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JASMIN - LP27 - History of Microscope

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GRADE 1 School Mariano Marcos Memorial Grade Level

TO 12 Grade 7
DAILY High School
LESSON Date Learning Area Science
Day Quarter Second
LP No. 27
A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of the parts and functions of the compound
Standards Microscope.

B. Performance The learners shall be able to: employ appropriate techniques using the compound
Standards microscope to gather data about very small objects.
C. Learning The learners should be able to:
Competencies/ Discuss the history of microscope and its uses (using video clips) S7LT-IIa-1.1.1a
Objectives. Write
the LC code for
II. CONTENT “History of Microscope and its Uses”

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
pages Grade 7 Science TG “Living Things and their Environment” pp.80-84
2. Learner’s Material
pages Grade 7 Science LM “Living Things and their Environment” pp. 94-101
3. Textbook pages Science Links (Worktext in Science and Technology 7) by Meliza Valdoz, Jonna M. Abistado and Jan
Jason M. Mariano, Rex bookstore
Science Proficiency Workbook (Integrated Science I) by Antonio Coloma, DIWA Learning Systems, Inc.
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
5. Other Learning
ELICIT (5 mins)
A. Reviewing previous Recall
lesson or presenting the Directions: Compute for the following problem. Science notebook
new lesson A solution is formed by adding 35g of ammonium nitrate to
250 g of water. What is the percent by mass of ammonium

ENGAGE (5 mins)
B. Establishing Objectives
a purpose for the lesson 1. Describe the historical development of microscope.
2. Trace the historical development of microscope.
3. Initiates giving honor to the scientists involved in the
development of the microscope.

C. Presenting examples/ WORD SEARCH
instances of new lesson Let the students search for the word in the puzzle. As they
find the words, let them describe it.
Flash the phrase “POWER BEYOND THE NAKED EYE”.
The teacher will ask the following guide questions:
a. Can you cite reasons why microscope was said to be

Unlocking of word difficulties

microscope, naked eye
EXPLORE (15 mins)

D. Discussing new Perform Activity 1: Timeline on the History of Microscope

concepts and a. Show a video regarding on the history of microscope.
practicing new skills b. Let the students make an outline about the history of the Activity worksheets
#1 microscope including the different scientists. Use the
following guide questions:
a. What are the years involve in the development of the
b. Who are the scientists present on that specific year that
contribute to develop the microscope.
Name of Scientist Year Contribution(s)

Activity 2: Journal Writing

Initiates giving honor to the scientists involve in the
development of the microscope by choosing one scientist and
E. Discussing new write a journal.
concepts and
practicing new skills Activity worksheets

EXPLAIN (5 mins)
F. Developing mastery The teacher will let the students explain what they
(leads to Formative learned from the activity.
Assessment Exit Pass: Science notebook
Call two to three students to generalize the topic
ELABORATE (10 mins)
Valuing/ Application
G. Finding applicants of 1959, the Jansen brothers work on the first compound Science notebook
concepts and skills in microscope, but before that, people use a single lenses
daily living microscope which is now known as magnifying glass. Anton
van Leeuwenhoek and Robert Hooke also contributed to the
development of the compound microscope. These scientists
work hard to study living organisms, and their inventions are
now widely use and it help us explore biology.

Key Ideas:
1. Microscopes are the tools that allow us to look more
closely at objects, seeing beyond what is visible to the naked
H. Making eye.
generalizations and 2. Hans and Zacharias Janssen of Holland in the 1950’s
abstractions about the created the first compound microscope.
lesson 3. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek and Robert Hooke made
improvements by working on the lenses.

I. Evaluating learning EVALUATE (5 mins)

The timeline on the historical development of microscope Activity worksheets
will served as their output for the day.

J. Additional activities EXTEND (5 mins)

for application or Assignment
remediation Provide a picture on the parts of compound microscope. Picture of a compound
Study more on its parts and functions. microscope (parts)


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Ms. Abigail R. Jasmin ________________ Ms. Dulce S. Ortega

Science Teacher MT in charge (Gr.7) Head Teacher VI, Science

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