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BSBLDR412 Project Portfolio

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Section 1: Prepare for communication 5

Section 2: Engage in communication 14
Section 3: Review communication 15

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 2
Student name: Norma Isabel Guajardo Negrete


Date: 29/10/2022

Business this assessment is Grow Management Consultants – Simulation Pack

based on:

First issue or item requiring Usual Rate of workplace injuries and Higher Recently Rates

Second issue or item Intervention and risk management: Current Health and Safety Policy
requiring communication: and Procedures

Third issue or item requiring New Changes to existing Health and Safety Policy and Procedures

Fourth issue or item requiring Communication Plan


© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 3
Section 1: Prepare for communication

1. Provide an overview of the business, including:

a. name of business: Grow Management Consultants
b. brief description of what the business does: Management consultancy business
c. leadership role you are assuming in the organisation: Operations Manager

2. Identify the legislative and organisational requirements relevant to the communication. Include:
a. a summary of the relevant legislation explaining how it relates to the required communication
-Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles: The Australian Privacy Principles (or APPs) are
the cornerstone of the privacy protection framework in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). They
apply to any organisation or agency the Privacy Act covers. There are 13 Australian Privacy
Principles and they govern standards, rights and obligation
- Work Health and Safety Act 2011, legislation the State or Territory: The Commonwealth, states
and territories are responsible for implementing, regulating and enforcing WHS laws in their
jurisdictions. Find out about WHS laws that apply in each jurisdiction.
- Equal Employment Opportunity legislation: Diversity in the workplace means that you employ
people from a wide range of backgrounds. Working with a team of diverse employees will
enhance your business through different perspectives, experience and knowledge.
- Age Discrimination Act 2004: Prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of age, it applies
to young and older workers alike.
- Sex Discrimination Act 1984: Makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person because of their
sex, gender identity, intersex status, sexual orientation, marital or relationship status, family
responsibilities, because they are pregnant or might become pregnant or because they are
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992: Disability discrimination occurs when a person is treated less
favourably, or not given the same opportunities, as others in a similar situation because of their
disability, makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person, in many areas of public life,
including: employment, education, getting or using services, renting or buying a house or unit,
and accessing public places, because of their disability. The DDA covers people who have
temporary and permanent disabilities; physical, intellectual, sensory, neurological, learning and
psychosocial disabilities, diseases or illnesses, physical disfigurement, medical conditions, and
work-related injuries.

b. a summary of relevant organisational policies and procedures.

Policy: Is compliance with legislation, Grow Management Consultants meets the requirements
of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and complies with all other relevant legislation,
regulations, codes of practice, advisory and best practice standards as well as organisational
policies and procedures.

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 4
1. Workplace health and safety inspections: Steps 1.1 Annual workplace inspections - 1.2. Control
2. Identify and control hazards: Step 2.1 Identify and control hazards.
3. Workplace incidents: Step 3.1 Workplace incidents

Note: Legislation should apply to the state/territory in which you are studying. Attach any relevant
policies to your portfolio.

3. Plan the four communications that will take place.

Occasion 1: Usual Rate of workplace injuries and Higher Recently Rates

Explain the context for this Grow Management Consultants has experienced a higher that usual
communication. rate of workplace injuries recently.

What is the purpose of this Make the staff aware of the increase in injuries in the workplace,
communication? analysis of: possible causes, risks to health and integrity, cost,
intervention strategies.

Who will you be Five senior consultants

communicating with (specify
Five project officers
the individuals or group
involved)? Four customer service officers
Three administration assistants

What do you want to achieve Update the statistical analysis and casuistry of the incidence and
with this communication (state prevalence of injuries in the workplace that allows updating the Risk
at least one desire)? plan.

List three suitable -Massive emailing it helps to generate a campaign of free and
methods/medium for immediate expectation in order to include workers who are in home
communication and then office or outside the company's physical facilities.
select your preferred option
-Information bulletin on official billboards as a reinforcement
with reasons to support your
campaign for those who have access to the company's facilities but
choice (including any
not access to corporate email such as suppliers, visitors, customers.
organisational requirements).
-Official Memo with certificate signatures of receipt of the information

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 5
to store as a legal record of knowledge of cause.

List two specific Information excess: Prioritize relevant statistical data to be

environmental/personnel communicated and that are capable of generating greater impact.
factors (e.g. time, place,
culture, language and
emotion) that may impact the Physical barriers: Some of the workers are in the home office or are
success of the communication outside the company, so it must be guaranteed that they access the
method. information with alternative methods such as text messages to notify.

What are barriers to success?

How will you overcome them?

Summarise the format of the Will follow internal communication protocol for
communication you will use.
-Massive emailing and bulleting as a written communication.
-Corporative template to be used for memo.

Explain how you will provide The option to ask questions if there is any doubt and confirm receipt
opportunity for your intended by enabling the "Read Confirmation" option will be included at the
audience to acknowledge end of the mass mailing.
receipt and clarify/confirm an
understanding of what you’ve

How will you seek feedback It will be created in inbox an electronic folder named as “New WHS
on this communication? Process” that includes:
How did the audience - Questions about doubts about the socialized statistics of injuries in
experience the the workplace and their respective answers.
communication process?
- A basic knowledge quiz on the exposed topic will be designed and
Are any follow up actions applied.
Prepare any applicable
documents (e.g.

Summarise the content Will follow this requirements and guidelines of the Grow Management
requirements of the Consultants corporative communication:
-Thoroughly planned formal communication
How will you ensure you
-Courtesy and friendliness
adhere to any requirements
specified by your superior, -Tact
organisational policy and -Consideration
procedures and legislation?

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 6
- Differences of opinion should be handled privately and discreetly

Prepare your communication

document/s that you will be
using and attach them to this
(Check for organisational
format requirements)

Occasion 2: Intervention and risk management: Current Health and Safety Policy and Procedures

Explain the context for this Due to the incidence and increased rate of workplace injuries, Health
communication. and Safety Policy and Procedures was analyzed to determine if there
are relevant modifications and updates that need to be made based
on the overall risk management.

What is the purpose of this To analyze current Health and Safety Policy and Procedures and
communication? improvement needs to reducing the incidence of workplace injuries
among your colleagues in the future.

Who will you be Five senior consultants

communicating with (specify
Five project officers
the individuals or group
involved) Four customer service officers
Three administration assistants

What do you want to achieve Provide the first step to restructure and update risk intervention
with this communication (state strategies and new changes needed on Health and Safety Policy and
at least one desired Procedures.

List three suitable -Massive emailing it helps to generate a campaign of free and
methods/medium for immediate expectation in order to include workers who are in home
communication and then office or outside the company's physical facilities.
select your preferred option
-Meetings face to face as an audiovisual strategy to reinforce the
with reasons to support your
socialization of the new changes.
choice (including any
organisational requirements). - Videocalls in order to include workers who are in home office or
outside the company's physical facilities.

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List two specific
Complex procedures inherent in the process: Simplify the process
factors (e.g. time, place,
and make it easier for the other party to obtain your messages and to
culture, language and
emotion) that may impact the
success of the communication Language difficulties: Seek the services of someone who can act as
method. an interpreter in face to face meetings.

What are barriers to success?

How will you overcome them?

Summarise the format of the Will follow internal communication protocol for
communication you will use.
-Massive emailing and bulleting as a written communication.
- Face-to-face communication: includes team leader, supervisor,
manager and general manager briefings and discussions as

Explain how you will provide At the end of the meeting, allow a space for employees to ask
opportunity for your intended questions about any doubts they have about it, giving a clear and
audience to acknowledge immediate response.
receipt and clarify/confirm an
understanding of what you’ve

How will you seek feedback Provide at the end a corporate template to collect the suggestions
on this communication? regarding the exposed topic and the proposed improvements to the
Current Health and Safety Policy and Procedures, anonymous
How did the audience
experience the
communication process?
Are any follow up actions
required? Prepare any
applicable documents (e.g.

Summarise the content Will follow this requirements and guidelines of the Grow Management
requirements of the Consultants corporative communication:
-Thoroughly planned formal communication
How will you ensure you
-Courtesy and friendliness
adhere to any requirements
specified by your superior, -Tact
organisational policy and -Consideration
procedures and legislation?

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 8
- Differences of opinion should be handled privately and discreetly

Prepare your communication

document/s that you will be
using and attach them to this
(Check for organisational
format requirements)

Occasion 3: New Changes to existing Health and Safety Policy and Procedures

Explain the context for this With the new risk plan updated according to the incidents detected
communication. and the pertinent interventions to prevent them, make the
modifications to existing Health and Safety Policy and Procedures in
order to eliminate and eliminate risks to the worker's health.

What is the purpose of this Let staff have the opportunity to understand the seriousness of the
communication? situation to ensure that there is immediate adoption of new changes
and to improve the company’s bottom line by maintaining low
insurance premiums.

Who will you be Five senior consultants

communicating with (specify
Five project officers
the individuals or group
involved) Four customer service officers
Three administration assistants

What do you want to achieve Personal commitment and empowering to carry out and comply with
with this communication (state leadership with the new changes in Health and Safety Policy and
at least one desired Procedures to reduce the incidence and prevalence of injuries in the
outcome)? workplace.

List three suitable -Massive emailing is for free and immediate expectation in order to
methods/medium for include workers who are in home office or outside the company's
communication and then physical facilities.
select your preferred option
-Meetings face to face as an audiovisual strategy to reinforce the
with reasons to support your
socialization of the new changes.
choice (including any
organisational requirements). - Videocalls in order to include workers who are in home office or
outside the company's physical facilities.

List two specific Complex procedures inherent in the process: Simplify the process

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 9
environmental/personnel and make it easier for the other party to obtain your messages and to
factors (e.g. time, place, reply.
culture, language and
Language difficulties: Seek the services of someone who can act as
emotion) that may impact the
an interpreter in face to face meetings.
success of the communication
What are barriers to success?
How will you overcome them?

Summarise the format of the Will follow internal communication protocol for
communication you will use.
-Massive emailing and bulleting as a written communication.
- Face-to-face communication: includes team leader, supervisor,
manager and general manager briefings and discussions as

Explain how you will provide At the end of the meeting, allow a space for employees to ask
opportunity for your intended questions about any doubts they have about it, giving a clear and
audience to acknowledge immediate response.
receipt and clarify/confirm an
understanding of what you’ve

How will you seek feedback Apply a small knowledge questionnaire to determine the level of
on this communication? learning of the procedure disseminated.
How did the audience
experience the
communication process?
Are any follow up actions
Prepare any applicable
documents (e.g.

Summarise the content Will follow this requirements and guidelines of the Grow Management
requirements of the Consultants corporative communication:
-Thoroughly planned formal communication
How will you ensure you
-Courtesy and friendliness
adhere to any requirements
specified by your superior, -Tact
organisational policy and -Consideration
procedures and legislation?
- Differences of opinion should be handled privately and discreetly

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 10
Prepare your communication
document/s that you will be
using and attach them to this
(Check for organisational
format requirements)

Occasion 4: Communication Plan Outcome

Explain the context for this Taking into account the new changes made to the processes and
communication. procedures and the urgent need to start risk intervention, identify the
best way of communicating this information to staff to ensure
immediate adoption, including multiple communication methods, as
well as regular communication over the upcoming months.

What is the purpose of this Plan the dissemination, socialization and disclosure strategy of the
communication? new changes in the Health and Safety Policy and Procedures.

Who will you be CEO

communicating with (specify
General Manager
the individuals or group
involved) Sales Manager

What do you want to achieve Provide feedback on the outcome of the information disclosure
with this communication (state strategy of the new changes in the Health and Safety Policy and
at least one desired Procedures to the board of directors.

List three suitable -Massive emailing to the board of directors as a corporative channel.
methods/medium for
-Meetings face to face as an audio-visual strategy to reinforce the
communication and then
select your preferred option
with reasons to support your -Official Executive report template: It is the formal method to record
choice (including any the result of the communications plan
organisational requirements).

List two specific - Assumptions: Will include underpinning or pre-requisite knowledge

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 11
environmental/personnel to contextualize the board of directors about the entire process and
factors (e.g. time, place, its progress.
culture, language and
emotion) that may impact the
success of the communication -Poor timing: Given the crucial occupations of senior management
method. and directors, try to keep the meeting short, concise and try to hold it
at a time when everyone has been able to confirm attendance and
What are barriers to success?
their agendas do not conflict.
How will you overcome them?

Summarise the format of the Will follow internal communication protocol for:
communication you will use.
--Official Executive report template that includes the scope of the
efforts and the real impact obtained.
-Massive emailing and bulleting as a written communication.
- Face-to-face communication: includes team leader, supervisor,
manager and general manager briefings and discussions as

Explain how you will provide At the end of the meeting, allow a space to the board of directors for
opportunity for your intended ask questions about any doubts they have about it, giving a clear and
audience to acknowledge immediate response.
receipt and clarify/confirm an
understanding of what you’ve

How will you seek feedback The executive report will be offered to each member of senior
on this communication? management with the suggestion that they make the pertinent
feedback or that they consider necessary for the continuous
How did the audience
improvement of the process.
experience the
communication process?
Are any follow up actions
Prepare any applicable
documents (e.g.

Summarise the content Will follow this requirements and guideline of the Grow Management
requirements of the Consultants corporative communication:
-Thoroughly planned formal communication
How will you ensure you
-Courtesy and friendliness
adhere to any requirements
specified by your superior, -Tact
organisational policy and -Consideration

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 12
procedures and legislation? -Respect
- Differences of opinion should be handled privately and discreetly

Prepare your communication

document/s that you will be
using and attach them to this
(Check for organisational
format requirements)

4. Attach proof

Attach: Organisational policies and procedures ☒

Communication document/s (occasion 1) ☒

Communication document/s (occasion 2) ☒

Communication document/s (occasion 3)

Communication document/s (occasion 4)

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 13
Section 2: Engage in communication

1. Engage in communication for each of the occasions planned in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio
and list your proof of engagement documents. (e.g. video recording, link to blog post).

Occasion 1:

Occasion 2:

Occasion 3:

Occasion 4:

2. Attach proof

Attach: Proof of communication engagement 1 ☐

Proof of communication engagement 2 ☐

Proof of communication engagement 3 ☐

Proof of communication engagement 4 ☐

Proof does not have to be attached for the two oral communication exchanges if your assessor views this
in persons.

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Section 3: Review communication

1. Review the communication process for each of your engagements separately.

Occasion 1: Usual Rate of workplace injuries and Higher Recently Rates

Summarise and act on - 95% of the read confirmations were received, except for the staff
presentation outcomes who were on vacation, so a subsequent socialization of the actions
should be planned when the employees return to work.
What follow up actions are
required? -The statistics quiz was applied to 100% of the staff, via email.
What was the feedback from - 100% of the applied quizzes were processed, which yielded the
your audience? following results: showed that more than 92% are aware of the
increase in the incidence of work-related injuries and accidents
 follow up actions
compared to last year.
 feedback received
-Five informative bulletins were published on the statistics of
If necessary, attach proof of occupational accidents in 100% of the company's official billboards,
the feedback obtained (e.g. if mainly in visible places where students, visitors, customers and
you chose to use a prepared suppliers are.

Communicate actions A complementary plan should be communicated to the CEO, to be

required applied to the 8% of the lagging group that did not reach the basic
level of statistical knowledge and for the 5% of the workers who did
Who should you
not read the email or take the quiz because they were on vacation.
communicate to?
Create the communication.
Attach proof of your
communication to your

Apply record-keeping
Maintain record of the
communication process by
following organisational
policies and procedures to
store documents.
Attach proof to your portfolio
(e.g. screen shot of filing
system, entry into feedback
register, email with
attachment, minutes of

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 15

Perform a self-evaluation for For this type of mass dissemination in the expectation campaign
continuous improvement strategy, it was necessary to collect feedback from the floating public
such as suppliers, customers, and students, so a mechanism must be
Which aspects of the
implemented (such as the suggestion box where they can enter the
communication process
questionnaire). , to collect their feedback so that it can be quantified
worked well?
and traceable, since there is no record of whether this type of
Which aspects of the population has also had accidents within the facilities.
communication process
would you change?
Make suggestions on how to
improve (e.g. training).

Incorporate continuous
Use feedback from staff and
your self evalaution to
incorporate improvement
(e.g. amend your
Attach proof to your portfolio.

Occasion 2: Intervention and risk management: Current Health and Safety Policy and Procedures

Summarise and act on At the end of the meeting, the formats were collected with all the
presentation outcomes suggestions for modifications to the document Version 3.3 – 2021, grouped
by characteristics and ordered from highest to lowest, to take into account
What follow up actions
those with the highest rate of agglutination and saturation, actions that will
are required?
serve as the basis for updating the manual.
What was the feedback
from your audience?

 follow up actions

 feedback received

If necessary, attach
proof of the feedback
obtained (e.g. if you
chose to use a prepared

Communicate actions The results of the tabulation and analysis after the extension of the
required Suggestions Templates about document Version 3.3 – 2021, they must be
communicated to the CEO, who will make the decision to prioritize the
Who should you
changes that he considers pertinent should be made to update the manual
communicate to?
and the risk management plan. CEO must even make the budget allocation

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 16
Create the to apply the corrective interventions.
Attach proof of your
communication to your

Apply record-keeping
Maintain record of the
communication process
by following
organisational policies
and procedures to store
Attach proof to your
portfolio (e.g. screen
shot of filing system,
entry into feedback
register, email with
attachment, minutes of

Perform a self-
evaluation for
Within the audiovisual aids to analyze the suggestions to the document
continuous improvement
Version 3.3 – 2021, I should have included the Risk Management Plan,
Which aspects of the since it is the basis for Health and Safety Policy and Procedures, this I
communication process think more questions than answers.
worked well?
Which aspects of the
communication process
would you change?
Make suggestions on
how to improve (e.g.

Incorporate continuous
Use feedback from staff
and your self evalaution
to incorporate
improvement (e.g.
amend your
Attach proof to your

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 17
Occasion 3: New Changes to existing Health and Safety Policy and Procedures

Summarise and act on

presentation outcomes
At the end of the educative meetings, the Knowledge Questionnaire
What follow up actions are Template about New Changes to existing Health and Safety Policy
required? and Procedures document Version 3.4 – 2022, grouped by
characteristics and ordered from highest to lowest, to take into
What was the feedback from
account those with the highest rate of agglutination and saturation,
your audience?
actions that will serve as the basis for updating the manual.
 follow up actions

 feedback received

If necessary, attach proof of

the feedback obtained (e.g. if
you chose to use a prepared

Communicate actions The results of the tabulation and analysis after sessions over
required Knowledge Questionnaire Template about New Changes to existing
Health and Safety Policy and Procedures document Version 3.4 –
Who should you
2022, they must be communicated to the CEO.
communicate to?
Create the communication.
Attach proof of your
communication to your

Apply record-keeping
Maintain record of the
communication process by
following organisational
policies and procedures to
store documents.
Attach proof to your portfolio
(e.g. screen shot of filing
system, entry into feedback
register, email with
attachment, minutes of

Perform a self-evaluation for

continuous improvement
I consider that the percentage of understanding about the new
Which aspects of the changes of Health and Safety Policy and Procedures document
communication process Version 3.4 – 2022, It was highly successful and pertinent, so it
worked well? remains in the subsequent check list applications if these
improvement actions reduced the incidence of occupational accidents
Which aspects of the
and injuries.
communication process

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 18
would you change?
Make suggestions on how to
improve (e.g. training).

Incorporate continuous
Use feedback from staff and
your self evalaution to
incorporate improvement
(e.g. amend your
Attach proof to your portfolio.

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 19
Occasion 4: Communication Plan Outcome

Summarise and act on

presentation outcomes
After the presentation of the Executive Report to the board of
What follow up actions are directors, questions were asked and to which the respective answers
required? were provided, written notes were taken on the Meeting Template,
including the tasks and commitments for the next meeting.
What was the feedback from
your audience?

 follow up actions

 feedback received

If necessary, attach proof of

the feedback obtained (e.g. if
you chose to use a prepared

Communicate actions The meeting was held with the board of directors to give the results of
required the Communication Plan process through the Executive Report
Who should you
communicate to?
Create the communication.
Attach proof of your
communication to your

Apply record-keeping
Maintain record of the
communication process by
following organisational
policies and procedures to
store documents.
Attach proof to your portfolio
(e.g. screen shot of filing
system, entry into feedback
register, email with
attachment, minutes of

Perform a self-evaluation for The management of the meeting was punctual, on time, concise,
continuous improvement precise and clear in the 20 minutes that were assigned, leaving a
record in the Meeting Template. The board of directors was satisfied
Which aspects of the
with the results obtained.
communication process
worked well?
Which aspects of the
communication process

© RTO Works 2021 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBLDR412-SRT-V2021.1.1 20
would you change?
Make suggestions on how to
improve (e.g. training).

Incorporate continuous
Use feedback from staff and
your self evalaution to
incorporate improvement
(e.g. amend your
Attach proof to your portfolio.

2. Attach the required proof.

Attach: Occasion 1: Proof of record keeping ☒

Occasion 1: Proof of follow up action communication ✘

Occasion 1: Proof of continuous improvement ✘

Occasion 2: Proof of record keeping ☒

Occasion 2: Proof of follow up action communication ✘

Occasion 2: Proof of continuous improvement ✘

Occasion 3: Proof of record keeping ☒

Occasion 3: Proof of follow up action communication ✘

Occasion 3: Proof of continuous improvement ✘

Occasion 4: Proof of record keeping ☒

Occasion 4: Proof of follow up action communication ✘

Occasion 4: Proof of continuous improvement ✘

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