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Agon 2E

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The document provides an overview of the roleplaying game Agon, including its mechanics around contests, bonds between heroes, and the process of leaving an island.

Contests involve rolling dice pools that include the hero's name, epithets, and bonus dice against an opponent's roll. Heroes can choose to support each other or sacrifice themselves. Different results occur based on whether heroes prevail or are defeated.

Bonds represent relationships between heroes. When a bond is used, one hero can bolster or protect another in a contest. Bonds are strengthened through fellowship and sacrifice.

An Evil Hat Productions Publication Credits •
@EvilHatOfficial on Twitter
Game Design, Writing, Game Design, Writing,
In association with One Seven Design Graphic Design, Layout, Developmental Editing, • and Illustration Director of Projects for Evil Hat
@john_harper on Twitter
Agon, Second Edition
Copyright ©2020 John Harper and Sean Nittner NADJA OTIKOR, STRAS ACIMOVIC
All rights reserved
Primary Playtesters and Development Consultants
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-61317-175-2
Evil Hat product number: EHP0054 JASON KAREN RITA
Printed in the USA Consulting Designer Editing Indexing

This document was produced using Adobe Creative Suite.

Typefaces used: Calluna (by Jos Buivenga) and Penumbra (by
Lance Hidy). Sensitivity Readers and Cultural Consultants

This game was developed and produced on the unceded land FRED HICKS TOM LOMMEL
of the Chochenyo Ohlone as well as the unceded territories President of Evil Hat Marketing Manager
of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish Tribe.
A portion of the proceeds will go to Duwamish Tribal Services
( and to the Shuumi Land Tax ADDITIONAL PLAYTESTERS
( Alice Grizzle, Amber Dean, Andy Munich, Arturo Rubio, Aryana
Wills, Ash McAllan, Banana Chan, Ben Scerri, Blake Hutchins,
Brit Weisman, Caroline Hobbs, Christian Griffen, Clayton Grey,
Colin Jessup, Daniel Wood, David Gallo, DC, Doug Bartlett,
Dylan Green, ET, Gabriel Ricardo Freeman, Isaac Thummell,
James Mendez Hodes, James Ritter, Jeeyon Shim, Jenn Martin,
Jerry Ozbun, Josh Neel, Kaitlyn Fox, Ken Davidson, Kimberley
Lam, Laura Fredriksen, Luke Jordan, Matthew Gagan, Misha
Bushyager, Morgan Ellis, Noella Handley, Patrick Brannick,
Paul Riddle, Philip LaRose, Ross Cowman, Sage LaTorra,
Sam Ashwell, Sam Day, Sandy Jacobs-Tolle, Shannon Riddle,
Skylar Wall, Sophie Lagacé, Tara Hynson, Tomer Gurantz,
Tony Dowler, Tracy O’Brien, Van Magnan, Venn White,
Yoshi Creelman, and many unsung heroes from Conlorado,
KublaCon, Gen Con, Origins, Go Play Northwest, The Game
Academy, and Secret Orbit Game Nights.
Thanks contents
Adam Koebel, Allison Arth, Andi Carrison, Andrew Gillis,
Andy Kitkowski, Austin Walker, Avery Alder, Blake Hutchins,
Brendan Adkins, Dylan Green, Emily Wilson, Eric Levanduski, thesis
Gregor Hutton, Jared Sorensen, Jason Morningstar, John 7
LeBoeuf-Little, Jonathan Walton, Luke Crane, Madeline Miller,
Matt Wilson, Matthew Gagan, Meguey Baker, Nadja Otikor,
Paul Riddle, Philip LaRose, Radek Drozdalski, Sage LaTorra, origin
Shannon Riddle, Stras Acimovic, Thor Olavsrud, Tony Dowler, 15
Vincent Baker, Wilhelm Fitzpatrick.
Special thanks to Doug Bartlett for keeping the fire burning. trials
Special thanks from Sean to Karen Twelves for starting this 23
glorious journey with me many moons ago.
Agon was first inspired by Jonathan Walton’s game concept legend
Argonauts. Specifically, the Fate track that measures the lifetime
of a hero was a core idea that sparked the original Agon design.
The original playtesters for the first edition also contributed gr ace
ideas and support that helped the game get off the ground. They
were Brandon Amancio, Scott Dierdorf, Tony Dowler, Wilhelm 55
Fitzpatrick, Philip LaRose, Ed Ouellette, and Cara Tyler.
The gaming technique “ask questions and build on the answers”
was taken from Apocalypse World by D. Vincent Baker and 61
Meguey Baker.
The experience of playing the epic, wandering heroes of Islands
Trollbabe, by Ron Edwards, was a big inspiration for Agon. 83
Trollbabe also introduced us to the idea of portraying aspects
of nature (the sea, a mountain) as characters in the game. compendium
The idea of using increasing die sizes to represent the potency 142
of character traits was inspired by Savage Worlds by Shane Lacy
Hensley and In A Wicked Age... by D. Vincent Baker. lexicon
The battle sheet design was inspired by the range map in 3:16 146
Carnage Amongst the Stars, by Gregor Hutton.
The Pathos mechanic was initially inspired by the exhaustion cultur al primer
system in Don’t Rest Your Head by Fred Hicks. 148
heroes of legend
the ga me
The Players
cycle of play
the dice

Heroes of legend Your my thic world
Though Agon is inspired by ancient Greek myths and legends, the
In the mists of ancient time, a poet sings of great deeds wrought action of the game takes place within a strange, mist-shrouded sea,
by mighty heroes—of monsters slain and justice restored, of hiding uncharted islands not found in the Mediterranean. This is
wise counsel and devious strategies, of courage, valor, and a fantasy world for you to explore, not a historical one—building
daring—defiant of the gods themselves. In Agon, you create on the enchanting Greek myths to forge your own legends.
these heroes, crafting their epic tale into an immortal legend.
Think of your favorite “swords and sandals” media—Xena:
On their way back home from war, a band of heroes become Warrior Princess, Clash of the Titans, or the scenes on Themyscira
lost among strange islands populated by mythical creatures, in Wonder Woman. It’s a simpler world—where the strength
dangerous villains, legendary kingdoms, and desperate people— of your arm and the fire of your spirit make a difference—but
each entangled in strife, at the mercy of the capricious gods. modern sensibilities are fully welcome in play. If you want to
It falls to you as the epic heroes of your age to seize this base your characters on current epic heroes like Letty, Dom,
opportunity for greatness—to set things right in these lost and Hobbs from The Fast and the Furious movies, go for it!
lands, overcome the trials of gods, monsters, and mortals, The racism, sexism, ableism, and other bigotries of the past
prove the glory of your name, and win your way back home. can be confronted head on or set aside as you see fit. A game of
Agon is an opportunity for you and your friends to hang out
passion and prowess and have fun telling a rousing story—be mindful and include
the elements that everyone wants to explore; discard the rest.
Heroes in Agon are defined by an essential duality: the human
and the transcendent. They are powerful figures capable of epic On that note, this game doesn’t demand traditional gender
feats, but they’re also people—they can be hurt, exhausted, roles and identities for the characters—every type of person
and heartbroken. can be a hero. The same goes for characters with disabilities. All
heroes are welcome on this epic journey, where the splendor
To reflect this, the heroes have two key resources at their
of their deeds will write their names in legend.
disposal: Divine Favor and Pathos.
Divine Favor represents the capacity for superhuman
achievement. By calling upon the Precision of Artemis, the
Insight of Hekate, the Cunning of Hera (and others), a hero
may reach beyond their limits. Divine Favor is powerful, but
unreliable—the favor of the gods is not assured.
Pathos represents the inner fire of perseverance that a hero
draws upon to endure hardships. Where a lesser person would
fall, a hero stands strong, driven by their passion. Pathos is not
infinite, however. When it burns out, the hero enters agony,
and slips closer to their fate.
By empowering the heroes with Divine Favor and Pathos, the
game highlights the essential duality of the characters. They
are passionate people striving for glory against the strife of the
world, blessed by the gods to set things right.

8 9
the Ga me The Players
Agon is a fast-paced tabletop roleplaying game of heroic Agon is a game for three to six players (four is ideal). One of
adventure, suitable for newcomers and veterans alike. The rules you takes the role of the Strife Player—you present the islands
are designed to be simple to learn and easy to use, focusing on the and trials to the heroes. The rest of you are Hero Players—you
epic actions of the heroes against the strife afflicting the world. each portray a hero who faces the challenges of the islands to
earn Glory, appease the gods, and make progress toward home.
simple char acters and mechanics
Characters in the game are simple, with only a few traits, so the Hero Players
they’re quick to create and easy to play. Players don’t need When you’re a Hero Player, you create and portray a hero on
to digest a lot of rules before they jump in to the game. Each their quest for a glorious homecoming. Your job is to make
mechanic can be learned as it comes up in play, with system your hero larger-than-life—a memorable character worthy of
mastery developing naturally over time. an epic tale. You face danger and overcome strife to appease the
gods, competing with your fellow heroes to earn the greatest
brief location-based adventures share of Glory and forge your legend.
Each session of the game covers an adventure in a dangerous The Hero Players are kind of like the members of a sports team.
place—namely a lost island suffering from strife. A collection You’re all working together toward a common goal against the
of islands is provided in this book, so very little preparation opposition, but each of you wants to be the star of the team.
is required to play. Just choose an island and you’re off and
running—everything you need to play is included in the island The Strife Player
materials. An adventure can be completed in a single session When you’re the Strife Player, you don’t play a hero. Instead,
of two to three hours. you present a dangerous island to the other players so their
heroes can contend with its challenges. You portray the gods,
one-roll resolution monsters, and people that the heroes encounter, and describe
Each scene in the game revolves around a trial—a conflict the places they visit. A collection of islands are included in this
between the heroes and their opponents. To resolve a conflict, book—with locations, characters, and trials for you to use.
everyone rolls dice together in a single contest. The results of The Strife Player is like a guide and a referee. You point out
the contest determine all the outcomes at once—which side the interesting and challenging features that the heroes come
gets their way, who is best, and who suffers. across, then help adjudicate contests to find out what happens
The result of a contest is final—the situation is resolved and a when the heroes clash with the trials of the island.
new circumstance arises, leading to a new trial and contest to You might be the Strife Player for one island and then a Hero
overcome it. In Agon, you don’t linger over things—you face Player for the next. Or you might decide to be the Strife Player
the challenge and then move on, win or lose. for several islands in a row. It’s up to you and the other players
One-roll resolution gets everyone involved in the action and keeps to decide which roles to take on.
the pace of the game high. As soon as trouble arises, the group For more about being the Strife Player, see page 66.
meets it head-on. They either defeat it or succumb, with either
outcome immediately leading into a new scene of adventure.

10 11
Cycle of play the dice
Agon is played in a number of phases, starting with the origin Five kinds of dice are used in the game: d4s (four-sided dice),
of the heroes. Then each game session includes the trials of an d6s (six-sided), d8s (eight-sided), d10s (ten-sided), and d12s
island and a period of respite. After a number of islands have (twelve-sided).
been visited, heroes end their tales and forge their legends. Each Hero Player needs at least one die of each size, but it’s
best if each player has 1d4, 3d6, 3d8, 2d10, and 1d12. The Strife
origin Player should have multiples of each die size to use for foes as
Players create their heroes, giving them Epithets, Names, well as for bonus dice when the players need them.
and other advantageous traits. They establish Bonds with Key traits of the heroes and their opponents are rated with
one another and the first leader of the companions is chosen. dice. Your hero might have a Name of d6 and Blood & Valor of
d8. An opponent might have a Name die of d10 or the Epithet
trials “Stone-Handed” rated at d8. The bigger the die size, the more
Game play begins when the heroes arrive at an island afflicted by powerful the trait.
strife. Each island provides an immediate contest upon arrival
that establishes the situation and demands heroic action—like
the opening teaser for a thrilling TV show.
After the initial conflict, the heroes explore the island, befriend To get a feel for the style of Agon, we recommend these media:
allies, confront enemies, and attempt to overcome the trials  Xena: Warrior Princess — TV series by John Schulian, Robert
that strife has placed in their path. Tapert, Sam Raimi, Lucy Lawless, et al.
Finally, the heroes face a battle to determine the ultimate  The Iliad and The Odyssey — Epic poems by Homer. The
destiny of the island—whether it is pulled out of despair or translation of The Odyssey by Emily Wilson is especially
slips further into misery. recommended.
 Song of Achilles and Circe — Novels by Madeline Miller.
respite  Clash of the Titans — 1981 movie by Desmond Davis, Beverly
When the heroes leave an island, their Great Deeds and virtues Cross, et al.
are recorded in the ongoing epic tale. Once they depart, there’s  Jason and the Argonauts — Movie by Don Chaffey, et al.
no going back—the island’s destiny is set by their actions and
 Wonder Woman — Movie by Patty Jenkins, et al.
it recedes into the mists, lost to the heroes forever.
 The 7th Voyage of Sindbad, The Golden Voyage of Sinbad,
The heroes spend time together during the Voyage to rest and
Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger — Movies by Nathan H. Juran,
recover, make sacrifices to the gods, and choose a leader for
Gordon Hessler, Sam Wanamaker, et al.
the group. When the voyage is done, the heroes once again find
themselves at an island plagued by strife, and the cycle starts anew.  Fast & Furious — Movie franchise by Gary Scott Thompson,
Rob Cohen, John Singleton, Justin Lin, James Wan, F.
Gary Gray, David Leitch, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michele
legend Rodriguez, Dwayne Johnson, et al.
When a hero’s tale comes to an end—whether by a glorious  Apotheon — Video game by Alientrap.
homecoming or meeting their Fate—their player takes the
 Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey — Video game by Ubisoft.
measure of their name, deeds, and virtues to forge their legend.
 Hades — Video game by Supergiant.

12 13
creating a hero

creating A Hero Lineage & domains
Your lineage is the name of your significant parent, ancestor,
To create your hero, you’ll choose a heroic Epithet, create or people. You are their scion. You may choose to have a god
a Name for your hero, determine your lineage and favored as an ancestor, making you a demigod.
Domain, choose your honored god, and record Divine Favor.
Your lineage follows after your hero’s Name. Next to your
You’ll also record your hero’s style—their look, armor, and
lineage, record the pronouns used for your hero.
favored weapon. Finally, you’ll establish your starting Bonds.
Next, choose a favored Domain that reflects your hero’s lineage.
You might want to have a copy of the hero sheet to refer
Each contest in the game falls into one of the four Domains:
to while you read this section (available for download at
Arts & Oration, Blood & Valor, Craft & Reason, or Resolve & Spirit. and printed at the end of this book). An
Your favored Domain begins at d8. The other three begin at d6.
example completed sheet is on page 21.
Nadja decides that Hagne is a demigod—granddaughter
Epithet of Athena. She is now Clever-Eyed Hagne, scion of Athena.
When we play Agon, we’re crafting the stories of great heroes Hagne’s pronouns are she/her. Because Hagne is descended
memorialized in epic poems. To distinguish themselves in the from the goddess of wisdom, she chooses Craft & Reason
narrative, each hero has an heroic Epithet—a short, evocative as her favored Domain.
phrase that describes the key feature that boosts that hero in
conflicts. Perhaps your hero is Silver-Tongued, Pure-Hearted, or honored God & Divine Favor
Strong-Limbed. Each hero has a unique Epithet all their own.
Your hero’s Epithet die begins at d6. Next, you’ll choose the primary god from which your hero
draws Divine Favor. This may change during play, but for
Choose an Epithet from the list or create one. now, decide which god your hero is devoted to.
Bloody-Minded Great-Hunter Lithe-Limbed Silver-Tongued
Nadja chooses Artemis as her hero’s honored god—the great
Clear-Voiced Eagle-Eyed Loud-Roaring Strong-Limbed
huntress is clever and favors a bow, just like Hagne. Her strength
Clever-Eyed Hot-Headed Many-Wayed Swift-Footed is Precision, which Hagne may call upon by using Divine Favor.
Far-Sighted Iron-Minded Pure-Hearted War-Leader
Forge-Master Lion-Hearted Shadow-Wise Well-Learned Your hero begins with two marks of Divine Favor with their
honored god. You may also distribute three more marks of
Divine Favor among the other gods. To indicate a mark of
Na me Divine Favor on your hero sheet, put a slash through the
Your hero’s name is a crucial part of who they are. It will live far diamond next to the god’s name, like this:
beyond their mortal life, ringing out in legend down through
the ages. Every contest roll in the game involves your hero’s If you want your hero to honor a god that isn’t listed among
Name die—it is essential to their heroic identity. the 12 in the pantheon, you may choose a different one. Work
with the other players to create a strength that reflects that
Your hero’s Name die begins at d6. It grows in potency as you god’s nature and write it in the space on your hero sheet.
accumulate Glory in play (see page 48).
For more about Divine Favor, see page 59. For more about the
For a list of ancient names, see page 143. constellations of the gods and the Vault of Heaven, see page 44.
Nadja creates her hero, starting with an Epithet and Name: The gods of the ancient Greek pantheon are described on the
Clever-Eyed Hagne. following pages, along with the strengths granted by Divine Favor.

16 17
God of the Sun and Healing Goddess of Love and Beauty God of War Goddess of Magic Queen of the Gods God of the Sea
knowledge Beauty Ferocity insight Cunning Fortitude
Intellect, memory, Grace, charm, and Fury, aggression, Arcane insight, lore, Subtlety, deviousness, Tenacity, toughness,
and education seductiveness and brutality and power and cleverness and stamina


Goddess of the Hunt Goddess of Wisdom and War Goddess of Harvest and Law God of Fire and Crafting God of Athletes and Thieves King of the Gods
Precision Wisdom conviction Ingenuity Daring Authority
Focus, accuracy, Foresight, discernment, Confidence, credibility, Creativity, intellect, Boldness, audacity, Nobility, dominance,
and finesse and prudence and sincerity and imagination and recklessness and command
If your group wants to use a different pantheon of deities, discuss
the gods you’d like to incorporate into your tales, and use the special
blank hero sheet with space to record new gods and strengths.

st yle D

Next, develop an image of your hero—both their physical EP ITH ET

appearance and their outward demeanor. Focus on a few key
features—how can we recognize your hero at a distance? Each D & VA LO R
hero brings an array of weapons and armor on their journeys, NA ME
but for now select a few that your hero especially favors.
For a list of style suggestions, see page 143. RE AS ON
Clever-Eyed Hagne, scion of Athena—known at a distance RE SO LV E D
by her dark braided hair, hunter’s hood, ritual dagger, and & SP IR IT
shining bow that gleams with the moonlight of Artemis. HO NO RE D STR EN GT H
Once everyone is finished, introduce your hero to the other INGENUIT Y

players. Tell them your Epithet, Name, lineage and pronouns, FEROCITY HEPHAISTOS
the deity you favor, and the features by which they know you. ARES
Write the other heroes’ names in the Bonds section of your PRECISION
 Demigod heroes record 1 Bond with each other hero and
1 Bond with their divine ancestor.
 Mortal heroes record 2 Bonds with each other hero.

For details about the use of Bonds, see page 56.

Finally, determine the first leader of the heroes. This is done with
a contest, pitting the heroes against a crisis created by the Strife
Player during the Voyage to the first island. The sailors and ship
are in danger, and the heroes must rally together to overcome the MORE EXAMPLE HEROES
problem. The details of this contest are described on page 43. Shadow-Wise Xentropa, scion of Certa (she/her). Favored Domain:
Resolve & Spirit. Honors Hekate. Dark eyes and flowing hair; a
The hero who is best earns the right to name the leader for
helm marked with an arcane third eye; wielding a sacred spear.
the next island. The leader is responsible for interpreting the
signs of the gods and has the final say over how the band of War-Leader Maarika, scion of Zeus (she/her). Favored Domain:
heroes faces the trials of the island. Blood & Valor. Honors Hera. A grim countenance; fights with
paired swords.
Leadership changes during the Voyage in the Respite phase
of play. See page 42 for more. Empty-Handed Pallas, scion of the Autumn Delta (they/them).
Favored Domain: Blood & Valor. Honors Ares. Muscled and scarred,
with close-cropped hair; hands wrapped in leather cords.

The Strife Player determines which of the four Domains of
The action of the game always drives toward conflict—because conflict will resolve the contest at hand.
each island is plagued by strife, the efforts of the heroes
inevitably bring them into confrontations with dangerous Arts & Oration includes all forms of affective expression,
opponents. To resolve a conflict, we engage in a contest. including music, poetry, dance, and storytelling. This
A contest has four steps: Domain resolves contests of culture, artistry, and
1. Face your opponent 3. Test your fortune
Blood & Valor represents bold action, including
wrestling, running, skirmishing, and outright warfare.
2. Speak your name 4. Recite your deeds
This Domain resolves contests of violence, bravado,
and athletic prowess.
face your opponent Craft & Reason concerns matters of intellect, including
When the heroes are tested against a worthy opponent, a academics, tactics, healing arts, intrigue, and trickery.
contest is triggered. The contest might be initiated by the This Domain resolves contests of scholarship, vocations,
actions of the heroes or by the efforts of the foe—either way, and subterfuge.
the contest resolves which side is victorious and gets what
they want. Usually, the heroes act together as a single team, but Resolve & Spirit represents the strength of the will and
sometimes they might split up into pairs, or a hero might face an soul, including tenacity, inspiration, and mystic arts.
opponent alone. The procedure is the same regardless. This Domain resolves contests of perseverance, passion,
and intuition.
In Agon, almost anything can be an opponent. A contest can
occur against a raging storm, a giant boar, a bandit army, a The choice of Domain depends on the details of the situation
devious king, or the enchanting song of a siren. As long as the and the actions of the characters involved. If the heroes initiate
opponent is worthy, hold a contest to resolve the outcome. the action, focus on their approach and goals when choosing
Anyone can call for a contest, but the Strife Player has the the Domain. If the heroes resist an opponent, the Domain
responsibility to be vigilant and identify when the heroes should reflect the opponent’s action.
come into conflict against a foe. When the contest is called,
the Hero Players may confer with each other, then they declare At the funeral feast, Maarika shouts “Let us sing laments
their opposition to the foe by stating their approach and goal. for the fallen and bare our hearts, one to the other!” The
heroes want to show the king that they care more about the
Their approach describes the overall method by which they’re prince’s death than the queen does. Sounds like a contest
contending against the foe (by winning them over with songs of Arts & Oration against Queen Naia.
and drink, by assaulting them with weapons, by sneaking
quietly past, etc.). Their goal is what they hope to achieve if —
they win. The monstrous Serpent of Nimos emerges from the shadows
The Strife Player does the same for the opponent, saying how of the cave-sanctum of the Serpent Cult, lured by a thrashing
they oppose the heroes and what they are fighting for. victim bound to their profane altar. The massive creature
will surely consume the helpless soul unless the heroes can
If there’s no worthy opponent in a situation, the heroes simply intervene and drive the foul beast back into its lair. A contest
accomplish what they’re trying to do—it’s an automatic success, of Blood & Valor will determine their fate.
not deserving of dice rolls or Glory.

24 25
The Strife Player announces the opponent by Name along The Strife Player rolls before any actions are narrated. This
with any of their Epithets that apply to the contest. Grab the roll establishes the target number for the Hero Players and
dice for their Name and Epithet(s) as well as any bonus dice the amount of Glory the contest is worth.
(see below). Roll all the dice in the Strife Player’s pool. Keep the single
“You face the Monstrous Serpent of Nimos in a contest of highest die and add the current Strife Level. Strife Level is
Blood & Valor!” usually +5 (but may be reduced to +4 or increased to +6 due
to occurrences on the island).
The Strife Player grabs 1d10 for the serpent’s “Monstrous”
Epithet and 1d10 for its Name die. Announce the total as the target number for the contest.

Not every Epithet will apply to every type of contest—usually just The Strife Player rolls 1d8, 3d10 and gets 2, 6, 7, 7. Adding
one, though some especially potent foes may roll several at once. the Strife Level of +5 to their highest die gives a target
number of 12.
BONUS DICE If there are multiple opponents, roll all of their dice together,
There are two types of bonus dice that may apply to a roll, keep the single highest, and add the Strife Level. The Strife
depending on the situation. They don’t apply for every contest. Player never counts more than one die on a roll.
 Advantage dice are a way for specific fictional details to The Strife Player doesn’t yet describe the actions of the
impact a contest, such as having superior numbers or opponent. All the narrations of action happens in the fourth
striking where a foe is weakest. Some opponents have step of the contest, “Recite Your Deeds”—after the Strife Player
special abilities that grant Advantage dice. The value of and all the Hero Players have rolled and the outcomes are
an Advantage die depends on how well it applies to the known—who suffers, who prevails, and who is best.
situation, from d6 up to d10. Both heroes and opponents
may use Advantage dice. Advantages are explained in more
detail on page 57.
 Wrath dice represent the interference of the vengeful gods
in a contest, adding a bonus die to the opponent’s pool
depending on the level of Wrath (d8, d10, or d12). Only the
Strife Player uses Wrath dice. Wrath is tracked by the Strife
Player, changing as a result of the actions of the heroes on
an island. +
The Serpent of Nimos has the special ability Scintillating DIE LEVEL
Scales, which grants a 1d10 Advantage die in this contest
because its color-shifting body makes it almost impossible
to see in the dark sea caves where it makes its lair. BONUS
Apollo is watching over the isle of Nimos—including the
fate of the terrible serpent—and his Wrath is manifest as a
brilliant lance of light from the sky, cascading through the
sea caves, dazzling the eyes of the heroes. Apollo’s Wrath
die of d8 is included in the opponent’s dice pool.

26 27
speak your na me
After the Strife Player rolls and announces the target number,
they ask, “Who among you will face this contest?”
Each Hero Player indicates their participation by speaking their NAME DIVINE
name. Take turns, starting with the leader. On your turn, recite FAVOR
your hero’s identity and grab dice as you go: If your Epithet applies
to the contest, grab that die. Then add your Name die and the
SUM 2 +
Domain die for the contest when you say your Name and lineage. EPITHET DOMAIN HIGHEST DIVINE
 You may mark Pathos ( ) to include the die from a second
Domain in your dice pool.
 You may invoke Divine Favor by calling on the strength
of a god—if you do, add +1d4 to your pool and spend .
 If you spend a Bond, ask that player to give you a copy of their ADVANTAGE BOND SECOND
Name die. (They still get to use their Name for their own roll.) DIE DOMAIN

 If you have an Advantage die, include it in your dice pool.

“I will face this contest! I am Shadow-Wise Xentropa, scion
of Certa! I call on the Insight of Hekate to aid me.”
Allison grabs 1d6 for Xentropa’s Epithet (she knows arcane lore
about the serpent), 1d6 for her Name, 1d8 for Blood & Valor, recite your deeds
and 1d4 for Hekate’s Insight (spending a mark of Divine Favor). After the rolls, the Hero Players take turns narrating their heroes’
actions and effect on the contest, starting with the heroes who
suffer, then the heroes who prevail, then the hero who is best. Use
test your fortune your outcome to guide your narration, including your Epithet,
Once everyone has spoken their names, roll your hero’s dice Pathos, or Divine Favor (if you used them) as details. The hero sheet
pool and sum your two highest, not counting d4s. Then add has a set of cues to help you add details to your recitation of deeds.
the number on the d4 (if you have one) to your two highest During the recitation of deeds, the Strife Player responds with
dice to get your hero’s final result. the actions of the opponent, either overcoming a hero or being
Allison rolls 1d8, 2d6 for Xentropa and gets 6, 5, 3. Her two thwarted, depending on the outcome.
highest dice sum to 11. Her 1d4 from Divine Favor rolls a 3, Each Hero Player compares their result to the target number
which is added to the total, so her final result is 14. of 12.
OUTCOMES Nadja has 10, so Hagne suffers—she leaps bravely to protect
To determine your hero’s fortune in the contest, compare your a victim, but is smashed aside by the serpent’s bulk.
hero’s result to the Strife Player’s target number: Karen has 13—Maarika prevails and stops the cultists’
 Equal to or greater: Your hero prevails. Their action goes arcane chanting. She added Arts & Oration with Pathos, so
well and they overcome the challenge. The prevailing hero she recites how Maarika’s booming voice drowns out the cult.
with the highest total is best. (Roll Name dice to break a tie.) Allison has 14, so Xentropa is best—she thrusts her spear
 Less than: Your hero suffers. Their action goes awry or they through a weak spot in the creature’s mouth, wounding it
have to endure hardship to persevere. badly enough to drive it off for now.
If all the heroes suffer, the opponent wins the contest.

28 29
Rewards harm
A contest always results in Glory for the heroes. The prevailing The Strife Player may inflict harm on the heroes as a result
hero with the highest result is best, and earns Glory equal to of an opponent’s traits or the nature of the situation. Some
the target number. The other heroes that prevail each earn opponents have harmful traits indicated next to their Name die
half that amount (round up). Each hero that suffers earns or an Epithet die, so that type of harm is threatened whenever
1 Glory, and may take harm. To break a tie, each hero rolls they roll those dice. The types of harm are:
their Name die until a clear winner is established.  Epic: Mark Pathos ( ) to enter a contest against an Epic foe.
Xentropa was best, so she earns 11 Glory. Maarika prevailed,  Mythic: Spend Divine Favor ( ) to enter a contest against
so she earns 6 Glory. Hagne suffered, so she earns 1 Glory. a Mythic foe.
 Perilous: Mark Pathos ( ) if you suffer against a Perilous foe.
Divine Favor may also be awarded after a contest, if the heroes
have honored or impressed a god with their efforts. See page 59.  Sacred: Spend Divine Favor ( ) if you suffer against a Sacred foe.
See Pathos, page 57, and Divine Favor, page 59.
support You may spend a Bond to ask that character to block harm for you.
A hero may choose to sit out of a contest to provide support. They say how they defend you and neither of you suffer the harm.
They pass a copy of their Domain die to the Hero Player of their A hero may choose to die (or otherwise leave play) to prevail
choosing (who includes it in their dice pool). The supporting in a contest, regardless of their roll.
hero gains 1 Bond with the hero they support and earns 1 Glory.
If your hero is supported in a contest, invite the supporting The Serpent of Nimos has the Epithet “Monstrous,” which
Hero Player to contribute a brief moment of action to portray is Perilous, so any who suffer against it must mark Pathos.
their aid when you recite your deeds. Nadja marks Pathos on Hagne’s hero sheet as she describes
how Hagne endures the crushing blow from the serpent’s
monstrous body, but is not yet broken. She rises, wiping
blood from her face, ready to face the next trial.

Trying Again
A contest cannot be attempted again unless the situation
changes in significant ways—different time or place, different
approach and goal, and/or different characters involved.

For a flowchart summary of a contest, see page 144.

30 31
battles threat
During the Threat phase, the heroes and the opponent collide.
By winning a contest, the heroes overcome an obstacle to The opponent lashes out, menacing the world, while the heroes
achieve an immediate goal. But to defeat an opponent once stand in defense or strive to take control. There are two contests
and for all, the heroes must engage in battle. during the Threat phase, and each hero may only participate
A battle is a series of linked contests, arranged in three phases: in one or the other.
First, the Strife Player announces the disasters that will happen
1. Clash: The heroes and the opponent make their opening unless a hero thwarts them. An opponent will usually make two
moves, maneuvering for a superior position. The winner or three disastrous moves—often one against all the unnamed
earns a 1d10 Advantage die, which they may use once citizens of the island, one against a single named character,
during the battle. and sometimes one against the heroes or the island itself.

2. Threat: The opponent lashes out, threatening disasters. Then each Hero Player chooses whether their hero will
In this phase, each hero chooses to either Defend against participate in the contest to Defend against the disasters
a disaster or Seize control of the battle. The winner of the or join the contest to Seize control of the battle and set the
Seize contest chooses the Domain and stakes of the Finale Domain and stakes of the Finale.
and the ultimate fate of the opponent. Start with the contest to Defend. Follow the normal contest
procedure (but allow each Hero Player to roll the Domain most
3. Finale: A concluding contest to determine the victor. appropriate to the disaster they’re opposing—they don’t all have
to roll the same one). Each hero who prevails may stop one
disaster from happening. Any remaining disasters come to pass.
The Strife Player describes the circumstances of the battle and Thesekyra invokes the power of the Pillar of Storms and
any details that might be used to gain an Advantage. The Hero summons a lightning bolt to sink the heroes’ ship. Her pirates
Players declare how their heroes are joining the battle—what corner Ionestes, the priest of Hera, and force him overboard
maneuver they attempt to gain an edge against the opponent to drown in the storming sea. Hagne’s player rolls Craft &
before battle is joined. Then the Clash contest is rolled. Reason to steer the ship away from the lightning and avoid
that disaster. Maarika’s player rolls Blood & Valor to defend
Unlike a normal contest, each Hero Player may choose the Ionestes from the pirates.
Domain they roll for the Clash, based on the action their hero
is taking to seize an Advantage. Then resolve the contest to Seize control of the battle. Follow
The winner of the Clash contest (the Strife Player or best Hero the normal contest procedure. If the heroes win, they decide
Player) earns a 1d10 Advantage die for any roll in the battle. It what’s at stake for the opponent in the Finale. They may
may be given to another Hero Player in exchange for a Bond. choose death, imprisonment, exile, a change of heart, eternal
grief and torment—anything that suits the battle and is within
Heroes earn Glory as normal in this contest—and all battle their ability to impose.
In addition, the winner of the Seize contest determines the
The heroes stalk the legendary labyrinth of the Bull of Domain of the Finale contest.
Tymisos. In the darkness of the twisting passages, will they If the opponent wins the contest to Seize control, they get to
become lost—easy prey for the mighty creature? Or will they determine their own fate in the Finale—they may avoid the
turn the tables and ambush the beast? full consequences of the battle even if they lose.

32 33
finale Use the battle sheet provided in the Player Kit to track progress
The conclusion of the battle is the Finale contest. The winner through the battle phases and indicate which Threat contest each
of this contest is the victor in the battle—their foe is defeated hero chooses ( you can use tokens or a d4 for each hero).
and they are triumphant. Because a battle is often conducted
to resolve the strife of an island, the Finale determines its
destiny—whether it is saved from a dark fate or descends
further into suffering. SEIZE
Resolve the Finale using the normal contest procedure. The
final outcome of the battle is then judged by considering both
the result of the Seize contest and the Finale contest together.
 The heroes lose the Finale: The opponent is the victor and CL A SH THREAT FINALE
they avoid punishment or trouble from the battle. Strife is
ascendant and the island slips into misery and woe. The
heroes have fallen short.
 The heroes win the Finale, but lose the Seize contest:
Strife is beaten back and the island is set on a path toward DEFEND
recovery, but it will not be easy. The heroes are victorious,
but their enemy is not brought to account as they wished—
the opponent remains as a diminished source of trouble
for the island.
 The heroes win the Finale and win the Seize contest: Strife a variet y of battles
is overcome and the island’s destiny is bright. The heroes
To learn the system, let the first battle you try be one of weapons,
win the day and their opponent suffers the fate the heroes
which is the easiest sort of conflict to understand and adjudicate.
chose for them.
After everyone is familiar with how battles work, always be on
Lost Finale: Thesekyra nods her head respectfully. “Well met, the lookout for interesting variations—battles of music, dance,
heroes, perhaps if not for the Pillar of Storms you would rhetoric, the occult, subterfuge, scholarship (and many others)
have caught me. Perhaps…” With that she lets loose her sails can be just as fun as martial confrontations. For example:
and leaves you stranded on the broken remains of your ship.
 Arts & Oration: A dance competition, music performance,
Won Finale, lost Seize: Maarika drives her twin swords poetry recitation, court trial, rhetorical debate.
into the eyes of the Serpent of Nimos. Blinded, it flees  Blood & Valor: A desperate race against an exploding
underground to nurse its wounds. The people of Nimos volcano, a series of athletic games—running, wrestling,
abandon their strange alchemy, but without the serpent’s javelin throwing.
venom, they cannot make a cure for those already afflicted.
 Craft & Reason: Rebuilding a sacred site to appease an angry
Won both: For seven days and seven nights the heroes labor god, a naval engagement, a devious scheme to infiltrate an
to hold the giant Orta under a waterfall to turn him back enemy stronghold and free their prisoners.
into the earth from which he was made. Pallas, who lured
 Resolve & Spirit: An arcane ritual to send spirits back to
him into their nets, declares that the people of Ion will own
the underworld, a long-term test of endurance, restoring
their own land, and sell their agricultural bounty to Soros
lost hope and overcoming grief and despair.
at prices they see fit.

36 37

Exodus It has been a long time since Pallas claimed the title of
Champion of Nimos and the title has already come to their
When the heroes leave an island, resolve the four phases of aid. Pallas regales the audience with their story and wins a
the Exodus: contest of Arts & Oration, reminding the islanders of their
greatness and making the Great Deed usable once more.
1. Destiny of the island 3. Virtues

2. Great Deeds 4. Reflection

Each Hero Player records virtues for their hero—Acumen,
Courage, Grace, and Passion—to assess the nature of their
destiny of the Island actions on the island. Virtues are used to judge the hero’s
Based on the actions of the heroes and the outcome of the character when they reach the end of their tale (see page 50).
contests and battle, the Strife Player determines the destiny
 Acumen: Display of knowledge, wisdom, cunning, or wit.
of the island. Record its future in the roster of islands in the
Strife Player’s booklet.  Courage: Display of bravery, daring, bravado, or vigor.
 Grace: Display of finesse, patience, compassion, or care.
In defiance of Hera, the heroes broke the the Pillar of Storms
 Passion: Display of love, devotion, fervor, or zeal.
and set the imprisoned harpy free to join her sisters. Though
Kryos will never have the magical protections it once did, On your turn, ask the other players which virtue your hero
the people are emboldened to trust in their own hard work most embodied on the island, and why. Each player gives you
and Meletia’s stewardship rather than the whims of the gods. a mark in a virtue (so if there are three other players, you’ll get
The Strife Player writes “Pillar destroyed, Hera angered, three virtue marks). The players don’t have to agree on a single
harpy freed, Meletia left in charge” on the roster of islands. virtue—they each have a free choice of which virtue to give.

“Let’s do Maarika first. This is an easy one. You battled that

Great Deeds harpy in the air all by yourself. Courage for sure!”
Each Hero Player records a Great Deed for which their hero “Yeah, that was cool, but I liked how she proved that the
will be remembered or a trophy they seized in the adventure. priest was plotting against the king. Acumen from me.”
Pallas, who bested the greatest warrior of Nimos, takes the “Oh, she saved my ass by jumping in the water while our
title “Champion of Nimos” as a Great Deed on their sheet. boats were moving at full clip. It’s Courage from me.”
Hagne took command of the Ketos, a ship peopled by Maarika’s player records 2 Courage and 1 Acumen, and
deadly sailors from all corners of the world. She claims the the players begin recounting the virtues of the next hero.
ship as a trophy!

Great Deeds and trophies can be used as an Advantage die later reflection
on, if they apply to a contest. Like all Advantages, their value If a player decides that their hero’s Epithet no longer applies, they
is based on how potent they are given the situation. Once the may replace it with one that better reflects their character’s nature.
Great Deed or trophy is used this way, check the box beside it
on the hero sheet. It’s still a part of the hero’s history, but it will After her vengeful showdown with the harpies, “Clever-Eyed”
not sway the outcome of future challenges. If a hero wants to doesn’t seem to reflect Hagne any more. Nadja reflects on
call upon it again in the future, they can propose a contest to her hero and decides to create a new Epithet, “Fiery-Eyed,”
make the deed or trophy relevant again and uncheck the box. to indicate Hagne’s change of character.

40 41
Oxen, cattle, goats, sheep, and swine were also offerings made
While following the stars to a new island, the heroes rest and in the temples of Greece. Specific gods had favored animals
recover. Complete the four stages of the Voyage: as well; for instance, Poseidon favored the sacrifice of horses.
Before introducing sacrifices of living creatures into your game,
1. Fellowship 3. Leadership however, ask the players if they’re all comfortable with it.
To resolve the sacrifice, each hero rolls in a contest of Resolve
2. Sacrifice 4. The Vault of Heaven & Spirit. The Strife Player rolls 2d6 and keeps the highest die
(there is no Strife Level). Heroes earn Glory as usual. The best
Fellowship hero also earns 1 Bond with a deity.
The heroes relax and enjoy each other’s company. Taking turns, Win or lose, each hero marks 2 Divine Favor ( ) with the
each Hero Player asks one question to another hero. That god or gods of their choice.
player answers, then both heroes take a Bond with each other.
If all the heroes suffer, the sacrifice is not well received by the
Then the next Hero Player takes their own turn, strengthening
gods—who can say what appeases their fickle appetites? The
Bonds and asking a question of a player who has not yet been
Strife Player marks Wrath with the honored god of the hero
asked. Some example questions are below, but feel free to
who lead the sacrifice. See page 44.
create your own.
Maarika leads a sacrifice in Hera’s honor. She recounts
What’s one of your best memories of home?
the tale of rebuilding the temple on Kryos and in doing so
What did you think of that land we’re now leaving? restoring the people’s faith in Hera. The other heroes join
What do you yearn for (or fear)? in, making sacrifices of their own. All of the heroes mark 2
What drives you? Divine Favor with their honored gods. Hagne is best and
so she also takes 1 Bond with Artemis.
What do you think of the gods?

When the fellowship is completed, each hero removes all of

their marks of Pathos.
During the Voyage, the Strife Player describes a challenge that
the ship of sailors and the heroes must overcome. The Strife
Sacrifice Player rolls 2d6 and keeps the highest die (there is no Strife
The hero with the greatest current Glory leads a sacrifice to Level). The best hero chooses which among the band will be the
the gods to seek guidance and favor in their next trials. leader for the next island. The leader has final say over how the
Each god has their own preferred oblations, but in general, band deals with the strife of the island as well as carrying the
burning incense, leaving foods such as fruit, olives, figs, dates, responsibility to interpret the signs of the gods (see page 84).
and spiced cakes, or spilling libations such as wine, milk, or If the Strife Player wins the contest, leadership remains unchanged.
frankincense oil are all common practices.
Lost in an unknown sea, surrounded by mists, the heroes
Heroes may also perform for the gods, recounting their
catch sight of scintillating fish that leap into the air beside
greatness with story and song. Or they may offer up some
the ship. Adrastos quickly strips down to his loincloth and
trophy in the god’s honor, perhaps obtained during their
prepares to dive into the water. “These fish were sent by
adventure on the island. They may also make promises to the
the gods. Whoever catches the largest should lead us.” The
gods to perform acts in their service.
other heroes agree and the Strife Player calls for a contest
of Craft & Reason to catch the largest fish.

42 43
The vault of Heaven
Based on the actions of the heroes on the island, the Strife
Player marks progress on the Vault of Heaven sheet. TH E VAU LT O F
Mark a star ( ) if the heroes honored or pleased that deity while
on the island (mark two stars if the heroes greatly pleased them).
 For each star marked, each hero receives a mark of Divine
Favor ( ) with that deity. If the constellation is already filled,
each hero may take 1 Divine Favor with that deity anyway.
 For every three stars marked, each hero earns a boon,
increasing their capabilities (see page 49).
 When a constellation is completely filled, each hero records
a Bond with that deity.
Mark Wrath ( ) if the heroes dishonored or displeased that
deity while on the island (see page 26 for the effect of Wrath).
Determine divine pleasure or Wrath based on the leader’s
interpretation of the signs of the gods for this island—did the
heroes follow through on what they believed to be the will of
the gods, or did they fall short?
If any additional gods were invoked or included in the situation HERA POSEIDON
on the island, mark their stars or Wrath as well. APHRODITE
When the heroes please a god (gaining favor with them), that HEPHAISTOS
god’s anger may subside (reducing Wrath)—however, that isn’t ARTEMIS
guaranteed. Gods are fickle and may hold onto grudges. If a
hero really wants to make amends, they might seek to appease
the god during an adventure—perhaps making a contest Mythic
by doing it in the god’s honor or otherwise supplicating their
vicious whims.


The heroes have appeased Apollo and Hermes many times in their
Through trials and danger, the heroes may earn mercy from trials—their constellations are filled, marking the first two stages
the gods and release from their wanderings. of the voyage home. Because the players want a shorter campaign,
When enough constellations are completed in the Vault of they need only one more completed constellation (perhaps Athena’s)
Heaven, the heroes finally make it back to their hearth and to reach their Homecoming.
home. The campaign ends and the players earn the right to The heroes have also accumulated a fair amount of Wrath,
recount the legacy of their heroes. See page 50 for details particularly with Ares—the ferocious war god will make their
about how to determine your hero’s legend. lives very difficult before they see home again.
 For a shorter game, fill three constellations to return home.
 For a longer game, fill five constellations to return home.

a hero’s end

Glory Fate
Glory is the measure of epic greatness—it’s what sets heroes Every hero must meet their fate—glorious death in battle,
apart from those who are lost to history. By bringing Glory to peaceful old age by their hearth, or a tragic end filled with sorrow.
their Name, a hero earns their place in legend. One thing is certain: Fate is inexorable and cannot be resisted.
In play, the span of a hero’s tale is measured with the Fate track
earning glory on the hero sheet. You mark off a box of Fate:
Every time a hero participates in a contest, they earn Glory, which  When you enter agony by marking your last Pathos box.
is tracked on the hero sheet. The hero who is best in the contest
 When you suffer Pathos while already in agony.
earns an amount of Glory equal to the target number. Each
other hero who prevails earns half that amount (rounded up).  When you’re required to spend Divine Favor, but have none.
Heroes who support or suffer in the contest each earn 1 Glory. When a Hero Player marks on the Fate track, they earn a
boon (see below). When your final Fate box is checked, your
Hagne and Pallas both prevail in a contest but Hagne is hero’s story has ended. You’ll discover their heroic legend and
best. The Strife Player’s result was a 9. Pallas gains 5 Glory describe their epilogue. See page 50.
for prevailing and Hagne gains 9 for being best.

Advancing your Na me die boons

On the Glory track on your hero sheet, there are special markers Heroes grow in power by receiving boons as their Fate increases
for certain Glory amounts (at 80, 120, and 240). When you hit and when they make progress towards home.
a marker, you advance your Name die to the indicated level There are three benchmarks on the Fate scale, at 1, 4, and 8,
(d8, d10, d12), then reset your Glory back to zero. indicated by . When you mark , you earn a boon.
When your hero reaches the end of their tale, the size of their Every hero also earns one boon for every three stars filled in
Name die determines the strength of their legend (see page 52). the Vault of Heaven. See page 44.
When you earn a boon, mark one of the boxes on your hero
agony sheet and permanently gain that benefit. Choose your first five
boons from the initial set, below:
When a hero marks their last box of Pathos, they enter agony—
they can no longer press on against hardship without serious cost. Advance a d8 Domain die to d10 Advance your Epithet die to d8
 When you enter agony, mark Fate. Each mark is permanent Advance a d6 Domain die to d8 Add another Epithet
and brings your hero closer to their end.
 When you would suffer Pathos while in agony, mark Fate If both your Epithets apply to a contest, you may roll two Epithet dice.
instead. When you’ve marked all five of the initial boons, you may select
from these options when you earn a boon:
Recovering from Agony
When you support or bolster, the die you give counts as one size larger.
You cannot recover from agony while you’re on an island.
During the Voyage, your hero rests and recuperates, removing When you mark Pathos for an extra Domain, take two dice instead of one.
all marks of Pathos and escaping agony. See page 42.
When you spend Divine Favor, roll +2d4 and keep the highest.

48 49
a hero’s end Xentropa’s greatest virtues were Acumen and Grace. She
claims the title Conjurer.
When you’ve marked all your Fate boxes, your hero’s tale is Hagne’s greatest virtues were Courage and Passion. She
almost at an end. Your hero may finish the current island (any takes the title of Slayer.
further Fate they suffer is ignored) and then they retire from the
game. Your hero’s story also comes to an end if you choose to If none of the titles appeal to you, feel free to create your own.
die in a contest (page 31) or if you return home (page 44). The list is there to help spark ideas, not limit your options.

legend Your Greatest Deed

At the end of a session in which any heroes have met their end, Look over your list of Great Deeds and find the one that was
their players determine the legend for each hero by assessing the most meaningful to you. If there are a few deeds that stand
their Name, Great Deeds, and virtues. Your hero’s legend out, that’s okay, you can blend them together in your epilogue.
represents how they are remembered in song and epic poetry,
Xentropa was the defender of the people of Kryos and Nimos.
so you may use a heavy dose of dramatic license as needed to
She’s going to focus on her legend among the people she
properly embody their legacy.
protected and be called Defender of the Lost Islands.
Writing your hero’s legend also completes their Name. While
Hagne had many victories, but the one she prizes the most was
they were on their adventures, they were known by their
destroying those harpies. She is known as Slayer of Harpies.
Epithet, Name, and lineage. Now they will also be called by
the titles they earned, and the Great Deeds they performed.

During the game, Allison’s character was known as Shadow-

The Vault of Heaven
Wise Xentropa, scion of Certa. Did you appease the gods and return home? Will you be
remembered as a hero of your people, or a myth like the
Nadja played Clever-Eyed Hagne, scion of Athena. monsters you bested?
If you run out of time at the end of the session or if you want If the Vault of Heaven is complete (three or five constellations
more time to think about your hero’s legend, you can hold off filled) and your band returns home, answer one of the following
and reveal it at the start of the next session, instead. and add it to your epilogue:
 What boon do the gods grant to your people?
Your Legendary Title  What curse or burden befalls your people because of the
Look to your two highest virtues and choose one of the titles ire you earned with one of the gods?
from the appropriate list to discover what your hero is called  What monuments are built in your honor, and what virtue
by the people who remember them: of yours do people aspire to achieve?
 Acumen & Courage: Conqueror, Warlord, Vanquisher If you did not return, answer one of these questions instead:
 Acumen & Grace: Arbiter, Conjurer, Healer
 What mythical properties are ascribed to your hero in the
 Acumen & Passion: Architect, Seer, Visionary songs sung about them?
 Courage & Grace: Crusader, Savior, Vindicator  Who still waits for you to their dying days in hopes that
 Courage & Passion: Champion, Guardian, Slayer you will return home?
 Grace & Passion: Liberator, Peacemaker, Prophet  How do the gods torment you as you wander, never able
to return home?

50 51
Xentropa did not make it home. The poets sing of how
she was made into a shade by Hades, only able to speak
Making a New Hero
in whispers to those who know the secret to summon her. If your hero’s tale ends before the band makes it back home,
Hagne earned the delight of Hermes for defying the other you may create a new hero and join in the journey. Follow the
gods’ authority. Her family is blessed with bold children, same process to create your new hero as you did to create your
always testing the bounds of their fortune. first one. Then choose one of the following:

A wandering hero: Your new hero is a wanderer who does

the Glory of your na me not seek to return to their own home. You crave adventure
The final factor in your hero’s epilogue is the size of their Name and are happy to join with this band of heroes until they
die. The larger the die size, the more epic the hero’s epilogue find home, but you will not return with them.
should be. Consider the following guidelines:
A new ally: Your new hero is a character met by the heroes
 d6: A notable character. You were a stalwart companion to
on one of the islands. Perhaps you were a friend who
the greatest of the heroes. You will be remembered by your
decided to leave their home and travel with the heroes, or
family and companions and their children.
perhaps you were an enemy that was won over and became
 d8: A great hero. You will be remembered for generations an ally.
and your tales will be sung in songs.
 d10: A legendary hero. Civilization will forever use your A companion: Your new hero has been a member of the
name to instruct those seeking virtue. heroes’ loyal crew all along, now given a name and raised
 d12: An epic hero. You shall never be forgotten. Your glory to heroic status.
is writ in the stars for eternity.
You may advance your Fate track as far as you like and take
Both Hagne and Xentropa raised their Name die to d8. the boons now to represent your previous experience.
They will be remembered for generations. Many will boast
that they are as clever as Hagne as they sing the songs of Describe how your hero appears in the band.
her deeds. Many others will secretly pray for the shade of Allison elects to create a new hero, Kythia, who has been with
Xentropa to visit them and grant them wisdom. the band all along, a member of the heroes’ loyal crew. She
describes how Kythia throws back her hood and takes hold
Your Na me, Your Legend of the ship’s wheel during the voyage, bracing for impact
as the waves crash down. She’s ready to join the band for
Put all of the elements of your epilogue together to complete
their adventure on the next island.
your hero’s name and create your legend.
Allison advances Kythia’s Fate to 4, gaining two boons as
Shadow-Wise Xentropa, scion of Certa, Defender of the Lost a result. She chooses to advance Kythia’s Epithet die to d8
Islands, cursed by Hades to walk as a shade, remembered as well as advancing her Arts & Oration from d8 to d10.
for generations.
Clever-Eyed Hagne, scion of Athena, Slayer of Harpies,
blessed by Hermes with bold and adventurous descendants,
remembered for generations.

52 53
divine favor

Bonds advantages
During their trials, the heroes lend aid to each other and expect A character can seize an Advantage when circumstances favor
their companions to do so in kind. The loose currency of oaths, them—usually by winning a contest, but the Strife Player may
favors, and gratitude are recorded on the hero sheet as Bonds. grant an Advantage without a contest if the situation calls for it.
The Strife Player assigns a die size to an Advantage based on
Gaining bonds how well it applies to the situation. The more applicable the
 In character creation, a demigod gets 1 Bond with each Advantage, the larger the die. If the Advantage is moderate,
hero and 1 Bond with their divine ancestor. Mortals get 2 make it d6. If it’s strong, assign a d8. If it’s extreme, assign a d10.
Bonds with each hero. The Advantage die from the Clash in a battle is always a d10.
 In a contest, a hero may sit out to provide support for another
hero. They pass their Domain die to the Hero Player of their Before trying to sway Commander Kyla to turn on her father
choosing (who includes it in their dice pool). The supporting the king, the heroes secured the support of her grandmother,
player earns 1 Bond with the hero they support plus 1 Glory. Thalia. Because Nadja’s hero was best in the contest to win
Thalia’s support, the Strife Player gives her a 1d10 Advantage
 In a battle, the Hero Player who earns the Advantage die
die to use in the contest against Kyla.
from the Clash phase may give it to another Hero Player
in exchange for a Bond with them.
 During the Voyage between islands, the heroes have fellowship Pathos
with each other and create new Bonds. See page 42.
In their trials, heroes endure pain, despair, and exhaustion. A
normal person would succumb to these hardships, but heroes
spending a bond
posses an inner fire that lets them press on, known as Pathos.
When you spend a Bond, ask for one of the following:
 Bolster you: Your companion describes how they assist your marking Pathos
action in a contest and gives you a copy of their Name die.
Mark a Pathos circle ( ) on your hero sheet to push yourself in a
 Block harm for you: They say how they defend you and the contest and include the die from a second Domain in your pool.
harm is avoided (they don’t suffer it either). In an Arts & Oration contest, you might mark Pathos and include
 Follow your lead: Spend a Bond with the leader of the group your Craft & Reason die (in addition to your Arts & Oration die)
to sway them to your idea or plan. because your hero is employing trickery in their speech-making.
You may spend more than one Bond in a contest roll. You also mark Pathos to endure harm (see page 31):
 When you suffer in a contest against a Perilous opponent.
God bonds  When you enter a contest against an Epic opponent.
When you call on a Bond with a god, it works like a Bond with a
Pathos is a useful resource, but be warned: when you run out
mortal, except their Name die is 1d12. Bonds with other powerful
of Pathos, you enter agony (page 48), which pushes your
entities are also possible (the Four Winds, the Furies, etc.).
hero closer to their ultimate fate and the end of their tale.
Temmend the Lesser, scion of the sea monster Charybdis,
calls upon a Bond with the creature while chasing the Pirate Removing Pathos
Queen, Thesekyra. Temmend’s player adds 1d12 to their dice During the fellowship stage of the Voyage, the heroes remove
pool in the contest to catch her, calling out to Charybdis all their marks of Pathos. See page 42.
to seize her ship in a whirlpool.

56 57
Divine Favor
The heroes of our tale are capable of great feats, beyond those of
most mortals. It’s said that they’re favored by the gods, and may
manifest their divine strengths to overcome the most dire trials.

earning Divine Favor

Divine Favor is earned in three ways: during character creation,
in contests that gain the gods’ attention, and during the
Voyage between islands. When you earn Divine Favor, you
mark a diamond on the hero sheet with a slash, like this: .
Once all of a god’s diamonds are marked, a hero can’t earn more
Divine Favor with that deity.
In character creation, each hero gains two marks of Divine
Favor with their honored god. They also may distribute three
more marks of favor among any of the other gods.
During an adventure on an island, the Strife Player may judge
that a god is watching a contest (often when the heroes are
competing over something that pertains to their nature) and
award a mark of Divine Favor to each hero for their efforts.
During the Voyage between islands, the heroes make a sacrifice
to the gods to earn Divine Favor. See page 42.

Spending Divine Favor

Before dice are rolled in a contest, a hero may erase a mark of
Divine Favor to add +1d4 to their roll. The result on this die is
added to their final result instead of being part of the dice pool
(see page 28). If a hero uses multiple marks of Divine Favor on
one roll, count the highest single d4.
During the recitation of deeds, whether they suffer or prevail, the
Hero Player describes how the strength of that god manifests.

Clever-Eyed Hagne takes aim at the dreadful harpies as

they come shrieking from the skies. She calls upon the
Precision of Artemis to guide her bow—and as she looses
the first shaft, it shines bright with the sacred moonlight of
the goddess, lancing the harpy’s breast in a blinding flash.

Marks of Divine Favor may also be lost as a result of harm,

when the heroes face Mythic or Sacred foes. See page 31.

prepar ation
the strife player
pr axis

Prepar ation TONE
The game book and materials are styled to convey a fairly
As tabletop roleplaying games go, Agon is fairly simple and serious tone. This is by design, to give you a baseline to work
straightforward, but there’s still some work to do to get it up from. It’s not meant to be stifling, though. Get as wacky and
and running. weird as you want when you play Agon. Be anachronistic and
irreverent, just like Xena. Read that game pitch text with a bit
of bombastic movie-trailer-guy gravitas to let the other players
Before the First Session know that it’s all in good fun.
Maybe you plan to gather at someone’s house and play at the
table or maybe you’ll meet up online. Either way, you need to SAFETY TOOLS
assemble a group of players. Think about which safety tools you want to discuss with the
Here’s the basic pitch for the game, which you may remember group at the first session—X-Card, Lines/Veils, Script Change,
from the opening passage of the book: etc. If you’re unfamiliar with these tools, there are resources
online to help you out.
In the mists of ancient time, a poet sings of great deeds
wrought by mighty heroes—of monsters slain and justice
restored, of wise council and devious strategies, of courage, Four or five total players (including the Strife Player) is a good
valor, and daring—defiant of the gods themselves. In Agon, group size. Games with three players (a Strife Player and two
you create these heroes, crafting their epic tale into an heroes) will be more intimate and the heroes will need to
immortal legend. depend on each other to overcome their trials. You can do six
players if you must, but that’s pushing what the game is meant
On their way back home from war, a band of heroes to handle—it’ll bulge at the seams a bit.
become lost among strange islands populated by mythical
creatures, dangerous villains, legendary kingdoms, and THE STRIFE PLAYER
desperate people—each entangled in strife, at the mercy Someone needs to be the Strife Player. Because you have this
of the capricious gods. book, it’s a good idea for you to be the Strife Player first. Read
It falls to you as the epic heroes of your age to seize this the guidance for that role in the next section, page 66.
opportunity for greatness—to set things right in these lost GAME MATERIALS TO PREPARE
lands, overcome the trials of gods, monsters, and mortals,
Download the Agon Player Kit from
prove the glory of your name, and win your way back home.
 Print a copy of the character creation sheet and hero sheet
You can send that pitch to potential players who might be for each player.
interested, to help sell the concept to them. It’s also included  Print the Strife Player booklet and the battle sheeet.
in the Player Kit, which you can grab at our website for free—so
 Print an island that looks like fun to you. Each island also
send them a link to that if you want to.
has a trials sheet in the Player Kit that you can put on the
It’s a good idea to mention a few touchstones—other media table to help guide the players.
that they’ve heard of—to help get them excited about playing  Have a bunch of dice on hand for everyone, or ask the players
the game. Saying, “It’s basically Xena: Warrior Princess” is a nice to bring their own. Some players like a color-themed dice set
shortcut approach. There’s a list of touchstones on page 13. for their hero—this is highly encouraged. (Also see page 13.)
 Have some snacks and drinks handy. Gaming is a social
engagement, after all.

62 63
the First Session
First, drinks and snacks. Chat and break the ice. When
everyone’s ready, run through the pitch to refresh everyone’s
Discuss which safety tools you want to use.
Create heroes, then run through the leadership phase of the
Voyage to determine the leader for the first island.
Maybe take a short break at this point so people can refill their
drinks and such. Then jump in to the arrival of the island and
the first contests. Proceed to the trials and then wrap it all up
with a final battle.
Run through the Exodus and Voyage if you have time, otherwise
those can wait until the beginning of session two.

Session T wo and Beyond

Because the game is episodic, the structure of each session
will be pretty similar each time after that. The heroes face the
trials of an island presented by the Strife Player. They address
the divine commands (or abandon them), deal with the strife,
and move on to the next.
Once everyone is familiar with the game, you can complete
an island in one session of play—roughly two to three hours.
As you play through the islands, some heroes will meet their
Fate before they make it home. Those players can make new
heroes and join the group in the ongoing journey. You might
also think about changing the Strife Player at that point, so a
former Hero Player becomes the Strife Player for a while, and
vice versa. Or you might want to change up the Strife Player
after each island. It’s up to the group.
Eventually, after many adventures, the heroes return home,
establish their heroic legends, and this campaign of Agon ends.
Bask in the glory of the epic tales you’ve created!

one shots
Agon is a pretty simple and quick-playing game, appropriate
for one shots and convention slots. Because long-term
advancement isn’t relevant, you can focus on the Great Deeds
of the heroes to reward the players. See page 40.

The Strife Player After a contest, the situation changes, so you’ll go back to the
top and reveal, then ask, then judge again. Going through
The Strife Player has a special role in this game. Unlike the that loop several times leads to a resolution of the strife on the
Hero Players, you don’t have to concern yourself with Glory island (for good or ill) and game play on that island is complete.
or Fate, or becoming legendary by your deeds—instead, you’re Here’s what is looks like...
the guide who leads the heroes through their trials.
“The king and queen greet you with all the ceremonies of
First, pick an island from the book that looks interesting to
respect, but the tattooed high priest smiles a little too broadly
you. Look over the elements of the island and spend a few
and his eyes dart nervously toward the funeral bier of the
minutes imagining the place and characters. Make some notes
prince. He’s trying to steer you away from viewing the body,
if this sparks any ideas—maybe you imagine that the queen has
citing the queen’s wishes and local custom. Will you defy
shining silver hair or that the pathway up the cliffs is marked
tradition and the queen’s authority, or play along for now?”
with memorial stones for those that died there. It’s good to
daydream a bit about the imaginary place so it’s more familiar ­— the heroes defy tradition —
to you when you share it with the Hero Players. “Okay, so you’ve chosen to defy local tradition. The people
When the group is ready to play, read the island description, look aghast at your breach of etiquette. A contest of Arts &
signs of the gods, and the arrival out loud to establish where the Oration might sway the royal court to allow you, as outsiders
heroes are and what they first encounter. This introduces the and heroes, special permission in this case.”
key problem on the island—its strife—which the heroes may
­— the heroes lose the contest —
overcome to win the aid of the gods for their journey home.
“The queen is offended and rescinds her hospitality. The
For more guidance on presenting the islands, see page 84.
palace guards advance with their spears. Will you stand
After the intro, game play begins. Each arrival section lists a and fight, withdraw back to your ship, or try another way?”
few contests for the heroes to tackle right away. You can use
those or create your own. ­— the heroes withdraw —
After that, the Hero Players decide what to do about the strife “As you descend from the palace, the funeral games are about
on the island and face trials to address it. Each island has a set to begin. Combatants wrap their fists with leather cords and
of trials the heroes may face—they’ll explore, make discoveries, stand in ranks to be matched for their bouts. Several fighters
contend with villains, and make tough choices. To do this, are masked and heavily tattooed, their muscles bulging
they need you, the Strife Player, to guide them along the way. strangely as they stand drooling a dark mucus, swaying on
their feet as if drugged. Weird! Will any of you dare to join the
Follow these three steps:
games and seek the champion’s boon from the palace, or will
Reveal the situation to the Hero Players. you return to the dock as ordered and form a new strategy?”

— two heroes join the games. the other two

Ask questions and build on the answers to drive the game
slip away to the fighters’ camps to discover the
forward through the trials.
source of the strange drugged warriors —

Judge contests and resolve the outcomes into new ...and so on, with each new question, answer, and contest
situations. leading to a new situation to be revealed, with new questions,
answers, and contests.
Guidance for each step follows.

66 67
Reveal Be honest and direct. Don’t try to deceive the Hero Players.
Reveal the situation by telling the players what their heroes It’s your job to reveal the situation to the players, not obscure
know and what they might suspect. Each island begins with things—even when an enemy character is trying to mislead the
an introductory passage you can use as the first reveal upon heroes. When that happens, reveal that the character is being
arrival, to get the ball rolling. deceptive and ask the Hero Players what they’ll do about it.

Reveal what the heroes know by describing what they see and “The priest’s deceptions are beguiling enough to fool any
hear (and other senses, as you like). Consider these elements: mere mortal. Can anyone see through his schemes and
 Where are they? What’s this place like? confront him with his lies, or will you remain in the dark?”
 Who else is there? What are those characters like? —
 What is happening right now? “The Great Serpent knows these caves well and waits in
ambush. Can anyone spot its attack before it surprises you
Reveal what the heroes suspect by describing the overall
and seizes the advantage?”
impression they get, including insights they might have.
Consider these elements: Reveal the situation in motion. Consider the strife of the island
 Impression: Is the situation desperate, cheerful, forlorn, and how it threatens everything. When you reveal things to the
threatening, peaceful, strained, weird, etc.? Hero Players, you’re not only helping them imagine the scene
 Insights: Is there an apparent danger or opportunity? Who in their minds, you’re inviting them to take action.
seems like an enemy? Who seems like an ally? What’s about “As the queen finishes her speech and the combatants take
to happen if the heroes don’t act? their places in the fighting rings, the priests secure the temple
Keep it simple. Start with basic information in a few brief doors and begin the funeral rituals in secret. Will you join
sentences—just enough to establish the situation for the the games or intercede with the priests?”
Hero Players. They’ll ask questions if they need you to clarify
something or add more details. If you don’t know what to say, try these:
 Say what’s obvious to you. Sometimes you get stuck because
“The caves are twisty and dark, half-flooded with sea water, you’re trying to be too clever or stylish. Just say what seems
echoing with strange sounds. Thessia’s eyes flash as she raises obvious to you about the situation. “It’s a temple, you know,
her torch. “Beware! The beast is surely near.” You feel the pillars, high ceiling, big statue.”
waters shift and surge around your legs, as if something
large is moving this way...”  Summarize what a character says or does instead of trying
to find the perfect words. You can just say, “The king tries
When a Hero Player asks a question about the situation, either: to tell you about his son, but is overcome with emotion,”
or “She leaps at you, swords flashing.”
 Reveal the answer if it’s something they know or suspect.
 Ask the group for help. The other players can help you
 Propose a contest to see if the hero can overcome an obstacle
come up with something cool.
to discover the answer.
“I want the Great Serpent to look special in some way, but
“How did the prince die?”
I can’t think of anything good...”
“You can’t tell because the high priest insists that no one may
“Ooh! What if its scales scintillated in different patterns—
see the body. A contest of Arts & Oration could convince the
like shimmering with light and shadow and color in a kind
king to overrule him, or will you try another way?”
of hypnotic effect...”

68 69
Ask Remind the Hero Players that they can try other options. This
To drive the game forward, ask leading questions and then gives them freedom to implement their own ideas. Your questions
build on the answers to provoke contests and establish a new serve as a suggestion for the other players, not a script to follow.
situation to reveal. Build on the Hero Players’ answers by restating the situation
Ask leading questions by imagining a way for the heroes to and response as a description of action everyone can imagine
address the situation, then asking if they’ll commit to that together. This knits the question-and-answer conversation
approach, or try something else. You’re essentially suggesting a back together into a cohesive narrative.
course of action in the form of a question. This gives the Hero Implicit in your question was a challenge with something
Players something to work with and respond to. If there’s... at stake. The challenge and stakes frame the foundation of
 obstacle to their goal, how will they overcome it? a contest. The Hero Players’ answer establishes their course
of action and by building on their answer, you lead the game
 ...a dangerous threat, how will they contend with it? into the contest.
 ...a mystery, how will they uncover the truth?
 ...a character in need, how will the heroes help them? “You try to rally the crew to hold steadfast and turn your
ship directly into the crashing wave. Let’s roll a contest of
A good leading question implies something is at stake. An Resolve & Spirit to see how that goes.”
Advantage is up for grabs. A foe could be defeated. A friend
will be harmed. The situation is about to change based on the —
answer and what follows from it. “Okay, so you’re attacking the pirate queen to stop her from
The question is a challenge to the heroes. Are they great enough killing any more of your crew. A contest of Blood & Valor
to face this trial? Can any overcome it? Who is greatest? will decide which crew suffers the worst of it, yours or hers.”

“The great wave towers over your ship, about to crash down USEFUL QUESTIONS TO ASK
and send you to the depths. Will you hold steadfast and  “There are many trials here, which will you attempt first?”
try to match its power, or will you maneuver to avoid it?”
 “Is this a worthy contest, or will you strive for something
— more glorious?”
“Thesekyra leaps from line to line in the rigging, dodging  “What contest (or battle) might determine the fate of the
the javelins of your crew. Each time she finds her footing, island now?”
she looses death from her bow and sailors fall, clutching  “Will you go along with the leader, or use a Bond to take
at feathered shafts in their hearts. Can you bring her down control?”
with your own arrows, or will you face her another way?”
 “Will you invoke a god by name to draw their attention to
— this trial?” (Make the contest Mythic, earn a Bond with that
“The lost ones are on the verge of death from fatigue. They god if you win.)
beg you for aid. Will you stop to care for them and save who  “The priest’s hold on the king and queen are strong. Will you
you can, or will you press on to stop Kasibios before he can call upon the Divine Favor of Hera to match his cunning?”
make more progress on his terrible creation?”  “As the scion of the Autumn Delta, your strength is in
Blood & Valor—will you dig deep and suffer Pathos to call
upon your lineage in this contest of Craft & Reason?”

70 71
Judge The Domain is usually obvious, but if it’s not, take a moment
Most of the game play in Agon is about contests. Contests are to talk to the Hero Players and figure out what seems right
the source of Glory for the heroes and create decisive outcomes for the group.
to resolve the situation on the island. As the Strife Player, it’s “I think tending to the sick and injured would normally fall
your job to propose contests, determine the Domain a contest under Craft & Reason. But in this case, you’re also trying
falls under, and (along with the Hero Players) describe its to rally their spirits and give them hope to hang on a little
outcome after the dice rolls determine who wins and loses. longer. More like Resolve & Spirit? What do you think?”
Propose a contest when the heroes come into conflict with a
worthy opponent. This will happen a lot—the heroes’ efforts Describe the outcome of a contest by resolving what was at
naturally conflict with the island’s strife. Each island has a list of stake. Something was about to happen before the contest—how
trials, characters to use as opponents and allies, and dangerous did that turn out? The Hero Players narrate their actions first,
locations that may oppose the heroes by their perilous nature. starting with the heroes who suffer, then the heroes who prevail,
and finally the hero who is best. Describe how the opponent
The Hero Players will usually have the option to decline your responds to the heroes’ actions and their fate in the contest,
proposal for a given contest, changing their action to try then wrap up by saying how the situation is now changed.
something else instead.
— the heroes lose the contest —
“Sounds like some skulduggery on your part to slip
undetected through the fighters’ camps to spy on their “Try as you might, the laborers are too far gone for your
preparations. A contest of Craft & Reason will decide it.” aid. Only a few will live, and of those, none will ever regain
their full strength. The hope they held in you as great heroes
“Oh, no I think we want to openly confront one of the fades from their eyes.”
‘trainers’ and demand that they spill their secrets.”
“Ah, gotcha. More like Arts & Oration then.” — the heroes win the contest —
“Xentropa tears her cloak into strips to bind wounds, removes
Sometimes, though, a contest represents an impending threat her armor and breaks her weapons to serve as crutches and
that the heroes can’t simply ignore. In this case, the heroes splints. My finery will serve them better than me.”
must win the contest or suffer the threat at hand.
“Your ministrations soothe their wounds and rouse their
“As you approach the cave that is the Great Serpent’s lair, broken spirits. Those on the verge of death are saved.”
a miasma of choking vapor issues forth. The poisonous
breath of the creature boils all around you, hissing with The outcome of any given contest is final. Neither the heroes or
steam where it touches the rocks. A contest of Resolve & their opponent can merely “try again.” The matter is resolved.
Spirit will see you through and into battle with the serpent!” As the Strife Player, it’s your job to make the outcome final and
then move on to the next thing. The purpose of adventure on
Determine the Domain of a contest by matching the heroes’ an island is not to play until the heroes win—it’s to play to find
chosen course of action to one of the four options. out what happens. They triumph or suffer, persevere or give up,
 Arts & Oration—Culture, artistry, and persuasiveness. always moving forward toward the final showdown and Exodus.
 Blood & Valor—Violence, bravado, and athletic prowess. Full details on contests start on page 24.
 Craft & Reason—Academics, vocations, and subterfuge.
 Resolve & Spirit—Perseverance, passion, and intuition.

72 73
the final say Strife Level
As the Strife Player, you have the final say when it comes to Every island visited by the heroes is plagued by misery, woe,
judging a contest, but that doesn’t mean every idea has to come and danger, known as strife.
from you. If a Hero Player has an idea for a contest using a In a contest, the strife of the island manifests as a bonus to the
particular Domain that they’re excited about, listen to them. Strife Player’s dice roll—this is called the Strife Level.
You can reveal a situation in conflict to suit a contest within
that Domain, making the Hero Player happy while moving The bonus provided by the Strife Level can be +4, +5, or +6. By
the action forward. default, the Strife Level is +5. The majority of contests and
battles should use a +5 Strife Level. A lower and higher level
Maarika does not favor subtlety. She shouts to the guards is provided to reflect changes in the situation on an island.
of Soros, “You want to fight someone, fight me!” It sounds Some islands include specific events that may raise or lower
like this might be a contest of Blood & Valor, but Karen the Strife Level, but in general, follow these guidelines:
proposes a contest of Resolve & Spirit; she intends to scare
the guards off rather than really fight them. RAISE THE STRIFE LEVEL
 When the heroes enter a larger scale of conflict. Raise
things to avoid the Strife Level for that contest only, then reduce it back
to its previous level. For instance, if the heroes decide to go
 Don’t try to tell a story to the other players. Stick to your
into battle against a horde of centaur warriors, raise the Strife
three steps as Strife Player and let a story emerge naturally.
Level for that battle.
 Don’t worry about anyone else’s fun. They’re the Hero
 When the heroes fail to stop an opponent that makes the
Players and you’re the Strife Player. They’re entertaining
situation on the island worse. When this happens, leave
you, and vice versa. The whole outcome of the session isn’t
the Strife Level at the new higher bonus until the heroes do
on your shoulders.
something to reduce it. For example, King Vlakas might order
 Don’t pull your punches. Heroes are defined by adversity. all of the Ionian refugees to be rounded up and forced from the
If harpies attack the people and the heroes fail to defend city—if the heroes fail to stop that, advance the Strife Level.
them, then many are slaughtered. It’s dark, but that’s what
was at stake. Follow through on the threats of the opponents. LOWER THE STRIFE LEVEL
 When the heroes remove a source of strife on the island.
things to try out For instance, if the heroes manage to convince the people of
Nimos that the Serpent Cult is their enemy, the cultists could
 Character details. It’s easy to lose track of characters in a
no longer shelter among the people, reducing the Strife Level
roleplaying game, where you don’t have any visual reference
on the island.
for the characters you meet. Try to mention a notable feature
or two to help everyone remember a character. Instead of The Strife Level never goes below +4 or above +6.
“a villager,” they’re “the short villager with the broken arm.”
 Pacing. By default, the loop of Reveal—Ask—Judge results
When an opponent has a specific edge in a contest, give them
in a pretty fast-paced game. If you want to slow down, take
an Advantage die. When the situation at large has gotten worse
a little more time revealing the situation. Describe some
for the island and/or the heroes, increase the Strife Level.
establishing shots, like in a movie. Ask a few contemplative
questions like, “Does anything here remind you of home?”

74 75
pr axis What if the heroes lose their ship and crew? Are they lost
forever? No. They wash up on the shore of the next island, and
now, in addition to dealing with strife, they need to secure a new
validit y vessel and recruit sailors. Handle it with a couple of contests
and move on with play—perhaps give an Advantage die to the
When is a given trait valid in the game? Does a hero’s Epithet
Strife Player for the first few contests involving the new ship
apply to the action at hand? Does an opponent’s special ability
and crew, as they’re learning to work together.
come into play, or is it irrelevant in this situation?
In general, the group of players as a whole should discuss these
scale and scope
things and come to consensus. If you need explicit permissions,
however, here’s a guide to which player has final say: By default, the scale of action in Agon hovers just beyond
the reach of normal humans—encompassing the epic feats of
 The Strife Player has final say regarding the validity of an legendary heroes. But what are the limits of our heroes? When
opponent’s special ability in a contest. do they overreach themselves and contend at the level of the
 The Hero Player has final say regarding the validity of their gods? This is something that each game group will establish as
hero’s Epithet in a contest (they attest its validity when they they play, but here’s a set of guidelines to help you out:
recite their deeds, not before the roll).
 A hero may accomplish anything the greatest mortal could
 The Hero Player has final say regarding how an additional achieve in a Domain, and even outdo them by invoking
Domain applies when they mark Pathos to add one. their Epithet or Divine Favor.
 The Hero Player has final say regarding how a god’s strength  A hero may compete against a god or other supreme
manifests when they use Divine Favor to invoke one. supernatural being, so long as that being chooses to stoop
 The Hero Player has final say regarding what happens to to contend in the mortal realm. A hero cannot shoot the
their character when their hero suffers harm. sun from the sky, but if the sun god decides to manifest
himself to oppose the heroes as an embodied person, then
death and destruction they may challenge him like any other foe.
What happens if a hero dies—as a result of the stakes of a  A hero may gain the temporary ability to accomplish extreme
contest or battle—before they run out of Fate? This is up to deeds by seizing divine weapons or tools, such as one of
the players to decide. You have several options: Zeus’s thunderbolts or winged shoes from Hermes. These
boons may not be kept for long, however, or the wrath of
 The hero is dead and gone. The other heroes mourn them the gods will surely follow.
and memorialize them during the Voyage. The Hero Player
 If there’s a question of whether a hero is overreaching their
determines their legend and makes a new hero as normal.
capabilities, they might insist by marking Fate to push
 The hero dies and their shade descends into the underworld. themselves beyong their limits.
The other Hero Players can journey to the realms of Hades as
 As long as they have Fate remaining, a hero may endure any
their next “island” in an attempt to rescue their companion
hardship or injury and persevere.
and return them once again to the land of the living. See the
island Akoros (page 113) as a possible entry point for such a quest. Note: an island might be specifically designed to “break the
 The hero is left for dead, but survives somehow. They find rules” in some way, allowing a hero to restore lost Fate, retrieve
themselves in some new dire circumstance—they must face a fallen companion from the underworld, or even revisit an
an immediate contest alone, while the other heroes face island to attempt to resolve its strife again.
their own contest to rejoin their fallen comrade.

76 77
expression The Hero Players roll their dice pools, and each sums their
two highest dice, comparing the result to the Strife Player’s
An example of play on Nimos (pages 93-95) with Nadja’s hero, total of 11.
Clever-Eyed Hagne (she/her); Andi’s hero, Empty-Handed Pallas Xentropa falls short with a total of 9—she suffers. Pallas prevails
(they/them); and Allison’s hero, Shadow-Wise Xentropa (she/her). with a total of 11. Hagne has a total of 12—she prevails and is best.
The Hero Players recite their deeds in the contest, starting with
the heroes face a contest Xentropa, who suffered. Allison includes Xentropa’s “Shadow-
The prince’s death makes the heroes suspicious of the priest, Wise” Epithet in her narration.
Harkon. After a discussion about what to do, Hagne (as the
leader) recalls the signs of the gods—her honored goddess, “Xentropa recognizes arcane practices when she sees them,
Artemis, gave the sign of a headless serpent. The snake tattoos and immediately blurts out that the priest is meddling with
on the priest and his acolytes are all she needs to set her course profane powers and offending the gods—but she goes too far,
of action. She demands that Harkon speak truth and be judged! and several members of the court gasp at her impudence.”
Only royalty may command here, though, so the heroes must The Strife Player responds with actions by the opponent:
contest Queen Naia for control of the court.
The Strife Player establishes the contest: “The queen cries out, ‘Do not dare blaspheme the blessings
of medicine given to us by Apollo! Hold your tongue!’”
“You face the Sly and Unnaturally Youthful Queen Naia in
a contest of Arts & Oration! Andi recites the deeds of her hero, Pallas, describing how they
prevail in the contest.
I’ll take 1d8 for her “Sly” Epithet, and 1d6 for her ‘Unnaturally
Youthful’ Epithet—since that has everything to do with the “I’m expressing Blood & Valor. I glare at all assembled, sizing
secret practices you’re questioning. She gets 1d8 for her them up for a fight. My piercing gaze is enough to dissuade
Name. Also, the queen has the Ruler special ability, which the court from further outbursts to support the queen.”
grants her Advantage at her court—I think it’s 1d10 since
you’re challenging her authority directly.” The Strife Player responds:

The Strife Player rolls 3, 3, 5, 6. Adding the +5 Strife Level to “Priest Harkon sees the effect Pallas has, noting your strong
their highest die results in a target number of 11. physique and toughened hands of a warrior. His eyes narrow.”

“Who among you will face this contest?” Finally, Nadja describes the deeds of Hagne, who is best.
“Clever-Eyed Hagne, scion of Athena, shall face it!” Nadja “Clever-Eyed Hagne notices that the king hasn’t spoken—
takes 1d6 for her Epithet, 1d6 for her Name, and 1d6 for you said he’s white-bearded and melancholy, right? He’s
her Arts & Oration Domain. not part of this serpent cult stuff. Hagne says, ‘This is your
“Shadow-Wise Xentropa, scion of Certa, faces it as well!” court as well, noble king. Would you have the truth spoken
Allison grabs 1d6 for her Epithet, 1d6 for her Name, and of your son’s death, to bring those responsible to justice?’”
1d8 for her Arts & Oration Domain.
The Strife Player responds:
“Pallas, scion of the Autumn Delta, shall also face you!” Andi
grabs a 1d6 Name die and 1d6 for Arts & Oration. Pretty “The king raises his withered hand and speaks, ‘The gods
words aren’t Pallas’s preference, though—Andi marks one have sent their wisdom through you, scion of Athena. We
Pathos and adds their 1d8 Blood & Valor to their dice pool. shall hear the truth at once. Guards, seize Priest Harkon!”

78 79
Xentropa earns 1 Glory for suffering in the contest. Pallas earns Because the Serpent used its “Monstrous” Epithet, it is Perilous—
6 Glory for prevailing (half the Strife Player’s result, rounded each hero marks Pathos from suffering in the contest.
up). For being best, Hagne earns 11 Glory (equal to the Strife Next, the Strife Player establishes the Threat phase, by first
Player’s result). describing the disasters which the opponent threatens:
“As you do battle, the thrashing bulk of the huge serpent
 If the heroes had been more respectful of the queen’s shakes the earth, toppling buildings and killing citizens.
authority, would her Advantage die have been smaller (1d8 Thessia the healer is crushed by falling debris. The surviving
or 1d6)? Could the heroes have entreated the king for aid in serpent cultists cry out to the people, saying that these
the contest before it began? Maybe they could have earned disasters are your fault—you’ll be remembered here as
an Advantage die if he was on their side. Would this cancel bringers of destruction.”
out Queen Naia’s Advantage die, so neither had one?
 Harkon must speak truth to the court—what does he say? There are three disasters threatened: the death of citizens, the
This is a perfect chance for the Strife Player to reveal their death of Thessia, and the defamation of the heroes’ legacy.
version of the island’s mysteries. It’s also a chance for devious Xentropa and Pallas choose to Defend, and they both prevail in
Harkon to twist the situation to his favor. Perhaps he dares the the contest. Xentropa saves Thessia’s life and Pallas chooses to
heroes to fight in the games as a trial by combat to prove that save the citizens, so the remaining disaster comes to pass—the
the alchemically enhanced fighters are ordained by the gods? history written here will portray the heroes as villains.
 What if Hagne, as the leader, chose to interpret the sign of Because Xentropa and Pallas chose to Defend, Hagne alone
Apollo favorably rather than Artemis’s? Apollo’s sign suggests faces the contest to Seize control of the battle. She does not
that the alchemical experiments on Nimos might be a good prevail against the serpent. She suffers and marks Pathos again
thing. The whole contest might have been different. Will because of its Perilous harm. As the winner, the Strife Player
Hagne’s choice to support Artemis result in Apollo’s Wrath? sets the Domain and stakes of the Finale phase:

“The serpent bursts from the tunnels, slithering through

the heroes do battle the streets. It coils atop the acropolis of Apollo, scales
After several trials, the heroes come to a final battle. They will scintillating in the sun, where all may see its magnificence.
fulfill Artemis’s desire and slay the Serpent of Nimos. You face the Monstrous Serpent of Nimos in a contest of
The Strife Player sets the scene for the Clash phase: Resolve & Spirit! Can you defeat its hold over the people,
or will they forever be in awe and devoted to its power?”
“You slip through the secret door the cultist told you about
and make your way through torch-lit tunnels toward the The heroes win the Finale contest, freeing the people of Nimos
serpent temple. You can hear scales sliding against stone from the insidious grip of the serpent and its cult. But because
as the great creature slithers through nearby passages. Can they didn’t Seize control of the battle and set the Finale stakes,
you ambush the monster, or will it get the drop on you?” they cannot slay the creature or drive it away for good. It will
remain hidden in the dark places beneath the island, tempting
The players conduct the contest for the Clash phase and the those foolish enough to seek it out to continue the dangerous
Strife Player wins! The serpent gains a 1d10 Advantage die. alchemy work with its venom.

“As you enter the temple itself and approach the profane The heroes leave Nimos better than they found it, but with
altar, it suddenly moves! It’s not stonework, but the creature trouble still brewing for the future.
itself, uncoiling in a sudden strike like lightning!”

80 81
lands of strife
island guide


soros & ion

T ymisos

vr achoi



gulf of Karis

Speir a




creating an island

lands of strife Island adventures have
a “diamond” shape
This section contains the islands the heroes may encounter
during their odyssey. As the Strife Player, you’ll present these 1. An initial 3. A decisive
islands to the Hero Players as their heroes journey to reach arrival contest final battle
home again. They can encounter them in any order—it’s up 2. A series
to you to choose which island appears next. of trials
An island adventure has a central problem—its strife—which
entangles the heroes. They’ll have to decide for themselves ARRIVAL TRIAL BATTLE
how they want to address the situation to appease the gods,
help the people, and ultimately resolve the situation.

prepar ation Additional trials or battles

may arise along the way
Pick an island that sounds fun to you and read it before the
game session. You might want to make some notes of any TRIAL
ideas that occur to you while you’re reading it. Each island
has questions to consider, which help you customize it to your
taste. It’s useful to print out the island (or have the PDF on a
device) to consult at the table when you play.

signs of the gods presenting the trials

Each island includes several oracular portents to represent After the arrival contest, reveal the situation to the Hero Players
the wishes of the gods. You can ask the leader of the heroes and ask for their next action. If they have a clear direction, go
to read them aloud to the group. During the course of play, with that. Often one contest will snowball into another. If
the leader interprets the signs to understand how to appease they’re unsure or don’t have a sense of what other challenges
the gods here and earn their Divine Favor. might face them, present one of the prepared trials to them.
For each island, several trials are provided, usually with
On the island of Kryos, the leader considers the sign given by suggestions for how to resolve them, and in some cases possible
Hera: her sacred peacock, leading the pious to restore what is outcomes depending on whether the heroes or their opponents
lost. Later, the leader interprets this as a desire for the heroes prevail. The trials introduce important people and monsters
to recover the Pillar of Storms and return it to Hera’s temple. on the island, reveal its history, and the source of its strife.
Present these trials (or others you come up with during play)
to give the heroes a chance to combat strife and earn Glory
for their names.
The arrival presents a challenging situation on the island
that propels the heroes into an initial contest or two. This After they’ve faced a few of these trials, the heroes’ actions will
gets the action going and entangles the heroes in the specific naturally lead them to face a worthy foe at the center of the
problems of the island’s strife. Read the arrival contests aloud island’s strife. A battle with this foe determines the destiny of
or paraphrase them, adding any important details that sprang the island and concludes the session of play.
to mind when you were reading the island during preparation.

84 85
island guide further Islands
These islands work best after the heroes have a few adventures
under their belts.
Starter islands
Any of these islands make a good choice for a first session, though
they’re also suited for later play. The blue flame of Orphne was stolen by the Sorcerer Erastos,
who now plumbs the realm of Hades for its wealth. While
KRYOS he keeps the portal open, shades of the dead escape to the
Thesekyra the Pirate Queen stole the Pillar of Storms and earth. Akoros is well suited to a band of heroes who have lost
without it, the people of Kryos are defenseless against the someone they love.
harpies. An island of swordplay and naval pursuit!
NIMOS Poseidon’s wrath has trapped the heroes at sea alongside other
The people of Nimos seek knowledge above all else, including doomed souls. A lonely monster watches over the people who
above the life of their beloved prince. An island of intrigue, fight among themselves. Karis is well suited to a band of heroes
temptation, and monstrosity. who have angered the gods, particularly Poseidon.


Once a single people, the King of Soros has barred his gates The legendary craftsman Kasibios has created a drill that will
and profits from the laborers of Ion. Orta the giant was tricked bore down deep beneath the earth. Unchecked, he and his
into smashing open the gates and chaos ensues. An island of mechanisms will crack the gates of Tartaros.
justice and redemption.
TYMISOS The mythical Shears of Atropos have been stolen and without
The heroes must navigate a deadly labyrinth surrounding the them she cannot cut the strands of fate. Death no longer holds
resting place of long-forgotten heroes, home to a siren and her and the natural order is broken. Best for a band who has visited
bull-warrior guardian. An island of deprivations and memories. many islands and suffered defeats.

Two great leaders have come to make an accord, but neither Haunted by an eternal slumber, the sole waking inhabitant
can accept less than total victory. Ares has sent his own agent of Enu needs the heroes to keep her awake through the night
to assure the accords end in violence. An island of bitter rivalry with stories of their incredible adventures. Enu presents an
and impossible demands. opportunity to learn about our heroes’ past.

With the aid of the legendary Golden Boar, a usurper has Cut off from the gods, the heroes must decide whether to
claimed the throne of Fenios. A small band of rebels defy her. restore the connection between the people and the Olympian
An island of prophecy, family, and betrayal. deities, or leave them without divine aid (and interference).

86 87
Kryos is a cold and rocky isle, fabled for its gold mines. Legend says
that the island is protected by a ring of everlasting storm clouds
that keep the land’s riches safe from marauders.

signs of the gods

As the mists recede, the gods reveal their desires through signs...
Hera: Queen of the Gods. Her sign is her sacred peacock,
leading the pious to restore what is lost.
Zeus: Lord of the Sky. His sign is ruin—the works of man
brought low, pillars of stone dashed into the sea.
Hermes: God of Thieves. His sign is a raven atop a bounty of
riches—spoils to those who deserve them.

When you arrive at the mining settlement on the island,
the infamous storm clouds are nowhere to be seen. All is in
turmoil—people rush to and fro, wailing in panic. “It’s gone!”
they cry. “The pirate queen has stolen the Pillar of Storms! We
are defenseless! The harpies shall slay us!”
The two leaders of the land recognize you as great heroes and
each entreats you to hear their words.
Meletia the mining chief wants to be rid of magic and the
whims of the gods—she says that it’s good the Pillar of Storms
is gone. Now the people must learn to defend themselves.
Ionestes, priest of Hera knows that without the blessing of
Hera, the island is doomed. The temple and its sacred pillar
must be restored—even improved!—to show the greatest piety.
 Will you command Meletia to use the island’s gold to restore
the ruined temple of Hera and receive divine protection?
Arts & Oration vs. Meletia.
 Or will you command Ionestes to cease speaking false promises
of divine aid and instead support the construction of practical
defenses? Arts & Oration vs. Ionestes.

Trials Char acters
THE PIRATE QUEEN Meletia, Mining Chief (d6). Stoic (d8), Strong-Armed (d6).
Thesekyra’s swift ship runs far on the high seas, giving her time Ionestes, Priest of Hera (d6). Zealous (d6), Reckless (d6).
to master the power of the Pillar of Storms. Can you catch her? Thesekyra, the Pirate Queen (d8). Swift-Shooting (d8 Perilous),
Craft & Reason vs. Thesekyra. Give Thesekyra an Advantage Cunning (d6). Battle-Hardened Crew (In combat, with
die if the heroes have delayed at all in the pursuit (the longer her crew at her side, Thesekyra is Epic).
the delay, the bigger the die).
The Harpies (d10). Razor-Clawed (d8 Perilous), Hate-Filled
THE HARPIES (d8 Sacred). Sky Born (The Harpies are Epic in any contest
Can you drive them off and give the people some temporary safety, against them in which they can freely strike from the air).
or will their attacks continue unabated? Blood & Valor vs. The
Harpies. If the heroes leave the people undefended, they’ll be places
slaughtered (advance the Strife Level). Snowy mountains. Gold mines. Furnaces for smelting ore.
THE TRUTH Brightly painted clay and plaster homes of the people.
How will you discover the source of the harpies’ vengeful anger The Temple of Hera: A dilapidated structure, fallen into
and the true will of the gods in this place? How did Thesekyra disrepair from lack of offerings. One of its pillars—the Pillar
steal the pillar? of Storms, long taken for granted by the people—is missing.

THE PILLAR The Sky Caves: To the south, rocky spires jut like jagged teeth
from the sea. At the tops, high above the clouds, the harpies
Will you cast the pillar into the sea, return it to Kryos, or keep it
make their lairs in dark caves clawed from the stone.
as spoils for your trouble? The pillar is a thing of ancient magic,
subverting the power of Zeus. Resolve & Spirit vs. The Pillar
of Storms (2d10 Mythic) to contend with its power. Special rewards
The Pillar of Storms: An ancient artifact that may be used to
battle control the weather.
 Will you go into battle with Thesekyra and her crew? If the
heroes succeed in catching her quickly, they may go into Mysteries
battle as normal. If not, the heroes must face her with The pillar was stolen from Hera’s temple with Ionestes’s help. Is
the power of the Pillar of Storms at her command (d10 he a false priest in league with the pirates for profit? Is he a devout
Advantage die). Threats: Thesekyra’s vicious pirate crew believer who wants to use the panic to revitalize the people’s faith?
slaughters your sailors. Thesekyra’s counterattack with
The harpies hate Kryos because of the Pillar of Storms. Is it
flaming arrows sinks your ship.
because it’s an affront to the power of Zeus, whom the harpies
 Or will you seek to outwit the Pirate Queen? Perhaps the pillar love? Is it because the pillar stole their mastery of the four winds?
can be stolen back? Or perhaps the Pirate Queen will listen Is it because the pillar itself was once a harpy before Hera turned
to a tempting offer? the creature to stone for consorting with her husband?
 Will you eradicate the harpies? Threats: Several harpies fly
past you and slaughter most of the people of Kryos while
you’re engaged in the battle. Meletia dies defending Kryos.

90 Kryos Kryos 91
Nimos is an island of bright beaches and rocky cliffs, known for
its study of medicine, as well as a devotion to ancient traditions.

signs of the gods

As the mists recede, the gods reveal their desires through signs...
Apollo: God of Medicine—and secret knowledge. His sign is a
blazing torch, the light of knowledge in a dark world.
Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt—slayer of monsters. Her sign
is a headless serpent, still venomous even in death.

When you arrive at the white-pillared palace, the funeral for
the son of the king is underway, accompanied by ceremonial
games of hand-to-hand combat. You are greeted as heroes and
invited to join in the games, but you are not allowed to pay
respects to the body of the prince. The tattooed high priest
cites ancient custom, but as you are lead from the palace down
to the fighting arenas, you notice a shadow in the king’s eyes.
Something is not right here.
 Will you confront the court and demand to know what has
happened to the prince? Arts & Oration vs. Queen Naia. If she
wins, she exiles the heroes for their impudence. They might
restore honor by winning in The Games trial. If she loses, the
heroes win the court’s favor and are allowed to see the body.
 Or will you attempt skulduggery to divine the truth? Craft &
Reason vs. Priest Harkon. If he wins, he catches the heroes
skulking about and has them thrown in the dungeon. If he
loses, the heroes discover venom on the lips of the prince
and notice the serpent tattoos on the priests at court—not
Apollo’s symbol, but something more ancient and sinister.
 Or will you show respect and kindness toward the king’s grief and
win him over as an ally? Resolve & Spirit vs. King Telmarios.
If he wins, the king loses all hope and grants an Advantage
to Priest Harkon. If he loses, the king’s despair is lifted and
he sees the heroes as true friends, granting each winner a
Bond as his ally.

Trials Char acters
THE GAMES King Telmarios (d6). Melancholy (d8), White-Bearded (d6).
Will you join in the brutal combat? Fighters here imbibe strange Queen Naia (d8). Sly (d8), Unnaturally Youthful (d6).
elixirs, twisting their bodies and their minds to savagery. Blood Ruler (Grants Advantage at her court and her guards make
& Valor vs. The Fighters of Nimos. The best hero faces Sersaios, combat Perilous).
Champion of Nimos, in Blood & Valor (alone) for the title. Priest Harkon & the Serpent Cult (d8). Devious (d6), Shadow-
Or will you investigate the source and true nature of the alchemical Striking (d8 Perilous), Serpent-Tattooed (d8 Sacred).
mixtures? Craft & Reason vs. Thessia, Scholar of Alchemy. If Thessia, Scholar of Alchemy (d6). Sharp (d8), Healer (d8).
the heroes win, they might confront Thessia directly about the
alchemy. If they lose, Thessia suspects foul play and bars the Fighters of Nimos (d6). Elixir-Drinking (d6 Perilous), Bold (d6).
temple under royal guard, securing all its knowledge against Sersaios, Champion of Nimos (d8). Fast-Striking (d8 Perilous),
interlopers. Venom-Blooded (d8).
THE SERPENT CULT The Serpent of Nimos (d10). Monstrous (d10 Perilous),
At the first opportunity, the Serpent Cult attacks from hiding Cunning (d6). Cold (Arts & Oration has no effect),
with poisoned darts to subdue the heroes for ritual sacrifice. Scintillating Scales (Grants Advantage by camouflaging
Can you avoid poisoning and capture? Craft & Reason vs. Priest the serpent or hypnotizing onlookers).
Harkon & the Serpent Cult.
Rocky cliffs. Sea caves. The royal palace and white-pillared
Toxic runoff from alchemical experiments poisons the island.
city. Sanctuaries of healing. Rivers choked with toxic runoff.
While the people enjoy longer lives and healing elixirs, nature
suffers. Rivers are thick with sludge, animals are sick, and The Acropolis of Apollo: A huge pillared structure containing a
choking fumes befoul the air. Will you brave the poisons to cleanse trove of alchemical knowledge—hard won from many sacrifices.
the land ? Resolve & Spirit vs. The Poisoned Land (2d8 Perilous). The Serpent Temple: A torch-lit hidden lair connected to the
Probably followed by Craft & Reason to enact a solution. palace and acropolis by secret passageways.

battle Special rewards

 Will you slay the Great Serpent, destroying the source of alchemy The Elixir of Immortality: A single dose of a magical potion
and the cult’s power? Threat: The serpent thrashes, toppling that may restore life to the dead or grant eternal youth.
buildings, killing many citizens. Thessia is killed. Harkon’s
cult besmirches your names and you are remembered as the
heroes who brought ruin to Nimos.
The prince’s death. Was he a cultist who sought adept status and
 Or will you destroy Harkon and the cultists, leaving the scholars
failed? Was he killed because he discovered the cult? Did he drink the
of Apollo to continue their dangerous work? Threat: Secret
experimental Elixir of Immortality before it was successfully made?
cultists spring from hiding, killing the king and many
citizens to seize power. A member of the cult escapes to The source of alchemy is the raw venom of the serpent, which
continue their legacy in the future. grants insight to those few who survive it—and is vital to every
alchemical mixture. Do the scholars of alchemy know the source
of the venom, or is it given to them secretly? Is the Queen allied
with the serpent cult, or is she using them to grant her immortality?

94 nimos nimos 95
Soros & Ion
The twin islands of Soros and Ion are connected by a narrow land
bridge. Ion is a land of golden fields and vast vineyards. Soros boasts
the gleaming white pillars of an affluent city-state.

signs of the gods

As the mists recede, the gods reveal their desires through signs...
Demeter: Goddess of the Harvest. Her sign is a cornucopia—
bounty for those that labor and serve.
Zeus: King of the Gods. His sign is a soaring eagle—the majesty
of rightful rulership.

As you arrive at the port of Soros, you see that the guardhouse
that blocks the land bridge has its gates smashed open.
Frightened Ionians, clutching a few belongings, stream through.
In the distance of Ion, you hear a titanic shout, as from a man
the size of a mountain. The earth trembles beneath your feet.
Thalia of the golden hair, the Ionian matriarch, leads her
panicked people into Soros, but in their terror, many are separated
and rush blindly into the city, surely to be lost without guidance.
Commander Kyla (who bears a striking resemblance to the
elder Thalia) orders her guards at the gate to stand down,
though it is against the king’s orders. Her own troops are sure
to turn on her for this dereliction.
 Will you step in to support Kyla and keep the guards at bay
while the remaining Ionians make it across the land bridge?
Arts & Oration or Blood & Valor vs. The Soldiers of Soros.
The best hero gains a Bond with Kyla.
 Can you find a place of refuge for the Ionians so they may safely
gather and not become separated as they rush into the city? (A dock
warehouse, a temple, a manor house, etc.) Craft & Reason vs.
The Soldiers of Soros. The best hero gains a Bond with Thalia.

Trials Char acters
THE COURT-MARTIAL King Vlakas (d8). Prideful (d8), Ruthless (d8 Perilous),
For her dereliction of duty at the guardhouse, Kyla will be Righteous (d6 Sacred).
sentenced to death by her father, King Vlakas. Will you argue Commander Kyla of Soros (d6). Steel-Eyed (d8 Perilous),
her case? Arts & Oration vs. King Vlakas. Princess (d6), Young (d6).

LEARN THE HISTORY The Soldiers of Soros (d6). Dedicated (d8), Violent (d6 Perilous).
Prove your compassion to Thalia and she may share with you Thalia of Ion (d8). Great Weaver (d8), Grandmother (d6).
the shameful history of this place. Resolve & Spirit vs. Thalia Revered (if Thalia is harmed, mark Demeter’s Wrath).
of Ion. Otherwise, she says only that her son, the king, is not Orta, son of Demeter (d10). Mountainous (d8 Sacred),
fit to rule and she prays to Zeus to bring him low. Loyal (d8 Mythic), Raging (d10 Epic, Perilous). Titanic (Orta
THE WRATH OF ORTA cannot be harmed by mortal weapons). Beloved (d12
Advantage die while Orta is favored by Demeter).
Enraged by his people fleeing Ion, Orta hurls massive boulders
across the narrow channel, to come crashing down in the
streets of Soros. Homes are destroyed; people are killed. How places
can you protect the city? Soros: Artist colonies perched on cliffs over the sea. Theaters
dedicated to poetry and drama. Manors to house the idle elite.
The people of Soros blame the people of Ion for threatening Ion: Fields of corn, wheat, and barley. Simple clay homes. The
their survival. The two peoples are fighting in the streets. If massive hall of the giant, Orta, and its shrine to Demeter.
the soldiers of Soros are deployed to keep the peace, it will
be a massacre. Will you attempt to soothe the people’s distress? Special rewards
Arts & Oration or Resolve & Spirit vs. Fear and Distrust (3d6). The Seed of Verdant Bounty: A sacred seed of Demeter, which
Or will you take more drastic steps? If the heroes make peace may be cast into soil or sea to produce a thriving, lush land.
between the peoples, reduce the Strife Level. Prized possession of Orta, kept in a locket around his neck.

battle Mysteries
 Will you confront King Vlakas to resolve the fate of the people? King Vlakas struck a deal with Orta long ago to divide his
Will you try to depose him and promote a new leader? What do kingdom—half his people for Ion, to labor in the fields of Orta
you propose as a way forward? Threats: The king pronounces to produce a bounty to honor Demeter, while the other half
the heroes traitors, to be imprisoned in the dungeons, as lives in leisure on Soros, sustained by the crops of Ion. Did
well as Kyla and Thalia. The people of Ion are forced to Vlakas do this out of fear of the giant or for his own gain? Did his
return to labor under Orta’s command. mother Thalia go willingly to Ion out of shame for her son’s actions?
 Will you dare to end Orta’s reign of terror? The giant is the
Commander Kyla let the Ionians through the gate because
size of a mountain and cannot be overcome by mortal
Thalia is her grandmother—and Kyla has long lamented the
means. How can you oppose such a creature? Threats: When
separation of the people. Is she loyal to her father even so?
confronted in battle, Orta’s rage reaches its peak—shaking
the earth and sea, destroying homes on Soros and Ion, killing Thalia tricked Orta to smash the gate on the land bridge,
many citizens, as well as Thalia and King Vlakas. knowing that her granddaughter would grant them passage.
What magic in her weaving tricked the giant? Did she have divine aid?

98 Soros & Ion Soros & Ion 99

T ymisos
Towering walls of polished obsidian delineate the canals of the
labyrinth-isle of Tymisos. Many vessels carrying stout-hearted
adventurers have entered its maze-like channels, but none have
escaped. It is a tomb-land, heaped with the bones of past legends.

signs of the gods

As the mists recede, the gods reveal their desires through signs...
Apollo: God of Truth. His sign is a light blazing over the
horizon—beware a light that shines brighter than your own.
Athena: Goddess of Wisdom. Her sign is mouldering bread,
thrown overboard—knowing when to accept losses.
Demeter: Goddess of Customs. Her sign is a ragged cloak in
the rigging, as if a mourning cloth—remembrance of those lost.

As your vessel navigates narrow channels between towering
walls of sheer obsidian, you quickly lose your bearings and are
lost. The sailors guess at the correct path through the maze,
but after a few turnings, it’s obvious that the mist that stymies
your travel at sea has followed you here, ever pressing behind,
making retreat impossible. The only escape must be at the
heart of the labyrinth from whence a strange song emanates,
seeming to taunt you in an ancient, unknown tongue.
 Will you seek a path through the maze with careful navigation
or a cunning stratagem? Craft & Reason vs. The Labyrinth.
This is a Sacred contest—the curse of this place extracts a
toll on the mind and spirit if one is not resolute.
 Do you dare to scale the sheer walls and survey the route from
above? Blood & Valor vs. The Labyrinth. This is a Perilous
contest—the sheer walls are extremely challenging to climb,
and deadly if you slip.
If the heroes win the contest to navigate the labyrinth, give
them a 1d10 Advantage die on the trial to enforce the rations
(see the next page). If the heroes lose, give the Strife Player the
Advantage die for that trial.

Trials Char acters
ENFORCING THE RATIONS The Labyrinth (d8). Twisting (d8), Sheer-Walled (d8 Perilous),
The route through the maze is interminable—days slip away, Ancient (d6). Cold (Arts & Oration has no effect).
becoming weeks as you draw toward the center. Your ship runs The Siren (d8). Eternal (d8), Clarion-Voiced (d10), Selfish (d6).
dangerously low on supplies. You must enforce strict rationing The Song of the Lone Hero (While the Siren’s song rings
among the crew, or else slip into want and privations. Resolve out, fueling the Bull’s pride above all forgotten heroes, the
& Spirit vs. The Labyrinth. If the heroes lose, all contests here Bull gains a 1d8 Advantage die to all of its rolls).
become Epic—each hero pays Pathos to enter contests due to The Bull of Tymisos (d10). Massive (d8), Horn-Helmed (d8),
hunger and thirst. Or, they may sacrifice their crew to keep the Stone-Fisted (d8 Perilous), Vigilant (d6). Guardian (None
best rations for themselves, and stay strong. may interfere with the Siren without contesting the Bull
REMEMBRANCE OF THE FORGOTTEN first). Armor of Bones (While the Bull wears the armor
As you try to mark your progress through the obsidian labyrinth, made from the bones of forgotten heroes, Blood & Valor
you find faint scratches left on the walls. These were once contests against him are Mythic).
the epitaphs of the heroes lost here long ago, written in a
lost tongue—but someone has chiseled them away nearly to places
nothing. Will you try to divine their names and restore them to The Labyrinth Canals. Shallow waterways filled with fetid
memory? Craft & Reason vs. The Siren. seawater and the decayed carcasses of creatures who became
trapped here.
battle The Arena. A broad plaza of stone blocks at the center of the
At the center of the labyrinth is a broad arena of stone platforms. labyrinth, arrayed with platforms of various heights—seemingly
Upon the highest, the Siren, golden-haired and shining—source the site of some ancient temple or holy place.
of the taunting song you have heard echoing in the labyrinth.
Below prowls a massive warrior, the subject of the heroic song, Special rewards
clad in armor of bones, with a horned-skull helmet—this is the
Adamantine Chains: Gigantic, unbreakable chains, which may
Bull of Tymisos. In one hand, he clutches a great warhammer;
be used to capture and hold anything—even a god.
in the other, a tangle of adamantine chains that lead through
a ring high above, holding aloft the very walls of the labyrinth.
 Will you enter combat with the Bull, to overcome him and release
the chains to free your vessel? Threat: During the struggle, the The Siren adores the Bull above all others. Were they once
adamantine chains jerk to and fro, rumbling the labyrinth lovers? Did the Bull perform a great labor for the Siren and earn
walls, raining razor-sharp debris upon you—inflicting her adoration? Did the Siren lure heroes here just to prove the
2 Pathos on each hero and killing any remaining sailors. Bull’s superiority? Why did the Siren scratch away the record of
all the fallen heroes? Does she fear the vengeance of their shades
 Will you attempt subterfuge or guile to release the chains
if they’re ever remembered?
from the Bull’s grasp and free yourselves from the labyrinth?
Threat: The Siren’s song worms its way into your minds, The Armor of Bones is a defilement of heroes from ages past.
consuming you all with obsession—take two Bonds with What happens if their remains are given proper respect? Will their
the Siren. When you spend a Siren Bond, give her Name shades find rest, or seek vengeance on those who wronged them?
die to the Strife Player to roll against you. You may not use
other Bonds or Advantage dice until you use both Siren
Bonds—purging her music from your mind.

102 t ymisos t ymisos 103

Vr achoi
Vrachoi is a miserable cluster of unforgiving rocks. It’s said to be
sacred to Ares, an embodiment of his wrath and favor. High cliffs
are crowned with brilliant green plants and a single towering oak.

signs of the gods

As the mists recede, the gods reveal their desires through signs...
Ares: God of War. His sign is the broken shield—defeat of a
worthy foe.
Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt. Her sign is the fallen stag
crowned with arrow shafts.
Aphrodite: Goddess of Forbidden Love. Her sign is the caged
dove beating at its shackles.

The waters here are choppy and rough, cold spray splashes
over the hull of your ship. Vrachoi has only one small beach
and you must sail through a narrow pass filled with jagged
rocks to get there. Two magnificent warships patrol just off
the shore, blocking your entrance.
The Golden Galleon, a tall warship adorned with gleaming
brass fittings and rune-inscribed cannons belching white
fire. The crew shouts, “Our captain Aketa commands that we
destroy any ship that dares interfere with the negotiations.
Soon, they will free our king!”
The Kêtos, each of its three hulls made in the likeness of a blue-
scaled sea serpent, sails swiftly in a figure eight pattern, ready
to drive your ship against the jagged rocks. They boast, “Lies!
Our leader, Elise, will prevail. Soon your lands will be ours!”
 Will you speed directly to port and risk the cannon fire of Aketa’s
Golden Galleon? Blood & Valor vs. Aketa.
 Will you risk crashing into the rocks to outmaneuver Elise’s
Kêtos? Craft & Reason vs. Elise.
 Or will you challenge Ares and dare to find another way through
the teeth of the Vrachoi? Resolve & Spirit vs. Vrachoi.
If the heroes do not prevail in their arrival challenge, they are
delivered to the respective camps as captives!

Trials Char acters
BITTER RIVALRY Elise of Sekara (d8). Daring (d10 Perilous), Compassionate (d6),
Aketa and Elise are here for peace, but their feud is palpable. They Scion of the Four Winds (d8 Sacred).
will not speak of it, but their crew may have looser lips. Arts & Aketa of Prisos (d8). War-Trained (d10 Perilous), Aloof (d6),
Oration vs. The Sailors (2d6). If the heroes prevail, the sailors reveal Storm-Rider (d8).
that this treaty is doomed: King Medon, recently captured by Elise, Medon, Captured King of Prisos (d8). Well-Learned (d8),
would sooner die than allow his general, Aketa, to accept a treaty. Disapproving (d8).
PANKRATION Philosta, Priestess (d6). Vengeful (d8 Perilous), Guised as Elise’s
In their camp, Aketa plants a brilliant spear into the sand and General (d8). Divine Favor of Ares (Grants Advantage when
challenges your band to a day of pankration, a brutal mixture inciting violence).
of wrestling and boxing. Can you defeat them in this blood sport Vrachoi (d10). Jagged (d10 Perilous), Hungry (d10 Epic).
and earn their respect? Blood & Valor vs. Aketa. Voice of Ares (Contests of Arts & Oration are Mythic and
BOASTING AT NIGHTFALL if the heroes do not prevail, mark Ares’s Wrath).
As the sun sets, Vrachoi brings terrible wind and rain. Feeble
fires are not enough to shield you from the cold. Elise welcomes places
you to her camp to drink wine and boast of your great deeds. Encampments. Aketa’s camp sports red pavilions and a sparring
Arts & Oration vs. Elise. circle. Elise’s has hanging braziers producing sweet-smelling smoke.
PROTECTING THE CAPTIVE Twin Paths to the Cliff Top. Narrow trails, powerful winds,
King Medon is kept in Elise’s tent—none besides her generals and shifting rocks threaten climbers.
are allowed entry. In the dead of night, torchlight reveals the The Peak. Covered in purple flowers, anyone who stands at
silhouette of a figure inside the tent with a knife raised. Will the peak can shout and be heard by all on the island.
you prevent the assassin from murdering the captured king? Blood
& Valor vs. Philosta.
Special rewards
If the heroes save Medon, he commends their bravery. In Cloak of Ares: If the heroes prevail, Ares reveals himself and grants
payment for his debt to you, perhaps the king will reconsider his the victor his cloak, which cannot be pierced by mortal blades.
impossible demands of Aketa.

Elise loves Aketa but is terrified of admitting her feelings. Would
 Will you seek to reconcile the feud between Elise and Aketa? They Aketa use this against her if they knew? Do they feel the same way?
each respect—maybe even love—the other, but their past is
impossible to forget. Threats: Ares, displeased with your peace King Medon taunts his general, Aketa, from within his
efforts, casts boulders down from the mountain to crush both bonds. He rightfully blames them for his capture, and the
encampments (add 1d12 to the Defend contest). Elise steels guilt torments them. Is there any victory that Aketa could achieve
herself against weakness—she will never tell Aketa of her love. that would earn the king’s praise? Does he secretly support Elise?
 Or will you call for a trial of Ares’s favor and race to Vrachoi’s Philosta received a vision from Ares: Prisos and Sekara in ruins,
peak? Threats: Vrachoi thunders and quakes, casting Aketa conquered by outsiders. She believes her home will be safe if Elise
to their death on the rocks below. If he is still alive, Medon and Aketa sharpen their blades against each other so they are
breaks free of his bonds and commands Aketa’s fleet to prepared when the threat arrives. Did Ares grant her a foresight
destroy the Kêtos and all the sailors on it. into the future, or is he merely playing a game with his pawns?

106 vr achoi vr achoi 107

Filled with thick forest, natural springs, and hidden caves, the island
of Fenios is known for its yearly hunt of the legendary Golden Boar.

signs of the gods

As the mists recede, the gods reveal their desires through signs...
Hera: Goddess of Vengeance. Her sign is a fire pit, and the
guilty roasting on a spit above it.
Poseidon: God of Earthquakes. Through the mists you see a
towering building crumbling to the ground.
Athena: Goddess of Civilization. A gust of wind nearly capsizes
your ship, but for your sturdy rigging and coordinated efforts
of the sailors, who claim they were guided by her unseen hand.

On the shore, you hear shouts of panic, feel the ground shake,
and see the fabled Golden Boar of Fenios—taller than a house—
rampaging through the streets. Its powerful tusks sunder
anything, or anyone, that stands in its path. The boar’s body
is prickled with arrows and cuts, but it’s undeterred by these
wounds. It wears a mask affixed with chains. Behind it, you
see golden eyes filled with hate.
Ahead of you, inside the city, is a marble statue of Queen Isadora
circled by a ring of people holding hands. As if sensing their
determination to protect the monument, the Golden Boar
turns its attention to them and charges.
Their leader, a young woman who bears a striking resemblance to
the statue, commands the others to hold fast, “Kapra the Usurper
took my mother’s throne. She will not take her memory!”
 Will you convince the people to flee the charging beast and save
themselves? Arts & Oration vs. Nassia.
 Or will you aid the people and fend off the mighty boar? Blood
& Valor vs. Golden Boar. If the heroes prevail, they gain a
Bond with Nassia. If the boar prevails, the statue is destroyed
and many of Nassia’s followers perish.

Trials Char acters
NASSIA’S CONFIDENCE Isadora, Exiled Queen (d8). Adamant (d8), Shrewd (d8),
Nassia plans to take her mother’s throne back by force but her Protective of Nassia (d8 Perilous).
small band of hunters is no match for the Golden Boar and Nassia, Exiled Princess (d6). Vengeful (d8 Perilous), Bold (d8),
Kapra’s guards. Betrayed once, she is not trusting of strangers. Distrusting (d6). Inspiring (Grants Advantage when her
Will you offer her aid? Resolve & Spirit vs. Nassia to prove your followers bolster her).
honest intentions or Blood & Valor vs. Nassia (Mythic) to show Kapra, the Usurper (d8). Loyal (d8), Determined (d8 Perilous),
that you have the favor of Artemis. Golden-Masked (d8 Sacred). Ritual of Binding (The Golden
MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Boar provides 1d10 support).
Despite fighting for her honor, Nassia is not speaking to her Golden Boar (d10). Rampaging (d10 Perilous), Great-Tusked
mother Isadora. Though she keeps her thoughts private, Nassia (d8 Epic), Masked (d8 Sacred). Shackled (While bound to
believes Isadora a coward for accepting exile. Can you help them Kapra, Arts & Oration has no effect).
talk to each other again?
While rampaging, the Golden Boar is unassailable. It rests, Dense forest filled with fir and chestnut trees. Narrow paths
however, in the halls of Ano Steni, where Golden-Masked used by animals and hunters. Rivers and underground springs.
Kapra issues her commands. Can you sneak into the palace or Ano Steni: The high-walled palace. Now controlled by Kapra.
convince the guards you seek an audience with the “rightful” queen?
Nassia’s Camp: This quickly assembled camp of tents,
Craft & Reason or Arts & Oration vs. Kapra’s Guards (3d6). surrounded by low palisades, is home to Nassia, her loyal
If the guards prevail, the heroes are presented to Kapra in hunters, and the dethroned Isadora.
chains. If the heroes prevail, they gain a moment of privacy
with either the Golden Boar or Kapra. Will you divine what Special rewards
force controls the boar? Will you beseech Kapra to learn her story
Masks of the Beast. When worn by mortal and beast, they can
and claim to the throne?
speak with each other over any distance.
The prophecy of the Golden Boar sounds like something the Mysteries
queen contrived to further her own ambitions. Can you convince When Nassia was born, Queen Isadora received a prophecy
Isadora to tell you what the goddess of the hunt truly told her? from Artemis that one day the Golden Boar would take her.
Arts & Oration vs. Isadora. The queen told her people a lie—Artemis commanded them to
hunt the boar. She offered her throne to the first hunter who
battle returned with its tusks!
 Will you slay the Golden Boar and place who you see fit on For years, the Huntmaster Kapra saw the boar slay all who faced
the throne? Threats: The Golden Boar’s rampage topples it and begged the queen to call off the hunt, to no avail. Just before
the halls of Ano Steni, killing hundreds within. Nassia is this year’s hunt, Kapra entered the palace atop the Golden Boar
slain by the boar. and told Isadora she could give up the throne, or be killed on it.
 Or will you break Kapra’s hold on the beast? Threats: Word Did Kapra turn on the queen because she learned the true prophecy?
of Isadora’s lies surface and the people’s faith is broken. Or because her own child died in a hunt? Does she love the boar?
Isadora is slain. Nassia grew up idolizing Kapra and this year planned to join
the hunt. Does she fight now to restore her mother’s honor? Or
because Kapra broke her heart?

110 Fenios Fenios 111

Akoros is an isle from myth and legend, said to be the pleasure
garden of the nymph Orphne, the torchbearer of Hades. It possesses
only a single dwelling atop a forested hill, with strange lights
flickering all about in the darkness.

signs of the gods

As the mists recede, the gods reveal their desires through signs...
Hekate: Goddess of Witchcraft. Her sign is darkness—every
light snuffed out, every sentry blinded.
Hermes: God of Travel. His sign is a shining beacon in the
distance, guiding the lost back home.

As your ship approaches, you realize that the sunrise has bathed
you in its dull red glow for far too long—the sun is stopped in
the sky just below the horizon, the world trapped in twilight. As
you disembark, you see that the strange lights atop the hill are
ghostly blue flames, covering the manor house atop the hill like
a veil. From deep within, mournful weeping can be faintly heard.
All around the hill, scores of shadowy, translucent figures
wander—desolate shades of the dead, somehow freed from
their toil in the underworld. The sailors quail and lose heart.
This is a haunted place!
 Will you attempt to rush past the spirits to the manor house?
Blood & Valor vs. The Dead. Or will you make the appropriate
offerings of blood and prayers to appease them while you pass?
Resolve & Spirit vs. The Dead.
 Will you stride brazenly through the veil of fire? Resolve & Spirit
vs. Phobos, the Blue Flame. Or will you find a clever way to
circumvent it and enter the house? Craft & Reason vs. Erastos.
 The sailors cannot bear the dread from the wandering shades
and darkness. Left alone without assurances from the heroes,
they will flee with the ship and become lost in the mists forever.
Arts & Oration vs. The Dead. Heroes who prevail also earn
a Bond with the sailors.

Trials Char acters
THE SANCTUM OF ERASTOS Orphne, Torchbearer of Hades (d10). Dutiful (d8 Sacred),
The manor house is dark and ominous, echoing with strange Distant (d8 Sacred), Sad (d6).
sounds—whenever you look away, the doors and hallways Erastos, Magician (d8). Well-Learned (d8 Perilous), Defiant (d8),
shift and change, receding as if in a dream. Can you make your Obsessed (d10). Necromancer (Erastos may wield Phobos’s
way through the dark, ever-shifting corridors of the manor house Name die as an Advantage die in contests. When he does,
to find the source of the weeping? Craft & Reason vs. Erastos. the contest is Mythic).

DISCERN THE TRUTH The Dead (d8). Despairing (d8), Vengeful (d8 Perilous), Lost (d6).
The nymph Orphne, the torchbearer of Hades, is trapped in the Ghostly (Mortal weapons and tools have no effect).
manor house, held fast by the baleful blue flames of Phobos, Phobos, the Blue Flame (d10). Dreadful (d8 Mythic),
somehow let loose from her torch. Orphne is overwhelmed Agonizing (d8 Epic). Cold (Arts & Oration has no effect).
by sorrow, but soothing words may lead her to tell you the Ghostly (Mortal weapons and tools have no effect).
truth of what has happened here. Arts & Oration vs. Orphne.
The portal to the underworld issues forth foul vapors and the The Sanctum of Erastos: A grand manor house, enchanted to
cries of the dead. become a labyrinthine prison for the nymph Orphne.
 Blood & Valor vs. The Dead to find Erastos in the underworld The Portal: A ritual site in the central courtyard of the manor,
and force him back to earth. arrayed with occult instruments that were used to tear a rift in the
world so that Erastos could plumb the depths of the underworld.
 Resolve & Spirit vs. Erastos to seal the rift. Will you seal it
with the dead still free in the living world?
Special Rewards
battle The Blue Flame: A sacred fire contained in a torch which
may pierce through illusions and control the spirits of the
 Will you bring Erastos to judgment? He is a powerful magician
and will oppose you with arcane forces. Threats: Erastos
removes the safeguards from his magic, causing the manor
to twist and destroy itself, plunging the heroes, himself, Mysteries
Orphne, and the shades into the depths of Tartaros. Erastos seeks knowledge and power in the underworld. Why
 Will you return the dead to the underworld? The longer they does he crave this power? Is he jealous of the gods? Did he lose
are free, the more they remember their lives and seek to someone important to him, and now seeks to overcome the sting
stay in the world of mortals. Threat: The spirit of Artesia, of death? Will he attempt to dethrone Hades himself?
the legendary poet and oracle, escapes the island. The spirit Orphne was tricked by Erastos, who used the blue flame of her
of Kalabos, blood-thirsty war-leader, escapes the island. torch to trap her on earth while he explores the underworld
Orphne is stripped of her status by Hades for failing in unseen. Is she ashamed because she failed in her duty? Does she
her duties. seek vengeance against Erastos, or does she understand his reasons?
Does she fear reprisal from Hades? If her torch is never relit, and
the rift unsealed, what becomes of the shades of the dead? Will
they all wander unseen from the underworld, back into the eternal
twilight of the earth?

114 akoros akoros 115

Gulf of Karis
A glistening and inescapable expanse of sea. The center is calm
and placid. Any who try to leave, however, are met with staggering
winds and powerful waves that push them back.

signs of the gods

As the mists recede, the gods reveal their desires through signs...
Poseidon: Lord of the Sea. His sign is the sunken crown—
humanity brought low by arrogance.
Aphrodite: Goddess of Beauty. Her sign is the abalone shell—
covered in barnacles on the surface, gleaming iridescent inside.
Hermes: God of Travelers. His sign is a rousing morning song
from the sailors—fearlessly greeting this new day.

As the fog parts, you see the gods have delivered you to a stretch
of sea that is empty except for another lone ship trapped just as
you are. The sailors aboard it are in the middle of a fierce debate.
“Chara should be thrown overboard, she brought us here.”
Chara’s brother Zenakos responds even louder “No! It is
Marinos we should drown. He offended Poseidon with his
failed sacrifice and only if we punish him will the lord of the
oceans forgive us!” In their anger, the sailors do not notice
the mournful thrumming coming from the waters below, like
lamentations of a lost lover. The brilliant colored, spear-like
claws of the Karis rise from the water to sunder their ship in
a drowning embrace.
 Will you outmatch their shouts to make the strangers listen
to you and board your ship before they are drowned? Arts &
Oration vs. Zenakos, who shouts loudest of all.
 Will you dive into the water to pry the monstrous claws loose
and give the ship a chance to escape? Blood & Valor vs. Karis.
 Will you try to lure the Karis away with the promise of tastier
prey? Craft & Reason vs. Karis (Perilous, Mythic). The best
hero gains a Bond with Marinos.

Trials Char acters
FIGUREHEAD LOST Chara, Aspiring Leader (d8). Young (d6), Dreamer (d8), Proud (d8).
The figurehead of Chara’s boat, a beautifully carved image of Marinos, Devotee of Poseidon (d6). Cursed (d10 Sacred), Deep-
the sea nymph Amphitrite, broke free during Marinos’s sacrifice Eyed (d8).
and sank into the waters below, waking the Karis. Can you Zenakos, Chara’s Brother (d6). Loud (d8), Protective (d8),
swim to the sandy ocean floor, sneak past Karis, and recover it? Impetuous (d8 Perilous).
Craft & Reason vs. Karis.
Karis (d10). Spear-Clawed (d10 Perilous), Lonely (d8), Brilliant-
ZENAKOS’S ANGER Colored (d6). Desolate (Heroes must present a gift that
Zenakos stares into the sea with hateful eyes “This is a cursed reminds the Karis of home before a contest of Arts & Oration).
place! We’ll only be free of it once we slay the beast and prove Waves of Poseidon (d10). Wrathful (d12 Mythic), Massive (d10
our might to the gods.” Will you declare the Karis another victim Epic), Cruel (d10 Perilous). Cold (Arts & Oration has no effect).
of Posiedon’s cruelty and placate Zenakos’s rage? Arts & Oration Invulnerable (Blood & Valor has no effect).
vs. Zenakos. Or will you stop him with force? Blood & Valor vs.
Zenakos. If Zenakos is undeterred, he and many of Chara’s sailors
will die, his spear alone inflicting a grievous wound on the Karis. places
Endless placid warm sea, bobbing driftwood and debris. Ships
PEACE BETWEEN CHARA AND MARINOS full of languid sailors, baking in the sun.
Chara’s people are torn. Some wish they had never left their
The Gulf Edge: Just at the edge where the calm gulf meets
island, some that they could appease the sea god and move
the raging sea, signs of the outside world sometimes appear,
on. At the heart of their differences are Chara and Marinos,
tossed inward by the great waves.
who are no longer speaking.
Cabin of Marinos: A shrine to all of the gods, including carved
 Marinos holds that Chara overreached and displeased the
wooden statues of each Olympian.
gods by asking for too much. He wants to return home.
 Chara believes this is but another test. A land of gold and
nectar await if they are brave enough to overcome it. Special rewards
Gift of Karis: The smallest of its barbed claws shed as a gift
Can you bring either one to understand the other? Arts & Oration
makes a hefty spear. Any who carry it may speak with sea life.
vs. Chara or Marinos.

Poseidon’s wrath: Was it Chara’s desire or Marinos’s clumsiness
 Will you steel yourselves and face the torrential storms and the
that brought on the sea god’s wrath? Or simply his cruel whims?
Waves of Poseidon that surround the gulf? If the heroes have not
recovered the Figurehead of Amphitrite, each contest against Karis is a titanic crustacean with a segmented carapace,
the Waves of Poseidon are Sacred. Threat: The ocean’s long multi-pupiled eyes, and claws that spear any prey that enters
arm reaches over Chara’s ship and drags it to the bottom of its reach. Is Karis trapped here? Did it come from the depths of the
the sea, trapping Chara and her people for eternity. sea or was it once a man who angered Poseidon himself?
 Or will you appease the Karis and beckon it to carry you away Chara was expected to lead her people and follow the traditions
from this lonesome place? Threat: In an outburst of loneliness they had for generations. What event spurred her to find a new
and rage, the Karis sinks one of the ships. In despair, it home? What vows did she break by leaving the island?
claims Marinos.

118 gulf of Karis gulf of Karis 119

Speir a
The island of Speira is a towering volcanic rock rising from the sea,
ever wreathed in ash and fire, dark skies thundering with storms.
The legendary craftsman Kasibios calls this foreboding place home.
Rusting metal hulks of his discarded prototype inventions decorate
the slopes of the volcano, their wondrous gears and steam pipes
glistening in the orange light of flowing lava.

signs of the gods

As the mists recede, the gods reveal their desires through signs...
Hephaistos: God of Crafting. While repairing the ship, a sailor’s
hammer slips from her hand, shattering a clay effigy of Zeus.
Zeus: Lord of the Sky. Through the mists ahead, you see the
silhouette of the peaks of Speira, bombarded by a shower of
thunderbolts from the sky.

As your vessel emerges from the mists and you behold the
burning peaks of Speira, you are suddenly assailed by a barrage
of flying metal—hundreds of harpoons pierce your ship
(and some of your crew), each trailing a glittering metallic
cable, pulled taught to massive winches embedded in the
mountainside. Your ship is seized from the waters and pulled
at great speed up the mountain slope, drawn into a maw of
whirling gears to be sundered to pieces!
 Will you rally your overwhelmed crew to abandon ship and
save their lives before it’s too late? Resolve & Spirit vs. The
Mechanisms. If the heroes fail, most of their sailors perish as
the harpoons and metal cables pierce every part of the ship.
 Can you free your vessel from the harpoons before it’s utterly
destroyed? Blood & Valor vs. The Mechanisms. If the heroes
fail, their vessel is torn asunder—its pieces carried away
into the depths of the volcano. They’ll have to find a way to
restore it or secure another vessel in order to leave this place.

Trials Char acters
THE SCRAP HEAP Kasibios (d8). Brilliant (d8 Epic), Prideful (d8), Reckless (d8).
Within the mountain, great machines whirl endlessly, grinding Aradus, Priest of Hephaistos (d8). Dedicated (d8), Wild (d8),
salvage into scrap, which is carried by spider-like clockwork Resourceful (d6).
mechanisms through trap doors and chutes to a workshop The Lost (d6). Sickly (d6), Desperate (d8), Afraid (d6).
sitting atop a titanic drill far below, digging in the depths of the
volcano. Will you evade the notice of the mechanisms and attempt to The Mechanisms (d8). Spidery-Clockwork (d8 Perilous).
salvage or repair your ship? Craft & Reason vs. The Mechanisms. Endless (So long as Kasibios has his workshop, they cannot
be permanently defeated, even in a battle). Learning
THE LOST Machines (Add 1d8 to their pool for each previous contest
Amidst the wreckage are people marooned here by the they’ve had against a foe).
scavenging mechanisms, many close to death. Among them
is Aradus, who was once Kasibios’s partner, and helped build places
the drill that now drives to crack open the gates of Tartaros
Black-rocked mountain slopes under a rain of ash and
itself, freeing the titan Kronos, who will surely ascend to
embers, littered with strange machinery and other remnants
Olympos to slay Zeus. Aradus begs you to turn the drill so it
of manufacture. The lava-lit inner chambers of the volcano.
instead breaks the chains of Prometheus, the titan who gave
fire to humankind, now unjustly imprisoned in the underworld. The Bore Shaft. A super-heated vertical tunnel of partially
molten rock in the wake of the drill, thousands of feet deep.
Will you give aid to the Lost and try to save those closest to death?
Craft & Reason vs. Deprivations (3d6). The Workshop. An obsidian dome sitting atop a titanic drill,
grinding ever downward to the depths of Tartaros.
Will you dare to descend into the super-heated bore shaft of the
drill, down to the workshop dome, to confront its maker? Blood
& Valor vs. The Mechanisms. Special rewards
Star Metal: The drill is made from pieces of legendary star
battle metal, which, when crafted into a weapon, may even harm a god.
 Will you stop the drill? It has no controls with which to halt
its progress. Kasibios (with his mechanisms) opposes you. Mysteries
If the heroes threaten to destroy the drill in the process, Kasibios drives his great drill ever downward to Tartaros.
Aradus will aid Kasibios, granting a 1d8 Advantage die. What drives him to such effort? Did the gods take away someone
Threats: Tampering with the drill causes it to shear through precious to him? Does he intend to free Kronos to destroy the
the rock and bring down the mountain, killing the Lost. As gods? Will he attempt to steal their power somehow with his
the mountain falls, it cracks the gates of Tartaros. mechanisms—perhaps freeing humankind from dependence on
 Will you turn the drill to free Prometheus? Kasibios and the the gods, ushering in an age of technology?
mechanisms oppose you, while Aradus gives you a 1d8 Aradus wants to free Prometheus. Does he do this simply because
Advantage die. Will you keep it on course to release Kronos? Aradus he believes it’s right to free the being who gave fire to humanity?
opposes you, while Kasibios gives you a 1d8 Advantage die. Does he expect a reward from the titan? If Aradus prevails and
Threats: Tampering with the drill causes it to shear through the drill frees Prometheus, what will that mean for gods and men?
the rock and bring down the mountain, killing the Lost. Zeus
sees what you do and is enraged (fill Zeus’s Wrath to 3).

122 Speir a Speir a 123

This legendary isle is home to the Moirai, three sister goddesses who
allot, weave, and cut the strands of fate. On rolling green hills and in
small villages live devout mortals who shear fleece, spin wool into yarn,
maintain the loom, and sharpen the scissors in service of the gods.

signs of the gods

As the mists recede, the gods reveal their desires through signs...
Ares: Lord of War. His sign is the splintered shield—what is
broken should be discarded and forgotten.
Hephaistos: Crafter of the Gods. His sign is the empty forge—
without bellows, the coals of his furnace cool.

When you arrive on this mythical island, you find a village
in disrepair. Stacks of dirty fleece lie abandoned on wool-
washing tables, half-shorn sheep wander through the streets,
and woodworking projects lie abandoned.
The people—renowned for their devoted service to the Moirai—
are throwing rotten fruit at an elderly man as they shout insults.
Leading the mob, Euphemia the herder entreats you to punish
the villain Kellos the knife grinder, who stole from the gods. The
man seems pitiful and repentant, not the villain Euphemia claims.
 Will you convince Kellos to reveal the secret he has withheld?
Arts & Oration vs. Kellos. If he wins, Kellos cries out, “If I
wronged the gods, let me be judged by them!” As he speaks
the words, the heroes and Kellos are transported to the loom
factory of the Moirai! If he loses, Kellos tells his tale. He stole
the shears of Atropos and cast them into the Forgotten Gorge.
Either way, one of your fates are now entangled with Kellos.
 Or will you admonish Euphemia for her cruelty? Resolve & Spirit
vs. Euphemia. If she wins, a member of the mob is so incited
by her passion that they throw a stone instead of rotted fruit
and strike Kellos dead. If she loses, the crowd is mollified, and
Euphemia reveals that she blames Kellos for robbing her of
her victory over Spyridon, who she rightfully bested! Either
way, one of your fates are now entangled with Euphemia.

Trials Char acters
UNBRIDLED LOOM Spyridon, Herder (d6). Carefree (d8), Blessed (d10), Spry (d6).
As the goddesses debate over who is to blame, their loom Fortune (The first contest with Spyridon is Epic. The heroes
continues to weave and the knot of fate grows. Can you convince describe how they suffer misfortune and must try again).
Lachesis to pause the allotment of her yarn and prevent more fates Euphemia, Herder (d6). Envious (d8 Perilous), Righteous (d8),
from becoming entangled? Arts & Oration vs. Lachesis. If the Hardworking (d6).
heroes prevail, the best gains a Bond with Atropos and the Kellos, the Knife Grinder (d6). Honor-Bound (d10), Wild (d6).
loom of fate stops.
The Moirai (2d12 Mythic). Lachesis the Alloter (Impatient d8).
ENTANGLED FATES Atropos the Unturning (Unyielding d8). Klotho the Spinner
Their fates entangled, one of the heroes glimpses an impending (Inscrutable d8).
disaster about to befall Kellos or Euphemia. Will you race to Forgotten Gorge (d10). Vast (d10 Perilous), Revealing (d10),
protect them? Blood & Valor vs. Disaster (1d8, 1d10 Perilous). If Haunted (d10 Mythic). Cold (Arts & Oration has no effect).
the heroes do not save them, the islander and the hero whose
fate is entangled suffers a grievous wound, killing the islander
and inflicting Pathos on the hero. places
Bizarre happenings. Rain of fish, homes without walls, sudden
WAYWARD SPYRIDON landslides, blown glass floating like bubbles.
Spyridon woke this morning on earth instead of in the
Hall of the Moirai: Gigantic proportions. Lined with tapestries
underworld. He stretched his old bones and now rejoices on
depicting great and terrible acts, including those of the heroes.
the hilltop, tending to his sheep. Will you convince him to return
and face his fate? Arts & Oration vs. Spyridon. Or will you capture Forgotten Gorge: Where unused strands of fate are discarded.
him instead? Blood & Valor vs. Spyridon. If Spyridon does not Filled with lost dreams. Leads to the River Lethe.
accept his fate before he dies, his shade will haunt the heroes.
Special rewards
Drawn in wefts on the loom are your recent triumphs and Loom of Fate: If the heroes reweave the weft of fate, they may
defeats. Will you steal the bobbin from Klotho and weave a different change the outcome of one of their deeds, forever changing
history? Craft & Reason vs. Klotho. their past (and removing one mark of Fate).

battle Mysteries
 Will you delve into the Forgotten Gorge to recover the Shears of Kellos stole the Shears of Atropos to save Spyridon. Was it
Atropos? Threats: The gorge reveals paths the heroes could because Spyridon saved him once long ago? Did he know Spyridon
have followed. The leader glimpses a life where they returned was the only one gifted enough to make yarn for the Moirai? Or does
home and brought ruin with them. They gain a new Epithet, he love Spyridon so much that he cannot suffer a world without him?
“The Wanderer,” and will never return home. Spyridon enters Euphemia killed Spyridon out of envy. For years she produced
the cave and is mesmerized; he will never leave. the finest yarn—yet the Moirai chose Spyridon’s instead. Did she
 Or will you convince the Moirai they need to find another way best him in fair combat as she says? Or did she murder him in the night?
to cleave the strands? Threats: Lachesis shortens the thread Deathless island. Until the shears are returned, death does not
she has allocated for the leader and they mark two boxes hold in Chordia. When Apollo’s sun rises, any who have perished
of Fate. Kellos, no longer needed if there are no shears, is wake restored. Hades is denied his rightful claim. What will
exiled—his hatred for you is everlasting.
happen to those who died on the island if the shears are returned?

126 chordia chordia 127

The isle of Enu is remarkable for a large ring of standing stones that
encircle its harbor. Beyond them lies a dense forest that devours
any light that enters it. Legend tells of a magical poppy that grows
in a protected glade deep in the forest, which grants an imbiber
their dreams come true.

signs of the gods

As the mists recede, the gods reveal their desires through signs...
Apollo: God of Music and Healing. His sign is the last ember
of a setting sun, promising to rise again.
Hekate: Keeper of Lore. Her signs are ghost stories told by the
sailors, each more grim than the last.

It is late at night when the fog clears. In the harbor village, a
fire has broken out and is leaping from one building to another
as you arrive.
Despite the size of the village, there is only one person in the
streets, trying in vain to contain the blaze. She seems terribly
weary, as if she is already pushed beyond her limits, yet still
staggers forward. Everyone else lies upon the ground, fast
asleep, trapped in an eternal dream.
Sorcha, torchbearer of Apollo, is the last one on the island to
fight off the infectious slumber. In her attempts to rouse the
others, she accidentally started this fire.
 Will you aid Sorcha in extinguishing the fires before they spread
further? Craft & Reason vs. Fires (2d8 Perilous).
 Will you charge into the houses and pull the sleeping bodies
from them before they are consumed in the flames? Blood &
Valor vs. Fires (1d8, 1d10 Epic).

Trials Char acters
THE LONG NIGHT AHEAD Sorcha (d8). Exhausted (d6), Steadfast Torchbearer (d8 Sacred).
Sorcha, her torch burning low, entreats you, “Please help me, Perbanter, the Waking (d6). Handsome (d6), Vain (d6), Restless (d6).
great heroes. I must make it through the night! Should I fall Perbanter, the Dreamer (d10). Resplendent (d10 Epic),
asleep before the sun rises, I will never wake. Who among you Vain (d10 Perilous), Restless (d6).
has a tale of such greatness and glory to be my shield against
the slumber of Morpheus?” Oneiroi (d10 Sacred). Alluring (d8), Black-Winged (d8).
Isolating (Heroes cannot support each other in conflicts).
The greater the story told, the brighter her torch will blaze.
 What glorious challenge will you recount for Sorcha to keep places
her from Morpheus’s grasp?
Honey and wine in amphoras—signs of a sacrifice made
In order determined by the leader, each hero recalls a worthy to Apollo. Games, stages set for performances, and other
challenge the band faced together before they were lost at sea. distractions, all surrounded by slumbering citizens.
A tale of strife in your homeland, combat in the war, or some
Ring of Stones: Erected as a ward against the magic from
other trying time. Each tale is resolved as a contest.
within the forest, one of these massive stones has recently been
The Hero Player announces the Domain and the Strife Player toppled. Ropes, levers, and broken tools indicate the ousting
reveals the challenge the group faced (3d6 for a moderate took several attempts.
challenge or 3d8 for a tougher one). Together, the group recalls
The Living Dream: A version of Enu filled with everyone who
the story, resolving the contest to learn how the heroes fared.
has fallen asleep. The games of Apollo are starting, but the sun
The outcomes of the contests—including Bonds, Pathos, is muted in the sky. Perbanter is the victor in every contest
marking Divine Favor, and gaining Glory—apply normally. The and is showered with adulations from his mother and father.
memory of these stories—told with such passion—evoke the
Forest of Eternal Slumber: Densely packed fir trees protect a
triumph and suffering. Additionally, if the heroes prevail in a
glade within, where a field of red poppies grow. Haunted by
challenge, the best hero gains a Bond with Sorcha.
the Oneiroi.

Special rewards
 At dawn—protected by Apollo’s light—will you let Sorcha
The Poppy of Peaceful Slumber: Ingesting a single seed from
guide you into Perbanter’s dream, wake him, and break the
this poppy will grant a night of peaceful sleep.
spell? Threats: Sorcha is consumed by the dreams, never
to wake. Morpheus claims a dozen of the island’s sleepers
as his vassals; new Oneiroi are born. Mysteries
 Or will you go to the edge of the forest, fight off the Oneiroi, and Perbanter struck a bargain with the Oneiroi. They pledged to
restore the Ring of Stones that once protected the people of Enu make his dreams come true in exchange for Perbanter toppling the
from these nightmares? Threats: Oneiroi, the baleful dreams, stone ward. Is he a petulant man unable to accept his own mediocrity?
escape the forest to haunt the people of Enu. Perbanter, still Is this dream his only chance to reunite with his deceased parents?
inside the forest, becomes one of the Oneiroi, a nightmare Any who sleep at night are trapped in the living dream of the
of self-loathing that visits the heroes in their dreams. Oneiroi. If Sorcha’s torch is extinguished, they will claim domain
over the island. Do they serve Hekate, wroth that the people of
Enu praise Apollo for the day, but not her mother Nyx for the night?

130 enu enu 131

A primeval place, unknown to human memory.

signs of the gods

The gods give no signs here.

As your ship emerges from the mists, you behold an impossible
sight—you sail no longer upon the wine-dark sea, but upon a
sea of clouds, far above the earth, higher even than the Vault
of Heaven. Stars twinkle dimly below. In the far distance, a
shimmering mountaintop pierces the clouds—surely that is
Olympos, home of the gods. Ahead, an even greater peak rises,
a green and lovely mountainside dotted with spotless white
buildings, and at the summit, a massive crystal basin that
catches a waterfall flowing from the firmament.
The people, all young and radiant in the sun’s light, greet you
with joyous celebration. They lead you into their acropolis,
where you are served a bountiful feast. Dozens of artists set to
work composing songs of your glory, carving heroic statues in
your image, and engraving your deeds upon plaques of gold.
The festive day seems endless in songs, arts, and feasting. But
eventually, the sun sets, prompting the people to their beds.
You’ve barely fallen asleep when you’re roused by sounds of
destruction and baleful howls shattering the night’s stillness.
All through the settlement, savage beast-folk, covered in
bristling fur, with slathering jaws and razor claws, stalk about—
tearing down tapestries, rending engravings asunder, toppling
statues—destroying all evidence of the day’s artwork.
The people are nowhere to be seen. When a group of beasts catches
your scent, they spring upon you, jaws snapping at your throats!
 Can you stand against the bloody fury of these inhuman
monsters? Blood & Valor vs. The Primordials.
Note: The heroes are beyond the sight of the gods here, and
may not invoke Divine Favor until they find a way to attract
the gods’ attention.

Trials Char acters
THE MIRROR OF THE MOON The Primordials (d8). Eternal (d8), Pure (d6), Cursed (d6).
Every night, the moon glows brightly here, reflecting off a huge Sun-Blessed (During the day, they are Sacred and gain
mirror on the mountainside above the settlement. Everywhere Advantage for contests of Arts & Oration and Craft & Reason).
its light falls, plants flourish wildly, overgrowing buildings— Moon-Touched (During the night, they are Perilous and
roots bursting through foundations, ivy covering walls. The gain Advantage for contests of Blood & Valor and Resolve &
cold, pale light also seems to drive the savage beasts to their Spirit). Undying (Primordials who die in the night return
frenzy. Will you attempt to break the mirror? Shards from its outer at dawn, and vice versa).
edge detach and form into a guardian creature, who slays any The Mirror Guardian (d10). Shifting (d8), Blinding (d8).
who come near. Blood & Valor vs. The Mirror Guardian. If the Undying (If destroyed, both the mirror and guardian will
mirror is broken, the beast-creatures return to human form. re-form under the light of the sun or the moon).

THE ATTENTION OF THE GODS Khaos, the origin of all things (2d12 Epic, Perilous). Infinity-
Distant Olympos is mostly hidden by clouds, far below the Shifting (d10).
heights of Kykonia. How will you attract the attention of the
gods so you might once again benefit from their Divine Favor? places
The feast halls of the primordials, their decorated homes
and plazas, public baths, and sculpture gardens. The wild
When the sun rises, the mirror reflects its light (re-forming if mountainside; its forests, lakes, waterfalls, and fields.
it was broken). Everywhere it touches, the overgrowth of the
night turns to dust, the works of civilization are restored, and
the beasts return to human form, oblivious to the events of the Special rewards
night. They resume praising and feasting you, creating artworks The Waters of the Firmament: These magical waters glow
anew. Will you speak to them of the beasts and destruction? Can with a pale light. A sip is enough to sustain life under any
you make them understand? Arts & Oration vs. The Primordials. conditions for a day—without the need for any sustenance,
protection from the elements, or even breath.
Can you understand what’s happening here? Perhaps you can
investigate the art and writings of the primordials (before they’re
once again destroyed by the beasts)? Craft & Reason vs. The Khaos, the origin of all things, has brought you to this place.
Primordials. Perhaps you can commune with nature under the Khaos exists as the void created when the cosmos loses its
moonlight (or even soothe the beasts and understand their plight)? primordial unity. The cycle of human expression and natural
Resolve & Spirit vs. The Primordials. growth in this place holds the balance for all of creation. What
is upset here will tip the balance across the cosmos, allowing
Khaos to expand once again. New life, new lands, even new
battle gods may come into being. If the heroes stop the cycle somehow,
 Do you dare upset the balance of creation and unleash Khaos? can they be free of their wanderings in the mists? Can they return
Then face The Gods (4d12 Epic, Sacred). Threat: Petty Zeus home? Or can they set sail into chaos itself, charting a course to
hurls a thunderbolt toward each of the heroes’ homelands. strange new lands beyond their imagining?
 Or will you slip away from this place by riding the waterfall If any of the primordials understand what’s happening to them,
of the firmament, evading the notice of Khaos and leaving the will they want to leave this place? And in what form? Can they
balance undisturbed? Threat: Khaos follows you (add Khaos leave at all?
to the Vault of Hevean and mark its Wrath).

134 kykonia kykonia 135

Creating an Island trials that address its symptoms—how can the heroes diminish
the harm being done? A trial does not solve the root problem.
A good trial is consequential. The outcome changes the
concept situation dramatically. People’s lives are saved (or lost), secrets
Start with a general concept in a couple short phrases. What’s the are revealed, minds are changed, the status quo is destroyed.
cool thing that this island is about? The concept will help you get The most important trial is the arrival. What’s the first problem
started, but it’s also great as a summary you can share with other that confronts the heroes when they land on the island?
Agon players so they can include it in their list of places to explore.
A good arrival is revealing. It’s an exciting and consequential
A good concept is exciting. Agon islands are locations for trial, but it also establishes what’s wrong on the island. After
adventure. Your concept should get you thinking about exciting the arrival, the heroes must propel themselves into action, so
moments of action. Think about the four Domains. Is this a reveal the bigger problems with the first contest.
good place for contests of Arts & Oration? Blood & Valor? Craft
& Reason? Resolve & Spirit? A good concept should connect The trials lead to a final battle, in which the heroes can remove
to at least two Domains, but all four is better. the strife once and for all.

Consider which two or three gods might take interest in this A good battle is decisive. Strife persists or the heroes bring it
concept and what signs they would use to convey their desires. to an end. It’s okay to have more than one battle on an island,
but one of them should be obviously final. After this battle, the
action on the island comes to a close and its fate is decided.
char acters
Imagine a few characters (three to five) that embody the concept mysteries
of the island. How does the concept manifest among the leaders?
Among the people? In the natural and supernatural worlds? What questions do the characters and trials raise? Highlight a
Is there a monster that causes the strife (or was caused by it?) few for the Strife Player to answer in play. In an island write-
up, we call these questions mysteries.
A good character is simple. They want something concrete
and will conflict with those who oppose them. Don’t try to A good mystery is a loaded question. Include a partial answer
make complex people with a myriad of traits. Simplify each with the question, and ask if maybe it’s true. Infuse the questions
character into their singular desire and two to three qualities with a strong point of view to help the Strife Player form their
to remember them by. own thoughts—either supporting your hypothesis or rejecting
it with their own ideas. It’s easier to customize when you have
Some of the characters will be obvious opponents for the heroes something to work with.
and some will be obvious allies. After you’ve made the characters,
consider ways in which an opponent might be become an ally,
and vice versa. This will help you create conflicts and feed into Special Rewards
the questions of customization (the final element). Consider what unique and remarkable reward the heroes might
gain from helping the people, defying the gods, overcoming
For more details on creating characters, see page 138.
great challenges, or uncovering mysteries.
A special reward may be a trophy taken from the island that grants
the heroes an Advantage die in future contests. Or it might impart
How are the characters in conflict? This forms the basis for the unique abilities such as speaking to animals, restoring life, or
strife of the island. Strife is the core trouble that keeps the island even gaining immortality. The reward should match the source it
in a state of woe. As long as it persists, no goodness can prosper comes from, which may include the cause of strife on the island,
here. Once you’ve established the strife, create three or four an aspect of the natural world, or the manifested power of a god.

136 137
Creating Char acters  Advantage dice: A magic spell, powerful item, loyal follower,
divine blessing, or other gift can be reflected as an Advantage
A minor character doesn’t need to be written up in detail—if die (page 57)—until the heroes find a way to circumvent it.
they’re a worthy challenge in play, simply assign dice on the fly  Immunity: Some opponents (like beasts, aspects of nature,
(usually 2d6 is good). For the notable characters of an island, or machines) can’t be affected by certain Domains.
though, determine their Name and Epithet dice as well as
their special abilities and threats. The Serpent of Nimos is Cold—the heroes cannot engage
in a contest of Arts & Oration with it.
Na me and epithet Dice  Numbers: Characters that outnumber or overwhelm
Name dice range from d6 to d10 for most characters, the heroes may prevent them from spending Bonds or
representing their experience and renown. Only the gods supporting each other.
(and the greatest heroes) can wield d12 Name dice.
An army of skeletons rise up from the earth to pull the heroes
 d6 Name: Common. Soldiers, laborers, artisans. apart from each other.
 d8 Name: Illustrious. Wise rulers, potent warriors, infamous
scoundrels, dangerous places, devout priests.  Requirements: Some foes—legendary creatures, spirits, or
even the gods themselves—may have special requirements
 d10 Name: Legendary. Monsters, mythic places, demigods.
that restrict the way the heroes can face them. Finding a
Rare opponents may have two Name dice to represent their way to contend with such foes can be a trial in and of itself.
potency— they seldom fail to challenge even the greatest of heroes.
A shade might become corporeal only during the night
Epithet ratings range from d6 to d10.
under a full moon.
 d6 Epithet: The quality is mundane, but noteworthy. —
 d8 Epithet: The quality is exceptional. The heroes must evade the gorgon’s petrifying gaze—a
 d10 Epithet: The quality is unrivaled—the stuff of legend. contest of Craft & Reason—before attacking her directly.

Red-Banner Champion (d8). Relentless (d8), Towering (d6).

Eris, Goddess of Discord (2d12). Chaos-Bringer (d10). Threats
The most dangerous opponents on an island pose a threat to
the people and the heroes. Consider the disasters they might
Special Abilities inflict if their threat is not prevented:
Beyond their die ratings, granting characters special abilities  Many unnamed characters suffer or perish. Death, famine,
allows the Strife Player to create even more formidable foes. exile, heartbreak, sickness, or hopelessness might be the
 Harmful traits: Assign Epic, Mythic, Perilous, or Sacred to an end of them.
Epithet to reflect a more dangerous foe. Assign a harmful  The heroes’ possessions, their ship, or features of the island
trait to a character’s Name if they’re especially threatening may all be threatened by collateral damage. Items and places
in all forms of contests. See Harm, page 31. may be lost, broken, stolen, or destroyed.
The priest Makis requires the heroes to prove their favor  Named characters—especially those who would naturally
from the gods before he’ll listen to them—he has the Epithet ally with the heroes—may be defeated. They might be
“Pious” (d8 Mythic). imprisoned, turned against the heroes, lost at sea, or slain.
 The reputation or legend of the heroes is besmirched,
accursed or otherwise ruined.

138 139
To get started with island creation, use these tables to generate ideas.

Environs events
1 Rocky, volcanic hills and twisted black trees 1 Athletic games
2 Tall, snow-capped mountains, clear streams and lakes 2 Harvest festival
3 Bright, sandy beaches and rolling golden fields 3 Preparations for war with another island
4 Huge, ancient forests and winding, dark rivers 4 Marriage celebration
5 Sheer cliffs, sea caves, and jagged reefs 5 Occupied by an army from another island
6 Sun-dappled forests and lush green grasslands 6 Plagued by an angry god (disease, famine, etc.)
7 Burning sands and red stone canyons 7 Recovering from natural disaster
8 Mist-shrouded swamps and storm-lashed hills 8 Funeral for a great hero or ruler
9 Dense jungles and tree-covered mountains 9 Bizarre nature (always day, fiery rain, water turns to blood)
10 Scrub-brush plains and dusty plateaus 10 Holy pilgrimage from shrine to shrine
11 Deep, winding valleys and rocky bluffs 11 Construction of a great monument or temple
12 Jagged rocks, pitted with caves and twisting passages 12 Peace agreement between warring groups

people unearthly
1 Cultured city-state with a university and amphitheaters 1 Strange beast (silver horse, bronze bull, glass falcon, etc.)
2 Secretive cultists of rival sects 2 Chimera (conglomeration of two or more animals)
3 Small fishing village 3 Gorgons (serpent-haired creatures with petrifying gaze)
4 Warrior city-state with disciplined martial traditions 4 Centaurs (or other half-human/half-animals)
5 Prosperous trading port, a mix of many cultures 5 Phoenix (a bird of burning flames)
6 Nomadic hunters and foragers 6 Cyclops (one-eyed giant)
7 Devout worshipers with immaculate temples and shrines 7 Hydra (multi-headed serpent with venomous blood)
8 Miners, quarry workers, stone masons, and sculptors 8 Shades (ghosts, phantoms, demons)
9 Close-knit farming community 9 Living statue (stone or metal automaton)
10 A collection of feuding factions (bloodlines, religious, etc.) 10 Cruel element (roaming whirlpool, wailing cyclone, etc.)
11 Crumbling city-state on the brink of desolation 11 Sirens (alluring creatures with hypnotic songs)
12 A ghost town where only remnants of the people remain 12 Furies (embodiments of vengeance sent by the gods)

140 141
compendium NAMES
Customize a name by changing the ending: Adrasta/Adrastos/
Adrastor. Demetria/Demetrion/Demetrios. Etc.
Hero Creation Adrasta Demetria Kyriakos Sophia
1. Record your hero’s Epithet (see list below, or create your Agathon Diothos Kyrina Straton
own). Your Epithet die is d6. Aimia Domon Kythia Sythia
Aklios Draos Leontios Thais
2. Record your hero’s Name (see suggestions at right). Your Alexios Eionon Lykos Thenas
Name die is d6. Alkaios Eirenaios Meloton Theodora
3. Record your lineage (name a mortal ancestor or choose a Anthys Eklaios Menodorra Theoton
god for a parent). Choose a Domain that suits your lineage Antiochos Hathor Metrophanes Thrasyllus
and give it a d8. Your other Domains are d6. Archaleos Helene Mythekia Timaios
4. Choose your hero’s current Honored God and record 2 Aristeides Heraios Nassas Tryphania
Divine Favor with them: . You may choose a non- Aristos Hesperos Nemaios Tychon
Olympian god as your Honored God if you wish. Record 3 Arkadios Iocaste Nikanor Xanthe
Divine Favor among the gods: . Armaios Isidora Pantheras Xanthos
5. Record your hero’s style: look, armor, and favored weapon. Arras Kalantha Pelon Xenon
Artemisia Kallias Phaidros Zendra
6. When everyone is ready, introduce your heroes. Write the Chenaios Kassander Pharos Zenobia
other heroes’ names in the Bonds section of your hero sheet. Chiona Kleon Sithas Zephyros
Demigod heroes record 1 Bond with each other hero and
1 Bond with their divine ancestor. Mortal heroes record 2
Bonds with each other Hero.
Animal Aspects: Bear, Bull, Eagle, Elephant, Fawn, Gazelle,
7. Resolve the leadership contest of the Voyage phase before Goat, Hawk, Horse, Hound, Lion, Panther, Ram, Raven, Rhino,
starting the first island. Serpent, Shark, Stag, Tiger, Wolf -like.

EPITHETS Eyes: Bright, Calm, Clear, Cold, Dark, Deep, Gentle, Hard,
Hollow, Kind, Narrow, One, Pale, Piercing, Quick, Sad,
Bloody-Minded Hot-Headed Shadow-Wise Searching, Sharp, Shining, Soft, Weary.
Clear-Voiced Iron-Minded Silver-Tongued Form: Athletic, Battered, Big, Brawny, Chubby, Compact,
Clever-Eyed Lion-Hearted Strong-Limbed Curvy, Gaunt, Graceful, Heavy, Huge, Muscular, Plump, Lanky,
Far-Sighted Lithe-Limbed Swift-Footed Rugged, Scarred, Slender, Stout, Sturdy, Thick, Wiry.
Forge-Master Loud-Roaring War-Leader Hair: Bald, Bright, Braided, Bun, Cropped, Curls, Dark, Dyed,
Great-Hunter Many-Wayed Well-Learned Fair, Flowing, Kinky, Long, Natural, Oiled, Ponytail, Ringlets,
Eagle-Eyed Pure-Hearted Shaggy, Shaved, Short, Spiky, Wavy, Wild.
Armor: Battered, Bright, Bronze, Dark, Decorated, Golden,
Minimal, None, Ornate, Piecemeal, Rich, Shining, Silver.
Favored weapon: Bow, Chain, Club, Fighting Pet (Falcon,
Wolf, Panther, etc.), Fists & Feet, Hammer, Javelin, Sling,
Spear & Shield, Sword, Paired Swords, Staff, Trident.

142 143
contest summary battle summary

The Hero Players declare their opposition to the foe— The Strife Player establishes the circumstances of the
stating their approach and goal. battle and any details that might be used for Advantage.

The Strife Player chooses the Each Hero Player chooses
Domain. their Domain for the Clash.

The Strife Player rolls for opponent—keep the single highest The winner of the contest earns a 1d10 Advantage die for
die and add the Strife Level (4/5/6) to set the target number. use during the battle.

If the opponent is Epic or Mythic, heroes suffer harm

to enter the contest.
Strife Player announces the (two to three) disasters that
the opponent is threatening.
The Hero Players speak their Names. Roll dice for your Epithet
(if it applies), Name, and Domain. Sum your two highest.
Each Hero Player chooses one:

Call on a Bond to add their Name die to your pool.
Mark Pathos to roll an additional Domain. Spend
If the heroes win, they choose
Divine Favor to add +1d4 to your total result. Each prevailing hero may
the Domain and decide
stop a disaster.
what’s at stake in the Finale.
Each Hero Player compares their total to the target number.

Take turns reciting your highest

deeds, starting with The hero is best The winner of the Finale is victorious in the battle.
heroes who suffer, then
heroes who prevail, then equal or greater  The heroes lose the Finale: The opponent is the victor
the hero who is best. The The hero prevails and they avoid punishment or trouble from the battle.
Strife Player responds Strife is ascendant and the island slips into misery and
with the actions of the lower woe. The heroes have fallen short.
opponent. The hero suffers  The heroes win the Finale, but lose the Seize contest:

Strife is beaten back and the island is set on a path
To break a tie, roll Name dice until a winner is established. toward recovery, but it will not be easy. The heroes are
victorious, but their enemy is not brought to account
If all the heroes suffer, the opponent wins the contest. Heroes as they wished—the opponent remains as a diminished
who suffer take harm if the opponent is Perilous or Sacred. source of trouble for the island.
 The heroes win the Finale and win the Seize contest:
The best hero earns Glory equal to the target number.
Strife is overcome and the island’s destiny is bright. The
Heroes who prevail earn half that amount (round up). Heroes
heroes win the day and their opponent suffers the fate
who suffer each earn 1 Glory.
the heroes chose for them.

144 145
lexicon Hero Players: The players responsible for creating heroes
and deciding how to overcome opponents presented by the
Advantage: When a character gains the upper hand, like Strife Player.
springing an ambush or discovering a foe’s weakness, their Islands: Lost lands in a misty sea plagued by strife, each crying
player may claim a bonus die when they roll in a contest. out for aid from the heroes.
Arts & Oration: The Domain of contests involving culture, Name: Your hero’s Name is their most important trait. You
artistry, and persuasiveness. roll your Name die in every contest. As your Glory grows, the
Battle: A series of connected contests to defeat a foe. A battle can rating of your Name die advances.
represent physical combat, a sporting event, expressions of art and Opponents: Foes who are the cause of strife in the world. The
culture, an argument, or any other sort of extended challenge. heroes overcome opponents by winning contests.
Blood & Valor: The Domain of contests involving violence, Pathos: A reserve of inner strength that a hero may expend to
bravado, and athletic prowess. press on past harm and adversity.
Bonds: Favors and oaths traded among the heroes in exchange Rating: Traits are rated by die size, from d6 to d12. Opponents
for support and aid in contests. may have multiple dice in a single rating, such as 2d8 or 3d6.
Contest: A conflict between the heroes and a worthy opponent. These dice are counted separately, not summed.
Each player rolls dice in a contest to represent the efforts of Resolve & Spirit: The Domain of contests involving
their characters and the highest roller overcomes their foe. perseverance, passion, and intuition.
Heroes earn Glory when they participate in contests.
Strength: Each deity in the pantheon has an associated strength
Craft & Reason: The Domain of contests involving academics, (Ferocity, Precision, etc.), which a hero may call upon to boost
vocations, and subterfuge. their power in a contest, using Divine Favor from that god.
Divine Favor: The heroes can perform great feats by calling Strife: The source of suffering in the world. Each island is
upon the strengths of the gods. Each hero is bestowed with plagued by strife, which the heroes may root out and overcome.
marks of Divine Favor from the gods they honor and appease,
Strife Player: The player responsible for presenting each island
which may be spent to boost their dice rolls in a contest.
to the Hero Players by revealing the situation, asking leading
Domain: Each contest in the game falls into one of the four questions, and judging contests.
Domains of conflict: Arts & Oration, Blood & Valor, Craft &
Trait: A trait is a quality measured by the game system. Epithets,
Reason, or Resolve & Spirit. Heroes possess a rating in each of
Names, and Domains are traits, as are Glory, Pathos, and Fate.
the four Domains, from d6 (good) to d10 (legendary).
Traits are capitalized in the text.
Fate: Heroes in Agon cannot die because of the roll of a die,
Trials: To overcome the strife of an island, the heroes face a
but they each have a limited amount of Fate to expend in their
series of trials—challenges that pit the heroes against worthy
journeys. When a hero runs out of Fate, their tale comes to an end.
opponents. Each island contains a set of trials the Strife Player
Glory: The heroes compete with each other in every contest can present to the Hero Players (or they may create their own).
to determine who among them is best—that hero receives the
Virtues: Measures of each hero’s exemplary qualities, determined
greatest share of the Glory, a measure of epic greatness. As your
by their actions on the islands. Virtues inform a hero’s legend.
Glory grows, so does the strength of your Name.
Voyage: The phase of play in which the heroes rest and
Heroes: The protagonists of the epic tale crafted by the players.
recuperate while they travel to a new island, guided by the
We play to find out how they deal with the strife of the world
stars in the Vault of Heaven.
and what they make of their ultimate legends.

146 147
Greek folklore has inspired a modern media genre as well.
by James Mendez Hodes The mid-twentieth century saw a boom in films set in loosely
adapted mythological settings, not only Greek but also Middle
Agon and Identit y Eastern. The American, Italian, and Indian film and television
industries all produced many examples. They tend to be action-
By default, Agon’s fantastical setting sets aside the systemic adventure films with epic scopes, extreme and exotic gender
oppression that plagued the ancient and modern worlds. roles, strange and revealing costumes, and now-unconvincing
Heroes’ disabilities, neuroatypicality, gender, sexuality, special effects. As the twentieth century waned, so waned the
ethnicity, and body type need not limit their legendary exploits. swords and sandals genre. Nevertheless, the television series
If it interests you, you might draw on mythology to inspire some Xena: Warrior Princess is a representative example from the
of these adaptations. For example, myth tells us the disabled turn of the century.
god Hephaistos fashioned canes, automaton servitors, and
wheeled conveyances to help him move and work. He might Swords and sandals stories may be captivating, but their
gift a clockwork wheelchair or ornate prosthesis to a devoted depictions of Greece and the Levant should not be confused with
worshipper. However, it is equally fitting to elide such concerns. real history or people. They often conflate unrelated real cultures
from the past and present; or take minor cultural expressions and
If a player wishes to opt into identity-based challenges in their spin them out into elaborate and inaccurate fictions. Sometimes
backstory or during the game, they may do so with the other such things are harmless, but other times they eclipse the truth
players’ consent; but such obstacles only loom large in Agon of the experience of people from those regions.
if players volunteer for them. Let your hero be as you imagine
them, and let realism and authenticity worry mere mortals. All
heroes are welcome on this epic journey, where the splendor …then this is absolutely a game for you. We hope that you find
of their deeds will write their names in legend. it evocative of the things you’ve studied. That said, games with
strong connections to canons of fiction or history come with
risks. Players with previous connections to the material, because
Greek My thology they’re fans or students thereof, get on board quicker. Players
The legends of ancient Greece (eigth century BCE through without previous connections, though, sometimes struggle to
sixth century CE) inspire the characters, storytelling, and keep up, even in games (like Agon) that are inspired by, but
themes of Agon. If myth provides most of your contact with not limited by, such canons.
Greek topics, it can be surreal to consider that real people live, Agon supplies you with enough material to engage with
work, and play roleplaying games in places like Athens and the genre without extensive knowledge of the mythology.
Sparta. Thousands of real islands in the Mediterranean are However, a potential point of friction is not the game itself, but
part of Greece; Greek mythology posits the existence of many overzealous players whose knowledge becomes a frustrating
more, or creates mythological versions of existing islands with exercise in gatekeeping for players less familiar with the source
fantastical characters and attributes. Greece has had a strong material. Fortunately, it’s easy enough to avoid bad habits,
maritime tradition throughout its history, such that Greek and to make previous experience a ramp rather than a gate
culture influenced other cultures around the Mediterranean for others.
basin and beyond, and was in turn influenced by them.

148 149
 Ask for consent before offering. (“Would you like me tell Genre tropes can be fun, but Greek language, mythology, and
you more about the origins of that myth?”) identity are associated with a number of harmful stereotypes
 Create characters inspired by your favorite myths. regularly used to deride real living Greeks. Greeks who lived
 Design islands with characters and themes from mythology. through genocide, fascist invasions, riots, and occupation which
 Style your narration after your favorite translators. continues to this day.
 Pronounce difficult words correctly. The Great Recession’s devastating effects on the Greek economy
renewed tired misconceptions about Greek (and especially
 Suggest favorite translations or retellings for other players
immigrant Greek) poverty and criminality. Misunderstandings
to explore on their own.
of ancient Greek male/male relationships propagate distorted
BAD WAYS equations of Greek identity with homosexuality, which is
 Make fun of other people’s pronunciation. unfair to both identities. These traits, in addition to clichés
about sexual or alcoholic debauchery, provide fodder for cheap
 Use Greek vocabulary for which other players have no context.
jokes passed off as “just telling it like it is about Greek culture.”
 Make references to Greek mythology that don’t make sense
without foreknowledge. That same rationale sometimes drives the exaltation and
exotification of Greek athleticism, wisdom, or physique—
 Correct other players unprompted. especially in pop culture depictions. Simultaneously idealized
There is, of course, a reward for your virtue: the other players and sensationalized, these fabricated versions overwrite the
will like you better. experience of the Greeks who live in the still-extant cities of
Sparta, Athens, Thebes, and others. Greek civilization was
IF YOU DON’T KNOW AS MUCH... certainly influential in the development of European culture
…then this is absolutely the game for you. We like to think and religion, but that civilization itself was cosmopolitan
Agon is a great way to get interested in Greek topics. Moreover, and diverse in the manner of all Mediterranean peoples, with
even if you happen to be playing at a table full of Greek myth significant African and Asian presence.
mavens, the probability that they all have the same intellectual
touchstones for ancient Greece is relatively low. A fan of classic When you create strengths and weaknesses for your heroes,
peplum films and television, a scholar who minored in classics whether they are the players’ protagonists or the GM’s
in college, a Greek American who learned language and folklore characters, it’s acceptable to create figures who are bad with
from their family, and an Agon veteran who’s been playing the money, who drink too much wine, or who excel in beauty,
game since its first edition may all profess to be avid enthusiasts intellect, or physical graces; but take care to represent these
in the genre, but turn out to have extremely different bodies of attributes as traits of individuals rather than national destinies.
knowledge about Greek action-adventure. You can help keep Avoid those traits you hear about in jokes, idealizations, or
them honest and make sure that all players know what each aphorisms about “Greeks bearing gifts” or the like.
other are talking about if you do the following: Think of it this way—if a Greek player joined your game, would
 Ask questions about terms and references you don’t understand. they feel safe and respected, or would you have to change
your behavior?
 Ask players what their touchstones are.
Remember that Greeks were, and are, real people. Your heroes
 Check in with your fellow players if they seem confused.
are not, and their attributes may be larger than life. Reflect
 Remind people to speak slowly and review rules when on the way your depiction of them influences the way you or
necessary. others feel about Greece and Greeks, whether actively or in
the realm of unconscious bias.

150 151
Beyond Greece
It is entirely approproiate to incorporate the folklore or ODÙDUWÀ Ọ̀ṢUN
mythology of other cultures beyond Greece into your Agon
game. Many other cultures have pantheons of deities who
involve themselves in the affairs of mortals. Several religions, CONVICTION CUNNING
especially Semitic and Egyptian traditions, interacted regularly MỌRÈMI AJASORO ÈṢÙ ELÈGBARÁ
with ancient Greeks in the Mediterranean sphere. Alexander
the Great’s Asian conquests, and their subsequent recapture
in his wake, gave rise to syncretic Greco-Indian kingdoms in DARING FEROCITY
what is now Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northeastern India. ỌYA IYANSAN ṢÀNGÓ
Greece adapted Eastern mythologies’ fantastical creatures into
manticores and gryphons. In turn, Greek æsthetics fascinated
Indian artists; indeed, depictions of the Greek hero Herakles
influenced Vajrapāṇi and other Buddhist guardian gods’ thewy
physiques. In the Indian epic Mahābhārata, the sage-king
Sahadeva subjugates Greece and Rome. This exploit occupies INSIGHT KNOWLEDGE
about half a line of verse, essentially a postscript that ends an Ọ̀RÚNMÌLÀ ỌBÀTÁLÁ
extremely long list of states Sahadeva invades for complicated
ritual reasons. Greek culture had impact and reach far beyond
Europe, and was impacted and reached by other cultures just PRECISION WISDOM
as far-flung. Ọ̀ṢỌ́Ọ̀SÌ Ọ̀SANYÌN
The easiest way to incorporate such inspirations is to build an
Agon hero who comes from just such a region. For example,
Renaming the characters on the existing islands is simple
the aforementioned Sahadeva has Epithets including “Law-
enough; but you might also create new islands based on stories
Minded,” “Tiger-Like,” and “Master of Warriors.” His lineage
from far-ranging mythologies. On Negros, among the 7,000
might refer to his home kingdom, Hastinapur; or to his father
Philippine islands, the great stratovolcano Kanlaon once housed
Dasra, the physician-god. Likewise, as suggested on page 17,
a colossal seven-headed dragon that devoured a peasant girl
Sahadeva’s player could write in a new figure as his honored god:
as tribute every year, until a demigod with the power to speak
perhaps the Pāṇḍavas’s godly ally Lord Kṛṣṇa, with the strength
with animals came from afar and enlisted the help of ants,
of Compassion. While he sojourns among the islands of Agon,
bees, and eagles to confound the dragon so he could behead
Sahadeva might also honor Zeus, a god with connections to
it with his sword. On Marinduque, the beautiful witch-queen
Sahadeva’s divine tutor Bṛhaspati.
Maria Malindig ruled with an iron fist. Only the sailor-kings
If, however, your entire group wants to take Agon to new Pangikog, Mannga, and Laki were brave enough to seek her
waters, you could change the list of deities, as suggested on hand in a contest, which brought down the wrath of Bathala
page 20. A group of heroes lost among the Caribbean islands and the Tagalog deities.
might vie for the favor of the Yorùbá òrìṣàs.
There are many vibrant mythologies to draw from for use in
games of Agon. But remember to treat the material with respect
and care—lest your conquering heroes become colonizers.

152 153
index I
Islands, 89-133
Sacred harm, 31
A Domains, 25 creating, 136-141 Sacrifice, 42-43
Advantage, 26, 57 favored, 17 guide to, 86-87 Scale and scope, 77
Agony, 48 judging, 72 presenting, 84-85 Signs of the gods, 84
Akoros (Island), 113 Soros & Ion (Island), 97
E K Speira (Island), 121
Arts & Oration, 25, 72
Enu (Island), 129 Kryos (Island), 89 Strife Level, 75
B Epic harm, 31 Kykonia (Island), 133 Strife Player, 11, 66
Battles, 32 Epilogue, 50-52 asking questions, 70-71
Epithet, 16, 142 L judging game play, 72-73
summary of, 145
Blood & Valor, 25, 72 replacing, 41 Leader reveal the situation, 68-69
Blood offerings, 43 Example of Play, 78-81 choosing, 20 Support, 30
Bonds, 20, 56 Exodus, 40 interpreting signs 20, 43, 84 bonds and, 56
god, 44, 56 destiny of island and, 40 Leadership contest, 43
Bonus dice, 26 great deed, trophies and, Legend, 12, 50 T
Boons, 49 40-41 Lexicon, 146-147 Threat phase, 33
Lineage, 17 Trials, 12, 85
C F Tymisos (Island), 101
Fate, 49 M
Characters, 138
Chordia (Island), 125 agony and, 48 Mysteries, 137 V
Clash, 32, 145 pathos and, 57 Mythic harm, 31 Vault of Heaven, 44-45
Contests, 24 Fellowship, 42 boons and, 49
N epilogue and, 51-52
domain of, 25, 72-73 Fenios (Island), 109
Name, 16 Virtues, 41
describing outcome of, 73
G advancement of, 48 Voyage, 42
proposing, 72
Game preparation, 62-64 glory of, 52 Vrachoi (Island), 105
rewards for, 30
Glory, 30, 48 Nimos (Island), 93
summary of, 144
Gods, 17-19 W
Craft & Reason, 25, 72 O
Cultural primer, 148-153 Great Deeds, 40 Wrath, 26, 44
Gulf of Karis (Island), 117 One shots, 64
D Opponent, 24
Death, 76-77 H
Defend, 33 Harm, 31
blocking, 56 Pathos, 57
Demigod heroes, 17 agony and, 48
Destiny of island, 40 Hero creation, 16-20, 142-143
examples of, 21 fellowship and, 42
Dice, 13 Perilous harm, 31
Disasters, 33 for a new hero, 53
Divine Favor, 59 Hero’s end, 50 R
from sacrifice, 42 Hero Player, 11
Reflection, 41
from vault of heaven, 44 Homecoming, 44
Resolve & Spirit, 25, 72

154 155

40 80 (D8) 120 (D10)
160 200 240 (D12)










When you use a Bond, ask them to:





Advance a d8 Domain die to d10

Advance a d6 Domain die to d8

How does your Epithet, Pathos (an added Domain), or Divine Favor manifest in the contest? Advance your Epithet die to d8

What honeyed words did How was blood spilled? How was your knowledge How did we see your
you use? How was your strength, or creativity shown? willpower in action? When you support or bolster, the die you give
How did beauty manifest? agility, or courage shown? How was trickery or How did you endure it? counts as one size larger.
How were passions stirred How did you take our intrigue displayed? How did the arcane or When you mark Pathos for an extra Domain,
or truths attested? breath away? How did you figure it out? occult manifest? take two extra dice instead of one.
suffer—How did you fall short? Did you overreach yourself? Was the opponent too great? Was it cruel fortune? When you spend Divine Favor, roll +2d4 and
keep the highest.


contests agony & the thread of fate THE VAULT OF HEAVEN
The Strife Player chooses the Domain and rolls When a hero enters agony, mark Fate. When you
first. They ask, "Who will face this contest?" suffer Pathos in agony, mark Fate. When a Hero
Each Hero Player indicates their participation in the Player marks , they choose a boon.
contest by speaking their name. Start with the leader
and go around the table. On your turn, recite your exodus
hero's name and grab dice as you go: If your Epithet When the heroes leave the island, complete the
applies, grab that die. Then add your Name die and the four stages of Exodus:
Domain die for the contest when you say your lineage. 1 The Strife Plater determines the island’s destiny.
¡ You may mark Pathos ( ) to include the die 2 Each Hero Player may record a Great Deed their
from a second Domain in your pool. hero accomplished on the island.
¡ You may invoke Divine Favor by calling on the 3 Each hero receives a virtue from every player.
strength of a god—if you do, add +1d4 to your
pool and spend a mark of Divine Favor . 4 A Hero Player may change their Epithet if they
wish, to reflect a transformation in their hero.
¡ If you use a Bond, ask that player to give you a
copy of their Name die to include in your pool. voyage
Each Hero Player rolls their dice and sums the While following the stars to a new island, the
highest two (not counting the d4). Then, add the heroes recover. Complete the stages of the Voyage:
result of the +1d4 to the total.
1 Fellowship: The heroes relax and enjoy time with
Each hero compares their result to the Strife Player:
each other. Taking turns, each Hero Player asks
¡ Equal to or greater than: You prevail. a question to another hero. That player answers,
¡ Less than: You suffer. If the opponent is then both players take a Bond with each other's
Perilous or Sacred, you take harm (see below). heroes. Then the next Hero Player takes their turn,
The prevailing hero with the highest result is best, strengthening Bonds and asking a question of a
and earns Glory equal to the Strife Player's result. player that has not yet been asked.
The other heroes who prevail each earn half that At the end of this stage, all heroes clear their Pathos. APOLLO ARTEMIS DEMETER HEPHAISTOS HERMES ZEUS
amount. Heroes who suffer each earn 1 Glory.
2 Sacrifice: The hero with the most Glory leads a
Do any gods watch over this contest? Award 1 sacrifice to the gods to seek guidance and favor.
Divine Favor to heroes who strive in their honor. Each hero rolls in a contest of Resolve & Spirit.
harm The Strife Player rolls 2d6 and keeps the highest
die (there is no Strife Level). Winners earn Glory NAME, EPITHET(S), BONUS DICE
Epic: Mark Pathos ( ) to contest an Epic foe. D8 D10 D12
as usual. The best hero also earns a Bond with the
Mythic: Spend to contest a Mythic foe. deity. Each hero marks 2 Divine Favor with the
Perilous: Mark if you suffer.

god or gods of their choice. PLUS STRIFE LEVEL
Sacred: Spend if you suffer.
3 Leadership: During the voyage, the ship and
Also, a hero may choose to die in a contest in order
to prevail in it, regardless of their roll.
sailors face a challenge that the heroes must
overcome. The Strife Player rolls 2d6 and keeps
+4 +5 +6
the highest die (there is no Strife Level). The best
hero chooses the leader for the next island—who strife player process
When you use a Bond, ask that character to: the strife player's Roll
also interprets the will of the gods.
¡ Bolster you: They give you a copy of their Roll the Name, Epithet(s), and bonus dice of ¡ Reveal the situation to the Hero Players.
Name die to roll. A god has a d12 Name. 4 The Vault of Heaven: The Strife Player marks the opponent. Reveal what the heroes know and what they
progress on the Vault of Heaven. Mark a star ( ) suspect. Be honest and direct.
¡ Block harm for you: They say how they Keep the single highest die and add the current
if the heroes honored or pleased that deity while ¡ Ask questions and build on the answers
defend you and neither of you take harm. Strife Level to get a final result.
on the island (mark two stars if the heroes greatly to drive the game forward. Ask about
¡ Follow your lead: They endorse your plan. pleased that god). Mark Wrath ( ) if the heroes If any heroes equal or exceed the Strife Player's obstacles, threats, mysteries, and
dishonored or displeased that deity. result, the heroes win. Each Hero Player recites characters. Think about what’s at stake.
support their hero's deeds in the contest and their
A Hero Player may choose to not roll in a contest and For each star marked, each hero receives Divine outcome, starting with the heroes who suffer, ¡ Judge contests. Propose a contest when the
instead provide support. They pass their Domain die Favor ( ) with that deity. For every three then the heroes who prevailed, then the best heroes come into conflict with a worthy
to the Hero Player of their choosing (who includes stars marked, each hero earns a boon. When a hero. If all the heroes fall short, they lose the opponent. Determine the Domain.
it in their dice pool). The supporting hero earns constellation is filled, each hero records a Bond contest and the opponent gets their way. The After a contest, reveal the new situation, then ask,
1 Bond with the hero they support plus 1 Glory. with that deity. Strife Player describes the outcome. then judge, and so on.

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