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Test 10 PW Exam

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Test-10 = PW exam Full Marks- 360

1.Given below is the representation of the extent of 4. Historically, island species have tended to become
global diversity of invertebrates. What groups the four extinct faster than species living on a mainland. Which
portions (A-D) represent respectively? of the following reasons can not be used to explain
this phenomenon?
(1) Island species have often evolved in the absence of
predators and have no natural avoidance strategies.
(2) Humans have introduced diseases and competitors
to islands, which negatively impacts island
(3) Island populations are-usually smaller than
mainland populations.
(4) Island populations are usually less fit than
mainland populations.

Which of the following boxes show maximum, greater

and minimum diversity.
2. Using the figure, determine the percentage of bird (1) A- Minimum diversity, B - Greater diversity, C -
species that will be lost if the island's inhabitable land Maximum diversity
area is reduced from 100,000 km2 to 1 km2. (2) A- Maximum diversity, B - Greater diversity, C -
Minimum diversity
(3) A- Maximum diversity, B - Maximum diversity, C -
Greater diversity :
(4) A- Minimum diversity, B - Maximum diversity, C -
Greater diversity
6. Which one of the following is not a characteristic
feature of biodiversity hotspots?
(1) Large number of species (2) Abundance of
endemic species
(1) 17 percent of the bird species will be lost. (3) Mostly located in the Polar Regions (4) Mostly
(2) 20 percent of the bird species will be lost. located in the tropics
(3) All of bird species will be lost. 7. Which of the following statements is correct?
(4) 93 percent of the bird species will be lost. (1) Parthenium is an endemic species of our country.
3. (2) African catfish is not a threat to indigenous
(3) Steller’s sea cow is an extinct animal.
(4) Lantana is popularly known as carrot grass.
8. Species listed in Red list which are presently have
sufficient population but are facing the risk of
extinction in medium term future are called
(1) endangered species (2) vulnerable species
(3) rare species (4) extinct species
9. India relishes a history of religious and cultural
traditions which emphasised the protection of nature.
In many cultures, tracts of forest were set aside, all
the trees andwildlife within were venerated and given
total protection. Such areas are referred to as
Test-10 = PW exam Full Marks- 360

(1) hotspots (2) ethical groves e)Ex-situ conservation V. Western Ghats

(3) sacred groves (4) protected areas (1) A – III, B – V, C – I, D – II, E – IV
10. In the tropical rainforest, the majority of trees (2) A – I, B – II, C – III, D – IV, E– V
have showy animal-pollinated flowers. In temperate (3) A – II, B – III, C – IV, D – V, E – I
forests the majority of trees are wind pollinated. (4) A – V, B – I, C – IV, D – II, E – III
Which of the following explains these contrasting 14. The taxa believed likely to join the endangered
patterns? category in near future is called
(i) Wind is rare in tropical forests (1) Rare (2) Extinct
(ii) Because of high species diversity in the tropics, (3) Vulnerable (4) Living fossil
individuals of tree species are often widely sparated 15. Which of the following is not currently a major
making wind an inefficient means of pollen dispersal. cause of the global reduction in biodiversity?
(iii) More opportunities for coevolved mutualisms (1) Overexploitation
exist (2) Global warming
in tropical forests because of the high diversity of (3) Habitat destruction
animal species. (4) Introduction of foreign predators and disease
(iv) Trees in tropical forests are mostly evergreen and 16. The narrowly utilitarian arguments for conserving
yearround include which of the following from the given list? (i)
leaf canopies impede pollen dispersal by wind. Industrial products like dyes, lubricants, (ii) Ecosystem
(v) Flowering in tropical forests occurs over a short services like photosynthesis, (iii) Pollinators layer of
period of time when wind is absent. bees, birds and bats, (iv) Firewood, fibre and
(1) (i), (ii) and (v) (2) (i), (ii) and (v) construction material, (v) The aesthetic pleasure of
(3) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (4) (ii) and (iv) walking through thick, (vi) Products of medicinal
11. The relation between species richness and area is importance, (vii) Watching spring flowers in full
described on a logarithm scale by the equation bloom, (viii) Our moral duty to care for the
_______ [Where S = species richness, A = area, Z = well-being of each species.
slope of the line (regression coefficient), C = Y- (1) (i), (ii), (v) and (vii) (2) (ii), (iii), (v) and (vii) (3) (i),
intercept] (iv) and (vi) (4) (iii), (v), (vii) and (viii)
(1) log S = log C – Z log A (2) log S = Z log A 17. Given below are pie diagrams A, B and C related to
(3) log S = log C + Z log A (4) log S = log C proportionate number of species of major taxa of
12. Why do migratory species present special invertebrates, vertebrates and plants respectively.
preservation challenges? Critically study and fill in the blanks I, II, III and IV.
(1) Because they are endemic, they are especially
susceptible to habitat destruction.
(2) Their conservation may require international
when they require habitats in different countries.
(3) They are often prone to population number
(1) i-Molluscs, II-Amphibians, III-Fungi, IV-Angiosperms
decline during their long migratory journeys.
(2) I-Molluscs, II-Amphibians, III - Angiosperms, IV-
(4) They reside in biodiversity hotspots that are most
susceptible to habitat degradation.
(3) I - Hexapoda, II-Amphibians, Ill-Fungi, IV-
Column I Column II
(4) I -Turtles, II -Amphibians, III -Fungi, IV-Angiosperms
a)Endemism I. Khasi and Jaintia hills
Meghalaya 18. Which is not a valid reason for the species-area
b)Hot spot of india II. Advanced ex-situ relationship?
conservation (1) larger areas have higher z values (2) extinction
c)Sacred groove III. Species found in a rates are greater on small islands
particular area only (3) larger "core" areas . (4) larger areas contain more
d)Cryo preservation IV. Zoological park and habitats
Botanical gardens
Test-10 = PW exam Full Marks- 360


Which of the above is correct?

(1)AandB (2)BandC (3)AandC (4) C and D (2) The number of species present increases with the
20. Biosphere reserves differ from national packs and size of an area.
wild life sanctuaries because in the former- (3) 50% of Earth's species may become extinct in the
(1) Human beings are not allowed to enter next 50 years.
(2) People are an integral part of the system (4) Extinction rates are generally higher on mainlands
(3) Plants are paid greater attention than the animals than on islands.
(4) Living organisms are groupht from all over the 25. Which of the following is true?
world and preserved for posterity (A) The biological wealth of our plant has been
21. What is the difference between; a threatened declining rapidly and the accusing finger is clearly
species and an endangered species ? pointing to human activities
(1) A threatened species is already extinct. An (B) The colonisation of tropical pacific Island by
endangered species means that the population's humans is said to have led to the extinction of more
numbers have increased greatly over the last 5 years. than 2,00( species of native bird
(2) A threatened species and an endangered species (C) The IUCN Red list (2004) documents the extinction
are the same thing. of 784 species in last 500 years
(3) A threatened species means that the population is (1) A, B and C is correct (2) A and B is correct (3) B and
likely to become endangered. An endangered species C is correct (4) A and C is, correct
is already extinct. 26. Given below are three statements (A-C) each with
(4) A threatened species means that the population is one or two blanks. Select the option which correctly
likely to become endangered. An endangered species fills up the blanks.
has population numbers so low that it is likely to Statements:
become extinct. Ecologists and evolutionary biologists have proposed
22. According to the concept of species area relations various hypotheses; some important ones are
- A. Speciation is generally a function of time I regions
(1) The number of species in an area increases with were subjected to frequent glaciations in the past,
the size of the area. II have remained relatively undisturbed for millions of
(2) Larger species require larger habitat areas than do years and thus, had a long evolutionary time for
smaller snecies. species
(3) Most species within any given area are endemic. diversification.
(4) The larger the area, the greater the extinction rate. B. ___III environments, unlike temperate ones, are
23. Which of the following statements describe less seasonal, relatively more constant and
natural extinction? predictable. Such constant environments promote
A. Extinctions abetted by human activities. B. Slow niche speci sation and lead to a greater species
replacement of existing species diversity.
C. Also known as background extinction D. A small C. There is more solar energy available in the IV which
population is most likely to be extinct. contributes to higher productivity; this in turn might
(1)A, B (2)A,B,C (3) B, C, D (4)A, B, C, D contribute indirectly to greater diversity.
24. Which of the following statements about species- (1) I - temperate, II - tropical latitudes, IN - tropical, N -
area relationships and their consequences for tropics
extinction rates is false' (2) I-tropical, II-tropical latitudes, III-temperate, IV-
(1) Species-area relationships can be used to predict Savannah
future extinction rates.

Test-10 = PW exam Full Marks- 360

(3) I - tropics, II - tropical latitudes, III - temperate, IV -

Arctic Tundra
(4) I - temperate, II - tropical latitudes, III - tropics, IV – 32. The accompanying diagram shows the uterine
Chapparral tubes of four women (P, Q, R and S).
27. In the formula logs = Log C + Z log A, Ecologist
have discovered that the value of z lies in the range of
(1) 0.1 to 0.5 (2)0.5to1 (3) 0.1 to 0.2 (4) 1 to 5
28. If the Bengal tiger becomes extinct-
(1) Hyaenas and Wolves will become scarce
(2) The wild Oveas will be safe for man and domestic
(3) Its gene pool will be lost forever
(4) The population of beautiful animals like deers will
be stabilized.
29. Select the correct statement about biodiversity.
(1) Large scale planting of Bt cotton has no adverse
effect on biodiversity. In which two women is fertilization impossible at
(2) Western Ghats have a very high degree of species present?
richness and endemism. (1) P and Q (2) Q and R (3) R and S (4) S and P
(3) Conservation of biodiversity is just a fad pursued 33.
by the developed countries.
(4) The desert areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat have a
very high level of desert animal species as well as
numerous rare animals.

34. Choose the correct statements –

i. According to the WHO, reproductive health is total
well-being in the physical, social, emotional,
behavioural aspects of reproduction.
ii. According to the WHO, reproductive health is total
well being in the physical, social and emotional
aspects of reproduction.
iii. A reproductively healthy society has people with
31. Which of the following cannot be detected in a physically and functionally normal reproductive
developing foetus by amniocentesis ? organs.
(1) Sex of the foetus (2) Down syndrome iv. Reproductively healthy societies have abnormal
(3) Jaundice (4) Klinefelter syndrome sexrelated
32. The diaphragm, cervical cap and vaults are emotional and behavioural interactions.
(1) Disposable contraceptive devices (2) Reusable (1) i, ii, iii (2) ii, iv (3) i, iii (4) i
contraceptives (3) lUDs (4) implants 35. Match the following figures (given as A, B, C and E)

Test-10 = PW exam Full Marks- 360

with their respective names given below as (i), (ii), (iii), (3) (i), (ii), (iii), (v) (4) All of these
(iv)and (v).

(1) A-(iv), B-(v), C-(iii),D-(ii), E-(i)

(2) A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(ii),D-(i), E-(v)
(3) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii),D-(iv), E-(v)
(4) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(v),D-(i), E-(ii)
36. Fill up the blanks in the following paragraph by
(1) A – V; B – IV; C – I; D – III; E – IV
selecting the correct option.
(2) A – I; B – II; C – III; D – IV; E – V
A. ____(i)____ methods work on the principle of
(3) A – III; B – V; C – II; D – IV; E – I
avoiding chances of ovum and sperms meeting.
(4) A – III; B – I; C – V; D – II; E – IV
B. _____(ii)________ is one such method in which
39. Refer the following statement and answer the
couples avoid coitus from day 10-17 of the menstrual
question. "Inability of an individual to inseminate the
female or due to very low sperm counts in ejaculates
C. ______(iii)____ is another method in which the
leads to "A". It could be corrected by "B". In "B" the
"C" is collected and artificially introduced either into
partner withdraws his penis from the vagina just
the vagina or into the "D" (IUI - intra-uterine
before ejaculation so as to avoid insemination.
insemination) of the female." Identify A to D.
D. __________ method is based on the fact that
ovulation and therefore the cycle do not occur during
the period of intense lactation following parturition.
(1) (i) Barrier, (ii) Coitus interrupts, (iii) Periodic
abstinence, (iv) Lactational amenorrhea
(2) (i) IUDs, (ii) Lactational amenorrhoea, (iii) Coitus
interrupts, (iv) Periodic abstinence 40. Match the column I with column II:-
(3) (i) Natural, (ii) Periodic abstinence, (iii) Coitus
interrupts, (iv) Lactational amenorrhea
(4) (i) Surgical, (ii) Periodic abstinence, (iii) Coitus
interrupts, (iv) Lactational amenorrhea
37. Identify the correct reasons of infertility.
(i) Drugs (ii) Diseases
(iii) Congenital (iv) Use of Contraceptives
(v) Immunological or psychological
(vi) Assisted reproductive technology (1) A– (v), B - (iv), C - (i), D - (ii)
(1) (i), (ii), (iii) (2) (iii), (iv), (vi) (2) A– (iii), B - (iv), C - (ii), D - (vi)

Test-10 = PW exam Full Marks- 360

(3) A– (vi), B - (v), C - (i), D - (ii) III. IUDs are very effective contraceptives
(4) A– (iv), B - (v), C - (ii), D - (vi) IV. Pills may be taken upto one week after coitus to
41. The copper ions of I UDs prevent conception
(1) Suppress the motility and fertilization capacity of (1) I, II (2) II, III (3) III, IV (4)l,lll
sperms 45. Match the ARTs with their description -
(2) Make the uterus unsuitable for implantation I. Collected gametes are made to form the zygote in
(3) Increase phagocytosis of sperms the laboratory.
(4) Make cervix hostile to sperms II. Zygote or early embryo with upto 8 blastomeres is
42. Select the option which correctly fills up the blanks transferred into the oviduct.
in the following statements. III. Zygote with more than 8 blastomeres is transferred
Statements: into the uterus.
A. Destruction of embryo or foetus in the uterus is IV Fusion of gametes within the female.
called ________. V Transfer of ovum from a donor to the oviduct of the
B. Government of India leg sed MTP in the recipient.
year________. VI. Sperm is injected into the ovum in-vitro.
C. Natural family planning method is also called A. GIFT B.ZIFT C.AI G.IUI D. ICSI
_________. E. IUT F. IVF H. In-vivo fertilisation
D. _______ is a method in which the male partner (1)! - G, i! - B, ill - F, IV - H, V -A, VI – D (2) i - F, ii - B, iii -
withdraws his penis from vagina just before A, IV - H, V - A, VI - G
ejaculation. (3)l-F, II ~B, III-E, IV-H, V-A.VI-D (4)l-GJI-B, III-F.IV-H.V-
E. _______ is the copper releasing and __________ is C, VI-E
a hormone releasing intra uterine devices. 46. What is true of natural methods of contraception?
Options: (1) They increase phagocytosis of sperms
(1) A - Foeticide, B -1961, C - Rhythm method, D - (2) They employ barriers to prevent fertilisation
Coitus interrupts, E - Multiload 375, LNG-20 - (3) They are natural ways of avoiding chances of
(2) A - Foeticide, B -1971, C - Rhythm method, D - fertilisation
Coitus interrupts, E - Multiload 375, LNG-20 (4) They are surgical methods and are terminal
(3) A- Foeticide, B -1965, C - Rhythm method, D - methods
Coitus interruptus, E - Multiload 375, LNG-20 47. MTP is practised mainly to -
(4) A- Foeticide, B -1982, C - Rhythm method, D - (1) Get rid of unwanted female child legally
Coitus interruptus, E - Multiload 375, LNG-20 (2) Get rid of unwanted pregnancies due to failure of
43. Identify the false statements from the statements contraception or rapes
- (3) Both a and b
I. Birth control pills are likely to cause cardiovascular (4) Decrease population size
problems. 48. It is a disease which mainly affects mucous
II. Awoman who substitutes or takes the place of the membrane of urinogenital tract. In males, burning
real mother to nurse the embryo is called surrogate feeling on passing urine, after a yellow discharge
mother. occurs, that is a accompanied by fever, headache and
III. Numerous children have been produced by invitro feeling of illness. Its name is
fertilization but with some abnorm ties. (1) syphilis (2) gonorrhoea (3)AIDS (4) none of these.
IV. Woman plays a key role in the continuity of the 49. I. Rapid decline in death rate.
family and human species. II. Rapid increase in MMR and IMR
V. Foetal sex determination test should not be III. Rapid decline in MMR and IMR
banned. IV. Increase in number of people in the reproductive
(1) I and II (2) II and IV (3) III and V (4) None age group
44. Which is true? V. Rapid increase in the death rate
I. Generally MTP is safe during the first trimester What are the causes of higher population growth?
II. Chances of contraception are nil until the mother (1) All (2) I, II, IV (3) I, III, IV (4)lll, IV.V
breast-feeds the infant upto 2 years

Test-10 = PW exam Full Marks- 360

50. State which is true - 54.

I. Abortions could happen spontaneously too.
II. Infertility is the inability to produce viable offsprings
due to defects in the female partner only
III. Complete lactation could help in contraception
IV. Creating awareness can help create a
reproductively healthy society
(1) I, III, IV (2) I, II, III (3) II, III (4) III, IV





Test-10 = PW exam Full Marks- 360

59. 62.





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Test-10 = PW exam Full Marks- 360

(4) the corpus luteum of pregnancy maintains the

uterus until the placenta is well established.
74. Ejaculation of human male contains about 200 –
300 million sperms, of which for normal fertility ____
% sperms must have normal shape and size and at
least ____% must show energetic motility.
(1) 40, 60 (2) 50, 50
(3) 60, 40 (4) 30, 70


76. The immature male germ cell undergo division to

produce sperms by the process of spermatogenesis.
Choose the correct one with reference to above.
(1) Spermatogonia have 46 chromosomes and always
undergo meiotic cell division
(2) Primary spermatocytes divide by mitotic cell
(3) Secondary spermatocytes have 23 chromosomes
and undergo second meiotic division
(4) Spermatozoa are transformed into spermatids

72. A twenty year old unmarried female who has 77. Mature Graafian follicle is generally present in the
never conceived and whose age of attainment of ovary of a healthy human female around
puberty was twelve years. Approxiamtely, how many (1) 5-8 day of menstrual cycle
ovulation would have occurred in the body till date : (2) 11-17 day of menstrual cycle
(1) 48 – 60 (2) 96 – 100 (3) 18-23 day of menstrual cycle
(3) 192 – 200 (4) None (4) 24-28 day of menstrual cycle
73. All of the following statements concerning 78. Acrosomal reaction of the sperm occurs due to
pregnancy are accurate EXCEPT (1) its contact with zona pellucida of the ova
(1) the detection of human chorionic gonadotropin in (2) reactions within the uterine environment of the
the urine forms the basis for pregnancy tests. female
(2) the cyclic release of pituitary gonadotropins and (3) reactions within the epididymal environment of
ovarian steroids is continued. the male
(3) the mammary gland tissue of the pregnant woman (4) androgens produced in the uterus
is stimulated to develop by placental hormones. 79.

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Test-10 = PW exam Full Marks- 360

(1) cleavage —>• fertilisation —^ differentiation —>

(2) fertilisation —*• cleavage—>• implantation —*•
(3) cleavage—>> fertilisation—> implantation—+>
(4) fertilisation—+• cleavage—>> differentiation—
83. Which one of the following is the correct matching
(1) A – I; B – V; C – III; D – II; E – IV of the events occurring during menstrual cycle? .
(2) A – III; B – I; C – II; D – IV; E – V (1) Proliferate phase: rapid regeneration of
(3) A – I; B – II; C – III; D – IV; E – V myometrium and maturation of Graafian follicle
(4) A – I; B – II; C – III; D – V; E – IV (2) Secretory phase: development of corpus luteum
80. In the given columns, column-I contain features of and increased secretion of progesterone
developing child and column-II contain the time of (3) Menstruation : breakdown of myometrium and
their occurrence. Select the correct match ovum not fertilised
(4) Ovulation : LH and FSH attain peak level and sharp
fall in the secretion of progesterone
84. Given below are ten statements (A to J), each with
one blank. Select the option which correctly fill up the
blanks in all statements -
A. Humans reproduce
B. Humans are ______________(oviparous,
viviparous, ovoviviparous)
C. Fertilisation is________________ in humans
D. Male and female gametes are ________
E. Zygoteis____:___(diploid/haploid)
(1) A – I; B – II; C – III; D – IV; E – V F. The process of release of ovum from a mature
(2) A – III; B – I; C – IV; D – II; E – V follicle is called ________
(3) A – II; B – I; C – III; D – V; E – IV G. Ovulation is induced by a hormone called ________
(4) A – III; B – IV; C – II; D – V; E – I H. The fusion of male and female gametes is called
81. What happens during fertilisation in humans after ________
many sperms reach close to the ovum? I. Zygote divides to form ________which is implanted
(1) Cells of corona radiata trap all the sperms except in uterus.
one J. The structure which provides vascular connection
(2) Only two sperms nearest the ovum penetrate zona between fetus and uterus is called_____
(3) Secretions of acrosome helps one sperm enter
cytoplasm of ovum through zona pellucida
(4) All sperms except the one nearest to the ovum
lose their tails
82. Which of the following sequences shows the 85. The following refers to ovum surrounded by few
correct order of the events that occur during foetal sperms. Identify A, B and C

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(1) A- GnRH (Gonadotropin releasing hormone), B -

(1) A-Zone pellucida, B - Perivitelline space, C - Corona
Estrogen and Progesterone, G - Ovary, D - FSH and LH
(2)A-GnRH(Gonadotropin releasing hormone), B -
(2) A-Zone pellucida, B - Vitelline membrane, C –
Progesterone and LH, C-Ovary, D - Estrogen and FSH
Corona radiata
(3) A- GnRH (Gonadotropin releasing hormone), B -
(3) A- Zone pellucida, B - Perivitelline space, C -
FSH and Estrogen, C - Ovary, D - LH and Progesterone
(4) A- GnRH (Gonadotropin releasing hormone), B -
FSH and LH, C - Ovary, D - Estrogen and Progesterone
(4) A- Oolemma, B - Perivitelline space, C - Corona
89. In the following diagram of a portion of a
seminiferous tubule identify the marked alphabets.
(5) A - Uterine, B - Yolk sac, C - Umbilical cord, D –

87. Which of the following set in developed from (1) A- Leydig cell, B - Spermatogonium, C - Primary
endoderm- spermatocyte, D - Secondary spermatocyte, E -
(1) Nervous system, urinary bladder, eye (2) Lira, Spermatids, F - Sertoli cells.
Pancreas, thymus (2) A- Sertoli cells, B - Spermatogonium, C - Primary
(3) Liver, Connective tissue, Least (4) Thymus, spinal spermatocyte, D - Secondary spermatocyte, E -
cord, nervous system Spermatids, F - Leydig cell.
(3) A- Leydig cell, B - Primary spermatocyte, C -
88. Given below is an incomplete flow chart showing Spermatogonium, D -Secondary spermatocyte, E -
influence of hormones on gametogenesis in human Spermatids, F - Sertoli cells.
females. (4) A- Leydig cell, B - Spermatogonium, C - Primary
Study it carefully and fill in the blanks A, B, C and D – spermatocyte, D - Secondary spermatocyte, E -
Spermatozoa, F - Sertoli cells

90. Fill up the blanks-

A functional mammary gland is characteristic of all
female A . The mammary glands are paired structures

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(breasts) that contain glandular tissue and variable

amount of fat. The glandular tissue of each breast is
fhto15-20 mammary lobes containing clusters of cells
called ___B The ceils of C___ secrete
milk, which is stored in the cavities (lumens) of alveoli.
The alveoli open into mammary tubules. The tubules
each lobe join to form a ____D_____ duct. Several
E_____ ducts join to form a wider mammary ampulla
which is
connected to F duct through which milk is sucked out.
(1) A - vertebrates, B - alveoli, C - alveoli, D -
mammary, E - mammary, F - lactiferous.
(2) A- mammals, B - lactogen, C - alveoli, D -
mammary, E - mammary, F - lactiferous. -
(3) A - mammals, B - alveoli, C - alveoli, D - mammary,
E - mammary, F - lactiferous.
(4) A- mammals, B - alveoli, C - alveoli, D - mammary,
E - lactiferous, F - mammary

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