanni and the Quadi, ending
bringing the plague with it.
the Second Marcomannic War.

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

i 140: Ptolemy begins Almagest, the i 170: Ptolemy completes the world’s i 175: Avidius Cassius hears rumors
authoritative work on astronomy first atlas. He dies later this year. that Marcus Aurelius is dead
for the next 1,500 years. and declares himself emperor.
i 172: An agrarian revolt in Egypt
Marcus Aurelius marches his army
i 141: The Lycia earthquake is felt is suppressed by Avidius Cassius,
east, accompanied by auxiliary
throughout the Roman Empire. governor of Syria. He becomes
detachments of Marcomanni,
supreme commander of the Roman
Quadi, and Naristi under his
army in the east.
i 150: Ptolemy completes Almagest and command to defeat the self-
begins work on the world’s first atlas. appointed emperor. Avidius is
assassinated by his own officers.
i 153: A minor uprising against Roman
rule occurs in Aegyptus. The praefectus
Aegypti is killed during the riot.

i 142: Emperor Pius begins building the i 160: Battles occur over the Antonine i 180: The garrison at the Roman fort
Antonine Wall (completed in 154). Wall. It is briefly lost but is at Trimontium, Caledonia, finally
eventually retaken by Roman forces. abandon their post.
i 143: A revolt of the Brigantes tribe
in Britannia is suppressed by the i 163: Roman forces abandon the i 180: The Picts breach Hadrian’s
Numidian governor of Britannia, Antonine Wall, retreating to Wall, kill the commanding officer,
Quintus Lollius Urbicus. Hadrian’s Wall. Only the Roman and invade Britannia south of
fort at Trimontium, Caledonia Caledonia. Commodus’s response
(modern-day Newstead, Scotland), is simply to allow them to settle
i 154: The Antonine Wall is completed.
and a handful of outposts remain in Roman lands. Ulpius Marcellus
i 155: The Brigantes revolt again garrisoned. becomes governor.
against Roman rule.

i 157: The revolt of the Brigantes i 175: Aurelius defeats the Iazyges in
ends with Roman troops being battle and obtains terms of peace,
first repulsed from the region, then receiving one hundred thousand
returning and subduing the populace. Roman prisoners and eight
thousand Iazyges as auxiliary cavalry,
who are subsequently deployed in
Britannia to quell local uprisings.

i 141: The islands of Rhodes, Kos, i 151: Mytilene, the capital of Lesbos, i 171: The Costoboci continue south
Simi, and Serifos are hit by tsunami is destroyed by an earthquake. and destroy Eleusis. The Greek
and flooded during the Lycia orator Aelius Aristides laments the
earthquake. damage done by barbarians to the
i 162: Arrian publishes his history of
sacred site.
i 145: Greek historian and military India.
commander Arrian becomes archon
i 165: The Antonine Plague spreads
of Athens.
across the empire.

i 150: The Albani, an Illyrian tribe,

i 170: The Costoboci enter Thrace
move into the region of Epirus,
and the Balkans. The Balkans are

Chapter 9 - The World of Cohors

i 140: King Mithridates V of the Parthians i 161: Three legions, the I Minervia from i 165: General Avidius Cassius
dies. He is succeeded by Vologases III. Bonn, II Adiutrix from Aquincum, continues campaigning. He takes
and V Macedonica from Troesmis, are Nisibis and destroys Seleucia, a Greek
i 141: The Lycia earthquake is felt
sent to the eastern front to deal with city on the Tigris that surrendered to
throughout the Roman Empire.
Parthia. The northern frontiers are him; this impugns the reputation of
i 142: Marcion of Sinope declares the ordered to avoid conflict wherever Emperor Lucius for sacking the city.
Old Testament incompatible with possible to accommodate for the loss
i 165: The Parthians sue for peace,
the New Testament and begins the of military strength.
possibly due to suffering from
Marcionism heresy.
i 162: Lucius Verus takes command plague. The Romans found Douro
i 143: Marcion is excommunicated for of the war with Parthia. His Europos as a garrison and trade
his beliefs. commanding presence prevents point on the Euphrates.
a rumored rebellion in Syria from
i 144: King Vologases III of the Parthians i 165: The Antonine Plague spreads
rising to full revolt.
dies. He is succeeded by Vologases IV. among the Roman legions after the
Parthia is united under his rule. i 163: Marcus Statius Priscus destruction of Seleucia on the Tigris.
reconquers Armenia and destroys It breaks out in Rome as the legions
the capital city of Artaxata. return and spreads across the empire.
i 150: Marcion publishes his own
version of the Bible with abridged i 163: The Parthians establish one of i 166: Peace is granted to the
versions of the Gospel of Luke and their own as king of Edessa, evicting Parthians, ending the Parthian
the Pauline letters. the Roman-sympathetic king Mannus War. The Romans claim Armenia
and removing the client kingdom and Mesopotamia in the peace
i 151: The city of Smyrna is destroyed
from Roman protection. Roman settlement but return Ctesiphon.
by an earthquake.
forces conduct their war around
i 156: New Christian prophecies their former ally, conquer the north
i 172: An agrarian revolt in Egypt
emerge in Mysia, promoted by bank of the Euphrates, and take
is suppressed by Avidius Cassius,
Montanus, Prisca, and Maximilla, Anthemusia, a town near Edessa.
now governor of Syria. He becomes
claiming inspiration from the Holy
i 164: Kaine Polis is built to replace supreme commander of the Roman
Spirit. The Montanian heresy begins.
Artaxata as the capital of Armenia. army in the east.

i 165: General Avidius Cassius crosses i 175: Avidius Cassius hears rumors that
i 160: Marcion of Sinope dies.
the Euphrates and invades Parthia. Marcus Aurelius is dead and declares
i 161: The Parthians invade Armenia Ctesiphon is captured and the royal himself emperor. Marcus Aurelius
and install their own candidate palace torched. marches his army east, accompanied
on the throne. Marcus Sedatius by auxiliary detachments of
i 165: The V Macedonica marches on
Severianus, convinced by the prophet Marcomanni, Quadi, and Naristi
Edessa and reoccupies it, establishing
Alexander of Abonutichus that he can under his command to defeat the
the former king, Mannus, as king again
defeat the Parthians easily, leads Legio self-appointed emperor. Avidius is
and hailing him “King Mannos, friend
IX Hispana into Armenia. He and the assassinated by his own officers.
of the Romans” on minted coins.
legion are massacred at Elegeia after a
i 179: Abgar the Great becomes King
campaign of only three days.
of Edessa.

i 166: China: A Roman envoy arrives by sea in southern i 169: Hispania: The Mauri cross the Gibraltar to raid
China, eventually reaching the Chinese capital, Luoyang, Baetica.
to meet Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty.


Appendix A: Your Road to Laurium..............................208

Appendix B: Companion Creatures................................. 211

Appendix C: Supporting Characters.............................216

Character Sheet........................................................................219

Appendix A: Your Road to Laurium
Many Cohors campaigns will begin in the frontier town of Laurium, which is featured in the Cohors Cthulhu Gamemaster’s Guide. A
small holding on the rim of Roman-controlled territory, Laurium might seem a strange place for a character to call home. Still, there
are many reasons why someone might be drawn here. The following tables provide some options for why your character might be
living in or traveling to this frontier town. Feel free to roll randomly on the tables appropriate to your character, adapt any of these
suggestions, or invent your own reason why your character is in Laurium. If your gamemaster is starting your characters somewhere
else, these results might still be useful; they may be modified to represent why your character has uprooted themself to go elsewhere.


Something happened during your journey to Laurium. Along the way, you…


… saw the ravages Conflict is constant both within and beyond the Roman Empire. On your road to Laurium, you encountered the
1–2 of war. smoking ruin of a village that was caught up in the jaws of war.
… rescued While on the road, the only people you can rely on to help you are other travelers. You pulled another traveler’s fat
3–4 someone in need. out of the fire, getting them back on the road to their own destination. They’ve promised not to forget your help.
Keeping alert for any opportunities, you noticed something of great value during your journey (such as a
… stumbled into
5–6 fertile hunting ground, a shortcut along the trade route, or some other valuable resource). You didn’t have the
means to secure the resource, but you promised yourself to return to it soon.
Between the bandits who prey on travelers, wild beasts sniffing for easy game, and rustic folk who don’t take
7–8 … evaded danger. kindly to wanderers, the road to Laurium is fraught with peril. You had a close scrape with one such danger,
only barely managing to escape unharmed.
Like Paul of the Christians, you were struck with a vivid vision on the road to your destination. Other people
… were struck by
9–10 might blame it on the berries you foraged, or perhaps an episode brought on by the heat of the day, but you know
a vision.
the truth: a higher power has marked you as one of its chosen. Your destiny awaits you.
Everyone needs to camp along the long road to Laurium. While you were warming your meal at a roadside
encampment, a strange figure joined you by the fire. This person had an unusual air to them, and in
… made a strange
11–12 the flickering light, you swear that something about their face didn’t seem… right. Any suspicions you
had vanished with the dawn—along with the stranger. But they did leave you an unusual token for your
hospitality: a small metal object about the size of a denarius.
Night and the wilderness can play tricks on the mind, but you swear that you saw something not of the natural
… saw something
13–14 world during your journey. In the darkness between the trees, an indescribable silhouette rose from the shadows
in the shadows.
to study you for a time, before springing into the sky with an unholy shriek that shattered the night air.
After all, the dead person you found by the roadside didn’t need it anymore. The clothing on the body fit you
… assumed a new
15–16 well enough, and it wasn’t like your old identity was doing you much good. You spent the rest of the journey
to Laurium feeling like a new person.
You could swear you stayed on the road the whole time, but a few days out of Laurium, you entered a strange
land unlike one from any of the stories you’ve heard of the Roman frontier. At the edge of a wine-dark sea,
along a shoreline as white as old bones, you witnessed slouched figures dragging unfathomable beasts out
17–18 … got a bit lost.
of the water to feast on the quivering flesh within their pale shells. Leviathan shapes churned the seas to
a froth, and bolts of black lightning stabbed at the distant mountains. Somehow your feet found the road
back to Laurium, but the crashing of that otherworldly tide still echoes in your ears.
At least, for a short while. You fell afoul of one of the many dangers on the frontier, and you vividly recall the
rattle of your final breath leaving your lungs. Then, some time later—you’re not really certain how long—you
19–20 … died. awoke under a shallow cairn of stones with grubs in your hair. Ever since, you’ve had trouble shaking a cold
feeling in your bones, like you stayed out in a chilly rainstorm, and a growing hunger gnaws at your belly.
Still, it’s better than being dead. You hope.


The following are some reasons why a Roman citizen or citizen of a client state might make Laurium their home.


A Powerful Foe in You have a foe in the city of Rome whose power and influence can make your life miserable. In an effort to escape
1–2 Rome their influence, you’ve traveled to the very edge of the empire.
Running from You’ve done something that haunts you, like betraying a friend or failing in a spectacular fashion. You’ve
3–4 Your Past fled to Laurium to get away from your past.
Seeking Your You’d rather be a big fish in a small pond than a minnow fermenting in the garum pot. The frontier offers new
5–6 Fortune opportunities that you won’t find in larger communities in the empire.
Finding a A close friend or relative moved to Laurium some time ago. You used to receive correspondence from them,
7–8 Companion but the messages mysteriously stopped. You’ve come to Laurium to discover the fate of your companion.
A person who has great authority over you (such as a mentor, politician, or family member) has requested
Summoned to
9–10 your presence in their new home, Laurium. The summons might allude to some sinister mystery that
requires your assistance.
You didn’t plan to stop in Laurium. Your sights were set on another destination, but fate conspired to keep
A Stop on the
11–12 you in the town. For reasons beyond your comprehension, each time you set out to continue your journey,
misfortune steps in to prevent you from leaving.
Your family is in Laurium, and you remain in the region to look after them. You might be responsible for the
13–14 Family Ties well-being of one or more family members, or your family might have other reasons to be there, such as a
spouse garrisoned in the town.
Rumors about Laurium reached you some time ago. Where other people heard warnings about strange
15–16 occurrences and unknown threats, what you heard was an opportunity to learn more about the strange and
hidden world. After selling what you could to finance your journey, you set out for the distant frontier town.
You don’t know exactly how you arrived in Laurium. It might have been the result of a long and enthusiastic
17–18 Events Unknown drunken revel, or it might have been an ominous and occult reason. All you know is that one day you woke
up in a muddy alley in the frontier town, and you have no idea how to get back home.
For months, your dreams have shown you an unfamiliar place: the wooden palisades of a Roman town
Visions of the
19–20 surrounded by a dark forest. To make sense of these visions, you have struck out to find the place whose
name is whispered in your dreams. Laurium.


The following are some reasons for a Germanic or Briton character to be living in Laurium.


You were part of a warband—but you didn’t want to be. To avoid death at the point of a Roman pilum, you snuck
1–2 Deserter
off in the night and came to Laurium. Better to be behind Roman walls than dying while trying to scale them.
Exiled to the You have been exiled from your homeland. You may or may not be responsible for the actions that caused you
3–4 Enemy to be exiled, but you are no longer welcome among your people. You’ve come to Laurium seeking a new life.
You are in Laurium to learn about the Romans. A tribal or military leader may have commanded you there to
5–6 gain insight on how to dislodge the occupying army from your lands, or simply your own curiosity may have
prompted you to learn about these strange southern people firsthand.
You’ve seen how the Romans live and have heard stories of the vast wealth to be had within their empire.
7–8 Seeking Fortune
You’d like a bit of that wealth for yourself, and Laurium seems like as good a place to start as any.
You’ve heard that a significant rival is within Laurium. This person might be a Roman citizen whose actions have
Searching for a
9–10 caused you great harm, or they could be one of your own people who has sheltered among the Romans. You’ll
find them, and you’ll make them pay.
You’re a mercenary at heart and are willing to sell your talents to the highest bidder. Today, that’s Laurium.
11–12 Blade for Hire
Who knows who it will be tomorrow?
You enjoy the luxuries the Romans have brought with them far more than the traditional comforts of your
13–14 Bread and Wine people. You like the fine wine, unusual delicacies, and music of Rome, and you’ll do just about anything to
keep enjoying them.
You were taken as the spoils of war after losing a battle against the Romans. You may have secured your
15–16 Prisoner of War
freedom or escaped captivity, and now you’re free and in Laurium.
You live among the Romans in Laurium as part of a treaty between your leader and the commander of the local
17–18 Cultural Exchange Roman garrison. One of your talents or abilities is valuable to the Romans, and they’re willing to uphold the treaty
so long as you provide them with assistance.
Your tribe’s seer told you your destiny lies in the Roman town of Laurium. You do not know what fate has in
19–20 Sent by the Völva
store for you, but you’re eager to find out.


Getting to Laurium was only part of the story. Shortly after you arrived, fate introduced a new complication to your life.


You expected to be set up for your new life in Laurium. It appears a communication breakdown occurred somewhere.
1–2 Out of Pocket
Now you’re looking for work, for friends, for shelter… really, for everything a person needs to get started in a new town.
Shortly after arriving in Laurium, things got complicated, and fast. You appear to bear a striking resemblance to a
3–4 Mistaken Identity
person who is famous—or infamous—in town, and now everywhere you go, people assume you are someone you’re not.
Angered the You weren’t in Laurium even a day before you managed to get on the wrong side of someone in town. And just
5–6 Wrong Person your luck, this person has far more influence with the locals than you do.
Caught in the For reasons you can’t begin to fathom, two rival parties have both taken an interest in you. Siding with one guarantees
7–8 Middle you will offend the other. Siding with neither just doubles your problems. You’ll need to make a choice, and fast.
In what seemed like a windfall, as soon as you arrived in Laurium, a local gifted you with an object of some value.
9–10 Accepted a Gift You could have asked more about the item—if you hadn’t seen your benefactor’s body spiked outside the Roman
fort later that same day. Now you have an object that people are being killed for, and you have no idea why.
A shadow out of your own past darkened your first day in Laurium. A person you have some unpleasant
11–12 Spotted a Rival history with was out walking the street. You don’t think your rival noticed you, but perhaps they did? If so,
it’s become a matter of which of you will act against the other first.
It sounded too good to be true: your first day in town, and already someone had offered you a task with a
13–14 Took a Job significant payment should you complete it. Judging by the surprise on people’s faces when you refer to it—not to
mention the wards against misfortune they flash in your face—you’re beginning to wonder if this was a bad idea.
Offended the Look, how were you supposed to know that the amphora of wine was meant for a religious ceremony? It was
15–16 Locals right there in the forum, where anyone could drink it!
Discovered a You were minding your own business, you swear. You just happened to overhear a pair of suspicious-looking characters
17–18 Secret discussing a nefarious plot that could threaten the safety of everyone in Laurium. It isn’t like you were looking for trouble.
Nothing as simple as someone slipping a pugio into a poor merchant’s ribs. No, of course not. The killer
Witnessed a
19–20 used a method that not only is beyond description—it is beyond your comprehension. Now the killer walks
the streets of Laurium, and only you know what they did.

Not all is oddity and misfortune. In Laurium, you have made a fast and unexpected ally. You can use your ally as a contact, provided
you maintain a good relationship with them. Exploiting your contact, ignoring their requests for help, or otherwise mistreating
them could quickly turn them from friend to foe.


One of the town’s merchants has taken a liking to you. Perhaps you remind them of an old friend, or
1–2 Mercato perhaps they’re just desperate for news of happenings beyond Laurium’s walls. Your ally can give you
information about recent shipments, and they might buy from you or sell to you at a favorable rate.
You’ve made friends with one of the people in Laurium who spends most of their time outside the town’s walls. Your ally
3–4 Urchin
can give you information about good hunting grounds, safe trails through the forest, and areas that are best to avoid.
You’ve made friends with one of the people in Laurium who spends most of their time outside the town’s walls. Your ally
5–6 Scout
can give you information about good hunting grounds, safe trails through the forest, and areas that are best to avoid.
You are friendly with one of the local soldiers. You might have bonded over war stories or a history of shared
7–8 Soldier battles. Your ally can inform you about patrols both inside and beyond Laurium, significant military figures
in town, and the outcomes of recent battles.
You’ve bonded with one of the sailors or marines who work out of Laurium’s docks—possibly over too much
9–10 Marine
strong drink. Your ally can help secure river passage aboard one of Laurium’s ships for you and your comrades.
You’ve established ties with one of the clergy in Laurium. Whether through shared belief or born out of spirited
11–12 Clergy debate on the nature and identity of the gods, you share a mutual respect. Your ally can help you with matters of
religious significance, such as the performance of certain rites or the meanings of rather esoteric material.
You and one of the trade workers in Laurium have forged a strong bond. Your ally can help with the purchase or
13–14 Artisan
sale of raw materials, aid in setting up meetings with potential buyers, and assist in the appraisal of goods.
For good or ill, you’ve fallen into the company of Laurium’s criminal element. Your ally can help you with
15–16 Criminal
the purchase or sale of ill-gotten goods, as well as with a litany of other dastardly actions.
A member of Laurium’s elite class has taken an interest in you. Your ally can help you secure meetings with
17–18 Patrician persons of importance; can argue on your behalf in civil and legal matters; and might lend you some coin, if
your reason for needing it is interesting enough.
You are bonded to an individual who falls outside the scope of the normal citizenry of Laurium. Roll again
19–20 Extraordinary on this table to determine your ally’s cover identity. You and the GM should discuss the exact nature of your
strange ally and what benefits you might gain from such a contact.

Appendix B: Companion Creatures

While there are those participating in the Hidden Wars who have discovered ways to harness and control more unusual and exotic
creatures, the most common and easily enlisted companion creatures are more familiar animals trained and conditioned for
battle. This training is necessary not only so these animals will reliably obey their handler’s commands, but also to allow them to
ignore natural instincts to flee from danger and avoid conflict.

Your character may obtain a companion creature through the COMPANIONS IN ACTION SCENES
purchase of a talent such as Bestiarius (see page 150), or because During an action scene, a companion creature may take any
of events that have occurred during a campaign. A companion actions its handler directs it to, with the following limitations:
creature provides aid and assistance to your character, taking
i Action Scenes: A companion creature does not receive a turn in
actions alongside yours.
an action scene; instead, its actions (per the limitations below)
In many ways, companion creatures function similarly to are resolved as part of its handler’s actions.
supporting characters (see Appendix C: Supporting Characters,
i Free and Minor Actions: During an action scene on its
page 216), but they’re a persistent presence rather than
handler’s turn, a companion creature takes any free or
appearing temporarily. Further, it’s rare for a player to control a
minor actions needed to maintain pace with the player
companion creature directly.
characters, as well as any necessary to follow its handler’s
Creatures eligible to be companion creatures are usually orders. It does not have to spend Momentum to perform
animals but may, at the GM’s discretion, include other extra minor actions.
creatures of similar intelligence. While this is a spectrum, and
i Major Actions: With the exception of the Direction option
some animals are considerably more intelligent than others,
below, during an action scene, the only major actions a
companions are limited to those without complex language
companion creature can take are ones that don’t require a skill
capacity and exclude any creature considered sapient. Humans
test or that require a skill test with a difficulty of 0 (a difficulty
cannot be companion creatures.
0 test automatically succeeds; see Difficulty Zero Tests, page
20). If a companion takes a major action, it does so during its
COMPANIONS OUTSIDE handler’s turn. The companion may not roll dice for the skill
OF COMBAT tests it makes and therefore does not generate Momentum.
During normal play, a companion creature follows any If the companion is ever required to make a skill test with a
reasonable orders its handler gives it. It must be able to difficulty of 1 or above as part of a major action, it automatically
perceive and understand the orders, and there are obvious generates 0 successes. It may, however, use the Assist major
limits to the types of orders a companion can carry out: a action to benefit its handler, and it may grant additional
hound may not be able to understand complex instructions benefits to its handler’s actions.
from its handler, and it certainly cannot carry out a task that
i Reactions: A companion creature may not take a reaction
requires erudite speech or the use of opposable thumbs.
by itself; if its handler takes a reaction and the companion
If a companion’s action requires a skill test, the handler’s is within Reach of its handler, then the companion takes
player uses the companion’s profile to make the skill test the same reaction.
in the standard manner, as if the companion were a player
i Direction: A handler may take a major action to direct their
character within the group; the player may spend Momentum
companion creature to take a major action. This is the only
or generate Threat for the GM’s Threat pool to purchase
circumstance in which a companion may make a skill test
additional d20s, for instance. The handler may assist on
with a difficulty of 1 or above, and the only circumstance
the companion’s tests using the handler’s Will + Survival,
in combat in which it rolls for a skill test it makes and can
representing their ability to keep their companion focused on
generate successes.
the task at hand through training and their bond.
If a companion creature’s handler is defeated, the handler’s player
Similarly, the companion may assist on its handler’s skill
may immediately take control of their companion creature for the
tests in various ways: a dog or bird could help their handler
remainder of the scene, controlling them as if they were a normal
track prey using their keen sense of smell or ability to scan
character (this means the companion creature can take major
the landscape from on high, for instance. Obviously, there are
actions that require a skill test with a difficulty of 1 or above).
some tasks a companion cannot logically assist with: a falcon
is unlikely to be helpful when their handler is haggling a price A companion creature that is a mount follows all the standard
with a merchant. rules for mounted combat provided they have a rider (see Mounts
and Vehicles, page 169). Their rider is normally the handler.

Like player characters, most companions have talents that Keywords: Observation
grant them useful benefits or bonuses. As befits their purpose, This companion’s senses are extremely keen, and its
a companion’s talents often provide benefits when the awareness of its surroundings can warn its handler of things
companion acts on its handler’s behalf or assists its handler on that may not be immediately apparent to human senses.
a skill test. When the companion assists its handler on an Observation-
based skill test, the difficulty of the test is reduced by 1, to
A companion creature begins with a single talent associated
a minimum of 0. If the test’s difficulty was already 0, then
with its highest skill. You may use advancements to
the test instead generates +1 bonus Momentum. Bonus
purchase additional talents for your companion creature,
Momentum may not be saved.
although a companion may not have more talents than your
ranks in Survival.
Companion creatures can advance just as player characters Keywords: Observation
can. Whenever you spend XP to take an advancement, you This companion often picks up on nearly imperceptible signs
may use that XP to give an advancement to your companion of trouble its handler has missed. Once per scene when the GM
creature instead. spends Threat, roll a number of equal to the Threat spent:
for each effect rolled, add +1 Momentum to the group’s
Athletics Momentum pool due to the companion’s warning. You may
MIGHTY BEAST choose to use this talent after the GM has announced how
Keywords: Athletics much Threat they are spending.
When this companion makes a Brawn-based skill test or
uses Brawn to assist another character, it may re-roll 1d20. In
addition, if the companion assists when its handler makes a
melee attack, the handler may spend 1 Momentum to add the
Stun damage effect to that attack and knock the target prone if
they become stunned.

Keywords: Athletics
When this companion makes an Agility-based skill test or uses
Agility to assist another character, a successful test generates 1
bonus Momentum. Bonus Momentum cannot be saved.

Fighting Persuasion
Keywords: Fighting
Keywords: Persuasion
This companion is highly protective of its handler; when it is in
This companion has a sense for people and has a strong
the same zone as its handler, it gains +2 Morale resistance. If its
reaction to anyone it regards as a threat. When the
handler is defeated, the companion may spend the handler’s
companion meets an NPC, they may immediately generate
Fortune points, and it may re-roll 1d20 on any attack it makes
1 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool. If they do so, they may
while it is within Close range of its fallen handler.
make an Insight + Observation test opposed by the NPC’s
Will + Survival to judge whether that NPC is a danger to the
companion’s handler.
Keywords: Fighting
This companion has been trained for battle. When the
companion’s handler passes a skill test to make an attack,
Keywords: Persuasion
the handler may spend 1 Momentum to have the companion
This companion’s gaze and demeanor are striking, impressive,
attack on the same turn as a free action.
or endearing; few people find themselves able to dislike
the companion. When the companion’s handler makes a
Persuasion-based skill test, the companion may assist; in
addition, the handler may re-roll 1d20 from their dice pool.

Resilience Survival
Keywords: Resilience Keywords: Survival
When this companion makes a skill test to resist gaining This companion is more than capable of finding food and
fatigue (or, if it is a mount, when it assists on its rider’s skill test water for itself in the wild, and this activity can often help
to do so), the first d20 bought costs no Momentum. its handler find additional supplies as well. In addition, the
companion’s handler may re-roll 1d20 on any Survival-based
TOUGH OLD BEAST tests they make to find food or water.
Keywords: Resilience
This companion is sturdy, resilient, and too stubborn to
Keywords: Survival
stay down. When this talent is taken, its maximum stress
The companion’s keen senses allow it to detect the trails left
permanently increases by an amount equal to its ranks
by prey and threats alike, and it is trained to guide its handler
in Resilience.
to follow these trails. Whenever the companion makes or
Stealth assists on a skill test to track another creature, the difficulty
of the test is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0. In addition, the
companion may re-roll its die when it assists on a skill test to
Keywords: Stealth
track another creature.
This companion is used to staying out of sight, and it can guide
its handler along unseen routes. When the companion assists Tactics
its handler on a Stealth-based skill test, the handler may ignore
the first complication the skill test generates.
Keywords: Tactics
PACK HUNTER This companion has been trained to understand particularly
Keywords: Stealth complex commands from its handler. When its handler
This companion is used to hunting as part of a group, carefully takes an action, if the companion doesn’t assist, the
encircling prey to trap them. At the start of a scene, you handler may spend 1 Momentum to allow the companion
may generate 1 Threat for the GM’s Threat pool to declare to take a major action of its own. This does not apply if the
the companion to be “prowling.” The prowling companion companion is a mount.
does not appear to be present in the scene: instead, they are
somewhere nearby, waiting. At any point during the scene—or, TEAMWORK
if it is a combat encounter, at the start of any of the handler’s Keywords: Tactics
turns in combat—the companion may appear, emerging from As a free action at the start of the handler’s turn, the handler
hiding. It may appear anywhere, provided there is darkness or may select a single ally within Medium range. Until the
some other sort of concealment to emerge from. start of the handler’s next turn, the companion treats the
selected ally as its handler instead, taking orders from and
assisting that ally.

“ This is the tomb of the dog, Stephanos, who perished,

Whom Rhodope shed tears for and buried like a human.
I am the dog Stephanos, and Rhodope set up a tomb for me.”
— Inscription on a Roman gravestone


A character who takes the Bestiarius talent (page 150) may take any of the companion creature profiles in this section instead of the
profile provided with Bestiarius.

War Hound Attacks

i Bite: (Unarmed), Reach 1, 3 Piercing

TROOPER NPC Special Rules

Cane Corso: Bred for war, this creature may re-roll 1 on
Truths each melee attack it makes.
i Loyal Companion i Trained Dog
Grasping: After making a successful attack, this creature may
Attributes spend 1 Momentum to add the Snare damage effect to the
Agility 11 Gravitas — attack. While it has a target ensnared, the creature cannot
make melee attacks against other targets, but it reduces the
Brawn 9 Insight 10
difficulty of attacks against the ensnared target by 1.
Coordination 5 Reason 5
Keen Senses (Scent): This creature reduces the difficulty of
Will 9 all its skill tests relating to smell by 2, to a minimum of 0. It
can detect things by scent that humans cannot.
Skills and Focuses Companion Talents
Athletics 2, Fighting 2 (Unarmed), Observation 3 (Smell and
Pick one of Helpful Awareness or A Sense for Danger.
Taste), Resilience 2, Survival 1

Stress 6 Injuries 1
Armor 1 Courage 1

Hunting Hawk Special Rules

Extraordinary Insight 1: Each Insight-based skill test
this creature makes gains one automatic success. When
TROOPER NPC the creature assists on a skill test using Insight, it may
Truths automatically add one success to the skill test’s successes
i Bird of Prey i Predatory Swooping instead of rolling 1d20 to assist.

Distracting Swoop: After making a successful attack, this

Attributes creature may spend 1 Momentum to add the Stun damage
Agility 12 Gravitas — effect to the attack.
Brawn 6 Insight 12
Flight: This creature can move freely through aerial zones
Coordination 6 Reason 5 above the battlefield. Carrying objects or creatures while
Will 9 flying may require passing a Brawn + Athletics test.

Keen Senses (Sight): This creature reduces the difficulty of all

Skills and Focuses its skill tests relating to sight by 2, to a minimum of 0. It can
Athletics 3 (Flight), Fighting 1, Observation 3 (Sight),
detect things by sight at distances far greater than humans can.
Raking Claws: If this creature deals stress to a target during
Stress 5 Injuries 1 a melee attack, that target’s Guard is reduced by 1 until the
Armor 0 Courage 1 start of this creature’s next turn.

Scale −1: This creature suffers an injury if it suffers 4 or more

Attacks stress (after reductions) from a single attack or hazard, rather
i Tearing Beak and Talons: (Unarmed), Reach 1, than 5. Its size may also make other tests easier or harder.
2 Piercing
Companion Talents
Pick one of Helpful Awareness or A Sense for Danger.

Trusty Steed Attacks
i Trampling Hooves: (Unarmed), Reach 1, 6 Stun

TROOPER NPC Special Rules

Brutal 1: The creature makes and defends against melee
Truths attacks using Brawn instead of Agility. It also adds +1[CD] to
i Sturdy Companion
its melee attacks (included above).
i Trustworthy Beast of Burden
Mount: A character can ride this creature as a mount, as
described in Mounted Combat Actions, page 170.
Agility 9 Gravitas — Ride You Home: If you take physical stress from an
Brawn 12 Insight 9 opponent’s attack, this steed can take the Move minor action
as a reaction to get closer to you. If it ends its move within
Coordination 4 Reason 5 Reach of you, you can mount your steed as a reaction.
Will 8
Scale 1: This creature sustains an injury if it suffers 6 or more
stress (after reductions) from a single attack or hazard, rather
Skills and Focuses than 5. Its size may also make other tests easier or harder.
Athletics 2 (Running), Observation 2, Resilience 3
(Fortitude), Survival 1 Companion Talents
Pick one of Indefatigable or Tough Old Beast.
Stress 8 Injuries 1
Armor 3 Courage 0

Appendix C: Supporting Characters

Supporting characters are another type of character created and controlled by players during a game of Cohors Cthulhu. Supporting
characters are less detailed and are created in a less involved manner than the main player characters, and they are not permanently
controlled by a single player. Instead, supporting characters are created as and when circumstances require within the game.

Supporting characters can be incorporated into any Cohors next scene in a location occupied by a different set of characters,
Cthulhu game, but they are also designed to work with the the players can easily switch to the appropriate characters without
Settlements and Strongholds rules for camps and settlements having to stop and figure out who is involved and who isn’t.
in @@Cohors Cthulhu: Hexploration, Random Encounters,
A player may directly control only one character in a single
and Settlements, which is available bundled with the Cohors
scene. A supporting character who is not under a player’s direct
Cthulhu GM Screen@@. [[@@DESIGN NOTE: use final product
control—an uncontrolled supporting character—cannot
names for these products@@]]
perform the full range of actions available to a character who
Supporting characters serve the following purposes: is. Instead, they can do the following things:

i They represent the people who live and work where the i Difficulty 0 Tests: A character who is not directly
player characters live or in their camp or settlement in controlled by a player may take actions that automatically
various capacities. They range from sentries, to hunters, to succeed, such as difficulty 0 skill tests. If the uncontrolled
farmers, to a settlement’s soldiers, and more. supporting character is required to make a test with a
difficulty of 1 or more, the test automatically fails, and the
i They allow players to take on different roles in play,
player does not roll dice for it.
capitalize on skill sets that don’t exist among the main
characters, play a more active role in adventures that don’t i Assistance: A character who is not directly controlled by a
focus on their main character, or beef up their adventuring player may assist on another character’s skill test. The normal
party’s numbers when other players are absent. rules for assistance apply. An uncontrolled supporting
character may take the Assist major action only once per
i They allow the players to split their characters between
round—they may not assist multiple characters per round.
different activities in different locations without being
left out of the game for long stretches: players can use i Follow Orders: A character who is not directly controlled
supporting characters in situations where their main by a player may take actions when ordered. You may give an
character isn’t present, perhaps due to injury or important order to an uncontrolled supporting character as a minor
business elsewhere. action, choosing a major action for that supporting character
to perform; the supporting character then takes that action
as ordered on their next turn. This allows the supporting
character to make a skill test with a difficulty or 1 or above.

i Sacrifice: An uncontrolled character can be sacrificed to

prevent a controlled character from being defeated or
otherwise incapacitated. Sacrificing an uncontrolled character
this way costs 2 Momentum or generates 2 Threat for the GM’s
Threat pool, and it causes the uncontrolled character to suffer
whatever fate would have befallen the controlled character.

In addition, an uncontrolled supporting character can be

treated as a truth: they can allow characters to attempt skill
tests that would otherwise be impossible (for activities that
USING A SUPPORTING CHARACTER require multiple people), and they can reduce a skill test’s
At the start of a scene, a player may choose which character difficulty (simply providing an extra pair of hands and an
they are using: their main character or one of the supporting extra set of senses can be valuable). Note that this does mean
characters currently available. For the duration of that scene, that, working in concert, a group of uncontrolled characters
the player controls the character they have chosen. The can perform more difficult actions: if enough uncontrolled
character chosen is a player character regardless of whether characters are present, then together, they can reduce a skill
they are a main character or a supporting character. test’s difficulty to 0, allowing them to automatically pass it.

The players and gamemaster should keep track of the main If your group has any uncontrolled supporting characters in
characters’ and supporting characters’ locations at different times. the current scene, and the character you are playing becomes
Typically, players choose characters located in the current scene. defeated or otherwise incapacitated, you may immediately
Then, when the scene ends and the gamemaster establishes the select a single uncontrolled character to control.

Chapter Appendices

SUPPORTING CHARACTER TYPES There is no limit on how many Minor supporting characters your
Supporting characters come in two types: Minor and Notable. group can use during a single adventure, other than the number
Minor supporting characters are comparable to Trooper available during a given scene (see Obtaining a Supporting Character,
NPCs. They are subordinates and background characters, page 218). Notable supporting characters are more limited,
such as hardworking local laborers or a settlement’s however; your group may use up to three different Notable
soldiers. Notable supporting characters are comparable supporting characters per adventure. The type of location, camp,
to Toughened NPCs: they are specialists, experts, trusted or settlement your group is in may increase this quantity, as
lieutenants, and similar people, though they are not as a more developed settlement can draw a larger number and
powerful as the main characters. higher caliber of experts and specialists, and the connections and
influence your group can gain as a result give you more options.

Minor Supporting Characters
To create a Minor supporting character:
Supporting characters are gained by the group, rather than by i Begin by defining a single truth for the Minor supporting
individual players. They do not belong to a specific player. character, one that provides a brief and basic description of
their origins, role, job, or purpose.
Minor supporting characters are added to the scene at the GM’s
discretion. They represent minor allied background characters i Select the Minor character’s attributes: distribute ratings of
whom you and other players can control according to the rules 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10 in any order among the character’s attributes.
presented in this appendix. Minor supporting characters are
i Select the Minor character’s skills: choose two skills to set at
intended to be temporary or incidental to the action. They do not
3, three skills to set at 2, three skills to set at 1, and four skills
earn or use Fortune points, and they cannot take advancements.
to set at 0.
Notable supporting characters are more detailed and are only
i If desired, select up to three focuses.
obtained through play. As a reward during a campaign, or from
building or improving a camp or settlement, your group may i Add one talent.
gain a pool of Notable supporting characters. These represent
i Determine final details:
significant allies and individuals the group can call upon for
aid from time to time. • Derive maximum stress by combining the highest of the
Minor supporting character’s Brawn or Will with their ranks
Each Notable supporting character has a cost, which represents
in Resilience, and then dividing that total by 2 (round up).
the demand for their skills and the difficulty of securing their
direct aid: a highly skilled supporting character may have other • Select weapons (if any) and determine the damage
obligations, and traveling with the PCs may have repercussions. for an attack with each weapon (weapon , plus
This cost is determined when the Notable supporting character any bonus damage from attributes; see Determine Bonus
is created (see Creating a Supporting Character, see below). Once Damage, page 140).
per adventure, when the player characters first interact with the
Notable character, they generate an amount of Threat for the Notable Supporting Characters
GM’s Threat pool equal to the Notable character’s cost. To create a Notable supporting character:

Notable supporting characters can earn and use Fortune i Begin by defining a single truth for the Notable supporting
Points. They do not take advancements as player characters do. character, one that provides a brief and basic description of
their origins, role, job, or purpose. For an extra +1 to their
cost, add a second truth.

i Select the Notable character’s attributes: distribute ratings

of 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11 in any order among the character’s
attributes. For an extra +1 to their cost, add +1 each to two
different attributes.

i Select the Notable character’s skills: choose one skill to set

at 4, three skills to set at 3, three skills to set at 2, four skills
to set at 1, and one to set at 0. For an extra +1 to their cost,
add +1 each to two different skills.

i Select three focuses. You may add +1 to the cost to take two
additional focuses.

i Select one talent. You may add +2 to the cost to select an

additional talent.

i Determine final details:

• Derive maximum stress by combining the highest of

the Notable supporting character’s Brawn or Will with
their ranks in Resilience.
CREATING A SUPPORTING • Select weapons (if any) and determine the damage
CHARACTER for an attack with each weapon (weapon , plus
The number of supporting characters present during any game any bonus damage from attributes; see Determine Bonus
is not fixed. They are brought into play when and as required. Damage, page 140).

Character Record Sheet
Name & Pronoun Culture Caste Wealth

Archetype Background Characteristic

Personal Truths & Scars

Stress Base Armour Injuries

Total Armor
Courage Fortune

Attributes Agility Brawn Coordination Gravitas Insight Reason Will


Bonus Damage

Skills Ranks Focuses Languages

Academia Finance, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religion
Athletics Climbing, Lifting, Physical Training, Running, Swimming

Crafting Armorsmithing, Cooking, Tailoring, Weaponsmithing

Engineering Architecture, Defenses, Demolition, Infrastructure, Siege Engines

Fighting Archery, Melee Weapons, Thrown Weapons, Unarmed, War Magic

Medicine Contagion, Faith Healing, Field Treatment, Pharmacia, Surgery

Observation Hearing, Instincts, Sight, Smell and Taste

Persuasion Charm, Deception, Innuendo, Intimidation, Invocation, Negotiation, Rhetoric

Resilience Discipline, Fortitude, Immunity Experience

Stealth Concealment, Disguise, Escape Artistry, Lock Picking, Sleight of Hand, Sneak

Survival Animal Handling, Boating, Foraging, Hunting, Mysticism, Navigation, Tracking, Woodcraft

Tactics Cavalry, Infantry, Leadership, Navy, Omen Reading, Scouting

Character Record Sheet
Name Focus Reach or Range Damage & Effects Size Qualities

Armor Belongings
Name Resistance Qualities

Name Keywords Description
Character Record Sheet
Spellcasting Type Magical Tradition Spellcasting Attribute Power Rating Base Power

Name: Name: Name:
Skill: Skill: Skill:
Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty:
Cost: Cost: Cost:
Duration: Duration: Duration:

Spell Effect Spell Effect Spell Effect

Category Category Category

Momentum Momentum Momentum

Name: Name: Name:

Skill: Skill: Skill:
Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty:
Cost: Cost: Cost:
Duration: Duration: Duration:

Spell Effect Spell Effect Spell Effect

Category Category Category

Momentum Momentum Momentum

Character Record Sheet
Traits History

Personal Agenda


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Region of Germania
2nd Century AD -

C A M AV I The Reign of Marcus Aurelius

Roman Town

Germanic Town
Legionary Fort
Abandoned Fort
USIPETI Capital City
Watch River
Roman Germanic
Road Paths
0 5 Miles
Colonia Haltern (approx)



Augusta Mogontiacum
& Surrounding Area

Abandoned Fort

Roman Barracks

Watch Tower





0 5 Miles

Rise Up Against the

Gods Themselves!
Welcome to an epic struggle of heroic mortals pitting blade, spear, and bow against the claws and
tentacles of eldritch horrors from beyond the stars. These Hidden Wars in the shadows of ancient Rome
are all that safeguards humanity from oblivion.
Enter a world of stalwart Roman legionaries, brave Germanic, Gaulic, and Celtic warriors, shrewd schemers
from Greece and Britannia, and valiant archers and mystics from distant lands like Parthia, Aegyptus, and the
island of Hibernia. Embody these heroes and forge unlikely bonds with former enemies to confront the Cult
of Mormo, minions of Nyarlathotep and Yog-Sothoth, and other nefarious cabals. Mi-Go skitter voraciously
through the tunnels of lost mines, while Deep Ones lurk beneath the waves seeking sacrifices.
Answer the call of secret organizations like the Fingers of Dawn and Temperari, who possess the
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to the legendary weapons of Atlantis.
Your enemies wield dark magics and profaned relics, their minds corrupted by the whispers of beings
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defeat the cults inviting humanity’s doom.
Can you prevail against overwhelming odds, or will you succumb, like so many others, to Mythos forces
that thrive on conflict and war? This is your story!

This 224 page guide includes:

i Full core 2d20 rules for playing Cohors Cthulhu, including Fortune & Omens, Reach & Guard, Arms &
Armor, Mounts and Vehicles and Secondary Characters.

i The Path of Heroes: Building your unique heroic character, choosing from 6 cultures (Roman,
Germanic, Aegyptian, Gaulic, Greek, and Foederati), 10 backgrounds, 6 archetypes (Mystic, Sage,
Schemer, Scoundrel, Scout, and Soldier), and 12 specializations or use Secret Truths, Hidden Talents &
campfire tales to save decisions to be revealed later.

i A powerful magical system embedded in the cultures of the era with three types of spellcasting:
Runic, Oracular, and Celtic.

i A rich setting overview, including Correspondence & Rumors, Life in the Empire and provinces,
Religious Pantheons, and timelines.

ISBN 978-180281-06-1-5

Printed in Lithuania

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