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Soal Review UTBK (B. Inggris Paket 4)

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Questions 1—5 are based on the following passage.
Falcon, any of nearly 60 species of hawks of the family Falconidae (order Falconiformes), diurnal birds of
prey characterized by long, pointed wings and swift, powerful flight. The name is applied in a restricted sense, as
true falcons, to the genus Falco, which numbers more than 35 species. Falcons occur virtually worldwide. They
range in size from about 15 cm (6 inches) long in the falconets (Microhierax) to about 60 cm (24 inches) in the
gyrfalcon, an Arctic species. Falcons are best known for their ruthlessness and their incredible flying abilities.
Falcons have tapered wings that allow the falcon to change direction extremely quickly especially when compared
to other birds. Falcons have been recorded diving at speeds of up to 200mph, meaning they are the fastest creatures
on the planet!
Falcons are birds of prey and are therefore known for their incredible hunting skills and being a ruthless,
dominant predator within their environment. Falcons hunt their prey from the skies above and swoop down through
the air to catch it once they have spotted a meal with their incredible eyesight. Falcons hunt all kinds of small
animals like mice, frogs, fishand falcons will even catch small birds in the air. Falcons have adapted in many ways
to maximise their chances of survival in the skies. The falcon has tapered wings that allow the falcon to be more
agile; incredibly acute eyesight which enables the falcon to spot prey on the ground far below; an aerodynamic body
shape means that the falcon glides through the air more easily and a sharp pointed beak helps the falcon to grab and
eat it's prey more effectively.
Peregrine falcons in the United States, however, were listed as an endangered species after their numbers
dropped dangerously low between the 1950s and the 1970s. Certain pesticides used by farmers—including DDT—
harmed the peregrines by causing their eggshells to be dangerously thin—so fragile that they broke when the parents
tried to incubate them. Laws were enacted to ban DDT and, fortunately the ban, along with other conservation
efforts, led to the recovery of the species and for the sake of the ecosystem too. In fact, scientists think there now
may be more peregrines in some parts of their range than there ever used to be.
Adapted from

1. What is the topic of the text? 3. With the sentence ‘Peregrine falcons in the
(A) The origin of falcons and their ability to United States, however, were listed as an
survive. endangered species after their numbers dropped
(B) Peregrine falcons which are endangered by dangerously low between the 1950s and the
pesticides. 1970s’ in paragraph 2, the writer intends to
(C) Falcons incredible hunting skills and
(A) explain the total number of peregrine
conservation efforts to save them.
(D) Falcons’ ability enabling them to survive falcons in certain periods.
despite their extinction threat. (B) uncover the cause of the extinction of
(E) How falcons survive in the captivities due peregrine falcons.
to the vicious threat of nature. (C) confirm about the true numbers of
peregrine species that had been lost.
2. “... led to the recovery of the species and for the (D) describe that human’s activities must have
sake of the ecosystem too.” caused the disappearance of peregrine
The clause can be restated as birds.
(A) let the species recover the ecosystem for (E) remind the readers about the threat that
the own sake. peregrine falcons would be extinct due to
(B) triggered the benefit of human towards the their dropped numbers.
species and the environment.
(C) helped the restoration of the peregrine and
for the benefit of the ecosystem.
(D) caused the recovery of the earth and the
extinction of the peregrine falcons.
(E) guided the scientists to discover the cause
of the extinction of the falcons and the

Ganesha Operation 1
4. What most likely motivates the author in
writing the passage?
(A) The government have give abundant
attention to other species but not to falcons
(B) There is a worry that falcons will not be
conserved despite their unlimited number.
(C) There are still unresolved problems about
the laws of controlled use of pesticides in
the society.
(D) The information about this species is
limited and people’s awaress to their
extinction threat is still low.
(E) There are a few misconceptions of society
about the use of pesticide that might
endangers species.

5. Which of the following statement is not true

about falcon?
(A) Falcons are popularly known for their
great flying skills.
(B) Falcons have various ways to build their
chances of survival in the skies.
(C) Ecosystem benefits from their survival as
falcons help farmers to control pesticides.
(D) The use of presticides is one of menaces of
their survival especially peregrine species.
(E) They are considered to be the fastest
creatures on the planet due to their diving

2 Ganesha Operation

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